The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 163-168

Chapter 163

Marian looked up and flashed Daniel a grin, “My name’s Marian. Please don’t call me anything else, not my cup of tea.”

With that, her smile quickly vanished as she dove back into her phone.

Daniel’s smile froze a tad.

Louis jumped in to smooth things over, “She’s got no memory of her childhood, man. The chick had it rough growing up outside, took us two years of sweet-talking to get her to even peek back home.”

Hearing this, Daniel felt even more for her and didn’t mind Marian’s lack of manners, keeping up his smile he asked, “Got a boyfriend yet, Marian?”

“Nah,” Marian glanced up briefly, “Swamped with studies, dude. No time for boy trouble.”

“This girl’s a bookworm, just graduated from Apex Engineering University, nailed a master’s in architecture.”

Louis couldn’t help puffing up with pride as he rattled off the university name, boasting, “Called it when she was a tot, said she was brainy material. Quiet, diligent, focused, and smart as a whip, knew she’d land in a top school and she did!”

Daniel had been to that uni with Louis back in the day but still couldn’t help marveling, “That’s seriously badass.”

He was genuinely stoked for Yolanda.

He’d been rooting for Yolanda since she was a kid.

Finally, Marian looked up again, “Thanks.”

Her smile this time held a genuine spark.

That bit of sincerity touched Daniel, and he couldn’t help but steer the convo back to matters of the heart, “Got anyone you fancy, Marian?”

“Nope,” Marian answered straight-up, without a trace of shyness or discomfort.

Louis seized the moment to bring up Brandon, “Brandon still flying solo?”

Patricia jumped in, “Yup, still on the market, Heard from Kent he’s thinking about trying his luck at matchmaking events.”

“Why bother with matchmaking?” Louis looked at Marian, “Both unattached, childhood friends, families know each other inside out, same age range, might as well play Cupid, right?”

“Wha?” Marian looked at Louis, surprised, “Is that really cool?”

Thinking she was just playing hard to get, Louis reassured her, “Just hang out, see if it clicks. No matchmaking, no wedding bells, no pressure.”

Daniel was all for Louis’ idea.

The families had been tight for decades, matched well, and despite the distance after Yolanda’s disappearance, they were keen on tying the knot between their kids.

Sure, arranged childhood engagements were out of vogue, but with eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in both clans, match-making by the elders was still on the cards.

But Daniel was stumped on how to play Cupid.

Brandon had always been headstrong, not the type to follow through on a dinner setup just because his dad said so..

On the drive back, Daniel couldn’t help but strategize with Patricia.

Patricia was still hung up on the dismissal thing, clueless about what went down, so she wasn’t really in the mood to debate with Daniel. When he asked her what to do, she shot back, “How should I know? If you can’t handle your own son, what makes you think I can?”

Realizing her tone, she quickly softened, “We should probably chat with Brandon first, see his take on Marian. Ever mentioned her?”

This was new territory for Daniel.

“What do I know?” Daniel lamented, “Used to be he’d fend off the girlfriend talk with Yolanda. Now that she’s back, not a peep about it. It’s all on him, really. Why the heck did he rush into marriage outta nowhere?”

The mere thought fired Daniel up, clueless about what charms Sophia used to get Brandon to tie the knot on the fly.

“Speaking of which,” Patricia remembered her encounter with Sophia at Star-Dempsey Architects, “Sophia’s over at Star-Dempsey



Architects, landed a gig as a Design Director. You knew about this?”

Daniel frowned, “She’s back?”

“Yeah, you didn’t know?”

Daniel shot her a look, his face clouding over.

He checked his watch, still before quitting time, and instructed the driver, “Nell, back to the office.”

“Right away, Mr. Crawley, Nell responded, taking the next turn.

Sophia was wrapping up for the day, close to quitting time.

She had a date with a real estate agent to see some places and was ready to dash as soon as the clock struck the hour.

So, spotting it was nearly 6 PM, she started packing up.

Cindy was almost done too. Around the same age as Sophia and feeling they were birds of a feather-women who’d rather hit up a sperm bank than deal with men she felt a kinship with Sophia. No sense of hierarchy between them, she peeked into Sophia’s office as the end of work neared, “Hey, dinner tonight?”

Sophia was in a bind, “Got an appointment to see some apartments, let’s rain check?”

“You’re house hunting?” Cindy picked up the thread, “I’ll tag along, extra pair of eyes can’t hurt. I know this area like the back of my hand.”

Sophia thought it over and nodded, “Sure, that’d be great.”

“”Come on, what’s this ‘trouble’ talk between us? Got nothing better to do after work anyway. My biggest joy is house hunting, even if I can’t afford it,” Cindy confessed with an embarrassed chuckle, “But who says I can’t enjoy the view?”

Sophia cracked a smile, “Alright, I’ll hit you up in a bit.”

Cindy flashed an “OK” sign and bounced out of Sophia’s office. Just as she looked up, she caught the motion-activated glass doors of the office area swinging open, and in walked Daniel. But instead of moving further in, he just stood at the entrance, his face a blank slate as he swept his gaze across the room. His piercing look instantly turned the once noisy space into a dead silence.

Everyone exchanged puzzled looks, not recognizing Daniel. They had no clue who this tall, imposing guy with a mean mug was looking for or what he was after.

Gathering her courage, Cindy stood up and politely asked him, “Hey there, can I help you find someone?”

Daniel’s eyes locked onto her. “Is Sophia Yearwood around?”

The others shot each other that look again, and the quiet turned into a low buzz of whispers and hushed chatter.

Sophia thought she heard her name being called but couldn’t be sure.

Frowning slightly, she got up and walked toward the door, where she paused at the sight of Daniel standing at the entrance.

Daniel spotted her too, sizing her up from head to toe before speaking. “Come here for a sec.”

He still had that authoritative air of the head of the family. Without waiting for Sophia’s response, he turned to leave, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed she hadn’t moved. He looked back at her.

“I need a moment with you,” he said, his tone a bit softer. “Just a few minutes.”

“I’ll be in the conference room,” he added, his eyes still on Sophia, waiting for her nod of acknowledgment.

The onlookers couldn’t help but shoot curious glances at Sophia.

Not wanting to be the center of attention, Sophia gave a slight nod and followed him out.

As the glass doors shut behind them, the murmurs inside the office exploded into a full-blown marketplace buzz. People spun around, gossiping with their neighbors about what was going down and who this guy could be.

No one had forgotten the loaded comment Patricia had dropped that morning, “The compensation my son gave you?”

Don walked back into the office to find everyone chattering like it was a farmers’ market.

“What’s the deal here? Are we not busy anymore?” he asked, causing the noise to abruptly halt. Everyone quickly straightened up and swiveled back to their desks, not daring to make a peep.

Only then did Don turn to Cindy, “What happened?”

“Some guy came looking for Sophia, Cindy whispered.



“A guy?” Don frowned, puzzled.

Cindy realized he’d gotten the wrong impression and quickly clarified, “An older guy, well, not old-old, but this tall, handsome fella in his fifties or sixties, all suited up. He looked a bit stern, came straight in asking for the director, said he needed to talk to her. Now they’re,” she gestured towards the conference room, “in the meeting room next door.”

Don’s frown deepened. He glanced at the conference room and headed out the door towards it. Before he even got close, he could see through the glass wall that Daniel was sitting across from Sophia.

“Damn it.”

Don couldn’t help but let out a curse and whipped out his phone, dialing Brandon as he turned around.

“Your dad’s here for Sophia, in the conference room,”

Brandon was busy at his computer when he heard the news. He stopped dead in his tracks, got up from his chair, and bolted out the door.

Kent was on his way to talk to Brandon when he nearly collided with him rushing out.

“Mr. Crawley?”

He called out to Brandon, confused, but Brandon didn’t even glance his way. Stone-faced, he brushed past Kent blocking his path and strode quickly towards the elevator.


In the conference room

Chapter 164

Daniel looked down on Sophia from his high horse.

Having arrived in the conference room before Sophia, he gave her the once-over out of habit as she followed in, and only then did he direct his gaze to her face.

“So, you and Brandon split up, huh?”

Daniel asked, exuding a kind of elder’s authority from his demeanor to his tone.

Daniel wasn’t sure if the two had really divorced.

Brandon had never directly addressed the question.

And Daniel had never laid eyes on a divorce certificate.

But it was a fact that Sophia hadn’t been back in two years.

Even without an official divorce, being separated for two years was enough for a court to issue a divorce decree.

Sophia ignored his question.

“Did you need something from me?”

She asked, her voice consistently calm and gentle, neither servile nor overbearing.

“You haven’t answered my question.”

“If you called me here just to confirm that, then yes, we’re divorced.”

“Anything else?” Sophia asked, “I’ve got work to get back to, so if there’s nothing more, I’ll be on my way.”

After saying this, Sophia gave a polite nod and turned to leave.

“Hold on,” Daniel said to stop her. “Now that you’re divorced, why come back?”

He looked at Sophia and added, “Didn’t do too well out there, did you?”

Compared to Patricia’s high and mighty attitude, Daniel was a tad more gentle, but it was still a kind of elder’s arrogance that said, “See, I knew you couldn’t cut it.”

Sophia couldn’t help but laugh and glanced back at him. “I’m doing just fine, thanks for your concern.”

“If you’re doing so well, why come back?” Daniel said, “If you’ve chosen to split, it’s better to let bygones be bygones. All this back-and-forth is messy, and it’s not good for anyone, whether you remarry or Brandon does. You should know, Brandon’s been hung up on Mr. Frost’s youngest daughter, Yolanda,” Daniel said to Sophia, adding, “Now that Yolanda’s back and they’re both single, both families know each other well, it’s a good match.”

“Don’t worry, I’m only back for work, not to entangle with your son,” Sophia cut him off coolly, turning back around, “Your son isn’t worth me coming back for, nor is he worth me giving up my career. Once I’m done with the current project,”

The conference room door was suddenly flung open from the outside, interrupting Sophia.

Sophia instinctively turned back and caught sight of Brandon with an expressionless face.

Daniel saw Brandon too and frowned in displeasure. Just as he was about to scold, Brandon strode forward, bent down to grab Sophia’s wrist, and pulled her to her feet before turning to Daniel.

“Who let you come here?” he asked, his voice icy, “Who gave you the right?”

Daniel laughed in irritation. “What’s with that attitude? I heard my former daughter-in-law was working at the company, I came to check in. What’s wrong with that? Do I need a pass?”

“Is this how you come to see someone? Brandon retorted, “Was one Patricia this morning not enough, so you too need to come here and flex your muscles?”

Daniel’s face grew cold with anger. “Do you know what you’re saying? Is that how you speak to your father?”

“Do you even act like a father?”

Daniel was left speechless, choking on his rage, and he glanced at Sophia.

Sophia wasn’t looking at him or Brandon; she just tried carefully to pry Brandon’s hand off her wrist. She didn’t want to get caught in the father-son feud, nor did she want to stick around.


But she couldn’t break free.

Brandon’s grip was firm.

He didn’t look back at Sophia either, just kept his eyes on Daniel. “The 17th floor is not your jurisdiction. If I catch wind of you coming here again, don’t expect me to be nice.”

“And you better stay away from my people,” Brandon added, “Whether it’s my work or my personal life, it’s my own business, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. I hope you don’t use the fact that you’re my father to interfere-I don’t want to have to cut ties with you.”

With that, he pulled Sophia along and walked off without looking back.

Behind them came Daniel’s furious voice, breaking through his composure. “You ingrate, is this how you treat your own father? I raised you for nothing.”

Sophia didn’t look back at Daniel, nor did she struggle, just silently let Brandon lead her downstairs.

It wasn’t until they were in the car that Brandon finally let go of her wrist, his face still tight, not speaking a word.

Sophia didn’t speak either, just rubbed her wrist for a while before softly saying, “I’ve got an appointment with Cindy to look at houses, I should get going, it’s not nice to keep someone waiting.”

After saying this, Sophia tried to push the car door open.

But just as the door cracked open, a hand suddenly reached over from behind and slammed it shut.

Sophia looked up to see the handsome face close to hers.

Brandon was looking at her too, his eyes deep and cold.

Chapter 165

Sophia quietly met his gaze, staying silent.

She had no clue how much he’d heard or which words had set him off.

“Why don’t you speak up when they treat you like that?”

After what felt like forever, Brandon finally broke the silence, his voice cool as ice.

“Do you really not know, or is it because you never cared?” Sophia softly retorted, locking eyes with him, “That time you and your dad were talking about Yolanda in the study, he said you screwed up by drinking too much and should’ve never gone to that damn reunion. You let that woman take advantage of the situation.”

Sophia’s voice briefly faltered, as she looked at him, “That ‘woman’ he mentioned was me. A woman he wouldn’t even bother to call by name, do you think he’d ever give me the respect I deserve?”

Brandon frowned, about to speak, but Sophia cut him off, “Even if that was the first time he showed that attitude towards me in front of you, did you ever give me a chance to speak up?”

“You’re always busy, at work or otherwise,” Sophia continued, her tone still calm and measured, “Every time I psych myself up and muster the courage to talk to you, you’re either on a call or buried in emails. Then off you go, back to work. You’ve always got endless work and calls to take. Do you have any idea how long it takes for me to gear myself up, the courage I need to find just to talk to you?”

Brandon’s brow furrowed deeper, seemingly puzzled as to why she needed to prep herself to talk to him.

“Brandon.” Sophia looked into his eyes, “It’s not just your employees who are afraid of you, I am too. You’re always composed, calm, meticulous, restrained. You have so many good qualities, they make you unbeatable, but it’s this same you that I can’t feel a hint of normal human warmth from.”

“I’m just like the rest of them, always tense and unsure around you, terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing. I don’t know how to get close to you, and you’ve never signaled that I can.”

“Our relationship has never felt like husband and wife, not even close friends. We’re more like boss and subordinate than anything else.”

“They say the one who falls in love first, loses. I married you because I liked you, but I’ve never felt an ounce of that from you.” “I thought affection would grow over time, so until you learned to care about me, I couldn’t help but tread lightly, carefully considering my words and actions. I’d agonize over whether you’d dislike it if I mentioned your parents, if you’d think I was gossiping, if it would make you hate me. Should I just keep out of it, since it’s not a big deal anyway?”

“Every time I finally convinced myself to talk to you about it, you’d be either taking a call or checking emails. You never hung up the phone or shut down your computer to let me finish. Your work always came first, even while waiting for food at a restaurant, you’d still be glued to your work laptop.”

“I get tired too. After it happened over and over, I thought, forget it, I’ve got no energy left to fuss over it because, by then, I was ready to leave. I didn’t want you anymore, do you get that, Brandon?”

Towards the end, Sophia’s emotions started to unravel, her voice losing its usual calm and her eyes reddening.

This side of Sophia reminded Brandon of the time at Don’s gathering when she found out he was the client behind the project, her breakdown.

His gaze on her was complex, watching the tears slide down her cheeks. He reached out to wipe them away, but Sophia pushed his hand aside.

“Stop it, Brandon, I just don’t want you anymore. Do you understand?” Sophia choked out, pushing him away, “Everyone says you’re good to me, gentle, considerate, thoughtful, that I’m ungrateful. But all your kindness feels programmed, without warmth.”

“And your family, I can’t feel a bit of warmth from them either. They always act so high and mighty, like I’m so lucky to have married into your family.”

“I was wrong. I shouldn’t have been so greedy to want to marry you. But I’ve paid the price already. Can’t you and your family just let me be, stop haunting me? I can take good care of myself; Ihave no emotional needs from you anymore. Can we just be strangers, just strangers, okay? uh.”

Brandon kissed her, silencing her sobs and breakdown.

Sophia pushed and hit him, letting out her frustration.

Brandon let her hit him, his hand firmly cradling the back of her head, pinning her against the car seat, kissing her more intensely.



Sophia’s fierce resistance gradually melted away under the heat of his deepening kiss.

Finally, she stopped pushing him away, but she didn’t kiss back, just letting her tears fall.

Brandon’s kissing slowed down.

He didn’t let her go, still holding her tightly, forehead resting against hers, their breath mingling together.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice low and hoarse.

“I don’t want your apology.” Sophia gently pushed him, “Brandon, you can’t keep being so fickle.”

“Just think of me as the bad guy.”

Brandon said hoarsely, looking at the wetness in the corners of her eyes, lifting a hand to tenderly wipe her tears away. Sophia looked up at him.

His expression was serious and focused, his eyes filled with an unprecedented softness and a trace of remorse.

Sophia didn’t want Brandon’s apologies.

She wasn’t trying to make him feel sorry for her.

Their marriage wasn’t just Brandon’s fault. She had her share of responsibility.

She simply wanted to move forward.

She shifted her head slightly, avoiding Brandon’s hand.

Brandon looked at her.

Chapter 166

“I’m heading out,” she murmured under her breath..

Brandon didn’t utter a word, his hand frozen in mid-air after she pushed it away, his gaze complex as he watched her. Sophia’s eyes were downcast, avoiding his gaze.

She didn’t dare look at him. This version of Brandon would just make her heartache and go all mushy.

She turned and shoved open the car door.

Brandon watched her, his hand twitched but ultimately didn’t reach out, silently observing as she got out of the car.

He didn’t stop her, nor did he dare to.

Sophia had told him many times to let her go, but never as bluntly and thoroughly as this time.

So blunt that he felt like a total jerk, unworthy of bothering her.

Maybe Sophia was right.

He didn’t care for her enough, failing to notice her needs, her grievances.

During those two years of marriage, he took her company for granted.

He relished her quiet presence, her companionship, but never pondered what she got out of the marriage.

She was smart, hardworking, had her own career and wealth. The money she earned was more than enough to satisfy her material desires. So, she didn’t need marriage for material pleasure, let alone to climb social ladders.

She never chased after such superficial things.

They married because of a child, but that child didn’t stay.

Over the following year, he considered her health and insisted on not having kids.

Although that child did briefly return after the divorce.

Thinking back to rushing to the hospital two years ago, seeing pale-faced Sophia on the bed and those words “termination of pregnancy” on the yellowed hospital report, Brandon pressed his lips tightly together, and he slightly turned his head away.

