Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha Chapter 16-20

16 Chapter 16 – let’s have a chat
Even Valerie feared that Adira was so dear to his heart since he never rebuked her for anything. It looked as if he was satisfied with every excuse or explanation she
“Move her things and let’s go,” Alpha Denzel ordered. Turning to Valerie, he asked, “Can you walk?”
She quickly nodded her head as she didn’t want to be a nuisance. She instantly threw a painkiller into her mouth and gulped down a glass of water. Even with that, she knew the pain would be worse when the painkiller wears off.
a, eager to complete her master plans, could not ure the delay. “She will just delay us. I will call one of the drivers to bring a car,” she suggested, but Alpha Denzel couldn’t trust that arrangement.
“No need.” Alpha Denzel was about to carry Valerie, but she quickly took a step back. Incredulously, he felt a dull pain in his heart at her reaction.
“I can really walk,” she insisted, Alpha Denzel frowned and moved away from her, speaking coldly, “Then lead
16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
the way.”
Valerie’s injured foot touched the floor and pain surged through her body; she was already sweating. The painkiller had not yet taken effect. Gritting her teeth, she was determined to endure it.
However, from the way Alpha Denzel glared at her, Adira recalled when Alpha Denzel had carried Valerie here when she injured her foot. Not wanting that to happen again, she quickly volunteered,
“Alpha, I will carry her on my back.”
Alpha Denzel did not refuse, picking up the bags Adira had packed. As they reached the pack house after the most quiet and boring journey, Adira was headed to the se rvants’ quarters with Valerie on her back.
nzel was displeased, but with the omegas about their duties and with warriors around, he
almly asked,
“Where are you going?”
Adira continued walking as she did not want to be stopped. She responded without turning around.
“To the omegas’ room. All the rooms upstairs are for
16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
guests.” She never intended to allow Valerie to live like
the proud Luna she was in the Evergreen pack when it was Adria’s territory.
Alpha Denzel’s gaze darkened and with fast strides, he was already in front of her, blocking her way. His voice, which usually only carried indifference when speaking to Adira, was suddenly cold as if he was talking to
Valerie. “Is that so?”
Adira could feel the chills of his coldness, standing frozen with Valerie’s weight on her back. Valerie tried to relieve her by getting off her back, but Adira would
not allow it.
How could she allow the Alpha to carry Valerie in his
? That had to be her. Adira would rather
e weight on her back.
the Omegas had already taken the bags from pha Denzel, awaiting his command on where it
should be taken.
The pack house was already tensed up with not only the Alpha but also Valerie’s presence. No one could guess the reason why the Alpha brought her into the pack house after rejecting her.”
16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
They could only pin it on the fact that Valerie might indeed be innocent, coupled with the attack on the yellowstone pack.
“Yes, Alpha. If you allow her to occupy any of the rooms, there will be a shortage when the Alphas visit from other packs,” Adira explained her stand.
The pack house was also meant to host Alphas, so her explanation was reasonable. There was a long pause as everyone awaited the Alpha’s response. When it finally came, they were shocked.
“Alright then.”
Adira smiled, about to move when she heard the
n, “Take her to the Luna chamber.”
ensed up from behind the enraged Adira. The
was filled with so much anger and hate toward erie that Valerie could sense a change in Adira’s ody temperature, making her uneasy.
“No. I prefer the omegas’ quarters,” she voiced out only to be silenced by Alpha Denzel’s glare as he retorted coldly,
“Your preference does not matter.”
16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
That simple sentence was enough to silence Valerie as she felt embarrassed due to the people around. In her pack, she was the boss and no one ever spoke to her like that but remembering her last moments at the Yellowstone pack, her pride was bruised.
She had no choice but to endure everything. Adira had not taken a step in response to Alpha Denzel’s command. “Alpha…”
“What is the problem?” Alpha Denzel asked her. The Omega, after recovering from her shock, hastened upstairs to the Luna chamber with Valerie’s bags.
Alpha Denzel was not the type to go back on his
Adira bit her lower lip as tears gathered in the corner
es. Though she didn’t let it fall, her voice ightly as she spoke.
Supposing you find your third chance mate, it won’t be nice to your guests if a sl ave lives in the Luna’s
There was nothing like a third chance mate unless by the special mercies of the moon goddess.
It was not angu for a lot of neonle to find their
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16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
destined mates, but both Alpha Denzel and Valerie had not only gotten that but even had second chance
After their rejection, no one knew that Valerie’s wolf had died, but who knew what Alpha Denzel was going through?
“Will you do it or should I do it myself?” His cold voice carried a glaze of anger, Adira hesitated for a moment before she turned around and began to talk in the opposite direction with Luna Valerie.
“Alpha Denzel, it’s good to see you,” Alpha Idris suddenly said, stretching his neck to have a better look at Luna Valerie. As he was able to catch a few bruises
on her face from her side profile and the fact that she was being carried, his heart ached.
Just as Alpha Denzel said. Valerie had to be ortured and he was doing just that. Alpha Idris wanted to tear Valerie from Adira’s back and escape with her, but knowing the consequences that could follow, he chose the right path.
Both Alphas locked gazes as if they had been in some kind of war, but nothing of that sort had ever
16 Chapter 16-let’s have a chat
happened between them, coupled with Alpha Denzel’s relationship with Alpha Idris’s mother.
He broke the silence and spoke after recalling what Adira had said regarding Alpha Idris’ request. His gaze darkened and his anger boiled. His voice was
“Alpha Idris, let’s have a chat
17 Chapter 17 – Adira is capable.
Adira carried Valerie to Luna’s chamber and, upon reaching there, she violently dropped the latter on the bed, panting and annoyed.
Valerie did not react, enduring the pain as usual, since Alpha Denzel’s behavior disturbed her greatly. It was as if he was protecting her from something she didn’t know about.
However, the Luna’s chamber reminded her of her
room in the Yellowstone pack. She had taken time to de te it herself, using her favorite colors. This room
unused and was yet to be decorated, but it was ge as hers.
Suddenly, memories of her late father and elder sister Ashley flooded her mind. The feeling that Ashley was the one who attacked the Yellowstone pack weighed heavily on her heart, and she so desperately wanted to
17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
see her.
However, she was also eager to know how the conversation between Alpha Denzel and Idris would go. Somehow, she felt it would be easier to escape from the Litha Moon Pack than here.
“Don’t think that being in this room makes you important. You are nothing in this pack,” Adira spat. If she had known that Alpha Denzel would do this, she would have taken Valerie to one of the other rooms.
Who knew that her excuse would give Valerie better an she deserved? Gritting her teeth, she turned round and stormed out of the room. Leaning her back against the door after closing it, she smiled faintly.
Valerie, you just wait until Alpha Denzel leaves for Las Vegas. The next call he would receive concerning you Owould be about your cremation.”
17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
Alpha Denzel walked into his pack office with Alpha Idris. Tension brewed between them for different reasons. The two men had an unsettled score, but now, Valerie’s presence only worsened it.
“What brings you here?” Alpha Denzel walked to the cellar, serving two glasses of vodka. Alpha Idris picked one without being told.
The two Alphas might be at loggerheads, but Alpha Idris knew that Alpha Denzel would never sp ik e his drink. At this moment, they both needed the hot drink to calm their raging emotions.
“The Blue Blood pack declared war on our pack. Mom asked me to seek your help,” Alpha Idris revealed.
The mention of his mom instantly made Alpha Denzel weak. His gaze softened uncontrollably, and so was his
voice. “How is she?”
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Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
Alpha Idris sneered. “As beautiful as ever. Sadly, she will never be your real mom!”
He gulped down the glass of vodka, filling the goblet himself. His chest constricted at the way his mother doted on Alpha Denzel in the name of being his
Godmother. Idris was certain that if he and Denzel were drowning, his mother might even rescue Denzel before him.
Alpha Denzel smiled faintly, not commenting on the matter. His love for Luna Fernanda, Alpha Idris’s
ther, was exceptional. For years, he avoided going see her because of so many things he didn’t want to share.
With Luna Fernanda, Denzel’s innocence was always bare like that of a child. There was no way he could hide it all from her. As such, it was better to avoid the woman whom he saw to be a weakness.
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17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
After his mother and father were mysteriously murdered, the only person able to console Denzel was Luna Fernanda. He had spent months at the Litha Moon Pack with that amazing woman who showered
him with so much love.
“How is Allesia?” He fought back his raging emotions, pretending not to know about the things that happened before his arrival. Also, he was trying his best to keep to himself and not go to see his godmother.
“I came with her. She might be roaming around your
ack as we speak, and since you like her so much, why don’t you make her your pack member? I don’t really like the way she’s so fond of you,” Alpha Idris shrugged
in annoyance.
The fact that his parents adopted Allesia without his consent caused his blood to boil. She was brought to
the Litha Moon Dook when he wa tan
when she wanton At the time
17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
Idris liked Allessia, accepting her as a sister because
she was pretty.
Then the moment Denzel visited the pack, Allesia would not stop talking about him. She even went as far as spending months at the Evergreen pack but was sent away by Denzel for whatever reason he could not tell.
How could Idris like Allessia when all she ever saw was Denzel, the man who had stolen his mother’s love from him? Even his mother never stopped singing Denzel’s praises, much to his father’s annoyance.
hen Alpha Ebert from the Blue Blood Pack d the threat, Idris had to swallow his pride and shamelessly seek Alpha Denzel’s help, using his mother’s name.
When he sent the letters a few weeks ago and didn’t get a response to them, he feared that Alpha Denzel
17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
would not help, resulting in that means.
“Tell Luna Fernanda that I will pay her a visit soon,” Alpha Denzel smiled and said. Alpha Idris’s gaze darkened at the way his gaze would soften and a smile would stretch his lips the moment his mother’s name
was mentioned.
His heart ached painfully as he didn’t want to be a castaway as a result of Denzel’s presence.
“Don’t come. Your pack needs you. All I need is for you to send a letter to the Blue Blood Pack, registering your support for us. They won’t think of the war
more if they know that you stand with us,” Idris explained his plan.
Denzel’s presence would only cover his glimmer.
“Adira is capable,” Alpha Denzel dropped his goblet,
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17 Chapter 17-Adira is capable.
opened his drawer, and brought out a pack of cigars. Offering one to Alpha Idris, he lit his before throwing the lighter to the latter.
Alpha Idris accepted the cigar, speaking after lighting it. “Have you really looked at her?”
Alpha Denzel walked to the window, puffing his cigar as he took in the events of the pack from the clear window glass. He spoke with his back turned.
“Then I have to ask why you are so fond of her.” There was no hint of suspicion in his tone, but Alpha Idris
tiffened instantly.

18 Chapter 18 – unexpected
“You are reading wrongly. The main person I am fond
of is Luna Valerie. I never had the chance to be close to her when her father was alive. Her exceptional skills would be of great help to my pack.”
Alpha Idris rattled on, trying to change the line of conversation. His past with Adira must not be revealed to Alpha Denzel. If not, he might not help the Litha Moon Pack.
pha Denzel turned from the French windows, gazing tently at Alpha Idris with so much coldness in his eyes. The temperature in the office dropped to zero degrees in spite of the burning cigar stuffed between both their fingers.
“Can I ask you a question?”
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
Alpha Idris could not measure Alpha Denzel’s sudden change to either his talk about Valerie or Adira, but one thing was sure. “Even if I don’t, you will still insist.”
The corner of Alpha Denzel’s lips curled up in a sinister smile. With his unwavering dark gaze, Alpha Idris was so uncomfortable. “Were you at the Alphas
“Yes,” Alpha Idris caught a breather since Alpha Denzel’s question was related to the Alphas’ conference. He feared it was concerning Adira, but the estion that followed beaded his forehead with sweat.
“Why couldn’t you stop Alpha Tristan from murdering Valerie since you love her skills so much?”
Alpha Idris was rendered speechless. There were so many Alphas, so how could he have stood up for her
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
alone? Though he doubted the evidence, he knew he was a coward to watch it happen.
Had Alpha Denzel not interfered, Valerie would not have been alive now. However, being certain that Valerie was being tortured, he took a deep breath, and his confidence returned.
“The news was shocking at that moment, but from the recent attack, I believe that she’s innocent. Most possibly, I want to make her my Luna.”
The cigar in Alpha Denzel’s hand fell, and Alpha Idris’s back was pinned against the wall. Alpha Denzel’s voice was rough, his eyes glazing with anger.
His wolf growled, “Well then you have to open your eyes wider. She is my s lave. My sl ave. Only I have the right to do whatever I want with her.”
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
alone? Though he doubted the evidence, he knew he was a coward to watch it happen.
Had Alpha Denzel not interfered, Valerie would not have been alive now. However, being certain that Valerie was being tortured, he took a deep breath, and his confidence returned.
“The news was shocking at that moment, but from the recent attack, I believe that she’s innocent. Most possibly, I want to make her my Luna.”
The cigar in Alpha Denzel’s hand fell, and Alpha Idris’s ack was pinned against the wall. Alpha Denzel’s voice was rough, his eyes glazing with anger.
His wolf growled, “Well then you have to open your eyes wider. She is my sl ave. My sl ave. Only I have the right to do whatever I want with her.”
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
Alpha Idris did not try to fight back or free himself,
knowing that Alpha Denzel would not hurt him because of his mother. But as he tried to connect the
dots, he just couldn’t understand. “Why?”
Alpha Denzel’s grip loosened around Alpha Idris’s shirt
as he took a step back. “Because she owes me her life. Anything else?” He glared daringly at Alpha Idris.
The latter shook his head, feeling sad and helpless. His second reason, which he refused to mention, was the fact that his mother had a profound interest in Valerie. He was sure that bringing Valerie with him would
ake his mother happy.
“What if you find out that she was innocent of all those accusations? The mate bond is already broken, so what are you gonna do about it?”
Something flashed in Alpha Denzel’s eyes at the question. He knew that Valerie was innocent of the
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
accusations labeled against her, but she wasn’t free from what she did to him. At this point, he was done speaking with Alpha Idris.
“Why is that your worry? I would very much like for you to leave my pack.”
Alpha Idris’s eyes stung with tears, but how could he let it fall. It was true that he had been a coward. Had he stood for Valerie then, she would have been with him. Still, his cowardice then was not enough reason for him to give up. “I want to have a word with Luna Valerie.”
Alpha Denzel glared at him and responded curtly, “My answer is simple. NO.”
If it were any Alpha, he would have been kicked out of the pack by now, but for the fact that this Alpha’s mother was so dear to him, his soft side showed, and Alpha Idris was slowly taking advantage of it.
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
“Alpha Denzel, I will wait until you change your mind.”
“Then you can sleep in the middle of the pack, but as for my pack house, it will no longer host you.”
Indirectly, Alpha Idris was being kicked out of the packhouse, even if he couldn’t be kicked out of the pack.
That was Alpha Denzel’s mercy, and Alpha Idris would not be surprised if his belongings were thrown out of the Packhouse at Alpha Denzel’s command.
esorted to pleading. “I need her. I need Luna valerie. I need a strong female warrior to help train our female warriors for any impending attack.” Seeing no change in Alpha Denzel’s expression, he added coyly, “Mom mentioned it too.”
Mentioning his mother once again, Alpha Denzel found himself softening his temper cooling down.
< 18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
“You need a female skillful warrior? I will get you a good one.”
Alpha Idris was quite amazed by the suggestion, feeling that he was going to have Luna Valerie. After all, the most skillful female warrior was Beta Adira. Alpha Denzel would never let her go, so who else could he offer?
Alpha Idris smiled in satisfaction. “I am very much interested in your recommendation.”
“Just wait and see, and while you wait, please help VOU If to breakfast at the packhouse,” Alpha Denzel ly. He was not much of a good host, as those onsibilities were spearheaded by Adira.
Adira was in the middle of training when she was interrupted by a mindlink. ‘Adira, kindly see me in my office now.’
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
Adira would have been excited, but not at this
moment. She knew the Alpha was not happy with her, so it was better to avoid him for now. She mindlinked
‘Yes, Alpha. I will do so as soon as training is over.’
‘Put Burke in charge and come now. The mindlink was so commanding, it gave her a headache. Burke was the strongest male warrior in the pack, even stronger than Adira. She sighed.
‘Yes, Alpha.’
Adira rushed to the Alpha’s office, dabbing her face with a towel as she sat in front of him. “Is everything alright?” She asked curiously
Alpha Denzel should have even joined the pack warriors for training but remained in his office. She
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
found it weird.
“I must commend you for doing a very good job,” Alpha Denzel spoke calmly, but his eyes were distant. However, Adira was excited about the compliment. After everything, he still believed and trusted her. It meant more to her than anything else.
“Thank you, Alpha.”
“Alpha Idris needs a skilled female warrior to help in his pack,” Alpha Denzel said directly, and Adira frowned a little.
“But he already has Allessia.”
Knowing Allessia’s capabilities, Alpha Denzel shook his head. “I don’t think she’s strong enough for him. If not, he won’t be here so, I’m recommending you,” he said, and Adira turned ashen. 2
18 Chapter 18-unexpected recommendation.
Gent 3
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Swipe left to continue >

