Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 95-96

Chapter 95


As I sank into the seat of the car, my body trembled with residual fear, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. My mind whirled with confusion, struggling to make sense of how I had ended up in such a harrowing situation.

Memories flashed through my mind like a nightmare, each image tinged with the same sense of terror that had gripped me moments before. What happened seemed like a surreal blur, a series of inexplicable twists and turns that had led me to this moment of desperate flight.

I tried to piece together everything that happened, but it felt like grasping at shadows, the threads of memory slipping through my fingers like sand. How had I become entangled in Grant’s web of violence and control? How did a kind and supportive man like Grant turn into a monster in just a snap?

Questions swirled in my mind, each one more confounding than the last. But amidst the confusion, one thing remained clear: I was grateful to be sitting in this car, safe from the danger that lurked behind me.

I was grateful that Sebastian remained silent throughout our journey. He didn’t push me to ask me what happened. He allowed me to absorb everything until I finally calmed down.

I glanced at him, feeling a warmth wash over me as I took in his concerned expression. Though his gaze remained focused on the road ahead, I sensed a depth of thought in his eyes that hinted at something more.

Despite the lingering tremors of fear that still gripped me, I realized I had almost overlooked expressing my gratitude for his presence in that crucial moment.

“T–thank you,” I finally uttered when somehow my nerves calmed down.

He remained silent. But I saw how his jaw clenched, trying to control his emotion. After a couple of minutes, I heard him blow a loud sigh.

“What happened?” he asked.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Grant was never violent. All those times that we stayed alone on that island, he never once forced himself on me. Not until…” I couldn’t manage to finish my sentence as I saw his hand tighten its grip on the steering wheel.


Chapter 95

“Did he…”


“No, he didn’t. I manage to fight back and escape him just in time.” It seems like those statements give him some kind of relief. “He’s a good person, Sebastian,” I said, trying to ease his anger. But I think it did the opposite.

He looked at me with glaring eyes as he pressed harder on the gas, causing us to increase our speed. He wasn’t looking at the road, so it scares me that we might get into an accident. I immediately reached for his hand to calm him down.

“Sebastian…” I called his name. I was glad that it worked since he started to decrease our speed.

“He’s not a good person, Blaire. He kidnapped you and tried to rape you. In my vocabulary, that doesn’t constitute a good person,” he said.

I let out a loud sigh. “I don’t know what happened to him. He’s probably under a lot of stress because of what happened,” I said, trying to think positively despite what happened.

“I’m also under a lot of stress since you’ve been missing, Blaire. But not even once did I try to force myself on you,” he said, his voice leaving a hinge of jealousy.

“You have to understand where he was coming from. He’s my husband, yet I’m depriving him of my duty as a wife,” I insisted.

“He is not your husband, goddamnit!” he shouted, his hand striking the steering wheel with force.

I was startled by his sudden burst of anger.

“I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized when he noticed my reaction. He took a loud breath before speaking once again. “Please allow, me to conduct a DNA test. If it still comes out negative, then I’ll leave you alone. I promise I will never disturb you or Grant again. That’s all I need,” he pleaded.

“I don’t know. This feels so wrong. Grant already gave me the proof that I wanted. I don’t think it’s fair for me to go behind his back.”

“The man already tried to rape you, damn it! And yet, you’re still trying to defend him?” He scoffs.

I wanted to get offended, but when I saw the pain in his eyes, my anger immediately vanished. This situation

hurts him as much as I do. He lost his wife. And right in front of him is me, a woman who resembles his wife. I can’t imagine the pain he’s going through right now.


Chapter 95

“I’m sorry. But despite what Grant did, I still owe him the benefit of the doubt. He probably does that because I’ve been rejecting him and depriving him of my duty as his wife. He’s been nothing but good to me since my. accident, and I don’t think one mistake was enough to make me forget all the good things he does for me. Besides, he’s still my husband,” I said.

I’ve been leaning towards Sebastian since we left the island. And now that Grant has shown me proof of our relationship, I think I owe that to him.

I was trying my best to let go of the feeling that lingered inside me toward Sebastian. He’s undeniably gorgeous and attractive. That’s probably the only reason why I’m feeling this way toward him. But I’m no adulterer. I will not betray Grant just for a moment of lust.

I can’t despise him because of one mistake. We all made them, and we shouldn’t forget all the good things they did for us just because of one mistake.

After I said that, Sebastian’s face remained dark, but he continued to be silent. He chose not to say anything rather than argue with me.

We continued to drive to, I don’t know,. But my eyes widened in shock when he parked his car in front of a hotel.

“Where are we going?” I asked in confusion.

“I can’t bring you home, so you’ll be staying here for now. I wanted to bring you to the police station to report what happened. However, judging by what you said a while ago, you probably had no plan to do so,” he coldly replied.

I’m not used to how he is talking to me right now. I don’t understand why, but my heart aches when he treats me like this. But who am I to complain? I already made my point a while ago.

“Thank you,” I said.

He just nodded in response before walking towards the entrance. I followed him silently as I watched his back. As we walked inside, I couldn’t help but notice how he immediately drew attention the moment he stepped into the lobby. It was as if everyone’s eyes were focused on him without even trying.

“Good evening, sir. How may I help you?” The front desk officer greeted him with a very wide smile. She was so focused on Sebastian that she didn’t bother throwing a glance at me.

“I’d like a room, please,” he said. “Two rooms, adjacent, if possible,” he quickly added.


nuwa mjasi ivi iscing disappoint which earum say a su de manikiul, right? But why am I feeling offended that he didn’t want to take this opportunity to stay in the same room with me?

Cut it, Dylan! You don’t like him, remember? You already chose to believe Grant. Why are you acting as if you were hoping that he still insists that you are his wife? The tiny voice inside my head scolded me.

To be honest, I’m more confused than I was before. I wanted to believe Grant, but my heart says otherwise. I feel pain when I choose Grant over him. And I feel hurt whenever he acts as if he doesn’t care about me at all. I think I’m going to lose my mind.

After a few minutes, the woman at the front desk finally handed him the card. She was obviously flirting, but it seems like Sebastian hadn’t noticed it. It’s either that or he’s so used to it that he doesn’t care.

The thoughts of Sebastian with another woman gnawed at me, stirring up a whirlwind of confusion. Why was! so bothered by the idea? It didn’t make sense. This feeling should have dissipated the moment Grant proved his identity as my husband. So why was it intensifying instead?

As Sebastian walked ahead of me, taking the lead, I followed him in silence. The elevator doors slid shut, enclosing us in a small, confined space. Despite the distance between us within the elevator, I felt suffocated by his presence. The air seemed to grow thicker, constricting around me like a vice, making it difficult to breathe.

A wave of relief washed over me as the elevator chimed its arrival. Exhaling a sigh, I followed Sebastian closely as he stepped out into the hallway. With purposeful strides, he made his way towards the nearest door, his movements determined and unwavering. Without hesitation, he tapped the card on the door as he reached for the handle and pushed the door open, revealing the room beyond.

I stood hesitantly at the threshold, unsure of what awaited me on the other side. Sebastian looked back, his face a mask of unreadable emotions, as he held the door open, silently urging me to enter.

“You coming in?” he asked softly, breaking the tense silence between us.

I nodded slowly, my heart pounding in my chest as I stepped into the dimly lit room. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated the space, casting eerie shadows across the walls.

Sebastian moved further into the room, his movements deliberate and controlled. I trailed behind him; my mind was buzzing with what’s about to happen next.

“I’ll be staying right next door,” he said before walking towards another door. “This room is adjacent to mine. Don’t worry; the lock is on your side. Just knock if you need anything,” he said before handing me over my


Chapter 95

keycard. “If you’re hungry, you can call in for room service. Just tell them to charge it in the room.”

As Sebastian prepared to depart, I summoned the courage to voice the question that had been gnawing at my mind. “Why are you helping me, Sebastian?” The words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty and curiosity.

He paused in his movements, turning to meet my gaze with a steady intensity that made my heart skip a beat. I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his stare bearing down on me. “Because I still believe that you’re my wife, he answered, his voice firm and unwavering. “And without the DNA test, I will continue to believe it.”

His response only fueled my confusion. “If you truly believe that,” I began, unable to suppress the question that had been nagging at me, “then why bring me here instead of your house?”

Sebastian’s expression softened, a hint of sadness creeping into his eyes as he considered my question. “Because I’m trying to protect our son,” he explained, his voice tinged with regret. “I don’t think it will be good for him if he sees you and you don’t recognize him. It will break him.”

His words hit me like a tidal wave, washing over me with a wave of sorrow and empathy. The thought of a child longing for his mother, only to be met with unfamiliarity and confusion, tore at my heartstrings. In that moment, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of anguish for his son. I’m not sure why, but at that moment, I truly wish I was his mother.

Chapter 96


Where am I? What’s happening?

“Mommy, I’m scared. I turned to my side to see a child gasping for air as he clung to my waist.

“You’re both going to die here today!” I shifted my gaze in front of me and saw a woman holding a gun pointing

at us.

What’s going on here? What am I doing here? Who are these people? Though I don’t recognize the place at all, everything seems familiar, as if I were really in that situation. We were in a boat. And there’s four of us. Is this what happened before my accident? But as I tried to run my eyes around the boat, nothing here resembled what Grant told me about:

My heart was racing as I feared for my life and the life of this little child clinging to me. Who is he?

I squinted my eyes, trying to remember who they were and how we ended up in this situation. But their faces. were blurred, as if something were blocking my memory. Is it what it is–a memory? Or is it just a fragment of my imagination?

“Please leave them alone. Take me instead,” said the familiar voice. I turned to where the voice was coming from, and my eyes widened in shock when I finally figured out who it was.

Sebastian. What is he doing here?

“If I can’t have you, po one will!” the woman shouted.

“I kept shifting my gaze in between them as I tried to hide the little boy behind me. I don’t know why, but I had this urge to protect him, even if it cost me my life.

My head started hurting as soon as they both started screaming in unison. I clutch my head and shut my eyes, trying to clear my head up. I have no idea what’s happening right now. I don’t know any of them aside from Sebastian.

“Mommy,” said the tiny voice behind me. “Please, don’t leave me,” he pleaded.


Chapter 96

And the next thing I knew, I felt a bullet hit the side of my head. There’s also another one hitting my chest. The face of that little boy is the last thing I remember before everything went blurry.

“No!” I shouted as I was drenched in sweat and panting. I was startled when I suddenly heard a loud knock. coming from the adjacent door.

“Blaire, are you okay?” He shouted from the other side of the door as he continued to knock.

I was contemplating whether I should answer it or not. But it seems like Sebastian was planning to break the

door if I didn’t.

I let out a heavy sigh, trying to steady my breathing before I made my way to the door. Without a word, I opened it, only to find him standing there, his hand poised as if he were ready to break through.

“Are you planning to break it?” I asked, trying to lighten the tension with a greeting.

“I will if I have to. Another minute of silence, and I’ll do it,” he replied, his expression dead serious.

I took a deep breath before responding. “I’m okay.”

“Are you sure? I heard screaming. Nightmares?” His concern was palpable.

It never ceased to amaze me how he could read me so well. I offered a hesitant smile, confirming his suspicions.

“How are you?” he asked again, his worry etched across his face.

“I’m really fine, Sebastian.”

He fell silent for a moment, but it was clear he had no intention of leaving any time soon. As much as I hated to admit it, after that nightmare, I didn’t want to be alone. My only dilemma was whether it was right to seek

comfort from Sebastian at that moment.

“Would you like to come inside?” I invited him.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as I said that. It’s too late for me to back out or change my mind, as he quickly entered my room.

“Do you want me to order us a wine?” he asked as he was holding the fine.


Chapter 96


I smiled before I replied. “That would be great.”

As Sebastian dialed the room service, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. Having him here, in my room, felt. simultaneously comforting and unsettling. Despite the lingering unease, I couldn’t deny the relief of having someone familiar by my side after the harrowing experience of the nightmare.

Sebastian settled into the chair opposite mine, his gaze fixed on me with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

“So, care to share what the nightmare was about?” He inquired gently, his tone inviting but not intrusive.

I hesitated, grappling with the memories of the vivid and unsettling dream that still lingered in my mind. “It’s all a bit fuzzy now,” I admitted, my voice betraying the lingering traces of unease.

Sebastian nodded sympathetically, his expression mirroring the empathy in his voice. “Nightmares can be quite unsettling,” he acknowledged, his words laced with understanding borne from his own experiences.

As we waited for the wine to arrive, a comfortable silence settled between us, punctuated only by the soft hum of the air conditioning and the occasional distant murmur from the hallway.

I couldn’t shake the feeling of gratitude for Sebastian’s presence, even as the questions and uncertainties continued to swirl in my mind. Despite the complexities of our past and the uncertainties of the present, there was a sense of solace in knowing that I wasn’t alone in navigating the labyrinth of my thoughts and emotions.

Sebastian leaned forward, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest in my well–being. “Do you often have nightmares. like this?” he asked, his voice soft but probing.

I paused, considering his question carefully. “Not often,” I confessed, “but lately, they seem to be more frequent. It’s as if my subconscious is trying to tell me something, but it all comes in a blur.”

He nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic. “Perhaps it’s your mind’s way of processing “everything that’s been happening,” he suggested. “With your memory still recovering, it’s only natural for your subconscious to be working overtime to fill in the blanks.”

His words struck a chord, resonating with the uncertainty that had plagued me since waking up in the hospital. with no memory of who I was or how I ended up there.

“It’s frustrating, not knowing,” I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. “I feel like I’m missing a piece of the puzzle, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to find it.”


Chapter 96

“Do you mind if I asked what these nightmares exactly are?” he asked.

A fleeting moment of hesitation gripped me as I found myself caught in the depths of Sebastian’s gaze, his handsome features etched with genuine concern. His question hung in the air, prompting me to delve into the depths of my own psyche and confront the unsettling truth that lurked within.


In truth, my nightmares hadn’t plagued me with such frequency until Sebastian entered my life. It was as if his presence had stirred something dormant within me, awakening memories long buried beneath the surface of my consciousness. And yet, the first dream I had involving Sebastian wasn’t a nightmare at all–it was something altogether different, a tapestry of emotions and sensations that defied simple explanation.

Instead of offering a direct response, I opted to deflect his inquiry, turning the focus of our conversation to a subject that had been weighing on my mind. “What about your wife?” I asked curiously.

A subtle shift in Sebastian’s demeanor signaled his discomfort with the topic at hand, his body language betraying a sense of unease that lingered in the air like palpable tension.

“I’m sorry for prying,” I offered, extending an apology in response to his evident discomfort. “You don’t have to answer that.”

His response was laden with heavy sadness, his words tinged with regret as he offered a vague acknowledgment of his past transgressions. “I made mistakes, and it cost me my family,” he confessed, his expression a portrait of melancholy that cast a shadow over the room.

A quiet moment passed between us, disturbed only by the sound of the doorbell ringing in the distance. It snapped us out of our tense conversation.


As the doorbell rang, breaking the heavy silence, I found myself relieved by the interruption. Sebastian seemed equally grateful for the distraction, his tense demeanor softening slightly.

“I’ll get that,” he offered, moving towards the door with purposeful strides. I watched him go, his figure a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Alone in the room, I took a moment to gather my thoughts, the weight of our conversation weighing heavily on my mind. Sebastian’s words had left me with more questions than answers, each one a knot of confusion that refused to unravel.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when Sebastian returned, a tray in hand bearing two glasses of wine. He set it down on the table before me, his expression thoughtful as he took a seat opposite.


Chapter 96

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“Here you go,” he said, sliding a glass toward me.

I accepted the glass with a grateful nod; the cool liquid was a welcome relief against the turmoil of my emotions. Taking a sip, I allowed the familiar taste to soothe my frayed nerves, the gentle buzz of alcohol offering a temporary reprieve from the chaos of my mind.

Sebastian’s revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our conversation. His words pierced through the silence.

“My wife was shot, and the person who did that was already atoning for her sin in prison,” he confessed, his voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and resignation.

I listened in stunned silence, the weight of his words settling over me like a suffocating blanket. It wasn’t often that Sebastian opened up about his past, and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of empathy for the pain he must have endured.

“She was shot?” I echoed, the words slipping past my lips before I could stop them, curiosity and concern warring within me.

Sebastian nodded solemnly, his gaze momentarily distant as he took a sip from his glass, seeking solace in the amber liquid.

