The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story Novel Chapter l461-463

Chapter 0461

I blinked, staring at Julian. Go on vacation with them? Was he talking about the reward for the theater event? That would explain Veronica’s presence.

I stepped back and welcomed them into the room. Then I reminded them, “I’m not one of the high ranking candidates.”

Julian shrugged. “Who cares?” He had a devil–may–care kind of blasé behavior about this. One of those, I’m a prince and can do whatever I want, sort of attitudes.

“Surely, Veronica…?” I looked to her. This was her chance for personal one on one time with Julian. I knew she had said she was okay with losing the competition if it was to me, but there was no way she would just actively hand me her chances.

Veronica shrugged. “I’m more than okay with it. It was my idea.”

I stared at her in shock.

“It’s true,” Julian added. “Actually, she came to me this afternoon and told me all about it. Neither of us want you to be excluded.”

I still had trouble fathoming it. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful for such a clearly generous gift, but… “Why?”

Veronica looked at me flatly. “Why wouldn’t we want you there?”

“If we leave you here, you’ll just sit around and be miserable the whole time you are here,” Julian said. “Wouldn’t it be better to see what those two are up too, rather than imagine it?”

Those two. He was talking about Nicholas and Bridget. And honestly, I wasn’t sure that would be the case. Would I truly rather witness their coupledom myself?

Though maybe he did have a point. Maybe it would be worse to imagine it. So far, despite what Bridget has said about her and Nicholas being official, I haven’t seen any affection from Nicholas to indicate that was actually true.

If I left them alone on a beach though… in front of romantic sunsets…

No. I shouldn’t be fantasizing about getting in the way of their courtship. This was how things were always meant to be. Nicholas was always going to leave me for someone else.

I needed to respect that. I needed to stay away.

“Come on, Piper,” Julian said. “Don’t be such a worrywart. We won’t be with them every minute. We could have some fun too.”

“It’s supposed to be beautiful there,” Veronica added.

“It is,” Julian replied. “White sandy beaches. Blue–green waters. Bonfires in the evening. Boat drinks only a hand wave away.”

He made it sound like some kind of tropical paradise or resort. As the royal family’s retreat, maybe that’s exactly what it was.

During our conversation, Elva had been playing near the corner of the room. She perked up


when she heard us talking about beaches.

“Mommy?” she called. “Are we going somewhere?”

“I don’t know, honey,” I said, wondering just how much she overheard. “Probably not…” She left her stuffed animal tea party and skipped over to us. “Mommy, I want to go to the beach.”

Okay, so she heard most everything. “I don’t know, honey. We weren’t exactly invited…”

“I just invited you,” Julian said.

“Me, too,” Veronica added.

Elva looked at both of them and then turned her doe eyes onto me. God, I’d never been able to resist that pouting look.

Elva had never really been on vacation. I’d always been so busy working, and her illness was such a consideration, we never ventured far from a doctor. Thusly, Elva had never seen the ocean. She never stepped on the sand. She’d seen it on television, sure, but never experienced it for herself.

I had a very hard time denying Elva anything on my best days. Now, when I was already caving, it wasn’t too difficult to let myself fold entirely.

I lifted my gaze from Elva to Julian and told him. “Elva will need a doctor on site, just in case.”

Julian nodded. “Priority one.” His smile started to grow. “Does that mean you two are going to come with us?”

Elva’s eyes went impossibly bigger.

I sighed. “Yes.”


“Yay!” Elva began to jump. Julian took her hands and together they danced around in a circle. “You are making the correct choice,” Veronica said. “You need to relax.”

With Julian and Elva amusing themselves, I leaned closer to her and asked honestly, “You really think I’ll be able to relax there? With Nicholas and Bridget?”

Veronica pressed her mouth hard together. “It would be better for you and Julian to have each other.”


“You’ll need a swimsuit,” Julian said. His dance with Elva had ended and he now cut into Veronica and my conversation. He waggled his eyebrows at me. “Maybe you’d like to model a few for me? I can help you decide which to wear.”

Veronica rolled her eyes. I resisted the urge to smack him… because the truth was, “I don’t have a swimsuit.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I had worn one. Just as Elva had never been on a vacation, neither had I since taking her in as my own. I had been to the beach, long ago, and taken Elva to the pool a couple of times, but not nearly enough to warrant owning a swimsuit, let alone bringing it to a competition like this.


Charlotte, who had been cleaning up around Elva’s tea party now that she moved, smiled as she too came to join us.

“Wait one minute,” she said, and sneaked past us and into the closet. She returned with a bag from a name brand clothing store. “I suspected this might come up sooner or later, so I took the liberty of preparing a couple of things.

Charlotte reached into the bag and then procured two different swimsuits, one a nice, conservative one–piece, the other, a more risqué two–piece that would show much of my curves, top and bottom.

think you should go

with the two–piece,” Julian said. “I’ve seen your…” He glanced at Elva, who was looking at him curiously. “Er… assets.” He immediately censored himself.” There’s no shame in flaunting what

you have.”

“You should wear what you are most comfortable in,” Veronica said.

“Yeah, sure,” Julian said, “But when you took your clothes off and jumped into that lake “Julian!” I hissed. “This is exactly why people think something happened between us.

“It doesn’t mean anything to recognize the… figure of a person you are acquainted with,” he


“You and I know that, but the rest of the palace doesn’t,” I said. “Those rumors are still floating around. Or should I credit you with starting them.”

‘His sharp smirk slipped a little. “I wouldn’t do that,” he said.


I went too far, I realized. I knew he wouldn’t. I was just so angry and scared about it. That rumor had driven Nicholas away from me. It had made the other girls look at me differently. It had given the royal family an opportunity to further chastise me, even though, with our fake relationship, they had already suspected we’d been sleeping together for months.

Then I remembered. They weren’t mad about my supposed sleeping with Julian. They were mad that I was caught.

“Actually,” Veronica said. “I’ve been looking into that. I’ve asked everyone and traced back the rumor to its source.”

“And what’s the source?” Julian asked.

Veronica held his gaze as she said, “Bridget.”

Chapter 0462

“No,” Julian said: “There’s no way Bridget would start that rumor.‘

I pressed my lips hard together and lowered my head so I wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. I hadn’t talked to him since the morning out in the gardens. He didn’t know all the new things I had heard from Bridget herself.

She had been so entirely indifferent to him and me sleeping together. After she ‘came to my rescue‘ against Nathan, she had literally told me she didn’t care if we had slept together or not. I knew then that those words would hurt Julian, just as I did now. I still didn’t want to tell him.

“It was her,” Veronica said. “I’m sure of it.”

Having suspected Bridget from the start, though hoping I was wrong, I believed Veronica. Bridget and Nicholas were the only two who knew I had been out late that night, other than Brian. But I couldn’t imagine Brian would say a word. And Nicholas wouldn’t lie to himself about this.

It could have only been Bridget from the start.

Julian, however, was having a hard time accepting that. His smile faded, as it so often did when it came to Bridget. Without a word, he turned toward the door. He stopped only to gently pat Elva on the head, then he rushed out into the hallway.

We all watched after him for a moment. Then I looked to Veronica.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “It seems as if he’s been dealing with these feelings a long time.”

“He’s usually so observant,” I said. “It’s like he has a blind spot when it comes to her.” “Love can do that,” she said. She glanced at the door again, which was now closed. There was no lingering presence of him in the room. He’d even seemed to forget about the swimsuits.

I turn to Charlotte, who was holding the swimsuits not quite as high as before. “Please pack both of those suits, Charlotte,” I said. “Is there one for Elva as well?”

Charlotte smiled at Elva. “Come on, Elva. Yours are in the closet still. Why don’t I show you? One looks like it has a little tutu, like a ballerina!”

A bright smile burst from Elva, and she skipped toward Charlotte. They entered the closet together, leaving the door opened wide. I would join them in a moment, but first I returned my attention to Veronica.

“Thank you,” I said. “You didn’t have to go to Julian about this. You certainly didn’t have to include me at all.”

“There were a lot of reasons I felt you should join us,” Veronica said. “One of them is that I want you there.‘

“Thank you,” I said again, just in case the first didn’t have enough emphasis. Then I pulled



Charlotte, who had been cleaning up around Elva’s tea party now that she moved, smiled as she too came to join us.

“Wait one minute,” she said, and sneaked past us and into the closet. She returned with a bag from a name brand clothing store. “I suspected this might come up sooner or later, so I took the liberty of preparing a couple of things.

Charlotte reached into the bag and then procured two different swimsuits, one a nice, conservative one–piece, the other, a more risqué two–piece that would show much of my curves, top and bottom.

“I think you should go with the two–piece,” Julian said. “I’ve seen your…” He glanced at Elva, who was looking at him curiously. “Er… assets.” He immediately censored himself. ” There’s no shame in flaunting what you have.”

“You should wear what you are most comfortable in,” Veronica said.

“Yeah, sure,” Julian said, “But when you took your clothes off and jumped into that lake – ”

“Julian!” I hissed. “This is exactly why people think something happened between us.”

“It doesn’t mean anything to recognize the… figure of a person you are acquainted with,” he said.

“You and I know that, but the rest of the palace doesn’t,” I said. “Those rumors are still floating around. Or should I credit you with starting them.”

His sharp smirk slipped a little. “I wouldn’t do that,” he said.

I went too far, I realized. I knew he wouldn’t. I was just so angry and scared about it. That rumor had driven Nicholas away from me. It had made the other girls look at me differently. It had given the royal family an opportunity to further chastise me, even though, with our fake relationship, they had already suspected we’d been sleeping together for months.

Then I remembered. They weren’t mad about my supposed sleeping with Julian. They were mad that I was caught.

“Actually,” Veronica said. “I’ve been looking into that. I’ye asked everyone and traced back the rumor to its source.‘

“And what’s the source?” Julian asked.

Veronica held his gaze as she said, “Bridget.”

Chapter 0463

I hadn’t considered this, how my joining this trip would make the other girls feel. I looked to Susie for comfort and answers. She, at least, didn’t seem jealous. Why would she? The man she wanted was staying here.

“How does everyone know so fast?” I asked her quietly, while Veronica distracted Tiffany with talk of their meal. The chicken parmesan was delicious. I couldn’t imagine Veronica would tell anyone. Nor could I really see Julian walking into the room to share the news.

“Bridget told everyone before you arrived,” Susie replied.

and I knew and- oh.

But how did she know? Only Veronica, Julian,ccusation shook through him and he decided

Julian must have told her. Perhaps Veronica’s

to confront Bridget for himself. God help him, I hope she didn’t crassly break his heart again.

I sighed. I couldn’t be mad at him for going to her for the truth. It’s exactly what I would have done if Nicholas had been accused of starting the rumors.

“It really is too bad,” Bridget said, speaking loud enough for the whole table to hear. “Piper thinks herself so vital to the competition that she would break the set rules to join us on our trip. I understand how hard it is to be left behind, but rules are rules for a reason. Don’t you think so, Piper?”

All eyes in the room turned toward me. I wasn’t as scared of the spotlight as Susie was, but it was still unnerving to have the sudden overwhelming attention of everyone in the room. I swallowed thickly, suddenly very nervous.

The only pair of eyes in the room not directed at me where Susie’s. In her lap, she twisted her napkin so tightly it was beginning to fray.