19 Chapter 19 – His Most
Trustworthy Person
“I don’t think she’s strong enough for him. If not, he wouldn’t be here, so I’m recommending you,” Alpha Denzel said, and Adira turned ashen. After all her
years of service and dedication, Alpha Denzel chose to send her to another pack just like that?
Adira fought back the tears welling up in her eyes. The revelation was too shocking and unexpected. Though there were other strong she wolves, they were not capable of managing the pack business alongside the training. Adira hoped it wasn’t what she was thinking.
at?” Pain registered in her eyes as she spoke. Taking a deep breath, she asked Alpha Denzel, “What if I don’t want to go? It’s unfair. You can’t force me.”
After what happened between her and Alpha Idris, she never wanted to be in the same space as him. Besides,
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
she was in love with Alpha Denzel and didn’t want to
leave his side.
Also, if she leaves, what happens to Valerie, now that she was moved to the packhouse? In the Luna’s chamber for that matter. Adira was feeling hot all over.
Alpha Denzel stared calmly at her, his heart breaking at the sight of her. He poured himself a glass of water. He hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday, and the alcohol and cigar were beginning to worry his stomach.
hy don’t you want to do this? This is part of pack business,” Alpha Denzel reminded her. As the Alpha, he could appoint whomever he wanted to support any pack as needed.
In Adira’s case, Alpha Denzel had lost trust in her, and as a man of few words, this was his style of handling things.
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
Adira smiled bitterly, remembering that Alpha Idris had specifically requested Luna Valerie, so why then was she the one being sent away? In Alpha Denzel’s eyes, was Valerie, his s lave, more valuable to him than his
“He wanted Valerie, so why are you shipping me off? I have done nothing but taken good care of this pack. It’s equally my home.”
Her voice was stern as she faced Alpha Denzel. This was the first time she had the courage to ever speak to
this manner.
Expecting him to be upset, he was still calm and calculated. No matter what, his true intention for sending her away was locked inside his heart, as he gave out a perfect excuse.
“That is why you are my most trustworthy person. Do
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
think Valerie would sneak out information to me? I
need you to keep an eye on him for me.”
Adira relaxed when she felt that it wasn’t as she
thought. Alpha Denzel wanted her to be his spy at the Litha Moon pack, but since she didn’t want to be away from him, she wasn’t thrilled about the offer.
“I can do that from here. I hate him. I hate Alpha Idris,” she stated, but Alpha Denzel was upset. He hated lies, but Adira had been lying to him continuously, and he
had reached his limit.
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
Alpha Denzel felt suffocated and began to expose her.
This wasn’t his style, but he was pushed to the limit this time.
“Is that how it is? That you go about f ucking with the men you hate?”
Adira was speechless, her face drained of color. All this time, Alpha Denzel knew, and yet, he pretended not to. As to how he knew, she could not guess, but was
beginning to wonder how many more secrets he knew about her.
Alpha Denzel should have sent her away a long time ago but decided to keep his enemies closer.
“Alpha, please. I can explain.” Adira’s heart was shattering from the pain of losing Alpha Denzel. She might not be his mate, but after rejecting Valerie, she was certain that he would never find another mate and would have been hers.
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
The pain in his eyes broke her heart even more, as it was a reflection of the trust he had for her.
“I was just wondering how long you were going to keep things from me.”
Moisture covered Adira’s palms, as she was sweating in the air-conditioned office. Her knees hit the ground as she crawled to where Alpha Denzel sat, but he rose to his feet and moved away before her hands could touch him.
Seeing this, Adira allowed her tears to fall. “I’m not hiding anything. I swear it.”
Alpha Denzel’s hands balled to suppress his anger. No matter what, he couldn’t hurt Adira because she was good before. He just couldn’t figure out exactly when she became like this. “You are not? What about the wolf you just killed?”
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
Adira was speechless. Did Alpha Denzel have the powers of the moon goddess? How could he have discerned so accurately that she intentionally killed the girl? The remorse in her eyes turned to fear as he continued to expose her.
“You know that isn’t how we do it. If what happened between you and Idris months ago was just an accident without any strings attached, then why did you hide his letters? Why should you allow your emotions to get in the way?”
A few months ago, Denzel had left for Las Vegas when Alpha Idris visited the pack. It wasn’t the first time he visited, but this time, Adira stayed by him, doing more than the job of a host.
They chatted a lot and drank, but they weren’t drunk when they got into bed. When Adira woke up the next morning, she regretted being carried away. Her first
time had hean ronarved for Inha Danzal hut
19 Chapter 19- His Most Trustworthy Person
given to Alpha Idris.
The greedy Alpha wanted more, proposing a relationship since they both hadn’t found their mates, but Adira refused, begging him to keep whatever
happened between them a secret.
Nobody else was aware of this, so how did Alpha Denzel know? Not able to keep up the lies because of her fears of losing Alpha Denzel, she confessed to him,
“Because I love you. You are the one I love.”
Lut the out was
19 Chapter 19-His Most Trustworthy Person
Swipe left to continue >20 Chapter 20 – Luna Valerie Has
“Love me?” Alpha Denzel smiled bitterly. He was unaware of this part, but it explains the reason for Adira’s ruthlessness towards Valerie, even after knowing that she was innocent. “That is no way to treat someone you love. You disobey my orders and call it love?”
This time, Adira knew the matter concerned Valerie and quickly explained, “She wanted to die already, but she defended herself against me. I’m not the reason why she’s not healing from her injuries, but she looks all innocent while I look guilty because I healed faster than her.”
A storm gathered on Alpha Denzel’s face at the mention of Valerie’s wolf. It was no secret that as most she-wolves became Luna by being mated to an Alpha, Valerie was the only she-wolf with a Luna wolf.
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
She was born to be a leader, and her wolf was fierce, so how could she not heal? The matter disturbed Alpha Denzel, but his expression did not betray him as he continued to expose Adira. “And yet you lied to my face, making me look like a fool.”
Adira’s offenses, if in a different pack, would have resulted in banishment, but Alpha Denzel had a soft spot for her, disheartened that she took it for granted.
“I’m sorry, Alpha. Please give me a second chance.”
Alpha Denzel chuckled, as he tried to pry more information from her. “Tell me about the wolf you just killed.”
Adira froze, her face as pale as a ghost. Alpha Denzel showed her mercy by sending her to another pack instead of punishing her, so how could she make him regret it by giving out information about the spy wolf?
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
“I will go with Alpha Idris.”
Alpha Denzel was so shocked and disappointed that he didn’t have the strength to force the information out of
her until she reached the door. The woman who
claimed to love him was nothing like the woman she
was before.
“What do you know about my parents’ death?”
“Nothing,” Adira replied without turning around, but he sed she was lying. The only problem was, he had no roof.
“You lied again. I can choose to banish you, and no pack would take you in.”
Adira’s fingers balled into fists. She already lost him, so why subject herself to torture? Afraid that Alpha
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20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
Denzel would begin to investigate her, she turned
around and asked him,
“You knew that Luna Valerie is innocent, and yet you rejected her. Why?”
Alpha Denzel didn’t blink, immediately replying, “Because the pain of rejection is softer than the broken bond of death.”
Adira’s eyes were clouded with confusion. “You are afraid she will die?”
ne offended me before, and she has to pay,” pha Denzel said seriously. Adira smiled a little. Not even Valerie’s innocence could make Alpha Denzel regret his rejecting her.
“Was she the girl at the club?” She asked curiously. Back then, Alpha Denzel had returned to the pack for
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
months without showing his face in Las Vegas because of the embarrassment he faced. How could he forgive her? She had to pay.
“Yes,” Alpha Denzel replied. Adira smiled in satisfaction, but the smile wiped from her face when he added, “and she is pretentious and a liar, just like you.”
Adira, knowing she lost that special place in Alpha Denzel’s heart, was comforted by the fact that Valerie would equally not win that spot. “Since you already sent me away, I am no longer answerable to you.”
The corner of Alpha Denzel’s lips curled upwards, but he wasn’t smiling. The main reason he was letting her go was still only known to him.
“You know the only reason I’m letting you go is because of your past dedication to this pack.”
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
Adira smiled in appreciation. “I appreciate it.”
When the door closed, Alpha Denzel made a call to Las Vegas. “Godic, get someone in the Litha Moon Pack to keep an eye on Adira. I want to know who she meets
and what she does.”
“Alpha, which Adira, please?” Godic was confused and
asked from the end of the line since the Adira he knew
was the beta of the Evergreen pack.
Alpha Denzel explained calmly. There was no regret in his voice. “Adira is no longer my beta. I have sent her
ha Moon Pack. The details are not important
but do as I have instructed.”
“Yes, Alpha,” Godic responded and asked, “so Alpha, who is the new Beta?”
Alpha Denzel already had somebody in mind, but until
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
it was made official, he saw no reason to let it out at
this moment. “At the right time, you will know.”
Godic wondered what had transpired between his Alpha and Beta, even feeling that no one could do the job of a beta better than Adira. Nevertheless, the instruction to get someone to keep an eye on Adira was enough hint that Adira was not the angel they thought she was.
If not, how would the Alpha still keep his eyes on her after letting her go? Alpha Denzel would have indeed taken her life, but there were still mysteries he was yet to uncover. Somehow, Adira’s refusal to speak about that wolf and the death of his parents made her a greater suspect.
It was wiser for him to use her as bait to get the bigger fish. Whoever it was that took the life of his parents and human mate, Alpha Denzel refused to rest until the person died by his hands.
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
Before hanging up, he asked, “How is the business?”
“Everything is going well. I sent the video to you an hour ago,” Godic responded from the end of the line.
“Alright. Let me know if there are any issues,” Alpha
Denzel said and ended the call. This was not the time
to check the video, as he had a lot more things to do.
When Adira left, her anger surged, and she rushed to the Luna’s chamber, purposefully to eliminate Luna Valerie and escape.
This was the last thing she planned to do to leave without a trace. She stared at the vacant room in awe. To her shock, Luna Valerie was nowhere to be seen. Adira checked the closet and the washroom, but there was no sign of Luna Valerie. Even her bags were gone.
Adira was upset, fuming with anger. After knowing
20 Chapter 20-Luna Valerie Has Escaped!
Alpha Denzel’s reason for keeping Valerie, Adira was
certain that he couldn’t let her go just like that and began yelling,
“She escaped. Luna Valerie has escaped.”

Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha Chapter 8-15

8 Chapter 8 – It’s not as if we are friends
At the Evergreen pack, the doctor had finished treating Valerie, advising her to have a good rest. Adira went about her pack duties since it was already
There were official matters as well as warriors to be trained in preparation for any future attack. Treated as an outcast, Valerie was not allowed to join training or take part in any of the pack activities.
She slept a lot because of the pain injection given to her. Waking up the next morning, there was food on her table, but it had turned cold because of how long she had slept.
Not knowing what to do with her time before her death, she decided to go for a run. As soon as she lifted herself to a sitting position, pain shot through
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
her foot, and she groaned. “F uck.”
Due to the painkiller, she had forgotten about her injury. She picked up the oral pain relievers left behind by the doctor and swallowed the required amount with a glass of water. She had no appetite for the cold food but had no intention of provoking Alpha Denzel’s anger for the latter to return.
The man would never allow her to have a peaceful death, so she would rather enjoy and explore his pack when her foot healed a little.
Thinking about healing, she missed her wolf terribly. Her body went back to being on the bed. Loneliness
would not have set in if her wolf was still there. As
Valerie thought about Helga, tears welled up in her
Why won’t anyone believe her? She had no
recollection of how that strange man got into her bed,
8 Chapter 8- It’s not as if we are friends
wondering how long her sister and Tristan had been at this. Self-deprecatingly, she wiped her tears and picked up the painting brush.
As she held the thin stick in her hand, she began to wonder why there were paints and painting brushes if Alpha Denzel hated it so much.
Then again, could it be that whosoever owned this place loved to paint? As Alpha Denzel’s voice and actions spewed her mind into remembrance, her fingers moved with it.
It was so strange that she wasn’t being tortured as she expected. If she had not asked for death, the coal incident would also not have happened. Then she recalled again how Alpha Denzel was by her side and lifted her in his arms when she nearly lost her balance.
He pulled out the burning coals from her foot too. Valerie was confused by his actions but as time
8 Chapter 8 – It’s not as if we are friends
passed, the person she had painted was the one who pulled the coals from under her foot.
Panicked at the realization, she shivered as her finger moved to tear the painting, but the door of her room opened, revealing furious Adira with a food tray in
She set the tomato soup before Valerie. “Eat, it’s hot,”
she ordered.
Valerie did not refuse, not wanting to cause trouble. She scooped the soup with spoon, blew on it before lifting it to her mouth.
The taste was good, so she helped herself with more soup until Adira curtly began to speak. She wondered how Valerie could eat so freely when she claimed to
want to die?
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
Was her not wanting to eat and wanting to die merely a façade she used to get the Alpha over? Adira would never allow that to happen.
Valerie was rejected and the bond was broken. Never had a rejected mate been paired with the same person again but Adira still wanted to make her stance on the
matter clear.
“If you are developing feelings for the Alpha, you shouldn’t. He already has someone.”
Valerie sipped the soup slowly and responded to after swallowing elegantly. Her movements were graceful like the Alpha’s daughter and Luna she was Beta Adira could not help being envious.
“I suppose that someone is you.” Valerie went back to sipping her soup after saying those few words. She had enough experience to tell that Adira was crushing on her Alpha but could not tell if it was the same for
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
Alpha Denzel
Even if Alpha Denzel felt the same way about Adira, Valerie could not bring herself to care since the bond was broken, leading her to not feeling anything but
fear of him.
Adira smiled at her response. If Valerie suspected it, then could it be that the Alpha liked her too? Did the Alpha mention it? She was curious.
“You could guess it so easily?” There was light in eyes but it slowly dimmed with Valerie’s respons
“I see the way you look at him and the way you asked about him after he left yesterday. Even a child would know,” Valerie said calmly. In a way, her actions
resembled that of Alpha Denzel. One could not easily guess what she was thinking
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
Adira was disappointed by her remark, not what she expected to hear. She thought that the Alpha had told Valeria about feeling something for her when she went to get the doctor, but it didn’t seem so.
“What did the Alpha tell you when I went to get the doctor?” She cast her pride aside and asked eagerly. Not sparing her a glance, Valerie responded absentmindly,
“Nothing. What does he have to say to a sinner like me? It’s not as if we are friends.”
Adira gritted her teeth. “But he carried you to this room. No she-wolf or were-woman has ever enjoyed
that from him no matter the situation.”
Valerie did not speak anymore, but the next thing she knew, Adira was upset and tore her painting to shreds. Valerie was going to destroy it anyway, so she was unperturbed. What she said next left Adira stunned.
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
“If you love the Alpha so much, I think you should tell him. He’s human, you know. Given his busy schedule, how would he know if you don’t draw his attention? He goes out on business every time. What if other women win him over you?”
Adira felt stabbed in her heart by Valerie’s words, recalling that the Alpha had found his destined mate in Las Vegas before she was murdered.
Before she could think further, a mindlink zapped through her mind. ‘Beta Adira, there are rumors that the Yellow Stone pack was attacked. Alpha Tristan and Luna Scarlet are admitted at the hospital, and all those involved in shaming and beating Luna Valerie were
‘What? How did you know?’ Beta Adira asked through mindlink, a mix of fear and anger gripping her heart. From the way her eyes rolled to the back, Valerie could
tell there was a mindlink going on
8 Chapter 8-It’s not as if we are friends
The bowl of soup was already empty, so she drank a glass of water and went back to bed.
‘Beta, I met their beta at the peace council. He was only selected a day after the coronation and fears that Luna Valerie might be innocent. Adira’s hands balled to fists instantly but there was more coming.
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9 Chapter 9-You are no match for me.
Meet me at the pack house to give me the details of
the matter.’
Beta Adira ended the mindlink, wondering why Valerie hadn’t healed. Could her wolf have been weakened because of the rejection? That was possible, given that most rejections ended with the rejected not even getting a second chance mate.
Valerie had gotten her second chance mate immediately because Alpha Denzel never planned to attend that coronation. It was the pull of the mate
bond when he was driving to his pack that got him
Adira felt that things were turning against her with the news going around, which she would not be able to stop. Who knows if Alpha Denzel had even heard about
The more Adira thought about her losses, the more
Chapter 9 You are no match for me
rageful she became, shutting out her wolf who was trying to warn her against what she was planning to do.
Her anger was directed at the woman on the bed. If news about this reached the Alpha and it was indeed. proven that Valerie was innocent, the Alpha would most definitely regret his actions.
He might just accept and treat her better, even without the mate bond, and the worst that could happen would be for them to naturally fall in love, so how could Adira allow this?
Enraged, she pulled Valerie to a sitting position, punching her hard in the face. As Valerie wasn’t expecting such an attack, she didn’t have enough time to dodge it, and pain shot through her as she glared at
Beta Adira.
She was upset, feeling that Adira was attacking her
9 Chapter 9 – You are no match for me
because of what she said earlier about somebody else catching the Alpha’s attention. With her experience gathered with Scarlet, it was not difficult for Valerie to know that a lovesick woman could be deadly.
If Scarlet, whom she loved so much, could turn against her because she had fallen in love with Alpha Tristan, who wasn’t even her mate, then what would Adira not
do to her?
“What is that for?” Valerie questioned. Her desire to explore the Evergreen pack had suddenly overshadowed her desire to die. As such, she was ready to defend herself unless Alpha Denzel
commanded her execution.
“The Yellowstone pack was attacked, and all those who accused and beat you are dead. Are you going to deny that you know nothing about it?”
Hearing the news, Valerie’s heart warmed, and her
< 9 Chapter 9-You are no match for me
eyes lit up. Someone had avenged her, but who could it be? The only name that came to mind was Ashley, her elder sister. But how could it be? Ashley had left the pack years ago.
The last time Valerie heard, she was in Las Vegas. No, it couldn’t be. Then again, Valerie looked so much like Ashley, so it wouldn’t be hard for the pointers to be on her if it was indeed Ashley.
“What about Tristan and Scarlet? Are they dead too?” Valerie would have wished to kill those two with her bare hands, but she couldn’t also say that she would be le saddened if they died.
fShe found the resolve to not die anymore. There was a
cchance to take back her pack, so she had hope. eSomehow, she felt grateful to Alpha Denzel for not wallowing her to die like she wanted. If she was able to get proof that she wasn’t in the wrong, then he might 1 leven let her go.
9 Chapter 9-You are no match for me.
ce he rejected her, he definitely won’t feel anything her, just as she wasn’t feeling for him. Adira found reason to hide the truth from her.
ey are both at the hospital, but I don’t know the erity of their case. I didn’t ask.
Idenly, Valerie burst into laughter. If Tristan and rlet were in the hospital, then their injuries were so lathat their wolf could not heal them. Valerie hoped thwhoever went to avenge her would equally rescue
from Alpha Denzel.
Jisttisethe reason why you punched me, then I’m youaucaredoo weak to be the beta of such a large Alpha De Denzel must like you so much to make a womam dikdike you his beta.”
e was back to boilerself, as the news felt like honey ng on her tongueue Betal Adira was furious at the k and, forgettingiagabout Alpha Denzel’s warning,
9 Chapter 9-You are no match for me
she slapped Valerie so hard that her fingers were imprinted on her cheeks.
Valerie felt a metallic taste in her mouth and smiled. “Much better, but I hope to train with you one day.”
“You are no match for me,” Beta Adira said seriously, but inwardly she feared, knowing that Valerie was indeed a tough one. She had taken down a lot of
dira might also be very tough, but she knew a few of the warriors were tougher than her. The only reason why Alpha Denzel made her the Beta was because he didn’t have a Luna. He wanted the pack to have what he couldn’t give them.
Adria was greatly skilled at managing the pack business, earning her a lot of respect among the warriors and pack members, so no one felt that Alpha Denzel was biased in making her the beta of the pack.
9 Chapter 9-You are no match for me
An idea crossed her mind at that moment. If she killed Valerie, she could set it up as suicide since Valerie always wanted to die. A cold smirk appeared at the corner of her lips as she removed her belt and wrapped it around Valerie’s neck. 2
However, Valerie’s defense was unexpected, stunning Adira and making her sweat.
Comment 12