“Was she shot in a boat?” I blurted out, the question tumbling from my lips without forethought. It was as if some part of me hoped that my nightmare held a connection to his past, a thread of truth woven into the fabric of our intertwined destinies.

His brow furrowed in surprise, a flicker of bewilderment crossing his features. “How did you know?” he asked, his tone laced with a note of intrigue.

Caught off guard by my own question, I shrugged nonchalantly, masking the surge of uncertainty that “threatened to engulf me. “Just a wild guess,” I offered, hoping to downplay the significance of what I’d said.

As I brushed off the idea as just a chance, a tiny doubt crept into my thoughts, Could my dream somehow be linked to hidden memories? Memories that tied me to Sebastian in ways I couldn’t understand?

The thought chilled me to the bone, making me question what was real and what was just a trick of the mind. With so many possibilities swirling around, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being lost in a maze of secrets and deceit. And amidst it all, one burning question lingered: who was I, and where did I really fit into this complicated puzzle?

Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 93-94

Chapter 93


As I stirred from my sleep, a strange sensation tingled between my legs, snapping me to full consciousness. Before I could make sense of it all, loud moan escaped my lips.

“Ahhh…” Where am I? What’s happening?

I slowly lifted my head, only to find a man passionately exploring my femininity, devouring me with a hunger akin to that of a starved predator. I tried to push him away, desperate to uncover his identity, but he firmly grasped my wrist, refusing to let go.

“You can’t resist me, sweetheart,” he murmured in a voice both familiar and foreign, sending shivers down my spine.

Despite the unfamiliarity, there was a flicker of recognition buried within his words.

Before I could protest further, his tongue resumed its tantalizing exploration, sending ripples of pleasure coursing through my body. I moaned helplessly, surrendering to the sinful delight washing over me. Despite knowing I should resist, I succumbed to his touch, yielding to the ecstasy he offered. With each blissful caress, our moans filled the dimly lit room.

As the sensations lingered, I reluctantly opened my eyes to find myself exposed, with him poised between my legs, ready to take me. Despite my efforts, the dim light obscured his features, leaving me unable to discern his identity.

In the dimly lit roomwith the smell of passion in the air, I felt swept away by a rush of feelings. Each touch brought me more pleasure, making me feel like I was on fire.

As he moved closer, I couldn’t help but let out a loud moan of pleasure. It felt like I was losing myself in the moment, unable to think of anything else.

“Ooooh…fck!” I cried out, overwhelmed by the sensations rushing through me.

He whispered sweet things in my ear, making me feel even more excited. His touch awakened desires I never knew I had.

But even as I enjoyed the moment, I couldn’t shake the feeling of not knowing who he was, His face was hidden in the darkness, leaving me confused about his identity. Despite me not knowing who he was, he still managed to set my body on fire. He gave me pleasure and awakened the desire inside me I never knew existed.

What puzzled me even more was how comfortable I felt with him, even though I couldn’t see his face clearly. His touch made me feel safe and warm, like I belonged to him.

How could I let myself get so carried away with someone I didn’t even recognize? The question nags at me, but I can’t stop myself from enjoying the pleasure he gave me.

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Chapter 93


As our passion reached its peak, I felt like I was on the edge of something amazing. And as the waves of pleasure washed over me, I let myself go completely, lost in the moment.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. All my worries and doubts were forgotten as we connected with pure pleasure.

He positioned himself in between my legs, yet I still couldn’t see his face clearly. I squinted my eyes, trying my best to recognize him. But no matter what I do, I can’t put a face on the man who’s giving me pleasure that is unknown to me.

“Ooohhh…” I moaned loudly as he started penetrating my inside.

He buried his face against my neck and continued to whisper sweet things against my car as he slowly thrust his hips forward.

I felt like my head was about to explode when he started increasing his pace, sending shivers down my spine. Every fiber of my being felt his every thrust. I dug my finger against his back, and my nails started leaving marks on his tan and chiseled back.

I felt a pang of pain digging through my skin as he buried his teeth against my shoulder, biting and nibbling me.

And as we moved together, lost in the feeling, I realized that I had found something special with this mysterious stranger.

It was something beyond words, something that didn’t need an explanation.

It was pure bliss.

As soon as I fully accepted the pleasure that he was offering to me, I felt my body convulse with too much love and desire. One final blow, and I felt a hot liquid gushing inside me as my body arose towards the peak of my ergasm.

My breath was heavy as I tried to catch my breath. My chest was moving erratically when I felt the man slowly brush his cheeks against mine until we were finally facing each other.

“You’re mine, Blaire. All mine,” he said with his deep, baritone voice.

As I stared at the man murmuring sweet words in front of me, his face started to become clearer. I gasped for air when I finally put a face on the man who was giving me pleasure and sending me to bliss.

“Sebastian…” I uttered.

And as soon as his face became clearer, I bolted up from my slumber.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sebastian asked with a frown on his face and looked so worried.

I quickly looked around and noticed that I was still inside the yacht’s cabin, and we were still sailing along the vast ocean,

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Chapter 93

I was still trying to catch my breath when Sebastian stood up to get a glass of water.

“Here, have a drink,” he offered, handing me the glass. “What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” he asked.

“Definitely not a nightmare,” I murmured, still catching my breath.

“What? Did you say something?” he said.


“N–Nothing!” I quickly answered, faking a smile on my face to hide the lewd thoughts playing inside my head.

Why did I even dream about that thing? And of all people, why him? For the past few months that I’ve been with Grant, I’ve never had a wet dream, not even once. Yet with Sebastian, I’ve only met him today, but I’m already fantasizing about sleeping with him. What is wrong with


“Are you sure you’re okay? You looked flushed,” he said before putting his palm against my forehead.

I was so startled by the mere warmth of his touch that I quickly moved my him. His frown deepened upon watching my


away from

I cleared my throat, trying to gather my thoughts. And I tried to act normal when he attempted to put his palm against my forehead once again to check on me.

“You’re quite hot. Are you sure, okay?” he asked worriedly.

I immediately brushed his hand aside in my attempt to put distance between them. His being so close to me doesn’t help at all in calming my nerves. Though it was nothing but a dream, I still feel like my body has been through a mind–blowing orgasm.

“I said I’m fine,” I replied irritatedlytrying to hide the unfamiliar sensation I felt as soon as

his hand touched my skin.

I quickly got up from the bed and walked out of the cabin. I went straight to the deck as I tried to get away from Sebastian. I feel like a moth to a fire. Whenever I’m close to him, there’s something in him that makes me more drawn to him.

As long as my memory hasn’t come back, I can’t let my feelings sway me.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cold breeze of the ocean. It was cold enough to put out the fire burning inside me, caused by that lewd dream.

I don’t know how long our journey would be, but I think it’s safe to keep my distance from Sebastian.


I was startled when I heard Grant’s voice behind me. I quickly turned around. I saw him

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Chapter 93

standing behind me, a few feet away from where I was standing. He frowned when he noticed that I was a bit jumpy.

“Did I startle you? What’s going on?” he asked.

I forced a smile on my face to hide the uneasiness inside me. I wonder why I never felt that same intense feeling towards Grant, even though he constantly reminds me that he is my husband. Is it possible to be more attracted to a stranger than your husband?

“I–I’m okay. Just feeling a bit anxious with everything going on,” I replied, trying to reassure Grant.

He studied my face in silence, his expression unreadable. When he finally smiled, I let out a sigh of relief. As he approached me, he reached out and gently took hold of my arms.

“Don’t worry. Once we’re back home, everything will become clear,” Grant reassured me with a reassuring squeeze.

We stood there, his comforting presence easing my worries, when Sebastian suddenly appeared on the deck. “Blaire–” He halted mid–sentence, and his eyes darkened as he realized I wasn’t alone. Eventually, his eyes landed on Grant’s hands,

landed on Grant’s hands, which were holding me.

I’m not sure why, but I had the sudden urge to brush Grant’s hand to the side. I subtly removed Grant’s hand that was holding me when I saw how Sebastian’s jaw tightened.

“How long until we get to the port?” I asked, trying to dispel the tension building around us.

“How long until we reach the port?” I inquired, hoping to diffuse the tension that hung heavy in the air.

“About half an hour,” Sebastian replied in his deep, resonant voice.

Half an hour. It was a manageable timeframe. All I needed to do was steer clear of him at all

costs. The challenge, however, lay in the limited space onboard this te

hide, avoiding him would prove to be quite the feat.

With nowhere to

As the yacht sliced through the gentle waves, I found myself on edge, acutely aware of Sebastian’s presence looming nearby. Every glance in his direction sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of the tangled web of uncertainty that surrounded us.

Grant’s reassuring smile offered some semblance of comfortbut beneath the surface, I could sense his own apprehension. His grip on my arms tightened slightly, a silent reassurance that we were in this together.

But as the minutes ticked by, tension hung heavy in the air, suffocating any attempt at conversation. I could feel Sebastian’s gaze lingering on me, his eyes burning with unspoken questions. It was only a matter of time before the silence became unbearable.

I breathe out a sigh of relief when I can already see the port after a couple of minutes. I’m

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Chapter 931

glad that this journey is finally over and we’re so close to finding out the truth.

When we alight from the yacht, there are two cars waiting for us..


“I’ll lead the way. Just follow us,” Grant said before gently holding my arm and guiding me towards the black sedan, which I assume was his car.

But we hadn’t taken a few more steps away when Sebastian suddenly grabbed my other arm, preventing me from moving away.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for Blaire to go with you,” he said in a cold tone.

“No one’s asking your opinion,” Grant replied with the same coldness before pulling me once again. But as soon as he did that, Sebastian tightened his grip on my arm. They look like they’re playing tug of war, but instead of a rope, they are holding me on both sides.

“It’s not an opinion, it’s a statement,” Sebastian said.

Grant sneered, “What are you afraid of? That I will take Dylan and run away? Don’t worry, I have no reason to do that. On the contrary, I’m more eager to prove to you that this woman right here is not your wife but mine. She’s Dylan, not Blaire.”

I was a little bit surprised by Grant’s sudden urge to prove his identity as my husband. I was expecting that he would be bothered by Sebastian’s sudden appearance, yet I’m seeing the total opposite.

Before we left the island, my mind was already leaning towards Sebastian. But right now, I’m totally confused. Does this mean Grant was telling the truth?

“I’m only going to believe your words when I see them with my own eyes. Until then, she’s to Blaire to me.” He then tried to pull me toward his side once again.

As expected, Grant did the same. “Why don’t we just ask Dylan which one she wants to go with?”

I was caught by surprise when suddenly both their eyes locked on me. They were staring at me, waiting for my answer. My gaze keeps shifting between the two of them. And when my eyes locked with Sebastian, I suddenly held my breath. His gaze sends jolts of electricity through every fiber of my being.

“I’m going with Grant,” I finally answered.

I felt a lump in my throat when I saw the pain in Sebastian’s eyes when he heard my answer. I wanted to console him, but I quickly stopped myself. Until I’m sure who’s telling the truth, I can’t let my feelings sway me.

I choose Grant not because I trust him, but because I don’t trust myself whenever I’m around Sebastian. He has the power to shuffle my head and make my heart race.

“You heard the lady,” Grant said before brushing Sebastian’s arm aside. Grant was smiling

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Chapter 93

triumphantly as we walked towards his car. He opened the door for me.


I looked at Sebastian, who was standing a few feet away from us one last time. My heart was stricken as I watched the pain and longing in his eyes. I looked away before getting inside the


Grant immediately went around and went to the driver’s seat. “Let’s go home,” he uttered excitedly.

But it was the opposite of what is inside my heart right now. I have a feeling that something is wrong, but I can’t say which one it is. Why does Sebastian manage to make my heart race as soon as he lays eyes on me? A feeling that I never felt with Grant, who I’ve been staying with for the last six months.

I looked in the side mirror and saw Sebastian’s car following us behind. I blew a loud sigh as I felt a heavy feeling inside my chest as I watched him from afar.

There’s definitely something wrong with me.

The whole drive has been silent. I was so focused on looking outside the window that I didn’t notice that our car had stopped in front of a huge house.

“We’re here,” Grant uttered, which brought me back from my reverie.

We get out of the car. It didn’t take long before Sebastian arrived as well. Grant led the way inside the house. While we were walking inside, I could feel the strong, towering presence of Sebastian behind me. I can sense the warmth of his body despite our distance. It was as if my body was yearning for his touch.

With those thoughts in my head, I was startled when my back suddenly bumped into his hard–chiseled chest.

I quickly turned around to apologize. “I–I’m sorry—” I frowned when I noticed him when his eyes were fixed behind me. He looked pale, as if he saw a ghost. It also seems that he didn’t notice that I was standing right in front of him and that our bodies were a few inches away from one another.

I wondered why he seemed so surprised all of a sudden. I followed his gaze to see what had caught his attention. My jaw fell open when I saw what was behind me.

In the spacious living room, right in the center where the two staircases met, hung a large wedding photo of Grant and me. It was impossible to miss, almost like it was put there to welcome the guest.

And as I continue to look around the living room, I can see pictures of us displayed in every corner of the house.

“Now that you see it for yourself, do you believe me now?” Grant said.

What the hell is going on here?

TOWN 32 Yor


10:04 Mon, 22 Apr .. 



Chapter 94


“I think we’re done here.”

It was Grant’s voice that made me recover from shock. I should feel relieved that I already confirmed that Grant is my husband, yet I feel the opposite. I’m not sure why I feel disappointed knowing that I’m not Sebastian’s wife.

I tried my best to hide my disappointment. I should feel ashamed of myself for feeling this way. It’s unfair to Grant that I was having these kinds of thoughts right after he proved to us that he is indeed my husband. I subtly shook my head to get rid of these unwanted thoughts.

I was expecting Sebastian to finally let go of his claim. But it took me by surprise when I heard the words that were coming out of his mouth.

“I don’t think so. These prove nothing but your ability to manipulate things. These pictures could have been photoshopped,” Sebastian said.

Though he made an excellent point, this will only backfire with his claims since he has no other proof but the photo in his wallet. It seems like Grant and I had the same thing in mind.

“That goes to you as well, Sebastian. I’ve shown Dylan a lot of photos, yet you only showed one piece of evidence. Would you like me to show you our marriage certificate?” Granted taunted.

“There’s no need for that, for it may be as fake as these photos in your house. To settle this argument, I propose a DNA test. Only then will I accept that she’s not my wife,” Sebastian argued.

As I watched how confident Sebastian was while asking for a DNA test, my suspicion arose once again. There could have been a reason for him to be this confident.

I turned in Grant’s direction, and I couldn’t help but notice how his jaw clenched in annoyance. It seems like he was not fond of Sebastian’s persistence. He’s probably expecting Sebastian to stop right after he shows his proof.

“I don’t think so. We are not obligated to prove anything to you. Now, leave while I am still asking nicely. You are on my property. It’s legal for me to shoot you if you refuse to leave,” Grant insisted.

I immediately fear for Sebastian’s life. I’m not sure whether he really owns a gun or not, but thinking something might happen to him makes my heart break.

Sebastian was about to respond when I decided to meddle in between.

“I think you should leave,” I interrupted.

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Chapter 94


Both of them looked surprised when they looked at me; it was as if that’s the last thing they expected to hear from me.

“Blaire…” Sebastian uttered that familiar name, but I’m not the woman he thinks I am.

“I’m not Blaire. I don’t see the need for an unnecessary test. I do wish that you found the woman that you were looking for. But I’m afraid she’s not here. So please, you can leave


I was holding my breath as I uttered those words. I can’t understand why my heart aches while asking him to leave. This isn’t exactly what I expected to feel the moment Grant proved himself. I can still feel that something is wrong here, but all of that was nothing but a hunch.

I gulped when I saw the pain in his eyes as he looked at me. I saw him clench his fist, trying to control himself. I thought he was going to make another scene, but he didn’t.

“No, you’re wrong. This is far from over. I won’t stop here until get that DNA test,” he said before leaving one final glare towards Grant as if he were giving him a warning. After that, he proceeds to leave the house.

“That crazy man doesn’t know when to stop,” Grant commented with a smirk on his face. “Come, we still have time to go back to the island before the sun sets,” he said, which caught me by surprise.

“We’re going back?” I asked in confusion.

“Of course, I only agreed to go here because I want to get rid of that bastard. And now that I already did, there’s no reason for us to stay here,” he said.