“I…” I didn’t know what to say. “If I…”

“You must agree with me?” Bridget said. “Surely you see how unfair that would be, for you to be included on a trip not intended for you?”

“That’s enough,” said Susie, in her soft frightened voice.

I looked at her in surprise. So did Bridget.

“What was that, Susie?” she asked.

“I said, that’s enough!” Susie said louder. “You say it would be unfair for her, but that entire

you.” (3)

event was unfair to anyone bs

Everyone’s eyes went wide, my own included. I’d never heard Susie speak like that with


She glared at Bridget. “You forget that Piper is Julian’s favorite, and that they are a couple. Of course she would be included wherever he would choose to go.”

“She’s right,” Veronica added, when Susie began to falter. “Unless you think you have a right to dictate what the prince’s want, Bridget?”

Bridget closed her mouth. She continued to smile, even as the corner of her eye seemed.



tighter than before.

I smiled at Susie in thanks. Her face was beet red.

After dinner, I was so distracted, I was not paying attention where I was going, and in my usual walk down the hallway, ran straight into a hard male chest.

“I’m so sorry,” I said. I tried to back away, but a pair of strong arms came around me and held me closer.

I inhaled. I knew that scent. The feel of this chest and those arms.


He held me tightly, so I lifted my arms and held him in return.

We stayed like that for a long few moments, neither of us speaking a word.

His heartbeat was so steady, so calming. I wished I could stay like this forever, safe in the cradle of his arms.

But it was not meant to be.

Eventually we separated. We didn’t say a word as we walked away from each other in different directions down the hall.

The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story Novel Chapter l457-460

Chapter 0457

After receiving Bridget’s warning, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t risk running into Nicholas, which meant avoiding the places we usually went together. Instead, I ended up in the library with Veronica.

Veronica didn’t seem surprised to see me when I joined her. She didn’t even really greet me.

As I sat down across from her at the table, the books piled high around her, she lifted her head, looked at me, and said, “I’ve made progress with teleportation.”

“You have?”

“I understand enough that I have been making attempts at it.”

She’d been researching so hard for so long, I was beginning to wonder if the secret to Hawk’s teleportation would never be uncovered. Yet here Veronica was, telling me that she had been trying it? I was stunned.

On top of the books stacked beside Veronica sat an apple. She reached for it now and then placed it on the desktop in front of her.

“Hold open your hands,” she said.

I lifted my hands and kept them palms up and close together.

Veronica put her own hands around the apple. She was concentrating hard. A line appeared between her brows. Her mouth was a hard line.

Then, without a sound or a warning, the apple disappeared from Veronica’s hands and reappeared on top of my own.

It had taken but a moment. In one blink, it had moved from there to here.

This distance was only a few inches. A foot or two, at most. Yet to see it even happen at all was a difficult thing to wrap my mind around. Objects didn’t move like this. Yet this one did.

Veronica exhaled, winded. She leaned back in the chair, clearly tired from the ordeal. But after a moment, she straightened once more and held out her hand for the apple. When I gave it to her, she placed it on the table again and sliced it in half with a knife. She sighed in relief when she saw the inside.

I leaned over the table to get a better look. It seemed like a perfectly normal apple to me. Red skin, yellow inside, with the seeds in the middle.



“Were you expecting something different?” I asked.

“The first few attempts… scrambled things,” she said.

I was afraid to ask what she meant by that, but I had enough of an understanding to know she shouldn’t try transporting any living thing, including herself, for a good long while.

“For Hawk to be able to transport himself and Jane in that moment.” She sighed. “He must be very strong at magic. I’ve exhausted my reserves just doing this.”

“He’s had more practice,” I said in encouragement.

“Yes. And he’s likely had a tutor.”

“Someone helped him?”

“They would have had to,” Veronica said. “Not everything is written in the books. The scrambling…” She rubbed at her forehead. “I succeeded with something as simple as an apple, but two entire people? I cannot imagine the concentration required, nor the skill…”

I shook my head. “You are amazing, Veronica. Look at what you’ve accomplished through your own efforts. I don’t think you should start teleporting people anytime soon, but I won’t let you diminish what you’ve actually accomplished here.”

Veronica smiled just a little, a secret little thing she likely meant to keep to herself. “Thank you, Piper.”

Veronica continued to slice the apple. Then she lifted one of the slices and bit into it.

“Testing?” I asked.

“Lunch,” she replied.

I laughed a little. She offered me a slice and I took it. It tasted like an everyday apple to me.

“Now,” Veronica began, once she had finished chewing. “While I always appreciate your company, I doubted you came up here to watch me move an apple.”

I sunk my head low. I wished I could say that I had come up here just for that. I was starting to feel like I only ever came to see Veronica when I was trying to hide. That was unfair, and something I needed to rectify in the future.

Chapter 0458

“I’m sorry…” I began.

She shook her head minutely, wordlessly telling me that my reasons didn’t bother her. “ This is your chance to vent before I return to my studies.”

I wouldn’t let this opportunity pass me by. “I assume you have heard the rumors about Julian and me…”

“That you had sex in the woods, yes.”

Her bluntness made me blush.

I cleared my throat. “Yes, well… They aren’t true.” Then, I told her the rest. That, after running into Bridget in Nicholas’s room, I needed an escape and Julian had offered one. I told her exactly what happened, some light flirting and some fun but no sex.

Veronica listened quietly. When I had finished, she said, “Have you considered dating Julian for real?”

The suggestion surprised me, since by nature of the competition, Veronica was ultimately here to win Julian’s hand.

I stared at her for a beat. “I thought you’d be relieved to know the rumors weren’t true.”

Veronica hummed again. “I will admit that I have affection for Julian that could turn romantic if nurtured that way, but… if I must lose this competition to someone, I wouldn’t; mind as much if it was you, Piper.”

The admission warmed me. Veronica was a true friend.

With this encouragement, I reflected inward and more thoroughly evaluated my feelings for Julian.

“There is… temptation,” I said.

Julian was handsome and funny, his smile was infectious, and he always kept me on my toes. Things were exciting with Julian, but he was also a bit wild and unpredictable. Sometimes hanging out with him felt like trying to hold onto a shooting star.

“But.” I placed a hand to my chest. “My heart is with Nicholas, and Julian’s heart with Bridget. We’ve both admitted that we’re heartbroken, and not sure how to move forward. I don’t even know if it’s possible.”



Veronica finished her apple quietly, and then placed the knife to the side. She took some time, as if carefully considering her words, and then looked back to me.

“Sometimes broken hearts need each other to heal,” she said.

I tried to imagine it: holding Julian’s hand, cuddling beside him, kissing him…

The thoughts weren’t… terrible. But each one left a certain hollowness in my chest.

As much as I liked Julian, I would rather be holding Nicholas’s hand, or cuddling Nicholas, or kissing Nicholas.

While I appreciated Veronica’s words, I wasn’t so convinced by them.

Later, after leaving Veronica in search of Elva and her nanny, I peeked out into the gardens and saw Nicholas there.

He still looked angry, his hands clenched into fists. The hard set of his jaw seemed permanently fixed. His mouth was curved down into a frown. 1

A bit of pain stabbed

My heart. I hated seeing him this way.

Maybe I should speak to him. Bridget said to stay away, and I knew I should. But if any of this anger was because of me

or because of the misunderstanding of what happened

between Julian and me last night, then I really should clear the air.

I’d let him want to keep his distance from me, if that was what he wished. But I wouldn’t have it be because of a lie.

Resolved, I stepped forward.

Yet, at that same moment, Bridget stepped to his side from the other side of the brush. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and I had suddenly seen enough and turned away.

It wasn’t my place to comfort Nicholas anymore.


Chapter 0459

That evening, after preparing for dinner, I stopped to chat with the guards at my door. By now, they had all become friendly, familiar faces, and though I wouldn’t consider us friends exactly, it was always a pleasure to stop and say hello.

It was also a relief knowing the people in charge of mine and Elva’s protection actually, genuinely liked us.

Today, however, they seemed stressed. Their smiles were tighter than usual. Their eyes,


“Is everything alright?” I asked them.

“Oh, nothing to do with your safety, miss,” said Carl on the left. He’d been with Nicholas’s guard the longest, and had a long graying mustache.

“But something is worrying you,” I said.

Carl glanced at his partner at the door, William. William was much younger, newer to the guard, and likely because of that, his heart seemed purer. He had yet to be jaded by the things around him.

“We’re worried about Prince Nicholas,” William said.

Carl shushed him. “It isn’t any of our concern. And certainly not something we should be bothering the young miss with.”

“But they are close,” William said to Carl. “Maybe she can help him?”

“You need to learn to mind your business,” Carl said, though not unkindly. He was gently chiding. “The royals deserve their privacy.”

While I could appreciate Carl’s position, I desperately wanted to know more about Nicholas. Was he okay? What was wrong?

“Why are you worried about Prince Nicholas?” I asked. A direct question wouldn’t be refused, not by William or Carl.

Carl sighed.

William answered, “He’s been overworking himself in the gym. He’s there all of the time, except to take meals. I’m not even sure he sleeps anymore.”

“He’s been polite,” Carl said. “As always.”



“Polite, sure. But tense as a coiled spring,” William added. “He’s already broken five different punching bags. New ones arrive daily now. He’ll likely break those too.”

“William,” Carl scolded.

William shot him a glance. “Tell me I’m lying.”

Carl sighed again, louder. To me, he said, “It’s nothing you should worry about, miss. Whatever he’s working through, I’m sure he’ll reach the other side of it soon.‘

I tried to process this new information, but I didn’t know what to think. It tracked with how

I personally knew Nicholas to be acting: the fight with Julian, the way his fists clenched as he stood in the garden.

I couldn’t help but be worried about him, more now than I even was before.

“Thank you for telling me,” I said.

They both nodded in reply.

I really should keep my distance. Bridget had made clear that my closeness to Nicholas only served to make things difficult for him, and it was well past time for me to let him go. 1

But if he was clearly hurting, clearly dealing with something that made him this full of rage, I really needed to talk to him.

So after bidding good evening to the guards, I hurried down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the door, eager to reach the barracks containing the gym where I knew Nicholas worked out. It was the same place where we had practiced our self–defense lessons.

I was nearly there, when I spotted Bridget holding a basket of food. She laughed with the guard at the door.

“Don’t worry,” Bridget said. “I’m sure a full meal will help him to relax.”

The last thing I wanted to do was walk in on Bridget and Nicholas having a moment, so I turned on my heels and retreated back toward the palace in defeat.

I still worried for Nicholas, but…

I couldn’t approach him with Bridget so near.

And she always seemed to be near.

The next morning, the candidates were called down into the foyer for another meeting with Nathan. He seemed bright as he took to the stage. It had to be an act, knowing how rude he


had been to me the moment the cameras were turned off.

Chapter 0460

I tried to smile as well, at least when the cameras were facing me. Constantly being filmed was beginning to be exhausting.

“I recently announced the results of the theater event,” Nathan said. “Well, today, I am excited to announce the rewards.”

Suddenly, everyone perked up, like our coffee had all kicked in at once. Rewards hadn’t been discussed beforehand, so this was all new to us. What would it be this time? Another private date with a prince?

“I’m happy to announce that the top ranking candidates, one for each prince – ”

Sighs sounded throughout the room.

Nathan continued, unperturbed. “–will accompany Nicholas and Julian on a special trip to the royal family’s private island along our southern coast.”