10 Chapter 10 – She’s no longer a
Luna but a s lave
An idea crossed Adira’s mind at that moment. If she
killed Valerie, she could set it up as suicide since Valerie always wanted to die. A cold smirk appeared at the corner of her lips as she removed her belt and wrapped it around Valerie’s neck.
Unfortunately for her, Valerie had already calculated
her move and blocked the belt before it came into
contact with the skin of her neck. With one hand
holding the belt, her other hand gripped Adira’s hair fromd, as she pulled the latter, breaking from
a’s eyes were red. Valerie was stronger than she ought, even when injured. “I will kill you,” she growled, raining punches, but Valerie blocked most of them before summersaulting from the bed and
wrapping her arms tightly around Adira’s neck.
10 Chapter 10-She’s no longer a Luna but a sl ave
The latter was gasping for air, speaking through pants, “you said you wanted to die. I wanted to make it easy for you.”
Valerie’s grip loosened around her neck a little as she responded, “I changed my mind. You shouldn’t have informed me about the attack on my pack if you really wanted me dead.”
Adira gritted her teeth, realizing her mistake and ursing herself internally. Indeed, she had given alerie hope, so why would she want to die?
A knock was heard on the door, and Valerie instantly hopped back to her bed. Adira went to get the door and was surprised by the person she saw.
“Allessia, what are you doing here?” Her gaze darkened as she asked. Valerie was curious about the person who had come inside her abode since the only neonle
10 Chapter 10-She’s no longer a Luna but a sla ve
she ever came into contact with were Adira and Alpha
It was only during the coal incident that she saw a few of the pack warriors. A blonde woman walked in with an air of authority. However, she had dark eyes like that of Alpha Denzel. It was almost as if she dyed her hair, as the roots of her hair carried a dark tinge.
Nevertheless, her other features were invariably attractive and welcoming. Scanning the room, she remarked expressionlessly, “I’m pleased to finally meet
Her gaze landed on the woman on the bed who stared at her curiously. Allessia extended her hand to Valerie, but the latter was reluctant whether or not she should accept the handshake.
“I don’t know you,” she responded flatly, Adira’s lips twitched, but Allessia was disappointed that she did
10 Chapter 10 – She’s no longer a Luna but a sla ve.
not remember her. Their first meeting was a very long time ago, so it made sense that Valerie couldn’t
She was busier than most Alphas even when her father was alive, so Allessia did not hold it against her. Also, she couldn’t let Adira know about the depth of their relationship.
“I know, but I heard a lot about you,” Allessia smiled, but Valerie’s head lowered. Understanding dawned on sia that she had spoken wrongly, she quickly ected herself. “I mean, before the incident. You
n’t do it, did you?”
Valerie smiled bitterly. The only reason why she wasn’t angered was because of the calm and respectable way Allessia spoke to her. “Who will believe a word I say?”
Remembering the news about the attack, Adira was eager to get Allessia out of the room and interrupted,
10 Chapter 10-She’s no longer a Luna but a sla ve
“Allessia, what do you want here? The Alpha warned you to not step foot in this pack ever again.”
Allessia turned in the direction of Adira, confidence radiating through her mien. “But I came with Alpha Idris.”
Adira froze instantly at the mention of the name of that Alpha, feeling nervous. “Alpha Idris is here?”
“Yes, at the packhouse. I was told that you came here, so I came to fetch you,” Allessia said calmly, helping
to a vacant chair. She did not seem to be in a after seeing the bruises on Valerie’s face.
Doing a good job in hiding her anger, she feared that she might explode if she continued to stay in the same space with Adira.
On the contrary, Adira was also not willing to leave her
10 Chapter 10-She’s no longer a Luna but a sla ve
alone. “Then let’s go.”
Allessia thought about a way out of the situation. Her relationship with Adira has never been smooth, though she belonged to a different pack.
Turning to Valerie, her throat felt bitter at how messy she looked. Also, she was wearing Adira’s old clothes and not the ones Alpha Denzel bought.
The day Alpha Denzel carried Valerie’s unconscious bom the Yellowstone pack, he stopped by the
uy the things she would need. Not wanting to ny impression on Adira’s mind, he informed ssia, and she came up with the idea of being the ne to send the clothes.
Since the items were a lot, she had met Alpha Denzel halfway and taken a chunk of it to bring later. At first, she wanted to send one of the warriors in her pack, but when Alpha Idris informed her about the visit, she
10 Chapter 10 – She’s no longer a Luna but a sl ave
used the opportunity to bring them herself.
Adira’s hate towards Allessia was due to the fact that no one was able to qualify her relationship with Alpha Denzel.
There were rumors that they were secretly dating, but there was no proof to it. Some also said they might be related, but others attributed it to the fact that Alpha Idris’ parents were very close to the late parents of Alpha Denzel, making him and Allessia childhood friends.
zel never bothered to explain his
hip with Allessia, but she was the only one elated to him on an informal basis, including ang him by his first name.
“Luna, I hope that we get to talk again later.” Allessia’s smile had a weight of darkness to it, making Valerie suspicious and uncomfortable. After what happened in her pack, she couldn’t just trust people so easily
19:06 –
10 Chapter 10-She’s no longer a Luna but a s lave
“She’s no longer a Luna but a sla ve,” Adira sneered.
Over her dead body would Valerie become the Luna of the Evergreen pack.
As soon as Allessia and Alpha Idris leave, she was sure
to poison Valerie’s food like she asked before, regretting not doing it then.
To her dismay, Alessia’s remark brought a subtle revelation…
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Chapter 11 – Did you forget my
Allessia stared at her challengingly and taunted, “I thought the dungeon was meant for such people.” Her subtle words meaning that if Alpha Denzel saw Valerie as a sl ave, then he would have sent her to the dungeon or the shacks where the Omegas lived.”
Seeing Adria’s dark gaze, she added, “Anyway, I see your kind of torture. It’s the slow one, more like Alpha Denzel’s style.”
“Let’s go,” Adira insisted, eager to get Allessia out of there, but Allessia was worried because of how the handprints and bruises remained on Luna Valerie’s
face. In her heart, Alpha Denzel must have authorized Adira to do all these, including injuring Valerie’s foot.
The bandage wrapped around her foot, which was now stained with blood, made her heart shatter. She
11 Chapter 11 – Did you forget my warning?
wondered what exactly Valerie had been going through to have not healed up till now.
“Go ahead. I brought some clothes for Valerie. My personal gift. I sent some earlier, but I can see you like them.”
She glared at the clothes Adira wore with disdain and anger. Adira stiffened slightly, knowing she had been caught. She recalled vividly that the warrior who
brought in the clothes the same day Alpha Denzel brought Valerie to the pack had not mentioned who
Most probably, he had forgotten to add the message attached to the items. It wasn’t that she couldn’t afford such clothes from how much she was being paid as a beta, but there was just something about these clothes which made her feel like Alpha Denzel bought them.
11 Chapter 11 – Did you forget my warning?
It was rare for him to buy female stuff, so if he did, then the only person deserving of it was Adira.
“You are the one who sent them?” Disappointment laced her voice, her throat felt dry.
“I told the warrior to add the message to it, but I guess he forgot to tell you. Since you didn’t know, you are pardoned.”
Allessia smiled upon seeing the disappointed look in Adira’s eyes. Having the urge to wipe every suspicion that the clothes were indeed bought by Alpha Denzel,
kingly, “Did you think he would enter ollection to buy female clothes?”
she ask
stormed out of the room without as much as a ponse, feeling humiliated as Allessia smiled at Valerie, saying, “my Alpha is waiting. I will try to see you before I leave.”
< 11 Chapter 11 – Did you forget my warning?
“Have we met before?” Valerie suddenly asked as she felt that Allessia looked familiar, but Allessia had
already left the room. A warrior walked in with
shopping bags and snacks. He bowed respectfully and spoke politely,
“Luna, clothes and snacks from our gamm a Allessia.”
Valerie thought about Alpha Idris from the Litha Moon pack. Whereas she never thought that their pack was big enough to have a ga mma.
Gam mas were the next in command to the betas, but
efficient Alphas and betas did not see
most p
ga mma. But why did she feel that
so much like Alpha Denzel?
Allessia made her way back to the packhouse, she dialed a number, pouring out her rage.
< 11 Chapter 11- Did you forget my warning?
“Denzel. How dare you do this to Valerie? Are you crazy? You rejected her because you believe she cheated? You are just as evil as Tristan and Scarlet.”
She took a deep breath and continued with her accusation. “Then you brought her to your pack and injured her foot. How could you? I met Valerie a few times, and she would never do the things she was accused of. Then what? You ordered your beta to torture her. If she dies, I will kill myself. I….”
She was cut off by the deep, masculine and
eering voice. “What did you say? Adira did
“Don’t pretend to be righteous. If you did not permit her, she wouldn’t have the audacity to slap Luna Valerie. The fingerprints are there as proof. I don’t know what happened to her foot, but there were other bruises on her face. If her wolf could not heal her, then it means the injury is serious, isn’t it?”
11 Chapter 11- Did you forget my warning?
Alpha Denzel relaxed a little when he realized it wasn’t as serious as he thought. Allessia was good at exaggerating anyway. “What are you even doing in my pack? Did you forget my warning?”
From Evergreen pack, Allessia was greatly disappointed. “I knew it. You don’t care about her.” Her voice was already teary as she added, “I came with Alpha Idris. He had some matters to discuss with you concerning Valerie.”
Alpha Denzel extended his long slender hand, and
odic fixed a cigar in between his two fingers. omebody had gotten his Alpha upset again. After lighting the cigar, Alpha Denzel puffed before speaking,
“Then he should have informed me earlier about his coming. My pack is not a tourist attraction. Even those have opening and closing time.”
11 Chapter 11 – Did you forget my warning?
“Denzel,” Allessia was growing frustrated, explaining after biting down her anger. “Alpha Idris sent a letter two weeks ago. Did your beta not inform you?”
Alpha Denzel’s fingers tightened around the phone. Knowing about the reef between Adira and Allessia, he couldn’t just take everything Allessia was telling him with a pinch of salt.
After all, Adira had taken great care of the pack in his absence. Maybe, she must have forgotten about the letter due to the pack pressure and not informed him
about it.
11 Chapter 11-Did you forget my warning?
At the warehouse, Alpha Denzel stood up and instructed, “Record his confession and send it to me. I have things to take care of.”
Godic nodded his head but inched closer and asked in a hushed tone, “what about him. Should we finish him off?”
“If you finish him off, what evidence would we have when the need arises?”
om his thoughtlessness, Godic responded, t. We shall take care of him.”
With the warriors, taking care of a person meant torture. Alpha Denzel did not refuse, figuring that his presence was needed at the pack for a while due to Alpha Idris’ request, he scoffed internally.
11 Chapter 11 – Did you forget my warning?
Whoever wanted Valerie would have to go through the fire to get her. “I will be away for a while. Call me if there is a need for anything,” he said with a tone of urgency, eager to reach the pack in time…
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Chapter 12 – Can’t you knock?
Alpha Denzel analyzed the situation once again. Even if Alpha Idris had sent the letters weeks ago without him knowing, his main objective then was not Valerie, since she was still at the Yellowstone pack by then.
It had only been a week since Valerie became a member of the Evergreen pack, so what could trigger Alpha Idris to change the reason for his visit to be one concerning Valerie? Somehow, Alpha Denzel wanted to know but also had something important to do there.
He went to his secretary’s office, but the documents he requested weren’t ready. Capitalizing on it, he said to her, “You are slow, so you have to reschedule again. I will be away for a week.”
Cornelia was deflated at the use of the word ‘slow’ by her boss, knowing that she was the fastest and
12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
smartest secretary, for which reason he hired her.
However, she was rather grateful for his being away this time, as she was certain to prepare everything before his return. There was only another pending matter which would require her boss’ attention.
“Yes, sir, but what about the managers you instructed HR to recruit?”
Alpha Denzel did not respond immediately, thinking through the situation. Knowing what he had done to
Yellowstone pack and the fact that Alpha Tristan nd Luna Scarlet were still alive, he was quite
interested in knowing what the Yellowstone pack was up to after the attack.
The managers for his casinos spread across Las Vegas were indeed needed, so he could have more time to attend to issues of the pack.
12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
“Tell her to proceed with the interviews and send details of the best candidates to my email.”
“Yes, sir.”
He was about to leave before turning around and saying, “Also send an email for the video of the whole interview process to be sent to my email.” He wanted the most qualified person for the job and not some HR’s favorite.
vergreen pack, Adira went to meet Alpha Idris living room, feeling tense. Before reaching there, e ensured that no warriors or omegas lingered around.
“You didn’t get a reply to my letters,” Alpha Idris accused as soon as she entered. She halted in her
letters was her indirect
ne, but since he was here, e was not expecting him. ut a response from the
usy.” Her tone was
ding, as Alpha Idris stood
platinum blonde mohawk ok.
ed his hair from the
hum blonde still
Since she was naturally she was not intimidated r away from her, glaring
d his tone as he accused other packs. From the
ppened between us, isn’t
< 12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
Recalling that incident, her cheeks crimsoned, but she soon regained her senses. Alpha Denzel would be greatly displeased if he hears about it. “You promised to keep it a secret.”
Alpha Idris grinned evilly, his eyes coated with a seductive mask, as he took advantage of the situation.
“And it will remain that way on one condition.”
Adira felt the temperature in the room drop, her heart thumping in her chest as she guessed that this was not going to be good. How st upid of her to have trusted that Alpha Idris to keep what happened between them
a secret.
It was uncomfortable to feel trapped in her own pack. “What is that?” She glared back at him and asked. Alpha Idris had nothing to lose even if the secret was out so the only person who could lose everything was
< 12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
Adira, for the fact that she was secretly in love with her Alpha, which Alpha Idris already discerned.
“Convince your Alpha to send Valerie to my pack,”
Alpha Idris blurted out. Adira let out an evil smirk. This was better than she imagined.
“Of course.” If Valerie woke up dead, then no Alpha would want her again right?
It was night, and everywhere in the Evergreen pack was quiet. The lights shone brightly as an intimidating figure walked into the pack house in one of the emergency wears. The packhouse was quiet, the sound of a knock reverberating through Adira’s door.
“Adira, come out.”
13 00
< 12 Chapter 12 – Can’t you knock?
Aside from the indifference, anger laced the Alpha’s tone at the mention of her name, which could not go unnoticed. Adira was asleep but woke up at the sound of the voice, quickly changing from her nightie to
casual clothes.
She would have wished to see him in her nightie, but knew that would be detrimental to her relationship with the Alpha. He would instantly see through her and might even banish her.
The reason why Alpha Denzel soared among other Alphas was the fact that he had great control over his p. No woman could boast of having slept with the Alpha, unlike other packs where the unmated Alphas would please themselves with a willing she-wolf or
Alpha Denzel was nothing like that. Even when he had fun with women in his club when in high spirits, his bodyguards knew him too well to allow any woman into his bedroom afterwards.
12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
The most he could do would be to drink and dance with them, but that was all. As Adira stepped out, Alpha Denzel’s eyes squinted when he saw the dress she wore but didn’t say anything about it.
He began to walk ahead, and she followed but caught up to him, trying to strike a conversation. “How was your journey? You didn’t tell me that you were returning so soon.”
Due to his personality, Adira could not detect how upset he was when he responded indifferently, “When were you going to inform me about Alpha Idris’s visit?”
He instinctively turned to gaze at her, but she lowered her head, avoiding his gaze. He might just see through her, and that wouldn’t be good. Because of her past with Alpha Idris, she hated having him around, but how could she explain that to Alpha Denzel?
12 Chapter 12- Can’t you knock?
“Is that why you returned? I wanted to inform you this morning because I was very tired last night.”
“I saw his car parked at the garage and his warriors too.” He discreetly did not want Adira to know that Allessia was the one who informed him. Also, he didn’t want to directly ask about Allessia, wanting Adira to raise it on her own accord, but that did not happen.
Alpha Denzel was displeased by her sudden behavior of hiding things, but since he was not one to complain, it was overlooked, and none of them spoke anymore.
Valerie’s room, the door was pushed open, jolted awake. “Can’t you knock?” She asked in oyance, thinking it was Adira, but when she heard e manly footsteps with the strong aura and Alpha scent, her heart dropped into her stomach, fearing the
12 Chapter 12-Can’t you knock?
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13 Chapter 13 – Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter.
Alpha Denzel was inwardly amused that she had regained her sharp tongue, thinking that she had remembered what she did to him. He taunted her,
“You want me to knock before entering my house? Everywhere in this pack belongs to me.” Alpha Denzel sounded arrogant, but no one discerned the worry in his eyes when he saw the fingerprints and bruises on her pretty face.
H o
he sudden change of fear and innocence in nade him wonder if he had heard her
ly a while ago.
She had changed from the sassy woman he had met before, back to the pretentious innocent woman he had rescued from the Yellowstone pack.
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
No matter what, Valerie had to be grateful for the fact that he had saved her life. The day he rescued her from the Yellowstone pack, he had to cover her with his coat and could not withstand the injuries on her body.
That was the reason why he left immediately to plan his attack because if he had stayed, who knows if he would have gathered his warriors that same day to launch the attack and ruin everything, including endangering Valerie’s life.
He was glad that she looked better when he returned, ut seeing this, his anger boiled, though his physical xpression did not capture it.
“Have you thought about if I was naked?” Valerie covered the see-through nightie with a silky robe. That attire was not one of the things Alpha Denzel purchased, so it could only belong to Adira.
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
Seeing the clothes he bought on Adira and those belonging to Adira on Luna Valerie, he already understood what Adira had done. Yet again, he made no mention of it, acting cool.
Alpha Denzel, like the deadly python he was, would never show his emotions. His actions could never be anticipated. He was so calculative that no one entirely understood him.
“Everyone is naked after a shift. There is nothing sacred about your body,” he said coldly, but remorse shot th h his eyes when he saw the pain in her
as a result of his careless words.
I supposed to welcome you?” Valerie asked arcastically, but Alpha Denzel’s gaze pinned on the redness all over her face, especially her right cheek.
“What happened to your face?” He asked directly and
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
Valerie glanced at Adira, who gave her a pleading look.
Adira never expected Valerie’s injuries to remain until now, as she had already healed from all of Valerie’s defenses. No one would believe it if she explained that Valerie had equally defended herself against her when the latter looked like the victim.
Her greatest fear was the fact that Alpha Denzel could feel disobeyed and could banish her. His instruction was for Adira to take care of Valerie. It was different from his warriors taking care of villains.
His instruction of care to Adira meant to protect Valerie. Adira’s palms suddenly became sweaty, and it
pread to her face.
Not knowing why, Valerie felt the need to not expose Adira right away. It didn’t even seem as if Alpha Denzel cared about her, so there was no way he would punish his beta for the sake of his sl ave. Maybe, she could win Adira to her side by being nice to her, so she could
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
help her escape one day.
Now that Valerie had a hint that someone was avenging her, she wanted to escape to search for the said person to help her take back her pack.
“I slapped myself.”
Adira sighed with relief, sneering at how foolish Valerie was to be playing her game, but as soon as Alpha Denzel leaves, she would ensure that the next meal Valerie eats would take her to her grave.
women did not expect it when Alpha Denzel commanded, “Demonstrate.”
“What?” Fear registered in Valerie’s eyes, as she had no idea how to inflict injury on herself, but little did she know how much Alpha Denzel hated liars. His
expression was cold, his voice wintry.
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
“Since you slapped yourself? You should do it again. I
want to see it.”
Lying to his face just now caused the little hope Alpha Denzel had in Valerie to blur out. How could she confidently protect her abuser by lying to his face?
Assuming it was somebody else, would she do the same? How far was she willing to go to protect her abusers? Alpha Denzel was not taking the matter lightly, his dark eyes only growing darker.
Adira’s heart dropped into her stomach, fearing that she had been caught and afraid of the Alpha’s judgment.
Before she knew it, the resounding sound of a slap jolted her from her trance. Valerie had slapped herself hard on the cheek, the same side Adira had slapped before.
13 Chapter 13- Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
Adira sighed with relief. Her plans would go through
after all since Valerie had proven that she indeed hit herself. A sinister smile relaxed on her lips, but her joy was short-lived when Alpha Denzel walked closer to
Without warning, he grabbed her jaw a little tightly due to the anger burning through him. The understanding eloped him about how much pain a woman like Valerie could endure even when she was not healing from it.
His heart tightened painfully in his chest at the realization that Valerie would never open up to him. She would rather protect her abusers than complain to him. Even as his fingers tightened around her jaw, she endured the pain, refusing to flinch.
Her teary eyes challengingly bored into his, she refused to blink. Alpha Denzel’s jaw clenched, but his eyes were a bottomless pit, she couldn’t read his emotions.
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
“Who are you covering up for?” His voice was h o ar se, as he felt the moisture in his throat dry up. Valerie could feel her heart rate increasing, her face burning from the slap she gave herself and the strong fingers pressing her jaw.
Yet, she remained adamant. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Alpha Denzel did something that shocked her and Adira. He suddenly burst into laughter as he released her from his grip. That laughter was neither funny nor
y making them shiver from fright.
t even Beta Adira had ever seen him laugh before and was glad to have not. Who knew that his laughter was even more fearful than his coldness or
When the reason for his laughter was revealed both
13 Chapter 13-Alpha Denzel’s strange laughter
women paled.