I frowned as my confusion grew. “What do you mean? Isn’t it a better idea that I stay here since I used to live here? It might jog some of my memory.”

“There’s no need for you to do that here. The island suited you more. It’s refreshing and relaxing. You’ll I well much faster when you’re s,nded by beautiful scenery, such as the beach.”

“But I’ve been staying there for more than six months, Grant. Yet not a single memory of my past has come back. I think it’s about time for us to try a different approach,” I insisted.

“Dylanstop being stubborn and do as I say. I’m running out of patience here,” he said as his eyes darkened.

For the first time that I’ve been living with Grant, I felt scared and unsafe. I’ve never seen this part of him, not until now. I automatically took a step back, which caught him off guard. He probably saw the fear in my eyes as his face immediately lightened up.

He brushed his fingers along his hair and blew a loud sigh. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips before taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he went back to his usual calm self, Somehow, it makes me wonder which one is the real Grant.

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Chapter 94

“Fine. We’ll stay here for a week and see if there are changes in your condition. If nothing happens, we’ll go back to the island as we planned. Do we have a deal?”


“Y–yes,” I answered as my heart was filled with excitement. I was hoping that by staying here, I could finally get my memory back. “Where’s my room?” I asked.

“It’s upstairs. Follow me,” he said before walking towards the stairs.

I followed him silently as I tried to familiarize myself with the house. I tried to picture myself living in this house, but I don’t feel any familiarity around this place. It was as if it were the first time that I stepped foot in this house.

Grant opened the first door near the staircase. I walked inside the room and scanned my eyes around the place. I tried to remember even a bit of memory about this place, but I couldn’t remember any. And unlike the living room, there isn’t a single picture of us in here. It was as if all the traces of our so–called relationship were only displayed in the lobby.

“Stop it, Dylan,” said the little voice inside my head. It’s unfair to Grant if I continue suspecting him when he has been nothing but good to me. He has been patient throughout the times that I can’t remember anything. Though I’m still not uncomfortable sharing a tight space like this with him,.

“You can freshen up first if you want to,” he offered.

With my eagerness to find solace place for me, I opted to accept his offer. “Thank you. Where’s my closet?” I asked. I wanted to get some new clothes, as I’m not comfortable wearing my dirty clothes after a shower.

Grant looks around as if he isn’t familiar with the place as well. He looked around, trying to find where the closet was. After a few minutes, he then walks towards a drawer, which I assume is the dresser.

“Here,” he said as he opened the top drawer. I was stunned and quickly closed it, as if he saw a ghost.

Curious about what had caught his eye, I quickened my pace to join him, eager to see for myself. “What’s going on?” I asked, stretching my neck to see what he was looking at. To my surprise, there was nothing there. I gave him a puzzled look, wondering what he was up to.

“It looks like the cleaning staff moved our stuff while we were out,” he explained, sounding a bit annoyed. “There’s a bathrobe in the bathroom. You can use that while I find your clothes,” he suggested, already making his way to the door before I could say anything.

I watched him go, a mix of confusion and gratitude swirling within me. With a shrug, I turned towards the bathroom. As I stepped into the bathroom, the scent of cleanliness enveloped me, momentarily soothing my frazzled nerves.

I quickly slipped into the shower to freshen up. After a few minutes, I grabbed the towel to dry myself.

10:04 Mon, 22 Apr.

Chapter 94


Finding the bathrobe hanging on the back of the door, I quickly slipped it on, relishing the softness against my skin. It offered a comforting embrace, a temporary respite from the uncertainty of the situation. As I tied the belt around my waist, I couldn’t help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events.

Emerging from the bathroom, I found him putting the clothes on top of the bed. “Here,” he said, holding out a neatly folded pile of clothes. “I managed to find some of your things. It’s not much, but hopefully it’ll do for now.”

An awkward smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Thank you,” I said as I tightened my grip against the knot of my bathrobe. I wasn’t expecting him to be here, so I felt quite

uncomfortable with his presence while I was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. “Could I have a moment, please? I just need to put my clothes on.”

“I’m your husband. I think it’s time for you to get used to my presence. Besides, we already shared a bed. There’s nothing to hide that I haven’t seen before,” he replied.

I was caught off guard by his answer. These past few months, Grant has been nothing but considerate. Not even once did he try to force himself on me. But right now, his aura is different. There’s a darkness lurking around hi that I never noticed before.

“I know that you’re my husband. But I have no memory of that as of now. For me, you’re a stranger, just like Sebastian.”

I had no clue what possessed me to utter Sebastian’s name. In the split second after it left my lips, I realized my mistake, but it was too late to retract it. I watched in horror as his expression morphed before my eyes. It was as if a switch had been flipped, transforming him from a calm demeanor to a predatory gaze, akin to a wolf eyeing its prey. The intensity in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine, and I knew in that moment that mentioning Sebastian’s moment that mentioning Sebastian’s name had opened a door to a darker side of him that I had never seen before.

I gulped in fear, but I tried to remain calm. I pretended I wasn’t bothered by his sudden change of demeanor. I’m still hopeful that Grant will remain the same as he was when we were on the island. But all my hopes were going down the drain when he started to take the distance between us.

I immediately took a step back, but unlike before, my fear didn’t bother him at all. He looked determined to claim what was his.

My eyes widen in fear when he grabs both of my arms and grips them tightly.

“G–Grant, you’re hurting me,” I uttered.

“I’ve been patient with you, Dylan,” he uttered with strained patience. “I’ve tried to understand your situation, but I’ve reached my limit. Tonight, I’m claiming what’s rightfully mine,” he declared before leaning in to kiss me.

Instinctively, I turned my face away, dodging his advances, much to his displeasure. His frustration escalated, evident in his aggressive demeanor as he forcefully pushed me, causing

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Chapter 94

me to tumble onto the bed.

As I landed on the bed, a surge of fear and adrenaline coursed through me. His sudden shift in demeanor caught me off guard, and I scrambled to regain my composure as I backed away, my heart racing with apprehension.

He advanced towards me with determined strides, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of desire and frustration. Despite my attempts to maintain distance, he closed in on me, his movements fueled by an undeniable hunger.

With each step he took, my pulse quickened, and the air was thick with tension. I knew I had to find a way to diffuse the situation and regain control before things spiraled further out of hand. But as his hands reached out to grab me, I realized that escape seemed increasingly improbable.

“Stop, Grant! Please!” I begged, my voice shaking with fear. But he didn’t listen. His eyes locked on me, intense and scary. It was like he couldn’t control himself, driven by a strong desire that made him act without thinking.

He hovered over me, making it hard for me to breathe. I felt trapped, like I couldn’t escape. Panic surged inside me, making it hard to think straight as I looked for a way out.

No matter how much I begged, he didn’t change. He was determined, ignoring my pleas. It was like he was a different person, not the Grant I knew. The realization scared me, filling me with dread as I prepared for what might happen next.

“No!” I screamed in fear when he hit me, the pain spreading through my face like shockwaves. I tasted blood, a reminder of how scary things had become. But even though I was hurt, I was determined to get away from him.

With my heart racing, I used all my strength to fight against his tight grip. I was desperate to escape his hold, driven by a strong feeling deep inside me.

Then, I saw my chance. I hit him hard where it hurt the most, and he cried out in pain, bending over. It was my moment to break free.

“Argh! Fck!” he shouted in pain.

Without waiting, I pushed away from him and ran to the door. My hands shook as I grabbed the handle, hoping to find safety on the other side.

“Dylan, come back here!” He shouted once again, but I didn’t bother to look back.

I dashed toward the door with frantic urgency, my heart pounding in my chest as I reached for the handle. With a swift push, the door swung open, welcoming a rush of cool air that provided a brief respite from the suffocating atmosphere inside. Gasping for breath, I didn’t hesitate to flee, my bare feet pounding against the ground as I raced towards the gate. The sharp stones beneath my soles jabbed painfully, but the discomfort paled in comparison to the desperate need to escape.

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Chapter 94


As I sprinted, the sound of Grant’s voice echoed behind me, calling my name with a chilling undertone that sent a shiver down my spine. Panic surged within me as I realized that fleeing on foot wouldn’t be enough to outpace him. Glancing back, I saw him steadily closing the distance between us, his determined stride like a predator closing in on its prey. Desperation gnawed at my insides, threatening to overwhelm me as I faced the daunting reality of being caught.

In a moment of sheer desperation, I silently pleaded for divine intervention, a prayer born from the depths of my fear and uncertainty. Though I harbored little hope of a miraculous escape, to my astonishment, fate intervened in the form of a familiar car that screeched to a halt before me.

“Blaire, get in!” a familiar voice called out. Though I couldn’t see who sat behind the wheel, the voice alone offered a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

“Sebastian…” I whispered his name, my heart overflowing with gratitude and relief as I wasted no time in obeying his command, diving into the safety of his car without hesitation.





Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 92

Chapter 92 


Grant seemed compelled to provide the proof he had previously kept hidden once Sebastian entered

the picture. It seemed like Grant sensed that Sebastian’s words held more truth in this moment.

As I thought it over, my doubts began to take shape. Whenever I’m with Grant, I feel distant, like we’re strangers. But with Sebastian, it’s different, I felt a strong connection, like electricity running through

me, when he looked at me. It’s like he could see right into my soul.

We decided to go back to the city where Grant claims we used to live before the accident. But he hasn’t

explained how we ended up on that small island after the incident.

Sebastian offered his boat for us to take to the city.

“No, we’re good. I already asked a friend of mine to pick us up,” Grant replied.

“Why wait when you’re generously offering a ride? Unless you are trying to buy some time?” Sebastian


Grant’s jaw clenched visibly, a silent testament to the escalating tension between him and Sebastian. Sensing the impending clash, I swiftly intervened to diffuse the mounting hostility.

“I think we should accept Sebastian’s offer. There’s no reason for us to delay any longer,” I suggested,

hoping to steer the conversation in a more constructive direction.

Grant remained silent, his disapproval palpable in the air. It was evident that my alignment with

Sebastian’s proposal did not sit well with him, adding another layer of complexity to the already fraught


Grant’s gaze softened slightly as he looked at me, but the tension in his demeanor remained palpable.

“Fine,” he relented, his voice tight with restrained frustration. “But don’t expect me to trust him.” With a

heavy sigh, Grant turned to me. “Let’s get this over with,” he muttered, leading the way towards

Sebastian’s boat.


Chapter 92


As we climbed into the boat, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

Whatever revelations awaited us, I knew that our lives were about to change in ways we couldn’t yet


As the boat rocked gently on the waves, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the pit of my

stomach. Grant’s silence only added to the tension between us, casting a shadow of doubt over his

every word.

The gentle lull of the waves provided a soothing backdrop as we sailed further away from the shore,

enveloped in a heavy silence. Despite the vast expanse of the ocean surrounding us, the tension

onboard felt palpable, like a thick fog obscuring the horizon.

My gaze wandered aimlessly over the water, lost in thought, when movement from the corner of my eye

caught my attention. Grant, standing at the bow of the boat, had pulled out a cellphone and was

engaged in a hushed conversation.

A furrow formed between my brows as I watched him, a pang of unease tugging at my gut. How could

he have kept something as significant as a phone hidden from me? It seemed like a deliberate omission,

casting doubt on his motives and adding another layer of suspicion to our already difficult situation.

My suspicion grows bigger when he abruptly ends the call when he notices me watching him. To satisfy

my curiosity, I approached him to ask him about it.

“I didn’t know you had a phone with you,” I said, curious.

“I just didn’t think it was important to tell you,” he replied vaguely.

His answer didn’t sit right with me. It felt like he was hiding something. Despite his attempt to brush it

off, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

As we sailed towards the city, the tension between us grew. It was like there was a barrier between

Grant and me, separating us further with each passing moment. I couldn’t help but wonder what other

secrets he was keeping from me. And with every wave that crashed against the boat, I felt a sense of

unease settle in the pit of my stomach, knowing that the journey ahead would be filled with uncertainty

and revelations.

As soon as Grant stepped away, it made me more suspicious. It seemed like he was dodging our


Chapter 92


conversation deliberately.

After Grant left, Sebastian appeared on the deck.

Sebastian approached me cautiously, his expression somber yet determined. “We need to talk,” he said, his voice tinged with urgency.

I nodded in agreement, gesturing for Sebastian to follow me to a quieter spot on the deck where we

could speak without interruption. As we settled into a secluded corner, I couldn’t shake the feeling of anticipation that hung in the air like a thick fog. Whatever Sebastian had to say, I knew it would only add

another layer to the tangled web of secrets and lies that surrounded me.

Sebastian’s eyes held a mix of concern and determination as he spoke, his words careful and serious.

“I’ve been searching for you for months,” he said. “Ever since you vanished without a trace.”

My heart skipped a beat as I listened to his words. “It’s Blaire that you’re talking about, right?” I echoed, feeling a knot form in my stomach.

Sebastian frowned. “You are Blaire.”

Before I could respond, a loud noise interrupted our conversation, drawing our attention to the person behind us. It was Grant, his expression dark and stormy as he approached us with purpose in his stride.

“I don’t appreciate you talking to my wife,” he said.

“She’s not your wife, Grant,” Sebastian insisted. “Between us, I was the one who already provided evidence for my claim, thus giving me an advantage. If there’s anybody here who hasn’t even given a slight proof of his claim, it’s you. So, between you and me, I think you’re the one who shouldn’t be talking to my wife,” Sebastian said before grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to his side.

Sebastian’s sudden grip on my arm caught me off guard, his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins. It was as if a surge of energy had been unleashed, sparking a cascade of sensations that left me reeling.

But what truly shocked me was the wave of memories that crashed over me in that instant. Images flashed before my mind’s eye like fragments of a forgotten dream, each one carrying with it a sense of familiarity that left me breathless.



Chapter 92

I winced as a sharp pang of pain shot through my head, the intensity of the memories threatening to overwhelm me. Faces, places, and moments long buried in the recesses of my mind resurfaced with startling clarity, leaving me grappling to make sense of it all.

As the rush of memories subsided, I found myself trembling, my hands shaking as I struggled to steady myself against the onslaught of emotions. Among those memories, one image of a faceless man stood out. I turned to Sebastian, figuring out whether he’s the man that was in my memory. But the memories were too vague for me to be sure.

“What’s wrong?” Grant asked, his voice tinged with concern as he reached out to steady me.

I shook my head, trying to shake off the overwhelming sensation. “I… I don’t know,” I murmured, struggling to clear my head.

“Are you okay?” Sebastian asked worriedly. “Maybe you need to rest,” he suggested, his voice soothing. “It’s been a long day.”

I nodded weakly, grateful for the suggestion. The events of the day had left me feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. Perhaps a moment of respite would provide some clarity amidst the chaos swirling within me. “I’ll escort you to your cabin,” he offered, his voice gentle yet determined.

“Thank you,” I murmured, offering him a grateful smile as I allowed him to lead me away from the deck, leaving Grant behind with his questions and concerns.

Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 91

Chapter 91 


I was still thinking about whether I should answer Grant’s call and face him. But Steve already made that décision for me when he ran out of the room and called Grant’s attention. 

“Grant, we’re here!” he shouted. 

Caught off guard by Steve’s impulsive action, I hesitated for a moment before gathering my resolve. With a deep breath, I followed Steve out of the room, steeling myself for the confrontation that awaited. 

As we stepped into the hallway, I saw Grant’s figure emerge from the shadows, his expression a mix of relief and concern. “Dylan, where have you been? Are you alright?” he asked, his voice tinged with 


I couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on me like a leaden 


“We need to talk, Grant,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. 

As Grant’s gaze fell upon Sebastian, a shadow crossed his features, his expression turning stormy. “And who might this be?” he inquired with a chill in his tone. 

Sebastian stood his ground, his demeanor unwavering despite Grant’s cold reception. “I’m Sebastian,” he replied evenly. “And I believe you have some explaining to do.” 

Grant frowned, and anger was evident on his face. “I have nothing to explain to you. Let’s go, Dylan,” he 

said before grabbing my arm. 

But before he could even pull me, I quickly snatched my arm away from his grasp. He turned in my direction and looked at me with disbelief. 

“That’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about,” I said. 

Grant grabbed my arm once againand his grip tightened on my arm. His frustration was palpable. “We 


don’t have time for this,” he growled, his tone terse. 

