Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 91-93

-Gabby’s POV-
Liliana was sitting next to Edmund, the two seemed to have similar scowls on their faces. Neither
said a word, they just ate and completely ignored everyone, including each other. “How did you sleep?” I asked them and squirmed in
my seat.
Edmund looked up at me through hooded eyes and then back at his plate.
Fine, Lil
e.” Liliana said and offered at least a strained smile. She had more manners than my brother, who would’ve thought.
The stale tension only rose but I couldn’t be too upset about it. Every time I saw the heart-shaped ring on my finger a swarm of butterflies erupted in my stomach and I got all giddy.
Aiden saw where I was looking and grabbed my hand, he lifted it to his lips and placed at expressions. They looked just as happy as we were
kiss on it. I saw Marie’s and Clark’s pleased
But of course, I wanted to see all of my brothers happy as well. Noah was happy with Cassy and now Nick had Erin, that only left Edmund who was mated to the woman who put a hex on our brother.
“Hey, what’s up with you? Did anything happen between you and Liliana?” I asked when I caught up to him on his way out of the
“She’s a bi*ch, Gabby, that’s all.” He said and shrugged off my arm
“Get back here!” He stopped and looked at me confusedly but did as I said nevertheless. “I haven’t heard that voice since we were kids.” He said and rose a brow.
“You do not get to shrug me off like that. I’m not one of your bimbos, I’m your sister and when you hurt I hurt too. So tell me what. the hell happened,”
He placed his hands in his pockets and hung his head.
e doesn’t like me because “We talked last night and all that happened was that we argued. I hate her for what she did to Noah and she I’ve slept my way through the pack.” He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that that was it but I didn’t buy it.
“What else happened, Edmund?” I asked him softly.
He sighed and chewed on his lips before looking back at me.
“She rejected me,” he said and tossed his arms in the air. Edmund stormed out of the house and I looked at his back as he rounded
the corner.
Oh no…
I felt a heat starting to rise and my hands began to shake as the anger swirled inside of me. I walked around the entire house until I found Liliana in the library.
“You rejected him?” I asked her and slammed the doors shut behind me.
She placed her book down and looked up at
“Yes, why? Was it your lifelong dream to have a witch who tried to break your family as your sister-in-law?”
“Cut the crap. Why did you do it?” I asked her.
She shrugged her shoulders and looked nonchalantly at me which only made me thirst for her blood
even more.
“It’s for the best,” she said and stood up.
“How the hell is breaking my brothers heart for the best ?” She looked at me confusedly and she shook her head in disbelief.
“I put a hex on your brother, I aided in trying to break your family apart so that someone else could be with your mate. How could you possibly want him to be with me?”
I searched her eyes and stepped closer.
Because you came back and you fixed it. You didn’t want anything for it that was just for show so that we wouldn’t know that you had a heart. Because you saw a picture of Noah when you did the hex but he wasn’t alone on that picture, was he?” I asked and waited for an answer, Liliana lifted her head and pinched her lips together.
“Our wifch told me that you need a picture of the person you put a hex on or you need to meet them so Sam showed you a picture. A picture of him and Edmund, you saw your mate but you couldn’t unde the spell while she was alive because you had already taken
and then something from her as payment. You waited until she was dead and then showcased your power by taking down our warriors coming here yourself. Acting all careless when in actuality you couldn’t bring yourself to harm Edmund by allowing him to suffer for what you had done. I’ve been the outcast for all my life, surrounded by people who have taken me for granted but one thing you learn really well when
you’re sitting on the sidelines is reading people.” The windows opened up and a harsh wind blew in.
“Don’t believe you know everything, Gabriella. You’d be surprised at how much harm can befall oneself in the end.” She seethed and walked past me, she opened the doors with her magie and they slammed shut behind her.
-Edmund’s POV-
“Edmund, wait up!” I groaned when she came running up to me. She pulled her shirt down and twirled her hair between her fingers
“Do you wanna meet up later?” She cooed and slid her hand down my chest.
“No.” I removed her hand and kept walking. I had come back to the house to change clothes after I shifted on my earlier run. Now I just wanted to walk in peace and preferably get the hell out of this place.
“Where are you going?”
“The woods.”
“Great, I’ll with you and we can just do it there,” she purred and bit down on her bottom lip. I dragged my tongue over my lips and stopped. I turned and faced her, grabbing her shoulder and staring into her eyes to make it perfectly f*cking clear.
“It will not happen, not in the woods, not in a bed, not now, and not ever.” Her eyes fell and just as her lips parted for a reply she was pulled out of my arms and flung back on the ground. I looked in shock before turning my head and seeing Liliana on top of the stairs. I growled and clenched my jaw.
“Lialiana! You can’t use your magic on our pack members,” Cassy said as she came running down to help the girl, Melissa I believe her name was. It could’ve also been Melina, their names weren’t a priority when we were together
I walked to the stairs and pointed to the girl she has just pulled down on the ground.
“So this is how it’s gonna be? You don’t wanna be with me but I can’t be with anybody else either?” My voice was high and dark and 1 was doing everything in my power to control my anger.
She shrugged a shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest. I walked up the stairs and stood in front of her.
Aiden and Gabby came down the stairs and saw us standing there having a stare-down. “Is everything alright?” Aiden asked as he
walked over to us.
I scoffed and nodded my head.
“Everything’s fine.” I said and walked past them.
My H
hand slammed through the wall in my room and I seethed as I pulled it out and slammed it in again –
No matter how many holes I made in these f*cking walls it wouldnt calm me or my wolf.
from a cheesy chick flick movie but she seemed
Gabriella had told me about Aiden’s surprise proposal and it sounded like something fr really happy about it.
I was down in the private dining hall setting up. I placed those red f*cking roses and the dumb a*s candles around the room. Nobody told me how many times you burn yourself trying to light these f*cking things..
When I was done 1 looked around and groaned at what I had done. This would just come back to bite me in the as*.
The chef came out and placed the food on the table and then someone knocked on the door. I opened it up and saw Liliana standing on the other side.
looked at her it was nothing “You wanted to see me?” She asked and tilted her head back. No matter the pain I felt when I compared to the happiness that the bond was making me feel, and that hurt even more. Her eyes sparkled and I slid the door open.
but I saw how her chest rose when she drew a breath. Her eyes sparkled under the flames and her eyes
Liliana didn’t say anything b
went around the room.
“What is this?” She asked me and walked over to the table. I closed the door and locked it, placing the key in my shirt.
She rose a brow and smiled timidly.
“You know I can open it with magic, right?” I nodded my head and pulled out her chair. “I do but you won’t.”
“And why is that?”
“Please,” I said and nodded for the chair. This was all foreign land to me. I didn’t plan dates or fix a room with pretty little things, I took girls to my room and *ucked their brains out. My nerves were tangling together and I swallowed hard as I went to sit on my own
“Edmund I-”
“Don’t talk, please. I know what you think of me, that I’m just some guy who sleeps with every girl he meets-
“Aren’t you?
“I asked you not to talk. I am, or I was. Look, I never bothered with the whole sticking to one girl thing because I figured I’d do that when I met my mate but I never thought about how previous behavior would affect my future relationship. I’m not asking you to be with me forever, I’m just asking you to give me a chance to prove to you that I’m more than what you think,”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

Edmund’s POV
Liliana was looking at me, her lips slightly parted and her mind seemed deep in thought.
I held on
d on to my cup to keep from showing how shaky my hands were. Talking feelings and being exposed like this wasn’t my thing, I never had to do it. I’d wink at a girl and they’d come to me but this wasn’t a one-night thing and I wanted to do it right. The question was if she’d let me.
“I know that you’re more than that, it’s just,” her voice was so low and fragile and nothing at
like we had seen her be
Her eyes flickered and she rolled her head
“You don’t understand,” she sighed and closed her eyes. Her head fell and her hand let go of the fork she was holding.
“Don’t understand what?” I asked her and pinched my brows together. Liliana slowly opened her eyes, so slow that I could see every littlest emotion that swirled around in there. Her shoulder slumped and she exhaled.
“The fight isn’t over,” she whispered as though it was a secret.
“What-what do you mean?”
The doors to the dining hall slammed open and Aiden stood with his wolf front and center and stared daggers at Liliana. Gabby stood behind him and so did Noah, Nick, Erin, and Cassy.
“He’s alive.” Aiden growled and walked toward Liliana who was up from her chair and facing him. “Yes.” She said and raised her head
“Who is alive?” I asked and got up from the chair. I walked over and stood between them but she placed her hand on my arm and I stepped to the side..
“Asher King, he’s alive.” She said and looked at me
“How is that possible? You killed him,” I said and looked back at Aillen. He handed me a note with no more than five words written
Ready for round two, brother?
I wrinkled the paper in my fist and looked at Liliana.
“Did you have anything to do with this?”
“I protected him with my magic, he’s still protected.” In just a second all of her walls went up and she raised her head, looking fiercely at Aiden.
“Gather all of your warriors and tell them to get ready.”
“Why should I listen to?” He asked.
Because I am your only shot at surviving
“50 we go and we fight him again and then what? He can’t die!”
“You’re not going anywhere, he’s coming here. If you’ve got the note it means he’s already on his way.” She said and got up in his
All of the warriors were getting ready and the pack members who wanted to fight gathered in front of the house.
any harm. Aiden had warriors The women, children, and elders were tucked away safely inside the house and wouldn’t come to stationed around the house and their biggest priority was making sure that nobody got inside. The healers were ready to take care of any
everything was now ready for their arrival. of our injured warriors and
We stood in lines and lines and waited and soon enough they came. We heard their howls from miles away, some had shifted and others were coming in their human form. We thought we killed off every last one of them but turns out there were more. Asher returned with a whole other pack, completely f*cking carefree of the lives he sacrificed during the first fight. Not that they deserved any less, all of these people were the sc*m of the earth but how he could’ve managed to get such a huge number of followers I had no idea.
They stopped a few feet away,
He looked over to his side and his eyes landed on Liliana .
“Thank you, darling,” he said and then looked at me with a bright smile.
“Have you befriended my witch?” He asked and I stepped forward.
“She’s not your witch anymore,” I said.
“Is that so? Whose is she then?” He asked and smiled widely.
My claws extended and my wolf stepped forward.
“Ours.” I growled in unison with my wolf.
Asher’s brows furrowed and he looks confused for a second before he burst out laughing.
“You must
not be aware, your little witch is the one who protected me,” he said as though it would rock my world.
“He knows,” Liliana stepped up beside me and now the shock on his face was evident.
“But it won’t happen again.” She raised her hands and clapped them together. She took a knife and cut it into her arm, drawing blood, and then took out a vial. She opened the lid and Asher’s eyes widened.
“No!” He reached out his hand and pointed, he screamed at the top of his lungs but it was too late. She poured out the blood on the grass and then her own fell into it. She started chanting something and looked between me and Asher.
“Make sure they don’t get to me until the spell is finished.”
He seethed and looked back at the rest of us
“KILL HER!” He growled as his eyes glowed and he shifted. Everyone ran toward each other but I stayed by Liliana, fighting everyone who tried reaching her.
Aiden shifted as well and went after his brother but he wasn’t fighting as he should, he was tiring Asher out in wait for the spell to be broken so that he could kill him. I bit down on the men who neared us but many of them were trying to get to her. He had ordered all of his men to kill her off so that’s what many of them tried to do.
Another wolf jumped down next to me and I recognized her. It was Marie, Aiden’s mother. She started fighting them off and holy shit she was strong.
Dead bodies were piling up around us and were constantly walked on but nobody batted an eyelash. More kept coming and I felt my
wolf tiring from fighting too long in one spot.
“It’s done!” Liliana screamed. Aiden heard her and now started biting for the kill. I took off and ran to join the others but constantly looked back to make sure Liliana was alright and that she was. She raised her hands and drew them in circles creating enough air to push them back. She raised one hand and squeezed in the air and I saw several of the men choking to death.
“Gabby!” Her scream sent shivers down my spine and I turned in slow motion to see my sister laying on the ground with a wolf sinking his teeth into her. I ran over, bit down on him, and sunk them into his neck until he stopped breathing.
‘I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”
but I’ll think about it later, behind you!”
She screamed through the mind link and I turned just in time for my wolf to get his snout clawed.
Aiden and Asher were going at each other, both had blood dripping down their fur, and scratch marks and bite marks covering their bodies.
Come on, Aiden.
My head turned in between fights and I look around at how outnumbered we seemed to be. Just as I was biting down and ripping out another neck, I saw something down the road from over the fields moving quickly. All shifted into their wolf forms they ran toward us and jumped into the fight, they started fighting against Asher’s men who looked confusedly around at the new ones. I recognized these wolves, I fought with them, trained with them, and grew up with them.I saw a man walking up and the closer he got the more I could see that it was Cole. He had brought our pack here. I internally laughed and bowed my head in respect. He started fighting in his human form and then shifted to take on more of them
Asher jumped forward and his claws sunk into Aiden’s wolf.
I looked back and saw Marie still helping Liliana fend off those who came at her. Regardless of whether or not the spell was down they still wanted her dead, she had switched sides.
The blood was spurting around us, the healers ran out to get all of our wounded warriors and they were many. Asher’s men were killed off one by one but the number of men was crazy.
The grass was crimson red from the blood of all the dead and the wounded and body parts lay scattered around our feet.
Aiden jumped at Asher, he clawed at his eyes and Asher’s wolf staggered back and yelped. He got on his hind legs and clawed again, this time blinding Asher’s wolf in one eye.
“NO!” Aiden moved in on Asher but his head slowly turned, everything moved in slow motion as I heard another scream, one that caused my body to freeze and time to move slower.
This time, however, it wasn’t Cassy, it was Liliana. I turned and saw Marie’s wolf laying on the ground, her breathing shallow and a
bite mark on her side.

Aiden saw, his eyes met his mother’s and like the flick of a finger, the time sped up and Asher’s head flew back. He clawed out Asher’s other eye, completely blinding his wolf before jumping up and digging his teeth into his neck. Asher’s wolf fell to the ground, trying with all his might to get back up but Aiden sunk his teeth in deeper and I saw that he was making it hurt as much as possible. As his last breath was drawn, Aiden finally pulled back and rose his head. He oked behind him and took off, running to his mother’s side.
Asher’s men. Their leader was dead but they weren’t stopping. Everyone else kept fighting and were going ferociously at
the men lighting. She screamed and raised her I turned back and saw Liliana, her eyes were turning red as she looked out over all th
Our own men were backing away and pulling at each other to run hands, and with her hands rose fire and burnt the werewolves alive.
Just as the others were about to run, a wall of fire rose behind them, trapping them. I looked around and saw the pack witch with her arms raised. Liliana was killing them all off, and we yelled for our warriors to retreat.
burnt flesh and fur forever Just as the last body was torched, their screams forever imprinted on my brain, and the smell of engraved in my memory, we all ran over to Marie’s side. She had shifted back and a healer came to put a blanket over her body.
“It’s okay,” she said and held Aiden’s hand.
“Stop, you’re gonna be fine,” he said and slowly lifted the blanket to see the damage. A big part of her flesh was
“Aiden,” she brought him closer, her lips quivering.
“I am so…incredibly proud of you and the man you have become,” Erin fell on her other side and stared through tear-filled eyes.
Marie slowly turned her head to face her daughter whom she had just gotten back. I shook my head and dragged my hand over my
“Please, don’t go, not face, wiping away the tears. “Thank you, for coming back to me,” Erin cried out and shook her head. yet. There’s so much left,” she said through the tears. “We don’t decide our faiths,” she said and kissed her daughter’s hand.
“Maybe you don’t, I do and this isn’t happening yet.” Everyone turned their heads and looked at Liliana who pushed everyone out of the way. She fell to her knees next to Marie and moved away the blanket carefully.
“This will sting a bit,” she said and placed her hands over the wound. Someone laid a hand on Liliana’s shoulder and stopped her. We all looked at the pack witch who bored her eyes into Lilianas
“The price for such magic is steep, you know that child,” Liliana shook her head.
“She saved me,” she whispered and continued. Slowly, as a tear fell from Liliana’s eyes and Marie clenched her teeth in pain, the wound started coming together. She was healing.
Everyone looked amazed but not quite hopeful at what was happening. Nobody dared get their hopes up, we had all been disappointed too many times.
“It’s working.” Cassy gasped through the tears and smiled from ear to ear as she looked at the wound completely healed.
Marie’s eyes closed and we all leaned in.
est,” Liliana said and stood up on shaky legs
“She’s gonna need to rest,”
“As are y
you,” the pack
witch said and smiled at Liliana. We were on our way inside the house, my arm resting around her waist and holding her up when Liliana turned her head. Her eyes locked with the pack witch.
“I’m sorry, I always regretted it but it was too late.” She said and the pack witch smiled.
“It’s never too late, dear. You’re here now, aren’t you?” She smiled and turned away, walking back to her home.
We were in my room,
Liliana came o out from the shower and I looked at her. One question was nagging me and I needed to ask it.
“What price did you
ou pay?” Her eyes fell.
doesn’t matter,” she said and got dressed in satin shorts and a satin top, looking hot as f*ck.
“It does matter what my mate chose to pay. I know the going rates for spells and this must’ve been expensive,”
“I’m not your mate, Edmund. I rejected you;”
“But I never accepted.” I said and grabbed her hands.
“You don’t want to be with me, especially not now,” she whispered and I saw how the tears built up
It up in her eyes.
ry me.” I said and lifted her chin up so that she looked into my eyes. She nodded her head and a tear t
“I gave up the ability to have children. If you stay with me, you’ll never be able to have a family,” it took a while for the words to settle and I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t happy with the payment but she didn’t regret it. She saved an incredible woman, someone who deserved to live
“If we, one d
more than anyone else I know.
day, decide that we want to have kids-” I said and leaned down, brushing my lips against hers.
noticed, we have a shit load of “-we’ll adopt a child who needs a home and we will create a family. Until then, if you hadn’t lunatics in this house who are as much our family as the child will be “Her brows hunched down and her lip quivered.
“Are you sure?” She whispered through the tears and I pulled her to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and held her
“I promise that I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life as I non of wanting a future with you.” I said and kissed her shoulder.
She wiped her tears and leaned back.
“You look really hot in that
at by the way,” I said and bit down on my lip. Liliana rose a brow and played with the strap on the shirt.
“Oh really-” she teased and turned around walking to the bed with the cheeky shorts showing a small nice portion of her *ss
“-how hot exactly?” I slowly pulled my shirt off over my head and walked over to her. I grabbed the back of her head, entangled my fingers in her hair, and pulled her head back.
“Why don’t I show you.” I slammed my lips down on hers and turned off the lamp, leaving the one on the table lit because I wasn’t missing a single f*cking view.
-Gabby’s POV-
Everyone gathered in the dining hall for breakfast. Our pack members piled in and everyone was tired from the long fight but they all were happy. We were all happy for the first time in a long time. Liliana was leaning her head on Edmund’s shoulder, Nick and Erin were inseparable and Cassy and Noah seemed as in love as ever and I was happy for her. I was happy for all of them, all of us. Everyone had agreed to stay, including my brothers. Cole would take over as Alpha of our old pack we would form an alliance. Our old Beta, Damien, had come to terms with Cole as the new Alpha, and his attitude had changed much since my parents passed. Marie was still resting and Clark wouldn’t leave her side until she was fully healed. I’m guessing they didn’t really object to a few days in bed together. Amanda had been sent off to live as a rogue, she was aware of Sam’s involvement in everything regarding Asher and the hex put on my brother, she couldn’t be trusted and so she had to leave
“What are you daydreaming about?” Edmund asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just happy,” I said and smiled. Aiden
leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek.
“Don’t get too used to it, sis. The second that people hear about Cole taking over the pack back home, every single pack that Mom and Dad pissed off will be lining up to take a swing.” He said and chuckled.
“They can try, Ill be ready. And I’ve already begun making calls to the packs I know they had… issues with and scheduled meetings
agreement that doesn’t lead to a bloodbath,” with the Alphas. Hopefully, we’ll come to some sort of
“You’ll manage it fine and if anything were to come up, you know we’re always ready to join a good fight,” Aiden said and winked Nick clapped Cole’s shoulder and grinned.
“Just hold off on the bloodbaths for a few weeks, we need to reload we all chuckled and entered eating. Nick was the new Beta of our pack and was leading next to Aiden and me. Liliana, Cassy, Erin, and I were heading into the neighboring town later for a shopping trip. Both Liliana and Erin needed new clothes and I wanted to treat myself and Cassy to something as well.
Everything was running smoothly and I would thank the heavens for that every single day.
The end of the story.
Chapter Comments
Tammay H
Wonderful story!! Was exciting and interesting!!! I want to say Thank you to the author AMAZING!!

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 81-90

gm te glow as my wall
Lian dau and stated lighting his men as I made my way to my nie. Asher was about to throw another hit when Aiden grabbed his
ooling out of his woundi
rinding together from the pain.
Esin pimped down the stats and started fighting as well. Though she did I have her wolf, she was still very much a strong she wolf and this strength of hers with her woll being dormant only proved it
he had come back and I needed to find him.
“we got this Nick shouted Loved my head and took off, ning through the words, and trying to sniff him out.
He turned around and booked into nos eyes but the happiness Lenght Id see went there. “Who are you?” He asked and I pushed
shipped back and modded my heil
“Ik kon have am brothers? I whispered and hoped he’d remember them at least.
Noah Took off
words and I didn t lod
aliqjo,” his eyes had changed, this wasn t him anymore but I didn’t
“I’ll fix this? 1 said land ernigh for him to hear me but he didn’t react. I violently wiped the tears that fell and clenched my jaw.
1 puanise you I will the this, brother,” I said and turned around.
Nick saw me retuning without our brother and I just shock my head. We’d discuss it later
Lacinamalar Tjumped up and started ghting those who came at me. The blood was spurting everywhere and I was constantly trying to look over at Auden.
“When did you get so strong, bule?” One of the men added with a Logh as he stepped and me I growled and extended my claws.
“ I
When you started harming the people I love jumped and kicked him down and slashed his throat.
his was a werewolf’s therapy Not talking or discussing your feelings. If you wanted to feel better or had a lot of pent up anger
ing and looked over at Aiden in fear but then saw him with his fingers around Asher’s throat. He fell to his
Everyone stopped and looked at them
but you in med allowed to longer walk this
ith and harm what
ine.” He said and dog his claws into his brothers neck.slowly.
“I’m sorry…I wish things were different,” He said and leaned his forehead against Ashers. The life was leaving Asher’s eyes and 1 over to them.
1 fell beside the brothers and looked at Asher dying.
He reached out his hand and placed it over mine.
“I’ll see you in another life,” he choked as the blood fell from his mouth and then he was gone.
Their Alpha being dead didn’t stop his men and the slaughter began. Because now we didn’t fight to protect ourselves, we fought to protect everyone else and none of these men dissevered to be alive.
Nick looked around, dead bodies lay everywhere and he had his hands around the last one. He wring the neck of Asher’s last follower and the body slumped on the ground.
I saw Nick’s eyes moving and locking down on someone. He gulped visibly and inhaled a deep breath. When I turned my head to see who it was that he saw, it was Erin, with the same loving expression in her eyes.
Erin began walking over to him when she stopped and looked down at the ground. She turned halfway but was pulled back around and Nick slammed his lips down on hers.
They were mates. My brother finally found his mate but I dreaded what his heart might have to endure.
Everyone dried their hands on the clothes they had left on their bodies. Nobody had shifted and it was all fought
In our human forms
“It’s over,” Cassy said and that was the first time I had seen her, I cried when I saw her face and she smiled as she ran over to me.
When I pulled away though, I knew the truth of the matter.
“No” I said.
*-Only this CHAPTER, the other has just begun,” her smile fell and cupped her cheek.
Her eyes hooded and I saw the tears begin to fall. She looked around frantically and then grabbed my arms.
“Where is Noah?” She asked and turned to the others when I didn’t answer fast enough. “Where is he?” She asked.
“He didn’t remember me o
or Nick or Edmund. It was like he was another person, he left,” I said and looked at my brothers.
“But we’ll get him back and find out what this shit is.” Cassy fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as I squatted down next to her,
She lifted her head and licked her lips. Aiden came over and laid a hand on her shoulder, gently squeezing it.
“He is your mate, isn’t he?” Aiden said and Cassy nodded her head.
I gasped and stood back up. My head was spinning and I couldn’t think clearly.
Aiden came around and grabbed under my legs and lifted me up.
“You’re hurt!” 1 said and tried jumping down but he tightened his grip.
“I don’t feel it when I’m near you,” he said and leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips. A feeling I had longed for.
We were back at the pack llouse and Aldens parents came rushing out to help him inside but not before giving me a big hug. I had missed Marles hugs, whenever her arms were tied around me I felt safe and warm like you should feel in the arms of a mother.
We walked into the communal hall and Aiden sat down on the couch. The witch was
well and she smiled at me.
Everyone was going to their homes or into their rooms to get cleaned up and go to sleep even though the sun was up and it was morning. We were all exhausted.
Aiden’s parents tended to his wounds and Marie looked up quickly but then stopped and her face shifted. She did a double take, her eyes locking in on the girl standing next to my brother. She slowly stood with a wondering expression on her face.
“Hey, we haven’t met,” Marie said and stretched out her hand.
“I’m Marie, Aiden’s mother, who are you?” She asked.
She smiled and grabbed Marie’s hand,
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Erin.” It looked like the blood drained from Marie’s face and she turned pale as a ghost.
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride

Aiden who was sitting up slowly looked at her with an equally surprised expression and
I his father walked around the couch.
The witch was still smiling from her seat at the table. Just as Aiden’s father was about to step closer, Marie reached out her hand and stopped him.
“It’s nice to meet you too, sweetheart. Welcome,” she said and left it there but her eyes didn’t leave Erins.
Erin smiled and nodded her head. Nick tried to grab her hand but the pulled it away and cupped them in front of her.
His brows hunched down and he looked at me.
“Nick, come with me,” I said and grabbed his hand as we walked out of the house.
“You have to be careful with her and go slow. She has lost everyone she’s ever known and endured actual hell in Asher’s pack.”
“How can I help her?”
“You can’t, you can just help her help herself. By letting her sit with it and talk about it and just listen to her and her needs. Whatever they might be.” I said and felt my heart sink. I wanted my brother to be happy but 1 also remember my conversation with Erin back at the house.
“Alpha Aiden is your mate?” She asked me with a grin.
“Yes, it’s a long and tragic and incredibly weird story but the short answer is yes. “I grabbed her hand and smiled.
“Have you met yours?” I immediately regretted my question and hoped the answer would be no.
Seeing as if she had met her mate back at her pack, he’d be dead.
“No and I hope I never do,” I looked at her in confusion.
Because look at me-” she said and laughed.
*-I’m a se* slave, who could ever love a girl like me when I don’t even love myself? Whoever he is,
he’s better off taking someone else to be his mate or his girlfriend. Not everyone meets their mate
and hopefully, mine never meets me. I’m too broken, I’d only break him too,”
Me and Nick walked back inside and the other girls had been shown to their rooms
“What’s that?” I heard Marie ask Erin when we stepped into the room. She grabbed the pendant that hung around her neck and smiled fondly.
“It’s the only memory I have left from my pack. It’s a necklace, my mother said that I had it when they found me. I have worn it wvery day but hid at when everything happened. Only today did I dare dg it up again right before Gabby grabbed us and we lett,” she suid
“When they found you? Marie asked with a strained smile
“I’m adopted. My birth parents gave me up but I grew up in a loving family.” Her breath hitched and
“I’m going to go make some tea,” she said and smiled but I saw the tears brimming in her eyes,
I was about to go after her when Aiden grabbed my hand.
backed away.
“Let’s go wash off,” he said and I looked after Marie but nodded my head and walked with him. his touch ignited the heat in my body
ecstatic to finally be back with her mate. and my wolf was purring in the back of my mind. She was
Aiden got out of the shower as I was drying off. His wounds were healing and so were the few ones I had gotten as well.
“What happened to your mom earlier? She looked upset,” Aiden slumped down on the bed and ossed the towel beside him. He grabbed my hand and yanked me down on top of him..
“Something has come to light.” He said and piquing my interest
“What is it?”
“I apparently have a sister,” I was flabbergasted and couldn’t speak
“They thought she was dead and mom was pregnant with me at the time so she decided not to mention it after I was born. Apparently, when she was three she wandered off and they found a blood trail but no body. And then the witch confirmed it yesterday
that she was alive.”
“Well…I mean… where is she?” 1 stammered.
He licked his lips a
placed my hair behind my
“She was with you, that’s why you felt the need to go because your faith pulled you to her,” I didn’t speak, I couldn’t, there was nothing I could say.
“It’s Erin, Gabby,” I felt a chill run down my spine and expand throughout my whole body.
I tried to stand up but Aiden held my put. He wrapped his arms around my back and leaned his head against my chest. I gently stroked his hair and thought about what he had just told me.
“Erin is the daughter your parents taught was dead?” I asked.
“And now she’s here,”
“And she’s Nick’s mate,”
“Holy shit,”
“Yeah.” I pulled his head back and stared into his green eyes
“We’ll figure this out,” I said and kissed him softly.
-Erin’s POV
As soon as we reached the house I knew I couldn’t stay. I wasn’t adapted to this type of living and I
years, I had lived as a s*x slave and
not adapted to having a mate
I was meant to adjust to this
. Those luxuries just weren’t for me to reap. For the past four normal way of life. I couldn’t do that. My pack was gone, my family was dead, and I was all alone, and no mate or new pack or a new home could ever fill the void of everything I had lost.
Alden’s mom seemed intrigued by me but I’m sure she was just being kind. She ran into the kitchen with tears in her eyes and I was worried I had said something wrong.
“Are you okay to sleep with Nick or would you like your own room Aidens father, Clark, asked
“Oh, uhm,” I looked at Nick and knew he’d rather I slept with him knew men, he wanted to mate and mark me and then that would
be it.
“Is there a room available close to mine?” He asked before I answered.
The confusion I felt was immense.
“I’ll make sure there is,” he said and smiled. Nick smiled at me and his hand rested on the small of my back but I could tell that we were both uncomfortable with the closeness.
Op maybe only I was and that in turn made him uncomfortable.
Marie came back with tea and cups on a tray and placed them down.
She turned to me and smiled a little unsteadily as she clasped her bands in front of her. She had such poise and beauty.
*Would you like me to show you around the house?” She asked but I was exhausted. “Maybe tomorrow?” I asked and she nodded her
“Of course, go off to bed you two, you must be exhausted.”
Nick walked me to my room and we stood there for a silent minute.
“Why did you want me to have my own room?” I asked him.
Because I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for,” he said and gazed into my eyes. “Thank you,” I was about to walk in
when he grabbed my arm.
“We’ll take it slow but I would like to get to know you. If you’d be okay with that,” his brows were hunched and I could tell he was nervous. I leaned up and placed a peck on his cheek.
“I would like that too,” I said and walked into the room, closed the door, and leaned against it as I sunk to the floor.
Nick seemed so sweet and I didn’t want to hurt him but I knew that the chances of him getting hurt were high. Because I was already thinking of where I would go when morning came
The sun rose and lit up the room. This was the best night’s sleep I forever and my body was getting back to its normal state. It would still hurt and I wasn’t sore which was a new feeling. I had slept all day and all night
had in years. I woke up feeling rested for the first time in take time for all the wolfsbane to leave my system but I didn’t
basically twenty-four hours.
There was a knock on my door and Gabby stuck her head in. Seeing that girl’s face just made me so happy.
“How’d you sleep?” She asked as she came in.
“So *cking good,” I said and laughed.
Breakfast is ready downstairs,” dread filled me and I got nervous at the thought of seeing ever down there. Especially Nick.
“Did everyone sleep for twenty-four hours?” I asked her with raised brows.
“No, some did but everyone slept for a long time. We all needed to heal after the fight but it’s good you slept that long. Your body clearly needed it. So how about breakfast?”
“I’m not really hungry,”
“It’s okay to be nervous but you dont have to hide anymore. You’re free, free to do whatever you want and whatever your heart. desires,” she said sounding sad and I could see the underlying meaning in her eyes.
We walked into the dining hall and everyone was seated but the ones at the main table turned their heads and watched me warily as I stepped in. The girls were there as well and I was happy to see them doing good. They got up and we hugged. All of the girls had borrowed clothes and were washed and cleaned. God, I had missed them. These were the last few people left from our pack.
“How is everyone this morning? Marie asked when I sat down.
“I’m feeling great,” I said and smiled.
“So do we.” the girls said
“You’re staying too right?” Mazy asked me.
“Are you?” I asked her and looked between all of them.
“Yes, Marie and Clark offered us housing and to stay here as part of the pack. Permanently,” “That was very kind of them.” I said and smiled at the former Alpha couple.
“You’re of course very welcome to stay as well,” Marie said eagerly.
“Thank you,”
“So will you?” Mary asked and looked at me expectantly.
Nick was sitting right beside me and I tensed.
*She doesn’t have to make up her mind right now, it’ll take time to figure out what you want,” Who the hell was this man? He was so kind-hearted and understanding it hurt so much because I didn’t want to ruin that.
I nodded my head and drank the coffee.
After breakfast, Marie insisted to show me around the house and so we walked away from the others and started at the top floor. She showed me the various rooms and utility places as well as the library. As we walked down she said there was one last room she wanted to show me before we continued to the bottom floors other spaces. This house was gigantic.
We walked into her ateljé with beautiful paintings hanging on the walls and all different colors were placed in a rainbow on the shelves. Others stood randomly on tables and chairs and you could tell this was an artists haven.
She stood by the door and urged me to look around. I started looking at the paintings that were stacked against the wall and one by one I graced my wyes over them until one made me hitch my breath and my eyes stopped.
1 graced my eyes over the painting of a young child, a little gul with light hair who was smiling but she was wearing something around her neck that caught my eye even more. I raised my hand and held the pendant between my fingers. The little girl was wearing
the exact same necklace around her neck with a dove hanging from it just like mine.
Chapter Comments
I removed all other paintings and stared at the child’s face and I knew that face because I saw her cry every time I looked in the
The tears swelled in my eyes and a drop fell and hit the daisy that was painted in her tiny hand.. “What-” I breathed and turned around. Marie stood with her tear-stricken cheeks and smiled at me..
She held something in her hands and as she walked closer I could see what it was. It was another pendant, the same as mine.
“When she was young, I got my daughter that pendant because I always called her my littl
*-my little dove.” I said and stared at her. I felt the blood rush down my face. She grabbed the pendant around my neck and placed her close. Hers had a rose in its mouth and she clicked it into mine and they formed one necklace.
Her breath hitched and she cupped my cheeks.
“We never g
gave you up…we never…we never gave you up.” She whispered.
Without thinking or any hesitation I leaped forward and wrapped my arms around her. She squeezed me so tight that I felt my lungs pressing in but I didn’t care. I gasped as my chin rested on her shoulder and the tears fell one by one.
We pulled back and just looked at each other.
“You’re my mom?” I asked her and the words just fell from my tongue
,” she cried and I stepped back. This was all a lot to take in.
“Don’t be scared, please. I’m not expecting you to call me mom or to be okay with everything right away but please let me explain everything.” We sat down in the ateljé and Marie rubbed her hands before she began explaining. She told me how I had been playing outside and ran away. They found my blood but never found my body.
“We searched for you for so long but you were nowhere to be found and when the dove disappeared…we assumed the worst.”
“I always thought you just didn’t want me,” I said.
“Oh honey, you were our pride and joy. Your father never let you out of his sight for more than a minute, you were his angel. That day was the first day that we trusted you with the others because we needed to work but I always regretted it. If I could do it again I would’ve had you in my arms through all the paperwork and the boring meetings and then I would’ve taken you out myself and played with you for hours. That day is my life’s biggest regret,” I stumbled for the right words but when I looked into her eyes the words just formed themselves and I spoke my biggest wish.
“Well…maybe now we have time to make it right,” I whispered because I wanted that. They were my family and the only family I had
“So you’re staying?” She asked me softly.
“I don’t know yet. Sorry, I don’t…I don’t know,” I said.
I have you for any time you’ll allow,” she said and grabbed my hand.
I walked out with a heart full of warmth and a head full of thoughts.
I wanted to look for Gabby and talk to her but she was probably with Aiden and I didn’t want to disturb them after having been apart for so long.
Nick was outside with the others and I was standing in the hallway torn between going out to him and going back to the room.
His head turned and my decision was made for me as he stretched out his hand. I walked out of the
house and went to stand beside him as his arm wrapped around me.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Can we talk?” He nodded his head and pulled me to the side by the bushes.
“What’s up?” He asked as we walked around the garden.
“I just talked to Marie and uhm, you know how I said I was adopted?”
“It turns out that M
Marie is the mom who I
at gave me up,” Nick stopped and held me back when I continued walking.
“Marie is your mom?” I nodded my head and slid my fingers through each other. “She is and apparently-” I said and looked around at the grounds and the big house, this was my first home,”
“How are you feeling about this? That’s a lot of information to take in,”
in this lovely, loving, and “It feels weird, I guess. I mean I thought I was given up, not wanted by my parents, and then I grew up caring family and then they died. And now I find out that I might have another family? How am I supposed to react?”
“There’s no wrong or right way for you to react to this. You just feel. And that’s okay, whatever it is that you feel, this man was surely made from the goddess. Molded by her hands and gifted from her heart. But how could she have been so wrong and made him
I hung my head when I couldn’t look into his eyes anymore, his gaze was so intense and I loving
Something needed to happen in my head and my thoughts. I needed to make a decision and the sooner the better because I didn’t want to drag out his pain, or the others.
-Aiden’s POV-
It felt like the days Gabby had been away from me piled onto the ones when she moved and I missed her so d*mn much. And now here she was, her black satin night dress with thin straps that hung from her shoulders. She gazed at me seductively with her thick hair hanging down her chest and she took slow walks toward me. It took everything in me to not reach out my hands and drag her down but it was her show and I enjoyed the view.
The strap fell further down her shoulder and she pulled the other one down. The dress slowly fell to her feet and she stepped out of
She placed her knees on either side of me and positioned herself right on top of my groin. Her hands started running through my hair and her lips started kissing down my neck. I growled and grabbed her waist, pulling her closer but she removed them and pinned them to the side.
“Just relax,” she whispered and nibbled on my earlobe.
“Gabby!” the door opened up and Nick invited himself inside. Gabby’s naked body was covered by me and he stood there waiting as I quickly grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her.
“Seriously?” I asked and glared at him.
“Sorry, you guys can continue later. I really need to talk to you,” Gabby nodded her head and got dressed.
Nick closed the door and paced around the room. Why the f*ck couldn’t this wait? “Did you know that Erin was your sister?” He asked me and I stood up in shock. “Who told you?”
“She did, just now. Apparently, Marie told her and now she’s her mind’s a jumbled mess and I don’t know what to do to help her. 1 feel that if she gets too overwhelmed she’ll leave and I can’t have that.” He said and ran his hand through his hair. I could tell that he was worried about her and about the fact that he might lose his mate tabby told me how Erin said she didn’t want a mate and after losing everything she had and being a captive for years, I could understand where she was coming from but Nick was a good guy. Right now I was just wondering how Erin was taking everything and the fact that I had a sister was f*cked up.
“I have to go find her,” Gabby said and ran out of the room wearing boxers and my button-dow
“How are you feeling?” I asked Nick and we sat down on the chairs by the wall. He dragged his hands over his face and shook his
-Erin’s POV-
“Hey!” I turned and saw Gabby running toward me. I was hiding away in the den and looking out the window. She was wearing Aidens shirt and I felt my shoulders slump and my body relax when she got closer.
“I just heard what happened. How are you feeling?” Her big eyes looked at me with concern.
“Did you know?” Gabby visibly stiffened when I asked her. Her lips parted as though she was about to answer but then I saw the guilt and regret in her eyes.
“Just for a short time. Aiden told me the night we got back.” She said and crossed her arms over her chest. My eyes were hooded and I was playing with the pendant between my fingers:
“I don’t know what to do,” I whispered, feeling the sad smile. I saw the pity practically dripping from her gaze. So much had happened already and now this curveball was thrown my way. Did I let it hit me in the face and deal with it or did I dodge it and walk
“You don’t have to decide right now,” She said and grabbed my hand.
Here I was with this idea in my head that my birth parents gave me up. That they didn’t want me and just got rid of me but now I find out that that isn’t the case. They lost me just as I lost them. Sure did get to live in a home full of loving people but I mean how do 1 go about integrating into this family now? I wasn’t a child anymore and so many things have happened.
Aren’t I too broken to be a part of this family? I was apparently an Alphas daughter but I sure didn’t feel like one.
Gabby’s eyes were gazing into mine and I saw the shadow of a smile on her lips but the sadness in her eyes was even more evident. I knew she didn’t want me to go and she didn’t want her brother to lose his mate or her own mate to lose the possibility of a sister but she would never say it. She would tell me to do what felt right in my heart.
Because she’s a nice f*cking person and I’m the *itch who’s about to hurt everyone around me
Chapter Comments

-Erin’s POV-
Edmund, and Cole were waiting I walked with Gabby out into the woods and over by the clearing to a lake where Aiden, Nick, Cassy came running up beside us and smiled. She was so cute and I couldn’t handle how much she loved Gabby. Cassy was a golden. friend, one of those rare ones you don’t find too often.
This conversation was about to be anything but lighthearted. Noah, Gabby’s brother was still gone and they needed to find out what happened to him.
Aiden leaned down and kissed his mate, Nick watched me and I went to stand beside him but it didn’t feel organic, it felt uncomfortable for both of us.
“Has anyone heard from him?” Gabby asked but everyone shook their heads.
“I can’t believe it’s been two days already. How could I have waited with this?” She asked herself and shook her head.
“You were back with your mate for the first time in a long time and your wolves needed theirs,” I said and placed a comforting hand on her back.
“Do we have any ideas how this could ve happened?” Nick asked.
Edmund dragged a hair through his disheveled hair and sighed.
“You did say that Asher had a witch and this shit does sound like magic. Any ideas about who she is?” He asked and looked at me
“I never talked to her personally or saw her for that matter. Except for…” I thought back and remembered one night after the males had fed their lust I was left in one of the red rooms. I
remember hearing a woman’s voice and watching through the crack seeing a blonde pretty girl who
was arguing with Asher.
“Except for what?”
think I saw a glimpse of her one night. She’s young
shoulder, feeling bad that I didn’t know more.
blonde, and slim. That’s all I remember seeing.” I said and shrugged a
“There is one person we know who may have information. She’s the only one in this pack who worked on Asher’s side.” Cole said and
looked at Aiden.
We were all walking up the stairs. Nick, Edmund, and Gabby were in the front and everyone we passed could feel their wolves.
They exuded power and anger and I honestly felt b bad for whoever the girl was that we were about to see. Because she would be the recipient of their rage.
Nick kicked the door down and there she was, sitting on the edge of the bed with bloody knuckles and there were scratch marks
around the entire room.
“Holy shit,” Cassy and I breathed at the same time.
Her hair was tangled together like a bird’s nest and the rings around her eyes
es were deep and dark. I could tell that she hadn’t been fed and she probably had some wolfsbane in her as well to weaken her wolf.
Gabby stepped inside and growled. Her wolf was stepping forward and I saw the fear in the girl’s eyes.
“What have you done?” Gabby growled. Aiden stood back and so did Cole. They were allowing Gabby and her brothers to take full reign over this.
The girl stood up and tried to hide her fear.
“Get me the f*ck out of here.” She seethed. Nick and Edmund stepped in on either side of Gabby and looked down at her. You could see her shoulders tensing and her head falling an inch as she felt their power.
*ANSWER ME!” Gabby growled and her fist connected with the girl jaw. She fell against the bed and narrowed her eyes.
You got stronger, maybe the time you spent with Asher wasn’t such a waste at all, huh?” she asked and laughed.
“What people don’t seem to realize is that strength is a choice. And right now I’m choosing not to rip you open, though that choice may not be mine for very long so I s
I suggest you speak.”
“It finally took effect, huh?” She said and smirked. She had no strength, no wits and no escape so the only thing she could do now
was gloat.
I had seen this so many times, there was no way that she was going to tell them anything that they wanted to know. She was having too much fun playing with them.
“Tell us what you did to our brother or I swear by the goddess I will break every bone in your body slowly. Hear every c*ack and watch you cry from pain…so tell me, what did you do?” She gulped and stepped back.
Her head fell and I was wondering if they had actually cracked her, would she tell them the truth?
“I didn’t do anything…You’re Interrogating the wrong person.” she sighed and looked up at Gabby.
Gabby’s brows furrowed and she grabbed the girl by her throat and lifted her from the ground. She started clawing a thrusting her head.
at her hands and
“Ama-Amanda.” She choked and her body fell on the floor as she gasped for air.
Gabby’s eyes glazed over and when she came back, she walked out of the room and closed the door. “No! Let me out of here!” The girl screamed from inside the room.
“Where is she?”
“She’s at practice.” They walked out and I just followed behind with Cassy wondering who the f*ck Amanda was and how that girl back there so easily gave her up. Cole had deviated and needed to take care of some other business and Aiden had to go find his parents who had called on him. He said to mind link him at any moment if need be.
I started hearing grunting and smelling blood as we walked out onto the field where the warriors trained. One of them turned and pointed to the shed so that’s where we went.
Inside was a whole other training facility with soft mats on the flodes, rings where you could fight and bags hanging from the ceiling.
It reeked of sweat and rubber but it looked cool. No wonder the people here were so strong –
“Amanda!” Edmund shouted and got her attention. She was in the ring with another girl when she saw us. She stepped out under the rope and walked toward Gabby and her brothers but when she got closer and saw what she was up against-she-bolted”. Amanda ran past the bags and out into the locker rooms but nobody followed.
I was confused at first but then I heard someone screaming and fighting and out from the locker rooms walked another warrior
n her grip. with Amanda in Luna of this place.
She fossed her by their feet and bowed her head before walking off. Somehow I forgot that Gabby was the actual
“You know why we’re here. What have you done to my brother?” Gabby asked and kneeled in front of Amanda who was still on the floor with her arm in her hand. It was dislocated. Gabby grabbed it and shushed her before pulling it back in place.
“Answer me or the next thing to happen is your arm will come off and I don’t think I don’t have to tell you that though a werewolf can heal, we can’t regrow body parts. Even I got chills hearing her speak.
“What the hell are you talking about?” She seethed
“Noah, my brother, someone has messed with his memory and Sam said it was you,” “I- I have done anything to him, I don’t know what she’s talking about!”
“Have you been in contact w
with a witch?” She asked and stood back up.
“What…well…” Gabby stood straight and waited for the answer.
“Yes but not to mess with your brother,”
“Is this witch part of our pack?” Gabby asked.
“No but-”
“Was she aligned with Asher?”
1-yes but-
“Did yo
you tell her any pack business?” Gabby’s voice rose with each question and I saw how Amanda covered back as the authority in her voice became clearer.
“I did but not anything about-”
“Than I hereby confine you to the dungeon under suspicions for treason!” Amanda’s eyes grew in their round form and her chin fell to
the floor.
“No! I haven’t betrayed anyone!”
“Since when has it been okay to talk about pack business to outsiders?”
“But Sam said-”
“Enough. The questioning will continue in your cell.” She shook her head frantically and roached for Gabby when two warriors grabbed her arms and carried her away.
“No!” She kicked and screamed but to no avail.
“Luna, what methods for questioning?” / Another warrior asked. He had a big build and several scars running over his body.
“Any methods that will bring answers.” She said.

-Nick’s POV-
I told the others to wait upstairs. We had been patiently sitting around for a f*cking hour to see if the warriors could get anything out of Amanda but they hadn’t so I was going to see if I could speed it up.
She’s pretty beaten but maybe you’ll be able to get something out of her,” the guard said on his way out. I wanted everyone gone, the only people left would be me and her.
I walked up to the cellar and Amanda was sitting on the floor. Her arm was broken and half her body was covered in blood. Her right eye was swollen and there was a cut on her leg where it looked like someone had driven in a knife and still- she hadn’t talked.
“What do you want?” She said in a raspy voice, barely able to look at me or move her lips. “The truth.” I said and circled my fingers around the bars.
She tried shaking her head but winced. The cellar leaked of wolfsbane and she wouldn’t be healing anytime soon.
“… I’ve told the truth. I didn’t use magic on anyone so….just go,” she said slowly. “I can’t,”
“Because my brother is out there somewhere, his memory has been tampered with and if I don’t find out who did that to him then I can’t help undo it.”
She forced her eye open and looked at me.
“It wasn’t me,” I nodded my head and took out the gun thad tucked in the back of the pant line. “I know,” I said and saw the shock mixed with horror on her face when she saw the gun.
They weren’t silver bullets so they wouldn’t kill her and she wouldn’t bleed out either. They were metal pellets laced in wolfsbane so it would just hurt like a f*cking b*tch.
“I know you didn’t do it but you know who did. She said your name so easily, you should’ve heard her-basically screaming it to my sister s so that she wouldn’t die but had no problem with you paying the price.” I loaded the gun and grabbed a chair, placing it in front of
the bars.
“What are-”
“Shh, don’t waste your breath. Save it for when you’re ready to tell me her name.” I couldn’t go on gut feeling, I needed the name to be said by someone who knew. And also, I wanted to see her in more pain than she already was. The people here spoke fondly of my sister and the accidental slip up happened where they would say some of the things she had been put through. Amanda’s name came up
more than once.
I leaned back and pointed the gun…
“Just a fair warning, I’m not a very good shot .” I pressed the trigger and the first bullet hit the open wound on her leg.
She screamed, the sound echoed in the dungeon and bounced back as she writhed in pain. I squinted my eye and aimed once again-
the next bullet hit her broken arm.
“The name, Amanda.” I said and touched my finger against the barrel, pulling it back quickly when I felt the sting.
“Shit, that must hurt.” I said and scoffed. I loaded another pellet and hit her right on the neck. “Please please stop!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
“You know how to make it Stop. It’s so easy, make it as easy for yourself as she did for her,” head when she still wouldn’t speak and I loaded up after pellet.
I flicked my tongue and shook my
“Which eye do you like better?” I asked and aimed the gun, pulling closer and pressing it forwand,
playing with her and enjoying the fear 1 saw in her eyes.
“No… she breathed and the tears streamed down –
“Here goes nothing,” I said and pressed softly on the trigger.
“Sam! It was Sam!” She screamed and pressed herself back against the wall. It’s fascinating how our bodies, despite any injuries we might have, find a way to move painlessly in the eye of fear.
I got up and nodded my head. “Thank you,”
The door opened and I saw the others watching with a cocktail of expressions.
“What did you do to her?” Cassy asked me
“We just talked,” I shrugged a shoulder and pulled my shirt over the gun, hiding it from the others. “Talked? It sounded like you guys were reenacting a horror movie down there,”
“You talk your way, I talk my way.”
Well d
did your talk lead to any useful information?”
“Nothing we didn’t already know but now we have the nume.”
“She told you it was Sam?” Gabby asked and I nodded my head. A grin grew on her face and she walked up the stairs in a hurry.
“You lied.” She said and stepped inside the room.
“I didn’t, it
“I didn’t, it was Amanda who ”
“Cut the shit! She’s been down there paying the price of having you as a friend for hours now and honestly, she still tried to keep her mouth shut. But eventually, she sang your name lite a little bird,” Gabby walked up and sat on the bed. Nick and Edmund stood around Sam and they all looked relaxed because they knew they’d get the answers out of her now.
“Tell us the truth, Sam, who is the witch? Amanda told us it was you so there’s no going back. If nothing else, you’ll get killed for betraying your pack,” she narrowed her eyes at them and pursed her lips.
Say what you want about her but she was stubborn as f*ck and didet easily spill her guts. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said
and crossed her arms
Aiden came walking into the room with fast steps and Sam’s eyes le up. She still believed that she had a shot with him and for some reason, I felt bad for her. Sam lived in an illusion where she and Alden Were mates and everyone else was just standing in her way. Thats
When it dawned on me
“You did it so that they would leave, didn’t you?” I asked her and stepped forward. She looked up at me with furrowed brows, she didn’t know me, I was new but I knew I was right.
“You handed Gabby to Asher, knowing she’d stay there forever if it meant her people were safe but that still left her brothers here at the pack with Aiden. So you luid the witch put a hex on one of then, knowing full well the other two would leave to search for him and search for the answer but you never counted on them working together. You thought that once they left, Ailen would choose you.” Her eyes fell and her lips turned down in a snail.
“It would’ve worked too if they hadn’t all been so obviously incompetent. Gabby wasn’t supposed to leave, I forgot to factor in the mate bond where that bi*ch could still talk to her mate.” She seethed.
“But it’s over, it’s done, you’ve lost. So why don’t you just tell us who the witch is?” She stepped up to me but Nick stepped an inch to the side in front of me and Sam stopped.
“I’m dead either way, so I’m taking this one to the grave with me.I looked down at her hands and gasped when I saw her nails had practically been filed away. The marks on the door and the walls, I thought they were from her claws but her own nails were damaged
wounds weren’t healing. beyond recognition and her
“What happened to your nails?” I asked her and she
quickly hid them.
“Nick,” Aiden said from behind us and everybody turned.
“He’s here.” Sam’s eyes widened and she shook her head.
“What, no! He’s not supposed to be back,” she whispered and I saw the confusion mixed with sadness in the depths of her eyes. I wanted the truth because I could see how much of it was still uncovered.
Noah was sitting in Aidens office. The warriors had found him wandering the streets and after having put up a fight they finally managed to knock him unconscious and toss him in the car.
He got up from the chair when he saw us coming and he walked straight up to his brothers.
“What the hell is going on? Who are they?” He asked and looked at Gabby, Cassy, and me. Had he forgotten both of them? 1 understood he didnät know me, we hadn’t even met but Cassy was his mate and Gabriella was his sister.
Whoever this witch was, she was strong and whatever payment she’d received from Sam was grand for this to take effect.
“Sit down, we need to talk,”
“About what?” He sat down and his brothers stepped in front of him, leaning back on the desk. questions to see what he remembered and what he didn’t but Noah
They proceeded to ask him seemed to remember a lot about his life and his family, just not Gabby. When asked if he had a mate he also said no meaning he had no idea who Cassy was to him, or at all for that matter.
“Someone has been messing with your head and we need you to stay here until we figure out who it is,”
“The hell I will. I’m getting out of here.” He got up and Gabby placed a soft hand on his chest. Noah growled and his eyes started glowing, his claws extended and he grabbed her arm.
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Alpha’s Betted Bride

Alpha’s Betted Bride
Gabby’s eyes widened and she was staring in shock at our brother who had no recognition of her whatsoever. He twisted her arm and extended his claws.
“Get back!” Edmund pushed at his chest, I went around Cabby and grabbed his arm and we pinned him against the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” Edmund growled. He turned his head and looked at me but this time I didn’t have the answer and that pissed me off. He knew me and Edmund but how could he
protecting each other. He was the one alongside Edmund who would break necks and slit throats to keep her safe and now all of sudden she was a stranger to him.
have forgotten about her? All her life it had been the three of us, working shit out together and
“Easy,” Gabby said beside me,
Everyone was silent for a minute, including Noah who was seething and trying to push us back..
When I looked into his eyes I could see my brother but there was something more, something that wasn’t him and it was eating him
We needed to find the witch but until then I couldn’t risk him leaving the pack or hurting my sister.
Aiden, get your warriors and tell them to take him to the dungeon.” Noah’s eyes turned back to their normal color and I felt his body slumping back against the wall. He stopped trying to fight us and just gave up.
“Why?” His face contorted in confusion but no explanation would work, he wouldn’t believe me so I didn’t say anything.
Aiden’s warriors came in but stopped inches away from us when Noah growled in a warning. One of them took out a syringe and handed it to me. I plunged it into his neck and I saw the feat of betrayal in his eyes before he fell to the floor.
“Is the dungeon really necessary?” Gabby asked me when the door to the office closed.
“To keep you safe, yes.” I stared down at her and waited for the judgment in her eyes to subside before I continued. She nodded her head and stepped back.
“How do we find this f*cking witch?” Just as I asked the question, the office door opened and a warrior brought Sam in and tossed her on the floor by my feet. Aiden looked at me, a look of a man with a plan and he walked up in front of Sam. Gabby looked confusedly at the weird interaction but we all stood back and just watched
Sam looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot red, her face pale like a corpse and her bones were starting to visibly show as her skin
shrunk in.
“You’re dying,” Aiden said and squatted down in front of her.
She coughed and glared at him, her strength was gone, the life in her eyes had vanished and there was little hope left in her. She had accepted her faith.
“But you don’t have to,” I looked at Gabby when Aiden spoke. Her brows were furrowed and I saw her foot starting to move but put my hand on her shoulder, asking her to stay put.
*Sam, we can be together, you and I in this pack. Leading it as one. They will all leave, Gabby and her brothers will go back to their own pack and I will choose you to be my Luna. He cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her dry lips. “All you have to do is tell us who the witch is that put the hex on Noah. They aren’t going to leave without him, so if you want this life with me as I want it with you then tell us her name and where we can find her. Noah will be cured and they will take their leave,” she leaned forward, a glint in her eye returned and she leaned into his touch. Sam crawled forward, too weak to carry her own weight but Alden helped her closer.
“Do you promise?” Her voice sounded as if she hadn’t spoken in months.
He looked so deeply and fiercely into her eyes, his hand caressed her cheek and I fe
felt the anger radiating from my sister.
Her lips were pressed in a thin line and she was digging her nails into the palm of her hands. “Don’t,” I whispered and held ont
Gabby looked down and then up at me, her eyes showed just how angry she was getting but she didn’t move and she didn’t speak.
“I promise. We’ll be together, just you and me. Tell me her name, he leaned in closer and I arm. I felt someone stepping up behind me and saw Erin placing her hand on Gabby’s back.
tightened my hold around Gabby’s
et Alden
“Her name is Liliana, she lives outside Crosstown in the woods,” Sam said and smiled. She leaned up, her lips brushing against and the life in her eyes returning as she gazed into his.
He nodded his head and leaned closer.
“Thank you,” Sam’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Aiden tvisted the dagger and pulled it
out as Sam’s body collapsed and she stopped breathing right away
y stared in shock a
and drew in a sharp breath.
He looked toward the door where three warriors were standing.
“Liliana, find her and bring her to me.” He said and clenched his jaw.
Another warrior came in and removed Sam’s body. Aiden walked over, grabbed Gabby, and pulled her to him.
y sister exhaled and slumped into his hold.
“We’ll h
have her soon,”
‚” Aiden said. He turned his head and locked eyes with Erin. They still had a lot to talk about.
“Do you have a minute?” He asked her and she reluctantly nodded her head. The look in her eyes was what scared me, she looked hesitant about everything and not like someone who wanted to give this life a chance. The thought of Erin leaving was more than I could handle but I didn’t know how to make her stay.
-Erin’s POV-
My heart was racing as 1 and Aiden walked down the corridor. We stopped and took a seat on the chairs near the table by the
He was just as nervous as I was and I couldn’t blame him, he had no idea that he had a sister. “So uhm, I’m not sure where to start,”
he said and leaned back.
“Start from the beginning, tell me about your life here and your family,” I s
I said and
d tried getting him to relax.
Aiden began telling me about his upbringing and his history with Asher. That guy had always been a dik* apparently but I couldn’t believe the things he had done to his brother.
“So yeah, after Asher left, the title was passed down to me and after my series of bad decisions throughout my life, everyone thought they’d stop once I was Alpha but they didn’t,”
“How so?”
“I was f*cked up as a kid abd it followed me int
then what I kno
being without men herken was hard
Later gn, I couldn’t get mom the fact that Asher had left, I didn’t know Then Cabi me along. I treated her like shit, she walked nei, found Asher, I found them both, later killed him, and got her back. So, prin käten, nermal family stuff,” my heart henke for him. His parents
ing and confiend dealing atema and lilor the world was againi him tried to protect him by lying bet.
A small port of
sold and endle) |
1 and amfied fork
Chapter Comments
attire. “I’d really like it if you stayed,” he
(to lie and

Aiden and I sat in silence for several minutes before I had the courage to speak.
“I don’t know yet. There’s just so much going on and things that have happened that I don’t know if I can stay. I mean I just found out that I have this whole other family that I thought all my life gave me up. Now I have a mate as well and things just aren’t working out as they’re supposed to,”
“Or maybe they’re working out exactly as they’re supposed to. You went through hell, Erin, but now you’re here, you’re home. Maybe this was your way back,”
“Or maybe I was just never meant to come back,” I whispered. The life I had been living for the past years had been that of a nightmare and the thought of it all being part of my faith was
“Just don’t do anything rash, take your time and think about it before deciding,”
Aiden got up and left. His eyes were pleading with me but just like the rest of them, I knew he
wouldn’t try to stop me if I chose
to leave. He’d respect my decision, as they all would because they were nice people and maybe if I had been here sooner before everything else happened, I would’ve had an easier time making this choice.
“Are you okay?” Gabby asked me when I walked down the stairs.
“Yeah I’m fine, just had a talk with Aiden,”
“How’d it go?”
“I don’t know,” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
I looked around and noticed
ed that no one else was there
“Where’s Cassy and your brothers?”
“Cassy is down in the dungeons with Noah a
and my brothers are waiting for the warriors to come back with the witch.”
We heard a car
driving up outside and d ran out meet them. The warriors stepped out covered in
blood and sot and growled as they walked up to us.
They stopped in front of Gabby and hung their heads.
“Sorry, Luna. We couldn’t get her,” Gabby stared in confusion at the wounded warriors. These were some of the strongest, most well- trained, and feared werewolves in the country and they couldn’t bring in one witch? How strong was this bit*h?
“That’s okay, go clean up,” she said.
“Who is this girl?” She asked and looked up at me.
4-shook my head and looked down the road. Maybe there was another way to bring her in, but how?
“What happened? Where are they?” Nick asked when he came out
Edmund followed behind him but his eyes strained to keep focus as two girls walked by and he bit down on his lip. They grinned and laughed, one of the girls pulled her shirt down exposing her cleavage and Edmund smirked.
“They couldn’t get her, you should’ve seen them. Whoever she is, she’s strong.” Gabby said and sighed.
“Maybe we should go.” Edmund said and stepped closer. The girls were gone so he could focus again.
“No, no way. If they couldn’t get her I’m not sending you in .”
“It’s cute that you think you have a say in the matter, sis,” Edmund said and grinned. She stepped up in front of him and raised her
“I do have a say in it. In fact, I have the last say so in everything that goes on around here because, in case you have forgotten, I am
remember that.” Edmund’s eyes fell and he clenched his jaw so hard 1 the Luna. As long as you’re staying here, you’ll do well to
thought his teeth would come out in dust.
“My apologies, Luna.” He seethed and stepped back. Aiden came out as well and heard about that happened. Edmund walked inside, seething as he walked up the stairs and into his room.
Gabby only did what she did out of love and fear and Edmund knew that but she pulled rank and that he didn’t like.
“We’ll think of something else,” Aiden said and grabbed her hand. They walked upstairs and that left me with Nick. Why was I so d*mn uncomfortable around him?
“Are you hungry?” I nodded my head and walked with him into the kitchen. Nobody else was there but I saw a smaller table that had been set up in the corner. Candles had been lit and the food was placed in the middle.
“You did this?” I gasped.
“Come on,” he said softly and grabbed my hand. He pulled out my chair and then sat down opposite of me. Nick poured us some wine and dimmed the light so that the candles could shine in their beauty.
is amazing.” he smiled and filled my plate before his own.
I stared at him, his beautiful eyes that glittered under the light of the fire, his chiseled jaw, and his smooth lips.
He rolled his sleeve up and I saw the tattoos that he had on his left arm. It was an angel with a wolf behind it.
“What’s that?” I asked and he saw where my eyes had landed. He pointed to the angel, “Ths is my sister, and this,” he said and pointed to the wolf, “is me, always standing behind her, protecting her. got it a few days after she turned thirteen. When she was born I swore to her that I would always, no matter what, protect her forever,”
Me and Nick started eating and he asked questions about my childhood and my old pack.
“We would always go on hunts together, even when I didn’t have my wolf. They would hurt, have their fun and then come back to the tent we’d set up and we’d grill marshmallows and tell scary stories.” I remembered the memories fondly as they represented some of the best days in my life. Nothing could replace them.
“Your family sounds amazing,” he said and smiled.
“They were the absolute best in every single way. I mean they took in a stray wolf, having no idea about who I was or where I came from. They didn’t hesitate for a second,” I laughed when I remembered the stories my mom told me about when she found me. She looked around for a few days to see if anyone missed their daughter but after the third day, she told the Alpha to call off the search. She said that if nobody had come by now I was hers. She called dibs and took me home.
“I’m glad you were taken care of. It could’ve gone a lot worse for a little girl out there all alone,”
leave my side and. I remember
“I know, me too. It was like I was protected. There was a dove when I was out there, it wouldn’t following it until I was found out in the woods. My parents were out hunting outside the border and that’s where they found me,” I said and held the pendant around my neck. It was the only thing I had with me except for my clothes.
We had eaten our food and continued talking. There was something about Nick that I couldliyi
I was feeling ot was this just him? strength that I hadn’t ever sensed before. Was it the mate bond
We heard a car roaring to life outside and the tires pressing into the gravel.
Nick looked at me wide eyed and clenched his jaw..
“Edmund.” He growled and pushed back his chair but as we
toward us.
Gabby and Alden came running downstairs prd Gabby was rolled his eyes and glared at her before turning his head.
The warriors were looking at us and quickly walked over.
shabo. He had a certain calm and
we saw that the car wasn’t leaving, it was coming up the road
attoning her shirt. I smirked when I saw her and she slapped my arm.
car stopped and a woman stepp
“That’s het, Alpha. That’s the witch.” They said and took their starce next to m. Her blonde hair blow in the wind and she tossed it
in the gravel. The witch was here and she was not at all over her shoulder. Her lean legs swayed as she walked perfectly in her
what I expected.
Chapter Comments

“Sending a bunch of big men with big muscles may work for you wolves but when it comes to a witch, it’s better to send someone with respect.” She said as she stood in front of Aiden.
“You’re Liliana,”
“And you must the Alpha,” she reached out her hand and Aiden shook it. Liliana’s eyes suddenly furrowed and she looked past him. She walked up the stairs and looked around the entrance. Her eyes were searching for something and it looked like they found it when a door opened up upstairs and a girl walked out. She was pulling down her dress and giggling as she pulled Edmund closer and pressed her body against his. He smirked and nibbled on her ear but then stopped. He froze in his spot and slowly turned his head. His eyes locked with Lilianas and started glowing.
“Mate,” was the only word that left
his l
lips. The girl gasped and slapped him as she stormed off down the stairs and out of the house without making eye contact with anyone. Edmund was taking slow steps down the stairs and Liliana walked closer. She scoffed and nodded her head as he came to stand in front of her.
“Great, my mate is the pack whore.” She said in disgust and Edmund rose a brow. “And brother.” He growled.
d my mate is the witch bi*ch who hexed my
“Guess we’re both out of luck,” she turned around with a sigh and looked at Aiden and Gabby. Edmund was clenching his jaw and staring down at her from behind.
“Where is he?” She asked and let her arms swing freely.
“You’re here to remove the hex?”
“No, I’m here to bake cookies and pet your wolves,” she tarcastically remarked.
The windows closed shut and darkness fell over all of us. Had I not been told what this meant I would’ve thought we were under attack but right on cue, the pack’s own witch walked inside with Aidens parents behind her.
“Liliana,” she said.
“Tasha,” Tasha? The witch’s name was Tasha, that was new information.
“You two know each other?” Aiden asked and looked confused between them..
“Liliana was my student for many years until she turned to the darkness,” Liliana smiled and nodded her head.
“I see you’re still as grumpy as ever,” she said.
“Why are you here?” Aiden asked again and stepped in front of Liliana.
*Never mind that, where is he?” She asked.
We walked down to the dungeon and opened up Noah’s cell. Cassy jumped up and looked at everyone. Her eyes landed on Liliana and began to glow as her wolf stepped forward.
“You.” She growled and jumped at the witch who stood calmly and just watched. Aiden grabbed her shoulders and held her back.
“She’s here to fix it, Cassy,” she calmed slightly but I could tell she still wanted the witch dead and I couldn’t blame her.
Noah walked out of the cell and Liliana went up to him.
y was ready as he just
“Catch him,” she said and placed her hand on the side of his face. Nobody
collapsed but Aiden and Nick were quick to catch him before he hit the concrete floor. “Thank you for the warning,” he seethed and glared at her.
“Bring him to your office.” She walked out ahead of everyone else but I stayed back. I was too curious and patted the pack witch on her shoulder. She turned her head and waited for the door to close before she spoke.
“What is it you want to know, dear?” She pulled out a wooden chair from the corner and sat down. “What happened between you and Liliana?” I asked her and leaned back against the bars.
“She was my student for a long time and the most gifted one as well. You see, many years befe I came here I worked in my house
their emotions and their powers and they all grew stronger, many with many young witches and wizards. I taught them to control started their own schools of magic around the country. Liliana was not one of them, she started tapping into dark magic wanting to get
stronger and more powerful. She started doing favors for werewolves, taking payment however she saw fit. I told her that if she wanted to stay she had to change her ways but she refused. I let her go and told her to leave, and never come back and she did. This is the first time since then that I have seen her.”
“Are there other witches like her?” She stood up and smirked at me but I saw the twitch and darkness in her eyes.
“There are no witches like her, dear,”
Noah was sitting on the armchair in the office Liliana raised her hand and a fire started roaring to life in the fireplace.
He leaned back and she placed her hands on either side of his head. Her eyes glimmered as she glanced at Aiden.
“We’ll talk about my payment after I suppose.” She said with a smick and turned her gaze back to Noah.
“Don’t interfere, whatever happens.” She said and closed her eyes. The fire behind them grew twice the size and started moving out of the fireplace. Everyone backed away and just looked at what was happening. Noah’s eyes rolled back into his head and only the white of his eyes showed. Gabby’s breathing rapidly sped up and I could tell that she and her brothers were worried.
“Will this hurt him?” Nick asked and clenched his jaw.
“Are you asking me if messing with someone’s brain and memories can hurt them?” She asked without diverting her eyes.
Noah’s nails dug into the armrests and he was clenching his teeth together. A loud scream echoed in the office and it sounded like he was being tortured. When Liliana stepped back, she looked intensely at Noah’s every littlest movement. He closed his eyes and
panted heavily, sweat dripped down his face and his hands relaxed.
“How is he?” Gabby asked and stepped closer but Edmund and Nick blocked her way. They walked up to their brother, wanting to make sure it was really him before they allowed Gabby anyway near him.
“Brother?” Noah h didn’t open his eyes nor did he speak
“I swear by the goddess that if you’ve killed him-” Edmund growled and got up in Liliana’s face.
“Ye a little faith, he’s fine. He’s just being dramatic, seems it runs in the family,” she said in a monotone voice and scanned Edmund
from top to toe.
“Yeah, I’m…I’m fine,” they looked at Noah who spoke and he slowly fluttered his eyes open.
Gabby pushed past her brothers and jumped into his arms. We all looked warily at them for a moment to see any sign of hostility
but were able to relax when Noah chuckled and wrapped his arms a
“Hey, sis,” he sat up and looked into her eyes.
around her.
“I’m so sorry, I remember all of it…I’m so sorry I couldn’t remember you,” he said. She licked her lips and nodded her head before
“Do you remember someone else?” She asked softly in a whisper. looking behind the rest of us.
He slowly turned his head and scanned over everyone and then his eyes landed on her. He pushed himself up from the armchair and ran over to Cassy, picked her up, and kissed her.
“I’m so
o f*cking sorry,” he said as he pressed his face into the crock of her neck.
“I’m just happy you’re okay.”
themselves, for some reason,
Everyone was rejoicing in having Noah back and the sight of everyone so happy and beyond caused a pit to grow in my stomach. It felt like I was watching from behind a window looking in at a loving happy family. Aiden and Noah shook hands and hugged. Noah’s arm was constantly around Cassy’s waist and he only let go to hug Gabby three more times and apologize. Edmund was gleaming at the sight of his brother and Nick was in the middle of them all. The voices were closing out and I felt like I was drifting away, further and further away.
It only broke when I heard Nick’s voice and saw him standing in front of me with a quizzical look on his face.
“Are you alright?” He asked and cupped my cheek with his hand. I couldn’t deny the chemistry, the bond, and the feeling of his skin against mine. It wasn’t like anything I had ever felt, I knew it wouldn’t be, being with your mate was different but I felt so bad for the choice I had made.
d up to us. “And all is well in the end. Now let’s talk payment,”
“1” Before I could finish speaking, Liliana raised her hands and walked up
she said.
“How much do you want?” Alden asked her.
“Oh no, what I want is the real question.” She smiled and almost everybody y tensed, except for Aiden och Nick.
nt?” She turned her eyes and smirked.
“What do you want?”
“I’ll let you know when I think of it. Something equal to saving your mate’s brother, it’s gonna be
steep,” she said and walked past him, brushing her shoulder against his on her way out. “What the hell happened to me?” Noah asked after the door closed
“It was Sam, she had Liliana put a hex on you to make you forget Gabby and your mate.” Sam’s infatuation with Aiden had not only nearly ruined a family but it got her killed. How could a person be so in love that they would be driven to make such awful decisions? And to someone who’s not even their mate.
It was baffling to me and truthfully, it scared me to think that I could fall so heavily for Nick that I might be in her shoes one day. That deep, unforgiving type of love that messes with your head.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked and looked at me.
“Oh, nothing.”1 shook my head and smiled at him.
I was in my room, packing away the little things I had and leaving behind everything that I had gotten from Gabby. She bought me a whole new wardrobe and other essentials without asking, but I couldn’t bring them with me. Not only did I feel like I didn’t deserve it but I felt like I didn’t deserve them. They had formed a bond, all of them and I was just imposing myself into something that wasn’t mine to have . 1 zipped up the bag and took a deep breath as I looked around the room. To think that this could we been my home, that I could’ve grown up with a brother and be a part of the love they share for each other. I closed my eyes and inhaled once again.
“Are you really doing this? To have my wolf back center and my heart.
as the best gift could ve ever gotten. With everything else gone, she was my

Alpha’s Betted Bride
-Erin’s POV-
dy to say goodbye to everyone but as I got to foyer I saw them all standing there with big smiles on their faces.
I walked out, ready
“There you are, come on, we’re going for a run!” Gabby said and came to grab my hand. “Gabby, no, I have something-
“Don’t. Not yet,” she whispered and the sadness in her eyes was just heartbreaking.
“Sure, let’s go for a run,” I said and squeezed her hand. We didn’t shift at first, we took off our hoes and ran on the ground, through and down into the woods. I closed my eyes and allowed my other senses to take the stirring wheel as the wind embraced me. We all shifted and ran between the trees and tried catching up with each other.
Nick’s wolf slowed a little beside me and we stopped behind everyone else as they continued. He came up and started nuzzling me. He leaned his head over my wolves and they rubbed against abasing each other, both as pleased as they could ever be. Somehow this
Our ears made me feel worse because now I realized that I wasn’t just leaving my mate, I was taking my wolf away from hers. perked up and we looked around. We could hear it and the smell was undeniable. Someone was here and they weren’t with the pack. Nick took a protective stance next to me and started growling. He howled up at the sky, sending a warning to whoever it was to walk
From behind the trees, we saw a pack of ferocious wolves coming towards us. They were walking slowly, taking their time and scanning us. They didn’t seem like rogues, which only made it worse. We were on the outskirts of the woods, near the end of the border but no wolf, not even rogues, would dare come onto to the pack grounds. With a few more steps to spare, they jumped and started
attacking. Nick and I were jumping at them, he was trying to protect me and I him, but they were far too many. I looked to the side for just a second and saw how he fought. His wolf was powerful by far and there was a hint of regret in the wolves’ steps as they ran
looked towards him. We started biting down and clawing at them, but however many we killed, more showed up. I heard a howl and to the side. It was Aiden and the others. I was fighting off three wolves and someone came running into them and bit down. Four wolves circled me while the and the others were occupied by my friends. We growled and bared our my teeth, but it did little to keep them at bay. One of them attacked and I felt the sharp sting as he sunk his teeth into my wolf’s back. She yelped and stepped back. The next attack was two of them at the same time, one of them we managed to bite and the other sunk his teeth into side.
We looked over and saw Nick’s wolf, our eyes locked and I saw the desperation his eyes held. His bites became harder and his fighting more violent as he tried to kill his way over to me. Another bite on my side and I staggered back.
“Who are they?”
‘I have no idea’
‘Erin, we’re notfully healed, I don’t have myfull strength yet”
“I know”
I felt the fear creeping up and looked around. We were surrounded by wolves.
A loud howl, louder than any I had ever heard, echoed throughout the entire woods and I looked to where it the sound was coming from. In the distance I saw two wolves in the front, running fast with others behind them. The two in the front jumped over me and
the bigger one ran over to the others while the smaller landed on one of the wolves that had surrounded me.
One by one, the wolf sunk her teeth into them and ripped out chunks of their flesh. She moved around in a circle around me and the second someone tried to attack, she ran forward and bit down. She never missed. Her moves were so quick that I missed half of them. When all had been killed off, and the others saw their companions laying dead on the ground, they slowly backed away and took off running but they were hunted down.
I’d be shocked if any of them got out alive. The warriors came with bags and pulled out clothes for everyone. The wolf that had
protected me went around a tree and when she came back, I saw Marie standing in front of me. She reached out her hand and I grabbed it, completely oblivious to my
naked state.
“I’ve already lost you once, I will not loose you again,” she s
said and turned around, walking back to the pack.
“Clean up this mess and discard all bodies,” she ordered to the warriors.
“What would you like us to do with them?”
*Burn them, all except for one, I want his head,” she said and pointing at a man who had shifted back who’s eyes were wide open.
“Do you know who they were?” I asked as we all sat in the private dining hall.
“No, but someone will,” Marie said, drinking from her tea.
“Why did you want that man’s head?” I asked.
“He was the leader, not of the pack probably, but he was in charge of the attack.” “How could you tell?”
“Once he died, the others retreated. You don’t back away u
unless your leader says
so or dies,” she said, smiling.
“You were so strong.” I whispered.
“So are you, you just have to train and your wolf has to rest.” I nodded my head and scoffed.”
“I don’t know about that,” I said.”
“You’re are my daughter, you don’t need to know, I do.”You are my daughter.
Nick and I were heading to our rooms. We stopped outside my door and I opened it up and said goodnight. He cupped my cheek and ran his thumb across my lips and I closed my eyes. The touch of this man was amazing and just as I opened my eyes, I noticed he’d stopped and with furrowed brows, he looked in to my room. He walked past me slowly and I saw what he was looking at
“Nick,” I said and stepped over to him. He stood by the bed and looked at my bag. “You’re leaving,” he said, sounding defeated.