He didn’t want to touch on this topic.

Even though Sophia made that decision without his consent, Brandon knew he had no right to blame her.

So for Sophia, this marriage brought nothing but the shackles of being a Crawley daughter-in-law, with no added happiness or confidence, only forced to endure the discrimination and constraints of an unequal status.

So her choice to end the marriage, to stop walking that path with him, to start anew, wasn’t wrong at all.

Brandon knew he should let go. When she spoke so frankly about why she needed him to release her, he should’ve just honored their agreement-no clinging, no disturbance, just wishing each other well.

Wishing each other well.

The familiar spasms in his stomach surged again.

They say the stomach was an emotional organ. Every emotion in the heart could manifest as a physical response in the gut.

Brandon raised his hand to press against his stomach, glanced in the direction Sophia left, but her figure was no longer in sight.

Her departures were always decisive and without a second look back nor would she ever glance back.

Brandon somberly withdrew his gaze and started the car’s engine.

Sophia took the stairs up.

Around the corner of the lobby on the first floor, she saw Brandon’s car slowly leaving the company gate.

Her steps didn’t falter as she numbly watched the black sedan turn a corner and gradually disappear, her mind replaying Brandon’s hand suspended in mid-air and his handsome face watching her with a complex expression.

She always felt that their marriage was simply a matter of incompatibility between her and Brandon.

Their marriage wasn’t born of love, nor was it about coercion. It was a result of unilateral wishes.

So there was nothing wrong with Brandon being engrossed in his work after their wedding or not caring about her; she just wasn’t the one he truly wanted.



And yet, he happened to be the one she wanted, creating this imbalance.

That was why she never blamed Brandon, nor did she hate him. Even when she saw his lonely and vulnerable side, she couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.

Fortunately, she could now rationally control these emotions.

She didn’t stop or look back, just moved forward numbly.

Behind her, the black sedan grew smaller in the distance.

One to the left, one to the right.

When she returned to the office, Cindy was already anxiously waiting. “Did that guy bother you with anything?”

Don was also in the office. He couldn’t help but look behind her as she walked in and, not seeing Brandon, he frowned slightly, putting down his work and standing up to approach Sophia.

“Everything okay?” he asked, his usual casual demeanor replaced with a more serious tone, concern barely concealed in his eyes. Sophia offered him a smile. “I’m fine.”

Don also smiled, his gaze drifting towards the elevator, not spotting Brandon, his concern deepening.

Cindy, oblivious to his worries and seeing Sophia seemingly fine, breathed a sigh of relief. “Then let’s go. We’re off to see the house.”

Sophia nodded slightly, shut down her computer, and left with Cindy.

Don lost interest in work, shut down his computer, and pulled out his phone to call Brandon.

“Where are you at?”

Brandon was aimlessly driving. “Just driving. What’s up?”

“Where are you headed? I’ll join you.”

“No need.”

Brandon hung up on Don.

Cindy and Sophia went to view a house, and as soon as they arrived at the neighborhood, Cindy noticed Sophia’s distraction. She seemed absent-minded during the viewing, not really listening to the agent, often staring into space, her expression vacant. “What’s up with you?”

Seizing a moment when the agent stepped away to take a call, Cindy asked her softly, “You seem off tonight.”

Sophia looked at her. “It’s nothing.”

But Cindy wasn’t easily brushed off. “Is it because of that older guy this afternoon?”

Sophia shook her head gently. “No.”

“Then, is it about Mr. Crawley?”

Sophia turned to her.

Cindy gave an awkward smile. “I just feel like Mr. Crawley is, well, kinda different around you. Right after you left on opening day, Mr. Crawley called me into the office and asked about you.”

Sophia paused, looking at her. “What did he ask you?”


Chapter 167

“He asked about how we met.” Cindy brought it up, still looking totally puzzled. “No clue why he’d be into that.”

Sophia frowned. “So what did you tell him?”

“I just went with your story, of course. Said we met over a meal, your phone died, and I just casually picked up the tab for you.” “And what did Mr. Crawley say?”

“He grilled me about when and where I picked up the tab, even wanted to see proof of payment,” Cindy said, still feeling weak at the knees. “Mr. Crawley was seriously intimidating then, like he was interrogating a criminal, seemed like he didn’t buy my story at all.”

“He can be pretty intense sometimes,” Sophia chuckled, glancing at him. “Then what happened?”

“I told him I paid in cash.”

“He didn’t buy that, did he?”

Sophia could just picture Brandon’s expressionless face upon hearing that response.

“Exactly.” Cindy nodded earnestly. “He was like, ‘That’s a bit too convenient, and gave me this terrifying look. I just couldn’t stand it and, I couldn’t help it, I burst into tears.”

Sophia thought it was an unexpected turn of events.

Cindy felt a bit embarrassed. “I was seriously under a lot of pressure, couldn’t bother with anything else. And then Mr. Crawley seemed kind of speechless with me, didn’t push further, told me to go home.”

Sophia couldn’t quite picture Brandon being at a loss for words.

She had rarely cried in front of Brandon, the only time was during a dinner with Don’s team, when she found out Brandon wanted to leave, and he suddenly demanded fiercely if she had really cut ties completely, and pressed her to tell the truth about whether the child was still there. In that moment, he shattered all her defenses.

That meltdown was more about her disgust and despair over not being able to cut ties completely herself.

In the abortion clinic two years ago, she ultimately couldn’t bring herself to give up the child.

Her logic told her that to sever ties with Brandon completely, the child couldn’t stay.

But when she actually lay on the operating table, she was inconsolable with tears.

It wasn’t about parting ways with Brandon, it was about not giving up on her child.

Even though she was too young to feel her heartbeat, just the thought of her coming to find Sophia, choosing her to be her mother, and Sophia cold-heartedly rejecting her, made her cry uncontrollably.

She couldn’t bear not to have her.

She was the only person in her life who had chosen her with such certainty, the only blood relative she had.

Sophia had always longed for a family, but she had a home without a home, never truly having a family of her own.

That child represented her most recent chance at having her own family, perhaps the only chance.

She was also the only one who chose her not because she resembled someone else, but simply because she wanted her to be her mother.

Sophia had the financial means to raise her independently, and she was mentally prepared to do it alone. She had everything ready, yet she still had to give up on her child because she didn’t want to have any ties with the father, Sophia thought of the little one being abandoned, reaching out with those round, helpless, scared eyes, wanting her to hold her hand, while she cruelly retreated step by step, refusing to grasp it, crying so hard she couldn’t catch her breath.

The doctors and nurses, seeing her so distraught, didn’t dare to proceed with the surgery and eventually wheeled her out of the operating room.

From the moment she was wheeled out of the surgery room, Sophia knew that unless the child didn’t want her, she could never give her up, no matter what.

Keeping the child and not entangling with Brandon further, leaving the father and keeping the child seemed the best way to not disturb each other.

Brandon would never know about the child, and the child’s existence wouldn’t disturb Brandon’s family and life.


These past two years, she’d done well, despite it being hard, she was happy and content.

She had never regretted her decision that day at the hospital.

Sophia thought life would continue to go on smoothly just like that.

But unexpectedly, she ran into Brandon again.

Out of the blue, over and over.

Especially in such encounters, when Brandon demanded so fiercely whether she had really cut ties, his piercing questions made her feel utterly disheveled, exposing all her lies.

She had not managed to cut ties with Brandon as cleanly as she had claimed.

This fact disgusted her, and her emotions just collapsed, completely uncontrollable.

That was the only time she had cried in front of Brandon.

But at that time, Brandon’s gaze remained as steely as ever in the face of her breakdown.

Sophia couldn’t imagine what Brandon’s speechless expression looked like when Cindy cried.

She had never seen him at a loss for words.

Nor could Cindy describe it.

“Anyways, it was just like, ‘Is this chick for real?’ kind of speechless,” Cindy struggled to describe it but couldn’t. “In the end, maybe he couldn’t stand a woman crying in front of him, so he let me go.”

To Cindy, it seemed like Brandon had a real distaste for women crying.

Chapter 168

Sophia was on board with that.

She figured Brandon probably wasn’t a fan of women crying, so during the years she knew him, whether it was senior year or the two years they were hitched, she always kept a tight lid on her emotions in front of him..

But she didn’t see it coming that Brandon would cut short his sleuthing because of Cindy’s waterworks.

“He hit you up after that?” Sophia asked.

“Nah,” Cindy shook her head, “just stopped me on my way out to peek at my phone, wanted to see the chat history with you. But chill, I wiped our chat clean, nothing left to find,” Cindy quickly added, then, unable to contain her curiosity, gave Sophia a look, “So, what’s the deal with you and Mr. Crawley?”

Sophia hesitated, “We were high school classmates.”

She skirted around the fact that they were once married.

Cindy was taken aback.

“Don’t tell me it’s one of those stories, high school sweethearts, split over some dramatic misunderstanding, now it’s a

bittersweet reunion?”

She sniffed out the scent of a reunion with Brandon, one tinged with unfulfilled longing and resentment.

Sophia just smiled. “Nah, that’s not it.”

“Mr. Crawley? Date? As if,” she said.

Cindy nodded, seeming convinced, and didn’t pry further.

Sophia didn’t elaborate either, just gently reminded her to keep the police station run-in under wraps, especially the bit about the kid. Not everyone’s cool with the idea of sperm bank babies, and she wasn’t keen on being gossiped about.

Cindy got where Sophia was coming from and agreed to keep it zipped without a fuss.

The realtor had finished a call and came back to ask about Sophia’s rental intentions.

Sophia wasn’t really in the mood to keep looking. The place was a simple two-bedroom flat, more than enough for a studio..

The complex had a prime location, with good schools, parks, and shopping nearby, not too far from her company, but not too close either-just the right distance from the Crawleys and out of Brandon’s commuting path.

Plus, the complex was fairly new, with decent property management and cleanliness. The internal greenery and kids’ facilities were on point, making it a good bang for the buck.

“I’ll take this one,” Sophia said.

“Great!” The realtor was ecstatic, “So, about the one upstairs.”

He wanted to know if Sophia was still interested in taking a look at the larger apartment upstairs, a spacious three-bedroom spot. with better interior design and natural light.

Sophia had initially wanted to see the upstairs unit first, but upon meeting him, she opted to check out the two-bedroom instead.

Sophia knew what he was about to ask and cut him off. “This one’s good.”

“Alright, the realtor agreed promptly.

Sophia and Cindy followed him back to the shop to sign the lease.

After the paperwork, Sophia treated Cindy to a meal and called her a ride.

It was only after the taxi had disappeared into the distance that Sophia headed back to the real estate office.

“Let’s have a look at the big three-bedder upstairs,” she said.

The realtor was puzzled, not used to someone wanting to see more flats right after signing a lease.

“I’ve got a friend who’s also looking to rent,” Sophia explained.

Naturally, the realtor was thrilled and quickly escorted Sophia back to see the apartment.

It was just above the seventh-floor unit she’d rented, on the eighth floor, a short climb away.

The layout, orientation, and light were indeed better than the smaller flat, with a cozy, warm off-white decor and even a kids room ready to go.



Sophia was pleased and signed the rental contract on the spot.

She signed on behalf of someone else, renting under the name Susan.

By the time she got back to her hotel, it was past eleven.

Her room felt empty yet still haunted by Brandon’s presence and the remnants of last night’s intimacy.

Just the night before, a tipsy her and a furious Brandon had tangled out of control on that king-sized bed.

The bed still held echoes of their reckless abandon.

Sophia averted her gaze and rang the front desk, asking for a room change.

Sophia spent the night tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

As soon as she closed her eyes, her mind was a jumbled mess of images-Brandon’s hand frozen in mid-air, his complex gaze on her, Patricia’s haughty stare, Daniel’s condescending interrogations, asking why she came back, and then the loneliness of sitting in the living room of an empty marital home, watching Brandon rush out the door.

Brandon wasn’t sleepy either.

Alone on the living room couch, he stared out the window at the winding river below, its lights shimmering in the darkness, and suddenly remembered senior year, the first time he met Sophia.



The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Louis Frost from the Frost family was treating them today, and he specifically asked Daniel and Patricia to come over for a bite. He wanted Brandon to join too, but Brandon turned him down, saying he was slammed with work.

Patricia had just settled into her seat at the restaurant where Louis was picking up the tab when she got hit with a layoff email from HR. And it wasn’t the usual pink slip – they straight-up gave her the boot.

When Patricia saw the email, she spaced out for a good while. Losing a job was small potatoes compared to the embarrassment of getting axed like that.

Patricia didn’t know if the email was blasted company-wide or if it was just a personal slap in the face.

The thought of the whole company knowing made her scalp tingle with dread.

Louis, seeing something was off, asked with concern, “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Daniel, already seated, looked up too, wondering what was going on.

Patricia squashed the butterflies in her stomach, forced a smile, and said, “It’s nothing.”

Then she casually stashed her phone away as if it was all cool.

Louis, relieved to see her looking normal again, chuckled, “As long as you’re good.”

Meanwhile, he couldn’t help but crane his neck toward the door, “What’s up with Brandon lately? Every time I call, he’s busy. Can’t seem to spare a day.”

Daniel laughed, “Just the usual company grind. You know him. The kid’s all work and no play. It’s not just you. Even trying to get him home for dinner is like pulling teeth.”

“Yolanda’s just the same,” Louis said, looking at Martin’s dad, Gary, “Isn’t she coming over?”

Gary nodded, “Yeah, busy with work, so she’s not coming.”

Louis couldn’t help but shake his head, then his gaze drifted to Marian, who was happily engrossed in her phone, “That’s why girls are better. They actually spend time with their old folks.”

Marian, sensing she was the center of attention again, looked up, bewildered, “What? Why’s everyone staring at me?”

“Just singing your praises,” Louis laughed, not minding her lack of manners one bit.

He doted on his granddaughter who was willing to come home.

Marian offered a lukewarm smile and dove back into her phone, oblivious to the others still watching her.

Daniel glanced at Marian.

It had been a while since Marian returned, but Daniel hadn’t had a chance to meet her.

Two years back, when they all visited Wye City with the Frost family, Marian was resistant and there was no chance to chat.

She was willing to return this time, but whenever Daniel dropped by to visit the Frost family, either she wasn’t home or she wasn’t in the mood to meet anyone, so he never got the chance.

Now that he finally saw her in person, Daniel felt a mix of gratitude and relief, like the universe was finally paying off for his patience.

He always had a soft spot and gratitude for the little girl who kept Brandon company in his childhood.

Back then, after the death of his mother, Brandon turned into a loner, shunning everyone, even his beloved grandpa couldn’t coax him out of it – only Yolanda managed to.

She’d stick to him like glue, never complaining, barely talking, just quietly keeping him company.

She’d sit with him on the rooftop, staring at the night sky when he needed to zone out, or she’d skip meals with him when he refused to eat; when he’d cry secretly, she’d be right there, tearing up alongside him. And when he finally felt like eating, she’d quietly bring him food, her eyes sparkling with joy and surprise as she watched him eat.

The adults were all too busy to tend to Brandon’s emotional needs.

Daniel was grateful to Yolanda for being there quietly beside Brandon during that tough year-plus when he was mourning his mother.

It’s a shame such a sweet girl didn’t get the kindness she deserved from fate, getting separated from her family so young.


Who knows if she was treated well all these years.

Looking at the indifferent face of Marian, Daniel felt a pang of sorrow and couldn’t help but crack a smile, asking her.

“Yolanda, do you still remember me?”

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 161

Chapter 161

“Yup, she also ran into Sophia,” Don admitted without beating around the bush.

“What did she say to Sophia?” Brandon asked, his voice getting chillier by the second.

“Nothing too outrageous, just prying into whether the position of Design Director was your divorce settlement to her,” Don said with a little head shake and a chuckle, glancing at Brandon. “You know how your mom is, always caring about keeping up appearances in front of others. But man, the way she looks at Sophia, it’s like she can’t even stand her. You’re busy, I get it, but you gotta keep an eye out now and then, see how your folks are getting on with your wife.”

Don gave Brandon’s shoulder a pat. “It’s not about how they act when you’re around, but what goes down when your back is turned.”

Brandon turned to him.

Don raised his hands in a surrender gesture. “Don’t give me that look, man. I’m just worried your mom’s gonna scare off my people. It was hard enough getting her on board in the first place.”

With that, he didn’t linger, quickly saying “I’m heading back to the office” and made a beeline for the door.

Watching the office door close, Brandon hit the intercom for Kent. “Come in here for a sec.”

Kent dropped what he was doing and came in. “Mr. Crawley, what’s the matter?”

“Get Patricia over to my office.”

Kent froze. ら

Brandon didn’t often call Patricia by her first name.

Back in the day, he’d politely refer to her as “Mom” in private, and at the company, he’d get people to call her “Mrs. Crawley” out of courtesy, rarely ever just Patricia.

“Anything else?” Seeing Kent zone out, Brandon asked in an even tone.

Kent snapped back to reality. “Nope, on it right now.”

After leaving Brandon’s office, Kent called Patricia’s assistant’s office, passing on the message that Brandon wanted to see her. “Mrs. Crawley just stepped out,” came the polite reply on the phone.

“Stepped out?” Kent frowned. Didn’t Don just come back from Patricia’s office a moment ago?

“When did she leave?” he asked.

“Just a few minutes ago,” they replied.

“Any idea when she’ll be back?”

“She’s not coming back today, said she had something to do.”

“Is that so?” Kent’s brow furrowed deeper, “Alright, thanks.”

Hanging up, Kent reported back to Brandon.

“Where could she be off to during work hours?” Brandon asked, “Check with HR, see if she took leave. If not, it’s considered skipping work.”

Kent was stunned.

He didn’t even need to think about it. Of course, Patricia wouldn’t have asked for leave.

Who in HR would dare to mess with the CEO’s mom?

Brandon said, “Also, have HR check her clock-in records. Any missed days are skips, and five no-shows mean termination, as per company policy.”

Kent kept silent.

