Alpha’s Betted Bride by Ms.M Chapter 51-60

Aiden’s POV-
The rain had stopped, it was six o’clock in the morning and the clouds were still dark in the sky.
I had gathered the warriors and the plan was to scour every inch of our surrounding grounds outside the border.
Whoever kidnapped Cassy couldn’t have been far and they wouldn’t have gotten for during the storm.
“Aiden!” Gabby came running down the stairs.
“You’re not coming with us.” I said.
She rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw.
“Here, Mr.Maler gave this to me yesterday. It belonged to Cassy,” she handed me a scarf. It would help.
“Thank You,” I said and grabbed it from her. Our fingers graced each other and I saw the little jump she did upon contact.
One day I would turn all her bad memories to dust and replace them with the best ones she could possibly imagine.
“Be safe,” she said.
I leaned down, cupped her cheek with my hand, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. I held myself back, I wanted to taste her, to run
my hands all over her body and drag my tongue over every inch.
I wanted
d her to be mine. In every possible way but I knew she wasn’t ready.
She smiled and stepped back.
Me, Nick and Bob were in the car. The others had shifted and were running past the borders and starting the search. We were going further down to see if we could find anything out from the humans in the neighboring town.
“Hello?” I answered my phone as it rang but no caller ID showed.
“Alpha Aiden?”
“This is he. Who am I talking to?”
“This is Alpha Nicolas, I heard from another Alpha that you were looking for information regarding one of your pack members,” I stiffened in the seat and I knew that Bob and Nick were listening in as well.
“Do you know anything?” I asked. My guards were up, I hadn’t heard from Alpha Nicolas in a long time, I believe the last time we heard from him was when my father was Alpha.
“I do and I believe you’re on the wrong track. Asher doesn’t have the girl,”
“How do you know this?”
“We have all been keeping an eye on you brother. He has made it difficult for many smaller packs and we were making sure he didn’t misstep with us. Therefore we know every move he has made, and neither he nor a member of his pack has made a move in days. They seem to be planning and expanding, they haven’t left the pack.”
“Then where the f*ck is she?”
“I don’t know but
hear anything, I will let
let you know,” we hung up.
If Asher didn’t have her then where the f*ck could she be?
“Do you believe him?” Nick asked me.
“I don’t believe anyone.”
Alpha, there’s a faint smell but we can’t tell where it leads
‘Keep looking”
We parked the car and searched for hours. We had been knocking on doors and showing a picture of Casandra but no one recognized her. The other Alphas had no idea about either of the ones I had spoken to
This was all weird as fck.
was starting t to set. The surroundings were foggy and the clouds were
is were still th
thick and grey from the storm.
The sun was
Water drops fell down from the roofs of the houses and there were puddles everywhere.
“Should we head back?” Bob asked and slammed his hand on a lampost.
Nick was watching me, awaiting an answer. uck… did we go back? And admit to Cassy’s father that we haven’t found her or a single trace that might tell us where she is?
My phone rang and I picked it up in a haste.
“What?” I bit out.
“Son,” shit.
“You have to come home,”
“Gabriella’s parents, they’re on their way here.” I looked up. Nick’s eyes widened and we all took off to the car.
We drove up to the pack house and parked, leaving tracks in the grounds and barely turning the car off before we jumped out.
All three of us ran up and through the doors. My father and mother were standing in my office. Gabby was pushing herself back onto the wall with her eyes cast down on the couch. Her mind was elsewhere and I saw how scared she was.
She had barely healed and now another curveball was being thrown at her.
“What’s going on?” I asked. My eyes scanned Gabby’s fragile being before they slowly turned on my father’s and hardened.
“They just called and informed us that they are coming.
“Now.” Gabby said and lifted her head.
Noah and Edmund came barging in. They looked between Gabby and me and walked over to her, forming a shield around her.
ing here?” My mother asked calmly,
“Why do you believe they’re coming
“To finish what they started. They want to bring down your pack-” Edmund started.
“Not the pack, you.” Gabby said and looked at me.
“Yeah, they want to bring down the Alpha. They surely have a plan B and if that done!!!!
work they have C and D as well.”
“We have to prepare. Gabby, you’re going to stay by us the entire time.” Nick said.
“Why?” Marie asked.
“Because whichever letter of plan they are going to execute, Gabby the main player.”
It was dark outside and the fog was setting across the forest line. Little drops of rain fell from the sky and the ominous feeling that lay over the land was hard for anyone to ignore.
We were all on edge as we waited for the sound of the car driving up the path.
Nick looked up. His eyes were basically lit with a fire and he locked eyes with me.
“They’re here.” He said..
We all got up and opened the doors.
The Alpha couple stepped in. Unlike last time when they had one guard with them, this time it looked like they had brought a whole
They walked in followed by fifteen warriors and also they’re Beta. He was an older man, the same age range as Gabby’s father with the same disgusting look on his face.
If evil had a face it would be a spitting image of the people in front of me.
‘Calm yourself’
I’m trying
“Try harder’
“It is so nice to meet you all again!” She said with a high-pitched voice and reached out her hand to everyone.
“My sons, how have you been?” She asked and cupped their cheeks
“Fine.” She pouted her lips and patted Edmund’s hair back.
“I’m sure you are all eager to come home. Don’t worry, you will leare with us tonight.” She turned her gaze to Gabby.
“Sweetheart, you’re looking a little pale. You
should be out in the sun more often. The taste of freedom is something we all take for granted far too often,” She drew in a deep breath and released it in a relaxing motion. Her shoulders relaxed and she looked lovingly at her children. At least what she thought was a loving look but in fact, it was colder than the weather outside.
The dinner was placed on the table and everyone was sitting
Nobody was speaking but it was easy to tell that everyone had their guard up.
“So what is the business you have with our pack so late at night?” Clark asked.
“Yeah, and why couldn’t it wait until… I don’t know, never?” Edmund winced when his brother dug the fork into his hand.
e really do miss ours. We want
“Well, we have been talking, me and Magnus, We have been speaking mostly about family and how we a our sons to come back home. Nick will soon take his place as Alpha of our pack and he must be ready,”
“And what about Noah?” Gabby asked and her mother stiffened for split second before relaxing.
“What about him, dear?”
“Why must he come home? Or Edmund?” She asked.
Gabby was sitting next to me, her hands rested on her lap and I felt them shaking. Her voice sounded strong but her mind and body surely weren’t.
I reached down my hand slowly and graced my fingers over hers. I entwined our fingers and softly just let it Jay there, comforting her.
She immediately relaxed and took a deep
Her eyes slowly sunk to where our hands were touching before lifting
her eyes and locking them with mine.
“Hm,” Her mom said and searched her daughter’s face, Gabby regained her composure and her walls flew back up.
“And then there is one more thing we have come for.” Her mother said and raised her head.
“We’re bringing Gabby home as well. We believe that we acted too rushed with the decision of having her leave us and we have regretted our decision. You get to come home, sweetheart,” Everyone froze around the table. Her brothers stiffened and I saw Edmund biting back real hard. His wolf was trying to surface.

-Gabby’s POV-
We saw the fog from the windows. The branches of the trees were singing in the winds and water trails went down the glass.
My mother was watching me, as was my father. After she had said those words I completely lost my ability to speak. Cassy had said this when we were with the witch. She said that they would come and take me back. I swore that I wouldn’t let that happen but I needed to regain my voice and my strength. I still felt broken and so scared.
“Perhaps that is not her wish anymore,” Marie said and stared daggers at my mother.
I knew that the niceties were all gone and people’s true colors were about to come out. It was about to get ugly.
“Gabriella?” M
Marie said and 1 shook my head.
“No,” I squealed, hoping it would’ve sounded stronger.
My mother tilted her head to the side and smiled.
“But you will. You will get reacquainted with everything and every one and you will feel at h
“I never felt at home even once whilst living there,” I said.