“I just…I don’t feel like I belong here,” I said and looked down, too ashamed to look into his eyes. I felt his finger under my chin and he tilted my head back. My eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes
“You do,” he said and leaned down, he placed a soft kiss on the side of my
my mouth.
“You belong here,” he said and kissed my jaw. He raised his head, his eyes locking me down and he stepped closer, brushing his body against mine.
“You belong with me.” He said and kissed my lips, I drew a sharp breath and released it heavily feeling my chest and my shoulders.
He continued placing soft kisses on my lips and his other hand rested on my waist.
1 leaned forward, pressing myself against him and my mind and my thoughts ceased to exist. I pressed my lips harder onto his and grabbed onto the back of his head..
His tongue slipped in and he held me so hard as if begging me to stay. Worried that if he let go, I’ll be gone. He gently lifted me and placed me on the bed.
“I’m begging you,” he said and removed my shirt. He grabbed my head and pulled me to him, kissing down my neck and caressing my back. “Stay with me.”
I was laying on my back, my body burning for his touch and my hand dragging over his muscles.
He lifted my leg slightly and removed my panties. As he held my leg he raised his head and gazed into my eyes.
“I won’t do anything that you don’t w
want me to,” I grabbed onto his hair and slammed my lips on Nick’s.
“Get inside of me.” I moaned and he needed no further confirmation. Nick’s tip slid in and he moved so slowly as though I would
break he went any faster.
“I can take it,” I said, feeling agitated at the slow pace. I wanted him, all of him, faster and more.
“I’m gonna savor this and take my time.” He said and pressed my head down into the bed. I saw the smirk playing on his lips and
head. when he slid in all the way and pressed against my wet folds my head flew back and my eyes rolled back into my
-Gabby’s POV-
As I and Aiden walked into the room, I gasped and my hands flew up to cover my mouth. The room had been filled with roses, and petals sprinkled on the floor and the bed. Candles were lit all over and chocolate-covered strawberries, which looked a little like a child had made them, were placed on the bed along with cookies and a bottle of wine.
“You did this?” I gasped and looked at him.
He rubbed his hands on his shirt and drew in a deep breath. Why did he look so nervous?
“I did,” he said and nodded his head. He walked into the center of the room and I was looking in awe at everything he had done. There was not one single surface that hadn’t been covered in rose petals or a vase with red roses in it.
I turned back around in utter shock and gasped once again. My heart started racing, my palms suddenly grew sweaty and my eyes began to water. There he was, in the center of the room, the candles illuminating his face and he stood on one knee with a box in his hands.
He opened the box, exposing the heart-shaped crystal ring.
“What is this?” I cried.
was given “We didn’t get this part. We didn’t get to do it the right way, I never got to eam your love and your hand in marriage, to me. I promised you that I would spend the rest of my life replacing every bad memory in that beautiful head of yours with something beautiful and I will stay true to that promise til the day I die. Because not only is it for you but I have never felt happier than when I see you smile of see you truly enjoying a memory that I have helped create. So, I want to ask you, Gabriella Santos, will you marry me? Will you do me the honor to love you every single day for the rest of my life? The tears fell one by one but for the first time in my life, they weren’t of sadness. They were of pure joy and love and my heart had never been so full, so happy and so incredibly
very calm.
“Yes,” I cried and laughed through the tears. He smiled from ear to ear, standing up and taking out the ring. He removed the one I had since before, the round crystal ring he had given me on the day we got married and he replaced it with the heart.
“Yes,” I cried again and swung my arms around him.
1 and Aiden consummated our marriage for the hundredth time but this time felt different, It felt like we had our wedding night as it should’ve been. We were sitting in bed, eating strawberries and cookies, sipping on wine, and talking.
“Did you make these?” I asked as 1 bit down on a strawberry.
“Is it that obvious?” He said with a grin as he picked up his own one that was drenched in chocolate.
laughed and nodded my head.
I and leaned in, placing a kiss on my husband’s lips. I saw his brows furrowed in
“They are by far the best I’ve ever had,” I said and question and the air around us changed slightly.
“Are you worried?” He asked and searched my eyes.
“About the attack?” He nodded his head in response.
“We’ve taken on worse before, I don’t see why this time would be any different.” I said. “This time we don’t know who our enemy is,”
he said.
“Is there anyone you can think of?” He shook his head.
I wish there was but the only one I have in mind is dead. Do you?”
“My first thought would’ve been my parents but they’re dead too so it can’t be them.”
“Did they have any enemies?” I looked at him with furrowed brows and couldn’t help but laugh. They were power-thirsty psychopaths, they had nothing but enemies,” I said and shook my head
“Anyone that stands out?” He asked and now he sounded more serious, as though it could actually be one of their enemies and it wouldn’t surprise me if it were.
“There was this one pack, they uhm, they refused the ally with my parents and so they…” I bit down on my tongue and thought back to that horrific day when my parents told me what they had done.
“What did they do?” Aiden asked.
“They burnt it to the ground, the whole pack. From what I heard, everyone died. Men, women… children.” Hu grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him.
“Their wrongdoings aren’t yours. You were just a kid, and even if you weren’t there was nothing you could’ve done .* 1 smiled and
leaned in, pressing my lips against his.
The next morning I and Aiden walked downstairs to have breakfast with everyone else. The second we stepped into the dining hall 1 could feel that something was different.
My eyes searched over everyone at the table and I saw Erin and Nick sitting next to each other but my eyes were drawn more to what was sitting on Erin’s neck.
“You’re marked?” I screamed and everyone jumped and turned around.
I stood gaping at the mark on her neck. Eriti smiled, her cheeks blushed and she dragged her fingers over the mark before gazing lovingly into my brother’s eyes.
“1 am,” she said. Nick smiled and I saw the mark on his neck as well.
“Does this mean you’re staying?” She looked at me silently for a second and then back at Nick. Erin turned her head and smiled at
“It does,” she said happily and the joy I felt was unexplainable.
Behind us, Edmund walked in. He, however, did not look happy one bit. A few of the girls stood and walked over to him but he shrugged them off and walked past all of them, not even sparing them glance. They scoffed and walked back to their tables with bruised egos
He sat down and didn’t say a word to anybody. He grabbed his plate and started eating. After him I saw Liliana stepping inside the dining hall, all eyes turned to her and I saw how the girls started brushing their fingers through their hair and pushing their chests out while the men drooled and could barely look straight.
She came over and sat down and an eery, uncomfortable stillness fell over us.

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 71-80

screaming and watched as one of the I walked down the corridor and past an open space with a sofa and a fireplace. I heard some men f*cked the girl over the table. He was slamming into her and turned his head as though he sensed me. His eyes were black and he was digging his fingers into the girl’s waist,
Our eyes
locked and he smiled, laughing menacingly before growling and f*cking her even harder. The girl’s eyes rolled back into her head and she gritted her teeth. I hurriedly walked past the room. A dreadful thought flashed in my mind the closer I got to the wooden door. I grabbed onto the metal handle and pressed it down. It was the only door here, this had to be where the girl had run off to.
There was a straight stone staircase leading up to another floor and it was dark and damp. My foot slipped and I gasped as I held onto the wall.
At the top of the stairs was another door but it was locked. I looked back, the door downstairs was closed and I didn’t hear anyone coming. As I listened to whatever was happening on the other side of the door I heard a heartbeat. Only one.
I put pressure on the handle and it opened.
There she was, curled up on a bed by the wall. Staring out through little round window which was the only one present in the round room. We were up in one of the towers. The walls were grey and the floors were covered in dust.
“You shouldn’t be here.” The girl said and pressed her legs against her chest, hugging them tightly.
“I just want to make sure you’re alright.” I said and stepped closer, closed the door behind me.
She wiped her nose and shook her head.
“I’m fine, leave now please.”
“No,” I walked closer, carefully getting closer but I didn’t want to spook her.
She looked so broken and fragile.
“If they find you here you’re f*cked.” She said.
“I’ll be just fine. Can you tell me your name?” She looked to be my age, possibly in her twenties but she was young.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Gab-”
“I know you are.” She snapped and turned her head.
Earlier I had been so caught up looking into her frightened eyes that I hadn’t seen the big bruise around her neck.
“What h
happened to
neck?” I asked.
Her hand came up and she held it around her throat.
“Gabby you need to leave,” she whispered.
“You’re not safe here. Whatever you have seen them do to the other girls, is nothing compared to what you will suffer through if you stay,” I gulped and know that she was right.
“Who are you? And how did you end up in this place?” She sighed and wiped away a tear. Her blonde hair was slicked back in a short
bob and her blue eres
es glistenes!
kin hit them
women, and the children. Only a few girls were kept “My pack was slaughtered by Asher and his men. They killed all of the mer alive. Once they were t with the killing spive they grabbed and fejed it up remember them prying our mouths open and pouring
“Nome lasing on the ground. Their limbs were for off and their
me up and pointed to each of us. We learned that those who
In a mixture of wolfshone and water. We saw the bodies of everyone children were still close to their bodies as they tried to protect them (per didn’t get chosen died right next to ein bodies. They grabbed on amit brought one bi cine this would come in and f*ck on. After a few weeks, one ma
OM during dinner, dancing on all of them. Then thi
turn and they didn’t stop until they were all finished,” che looked empty hollene with nothing left And Funderstood th
all here. Tocked us up and repeatedly meryday and night- andt come pick a girl and pull her out. We were told to strip. ing end clothes off and pulling on dosen on their d*cks. All of them took Molest at me. The pain in her eyes wat there hit besides that they kar die and everyona alus had been throuch. I couldn’t even imagina
“They broke us, all of us, and now it’s just like it happens automatically. None of us have been able tin connect with our wolves for ages. They we wolfshame to keep them dormant “
“You have to leave, 1 said and sat down on the edge of her bed I tured for the door and looked at her desperately
“All of you you need to go. I’ll help you,” I was ready to take whatever punishment would come but they couldn t keep being tortured like this. Their pack had been murdered, their families were dead and these young girls were kidnapped and used as s*x slaves
She grabbed my hand and smiled sadly.
“We can’t go anywhere but you can en
“Why can’t you po**
“Asher has a witch who helps him and the has put a spell on us. Ware confide to the house and it’s not the house that is under the spell but it is us. If we try and leavect
“If we try and leave, one of us will die It’s random. A few
all made a plan to leave and nobody had told us about the spell We all met up and one of us went out before the others. I heard someone choking behind me and saw Dana, one of my closest trends choking on nothing but air. She collapsed and fell to the ground Lifelen. Asher came out with three of his men and that’s when he told us Said he didn’t want to say anything but rather felt it üld be thone educational if we learned for ourselves”
“Who is this witch?
“Her name is Liliana. She’s basically Asher but a woman’s body
I was seething, I hadn’t touched my coffee a
on her cup and chewing on the inside of her chuck. The
ill waiting for this*itch to name her price. She was tapping her finger rbs and concoctions was making me sick and I just wanted to get this
“What can you offer me Star asked
“Anything, just name your price
“Your soul” she said and narrowed her eyes. She looked at me and waited for my teply
The skies were dark with onus clouds hanging over the house on the only lights would be the candles she fit.
“Deal” I said and watched as lut lips parsed
koyun bugan to tage in het gate
10:41 Wed, May 22
“Lies.” She growled and he cup broke in her hand. The witch stood to her feet and I stood with her. My wolf stepped closer.
“You have no soul to sell. Did you really think I would fall for that? How desperate are you to get what you want that it drives you to try and trick a witch?” She stepped closer. Winds that hadn’t existed before started swirling around us.
“What can you give me?” She seethed and I rolled back my shoulders. My breath was caught in my throat and I looked toward the
“Don’t even think about it.” She said and flicked her wrist a drawer flew and barricaded the only exit out of this place.
“Whatever you want!” I screamed over the wind.
The look she suddenly got in her eyes worried me. She dropped her hand, the winds settled and the flames on the candles no longer blew from side to side.
“For me to put a hex on the man you wish and make it so that you can have your Alpha all to yourself. What I ask for in return- the price you must pay, is your wolf.” She said and smiled.

It felt like the world stopped spinning and the only thing moving around at this point was the subtle flicker of the flame behind the witch.
She asked me to give up my wolf.
“You’re not seriously thinking about this, are you?”
Aiden can finally be mine
“Your obsession is driving you to give me up, don’t you see how much of a problem this has become? You’re acting like a psycho and Aiden will never want to be with a wolfless girl’
I’m so sorry
“Deal.” I said and Triana growled in the back of my head- so loud that I closed my eyes and bit together to get through the pain.
“Come with me.” She said and walked into the adjoining room. I walked with heavy steps, and the only Aidens face. His glorious body and his arms wrap around me as he chooses me.
ly thing I saw in front of me was
He’ll be mine. He will finally be mine.
“Lay down.” She said and pointed to a wooden table.
1 got up and laid down on my back with my hand on my stomach.
‘Don’t do this. You’ll regret it!”
The witch grabbed my hands and placed them at my sides.
‘Sam, you can’t do this. You’re not really about to do this, are you?”
I winced from the pain of the silver dagger cutting into my wrist,
My blood flowed out and trickled down into a metal bowl.
I felt the wolfsbane being pushed into the open wound and she placed a leather bond in-between my teeth for me to bite down on. The pain was unbearable and my body began to spasm.
I felt her fingers digging around in the wound and other herbs being added to my blood. The sweat ran down my face and the last thing I heard was my blood dropping down and hitting the metal.
‘Fine. You’ve made your choice’
My wolf said and backed away. Everything went dark and my head fell to the side.
“It’s time to wake up,” I flew up and saw that I was sitting on the chair in the den. My hair was all greasy from the sweat and my wrist was wrapped in a bandage.
“What happened? Did you do it?” I asked and grabbed my wrist.
“I did.” I unv
unwrapped it and saw the open wound. There was black sot mixed in with the fresh blood and I furrowed my brows.
“Why isn’t healing?” I asked her.
The witch placed down another candle and sighed.
“Healing is a werewolf’s ability. Something you no longer are privy to,”
Triana? Hey, are you there?
“She’s gone,” I breathed and felt like a piece of my heart was gone with it.
“She is and the hex is done. So our business here seems to be over. You should leave before they find out that you’re gone.”
I walked out to my car on shaky legs.
“What- I never got your name,” I said as I opened up the car door
“My name is Liliana. It was nice doing business with you.”
1.” I got in and drove away. An u
unsettling feeling was growing inside of me but I knew now that I would get Aiden.
I was so close now, everything was falling into place and all 1 had lost
would be worth it when he finally choos
– Aiden’s POV-
1 woke up feeling dizzy. As though someone had taken the sun and placed it in my room- the second I opened my eyes I was blinded.
“What the f*ck.” I groaned and turned in the bed, pressing my face into the pillow.
I tried opening one eye and squinted when the light bruht my retina. Shit, what the hell was going on?
The window was open and I heard the grunting and whipping sounds of hits slamming against a surface out in the yard. I clenched my jaw and shot my eyes open- after a while, they adjusted to the light only to find that the lamp wasn’t even lit. The sun wasn’t too bright outside and the rays barely reached my window.
The room looked the same with the darkness casting shadows in the corners. What was that light I had seen and why did it hurt so bad?
I walked downstairs and into the dining hall. Sam was sitting at our table next to Edmund wearing his shirt.
“Good morning,” she said sweetly and pulled out the chair next to her. My stomach turned and I suddenly lost my appetite.
I growled and walked into the kitchen to have my breakfast there.
The chef fixed me a plate with eggs, bacon, and sausages and 1 inhaled the food and pressed my hands against the counter. Something was wrong, my body felt weak and my mind was a blur. My thoughts wouldn’t stay and instead, they jumbled together a
r and
created a mess.
I pressed my nails into my palm as hard as I could and 1 barely felt a sting.
“Edmund. Outside, now.” I said and walked past him and the others
The warriors were training and Edmund came jogging up beside me
“What’s up with you?” He asked and looked at me with a hint of worry.
“I just wanna try something out.” I grunted and furrowed my brows. I had to get my shit together. I needed to try this and see. I was
10:42 Wed, May 22
begging the moon goddess that I was wrong.
I turned around and faced Edmund.
“Hit me.” I said and held my arms at my side.
“You want me to hit you? Your mom said we’re not allowed to fight anymore,” I hung my head and looked up at him dumbfounded.
“Are you serious right now? Just f*cking hit me!” Edmund growled and charged.
I watched him, his legs moving, his fists loading up and his eyes piercing mine.
He raised his hand and I grabbed it and at the same time, my fear was confirmed. Edmund’s other hand came up from in between us and the uppercut caused my head to fall back.
I staggered back and spat on the ground. This was bad, holy f*ck…
“Are you okay?” He asked with genuine concern in his voice. Edmund felt it- 1 was getting weaker.
“We have to attack Asher’s pack. Now.” I said and stormed back into the house.
“Ey. Nick!” He came out of the dining room and met me in the hallway.
“Gather your warriors, we’re leaving today.”
“The warriors aren’t ready, they haven’t been briefed on the situation.” I stepped up close to him.
“So brief them.” I growled.
Nick bowed h
his head and looked up with hooded eyes.
It was time, we h
had to leave. Noah stepped down the stairs and the second our eyes met I saw something weird flash in them.
This whole house was turning into the chaos that my mind was making up. Gabby was out there and the thought of anybody hurting her was more than I could bare to think about but I couldn’t stop. She was constantly occupying my mind. Her face and her eyes- those eyes could see your deepest secrets and defy every f*cking order ever given. She was fearless and elegant. A perfectly made Luna. But everyone had something they feared and hers was living under the same f*cking roof.
“Whoa are you okay?” Noah said as I fell forward and grabbed the mailing on the stairs. Pictures of Gabby smiling and laughing lashed before my eyes. I heard the peel of laughter that fell from her whenever someone told a bad joke or she was playing with the pups. Her eyes glistened under the sun and her body curled up under a blanket.
“I’m fine.” I grunted.
I turned around with a dizzy head. The walls were moving in waves and Edmund and Noah stood straight and watched me with worry.
“Aiden?” My mother came walking down the stairs. Her eyes began to glow and she growled.
“Sebastian, go get the witch.” She ordered one of the warriors.
He bowed his head and took off.
“What’s happening to him?” Edmund asked.
“Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s go!” I growled and walked to the door. Someone’s hand grabbed a hold of my shoulder and I stopped. My wolf
10:42 Wed, May 22 o
stepped forward and I had half a mind to break his f8cking arm.
“We’re not going anywhere. Attacking now
danget,” Nick said and stared into my eyes.
will only result in your death and Asher getting what he wants. Gabby’s life will be in more
“Her life is plenty in danger and it won’t get any better with us waiting around here.” I seethed and removed his hand from my
His eyes started glowing and he lowered his head.
Chapter Comments

“I’m weighing out the risks that will affect my sister and going there now will not save her. You will put her in more danger and getting her back will become even harder. We’re not leaving.” He growled.
“Fine. I’ll go alone.”
“I will not let you risk Gabby’s life.”
“I’m saving it.” I seethed and turned. Nick grabbed my shoulder once again and I raised my fist. The whole house started spinning, the floors looked like I was standing on waves and they were about to be ripped away from under my fat. The walls moved in on me and nothing was still.
Someone came up behind me and covered my mouth. I inhaled the different herbs and felt the raspy leaf grasp at my tongue.
1 grabbed the person’s hand but my strength wasn’t there. My eyes rolled into my head and 1 blacked out.
When I woke up I saw the tv and the pillows on the couch. My head and neck were sore so I carefully turned to see where the f*ck I
“Welcome back, bro,” Edmund said. He was sitting on the coffee table and swirling a drink in his hands. He handed it over and I chugged it all in one go.
“What happened?” I asked and groaned as I sat.
can explain it better,” he said and looked behind me. The witch was sitting with a cup of steaming tea in her hands and my parents were sitting with her.
Her regular snarl was in place and her long nails made a clinking sound when they hit the ceramic cup.
Ugh, my headache was about to get a lot worse.
“You’re weakened by the absence of your mate. Your strength will gradually decline and going up against your brother in this current form would not result in a win on your part.”
“How do you know?” I asked her.
“I’ve seen it.”
“You said you couldn’t see the future?”
“No, at that moment I said I didn’t see it, but now I did. Because even sources bigger than us do not want to see your brother win. It would be chaos, unlike anything we have seen before. I know that you all are aware of this fact and have silently said it in your minds so !
will be first to say it aloud- Asher King must die.” My mom drew in a shaky breath and her head fell.
No matter how much of a psychopath your son is or however many bad deeds he had done, it was still her son. She had birthed him, loved him, and seen a future for him only to have it ripped away from her hands.
My mom told me how when Asher was banished from the pack she didn’t see him as an adult walking away, she saw the little kid she had played with in the fields walking away from her forever.
I got up on shaky legs and walked over to my mom. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her. She stood about and squeezed tightly around me, as though she was afraid that I would disappear as well.
“What can I do to regain my strength?
Regaining your strength completely will not happen until you are reunited with your mate. But there is something I can do to help you long enough for you to do what must be done.” She stood up and wilked over to me.
“Aiden, no matter the stakes or the hardships or any other obstacle you may encounter, you must kill your brother.”
The witch took out different herbs and poured me a cup of tea. She mixed them together and poured in two drops of something vile. It looked like cough syrup with blue dye in it but I’m guessing it was something more magical than that.
“Drink this,” she said.
I looked down into the cup and saw the blue hue sinking to the bottom. Our eyes locked and she tilted the cup up to my lips.
“Every last drop n
must enter your system,”
I gulped it down and fought when it tried to push back up again. It felt like I was swallowing something alive- it was moving in my throat on the way down. Edmund was grimacing and looked away and my mom was wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“You’re doing great, honey, She said and pursed her lips,
The cup dropped from my hand and fell broken on the floor. Slivers of the flower-embodied ceramic cup scattered by our feet.
I was heaving as I pressed my nails into my palms and looked down at the floor. When I raised my head, I felt it. I felt ny power, my strength as it should be. It surged through my body and once it reached my head I felt like myself again.
“Thank you.” I said and looked at the witch. My eyes glowed in yellow when my wolf stepped up, when I grew weaker-so did he, but when I grew stronger, he did too.
“Great, you’re doing better. The warriors have all been briefed on the situation. We’ll move out tomorrow.” Nick said when he came into the room. I walked up to him and nodded my head.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I know you only had Gabby’s safety in mind- so did L.
“I will always put my sister first, no matter who I need to stop in the process.”
“Good,” I said and grabbed his hand that he had reached out.
He stopped and tilted his head.
“There’s just one more thing,” he said and looked toward the door.
We walked over there to see what he meant and when I opened the door I was shocked by what I saw.
Several of our pack members had gathered outside the house. My old friends were standing in the front and everyone else I had known since childhood was there. Many of our old warriors who no longer fought stood ready with straightened backs.
Rows and rows of people stood with their shoulders rolled back. Dressed from head to toe in training gear and their faces not showing one single ounce of emotion.
“She’s our Luna and this pack is where she belongs. We are all ready to fight for her safe return.”
My father clapped his hand on my shoulder.
“Son, it seems you have forgotten this pack’s foundational values. No man stands alone and loyalty runs through each and everyone here. For decades it has been built like this but through your years, some of the fundamental values of what we stand for seem to have gotten lost.” He was right. They had. I had seen it as me leading them, taking charge, and making decisions. Thinking I knew best.
I had prepared to take all of their tears and anger once they found out that Gabby was gone but I was not prepared to take them with me into battle. Here they were, willingly ready to go off and save their Luna. Everyone knew about Asher now and the risks they were facing but they didn’t wince or turn away.
The warriors called them out onto the fields for their training. Many already knew how to fight and they were good but they also needed to be briefed. This wasn’t our usual enemy and it was far from fighting against rogues. These men had a plan and would stop at nothing to achieve their goal.
Edmund walked up to me with sweat dripping down the side of his face. He had taught some of the younger ones how to fight and looked happy as hell.
“You have some strong people here,”
“I know.” He nodded his head and his expression shifted into something more ominous.
He pushed his chest out and looked past me.
“We need to talk about Sam.”
Me and Edmund had walked into the house.
I poured us each a glass and we sat down in my office.
“What’s up?” I asked him and sat in the armchair by the fireplace.
“She left last night. I don’t know where she went but she got back late. We have one of our own warriors standing guard outside her place in the distance- keeping an eye on her.”
My brows furrowed and I looked at the burning fire.
“Huh, and you have no idea where she went?” He shook his head and took a sip.
“Alright, never mind that for now. I need you to move on to the next step of the plan.”
“Which was?” He asked and winced. Edmund had been having fun with Sam but had forgotten about why he even banged her in the first place.
“Take her to your room, slip her the sedative, and when she’s knocked out you get the f*ck out.”
“You do know the room has both windows and a door, right? What she just leaves?” I sighed and tried to not look too disappointed at his stupidity.
“I’ve had the witch put a spell on your room, she won’t be able to leave. It’s the same one we put on Gabby’s room.”
“Yes and that worked great,” he said sarcastically.
“Watch it.” I growled.
“As long as no one else in the pack is willing to sell their soul to the devil, we’ll be fine.” I said.
“About the witch, how come she does favors for you? Do you have to pay her or is she just extra nice when it comes family?” I smiled and remembered when I was a kid, wrecking havoc on the pack and stressing my mom out.
the Alpha

One night I snuck out of the house to go in search of a flower that people at school had talked about. It supposedly had magical powers- said to make you strong and bold. I grabbed my flashlight and a backpack with snacks I had packed earlier, just in case I’d be out on my adventure all night. For a kid who couldn’t wait til he got his wolf, magical strength and bravery sounded pretty good.
I followed the trail in the woods which led past the blossoming hills and the trench. My feet were subdued in mud and rainwater and I remember having the time of my life. For a kid to be out on his own, searching for a hidden flower that could grant you such a strength that you couldn’t even dream of when you were six.
Seeing its crimson red petals and thorns, gehtly tucked close to the trunk of a big tr
and almost igniting under the moonlight.
Just when my fingers were about to reach for it I heard her voice.
“Out on an adventure are we? The witch told me about the dangers of messing with unknown magic. And that nature should never be
She told me how some things are beautiful because they aren’t ours to take or to keep. Gabby’s speech from the fair that she gave to the boy who couldn’t reach the star; reminded me of what the witch had said.
She had planted the flower there when she first arrived at the pack and nobody had been able to pick it up. She sat with me for hours. Her fingers wrapped around my small hand and she explained with soft eyes how dangerous it could’ve been. Not long after that, my mom came running into the woods in her wolf form with a heinous growl. The witch placed me on my mother’s back and waved me off and I got the scolding of a lifetime once we got home. The witch was a friend she was a role model to the young ones who dared speak to her. Yes, she had grown more grumpy lately but if ever you needed her, she was there.
“She’s family.” I said to Edmund.
Hours passed and everyone was still outside on the field learning new techniques and better understanding what we were up against.
I saw how exhausted they were, their punches were losing strength and their aim was off but still, they didn’t go home. They were alt busting their a*ses out on that training field and the chefs were preparing a big feast for when they were done.
Droplets started falling from the sky, hitting them one by one and damping the ground. The warriors didn’t stop training until the rain started pouring and damaging their vision but even after that they all stood and let the rain hit them in the face as they cooled off.
Everyone gathered in the dining hall and was served the food on big platters.
It reeked of sweat and exertion but never in my years of being an Alpha-or even being born for that matter- had I been this proud of my back members. They dug in and reloaded their energy.
Sam came strutting into the dining hall with her hips swaying and her hair falling over her shoulder. Her brows furrowed when she saw our pack members, and her old friends, sitting down and eating with sweat dripping down their bodies.
Her eyes landed on me and she strutted over with a grin.
“What’s this?” She asked and placed her hand on my arm.
“This is our army,” I said and placed my hand on her waist. Sam melted against me, placing all her weight on my body when she felt my fingers caress her skin.
“Your army?” She breathed. A moan was not far behind. I graced her skin and slid my hand down softly. My other hand went up and placed her hair behind her ear.
She licked her lips and looked into my eyes with deep lust.
“Yes, we’re leaving for Asher’s pack tomorrow,” I saw the fear flash in her eyes and she stammered for h
“But he’s leaving you alone, right? I mean he no longer wants the title. That’s just what I’ve heard,” her check. My other hand slid down her backside and I felt her shiver in my arms.
next words.
furrowed my brows and cupped
“He sent a letter- stating the exact opposite. He still plans on taking the title only he was coming here,” I said to her with a soft voice. Her jaw clenched and for a second there I could see that he had told her about his plans.
“Then why are you leaving, if he’s coming here?”
“Because he’s expecting us to stay put and wait for him. But we’re taking the fight to him and getting the upper hand.” I said and
“Aiden, why don’t you just wait and see? Maybe he won’t come,” She said pressing her chest against my arm. I leaned down, her eyes flickered down to my lips and she parted hers.
“No.” 1 said and let go of her.
“You’re going there?” She asked me and cleared her throat.
“Yes w
we are.” Something flashed in Sam’s eyes and she smiled nervously.
“I have to go but, Uhm, can we meet up later?” I smirked and nodded my head.
“I’d love to.” Sam smiled and practically ran out of the dining hall.
“What the hell was that?”
“What happened to the plan?”.
“If you cheat on our sister I swear by the goddess” I heaved a sigh and looked at the Santos brothers. Three Alphas were a lot to handle. I knew how my temper was so putting up with three people just like it was hard.
“Would you guys relax? I just wanted this,” I raised my hand and held up Sam’s phone. It had been in her back pocket and after telling her the plan, I knew she’d want to call and warn Asher.
Nick smirked and uncrossed his arms.
“Nice.” He said and slapped my hand.
“Edmund, you’re up.” I said and smiled as his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.
He rubbed his hands together and bit down on his lip as he looked toward where Sam had gone off.
And like a wolf getting ready to jump at his prey, Edmund walked out of the dining hall. Ready to begin part two of the plan.
-Gabby’s POV-
The dust had gathered in the corners, building into small piles. Spiders had made homes on the wall by the beat-down drawer. A handle was half off, one of the boards on the other was gone and the closet pressed against the wall had holes in it.
All Erin had on her bed was a pillow and a thin blanket on a dirty mattress. I needed to get her out. I needed to get them all out.
“You have to go,” she said with panic in her voice when she looked at the little ring clock sitting on the floor beside the bed.
“They’re coming soon to get me.”
“For what?” She looked up at me and I saw the answer in her eyes.
“I’m gonna get you out,” Erin stood and grabbed my hands. With a soft and tender voice, she whispered, “I believe you’re gonna try.”
I walked back into my room, sneaking past t
the open spaces and rounding the corners quietly as a mouse so I wouldn’t get caught-
Once inside I shut the door and heaved a breath. Okay, so maybe 1 failed to save my pack, my brothers, and Aiden but I was here now and I could still save all of these girls they held captive.
I just needed a witch who could reverse the spell and the only witch I knew was the one back home.
Chapter Comments

“Yeah, baby’
“I need a favor
“In one of the packs that Asher slaughtered they kidnapped a few girls. They’re keeping them Hre and I need to get them out. The problem is that Asher’s witch has put a spell on the girls so if they try to leave, they die. I need you to talk to the pack witch and ask her
to reverse the spell’
“Wait, Asher has a witch? His voice sunk and grew darker.
“Yes but Aiden can you do this for me?”
“What are you planning, Gabby?” He asked with a worried voice.
‘I think I was put here for a reason. I don’t think I made the wrong choice by leaving, whether or not my intentions were off. I don’t know, it just feels like this is something I’m meant to do”
He sighed and grunted.
‘I’ll talk to the pack witch but I’m beginning you, from the bottom of my heart, stay safe”
I smiled and wiped away a stray tear.
“You too”
was right there on the tip of my tongue. The three words that terrified me to the core. My feelings for Aiden were immense, stronger than anything I had ever experienced. But I didn’t say it-I couldn’t. Not yet at least and not when we were so far apart.
My door swung open and I flew up from the bed on the other side. Asher stood in the doorframe, his nostrils flared and his eyes had deep darkness in them as they pierced through mine.
“Where were you?” He growled and stepped into the room.
“Here.” Asher grabbed the door and slammed it shut. I jumped and walked backward. His anger was radiating and when he looked
back up I wanted to disappear.
“Don’t lie to me again!” He had a crazy look on his face and his arms bulged as he pressed his fingers into fists.
“I’m not lying to you. I’ve been here the entire time.“
“Lazo saw you walking past him earlier, where did you go?” Asher was still standing a good few steps away from me.
“I just wanted to explore, was I wrong to do so?” I asked.
I took a deep breath. My hands were shaking and I was fighting for my legs to stand straight and for my head to not falter and fall under his towering stature.
“You wanted to explore the hallway?” He asked.
“Yes, but then all I saw was a door so I headed back.” I took a step closer, away from the shield of the wall and around the bed that had been a protective mount.
“I thought you said this was my home?” His eyes mellowed in their rage and his face began to relax.
I hated how weak I felt with him. The fear filled me and made it impossible to be strong and stand my ground. Never in my life had I let a man walk over me but here I was, rolling over.
“It is your home and I’m glad your starting to see that now,” he cupped my cheek and pressed my head back.
“I do.” Our eyes met at a depth they hadn’t done since we lived in the town. Before anything of this magnitude could even be imagined.
His other hand went down my lower back and he pressed me against him. I felt his hardened length between the fabric of our clothes and his eyes now darkened again but not in anger- in lust. His lips pressed against mine and he slid in his tongue.
“I can’t wait to f*ck you again. I don’t think you know how badly want to feel you,”
Asher pulled back and walked toward the door. I lifted my fingers to my lips and swallowed a lump that formed in my throat.
Just as he was about to walk out, he turned halfway and locked his eyes on mine.
“Don’t go exploring again. Iltake you someday.” His eyes held a warning and I nodded my head in compliance.
The door closed and I released a breath. Asher’s mere presence frightened me, my body wouldn’t do what I wanted it to and my mind just shut down. Never in my life had it even been a question of if I would submit. I always stood up for what I thought was right and I didn’t just obey every order thrown my way but here I was, sinking like a pup under his gaze and intimidated by his posture and broad shoulders. Whenever he towered over me I didn’t think to raise my head, instead, it sunk and I felt small in comparison to him.
A few hours passed and I hadn’t left the room. I just sat on the bed and read a book, hoping to hear from Aiden today.
I tossed the book down at the foot of the bed and leaned back.
in her?”
‘I’m here, did you talk to
I did and she said she could reverse it but it
it’s gonna take some time”
“That’s no problem, it’s not like I’m going anywhere’
‘Actually… we’re getting you out tomorrow”
A shiver went down my spine and my toes curled inward.
“We’re gonna attack before he has the chance to come here”
I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut.
‘Aiden, I can’t leave without those girls. I can’t leave them here”
He was silent for a moment but when he spoke I felt like the air was sucked out of my lungs.
“You won’t have a choice’ He said.
The door opened up and the mind link was cut off. He covered almost the entire frame. His burly arms were raised at his sides and his
chest pressed against his black shirt.
His eyes were black and his bushy brows were pressed together.
“Come with me.” He said in a monotone voice but a glimmer of amusement played in his eyes.
We walked down the hallway and rounded the stairs. My eyes flickered past all the closed doors and the open spaces but I didn’t see anyone and it was really quiet. To quiet for a house full of testosterone filed male wolves. The beast stopped in front of a black door and opened it up. I heard the moaning and slapping hit me the second the door inched open.
The black leather couch sat by the wall with grand stools beside it. A giant marble table with conference chairs stood by the window and a big oak desk to my right. My eyes drifted over the surroundings before they locked on Erins. She was bent over the side of the couch and her eyes were ripped from mine when her head was pulled back. His hand wrapped around her throat and he pressed her back against his body with his d*ck pounding into her.
The other girls were in different places in different positions in the room, each of them with three or four men pulling and wanting
their turn.
Asher sat in the middle of the couch with a woman’s lips around his length.
He pressed his
is hand on the back o
of her head and slid it deeper down her throat.
“Welcome,” Asher said and smirked as his cheeks blossomed from the pleasure.
My head jerked to the side when I heard one of the girls screaming as she was ripped away from the man that was f*cking her.
She was pulled into the arms of another and he pressed her front down on the marble table.
His hand came down on her backside and he forced her legs apart.
I looked away, my heart racing as I tried to not look at any of them but it was impossible as they were taking up every inch of the
In the left corner was a swing and behind me, attached to the wall, was a chain that hung from the ceiling.
Handcuffs, whips, and collars bejewel the walls in a horrific image that would forever be etched into my mind.
Chapter Comments

One of the men tossed a girl over his shoulder and carried her to the swing. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.
“No, please!” She screamed as her hands were locked in and her legs were forced into the confinement.
I watched in fear as they strapped her in and placed a feather hand around her face and pressed the gag ball into her mouth.
“No! I want to hear her.” The man said and removed the gag, ripping it from her head and tossing it on the floor with a wide smile.
“This is what you get for not doing as you’re told, you whore,” He said and tightened the strap She screamed from the pain and as I looked closer at her wrists and ankles I could see the redness and the borning. The bands were laced with something.
Her legs were spread apart and lifted in the air and the man positioned himself in front of her.
The girl closed her eyes and I reached out my hand.
“Stop!” I said and ran over there. I pushed the man to the side and stood in front of her.
“You can’t,” I breathed and hated how weak and empty my voice sounded.
“Oh yeah, and who’s gonna stop me?” He growled and pushed me aside but I grabbed his arm and bent it, pushing him back. The man’s eyes started glowing and he growled loudly as he came toward me
I readied myself but felt someone grab my hands and pin them down at my side. He grabbed my throat and turned me so my back pressed against him. His fingers curled around my shirt and he ripped it open as I yelped but I couldn’t get out of his grip.
“Enough!” Asher stood and tossed his girl to the side. She crawled back but was directly lifted into the arms of another. My backside was still pressed against his front and I watched with a heavy breath as Asher walked up to me.
“Gabby should have the choice to save the girl, given of course that she will take her place.” Everyone suddenly stopped and turned to
look at us.
My eyes widened a fraction and I looked at him.
d me, the girl in the swing was shaking from fear.
Asher’s fingers pulled at the hem of my pants and slid up. gracing my bare skin. He played with the cup on my bra and slowly pulled it down, exposing my breasts.
“What do you say? Will it be you or her?” He asked and rolled my ripple between his fingers.
He tugged it and I fell forward.
The walls felt like they were closing in on me. I looked over my shoulder and past the man holding me and behind him I saw her fear- stricken face.
Me or her.
Her lips were trembling, her eyes were hooded and wide in fear and her nose was red from sniffling.
Me or her…
“I’ll do it,” I looked to the couch where someone had just volunteered. Erin was still in the arms of the man who had her bent over the couch. He stood with his hands resting on her waist and smiled when she spoke.
“What?” I asked and shook my head.
“Come on dude. Asher you know it’s more fun with the ones who don’t wanna,” the man behind me said and cupped my breast as he pressed me further back. He pushed his hips forward and I held my breath when I felt him against my backside.
Asher’s eyes went between me and Erin. I could see that he was suspicious but he didn’t act on it.
“Do it.” Asher said and grabbed my arm.
They unhooked the girl who was in the swing and replaced her with Erin. She looked calm but I listened in and heard her heartbeat
and looked into her eyes.
She was terrified.
“Asher,” I said but he put pressure on my arm and leaned down.
“Do you want to take her place?”

tighter. Erin winced and then looked at me with a
“Ow not so tight,” She said and the man looked down at her and pulled even tighter. Er warning.
“Come here,” Asher said and pulled me down on his lap as he sat on the couch.
He grabbed my chin and turned it to the swing.
“You’re gonna watch all of it.” He pressed a kiss on my neck and rested his chin on my shoulder.
The man positioned himself in front of Erin and others stood in line, stroking her body and squeezing her breasts. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth.
“Open your eyes or I will put you in that swing myself.”
n’s POV-
The mind link with Gabby shut down and I looked ahead at the wall. Someone must’ve walked into her room but at least she knew what the witch had said. My fear was that Gabby wouldn’t want to leave them behind.
I took the opportunity to jog into town, going through the forest and taking a lap around the town square before slowing down in front of the old library.
The school was lit up as people had classes and they walked out in groups so I hurried inside.
She asked.
“Aiden, back so soon?” S
“Is there any way you can speed up the reversal of the spell and have it done by tomorrow?” I asked and stopped in front of the desk. She looked up at me, a surprised expression on her wrinkly face, and the deep creases in her forehead deepened as her brows furrowed.
“Speed up? Aiden, you know very well the patience and detail of magic. It is not something that can be sped up,”
“I’m afraid that Gabby won’t come with me tomorrow if she doesn’t get the girls out,” her face shifted, her brows went up and her eyes started glimmering as her lips parted in an epiphany.
The witch stood from the chair and walked over to the apothecary cabinet. There were six candles lit, each with a stronger flame than
10:42 Wed, May
the other.
She stood and looked into the fire and her mind drifted off. It looked like she was seeing something in the flickering light.
“Perhaps I was wrong,” she whispered in a low raspy tone.
“What do you mean?” I took slow and careful steps.
the “About Gabriella choosing the wrong path, perhaps I was wrong. Maybe she is exactly where she was meant to be and I was mistaken- not her.” I looked down, I couldn’t comprehend how Gabriella was in the right place right now. In the hands of a man who wanted her nothing but harm.
“Her destiny is in there, there is something, she must do and only there will she be able to do it,”
The witch placed her palm over the burning fire. The flame scraped her skin and her flesh. Her palm was turning black and I saw the flesh being shown but she didn’t remove it.
When she finally turned her hand turned and looked at it, a sigil had formed in the shape of a bird with a circle around it.
“What is that?” I looked over her shoulder and placed my hand under hers, slowly pulling it to me.
“It is your mate, finding something thought to have been lost by the goddess,”
“Tell me in more words.” I said somewhat agitated when I heard the importance but she gave me clues.
The witch turned her head, her eyes were brimming with joy and hope.
“Your sister, Alpha.”
Chapter Comments

I slammed open the door and walked through the hallways with fast steps. My shoulders were lifted and I pushed past anyone standing in my way until they eventually jumped aside on their own.
I found my parents in the dining hall along with the pack members
“Everybody out!” I growled. They all stood and hurried out with their heads hanging. My mother stood from her chair with a shocked expression and my father straightened his back in the chair,
“Son, what is-”
“You do not get to talk. You get to listen now. I growled and walked up to them. I slammed my hands down on the table, trying to calm myself before I spoke.
When I looked up at them I saw my y mom’s hitched breath and my father slowly placed his glass down.
“No lies, no elaborate stories-only the truth.” They were silent.
“Do 1 have a sister?” They both choked on the air they breathed in.
“Anser me! Did you birth a daughter?”
“Yes,” my mother said and raised her head, sticking her chin out and narrowing her eyes.
I exhaled and stared at the woman who had kept this
is massive secret all these years.
“But she died,” 1 was half-turned about to walk out when she said those words.
“What did you say?” My mom pursed her lips and wiped a tear that had fallen on her cheek.
“She was about to turn four years old, playing out by the park with your brother and some of the other pups with their parents watching over them. I and your father had a meeting and were going to see them at dinner. Asher came running inside followed by Clare- Annas mom. I still hear his screams when I sleep, at the top of his lungs he yelled out for me. They barged into the office and the second I saw their faces I knew something was wrong. Clare told me what had happened and Asher was crying uncontrollably. They were both so young but that day everything just… fell apart. She had walked off, away from everyone and when they went to look for her they spotted blood. Nobody found her,” She said and stared into the air. I could see the memories in her eyes and when she came back too she violently wiped away the tears.
was pregnant with you at the time and the grief along with the hormones sent me into a darkness that I thought I would never escape.” She smiled and cupped my hand between hers.
“But then you came and I saw your little face and I vowed to protect you from all evil in the world. You saved my life where I couldn’t save hers,” she cried.
“Mom-” her eyes glistened from the tears.
she’s alive.” Her eyes widened and she let go of my hand as she turned to my father who stood from his chair.
My parents ran into my office where the witch was waiting. She turned around and faced us as we came in.
“Is it true? Is she alive?” My mom asked.
The witch raised her hand and showed her palm and my mom gaspsl.
“A dove,” she cried out.
“When your mom got pregnant with your sister, a dove landed on her leg as she sat in the garden and one day it disappeared. When sister was then born, the same dove landed on the window sill outside. The dove showed itself to your mother and the baby every day on and off until eventually, one day it was just gone. It was the same day that we lost our daughter.” My father said and squeezed my shoulder.
“I hoped to see the dove every day, hoping for a sign that she was alright but it never came. Not until now,” she said as she smiled through the tears.
“What was her name?” My y mom looked up from the witch’s hand and gazed into my eyes.
“Erin, her name is Erin.”
“Where is she- what can we do to help?” My mom asked and turned to the witch.
“She’s with Gabby, in Asher’s pack and if she tries to leave she will die.” I said. My father removed his hand and cleared his throat. I saw that his eyes were glimmering, his lips pressed together and his jaw clenched.
“What can we do to help?” He asked with a dark voice that tried to mask his emotions.
“You can’t. I’m working on reversing the spell but as I told the Alpha, it won’t take effect for a few days,”
“But you’re attacking tomorrow,” my mom whispered and I nodded my head.
“Okay, so you’ll get Gabby out and we will go back for Erin,” she said.
“Gabby won’t go without the girls,” I said.
“Girls? As in more than one?”
7″ My father asked.
“Apparently As
Asher and his men kidnapped several girls and holds them at his house.” My father growled and my mom’s eyes started glowing. She calmed her wolf by massaging the bridge of her nose.
“Kidnapped them for what?” She asked. Oh shit.
This just got double personal. He not only had Gabby but he had my sister- our sister. I wondered if he knew.
I and looked at the witch hoping she would steer the conversation in another direction.
“Not important,” I said at
“He is right. The important thing is getting them all out without any of them being harmed. If you go there and kill Asher but Gabriella doesn’t come home with you, you won’t get a second chance. His men will surely kill her before you ever have the chance to save
her again,”
That meant we needed to find a way to free the girls before the fight began. Or else I would lose my mate and that wasn’t an option. If I had to go in there and drag her out myself I would.
And my sister…well, I would like to get to know her. This shit just got bigger and bigger by the minute and I wasn’t hoping for any more surprises now.
I stepped out of my office and heard a smash coming from upstairs 1 looked up and saw Edmund making out with Sam. Her legs were straddled around his waist. Her shirt was off and her pants were hanging off her a*s as they walked to his room. Edmund’s eyes locked with mine and it was go time.
“Nick I want you to put two of your warriors outside Edmund’s room.” He bowed his head and went to give the order.
10:42 W May
I had to keep my mind straight but it was hard. I had a sister. What the f*ck?
“Hey, where’s Noah?” |
?” I asked one of the warriors.
He shook his head and looked around.
“No idea, Alpha, I haven’t seen him.”
Cassy came walking into the house and I walked up to her.
“Have you seen Noah?”
“Uh, yes. I think he’s outside,” I walked out and saw him waking up the pathway.
“Are you ready or what?” I asked him but he looked confused.
“Ready for what?”
“We’re supposed to go scouting around the pack, remember?” I asked and walked up to him as I searched his face. Noah shook his head and laughed nervously.
“Oh yeah, I’m ready, let’s go,” he tapped my shoulder but something was off.
1 turned around and looked into the house. Cassy’s eyes followed him as he walked up the stairs and turned the corner.
Cassy looked at me and I saw the same worry in her eyes that I felt inside. She felt it too, something was wrong with Noah.
“Did you sense something weird when you talked to him?” She asked me when she came out.
“I did, you?”
“Yes, he hasn’t been himself today…” I furrowed my brows and tilted my head to the side.
“How well do you know him exactly?” She parted her lips and something quickly flashed in her eyes before it was gone. But she couldn’t hide her bodies tells, like the way her cheeks heated up and turned red or her breathing getting harder.
“Not so well really,” she said and shrugged her shoulders.
Noah came walking down and
nd his eve
eyes darted back and forth. He saw me and Cassy and walked right past us.
“Hey, Noah!” He stopped and looked over his shoulder.
y man. Are you ready to go?” He asked with a bright smile. This would be interesting.
Chapter Comments

-Gabby’s POV-
I hated the tears that fell but they were valid. The men stepped away breathing harshly and seeming content with the pleasure they had forced from her. Erin hung in the swing, her head had fallen back and it was too heavy to hold up after two hours.
Her arms and legs were slumped and she was just left there when they all got dressed and walked away, slapping each other’s shoulders as to say Job well done. They all deserved the worst imaginable punishment and I had a lot of ideas but they would just go on doing whatever they wanted. Forcing these girls to be their s*x toys and enjoying their pain and suffering. Their screams egged them on I saw the joy in their eyes when a girl tried to fight them.
Asher nuzzled his face into my neck and sniffed in my scent.
“Good girl,” he whispered as he tugged at my nipple. He tossed measide on the couch and stood up. The others had gotten dressed and they pulled the girls out of the room one by one.
“You can’t just leave her,” I said and grabbed Asher’s arm. He scoffed and looked at Erin’s fragile body slumped in her restraints but he just saw a source of pleasure. An object they owned where they could do whatever they pleased.
“Help her then,” he laughed and walked out of the office. The door closed and at first, I stood still and just breathed. Happy that they were all gone. My tears fell as I ran over to the swing and untied her arms and her legs. I carried Erin down and helped her over to the couch where I put on the men’s shirt that someone had left behind.
She slowly came too, her eyes fluttered and she licked her dry lips. walked over and opened the cabinet but all I saw was booze.
I searched around for water but couldn’t find it and whenever I opened a drawer I was just met with more sexual tools and most of them meant to cause more pain than pleasure to the personinflicted.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and another reached over and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. Erin sat down on the edge of the sofa with her eyes closed and chugged the liquid straight from the bottle. After gulping down half of it she wiped her mouth and held the bottle down.
“You don’t survive here by drinking things that are good for your body,” she said and smirked tiredly.
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered and wiped my tears. I closed the doors and the drawers. Erin reached out her hand and tugged my shirt.
“Stop that, it’s not your fault,” I scoffed and shook my head.
“I should’ve taken it, I should’ve said
aid that I would do it and not let someone else be forced through it,”
“You would’ve, I honestly believe that if
if I hadn’t stepped up then you would’ve taken it for Jessica,” her name was Jessica.
hy did you step up?” 5
She narrowed her eyes and pulled me closer.
Because why break something that’s been healed?”
“I know what Asher and the others did to you. They gloated about it when they came back while fuming over the fact that his brother and yours had taken you away.”
“Oh,” I said.
“I’m broken, Gabby, better to ruin something that’s already broken.
“You’re gonna heal, I’m gonna make sure of it,”
“I need
you to get
et that out of your head. You can’t save
me, or the others, and if you keep thinking you will; once the day comes that you realize you can’t it will destroy you. If ever there’s an opportunity for you to leave, you have to take it and not look back. Promise me that,” I smiled and grabbed her hand. I stared deeply into her eyes making sure she knew I was telling the truth.
“No.” I said and her smile faltered.
“What do I have out there waiting for me? My whole family was slaughtered, and my pack is gone. I have nothing left on the
“I’ll bring you to my pack, all of you. You will live there and create new life,” she smiled and ¶uffed.
“If you could have one thing, one thing in this whole world, what would it be?” I asked her.
To know where I came from.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was adopted, brought in because I didn’t have anybody else. I have these fragments of my life from before but honestly can’t remember much. The people who raised me were loving and beautiful in every single way and I love them with all my heart but I would like to know my biological parents. Who they were and why they gave me up,” she said and smiled sadly.
“So that is what you will do,” I said and lifted my head.
Because I am getting you the f*ck out of this place.”
I was back in the room and Erin had gone off back to hers. my heart broke for her but mostly because it didn’t look like hers broke for herself. She had lost everything and was continuously treated like an object. As though she didn’t have feelings or was an actual person.
She was getting out, I was going to make sure of that.
You’re back
‘I am’
Where the hell were you?
“I was mad. You left our mate’
So you leave me?
“I’m sorry but Gabby there is something you need to know. I’m getting weaker, for every passing moment that we are away from our mate, we will grow weaker”
Does that mean that Aiden grows weaker as well?
Oh no, he was attacking tomorrow. How would he do that if he were weakened?
I was suddenly regretting my decisions but the feeling that I was in the right place was still there. I couldn’t shake it. There was something here that I needed to do and I think it was to save these girls.
That night I barely slept at all. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting away but after ten minutes I opened them again and looked
time. I lay for hours turning in the bed and eventually I gave up.
I realized it wouldn’t happen so I got up and opened the door. That’s when I heard a debacle going on and stepped outside. I walked down the stairs and into the foyer. Everyone was awake and they were gathering, but for what? I walked over to the window in the corner and looked out.
“Is it snowing?” I said as I saw the flakes falling down and softly landing on the ground. I felt someone’s body press up against mine. My head turned and there I saw Asher, looking out with a strained gaze The clock that hung on the wall behind him showed that it was four in the morning.
“That’s not snow.” He seethed. His frown turned to a grin and he cracked his neck.
“Looks like we’re about to have a family reunion,” he said and looked down at me. I widened my eyes in horror and my jaw dropped.
“No,” 1 breathed and looked out the window. Asher turned me around, his jaw clenched and his eyes bored into mine. He raised fist and I blacked out..
-Aiden’s POV-
Night had fallen. The sun was gone and the moon shone brightly in the sky. The Warriors were gearing up and getting ready. It was
to get my girl back.
time to
It was three at night and we were about to leave when the door to Edmund’s room opened up and he sneaked out.
He met my gaze and bowed his head. Sam was out for a few hours and she had no way to contact Asher once she woke up.
“Is everyone ready?”
“Yes, Alph
Alpha.” They began
an to walk out of the house and I was just waiting for Noah to show up. Nick stood on the stairs outside and
looked over everybody.
“Where is Noah?” I asked Edmund when he walked down. He shrugged a shoulder and looked confusedly around.
“No idea, I haven’t seen him in hours. I’ve been with Sam.” I walked up and banged on his door but nobody answered.
Where the f*ck was he?
I walked into the gaming room and he wasn’t there. He wasn’t in the communal area either and only when I went into the dining room did I see him sitting by the table in the darkness with a plate of food in front of him and his hands cupped.
Noah’s h
head was down and he wasn’t moving.
“Noah,” there was no reaction, not a wince or an acknowledgment of my presence.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at him with furrowed brows.
“Is everything alright with you? You’ve been of for a while,” I said and sat down on the chair next to him.
Noah shook his head and slid his plate away. The food hadn’t been touched.
“Yeah…it’s… it’s all good,”
“Are you ready to go?” He and I had gone off earlier during the day and scouted out the pack. We hadn’t seen much but we could see where the warriors stood guard and that was all we needed for tonight.
“Go where?” [ furrowed my brows and couldn’t comprehend what was happening.
Nowhere, maybe it’s better if you get some rest. It’s late,” he nodded his head and got up. When he walked into the hallway and saw everyone it was like something clicked in his head. He looked at the warriors gathering outside and turned to me.
“Asher, we’re going after Asher,” he said like he had an epiphany.
Nick and Edmund stepped closer. Each with a confused look.
“No, we’re going after Asher, you’re going to bed.” I said and clapped his shoulder.
He slapped my hand away and shook his head.
“No, I’m going with you to kill that bastard and get my sister back. He stormed out of the house and joined the warriors.
“This could either go really good…or really f*cking bad.” Edmund grunted.
“I’m hoping for the first I said and looked at Noah. But I’m guessing at the latter.”
Chapter Comments

Alpha’s Betted Bride
We were closing in on Asher’s pack. A few of our warriors were skilled archers and lit the tip of their arrows on fire. On my go, they shot and set fire to the forest surrounding the park.
We watched as the flames grew higher and engulfed the trees and the by one the windows in the house lit up as well as the houses on the grounds. The men stepped out and looked around. I listened in and heard how they would all gather at the house and prepare to attack and so we moved in.
My warriors were stretched out across the territory to make sure that nobody surprise us and we would meet back in front of Asher’s house. A few of them would stay hidden for latel and the archers would keep their distance for the entire fight and only jump in if they absolutely needed to.
The door to the house was opened and
walked straight up
p into the yard.
“Brother.” They came out and gathered outside, keeping their distance at first.
Asher stepped to the front and smiled. I could see in his eyes how badly and uncaringly he wanted to kill me. He would slit my throat and watch me die without feeling one ounce of remorse,
“You wanted to challenge me for the title.” I said.
He nodded his head and looked around. I knew he didn’t just wantne, he wanted to kill and showcase his power in front of my whole pack and his men were thirsty for blood but by speaking a challenge he couldn’t deny it.
“Let’s.” He said and removed his shirt,
Me and Asher circled each other. My people were staying clear of the fight but I had warned them to keep their eyes out for any little move Asher’s men might make and to jump on them before they got too close if they were to attack. These people didn’t play fair and would take any opportunity to attack.
Asher made the first move, he jumped at me, extracting his claws and the fight was on.
-Gabby’s POV-
I woke up in bed and fluttered my eyes open. My hand felt at the place where Asher’s fist had connected with my face and it throbbed painfully, I now understood what my wolf meant about us growing weaker.
Then I remembered what happened right before I blacked out. Aiden was here with the pack. This was it but it was too soon.
I walked to the door and pulled the handle but it was locked.
I scoffed and shook my head.
“Does he really think a locked door will keep me away from my mate?” I seethed and pressed at the handle until it came off. I slid the door open and thought I could just walk out but there in the hallway I was met with two guards.
They smiled and drew to their fullest height as they came at me.
1 growled and started fighting one of them whilst I tried to keep the other at a distance. But he grabbed my throat and pulled me back…
hands but his grip was just
I kicked out my foot and hit the other man’s nose and he fell back after the cracking sound. I clawed at his h
“Not today,” someone said and I heard a snap as the man behind me let go of my throat. He fell lifeless to the floor and behind him
was Erin.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked me.
“I thought- how strong are you?” I asked her. The shock was eviders in my voice.
“My w
wolf’s dormant from the wolfsbane they force into me but I have some strength.”
“Some? You just took down a full-grown-” I stopped mid-sentence when I felt the other man grab my arm. I turned and slammed my fist against his already broken nose and he fell down. My fingers tangled in his hair and I pulled his head back and locked it in before I snapped it. If only I could have this strength and confidence when it came to Asher but then again@ight now the price was my mate and nothing would get in my way.
*-you took down a full-g
-grown man. How are you so strong?” I continued
“I’ve always been strong but this isn’t my top strength. I don’t know where it comes from though, I used to train a lot back home so maybe that’s how,”
I shook my head and grabbed her hand.
“We have to get the others and hide until I can come up with a way to get you out.”
“What do you mean?”
“My pack is here. Aiden has come to fight his brother.” Her eyes widened and she grabbed a hold of my shoulders.
“You have to leave. Turn around and go to them.” She said.
I was getting supremely annoyed at her nonchalance and her refusal to accept my help.
“Where are the girls?” I asked.
“They have separate rooms. Down that way are two rooms just like mine and the others are in the cellar but Gabby-”
“I’m going to get them. If you want to stay then fine, I don’t have time to convince you.” I said and left.
I walked down the hallway and broke open the doors. The girls jumped up and I told them to come with me. We went down and grabbed the other five girls and then we all headed up to the first floor. I looked out and saw the flames that were starting to die down but then I saw him. Alden was fighting his brother and behind them were my brothers.
I pressed my hands against the glass and didn’t want to turn my head. His face was focused and he was in the present as he always was when fighting. His arms reached out and his hair blew in the wind. I couldn’t take my eyes off him and my body was pulling toward him. But I wasn’t done here and it looked like he could hold his own despite the consequence that the mate bond had created when I left.
My mind wandered and I thought about the pack witch and if she had reversed the spell yet or not, I couldn’t take the girls if she
1 kept looking outside when I felt a hand softly touch my shoulder.
“I’m just looking out for you,” Erin said.
“And I’m looking out for you. So how about we look out for each other and simultaneously try and figure out a way to get out of here?”
She smiled and nodded her head.
“That sounds like a plan.”
We looked out together and Erin came to stand beside me.
Her brows furrowed and I looked at her face. Something she saw was causing her face to twist into a grimace.
“Who is he?” She asked and looked past Aiden and Asher.
“Which one?”):
“The man in the front. Him in the white t-shirt with the light brown hair,” I looked at where her eyes were held and saw who she
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, there’s something about him but I don’t…” she didn’t finish the sentence but it looked like her eyes were captivated by
“That’s Nick Santos, my brother.” I said and her eyes widened just an inch. Nick turned his head away from the fight and his eyes searched around the house. They landed on the window that we were standing in and his eyes locked with Erin’s. She inhaled a shaky
breath and his arms tensed at his sides.
Oh, my goddess.
Chapter Comments

1 brought the girls some food that I found in the kitchen and as my water bottles as I could find. The men were all busy outside sa I took the opportunity to talk to them and let them sit for a while
Erin was standing by the window and I went over to hand her a salwich
“You have to eat,” I said and looked out at the others. Asher was bleeding from his nose and the side of his face was starting to swell
from the hits.
Aiden had claw marks on his chest and his shirt was hanging in sheds.
Nick looked agitated as his eyes went between the house and the fight. Edmund was of course waiting for his turn to jump in and start fighting but Noah, something was going on with him. He started issing his head and looking around in confusion.
“What’s happening to that guy?” Erin asked.
“That’s Noah, my brother and I have no idea why he’s doing that, Noah was never not focused when it came to a fight but right now he looked distraught.
“What are you doing?” I asked against the window. I looked at Nick
“What’s going on with Noah?” I asked, knowing he would hear me Nick turned his head and Grabbed Noah’s shoulder but she slapped it away.
Nick looked up at me and shook his head.
“I don’t what’s happening.” he said.
“We need the spell to break, the realfight is about to start
This isn’t the real fight? Look at them!
c. trust
‘Do you really think Asher is gonna let Aiden beat him? After having worked so hard and waited for this long to take the title,
me, he has other plans”
“Nick, ask one of the others to see if the witch is done with the spell.” he nodded his head and grabbed one of the warriors.
They couldn’t mind link the witch but they could call Aldens parents. I just hoped one of them had brought a phone. I was tapping my foot impatiently and waited for an answer.
“Not ready.” Nick said and I t
I tossed
my head.
What the hell could I do to get them out? I had to think. The witch wasn’t ready and if either of the girls stepped outside, they would randomly die.
What if everyone stepped outside at the same time, would they all die? Was I ready to gamble on their lives? No, the answer is no.
Think Gabby, how can you save them? There has to be a way.
The girls had eaten and were waiting around for me to come up with the next move but what the f*ck was the next move?
1 needed to talk to the witch myself.
“Is there a phone around here?” I asked and they all shrugged their shoulders. They wouldn’t know if there was. I started pulling out drawers and tossing everything over looking for a phone that I could use when I heard someone shouting the words I dreaded.
“No!” I shouted and ran over to the window. Asher’s men ran towards Aiden’s and they all gathered in the middle of the battlefield.
Noah was still standing in the back, he wasn’t joining the others. He just looked confused. “Noah, hear me,” I said and placed my hand on the window.
“Please, Noah, Hear my voice, look at me,” his head turned left and right, and eventually he looked up at the window.
“Hi, honey, what’s happening to you?” I asked him. He clenched his jaw and his eyes glistened. “What’s going on?” He asked me.
“You tell me. Something is wrong, explain it,” he shook his head.
“I can’t, what’s happening? Why are we here?”
“You don’t know why you’re here?” I asked him and stepped closer as I leaned my hands on the glass.
“…I have to go,”
“No! Noah, don’t leave!” He turned around and started walking.
“Nick, Noah is leaving!” I said and slammed my hand on the window.
Nick looked back and saw him go. He ran after him and killed two men who were coming at Noah. He turned around and saw what was happening.
“Let go of me!”
“Are you gonna leave your sister in there?” Nick screamed at him as I listened in. “Who?” What was happening…
“Gabby, your sister is inside that house,” Nick said more calmly.
“No, I don’t have a sister. Get away from me,”
I shrunk away from the window and caught my breath.
“Is everything okay?” Erin asked me..
“No, I have to get you out of here right now,”
I walked out of the house carefully and stood on top of the stairs.
“Asher!” He stopped and turned around. His eyes, glowing in yellow stared at me. “Try to leave and I kill you.” He growled.
Iraised the knife from behind my back and put the blade against my throat.
Something flashed in Asher’s eyes before it was gone. But I had seen earlier in the room how he looked at me. How could’ve forced himself on me these days but hadn’t and how he wouldn’t let of his men touch me either?
When he kissed me it wasn’t forced, it wasn’t violent. I had an idea about why that was but this would prove whether or not I was right.
“What’s the plan little girl, you’re gonna kill yourself?” He asked and smiled but it was tense. “Gabby put the f*cking knife down.” Asher growled and stepped closer.
“No! Asher, call your witch and tell her to take away the spell you had put on the girls,” he frowned and lifted his head.
“How do you know about that?”
“It doesn’t matter. Do it now!” I said and pressed the knife harder against my throat. He pursued his lips and raised his hands.
“You wanna kill yourself, go ahead.” He spat and stepped back.
I looked behind at Aiden.
‘Don’t be scared’ 1 said through the mind link.
His eyebrows furrowed together.
I closed my eyes and felt the blade penetrate my skin. The blood slid down my
throat and chest and left behind a cooling feeling.
“Stop!” I opened my eyes, my lips parted in pain and 1 stared into Ashers.
. His were widened and he was angry.
He grabbed his shirt that he had tossed on the ground and pulled out his phone..
confused by each second of his
He held it up by his ear and looked at me. Aiden and everybody else behind him grew more actions but I wasn’t. Asher may have wanted me as a trophy against his brother in the beginning, but I saw it in his eyes the other day, felt it when his lips touched mine-Asher loved me.
“Take the spell down.” He seethed into the phone.
“Don’t argue!” He shouted and locked his eyes on mine as I held the knife still.
The girls had all gathered by the door behind me and were waiting
His eyebrows sunk and a growl rumbled from him.
“It’s done.” He seethed and hung up the phone and tossed it on the ground.
I slowly turned my head and watched the girls.
“Come,” I said and Erin was the first to slowly step outside with her breath caught in her throat. She turned around right away and they all looked at each other. Nothing happened, they were all fine. They smiled and could breathe with ease as they all stepped outside
the house.
I dropped my hand as Erin came to fell to his knees and growled.
o hug me b
but when I turned backs saw Asher smiling and in a
it turn he slashed at Aiden who
Chapter Comments

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 61-70

-Aiden’s POV-
Gabby and Thomas were at the infirmary with Cassidy. She was finally beginning to heal and seeing the joy on Gabby made me beyond grateful for werewolves’ healing ability. She wouldn’t have been able to handle losing another person, especially not Cassy. And Cassy herself had been through enough pain, this all had to come to an end.
“What’s the plan?” Edmund asked when we played a round of pool.
“The plan is that my brother comes for the title and then I kill him I said honestly.
“And if you can’t?” I glared at Edmund. That lit
little prick
ick didn’t know what to
hat to keep to himself..
“I will.”
I just n
mean that a guy
like that who has been planning his revenge for years surely has backup plans that reach at least a mile. What if he has somehow found a way to make it harder for you to kill him?”
“He’s got a point,” Noah said.
“He’s a werewolf, like us, any and all magic he might have will be stripped when steps onto the pack. Our witch has made sure of that. And yes, he does have a backup plan, that’s what the recruiting has been about. I’m sure that he has informed them to start a war if he can’t kill me. One way or another, my brother plans on killing me and taking over the pack.“
e guys stared at me, all of them knew this already but hearing it aloud made it more real. We were up against a type of pack we had never faced before. These people had nothing to lose and everything to gain which meant they’d do anything to win. I had to make sure that Gabby and Cassy were safely tucked away before anything went down..
“I just want to make sure we’re on the same page here,” I said and placed the pool cue down on the table. Edmund looked up at me as he was taking a shot, he held the cue at his side and rested his hand on the table.
“-Gabby will not, under any circumstances take part in this fight. Whether as a warrior or an observer. I will make sure she is safely inside the house when it all begins. I do realize that that might have to be by force and if any of you try to step in between, I will take you down too.” They looked at me, knowing full well that I meant business.
Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Nick said and bowed his head.
“Great, now let’s play, the sooner I win the sooner I can play against a real opponent.” I said and smirked. Edmund growled and his brothers laughed. This kid was a sore loser if I’d ever seen one.
I won the g
game and punched my hands in the air. Just as Edmund tossed the cue down on the table in anger, the windows slammed shut around us. The drapes drew shut and the air grew heavy.
We walked out into the hallway and saw the w
witch standing there. The doors were closed behind her and she was keeping her head
May I help
p you?” I asked and walked up
to her.
“Alpha, how keen are you on keeping her safe?”
“Who? Gabby?”
“I’ll do anything to keep her safe.” I said and questioned her reason for coming but I knew I couldn’t ask. She’d say everything she had to say in her own time. Rushing her only meant she would draw everything out and make it take a longer time.
“Then I suggest you lock her away.” She said and removed her hood.
“The fight has begun and she will be playing before anyone else.” She continued.
“What do you mean?” I said and clenched my jaw.
“As you will do anything to save her life, so will she to save all of yours. Given the choice of war or peace, which do you believe she
will choose?”
“She wouldn’t…”
“Alpha, I am not here to tell you what will happen in the future, I am here to tell you what has already begun.”
The doors made a creaking noise and we all looked at the person entering. Gabby walked in with her phone in her hand and a
concerned look on her face.
“Gabby, “What is going on?” Nick asked. The witch didn’t turn around, her eyes were locked on mine.
“Oh, uhm, nothing,” she lied.
“Gabriela, look at me.” He said and stopped closer to her.
“Who were you on the phone
with?” S
She glanced down at the phone and then up at him in shock but she noticed the witch.
“Oh come on,” she said and glared at her.
She rolled her eyes and licked her lips.
“It wasn’t anything, it was nothing, let it go. Cassy’s doing much better,” she said, trying to deflect the conversation.
I nodded my head and placed my hands in my pockets.
“That’s good to hear. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and get some rest,” she hadn’t showered for days and she looked sleepy so a nap would do her some good. She nodded her head and smiled as she walked away. Gabby cast a wary look on her brothers but they didn’t stop her. Instead, after she had gone upstairs and we heard the door close, they turned their glares on me,
“Dude, what the f*ck?” Edmund asked.
I averted my gaze and looked at the witch.
“What can you do to keep her in the house?” I asked. Her lips pulled up in a half smile and she bowed her head.
The next morning it seemed like things were getting back to their normal state, at least a little bit. Slowly but surely people were waking up, the breakfast was cooking, and everyone got dressed and went downstairs. We walked into the main dining room for the first time in a long time and sat with the other pack members. They all had different reactions to seeing us walk in but nobody spoke about it. My old Triends were sitting at a table, they looked up and watched as we continued to our table. Their eyes fell and they turned their heads but I noticed Sam wasn’t with them.
I knew she couldn’t be trusted and I had this gut feeling that she was planning something. I was just praying to the goddess that the witch wouldn’t help her again.
We sat down in eery silence. Everyone was on edge and felt the stares of our pack members. My parents weren’t here so it was r Gabby, and her brothers. I didn’t know whether or not Cole would be joining us.
Gabby looked at me, a small smile lifted on her lips and her brown eyes were gazing with a warmth I hadn’t seen in them in what felt like forever. Maybe I had never seen it before, I never really looked. But here she was, right by my side, marked and all mine.
And I couldn’t ever lose her again.
I turned my head and locked eyes with Nick, he lowered his head and I nodded mine. We both knew what was happening and soon, Gabby would find out too.
“How’s Cassy?” I asked her. Gabby smiled and drank her coffee.
“She’s doing better. Her dad texted me and said that she was healing well and should be out soon,” the joy in Gabby’s eyes was unfathomable. The deeper 1 looked and our eyes held contact, the more wanted to take her back her room and rip her clothes off.
I slid my hand down her thigh and saw as she drew a double breath. Her lips parted and her eyes flickered down to my mouth.
F*ck, this girl was addictive.
I dug my fingers into her thigh and she closed her eyes and drew her tongue over that bottom lip.
Someone cleared his throat and I looked at Edmund who continued coughing until Gabby tu
turned around as well.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt your foreplay?” He asked.
“No, stop, shh,” Gabby’s cheeks flamed up with embarrassment. She glared at her brother and he laughed.
“What’s the plan today?” Noah asked and stuffed his face with bacon.
“Go after that s*n of a b*tch and kick his *ss, and by kicking his a*s I mean rip his heart out, break his neck, and c*ack his bones. And yes, all of those at the same time.” Edmund said and nodded his head.