Seeing Kent still standing there, Brandon looked up. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Kent gave a sheepish smile. “Mr. Crawley, isn’t this a bit much?”

He was worried Brandon’s dad would blow a gasket over this.

Patricia was Daniel’s insert into the company, after all, Patricia, the CEO’s mom – basically, it was her company. No one would dare question whether she clocked in or not. Knowing Patricia, she wouldn’t be bending over backwards to follow the rules, let


alone stick to a strict clocking in schedule.

“Too much?” Brandon asked flatly. “As the company leader, she doesn’t set an example and even leads the way in skipping work. Who gave her that right?”

*Kent was at a loss for words.

“I’m on it now.”

He didn’t dare say more and quickly left to handle it. Not wanting to cause a fuss, he personally went to HR to ask.

As Brandon expected, no leave was taken, and no clocking in either.

Kent reluctantly conveyed Brandon’s decision to terminate, as per company policy.

HR was stunned by this turn of events. The staff didn’t dare issue the notice and quickly informed the HR manager to deal with it personally.

Everyone knew Patricia was Brandon’s mom, but the stepmom bit, not so much.

Patricia had married Daniel when Brandon was just a kid, spending over a decade devoted to family life, staying out of company affairs. Plus, after over twenty years of marriage, the old company hands had long been replaced. Those in the know were no longer around.

To the current staff, unaware of the backstory, the news of Brandon wanting to terminate Patricia was shocking. The HR manager, after much thought, reported it up to the general manager.

The general manager, who also answered to the CEO, didn’t hesitate upon hearing it was an order from the CEO’s office. They instructed the HR manager to issue the notice but, considering Patricia was Brandon’s mother and not sure if there was some family feud, they didn’t want to make too much noise and had HR send á termination email to Patricia as per company policy. When Patricia received the HR termination email, she was busy lunching with Daniel and the Frost family.

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 156-160

Chapter 156

Sophia, still waiting for the elevator, had slightly closed her eyes, fighting off the dizziness the booze was causing.

The dude still hugging his girlfriend was checking Sophia out with a sleazy look in his eyes, his gaze dropping from her flushed face to her gently heaving chest.

She was dressed all business-like today, in a long-sleeve white chiffon blouse, paired with a light khaki ankle-length skirt, and her brown curls draped over her shoulders, professional with a touch of softness.

Sophia definitely caught the skeevy vibe coming from the guy’s stare.

She opened her eyes and gave him an icy glance, subtly turning her body to block his view of her chest, her grip on the phone in her hand tightening just a bit.

Brandon noticed her fingers hovering over her phone, not really about to call the cops, but keeping her options open.

He was right there, for crying out loud.

Brandon looked away, squashing the surge of anger bubbling up inside him, then turned back and strode over to her, grabbing her hand as soon as he reached her, shooting a cold look at the elevator-waiting creep.

Intimidated by the chill in his eyes, the guy unconsciously tightened his grip on his girl and found an excuse to skedaddle.

Just then, the elevator doors opened, and Brandon, holding Sophia’s hand a bit too forcefully, ushered her inside and pressed the button for the fifteenth floor.

Sophia silently watched him, not saying a word.

Her hand, firmly held, tried to squirm free, but at the slightest movement, Brandon’s grip just tightened, giving her no chance to break away.

It wasn’t until they reached the door of the room that Brandon finally extended his hand, “Room key!”

His voice was cold and tinged with anger, quashing any of Sophia’s attempts to resist.

Hesitating, she pulled out the room card, which Brandon snatched away, swiped to open the door, and pushed Sophia inside before turning his attention to the room.

It was a spacious double room with no kitchen appliances.

He had Sophia sit on the couch, then turned around to call room service for some sobering tea, and afterward grabbed the kettle from the table, unsure if it was clean.

He heated half a kettle of lukewarm water, warmed a bottle of mineral water, twisted off the cap, and handed it to Sophia. “Drink some water first.”


Sophia murmured her thanks, took a sip, and the discomfort in her stomach from the alcohol eased a little.

Knocks on the door came just then. Room service had brought the sobering tea.

Brandon collected it, muttered a thanks, and handed it to Sophia, “Drink this first.”

She nodded silently and accepted the cup, sipping it slowly until it was empty.

The initial dizziness subsided after a brief sweat, the tipsiness remained, but not as strong.

After finishing the tea, she and Brandon fell back into a wordless silence.

Neither spoke, neither knew what to say.

She refused to be his wife, he refused to be just friends, and between them, there was nothing left but strangers.

Suddenly, the ringtone of a phone shattered the silence.

Sophia and Brandon both turned to look at the ringing handbag; it was Sophia’s phone.

Brandon passed her the bag.

Sophia pulled out the phone. It was Ivan calling.

He was worried about her, checking if she’d made it home.

“Yeah, I’m back now,” Sophia said softly, “Thanks, Ivan.”

“Don’t be so formal with me,” laughed Ivan on the other end, then hesitated before asking, “You alright?”


He hadn’t forgotten how cold Brandon had been when he dragged her away earlier.

“I’m fine, Ivan. Don’t worry about me.”

Sophia’s voice was calm and soft, like how she spoke to him, but Brandon still detected a hint of aggression.

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He suppressed his discomfort as Sophia hung up the phone and looked at her, “Did he come to the company for you?” Sophia was taken aback by the question; she hadn’t considered this possibility, but she didn’t think it was the case. Ivan’s interactions with her weren’t that deep.

“No,” she said.

Brandon’s lips curled slightly, his tone mocking, clearly not buying her judgment.

But he didn’t dwell on it.

“If he pursued you, do you think there could be something between you?” Brandon asked. Sophia hadn’t thought about this either. Ivan hadn’t shown any signals in that direction.

Brandon saw her perplexity. “I mean, hypothetically.”

“I don’t know,” Sophia admitted honestly.

Brandon pressed, “What if it were me?”

Sophia kept silent.

“No chance, right?” he asked, his voice calm.

Sophia didn’t answer, but her silence said enough.

Brandon laughed lightly, “So you’re saying there’s a chance with anyone else but not with me, is that it?”

“We’ve tried already, Brandon,” Sophia said softly, “Maybe being friends is more fitting.”


Brandon murmured the word, glanced at her, and suddenly leaned in close, his left arm bracing against the back of the couch behind Sophia, trapping her between his chest and the couch.

Sophia instinctively looked up at him.

Brandon was leaning down, his eyes calm and sharp.

“Sophia,” he called her name.

“Hmm?” she looked up, puzzled.

“Is this something friends do?”

As the words fell, he gripped the back of her neck with one hand, leaned down, and kissed her.

Precise and fierce.

Chapter 157

Sophia was zoned out, and by the time she snapped back to reality, she instinctively tried to push him away. Her palm hadn’t even touched Brandon’s shoulder when he paused his kiss and locked eyes with her.

“Sophia, you’re obviously still under my spell, still craving me. Why the resistance?” he said, his deep voice growing raspier by the second.

“I dig abalone, I love to chow down on it, but it doesn’t mean I can afford the luxury. The two aren’t mutually exclusive,” Sophia said softly, looking into his eyes. “I like you, so I’m not repelled by you physically. Heck, I might even yearn for you, but that doesn’t change the fact that I can live a perfectly fine life without you.”

Brandon stared at her intently, “Is that really ‘liking’ me,


“Yes,” she whispered back, “it’s just that I’m not head over heels anymore.”

“Really?” Brandon murmured. “Sophia, someday I’ll be with someone else, get hitched, have kids, start my own family. I can’t be around forever.”

Sophia replied, “I’ll be happy for you.”

As soon as the words left her lips, Brandon’s gaze turned fierce and icy, pinning her down with his stare.

Feeling the booze kicking in and her stubborn streak rising, Sophia puffed up her cheeks and met his gaze without flinching. Brandon leaned in, hell-bent on kissing her.

In a moment of desperation, Sophia blurted out, “What, do you want us to be friends with benefits?”

Brandon froze, shooting her a fierce glare.

Sophia shrank a little, her eyelids dropping involuntarily, not daring to meet Brandon’s eyes.

But Brandon wasn’t having it. He grasped her chin and lifted her face to meet his.

“Fine, friends with benefits it is,” he said. “No strings attached, no responsibilities to each other.”

Sophia was speechless.

“I was talking nonsense,” she rushed to explain.

“But I took you seriously,” Brandon retorted.

“Sophia, we’re both single,” he continued, his voice calm. “We don’t need to play the saint for anyone.”

“It’s not that.” Sophia tried to object, but her alcohol-fueled brain couldn’t find the right words.

Brandon was already leaning in, “You want me, don’t you?”

“I’m clean, fit, and got stamina. Most importantly,” he inched closer, “you’ve had a taste, and you know we’re compatible; you don’t have to worry about getting a dud.”

“Where else are you gonna find that?” he added slowly.

That wasn’t the point at all.

“I could find someone better than you if I tried,” Sophia finally found her voice.

“Aren’t you scared of catching something?” he countered. “The guys you could pick up out there won’t necessarily be as clean as


Sophia was silent.

Brandon straightened up slightly, leisurely fixing his tie.

Sophia’s eyes widened in realization, and she struggled to get up, but Brandon caught her wrist, and she was immobilized.

He leaned in again, his eyes calm, “What are you scared of? Wasn’t this your idea?”

Sophia averted her gaze from his stunningly close face, silently turning her head and trying to push him away with her hand against his chest, though she couldn’t budge him. Brandon leaned down and kissed her again with a patience that was almost


With her brain fogged by alcohol, and Brandon’s deliberate patience, her rationality was retreating step by step.

In a daze, Sophia even thought to herself, if it’s free, why not take advantage of it?

That thought quickly took over her tipsy brain..


Her initiative completely shattered all of Brandon’s patience.

In a hazy state, Sophia only remembered his husky voice whispering in her ear, “Sophia, this is why we can’t be just friends.” Sophia passed out from sheer exhaustion.

When she woke up, it was already the next morning.

She woke up to blinding sunlight, her hangover making her head throb and her mind foggy. She felt completely lost, not knowing where she was, and instinctively turned towards the window where the sunlight streamed in. As she looked up, her gaze collided with a pair of deep eyes.

Memories of the previous night flooded back like a tide.

Brandon had woken up at an unknown time, propped up by one hand, watching her with half-lidded eyes.

“Good morning,” he said.

Chapter 158

Sophia took forever to find her voice again, her eyes, widened with embarrassment, seemed to be searching for a place to hide. When her gaze crashed into Brandon’s, it brought back flashes of the fiery tangle from last night.

She might’ve been tipsy, but her memory had no blackouts.

She vividly remembered blurting out “friends with benefits” in a moment of desperation, and she also recalled the near-defeatist thought when Brandon leaned in for a kiss, coupled with her fierce determination to wrestle back control by clasping her hands around his neck without a care in the world.

In their two years of marriage, she had never been so fierce.

Although, ultimately, due to her natural disadvantage in size and strength, the upper hand remained firmly in Brandon’s grasp. But her initiative had certainly fired Brandon up.

The fiercer she got last night, the more ruthless Brandon became.

Brandon, the businessman, was never one to pull punches, and he certainly wasn’t about to start then.

The soreness all over her body, like she’d been run over by a truck, reminded Sophia of the intensity and wildness of last night.

Her fingers tightened awkwardly around the blanket, and Sophia silently turned her back.

“I was drunk last night.” she murmured, her voice so weak and soft it was almost a whisper.

“Blackout?”ostrich-like back and asked.

Sophia didn’t want to answer that question.

“Sometimes when you’re drunk, certain actions and words can bypass your brain’s control,” she said softly.

“I noticed.”

Brandon said and slipped out of bed.

Sophia could feel the mattress suddenly lighten behind her, followed by the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing, then the running water.

Brandon had showered last night, even given Sophia a rinse.

She was dead tired in the wee hours, but she vaguely remembered Brandon carrying her into the bathroom for a wash.

And then in the bathroom….

Sophia touched her forehead and stopped herself from recalling any further.

Brandon came back from his shower in no time, toweling his damp hair with one hand while walking towards the blow dryer on the balcony.

He had only a white towel wrapped around his waist.

Sophia looked up and saw his toned chest, muscles well-defined, with a pair of beautifully curved Adonis belts diving beneath the towel.

Noticing Sophia looking, Brandon gave her a glance. His expression didn’t show any discomfort.

“Do you want to take another shower?” he asked. “I had clothes sent over. They’re on the table.”

Sophia glanced at the table instinctively and indeed saw two sets of new clothes.

“I guess not right now,” she said in a low voice, still clutching the blanket.

Under the blanket, she wore nothing that could cover her, and she couldn’t muster Brandon’s composure.

“My head’s still a bit achy, I’ll sleep a bit more. You go ahead to work when you’re done,” she said softly, her back still to Brandon, not quite knowing how to deal with the awkwardness of having slept with her ex-husband.

Brandon looked back at her and read her ostrich-like avoidance in a glance.

“Get some more rest, then.”

He said, gave his hair a quick blow to half-dry, and shut off the dryer.

Sophia didn’t really fall asleep; after the dryer stopped, she faintly heard the rustling of packaging being opened.

She expected Brandon to leave first after getting ready, but he didn’t.



Brandon, now in a white shirt, looked back at her while tying his tie. “I had breakfast sent up from the hotel. Eat something first. If you’re really feeling unwell, just rest at the hotel today, I’ll cover for you at work.”

“No need,” Sophia had to sit up, still wrapped in the blanket, “I can go to work.”

Her pale, delicate shoulders became exposed as she sat up.

Bite marks could be seen on them.

Brandon’s gaze lingered on her bare shoulders for a moment before he coughed lightly and looked away.

Sophia then belatedly noticed her exposed shoulders and awkwardly pulled the blanket up a bit, barely daring to meet Brandon’s


The doorbell rang from outside at that moment; it must’ve been the breakfast delivery.

“I’ll get the breakfast. Start getting ready.”

Brandon said and turned to answer the door.

He was being considerate of her feelings, giving her some space.

After Sophia got ready, Brandon had already laid out the breakfast on the table.

“Is your head still hurting?”

He asked as she approached.

Sophia shook her head. “Not anymore.”

She felt much better after freshening up.

Brandon nodded. “Let’s eat, then.”

Sophia gave a small nod.

During the meal, they typically didn’t talk much.

Sophia was still a bit embarrassed, especially since they had just been so intimately connected the night before, in such a raw and passionate way.

The steamy memories made it hard not to think of something more suggestive when she looked at the neatly dressed Brandon across the table.

Both of them tacitly avoided discussing last night, knowing full well that it wouldn’t lead to anything.

Like Brandon had said in the heat of the moment, they were two consenting adults, each taking what they needed; once out of bed, there were no responsibilities to each other.

Despite the passion of the previous night, Brandon had been careful.

One of the perks of staying in a hotel was people could easily get hold of contraceptives just by opening the bedside drawer. After breakfast, Brandon drove Sophia to the office together.

“Got any thoughts on where to find an apartment?”

On the way to the office, Brandon asked Sophia, “Renting or buying?”

“I think I’ll rent for now,” Sophia replied. “Probably just look around near the office.”

Brandon nodded, “The properties you got in the divorce are still vacant. You could live there.”

Sophia replied, “I’d rather not, it’s not very convenient for work to live in those places.”

She hadn’t touched those properties or the assets Brandon had divided with her after the divorce.

“What about the one you had before?” Brandon said. “I remember it’s close to the office.””

Sophia replied, “I sold it.”

Brandon mentioned, “I heard from Kent it’s up for rent recently.”

“Oh. Sophia wasn’t very interested the apartment was too small to house three people, and with a kid, there were way too many clothes and toys.

Besides, the memories tied to that place were too sweet, and she didn’t want to touch them.

Brandon turned to look at her, “Not planning to move back in?”

Sophia shook her head, “No, I want a change of scenery.”

Brandon laughed, “You really don’t cling to the past, do you?”

Sophia cracked a smile and played it cool, as if she hadn’t caught the snark in his words.

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The car soon came to a stop in the company’s underground parking lot.

As Brandon unbuckled his seatbelt, he turned to her and said, “I’ll tag along with you to hunt for an apartment after work.” Sophia paused in the middle of unbuckling hers, giving him a hesitant look, “Nah, that’s not necessary. You told me when you were dropping me off at the airport that Don is handling the branch office and you wouldn’t be swinging by often. The

Zenithan-style resort project has got its own point person, so you won’t be too hands-on. You told me not to sweat thinking about you too much.”

Sophia spoke up softly.

Brandon locked eyes with her for a moment, “Last night you really did treat me just like a booty call.”

“I was drunk,” Sophia murmured.

Brandon gave her a glance but didn’t say much, his expression as composed as ever.

“Let’s head up.”

They took the elevator together.

“I’ll have Kent sort out an elevator card for you to access the top floor,” Brandon said as the elevator doors closed.

“That’s not necessary” Sophia turned to look at him, “I don’t really need to go up there for my job that often.”

He gave her a look, “You have the right to refuse, but I have the duty to offer. It’s up to you whether you take it or not, but it’s up to me whether I give it.”

Sophia kept mum, and not long after returning to her office, the HR department delivered the elevator card.

The HR rep didn’t recognize Sophia and just stood at the entrance of the office area, scanning the room politely asking, “Excuse me, is Director Yearwood here?”

Brandon’s mother, Patricia, just happened to walk up to the office entrance at the sound of the name “Yearwood” and immediately frowned, looking towards the office space.

Sophia, who was discussing design plans with Cindy at her desk, looked up, “Over here.”

Patricia followed the voice and when she saw Sophia looking back, her brow knitted so tightly it almost tied a knot.

Sophia also noticed Patricia and her movements slightly froze.

Patricia gave Sophia the once-over from head to toe with that same haughty, disdainful attitude.

“Director Yearwood?” Patricia flashed a sardonic smile, the scoff in her eyes all too clear, “Is this my son’s way of compensating you?”

Chapter 159

Patricia’s voice wasn’t exactly hush-hush; her mellow, chuckling tone immediately had the whole office turning heads towards Sophia.

The office was filled with newbies; no one knew Patricia, but her comment about “the compensation my son gave you” reeked a bit of the ol’ casting couch, and the crowd’s expressions quickly turned into a mixed bag.