My body was shaking.
home again,”
“Gabby, we are your family.” My father said and narrowed his eyes. My family? The ones who whipped me from when I was a five- year-old child, beat me into obedience, and filled me with poison to make me some kind of a chemical weapon they could use when they needed it.
“You never cared about me,” I said and nodded my head.
“You only ever cared about yourselves and power and money. I could’ve died and you wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. You would’ve sired another daughter to do your bidding.”
“Maybe we would’ve done it right a second time,” my father said and laughed. My mother laughed with him.
“You are coming home with us, the decision is t
“Is it not?” I asked and sat up straighter.
yours to make.”
“I am married to the most powerful Alpha in this country. I am the Luna of a pack who has accepted me as such. My life is entwined with his, the decision of whether I leave or stay, ultimately, befalls on the Alpha.” My mom clenched her jaw and looked more and more unpleased by the situation they had gotten themselves into.
o your
“Gabriella, we miss you, we are your family and you belong with us. We promise you that the next time you marry, it will be to mate.” My father said and looked at me sternly. Neither of them knew that I already was. I was married to my mate.
There was a warning in his eyes that he wanted me to see and understand and I did, I saw it but the world would burn to ashes before the day came that I once again obeyed him.
“Father, you are speaking to the wrong person.” He grunted and bared his teeth before turning his head and facing Aiden.
“Alpha, we were too quick in handing our daughter over to you and now we ask for the chance to correct our juistake,”
“I don’t believe you.” Aiderf said in a monotone voice.
My father squirmed in his chair and then scoffed. He rested his arms on the table and nodded his thick head.
“What do you believe then?”
“I believe you have an ulterior motive for bringing Gabriella back with you,” My mother looked at Aiden and started laughing subtly.
“And why is that?”
“Because your daughter asked not to be married, you overlooked her wish and sent her to me. She asked not for you to visit again, but you came anyway. She asked not to go home and yet here you are, bargaining with me for her retur.” His voice was so smooth, so confident. He knew he had them in his grip.
“I am not bargaining, Alpha. I am telling you what will happen.” He seethed.
I looked over and saw a smirk on Clark’s face. He was proud of his son for how he handled it all. And he also knew, perhaps even wanted, for my father to step over the line and threaten or try and harm the Alpha, they would take him down.
Male’s eyes found mine and she tilted her head down slightly and offered me a small yet confidently brimming smile.
My mother saw our little exchange and it looked like her face was set on fire.
“This is no negotiation. We understand that you have treated her well, as well as could anyways but she will be leaving with us
will her brothers. End of discussion.” My mother said.
and so
“I’m afraid we cannot allow that. You see, the pack is very fond of their Luna, and having her leave against
her will would cause very much upset among the pack members…as well as the warriors who will do anything to get her back. Including but limited to stopping you at the border, by any means necessary.” Marie said.
“And as far as her brothers are concerned, they have been of great help to the pack but mostly to Gabby. She suffered a row of traumatic events and I believe she would benefit from having them around.”
My mother scoffed and nodded her head.
“Oh yes, we heard about those much too unfortunate events.” She said and looked at me with a raised brow.
She didn’t give a single f*ck that her daughter was tortured and raped.
Everyone was having a staring contest. Stiffly watching each other and if looks could kill, everyone in here would be dead. Me included. My father wanted me to lie down and roll over. He expected me to obey him.
The door to the dining room opened up and Mr.Maler came running inside. He barely balanced himself as he fell into the dining hall. Everyone’s heads snapped to him and his worried face.
“Alpha, have you found her? Where is she?” He said and looked with such hope at Aiden. I had to look away, I averted my eyes and looked down at my plate.
“Thomas,” Aiden said and stood up. He walked up to him and on the stride over, Mr. Maler already know the answer.
“No, no…no,” He said and shook his head.
it trust me,
“Thomas, we will find her. The trace went cold and she wasn’t in the vicinity around the border or the towns close by but
she will be found.”
“It’s him, your brother, it’s Asher!” He said.
“It’s not. I have contacted other packs and they have kept close tabs on Asher and his pack. Nobody has exited or entered the pack in days.”
“Then where the hell is my daughter?!” He cried out.
Hmm,” my veins froze to ice and my body turned to that of a tree.
I slowly, shakily, turned my head and faced my mother.
“Shame, she was a sweet girl. I saw the love between you two when we visited last.” She carved into her chicken and placed a piece in
her mouth.
“Where is she?” Aiden growled and turned to my
She looked at me with a sickening smile,
“You will return home with us, will you not?”

-Alden’s POV-
Now you need to calm down
“How? They have coerced everyone into giving them our mate. They’re gonna take her away”
No, they’re not
“You know as well as me how this will end. It is either they take her or Cassy doesn’t come bac✪
My eyes shifted color and my wolf stepped front and center.
Gabby’s parents were looking like they had won. And I was terrified that they might’ve,
“Where is my daughter!” Two of our warriors were holding Thomas back as he tried to reach for
knew where his daughter was,
only two people
le in this room who
His eyes started glowing and his wolf wanted out. The warriors that Gabby’s parents had brought came rushing into the room and took a stance next to the Alpha couple.
Our own warriors came walking in with a strong stride and took their stand. behind me.
-You are hereby forbidden to leave the pack grounds until you give us the whereabouts of Cassidy Maler.” I said.
Magnus smirked and dried his mouth with the napkin.
“Us staying here will not ensure her safety. For her safety is no longer…in our hands,” He said.
d for bl
blood was rising.
I could no longer predict everyone’s next moves. I felt the anger in each person in this room and their need
“Our children are coming home with us.” My father snapped.
“No.” I looked at Gabby who had just growled those words.
Bob came walking into the dining hall with a big and fast stride. He was fuming in anger and had a piece of paper in his hand.
“This was just left for you.” He said and handed it over to me. Gably quickly stood and came to my side.
She gasped when she saw the picture.
It was Cassidy, with her hands tied to a chain in the ceiling. Her clothes had been taken from her body and there were cuts on her
front as she hung there in nothing but her underwear.
Her eyes were closed and her head hung.
“No,” Gabby breathed.
“What is it, let me see!” I pulled the picture away from Thomas. He couldn’t handle seeing his daughter like this. No parent could. No parent except for the parents of my mate.
“Who left this?” I asked and looked at Bob.
“Another messenger.
“Where is he?” A body was tossed down on the floor in front of my feet by another warrior.
I pushed him with my foot and he landed on his back. The messenger had slit his throat, just like the last one.
His eyes were wide open and he had a smile on his f
face that was pulling down as his muscles relaxed after his death.
Just then, as I had the photo in my head and looked at the dead man at my feet I realized something. The truth dawned on me.
Her parents had come here with the plan of bringing Gabby and her brothers home. They wanted to take them away from the pack, away from me. They wanted them all gone and for what? To reunite their family? B*llsht.
They wanted them gone because they had another plan after that. They had given Cassy to my brother, he then sent the messenger just like last time. He had people slitting their throats for his cause which meant he now had members to spare.
They were growing in numbers, getting ready for the next step, the attack. But they needed allies, more men to fight and they needed brothers gone because they would fight on our side, even against their own parents. They were allies now and the only other thing he wanted besides my title…was my mate.
abby was never go
going to make it home, was she?” I asked and stepped forward.
Gabby turned her head and looked between me and her parents. Her brothers stood and evaluated the circumstances, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“You’ve made a bargain with my brother. You will help the attack of our pack, you will help make it so that he kills me and takes the title and then you will give him the other thing he craves.” I grabbed Gabby’s hand and pulled her behind me.
“You sure are as smart as they say.” Her father said and slowly pushed back his chair and stood to his feet.
My parents rose as well.
“What?” Gabby breathed.