“We’re not going after him,” I said and placed my hand on the back of Gabby’s chair.
“Why the f*ck not?” Edmund asked. That little punk had enough aggression in him for a whole pack.
Because he’s coming to us.” I narrowed my eyes and waited for Edmund’s next snarky remark but it didn’t come. He flicked his tongue and nodded his head.
“Alright then.” He said. Everyone has been informed about Asher and his plans. The whole pack knew what awaited and they were all prepared.
“Gabby, what are your plans today?” She looked at E
Edmund and shnigged a shoulder carelessly.
“I don’t know, I was thinking of going for a run and then maybe into town for a coffee.” Noah looked at Edmund who narrowed his eyes at his sister.
“That’s it?” He asked.
at him confusedly.
She furrowed her brows and looked at
“Yeah, why?”
“Nothing, just asking.”
“What’s going on with you?”
“Like I said, just asking.” He said in a biting tone.
His eyes glanced over at me. The shitstorm that would happen when Gabby found out was
The poor girl was in for another surprise. And another decision she had no say in.
unsettling b
but I knew it was necessary.
“I’m heading out, do you wanna come with me?” Gabby asked when I stepped into her room.
“About that, we need to talk.” I said. She put her hair up in a ponytail and I prepared myself.
How the f*ck was this going to go?
“About what?” She asked and walked around the bed to grab her shoes.
Ten seconds.
“The phone call yesterday” she tensed and looked up at me. She tried to clear her face of any guilt but it was too late.
“-Who was
it?” I stepped toward her. This was her cl
chance to tell me the truth. Her
Her throat bobbed as she gulped. She pursed her lips
and put her shoes on.
“I told you, it was nothing,” she shrugged.
The truth was there, all over her face but she wasn’t speaking it.
I walked closer to her. With each stride, she tensed even more.
“Who was on the phone, Gabby?” I stood an inch away from her. My eyes wanted to wander down her body, I wanted to press her up against the wall and yank that ponytail back as her a*s stuck out. Please, baby, just tell me the truth.
“Last time and then I won’t ask again.” I said and looked deeply into her eyes.
“Aiden, I told you, it was nothing. Please…just
st trust me,” she breathed.
I was
blocking her way but I nodded my head slowly and stepped to the side.
She stepped around me and the closer she got to the bedroom door the faster she started walking.
Until she couldn’t.
Her body slammed into the shield that had been put up. She placed her hands against the invisible wall and huffed a breath. I listened in and heard her heartbeat.
It was speeding by this p
s point.
“No… she breathed.
She slammed her hands against the wall and then slowly turned with a deep scowl. Her nostrils were flaring and her eyes glowed.
at the hell have you done.” she seethed.
I walked up to her and my eyes went down to the mark. I slowly dragged my fingers over the scar.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t trust that you’re telling me the truth.” She slapped my hand away and pushed at my chest.
“You don’t trust me? Are you f*cking serious!”
“I know you lied about the phone call.” I said. She stepped back and bit down.
“You can’t do
this,” she whispered.
I lose you,” I said.
“My brothers
s will never be okay with this.”
“Actually-” her eyes widened and she slowly turned and watched her brothers outside in the hall.
“-we are.”
-Gabby’s POV-
Aiden walked out of the room and they all stepped around the corner and disappeared. I ran over and banged on the f*cking wall but they didn’t come back. I screamed til my throat started aching and still, nothing.
“Aiden!” Shit.
My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and panic ran through my body. I heard my phone vibrating and hurriedly picked it up..
“Tick tock, Gabriella. What will it be?” His voice echoed on the other line. There was no background noise. The second he stopped talking it went silent and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My veins turned to ice and his voice immediately drew back
“I-I am trying but there has been a… a situation that I have to handle but I swear-”
“I don’t give a shit about the situation. You know the stakes at line here. Aro
you grateful that I spared her life? Your best friend. I could’ve killed her, or done something much worse. You know that. So tell me, how important are the lives of your pack members? Or the lives of your brothers? Or your mate as I’ve heard? You can spare their lives, they can go on and live peacefully forever. No more innocent blood has to be spilled. It’s up to you, Gabby,” the first tear fell and I wiped it quickly.
“I’m trying,” I whispered.
“Try harder. And remember, the second I have your pretty little a*s in my hands again, you’re mine. So be careful about the choice you make, you can still save yourself but that means that their blood will be on your hands.” I heard the amusement in his voice. My body was shivering from fear that engulfed me.
“And if you need any more motivation to get it done my phone chimed and I was scared to look at it.
*-here you go.” He hung up. The line fell dead and I moved my phone in front of my face with a shaky hand.
I opened the picture he had sent and covered my mouth with my band, choking a sob.
It was three pictures of me laying naked in the room in the club. Asher was f*cking me on the couch and the others were lustfully
looking at and touching me.
“Next time I’ll make sure everyone gets a taste”
The fourth picture was of Cassy and a man cutting her stomach with a knife and a heart-wrenching smile on his face.
I couldn’t breathe.
I fell down on the floor and broke…again.
1 sat there crying and heaving for a breath until a heard a squeak in the floor and looked up. Aiden stepped inside. My blood started to boil, he had no f*cking idea what he had done.
“Take it down.” I seethed. I demanded but he didn’t react. He was keeping his face void of emotion.
I walked toward him and slammed at his chest.
“Take the wall down!” I screamed and pounded at his chest but the s*n of a bi*ch didn’t buckle. He didn’t move an inch. I was raging.
any and all logic was out the window. I raised my fist, my body was moving on its own and my mind wasn’t objecting. He was ruining everything.
My fist neared his face. His eyes were locked with mine but before they connected he grabbed my wrist and pulled it down and toward him, making me slam into his body.
“You don’t want to do that, baby girl. He said coldly.
“Take the wall down!” I tried backing away and pushing away from him but he held on.
“Not gonna happen. His emotions were starting to show but I needed them all to resurface. I needed him to realize that he was being f*cking stupid.
“Please, take it down.” I seethed.
He gripped my chin and forcefully pulled my face forward.
His lips were hovering over mine, brushing against them gently.
His eyes bored into mine.
“No.” He said in a monotone voice. I pushed away and screamed and staggered back.
Aiden stepped closer and grabbed my arm as I raised it. He took it and locked it behind my back, pushing my front up against the wall. My chest was pressing up harder against the wall
wall with each heavy breath and I was sweating and shaking from the anger I felt
toward him
His face leaned down to my neck and he inhaled my scent. Aiden grabbed my ponytail and tugged my
“I imagined you in this position” he said as his breath fanned against my ear.
“-but not like this.” He spat and stepped back.
head back.
I was pressing myself against the wall, knowing that fighting him was futile. I needed to calm down and handle it in a different way.
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“Bring it all to the surface.” He said and leaned his head back.
I thought about walking out of the room and storming off but then I realized that I couldn’t.
I was heaving. Aiden took fast steps towards me and slammed at my shoulders so I flew back onto the wall.
He grabbed each side o
of my face and started kissing down my neck.
I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair.
I pushed him back and ripped his shirt off. Aiden held his arms at his sides and didn’t make a move.
I ground my teeth and nearly drooled as I watched his front. His abs, his chest, his broad shoulders, the V that went down his pants.
His hand quickly came around the back of my head and he slammed me against him. I pulled back and tried to get free. I didn’t want him to be in control but Aiden grabbed my hand and held it down as he engulfed my lips. I pushed against him but kissed him back. I was so confused and I was feeling so many things at the same time.
He lifted me up and walked us over to the bed before tossing me down so I landed on my back. He swiftly dropped his pants and
removed his shredded shirt.
I sat up but Aidens hands pressed me back down as he leaned over me.
“Good girl,” he said huskily. I seethed and pushed away with my elbows but then I felt his tip by my opening.
f*ck,” my head fell back against the mattress, and the second that Aiden entered me it was like someone threw gasoline on the fire that was my heat.
We f*cked the entire day. I couldn’t get enough. Aiden’s most primal parts surfaced and he tossed me around like a doll and did exactly as he had said, he f*cked me so hard I couldn’t walk after we were done.
I was panting on the bed, unable to open my eyes. I lost count of how many times I came but I was famished. Aiden stood and walked into the bathroom. The shower head was turned on and I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed but I couldn’t for the life of me stand up. My legs were like jelly and my whole body was just slumped.
I sighed and hung my head, still completely relaxed throughout my whole body. Aiden came walking out of the bathroom without having showered. He smiled as he came up and lifted me into his arms.
When we got
ot in t
there I saw that he hadn’t turned the shower on, he had d filled ti
the bath and there were bubbles and scented bath salt,
He had lit candles and turned off the lamp. Aiden gently placed me down in the tub and my body was soaked under the warm water.
“Uhh,” I moaned as I felt my body relaxing and I knew I could easily fall asleep at any time now.
Aiden had left early in the morning. An Omega came up with breakfast for me and watched me with dripping pity as she saw me sitting by the desk.
It was noon and I hadn’t done shit. I was stuck in this room, my legs were antsy for a run and so was
was my wolf. I was still sore from yesterday but the memories were making me wet. Aiden f*cked me raw all day and then gently washed me off in the bath when I could barely keep awake.
“Hey there,” Noah was standing on the other side of the door. I raised a brow and made a tsk sound with my tongue.
“Why don’t you come in?” I asked him. He chuckled and shook his head.
Remember last time we fought? You went to town on me and you didn’t even have your wolf back then. I don’t really feel like a round two with a pissed-off she-wolf,” he was right, I’d beat him.
My brothers would always sneak me off and teach me combat and different fighting strategies.
Our parents hated that I fought ad when they found out in the beginning they took out the whip. We got more sneaky with it and eventually, we fought either late at night or when our parents were away.
“I thought you’d like some company,” he said and smiled.
you t
thought wrong.”
“You sure about that?” Noah stepped aside. I furrowed my brows and watched as someone stepped around the corner.
I gasped when I saw her pale face and somber smile.
“Cassy!” My feet ran toward the door and slammed into the wall that I had forgotten about in just a matter of seconds.
“Relax,” Noah said. Cassidy stepped inside and I first touched her arms gently and then I pulled her in against my body.
“Oh my goodness,” I breathed against her.
I pulled back and held her shoulders. I couldn’t help but laugh. She was here, in the flesh and she was smiling.
“I’ve missed you so much,” she said and slammed against me.
I and Cassy had been talking for the past hours. We had a lot to catch up on.
I told her everything that happened on my end. Including my parents, Aiden, my brothers, and pretty much all of it. And she was telling me about what she’d been through and how it all happened.
“I was driving down the road and then I thought I saw a figure standing on the road. The rain was so heavy and I didn’t want to accidentally hit anyone so I stopped the car and went out to make sure they were okay. Next thing I knew I was smacked and fell down. Then I woke up in this dark room, tied to a chair with wolfsbane-laced tope. Your parents came in-” she said and looked at me warily.
“-they said that they were leaving soon and I’d be transferred to another place. I could barely keep my eyes open after the beating but later I felt my body being picked up and tossed into a car. Then I just have these small fragments.” She furrowed her brows and sighed.
“My hands being tied and my body hanging. I remember feeling the cold trail and seeing blood on me but that’s all. I don’t remember much of it. I couldn’t hear my wolf and I was passed out for most of everything they did.” She shrugged.
“That doesn’t make it less bad though. I mean it’s good you don’t remember it but, It doesn’t diminish anything.”
“But you remember everything,” she said and frowned. I smiled and nodded my head.
“Aiden promised me that he’d replace all my bad memories and the ba*tard’s succeeding.” Cassy laughed.
“I’m glad,” It was true, Aiden was really getting there. Whenever my thoughts would spin they would think about him. His touch, the sex, his voice, and everything he had done for me.
“What is the plan now?” Cassy asked me and bit down on a cookie. Edmund had come up here earlier with every type of snack he could find. The jacka*s had stood there with everything in his hands and told me to come and get it.
He then laughed and handed it to Cassy.
“Honestly, I have no clue. I’don’t think they’re telling me everything. All I know is that they’re waiting on Asher and his pack to
“And then what?”
“And then they kill him,” I said.
She narrowed her eyes and looked at me with suspicion.
“What are you not telling me?” She asked.
“You’re hiding something, what is it?” I wanted to tell her. She was the one who knew everything about me. I always told her everything but this…I didn’t know if I could.
What if she tried to stop me or worse, what if she told Aiden or my brothers?
“It’s nothing. Come on, let’s watch a movie,” I jumped back on the bed and pulled all the snacks up with me. Cassy didn’t let it go, I knew she wanted answers but at least she didn’t ask again. She grabbed the remote from my hand and picked a film.
“Again?” I asked her when I saw the movie she chose. Pride and Prejudice.
“I like “she whined and pouted. I smiled and I could feel my tear canals starting to act up. She was here and she was alive. She could watch any movie she wanted, I was just glad to be here with her.
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride

The sun had set and me and Cassy
ssy had watched movies until our eyes were dry and we were forcing them open.
Cassy was sound asleep and I had passed out too.
Something started turning inside me. Lela woke up and started growling in the back of my head.
My eyes shot open as she sensed the danger. I turned my head and the door slowly slid into the room and exposed the person behind it. I rubbed my eyes and looked past the sleepy fog. Lela was baring her teeth and warned me.
“Sam?” I asked and removed the cover.
“You have about ten minutes to get up and get out.” She said. I got up and walked closer. I gasped when I saw the blackness around her eyes. Her lips were dried and chapped and her hair looked like a bird’s nest.
“What happened to you?” I asked her. She was staring me dead in the eye with the most bored expression on her face.
you think fighting against magic won’t leave a mark or two?” She asked in a monotone voice.
ished and flicked her tongue.
hat do you-” she sighed
u wanna get out or not?” She frustratingly asked. Her lips turned up in a smirk and my brows hunched together.
Do you
“He’s waiting for you.” She said. The dreadful feeling that washed over me caused me to shiver and Lela was going nuts in the back of my mind. She tried to claw her way out and I could feel how badly she wanted to shift. The threat was clear.
Sam knew about Asher.
“I can’t leave,” I said and looked at the door.
been taken care of.” She said and stepped back. My eyes were looking around at the invisible wall and I placed my hand against it. It went right through. The wall was down.
My heart was beating out of my chest and I looked back at Cassy, wanting to just go back to bed but I knew what I was risking by turning around. She just got back and I felt like things were falling into place but then now, I could stop everything. I could save their lives and spare them from any further pain.
Nobody would have to die.
“Don’t do this’
You know I have to. We can keep them safe
“We can keep them safe by fighting with them’
I took one step out and then my body followed. I was outside in the hallway with Sam and saw how much her appearance had changed. She looked like she was dying and under different circumstances, I wouldn’t have butted an eyelash but now, I was wondering what she had done to become this way.
“Go on little one, your new life awaits.” She cooed.
Her cheeks were flaming red with pale patches and black rings around her eyes.
Her eyes were dull and lifeless and her shoulders were hunched. She reminded me of a corpse only she was standing and breathing.
“You look horrible,” she scowled and a low growl sounded from her I turned and left before she said anything.
I woke up to the sun streaming in and groaned. My hand reached out and patted the side of the bed but when I looked she wasn’t there. I missed sleeping with Gabby. The plan was to go back to her room last night but then Cassy felt better and we decided they should have some alone time.
But f*ck I missed her.
“HELP!” My eyes darted towards the door. Cassy’s screamed and her voice filled the entire house. I jumped up and ran out in my sweatpants and halted to a stop outside the room,
Cassy was pulling her hair and looked around frantically.
“She’s gone! She’s not here!”
“That’s impossible,” I said and searched the room.
The door to the b
bathroom was open and she wasn’t in there. There was no other f*cking room for her to be in.
“Where is she?”
Edmund asked harshly as he barged into the room.
“She’s gone! She must’ve left when I was asleep!” Cassy cried.
“I knew something was wrong, I knew it but she wouldn’t tell me!” Cassy sat down on the bed crying.
“F*ck!” I turned around and looked at Gabby’s brothers who had gathered in the room. My mother came in shortly after with her robe tightly tied around her.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s Gabby, she’s gone. How could this happen?” I seethed and slammed my hand through the wall.
The strangest thing happened. With my arm stuck in the concrete, my head started spinning and I blinked several times to get a grip. Whereas my arm shouldn’t have been affected at all I felt the sting as I pulled it out and shakily flexed my fingers.
“Aiden, are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” I shook it off and pressed my nails into my palm.
Nick looked around the room, Noah was sitting next to
Cassy t
trying to calm her and Edmund was fuming.
“Where the f*ck could she have gone?”
“And why?”
“The phone,” I searched the room. Pillows flew left and right, I lifted the mattress and turned the table but it wasn’t there.
“It was the phone call. Whoever she was talking to, whoever we put the wall up to protect her from, that’s where she is.” I said through clenched teeth.
“I don’t think any of us need much time to realize who it is,” Noah said.
“But why would she go to him?” Cassy asked.
“BECAUSE SHE’S A F*CKING SAINT!” I growled. She was going on a suicide mission, giving herself over to him to make sure they wouldn’t come here.
I called for a meeting with the warriors. They were all gathered in the round room and I slammed open the doors as I entered. They straightened their backs, lifted their heads, and clapped their hands shut behind them.
“Has everyone been caught up?” I asked.
“Yes, Alpha,” they said in unison.
They all slowly lowered their heads and cast their eyes down at the floor.
I picked out ten of the warriors and they stepped forward.
“You will search for her, sniff her out, follow whatever r trace you find in however many directions it goes.” I growled.
“Alpha-” Cole said and stepped in between.
-I would like to go with them.” He said.
“No.” I didn’t trust him with her. I did it with Cassy because he was desperate.
All of my warriors stood still. Why the f*ck were they just standing?
My feet pressed heavily against the floors as I walked into the house. She was gone…again. And this time I didn’t know how the f*ck to get her back.
“Aiden.” My father stepped out of my office and I walked past him and into the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and ripped out some s steaks, chowing down on them like I hadn’t eaten in days.
“Son,” he said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I wiped my mouth and looked up at him.
“We will get her back.”
“If he has her, the only way to get her back will be to attack.” I said.
“Then we will attack.” He said
and look
at me with a hard gaze.
We wouldn’t attack though, I would. Alone. I would rip through them all, find her, and bring her home. This time I would put a wall up around the whole f*cking border.
We sat in the communal room and tried to wrap our heads around how the wall could’ve been taken down.
“Aiden, nobody can undo magic except for a witch,” my mother said and looked at me with a knowing gaze.
I sent out a mind Jink telling the warriors to bring the pack witch to the house. I had to see her and hopefully not have to kill her.
I was fuming, clenching my teeth, and trying to keep a clear head.
The doors opened, the windows slammed shut and she stepped into the communal room. I took a deep breath and held it as I turned around.
“What the hel! have you done?” I asked her.
“May I remind you that speaking without respect will be met as if you’re not speaking at all,” she said and removed her hood,
I stepped closer to her, my wolf rose and my claws extended.
My chest pushed out and my shoulders rolled back.
“Where is my girl?”
“She left, did she? Her brows furrowed and she actually looked confused.
“We all choose our paths you see. Your mate has made her choice.”
“How did she get out of the room? You put the wall up, nobody but you could’ve taken it down,” my mom said.
“I was the one who removed the wall. You are all aware of the way work. If a person pays the price I ask, I am in no position to refuse service.” I release my breath.
“Who?” I asked.
“Who else? She who asked me last for the paths of Asher King and Gabriella Santos to cross. She now asked for the magic spell to be
undone and so I did,”
“I’m gonna kill her. Sam just signed her death sentence. Cole, bring her to me.” I growled. The witch raised her hand and stopped. Cole in his tracks. Her palm rested on his chest and with a befuddled gage, he looked down at her wrinkled fingers. His brow rose as he
turned his head to me.
“Not so fast. There was
was one more thing she asked for. My eyes started glowing and I felt every wolf in this room rise to the surface.
“What did she ask?” Nick growled and stepped toward the witch.
“For reassurance. She tied her own life to Gabriellas. Whatever harm befalls Samantha will be redirected to you mate. Whether that be
Il feel it all,” touch, harm och death. She will
“What price did she pay for all of this?” Cassy gasped.
Chapter Comments
The wich’s lip turned down in a snarl but there was humor in her eyes. She was pleased with her business agreement.
“She paid with her life to ensure the Lana’s departure.”
“So she’s dying? But you said that if she dies then Gabby will die?” took a quick step forward and was on the verge of shifting.
“Yes, see, the girl is not dumb. No, in fact, her intelligence, when her life is concerned, is quite high. For as long as the Luna stays away from the pack, Samantha’s lifeline will continue, However, should the Luna come back, Samtha’s days will begin to be counted and it will go quickly for her soul to leave her body.”
So I can’t kill her because then Gabby will die, I can’t harm her because Gabby will be harmed and she just gets to walk about as though nothing has happened. How the f*ck does that *itch get to win in all of this?
{“She won’t, mate will come back and then she will get hers”
“Why did you agree to this?” I asked the witch. Her eyes dropped for the first time ever and she sat down on a chair.
Because, Alpha, I did not think she would leave. It could’ve g gone two ways. One of the paths led to her staying, fighting for her pack against your brother, and rising to her position as Luna. The other path to be walked would lead her back to Asher King and the fall of her pack…Aiden-” she gazed into my eyes.
-she chose the path she would walk but it was not the one that was meant for her. I am sorry,”
I walked over to the table and leaned my hands down. I raised my hand and slammed it down, the table broke in two but this time, just like last, I didn’t recover as quickly as I should have. It shouldn’t even take a second, it shouldn’t be felt but it did.
“Aiden, honey,” my mother s
“What?” 1 spat.
softly whispered and I turned around and looked at her worried face.
“You mated, you are both marked, and you completed the bond.” Everyone looked around with knowing gazes.
“Your mate has left, you know what that does to the bond,”
Except I had
ad forgotten about it until just
just now.
-Gabby’s POV-
I stepped into the pack and was immediately met by a herd of wolves. They started sniffing and growling at me, baring their teeth and lowering their heads.
Another one stepped in between his pack members and the others stepped aside. They were still growling as they created a path for me and followed me all the way up to the house. I was expecting a rundown, halfway house but that was not where I ended up.
There was talk of a castle in these parts, a smaller one once owned by a royal couple who would vacation there every summer. With one big tower on the west wing and a grand entrance with statues of creatures said to have been protectors of the estate.
And that castle was standing right in front of me.
The doors were wide open and out came the last man I ever wanted to see but the one I willingly just handed myself over to.
“Gilad to see you made it. He mused as he stepped down the big stone stairs.
I drew in a breath so deep that it felt like my lungs would explode.
“I’m here.” I said in the exhale,
He took slow steps, enjoying everything he had done as he stared me down from top to bottom.
Only when he stood an inch away from me did he speak again.
“Welcome home, love,” he cupped the side of my face and stepped closer. His body pressed against mine and Asher pressed his lips against my forehead,
His hands slid down my arm and he grabbed my hand.
Without a word, he turned around and walked back up to the house with me tugging behind him.
The inside of the castle was stone walls with weapons displayed around every corner. Big statues stood placed neatly and in-between were knight armors holding swords.
There were torches on the walls and spotlights that had been put in.
On the left wall was a spiral staircase leading up to the second floor and we walked up them.
Asher stopped outside a door and leaned over me as he opened it.
“This is where you’ll stay for the time being.” He said and stepped inside. I took in the room. It wasn’t the shoebox I had imagined. There was an actual queen-sized bed with a tapestry hanging over it. A big Persian carpet covered the center of the big room. Two torches, were lit in each corner on the far side of the room. A big makeup table with three built-in mirrors that looked old but perfectly preserved.
I inhaled a shaky breath when I felt Asher’s fingers moving my hair to my back. He was standing behind me, so close that whenever he breathed he pressed up against me. His face leaned down and his breath fanned my neck.
“Unless you’d rather stay with me of course,” he said and chuckled. I was holding my breath and I didn’t release it until I heard the door close and he was gone.
“I’ll be back for you soon.” He groaned.
I choked down the tears and walked over to the bed.
I lay on the covers and took three deep breaths.
What had I done?
are you
My head sunk into the pillows. Where was my wolf?
Lela, are you seriously not talking to me?
What the hell am I gonna do? I was stuck in the pack of the man who had abused me with the men who wanted the same. I was here and there was no getting out. Not without endangering the lives of everyone I loved.
10:40 Wed, May
I dragged my finger
r over Alden’s mark on my neck.
“Aiden, are you there? Can you hear me?“
I had heard that you could mind link your mate regardless of where you were as long as there was no external factor prohibiting the
The silence was deafening and the first tear fell.
I sat up
quickly and jumped back. It was him, he was there.
Aiden…thank god
“Why the hell did you leave?”
You were all so eager to save my life, you can’t blame me for wanting to save yours
Aiden went quiet and it was terrifying. I was afraid that if he stopped talking, I might never hear his voice again.
“Has he done anything?”
He said in a harsh tone.
“No, he showed me to my room and then he left”
“We’re going to bring you back”
I sighed and shook my head even though I knew he couldn’t see me.
‘No, Aiden, you’re not. The deal I made with Asher, to keep you all safe, entailed I was to be here and he would leave the pack alone. As long as I stay, you won’t be harmed”
“I just lost my mate, nothing else will ever hurt me more’
His voice was so sad and it broke my heart.
The door opened up and I inhaled a sharp breath.
I’ll talk to you la
“You have your wolf, if need be, wring his neck like a twig and then kill your way out of there’
“Are you hungry?”
Asher walked me to a grand dining hall. You could tell that it had once been frequented by royalties.
“Sit.” He said and pointed to a chair.
The other men piled in and took their seats. Me and Asher were sitting at the head of the table the others took their seats around the big marble table.
They eyed me like I was fresh meat.
“It’s good to see you again,” his eyes brought back memories that had surpassed. Those eyes are a big part of my nightmares. He was there that night, on the couch in the red room.
Everyone had eaten but I had barely touched my food. My stomach was turning and I was stiff like a tree. My guards were up and I couldn’t bring myself to relax for a single second.
With each passing moment, I was beginning to regret my decision to leave the pack.
that showed half their a*scheeks and some
The doors opened up and a line of girls stepped inside. They had high heels, short skirts th had bras on but not everyone.
They strutted over and were pulled down onto the laps of the men. These weren’t all of Asher’s pack members. I did wonder where the others were. The more information I had the more I could give to Alden.
One of the girls yelped when her bra was ripped off. I looked to my side and saw Aser leaning back in his chair and looking with amusement at the girls. A brunette came walking up to him. Her hair was tied in a long bride at the top of her head.
He pulled his chair out and she straddled him.
nts and his underwear and slid down on
Asher ripped her skirt off and slammed his hand down on her a*s. The girl pulled down his pants his d*ck.
“You can take her place if you want.” He said and dragged his tongue over his lips. I looked away.
She bounced on top of him and Asher grabbed her hips and pounced her harder down on h
on his len
When I slid my chair out I yelped as dug his claws into my leg.
“Sit down. You’re not going anywhere.” He growled.
One of the girls
Is was bent over the table. Another was down on her knees sucking off the man on the chair and the others were doing whatever the men pleased.
I was sinking back into my chair hoping to draw as little attention to myself as possible.
Chapter Comments

-Alden’s POV-
I sighost and dragged my hand over my face.
“What just happened to you?
“Yeah you disappeared for a second. Did you get a mind link:
“Yeah,” I said and hung my head. I didn’t know whether or not to tell them who it was from though.
“Are you gonna tell us? 1 looked up at them and watched their suspicious faces.
“We’re mated, the mind link still works,” I said. Guess I decided to tell them. Keeping secrets would just blow up in my face and we had too much going on already. Nicks eyes rose and Edmund’s face was turning red. I could talk to their sister and they couldn’t.
“Well f*cking hell, good for you.” Edmund spat.
“Ed, calm down.” Nick gritted…
“Okes seriously, what’s our plan?” Cassy said and tossed her arms in the air.
She wasn’t even healed completely yet but still, she was ready to fight Asher.
Word had gotten around about Gabby’s departure from the pack. Everyone thought she had left willingly, nobody knew the truth and it felt like everything I said to them lately was a lie. All to keep them from hurting. But who was I to decide that? She was their Luna and she was gone. They had lost her too.
“Inform the pack members about our situation. Tell them everythin
I mind-linked the warriors. It would be their job to let the word out and then my job to pick up the pieces.
“We’ll go there alone and bring her back and kill that Asher m*therf*cker.” Noah said.
“No.” They looked at me all pumped up ready to go on a killing spre
“We’ll all go. We’ll bring the fight to him but not yet.” I said that last part with a heavy heart. Had it been up to me we would ve
already been on the road.
But there was still one loose end that could ruin everything and cause even more damage than had already been made,
“Aiden you can’t do this,” Cassy said with a deep frown, I had told them my plan and it would work but she was right to be worried.
“What if Gabby finds out?” She said.
“It won’t mutter, none of this will matter unless we get her back in one piece and the only other person besides my brother that could prevent that right now is Sam.”
She strutted into the house with her heels clicking against the floor. Her dress was riding up and her hair had been curled and hung
down to her waist.
Sam stopped in front of me. Gabby’s brothers were standing behind me and Cassy had left. She scoffed and shook her head in disappointment before walking past Sam.
“You called for me?” She said and leaned her head back, trying to look seductive.
“I don’t know if you’ve heard but Gabby’s gone,” I said and searched her eyes.
“Ah yes, what a shame. I was starting to like her. How are you holding up?” She asked and started stroking my
“It’s hard, but I guess it’s for the best. I mean no one made her lease, right,” I said and shrugged my shoulders,
“Right, maybe she was looking for something else. Not everyone appreciates what’s right in front of them,” she purred. I smirked and nodded my head.
“You’re right. And the reason for why I wanted to see you” I stepped to the side and Edmund stepped forth.
–This is Edmund Santino, Gabriella’s brother. He would like for you to show him around the pack.”
Sam looked past me and onto Edmund. Her brows furrowed and her befuddled face didn’t understand why I wasn’t locking her down in my bedroom and f*cking her brains out. That’s the way she thought it would go. Gabby would leave, and I would choose Sam, and then make her my Luna.
Edmund stepped closer and pulled his hands out of his pockets. He reached out his hand and smoldered.
“Nice to meet you. I like your dress,” he said and gazed down her bare legs.
I saw the hairs on her arms rise and there was a flicker of wonder in her eyes.
“Sure but I think Aiden needs me. It’s a tough time right now, I’m sure you understand,” She said and stepped back but Edmund held her hand and stepped with her.
“I think he’ll manage.” He whispered. The guy had been here for a few weeks and already managed to sleep his way through half of the she-wolves in my pack. Anyone of these girls would fall on his tale.
They took off. Sam threw a quick glance over her shoulder as Edmund pulled her after him. In a few moments, he’d have her bent over a rock in the woods and humping her brains out as he so eloquently put it himself.
“Do you really think this is going to work?” Nick asked with a raised brow and an amused look.
“Oh I really do.”
A few hours had passed. Cassy came stomping into the house after she had spent the day with her family. She was looking at me with a deep frown and I put the glass of scotch down and prepared myself for the lashing. The crease on her forehead was growing deeper and her nose was wrinkled.
“Did you do it?” She asked and crossed her arms over her chest.
She was tapping her foot with her hip stuck out to the side and biting her inner cheek. Her eyes were incredibly wide and the longer I walted for the answer the faster her foot started tapping.
“Oh god woman would you please stop tapping! You’re like a rabbit trying to warn his buddies under the ground!” Noah said.
“I did.” She puffed out a breath and looked at me with a shocked face.
“I cannot believe you did if I grabbed Cassy’s shoulder and stepped closer.
“Would you relax? Everything will be okay. Edmund is out with Sam and with a little luck-”
“Luck has nothing to do with it, bro. Picked, licked, and di-
“Edmund!” Nick scolded.
He wiped his lips and smiled widely and proudly as he pulled off his jacket.
“Sorry, I thought you’d like details. That girl is mighty flexible,” Cassy made a gagging sound and covered her mouth with her hand.
“I’m gonna throw up.” She said behind her hand.
Edmund laughed and walked over to pour himself a drink.
“You succeeded huh?”I asked. Edmund turned around and dropped his hand, swirling around
and, swirling around the drink in the glass.
“It was never a question of if it would work- but rather a question of how long it would take until she pulled her dress up for me. This could be seen as a personal record BUT you do have some very loose girls in this pack. Oh well, I’ll take it as a win,” He said and shrugged his shoulder.
“And what is Gabby going to say when she finds out that her brother slept with the girl that tried to kill her, on multiple occasions?” Edmund walked to Cassidy and raised his glass.
to find out?” He said and hummed at her with the glass pulling to his lips. Cassy scoffed and shook her head.
“Who says she has to find
She had healed completely by now. Cassy looked as good as new which also meant she had the strength to stand up against the men. Which she did. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for Gabby and I did love her for that. Seeing the loyalty and respect Cassy had for my mate, reminded me of the friend I lost a long time ago. I let go of probably the most genuine friend I had ever had.
Cassy through me a glance and I shook my head to clear the thoughts away, then I shrugged my shoulders and tossed my head to
Not long after Edmund had walked in, Sam fumbled into the room with disheveled hair and her skirt riding up her *ss with every
“Oh, Uhm, hi,” she said and wiped her lips when she saw the rest of us. Cassy stood in a strong stance with her arms crossed over her chest. Noah was trying hard to hide a smirk and Nick was standing as stale as ever looking with emotionless eyes at his brother’s latest conquest. And one of his sister’s biggest tormentors.
I couldn’t help but find it amusing. My own grin was desperately pulled down because I knew that this was just the beginning.
“Edmund, do you want to meet up later?” She purred and batted her eyelashes.
“I’ll check and see if I have time. He said, playing hard to get.
Sam smiled and then turned to me.
“If you ever feel lonely, you know where to find me,” She cooed and pressed her hand softly against my chest. I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath to calm my wolf.
Edmund Tooked between us and stepped closer.
“Hey that friend of yours, the hot one, Amanda, does she have a mate?” He asked and slowly took a sip from his drink. Sam’s jaw clicked and her eyes turned black.
In her head, there were no other options.
“She’s not available- She said and turned to him, suddenly even more interested.
1 am.”
“Hmm,” Edmund said and nodded his head.
He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled in her swiftly, slamming his lips down on hers. He opened his eyes and
they locked with Cassy’s.
She gagged again and I choked a laugh.
Edmund pulled hack and finished his glass. He looked at me, Nick, and Noah and bowed his head. He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him out of the room and up the stairs.
“Game on,” I groaned in amusement.
Chapter Comments
4/4CHAPTER 67.
-Aiden’s POV-
I stared into the empty room- suddenly regretting ever letting her fleep away from me. I should’ve kept her closer, had she been in my room, with me, maybe this would’ve never happened. The bed was reatly made because no one had slept in it since Gabby left. Everything looked untouched and there wasnät a trace of her having lived here except for the clothes in the closet. But this time I swore that when Gabby moved back, she was staying with me.
Playing the hero was all fun and games until reality settled and you realize that you don’t have a next move. That was why I always calculated everything to the t because you couldn’t run a pack, or protect your people, from your heroic thoughts alone. You needed a plan.
My people trusted me and our pack had always been tight-knit and trusting of each other. My father and his before him- going back centuries- made sure of that.
Many years ago another pack attacked, they were stronger and had more warriors and everyone thought it would be the end.
But my grandfather refused to let his pack fall. He watched as the scattered remains of his people lay cold on the ground and the ashes from the trees and the grass blow into clouds in the wind. Knowing when your hand’s been dealt is vital; if you don’t then you can never know your next move and you will die before you ever get the chance to retaliate.
He sought out a witch that he had befriended and asked for her assistance. She gladly obliged and then agreed to stay under certain terms, all of which were met. That’s how the witch came to be our pack member. She saved us once a long time ago and ever since she had become a part of us. Only now I couldn’t tell whether that was a good thing or if it was the smoking gun to which my life had fallen
I closed the door and walked downstairs to pour myself a drink. Word had now gotten out about Gabby and Asher and questions would soon arise that I needed to answer.
Stop that!” I leaned back and looked into the hallway where Samn was giggly running down the stairs. She was swatting away Edmund’s hands and I was pressing down all the food I had eaten today
“Yes, please, stop that.” Noah’s monotone voice drew out and Saw scowled at him. Her long manicured nails slid down Edmund’s chest and she pouted her lips- slowly turning her head and glancing at me.
Was she trying to make me jealous? Her lips pulled up in a smile and she parted her lips.
Huh, yes she was. If only I could up and tell that bi*ch what was in store for her, it would at least put half a smile on my face. The other half would form when I saw her corpse lay cold on the ground.
I see you later?” She purred and pressed her tits up against Edmund. He looked down into her eyes and grabbed her chin.
“Hell yeah you will,” He groaned.
“You’re really enjoying this,” Noah observed after Sam had walked out of the house. The doors closed and people were heading to their rooms or home to their families.
He laughed and tossed his head like a horse with its mane.
“We all know how it’s gonna end, I might as well get some fun out of it,” Noah scoffed and shook his head.
“You’re disgusting, you know that?”
“Don’t worry big bro, you’ll get yours one day.” I furrowed my brows and slowly turned my head and with an incredulous look, I stared at Noah’s face.
“Are you have you not I mean not that I’m judging but are you a my rambling thankfully ended before it got worse when Edmund slammed a hand down on his brother’s shoulder.
“A virgin, yes he is.” 1 managed the muscles in my face and kept them from forming a shocked expression. But I was shocked as f8ck. This was rare, especially for a male wolf in his youth and an Alpha was ven rarer. We were all the same with the hormones and the primal urges; there was no exception.
How do I handle this? Do I nod or smile? Or maybe nothing, yeah let’s do nothing.
“That’s cool,” I mentally slapped myself for the lamest words that could’ve possibly left my mouth.
“It’s fine, everyone finds it weird or unnatural,” he drew out the words showing exactly how us he was to this reaction.
“Not even during heat seasons?” I asked and placed my elbows on my knees, leaning forward. I think the shock on my face was there right now but I couldn’t shake it. And if anything I was more curious than shocked.
Noah was by all means an Alpha, Granted he was more laid back and didn’t take exactly as much space as his younger brother but comparing him and Edmund there honestly weren’t that many differences.
“It’s hard to resist the urge, especially during mating season with the she-wolves hormones spiking and their needs visible for everyone to see… and smell,” he said and grinned.
“But I always said that my first time would be with my mate.” He leaned back on the couch and looked careless.
He was more than comfortable with his choice which for me was unthinkable but good for him.
“How about you, Alpha Aiden,” Edmund grinned.
“What about me what?”
“How many?” He snooped and looked closely.
How many? Well shit, this was a good conversation to have with the brothers of the girl I love.
“Five.” I waited for their reaction but all I got from Edmund was a grimace; it looked like he had just smelt something bad.
“Just five? With these girls you have here?”
A sickening feeling rose in me and I chuckled.
“I don’t even want to know your number, dude,” I really didn’t.
“Come on, ask me,”
“Ask me… ask me… ask me… ask me-”
“Seriously?” I burst.
“He’ll continue til you ask him. Trust me.” Nick groan
from his chair.
have you-” I didn’t even get to finish the sentence before the little punk slammed his glass down on the table.
“How many
fifty-four and counting!” Noah pulled his hand away from Edmund’s shoulder and wiped it on his pant leg. The disgust that was written on his face was exactly how I felt on the inside.
But then again, Edmund didn’t care about the whole waiting for your mate” whereas Noah did. That only left Nick. I locked my eyes on him and he rose his brows before stretching his arms and leaning forward.
“One,” 1 rose a brow and for a second I didn’t believe him.
“I had a girl that I dated back at the back. Whenever I had an itch she was there to scratch it. Didn’t need more.” Huh. Valid answer.
All this talk about girls was just making me miss mine even more. I wondered how she was doing but I didn’t want to wonder more than that. The plan was forming, slowly but surely. I just had to make sure that whatever happened, Gabby would leave without a scratch.
nk you’ll find her?” Noah looked at me, a little stunned by the question I had asked him.
“When do you think
“And you Nick, when do you think you’ll find yours?” All three guys feel silent under a heavy blanket of thick air that weighed them down. I watched all their faces intently, analyzing their reactions and whatever had happened wasn’t good.
“Or maybe you already have.” I assumed.
His head was cast down but his eyes rose hooded and locked with mine.
“Do you remember our parents talking about Gabby’s so-called friends?”
to the
“One of those girls, Bella, when she turned eighteen we found out that we were mated. Gabby has no idea,” holy shit. He was mated
girl that treated his sister like shit?
“You’re one to talk
I’m rectifying my mistakes
‘Maybe she
tried that too!
“Are you two mated?” }
His shoulders jumped from the silent laughter.
“You think I’m gonna be with a girl who used and abused my sister?”
“What happened?” I asked, hoping he would tell me. We all had a drink in our hands and had been drinking all night. We had emptied three bottles of scotch and just opened the fourth.
“We sensed each other that very same day out in town. A few humans had accidentally driven into our town and I was walking down there to help them. Bella sensed the mate bond and if you could’ve seen the joy on that bi*ch’s face you would’ve died. She really thought that she was going to be Luna. The second she jumped in my arms, I pushed her off and rejected her in front of everyone.” He stopped and cracked his knuckles. His eyes rose and he stared deep into my f*cking soul with blackened eyes.
“If I’m being honest, that’s what I hoped Gabby would do to you.”
The initial jerking reaction of me wanting to beat him was staggered when I realized that I understood. Bella had treated Gabby like shit and so had I and I was mated to her. CHAPTER 68
There was no difference between the girls Gabby had encountered in her life who all went above and beyond to abuse her generosity, take advantage of her family’s dysfunctional relationship and then toss her aside when she no longer served them.
The only difference I could possibly see in me and them was that was the one person on this planet meant to not hurt her. It was (supposed to be me who protected her and showed her that there was such a thing as genuine love but I hadn’t and that hurt. If anybody had proven to Gabby how she deserves to be treated, besides her brothers, it was Casandra.
“I don’t any longer though.” I looked at Nick.
Noah and Edmund were sitting quietly watching between us. Any moment that those two were silent for even a second was a clear that things were serious,
They knew when to back down and it was usually when Nick talked
“You’ve proven yourself the last couple of months. It shows that you care about Gabby and that you are trying to make things right. And she obviously cares about you.”⠀
There was a woven web of uncertainty clustered around all of us. The more it tightened the more suffocating it was and looking past the easygoing talk, everyone was on the verge of choking.
I heard footsteps entering the room and looked over Cassy’s guilt-ridden face.
“What’s wrong!
“This just came but you’re not gonna like it.” She handed over an envelope.
“Did a messenger come with it?” She shook her head and took a seat on the couch next to the guys.
Her pink cardigan hung from her shoulder and she pulled it up.
“No it was
to my parent’s house,”
Cassy had already ripped open the seal and I pulled out the little letter, unfolding it and reading it out loud.
“There are new rules to the bet. You will have one week to gather your warriors and teach them what they need to know, I will do the same. I already have the girl- thanks for that by the way- and after the one week mark, I will come for my title. Whoever decides to fight with you will do so but after I am done and the pack is mine, those who oppose me will be ended. I graciously give this warning so that your people can choose for themselves what is more important. Their loyalty or their lives. It was nice to meet you, Cassandra, we had fun. Please pass this along to my brother after you have read it. Until we meet again.”
“The f*cker lied,” Noah growled.
“Are you surprised? He wants what I have. He wants my life because he thinks it is his and that I wrongly took it from him. Asher wants my mate and he wants my title and I welcome him to try and get it,” Edmund leaned back and furrowed his brows.
“So he’s coming?”
“No. We’re gonna go to him.”
“What do you mean?”Cassy asked me and cupped her hands.
“He thinks that because he has Gabby we will go along with anything he says. Asher will believe that he has the upper hand now and that I will gather my warriors, prepare them and then sit and wait for him to attack. He thinks we’re sitting ducks waiting to be
slaughtered. That was his gameplay with Gabby, he wanted leverage,”
“And he has it. Asher has her so why not just do what he says so she doesn’t get hurt?” Cassy asked and I could hear the frustration
in her voice.
“Because we can go in with a surprise attack. He won’t see it coming, he’ll be caught off guard and our chances will be even better. I’m guaranteeing us a win.”
“And if he comes? We’re not gonna win then?” She asked and frowned.
“We would win that too but a lot more people would die for it.”
Cassy nodded her head slowly and her eyes fell. This was it, it would all end. I would kill my brother, and get my girl back and everything would fall as it was meant.
“I’m gonna go for a walk,” Cassy said and got up. Not long after, Noah got up as well and Nick headed away to talk to the warriors that his parents had brought with them.
“Do you have an actual plan or is this more of a charge and hope for the best type of thing?” | around here because apparently, my headache wasn’t bad enough alreally.
“I have a plan.” I said and glowered at him.
“Which is?” A smugness rose in me.
“I’m not gonna tell you yet.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because you’re sleeping with t
Edmund asked me. He of course stuck
the enemy, how do I know you won’t accidentally spill your guts to her while she’s sucking your di*k.”
“You’re the one who told me to f*ck her!” He screamed and rose to his feet. I laughed and stood.
“I know and I do thank you for your service but that doesn’t mean that you’re not in between the enemy and us. I’m sorry but you’ll know about the plan when I know for sure that you can’t f*ck it up.” I shid.
“You suck.”
“I know.” I said and patted his shoulder.
Edmund slapped it away and growled.
-Samantha’s POV-
I ran down to the school to see the witch. She had to be there, there was no other chance than this one.
The doors burst open and I stomped into her creepy little den. The witch wasn’t sitting by her desk as usual. I looked around and saw her shadow in the corner of the room lighting some candles.
“Yes?” She asked but didn’t bother turning around.
“I need you to put a hex on someone.” I said and raised
She turned around and slowly walked up to me. Her lip was up in agrin and her tongue stuck out.
10:41 Wed, May 22
“I will do no more business with you. You may leave.” My eyes widened and I dropped my arms to my sides.
“Why the hell not? I’ll pay, you know I’m good for it!”
“Don’t you see child? You have nothing left to give. You have sold your soul, your firstborn child and there is no more I want from
“I’ll pay anything, just name it.”
“I already have and you have given it to me. Now leave.” She snarled and her eyes darkened as the winds blew in through the open
“No,” 1 breathed and shook my head but the witch wasn’t giving in growled and walked out of the house, the doors slammed shut behind me and the crows started fluttering their wings.
There had to be another way, I knew there was.
Gabby was gone, now I just
I just had to get rid of her f*cking brothers and then Aiden wouldn’t be distracted. He’d be mine.
“Why are you calling me?” He growled into the phone when he picked up. I won’t lie, I winced from the anger in his voice.
“Do you
know a witch?”
“Because I need one.”
“I thought you had a witch? I groaned and walked around the confer of the playground where nobody was
“I did but she’s done. I need one that will help me
“Sorry, I don’t do favors.”
“Oh yes you do. The deal was that I give you Gabby and I get Aiden You haven’t held up your end of the deal.” Thi 1 could practically feel him fuming through the phone.
“You better lower your voice, little girl.” I didn’t speak, “I do know witch, she lives on the outskirts of Crosstown, in the woods. You can’t miss it cause it’s the only property around but beware, she’s a bi*ch. So you’ll probably get along well. and I took a deep breath.
I looked up Crosstown on the maps on my phone and saw that the drive was only forty minutes.
If I left now nobody would notice I was gone.
Chapter Comments

I drove down the main road for twenty minutes before exiting on a smaller road that went through two towns. The further I got even though it wasn’t very far everything got more gloomy and depressing by the end the houses were wreckages and the laws were dried dirt. Some of them didn’t have windows and I only saw about three people outside.
I took the small offroad path that led uphill and into the woods. Just as I was about to reach my destination I was met with a metal sign on the side of the road next to the gate.
“Do not enter!” That’s cute. I drove in and stopped outside the little cabin which was about five minutes into the woods.
1 locked the car and stood outside, watching the dark windows.
“Hello?” I asked and stepped closer to the porch.
I took another step, trying to see past the cobweb and filth that had collected on the windows. I didn’t see anyone in there or movements but she had to be there. Just as I took yet another step closer to the porch a fire lit up in front of me, blocking me from going
“Can’t you read?” Someone seethed and I heard the door opening up. The witch walked out on the porch and as the fire grew smaller and reached up
up to my chest I could see her and it was not at all what expected.
Our witch was old with warts on her face and a crooked nose. Her teeth were rotten and chipped, some were black and some pissing. She had a hump on her back and a whiskey-hoarse voice.
That’s what I expected. A witch. But who the *uck was this?
She took a step down the stairs with her hand placed on her hip. Her long brown hair was tied in a high ponytail and the highlights were hazelnut brown, glittering from the light of the fire. Her honey brown eyes reflected the flame and her cherry-colored lips were plump. The b*tch had perfect skin and a great body.
That had to be a spell.
“Well, can’t you?” S
She asked when I hadn’t answered.
“I read it but I need your help.” Her brows shot up.
“Oh you do, do you. And that gives you the right to tresp*ss on my property?”
“Listen, I can pay you well. All I need is a minute of
of your time and then you’ll never have to see me again.”
“Why are you staring?”
“I just didn’t expect you to look so-
“Hot?” She asked and grinned.
“Not what I was going to say.” I groaned.
“How old are you?” I asked her.
“Twenty-four,” she grinned and winked at me.
“And yes, that is my real age.” She proudly stated.
10:41 Wed, May
She flicked her fingers and the fire died down, disappearing completely and leaving behind a little cloud of ash.
She stepped
toward me and looked me up and down as she walked around me. I rolled my eyes and just wanted to get this over with.
She stopped in front of me and looked me
in the eyes.
“What’s the job?”
“I need a hex put on someone.” I pulled out his picture from my-wallet.
She took one look and smirked,
“Cute, who is he?” She asked.
if I wasn’t back before
“It doesn’t matter. Can you do it?” I spat as my patience ran low. Everyone would start to ask questions if nightfall.
“Not if you won’t tell me who he is and what the hex is that you want me to put on him.”/
She was someone that had worked with Asher which meant she wouldn’t care about the people it was affecting. She probably didn’t even know them.
1 raised my head and stared into her emotionless eyes.
her mere appearance was making me sick.
“I need a hex put on a member of the Halfmoon pack He’s the son of an Alpha, one of the Santos brothers. He is currently residing in Alpha Aidens pack with his brothers.” Something flashed in her eyes and she looked around the forest.
“Come inside. We walked into her house and she led me to the den
As she sat down and played with her fingers there was something smug in her eyes.
A knowing feeling th
that made my stomach turn-
“You know him, don’t you?” She shook her head back and forth and clicked her tongue.
“I know of him. I know of all of them, all four siblings. Do you think Asher hadn’t told me? Do you really think he didn’t call to warn me that you were coming?” I was confused. How close were those two? Was this a mistake, me, coming here, if they are as close as it seems then maybe I just put myself in the danger.
“Exactly how well do you know him?” I asked her and leaned forward.
“You mean Asher? Oh very well. We’ve known each other for years, ever since he got with me for a while and we became close.”
got kicked out of the pack by his father. He stayed
“Meaning you slept together?”
“Yes. But also by close I mean we are friends. He calls me when he needs something and I answer him when I feel like life has gotten too dull.” She said and smiled. She really was a b*tch, thriving off chaos Asher said I would like her but I didn’t. I just needed her help to get this done.
So you knew about his plans with Gabriella?”
“Knew about them? Do you think that dimwit could’ve come up with a plan like that on his own? I made them, I created the plan and
10:41 Wed, May
I told it to him. He was so deep in a swid of hatred and revenge I figured he might as well do something about it. He came to me after having assembled a pack of his own, a small one with a bunch of losers Strong losers. He said that he wanted his title pack and that he had heard Alden had taken a wife, he of course wanted her as well the greedy b*stard. Anything to inflict as much as possible upon his brother,”
“He wants Gabriella to hurt Alden?”
“At first, yes but then he saw a picture of her and practically drooled. Now he wants her for fun.” She said and smirked. I had to admit that the plan was pretty impressive. And whatever it took to keep Gabriella away from Alden, I was glad for it.
“Why do you want to put a hex on her brother?” She asked as she toured us the coffee,
She pulled out a vial from a drawer and crushed herbs between her fingers before putting it in her cup. She was about to slide some into mine when my hand flew forward and covered the top.
“What is it?” I asked her and looked at the green leaves floating on the surface of her coffee,
“It’s mint, it gives the coffee a nice kick,” she said and rose a brow looking annoyed, I removed my hand and she drizzled it down.
“The plan I made with Asher was that I would help him get Gabby and in return, I would get Aiden. I haven’t gotten mine and it’s because those brothers of hers won’t leave the f*cking pack.”
I took a sip. My eyes locked with hers as she drank from her coffee the same time.
She removed the cup and I drew my tongue over my lips, tasting the sweetness it left behind.
Her eyes searched mine and she tilted her head to the side. A cloud of uncertainty flowed in her depth and it was enchanting looking
into them.
“Are you sure you want them gone?” My body froze and my guards flew up and formed a shield. What was she getting at? She looked at me as the
though she knew something.
“Why wouldn’t 17”
“It seems like you’re having fun in their company, with one of them at least,” She said and raised her cup before putting it down. The leaves in my coffee had dissolved and a purple liquid was mixed in with the cream.
“What is this?”
“I’m a witch, sweetheart and from what I’ve heard, you can’t be trusted. Betraying your own pack and Alpha, sending away an innocent girl to a monster like Asher just so you can get your hands on her mate. Why would I trust a girl like yourself?”
“This wasn’t mint,” I seethed,
“No,” she said and laughed.
“I see things that you would never tell me. And that love you have, for Aiden, it will be your doom. He will never choose you. He loves her, beyond words and feelings and a bond, she has his heart in the palm of her hand and nobody else will ever be its owner.” She shook
her shoulders and drew in a breath. My body was stale and I was seething. How dare she speak like that? Aiden was mine, the moon
ulders and
goddess had made a mistake and I was fixing it.
“But I will help you, for a price of course.”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

-Gabby’s POV-
I couldn’t fathom how Asher ended up here with his pack. And this pack was unlike any other I had ever seen before and it scared me to the core. The whole idea of Aiden and my brothers ever going up against these men was terrifying. The chills ran down my spine and out through my toes. I knew Aidens strength and I knew my brothers, they were all incredibly strong, stronger than most others. But this- these werent regular werewolves. They didn’t just train to learn but they fought to kill. I had seen three of their men die during training in just under an hour of being outside of the house.
The only good thing to come out of this was that I had now seen their weakness and I could tell it to Aiden. These men, however strong and bloodthirsty, weren’t a pack. They didn’t care about each other and would much rather finish a missi
than help their friend or pack member. And trust me, that was a weakness.
One of the men started beating on the other, he fell on the ground but instead of helping him up; the man bent down and pounded on him until he stopped breathing. Four bodies.
“Are you enjoying the show?” Asher’s dark voice rang in my ears as he came up behind me. His hand wrapped around my waist and he tugged me to him.
The men who were fighting stopped and looked at us. Asher leaned down and nibbled on my neck. I was pushing back the vomit and trum not to make eye contact with any of the others but I failed. He who had just killed his sparing partner stood back up and turned to
me. A big smirk grew on his face and he licked his lips.
“She’s looking nice, when is it our turn?” He asked. 1 tensed up and locked eyes with him.
The biggest sorrow I had felt lately was not being able to communicate with my wolf. She had left me, probably over the fact that I abandoned everyone back home, including our mate. But in times like these, when I was afraid, I wished she would just appear.
“Oh, in due time,” Asher said and chuckled. His lips pressed against my cheek and the man who had spoken walked up to us. He pushed his fists in the air and his eyes started glowing.
“Come on man, give her to me. I promise I’ll give her back in almost perfect condition,” everyone laughed behind him and Asher laughed beside me. He held me tighter and pressed his body against mine.
“Not yet but soon. After everything is ready,” he said and lowered his head sending a silent message. The man understood it and backed away; he raised his finger in the air and pointed at me.
“Soon you’ll be mine and I promise, you won’t be the same after that.” He laughed loudly, his shoulders shook and within ten seconds he was back to fighting and breaking another guy’s nose.
“Look carefully-” Asher whispered with his lips brushing against my ear.
“This is your new home. Everyone here is going to taste you but only I will decide who and when because first and foremost-” his fingers dug into my waist and I winced. He grabbed my chin and turned my head. Our lips pressed together almost painfully and then he Jeaned his forehead on mine.
*-you’re mine.” He growled.
The night fell with its peaceful quietness and everyone had gone off to bed. Luckily I was alone still and hoped it would remain this way but I know that hope was just the sad man’s life thread. It was nothing I could depend on.
Something Asher had said earlier nagged me. He said ‘After everything is ready what did mean by that?
10:41 Wed, May
I had no one to ask as I stood alone by the window and looked out over the dark grounds. The status outside took on different shapes under the darkness and it was calming to look at.
‘Aiden?’ I held my breath and hoped for an answer.
Please, please answer me.
“Gabby” he breathed. I heard the relief in his voice and I felt it because it was the same that I was feeling when I heard his voice.
“How are you?”
“it’s not me I’m worried about’ he said.
‘Please, tell me
“You left to protect us, yes?” I furrowed my brows and closed my eyes.
“Are you at all aware of his plans?”
“What do you mean?” Aiden sighed.
“I know that you did what you thought was best for us and that you thought everyone was protected by your leaving but a letter was sent to Cassy yesterday and it explained his next move. He’s coming here to take the title and sit as Alpha’ I gasped but covered my mouth with my hand. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go down.
“I didn’t know…oh no. What are you going to do? He went silent and then I heard his sigh.
“I can’t tell you. You’re too close to everything and I don’t want you to be in more danger than you already are”
“Please don’t act too rashly. You need to think of a plan and I think I might have some information that can help with that’
“What do you mean?”
“They’re strong and they are focused on the kill and of getting what they want but Aiden, they are not a pack. They don’t trust each other and they would sooner kill the guy next to them than lose
“That’s good information, thank you. But now I want you to stop. Don’t look for anything else that could help us, don’t observe their fighting or see who’s good at what. Just stop”
“Why? It could be helpful!”
“Because it’s dangerous, Gabby. What do you think will happen if they catch on to you, huh? If anything were to happen to you…Just don’t I heard the anger in his voice and the mixed-in worry. He fell silent and I heaved a breath.
“Fine, I’ll stop
“Are you lying down?” His voice grew husky and low. I furrowed my head into the pillow and smiled.
Good. I want you to listen to my voice and do as I say. Get undressed’ I did it, quickly. Just hearing his voice set my body on fire.
“And now?”
‘Shh. Close your eyes and gently slid your fingers down your neck and your nipple-circling your breast- I licked my lips and moaned.
‘-down your core and spread your legs for me. Press your finger against your clit and rub it’
His voice filled my mind, the excitement built up and I needed him to keep talking. I imagined it was his hand, his fingers touching me. That he was here and we were together.
‘Yes’ I breathed.
“Good girl. Slid your finger in and move it until I tell you to stop I pushed my finger in and started moving it in and out, going faster and feeling my walls begin to clench.
It built up and I was about to cum.
‘C*m for me, Gabby’ He groaned. I moaned and bit down hard on my bottom lip. My stomach clenched and I arched up and tossed my head down. My body slumped down into the bed and my chest rose and fell heavily as I came down from my high.
‘Holy shit. I want you inside of me’
‘Soon baby”
Morning came and the sun rose up over the trees. The light shone inside the room and woke me up. Today was another day and the first time since coming here that I felt like I was losing myself. I had this idea in my head that I was saving everyone and keeping them safe by leaving them and giving myself over. Only to be told that Asher had no intention of letting them go.
I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. A few steps down the hall I saw a woman walking. A man passed me with long and fast strides.
“Get out of the way!” He pushed the girl to the side and she fell into the corner and down on her knees.
The man kept laughing and walked away with the barrel in his hands. I ran over to her and squatted down.
“Are you okay?” She looked up at me, true terror in her eyes the second she saw me.
“Don’t talk to me.” She whispered and pushed me away. She pressed herself back against the wall and shivered as she tried to stand on her high heels. It was one of the girls that had stripped in the dining room the other day. She was wearing a skimpy skirt and a bedazzled bra. Why were they still here? Were other girls here as well?
Her eyes were wide in fear and it looked like she was trying to back through the wall and disappear to the other side. I stepped back and gave the poor girl some space. She took the opportunity and bolted, running down the corridor and around the corner. Our eyes locked for a brief moment before she was gone.
This was all too weird. Who was she?
I furrowed my brows and looked around, there was no one present and I had to know what they were doing to those girls.
Chapter Comments

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 51-60

Aiden’s POV-
The rain had stopped, it was six o’clock in the morning and the clouds were still dark in the sky.
I had gathered the warriors and the plan was to scour every inch of our surrounding grounds outside the border.
Whoever kidnapped Cassy couldn’t have been far and they wouldn’t have gotten for during the storm.
“Aiden!” Gabby came running down the stairs.
“You’re not coming with us.” I said.
She rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw.
“Here, Mr.Maler gave this to me yesterday. It belonged to Cassy,” she handed me a scarf. It would help.
“Thank You,” I said and grabbed it from her. Our fingers graced each other and I saw the little jump she did upon contact.
One day I would turn all her bad memories to dust and replace them with the best ones she could possibly imagine.
“Be safe,” she said.
I leaned down, cupped her cheek with my hand, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. I held myself back, I wanted to taste her, to run
my hands all over her body and drag my tongue over every inch.
I wanted
d her to be mine. In every possible way but I knew she wasn’t ready.
She smiled and stepped back.
Me, Nick and Bob were in the car. The others had shifted and were running past the borders and starting the search. We were going further down to see if we could find anything out from the humans in the neighboring town.
“Hello?” I answered my phone as it rang but no caller ID showed.
“Alpha Aiden?”
“This is he. Who am I talking to?”
“This is Alpha Nicolas, I heard from another Alpha that you were looking for information regarding one of your pack members,” I stiffened in the seat and I knew that Bob and Nick were listening in as well.
“Do you know anything?” I asked. My guards were up, I hadn’t heard from Alpha Nicolas in a long time, I believe the last time we heard from him was when my father was Alpha.
“I do and I believe you’re on the wrong track. Asher doesn’t have the girl,”
“How do you know this?”
“We have all been keeping an eye on you brother. He has made it difficult for many smaller packs and we were making sure he didn’t misstep with us. Therefore we know every move he has made, and neither he nor a member of his pack has made a move in days. They seem to be planning and expanding, they haven’t left the pack.”
“Then where the f*ck is she?”
“I don’t know but
hear anything, I will let
let you know,” we hung up.
If Asher didn’t have her then where the f*ck could she be?
“Do you believe him?” Nick asked me.
“I don’t believe anyone.”
Alpha, there’s a faint smell but we can’t tell where it leads
‘Keep looking”
We parked the car and searched for hours. We had been knocking on doors and showing a picture of Casandra but no one recognized her. The other Alphas had no idea about either of the ones I had spoken to
This was all weird as fck.
was starting t to set. The surroundings were foggy and the clouds were
is were still th
thick and grey from the storm.
The sun was
Water drops fell down from the roofs of the houses and there were puddles everywhere.
“Should we head back?” Bob asked and slammed his hand on a lampost.
Nick was watching me, awaiting an answer. uck… did we go back? And admit to Cassy’s father that we haven’t found her or a single trace that might tell us where she is?
My phone rang and I picked it up in a haste.
“What?” I bit out.
“Son,” shit.
“You have to come home,”
“Gabriella’s parents, they’re on their way here.” I looked up. Nick’s eyes widened and we all took off to the car.
We drove up to the pack house and parked, leaving tracks in the grounds and barely turning the car off before we jumped out.
All three of us ran up and through the doors. My father and mother were standing in my office. Gabby was pushing herself back onto the wall with her eyes cast down on the couch. Her mind was elsewhere and I saw how scared she was.
She had barely healed and now another curveball was being thrown at her.
“What’s going on?” I asked. My eyes scanned Gabby’s fragile being before they slowly turned on my father’s and hardened.
“They just called and informed us that they are coming.
“Now.” Gabby said and lifted her head.
Noah and Edmund came barging in. They looked between Gabby and me and walked over to her, forming a shield around her.
ing here?” My mother asked calmly,
“Why do you believe they’re coming
“To finish what they started. They want to bring down your pack-” Edmund started.
“Not the pack, you.” Gabby said and looked at me.
“Yeah, they want to bring down the Alpha. They surely have a plan B and if that done!!!!
work they have C and D as well.”
“We have to prepare. Gabby, you’re going to stay by us the entire time.” Nick said.
“Why?” Marie asked.
“Because whichever letter of plan they are going to execute, Gabby the main player.”
It was dark outside and the fog was setting across the forest line. Little drops of rain fell from the sky and the ominous feeling that lay over the land was hard for anyone to ignore.
We were all on edge as we waited for the sound of the car driving up the path.
Nick looked up. His eyes were basically lit with a fire and he locked eyes with me.
“They’re here.” He said..
We all got up and opened the doors.
The Alpha couple stepped in. Unlike last time when they had one guard with them, this time it looked like they had brought a whole
They walked in followed by fifteen warriors and also they’re Beta. He was an older man, the same age range as Gabby’s father with the same disgusting look on his face.
If evil had a face it would be a spitting image of the people in front of me.
‘Calm yourself’
I’m trying
“Try harder’
“It is so nice to meet you all again!” She said with a high-pitched voice and reached out her hand to everyone.
“My sons, how have you been?” She asked and cupped their cheeks
“Fine.” She pouted her lips and patted Edmund’s hair back.
“I’m sure you are all eager to come home. Don’t worry, you will leare with us tonight.” She turned her gaze to Gabby.
“Sweetheart, you’re looking a little pale. You
should be out in the sun more often. The taste of freedom is something we all take for granted far too often,” She drew in a deep breath and released it in a relaxing motion. Her shoulders relaxed and she looked lovingly at her children. At least what she thought was a loving look but in fact, it was colder than the weather outside.
The dinner was placed on the table and everyone was sitting
Nobody was speaking but it was easy to tell that everyone had their guard up.
“So what is the business you have with our pack so late at night?” Clark asked.
“Yeah, and why couldn’t it wait until… I don’t know, never?” Edmund winced when his brother dug the fork into his hand.
e really do miss ours. We want
“Well, we have been talking, me and Magnus, We have been speaking mostly about family and how we a our sons to come back home. Nick will soon take his place as Alpha of our pack and he must be ready,”
“And what about Noah?” Gabby asked and her mother stiffened for split second before relaxing.
“What about him, dear?”
“Why must he come home? Or Edmund?” She asked.
Gabby was sitting next to me, her hands rested on her lap and I felt them shaking. Her voice sounded strong but her mind and body surely weren’t.
I reached down my hand slowly and graced my fingers over hers. I entwined our fingers and softly just let it Jay there, comforting her.
She immediately relaxed and took a deep
Her eyes slowly sunk to where our hands were touching before lifting
her eyes and locking them with mine.
“Hm,” Her mom said and searched her daughter’s face, Gabby regained her composure and her walls flew back up.
“And then there is one more thing we have come for.” Her mother said and raised her head.
“We’re bringing Gabby home as well. We believe that we acted too rushed with the decision of having her leave us and we have regretted our decision. You get to come home, sweetheart,” Everyone froze around the table. Her brothers stiffened and I saw Edmund biting back real hard. His wolf was trying to surface.

-Gabby’s POV-
We saw the fog from the windows. The branches of the trees were singing in the winds and water trails went down the glass.
My mother was watching me, as was my father. After she had said those words I completely lost my ability to speak. Cassy had said this when we were with the witch. She said that they would come and take me back. I swore that I wouldn’t let that happen but I needed to regain my voice and my strength. I still felt broken and so scared.
“Perhaps that is not her wish anymore,” Marie said and stared daggers at my mother.
I knew that the niceties were all gone and people’s true colors were about to come out. It was about to get ugly.
“Gabriella?” M
Marie said and 1 shook my head.
“No,” I squealed, hoping it would’ve sounded stronger.
My mother tilted her head to the side and smiled.
“But you will. You will get reacquainted with everything and every one and you will feel at h
“I never felt at home even once whilst living there,” I said.
My body was shaking.
home again,”
“Gabby, we are your family.” My father said and narrowed his eyes. My family? The ones who whipped me from when I was a five- year-old child, beat me into obedience, and filled me with poison to make me some kind of a chemical weapon they could use when they needed it.
“You never cared about me,” I said and nodded my head.
“You only ever cared about yourselves and power and money. I could’ve died and you wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. You would’ve sired another daughter to do your bidding.”
“Maybe we would’ve done it right a second time,” my father said and laughed. My mother laughed with him.
“You are coming home with us, the decision is t
“Is it not?” I asked and sat up straighter.
yours to make.”
“I am married to the most powerful Alpha in this country. I am the Luna of a pack who has accepted me as such. My life is entwined with his, the decision of whether I leave or stay, ultimately, befalls on the Alpha.” My mom clenched her jaw and looked more and more unpleased by the situation they had gotten themselves into.
o your
“Gabriella, we miss you, we are your family and you belong with us. We promise you that the next time you marry, it will be to mate.” My father said and looked at me sternly. Neither of them knew that I already was. I was married to my mate.
There was a warning in his eyes that he wanted me to see and understand and I did, I saw it but the world would burn to ashes before the day came that I once again obeyed him.
“Father, you are speaking to the wrong person.” He grunted and bared his teeth before turning his head and facing Aiden.
“Alpha, we were too quick in handing our daughter over to you and now we ask for the chance to correct our juistake,”
“I don’t believe you.” Aiderf said in a monotone voice.
My father squirmed in his chair and then scoffed. He rested his arms on the table and nodded his thick head.
“What do you believe then?”
“I believe you have an ulterior motive for bringing Gabriella back with you,” My mother looked at Aiden and started laughing subtly.
“And why is that?”
“Because your daughter asked not to be married, you overlooked her wish and sent her to me. She asked not for you to visit again, but you came anyway. She asked not to go home and yet here you are, bargaining with me for her retur.” His voice was so smooth, so confident. He knew he had them in his grip.
“I am not bargaining, Alpha. I am telling you what will happen.” He seethed.
I looked over and saw a smirk on Clark’s face. He was proud of his son for how he handled it all. And he also knew, perhaps even wanted, for my father to step over the line and threaten or try and harm the Alpha, they would take him down.
Male’s eyes found mine and she tilted her head down slightly and offered me a small yet confidently brimming smile.
My mother saw our little exchange and it looked like her face was set on fire.
“This is no negotiation. We understand that you have treated her well, as well as could anyways but she will be leaving with us
will her brothers. End of discussion.” My mother said.
and so
“I’m afraid we cannot allow that. You see, the pack is very fond of their Luna, and having her leave against
her will would cause very much upset among the pack members…as well as the warriors who will do anything to get her back. Including but limited to stopping you at the border, by any means necessary.” Marie said.
“And as far as her brothers are concerned, they have been of great help to the pack but mostly to Gabby. She suffered a row of traumatic events and I believe she would benefit from having them around.”
My mother scoffed and nodded her head.
“Oh yes, we heard about those much too unfortunate events.” She said and looked at me with a raised brow.
She didn’t give a single f*ck that her daughter was tortured and raped.
Everyone was having a staring contest. Stiffly watching each other and if looks could kill, everyone in here would be dead. Me included. My father wanted me to lie down and roll over. He expected me to obey him.
The door to the dining room opened up and Mr.Maler came running inside. He barely balanced himself as he fell into the dining hall. Everyone’s heads snapped to him and his worried face.
“Alpha, have you found her? Where is she?” He said and looked with such hope at Aiden. I had to look away, I averted my eyes and looked down at my plate.
“Thomas,” Aiden said and stood up. He walked up to him and on the stride over, Mr. Maler already know the answer.
“No, no…no,” He said and shook his head.
it trust me,
“Thomas, we will find her. The trace went cold and she wasn’t in the vicinity around the border or the towns close by but
she will be found.”
“It’s him, your brother, it’s Asher!” He said.
“It’s not. I have contacted other packs and they have kept close tabs on Asher and his pack. Nobody has exited or entered the pack in days.”
“Then where the hell is my daughter?!” He cried out.
Hmm,” my veins froze to ice and my body turned to that of a tree.
I slowly, shakily, turned my head and faced my mother.
“Shame, she was a sweet girl. I saw the love between you two when we visited last.” She carved into her chicken and placed a piece in
her mouth.
“Where is she?” Aiden growled and turned to my
She looked at me with a sickening smile,
“You will return home with us, will you not?”