Right there in the office, Don happened to look up and catch the scene at the door. He quickly put on a smile and stepped in to smooth things over.

“Hey, Mrs. Crawley, what brings you here?” He approached with a grin, subtly wedging himself between Sophia and Patricia. “Sophia here’s our head honcho in design, handpicked for the job.”

Patricia scoffed, ready to retort, but Don beat her to the punch. “You’re here about the project, right? Let’s talk shop in my office.” While leading her away, he shot a worried glance back at Sophia.

Sophia’s face was the picture of serenity.

Seeing Don’s concerned look, Sophia returned a courteous smile and turned to face the HR specialist.

The HR person knew Patricia and had been specifically instructed by the big cheeses to handle the elevator card. Their gaze at Sophia was now laced with extra curiosity and probing.

Sophia didn’t accept the card.

“I won’t be needing that, thanks,” she said softly, her voice as gentle and calm as ever. “If you’re worried about explaining this to the higher-ups, just tell them I refused. If there’s an issue, they can come to me directly.”

The HR person hesitated but finally nodded, “Alright.”

And then they were gone.

When Sophia got back to Cindy’s desk, Cindy couldn’t help but ask, “What was that all about?”

The HR person had tried to hand Sophia the elevator card, but she had turned it down, and no one in the office was in the loop about the exchange.

“It’s nothing.”

Sophia didn’t want to delve into it. She leaned over, pointed at the computer screen to guide Cindy on some changes, and then headed back to her office, leaving behind a trail of curious stares and whispers.

The office door closed behind her, shutting out the buzz from outside.

In Don’s office, once the door was shut, Patricia turned to him and asked, “This design director position wasn’t something Brandon asked you to save for her, was it?”

After more than two decades as a wealthy socialite, Patricia was no stranger to talking down to people, especially the younger


Don didn’t take it personally, replying with a smile, “You must be joking, Mrs. Crawley. Is Brandon the type to play favorites?”

“Well, who knows?” Patricia wasn’t convinced. “Brandon’s always been big on loyalty. He obviously got the short end of the stick in this marriage, but he still feels guilty, like he owes her. It’s only natural he’d want to make amends.”

Don kept his smile, “If Brandon wanted to make it up to Sophia, there are plenty of ways to do that without using such a key position as a token gesture.”

“It’s not that key, it’s just a figurehead,” Patricia chuckled. “The real power’s in your hands anyway. You give her a fancy title, a little gold plating, and everyone’s happy. She looks good, you’re not out of pocket, and Brandon’s done his bit.”

Patricia knew this game all too well, having been given plenty of these ceremonial titles by Brandon’s father, Daniel, over the years.

Don steered the conversation back to business without arguing, “Anyway, Mrs. Crawley, did you come to talk about the Zenithan-style resort design case?”

“Yes,” Patricia got back on track, dropping the smirk. “What’s the deal with this project? It’s been delayed for so long, why hasn’t it moved forward?”

“We had some headhunters trying to poach our designer with a fat paycheck, and I didn’t want to push forward without someone to follow through, just in case we lost them,” Don explained, feigning a frown, “I remember you were adamant about having the designer involved throughout the project.”



cla grew anxious, “How can we let someone poach the designer at a time like this?”

She then looked at Don with concern, “What’s the status now? Do we have to scrap the design?”

Don nodded hesitantly, “There’s a risk, so we’re weighing our options. How about we assign a new designer to come up with another proposal?”

“No way,” Patricia cut him off without a second thought, “I want that design. If push comes to shove, sweeten the pot for the designer, throw in a bigger cut. Who doesn’t like money?”

“It’s not about the money. I’ll find you another designer,” Don still looked troubled. “Our other designers are just as good, I promise the outcome will be satisfying.”

“Come on, Don, what’s the problem?” Patricia frowned at him. “This design was made for our project. I’m the client, and I want it. Why are you making it so difficult?”

Don replied, “I’m just worried you’re acting on impulse. Look at this design,” he said, pulling out Sophia’s Zenithan-style resort proposal, “the style isn’t that remarkable.”

“I think it’s quite distinctive,” Patricia took the proposal from him, flipping through it casually. “Although it uses the common ancient architectural style overall, the pavilions, terraces, towers, and the pairing of bridges and flowing water are quite unique and natural. The garden layout perfectly interprets the subtlety of hidden paths and concealed views. Boldly incorporating elements of the north style into the courtyard design, the integration of white gates and black tiles with blue brick and stone bridges is seamless, creating a dream-like space reminiscent of an ancient city.”

Looking at Don, Patricia continued, “You can tell the designer is creative and talented. Our project needs to be more than just beautiful-it must offer an immersive experience. She’s nailed it.”

Don looked at her with a smile, “I had no idea you were so knowledgeable.”

“I studied architectural design when I was younger,” Patricia replied with a smile, “Even though I switched careers right after college, I’ve learned a bit about architecture over the years hanging around my husband. Don’t think I made a snap decision. I’m making a professional judgment here.”

Don cracked a smile too but quickly reined it in, turning to her, “So, Auntie, are you dead set on her, and this is the only plan you’ll go for?”

“Absolutely,” Patricia confirmed with conviction. “She’s the one for me, and this plan is a must-have.”

Chapter 160

“Alright, here’s the deal if all goes well, we can ink the contract today,” Patricia chimed in, “Let’s lock in the plan before someone else snaps up our talent. Once we nail down the plan, where’s he gonna go? Later on, just throw a bit more commission his way, smooth things over, and all will be well.”

Don looked at her for a good while, as if making up his mind about something big, and finally nodded in agreement.

“Okay, fine. If you’ve got your eye on something, I’d have to pull down the moon for you if that’s what you wanted, right?” Patricia cracked up. “You sure have the gift of the gab. If Brandon had half your sweet talk, I wouldn’t be worrying my head off all the time.”

Don just smiled and didn’t reply.

He headed over to Patricia’s office that afternoon and they got the contract signed.

Truth be told, the main contract was already signed when Brandon approved the project design. Brandon held the reins of the project, but to avoid a head-on clash with Daniel and Patricia, on the surface, they were still in charge for the time being. Hence, there was also a side contract prepared to sign with them, and it stipulated that in case of any disagreement, the terms of the main contract would prevail.

Patricia, being familiar with the folks involved, didn’t scrutinize the contract too closely, assuming it was based on the original agreement, so she signed and stamped it without much fuss.

Walking out of Patricia’s office, contract in hand, Don gave it a flick with his finger.

“The last person who didn’t rate our designer has grass growing over their grave that’s nearly two meters tall now, and here you


Don shook his head with a chuckle, wondering whether to credit Sophia’s stealth or just chalk it up to the others’ frailty – one by one, they were all lining up to get a face slap from her.

Brandon’s case had been an accident with no malice intended. He hadn’t even planned on mentioning the designer’s name. Today, though, there was a bit of intent behind it.

Previously, Don was indifferent towards Patricia, even somewhat reserved out of respect since she was, after all, Brandon’s mom. But today, Patricia, with her know-it-all, been-there-done-that attitude, and her talk about how it’s common for small-time companies to just hang a director’s title on anyone Don wasn’t too fond of that.

Although Patricia was a bit rough around the edges with her words, she didn’t nitpick too much over the design proposal.

Maybe she was just too fond of Sophia’s work and feared that giving too much feedback might scare her away. After signing the contract, Patricia shot Don a WhatsApp message, telling him to proceed with the construction according to the original plan, no changes needed.

Patricia didn’t have any objections, but Brandon was a different story.

After leaving Patricia’s office, Don made a beeline for Brandon’s to discuss any tweaks he might have for the Zenithan-style resort project design.

Brandon was ready and pulled out the proposal from his desk, tossing it to Don.

Don looked it over, and while the general direction remained the same, there were numerous small but tedious details to be adjusted, including some aspects of the building layout and color schemes, requiring back-and-forth communication and fine-tuning.

After reviewing it, Don couldn’t help but close the proposal. “How about you just talk to Sophia directly? Some of this stuff might not be clear why it’s changed. It really needs some face-to-face discussion.”

Brandon, flipping through a report, didn’t even look up. “No need, hand it to her, she’ll get it.”

Don looked at him skeptically. “Does she really get where you’re coming from, or is it that you don’t want to deal with her?”

Brandon, still preoccupied with his paperwork, replied, “The condition for her taking on this project is that I’m not involved and there’s no work-related contact between us.”

Don got it. He hadn’t been fully aware of why Sophia was reluctant to interact with Brandon, but after seeing Patricia’s attitude. towards Sophia that day, he could totally understand Sophia’s side of things.

Patricia, deep down, had zero respect for Sophia, and it was blatantly obvious.

She couldn’t even be bothered to keep up appearances.

Don figured Daniel was probably the same, just a bit more subtle than Patricia. Otherwise, Patricia wouldn’t have the audacity to



look down on Sophia.

“Have you ever seen how your parents interact with Sophia?” Don asked abruptly, changing the subject.

Brandon stopped what he was doing and looked up at Don.

Don grinned. “With your busy schedule, I’m guessing you haven’t really noticed.”

“Patricia was at your place today?” Brandon quickly connected the dots and asked with a frown..

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 151-155

Chapter 151

Kent dropped the hotel name, it’s a stone’s throw from the office.

“Room 1503.”

At the end, Kent thoughtfully included the room number.

Brandon shot him a glance.

Kent, all humble and docile, said, “I’m off to work then.”

Brandon watched the office door close, glanced at his watch but didn’t get up. Instead, he grabbed some paperwork off his desk.

He got so wrapped up in work that before he knew it, it was nearly quitting time.

Brandon looked up at the clock in the top right corner of his computer screen and his busyness came to a halt.

After a moment of silence, he shut down his computer, stood up, grabbed his suit jacket from the coat rack, and snatched his car keys on his way out.

Kent, busy at work but quick to speak, blurted out, “Mr. Crawley, where are you headed?”

“Clocking out,” Brandon replied.

Brandon had already left, standing by the elevator, his face calm but with a fleeting moment of hesitation before he turned and asked Kent, “Did Sophia find a place?”

“Not yet.”

Kent had a say in this-after all, he had chatted with Sophia about this very topic while driving her home.

Brandon nodded, said nothing more, and reached out to press the elevator button.

The elevator doors opened, and Brandon stepped inside.

The elevator quickly reached the ground floor.

As soon as Brandon stepped out of the elevator, he caught sight of Sophia hurrying towards him, and his own steps gradually slowed.

Sophia, on her way, spotted Brandon and her pace also naturally slowed.

“What brings you here?” Brandon asked.

“Just getting a feel for the work environment,” Sophia replied, still a bit uneasy facing Brandon-maybe it was the aftereffect of that intense kiss at noon.

Brandon nodded but didn’t say much more.

The two were back to that awkward silence.

“Are you heading out?” Sophia tried to make conversation, striving for a casual and relaxed tone.

“Not really,” Brandon responded indifferently, glancing at his watch, “I’m actually about to run an errand to your firm, let’s go together.”

Sophia gave him a puzzled look, then nodded, “Fine.”

Brandon turned and pressed the elevator button.

Sophia followed him into the elevator.

The doors closed.

In the confined space, the memory of that intense, uncontrollable midday kiss suddenly became crystal clear, and it felt like the temperature in the elevator was subtly rising.

Sophia stood just behind and to the left of Brandon.

His tall posture and the pressure of his cool, distant silhouette reminded her of that overly emotional kiss at noon.

It wasn’t often that Brandon showed such a domineering and forceful side.

She had been completely stunned by the kiss, so much so that when she went to sign the contract and then followed him back to the event, she was in a daze.

Now, well-rested and clear-headed, the memories and sensory stimuli from that moment were vividly resurfacing.



With that clarity came an awkward feeling.

Sophia tried not to let her thoughts wander, standing quietly and obediently without fidgeting, until the elevator jolted suddenly, startling her into instinctively turning around. Almost at the same moment, Brandon firmly grasped her arm.

Sophia instinctively looked at Brandon and their eyes collided.

The elevator stabilized after that brief shake.

But Brandon didn’t let go of Sophia’s hand, and his gaze didn’t leave her face.

His deep eyes seemed to draw her in, and she found herself lost in their bottomless depth.

In the silence of their gaze, Brandon slowly leaned towards her.

Sophia’s eyes widened in surprise, watching his handsome face grow closer, his unique scent enveloping her, his lips almost touching hers when the elevator doors suddenly opened.

Sophia and Brandon snapped back to reality, their eyes met briefly, then they both turned away.

Don was standing by the elevator, his eyes shifting suspiciously between them, “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing,” Brandon replied calmly, stepping out of the elevator with poise.

Sophia also walked out, maintaining her composure.

They both entered Star Dempsey Architects together.

Everyone was getting ready to leave for the day, but when they saw the two walk in together, they quickly turned back to their computers, pretending to be busy.

Don clapped his hands together, “Alright, cut the act, pack up. We’re going out to celebrate the firm’s opening day.”

He then turned to Brandon and Sophia, “You’ve come at the right time, join us for dinner, why don’t you?”

Sophia felt a bit awkward, “I had an appointment with a realtor to see some places, so I’m afraid I can’t.”

Don’s questioning gaze turned to Brandon, “What about you, Mr. Crawley?”

“I’ll pass,” Brandon said.

Don nodded, not pressing further-without Brandon, everyone else could relax a bit more.

Sophia’s phone rang just then.

It was the realtor. The 7 PM house viewing was canceled. The landlord hadn’t left work yet.

“It’s okay,” Sophia replied softly to the realtor’s apology, then hung up.

Don, who had overheard Sophia’s conversation with the realtor, raised an eyebrow, “Can’t see the house, but you can make it for dinner now, right?”

Sophia nodded promptly, “Sure.”

Don’s inquiring look once again shifted to Brandon, “You’re not going, right?”

Chapter 152

Don sure wasn’t whispering, and the moment his voice rang out, everyone who was buzzing with excitement suddenly tensed up and turned their gaze to Brandon.

Brandon glanced at the anxious crowd and didn’t want to kill the vibe, so he gave a slight nod, “Go ahead.”

As soon as he said that, the whole office seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

ཆ ཆ ན ཡི ཧཡོ ཝ

Except for Sophia.

She had just finished a phone call and hadn’t noticed the subtle shift in the office atmosphere. She looked around confusedly, not sharing the collective exhale of relief, nor did she seem disappointed. She just had this thoughtful, serene look on her face.

Brandon noticed Sophia’s calm and couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Don was already organizing carpooling.

Who rides with whom was crystal clear.

After sorting everyone out, he turned to Sophia, “Sophia, you ride with me.”

Sophia nodded, “Sure.”

Others were already shutting down their computers, packing up, and getting ready to leave, buzzing with excitement and chatting away as they headed out in groups.

Cindy, also caught up in the excitement, approached Sophia and casually linked arms with her, “Sophia, I’m tagging along with you.”

But then she paused slightly when she caught Brandon’s look, and her face showed a mix of caution and anxiety as she gave Brandon a restrained nod, “Mr. Crawley.”

Sophia cast a puzzled glance at her, then looked at Brandon.

Brandon simply nodded back, his expression revealing nothing out of the ordinary.

Don leaned over to grab his car keys from his desk and called out to Sophia and Cindy, “Let’s go.”

Then he followed the crowd toward the elevators.

Cindy, still buzzing with excitement, tugged at Sophia to catch up with the main group.

Suddenly, the once bustling office was deserted, save for Brandon, who was still standing there.

Being pulled along with the crowd, Sophia couldn’t help but look back at Brandon.

Standing there in the spacious, bright office, his tall figure somehow took on the air of a lone wolf.

A pang of sympathy suddenly hit Sophia and she blurted out, “You wanna join us?”

Brandon looked at her sharply, a flicker of intensity in his eyes.

Sophia felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze and awkwardly tugged at her lips, “Work’s never done, right? When it’s time to chill, you gotta chill.”

Don, already at the elevator, interjected, “Don’t bother with Brandon. To him, work is his greatest joy. He’s never been one for group stuff, not since we were kids.”

Sophia frowned slightly, disliking the way Don labeled Brandon.

She thought Don, being friends with Brandon for years, would understand him better.

It was clear Brandon just didn’t want to rain on everyone’s parade.

As the company’s top decision-maker, he wasn’t as approachable and funny as Kent and Don. He had an aura about him that could make others feel constrained.

Don didn’t notice Sophia’s frown as he ushered people into the elevator, “Let’s go.”

He didn’t forget to turn back and smile at Brandon, “Mr. Crawley, we’ll head out first. Stick to your work. Don’t mind us.”

Brandon nodded lightly, his gaze drifting past Don to Sophia, who was being pushed into the crowd.

Sophia was trying to turn around, her eyes searching for Brandon through the elevator throng.

Their gazes collided unexpectedly.



Brandon’s eyes were reassuring.

“Have fun,” Brandon said, and then he turned away.

The elevator doors slowly closed, and Sophia’s gaze lingered on Brandon’s retreating figure.

Behind him lay a long, quiet corridor, where his solitary figure seemed lonely and the path ahead stretched on.

Sophia watched, transfixed, until the doors sealed shut.

The elevator quickly descended to the parking garage.

Everyone walked out cheerfully.

Don called out to Sophia and Cindy to head towards his car.

Cindy, already over the moon, linked arms with Sophia and turned to ask Don, “Mr. Dempsey, what are we eating?”

“BBQ buffet,” Don replied, fishing out his car keys and pointing them at his vehicle.

The car doors unlocked promptly.

Don called out, “This way.”

Cindy, all geared up to go, pulled Sophia in the direction of the car.

Sophia’s steps slowed to a halt.

Cindy and Don looked at her puzzled.

Sophia gave an awkward smile, “I forgot something. You guys go ahead, I’ll catch a cab and meet up with you later.”

With that, she extracted her arm from Cindy’s grasp and turned back towards the elevator.

“Huh?” Cindy was baffled, “She just got here, what could she have left behind?”

Don was equally puzzled.

As soon as Sophia got to the elevator, she hastily pressed the button, and when the doors opened, she stepped in and hit the button for the top floor.