I stood my ground, refusing to be led away without answers. “I need to know the truth, Grant,” I 

insistedmy voice trembling with uncertainty. “Who is Sebastian, and why does he claim to know me?” 

Grant’s jaw clenched, his gaze flickering between me and Sebastian. “He’s nobody,” he spat. “Just someone trying to cause trouble.” 

Sebastian stepped forward, his expression unwavering. “I assure you, Grant, I am anything but nobody. And if you have nothing to hide, then why are you so 

to let Blaire hear the truth?” 

“Dylan! That’s her name,” Grant corrected with an intense voice. 

Grant’s correction sent a chill down my spine. It was the first time I’d heard him address me by that name, and the weight of it hung heavy in the air. 

Sebastian’s gaze flicked to me, a hint of satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. “Blaire,” he repeated, as if testing the sound of it on his lips. 

I watched the exchange between the two men, the tension thickening with each passing moment. It was clear that there was more to this situation than met the eye, and I was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. 

“Enough,” I interjected, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. “I want answers, and I won’t leave until I get them. Grant, Sebastian, it’s time to tell me the truth.” 

Grant’s jaw tightened, his expression a mask of frustration and apprehension. “There’s nothing to tell,” he insisted, his voice strained. “This man is a stranger, Blaire. You can’t trust him.” 

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his gaze unwavering. “And what about you, Grant? What are you hiding?” He countered, his tone laced with accusation, 

I felt surge of panic rising within me as the tension in the room escalated. Each passing moment only served to deepen the mystery surrounding my identity and the conflicting claims of the two men before 

  1. me

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not hiding anything. Dylan, I said, Let’s go!” he repeated. 


Chapter 91 


He was about to grab my hand once again when Sebastian stopped him. “You’re not taking her anywhere.” Sebastian’s voice was resolute, his stance unwavering as he stepped in between Grant and me. “You don’t get to decide what she does, Grant. Not anymore.” 

Grant’s jaw clenched, his frustration palpable as he glared at Sebastian. “And who are you to tell me what to do? You think you can just waltz in here and play hero, don’t you?” 

Sebastian didn’t flinch. “I’m not playing anything, Grant. I’m just trying to help her remember who she is.” 

Grant’s scoff echoed in the tense silence that enveloped us, his bitter laughter slicing through the charged atmosphere like a jagged blade. “And what makes you think you know her better than I do? You’re nothing but a stranger,” he spat, his words dripping with contempt. 

Sebastian squared his shoulders, his resolve unwavering. “I’m not a stranger. I’m her husband,” he insisted, his voice steady despite the brewing storm of emotions. 

“No, I’m her husband!” Grant retorted, his voice rising with each word. “Squeeze this into your tiny little head; she’s not Blaire. She’s Dylan, and she’s my wife. Your wife is dead!” His words landed like a heavy blow, leaving a bitter taste lingering in the air. 

Sebastian’s jaw clenched, his gaze narrowing with suspicion. “How did you know she’s dead?” he demanded, his tone laced with challenge, as if daring Grant to reveal the secrets he held tightly guarded. 

Grant’s expression hardened, his eyes flashing with a mix of defiance and frustration. “That’s none of your business,” he snapped, his voice tinged with anger. 

*Sebastian’s gaze remained unwavering, his resolve unyielding. “It is my business if you’re lying to her,” ‘he shot back, his tone firm and resolute. “She deserves to know the truth.” 

Grant’s jaw tightened, his fists clenching at his sides. “I’m not lying,” he insisted, though his voice faltered slightly, betraying hint of uncertainty. 

I stood between themfeeling the weight of their words pressing in on me from all sides. I said that’s enoughokay? We can’t resolve anything if we keep on fighting!” 


Chapter 91 

Grant’s frustration was palpable as he glared at Sebastian, his patience wearing thin. “We’re leaving, Dylan. Stop this nonsense and come with me,” he demanded, his tone sharp and commanding. 

But I couldn’t ignore the gnawing doubt that lingered in the back of my mind. What if Grant wasn’t telling me the whole truth? What if there was more to my past than he was letting on? I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I knew I had to do. 

Shaking my head, I declined Grant’s outstretched hand. “No,” I said firmly, my voice tinged with determination. “I’m not going anywhere until you can prove to me that you’re telling the truth. Sebastian has shown me evidence of our past; now it’s your turn.” 


As the tension in the room reached its peak, Grant’s expression twisted into a mixture of frustration and disbelief. “You’re making a mistake, Dylan,” he warned, his voice laced with urgency. 

Sebastian, on the other hand, remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering as he stood his ground. “She has a right to know the truth, Grant. And until you can provide evidence to support your claims, I won’t let her go with you.” 

I could feel the weight of their stares bearing down on me, each one urging me to make a choice. But deep down, I knew that I couldn’t simply ignore the nagging doubts that had plagued me since the moment Sebastian appeared. 

Grant stared at me intently. His jaw tightened as his breathing became heavier. After a few minutes, he took a loud breath before he finally spoke. 

“You want proof? Fine, I’ll give you proof. Come with me, and I’ll show you,” Grant offered. 

I frowned in surprise. I have been asking him to show me a picture of us since the moment I woke up * from the accident, yet he hasn’t even shown me anything when he could easily have given it to me the 

first time I asked him to. Was he threatened by Sebastian’s presence? And his willingness to show some proof right now makes me more confused. 

I furrowed my brow in astonishmenttaken aback by Grant’s sudden willingness to produce evidence of our supposed relationshipIt struck me as peculiar; after all, I had repeatedly requested that he show me a photo of us since the moment 1 regained consciousness after the accident. Why had he hesitated. thenonly to offer it up nowin the presence of Sebastian? 


Chapter 91 


The inconsistency in his actions left me feeling perplexed and suspicious. Was he feeling threatened by Sebastian’s presence, prompting him to reveal evidence he had previously withheld? Or was there some other motive behind his sudden change of heart? 

The more I pondered the situation, the more confused I became. Grant’s behavior seemed erratic, his 

actions shrouded in mystery. It was as if I were peelin 

the layers of an enigmatic puzzle, each 

revelation leading to more questions than answers t 

“I’m coming with you,” Sebastian interjected, prompting me to come out of my reverie. “Until you prove 

to me that she’s not Blaire, I will stay by her side.” 

Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 89-90

Chapter 89 


“Dylan, are you sure about this? This is assault! We could end up in jail,” Steve protested, his voice 

tinged with concern as we struggled to move the unconscious man. 

“I need answers, Steve. And I can’t afford to wait around for them,” I replied, my tone firm as I focused 

on the task at hand. Time was of the essence; I had only a few precious hours before Grant realized I was 

missing. Thankfully, my usual excuse of tending to the garden workshop provided the perfect alibi. 

When I’m in there, Grand usually won’t disturb me for a few hours, giving me enough time to execute 

my plan. 

With a sense of urgency driving us forward, we managed to haul the unconscious man into the 

makeshift interrogation room I had prepared. The room sparse, dimly lit by a single overhead bulb makeshift interrogation room I had prepared. The room 

that cast long shadows across the walls. 

W2 ? 

“We need to wake him up,” I muttered, my gaze fixed on the man before us. “I need to know what he 


Steve hesitated, his eyes darting nervously between me and the unconscious man. “Dylan, I don’t know 

about this,” he said, his voice wavering with uncertainty. 

I shot him a steely glance. “We’ve come this far, Steve. We can’t turn back now,” I insisted, my grip tightening on the baseball bat in my hand. With a shared nod of understanding, we prepared ourselves 

for what lay ahead. It was time to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. 

Once we had secured the man to the chair, I stepped back, my heart racing with a mixture of 

anticipation and apprehension. This was it–the 

nt of truth. 

“Who are you, and what do you want with me?” I demanded, my voice trembling slightly despite my best efforts to sound composed. 

The man stirred, groaning softly as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, and for a 

momentthere was flicker of confusion before recognition dawned in his gaze. 


“B–Blaire?” He stammered, his voice hoarse with disbelief. “Y–You’re alive!” He announced it in glee, making me more confused about what’s going on. 

I ignored his remarks, pressing him for answers. “Who are you, and why were you looking for me? Do I know you?” 

“You don’t recognize me?” He asked in confusion. “It’s me, Sebastian,” he introduced himself. 

“I don’t know you, and my name isn’t Blaire. My name is Dylan,” I insisted. 

“Even if you go by a different name now, I’m certain it’s you, Blaire. I might not know what happened to you, but I’m positive. I can’t be mistaken. You’re Blaire.” 

Sebastian’s words hung in the air, heavy with a sense of urgency and conviction. Despite my protests and insistence that he had the wrong person, he remained steadfast in his belief that I was someone named Blaire. 

But as much as I wanted to dismiss his claims, there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, a whisper of doubt that I couldn’t ignore. What if he was right? What if my name wasn’t Dylan after all, but Blaire? 

I shook my head, trying to clear away the confusion clouding my thoughts. “I’m sorry, but you must be mistaken,” I said firmly, though uncertainty laced my words. “I don’t know who this Blaire is, but she’s not me.” 

Sebastian’s expression fell, a mixture of disappointment and frustration crossing his features. “| understand if you don’t remember,” he said softly. “But please, you have to trust me. Your life could be in danger.” 

His words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a sense of fear that I couldn’t shake. Could it be possible that I was in danger, even if I didn’t remember who I was? And if Sebastian was telling the truth, then who was I really? 

I knew that I needed answers, and I needed them fast. But as I looked into Sebastian’s eyes, searching 

for some glimmer of truthall I found was uncertainty staring back at me. It was as if we were both lost in a maze of secrets and lies, desperate to find our way out but unsure of where to turn next, 


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“Why would I trust you?” I can’t help but ask. I slowly lowered the baseball bat that I was holding. 

“Because I’m your husband,” he said. 


I sneered, “You’ve got to be joking. Pardon me if I find it hard to believe. You’re not the first one claiming to be my husband.” 

“I don’t know who this other guy is that was claiming to be your husband, but I am the one telling the truth. Believe me, I can show you proof.” 

I narrowed my eyes, studying him for any signs of deception. Despite my doubts, a part of me couldn’t shake the feeling that there might be some truth to his words. Reluctantly, I nodded. “Fine, show me.” I turned to Steve and signaled for him to cut him loose. 

“Are you sure about this, Dylan? He can be deceiving us. We’re not sure if we can trust him,” Steve said. 

He has a point, but what choice do I have? If I need to find the answers that I was looking for, I need to take a risk. 

“Do it, Steve,” I ordered him. 

He blew a loud sigh before doing what I asked him to. He loosened the rope tied around his body so he. could show me his evidence. 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, worn photograph. As he handed it to me, I hesitated before taking it, unsure of what I would find. But when I looked down at the image, my heart skipped a beat. 

It was a picture of us, smiling and happy, captured in a moment of pure bliss. The familiarity of our intertwined hands and the warmth in our eyes stirred something deep within me–a flicker of recognition that I couldn’t ignore. 

“I don’t understand…” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper, as I struggled to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling inside me. 

He took a step closer, his expression earnest. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but I swear, Blaire, I’ll do whatever it takes to help you remember.” 


Chapter 90 


“We should leave,” the man who introduced himself as Sebastian said before grabbing my hand. But before he could even pull me toward the door, I immediately snatched my hand back. 

“Not too fast, mister,” I said. 

“What do you mean?” 

He looked at me with a frown, as if he were confused by my action. Is he really expecting me to come with him just because he showed me a picture of us? I may have lost my memories, but I didn’t become stupid. 

“I’m not coming with you.” I responded. “…yet.” 

don’t understand. Was our photo not enough? If you want me to show you more evidence, I’ll give it to youAll you need to do is come with me,” he insisted. 

I held up my hand, stopping him in his tracks. “Look, Sebastian, I appreciate you showing me the photo, but it’s not that simple. You see, you’re not the first to introduce yourself as my husband. Though you had an advantage by showing me proof, those pictures could be edited or something. It wasn’t enough.” 

He sighedrunning a hand through his hair in frustration“I understand. But time is of the essence, BlaireThere are people out there who are after you, and I can’t guarantee your safety if we stay here.” 

His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I refused to let fear cloud my judgment. “I need more than “just photo to trust youSebastian. I need answers. And until I get them, I’m not going anywhere with 


He looked defeatedbut there was glimmer of determination in his eyesFine, I’ll tell you everything. But not hereWe need to go somewhere safe.” 

I hesitated, weighing my optionsDespite my doubtsthere was a part of me that wanted to believe him and trust that he had my best interests at heart. But couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling of unease that 


Chapter 90 

lingered in the pit of my stomach. 

“Okay.” I finally relented. “But on one condition: It has to be on my terms.” 

He nodded solemnly, his expression grave. “Agreed. Let’s go.‘ 



“Wait, Dylan! Are you sure about this? You don’t know anything about this man. Maybe we should go and ask Grant first. You should listen to his explanation,” Steve interrupted. 

It almost slipped my mind about Grant. Steve has made an excellent point, and I don’t have any idea why I was willing to trust this man in front of me more than the man who has been taking care of me for the last six months. 



Steve’s words rang in my head, cutting through the fog of confusion that clouded my mind. He was right -I didn’t really know this guy who claimed to be my husband. Despite feeling a hint of recognition around him, doubts still gnawed at me. 

Grant had been there for me since I lost my memory, a steady presence through all the ups and downs. How could I even think of ditching him so quickly for someone I barely knew? 

felt a wave of shame wash over me as I realized the mistake I almost made. How could I have even considered trusting a stranger over Grant, who had been by my side through everything? 

Steve’s words reminded me of Grant’s importance in my life. I needed to hear his side of the story before jumping to any conclusions. 

“You’re right, Steve,” I admitted, feeling the weight of my mistake. “I need to talk to Grant first.” I turned to Sebastian to let him know about my plan. “I can’t come with you. I need to talk to my husband first.” 

His eyes narrowed, sending a chill down my spine. He gazed at me with such intensity that it felt as though he could see straight into my soul. 

“Whoever this Grant is that you keep mentioning, he’s not your husbandI don’t know why he’s pretending to bebut there’s no way it could be true,” he asserted. 

Why should believe you over him?” countered, my voice tinged with skepticism. 



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“Think about it. He hasn’t given you any proof of his identity, has he? Yet, here I am, offering you evidence in the form of a simple photograph of us together. It shouldn’t be that difficult for him to provide similar evidence, unless there’s a reason why he can’t,” he reasoned. 

His words hung in the air, heavy with accusation and suspicion. I could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on me, his eyes like daggers piercing through my facade. 


I struggled to find a response, my mind a whirlwind of uncertainty and doubt. Grant’s claim had seemed so convincing and genuine, and yet here was this stranger insisting otherwise. 

“But… I don’t understand,” I stammered, my voice trembling with uncertainty. “Grant has been with me through everything. He’s been there for me when I needed him the most.” 

His expression has become darker. It’s obvious that he doesn’t like that I’m taking Grant’s side over him. But behind that dark and gloomy expression was the sadness in his eyes. It was as if he had lost his way. 

I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach as his words sank in. Could it be possible? Could Grant really have been deceiving me all this time? 

Before I could dwell on the thought any longer, Sebastian reached into his pocket and pulled out the same photograph that he had shown me a while ago. 

“This is us, Blaire,” he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. “If this isn’t convincing, then I believe our son will be all the proof you need.” 

“We… we have a son?” I stammered, my eyes widening in astonishment. 

“Yes, his name is Blaze,” he replied, a hint of sadness tinging his voice. “He’s six years old now. And he had been asking for you since you went missing.” 

I tried to process this newfound informationbut it felt like my mind was struggling to grasp the enormity of it allsonIt was like trying to piece together a puzzle with missing pieces. 

I… I don’t remember any of this,” I admittedmy voice barely above a whisper

He reached outhis hand trembling slightly as he gently clasped mine. It’s okay, Blaire. We’ll figure this out together. promise.” 


“Blaire…” I uttered. He has been calling me that name. “Is that my real name?” 

“Yes,” he answered. 


Just as I opened my mouth to respond, a familiar voice echoed from outside, cutting through the tense 

atmosphere of the room. 


“That’s Grant,” Steve stated. 

Steve’s words confirmed my suspicions. It was Grant. 

My heart raced as I hurried to the window, my hands trembling with anticipation. What would Grant say when he saw me with this stranger claiming to be my husband? And more importantly, what would I do? 

