Guardian Wolf Chapter 133-135

Getting Real
Nova POV:
“Let’s hear it then” Jax tells Alex as he stands at the head of the table.
“Laurence and Theo have spoken to me about your ideas to have archers and also include guns in your weapon use” he starts as I simply nod in agreement at what he said. “My warriors are also trained in those skills so we can arrange groups to be placed at vantage points from buildings around or nearby the pack house on the
eastern side who can use those weapons to reach the target. However to use the
vantage points it brings the fighting close by, but we should engage the archers before the rogues reach our first line of defences. So I suggest we put the archers in
the buildings closest to the eastern tree line.”
“So that they can pick off the rogues as they make their attack” I pipe up as I tap my
finger thoughtfully on the table. “We will need warriors with them able to defend.
Once the rogues or whoever else have spotted where the archers and gun men are
they make a beeline to them to get rid of the threat.”
“Exactly” Alex says snapping his fingers looking excited for some reason. “Which is
when we should have some fire involved. I have spoken to Michaela..she is an
elemental witch. So of course my answer is firebombs.”
“Firebombs?” Jax questions.
“Yes” Alex laughs, “I know it sounds like something straight out of a movie I couldn’t
help it. But it’s essentially Michaela using her elemental powers to start spreading fire
between the rogues it will make them sc atter and their attack be less forceful. So..I’m
going to have warriors tomorrow set up tracks which Michaela can set alight during the fighting and that way the fire is controlled and won’t spread.”
“Yes I’d rather like to keep my buildings and trees as undamaged from fire as possible
Jax frowns at the possibility. “But I have to admit it could work.”
“It could, things are going to be damaged though babe we need to accept that. But
we can help limit that where possible” I say gently knowing it pains him that the
thought of what’s he’s worked so hard for in this pack is at risk. “I also have a plan. I need people with me as I’m going to hang out of the first attacking lines, I want to try
Getting Reall
to get towards the back of their troops and that way I will hopefully find my grandfather much quicker”
“Plus it means we can fight them from both ends. If we can get them
will be a whole lot easier Laurence chimes.
“Will the use of fire take away from Michaela’s strength though?” Jax points out. “I mean we need the witches now more than ever to go against the witches siding with Charles. I don’t want to risk Michaela struggling.”
“I’ve spoken to her and she said it will be the equivalent use of her power as a spec of sand on a beach Alex says calmly. “She also said this way will be much quicker.”
*******g hell, how strong is she?” Alpha Brad gapes.
“Very” Alex mutters.
“How about some of us hang back? Off of immediate midnight sky territory and move in once they’ve started their attack” Conor suggests. “They will underestimate us and we can attack when they are more spread out, easier to pick off as such. I know Luna Nova can link any of us so she can tell them when to move in.”
“That is a brilliant idea, Alpha Jax can also” Alex says looking at the map and circling a few areas as Conor puffs his chest out in pride at the Alpha Kings Praise.
For the next 40 minutes we allocate warriors to specific areas and come up with a plan. Sitting back Jax looks around the table before asking, “are we all in agreement?”
As everybody choruses “yes” I feel relief swell up inside me as calmness settles for the time being.
“Ok. Let’s all get some food, my Luna, Beta and I need to wish farewell to our pack members who are leaving” Jax says clearly as everybody files out of the room.
“This can work Alex says confidently as he looks over what we have produced. “Let me come with you, I also need to say goodbye to Ophelia.”
“I’m glad they decided to leave a little later” I say. “I haven’t had chance to spend much time with them today.”
“The pups were a bit unsettled with the arrival of so many others, I decided they needed to relax and adapt instead of being rushed off” Jax explains.
Getting Real

“That was thoughtful” I praise him as we head to meet the crowd of pack members.
by the buses.
“Is everybody ready?” Jax asks Florence who is stood with a clipboard looking organised,
“Yes Alpha” she says, “bags are loaded. Warriors are ready to escort them all and everybody is as relaxed as they can be and pups are happy, if a bit sleepy now.”
“Well sleepy is a good thing” I chuckle, “at least they’ll sleep.”
“For the parents sakes I hope so” Florence chuckles.
“Nova” I hear Alice say from beside me as she arrives with Naomi. Looking at her l
can feel the underlying worry she has simmering inside her.
“Hey” I say drawing her away from the others, “you alright?”
“Yes” she says with a forced smile.
“Alice..” I warn her. “I can feel your worry, do you want to talk about it?”
“I just don’t like leaving you all” she admits after a moment.
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“I know” I say gently. “But you have to. You can’t shift and I don’t want to put you at risk, Theo doesn’t either. As horrible as it is to leave it will help, Theo won’t be able to focus properly if you’re here because his natural instincts will be to protect you and his pup. I just don’t want you in harms way.”
“I get it Nova” she assures me with an understanding smile, “I’m just uneasy.”
“And that is understandable. I need you and Naomi along with Luna Ophelia to bring comfort and support to those going with you. You are who they will be looking up to. Just take deep breaths and believe in yourself, I know you’ll be fabulous” I tell her firmly. “I will make sure Theo updates you as much as he can alright?”
“Thank you” she sighs. “I really needed to hear that.”
“Happy to help” I say hugging her gently. “When you’re back we can go for that scan together, I also want to see my niece or nephew,”
“Deal” she says with a loud laugh. “Theo was amazed at the hospital earlier. Seriously though, thank you Nova.”
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Getting Real
“Anytime. Go say goodbye to your mate, he’s giving me some dirty looks for stealing
you away from his time left with you” I chuckle as Theo shifts in embarrassment clearly hearing what I said.
“She’s all yours” I giggle as I pass him.
“Naomi you good?” I check sensing her confidence in herself as she stands with Laurence.
“Yes Luna” she says with a smile.
“I knew you would be” I praise her. “Ok you know how to contact us if you need to. We will always have someone in the office incase of an emergency.”
“Of course Luna” she says with a nod as Laurence kisses her head lovingly.
“Good luck” I whisper as I hug her quickly before leaving her and Laurence.
“Pack members are you all understanding of what’s going on?” I hear Jax address the crowd ready to depart.
“Yes Alpha” they all chorus.
“I just want to say that you are all handling this really well, I’m proud of each and every one of you” i call as I stand beside my mate. “You will all be home in no time and we can’t wait to see everyone back together.”
“Thank you Luna” they say with a few smiles.
“Naomi, Alice and Luna Ophelia are all here along with Elder Johnathon who will be travelling with you. I assure you elder Martin will look after you all and provide you with anything you need. We will see you in a few days” Jax says as the pack members bow and begin getting into the vehicles.
“Alpha Jax, Luna Nova” we hear Ophelia say from behind us. “I just want to wish you good luck and say I will be thinking of you all. Look after my mate for me as well Nova will you.”
“I don’t need looking after, I’m the Alpha King darling” Alex mutters indignantly from beside her.
“You are, and you still got your butt kicked by Nova. So I will say it again, look after my mate Nova” she says with a giggle and a wink as Alex pouts beside her.
Getting Real
“Of course” I say biting back my smile as I love Alex’s playful embarrassment by his mate. “Look after yourself Luna, Naomi and Alice will be with you and we will be looking forward to seeing you in a few days.”
“Thank you” she says before she grasps Jax and Is hands reassuringly then turns to go and meet the warriors travelling with her.
“It’s getting real” I whisper to Jax as we stand and watch everyone ready themselves to depart.
“It is, I..” with that he stops speaking as we both spin to the packhouse hearing loud growling.
“What the hell..?” I mutter before breaking into a sprint. Flying past pack members who are all looking around in confusion I race around the corner only to skid to a halt as I see visiting pack members standing against some rogues from my dad’s pack.
“Mutts like you shouldn’t even be here” a warrior growls as he spits at a visiting rogue pack member.
“We are here to help..” the rogue defends as they stand defensively showing no aggression.
“Are you? Or are you going to turn on us?” Another warrior snarls as he steps forward intimidatingly.
Seeing the rogue hold his hands up in surrender I snarl loudly as my aura envelops the gathered warriors. “Oh hell no” Ki snarls in my head.
“ENOUGH” I shout storming down.
Wrong Assumptions
Jax POV:
“What is going on here?” Nova growls her eyes showing Kia is prominent in her mind.
“These rogues don’t belong here” the warrior that spat at the other man growls.
“Name and pack?” Nova demands coming to stand in front of him.
“Ben, warrior of the Dark Night Pack” he says proudly.
“And you?” Nova asks turning to the the other man who showed aggression.
“Trevor, warrior of the High Mountain Pack” he says although his voice falters slightly
when he meets Novas furious gaze.
I see Novas eyes glaze over momentarily and realise she must be notifying their
Alphas. “Ok, let me ask again what was going on here?” She snaps her aura bristling
with unspoken anger.
“We were reminding these rogues that they don’t belong here” Ben snarls.
“Calmly” I growl at him as he realises my presence for the first time.
“Alpha Jax” he startles.
“And why don’t they belong here?” Nova asks as I don’t say anything further to Ben.
“Because they’re filthy mutts that’s why, they kill, rape and beat our pack members”
he retorts.
“Did these men in particular show you any aggression?” Nova asks him to which he
simply rolls his eyes.
“They didn’t have to..” he starts before I stride up to him and shove him hard again the wall, my forearm across his throat.
“Show my Luna respect, you’re only a warrior. Remember your place” I snarl with Zeus growling loudly in my head.
“Luna?” He gasps his eyes widening to look at Nova. “I apologise..I didn’t meet you earlier.”
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Wrong Assumptions
“And why was that?” I ask him with narrowed eyes.
“I was on the phone to my mate” he mutters.
“Ben” I hear Alpha Brad shout furiously angrily as he arrives. “Did my words to you
before I left fall on deaf ears?”
Pushing more of my weight against him I growl lightly for him to answer his Alpha.” I’m sorry Alpha, she was calling nonstop and I didn’t want to worry her” he gasps fighting for breath before I drop him as he collapses to the floor.
“Your mate knows what’s at stake here, tell Lauren she should also heed the warning her Alpha gave, you both will suffer the consequences when we are back at the pack” Brad snarls angrily. “Incompetent fool.”
“Now” Nova calls gathering the attention of the warriors as the members of her
father’s pack attempt to fade away. “Don’t go” she says shooting them a look
stopping them in their tracks.
“Let me tell you this once and once only” she growls, “these rogue pack members are
here under the leadership of MY father. He is the new Rogue King and is a Guardian.
Wolf, he is bringing order and peace to the rogues and giving them a chance at a
better life. They cause no harm, no aggression and have worked hard to make their
life’s better for themselves and their families.”
“How do we know that?” Trevor interrupts causing Nova to snarl at his interruption.
“Listen and do not interrupt boy” I hear Kia speak through Nova causing the warrior to snap his mouth shut immediately and take a step back.
“They have all taken a binding oath with their pack witch, if they hurt anyone that isn’t ordered by my father then they quite simply die. They are fighting the same cause as us and they belong here just as much as any of you that clear?” Nova shouts looking around as everyone hesitantly agrees,
“If you call these gentlemen mutts or even rogues again you will have me to deal with. Yes they are part of a rogue pack but that right there should explain something to you, they are PACK members. Do they scent as strongly as normal rogues we encounter?” Nova cleverly points out. Taking in a breath I realise she’s right, although they have an undertone of rogue scent they also have the heavy scent of forest wood
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and grass. “They do not pose a threat to any of us, in fact the only ones here that
have shown aggression are you blo ody idiots.” With that the men begin to look
embarrassed by their earlier actions.
“Can I ask your name?” Nova asks the rogue member gently as he looks at the ground.
“” He stutters as Nova smiles softly.
“Yes you” she chuckles.
“I am Nathan Luna” he says clearly.
“If you feel comfortable can you please explain why you were a rogue in the first place?” She asks. “If you don’t wish to then don’t feel like you have to.”
“No Luna I’m happy to share” he says looking up as he lifts his chin proudly. “I was a warrior in my previous pack. But when the Alphas daughter turned 18 she turned out to be my mate, her father was not happy she was mated to a simple warrior, one that was adopted at that and after she rejected me I was banished from the pack and declared a rogue so as not to embarrass them further in front of other packs.”
“That’s awful” Nove says frowning, “honestly Jax I’m so relieved to be a part of this pack at times” she says to me.
“Me too” I say, proud of the fact we are accepting and understanding of others. “But surely you came from a family with alpha blood or even Beta blood if you were mated to an alphas daughter. I sense Beta blood in you for sure” I ask Nathan.
“I believe so Alpha yes, but because no one knew my parents, they simply didn’t believe it” he says with a shrug.
“So you see he wasn’t a rogue because he chose to be” I say turning to the warriors who are looking at him in a new light. “Can I ask if you’ve ever caused harm to others?
“I have” he admits, “I have killed those that attacked me for being a rogue before becoming the member i am today. But I never once started a fight, it was kills that were in self defence and I can happily vow that to before the moon Goddess. In the previous Alpha Kings reign I was almost killed for defying his order, I refused to kill a woman he captured when he was finished with her as she had done nothing wrong
Wrong Assumptions

and already suffered plenty.”
“Good man” I praise. “Thank you for sharing with us.”
“Do you all think he’s a mutt now? A dirty rogue?” Nova asks as she stands strong in front of the visiting pack members.
“No Luna” Ben mutters.
“Of course a woman would stick up for a worthless mutt” I hear a voice mutter from the back as Novas glare turns cold and menacing.
“Whoever just said that come forward” she commands her aura pulsing out as the warriors step back from the force of it, shocked at the power emanating from her.
A young teen stumbles forward as Alpha Brad groans from behind him, “f**k sake Max” he growls.
“Alpha?” he asks in horror as he nears Nova despite his unwillingness, looking around desperately for help.
“I’m not helping you, this is for Luna Nova to handle” Brad says to his pack member. I’m ashamed by the both you right now” he scowls to him and Ben who looks embarrassed. “I’ll deal with you later.”

“Why would it matter if a woman stuck up for them?” Nova commands not giving him a chance to answer freely.
“Women are weak and too emotionally involved” the teen says looking horrified at having to admit his thoughts.
Grasping his throat with her claws extending, Nova bares her fangs before asking calmly, “do I look weak right now?”
“ Lu..Luna” he stutters out.
Nova simply growls in response before flinging him 15ft away to the land on the gravel drive as gasps are heard around us at her strength. “Se xiest pig” I hear her mutter before she turns to address everyone again.
“Respect one another, help one another and most importantly. Do. Not. Fight” she growls. “We have bigger problems than this, I want you all to make an effort to speak my father’s pack members and perhaps you won’t be so wrong in your assumptions
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next time. How embarrassing you think it’s ok to act like this” she says looking pointedly at Ben and Trevor the main instigators.
“Have a word with them” I say to Alpha Brad and Alpha Edward who look noticeably embarrassed with their pack members. “She might not go so easy next time” I warn them as Nova stalks towards us angrily.
“They need to learn some respect” she growls storming past us all.
Waiting for her to be out of sight I storm up to Ben, Trevor and Max who has come stumbling over rubbing his head where he hit it on the ground. Drawing my arm back I punch each of them in the stomach making them crumble to the floor. “Take this as a lesson, do not ever disrespect my Luna or anyone else here. Listen to your Alphas, if I ever see you behave like this again you’ll regret it. Got it?” I snarl Zeus growling in my mind.
“Yes Alpha” they groan from the floor.
“They’re yours now” I say to the other Alphas before stalking away to find my angry Luna.
Nova POV:
Collapsing on the floor of the gym panting as sweat pours off of me I feel Jaxs gaze burning into my back.
“Feel better?” He chuckles when I look up to where he’s stood leaning against the wall with his arms and legs crossed.
“Mmhmm” I hum as I gaze openly at his tempting muscles in his fitted tee, showing his broad chest and powerful shoulders leading to his bulging arm muscles, which he casually flex’s knowing what’s got my attention.
“Good” he smirks. “As much as your eye f*****g me and I’d love to make you feel even better, we’re needed.”
“What’s up?” I ask immediately reverting to serious mode as I stand up and towel off my sweat.
“I am going to call and check in on the travelling pack members. Naomi informed us they arrived over an hour ago and I said I would see how they’re settling” he says as he pushes himself off the wall and holds the door open for me. “While you have to meet Corina” he reminds me.
“Oh yeah” i say before gulping down some water as I step out the gym. “Sorry for disappearing like that, I could feel my anger rising and knew it was becoming too much. I had to get it out.”
“I know” is all he says but his eyes are full of understanding and care for me.
“How has everyone been during dinner?” I ask quietly.
“Much better, everyone has been relaxed and talking between one another. Your dad’s pack look more comfortable now” he tells me with a smile as I breath a sigh of relief.
Walking upstairs I tentatively dip in to the emotions I am experiencing and feel relieved that the majority are ones of determination and confidence. Earlier I felt like I was drowning in a wave of anger and anxiousness, it made my body feel on edge and my temper quick to ignite, never mind the h orrendous migraine I had been suffering. But for now at least my body felt relaxed and rejuvenated, the anxiousness still there
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but controllable.
“I can tell everybody is more comfortable around one another now” I say to Jax
quietly as I look around at the warriors still dining. “I feel more in control and like I can breathe again, my chest doesn’t feel tight.”
“I think your little show did the trick” he smirks as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and plays with a loose lock of my hair.
“I didn’t mean to snap at them” I sigh.
“Maybe not but if you hadn’t I would have..well I did when you left” he says with a shrug. “You were right in what you said, everybody is here for the same cause, we need to join together not fight one another. I was tempted to knock that man out cold for the disrespect he showed you alone.”
“He wasn’t the brightest” I chuckle.
“Corina is in our private library love” he says as he spins me in his arms and holds me tightly by my lower back. Resting my head on his chest I sigh in content while he rests his chin on me. “Meet in the bedroom when you’re done?”
“Yes please” I whisper, “I could do with just lying there with you.”
“No funny business I promise” he says his chest moving with quiet laughter.
“Aw” I whine pouting up at him with big eyes.
“Nice try” he smirks. “Normally those lips and eyes would have me changing my mind instantly but I’m worried about you. Feeling everybody’s emotions can’t be easy and I want you to rest when you can.”
Grinning up at him like a love struck puppy he chuckles nervously before asking” what?”
“I’m just very lucky to have a mate as caring as you” I whisper cupping his cheek softly.
“All mates should be” he says with a slight frown as I know he’s thinking of what Nathan from my dads pack told us earlier and of Milas situation, before his eyes brighten once again, “but I’d do anything for you, I’ve told you this.”
“I know, as long as you hold me I’ll be happy” I whisper before reaching up on my tip
+1 Bonus
toes for a loving kiss.
“Always” he promises. “Now go, I don’t fancy an angry witch coming after me” he says shuddering dramatically as I giggle. Turning me around he pushes me away gently before slapping my as s making me jump, “peachy” he say huskily and winks before slipping into the dining room leaving me speechless and blushing slightly as some border patrol members smirk at me knowingly.
“Don’t” I glare at them playfully before smiling and shaking my head.
“Wouldn’t dare” one of them says as they all laugh loudly before going to get their dinner.
Jogging upstairs I reach the large wooden doors of our library on the office floor and I open it quietly before peaking inside. Seeing Corina by the window waiting I step inside fully and walk up to her as she appears lost in thought.
“Corina” i say gently as she turns to me with a warm smile.
“Luna Nova” she chimes, her voice light and comforting. “Esmerelda and Kara explained about earlier, how have you felt since?”
“Better since I taught a punching bag a lesson” I joke as we both take a seat in two comfy chairs. “Everybody’s emotions feel more bearable now, I was just telling Jax that I can almost breath easier and I don’t feel as swamped with them all. I think it has something to do with the emotions being more positive.”
“I would imagine so” she agrees. “All the visiting packs were probably feeling a range of emotions on arrival, especially your fathers.”
“Yeah” I sigh. “But I’m concerned about during the battle.”
“Well I have some ideas we can try” she says encouragingly. “But first I wondered if you had any questions?”
“I did have an idea. I wondered if I was able to focus on one emotion and locate its source almost” I suggest nervously.
Nodding her head at my words her smile never wavering she replies, “I believe you could. There is no better way to find out than try. So what I’d like you to do is sit comfortably and close your eyes, find yourself in a peaceful mindset and attempt to block out everything around you, almost like meditation.”
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Picking my feet up and curling them under me I control my breathing and focus on closing off my mind for the next few moments.
“Good, now tell me an emotion that someone is most likely feeling more than anyone else here” her soothing voice says as it floats to my ears. Smiling slightly at myself I reply, “superiority.”
“I like that” she says with humour in her voice, “focus on that emotion and what it means to you then try to find its pathway.”
“Pathway?” I ask in confusion furrowing my brows.
“Don’t think just do” she chuckles as I concentrate on my breathing again. Thinking of superiority and what it means to me I think of when one is feeling they’re better than those around them and that they have an almost greatness about them. After a few moments I begin to feel a small pull in my mind, one that wants to draw me in. Following it I allow my mind to wander and soon I find images of the training ground coming to the forefront of my mind and almost feel the boost in my own ego. Gasping I sit upright as the individuals feeling’s come flooding through me.
“Dear?” Corina asks me worriedly as she reaches to steady me.
“Alex is at the training ground I think” I say quietly as shock at what I’ve managed to do hits me.
Her eyes widen at my words as she looks impressed, “check” she urges.
“Alex, where are you?” I link him.
“Training grounds sparring, why? Is there a problem?” He replies quickly.
“No. No problem” I link him back before pausing and linking him again. “Maybe kill that ego a bit, I’m getting a strong sense of superiority over here.”
“…you can sense that?” He asks nervously as a large grin stretches across my face.
“Yes. But I suppose you are the Alpha King for a reason” I tease him as he huffs back at me before I close the link.
“He was there” I say with a wide smile at Corina. Clapping her hands excitedly she beams widely.
“That’s brilliant Luna! You are far stronger than I thought” she comments as I blush
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slightly from her praise. “What made you choose superiority?”
“I wanted an emotion that not everyone would feel so I could focus more to begin with. Alpha Kings have a certain air about them at the best of times but now surrounded by many different packs I imagined his feelings would be heightened and his wolf would be feeling rather great about himself” I explained.
“I thought that was the case, I’m impressed Luna that’s a very clever way of thinking” she admires.
“Thank you” I reply.
“So you were hoping for it to be Alexander?” She asks as I nod nervously.
“Then that’s great work Nova” she smiles. “You’re strong and I have faith in you, I perhaps think you might even be able to use people’s emotions against them.”
“How so?” I ask intrigued.
“I think you could maybe influence people’s feelings, focus on them and make them feel them greater or less” she explains. “I’m going to look into it and we can try it tomorrow, have you got someone you can bring? Preferably not your mate as with the mate bond it could be different.”
“I’ll ask Florence, the Gam ma. She’s like my sister” I explain.
“Perfect, shall we meet at 9am? Here?” She suggests. “We can also focus on trying to close off your mind from experiencing all the different emotions, build a barrier as such.”
“That would be a great relief, we will be here. Thank you Corina for taking the time to help me” I say graciously as we both stand and walk to the door. “What do I call this gift?” I ask chuckling at myself for even having to ask that question.
“It’s rare, and very impressive” Corina smiles. “You are an empath.”

Guardian Wolf Chapter 132

ew Gift
Nova POV:
“ wanted to speak to me?” I ask Esmerelda as we reach a small clearing.
“I did, yes” Esmerelda confirms as she takes a seat on a fallen tree and motions for
me to join her. “So a gift you weren’t aware of..”
“Is it a gift?” I ask drly, thinking of the over whelming tension I felt in my head before.
“I think it is” she replies laughing lightly. “Perhaps you could use it to your benefit.”
“Are you hinting at something Esmerelda? If so perhaps speak freely just this once” I say trying to stay polite despite my inner frustration.
“I apologise” she says surprising me as my eyes flit to hers. “I’m used to talking in tongue and keeping myself in check. I have said too much before and it cost me dearly. I am, believe it or not, trying to help.”
“I know” I say quietly with a smile, “perhaps my patience is being tested a little after
recent events.”
“Understandable dear” she chuckles. “Your gift, although seemingly hard to control I believe you could learn to isolate the emotions and make it easier.”
“How long would that take me though?” I ask quietly.
“I will speak to Corina, I don’t think you can master the skill but you can try and control it more than you can currently” she says positively. “Corina is a more patient person to aid you than I.”
“You..impatient?” I laugh, “I can’t imagine that.”
“In some ways I am trust me” she says her wise eyes clouding over in memory, “but I
believe Corina can help you.”
“Is this necessary, or urgent?” I ask knowing if I ask what I’m truly thinking she would
not answer.
Looking at me calmly she inclines her head slightly giving me my answer. “Then I will meet with Corina” I tell her.
New Gift
“Thank you” she smiles. “Remember Luna, one must time it will make sense.”
“I hope so, but I don’t think I will like it when the time comes” I murmur before I feel
her aged hand grasp mine.
“Have faith in the Moon Goddess Nova and we will all have faith in you” she assures

“You are just like your dad you know” she comments as we begin walking back, determined but quiet. You don’t let anyone but your mate know your inner feelings and even then you try to hide him from the worst.”
“I know” I chuckle. “Jax has been helpful though, I don’t think he’s realised just how
much but I’ve never told people my emotions before. Well perhaps I did Luca to an
extent, but I found it easier to not deal with the outcome.”
“Well continue opening up” Esmerelda says gently as we reach the pack house.”
Keeping things hidden and to yourself weighs on you more than you know.”
“Thank you for your advice Esmerelda” I say graciously as I see Jax waiting slightly
impatiently at the bottom of the stairs. “If you’d excuse me, I best not hold up this
“Of course dear” she says.
Bowing my head respectfully i quickly make my way over to Jax as I see him look at me questioningly. “She believes I could perhaps learn to isolate the emotions” I link
him explaining.
“Why would she believe that would help?” He links me back as we walk to the
conference room.
“She didn’t say I shrug.
“No surprises there” he links me back whilst looking down at me with a smirk.
“But I think it could help me..what if I can almost locate people if I can focus on an
emotion? Find the emotions origin?” I link him.
“Like what emotion?” He asks furrowing his brows.
“Well what emotion do you think Charles would feel upon attacking us?” I ask him
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New Gift
“Probably satisfaction at finally making his big move. Anger for us killing his wife, I’d like to think concern that it may not go his way but then he might have an overwhelming sense of confidence in his plan” Jax muses.
“So what if I try to isolate those and I could find him?” I ask him as he looks at me in amazement. “We all doubted he would be in the middle of the battle, whether he is towards the back of his forces or hidden at a vantage point waiting to make his move
….this could help. Couldn’t it?”
“It could” he agrees. “Do you think you could manage it in time?”
“I’m not sure” I wince, “I’m going to speak to Corina tonight and go from there. But if I have motivation now.. Hope that if it is something I can control and work in that way,
then maybe it can help us.”
“That’s good. Just don’t be disappointed if you can’t love, we don’t know what’s possible” he says out loud as my smile falters slightly. Seeing his eyes widen in panic he quickly continues, “I don’t mean I don’t have faith. Trust me, when it comes to you I have more faith than you can imagine. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up too much, don’t put too much pressure on yourself that’s all.”
Realising he’s right and that he’s just caring for me I relax and my lips curl upwards at his words. “You’re right” I say to him. Cupping his jaw lightly I kiss his chin before pulling back, “thank you for concern about me.”
“I always care how you’re feeling Nova” he says with a slight smile. “Are you ready for this?” He asks pointing to the conference room door.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” I smirk before confidently pushing the door open and walking
in with my mate by my side.
Seeing the Alphas and other officials all turn to us I smile at them, my gaze
unwavering and steady as I try to emanate an aura of calm and collected. “Afternoon everybody” Jax says his voice strong as it carries across the room. “I hope you’ve all settled alright? Is everything suitable?”
“Everything is very organised Alpha Jax” a tall ginger young man says as he comes to shake his hand. “I’m Alpha Conor of the Black Star Pack, my father Alpha Brent sends his best wishes and says he has much confidence in our efforts.”
+1 Bonus

New Gift
“It’s a pleasure to meet you young Alpha Conor, it’s nice to see you with some more responsibility” Jax says smiling genuinely at the son of his ally.
“ have you all settled?” Jax asks looking to my dad as he sits quietly to
the side.
“My pack members have finished setting up their camp, Theo came by and distributed the training rotas etc and everyone is in understanding of what we have planned” dad replies with a pleased smile. “The test will be when everyone has food this evening.”
“No one is angry with them” I say attempting to sift through the emotions I can sense, “I feel worry and nervousness. Many don’t know what to expect from your pack dad, a peaceful rogue pack wanting to aid others isn’t one that’s been heard of before. But the fact you’re a Guardian Wolf carries meaning, people understand that.”
“You can sense all that?” He asks impressed.
Frowning slightly I nod, “I think so. I mean I don’t know for certain but I’m fairly confident. Whatever Kara did has helped me understand it a bit more.”
“You know I think this is how I could sense deception so well before” I suddenly link
Jax as I make the connection in my mind. “I’ve always had a good sense of when people are deceiving me, or one another but I have to admit In the last month it’s
become a lot more accurate.”
“Makes sense” he replies as his eyes meet mine, pride prominent in them.
“Right everyone let’s sit” Jax motions.
“What is this meeting about then?” Alpha Brad asks.
“The fact we have 1300 rogues and 7 witches that we are aware of coming to fight us
Alex growls as he storms into the room.
The others immediately stand and bow low respectfully as Jax and I do the same.
“Alpha King” Jax says as he comes to beside us.
“Sorry I’m late” he smirks arrogantly his Alpha King persona strong in this setting, feeding off of the respect shown by other Alphas.
“I’m sorry did you say 1300 rogues and 7 witches?!” Alpha Brad splutters. “That’s
New Gift
gone up a lot hasn’t it?”
“It has” Jax says solemnly.
“But it’s time to kill those f uckers, and I have a plan” Alex smirks.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 131

Overwhelming Emotion
Jax POV:
Checking my watch I see it’s almost 4pm which means Kingsley will be arriving any minute with his pack members. A wash of anxiousness flows over me and it takes me a second to understand it’s Novas as well as mine that I’m feeling as her barriers falter. We had spent the majority of the day welcoming the packs and getting them all situated and filled in on what we have organised for them all. In just over an hour we have the meetings with the leaders of the visiting packs to go over everything that we
know and to listen to any suggestions they may have.
“Today has been busy” Zeus comments to me as we wait for our Luna to join us from where she has been occupied helping the other Alphas organise their warriors in the
“It has” I agree. “But everybody who has arrived seems prepared.” As each pack had
arrived Nova and I had taken the time to introduce ourselves to the warriors which
had helped them see who we are and what kind of leaders we were.
“Sorry I’m here now” I hear Nova say from behind me bringing me out of my thoughts.
Looking over her I see the tiredness creeping into her eyes as they lack a little bit of
their usual life that shines bright.
“How you holding up?” I ask gently kissing her temple as she slumps on me.
With a grimace she purses her lips before answering, “I have a massive headache
and I’m feeling all sorts of emotions. It’s actually quite overwhelming” she sighs. “I’m
finding it hard to regulate which is unlike me. It helps when I’m in your company, kind
of dulls the feeling.”
“Share it with me” I say quietly, “I know you keep that side of the bond closed off a lot
of the time so I don’t have to deal with your emotions but I want to Nova. We can
share in this.”
“I know love, but I can deal with it” she says with a small smile.
“Lower it Nova, at least for now please” I ask desperately wanting to help her as she
nods reluctantly. Seeing her take a breath I rub her shoulders soothingly as she
11 Пого
Overwhelming Emotion
slowly lowers the barrier leaving me to feel what she does.
Suddenly it feels like I’m being hit by a lorry as I feel wave after wave of different
emotion, ranging from worry to excitement, anger to happiness and guilt to love.
Stag gering back I claw at my chest as I gasp for breath from the onslaught of
emotions, reaching for the bench I haunch over as I spot Nova worryingly rush to
come by my side.