Jessica spoke up in the silence. “Prince Joyce will not be there?”

Nathan, nervide-eyeing the cameras, cleared his throat. He knew then, as well as I did, that Joyce was locked down in the dungeons for being a brainwashed traitor. Veronica had been working with Joyce, but unlike with teleportation, I don’t think she had made any progress yet.

“Unfortunately, Prince Joyce is still under the weather,” Nathan said.

Jessica frowned, but didn’t press further. We all knew better than to question the King’s Beta in front of the cameras.




Nathan consulted the paper he held. “Now. As this trip is only extended to the top candidate for each prince, only three individuals will be invited.”

This was a lavish reward. Glancing at Bridget, I wondered if the royal family had designed it exclusively to impress her. Or to get her and Nicholas alone in a romantic place, so as to help develop their bond. The other two candidates were likely an after–thought.

Misery bubbled up inside of me. I was not high on the rankings. I had no shot of going on this trip. Instead, I’d have to stay here and drive myself wild thinking about all the romantic things Nicholas could be up to without me.

Poor Julian would have to go, though. He’d have to endure every terrible moment. I tried to think about the rankings, wondering which of us three would join him. Tiffany and I scored



poorly in the event. That meant that –

“Congratulations to Bridget, Veronica, and Jessica,” Nathan announced, and then hammed for the cameras.

Jessica lowered her head. To herself, she muttered, “What am I supposed to do there

without Prince Joyce?”

“Enjoy yourself,” I said to her. A free vacation to the beach? “Get a tan, swim in the ocean, have boat drinks with the umbrellas.”

My words seemed to lift her and she laughed. “Maybe a curly straw?” she asked.

“And fruit slices hanging on the glass,” I added.

Bridget watched our exchange. She laughed. At first, I thought it was in union with Jessica and me, but then she began to talk. “It must be hard staying behind, Piper. Why don’t you help me pack my bags tonight? That might help lift your spirits.” 1

I had no idea in what universe helping someone else pack their bags for a trip would make me feel better about not going on it, especially when that person was Bridget, who was actively in a relationship with the man I cared for more than any other.

That sounded more in line with my worst nightmare.

“She can’t help you tonight,” Veronica said, suddenly appearing beside me. Her cool gaze sliced into Bridget. “She has other plans.”

Bridget shrugged and walked away.

I looked at Veronica. “I do?”

“Trust me,” she said.

I did. But I didn’t understand what she meant…

Until later that evening, when I opened my door after a knock to find Veronica and Julian chatting lightly with the guards.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Julian turned his smile on me. “Come on vacation with us.”

The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story Novel Chapter l456


Chapter 0456

“I didn’t sleep with Julian,” I said quickly, before Nathan could talk over me again. It felt imperative to say so now, knowing that even the Luna was out here believing the gossip. ”

That was a rumor that })

“Do not lie to my face, Piper,” Nathan snapped. “I am a respected Beta of the King of this


“I’m not lying

“The Luna does not include deception among her characteristics,” Nathan continued. “That you are continuing to persist with this blatant lying insults us both.”

He was insulted? How? I was the one being accused of being a liar, and some kind of harlot who was so blasé as to through her conquest in everyone’s face. None of these people know me at all! I would never do something like that! If I had slept with Julian, I would have been discreet. (1

Like how Nicholas and I were…


I sunk into myself standing there, being berated by Nathan, and by extension the King and Queen. The accusations were hurtful, but nothing hurt worse than knowing that Nicholas believed them too.

As I stood there, swallowed by grief, something else began to fester inside of me. What had Mark said about Nicholas? That he was tired of being pushed around?

Well, I was tired of being pushed around too. (2)

So I straightened my shoulders once more, swallowed down my fear, looked Nathan right in

eye and said, “I am not lying.”


His brow twitched. His frown deepened. It seemed the only thing my statement had accomplished was to make him even angrier. But I didn’t care. If he didn’t believe me, that was on him. Not on me. I wouldn’t go down placidly. I would fight for everyone to know the truth. 1

“You little, deceitful –“Nathan began, so angry his face was turning red.



Nathan and I both turned in time to see Bridget walk toward us. She wasn’t all that far away, close enough to hear, especially with our raised voices. I wondered how much she had listened to. Maybe she heard everything.

“Allow me to say a few words on Piper’s behalf,” she said.

I blinked, surprised. Why in the world would she want to defend me?

Nathan crossed his arms. He seemed to actually be considering listening to her, in a gesture he wouldn’t offer to me.

I wasn’t surprised. The royal family’s favoritism to Bridget knew no limits. Meanwhile, their dislike of me had been well–expressed since the beginning. I tried not to let it bother me, but I couldn’t help but feel a certain level of jealousy.

If they had liked me at all, maybe I wouldn’t be in this position at all. Maybe I could have been with Nicholas from the start without any issue.

But maybe didn’t mean anything. There was no changing what was. And what was, was that the royal family hated me and loved Bridget. And I didn’t see any way that would change.

Nathan nodded, and that was all the permission Bridget needed to start talking.

“You mustn’t forget that Piper is not like us. She is not from our class, so she likely doesn’t understand the need for discretion and subtlety like we do.”

Nathan nodded like that made sense.

Meanwhile, I was seething. What kind of defense was this? One built on tearing me down?

I wanted to speak up on my own behalf, if only to defend myself from this defense, but looking at Nathan, I could see that this tactic was fully working on him. Bridget was entirely convincing him that I was some foolish girl who just didn’t know any better.

“If it would make you and the royal family feel better,” she said, “I will speak to her on your behalf. I will emphasize our values.”

“That would be the best avenue forward,” Nathan said. He shot me a look. “You would do well to learn from Bridget.”

I bit back a sharper replay, recognizing it would get me nowhere. Like most political games, you have to play nice to get ahead.

So I said, “Yes, sir,” while I seethed inside.

Nathan nodded to each of us, then bid Bridget a good day, and walked

good day, and walked away from us.


With Nathan gone, Bridget looked at me and sighed.

“I didn’t sleep with Julian,” I said. I felt like I was a broken record now, on a loop.

Bridget shrugged. “It really doesn’t matter if you did or not.

Watching her

open indifference made a pit open up in my stomach

not out of care for

myself, but for Julian. If he knew how little she cared about the prospect of he and I being intimate, it would break his heart.

So in its place, mine broke for him.

“What matters,” she continued, “is that everyone thinks you did. The rumors can be more harmful than the truth, especially depending on how you handle them.” 1

I supposed she would know. As a famous actress, she likely had experiences I never would have dreamed of having. Likely all kinds of strangers had made all kinds of accusations

about her.

Yet, this ‘advice‘ of hers didn’t feel like it was given out of the goodness of her heart. Instead, it felt like she was being critical.

I was mishandling my own defense, apparently. To her, truth wasn’t the answer.

Since I wasn’t entirely sure if she wasn’t the one who started the rumors, I wasn’t going to sit around and listen to her opinions.

However, she did save me from Nathan, one way or another. I had to be grateful for that.

“Thank you

for your help, just now,” I said. I nodded toward the door Nathan had disappeared through.

“Yes,” she said, and that was the only warning I had that a thank you would not be enough.” Favors should be repaid with favors, don’t you agree?”

I swallowed hard. “What exactly do you want?”

Bridget’s smile slipped. She seemed more serious now than I had ever seen her before as she stared straight into my eyes. “Avoid Nicholas at all costs.”

I froze.

“We’re a couple now, moving toward a hopeful future,” Bridget said. “Your presence seems to consistently muck things up. So return the favor, and leave him alone. For his future, and for the sake of the kingdom.”


She was deathly serious. There was no counter I could offer. My desire to be near Nicholas was one of total selfishness. I knew I was never going to be his Luna. His future didn’t include me.

I’d fought it for so long, wanting to hold on to Nicholas as long as possible. But maybe Bridget was right. Maybe it was past time for me to let go.

We were always set to say goodbye eventually.

Despite my mixed feelings about Bridget personally, and my confusion over all the mind- games she seemed to like playing, she and Nicholas would make a good pair. She was well- liked and crafty. She could survive in a world of cut–throat double–faces. She already existed


Yet even as I opened my mouth, I couldn’t make it form the words that would have Nicholas leave my life forever.

“I’ll think about it,” I said. It was the best I could do.

Bridget’s eyes narrowed.

“See that you do,” she said, and made it sound like a threat.


Chapter 0454

Julian and Nicholas continued to barrage each other with different attacks. Fur flew. Teeth chomped. Claws slashed, drawing blood.

At each overly–vicious blow, delivered by each of the two brothers, I flinched forward, wanting to stop the fighting. But Mark’s extended arm kept me from impulsively rushing forward, and in those few moments of hesitation, I remembered Mark’s warning.

Stepping between two fighting werewolves, Alphas no less, was a dangerous proposition. The two princes could quickly heal from each other’s inflicted wounds, but I wouldn’t be so lucky.

And, as I watch more closely, I noticed that even the bloody wounds given were not given purposefully deep. It was though, even as they lashed out at each other in rage, they held themselves back as well, never giving wounds too serious to not immediately heal.

Beside me, Bridget was calmly sipping her tea. Maybe she had noticed that already, and that was why she was so calm. If she knew them both as children and young adults, and if she had borne witness to these fights in the past, she would know from experience that, even angry, the two brothers wouldn’t seriously harm each other.

Again, I felt jealousy rise within me. I wished that I had known them when they were young. wished I could be as ingrained in their memories as Bridget was.

Eventually, Julian and Nicholas backed away from each other. They were huffing deep breaths from their efforts.

Nicholas shifted back to his human form first. His face and clothes were covered in dirt and grass–stains and dried blood, but there were no outward bruises or cuts. His face did, however, remain contorted in anger. He was still absolutely furious.

He didn’t say a word, just glared at Julian. Then, he turned from all of us and stormed back toward the palace.

Every muscle in my body itched to follow him and set all misunderstandings straight, but I forcibly held myself back. I doubted I would be welcome.

Bridget looked at me. “Think about what I said, Piper. You really should be more responsible.” Then she followed Nicholas, walking as casually as she had when she arrived.

Mark sighed. He nodded at me, then hurried after his master, giving Bridget a wide berth as he passed her.

Now alone with Julian, I looked over at him. He was still in wolf form until he sat down in the grass. Then, abruptly he shifted into human form. Like Nicholas, he was covered in dirt and grim, dried blood and some grass, but no bruises or cuts.

He laughed as he rubbed some of the dirt away from his cheek, where early Nicholas had struck him hard. “I forgot how jarring Nicholas’s right hook is.” He laughed. “I guess I deserved it.‘

Relieved they were both unharmed after such a vicious–looking fight, I flopped down onto my backside on the grass beside him.



“You didn’t deserve it,” I said.

“I kept you out all night,” Julian said. “Made him worry. Made him think I took your virginity.”

I looked away, toward the tree line. The rising sun hadn’t yet reached high enough to break through the many limbs and leaves of the forest canopy. It was dark as night among the tree trunks.

“He has no right to be angry about that,” I said.

“Sure,” Julian snorted. “Forget that the man is in love with you.”

I slouched my shoulders. “He’s not in love with me.”

“Piper,” Julian began, but I didn’t want to hear his reasoning. Not now, when it made so little difference.

“He’s with Bridget,” I said. “He can’t be in love with me.”