-Alden’s POV-
Now you need to calm down
“How? They have coerced everyone into giving them our mate. They’re gonna take her away”
No, they’re not
“You know as well as me how this will end. It is either they take her or Cassy doesn’t come bac✪
My eyes shifted color and my wolf stepped front and center.
Gabby’s parents were looking like they had won. And I was terrified that they might’ve,
“Where is my daughter!” Two of our warriors were holding Thomas back as he tried to reach for
knew where his daughter was,
only two people
le in this room who
His eyes started glowing and his wolf wanted out. The warriors that Gabby’s parents had brought came rushing into the room and took a stance next to the Alpha couple.
Our own warriors came walking in with a strong stride and took their stand. behind me.
-You are hereby forbidden to leave the pack grounds until you give us the whereabouts of Cassidy Maler.” I said.
Magnus smirked and dried his mouth with the napkin.
“Us staying here will not ensure her safety. For her safety is no longer…in our hands,” He said.
d for bl
blood was rising.
I could no longer predict everyone’s next moves. I felt the anger in each person in this room and their need
“Our children are coming home with us.” My father snapped.
“No.” I looked at Gabby who had just growled those words.
Bob came walking into the dining hall with a big and fast stride. He was fuming in anger and had a piece of paper in his hand.
“This was just left for you.” He said and handed it over to me. Gably quickly stood and came to my side.
She gasped when she saw the picture.
It was Cassidy, with her hands tied to a chain in the ceiling. Her clothes had been taken from her body and there were cuts on her
front as she hung there in nothing but her underwear.
Her eyes were closed and her head hung.
“No,” Gabby breathed.
“What is it, let me see!” I pulled the picture away from Thomas. He couldn’t handle seeing his daughter like this. No parent could. No parent except for the parents of my mate.
“Who left this?” I asked and looked at Bob.
“Another messenger.
“Where is he?” A body was tossed down on the floor in front of my feet by another warrior.
I pushed him with my foot and he landed on his back. The messenger had slit his throat, just like the last one.
His eyes were wide open and he had a smile on his f
face that was pulling down as his muscles relaxed after his death.
Just then, as I had the photo in my head and looked at the dead man at my feet I realized something. The truth dawned on me.
Her parents had come here with the plan of bringing Gabby and her brothers home. They wanted to take them away from the pack, away from me. They wanted them all gone and for what? To reunite their family? B*llsht.
They wanted them gone because they had another plan after that. They had given Cassy to my brother, he then sent the messenger just like last time. He had people slitting their throats for his cause which meant he now had members to spare.
They were growing in numbers, getting ready for the next step, the attack. But they needed allies, more men to fight and they needed brothers gone because they would fight on our side, even against their own parents. They were allies now and the only other thing he wanted besides my title…was my mate.
abby was never go
going to make it home, was she?” I asked and stepped forward.
Gabby turned her head and looked between me and her parents. Her brothers stood and evaluated the circumstances, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“You’ve made a bargain with my brother. You will help the attack of our pack, you will help make it so that he kills me and takes the title and then you will give him the other thing he craves.” I grabbed Gabby’s hand and pulled her behind me.
“You sure are as smart as they say.” Her father said and slowly pushed back his chair and stood to his feet.
My parents rose as well.
“What?” Gabby breathed.
Someone growled and all of us turned to Nick who was standing in front of his two brothers. His eyes were glowing and his canines were extended. He was the only one out of all of them who I had never seen get angry before. Not in the sense where he got vicious.
“You were going to give her to him?” He growled. If I wasn’t mistaken, which I wasn’t, I saw a hint of fear in his father’s eyes.
Nick wrapped his fingers around the chair in front of him and it cracked. He picked it up and tossed it at the wall.
“Nick,” My father said and walked around the table.
Nick’s father’s eyes started glowing as well and his mother stood and stepped back.
My father placed a hand on Nick’s shoulder and held him back.
“Not yet.” He said and locked eyes with hin
“It seems that the only way for this to go the way we all hope it will, is for you to allow us to leave with our children, and then, only then, will we free Casandra and have her location sent to you to pick her up.”
My mother was standing at the top of the table and watching everyone. My father was still holding his hand on Nick’s shoulder.
Edmund and Noah were seething but seeing their older brothers’ anger had them take a step back. They know that if it came down to it, Nick’s anger and protection over his sister outweighed both Edmund’s and Noah’s
oh was standing by my side, his eyes cast on the Santo’s and the guards still held Mr.Maler back.
“That is not going to happen. Our Lana will stay here and we will find out where Cassy is being held. And when we do, we will rip out the hearts of anyone in our way of getting her.” Bob said and stepped forward.
“Yes but will you be able to do that before or after she is dead?” MSantos asked.
“I heard Asher has a thing for the younger ones, or maybe it was jud a particular one. You sure left a mark on that man, sweetheart. He’ll never let you go now,” His wife said and looked at Gabby. She was pressing herself back, I cou see how desperately her feet wanted to step back but she refused.
I stepped to the side, again blocking their view of her.
I felt a small, petite hand on my arm and looked back.
My eyes locked with Gabby’s and her eyes were swarming with emotion.
“I have to find her,” she said.
“We will.” She shook her head.
“I have to find her now, before he breaks her,” her mother laughed.
“What makes you think he hasn’t already? Didn’t take him long to succeed with you,” Gabby choked on her breath and sunk into
That b*tch was breathing her last breaths. Her life was on a thing thread and I couldn’t see myself letting her walk out of here alive.
I I had mind-linked several warriors to team up and go search around the perimeters of Asher’s pack. To keep a lookout for anything that could show a trace of Cassy.
all of us in here. The dining room was filling up with an intense feeling of hate and a weight
it that still left all They were on their way but that that was crushing person by person.
There was no doubt that tonight would bring bloodshed…

“Dimitri, ready the cars, we’re leaving “Gabby’s mom said and raised her head.
I stepped around and my warriors stood in front of the doors, blocking the exit.
“Move.” Dimitri growled and his Alpha and Luna stood behind him
“Not gonna happen, I’m gonna need you to step back.” I said and stepped in between. I placed a hand on Dimitris chest and pushed
His eyes started glowing and he extended his canines.
He slapped my hand away, extended his claws and tried slashing at me. I dodged it and pushed with both hands at his chest causing him to fly back.
The other warriors readied themselves and started growling. My father and gabby’s brothers stepped around the table and came closer
to us.
Dmititri got back up and raised his hand throwing a punch.
I grabbed his hand, crushing every bone in it before landing my
fist on his face.
“Alpha Aiden, this is enough! If you want your pack member back alive you and your men will step aside or I will make a call and her life will be ended!” Gabby’s father said. Mr.Maler drew in a sharp breath and looked with widened eyes at Mr.Santos.
I saw the fear-full look on his face and I clenched my law.
Before I could speak, Nick leaped over the table and slammed his father against the wall. The phone fell from his hand and slid under the table.
His mother looked at the phone, her eyes went between ours and the phone and she went for it. Edmund was quicker, going under the table, grabbing the phone and standing up right in front of her.
“How dare you defy your parents!” She seethed and slapped her son
His face moved to the side and then he raised his hand and wrapped his fingers harder around the phone. It cracked and broke to pieces in his hand. As he relaxed his fingers the pieces of the phone fell to the floor and his mother was heaving in anger.
“You ungrateful little b-” Before she could finish the sentence, my mother stepped in front of her and pushed her back against the
Her eyes glowed and it looked everyone in here was about to shift. The warriors came at us and the fight had begun.
“Alden!” Gabby screamed. I looked behind me and saw Dimitris hand landing me square off the jaw. I fell back into another warrior and broke his neck. The first guy had died.
Who was going to be next?
I heard a grunt and looked over my shoulder. Nick’s father had him against the wall and was throwing punch after punch. Blood started spilling from his mouth but for each hit, Nick just grew more vicious. He grabbed his fathers hand just as it was about to hit him and twisted his arm. He lifted him of the ground and slammed him down on the table.
He pushed away and fell down on the fl
floor on the other side of the table. Edmund was fighting of his old warrior buddies and so Noah. Their mother was behind everyone, seething and her face was turning beet red.
o was
screeched and everyone stopped.
She pulled out a knife, Edmund was facing the warrior, his back was to his mother. She raised the knife, and took a step toward her youngest son. Everyone looked in horror at what she was about to do.
She raised her hand and the tip of the blade was pointed at Edmunit’s neck.
“No!” Someone ran past me, knocked over one of the warriors. The tip was closing in on Edmunds neck. Her eyes widened, her arm was twisted and moved away and her lips parted in a silent scream.
Gabriella was standing in front of her mother with tears swelling in her eyes. Her hands were on the handle of the dager that she had just plunged into her mother. The blood was spilling down her body, her hands laid on top of her daughters. The tears began to fall and Gabby hitched a breath, an unbelievable look in her eyes at what she had just done. She shook her head and lifted one hand, cupping her
mothers cheek.
“I’m so sorry but his life is one I cannot live without.” She whispered and a loud sob sounded from her.
“You did your best…mom….I…I’m sorry.” She pressed the knife in further and shut her eyes closed. Her mothers head hung and then she fell back, down on the floor with her eyes wide open.
Gabby chocked and fell back. She was quickly spun around and pressed into the chest of her brother, Edmund wrapped his arms around her tightly, one hand on the back of her head and the other securely holding around her waist.
She was crying into his shirt.
She just killed her mother
‘Focus still,
ill. it isn’t over
I looked to my side and saw Gabby’s father pushing Nick off of him and staggering to stand back up. His widened eyes were taking in the sight of his lifeless wife laying on the floor with the knife still stuck in her stomach.
He fell against the table as he took shaky steps towards her. Gabby turned her head and watched her father.
He fell to his knees beside her body.
“NO!” He roared. The walls shook and their warriors stepped back.
He looked up with bloodshot eyes and searched for Gabby.
He slowly stood to his feet, grabbing the chair next to him as support.
“You…” he seethed.
*You nasty, disgusting piece of shit. You’re a waste of air in this world…”
*… You killed your own mother you monster!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. His hands wrapped around Gabby’s throat and her feet lifted from the ground.
Everyone ran over t
there but before any of us could intervene and kill the s*n of a bit*h, his hands let go,
Gabby fell down and I grabbed her, pulling her to me.
Her father looked confusedly at everyone, his eyes scanning his sons and then he fell down to his knees in front of Edmund. Standing behind him, with a bloodied knife in his hand was Nick. The same knife that had been used to kill their mother had now been plunged
Into their father.
Nobody spoke. You could’ve dropped a needle in the room and heard the sound of metal hitting the floor and then bouncing up
pand landing again. The sound of anybody’s heart was gone, as though everyone had just died. Or maybe, we were all just in to much shock to speak. Watching Gabby’s, Edmund’s, Nick’s and Noah’s parents laying dead on the dining room floor. Their bodies were basically beside
each other.
Killed with the same knife, by their daughter and son.
They had arrived here with such hope and confidence that they would win the fight, bring their children home, sell their daughter, and make their son’s Alphas. They believed they would succeed so highly, so confidently.
And yet here they were, dead, on the floor of the pack they wanted to destroy.
My eyes graced over Gabby. How could this all have been written for her? How could so much pain be meant for one single person? A person so kind and pure hearted she would lay down her life to protect anyone.
The warriors that the Santo’s had brought all went down on one knee in front of Nick. For he was now their Alpha. He was next in line to take over the pack and the title had just been passed over.
“Rise.” He said and they stood, albeit looking profoundly confused,
The Beta was standing with a much too disapproving look on his face. Nick cast me a look.
“Come in.” Nick said and everyone turned their heads.
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride

can I come in?” Nick was standing by the door to my office. I had just visited Cole in the dungeon, my mind was a f*cking mess and I could not handle any more at this moment.
I placed the picture of Cole on the table and nodded my head.
“What’s up?” I asked. Nick sat down on the chair in front of the desk. He raised his head and looked around at the surface of the table. His eyes landed on the picture I had just placed down.
He picked it up and scanned it.
“I spoke to him.” He said and looked up at me.
I clenched my jaw and leaned forward.
“I heard he was one of the people who hurt Gabby.”
“We got into some interesting…history, I knew what he was getting at but I didn’t appreciate him fishing for answers.
“Why don’t you just cut to the chase, I have a lot on my mind right now.” He nodded his head and placed the frame down.
“I have a plan, one that you cannot tell anyone about. Including my brothers and sister.” I was getting intrigued and at the same time, a feeling of dread filled the room. I didn’t want to keep secrets from Gabby, I didn’t want to lie to her or in any other way hurt her again,
I had promised, both her and myself, that I would keep everything honest.
“Sorry, I can’t promise you that.” He sighed and bit down on his lip His eyes rose and I could see the intentions in them. Whatever plan he had was going to be a whim.
“Please, it’s for their safety.” He said and lowered his head.
What do we do?
“We promised her no more lies”
I know but something is up
And we have to find out what it is. Aiden, we also promised to protect her, we have been beating ourselves up trying to figure out a way to do so. Maybe this is the way”
I looked at Nick and bowed my head,
“I promise.”
“Cole told me much about your past. How you edged him into this life of hypocrisy and douchery. You were the devil on his shoulder,
shouting louder than his common sense. He told me about the person he used to be before you affected him.” I clenched my jaw tighter and was hoping he’d get to the point before my patience ran over.
“He seems like a good man, deep down. I know what he did, to both Gabby and Cassy so I’m proposing a way for him to showcase his other sides and simultaneously make up for the bad he has done.”
“And how exactly do you plan on doing that? How is he going to make up for raping a girl?” Nick raised a brow and leaned his elbows
on his knees.
“How come you didn’t give two shits about the allegations until Gabby came along? That girl, Casandra, she walked on these grounds, seeing the face of her tormentor every day. Why didn’t you do anything sooner?” This a question I had asked myself for a long time. Since the morning that Cassy came out of the bedroom with Cole. I knew the truth, why hadn’t I acted ogit?
*1 was messed up, played by my brother, and more protective over my friends than the innocence of a girl,”
“Who used to be your friend, no?” My eyes started glowing and I growled.
“That, right th
there, is why I cannot trust you with my sister.” I was taken aback by his comment.
I leaned back in th
in the chair and blinked several times.
“You’re unreliable, you cannot own up to your mistakes and you blame your pain on everyone else. The second someone pushes up against you, saying something you don’t like, you fall back on that default setting that was put in you so long ago.”
I shook my head and scoffed. Defensive, I knew th
Where the f*ck were my words? Why was I quietly sitting and letting him lead the conversation?
“Because now you’re talking to an actual Alpha”
I looked up at Nick. My blood was boiling but it wasn’t at him, my anger was directed at myself.
“Tell me what you want.” I said and tried pushing back the anger.
When it is time
“I want you to release Cole, not yet but soon. Something will happen, it has been quiet for too long. You will know and then I’m gonna need you to send a guard and let him out of the cellar. He will be ready and on my command, I will instruct him
“What is it he will do?”
“I don’t know yet but he will do it, that I can promise you,”
End of Flashback…
His face was bruised and dirt covered it in patches. His eye was swollen. His clothes had been changed and he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Dried blood on his arms and his neck.
Cole looked around the room and Gabby gasped. I looked at Nick, the plan had been set in place the second we heard about their parent’s arrival. In the car on the way back to town, Nick told me what Cole would be doing to clear his name, or at the very least he would clean it a bit.
Warriors, meet Cole Askon, your new Alpha.” Everyone was looking around in shock but I met my father’s gaze and he calmed.
The warriors kneeled.
“Before he takes his place as Alpha of the pack, he has a mission. Have you been informed?” He asked Cole who bowed his head.
“What…what is happening?” Gabby asked. She turned her head and looked at me. A pang of guilt hit me in the chest.
“Aiden…Aiden did you… did you know? Please tell me you didn’t,” she said and shook her head.
“I did.” I said. She stepped away from me and bumped into one of the warriors. Her eyes cast around the room frantically and my mother walked toward her. Gabby bumped into the table, she stumbled over her father’s leg, and fell down on the floor next to them. Cole had raped her best friend, something Gabby knew too much about herself. And now he was free.
“Oh my god…” she breathed and started hyperventilating.
o, you didn’t, please tell me you didn’t,” she said to me and shook her head.
“No, no,
My eyes softened. Everything softened as I saw her scared and fragde body pushing up against the wall.
“No,” she cried.
“Gabby, I’m sorry but I promise you it is for the best,” she scoffed and wiped the tears.
She was about to step forward but a body came in the way and she was pulled into a hug. My mother wrapped her arms around Gabby and held on tightly.
“Be upset, cry, let your feelings out, and don’t you dare bottle them up and wipe those tears yet. You are not made of stone, my love, you are not meant to take this much pain, not alone at least. Let me take some of it for you,” She whispered and stroked Gabby’s hair.
Gabby’s eyes started watering and then she dug her face into my mother’s neck and sobbed. Her fingers tangled in my mother’s blouse and she held on for her life.
As the crying had eased and Gabby pulled back, my mother wiped her tears and then turned around, using herself as a shield in front of Gabby.
“Continue.” She said and looked between me and Nick with a death glare.
“Nick and I have talked and decided to give Cole a chance to be spared.”
“What?” Gabby
Gabby breathed and narrowed her eyes.
“Before he takes the title of Alpha and leads your pack, he will first go, with five chosen warriors, and bring Cassy back from Asher’s pack.” I said and lifted my head.
Suddenly everyone dropped a breath and leaned back.
We all knew the danger of this, one could argue it was a suicide mission but Cole was a good fighter and obviously sneaky. But more than that, he was hellbent on proving himself and getting back on my good side, which I didn’t know was possible or not,
“Cole, you have agreed to this?” My father asked in a monotone voice.
“I have, sir.”
“Why?” My mother asked.
Because I am aware of the choices I have made and there is nobody else to blame but myself. It doesn’t matter what lies in my past, I could still have controlled my future and I decided to do what I did. Now I will face the consequences and whether or not this gets me killed or I am not given the title, I don’t care. I have to make this right. Both for you Aiden, but also for Cassy.” He said and hung his head.
Mr.Maler nodded his head approvingly.

Cole was sent out. He picked five warriors and they h
my head in respect.
They took off and now we just had to wait.
they headed into the ears. He stopped before he got in, he met my gaze and I bowed
I looked around the house for Gabby but didn’t see her anywhere. My parents were in the dining room, helping clean up. Gabby’s brothers were removing the bodies and instructing their pack’s warriors on where to stay.
I went up the stairs and stopped outside her room. I raised my hand to knock but instead turngl the doorknob and stuck my head in. Gabby was standing by the window with a blanket wrapped around her body. She was looking out into the darkness.
*You can come in,” she said in a broken voice.
I slowly closed the door behind me and walked up to her.
The room was dark, she hadn’t turned any lamps on and she looked content over and over again. And she couldn’t shut it off.
I stood next to her and looked out over the grounds.
but I
I knew there was a horror movie in her mind playing
eling unlike anything else I had ever felt
The sound of the breeze was calming and standing this close to Gabby was a relaxing feeling
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“For what?”
go through all of this she shrugged a shoulder and wrapped the blanket tighter.
“All of it. It’s too much, you shouldn’t have to g
“It’s written in my starts. A life of pain and suffering,” I furrowed my brows and turned to look at her.
She truly believed her own words. I placed my hand on the side of her face and gently turned her to face me. She sighed and closed
her eyes.
When she opened then, my heart broke.
“If I could take your pain, your future challenges, everything bad that has ever happened to you, I would. In the blink of an eye, without ever having to think about it. I would take it all,” she smiled a half smile and leaned into my touch.
“But you can’t.
n’t. It’s all
mine,” she said.
“I have so many bad memories…” her lips parted. Her eyes flickered down and she lifted her hands and touched my chest. Her cheeks flamed up, her body got warmer and a radiating heat exuded. Her eyes darkened with lust.
“…maybe you can give me some good ones,” she whispered.
“I will, I promise you I will give you a world of happy a smiled and blinked.
and loving memories until the
they one day flush out all of the bad ones.” She
“Maybe you can start now.” She leaned up and her lips slowly, gently pressed against mine.
I savored it, all of it. The taste of her lips, the feeling of having them on me, the feeling of touching her.
But then it hit me and I grabbed her hand, gently pulling it away and leaning back.
“You’re hurting, I don’t want to take advantage of you. I want it to mean everything, I want it to be perfect. I don’t want you to regret having done anything in sadness and pain,” I said and closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against hers. It took everything to press back my own urges that were rising rapidly.
“I won’t. Please, give me a better memory of my first time than the one that keeps playing in my head,” My eyes widened for a second as she spoke those words.
“Gabriella, that wasn’t your
first time. Do not consider that to be your first time,” I said and narrowed my eyes softly at hers.
“Help me reconsider,” she said and pressed her lips against mine again.
I kissed her back, tasting that sweet taste of her lips.
“Are you sure?” I asked against her. Her body shivered, I could sme her arousal and feel her lust.
“I promise,” she said.
I grabbed the back of her head and pressed her against me. My hand went down to her waist and I lifted her legs so that she straddled my waist.
I slowly walked over to the bed and gently sat her down on the edge. I deepened the kiss and slid in my tongue, tasting her even more.
I restrained myself from going too fast but I was desperate to feel her, to be inside her, and to finally make her mine.
I pulled back and slowly pulled her shirt up. She lifted her arms and held my eyes captive the entire time. I tossed it aside and Gabby moved up on the bed.
I pulled some of her hair away from her face and dragged my finger over her lips.
I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, throwing them beside the shirt.
that kiss. I never wanted it to end.
I leaned over her, kissing her and pouring all of my love and affection into that ki
I gently slid my
my fingers down her chest and between her legs, making sure to be ready to stop the second she wanted me to.
t as I reached her soaking wet folds, I stopped, I met her gaze and she smiled and nodded her head.
I began stroking over her clit and she sighed deeply.
I slid my fingers under her panties and rubbed in circular motions. She licked her lips and I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. I gently slid in a finger and Gabby moaned against my lips. I went slowly, making sure it didn’t hurt,
She was so relaxed and comfortable under me. When I knew she had settled with the feeling, I slid in another finger and went a little faster. Her walls began to tighten around my fingers and I knew she was close to her climax. I went faster, I dug my fingers into her hair and pressed against her.
“Oh shit,” she moaned as she came and her back arched up from the bed.
I pulled off her panties and tossed them aside. She leaned up on her arms and I removed her bra. I was obsessed with this girl. All of her. Her mind, her heart, and now her body. The second I was inside of her, I knew I wouldn’t ever want to leave.
I lifted her leg and gently positioned myself on top
of her. My
My tip was by her opening and I saw her biting her lip and pr
“Relax, I promise you I won’t do anything that’ll hurt,” I said.
She relaxed into the mattress and I slowly pushed my d*ck in little by little.
She moaned and tossed her head back.
When I was fully in and feeling her at the depth my previous thought was proven correct. The feeling of being inside Gabby was
f*cking magic.
“Holy f*ck,” I groaned and pressed harder. I began thrusting and kept a close eye on her face and her body, making sure she was
relaxed and comfortable.
She opened her eyes, and they struck me with a fire and she grabbed the back of my head.
“Faster,” she breathed.
“Not yet,” I wanted to go slow, to make sure that everything felt good and I wanted to savor the moment. I felt the bond tightening and our bodies connecting. As were our wolves.
After a moment, when I saw the agitation beginning to bubble in her eyes I smirked and went deeper.
I went harder and faster, allowing my primal urges to finally rise and they took over. I pressed her leg further up and leaned back. 1 went deeper and saw the pleasure in her eyes.
I leaned down and kissed her breast, gently squeezing the other one-
“F*ck you feel good,” I pulled out and flipped her over so that she lay on her stomach.
pushed in and grabbed her as*, parting her cheeks and watching as my length entered her all the way. I grabbed her waist and pulled her up on all fours, f*cking her from behind.
I smacked her a*s and Gabby yelped. As she turned her head I saw the smile t
I grabbed her hair,
pulling h
her head back as I thrust into her.
My hand cupped her breast and I pulled her back against my body
Just as she was about to reach her climax I pulled her head to the side.
“I’m gonna c*m,” she moaned and dug her nails into my arm.
that grew on her face.
I extended my canines and dug them into her neck just as her wall tightened around me.
I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and pressed her head back against me as I sunk my teeth in further.
When her body relaxed back onto me, I pulled away and licked the wound, sealing it.
She breathed heavily and then slumped down. I gently placed her on the mattress and stroked her hair. Her eyelids were heavy and she was about to fall asleep. Being marked takes away most of your energy and being f*cked at the same time doubles the tiredness you’ll
She tried opening her eyes and turning to face me.
“Shh,” I pulled the hair away from her face and placed the blanket over her body.
3/4CHAPTER 57.
-Gabby’s POV-
I groaned and turned in the bed. Something felt weird, it felt like I was rested which I hadn’t been for weeks. I turned and looked at the clock. It was ten o’clock and my eyes widened. I rolled over and there he was. Last night rushed back to me and I couldn’t help but
Aiden had his hand on my thigh and when he felt me moving he leaned over and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his body and snuggled up close to me.
Good morning.” I said and stroked his cheek.
Good morning indeed,” he said and smiled. It had been a long time since I had seen him smile. It was nice.
I winced when I felt the pain in my neck and I dragged my finger over the side.
The mark. Aiden marked me.
I saw the hint of uncertainty in his eyes and looked over at him.
“How does it feel?” He asked and leaned upon his arm.
I shrugged a shoulder.
“I like it,” I said.
His shoulder relaxed and he smiled again.
I hadn’t been sure before about Aiden. Whether or not I would want to be with him but yesterday everything just felt so natural. Like it was meant to be, which technically it was considering the fact that we were mates. But still, I wanted him, I was just still unsure of
whether or not I could trust him.
Aiden must’ve sensed my worry. He grabbed my chin and gently turned my head. We locked eyes and he sat up.
“I’m not thinking that this makes everything okay. Everything that has happened, everything I have done, I will as I said earlier spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Sex doesn’t make me think that you have forgiven me or that you trust me again. I will earn it. 1 promise you, Gabriella Santos, that I will earn your trust back.”
There was a lot of noise coming from downstairs as we walked out of the room.
People were yelling and one voice was louder than the others. A voice I didn’t t feel like interacting with. I groaned as we stepped down. Aiden looked down and saw my pout. He smirked and placed his hand on my lower back.
“You let him go alone?!”
“Could you lower your f*cking voice?”
“Yeah honestly, it’s kind of annoying to hear you when you speak at a regular volume but this high-pitched scream you got going on just kind of makes me want to rip your tung out. Kind of sounds like a cat being choked or something.”
“Noah!” Marie scolded. We walked into the communal hall and saw everyone. Sam was standing there with her friend clique. They all looked at Aiden and said hello. He tossed his head but didn’t say anything.
Sam’s eyes cast down on my neck and then they narrowed to slits. Daggers shot out from her eyeballs and I knew what she was
“You marked her?” She seethed,
“You need to watch your tone.” Aiden said and stepped around me.
“How chivalrous, protecting your mate,” She spat.
“I cannot believe you let Cole go to Asher’s alone! We all know what he’s capable of!” She stepped closer and looked up at Aiden. Noah wasn’t wrong, Sam’s voice did make your ears bleed.
“You just sent him to his death.” She said.
“I gave him a chance to restore his name.” He answered.
The others weren’t reacting, it seemed they didn’t want to get more on Aidens bad side than they already had. They just stood idly by and watched as everything unfolded.
“I heard your parents visited last night,” She said and looked at me with a raised brow. My breath hitched and I nodded my head.
“They did.” Edmund stepped forward and she sensed it. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. The others stayed, however. She stopped by the door frame and glared at them.
“Come on let’s go!” She shricked.
looked small.
fer friends were looking at Aiden. One of the fiddl
fiddled nervously with her hands and the others
“Are you-” Sam started but her friends walked up to Aiden,
“We’re really sorry about everything we did and we miss you…We didn’t mean for everything to go this far and we, we f*cked up, Aiden.” One of the girls said. Aiden tilted his head back. Whenever he drew to his fullest size, he wasn’t just big; he was huge. The girl
sank in front of him.
“I heard you cornered Gabby and Cassy a few weeks back. Did your epiphany come before or after stepped closer. He pushed his chest out and glared at her.
She gulped and nodded her head.
that i
interaction?” He asked and
“I’m sorry, Gabby, for everything. You didn’t deserve it,” She said and looked at me. She st incredibly sincere.
stepped around Aiden and her face looked
She came up to me and cupped her hands.
“You honestly deserved none of it. We took the gossip we heard about you to heart and then after that, we just made a series of misinterpretations. We treated you horribly and I honestly hope that you can forgive us someday. And Aiden-
We really do miss you,” She said and smiled. She walked out of the room followed by the others. They passed Sam who was seething. The only one who scoffed and didn’t follow their lead was Amanda. One of the girls I had gone shopping with when I first arrived. She walked over and stood by Sam.
I knew tension was high outside the pack, I was just hoping it would’ve been calmer inside.
But it wasn’t, there were a lot of things happening on this side as well. We didn’t know who could be trusted.
“How are you feeling, sis? Edmund asked and wrapped his arms around me.
He pulled back and smirked. His fingers gently removed my hair from my front and his eyes trailed down my neck.
“Congrats by the way.” He said.
“I’m feeling…odd, I guess. Our parents are dead, Edmund,” he pressed under my chin and tilted my head back. His eyes bored into mine with such an intense and serious gaze.
“And the world is better for it.” He said with the utmost sincerity.
I nodded my head and laid my head on his chest.
Nick stepped toward Aiden.
“You marked her?” He asked. Aiden bowed his head in response.
Aiden looked at me.
“And you’re happy?” He asked and I smiled.
“More than before,” I said. His eyes went back to Aiden’s and they shared a silent message. I furrowed my brows and looked between
them both.
“Congratulations then,” Nick said and smiled at me. I felt good and having my brothers here was starting to make this place feel like home. I hope they’re aware that they’re never allowed to leave.
took of
We heard a rumble outside and everyone off running toward the door. 1 felt a hand take a Aiden stepped in front of me followed by Nick. Three men came up on the road to the house.
I of me and I was pulled back
I gasped
and Aiden pulled my a
harder, keeping me at his side.
The man in the middle was holding someone. Her legs dangled and her head hung. His face was beaten and bruised. The two men on his side were walking with straight backs, dried blood covering them and my first thought was that five warriors had left. And by the time they had left, Aiden had already sent several warriors to search around Asher’s borders.
But only three were walking up to the house.
The closer they got the clearer I could see that something was wrong.
“Cassy!” I ran down but Aiden tightened his grip and I was pulled back.
“Those aren’t our warriors.” Aiden growled. He and Nick stepped down the stairs.
“Stay here.” He ordered and looked me deep in the eyes.
They stepped down and awaited the men to clo
“Alpha Aiden!” C
One of the men gleed.
I could hear a shallow heartbeat.
The three men stopped, Cole was in the middle, holding Cassy and she looked lifeless but I co
“Speak.” Aiden demanded.
“Here is how this is going to work. Your warriors, they’re all dead. We spared this one so that he could bring your pack member back and pass along a message. But then we figured, why don’t we just accompany him?” He said and laughed. The smile turned to a scowl and he continued.
“Here’s the message. You will either step down as Alpha willingly, you will hand over your mate and not much more blood must be
spilled. Or he will come for you, you will all either kneel for him or you will die.”
“Pass along this message to my brother.” Aiden said and stepped up in
his face.
“What mess-” his lips rounded and his eyes widened.
His heart was ripped from his chest and as I looked to the side I saw Nick standing with the other messenger’s heart in his hand. They dropped their hearts over the dead bodies and looked at each other, sharing a silent message. The men fell to their knees, I guess they were the first to kneel,
Cole was getting fi
he still hadn’t u
uttered a single word. Ca*sy was in the infirmary and her father was right by her side.
“Are y
you ready to tell us what happened?” Aiden asked.
Cole looked up, his eyes were fuming and his jaw clicked as he bit together.
“They were waiting for us. They knew we were coming.” He spat.

-Aiden’s POV-
“How the f*ck could they have known that we were coming for Cassy?” I ran a hand through my hair and paced around the room.
“All he said was ‘thank her for me” Her?
“Aiden, calm down. Now is not the time.” Nick said and stepped in front of me. I was heaving. I knew exactly who the bi*ch was that had crossed us but how could she know?
How the f*ck did Sa
Sam know about our plans? She wasn’t even in the room, or the house when everything went down.
“She couldn’t have known, she wasn’t here,” Edmund said and furrowed his brows.
Gabby had left to check on Cassy and she wasn’t going to leave her side until she woke up.
We knew that Sam couldnt be trusted and that she was a sneaky bitch who hated Gabby’s guts but how the f*ck could she have given out the plans?
“Sam couldn’t have known,” I said and shook my head.
A realized I repeated Edmund’s words but none of this made any sease. Two of the people were dead, the others had been there the entire time with our warriors constantly watching their every move.
“It was you three- I said and looked at the brothers.
“Me, my parents, my warriors, your warriors. Your parents are gone it couldn’t have been them, my warriors I would trust with my life, you warriors have been constantly watched and so has your Beta.” said and pondered on what the hell was happening.
“What about your Beta?” Edmund asked me. Bob, he was here but he wouldn’t have done that.
“Once a man tastes power, he will not be able to survive without it Nick said.
“Bob, where are you?”
1 looked at the brothers standing in front of me and then I looked at Cole. He sighed and hung his head.
“Dude always wanted more, just never thought he’d cross that line to get it.“ He said.
It was true, Bob always wanted more responsibility within the pack but he was an excellent trainer. He knew that nobody could’ve done the work as he did it. He was one of our best fighters and every fiber of my body wanted to trust him but something also told me not to hope too much.
I walked upstairs to the top floor. I walked to the end of the hallway and towards the balcony.
I saw him standing there with his hands on the railing
I stepped beside him and he didn’t speak at first..
“I’m sorry, Alpha.” He said and looked out over the pack.
“If Cole came back with Cassy and you saw him proving himself, he would’ve fought and died to succeed, I couldnt let him take back his title. I told her…I knew she’d pass it along.” Her. Bob told Sam about the plan.
“He was never going to get the title of my Beta again.” I said.
“Wasn’t he though? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t wish everything had been different. That you had to put him in the dungeon, to begin with and that he was still your Beta.” We were standing eye to eye.
“You never wanted Cole to come back.” I said.
Bob’s eyes sunk but he remained his eye contact. He chewed on his inner cheek and nodded his head.
“No.” He shook his head.
don’t wish
wish you never
“You betrayed the pack. You betrayed the warriors that you have trained. The same ones that would’ve killed for you. And you betrayed me.”
Bob pulled out a knife and handed me the handle.
He lifted his head and rolled back his shoulders.
“I don’t want a hearing, I don’t want a sentence. Just do it, right here…please.” Bob was one of the people that we had hung with since we were kids.
1 placed my hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Bob had been one of my closest friends. 1 wrapped my fingers around the dagger.
Cassy, Cole, Jim, Andrew, Milton, Fredrik, Jasper, Sebastian, Anna, Louise, Teretha, Kathy…The names of just a few of the warriors that had been killed because of his betrayal and because of his ego.
He choked,
d, his eyebrows hunched together and I shook my head.
“I never would’ve made Cole my beta. You could’ve just asked me.”
“And don’t worry, I’m gonna kill her too.” It just wasn’t time just yet
said and swallowed hard as I turned the blade.
He fell to his knees. I fell with hi
him and I brought him to me, giving him a last hug and then he fell to the floor.
I closed my eyes and breathed. He could’ve just asked me. Why didn’t he ask me?
“He was a traitor’
I know
“Hey, what happened?” Nick asked and looked at my shirt as I stepped back into the room.
“It’s been taken care of.” They
They all fo
fell silent. A warrior h had carried Bob’s body
‘s body away and my parents walked in. They had already been
I placed my hands on the desk and leaned over.
“I’m sorry,” Edmund said and clenched his jaw.
“It’s done.” I couldn’t focus, all I wanted was to see Gabby.
All of this shit that had happened and was all just foreplay before the main shit show that was about to come.
“I gotta go,”
I brought some Omegas and told them the plan.
They started cooking the food and bringing the decorations. I brought out every candle I could find. The sun was about the set in an hour or so so it would be perfect. I placed the table right by the edge and two chairs. I placed the candles all around and then tossed a
tablecloth over the surface.
I placed candles on the table and lit all of them up.
I took a deep breath and headed back to the house.
“Hey,” I said as I knocked on the door to the hospital room. Gabby was resting her head on the bed and Cassy was still out.
“Hey,” She said and yawned as she leaned up.
“Got a minute?” She looked at Cassy and then stood and walked out.
-What’s up?”
up?” She asked as we closed the door.
“Alpha,” Thomas came up with a cup of coffee and was ab
about to head into
to Cassy’s room.
“Thomas, how are you holding up?” I asked. He smiled and looked through the li
little window on the door.
“She’s home, that’s all I could ask for. She will heal and then she’ll grow stronger, I’m sure of it. But thank you, thank you for bringing my daughter back.” He said and tapped my shoulder with his palm.
“It’s the warriors you should thank and Cole, sir, but I’m glad I could help. And I do hope you know that we would’ve never left her
there.” I said.
Thomas went into the room and closed the door.
“I have a surprise for you, can you come with me?” I asked Gabby. She looked down because I knew that she wanted to stay with Cassy and be there when she woke up.
“Please, I’ll take you back here after,” I said and hoped she would say yes. I grabbed her hand and tugged it slightly. Gabby smiled and came with me.
We drove away from the pack and up on the path she had been on once before. As we reached the top Gabby gawked over what I had planned.
“Aiden,” she gasped.
Chapter Comments

Istonned the car and we stepped out on the cliff. It was where we at before and I had told her about my past and my brother. We walked closer to the side and overlooked the city below us.
She turned and looked at the table I had placed there and the decorations. All the lit candles and the food.
“What do you think?” I asked her and smiled. Her eyes were glimmering from tears that were building up.
lips on mine.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered and came over and hugged me. She leaned up and placed her lips on
I pulled out a chair for her and then sat down on the other side.
We piled on food and then finished with strawberries and champagne. We sat and talked for hours. The sunset over the city and the lights lit up from the places beneath us. The candlelight was making her look even more enchanting than ever and I couldn’t believe that I was sitting here with her.
“Thank you for this, it’s been great,” She said and grabbed my hand.
“And it’s only the beginning. Like I said- I pulled her up from the chair and placed one hand on her neck and the other on her waist. We stood by the cliff with the candles and the moon as our only source of light
I’m gonna fill that head of yours with so many good memories that nothing else will fit,” she laughed and I gazed into her eyes. I caressed her cheeks and then slammed my lips down on hers.
I pulled at her dress, lifting it slowly and dragging my hand along her thigh.
Her skin heated up under my hand and I slid it in between her legs pushed my knee in-between, separating her legs, and felt her soaked panties. I groaned and rubbed at her wet folds. I pushed her underwear aside and slid my fingers between her walls.
She moaned against my lips and pressed her chest against me.
“Aiden,” she moaned and I slid a finger inside her.
I pulled her back and started kissing down her neck and to her breast. I pulled her dress straps down and pulled down the bra cúp. I sucked on her nipple and slid in another finger. She was so f*cking wet and her body was shivering under me.
I started thrusting faster and gently nibbled on her nipple. I squeezed her breast and found her lips. They parted for me and I slid in my tongue, devouring every inch of her. I would never tire of this. I would never get enough of this girl.
I pulled back and spun her around, pressing her back down and she held on to the table with her hands.
I lifted her dress and revealed that round perky *ss. My hand came down on her a*s cheek and she yelped.
F*ck, it was getting harder to hold back.
I took a deep breath, trying to slow myself. Gabby turned her head and locked eyes with mine.
“Let g
I go.” Those words unleashed everything.
I dropped my pants and played with my tip by her opening. Leaning back to watch as it slid in through her tight little hole.
“Oh f*ck – ch
f*ck,” she moaned.
1 pulled out and slammed in harder, going as deep as I could.
“Yes!” She screamed. I thrusted faster and grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back.
“You feel so f*cking good.” I kissed her neck and bit down on the mark, knowing it would enhance everything for her.
“And you’re all mine.” I growled and went faster. She was bouncing back and forth against the table and screaming my name as loud as her lungs could handle.
After she came for the second I time I pulled out and spun her around. I lifted her up and sat her pretty a*s down on the table.
I dug my fingers into her waist and thrust into her. Her hands were pressed against the table and she dug her fingers into the tablecloth and tossed her head back. I grabbed her dress and ripped it apart, squeezing her breast and claiming her lips.
She moaned against me, her walls tightened and I was getting there as well. Fextended my canines but before I could bite into her neck, she grabbed my head and pulled it to the side, biting down and holding it. I went even faster and slammed into her.
“Ahh *uck.” She came again and so did I. Not only did I get to f*ck the most beautiful woman in the world but she marked me.
She pulled out her teeth and licked the wound to seal it.
I was still inside of her, breathing hard, and pulled her up so that our chests were pressed against each other.
I love you.
It was there, on the tip of my tongue but it was too soon, she wasnt ready to hear it. I pressed a kiss on her neck and leaned back.
We got dressed, I gave Gabby my shirt which was like a dress on her anyways.
I placed my hand on her lower back and we walked to the car.
We were back at the pack and I stopped the car. I walked Gabby into the infirmary and as we walked through the blue-colored hallway we both felt such peace. Even in the midst of everything going on, we were able to find joy and peace and I wanted to hold on to this feeling forever.
I opened the last door and heard a loud scream echo through the halls. Both I and Gabby took off running toward the sound and sure enough, it came from Cassy’s room. She was screaming and kicking, trying to remove the needles and patches that had been placed on her body.
Thomas was trying to keep his daughter down but it didn’t work. It only angered her further.
“Stop. Thomas, let her go!” I said and pushed him back.
I ran over to her bed and cupped her cheeks.
“Alpha, her vitals aren’t stable yet if she continues to-”
“I know, but she’s scared.” I said and gently stroked her head.
Shh, Cassy, it’s okay. You’re home, you’re safe,” I said calmly and controlled my own heart rate so that she’d feel it.
She b
began to calm down.
“Help me,” she whispered in a raspy voice. The machine started beeping, her heart was going crazy and her vitals were dropping. Her legs started kicking again and I could tell how her eyes were moving around behind her eyelids.
“CALM DOWN!” I growled loudly. The machines shook, a painting on the wall fell down on the floor and the healers stepped back.
But she calmed, Cassy stopped moving and her head sunk into the pillow. A stray tear fell from her closed eye.
“Aiden?” She asked in a barely audible voice.
“Yes, you’re safe now, Cassy and nobody is going to hurt you again. Her head fell to the side and she went under but she was safe.
“How did you calm her?” Gabby asked.
“His voice,
it wasn’t Aidens, it was the Alphas. She responded to her Alpha.” Thomas said and looked at me with gratitude.
“Thank you,” he said and fell into a hug.
I hugged him back and patted his back.
“Are you staying?” I asked Gabby. She looked at her friend laying on the bed and nodded her head.
“Yeah, I’m staying,” I contemplated on my move. The guys would handle the house, everyone there was safe and they’d alert me th second anything happened.
I pulled out a chair and placed it in the corner of the room. I sat down and crossed my arms over my
“You’re staying?” She asked me.
“I’m not ready to leave you yet,” I
I said.
As morning came and the sun rose, Cassy still hadn’t woken up. Both Thomas and Gabby were asleep and the doctor was standing by her bed and checking the vitals.
“How’s it looking, doctor?” I asked him and stood as I dragged a hand over my face and cracked my knuckles.
He slowly turned his head, his eyes were hooded, his lips tugged down and he shook his head.
I gulped.

There had to be a way. Cassy was not a weak girl and neither was her wolf. She had to get better, there had to be a way for her to
“Sorry, Alpha. But if her wolf doesn’t start healing her soon I’m not sure how much longer she’ll be with us,”
“There has to be a way, what can I do?”
“There isn’t, it’s all up to her now and now I’m not even sure if that is enough. This poor girl has suffered immense damage to both the outer and the inner body. A regular human being would’ve died long ago but if her wolf is too weak, it’s not certain that she can heal,”
I clapped him on his back 85 he
the room.
I turned my head and choked on a breath when I saw Gabby sitting up, her eyes wide open and tears falling down her cheek.
Mr.Malor twisted on the little sofa bed and grunted as he got up. Gabby quickly wiped her tears so that he wouldn’t see it.
“Thomas,” I said and looked at him.
“Why don’t you and I go get some breakfast back at the house?”
“No, no I have to be here when she wakes up.”
girls could be a good thing,” He looked at Gabby
“Gabby will let us know the second she awakens. But I think some alone time for the gi and then reluctantly agreed.
-Gabby’s POV-
Aiden and Mr.Maler had left. The doctor’s words replayed in my head. There wasn’t a chance that Cassy wouldn’t come out of this in one piece. She had to.
She hadn’t left my side ever since I came back and she did everything she could to make me feel better. She went after me when she
heard I was in trouble.
I angrily wiped my tears.
Why hadn’t I gone after her?
“You know why”
She came for me, she would’ve died for me and I didn’t even try for her
“You did try, remember? Aiden stopped you because he knew what they were planning. If you had gone, you wouldn’t have come back
But maybe Cassy would’ve before all of this happened
“You can’t blame yourse
yourself, you know it’s not your fault. All you can do now is be here for her*
I went up on the bed and lay next to her. I took her head and placed it on my chest, gently stroking her hair.
“Cassy, if you can hear me…please, I really need you to wake up. I can’t do this whole life thing without you. Before I met you I
always wondered what it was like to have a friend, a real one, one that sat there with you when you cried and cared about the problem. One that was happy for you when good things happened. One that told you when you were making mistakes or being stupid. I never had that, ever in my life and I never thought I would. And then there you were, inviting yourself into my booth in the food court at the mall. We ate everything on the menu and ever since that day…ever since that day I knew what a true friend really was. Because you showed me, over and over, you never gave up on me even when I tried to push you away. You were always just there and I never thanked you for it.” I covered my mouth as I began to sob.
“-Cassy please, you told me I didn’t have to do much, I just had to not give up. So please, please don’t give up. Please come back to me!” I kissed her head and cried against her.
I fell back asleep with my head resting on hers. My heart was breaking because I couldn’t think of a single thing to help her. All I dreamt was of things I and Cassy had done together. All the memories we had created and the memories we still hadn’t made yet. The ones in the future that we hadn’t lived yet but I knew how they’d look, we were always by each other’s side.
When I woke up the sun was still out and shining brightly. All the storm clouds were gone and there were no signs of bad weather. It
was a beautiful day but I felt like I was dying on the inside.
“Casandra, I lost my parents. It was…a lot of things happened and they’re both dead and it’s weird but I’m not too sad about it. Had you been here you would’ve forced me to express how I felt and to open up about my emotions. So I’m doing that now because I know you’re there, I know you’re still with me. So…uhm…yeah I killed my mom and my brother he killed our dad. They were gonna kill us and they had this whole plan with Asher and it’s all just been super f*cked up. Now, I guess we’re just waiting for their next move but honestly, I’m not scared of that anymore. The only thing that scares me today is you not waking up. I’ll take a homicidal, power-hungry psychopathic Alpha werewolf over you being hurt every y single day of the week. Cassy, I cannot continue without you, I need you to come back…I need you here with me.”
I laid back and combed her hair with my fingers and smiled.
“I went on a date with Aiden. He had put a table out оп
that clie
cliff I told you about. There were candles and food and chairs placed out and we sat there, watching the sunset and talking for hours. And after..I giggled and held her head so it wouldn’t bounce.
“…we had sex, for the second time actually. He told me he’d replace all my bad memories and I think he’s starting to do that. That’s what I’ll do with you when you wake up, I’ll replace all your bad memories. I’ll take you on a sunset dinner and walks in the woods, we’ll leave out the sex part but one day when you find your mate you’ll have that too. He’ll be my successor,”
1 gasped and flew up when I felt movement. Her finger twitched and her head flicked on my chest.
“You…you ….” she was trying to speak. I pulled her up so that her head was laying on the pillow and I looked at her.
“you…lost…virginity,” She said and her lips tugged for a millisecond but I saw it. She was smiling.
“Yes, I did a
and when you find him,
m, your mate, you’ll lose yours too. Because nothing else counts,”
I ran over to the door.
“Doctor!” I screamed and he came running into the room.
“She-she talked!” I said. He went over and checked her vitals. He ran a bunch of tests and lifted her eyelids, looking into her eyes.
“This is in
impossible, how-” he looked at me with widened eyes and then broke out in a peel of relieved laughter.
“-She’s healing, her wolf is healing her!” He said joyfully. I couldn’t believe it, I was ecstatic and I ran over to the bed and placed my
hands down.
I mind-linked Aiden and told him to bring Mr.Maler. I told him Cassy had talked.
They came running into the e room and Mr.Maler went over to his daughter.
“Is it true? Did she really move?” He asked me and I nodded my head with a smile.
“She did,”

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 41-50

-Gabby’s POV-
The ceiling was the only thing I had been watching for the last couple of days. People had come up with food and drinks and then came back later to take back the full trays. It wasn’t that I couldn’t eat, was that i couldn’t move. Not a single muscle in my body was functioning as it had used to.
Maybe they did but I just didn’t want them to.
I used to have a lust for life, a sense of wonder and curiosity but that was all gone. The one thing that had kept me alive through all of the pain and abuse I had went through, it was gone.
And i didn’t know how to live without it anymore…I didn’t know if it wanted to live anymore.
The door opened up and a little light seeped through the cr*ck of the door from the lamp in the hallway.
I felt the bed dip down and heard the crunch of bags being placed down on the bed. Cans of sodas were placed there as well and the ty was turned on and lit up the dark room,
She sniffled and wiped her nose.
“We don’t have to talk, you don’t have to do anything, but I just need to be with you. I’m not gonna leave, I’m just gonna lay here, eat these snacks and watch movies.” She turned on a movie and made herself comfortable in the bed, crawling under covers and opening
bag of chips.
I heard how the movie ended and then another one began and around the third movie I started to hear some snores.
I turned my head to the side and saw Ca*sandra asleep with her eyes fluttering and a chip stuck to her lip.
She seemed peaceful but I knew that she wasn’t. They were all suffering from how I felt but that was the thing, I didn’t care. I didn’t care about any of them, about the people I loved and would die for. Right now I couldn’t even bring myself to care for them. Whatever this darkness was inside of me, it had always been there, it was a familiar feeling but I had always kept it at arm’s length. Now, however, it was devouring me and I was letting it.
I closed my eyes and turned to the other side.
-Third person POV-
Cas*y came down to breakfast with a glum look on her face and she looked exhausted.
“Sweetheart, how did you sleep?” Marie asked her and looked with concern at the girl she had come t
to care very much for.
*I slept in Gabby’s room, and stayed up for a long time in hopes that she’d might say something,” She sighed and slumped down on the chair. The look of defeat on her face was severely discouraging to everyone that sat around the table.
“How did it go?”
“Not well,” Silence fell over the room as everyone picked at their food. An Omega came and poured them all coffee but the tension weighed them down and everyone could feel it. They had stayed away from the communal dining room for days now so as not to affect the other pack members.
“The preparations for the party will begin today,” Marie said and softly bit down on a piece of fruit.
“That’s good,” C*ssy said and smiled.
They tried to lighten everything up so to not lose faith because they couldn’t. There was no way they would lose faith in the person they all loved but how could they save her when they were drowning themselves?
The door opened up and Alden stepped inside the room.
He threw a quick glance over everyone present and felt the tension the second he stepped in. He sunk down on his seat and chewed down on a piece of toast without any more eye contact.
“Alpha,” an Omega stepped in, she looked warily at her Alpha as he turned his head and met her gaze with a hard one of his own.
“Should we decorate the outside as well or just the big hall?” She asked.
He looked at his mother who waited for him to make the decision Himself.
“Just the inside, I have other plans for the outside that I’ll take care of myself,” Aiden said and nodded his head.
“Thank you, Greta,” She smiled and bowed her head before walking out and closing the doors behind her.
“What plans do you have?” Aiden didn’t answer his mother, instead he looked at his food with a much too occupied mind, hoping what he had planned would do something to restore Gabby’s trust in him. Not just hers, but everyone. He could see how he had lost the respect of his parents and Gabby’s brothers, as well as Ca*sandras. He had to make it right or he couldn’t be the Alpha he need to be. They hadn’t raised him to behave as he had and he needed to do better than his past.
-Aiden’s POV-
My brother had threatened me. Had it just been me and the pack I could ve dealt with it better but he threatened her. I knew that he was being serious. There was no way that he would back down until he had not just the pack but my wife as well. Gabby was broken, her soul had been shattered and it was all because of him.
way with it.
There was no reconciliation, no mercy, and not a chance in hell that he would get away
There was only one way this would go down, my brother had to die
“Alpha, do you plan on telling us what you have planned?” Nick asked me as he walked after me up the stairs. I ignored him and continued walking
“Aiden.” He growled.
“No,” I said. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to a stop.
I growled and slowly turned my head, watching where his hand held a grip of my shoulder.
“Growl all you
ou want, it is my sister’s safety we’re talking about and you’re making plans that involve her, you will tell me.”
I shrugged of his shoulder and looked him dead in the eye as I tuned around.
He wouldn’t let this go and I didn’t feel like be hounded for the rest of the day. Not that he would, he’d beat it out of me which honestly sounded kind of appealing. My thirst for blood was growing by the minute and until I had the rightful recipient in front of me, everyone else was in danger.
“Come with me,” I walked back down and into my office. Noah and Edmund saw us and came running over. I groaned as they barged
in and closed the door.
“Are we having a secret meeting?” Edmund said and raised brow.
“Not anymore.” I groaned.
They were all staring at me, waiting for me to disclose my plan.
“Who does Gabby love more than anyone else on this planet?” I asked and looked at them for an answer.
They guys all looked at each other but neither answered.
“Her brothers,” Said a voice coming from over by the door. Ca*sy stepped in and closed the door.
What the f*ck was the point of having a door if people were gonna come and go as they pleased?
Where was the respect for their Alpha.
“What Alpha?”
“Exactly,” I said and narrowed my eyes on Ca*sy who took a stand next to Gabby’s brothers.
“They only thing stronger than her pain, is her love for you three. And I’m gonna use it to get her out of that room.” They started growling and their eyes started glowing.
killing one of you.”
“By killing

-Gabby’s POV-
“Come on, f*ck her harder”:
F*ck, this a sweet new toy’
“The pack’s new whore’
“Pound that p*ssy, Asher, I know I will”
He went harder and faster. Slamming against me and deepening every thrust.
“Look at these tits My yelp was covered by a large hand as someone grabbed my breast and squeezed.
Everything was getting blurry from the tears that were building up in my eyes again and I was being groped from every si
I looked toward the door only to see a man standing there with his arms crossed over his chest seemingly enjoying watching what was happening, Asher started thrusting even harder, he grabbed a hold of my hair and bent down. My eyes shut closed and I was screaming under the hand.
The man by the door smirked as he stepped closer.
“Shh, this is just the beginning. You’re gonna take it. All of it’ Asher whispered and smiled.
I woke up in a panic and sat up in the bed with sweat dripping down my entire body. My eyes were darting around the room. I wasn’t in the club anymore, and I wasn’t there with them but it all felt too real
I swallowed the lump of anxiety that had built up in my throat and laid back down.
The hell I would never escape.
The words that one of the men had told Asher when we first entered the red room, ‘Break her, that he had. I didn’t feel any sliver of hope. I felt broken, shattered even.
This would never be my home again, I wouldn’t be able to move on from what had happened because it would haunt me forever.
I could still feel their hands on my body. Squeezing, slapping, pinching and their fingers sliding inside of me. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
“Gabby?” My head jerked to the side and I saw Casandra standing by the door.
Her eyes were hooded and she was watching me in confusion.
* Everything’s alright,” She said and slowly walked over to the bed.
“You’re awake now,” I slumped back down and stared up at the ceiling.
I don’t think anything would ever be alright again.
“I can’t imagine what you went through and the memories are surely haunting you but I just need you….I need you to not give in and not give up. I need you to fight it, Gabby. Please, just tell me what I can do to help you.” She had no idea about where I was right now. She was wondering what she could do to help me?
“Can you turn back the tinie?” I asked her.
Slowly I turned my head and looked into her eyes. I saw her eyes widen from my first w
words spoken since I got here.
“I…no,” I turned back my head and stared up at the ceiling.
you can do is leave me alone.”
*Then what you can
“I don’t want to do that,” I heard the tremble in her voice, the kind that would’ve broken my heart at any given point but not this time. This time I felt nothing.
“Gabby, please,” She breathed. I closed my eyes.
His hands were still on me. All of their hands were. I couldn’t not feel them. The tugs, the feeling of my scalp being set on fire from the pulling of my hair. The slaps to my body.
Whether my eyes were closed or open I couldn’t bring myself to find any peace. Their faces were in front of me all the time.
Why couldn’t I cry? Why couldn’t I feel a single thing besides the shiver that went down my body all the time?
The fear that he would come back. I did feel something I guess, fear. Constantly present.
I was asleep and heard somebody calling out to me. It was a female voice. Someone was in my room again. I continued sleeping, keeping my eyes closed and hoping for a peaceful drift.
‘Gabby, wake up
My eyes shot open. That wasn’t just a voice, it was a growl. I pushed off the bed and sat up, looking around the room.
Nobody was there. I was alone so then whose voice was that?
‘Gabby, hi’
What is this?
“It’s me”
Who the f*ck is me and what are you do
you doing in my head?
I’m your wolf, happy birthday
I drew in a sharp breath and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It also showed a calendar and today really was my birthday.
It was 00:15 at night.
I had completely forgotten about it..
I don’t need a wolf, you can leave
‘Being raised by werewolves in a pack you don’t really
lly have an excuse for not being familiar with how this works. I can’t just leave. We
are one’
I don’t want you
“It’s not really up to you’
I didn’t say anything else in hopes that she would leave me alone or at least stay quiet.
“Gabby, we share a mind, I’m sorry for what happened to you
Again, I stayed silent.
“You’re giving up
The ceiling had little dots on it. I began to count them. The shapes were different and in the darkness, they all came together to form one big lump.
Yes, I’m giving up
I silenced a loud scream that came from me as I pressed my hands against my ears.
What the hell
“You are
not giving….
giving up”
She growled loudly.
Stop it
“You are the daughter of an Alpha, albeit a sucky one but still. You have three brothers who love you to death and a mate…”
сап smell him”
I don’t give a f*ck who you can smell, I do not have a mate nor do I want one
“What do you want?”
I took a deep breath and slumped back on the bed and shook my head.
I want to leave, I want the pain to disappear. I want to be able to breathe without anxiety and to be able to close my eyes seeing them. I want to disappear. Not to another town but just…be gone
s without
wolf stayed quiet and eventually I drifted back to sleep. I woke up to the sound of growling and loud smacks. I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes.
What is that sound?
My wolf growled in the back of my mind and I felt her rage. It was weird. I had waited for this moment for so long. Finally getting my wolf and everything that comes with it.
Now that I had her, I just wanted her gone.
“Nice to meet you too’
I heard someone screaming and looked toward the window. It was open, not completely but enough for me to hear everything that
37 Wed, May
was going on outside.
I hadn’t opened it last night.
“Stop, you’re gonna kill him!” Someone yelled and I heard a bunch of other people down there as well.
“Aiden, stop it!”
I turned my head back. Wha
Whatever was happening, whoever was dying, I honestly didn’t give a da*n.
“Edmund, fight back!”
“Aiden, that’s enough, he’s done!” Edmund?
Something sharp penetrated the mattress and I looked down. My claws were extended. My canines were out as well. I shook my head and bit together.
Don’t listen…tune out.
“Let us go!” It was Nick who was growling. What was going on….
“He’s dying…” Someone breathed. 1 felt my eyes starting to glow and my wolf pushing forward. The rage inside of me grew to an explosive degree and I flew out of the bed.

-Aiden’s POV-
“That’s enough!” Everyone around me kept yelling. Three guards were holding back Nick and Noah, or at least so they thought. The guys could’ve broken free easily had they sensed a real threat. My pack members and the warriors were all trying to interfere, believing that I was actually killing Edmund which I could understand.
Blood was dripping down his chest from the claw marks. A big flesh wound went from his shoulder down to his elbow and he was limping. His nos
nose was facing the wrong way from being broken…two times. His eye was swollen and I wasn’t slowing down.
I threw a quick glance over at Noah who had gotten too quiet for my liking. He was looking between me and Edmund with a worried frown on his face.
We were all waiting for her to come to Edmund’s rescue. Cas*y had opened the window last night when Gabby was asleep. I thought she’d be here by now but I couldn’t stop.
I looked back at Edmund and narrowed my eyes.
Nick grew silent as well and cast me a warning gaze.
“That’s enough, Aiden.” Nick said and raised his head. His eyes darted between me and his brother and I saw the worry starting to grow in them. Good.
He was pulling his arms and the guards now had to start working for real. They were holding them back. We were strong, all of us and against most werewolves, we would be superior in strength. These guys, however, were Alphas, the blood that ran through their veins also enhanced their strength and agility along with everything else.
I saw as my warriors struggled to hold them back and Nick’s eyes started glowing. I did wonder how it would be to fight him. I’d have! to find out someday.
“ENOUGH!” He roared and everyone else stepped back. I smirked and ran towards Edmund. I jumped up, he was halfway down toward the ground and looked up as he saw my fist connecting with his face. He fell down completely.
Noah was starting to growl as well and my pack members were stepping further and further back.
“Alpha, is the plan to kill
Il him?” Bob asked and came up to me. He pushed at my shoulder making me step back and he positioned
himself between me and Edmund.
His brows furrowed and he searched my eyes.
“Is this how you plan on winning her trust back? By killing her brother?” I placed my hand on his shoulder and nodded my head. T saw Edmund behind him, spitting out blood.
“You’re in my way.” 1 I said and tossed him aside.
My canines extended. My wolf stepped to the
the front a
and I ran towards him.
I heard a lowl coming from behind me and everyone’s eyes were looking toward the sound.
Here we go
I was about to reach Edmund when she jumped in between, blocking my path. She growled and bared her teeth.
e was big and she sure as *uck was strong. I
I could sense it.
She bit in the air and stepped back, closer to Edmund who was now slumped down on the ground.
“Happy birthday,” I said and shifted. I knew she needed to blow off some steam and perhaps this wasn’t the best way to go about it but it was the only plan I had.
Edmund was dragged away from the field and I was standing eye to eye with his sister.
Her wolf was truly breathtaking. Just as beautiful as her human.
Her fur was pearl white and glistened under the sun. A sun she hadn’t seen for days.
The smell of raspberries and rainwater slid up my nostrils. It filled my entire body and mind, almost like a spell.
She slowly turned her head and watched as her brother was dragged to safety.
No, I couldn’t let her go back. Gabby was walking around me so I stepped to the side and blocked her. If she went back inside, she would never leave. And I’ve been so scared every day about what she might do. I had to keep her outside.
She growled at me but I stepped closer. Gabby’s wolf bit in the air but I could see it in her eyes. She was acknowledging me as her mate but Gabby was fighting her on it. Understandably so.
I jumped at her and nibbled on her back before backing away. She jumped around and stared at me.
I could see the two fighting for control in her mind and before I knew it she took off and ran toward the woods.
Jumping over the rocks and running between the trees, she looked like she was enjoying herself but I knew it was her wolf and her. Gabby just wanted to head back to the room but her wolf wanted to live.
We ran beside each other. We fought and played, allowing her wolf to be completely free in hopes that it would bring Gabby even the slightest bit of happiness.
There was a big hill behind the woods and we ran there. Up the hill and tumbled around.
She stopped and her eyes gazed up at the sun.
Suddenly Gabby was standing there, naked at the top of the hill. She sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest,
We walked around and laid down next to her, making
making sure that our fur was covering
ring her body and ke
keeping her warm.
She snuggled in and I saw past the tug of her lips because in her eyes was nothing but emptiness.
“I don’t know how to live anymore,” She whispered, looking out over the hilltop.
“Not alone, that’s number one- Ca*sy came out from behind the woods and slowly strutted over to us. She wrapped a blanket that she was holding in her hands, around Gabby’s body and sat down next to her.
-You’re lost and we are all here to help guide you back, however long it may take. When everything seems dark, we’ll be your light and your eyes.” She placed her hand on Gabby’s shoulder and Gabby leaned her head against it.
This was a start. It was a really good start.
The celebration had already started back at the pack house. We snuck Gabby up to her room so that she could get dressed. When I went up to check on her, she was sitting on the edge of her bed.
The drapes were drawn stin and the room was dark. Gabby hadn’t turned the lights on.
“It’s just easier to lie in that bed.” She said and looked back.
I nodded my head and put my hands in my pockets. All of my choices and mistakes
playing in front of me when I saw her.
“Yeah, but when has anything good ever been easy?” I asked her.
She drew in a deep breath and stood up. She was wearing a long-sleeved dress. The memory of when she showed me her scars came back to mind and I closed my eyes.
How could I have been so stupid? How could I have f*cked this up?
Not just this but everything, for so long, and now I paid the consequences.
She cupped her hands in her front and gazed into my eyes.
“I’m not ready to forgive you, I don’t know when I will ever be or if I ever will. I’m gonna go down there and smile and talk and hug but I need you to know that I’m not happy. The feeling is lost on me.”
I stepped
to her and made sure she was looking into my eyes
“You don’t have to smile. You don’t have to speak to anyone. You don’t have to hug a single person. You will do precisely what you feel is right to do. As long as it doesn’t include staying in here. And whether or not you forgive me…” I adverted my eyes and looked down at the floor. Shame washed over me.
I will spend the rest of
of my life proving to you how sorry I am for what I have done. If in the end, as I take my final breath you still cannot forgive me, I will accept that. There will be no pressure, no stress and I will never ask you for anything. Having you here, knowing you are safe, is already more than I had the right to ask for,” she lifted her head. Something flashed in her eyes and was gone just as fast. This would be a process and it would take as long as needed. Because this time, I was gonna do it the right way.
Chapter Comments

-Aiden’s POV-
I made sure to keep my distance from Gabby,
She was reacquainting herself with people and I could tell from her entire demeanor that she would rather be anywhere else right
“Hi, Luna,” She stiffened and her head shot up.
It was one of the girls that had been with Gabby and me at the fair a few months ago.
“Hi,” she said and nodded her head. Her brows hunched together and she looked past the girl.
My head turned and I searched for Ca*sy who was standing by the wall, her eyes were on Gabby. She too was watching from a distance and so were Gabby’s brothers.
None of us wanted her to feel watched or suffocated but still be close enough in case she’d need us.
“Honey, why don’t you go play.” The girl’s mother came up and her daughter ran to her friends. She looked at Gabby and grabbed her
“I heard about what Aiden and the others had done. And I don’t know what else happened while you were away but just know, you’re home now and nobody will let anything else happen to you.” She said and gazed into Gabby’s eyes,
She bowed her head and walked away.
Gabby was looking around the room frantically and I put down my glass.
Hui Gabby!”
“Luna!” A bunch of people started coming towards her. Gabriella stepped back and shook her head slowly.
She looked toward the door.
“I’m sorry, I just… I need some air,” She went for the door and left the house. I followed after her.
I stood there on the stairs and looked around for where she could be but I didn’t see any sign of her.
“Where is she?” Edmund asked me. He was completely healed now except for a little bruising around his eye.
“I don’t know,”
I sniffed her out and followed her around the house. She was sitting in the back where 1 and Edmund had fought earlier.
She was sitting
sitting on a bench and just staring into the abyss,
“Hey, there,” I said. She turned her head and looked down at the ground.
She drew in a deep breath before looking out over the forest line.
1 sat down on the bench next to her.
“Alpha!” Bob came running out of the house and toward us. I was about to stand when I felt a shoulder on my hand pushing me
“We’ll take care of it.” Nick said and he and his brothers walked back. Cas*y nodded her head and walked after them.
“Why can’t I feel anything, Aiden?” She asked me.
I looked down at her hand and decided to give it a try.
I gently stroked my fingers over the back of her hand.
“Do you feel this?” I asked softly and moved my fingers over her knuckles and up her arm.
“Or this?” Her eyes were falling on my movements.
The hairs on her arms stood.
“Or this…” I stroked up her arm and gently across the side of her neck.
“This is feeling. This electric pulse you feel running through your body. Your skin heating up under my touch. This is you feeling. It may not be the feelings you are used to because this one is brand new to both of us. But nevertheless, it is a feeling, your senses telling you that you are alive. After everything that you have been put through and endured, you, Gabriella Santos, are alive,” she looked up at me, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.
“I’m scared,” she whispered.
“I’m scared he’ll come back,” I looked into her eyes and saw the fear that swam in there. It was so deep and it broke my I didn’t know were possible. But I wouldn’t lie to her, I would never lie to her.
“He will,” I said and gently cupped her cheek. Her bottom lip started trembling.
heart in ways
“And when does, I will kill him and all of his followers and the only thing you will ever have to see in your dreams is his head being severed from his body. Unable to ever touch you again,” my anger was stirring up but I controlled it. I didn’t want her to fear me as well.
“Maybe one day
ay I’ll dr
dream of something better,” she said quietly and turned her head and looked toward the forest. I knew what she was fearing. She was seeing my brother walking out of the woods with the people who helped torture her. But the day they would come here would be their last.
“You’re back,” Ca*sy said quietly as she smiled at Gabby. She nodded her head.
“I’m trying,” She whispered and Ca*sy grabbed her hand.
“That’s all you’ll ever have to do. And one day, it’ll feel natural. Until then, and every day after, I’ll be right by your side.” She said and gently wrapped her arms around Gabby, I saw the hesitation in her movements. In both of them. It wasn’t organic like it had used to be
but soon.
The day continued and Gabby was present through all of it. She talked to people and even cracked a smile here and there. Whether or not it was genuine I had no idea but at least she was there and not in her bed,
This whole day had given me some hope and calmed my wolf.
Now, all we had to do, was give it time and take baby steps. Who knew what the next day would bring?
-Gabby’s POV-
I woke up and contemplated staying in bed but this time I didn’t want to. My body wanted to get up even though my
brain did not.
One step
tep after the other I took it slow and made it out of the room for the second day in a row. Yesterday felt like a blur. There was a smile on my face that I forced to stay up. I was thinking that maybe if I faked it long enough eventually it would stick and feel natural.
Good morning,” I said a little confused as I walked into the dining room. There was only one person present.
Where was everyone else?
“Hello, sweetheart, Please, have a seat,” Marie said and smiled lovingly.
“Where is everyone?” I asked and looked around.
*I asked to have breakfast with you alone.” She narrowed her eyes, lifted her brows, and tilted her head down.
“You can relax your face now, sweetie,” the smile fell and my head hung low.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. The food was served in front of me and she bowed her head to the Omega who walked out and the doors were closed.
“You were dealt a bad hand from the day you were born. You were neglected, beaten, controlled, and given away. Only to be betrayed, heartbroken, abused, and tortured” my eyes were widening and my breathing picked up speed. Why was she saying all the things that I already knew? Why was she vocalizing my nightmares?
“I’ve known people, Gabriella, who have been dealt the same hand that you have. Most times even less. None of them are here today. Some left the pack or other packs and lived as rogues until the day they were killed. Some took their
wn lives and others continued living as a shell, watching everyone they loved bend over backward to save them from demons they couldn’t see. But none of them, not a single one, stood back up after they had fallen.”
“What is your point?” I bit out.
She tilted her head to the side and searched my face.
“You’ve gone through more than anyone I’ve known and you’re still here. You might feel broken and beat, lifeless even, but you’re here. You got up and you got out of the room. But I don’t want you to ever fake your smile because if you do, it might never turn real. It better for you to frown, cry, or just stare than to fake a smile. Seeing your smile should be a gift.”
I was staring down at my plate with my hands resting on my lap.
“I don’t know how to move on,” I said and felt the crease on my forehead as 1 furrowed my brows.
“Who says you have to move on?” I looked up at Marie with a quizzical expression.
“All you have to do is not give up and eventually, in time, breathing gets easier. Living gets a little more fun and memories will be replaced. You will notice how the happy moments replace the bad ones and all that has happened will still be bad,
but you
will feel your lust for life returning. Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means you don’t let those things define you. It means you take back your power over your life.”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

-Gabby’s POV-
“Do you feel like doing anything special today?” Cassy asked me as I walked outside the house.
“I was thinking about shifting and going for a run,” Her eyes lit up and I knew she wanted to come along but I wanted to go alone.
“What’s her name?” She asked me.
“Whose name?” I asked her.
“Your wolf, what’s her name?”
That’s when I remembered that I hadn’t even asked my wolf what her name was.
What is your name?
“Her name
“The run, do you want to go alone?” She asked and looked a little unsure of herself. I parted my lips, about to say yes.
“Bring her along”
I don’t want anyone to tag along
‘It’ll be fun”
For who?
“Have you ever seen her wolf?”
I hadn’t. I had never seen Cassy’s wolf.
“Uhm, you can come,” I said and she smiled. Relief washed over her body and her shoulders relaxed.
“Ready?” Cassy asked me and I nodded my head. We shifted and took off running.
It had been a week since my birthday and I had been spending a lot of my time alone. A few of the days hours I was with Cassy, my brothers, and Aiden but then I stepped away.
I was running behind Cassy but I had to stop. Her wolf was beautiful. Brown with three black paws and the fourth was brown.
Her fur was matt but it shone under the sun and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
I started running and caught up to her. She was fast and we were facing as we ran there and jumped over everything in our way. The dirt was kicked up from the ground and suddenly Cassy was gone. I continued running and looked around when I felt someone running into my side and I was tossed to the ground.
My wolf growled but playfully and got back up. She jumped at Cassy’s wolf and they started playing around. Rolling on the ground and biting each other.
She jumped up and wagged her tail before lowering her head. Her eyes suddenly shifted and she took on a predatory stand.
I looked at her and stood up, pushing my chest out and Lela started sniffing around.
Something was wrong.
C*ssy’s wolf tossed her head toward the pack house and we took of running back.
What is happening?
‘Someone just crossed the border
I was starting to panic and Lela was running as fast as she could but making sure that Cassy was keeping up.
We ran up to the pack house and halted to a stop. A loud howl echoed over the whole territory and a wolf came running towards us from the house. He pushed off from the ground and jumped over us, landing in front of me.
He growled and watched as someone stepped out from behind the trees and over the forestline.
It was a man. He was smiling as he stepped out on a limping leg. His hair tussled and his clothes were torn. He looked to have rolled
around in the dirt.
“He’s coming,” the man said and laughed.
“He’s on his way and he’s coming for you,” he laughed even louder. A menacing look in his eyes and his hands were shaking-
He picked out a knife and the wolf in front of me stepped forth.
The man raised the knife and I gasped in horror.
“He’s coming, and he’s not alone,” He whispered.
He slit his throat in front of everyone.
Even as he fell to his knees, dying, his smile never faltered.
Only when he fell limp to the ground and his heart stopped beating did everyone take their eyes off him. The wolf in front of me, Aiden’s wolf, turned around and looked behind me. Lela turned her head and my brothers were standing behind us, having heard everything. As had Marie and Aidens father.
We all were in Aiden’s office looking uncomfortably at each other.
Aiden came barging in and slammed the door behind him. Bob followed inside and took a stand next to Aiden behind the desk.
“What is going on?” Marie asked. I saw her husband giving Aiden a knowing look. The two shared a silent message. Marie’s eyes started glowing and she narrowed them at her son.
“What is going on?” She growled. Aiden ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and hung his head. His father stepped up and walked over to the desk, leaning back against it, and nodded his head to his son
“So, me and dad have been looking for Asher and his men ever since Gabby came home. We found nothing and were beating our heads trying to find some sort of a trail that we could follow. And then, two days ago something came up. We had called around to different packs to see if they knew anything. One of them did. He said that a pack had formed, not too big but it was filled with the most
3:38 Wed, May
dangerous ones. Those who were shunned from their packs and kicked out for various reasons. They also have a few rogues among them.”
Marie-stood to her feet and straightened her back.
“Where are they?” Aiden and his dad looked at each other and Aidens father spoke.
“They live a few hours away in a town they overtook. A smaller pack had lived there before them, in peace and minding their own business-” he sighed and shook his head.
-Asher and his people slaughtered every last one of them and disposed of their bodies. They overtook the pack and have grown since then. Planning and plotting for the real price.”
“What price?” C*ssy asked.
“Overtaking Aiden and his position as Alpha of our pack. Another Alpha that lives in close proximity to their pack said he had heard more and more coming from them. They’re training and recruiting more werewolves to join them. These men are the sc*m of the earth and will do anything to get what they want. They crave power and success. They have slaughtered, overrun, tortured, and lied to get their way and all in preparation for coming here.” I gulped and fell back in the chair.
“When are they arriving?”
“We don’t know but the man outside, it was a message. They’re coming soon and we need to prepare.” He said in a dark and grave voice, sending shivers down my spine.
Orders were shouted left and right. The warriors piled out and started training. They enhanced the border patrol guards and covered, more ground. Guards were also placed in town and everything was suddenly getting more real.
I was looking around at everyone running and taking their stance. Aiden had caught everyone up on what was going on and the people had been encouraged to take precautions and at the first sign of battle, they had been told to stay inside.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me as he came walking up and sat down on the stairs next to me.
“Weird,” I said and nodded my head.
The warriors were fighting combat, really going at it as they threw punch after punch.
I was having a hard time keeping up
ng up with their speed as I tried to see and learn.
“I want you to stay close to me.” He said and I turned my head and looked at him.
“Excuse me?” His eyes bored into mine.
“I’m not saying you have to move back into the room or that we have to hang out. As I told you before, you will do precisely what you feel like. But I don’t trust anyone else to protect you. I want you close to me until this all is over,”
“And after that?” His lips parted and his eyes rounded.
“After that, we’ll resume as we have.” I looked down and then out the chaos occurring. These men and women were all so fierce and yet, worried about the outcome of the pending fight.
“I can’t lose
e you again,”
-Unknown PQV-
The sun was up and shining. The beams hit down and lit up our grounds. I saw the warriors training violently on the fields and everyone was running around preparing for the final battle against the Alphas brother.
The first message had been sent and now it would soon be time.
“Are you ready?”
“What do you mean soon? What if someone finds out, I’ll be dead!
“Not my problem. You chose this, remember?”
“Just get on with it.” He laughed menacingly and I gritted my teeth
“I don’t take orders, I give them. And you have yours.” He said and the line fell dead. I tightened my fingers around the phone. I walked closer to the window and saw Aiden and Gabby sitting on the stairs.
I listened in to hear what they were saying
I can’t lose you again’
again’ my head lifted and I placed my hands on the wall.
“You already have, Alpha.” I seethed.
Alpha’s Betted Bride
-Alden’s POV-
*Come on, get off your as*es The Warriors were up and fighting and they could rest when the sun went down
uting myself up thinking about how this could ve happened. I hadnt stopped to actually let everything sink in. My brother tried to kill me as a child and then tried to kill our father 15m being kicked out and the kidnapped my mate. And now he was coming
I was sure of myself and my pack but Asher was something else. He had no empathy, there wagnobody he loved more than himself and he had nothing to lose which made him even more dangerous
“Alpha,” Bob walked up to me. I noticed he had gotten a haircut. He usual thick hair that looked like a helmet was gone and instead,
he had a fade on the sides.
“Yes?” There was an ominous look in his eyes and he leaned his head back.
“It’s Cole, he wants to see you
“I’m busy,” I said and clenched my jaw. He bowed :
ead and looked at
“How are they doing?” He asked me
He clapped his hands behind his back and straightened his back.
“They could use a firm hand.” I said and looked at Bob. He smirked and bowed his head, walking out on the field.
was one of, if not the best warrior we had. He used to be their trainer until he took over as a step-in Beta when Cole was stripped of his title.
I might make him the official Beta but that was a decision for another day.
It was second nature for him to push the men and the women to train harder. He taught them new moves and perfected their technique and nobody dared rest until they were told that they could.
My brows furrowed and I turned and looked at the house. Cole wanted to talk to me and I knew he’d apologize, beg and hope to retake his position next to me.
I nodded my head and walked back.
The guard opened the door and I walked into the dungeon.
It was filthy, a pipe had leaked so there was water covering the concrete floors. The smell of wolfsbane was strong but mostly contained to the cells. It smelled of rotten flesh and sweat.
I walked up to his cell and stopped outside, watching him sit with his legs pulled up to his chest and his back pressed against the wall on the floor.
He looked up and I saw the bruising on his face. The scrapes and the cuts. The wolfsbane was slowing down his healing by a lot. Down here, a werewolf was basically a human as their powers were stripped from the toxins entering their bloodstream.
“You wanted to talk.” I said. He pressed his hands against the floor and stood up.
He limped over to the burs and wrapped his fingers around them.
“You came,” he said in a raspy voice.
“You better start speaking or I will leave and you won’t get a second chance.”
“Aiden, I’m sorry. I…I really do feel bad for what I did to her, to both of them. To everyone. I-we haven’t been good people and we’ve been feeding off each other’s hatred and pride. We’ve all done terrible things but I swear by the moon goddess that I can, have, and will continue to change for the better. As you have.” I was searching his eyes. All of his walls were down and he was exposing his truest
“I’ll have th
guard bring you food.” I turned around.
“Aiden please!” He screamed behind and started slamming against the bars.
The door closed behind me and I told the guard to bring him food.
I walked into my office and sat down behind my desk. The picture I had on my desk was of me, my parents, and Cole. I was thinking about changing it but I hadn’t gotten to that yet.
I held it in my hands and stared at it.
all of it.
With everything that happened when I was younger, Cole was there for all
I was a carefree kid and I remember playing around with others like children are meant to. As I grew up I changed and became more violent, I still remember the anger I felt on a daily basis. I woke up with it and went to bed with the same amount of anger regardless of
how the day had been..
Before Asher started stepping in, it was Cole who pulled me away from the fights.
“Come on, get off him!” He was pulling at my shoulders
rs but all I could see was the guy’s
face in front o
of me.
“Aiden, let go of
of him!” Cole’s voice rang in my cars. My hands were colored crimson from the guy’s blood that was spurting out.
“I’m not done yet!”
“Yes you are!” He grabbed a hold and pulled me back, slamming me down on the ground. He leaned down with his knee on my chest and told the others to take their friend and leave.
“What did he even do to deserve that?” I looked at the guy being held up by his friends.
1 talked to Tracey and he told me to back off,”
“What were you saying to her?” He asked me and grabbed my hand, pulling me back up.
For being thirteen and not an Alpha, Cole was strong.
“Lasked her to go to the light with me tonight,”
t.” His brows pulled together and he shook his head.
“You asked his girlfriend on a date?”
“You can’t do that,”
“I can do whatever the hell want.”
“Says who?”
“Asher,” he scoffed and stepped back.
“You have to stop letting him tell you things because that is not right.”
“What do you know,”
“You’ll see, one day. I think we all will,” Cole said and frowned.
I put the picture down and ran a hand over my face. He wanted ou but I couldn’t allow that. I couldn’t let him in the pack again, not after what he did to Cassy. He also betrayed me by telling Gabby about the bet.
Another thing that Cole had said popped up in my head.
“Hey baby, come over here,” the girl came over and sat down on my lap. Cole rose a b
a brow an
“Get one,” I said and smiled. He shook his head and Samantha was peething next to me.
and drank his soda.
“Come on, call one over. They’re like puppies, you whistle they come running,” I rolled my eyes and called over a girl for him. She came over and sat down next to him, batting her eyelashes.
Cole was looking her up and down and then placed some of her hair behind her neck. She leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers.
When he pulled back he had a weird look on his face, He turned and looked at me.
“This is gonna bite us in the ss one day,” he said.
“What is?
good thing.” 1
“Playing god. This, the temptation, the power…it’s gonna backfire. You’re changing, we all are. And I don’t think it’s a good clenched my jaw and tightened my fingers around the girl’s waist.
“We’ll be fine,” I said.
Chapter Comments