Someone growled and all of us turned to Nick who was standing in front of his two brothers. His eyes were glowing and his canines were extended. He was the only one out of all of them who I had never seen get angry before. Not in the sense where he got vicious.
“You were going to give her to him?” He growled. If I wasn’t mistaken, which I wasn’t, I saw a hint of fear in his father’s eyes.
Nick wrapped his fingers around the chair in front of him and it cracked. He picked it up and tossed it at the wall.
“Nick,” My father said and walked around the table.
Nick’s father’s eyes started glowing as well and his mother stood and stepped back.
My father placed a hand on Nick’s shoulder and held him back.
“Not yet.” He said and locked eyes with hin
“It seems that the only way for this to go the way we all hope it will, is for you to allow us to leave with our children, and then, only then, will we free Casandra and have her location sent to you to pick her up.”
My mother was standing at the top of the table and watching everyone. My father was still holding his hand on Nick’s shoulder.
Edmund and Noah were seething but seeing their older brothers’ anger had them take a step back. They know that if it came down to it, Nick’s anger and protection over his sister outweighed both Edmund’s and Noah’s
oh was standing by my side, his eyes cast on the Santo’s and the guards still held Mr.Maler back.
“That is not going to happen. Our Lana will stay here and we will find out where Cassy is being held. And when we do, we will rip out the hearts of anyone in our way of getting her.” Bob said and stepped forward.
“Yes but will you be able to do that before or after she is dead?” MSantos asked.
“I heard Asher has a thing for the younger ones, or maybe it was jud a particular one. You sure left a mark on that man, sweetheart. He’ll never let you go now,” His wife said and looked at Gabby. She was pressing herself back, I cou see how desperately her feet wanted to step back but she refused.
I stepped to the side, again blocking their view of her.
I felt a small, petite hand on my arm and looked back.
My eyes locked with Gabby’s and her eyes were swarming with emotion.
“I have to find her,” she said.
“We will.” She shook her head.
“I have to find her now, before he breaks her,” her mother laughed.
“What makes you think he hasn’t already? Didn’t take him long to succeed with you,” Gabby choked on her breath and sunk into
That b*tch was breathing her last breaths. Her life was on a thing thread and I couldn’t see myself letting her walk out of here alive.
I I had mind-linked several warriors to team up and go search around the perimeters of Asher’s pack. To keep a lookout for anything that could show a trace of Cassy.
all of us in here. The dining room was filling up with an intense feeling of hate and a weight
it that still left all They were on their way but that that was crushing person by person.
There was no doubt that tonight would bring bloodshed…

“Dimitri, ready the cars, we’re leaving “Gabby’s mom said and raised her head.
I stepped around and my warriors stood in front of the doors, blocking the exit.
“Move.” Dimitri growled and his Alpha and Luna stood behind him
“Not gonna happen, I’m gonna need you to step back.” I said and stepped in between. I placed a hand on Dimitris chest and pushed
His eyes started glowing and he extended his canines.
He slapped my hand away, extended his claws and tried slashing at me. I dodged it and pushed with both hands at his chest causing him to fly back.
The other warriors readied themselves and started growling. My father and gabby’s brothers stepped around the table and came closer
to us.
Dmititri got back up and raised his hand throwing a punch.
I grabbed his hand, crushing every bone in it before landing my
fist on his face.
“Alpha Aiden, this is enough! If you want your pack member back alive you and your men will step aside or I will make a call and her life will be ended!” Gabby’s father said. Mr.Maler drew in a sharp breath and looked with widened eyes at Mr.Santos.
I saw the fear-full look on his face and I clenched my law.
Before I could speak, Nick leaped over the table and slammed his father against the wall. The phone fell from his hand and slid under the table.
His mother looked at the phone, her eyes went between ours and the phone and she went for it. Edmund was quicker, going under the table, grabbing the phone and standing up right in front of her.
“How dare you defy your parents!” She seethed and slapped her son
His face moved to the side and then he raised his hand and wrapped his fingers harder around the phone. It cracked and broke to pieces in his hand. As he relaxed his fingers the pieces of the phone fell to the floor and his mother was heaving in anger.
“You ungrateful little b-” Before she could finish the sentence, my mother stepped in front of her and pushed her back against the
Her eyes glowed and it looked everyone in here was about to shift. The warriors came at us and the fight had begun.
“Alden!” Gabby screamed. I looked behind me and saw Dimitris hand landing me square off the jaw. I fell back into another warrior and broke his neck. The first guy had died.
Who was going to be next?
I heard a grunt and looked over my shoulder. Nick’s father had him against the wall and was throwing punch after punch. Blood started spilling from his mouth but for each hit, Nick just grew more vicious. He grabbed his fathers hand just as it was about to hit him and twisted his arm. He lifted him of the ground and slammed him down on the table.
He pushed away and fell down on the fl
floor on the other side of the table. Edmund was fighting of his old warrior buddies and so Noah. Their mother was behind everyone, seething and her face was turning beet red.
o was
screeched and everyone stopped.
She pulled out a knife, Edmund was facing the warrior, his back was to his mother. She raised the knife, and took a step toward her youngest son. Everyone looked in horror at what she was about to do.
She raised her hand and the tip of the blade was pointed at Edmunit’s neck.
“No!” Someone ran past me, knocked over one of the warriors. The tip was closing in on Edmunds neck. Her eyes widened, her arm was twisted and moved away and her lips parted in a silent scream.
Gabriella was standing in front of her mother with tears swelling in her eyes. Her hands were on the handle of the dager that she had just plunged into her mother. The blood was spilling down her body, her hands laid on top of her daughters. The tears began to fall and Gabby hitched a breath, an unbelievable look in her eyes at what she had just done. She shook her head and lifted one hand, cupping her
mothers cheek.
“I’m so sorry but his life is one I cannot live without.” She whispered and a loud sob sounded from her.
“You did your best…mom….I…I’m sorry.” She pressed the knife in further and shut her eyes closed. Her mothers head hung and then she fell back, down on the floor with her eyes wide open.
Gabby chocked and fell back. She was quickly spun around and pressed into the chest of her brother, Edmund wrapped his arms around her tightly, one hand on the back of her head and the other securely holding around her waist.
She was crying into his shirt.
She just killed her mother
‘Focus still,
ill. it isn’t over
I looked to my side and saw Gabby’s father pushing Nick off of him and staggering to stand back up. His widened eyes were taking in the sight of his lifeless wife laying on the floor with the knife still stuck in her stomach.
He fell against the table as he took shaky steps towards her. Gabby turned her head and watched her father.
He fell to his knees beside her body.
“NO!” He roared. The walls shook and their warriors stepped back.
He looked up with bloodshot eyes and searched for Gabby.
He slowly stood to his feet, grabbing the chair next to him as support.
“You…” he seethed.
*You nasty, disgusting piece of shit. You’re a waste of air in this world…”
*… You killed your own mother you monster!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. His hands wrapped around Gabby’s throat and her feet lifted from the ground.
Everyone ran over t
there but before any of us could intervene and kill the s*n of a bit*h, his hands let go,
Gabby fell down and I grabbed her, pulling her to me.
Her father looked confusedly at everyone, his eyes scanning his sons and then he fell down to his knees in front of Edmund. Standing behind him, with a bloodied knife in his hand was Nick. The same knife that had been used to kill their mother had now been plunged
Into their father.
Nobody spoke. You could’ve dropped a needle in the room and heard the sound of metal hitting the floor and then bouncing up
pand landing again. The sound of anybody’s heart was gone, as though everyone had just died. Or maybe, we were all just in to much shock to speak. Watching Gabby’s, Edmund’s, Nick’s and Noah’s parents laying dead on the dining room floor. Their bodies were basically beside
each other.
Killed with the same knife, by their daughter and son.
They had arrived here with such hope and confidence that they would win the fight, bring their children home, sell their daughter, and make their son’s Alphas. They believed they would succeed so highly, so confidently.