Julian rubbed his jaw next. “Guy doesn’t fight like that if he’s not pissed. And a guy doesn’t get that pissed if he’s not jealous as hell. And a guy doesn’t get jealous as hell if he has no feelings for you.”

I deep, full bodied sigh escaped me. I truly didn’t know what to believe. But I knew for a fact that it really didn’t matter. If Nicholas had feelings for me, as Julian suggested, then he had to bury them for the sake of the crown.

And if he had to hide his true feelings for a crown, then what use was it to think too much on whether his feelings were real or not.

“By the way,” Julian said. “What did Bridget say to you? I saw her standing there next to you. I saw the two of you talking.”

Oh, no. How could I tell him? But I guessed that I had to. His heart was as tangled in this mess as mine was. We had an unspoken pact between us to share what we discovered about Nicholas and Bridget together when we discovered it, no matter how much it might hurt. I couldn’t go

back on that now.

“She gave me a bit of a warning, I’d say,” I told him. “She said… Well…” I inhaled a great breath. It was painful even to repeat it. “She said that since she and Nicholas are together now, I should just leave him alone.”

“Well, shit,” Julian said, curtly. He turned his head from me. “Guess that’s that then.”


guess so.” Bridget’s confirming the relationship eliminated any remaining sliver of hope that the relationship between her and Nicholas had been something in my imagination. At least, that hope was cut for Julian. Me, personally? I still wanted to hear it from Nicholas.

Though I knew I was likely kidding myself.

“What if we just avoided everyone else for the rest of eternity,” Julian said. “Start over with new names, new faces. Or hide forever.”

If it was just me, I might be tempted, but I had Elva to consider. As appealing as it was to run from my problems forever, I knew it wasn’t possible. Julian likely did too. Sometimes he did things like this, talked just for the sake of it.


He loved his outrageous plans.

“Where would we go? Who would we be?” I asked, joining in on the fun. The idea of an escape, however impossible, was a fun change of mind. I’d rather talk about silly dreams than about things that continued to hurt us.

He laughed a little, though it sounded a tiny bit sad. “We could be whoever we want to be, Piper.”

That seemed unlikely. How would we live without money? I tried to picture Julian attempting to work an everyday job, and couldn’t quite picture it. A prince as a waiter? Or working in retail, getting hassled by costumers?

The vision made me laugh.

He looked at me. “What?”


“Nothing,” I said, not wanting to offend him or worse. He might see my vision as a challenge go out to attempt to prove me wrong. “Though there are some obvious flaws in the plan.”

“I suppose,” he admitted. “It’s nice to think about, though.”

“It is,” I said.

There were many reasons to stay where we were. Elva’s health, for one. Less dramatically, we still needed to learn the results of the theater event. They’d likely be released soon.

“I have to stay and see this through,” I said.

“Yeah,” Julian said, and some bitterness seeped into his voice. “Yeah, me too.”

Chapter 0455

Not long after I parted with Julian and returned to my room to change, I was alerted that the candidates were to report to the foyer to receive the results of the theater event. I had expected the results to come quickly, but this seemed extra fast.

Though with Bridget the professional actress among the group, maybe the royal family and the producers didn’t need all that much time to determine who deserved the highest ranking.

Running on zero sleep, I was tired as I changed into fresh clothes and moved a little slower than usual as I headed down to the foyer.

Mark must have told Susie about the fight between Nicholas and Julian because no sooner had I entered the room, then she came rushing up to me.

She looped her arm through one of mine and asked, “What happened?”

“I don’t know what to say,” I said. “Nicholas saw Julian and me coming out of the woods and attacked Julian right away. He barely said anything, and he didn’t listen to reason.‘

“He must have been furious,” Susie said.


“He was,” I agreed. “But if he would have just listened to me, I could have told him that nothing happened between Julian and me…”

Susie blinked, startled, like she hadn’t been expecting that. “Nothing happened?”

Now I was startled and looked at her in shock. “You thought something had?”

Susie looked a little sheepish, like she was embarrassed by what she had thought. “That’s what all the rumors are saying?”

“Rumors?” I gasped. Who the hell was going around talking about this? Julian wouldn’t have said a word, and I doubted Nicholas would have.

“I didn’t believe them at first,” Susie said, “But after Mark told me about the fight this morning, I wasn’t so sure they were false anymore. Nicholas isn’t the type to fight over nothing, no matter how on edge Mark says he is.”

I hummed. Mark had said something similar to me this morning, that Nicholas had been pushed too far and was starting to crack under the pressure. It wasn’t any of my business anymore, Bridget had made that clear. Though I did still worry about him. Fighting was so out of character for him.

“Did Mark tell you about the rumors?” I asked.

“No, I heard it just from people talking. Everyone was saying it,” Susie said. “I have no idea who started it.”

I still wasn’t sure of the timeline, but the only other person who knew I had been out with Julian all night was Bridget. I slid my gaze to her now, and found her looking back at me.

She had an air of innocence, and when our eyes met, she smiled kindly, as if greeting a friend. She even waved.

It was so surreal, especially after her words this morning. I didn’t know what else to do but


raise one of my free hands and wave back.

“You don’t think…” Susie whispered. “Bridget started the rumor?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

Nathan appeared and took to the stage. He had cameras with him this time, even though Nicholas and Julian were noticeably absent.

Susie and I walked closer to the stage, where we met with Veronica, who was standing with Tiffany and Jessica, who seemed to have bonded over their shared stage experience. I wasn’t opposed to having more friends, so I greeted Jessica kindly. She said hello to me too.

Nathan stepped up to the microphone, then tapped on it to get our attention. We all quieted down to listen to his words.

“I have here in my hands the results of the event.” He held up a sheet of paper, while discreetly keeping the written side hidden from both us and the cameras. “There have been some shifts in the current rankings of our candidates. And of course, the addition of Bridget has added fresh excitement.”

Nathan began clapping, then indicated that the rest of us should join him. Some did, politely. I did, a little. As did Susie, Tiffany, and Jessica. Veronica abstained, as well as Olivia and Lilliana. Bridget smiled brightly.

“Thank you, everyone,” she said, likely pretending she didn’t notice those not clapping.

Nathan continued, “Bridget’s performance, of course, stole the show. Absolutely wonderful, Bridget. You are a truly talented artisan, and a gift to the kingdom.”

“Thank you, Nathan,” Bridget said. The camera zoomed in on her face. She blew it a kiss.

“You are very welcome.” Nathan cleared his throat as he consulted his paper. “This, of course, brings Bridget straight to the top of the rankings, and bumps down Olivia from the lead, as well as dropping everyone else down one point. Now, for the other changes.”

One by one, he named a candidate and then gave a brief critique of their performance during the event and how it now effected their placement in the rankings.

Susie received credit for her one line and her ability to appear nervous as the scene dictated. But since her scene was so brief, she received a medium amount of points. This, fortunately, moved her up closer to center in the rankings.

Tiffany, who never could seem to manage her voice on the stage, dropped down to the bottom. She seemed visibly upset. Jessica, who did much better, patted her shoulder in


When it came to be my turn, Nathan sighed.

“Piper, your commitment to the role was unreliable. Your character on stage seemed more


you than the actual character you were supposed to have played. It seemed as if you were constantly distracted. The royal family feels that you did not put your all into this event.”


My heart dropped down to the ground. How could that be? I did the best I could! And I had such a large role, that surely they would give more leniency?

But no 

it seemed not. And I didn’t know how I could ever argue with the royal family.



As I stood there confused, the meeting ended. The others began to fan out, which was when Nathan stepped down from the stage and approached me. I expected that he might give me further insight into why the royal family would think so poorly about my performance.

For not being a professional actress, for having no experience at all, I thought I did quite well. Even Bridget had once complimented me, especially during the breakup scene between Nicholas’s character and mine.

“Piper,” Nathan said. His face had fallen since the cameras had turned off. He looked so serious now. I braced myself. Maybe this wasn’t an explanation after all. Maybe he wanted to summon me in front of the King again.

My heartbeat sped up. I really didn’t want to face the King and Queen alone again anytime soon. That almost always ended in disaster for me. And if Nicholas wouldn’t be there to save


I really didn’t want to think about it.

“I have a message from the King and Queen for you,” he said.

I swallowed hard. “Yes?”

“They do not care what you and Julian get up to in secret,” he said. He sneered a little in obvious disgust. “But you must have more discretion.”

“It’s not like –”

“I did not ask for an explanation,” Nathan snapped.

I shut my mouth.

“And one last message, from the Luna herself,” he continued.

I nodded, wordlessly telling him I was ready to hear the message.

“She said to ask you, ‘Have you no sense of self–respect?‘ She does not expect an answer.”



Chapter 0451 

“R–run?” I must have reached the point of my wild–temptation where I was beginning to hallucinate, because there was no way that Julian had actually just suggested to me that we go for a run, here, now, by the light of the moonlight. 

“I’m serious,” he said. 

“But… last time…” I didn’t need to remind him that last time I had let free my wolf, I had disappeared for three days. A search party had been sent out to find me. It was Julian himself who had finally caught up with me and convinced me to return to my human form. 

Now, the same man was suggesting I do it again? 1 

The temptation was pure and raw. It pulsed in the back of my mind loudly, like someone beating on a bass drum back behind my thoughts. The rhythm was alluring. My wolf had already fallen prey to the call. I was so close, I felt like I was holding on with my fingernails. “It’s dangerous,” I said. “I could 


Julian held 

my upper arms in a tight grip. “You won’t. I won’t let you.” His gaze was steady, clear and confident in a way it hadn’t been since Bridget’s arrival. “I will be with you every step, and I will bring you back to yourself before it’s too late.” 

I didn’t want to argue, but, “The call is so strong. What if I don’t listen to you?” 


“You will,” Julian said, and his excess of confidence blossomed some within me as well. Listen to me, piper. I will be able to call your back. This thing you’ve been doing… Trying to fully ignore the call. It’s not good for you. Or your wolf. Totally ignoring your wolf is not going to help you bond with it.” 

I tried to see through my own delirium to assess whether what he was saying made sense or not. It was difficult, but, yes. Yes, that could be true. My wolf and I were bonding slowly, but I almost felt a sense of resentment from it. Too long, I’ve been keeping it locked away inside of me as if in a cage. 2 

One of the things I’d promised I wouldn’t do when I reclaimed it, knowing what it had suffered at the hands of my sister Jane. 

“We have wolves,” Julian said. “We have to use them. It’s natural.” 

I nodded at once. “Okay.” 

Maybe I was surrendering too quickly. Maybe I should have fought more. But I trusted 


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Julian, trusted his judgement, and I was so on–edge, I would have easily agreed to anything 

at all. 

“Okay,” Julian replied. He released me, and together we looked out at the woods beyond the garden. “Ready?” 

I shifted in wolf–form as my reply. A heartbeat later, he did the same, and together we rushed into the night, two wolves lost to the call of the wild and the pounding of their own paws against the forest bed. 

For a time, I left myself to the mercy of my wolf, letting it guide me. Our natural instinct took over, though when we began to veer too far, Julian was quickly there, nipping and barking to bring us back onto the path he’d decided. 

He was an Alpha, so my wolf immediately fell in line. 

Julian was true to his word, guiding me along, never letting me disappear too far. 

He led us down pathways I didn’t know about, and eventually stopped at the side of a small, secluded lake I had never seen before. Well, me personally. My wolf might have seen it during those three days I lost myself. But I hadn’t been mentally present to remember. 