But the elevator didn’t move.

Sophia then remembered that you needed a card to access the CEO’s office on the top floor.

She pressed the highest floor she could access instead.

Stepping out as soon as the elevator stopped, she turned and headed straight for the fire stairs.

Brandon had just returned to his office when he ran into Kent who was about to leave.

Kent was surprised, “Huh, Mr. Crawley, weren’t you off for the day?”

Brandon didn’t answer, just looked at him, “Not leaving yet?”

Kent tugged at his bag, “About to head out.”

Brandon nodded, “Head home and get some rest.”

With that, he walked towards his office.

Kent moved towards the elevator and caught sight of Sophia gasping for breath as she came out of the fire stairs, “Ms. Yearwood?”

Brandon stopped in his tracks and slowly turned back to look at Sophia.

Chapter 153

Sophia was just chilling at the top of the stairs, one hand on her knee, the other patting her chest, huffing and puffing like she’d run a marathon. Her face was all flushed, her hair a bit of a mess, and you could see a layer of fine sweat beading on her forehead.

She caught Brandon’s eye and felt a bit embarrassed.

“Today’s the grand opening of the new company, and everyone’s buzzing with excitement. Why don’t you come and celebrate with us?” she said awkwardly. “Honestly, people love it when the boss lets loose and hangs with the crew. Makes you feel less like the big man upstairs, you know?”

Brandon glanced at her still-thumping chest, then at her damp, rosy cheeks, before his gaze settled into her eyes. “Did you specifically come looking for me?”

The word “specifically” hung in the air between Sophia and Brandon, loaded with unspoken meaning, given their complicated relationship.

She hadn’t thought it through his solitary silhouette had just popped into her head, and on a whim, she’d dashed up to find him. “Not really,” Sophia replied, her cheeks coloring. “It’s just everyone’s heading out to party, and it seemed like a bummer for the big boss to be missing out.”

She glanced at the now-deserted office, then back at him. “You’re here burning the midnight oil all by yourself. If work’s not screaming for attention, why not take a break? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Kent looked over at Sophia, a tad surprised.

Her casual concern for Brandon was kind of sweet and unexpected.

Brandon threw him a glance.

Kent, taking the hint, quickly made his exit. “I’ll leave you two to chat. Mr. Dempsey’s waiting for me to join the celebration. I’ll head over so no one’s kept waiting.”

With that, he bolted.

Brandon’s eyes lingered on the sweat on Sophia’s forehead, and he casually grabbed some tissues from a nearby desk, walking over to her.

Standing in front of her, he reached out with the tissue towards her forehead. “Did you take the stairs?”

“Yeah, the elevator was out of service,” Sophia replied, taking the tissue from him with an awkward smile. “I’ve got it.”

He gave

her a look but didn’t fight her for it, handing over the tissue.

After drying off, Sophia turned to him again. “So, you coming?”

He nodded. “Sure, why not?”

A smile flickered across her face, and a hint of one appeared in his eyes too.

“Let’s go,” he said, and they headed down together.

Don had texted Sophia the details for the get-together.

He’d booked a rooftop farm with its own BBQ and bonfire setup.

By the time Sophia and Brandon arrived, everyone was already in full swing some prepping the food, others manning the grills, chatting and laughing in little clusters.

Brandon’s entrance caused a momentary freeze, everyone suddenly self-conscious.

Sophia, all smiles and warmth, called out/”Keep the fun rolling. Don’t mind us!”

Her gentle demeanor and innocent charm quickly eased the tension, and the party vibe bounced back.

She grabbed some skewers for Brandon. “Want to grill some?”

He looked at her and nodded, standing side by side with her at the grill.

Don and Kent were also by the BBQ, skewers in hand. Seeing Sophia and Brandon together, Don couldn’t hide his surprise.

“Are you actually up for this kind of thing?”

“Is there a problem?” Brandon asked, skillfully laying the skewers Sophia handed him on the grill.



“Nope, no problem at all, Don replied, thrilled. “Just saying, it’s good to relax every now and then, take a breather.” Brandon ignored him, focusing on grilling the meat for Sophia.

Cindy, out of breath, set down a plate of oysters and called Sophia over to help clean them..

Brandon gave her a passing glance.

Cindy straightened up, “I’ll get back to it,” quickly dismissing the idea of Sophia joining her..

Sophia glanced over at the busy oyster crew, then back at Brandon. “I’m gonna go help out over there.”

He looked at the pile of oysters and nodded. “Go ahead.”


As Sophia walked away, he paused his grilling, clearly more interested in something or someone Don, aware Brandon wasn’t into these gatherings, nudged him. “Why force yourself if you’re not into it?” Brandon shot him a look. “It’s not about liking or not. It’s just a way to pass the time.”

He glanced towards Sophia again.

She had settled next to Cindy, awkwardly scrubbing oysters out of a foam cooler. Among the chattering girls, Sophia’s serene presence stood out; not aloof or antisocial, just content to listen and smile without diving into the hubbub.

Brandon didn’t intrude, nor did he show much interest in BBQ. Social gatherings weren’t his thing.

Luckily, a work call came through on his phone.

When Brandon returned from his call, everyone had dropped their tasks and was now dancing around the bonfire, the music and laughter creating a lively atmosphere.

He scanned the crowd for Sophia but didn’t spot her.

Looking to the outskirts, he found her still with the oysters, absentmindedly grilling skewers, occasionally glancing at the lively crowd with a smile, but with no intention of joining in.

He approached her and stood by her side, picking up a skewer from the plate.

“Why not join them?” he asked, placing the skewer on the grill.

Her surprise at his sudden appearance melted into ease as she turned to face him..

“Are you done with your call?” she asked, having spotted Brandon on the phone just moments before, obviously tangled up in work stuff again.

“Yeah,” Brandon nodded lightly.

As she watched the beef skewers sizzle over the charcoal, she finally turned to Sophia, “Why aren’t you mingling with the crowd?”

“I’m not really into that scene,” Sophia admitted, too embarrassed to say she didn’t want to leave Brandon hanging by himself after his call.

She had talked him into coming; it wouldn’t be cool to just ditch him and let him waste his time alone.

Brandon, true to his nature, would be the last person to jump into a sing-and-dance kind of crowd.

Catching a glance from him, then looking over at the laughing and joking group, he turned to her, “Wanna go check it out?”

Sophia was a bit surprised but nodded, “Sure, why not?”

When the two of them joined in, everyone did a double-take before Don let go of Cindy’s hand to make way for them to step in.

Sophia and Brandon joined the hand-holding dance.

It wasn’t any complex dance, just a bunch of folks holding hands, hopping on one foot to the catchy music now and then.

Sophia felt a bit self-conscious at first but soon got swept up in the festive vibe, laughing along with everyone else.

In the midst of the fun, she couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Brandon.

His handsome face was calm, but there was a slight smile at the corners of his mouth. He wasn’t laughing uproariously like the others, but his eyes and expression were clearly relaxed and enjoying the moment.

Compared to his usual serious and aloof demeanor, he seemed to have a bit more youthful vigor under his cool composure.

And just then, Brandon turned to look at her.

Sophia flashed him a light smile.



He smiled back.

As they stepped away from the group, the revelry was still in full swing, shifting from the campfire dance to a boisterous mix of karaoke and freestyle dancing.

Don and Kent, the life of the party, had already grabbed mics and were belting out tunes that were way off-key, filling the farm air with their howls, but not dampening the spirits of the crowd one bit.

Sophia and Brandon sat down by the barbecue grill.

Brandon warmed up some skewers he had grilled earlier and handed one to Sophia.

“Thanks,” she said, taking it and watching Kent belt out a song with all his heart, “Who knew Kent could let loose like this?”

“That’s just how he is,” Brandon remarked, “He tones it down when he’s around me.”

Sophia glanced at Brandon.

He definitely had a knack for making people feel like they couldn’t cut loose around him.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Nothing.” Sophia chuckled, “Just feels like everyone tightens up around you.”

“Including you?” Brandon inquired.

She nodded honestly, “Yeah.”

“Looks like I’ve got some reflection to do.”

“No need for that,” Sophia replied, “Some people just have a natural regal aura.”

“Is that a compliment?” he asked.


guess so.”

Sophia laughed shyly after her reply.

Brandon also chuckled, his gaze drifting back to the carefree crowd.

Sophia couldn’t help but look at him, feeling that coaxing Brandon out had been the right call.

“Have you ever been to something like this before?” she asked.

“Nope,” Brandon replied, looking at her.

“It seems like, for you, nothing but work matters in life,” Sophia said with a smile, a question she’d been curious about for a long time but had never discussed with Brandon when they were more uncertain in their relationship.

He looked at her intently and nodded lightly, “Seems so.”

“That’s cool,” Sophia grinned.

“What’s cool?”

“Loving your work,” she said.

“People who naturally love their work see it as a challenge, so they don’t feel tired or annoyed,” she added with a laugh, “It’s what many people dream of, to be as thrilled about work as they are about eating.”

Brandon just smiled, not saying anything, and looked down at the skewers on his plate, taking a bite.

“How’s it taste?” Sophia asked.

“Not bad,” he nodded.

Sophia laughed, “I grilled it.”

“Pretty good skills then.”

“I think so too,” Sophia replied with a smile, and then, unable to resist, she looked back at Brandon’s good-looking face, softly saying, “Brandon, look, we could be friends, right?”

Brandon paused, turning to look at her.

Chapter 154

“You know what, you’re right. I’ve tried to leave you five times and I’ve lost every single time. Guess some things are just out of our hands. So this time, I’m not gonna gamble my future on a sixth go-around.”

As Sophia spoke, she glanced over at Brandon.

“I’m still easy to influence where you’re concerned; I’ve always known that’s a weak spot for me. That’s why I’ve always kept my distance from you. But just like you said, I can’t seem to escape this weird cycle. It feels like no matter where I run, I end up back with you, so I’ve decided to just go with the flow.”

“Even coming back this time, I wasn’t all that sure about it, so I left it up to fate. If I could make it back in time, great; if not, so be it. And I don’t know if it’s good luck or what, but despite the flight delays, I still made it to your opening ceremony. The moment I stepped into the Starlight Group, I knew for sure that I landed the Zenithan-style resort project fair and square. There’s no reason for me to let it go.”

“Although you’re not the one in charge of this project, we’re in the same company and it’s inevitable that our paths will cross. We may not be cut out to be husband and wife, but it’s not like we have any major beef between us. It’s just that our families, personalities, and ambitions don’t mesh, that’s all. We’re bound to interact professionally, so we can’t keep going at each other. like cats and dogs.”

Sophia said this, looking at him. “Maybe being friends is the most suitable relationship for us.”

Brandon stared at her silently for a moment. “We can’t be friends, Sophia.”

“There’s no middle ground for us. We’re either married or we’re strangers,” he said with a calm that borders on icy.

This version of Brandon reminded Sophia of the night they divorced.

The same calmness, the same ‘it is or it isn’t’, with no room for anything in between – not even a need for a reason.

Sophia didn’t know quite how to feel. She laughed a little and fell silent, feeling like she was awkwardly trying to suck up to someone in power.

Brandon didn’t say anything more.

They both quietly continued eating their skewers.

Meanwhile, Don, who had been howling like a banshee on the phone, put the receiver down and headed out, returning shortly with

someone in tow.

“Let me introduce you all to our new designer, a hotshot straight from the world-renowned Apex Engineering University School of Architecture, Ivan Evert.”

Don’s excited, laughter-filled voice reached Sophia as she subconsciously looked up at him, catching sight of Ivan by his side.

She was a bit surprised to see Ivan.

Ivan also noticed Sophia and gave her a warm smile.

Sophia reflexively smiled at him.

Their exchange didn’t miss Brandon’s attention.

Brandon’s expression cooled down, and he got up and left without a word.

Sophia couldn’t help but glance at his retreating figure, a bit stunned.

Don also noticed Brandon’s silent departure and looked worriedly in his direction before turning back to Sophia.

Sophia just sat there, not getting up to follow.

Ivan glanced at Sophia, then thoughtfully at Brandon’s disappearing back.

Brandon’s figure merged with the night and slowly vanished.

When Ivan looked at Sophia again, she was still staring in the direction Brandon left, her face a mix of the familiar daze and carefully concealed sadness.

Don’s gaze swept over Sophia’s face, his worry fading as he played the part of the mood-lifting boss, introducing Ivan’s credentials to everyone.

Ivan wasn’t just any designer at the company; Don gave him a title equal to Sophia’s.

After thanking everyone for their applause, Ivan sat down next to Sophia.


“Congratulations,” Ivan said first.

Sophia laughed and replied, “It should be me saying congrats to you.”

Ivan also chuckled.

Don brought over some drinks, and they all celebrated together.

Sophia was distracted and accidentally gulped down the drink in front of her, mistaking it for a soft drink.

She realized too late it’s whiskey, and by then it was too late to spit it out.

Sophia was not good with booze, usually a teetotaler, and suddenly downing a big glass of whiskey threw her into a bit of a panic. Don noticed her pale face. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine,” Sophia replied, worried she would get tipsy soon. She politely said goodbye to Ivan, “I have some things to take care of at home, so I’ll head back first. You guys have fun.”

She also bid farewell to Don, Kent and the others.

Ivan, having seen her down a hefty glass of whiskey, insisted, “Let me take you home.”

“It’s not necessary, thanks.” Sophia smiled, declining, and after saying goodbye to everyone, headed out.

Ivan followed, saying, “I should really take you. It’s late, you’re a woman, and you’ve been drinking.”

“It’s okay, a cab ride home is just about fifteen minutes, I’ll be there in no time,” Sophia tried to dissuade him, “Go back and have fun with them, don’t worry about me.”

But Ivan wasn’t persuaded.

He didn’t stop or turn back; he just walked with her to the parking lot.

Sophia hailed a cab on her phone and was about to say farewell to Ivan when she turned and saw Brandon’s car, and Brandon inside it. She paused in surprise.

Brandon also saw her and Ivan at her side.

His gaze swept back and forth between them, then he got out of the car and strode towards Sophia.

He reached her, leaned in, grabbed her wrist, and started pulling her towards the car.

Ivan instinctively tried to stop Brandon.

Brandon just gave him a cold look. “I brought her here; it’s my responsibility to make sure she gets home safe.”

Ivan was at a loss for words.

Brandon didn’t wait for a reply, pulled Sophia into the passenger seat, hopped into the driver’s seat himself, and the car sped off. Sophia’s hotel wasn’t far, and soon they arrived..

Brandon stopped the car at the hotel entrance, walked around to her side, opened the door, and pulled Sophia out of the car.

Sophia was starting to feel the buzz, a bit wobbly on her feet.

Brandon only caught the rosy flush on her cheeks after she got out of the car, his brow furrowing slightly.

“Hit the sauce, huh?” he asked.

Chapter 155

“Whoops, kinda treated booze like it was soda.”

Sophia replied in a soft voice, her head spinning a bit and her steps a little wobbly, but her mind was still sharp.

She tried to wiggle her wrist free with a little force, but it didn’t budge.

“What’s the point of showing off when you’re plastered?” Brandon said, not letting go of her, “Can’t hold your liquor and didn’t even keep an eye on it.”

Sophia stayed silent.

The dizziness from the alcohol made her feel a bit sick, and her body was going a bit limp.

Brandon shifted to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

Sophia squirmed a bit. “I don’t need.”

Brandon let go of her coldly.

“Thanks for walking me home,” Sophia said, looking at him and whispering her thanks.

Brandon just gave her a cold look and said nothing.

“I’m gonna head back now.”

Sophia whispered a goodbye and turned to head for the elevator, her steps not too steady but still knowing which way to go.

She didn’t lean on anything or ask anyone for help, just pressed on towards the elevator with her hand on her head, and only when she reached the elevator did she manage to press the button with effort.

Brandon stood there, watching her coldly, not moving to help.

He knew if he didn’t take the initiative, she’d never ask for help.

She wasn’t just putting on a front for anyone, nor was she being unnecessarily delicate – she simply didn’t need it.

She didn’t need him.

Nor anyone else.

Ever since Haley picked her up and took her home, she had always relied on herself.

Growing up, she never got in the habit of depending on others.

Maybe she tried once, didn’t get the response she hoped for, and just decided to drop it..

Brandon watched her press the elevator button with difficulty, leaning weakly against the wall to rest.

There was another couple waiting for the elevator, all lovey-dovey and giggling.

When they saw her, confusion flashed in their eyes, and the guy had a hint of disdain and disgust, probably mistook her for some nightclub girl.

Sophia saw the disdain and disgust in his eyes too, but didn’t care, just calmly waited for the elevator to arrive.

From where Brandon stood, he could clearly see the expression on Sophia’s face.

Ever since they met in their school days, she never cared about what others thought.

All her choices along the way were just following her own heart.

When she graduated from high school, she finished her studies and didn’t feel much for her new class, so she chose to leave without saying goodbye.

At the reunion, when someone prying like a census taker asked everyone about their love lives, he didn’t shy away from his single


She knew he was single, and she was too, so when he offered her a ride home, he wanted her, she wanted him, and she chose to follow that desire.

Later, when she found out she was pregnant, he suggested marriage, and after weighing it out, she still chose to follow her heart at the time.

Like she said, she liked him, so she chose to give herself and the child a chance.

Later, when married life wasn’t all roses, she still, after weighing her options, chose to pick up the dreams delayed by marriage


and opted for divorce.

Brandon had no doubt that even when she spoke of divorce, she still liked him, but that didn’t stop her from leaving him.

She knew all too well what she wanted and what she didn’t, so she never gave herself the chance to drag her feet. Even if Sophia took a wrong turn and ended up battered and bruised, she would just lick her wounds in silence and then get back up, without relying on anyone.

She’d walk away from what she didn’t want and would never look back, including him.

All along, it was he who clung on.

Brandon was acutely aware of this.

And it was this clarity that he loathed.

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 145-150

Chapter 145

At the airport.

Sophia was hustling out of the jet bridge while whipping out her phone to power it up, striding towards baggage claim. Before she even reached the carousel, her phone, now booted up, was flooding with notifications one after another.