And yet here they were, dead, on the floor of the pack they wanted to destroy.
My eyes graced over Gabby. How could this all have been written for her? How could so much pain be meant for one single person? A person so kind and pure hearted she would lay down her life to protect anyone.
The warriors that the Santo’s had brought all went down on one knee in front of Nick. For he was now their Alpha. He was next in line to take over the pack and the title had just been passed over.
“Rise.” He said and they stood, albeit looking profoundly confused,
The Beta was standing with a much too disapproving look on his face. Nick cast me a look.
“Come in.” Nick said and everyone turned their heads.
Chapter Comments
Alpha’s Betted Bride

can I come in?” Nick was standing by the door to my office. I had just visited Cole in the dungeon, my mind was a f*cking mess and I could not handle any more at this moment.
I placed the picture of Cole on the table and nodded my head.
“What’s up?” I asked. Nick sat down on the chair in front of the desk. He raised his head and looked around at the surface of the table. His eyes landed on the picture I had just placed down.
He picked it up and scanned it.
“I spoke to him.” He said and looked up at me.
I clenched my jaw and leaned forward.
“I heard he was one of the people who hurt Gabby.”
“We got into some interesting…history, I knew what he was getting at but I didn’t appreciate him fishing for answers.
“Why don’t you just cut to the chase, I have a lot on my mind right now.” He nodded his head and placed the frame down.
“I have a plan, one that you cannot tell anyone about. Including my brothers and sister.” I was getting intrigued and at the same time, a feeling of dread filled the room. I didn’t want to keep secrets from Gabby, I didn’t want to lie to her or in any other way hurt her again,
I had promised, both her and myself, that I would keep everything honest.
“Sorry, I can’t promise you that.” He sighed and bit down on his lip His eyes rose and I could see the intentions in them. Whatever plan he had was going to be a whim.
“Please, it’s for their safety.” He said and lowered his head.
What do we do?
“We promised her no more lies”
I know but something is up
And we have to find out what it is. Aiden, we also promised to protect her, we have been beating ourselves up trying to figure out a way to do so. Maybe this is the way”
I looked at Nick and bowed my head,
“I promise.”
“Cole told me much about your past. How you edged him into this life of hypocrisy and douchery. You were the devil on his shoulder,
shouting louder than his common sense. He told me about the person he used to be before you affected him.” I clenched my jaw tighter and was hoping he’d get to the point before my patience ran over.
“He seems like a good man, deep down. I know what he did, to both Gabby and Cassy so I’m proposing a way for him to showcase his other sides and simultaneously make up for the bad he has done.”
“And how exactly do you plan on doing that? How is he going to make up for raping a girl?” Nick raised a brow and leaned his elbows
on his knees.
“How come you didn’t give two shits about the allegations until Gabby came along? That girl, Casandra, she walked on these grounds, seeing the face of her tormentor every day. Why didn’t you do anything sooner?” This a question I had asked myself for a long time. Since the morning that Cassy came out of the bedroom with Cole. I knew the truth, why hadn’t I acted ogit?
*1 was messed up, played by my brother, and more protective over my friends than the innocence of a girl,”
“Who used to be your friend, no?” My eyes started glowing and I growled.
“That, right th
there, is why I cannot trust you with my sister.” I was taken aback by his comment.
I leaned back in th
in the chair and blinked several times.
“You’re unreliable, you cannot own up to your mistakes and you blame your pain on everyone else. The second someone pushes up against you, saying something you don’t like, you fall back on that default setting that was put in you so long ago.”
I shook my head and scoffed. Defensive, I knew th
Where the f*ck were my words? Why was I quietly sitting and letting him lead the conversation?
“Because now you’re talking to an actual Alpha”
I looked up at Nick. My blood was boiling but it wasn’t at him, my anger was directed at myself.
“Tell me what you want.” I said and tried pushing back the anger.
When it is time
“I want you to release Cole, not yet but soon. Something will happen, it has been quiet for too long. You will know and then I’m gonna need you to send a guard and let him out of the cellar. He will be ready and on my command, I will instruct him
“What is it he will do?”
“I don’t know yet but he will do it, that I can promise you,”
End of Flashback…
His face was bruised and dirt covered it in patches. His eye was swollen. His clothes had been changed and he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Dried blood on his arms and his neck.
Cole looked around the room and Gabby gasped. I looked at Nick, the plan had been set in place the second we heard about their parent’s arrival. In the car on the way back to town, Nick told me what Cole would be doing to clear his name, or at the very least he would clean it a bit.
Warriors, meet Cole Askon, your new Alpha.” Everyone was looking around in shock but I met my father’s gaze and he calmed.
The warriors kneeled.
“Before he takes his place as Alpha of the pack, he has a mission. Have you been informed?” He asked Cole who bowed his head.
“What…what is happening?” Gabby asked. She turned her head and looked at me. A pang of guilt hit me in the chest.
“Aiden…Aiden did you… did you know? Please tell me you didn’t,” she said and shook her head.
“I did.” I said. She stepped away from me and bumped into one of the warriors. Her eyes cast around the room frantically and my mother walked toward her. Gabby bumped into the table, she stumbled over her father’s leg, and fell down on the floor next to them. Cole had raped her best friend, something Gabby knew too much about herself. And now he was free.
“Oh my god…” she breathed and started hyperventilating.
o, you didn’t, please tell me you didn’t,” she said to me and shook her head.
“No, no,
My eyes softened. Everything softened as I saw her scared and fragde body pushing up against the wall.
“No,” she cried.
“Gabby, I’m sorry but I promise you it is for the best,” she scoffed and wiped the tears.
She was about to step forward but a body came in the way and she was pulled into a hug. My mother wrapped her arms around Gabby and held on tightly.
“Be upset, cry, let your feelings out, and don’t you dare bottle them up and wipe those tears yet. You are not made of stone, my love, you are not meant to take this much pain, not alone at least. Let me take some of it for you,” She whispered and stroked Gabby’s hair.
Gabby’s eyes started watering and then she dug her face into my mother’s neck and sobbed. Her fingers tangled in my mother’s blouse and she held on for her life.
As the crying had eased and Gabby pulled back, my mother wiped her tears and then turned around, using herself as a shield in front of Gabby.
“Continue.” She said and looked between me and Nick with a death glare.
“Nick and I have talked and decided to give Cole a chance to be spared.”
“What?” Gabby
Gabby breathed and narrowed her eyes.
“Before he takes the title of Alpha and leads your pack, he will first go, with five chosen warriors, and bring Cassy back from Asher’s pack.” I said and lifted my head.
Suddenly everyone dropped a breath and leaned back.
We all knew the danger of this, one could argue it was a suicide mission but Cole was a good fighter and obviously sneaky. But more than that, he was hellbent on proving himself and getting back on my good side, which I didn’t know was possible or not,
“Cole, you have agreed to this?” My father asked in a monotone voice.
“I have, sir.”
“Why?” My mother asked.
Because I am aware of the choices I have made and there is nobody else to blame but myself. It doesn’t matter what lies in my past, I could still have controlled my future and I decided to do what I did. Now I will face the consequences and whether or not this gets me killed or I am not given the title, I don’t care. I have to make this right. Both for you Aiden, but also for Cassy.” He said and hung his head.
Mr.Maler nodded his head approvingly.

Cole was sent out. He picked five warriors and they h
my head in respect.
They took off and now we just had to wait.
they headed into the ears. He stopped before he got in, he met my gaze and I bowed
I looked around the house for Gabby but didn’t see her anywhere. My parents were in the dining room, helping clean up. Gabby’s brothers were removing the bodies and instructing their pack’s warriors on where to stay.
I went up the stairs and stopped outside her room. I raised my hand to knock but instead turngl the doorknob and stuck my head in. Gabby was standing by the window with a blanket wrapped around her body. She was looking out into the darkness.