Julian shifts back into his human form. Then he begins taking off his clothes. 

“What are you doing?” I asked, realizing suddenly that I had shifted too. When had I done that? I didn’t even know. Perhaps Julian, the Alpha, had told my wolf to bring me back to the forefront. Or perhaps my wolf realized by itself that now was the time.

Chapter 0452 

Either way, I was now here, standing in my human form, watching Julian unbutton his shirt. 

Julian glanced backwards and me and waggled his eyebrows. “I thought it would be nice to 


for a swim.” 

“And you are going to get naked to do that?” I asked. 

Last button unbuttoned, he shucked his shirt off down his arms. Then he folded it nicely and placed it over his suit coat. When he reached for his belt, I immediately swiveled. Blushing, I put my back to him. 

I had seen enough already to be embarrassed. Julian had a slimmer physique than Nicholas, but he was still toned and handsome. That much bare skin nearly set my face aflame. 

“You wouldn’t have me wet my clothes, would you?” Julian said, a laugh in his voice. “I could get sick!” 

Even though I have my back to him, I still covered my eyes. “Julian!” 

He laughed, loud and strong. “Fine. I’ll leave my boxers on.” Then his voice dropped lower, şultry and dangerous. “Why don’t you join me, Piper? A good moonlight swim always clears the head.” 

I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. 

But the moon was bright, and with all the wild freedom pulsing through my veins, I couldn’t really resist. Especially with the promise we would be keeping on our underwear. 

A heard a splash behind me, and turned to look. Julian was already in the water. 

“Come on, Piper!” he called. “Live a little! While we’re still alive!” 

“Turn around!” I called back to him. 

“What? Why?” 

“I can’t undress with you watching!” 

Even at this distance, and even with the darkness, I could still tell that he rolled his eyes at me. Yet, because he was a gentleman at heart, no matter how much he tried to convince others otherwise, he turned his back to me. 

I hastily undressed and threw my clothes into a pile rather than folding him. Truthfully, I 

+15 BONUS 

knew he was a gentleman at heart, but I didn’t fully trust that playboy to not at least sneak a peek. 

I jumped into the water a moment later, making a splash that crashed down over Julian. He turned toward me, just as my head resurfaced above water. 

“Holy shit! It’s freezing!” I cried. God, it was like ice water prickling my skin. 

“You’re being dramatic,” he said, but this close I could see his teeth chatter. 

“You jerk! You tricked me to come in here!” 

“All I did was suggest it! A little cold water does a world of good. Good for the heart.” 

He was making that up entirely. I glared at him as I waded my way over to the edge of the water. He laughed as he followed me out. 

Fortunately the night air was warm, so we were not in much danger of catching colds. Even so, Julian handed me his suit jacket. 

“Use it as a towel,” he said. So I did, patting myself gently down, then I handed it back to him so he could do the same. I avoided looking at him as much as I could. 

After we dried, we changed back into our clothes. Then he laid down side by side at the bank of the lake and looked up at the starlight. 

“It’s a shame,” he said. 

I turned my head to the side, to look over at him. “What is?” 

He didn’t look back. “If we had met each other first, maybe we would have fallen in love with each other, and none of this heartbreak would have happened.” (1 

I looked away, back up to the stars. It didn’t matter now, I supposed. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn’t. 

It would only hurt to think about what could have been. 

Silence lingered between us. It was comfortable but a bit sad. Bittersweet, maybe. 

“How do we move forward from this, Julian?” I asked. “How do I heal my heart?” Julian said, “If I knew that, Piper, I would have done it long ago.”

Chapter 0453 

Julian and I stayed out in the woods until just before dawn, when we finally made our way back toward the palace. Just as we broke the tree lines and came into the field on the outside of the gardens, Julian stilled. I stopped beside him and looked at him curiously. 

His gaze seemed to be fixed on something, so I followed the length of it to see Nicholas walking toward us. His hands were curled into fists. His shoulders were straight, tense. His jaw was locked and his mouth a hard line. His golden eyes were burning with anger, visible even in the dim light. 


Mark followed along behind Nicholas, speaking to him but not touching him. Nicholas didn’t acknowledge Mark at all. 

“Julian…” I said, half in warning, half because I wasn’t sure what else to say. 

“It will be fine,” Julian said. His gaze was fixed on his brother. His own body was beginning to tense. We’d been up all night. He must have been exhausted. But you would have never guessed it looking at him like this. His focus was intense. 

As Nicholas approached, I saw the rage in him. His muscles were flexing wildly, visible even though his tight button–up shirt and slacks. He looked to be on the verge of shifting. 

“Nick,” I began. His gaze slid to me for only a moment, yet in that moment, I could feel the heat of his anger. It didn’t feel like it was directed at me, however. Instead, as he looked again at Julian, that anger emerged as a deep, guttural growl. 

“How dare you,” Nicholas growled. 

“What do you care if Piper and I were out all night?” Julian scoffed. “I heard you spent the night with someone on your own.” 

Nicholas growl amplified. “You defiled Piper.” 

“Oh? Did I?” Julian smirked. It was sharp. 

“Nick,” I said again, more forcefully. I wasn’t defiled. We only looked at the stars. 

“Stay out of this, Piper,” Julian said, stopping me from explaining. “My brother and I are 

due for a chat.” To Nicholas, he said, “On with it then.” 

“Step back, Piper,” Nicholas said. 

“But –” 


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“Do what he says, Piper,” Julian added in. He glanced at me. “It’s alright.” 

“No, I refuse to stand by and let you two fight over –” 

Suddenly, Mark was in front of me. He slowly ushered me back away from the two brothers. 

I grabbed his arm to try to get him out of the way, but the man was an immoveable wall. Even with my new werewolf strength, Mark wouldn’t budge. 

“They wouldn’t want you hurt,” he said. 

“But it’s okay for them?” I asked. 

He didn’t get to answer because, behind him, Nicholas shifted and pounced at Julian. Julian shifted just in time to meet him, and they met each other with fur and claws and teeth. 

“No!” I called and tried to lunge forward. 

Mark grabbed me around the waist to yank me back. 

“Getting between two enraged werewolves is a terrible idea, Piper,” he said. “Just let them sort it out.” 

“Like this?” 

“It’s the only way,” Mark said. 

That made very little sense to me. If Julian had just told Nicholas that nothing had happened between him and me, then… well, Nicholas probably wouldn’t believe him. Even if I said it, Nicholas wouldn’t believe it. He was too far gone to his jealousy. 

But right did he have to be jealous, anyway? 

He had been with Bridget last night, and though I doubted they had sex, they would someday if she was to become his Luna. 

A tightness wrapped around my stomach and squeezed. I tried to ignore it. 

“Why would Nicholas think Julian and I had sex anyway?” I asked Mark. 

Mark gave me a flat look. “You were out all night, which made Nicholas worry. But then when you returned, you reek of Julian.” 

I still struggled to understand. Even if I smelled like Julian, Nicholas usually approached these things with either calmness or passionate kisses. 

“I’ve never seen him jump into a fight,” I said. 


+15 BONUS 

Before us, Nicholas and Julian toppled over each other, then they back off to circle around. Their strong wolves healed quickly, so even the ugliest of wounds didn’t last. It still hurt my heart to see blood drawn on either of them. 

“Nicholas has been pushed to the brink the past few days,” Mark said. “His calm façade is finally starting to crack. Even he can only take so much. I also suspect that –” 

“Nicholas!” Bridget called from the gardens. Despite her loud shout, she seemed rather calm for the werewolf fight she walked into. She carried a cup of tea and a saucer as she casually made her way toward me. “Are those two fighting again?” 

Obviously. But, “Again?” I asked. 

Bridget shrugged. “They used to do this all the time when we were younger. Sibling rivalry, you know? Fighting helps them get it out of their system.” 

She sipped from her tea. 

I looked at Mark, urging him to continue what he was saying, but with Bridget’s presence now, he closed his mouth and did not open it again. I wondered if what he was going to say had anything to do with Bridget herself. 

It seemed likely. 

“Piper,” Bridget said, reclaiming my attention. “You know how protective Nicholas is of 

those he cares about.” 

“I do,” I said. 

“Then you knew how your disappearance would affect him,” Bridget said. She lifted her tea cup to her lips but did not drink from it. “That’s in very poor taste, Piper.” 

Was I… being lectured by Bridget? What kind of bizarre world was this? 

And how did either of them even know I was missing? Last I saw either of them, they were in Nicholas’s room together, and Nicholas had told me to leave. Dawn was only just now cresting over the trees, so they wouldn’t have noticed my absence at breakfast yet. 

The only explanation was that if Nicholas came to my room to check on me. But that seemed too far–fetched. After his cool dismissal, I couldn’t imagine him making his way to my room. Perhaps he sent an apology letter through a messenger? But then, where was the message? 

I shook my head. This was all too much, and I could barely focus as the fight continued to unfold in front of me. 


+15 BONUS 

Julian snapped at Nicholas’s throat, but Nicholas jumped out of the way at the last moment. Nicholas was a bigger wolf, likely stronger too, but Julian was faster, leaner, with no lack of his own strength. 

They were both strong killing machines. 

“I need to correct this misunderstanding,” I said. 

Mark still had his arm out, physically blocking my path like he expected me to jump into the fray at any moment. He did not offer the same warning to Bridget, who continued to nonchalantly sip her tea. 


you want my opinion,” Bridget began. 

Truthfully, her opinion was the very last thing that I cared to know, but I kept my mouth shut: Fighting with Bridget didn’t mean anything to me right now. My focus was primarily on Nicholas 


Until she said, “Since Nicholas and I are together now, you should just leave Nicholas alone.” 



Chapter 0447

Nicholas POV

You should have kissed BridgetNicholas,” my father said to me.

We were standing in the private rooms he shared with my mother. The King was glaring at me. The Luna was sitting at the table, busying herself with needlepoint and paying us little attention. I knew my father had her full support, however. Talks like these were usually part of a two–pronged attack. 1

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this entire conversation hadn’t been mainly my mother’s


I didn’t think the play needed it,” I said.

“To hell with what the play needed,” the King said. His blood pressure was rising. His face was turning red. “You should have kissed her to kiss her.”

You aren’t giving Bridget enough of a chance,” the Luna said from the table.

I nearly sighed but held back. Like I had guessed, my mother was more involved than she pretended to be.

“Bridget and I are just friends,” I said to herbecause knew she was the one I was talking to, and that my father was just a mouthpiece to her wishes.

The Luna lowered her needlepoint down to the tabletop, then turned in her chair to face me. This is a competition to find your Luna, Nicholas. You have no friends here.‘

Ah. There it was. My mother already chose my bride for me, now she intended to guide me into selecting the woman she’d already chosen.

The only one I really wantedPiper, was off–limits. They had made that clear plenty of times.

Piper herself had made it clear she didn’t particularly want the job. And even I worried about bringing her and Elva into the dangerous and precarious situations such a role would require. 1

But to have the choice taken entirel

from me rankled my nerves like no other.

These competitions were such a farceMost of these girls could go home right now and it wouldn’t make any differenceKeeping up the ruse felt dishonest.

“I thought Lilliana was the one you wanted me to pair up with,” I said.



“Don’t be smart, boy,” the King snapped.