Glancing at her screen, she saw that it was mostly Susan, peppered with a barrage of missed call alerts.

Texts morphed from [Have you reached West district yet?] to the more urgent [Why’s your phone still off? Sophia, call me back ASAP when you see this.]

Sophia skimmed the messages and quickly video-called Susan back.

The moment the call connected, Susan looked like she was about to burst into tears. “Finally, you call back. What took you so long? Did something happen to the flight? You had me scared to death.”

“It’s all good, just some weather delays,” Sophia reassured softly, “We got held up due to a local thunderstorm at the layover, and the plane kept circling without clearance to land. It’s caused a bit of a delay. I’m at West district now, so don’t fret.”

Susan sighed in relief, “As long as you’re safe. Remember to call me once you’re settled in, and watch out for yourself.”

“Will do,” Sophia nodded, inquired about the kid for a bit, and then hung up.

After the call, Sophia checked the time on her phone – past ten in the morning. She paused for a second.

The flight was hours behind schedule, and it was already past the nine o’clock work rush.

Sophia had no clue whether Brandon’s “by Friday” meant business hours or the opening ceremony.

If it was the former, she had essentially given up by now.

If it was the latter, making it on time was still touch and go.

Brandon was always a man of his word.

Letting go of the Zenithan-style project was something Sophia knew he would follow through on.

Suddenly, she wasn’t sure if there was any point in rushing over.

Her decision to return wasn’t solid to begin with. It was more Zachary’s plea, the suspicions from overhearing Darcy and others’ conversation, and several other factors that had rushed her.

The conveyor belt started moving, and luggage began to appear one by one.

Sophia spotted her bag among the sea of suitcases.

She bent over to lift her luggage as it approached.

Pushing her suitcase out, she glanced at the clock again – thirty minutes to spare. If she caught a cab now, it would be a race against the clock to make it or not.

Her original plan had enough buffer to get to the Starlight Group in time, but this flight just had to get caught in a freak storm. delay.

Sophia suddenly wondered if this was some cosmic sign holding her back.

She decided to leave it up to fate.

If she made it, it meant she was destined to be part of this project and she’d give it her all.

If not, maybe it was destiny’s way of telling her it was time to cut her losses.

Stepping out to hail a cab, Sophia was surprisingly calm.

At the Starlight Group’s lobby.

The emcee was delivering a speech for the grand opening, and the celebratory mood peaked.

Brandon sat in the guest of honor seat with an expressionless face, sneak-peeks at his phone from time to time, his demeanor cool and detached.

Don managed to keep a festive smile, though his eyes betrayed his anxiety.

Soon, it would be Brandon’s turn to speak, introducing the new company’s leaders and design team, including the head designer.

Although there was no rule saying the head designer couldn’t be replaced, once announced, it would mean Brandon’s definitive



drop of Sophia’s Zenithan-style resort design, leaving no room for negotiation.

He knew Brandon well.

Amidst this anxiety, Don also kept glancing at his phone, even reaching to call Sophia directly when there were no updates. But as his fingertip touched the phone, Brandon pushed it away.

“No need,” he said, his voice faint, his face still expressionless.

“What if she ran into some trouble on the way?” Don whispered, “Got held up?”

“Does she lack a phone? Or internet?” Brandon’s tone remained flat, not even looking at him, “If it was something serious, wouldn’t she have called ahead?”

Don had no comeback.

The emcee had finished the opening speech and turned the attention to Brandon. “Please welcome, with a round of applause, the President of the Starlight Group, Mr. Crawley, to deliver his speech.”

Applause filled the room.

Don frowned at Brandon, noticing a brief flicker of something on his face before he rose emotionlessly and headed for the stage.

Brandon stood on stage, composed, speaking at an even pace, exuding stability.

His speech was succinct, first expressing gratitude to the guests, then briefly explaining the reasons behind Star Dempsey Architects’ inception and future aspirations, before segueing to introducing the new leadership and design team.

First up was Don, with a quick verbal intro and a display of his résumé and portfolio on the big screen behind Brandon, eliciting awe and applause from the audience.

Don went up to express his thanks amid the claps.

“Our design team is comprised of equally young and talented designers,” Brandon continued in a calm voice as the applause subsided, “Next, I’d like to invite our head designer.”

Brandon’s voice suddenly halted.

The audience, puzzled, looked at him.

Don, standing right next to him, also turned his gaze to Brandon.

Brandon was facing the podium, looking at the embedded computer screen, his eyelids slightly drooping, his face calm, a chilling

sort of calm.

Out of sight from the audience, Don saw Brandon’s long finger reaching towards the multimedia keyboard’s Enter key, pausing just above it.

Don turned to look at the slide frozen on the big screen behind them.

He knew that once that button was pressed, it would herald the arrival of the new head honcho of design, a dude named Barret whose resume was still chilling on Brandon’s desk.

Brandon didn’t immediately go for it, though. He just stared blankly at the LCD screen embedded in his desk, not making a move.

The crowd was getting restless, and the whispers started to grow louder.

Everyone was wondering what was up with Brandon.

Don couldn’t help but throw a worried glance at him and nudged, “Brandon?”

Brandon looked up, his face still a blank slate, and took a cold, sweeping glance at the audience below. As his gaze icily swept from the entrance, Don caught a glimpse of resolve in his eyes and saw his long finger poised over the Enter key, ready to slam it down, but then it stopped abruptly, just shy of hitting the key.

The crowd was puzzled once again, all eyes on Brandon.

Brandon scanned the room and announced, “Head of Design will remain open for now!”

Don looked at Brandon, taken aback.

Kent down in the audience was also shocked.

But Brandon had already coolly shifted his gaze. “Now, please welcome the CEO of Star Dempsey Architects, Don.”

His steady voice paused when he caught sight of a slender figure against the play of light and shadow at the door.

Sophia stood outside, hesitating as she took in the room full of guests, and then slowly turned her gaze towards Brandon on the



Brandon’s eyes had already cut through the crowd, locking onto her with an intense stare.

vChapter 146

Brandon’s gaze brought Sophia to a screeching halt, leaving her feeling awkward as all get out.

She had bolted over to the hall the second she hopped out of the cab.

The second she stepped into the hall, she was greeted with a massive, fire-engine red banner screaming “A Warm Celebration of Star Dempsey Architects’ Grand Opening!” and the buzz of a party in full swing in the reception area.

In that moment, a wave of cold feet washed over her as she got closer to home turf.

The timing of her card drop was kinda iffy.

While she was on the fence about whether to crash the party or not, Brandon caught sight of her, and those piercing peepers of his threw her for a loop.

Brandon’s deep, cold gaze was like a riddle wrapped in an enigma-she couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

The courage she had mustered up was slowly but surely deflating under his intense stare.

Suddenly, she was second-guessing whether she had shown up at an inopportune time.

Don also spotted her and flashed a grin that had a hint of surprise when he did.

Sophia couldn’t help but return the smile before her eyes drifted back to Brandon.

Brandon was still in the same pose, the same intense, cold stare, just standing there, motionless across the crowd, giving her the eye.

People at the venue started to pick up on Brandon’s unusual stare, craning their necks to sneak a peek at Sophia.

The domino effect of head turns sparked even more curiosity.

More and more heads turned to look towards the entrance.

Sophia wasn’t exactly comfy with all eyes on her.

She awkwardly grinned at the onlookers before spinning on her heel to leave, figuring she’d better wait outside in the lobby and not stir up any trouble during the opening ceremony.

Brandon’s face turned to ice, he chucked the mic onto the table, and leaped off the stage, striding through the crowd towards the departing Sophia at the door.

The room went bananas.

Everyone was flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events, their heads swiveling towards Brandon on reflex.

Brandon’s pace was fast and frantic, and as he nearly reached Sophia, he suddenly reached out, grabbed her arm, and spun her around with a yank.

Sophia looked at Brandon, her face a blank slate of confusion.

“Where to now?” Brandon demanded, his voice as cold and deep as his unwavering stare.

Sophia was still trying to get her bearings, her hand instinctively pointing towards the public area’s couch. “I was just gonna wait over there ’til you guys wrapped up.”

Brandon glanced at the couch in the public area, his piercing gaze not softening one bit as he kept his eyes locked on her.

Sophia was at a loss under his intense scrutiny, “What’s up?”

Brandon just looked at her, not saying a word, then suddenly stepped forward, his hand snaking around her neck, pulling her into his embrace, and planting a deep kiss on hér.

Sophia fell silent.

The room erupted with surprise again.

Those who had a clear view of the door were gobsmacked, their jaws dropping.

Those who couldn’t see were antsy and confused, craning their necks, trying to catch a glimpse of the action outside, especially Cindy.

She was about to take the stage and, along with her new colleagues, was seated right at the front, totally oblivious to the drama unfolding outside. She only saw Brandon ditch the mic and dart off the stage, followed by a wave of gasps and murmurs, and a crowd of necks craning towards the door.


“What’s going on?” she asked, pulling a colleague towards her and quickly moving towards the doorway to snoop around.

Quick on the uptake, Kent was already at the door when Brandon pulled Sophia into a kiss, slamming the reception hall’s doors shut to shield the untimely scene from prying eyes.

Don, ever the smooth operator, grabbed the mic with a smile, steering the chatter back to the opening ceremony. “Now, let’s give a big hand to our designers, a young and vibrant team with tons of experience.”

Those who missed the action outside sighed as they watched the door close, whispering to their neighbors, trying to get the skinny on what had just happened, not really paying attention to the stage.

Don, sensing the room’s gossip mill working overtime, coughed pointedly into the mic.

Hís reminder via the mic brought everyone back to their senses, and they covered their awkwardness with applause, sneaking another look at the door as they settled back into their seats.

But Kent was holding the fort at the door, which was shut tight, revealing zilch.

Kent ignored the crowd’s disappointed and curious stares, standing his ground by the door and looking towards Don on stage.

Don, keeping up the momentum, reiterated his initial introduction of the design team, starting with the designers.


Brandon’s kiss lingered on Sophia’s lips before he finally stopped. He was still holding her neck in a firm grip.

Both were panting slightly.

Sophia’s lungs felt nearly vacuumed out, her mouth agape as she gasped for air, her oxygen-deprived brain still muddling through a fog of confusion and bewilderment.

Brandon’s kiss had been so sudden and intense, she was still reeling.

Brandon, too, was a bit breathless, his palm gently cradling her neck, forehead lightly pressed against hers, eyes half-closed.

But unlike Sophia’s scrambled thoughts, Brandon’s mind and gaze were crystal clear.

He looked into Sophia’s still-dazed eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, “Where’s your ID?”

“In my bag.”

Sophia replied instinctively, even reaching into her bag’s side pocket to fish out her ID and hand it over to Brandon.

Chapter 147

By the time Sophia fully snapped back to reality, she was already sitting in the HR office.

Two employment contracts were laid out in front of her, both already signed by her hand.

Brandon was standing right beside her, handing one copy of the contract to her while tucking away the other.

Sophia glanced hesitantly at the contract now in front of her, then back at Brandon.

“Welcome to Star Dempsey Architects,” Brandon said, looking at her, his demeanor back to its usual cool composure.

Sophia managed a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks.”

She took the weighty contract with a bit of hesitation, still feeling like she was in a dreamy daze.

Her mind was all muddled.

Brandon’s cell phone chose that moment to ring.

It was Kent on the line. [Mr. Crawley, do we need to introduce the new Design Director to the guests? Don’s struggling to keep up on stage.]

He was still at the event diligently blocking the door, clueless about what was going down with Brandon and Sophia.

Don on stage was also doing his best to keep the show running, equally in the dark about the current situation with Brandon and Sophia.

Was Sophia’s new role as the Design Director set in stone? Would she be coming back? Should he take the chance during the design team introduction to officially announce Sophia?

His head was swimming with question marks, but with Brandon having already ditched the scene, he couldn’t just bail like Brandon and had to stay on stage, trying to signal Kent with desperate eye gestures to call Brandon.

Luckily, Kent was on the same wavelength and caught on to Don’s predicament straight away.

Brandon didn’t give Kent a straight answer but instead turned to Sophia. “Don is up there introducing the company’s design team right now. Wanna make an appearance?”

Sophia glanced subconsciously towards the reception hall.

“Do I have to?” Sophia was still a bit spaced out, the contract signing had happened so fast, she couldn’t even remember when exactly she had signed it.

“I’m not some big-name designer, nor do I have any standout pieces to show off. My experience and age don’t carry much weight either. If I go out there now, I might just lower everyone’s expectations of the company.”

She looked at Brandon and added, “Maybe we should keep it under wraps for now, and let my work do the talking later on.”

Brandon studied her for a moment before nodding lightly, then told Kent on the phone. “No need for introductions.”

Kent got the message, hung up, and mouthed “It’s over” to Don on stage, who seemed visibly deflated for a moment before Kent added an “OK” sign with his hands.

Don got it in a second. His spirits, which had just started to sink, leaped back up.

With years of experience running the show, he left the guests with a teaser, “Our candidate for Design Director is a graduate of the renowned Apex Engineering University School of Architecture and has a portfolio of well-known architectural designs. She has a unique vision and solid strength. We look forward to her joining us,” and wrapped up the grand opening ceremony perfectly. The opening ceremony had already been done at an auspicious time while Brandon was still around.

After the opening ceremony, it was time for the guests to dine and mingle.

Don made his way through the crowd of well-wishers towards Kent, who was still guarding the door.

“What’s the deal here?” he asked, since he couldn’t get much from just exchanging looks earlier.

“How should I know? Mr. Crawley just brushed me off with a ‘no need for introductions”, Kent replied, equally in the dark but couldn’t resist trying to sneak a peek outside the door. “But relax, Mr. Crawley sounded pretty chill, he must’ve sealed the deal with Sophia.”

“Are you sure your gut’s reliable?” Don frowned, not entirely trusting Kent’s intuition. “Hope it’s not another false alarm.”

“Don’t worry, no one knows Mr. Crawley better than I do,” Kent bragged as he opened the door wide, not forgetting to turn back to Don with a boastful, “I dare say, I even know him better than he knows himself.”


His bragging came to an abrupt end when he saw Brandon and Sophia standing outside the door, and he respectfully greeted, “Mr. Crawley!”

Brandon glanced at his hand on the doorknob. “Why close the door?”

Kent was left speechless.

Don’s gaze shifted from Kent’s face to Brandon, then to Sophia, his evaluative look making Sophia a bit awkward, but she still politely greeted Don. “Mr. Dempsey.”

Don, ever so sharp, didn’t pry but just gave her a big smile. “You’re back.”

Sophia responded with a polite smile. “Yeah.”

Seeing Kent’s deflated look and his indecisive hand on the doorknob, remembering Brandon’s kiss from earlier, and guessing Kent might have seen it too, her embarrassment grew.

Kent, equally awkward, chuckled and greeted. “Hello, Ms. Yearwood.”

Sophia awkwardly replied. “Hi, Kent.”

As other guests noticed Brandon’s return, they came forward enthusiastically to offer their congratulations, their attention wholly on Brandon, hardly noticing Sophia standing by his side.

A few guests who were fortunate enough to witness Brandon’s impromptu kiss recognized Sophia from her clothes and cast curious and scrutinizing glances her way.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable under their probing eyes, Sophia subtly moved away from Brandon. At that moment, a refined middle-aged man holding a wine glass approached Brandon with a smile and congratulations.

“Mr. Crawley, congratulations.”

“Thank you, Mr. Evert.” Brandon took a glass from a passing waiter’s tray and courteously clinked it with Mr. Evert’s.

Mr. Evert downed his drink in one go, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then his inquisitive gaze casually shifted towards Sophia. “And who might this be?”

He had seen Brandon kiss Sophia earlier.

Hanging out with Brandon over the years, he had never seen Brandon get so worked up and expressive, especially over a girl – definitely piqued his curiosity.

Before Brandon could pipe up, Sophia introduced herself to Mr. Evert with total ease, “Hey, I’m a designer with Star-Dempsey


Brandon glanced at her and kept mum.

Mr. Evert, who was itching for some juicy gossip, got cut off by Sophia, but still chuckled and reached out for a handshake, “Pleased to meet you, I’m Gavin Evert, the head honcho at the Evert Group.”

Sophia responded politely, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Evert.”

Gavin, failing to fish for any good intel, shifted his focus back to Brandon.

“Mr. Crawley, your new venture is brimming with talent. The youngsters are impressive!”

“Thanks for the props, Mr. Evert.”

Gavin chuckled and asked, “Mr. Crawley, is your company still hiring by any chance?”

Brandon looked at him dead in the eye, “Just spit it out, Mr. Evert.”

Gavin chuckled awkwardly, “Well, it’s about my son, just wrapped up his grad studies and hasn’t started working. He refuses to join the family biz. He studied architectural design, too. I’m worried he’s gonna turn into a couch potato if he stays home any longer. Maybe he could work with you guys?”

Brandon gave a polite smile, “Afraid our little outfit might not be grand enough for your prince.”

Even though he said that, Brandon turned and introduced him to Don, suggesting he get in touch for a job since Don was the main man running the new company.

Gavin, all smiles, agreed and turned to mingle with the other guests.

Finally having a moment to himself, Don looked over at Sophia and Brandon, “What’s the deal with you two?”

The direct question got both Brandon and Sophia to cough awkwardly and avert their gazes.

Don couldn’t quite make heads or tails of this drama, and it wasn’t the time to pry, so he turned to Sophia with a grin, “Contract all



Brandon answered for Sophia, “It’s done.”

Don let out a sigh of relief that had been weighing on him and raised his glass to Sophia, “Welcome back.”

Sophia, without a glass, just smiled back, “Thanks, Mr. Dempsey.”

“I’m the one who should be saying thanks,” Don said, already waving over Cindy and the others who were chatting up a storm with other guests, “Come over here, folks.”

Cindy and the rest hurried over, setting down their drinks.

“Mr. Dempsey, what’s up?” Cindy asked, her attention all on the boss, Don.

Don announced, “Let me introduce everyone to our new design director, Ms. Sophia Yearwood.”