Feeling her put his barrier back up I am able to control my breathing again as I stand
upright slowly.
“What the hell was that?” I ask her quietly.
“It’s a lot isn’t it” she mumbles in embarrassment.
“Nova…that’s too much. How the hell are you still standing?” I whisper yell aware of
others nearby who have thrown my some worried glances.
“I don’t know” she whispers. “It wasn’t this bad this morning I swear, it’s gotten worse
as the days gone on.”
“It’s gotten worse?” I ask her slowly. “But why?”
“I think perhaps seeing everyone arrive has made it all far more real than it was before
she says quietly as I step forward and pull her in close.
“Is ki ok?” I ask her sensing her strength has dimmed slightly.
“She hasn’t spoken to me all afternoon, she’s in pain” Nova says biting her lip to avoid
“I don’t think that’s normal Nova” I say with concern as she looks at me worriedly. ” Perhaps your father can help you control it all?”
“I hope so” she whispers as she massages her temples lightly.
Hearing rustling growing louder I straighten in preparation for Kingsleys arrival.”
They’re here love” I say quietly as Nova simply groans in response.
“Alpha Jax” I hear Kingsley say as he steps from the tree line into my line of sight.
“Kingsley” I smile in relief as he grasps my hand in a firm shake. Seeing others slowly
make their way out of the tree line I smile warmly aware that they are probably feeling
Overwhelming Emotion
nervous themselves. After they’ve all emerged and are standing in a large group behind him look around before addressing them.
“Hello everybody, I’m Alpha Jax and this is Luna Nova, you’ve all probably heard about her from your King” I say referencing Kingsley with a slight smile in his direction. “I’d like to personally thank you for coming to our aid and helping us. I’ve heard good things from Kingsley here and I’m looking forward to seeing you all in action. If there’s anything you need just ask for us or for Omega Brea. I know you’re camping but meal limes and training rotas will be provided shortly, I’ve got my Gam ma Theo distributing
them and he will bring them once he’s finished his training session.”
With that everybody utters their greetings and thanks me for the kind words before
melting into the forest to set up camp.
“**k” Nova moans loudly before sinking to the ground as I rush to her side.
“Nova. nova” I shout shaking her slightly as her eyes flutter
“What’s happening?” Kingsley shouts as he rushes to his daughter’s side.
“She’s struggling with the intensity of her emotions, it’s overwhelming her. What did
you do to help it?” I ask frantically.
“I never experienced it to this extent” he frowns. “Yes everything was heightened but I
controlled it just fine, Drake took most of it whenever we were in a highly emotional
situation. Is Kia not doing that?”
“Yes she is but she’s not spoken to Nova all afternoon, it’s too much for them” I growl
as I kiss Novas forehead.
“These aren’t her emotions” we hear a voice say from behind us as we turn to see
Esmerelda and Kara stood watching.
“What?” I snap.
“You heard me Alpha” Esmerelda says with a slight smile. “She is feeling the
emotions of everyone around her.”
“She is?” Kingsley asks shocked. “Why has she never said this before?”
“She did say her emotions were heightened but maybe she believes that’s how it’s
always been?” I say in confusion. “She would have said if she knew it was other
Overwhelming Emotion
people’s emotions she was feeling.”
“She can’t have known” Kara says as she kneels beside us.
“Nova love can you hear me?” I ask her gently as she writhes on the floor, her body convulsing as she tries to control her pain subconsciously.
With no response I meet Kara’s gaze which is full of concern. “If you are happy for me to try Alpha Jax I believe I can help her control this for now?” Kara asks gently.
“Do it” I say shortly before she moves her hands to cup the side of Novas head gently. and mutters an incantation under her breath as her eyes turn milky.
“What will this do?” I ask Esmerelda.
“It’s called a containment spell, not a physical one but one for your mind. It will essentially dull everything so that Nova can function but still be aware of the
emotions that others are feeling” she explains softly as she watches Novas body relax with something like care in her eyes.
“You care for Nova” I state as I too watch her relax in front of us.
“I do” she says almost surprised at her admittance.
“She means a great deal to a lot of people” I whisper as Esmerelda simply continues
to watch in silence.
Seeing colour return to Novas cheeks i breath a sigh of relief as her eyes flutter open, brighter than before as Kingsley grasps her hands tightly checking her over in a fatherly fashion,
“I feel better” she assures us all while I move forward and help her to her feet. “What
“It became too much for you, I’ve helped you control them for now. If it becomes too much come find me” Kara says with a reassuring smile.
“Thank you” Nova whispers. “Another thing for me to think about” she jokes trying to make light of the situation.
“Could I have a word Nova?” Esmerelda asks suddenly as we all turn to look at her. Motioning with her head behind her she turns for Nova to follow as I step alongside her. “Alone Alpha” Esmerelda says causing me to growl lowly at her order.
Overwhelming Emotion.
“It’s fine Jax, I’ll be back soon for the meeting” Nova says gently as she reaches up and kisses my lips softly.
“Love you” I murmur.
“And I love you” she smiles before following after Esmerelda’s shrinking figure.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 126-130

Informing The Pack.
Informing The Pack
Jax POV:
Waiting outside the dining hall as the pack members arrive I note that many, although looking apprehensive for the meeting, don’t seem overly nervous. Showing that their
faith in my Luna and I’s leadership is strong.
“What did you think of the dorms?” I ask Nova quietly as she stands by my side.
“Impressive” she commends. “It will work well to house many. I’ll speak to the
warriors as they arrive and ensure they know we don’t want any provocation between them and everyone is to be amicable whilst staying there.”
“Good idea, warriors can be rather loud and coc k y at times” I muse.
“Show offs you mean” she smirks at me.
“Show offs” I confirm with a grin as we continue waiting for a moment.
Jax we forgot the White Mountain Pack!!” Nova exclaims looks horrified as she turns.
to face me
“They don’t need housing” I explain calmly. “They have mobile housing they are bringing with them for the warriors. They also haven’t confirmed how many just yet but they will be calling tonight to confirm. Don’t worry I didn’t want to stress you out. earlier by pointing it out but Alex was aware of it. That’s probably why he didn’t.
mention it.”
“They have mobile housing?” Nova asks confused.
“Axton knew we would need options so I believe he has hired, or bought, mobile
homes for them to use. It’s not something I’ve seen before but I have to admit, it will
work” I say with a smile.
“I can’t believe I forgot my old pack coming” she mutters embarrassed.
“Don’t be, goddess knows we have enough to remember. If you forget something I’ll remember and vice versa..hopefully” I laugh. “I won’t tell Luca” I smirk at her
“Phew” she whispers with a little chuckle..
Informing The Pack
Seeing the last of the pack members arrive I square my shoulders and take my Lunas hand as we stride in, our auras oozing confidence to ease any concerns the pack members may have.
“Good evening everyone” I shout as everyb*dy quietens immediately. “As you all will most likely have realised this is not a normal pack meeting. I’ve called this meeting to inform you all that on Saturday, the night of the full moon we will be experiencing an attack of a large proportion. You may wonder how we know and I am going to explain that but first let me explain who and why this attack will be taking place.”
Looking around I see everyb*dy staying calm as they listen to my every word intently. “As you know with your Luna being a Guardian Wolf she experiences threats much more regularly than we do ourselves. Unfortunately..” with this I feel Novas gentle hand grasp my arm lightly.
“Perhaps I could explain this bit?” She asks quietly as I smile at her idea and guide her in front of me as I hold her side supportingly.
“I’m sorry to interrupt” she calls to everyone, “but I’d like you to hear this from me personally and I ask you all to be patient. My father, who you have all met, and my mother experienced a hard time in the lead up to when I was born. What many of your don’t know is my mother was a human, not only a human but she was a daughter of hunters.” Hearing that there are a few gasps from the crowd but when looking at those who reacted they don’t look scared they looked pained. “My mother didn’t share in their views or values and my father and her were happily mated. When I was born my grandparents went after them, intent on ridding myself and my dad from this world, and most likely my mother at the time as well despite her being their daughter. That’s how I came to be adopted by my brothers family, I’m sure many of you have met Luca while he’s visited so I’m sure you can see the love I was brought up with. Unfortunately my grandfather is still after us and with the help of many hunters under his leadership they will be attacking on Saturday. My father is also a Guardian Wolf but not only that he is the new Rogue King” Nova says looking around the pack. members. Seeing them not react she furrows her brows slightly.
“Which you don’t look too surprised by?” She asks.
With that a warrior steps forward scratching the back of his neck slightly, “Luna speak?”
may !
Informing The Pack
“Of course Anton” she says as the warrior smiles widely at her use of his name.
“While many of us don’t understand Guardian Wolves and much about the history, we could all sense the power your father wields. We assumed he was a rogue as his scent, although not out right horrible, it does hold the undertone of a rogue which I’m sure our Alpha can agree?” He asks looking to me as I nod in understanding, knowing that with the family bond his scent will differ to Nova. “We assumed he was a Rogue, admittedly him being the Rogue King is surprising, but we are aware of the lack of attacks in the last few years and I and many others assume it has something to do with him. We know how caring and protective you are of us in your pack Luna, your
father must be the same.”
Seeing tears threatening to fall from Nova’s eyes she grips my hand tightly. “Did you all assume the same?” She whispers however everyb*dy heard and smiles or nods.
their agreement.
Clasping her free hand over her heart she smiles softly to them all, “you are all fabulous pack members. You’re observant, far more observant than I gave you credit for and I apologise for that, I won’t make that mistake again. But not only that I want to thank you for your understanding and patience with truly means the world.”
With that the pack members all bow low whilst murmuring “our Luna” as Nova so bs
in relief.
“They love you Nova” I whisper in her ear as I tuck her into my side..
“Thank you pack” I call appreciatively, “you can see how much this means to our Luna and I am more grateful than ever to be Alpha to this wonderful pack. I’d like to explain how we know the attack will take place on Saturday. As you know we have Alpha King Alexander staying with us, and with the help of his pack witches we have been able to confirm the date and place of the attack with a vision they had, your Luna also shared this vision and saw it for herself. Unfortunately the hunters will be bringing the attack here, as much as it pains me to admit it, we can’t locate the hunters..they also have the help of witches, albeit not the good kind. So I believe letting them come here is the only option we have, but it is also one that we can work in our favour.”
Looking around I see the pack members looking concerned but the fact they’re not. panicking fills me with hope. “We have help coming from other packs so tomorrow we will be expecting many warriors to arrive and they have housing organised
Informing The Pack
already. Finally for now, I want to confirm all elderly, pups, pregnant females and vulnerable will be leaving the pack.”
Seeing confused looks I explained further, “my Luna and myself want you in no way to be near any fighting or be put at risk. As you know our Beta Female and Gam ma
Female, Naomi and Alice are pregnant. They will be travelling with you all to the
council buildings tomorrow, along with Luna Ophelia. If you have any questions or
concerns please approach them and they will be happy to help, myself and Nova also.
We have arranged transport with warriors escorting you and Elder Martin is expecting
you all along with my Aunt Sophia which many of you know personally. Does this all sound ok for know?” I ask looking around.
“Yes Alpha” they chorus loudly making me smile.
“Thank you all” I shout with pride. “I will have training programs for warriors issued
first thing along with border patrols organised by your Gam mas Theo and Florence.
Omegas please report to Brea in the morning to get your rotas for food and housing
preparations. But for now, please go fetch your pups and loved ones at home, I have
organised for us all to enjoy a pack dinner together. One last time thank you for
trusting in us and I am more proud than you know for the way in which you all conduct yourselves. The coming days will be tough but please don’t hesitate to
approach any of us if you would like to. Enjoy this evening with your families.”
With that a large round of applause sounds as the hall fills with pack members
bowing to us.
“Brilliant Boss” Laurence says as I reach him
“I hope so” I sigh as I k*ss Novas temple.
“that was perfect.”
“Let’s eat” he smiles at us as we head to join the pack members.

Nova POV:
“Ki we’re going to go do patrol” I tell her as I feel her excitement to get out and run
flow through me.
“Get to see mate” she says happily to me as I smile at her reaction.
“You will” I giggle, “patrol first though yes.”
“With mate” she says back.
“With mate” I confirm laughing to myself before Jax looks at me questioningly.
“Ki is very excited to run with Zeus, despite it being border patrol” I explain to him as
he smiles broadly.
“Zeus is the same” he chuckles to me. Glancing at a clock on the wall he continues,” we should head down there now to be fair. They can spend a few minutes together
waiting for the rest of the patrol.”
“Perfect” I smile to him as we both excuse ourselves from the dining hall and jog outside. “That went well” I comment to Jax motioning to inside where the pack is
“It did, it will help that we have been extremely productive today getting things ready” he says. “Let’s shift Zeus is giving me a headache with all his pacing.”
Laughing at him I quickly slip out of my clothes and begin my shift into Kia’s form before grunting and stumbling as pain flashes through us before she forces our shift
onto all fours.
“f**k” I grunt to her. “What’s happening?” I gasp to her as we collapse to the floor panting. Looking over at Zeus, panic flashes through me as I see him also slumped to
the floor.
“Jax, Zeus?!” I quickly link him as Kia doesn’t answer me.
“Nova what the f**k” he moans to me clearly still feeling the painful effects of shifting. As Zeus stag gers to his feet I gasp loudly as Kia looks at her mate in awe.
“Zeus is bigger..a lot bigger” I say to Jax as Zeus large feet slowly plod around Ki. Nudging his nose into her side urging her to her feet he offers his side as support while she shakily stands.
“So is Ki..” I hear Jax say impressed as our wolves stand side by side as equals.
Hearing footsteps approach they both swing around to see a very shocked Theo and
Florence stood gaping.
“Ki?” Theo whispers before turning to Zeus, “Alpha?” As both wolves lower their heads in greeting the twins take In their size with open jaws before bowing in
Walking forwards Ki steps between the twins lowering her nose into their sides.
wanting to be greeted. “Larger but wanting just as much loving” Flo giggles into her
ear as they both happily hug her neck.
“How big are they?” I link the twins curiously as Kia stands to her full height looking
down at them.
“Easily 12ft” Theo says back impressed. Ki turns to meet Zeus golden eyes and purrs
happily as he licks his face. “Absolutely massive” Theo laughs in shock.
“Yeah that shift f*****g hurt” I hear Jax link us as Theo tries to hold back his laughter
at his alphas grumbling.
Seeing the twins quickly getting ready to shift Ki and Zeus have a little play together. chasing one another and enjoying relaxing for a few moments. As the other patrol members arrive together they stand in shock watching our two wolves before. snapping out of it and shifting ready to follow our lead.
Once there are 10 shifted wolves in total Zeus lifts his head to the sky and howls. loudly signally the start of the patrol before bounding off with Ki by his side. “We need to control our pace so everyone sticks together” I hear Jax link us as Ki makes sure to hold back on running at full speed.
Spending the next 45 minutes patrolling the perimeter I feel Ki relax being in the presence of her mate and running freely. With nothing suspicious the wolves relax and as they reach the tree line near the pack house we all quickly shift back and get dressed before walking beginning to walk to entrance.
Seeing Anton, the warrior who spoke during the meeting, I walk to his side. “I just wanted to say thank you for your words earlier Anton. It was comforting to hear your all be accepting of my father and my situation, I apologise for not speaking about it
Looking at him he appears shocked at me for approaching him before he relaxes and smiles. “Luna” he says bowing. “We would have said it sooner but it wasn’t our place, but you can rest assured that we will follow you through anything. You are our rightful Luna and together you and the Alpha will lead us, you have our full support.”
“Thank you” I murmur appreciatively.
“Can I ask, both of your wolves seem to have grown..considerably. Is that a new
thing?” He asks with a nervous chuckle.
“You don’t need to worry about asking me questions Anton, im happy to answer them
I assure him as he relaxes once again at my words. “But yes, we just shifted then and it blo ody hurt” I say with a dramatic grimace making him chuckle.
“Even had me floored” Jax comments as he comes to walk beside us.
“Alpha” Anton says respectfully bowing his head at Jax.
“Well there will be no missing you both in this coming battle” Anton chuckles after a few seconds. “Good luck to who we face is all I can say.”
“We will address the enemy further at training tomorrow, I know we didn’t mention it in the meeting but i didn’t want to give you all too much to think about in one go” Jax
“Whenever you think is best alpha, we will train just as hard whatever we are facing ” Anton says with an understanding smile. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me
“Anytime Anton” I say softly before I feel Jaxs arms wrap around my waist and drag me back into his chest.
“Everyb*dy is heading home” he whisper in my ear, “I want some time with my mate too you know.”
“Is that your way of saying can we go to the bedroom please?” I murmur whilst pushing my bum back into him making him groan slightly as he hardens behind me.
“Yes” he growls nipping at my neck making me giggle. “We have a lot going on, but I
always need you.”
“Is there anything else we need to do tonight?” I ask him seriously before we move.
“No, tomorrow is a busy day I’ve told everyone to get some rest so they’re fresh faced and ready to go in the morning” he answers as he starts to pull me inside. “Florence and Andrew are on first shift checking in with patrols and the look outs, then Theo and Alice are taking over at 3am. They’ll be based in the office.”
“Ok..” I whisper before a smile slowly stretches across my face. “My Alpha has
thought of everything it seems.”
“I have” he grins before he quickly lifts me off of my feet and starts carrying me
upstairs. “I’ve got some energy to work off” he whispers in my ear as he k*sses my
mark making me shiver.
“Get me to bed” I whisper back tracing his chest as I feel heat pool below at the thought of spending time with my mate.
Taking a deep breath in his eyes turn dark as they focus on mine. “Mine” he growls
before running to our room door.Fallen
Nova POV:
Waking up early I groan when I see it’s only 4:30am.
“Can’t sleep?” I hear Jax mumble in my ear as I turn to face him.
“No, I’m sorry if I woke you” I whisper as I k*ss under his jaw softly. Tangling my legs with his he pulls me flush to his b*dy.
“Did I not wear you out enough last night?” He smirks against my forehead.
“Well considering I can’t remember falling asleep I’d say you did” I giggle into his chest as it rumbles with his quiet laughter. “What time do we have to be down there?”
“5:30 to meet Laurence in the office” Jax says into my hair.
“Hmm so we have a bit of time” I whisper moving my hand down his front to cup
shaft as it presses into my stomach making his breath hitch.
“For this I always have time” he moans as I begin pumping him softly. Kissing up chest slowly nibbling and sucking I move to his lips as he pulls me close claiming
them gently as our moves are tender and loving.
“I love you” he whispers against me as he runs a hand through my folds before gently sliding his fingers inside and moving slowly, each movement precise and pleasurable as I slowly rock my b*dy against him.
Moving over me as I moan he slides into my heat slowly as I gasp in pleasure, rocking his hips gently while thrusting deep we take pleasure in the feeling of being joined in the moment. Knowing the next few days are going to be busy and we will have to deal with goddess knows what we cling to one another, pressing our bodies tight together as our pleasure mounts. Gently biting my neck has me mewling as my release grows nearer, arching my back has him thrusting deeper into me hitting the spot inside me that makes my
toes curl as I gasp into his ear.
“Oh jaxxx” I moan as he lifts my hips up, feeling my b*dy begin to tighten I grip his shoulders before reaching up and biting down on his mark just as I tip over the edge and my walls tighten around him.
“Ah babe” he grunts lightly as he soon shudders against me releasing his seed deep
in me. Kissing my lips softly as we come down from our high from our gentle love making he rolls over keeping us close while we steady our breathing. Pulling out of
me gently I pout making him chuckles deeply in my ear.
“Have you not had enough?” He teases.
“Never” I whisper biting my lip. Smiling he k*sses me once more before scooping me into his arms and walking us both to the shower. “I love you too by the way” I giggle
realising he distracted me before I could say it back.
“I know” he says with a smirk as he flicks the water on and checks its warm before stepping under it. Taking our time to clean one another we step out feeling refreshed as we stay quiet knowing today is going to be far different to any other we have had to deal with together yet.
“It’s going to be alright Nova” he says his deep voice soothing as my heart begins to
race anxiously. “We have help coming, we can keep busy training and getting everyb*dy prepared. Just concentrate on helping everyone which I know you’re
fabulous at, don’t panic.”
“It’s just hard to not worry” I fret as I throw some training clothes on.
“Trust me I know” he winces running a hand through his hair. “But our pack members
need us calm and collected, they will feed off of our emotions so let’s aid them yeah?”
“Yes” I agree smiling softly. “I’ll feel better when everyone has arrived and I can see
“I know you want your brother near Nova, he’s been your support for so long it’s only
natural” Jax says gently as he passes me my trainers. “He will be here this morning ok, but let’s focus on getting the programs out first and getting our pack members
“I will” I assure him as we head downstairs. “I’ll feel better after food, someone’s made
me hungry” I joke as he grins widely.
“Oh it was my pleasure” he laughs as I chuckle with him.
Walking into the office ! see Laurence stood ready with a handful of papers for us to look at. “Nothing suspicious over night Alpha Theo reports from the corner as I
notice Alice sleeping on the sofa.
“I told her to go to bed but she refused” he says with a little smile at his mate.
“How are you feeling about Alice going Theo?” I ask him quietly.
“Nervous but I know it’s for the best” he says looking at me.
“I think I might send Elder Johnathon with them” I say to the room. “He swore his loyalty to me a long time ago and now I know he’s my uncle i trust him further, I think.
the council is safe but I know for a fact Johnathon will do everything in his power to protect our pack members at my request. Him and Elder Martin will be there for them, do you agree?” I ask Jax.
“I do” he says firmly, “as much as it would be helpful to have Johnathon we need to
think of those pack members travelling.”
“He isn’t a council member for his fighting skills but he can hold his own” I explain to Theo and Laurence. “Would it make you more comfortable?”
“It would” Theo admits. “I know it’s only a few days and they will be home again.”
“They will” I smile. “Why don’t you both organise a scan at the hospital before they
travel? You can see your pups then.”
“That’s a lovely idea Luna, I’ll organise it this morning” Laurence says excitedly. “Ok, so I have all training rotas here along with pack information and room/dorm allocation to
give to visiting pack.”
“Brilliant” Jax says flicking through the paperwork. “Did we hear back from Alphal
Axton last night?”
“He’s bringing 75 warriors along with him, Luca and Sophie. They have the field 1/2 mile away for their vehicles to park in so they will all be staying together” Laurence
“Great” I smile with relief before I spin hearing loud thumping footsteps running up the stairs, scenting Alex I stare wide eyed at the door as it slams open to reveal him looking panicked as he breaths hard.
“Alex..?” Jax asks moving forward.
“My warriors reported back from Moonbeam Pack, they managed to sneak in and
observe to gather information” he states his hands balled into tight fists beside him
as his chest heaves with angered breathing. “We are outnumbered by far.”
“What?” I ask sharply taking a step forward.
“800 rogues and 5 witches are there ready to attack us” he growls.
“Really?” I gasp in horror.
He nods slowly before replying with sadness in his eyes, “the Alpha and officials are
dead, Moonbeam Pack has fallen.”
Nova POV:
Hearing that my heart drops. “800 more rogues…?” I whisper. “How?!”
“My warriors have a theory” Alex says his voice low. “They seem to be under a different type of control, they said they move efficiently and are clearly under the same leader. They think these are rogues which have been under Charles leadership or that of his witch acquaintance for a long time, that’s how they’ve been undetected.”
“I was going to say, surely my father would know about that many rogues gathering from his scouts” I say quietly as I drop into a chair.
“Exactly” Alex says looking at me, “I called him immediately and he’s stressed. He had no idea and says they can’t be wanderers. These have been in hiding waiting for their time to be used.”
“Like breeding them?” Laurence gapes as Jax stays still deep in thought.
“I think so” Alex says as he sits down beside me. “1300 rogues” he sighs.
“That’s a hell of a lot” I say.
“We have the rest of the pack” Jax says quietly.
“Yes but we don’t want them all to fight if we can avoid it do we” I say. “I should have commanded that f*****g rogue.”
“No we
don’t” he sighs. “f*****g hell it makes sense why they chose to come here with those numbers. That rogue might not even have been aware Nova don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“What the f**k are we going to do?” Laurence asks worriedly.
“Speak to Esmerelda to begin, it’s just an idea but perhaps if we can kill the witch. using dark magic then it may release some control over the rogues if they are influenced by him. I suspect they won’t be trained as well as us and will be there for numbers only, surely we would be aware of rogue numbers that size training at some point” I begin saving. “On average I’d say our skilled warriors could easily take on any
Nova POV:
Hearing that my heart drops. “800 more rogues…?” I whisper. “How?!”
“My warriors have a theory” Alex says his voice low. “They seem to be under a different type of control, they said they move efficiently and are clearly under the same leader. They think these are rogues which have been under Charles leadership or that of his witch acquaintance for a long time, that’s how they’ve been undetected.”
“I was going to say, surely my father would know about that many rogues gathering from his scouts” I say quietly as I drop into a chair.
“Exactly” Alex says looking at me, “I called him immediately and he’s stressed. He had no idea and says they can’t be wanderers. These have been in hiding waiting for their time to be used.”
“Like breeding them?” Laurence gapes as Jax stays still deep in thought.
“I think so” Alex “1300 rogues” he sighs.
avs as he sits down beside me
“That’s a hell of a lot” I say.
“We have the rest of the pack” Jax says quietly.
“Yes but we don’t want them all to fight if we can avoid it do we” I say. “I should have commanded that f*****g rogue.”
“No we don’t” he sighs. “f*****g hell it makes sense why they chose to come here with those numbers. That rogue might not even have been aware Nova don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“What the f**k are we going to do?” Laurence asks worriedly.
“Speak to Esmerelda to begin, it’s just an idea but perhaps if we can kill the witch using dark magic then it may release some control over the rogues if they are influenced by him. I suspect they won’t be trained as well as us and will be there for numbers only, surely we would be aware of rogue numbers that size training at some point I begin saying. “On average I’d say our skilled warriors could easily take on any
2 rogues at one time, so we need to be able to break up their numbers if they attack
in one go. Which i believe they would to try and overwhelm us. It’s not common
practise but I know the warriors from the white mountain pack are trained in archery as I trained them myself. It would be good to have them on a line of defence from the back to disrupt the attack. We also need to have the warriors spread out at different points to be able to fight from different angles.”
“We have some warriors trained in archery, Florence ran the training” Jax adds in.
“That’s my girl” I say with pride remembering when I used to teach them both archery when they were younger. “So on average I’m going to hazard a guess at 3 rogues to one warrior at this point. Although it could be hard I think if handled right we can manage it.”
“How about we have areas ready to be set alight to break up their attack, if we can get the archers to get the flames going it will slow them down. That way we might not have to be on the defensive and we can upset their plan by attacking” Ajax suggests. “Old school I know but it could work.”
“It definitely could, Theo can you please organise that later. Remember what I told you yes?” I say looking at him as he nods determinedly.
“You told him already?” Alex asks confused.
“No” Theo says. “She trained Flo and I when we were younger. We can do archery, sword fighting, use a gun and knife fight never mind martial arts and normal sparring.”
“Because of Nova..” Alex says in disbelief.
“Yes” Theo says simply before turning back to me.
“Guns” Jax says. “Not our normal weapon of choice but they could be useful.”
“I’d have people stationed from high with an easy view of the incoming rogues so they can shoot before the rogues are engaged with our warriors” I put forward.
“I can organise that” Laurence says with determination.
*So we can assume they will be attacking from the eastern border if they have taken the Moonbeam Pack” Jax says looking at the map in front of him.
“It was the eastern side of the Pack house in the vision” I confirm.
“So we can focus our warriors there” Jax says calmly. “However we can have our reserves stationed around the pack house and tree line to scout the areas.”
“Definitely” I agree. “The witches are going to be the biggest problem. We need to speak to Esmerelda as soon as possible. Has anyone heard how many my dad is bringing?”
“I’ll call him” Laurence says grabbing the mobile from the table and moving to the window.
“Would there be any way the rogues from your father’s pack could infiltrate the attack on us and attack from within?” Alex asks me.
Pausing i think through his suggestion, “on paper it may work, but I don’t know until meeting them and speaking to my father. It’s definitely something to consider though” I tell him.
“Ok, let’s remember to mention it. I’m going to wake Esmerelda. Wish me luck, she’s a right grumpy b***h in the morning” he says with a grimace.
“Have fun” Jax says from where he’s sat down.
“I’m going to the training grounds after taking Alice upstairs, time to get ready” Theo says as he lifts a still sleeping Alice into his arms easily. “I won’t say a word till you address them Alpha.”
“Thanks Theo” Jax says as we watch him follow Alex out.
“Do you think we can do this?” I ask him quietly.
“Yes” he says with a comforting smile thrown my way.
“How are you so sure?” I ask him.
“Because you are one hell of a woman, your father hasn’t survived this long with everything he’s had to go through without being one hell of a man either. We have a pack who adores you and will help their Luna to all ends. Plus together, we are a team…we’ve got this” he says to me squeezing my arms reassuringly.
“I hope we have no other setbacks I sigh as I take a seat on his lap.
“Me too” he chuckles trying to relax me as I feel a rush of calm through the bond.
“Kingsley has 200 men with him, they are those he trusts the most and will be here by this evening” I hear Laurence pipe up.
“200? That’s brilliant” I hear Jax exclaim as he makes a note on the map in front of us.
“It’s the witches that are causing us issues” I sigh.
“It is” he says calmly as we hear the door open again to see Esmerelda stood there with Alex behind.
“She was on her way already” he says quietly.
“The witches will be dealt with” she says calmly. “I will handle those but be assured they will not be a problem to you all.
“How?” Jax asks confused.
“From a surprise help” she says before leaving the office as quickly as she arrived.
“As helpful as ever Esmerelda” Alex calls out after her before slamming the door shut and turning to us in frustration. “She is a great witch for our pack but man I wish she was clearer about what she meant.”
“Can we not just ask?” I say standing up to follow her.
“No” Alex say shaking his head. “She is a firm believer in not interrupting fate, she won’t say anything unless it’s going to help us.”
“Well what the f**k did she mean?” Jax exclaims.
“She said this is the only way to us before didn’t she Jax?” I ask spinning to face him.
*She did” he confirms.
“And she sees multiple visions and outcomes, so I would take what she says and not push it. I think she meant this way is the only way we can succeed that she has seen” I say quietly.
*f**k” he swears quietly as his eyes cloud with frustration. “We need to trust in fate.”
“Something we can’t see or understand” Alex says with disbelief.
“Yes” Jax says with a defeated sigh.
“A surprise help..” I muse thinking quietly as I look out the window lost in thought.114 Griffin
When I come to I am in a hospital bed in the BloodMoon pack with Tessie at my bedside, not as my worried mother-in-law but as the pack doctor. Without her, the pack had been without a doctor. So she got right back to it even temporarily. Now that her mate was the new Alpha, she was the Luna and the doctor to the pack. She seemed fairly relaxed, I figured that was because it had to do with Ayla being in pain again. Not with my body.
“Griffin, you had a panic attack. Do you know what triggered it?” She asked me.
I couldn’t register what she was saying, I was a strong royal Alpha wolf. I should not be having a panic attack.
“I don’t want to offend you Tessie, but I don’t think it is possible for a wolf like me to get a panic attack” I tried to reason with her.
She crossed her arms and glared at me, almost motherly. I do not know if this is because of the bond we have. Or if this is how she looks at every patient in the hospital. But it makes me feel small.
“No, you’re right it’s not like you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. It’s not like the most important thing in your life is missing” She shrugged making me see how ridiculous I was.
“I was suddenly scared that I would never hear Ayla’s voice through the mindlink. And that I understood why I had to go back to the castle but it feels bad going away when I can feel she is close” I just lay it all on the table.
If I am getting panic attacks I am not as strong as I used to be. As I
114 Griffin
288 Vouchers
thought I was, I had been so deadset on being the one to find clues. The one who saved her, but I was getting nowhere, the more time that passed the bigger the chances were she got hurt. Maybe the panic attack was what I needed to realize I couldn’t do this on my own.
After having to stay in the pack hospital for the rest of the afternoon, just so Tessie could keep an eye out on me. She worried and hovered over me like my mom would do. Mom had even visited me, both insisting I needed to take better care of myself. They are not even wrong but I couldn’t rest before I had Ayla back in my arms.
Still, I felt a little better about asking for help when I had to leave to go back to the castle. Alpha Jay had promised me he would send out patrols twice a day. With how small the army had gotten that was the most he could do. Meanwhile, Father had ordered some heat-seeking drones. Once I could control from my castle with an app. They would land at the edge of the BloodMoon pack. In a designated spot. Where the guards on patrol around the borders would pick it up and place it in the charger.
That way I did not have to stay here to try and find some clues. Of course, I would also contact more Alpha’s than we did before. And I needed to contact the human government to see if they could help me. Usually, they do not get involved with the pack business. But since this was a crime against the royal family they might be more inclined to help out. To make sure that the peace among the packs would remain. A reasonably small war between two packs did not hurt the humans and thus they would not get involved.
If an all-out war broke out between several packs including the royal pack and at least one other pack. It could hurt the humans, and that had always been enough motion for them to get involved.
Part of me hated that I had to sit in an office, going to stuffy meetings
114 Griffin
288 Vouchers
instead of being out there actively searching for her. But I knew it was what I needed to do.
And I had done for the past week, there was still another week left before I finally could go back to the Bloodmoon pack. It had been almost three weeks now since I got the letter. Four weeks since I last saw her. Not wanting to leave me she had stayed until Monday morning, she had already quit her job at that time. So she didn’t have to leave at the cr ack of dawn.
Still, I had been so tired that I overslept. Her alarm didn’t wake me. Neither did her getting ready and leaving me. By the time I woke up, all that was left was a sweet note on her pillow. I still have the note. At the time I sent her a sweet text thanking her but I wasn’t too bothered about it. Sure I was a little bummed out but I thought I knew I would see her at the end of the week.
I would get nightmares about her blaming me because I did not wake up to see her off. Or that she would fall for David again because I didn’ t even get up to see her off the last day she saw me. I would wake clammy, my heart beating wildly. It never lasted long because when I was awake I knew my sweet, kind, loyal Ayla would never do something like that.
Still, it made me worry about how she was feeling. Did she regret slipping out and letting me sleep? Did she realize her last message never got through? When I made the video announcement after letting the pack know it was all a lie. I felt so certain this was the way to go. That she would instantly see all the hints I put in the clip. In my mind it would comfort her to see the hints, knowing I was coming for her. Ever since getting back to the castle after being close to her, I was second-guessing every decision I made.
The desperation was clawing at my intestines with cold iron claws.
114 Griffin
1288 Vouchers
Leaving me restless and desperate. I was back to the point where I could hardly swallow any food down. Only now I was hiding the fact that I was surviving on coffee and the mandatory dinner with my parents. A dinner that was always followed by a run, Conan seemed to be the only one who truly understood me. Which makes sense he is missing her just as much as I am.
I am on one of my runs again when I get dizzy, my breathing gets labored only this time my vision isn’t blurring. I am still well aware of where I am, it is nothing like the panic attack I had the other day. This time I feel claws wrapping around my throat cutting off my air supply. Then I hear her voice in my mind
“Griffin help me”
I know it cannot be we are miles apart from each other and we do not have the ability to mindlink yet. But I know it is her, I don’t care how I am suddenly able to hear her when I shouldn’t be able to. All I care for is the fact that my mate needs me and I am going to get her out. We tried to do it the right way, tactical, careful to not hurt innocent bystanders. We tried so for three weeks and are no further to find her. I am over it I will find her this week no matter what it costs me. I will travel back to the BloodMoon Pack tonight with the entire army and I will burn down every inch of the forest surrounding the pack until I have my mate back in my arms. And I don’t care about the enemies I will make along the way. Not my parents, not the council.
It is high time I let the world see what truly matters to me. Because Ayla is the only thing that does. There will not be a trial needed when I kill David with my own hands and then finally mark my mate next to his dying body so that this can never happen again. With renewed purpose, I stride back to the guard’s quarter to inform them of my plans.
Betas Suggestion
+1 Banus
Betas Suggestion
Nova POV:
“The White Mountain Pack are just arriving” I hear Jax tell me as I immediately stand
to walk downstairs.
“I’ll be down in 2” I link him eager to see my siblings.
“Nova” I hear Luca shout as I step out of the packhouse doors. Seeing his eyes full of relief as he takes me in I run to him and he wraps me in his strong arms. “I don’t like being away from you at the moment, Reed is worrying” he whispers.
“I know, Ki already feels better for having you here and so do I” I mumble into his
chest. Pulling away I peer over his shoulder and see Sophie anxiously waiting.
“Sophie” I breath as I pull her in for a hug. “I’m sorry I should have greeted you first.”
“No” she says shaking her head, “Luca has been so worried for you, as have i. But you
grew up together, i understand Nova honestly, don’t apologise.”
Relaxing in relief as she is understanding of my reaction I smile gratefully at her, “dad
will be back this evening” I inform her as she nods at my words.
“I think I could be of help when his pack arrives. I know them all and I came from
there..people know me here and can vouch for them” she suggests. Looking her over
I notice she’s carrying herself different, with more confidence and assurance in
“Definitely…you seem different, did you have any luck with your wolf when Johnathon visited?” I ask intrigued.
“No” she answers shaking her head, “there is a ritual we can do but it’s risky and it
could leave me with very little energy if it is successful. He was willing to try but I
thought until the threat is over I can wait a little longer, I’m a good fighter in human
form. But he did break the barrier slightly so I have been able to speak to her a little,
but she still feels far away to an extent.”
“That’s exciting though” I exclaim smiling at her progress as I squeeze her shoulder, happiness radiating from her. “What is she called?”
+1 Bonus
Betas Suggestion
“Anaya” she whispers softly with a proud smile on her face.
“A gorgeous name” I wink. “How have you settled?”
“I love it there” she grins, “everybody was so happy for Luca and I’ve gotten myself involved in training and helping with some Beta responsibilities. Everyone knows I’m your sister..I think it helped.”
“Probably” I smile, “but I’m sure you’re showing exactly why you’re mated to Luca.”
“She’s doing brilliantly” Luca praises her as Axton walks up behind them and agrees
making Sophie blush slightly.
“So your pack knows about me now huh?” I ask Axton nervously.
“Yeah, the warriors are excited to see you I’ve just asked them to hang back a little for
now” he says with a small smile, “I’m not going to lie I’ve dealt with a lot of pis sed off
pack members. They know the whole Rose situation wasn’t my fault but they’re still
upset with you leaving. The only thing that has softened them in regards to you going
is the fact you’ve found your true mate, you saw how happy they were for you.”
“They’ll get over it” I assure him. “They were quite protective of me.”
“Sign of being a good Luna” Jax comments as he slings an arm round my shoulder. It’s why our pack responded how they have done.”
“Have you told them about Mila?” I ask Axton after kissing Jaxs cheek from his
“No” Axton says shaking his head. “We agreed until everything has been cleared with Alpha Bruno it was best to wait. I want Mila to be excited not thinking about the
situation that is looming over her.”
“That’s a good idea, she’s just finishing up in the nursery and will be here soon by the way” I say with a smile. “We are going to have a meeting for all Alphas and officials
that have travelled from different packs as we have gained more information this morning. Can you meet us at 5pm this evening in the conference room? I’ll come and
see the warriors before then.”
“Of course” Luca replies in Beta mode.
“We’ll leave you to get sorted, Gam ma Theo is on his way over with training rotas so
+1 Bonus
Betas Suggestion
everyone has a share of the facilities. There is also information on times for food and
where you can find any extra necessities such as bedding etc. Omega Brea is handling it all so ask for her if you can’t find one of us” Jax informs them as he
shakes both their hands.
“See you later” I say softly before we turn and head back inside. “Who will be arriving
“Alpha Conor, Alpha Edward and Alpha Marcus will all be coming in the next hour” Jax says. “All accommodation is ready so we just need to greet the packs on arrival.
Heading upstairs to go over more planning for the attack I hope and pray to the moon Goddess that we will be enough against the enemy.
“Do you think I should bait them?” I ask Jax suddenly.
“What??” He exclaims looking at me horrified by my idea.
“I know I know” I sigh, “I just hate how many people are here that could be harmed all because they’re after me.
“They’re here because they want to be Nova, no one has made them” he points out.
Why would you even suggest such a thing?”
“Because the guilt we feel is so much more intense than normal” Kia pipes up to us
both, “it’s crippling and I’m the one that’s absorbing most of it to help Nova. But you
have to realise in a way this completely goes against our inner morals. We are here to
protect others, we are a Guardian Wolf. Yet instead we are putting everyone at risk.”
“I know” Jax whispers sadly as he stag gers slightly as feeling our conflicted emotions
leak through the bond. “But everybody needs help at times, and right now this is one
of the biggest threats wolves have had since the vampires Alex struggled with. It’s a
time to come together Nova, for the greater good.”
“For the greater good” I echo quietly as I try to focus on what we need to achieve.
“I need to lure out my grandfather and my mother” I state as we take a seat in the
office. Laurence hearing what I said looks at me for a moment before speaking up.
“I think you’re right” he admits as Jax lets out a low growl showing his disapproval.
“Let him speak Jax” I reprimand him before my gaze softens, “I know you’re worried
Betas Suggestion
but we need to consider options.”
“I don’t like you being in danger” he admits.
“I know” I assure him as I reach for his hand across the table. “But we need to go over
“Do you have any ideas Laurence?” I ask turning my attention to the Beta.
“I do” he says slowly. “I imagine they will be at the rear of the attack, with the rogue numbers they have I believe they will try to over power us that way and weaken us. I
think we need to try and find a way to get behind their attack.”
“So we could attack from both ends” I say slowly.
“Yes, obviously we can’t have as many that way but I think it will be something they
won’t expect. Your grandfather although he’s a hunter is only human, if you can get
close to him he won’t stand a chance” he points out.
“So I need the witches with me to cover the witch he has using dark magic, but not
my father” I mumble voicing my thoughts.
“Why?” Laurence asks puzzled.
“In case I have to contain my mother” I say quietly. “I can’t kill her..I’d lose my dad that way, but I won’t risk him being there as I doubt he’d be able to fight aaaà normally
with his mate in front of him. She needs to be contained somehow and we have to
ensure no one kills her.”
“What about a sedative?” Jax suggests slowly.
Looking at him with interest we lean forward discussing ideas passing the time
before the other packs arrive.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 116-125