14 Chapter 14 – Move her to the pack house.
Alpha Denzel’s laughter ceased abruptly, and the atmosphere tensed up. So many emotions swam in his eyes, but the most dominant of all was indignation.
“The fingerprints of the first slap are different from the second, which means different hands did them.”
Adira knew she was done for. If Valerie tried to cover again, she might just get punished. After all, Alpha nzel could not be messed with.
As much as Valerie hated it, respect formed in her heart towards Alpha Denzel. The man was smart and not easily deceived, but when she recalled how he believed Alpha Tristan’s words because of the pictures without trying to verify, hate replaced the respect formed just a second ago.
14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
Valerie had tried her best, but there was nothing she could do anymore. Alpha Denzel was not done, asking, “And the bruises? How did you inflict them on yourself?”
He wanted to see how many more lies she could cook up to defend her abuser. Exposing her lies did not give him the satisfaction he wanted but rather a strange pain.
“What will you do if I refuse to answer?” Valerie seethed. Knowing that he would find her out anyway,
ill not willing to expose Adira and was ready e consequence.
pha Denzel was confused, not knowing if the adamancy was just to defy him. Surprisingly, he was able to restrain his anger. “I’m just curious in knowing whom you are protecting.”
14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
Adira could not allow herself to be exposed, and seeing that the situation was no longer favorable to her, she quickly coughed up an idea, saying,
“Alpha, I just had a mindlink that Alpha Idris is awake. Last night, he made mention of asking for your permission to take Luna Valerie with him.”
Alpha Denzel’s back was turned, so Adira did not see the deadly fire that glazed his eyes. Valerie saw it and hopped backwards. Her movement caught his attention, and the deadly fire seemed to quench abruptly when he saw her limping to the bed. Even
he ensured not to let it sound in his voice.
ce Alpha Idris has a lot of time on his hands, he wouldn’t mind waiting for me.”
“Are you going to let Valerie go?” Adira asked expectantly. Valerie did not know whether to feel relieved or sad, as she didn’t know much about Alpha
14 Chapter 14- Move her to the pack house.
Idris except that he was ruthless and loved women. There was no hope in being shipped off to him.
“Do you want to go?” Alpha Denzel suddenly asked Valerie. She froze, not knowing how to respond. Between Alpha Idris and Denzel, who was better? At least Alpha Denzel wasn’t into women and hadn’t tried to hit on her after his rejection.
Was it going to be the same with the Alpha who loved women like the food and alcohol he drank on a daily basis?
“Do I have a say?” Valerie asked, her legs growing
e depth of the matter disturbed her more pain in her leg.
“What if I say yes?” He asked, testing her resolve. Valerie pursed her lips, thinking about Alpha Denzel’s reason for asking all these questions but happy that he had forgotten about the slap incident.
14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
Somehow, she felt the urge to hold this conversation to stall time for the former. “Would you rather send me back to my pack? I heard there has been an attack.”
“Who told you that?” Alpha Denzel suddenly asked, his voice slightly raised as he couldn’t hide his anger. Valerie felt a lump in her throat, cursing internally for making the request.
“I…” her words stuck in her throat when she felt his strong body press against hers, as he pushed her to the bed. Valerie was confused, but Adira had already dashed out of the room.
However, Alpha Denzel jumped out of the window when he pushed Valerie to the bed because she was standing in front of the window. He was already ahead of Adira because of the short cut he took, as they gave a wild chase to whoever Adira and Alpha Denzel saw.
14 Chapter 14- Move her to the pack house.
Adira was nervous, as Alpha Denzel was already ahead
of her. He was chasing after a sand dune wolf. It was so fast but wasn’t big. Alpha Denzel shifted, jumped, and was about to pin it to the ground.
From nowhere, someone hit the sand dune wolf on the head, it shifted to human form, bleeding on the head and vomiting blood. Adira had taken another route, leading her head of the sand dune wolf.
Alpha Denzel’s gaze darkened. “Why did you hit her?”
internally happy, but her face carried “I’m sorry Alpha, I was afraid she would
“Stay with me,” Alpha said to the she-wolf who was losing consciousness. She wasn’t a member of his pack, and all pack members knew that that house was off limits. It was Alpha Denzel’s place of relaxation. He never allowed anyone there.
13:00 O
14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
“What do you want? Which pack do you belong to?” Alpha Denzel asked. She looked so young, more like sixteen. Alpha Denzel knew she was harmless. She might be a spy because of her smallish form and wolf.
Such wolves were perfect for acquiring information since it was easy for them to blend into other wolves and packs. “A…Alpha…”
Alpha Denzel lowered his ears to hear what she was saying, only hearing “Rad.”
“Can you repeat what you said? Which Alpha sent you?” He eagerly implored, but as the girl coughed, life drained out of her, and she died in his arms.
Alpha Denzel sat on the floor beside the dead body, greatly annoyed to not get the information he wanted. Someone had killed his parents a few years ago. Recently, his mate was also murdered, and so was
< 14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
anyone close to him.
Alpha Denzel chose to like his own company since then as anyone close to him became a target. “Alpha, what did she say?” Adira stepped closer and asked him.
“Get the warriors to clean up the mess.” He was already walking back to the small house when Adira sighed with relief and called after him,
“Alpha, I got some emergency clothes for you.”
Alpha Denzel took the clothes, putting on the blue jean pants and white shirt. Adira mind-linked one of the warriors to cremate the dead body before catching up to Alpha Denzel. When they reached the worried
Valerie, Adira’s eyes darkened when Alpha Denzel announced,
14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.
“Move her to the packhouse.
She was unmoving, not wanting Valerie close to her Alpha but how could she defy the Alpha’s orders?
View All >15 Chapter 15 – Alpha Denzel can’t
be fooled.
Adira’s eyes turned red. The packhouse belonged to dignified people, not s laves. Having been rejected twice, Valerie was not fit to be in the packhouse. This was overwhelming, and she couldn’t keep it in. ‘
“Alpha, people will talk. It’s not right for her to be at the packhouse,” Adira said, sounding as if she cared for the pack. But Alpha Denzel saw through the selfishness coating her words.
uld respond, a mindlink zapped through for as long as he was there, any information ne gate would be passed directly to him.
“Alpha, there are two investigators from the peace council. They were sent by the Alpha King to investigate an attack on the Yellowstone pack.”
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
Alpha Denzel smiled internally, knowing they won’t find anything or get any information. The peace council was there to maintain the peace between packs. Knowing the violent nature of werewolves, wars were understandable, but the reasons had to be explained to the peace council with relevant facts to prove that a war was necessary before going ahead with it.
Since the peace council was not aware of the attack against the Yellowstone pack and the assailants were not apprehended, it was left to them to conduct the necessary investigation after receiving the report from the Beta of the pack.
‘Why didn’t anyone inform me about it?’ Alpha Denzel asked, making it seem as if he was never aware of the incident. At this moment and for as long as Alpha Tristan and Luna Scarlet were still alive, his job was not done.
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
It was just a matter of time before he finished them off completely. Thanks to Valerie, the Yellowstone pack had strong warriors who would make the thirty minutes impossible for Alpha Denzel to complete his mission.
The next option was to declare an open war and use his pack warriors, but he was equally not ready for that
‘Alpha, I informed Beta Adira the warrior at the gate reported, confirming Alpha Denzel’s suspicion that
Adira was the one who informed Valerie about the
Now he wondered if that was the reason why Valerie refused to expose her abuser. What more could be going on between the two women? Alpha Denzel lacked the right answers at the moment.
However, he already had a solution at hand. ‘We don’t
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
have to keep them waiting then. They can begin their investigations from wherever they please.’
‘Yes, Alpha.’
As soon as the mind link ended, Alpha Denzel’s attention shifted back to Adira as he questioned seriously, “So where do you suggest?” Internally, he was congratulating himself for controlling his anger so
“I think the shack is the best place. Or…” she paused, taking in Alpha Denzel’s facial expression. His brows raised questioningly as Adira completed her sentence,
e dungeon.”
Alpha Denzel was greatly disappointed but didn’t let it show. Using the opportunity he asked her, “Do you know about the attack on the Yellowstone pack?” His
expression was unreadable.
Adira was already sweating, partly guessing that Alpha
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
Denzel’s reason for moving Valerie to the pack house was because she was innocent.
Her heart clenched tightly as she wondered if he was going to apologize for rejecting her. How could she watch them together with Valerie being the Luna of the Evergreen Pack? Adira shook her head in
displeasure, thinking about a reasonable excuse to give.
“It was one of the things I planned to tell you, but we haven’t had time to sit and talk.”
use, but Alpha Denzel was fast losing trust in calling her good deeds, he tested her once din. “What else do you have to tell me?”
“It will be better if we don’t discuss pack matters around outsiders,” Adira glanced in Valerie’s direction and spoke. Alpha Denzel pursed his lips, wondering what had happened to the woman he grew up with.
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
They were quite close because they used to train together. Adira would always stand up for him at all times and she carried matters of the pack like personal
Thinking that they had no feelings for each other, she was the first person to come to mind when he needed a beta with the hope that she would soon find her
Over time, he heard some disturbing things about her but threw them all under the carpet when she didn’t mention them to him. Now, he was wondering if that
ght thing to do.
Partly, he blamed himself for being away from the pack for so long. Maybe if he had given her a lot of time, he would have noticed that the woman before him had changed so much.
< 15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
“You want her to be in the shack or dungeon. Is it that you want to make it easy for whoever caused the attack to also rescue her? Among all the places in the pack, where is more secured?”
Alpha Denzel was cu nning enough to not associate himself with the attack and also not to make either
Valerie or Adira read meanings into his decision, but who knew that in all this, he was just testing Adira?
“The pack house,” Adira agreed, feeling a piercing pain in her chest. It was true that the packhouse was the most secured place because anyone could walk into the dungeon to torture whoever was there.
so meant that, a rescuer could pretend to be an enemy to go in there to rescue Valerie. She swallowed bitterly when she understood Alpha Denzel’s words. It pained her that Ashley, whom she suspected to be the one to launch the attack in her honor, might not be
able to rescue her in the packhouse.
15 Chapter 15-Alpha Denzel can’t be fooled.
The packhouse had more warriors because that was where the pack’s treasures were also stored. Alpha Denzel had his plans, but before then, there were things he had to do to return the pack to what he
wanted it to be.
Adira sensed that Alpha Denzel was upset and quickly apologized. “Alpha, please forgive me for suggesting wrongly. It’s all for the benefit of the pack.”
If it were any other woman, she wouldn’t mind, but Valerie made her blood change color. Alpha Denzel seemed calm. No one knew what was going through his mind, and neither had he said or made any move
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Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Adira did what?

Alpha Denzel gritted his teeth as he opened the French window. How could he allow the idiot to live after all the sins he had committed?


Weighing his options within seconds, he threw the dagger in the air, targeting Alpha Tristan’s heart. However, the latter saw the knife from his blurry eyes and tried to dodge. The result was having the dagger stuck in his back, missing the vital organ Alpha Denzel had wanted to end his life.


It was too late to complete the task without exposing himself. Alpha Denzel would have to find another day to finish off Alpha Tristan and Luna Scarlet.



Jumping out of the window, he used the eastern gate and ran out of the pack when most of the pack warriors were headed for the west.


“Alpha, I’m sorry I failed you,” Godic apologized when Alpha Denzel got there. His head was lowered as he battled to find the right words to explain the situation.


“Speak,” Alpha Denzel spoke impatiently, glad that the warriors of the yellow stone pack were headed for the western gate.


Not wanting to put himself in a situation where he had to shift, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.


He was ready to shift to head back to Los Angeles to not create suspicions. Only a few people saw him return to the Evergreen pack earlier this morning, so it would be best not to return at the moment.


Alpha Denzel was not afraid of anyone but had his own reasons for seeking vengeance this way. It was better to play the enemy where he least expected it.


“I couldn’t find the executioner,” Godic spoke with regret. They had removed their masks, so he was afraid of meeting Alpha Denzel’s piercing gaze, but his response shocked and erased all Godic’s fears.


“That’s because I killed him. He was guarding the pack house.”


A relief sigh escaped Godic, and he smiled. “Thank you, Alpha. We shall head back.”


Alpha Denzel nodded his head. There was no way they were all going to return together, as Alpha Denzel only loved his own company.


All he had to do was find another opportunity to nail Alpha Tristan and Luna Scarlet permanently. They must have escaped today, but he was certain that they won’t next time.


Arriving at Los Angeles, he went straight to his manor and had a three-hour good rest before going back to the casino. On the way, he made a few calls before calling Godic. “Is the package ready?”


Godic didn’t have to ask which package he was talking about, already knowing that it was the man whom he saw in bed with Luna Valerie from the picture.


“Yes, Alpha. I can send him to your office if you want.”


“No need. Send him to the underground warehouse,” Alpha Denzel instructed behind the wheels of his Bugatti Centodieci.


Cornelia was just packing her car when she saw Alpha Denzel’s car pull over. Getting down from hers, she hopped to his.


“Sir, welcome back.” She opened the passenger side and was about to pick up his briefcase when he snarled,


“Don’t. Get to the office and leave all appointments on my desk before I get there.”


Cornelia’s eyes widened as that would take at least two hours since most of the appointments had been rescheduled.


Mr. Denzel never mentioned that he would be back so soon. However, she dared not stall for time, rushing to the elevator without looking back.


Alpha Denzel smirked. He just didn’t want her to know where he was going. As soon as the doors of the elevator closed, he entered his private elevator, pressing a button twice.


It took him down to the underground warehouse where the man was kept. In a brightly lit room, the man sat on the floor with a silver around his wrist.


The silver was to weaken his wolf, but that also weakened him in human form. Godic instantly pulled a chair for Alpha Denzel when he appeared at the doorway.


Alpha Denzel sat and instructed, “tie him to a chair and remove the silver on his wrist.”


“Alpha, he would shift,” Godic warned. The guy was very strong, so it wasn’t easy to capture him. It was only after cuffing the silver around his wrist that he weakened.


Werewolves were weakened by silver and wolfsbane, except the Alpha wolves. Luna wolves also had a strong resistance to silver, but it wasn’t the same for wolfsbane.


“Don’t worry. I’m here.” Alpha Denzel’s voice was calm. “Unmask him as well.”


Godic obeyed, and the man was soon tied to a chair. With the silver removed from his wrist, he was slowly regaining his strength but was in a stupor when his gaze met that of Alpha Denzel.


His breathing instantly grew heavy as fear covered his eyes. “Alpha Denzel?”


“You know my name. What is yours?” Alpha Denzel’s tone was surprisingly calm, it was a wonder to even the bodyguards present.


“Kyle Curt,” the man responded obediently, fear burning in his heart. Though his act was a night before the coronation, he had heard the rumors after that Alpha Denzel was Luna Valerie’s second chance mate.


He also heard that Luna Valerie was rejected by the two Alphas, one of whom was Alpha Denzel.


“I see that you are one of us so which pack do you belong?”


“None. I was banished from my pack when I killed an innocent warrior.”


Alpha Denzel raised his brows a little, but his expressions soon returned to the way it was from before.


“I am not interested in why you killed an innocent warrior, but from all that you have said, I presume that you are rogue. So how did you get into Luna Valerie’s bed?”


The gentility in Alpha Denzel’s tone caused Kyle to relax. At the moment, he only thought about saving his ass.


“We were dating each other before her father died, so she invited me over as a farewell gift.”


Alpha Denzel turned his head to the right, at the same time a violent slap caused Kyle’s head to turn to the right.


Without speaking words and just moving his head, Godic knew exactly what his Alpha wanted. Kyle was in so much pain that he was seeing stars. His molars were even wobbly, and his wolf was enraged but dared not take over at the sight of Alpha Denzel.


“Are you ready to answer the question now?” Alpha Denzel asked, his expression turning dark. He loathed liars. It was the reason why he was so upset with Valerie.


However, he would not allow the wicked to go unpunished.


“I already told you the truth. Luna Valerie and I have been dating since…”


Alpha Denzel did not want to hear the rest and glared at the ceiling. The rope was loosened from the chair, but the next thing he knew, he was hanging up the ceiling head down like a chandelier.


Except that this chandelier was too huge and not as attractive as the luxury ones. Godic kicked him on the face, and not only his nose but his mouth was also bleeding.


“To tell you what, I detest liars and since you won’t tell me the truth, I don’t think that you have any value.” He turned his attention to Godic.


“Finish him.”


When Kyle realized that his lies weren’t being bought and Alpha Denzel had run out of patience, he decided to confess. After all, how would he get his reward from Alpha Tristan if he died?


“I will confess. I will tell you everything. Please don’t kill me,” he pleaded, his mouth filled with blood, dripping on the floor. His nose was worse.


“What are you waiting for then?” Alpha Denzel maintained the same calm tone, but his phone began buzzing as soon as he said the last words. Checking the caller ID, it was an unknown number.