-Gabby’s POV-
I had just come back from a run and was taking shower. I ran my hands through my wet hair and soaped up my body. The feeling o the warm water against my bones was amazing. They softened and the soreness disappeared.
Lela had been begging for another run ever since we came back. She had immense energy that I just couldn’t keep up with.
But feeling her emotions and her freedom when on a run put a smile on my face. She was fast, strong, and very much an Alphas wolf. She had this aura around her which demanded respect and without even trying people just knew her power.
I walked out into the room with the towel wrapped around my body, I looked around and saw the empty walls and then made the bed.. The curtains were pulled to the sides. I hadn’t been able to do that until today. The sun streamed in and filled the room with a bright light.
It was hard to believe that things were moving forward. In one way I was happy about it because it felt like my life was actually continuing. But in another way, I still felt like I was stuck on the path I was trying to leave.
I shook my head and tried to not think about it so much.
Nothing had been decided, nothing was happening right now and it worked myself up too much, I’d be back in that bed…or worse.
“Hey,” Cassy said coming down the stairs.
“Hi, where have you been?” I asked her. I had looked for her earlier to ask if she wanted to go on a run with me but I couldn’t find
“Just needed a moment to talk to my family,”
“Oh, sure. How are they?”
“They’re good, my brothers are causing hell and my parents are cussing them out,” She said and smirked. A pang of guilt hit me upon seeing her sad little frown.
“If you want to go back, you can,” She looked up hastily and shook her head.
“I don’t, I want to be here with you,” I smiled and walked out of the house. We took a stroll through the town.
“How are you feeling about everything?”
“You mean the messenger?” I asked. Cassy stiffened next to me and I shrugged my shoulders.
At first, I didn’t speak, I didn’t know what to say. Should I lie and pretend to be strong or tell her the truth?
A Luna should be strong, they were as much a pillar as the Alpha and everyone here kept calling me by that name. It felt weird every time. I didn’t feel like a Luna.
I wasn’t strong, I wasn’t a rock and I sure as hell wasn’t stable enough to take care of a pack. Besides, being a Luna of this pack would entail I am with the Alpha. And I didn’t know if I could d
do that.
“Gabby?” She asked and brought me back to the conversation.
“I’m terrified,” I answered truthfully.
She grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze.
“And that’s okay. When he comes, we’ll all be prepared.”
“What if I freeze? The other day when that messenger showed up, froze, Cassy. How am I supposed to help protect a pack if I can’t fight?”
“If you freeze on the field, you’ll have an entire pack backing you up. Nobody is expecting you to do this on your own.”
We walked around the corner to the cafe and I bumped my shoulder into someone else’s,
I looked up and stared right into Sam’s hollow eyes.
“You,” She seethed. Her friends stepped around her and all of them had the same look.
“You are the reason why he turned on us. You made him throw his own best friend into the dungeon!”
“Yeah, do you have any idea the punishment he could face?” Another said through gritted teeth.
“You’ve f*cked with his head and you-”
“Haven’t done shit. Your p*ssy attitude and obsessiveness are what drove him away. You’re a backstabbing, manipulative, nasty b*tch who got exactly what she deserved and as far as Cole is concerned, I couldn’t care less what happens to him.” I stepped closer, standing eye to eye and leaving little space between us.
“You won’t get away with this. How could someone actually be this dumb?
She was believing her own words. Thinking she had done no wrong and that she was in the right.
She honestly thought that she deserved better than what she had gotten.
I think you’re forgetting
ng that
it wasn’t her choice,” Cassy said from behind me.
“Aiden decided d to cut you out, and you-” She said and looked at the girls around Sam.
He was the one who decided that Cole deserved to be locked up for what he did. Knowing Aiden, which you all do, do you really think the Alpha would let anyone else affect his decisions?”
They looked dumbfounded at Cassy and then Sam’s eyes landed on me one last time. I could see the promise in them. She was planning something, she’d do anything to get Aiden back.
They left, and her shoulder slammed into mine on the way.
“You both should really watch your backs.” She said.
“God I hate that b*tch!” Cassy screamed as we walked into the cafe I was mortified. Everyone turned their heads and watched us.
“Okay, keep it down,” I said slowly and placed my hand on her arm.
“Seriously, who does she think she is?”
“Luna,” I said and smirked.
Cassy scoffed and we walked up the counter to order.
“Yeah, if she’s Luna then 1
Im the moon goddess,” I laughed and then stopped. That was a real laugh. When was the last tie I had
“Don’t overthink it’
Lela said softly.
We grabbed our coffees and went to sit but I couldn’t help the chill and eery feeling ti
that swept over me.
1 looked around the shop and saw everyone carrying on with their own conversations.
I looked out the window on the left and there was no one there.
“Are you okay?” Cassy asked.
I furrowed my brows and turned around, my eyes locked with an older woman who stood outside the coffee shop and watching me. She had a hood over her head and a long black dress with a mantle.
“Gabby?” Cassy asked but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. She had many wrinkles, her chapped lips pulled up revealing her
cracked and blacked teeth.
“Who is that?” I whispered. Cassy looked and gasped as she jumped in her chair. The lady raised her finger and beckoned me over.
“That’s the pack witch,” Cassy said.
She had told me about the witch a few days ago. So it was her that was responsible for Asher finding me.
“Gabby, don’t,” She grabbed a hold of my arm but I yanked it free.
I needed to talk to her.
“Shit.” She cussed and I heard her chair being pushed out as she followed me outside.
“You’re the witch,” I said to the woman.
She didn’t speak a word, instead, she just turned around and started walking away.
I followed after her and heard Cassy’s whining. The clouds drew together and darkened. An ominous feeling seeped up my body as 1
watched the witch enter the old library.
Crows were sitting on the metal bars outside. They watched us as we entered. The witch looked over her shoulder before walking through the doors
“Are we really doing this?” Cassy asked.
“Hello?” I couldn’t see her. It was like she had disappeared. This library was big and layers of dust were everywhere.
There was spiderweb on the walls and across the bookshelves,
“She’s in there,” Cassy said and gestured her head to the two big doors in front of us that stood wide open. I looked down at Cassy’s hands.
“You brought the cups?” I asked her when I saw her holding the coffee in the ceramic cups.
“Hell yeah, we paid for these,” She handed mine over and took a sip of her own.
“Hello?” We stepped
ed into the big room and I looked around. There was no one there but the room had immense energy.
‘Behind you’
I turned around there she was. Inches away from my face.
“Come,” She walked over to a big desk and sat down.
“You were the one that sent Asher after me? I said.
“No, I made your paths cross, you then let him in,” my brows furrowed, and I tightened my fingers around the cup. Ca*sy winced.
“So you’re saying this is my
ny fault?” She smiled a wicked smile.
“No, I’m saying that faith is a mysterious thing,”
“It was faith that I would get raped?” She tensed her lips and snarled.
“Many years ago, a couple searched out a witch to brew for them a potion. One that would hem the abilities of a werewolf. This potion was made and the couple gave it to their daughter. She who would come to later be of use…” My brows were furrowed and I awaited more.
“Gabby-” Ca*sy whispered.
I turned and looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling and rounded.
“-You couldn’t sense other wolves,” she breathed.
My head jerked back to the witch.
“The potion was for me?” She bowed her head in answer.
“The plan of marriage had always been. You see, Alpha Aiden leads the strongest, most respected, and feared pack of them all. As his father did before him. And his father before him. Your parents asked for an ingredient to be mixed into the potion…” she shook her head.
“Greed is a dangerous thing. They asked for a poison that would enter the bloodstream and upon extraction cause a lethal outcome. As Asher King penetrated you, did you bleed?” She asked.
I didn’t feel comfortable answering that question but she narrowed her eyes and waited.
“Yes,” I breathed and cleared my throat to regain my composure.
She leaned back and smacked her lips.
“Then he had less than six months,”
“To what?” I asked.
“To live,”

-Gabby’s POV-
I was still in shock from the information the witch had given me. I couldn’t believe it but something didn’t make sense.
A lot of it didn’t make sense.
“I don’t understand,” I said and closed my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Your parents asked for a poison to be mixed into the blend. They have been feeding you u this tion since you were little.”
“How? I don’t remember eating or drinking-
“It had to enter the bloodstream,” she said and leaned forward.
My eyes widened and the realization hit me. If I had eaten it or drink it, it wouldn’t have entered my bloodstream. The only way for it to enter my bloodstream would be through my veins.
“The whipping,” I gasped.
She bowed her head but averted her eyes.
They y had faced the belt with the potion and whipped it into my bloodstream.
“The extraction,” I said and looked at her.
I was pushing down the tears, seriously fed up with the crying.
“The extraction would happen upon your blood entering his body. As he penetrated you, you bled, and it went up his urethral opening, entering his body.”
“And it’s lethal?”
“Very, your parents made certain of it,” she said.
“Why would they do that? And how could I not be affected?”
“It was made to not get activated until after extraction,”
“But I bled it
bled, it got extracted, activated and then I had it
ad it in me. How could I not be affected?”
“Because it wasn’t made to kill you.” She said sternly.
“I…I don’t…” I stammered and couldn’t find the
e words to describe my confusion.
“Gabby,” Cassandra looked like she had another epiphany but this time she looked upset.
“You were
married off to Aiden, knowing you would sooner or later sleep with him… they planned it.” No…no this couldn’t be right. They wouldn’t. They were terrible people, some of the worst I had ever known but they wouldn’t kill another pack’s Alpha.
I looked at the witch and though she e didn’t give me a verbal answer, I could see on her face that Cassy was right.
“Oh my god,” I gasped.
“Gabriella, your parents, once they realize their plan has failed will take on other tactics to ensure success,”
“Such as?”
“What leverage,”
“Oh come on! Hasn’t she been through enough? Now they’re gonna come pulling from that side too?” Cassy shouted distraughtly.
just tell
“Can you please
tell me what the f*ck is going on? What is going to happen?”
“They’re gonna take you away!” Cassy shouted. I narrowed my eyes and lifted my head. I cliched my hands and bit down on my jaw.
“They can try.” I said and looked at the witch.
“How long did you that Asher had left?”
“About six months,”
“They will come before that. He will find another source of strength.” I said and tried to think of a plan.
“Gabriella,” th
the witch said and looked at me. Her black teeth were chipped and she stood from the chair.
“You will be the center of every fight about to come. Pulled in different directions, used as leverage against the Alpha. You need to have a steady ground under your feet so you don’t trip when the time comes,”
We walked back to the pack house and walked inside.
“Well shit,” Cassy said and ran a hand through her hair.
My mind was still railing around the fact that my parents tried to loll Aiden.
They didn’t want me to be married off for power and money. They wanted the pack, all of it. They would kill the Alpha and I’m sure that they would later have a second part of the plan about how they would continue. But one thing was still nagging me.
“I have to find my brothers,” I said,
“You don’t have to look very far,” I turned around and saw Edmund standing there with a smirk. When he saw the serious look on my face his smirk disappeared and his brows hunched down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Where are the others?” I asked.
“Right here,” Nick and Noah stepped out.
“We have to talk.” I said and narrowed my eyes at them.
We were in Aidens office, Cassy stepped in with me, and not too long after, Aiden and Bob came inside as well.
This was a bad plan. I should’ve taken them to the library.
“Could I speak to my brothers alone for a minute?” I asked with a lating voice.
“No, what’s going on?” He asked and came up beside me.
“Fine, we’ll go somewhere else,” I said.
“Wait, Gabby, what is wrong?”
“Maybe he should stay,” Cassy said and winced when I looked at her.
“Or not, your decision,” she said and turned her head.
“Gabriella, tell us what it is.” Nick said sternly.
“Shit…okay, uhm,” I squirmed a little and took a step to the side to create some space between me and Aiden.
“Before I say anything; did you know?” I asked my b
brothers, hoping they
they would understand. But each looked as confused as the other.
“Are you okay?” They asked and looked at me warily.
“I’m fine, but I talked to the witch,” I said and looked at Aiden who grew taller and pushed his chest out.
“And?” He asked.
“This is gonna sound really weird,” Cassy said.
“She told me about how my parents had a witch brew them a potion many years ago. A potion that would hem my abilities as a werewolf.”
“Continue,” Nick said and stepped closer. I felt like it was getting harder to breathe and having all these people around me was like having the walls closing in.
“The potion had another element in it, a poison that was activated when extracted from my bloodstream. When Asher raped me, It went into him,” I said.
Aiden’s chest was rapidly rising and falling from his rigid breathing
“Asher only has six months to live,” they all looked at me in disbelief. Cassy cleared her throat and looked at me, wanting to tell the other part as well.
I ran a hand through my hair and looked at Aiden but he had already connected the dots.
“They wanted to kill me.” He said.
He nodded his head and turned to my brothers.
“That’s what they meant,” Noah said and furrowed his brows. He clenched his jaw and raised his fist, slamming it into the bookcase.
Everything shook and some stuff fo
fell down on the floor. We all stood silently around him. He turned back around and looked at us. There was a fire in his eyes and his face was turning red.
“They told me to learn with Nick, to learn to be an Alpha. They said that a day would come when a pack would need me and I had to
be ready.”
Alpha’s Betted Bride

-Gabby’s POV-
The tension in the office was rising and we were all on edge. Noah was going over our parent’s words in his head and he couldn’t believe what they had planned.
Nick was standing there looking stoic and Aiden was staring at him with his arms crossed over his chest.
“No one knew what they were going to do but it’s done,” I said. I hoped that maybe I could ease the tension and soften everything up. They were getting agitated and I could see the battle of dominance happening between Nick and Ajen.
“Guys, stop,” I placed my hand on Aidens arm and pushed him back softly.
“You really had no idea?” Aiden asked my brothers.
“How could we?”
“Yeah, do we look like a happy-go-lucky family who shares everything? Cause if that’s the impression you’ve gotten then you’re f*cking blind.”
Cassy stood up when her phone rang and she went outside.
The door closed and I looked around at everyone.
“We need a plan.” Nick said and looked at me.
“For what?”
“When they find out that their plan didn’t work, unless they already have, they’re gonna find another way to finish what they
I left the boys to do their planning and walked outside to find Cassy. She was standing by the door to the house and nodding her head. When she saw me coming she quickly said goodbye and hung up.
“Hey, is everything alright?” I asked her and she smiled.
“Yeah, everything is good,”
“Was it your family?” She looked taken aback by my question but then nodded her head.
“They were wondering if I wanted to come home for dinner,”
*I think you should, they probably miss you,” I said and grabbed her hand.
“But I want to be here for you,”
“You’ll come back,” I said.
Cassy took off to her parent’s house to have dinner and spend some time with them.
Time had gone by awfully fast these past few days and I hadn’t really had any time to stop and think about everything. Perhaps that was a good thing.
Her car drove off and 1 werit for a walk.
The clouds were drawing together and the surroundings soon became darker. I looked up and saw the rain-filled clouds.
After about an hour I headed back to the house and saw that nearly no one was outside but the second I stepped in I heard the
chatter commence.
They were all scattered about in the house, hanging out and playing games. It started with a few raindrops falling and hitting the windows. And then, in just a few seconds, it was a full-on rainstorm. The winds became harder and grabbed chairs, lifting them up and tossing them away. I was sitting in the big room on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me. I wanted to go up to my room and just stay there but I couldn’t. I had to be here, to stay outside and be at least in the pretense of others.
Lightning hit and lit up the outside. The thunder roared loudly around us and the fire had been lit in the fireplace.
I could hear the soft sound of an engine driving up the road to the house.
Who is that?
I have no idea but who would be out in this weather?”
The doors opened up and a man came stomping in. He pushed the door shut and removed his raincoat. A puddle formued around his feet from the rain dropping off him.
was Cassy’s father.
I quickly went up to him and grabbed his coat. An Omega was going to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea.
Marie and Clark came out of the dining room and walked up to him. She wrapped an arm around his and guided him toward the dining hall but he shook his head and stopped.
“No. Thank you, but I’m just here to ask if you’ve seen Cassy?” He asked and looked at all of us.
“Gabby, have you seen her?”
my stomach
“Mr. Maler, She left hours ago, she was coming to see you,” I said and furrowed my brows. An unstoppable pit formed in my
and I was feeling nauseous.
“She hasn’t shown up. We waited for her,”
“You spoke to her on the phone earlier, after she hung up she left,” said.
“We did speak, yes but she hasn’t shown up.” We were all looking wordily around at each other. Aiden came out of his office with Bob
and walked up to Mr. Maler.
“I’m sure she’s fine but we will go out looking for her,” Aiden said and laid a hand on the worried man’s shoulder.
“I’ll come with you,” He said and nodded his head.
“Sir, with all due respect, the weather is harsh and we both know you’re in no condition to be out there in the woods,” He sighed and his eyes sunk.
Find h
came back
her, please,” He said. Marie guided him to the dining hall, telling him that they would wait there until Aiden and the warriors
He called on a dozen warriors and they all gathered.
“You two search the town. you guys take the south end of the border… you take the north and west and me, Daphne and Bob will take care of the rest.” After they had all been given their orders they took off.
Mr.Maler was sitting still in the chair holding his cup of tea. Marie was sitting near him. Her arms rested on the table and her fingers were wrapped around the cup.
It seemed that nobody knew what to say at this moment. All of us just prayed that Cassy had taken a detour or maybe gone on a run.
He looked up and saw me coming in. Clark was standing in the corner, watching over everyone.
“We will find her, Thomas,” He said and looked at him with determination. I had never known that his name was Thomas. I’d probably
stick to Mr.Maler.
“Where could she be? You said she left after we spoke on the phone” He said and looked at me.
All eyes turned on me suddenly and I felt scrutinized under their gazes.
Pull your shit together, Gabby….
“Yes, sir. She left right after she had talked to you.”
“Then it can’t be she took a run, she wouldn’t run for a whole day.”I furrowed my brows and walked up to him.
“Mr.Maler, when exactly did you speak with her?”
“This morning, we discussed dinner and what she wanted to eat and she said she’d be home around six,” my heart started beating erratically but I didn’t want to break in front of him
“Why…why do
ask?” He asked me and placed the cup down.
“Cassy was talking on the phone with someone around five o’clock. She said that you invited her to dinner and then she left,”
“No, no I talked to her this morning! Oh god….where is she?” His eyes held such pain and he rose to his feet.

Alpha’s Betted Bride.
-Aiden’s POV-
We had scoured the woods and the town. Everyone had gathered by the school and for every warrior fluit came without good news, I was starting to believe the worst.
“No, Alpha…sorry,”
“No a single f*cking sign? How w is this possible?” I ran a hand through my hair.
“There’s no scent, no nothing.” They said and looked around confusedly.
“Look again,”
“But, Alpha-”
“LOOK AGAIN!” I shifted and started running back into the woods. That’s when I tried the one thing I had been fearing to do.
*Cassy, can you hear me?
The only thing that would cause the mind link to not work would be if they’re not within the pack borders. She wasn’t here. She wasn’t in the pack.
Round it up and meet at the house. Cassy’s gone”:
Yes Alpha’
I shifted back and got dressed outside. The winds were coming in strong and the rain was pouring.
Where the f*ck was she? She wouldn’t be out there now in this weather. How could she just disappear like that?
Walking back into the house I had to remind myself to keep a straight face and my head high. Mr.Maler would be beyond himself with worry and we all needed to do what we could to find her.
They all rose to their feet as we walked into the dining room.
“Alpha, have you found her?” My mother saw the answer and placed a hand on his shoulder. His eyes began to water and he shook his
“I’m sorry, Thomas, we haven’t picked up a single trace from her. It would appear she’s no longer on pack grounds.”
my hand and
“That is not possible, she wouldn’t leave!” He said and stepped forward. My warriors were stepping closer but I raised my they stopped. Thomas was nothing but a worried father. He wasn’t dangerous, just concerned.
He walked up to me and raised his finger, pointing it at my face.
He parted his lips and was about to speak but then he broke down crying. His head hit my chest and I placed my hands on his shoulders.
“We’ll find her. I promise you that we will find her,”
I saw w’s worried face in the back. She was staring down at the ground and breathing rapidly.
I believe we both knew who was behind this.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” I walked after Gabby who was heading out of the house. I had noticed her sneaking off earlier as everyone else sat down to eat.
“I have to find her, Aiden.”
“No, you don’t. I’ll take care of it. As soon as the storm has settled Il send out the best warriors we have and I’ll lead the search myself but you’re not going anywhere.” Her eyes narrowed. I could tell that she didn’t actually want to go looking for the man who tortured her but she felt guilty. As though it was her fault that Cassy had been taken..
“She’s my best friend. She came looking for me, do you expect me to do nothing now that she’s the one in trouble?”
“Aiden, I can’t sit idly by and wait for you to find her. I’ll lose my shit if I don’t go,”
“And what do you plan on doing then, huh?”
“I don’t know, I’ll figure it out.”
“This is exactly what they want, they want to draw you out,” I stepped closer to her. Our bodies were brushing against each other and I had drawn to my fullest size. Gabby looked so small under me but she raised her head and those fragile eyes were looking into mine.
They widened and glistened from the tears that she didn’t want to fall.
“They’ve succeeded.” She said.
as still pouring.
She turned around and was about to walk out. She opened the door which flew up as the wind drew in and the rain was
I was standing back, watching and waiting for her to step back and close it up again but no, the stubborn girl walked outside and that’s when I jumped on it. I grabbed her arm, pulled her back, and closed the door.
Gabby was already wet from that half-second outside.
“You’re crazy.” I said and held on to her arm.
“I have to find her!”
“We don’t e
t even know who has her!” I said.
I knew that Gabby wouldn’t step down. I had to think quickly but there was nothing we could do until the storm had settled.
“Tpromise you, I will find her. The second that the storm is over, I will go out there and look for her. Going now will amount to nothing because we won’t be able to sniff anything out either way. Let me make some calls and in the morning we’ll head out.”
“And I’ll come with you.”
“No.” I growled.
“Gabby,” We tu
turned and watched her brothers coming out of the dining hall.
“We agree with Alpha Aiden. You should stay. They will take any and all opportunities to grab you. All of this is just a show, you’re the real price and we all know what they’re capable of. They have nothing to lose which means they’ll do anything they deem necessary for their cause.” Edmund said.
“We will go with Aiden in the morning but you need to stay here,” Nick said.
They were not leaving much room for argument but I saw the shift in her eyes.
“You better bring her back,” She said.
The storm only grew during the night and 1,was sitting in my office at three o’clock while everyone else had gone off to sleep. I had been calling around to different packs. One of them was the one who gave us information on Asher and his pack but they didn’t have much to say this time. Apparently, they hadn’t moved for a long time and nothing out of the ordinary had been seen.
They had been keeping close tabs on Asher’s pack and they hadn’t spotted anyone coming in or out.
“Son?” My father stood at the door.
“It’s late, what are
e you doing up?”
“Trying rack my head around this whole ordeal. No matter how I put everything up I can’t for the life of me figure out how they could take her. We should’ve noticed when they stepped onto our borders. I should’ve sensed it, the guards should’ve picked up on it. Someone should’ve been able to do something to stop this from happening.”
“Think about the circumstances, son. Most times it is the factors we don’t take into consideration that are most vital.” He sat down on the chair in front of the desk.
I did as he said, I started calculating all of the different external factors that could’ve added to the kidnapping.
“The guards were placed all around as usual. They had their posts. They would’ve sniffed out an intruder except…the storm, they couldn’t smell if anyone came onto our borders. The rain would’ve messed with their vision. Nobody else was out, everyone came in as soon as the clouds drew together.”
I looked up and looked eyes with my father.
“They planned it around the storm which means they would’ve waited and had to act fast. They’re close,”
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride



Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 31-40

Alpha’s Betted Bride
~4K&Ht, wha@ b4773༨ ༠༤༡༣)
Aiden, what bet? My mom asked through veething teeth
1 looked down at the table and flicked niy tongue.
“What have you kids done she said in a breath and shook her head
to the ome
↑ person wh
how where Gabb
She wont have a choi
wed, bet rapist to walk free and you were among those that shunned her. She owes you nothing’
am bei Alphai
some. Apba” He said and scotted. I parked the car and started punching at the stirring wheel. I needed som of the aggression gone see. I talked to Cassidy dit she wouldn’t tell me a thing. My wolf was right, I hadn’t been an Alpha for a long time. The shiny exterior I
as nothing compared to the nasty things I had done or been part of behind their backs.
I would have to think about all of that later. First things first.
“la Cassidy home”
we owe this pleasure,” her father said as he opened the door..
“What’s up.
“Alpha,” she said
Tit’s Aiden
come in.” He said and stepped to the side. I bowed any head in respect and walked inside.
stopped on the stairs when she saw me. Her eyes narrowed and she lifted her head.
“Well, Aideri, you may leave now.” She was turning and heading upstairs.
(1 be rude and show satte respect, come down here,”
“No thanks,”
she left and I need to know where she is ” I said and stepped closer to the stairs-
hotki shut, she lets to get away from you and to this, do you have any idea what she’s been put trough?”
allowed it.
“Which only makes it wore You also let her go, move on
“Why the hell not**
“Because I…I think- Because I love her,” Cas*y scoffed but something happened inside of me when i admitted those words. I did, I loved her and I needed her back.
*She heard all about the love you have for her from Sam and Cole and all of the others. What is this, huh? Some new bet? To see if you can get her back and then what do you win?”
“Cole’s been detained, he’s in the dungeons awaiting his sentence. Im sorry that i didn’t do that sooner,” Her eyes fell and her mouth was left agape.
“I’m done with the others as well and if anyone so much as throws nasty remark on anyone again they will be dealt with. I understand the weight I carried in all of this by allowing it happen but it’s done, I’ve changed and it’s mainly because of her.” She sighed and looked down at the stairs and when she looked up at me again my heart stopped because I savethe answer.
“I’m sorry, Aiden, I don’t know where she is,” No…
“There must be something you know. Someone she was in contact with, she couldn’t have done this on” then it hit me.
“Her brothers.” I said.
“Yeah, they were the ones who planned it and helped her out of here. You know, that’s another funny thing, when they called her and said that the plan was set in place and they were ready to come and take her Cassidy smiled and giggled but when her eyes locked with mine they turned dark and narrowed in on me.
She said no. she said that she was happy here and that she wanted to stay.” I clenched my jaw and dug my nails into my hands. The air was stuck in my throat and my head was throbbing.
“I’m gonna fix this,” she shook her head.
“I don’t think you are,” she whispered and the words were like daggers stabbing me all over.
-Gabby’s POV-
“Hi, I’m Gabriela, my brothers said they had talked to you about a job so-
“Yes, yes, very busy, grab tray and make coffee. Hurry!” He said and waved me off. There were like three people in the cafe and everyone was sitting with their computer or book and minding their own business.
“Alrighty then,” I said and walked behind the counter.
“I leave now. Bye,”
“Wait, what? I don’t know what to do!” I said and raised my hands.
“You learn, keys under cashier, goodbye,” he walked out of the door and it closed behind him.
“Did he seriously just leave me here?” I asked into the air.
I started googling on how to make different coffee drinks and just as I was to give up and throw in the towel, lock up the shop and Teave, I saw a binder under the desk. It had all the recipes and instructions for to make the d*mn coffees.
“How hard was it to tell me this was here?” i asked annoyed.
“Sorry, am I disturbing something?” I jumped up and looked at the man standing on the other side of the counter. Thick, dark hair that fell to the side of his head, dark eyes and the darkest lashes I had ever seen on a man. It was cold outside but he was only wearing a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His entire right arm was covered in tattoos, his muscles were bulging g with every move he made and he had broad, big shoulders.
“Hi, sorry, no, i’m just…just talking to myself,” I said and laughed nervously. Holy shit, who was this man? His smolder could make anyone swoon, me included.
“Are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,”
“Yes, Uhm, I started today,” I said and wiped down the counter.
“Well then, I’ll make easy on you, black coffee please,” I smiled like a phony
phony and nodded my head.
“I know how to make that,” I said.
“When do you end your shit?” He asked me when I handed him the coffee.
“I have no idea,” I said.
He walked over and sat down on one of the chairs by the desk.
“I’ll just stay until you know,” he said and started sipping on his coffee. The cup was between his lips and he took out his phone and started tapping. His eyes lifted and our eyes locked. He grinned before looking back at the screen and I quickly turned my head.
The door opened up and the quiet and calm was over. College students poured themselves in through the door and my heart started racing in my chest from all the orders I was about to have to take.
“White chocolate mocha please,” the first guy said and the others, to my surprise, waited patiently for their
I looked in the binder and started making it but one drink took like fifteen minutes.
“Here,” The tattoed stranger said and walked behind the desk. He handed me his cup and walked me over to a chiar, sat me down and started making the coffees.
“Why can’t she help, Easton?” One of the girls bit out.
“None of your da*n business, Cathleen.” He said and eyed her down.
The coffee shop was now emptied of people and I was about to lock up.
“I didn’t get your name,” I said as he wiped down the machines.
“Easton, and you?”
“Ah, well, it’s nice to meet you,” he said and extended his arm. I shook his hand but he didn’t let go, he walked closer and raised his
thumb, dragging it over the side of my mouth,
“Milk foam,” he said.
We walked out and locked the doors.
“What do you do for work?”
I asked him as we began walking down the sideway.
“I’m a history teacher at the local highschool,” d*mn, a teacher like that would’ve definitely made me pay attention in class.
“When did you move here? He asked.
“Running away from someone?” I froze and looked up at him. He rose a brow and stared down at me.
“What would make you say that?” I asked.
“Nobody moves to this town because they want to,”
“I happen to like this place,”
“So tell me, who are you running from?” He was nosy but I couldn’t tell wether or not I liked it.
“It’s not a “who’ but a
“Okey, what are you running from?
“My life,”
“Becuase it wasn’t mine anymore and I wanted to take it back,”
“Regarless of your cryptic reasons, I’m glad you chose this town,” He said and smiled. We stopped outside my apartment and I lifted my shoulders to my ears.
“Thanks for walking me home,”
“I actually live here too,” he said and smirked.
We walked in and he was on the floor above mine. We said our goodbyes and i walked inside. When I closed the door, I leaned back toward it and tried to recap this day but it was foggy.
Easton had cat
a werewolf.
caught my attention. A history teacher who knew how to make coffee, he was interesting and more importantly, he wasn’t

I woke up to someone banging
g on my d
my door.
When I looked through the keyhole and saw his face and disheveled hair I was suddenly very much aware of how newly awake I was. I patted down my hair and fixed my robe,
“Hey,” I said when I opened the door. He was in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His thick hair was messy and he looked just as
awake as I was.
“Do you have coffee?” He asked tiredly with a cup in his hand. I smiled and nodded my head.
The coffee brewed and he sat on the chair and dragged a hand over his face.
to bring down two cups, I felt som
1 tidied up in the kitchen and put everything away. Just as I reached up in the cabinet
someone behind me. His arm came around my head and pulled down a cup, handing it to me. His body brushed against mine and I felt the heat he exuded.
“Thank you,” I said and adverted my gaze. I placed my hair behind my car and walked over to the coffee pot.
“Do you have any plans today?” Easton asked and took out the creamer from the fridge.
y schedule sent to my mail and don’t work until Friday!”
“No, I got my
“Great, drink your coffee and get dressed, we’re going on an adventure,” 1 furrowed my brows and looked at him.
“What adventure?”
“You’re new here, I’m gonna show you the town: It’ll take about ten minutes,” I laughed and nodded my head. Excitement crept through me and Easton we
s gleaming as he drank his coffee.
We walked through town and he wasn’t lying, it didn’t take long to see all of it.
Then there was the school and
There were a few stores, one clothing store, one supermarket, a few restaurants, and a bookstore. Then underground club where everyone spent their weekends.
He took me into the school and showed me his classroom. The kids ogled and the girl’s cheeks flustered as we passed them in
in the
We walked downtown and three guys came at us. I felt Easton’s hand pressing against my arm and pushing me closer to the wall as they passed us by. He positioned himself closest to the guys. One of the guys scanned me from top to bottom and another glared at Easton, his eyes narrowed but Easton held his stare and lifted his head. The guy cleared his throat and looked away.
“In here,” he said and opened the door to the restaurant. It was Italian with a very homey feel.
We sat down in one of the booths and the waiter came out and took our orders.
“When are you gonna tell me your story?” He asked and twisted his fork in the spaghetti.
“What makes you think it’s an interesting story?”
“A girl like y
to a town like this, I know that it’s an interesting one. Will you tell it to me?”
“Yes, when I’ve known you for more than two days, I’ll tell you. Wil you tell me yours?”
“It’s not interesting,”
“I bet you’re wrong.” He drew in a deep breath and wiped his mouth. He placed his arms on the table and leaned forward.
“I was brought up with two loving parents, both of them wanted something for me that I didn’t want for myself. I realized that I had to choose my own way or else I’d never be happy.”
“So you moved here?” I asked and furrowed my brows. There are many other places with a lot more opportunities around the world, why choose a tiny town in the middle of nowhere?
He chuckled and nodded his head.
“I did. Not at first, I traveled and lived a little here and there but I then I ended up here and I just” He shook his head and pinched his lips together.
-I loved the peace and the freedom and the quietness of it. Haven regretted it since,”
“I get that, the peace and quiet, it’s nice,”
“And just when I thought it couldn’t get better, you moved here,” he said and locked his eyes with mine. My stomach fluttered and I felt my cheeks flushing.
We sat and talked for hours. The clouds outside drew together and darkened but we didn’t notice that until we were about to leave. Easton paid the check, even though I tried to take it.
We turned around and looked at the darkness unfolding outside the restaurant. People were speed walking to their homes, stores were shutting down and the winds that blew through town were strong and hard. They pulled their jacket
around themselves and kept
their heads down.
Then t
the thunder c
came and afterward they skies lit up from lightning.
“Shit,” Easton said and looked out through the window.
“We’re closing down now and heading home before the storm sets in. You kids walk safely out there!” The owner said and waved us off. We opened the door and it flew up, nearly coming of its hinges.
“You ready?” He asked and looked at me. I nodded my head and locked toward where we were going. The raindrops came down one by one but it sped up quickly and we started running.
We took shelter halfway home and laughed as the water dripped from our clothes.
We looked out at the chaos that was rising around us.
It was a small space with a little roof barely covering us. We pressed closer together and I turned my head, looking up at him. It was like all noise canceled out, even the sound of the rain was pushed away I stared into his eyes and there was something familiar about
“I- Uhm-” He cupped my cheek, his thumb dragging over my lip and I melted into his touch.
Easton leaned down, slowly and carefully his lips touched against mine. I pressed myself harder onto him, deepening the kiss when suddenly something felt off. It felt familiar, to familiar and somehow it felt wrong.
I pulled away and sucked in my bottom lip..
“Sorry,” he said and furrowed his brows.
“No, don’t be, I’m just…We should go,” I said.
“Do you want to wait for it to calm or-*
“No, let’s go,” I said and smiled. Just as we reached the complex I stopped. Standing under the heavy rain, I tilted my head back and let the drops hit my face.
It felt liberating. Standing in the middle of the storm, the thunder blasting around me and the lightning lit up through the thick
“Gabby! Come on!”
I couldn’t stop laughing as we walked up the stairs, Easton dragged his hand through his hair and took of his jacket.
“Da*n, this storm is big,” he said and shook his head like a dog trying to dry off.
I put the key into the lock and turned but it didn’t work. It was like something blocked it.
I tried again, took the key out and put it back in.
“What the hell,” I breathed and tried putting more pressure on it but nothing.
“These locks are old, that happened to me too when I first moved in. We’ll call them tomorrow and have them come and change it. Meanwhile, you can stay at my place if you’d like,” he said.
“Oh, Uhm,” He raised his hands.
“I’ll sleep on the couch and you’ll take the bed.” He added.
What other choice did I have?
“Thank you,” I said and smiled.
We walked into his apartment and Easton hopped in the shower. I took a minute to look around and saw books and a computer but not much else. Everything was very impersonal. Maybe that’s just how guys live through. They’re not weighed down by personal belongings.
I was staring at his paintings when I heard the shower turning off and the door opening.
“There’s a fresh towel in there for you if you want to take a shower I also left a shirt and sweatpants on the dryer.”
“Thank you,”
– Aiden’s POV-
“Why the f*ck isn’t he answering me!” I growled and tossed the phone against the wall.
I ran my hands through my hair and felt the last strings that were bolding my sanity together starting to snap of
*Aiden, you need to relax or you will never be able to make this right. You must be in a clear mind,” My mother said and rose to her feet as she walked toward me.
“How! How can I be in a clear f*cking mind when my wife is out there somewhere and I have no clue where the **ck she is!”
“I’m sure they will contact you eventually”
“No, I won’t wait for someone to contact me. If they’re not picking up now then they never will. I can’t blame them either,” that
sucked, not being able to blame anyone else for this shit other than myself. It was my fault.
shut up
“Maybe if I had talked more this would’ve never happened”
Maybe you’re right but it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is finding Gabby and bringing her home
And if she won’t come with us?
You’re talking as though I’m gonna give her a choice
The air around us shifted and everyone stood
up. Cassidy wa
was here as well, she hated me and she was pissed but I had told her the
truth about my feelings for Gabby and she missed her friend so, for now, we were on the same page.
They grew thicker and a vibrating power surged in through the door
Everyone looked around and then looked at me. We walked out of the office and saw the witch coming up the stairs.
She stepped inside and the doors closed behind her. The windows shut and the drapes drew together.
“Alpha Aiden, we must talk,” she said in her raspy voice
We walked into the office again, this time with a whole other energy. It was thick and dark around us, we could all feel it and it was all thanks to the witch.
“I know you have been informed about your wife’s departure from the pack.” She said and looked up at me. Her skin had always been wrinkly and hanging with little wounds here and there but still, to this day, it creeped me out.
“Do you have any information regarding her whereabouts?” I asked and leaned forward.
“Oh, I have more than that. A young woman came to me with money, asking me to do a job for her,” everyone listened in, they narrowed their eyes and I clenched my jaw.
“I wamed you about her, Aiden, long ago but you did not listen. I warned you about them both,” my breath caught in my throat and I looked down at the desk as I regained my composure.
“What is she talking about, Aiden?” The witch slowly turned her stiff neck and looked at my mother.
“I warned you as well, darling,” she said and narrowed her eyes on my mother.
“You were thirteen, a troublemaker at best, not much prospect of lading a pack with the temper you had within you. to me, do you remember?” She asked and I nodded my head and cleared my throat.
“Yes, I remember,”
You were sent
“I told you that the people you held closest to your heart were the ones that would damage it the most. They were very much a reason for your issues, they were guided by greed and power. I told you that one day a girl would enter your life and she would bring with her a peace unlike any other. She would calm that brewing storm in your heart and warm you from the coldness that you constantly feel. She would unlock secrets within you that not even you knew existed but such a gift would not come without a price. For if you did not. make changes before her arrival, she would have no room in your heart to stay in. You didn’t, Aiden, you didnt make room for her. You chose those who instead would be the ones to break you, send you over the edge and ruin what you had just begun to build. She came to me, the one that hoped to be your mate and she asked me to call on him.” my eyes widened, I felt it and I couldn’t stop it.
“No,” i breathed. My moms mouth was agape and my father gulped
“Called on who?” Ca*sy asked, looking confusedly at the rest of us. She didn’t know, nobody knew the truth.
“On the first born son. On Asher,”
“But wait, I thought that wasn’t he the sweetest? Why is this a bad thing?”
“I see, they do not know what you know,” the witch said and made tsk’ sound with her tongue.
“Secrets can never be buried deep enough, you should know that, she said and looked at my mom.
“What did she ask you to do?” I asked, trying to pull focus back on the thing that mattered most. Finding Gabby.
“To call on him and to make it so their paths would cross,”
“Did you?” I seethed.
“You know very well that when a request is made and a sacrifice is given I cannot refuse the service,”
“What sacrifice?”
“In order to get rid of the Luna and to have you all to herself, she offered the greatest sacrifice of all-” She snarled, showing of her
blackened teeth.
“-her firstborn child,” Sam did what?
“I’ve lost my wife and my brother knows where she is now,”
“Oh no, dear, you did not lose your wife. You lost your mate. And from what I am feeling, it might be for good,”
Chapter Comments

-Gabby’s POV-
I was in the coffee shop and had arrived one hour early before opening to get aquatinted with the place. I assumed the owner would bolt as he had last time and I was right. The second he saw me, he walked into the back to finish up some paperwork and then he left. I watched YouTube tutorials on on my phone on how to make coffee and luckily I only had about six customers the first few hours.
“Hey, there,” Easton stepped inside and leaned on the counter.
The night I had slept over at his place went fine. We slept in separate rooms and the day after he helped me call the landlord and get the lock fixed so I was now back home which felt even better.
There was a mysterious cloud clinging to his body. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I felt it when I slept there as well. There were no pictures of anyone in his apartment and there were no plants, no tv, nothing really that signified a home.
But then again, I had to remind myself that not everyone was caught up on material possessions.
“Hi,” i said and grabbed a cup, pouring him his black coffee.
“Excuse me, I asked for a latte and this is a cappuccino,” One customer said as he came up to the counter. He looked warily at me, he didn’t want to sound rude which he didn’t. He had a soft reasuring smile on his face.
“I’m so sorry.” I said and grabbed the cup. I stared looking around for the binder and heard a chuckle behind me.
“Take a breath, I’ll teach you,” Easton said.
“Yeah, it’s no stress at all, take your time!” The guy said and smiled and then walked over to his seat.
Easton grabbed my hand and guided it. He poured the coffee inte the machine, then the milk and steamed it and explained every step as he did it.
We poured everything into a to-go cup
did great!” Easton said and smiled.
and he called on the customer, handing him the coffee.
I still felt his touch on my hand and there was a flutter in my heart but tell me why it still felt so wrong. Something was off, like I was hung up on something else. It couldn’t be Aiden, could it? No, not after what he did, why would I possibly be hung up on him?
“Are you busy tonight?” He asked me.
“Good, we’re having movie night, you told me you haven’t seen a bunch of the old classics I named, we’re watching all of them.” I laughed and smiled from ear to ear.
“Sounds great,”
We were back in my apartment seeing as he didn’t have a TV. East ordered food and lit up candles in the room as he put in the first
My phone rang and I saw Edmunds name on the screen.
“Hi, sis, how’s the new life treating you?” He asked and I could hear him smiling on the other line.
amazing, I got the job in the cafe and I made a friend,” I said and looked over my shoulder. Easton was occupyied with
trying to get the movie to show on the screen.
“That’s great! What’s her name?” I winced.
“His name is Easton,” I said.
“Yeah, Easton King,” the line went silent and I pulled the phone away to see if the call had disconnected but it hadn’t.
“Yeah, I’m here, Gabby, there is no ”
“Oh shit!” He yelled behind me and I saw a candle in the window setting the drape on fire. My eyes widened and I felt the heat filling the appartment.
“Oh my god, Edmund I’ll call you back, gotta go but I love you!”
I hung up and ran over to grab the fire extinguisher.
We sprayed the drape and then stood still in shock looking at the half of the drape that was left.
“Well…f*ck,” He said and I laughed.
I was about to call Edmund back when I heard the movie starting to play.
“Come on it’s starting!” He said giddily. I placed the phone down, I just call him back later.
I sat down on the couch and Eastons arm was on the headrest behind me.⠀⠀
I leaned back, pulled my legs up and we started watching the movie.
– Aiden’s POV-
“What do you mean you don’t know where they are? They are your sons!”
“Alpha, the boys have been gone for days. We don’t keep track on their every move,”
“You did with Gabby,” I seethed.
“Yes well that’s different, you can’t expect girls to be as reckless as boys, they must set an example,” her mother siad.
“I swear to god, Aiden, hang up the f*cking phone before I loose it. My mom said calmly but her eyes were staring dagger at me and it looked like balls of fire were about to start shooting out of them.
1 hung up and placed it down.
1 leaned my palms on the desk and the witch was here again today. She sat across from me with her head east-down. Cassidy had slept in one of the guest rooms, after yesterdays events she got even more worried about Gabby and was now fully onboard.
“Alpha Aiden,” the witch said and rose her head. She went quiet for a few seconds as her eyes focused on mine. Her lips parted and
very slowly she turned her head to the door. Her eyes shifted back on me.
“They are here.” She said.
of the stairs.
We walked out of the house and stood on top of
They came up
from the park, all three of them beside each other and by the looks of it, they wouldn’t mind starting a war right this. second. I couldn’t let that happen or I’d never get Gabriella back here. Her brothers were her entire world. The warriors walked up behind them but as they got closer I waved them away. I had let everyone know not to let them pass the border without escorting them after what happened when they were here last time.
“Aiden,” the oldest one, Nick, said and walked to the front of the stairs.
“I’ve been trying to get in touch w
with you,” I said and rolled back my shoulders.
“Yes we know, we’ve been ignoring you,” Edmund said. That young dude had an attitude that I recognized. It had been me not many
years ago.
“Why the sudden change of tactics?” I asked them.
Edmund looked down at the ground, Noah clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes and Nick stepped up on the stairs.
“Becuase Gabby’s in danger and we think you might know a thing or two about the danger she’s with,”
My heart stopped for a second. My palms grew sweaty and I heard Ca*sy’s shape instake of ai beside me.
We were in my office, of us, it was gettin
getting cramped but as long as everyone stayed calm, there would be no fatalities. Press a group of angry werewolves into one space and it usually didnt end, well.
have you found out?”
out?” I asked.
“That their paths have now crossed,” the witch answered in her raspy voice causing everyone to shift their attention to her.
“What?” Edmund asked and furrowed his brows.
“Ignore her, no offense. Tell me what you know,” I said.
“I called her yesterday to check in on her. She sounded geniuenly happy having created a life that she chose for herself. One where she’s not controlled or played on like a f*cking game of chess,” Edmund spat and his anger rose. I nodded my head and looked down at the desk. When I looked back up at him, I stayed silent. They didn’t care about anything they said right now, respect and rank had been tossed out the window and I understood why, so I let it slide.
I was just shocked they hadn’t jumped on me yet.
“Reign it in, Edmund,” Nick said and stepped to the front.
“She said she’d made a friend and she sounded all giddy about it. A guy named Easton King. We did a thorough rake of everyone living in that town before we moved her there, making sure to have all the names and information about every single citizen. Nowhere in our search did an Easton King ever show up. Because there is no Easton King living in that town, at least not before she moved there. Then it hit me, he might’ve changed his first name but he kept the family name. So, Alden King, what the f*ck is your brother doing around our sister?” He asked and his eyes started glowing yellow,
Alpha’s Betted Bride

“Alright someone needs to explain to me why we’re all freaking out about your brother being with Gabby! From what everyone in this pack has experienced by themselves he was a sweet, normal guy who just wanted to live like a human. Which I admit is weird but it was his choice and that’s why he left the pack, right?” Everyone fell silent.
“Go on, Alpha, tell her how everything your pack members know is lie, tell them about who he actually was-” Edmund narrowed his eyes at m
“Tell her about how he didn’t choose to leave the pack, but rather how his father banished him from the grounds and forced his son away t
to live with the humans. Tell her about how he tried to kill his own father to take over as Alpha!”
“What?” Ca*sy gasped and everyones’ heads fell.
Cat’s out of the bag, might as well just lay all the cards on the table now,
Just a few years too late
I could really use your support, d*mba*s
“Name calling, that’s a good way to get my support’
so eager to
It started when Asher was eleven, he started taking pride in his future as the Alpha and we were thrilled that he was so learn about being a leader. As the year went on, just before his twelfth birthday, he started acting…strangely,” My father said.
“He didn’t speak about the role as Alpha in the manner we had tried to instill in him. He saw me interacting with our people as their friend and protector. I tried setting an example by taking him with me once on training with the warriors. Once training was over, Asher said how he would’ve done things differently and I laughed. asked him what he would’ve done and he said that he would ve wiped their smiles off, made them train harder, and teach them the moves that kill the fastest. When we were speaking to the people and walking in town and he said that he didn’t understand why we did it, that we were the leaders and should be seen as such. That talking to us should be a privilege,” His eyes cast down and he shook his head while remembering the morbid memories of his other son. My mom placed a hand on his shoulder and stroked it calmly.
“Asher was a sweet kid, he was innocent and lively, he wanted to play and explore but as he grew older, everything changed. After he turned twelve the horrific deeds in his head started implanting themselves in his actions. He picked fights, he chose friends and said that they were superior to the others. He said that the one he chooses as his Beta will be as untouchable as him and they will be above everyone else. To the other kids he would have them walk further away, not look him the eyes unless he gave his permission. He pointed. to girls and they would come running in his teenage years and when he was done with them he would toss them away like they were nothing but objects for his amusement. We tried, we tried talking to him and teaching him and correcting his behavior but nothing got through to him. Aiden is two years younger and when he was sixteen, getting into fights, Asher would protect him but what Alden doesn’t remember is that when he was a child, Asher tried to kill him. He was fearful of Aiden one day challenging him or us giving Aiden the title instead. As they grew older, they grew closer but Asher grew worse in his mind, he was dangerous and after he one night sat down to dinner with his father…” She squeezed his shoulder and drew in a sharp breath.
“…He took a drink from his glass and fell to the floor. Asher waited for ten minutes, watching his father gasp for a breath at his feet before he called on the guards. I was away with Aiden but I felt it, I felt not only him dying but also his heart breaking into pieces. The witch saved him, barely, and after that, we knew he had to go. We couldn’t have him stay here anymore. Not only was he a danger to us but he was a danger to the whole pack. We couldn’t make him Alpha,”
The silence was deafening. Cas*y was narrowing her eyes on everyone in disbelief, stumbling to find the words but she tried. The heaviness of hearing everything weighed down on everyone, me included. I had never heard about Asher trying to kill me, that was new and it wasn’t a welcomed surprise. Mostly because the *astard was capable of killing his brother and father and Gabby was in his hands right now.
“And that psycho is with our sister.” Nick growled.
Ca*sy flew up
from her seat, heaving in a breath and nodding her had.
“We have to find her, get to her before he does anything. He has the perfect bargaining chip for getting what he’s always wanted. Your position in this pack,” she said and looked at me.
If anything happened, if as much as a strand of her hair was out of place, I’d kill him and then I’d kill Sam for ever making their paths
“Don’t forget the blame on yourself”
I’ll think
about that when I know she’s safely at home
“Edmund, Nick, and Noah. Tell me where the fi
-Gabby’s POV-
the f*ck your sister is.” I growled.
I had fallen asleep on the couch and when I woke up the sun was shining in through the windows.
I yawned and looked around, rubbing my eyes and trying to clear the fog in my head.
“You passed out hard,” Easton said from the kitchen. He came out with two cups of coffee looking newly awake himself.
“Did I sleep through the movie?” I couldn’t even remember what it was about. Everything was just a big fog in my head.
s deep dark eyes
s held
“No, just the ending but you were drozy through most of it. Maybe it was the wine,” he said and smirked,
mine captive, our legs were touching and an electric surge went up my body.
His chiseled jaw clicked and his brows furrowed, he looked deep in thought and I would soon hear why.
“Let’s go
“The nightclub here in town. We’ll drink, dance and afterward we’ll go for burgers,”
I laughed and nodded my head.
“That sounds good,” a second thought hit me and I jumped a little to the left to put some space between us.
“I’m sorry, was I sitting too close?” He asked and moved back.
“No, no!”
“It’s in
just, we’ve spent a lot of time together and I don’t know, there’s something about that just feels a little familiar but I can’t put my finger on it,” Something flashed in his eyes for a second before it was gone.
He smiled and moved closer. He placed his hand on my knee, slowly rubbing his thumb in circles. When he looked up I could see the darkness in his eyes.
“I don’t know what it is that feels familiar for you but maybe it’s something we have in common. I haven’t had an easy life, Gabby, my parents were not good people. My father he beat me and my mom knew and turned the other cheek. My brother would always come first in their eyes, he was allowed to do everything and I was just supposed to exist.” My eyes fell and I jumped closer. I placed my hand on his chest and felt his subtle heartbeat.
“I’m so sorry. You told me they were loving?” I said.
“That’s what I tell everyone. Mostly to keep them from looking at me with that sadness in their eyes. Something tells me you haven’t
had it easy either,” He said and leaned in.
“We don’t need to talk about it but at least now we know the connection,” He said huskily and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into it.
His hand came up and cupped my face. My breathing got heavier and a warmth spread down my body and between my legs. I felt the wetness and throbbing need grow and pressed myself closer to him.
“Gabriella,” he whispered against my ear and pressed harder onto me.
My head was locked between his hand and his face and his hot breath fanned my neck as he moved down. His lips pressed against my neck. I tossed my head back and released a moan. His other hand roamed up my leg and he pulled the hem of my pants. His fingers slipped down and I grew hotter, pressed onto him harder and his fingers tangled in my hair.
“Easton,” I moaned and placed my hand on his thigh.
He dragged his lips across my neck and up my jaw as he brushed them against my own.
Say it again.” I opened my eyes and saw the lust that was growing in his.
I cupped his face with my hands and leaned in.
“Easton,” I moaned and pressed down my lips on his in a deep kiss that sent shivers down my back.
The doorbell rang. First once, we didn’t care, we barely heard it. Two times and I stopped but Easton pulled my head back and slammed his lips down on mine. The third time, he groaned and clenched his jaw as I pushed away and got up to check it..
“No wait, I’ll check it,” He said.
He looked through the keyhole and unlocked the door.
“No thi
thanks, I heard him say and then he closed the door
“Who was it?”
“Two girls selling cookies,” he said and dragged a hand through his hair. I got up on my feet and he grabbed my shirt, pulling me to him and the heat was back in the blink of an eye.
“*uck you
taste good.” His fingers slipped under my shirt, I felt them gracing my skin and they rounded my waist. I froze, pulled his hand out and pushed away from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just think we should slow down.” I said. He stepped closer, his hand grabbed mine and he pulled it away, locking it behind my back.
“That’s funny, cause I was thinking the opposite.” I gulped, my whole body was as stale as a tree as his thumb dragged over my lip. He leaned down and sucked in my bottom lip, my hand was detained behind my back and he pressed into me.
Alpha’s Betted Bride

His hand slipped down and his lips were pressed against mine as I squirmed.
I turned my head and began to shake.
“Easton, stop,” I felt his finger over the thin fabric of my panties.
“Stop,” I breathed and my breath caught in my throat. I didn’t know how to react. My body wanted him but my heart and mind were screaming for him to stop.
“Easton, stop it!” I screamed and started pulling frantically. He stopped and stepped back.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” I screamed and backed away into the table.
“I-i’m sorry I didn’t think you were…I’m sorry,” he said and took a few steps back.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t you were serious. I shouldn’t have done that, I’m so sorry,” I looked down at the floor and pulled my shirt down.
“I think you should go,” I said and pulled my arms around myself, pushing back the tears that were rising.
“Gabby, I-”
“Just go, please.” I said and narrowed my eyes. I tilted my head back and focused on the purple painting behind him instead of looking into his eyes.
The door closed and I walked over and quickly locked it. I fell to the floor and pulled my knees up to my body.
“Why,” I cried out through the sobs.
Why did this happen? I buried my face in between my legs and allowed the tears to stream out. A pain started throbbing in my head and it was weird, something was happening in my body. It felt different like something was snapping into place. I responded to Easton in so many ways and there was a pull toward him but at the same time, there was a pull from another direction as well.
I had taken a shower and gotten dressed. I still felt Easton’s hands on me, touching me. My other hand, being locked behind my back.
The bed was facing one of the bigger windows
ws in th
the apartment and I sat down and just looked out with a cup of tea in my hands.
The trees were swinging in the breeze and the ground was wet from the rain.
The clouds were thick and dark and it looked like it might be a storm today again.
There was a knock on my door and I stiffened in my bed. It could only be one person and I didn’t want to see him.
Another knock came down on the door but harder this time.
I’m just gonna keep knocking until you answer,” he yelled.
I placed the cup down and walked over and unlocked the door but only opened it a f
“Can I please come in,”
few inches.
“No.” I closed the
or but his foot came in between.
“Please, Gabby, let me apologize properly, I feel terrible,” I opened the door, knowing he wouldn’t leave until he had said his peace.
1 stepped back, as far as possible.
He was about to close the door when I reached out my hand.
“No, the door stays open,” I said and gulped. He raised his hands.
“Of course, anything you want. Listen, I just want to say that I’m so sorry about what happened. I never meant to make you uncomfortable. I like you, Gabby, maybe more than I should but there’s something about you. Ever ince I met you I’ve felt less alone, not just physically but emotionally. You get me in a way that nobody else does. And yes, maybe it’s because we’re both damaged which might not be the best way to bond with someone but I’ve never bonded with anyone as I have with you these past few days. I got caught up in that and I messed up, I get it if you never want to see me again.”
His hands were shoved in his pockets and he hung his head, making himself smaller by hunching his shoulders forward.
I go,” he said and turned around. I dropped my arms to my sides and shook my head, I was so conflicted. I had just moved here, this was where I was going to stay and he lived one floor above me so we’d probably see each other a lot. Plus there was this insatiable need with him, it was odd but I didn’t know yet if I liked it or if I was scared of it.
“Wait, maybe we can just slow down. No more touching or kissing and we just hang out, like friends,” I said and shrugged my shoulders.
“Really?” He asked and smiled softly.
“Yeah, everyone deserves a second chance, right?”
We both got ready to go out to the club. I had put on my makeup and stepped into my Chanel dress that I bought the pack.
when I first got to
I curled my hair and put a clip in the back to keep it out of my face and just as I was getting ready, Easton knocked on my door. I put on my heels and opened up.
“Wow,” he said and stepped back, gazing down and then up again.
“Friends, Easton,” I warned and raised my brows.
“Well, as your friend, can I say that you look hot as f*ck?” He said and bit down on his bottom lip with a little grin.
“Don’t make me regret this, I don’t give
third cha
chances.” I said and walked out into the hall.
“You won’t regret it, I promise you” he wrapped his arm wound my shoulders and we walked down.
“-I’m about to show you a whole new world,”
When I felt his body against me something happened, another thumping pain began in my head and the pain shot down.
As I drew in a breath I could suddenly smell everything so clearly and my hearing was impeccable. I heard someone talking but there was no one around us. I turned may head and saw an older couple down the road sitting on a bench. I couldn’t hear their exact words but it was a vague sound of their conversation.
It reminded me of something that Ca*sy had said to me in the beginning when we met at the mall. That I should’ve sensed her being a wolf even though I didn’t have my own. They all had these abilities since birth to sense each other but also heightened hearing and smell and sight. It would get even better once I gained my wolf in less than a week but I was already feeling something.
We walked down the stairs that looked like they led to a basement. As Easton opened the door I could begin to hear the music and he grabbed my hand, leading me out on the dance floor, through the bodies mushed together, and over to the bar.
He raised two fingers
rs to the bartender who nodded his head and poured two shots.
“Keep ’em coming,” He said and the bartender poured a few more glasses.
We drank the first three shots and then I stopped.
“No, come on, keep going!” He said and pressed another glass in my hand.
We chugged a few more and I felt a tingle in my head so I stopped and laughed.
“Alright, let’s dance!” I said and grabbed his hand, pulling him out on the dance floor.
I raised my hands and started swaying my hips and my body to the music. A few others came closer to us and another girl started dancing in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and we began dancing together.
Another girl started dancing against Easton, rubbing against him and he had his hands on her waist. He looked up at me from her neck and smirked. I laughed and closed my eyes.
Me and the girl danced for two more songs before she tapped aside and Easton got in front of me.
“Dance with me.” He said and the girl who had rubbed up against him glared at me and then scoffed as she walked away.
1 rolled my eyes a
and started dancing with Easton.
“You look amazing,” he said against my ear.
“Thank you,”
“Come on,” He pulled me aside, and we took three more shots each My head was starting to feel the effect of the alcohol and then was pulled away from the bar and down a hallway.
“Where are we going?” I giggled and ran behind him.
“In here,” he said quietly and opened a door. We walked into a room where a woman was dancing in her underwear around a pole.
There were couches and tables and several men sitting around. Everyone turned their heads and smiled.
The men were big, with broad shoulders and muscles like male werewolves but these were humans so I couldn’t understand what was happening.
One of the men said and stood up. He quickly became much bigger and his eyes were dark with lust as they fell on me.
The other r men w
were leaning back, some were snorting cocaine in bulk and there were smoking, drinking, and two more
o more women who were refilling their glasses. One of them didn’t have a top on and her breast hung free. As she bent down to place the glass in a man’s hand-be pinched her nipple and pulled her closer, biting down on her lip and slapping her a*s as she walked away with a big smile on her face. She licked her lips and went to sit next to another one of the men and he placed his hand on her thigh, sliding it upward.
uston,” I whispered and
felt my heart begin to slam against my ribs.
I heard a click and looked behind me, he locked the door and placed his hand on my lower back.
“Relax, it’s fine,” he said and pulled my hair away from my neck.
Alpha’s Betted Bride

“And who is this?” He asked as he came up to us and stopped in front of me with merely an inch of air in between.
“This is my new friend, Gabriella,” everyone turned to us, their eyes suddenly narrowed and their eyebrows hunched.
“Good job, I was getting bored of the regulars.” He said and cupped my cheek. I drew in a sharp breath and I held it.
All my danger bells were ringing so loud that I couldn’t hear myself
“Easton, 1 said again and turned my head to the side to look at him. He smirked and lifted his head.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Shh, don’t look at him,” the man in front of me said and turned back my head and cupped my other cheek as he leaned down.
“Look at me.” He said with a smile and then pressed his lips down on mine.
I struggled and turned but he was strong, too strong.
I whimpered and started digging my nails into his arms.
“She’s feisty, that always makes it more fun,” he said as he pulled back.
“I’m Aron and we’re gonna get to know each other really well tonight,” the others laughed.
“Gabriella,” he said my name as if he had practiced it. It rolled off his tongue and a look of distaste grew on his face. He made a tsk sound with his tongue and looked at Easton.
“You actually got the Alphas wife-” He spat and his eyes turned cold and hard.
“What?” I gasped. My head shifted to the side with a sharp force when his hand came down on my cheek. He forcefully grabbed my face and pulled it back. His eyes narrowed to slits with darkness swirling on the surface. He leaned down, his eyes shifted to Easton and he snarled.
“Now break her.”
“What is happening?” I whispered and looked up at Easton, my eyes widened and I choked on my own air and stepped back. His eyes glowed in a bright yellow and as I looked around the room I could see that so did the eyes of all the men in here.
“It’s alright, Gabby, just relax,” Easton said and placed his hand on my waist. He spun me around so that I faced him.
He stepped closer and he wrapped his fingers around my neck..
He squeezed tightly and I parted my lips and stared into his eyes.
Easton’s lips came slamming down and his tongue entered my mouth. His fingers dug into my waist and he pulled up my dress. His hand came down on my butt cheek and I yelped but it was muffled by his mouth. I tried pulling away and screaming but his hand took a firm grab of my butt and he pressed himself onto me.
He eventually pulled back and I gasped for air and tried backing away from him. Easton fisted my hair and pulled me too him, forcing my head back and started kissing my neck. I screamed for him to stop. felt like he was pulling my hair out of my head.
Easton grabbed onto my dress straps, his eyes-locked with mine and a grin on his face as he ripped them off. He stepped back, his hands pushed against my shoulders and I flew back onto the wall. He took slow, predatory-like steps toward me, eyeing me like I’ve seen
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wolves eye their prey and I was frozen in my spot. I pressed myself back as hard as I could and shook my head as the tears ran down.
“Please don’t.” Everyone was watching us. The dancers were still dancing. The bar was lit up and the whole room covered in red neon
They were watching this like it was a movie. All of them were amused and relaxed back on the couch.
“Shh,” he grabbed the dress in his hands and ripped it apart, exposing my body under it. He wrapped his fingers in the middle in my bra and pulled.
“Easton, step aside, you’re blocking her.”
“Yeah we wanna see as well.”
He stepped aside with a wicked smile and his hand cupped my breast. He leaned down and took my nipple between his teeth and I
shut my eyes closed.
“Open your eyes, Gabby. You’re going to watch all of it.” He growled.
Aiden’s POV-
you drive faster!” I screamed and slammed on the dashboard.
“I’m going as fast as this fc*king car can take!“
“Press the gass harder!” I growled.
“It’s already down on the mat you d*mba*s just shut the f*ck up!” Edmund shouted back.
Shit. We needed to get t
there NOW!! It was taking
ng too long and I had half a mind to
d to jump out and shift into my wolf and run there.
“We’re getting close but we need to be alive when we get there or none of this will make any f*cking difference!” Ca*sy screamed from the back. I didn’t want her come but she insisted and when I ordered her to stay back she told me to take it back or she would make sure that Gabby never forgave me. I’d handle that threat later.
She got in the car and now here we were.
“How much longer?” Nick growled from the back. His leg was bouncing like a f*cking ball from his restlessness and I was about to blow the cap of this car. Everyone was on edge, everyone knew the danger that Gabby was in and everyone, including myself, was blaming
But we all had the same goal, to bring her home in one piece to safety.
“One more thing. If one of you tries to take her away from there and double-cross me, I will end you said.
o see you try,”
“I’d like to see
Noah said and scoffed.
“I’m serious, Gabby’s coming home with us.”
“Yeah, cause she’s been so safe there.” Edmund spat.
“I know that I made a row of some really had and idiotic mistakes and I will think about that later and grovel on the ground she walks until she one day forgives me. But she will be with me. She’s not leaving again.”
“That’s up to you, Alpha. Just know- Nick said and everyone fell silent.
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-If you treat like shit or you allow anyone else to treat her badly again, we won’t think twice about starting a war and ripping the mat from under your feet to get her out.” Nick said and everyone took a breath. I heard the truth in his voice and I respected it but I would never give her another reason to leave.
“We’ll be there in less than an hour.” Edmund said.
-Gabby’s POV-
He wiped away my tears with his thumb. He pressed at my neck, his lips parted and our eyes locked as his finger slid inside of me and
I whimpered. I had always imagined what it would be like being with a guy for the first time…this was not how it was supposed to happen. I was shaking my head and the tears fell one by one.
He thrust his finger faster and then slid in another one and began thrusting harder. I bent forward but he pressed me back the wall with his hand firmly around my i
“I want you to c*m.” I shook my head and he went faster.
It wasn’t a voluntary reaction, I felt how my walls clenched around his fingers.
“Good girl.
1. Just relax and do as I say.” I moaned and I felt close to defeat as I came.
I slumped back and the tears streamed down my face.
“Oh, baby, we’re just getting started,” he pulled out his fingers and pressed them against my lips.
My eyes narrowed on him. He dragged his thumb over my lips and then sucked on his fingers that had been inside of me.
“I’m gonna kill you.” I seethed and pressed my head back. Easton grinned and the others laughed.
“Sure thing, but first I’m gonna break you til there’s nothing left.” He whispered and pressed his lips against my ear.
down on the floor.
He grabbed the back of my head and tossed me d
up against
Easton grabbed a hard take of my arm and I yelped from the pain when he dragged me back up and tossed me over his shoulder. H hand came down on my ass and I was tossed down on something soft.
I looked around and saw that I was on the couch with the others.
I scrambled to sit up and looked with panic at all the eyes that were watching me. Easton pressed his knee down on my stomach and I as screamed as I fell back.
His fingers dragged down my chest, squeasing my breast and moved down til he reached my panties. I yelped fro the sting as he ripped them of and I was now fully, completely naked.
At the mercy of a room full of werewolves who knew exactly who I was. Easton knew who I was. He had known this whole time.
He forced my leg up and the couch sunk under his weight as he placed his leg down beside me.
He stroked his fingers up and down my leg. Digging his fingers into my flesh adn enjoying watching me squirm in pain.
“Has anybody ever f*cked this p*ssy?” His thumb rubbed over my dit and I gulped. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants but stopped and looked at me. His hand came down on my cheek and he gripped my chin, forcing it back.
“When I ask you a question, you answer or this
get a lot worse than what I’m already gonna do to you. I know you’re well aware
of what disobedience can lead to, aren’t you, Gabby?” he pressed harshly around my cheeks and puckered my lips.
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“Have you ever been f*cked before?” I shook my head slowly.
“No,” I whimpered out.
He smiled and pressed in his thumb. Easton’s jeans fell to his feet and he pulled down his boxers.
“Easton, please…Please don’t,” I cried.
He pushed in his finger and groaned, “So f*cking tight.”
“You might know me better by my other name,” he said and leaned down. I felt the tip of his length by my opening and swallowed the cries that rose up. He groaned as he dragged his hand over my breast and pinched my nipple between his fingers. He positioned himself and I felt his tip entering. I was shaking my head frantically and waiting for someone…anyone…to barge in through those doors
and stop this.
“I’m Asher, I think you know my brother,” he said laughingly but then his eyes went black and he thrusted in. I screamed and my back arched of the sola.
Chapter Comments
10:37 Wed, May 22 D
Alpha’s Betted Bride

I felt a hand tangle in my hair and pulling me back, another hand was on my breast and I heard a gaging sound coming from behind
When I opened my eyes, I looked past the blurry vision of my tears and saw all the hands on my body. One of the girls were giving a blow job and the other two were getting undressed.
“Don’t worry, they’ll all get a turn with you.” Easton growled and started thrusting harder and faster.
“Keep your eyes open, or I’ll make it hurt real bad.”
He lifted my head, forced it down to watch what he was doing to m
Every thurst, every hit, every touch and every pinch caused the slivers of my life to fly further away. As though I left my body and was watching from above I suddenly felt no pain, in fact, I felt nothing at all.
His head came down toward my face and he grabbed my chin, forcing it still as he slowly began kissing me. He pressed his d*ck deeper and deeper with slow thrusts, he wanted it to feel as much as possible. Someone was grabbing my breasts and another dragged his hand down my stomach and started rubbing my clit. Eastn pulled out his *ick and pushed it back in. His lips were pressing harder agaisnt mine and his fingers tightened around my neck.
He started going faster and leaned his head up to watch me as I screamed.
“Mom and dad won’t have this talk with you so I’m going to do it instead Nick was sitting on the bed in front of me and I rose a brow, a sudden flash of uncomfortable staleness and awkwardness washing over me.
‘Guys are *icks, and they will do whatever the can and lie about whatever they have to in order to get with you
To get what with me?”
He rubbed a hand over his face and I saw the discomfort shining brightly in his green eyes.
And then something switched and a little smile lifted on his lips.
“One day, when you meet your mate and you feel that bond coming together and you want to tie your love to him, you’re going to feel it in your entire body. It won’t even be a question because every fiber of your body will want to be with him. Then and only then will you let a man touch your body. Only your mate should be the man you give yourself too!
“You mean sex?” He laughed and nodded his head.
“Yeah, Gabby, I mean sex. Nobody else is allowed to touch you, ever I don’t want to scare you from it either, that’s what makes this hard because you’re my baby sister and I would rather you never be with a man at all but I know you will. Sex is a beautiful thing when being done between two people who love each other, so be patient and wait for that love”
Have you loved every girl you’ve been with? I asked him with a raised brow and a smirk. I might only be thirteen but I see things. I see how the girls all follow him around and how they leave his bedroom in the morning. Nick winced and scratched the back of his head.
‘No, I have not but I don’t want you to be like me and the guys. You deserve to be Ivoed and cherished and appriciated. The right you but man, your mate, will do all of those things. Nobody else deserves you, cabby, I’m not even sure your mate is going to deserve that’s where I draw the line. Him you can be with. Just not with anyone other looser I laughed and nodded my head.
What you made you feel the need to talk about this with me?
Becuase you, me, Edmund and Noah, we’re a family. I’m going to teach you all of the things that mon
and dad should’ve but didn’t.
10:37/ Wed, May 22
Don’t give a d*mn about them, if you ever need anything, come to me. If you ever need to talk, i’m here. Me and the guys, we’re your family, mom and dad are just two people who live here I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me in close.
I started tasting blood and felt the wound on my lip.
His eyes were boring into mine with a sinister amusement and I was being thrusted back and forth on the couch as that memory played in my head. Sex was suposed to be shared with someone I loved and who loved me but that was no longer the case.
Another hand came down on my cheek and my head flew to the side. I felt someone slapping my stomach and another digging his fingers into my skin as he held my hands behind my head.
“Let me have a go at her.” His rough voice filled the room and the yelp of the woman he tossed aside was load but she was pulled up on another lap right away with a gleaming smile.
I wanted to say no, to scream and hit but I was still and couldn’t get my body to move at all.
“Be my guest.” He pulled out of me and stepped back as the other man came around and started getting undressed. He was as big as Asher, if not even taller.
He bent down, grabbed my legs and pulled em closer to him with a meanacing laugh.
He placed his hand on my thigh and leaned down. His fin
finger rubbed by my entrance and he pushed it in. The door flew open, a sweaty, nervous man came running in with his eyes glowing and his canines bared as he growled.
“Alpha, they’re here.” The man on top of me stepped back and got dressed in a second and the others stood quickly from the couch
and ran out.
I looked toward the door, our eyes locked and he snarled before he left.
I pushed away from the couch and got on my feet but Ashers hand grabbed a hold of my head and turned me around. His fist came swinging at my head and I fell to the floor.
“You’re not going anywhere he kneeled down beside me, his voice was getting harder and harder to hear and I couldn’t open my
“-you’re my new favorite toy and I’m come along on all my adventures. I’m gonna f*ck that p*ssy of yours day and night, you’ll be the packs own little whore.”
I forced my eyes open as much as I could and saw through the blurriness how he walked toward the door before everything went dark.
-Aiden’s POV-
We drove in through town and saw a few guys coming up from a basement. Edmund stopped the car and opened the door. His eyes were glowing and he was beside the younger guys in seconds, pushing one of them up against the wall. The rest of us got out of the car but I turned around and pressed my hand against Ca*sandras door.
“You’re staying in the car.”
“The hell I am! She’s my friend and I’m coming with you.” She said and pressed harder. Casy had a strong wolf but she knew it was futile to push against me.
“Please, Ca*sy, don’t make me order you.”
“She’s my friend,” she said through the small crck in the door.
*Yeah, your best friend and if something were to happen to her best friend in there because I brought her with us, she will never
forgive me. I will bring her back, I promise,”
She watched me for a minute before stepping back and allowing me to close the door but her eyes widened the second she look past me and she banged on the window and pointed to where the others had walked of. I turned around and my wolf stepped forward.
*Shit.” i cussed and walked over there, pulling Edmund away from the guy he was beating up.
He fell to the ground and spit out blood, Edmund was shouting as pushed him against his brothers.
“He knows where the f*ck she is!” It took both of them to hold him back. My eyes turned down on the human on the ground. His friends were backing away slowly and I raised my finger.
“Run and you loose your legs.” They stopped and held their breath
I squatted down next
ext to the
guy on the ground.
“Where is she?” I asked slowly, he looked up with fear brimming in his eyes.
“I-I think I saw her with the new guy,”
He rose a shaky hand and pointed toward the staircase leading down to what looked like a basement.
I slowly turned my head back on him, seeing the fear rise with each passing second and his eyes twitch with each move I made.
“What is down there?”
“A…A night…Nightclub,” He stammered and looked down on the ground.
I pulled his head back and his breath hitched.
tell anyone you
was covered in wounds.
that we were
He shook his head frantically as the blood spilled from his mouth and the side of his face
I pushed him back, he crawled toward the wall and pressed up against it.
The guys were walking around me but I grabbed Edmund and pulled him back.
“Don’t pull any shit like that down there, we don’t know how many of them there are.” His eyes started glowing and he growled. The humans had helped their friend and they heard him, the fear spread across their faces and they took of running in the other direction.
“I will slaughter them all, including the humans of this sick little town to get to her. You do whatever the f*ck you want, I’m getting my sister back.” He turned to his brothers who were facing us.
“Aiden is right, don’t go rogue in there or we’re f*cked. We can’t save both you and Gabby,” Edmund scoffed and raised his finger in
his brothers face.
“I will do whatever the fck I have to to get her back. If that means burning the whole club to
“And you think we won’t?” Nick asked and stepped toward him.
f*cking ground then so be it.”
“Whatever.” He spat and turned around. The other two looked at each other with a knowing gaze as if this was a normal thing and
then they went after him.
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I could smell her. The second we stepped inside the club her scent went up my nostrils and it wasn’t in the way I had hoped. I smelled blood and exaggeration, all of it was coming from her. I pushed through the crowd, pushing people out of the way and I heard. their “heys’ and angry comments but if one person tried to stop me, I would snap their neck like a twig.
“Over there.” Noah said and clenched his jaw. We looked past the people standing in the middle of the room. There were five of them staring at us from the other side of the room and then, like a ghost from my past he walked out from behind the corner and stood in the middle. His lips tugged up and those eyes I remembered like it was yesterday. There had always been something dark within him but I could see that it had gotten much worse. Guess my brother joined another pack, or maybe he formed one himself. Positioning himself as
the leader.
I swear by the goddess that if he has touched Gabriella, I will kill him with my bare hands and then let her brothers rip him to shreds and play with his bones.
1 narrowed my eyes and watched as his grin grew when he saw me
Edmund growled, his eyes started glowing and his wolf was barely contained, I could feel it. Nick and Noah’s wolves were under control but I couldn’t speak for either of us about long that would last. felt him clawing his way forth. He was howling in my mind, not in the back, he was front and center, trying to get out..
We pushed past the people, more aggressively than before and the humans were flying left and right as we all walked toward each other. I was eye to eye with my brother, our faces inches apart.
“Where is she, Asher?” I growled.
“Where is who?”
Chapter Comments
Altima & Belter Bride
he stepped back, har
though it
neverthing happened in dew migren.