What You Deserved
Jax POV:
Watching the bike peel away I grasp Nova into my chest before k*ssing her hard and
pulling her out of shocked state. “We need to act” I say. “I have Axel going to check
on Charles and his companion as well as Alexa and hers, they didn’t notify us of the bike approaching despite being ordered.”
“They’re not dead but something’s happened, their pack tether is there but faint.”
Nova mumbles her eyes dazed as she speaks absentmindedly whilst staring after her
disappearing mum. “We need to get them home asap” she whispers brokenly.
“My brothers will manage that, we are going to trail your grandfather” I order as we
begin to run back to the cars. “I know it’s shocking seeing your that. But we
can’t miss this opportunity” I grimace.
Hearing that Novas face sets in determination and pride swells inside me. “I know. I’ll
link Alex and we can follow him and Kingsley.”
“That’s my Luna” I say as we leap over the nearby fence and spring to the tree line.
Reaching the car we were using Nova jumps in the drivers seat making me hesitate
for a moment before shrugging it off and jumping in.
“Keys” she demands holding her hand out as I pass them over to her. “Alex can link
me it makes sense for me to drive.”
“I get it” I reassure her. “Just concentrate and be safe, can vurd
not link us all?”
Hearing that she c***s a brow at me and smirks, “I can drive. And no I don’t think so, it seems to just be something Kia can do. linked Alex and my dad?”
“I did..I’ve never been able to mindlink anyone outside the pack before so that’s new, I
also didn’t think about it. I’ve also never seen you drive” I laugh slightly nervously as the engine roars to life and she peels off from where we were parked with a powerful
wheel spin.
“Well you’re about to” she replies back sassily as she throws the car round a corner
and floors it.
“It’s a good thing I trust you so much” I say as I clutch the handle, my knuckles turning
What You Deserved
white. Handling the car with ease she simply smirks at me as she concentrates on
following Alex’s instructions. After a few moments she slows down to a less noticeable speed and up ahead I spot the car Alex and Kingsley are in.
“So your dad couldn’t sense your mum?” I check.
“No, and to be honest neither could I. I didn’t have that family tether with her as I do
with others” Nova admits. “But dad should have been able to detect his mates scent
easily especially after so long apart and the fact that he couldn’t means she has definitely been conditioned and exposed to all sorts of magic. Drake can’t have
sensed her.”
“I wonder how she knew we were there” I wonder.
“I don’t think anyone else did” Nova says watching Alex’s car carefully. “No one else. showed any sign of having an elevated heart rate or paid too much attention to the
“Maybe she feels the family bond with you still” I suggest.
“I thought that” she admits, “but why didn’t she tell her father.”
“She is still bonded to your dad, you’re her daughter. Maybe despite being conditioned
a small part of her still wants to keep you safe” I say quietly.
“Maybe” she murmurs. “But she looked cold, there was no love in her eyes, no
“No there wasn’t” I agree sadly.
Seeing Alex’s car start to slow down ahead of us after driving down a country lane for
a few minutes he pulls to a stop. We quickly park behind him before he jumps out. running to the car.
“I have no idea where they went” he says frantically looking around.
“How?” I ask in anger.
“They literally disappeared” he says looking around lost. “f**k” he shouts slamming a fist on our bonnet and denting it in the process.
“I can’t scent anything” Nova says looking around also. Jumping out I take a deep. breath and growl as neither can I.
What You Deserved
“Where have they gone?” I growl.
“Not far” a voice calls out before Charles steps out of the shadows of the looming.
“Charles” Nova growls loudly.
“Athena” he says with a sardonic smile. “It’s about time I met my granddaughter.”
Nova stays silent before taking a menacing step forward then abruptly halting.
“What the f**k” she whispers as she hears the same as me.
“Who is with you?” She calls as I c**k my head listening to the hundreds of heartbeats.
growing in volume.
Charles simply looks at her for a moment as the heartbeats continue to grow closer before slowly raising his hand and hundreds of pairs of red eyes snap open as rogues slowly slink forward from the forest behind him.
“The witch has masked their scent” I growl in fury. “It’s a set up.”
“Oh that it is dear Alpha® Charles chuckles slowly. “You think I didn’t
that garage?”
now you were in
“How?” I shout.
“I’m sure you know I have more than just human supporters now” Charles says.
casually stepping forward. Hearing Theo pull up behind us before leaping from the
car I grin.
“You might, but we have something you want” I smirk. “Or rather someone..”
“Caroline” he says calmly.
“Theo get her” I order as Kingsley finally eases himself out of the car.
“Ah..a family reunion” Charles calls spreading his arms wide. “It’s about time.”
Kingsley comes to stand beside us staying silent as his eyes focus on Charles’s every move. Hearing Theo drag Caroline to us I grin as Charles’s face momentarily slips into
one of concern.
“Give her to me and just this once I’ll let you go” Charles says quietly as we all listen to
his every word.
“Send the rogues away then I say just as calmly.
“You know I can’t do that until I have Caroline Alpha” he says raising a brow at me.
*Charles you really went to risk it all for her?” Kingsley says with a cold chuckle. “You’ve not cared for where she has been for the last 19 months…why now?”
“Oh she stayed there because I wanted her to be, she always knew that would be the case’ Charles laughs throwing his head back. “But now Athena and you have been brought together I think it’s time Caroline came home.”
“He knew only my dad could have identified Caroline, he must have known with the tracker as soon as we moved her that something was up” Nova links me without taking her eyes off of Charles.
“And if we say no?” I ask Charles without moving an inch.
“Then these rogues will attack you, and I can assure you that even with two Guardian Wolves you won’t stand a chance” he says coldly gesturing as the rogues continue to advance to alongside him.
“There’s hundreds of them” Alex says aghast. “There is 10 of us..”
“I know” I say silently cursing.
“Don’t let him take Caroline” Nova links me before speaking up and stepping forward
once more.
“No” she says simply as Charles’s face hardens and his eyes narrow.
“No?” He repeats.
“No” she confirms, “you will not get Caroline.”
“And why is that?” He asks amused.
“How about because of the damage and torment you have caused my biological
parents, the fact you hurt someone I consider a sister, you wanted me dead when I
was only a baby” Nova snarls fury clear in her eyes. “I could list so many reasons
“You would hurt your own mother by stopping her from seeing her mother after
almost 2 years apart?’ Charles asks baiting Nova.
What You Deserved
Laughing lifelessly Nova shakes her head. “What a hypocrite you are Charles.
Because of you my mother was killed, her heart ripped from her chest before I could. even say goodbye. So your attempt at making me feel guilty will not work.”
With that Charles’s eyes brighten, “oh Athena, your mother is very much alive. It thought you’d realise.”
“I saw her..but at this point she is no more than someone I share blood with, I have spent no more than 2 weeks with her because of you. 2 weeks I don’t remember” she growls. “The lady I saw today was no mother of mine, but the one that for 23 years. cared for me, loved me and eventually died for me.. that lady I do consider my mother, and I will never get her back” she says in a broken whisper as I feel her loss seep through the bond.
“So you aren’t thankful for what my daughter did for you?” Charles asks.
“Of course I am, she saved my life. But I am certain that lady who I saw today is nothing like who she used to be, she isn’t someone I can call my mother” Nova says. calmly despite the strong waves of anguish and heartbreak I feel from her at those
words. “So your attempt to guilt me like I said, will not work.”
Shooting her dad a look I see the unspoken communication between then before
Charles roars “ATTACKKK!” And the rogues spring into action.
No sooner than they start Nova stands proud and releases her full aura, “STOP” she
commands freezing all the rogues as they physically can not move. Gaping we all
stand astounded at Novas show of power.
“She won’t hold that for long” Zeus says worriedly.
“How..?” Charles asks in shock.
“Jax take Caroline, Alex, Theo and the warriors ready the cars. know what to
do” she links us all and we quickly do as she orders.
“Because Charles, you have greatly underestimated me” she snarls looking him clearly in the eye. Seeing her b*dy start to shake from the power of her command as
her strength begins to fade I pass Caroline to a waiting Kingsley and step forward to
provide Nova my strength. Grasping her shoulders with my hands I hold her up and
k*ss her head softly.
15 Pont
What You Deserved
“I’m here” I whisper in her ear as I feel my strength pulse down the bond.
“You have made me experience loss like no other, I lost the only parents who were there for me growing up because you ripped my biological ones away from now it’s your turn to suffer” she managed to shout just loud enough for Charles to hear as his face contorts to panic.
“CAROLINE” he screams as we turn to a waiting Kingsley and he slits her throat with one extended claw.
“You got what you deserved you b***h he whispers into her ear as blood spurts from her, the life quickly fading from her eyes. Seeing Alex, Theo and a warrior fling the doors open Kingsley drops Caroline’s b*dy and with a cold accomplished smirk he jumps into my car.
With a final push Nova holds her head high and calls “ROGUES. RETREAT!” With that they step back and begin to disappear from view before her eyes roll back and she slumps to the grounds.
“Nova..NOVA” I cry as I lift her to the car and slam the door behind me. Hearing her
breathing steady but faint I sense Kia sleeping and turn as the cars pull away leaving
a lone stranded Charles in the middle of the forest line.
“Floor it” I instruct as I see the witch step out beside him. “We need to go..NOW” I roar as we speed away leaving them in the dust.
“Theo call Laurence, have the pack hospital ready for Nova. She’s used too much
strength” I link quietly as I hold her close to me.
“Yes Alpha” he replies instantly.
Seeing Kingsleys eyes on Nova in the mirror I shake my head at him, “I don’t know
how she did that but because of her we lived.”
“She’s incredible” he whispers.
Hex Weapon
His Weapon
Jax POV:
Pulling up by the pack hospital Laurence opens the door and I jump out keeping Nova tight to my chest as I run to the waiting nurse.
“Put her down Alpha we’ve got her from here” she says calmly. Lowering her onto the bed gently I k*ss her forehead before they wheel her to her assigned room. Rushing after her I’m quickly stopped by the Doctor.
“Alpha i know the need to be near our Luna is overwhelming right not but please let. us check her over and once we have done our job you can be by her side” he says. holding his arms up to placate me.
Growling I try to push past him but Laurence holds me back, “the quicker they can
treat her the quicker you are there with her Alpha.
Gritting my teeth together I nod stiffly as Laurence pushes me back. “What
happened?” He asks.
“It was a trap” I growl.
“How?!” He exclaims looking shocked.
“They knew we were there, they went ahead with the meeting but there was a dark
we trailed
him. Next thing Charles steps out alone shortly followed by hundreds of rogues” I growl slamming a hand into the wall and crumbling it.
witch there. We saw Charles and after Novas f*****g mother turned up v
“How did you get away?” Laurence asks slowly.
“Nova” I whisper before falling silent for a moment.
“She commanded them Laurence, I’ve never seen someone have enough power to
command that many before” I admit.
“You need to back up Alpha. First.. Novas mother?” He asks slowly.
“Peeled in on a motorbike, spoke to Charles then turned, saluted Nova and drove off” I
growl running a hand through my hair as I stress.
His Weapon
“What the f**k” he growls as I feel his worry for his Luna rise.
“She left and we followed Charles because it was too good of an opportunity to miss.
He f*****g spoke to us, he had the guts to try and make Nova feel guilty for separating her mum and her grandmother when he’s kept her own mum away her entire life” I
say rolling my eyes. “Nova put him in his place don’t worry.”
“And Caroline?” He asks cautiously.
“Dead” I reply simply. “Killed in front of him before we sped out of there.”
“Good” he sighs.
“How is Charlie and the others? What happened?” I ask feeling guilty I hadn’t checked
before hand.
“They’d been knocked out, some kind of powder which put them to sleep” he says.
“No physical harm to any of them and they’re sleeping it off upstairs.”
“I think it was her mum” I say thoughtfully. “But I guess we will know more when they
“How strong exactly is our Luna..?” Laurence asks quietly.
“Incredibly” I murmur. “But that was too much for her, I gave her some of my strength,
I don’t even know how but I could feel it pulsing through the bond. As soon as
Caroline had been killed and the rogues retreated she fell.”
s**t he whispers.
“I knew she was fine, her breathing was steady and I could sense Kia sleeping but it was terrifying all the same” I admit quietly.
“I bet” he murmurs.
“I linked Alex and Kingsley despite them not being in our pack. I think her gifts are
being shared with me but nowhere near as strongly” I tell him as he looks at me
“It fits with what Johnathon has told us” he says with a smile. “That’s a good thing, a bond of true power.” After that we sit in thoughtful silence for a few moments before I hear the sound of rushing footsteps and turn to see Kingsley storming into the hospital his aura pulsing uncontrollably and his face full of anger.
His Weapon
“How’s my daughter?” He demands as soon as he sees me stand.
“Being checked as we speak” I reply motioning to the room behind us.
Running a hand over his face in stress I grasp his arm in a show of support, “she’s getting the care she needs Kingsley” I say calmly as he nods in acceptance. Pacing in front of us I can almost see his mind racing as he comprehends what exactly we have just experienced.
“You saw Lizzie?” He asks eventually in a low voice, his eyes that are filled with paint searching mine for the truth.
“Yes” I say clearly holding his gaze. “We didn’t speak, she simply looked at Nova,
saluted her and then drove off.
“How..” he starts before clearing his throat, “how did she look?”
“Healthy” I admit slowly, “but cold. Her eyes showed no emotion, there was no lover there when she looked at her daughter.”
“That’s not my Lizzie” he whispers as a tear drops down his face. “She loved Nova,
she said she was life’s greatest blessing, even more so than me because she was a
product of the both of us.”
“I’m sorry Kingsley” I say quietly.
“I couldn’t sense her” he states. “There was no scent, Drake didn’t even react and we
were close enough to see the bike arrive that we would have known she was our
mate. Is there any chance you were wrong?” He asks desperately.
Shaking my head reluctantly I reply, “we weren’t wrong Kingsley. She was Novas
mother, in fact she barely looked like she’d aged from that photo of when Nova was
born. But she showed no connection to Nova and Nova couldn’t sense the family
“Oh goddess what have I done” Kingsley so bs as he grasps his face. “What do I do?”
Seeing the Rogue King sitting there broken as silent so bs rack his b*dy I feel my heart clench for the pain Novas father is going though, “we can’t give up Kingsley. You can’t
give up. But you need to know it’s going to be tough, she isn’t the same lady you left.
behind anymore.”

His Weapon
“I can’t lose her again” he says after a moment.
“We will do everything we can to get her back to you” Laurence says coming to sit beside him.
“Alpha..” he links me without looking up. “I’ve just had a h orrendous thought..”
“What now” I groan through the link.
“Do you think Charles loves his daughter?” He asks slowly.
“I’m not sure” I admit. Thinking for a moment I reply, “I think he loves the idea of her being part of the hunters and fighting for his cause. But after everything he has put her through I’m not sure he loves her as a daughter.”
Freezing I realise where my Betas mind has gone I growl loudly in anger as I feel Zeus howl in my mind.
“Charles’s weapon is Novas mother” I growl, fur pric kling my skin and my eyes flashing as I fight to stay in control.
“What?” Kingsley asks looking confused.
“Nova will want to help her mother..what if that gets her killed? I don’t doubt for a second Charles would kill Lizzie..which would kill you. f**k” I roar loudly as Laurence looks at me with panic for his Luna etched across his face.
“He’s going to use Lizzie to get you both” he snarls turning to Kingsley whose face drains of colour as he clutches the wall for support.
Feeling Zeus pushing forward he forces a shift as he shreds my clothes before howling in pain as he bounds from the hospital. Hearing Laurence shift and follow he races towards the forest, rage flowing through his b*dy as the worry for his mate.
consumes him.Luna Awake
Luna Awake
Nova POV:
Forcing my eyes open has me blinking slowly as they adjust to the brightness of the surroundings, “ahhh” I groan trying to lift my hand to cover my eyes but having it drop
back down to my side with a thump.
“Nova” I hear Jaxs voice say in relief. “Laurence close the blinds please.” Feeling his
hands embrace mine as tingles erupt on my skin from his contact I breath in his scent and feel it warm my b*dy.
“Drink please” I croak as Jax comes into focus in front of me. Feeling a straw poke
my lips I open my mouth sipping greedily as I let the cool liquid sooth my throat.
“Is everyone ok?” I ask as I focus on Jax.
“Everyb*dy is fine Nova..thanks to you” he says his deep voice soothing my worried thoughts. “We are home and you’re in the pack hospital. You used too much energy
and collapsed.”
“Thank the Goddess” I breath. “The warriors?”
“Still sleeping upstairs, they were given something that put them to sleep but apart from that they had no harm caused to them” Jax says calmly.
“Why are they still sleeping?” I ask confused.
“The doctor believed it best for them to sleep it off, it was not causing them any harm “Laurence says as he comes into focus next to Jax. “You gave us a scare there Luna” he says with a small smile.
“Sorry” I say with a slight wince.
“Are you in pain?” Jax asks picking up on my discomfort.
Shaking my head slightly I moan from the movement and catch his disbelieving look, “Maybe a bit. I have a pounding headache and I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
“That’s to be expected, you need to rest love” he says quietly dropping me a k*ss on my forehead.
Luna Awake
“I want to go home” I murmur.
“Let’s speak to a doctor first. I’m sure if you promise to rest and let us look after your for the time being you can go home. Laurence can you let them know our Luna is awake?” Jax says without taking his eyes off of me.
“Of course Alpha” I hear Laurence say before he slips from the room quietly.
“f**k Nova, you had my heart racing for a while there” Jax says with a sad smile as he
takes a seat on the bed next to me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry you” I whisper.
“Don’t apologise” he says sternly. “What you did was nothing short of incredible, I’ve
never seen that much power before in anyone.”
“We used the strength of the Moon Goddess” I hear Kia say to us with a yawn as she stretches in my mind. “A time of great need.”
“You did what?” Jax says in shock. “That explains a lot.”
“Yeah” I sigh stretching my muscles gently. “I don’t know how.”
“What matters is everyone is ok” Kia says to me.
Hearing the door reopen Laurence walks into the room with a smile followed closely by a nurse. “Luna how lovely to see you awake” she says warmly before coming over to introduce herself. “I’m Natasha and I’m just going to have a quick check of your
vitals. We had you on an IV drip and you definitely have some more colour in you
you did when you arrived.”
“Thank you” I say politely as her small hands begin to efficiently check over me. Leaving her to work in peace for a few moments I hold onto Jax tightly needing the
comfort of the mate bond.
“You are recovering well” Natasha says with a reassuring smile. “Our Beta says you
are keen to go home and I’m happy to release you. But you have to promise to rest and take it easy for the next 48 hours. Light movement is ok just make sure you eat well and get plenty of sleep. Alpha you heard that yes?”
“Loud and clear, I’ll make sure Nova rests” he says as he stands beside me. “Laurence
can take us back and we can go to the suite love.”
Luna Awake
“Thank you Natasha” I say softly as she bows her head and leaves the room as quietly
as she came. “Get me out of here” I say with a slight laugh as Jaz helps me stand.
“I’ll go get the car ready while you get dressed” Laurence says before leaving.
“How’s dad?” I ask quietly as Jax helps me into a loose dress,
“He’s fine Nova, let’s discuss it when we are back. I promise to fill you in on everything “Jax says looking at me with a smile. “First I want to see you in our bed and maybe Zeus will be less on edge then”
“He’s been worried huly?” I ask with concern.
“You have no idea” dax says with a little laugh Running a hand through his hair he
pulls me in close for a soft embrace, “but he’s much better now after hearing your
voice and Kia”
“I’m really sorry for worrying you Jax” I whisper
Hearing a low grumble in his chest at my apology he pulls away, “I want that to be the
last time I hear you it?”
“Got it” I whisper smiling. Picking up the bag off of the bed which Lassume has some
of my things in he quickly picks me up to carry me bridal style.
“I can walk” I lightly protest.
“Let me” he says quietly, “Zeus and I need to know you’re recovering as best you can.”
Kissing his shoulder softly I nestle my head into his neck as he walks us out of the
hospital. Lowering me gently into the car he shuts the door before jogging round and
sliding in beside me.
“Let’s go” he says to Laurence before he pulls out and begins the short drive to the pack house. “Do you mind bringing the bag up and asking for some food and drinks
to be brought up?” Jax asks Laurence as we pull up and he walks round to lift me out.
once again.
“Already done” Laurence says with a smile. “I’ll go grab everything and shall I meet
you up in your room once you’re settled?”
“Yes please” Jax says as he cradles me close. “We need to talk to you about some
things” he explains as I look at him questioningly. Feeling me tense in his arms he
Luna Awake
quickly continues. “it’s nothing you need to worry about. But I’d rather make you
aware than not broach the subject. Your dad will be coming by later as well, he’s just taking some time to himself after what happened.”
“Have you spoken to Luca and Sophie?” I ask softly.
“I have, and I’m under strict instruction to keep them updated hourly and once you’re up to it you have to call them” he says with a smirk. “Quite impressive a Beta having the balls to tell me what to do.”
“He’s a good brother” I smirk up at him as he nods in agreement.
“I also asked Sophie to speak to your father, I think he needed some family comfort” Jax says quietly as he opens our suite door and walks me over to the bed.
“I’m worried about him” I admit. “Where is Johnathon?”
“Travelling back from seeing Sophie, he’ll be back within the hour” he says as he pulls the duvet up and sits next to me, tucking me into his side. Feeling my eyes grow heavy I fight to keep myself awake, “sleep love. I’ll ask Laurence to come by in an hour and we can have some food. I’ll stay right here” he murmurs his warm breath
fanning my head.
With those words my lids flutter shut and I welcome the darkness once again.