I dipped my head a little. It wasn’t like me to speak out of turn to my parents, but this entire day had been one event after the next of people not listening to my wants and making decisions for me.

was an Alpha. I had not just an urge, but a need to be in charge of my own life. My instinct was to protect those around me. To shield them. Not to cower behind my aging mother’s skirts and have her pick things for me.

The imagined vision made me furious. I respected my parents. Respected Bridget. I was so tired of being disrespected in turn.

The only person in the entire palace who seemed to actually respect meother than Mark, was Piper. God, I wished could talk to her now. She had a way of putting things in

perspectiveIf I only had her beside me…

But couldn’t.

I could roar in frustration. I was just going in circles, around and around again.. 

Nicholas,” my mother said and she was my mother now, so much softer when she acted that part, instead of that of a Queen. “Even if you only see Bridget as a friend. Who better than a friend to be your wife? She is not a stranger. You trust her. Your heart could melt for her over time.”

I couldn’t believe that. Bridget had always been my friend, and though I could admit her beautyI never truly desired her, not once I realized what desire truly looked like. When I had been young, I had thought myself in love. But then I met Piper, and I learned what love truly was.

Yet, I couldn’t fully deny the logic behind her words. If I excluded Piper from the running, most of the women here, even those had dated, remained strangers to me. Lilliana never allowed me to see her true self. And Olivia’s true self was to meld herself into the moment. I hadn’t seen beyond her hard shell.

Chapter 0448

Bridget was my friend. She had my trust. Though I didn’t think love would form from it, couldn’t deny it would be a good match. Bridget would be a good Luna.

However, I did not think she would be a good wife. And that kept me from agreeing to the match.

That, and my desire for Piper. I knew we needed to end things, but how could I? If I could keep her by my side longer, simply by turning all others away, I would.

“There’s no secret that Bridget’s presence has helped quell some of the unrest in the kingdom,” the King said. “Her continued presence in the palace could only help us moving forward.”

He was right. I fucking hated it but he was right.

“Speak to her,” the Luna said. Her cold, queenly exterior had returned. “Perhaps she can


where we could not.”

“I will speak to her in the morning,” I said. I really needed to rest tonight and clear my head. I didn’t want to jump into something while my head felt so muddled.

“Speak to her now,” the Luna commanded. “She is waiting in your rooms.”

It was against the rules for the candidates to be in the princes‘ rooms without their express permission. It seemed my mother had trumped that rule without my consent.

Another choice ripped from my hands. Another disrespect.

I dipped my head low, because I didn’t trust my voice anymore. A growl was brewing in the back of my throat. For anyone, even a prince, to growl at the Luna would not go unpunished.

I left their room without another word. I didn’t want to speak with Bridget, but I reasoned I could talk to her and tell her to come back in the morning.

I opened the door to my rooms and walked in. Bridget was waiting in a chair and immediately jumped up at my arrival. I closed the door behind me.

I know this can’t be what you had planned,” she began. She must have been prepped for this conversation, likely by my mother. Not letting me get a word in, even to say hello, was likely part of their strategy. “It’s not what I had in mind either.

“Bridget…” (1


+15 BONUS 

She walked to me, closing the distance faster than I would have liked. I held my ground though, and stood taller. I would be defiant in whatever small ways I could be.

“Your friendship is important to me, Nicholas. So I want to stay by your side. And who knows?” She lifted a hand and traced it down the length of my forearm. “Maybe someday it could be love.”

No. It wouldn’t.

Not while Piper was a person that existed in the world. Even if she and I could never be together, she was the only one I wanted in my heart. Even if that made me lonely. Even if Piper eventually moved on.

Piper was my heart.

I opened my mouth, ready to turn Bridget down as gently as I could – or at least, set the record straight.

But then there was a knock on the door. I went to it, drew it open, and there stood Piper. 1

For her to find me in here, this late, with Bridget, made my heart sink, coated in black ink. Piper would be hurt, and she would have right to be.

Especially with the careless things I had said to her before.

Here she was, ready to give me another chance, and I had to turn her down flat.

“Go back to your roomPiper,” I said, and closed the door.


Chapter 0449

“Nicholas? Who is it?” came a voice from within Nicholas’s room. A female voice. One I recognized.


My stomach shot into my throat so quickly, I thought I might be sick.

Suddenly, before I could even think to react, the door opened, and Bridget was standing there. Nicholas was behind her, hand on the door like he had tried to stop her, but she dipped under his arm.

“Oh. Piper! What a surprise! What are you doing so late?” Bridget’s tone was friendly enough, but there was a sharpness in her eyes that I was learning only appeared when she was particularly irritated. She must have been tired, as well, to let it show through so obviously.

“I… uh…” I hadn’t been expecting to run into Bridget or anyone other than Nicholas tonight, so I didn’t have an excuse prepared. I wracked my brain. “I just wanted to… congratulate Nicholas… on his performance tonight.”

The lie was weak, and I hated saying it. What did I even need an excuse for? Bridget was the one who needed an excuse!

“Why, uh… Might I ask why you are here so late?” I asked.

“Oh, that’s easy,” Bridget said. “Nicholas and I were just talking about the nuances of our new relationship.”

“Bridget,” Nicholas said, none too gently. There was a growl in his voice.

“She should know,” Bridget told him. “Or did you mean to keep it a secret longer?” Then she looked at me and winked. “You won’t tell anyone about this, right, Piper?”

I” I had no idea what to say. To have too big of a reaction would be to give myself away. But I was not a good actress. I didn’t know how to properly hide the horror and heartbreak

from my face

“Ohdear, don’t worry,” Bridget said. “The competition will go on as before. No one will know that the end is already fixed.” Another wink.

“That’s enough, Bridget,” Nicholas said, some of his Alpha tone seeped out.


+15 BONUS 

Bridget’s smile never wavered, though she did stop speaking. I doubted it was because of the Alpha command. It was more likely because of the complete one–two punch of her words. What was there left to say that hadn’t been said?

In a few brief sentences, she’d indicated she was going to be the one to become Luna, that Nicholas was on board, and that I would be strung along the rest of the competition and eventually kicked out. 

And each of those words stabbed into me like a sharp object between my ribs, tearing at my


I looked to Nicholas, hoping he would deny her declarations. He stared back at me, a hard expression in his eyes. Typically, I could read Nicholas, at least enough to have some base idea what he was thinking. Now, though, he was entirely shut off.

Behind his golden gaze, there was a wall. Even the forest green flecks in his irises seemed grim.

For him to stand there and not deny it meant either it was true, or that he wanted Bridget to

believe it was true. The difference didn’t seem to matter much in the moment.

For my part, there was nothing could say that would make much difference one way or the other. Bridget seemed sure. And I could break down and ask Nicholas the questions I wanted to in her presence.

Questions like, what about us? What about those things you said? What changed? Why now?

Maybe the answers would have only served to break my heart further.

So I did the only option that I felt was open to me in that moment. I turned. And I ran away before my tears could fall.

I didn’t know where I was going. I hated that I kept finding myself in this situation. Heartbroken as I was, couldn’t return to my room. I didn’t want to worry Elvaor alarm her that anything was wrong. But I did need a few minutes to pull myself together.


Chapter 0450 

My wolf was rampaging in my mind, begging me to run, to be free, to give myself over to my natural side and forget myself and my worries for a while.

I was on the edge, so close to giving over. I needed to go to someone, but I didn’t know how. Nicholas had made me promise that I would go to him when I was feeling like this, but that wasn’t possible now.

Susie was always an option, but she had her own troubles to worry about. And likely Mark was with her, especially since I didn’t see him with Nicholas and I knew he wasn’t watching my room tonight.

Veronica was another choice. She was likely locked up in the library for another long night of research. The thought of joining her there was usually a soothing nothing. But right now it made my skin crawl. I wanted to be free, not confined to a box.

It was that notion that drove me out into the gardens, where I knew Julian was lurking. Before I had earlier left him, he had expressed his own desire not to return to his room tonight. He said he had a lot of thinking to do.

I didn’t blame him. What I hadn’t expected was that I would end up with a lot of thinking to do too, now.

Letting my feet guide me, and maybe my heart guide my feet, I flew down the staircase.

At the doorway leading outside, Brian stood guard. When he saw me coming, he wordlessly stood to the side and pushed open the door for me. He didn’t even ask me what I wanted or why was crying. Nor did he ask Julian if I was allowed into his space at such a late hour.

Brian, somehow, seemed to have an innate ability to know everything, like he had eyes and ears everywhere. Maybe he knew about Bridget and Nicholas. Maybe he knew I would come looking for Julian.

Maybe he didn’t know, and was simply letting me speak to Julian anyway. I didn’t know.

I nodded my head in thanks as I passed him and entered the gardens. This late, only the string lights woven through the foliage lit the pathways. The moonlight above cast a soft glowilluminating the edges of the otherwise imperceptible edges of night.

The shadowy visage of Julian stood out from the darkened flowers and trees because of this


His back was to me. As I approached, his gaze was up at the moon. He didn’t look at me


+15 BONUS 

approaching, though he must have sensed my presence by now.

I wished I was calm, so that I could appreciate the view better. The stars were so much brighter here than back home in the city. But my heart was recently shattered, and I was barely holding together the agony swelling within me. As well as the wild.

So I do what I had wanted to do in Nicholas’s doorway. I covered my face with my hands and I sobbed so loudly that my lungs hurt.

Julian, alarmed, immediately turned to me. “Piper? What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t… I don’t…” My thoughts were a messy. I struggled to hold myself together long enough to speak. “I went to see Nicholas… Bridget was there.”

He stiffened.

“I want to run. Nick said to go to him… when this happened. But… But… what do I do when he’s the cause?”

Julian gripped me by the shoulders.

I looked up into his eyes.

I wouldn’t. F–For Elva.”

“I want to run, Julian. But I promised you and I promised Nick that

It was only thoughts of Elva now that kept me gripping to the edge of my humanity. But Julian looked down into my eyes and told me, “Let’s run.”



Chapter l445-446

Chapter 0445 

“I didn’t say any of those things,” Julian said, after I explained exactly what Bridget had told me. “And I have no idea why Bridget would say I did.” 

I didn’t either, though I had some guesses, none of them very favorable to Bridget. 

“I guess I should tell you what actually happened, or you might not believe me,” he said with a self–deprecating kind of chuckle. 

He didn’t have to, exactly. I could see now, just from the way he was talking about it with me, that whatever Bridget had said happened was mostly untrue. At least, the parts where he had said those terrible things about me. 

It was much easier to believe that Julian had confessed his love and Bridget rejected it. I wouldn’t assume though. Julian could tell me the truth, if and when he was ready. 

“I’m just worried about you,” I said. “You’ve acted so strangely today. I don’t even recognize you.” 

“I guess there’s a reason for that.” Julian looked down as if ashamed. “It happened again.” 

I blinked, confused. “What happened again?” 

He glanced to the side now, unable to meet my gaze. “I confessed my feelings for Bridget. I told her she is the only woman I’ve ever loved. I thought if I told her the truth, she might come clean with her own feelings, one way or another.” 

“You thought she might reciprocate?” I asked. 

“I’ve been so confused since her arrival. Yes, she’s given Nicholas more attention, but she hasn’t ignored me. Nicholas clearly doesn’t feel for her as I do. I thought if I told her my feelings, as well as made clear that Nicholas wouldn’t care for her as I do, that she would see the light.” 