“What are we going to do, Dylan?” Steve asked. 

I let out a loud sigh. “At least he saved me a trip,” I commented. There’s no other option right now but to talk to him. 


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Chapter 85 


Six months later… 

You’re still at it?” 



I lifted my head when I heard Atlas‘ voice coming from the door. My eyes were so fixated on my laptop that I didn’t notice him coming in. I was too busy reading the latest report regarding Blaire’s whereabouts. 



Almost everyone has given up on her, but not me. I will never stop looking for her. As long as there’s no definite proof that she’s dead, I will do everything to find her. 



I looked at Atlas with dead eyes before I turned my eyes back towards the screen of my laptop. 



“You’re not going to stop, are you?” he asked once again when I deliberately ignored him. 



“You know I won’t. Why bother asking?” I answered. 



“You’ve been spending thousands and thousands of dollars, and you only get the same information over and over again. Have you even considered the fact that if Blaire were alive, she would have come back already?” Atlas continued. 



I lifted my eyes and glared at him with a threatening look. “What are you mumbling about? Your company is the one that’s earning a lot of money from this. I’ve been paying you generously to search for Blaire, not to give me unsolicited advice.” 



He chuckled. “I was about to build a new office in Asia because of the money you paid me.” 



“And yet you gave me nothing,” I remarked sarcastically. 



“Give me some slacks, okay?” he complained. 

I shot him death glare before refocusing on my laptop screen. Minutes passed in tense silence until he cautiously approached my desk, dropping a folder of documents onto it. 

Raising an eyebrow, I glanced up at him, my expression questioning. My gaze lingered on the folder for a 


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Chapter 85 

moment, pondering its contents. 

“You won’t know what’s inside until you take a look,” Atlas remarked, his tone suggesting he could read my thoughts. 


“I don’t have time for your games, Atlas,” I retorted, my hand trembling slightly as i reached for the folder. I tried to conceal my nervousness, but I knew Atlas was observant enough to notice, 

My heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on the documents and photographs nestled within the folder. There, staring back at me, was a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Blaire. The resemblance was so striking, it sent a jolt of recognition coursing through my veins. 

“No, it can’t be,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. But as I studied the images more closely, I could no longer deny the truth. It was Blaire–or at least, someone who looked exactly like her. My mind raced with a flurry of emotions, ranging from disbelief to a glimmer of hope. 

“You found her,” I murmured. 

Atlas watched me closely, his expression unreadable. “I didn’t mean to run on your parade, but I want to tell you not to let your hopes up,” he said. 

I tore my gaze away from the photographs, my mind spinning with possibilities. 

“What do you mean?” I asked him confusingly. 

“Based on that picture alone, without a doubt, that’s Blaire. But according to my investigation, there’s no one in that small town who bears that name.” 

“She was probably under a different name.” I tried to make more sense out of it. 

“Even if that’s true, what could be her reason for doing so? And more importantly, why isn’t she coming back?” Atlas said, adding more confusion in this situation. 

“I don’t know what to think,” I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “But if there’s even a chance that it’s her, we have to investigate further.” 

Atlas nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation Merced. We’ll need to tread carefully, though. If Catherine catches wind of our investigation, it could put Blaire in even greater danger.” 


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moment, pondering its contents. 

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You won’t know what’s inside until you take a look,” Atlas remarked, his tone suggesting he could read my thoughts. 

“I don’t have time for your games, Atlas,” I retorted, my hand trembling slightly as I reached for the folder. I tried to conceal my nervousness, but I knew Atlas was observant enough to notice. 

My heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on the documents and photographs nestled within the folder. There, staring back at me, was a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Blaire. The resemblance was so striking, it sent a jolt of recognition coursing through my veins. 

“No, it can’t be,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. But as I studied the images more closely, I could no longer deny the truth. It was Blaire–or at least, someone who looked exactly like her. My mind raced with a flurry of emotions, ranging from disbelief to a glimmer of hope. 

“You found her,” I murmured. 

Atlas watched me closely, his expression unreadable. “I didn’t mean to run on your parade, but I want to tell you not to let your hopes up,” he said. 



I tore my gaze away from the photographs, my mind spinning with possibilities. 

“What do you mean?” I asked him confusingly. 

“Based on that picture alone, without a doubt, that’s Blaire. But according to my investigation, there’s no one in that small town who bears that name.” 

“She was probably under a different name.” I tried to make more sense out of it. 

“Even if that’s true, what could be her reason for doing so? And more importantly, why isn’t she coming back?” Atlas said, adding more confusion in this situation. 

“I don’t know what to think,” I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “But if there’s even a chance that it’s herwe have to investigate further.” 

Atlas nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. “Agreed. We’ll need to tread carefully, though. If Catherine catches wind of our investigation, it could put Blaire in even greater danger.” 


“What could she do? She’s already in prison. And I have every intention of keeping her in there for as long as I 


Atlas sighed, his expression troubled. “Catherine may be behind bars, but she still has connections, Sebastian. We can’t underestimate her reach or her influence. If she suspects that we’re onto something, she could pull strings from the inside to sabotage our efforts or, worse, retaliate against Blaire.” 

His words sent a chill down my spine, a sobering reminder of the lengths Catherine would go to protect herself and exact revenge. “Then we’ll have to proceed with caution,” I replied, my voice resolute. “We can’t afford to let our guard down, not when Blaire’s safety hangs in the balance.” 

“Okay, I’ll gather my men to help with the search.” 

“Do that. But I’ll be going there now. I’ll meet you up there. I don’t think I’d be able to wait for another minute sitting here doing nothing.” 

With a rush of urgency, I hurried to my car, clutching the heavy documents tightly. Questions swirled in my mind: How did Blaire end up in that small town? What happened after the explosion? Was she safe? What’s her reason for not coming back after such a long time? 

The drive to the town felt like it took forever, each mile filled with worry and anticipation. When I arrived, it was al quiet place, with old shops and locals going about their day. 

As I arrived in the town, I wasted no time and dove straight into my search. I questioned the locals, hoping to find any everyone here. It 

trace of Blaire. However, to my dismay, it seemed like she was a complete stranger to was as if she had vanished without a trace, leaving no mark on the memories of the townsfolk. It was baffling and unsettling, like chasing a ghost through the empty streets. 

It makes no sense. If it weren’t for the photos in my head, taken along these same streets, I’d probably think that 

she’s not here. 

I looked at the photo in my hand just to remind me that it was real. 

Despite the lack of leads, I refused to give up hope. With determination fueling my every step, I continued my search, scouring every corner of the town in the hopes of uncovering a clue, no matter how small. 

Just when I was about to give up, a young street vendor noticed the picture in my hand. 


“Oh, that’s Dylan,” he remarked. The street vendor’s words caught me off guard, igniting a spark of hope within 


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Chapter 85 

  1. But at the same time, I frowned when I realized that he calls her a different name. 

“Dylan? Are you sure?” I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and skepticism. 

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The vendor nodded eagerly. “Yeah, she’s a regular around here. Comes by every now and then to pick up supplies,” he explained, his words coming in a rush as if he couldn’t contain his excitement at being able to provide me with information. 

“Can you lead me to her?” I asked immediately. 

But hesitation spread all over his face. He looked at me with suspicious eyes before his lips broke into an 

awkward smile. 


“Oh, maybe I was wrong. I mistaken her for someone I know,” he said, avoiding my eyes. I immediately knew he’d be hiding something. 

My heart sank at the vendor’s sudden change in demeanor. It was clear that he was hiding something, and I couldn’t afford to let this opportunity slip away. “Please, I need to find her. It’s important,” I urged, my voice 

tinged with desperation. 

But the vendor remained evasive, his eyes darting nervously as he avoided my gaze. “I’m sorry, mister. I must’ve been mistaken,” he muttered, his words lacking conviction as he turned away, effectively ending the 


Frustration boiled within me as I watched him go, knowing that he held the key to finding Blaire but refusing to cooperate. I had to find another way–another lead to follow. With a determined grit, I set out once more, my resolve stronger than ever as I vowed to uncover the truth, no matter the obstacles in my path. 

Chapter 86 

Six months ago… 

I slowly opened my eyes, and I was immediately welcomed by an unfamiliar ceiling. I winced in when I felt a throbbing pain in my head. I touched my head and noticed a bandage around my forehead. 



I looked around the room that I was in. But nothing about it makes sense. 



As I looked around the room, I couldn’t help but admire its fancy décor. The furniture was all elegant, and there were pretty lights shining from the chandeliers. It was all very posh, but it’s something that doesn’t resonate with me. I don’t feel any familiarity around this place. 



But even with all the fancy stuff, I felt out of place. The room seemed too big, and the walls felt like they were closing in on me. It was like I’d walked into a whole different world. 



I took a careful step forward, the sound of my footsteps echoing on the shiny floor. The room was so quiet, except for the sound of my own movements. 



As I looked around more, I felt even more confused. The room seemed to keep changing, like it was playing tricks on me. 



With each passing moment, I felt more uneasy. It was like I was lost in a maze with no way out. I opened the door, yet still, the place doesn’t make any sense to me at all. I tried to remember where I was, but the more I tried, the greater the confusion that engulfed my whole body. 



As the searing pain shot through my head, I couldn’t help but let out a loud curse. “Damn it!” 



“Hey, take it easy. Don’t move around too much,” a voice said from nearby. 



I looked up to see a man I didn’t recognize. He seemed to be trying to help me, guiding me back toward the room I had come from. 



Who was he? And why couldn’t I remember him? I racked my brain, trying to recall his name, but it was like trying to grasp at smoke. And then it hit me like a cold shower–I couldn’t remember who I was, either. 

Panic welled up inside me as I struggled to make sense of what was happening. How could I not remember anything about myself? And why was I in this strange place with a man I didn’t know? 


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“Sit down here; I’ll get your medicine,” he said, leading me to the edge of a vast bed with a reassuring smile. 

“Uh, excuse me,” I stammered, feeling disoriented. He turned back to me, his expression expectant as he waited for me to speak. “Where am I? And I didn’t mean to be rude, but who are you?” 

His features softened, and he approached me with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with warmth. 

“We got into an accident while sailing. You were out for a few days,” he explained, his tone gentle but matter–of- 


I tried to process his words, but my mind felt foggy, memories slipping through my grasp like sand through fingers. Frowning, I attempted to recall the events leading up to the accident, but all I could summon was a 

sharp, throbbing pain pulsing through my head. 

He handed me a small pill and a glass of water. “Here, take this. It’ll help with the pain,” he offered, concern 

evident in his eyes as he watched me closely. 

nodded gratefully, swallowing the pill with a gulp of water. As I did, a wave of dizziness washed over me, leaving me feeling disoriented and off balance. 

Thank you,” I murmured, handing back the empty glass. “I’m sorry, but I still don’t remember much. Can you 

tell me where we are?” 

He nodded understandingly. “Don’t worry. It’s okay. The doctor says you might have experienced memory lapses due to a concussion. We’re at my family’s estate on the outskirts of town. It’s a quiet place, perfect for 


His words only served to deepen my confusion. How did I end up here? And who was this man standing before me, tending to my needs with such care and concern? 

“Can you tell me your name?” I asked tentatively, hoping for some shred of familiarity to cling to amidst the chaos of my fragmented memories. 

As Grant introduced himself as my husband, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of confusion wash over me. His words seemed to echo in the empty recesses of my mind, but they failed to stir any sense of recognition within me. His name, Grant, held no significance to me, leaving me feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. 

“I’m sorry,” I murmured, my voice tinged with frustration. “I don’t remember you.” 


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Chapter 86 

052% 11:14 


Grant’s expression faltered, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a forced smile. “It’s okay,” he said softly, though the strain in his voice was palpable. “You’ve been through a lot. It’s only natural that your memory would be a bit foggy.” 

But what he said didn’t make me feel any better. If Grant really was my husband, why didn’t I feel close to him? Why didn’t being with him give me that warm feeling of being with someone I love? 

As I thought about these things, I felt more and more alone. It was like I was stuck in a bad dream, with people around me who I didn’t really know. 

Even though I was confused, one thing was certain: I couldn’t trust my own memories. They were like pieces of a broken mirrorshowing me only parts of what happened and making it harder for me to understand what was real. 

With a heavy heart, I turned to Grant, the man who claimed to be my husband, and forced a smile of my own. “Thank you for being here,” I said softly, though the words felt hollow and insincere. “I just hope that with time, my memories will return, and I can truly be the wife you deserve.” 

Grant nodded, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. “I understand, my dear,” he replied, his voice gentle and reassuring. “We’ll get through this together. And no matter what happens, I’ll be by your side every step of the way.” 



Despite his words of comfort, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my 

consciousness. There was something about Grant’s presence that felt off, like a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit into the picture of my life. 

But for now, I pushed aside my doubts. 

Through the course of the week, I discovered that my name was Dylan. Though I still don’t recognize the sound of my own name, I tried to be optimistic. 

Days turned into weeks as I tried to piece together the fragments of my shattered memory. But the more I searched, the more elusive the truth seemed to become. Memories slipped through my fingers like grains of 


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Chapter 86 

sand, leaving me grasping at shadows in the darkness. 

052% 11:14 


Night after night, I couldn’t sleep as strange dreams haunted my mind. In the darkness, a voice called out, sending shivers down my spine. It spoke a name I didn’t know, leaving me uneasy long after I woke up. 

Lying in bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about the mysterious figure in my dreams. The voice echoed in my head, stirring up memories I couldn’t quite grasp. 

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember where I heard that voice before. It felt like it came from another 

world, beyond my fractured memory. 

Was it a memory from my past, or was it just my mind playing tricks on me? I couldn’t be sure, but I knew one thing: I needed to find out the truth. Until I did, I wouldn’t be able to find peace. 

Grant was more than kind enough to stay in another room. Despite him introducing himself as my husband, he’s nothing but a stranger to me without my memory. Although I felt guilty, I don’t think it’s fair if we shared the same room while I don’t remember anything. 

As the days stretched on, I began to feel a growing sense of frustration and despair. It was as if I were trapped in a maze with no way out, stumbling blindly through the corridors of my own mind in search of an exit that seemed to recede further with each passing moment. 

Today, I decided to go outside and walk around the area, hoping it could juggle some of my memories. 

But as I approached the door, I saw Grant talking to a woman I can hardly remember. They seemed comfortable together, but something about it made me uneasy. 

The woman noticed me and looked surprised, like she recognized me. I couldn’t place her face or name, which left me feeling confused. Was she a friend or someone from my past? 

I stayed by the door, watching them talk, feeling unsure about the situation. It felt like there was something hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered. 

Their conversation seemed to taper off quickly once they noticed me, as if they were trying to avoid being caught in the act. It left me with a sense of unease, like there was something they didn’t want me to know. 

The woman hurriedly left, leaving me standing there with more questions than answers. I turned to Grant for an explanation. “Who was that?” I asked curiously. 


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Chapter 86 

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“Just a friend,” he replied tersely, his expression guarded. His response was cryptic and evasive. 

Confusion knotted my stomach as I tried to make sense of his words. Something didn’t feel right about the situationbut before I could voice my concerns, Grant was already ushering me back inside. 

“Pack your bag. We need to leave,” he instructed, his tone urgent. 

The urgency in his voice only served to heighten my sense of unease. “What’s going on?” I pressed, desperation, creeping into my voice. 

But Grant remained tight–lipped, his expression unreadable, as he prepared for our sudden departure. 

“Grant, talk to me. What’s happening?” I insisted. 

“Shut up, and pack your bag!” 


Grant’s sudden outburst caught me off guard, sending a jolt of fear coursing through me. His words were like a slap in the face, cutting through the air with an intensity that left me reeling. 

I stood there, frozen in place, as the weight of his anger bore down on me. Never before had he raised his voice at me in such a manner, and I found myself at a loss for how to respond. 

Trembling, I took a tentative step backward, my eyes wide with shock and confusion. “Grant, please,” I pleaded, my voice trembling with uncertainty. “I don’t understand. Why are you shouting?” 

But Grant’s expression remained stony and impassive, his features hardened by a resolve that sent shivers down my spine. “There’s no time for questions,” he snapped, his voice clipped and cold. “Just do as I say and pack your bag. We need to leave now.” 

His words lingered in the room, making everything feel heavy and dark. I couldn’t understand why he was so upset all of a sudden. And why did he want us to leave right away? 