As he said it, his hand gestured towards Sophia.

Cindy and Sophia looked at each other.

They both fell silent..

Cindy was the first to catch on, recognizing Sophia as the girl from the sperm bank story at the police station and got super excited, “Hey, it’s you.”

Brandon fixed his gaze on the two, “You two know each other?”

Chapter 148

“Uh, kinda, yeah,” Sophia piped up before Cindy could get a word in. “Last time I was back, I ran out of juice on my phone during dinner and didn’t have any cash on me, and she covered the meal for me.”

She kept her composure and tone casual, and after she finished, Sophia coolly turned to Cindy. “I really owe you one for last time. I didn’t get around to adding you on WhatsApp to pay you back. Let’s swap numbers, shall we?”

Whipping out her phone, she opened WhatsApp and went straight to add Cindy’s contact.

Cindy was totally thrown off by Sophia’s pace, puzzled at first but then totally focused on adding each other on WhatsApp. She happily nodded, “Sure thing!” and quickly pulled out her phone, flipped to her WhatsApp QR code, and turned her screen towards Sophia.

Cindy’s eyes were lit up with excitement and admiration, just like someone who’s had the surprise of bumping into a stranger and later finding out it was their boss.

Kent chuckled and chimed in, “It’s a small world, isn’t it? Fancy you two having such a twist of fate.”

As Sophia scanned Cindy’s WhatsApp, she replied with an easy smile, “You bet.”

Casually glancing at Cindy, who was buzzing with the excitement of a new connection, Sophia’s gaze then seemingly drifted unintentionally to Brandon. Their eyes met, his gaze calm yet unreadably deep.

Sophia felt her heart pound wildly, her palms sweating as she clutched her phone.

She never imagined that the girl she casually chatted with at the police station would turn out to be a colleague, giving her such a big surprise right after signing her employment contract.

Feeling a bit rattled under Brandon’s intense stare, she was saved by the arrival of guests coming to congratulate him, momentarily drawing his attention away with a “Mr. Crawley.”

Sophia forced herself to stay composed, exchanged smiles with Cindy, and then turned to the others. “Let’s all add each other on WhatsApp, shall we? Looking forward to working with everyone. Please forgive any shortcomings on my part.”

She showed her QR code to them, and they all whipped out their phones to connect. The atmosphere quickly shifted to work mode, and Cindy’s initial surprise was soon forgotten.

After everyone had added her, Sophia pocketed her phone and stole another glance at Brandon. He was standing side-on, engaging politely with a client, his expression cool and detached but with that effortless control he always had. His attention

didn’t return to her.

As people began mingling again, Sophia felt out of place. She wasn’t one for schmoozing, and the long flight and jet lag were taking their toll. She didn’t join the crowd but drifted towards the dining area, messaging Cindy. [Sorry for the trouble, but could you keep the other day’s incident under wraps? It’s a bit too much for some folks to wrap their heads around.]

After sending the message, she watched Cindy glance down at her phone as it buzzed, then promptly replied with a [No worries, I get it. Your secret’s safe with me.]

[Thanks,] Sophia sent back, then after a moment asked, [Could you delete this chat, please?]

Cindy looked confused and a bit puzzled as to why but after spotting Sophia in the crowd, she replied with a quick [Sure thing] and deleted their chat history.

Sophia saw Cindy delete the messages, feeling a weight lift off her chest, though she was still somewhat uneasy.

Running into Cindy was totally unexpected and threw her for a loop. She didn’t really know Cindy and whether she could keep her promise of confidentiality.

Sophia was just there to work, to push the Zenithan-style resort project forward, not to stir up any complications, especially not after Brandon’s unexpected kiss had caught her off guard, and now Cindy.

Feeling lost, Sophia absentmindedly swirled the wine in her glass, deep in thought and oblivious to the curious glances of those around her.

Sophia was a looker fair-skinned, slim, and with a girl-next-door vibe that was effortlessly charming and disarming, the kind that sparks a protective instinct in men. So even though she wasn’t mingling, she caught the attention of others.

A young-looking guy approached her with a drink in hand and greeted her confidently, “Hello, Director.”

Sophia snapped out of her reverie and looked up at the young man.

He was tall, easily over six feet, with a handsome and sunny demeanor, exuding the fresh energy of someone straight out of college. His eyes were clear and bright, untouched by the cynicism of the corporate grind.


She vaguely remembered seeing him during the WhatsApp exchange but her mind had been elsewhere, so his name didn’t stick. “Hello,” Sophia replied with a smile, not quite comfortable with the formal title. “Just call me Sophia.”

“Sophia?” The young man mulled over the name. “Unique and charming. It suits you.”

His ease showed no hint of formality or nervousness around a superior.

Sophia offered a polite smile. “Thanks.”

He introduced himself with a cheerful grin, “I’m Augus, part of the design team too. I hope you can show me the ropes.”

With that, he flashed a broad, friendly smile.

He’s got pearly whites and a smile that could light up a room so dang infectious it puts everyone in a good mood just looking at him.

Sophia flashed a polite grin back, “Let’s learn from each other.”

Off to the side, mingling, Brandon glanced over at Sophia. His gaze lingered when he caught the hint of a smile tugging at her lips. Then, turning to the tall dude chatting her up, he couldn’t help but furrow his brow just a tad.

Kent was right next to Brandon and, noticing the wrinkle in his forehead, instinctively followed Brandon’s line of sight to Sophia. Spotting the guy yapping away with her, he quickly sifted through his memories and filled Brandon in, “That guy’s name’s Augus, fresh out of grad school this year, currently working as an assistant designer in the design department.”

Brandon shot him a look, “Assistant to who?”

“The head hon,” Kent started to say “head honcho’s assistant” but caught himself mid-sentence under Brandon’s piercing stare, correcting himself, “Head manager’s assistant.”

Brandon probed further, “What’s he like?”

“Pretty talented, his designs are fresh and innovative, a real design wiz,” Kent replied, making sure to add, “That’s according to Don. He was a personal hire.”

Brandon pressed on, “And his personality?”


Chapter 149

Kent said, “Funny, outgoing, and super charming. He was a big deal back in school, the type that girls go gaga over. Heard he had quite the fan club chasing after him.”

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence, catching the stern look from Brandon.

Brandon said with a cool tone, “Kent, have you got too much time on your hands?”

Kent quickly backed down. “Nope.”

Brandon shoved his drink into Kent’s hand and walked away.

Kent, curious, glanced at Brandon’s retreating figure heading towards Sophia.

Meanwhile, Sophia was chatting with Augus.

“Hey, which school did you graduate from?”

He was talkative and straightforward. They started off talking about architectural design, but smoothly, he steered the conversation back to Sophia.

Once Sophia mentioned her alma mater, Augus’s eyes lit up with surprise. “So you’re the legendary senior Sophia from that school? No wonder your name rang a bell.”

Sophia wasn’t aware of any legend about her, and feeling a bit awkward with Augus’s direct praise, she just gave an embarrassed smile. “You went to Apex Engineering University’s School of Architecture too?”

“Yeah, I’m from Apex Engineering University, graduated two years after you,” Augus said, half-jokingly, half-seriously asking her, “You weren’t one of Zachary’s protégés, were you?”

Sophia nodded lightly. “Yeah, he used to be our homeroom teacher.”

Augus couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, guess it’s a small world after all.”

“Zachary was just talking about you the other day, about how you wowed the whole School of Architecture with your work as a freshman, but he didn’t mention your name. Had no idea it was you,” Augus added. “If Zachary knew we were on the same team now, he’d be over the moon.”

As he spoke, he pulled out his phone, sidling up to Sophia. “Sophia, let’s take a selfie. I’ll send it to Zachary later, he’ll be thrilled.”

Sophia glanced at him, hesitantly nodded, and was just about to pose when a hand suddenly reached from the side and snatched the phone Augus was holding aloft.

“What’s with taking photos during work hours?”

A calm voice.

Sophia instinctively turned and saw Brandon standing beside her, slightly taken aback.

Brandon’s expression was indifferent, and without a word, he switched off the phone and handed it back to Augus, merely giving him a glance.

Augus immediately greeted respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Crawley.”

Brandon gave a slight nod, his gaze shifting to Sophia. “You’ve just had a long flight and you’re still jet-lagged. You should head back and get some rest, don’t push yourself too hard.”

Sophia was a bit surprised by Brandon’s thoughtfulness and insight.

She hadn’t mentioned her rush from the airport to him.

But the fatigue from the long journey and jet lag was real, so she nodded gently. “Alright.”

“Got a place to stay?”

“I’ve booked a hotel.”

Brandon looked at her, then nodded. “I’ll have Kent take you there.”

He turned and motioned to Kent.

Kent quickly approached. “Mr. Crawley, what can I do for you?”

“Drive Ms. Yearwood back to her hotel to rest.”

Kent nodded, his eyes flickering unintentionally towards Augus.


Augus seemed oblivious to the nature of Brandon and Sophia’s relationship, bidding her farewell with ease. “Well then, Sophia, get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kent mentally cursed “airhead,” but still smiled, said goodbye, and escorted Sophia out.

Brandon watched them leave through the door and disappear before turning his attention to Cindy in the crowd.

Don arrived just then, noticed the direction of Brandon’s gaze, and quizzically raised an eyebrow “What’s up?”

“Have her come to my office.”

With that, Brandon left.

When Don told Cindy that Brandon wanted to see her in his office, she was on pins and needles.

“Why does Mr. Crawley want to see me?”

She racked her brain but couldn’t for the life of her figure out why she had caught Brandon’s eye.

Don was also stumped, but he tried to reassure her with the mindset of a boss. “Probably work stuff. Chill out, Brandon is a tough cookie with a soft center. He won’t give you a hard time for no good reason.”

But Cindy wasn’t comforted by Don’s words.

She had never interacted with Brandon up close, but from a few times of watching from a distance, he seemed to have a daunting presence.

With that anxious feeling, she knocked on Brandon’s office door.

“Come in,” a deep voice followed from the office.

Cindy pushed the door open and immediately became more cautious upon seeing Brandon seated at his desk. “Mr. Crawley, you wanted to see me?”


Brandon responded flatly, noticing her hand on the doorknob about to close the door, he quickly said, “Leave the door open.”

Cindy awkwardly withdrew her hand, feeling a bit awkward.

Brandon looked at Cindy. “How do you know Sophia?”

Cindy was taken aback. “Huh?”

She was puzzled by Brandon’s intentions. Thinking about Sophia’s stern instructions to keep their secret, she felt even more unsettled, wondering if there was an issue with Sophia.

“Is there a problem with Sophia?” she asked tentatively, not wanting to throw Sophia under the bus.

“No,” was Brandon’s reply.

Cindy was confused. Was he doing a more thorough background check?

“Just tell the truth. Don’t worry about anything else,” Brandon cut her off.

Cindy didn’t dare to spill the beans. She couldn’t get a read on Brandon’s intentions and didn’t know if he was in on something with Sophia or if he was digging for dirt on her. After all, she had just promised Sophia not to tell anyone, and if she blabbed to Brandon, it would look super shady.

And if it was the latter, if Sophia was in the clear and Brandon was just looking for an excuse to sack her, Cindy couldn’t bear the guilt of getting Sophia fired.

So she stuck to Sophia’s story. “I just met her when we were out for a meal. Her phone died and she couldn’t pay, so I just covered for her.”

After she finished, she saw Brandon frown.

She couldn’t decipher what his frown meant and her heart was in her throat, not expecting a simple chat to stir up such a storm.

Just when she thought Brandon was going to drop it, he asked, “Where did you eat?”

Cindy felt like crying.

She didn’t expect that one little lie would require a hundred more to cover up.

“I can’t remember,” she said, resorting to the universal excuse, her back drenched in cold sweat.

“Which day?” Brandon pressed.

“I really can’t remember,” Cindy was on the verge of tears, “It was such a small thing, I didn’t make a note of it, I just remembered when I saw the director today.”

But Brandon wasn’t letting it go. “No payment record on your phone?”

Cindy was speechless.

Brandon continued, “Your director was back in the West district from the 28th of last month to the 10th of this month. You can check the records for those days.”



“I paid in cash.”

But Brandon’s eyes were fixed on her unwaveringly. “What a coincidence.”

Cindy couldn’t withstand the interrogation-like pressure and burst into tears, sobbing out loud.

Brandon was speechless.

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The other assistants busy in the outer office couldn’t help but peek over, each sticking their heads out from their cubicles.

Brandon glanced outside.

Everyone immediately withdrew their heads but couldn’t help but prick up their ears.

Cindy, already sobbing, blurted out, “Mr. Crawley, just tell me straight what you want to say. I really can’t handle this kind of questioning.”

Brandon, seeing her tear-streaked face, frowned with a headache. “Go back to your desk.”

Cindy’s meltdown made his actions seem absurd.

He didn’t even know what he was suspecting. It was just a fleeting look of panic in Sophia’s eyes when she saw Cindy that puzzled him. But afterward, Sophia explained how she and Cindy met, and there was nothing unusual about it. Cindy’s story had no holes, and paying in cash wasn’t that far-fetched..

Her nervous reaction in front of him was also understandable.

There were hardly a few people in the company who weren’t cautious around him.

People as brazen as Kent were almost non-existent.

Cindy, feeling like she’s been pardoned, didn’t dare to linger a moment longer. She sniffled a “thank you, Mr. Crawley” and turned to dash out when Brandon suddenly called out to her. “Wait.”

Cindy’s legs went weak, and she turned back to face Brandon with tears still in her eyes. “Is there anything else, Mr. Crawley?” Brandon looked at her. “Could I take a look at your WhatsApp?”

Cindy’s eyes immediately filled with hesitation. WhatsApp was a private matter, and she didn’t want to show it to her boss.

Brandon read the hesitation in her eyes. “I only want to see your chat history with Sophia.”

Cindy didn’t understand but reluctantly rotated her WhatsApp chat with Sophia towards Brandon.

She had already deleted Sophia’s messages as promised, so the chat was spotless, not a single message left.

After a glance, Brandon looked at her. “Hasn’t Sophia contacted you?”

Cindy felt like crying again. She never expected her well-intentioned lie to lead to a string of baffling interrogations from Brandon. Now, if she replied with a “yes,” it would lead to more questions about what was discussed and why the records were deleted, digging back into the first lie.

She had no choice but to assert “no,” and after that, she saw Brandon give her a look.

The sight of her quickly set her already unsteady nerves skyrocketing, and her eyes started to redden with the pressure.

Just as Don rocked up, he caught sight of Cindy’s pitiful little figure and shot Brandon a questioning look, “What’s going on here?”

Brandon glanced at him and simply said, “Nothing.”

Then, turning to Cindy, he said, “You can go back now.”

Cindy bolted like she was running for her life, totally spacing out on even saying thanks.

Don watched Cindy’s hasty retreat and couldn’t help but give Brandon the side-eye, “What did you do to her?”

“What could I possibly do to her?” Brandon’s expression was indifferent as he gave Don a quick look, “You, on the other hand, might want to vet your hires better. Can’t handle a little heat without crying. What’s she gonna do when the client turns up the pressure, cry her way out?”

“The clients aren’t as scary as you, man,” Don said, heading into the office, “You pulling Cindy aside – it wouldn’t have anything to do with Sophia, would it?”

That was the only reason Don could think of.

Brandon didn’t answer him directly, “Are all the guests gone?”

Don nodded, “Yeah, all cleared out.”


Brandon gave a nod and left it at that.

Don handed over the resort proposal to Brandon, “So, we’re moving forward with this, right? Are you handling it, or is it going back to your folks? They’ve been on my case, asking about the progress.”

Brandon looked at him, “What’s Patricia’s take?”

Don replied, “She’s over the moon, can’t wait to get the collaboration rolling.”

Brandon asked, “Does she know who the designer is?”

Mentioning this made Don slap his forehead, “Oh shoot, I totally spaced on telling her about the designer.”

Daniel and Patricia had been tied up with new company stuff and weren’t around the office.

They hadn’t received any special notice about the subsidiary’s opening today.

“No need to tell her,” Brandon cut him off, “What did you tell her when she was pushing you before?”

“What could I say? I just told her the proposal was stuck with you, and you wouldn’t sign off.”

Brandon nodded, “Then just leave it. She’ll come to me.”

Don, already hassled by Patricia, was more than happy to pass the buck, “Then it’s all yours.” He dropped the weight off his mind and raced back to his office to get busy.

After Kent had dropped Sophia back at the hotel, he too rushed back to the company.

“Did you drop her off at the hotel?” Brandon asked with a cool tone as soon as he saw him.

“Yeah, she’s back at the hotel,” Kent quickly nodded.

Brandon asked, “Which hotel?”

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 144

Chapter 144

On Friday, the Architects officially opened for business.

Since it was Dempsey Architects’ first venture into the domestic market, they went all out with a big opening ceremony to make some noise.

The ceremony was set up in the Starlight Group’s first-floor reception hall, and the headquarters really put on quite the show.

Don, as the head honcho of the new branch, was hustling from the crack of dawn to get everything ready for the big day.

One moment he was checking the stage lighting, the next he was double-checking the guest list to avoid any unexpected hiccups.

Kent was right there with him, buzzing around like a busy bee.

By the time they wrapped up, there was less than half an hour left before the auspicious moment to kick things off.

Guests were trickling in steadily.

Don and Kent were casually greeting the newcomers while sneaking peeks at their watches and scanning the crowd, with Don asking, “Where’s your boss?”

“Probably holed up in his office.”

Kent responded in a hushed tone while smiling and nodding at guests.

Don frowned, “What’s he doing in there? Isn’t he coming down?”

Kent glanced at him and quipped, “What do you think?”

Don was momentarily thrown off, “Huh?”

Kent nudged him, “Have you picked your design director yet?”

That was when it clicked for Don, and with the realization came a headache.

He had texted Sophia the other day to see where her head was at, and she had texted back right away.

Just as he suspected, she hadn’t made up her mind yet.

But she didn’t want to hold up their work, advising him to go ahead with someone else if the project was urgent or if the office was swamped, no need to wait on her.