That didn’t seem like a very good plan to me, an outsider. But as an objective third party, I didn’t have my feelings tangled as Julian did. My heart wasn’t on the line like his was. 

I could see the writing on the wall from a mile away, but that didn’t diminish the heartache I felt for Julian now. While I wasn’t certain their love was genuine, whatever Julian felt hurt him. And I’m sorry that he couldn’t have the dream he wanted. 

“She rejected you,” I said. “You’ll need time, but –” 


+15 BONUS 

“No,” Julian said. “That’s the thing. She didn’t.” 

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt. Of all the things I had expected him to say, that hadn’t been one of them. It took a long time for my brain to restart, like I was a computer that 

needed rebooted. 

“She… Wait.” Even with my brain coming back online, I remained confused for a few minutes longer. “She didn’t?” 

“She reciprocated,” Julian said. He pushed a hand through his hair. His face crinkled in his own uncertainty. “It was just like it was all those years ago. She told me she felt the same. She was glad that I came forward. We spent all night together, kissing and talking.” 

“But…” Why was she acting that way with Nicholas today if she had spent all night kissing Julian? If she returned Julian’s long–lasting love? None of this made sense. But then I realized what Julian had said, It happened again. 

Oh. Oh, no. “She didn’t,” I said. 

“She did,” Julian said. His eyes met mine again, and there was a hint of sadness within them. 

He didn’t usually show his emotions this blatantly. To show them here, to me, meant one of two things, or a combination of them. One, that he trusted me. Two, Bridget had totally 

broken him inside. 

“In the morning, with the light of the rising sun, her entire story changed,” Julian said. ” She told me that she was mistaken, or that I had heard her wrong. She said last night was fun, but that was all it was.” 

He cleared his throat. I knew his next words would be particularly painful. Nothing left 

Julian speechless. 


Chapter 0446 

“She told me Nicholas was the only one for her.” 

My heart cracked down the middle, just as my stomach churned. I ached for Julian’s pain, while my wolf stirred within me, jealousy raging. 

“I’m sorry,” I told him. 

“I shouldn’t feel so surprised,” Julian said. Both sets of fingers combed through his hair this time. “It was so similar to last time, I thought perhaps for a moment that I was trapped in some kind of curse.” 

The curse had a name: Bridget. 

“I feel so uncertain. So… confused. Heartbroken. I don’t understand.” Julian began to ramble his words, another action so unlike him. “I hate feeling this way. I’m always so sure. But I don’t understand. Piper, help me understand.” 

He looked at me and the intensity in his gaze gave me pause. 

“Why would she change her mind so quickly?” he asked. 

He wanted an honest answer, but I held myself back. To tell him what I honestly thought would be to blatantly badmouth the woman he loved. And though I certainly thought her deserving of it, I wasn’t so certain that Julian was ready to hear the words. 

The truth of it was, I thought Bridget knew from the start which of the two brothers she had desired, and merely strung Julian along. What I didn’t know was why? 

It could be something simple. Julian was a handsome man, and very charismatic. He was so clearly in love with Bridget, or what he thought was love. It would be so easy to pretend for a while, simply to make out with someone handsome. 

But. She was an ultra–beautiful movie star. She could have anyone she wanted: movie actors, musicians… anyone. Why mess around with Julian at all? 

A dark voice whispered in my mind, she’s doing it to mess with you. But how could that be true? I wasn’t even around when they were younger. 

“I don’t know, Julian,” I said. I wouldn’t badmouth Bridget for his sake, but I would tell him the truth of what I felt for him. That felt safer, and maybe was more of what he needed to hear anyway. “But I do know that you deserve better. True love doesn’t play these games.” 


+15 BONUS 

“I don’t know. I don’t know anymore. For it to happen twice…” 

“I don’t know what she told you last night, and I don’t want to know. It’s none of my business. But she’s not treating you right, Julian. That I promise you.” 

Julian sighed loud and low. “I know that, Piper. You think I don’t know that? But I’m in love with her! What am I supposed to do?” 

“Have you tried not being in love with her?” I asked. His defeated tone was triggering my own impatience. “You know she treats you bad, and you are allowing it. You are enabling it, Julian! How can you continue to love her?” 

“I don’t know, okay? I don’t know…” 

I didn’t know what else to do or say, and he didn’t know either. We both turned back to the railing and looked up at the stars. 

“I’m sorry,” I said again, in the quiet of the night. 

“Me, too,” he said. 

And though Julian’s heart was breaking, things between us felt whole again. 

After leaving Julian, I couldn’t wait to see Nicholas, so I rushed to his room. I walked so quickly, I was nearly running, but it was midnight now. Most everyone had retired. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself so I had to move slowly. 

At his door, I knocked lightly. I heard shuffling within. 

After a moment, the door opened slightly, and Nicholas’s face appeared. 

His face was drawn, seeing me. 

“Go back to your room, Piper,” he said, and closed the door in 



Chapter l444

Chapter 0444
Despite the argument between Bridget and Nicholas, the show needed to go on, which meant Nicholas and Bridget were called back to the stage. Bridget was silenced after Nicholas’s final words, so the air between them was obviously tense. They didn’t talk at all as they returned to the stage.
For the finale, Julian was needed on stage too. This was the final showdown between his character and Nicholas’s, where Nicholas would beat him in a duel and officially claim Bridget’s character’s hand in marriage.
I knew Julian had to go, but I was still holding onto his arm. I wasn’t ready to let him go yet. We still hadn’t talked and his face was still like that of a strangers, unsmiling and stern.
Julian glanced pointedly at where I gripped his upper arm.
“I have to go now, Piper,” he said.
“We still haven’t talked,” I replied.
I still didn’t let go. “Do you promise?”
He huffed a harsh breath. “Why does it matter?”
He was so dismissive, it hurt a little. Why did it matter? Because I cared about him. Because he was acting strangely. Because I wanted to know if he really said those terrible things about me to Bridget.
“It matters because it matters,” I said. It really was as simple as that. To put it into further detail only made it more needlessly complicated. It mattered because Julian mattered.
He looked at me a bit longer. His eyes were so detached, he truly looked like a different person. I missed the always smirking instigator that had become my friend.
“Piper…” he said, and it seemed like he was about to say something else. Maybe he’d give an explanation. Maybe he’d finally tell me what was going on.
Instead, he sighed. “I have to go.”,
I didn’t have any other choice. I couldn’t make him look bad and hold up the play for everyone else, just because I selfishly wanted answers from Julian. So I released his arm.
He nodded, then hurried up onto the stage to finish his scene.
I felt so cold inside. I didn’t want to believe the things Bridget said, but with Julian acting so distantly, what was I to think?
Maybe he really did say those things about me.
The rest of the play went by in a rush. I felt a bit like I was in a bit of a trance, woken only when, in the final scene, Elva had her big role as a flower girl.
She was absolutely adorable, in her puffy dress, her ribbons springing along behind her as she lightly sk ipped across the stage. The crowd oohed and aahed, and she earned the biggest
applause of the night.
In the end, Bridget and Nichola s’s characters were married, and they shared another kiss on the cheek. This time, Bridget did not push for more. Good. If she had tried, I might have run- onto the stage myself and yanked her away from him.
Nicholas could handle himself, but my jealous rage was still seething. My wolf was angrily pacing within me. It couldn’t wait until we had Nicholas alone and could scent him again.
When the final scene was over, the entire cast was called to the stage for a bow. I held Elva’s hand, and we bowed together. The crowd cheered and cheered, a standing ovation. When Nicholas and Bridget came out last, they cheered loudest. A few flowers were thrown onto the stage.
Nathan handed Bridget a bouquet of roses as he arrived onstage. “From the King and Queen,” he said.
Favoritism, once again.
I tried not to let it bother me.
After the bows, the lights came on. We were supposed to descend the stage by the front stairs and mingle with the crowd. Take pictures. Sign playbooks. Most of us did. But immediately, I noticed Nathan pull Nicholas away. I was close enough to hear.
“The King requests an audience,” Nathan said.
Requests. More like demands.
Following Nathan, Nicholas weaved through the crowd toward the royal family.
Across the room, I noticed Julian making his way out the doors onto the balcony.
I had no hope of speaking to Nicholas now. I couldn’t save him from a royal summons. Even if I was dying, he’d still be required to speak with the King first, before he could even visit me. The King took precedence over all.
But I could speak to Julian.
So I made sure Elva was safe with Susie, I said a few polite hellos to guests who wished to greet me and give compliments to my performance, and then I made my way to the door to the balcony.
Outside, Julian was alone. He was leaning with his elbows on the railing of the balcony. His neck was bent back, his gaze up on the stars.
I walked to his side and took a spot beside him on the railing. I looked at him for a long moment. When he didn’t turn to meet my gaze, I followed his up to the stars.
“You wanted to talk,” he said.
“Are you okay?” I asked. Of all the questions I had, that seemed most important.
“No,” he said, without any hesitation. “Was that your only question?”
Of course it wasn’t. And his answer only added to the questions I had.
But I suspected his answer was tied to where he was last night, so I decided to start there.
“What happened last night?” I asked him.
“Which part?” Julian replied. His tone was emotionless, hollow. I hated it.
“Were you with Bridget?” I asked.
The silence stretched. Perhaps that was answer enough, but I still wanted to hear him say the words.
“Julian, you can talk to me,” I said.
“What is there to talk about? What does it matter if I was with Bridget?”
“What matters is you,” I snapped. His attitude was starting to get to me. I was losing patience. “You tell me you are not okay. You are acting like a zombie. You aren’t giving me any straight answers.’
Julian was quiet a moment more. I took a huffy breath, ready to really lay into him. I turned to face him. The stars were beautiful, but I wanted to see his face while he continued to try to bulls hit me.
Julian continued to look upward. “Yes, I was with Bridget last night.”
I waited for more. When it didn’t come, I opened my mouth. “Julian,” I pressed.
“It’s fine, Piper,” Julian said. “I’m handling it.” (1)
I crossed my arms. He was dismissing me again. I was on my last nerve. This was our one chance to talk, I wasn’t about to let him get out of it this easily. Especially because it seemed more and more likely that he actually did say those things about me last night.
For him to be such a jerk now, what else could I believe?
“Why would you tell Bridget that you are only with me because you feel bad for me? That I’m a terrible person? And all the other things you said?”
Now, finally, he did turn to look at me. And finally, there was an expression on his face. Confusion.
“Bridget said you badmouthed me,” I said.
“She talked to you?”
“Julian.” I needed him to focus. “Why would you say those things?”
He shook his head. “Piper. I swear to G od, I have no idea what you are talking about.”


Chapter 0443

“Hi, Piper!” Susie said, suddenly rushing past me. “Bye, Piper!” She took the stairs of the stage.

Bridget’s gaze never left mine. She didn’t say anything more, just winked at me, then turned to follow Susie up the stairs.

I stared after her for a few long moments, shaken inside and out. Just what had Bridget meant by that? A true kiss of passion, she’d said. With Nicholas?

No. I couldn’t believe it. Nicholas had said he won’t kiss anyone he didn’t want to, and I couldn’t let Bridget’s words shake my faith and trust in him.

But what if Bridget was someone he wanted to kiss. The lights of the stage could be intoxicating, and Bridget was a good actress. If anyone could convince a man to kiss her, it would be Bridget.

My stomach twisted into tight knots. Maybe I shouldn’t watch at all. Maybe I should just return to the sitting room with Elva and wait for Susie to tell me what happened.