Next Move
Next Move
Nova POV:
“Nova love” I hear Jaxs voice calling me softly. “I hate to have to wake you but the doctor said you need to eat.”
Moaning against his warm chest I feel his b*dy shake with silent laughter as I pout up at him. “Nice try” he whispers before I open my eyes fully to see him looking down at me fondly.
“Come on” he says helping me sit up and making sure I’m comfy before he smoothly gets up from the bed and brings a tray over to me with soup and bread on.
Hearing my tummy growl loudly as the delicious aromas hit my nose I blush furiously. while he simply grins and gets a tray for himself also.
“Oh this is good” I whisper as I swallow my first spoonful.
“Ma will be pleased, she made this for you” he smile, “it’s what she always made us when we were younger and had a tough day training or at school.”
“So good” I mumble before tucking in to the rest of the bowl. Once finished I stand up slowly and take the tray to the table before walking towards the bathroom. Seeing Jax make a move to get up I shake my head at him, “it’s ok I need to do some light movement remember and I just need to use the bathroom I won’t be long.”
“Ok but if you need me just shout” he says quietly. Seeing Zeus forward in his eyes I know he’s trying to control his wolfs urge to care for his mate. Freshening up quickly I brush my teeth and wash my face before slipping into some comfy joggers and a top. Brushing my hair I pull it in to a messy bun and then softly open the door and make my way back to the bed.
“You up for Laurence coming by?” Jax asks standing up from where he was sat.
“Yes that’s fine” I tell him as he helps me back down and sits next to me. “So what actually happened yesterday?”
“The rogues retreated when you commanded them to, I gave you some of my strength I don’t know if you remember that? But it made you hold on long enough for
Kingsley to kill Caroline, we then got in the vehicles and high tailed it out of there” he
Next Move
explains. “The witch appeared as we were leaving but they made no move to follow
“Do you think we should have tried to kill Charles?” I ask quietly.
“I don’t think we could have, the witch is clearly watching him” he replies.
“Why didn’t he make a move on us other than the rogues then?” I wonder.
Hearing a knock on the door Jaxs eyes glaze over to show he’s mind linking before.
Laurence opens the door and peaks round.
“Come in” I laugh when I take in his closed eyes.
“Just checking everyone is decent” he says mischievously as he opens them.
Rolling his eyes Jax shakes his head at his friend, “she’s been sleeping Laurence.”
“Just checking” Laurence replies with a grin.
“In reply to what you asked before Nova I think it was a way to measure your strength” Jax says as Laurence sits on a chair nearby. Hearing that Laurence’s face turns. serious as he leans forward engaged in our discussion.
“Have I given it away?” I worry.
“Well considering we had no idea you could do that, never mind you knowing then I doubt it” Laurence says calmly. “They’re probably sh it ting themselves right now as they realised they have no idea how strong you are, but..the dark witch is a problem.”
“What do we do about that?” I ask nervously.
“Alex has been speaking to the council and he also has some pack witches he has called for advice and that are coming here tomorrow. I don’t think it’s possible to fight your grandfather without their help now” Jax admits.
“So the hunters have help from witches, a dark witch at that” I scowl. “He appears to have put his dislike for other species to one side for this.”
“I think he’s doing anything he can to make sure he’s successful” Laurence agrees as Jax stays silent. Sitting in thought for a moment I look up from where I’ve been
playing with the duvet hem to see Laurence and Jax looking at one another.
“Ok” I sigh making them look at me. “What’s going on?”
Next Move
With a frown Jax grasps my hand and clutches it tightly. “We both had a thought
whilst you were in hospital, and it’s not a particularly nice one.”
“Spit it out Jax” I say with a frown as he furrows his brows in thought. Looking to
Laurence I raise a brow and point at him, “speak” I motion to him.
“Your mother was there” Laurence says calmly. Feeling Jax tense beside me I rub his arm lightly before replying.
“She was” I say slowly. “It was a surprise to say the least.”
“I can imagine. But what if she is your grandfathers weapon?”
“Weapon?” I check.
Points out.
“What if they use your love for her or your longing to try and get back the mother you so wish for and it kills you? Then if your mother dies your father would also” Laurence says almost reluctantly.
“We think it’s possible Charles would kill your mother for this cause” Jax admits lowly.
Taking a deep breath I think over what they’ve just said. From what my father has told. me about Charles and his relationship with my mother from before I was born it wasn’t one that was based on love. He wanted her to be like him and when she didn’t have the same beliefs he was disappointed, even more so when she was fated to a wolf and bore a pup. Chasing after us showed that he had no wish for a normal
relationship with his daughter, especially with the threats she got before I was born.
“I think that’s highly probable” I sigh after a moment.
“Even with her being the only family he has left potentially?” Laurence e asks.
With that I let out a cold humourless laugh, “I’m also his family..but he wants me dead. So yes, I wouldn’t put it past that man to kill his own daughter just to rid the world of a Guardian Wolf. My only question really is why hasn’t he done that yet?”
“Because of you” Jax shrugs. “What if she is his last hope at killing you? He needs a back up plan and I bet getting her to the stage of disconnect that she is in took time.”
“Do you think your mum could kill you?” Laurence asks me.
“She didn’t look like my mother yesterday trust me. The look in her eyes, the lack of emotion and simply her reaction to seeing me..I think she could in this state yes” I say
Next Move
trying to hold back the surge of emotion I suddenly feel. “I don’t recognise her.”
“You wouldn’t though Nova” he says quietly, “you haven’t seen her since you were 2
weeks old.”
“Nova nor Kia felt the family bond with her Laurence” Jax says to him. “I think the witch has used dark magic to suppress the mate bond and prevent the family bond
between Nova and her mother.”
“So we need to kill the witch” Laurence says quietly.
Hearing a knock at the door Laurence stands up to open it before Alex and Ophelial
walk into the room quietly.
“Nova..” Ophelia breaths in relief before rushing over and giving me a gentle hug. “I
don’t know if I need to thank you first or scald you for scaring us so much.”
“I’ll take the thanks” I laugh softly as she pulls away with eyes full of unshed tears.
“You are something else” she whispers with a small smile. “Thank you for keeping my
mate safe.”
Feeling my cheeks blush I nod and offer her a smile unsure of how to react to being praised so much. Seeing Alex’s imposing figure by the bed I look up to see his eyes
which are trained on me filled with concern.
“How are you feeling Nova?” He asks quietly.
“Better as time goes on” I assure him as he smiles slightly from my words.
“Yesterday was interesting” he comments as he pulls two seats over for his Luna and
him to take.
“Wasn’t it just” I chuckle with a wry smile. “Seems to be a current theme at the
“Alex told me about the witch, and I have to say it sounds like the one I encountered
when I was taken” Ophelia says her voice full of sadness.
“I’m sorry Luna” I say looking at her as she takes deep breaths to control herself. “We
are going to get him.”
“But how?” She asks quietly.
Next Move
“How..we don’t know yet. We need to kill him” Jax says. “But first we have to make sure that his curse on you is lifted.”
“Our pack witches are coming in the morning, they will be able to offer us some more advice” Alex says reassuringly to his Luna.
“Once we have spoken to them we need to plan our next move” Jax says his voice
full of authority as I feel his anger towards the situation through the bond.
“We need to bring them to us” I say quietly.
“Yes and gather our allies, they want a war then they will get one” Alex says venomously.
“Wait..” Jax says looking around in a panic. “Oh f**k” he whispers. Turning to look at us his eyes wide he asks, “Charles wasn’t surprised we were at the meeting..he knew where we were going to be and when didn’t he?”
“He didn’t specifically say that but he knew we were there yes” I say slowly.
“So how did he get that information?” He asks me with a raised brow… “is there anyone you think could be a traitor?”
“No” I says furrowing my brows in thought. “No one seems suspicious to me here.” Hearing Laurence and Alex agree we sit back thoughtful.
“But..there was someone who was acting suspicious before wasn’t there?” Ophelia asks quietly.
“My dad” Jax says angrily. “Laurence go
“Why?” I whisper.
Axel quickly” he orders.
“Because one thing we do know is the hunters use electronics to their advantage, they’re good with technology and make no effort to hide it” Jax says barely
containing his anger as his hands shake fighting a shift.
“So..” I whisper my eyes widening.
“I want the pack house and grounds swept for bugs that could have been planted” he

New Day
New Day
Nova POV:
Waking up to a new day I reach for Jaxs b*dy only to feel his side of the bed cold like.
he hadn’t been there for a while. Wondering what time it is I roll over moaning as my
stiff b*dy stretches, seeing 8:30am on the clock I stifle a yawn and slowly sit up.
“Where are you?” I link Jax as I make my way to the bathroom.
“Morning love, in the office” he replies instantly, “I couldn’t sleep and you looked so
peaceful i thought I’d come and get some work done.”
“Have you had breakfast?” I ask him.
“No not yet, just coffee” he says.
“Meet me at the landing of your floor, we can go eat together. Give me 10 minutes” I say not giving him room to budge.
“You sure you’re up for it?” He asks.
Rolling my eyes as I brush my teeth I reply, “yes. I slept most of yesterday away and
then 10 hours last night. Now all I want is food.”
Hearing his laugh down the mindlink I smirk knowing he’s not going to argue with that. Throwing some training leggings, a sports bra and tank top on I find my trainers before quickly re doing my messy bun.
I wonder if they found any traces of listening devices I think to myself as I head downstairs. Reaching the landing I lean on the wall as I wait for Jax taking in my surroundings. Looking at a large photo of Jax and his family that is hung in the centre of the wall I feel my heart clench momentarily as I think of how David could possibly
have betrayed them.
“I hope he hasn’t” Kia says to me quietly, “Zeus will be heartbroken.”
“It’s bothering them a lot more than they’re letting on” I say to her. “Struggling to sleep
beside your mate shows there is a lot on your mind.”
With that I hear the office door opening and Jax steps out, his bright green eyes find.
mine and relax instantly as he does a quick sweep of my b*dy before landing back on
New Day
my face.
“I’m fine love” I chuckle as he smiles sheepishly. “But it’s nice of you to worry” I say.
reaching up and k*ssing his lips softly. Feeling the mate sparks I moan as I melt into
his b*dy, his hand automatically finding the back of my head and pulling me closer
deepening our k*ss as he does so.
“Morning” he breaths pulling away as I giggle against his lips before pecking them
once again.
“Morning” I breath happy to see him. Stepping back 1 look at him carefully and see the
circles under his eyes showing the lack of sleep as well as the tightness of his
features hinting at stress. “You’re not ok.”
Raising his brow at me he chuckles deeply, “that wasn’t a question” he says.
“No it wasn’t” I confirm. “I’m worried about you” I say as I cup his cheek.
“I’m fine” he assures me but I simply narrow my eyes and bite my lip waiting for him to speak again. With a sigh he steps back to lean against the wall as he pulls me against his chest needing the comfort I bring him. “I’m just worried about everything.”
“Your dad?” I link him as I feel him shudder slightly beneath me.
“Yes” he replies quietly. “Axel found 5 bugs planted around the pack house and grounds. One on the bench we were sat on by the fountain, one outside my office, in the foyer and gym and then the last one was in the hospital reception.”
“Are you certain it was your dad?” I ask him.
“Yes” he sighs. “No one else in this pack has any reason to betray sensed deception from anyone?”
us. Have you
“Only your father” I admit quietly. “I thought it was because of everything that happened..but it could have been more.”
“I just don’t understand why he would work with the hunters, it makes no sense” he stresses through the link as an Omega walks past smiling at us both.
“Good morning” I say to her before she disappears into a nearby room to start her cleaning duties.
“Well we don’t know for certain but I think it’s best we rule it as a strong possibility

New Day
that your father is working with them. Sometimes we don’t know answers until it’s too late..that’s life Jax as much as it sucks at times” I link him as I feel him k*ss my head. But you’ve got me.”
“Thank Goddess for that” he says out loud with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“So I assume there is definitely nothing else we need to be aware of?” I ask him out loud motioning him around us.
“No..nothing” he assures me. “Axel did a thorough sweep and Evan checked also” he adds on through the link aware of pack members around us. “We just aren’t sure how much they heard.”
“Cra p” I sigh as we stroll into the dining room. Seeing Naomi and Laurence eating we head over and grab a plate of food before sitting down..
“Morning Luna” Naomi says happily as she caresses her growing bump. “You feeling.
Putting my concerns to one side for a moment I force myself to relax. “Much thank
you Naomi” I say, “do you mind?” I ask pointing to her bump.
“Go on” she says with a smile as I rest my hands feeling the pups being very active.
“Oh my” I gasp as one delivers a particularly strong kick to under my right hand. “How
do you get any sleep?” I joke.
“I don’t” she sighs dramatically, “but I love it.” Looking at her she has the warm glow
all expectant mothers get as they take on the journey of becoming a parent.
“You look amazing” I comment as she blushes at my words.
“Mmm if she looks this good pregnant we will be expecting many more pups in the
future” Laurence says with a cheeky growl making Naomi gasp.
“Laurence!” She hisses blushing furiously now. Jax and I laugh at their antics relieved to momentarily relax as we enjoy our breakfast and discuss how the pack is getting
“I need to do some paperwork this morning” I tell Jax as he looks to me, “I’ll be sat down and anyway I feel much better. But I wondered if I should run both Alice and Naomi through some of the admin work I do, that way we have more pairs of hands.
New Day
who can help when necessary.”
Getting what I am hinting at he nods in agreement, setting his napkin down he pushes his plate to one side before leaning forward. “Definitely” he agrees, “why don’t you also run through some of the paperwork for my businesses outside of the pack. Or our businesses I should say.”
“Our businesses?” I ask furrowing my brows, seeing Laurence smirk knowingly from the corner of my eye I gasp and turn to Jax seeing him smiling widely. “What did you do!?”
“Well..nothing yet. The paperwork is ready to go but I said we should hold off until the hunters threat has gone, having your name out there is a beacon and I don’t want to risk anyone at the businesses” he says with a grimace his worry for how that sounded leaking down the bond. “But like I said, the paperwork is ready so after everything all you need to do is sign it and everything will be changed from my name
to the both of ours. We will both be directors and owners.”
“Jax you don’t have to do that..that’s your hard work” I say quietly. “I also get your concerns, i don’t ever want to risk anyone else you know that.”
“I want to” he shrugs, “what’s the point in working hard if I can’t share my
achievements. You’re my mate, my Luna..our Luna, it’s only right.”
“I’m not going to change your mind am I” I chuckle.
“No” he smirks.
“Thank you love” I whisper blowing him a k*ss as he winks at me.
“Well in that case I have a lot to show you” I say turning to Naomi who is grinning.
“I’m ready to learn” she says enthusiastically.
“Shall we head up?” I ask her.
“We have a meeting in an hour with Alex, Betas, Gam mas and also your brother and Alpha Axton will be joining over video link” Jax says as I stand to leave.
“Office?” I check.
“Conference room” he replies.
New Day
“Ok, bye guys” I say to them as we leave.
“Laurence try get Jax to relax, I’m worried about him” I link him without looking.
“Will do Luna” he replies understandingly.
New Day
New Day
Nova POV:
Waking up to a new day I reach for Jaxs b*dy only to feel his side of the bed cold like.
he hadn’t been there for a while. Wondering what time it is I roll over moaning as my
stiff b*dy stretches, seeing 8:30am on the clock I stifle a yawn and slowly sit up.
“Where are you?” I link Jax as I make my way to the bathroom.
“Morning love, in the office” he replies instantly, “I couldn’t sleep and you looked so
peaceful i thought I’d come and get some work done.”
“Have you had breakfast?” I ask him.
“No not yet, just coffee” he says.
“Meet me at the landing of your floor, we can go eat together. Give me 10 minutes” I say not giving him room to budge.
“You sure you’re up for it?” He asks.
Rolling my eyes as I brush my teeth I reply, “yes. I slept most of yesterday away and
then 10 hours last night. Now all I want is food.”
Hearing his laugh down the mindlink I smirk knowing he’s not going to argue with that. Throwing some training leggings, a sports bra and tank top on I find my trainers before quickly re doing my messy bun.
I wonder if they found any traces of listening devices I think to myself as I head downstairs. Reaching the landing I lean on the wall as I wait for Jax taking in my surroundings. Looking at a large photo of Jax and his family that is hung in the centre of the wall I feel my heart clench momentarily as I think of how David could possibly
have betrayed them.
“I hope he hasn’t” Kia says to me quietly, “Zeus will be heartbroken.”
“It’s bothering them a lot more than they’re letting on” I say to her. “Struggling to sleep
beside your mate shows there is a lot on your mind.”
With that I hear the office door opening and Jax steps out, his bright green eyes find.
mine and relax instantly as he does a quick sweep of my b*dy before landing back on
New Day
my face.
“I’m fine love” I chuckle as he smiles sheepishly. “But it’s nice of you to worry” I say.
reaching up and k*ssing his lips softly. Feeling the mate sparks I moan as I melt into
his b*dy, his hand automatically finding the back of my head and pulling me closer
deepening our k*ss as he does so.
“Morning” he breaths pulling away as I giggle against his lips before pecking them
once again.
“Morning” I breath happy to see him. Stepping back 1 look at him carefully and see the
circles under his eyes showing the lack of sleep as well as the tightness of his
features hinting at stress. “You’re not ok.”
Raising his brow at me he chuckles deeply, “that wasn’t a question” he says.
“No it wasn’t” I confirm. “I’m worried about you” I say as I cup his cheek.
“I’m fine” he assures me but I simply narrow my eyes and bite my lip waiting for him to speak again. With a sigh he steps back to lean against the wall as he pulls me against his chest needing the comfort I bring him. “I’m just worried about everything.”
“Your dad?” I link him as I feel him shudder slightly beneath me.
“Yes” he replies quietly. “Axel found 5 bugs planted around the pack house and grounds. One on the bench we were sat on by the fountain, one outside my office, in the foyer and gym and then the last one was in the hospital reception.”
“Are you certain it was your dad?” I ask him.
“Yes” he sighs. “No one else in this pack has any reason to betray sensed deception from anyone?”
us. Have you
“Only your father” I admit quietly. “I thought it was because of everything that happened..but it could have been more.”
“I just don’t understand why he would work with the hunters, it makes no sense” he stresses through the link as an Omega walks past smiling at us both.
“Good morning” I say to her before she disappears into a nearby room to start her cleaning duties.
“Well we don’t know for certain but I think it’s best we rule it as a strong possibility