Don hadn’t pressed the issue since then, nor had he poked his nose into the backup list for the design director. Deep down, he was still holding out hope for a last-minute surprise on opening day.

The deadline was set by Brandon, and Sophia had every right to take her sweet time until the final second.

He wanted to see if there was still a chance for a last-minute miracle.

But judging by the current situation..

Don checked his watch again and couldn’t resist scanning the room one more time.

The place was buzzing, but Sophia’s familiar face was nowhere to be seen.

He glanced at his phone – dead silent, not a peep.

Don let out a sigh, turned to Kent, and said, “Hold down the fort. I’m going upstairs.”

Kent nodded, “Go ahead.”

In the CEO’s office on the top floor, Brandon was sitting at his desk, propping his chin up with one hand, eyes closed, recharging the batteries, looking both worn out and serene.

The sunlight was streaming through the window, casting a mix of shadows and light upon him.

To his left was his phone, and to his right, the resumes of the candidates for the design director position.

As Don pushed the door open, he was met with the sight of Brandon taking a breather, a rare hint of fatigue on his face.

“Another night without sleep?” Don queried with a raised eyebrow as he approached.

Brandon opened his eyes and gave him a look, “Got some work stuff on my plate.”

“Is it really work or are you just distracting yourself with it?”

Don asked as he walked up to the desk, his eyes landing on the resumes, then shifting to Brandon.

Brandon glanced at the resumes, then at his silent phone, and looked at Don, “No word from Sophia?”

Don nodded dejectedly, “Nope, no sign of her coming, and she’s not here.”

Brandon nodded, stood up, and grabbed the resumes, “Then it’s time to scrap the Zenithan-style project.”

“Start over with someone new.” He tossed the resumes to Don as he said, “Pick him for the design director. He’s got skills, a couple of successful projects under his belt, and a pretty distinctive personal style.”

Don frowned and glanced down at the resumes, “We’re not out of time yet.”

He checked his watch, “We’ve still got over ten minutes till the official opening.”

Brandon also looked at his watch, “Let’s go, don’t want to miss the lucky moment to start.”

With that, he grabbed his phone off the desk and headed for the door.



Don watched Brandon’s retreating figure, upright and austere, his profile steady and determined, his expression cold and almost without emotion, leaving no room for second-guessing.

Don sighed deeply, his enthusiasm dampened, and followed him out.

When the two of them reached the opening hall downstairs, most guests had already arrived, mingling in small groups, the place alive with excitement and festivity.

The emcee was already on stage, doing mic checks, prepping for the opening.

As the big shots of the new company, Brandon and Don were seated in the front row.

As Brandon made his way to his seat, the guests who spotted him came up with warm greetings.

Brandon just nodded politely in response and then sat down, stone-faced.

His chilly demeanor left the greeting guests feeling a bit puzzled and uneasy.

Quick on the draw, Don came up with a smile to smooth things over.

Kent also swooped in with a grinning face to play peacemaker, and after calming the waters, he couldn’t help but whisper to Don, “What’s up?”

All he got in return was Don’s helpless shake of the head and sigh.

After his sigh, Don couldn’t help but cast one more hopeful glance towards the entrance.

Still no sign of her.

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Brandon popped into Ephemora because there was some trouble at the hotel here. He didn’t want to stir the pot, but they didn’t get into the nitty-gritty of

the matter.

Sophia was clueless about whether Darcy was still with the Starlight Group or not.

He looked just like he did two years ago, short and portly, but without the pep in his step he used to have. He looked way more worn out and down in the dumps.

As Sophia craned her neck to get a better look at him, Darcy glanced down at her, noticed the tea he’d spilled but just peeped it and didn’t even mutter an ‘I’m sorry’ before he breezed past her to greet the tall, skinny guy behind her with a warm double-handed wave, “Ms. Barlow.”

Among Sophia’s acquaintances, only Marian had it.

She couldn’t help but take a second look at the lanky dude-it was the same guy she’d bumped into in the Starlight Hotel’s underground parking lot two years ago.

Zachary caught Sophia peeking and glanced over at the pair before turning to her, “Do you know this guy?”

Sophia chuckled and shook her head, “Nope. Just thought that guy was kinda rude. Bumps into someone and can’t even apologize.”

“No point sweating the small stuff with that kind of person.”

Sophia nodded with a smile, “Yeah.”

But maybe because of the past episode where Brandon had deliberately avoided Darcy, even though Sophia kept her cool and kept eating, she couldn’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation a bit.

The restaurant wasn’t crowded, and Sophia’s table was close to theirs, so if she listened carefully, she could make out their chat.

At first, the two just exchanged pleasantries, but then the skinny guy asked Darcy, “How are things on your end?” Sophia heard Darcy chuckle and say, “Oh, it’s all good. You think Ms. Barlow needs to worry when I’m on the job?” followed by the so-called “Ms. Barlow” laughing heartily, replying, “Worrying about Mr. Darcy doing his thing? That’s the last thing I’d do.”

Darcy also let out a few hearty laughs before getting down to brass tacks, “I’ve already got the person in place at the company, rest easy.”

The tall and skinny guy said, “Is the person reliable?”

Darcy said, “Absolutely. You know how tough it is to get into the Starlight Group. Solid HR, barely any turnover, hardly any external recruitment spots open each year. If they hadn’t started this new subsidiary and needed fresh faces, who knows how long it would’ve been-till kingdom come, probably.” The mention of “the Starlight Group” made Sophia pause mid-sip. The skinny guy laughed and said, “Then I’ll await the good news from Mr. Darcy.” Their conversation didn’t seem to have any smoking guns.

But maybe because of Brandon’s past covert investigation, Sophia couldn’t shake the feeling that their words had layers, like there was some scheme brewing.

Sophia wasn’t sure if she was just being paranoid.

Later, when she got home, Sophia couldn’t help but ask Susan, “Susan, do you know this Darcy guy? The head honcho at the Starlight Group’s Ephemora branch.”

“Sure do.”

She was always up to speed with business info, especially for the deals she had clinched herself.

But then..

“Why the sudden interest in him? Wasn’t he booted from the Starlight Group ages ago?” Susan asked, puzzled..

“Huh?” Sophia looked at Susan in surprise.

“Didn’t you know? Not long after Brandon returned to the country, he axed the head of the Starlight Hotel’s Ephemora branch and nearly snagged the Barlow Hotel too.”

Sophia shook her head, clueless. She’d cut ties with Brandon and had blocked all news related to him since then.

“It’s no wonder you’re out of the loop. Word is, Brandon kept it hush-hush out of respect for Darcy’s long service. Just spun it as a ‘staff reshuffle’ and replaced the head of the Ephemora branch,” Susan explained, “I was tracking the Starlight Hotel project at the time, so I caught some of the gossip on the down-low, not much though.”

Sophia nodded thoughtfully, her mind racing back to Darcy’s words about having “already got the person in place at the company, rest easy,” and “If they hadn’t started this new subsidiary…” She kept replaying those lines in her head.

“What’s up?” Susan asked, seeing Sophia’s pensive look.

Sophia shook her head, “Nothing much. Just ran into Darcy and some guy at the restaurant with my teacher today. They mentioned the Starlight Group. and I got curious.”

That reminded Susan of Sophia’s lunch with Zachary, “Oh right, what did the teacher need from you?”

“Just encouraging me not to give up on opportunities too easily.”

“See, everyone who knows you thinks it’d be a shame.”

Sophia nodded silently, still deep in thought, the conversation with Darcy playing on loop in her mind.

Theresa, who had been engrossed in her fishing game, finally noticed Sophia’s silence, looked up with her big, round eyes, tugged on her clothes with her tiny hand, and called out in her baby voice, “Mommy?”


Sophia turned her gaze to her, squatted down in front of her with a smile and asked, “What’s up, Theresa?”

Theresa shook her head and handed Sophia the fishing rod, “Mommy fishy-fishy, happy…

Sophia chuckled and stroked her little head as they played the fishing game together. The little one was beaming with joy.

Sophia couldn’t help but look at her and softly asked, “Theresa, do you wanna go home?”

The little girl’s small mind couldn’t quite grasp what Sophia meant by going home, but after pondering seriously, she nodded vigorously, “Want to.”

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Sophia glanced at her phone and saw a call from her college mentor, Zachary.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she picked up the call.

It turned out that Zachary was hitting her up for a meal.

He was in town for a scholarly conference and knew she was still around, so he wanted to catch up over some grub.

Sophia was kinda taken aback.

Zachary had been her uni mentor.

Back in her freshman year, she’d snagged an award at the Architectural Design Competition and caught Zachary’s eye. He’d taken her under his wing ever since.

During those years, it was Zachary leading her through projects, from group gigs without any credit to solo designs where her name could shine. His mentorship paved the way for where she was today.

So, for her old college mentor, Sophia had nothing but respect, gratitude, and admiration.

When she nailed her grad school acceptance here, she’d buzzed Zachary with the good news first thing.

Life, work, and studies had gotten in the way, and while they hadn’t worked together in a while, they stayed in touch. But since she hadn’t managed to go back home, she hadn’t had the chance to visit him in person.

Now with Zachary swinging by for a conference, Sophia was both surprised and stoked.

She was down for the dinner date.

Zachary had set it up for the evening at a joint near the campus.

When Sophia arrived, Zachary was already there, waiting.

The guy was over sixty, a retiree from academia.

But with his hefty academic rep and clout, he still got the odd invite to lecture. Post-retirement, he’d shifted gears to focus on architectural research and boosting domestic design.

Probably from years of hard yakka, he looked older than his years, with a head mostly silver, but he still had this refined and gentle vibe, always talking with a twinkle in his eye and a smile at the corner of his mouth, real grandfatherly.

“Professor,” Sophia greeted with a smile upon seeing Zachary at the table.

Zachary beamed, standing to greet her. “You made it.”

After ushering her to her seat and letting her order from the menu, he turned to Sophia. “Have you been swamped with work lately?”

“Nope,” Sophia chuckled, shaking her head, “Just graduated, pretty chill for now.”

“What’s your plan after graduation?” Zachary probed.

Sophia had heard this same tune before Brandon asked, her dad asked, and now Zachary was the third.

“I’ll sort out some stuff here then head back home to job hunt,” Sophia shared.

“So, you’re not thinking of taking up that gig at Star-Dempsey Architects?” Zachary threw out there.

Sophia froze, giving Zachary a puzzled look.

Zachary just chuckled. “Ivan mentioned it to me.”

Ivan was sorta her senior by the same mentor, both Zachary’s protégés.

“Landing a job like that fresh outta school isn’t a cakewalk. Especially since that Zenithan-style resort proposal you cooked up got the green light,” Zachary advised with a hint of concern, “In our design biz, sure, talent and smarts matter, but so does finding your patron. Our job’s about pleasing aesthetics, but beauty’s in the eye of the beholder. Before you make a name for yourself, your masterpiece might be treasure in A’s eyes but trash to B. With your bold style, you’re gonna polarize – your fans will adore you, but the naysayers might not get it, you’ll be stuck in a bit of an on-off situation.”

“For most companies and clients, we’re all just punching the clock. Between radical and safe, most would rather play it safe to secure their livelihood than take risks, unless you’re the big cheese with a vision. But in today’s climate, those folks are few and far between.”

Sophia nodded quietly. “I get it.”

She wasn’t some green newbie; she knew the job hunt’s ups and downs all too well.

And the compromises in the work process.

In architecture, it was not just about transferring thoughts to paper. Aligning with leadership’s style and vision was key.

Without a mentor on the same wavelength, a project could suffer endless tweaks until it was unrecognizable.

And that was just from the higher-ups.

If you got a client who’s all over the place, you were back in endless revision loops, needing a boss who can wrangle them.

Thanks to a guy named Don, Sophia hadn’t felt much of this pressure.

She was clued in enough to know that until her work was fully recognized, she might not find another champion if she switched jobs.

So, before making any moves, she needed rock-solid achievements to speak for her, to be the one calling the shots.



It’s like acting – no matter how stellar your skills, without an award or a hit role to your name, no one’s taking your word as gospel. But once you hit it big or snag an award, even if your views are controversial, you’re still treated like the authority.

For Sophia at this stage, the Zenithan-style resort project was her golden ticket, her springboard.

“Ivan showed me your project designs, Zachary said slowly, “I reckon it’s a strong contender for awards. Don’t let it go to waste.” Sophia hesitated, looking at him.

Zachary smiled gently, “Sophia, you’ve always been one of my sharpest and most creative students. You know what you want, and what you don’t. I won’t harp on it, just hope you won’t bury your talent. Like two years ago, when you rushed into marriage and lost two years.”

Sophia nodded, “Thanks, Professor. I’ll think it through.”

Zachary nodded back, not dwelling on the topic, and steered the conversation to work and studies, chatting about the latest industry news and trends. Sophia listened intently, chiming in now and then. Noticing Zachary’s coffee cup was empty, she picked up the cup and filled it up for him.

Someone hustled by through the aisle next to her, moving fast and frenzied. As they passed by Sophia, their thigh accidentally bumped into her elbow, the one holding the coffee cup, and just like that, the coffee splashed out.

Sophia instinctively whipped her head around to see who it was, a slight frown creasing her brow.

She knew the guy.

Two years back, when she and Brandon were shacking up at the Starlight Hotel, it was the same stocky dude they bumped into in the basement parking lot.

Back then, Brandon didn’t want the chubby guy to catch a glimpse of them, so he’d pulled a fast one and pretended to smooch her, dodging the peepers of him and another tall, skinny guy.

She remembered asking Brandon who those two were, and Brandon had spilled the beans – the chunky fellow was named Darcy, the big cheese for the Starlight Hotel’s operations in Ephemora.

The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Sophia was at home tucking the little ones in for a nap when she got the message.

The kiddo had just nodded off, and Susan was also around the house.

Sophia went dead silent for a bit when she saw the message, just zoning out while staring at her phone screen.

Susan took a shot in the dark, “Brandon?”

Sophia chuckled, “As if it’d be him.”

Then she flipped her phone towards Susan, “It’s from Don.”

Susan glanced at it, then back to Sophia, “Honestly, I think you should totally snag this job opportunity.”

She glanced at the little girl snoozing on the bed, “Just picture Theresa punching in one day, bragging to her pals all proud-like, ‘My mom designed this – how cool is that?”

She picked up the design proposal Sophia had left on the table, flipping through it with a touch of regret, “Such a killer design getting buried would be such a waste.”

Sophia glanced at the design proposal too, but kept mum.

Susan looked at her.

“Anyway, Brandon said himself, Star-Dempsey Architects is Don’s baby, he won’t be hanging around much. This project’s got its own head honcho, He won’t be getting his hands dirty. As long as he doesn’t make a point of showing up, you two bumping into each other in that company is pretty much slim to none, plus you don’t have to clock in at an office, which makes it even less likely.”


“You already had to pass up a job once because of getting hitched and having a bun in the oven, and now to duck him, you’re gonna pass on this one? Seems like a crying shame to me, Susan added.

Back in the day, fresh out of college, Sophia had a sweet job lined up, but then she got pregnant, and with the early pregnancy being rocky, she had to play it safe and stick around the house, putting work on the back burner.

Then, after a miscarriage and a spell of getting her health back, she ended up out of the loop for a whole year, and when she started job hunting again, it wasn’t the same as right after graduation.

She kept busy, working on and off on projects with her mentor Zachary Gardner, but without a solid track record of a 9-to-5, employers were iffy, offering her gigs that were basically starting from scratch as an assistant.

But Sophia’s college portfolio and the experience she racked up had her itching for a shot at flying solo in design, so the job hunt was never quite hitting the mark.

That’s partly why she later thought about hitting the books again.

Now that she’d finally clawed her way back to a stable spot in the design world on her own terms, the idea of giving it up felt like a waste to Susan. Sophia felt the pinch too. If Brandon weren’t the client, she wouldn’t be sweating it one bit.

“The other day, I asked Brandon if he’d ever tie the knot again, and he didn’t give me a straight answer,” Sophia glanced at the still-sleeping tyke, “If he’d just said yes or no, I probably wouldn’t be overthinking it this much.”

If he said yes, she’d never spill the beans about the kid to him or even to the kid herself.

That would be a low blow to his future family and wife.

No woman wants to wake up one day to her hubby saying, “Surprise, I’ve got a kid.”

If he said no, she’d play it by ear when to break the news to him, but definitely not now.

Not when she wasn’t sure how hung up Brandon and his folks might be about the kid, whether they’d go so far as to wrestle for custody. She wouldn’t risk tipping him off.

The Crawley family’s loaded and powerful. If they got it in their heads to fight for custody, Sophia wasn’t sure she could hold her ground. The kid was her miracle baby

From biting her nails at every prenatal checkup to the life-and-death struggle in the delivery room, to the round-the-clock grind of looking after a newborn, all that blood, sweat, and tears weren’t something you could just wipe away because they provided half the genes.

She couldn’t just give up her child.

Sophia didn’t want her kid to be the glue that forced two people back together either.

She’d finally moved on from that chapter with the Crawley family and didn’t want to be sucked back in because of the kid.

So, whether to tell Brandon about the child was a decision she’d have to make after careful observation and thought, not on a whim.

But Brandon didn’t say yes or no, and his sharpness made her wary of probing further. One wrong question and he’d sniff out the reason. She was spooked by Brandon’s knack for reading between the lines.

Caught in this game of chess, it left her in a bind.

It was like being forced to choose between giving up her future and gambling with the risk of losing custody of her child.

Neither choice was easy for Sophia.

And Susan couldn’t make that call for her.


Deep down, she hoped Brandon would stay in the dark about the kid, which would mean no custody battles.

But she wasn’t the mom; she couldn’t decide for Sophia.

“You could consider taking the project for starters, and while you’re at it, scope out Brandon and his family’s vibe. Gives you some breathing room to decide whether to spill about Theresa,” suggested Susan. “Anyway, if we’re gonna head back, you’d be setting up shop first, and Theresa and I would follow. Gives us some time to work with.”

Sophia shot her a look but didn’t utter a word.

Right then, her phone buzzed back to life.

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