Yes, that was what I would do. Decided, I turned away from the stairs, only to notice a figure lingering at the other side of the backstage, half in shadow. No one really went to that side, since this side was far more convenient.

Yet I recognized that shadvenient


My worries dimmed a little under the wave of determination that rolled over me now. I still needed to talk to him, and here he was. We could speak privately there, and an escape would not be easy for him.

Resolved, I started toward him.

Onstage, the scene began, with Bridget talking to Susie. Susie delivered her one line. Her voice trembled with obvious fear, yet she still managed to say the words. I was proud of her. I would tell her later. But for now…

Julian, we need to talk,” I said.

Julian didn’t even glance at me. His eyes were glued to the stage.

Julian,” I said, more forcefully.

“Shh.” Did he just shush me?

I moved into his line of sight, blocking his view of the stage. Face blank, he simply leaned over to look around me

Okay, I got it. He wanted to watch this scene as much as I wanted to avoid it. Was he some kind of masochist? Liked the pain? Or was this way of dealing with the potential rejection? Did he need to see Bridget and Nicholas interact like some kind of proof? Even if it was only an act.

Fine. I wouldn’t stand in his wayif this was what he felt he needed.

+15 BONUS 

Sighing, I moved to stand beside Julian instead. I was annoyed though, and wouldn’t put it past him to try to sneak away again. So I reached out and clenched his wrist in a vice grip. If he wanted to escape me, he’d have to break my hold. That would be much harder to do now, since I had a wolf.

OnstageNicholas had climbed through the makeshift window and was sharing romantic words with Bridget. The scene made my stomach clench no matter how many times I witnessed it.

I glanced at Julian beside me. His blank expression had not changed. Suddenly, I began to worry about him even more than before. It wasn’t like him to not be quick with a grin and a quip. Something was definitely going on with him.

I’d promised Nicholas I would speak with him, but I would want to anyway. Even if I didn’t want the truth about what happened last night, I would still want to talk to him, to find out why he looked so broken.

“Julian…” I whispered.

“Later, Piper,” he said, still not looking at me. “I’m watching the show now.”

I closed my mouth again. He really did want to torture himself.

I guessed that meant I had to be tortured too.

When I returned my attention to the stage, it was time for the kiss. Beside me, Julian tensed. I tensed too, holding onto his arm for dear life.

I couldn’t see Nicholas’s face from here, only Bridget’s. She looked up at him with such pure devotion in her eyes. She was a great actress, but I wondered if not all of that was fake.

Slowly, so slowly, they leaned in toward each other.

My breath caught in my throat.

Please, Nick. No. Don’t.

At the last moment, Nicholas turned his head and kissed Bridget on the cheek.

A rush of relief pushed through me.

But thenBridget, apparently having expected this, grabbed Nicholas’s face to center him, pressed herself up onto her toes, and smashed their lips together.

The crowd began to wildly cheer. So much for being on my side.

Beside meJulian sighed. He gently placed his hand over mine, and I realized how tightly was holding him. Still, couldn’t force myself to let go.

Nicholas stilled for the length of the kiss. He looked like a statueunmoving. When Bridget pulled back, smiling, he knocked away her hands then stormed off the stage.

Bridget watched after himsurprised for a moment. But then she corrected herself. She smiled as she turned toward the confused audience.

“My lover waits for me in the bedchamber!” she saidadlibbing. “He’s so passionate! I must join him at once!”


The crowd hooted and hollered.

Bridget ran off the stage. She caught up with Nicholas halfway to the sitting room. Much slower, Susie came down the stairs. She gave the pair a large berth, inching around them.

“Nicholas!” Bridget hurried in front of him to stop his pace. He started to walk around her, but then she said, “Do you truly hate me so much?” Finally, he stopped.

“I made my position clear from the start, Bridget. No kissing,” Nicholas said. “You disrespect that and disrespected me.”

“I respect you,” Bridget said. “Of course I do. But you cannot think that a passionless kiss would have convinced that audience we are in love?”

“It is a play,” Nicholas said. “It does not need to be convincing.”

“It does if I am to have any chance in this competition!” Bridget said, voice raising. Then she cleared her throat and lowered her voice again. “Do you truly hate me so much that you want me gone? If we do not both play our parts, it makes me look bad.”

I could not imagine a universe in which Bridget, the professional actress, would receive less points in this event than anyone else. Especially not because Nicholas wouldn’t kiss her.

Perhaps it was professional hubris that drove her words now.

I suspected she just wanted a proper kiss from Nicholas. Jealousy rose like a growl in my throat. I bit it down. I bit it all down. To be fair, I couldn’t blame her. Nicholas’s kisses were hot and fiery. I would do so many things to be able to burn in him.

“I don’t hate you,” Nicholas said, sighing. “But the kiss was unnecessary.”

“I assure you it was very necessary. It’s the easiest way to convince the audience –”

“Easiest way, not the only way.”

“Nicholas.” Bridget placed her hands on her hips. “You are being purposefully difficult.‘

“You are being difficult, Bridget,” Nicholas said. His voice was proud and sure, unwavering. It had been for the length of this conversation. “In this, you are in the wrong.”

Bridget suddenly looked taken aback, properly scolded.

“You’ve overstepped,” Nicholas said. “See that it doesn’t happen again.”



Chapter 0441 

As Bridget finished her solo scene, it was time for Nicholas and me to head to the stage for our breakup scene. 

“Break a leg,” Bridget said to us as we passed each other. I knew this was the traditional way of wishing someone good luck in a theater production, but my wolf still snarled inside of me like it was a threat. Fortunately, I held it back before the sound could audibly escape me. 

Nicholas held out his arm for me as we reached the stairs to the stage. On the surface, it was a gesture of kindness. As a gentleman, Nicholas wanted to be sure I wouldn’t trip on my skirts on my way up the stairs. 

Yet underneath, there was more to steady presence of his arm under mine. This was an apology for what was to come. 

The apology wasn’t necessary. By now, we’d practiced this scene enough that I barely felt anything at all. Still, it warmed me from the inside out, knowing Nicholas cared so much. 

With the stage covered in darkness, Nicholas and I released our gentle hold on each other and moved into our positions. 

The lights clicked on, and the scene began. 

Nicholas looked at me and said, “We have to end things between us…” 


“There’s someone else.” 


“It doesn’t matter who.” 

“I think it does,” I said, then paused. I pushed all of my emotion into my voice. “I love you.” 

In all of our practices, Nicholas hesitated here, no matter how many times Nathan and Bridget tried to correct him. So it wasn’t shocking that he still hesitated now. 

“Well, I don’t love you,” he eventually said. 

The crowd loudly gasped. One person even booed. Another cried out, “That’s just wrong!” 

Nicholas and I glanced at the crowd in surprise, and then at each other. That reaction certainly had not been expected. 

+15 BONUS 

I tried to regain my composure, but I needed a few seconds before I could remember my next line. “Why would you hurt me like this?” 

Nicholas’s reply took even longer. This scene was quickly unraveling. “I love her.” 

“Don’t do this!” someone in the audience shouted. 

“Piper is the one!” another called. 

Both were loudly shushed. 

Thankfully, my final line was coming up and this horrible scene would soon be over. 

“I never want to see either of you again!” I shouted. Then, I turned and fled from the stage. 

Here, Nathan and Bridget both thought the crowd would cheer, happy to be rid of me, the last romantic obstacle standing between Nicholas’s character and Bridget’s. Instead, the crowd was deathly silent, like the grave. 

Nicholas paused, as he had been instructed to, to let the applause play out. It never came. Eventually, he cleared his throat and continued with his monologue. 

As the scene ended, the audience did finally react. They politely clapped. 

Nicholas found me waiting in the backstage area, at the foot of the stairs. He walked to me then clutched both of my hands in his. Gently, he brought them up to his mouth to place soft kiss after soft kiss over my knuckles. 

I didn’t need the reassurance that there was no hard feelings between us. But it was nice to have it all the same. I’d never turn down a bit of extra attention from Nicholas. 

In a low voice, he said, “The audience was right. My character is a cad for turning away your character’s love for a woman he just met. 

I smiled. “What about true love?” 

Nicholas placed another kiss to the back of my palm. “Even they could tell where truly lies.” 

my heart 

“Nicholas…” My heart burst with affection for him. I wished I could fall into his arms and kiss him. What I would have given to be kissed senselessly in that moment. But, people were bustling around us. Even our present touch was dangerous, threatening to give us away. 

Chapter 0442 

Neither of us pulled away though. 

At least, not until Bridget’s voice sounded behind me. “Nicholas! It’s time for our romance scene.” 

Nicholas released my hands and I pulled them back to my sides, just as Bridget came to a stop beside me. 

If she had noticed our closeness, which she must have from her closeness, she was pretending she hadn’t. She simply beamed her bright smile all for Nicholas. 

My nerves prickled once again. Yes, Nicholas had told me that he would only kiss the people he wanted to, but in the shine of Bridget’s presence and under the lights of the stage, who knew what would happen? The script called for a kiss. They were supposed to kiss. 

Would Nicholas truly turn his back on the character? On the play itself? On Bridget? 

She batted her eyelashes at him now. “Ready, lover?” 

My thoughts fizzled into ash. I felt suddenly faint. 

Bridget glanced at me and laughed. “Just getting into character, Piper.” She winked at me. 

Whatever my feelings were toward Bridget, I could openly admit that I absolutely detested her character for this play. 

Bridget’s character and Nicholas’s were both in their own relationships at the start, only for them both to claim they never loved their partners and pursue each other instead. It was painted as true love conquering all, but I wasn’t so sure. 

My character was painted as a villain for trying to save her relationship. And while some of her actions were underhanded she was by no means a saint her intentions are only to 



sustain the love she thought she had been cultivating for the past years. 

I hadn’t given it much thought until now, but maybe the audience and Nicholas were right.. Maybe his character really was a cad. 

No wonder Nicholas was so miserable to be playing him. 

“It’s our time to shine,” Bridget said, turning her smile to Nicholas once again. 

He nodded curtly at her and then looked at me. The green in his eyes was barely visible in the dark of the backstage, but the gold almost seemed to glow. And within that gold, I could 


+15 BONUS 

detect a swirl of emotion. 

He was trying to tell me something, and while I didn’t always understand the message behind his eyes, this time, I was fluent enough in Nicholas to read him. 

My heart is with you. 

I could feel the words as clearly as if he had just said them aloud to me. 

Bridget patted Nicholas’s arm. “Better get into position.” 

Nodding, Nicholas turned from me and headed up the stair. With our locked eyes broken, I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. 

Oddly, Bridget remained. As I looked at her, I found her watching me with a truly unreadable expression. 

With Nicholas, I had a chance of reading his face because of the depth of our knowing each other and because he was so terribly earnest. 

Bridget was an actor by trade, her face could say anything, and there was no indication if that was what she truly felt. The fact that I didn’t know her all that well didn’t help matters 


Yet when she looked at me now, I felt an uncomfortable chill run down the length of my spine, like I was staring into the eyes of a viper ready to strike. 1 

Maybe that was an unfair comparison. I felt bad for thinking it. But I couldn’t deny it. 1 

Bridget’s smile hadn’t dimmed, but her eyes turned hard. 

“Keep your eyes on the stage, Piper,” Bridget said. “I’m about to show everyone what a real kiss of passion looks like.” 



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