Feeling uneasy, I started packing my things as he commanded. But inside, my mind was racing with worry. Why was this happening? What had I missed? And what does that woman have to do with all of these? 

With little time to spare, I hastily gathered a few essentials as Grant hurried me out of the house. His urgency was palpable as he practically dragged me towards a small boat docked just behind our temporary residence. 

Without a moment’s hesitation, we embarked, the engine roaring to life as we set sail. The destination remained 



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a mystery to me, adding to the sense of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. 

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As we sailed along, I glanced towards the horizon and saw several boats heading towards the island we’d just left. It made me uneasy, wondering why they were coming and if it had anything to do with us leaving so suddenly. 

I looked over at Grantbut he seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze fixed on the ocean ahead. Despite the questions swirling in my mind, I decided to remain silent. 


As the island gradually faded from view, I tried to reassure myself that the approaching boats had nothing to do with us. 



Chapter 87
063% 12.21
Present day…
I just went to the town proper yesterday to pick up a few supplies. It’s been months since the incident, yet my memories haven’t come back. I’m just glad that Grant has been patient with me throughout the time I don’t remember anything.
Despite him claiming to be my husband, he hasn’t tried anything with me. Though he sometimes makes advances, which I quickly reject, he doesn’t take them against me. I would eventually apologize for rejecting him, and he would tell me that he understood.
No matter how hard I try to be affectionate with Grant, hoping it might jog my memory, I still can’t connect with him emotionally. Despite his insistence that he’s my husband, he feels like a stranger to me.
Moving to this island just six months ago means we don’t have many photos together from here. But beyond his words, there’s no solid evidence supporting his claim. He has a lot of reasons whenever I ask for our pictures, as if he is trying to avoid it. But he was convincing. I have my doubts, but I can’t find any solid reasons to suspect
I was engrossed in tending to the garden when I noticed Steve hurrying towards our house, his breath coming in short gasps as he approached. “Is everything all right, Steve? You seem out of breath,” I inquired, curiosity piqued by his urgency.
“Do you happen to know this guy?” he asked, still catching his breath while showing a photo from his phone.
Steve’s question caught me off guard, and I couldn’t suppress the sudden rush of unease that washed over me. I took the phone from him, studying the photo closely. The man in the picture was a stranger to me, yet there was something oddly familiar about him-a nagging sensation that tugged at the edges of my memory.
“I don’t recognize him,” I stammered, struggling to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within me. I had no idea who this man was, but there’s something about him that feels familiar. It was as if I already knew him.
Steve regarded me with concern, his brow furrowing in thought. “Well, if you don’t know him, then I’m glad that I didn’t say anything,” he remarked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
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Chapter 87
“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.
“Well, he has been wondering around town, asking about you,” he answered.
“How did you know that he was looking for me?”
“He was holding a picture of you. Though the woman in the photo that he was holding has long blonde hair while yours is bob-cut brunette, the woman looks exactly like you,” he explained.
Steve’s words sent a shiver down my spine, the mention of a stranger holding a photo of me sending alarm bells ringing in my mind. Despite the discrepancies between the woman in the picture and myself, the resemblance was uncanny, leaving me with an uneasy feeling that refused to be ignored.
“Did he say anything else?” I pressed, my curiosity reaching a fever pitch as I sought answers to the myriad questions swirling in my mind.
Steve shook his head, his expression grave. “Not much. But Grant mentioned something about threats to your life, so I thought it best to come and warn you both,” he explained, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Grant’s whereabouts.
But before he could go any further, I held up a hand to stop him. “Wait,” I interjected, a surge of determination coursing through me. If there were indeed threats looming over me, I needed to face them head-on, on my own terms. “Let me talk to him. He’s occupied at the moment. Thank you for telling me, Steve. I appreciate it.”
Steve nodded understandingly, his concern evident in his gaze. “No worries, Dylan. Just take care of yourself and Grant,” he replied before turning to leave.
As Steve’s figure faded into the distance, leaving me alone with my thoughts, a sense of urgency swept over me like a tidal wave. The man he had mentioned, the one holding a photo of me, seemed to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of my past. Every fiber of my being screamed for answers, urging me to seek out this mysterious stranger and demand the truth.
But as I grappled with the weight of Steve’s revelation, another unsettling thought gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Why did I feel compelled to keep this information from Grant? Was it simply a desire to handle the situation on my own terms, or was there something more sinister lurking beneath the surface?
Despite the love and patience Grant had shown me since the accident, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there were hidden truths he had yet to reveal. His explanations always seemed to skirt around the edges of the truth, leaving me with more questions than answers.
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Chapter 87
D63% 12:21
With a heavy heart, I realized that I couldn’t trust anyone but myself in this quest for answers. If I wanted to uncover the secrets of my past, I would have to do this treacherous path alone, trusting only in my own instincts to guide me.
As I turned to head back inside the house, a sudden movement caught my eye, and I spun around to find Grant standing behind me. His presence startled me, as I hadn’t heard him approach.
“What’s wrong? You look pale,” he observed, his brow furrowed with concern. I swallowed hard, scrambling for
an excuse.
“N-Nothing. It’s probably just the heat from the sun.” I stammered out, hoping my lie sounded convincing.
“Oh, okay,” he responded, though I could sense a hint of skepticism in his voice.
I breathed a silent sigh of relief when he didn’t press further.
“Was that Steve? What was he doing here?” Grant inquired, curiosity evident in his tone.
My heart skipped a beat as I scrambled to fabricate a plausible explanation. “He was just telling me that there’s a new shipment of supplies that arrived. He’s wondering if I want to check it out when I visit the town,” I improvised, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach.
I held my breath as Grant scrutinized me with a suspicious gaze. Every fiber of my being screamed with the effort of appearing calm and composed, desperate to conceal the tangled web of lies that threatened to unravel at any moment. But despite my best efforts, I couldn’t shake the overwhelming sense of fear that gripped me in his
It was a strange and unsettling feeling to stand before him as he studied me with such intensity. In that moment, he seemed more like a stranger than the husband he claimed to be. Doubt crept into my mind like a shadow, casting uncertainty over everything I thought I
Was he truly my husband, as he insisted? Or was there something more
was there something more sinister
sinister lurking beneath the surface of his seemingly benign facade? The questions swirled in my mind, each one more troubling than the last, as I struggled to make sense of the enigma that was Grant.
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally
swered. ”
You won’t be back in town until next week. He doesn’t need the trouble of visiting just to inform you of that,” he a cold
His words cut through the air like a knife, their cold aid with e
s sending a shiver down my spine. I could feel the weight
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@ 63% 12:21
Chapter 87
of his suspicion bearing down on me, each syllable laden with a sense of unease that I couldn’t shake.
As his words sank in, a realization dawned upon me like a bolt of lightning. It suddenly made sense why he had always b
ant about keeping me away from the town and why he never allowed me to venture there alone. There was something he was hiding-something he didn’t want me to
The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, painting a picture of deception and secrecy that chilled me to the core. Was he truly my husband, or was he something more sinister? And what secrets lay hidden behind the facade of our idyllic island life?
s burned within me with an intensity unlike
In that moment, the desperation to reclaim my lost memories burned within me with an intensity unlike anything I had ever felt before. I longed to peel back the layers of deceit and uncover the truth that lay buried beneath the surface, no matter the cost. For until I knew the truth, I would forever be trapped in a web of lies, held captive by the mysteries of my own mind.
heavy sigh, I conceded and chose to play along with his charade. The less he suspects that I’m harboring doubts, the greater my opportunities to uncover the truth will be.
“Yeah, you’re right. He probably has some deliveries on the nearby island, so he decided to drop by. But can we still check it? I was going to check out some new plants for my garden,” I said.
Grant’s expression softened slightly, his suspicion seemingly placated by my explanation. “Sure, we can check it out together,” he replied, though his tone still carried a hint of guardedness. “Why don’t we get inside for now? It’s getting dark already.”
I smiled in response before looking back at the vast ocean behind us as if the answers that I was looking for were there. I let out a loud sigh before following Grant inside the house.

Chapter 88 





I couldn’t shake the feeling that the boy knew something important. He acted like he recognized the person in the photo but didn’t want to say anything. I wondered why he was keeping secrets from me. 

I decided to follow him, hoping he’d tell me more. But no matter how hard I tried, I lost sight of him in 

the busy streets. 

I slumped my shoulder in defeat. But I have no plan to give up. Especially now that there’s hope of finding Blaire here. I had a feeling that I’d be close to finding her. I wasn’t planning on leaving until I found out the truth. 



I tried to find a hotel nearby where I could settle for the night while waiting for reinforcement. 



As I trudged along the dimly lit streets, a sense of determination burned within me, refusing to be extinguished by the weight of uncertainty. “I won’t give up,” I muttered to myself, the words echoing in 



the stillness of the night. 



Just then, a voice broke through my reverie, startling me out of my thoughts. “Hey, you lost, buddy?” A gruff voice called out from the shadows. 



I turned to see a burly man leaning against the wall of a nearby building, his features obscured by the 






“Not lost, just looking for a place to stay for the night,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the unease that prickled at the back of my neck. 



The man nodded, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Well, you’re in luck. There’s a motel down the road, just a few blocks away. Not the fanciest place, but it’ll do in a pinch.” 





“Thanks; I’ll check it out,” I said, grateful for the tip. 



With a nod of thanks, I turned and continued on my way, the promise of a warm bed and roof over my head spurring me forward. 



Emergency calls only 

Chapter 88 

078% 11:20 

As I reached the motel, I pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside, the musty smell of old carpet and stale air washing over me. 

“Good evening, sir. How can I help you?” The receptionist asked, her voice polite but tinged with weariness. 


“I’d like a room for the night, please,” I replied, flashing her a tired smile. 

“Certainly, sir. Just sign in here, and I’ll get you sorted,” she said, sliding a weathered ledger across the 


After completing the necessary paperwork followed the receptionist down a dimly lit corridor, my 

footsteps echoing softly against the worn linoleum floor. She stopped at a non–descript door and handed 

me a key. 

“Room 203. Enjoy your stay,” she said with a forced smile before disappearing back into the shadows. 

I entered the room and closed the door behind me, the weight of exhaustion settling over me like a heavy blanket. Collapsing onto the bed, I allowed myself a moment of respite, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new revelations in my quest to uncover the truth. 


The room wasn’t anything like the fancy hotels I used to frequent during business trips. It was clean and all, but it lacked the comfort and luxury I was used to. Despite the cheap price, I just couldn’t settle down. 

Instead of sleeping, I found myself staring at the ceiling, lost in thoughts that seemed to spiral endlessly. My mind kept wandering back to simpler times, when things weren’t so complicated. 

You mean when Blaire was still crazy about you? The little voice inside my head piped up, cutting through the silence with its blunt truth. 



I let out a heavy sigh, conceding that the voice had a point. I used to take advantage of Blaire’s devotion, knowing she’d always be there, waiting for me no matter what. But now, everything felt different. 

Hoping to clear my mind, I figured a few drinks might help me doze off. Spotting a bar nearby, I headed over there. It was dimly lit and cozy–the perfect place to drown my thoughts in a glass or two. 


Emergency calls only u 

Chapter 88 

078% 11:20 


As I walked in, the sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, providing a welcome distraction from my racing mind. I found a seat at the counter and ordered a drink, hoping it would ease the turmoil within 

  1. me. 

“One glass of bourbon, please,” I ordered. 

The bartender, a burly man with a friendly grin, slid the drink over to me. “That would be five dollars,” 

he said with a nod. 

“Thanks,” I muttered, taking a sip and relishing the burn as it slid down my throat. 

“You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders,” the bartender remarked, wiping 

down the counter. 

“You could say that,” I replied, offering a half–hearted smile. “Just trying to clear my head, you know?” 

He nodded sympathetically. “Well, you’re in the right place for it. Folks come here to escape their 

troubles all the time.” 

chuckled softly, the tension in my shoulders easing ever so slightly. “Guess I’m not the only one then.” 

The bartender gave me a knowing look. “We all have our demons, friend. The trick is learning how to 

live with ‘em.” 

I nodded in agreement, taking another sip of my drink. 

I wasn’t even down to my first glass when I suddenly felt something as if someone had been lurking in the shadows and was watching my every move. The feeling of being watched lingered–a prickling sensation at the back of my neck that refused to dissipate. Despite my efforts to dismiss it, a sense of 

unease settled over me like a heavy blanket. 

As I took another sip of my drink, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. The usual chatter of the bar seemed to fade into the background, replaced by an eerie silence that made my skin crawl. 

I glanced around the dimly lit room, searching for any sign of the mysterious presence that seemed to haunt me. But aside from the usual patrons lost in their own conversations, there was nothing out of the ordinary. 


Brushing it off as paranoia, I forced myself to relax, determined not to let my imagination get the best of me. But deep down, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched and that, whoever it was, they 

were waiting, biding their time in the shadows. 

Once I’m done with my second glass, I decide to go back to my room as I planned. I haven’t had that much to drink, so I’m still fine walking to my room. The night is already deep, and the street was only lighted by a few street lights. And as soon as I reached the dark alley, I felt a hard thing hit my head. The 

next thing I knew, everything went blank. 

After finishing my second glass, I resolved to return to my room as intended. The alcohol hadn’t dulled my senses too much, so I felt confident walking the streets alone. The night had grown late, and only a handful of streetlights lit the path. 

As I passed through a dark alley, a sudden blow struck the back of my head with force. Pain exploded through my skull, and then darkness swallowed me whole. My consciousness slipped away, leaving me at the mercy of the unknown assailant lurking in the shadows. 



Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 84

Chapter 84
I’ve been pacing back and forth inside Atlas’ office. It’s been five days since the explosion, yet we still don’t have any idea about Blair’s whereabouts. We’ve been searching the area for quite some time now, but somehow all we find is the wreckage of the helicopter. There were no signs of Blaire or anyone on it.
“Did you find her?” I immediately asked upon Atlas entering his office.
Based on the look on his face, it seems like there’s still no good news.
“We found a body,” Atlas answered.
Body. The word resonates throughout my being. That sounds like he was referring to someone alive.
“Stop with the suspense, Atlas. Tell me everything,” I confronted him.
“It looks like one of Catherine’s men. I’m sorry, but we still don’t have any news about Blaire. We’re scouting every island in the area, hoping that Blaire has been washed away in that direction. Unfortunately, we have no luck.”
“It’s been five days, Atlas! How incompetent are you?”
“Sebastian, I understand where you are coming from. Believe me when I say that we’re doing everything we can. The ocean was unpredictable. We’re fighting against not just time but nature as
“Stop giving me excuses and find Blaire. I don’t care if you’re fighting against G od himself. All I want is for you to find Blaire.” I yelled. Frustration was engulfing my whole system. It kills me inside that I can’t do anything but wait. “Where’s your man?” I’ll go with them. If I have to scout the whole ocean floor by myself just to find her, I will.”
“No, you’re not going anywhere! Stop making st upid decisions, Sebastian. Remember that there’s still someone who’s counting on you. There’s a possibility that we might not find his mother. Don’t let him lose his father too.”
His words have taken me aback. I almost forgot that I still have a son in the hospital who counts on me. He needs me now more than ever. I took a deep breath to calm myself down so I wouldn’t act recklessly.
I let out a loud sigh. “What’s your next plan?” I asked.
“We will continue to search the whole area until we find traces of Blaire.”
– Mina M M BBBBB
Chapter 84
71% 11:39
“It’s a good thing that we haven’t found her body, right? That means there’s a bigger chance that she might still be alive,” I said.
Atlas stayed silent for a minute. I can sense that he didn’t want to get my hopes high. After an agonizing silence, he speaks. “That or the possibility that we won’t be able to retrieve any traces of her. If she didn’t die from drowning, we can’t deny the fact that there are a lot of natural predators in the ocean. Who knows if her body has been eaten by wildlife such as sharks?” Atlas suggested.
“No, I firmly believe she’s still alive. I can feel it. I won’t stop until I know for sure that she’s dead. Until then, I’m going to believe that we will find her sooner rather than later.”
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of Blaire. The relentless search efforts continued, each passing moment adding to the weight of uncertainty that hung over us like a dark cloud. Despite our best efforts, the vast expanse of the ocean seemed determined to keep Blaire away from me.
As time passed, our initial rush of activity slowed down, and we came to accept the grim reality of our situation. Hope faded away, replaced by a heavy feeling of despair that hung over our Atlas’
I felt restless, always thinking there must be something more I could do to find Blaire. Night after night, I pored over maps and charts, searching for any clue that could lead us to her. But each lead turned out to be a dead end, leaving me frustrated and helpless.
Despite my efforts to stay strong, the uncertainty started to wear me down. I couldn’t sleep, haunted by visions of Blaire lost at sea, her voice echoing in my mind, calling out for help.
But then a glimmer of hope appeared. A fisherman reported that they found a woman a few weeks ago, sparking new interest in the search. They’ve been living on an isolated island; that’s why it took some time before they managed to report it.
“Let’s go. I’d like to see it for myself.” I’m not wasting any more time inside this office. If it is indeed Blaire, then I want to see her as soon as possible.
As we approached the island, my heart was filled with anticipation, hoping against hope that the woman the fisherman had found would be Blaire. But as we drew closer and I caught sight of the figure on the shore, my hopes were dashed in an instant. Instead of Blaite, we saw Catherine standing on the shore with obvious burns that marred her skin, evidence of the explosion that had torn through the helicopter.
I stepped onto the shore, my eyes locked with Catherine’s, as a flurry of emotions swirled within me: anger, frustration; and a lingering sense of betrayal.
“What are you doing here?” I demanded, my voice tinged with bitterness.
Catherine’s expression remained impassive as she looked at me. “Surviving,” she replied simply.
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Chapter 84
I clenched my fists at my sides, struggling to contain the surge of anger that threatened to overwhelm me. “You have a lot of nerve showing your face here,” I spat.
Catherine’s lips curled into a mocking smile. “I could say the same to you,” she retorted.
I took a step closer, my frustration boiling over. “You nearly killed Blaire and my son. You destroyed our lives!”
Catherine’s gaze remained steady, unfazed by my outburst. “And yet, here I am, still standing,” she replied co olly.
I shook my head in disbelief, unable to comprehend how someone could be so callous and so devoid of remorse for the pain and suffering they had caused.
“But not for long. I’ll make sure you’re going to pay for every pain you cause my family. And do pray that we find Blaire alive; otherwise, you’re going to pay it with your life and those who helped you!” I threatened; my eyes were burning in rage.
Catherine’s smirk only widened at my threat, her confidence unshaken despite my anger. “You can try,” she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. “But I’ve survived worse than you, Sebastian. And as for Blaire, well, let’s just say she’s not as lucky as I am.”
Her words struck a nerve, sending a chill down my spine. “Where is she?” I demanded, my voice laced with a mixture of fear and fury.
Catherine’s expression remained inscrutable as she shrugged casually. “Oh, I have no idea. But have you considered the fact that she might have become food for the sharks?” She replied cryptically.
I clenched my fists at my sides, struggling to maintain control over my emotions. “Do pray that we find Blaire safe and sound; if not…”
“You’ll what?” Catherine interrupted, her tone mocking. “Kill me? Good luck with that, Sebastian. You’re going to need it.”
I took a step closer to her, my fury bubbling dangerously close to the surface. “You think you’re untouchable, don’t you?” I seethed. “Well, let me tell you something: no one is above the law. And I will make sure you pay for your crimes, one way or another.”
Catherine’s laughter echoed in the air, grating on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. “I’m counting on it, Sebastian. But I don’t think putting me in jail will bring your precious Blaire back. She’s gone. The sooner you accept, the better.”
“I’m not taking any advice from you. However, I’m going to make your life miserable as you did with mine.”
Catherine’s smirk only widened at my threat, a glint of defiance flashing in her eyes. “Empty threats won’t save your precious Blaire,” she taunted, her tone dripping with venom.
Chapter 84

71% 11:39
I clenched my fists at my sides, fighting to keep my anger in check. “We’ll see about that,” I growled, turning away from her before I did something I might regret. “Cuff her. Make sure she’s not going anywhere but jail.”
As we made our way back to the boat, my mind raced with thoughts of vengeance and justice.
Back on the boat, the atmosphere was heavy with tension as we sailed away from the island. Atlas approached me, his expression grave. “We’ll find her, Sebastian. We won’t stop until we do,” he reassured me.
I nodded, grateful for his support, but the weight of uncertainty still hung heavy in my heart. Blaire’s fate remained unknown, and until we found her, our ordeal was far from over.
As we sailed back to the mainland, I couldn’t shake the feeling that our journey was far from over. The road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but I refused to let fear or doubt hold me back.
For Blaire and for our son, I would stop at nothing to bring her home. And as the sun dipped below the h orizon, casting a golden glow over the vast expanse of the ocean, I silently vowed to never give
up hope, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 83

Chapter 83
As Catherine barked orders at her men to accelerate the boat, I felt a surge of hope flood my heart at the sight of Sebastian drawing near. Turning to Blaze, I could see the strain etched on his face; his urgent need for medical attention was undeniable. Time was of the essence, and I knew I had to act swiftly.
“Catherine, please, you have to let Blaze go,” I implored, knowing that reasoning with her might be our only chance. With Sebastian closing in, I realized that Catherine might surrender herself without a fight, but Blaze couldn’t afford to wait any longer. I had to try anything to ensure his safety.
But Catherine’s response was swift and merciless. “Shut up! I’ll kill you both before I let you go!” She spat, her gun trained on Blaze.
Instinctively, I positioned my,body to shield Blaze, ready to take the brunt of any harm that might come his way. “If you do that, you’ll lose all your leverage. There’s no way out for you,” I countered, hoping to appeal to her senses.
I could see my words resonating with her, planting seeds of doubt in her mind. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was still a chance to reason with her, to convince her to spare Blaze and allow him to go with Sebastian.
“N-No, no. I will not let you both get out here alive!” she insisted.
“Look around you, Catherine. Unless you want to die with us here, this is your only option. Release Blaze and use me as your hostage. You only need one to get out of here unscratched.”
“Why should I listen to you? How about this? Maybe I should just kill you now and take Blaze as my leverage,” she smirked.
“Can’t you see, Catherine? Blaze doesn’t have much time. If he doesn’t get the medical attention he needs, he could die at any moment. That leaves you nothing. I’m your best chance, Catherine. I’m begging you, let my son go.”
As Catherine’s eyes blazed with determination, she yelled, “Then, let’s all die here together!” Her voice rang out loud over the noise of the engine and the splashing waves.
In that moment, it was clear she was set on her decision, her hold on the gun firm as she readied herself for a final stand. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I realized talking her down wasn’t working, and the situation was turning dangerous.
But I wasn’t giving up. With Blaze’s life on the line, I knew I had to figure out a way to outsmart Catherine and keep my son safe. I need to try everything to convince her otherwise.
SSM turia M M G GGG B
Chapter 83
71% 11:39
“Then all of these go for nothing. If we die, Sebastian will just move on with his life and probably find a new wife,” I said. She’s obsessed with Sebastian. I’m sure she will not allow that to happen.
That’s what I needed-to give her the will to live so she would consider my
She looked over her shoulder and noticed Sebastian’s team was only a few meters away. She was breathing heavily as she assessed her current situation. It took her a few minutes before she finally decided what to do next.
“Get up!” she ordered me before pointing the gun over my head.
“Allow Blaze to go with Sebastian as soon as possible. He really needs to go to the hospital,” I pleaded once more.
“I said, Shut up! I’ll decide when I’m going to allow him to leave!” She was startled when Sebastian. finally got on the boat. She was shifting the gun between me and Sebastian.
“Let them go, Catherine. It’s me you want, right? Take me. We’ll go wherever you want, just the two of us,” Sebastian said, trying to convince Catherine.
It doesn’t matter which options she chooses; what’s important is that Blaze can get the medical care he needs. My heart was thumping as I waited for Catherine’s decision. Every second counts, and we’re already running out of time.
“Please, Catherine. Let my son go.” I begged her once more.
“Shut up! Shut up!” she yelled hysterically as she waved the gun in front of me. She then turned to Sebastian, whose face was filled with fear and worry. “Do you think I’m stu pid, Sebastian? Do you honestly believe that you can convince me that you’re going to choose me over this b! tch?”
“I will, Catherine. I am choosing you right now. Let them go. We can go far away from here,” Sebastian said, still trying to convince her.
With a sneer, she said, “You’ll never choose me, Sebastian. The night I walked away, I knew I’d lost you for good. I came back hoping to reclaim your heart, but when I saw the way you looked at my sister, I knew Blaire had already won you over. Your feelings for me were nothing but guilt and regret. Even when Blaire was gone and you married me, she was always on your mind. You’d leap at any chance to be with her!”
Tears started to roll down her cheeks. At the moment, my heart swelled with compassion for her. She was also a victim of circumstances. But it doesn’t justify all the crimes that she committed today.
“So forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you’re going to throw your family away and choose to be with me.” Pain was evident in her voice. She then grabbed me and wrapped her arm around my neck as she pointed the gun over my head. “One wrong move, and I’m going to blow her head off,” she warned.
71% 11:39
Chapter 83
“Blaire…” Sebastian uttered my name..
Tears streamed down my cheeks as Sebastian uttered my name. “Sebastian, please listen to everything she’s saying. I don’t care what happens to me as long as you promise to take care of Blaze,” I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion.
“No, Blaire. I’m going to save both of you!” he insisted, his determination unwavering.
“Stop being stubborn, Sebastian! Just for once, use your brain and save our son!” I cried out, desperation lacing my words.
“Please, Blaire. Don’t let me do this,” he pleaded.
“This is our only chance,” I replied.
“How touching,” Catherine said mockingly. “Can we now move on to the exciting part?” She nodded to one of her men as a signal. He then immediately grabbed something from a box.
My eyes widened in horror when I realized what it was. I started to panic when the man started putting the jacket wrapped in bombs on Blaze.
“No, no, no!” I objected.
“It’s supposed to be yours, my dear sister. But I wasn’t going to find your love child when I went to your house. So, pardon me if I didn’t manage to bring an extra,” she said sarcastically.
“Put it on me, not on my son!” I shouted.
“Don’t worry, I’ll hand control over to Sebastian once I’m sure I’m safe,” she said, turning towards Sebastian. “Now, can we discuss my demands?”
“Anything you want, Catherine. I’m all ears,” Sebastian replied.
“Tell all your men to back off,” she ordered.
Sebastian hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. My heart raced as I watched him, knowing he was facing an impossible choice. Then he took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for what lay ahead, and reached for the two-way radio at his side.
“Officer, order all our men to retreat,” he commanded.
“But, sir, we can’t do that. Your family’s safety is our top priority,” the voice on the other end protested.
“Just do as I say! No questions!” Sebastian’s voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.
“Sir, please reconsider. We have a plan,” the voice persisted.
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Chapter 83
71% 11:39
“I don’t care about your plan. I won’t risk my family’s safety. Now, follow my orders and get all our men out of there!”
As Sebastian relayed Catherine’s demands to his team, I watched with a mixture of anxiety and desperation. Every passing second felt like an eternity as I waited for their response, knowing that the fate of my son and me hung in the balance.
The tension in the air was palpable as the radio crack led to life with the voices of Sebastian’s men. They were torn between their duty to protect us and their orders to comply with Sebastian’s commands. I could hear the uncertainty and hesitation in their voices as they debated the best course of action.
But Sebastian was resolute, his determination unwavering, as he stood firm in his decision to prioritize our safety above all else. His words were like a lifeline, instilling a glimmer of hope within me even as the situation grew increasingly dire.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the radio fell silent, signaling the men’s compliance with Sebastian’s orders. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave as I realized that we were one step closer to freedom.
“Wait, leave the chopper. That’s the one we’ll need,” Catherine interjected.
“Leave the chopper,” Sebastian repeated over the radio. “I did everything you asked for; now give me my son.”
“Not too fast, Romeo. I need to make sure that I’ll be leaving here safe before I give you anything,” Catherine answered.
“Blaze doesn’t have much time. Let him go, Catherine!” I insisted.
“I’m not talking to you!” she responded, pressing the gun harder against my temple. “Bring down the helicopter here!” She ordered Sebastian.
We waited until everyone was gone. It took awhile, but once the other boats chasing us were nowhere to be seen, Catherine signaled Sebastian to have the helicopter draw closer to us.
As the helicopter descended towards us, its rotor blades slicing through the air with a deafening roar, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Catherine urged me forward, a sinister smirk playing on her lips as she motioned for me to board the aircraft. With each step closer to the waiting chopper, my heart pounded louder in my chest, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a leaden blanket. As I settled into the seat, I watched in horror as she tossed the remote to Sebastian.
Panic surged within me, my mind racing with fear that the remote might trigger the bomb attached to my son. Every fiber of my being screamed for Sebastian to be careful and to handle the situation with the utmost caution. My hands clenched into fists, my knuckles white with tension, as I waited for his next move.
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Chapter 83
I felt relieved when I saw that Sebastian successfully caught the remote, preventing it from triggering the bomb.
“What a sight,” she commented sarcastically with an evil smirk playing on her lips.
I glanced out the window one last time, my gaze lingering on my son as Sebastian worked to remove the bomb from Blaze’s body. Relief washed over me as I watched them from above, grateful that my son would finally be safe.
As our eyes met, I sensed the conflict in Sebastian’s expression. He was torn between saving me and prioritizing my son, a weighty decision that weighed heavily on his shoulders. Despite the uncertainty, I trusted him to make the right choice.
As the image of their boat faded into the distance, a mixture of emotions flooded my heart. Relief flooded through me, knowing that my son was out of harm’s way. Yet fear lingered, uncertainty clouding my thoughts as I contemplated the future now that I was no longer useful to Catherine.
“What now, Catherine?” I asked her, pretending to be brave in front of her.
Catherine’s lips curled into a sinister smile as she turned her gaze towards me, her eyes gleaming with malice. “Now, my dear Blaire, the real fun begins,” she replied, her voice dripping with
Despite her threats, I refused to show any sign of fear. “You’ll never break me, Catherine,” I retorted defiantly. “I’ll fight you every step of the way, for as long as it takes.”
Her laughter echoed through the helicopter, sending shivers down my spine. “We shall see, Blaire.
We shall see.”
As I scanned the interior of the helicopter, my mind raced with possibilities. Every corner seemed to hold a potential opportunity for escape, but with Catherine’s men watching my every move, any attempt at rebellion would have to be carefully calculated.
My gaze drifted towards the open door of the helicopter and the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out below. The idea of jumping into those treacherous waters filled me with apprehension, but it also offered a slim chance of freedom.
Could I survive the fall? Would I be able to swim to safety before Catherine’s men could catch me? The questions swirled in my mind, each one more daunting than the last.
“At least I need to try,” I murmured to myself.
But as I weighed my options, one thing became clear: I couldn’t afford to stay captive any longer. If I wanted to have any hope of escaping Catherine’s clutches, I would have to take a leap of faith and trust in my own instincts.
As everything went crazy inside the helicopter, my heart raced with fear and urgency. I managed to
Chapter 83
get my hands free and grabbed the gun from Catherine, and we struggled hard.
“What the hell are you doing?” Catherine was caught by surprise. “You want us all to die!”
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Suddenly, the gun went off with a loud noise, making the helicopter shake. We started to drop fast, the noise of the helicopter blades drowned out by the loud wind. I felt sick with fear as we headed towards a crash landing, not knowing what would happen next.
The next bullet grazed my temple, close enough to send a sharp pain throughout my whole body. I tried my best not to lose consciousness. But everything went fast. The next thing I knew, I was falling from the helicopter, the wind rushing past me as I tumbled towards the ocean below.
With a thud, I hit the water, the impact knocking the wind out of me. I struggled to stay afloat in the swirling waves, tossed around by the powerful currents. Despite the chaos, I felt strangely calm, letting the ocean carry me wherever it wanted to go.
Struggling to stay conscious, I watched the helicopter above me wave in the air, its movements growing increasingly erratic. It spun wildly, unable to maintain its balance against the force of the wind and the weight of its damaged parts. With a deafening roar, the helicopter exploded, sending shards of debris hurtling through the air.
As I fought to stay afloat amidst the chaos, I felt a surge of relief wash over me as I managed to grab hold of a piece of wreckage. Clinging to it with all the strength I could muster, I clung on for dear life as the world around me blurred and faded.
“I can’t die here. I still need to see my son,” I whispered to myself.
The last thing I remembered before succumbing to unconsciousness was the sound of the crashing waves and the distant cries of seagulls overhead. Then, darkness enveloped me, swallowing me whole as I slipped into oblivion.


Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 82

Chapter 82
Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with Catherine, my voice trembling with desperation. “Please, Catherine, I’m begging you. Let go of my son. Do whatever you want with me; just leave my son alone. He’s innocent. He has nothing to do with any of this.”
My heart clenched painfully as I continued, and my words choked with emotion. “If you want to kill me, go ahead. I’m more than willing to accept my fate. But my son-he’s still young. Please…” My voice cracked as I watched helplessly, my son’s hands bound behind his back beside me and his innocent eyes filled with fear and confusion.
“You still don’t get it, do you?” She sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. “None of you will ever leave this boat alive.”
As Catherine’s menacing words echoed through the cabin of the speedboat, a heavy silence fell upon us, broken only by the rhythmic thrum of the engines and the distant sound of waves crashing against the hull. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, each heartbeat echoing the ominous finality of Catherine’s threat.
Despite the fear gnawing inside me, I refused to let despair consume me. Clenching my fists, I summoned every ounce of courage I could muster, determined to find a way out of this nightmare and save my son from whatever fate Catherine had in store for us.
“Please, Catherine,” I implored, my voice trembling with a mixture of desperation and defiance. “I’ll do anything you ask, but please spare my son. He’s done nothing to deserve this.” I pleaded once again. I may sound like a broken record, but I won’t stop begging her if it’s my only way to save my son.
Catherine’s lips curled into a cruel smile, her eyes gleaming with malice as she regarded me with disdain. “Oh, how touching,” she sneered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “But it’s too late for bargaining now. You should have thought about the consequences before you decided to show yourself again with your ba st ard son.”
Her words hit me hard, but I refused to lose hope, even though things looked really tough. I believed there was still a chance to save Blaze, somehow outsmart Catherine, and make it out of this nightmare alive.
As the boat raced over the dark waters, I urgently scoured the cabin for an escape route. Yet, the confined space left me feeling trapped and helpless. Even if we
11:22 Sat, 16 Mar
Chapter 82
could break free from these ropes, returning to shore without seizing control of the yacht seemed impossible, especially with armed guards patrolling the vessel.
I knew I couldn’t afford to act recklessly. Every move had to be carefully calculated if we were to have any hope of surviving this situation.
With my mind racing, I weighed our options carefully. We needed a plan and a strategy to outmaneuver our captors and secure our freedom.
Gathering my resolve, I turned to Blaze, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. “Stay calm, sweetheart,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over the roar of the engines. “We’ll find a way out of this.”
“Mommy, I’m scared,” he said weakly. He was catching his breath, and he’s starting to look pale.
I reached out to comfort Blaze. I extend my arm and put my arms over his head so I can wrap him around my arms despite my hands being tied. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I murmured, my voice filled with reassurance. “I’m here with you, and I won’t let anything happen to you.”
But inwardly, my heart clenched with worry. Seeing Blaze’s pallor and hearing the fear in his voice only strengthened my resolve to find a way out of this perilous situation. Time was running out, and I couldn’t afford to waste a single moment.
“We’ll get through this together,” I promised, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at my insides.
“Aww, that is so sweet.” Catherine’s tone dripped with sarcasm as she approached
her steps deliberate and menacing. With a cruel smirk, she reached out and grasped Blaze’s delicate cheeks in her hand, her grip tight and intimidating. “You look exactly like your mother. But your eyes-you have Sebastian’s eyes, which makes me despise you even more,” she said.
“I said, don’t touch my son!” I shouted, attempting to pry her hand away from Blaze’s face. But my defiance was met with a vicious blow to my own cheek, sending a sharp pang of pain shooting through my face. I tasted the metallic ta ng of blood in my mouth as I recoiled from the impact.
“You don’t get to give orders here!” she spat, her voice dripping with venomous
Despite the searing pain in my cheek and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, I refused to let Catherine’s assault deter me. With a surge of determination, I gathered my strength and pushed myself back up, my focus unwavering on
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protecting my son.
“Leave him alone!” I demanded, my voice quivering with a mixture of fear and anger.
Catherine’s laughter cut through the air like a knife, sending shivers down my spine. “You really are as pathetic as they say,” she sneered, her grip on Blaze tightening.
I lunged forward, desperation fueling my actions as I attempted to wrestle Blaze free from her grasp. But Catherine was far stronger than I had anticipated, her hold unyielding as she effortlessly fended off my attempts to rescue my son.
“Stop struggling, Blaire,” she hissed, her voice low and menacing. “It’ll be much easier for everyone if you just accept your fate.”
But I refused to surrender; my resolve was hardened by the thought of losing my son to this cruel and heartless woman. With every ounce of strength I could muster, I fought on, determined to protect Blaze at all costs.
Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the cabin, drawing Catherine’s attention away from me for a split second. It was all the distraction I needed. Gathering my strength, I launched myself at her once more, my hands clawing desperately at her grip on Blaze.
In a moment of pure adrenaline-fueled determination, I managed to break free from Catherine’s grasp, pulling Blaze into my arms and holding him tightly against me. But our victory was short-lived as Catherine lunged forward, her eyes blazing with fury.
With no other options left, I braced myself for the inevitable confrontation, determined to do whatever it took to protect my son from harm. The battle for our survival had only just begun, and I knew that the stakes had never been higher.
As Catherine’s hand closed around my throat, cutting off my air supply, I felt a surge of panic coursing through me. Gasping for breath, I fought to break free from her grasp, my vision swimming with black spots as the world spun around
In a desperate bid for freedom, I twisted and turned, clawing at Catherine’s arm with all my might. And then, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, I felt her grip falter, her fingers loosening their hold on my throat.
With a final burst of energy, I pushed myself away from her, gasping for breath as I stumbled backward, Blaze cradled safely in my arms. But even as I fought to
+ 57%
Chapter 82
catch my breath, I knew that our ordeal was far from over.
“I’m going to kill you!” she shouted as she snat ched the gun from the waist of one of the armed men. She pointed the gun at us.
I instinctively pulled Blaze closer to me, using my body to shield him from harm. Just when despair threatened to consume me, I spotted a speedboat drawing near, its outline blurry in the distance. I didn’t need a clear view to recognize it as Sebastian’s. I had faith in his ability to locate us, even after I tossed my phone overboard as Catherine had instructed. I trusted that he would find a way to trace our location.
Clutching Blaze tightly to my chest, I braced myself for whatever unpredictable move Catherine might make next. My sole focus was on keeping Blaze safe until Sebastian arrived to rescue us. My own well-being matters little compared to ensuring Blaze’s safety.
I shut my eyes, waiting for the bullet to hit my body, as I silently prayed for my son’s safety.
“Sebastian, please save our son,” I whispered.

Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes Chapter 81

Chapter 81
Despite my instinct to follow Blaire blindly, I knew I had to remain level-headed and think critically. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on my shoulders as I grappled with the need to protect both my son and the woman I cherished above all else.
As much as I wanted to go there myself, I know I wouldn’t be much use there. Catherine will probably use my weakness to hurt those I love the most.
Turning to the head of the task force leading the operation, I sought reassurance in their preparedness. “Are your men ready, officer?” I inquired, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me.
“Yes, Mr. Foster,” came the confident response. “We’ve scoured the target area, and everyone is in position.”
As soon as I realized Blaire was missing, a surge of panic gripped me. I wasted no time in reaching for my phone, dialling her number with trembling fingers. Meanwhile, I instructed a trusted friend to use their tracking expertise to locate her signal.
With bated breath, I watched the monitor, my heart pounding as a red dot blinked to life, indicating Blaire’s whereabouts. But then, in a sudden and horrifying twist, the dot vanished.
“What happened? What’s going on?” I demanded, my voice laced with urgency as I turned to the technician in charge of the computer.
“I think she turned off her phone, sir,” he replied, his tone tinged with uncertainty.
My mind reeled with confusion and fear. Why would Blaire turn off her phone in such a critical moment? Did she sense danger? Was she being forced to speak?
Desperation clawed at my chest as I pressed the technician for answers. “Can you still track her signal even if it was turned off?” I implored, my voice tight with apprehension.
“We’ll try our best, sir,” he assured me, though the uncertainty in his voice mirrored my own inner turmoil. With every passing second, the weight of the situation bore down on me, driving home the grim reality of Blaire’s disappearance and the peril she now faced.
Chapter 81
As we waited anxiously for any sign of Blaire’s whereabouts, the tension in the room was palpable. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, with every second bringing us closer to the brink of despair.
Suddenly, a flicker of hope emerged as the technician’s fingers danced across the keyboard, his eyes glued to the screen. “I’ve managed to pick up a faint announced, his voice tinged with relief.
My heart leapt with anticipation as I leaned in closer, my eyes fixed on the monitor. Despite the odds, we hadn’t lost her completely. There was still a chance, however slim, of tracking her down and bringing her back to safety.
Frustration gnawed at me as I watched the monitor, and my brows furrowed in confusion. Blaire was veering off course, heading in a direction completely opposite from the address she had provided. It made no sense. We were supposed to meet at the designated location, yet here she was, seemingly headed in the opposite direction.
“Where the hell is she going?” I muttered under my breath, my mind swirling with questions and uncertainty.
As I scrutinized the screen, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. The signal, once steady, now remained stubbornly static, refusing to budge from its current location. Panic surged within me, mingling with frustration and fear.
“What’s going on? Why isn’t her signal moving?” I demanded, my voice tinged with urgency as I turned to the technician for answers. But he could offer no explanation, his expression mirroring my own bewilderment.
“I’ll check on it, sir,” he said, trying to find some answers to my question.
As minutes stretched into agonizing eternity, the tension in the room reached a fever pitch. I looked to the technician for answers, but his expression offered little reassurance. Finally, he spoke, his voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Sir, there could be only one explanation for this,” he began, his words heavy with implication. “She might have discarded her phone along the way, causing her signal to remain static.”
His words hit me like a blow to the gut. The thought of Blaire being alone and vulnerable in an unknown location sent a chill down my spine. Panic surged within me, mingling with a deep sense of dread.
My heart pounded in my chest as panic threatened to engulf me. “But we have to do something!” I exclaimed, my voice quivering with urgency. “We can’t just sit
Chapter 81
here and do nothing while she’s out there; Go d knows where!”
The situation weighed heavily on me, like a heavy blanket, making it hard to breathe. Blaire, my love, was somewhere out there, lost and facing danger alone. Not knowing where she was, along with Catherine’s location and my son’s, made every passing moment scarier.
The threats surrounding us felt overwhelming, making even the bravest person nervous. Time dragged on, each second filled with worry about Blaire and my son’s safety.
But I couldn’t just sit and hope for the best. I had to act, using all the help available, to find them before it was too late.
With determination, I prepared myself for the tough tasks ahead. I was set on bringing Blaire and my son back safely, no matter what challenges we faced. They were counting on me, and I wouldn’t stop until they were back where they belonged, safe in my arms.
With determination coursing through my veins, I knew I had to take decisive. action. I couldn’t rely on conventional methods alone; I needed to utilize every resource at my disposal to find her. And there was one person I knew could help.
Without hesitation, I reached for my phone, my fingers trembling as I dialled a number engraved in my memory. The line rang once or twice before a familiar voice answered on the other end.
“Hello?” came the voice, laced with curiosity and concern.
“Hey, Atlas. It’s me,” I said, my words rushing and breathless. “I need your help. Blaire is missing, and I don’t know where she is. We need to find her, and we need to find her now.”
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, the weight of the situation sinking in. “Of course,” came the response, firm, and resolute. “We’ll mobilize our team immediately. We have access to satellite technology through our
collaboration with the government. We’ll use every tool at our disposal to track her down.”
“Also,” I continued, my voice firm with resolve, “I want you to do a thorough background check on Catherine Foster’s whereabouts over the past few days. Leave no stone unturned. Check her bank records and her financial transactions- anything that might give us a clue about what she was planning.”
“We’ll get on it right away,” he assured me, his tone reflecting the seriousness of the
Chapter 81
task at hand. “I’ll mobilize my team and start digging into Catherine’s movements. With any luck, we’ll uncover something that can lead us to her and, hopefully, to Blaire.”
“She also has my son. Time is of the essence. I need this information as soon as possible,” I firmly reiterated, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on my mind.
“You have a son?” he chuckled. “I had no idea. It’s unfortunate that you have to share this news with your friend like this.”
“I only found out recently myself.”
“Serves you right. I’m glad Blaire left you,” he teased.
“Shut up
and find my wife and my son!”
“Which wife?” he continued teasing.
“This isn’t the right time for games, Atlas!” I said it irritatedly.
“Chill, dude!”
“My family is in danger! How do you expect me to chill? Why don’t you shut up and start doing what I’m asking you to do?” I yelled at him.
He chuckled confidently. “Already done,” he said.
“What? You got it?” I asked confusedly.
“Of course. I wasn’t called a genius for nothing,” he said confidently.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within me. Despite the irritation simmering beneath the surface, I couldn’t afford to lose my composure now. “Just tell me what you found,” I demanded, my voice firm.
“Alright, alright,” Atlas replied, his tone shifting to a more serious demeanour. “I dug into Catherine’s recent activities, and let me tell you, it’s not pretty.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I listened intently, hanging on to his every word. The seconds felt like hours as I waited for him to continue.
“It seems she’s been making some questionable transactions lately,” Atlas continued. “Large sums of money noving-around; shady dealings with suspicious people.”
Chapter 81
My mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle before me. “Do you think she’s involved in Blaze’s disappearance?” I asked, and the pieces slowly started to fall into place.
“It’s certainly possible,” Atlas replied, his voice grim. “But there’s something else you need to know.”
“What is it?” I pressed, a knot of dread forming in the pit of my stomach.
“I managed to trace one of her recent transactions. She recently rented out a yacht in Chelsea Pier,” he revealed.
“We need to move fast,” I said, the urgency in my voice palpable. “Can you get me the exact address?”
I swiftly thanked Atlas for his efforts, feeling a surge of gratitude for his quick response. With the coordinates in hand, I wasted no time relaying the information to the task force leader overseeing the operation.
“Thank you, Atlas,” I said earnestly, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the
As I hung up the phone, a tumult of emotions swirled within me, my heart torn between fear and hope. The fate of my wife and son hung in the balance, and every passing second felt like an eternity.
“We’ll do everything we can to keep your wife and your son safe, sir,” the head of the task force assured me, his voice steady and reassuring.
“I’ll come with you,” I insisted, the urgency of the situation driving me to action.
“I wouldn’t recommend that, sir,” he replied, his tone cautious. “It might hamper our operation.”
“I don’t care,” I declared, my resolve unwavering. “I need to be there.”
With a heavy heart and a sense of determination burning within me, I prepared to join the task force on their mission to rescue my loved ones. Whatever dangers lay ahead, I was ready to face them head-on for the sake of my family.
Pushing aside any lingering doubts or fears, I joined the task force as we set out on our mission. Every moment felt like an eternity as we raced against time to reach the coordinates provided by Atlas.
As we neared our destination, tension hung thick in the air, with each member of the team silently preparing themselves for what lay ahead. The adrenaline
coursing through my veins was palpable, driving me forward with a singular focus: to find Blaire and Blaze and bring them home safely.
As we approached the designated location, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense, with every nerve in my body on edge. With bated breath, we prepared to confront whatever dangers awaited us, ready to do whatever it took to rescue my family.
As we reached the pier, the scene before us was nothing short of chaotic. Armed men roamed the space, their presence a menacing reminder of the danger that surrounded us. But I refused to let fear paralyze me, steeling myself for the confrontation that lay ahead.
With the element of surprise on our side, we launched into action, engaging the enemy in a fierce and determined assault. Each moment felt like an eternity as we fought tooth and nail to overcome the obstacles in our path, driven by a singular purpose: to rescue Blaire and Blaze at all costs
As the battle raged on, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, propelling me forward with unwavering determination. Every fibre of my being was focused on one goal: to reach my family and bring them to safety.
In all the chaos and fighting, I was only thinking about finding Blaire and Blaze. While everything was happening around me, I looked everywhere, trying to spot them.
Then I saw them: Blaire and Blaze, tied up and unable to move. They were standing by the dock, and a fast boat was taking them away. My heart sank as they drifted further away from us.
“F***!” I cursed under my breath, realizing we were just a few minutes late. If only we’d arrived sooner, we might have caught them in time.


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