*You can come in,” she said in a broken voice.
I slowly closed the door behind me and walked up to her.
The room was dark, she hadn’t turned any lamps on and she looked content over and over again. And she couldn’t shut it off.
I stood next to her and looked out over the grounds.
but I
I knew there was a horror movie in her mind playing
eling unlike anything else I had ever felt
The sound of the breeze was calming and standing this close to Gabby was a relaxing feeling
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“For what?”
go through all of this she shrugged a shoulder and wrapped the blanket tighter.
“All of it. It’s too much, you shouldn’t have to g
“It’s written in my starts. A life of pain and suffering,” I furrowed my brows and turned to look at her.
She truly believed her own words. I placed my hand on the side of her face and gently turned her to face me. She sighed and closed
her eyes.
When she opened then, my heart broke.
“If I could take your pain, your future challenges, everything bad that has ever happened to you, I would. In the blink of an eye, without ever having to think about it. I would take it all,” she smiled a half smile and leaned into my touch.
“But you can’t.
n’t. It’s all
mine,” she said.
“I have so many bad memories…” her lips parted. Her eyes flickered down and she lifted her hands and touched my chest. Her cheeks flamed up, her body got warmer and a radiating heat exuded. Her eyes darkened with lust.
“…maybe you can give me some good ones,” she whispered.
“I will, I promise you I will give you a world of happy a smiled and blinked.
and loving memories until the
they one day flush out all of the bad ones.” She
“Maybe you can start now.” She leaned up and her lips slowly, gently pressed against mine.
I savored it, all of it. The taste of her lips, the feeling of having them on me, the feeling of touching her.
But then it hit me and I grabbed her hand, gently pulling it away and leaning back.
“You’re hurting, I don’t want to take advantage of you. I want it to mean everything, I want it to be perfect. I don’t want you to regret having done anything in sadness and pain,” I said and closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against hers. It took everything to press back my own urges that were rising rapidly.
“I won’t. Please, give me a better memory of my first time than the one that keeps playing in my head,” My eyes widened for a second as she spoke those words.
“Gabriella, that wasn’t your
first time. Do not consider that to be your first time,” I said and narrowed my eyes softly at hers.
“Help me reconsider,” she said and pressed her lips against mine again.
I kissed her back, tasting that sweet taste of her lips.
“Are you sure?” I asked against her. Her body shivered, I could sme her arousal and feel her lust.
“I promise,” she said.
I grabbed the back of her head and pressed her against me. My hand went down to her waist and I lifted her legs so that she straddled my waist.
I slowly walked over to the bed and gently sat her down on the edge. I deepened the kiss and slid in my tongue, tasting her even more.
I restrained myself from going too fast but I was desperate to feel her, to be inside her, and to finally make her mine.
I pulled back and slowly pulled her shirt up. She lifted her arms and held my eyes captive the entire time. I tossed it aside and Gabby moved up on the bed.
I pulled some of her hair away from her face and dragged my finger over her lips.
I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, throwing them beside the shirt.
that kiss. I never wanted it to end.
I leaned over her, kissing her and pouring all of my love and affection into that ki
I gently slid my
my fingers down her chest and between her legs, making sure to be ready to stop the second she wanted me to.
t as I reached her soaking wet folds, I stopped, I met her gaze and she smiled and nodded her head.
I began stroking over her clit and she sighed deeply.
I slid my fingers under her panties and rubbed in circular motions. She licked her lips and I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. I gently slid in a finger and Gabby moaned against my lips. I went slowly, making sure it didn’t hurt,
She was so relaxed and comfortable under me. When I knew she had settled with the feeling, I slid in another finger and went a little faster. Her walls began to tighten around my fingers and I knew she was close to her climax. I went faster, I dug my fingers into her hair and pressed against her.
“Oh shit,” she moaned as she came and her back arched up from the bed.
I pulled off her panties and tossed them aside. She leaned up on her arms and I removed her bra. I was obsessed with this girl. All of her. Her mind, her heart, and now her body. The second I was inside of her, I knew I wouldn’t ever want to leave.
I lifted her leg and gently positioned myself on top
of her. My
My tip was by her opening and I saw her biting her lip and pr
“Relax, I promise you I won’t do anything that’ll hurt,” I said.
She relaxed into the mattress and I slowly pushed my d*ck in little by little.
She moaned and tossed her head back.
When I was fully in and feeling her at the depth my previous thought was proven correct. The feeling of being inside Gabby was
f*cking magic.
“Holy f*ck,” I groaned and pressed harder. I began thrusting and kept a close eye on her face and her body, making sure she was
relaxed and comfortable.
She opened her eyes, and they struck me with a fire and she grabbed the back of my head.
“Faster,” she breathed.
“Not yet,” I wanted to go slow, to make sure that everything felt good and I wanted to savor the moment. I felt the bond tightening and our bodies connecting. As were our wolves.
After a moment, when I saw the agitation beginning to bubble in her eyes I smirked and went deeper.
I went harder and faster, allowing my primal urges to finally rise and they took over. I pressed her leg further up and leaned back. 1 went deeper and saw the pleasure in her eyes.
I leaned down and kissed her breast, gently squeezing the other one-
“F*ck you feel good,” I pulled out and flipped her over so that she lay on her stomach.
pushed in and grabbed her as*, parting her cheeks and watching as my length entered her all the way. I grabbed her waist and pulled her up on all fours, f*cking her from behind.
I smacked her a*s and Gabby yelped. As she turned her head I saw the smile t
I grabbed her hair,
pulling h
her head back as I thrust into her.
My hand cupped her breast and I pulled her back against my body
Just as she was about to reach her climax I pulled her head to the side.
“I’m gonna c*m,” she moaned and dug her nails into my arm.
that grew on her face.
I extended my canines and dug them into her neck just as her wall tightened around me.
I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and pressed her head back against me as I sunk my teeth in further.
When her body relaxed back onto me, I pulled away and licked the wound, sealing it.
She breathed heavily and then slumped down. I gently placed her on the mattress and stroked her hair. Her eyelids were heavy and she was about to fall asleep. Being marked takes away most of your energy and being f*cked at the same time doubles the tiredness you’ll
She tried opening her eyes and turning to face me.
“Shh,” I pulled the hair away from her face and placed the blanket over her body.
3/4CHAPTER 57.
-Gabby’s POV-
I groaned and turned in the bed. Something felt weird, it felt like I was rested which I hadn’t been for weeks. I turned and looked at the clock. It was ten o’clock and my eyes widened. I rolled over and there he was. Last night rushed back to me and I couldn’t help but
Aiden had his hand on my thigh and when he felt me moving he leaned over and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his body and snuggled up close to me.
Good morning.” I said and stroked his cheek.
Good morning indeed,” he said and smiled. It had been a long time since I had seen him smile. It was nice.
I winced when I felt the pain in my neck and I dragged my finger over the side.
The mark. Aiden marked me.
I saw the hint of uncertainty in his eyes and looked over at him.
“How does it feel?” He asked and leaned upon his arm.
I shrugged a shoulder.
“I like it,” I said.
His shoulder relaxed and he smiled again.
I hadn’t been sure before about Aiden. Whether or not I would want to be with him but yesterday everything just felt so natural. Like it was meant to be, which technically it was considering the fact that we were mates. But still, I wanted him, I was just still unsure of
whether or not I could trust him.
Aiden must’ve sensed my worry. He grabbed my chin and gently turned my head. We locked eyes and he sat up.
“I’m not thinking that this makes everything okay. Everything that has happened, everything I have done, I will as I said earlier spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Sex doesn’t make me think that you have forgiven me or that you trust me again. I will earn it. 1 promise you, Gabriella Santos, that I will earn your trust back.”
There was a lot of noise coming from downstairs as we walked out of the room.