He rolled up the sleeves and raked hand through his hair.
His eyes went to Gabby before turning to me slowly. My eyes were on her, she looked so lifeless and delicate and broken.
Soemthing came into view and I turned my head slowly, my eyes flickering to keep a straight vision and there was Edmunds hand, reached out to help me up from the floor.
I shook my head and fell on my elbows.
“Come on. Get up.”
“It’s my fault,” I heard the tremble in my voice, one I had only ever heard on time before and flat was when my brother left the pack.
Nobody else heard it that time, it was only him as we said goodbye
Now they all heard it and I didn’t care, I couldn’t care, there was nothing in me that cared about anything other than the girl being lifted into Nick’s arms.
“Yes, it is. It’s your fault but it’s also going to be you that fixes it. He said.
“We all know it, the witch said so herself. You re mates and you’re going to put together what you broke.” He reached down and grabbed my hand, pulling me up on my feet.
“And we’re not going to let either of you out of our sight until it is done. I don’t care if it takes years, you’re the only one that can da it. He sounded defeated.
They were all watching me and I saw that they all agreed.
“We have to go, we have to take her home.” Nick said and lifted her closer.
Home, s she was coming home. Home to where it all began…
Ca*sy opened the door and ran out in panic when she saw us. She placed her hands on Gabby’s head and then quickly ran back to the back of the car and pulled open the trunk.
She came back with a blanket and opened the car door. They placed her in the back of the car with her head resting on Ca*sy’s lap and she placed the blanket she had picked out, over her body.
I heard an engine roaring to life and looked across the road. Edmund had hot wired a car and they guys were getting into it. Noah behind the wheel and Edmund beside him. Nick rode with us.
We were driving down the dark road with no traffic slowing us down. There was no music and the silence was both deatening and peaceful at the same time.
“It’s gonna take time Nick said and broke the silence. Cas*y was asleep in the back seat with her hand laying over Gabby.
“you’re gonna have to be patient. She will fight it, all of it, including herself. Whatever happened to her, it broke the last pieces of humanity she had left. You broke her heart He turned his head and looked at me.
“And your brother broke her soul. Give it time, and we will all be there to make sure she stays safe.”
“From me?” I asked lowly in a dark tone.
He looked back kout on the road and leaned his head back against the head rest.
10:37 Wed, May 22
“From herself.
We parked the car and the other two were right behind us, parking next to us.
Nick was about to pick up Gabby locking my eyes on her pale face.
but 1
placed my hand on his shoulder and he stepped aside. I lifted her up, pulling her close and
We walked up the stairs and I was heading to my room but then stoped and Ca*sy asked me what was wrong. I didn’t answer her but instead walked down the hallway, closer to the stairs there was a guest room and she opened the door. I placed Gabby down on the bed, pulling the covers up and tucking her in.
I felt the tears pushing behind my eyes and clenched my jaw, biting hard as I cupped her face.
“You’re home now.” I said and pinched the bridge of my nose.
I couldn’t let go of her, feeling her skin and knowing she was here…I couldn’t bring myself to go but knowing that if she saw me when she first woke up, it wouldn’t make things easier on her.
“I’m so sorry but I promise you” I said and gently stroked her cheek.
“-i will spend the rest of my life trying fixing th
fixing this. I’ll never give up no matter how long it takes, I will never leave your side and I will
live til I die regretting what I did to you.”
1 pulled my hand away and wiped my eyes as the tears broke through.
“F*ck.” I spat when I closed the door.
Another door opened up and my mother stepped out.
She knew that it wasn’t good, she knew something horrible had happened and she knew that it was my fault.
She walked over and went directly to Edmund, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him close to her. At first he was stale, unsure of how to react but then he slowly hugged her back, wrapping his arm around her, tightening them. He burried his face in her neck and her arms tightened as well, stroking the back of his head with her hand.
She pulled away and Edmund turned his head away
by from us, wiping his eyes and refusing to look up.
“You boys will all get your own rooms up here on the same floor as your sister. This is your home too.” She raised her head and gestured with her head for them too follow her.
to this one is free, stay there for as long as you want,” She said and smiled. Casandra wiped her tears and
the room next to
nodded her head.
“Boys, you can either choose these two rooms and two of you will share or there are more empty rooms down the hallway that way,” She said and pointed down the hall. All three of them walked to the two bedrooms across from Gabby’s.
Nick pulled Edmund in under his arm and Noah got his own room.
“Thank you,” My mother smiled and bowed her head before turning around about to walk back to her room. She stopped and turned halfway.
You’re going to f
to fix this, Aiden. I know that you, will,” I saw the disappointment in her eyes as she looked down on the floor and then
walked back to her room.
Alpha’s Betted BrideCHAPTER 39
-Gabby’s POV-
My eyes fluttered open slowly. My head was pounding and my body was aching in all different places. I looked around the room and groaned with every single move I made. I sat up and winced when I felt the throbbing pain between my legs.
I removed the cover and saw that I was naked, my body covered in bruises and dried blood that someone had tried to clean off. I drew in a shaky breath and covered myself up, my body slumped down and my head hit the pillow. The drapes were drawn and the room was dark. All the memories were coming back to me, and one by one I was starting to remember everything.
Aidens bet, moving to the town, meeting Easton- or Asher, I guess. And everything that happened afterward. The assault, punches, kicks, slaps and the….
Something was gone, something within me had withered away and couldn’t feel it anymore.
There was a knock on the door but I was just staring up at the ceiling, content in the darkness. I knew I was back at the pack but I didn’t want to be here. I didn’t want to be anywhere anymore.
The door opened and someone stepped inside.
“You’re up,” She came over and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I’m, Uhm, how are you?” C*ssy asked warily. I could tell she didn’t how to handle the situation, I didn’t know either. All I really wanted was to be left alone. I felt empty, broken, and just as though I was an empty shell of the person I used to be.
“Gabby, you’re home now,” no I wasn’t.
“Uhm, I’m sorry I don’t know what to say to make things better for you but I do want you to know that I’m here for you and we’re not letting anything happen to you again. You’re safe now,”
“Please go.” The first words I spoke and they felt
ey felt like razors were cutting up the inside of my throat when I spoke them.
I winced and pushed my head back.
“Just leave me.” She sighed and got up. She stopped in the room before walking out and closing the door behind her.
There was an emptiness inside of that I had never felt before, even when I was at my worst and didn’t think that I could fall any lower I still had a lust for life inside of me. That was gone, it was all gone, I was completely empty.
I heard chatter outside the room and the door being opened again, Edmund sat down on the bed and he spoke, I knew that he was speaking but I wasn’t hearing anything that he had to say. It was like I was drowning, submerging under the water, falling deeper and deeper down toward the reef.
Aiden’s POV-
“She doesn’t wanna talk, it’s bad though,” Ca*sy said when she came out of the room. We were waiting outside, not wanting to overwhelm her by going in all at once.
“She’ll need time,” Nick said.
“It’s not just that. She seemed…not there,” I saw the fear in her eyes and heard the pain in her voice.
10:37 Wed, May 22 J
“I’ll talk to her,” Edmund walked inside and closed the door.
We listened in and I heard him speak but she wasn’t replying, I dont think she was even acknowledging his presence.
“Is everything alright?” My mother came up the stairs just as Edmond exited the room. He raked his hand through his hair and his nostrils were flaring.
“Edmund ?” She said softly and walked up to him.
“I don’t……….f*ck,” he kept pacing back around in circles and we were all standing on the other side of the person who meant the world to all of us, feeling helpless.
“I need a workout, Edmund, come with me,” He kept pacing and shaking his fread.
him towards the stairs.
“Nah, I’m gonna stay here until she’s ready to hey!” I grabbed his arm and pushed hi
We were outside on the field, the warriors were working out, doing combat and I positioned myself in front of Edmund.
“I’m not gonna fight you,” he said and tossed his head.
“Yes you are. We’re both on the verge of stepping over the edge and one wrong move away from killing someone. Neither one of us this uncontrolled, she needs us, both of us. So we’re gonna get our shit together and fight it out so. We both need our control
Edmund’s eyes started glowing and my wolf stepped forward as well. He threw the first punch and then it was on. The warriors around us were stopping and looking at us fight.
Both of us drew blood, a lot of it. At some point, the fact that he was Gabby’s brother flew over my head and I think his internal anger with me that he had been suppressing rose to the surface. We were fighting like we were enemies. There was no friendly fire, no holding
back and no rules as we went off on each other.
We were both panting and pushing together but then I saw it, Edmund was about to shift and so I did too. Our wolves took over and jumped on each other, biting down and clawing like it was a rogue that had breached our borders.
“Should we stop them?”
“Aiden, yo!”
“They’re gonna kill each other,”
“Aiden, that’s enough!”
They were stepping in closer but I hoped they would have enough common sense to stay far enough away so not to get hurt because right now, I honestly couldn’t tell who was an ally and who the enemy,
They stepped closer.
‘Stay back’
“You’re gonna kill him
or him you’
Wed, May
“I SAID, STAY BACK! We bit down on Edmunds’s wolf and he whimpered but got back up and clawed at our throat.
“Better prepare a funeral for one of em’,”
He staggered back and bowed his head, his chest was heaving and be bit down in the air.
We ran towards each other, jumping up and lighting mid air before falling back on the ground and we continued until we were both bleeding, tired, stumbling and the only other thing left to do would be lethal attack.
We shifted back and the warriors tossed us over some sweats.
“We really thought you guys were gonna kill each other.”
“Feel any better?” I adverted my eyes from Bob and looked at Noal and Nick who were standing and watching us.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and Edmund looked at me with a messed up face. I didn’t e
expect that I looked much better.
“Thank you,” he said and nodded his head.
We walked back to the pack house and cleaned off. We’d both be healed up soon enough.
“Are your boys feeling better?” My mother asked as she came into the private dining room with some coffee for everyone.
An omega came in with trays of snacks and placed it on the table.
much better,” Edmund said and nodded his head.
“It will do no
no one a
any good of you two kill each other. So I hope you got everything out of your systems,” My mother said and narrowed her eyes on us.
I think we had, we fought a good fight, one that probably would’ve ended in death had we not stopped when we did. I looked at my mother and hung my head, nodding it slowly.
“Alpha,” one of my men came into the room looking tense and his eyes dater back and forth between everyone.
I stood up and walked toward him.
“What’s wrong?”.
This was
just delivered for you,” He said and handed me an envelope.
her back.” I read and
I opened it up and took out a letter and a picture.
“We’ll meet again soon, enjoy her while you can because the next have her in my hands, you’re not getting her ba clenched my jaw. I flipped over the photo and I growled loudly. He stepped back and bowed his head.
“Next time he sees you, he’s dead.” Nick growled over my shoulder as we looked down on the picture of Gabby in the room we found her in. With all of them on the couch.
I ripped the picture into tiny bits and tossed them on the floor. I let out a loud growl that echoed in the house
10:37 Wed, May 22
Alpha’s Betted Bride

The paws hit against the ground and dirt scattered all around. Edmund’s wolf ran up on my side and Nick and Noah were on our tale. Everyone was pushing off the ground as f*cking fast as they could and was already imagining the taste of his blood whenever we caught the f*cker that left that message.
with Nick and
We ran down to the border and past it, out into the woods and then halted to a stop. We sniffed around, I locked eyes he growled. Shit, it was building within n me, all the hate and the anger. We leaned our heads back and howled up at the sky, leaving a message for whoever had been here.
How could our warriors have been so dumb to let them go.
“How’d it go?” Bob asked me when we retuined. I was wiping my head with a towel to dry the sweat.
“They’re gone!” 1 said and tossed the towel onto the candles on the sidewall.
He looked down, bowed his head and held his hands at his side.
“Who was the warrior on patrol?” I asked and walked up
un to him.
“It was me, Alpha,” he said, his eyes glued to the floor,
His head was shaking, not voluntarily, it was his woll’s reaction to buy own.
“Look at me.” He slowly raised his head, trying g to hold it high
it high and meet my gaze.
“If they ever come back and they leave something else, you either bring them to me, or you rip their heads off and toss them at my feet. Is that clear?” I said with my hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, Alpha,” I was about eyes and stepped to the side.
flip, to rip open somebody and chew on their intestines. Bob didn’t deserve to be that victim. I closed my
“Leave.” He walked out, I knew he was pissed of with himself for letting them get away but he couldn’t have known what it was. Messages were delivered every other day, not by messengers but still. It was an honest mistake, I just had to remind myself of that.
“You need to chill the f*ck down.” Noah said and slumped down on the chair.
“If you know a way, please, enlighten me.” I seethed.
“Let him be pissed, maybe it’s a good thing,”
“Sit down, d*mba*s,” Noah said and pushed his little brother down on a chair.
“He’s right, you need to control yourself, and your wolf.” Nick said and raised his head. I walked up to him. He was the most controlled of the three, always talking and thinking before acting.
“You don’t think I know that?” I asked.
“You won’t do any good to anyone if you act out of emotion.”
ou want me t
“Then what the f*ck am I supposed to, huh! Gabriella is in her room, refusing to talk, eat or acknowledge anyone and you relax while that f*cker is out there trying to get his hands on her again”
10:37 Wed, May 220
“I care about her and I don’t know how to fix her!”
“YOU THINK THAT WE DONT?” He said pushing his face up in front of mine.
“You don’t think we want our sister back? You don t I think we want to hear her voice and see her smile again? You don’t think we want him dead, that we wanted you dead for what happened to her?” He said and slammed his fist against my chest.
“You don’t think we know how you treated her like shit the entire time she lived here? You thought that was a secret? I wanted to rip you to shreds, not giving a single f*ck about the consequences and being fully prepared for an all-out war between our packs.” He stepped closer, his voice lowered to that sensible f*cking tone that got on my nerves.
“I wanted you dead, I still do for what you did to her but I also know now that killing you won’t fix shit. She’d still be broken and I would put her in another position where choices were made for her. You need to control yourself because if you don’t, then your brother has already won.” He lifted his head and stared dead in my eyes.
He was right, I knew he was right, but how the f*ck was I supposed to control myself knowing that she was up there in that room, broken and beaten and I had contributed to that.
The other two were just sitting silently watching us. The tension in the room was thick, I had known that the guys wanted me dead. It would’ve been weird if they didn’t but they were willing to put that aside to focus on the main threat.
The door opened up and the last person I wanted to see strutted inside.
“Hey,” She said with a disgustingly sweet tone and walked up to me. Her eyes were hooded and she was looking with, what she thought, was a seductive gaze.
“I just wanted to say
by that I’m sorry about what happened and I hope we can move past everything.” She said and smiled softly.
“I need you to leave.” Her eyes fell and her mouth was left agape. She turned her head down slightly and her shoulders hunched.
I had plans for Sam but they had to wait, it wasn’t time.
“Aiden-“I grabbed her wrist when she was about to touch m my arm and pushed it toward her slowly.
“I need you to leave before I kill you.” I said softly and held her gaze to make sure she saw the truth I was speaking.
She gulped and tilted her head back, the fire in her eyes restored and she straightened her back.
There she is.
“Fine.” She turned around, flicking her hair over her shoulder, and then stopped when she saw Nick. She bit down on her bottom lip and threw me a quick look before taking slow steps toward him.
“I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Samantha,” She said and extended her arm.
He rolled back his shoulder and grabbed her hand. I saw her jaw clench and her other hand digging in her nails into her palm.
Nick, Gabby’s h
brother.” He said in a monotone voice, making a statement and a stance.
She gulped, a sudden flash of fear in her eyes and she then scurried away, knowing exactly what she was up against.
His eyes turned to me and I knew that the urge to kill me just grew within him.
Ca*sy was sitting in the garden with a blanket around herself and just staring at the flowers and the grass.
I walked over and sat down on the bench next to her.
I clenched my jaw and put my hands in my pockets.
“I’m sorry,” I said. She didn’t turn her head to look at me, and she didn’t acknowledge me sitting down but I was just happy that she didn’t get up.
“About what?”
“All of it. Cole, Sam, Gabby,”
“Yeah. I heard about Cole, though, thanks,”
“I should’ve done it sooner,”
“You did it. That’s all I can be grateful for,” she heaved a sigh and wrapped the blanket tighter around herself.
“What are we gonna do? She’s broken, Aiden,”
“I don’t know. I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out a way to help her but it’s just…I don’t know,”
“She won’t even be able to celebrate getting her wolf;
“Wait what?” I asked and turned my whole body to face her.
A sudden dreadful pit grew in my stomach and when she turned her head the pit just grew.
“It’s Gabby’s birthday in two days,” She said.
“F*ck.” I tossed my head. How could I have not known that?
“It’s Gabby’s birthday in two days?” I asked and walked into the dining room where the guys were talking to my parents.
“Yeah, why?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Edmund scoffed and leaned his elbows on his knees.
“You married her, we assumed you knew the birthday of your wife.
My head fell.
“Right,” I said quietly.
“I already prepared the celebrations a few days after she came here My mother said.
“Your mom knows it’s her birthday,” Edmund said and I growled.
10:37 Wed, May 225 다
“Mom, what celebrations?
“I’ve already ordered the food and pastries from the kitchen as well as a cake. I’ve also made sure the Omegas knew what to decorate and then later on we would go away and she would be able to shift for the first time.”
“Where you going to fill me in on these plans?” I asked and narrowed my eyes on her.
“Honey, you showed no interest in anything regarding g that girl, why would I think her birthday would be any different? I was going to taker her alone, maybe with Ca*sy, so that she could really enjoy her first shift,” What had 1 done…f*ck!
“Alright, um, make sure everything will be ready for her birthday,”
“She won’t want it,” Edmund said and tossed his head.
“She will, I’ll…..I’ll figure it out,”
Chapter Comments

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 21-30

My parents
stepped out of the car, accompanied by four warriors, all them whom I recognized. The
whole energy shifted and in my head it looked like they were moving in slowmotion.
Their smiles were big and bright as they hugged Aiden and his parents. It was odd how everyone: could pretend to be this happy when in fact, nobody wanted this. Nobody was geniuenly happy but they all looked like they had won the lottery.
They didn’t even know each other, they just fixed their children up and should just back off.
But my brothers words kept playing in my head, how they were coming up with a plan and that gave me hope. It gave me hope that this might actually end and I would be free of everyone. Aiden, my parents and all the people who had been making choices for me since the day I was born. I took a deep breath and repeated Edmund’s words in my head.
“Oh, sweetheart!” My mom gushed and came over to hug me.
“How we’ve missed you. Your brothers really wished they could be here but unfortunately they all had other plans,” First thing she says and it’s a lie. Figures.
I hugged my dad who was staring at me like a father who actually missed his kid and then we all went inside too carry on the fake pleasentries.
“I’m surprised you all came here so quickly after our phonecall just yesterday,” I said as we walked into the house.
“It was Alpha Aidens insistence that we come as soon we can, he was the one who suggested we come today. Whereas you didn’t want us here at all, it’s a good thing you were matched with such a gentleman, might teach you some manners,” mom said and I rolled my fingers up into a fist.
Of course it was. How could I have believed for even a second that he was going to do something
nice for me?
Aiden and my father had stepped into the office to speak.
“Would you care for some sandwiches?” Marie asked.
My mom grabbed one and a cup of coffee and they began talking about the wedding and how it had been ever since. Of course leaving out all of the unfortunate details that my mom would dismiss either way. And then a surprise happened, something that shook me and I couldn’t believe it had happened.
“On their wedding night however, Aiden was fooling around with his ex gifrliend,” Marie said angrily and looked at my mom. I saw in her eyes how she was studying my mother, looking to see a reaction but the one she got was not the one she expected. My mom laughed and titled her head back.
11:34 Tue, May 21
“Yes well, boys will be boys, and they must have fun. I know how prude my little Gabriella can be,”
“So you feel it is okey for him to seek sexual company from others?”
“If she is not willing to put out then who can blame him. I told Gabby to be a good wife and a part of I’m hoping she now is?” She said that is to make your husband happy, in all aspect of the marriage,
and looked at me with a narrow gaze.
I scoffed and nodded my head, about to throw in her face everything that I was thinking.
“She is, so I’ve been told,” Marie said just as I parted my lips. All the anger went back down and I didn’t understand why she had done that.
“Good,” Mom said, looking pleased.
Cassandra was standing next me, digging her nails into my arm as my mother spoke.
She and Marie then walked into the dining hall where lunch would soon be served and that left me and Cassy standing alone.
“I’m gonna kill her,” she seethed when she was out of earshot.
“Not if I beat you to it,” I said and grinned. She looked at me baffled.
“I’m serious, what kind of mother says that?”
I shurgged a shoulder and began walking.
“Mine.” I said.
“Wait,” she said and pulled me back.
“Has she always been like this?”
“Yes,” I answered with an obvious tone.
“You don’t seem surprised at all by her words,”
“Becuase I’m not. This isn’t new to me, now you get a glimpse into the life of the ‘spoiled princess’ as well,” I said. I couldn’t help but find it amusing. It was my life, it didn’t shock me anymore when my parents spoke and said something unbelievable or idiotic or when they did something bad. It was my normal and had been my entire life. But seeing the surprise on Cassy’s face showed how truly messed up it was but what else could I do but laugh at it?
We walked in and joined them. Aiden and my father came out from the study and joined us as well.
My mom’s face lit up when Aiden sat down next to her and she placed her hand on his shoulder.
“I assume business went well,” she said.
le, his lips lvyysu up anu me
Luckily we managed to…” he stopped and looked us unitting his head back and forth as he thought of
corect that behoivour. Eventually she leanered how o preprobed lady was supposed to act,” He said no the smiles disappeared.
“Corect the behavior?” Aiden asked. My mom placed her hand overay my fathers and they smiled
whalv at each other.
We “We don’t need to get into that, let’s just say that she eventuaily dhe rente be the girl we hoped to have. noah ose good-for-nothing friends she had, she stopped spending time we with them and that was a big part
WhoWhat exactly was she doing with them that you didn’t agree with? Mane ask asked.
Ha Having fun, I said and smiled. My mom threw me a glare.
But But our little Gabby didn’t have any trouble finding other, better, friends. For stenor her friends
et tinday she bought them a mercedes,” Dad said.
Evetveryone turned their heads to me and I rolled my eyes.
Oh, Dancake all the credit, you’re the one who bought it, paid for it and handed her tee the keys, dad,”
And Aver wasnt ce pappy that I did,” he said.
Wete ruga, lec, let’s about you, mom said and looked at Cassy.
Oh, uhm, nazorydo you want to know?”
What do you po? do?”
I work ate stare in te me mat not to far from here and live with my family,”
That’s nice, Morvant said whh that acty look on her face.
Oh, Gabby! Becca to tostosa ay hi I’m sure she and the girls would like to come visit some dayday,
you can spend more tins tog together they move here my heart stopped.
11:34 Tue, May 21 GND
“No.” I said sternly
“They’re your friends.”
“No, Cassandra is my friend. Becca was a bitch who only hung around me because of bought for her. And the rest of girls are the same way, the don’t like me and I sure as hell do
“Gabriella, that is no way to speak about your friends. They were there for you, without t would’ve been all alone and a freak who just stayed inside the house.” I bit down on my jaw and g
“They were never my friends, they made my life a living hell. With all the things we did together they talked shit behind my back twice as much,”
“Maybe if you would’ve been more like them they would’ve accepted you better.” She seethed.
“Well look at that, you have a golden oppurtunity to get the daughter you always wanted. Invite Becca to live with you,”
“You will not speak to your mother that way.” My father growled.
“Let’s get one thing straight, you’re inside my borders now. This is my pack and if any of those girls set as much as a toe on this land I will have them tossed back to your pack head first with cuts and bruises
covering their pretty faces.”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” My dad roared and stood up, slamming his hands down on the table.
“You were supposed to learn from them but apparently that has all ben taken away since you moved here. Watch your tone young lady. They knew how to act like formidable young ladies and they took their time to try and teach you,” he said.
ay didn’t care “They were back stating sluts who shit talked anyone that wasn’t in their little group. They about anyone and only stayed around me because you taught me to pay for everyones everything. That was it, it was all I was to them, a bank.”
“Maybe they didn’t think you deserved anymore than being a bank and who can blame them.” My father seethed and my mom was smiling uncomfortably and looking around at everyone. She was more worried about their appearance and what the others would think of them but at least now they got a glimpse into who they really were. For a second I forgot that there were other people present, all I saw was the rage in my fathers eyes and I felt the rage in mine.
“I think it is time that you leave.” Everyone turned their heads. Aidens dad was standing up, his shoulders rolled back and his chest pushed out.

The tension in the room was rising. Not just from Clark, Aidens father, but also Marie and Aiden himself. They were all watching my parents, straightening their backs and readying themselves.
“What did you say?” My dad asked and stood straight. Clark was bigger, broader shoulders and form but my dad was an a*shole with a big ego so he wouldn’t back down.
“I said-” Clark said and stepped around the table, got up closer to my father and stared him dead in
the eye.
“-It’s time for you to leave. Gabriella is now a part of our family and our pack. She is this packs Luna and nobody, reagideless of whether or not they are blood, will treat her with disrespect. Therefor, I’m asking you kindly, to leave.”
My mother slowly stood from her seat and took a stance next to my dad.
71 think maybe we’ve taken a bad turn here, why don’t we speak with Gabby in private and afterwards we will be on our way home,” Mom said and placed her hand on dads arm.
They turned their heads and looked at me.
Me and my father were in Aiden’s office. The door closed and he was heaving. My mom was staying in the dining room, talking with the others and probably smoothing everything over with some nice, comforting lies.
“How dare you embarrass us like that!” He whisper shouted and came to stand in front of me. I backed up but hit the desk. My hand began shaking but was doing everything I could to stand strong in
my spot.
“I think you did most of the work, father,”
“You will not disrespect us like this again. You will go out there and tell them how you lied everything up or I swear to god-”
“What?” I asked and stepped forward.
“Is this what we came here for? Too meet our ungrateful daughter?”
“I didn’t even want you to come!” His hand came down on my cheek and the stinging pain was much worse than the slam my body took as I hit the floor.
“Why don’t you break out the belt too while you’re at it,” I seethed as I got back up with my hand covering my cheek.
My father dragged his hand over his face and looked nervously around the room. He should be
11:34 Tue, May 21 GND.
nervous, he just hit the Luna of the pack he was currently in. It didn’t matter wether or not we were related, it would go over well with anyone.
1 removed my hand and he looked at my cheek.
“You better obey your husband better then you do your parents. This deal has been made and to nothing you can do to back out from it. With this alliance we are powerful and stronger than ever and yo will not ruin it.”
We walked back out, I held my hands down and looked quickly in the passing mirror to see so my cheek wasn’t red but it was. I turned around and walked up the stairs, hurrying to the room to apply some makeup over it.
The door to the room opened up just as I was done in the bathroom and put my makeup away.
“Gabby?” Aiden asked and stepped inside. I closed the drawer and walked out, nearly walking into him. as I exited.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“You tell me. You just ran off,” he said and his eyes glanced down to my cheek with something weird swirling in them.
“Sorry, I just had to use the bathroom,”
I walked around him and back downstairs. My parents were getting in the car and I stood by the door
to the house.
They threw me a last glance and smiled brightly as they got in and left. Hopefully I wouldn’t have too see them for a long time. Or preferably ever.
“I’m sorry-” I felt Aidens hand on my shoulder as he spoke and I quickly turned around and slapped it
“You told them too come sooner. I asked you to keep them away and instead you did the opposite. For a second there I actually believed you were about to do something nice but don’t worry, it won’t happen again. So save your apologies,” I walked into the house, Cassy followed me and we went down into the gaming room.
“Ugh, f*ck!” I screamed and punched against the wall. Cassy slumped down on the couch with a soda in her hand and munched on popcorn.
“So those are you parents, huh. Explains a lot,” I turned and looked at her beffudledly.
“What exactly does it explain?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.
“The trust issues, how you think love can only be shown through the exchange of money, your inability to let anyone close and that thick armor you have across your whole body,” No candor.
11:34 Tue, May 21 GND.
The door opened up and a much too angry Alpha stepped inside. His anger only spurred my own and I was steaming as I looked him dead in the eyes. It rose to a point where I hoped I still had control. I wanted him to leave, to leave me alone and just disappear. Just because we were married didn’t mean we ha spend time together nor that he had to come and impose on things that he no business in.
Like my parents for example.
Was he the reason why my brothers weren’t here? Was he the one who had told my parents no bring them?
“What do you want?” I seethed.
“Don’t talk to me like that. Cassandra, leave us.” She looked between me and Aiden. She wanted to stay but he was her Alpha and she couldn’t disobey orders.
“She’s not going anywhere.”
“That’s not your decision to make.” He said with his chest rising and falling hard.
“I am this packs Luna which means I carry every ounce of authority that you do.”
“LEAVE, that is an order.” He growled and looked at her. This jackass was getting on my last nerve
“Gabby-” she said softly.
“It’s fine, we’ll both go.” I said and walked around him. Cassandra was by the door when he grabbed my arm och pulled me close. His eyes burnt with a fierce fire as he glared down at me..
“Casandra, leave us.”
I nodded my head and she closed the door.
“What did I say about you defying me?” I was sick of men asking me to submit.
“What you said and what I heard are two very different things. I am not your slave or your dog, I am your equal and you better start acting like it.” He straightened his back and clenched his jaw.
“You have a real big attitude, little girl,” He was one year older than me and I’m the little girl?
“Aiden, you can’t-”
“I can do whatever the f*ck I want-” he said. His voice suddenly lowering and bcoming dangerously
“-Not only are you the Luna but you are first and foremost my wife. I own you, Gabby and you better start learning your place.”
“Or what?” I asked and turned my whole body so that I faced him.
11:34 Tue, May 21 GND.
He was just about to speak when his eyes flickered to my cheek.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“What’s what?”
“Your cheek, it’s red, why?” Did the makeup not cover it?
How could it still be there and not have healed yet?
“Blush,” I said in a monotone voice. He growled and stepped closer, grabbing my wrist as I tried to back away and he grabbed my chin, pressing his thumb against the very spot where my father had hit me.
I winced and my head jerked away from his hand.

Alpha’s Betted Bride

His eyes grew darker, black almost and something omitious swirled inside of them.
“Who did that to you?” He asked slowly, with a calculated and soft oice but there was a noticeable edge to it. One that said not to le ot defy him right now.
“No one, I walked intro a door,” I said an shrugged a
“I’m clumsy,”
“Gabrella,” he said and leaned closer,
“Who hit you?” His voice sent shivers down my spine, it was low and lark. My eyes flickered to his lips for a mere secol before I looked back up into his eyes. Why did he even cate?
“Who would hit me?” I asked and looked at him, awaiting to see if he had a clue of what I had endured for all my life.
He let me go, just like he was pulling himself away.
came to apologize.” he what?
*I shouldn’t have gone behind your back like that with your parents, I’m sorry.”
“Why did you?” I asked him. He shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly and placed his hands in his pockets,
“I wanted to know more about your past and who raised you, I wanted to see a glimpse of you were,”
“Who I was? You thought that by meeting them you would get to know me? I hope you found what you were looking for.” I spat and walked toward the door. He thought he could get to me know through any parents? So that’s what he thought of me, that I was like them.
“I did ” he said and I stopped in the doorframe.
I didn’t turn around but I listened.
*i leanered that not all people are the product of their upbringing, som rise above the pain and bullshit of their parents.”
“Where you the one who told them not to bring my brothers?” I asked without turning.
“I learned something to. That the love, protection and kindness of parent for a child, doesn’t guarantee him to grow into a good man. He didn’t say anything and I didn’t turn to see his reaction. I walked away.
I went to find Cassy but instead walked into someone else. This day was just getting better and better.
“Hey, if it with a pout.
miss moneybags. My car died yesterday, could you buy me a new one?” Sam said and tilted her head to the side.
“No, sorry, but next time take a hint from your car and die with it, said and smiled.
“What did you just say to me?” She seethed.
*Back off, Sam, I’m not in the mood for a catfight,”
ay the opponent of and then go to the mall,”
“Oh, it wouldnt be much of a fight. From what I’ve heard you’d rather pay
“Gabby,” Ah shit. Marie walked out in all her glory. Her eyes swept over the pack members who were currently in my way.
They all backed away and some looked down on the floor. Sam put on her best puppy dog eyes and looked up through her lashes.
“Hi, Marie,”
“Hello, Sam,” she said and looked sternly at them.
“Is there an issue here?” She asked.
“No, we were just headed in to eat and ran into Gabby on the way,”
“Well then, continue. Gabby, I need to steal you for a moment,” all wanted in this moment was Casandra and me in a afe, drinking coffee and eating cake. That was literally all i wanted. Well, that and a good escape from this hellhole.
Aiden stepped out and walked over to us.
“Are you ready?” Marie asked him and he nodded his head with a devilish little smirk.
“I’m ready,” I felt a surreal chill in my body spiking out and making me feel unsettled.
1 looked around but there was no one there. The others had left.
Why did it feel like I was still being watched? It wasn’t the first time I had had this feeling that I w
I would leave this place before I ever found out what this feeling was caused by.
but I sure as hell hoped it would stop
If it was something I had learned throughout my life it was to trust your intuition and my intuition was telling me
ry eager to meet you,” Marie said
“There’s a fair in town. Games, rollercoasters, stands with every imaginable snack and everyone is very eager from the front seat as we drove into town.
I drew in a deep breath.
“That’s great,” I said and smiled. Marie and her husband had stood up for me from the start. I didn’t want to do anything to make them feel like I wasn’t grateful for what they had done.
The lights were flashing and the kids were laughing loudly as they won a stuffed animal while eating cotton candy.
There were a lot of people there. Like, a lot.
It seemed like the entire pack had gathered to have fun but this was anything but. I wanted to run and hide in the crowd, not draw
them all towards me.
The car stopped and I knew it was only a
y a matter of time.
Marie and her husband exited the car.
I opened the door but Aiden leaned over and closed it shut.
“Remember to smile, we’re a happy newly wed couple,” he said and smirked at me.
“Yeah, like the kidnapper and his victim,” I said and opened the door. I heard Aidens chuckle from behind me but didn’t mind him. People began walking toward us right away.
“Hi, it’s so nice to finally niert you!” A woman said with a gleaming smile as she came up to us.
The children saw us and began running to come up and say hi.
“Hi,” a little boy said, waving his tiny hand.
“Hi there,” I said and squatted down to talk to him at his eye level.
“Play with me,” he said and circled his fingers around two of mine, trying to drag me with him.
“I’d love to,” I said, suddenly captivated by this little bundle of happiness and energy.
The others followed behind us and I said hi to the people who came up to meet me.
I fell into it, it was natural and everyone was so extremely kind.
“You’re so pretty,” a girl, not many years younger than myself, said and gushed over my hair,
“So are you,” I said and smiled, placing my hand on her arm.
We played games, ate snacks and danced on the piano machine they had laying on the ground with a screen attached to it.
The day passed so quickly and suddenly the sun had disappeared and its place the moon rose,
“Mommy, I’m cold!” I took of my sweater and handed it to the little girl, nicely tied it around her and she leaned into me. We stood there for a while just hugging.
“Look at that,” a man said and pointed up at the sky. The stars were so visible even though the lights from carousels were shooting
like crazy.
“Pretty!” The kids said and looked up at the sky.
“I want one,” one of the boys said and pouted.
“So grab it,” I said and smiled at him before looking back up at the star.
He tried, he reached up his arm and tried to grab the star.
“I can’t reach it,” he whined. I sat down on the ground next to him and the kids sat down with me.
“Do you know why?” I asked and he nodded his head.
“I’m to short,” he said with a sad pout.
“No, it’s because the most beautiful things in this life aren’t meant to be touched or kept to ourselves. They are up there so to be protected from greed and lust and so that everyone, for ever, can experience their beauty,” I said and the boy looked at me. He then Jooked up at the stars.
“We should leave them there,” he said and leaned toward me.
The others did as well and we sat there like that, watching the stars together.
I looked to the side and saw Aiden looking at us, or more s pressed into a thin line.
specifically he was looking at me. His eyes were narrowed and his lips were
The was standing in the back, in the shadows, watching me and it was a weird look, one t
thur oyos were locked and
I had t
Took away. Not until a loud whipping noise was heard and i winced, jerking my head back and shutting my eyes. It was over by the Cowboy machine where the were catching horses on the screen with real whips that they hit against a
I shook my head and plastered on a smile
We were back in our room after the day and night we had at the far I was chasted, wanting to crawl into bed. It had been a day. full of different events that causes different emotions and I was a wred. However fun it had been tonight I still had the image of my parents fresh in my mind after their visit. One I never wanted to live through again.
I went under the covers and turned of the lights, Alden was out It was nice to just be able to relax.
“Gabby, come outside!” Edmund said on the phone. I hurried out and saw him and my brothers in a car on the driveway completely dark and everyone was asleep.
“Here, go to this adress. Housing has already been taken care of. Stay there, it’s a human town so no one will know who you are. Keep your head down for a while and we’ll call when it’s dear. You’re finally getting out of here,” the joy that filled my body couldn’t be
got in the car and they dropped me of by another car outside of the pack borders,
“You can live whatever life you want now, Gabby, it’s all up to you, I hugged them, felt their warmth. A terrifying scream left my lips as a hand wrapped around my throat and
and I was pulled away from them.
One by one they were killed right in front of my eyes,
“See what you’ve done now, seetheart, why couldn’t you just stay pin?” My mom asked as my dad held a strong grip around my throat, stoping my air supply.
I was tossed into a car and driven back to the pack.
Aiden was waiting outside and as I was tossed down on the ground in front of him but I didn’t land on the grass, instead I suddenly landed on concrete with bars in front my face. The cellar door slammed shut andwere locked.
“Maybe this will teach not to leave your husband,” I grabbed the bus and started pulling, Screaming till my lungs ran out of air.
I sat up in the bed quicker than ever before with sweat dripping down my head, I was soaking wet from sweat and so were the sheets. Aiden was beside me, sound asleep.
I breathed heavily and looked around the room.
“Holy shit,” I whispered and dragged a hand over my face. I grabbed my phone and wanted to call my brothers but I knew that I couldnt. My parents couldn’t hnd out. They would call me when they had a plan, Edmund said so. But this dream, was it a warning?
Alpha’s Betted BrideCHAPTER 24
“Can you meet?” I stared at the screen and nervously chewed on my fingernail while waiting for a reply. She probably wasn’t even
“On my way”
relief washed over me when she answered and I got dressed and walked outside. Cassy drove up and picked me up. We walked around the dark and quiet town before sitting down on a bench and I told her about my brothers plan.
“So, you’re really leaving?” She asked and I heard the sadness in her voice, she wasn’t trying to mask it.
“I can’t stay, my life isn’t my own and it hasn’t been, ever. I need to take it back,” I said.
“I understand, do you know when?”
“No, they said they’d call once they had a plan but I don’t know when that’s gonna be,” she nodded her head and grabld my hand.
“You deserve to live a life of your own choosing so whatever you need, I’ll help you,” she said and smiled.
We went back to the house and me and Cassy were in the gaming room watching movies until the sun rose. During one of the movies we had both fallen asleep and the voices of people were what woke us up.
“Looks cozy, mind
d if I join
join in,” Cole said and jumped down on the couch. Cassy flinched and scooted closer to me. He had a smirk on his face and his eyes were telling how much he enjoyed the taunting.
“Oh come on, Cass, it’s not like this is anything new. We’ve been much closer than this before,” he said and dragged his finger across
with me from the couch. her neck as he leaned in with his ugly face toward her. I stood up and pulled her up
“You’re disgusting.” I spat and turned around.
“She’s just
being a tease. If you want me to f*ck you again all you have to do is ask,” He said and stood slowly, biting on his lower lip as he took slow steps toward us. His eyes were looking at Cassy like she was a piece of meet but she shrunk under his gaze. She looked
“Back off, Cole,”
“Ouch, the puppy’s got claws, when did that happen? Did anyone notice her getting a voice?” He said and the others laughed.
The room was filled with his friends and it was only a matter of time before Sam walked in and probably Aiden too.
“Let’s go,” i said and pulled Cassidys arm.
“Nah, you aint going anywhere,” he pulled her arm and she slammed into his chest.
I pushed Cassy out of the way and raised my hand. It hit Cole square on his jaw and he fell back a step. The only problem here was that he had his wolf, but on the other side I had three brothers, so I knew how to hold my own.
The others growled and Cole snarled as he raised his hand.
“No! No one touches her, she’s Aiden’s,”
“Oh I don’t think she is, he probably wouldn’t mind her getting smacked around a little bit. Might teach the little btich some manners,” Sam walked into the room.
I turned around for
a second to look at Sam and just then, Cole grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.
His eyes were filled with Just as he held his face near mine.
He looked down at me, his eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips.
think your husband will react to you hitting the Beta?” He asked and with a
The others started clearing their
“How do you thraots and gasping and before I knew it I was pulled back against a rock hard chest and then shifted to the side.
“Why don’t you ask him.” Aiden said and stepped in front of Cole. His eyes, a second ago filled lust and amusement, suddenly dripped
with fear.
“Who the f*ck are you to threaten the Lund using my name? Using any name?” He asked and stepped closer.
“Gabby and Casandra, leave us.” He said. Only us but his friends got to stay. I scoffed and shook my head. His eyes split second and softened.
yes cast o mine for a
“Please,” he added.
“You slept with him?” I asked shockingly as we walked up the stairs and toward the library. Neither one of us wanted to be arround people and Cassy was still shaken up so I figured there had to be more to it. She didn’t answer me until we reached the library and opened the door.
Not willingly,” she said without meeting my eyes.
“Wait,” I grabbed her softly and closed the doors behind me.
“What do you mean not willingly?” She rolled her eyes and averted them, not wanting to look at me.
I walked after her and we sat down on the stairs around a table.
“Cassy, did he rape you?”
“One year ago, Cole gained his wolf. I was friends with all of those guys back then. One night we had been partying and he offered to drive me home. He was a friend, I didn’t think much of it but instead of driving home he drove me here. He told me that he just wanted to grab something and so I went with him into his room. Once there, he lacked the door and began touching me. I said ‘no’ and told him to stop but he didn’t listen and well, like I said, he had his wolf,”
“And you didn’t,” I gasped quietly.
She shook her head and continued.
“He tossed me down on the bed and pinned me down. He ripped my clothes of and started kissing me. His hand covered my mouth but no matter how much I screamed nobody could hear me because, well, the walls are soundproof. He continued, all night, until the sun went up and then he finally stopped. I felt broken, betrayed and hurt both physically and mentally, grabbed my things and walked out in my underwear hoping that nobody would see me but they were all there that morning, in the hall. They saw me and then Cole walked out behind me so they figured we had just hooked up. I told Sam the truth about what had happened but she thought I made it up, she thought I had f*cked Cole and that I was coming for Aiden next and that that’s why I made up the lie. That’s when everything just continued downhill. They all froze me out, name calling, battering, fights, all of it happened at once and eventually they just ignored me completely,
“Did you ever tell Aiden about what had happened?” She scoffed and shook her head.
“Like he would believe me, the girl who was stapled as a whore and the pack slut and a liar, shunned by all of her friends, over his Beta and best friend. I don’t think so,” I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know what to say.
I looked around trying to find the right words in my head but there was nothing there.
“Do you want to come with me? When I leave,” I asked.
Her face lit up
for a second and she smiled but eventually shook her head.
“I can’t, my family is here, I can’t leave them but thank you for offering.”
“We have to do something about Cole, he cant be allowed to walk around after what he did to you,”
“There’s nothing we can do, he’s a ranked member, you should know what that means,” I did know what that meant and I hated it. It shouldn’t be implied that having rank automatically makes every disgusting thing you do okey.
“I’m sorry about what happened to you and I appreciate that you opened up to me about it,” she smiled and nodded i grabbing my hand and pressing it lightly.
“Now it’s your turn,” she said and looked me dead in the eye.
“What do you
you mean?” 1
I asked and tilted my head back an inch.
“I’ve seen the way you flinch when someone steps to close to fast, or when you hear a loud sound. Why is that? her eyes softened and she squeased my hand harder.
“-what did they do to you?” She asked with sadness brimming in her eyes.
If I was going to tell someone, it would be her.

I walked over and locked the doors, making sure that nobody would be able to enter.
When I went back to Cassy she had a confused look on her face and she was awkwardly turning in the chair.
“When my parents realized that they hadn’t birthed the perfect daughter, they tried to create one by any means necessary,” I said and removed my cardigan..
“They wouldn’t tell me what to do and what not to do when I was a child because, well, as you saw they aren’t normal. Instead, whenever i stepped over the line or I did anything un-lady like they would try and show what happens to girls who aren’t the mold of perfection…” I removed my long sleeved shirt and placed it on top of my cardigan.
my tank top
..they would try and instill in me these habits and ways of life and their way of doing that… I pulled my tossed it aside. Cassy gasped and she hadn’t even seen a fraction of my fathers art.
I turned around, showing of my back for the first time in my life.
top over my head and
“…was beating it into me,” I heard the tremble in her gasp as she stood up. She walked over to me and stood close.
“Gabby, for how long-” She was crying.
“It started when I was five-” I said, cutting h
her off.
“-i had been playing outside with some friends while it was raining and I came home dirty with mud all over my clothes. My mom picked me up and tossed me into my room and shut the door. A minute later my father came by and softly explained how this will teach me to behave like a lady. From that day on It didn 1-stop until I was sent here,”
“I-i’m…I’m so sorry,”
I put my clothes back on and we sat there on the chairs, talking for a while and I explained how it was living at my old pack.
Her eyes were hooded and the tears were piling up, one by one they fell. Her lips were parted and she shook her head.
“You have to leave, Gabriella,” she whispered through the tears.
My phone rang and I picked it up, seeing my b
brothers name
light up the screen. I looked between Cassy and the phone and imidiet
“Edmund!” I squealed.
“Hey, sis, listen we have a plan but it’ll take like a month. Alright, just be patient and I’ll call you when it’s time. Mom and dad are home so I can’t speak for long but we love you, Gabby, and we’re gonna get you away from everyone. And also, I have a surprise that you’ll
see soon,”
“I love you too,” I said and hung up. Cassy had heard and she had giant smile on her face, Seeing someone so happy for something ! was doing for myself was really refreshing.
We walked back downstairs, in the back of my mind I was still trying to figure out a to succeed.
to get rid of Cole before I left. I had a month
As we reached the first floor, Cole came limping
E past us, h
his face was bruised and blood was still dripping from his nose.
“I’m sorry,” he said and adverted his gaze. I looked back and saw Alden standing there with Sam next to him. She had a shock ridden expression and a fierce glare when she saw me staring. The others looked shocked as well as they piled out of the room. None of them
made eye contact with us as they past us.
“Care to join me for a walk?” Aiden asked and walked up to me.
I didnt know how to act, this was weird, why
hy was he asking me to go on a walk? Especially with Sam standing right behind him,
staring daggers at the both of us.
“Uhm.” I looked back at Cassy who smiled and nodded her head.
“I have a shift soon so we can meet up later,” she said and began walking away.
“Sure,” I said to Aiden and pulled my shoulders up to my ears.
We had walked for a long time in silence before reaching the side of town. It was a road that led down to the forest.
“I’m sorry for how they treated you, you can come to me with those typoes of things you know, I’ll take care of it,” He said, breaking
the silence.
“I can take care of it to,” he nodded his head.
“I know but you don’t have to. The world isn’t your obligation to handle, Gabby,
Gabby, you can share the burden,” what the hell was happening? Why was he being nice?
“You’re acting weird,” I said and side eyed him.
He chckled and squinted his eyes as he looked ahead.
“The way you were with those kids at the fair, and everyone for that matter, made t much based of what I’ve heard from others,”
“What is it that you’ve heard?” I asked him.
“That you’re a spoiled, bratty princess who gets whatever she wants,” he said honestly.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that too,” I said and smiled.
“But you’re not, so why is that your reputation?”
think that maybe my perception of you is to
“You met my parents, right? Yo
You can understand what type of people I had around me and whenever I realized that someone was sticking around only for the money, I left them. They didn’t take it well and instead said that I was spoiled and a bitch and all the other
colorful words in the book,”
“Why didn’t you set the record straight?” I narrowed my eyes and shrugged a shoulder.
“Cause it wasn’t my responsibility to do so. If someone decided that they knew me solely based of off the gossip they heard than they had already made up their minds. Why would I waste my own energy trying to prove them wrong? I believe that the right people will find
you, and Cassy found me,” he clenched his jaw and nodded his head.
I gulped and removed the hair from my face. We were about to enter the woods.
“I heard that you guys used to be friends,”
“And something happened?”
“Do you know what happened?” He asked me.
I didnt answer him, this wasn’t my
from her.
y thing to say if Cassy didn’t want me to. I would find a way to put Cole away and keep him aw
“What’s done is done, no use in dwelling in the past,” he said.
“But-” he said and we stopped. He had a deep grin on his face and rolled back his shoulders.
“-i did feel the need to make it up to you, for what I did with your parents,” something
felt off.
“What do you mean?” Someone jumped up behind me and I screamed but as I turned around and saw Edmunds stupid smile I couldn’t help but nearly cry from joy. Nick was sitting on the hood of the car that he had driven into the woods. He jumped of with a gleaming smile and swung his arms around me.
The first tear fell and I wiped it off, my smile didn’t falter for even a second.
Noah stood leaning against the car and came over to hug me as well. He didn’t let go, not for a long time.
“I’ve missed you much.” He said and pulled back.
“I’ve missed you too,” I said Noah reached up and wiped my tears away. Their eyes went behind me and locked down on Aiden. The stepped in front of me, covering my view of him.
“How have you been treating our sister?” Nick asked and they all grew to their fullest size. I stepped around them and stood to the side. The tension was rising rapidly and I was glad that Edmund and Noah weren’t here alone or the fighting would’ve already begun. Nick was the oldest, he was the one with a leveled head and he usually did the talking and kept the other two in check. Noah was a joyful mix. of the two but him and Edmund would spurr each other on and it usually ended with Nick having to drag them away.
Aiden looked down at the ground, his brows furrowed together and he was in deep thought before lifting his head and looking up at
“Not at all as well as I should have. Not well at all, in fact. But, I do hope to make it up to her,” he said and looked at me. He seeme so genuine and this meeting with my brothers sure bumped him up on the nice list but he sill had a lot to prove. I was however shocked that he told them the truth, I was prepared for a lie.
with our parents when
“I really hope you do. We didn’t get a chance to talk much at the wedding and we were banned from coming they came to visit, a very eventful meeting I heard. Our sister is our everything, she’s been trough more than you know and there is nothing we won’t do to ensure her safety. If we find out that you aren’t treating her well, or that any harm comes to her as she lives here, by your hands or anyobody elses, we will come and we will take her away. Regardless of the war between our packs that it might result in. Are we clear?” Aiden lifted his head and glared into my brothers eyes. A darkness swirled within them but Nick never cowered away from the truth and for the first time, it worried me. O
Chapter Comments
Of is pronounced as uhv or ov. Off is pronounced as awf.
Tami Baldon
D*mn! Go Nick!!!

Nick’s hand was reached out in front of Aiden and the tension rose around us. It thickened for each sedond that Aiden didn’t grab i
Aidens eyes were narrowed but he looked relaxed. His chest was puffed out, his shoulders rolled back and he looked down at Nick’s hand, seemingly analyzing the situation and the words Nick had just said.
“We are.” He said and shook his hand. I released a visible breath and y shoulders sunk. My brothers grinned and Edmund started jumping around. He grabbed my shoulders and guided me away.
“Tell us everything, how’s it been?” Edmund asked and brought me over to a stub where we sat down and talked. Nick patted Aiden’s shoulder and the two walked off, I had no idea where to but I’m guessing to talk about something that the rest of us weren’t allowed to hear. Obviously.
I told them about how it had been living here, obviously leaving out all of the bad parts, so it wasn’t a long story. I didn’t want to tell them about Sam and Cole or the girls that made me pay for their stuff but I did tell them about Cassy and Marie.
They told me about the pack and how Becca was at our house constantly trying to hook up with Noah and sneak into the Alpha family line. She was, luckily, failing missarebly.
“You better not date her!” I said and pointed my finger in his face.
“Are you kidding me, half the pack has been in her pants, I’m not putting a ring on that finger,”
“No, you’re just putting your *ick were half the pack’s already put in Edmund said and chugged down some water.
“What?!” I squealed.
“You slept with her? You knew what she did to me and you slept with her?” I asked and stood up, looking disgustingly at my brother.
“Sis, I’m sorry but come on, she’s hot and has like the biggest tits Ive ever seen,” 1 gaged and was about to throw up.
“You need to stop talking.” I said and covered my mouth with my hand. They guys laughed and Noah winked at me while tossing a peanut into his mouth. The boys had never had a problem getting the girls, for one: They were ranked members and every girl wanted to be married up. And also, they all worked out everyday, were super picky with their hair and clothes and overall looked good.
Edmund had a boyish appearence to him with a more rounded face, thick brows, dark-blonde hair t tht was always shaved down to the shortest lenght. He had thin lips and a slimmer body but he was still stronger than all of the warriors. It was always fun to see someone new provocing him, thinking they’d get upper hand becuase of his slimmer figure but the only two people stronger then Edmund were our other brothers. Noah was broad, muscular like most others and a thick head of hair. Nick was the tallest, he was jut as broad as Noah but with a few inches over his head. Dark hair, hazel eyes and a blonde-red hair color that I had always been jelous of
Aiden and Nick came back from their walk. Aiden’s eyes locked with mine imideitly and it felt like he was looking at a stranger. I could’ve sworn I also saw some pity or sadness in them. Whatever emoiton it was, I hadn’t seen it in his eyes before.
“We gotta head out. Mom and dad think that we just headed into town to party,” Nick said.
* wish you could stay longer,” i said against his shirt as we hugged
“Me too, but we’ll see each other again soon. Promise,” He said.
Me and Aiden walked back to the house in silence. Neither one said a word and I was grateful for that. I wanted this time with my brothers to have lasted forever but at least I had the memory of it and didn’t want it tainted. I wanted to live in that memory for as long sa I could. As we entered the house, a loud annoying voice rose to its highest pitch.
“Aiden, we’re heading out!*S
Sam said and came running toward him. She circled her arm in his and pushed her breast up against his arm. Her skirt seemed to have gotten shorter since I saw her earlier and I was pretty sure she had taken her bra of
Afden looked at me and I rolled my eyes and continued walking.
h, you smell like that whore,” I heard her say but didn’t pay her any attention.
“Aiden, what are you” I felt a hand on the small of my back and turned my head. Aiden was looking straight ahead as we walked up the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sam stating daggers at me. Her face was beet red and was fuming from where she stood. She was pissed and I was confused.
We went into the room and he removed his jacket.
“I’m tired so I’m just gonna head to sleep. You know you dont have to be here, my brothers left, you don’t have to pretend anymore,” I said and put my hair up in a ponytail. He unbuttoned his shirt one by one. His brows were furrowed and really pressed together. A vein in his forehead bulged out and with his head turned away, I looked down his arm and his chest.
He unbottened his pants and I looked away.
“He told me something, your brother,” I froze, a chill went down my spine and I stood still in
“That you haven’t had
in my spot.
had it easy. Nothing of what people know about you. is true, is it?” He asked.
“People don’t know anything, they hear and then they assume, knowing implies asking.” I said without meeting his gaze.
What did he tell you exactly?”
were monsters. To you especially,” d*mnit, Nick
“That your parents were
“Don’t worry a
about it,” I said and smiled.
“You met them, if that first interaction didn’t clue you in on their mental instability then I’m not sure that anything ever will. It’s fine, I’m here and they’re there.” I didn’t want to get into this with him, I still didn’t trust him. One talk with my brother and one good deed wouldn’t take away everything else he had done to
I went into the bathroom and changed my clothes, when I came out again Aiden was laying in bed.
“You don’t have to stay,” I said.
“I know, I want to. I’m exhausted,” he said and turned of the lamp.
“Goodnight,” I said.
red into my eyes.
“Goodnight and Gabby-” he turned his head and gazed
I really am sorry,”
“And I’m a spolied bitch, those are just words, Aiden. Time will tell if you really mean them,” I said and turned of my bedside lamp.
When m
morning came I smelt newly brewed coffee and something sweet.
I rubbed my eyes and saw a tray of food standing on the bed.
“Eat up, we’re going out,” he said as he stood there, fully dressed.
“It’s a surprise,”
“I don’t like surprises,” I said.
“You’ll like this one,” L-eyed him cautiously but decided to just go with it. I ate the food and drank the coffee before getting dressed.
“Where are we going?” I asked after we had been driving for th
thirty minutes.
I had a pit in my stomach that grew for each minute that we drove I wanted to know where we were going so that I could prepare myself.
“You’ll see soon,” We drove for another thirty minutes before he went of on a smaller road and up a long hill.
When he stopped car I was eery to get out but Aiden left and opened the trunk.
“Come on,” he said and opened my door for r
I stepped outside and looked around. A loud gasp sounded as I saw where we were.
We went over to the cliff where there was a bench, and the view, we were looking over
in the far end.
r the entire town and could almost see the pack
“What do you think?” He asked and put a basket down on the bench.
“It’s breathtaking.” I said in awe and walked closer to the edge. I stepped so close that my toes were of the edge of the cliff and I closed my eyes, reached out my arms and just breathed. It felt so freeing, knowing the town was beneath us, nobody could touch me here, I felt the freedom I had always dreamed of.
My breath got stuck in my throat and i gasped as I was pulled back from the edge.
“Please don’t do that, it makes me nervous,” Aiden said and g
I and gently removed his hand fr
from my stomach.
We walked over and sat down on the bench.
“How did
find this place?” I asked him. Aiden opened the basket and pulled out a bottle of wine.
“I was an angry kid, always getting into fights and rebelling against my destiny to take over the pack. I didn’t want the responsibility when I was that young but it was instilled in me that one day I would be taking over and there were certain things I had to do in order to earn it. When I grew older, in my teens, I began to want the title but I did nothing to change my behaviors. My father brought me up here, we sat down on this bench and he told me that the title wasn’t oved to someone. It had to be deserved. He said that if I ever wanted to become Alpha and take over the pack when he stepped down, I had to change how I acted and too start behaving like a leader, if not, he had no obligation to hand over the title to me.”
I thought it was automatically handed down to the oldest son of the Alpha?”
“It is, but I’m not the Alpha’s oldest son,” My eyes widened.

-Unknown POV-
Aiden and Gabby were away so I knew that I had the entire day to do what I had to, without any getting suspicious.
“Have you seen her?” I asked Cole and he sighed.
“Are you really gonna do this?
“Do you want her to stay?” I asked him and crossed my arms over my chest. He scoffed.
“She’s in town, at the old library.”
I knocked on the door and it swung open slowly with a loud shriek.
-Step in.” Her voice was raspy and deep.
“I need you to do something.” I said and walked up to her.
It was completely still around us but suddenly books started flying out of their shelves and the dust gathered around us.
“I do nothing for you with that attitude you bring. Get out.” She said.
listen, I need you to contact someone,” I gave her the name and she looked up at me with that wrinkled old face.
“The Luna, she needs to go.”
“Is that so,”
“Yes, she’s not good for the pack so just do as I say.”
“You’re jealous of her and the bond that is being created between her and her Alpha,
“He’s not hers,”
“I beg to differ,”
I groaned and tossed the money up on the table…
or not?*.
“This is all I have, can you get it done or
“What if I say no.“
Then I will find another way.” I seethed.
“You have a darkness within you, one that will swallow you whole if you continue on this path.” He one tooth that hung over her lip was nasty looking. She raised her head and looked into my eyes.
“Just get it done!” She met my gaze and I hoped she could see the anger in them so that it would motivate her to do her job.
-Gabby’s POV-
“What do you mean you’re not his oldest son?” I asked after the shock had settled.
“I have an older brother. Two years older. He was first in line to take over the title but he left,”
“Why?” Aiden shrugged a shoulder.
“He didn’t want to live the pack life. Ever since he was a kid he was different. He wanted to go to school, he loved school, get a job and live a normal life. He didn’t want to fight or become Alpha, he wanted to live as a human with humans. So one day, he just up and left which was why the title was passed down to me.”
“Have you talked to him?” I asked.
“Not for many years. We stayed in touch at first, he was eighteen and I was sixteen when he left and after about a year I stopped hearing from him.”
“How did that feel?” i asked, suddenly imagining never hearing from my brothers again, it would destroy me
“I was a messy teen, I needed him. He was the one I talked to and he would always come get me when she went down. He was the one who tried to instill these values in me, probably knowing that one day I would be taking over the pack. When he stopped calling or responding to my texts and calls, all that grief of losing him just transformed into anger and I began lashing out at everyone. Got into more fights and f*cked things up bad.”
He had packed a salad and sandwiches and some fruit, as well as chocolate-covered strawberries and he took everything out and placed it on the bench.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” I said as he poured wine into my glass.
“I’m sorry for yours,” he said and lifted his gaze, locking it with mine. My brows furrowed and I tilted my head to the side.
“What have I lost?” I asked him and took a sip from the wine.
-Your life
life,” the glass froze between my lips and I saw in his eyes the pain that he felt, only it wasn’t for himself, it was for me
Something within me switched, I couldn’t put my finger
put my finger on it but 1 was seeing so many different sides of him.
Back at the house, I had such a surreal feeling och serenity and calm. That picnic had been amazing and Aiden opened up to about his life and pains. This whole day had shed a different light on him.
“Hey!” Cassy came running toward me and I was glad to see her. Aiden bypassed her without acknowledging her so maybe thing weren’t so different after all.
He stopped turned his head and looked at her.
“Dinner’s at seven, you’re welcome to join us, Cassy,” we both stood there looking at him with shock-ridden faces as he walked off.
“What the hell just happened?” She asked me.
“I don’t know, this whole day has been weird as f*ck,”
“You can tell me all about it over coffee,” she said and hooked her arm in mine.
“So what happened after you got to the cliff?” She asked me.
d he told me about his past. Did you know he had a brother?” I asked.
“We just started
lking and I
“Yeah, Ashton,” She said.
“He told me about him and how close they were before he left,”
“It was a shock for the whole pack. Ashton was a bit of an oddball in many ways, no one really where they had him at times. I mean we all knew that he didn’t want to take over the title but the fact that he left the pack to live with the humans… it shook everyone to the core and then the title was passed down to Aiden who was just a mess. But he cleaned up good,” Cassy said.
“It’s weird, now that I know this and how he has been acting today and fixing the meet with my brothers, I see him differently,” Cassy’s eyes fell and she pinched her lips together.
‘I get that and I’m happy that you two had this moment but just… be careful, alright?”
“What do you mean?” She sighed stirred her coffee.
“It’s just that guys like Aiden rarely ever change,”
We sat there for two hours, talking and eating cake before we headed back.
She said that the store had cut back on her hours and she spent most of he money on her family, supporting them so I paid the check which I was glad to do. I wanted to give back to her. We headed back to the house and got ready for dinner.
I continued thinking about what Cassy had said about guys like Aiden not changing and I didn’t know why that bothered me so much.
There was just more to Aiden then I had first thought, and this little glimpse into who he was had opened a door.
“Hey, come on hurry up!”
“The car will leave in five and it won’t wait for anyone!” The sun was beaming outside as the people were yelling from downstairs. I walked down, ready to grab som breakfast and saw Cole looking annoyed by the front door.
He saw me watching and he smirked.
“Wanna come with us?” He asked and dragged his tongue over his teeth.
“No.” I tried bypassing him, I was heading into the dinning hall where Cassy
y was waiting.
“Oh come on, don’t leave. It’s been a while since we played with our new pup,” I ground my teeth together and scowled at him, trying to reign in the anger that was rising.
is weird but I liked this It had been a week since my picknik with Aiden and he and I had been spending a lot of time together. It was new version of him. A lot of things were falling into place but there were still some pieces I wish I could just toss out. One of them being
“Step out of my way, Cole.” I seethed.
he said.
“Nah, princess, come with us, we’ll have fun and your husband would appreciate it,” he s
Your husband.
It was still a foreign word in my
“Alden!” Cole shouted and Tooked behind me. I felt his hand on my lower back.
“Come on, load up in the car,” I stepped aside, feeling awkward being
this close to Aide
close to Aiden as more people stepped inside.
“Hey,” Sam cooed and walked up to him. Aiden rolled back his shoulders and shrugged of Sam’s arm.
“I’m not going, you guys have fun,” he said and started walking toward me.
“Are you serious right now? This is like the tenth time you’re bailing on us, come on man what the f*ck?”
“Yeah, Aiden. What happened to you? You can play with your shiny new thing later tonight.” Sam said.
He didn’t respond but walked d into the dining hall.
“You better start watching yourself, your g
getting in the way of a lot of people right now and you don’t want to be messing w that aren’t yours.” Sam seethed as she stood close enough so that I could smell her breath:
“And what exactly am I messing with?”
with things.
“Last time I checked-” I said and stepped closer, I felt a grin growing on my face, and seeing her fuming from anger was behold.
a sight to
-He’s my husband, not yours.” I smiled before turning around and walking into the dining hall

Cassy wasn’t at breakfast and she wasn’t answering my texts or calls so I went over to her house to make sure she was fine. I drove up to her house and parked the car. I hadn’t seen it before but it was darling and much bigger than I had expected. It was a quaint two-story house with a front side porch and a back yard that was fenced in. I knocked on the door and her father, I assumed, opened up.
“Hi there, how can I help you?” He asked with a bright smile.
“Hi, sir, I’m Gabby, a friend of Cassy’s. I was wondering if she’s here
“Gabby? Oh dear, you’re the Luna, where are my manners-” he became a little stres fully and inviting me in.
“-it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, come in,” he said and shook my hand.
“Oh no that’s okay, I’m just looking for Cassy,” I said.
and reaghed out his hand, opening the door
“She’s at work, she will be back in about an hour but please, come in, I’ll make us some coffee.” I couldnust turn around and leave, he looked so hopeful standing there.
“Thank you,” I said and walked inside.
It was a small hall with family pictures hanging on the walls.
The stairs were on the right and up on the wall beside it they had even more pictures and right ahead it led to the kitchen and a big open-floor living room.
We sat down around the dining room table and Cassy’s dad made coffee for us. I heard someone descending the stairs and a warm womanly tone laughing as she came down.
“Honey, the boys will be home soon so what do you want for dinner?” She asked and stopped in the doorframe when she saw me.
“Hi, there,” she said and smiled. She was shocked and didn’t hide it as she laughed a little for herself and came up to me.
“Hi, I’m Gabriella, a friend of Cassy’s,” I said as I stood up and reached out my hand. Her mouth took on an O’shape and her eyes
widened a fraction.
“Luna, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said and cupped my hand with both of her own.
“Please, call me Gabby,” She tilted her head to the side and smiled softly.
“Well, Gabby, Cassy will be home soon but we’re so glad to finally meet you! She has told us so n
so much about you,”
We sat and talked and they told me about their family, showed me pictures of Cassy as a kid and we had drunk two cups of coffee each before Cassy came home. I had been having such a great time that the hours flew by and then when I heard the door opening her mom flew up from the chair.
“Hey, honey! Look who’s here,” she said and Cassy walked into the ditchen.
“Hi!” She said and hugged me.
“So sorry I didn’t tell you about my shift to
today, it was a last-minute thing and I jumped on it,” she s
she said.
“No problem, I’m glad it happened, I got to meet your parents,” Cassy smiled lovingly when she looked at her parents sitting around
but the happy smile soon turned into a scowl when the door opened and two boys started yelling as they ran inside.
“He broke it!”
you broke it!” They started wrestling each other and falling to the ground.
“Cut it out you little punks!” Cassy said and pulled them apart.
“Who’s this?” One of them asked and flipped back his blonde hair. They couldn’t have been older than twelve but they were certainly twins, they looked identical except for their shirts. It was the same shirt but one was blue and one was red.
“I’m Gabby,” I said and smiled at them.
“She’s our packs Luna, remember?” Their mother said sternly.
“Oh yeah, you’re Aiden’s other girlfriend!” One of the boys said.
“Dalton!” His mother scolded
ed and Cassy slapped him on the back of his head.
“Ouch, what?!” He said and held the spot where she had slapped.
I admit that Dalton’s comment earlier bothered me and sent a large rock down into the pit of my stomach.
Regardless of that I spent the rest of the day at Cassy’s house. We ate dinner and then sat all together watching a movie. Me and Cassy went up to her room afterward and spent the rest of the night there.
“I’m sorry about what Dalton said by the way,”
“Don’t be, I’m betting it’s what everyone is thinking anyways,”
Regardless, it wasn’t cool of him to say that. Someone yelled downstairs and we heard loud footsteps before a crashing sound.
“Denny!” Cassy’s mom shouted downstairs.
“They get on my nerves constantly,” Cassy said and rolled her eyes.
“I get that, I have three of them,” I said and smirked..
“Right,” She said and shook her head.
I texted Aiden to let him know that I was spending the night wit
with Cassy.
‘No, get back”
‘becuase you’re sleeping here’
I’ll see you tomorrow, we’ve had a few good weeks, don’t ruin it’
‘Fine, but tomorrow you’re mine”
A giddy feeling spread through me at the last text. You’re mine.
I and Cassy talked for the rest of the night and it was the best, and first, girls’ night I had ever had in my life. How could I have been so lucky to have found a friend like her?
The next week I spent everf more time with Aiden.
We went fishing, he showed me through the woods, and I watched his wolf run around and hunt.
He taught me to fight and we went swimming.
It had been surreal and so amazing. He and Cassy were getting along better as well, which was a dealbreaker for me, and she had begun hanging out with us. Aiden had been on his best behavior around her, letting her in again without that torn look in his eyes.
The only problem as I could see it was Aiden’s friends whom he’d reglected lately but i didn’t care. I ignored the glares and mocking which only occurred when Aiden wasn’t around anyways.
I was in the game room with Cassy and we were playing pool. It was like Dejt
Vi, my phone rang and Edmund’s name lit up on the
“Hey!” I squealed with a smile plastered on my face.
“Hey, you sound happy.” he said and I giggled.
“I am, How are you?” I asked and walked over to the couch.
“Well, you’re about to be even happier” He said and then paused for a second.
The plan is ready, everything has been put in place for your new life.” I gulped, the smile disappeared
od and I sat down on the couch.
“You’re finally gonna
nna get to taste freedom, sis,” I looked up and locked eyes with Cassy. The pool cue slipped from her fingers and her eyes fell, with sadness dripping in their depths.