Thinking it might be one of the new Dons he was yet to get acquainted with, he answered the call.




An angry female voice raged, the impact heavy on his eardrums. “Denzel. How dare you do this to Valerie? Are you crazy? You rejected her because you believe she cheated? You are just as evil as Tristan and Scarlet.”


Alpha Denzel was about to say something but the aggressive voice was unrelenting. “Then you brought her to your pack and injured her foot. How could you? I met Valerie a few times and she would never do the things she was accused of. Then what? You ordered your beta to torture her. If she dies, I will kill myself. I….”


Alpha Denzel felt like a tsunami was blowing inside his ears at the female voice that kept rattling on the phone. He was not upset with all that she said except for the last part.


“What did you say? Adira did what?” His eyes were already red, his brows furrowing, and his voice turned chilly.

Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Finish what you started.

Valerie realized that he wanted to give her a very painful death. Swallowing tightly, she began to take steps towards the red-hot coals. Even the warriors were shocked.


The Alpha might be ruthless, but they also knew that he cared deeply for his pack members. If Valerie would just beg, the Alpha might reconsider.


Alpha Denzel was expressionless, but his dark gaze lingered on her. It was just a matter of time before he crushed the root of her pride.


Given the opportunity to embrace the death she wanted, Valerie reached the hot coals and stopped right beside them.



The heat from the red-hot coals warmed her feet through the flip flops she wore. Despite the chilly weather, she felt cold in the thin fabric on her body, given to her by Beta Adira.


Gritting her teeth, she removed her right foot from the flip flop, lifted it, and pressed it onto the hot coal. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as pain burned through her foot.


The warriors were aghast, but Beta Adira had a thin smile on her face, wishing the cheating woman would just die.



Valerie might be accustomed to a great amount of pain due to her training in her pack, but this pain was too much, she couldn’t bear it.


Without her wolf, she felt completely human as tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly withdrew her foot, but two hot coals stuck underneath it, burning deeply. As she tried to remove them, she lost her balance.


Almost hitting the floor, she was surprised to be lifted in the air by a pair of strong arms before her body hit the ground.


The warmth emitted from Alpha Denzel’s arms and his intoxicating scent wafted through her nose, destroying her brain cells.


He carefully removed the burning coals stuck under her foot without flinching from the heat. Though his fingers burned, they quickly healed.


Beta Adira’s smile froze, replaced with jealousy, as she saw her Alpha’s gaze soften for the first time, but it disappeared within a blink, replaced by irritation.


She began to wonder if she saw right the first time. The warriors sighed with relief that Luna Valerie hadn’t allowed her stubbornness to drive her to her grave.


The fact could not be denied that she was very beautiful. Beads of sweat covered Valerie’s face as she tried to endure the pain and not show how much it hurt.


Alpha Denzel waited patiently for her wound to heal, so he could proceed to the next step, but when that was not happening, he sensed something wrong.


“Call the pack doctor,” he yelled. The instruction was directed at Adira, as he instructed the pack warriors, “take the coal away.”


Valerie began to wiggle in his arms, fearing that he would suspect the loss of her wolf.


Though it hurt, she began to think of the worst kinds of painful deaths Alpha Denzel could give her. Perhaps she should escape with this option.


“I’m not done. I can do it.” She struggled to pull away from him, but his grip only tightened, his gaze darkening with it.


Valerie didn’t realize it when tears began to wet her cheeks. “I just want to die,” she cried.


Alpha Denzel ignored her and carried her back to her room.


“Eat that food or you finish what you started.” He dropped her on the bed and ordered, ignoring the blood oozing out of her wound.



Her foot was in a bad shape, but he expected her wolf to do its job. Since that wasn’t happening, he began searching for the first aid box when he saw a shadowy figure around the window and growled,


“Who’s there?”


He rushed out but saw no one. Thinking it was one of the warriors, he went back inside, but as he resumed searching for the first aid box, he suddenly stopped and asked,


“How is it that you haven’t healed even a little bit?”


Valerie froze instantly. Afraid of letting him know that she lost her wolf, she picked up the bowl of noodles, which had now turned cold, and began to gobble it down.


“I’m hungry…” she said through mouthfuls. For the first time, Alpha Denzel was left speechless. He had never met a woman so proud, stubborn, and impish.


He couldn’t also deny how funny she looked forcing the noodles down her throat. He wanted to tell her to slow down but thought against it.


However, he was worried that there was no sign of her healing. Before Alpha Denzel could utter another word, his phone rang, and he quickly answered it.


“Alpha, everything is ready at the Yellowstone pack.”


Looking at Valerie, who was gobbling down the food like she hadn’t eaten in years in spite of her injury, he felt like he wasn’t needed and responded,


“Oh, I’m on my way.”


He left without sparing her another glance. Valerie instantly dropped the fork, as she almost choked from stuffing her mouth with so much food at once to just avoid the question.


Adira arrived with a doctor who instantly began to attend to Valerie. He was the same doctor who had attended to her before, unknown to her.


Adira was disappointed to not see Denzel. “Where is the Alpha?”


“How would I know?” Valerie asked as she went back to eating the food as the doctor dressed her wound.


No matter how it hurt, she never let it show. By putting on a tough facade, no one would know that she lost her wolf.


Adira stepped out and dialed Alpha Denzel’s number, but he didn’t answer her call this time.


Alpha Denzel had shifted and began to rummage through the woods to the Yellowstone pack. The warriors were waiting for him.


At the Yellowstone pack, it was the wee hours of the morning, and warriors were retiring from patrol. Most attacks would usually happen at midnight, so any attack around this time was very rare.


As soon as Alpha Denzel arrived, he shifted to human form and received the clothes they prepared for him with the mask.


After changing into the all-black attire and fixing his mask, they began to attack in human form after he ordered,


“Make sure you get the people who beat her and that executioner.”



Even without mentioning her name, they knew that he was referring to Valerie.


“Remember, no one must shift into wolf form or they will be exposed,” Alpha Denzel warned seriously.


Among the mafias, it was easy, but attacking werewolves, the instruction was quite complicated.


If the person they were attacking had the chance to shift, then they would be defenseless in human form.


This meant they had to operate discreetly to not give their opponents the chance to shift. Alpha Denzel was just about to break into the pack when Godic asked from behind.


“Alpha, what about our scent?”


Alpha Denzel stopped and turned around. He almost forgot that vital part, glad to be surrounded by smart people.


“Where is the vodka?”


Three bottles of vodka were brought out of a bag Godic carried. Because Alpha Denzel loved strong drink and smoke, they never ran out of them.


Taking one of the bottles, he instructed, “Empty the content on yourselves and drink a little.


As they did, the scent of the vodka was the only thing they smelled. Whereas their unique scent could not be traced.


“I will take care of the people who beat Luna Valerie,” one of the bodyguards brought out his phone, showing the video of when Luna Valerie was being beaten.


Alpha Denzel’s jaws clenched, but he didn’t utter a word. Godic said, “I will take care of the executioner and those who said foul things against her.”


Then he stared at Alpha Denzel. “Alpha, Luna Scarlet would be with Alpha Tristan, so we shall leave her to you.”


Alpha Denzel nodded his head in agreement. “The time starts now, you can kill or render unconscious anyone who gets in your way.


That said, they split and pulled the masks over their faces.


The five warriors at the gate were taken down by Alpha Denzel, making it easy for the other bodyguards. Most people were still asleep, completely oblivious to the four men operating discreetly.


Alpha Denzel was soon at the pack house, and those guarding Alpha Tristan’s door were stabbed in the back as soon as a hand covered their mouth from behind.


They had no chance to fight back nor shift. Most pack houses were all the same in aesthetics, so it wasn’t hard to locate Alpha Tristan’s room.


Alpha Denzel brought out a thin metal, about to unlock the door before turning the knob and realizing the door was not even locked.


The room was dark, but there was light in the bathroom, giving a slight visibility. There was only one person on the large bed, and Alpha Denzel aimed for the figure.


Intermittently, the door to the washroom opened, and Scarlet stepped out in short pants pajamas. The opened door allowed the light from the washroom to illuminate the room partially.


Upon seeing a dark figure, she was about to scream when a force hit her hard, and she was flying in the air, hitting her back against the wall.


Everything turned dark, but Alpha Denzel knew she wasn’t dead. As he aimed to finish what he started, Alpha Tristan, startled by the noise of someone slamming against the wall, quickly woke.


“Scarlet?” The room was dark as the washroom door automatically closed when the figure was thrown against the wall, but he quickly switched on the bedside lamp, the same time Alpha Denzel was about to stab Scarlet.


He quickly kicked the knife from his hand, but before he could mindlink any of the warriors, unrestrained punches from all angles disfigured his face.


The person was so fast that he found it hard to dodge or defend himself. It was also difficult to inform the pack members through mindlink that the pack was being attacked.


The punches were without restraint, Alpha Tristan could not shift, as the pain sank deeper before he was thrown against the wall.


Already bleeding from the nose, his eyes were blurry due to the multiple punches on them. Her limbs were now attacked, as he kept groaning in pain.


“Who are you?” he murmured but got another punch in response.


Alpha Denzel was running out of time, so he picked up the dagger, ready to stab him in the heart when a mindlink cut through his actions.


‘Alpha, we have 60 seconds to leave the pack. The warriors have got a hint of the attack and are already headed to the western gate.’

Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Wanting to die

Valerie was running for cover when Alpha Denzel walked into the room. She never expected the cold, menacing Alpha to put a hold on his busy schedule because of her.

Did he derive so much joy in watching her suffer? What more could be his reason for urgently coming over at this time?


Not knowing whether to feel guilty or afraid, she struggled for words to explain her predicament when Alpha Denzel’s gaze focused on the painting on the wall.

Being left alone in this simple house, she had been practicing her painting skills, which she hadn’t done since turning eighteen.


The pack responsibilities left her with no time for herself, and not used to being idle, painting was the order of the day.


Alpha Denzel frowned at the lifeless painting hanging on the wall, which was a direct reflection of how Valerie felt at the moment.

Being a master at concealing his emotions, Alpha Denzel made it impossible for neither Valerie nor Adira to decipher exactly how he was feeling about the painting at that moment.

Enraged, he barked, “What is that?” Peeling the image off the wall, he tore it into shreds, slicing Valerie’s heart with it. She had been at it throughout the day, only sipping water and willingly starving.

“You are not allowed to paint or do as you please.”

No matter how she tried, her proud personality outweighed her fears, the moment the particles from the painting fell pitifully on the floor.

Without her wolf, the painting gave her solace but it was now gone. Unable to hold it in any longer, she screamed, “You should send me to the dungeon.”

Adira was shocked but happy that Valerie was worsening her case. Who knew whether her stubbornness would cause Alpha Denzel to order her execution.

Even though Alpha Denzel had rejected Valerie, Adira was still insecure about Valerie’s presence. The fact that Alpha Denzel was her second chance mate and both of them had not been paired by the moon goddess to anyone else awoke a lingering fear in her heart.

Adira had wished to be Alpha Denzel’s mate when she turned 18. Having trained together for years, she had developed feelings for him, but Alpha Denzel was too consumed with the pain of losing his parents untimely.

The murderer was still unfound, same as the person who murdered his human mate.

Valerie could feel his burning gaze on her skin as she took snail steps backwards.

Having met so many Alphas in her lifetime, it was surprising that she never met one whose look could make her cower, losing her pride.

In the end, she was comforted that it was because she lost her wolf. Being human, it was understandable that she would be afraid of a man she knew had an Alpha wolf but then again, how come she never feared other Alphas including Alpha Tristan like she did Alpha Denver?

“You do not have the right to make a demand. Eat,” Alpha Denzel commanded.

Adira watched everything unfold, waiting for the Alpha to order her to eliminate the bitch. Over her dead body would she allow the Alpha to develop feelings for his rejected second chance mate.

“No,” Valerie growled, aiming to make him upset enough to throw her into the dungeon or order for her execution.

Even Adira trembled from her refusal as Valerie added, “I will not be your puppet. I will not allow you to torture me as you please. I want to starve to death.”

Alpha Denzel’s hands balled, and he took hurried steps, pinning her against the wall before she had the chance to escape.


His fingers clasped around her jaw, as he pressed it hard, forcing her gaze to remain on him. Valerie’s heart thumped in her chest as she thought of ways to free herself.

Even as a skilled warrior, she was too weak from starvation.


Yet, no matter what she went through, Valerie couldn’t allow the tears brining in the back of her eyes to fall, rather closing her eyes to avoid Alpha Denzel’s burning gaze.

He snarled, “You have no right to choose the kind of death coming to you.” His voice raised slightly. “I decide.”

His voice lowered once again, but it was deep and loaded with anger.

“Since I’m busy, you need to be kept alive until I’m ready to give you your deserved punishment.”

He moved away as swiftly as the wind. It was almost as if he hadn’t just cornered her.

With his burning gaze still on her, he ordered, “Adira, feed her.”

Adira quickly opened the food warmer. Pressing the fork into the hot steaming noodle, she twirled it around the fork and lifted it to Valerie’s mouth, but before it touched her lips, she hit it.

The noodle wrapped around the fork fell on the floor of her bedroom. Alpha Denzel’s gaze darkened as he took steps close to her, forcing her to take more backwards.

You want to die?”

Stubbornly, Valerie eagerly nodded her head. She was too proud to continue enduring humiliation. Since she already lost her dad and her pack, she had no regrets.

Her mother already died giving birth to Scarlet so emptiness was all she felt at the moment.


To her amazement, Alpha Denzel agreed, “Adira, drop the food and get me some hot coals of fire.”

Fear covered Valerie’s eyes as she saw the smirk in the corner of Adira’s lips. She wanted to die by easy means like a gunshot.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t imagine hot coals being part of her plan. Her shoulders trembled, her voice shook.

“What are you going to do with hot coals?”

Alpha Denzel ignored her question and lit another cigarette the moment Adira left. As soon as he puffed, Valerie began to cough violently. He instantly walked to the washroom and dropped the cigarette in the toilet.

Valerie was shocked when he returned without the cigarette. “Did you discard it because I coughed?” She was insane to think that he cared but couldn’t help asking.

Seeming irritated by her question, he scoffed. “You must think so highly of yourself.”


Grabbing her slender arms, he dragged her out of the small room.

Adira had just arrived with two warriors carrying a metal grill loaded with hot coals.

Valerie felt uneasy. Alpha Denzel’s casual dressing of blue jeans and a white shirt should make him less intimidating but that didn’t seem like the case. His voice emitted ice.

“Drop it.”

The metal grill was lowered to the ground as he ordered Valerie, “stand on it.”


“What?” Valerie was horrified. This Alpha was so cruel.

“You want to die? This is the only way.” Alpha Denzel stated his stance on the matter.


Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – You dare to refuse my orders?

“Alpha, if you believe she is innocent, then why did you reject her?” The lead bodyguard, Godic, asked.

Alpha Denzel’s expression turned dark with a dull bitterness. His throat felt dry, and his tone was flat.

“My rejection of her has nothing to do with you.”