People were yelling and one voice was louder than the others. A voice I didn’t t feel like interacting with. I groaned as we stepped down. Aiden looked down and saw my pout. He smirked and placed his hand on my lower back.
“You let him go alone?!”
“Could you lower your f*cking voice?”
“Yeah honestly, it’s kind of annoying to hear you when you speak at a regular volume but this high-pitched scream you got going on just kind of makes me want to rip your tung out. Kind of sounds like a cat being choked or something.”
“Noah!” Marie scolded. We walked into the communal hall and saw everyone. Sam was standing there with her friend clique. They all looked at Aiden and said hello. He tossed his head but didn’t say anything.
Sam’s eyes cast down on my neck and then they narrowed to slits. Daggers shot out from her eyeballs and I knew what she was
“You marked her?” She seethed,
“You need to watch your tone.” Aiden said and stepped around me.
“How chivalrous, protecting your mate,” She spat.
“I cannot believe you let Cole go to Asher’s alone! We all know what he’s capable of!” She stepped closer and looked up at Aiden. Noah wasn’t wrong, Sam’s voice did make your ears bleed.
“You just sent him to his death.” She said.
“I gave him a chance to restore his name.” He answered.
The others weren’t reacting, it seemed they didn’t want to get more on Aidens bad side than they already had. They just stood idly by and watched as everything unfolded.
“I heard your parents visited last night,” She said and looked at me with a raised brow. My breath hitched and I nodded my head.
“They did.” Edmund stepped forward and she sensed it. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. The others stayed, however. She stopped by the door frame and glared at them.
“Come on let’s go!” She shricked.
looked small.
fer friends were looking at Aiden. One of the fiddl
fiddled nervously with her hands and the others
“Are you-” Sam started but her friends walked up to Aiden,
“We’re really sorry about everything we did and we miss you…We didn’t mean for everything to go this far and we, we f*cked up, Aiden.” One of the girls said. Aiden tilted his head back. Whenever he drew to his fullest size, he wasn’t just big; he was huge. The girl
sank in front of him.
“I heard you cornered Gabby and Cassy a few weeks back. Did your epiphany come before or after stepped closer. He pushed his chest out and glared at her.
She gulped and nodded her head.
that i
interaction?” He asked and
“I’m sorry, Gabby, for everything. You didn’t deserve it,” She said and looked at me. She st incredibly sincere.
stepped around Aiden and her face looked
She came up to me and cupped her hands.
“You honestly deserved none of it. We took the gossip we heard about you to heart and then after that, we just made a series of misinterpretations. We treated you horribly and I honestly hope that you can forgive us someday. And Aiden-
We really do miss you,” She said and smiled. She walked out of the room followed by the others. They passed Sam who was seething. The only one who scoffed and didn’t follow their lead was Amanda. One of the girls I had gone shopping with when I first arrived. She walked over and stood by Sam.
I knew tension was high outside the pack, I was just hoping it would’ve been calmer inside.
But it wasn’t, there were a lot of things happening on this side as well. We didn’t know who could be trusted.
“How are you feeling, sis? Edmund asked and wrapped his arms around me.
He pulled back and smirked. His fingers gently removed my hair from my front and his eyes trailed down my neck.
“Congrats by the way.” He said.
“I’m feeling…odd, I guess. Our parents are dead, Edmund,” he pressed under my chin and tilted my head back. His eyes bored into mine with such an intense and serious gaze.
“And the world is better for it.” He said with the utmost sincerity.
I nodded my head and laid my head on his chest.
Nick stepped toward Aiden.
“You marked her?” He asked. Aiden bowed his head in response.
Aiden looked at me.
“And you’re happy?” He asked and I smiled.
“More than before,” I said. His eyes went back to Aiden’s and they shared a silent message. I furrowed my brows and looked between
them both.
“Congratulations then,” Nick said and smiled at me. I felt good and having my brothers here was starting to make this place feel like home. I hope they’re aware that they’re never allowed to leave.
took of
We heard a rumble outside and everyone off running toward the door. 1 felt a hand take a Aiden stepped in front of me followed by Nick. Three men came up on the road to the house.
I of me and I was pulled back
I gasped
and Aiden pulled my a
harder, keeping me at his side.
The man in the middle was holding someone. Her legs dangled and her head hung. His face was beaten and bruised. The two men on his side were walking with straight backs, dried blood covering them and my first thought was that five warriors had left. And by the time they had left, Aiden had already sent several warriors to search around Asher’s borders.
But only three were walking up to the house.
The closer they got the clearer I could see that something was wrong.
“Cassy!” I ran down but Aiden tightened his grip and I was pulled back.
“Those aren’t our warriors.” Aiden growled. He and Nick stepped down the stairs.
“Stay here.” He ordered and looked me deep in the eyes.
They stepped down and awaited the men to clo
“Alpha Aiden!” C
One of the men gleed.
I could hear a shallow heartbeat.
The three men stopped, Cole was in the middle, holding Cassy and she looked lifeless but I co
“Speak.” Aiden demanded.
“Here is how this is going to work. Your warriors, they’re all dead. We spared this one so that he could bring your pack member back and pass along a message. But then we figured, why don’t we just accompany him?” He said and laughed. The smile turned to a scowl and he continued.
“Here’s the message. You will either step down as Alpha willingly, you will hand over your mate and not much more blood must be
spilled. Or he will come for you, you will all either kneel for him or you will die.”
“Pass along this message to my brother.” Aiden said and stepped up in
his face.
“What mess-” his lips rounded and his eyes widened.
His heart was ripped from his chest and as I looked to the side I saw Nick standing with the other messenger’s heart in his hand. They dropped their hearts over the dead bodies and looked at each other, sharing a silent message. The men fell to their knees, I guess they were the first to kneel,
Cole was getting fi
he still hadn’t u
uttered a single word. Ca*sy was in the infirmary and her father was right by her side.
“Are y
you ready to tell us what happened?” Aiden asked.
Cole looked up, his eyes were fuming and his jaw clicked as he bit together.
“They were waiting for us. They knew we were coming.” He spat.

-Aiden’s POV-
“How the f*ck could they have known that we were coming for Cassy?” I ran a hand through my hair and paced around the room.
“All he said was ‘thank her for me” Her?
“Aiden, calm down. Now is not the time.” Nick said and stepped in front of me. I was heaving. I knew exactly who the bi*ch was that had crossed us but how could she know?
How the f*ck did Sa
Sam know about our plans? She wasn’t even in the room, or the house when everything went down.
“She couldn’t have known, she wasn’t here,” Edmund said and furrowed his brows.
Gabby had left to check on Cassy and she wasn’t going to leave her side until she woke up.
We knew that Sam couldnt be trusted and that she was a sneaky bitch who hated Gabby’s guts but how the f*ck could she have given out the plans?
“Sam couldn’t have known,” I said and shook my head.
A realized I repeated Edmund’s words but none of this made any sease. Two of the people were dead, the others had been there the entire time with our warriors constantly watching their every move.
“It was you three- I said and looked at the brothers.
“Me, my parents, my warriors, your warriors. Your parents are gone it couldn’t have been them, my warriors I would trust with my life, you warriors have been constantly watched and so has your Beta.” said and pondered on what the hell was happening.
“What about your Beta?” Edmund asked me. Bob, he was here but he wouldn’t have done that.
“Once a man tastes power, he will not be able to survive without it Nick said.
“Bob, where are you?”
1 looked at the brothers standing in front of me and then I looked at Cole. He sighed and hung his head.
“Dude always wanted more, just never thought he’d cross that line to get it.“ He said.
It was true, Bob always wanted more responsibility within the pack but he was an excellent trainer. He knew that nobody could’ve done the work as he did it. He was one of our best fighters and every fiber of my body wanted to trust him but something also told me not to hope too much.
I walked upstairs to the top floor. I walked to the end of the hallway and towards the balcony.