New Day
that your father is working with them. Sometimes we don’t know answers until it’s too late..that’s life Jax as much as it sucks at times” I link him as I feel him k*ss my head. But you’ve got me.”
“Thank Goddess for that” he says out loud with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“So I assume there is definitely nothing else we need to be aware of?” I ask him out loud motioning him around us.
“No..nothing” he assures me. “Axel did a thorough sweep and Evan checked also” he adds on through the link aware of pack members around us. “We just aren’t sure how much they heard.”
“Cra p” I sigh as we stroll into the dining room. Seeing Naomi and Laurence eating we head over and grab a plate of food before sitting down..
“Morning Luna” Naomi says happily as she caresses her growing bump. “You feeling.
Putting my concerns to one side for a moment I force myself to relax. “Much thank
you Naomi” I say, “do you mind?” I ask pointing to her bump.
“Go on” she says with a smile as I rest my hands feeling the pups being very active.
“Oh my” I gasp as one delivers a particularly strong kick to under my right hand. “How
do you get any sleep?” I joke.
“I don’t” she sighs dramatically, “but I love it.” Looking at her she has the warm glow
all expectant mothers get as they take on the journey of becoming a parent.
“You look amazing” I comment as she blushes at my words.
“Mmm if she looks this good pregnant we will be expecting many more pups in the
future” Laurence says with a cheeky growl making Naomi gasp.
“Laurence!” She hisses blushing furiously now. Jax and I laugh at their antics relieved to momentarily relax as we enjoy our breakfast and discuss how the pack is getting
“I need to do some paperwork this morning” I tell Jax as he looks to me, “I’ll be sat down and anyway I feel much better. But I wondered if I should run both Alice and Naomi through some of the admin work I do, that way we have more pairs of hands.
New Day
who can help when necessary.”
Getting what I am hinting at he nods in agreement, setting his napkin down he pushes his plate to one side before leaning forward. “Definitely” he agrees, “why don’t you also run through some of the paperwork for my businesses outside of the pack. Or our businesses I should say.”
“Our businesses?” I ask furrowing my brows, seeing Laurence smirk knowingly from the corner of my eye I gasp and turn to Jax seeing him smiling widely. “What did you do!?”
“Well..nothing yet. The paperwork is ready to go but I said we should hold off until the hunters threat has gone, having your name out there is a beacon and I don’t want to risk anyone at the businesses” he says with a grimace his worry for how that sounded leaking down the bond. “But like I said, the paperwork is ready so after everything all you need to do is sign it and everything will be changed from my name
to the both of ours. We will both be directors and owners.”
“Jax you don’t have to do that..that’s your hard work” I say quietly. “I also get your concerns, i don’t ever want to risk anyone else you know that.”
“I want to” he shrugs, “what’s the point in working hard if I can’t share my
achievements. You’re my mate, my Luna..our Luna, it’s only right.”
“I’m not going to change your mind am I” I chuckle.
“No” he smirks.
“Thank you love” I whisper blowing him a k*ss as he winks at me.
“Well in that case I have a lot to show you” I say turning to Naomi who is grinning.
“I’m ready to learn” she says enthusiastically.
“Shall we head up?” I ask her.
“We have a meeting in an hour with Alex, Betas, Gam mas and also your brother and Alpha Axton will be joining over video link” Jax says as I stand to leave.
“Office?” I check.
“Conference room” he replies.
New Day
“Ok, bye guys” I say to them as we leave.
“Laurence try get Jax to relax, I’m worried about him” I link him without looking.
“Will do Luna” he replies understandingly.
Nova POV:
“Well..there is a way we can locate the use of dark magic. There is a spell we are
strong enough to do together that will give us the location of where it is being used, but it will leave us drained” Esmerelda explains.
“We would need rest after that so we wouldn’t be able to go to them immediately”
Corina adds.
“Laurence have you managed to get anything from the rogue in the cells?” Jax asks suddenly.
“No, he’s pretty banged up as well” he admits. Turning his eyes to me he speaks quietly, “I was going to ask you to speak to him but I needed you to regain your energy
“I understand” I say with a smile. “I’ll go there after, I’m strong enough now.”
“Kara” I hear Corina whisper making me spin to see her sat stiffly upright her eyes milky as she stares blankly at the space in front of her.
“What’s happening?” Jax asks moving to stand before Alex’s hand shoots out to stop
“She gets visions of a kind” Alex mutters so everyone can hear in the room. “They’re not as clear as Esmereldas nor as they as informative but they are always definite. If
we can understand them.”
“Just wait and see what she saw” Alex says quietly as we stay still for a moment.
With a deep gasp Kara slumps as his mother and aunty hold her arms from either side of her keeping her straight as she regains her bearings.
“You need to speak to the rogue” she says turning her eyes to me, “you are the only one who will get the information from him that we need.”
“What did you see Kara?” Alex asks.
“I saw a full moon and I felt pain, an unimaginable amount of pain” she shudders.
“That’s it?” Luca asks through the video link.
“Luca” I hiss throwing him a look which immediately has him looking embarrassed.
“I apologise that was wrong of me” he says looking to Kara who simply shrugs it off as if she is used to it making me feel for her.
“The full moon is in 3 days..” Jax says looking thoughtful. “Do you think Charles is planning an attack for then?”
“He could be” I admit looking at him quietly. “The full moon could be important, it’s when our wolves yearn to be free and ou
emotions are heightened yes? Such as the need to protect or be there for one’s mate is almost overwhelming.”
“Yes” Jax agrees before turning to look at my father.
“So if we are right in our assumptions about Lizzie it could be incredibly risky for my
father” I point out.
“But that’s what Charles wants isn’t it, he wants to target you when you’re at your weakest. Drake will be more vulnerable on the full moon especially after being apart from his mate for so many years, the need to protect and reunite will be heightened”
Alex says.
Seeing Kara looking pale I stand quickly and go to get her a glass of water before taking it to her. “Here have this Kara” I say gently as I squeeze her shoulder in comfort. As soon as my palm comes into contact with her shoulder however my b*dy stiffens and Ki rushes to the forefront of my mind as my head snaps back.
“Ahhhh” I moan before my vision goes black and I hear a rushing sound in my ears.
Suddenly everything goes silent and shapes begin to form in front of me, blurry and faint at first I try to focus on what I can see. Seeing the full moon above me I gasp before my eyes dart around taking in the solidifying shapes of clashing wolves and humans alike around me. Turing my head slowly I see Zeus standing protectively over a small form on the floor with the pack house looming behind him, but from here I’m unable to make sense of who it is he’s protecting from the rogues prowling towards them. Trying to move closer I find I’m stuck as I desperately look around watching the
chaos unfurl in front of my eyes.
Hearing a heartbreaking scream I turn to see myself stood facing Charles a look of
devastating loss on my face as I move forward menacingly.
“For all to live one must fall” I hear a mystic voice whisper in my ear as everything
around me begins to evaporate before I’m thrown back into the present staring at
Kara’s wide eyes in shock.
“What?” I whisper in horror as she whimpers at me.
Seeing the hair on her arms static and bristling I wince as I pull my hand away. “I’m so
sorry..I don’t know..” I splutter out as she stands and hugs me abruptly.
“You cannot tell anyone” she whispers barely loud enough for myself to hear. “To tell may change the future and we cannot risk that, find out their numbers from the
Pulling back she shoots me a warning glance before I feel Jaxs strong arms rip me
back and into his chest.
“Nova? What was that? Are you ok?” He asks rapidly as he once again steps back to
check me over.
“I’m fine” I mumble looking around and seeing everyone’s shocked faces. “I just saw
what Kara saw before..I’m not sure how.”
Seeing the slight nod from Kara at my reasoning I gulp as I hate lying to my own
mate. “I will talk to you after” I link him without looking at his eyes, knowing I will have
to explain slightly more to him.
“Are you feeling alright Luna?” Laurence asks coming to stand in front of me as I see
Luca pacing on the screen,
“I’m fine honestly, I feel like I did before there is nothing to worry about” I say calmly to everyone in the room with a reassuring smile. “The attack will take place on the night of the full moon. We need our allies”
“Now?” Jax asks sensing my urgency.
“Now” I confirm my voice strong and steady. “Dad do you have those that you could
bring here? Your pack witch?”
“I have warriors ready waiting for my orders, I will notify them immediately and they
can camp in the woods if that is acceptable for you?” He says looking at Jax and
“Camp? If they want housing to stay in we have spares?” Jax says furrowing his
“I think it would ease everyb*dy if they camped” Kingsley says, “I trust them and I know you will also but i know it will take time for others to trust them themselves. It’s
fine and my warriors are understanding, trust me they are just happy to have a
second chance.”
“The witch?” I ask hopeful..
With a regretful shake of his head he looks at me apologetically, “I cannot risk taking.
her and her daughter away from the pack. They are what cements the orders I give
and I need them there, if anything happened to them then what I have worked so hard
to achieve could begin to fall.”
“I understand” Jax says with a sharp nod. “We don’t want to upset the growing peace you have amongst your pack. It’s not only beneficial for you but for all other packs.”
“You do not need more than us” Esmerelda says knowingly, her eyes sparkling with
“Ok this meeting is adjourned” Jax calls loudly. “Axton, Luca id like to formally request
your presence along with those of the warriors you can spare?” He asks turning to the
screen where they agree immediately.
“We will be there by mid morning tomorrow” Axton confirms.
“Laurence and Alex if you could come with my Luna and I we need to contact the other packs who swore allegiance” Jax instructs before turning to his Gam mas and
“Can you gather the warriors and run emergency training. Tell them a war is coming and we will address the pack tonight, you know what to do” he says looking to Theo
and Flo who immediately stand with a bow and rush from the room with the twins
close behind them.
“Amelia and Mila, please can you go and get Naomi and Alice?” I ask them as they
look to me in confusion. “We need to arrange for all pups, anyone that is vulnerable
and the elderly, anyone that cannot fight really to move somewhere more secure. Mila
id also like you to go to the pack hospital and notify them that they will need to be on emergency standby for battle casualties. They need to be ready for the night of the full moon. Amelia if you could speak to Omega Brea and ensure there will be plenty of food for those that are coming to help I would be grateful.”
“Here?” Mila whispers.
Taking a breath and looking at everyone who is left in the room I speak loudly, “they are coming to us. The battle will take place here.”
Rogues Information.
Rogues Information
Jax POV:
Watching everyb*dy leap into action and do as we’ve requested it leaves just Nova and myself alone with Esmerelda.
“I know what you saw” she says to Nova.
“What does it mean?” Nova asks rubbing her forehead with her fingers as she stresses.
“We can’t know that for definite” Esmerelda says as vague as ever. “We can interpret it in many different ways really couldn’t we. But I’m afraid that’s the problem with some visions, you won’t know until it happens.”
*Then what is the point of them” Nova growls angrily to herself moving to lookout the window.
With that Esmerelda simply laughs before going to stand beside her. “You gained information from it, you know when and now where the attack will be. The spell my sisters and I were going to perform is no longer necessary which means we can be at full strength.”
“But who is going to fall?” She whispers making my brows furrow.
“What is going on?” I ask making them both look to me.
“I know Kara said to keep it quiet and normally I would urge you do the same. But the bond between you both is unlike one I’ve ever seen before” Esmerelda says thoughtfully as she studies me. “Tell him Nova. But cannot say a word to anyone. Interfering with fate is dangerous and we cannot risk it. I’ve seen the
possible outcomes..this is the only way.”
“The only way for what?” I ask confused.
Shaking her head she simply leaves the room leaving me with more questions that before as I look at Nova lost. “Love?” I ask quietly seeing a range of emotions in her beautiful eyes.
“I saw you Jax..well Zeus” she starts making me stiffen. “You were protecting
Rogues Information
someone but I don’t know who, behind you I could see the packhouse and the full moons glow was cast down on the pack grounds making me able to see the hundreds of people, in both human and wolf forms fighting..and then there was me. I was facing Charles and I looked broken Jax. Then I head a voice in my ear saying, “for all to live one must fall”. It was so real” she so bs as I rush to comfort her.
“The unimaginable pain Kara felt…that was your pain wasn’t it?” I ask quietly.
“I fear so” she whispers into my chest as my breath hitches in panic. “I have to go speak to the rogue” she says frantically pulling herself away
and wiping her face.
“I’ll come with you, I’ll let Laurence know I’ll join them after” I say following close behind her, “I’m not letting you do this alone.”
“I know” she whispers. I quickly link my beta while tucking her closely into my side as we hurry down to the cells.
“Open them up” I shout to the guards as the entrance comes into view. Striding in I take the lead guiding Nova down the darkened steps past the guards as the
e pungent air of blood and urine hits our noses hard. Getting the keys from my pocket I swiftly open the last door and walk Nova down to the far thest cell where the pathetic roguel is curled up n*ked and shivering in his restraints.
Slamming the door open I walk in and hold it for Nova. Seeing fury blazing in her
eyes as she strides past she immediately walks up to the rogue and slams his head back against the concrete wall making him yell loudly in pain.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way” she snarls in his face. “It’s your last chance as you haven’t been so helpful to our Beta.”
Taking in the many bruises and open cuts that haven’t been able to heal due to his silver cuffs I scoff before taunting him. “It looks like our Beta has been having his fun though.” Seeing one of the rogues fingers lying on the floor not too far from him I smirk kicking it to in his eyeline as he winces at the sight. “Perhaps you need more pain, lose some limbs even?”
“No” he gasps.
“It’s only a finger” Nova says with a raised brow before her claws extend and she swiftly cuts two deep gas hes down his chest making him howl. Holding his dirty hair
Roques Information
in her hand I smile proudly as she doesn’t even blink at the mess she has made, “how
many rogues does Charles have?”
“Who?” the rogue gasps.
“That’s not a number” Nova scowls before slicing an ear off as the rogues face
contorts in agony. Holding on to his other ear tightly she moves her lips to whisper
into his ear, “last chance. How many rogues does Charles have?”
“Charles?” He asks looking genuinely lost.
“Master” I growl as the rogues eyes widen before Nova punches him hard in his
“I would say easily 500” he wheezes in pain as blood begins to pool below him.
“How many witches?” Nova growls.
“We only saw two” the rogue grunts as she yanks at his ear once again.
“Are they going to attack us?” She asks softly, her eyes cold and calculating as they bear into the man’s pained ones.
“On the night of the full moon they will attack” the rogue whispers, “Saturday.”
“Where are they based?” She asks c*****g her head still gripping his ear tightly.
“They move constantly but their camps are protected by the witches. You will never
find them” he cries as she kicks his leg hard causing him to shout out in pain.
Smiling coldly Nova drops the man’s ear as she stands swiftly. Wiping her hand on her clothes to rid herself of the blood she shrugs, “see that wasn’t so hard was it.”
“” the rogue stutters. “Please can i have some water?” He begs looking around the cell desperately.
“No” Nova says coldly without batting an eyelid before stepping in front of him and grasping his head twisting it powerfully as with a resounding cra ck she breaks his neck and his b*dy slumps to the floor.
“Da mn” I whistle.
“We got what we needed” she says simply as I grin at her. “You don’t have to look so happy I killed someone” she says rolling her eyes as she passes me.
Rogues Information.
“No but it’s refreshing not having to be the one that does so, plus..angry Nova is impressive. I’ve told you I can’t help it” I say with a wide smirk as she looks over her shoulder to shake her head at me.
“Alphas” she moans dramatically making me chuckle. “I’m going to have a quick. wash” she tells me as we reach the pack house.
“I’ll be in the office” I say as I k*ss her lips softly. “Come find us when you’re ready.”
Pausing before she leaves she looks at me, “what do you think Esmerelda meant when she said our bond is like no other?”
“I don’t know for certain Nova but one thing I can say is that together we are incredibly powerful. Charles will regret everything he has done to your family..I promise” I say looking her in eyes as she holds my gaze with steely determination.
“See you soon” she whispers after a moment of staring at one another before she rushes for a shower and I make my way to the office.Preparation
Jax POV:
“What have we got?” I ask Laurence as I walk into the office to see Alex busy on the phone.
“Alpha Edward, Alpha Brad and Alpha Henry have all agreed to come here with
warriors. The latest arriving will be Alpha Brad by 8pm tomorrow. Alex is speaking to Alpha Brent, he is going to send his son and Beta along with his warriors. Alpha Marcus is the next call” Laurence fills us in.
“Great. That’s quick work Beta” I say thankful for his efficiency.
“Did you get much from the rogue?” He asks with concern.
“Nova did” I say, “I was not getting in her way, she is one angry Luna right now” I comment as I continue to feel the pulsing fury radiating from her side of the bond along with her concern for our pack.
“I can imagine” he says with a grimace.
“They have approximately 500 rogues that he saw, he also only saw 2 witches” | explain. “It’s also a good thing we now know they are attacking as he said their
camps, plural, are protected by the witches so we wouldn’t find them even if we
wanted to.”
“Well Nova got more than I did” Laurence says with admiration.
“Her aura was pretty suffocating and she didn’t even command him, he knew she
meant business” I say. “You warmed him up just right” I say with a smirk as Laurence laughs darkly.
“So what now for him? Do we hang on for more information?” He asks as I walk to my seat.
“He’s dead, Nova killed him” I state before looking up to see him shocked. “Like I
said…she is one angry Luna right now.”
“f**k boss” he says exhaling, “she’s not like any other Luna I know.”
“You think” I say rolling my eyes.
“I do..and thank f**k for that” he says with a chuckle. “I think I might start calling her my ba da ss Luna.”
Growling loudly he looks at me in shock, ‘you mentioned a ss and Luna..Zeus didn’t like it. But I have to agree she is a badas s” I say with a shrug as he bursts into loud laughter.
“You are so protective” he chuckles as I can only nod in agreement at what he said. Hearing a knock on the door I see Kingsley poke his head in before catching my eyes and running to me.
“I’m going back to my pack, I’ll be back by 4pm tomorrow with warriors” he informs
me. “Where is Nova?”
“Showering, she took care of the rogue” I explain. “I’ll link her and tell her you’re leaving so she can say bye. Give her 15 minutes.
“Thank you Ajax” he says graciously. “If you need me contact the mobile number I
gave you.”
“Will do Kingsley, thank you” I say shaking his hand firmly before he leaves the room. Waving bye to Alex and Laurence.
Seeing Alex hang up the phone he turns to me in relief, “Alpha Brent’s son is coming as I’m sure Laurence mentioned. He has 50 warriors he’s bringing with him, more than expected. I’m going to call Alpha Marcus now and then try the Moonbeam Pack. again. I haven’t had any luck with them yet.”
“Thanks Alex” I say as I pour everyone a glass of whiskey.
“Nectar of the go ds” Alex moans and he swiftly drinks his.
“What are you going to do about Ophelia?” I ask him through the link as I see him turni to me with raised brows.
“So you can link anyone now” he comments as I smile proudly. “Show off. I’m going to speak to her, she is no fighter but if she wants to she can. With the state she is currently in I believe it’s too risky so I would like to move her to a more secure. location.”
about the council buildings” I suggest.
“Can we trust them?” He asks.
“I believe so, we got rid of the traitors and Elder Martin has been helpful. He cares for
Nova, it’s obvious and I’m sure he’s willing to help. I believe it’s the best bet for
Ophelia” I say with certainty.
“Then I will suggest it to her” he says with a small smile.
“Laurence I need you to find my brothers, it’s time they join our pack. It’s imperative
they have the pack link for when the time comes, Henry will understand and he
knows they are returning there to take his Alpha position when he’s ready to step
down” I tell him.
“I’ll go down to the training grounds now, have a check up with the Gam mas also.
Theo said he was happy with how the warriors are looking, I’ll check how Florence is
getting on with the new patrols” he says.
“New patrols?” I check.
“I just asked for an increase in them” he explains. “Larger patrol teams and running.
more frequently, we also have lookouts stationed all around which are on a 4 hour
shift rota.”
“Perfect” I say looking at him with approval.
“Omega Brea?” I link her as she responds quickly.
“Yes Alpha?” She asks.
“Has Amelia spoken to you about food over the coming days?” I ask.
“Yes Alpha, the Luna Mother is here now” she says politely.
“Perfect, can you also ready all guest rooms ready for full occupancy? I will check our spare housing and see what we have available. Once done they will also need readying” I ask her.
“Yes Alpha” she says.
“Luna Nova will come and see you following the pack meeting later today, if you need
help just ask either of us and we will arrange it” I say with relief.
“I appreciate that, thank you Alpha” she chuckles down the link. “I will have some
food sent to your office now.”
“Not heard a better idea all day” I laugh to her expressing my thanks.
Sitting back I go through my men tal checklist and am relieved when I note we are progressing efficiently. “I need a run” I hear Zeus growl to me.
“I’m going to inform Theo that you and Ki will join a patrol tonight. We all need it” I say
as he grunts in response.
“Soon we will be back to running and sparring” I tell him trying to ease his frustration
“I’m worried for Ki” he says, “I can feel her and Novas anxiousness and it’s putting me
on edge. Need mate close.”
“I know buddy, she will be back soon” I tell him.
“I’ve told her to hurry” he huffs as I gape at him.
“Zeus!” I reprimand him.
“No, mate needs to be close. Where I can protect her” he says defensively.
“She doesn’t need protecting” I point out.
“I know” he huffs, “but I need to feel like I am protecting her. Or at least there to help.”
“I thought you would be happy we have a mate who doesn’t need to be waited on hand and foot and who can look after herself?” I ask him shocked.
“I am” he says with confusion, “but I want her to know I’m here for her all the same. Right now she is in danger and I don’t like her out of our sight.”
“I know” I sigh realising he is simply concerned because of the situation. “I’ll speak to
Nova, knowing her she doesn’t want to cause us unnecessary worry. But we will stay
close ok?”
“Thank you” he grunts.
Opening the pack link for everyone I make an announcement, “pack meeting 7pm this evening, everyone gather in the dining hall. Pups stay home it is not for their ears,
one parent stay home with them. Food will be served after for everyone to attend, bring pups along then.”
“Dinner after?” I hear Nova ask.
“I want the pack to spend some time together” I explain as I feel her appreciation for my idea float through the bond.
“You’re a wonderful Alpha” she tells me making me relax at her words.
“I hope so” I whisper to her.
“I’ll be with you in 10minutes” she says, “I can feel Zeus reaching for us.”
“He needs his mate” I say quietly.
“So do we” she agrees.Brea’s Help
Brea’s Help
Nova POV:
“Jax” I breath in relief as soon as I see him in the office. Walking over I sink into his
lap as he holds me tightly breathing in my scent for a moment.
“Zeus is on edge, so am I” he mumbles.
“So is Ki and me” I assure him. “We will stay together yes?”
“I think that’s for the best” he agrees as the door opens in front of us.
“Amelia, Mila” I smile as they come to sit down. “How are you both getting on?”
“Brea has the food under control and is now sorting out rooms and housing at Jaxs request. She will be up in a moment with some refreshments she said” Amelia says
with a smile.
“She’s a star” I smile.
“She is very organised” Amelia agrees approvingly. “I’ve also spoken to my sister and her mate, they’re council advisors Nova and they’ve heard what you did on your visit there. To say they were impressed is an understatement. They have suggested ones from our pack who need to leave can travel to the council buildings and they will personally oversee their wellbeing and safety, I’ve called in some family favours.”
“I trust them” Jax says answering my unspoken question. “I know they will do everything they can to help.”
“Ok that’s a relief. We can let the pack know this evening then, I suggest they travel tomorrow afternoon” I say whilst tracing patterns on Jaxs arm keeping us both
“How many do you estimate will need to travel?” I ask Mila.
“I’d say 180-200 in total, including 75 pups, we have enough pack vehicles to transport them so they don’t need to travel personally. I have already spoken to the Ga mmas to arrange warriors who will escort them all” she says. “Gam ma Theo and Alice are currently organising that and said they will bring their plans by this evening for you to confirm.”
Brea’s Help
“Great job” Jax praises.
“I’m glad you’re addressing the pack Jax” Amelia says looking at her son.
“I made a vow to protect them but I have always been open and honest, I’m not going to hide what we have coming our way and the risk everyone is in. They will know I will do anything in my power to keep them safe” he says with a small smile when he talks.
about our pack members.
Hearing a soft knock at the door I stand to open it quickly to see Breas motherly face.
smiling at us. “I brought you some food Luna” she says softly.
“That’s wonderful Brea, thank you” I smile at her. “Do you need a hand with anything?”
“Perhaps you and Alpha Jax wouldn’t mind accompanying me for a walk around the reserve housing we have to confirm it’s adequate for our needs? Do you know how many we are expecting?” She asks politely.
“Come in and take a seat, I’ll have a work out now for you, just give me a few
moments to talk to the others” I say gesturing to a spare chair as she bows and
pushes the trolley with food in.
“Brea you are an angel” Laurence exclaims as he walks in and sees the food ready.
“I try” she laughs blushing softly at her Betas praise before Mila begins talking to her.
“Laurence I’d like to ask Naomi and Alice to accompany the pack members who will
be leaving to go and stay at the council buildings. They are in no position to fight and I am not endangering those unborn pups, they can provide comfort and support to our pack members. Do you agree?” I ask as he sits next to me.
“I think that sounds perfect for everyone in this situation” he agrees softly.
“I’m sorry you have to separate from Naomi” I say quietly as I can sense his upset at
the thought of being away from his mate and unborn pups.
“You don’t need to apologise. This is what needs to happen and I know for certain it is
safer for them to be away from here for the time being” he murmurs.
“It won’t be for long” I assure him.
“I won’t let it be” he says with determination reminding me of why he’s Beta.
Brea’s Help
“I don’t doubt that I chuckle.
“Amelia’s sister and her mate will be there along with a few other family members” I
tell him.
“Aunty Sophia?” He asks turning to Amelia who is listening quietly.
“That’s the one” she says with a smile.
“Oh that makes us feel better already” he says with a smile clearly fond of the lady.” By the way Jax I have spoken to the Ga mmas and I’m happy with everything they
have organised. They will run you through it later.”
With a simple nod at Laurence’s words Jax begins to rub my back as I turn to see him watching me with pride. “Brilliant Luna” he links me making me blush lightly. Drawing me close to his chest we sigh in content as we enjoy the comfort of one another. momentarily. Feeling him sit up soon after I straighten as he gets up both some food
to eat.
“Need to keep that energy up” he smiles as he holds a sandwich up for me to bite.
“Thank you” I link him with love at his care for me.
With a thump Alex flops down in a chair as I raise a brow at him. “Not very Alpha King
like” I tease him.
“Do I need to act official with you all?” He counters turning to look at us one by one as
Brea blushes furiously at being included.
“Not now” Jax laughs.
“Then I will sigh all I like” he smirks co ckily back to us. “I haven’t managed to get hold
of the Moonbeam Pack which is strange so ive sent 3 of my escort to the pack to see what’s going on. Also Alpha Marcus will be here tomorrow evening with his men.”
“Thank you Alex” Jax says.
“Can you run me through numbers so I can tell Brea how many we are expecting” I ask motioning to the waiting Omega who is once again in conversation with Mila.
“Yes of course. So we have Alpha Edward who is coming with 25 of his warriors and
his Ga mma, so 27 in total from his pack. Alpha Brad is the same. Connor, Alpha
Brent’s Son, is coming along with 50 warriors and the Beta, so 52 in total from that
Brea’s Help
pack. Alpha Henry is bringing 50 warriors but no other ranked officials due to David
leaving there he needs some on standby so is leaving Beta Alex in charge as his
Ga mma is currently away.” Alex explains.
“That’s understandable” Jax says with a nod to his uncles logic.
“I have also got 50 warriors from my pack travelling to aid us” Alex says which has my ears perk up.
“I can’t afford to leave more with me being away from the pack also” he adds on
“It will make a huge difference” Jax says, “their training is more advanced than others.
that are joining.”
Looking at the number I have jotted down as Alex has been speaking I count a total of 200 warriors and 7 official ranked wolves. Sighing I massage my temples as I try to comprehend exactly how we are going to accommodate the extras.
“Brea” I say softly to get her attention as her head snaps to mine. “Sorry to interrupt” I
apologise to Mila who smiles and waves me off.
“Yes Luna?” Brea asks as she comes to stand in front of me.
“We have 200 warriors and 7 ranked wolves coming to stay from other packs, are they going to have to stay with pack members?” I ask quietly.
Seeing my lost expression she chuckles softly, “we have somewhere where they can
“We do?” I ask shocked.
“Yes Luna” she nods. “Our previous Alpha built a barracks as such that would cater for an emergency as I’m guessing this is. It will hold 150 wolves but they will have to
share dorms.”
“That’s amazing, how come I have never seen that?” I ask confused.
“Because it’s made to look abandoned to not raise suspicions with other packs” Jax
interjects. “It’s one thing I am glad my father installed however if he is..involved shall we say, then he will be aware of it.”
“I think we are past the element of surprise” I point out.
Brea’s Help
“True” he agrees, “it’s the building about a quarter of a mile from the pack hospital.
Literally 3 minutes from here, you will have seen it.”
“I did” I nod, “I thought it was waiting to be renovated into a library or something.”
“That’s the idea” he says with a smile. “But it’s fully functional and will do just fine.”
“We will also have my father’s warriors camping” I tell him.
“They can camp nearby, we will see how their arrival goes with the visiting packs, everyone needs to remember we are fighting the same enemy” Jax says calmly easing my growing nerves. “Brea why don’t we go and show Nova it now and we can figure out what needs organising.”
“I’m free if you are” she says with a smile.
Looking at the clock quickly I see we have an hour before the pack meeting and stand to go. “Yes we have time before the meeting, I’m intrigued to see this.”
“Lead the way” Jax gestures to Brea as we excuse ourselves from the others. “Alex inform your men they will stay in the pack house. We have enough rooms however many of them will have to share.”
“They will be fine with that” he says. “I’m going to find Ophelia and speak to her about. accompanying Naomi, Alice and the others to the council building.
“See you all in an hour” I say before slipping from the room with Jax and Brea.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 106-115

Rogue Attack
Nova POV:
“You really can dance” I say to Jax as we sit down with some food.
“Told you” he smirks. “My mum thought it necessary I learn as I would have to attend. many functions and of course for any ceremonies.”
“Your mother is a clever woman” I admit. “Another thing I must thank her for.”
“This food is delicious” Jax comments as he digs in happily. “It’s nice to have a few moments alone, it’s lovely having everyone congratulate us but I was so hungry.”
“You’re like a big child at times” I say making him laugh.
“Only you get to see this side of me” he warns as I chuckle.
“Oh of course” I wink. Tucking into my food I inhale the delicious aromas as I try not to eat it too quickly. Holding another forkful to my mouth I suddenly grimace and recoil.
“Surely you cant think this is bad?” Jax asks looking at me incredulously. Taking another sniff of the food I shake my head thinking I must be imagining something before I notice Kia’s ears perk up. Dropping my fork I stand quickly scenting the area as I see Jax do the same. Freezing as I scent the recognisable scent of rotten eggs I spin to Jax noticing he’s also scented it.
“ROGUES” I shout loudly before quickly forcing myself out of the dress and shifting before anyone has time to realise what I’m doing. Kia’s large form bounds through the crowd of shocked faces.
“Warriors with me” Kia links them making others jump into action as Zeus appears alongside us.
“They’re near the cells” Jax links me as we bound round the pack house.
Seeing a group of roughly 30 rogues racing towards the cells I growl as I realise they will get there before us. Howling loudly to alert the cell guards they rush to shift ready to stand strong against the many rogues. Hearing the warriors behind us I urge Kia on as we pull away from Zeus. Leaping off of the small incline Kia lands in the middle of
Asgar ktad
the throng of rogues immediately biting and tearing the necks out of 3 of them.
She snarls loudly as one bites her flank but quickly spins and bats a paw sending it
flying to hit a nearby tree with a sickening crunch. Seeing Zeus jump in Kia and him
move fluidly fighting back to back as if a well practised team. With our warriors:
surrounding the rogues and us in the middle their numbers soon begin to dwindle before we are left with only 4 slightly feral looking ones.
“These are mine” Kia growls loudly making everyone retreat as she stands proudly
facing them. Releasing her aura the rogues immediately drop to the ground where Kia
“That’s no fun” she links them before retracting her aura as they stand shakily. “Attack.
“she orders them causally as they all leap at her at once in desperation. Butting one
solidly with her head they end up slumped on the floor where she efficiently stands
on its chest and bites into their throat immediately killing them. Feeling claws drag down her back she growls loudly before pushing off of her front paws and swinging herself round smoothly to bite another one’s flank. Swinging her jaw she sends it flying knocking another one down as she does so. Seeing one jump down at her from a height she snaps her powerful jaws down on its exposed neck and breaks it before
throwing it to one side along with the others that have fallen.
Turning we see just one left as he snarls loudly at us. “We need one to interrogate” I hear Jax say making Kia huff in annoyance.
“He’s right Kia and you know it” I tell her sharply before she relinquishes control and
lets me shift back quickly. Not caring for my n*kedness i stand tall as the wolf
launches itself at me to the horrified gasps of the warriors and visiting Alphas and officials. Rolling I avoid its claws before righting myself and punching it square in the jaw dazing it. As it lunges at me I sidestep and lock my arm tightly around its neck. cutting off its breathing, keeping my grip strong as it thrashes its b*dy to try and
escape my hold I fall backwards purposefully throwing it off of balance.
5.4.3..2..1″ I count down as its eyes roll backwards and it slumps unconscious in my hold. Releasing my grip I stand and kick it away as it shifts slowly back into a dirty looking man.
“Take him to the cells” Jax orders two warriors whilst throwing me some clothes to put on as he does the same.
Rogue Attack
“They came for Caroline” I growl ignoring the whispers from around me.
“I know, she’s been checked and she’s still down there, her restrictions are secure and holding” Jax assures me as I run a hand through my hair in frustration.
“They weren’t my pack” I hear my dad mutter into my ear so no one else can hear. They’d have died already if they were, they were wanderers.”
“I know..they were almost feral, I could see it in their eyes” I say quietly. “You need to speak to Caroline tomorrow, see if you can get any more information before we end her” I add on as he steps back with a quick nod of understanding.
“Nova in the world did you do that?” I hear someone call in disbelief making me turn to see Alpha Brent stood in shock. Looking around I see the faces of many visiting Alphas and packs all stood with the same shocked faces.
“Your aura..” Alpha Henry says looking at me in awe as Axel and Evan stand next to him with proud smiles on their faces.
“I’ve never seen anything like it” another Alpha comments as he looks at me. questioningly. “Why am I wanting to Alpha never submits” he growls slightly frustrated.
Growling back at him he immediately bows his head submitting as his eyes look to
mine with shock.
“Until now” Axton says making me chuckle.
“You’ve got quicker..and stronger” he comments moving forward looking at me as he kicks the b*dy of a rogue away that Kia tore the throat out of.
“I have” I admit. “Kia’s really something isn’t she.”
“f*****g hell you don’t say” Luca says with a loud laugh. “That’s my sister” he says. proudly to the Alpha and Beta of the Moonbeam Pack next to him as I shake my head at him.
“Nova..May 1?” Alex asks coming to stand beside me as he has stayed back from the crowd until now observing. Nodding slightly hesitantly he continues to look at me.
before I reply.
“Yes” I say clearly.
Rogue Attack
“Nova is now Luna Nova of the Midnight Sky Pack, but she is also a Guardian us all” he shouts holding my hand high as everyone gasps in shock, their wide eyes on me. “I, Alpha King Alexander have pledged my loyalty to Luna Nova already. She is a gift to us all and one that should be treated as such. By her show of strength today you will all know exactly how formidable her and her Wolf Kia is. Stronger than me” he admits making everyone look at him in surprise. “Which I hate to admit but I can’t lie. She is the epitome of good in this world and she will do anything to protect those who deserve it. Her words to become Luna carried more weight than you know..the Midnight Sky Pack is blessed. But we are all also blessed.” He finishes with a bow as I blush heavily.
“Our Luna” my pack says proudly in unison as they all bow low to Jax and I.
“Bit of an overkill” I whisper to him as he winks at me before passing my hand to Jax.
“Everyone needs to know” Jax simply says gazing down at me.
“A Guardian Wolf.” Alpha Brent says in awe, “I should have known. You are magnificent.”
“She is” Jax says proudly k*ssing me. “Let us sort this little..incident..out and then we
can continue on with the celebration.”
“You’re not letting anything stop you today are you” I comment as we watch everyb*dy slowly disperse.
*f**k no” he says shaking his head, “and after that show of strength..I just want to bend you over and f**k you till morning” he whispers in my ear making my core tighten at his words as arousal floods through me.
“That better be a promise” I whisper back as he smirks at me knowingly before he takes a deep breath in his nostrils flaring.
“I noticed your increased speed and strength then Jax..I think you need to remind me of it” I say suggestively as I step closer to him trailing my hand down his chest to rest on the top of his shorts.
His eyes darken as he shifts slightly, “it is..and trust me, I will. But first, let’s find your dress and mingle until the earliest it’s acceptable for us to leave.”
Looking down at the baggy top and shorts i had on I giggle at the drastic change of
Rogue Attack
attire to my stunning dress, “please.”
“Couple more hours” he mutters to himself as he rearranges in his shorts with a little
“Use that Alpha control Jax” I tease.
“You make me lose all sense of that love” he growls back playfully as making me laugh.