“Hello? Gabby, you still there?”
Uhm, w
yeah i’m here. Listen, thank you for everything you’ve done to prepare for this but, uh…” I was stuck for the right words. Everything felt so right, right now, and the idea of leaving just made me feel sick to my stomach.
What if this was where I was supposed to be? Maybe this was my faith, to be with Aiden, everything had been going so well that I
believed I was developing actual feelings for him.
Were we mates? Probably not, I didn’t have my wolf yet so I had no idea who my mate was andel might never find out but if what I had with Aiden was real, emotionally, then maybe it didn’t matter whether or not I had a mate. As long as I stayed with him, I could still live in a happy relationship.
“I’m gonna pass on the move,” I said and it was met with silence but the smile returned to Casandra’s lips and her eyes started glimmering.
“Are you happy?” He asked me.
“I actually am,” I said and scoffed and shook my head. Never thought I would say those words.
Then we’re glad for you and we love you and support you,”
We hung up and I looked up at Cassy.
“You’re staying?” She asked in a breath.
“I am,” I said. Cassy ran over and pushed me down on the couch as we hugged.
I had been with this pack for so long now and much had happened. So many emotions and events that had changed over the months.
The cold wind blew outside the windows and I heard the swooshing sounds as they picked up speed.
Me and Cassy decided to play one last game of pool before I was going to meet up with Aiden.
“Okey, have fun and I’ll see you later,” Cassy said as she left out the house and Aiden came walking out of his office.
“How has work been?” I asked him as we left the house.
“I like this m
more,” He said and circled his arm around my
I my waist. Not a lot of people were out and the wind was blowing aga
We took a thirty-minute walk in the cold weather which was really nice.
“When I was a kid and Ashton still lived here we would leave the house and go on adventures. We explored ever single inch of th place and were out for hours on end. Our parents would freak out when we didn’t return and mom would shift into her wolf and sniff out. She always scared the shit out of us but then we wound up playing together,” I smiled and listened intently to what he was saying
“It sounds like you had a nice childhood,” I said.
“I did,”
Back at the house, Aiden told me to change into something nice. I put on a long sleeve dress and heels and went downstairs. A swarm of butterflies were fluttering away in my body and i placed my hand on my stomach to calm them.
It was completely empty in the house but as I entered the dining hall I gasped when the living candles that were filling room showed
in my view. Aiden was standing by the table dressed in a pair black suit pants and a white button-down with the sleeves rolled up.
“Come,” he said softly and pulled out a chair for me.
“Aiden…wow,” I said and looked around the room. There were candelabras everywhere and candles in all different sizes lit up. The food was prepared and placed on trays in front of us and this whole moment was just magical.
-Gabby, these past few months, they didn’t start out great but I’m-h-…” He said and ran a hand through his hair.
“…thank you for being patient with me, I hope you’ll think it was worth it,” h he said and I saw the insecurity on his face, it was
“I already do,” I said and smiled. The insecurity washed off of him and he relaxed. His shoulders slumped and he lifted his head.
We went up to room after the candle-lit dinner. We were both content, and I smiled as I looked down at our fingers circled eachother. As we walked in my dress got caught in the handle. I didn’t notice and continued walking, pulling of a piece of the back and
the sound of the rip made me freeze.
“Oh no,” I said and backed away. The dress fell slightly and Aiden came to help me. But I backed away from him.
“Uhm, I’ll just go change,” I said and tried pinching it together in the back. It wasn’t a lot that had come of but it was enough to show what I didn’t want him to see.
His brows furrowed and he took a step back.
“Why do you always g
go change in the bathroom?” He asked me and straightened his back.
“Waht do you mean?”
“Ever since you came here you always change in the bathroom, wether it’s at night or during the day. Even when I’m not here I’ve noticed you coming out of the there in different clothes whenever I get back. Why do you do it?” He lifted his head and searched my eyes
“I- I’m just more comfortable like that.” I said and tried to keep steady under his gaze and keep my voice from trembling,
“Why did you step away from me?” He asked and stepped closer.
I backed away and walked into the door. The thought about leaving the room ran through my head and I contemplated wether or not
he’d see my scars if I turned to run.
“I don’t want you to see me naked,”
“That small piece hanging of the door is what came of, you’re far from naked. What’s the truth?”
I looked at the door and then the hall outside.
“Don’t even
think about it.” He said.
He walked toward me slowly and pushed the door shut. I gulped, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“Aiden,” I said and looked down.
He pressed two fingers under my chin, forcing my head up.
“Turn around,” he said.
I shook my head, feeling the tears staring to bubble up.
“Please,” I said and heard the d*mn tremble.
“Gabby-” His hand landed on my waist, touching against the naked patch on my back and I squeezed my eyes closed. I felt my hand starting to shake.
“Gabby, open your eyes,” he said softly, I opened my eyes and felt his finger on my back. I looked into his eyes and saw how his brows slowly pressed together, his lips were parted and he looked quizzically at me.
His finger dragged over the scar and I held my breath.
“What is that?” He asked me. His voice took on an edgier tone.
“Aiden, I’m begging you to step away,” I said quietly in a hoarse tone.
*Turn around.” He said sternly.
“Gabriela. Turn around.”
“Aiden,” He put pressure on my back and pulled me toward his chest. My face was pressed against him and he placed his face in the cock of my neck.
“Please,” he said.
I pulled back and looked into his eyes.
My body was shaking. I stepped back and slowly turned around, dropping my hands to my sides. Aiden slowly grabbed the zipper and pulled down. I wrapped my arms around my body and drew in a sharp double breath when he had pulled it all the way down. He carefully grabbed my hands and pulled them down to my sides, slipping the dress of my shoulders.
I lifted my arms again, my eyes were squeased shut as hard as possible and the tears were fighting to get out.
My breath were shaky and I hugged myself as we stood there in silence. I felt the rumble comin from his chest as he grolwed.
“Who did that you.” He growled and my eyes shot open from the anger in his voice.
“Who. Did that. To you?”
To you?” He asked again.
“You already know, don’t you?” I asked in a whisper.
n you.”
“I want to hear it from
“My father,” I said quietly.
Tfelt his hand land softly on my shoulder and then his lips pressed against my shoulder blade.
He turned me around
and wiped my tears with his thumb.
“You’re heuatiful,” he said and leaned his forehead against mine.
For the first time ever, I changed in
n front of another per
person. The only other person who had ever seen my scars was Cassy.
They covered my whole back, went an inch over my shoulder and an inch around my waist. Always there to remind me of the memories even when I did everything in my power not to show or look at my back, I sill saw them.
We slept like logs that night and when I woke up Aiden was gone. I was about to head into the bathroom to got dressed but instead did it in the room before I went down downstairs to get breakfast.
When I went into the dining hall Cassy was there at the table and the smiled as I came up to her. No one else was present which
made me confused.
“Where is everyone?” I asked her.
“It’s the last run of the year at school so most people are there,”
We heard loud chatters and laughing and the next people to enter the dining hall were the only ones I hoped wouldn’t show up. Sam, Cole, Alexa and many more staggered in and when they saw us their smiles doubled. I rolled my eyes and started eating but unlucky for me, they came and sat down around the table.
Sam pulled out the chair next to me and slumped down. She placed her hand over mine and I jerked it away.
“I just want to say thank you,” she said and sighed in a reliefed manner. What the hell did she mean by that? Cole was grinning from
ear to ear as he watched between me Sam.
“You just got me a trip to Hawaii,” She said and laughed, everyone else joined in and Cassy looked just as confuse and baffled as me. Had Sam finally snapped, was this her first decend into madness?
“What are you talking about?” I asked her,
“Well, before you came-”
“No, let me tell her!” Cole chimed in.
“No no, we agreed I would be the one to say it,” Cole groaned and shook his head.
“Before you came here, Aiden and Cole made a little bet about you, she stopped, letting the words sink and I moved my hands fro table as I waited for her to continue. It started as pebble in my gut but it grew with every word she spoke.
“He was so angry and disappointed about having to marry you that Cole came up with this
game to make it more…endurable. They made a bet to see if he could get you to submit before the year ended. he could get the spoiled little princess to fall to her knees and kiss his feet. Too make you fall in love; head over heels for him and give your heart to him. The bet was cash, a whole lot of it, and he’s taking me to Hawaii with the money he won and I owe it all to you!” She said and slammed her hand down my shoulder.
“So thank you,” I looked around at everyones faces, they were so amused by this, smiling from ear to ear. The pebble was now a
bolder, sinking deeper and deeper into my stomach.
bet. He got you to
“Based on what we heard about last nights events, he clearly owns that little heart of yours and so he won
the b submit and to love him. He won the bet, Alden won,” She repeated, pressing on each word harder as she leaned in,
Chapter Comments
Faith is another word for religion. Fate is another way to talk about destiny. Seriously a dictionary and proof reading will go a long way.
I wouldn’t say she was head over heels and at his feet. Sounds more like she was just beginning to trust him.

I was up in the room and with a shaky hand I picked up my phone and dialed.
“The plan, walk me through it, what do I have to do?”
“Gabby, is everything alright?”
“Just get me out of here!”
I threw clothes into my bags, closing them up and cramming down whatever I could as fast as I could.
The door opened and my head jerked up, terrified to see Aidenw aacking in but it was Cassy who ran inside.
“Cassy, I’m sorry but I can’t-” She started pu grabbed all of my products.
pulling my clothes out and pushing th
them down in my bags. She went into the bathroom and
“You’re leaving this f*cking place.” She spat and closed all the bags. We put them by the door and she huffed a breath and looked at
“You don’t deserve this, all the pain you’ve been through, you deserve none of it.” She said.
“When will they be here?” She asked.
“In twenty minutes.” I said and looked at the clock.
“I’ll take two of the bags downstairs, do you need anything else?” I looked around the room.
“There is just one more thing I have to do,” I said and walked over to the bedside table, taking out a notepad and wrote a letter for Aiden. I put it on the bed with his name on the front and the wedding ring on top.
“Let’s go,” I said.
Nick drove up in front of the house. They had gotten the okey to enter after their last visit so the guards didn’t pick up on them. The pressed the breaks hard, leaving marks in the ground as the car spun up in front the door.
Edmund and Noah got out and helped load my bags into the car. They were both wearing deep seeded scowls on their faces.
“Get in T
in.” They said and Emund opened the door for me.
I hugged Cassy one last time.
“Take care of yourself and thank you for showing me what a true friend looks like,” I said and smiled. Cassy wiped a stray tear that fell from her eye and nodded her head.
“Same to you,” she said.
d only when we had gotten a safe distance did everyone relax.
We drove away from the pack in a racing speed and only
“You wanna tell us what happened that changed your mind?” Edmund asked me. I didn’t care if they knew, I had been quiet for so long trying to protect him and everyone else, as well as myself. The trees were dissapearing and the roads were empty of any other cars. It was just us, driving softly away from everything and toward my new life. One I would get too choose for myself. But in the midst of all of it, my heart was breaking and I felt physically ill.
“Aiden won a bett,” i said and looked out the car window.
“What bett?” He asked and furrowed his brows.
“A bett to see if he could make the spoiled princess fall for him before the end of the year. He’s taking his girlfriend to Hawaii with the money he won,” I said honestly.
“His girlfriend?” Noah growled from the front seat.
Edmund slammed into the door three times hard without breaking it open.
“I’m gonna
kill him.”
on with my life and I’m never looking back.”
“No, we’re gonna leave and I’m gonna move on
We blew past the trees and the towns, driving for hours on the open roads until eventually they stopped in a quaint little place many. hours away from both packs.
g up the road and on the other side
It was a small town with not much going on which I loved. There were small town houses going up were small apartment complexes which was where I was going to live.
When we opened the door to my apparent, I imidetly felt at home, it was a small living room with a two seat couch and an armchair.
The kitchen was opened into the living room, it was small but perfect for one person.
The bedroom had closets alongside the wall and big windows with thin, see through curtains.
It was fully furnished and so perfect.
“It’s not much but–
“It’s perfect,” I said.
“We have to head back but everything you need is already in this apartment so you won’t have to buy anything else. There are stores and restaurants around town and nobody will know who you are. If you want, we’ve talked to Bertram who owns the local cafe and he said he’d be glad to give you a job there,”
“Thank you,” I said and looked at my brothers. We hugged for a long time before they left.
then it was just me. Me and my
y new home.
-Aiden’s POV-
I walked up to the house and something felt off the second I stepped foot inside.
I stopped and looked around,
“Something is wrong
I know but what?
‘I’m not really
I walked into the dining hall where everyone was sitting down for lunch. Everyone was there except for Gabby and Casandra.
“Have you guys seen Gabby?” I asked and looked around at everyone.
My parents shrugged their shoulders and my mom had a sorrow filled gaze.
“Sorry, sweetheart, she’s not here. Maybe she’s out with Cassy,” Mom said,
“Cole, have you seen her?” I asked and he chowed down on his food and looked up at me.
“Seen who
I stepped closer and locked in on his gaze.
1. heard someone chuckle behind me and turned my head. Sam and her friends imidetly shut up and they adverted their gazes nut Sam stood up and strutted over to me. She swung her hips and caressed my arm, grabbing on as she pressed her tits up against me.
I looked back at Cole.
“Where is she?” I growled and felt Sa
Sam’s jump next to me. She didnt budge though, no, she pressed herse harder onto me.
“Come on, baby, who cares. You won,” she said and smirked.
1 shurged her off and walked up to the room.
What had 1 won?
It was completely empty and when I opened the closets all of her clothes were gone. I ran into the bathroom and saw that none of
her stuff were there.
I fisted my hair and looked around the f*ckng room trying to reign in my wolf who both he and I wanted nothing more than to kill
right now
Then I saw it, on the bed. A note with something shiny on top. Sam’s words replayed in my head as I stepped toward the bed.
You won
You played very well, I admit that I fell for you and so congratulations on your win. It must feel good.
I only ask one thing from you hereon forth, keep Cole away from Cassidy. The truth you believe about what happened that night i honest as the lies I’ve been told since I got here. He raped her and then she lost everyone. You were horrified when you saw the scars on my back and you might not see hers but they’re there, inside of her. We wont see each other again but I wish you nothing but happiness
I twirled a ring between my fingers and looked up. My eyes locked on the wall, a thick cloud of darkness swirled inside of me. I hadnt tell this lat a ktig time, Gatby had somehow dimmed the anger in me
What is this?” I found my mother say as I walked into the dining hall with five guards walking behind
“Cole Anders, 1, Aiden King, Aljitu of the Red Moon Pack, banky stopp of your
sa title as Beta and you will willingh, or forceful, be escorted to the dungeon and kept thate until a sentence has been decided for the rage on Cassidy ”
Everyone gasped around us. Cobra vyes rounded to saucers and he looked around for any smidge of help.
“Are you f*cking crazy?” He spet and stood up. The chair was pushed back and landed on the floor.
“you know I didn’t rape that bitch!” I stared into his eyes and I saw the fear but also the lie. He had raped her, I had just been too blind and to fooled by his so called loyalty that I neglected to see the truth.
“Take him.” I said.
As they walked around me I grabbed his shoulder and stared him dead in the eye. I saw the fear that hid in there, the one he desperately tried to hide.
“I know what you did to Gabby, you’ll be paying for that too.” I said and watched the fear creep higher up to the surface.
“Aiden, what are you doing?” Sam asked and everyone else gathered around me
“Did you to tell Gabriella anything before she so happened to leave the pack?” I asked,
“WHAT?” My mom rose slowly from her seat. Her eyes burnt in a yellow hue when her wolf stepped forward.
The two were equally pissed.
Sam laughed nervously.
“No, of course not, what was I gonna say?” She said and continued laughed, looking between me and my mother.
“There’s room in the dungeons with Cole, so I will ask you again but this time I advise you to tell me the truth.” I cupped her cheek and looked pressed firmly as I looked into her eyes,
“Did you tell her anything about the bet?”
“Aiden-” I pressed harder and she winced.
“Yes.” She said and closed her eyes.
When she opened them again, there was no fragile little victim there, she was angry, she was happy with what she had done,
“You’re mine, Aiden, mine!”
Chapter Comments
apartment not apparent and it’s spelled immediately.

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 11-20

“What time are you boys leaving tomorrow?” Cameron asked and looked between the three guys.
“We’re meeting here at three and then we’ll head into town at like nine or so,” Cole said and looked at Aiden for approval.
Meet here, all of them, in this house. It wasn’t big enough for me to disappear and there was no way that I was staying in the room knowing that Aiden could come there with Sm.
“Gabby, are you sure you don’t want to come?” Bob asked and look genuine in his question. He didn’t mean anything bad by asking that question and for all I knew he had no clue about anything that was going on behind the scenes.
“No that’s okay, I’ll stay here and get a feel of the place. Plus Marie ha: said and smiled.
surprise for me tomorrow,” I
emed very excited about
Marie nodded her head and looked lovingly at me with a little smile. She emed the surprise and I did wonder what it could be.
Everyone had eaten and they were heading out. Aiden and the guys were gonna play pool and I wanted to head to bed and be alone.
I pushed back the chair and stood up Marie’s voice made me stop.
“Gabriella, I’d like to talk to you a little if that’s okay” she said and I internally groaned as I sat back
“Of course,” I said. Aiden stopped and turned around, his eyes went between me and his mother but
she didn’t start speaking.
“You were about to leave, honey,” she said and Aidens eyes landed on me, a silent warning passing in them about the conversation we’d had earlier.
He didn’t want me to slip up.
He walked out and it was only me and Marie left. Cameron had given her a kiss and said he had some last-minute calls to make and they’d meet in the bedroom. Their relationship was lovely. It was warm, loving, affectionate, and respectful, unlike my parents which was the only relationship I could compare with.”
“It’s nothing serious, I just wanted to know what your first day in your new home was like,” she said calmly.
My new home, sure as hell didn’t feel like it. It was cold and controlled, so I guess technically it did feel like my home.
11:31 Tue, May 21
“It’s been good: I went shopping, had some food, and then went for a coffee in town,” Her eyes lit up and the sides of her mouth lifted in an ear-to-ear smile.
“That makes so me glad to hear. Have you made any friends?” I don’t know.
“I met a girl from the pack at the mall and we hit it off pretty well,” I said jokingly.
“Ca*sandra, do you know her?” I asked. Something flashed in her eyes but it was gone just as quickly.
“All I know of her is that that girl hasn’t had it easy Marie said and her smile turned down.
“How so?” I asked carefully. Marie seemed torn between telling or no
“I heard she had been friends with Sam and the others,” Marie nodded her head to my statement.
“When they were younger, yes. Cas*andra’s heart is far too pure to be dealing with people like Sam. She’s been alone for many years as far I know, never really let anyone in,” M e released a breath and the heaviness that had fallen over us lifted as she smiled and looked excitedly at me.
“Was she who you went shopping with?” No.
“We met there and then she bought food and when we came back to to we got coffee,” technically not a lie. That’s exactly what happened.
“I’m glad you had a good day and if there is ever a problem, with anyone, I want you to tell me,” she said and looked deep into my eyes.
I knew what she was getting at, there were a lot of people who didn’t want me here just as badly as I didn’t want to be here. Marie was just trying to be nice but I had gotten used to handling problems on my own a
and that’s what I would continue doing. It’s easier that way and less drama.
I walked up to t wasn’t alone.
the bedroom after we said goodnight but as I got in I heard the shower was on so i
My bag had been placed in the corner and when brought it out it was unusually light to carry. I opened it up and saw that all of my things were gone.
“What the hell,” I breathed and got up from the floor.
“They’re in the closet,” I looked up and did a double take as Aiden walked out from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower body.
He walked to the closet and pulled out clothes and I couldn’t for the life of me remove my eyes from his back. As he moved his arms, every muscle budged and flexed. Pearls of water slid down his back and my lips parted.
He turned around and my eyes were still on his body only now I saw his torso. His muscles flexed and his abs contracted as he raised his arms to the sides.
11:31 Tue, May 21 G
“How long would you like me to stand like this for? My eyes fluttered and I was back to reality.
“Sorry,” I said and looked away. I licked my lips and cursed myself internally for getting caught looking
at him.
“Where are my clothes?” I asked.
“Right here.” He said and stepped to the side. He pulled open the door next to him and I saw all of my clothes hanging and folded in neatly.
I walked over to him but he hadn’t moved enough for me to get to my othes without moving in on
“Could you please move,” I said and kept a safe distance..
Aiden didn’t answer, his eyes lingered on mine as he straightened his
k and cemented himself to
the floor.
I rolled my eyes and walked closer, I reached in my hand and grabbed air of shorts. The matching top was further in but if I walked in closer I would be pressing up against him.
“Why are you so shy?”
“I’m not shy,” I snapped and took back my arm.
“Lies.” He said and narrowed his eyes.
“I’m not lying,”
“So grab your clothes,” I dug my fingers into the fabric of the shorts I was holding and squeezed
I gave in and averted my eyes from his, looking at his shoulder as I reached in for my top. Aidens hand gripped my waist and I tried moving back but I couldn’t.
He pulled me in closer.
“I’m just helping you,” he said quietly as my front pressed up against his.
I grabbed my shirt and quickly pulled my arm back but Aidens grip tightened.
“I have it,” I said breathlessly.
My head turned an inch and I looked down at his chest before tilting my head back and looking up at Aiden.
“You don’t have to feel bad for wanting something, we all have urges,” He said and he seemed honest.
“I-I don’t-”

“You do,” He said as his other hand came up and caressed my cheek. His fingers slid back and tangled in my hair.
“And there is no shame in acting on them.” He said and leaned his face down. His lips were hovering over mine, the minty fresh smell of his breath fanned against my face and his fingers dug in harder on my
He pulled me closer, pressing his body harder onto mine and I was starting to feel the pleasure with which he spoke.
“Aiden,” I said quietly as my eyes lingered on his lips.
He grabbed a hold of my hair and pressed his forehead against mine.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered.
“I-,” I opened my eyes, my voice was breathlessly low and my breast p every hard breath I took.
sed up against him with
“Yes?” He said and leaned down more, his lips were brushing over mine I my eyes fluttered closed.
mand that I obey orders.” I
“I want to be with someone who loves and accepts me and who doesn’t seethed. The door banged with four loud knocks and my eyes shot open. I pushed away from Aiden and brought my fingers up to my dry lips. I held my clothes tight against my chest and Aiden clenched his jaw, his eyes turned dark, and he turned around hastily and walked to the door. He pulled the door open harshly and I hurried into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.
“What?” He asked roughly and I heard Cole’s amused voice from the hallway.
“F*ck,” I cursed and looked and leaned back against the door.
I turned on the shower and locked the door before stripping off my clothes. Their voices were muffled by the water and I took a few deep breaths to regain my composure.
Get your head straight, Gabby. He was a controlling, possessive, and arrogant monster. I reached down my fingers and felt the wetness between my legs. His body came into view in my mind and I had felt him, all of him.

I got in the shower and sunk down on the floor, letting the beams of the water hit me all over my body.
I turned of the nussel and got out after thirty minutes or so and dried myself of before putting on my
I asumed Alden had left with Cole so I was surprised when I saw him laying in bed on top of the covers. He was wearing nothing but shorts. One of his arms was placed hind his head and the other rested on his stomach with his phone in hand.
He opened one eye and peaked at me. His eye went down my bare legs before he closed them again. I walked around the bed and pulled the covers as I crawled down. I turned my back against him and with wide opened eyes I stared at the wall.
How did I look at him after what happened and would it happen again about it. I always said that I would save myself for my mate and that hadn’t given the fact that I had been married of to a stranger, I didn’t know what to
freaked me out just thinking anged. I was a virgin and
nk anymore.
What happened to love and the mate bond that people couldn’t shut up about. The one thing we all strive to find one day. This wasn’t it, this was not the fairytale that I had been promised.
My eyes shut closed and then opened again after a few seconds. I couldn’t sleep, there were to many thoughts spinning around in my head and I wasn’t comfortable in this position. I wanted to drag the cover and hug it but when I tried and pull it, it didn’t move.
I pulled again and groaned when he wasn’t lifting so that I could
“Seriously?” I asked after the third pull and sat up as I faced him.
“I can’t pull the cover.” I said in an annoyed tone.
pull it around me.
“I know,” his eyes were still closed. The phone in his hand rang and he had it by his ear right away. His eyes opened, he side-eyed me and sat up.
“Coming.” He said and got up from the bed. He opened the door and then he was gone. I let out at breath of relief and pulled the cover tightly around my body.
When he wasn’t here I suddenly relaxed and my thoughts became a distant memory, thank goodness.
I woke up in panic and leaned up in the bed when the door slammed shut to the room. Aiden stepped in, his nostrils were flaring and he was looking out the window. He paced around the room for a few seconds and then slammed his fist into the wall.

“Aiden,” I said and sat up further.
It was pitch black outside and all I could see was the slightest light from the moon since the drapes weren’t drawn.
I looked at the clock and it was three at night. Aiden had just gotten back from wherever he had taken off too in a hurry before I fell a sleep.
I rubbed my eyes and stepped down on the floor. Aiden was just standing by the window, staring out into the night and as I approached him he didn’t turn around.
“Aiden,” I said quietly and walked closer.
I gently raised my hand and touched his arm. A yelp escaped my lips as he turned around, grabbed my arm and pressed me back onto the wall. His hand gripped a hold of my jaw and he pressed into me. His eyes were obsidian and his breathing was ragged.
My heart was beating quickly and it felt like it was about to pop out oy chest. My eyes were widely staring into his and he looked unhinged.
His lips formed a thin line and his hold tightened before he pushed of a -hand through his hair and I saw the wounds on his knuckles and some on hi
they were fresh and the blood was slowly dripping down.
I held my breath as I stepped away from the wall.
turned around. He raked a rm. They were healing but
I went over to Aidens side of the bed and removed the cover, I
w the drapes shut and went back
As I laid down for a few seconds I felt the other side dipping down as Aiden got into bed. His arm came around my body and I was pulled back against him.
My body stiffened and I squirmed under his hold. His face nussled into my neck and he tightened his
“Please, just…please,” he said softly and relaxed his arm. I gulped and my body relaxed into his touch, he pulled me back further and I closed my eyes.
When I woke up Aiden hadn’t gotten up. His arm was still hanging over me and his face was burrowed into my hair. The clock was ten and my eyes widened. My stomach growled and I desperately wanted coffee. In the most careful and slow way, I lifted his arm which weighed a ton and moved my body away
from his.
I placed it down carefully and got up from bed. He groaned and turned to his stomach as he placed the pillow over his head.
I picked out my outfit for the day and as I looked outside it was sunny with a little fog so I opted for at long sleeve dress. I put on my channel ballet shoes and went downstairs.
The chatter immediately slammed me in the face and I remembered yesterdays scene in the dining. hall but this time three people were added to list of faces I didn’t want to see.
It was just as packed as yesterday but most of them had eaten and were just sitting around and
I took slow steps toward the table were Marie was sitting and talking to Cole.
“Hey, Gabby,” I groaned and stopped when Melina stepped in front of me.
Sam was siting at the table next to us with the other two girls and s no other people I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting, and hopefully wouldn’t.
“I just wanted to say thanks for the new outfits, they’re going to look great at the club tonight. Are you coming?” She asked sweetly but her underlying tone had an edge to it. She smirked and tilted her head to
nerves were rising quickly. the side mockingly. I heard giggling coming from the table next to me and
I stepped toward her and lifted my head.
hands on
“No, i prefer good company,” I said, and smiled sweetly at her. Melina sifed and placed her h her waist and tilted her hip out.
Her eyes shifted and she looked behind me, she flicked her hair over her shoulder and a cat-like smile grew on her face.
“Hey, Aiden,” Oh shit.
“Move.” He said and Melinas eyes fell as she stepped to the side. His voice was dark and husky, h must’ve gotten up just after I did.
“See you later then,” she under her breath and the giggling stoped. I could feel their eyes burning in the back of my head but I assumed they came mostly from one person.
Aiden placed his hand on my lower back and carefully nudged me forward.
We sat down at the table and I turned my head too look at the table where the girls were sitting. Sam was glaring at me, Melina was scowling and talking to the others and no one looked happy. This was just what I needed.
“You two slept in this morning, especially you, Aiden,” Marie said and her smile was somewhat worrisome as she looked at her son.
“Is everything alright?” She asked him and took a sip from her coffee.
Aiden didn’t answer, he poured a cup of coffee and closed his eyes as he drank it.
“How is he?” Aiden finally asked and looked at his mom.
“He will be just fine. Doctors said as good as new by the end of tomorrow,” She said and smiled

loinvgly at him.
“Is somebody hurt?” I asked and looked around the table.
“Nothing you ned to worry your pretty little head with,” Cole said and winked. I clenched my jaw and turned to Marie.
“Ouch,” Cole said and jumped in his chair. His eyes met Maries and her lips turned up in a smile.
“There was a rogue attack yesterday and Bob was hurt badly but he’ll be okay,” Marie said.
So that’s what Aiden had been pissed about when he came back.

I ate my breakfast without talking much to anyone. My mind was occupied with thoughts from last night, what Aiden and I had almost done and the position in which we fell asleep.
Everyone finished their breakfast and one by one they headed from the table. Marie said she’d come looking for me later to show me the surprise she had planned. I pushed my chair back and got up, Alden followed suit and stood in front of me, blocking my way.
“We need to talk.” I prepared myself for a lecture about not speaking what had happened. He didn’t have to worry about it.
Aiden grabbed my arm and we headed around the back and into and or private room. He closed the door and spun me around.
v fort
“Did you their things?” He asked me and narrowed his eyes on just looking into mine, they were searching for something, for the turth that
ine. I froze, his
ine. I froze,
already knew.
is eves weren’t
“I heard what Melina said, tell me the truth.” He said angrily and leaned his head down.
“No.” I said with confidence. Aidens eyes turned yellow, his wolf was present.
“The truth.” He growled and stepped closer.
I gulped and started fidgeting with my fingers.
“I am,” i said quietly. Telling Aiden that I had paid thousands of dollar wouldn’t amount to any good and I honestly didn’t know why he even cared. I paid for them, it was my mistake and I learnt a valuble lesson.
“One last warning and then I leave and you will be responsible for how the truth comes out.” My breath was caught in my throat and my eyes fluttered. Everyone already hated my guts, having Aiden go out there and cause something would surely make it worse. I didn’t care about what they thought of me but I was stuck here and would at least like to keep it as peaceful as possible.
“I paid but it’s fine. I had the money and wanted to do something nice.” I said and shrugged my
widened my eyes and shook my head..
“Happy?” I asked. He didn’t answer but turned around and stormed out.
I sighed and hoped that he bought the lie. I didn’t hold a grudge towards those girls and I didn’t want anyones interference messing it up. Besides, they were his friends so he couldn’t honestly be mad at them for treating me like shit knowing who Sam was to Aiden The man was about to f*ck his girlfriend on our
11:32 Tue, May 21 GND
wedding night. Just the thought of it made me sick but also made realize what f*cking hell I was actually living.
I went outside and walked around in the garden. Marie came out an hour later and found me sitting on the rocky little stream that went across the end of the garden.
“Hey, there,” she said and sat down next to me.
“Are you ready for your surprise?” she said as her eyes lit up with e tment.
“Sure thing,” I wasn’t, I didn’t like surprises and didn’t feel like pretending to have a good time but she had been so kind too me. We got up and walked back into the pack house. As we passed the gaming room and kitchen I heard a familiar voice and turned too see Sam and Melina standing by the pool table. We passed them quickly enough but I wasn’t looking forward to having every party later.
We went around the staircase and into the back room. As Marie open very own atalje. There were blank canvases leaning against the wall in differ
gathered here before the
the door I gasped. It was her
t sizes.
Finished paintings adored the walls and on tables. Paint on trays and a different colors than I had ever seen in paint bottles beautifully placed here and there. It was a complete mess with brushes laying all over the tables and cloths hanging from the canvases, it was beautiful. As opposed to everything else in this house that carefully placed and color coordinated, clean at all times and followed the same patterns this was like a fresh breath of air.
Marie didn’t speak, she put a canvas on wedges and brought out a little table from the corner. On t other side of the wedges she put up another one for herself and brought all he different colors and place them on the bigger table. Two trays, brushes and everything we would need.
“Have fun,” she said and went to stand on the other side. I could see how her focus shifted, she was. taking in the blank canvas as she poured four different colors on the tray. She dipped her brush and gently stroked it over the white surface.
Butterflies were waking up within me and I felt them fluttering around in my stomach.
I picked up a thicker brush and looked at all of the paints.
When I started painting it felt like something was coming back to me, I suddenly felt less lost, something familiar warmed me as I stroked the brush over the surface. Back home at my own pack I never ejoyed the panting as much as I did now becuase my mother would always peak over my shoulder and point out the mistakes. If it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t done. This was a completely different feeling, I was painting from my heart with no expectations.
“You’re very talented,” Marie said over my shoulder and I hadn’t even noticed her standing there.
“Who’s the girl?” She asked. I had painted a girl, sitting on a rock and looking out over a city.
11:32 Tue, May 21 GD
“Just a girl,” I said and stepped back from my painting.
looks lonely,” Marie said. I tiled my head to the side and smiled at the painting.
“She looks free,” I hadn’t thought about the words before I spoke them and regretted them right away. I turned my head to correct myself but she raised her hand and held it up in fron of my face.
“Don’t you dare apologize, you were honest just now, that’s good. This can’t have been easy and it will take time to adjust to this new life but I will do everything in my power to make the adjustments as painless as possible for you,” “if only you knew I thought in my head.
I heard a loud scream and someone else shouting throughout the e re the house. Followed by laughs and overly loud chatter. My first reaction was to get the f*ck out of here.
“Sounds like the pre-party is starting. Why don’t you go to your room and wash off and I’ll show you around town,” Perfect. I nodded my head and hurried up to the room, I w d past a few people but pretended to not see them.
They were blasting the music and it bounced against the walls but the cond I closed the door to the bedroom, the silence overshadowed everything else.
I heaved a breath and went into the bathroom to clean myself up before left.
The door opened and I held my breath, I shut the water of and dried my hands.
. Sam going through a drawer.
I couldn’t hide in the bathroom so I stepped out and saw
“Well look who it is, the girls were really happy about the shopping trip,” She said and pushed her
“I’m glad i could help,” I said and dug in the closet for some clothes.
“How are you adjusting to things?” She asked and flicked her tongue.
“Made any friends yet?” She asked when I didn’t answer her.
“None of your business.” I said and faced her. Sam stepped closer.
“A little birdie told me you’ve been hanging with Cassy, it makes sense. Scum finds scum,”
“And self absorbed slut bags with no reedeming qualities, find you,” I said and smiled at her.
Sams smile faded, her eyes narrowed to slits and if looks could kill, I’d be dead.
“You little” the door opened up as Sam stepped closer and Aiden walked inside with Cole.
“Catfight!” Cole said and leaned against the wall, rubbing his hands together. The people here were disgusting.
Tue, May
“What’s going on?” Aiden asked as he stepped inside the room.
“Just talking too our newest addition,” Sam said and I looked at her with boredom.
She turned around and placed her hand on his chest, my eyes imidietly went there and watched as her hand slid down. Aiden grabbed it when she got to his navel and held it still.
“Did you find my wallet?” Aiden asked and looked at her but I didn’t see any love or happiness of any kind in his eyes.
“No, maybe your wife stole it,” She spat.
“Right, because I don’t have any money of my own,” I said and rolled my eyes.
“You have a real attitude you know that?” Aiden said and glared at m
Was he for real?
“Oh look, cat’s got her tongue,” Sam said and laughed menacingly.
Aiden walked to the bedside table and pulled open a drawer, he picke
de table and pulled open a drawer, he picke out his wallet and placed it in
his jeans.
“Leave.” He said and looked at Sam and Cole, both of them were befuddled.
“But baby-”
“I said leave.” He growled. The door was slammed shut after Sam and Aiden turned to give me a g Cole’s was more amused than angry however.
Aiden turned toward me, I couldn’t read his face and his mood switched too much for me to get an
actual handle on how he worked.
“You need to watch yourself.” He said as he stepped toward me. I furrowed my brows and looked at him in shock.
“I need to watch myself? What about that two faced bitch who’s constantly on my tail about-” Aidens hand wrapped around my throat, shutting me up. He squeezed enough for me to be silent but where i could still breath. His hand came up to my waist and he pushed us back against the wall.
“I don’t care. She has a following, you do not. You either need to learn to fight as dirty as she does or you need to watch yourself-” He said and parted his lips. His head leaned down and his eyes flicked to my lips.
“- And I know you won’t fight dirty, you don’t have it in you. So ignore her, keep out of her way and stay quiet,”
11:32 Tue, May 21
“Do you understand?” He asked quietly. I was so d*mn sick of men telling me to be quiet and watch myself.
His hand loosened but his grip around my waist got harder and his fingers dug into my skin.
I nodded my head and pressed my lips together but I was pissed.
“In words.” He whispered and brushed his lips asgint mine. My body tingled but the heat I felt wasn’t from an urge, it was from the anger I felt stirring within me. I was sick of men telling me to be quiet and watch myself.
“Yes.” I said and bit my tongue, clenched my jaw and narrowed my es. Aidens eyes swirled with a golden hue and his fingers were still around my throat but now it was like they were resting there. He pressed his lips gently against mine as they parted and blew out a soft breath.
“Good girl.” He said and stepped back. His hand squeezed my waist last time as he turned around and walked out of the room.
and wall
Is fumbled forward and hadn’t realized how much of my weight was actually leaning on him.
“F*ck,” i cussed and draged a hand over my face. changed my clothes and went out to meet up with
“Are you ready for your tour?” She asked as she stood and waited by standing there talking to her as I walked down. Marie nodded her head to
e door. An Omega was mething and the girl took off.
“I’m ready,” I said and smiled. A car was waiting for us outside and one of the warriors I presumed, opened the doors for us.
“I thought we’d take the car in, I’ll show you around town and then we sense of the place.” She said and waited for my reaction.
“Sounds good,” I said.
alk back. Give you a whole
roads and less woods. You This pack wasn’t much bigger then my own back home. We just had me had to walk for a bit before you came to the woods and could run around in your wolf form but here it was everywhere and it stretched for miles.
The car stopped and we got out. There were a lot of people out, shopping, eating and just existing. They looked like they were having a good time and the cliques I had seen earlier in the dining room had dissolved. Everyone was hanging with each other.
We walked to the edge of the town which ended by a road. In between were about four miles of woods. As we stood by the road I knew that this was where the car had driven up when I first arrived.
“This goes to the neighboring town which is about thirty minutes away and then connects with the main road.” We walked back through the woods and came out by a stream with a little step-over bridge into
There were boutiques, cafes, restaurants, jewelry stores and much more. They had everything here.
“Most of the kids prefer going to the mall where there’s more variation but yeah, we have all that we need here.” She said and looked around. They sure did, but then again I understood the appeal of going to the mall. Everything was gathered in one place and they had a lot more stores in different brands. Something for everyone. Plus the food court which was a blessing of its own.
“Hey, Gabby,” I turned my head and saw Cassy walking toward us. She had her work clothes on and her hair was tied in a perfect ponytail.
“Hi,” i said when she came up to us.
“Marie,” she said and bowed her head in respect.
“It’s good too see you, Casandra. Heading to work?” She asked.
“Yeah I have the night shift, I end at nine if you want to do something later,” she said and looked at me.
My silence lasted for too long and I could tell that things were getting awkward.
“Yeah, sure,” Casandra resalead a visible breath and picked up her phone as it rung.
“Hello?” She said and I watched as she started chewing on the inside of her cheek. Her eyes fell and
her head hung.
“Thank you for letting me know,” she said and hung up. Casandra pled the phone away and pulled her shoulders up to her ears.
“I’m not going into work anymore,” she said.
join us on the tour?” Marie asked ar “Then maybe you would want to join us on the tour?” Marie asked ar automcaic response whenever new people got to close
“Or better yet, why don’t you take over and show Gabby our pack?” S proud smile beamed on her face and I couldn’t quite tell what she was trying
stiffened, stiffened, it was my bodies
said and lifted her head, a
“If you want me to,” She said and looked at me.
Oh hell.
“Why not,” i shrugged my shoulders and smiled.
“Great, I’ll just catch up on some errands and get some work done. Come with Gabby tonight and have dinner with us,” She said and walked away before Cassy could answer.
We stood there looking at each other for an awkward minute.
“Ready for the tour?” She said and offered a not-less awkward smile.
“Yes,” I said and laughed.
After two and half hours and one sto
for coffee, had seen everything that the town had to offer.
“Let’s see the rest of the grounds,” Cassy said and circled her arm in mine. I was also getting a one on one background check on the pack members.
“That girl is Lisa, she and her friends are basically in charge of everything school related. Not parties or events but more the academic parts. Him over there, that’s Claus, he’s one of our best warriors and also in charge of training. Him and his friends are close to Alden and Cole, they’re often together, also, they’re douches. Klara over there in the brown short hair, she works over at the flower boutique, her mom owns it, she’s very sweet.” I furrowed my brows and seeing as Cassy had a pretty good idea about everyone here, I wondered, “What can you tell me about Cole?” I asked.
“He’s a narcesistic asshat,” I waited for her to continue because that I already knew.
She sighed an exaggerated breath and shook her head.
“He searches for drama and conflict. He’s a great fighter and a great warrior, his position as Beta is, well, he will get the jobs done and he would die for his Alpha, as anyone would. He’s just not mature and if he can stir the pot or throw gasoline onto an already burning fire, he will. He’s not a good person. Him and Aiden have been best friends since they were little but whereas Aiden had a role to step into, Cole didn’t in the same way. He didn’t have the same expectations because he wasn’t going to be the Alpha. He parties, sleeps around with anyone he can and loves to destroy people.” I could see the swirls of anger in his eyes. as she talked about him.
“Have you slept with him?” I asked and Cassy clenched her jaw. She didn’t look at me but that was an answer in itself.
“Yeah. When I was seventeen we were at this party and we dance
led to another.” She said.
“What happened afterwards?”
d drank and had fun, one thing
“He told everyone about it,” I furrowed my brows, there was more to story but she wouldn’t toll-
about it and I understood.
“So over there is where the warriors train, and down that path is a great trail that leads to the woods.. This is the garden where nobody really hangs, but down there is the park, you’ll see a lot of people there.” She said and winced.
We had been walking around for hours, seeing everything and stopping a little here and there steered clear from the school though because the attached building which was communal was wh party was going to be. It was apparently an old house that had been converted into a all usage facili anyone could pay too use for different events. Birthdays, parties etcetera.
“So, yeah. That’s it,” Cassy said and smiled at me.
I looked toward the house and remembered Marie had asked Cassy join us for dinner.
It didn’t make sense for her to walk home and then back here.
“Do you wanna maybe do something?” I asked. It felt like I had completely forgotten how to talk to people.
“Sure, let’s go to the gaming room,” she said and we walked in.
“Wait,” as we were about to step in I grabbed her hand and she stopped.
“They’re not there,” she said and smiled.
I forgot that Cassy had her wolf, she could hear if they were there or not and thank god that they weren’t.

We went to the pingpong table and each picked up a racket.
“You serve,” she said and tossed the boll over.
1 hit it and it flew into a wall.
I pouted my lips and narrowed my eyes.
“Just for the record, I’ve never played before,” I said.
“You don’t say,” Cassy said and rose her brows as she went to get the ball.
We started of slowly so I would get a hang of how it worked. Then we started for real and betted on
lunch tomorrow.
“I’m so sorry!” I squealed and covered my mouth with my hands when I accidentally smashed the ball in Casandras face.
“Don’t worry about it,” she said and wrinkled her nose. I groaned and placed the racket down.
“No, come on keep playing,” she whined. To my luck, my phone started buzzing.
“Gotta take this,” I said and raised it, showing her the caller id.
“Hi!” I said loudly and walked over to the couch, I sat down on the end and started biting my nail as my smile grew bigger.
“How is everything, sis?” Edmund asked on the other line. The sound of his voice was causing a tornado of emotions to start circling inside of me. I swallowed a sob and tried composing myself before I spoke. I didn’t want Cassy, or anyone else, to hear me upset.
“It’s good,” the silence weighed heavily over both of us. I heard an exhale and a low growl.
“You’re lying, Gabby.” He said heavily.
“No, no everything is good. I’m playing pingpong,” said and tired to lighten the mood. He knew that I was changing the subject, he could read me better than anyone else whether I was speaking or not.
“You suck at those games, don’t they have supplies so you can do your painting things? If not i’ll send stuff over, I can have it to you by tomorrow,” I shut my eyes close and shook my head. I pressed my
my nails into my palm and opened my eyes, looking at the lamp. The tears were burning behind my eyes and the lump in my throat grew bigger as I bit down on my tongue.
“No-” I cleared my throat.
“- thank you but it’s fine. Aidens mom has a whole art room with every paint and tool I could dream of,” I said quietly.
I cleared my throat again and pressed on my eyes with my fingers, begging for my emotions to just
“How are you? And the others,” I asked with a stronger voice..
“What do you want me to say?” He asked me, his voice was low and dark.
“The truth,”
“What if the truth isn’t any good?” I took a deep breath and smiled a half smile.
“It never is,” I said.
“Mom and dad are fine, going about their lives as if nothing happened. Me and the guys haven’t spoken to them since your wedding. Nick and Noah are pissed, so am I. Nick is putting his anger into fighting and nearly killed a guy yesterday. Noah is sleeping his way through the pack and I’m just,” Edmund
“I’m just wondering what the f*ck happened,” he said and let out an exaggerated breath.
“I wanna see you,” he said. One tear fell but I wiped it away just as quick. The others were piling up and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold them down.
“Me too, come visit,” I said. Edmund grew silent again.
This time the silence felt suffocating, I wanted to see him, hug him and be with them again. My heart was clenching in my chest and for each passing second that he didn’t speak, it felt like a piece of my heart
“We’re not allowed to.” He growled.
“But don’t worry, Gabby. We’re trying to figure something out.”
We hung up and I took a deep shaky breath as I clenched my fingers around my phone.
I looked up and saw Cassy sitting on the edge of the table.
Her eyes were on the floor but I knew she had heard the conversation, or at least part of it.
She raised her head and looked at me, a dead serious look on her face.
“Teach me to paint.” She said and raised her head
“You don’t have too-”
11:32 Tue, Ma
“I want to.” She said, cutting me of mid sentence.
“You heard that, didn’t you?” I asked and looked at her too see the truth incase she wouldn’t speak it.
“I did, some of it, we don’t have to talk about it,” she said and smiled.
We walked to the room of my dreams and the second I stepped foot inside it was like my soul was at
“Holy shit,” she gasped and looked at everything that was around us.
“Did you say this was Marie’s room?” She asked and I nodded my head. I picked out all of the things we needed and put up two empty canvases on the stands.
“Here you go,” I handed her a tray and placed brushed on a little table next to her.
The smile on Cassy’s face as she painted was surreal. She looked content, like how I felt when I painted. Nobody had any expectations of you and you could just stroke the brush across the white canvas and create beauty. Your beauty, nobody else’s.
“How’s this?” She asked me after we had painted for about an hour. I stepped around and looked at her vase with flowers sticking out in different colors.
“It’s great,” I said in glee.
“Really?” She said happily and stepped around tog look at mine. Her eyes flew up and she glared at
“My painting is shit,” she said and sighed.
I couldn’t help but too laugh.
“No it’s not, it’s beautiful. Keep in mind that I’ve painted since I was five,” I said and titled my head to
the side.
Cassy looked at her phone.
“It’s six o’clock,” she said and I nodded my head.
“Do you need to get home?” I honestly hoped she would say no which surprised me, I normally didn’t like being with people. Especially not the ones that were getting closer by the minute.
“No, I’m staying for dinner, remember?” She said and grinned.
We went back to the game room and picked up the pool cues. It felt nice having a friend, I just had to get to know her more and see that could trust her.
“Do you wanna do something tonight?” She asked and bit down on her tongue, a little devish grin are on her face and her eyes hooded.
11:32 Tue, May 21 GNO
“What do you have in mind?”
“There’s a club in the neighboring town, there’s music, booze and a lot or
“You wanna go to a party?” I asked.
“Not so much a party as a club. It’s mostly frequented by humans, sometimes werewolves from our
o say. pack or another will go there,” I looked at her warily but couldn’t bring myself to say what I wanted to
“It’s safe, Gabby,”
“I’ve never been to a club or even had a sip of alcohol,” I said. Cassy made an O’shape with her mo
and nodded her head.
“I understand, we don’t have to go if you want to. just figured it might be time for you to do something of your own choosing. Besides, werewolves don’t get drunk. Or well we do but it takes a lot so it rarely ever happens,” she shrugged a shoulder and started rubbing the cue tip with some chalk.
“It could be fun,” I thought about it for a while and honestly, if I was going to be stuck here, I might as well do something for myself..
“I’m in,” i said and looked at her. Cassy’s eyes widened.
“I did not think you would say yes. This is great!” Her arms flung up and a big smile plastered on her face, showing of her white teeth.
“After dinner we’ll get ready and then head out,”
“And you can borrow a dress from me,” i said and smiled from ear to ear. I had always wanted a friend. to do these things with. I imagined having a girlfriend, getting ready and cute together and then heading out shopping or partying.
Cassy winced.
“I don’t know, your taste is pretty expensive, what if I spill something on the dress?” She asked and
looked a little worried.
“We throw it out and buy another one. It’s my parents money, I don’t care if they go bankrupt,” I said. honestly and set up the balls.
I could feel her eyes on me, looking with pity or maybe even some judgment but if I wanted to trust her, I too had to be honest.
I slowly lifted my head and locked eyes with her, I straightened my back and waited for a comment.
“I break,” she said and grinned. My shoulders slumped in relief and I stepped to the side.
We had played a full game and Cassy was down to the last ball. She set up the cue and it went in right
11:32 Tue, May 21 G
“You don’t really play games, do you,” she said and pushed her hip out.
“Don’t get cocky,” I said and smirked.
“But no, I don’t. My parents said that games such as these were for boys. Girls should paint and play the piano, dance, you know crap like that,” I said and scoffed.
“Your relationship with your parents, it’s a little edgy isn’t it?” She asked and I heard in her voice how careful s
she was trying to be. It was a sensitive subject and one that not many knew of.
“My parents care a lot about image and keeping things pretty and perfect. Whereas I wanted to have fun, go on adventures and live, they wanted me to stay a good, obidient, little girl.” I said honestly.
“What about your brothers?”
“My oldest brother is the future Alpha of the pack so it was pretty strict for him to maintain a good image. The other two are loose cannons who create problems wherever they go, but I love them all to death,” I said and laughed.
“Do you miss them?” Her eyes cast down on the pool cue that she was placing away.
“Every da*n day,” I said and placed the pool cue in its holder.
An Omega came and told us that dinner was ready so we went into the dining room and sat down. It was only us and Marie which felt nice.
“How was the tour?” She asked with a bright smile.
“It was good, I learned a lot,” I said and left out how I also got a one-on-one briefing of the pack members.
“I’m glad. Do you girls have any plans for tonight?” stiffed and thought about what she would think of me going to a party. My parents would never allow it and now I was married to the Alpha.
“We were thinking of maybe heading into the neighboring town and going to a club,” I said cautiously and watched her to see her reaction. Marie’s smile grew twice the size.
“That sounds like a great idea,” she said and smiled softly and a little proudly. I looked at Cassy with a shock ridden look and she smiled from ear to ear. I guess we were going clubbing tonight.

We got ready. Cassy let me do her makeup and she borrowed a dress from me. One I told her to keep when I saw that it looked better on her. I couldn’t wear it now when it clearly had her name written on it.
Me, I put on a black mini dress with spaghetti straps and black heels.
We got in the car and Cassy drove of. I started drawing circles with my hand on my stomach.
“Are you okay?” She asked and glanced down on my hand.
“I’m just a little queasy, maybe this isn’t a good idea,” I said and shrunk in the seat.
For some reason I had this weird feeling about leaving the pack. Something was up but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.
“Here we are,” she said and parked the car. She looked at me warily and smiled softly.
“We don’t have to, we can go home if you want.” I shook my head and opened the door.
“No, let’s do this,” I had never been clubbing and i wanted to go at least once before i gained my wolf.
The club was lit up with a blue neon sign and an arrow pointing down to the entrance. There was a guard outside checking id’s and we took ours out.
I showed my ID and he handed it back to me while shaking his head.
“Sorry, this a twenty and over club,” I looked at Cassy who placed her hand on the mans arm.
“She’s fine,” she said and I saw her eyes glowing as her wolf stepped forward. My eyes widened, we weren’t allowed to show what we were and defenitely not allowed to show our wolves. The man nodded his head and pulled the rope away, letting us in.
She grinned and spoke in my ear as we walked inside the nightclub.
“He’s one of us,” she said. That made sense but why was he a guard outside a nightclub?
The entire club was foggy, the lights lit up in different colors in sync with the music.
People were dancing, rubbing their bodies together on the dance floor and drinking at the bar.
You couldn’t even hear yourself think over the music. This was perfect.
Cassy dragged me over to the bar and ordered us two shots and one drink each.
We cheered and chugged it all down in a minute.
11:33 Tue, May
We ordered more drinks and more shots. It took a lot for a werewolf to feel anything, even when your didn’t have your wolf yet.
We chugged three more shots and two drinks before taking a beat.
“So, truthfully, now that you have a little liquor in your system, how do you really feel about being married?” She asked as we sat by the bar.
“What do you want me to answer in order for you to stop asking me?” I said and tilted my head to the side with a raised brow.
“The truth,”
“One more round please!” I screamed to the bartender who refilled our shot glasses.
“I’m married,” I said and drank a shot….
“It’s a done deal,” I said and drank another. I lifted the third shot and smiled.
“Nothing I feel or say will change that.” I said and drowned the last shot. Cassy shook her head. She pouted her lips and lifted her shot glass, she shot me over her second one and I lifted it.
“Cheers, let’s make it better than it is,” she said and I stopped for a second to think about what she
had said.
“Cheers to that,” I said and we chugged the shots!
We went out on the dance floor and it was safe to say that we danced our hearts out. We danced as though no one was watching and everything in the world was exactly as it should, we were in the moment and it felt amazing. This was the first time, from what I could remember, that I had genuine fun with a real friend. Someone who wasn’t just using me. Cassy genuinely wanted to show me a good time.
“Woho!” She shouted and tossed her arms up in the air. I laughed and I could feel my eyes sparkling as I looked at her closing her eyes and tossing her head back..
Cassy’s eyes opened quickly and her lips made on O’shape as she bumped into someone.
“I’m sorry-” she said but then stoped, gazing into the eyes of the handsome stranger who had caught.
her attention.
“No problem at all,” he said with a glint in his eye and a smile on his lips.
“Can I dance with you?” He asked her softly. Cas* looked over her shoulder and glanced at me.
I nodded my head with a wide smile.
“Sure,” She wrapped here hands around his neck and started moving her hips. His hands were on her waist and lowered an inch as she began moving toward him. I looked away, feeling like things were about to happen that I shouldn’t stare at.
Tue, May 21
~Aiden’s POV,
We were in the car, heading back home. Sam was in my lap, writhing and kissing my neck. All the while I had this weird feeling in my gut. It started at the party, we were having a blast but something felt off.
We reached the house and I was dropped off. The others went back to their places and Sam headed
home as well.
I walked into the pack house and in search for my parents.
“Honey, you’re back. How was the party?” my mom asked an
smiled as she put down the book she
was reading.
“It was good, how has everything been here?” I asked and looked around. That wasn’t the question I wanted to ask but it was the one I went with. What I really wanted to know was where the f8ck Gabriella was because all I could smell was the faintest hint of her, which meant that wasn’t here.
“It’s been good,” she said and raised her head. My mother knew what answers I wanted. I rose and brow and pushed my chest out.
“Where is she?” I asked in a monotone voice.
“Gabriella went to a club in the neighboring town with her friend.” She said and awaited my reaction. My jaw clicked and I ground my teeth together.
“You let her leave the pack?”
“She’s your wife, not your prisoner.” She said and narrowed her eyes.
“*uck.” I turned around and stormed out of the house.
I got in the car and the engine roared to life. I pressed down on the gass and the car flew down the driveway and toward the borders.
The music was blasting and everyone was pressing their bodies together as they danced. How the f*ck wa I supposed to find her here?
I leaned my hands on the rail and looked down over the dance floor. I closed my eyes and tried to smell her.
When I opened them up again, there she was, dancing on the floor, with a guy standing behind her. I saw as she swayed her hips, her eyes were closed and her hands reached up toward the roof.
My wolf stepped forth and my claws extended as made my way downstairs.
He was pressing his body against her back. His hands caressed and graced her and she was smiling, laughing with her eyes closed as she danced closer to him.
My chest rumbled as I growled and I walked faster. I had tunnel vision, the only thing I could see
11.33 Tue, May 21 GN.
amongst all the bodies and flashing lights was him, touching her.
I grabbed his shoulder and pulled back. He was human so it didn’t take much to have him fi and landing on the floor. I heard Gabby’s gasp and people were turning around and watching with eyes. She stood with widened eyes and stared between me and the guy who was on the floor.
“She’s mine.” I growled and the guy flew up on his feet and walked toward me.
“Wanna bet?” He said and raised his fist..
it still. I s
I raised my hand, curling my fingers around his and holding the shock that covered his face and the twinkle of fear in his eyes.
“Already made one of those, don’t need another one.” I said and twisted his arm til I heard a crack and
he screamed.
“Aiden!” Her hand came down on my arm. Her small, delicate hand, her touch somehow making my whole body tense and then relax as though all the burdens had been lifted.
What the f*ck was this?
“We’re leaving.” I said and grabbed her hand, pulling her after me through the club.
“Wait-Cassy!” She screamed and turned around.
“Leave her.”
“No, let go of my hand!”
“Let go of me, Aiden!” I could barely hear her, the only thing on my mind was how badly I wanted to turn around and kill that f*cker. I had let him of easy with a broken arm. He touched her.
“I SAID NO!” Her voice boomed loudly over the music. I stopped and turned around. She pulled her hand free and glared at me, a fierce fire in those eyes, lighting them up even more. Her cheeks were flustered and she was heaving.
“I’m not leaving without her.” She seethed and just as I and say
as about to open my i something that would’ve surely made me sound like a d*ck, Cassy came running up to us.
“Hi,” She said and looked at me. How much had they had to drink? They were both tipsy, werewolves didn’t get affected by alcohol easily.
“Let’s go.” I said.

We were driving back to the back in silence. Gabby was sitting next to me with her arms crossed over her chest, slowly troking arm and looking out of the window.
Cassy opened the door, thanked for the ride and got out as I stopped outside her house. Gabby opened her door quickly and went out to give her a hug and they said something incoherent and I didn’t want to listen in. I just wanted to get home. Every little thing that was keeping me from getting Gabby inside the house was pissing me off further.
We drove up and I stopped the car outside the house. It was dark and everyone had gone of to bed.
We walked up the stairs and neither one of us said a word.
“Hi, there. How was your night?” My mom came out into the hallway just as we reached the top of the stairs. She was dressed in her nightgown with a morning robe tied around her. Had she been waiting up? She was always asleep by now.
“It was…good,” Gabby said warily and smiled. That smile, the fakest smile I had ever seen but she had perfected it, so much was certain. I could see past it now though, I couldn’t before but now I did. I had seen her real smile, once, with Cassy. I wondered how long she had been wearing that smile for and if anyone else noticed.
‘Don’t bet on it. We both know how much you love betting’
Shut it
“And your night, Aiden, How was it?”
“It was fine, mom. We’ll talk tomorrow,” I walked to the room, Gabby stood still for a moment, saying goodnight to my mom before walking over.
“Hello, lover-” Sam was spread out on the bed in a skimpy thong and barely covering bra.
I walked in, scanning her body and thinking about how good it would be to f*ck her right now but suddenly it shifted, in the blink of an eye and I wanted her out.
“Get out.” I said and untied my tie and began unbuttoning my shirt. Her eyes fell and she glared at me in dissbelief. Sam didn’t take ‘no’ for an asnwer, she never had. Whatever she wanted, she always got, one way or another. That was also the reason why I had told Gabby to stay of her radar but I knew better then to belive she’d listen.
“Why? So you can have her in the bed?” She asked and narrowed her eyes on Gabby.
“Why don’t you just give that whore to a human and we-”
11:33 Tue, May 21
“I said get out! I’m tired.” I said and looked at her. Her head fell and she tied her robe around herself. She’d have to get back in her car and drive home, to which I couldn’t give a single f*ck.
Sam walked out but not before giving Gabby a death glare. I smirked, knowing she was pissed as f*ck but also because something about how Gabby reacted was quite amusing. She didn’t wince, at all, sh glared back and rose a brow as Ashely passed her.
“Charming,” she said under her breath when the door closed. I pretended as though I hadn’t her and hung up the shirt.
an unbuttoning her cardigan as walked past me and into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it. I heard the shower being turned on and decided to just get into bed. I looked at the closed door. She never changed her clothes in the room, she always hid away. And her clothes, she had a bunch of skimpy dresses and tops, the kind that makes you hard just thinking about her in them but she always other stuff on as well. Gabby never really showed much skin and I was starting to belive that it couldn’t be all prudish behaviour.
-Gabby’s POV~
The shower was getting warm and the glass walls were steaming up. I got undressed and tossed everything in the hamper. Tonight had been like a blur. For a moment, on the dance floor with Cassy, I felt liberated and free. When I danced it was like I didn’t have a care in the world. The music drowned out my thoughts and fears and I was just…living.
Then Aiden showed up, how had he even known where we were? He broke the guys arm but in retrospect, I was a married woman, I shouldn’t have dancing with another guy.
Married, I was married.
“Holy shit.” I breathed and looked at my reflection.
I saw it on my shoulder, the permanent reminder of the life that had been. I turned an inch, the scar that went from over the top of my shoulder down to my shoulderblade. If I turned more I would see the rest of them, so I didn’t. My cardigan laid on the floor and the dress was beside it. I had seen other girls in theses dresses, the speghetti straps and open backs and they all looked so gorgeous. They didn’t have to
I got in the shower and allowed the warm water to wash over me and relax my bones. Cassy had been so great tonight. I had more fun tonight then I could ever remember having.
Aiden was laying in bed, his eyes darting over the screen on the tv.
I was in my pjs and climbed into the bed. It felt unnatural. I wanted to sleep alone, Sam could come back and sleep with Aiden, she could have him, all of him..
“Don’t do that again.” He said. His first words to me since we got in the car at the club.
“Do what?”
“Leave without saying a word.”
“I’m not allowed to leave the pack?” I asked in shock.
“Not without letting me know where you’re going, you don’t know this place.”
“I was with Cassy, she knows this place well enough for the both of us,” I said and pulled the covers
up higher.
“I dont give a shit about Cassy. Leave like this one more time and I’ll make it so that you can’t ever leave again.”
“Are you
you being serious right now? You don’t own me.” I spat and sat up in the bed.
“You’re my wife, I am your husband. I might not own you but you’re mine, you belong to me and it is my job to keep you safe. I can’t do that if you’re out there doing god knows what and I have no f*cking clue where to go if something were to happen.”
I didnt answer him because I didn’t know what to say. It sounded like he was coming from a good place but his words were twisted in knots. I couldn’t make sense of them, or him.
“And one more thing-” he said and turned of the ty. He turned and faced me, his eyes boring into mine and a little tug on his lips as he leaned closer. He brought all of his walls down, letting me see all of him, so that I would know that his next words weren’t a threat, but a promise.
“-If I ever see you that close to another man again, I’ll kill him.” He said and turned of the bedside lamp.
My heart picked up speed, not because I was scared or nervous but because I could see it in his eyes, he wasn’t joking.
Why would he even care? He didn’t want me, I didn’t want him, so why did he care? Was it becuase of his image as Alpha? It had to be, that was the only logical reason.
Morning came and I hadn’t slept at all. I was exhausted from the moment I opened my eyes. Aden was still in bed as well, his arm covered his eyes and his chest rose slowly with every breath.
I looked around the room, wondering when this would all start to feel normal.
breakfast had been put out downstairs and I was eager to eat.
“Hi again,” Cole said.
“Heard you were on an adventure last night.” He said and smirked.
“Heard you were on one as well,” I said and put a strawberry in my mouth.
“Me, not so much. But your husband and his girlfriend got pretty hot and heavy in-”
11:33 Tue, May
“ENOUGH!” jumped in my seat and so did Cole. His head fell and he looked down at the table. It was Marie who had spoken. Everyone turned their heads, her eyes were burning and she looked angrily over
everyone but especially Cole who refused to lift his head as it was cast down in shame.
“More talk like that and you can go out and live in the woods for the rest of your time here. Don’t think for a second that I won’t make my last task as the Luna of this pack to rip away your title and tear it to shreds. Blood and heritage means nothing if the man is hot living up to it.” She said and walked up to us. They had just entered the room. Nobody else was here, luckily because i was dying from embarasment
He nodded his head quickly.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
The tension was thick but if it were even possible, I now liked Marie more then ever. She was strong, powerful, fierce and elegant all at once.
I hand never seen that combination before, not even from my own mother who held the same rank that Marie did.
In fact, I hadn’t ever seen in it in any Luna that I had met.
Aiden walked in and behind him everyone else started pouring in as well. They all grabbed food and took their seats as they began talking.
I was looking over their heads and toward the entrance, waiting for Cassy to show up. When she did, I
I could feel my foolish smile double in size as I waved her over but she shook her head and winked.
“Don’t-” Aiden Said.
“She’s not a ranked member, she can’t sit here.” He said.
“Oh,” I said and grabbed my plate.
“Talk to you later then.” I pushed back my chair and went over to Cassy. Everyone turned their heads. and followed my movements, some seemed baffled by the gesture but if I had to choose between sitting with my friend and sitting with people I didn’t really like would choose her.
A shadow covered me and I felt someone standing close behind. He groaned and leaned down, picking up my plate as well as Cassy’s.
He walked back up to the table and placed them down, pulling out my chair for me and waiting.
I looked at her and she was shocked.
“Thank you,” I said to Aiden and sat down. Cassy was next to me and I could tell she felt awkward.
But hopefully, she would grow to feel accustomed to this. I wanted her here.
And I had to keep reminding myself that this was my home now, even if it didn’t feel like it at all.
The others glared and the envy in peoples judgy looks were hard to miss but I tried to shrug it off and
that Cassy would too.
“Any plans for the day?” Marie asked and looked between me and Cassy. She smiled softly and I wondered how she could do that.
Go from angry to beaming in a few minutes.
“Not that I know of but maybe-” My phone rang I apologized as I picked it out of my pocket.
My moms name lit up on the screen and I clenched my jaw.
“Excuse me,” I said and got up.
I walked out of the dining hall and then out of the house. I didn’t want anyone to be able to listen in on the conversation I was about to have with her.
“Hello?” I said as I answered. I was walking around the house, thourgh the big greenery and the flowers that painted the way.
“Hi, honey! I’m so glad to hear you voice, how is everything going?” She asked giddily. As if actually asking her daughter how marriage to a stranger was so far.
“It’s been fine,”
“I knew it would be, you two will have a good life together. Have you consummated the marriage yet?” She asked and I blushed for some reason but really what I wanted to do was flip out on her and throw the phone against a tree.
“No, mom. We haven’t.” I seethed.
“Oh, honey, you’re going to have to put out, you’re his wife now. It is your job to make him happy,”
“Trust me, he has people that make him happy. Happniess was never part of the arrangement.”
“Gabby-” She said and her voice went down to a stiller, sterner tone.
“-It is important for all of us that this works. People need to know that the marriage is successful and you are happy. They need to believe it. You will do whatever it takes to be a good wife,”
that you
“And if he isn’t a good husband?”
“We can’t all get what we want in life,” she said with an exaggerated sigh.
“Your father wanted to speak to you as well but he had to leave for some business,”
11:33 Tue, May 21
“How are the boys?” I asked. They were the only ones I cared about.
“They don’t talk much and are mostly out doing their own thing. They will come around eventually,” she said in a monotone voice.
“Uhu, are they happy?” I asked.
“I belive so, what else could they possibly need?” Their sister, I thought to myself.
“I have to go, bye mom,”
“Wait one more thing, we were all thinking of coming to visit sometime next week. What day will be
“None of them. You are not coming here, this is done, I’m married and I have to stay here but that doesn’t mean I have to have you anywhere near me.” She laughed and the laugh sent shivers down my spine.
“Darling, we need to make sure that things are going smoothly and that the alliance is as it should. We are coming and you will greet us with poise,”
“Or what? You’ll marry me off to someone else?”
“Don’t you take that tone with me.” My whole body froze as she seethed. She was getting angry and If I had been home, I knew exactly what would’ve happened.
“Goodbye, sweetheart,” I hung up and inhaled a deep breath. I let it fill my lungs before exhaling
I shook my head, I couldn’t believe the conversation we’d had. I expected for this marriage to at least keep me far away from my parents but no, they were inviting themselves. If anything good were to come out of this, it was that I would see my brothers.
I turned around, my fingers clutching onto my phone so hard that my knuckles turned white and then my heart stopped. Aiden stood by the corner of the house. No one else had been around and I hadn’t noticed him coming out here.
His eyes were holding mine captive, I gulped as he pushed his chest out and rolled back his shoulders.
I shook it off, rolled back my shoulders and straightened my back. We held eye contact all
until I stood next to him.
the way
“Easedropping is a very bad habit, Alpha.” I said and stepped around him. As I was about to walk back to the house he grabbed my arm and leaned down, his lips were close to my ear and I felt his warm breath

“Hey, is everything alright?” Cassy asked when she met up with us in the hallway.
Aiden walked straight past her and behind the stairs. His father stepped out from the dining hall and his eyes locked with mine before he followed his son:
“Everything is fine,” I said and smiled.
She didn’t believe me and I probably wouldn’t have either. I had gotten less and less convincing with my lies and it was something that bothered me.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” She asked and smiled a half smile.
“Yeah, why not,”
We walked down the park and toward the town. The movement was getting more and more as everyone started walking to school and work.
“Do you want to share what it is that is bothering you?” She asked and looked ahead.
“What do you mean?”
“The phone call, Aiden, all of it and also the fact that you’re clenching your teeth so hard that I’m surprised they’re not turning to dust,” now that she mentioned it my jaw was hurting from all the clenching.
“The phone call was my mom,”
“Oh, that’s great,” I turned my head and glared.
“I know you listened in on the phone call I had with my brother the other day,” I said and she nodded
her head.
“So, what did she say?”
“That they’re coming to visit, her and my dad and probably my brothers,”
“And how do you feel about that?”
“Like I want to run away, as far as I can without turning back.” I asnwered honestly.
“You’re relationshop isn’t great, huh?”
“Not even a little. My parents are…special. They don’t really love, they love their money and their power unconditionally but their love for me is dependent on wether or not I do as they say. It’s always been.
and if I submitted and acted the sweet little obient girl
like that. If I did something wrong, I’d get !
they wanted me to be, they were extatic,”
“Gabby,” She said and grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop..
“Do you want to be married to Aiden?”
“Would you be happy if, before you even gained your wolf and found your mate, you were married of to a complete stranger, a man who doesn’t want you and already has someone else? To be a chess piece in a game that you’re not even a part of, all for money and power?”
“I’m….I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” I shrugged my shoulders and continue walking.
“Nobody does, nobody’s supposed to,”
“So nobody knows?”
“Only my family,”
“And now me,”
“I’m assuming, or rather hoping, that you’ll keep it to yourself,” I said and looked her deep in the eyes. If she answered me now and she lied, I’d see it.
“Of course,” she said and she meant it. Thank god.
We walked into town and into a clothing store.
“Ugh, look at this beauty,” Cassy said in awe and dragged her fingers over the black satin.
“Buy it,” I said and looked around at the other dresses and shirts. She rose a brow and tilted her hip
“Not all of us can just pull out our card and buy anything we want,”
“Fine, I’ll buy it for you,” I said and shrugged my shoulders.
“It’s eight-hundred dollars,” she said and let go of the dress.
“So?” I went over to grab the dress but Cassy’s fingers circled around may wrist and stopped me from reaching for it.
“Don’t. I don’t want you to buy me things. I have a job and one day when I save up enough money I’ll come back and buy it. You’re not a bank or a credit card, Gabby, you’re my friend,” she let go of my hand and it fell to my side, Memories flooded my mind and I suddenly realized that this was the first time someone had declined that offer. Never had it happened before that people didn’t let me buy them stuff. In fact they asked for it, often and when I would offer it they would jump on it.
“Alright,” I said and backed away.
Why was that always my initial reaction? To just buy whatever people wanted. In a way, it was all knew, that was how affection looked to me. It was how my parents showed me love, by buying me things.
It was a behavior I needed to work on, I didn’t want to be that person who isn’t able to express emotion in any other way. What if, one day, I have kids and I show them the same type of love that my parents showed me? The thought alone gave me chills and made me nauseated.
“Well well, if it isn’t the princess and her laky,” Sam mused as she walked in with her arms crossed over her chest and her hips swaying in overly dramatic movements.
She barely had any hips so maybe that’s why she felt the need to breather back swaying them left and right. It was like a hypnosis clock.
“Can we help you?” I asked and stepped toward her.
“Yes, you can take your nasty little attitude and skip your way out of this f*cking pack and Aidens life. I think we’d all feel much better about that actually.”
“I wouldn’t,” Cassy said and shrugged a shoulder as she looked between me and the girls.
“Without Gabby here there’d be no one to balance out your psychotic bitchiness,” She said and Sam glared with a fire in her eyes.
“You piece of-”
“Is everything alright in here?” A woman came to us with her hands clapped in front of her. She was wearing a big bedjewled necklace and bright pink lipstick.
“Everyting is great,” I said and smiled.
“It’s a pleasure to have you in my store, I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to meet you, Luna,” oh shit, that really, visibly, stung in Sam’s eyes and she was taken aback. Her hands dropped to her sides and her friends were watching warily as they took a step back.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said and reached out my hand.
The woman shook it and smiled, showing of her pearl white teeth. The girls scoffed and some little. whines were heard before they turned around and stormed out of the store.
“I’m Therese-” She said and extended her arms.
“-And this is my store. And don’t you worry about the girls, not that you do, I can sense they might bel the ones who should worry about you,” she said and lowered her head.
“Is that so,” I said and narrowed my eyes.
“I’m a werewolf, as you are, but my mother was a witch, a powerful one at that. I don’t have any magical powers but my intuition is from her and it is strong,”
“That’s interesting, how your parents weren’t the same species,” She slapped with her hand in the air.
mix ha
happens all the time only people don’t talk much about it. Many don’t view werewolves from bloodlines as anything more than Omegas or less. Now, can I help you find anything?” I le around the store.
“No, we’ll just have a look around,”
“Very well, I’ll be in the back if you need me and oh-” she said and rose her head.
“Samantha might not be a threat to you but be wary of your surroundings, I do sense something dark around you, a threat of sorts. Samantha in herself is no danger at all but you never know the lengths a person will go to to get what they want,”
“Aiden,” I said and nodded my head. Her dark eyes lightened up and she smiled once more.
“Look around and see if there’s anything you like,” she said.
Me and Cassy had a little fashion show. We tried on shirts, skrits, shoes, pants and dresses and hats. We were alone in the store so we could goof around as much as we wanted and we didn’t stop until our stomachs started growling. We looked at the clock and saw that it was lunch time.
“You look like a flamingo!” She said when I walked out in the last dress. It was pink and big with ruffles and on my head was a bright pink hat with feathers sticking out in different directions.
We walked up to the cash register and rang the bell.
Therese came out and rang up our things. Cassy bought a shirt and a pair of sun glasses and I had bought a pair of leather pants.
But suddenly she also pulled up a black bag from behind the counter and placed it with our things.
“I’m sorry, what’s that?” I asked.
“Oh, just a little gift from me to you, Cassandra,” she said and gave us the receipt.
Cassy pulled down the zipper and gawked at the black satin fabric.
“I can’t accept this. Did you-”
“I didn’t do anything, I’ve been with you the entire time,” I said and raised my hands.
“It’s from you?” She asked Therese.
“If this dress wasn’t made for you it wouldn’t have been made at all, I see you in it, it is yours,” She said happily.
“I can’t-”

11:34 Tue, May 21
“Just take it, child. I don’t want anyone else to have it, you’re a good person and Gabriella, she really Keep her close,” she said, almsot answering a question that had been bugging me forever.
Is Cassy my friend for real?’
I guess I had my answer now.
The bell over the door rang as it opened and we all turned our heads.
“Alpha, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Therese asked and bowed her head.
“Pleassure to see you again, Therese, I must speak with my wife,” He said, his eyes boring deeply into
He walked over to me. Two large men behind him, warriors, and they stepped inside as well.
“Gabby, I’m sorry but I wasn’t succecful in doing do what you asked,” I drew in a deep breath and held it. When I finally exhaled it felt like fire was coming out and ice filled my veins.
“They’re coming?” I asked him.