I saw him standing there with his hands on the railing
I stepped beside him and he didn’t speak at first..
“I’m sorry, Alpha.” He said and looked out over the pack.
“If Cole came back with Cassy and you saw him proving himself, he would’ve fought and died to succeed, I couldnt let him take back his title. I told her…I knew she’d pass it along.” Her. Bob told Sam about the plan.
“He was never going to get the title of my Beta again.” I said.
“Wasn’t he though? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t wish everything had been different. That you had to put him in the dungeon, to begin with and that he was still your Beta.” We were standing eye to eye.
“You never wanted Cole to come back.” I said.
Bob’s eyes sunk but he remained his eye contact. He chewed on his inner cheek and nodded his head.
“No.” He shook his head.
don’t wish
wish you never
“You betrayed the pack. You betrayed the warriors that you have trained. The same ones that would’ve killed for you. And you betrayed me.”
Bob pulled out a knife and handed me the handle.
He lifted his head and rolled back his shoulders.
“I don’t want a hearing, I don’t want a sentence. Just do it, right here…please.” Bob was one of the people that we had hung with since we were kids.
1 placed my hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Bob had been one of my closest friends. 1 wrapped my fingers around the dagger.
Cassy, Cole, Jim, Andrew, Milton, Fredrik, Jasper, Sebastian, Anna, Louise, Teretha, Kathy…The names of just a few of the warriors that had been killed because of his betrayal and because of his ego.
He choked,
d, his eyebrows hunched together and I shook my head.
“I never would’ve made Cole my beta. You could’ve just asked me.”
“And don’t worry, I’m gonna kill her too.” It just wasn’t time just yet
said and swallowed hard as I turned the blade.
He fell to his knees. I fell with hi
him and I brought him to me, giving him a last hug and then he fell to the floor.
I closed my eyes and breathed. He could’ve just asked me. Why didn’t he ask me?
“He was a traitor’
I know
“Hey, what happened?” Nick asked and looked at my shirt as I stepped back into the room.
“It’s been taken care of.” They
They all fo
fell silent. A warrior h had carried Bob’s body
‘s body away and my parents walked in. They had already been
I placed my hands on the desk and leaned over.
“I’m sorry,” Edmund said and clenched his jaw.
“It’s done.” I couldn’t focus, all I wanted was to see Gabby.
All of this shit that had happened and was all just foreplay before the main shit show that was about to come.
“I gotta go,”
I brought some Omegas and told them the plan.
They started cooking the food and bringing the decorations. I brought out every candle I could find. The sun was about the set in an hour or so so it would be perfect. I placed the table right by the edge and two chairs. I placed the candles all around and then tossed a
tablecloth over the surface.
I placed candles on the table and lit all of them up.
I took a deep breath and headed back to the house.
“Hey,” I said as I knocked on the door to the hospital room. Gabby was resting her head on the bed and Cassy was still out.
“Hey,” She said and yawned as she leaned up.
“Got a minute?” She looked at Cassy and then stood and walked out.
-What’s up?”
up?” She asked as we closed the door.
“Alpha,” Thomas came up with a cup of coffee and was ab
about to head into
to Cassy’s room.
“Thomas, how are you holding up?” I asked. He smiled and looked through the li
little window on the door.
“She’s home, that’s all I could ask for. She will heal and then she’ll grow stronger, I’m sure of it. But thank you, thank you for bringing my daughter back.” He said and tapped my shoulder with his palm.
“It’s the warriors you should thank and Cole, sir, but I’m glad I could help. And I do hope you know that we would’ve never left her
there.” I said.
Thomas went into the room and closed the door.
“I have a surprise for you, can you come with me?” I asked Gabby. She looked down because I knew that she wanted to stay with Cassy and be there when she woke up.
“Please, I’ll take you back here after,” I said and hoped she would say yes. I grabbed her hand and tugged it slightly. Gabby smiled and came with me.
We drove away from the pack and up on the path she had been on once before. As we reached the top Gabby gawked over what I had planned.
“Aiden,” she gasped.
Chapter Comments

Istonned the car and we stepped out on the cliff. It was where we at before and I had told her about my past and my brother. We walked closer to the side and overlooked the city below us.
She turned and looked at the table I had placed there and the decorations. All the lit candles and the food.
“What do you think?” I asked her and smiled. Her eyes were glimmering from tears that were building up.
lips on mine.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered and came over and hugged me. She leaned up and placed her lips on
I pulled out a chair for her and then sat down on the other side.
We piled on food and then finished with strawberries and champagne. We sat and talked for hours. The sunset over the city and the lights lit up from the places beneath us. The candlelight was making her look even more enchanting than ever and I couldn’t believe that I was sitting here with her.
“Thank you for this, it’s been great,” She said and grabbed my hand.
“And it’s only the beginning. Like I said- I pulled her up from the chair and placed one hand on her neck and the other on her waist. We stood by the cliff with the candles and the moon as our only source of light
I’m gonna fill that head of yours with so many good memories that nothing else will fit,” she laughed and I gazed into her eyes. I caressed her cheeks and then slammed my lips down on hers.
I pulled at her dress, lifting it slowly and dragging my hand along her thigh.
Her skin heated up under my hand and I slid it in between her legs pushed my knee in-between, separating her legs, and felt her soaked panties. I groaned and rubbed at her wet folds. I pushed her underwear aside and slid my fingers between her walls.
She moaned against my lips and pressed her chest against me.
“Aiden,” she moaned and I slid a finger inside her.
I pulled her back and started kissing down her neck and to her breast. I pulled her dress straps down and pulled down the bra cúp. I sucked on her nipple and slid in another finger. She was so f*cking wet and her body was shivering under me.
I started thrusting faster and gently nibbled on her nipple. I squeezed her breast and found her lips. They parted for me and I slid in my tongue, devouring every inch of her. I would never tire of this. I would never get enough of this girl.
I pulled back and spun her around, pressing her back down and she held on to the table with her hands.
I lifted her dress and revealed that round perky *ss. My hand came down on her a*s cheek and she yelped.
F*ck, it was getting harder to hold back.
I took a deep breath, trying to slow myself. Gabby turned her head and locked eyes with mine.
“Let g
I go.” Those words unleashed everything.
I dropped my pants and played with my tip by her opening. Leaning back to watch as it slid in through her tight little hole.
“Oh f*ck – ch
f*ck,” she moaned.
1 pulled out and slammed in harder, going as deep as I could.
“Yes!” She screamed. I thrusted faster and grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back.
“You feel so f*cking good.” I kissed her neck and bit down on the mark, knowing it would enhance everything for her.
“And you’re all mine.” I growled and went faster. She was bouncing back and forth against the table and screaming my name as loud as her lungs could handle.
After she came for the second I time I pulled out and spun her around. I lifted her up and sat her pretty a*s down on the table.
I dug my fingers into her waist and thrust into her. Her hands were pressed against the table and she dug her fingers into the tablecloth and tossed her head back. I grabbed her dress and ripped it apart, squeezing her breast and claiming her lips.
She moaned against me, her walls tightened and I was getting there as well. Fextended my canines but before I could bite into her neck, she grabbed my head and pulled it to the side, biting down and holding it. I went even faster and slammed into her.
“Ahh *uck.” She came again and so did I. Not only did I get to f*ck the most beautiful woman in the world but she marked me.
She pulled out her teeth and licked the wound to seal it.
I was still inside of her, breathing hard, and pulled her up so that our chests were pressed against each other.
I love you.
It was there, on the tip of my tongue but it was too soon, she wasnt ready to hear it. I pressed a kiss on her neck and leaned back.
We got dressed, I gave Gabby my shirt which was like a dress on her anyways.
I placed my hand on her lower back and we walked to the car.