Nova POV:
“You did well not to rip or stretch this” Alice comments as she helps me back into my
dress she has retrieved.
“Yes not quite sure how I managed that” I reply absentmindedly. I see her turn to look at Jax out the corner of my eye before leaving the room quietly. He comes to stand in
front of me and holds my chin lightly guiding me to look at him.
“Are you ok?” He asks quietly.
“So many questions I say with a little laugh.
“Such as?” He asks.
“Why attack with 30 rogues to try and get Caroline?” I start.
“My best guess is they knew we were distracted with the Luna I’m not quite sure. But they knew the pack was gathered all together” he says furrowing his
brows as he thinks.
“Exactly.. it was a st upid time to attack, we had the added support of Alex, multiple other alphas and betas who would all have fought rogues and the pack warriors were all there apart from those on patrol which they somehow managed to slip through” I
point out.
“I thought that” he admits. “Perhaps it was to show they won’t back down. Our patrols should have been tighter even with a celebration going on. Whatever their reasons it’s clear now that they are somehow working with rogues or wanderers as your dad refers to them as. So they must be giving them an incentive. For rogues to be working
with hunters makes no sense, unless..”
“Unless they’re being controlled by witches” I finish as he nods in agreement. “Why would witches be willing to help the hunters?”
“Every species wants to be the strongest” Jax starts, “and with you and your father both being Guardian Wolves it would bring strength and unity to the entire werewolf species in general. Of course I imagine there would still be some disputes nothing is ever easy but vampires, witches, goddess knows what else..they would all feel more
threatened as a result.
“So it’s not just the hunters that are after me?” I say with sadness.
“I think there will be opposition coming from all directions for a while. But remember what your dad said, he was looked after and protected by a witch. I think it’s those that are power hungry that will be against you, not all species as a whole love” Jax
says gently caressing my arm.
“But that gives us an idea of where to look” I say after a moment as Jax looks at me. with interest. “Those who are desperate for power, it narrows down the options
doesn’t it.”
“It does” he agrees. “Look I know we can’t catch a break at the moment, or it certainly feels that way. But let’s enjoy the rest of tonight as tomorrow it’s the hunters meeting. We can see if Evan and the others found out anything from the scouting missions in the morning and go from there. I think it may be wise asking Elder Martin for a visit.”
“You’re right” I agree as I stand to go touch up my lipstick. “Let’s go back down.”
“Ready to be bombarded with questions?” He chuckles amusedly.
“I don’t like all the attention” I admit quietly.
“It will pass, but you need to understand a Guardian Wolf not just being a myth is a
ga very big deal. They don’t know about your dad yet, the information we know isn’t out there for everyone. So let’s just be patient” Jax says with a comforting smile as he takes my hand. “Plus I will happily remind anyone I need to that tonight is our Luna ceremony and we are there to enjoy ourselves.”
“Thank you babe” I say k*ssing his shoulder softly. As I walk down the stairs I feel many people’s eyes turn on me and watch my every movement. Seeing Alex leaning. casually on the wall waiting for us I look at him with a grimace.
“I’ve really dropped you in it now haven’t I”
he says with a confident smirk.
Growling at him lightly I nod, “just a tad Alpha King.”
“Oh she’s used my title..I’m in real trouble” he murmurs to Jax.
“It’s not you Alex” he says quietly.
“Kia loves the attention and showing off her skills but of course it’s me who then
deals with the conversations and stares” I mumble looking at him slightly apologetically. “It’s just taking some getting used to, I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“Don’t apologise” he says seriously. “I know what it feels like but I’d be more open to the idea of getting used to it if I were you” Alex says quietly. “You both will be getting. looked at like this for a long time.”
“What?” I ask him sharply.
“You’ll know in time” is all he says before waltzing off to find Ophelia.
“Infuriating” I hiss to Jax as we watch him walk away.
He barks a laugh as his eyes dance with amusement, he is. Come on, let’s go mingle.” Taking my hand we continue to the gardens where we are met with
Laurence. Luca and Axton.
“There’s our Luna” Laurence smirks proudly.
“Oh goddess” I groan as he chuckles.
“You were awesome Nova, let me go get your a drink. I think we could all do with
relaxing” he says with an understanding smile my way.
“Kia is a machine Nova” Luca says proudly, and you just as much may I add.”
“Yeah I say with a little shrug, “we might be impressive but it’s causing us some
“Nova” Axton starts before looking to Jax.
“I don’t mind you speaking to her Axton, I understand you have seen her grow over
the years and been there for her, and you’re mated to Mila now after all. f*****g hell
you’re going to be part of the family” he says with a laugh rubbing his forehead.
“Yeah that was unexpected” Axton chuckles as his eyes find Mia dancing with her
ma. Turning back to me his face turns serious, “look I know how concerned you were
about everyone knowing who you are exactly, I’ve seen you struggle for years about the fact that one day everyone would know. But you need to just accept it, you are literally a wolf of’s massive news to everyone. You are strong in all aspects and you should be proud of that. The attention might not be what you want but instead of allowing it to pis s you off to put it bluntly, why don’t you embrace it. People.
will move on in time Nova, but trust me. When you fight like you just did, it’s worth talking about.”
“You’re sure?” I ask them all as the men nod confidently.
“I want to shout from the rooftops that you’re my sister” Luca says with a shrug. “You
kick as s but not only that, you are just as powerful with your words and influence.”
“It’s going to take some getting used to love, but you’ve been blessed by the Moon
Goddess and that can’t be ignored. Embrace it as Axton said and together we can
navigate the attention, you’re not alone in any of this” Jax says wrapping his arm
round my shoulder protectively.
“Here’s your drink Nova, Jax” Laurence says handing us both a glass. “I’ve made sure everyone knows to let you both enjoy your evening, people have questions and that’s understandable but they can wait until morning.”
“Thank you Laurence” I say gratefully.
“Pleasure” he says as I gulp my drink down eagerly. “Now may I have a dance with my
Luna?” He asks raising a brow at Jax.
“One dance” Jax says smirking.
“So generous” Laurence mocks as the others laugh. Taking my hand he leads me to the dance floor where he starts to lead me with natural confidence.
“You had dance lessons too huh?” I ask with a giggle.
“Yup” he smirks, “Jax only agreed to Amelia’s nagging if I also attended.”
“Smart man” I comment with a laugh.
“Nova I know this is quite overwhelming but I just wanted to make sure you knew that
I I am here for you whenever. You’re my Luna and it’s in my blood to protect you, if your need me you shout” he says into my ear quietly.
“Thank you Laurence” I say biting my lip. “It’s all just became very real, I’ve known my responsibility for a long time, but now others do to I feel like they may have.
expectations of me.”
“But you are also
just a person” Laurence says understandingly, “there is no doubt you are an incredible woman Nova but that does not mean life should take away from
your joy. That’s why Jax and myself want you to enjoy this evening especially.
“I know” I murmur as he spins me gently before pulling me close again.
“I’d die for you Nova” Laurence says suddenly making me look at him in shock. “You are my Luna and as Beta I am naturally protective of you and want to be there for you,
when I became Beta I swore it.”
“I don’t want you to die for me” I say in horror.
He chuckles at that before he replies, “I’m not planning on dying Nova. But what I’m
trying to say is Guardian Wolf or not, first and foremost you are my Luna. I know you
don’t need people’s protection, you are stronger than many of us combined. But that
doesn’t change how people will view you, that’s what I’m trying to show you. If
anything they may respect you more and that’s always a good thing. Ignore people’s
expectations, you make smart decisions on your own and that’s what’s important.”
“You’re a wise man” I say after a moment making him puff his chest proudly.
“I am” he agrees coc kily.
“And a good friend” I add on softly making him smile.
“Exactly, you would do anything for us and we would do anything for you” he says comfortingly. As the music stops we step apart and I feel lighter for our conversation.
“Thank you Laurence, that meant more than you know” I say as we walk back to
where Jax is watching.
“Anytime Nova” he smiles before squeezing my hand and saluting at Jax. “Mission accomplished” he smirks.
“Mission?” Jax asks raising a brow.
“Be there for my Luna” Laurence says proudly making Jax grin at his Beta and friend.
Time For Bed
Jax POV:
Standing with Laurence and Luca I watch my Luna dancing with the ladies, relaxed finally and enjoying herself as I hoped she would be.
“She was just nervous Alpha” Laurence says knowing where my mind was. Looking at him questioningly he continues, “she’s worried about people’s expectations. I told her.
I’d die for her and she was shocked.”
“I bet” I comment dryly.
“I only said that to show her that being a Guardian Wolf doesn’t change how I view her. She’s my Luna first and I’m proud of that, she may be strong but it doesn’t mean people are going to step back and let her deal with everything” he says with a shrug.
“That’s what I’ve been saying I agree, “we will get through this together.”
“Nova has always been quiet about her worries” Luca says from beside us as he watches his mate dance with Nova. “She hates worrying people with her concerns and I’ve had to remind her before she is just like any of us in that respect. Worries, nerves, they’re both part of being a person.”
“Exactly Laurence says. “That’s what I was getting at.”
“Well whatever you said Beta, it worked” Luca smiles. “It’s nice to see her having fun, she has a great personality which I hope never changes because of what she has to go through.”
“It won’t” I promise as he looks at me for confirmation.
“Good” he says with relief,”
belongs here I can see it.”
“She really does” Laurence says as a group of pups go up and begin to dance with her. “The pack adore her” he comments as she spins a young pup around making him giggle loudly. He turns to see me watching her with blazing eyes making him smirk, “don’t tell me you’re jealous of a pup?”
“Don’t” I snap before chuckling, “she looks so good it’s hard to not get jealous.”
“And she’s all yours” he says rolling his eyes before striding away to where Naomi has
Time For Bed
taken a seat. “I’m going to take Naomi to bed, she looks dead on her feet” he links me as I wish them both a good night through the link.
“That was fun” I hear Nova say slightly breathlessly as she comes to stand in front of
me. “They’re going to bed now though, those parents are going to have some grouchy pups tomorrow, it’s 1am!” She exclaims with a loud laugh.
“Worth it” I smirk as I pull her close and claim her lips with my own. Tasting the sweetness of what she’s been drinking as she opens her mouth for me we both moan at the same time. Pulling away breathlessly I reach a hand down to grasp her as s
making her gasp in shock as I push her b*dy close to mine.
“Are you ready for bed?” I whisper huskily as I feel her thighs tighten when she feels.
my bulge pressing into her stomach. Seeing her eyes slightly glazed from the effect. of alcohol I chuckle slightly drunkenly, “oo am I going to get some freaky drunken s*x
“How did you know?” She smirks as she relaxes her legs and I get a whiff of her
arousal. Groaning as I pull away I feel my trousers tighten further so I pull her down to
sit beside me.
“What are we doing?” She asks confused.
“Well I can’t go say goodnight to everyone with a raging bo ner can I” I smirk as she
giggles. Shifting I feel her hand trail up my leg under the table cover before she cups
my bulge, “nova” I breath as I stop her hand from moving any more. “If you do this
here I can’t be blamed for taking you in front of everyone.”
Feeling her heart rate sp ik e I look at her with raised brows. Blushing furiously she pulls away, “didn’t know that’s what you were into” I tease.
“It’s not” she says, “but the thought of you taking me upstairs is what I’m into.”
Leaning back I close my eyes and run through some invoices I need to send for the restaurants I own tomorrow as I attempt to calm down. Growling I stand up and pull her with me, “time to say night” I say as she laughs behind me.
Quickly walking around and saying goodnight to our guests we are finally pulled aside. by my very drunk ma. “Someone’s had a good time” I comment as she sways slightly.
“I have” she grins, “so much fun!”
Time For Bed
“It’s nice to see her this happy for once” I link Nova as she laughs with my mum.
“Maybe time for bed?” I suggest to ma as she grasps a bench.
“I think you’re right” she sighs before righting herself and pointing to a guard. “Help
me?” She asks wriggling her brows.
Seeing him bite back a smile I shake my head, “just help her upstairs” I laugh as he
nods at my instruction. “Get some rest ma” I call back as we walk away.
“Make some pups” she calls back making me smirk at Novas reddening face.
“Happy to practise” I growl in her ear as I smack her as s playfully making her squeal.
She laughs then races up the stairs before I have time to react. Huffing out a smile I
run after her to see her struggling with our lock.
“Almost” I tease as I cage her between my arms. Smirking at her I move my hands
down and lift her up wrapping her legs around my waist as I quickly open the door
and walk us through. Feeling her soft mouth littering k*sses down my neck I lower her
to stand in front of me.
“So beautiful” I murmur before trailing my hand to her zip and pulling her dress off quickly. “No panties?” I ask shocked.
She giggles holding them in the air, “I thought I’d make it easier for you.” Feeling my
member throb in my trousers she reaches her hand out and quickly unzips me before
pulling them down as I undo my shirt shrugging it off.
Feeling her small hand wrap around my shaft I buck my hips gasping as her warm mouth sucks me in deep. “Babe” I groan throwing my head back as I grasp her hair guiding her movements. Feeling her hands move to grasp my cheeks I look down to see her looking at me already as I begin to thrust into her mouth. Scenting her arousal grow I continue as she makes sounds like that are like music to my ears, feeling her soft hand gently caress my balls has me stiffen and with a loud growl I
release deep in her throat.
Seeing the hunger in her eyes as she pulls away and licks her lips I pull her to her feet. and throw her on the bed before I climb over her, “ it’s my turn” I rasp before I tweak at her n*****s causing her to arch her back in pleasure. Claiming her lips with mine our tongues battle for dominance as I reach a hand down to circle her swollen
Time For Bed
nub. Feeling she’s soaked for me I plunge two fingers into her warm core and begin to pump them in and out quickly, her hips meeting each movement as her cli t brushes against my palm.
Pulling my lips away I suck greedily on her full breasts leaving them covered in my proud marks before I hear her breath hitch as she clenches around me. Biting lightly on her mark has her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she tips over the edge, her walls tightening around my fingers as I reach my thumb over and rub her cli t prolonging her release. “f**k JAXX” she shouts as she scratches at my back in pleasure. Slumping on the bed she looks at me as I grin and press my dripping hard shaft into her leg.
“I’m nowhere near done with you yet” I smirk as her eyes darken in lust.
Nova POV:
Panting as I stare up at Jax I feel his hard c**k pressing into my leg. Leaning back he
grasps it in his hand before pushing it through my wet folds as we both watch,
coating it in my juices. As he pushes over my tender cl it I gasp as I feel heat pool
below once again.
“f**k me already” I moan as he continues to tease me. Seeing his muscles are tight
with his restraint he continues for a few more seconds as I become a moaning bless.
below him. With a growl he lifts my hips quickly and slams into me hard as he sets a
relentless pace that has my breasts bouncing with each thrust. Reaching my hands
back I steady myself against the headboard and push into him making him go even
“f**k you’re made to take my c**k” he growls as his eyes focus on my hard n*****s,
reaching over has him pushing even deeper and grazing the spot inside me that has. me mewling in pleasure. “So tight” he grunts as I begin to move my hips to meet his.
Pulling out he spins me over so I’m on all fours with my back arched enticing him, feeling his warm mouth press into my heat I gasp as his tongue delves between my
folds and he sucks on my cl it.
“So sweet” he rasps before I feel his wide length push back in me. Leaning over he rests his hands on the headboard as he plunges deep, looking over my shoulder I see the deep desire in his eyes as his large frame towers above me. Spreading my legs further I lower my breasts to the bed pushing my a ss up for him.
With that his eyes widen as his pace slows and he moves back to holding my waist. Reaching my hand down I coat my fingers in my juices before reaching round to my as s and swirling it round my back entrance as he watches. Thrusting slow and deep he moves a hand from my waist before gently sliding a finger in making me groan at
the sensation.
“Yess” I moan as another finger slides in and he gently stretches me. Pushing back into him he pulls out completely after a moment before teasingly rubbing his c**k between my as s cheeks. Feeling his large head push in to me I stiffen at first, “relax
babe” he whispers as he pauses in his movements. Breathing steady I feel my b*dy
relax before he begins pushing inside me gently.
*f**k” he grits out as I stretch to accommodate him. Feeling him pull back before
pushing forward once again I moan as the foreign feeling soon becomes pleasurable.
Stopping as he reaches the hilt I move my hips slowly to get used to his size, feeling his breath hitch I smirk knowing he’s restraining herself, “move” I breath as he starts
to slowly pull back before surging forward.
“Oh goddess Jax” I moan as he reaches a hand round to rub my cl it, “so f*****g good”
I cry as he begins to speed up his movements grunting with each thrust.
Still rubbing my cli t he slips a finger into my dripping core and I mewl at the feeling fullness. “Jax please” I cry begging for release as he pinches my swollen cli t slightly
before biting down on my shoulder.
Pounding into me he grunts loudly as I feel him tense behind me, “c*m with me” he growls in my year as my walls tighten at his words. Feeling his heavy breathing on my neck I gasp as his bites down hard on my mark making me see stars as I c*m hard
around him.
“Goddess that’s hot” he moans as he moves jerkily in me a couple more times before. pulling back abruptly and pumping his shaft releasing rope after rope of his warm
c*m over my back.
Slumping down on the bed I sigh in content as he drops beside me. “You ok?” he asks.
with concern.
“More than ok” I reply back with a smile as he grins. “That was amazing” I admit.
“Wasn’t it just he smirks proudly as i laugh at his reaction. “Let me start the shower,
we can wash together.”
“Just Wash?” I ask with raised brows.
“You got me” he shrugs as he disappears into the bathroom. Hearing the shower start before he reappears with a cloth he wipes my back down for me before offering his hand and helping me from the bed. Feeling his hands caress my a ss I moan as I rest
head on his shoulder.
“Sore?” He asks.
“A little” I say with a shrug. “I loved it but It’s definitely not going to be an every day occurrence” I say as he laughs.
“I can live with that he whispers k*ssing my lips softly.
“Let’s go shower” he says pulling me along. “It’s not time to sleep yet.”
“We don’t need that much sleep” I tease as I slip past him deliberately brushing my breasts against his chest as I duck under the water.
“We don’t” he agrees his eyes dark as his member springs to life as he joins me.
“Ahhh” I moan stretching my tired muscles as I wake up slowly.
“Morning” I hear Jax mumble into my neck before his head pops up his hair messy and tousled. “What time is it?” He asks panicking.
“8am” I say through a yawn as I sit up. “Don’t worry breakfast is it 9 today remember.”
“Thank the Goddess” he says slumping back down. He rubs his bleary eyes as I watch
him in amusement, “is someone tired?” I tease as he shoots me a playful glare.
“Someone kept me up all night he growls. Shooting him a pointed look he chuckles.
looking up, “ok maybe it was my doing.”
“That’s more like it” I laugh. “I’m going to get ready love” I say heading for our
bathroom and taking a quick shower. Walking to our closet I choose a light blue
sundress and put on some white wedges Alice has given me. Quickly drying my hair and putting a slight amount of makeup on I stand up and do a quick twist in the
mirror checking my appearance.
“Beautiful” Jax says as he comes to stand beside me freshly showered with damp
hair and some smart trousers and top on.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” I tease as he chuckles.
“What a compliment” he drawls rolling his eyes.
“You look very S** y Alpha” I say with a wink as I k*ss his softly.
“Better love, let’s go get some food” he says leading me from the room.
“Oh good I’ve worked up an appetite” I giggle.
“Makes two of us” he smirks back before we reach the bottom floor and put our
Alpha and Luna faces back up. Walking into the dining hall hand in hand the room is full of pack members and a few guests who have made it down early.
Uttering our greetings we take our seats and see Theo and Flo are already seated.
“Good morning” I smile at them both as they look happy to see me.
“Good morning Luna” they say in unison.
“Enjoy the party?” I ask remembering them both to be very drunk towards the end of
the evening.
“Andrew says I did” Flo laughs with a shrug as Theo shakes his head at his sister.
“You looked like you were having a great time” I chuckle to Theo.
“I did” Theo agrees with a wide smile. “Alice is good at helping organise a party.”
“She is” I agree as Jax chuckles.
Suddenly I hear two people running down the stairs from the office and turn to see
Laurence and Henry come storming into the hall.
“What now?” I growl quietly to Jax as his eyes narrow at the two.
“What is it?” He asks abruptly as Laurence drops his head between us and speaks lowly so only we can hear.
“Your dad and the warrior’s arrived back at Alpha Henry’s pack yesterday evening. I rang this morning to check in and the warriors guarding his room were found
unconscious” Laurence says with anger in his voice.
“Has dad been taken?” Jax asks quietly.
“No” Henry says suddenly making us look to him. “He left and attacked two of my
f*****g guards.”
“He left?” I gasp.
With barely contained anger Henry spits out, “David is missing.”