Godic thought for a while. As if hit by lightning, he exclaimed, “Alpha, I remember her from…”

“Shut the fuck up. I’m going to the pack,” Alpha Denzel seemed enraged about the recollection of the past, instantly cutting him off.

Calming down a little, he addressed the three men before him.

“You guys should get to the Yellowstone pack and spy on them. Report all of Alpha Tristan’s movements to me.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Godic responded. Ever since the Alpha rejected Luna Valerie, his bad temper seemed to have worsened.

They weren’t there, but the news spread like wildfire, even to those who were away from the pack.

It was all because Luna Valerie, though proud, was a very smart woman and a skillful warrior. Indeed, why would she stoop so low to have an affair the same night her mate marked her?

Alpha Denzel dropped the cigar in the ashtray, marching to his secretary’s office. The offices in the casino were all soundproof.

Also, his human secretary was allergic to smoke, so for courtesy’s sake, he wouldn’t smoke in her presence.

Thus, Alpha Denzel was not totally heartless, but the only problem was, it was very easy for people to mistake his thoughtfulness for other things, especially considering his perfect masculine looks.

“Cordelia, cancel all my appointments for the next three days.”

Alpha Denzel’s tone was hasty, and the secretary was confused. Her boss was fearful because of his domineering aura, but she loved it best when he was around, as none of the dons would dare to disrespect her.

She had eyes on her boss, but sadly, all she ever saw in his eyes was aloofness.

“But sir, what about Don Sanyo? His secretary called twice to confirm the meeting tomorrow.” She hoped that this very important meeting would make him change his mind.

Alpha Denzel had this all planned. He had wanted to close a few deals before launching his attack. However, the news about his caged bird wanting to die caused his throat to strangely tighten.

“Then you should call now and inform her about the change of plans. Update me on everything that happens in my absence.”

Alpha Denzel was already on his way out of the office after saying those words.

His displeased secretary was not ready to let him off since he just returned from a trip two days ago. Mostly, she was kept in the dark about his personal life and had never even had the privilege of visiting his Las Vegas Manor.

Her seductive voice cut through his ears before he reached the door.

“Yes, sir, but where are you going?”

Alpha Denzel seemed irritated by the question and not bothering to turn around, his cold voice rang, “Why? You wanna come?”

Cordelia’s face turned ashen, and she quickly lowered her head.

“Sorry. I was just asking.”

Alpha Denzel opened the door and closed it before turning to face her. Her eyes lit with hope but were soon dimmed.

“If you can’t reach me by call, send an email or text message.”

Alpha Denzel left after that. Driving out of the casino parking lot, he reached where his chopper was waiting for him.

Flying it to the Evergreen pack, he landed far enough from where anyone would notice before shifting into wolf form.

A black beast sped through the woods. After almost an hour and half of a fierce run, he arrived at the gate of the Evergreen pack.

His warriors at the gate gawked for a moment before quickly giving him clothes to wear. They always prepared for such instances.

A shift from human to wolf form would cause the clothes to shred into pieces, so arrangements were made to keep clothes at vantage points, especially at the gate.

“Alpha, you are welcome,” the warriors greeted. Alpha Denzel nodded his head as he put on the casual clothes of plain blue jeans and a plain white round neck shirt.

After putting them on, he strutted to the pack house. It was quite a distance from the pack gate, but since he had traveled from the chopper to the pack in wolf form, his body was not tired, except for his wolf.

He had spent a total of nine hours on the journey and had to also be at the Yellowstone pack in two hours. It was already 2 a.m. in the morning.

Alpha Denzel always parked his chopper about ten miles from the pack to escape any of his enemies who might be tracking or stalking him from making it to the pack.

He would usually walk deep into the woods, ensuring that there was no one in sight by the use of his senses before shifting into wolf form.

Some of the warriors were patrolling the pack, close to the packhouse when he arrived. Everything was in order without a hint that the Alpha was away.

They were surprised to see him since he had recently brought Valerie and left immediately after leaving instructions.

Whenever Alpha Denzel left the pack, it took at least two weeks before his return.

“Alpha, the pack is peaceful,” one of the warriors on patrol greeted, afraid that he must have heard false news that the pack was in trouble.

“Beta Adira?” He asked swiftly. The warrior smiled.

“Inside the pack house. She must be sleeping now.”

Alpha Denzel bobbed his head in understanding. If Adira was sleeping, then it meant she must have been busy throughout the day.

Standing in front of the beta’s chamber, he knocked on Adira’s door. “Come out and bring her food.”

Adira was just giving in to sleep, but the sound of the voice caused her to jolt out of her slumber.

Excitement filled her heart, though saddened that the Alpha had made this emergency trip for the vile woman, Valerie.

Adira put on a pair of black pants and a black shirt since Alpha Denzel always liked and wore black.

Rushing down to the kitchen, she quickly began to prepare noodles. To impress Alpha Denzel, she didn’t want to call the omegas to prepare the food for Valerie.

Seeing that Alpha Denzel had not changed from his emergency clothes, she felt he might stay longer.

“You must be hungry. I’ll make you an extra plate.”

Alpha Denzel turned from the doorway of the kitchen where he stood waiting for Adira before.

“Forget about me. Just make it for her.” He brought out a pack of citrate, pulled one out and lit it. Walking to the balcony, his hawklike dark eyes permeated the environment, glad that everywhere was peaceful and quiet.

Adira was saddened but forced a smile all through the cooking. This wasn’t the first time Alpha Denzel rejected her kindness. Most of the time, he would even prefer to cook for himself than to allow any she-wolf to touch his food.

A few minutes passed, and she dished out the hot steaming noodles into a food warmer.

“Alpha, it’s ready.”

Alpha Denzel turned around and nodded his head, “Good, let’s go.”

Adira followed him to where Valerie was. She was asleep, but the force that pushed the door open caused her to jolt awake from her sleep.

The sound of heavy footsteps caused her to shiver, as the air and the scent in the room changed.

She was already mindlinking her wolf for some comfort before remembering that her wolf had died.

“You dare to refuse my orders?” Alpha Denzel’s few words carried great warning, as his dark gaze pierced through her soul. He looked pissed.

Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Then why did he reject her?

“Drink some water,” a sultry voice spoke, and a glass of water was extended to Valeria. She was reluctant, refusing to take it.

Valerie stared at the all-white room. The bed, closet, couch, sheets, and everything were white. She even saw a cannula on her wrist, meaning she had been given medical attention.

How did she get here? She had no idea but felt better. Sadly, she still couldn’t hear from her wolf, feeling completely human.

“Who are you? Where am I?” She asked the woman, who was both a beauty and an embodiment of strength. Valerie saw herself in the said woman, whose hand was extended with a glass of water.

“Drink and eat some food.”

Valeria saw the food on the table but remembering Alpha Denzel’s words, ‘more suffering awaits her,’ she refused to eat to make her death faster.

Yet, she gulped down the glass of water. “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.”


Her stomach rumbled instantly, embarrassment flashed in her eyes but was soon gone. She couldn’t even remember eating before the coronation and didn’t know which day it was.

The woman stared at her calmly. “I’m Adira, the beta of the Evergreen pack. Disobeying me is equivalent to disobeying the Alpha.”


Valerie had been unconscious for the past forty-eight hours, so Adira knew she was lying, confirmed by her growling stomach.

Hearing the Evergreen Pack, Valerie was inky. She thought that Alpha Denzel had sent her somewhere but never expected to be in his very pack.

The image of him, encased in her mind like glue, sent fearful shivers down her spine. The same Alpha who wanted her to suffer was giving her comfort.

Something must be wrong somewhere. “I don’t deserve to be here. I don’t deserve this kind of hospitality. Send me to the dungeon.”

A smirk appeared in the corner of Adira’s lips, wishing that she had the power to single-handedly do so. “You are right, but this is the Alpha’s orders and no one dares to disobey them, including you and I.”

Valeria was confused, but of what use would Alpha Denzel care if she eats or not? Even her own pack, including her mate and kid sister, gave up on her.

Ever since she woke up, she told herself to never shed a tear no matter what. Having no wolf, she had to show strength, so no one would know that she lost her wolf.

Everything seemed so strange to her, she asked, “is the food poisoned?”

Adira’s eyes squinted in annoyance. If she were tasked with eliminating Valerie, she would want to do so physically, not using the shortcut of poison.

“Why would you think that?”

Valerie confirmed that it wasn’t what she was thinking. “It means it’s not poisoned. Please help a sister, will you?” She asked pleadingly, and Adira’s brows raised questionably. Before her lips parted to ask what Valerie meant, she ordered, “Poison it.”

Beta Adira would be very pleased to do so, but still, she was afraid since Valerie was entrusted to her care. She heard about Valerie’s achievement at the Yellow Stone pack and also her recent case of infidelity.

It was understandable that both Alphas rejected her. “Eat, or I will call the Alpha.”


Valerie paled at the mention of the Alpha. She heard that Alpha Denzel was a very busy man, as he had businesses in Las Vegas. She didn’t expect him to be around.

“I…is he around?” She stammered and asked, and Adira chuckled.

“I take care of the pack while the Alpha takes care of his businesses. You are lucky he isn’t around.”

A relief sigh escaped Valerie, as she was afraid of setting eyes on him again. “Good. Then you can begin my torture. I can endure it all.” Her eyes were filled with determination, and Adira was beginning to like her bravery.

“You are such an interesting character, but sorry, I don’t take orders from you. Now eat,” Adira insisted, not wanting to face her Alpha’s wrath upon his return for Valerie’s refusal to eat.

The girl looked strong and healthy. Just a few bruises remained on her body, making it strange how her skin hadn’t healed after so many hours.

Adira had a lot of questions to ask, but her focus at the moment was to make Valerie eat as the Alpha had instructed.

“No. I’m not hungry. Take the food away.” Valerie’s voice was commanding, as if she still had her wolf, but she had used extra energy just to make it so.


Adira was enraged, she left the food and walked out. Reaching for her phone in her back pocket, she dialed a number…



In Las Vegas, it was night and the city illuminated with enchanting lights. Alpha Denzel was having a meeting with a group of trusted men in his office.

In Las Vegas, they performed the function of bodyguards but were pack warriors who took care of his enemies at his command.

Alpha Denzel was the most feared mafia don, having so many enemies. At the moment, he sent a message to his secretary via the intercom.

“Nobody comes to my office. Everything else should wait until I’m through with this meeting.”

“Yes, sir, I will ensure it,” came the response from his secretary’s desk. Denzel hung up and addressed his three most trusted men.

“The attack on the Yellow Stone Pack will be done tomorrow. Kill everything in sight, but we have only 30 minutes to operate. Remember, Alpha Tristan, is mine.” Alpha Denzel’s expression was fierce, but these three warriors had been with him for a decade.

Alpha Denzel never attacked any pack without a good reason, and he would usually use the pack warriors. These warriors took care of his enemies in Las Vegas only, having been away from the pack for a while.

“Are we attacking with the pack?” One of the warriors asked, and Alpha Denzel shook his head and brought out masks.

“No. This is secret.” He pressed a remote, and as soon as his wine cabinet opened, one of the warriors rushed to serve his favorite whisky.

Being with Alpha Denzel for a long time, they communicated less with words but would promptly discern his needs.

As he poured the whisky for Alpha Denzel, another warrior brought out his cigar, lighting it for him. Alpha Denzel might be expressionless, but the way he gulped down the whisky was a clear indication that he was feeling hurt.

“Alpha, is it because of what they did to Luna Valerie?”

Alpha Denzel’s jaws clenched as he tried to maintain his calm. He was not one to show his emotions and retorted sternly, “The details of the matter do not concern you.”

“Sorry Alpha, it’s just that, I saw the man in the picture. The one Alpha Tristan claimed to be in bed with Luna Valerie.”


The glass in Alpha Denzel’s hand broke from hearing the news. Some of the broken pieces pierced him, but he healed fast.

One of the warriors cleared the mess as another one replaced the glass. “You did? Where?”

The jingling sound of a phone rang, and the warrior kept quiet. It was Alpha Denzel’s phone. He glanced at the screen and, seeing the caller ID, he scowled.

“You should all wait for me outside.”

He usually wouldn’t get rid of the warriors before accepting Adira’s call, but this time, he was certain that the call was because of Valerie.

The warriors scurried out of the office before he answered the phone, asking directly, “how is she?”

At the end of the line, Beta Adira was confused. For all she knew, the Alpha hated Valerie, but asking how she was doing without asking about the pack caused Adira’s gaze to darken.

She took in deep breaths before responding, “She refused to eat, asking me to poison the food.”

Alpha Denzel tried to control his rage and spoke calmly. “I’m coming, but don’t tell her.”

He instantly ended the call, and Adira was shocked but shook it off. Maybe, Alpha Denzel didn’t want Valerie to die because of how he wanted to torture her. Adira was just overthinking.

Alpha Denzel called his warriors back after ending the call with Adira. His mood was ruined at the fact that Valerie refused to eat and wanted to die.

“Meet me at the Yellow Stone Pack tomorrow, but capture that man and keep him until our return.”

His mood was suddenly icy, but when he was behaving oddly, his most trusted warriors would always ask.

“Alpha, why don’t we question him first? What if he is indeed innocent? Luna Valerie might not be worth it.”

Because Alpha Denzel’s expression was always dark, no one noticed a change in his expression regarding the warrior’s suggestion. His tone was as cold as his gaze.

“Who said that I’m doing it for her? Refrain from mentioning her name, but lest you know, Luna Valerie is too proud to give herself to a random guy.”

Alpha Denzel was sure about that part since it wasn’t the first time, he encountered Valerie. It just seemed strange the way she stared at him with innocent pleading eyes as if she hadn’t met him before.

The three bodyguards were speechless. If the Alpha knew this, then why did he reject her?

“Alpha, if you believe she is innocent, then why did you reject her?” The lead bodyguard, Godic asked.


Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Alpha Denzel is here

“Alpha Denzel is here.”

Those taking part in abusing Valerie, took slow steps back as the fearful man approached. It was a wonder, how a man as good looking, carried terror with him everywhere he went.

Scarlet was scared to the bone. The things she heard about this man was true and she hid behind Alpha Tristan. How could it be that Alpha Denzel was appearing right at the time when they almost killed Valerie? Scarlet was upset and afraid.

“I only invited him for formality’s sake. I never thought he would come,” Alpha Tristan spoke with a sunken look, only to the hearing of Scarlet. Most people might take things with a pinch of salt but Tristan knew it was not the same with Alpha Denzel.

The man carried great wisdom and would easily detect the missing bits of the puzzle. As Alpha Tristan thought about it, he forced himself to relax and protect Scarlet. Afterall, he had proof but Valerie didn’t and would not be able to defend herself.

Everyone gawked in a daze, as Alpha Denzel walked elegantly, his black outfit, casting a shadow on his irresistible looks.

Most people were seeing him for the first time but still didn’t have a hard time knowing who he was due to his love for black. Women were drooling and yet afraid of this man.

Fear hang in the air as the man, who was like a walking grave, stood in front of Luna Valerie but his burning gaze, was pinned on Alpha Tristan.

Alpha Denzel never liked the crowd. He never even took his beta anywhere. He loved his own company, never fearing anything.