I didn’t get any sleep, none at all. I had laid awake the entire night just staring up at ceiling or onto the wall, thinking about what today would bring.
My parents would soon arrive, in just
a few hours. It was six in the morning and everyone was waking
I walked into the bathroom and saw my dull eyes and pale skin. Whenever I didn’t sleep, I looked like crap but it would have to do. I applied some makeup and put on my clothes.
Downstairs everyone was getting ready for breakfast and they were sitting down. The former Alpha and Luna were sitting in their places and I went to sit with them. Luckily no one else from our table had arrived.
“Sleep well?” Marie asked me. Did I lie and say yes or was I going to be honest?
“Yes,” apparently lie.
“You know, makeup covers around the eyes, not in them,” she said and rose a brow.
“I’m nervous,” I said quietly.
“Nervous?” No, not nervous.
“I’m scared,” She nodded her head and placed her hand over mine. Her face took on a much more serious expression and she squeased my hand.
“We will not leave your side for even a second if that is what you wish,” she said and looked at me to make sure I understood.
I shook it of and smiled, feeling the walls coming up and regretting that I even spoke in the first place.
“It’s fine, everything will be alright. And I really am excited to meet my brothers,”
Her hand mvoed from my own as she looked at me confusedly. Her husband had a much more pittying look.
“Didn’t Aiden tell you?” He asked me.
“Tell me what?”
“Your brothers aren’t coming, only your parents are,” no…
My stomach twisted in knots as he had spoken those words.
My appetite, or the little it was, completely vanished and I pushed away the plate.
The chair next to mine was pulled out and Aiden sat down.
“I didn’t hear you wake up,” he said and poured coffee into his cúp.
“I left early,” I said.
“You’re not gonna eat?” He asked me and looked at my plate.
“My brothers aren’t coming, but you already knew that,” he stiffened next to me and clenched his jaw.
“I felt like one piece of bad news was enough yesterday,”
“I need some air.” I pushed back the chair but was pulled right back in. The plate was dragged back in front of me and Aiden looked sternly into my eyes.
‘t know! “Eat. You’ll need the strength for when they come. What would he know about that? He didn’t my parents or my relationship with them. All he knew was what he had overheard on the phone call.
“No thanks.” I pushed the chair out again and heard his growl behind me as I left. I heard the chair being pushed out harshly and Aidens name being yelled out by his mother.
The fresh air was like a slap to the face as I got out. I walked with fast steps down the pathway. I went behind the house, hoping it would be completely empty of people which luickily it was.
When I saw a little grove by the edge of the park, nearly ran there. Not a single person in sight and no sound except for the ones from nature.
I walked in between the trees and closed my eyes as I leaned my head back and let the sun warm my face. Just as I was about to inhale and fill my lungs with air I was pulled back and slammed against a tree.
“How dare you defy me.” He growled, his eyes glowing and his Alpha aura radiating from his entire
“Defy you? I thought you were my husband.” I seethed.
He looked taken aback and released some of the pressure caused by his strong hold.
“We both know that this is no more than an agreement. I’m stuck with you as much as you are stuck
do as l with me so hereon forth, these are the rules. When in public, you do not defy me and you will always say. Also, I didn’t tell you about your brothers because I knew you’d throw a fit so better you found out today where there wasn’t much you could do about it.” He stepped back, rose his head and masked any and all emotions he had.
I drew in a double breath, unable to comprehend what the hell just happened. He was a monster. That was all he was. Craving power and fame, he already had his mate, I was just a means to an end that he had to endure. Just as he was to me.
of people.
‘And it’s all your fault. All because you can’t keep your f*cking mouth shut’
Shut up
‘No. I’ve been quiet long enough but I warned you, I warned you the second that this deal was made and when he came to the pack. I WARNED YOU!’ I grabbed onto my head and ground me teeth tighter from the loud thumps in my head.
He was pissed and I couldn’t blame him. What was I doing?
‘You’re betting, you’re betting on someone else’s heart’
She’s a spoiled princess with no redeeming value
“You keep saying this shit but i’m still waiting for the da
that you’ll actually start to belive it yourself
I wanted to turn around, too look back but I couldn’t. When I was rounding the house I caught a glimpse of her small frame, slumped down on the ground with her face buried in her hands.
What had I done?
Everyone was running around to prepare for the Alpha couples arrival. I didn’t want to see them anymore then she did but i wanted to hear their story. I wanted to learn about them to see what it was that made her so opposed to meeting them. That was why hadn’t called them to cancel. I wanted them here and I wanted answers that I knew she’d never give me.
~Gabby’s POV~
I was sitting on the ground, the tears wouldn’t stop pouring out and I was sobbing as I sat there alone.
This pain I felt, I couldn’t explain it nor could I think of another instance where I had felt it before..
It was weird, it was as though he had driven a knife through my heart and cut it into a milion tiny pieces. But why did his words have such an affect on me?
My phone rang and I held my breath as I expected to see my moms name light up the screen but luckily it didn’t.
“Edmund!” I squealed and wiped my tears. I bit back the sobs and tried my best to sound normal.
“Hey, sis. How are you?”
“I’m fine, it’s all good, how are you?” Hearing his voice was like a cure to the pain and at the same made it worse.
“Gabriella-” His voice turned hard.
“-You’re crying. Why?” He asked.
“No, no I’m fine.”
“When did we start lying to each other?” He asked, his voice growing softer which only edged on the tears. I missed them all so much.
“Why aren’t you coming?” i asked and heard him sighing on the other line.
“Gabby, I’m sorry but dad ordered us to stay,”
‘Because he’s a d*ck.” I scoffed and nodded my head in aggreance.
“I really wished you guys were coming,”
“So do we, but now tell me, why are you crying?” shrugged my shoudlers, knowing he couldn’t see it but he knew my tells.
“Everything is just a mess, Ed, it’s all too hard and too much and I don’t know how to handle it.” He went silent for a while but when he spoke, I could hear the seriousness in his voice.
“You handle it like you’ve handled everything else in your life. By holding your head high, not letting anyone walk over you and keeping true to yourself. You never bended to mom or dads opinion, you always did what you believed was right fro yourself. This is a different occasion but it doesn’t mean that it requires a different solution. You being yourself will get your through this, at least until we find a way to get you the *uck out of there,” My heart stopped.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“We’ve been looking for ways to get
away from there and to somewhere where neither they nor
mom and dad can find you. Somewhere where you’ll be safe and can make your own choices. Where your can live a free life.”
That all sounded amazing, but also to good to be true.
“How is he treating you?” Edmund asked.
“As well as someone who got trapped in a marriage with somebody they don’t love possibly could,” I said and chuckled.
I “Is he mean to you?” He asked and I didn’t want them to know anything. I didn’t want them to worry.
“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” I heaved a sigh and shook my head.
“Just continue working on the plan and let me know when you’re done,”
“Will do. We’re gonna get it done as soon as possible but until then, stay safe and never, for even a second, forget who you are.”
“I love you guys,”
“We love you too, sis,”
We hung up and I wiped my tears but only more of them came.
I looked up when I heard the crack of a branch and looked at Cassy.
I was about to stand but she placed her hand on my shoulder, her eyes soft and hooded as she gazed into mine, her hand putting preassure and keeping me down. She then came and sat down beside me. Her arms circled around my shoulders and she pulled me in close.
The sobs began again, hard and fast as I clammed onto her. She didn’t speak, she didn’t ask me what. was wrong or try to fix it. She just existed, she was just there and I had never felt this safe and comforted by anone else, other than my brothers.
I don’t know for how long we sat there but I had cried out completely and filled Cassy in on everything that had just happened.
Only when I heard a car drive up did I look toward the house.
“They’re here,” I said.
“I won’t leave your side,” Cassy said and circled her arm in mine as we walked back.

Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 1-10

CHAPTER 1 Prologue
CHAPTER 1 Prologue
-Unknown POV-
anch My mother had just told me the news. I was standing in the dining room, my father was sitting on a chair with his elbow leaning on the table. My mother had her hand on his shoulder and both of them were giving me nothing short of an ultimatum.
“Sweetheart, the title is yours, you will lead your pack but first you must take a wife,” My mother said and I saw the pleading in her eyes. She tilted her head down slightly and looked up at me with a certain mix of sadness and guilt. But none of that would change her mind.
“Gabriella is from a good family, her father spoke well of her and they do have a certain respect from other packs around the country.” My father said. That was all this was, a good business deal on their end.
“So do we,
we have more respect and more alias than any other pack. I will not be taking a wife,” I seethed.
“It’s not a discussion, son. The deal has been made, she will arrive in two days and the wedding will take place right away.
“She’s a spoiled b*tch who can’t get by without Dady’s money!”
“Language!” My mom scolded and stepped forward. My dad stood up and heaved a sigh.
“This will be good, for all of us. They need this to keep their pack strong and you will become Alpha. It’s a done deal,”
I was in the den, playing pool and thinking about driving the cue tup through my chest. With enough strength, it should be possible.
I placed the cue in its position and narrowed my eyes on the ball. The rage that

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CHAPTER 1 Prologue
had built in me was surging out of my arms, down into my fingertips, and out into the cue tip.
The tip hit the ball and it flew up, over the table, and nearly hit Cole in his face.
“Whoa!” He said and grabbed the ball an inch in front of his face. Too bad, I could’ve used the laugh.
“I’m guessing the meeting wasn’t to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?” He asked and placed the ball down on the table.
“No. It was to talk about the arrangements for my marriage.” His eyes widened a fraction and then the laugh came.
“I’ll shoot the ball again and this time you won’t be able to grab it.” I said and tossed the cue down on the table. It bounced and the balls rolled away.
“I’m sorry but what the hell do you mean with ‘marriage?” He asked.
“They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack,” Cole didn’t even I
attempt to hide his laughter and I hoped he’d choke on it.
“Dude, that spoiled bratty princess?”
“Well d*mn, I hear she’s hot though,”
“Do you think I care? She will do nothing but cause problems and in case you’ve forgotten, I already have a girlfriend.” I said and leaned my palms down against the table.
Cole winced, and for good reason, when Samantha found out about this arrangement, all hell would break loose and I would be the one in the center of the flame. Not just me, but Gabriella as well, probably more so.
“So what, when have you
ever backed down from a challenge?”
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CHAPTER 1 Prologue
“How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?”
“We have all heard the stories. The spoiled princess who is her daddy’s pride. and joy, always gets what she wants and never takes a no for an answer. The challenge is to grab her feet and pull them back down on the ground. Break her, clip her wings so she doesn’t soar in the clouds, you will be her Alpha, make her submit to you.” I tilted my head back, rolled back my shoulders, and listened to what he said. The light from the lamp was flickering, it annoyed the sh*t out of me and I grabbed the cue and lifted it.
“We’ll make it more interesting-” he said and grinned.
-I bet you won’t be able to get it done before the end of the year,”
“I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,” I said and tightened my grip on the pool cue.
“No no, not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly and utterly in love with you by the end of the year,” I clenched my jaw and Cole stared at me, he leaned forward, the dude was an *ssh*I* by a long shot but he was challenging me.
“How much?”
“Ten grand to whoever wins,”
“I get her to fall for me, you give me ten grand?” I said and raised a brow.
“Or you fail, which you will, and you owe me the ten grand.” I leaned forward, he reached out his hand and I grabbed it, squeezing a little harder than necessary and grinning as he groaned from his bones crushing under my grip. It’s important for people to know their place, especially when their ego is as inflated as he was.
The lamp continued to flicker and as I leaned back, I raised the cue and smashed the lightbulb. The glass shards fell down on the table and Cole and I grinned as we both thought about our new game, and the game was arriving in two days.

“Gabby, please look at me,” I was watching my three brothers outside, Edmund jumped in the new Benz that dad bought him for his first car. Nick was swinging his arm around his girlfriend and they walked off and Noah left with his friends. Me? I was being told that I had to marry a man I had never met, one who wasn’t my mate, because my father and the Alpha of the red moon pack decided it was a good idea.
“Sweetheart, (promise you that it is for the best, for all of us,” except me.
He sighed and walked away. The door closed and could finally let the tears fall. They slid down my cheek and I blinked a few times, helping them run faster
When had arranged marriages for the sake of power ever made the couple happy? None that I had ever heard of. My dad found his mate, and so did everyone in our family. My brothers would have the same privilege. They would be able to play around, go on dates, and wait until they found the one before they settled down.
got up and shook my head. Crying wasn’t going to help me but it was nice getting the feelings out. I We weren’t a very emotional family, except for my mom, I was raised with three boys but was never allowed to be boyish. My dad always saw me as his little girl and we would talk about my wedding, how he would walk me down the aisle and he always told me that no man would ever be good enough for me. I guess the question of whether or not he was good enough was more about the power our pack would gain from the marriage.
I pulled out my su case and tossed it open on my bed.
Dad said he could have the Omegas come and do my packing for me but that would mean other people in my room and I wanted this last day for myself. They still hadn’t told my brothers about the
would show arranged marriage and they forbade me from saying anything until the day I leave. Tomorrow would how they reacted to the news.
The door opened up and I knew he was standing behind me. I continued packing my clothes, everything that fit anyways, whatever I couldn’t fit I would just buy.
“I brought you another suitcase. It’s Chanel like your other one, I know you like that brand,” he said and came over to me with it.
He graced my arm with his hand and I jerked it away.
“You’re still my little girl, Gabby,” I turned around and looked into his eyes, hoping he could see the
resentment I had for him.
“Really? Because if I had a little girl, no matter her age, I would never hand her over to a complete stranger. Regardless of the power I would gain,” I talked slowly to make sure he heard every word.
My father normally listened to what he wanted and closed out anything he deemed unnecessary.
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“It is for the good-“,
“Of our pack, yeah you told me.” I finished and walked into my closet.
Whatever he had to say, nothing would ever make up for what he had done. I wasn’t even asked to marry this stranger, I was told 10.
“I’m not marrying anyone!” My mom was pinching the bridge of her nose as though I was being unreasonable. My father sighed and shook his head. He scratched his stubble and stood up.
“Sweetheart. This is for the good of the pack and as Alpha, it is my duty to make sure I do what is best for everyone.”
“By throwing your daughter into the arms of a stranger?”
“By making a deal with one of the most powerful packs in this country.”
“Give them money, warriors, land, or anything. Why the hell do I have to go be somebodies wife?!”
“LOWER YOUR VOICE.” My father roared.
“This is the final decision. It is not a choice that we are giving you, it is information about a deal that has been sealed. You will marry Alpha Aiden and that is final!” He said and slammed his fist down on his
My mom finally rose her head and looked at me.
“You will still have the same comfortable lifestyle. We’ll send money to your credit card all the time, you’ll be able to buy whatever you want. We can even raise your allowance by a few thousand a month,” she said and smiled, thinking that would make everything better.
“Money isn’t the issue.” My voice had lowered and I couldn’t talk louder of fear of my voice betraying me and shaking.
“Oh honey, it might not be the issue but some retail therapy will help.” She came up and placed some strands of hair behind my ear. I bit down and clenched my jaw.
“Do you want help packing your bags? I could help you,” she said and smiled softly.
End of flashback…
“Your brothers will be told tomorrow, I don’t want you holding out for the hope of them changing this. It’s already been done.” He said and I heard the light tremble in his voice.
He placed a wallet on my bed as I walked out of the closet.
“The credit card will be refilled every week. There’s also cash and emergency numbers for your car
and such,” he put his hands in his pockets and turned uncomfortably in his spot.
“Maybe you wanna buy a new car? I thought we could do that before you left, I’ll go with you,” Something twinkled in his eyes.
He wanted to make it easier on himself, this family had always been controlled by material possession. Whatever I pointed at, I got, the same with my brothers.
My father always thought money could solve every problem in the world. If I cried, he bought me a gift, if I was upset in school, he bought a gift, one month ago when I didn’t pass a test in school he bought me my first car.
“No.” I said and placed the clothes in the suitcase
“Can you just leave!” I screamed as I turned and faced him. My face was burning up from the anger I felt and at the same time, I wanted to cry. I was an emotional mess and wanted to say a lot of things that were way worse than telling him to go.
“I just need you to understand-”
“I will never understand, dad! I will never in my life understand how you can hand over your daughter to a stranger in marriage, against her will. But that’s where we are now and you’ve made it perfectly clear that I don’t have a choice. But I’m not going to make it easier on you, I’m not gonna forgive you or make peace with this just so you can have a clear conscience” I said and walked closer to him.
His eyes fell and he nodded his head.
“I will see you at dinner,”
“Have an Omega bring it up, I don’t see a reason as to why we should pretend to be a family for one last night.” I said and closed my suitcase.
I saw the pain in my father’s eyes, his cheeks turned red and his lips were parted. It didn’t matter if my words hurt him, if they pierced his heart or caused him agonizing pain, he would never undo what had been
I walked into the bathroom and grabbed all of my makeup products, perfumes, lotions, and creams.
I put them in different necessity bags and tried squeezing them into my
Theard my brothers coming in laughing and boasting about the day’s events. There had been some party they went to where another kid said something and Edmund had punched him in the face. I smiled and pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging them as I listened in on their conversations.
And Omega came up with dinner around eight and told me that my brothers had asked why I didn’t join them. My father had told them I felt sick, which wasn’t entirely a lie.

Tomorrow was the day I left, nobody knew except for my parents. I was about to marry a complete stranger, a guy who wasn’t my mate, and goddess knows what he’s like.

A knock on my door woke me after my two hours of sleep, barely.
I turned around and rubbed my eyes before looking at the door being opened. My mom poked her head inside and had a wide smile on her face, showing of her pearl-white teeth.
“Hi, honey, sleep well?” She asked and I rose a brow. She stepped inside and closed the door behind. her. I looked at the floor by the bed and my brows hunched together when I saw my suitcases had been
They’re waiting downstairs,” She said and walked over to my bed. The bed dipped down as she sat and I jerked my head away as she tried to cup my cheek.
“As I said to dad, we don’t have to pretend,” I said and removed the covers.
She cleared her throat and fixed her dress.
“I thought maybe you wanted some help to get ready. I could straighten your hair, or maybe help you with your makeup. Let’s make you pretty,” She said in a nauseatingly gleeful voice. My veins grew cold and I resisted the urge to tell her everything that was on my mind. I couldn’t believe them, they had sold their daughter off to another pack and they acted as though this was the happiest day of my life.
“Make me pretty? What makes you think for even a second that I give a da*n about how I look?” She rose her brows and looked mighty offended.
s your wedding day, how can you not care about how you’re gonna look in front of all those people, his family and him?” She said and shook her head. She honestly couldn’t believe it.
I sighed and couldn’t help but smile at the stupidity.
“I don’t care, mother, I never did. I’ll go up there, looking how I look and not giving a flying f*ck about what his family or he thinks,” I said articulately to make sure she caught every word.
My mom took a step closer, she rolled back her shoulders and pressed her lips together.
“I will not let you make a fool of this family. You will get ready and you will be presentable as you marry Alpha Aiden. His entire pack will be welcoming you as their Luna, his parents will be watching and so will
“Just to get this right, l’have no say in anything regarding this wedding, including my appearance?” | asked and lifted a finger.
She came up to me, her eyes softened and her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. She placed some hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek.
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“Oh honey, the short answer is no. you have no choice but the good news is that when I’m done with you, you’re going to look like a princess,” She said quietly and stared in awe as she looked at her canvas.
1 clenched my jaw knowing it was done, there wasn’t anything I could say or do to get out of this.
“Come on,” I sat down on the chair next to the makeup table. A few Omegas came in and delivered the makeup, hair products, and the dress. The urge to gag was getting harder to control. There were three layers of makeup on my face, false lashes, and my hair was straightened. My mom never liked my curly hair, I was the only one out of my siblings who had it and I got it from my dad. She said that it suits boys and some girls but not me.
After everything was done she skipped over to where the dress was hanging on the rack. She pulled the zipper down and revealed an all-white lace dress with thick straps and a sweetheart neckline.
“How beautiful is this, imagine how gorgeous you will feel walking down the aisle,” She said in awe and dragged her hand over the fabric.
“WHAT?!” I jumped in the chair as Edmund’s grow sounded throughout the entire house.
I opened the door and ran out. He was standing in the hallway, his eyes were glowing and his chest. was raising and falling with each heavy breath he took. His nostrils flared as he picked up my suitcase and tossed it onto the wall.
“Gabby, will you tell your brothers that it is okay.” My father said with a sigh. I looked between him and the three raging men in front of him.
“No but I can tell them the truth that I haven’t been allowed to say until now,” I said and shrugged a
Edmund growled and picked up the other bag, tossing it across the house.
“YOU SOLD YOUR DAUGHTER?” He growled and walked toward our father. My mom ran down the
stairs and up to him.
“More to the point-” Noah said and walked closer.
“-You sold our sister.” He said in a low growl and looked up at my father through hooded eyes.
My mom was staring wide-eyed at her sons and all I could think was; How on earth did they expect this to go?
My mom turned her head and looked at me. I was leaning against the railing and couldn’t help the little smile that crept up on my face as I saw the fear on hers. Maybe this was it, perhaps they could talk my parents out of this and I wouldn’t have to marry that man.
They would see how my brothers reacted and have second thoughts.
Just like everything
else that had proven hope to be a cry for help that was never answered, so was
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“THAT IS ENOUGH!” My dad roared and anything that wasn’t glued to its spot shook from the sound. My lips sealed shut and so did my brothers. Their wolves stepped back as my father’s Alpha aura filled the
entire house.
“The deal has been made and whether or not you like it, this will happen. Any more of this nonsense and you will not be allowed to accompany us to your sister’s wedding.” They lowered their heads and cast saddened glances up my way. I clenched my jaw and stormed back into my room, slamming the door shut
behind me.
I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to punch something, to rip the dress into tiny shreds and drag hands over my face.
My brothers were still in the center of my mind, the look of pain in their eyes, knowing there was nothing they could do to stop their sister from getting married off.
I lifted my head and looked in the mirror. My cheeks were beet red from the anger string inside of me. The sun outside was brightly shining down on everyone as they enjoyed their lives.
They would soon too, the members of this pack would hear of the alliance and they would cheer and clap their hands. Nobody would ever know that I didn’t want this.
My family would go on and live their lives, they would visit with the belief that they would actually see me again. I unzipped the dress and made a promise to myself.
The only people I will agree to see after I’ve left are my brothers. My parents were dead to me.
I put on the dress, zipped it up, and looked at the morbid beauty of it all. Had this been out of love, with a man who was my mate and the wedding was to seal our love for each other, I would’ve been thrilled.
But I was just a girl in a dress.
I opened the door and stepped out, dressed in the wedding dress they had picked out for me. Everyone was still gathered downstairs, standing under a cloud of uncertainty and anger. They all looked up at me as I walked down, my mom clasped her hands together and looked in awe as I walked down the
“Oh honey, you look-”
“Save it. Let’s just go.” I said and walked past them with my head held high. My brothers walked behind me in a row and Edmund opened the car door for me.
“This isn’t over.” He said quietly and I placed his hand over his.
“I kind of think it is.” I answered honestly.
He closed the car door and I sat in silence the entire car ride. My father was supposed to be driving. with my brothers but they refused to leave me. Edmund had taken the front seat and my other two brothers were in the car with my dad.
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I was staring out the windshield the entire ride and pretty I was and what happy event we had in front of us.
y mom’s muffled voice was gushing over how
“Mom maybe you can speak less,” Edmund said sounding annoyed.
“Oh hush up you, I’m just saying that besides everything else, this is a jayous occasion,” She was smiling from ear to ear, her bright red lipstick made her teeth look even whiter. She was wearing a baby blue dress and pearl earrings with a matching necklace.
“You mean besides the fact that you’re marrying off your daughter against her will?” He asked and glared through the rearview mirror.
“She’ll be happy soon enough, it’ll all turn around, you will see.”
“No it won’t and-”
“That’s enough, Edmund.” My mom said sternly and he shut up. She had a temper, not a sweet one. Everyone in my family did. We could all be happy-go-lucky but once things ticked them off and they’d blow their cap. I had been taught that love could be bought, mine had all my life. I was taught that anything could be yours for the right price. So I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that this was happening. My temper wasn’t like theirs, I didn’t get impossibly mad and throw a tantrum, which was why after every fight my parents would buy us something, me especially.
We drove the rest of the way in silence and I closed out my mother’s voice.
“We’re here.” My heart stopped in my chest and I pushed down the tears.
The house was as big as ours. Three floors and a balcony in the middle overlooking the front of the
I gulped as I got
got out of the car. Everyone had already been seated inside, they didn’t want a big scene happening outside of the house as we arrived.
The other car drove up and my brothers and my dad stepped out. No one else from our pack was coming, they didn’t want them here but would later go pack and share their idea of the happy news.
“Let me make one thing clear before we head inside,” Dad said and straightened his spine. He eyed each of my brothers before landing on me.
“There will be no scene, no talk of a rebellion and you boys will behave accordingly.”
“Or what?” Edmund asked.
My dad’s eyes glowed and a low growl rumbled from him.
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“Or nothing. I am your father but first and foremost I am your Alpha and you will obey orders.” He
“Or. What.” Edmund asked, stepping forward.
“Or your sister is the one whose life will suffer as I will prohibit you from ever seeing her again.” My heart clenched and the tears were dangerously close to rising in my eyes.
I bit down on my inner cheek. He just said that, in front of me. All my brothers turned and looked at
My back straightened and I raised my head before turning and walking toward the house. Someone’s hand grabbed a strong hold of my arm and I looked over my shoulder into the dark eyes of my father.
“Gabby, do you understand?” He asked and I pulled my arm back.
I stared daggers at him, his face was not one I recognized anymore. Our family had issues, more than others, but never in my life would I expect him to become this person. This stranger
“I understand, Alpha.” I said and saw his eyes sink, hoping that his heart would sink with it.
They had prepared a room for me to stay in until the ceremony. It was a guest room, there was a makeup table with a chair and a bed that had been made. I hoped that this would be where I slept but I
doubted it.
A soft and gentle knock sounded on the door and I swallowed hard, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath before telling the person to come in.
The door opened up and a woman of my mother’s age stuck her head inside..
“Is it okay if I come in?” She asked softly. Her tone stumped me, it was diligent and warm.
“I’m, Marie, Aidens mother,” she said and extended her hand. I flew up on my feet and stepped toward her but her arms shot out and she shook her head.
“No, don’t, it’s okay. Sit,” I took a shaky breath and sat back down.
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea it was you,” I knew nothing about the Alpha family or the pack for that matter.
“No worries, I thought I would come in and check on you before the wedding. You look beautiful, how are you feeling?” Did she really care or was it a ploy from my father so I wouldn’t make a scene?
“I feel great,” I said and bit it down. The thought of not seeing my brothers again was enough to scare the shit out of me.
“I could either pretend and go along with your lie or you could be honest and tell me how much you’d
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rather run the other way.” She looked regal as she stood tall a meter away from me. /
to look up at her.
“I’m fine.” I said and forced a smile. Marie smiled and nodded her head.
my head back.
“Trust takes time to build, perhaps one day you’ll feel safe enough to be honest with me,” Who was this woman? Her voice was warm and comforting and it made me feel weird. I was used to my mother’s cool, cold persona not this.
“Is everyone ready?” I asked.
“They are but I thought we’d just make a few last-minute touch-ups if you want.” She said, making sure I knew that there was a choice but I didn’t know her yet and I had too much to lose in saying no.
I nodded my head and she came behind me, undoing my hair and re-fixing it, my mother would freak
out when she saw me.
“What are you smiling for?” She asked me with an amused look on her face.
“You’re undoing my mother’s masterpiece, I’m just imagining her face when she sees it,” I said.
Marie giggled, she didn’t say anything against my cynical words.
“There, all done,” she said and stepped away. She looked at me through the mirror with a loving gaze.
She had taken down the makeup so I didn’t look like a pageant doll and braided my hair instead of the curled bun that my mom had done.
I recognized myself much better now but it didn’t stop the dread from washing over me, because now came the hard part.
my friends
“You will grow accustomed to living here, your family is welcome at any time and so are any from your old pack,” she said calmly. When I didn’t answer she placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You’re parents can stay for a few days if you’d like.” My jaw clenched and I pushed away from the table, standing up.
“I’d rather they didn’t,” I said and forced a smile.
The door opened up and a man stepped inside, he clasped his hands behind his back and looked at us with a serious, dead cold look on his face.
“They’re ready for you.” He said in a monotone voice. My heart sank but I just had to get through it and then one day at a time. This was it, I would longer be able to find my mate, I wouldn’t be able to date and get my heart broken only to find the right one. No flings or first kisses. This was the first step into my new life, one I had no say in.
I walked out with Marie beside me, she grabbed my hand before we walked out on the aisle and looked me in the eyes. There was something brimming in her eyes, something unspoken but whatever it
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was would remain so.
“I’ll see you at the end of the aisle.” She said and gave my hand a light squeeze.
I nodded my head and watch as she walked away My stomach clenched and I swallowed time after time to keep the tears down.
I could hear the quiet chatter going on behind the double doors and at the end of the aisle, the man! had never met would wait for me.
I couldn’t imagine him being much happier about this arrangement than was, he after all didn’t have much of a choice himself.
The doors opened and I saw the rows of people turning their heads. There was a balcony that went all around the room where more people were seated. My father walked up to me, circled his arm in mine and we began to walk.
The aisle was long but felt like an infinity. People were gushing and some were glaring. I couldn’t imagine it being
desperately easy on the girls hoping to be mated to the Alpha, I wish they could know how I wanted to switch places with them.
At the end of the aisle, I saw him, standing in his tux, his dark hair was waved back and he looked as happy to be wed as I felt.

Time slowed the closer I got. My father gave me a kiss on the cheek, my brothers were barely containing their anger as they watched me walk up to the podium.
I stood in front of Alpha Aiden, my stature compared to his was tiny and his body was broad and trained as many of the males were. His piercing blue eyes stared at me with hatred brimming in the center.
The elder started speaking and everything went on autopilot. I said my I do’s and so did Alpha Aiden. The rest was closed out. My body couldn’t function and didn’t feel my feet or my hands that were wrapped around the bouquet.
“Then I hereby present to you, Alpha Aiden and Luna Gabriella.” Everyone erupted in cheers and the floors began to shake from the impact.
“You may now kiss the bride,” He said and my eyes filled with the unshed tears I had been pushing down for so long.
His eyes darkened as he leaned in. His lips hovered over mine and I drew in a sharp breath.
“Push the tears down.” He said with a cold voice that made my breath stop in my throat. His lips pressed against mine, my first-ever kiss and it wasn’t out of love or affection, it was pure hatred and loathing.
Alpha Aiden leaned back, plastered a smile on his face, and wrapped his arm around my pulled me closer to his body and faced his pack members and our families.
waist. He
He leaned down, his lips brushing against my ear, and he whispered, “You better put a smile on that pretty face. Remember, princess, as far as they know, this is a happy occasion,” His words sent chilling waves down my spine.
I lifted my head and forced a smile, hoping it would stay on all night.
Congratulations you two,” My mom said as she came up and gave us each a kiss on the cheek. Dad shook hands with Aidens father and I could tell they were both happy with the deal that had been made.
“The pack is dying to meet you but I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed,” Marie said softly.
“Oh, Gabby doesn’t mind, isn’t that right?” My mom said and flashed her pearl-white teeth.
I clenched my jaw and tried to soften my eyes.
“Not at all,” I said and smiled.
Marie walked me around and one after one they all came and said hi. I started feeling my throat closing up and my hands sweating but I couldn’t break down, not here.
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As the fifth person came up and I saw the circle that had formed around us of people wanting to meet me and ask questions, I knew I had to go. The room started spinning and I saw Marie’s worried gaze.
“Excuse me.” I said and turned around. I ran out of the room as fast as I could and ran toward the hall. The door to the guest room I had been in was open so I walked in and slammed the door shut, leaning my back against it.
A loud bang shook the door and I pushed off, backing away so I stood next to the bed. I stared at the dark door, the room around me felt like it was closing in and my heart started racing. The door opened and Alpha Aiden stepped inside but he wasn’t alone.
A girl had her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands were fisting his shirt as she pressed her chest up against him and kissed him deeper. Neither of them noticed me until I stepped back and hit the bedside table. The lamp fell to the floor and my eyes widened as they turned.
She unwrapped her legs and placed her feet on the floor. A feline grin grew on her face and she crossed her arms over her chest.
“So this is the whore that thinks she can steal my man?” Her laugh sounded like a cat being strangled. Her long, skinny legs walked slowly toward me as her eyes scanned me from top to toe. Aiden was standing still in his spot, his eyes locked down on mine. He seemed utterly unbothered.
“I don’t give a f*ck that you’re married to him and that this pack thinks you’re their Luna. It was an arrangement, he is and always will be, mine.” She seethed and glared at me.
I stepped forward, lifted my head, and scoffed.
“That’s fine-” my eyes went past the catty bitch and landed on the man I had just married.
“-you can have him.” I said and walked past her, slamming into her shoulder with my own on the way
I walked out and closed the door behind me. I clutched my stomach which felt like it was twisting and turning and the theory I had about this going to be hell, was coming true.
“Gabriella, how are Marie came around the corner and I straightened my back.
Don’t be weak, Gabby. You got this.
“I’m good, just needed a little break,” her lips parted in a half smile but it disappeared just as quickly. The door opened behind me and her eyes were staring daggers at whoever was standing there. Marie’s eyes turned obsidian and her scowl deepened the more she looked.
I looked over my shoulder slowly. The girl was standing with her chin dropped to the floor, Alpha Aiden was showing no emotion but his eyes were glued to his mother’s.
“Samantha, leave.” She growled. The girl, Samantha, scurried away. Her voice stuck in her throat and her feet moved quickly as she patted down her dress. I was waiting for Marie to ask me to leave next but it didn’t happen.
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“You get out of my sight too.” She seethed and her son clenched his jaw before walking around me. Just as he rounded the corner he turned his head and the hatred in his eyes doubled as he glared at me
before disappearing.
-Aiden’s POV-
“Dude, what’s up with the frown?” Cole asked with a smug grin as I walked into the study.
I poured myself a glass of whiskey and chugged it down. Three bottles of this and I might feel twitch. I groaned and in these moments, and these moments alone, I envied humans and their low tolerance
for alcohol.
“Already causing problems, is she?” He took a drink from his glass and turned his head. His hand lowered and his eyes fell. I raised my arm and tossed the glass onto the brick wall.
The door opened again and a pissed of Sam stepped in.
“That bitch is turning your mom against me!” She screeched and walked up to me.
“Lower your f*cking voice.” I said and glared at her. Her lips twitched down in a frown and she
“So that’s what this is about.” Cole said and placed his glass down.
“It’s none of your business,” I said.
“Actually it is, remember the bet? There’s a lot at stake here. You better stay away until I get my money,” he said and pointed at Sam.
She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her boobs up to her chin.
“What bet?” Oh f*ck.
Cole fumbled with his words and when he realized he’d f*cked up he brought the glass up to his lips. and turned his head the other way.
Sam turned her glare on me and rose a brow.
“What bet, Aiden?” She asked and stepped in closer.
“It’s nothing, we betted on how long it would take me to get her to submit to me,” I said. The words tasted like trash as they rolled off my tongue.
“No, we betted on the spoiled princess out there to be wrapped around his finger by the end of the year,” Cole said, sounding astonishingly excited.
Sam’s lips turned down in a deep frown.
“What did you bet?”
I flicked my tongue and side glanced at Cole who looked too proud of himself for
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my liking.
“Ten thousand,” Sam stepped in and dragged her fingers seductively down my arm.
“Well then you better win, because you’re taking me to Hawaii with that check,” She said and bit down on her bottom lip.
“Don’t count on it, Sam. From what I’ve heard that girl doesn’t get down on her knees for anyone. Not even money can buy her because she’s loaded,”
“Then you
you’ll have to charm her,” She said and shrugged a shoulder.
“Just no touching, wouldn’t want you catching something irreversible and giving it to me,” She said, followed by a high pitch laugh and Cole pitched in.
My wolf growled in the back of my head and I rolled my fingers up to a fist. Why the f*ck was reacting like this?CHAPTER 6
Marie was staring at the door behind me where her son had just stood.
It took a while for her to regain her focus and turn back to her regal self.
A smile that could make anyone feel loved grew on her face once again but the anger in her
“I’m very sorry about that,” she said and I saw how her jaw clenched.
“No worries,”
“Don’t do that, don’t
stared deep into my eyes.
ever allow yourself to be okay with that behavior-” She grabbed my hands and
“-from anyone.” She said seriously.
I nodded my head, my words were fumbling around on my tongue but they wouldn’t come out.
“Do you want to head back in? I’m sure you’re family would like to see that you’re okay,” They don’t care. The wedding is done, the deal has been sealed and I was on my own from here and on.
But my brothers were in there.
“Don’t tell anyone about what just happened, please,” I said and smiled. My parents wouldn’t make a big deal of it but my brothers would start an all-out war between our packs by going after their Alpha.
“As you wish,” she said and lightly squeezed my hand.
We walked back into the big room and everyone turned their heads.
The chatter began once again until I was pulled to the side. My mind had been foggy and I was in survival mode so I turned and reached out my hand for whoever had grabbed me, thinking they wanted to say hi.
“I’ve known you for 18 years, no need for the formalities,” Nick said and grinned. I released a breath of relief and felt my shoulders relax.
“How are you holding up?” He asked me. Nick was my oldest brother, he was the one who took care of all of us siblings..
“I think I’m holding up pretty well,” I said and smiled a half smile.
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boys, and at twenty “No you’re not,” Edmund said as he came up to us. He was the youngest of the years old he was the closest to me in age. We had always been the closest, played together, gone on adventures, and done mischief.
They were all protective but Edmund was a little more explosive in his ways of protecting.
“I’m fine.” I said and gave him a knowing look.
“You’re not fine and that’s okay. Sorry we couldn’t stop it,” he said and his voice lowered as his head hung low.
“It’s okay, it is what it is and none of us could’ve done anything about it. Trust me, I tried-” a hand snaked around my waist and I was pulled against a hard body. I stood stiffly next to Alpha Aiden who looked at my brothers, Noah walked up to us as well when he saw Alpha Aiden and they stood all three in a
“I’m Aiden, you must be Gabriella’s brothers,” he said and reached out his hand, his back was straight. and his body was as stiff as a tree.
I just praved
My brothers were all looking at him with different emotions swirling around in their eyes. I that they wouldn’t act on them. My parents threw us some worried glances and I could tell that they were on their guards as well.
I rolled my eyes and pleaded with them silently. Noah saw and nodded his head. He reached out his hand and shook Alpha Aidens.
I let out a small sigh of relief but felt his fingers digging into my waist. I pinched my lips tighter to sto from showing discomfort.
“I’m Nick. This is Noah and Edmund.” He said and removed his hand. His eyes were searching Alpha Aidens and they didn’t break eye contact until my parents came up to us.
“Look at you boys getting to know each other. Alpha Aiden, it is a pleasure to finally meet you and see everything go through as planned,” It was him who was Alpha but his parents still had a lot of say in things. that went on in the pack. And no Alpha can ever truly take over the title until he has his Luna. Alpha Aiden didn’t want this either but I wasn’t sure my parents knew that.
“Likewise,” he said and shook my dad’s hand.
Alpha Aiden had a winning smile. Like the actors in movies who, when the camera starts rolling, just plaster on a believable smile and woo the audience.
My mom’s eyes were brimming as she gushed over everyone present.
“I do hope this goes without saying but you all are welcome here at any time. We’re family now,” I wanted to gag.
My stomach was acting like a volcano about to erupt and hearing these cheesy comments and everyone’s fake smiles as though this was actually the merging of two families was sickening. This was
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business, both packs would benefit from this marriage but I was left as collateral damage.
The sun outside was about to set as the party came to an end. People were leaving one by one and I was left with Marie standing at the refreshment table.
“I assume you’re exhausted after all of this,” she said and placed her glass down. As the last person. left, her shoulders fell an inch and she maintained a strong posture.
“I am but thank you for everything,” I said and gestured with my hand around the room. I wanted to get out of this dress, remove the makeup and crawl into bed. Pretending for only a night that this wasn’t
“I will show you to your room,” she said and walked out.
We walked up the staircase and turned right. Two doors down and before opening the door, she stopped and turned to me.
“This is Aiden’s room, you’ll, of course, be staying with him but in case no one else has mentioned this, there are no exceptions from you. Ever,” she said and her eyes held mine to make sure I understood.
nodded my head when I couldn’t find any words. She was implying I didn’t have to sleep with her son. which when I think about it, no one else had said. Not even my mom.
Marie walked away and I took a deep breath before opening the door. The perfect scenario would be if he wasn’t in here and perhaps didn’t come back at all wouldn’t mind that.
To my relief the room was empty. My whole body relaxed and the second the door closed I pulled zipper down on my dress.
I took a deep breath and felt my ribs expanding. The dress had a corset that made breathing a chore.
The handle on the door was pressed down, and the click and the little creek of it opening slowly caused my body to freeze. I spun around and was glad that the dress was still covering my front. It was like deja vu only now her dress wasn’t covering her top half. Her breasts were pressed against his front and he was vigorously kissing her neck while pulling her head to the side.
Sam’s back was facing me as her legs were wrapped around his waist but Alpha Aiden opened his eyes, his lips dragged against the side of her neck as his eyes gazed into mine.
“Don’t stop on my account,” he said and gazed down at my dress. Sam tilted her head back, and a loud, ear-ringing shriek sounded from her when she saw me.
“She’s sleeping in here?” She asked as her face contorted into a grimace.
Her teeth were bared and she was seething.
“No,” I said and locked eyes with Alpha Aiden before hurrying out of the room. My dress was sliding down but I held it tightly to my body as I ran down the stairs and into the guest room.

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Everything was bubbling up and nobody could be around when it exploded. Just as the door closed. my tears came to the surface and fell one by one.
My heart was clenching in my chest, not for him but for myself. This was my life now, a husband who f*cked another girl in the room I was expected to sleep in.
I clutched my stomach and fell down on the floor. The tears didn’t stop. Knowing that this was where I lived now, I couldn’t go home or they would send me back and I couldn’t run or my brothers would start a war between the packs.
My choices were non-existent and the only way for me to survive this was to admit defeat. I didn’t have a life anymore, it had been tied to a man who was in love with another woman, a man I didn’t even
want to begin with.
I got up on shaky legs and wiped my tears with my hand. There was a bathroom attached to the room so I went in and washed my face.
My eyes were bloodshot and my skin looked dull under the makeup. My brown eyes looked lifeless and by the looks of everything going on in the mirror, it looked like I had already given up. I got out of my dress and opened the closet. There was nothing in there suitable for sleeping in except a large t-shirt. I put it on and it fell just above my knees, the baggy material was comfortable, much more so than the air-choking dress. I ran a hand through my hair and put some chapstick on my lips from the makeup bag
that Marie had left.
The two big windows outside were letting in some moonlight and the trees were slow dancing in the breeze. Nobody was out and the emptiness somehow calmed the craziness going on inside of me.
I got lost in my thoughts, thinking about my brothers and hoping they were okay.
My eyes widened as the door burst open and slammed into the wall. My body froze and I held my breath. I could only see the counters of his face and body as he stood in the door frame, there was one lamp outside that lit up half his face.
He stepped into the room and walked to where the moonlight now showed him and all his anger. I wish he’d step back again and disappear into the darkness. His eyes were obsidian and his nostrils were
“You dare walk away from me.” I gulped but tilted my head back, suddenly feeling very naked under his gaze.
“I assumed the bed reached its max capacity,” I spat and took a step back as he came toward me. Alpha Aiden took one big step and I wasn’t fast enough to move as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in. My eyes gazed down at the floor, my front was pressed up against his, and our strengths couldn’t even be compared. Aiden had his wolf, I didn’t.
“Look at me.” His voice rumbled and the darkness behind it caused shivers throughout my body.
My eyes were still on the floor, my lips were parted and my breathing was getting heavier.
His hand came around the back of my head and he tangled his fingers into my hair. I pinched my lips together to quiet a yelp as he pulled my head back, forcing my eyes to meet his.
“You don’t ever walk away from me.” My hands were starting to tremble and the deeper I looked into
his eyes the more I wanted to look away.
There was a depth of pure darkness and hatred, there was no other emotion in his eyes.
The leather came down on my back and this time t penetrated my skin. I knew I was screaming but I couldn’t hear the sound. The agonizing pain was continuing with every whip and the blood dripping down my back was cooling the skin.
“Please stop!” I screamed as the tears ran down my face.
“Will you
disobey another order again?”
“No!” My voice was hoarse and my whole body was shaking.
“Do you promise?” I nodded my head and another gut-wrenching scream left my lips as the belt whipped against my back in the exact same spot.
“In words!”
“Yes p
I promise, please just- just stop. I promise,” I cried out.
He tossed the belt aside and turned me around. His fingers caressed my cheek and he looked into my
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“This is for your own good, Gabriella. You must learn to obey orders, you’re not like those friends of yours, and you do not have the freedom of making mistakes. Anything you do wrong can affect the whole pack, so never step over the borders again. Promise me.
“I promise,” I said quietly as I stared into the eyes of my father.
My friends and I had left the borders to climb the hill on the other side. It was a giant hill and at the you could see everything. It was filled with the most beautiful flowers and when people turned eighteen
4 they would go up there and throw parties.
It wasn’t forbidden for anyone else, just me.
End of flashback…
“Hey, open your eyes,” his voice had gotten softer and I hadn’t noticed how my eyes shut closed as the memory played in my mind.
My body tensed when his thumb came up and dragged at my cheek. Had I been crying?
is hand was no longer on the back of my head but he was still holding onto my arm.
My eyes opened slowly and I saw much more than I wanted to. His eyes were still as deep but wi much more swirling around in them. His eyebrows were hunched together.
His lips were parted but closed just as quickly. As though he caught himself he stepped back and
lifted his head.
“Grab your things,” he said and clenched his jaw.
“No, I’ll sleep here tonight,” I said quietly and wiped what other tears had fallen.
“No you’re not, you’re coming with me and if you don’t come willingly I will toss you over my shoulder and carry you back,” He said with anger still laced in his voice.
“It’s Aiden,” he said and cut me off.
He walked over and grabbed my dress from the hanger.
He walked to the door and then stopped as he looked over his shoulder.
“Just call me Aiden.” He said coldly and then walked away.
I sighed and looked out into the dark hallway.
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The memory was still in my head as though it had happened yesterday but it was five years ago.
My feet were glued to the floor and I was contemplating walking after him or just staying here and hoping he’d leave me alone. The choice wasn’t mine to make though, as none of them were. Alph- Aiden came down again and didn’t speak as he walked over to me.
“I warned you.” Was all he said as he lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder. I started banging on his back and tossing my legs but his hold tightened.
“Are you kidding me!” I screamed.
“Shh, you’ll wake the whole f*cking pack.” He walked up the stairs as normal, like he didn’t have a
person hanging off his back. I felt something eery as he stepped up on the second floor, as though e was watching me. I raised my head but there was no one there and no movement.
I needed sleep, I knew the nightmare would continue tomorrow but for now, I just needed to shut everything down.
He tossed me down and I prepared for the impact of my body being slammed down on the floor but instead, I felt the softness of the mattress. I quickly pulled the shirt down and glared at him. Aiden didn’t seem bothered at all, he removed his shirt and his tie before starting on his pants. I averted my eyes and removed the covers, crawling down under them and pretending like he wasn’t undressing in front of
“No need to shy away, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” He said with a bored tone. Except I hadn’t, I hadn’t ever seen a guy naked before.
This was also why Maries words earlier put me at ease when she said that there were no expectations.
I heard the shower turning on and found peace in the short moment I’d be alone. I closed my eyes and burrowed my head into the pillow. Sleep covered me faster than I would’ve thought.
I woke up to complete darkness. The shades were drawn and the heavy drapes hung in front of the window but when I turned and looked at the clock it was nine.
My eyes scanned the room and reality hit me hard when I realized where I was. Aiden had taken me to his room last night and I fell asleep while he was in the shower.
I turned my body slowly and looked behind me but he wasn’t there. The breath I had been holding exhaled and my body slumped gratefully.
It was empty so he must’ve woken up and left earlier.
I got up and opened my bag, taking my time as I went through my stuff. I grabbed a short floral dress and white sneakers.
No sunlight was coming into the room but I was still sweating so there was no way I was wearing pants.
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I got into the shower and grabbed a clean towel as I stepped out. The mirror was covered with steam but as I wiped it I saw how much a little sleep had done for my face.
1 could either wallow in sadness or I could go down there and see what the day had to offer. Ideally far away from Aiden, or anyone for that matter but I couldn’t be too picky.
The second that I opened the door I could hear the chatter. There were a lot of people here and I contemplated turning back and hiding in the room.
No, Gabby, you got this.
1 straightened my back and put on the same mask of confidence I had worn since I was eight.
“Gabriella!” Marie said loudly from across the room. I had followed everyone else into what I assumed
was a dining hall.
I plastered on a smile and began walking over to her.
Several of the pack members turned their heads and watched me with different emotions swirling in their eyes as I walked up to the table. It was Marie and her husband along with two other people I didn’t
Aiden wasn’t there, thank god.
“She pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. A woman of Maries age came with a plate of food an on the table was bread, jam, bacon, and coffee.
“How did you sleep?” She asked and looked at me with those loving eyes.
“Really good actually,” I said and smiled at her.
“Gabriella, this is Cole, he is Aidens best friend and Beta and this is Bob, he’s our Gamma, he took over from his father when Aiden stepped up as Alpha.” guess I better try and remember these names.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I said and smiled. Bob nodded his head with a mouthful of food but Cole was different, he had something on his mind and a little grin was what gave it away.
“You too,” Bob said once he had swallowed.
“Yes, very much so. Tell us a little about yourself.” Cole said and leaned back in his chair.
I eyed him for a second, he was making a stance and acting almost amused.
“What do you wanna know?” I asked and started cutting into the eggs on my plate.
“Anything-” He said and shrugged his shoulders. He made a thinking face and then shook his head.
“-what do you miss most about your old home?” Getting right in there huh?
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He didn’t seem like a person you would spill secrets to so I trod carefully.
“I haven’t really had time to miss anything yet,” I said and smiled at him but my smile was fake and he could see it. It was tense and I wasn’t making an effort to hide it.
He narrowed his eyes and smirked.
“Oh come on, there has to be something. Your old bed? It must be hard to have other people in your room when you’re not used to it,” he had a knowing look on his face. Did Aiden or that Sam girl tell him about the other night?
“As I said, there hasn’t been any time to think of things like that. If it comes up, I’ll let you know,” I said and chewed down on the food.
“I’d really like that,” he said and then chuckled.
I didn’t know him and I knew nothing about him but my disliking was still there and it grew with every passing second.
“Your brothers seem nice,” he said and my body tensed. He wanted a reaction and he was trying to
find the right buttons to push to get one.
“They are,” I said but my voice was guarded and I cursed myself. A glint flashed in his eyes and I bit down on the fork as I placed more food in my mouth.
The chair next to me was pulled out and I felt his shoulder brushing against mine as he sat down.
“Come on now, let’s talk about fun things,” Aiden said and leaned back in the chair.
“How nice of you to join us, son,” His mom said with a stern voice and glowered at him. He winked at
her and licked his lips.
“I had some matters that needed to be taken care of,” He said.CHAPTER 8
The feeling from last night returned and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I turned my head to see if someone was watching me and in the corner of the room by the entrance I saw her. Sam walked in, her hair was disheveled and when she saw that I was looking, she graced her thumb over her lips and
I bit down on my jaw and turned my attention back to the people around the table.
“I agree, let’s talk about something fun,” Marie said and clasped her hands together.
“Weren’t you guys going to some party later?” She asked and looked between Aiden and Cole.
Cole’s face lit up and he leaned his arms on the table.
“Tomorrow actually, there’s a big party in town. Say, Gabby, would you like to join us? You’d of course. go with us, a couple of other guys, and who else was it” He said and dragged his hand over the side of his
“Oh right, Sam was coming wasn’t she? And a group of her friends,” He turned his head slowly back
to me.
If he was searching for a reaction, he wasn’t going about it the right way.
“Sounds like a lot of fun but I think I’ll stay here and get familiar with the pack grounds,” I said and smiled sweetly. Something switched in his eyes and I could tell that wasn’t the answer he had hoped for.
I felt a tension setting over the table and looked to Marie who was quietly eating her food but her eyes were narrowed to slits and she was staring at her son..
“I’ll show you around the pack and we’ll make a day out of it”
looked back at me.
She said and softened her face as
The guys started talking about the party they were going to and so I turned my head and looked out over the people who were in there. There were definitely cliques, the one to which Sam belonged seemed to be the bitch clique. They were eyeing everyone else and leaning in to whisper and giggle. Sam saw me looking and raised her hand slightly as she waved before giggling with her friends who looked over at me as well.
-I didn’t belong here and from experience
finding friends wouldn’t be easy.
“Hey, Gabby right?” A girl asked as I walked out of the dining hall.
“Yes, hi,” I said and pushed down the frustration that was arising. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone, I wanted to leave and hide away somewhere.
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“I’m Melina, me and some girls are heading to the mall later if you want to join,” I hadn’t seen this girl in the dining hall’so I didn’t know which clique she belonged to.
1 looked over my shoulder and then back at her while trying to think of a polite excuse as to why I definitely didn’t want to do that.
But then again, maybe things would be different here if I let people in. I couldn’t blame others for my past mistakes.
Melina’s eyebrows were hunched as she waited for an answer.
“Which girls?” I asked.
“It’s me and two others-” she said and turned around to look for them.
“-There they are, Amanda and Lilian,” she said and pointed to two girls who were standing by the
“Sure,” I said and shrugged a shoulder. If nothing else, I’d at least get a shopping trip out of it and maybe some friends. It sure would make things easier on being here if I wasn’t alone.
“Great, if you want we can leave now and walk around for a while and grab lunch there,” she said and smiled. Melina had short blonde hair, which reach just above her shoulders in big beach waves. Her eyes were a deep, darker shade of blue and she was long and thin.
I looked at the other two girls who were on their phones and ignored the fear that arose. I couldn’t hide away while being here, I had to at least try to make an effort at getting to know people.
“Let me just grab my bag,” I said and headed upstairs to the room.
“Guys, this Gabby,” She announced as I came down and joined the little group.
“We’re so glad you said yes,” they said and one of them flicked her hair as the other once looked me up and down. A weird feeling swept over me but I ignored it, not everyone is evil.
We got into the car and drove for fifteen minutes before reaching the mall. They had every store imaginable here including my favorites. I always shopped at Chanel and Louis Vuitton or any other high. fashion brand but I didn’t want to drag them in there in case it wasn’t within their budget.
We walked around the mall and I saw a few faces recognized from the wedding yesterday.
We checked a few different stores and then circled back the mall. We ended up in front of the Chanel store and I was dying for the new dress they had gotten in last week.
“Let’s go in here,” One of the girls, Lilian, said and we walked into Chanel after all. I walked straight over to the dress and grabbed it. It was a lilac, open-back, satin dress that I had drooled over.
The girls went around the store and found a few items as well. None of us had bought anything at the other stores, for me it
was because it didn’t fall in my taste and I guess it was the same for them.
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We walked over to the cash register and I paid for my dress.
“Oh crap, I forgot my wallet,” Melina said and her eyes widened.
“Me too,” the other girls chimed in and I furrowed my brows as looked them over. They all looked at each other and searched in their bags but with little luck.
“I can take it,” I finally said and told them to place the stuff on the counter. I knew I had the money and it was my parents so I didn’t mind maxing the credit card either.
“We’ll pay you back,”
“Yeah totally,” they said and placed the items on the counter. The cashier started blipping the items and placing them in neat little boxes and then into bags. She eyed the girls behind me cautiously and then looked at me with a raised brow. I shrugged a shoulder and didn’t comment on it.
“The total for this will be nine thousand- nine hundred,” She said and handed me the bags. I blipped my card and we headed out of the store.
My stomach was growling from hunger and I looked toward the food court.
“Do you guys wanna eat?” They were all looking at each other and eventually Melina took out her phone and scrunched her nose.

“We’re just gonna head to the bathroom real quick, why don’t you get us a table,” She said and s
as she tilted her head to the side.
“Sure, do you want me to bring your bags?” I asked and reached out my hands,
“Oh no it’s fine, you have your own to carry. We’ll be right back,” she said and they walked toward t
I went and grabbed a table at the food court. A guy came up to me and told me I couldn’t sit by a table if I didn’t order anything so I ordered a latte and sat back down.
I stirred with the wooden stick in my coffee and took sip after sip.
“You realize they’re not coming back, right?” I looked up and saw the cashier from Chanel. She had a cardigan over her work clothes and slammed down in the seat next to me. I looked at my clock and saw that I had waited for thirty minutes.
“Right,” I said quietly and nodded my head.
Do you ever learn, Gabby? I asked myself but there wouldn’t be a good answer.
“You just spent nearly ten grand on those girls, I hope you know you’re never seeing that money again,” she said and slumped back in her seat. Her hair was in a claw clip and some of her bangs fell in front of her face.
11:30 Tue, May 21 GNO
“Not my first time,” said and offered a tense smile. Her eyes dropped and she leaned forward.
“Walt here,” she said and got up.
“Actually I have to-”
“Nothing. Just wait, please,” she said and smiled so I could see her teeth. It wasn’t a genuine smile but I sat back down and sighed.
I saw several tables of people who were laughing as they ate their food. How hard was it to get something like that? Relationships were people actually liked you and wanted to be your friend. Was it always this hard, for everyone? And if so, why did they have friends and I didn’t? Why was I always just used and dumped like trash?
The git came back and slumped down in her seat again. looked at her incredulously and she rolled
ordered some food” she said.
“You shouldn’t have Im not that hungry and I kind of have to go.” said
First of all can hear your stomach screaming and second, do you have a hurry back to your s” She asked and rose a brow.
“Low blow” I sale are tensed my law. She chuckled and then rubbed her hands together as the food arrived. My eyes widened and stammered to get any words out.
Do you order for everyone in here?” Lasked wher the waiter placed down plates with marinated wings fries cheese fries, burgers, ribs, and another few ates with cake and cookies. He then went and came back with two milkshakes one chocolate, and one strawberry.
its caled comfort food” She said and put a fry in her mouth.
*Loont know when milkshake you liked so I bought my favorite and another one. You choose,”
“Which one is your favorite?” I asked.
“Thats why I’m telling you to choose, otherwise you’ll take the one that isn’t my favorite,”
“Obviously, its caled manners
“Yeah, you seem to have a lot of experience with that,” she said and her brows went up.
“Chocolate, that’s my favorite,” I said and waited for her reaction.
“Perfect, ’cause strawberry is mine,” she winked and handed me the chocolate milkshake and we dug
into the food
After an hour and a half, we had cleaned half the table but there was still a lot left.
“You eat as much as me,” I said jokingly.
Falways blame it on my wolf” she said and took a bite out of the burger. My eyes grew twice the size
and I leaned in
“Youre a werewolf
“You can’t sense that?” She asked and narrowed her eyes.
11:31 Tue, May 21 GND
I shook my head.
“No, I don’t have my wolf yet,”
“Huh, you should still be able to sense others,” she said and wiped her hands.
“Which pack-”
“Yours, I was at your wedding,” she said and her eyes fell a little.
“So you knew those girls,” I said and nodded my head.
“Aha, and I stay as far away from them as posse. They’re best friends with your husbands’ ex,” She said and drank her milkshake while looking at me. I closed my eyes and whined as my head fell back against the backrest.
“They’re friends with Sam,” I repeated and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid.
“Yup, the bitch squad,”
“Is that their name?” She shrugged a shoulder.
“It’s my name for them,”
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Cas8sy, it’s short for Casandra,” she said.
“I’m Gabby, it’s short for Gabriella,” Cas*sy started aughing and I was befuddled.
“I know, you’re my Luna, remember?” I cringed when I heard that. I was nobody’s Luna, or at least I didn’t feel like one.
We finished our food and headed to the parking lot. Cas*sy offered to give me a ride back to the pack.
“What’s your experience with them?” I asked as we drove up the road.
“With the bitch squad?” She asked and my shoulders shook from the silent laughter.
“Yeah, them,” I said.
She grew quiet and looked out onto the road.
“I was a part of their group once,” my body tensed and my guard went up.
“When we were younger, Sam and I were best friends. We used to hang out all the time and yes, we weren’t nice to others. Eventually, our group grew and you’d be amazed at how many more wanted to join. Then things happened, we grew older, Sam started dating Aiden and we grew apart. Then one day she just changed completely. I don’t know if it was because of her boyfriend or the number of followers she gained
but she became an evil bitch and I couldn’t stand it, nor could I stand by it.” She said and gripped the stirring wheel tightly.
“We’re not friends anymore, you don’t have to worry,” She said when I didn’t comment on her story.
If I’d learned anything it was that people lied and they cheated you, regardless of where you were or what they said. Knowing they had been friends put me on edge.
“But you do,” she said with a sigh and looked back onto the road.
“Yes,” I answered honestly.
“Guess I’ll have to earn your trust then,”
the window.
worry about it, it’s nothing to have anyways,” I said and turned my head, looking out through
“What do you mean?” She asked and looked between me and the road.
“I mean that it’s probably better you stick with the friends you have and leave me be. Something’s telling me that being my friend won’t be worth it either way,”
“That’s the same voice that told you to go shopping with satans minions? Cause in that case I think need to mute it,” I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face.
“My life is messed up, you’d be jumping aboard an already wrecked train,”
“Great, my life’s messed up too, and honestly-” she said and pulled her shoulders up to her ears.
“- I haven’t cared to make friends after Sam. I like you, you’re cool and everybody’s messed up in some way or another,” I nodded my head and realized that she was right. Everyone was a little messed up but what was the point of being friends with someone if you couldn’t tell them everything? There’d have to be immense trust in order for me to tell her the stuff that is happening. How I didn’t want to be here, how Sam wasn’t Aidens ex but that they were still getting it on, and how his best friend had some issues with me. Not to mention my family history.
We arrived at the pack and got out in town.
“Thank you,” I said and looked around at everyone there.
“No worries, do you wanna grab a coffee or something?” She asked and looked a little uncomfortable doing so.
It was either having a coffee and risking C*ssy stabbing me in the house and maybe seeing Aiden or his vengeful girlfriend.
“Sure,” I said. The choice was pretty obvious.
or going back to the pack
We walked into the cutest little cafe with couches placed a little here and there. The tables were a
rustic metal and the walls were dark bricks. It was a very calming atmosphere had it not been for the massive amounts of people in here.
The counter had cakes on display in all different shapes and flavors.
My stomach was full but I was drooling as I looked at the chocolate-covered lava cake and the chocolate chip muffins but I knew that If I ate another thing I would die..
“One cappuccino and one-” I said and turned to Cas*sy.
“No, I’ll order after you,” she said and I stared at her until she answered
“A mocha please,” she said and smiled at the young guy who took the orders.
She took out her card but I placed my hand over hers.
“You bought food, I’ll buy coffee,” I said and blipped my card.
We sat down on one of the tables and I sipped on my drink. My head kept turning left and right as people came and went. I couldn’t tell whether it was because I didn’t feel safe or if it was curiosity, maybe both, but I needed to know who was in there and see their faces. I could probably also blame it on paranoia and the fact that most people seemed to hate me already.
“Are you okay”
Ca*sy asked.
“Yeah, I’m good,” I said and took another sip.
“So you work at Chanel?” I asked..
“Yup, have been since I turned eighteen. Before that, I worked here,” She said and smiled.
Cas*sy took a deep breath and her lips pressed in a firm line.
“What’s on your mind?” I asked.
– trust and a
“Well, in the spirit of gaining that feel like there is something you should know.” She said and looked up at me through her lashes. My body tensed as it had a million times already and I thought about just keeping it in this position.
“Yes?” I said when she didn’t continue.
“There’s a rumor going around about you. Most people have heard it and it just grew the days before -your arrival,” I scoffed.
“That I’m spoiled a bitch?” I asked and looked at her.
Ca*sy nodded her head and scrunched her nose.
“I’m not gonna lie, I believed them. They sounded more like a describing personality rather than a
Tue, May
rumor,” she said.
“It’s fine. I had the same rumor back at my old pack,” I said and shrugged a careless shoulder. There was no way to escape gossip and rumors, I had tried. And even trying to set them right always bit me in the *ss so I stopped.
“But why? How did it get started?”
“My family’s loaded. We have a lot of money, or well they have. It goes back generations, real estate, hotels, casinos, airlines etcetera. The spoiled rumor probably came from there and the spoiled bitch rumor could be that I stopped paying for everyone’s crap all the time and they didnt like that,”
“You paid for people’s things?” I nodded my he d.
buy anything, so we can have everything: My mom holy book. I grew up thinking that that was how you top being cheap, I told her that I wanted real al. That I had an obligation and alienating the pack
“In my family, the motto was always ‘money car would recite those words to me like a scripture from got things, including relationship”My mom told me to friendships and she said that nothing in this world is members and becoming a loner wasn’t what I was born for,”
s. My mom would tell me to buy my friends clothes, food, and whatever they desired because that
I was how I would get popular. After a while, I realized that all they wanted to do was to shop and I was always the one paying for their things so I stopped, I stopped paying and they stopped wanting to hang out
with me.”
“I’m so sorry,”
“What were you born for if not being who you are?” Marriage, apparently.
“I’ll let you know when I find out,” I said and gave her a side smile.
The clock ticked by quickly and Cas*y told me she had to head home to her family. We said goodbye after I declined her walking me to the pack house.
I’d find my way and if I didn’t, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
I could totally sleep outside, it was warm and nice and all I’d need was a little rock to rest my head on. Another bonus of sleeping outside was that there would be no Aiden.
There wasn’t a lot of movement in the pack house but I did hear some chatter here and there.
I walked upstairs hoping I could get there before anyone saw me.
I opened the door and went to my suitcase, I hac sweated through the dress and needed something baggier that would breathe more.
“Where the f*ck have you been!” The door slammed into the wall and was then shut close. I jumped up on my feet and spun around. Aidens eyes were as dark as the night sky and his shoulders were rigid,
“I-I was at the mall. What’s it to you?” I asked as my hand lay over my chest trying to ease the erratic beating of my heart.
“Do you have any idea the crap I’ve had to take because I couldn’t answer a f*cking question about where you were?” He said through clenched teeth.
“Why is that any of your business?”
“BECAUSE I AM THE ALPHA!” He stepped in closer, slow steps and his eyes looked like they were scanning a prey before the final attack.
“Listen to me carefully. I don’t love you, I will never love you and I will never accept you but I have a role to play and so do you. So you will do as I say when say, you will let me know where you are at every f*cking moment and you will never disobey an order. Is that clear?” What was happening…
I “Yes,” I answered, more quietly than I had wished.
“Give me your phone.” He ordered and I looked at my bag laying on the bed.
“Give me your phone, Gabby,” I took my phone out and tensed my fingers so that he wouldn’t see them shaking.
“What-” he ripped it from my hands and started pressing buttons.
“What are you doing!” He turned his back, raising the phone so I couldn’t take it back.
“My number’s in here now and I have yours. You will always let me know where you are and if
you don’t,” he said and stepped closer. His fingers came up and gripped my chin as he tilted my head back.
“The consequences will be most dire.” His eyes went between mine and my lips. His thumb graced the surface of my bottom lip and I forced my eyes to stay on his even though I wanted to shut them close. His jaw clenched and he smirked.
“Get rid of any thoughts about leaving or getting rid of this arrangement. You’re mine now, Gabriella, and you’re going to learn to accept that.” He rought ulled away his hand.
“There’s dinner downstairs. Get ready and then we’ll go.” He said without stepping back to give me space. He wanted me to be the one moving. I was the daughter of an Alpha, I wasn’t stupid and I most certainly knew a show of dominance when I saw one
“I’m not hungry.” I said.
“I don’t care. Everyone is waiting for you.” My choices were to either break eye contact, step back and go into the bathroom to change, or…
“Fine.” I grabbed the shirt that was laying on the bed and pulled it over my head. I reached under and slipped off the dress straps and let it fall to the floor.
Aiden clenched his jaw, his eyes grew darker and his fingers rolled into his hands. I knew he could te that I was nervous, my heart was beating in my chest and my breathing was heavy and fast.
“Let’s go.” I said and walked past him but Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“Put on pants.” My *ss was out but I needed to change my underwear and regardless of how badly I wanted to push up against his power show, I couldn’t take them off in front of him.
“Leave.” I said and met his gaze. His stern expression turned amused as a grin pulled on his lips. His other hand came up and rested on my hip before sliding his fingers up to my chest.
He leaned down his head, closing any distance there was between us.
“I can hear your heartbeat. I know you’re nervous. He whispered.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t still walk down to that dinner without pants,” I said and scowled.
Aiden scoffed and nodded his head.
“Ten minutes.” He said and walked to the door. He threw a quick glance at the bed and smirked.
“Chanel, surprise surprise,” I clenched my jaw and ignored the not-so-subtle hint.
He’d heard the Tumor, he probably believed it as well.
I changed my underwear and put on my pants and took a deep breath before heading downstairs.
Aiden was waiting at the end of the stairs but I looked straight ahead as I walked down.
I turned and walked toward the dining hall but his fingers grabbed my hand and I stopped. My eyes turned down to where our hands were touching and then I quickly looked up at him. Something swirled around in Aidens eyes before he covered it up.
“They’re not in there,” he said and let go of my hand. We walked around the corner and in through another entrance. There was a smaller table in a more decorated room. Candles had been lit and candelabras were placed around the room in the coers, big ones.
Aidens father, Cameron, sat at the head of the ble, Marie sat beside him on the side and Cole and
Bob sat next to Marie.
Aiden pulled out a chair for me opposite Marie and sat down.
“It’s good to see you’re alright, we got a little worried earlier,” Marie said and raised a brow at Aiden.
“Yeah I’m sorry about that. Some girls asked me to go to the mall with them and I forgot to let Aiden know. Guess I got too excited,” I said and smiled. Damage control was done.
“Excited to shop I bet,” Cole said and grinned. I laughed a quiet laugh.
“It is one of my hobbies,” I said and smirked. Changing their perception of me, one they had got without meeting me, wasn’t my obligation.
If they wanted to paint me as a spoiled brat then go ahead.
I’ll help.
“What other hobbies do you have?” Marie asked and her eyes glinted.
I had to think long and hard about that question but all that came to mind was what I had done at
“Painting, reading and,” did I have no other hobbies? Did I even really like the ones I had just mentioned?
“That’s it,” I said and smiled awkwardly.
“Then I have a surprise for you tomorrow,” She said and winked.
“Melina had gotten something real nice at Chanel, and so had Lilian and Amanda as well. They came back with giant.bags,” Cole said and looked at Aiden. His eyes slowly turned on me and I was starting to think that that smirk was painted permanently onto his face. He chuckled and chowed down on his food.
“How could they afford that?” Marie asked and raised a brow.
I clenched my jaw and glared at Cole.
I could feel Aidens eyes on the side of my face but I looked at Marie and shrugged my shoulders.
“Ca*sandra works there, she probably gave them some discounts,” Aiden said but I could still feel his eyes on me, burning into my skin. I didn’t want to face him. Why did he say that?
“At Chanel? I highly doubt that.” Marie said and shook her
“Whichever way they got it they were ecstatic and said they were gonna wear their new clothes when we go party tomorrow,” of course, they were going to the party.
I’m such an idiot.
My hands were starting to sweat and I was pushing down the waves of betrayal that kept sweeping over me. They knew Sam so they knew Cole and Aiden as well. They were the ones that Cole had mentioned earlier when he said some other girls were joining them.
I wanted to push back the chair and leave but I knew that I couldn’t. The suffocating feeling of being trapped grew bigger with each passing second. Aiden’s hand came down and rested on my leg. My body stiffened but he leaned down, his lips were just by my ear but I was thankful for the hair that was covering
“Relax.” He said and gently squeezed my thigh. I was still stiff under his touch but after he removed started to relax and the floods of feelings that had washed over me went away.
Cole was watching me, a devilish grin on his face and his eyes bored into mine brimming with amusement. Like a child looks at their favorite toy.