Jax POV:
“How has this happened?” I growl to Henry slamming my fist down on the table in
front of me once we reach the office.
“He came willingly, didn’t show any fight in him and when I spoke to him yesterday he
was quite up to working on rectifying his wrongdoings” Henry says looking at me. “My brother is not a man I recognise anymore.”
“So he definitely left willingly?” Nova asks from where she came to stand beside me.
“Yes” Henry replies running a hand through his hair. “And attacked two of my guards.”
“We should have put him in the da mn cells” I growl my eyes blazing with Zeus
“It’s too late f
“It’s too late for that now” Henry says with anger. “Who do you think he left for? The
“Why would he leave with the rogues though?” Nova asks looking confused, “he told me his discomfort around my father stemmed from rogues killing his first mate? Surely he wouldn’t change his opinion?”
“He said that?” Ma asks Nova.
then he mentioned hunters when we all had a discussion before we left for the
council. I assumed they were linked in some way like at the moment” Nova says slowly looking between us all.
“What did he tell you?” I ask.
“That rogues attacked the eve of their mating ceremony and that Minerva I think she was called? That she was killed protecting the pups’ she says quietly.
Heaving a sigh I shake my head at my father’s stu pidity, “there is more to it than that” I say. “She ran with the pups leading them away from the pack house where the fighting was. They couldn’t make it to the bunker because of rogues so her and a few other females ran. But they were caught by hunters and killed on the spot.”
“So she wasn’t killed by rogues?” Nova asks.
“No, but dad did blame them for her death” I confirm. “She kept the hunters distracted until Pa could get to the pups and no one else died, but she was dead by the time he got to her. We still don’t know to this day if the rogues and hunters were linked.”
“That’s awful” Nova whispers. “He didn’t explain that to me at all.”
“He doesn’t like to speak about it” Ma admits.
Nodding her head in understanding Nova looks to me, “I would have understood surely he won’t be involved with rogues or the hunters?”
“I’d be extremely surprised if he was” I sigh.
“Does he have any other family? Nova asks looking between us all.
“No” I answer shaking my head. “The rest of our family are all from mums side, she
comes from a big family. I don’t know where he could have gone.
“It doesn’t make sense” Henry growls in frustration. “I have got warriors from my pack
out looking for him and tracking his path. But they said his scent disappears about 10
miles from the pack in a human town.”
“Right well we need to keep our eyes peeled, Laurence is notifying other packs that
he has disappeared so if he attempts to enter any other pack lands in the area they
can let us know” I say taking a seat. “Nova love we are going to have go to address
the other guests about you and Kia. They will have lots of questions and it’s only right
we go answer them.”
“I know” she says with a small smile. Straightening her shoulders she walks to the door, “let’s go get it over with” she says with a little laugh.
“Nova” Henry calls out as we leave, “don’t let their over bearing opinions of themselves get to you. Many will be feeling put out due to you being stronger than
them and I hate to admit it but a female. They aren’t used to that as wrong as it is. Stay true to yourself. I’ll be down shortly.”
Smiling appreciatively at my Uncle I look to see Nova looking at him with a warm. expression. “Thank you Alpha Henry, I’ll bear that in mind.”
“I could always tell you were something special” he says with a smile before turning
back to speak to ma.
“Laurence has gathered them all in the conference room” I explain as I lead her away from the dining hall. Opening the door I hold her hand as she stands proud beside me, “good morning everyone, apologies for our absence at breakfast we had an
“You seem to have a lot of those at the moment’ Alpha Brent comments with
Chuckling lightly Nova looks at the older gentleman, ‘you have no idea Alpha Brent
just how accurate you are with that statement
“Is everything alright?” Alex asks stepping forward as Henry slips into the room
“Yes, we will update you after’ I assure him. “For now we are sure you will have questions about Nova and we thought it would suitable we address those before you travel back to your respective packs today” I explain taking a seat at the head of the
“I understand many of you will have questions so perhaps we could all take a seat and work our way around the table Nova suggests. “I know with a lot of Alphas in the room that could be difficult but could I please ask for respect and just to be patient.
It’s a lot for me’ she admits quietly.
Seeing them all nod, some rather hesitantly they all take their seats.
Looking to Alpha Brent who is sat beside Nova I motion for him to start. “How long have you know you are a Guardian Wolf?
“I first shifted when I was 8, protecting my brother in a rogue attack. I knew then that something was different and at first the elders believed I was a gifted wolf as Kia didn’t announce outright what she was, Kia also have a mark that shows she is blessed by the Moon Goddess. But it became clear I was more than that” she answers clearly looking around and maintaining eye contact as they look impressed by her admission, before looking to Alpha Marcus of the Blue Lake Pack next to him.
Why have you kept it from us?” He asks with an unreadable expression.
“To protect myself and others she says slowly. “It was the councils idea to not explain what I was to others because growing up I could have been used by packs for
their own personal gain. But also because there simply wasn’t much information on Guardian Wolves and we didn’t know how people would react.”
Seeing my uncle sit forward from next to Alpha Marcus he asks “can you explain
what you do know about Guardian Wolves?”
“Of course” Nova says with a smile. “We have an emergence at the age of 25, it’s the same age we can meet our fated mate. The emergence or awakening as it’s also known means we gain more years to work on our ability as a Guardian. My priority has always been others, but I will personally do everything I can to ensure their is peace amongst our kind, I will protect those that need protecting, guide those that require it, love those who need it and offer advice whenever required. Im very rational, a logical thinker and I can fight. I trained with the elite warriors for 3 years, I finished school aged 15 and I am a trained midwife and doctor. When I turned 25 Kia, my wolf, she gained sharper senses, she has always been a large wolf but she has also gained. strength and size. She can also mindlink anyone which you will have experienced
“Do you have any other gifts?” Beta Alec asks from beside Henry with eyes that are
“I haven’t that I’m aware of yet, but it’s suggested that I won’t know until they’re
required” Nova admits, “so there is a possibility.”
you a danger to us?” Alpha Brad of the Dark Night Pack asks next whilst looking at Nova intimidatingly. Hearing that I growl loudly before Nova rests her hand on my
“It’s alright love, I was expecting it” Nova says quietly. “No. I’m most certainly not.”
“How are we sure of that?” He asks.
With a chuckle Nova looks around the room to see many leaning forward in wonder,
“have I caused any of you harm or given you the impression I am after anything you
Seeing them all shake their head she continues, “have I once spoken to any of you with malice, anger or any tone that has caused you concern?” They all shake their heads once more, “trust me gentlemen, if I wanted to cause you harm I could do so
easily but I haven’t and I have no desire to. If I can remind you my wolf is considered
as a pure wolf. She means to help people not to cause harm or anything similar. So no..I am most certainly not a danger. Unless you get on my wrong side” she adds on
with a smirk in Alpha Brads direction which he smiles at.
“Are there any more of you?” Alpha Edward of the High Mountain Pack asks once we
reach him as Axton and Luca shake their head to show they have no questions.
Nova pauses slightly before speaking “could you excuse me for a moment, I have
someone important I’d like you all to meet.”
Hearing the door open Kingsley strides in calmly with his head high.
Standing gracefully Nova goes to stand beside him, “this is my biological father. You may recognise him from the party last night, perhaps you could introduce yourself?”
She suggests to him.
“Good morning everyb*dy, I apologise for not doing this sooner but we have our reasons which I hope you can respect” he starts his voice radiating power around the
many look at him in awe. “I am Novas father, Kingsley Price. I am also a Guardian Wolf..although admittedly not as strong as Nova it seems.” He says with a
small chuckle before looking at her with pride. “I have looked for Nova, or Athena as she was known to me, for almost 25 years before finding her. I was a rogue, made.
one by running from hunters and I have lived that way ever since. I am also the new
Rogue King.”
With that the room erupts into snarls as the quests surge to their feet in anger at his
Hear Him Out
Nova POV;
Moving quickly I stand protectively infront of my father with my fangs bared, Kia
snarling loudly.
“Don’t attack” I growl loudly causing everyb*dy to falter whilst Jax, Axton, Luca and
Alpha Brent sit observing.
“He is the Rogue King?” Alpha Edward asks in disbelief from where he is stood.
“I am” dad says from behind me undeterred by the aggression directed his way from
the others in the room.
“I don’t want to command you all” I start, “so I will ask once for everyone to sit down
and to listen to what we have to tell you.”
I see Jax stand up and walk round to face everyone, “you may not know Kingsley but
you know me very well. Please hear him out” he says his deep voice carrying authority and making the others take a step back as they consider his words.
After a moment they all take their seats, many sitting stiffly as they watch my
move round to sit beside me.
“As I was saying, I am the new Rogue King. I took over 2 years ago when I beat the previous king after a challenge because of me refusing to join his ranks. He
committed some heinous crimes and I would not ever be a part of that. After I took over, the rogue pack changed drastically, I started with rules for pack members to
follow such as no violence unless called for, respect one another as if they were
family and many others. My biggest change was having them swear an oath, one where they would promise to never bring harm to those who don’t deserve it and to always follow my orders. If they break the oath they die.”
“They die?” Alpha Brad sneers dubiously. “You go and hunt every rogue that defies
your orders?”
Chuckling my father sits forward looking at Brad clearly showing he was unfazed by
his retort. “No they die without me having to touch them, a pack which creates a binding spell one, there is no way around it. Everyone who swears into the Rogue
Hear Him Out
Pack is aware of this may I add.”
“So not all rogues are under your control?” Alpha Brent asks with interest.
“No” my father shakes his head, “there are those that we refer to as wanderers or
pack less. They are more likely than not feral or have an extremely high level of
aggression. Of course my warriors and myself try to control them and any that we come across we kill if they are too far gone. I have trusted scouts in different areas always looking for rogues to catch new ones and offer them a place in my pack as
well as sub units where rogues reside in different areas to my own but are still sworn
into my pack under oath.”
“I didn’t know that…that’s smart” I say to my dad impressed.
“Can rogues refuse to swear into your pack but be harmless wanderers?” My brother asks quietly.
“It’s possibly but I’m certain it’s not happened yet. We quite often come across rogues
who have been rejected and banished or similar, Being part of a pack reduces feral
rates, heals wolves who are suffering rejection pains and also motivates wolves
more, it gives them a sense of belonging, family and security. A large number of rogues such as myself are rogues through no fault of their own, instead of forcing them into a life of causing pain, raping others, killing and attacking for no reason like
the previous alpha i offer them training, responsibility and a place they can call home”
my father says proudly.
“Have any of you experienced rogue attacks in the previous two years?” Jax asks
from beside me. Seeing everyb*dy shake their heads hesitantly bar Brad who replies.
“We had a rogue attempt to take a young woman 5 months ago, we caught him and
he was as feral as can be. We killed him” he states.
“Good” my father says with a shrug.
“You don’t care?” Brad asks with raised brows.
“If you heard what I said you’d understand I have no wish to help those that cause harm to lives” my father says with a slight bite in his voice. “I have made a positive
difference since becoming the Rogue King and I have to admit at first I was unsure if
it was the right thing to do. Now I’m certain it was. He wasn’t part of my pack I would
have felt the tether break with his death and I know for certain the only wolves to die.
recently in my pack are the ones Nova is aware of.”
“It’s impressive” Brent says with a smile. “And certainly something new.”
“My wolf would never allow me to live in a place where I would bring harm to those that don’t deserve it” my father says seriously.
“Do you plan on staying the rogue king?” Alpha Edward asks.
haven’t considered the long term future honestly, perhaps if I restore sense of order
more then others would be happy to continue that legacy” my father admits slowly.
“When Kingsley was searching for Nova he approached the packs peacefully and
caused no harm such as Alpha Brent’s Pack and my own. Some rogues who
approached Novas pack were aggressive and those that lived and were sent to the
cells died soon after as a result of the oath that they broke” Jax explains. “Kingsley
has been nothing but helpful with what we are currently experiencing.”
“What are you currently experiencing?” Alpha Brad asks..
“Hunters” I say calmly, “my mother was the daughter of them and she did not have
the same opinion as them. She was my father’s true mate and until recently we
believed she had died protecting me. Hunters have recently attacked our Gam ma Flo
and her mate which with the help of Alpha Henry we managed to extract her and they
are both back to full health. They had 3 spies in the council themselves which we
have identified and dealt with. But not only that they have been searching for my
father for the past 20 years, ever since he escaped them.”
“You were with the hunters and survived?” Brent asks in shock.
“They found me 3 years after I left Nova, I was drugged then forced to mate with
another wolf, I had a daughter as a result of that and her mother died ensuring we
would escape. Ever since then I have been on the run and evaded them” my father
“And you
know your mother is alive how?” Brent asks again with furrowed brows.
“Because if a Guardian Wolfs mate dies then so do they” I say quietly as they all look
at me shocked for a few moments.
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Nova POV:
I look around the room seeing the shocked faces of the others before Jax grasps my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. “I’ll always be by your side” he links me promising.
hell” Alpha Brad says into the silence. “So she will have felt your betrayal then
“I think so, despite her being human we are marked and mated” my father says quietly.
his pain clear in his eyes as they turn glassy.
“I hate to say this but she will have” Brent says just as quietly, “my brother’s mate is
human and the mate bond is the same as with two wolves. They have never betrayed
one another like that but I can confidently say your mate would have unfortunately felt that pain.”
“They did it on purpose?” Brad asks with horror as understanding dawns on his face.
“We believe so, they were not happy their daughter was mated to a wolf and was
happy, they threatened her multiple times and we had to leave where we lived at the
time when she found out she was pregnant with Nova” my dad says slowly. “We were
constantly on the move after that, and then 2 weeks after she was born they found
us. We split and I planned to lead them away, but they followed the both of us. Her
mum had to leave her with what became her adoptive family.”
“So what next for you?” Alpha Brent asks leaning forward as everyone processes. what my father had told them.
“There is a hunters meeting later today which we are going to scout and gain
information. We are going to trail those of interest from the meeting and and leave
them a little gift” I say coldly.
“Gift?” Brent asks again. Just then the conference room door slams open and Alex’s.
powerful aura envelops the room.
“Caroline, Novas grandmother was taken by Nova following an attack on her adoptive parents where they were killed, Caroline was in a coma for 19 months. The doctors here have since woken her up and Jax and Nova have gained information from her,
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now there is no use for her we are going to leave her b*dy Alex says as he comes to stand behind us. “Kingsley and Nova have my full support the same as the Moonbeam Pack who announced it to me before they had to leave this morning. Despite not knowing all the details they were confident it was the right thing to do…do they have yours?”
“I will vow my allegiance” Alpha Henry says immediately as he is soon followed by
Alpha Marcus, Alpha Edward and Alpha Brent. Turning to look at Alpha Brad who has
stayed quiet Alex raises a brow.
“I’m unsure” he admits.
“About?” Alex asks calmly.
“Their intention” he says inclining his head toward my father and I.
Huffing out a small laugh I shake my head, “do you have any idea how much I wish to
live a simple life at times?”
“Do you though? Or do you just see a way to the top?” He asks.
“I don’t want to be at the top” I reply seriously. “I want a mate, pups, a happy pack to run alongside my Alpha and peace amongst others. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because what Wolf wants that truly?” He asks with a cold laugh.
“Alpha Brad are you concerned I could take over your pack?” I ask with a raised brow
of my own.
“” he stutters in shock as I continue to look at him calmly.
“Im concerned that you want power” he states after a minutes quiet.
“I have power” I retort, “I am stronger than everyone here including the Alpha King. I
have no desire to take over packs or affect any of your leadership.”
“Can I speak?” Axton asks suddenly.
“Of course” Jax responds.
“Nova became my chosen mate for 3 years, she turned down multiple mateship offers but when the council proposed one between us she considered it and accepted it. Not because she loved me because admittedly at first there was no love
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from her for me, but she did it because she saw the struggles my pack were having when she was with her brother, my Beta. In her time as Luna she increased the packs financial state considerably, pack morale increased and everyone was happy. She helped my businesses and supported pack members business ventures, she worked in the pack hospital alongside the Luna role and even the birth rates were higher. Not once did Nova try to over power me or take away from my position as Alpha. We had a contract where if either of us found our fated and it wasn’t each other we would step aside and not get in the way, she even ensured there was a clause included where the next Luna would be trained by her to help continue the packs success. I
my full support have already sworn a treaty with The Midnight Sky Pack so they have my when and if needed, it is the least I can do after what Nova has done for my pack.
Can I ask though, does any of that sound like a lady only after power?”
“No” Alpha Brad admits looking at me in a new light.
He looks at me for a moment before sitting up straight and smiling, “I will vow my
“I suggest you don’t mention the hunters and the information Jax and Nova have disclosed from this meeting” Alex suddenly says. “It will protect us all but also wel have no idea where the hunters are gathering their information. I’d like to instruct your
all as the Alpha King to not utter a word.”
Seeing everyone agree immediately I relax not sensing any deception from anyone in the room. “Not telling them you can sense lies so accurately was a good idea” Kia
tells me.
“I thought it was best” I agree.
“Let’s get some refreshments before you all leave” I suggest standing from the table.
as Jax offers me his hand.
“You will contact us if you need our assistance won’t you?” Alpha Marcus asks with
genuine concern.
“Of course” Jax says shaking his hand. “It’s good to have some allies in this situation.”
“I also suggest everyone takes an official vow pledging their allegiance to Nova as I have done before they leave” Alex says his large form towering over the guest Alphas
showing his strength. “It will show your true support” he adds on his intimidating.
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gazes focusing on those around us.
As everyb*dy agrees without hesitation I relax into Jaxs side as he k*sses my temple. softly. “Good job love, you can only be true to yourself and look what it gets you.”
“It’s good to have more support” I say as I wrap my hands round his neck and draw I
his lips to mine in a soft loving k*ss. “Thanks for sticking by me.”
“Always Nova, I mean it” he says with love clear in his green eyes.
Kingsleys Gift
-35 Parts
Kingsleys Gift
Jax POV;
“That went well” Alex comments pouring us a glass of whiskey as we sit in the office. after saying goodbye to the guests.
“It did, about time something was positive” I say with a sigh taking the glass as I lean back in my chair.
“Are you prepared for the meeting?” Alex asks calmly..
“Yes, Nova and myself are going to go. Laurence is going to stay back at the pack and run things from here, that way he is also near his mate” I explain..
“And Caroline?” He asks.
“Kingsley is down there now with Laurence doing the final interrogation. She will follow us with my Gam ma Theo and 5 warriors, once we have decided where we go. next depending on the information we gather and who is there we will act
accordingly” I say slitting my throat in demonstration.
“Good” Alex says with a nod. “I’ll be coming also.”
“You’re sure?” I ask slightly surprised.
“Positive” he assures me. “Ophelia is comfortable here, Nova has her helping with the nursery as she wanted to stay busy and to be honest I haven’t seen her so happy and
relaxed since the attack.”
“It’s hard not to be when you’re surrounded by pups” I say with a smile.
“Your Luna is a clever woman” he chuckles. “Ophelia is supportive of me accompanying you, I also have reasons don’t 1.”
“It certainly makes sense for us to figure this out together, strength is in numbers” I
“Exactly” Alex says snapping his fingers.
Hearing a knock on the door Laurence opens it before himself, Kingsley and Johnathon enter. “How did it go?” I ask immediately.
Kingsleys Gift
“It was informative” Kingsley says with a cold smile. “The old hag can’t die soon. enough.”
“She will be soon” I assure him, “by your hands if you accompany us.”
“I will be” he says without hesitation. “I mentioned the meeting this evening as Laurence suggested and she reacted in a way I knew it was a genuine meeting. I don’t suspect it to be a set up, when I said where it was held her heart rate spi ked and her breathing quickened..she panicked. Of course this is going off of what she knew. since before her coma but I have a good feeling the hunters don’t know of our awareness of the meeting.”
“They will when Hannah doesn’t attend though, it will raise suspicion” Laurence says.
“By which point it will be too late, even if they don’t follow through with the meeting if the attendees aren’t all accounted for the others will still have shown up” I point out with a smile.
“True” he smirks. “It’s a shame it’s somewhere where we can’t risk an attack.”
“Caroline says meetings are always held in heavily human populated areas” Kingsley
“Smart move by them. Kingsley I have a question for you and I hope you don’t think
I’m being intrusive, do you have any gifts from the goddess from being a Guardian.
Wolf?” I ask quietly.
He nods slowly, “yes..I do. I can heal others.”
“You can heal others?” I gasp looking to Alex as he sits forward.
“Surface wounds and if they have been affected by silver I can heal them and they
won’t be scarred. I’m not affected by silver just like Nova” he acknowledges.
“Does it drain you healing others?” Laurence asks.
“Yes..whatever wound I heal I then suffer the pain of for a short time after, I have no
visible pain but I can feel it he admits with a wince..
“When did you discover this?” I ask.
“Sophie was hurt in an attack during our early days with the rogue pack under my rule, the wolf in question died after breaking the oath but I healed her instinctually” he
Kingsleys Gift
answers. “I visited Andrew when he was unconscious and helped heal his silver
wound, he has no scar.”
“Why didn’t you say?” I ask shocked.
• Pres
“Because I have been hiding for years, I apologise I have been wary and uncertain of who to trust. Not necessarily you but others around you, obviously now I’m certain l can trust everyone here but yes..i was wary and didn’t want to expose my gift” he admits.
“That’s understandable Kingsley” Laurence says tapping his shoulder. “You’re a good man for doing that.”
“Thanks” he says with a smile.
“Can you heal wolves that have been cursed? Alex asks.
“I don’t think so” Kingsley says apologetically, “I know why you’re asking and trust me
if I could help I would.”
Sitting back with a sigh Alex nods in understanding, “I know Kingsley, I know.”
“I can help her” Johnathon says, “well Kia can. Nova has spoken to me and if your
could come with me after this and find Ophelia I’d love to get started.”
“Yes definitely” Alex says happily his eyes brightening. “What happened this
morning?” Alex asks turning to me.
“Ah..father attacked two of Henry’s guards and left” I growl in frustration.
“He left?!” Alex exclaims.
“Yes” I sigh. “No idea where he went.
“He keeps surprising me” Alex says, “and not in a good way.”
“You and me both” I sigh. “We have people out looking for him and surrounding packs.
are aware.
“He’s let himself down” Laurence admits from the side.
“He has” I agree monotonously.
“Sorry man” he says squeezing my shoulder.
Kingsleys Gift
Shrugging I stand up, “what he’s done is done, I just hope we can find him and find
out what the hell he’s up to. I suggest we all take some time as in 2 hours we need to
reconvene outside the pack house to prepare for heading out.”
With muttered agreement everyone files out of the room leaving Laurence and
“How are you holding up Alpha?” He asks taking a seat.
“I just need some answers” I admit with frustration.
“I have a good feeling about tonight” Laurence says looking at me.
“Goddess I hope you’re right” I groan.
“Why don’t we go spar? Work out some frustration and pass the time?” Laurence
suggests as I stare blankly at the paperwork in front of me.
“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day” I laugh standing up eagerly. “I hope you’re ready to get your as s handed to you.”
“I know, what have I got myself in for” he laughs, “Nova said you were stronger.”
“I am” I smirk.
“Ah f**k” he sighs dramatically. “Well it’ll help me too I suppose won’t it.”
“Positive..I like it” I praise my Beta who simply rolls his eyes at me. “Ah ah..Attitude” I
smirk at him as he flips me off.
“I can get away with it” he smirks.
“Touché” I laugh, “at least you know when and where.”
“Exactly” he exclaims with a c ocky grin on his face, making me relieved my Beta and
friend knows exactly how to react to my changing moods.Vote
Nova POV:
“Thank you for this” Ophelia says quietly as I take a seat next to her.
“You have no need to thank me Luna, it’s the right thing to do” I say with a smile.
“What are you going to do?” She asks me.
“Kia says all we need to do is hold your hands and we can both get into a calmer
state, concentrate on your breathing a bit like with meditation and Kia will do the rest” I say to her comfortingly. “It’s not going to hurt you.”
With those words I see her posture visibly relax as I ease some of her worry. “Johnathon has assured me Kia would not have suggested this if she wasn’t 100%
certain. I never doubted her I just am wary when I don’t understand something
completely, but I can’t understand everything can I” I chuckle slightly.
“Kia is brilliant, I have no doubt you can do this” Ophelia says with an encouraging
smile. Holding her delicate hands out to mine I take them gently and we sit facing
one another before closing our eyes and breathing calmly in time with each other.
Feeling Kia push forward as she reaches to connect with Ophelia’s wolf I hear her gasp slightly in reaction and grasp my hands tighter. Rubbing soothing circles on her
hands she relaxes once again as she gets used to the intrusion in her mind and
allows Kia to reach her wolf. Feeling my strength flow through my b*dy I control my
breathing as it my b*dy begins to hum with energy.
After a few moments Kia pulls back in my mind saying she is done so I open my eyes
to see Ophelia gazing at me in wonder.
“She spoke to me, she doesn’t feel as far away now” she whispers. “I’ve missed her
voice” she cries as so bs rack her b*dy.
“Oh Luna” I breath as my eyes sting with unreleased tears, hugging her tightly I murmur in her ear, “please ensure you rest and don’t do anything stressful.”
“Being around pups will help” Kia links us both, “they will bring joy and your wolf will
feel a natural instinct to interact with them. Another reason to live as such.”
“Thank you Kia” Ophelia so bs before Alex pulls her into his arms whispering soothing
words in her ear.
“I’ll give you both sometime” I say before bowing and taking my leave.
“So did you know your dad can heal others?” Jax asks as he drops into the seat beside me whilst we wait for everyone else to ready themselves.
“What?” I ask sharply throwing him a confused look.
“He told us today, Andrew has no scar because he snuck in and healed him” he says with an impressed smile. “I saw him at the training grounds just now and you can’t
even tell he was attacked.”
“Why didn’t he tell me?” I ask quietly hurt.
With a sigh Jax looks at me, “we need to remember his life hasn’t been easy. In the last 25 years he has constantly had to look over his shoulder wondering if he would
get caught, wondering if you were safe, his mate was safe, then he has Sophie to
protect. He’s had a lot to be wary of, and healing is a pretty big gift to have. If the
wrong person found that out then he would have even more people after him, not just
“You’re right” I agree quietly, “I can understand that.”
“He only learnt of it after becoming the new Rogue King” Jax tells me.
“He said Drake grew in size quite recently as well” I muse with pursed lips.
“It confirms gifts come in times of need” Jax says, “he healed Sophie after an attack, that’s the first time he used the gift and clearly she is one of the most important people in his life.”
“I wonder what mine will be” I ponder.
“I’m sure we will find out in time” Jax says before standing up.
“Alright everyone, briefing time!” He shouts gaining their attention, “as you know it’s
important that we are not detected during this mission. We are observing NOT
attacking” he says looking around clearly at the others with us. “Axel, Evan and Kingsley you will take the east viewing point as agreed, Nova, Alex and myself will
take the west, we also will have two pairs of warriors at north and south to confirm
their entry routes via the road. Theo you know to join us after, you can wait 2 miles
back and keep your phone on incase I can’t link you.”
Suddenly I feel Kia surge forwards in my head making me bend over with a gasp, “it’ll
only hurt for a second” she tells me as I feel her power flow through me. The feeling
leaves as quick as it comes leaving my b*dy tingling slightly.
“What was that?” I gasp to her as I steady my breathing.
“Nova?!” Jax exclaims rushing to me concern evident across his face.
“I’m fine” I say straightening up as he grasps me to help me.
“You’re not” he says narrowing his eyes as he looks me over.
“I am, it was Kia” I say as his brows furrow in confusion.
“What was?” He asks as I see my dad look at me curiously.
“I don’t know” I admit before asking her.
“Ki?” I ask quietly.
“Get Laurence to scent everyone going” she says quietly.
“Laurence scent is all please” I ask him as he looks at me strangely but does as I ask.
Turning to me in amazement he opens and closes his mouth momentarily before speaking. I can’ your scent is masked.”
“That’s new” I laugh as Kia stands proud in my head. “Since when?” I ask her.
“About a minute ago, I just knew to try it…again instinctual” she says slightly sheepishly. “We don’t know what we are going in to, we know humans can’t scent us but what if they have anything else with them. It’s unknown territory, it’s safer this
way” she explains.
“Ki says
because we don’t know for certain it is just human hunters that will be attending it is safer this way” I tell Jax and the group.
“Perhaps this way we can get closer?” Jax asks looking at Axel and Evan as they quickly discuss something between themselves.
Clearing his throat Axel steps forward to speak, “there is a large car park to the west side of the building which is also where the entrance is located. If they are simply
going to park and use the normal entrance which I suppose would look less
suspicious then there is a garage to the right hand side which I believe two of us
could get into without being spotted.”
“Jax and I will go there” I say immediately as Jax nods in agreement.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea you that close?” Alex says to me.
“Our hearing is better, this way we might even be able to hear something thats talked
about. If it gives us the chance to gain more information then yes, I think it’s best” I explain as he quickly debates what I’ve said. “You’re all there for back up as well if it
goes wrong” I point out.
“True” he muses. “Ok I can’t think of anything better so why not.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence” I comment dryly rolling my eyes at him as he
simply smirks and flashes us a thumbs up.
“Alright, everyb*dy knows what they’re doing. Let’s roll” Jax shouts as he jogs for the
vehicles with us all following.Vote
Nova POV:
Jumping from the cars we jog to the tree line surrounding the areas outskirts. “Down there” Axel whispers to us from our viewing point, pointing to a large building situated right in the middle of a business park.
“Just perfect” Jax mutters to himself as his eyes scan over the area. “Axel and Evan link Nova if needed,Alex you too. Stay in contact he instructs before motioning for
everyone to get in position. Silently everyb*dy slinks away soon disappearing into the
quiet evening. Tapping my shoulder he gestures for us to head down, sticking to the
side of the buildings we hang back in the shaded areas.
“There are workers in the buildings either side of the factory” I link Jax, “when we get
to the car park we won’t be able to hide so let’s act like we belong there.”
“Take my hand” he instructs as we reach the car park. Holding his keys in his hand he
brings me in close and k*sses my head, if anyone was to look at us we would look like
a couple deep in conversation walking to our car.
“I’m almost expecting people in work outfits to come along. They are definitely clever
as to where they hold their meetings. Laurence is gathering all the information Evan
and your
dad’s scout teams collected, it’ll be ready for us to look at when we are back.
But many were like this” whispers in my ear as I smile up at him maintaining the
relaxed facade.
Whispering away to one another we casually make our way to a car parked alongside the garage, quickly ducking we take a deep scent of the area and note nothing suspicious. “In here” I link him before darting to a door, “it’s unlocked” I say testing it before it swings open silently and I slip inside. Soon Jaxs large form follows me noiselessly and we have a quick look around finding the perfect vantage point by a
dust covered window.
“It stinks in here” Jax links me as he grimaces looking around at the machinery,
“sharpened senses are great at times but this burns my nose.”
“It’s awful” I link him back pulling a face.
Reaching for his watch in his pocket Jax links me, “meeting is in 25 minutes. Good timing.”
With a nod I take a seat and get as comfy as I can. Seeing a poster put up about 10m away I read “Private Investers Meeting This Evening before pointing it out to Jax..
“They’ve had someone come today to put that up” he links me with a thoughtful. expression.
“It’s a good cover really, I should have asked for continual observation” I worry as I tap my knee anxiously. Seeing my movement he reaches over and rests his hand over
“Relax, it could have been too risky I already thought about it he links throwing me at killer watt smile which makes my insides melt whatever the situation. Nodding I lean my forehead against his and take a few deep breaths.
20minutes later we have a warrior named Charlie link us, “4 cars approaching from the north, each has 3/4 occupants.” Not a minute later we have another warrior named Alexa link us repeating the same for the south.
Watching the vehicles pull into the car park Jax and I both crouch low being silent in our movements. The occupants step out busy talking between themselves with a
couple looking around checking the area before they stride inside, the door unlocked.
“Not very secure” I link Jax with furrowed brows.
“They must not think they’re at much risk” he replies tracking each person as they
move inside. As more cars steadily arrive we watch as over the next 15 minutes
people make there way inside.
“Large black car arriving, I’m sensing something different” Charlie links us making us
look to each other with confusion.
“Different how? Jax responds.
“I can feel an energy coming from it” he responds sounding unsure of himself.
“Good work Charlie” I link him as we see a black car roll in. Feeling the air turn cold around me and my skin pri ckle I turn to Jax with narrowed eyes. “Witch?” I ask him as he nods his head in agreement.
“I think so..but it doesn’t feel right he links me his eyes focused on the car parking. “We didn’t get this at the council building.”
The back doors swing open followed by a tall man with a head full of white hair, his
eyes dark and piercing standing out on his pale aging face. Standing straight and oozing confidence he stretches looking around.
“Charles” I growl through the link to Jax as I feel Kia bristle. I continue watching as another man walks round, even taller than my grandfather and with an aura of power radiating from him. His eyes passing over the garage giving us a glimpse of his brilliant purple iris.
“He’s a dark witch” Kia links Jax and I making us tense. “His aura screams danger.”
“Dark magic?” Jax links us, “f**k!”
“I thought that had been banned by the council a long time ago?” I ask with worry.
“It had” he growled. “s**t s**t s hit.”
Watching them stride in I feel Alex link me, “dark magic I can sense it from here.”
“I know” I snarl back as I feel Kia’s anger surge through me.
“We need to tell the elders as soon as we are back” Alex links me urgently as I pass the message on to Jax.
“We will” he agrees. “I estimated a total of 75/80 people enter. I doubt that’s their full
“I think it might be people from further afield” I voice. Seeing his eyes turn to me full of questions I continue, “think about it. He is going to want as much support as
possible even with a dark witch. He’s not going to risk having everyone in the same.
place, he’s clearly too smart for that but this way he can recruit. Also I suspect more than one witch, this one seems to be far more powerful than anything I felt at the
council building.”
“You could be right” Jax links with a groan. “Nova you know what this means?”
Looking at him with understanding he grimaces before clasping my hand tightly.
“War” I whisper.
“I think telling those other packs was a smart move” Alex suddenly links me as I can’t help but agree. “Ophelia is going to be heartbroken” he tells me quietly.
“We won’t give up” I promise him before we sit back waiting for them to leave. Focusing on if I can hear anything I huff in anger as I can’t make out a sound from inside the building.
“Can’t hear a thing” I link Jax in frustration.
“Neither can I he sighs. “I suspect that’s due to magic”
A short 45 minutes later they begin to trickle out and drive off. “Everyb*dy keep an eye on this black Range Rover” I order through the link.
“Not a subtle car” Jax comments before stiffening as my grandfather strides out. Hearing the noise of a loud engine approach my eyes shift to see a sleek black motorbike speed to a stop alongside where my grandfather is resting on his car. The
rider pulls the helmet off swiftly shaking out their long hair and climbing off smoothly before speaking to Charles for a few moments in tones so low I barely hear anything
despite being so close..
“No” I whisper as my stomach drops. Watching in horror as my grandfather gets in
the car along with the witch and they drive off I hear Jax order through the link for Alex and my dad to trail him. The lady turns gathering her hair ready to put the helmet
over before climbing on the bike.
Turning she keeps her head lowered before raising it slowly and looking directly at us. in the garage. Giving me a cold smile, her hazel eyes icy and lacking life my surroundings fade away as I stand not dropping her eye contact.
Lifting her hand in a mocking salute she grins almost maniacally before putting her helmet on and roaring out the car park.
“Dad..the bike..” I link him whilst standing feeling lost.
“Who was it?” He asks.
“You couldn’t tell?” I ask.
“Who is it Nova?” He asks desperately.
“Mum..” I so b out loud as Jas pulls me close and I hear Dad cry in my head.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 96-105

Night Before
Night Before
Nova POV:
Humming to myself as I walk outside after finishing everything I needed to do today I feel the excitement at the thought of tomorrow grow. Standing and looking around the pack grounds I feel warmth spread through me as I realise this time tomorrow! will officially be the packs Luna.
Smiling and waving to a few pack members as they pass and say their greetings, I stretch and enjoy the peacefulness of the evening. “Home” Kia murmurs happily to
“Nova!” I turn hearing my name being called loudly to see Naomi running towards me. “Whoa slow down mama to be” I laugh, “I’m here what’s up?”
Taking a moment to gain her breath I smile at her as she blushes slightly from her eagerness. “I just wanted to run you through tomorrow before you head upstairs. I know you’ve had a ceremony before but if I don’t Alice will be all over me. You know what she’s like” she laughs.
“Let’s go sit in the garden, we can relax for a bit. I think you’ve earnt it” I smile as we link arms and stroll round the pack house.
“I love this view” she sighs as we take a seat. Nodding my head I can’t help but agree as the orange hues of the setting sun cast a glow over the colourful garden.
“It’s gorgeous” I smile.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Naomi asks with a big grin on her face.
“I am” I laugh, “I’m excited to be able to officially say I’m Jaxs mate.”
“He’s like a child in a candy store today, I think he’s very excited” she giggles. “Our big tough alpha all loved up.”
“I haven’t had chance to see him too much today, I know he’s been trying to get as much work done as possible so not to worry about it tomorrow and I had the weekend training which was very popular” I say.
“Well I’ve never seen him so keen to work let’s say that shall we” she giggles again.