If he needed help, his warriors were his best option because his beta was only responsible for the pack.

It was rumored that even death was afraid of Alpha Denzel, as he had escaped death at very close pangs a lot of times including walking through fire and coming out from under water when people thought he was dead.

Ever since his mate was murdered in his pack with the murderer not found, Alpha Denzel was terrifying.

“My wolf drew me to my mate when I was passing by.” His voice was like a gentle breeze but the depth was like an iceberg.

Alpha Tristan paled at the mention of mate. How fast could it be that Valerie got Alpha Denzel as her second chance mate, not long after her rejection?

Valerie, could only hear the voice of the man whom she was thinking to be her savior from a distance.

She was brutally wounded. The crowd began to shiver, most people were already looking for a way to escape due to what they had done to the woman on the floor. She was naked and covered in bruises.

The news was equally shocking to Valerie and though afraid of Alpha Denzel, she was happy to enjoy his security.

Her wolf was suddenly excited again and she was healing faster.

“With all due respect, Alpha Denzel, which she-wolf are you talking about? This woman was my mate but she slept with another man. See for yourself.”

Alpha Tristan gave his phone to Alpha Denzel, the latter returned it immediately, unable to take in the sight.

As they waited in anticipation of what he would do at the knowledge of what Valerie had done, his gaze softened as he knelt in front of the naked woman on the floor.

Staring carefully at her, his soft gaze hardened instantly, sending a stab into her heart. Alpha Denzel’s hands balled into fists, his pupil shrinking, as his anger soared. “It’s you.”

He remembered her but it didn’t seem same for Valerie, she was confused and didn’t know what to say.

“Do you know her?” Alpha Tristan asked. Alpha Denzel suddenly recalled something and rose to his feet, instantly becoming self-conscious.

A smirk appeared at the corner of his lips. “Karma is indeed a bitch,” he muttered.

He must have been in search of both the murderer of his human mate and his second chance mate but not this woman.

Valerie’s wolf’s excitement died she felt something odd. Before she could warn Valerie, the same painful words were thrown at her again.

“I, Alpha Denzel, reject you…” He paused, asking, “what is your name?”

“Her name is Valerie,” Alpha Tristan spoke excitedly, relieved that Alpha Denzel believed him. Everyone was shocked when they realized what was happening.

Alpha Denzel was also rejecting the whore. “I reject you, Valerie.”

From his icy glare, Valerie dared not refuse his rejection. Her body had began to heal within the short time but as soon as she responded, everything changed.

“I accept your rejection,” Valerie said with a faraway look. Something flashed in Alpha Denzel’s eyes but was soon gone.

Ripples of pain tore through Valerie’s heart as she heard the cry of her wolf. Suddenly, she could not feel her wolf anymore. ‘Helga,’ she called her wolf but there was no response for the first time in her life.

She called continuously but it was the same. The sound of retreating footsteps was heard as everybody sighed with relief. No body wanted to mess with Alpha Denzel.

“The late Alpha’s daughter must be cursed to receive two rejections in a day,” one of the Alphas mocked, the rest laughed.

Tristan did not want to waste time, lest the moon goddess gave Valerie another mate. If she got accepted, she might come back for revenge, as she was relentless in pursuing the case of her father and elder sister.

“Warriors, kill her,” Alpha Tristan commanded. If Alpha Denzel had accepted Valerie, they would have all been doomed by now.

Scarlet was the happiest that Alpha Denzel punished no one for abusing his mate. A warrior pulled out sword and walked up to Valerie. Without her wolf, she was like a soulless creature, having a faraway look on her face.

After two rejections, she lost the will to live, and happy that everything was going to end now. Her only regret was not being able to give her father a befitting burial.

“Say your last prayers,” the warrior said, lifting up his sword but before he came into contact with her neck, which was his target, a certain someone turned abruptly from a distance away.


The smile on Alpha Tristan and Scarlet’s faces froze when Alpha Denzel began to walk back again.


“We are dead,” one of the warriors lamented in a hush tone, thinking that Alpha Denzel had changed his mind after the rejection.

Valiere did not give in to hope when Alpha Denzel walked back. His stealthy words stuck in her heart like a dagger.

“The treacherous daughter of a late Alpha should not be killed. More suffering awaits her,” he declared.

Alpha Tristan had a smirk on his face but from the venoms dripping from Alpha Denzel’s mouth, Valere wished that she was rather dead.

Without her wolf, her strength failed her and everything turned pitch black. Valere didn’t know how long she was unconscious but when she woke up, it wasn’t where she expected.

Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha by Glorious Eagle Chapter 1

“I reject Luna Valerie as my mate. She was caught in bed with a stranger, meaning that she would sell the pack out. The punishment for treachery is death,” Alpha Tristan announced heartlessly.



The Yellow Stone Pack was filled with excitement for the first time since the Alpha was murdered a month ago. The pack mourned for him, but it wasn’t safe to go without an Alpha any longer.

The late Alpha had three daughters. The first one, Ashley, enjoyed spending time in Las Vegas, indulging in all the fun. Two years ago, her father disowned her.


His third daughter, Scarlet, turned 18 nine months ago but hadn’t found her mate. Her wolf was also not as powerful as that of her elder sister, Valerie. Valerie was the second daughter of the late Alpha.


At 18, her father discovered that she had a Luna wolf. Though a skillful warrior, she would never be able to take over from him. As such, her mate, whether or not with an Alpha wolf, would be the one to take over the pack.

Valerie’s wolf, Helga, was exceptionally strong but was blinded from identifying their mate until a few weeks ago.


The pack was waiting anxiously for the Luna to find her mate, agreeing to host the Alphas conference in their pack to give her the opportunity of finding her mate among the unmated Alphas.

It was a shock to everyone that Tristan, one of the strongest warriors, turned out to be her mate. It was well understood that Valerie never saw much of Tristan until it was time for the Alphas conference.

It was the third day of the Alphas conference, and Tristan, Luna Valerie’s mate, sneaked in the coronation to be done for a few hours before the continuation of the conference at noon. It was equally his coronation day, as he marked Valeria last night.

Last night, a lot happened, most of which Valerie could not remember but was blushing all through her preparation for her coronation because of the mark on her neck.

“Val, you look very beautiful,” Scarlet fawned over her elder sister. Her lips held a smile, but her eyes were distant. Valeria was too excited to notice the contrast in her kid sister’s appearance.

“Scarlet, you look very beautiful too. Let’s not be late. It’s not every time that a coronation is hosted together with an Alphas conference.”

This coronation was the biggest because of how it was immense in the Alphas conference, which meant that no Alpha could miss it, but one of them did anyway.

“What about dad, what do you think of him?” Scarlet suddenly asked, watching the smile fade from Valerie’s face.

Scarlet never liked Valerie because of how the latter stole the limelight every time but never showed it. Not only was Valeria’s beauty alluring, but she was also fierce. Everyone thought that the sisters were inseparable.

“Dad is no more, Scarlet. We have to accept that. I will make sure that after this coronation, I get the strongest warriors to go search for his corpse and Ashley. Dad must be buried with the respect of an Alpha, but that can only be after we ensure the safety of the pack.”

Valerie knew about the leadership duties of the pack like the back of her hand. At the Yellow Stone Pack, no one was allowed to mourn for more than a week, so they had long stopped mourning the late Alpha.

Meanwhile, his memories could never be wiped from Valerie’s heart, one of the reasons why she was eager to be coronated, to use the opportunity to find his corpse. Tristan had agreed to help her, but she failed to see the unsettled look on Scarlet’s face at the revelation of her plans.

“Ashley cut ties with the pack. She isn’t worth it. As for dad, his corpse would be rotten by now. No one would be able to recognize it.”


“I will recognize it even if it’s just his skeleton,” Valerie said with determination. Scarlet looked away and scowled as Valerie continued, “as for Ashley, that is what the warrior said, but we didn’t hear it from her lips. I still think that father was wrong to disown her but for as long as I am concerned, someone might be behind it.”

Scarlet’s hand in her sister’s hair stiffened, and the diamond clip she was clasping fell. She quickly picked it up. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

Valerie shook her head, but her blood boiled with vengeance towards whoever murdered her father during his usual drive around the pack to check its progress. “How can that be?”

Scarlet smiled a little, satisfied with the response as she helped Valerie with her stilettos.

“Anyway, I heard rumors that Alpha Denzel accepted the invitation to the Alphas conference this time, but no one has seen him since it began. Could it be that he wanted to pay homage to dad? That man carries death with him. It would be better that he doesn’t come.”

Valerie stiffened slightly at the mention of Alpha Denzel. She has never seen him before, except what she heard from the warriors. It never clouded her judgment of anyone, including Alpha Denzel.

“Scarlet, no Alpha goes about killing anyone for no reason, but with Alpha Denzel’s busy schedule, I doubt that he accepted our invitation. If not, then where has he been these few days? The conference ends tomorrow.”

Scarlet had more to say, but they were distracted by a voice echoing through a microphone from outside.

“We are calling on Luna Valerie to say her vows,” the MC announced from outside. It meant that Tristan had been coronated without inviting Luna Valerie’s presence. Things were not done that way, and Valerie felt bitter.

However, there was nothing she could do at this moment with all the guests around. Valerie stepped out with her sister and was being cheered by everyone, but her heart was filled with discomfort, seeing that Tristan was already declared the Alpha without her presence and confirmation.

Something must be wrong somewhere for that to have been done without her. Everywhere in the auditorium where the event was being held was filled to capacity, and every eye focused on the damsel making the entry.

Scarlet disappeared among the crowd after giving Alpha Tristan an approving look. Alpha Tristan rose up and stood beside Valerie.

“You were coronated without my presence and confirmation,” Valerie spoke in a whisper, only to his hearing, but her anger was greatly buried and didn’t show.

Her glittering low back dress gave her the look of a goddess, as her light brown eyes and light curly long hair, gave her the innocence of a 16-year-old but Tristan had not even looked her in the eyes, and not complimented her beauty too. Not only that, he did not care to honor her question with an answer.

“Luna Valerie, do you…” the MC’s words were harshly interrupted by Alpha Tristan. In a white suit, his appearance was a blend of elegance and grace.

“Wait, I have something to say,” Tristan objected, Valerie stared at him with a confused look.

“Tristan, what is going on?”

Tristan’s gaze suddenly turned ferocious; his voice raised to everyone’s hearing. “You think you can spend the night with another man and behave as if everything is fine? You are no angel, Valerie.”

A gush of confusion flooded the venue. The looks of admiration in the eyes of the Alphas and the thousands of people present slowly turned to disgust. Valerie’s eyes were already misty.


She might be tough, but this accusation broke her, as she couldn’t remember it. “I don’t understand what you are talking about. I only spent the night with you.” Her voice began to break as she shivered.

Knowing the pack constitution, that accusation had serious consequences, including death.

Alpha Tristan scoffed, then pressed something on his phone before announcing, “Everybody, look on your phone.”

Valerie was at a loss, so he passed his phone to her. “See for yourself.”

With her breath hitching and her knees weakening, Valerie’s hand holding the phone shook, and it fell from her hand when she saw the picture of her naked self with an unfamiliar man.

It didn’t look photoshopped. Breathing became difficult for her, a few words escaping her, “No. I thought it was you. I don’t know that man.”

“The late Alpha’s second daughter is a tramp,” someone said from among the crowd.

“And a liar,” someone else added.

“Even after this evidence, she still denies it.”

“She has to die, just like her father.”

A smirk decorated the corner of Tristan’s lips, as he squatted and picked up his phone.

“Stop pretending, Valerie. You are not worthy to bear my mark, or be my Luna. Your junior sister is a much better choice.”


Valerie dared not speak, as she didn’t have anything to prove her innocence. Worse, she could not remember a thing.

With her head bowed in shame with tears falling from her eyes, she heard Tristan saying, “Scarlet, come here.”

Subconsciously lifting her head, she saw her sister walk to Tristan’s side with a smile on her face. Valerie felt a stab in her heart.

While she busied herself with managing the affairs of the pack, something abominable was happening right under her nose, but she failed to see it.

It was more gruesome that even her pack members, whom she dedicated her life to, saving them during wars, turned against her with nasty remarks.

Tristan stared at the MC and instructed, “she should be coronated.” He was referring to Scarlet. Valerie still had hope that if Scarlet was innocent in all this, then she would reject the offer.

Moreover, Scarlet was a fun-loving girl who never liked managing the affairs of the pack. “Scarlet, what is going on?” Valerie’s eyes were red, as she dreaded the outcome of all that was happening.

Tristan must have used the same picture to cause the beta and all the prominent people in the pack to agree to his coronation.

Valerie was at a loss, wrapped with shame and embarrassment, as her kid sister was sworn in as the Luna.

Her eyes were blurred with tears from the disgusted looks pinned on her as the words she feared most were carelessly thrown at her.

“I reject Luna Valerie as my mate. She was caught in bed with a stranger, meaning that she would sell the pack out. The punishment for treachery is death,” Alpha Tristan announced heartlessly.

Since he got the Alpha title and the woman he loved all in one day, he no longer had need for Valeria.

Valerie could feel her mate bond cracking and the mark on her neck burning. This was not just about her but also her pack.

If she accepts the rejection, she would be killed, and the pack would belong to the real traitor, Tristan. Valerie didn’t want to believe that Scarlet, her own sister, was involved in all this.

“No. I won’t accept it. I was with you last night,” she roared with tear-filled eyes but was disappointed by the unbelieving looks in the eyes of her pack members.

No one stood for her, rather adding insult to injury. “Liar, we all saw the pictures. There are Alphas and Betas. Don’t embarrass yourself,” one of her pack members yelled, the rest nodded their heads in agreement, chanting their support for Alpha Tristan and Luna Scarlet.

Valerie would have stood up to Tristan if only she had her pack’s support, but since even that seemed like an unattainable dream, her hope died.

“I…I accept your rejection,” she murmured through tears. Pain shot through her heart, but it wasn’t as painful as the betrayal she faced. With a burning sensation, the mark disappeared from her neck, and the bond was broken.

Valerie stood helplessly in front of the crowd, her wolf wounded, her fragile heart broken, and her soul crushed.

“Sit on the floor,” Tristan ordered.

“What?” Valerie could not believe her ears. As the Alpha’s second daughter having a Luna wolf, she had pride and would never bow to anyone, much less to sit on the floor.

Before she could understand what was happening, Scarlet shoved her violently. Due to the unexpected move and from the person it came from, she lost her balance, falling hard on the floor with a thud.

Scarlet smirked. This was the time for Valerie to pay for stealing the limelight from her all these years.


Hands were all over Valerie’s body, as she groaned from pain. Her luxury shoes were violently pulled from her legs, her dress torn, leaving her in her undies. Slaps from all angles disfigured her beautiful face as she cried without attracting any form of pity.

Valerie was out of breath. She was going to die as the pain from the punches and kicks became unbearable. Her wolf was trying her best to heal her, but more injuries were caused to her without giving her the chance to defend herself.

“STOP!” A thunderous male voice rang from the entrance of the auditorium where everything was taking place. At the sight of the man who was dressed in black suit, and black shirt, black leather shoes, matching his charcoal black curly hair and dark eyes, everyone began to shiver.