We were back at the pack and I stopped the car. I walked Gabby into the infirmary and as we walked through the blue-colored hallway we both felt such peace. Even in the midst of everything going on, we were able to find joy and peace and I wanted to hold on to this feeling forever.
I opened the last door and heard a loud scream echo through the halls. Both I and Gabby took off running toward the sound and sure enough, it came from Cassy’s room. She was screaming and kicking, trying to remove the needles and patches that had been placed on her body.
Thomas was trying to keep his daughter down but it didn’t work. It only angered her further.
“Stop. Thomas, let her go!” I said and pushed him back.
I ran over to her bed and cupped her cheeks.
“Alpha, her vitals aren’t stable yet if she continues to-”
“I know, but she’s scared.” I said and gently stroked her head.
Shh, Cassy, it’s okay. You’re home, you’re safe,” I said calmly and controlled my own heart rate so that she’d feel it.
She b
began to calm down.
“Help me,” she whispered in a raspy voice. The machine started beeping, her heart was going crazy and her vitals were dropping. Her legs started kicking again and I could tell how her eyes were moving around behind her eyelids.
“CALM DOWN!” I growled loudly. The machines shook, a painting on the wall fell down on the floor and the healers stepped back.
But she calmed, Cassy stopped moving and her head sunk into the pillow. A stray tear fell from her closed eye.
“Aiden?” She asked in a barely audible voice.
“Yes, you’re safe now, Cassy and nobody is going to hurt you again. Her head fell to the side and she went under but she was safe.
“How did you calm her?” Gabby asked.
“His voice,
it wasn’t Aidens, it was the Alphas. She responded to her Alpha.” Thomas said and looked at me with gratitude.
“Thank you,” he said and fell into a hug.
I hugged him back and patted his back.
“Are you staying?” I asked Gabby. She looked at her friend laying on the bed and nodded her head.
“Yeah, I’m staying,” I contemplated on my move. The guys would handle the house, everyone there was safe and they’d alert me th second anything happened.
I pulled out a chair and placed it in the corner of the room. I sat down and crossed my arms over my
“You’re staying?” She asked me.
“I’m not ready to leave you yet,” I
I said.
As morning came and the sun rose, Cassy still hadn’t woken up. Both Thomas and Gabby were asleep and the doctor was standing by her bed and checking the vitals.
“How’s it looking, doctor?” I asked him and stood as I dragged a hand over my face and cracked my knuckles.
He slowly turned his head, his eyes were hooded, his lips tugged down and he shook his head.
I gulped.

There had to be a way. Cassy was not a weak girl and neither was her wolf. She had to get better, there had to be a way for her to
“Sorry, Alpha. But if her wolf doesn’t start healing her soon I’m not sure how much longer she’ll be with us,”
“There has to be a way, what can I do?”
“There isn’t, it’s all up to her now and now I’m not even sure if that is enough. This poor girl has suffered immense damage to both the outer and the inner body. A regular human being would’ve died long ago but if her wolf is too weak, it’s not certain that she can heal,”
I clapped him on his back 85 he
the room.
I turned my head and choked on a breath when I saw Gabby sitting up, her eyes wide open and tears falling down her cheek.
Mr.Malor twisted on the little sofa bed and grunted as he got up. Gabby quickly wiped her tears so that he wouldn’t see it.
“Thomas,” I said and looked at him.
“Why don’t you and I go get some breakfast back at the house?”
“No, no I have to be here when she wakes up.”
girls could be a good thing,” He looked at Gabby
“Gabby will let us know the second she awakens. But I think some alone time for the gi and then reluctantly agreed.
-Gabby’s POV-
Aiden and Mr.Maler had left. The doctor’s words replayed in my head. There wasn’t a chance that Cassy wouldn’t come out of this in one piece. She had to.
She hadn’t left my side ever since I came back and she did everything she could to make me feel better. She went after me when she
heard I was in trouble.
I angrily wiped my tears.
Why hadn’t I gone after her?
“You know why”
She came for me, she would’ve died for me and I didn’t even try for her
“You did try, remember? Aiden stopped you because he knew what they were planning. If you had gone, you wouldn’t have come back
But maybe Cassy would’ve before all of this happened
“You can’t blame yourse
yourself, you know it’s not your fault. All you can do now is be here for her*
I went up on the bed and lay next to her. I took her head and placed it on my chest, gently stroking her hair.
“Cassy, if you can hear me…please, I really need you to wake up. I can’t do this whole life thing without you. Before I met you I
always wondered what it was like to have a friend, a real one, one that sat there with you when you cried and cared about the problem. One that was happy for you when good things happened. One that told you when you were making mistakes or being stupid. I never had that, ever in my life and I never thought I would. And then there you were, inviting yourself into my booth in the food court at the mall. We ate everything on the menu and ever since that day…ever since that day I knew what a true friend really was. Because you showed me, over and over, you never gave up on me even when I tried to push you away. You were always just there and I never thanked you for it.” I covered my mouth as I began to sob.
“-Cassy please, you told me I didn’t have to do much, I just had to not give up. So please, please don’t give up. Please come back to me!” I kissed her head and cried against her.
I fell back asleep with my head resting on hers. My heart was breaking because I couldn’t think of a single thing to help her. All I dreamt was of things I and Cassy had done together. All the memories we had created and the memories we still hadn’t made yet. The ones in the future that we hadn’t lived yet but I knew how they’d look, we were always by each other’s side.
When I woke up the sun was still out and shining brightly. All the storm clouds were gone and there were no signs of bad weather. It
was a beautiful day but I felt like I was dying on the inside.
“Casandra, I lost my parents. It was…a lot of things happened and they’re both dead and it’s weird but I’m not too sad about it. Had you been here you would’ve forced me to express how I felt and to open up about my emotions. So I’m doing that now because I know you’re there, I know you’re still with me. So…uhm…yeah I killed my mom and my brother he killed our dad. They were gonna kill us and they had this whole plan with Asher and it’s all just been super f*cked up. Now, I guess we’re just waiting for their next move but honestly, I’m not scared of that anymore. The only thing that scares me today is you not waking up. I’ll take a homicidal, power-hungry psychopathic Alpha werewolf over you being hurt every y single day of the week. Cassy, I cannot continue without you, I need you to come back…I need you here with me.”
I laid back and combed her hair with my fingers and smiled.
“I went on a date with Aiden. He had put a table out оп
that clie
cliff I told you about. There were candles and food and chairs placed out and we sat there, watching the sunset and talking for hours. And after..I giggled and held her head so it wouldn’t bounce.
“…we had sex, for the second time actually. He told me he’d replace all my bad memories and I think he’s starting to do that. That’s what I’ll do with you when you wake up, I’ll replace all your bad memories. I’ll take you on a sunset dinner and walks in the woods, we’ll leave out the sex part but one day when you find your mate you’ll have that too. He’ll be my successor,”
1 gasped and flew up when I felt movement. Her finger twitched and her head flicked on my chest.
“You…you ….” she was trying to speak. I pulled her up so that her head was laying on the pillow and I looked at her.
“you…lost…virginity,” She said and her lips tugged for a millisecond but I saw it. She was smiling.
“Yes, I did a
and when you find him,
m, your mate, you’ll lose yours too. Because nothing else counts,”
I ran over to the door.
“Doctor!” I screamed and he came running into the room.
“She-she talked!” I said. He went over and checked her vitals. He ran a bunch of tests and lifted her eyelids, looking into her eyes.
“This is in
impossible, how-” he looked at me with widened eyes and then broke out in a peel of relieved laughter.
“-She’s healing, her wolf is healing her!” He said joyfully. I couldn’t believe it, I was ecstatic and I ran over to the bed and placed my
hands down.
I mind-linked Aiden and told him to bring Mr.Maler. I told him Cassy had talked.
They came running into the e room and Mr.Maler went over to his daughter.
“Is it true? Did she really move?” He asked me and I nodded my head with a smile.
“She did,”

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