Night Before
And we both know why everyone is wanting to train with you” she adds on with a wink.
“True” I smile. “So how is tomorrow looking?” I ask as I stand to pluck a few flowers for my room.
“Perfect” she squeals, “Alice has finished your dress and it looks absolutely gorgeous! Food is organised, kitchen pack members are happy and relaxed which is a miracle in my opinion with the amount of food they are making. Guests will be arriving from 10am, latest arriving will be Alpha Axton at 2pm. All 30 guest rooms are prepared. with the welcome packages you suggested to Alice all ready to be put there in the morning.”
“Anything I can do?” I ask her wanting to be helpful.
“Umm, sleep so your beautiful self can relax before your big ceremony?” She asks with an innocent face. “Or is sleep a bit too far fetched when you share a room with Jax?”
Snorting I look at her biting back a grin, “shush you, I’m not the one with pups in my belly.”
“Yet” she winks.
“Touché” I laugh.
“Amelia is very excited about the prospect of grandpups” she says slyly as I freeze at her words.
“She didn’t” I gasp my mind flashing back to the office incident the other day.
“She did” Naomi says as a wide smile slowly spreads across her face.
Feeling my cheeks burn I bite my lip before taking a seat next to Naomi on the bench. “It was so embarrassing” I whisper to her.
“Don’t be embarrassed, you’re with an Alpha” she points out before looking at my blank expression, “Alpha is the strongest in the all senses.”
“Oh trust me I know that” I say as I understand what she’s talking about, “I’m reminded daily..multiple times” I giggle wiggling my brows.
“Well then Amelia has been there done that” she says matter of factly.
Night Before
“Oh yes I know, no doubt” I say trying to not think of her and David, “but no what was most embarrassing was the fact she was with her twins.”
Hearing that Naomi’s jaw drops in shock as I feel the tips of my ears burning. After at moment of shocked silence she abruptly closes her mouth before looking at me. Seeing her lip suddenly twitch I burst into giggles as she soon follows me.
“She..she failed mention t…that” Naomi gasps out between her giggles. Tears streaming down her face she bites her lip trying to stop her laughing.
“I don’t know why I’m laughing it was so embarrassing” I moan as I push my hair away from my face before fanning my hand to try cool myself down.
“If you can’t cry then laugh..or something like that” Naomi smirks. “Well I personally. think that’s a hilarious tale. But I hope you know once they know you more they won’t let you forget it.”
“Oh I know” I chuckle, “so I guess I’ll just have to speak to Mila when she gets here. and find out some dirt I can use on them when the time comes.”
“Girl I like your thinking” she laughs. Rubbing her growing bump she smothers a yawn
as we sit peacefully a bit longer.
“Come on you, time for these pups and mama to get some well earned rest” I tease as I help her stand. Turning to her with wide eyes I point my finger, “well that’s if your Beta mate who I seem to recall has Alpha blood will let you.”
“Da mn you got me” she pouts as we head back in.
“Thanks for that Naomi, I don’t get much time to just relax and have fun at the moment” I say gratefully.
“Oh me too, it will get better Nova” she says comfortingly.
“I know” I smile, “I’ve learnt to grow patient over the years. Life is all about the ride
isn’t it.”
“And what a ride it can be” she chuckles.
“I’ll see you bright and early, 10am alice is meeting you to check the dress fits well,
midday you have a massage and some lunch with the ladies. Then makeup and hair,
with the ceremony starting at 5pm Naomi reels off as I simply smile at her. “Oh and
Mila is arriving 8am, her friend had a baby so she stayed a couple of extra days but she will be joining us tomorrow and staying.”
“Great, I’m looking forward to seeing Mila!” I exclaim once she looks at me for
confirmation. “Im sure Alice will have written me a note and it will be on my bedside. table with times and plans etc.”
“Really?” Naomi asks in surprise.
Shrugging I nod, “it’s what she used to do whenever I had something important
planned, although my memory is pretty good I didn’t need them. But it’s lovely of her all the same so I appreciate it.”
“She’s a great friend” Naomi comments.
“She is, and I have many new ones who are jus
a hug.
“See you bright and early” I wink as I pull away.
as great” I whisper as I pull her in for
“Rested” she says one more time with a giggle before heading towards her suite. Chuckling to myself I open the door to our room and gasp in surprise.
“Whoaaa” I whisper as I look around. The room is filled with flickering candles whilst there is a tray full of small delicious looking treats on the table next to a bottle of wine. Standing in shock I see a shadow shift off of the windowsill and turn my attention to meet Jaxs bright eyes trained on me as he moves to stand in front of me.
“What’s this about?” I ask breathlessly.
“Well I know how much you have had on recently and we haven’t been able to relax and get settled into running the pack together, which by the way has not deterred you at all. You have been amazing” he says in wonder. “But I wanted you to be able to relax now and for us to be able to enjoy an evening together without having to think about what else we have going on.”
“Jax..” I whisper as I move closer to him.
“Hmm?” He asks as he wraps his arms round me.
“Thank you” I murmur. “This is so lovely, and so thoughtful.”
Night Before
“You deserve it” he whispers before I pull his head down and capture his lips with my own. Moving softly together we hold each other tightly as our love pours through the bond. Pulling away after a moment I shift my eyes to the treats behind him.
“You want to eat?” He smirks seeing where my attention was.
“Always” I giggle softly as he pulls me gently to the table.
“Then let’s eat” he says before pouring us a glass of wine each and sitting beside me.
“To us” I toast as we clink our glasses together.
“To us” he grins.High Spirits
Nova POV:
“I know we’ve had a lot going on love but tomorrow is going to be amazing” Jax says as he feeds me a delicious dessert. Moaning in pleasure his eyes darken slightly before he clears his throat, “those sounds” he mutters as I giggle.
“I’m excited for tomorrow, as soon as I’d finished work today it’s all I’ve been able to think about” I admit. “I was just speaking to Naomi about it.”
“I asked her to hold you up” Jax smirks.
“Oh” I laugh, “well I enjoyed it. Was nice to just relax and have a chat, I used to make sure I spent time with Alice and other pack members. Having a balance is important isn’t it.”
“We can make sure you do here as well” Jax assures me.
“I will don’t worry, but at the moment we have more pressing matters” I say with a
small smile.
“How are you feeling after this week?” Jax asks.
“Relieved, conflicted, worried but also confident in a way” I reply with a shrug. Seeing him raise a brow I explain a bit further, “relieved because we managed to find the
traitors and gain some more information. Seeing Rose be convicted was a relief, but I have to admit I’ve been worried about my old pack. I’m conflicted because I’m aware of the danger I’m bringing to those around me but I know I couldn’t do this without
you and many others. But confident because I know now that I have a family to support me, an amazing mate and a pack that will motivate me to always be my best.
“Amazing mate huh” Jax says with a wink.
“I said all that and that’s what you picked up on?” I ask chuckling.
Smirking he nods before replying slightly more serious, “I get why you’re feeling all those emotions, plus I’ve been able to feel how you’re feeling remember. But it’s all perfectly understandable. You’re handling it amazing though love.””
I’m worried about my mum” I admit quietly seeing his eyes soften at my words.
“I know” he says softly, his deep voice soothing. “Conditioning can be reversed though, don’t give up hope.”
“It’s not just that” I explain, “even if we can reverse the conditioning and get her true self back, what’s to say she’s going to forgive us? Even now we are putting off getting her..and for what?”
“So you’d rather go hunt for your mother blind and without any clue as to where she is?” Jax says with a pointed look.
“No” I sigh in defeat.
“Gaining information is important, not just for your safety but for everyb*dy involved. Having some insight into what waits for us is better than nothing” he says resting his large hand over mine. Nodding my head I know he’s right but I can’t ignore the guilt I’m feeling.
“Nova your mother is alive, that’s more than what you ever imagined until a few weeks ago. We will get her back and then we can address if she is ready to forgive everything that has happened” Jax says quietly. “As much as I hate to say this I doubt it will be you that your mother will struggle with.”
“Dad” I sigh feeling sorry for him.
“Yeah” Jax admits. “We know he was tricked and it was done to hurt your mother, but as his mate she will feel betrayed. I’m sure in time she will come to realise, and if we can get proof of what your grandparents did to him it will help hugely.”
“You’re right” I say lifting my lips slightly at his logical thinking.
We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes enjoying the wine before he speaks again.
“I do have one thing that’s been n ig g ling me” he admits.
“What is it?” I ask.
“The spell Rose apparently had put on the tea for me..was that from the same witch she was involved with to fool Axton?” He asks with furrowed brows.
“We didn’t find out did we say with a sigh. “I can’t believe that slipped my mind.”
High Spirits
“Mine too” he says with a shrug. “What do you think though?”
Taking a breath I ponder over his question, Rose was desperate and naive. Going to
lows that shocked me, but she also appeared to have multiple options depending on outcomes. “I think it was a back up.
“It makes sense” Jax says slowly.
“Well if you think about it, Axton made it perfectly clear whilst we were there for that
visit that he wasn’t happy with how she was conducting things around the pack. She
must have sensed things weren’t going well and they clearly didn’t expect us to find
one another so soon. The plan was for me to somehow end up with Alpha Jacob…not
you” I explain. “So I think she needed to try and get between us.”
“Yeah I think you’re right Nova” he says with a small smile. “Either way she’s the past
now. It was just something I realised we didn’t ask her.”
“Well let’s concentrate on the future for the time being” I say with a light chuckle.
“Oh it’s all I’ve been thinking about” he says with a wide smile as he leans back on his
chair. “I can’t wait for you to officially be known as this packs Luna.”
“Naomi did say you were very happy doing your paperwork today” I say with an
amused smile.
“I was” he shrugs, “knowing I have none to do tomorrow and instead we have the
ceremony put me in very high spirits.”
Standing up I put the dishes to the side carefully and finish my wine as Jax watches
me. Moving over I straddle him and grind myself slowly over him feeling him harden
quickly beneath me.
“Care to show me how happy you felt today?” I whisper as I bite his lobe lightly
making him moan slightly.
Pulling back I see his eyes dark as he grins at me, “do you really need to ask?”
Shrugging I bite my lip before leaning forward pushing my breasts into him. “I’m ready for you whenever, wherever” he says huskily as he holds my hips still so he can press
his bulge into my core.
Whimpering slightly as I feel my panties grow wet he smirks before pulling me down
High Spirits
and claims my lips with his own in a hungry k*ss.
Pushing into him just as passionately he stands holding my as s as I wrap my legs
around him. Lowering me gently onto the bed he hovers over me gazing at me with pure affection blazing in his eyes. “I’m so lucky you’re mine” he whispers as he slides
my top off of me before sitting up and pulling his over his chest.
“D amn” I whisper as I stare at his broad shoulders and defined 6pack. Flicking my
tongue out I wet my lips as I reach up and pull him back down.
“Tonight is about us” he murmurs in my ear making me shiver, “and I’m going to show
you just how much you mean to me my Luna.”
With those words I surrender to his touch excited for the pleasure I know he’s going
to bring me.
Nova POV:
“Morning” I say through a yawn as a stretch.
“Hey love” Jaxs tired voice rumbles as he buries his head in his pillow. “Too early.”
“What happened to the Alpha who was always awake and at the gym at this time” I chuckle, “it’s 6:30am.”
He lifts his head to glare at me before slumping back down and pointing at me, “that was before I had a mate who kept me up all night.”
“Oh so it’s my fault” I smirk before he groans rolling over and sitting up.
“I think we can share the blame” he says with a little chuckle.
you agree” I giggle before swiftly getting up from the bed when I see Jax reach. for me. “Nah ah, I have lots to get ready for today Mr.”
Seeing him pout I smile apologetically, “I’m going to shower then head for some breakfast.”
“Save water?” He suggests hopefully.
“Nope” I laugh as I walk away, “you’re not getting me with that.”
“Worth a try” he calls out as I lock the door behind me.
After spending 20 mins washing myself thoroughly, sha ving and then lathering myself in lotion I step out the bathroom relaxed and ready to get dressed. Seeing Jax. slumped on the bed face down snoring with his n*ked as s on show I hold back a laugh to not wake him. Quickly dressing in some jeans and a white blouse I dry my hair and pull some shoes on before k*ssing Jay
head and slipping out the room.
Feeling Kia awake and excited I share in her feelings as I walk into the dining room to see Amelia already eating.
“Good morning Amelia” I say after getting myself some food.
“Nova” she says with a warm smile, “awake early as well I see.”
“I was too excited to sleep” I admit feeling myself blush.
“Oh me too dear” she agrees immediately as we share a smile. “Where is Jax?”
“Shoring into his pillow” I laugh as the image of him in bed comes to mind.
“It’s nice to see him sleeping more again” Amelia says after a moment. “After Genevieve he became some engrossed in work and being Alpha he never seemed to get enough rest. He was probably sick of me commenting on it after a while.”
“I didn’t realise” I said softly.
“Oh it wasn’t that he was hung up over Genevieve dear, he just didn’t want to let the pack down. I think he thought losing his Luna so quickly would make pack members. distressed” she says sadly.
“Did it?” I ask.
“Oh goddess no. If anything it made them support him more, she was a nice woman on the surface but to tell you the truth I never liked he and I don’t think the pack was behind her” she says sheepishly.
“A few have said the same” I say quietly,
“I’m happy he’s found you dear and I am truly looking forward to the ceremony” she says gleefully.
We sit and chat for a little longer as the dining hall gradually fills with pack members all greet me excitedly.
“I’m going to check on the guest rooms” I say standing from the table.
“Ok Nova, Mila will be here soon so I’m going to check over everything for today one final time then meet her Amelia says giving me a mothering hug.
With a small wave to the room I head upstairs and start checking the rooms, leaving
the baskets that are already prepared on the tables. After half an hour I leave the
rooms satisfied that everything is ready for our guests and I can now concentrate on
what’s been planned for me.
“This feels much more exciting than our previous one” Kia says to me as she sits with
her ears up in my head alert to everything that’s going on. Watching people bustle by
me as they begin to prepare for today I agree with her.
“It’s because we always knew we may not stay the Luna there” I say to her softly, “but here..this is it for us. We are where we are meant to be.”
“We are” she agrees happily.
“Nova! There you are” I hear Alice squeal from behind me.
“Hey” I exclaim. “I thought I was meeting you at 10?”
“You were, but then I realised I also asked you to greet a few guests at 10. So do your fancy checking the dress now? Sorry it must be pup brain getting me” she chuckles embarrassed slightly.
“Oh of course” I say with a large smile, “I can’t wait to see it.”
“You’re going to love it” she grins excitedly. “I think it’s my best one yet.”
“Now I’m more intrigued” I say as we walk to her room. “How are you feeling?”
“Fabulous to be fair, I feel less emotional now and Theo is amazing” she says dreamily.
“He will be a brilliant father” I comment which she nods vigorously in agreement.
Opening her door she motions for me to go first and my eyes are immediately drawn to a sage green dress on a mannequin in front of me.
“Oh Alice” I gasp, “it’s gorgeous.”
“Isn’t it” she squeals ski pping towards it.
Stepping forward I admire the slightly shimmery material which I vision will glow slightly in the moonlight. Alice has designed it with a modest sweetheart neckline which is my favourite style, the dress looks like it will hug my upper b*dy before flowing slightly looser around my leg.
“It’s beautiful” I whisper as I hold the fabric softly in my hands.
“I think it’s perfect for you” she says proudly. “I’ve put a slight slit in the left side to allow for dancing and to hint at those gorgeous legs of yours. I think I know where Jax will be looking. Shall we try it on?”
“Please” I squeal as I quickly begin stripping out of my clothes.
Going to undo my bra I pause looking at her, “it’s got support in there to stop the girls
bouncing too much” she says before I have chance to ask Quickly dropping my bra! step forward into the dress as Alice holds it out and helps me in. As she zips up the side and steps back she gasps as her eyes grow watery.
“It’s perfect” she exclaims. “Come look” she says ushering me to the mirror.
Seeing myself in the mirror i freeze, the dress hugs my figure like a second skin and ast twirl it floats lightly
“Oh you’re going to have everyone’s attention she says happily as I admire the side profile of the dress “Se xy but smart a true Lunas dress.”
“It’s amazing Alice, better than I’d imagined” I say with a big grin at her. “You’ve impressed me for pulling this off on the time frame.”
“Wonder Woman” she jokes with a wink as she helps me back out of the dress.
“You are” I chuckle. Quickly dressing myself again as she carefully hangs the dress up
check the Time “9:30am already” I gasp.
“We can go downstairs together if you’d like? Theo said Jax is down there with Laurence waiting for quests” Alice suggests. “Mila is just seeing everything Amelia has organised and then will find us”
“Let’s” Lagree as we walk downstairs together. Seeing the start of decorations being put up I think of how proud I am of this pack for getting everything together so quickly
“Nova” Thear Jax call his voice sending shivers down my spine. Turning I see him resting by the fountain with Laurence, Theo and Flo all stood with him.
“Hey” I call as we approach. “Oh my goddess it’s so nice to see you back up and about” I say hugging Flo.
“I’ve been cleared by the Dr and I am good to go” she says enthusiastically, “I’ll be patrolling this morning before joining you for ladies time.”
“Brilliant” I say happily before Jax pulls me into his chest.
“I missed you this morning” he rumbles in my ear.
“Oh really?” I chuckle, “you seemed quite happy snoring into your pillow.”

“Well I much prefer waking up to you next to me” he whispers.
“Me too” I say k*ssing him softly.
“Ooo first guest is here” I hear Alice say excitedly. Checking the time I see it’s only 9:40am.
“Little early isn’t it?” I ask but no one seems to be listening as they all watch the vehicle approach. Seeing it come to a stop I wait as a gentlemen climbs out the driving seat before walking round to open one of the back doors. Seeing a long slender heeled leg extend before another joins a beautiful lady wearing shades and bright red lipstick steps out gracefully.
From the corner of my eye I see Laurence, Theo, Flo and Jax tense as she steps forward. Pulling her shades off her brilliant blue eyes shine brightly as her blonde hair cascades in perfectly styled waves down her back. Walking forwards she smiles. brightly, oblivious to the growing tension in the air.
Stepping through the group she stops directly in front of Jax as he pulls me tight to his side. She smirks slightly at his actions not taking her eyes from his.
“Jax” she says softly in an attempt to sound seductive but her voice is nasally and high pitched.
“Genevieve” he growls.

Not Welcome
Jax POV:
I stand looking at my previous Luna in complete shock, hearing Zeus growl loudly in my head I look down slightly as I feel Nova stiffen in my arms.
“Are you going to introduce me?” Genevieve asks me raising her brow. As I narrow my eyes at her she chuckles slightly before turning her eyes to Nova, growing colder as she does so.
“I’m Genevieve, Jaxs chosen mate” she says holding her hand out for Nova to shake. Seeing Nova look at her hand for a moment before chuckling she reaches out and shakes it lightly.
“I’m Nova” she says calmly her face unreadable.
“My true mate” I say causing Genevieve to smirk.
“Why are you here?” Laurence growls as he comes to stand beside us.
“I was invited” Genevieve says simply making my brows furrow.
“You were definitely not invited” I say coldly as she looks at me amused. “You decide
to come here after not seeing me since you ran off and dare to say you were invited?”
“Oh Jax relax” she says patting my chest as I growl and shift away. “I thought it was
time to come home.”
“Home?” Laurence splutters out. “No Genevieve, your home is with your mate.”
When she hears that her expression falters slightly before she shakes it off and giggles lightly, “oh Laurence you are as funny as I remember.”
He turns to me with a face that reads what the f**k is going on and I shrug in
“I see the pack is doing well” Genevieve comments looking around ignoring the
animosity that is directed at her from us.
“No thanks to you” I hear Florence mutter as Genevieve sends her a discreet glare.
“Why are you here Genevieve?” Nova asks again.
Not Welcome
“Like I said” Genevieve replies her voice harsh, “I was invited.”
“By whom?” I ask confused.
With a shrug she pulls her invite from her bag showing us, “surely you should be telling me that.”
I see Nova look at her through narrowed eyes as she studies her b*dy language. “Genevieve, why don’t you come to the lounge and we can talk privately” Nova suggests gesturing to the pack house.
“We can discuss it here” Genevieve replies co olly. Seeing Novas eyes flash I bite my lip to not laugh.
“Oh..” Nova chuckles, “it wasn’t a suggestion” She says coldly as Kia moves forward, making Rose startle slightly before she begins to teeter inside in her too high heels.
“Nova” I whisper as I grasp her hand, “I swear I had no idea. I haven’t seen her since
she left.”
“I know” she replies calmly sending me a reassuring smile, “I have a feeling I know
who’s responsible.”
Hearing those words I relax slightly before we all walk to the lounge in silence. We
enter and watch as Genevieve helps herself to a large glass from the wine bottles we
have ready for guests..
“Help yourself” Laurence says rolling his eyes before standing and crossing his arms intimidatingly. Tinkling a laugh Genevieve takes a seat and crosses her legs, her dress riding up purposefully to try tempt me to look.
Hearing Nova chuckle again beside me I look down at her to see her watching
Genevieve’s movements.
“Subtle” she links me making me snort out a laugh.
“So..?” Genevieve drawls. “What is the need to come in here?”
“We are waiting” Nova says calmly as I look at her in confusion.
“For?” Genevieve asks.
“If I’m correct the person who deemed it suitable to invite you” Nova says casually as I
Not Welcome
feel my heart sink.
Seeing Laurence look at Nova as she speaks I watch his face as he has the same thought I have.
“He wouldn’t have..” Laurence links me before I shoot him a look.
“You sure about that? Anyway.. Nova has this covered” I reply as he nods in agreement.
Nova and Genevieve continue to look at one another as we all stand around
“I’m surprised you’re not saying more Jax” Genevieve comments turning her attention
to me.
“What is there to say? You’re not invited, as soon as my Luna has sorted this out you’ll be leaving” I say.
“Oh so it’s for Nova to sort out?” She smirks at me.
“No, but I can tell she wants to” I smirk back as Nova winks at me.
Hearing footsteps approach I breath in a scent I’m familiar with and growl in barely contained anger.
“David” Nova says co oly as my dad stands in the doorway uncertainty on his face.
“Oh David” Genevieve exclaims rushing forwards to embrace him which he returns. rather stiffly under my furious gaze.
Growling again I step forward with burning eyes, “you thought it appropriate to invite.
“I did what I thought was best” he states.
“best because?” Nova asks incredulously.
“This pack needs a strong Alpha.. dad starts as Nova bursts out laughing from beside me.
“But not a strong Luna” she points out smirking at Genevieve as dad looks nervous.
“You’re leading this pack astray” he defends angrily, “you are bringing danger to everyone and they are following you blindly. Can no one else see that!? This pack

Not Welcome
needs a lady like Genevieve who is kind and sweet.”
“You’re so wrong David” Laurence growls in defensive of his Luna. “Amelia was a
strong Luna, one who everyone looked up to and believed in, and you know who I see in her..Nova. Not this flimsy blonde bimbo.”
“Laurence” Genevieve gasps in shock.
“What?” He growls. “You left Genevieve, you left Jax and marked another leaving him in a critical condition for 2 weeks. You did nothing for this pack that was of any value, whilst our Luna here has helped in so many ways. She does finance work, paper work, helps training, I’ve even seen her help in the bl oody kitchens never mind what she does to help Jax with his other businesses outside of the pack. I don’t know what David has against her but I can tell you something, this pack is lucky to have been blessed with Nova as their Luna.”
“Why are you back Genevieve? Where is your mate?” I growl as she looks at us in shock.
“Oh can’t you tell?” Nova chimes in.
“What?” Theo asks confused at this situation. We watch as Nova steps forward and pushes Genevieve’s hair to one side revealing the scar on her neck.
“Genevieve’s mate has left her” she says softly.
“Why?” I ask confused.
With that I see Genevieve’s eyes flit to my father before he clears his throat and speaks instead.
“Genevieve is here for a reason” he states.
“And that reason is?” I ask in disbelief.
“To challenge the Luna and get my rightful place back at this pack” she says lifting.
her chin in an attempt to appear confident.
I look at her for a moment before bursting into loud laughter as Laurence and my
Gam mas join me. “You think you can be Luna again?” I ask after a moment.
“Yes” she whispers.
Not Welcome
“I will never accept you as my Luna again” I snarl stepping forward intimidatingly
making her step back. “You left, you abandoned the pack and me and lied to us all in the process.”
“She is allowed to challenge me Jax” Nova says quietly from my side. Turning to her in surprise I see the gleam in her eyes.
“You want her to challenge you?” I ask.
“Well it’s a bit of a faff today. Alice is probably worrying about her schedule” she chuckles as Alice nods in agreement. But if it has to be done then I will” she shrugs indifferently. “I’m not at all worried.”
“She has the right to challenge you Nova” dad says stepping forward.
“I know I did just say that” Nova says simply.
“Oh you’re so f****d Genevieve” Laurence laughs making her look at him in confusion.
“David..” Nova starts as she steps forward. “I can see what’s happening here, your want Genevieve to become Luna because she is weak and not involved with the pack. She is easily controlled and wouldn’t be as hard to bend to your will as I. You blame me for your family, your own mate, and others being upset with you when actually it’s your own actions which have caused that to happen. You are threatened. by the fact that I’m stronger than you and have been welcomed so nicely to the Midnight Sky Pack and I know you don’t want me here. It is becoming abundantly clear that is the case. This is not going to help you have invited the ex Luna, the one that betrayed the pack and its current Alpha to challenge the Alphast true mate knowing she wouldn’t stand a chance against me. She hurt your own son!! really am beginning to wonder just what you gain from all this.”
“You just can’t let me be dad can you” I say quietly. “You’re threatened by me, event more so with Nova by my side.”
His eyes harden and his jaw clenches but he says nothing.
“Then fine, but let me fill you in on something. Once Nova has won I am sending you to Alpha Henry’s pack, you are no longer welcome here as you have opposed your own son and his mate. I dread to think what ma would say to you if she was here right.
now” I growl.
Not Welcome
“I’d tell him he is no longer my mate” I hear from behind me.
“What?” I gasp turning to see her standing with clenched fists.
“I returned to our home, i looked through your office David as soon as Theo linked me
to say who had arrived. I just had this feeling..” she says coldly.
Holding up a piece of paper I see my dad’s face drain of colour. “You know what I found?” She asks quietly.
“What did you find ma?” I ask stepping forward.
“An agreement with the council, your dad organised your mateship with Genevieve, it wasn’t the councils was your dads” she snarls.
Broken Bond
Broken Bond
Nova POV:
“So when the council approached me about a chosen mate it was already agreed and in motion because of you?” Jax asks in dad in horror.
His mother steps forward and puts a hand on his arm comforting him as I do the
“Why?” He asks hurt.
“You needed a Luna” David says, “one who could attend functions with you, raise your pups.”
“So nothing of much value? A Luna on his arm only, a woman who would spread her legs for the Alpha but not bring anything else to the pack?” Amelia asks coldly. “You wanted someone who you could control and make Jax look weaker only to make yourself appear strong.”
“It’s not like that” David says.
“Isn’t it?” Amelia shouts. “So you didn’t lie to all of us about Genevieve then? You paid. her father £2million pounds David! £2million! Why pay so much for someone?”
“You can’t be serious?” Jax growls.
“Oh I am” Amelia says thrusting the paper to Jax for him to read.
“Father why couldn’t you just have trusted me?” Jax asks hurt clear in his voice.
“Because you’re not the Alpha I was, I had to ensure you continued my legacy and what I worked for. I knew after you had been Alpha f
a year that I would have to
keep my involvement in the pack with the way you ran things, but you and Amelia were adamant I needed to step back” David snarls. “This way I could be a voice in an
ear and keep close to the pack.”
“No” Amelia shouts furiously. “He’s far better than you ever were. He has achieved so much more than you but you are in denial. He runs this pack far better than you ever did and we both know it. You are no longer welcome here, as soon as my daughter in law has put this b***h in her place you can leave. Jax I’m sorry for this..”
Broken Bond
“What?” Jax asks, “this isn’t your fault.”
“No” Amelia says softly shaking her head, “this..I, Amelia Haydes reject you David Haydes as my mate.”
With that Amelia gasps in pain as she clutches at her chest, tears streaming down her face as Jax and I both hold her close supporting her whilst David drops to the floor his face white in shock.
“Accept it” she whispers brokenly, “it’s too late.”
“I, David Haydes accept your rejection” he whispers after a few moments as the bond between them finally snaps eliciting a sharp cry from them both.
“Ma..” Jax whispers as everyone looks on in shock.
“It needed to be done, that man is not the one I fell in love with” she so bs, “he has continuously betrayed this family and that is something I can never forgive. If he hadn’t forced the council to mate you with Genevieve then you would never have had
suffer through that pain and we might not have worried about losing our son.”
“Amelia you are so strong” I murmur as I hug her tightly.
“Kick her a ss Nova” Amelia says passionately, “you are the true Luna there is no doubt.”
“Oh I will” I say with venom. “If she challenges me that is.”
Hearing that Genevieve’s mask of confidence suddenly slips as she shifts.
“Umm..well…, ah, I was only challenging because David approached me” she stutters
“Did he pay you?” Jaxs asks looking at his father in disgust.
Seeing her nod her head hesitantly I laugh, “oh brilliant. So I take it this isn’t at
“No…not anymore” she whispers.
“Good” i smirk before striding over and delivering a powerful slap to Genevieve’s face making her head whip to the side.

Broken Bond
“That’s for daring to come back here after everything you put my mate through” i snarl before grasping her top and storming from the room dragging a stumbling Genevieve behind me.
As I pass members of the pack I see the proud smiles on their faces at what they’re witnessing, slamming the front doors open I get to the top of the steps and throw her down leaving her in a sprawled heap on the gravel. Stalking down I squat beside her and lift her head by her blonde hair, meeting her terrified eyes I snarl “if you ever think about returning here I will personally make it my job to put you in your place. You are not welcome here..or wanted. After saying that I’m met with cheers from the pack members who have gathered.
“My Luna” Jax says huskily as I rise to stand beside him seeing his eyes bright with pride.
Seeing Genevieve stand shakily he turns his attention to her as his face sets in fury. “don’t ever return Genevieve. Nova said it herself, you’re not welcome here..or wanted. Hearing that tears begin to fall down her face as she whimpers and wobbles back to her waiting car before she falls into the back seat.
“Your dad..” I say to Jax quietly as we watch the car leave.
“Got what he deserved” he says calmly. ‘I don’t understand the man and I doubt I ever will. He has no right to have involved himself so much in my life and to have made such decisions without my consent. Im surprised the council allowed him to.”
“I’m not” I admit, “the council believe a pack needs an Alpha and it’s Luna. If someone approached them with a suitable offer they would accept it.”
“So much for blessed mate bonds” Jax snarls quietly to himself.
“I know” I sigh. “I only trust a couple from the council, I’ve never been sure of their intentions with anything.”
“I wonder why” he replies sarcastically as we turn to head inside.
“Amelia are you alright?” I ask hurrying to where I see her curled up on the sofa.
“Yes” she whispers, “it hurts but I feel lighter than I have in a long time.”
“Why don’t you get some rest, breaking a bond takes a lot out of you and I imagine
you don’t want to miss the ceremony Jax murmurs quietly.
Broken Bond
“I will son” she assures him.
“Here..I’ll help you upstairs Amelia” Theo says rushing forwards and helping her stand.
“Thank you Gam ma” she says graciously. “I’m truly sorry Jax.”
“Ma, I don’t want to hear it. Go rest..that’s an order” he says looking at her with
“Yes Alpha” she chuckles before wincing as Theo helps her from the room.
“f**k” Jax groans rubbing his head.
“What are you doing to do with your dad?” I ask quietly.
“I’m going to ring Henry and explain the situation, he can go there immediately with a couple of warriors whilst I decide what to do next. Either way he’s ruined any relationship he would have had with me” Jax says with a shrug.
“I’ll come” I say standing up.
“No” he barks, “you are going for a massage, I am going to greet the guests that have already arrived and apologise for missing them. This is your day and I want you to spend time with your friends enjoying what I’ve planned for you all.”
“Is that an order?” I ask playfully.
“I can make it one” he smirks as I sashay up to him. Wrapping my arms round his
neck I rise up on my toes and k*ss him gently. “Florence will be back in 40 mins, Mila
is in her room. Perhaps you could go and explain what has happened?” He asks
is in her room. Perhaps you could go an
looking at me hopefully.
“Of course love…You can order me about later” I wink before turning round to head
“I plan on” he links me huskily making me shiver.

Mdas Return
Milas Return
Nova POV:
“My mum rejected dad?” Mila gasps as I finish telling her what’s happened.
“Yes” I whisper, “I’m so sorry hunny. I honestly didn’t mean for your dad to hate me like he does.”
“It’s not your fault, my mum told me what he did growing up and to be honest I saw some of the beatings Jax took. I knew he was keeping it from mum to protect her but it didn’t make it right” she says. “I just can’t believe my father lacks so much trust in us all.”
“I don’t get it either” I shrug. “I mean Jaxs accomplishments speak for themselves.” “It’s because he’s jealous” Mila states. “He can see how much more successful Jax is and instead of being a father and congratulate him, he tried to stir up s**t within the pack.”
“It was wrong” I agree.
“My poor mum” she whispers as I rub her shoulders reassuringly.
“She’s resting now, Theo took her to her room. But she will be coming to the ceremony still” I say comforting her.
With a little chuckle she looks at me, “she wouldn’t miss it for the world. I hate to say it but she’s done the right thing.”
“I know” I reply giving her a little side hug. “How have you been anyway? Happy to be home?”
“I am despite all that” she says waving her arms round, “I have a week left till Bruno’s time is up, one more week of being tied to the ba stard in some way and then I’ll be free.”
“Have you heard anything?” I ask.
“Not a peep” she says with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “6 days I’m due at the council building and he has been summoned also.”
Mdas Return
“Honestly it’s crazy what some people do I sigh as I feel sympathy towards her situation.
“It is isn’t it” she chuckles.
“Are you nervous?” I ask, she looks at me questioningly so I elaborate, “to see him again? See his chosen mate?”
“No” she says shaking her head. “When he demanded I became his mistress it was like a switch went in my head. Who does that to their fated mate? As soon as he demanded it Alia and I both knew we deserved better. Now it’s easier. Plus if I see his chosen mate it would make it easier for me again I think, I can’t help but hate her. But I also hate the situation.”
“What I don’t understand is why she’s so happy with the idea of you being a mistress and bearing his pups” I say.
“Power” she states. “She would have the Luna title and I would be the shamed true mate turned mistress.”
“Awful” I mutter as she sighs.
“But on to bigger better things” she says, “or should I say bigger better co ck.”
“Mila!” I exclaim as she giggles.
“I’m hoping for a second chance mate” she says more seriously.
“I have no doubt you’ll get one” I say with a smile, “I’m sure the moon goddess would deem it fit for you to have a better second chance mate.”
*f*****g hope so she laughs before she stands from the bed.
“Amelia is asleep and I made sure she had a bit to eat and drink. Doctor has also checked on her and she is coping well with the broken bond, surprisingly well” Theo links me making me pause.
“Thanks for letting me know Theo, check in on her will you and keep me updated” I
ask him.
“Yes Luna. The Doctor did say something interesting” he says slowly.
“Yes?” I ask.
Milas Return
“It’s almost as if her wolf and her were content with the bond breaking, she said it
can’t have been a very strong bond otherwise she would be struggling more than she is” Theo admits. “Do you think David was a good mate?”
“I honestly don’t know Theo” I reply, “but if it was weak then Amelia must have her reasons. Perhaps she will tell us in her own time.”
“Maybe, well I will keep you updated Luna” he replies. “My lips are sealed” he adds on. Looking up I see Mila watching me knowing I’ve beeen mind linking.
“Your mother has had some food and a little to drink, she’s sleeping now and Theo will keep us updated” I say as her shoulders relax at my words.
“Good” she sighs, After a moments quiet I take a breath and look at her again. “Was your parents relationship a good one?” I ask wincing as I do.
Seeing her falter as she looks at me she bites her lip nervously, “to the pack yes. But..I’m not so convinced.”
“Really?” I ask sadly.
“I saw him hit her once” she admits. “I was 6 at the time and they told me it was a game, as I grew up I knew it to be more but I never saw it happen again so I thought it was a one time thing. I don’t think he was physical again..but I think he was very controlling.”
“That’s really sad” I comment as she nods. “Theo said the Doctor checked her over and their bond appeared to be weak. It’s as if she was already accepting of the fact the bond would break, both her and her wolf.”
“My mum is a strong woman, fiercely protective and incredibly intelligent. She couldn’t reach her full potential as Luna and I know she feels sad about that” Mila says. “But that’s not her fault, and she did an amazing job as it was. But I know she would have done many things differently to my father.”
“Maybe this is for the best then” I say quietly.
“I think it definitely is” she agrees. “Let’s go for a massage shall we..I’ve been looking. forward to it all day.”
Jumping up I link my arm with her out stretched one and we make our way upstairs.
Milas Return
to Jax and mines suite. Opening the door my eyes widen in excitement when I see the massage stations set up and makeup artists busy in the corner with the vanity
“Oh my goddess I’m so ready for this I giggle as thug Alice and Naomi
“Relax those worn out muscles of yours” Haomi says with a glearn in her eyes.
“Dirty woman” I chuckle as she tilts her head back laughing loudly
“I’m lost” Alice says looking between us.
“She finds it appropriate to comment on her Alphas sy drive I say. Seeing Alice’s eyes widen in interest I hold my hand up, “nope..not even going there Alice.”
Her mouth snaps shut and she pouts at me, “I’d tell you about Then”
“And as I’ve told you before, I don’t want to know about my brothers shenanigans” I laugh.
“I’ll second that” Mila laughs from where she’s getting some drinks ready, Theard enough from the twins growing up, let’s not throw Jax in the equation.”
“Thank you” I exclaim with relief as we all chuckle between ourselves.
“A glass of wine for us” Mila says handing me a glass, and some sweet mocktail for you pregnant ladies” she adds on with a sad face.
Clinking out glasses we toasts to today and then lie down ready for a massage, ift fall asleep don’t judge me” I hear Alice mumble already sounding tired.
“Wouldn’t dream of it” I chuckle aware of how cranky she can be. “Time to relax
ladies” I cheer quietly.
Making Arrangements
Making Arrangements
Jax POV:
After greeting the first guests that have arrived I quickly shoot up to my office to give my uncle Henry a call. “Laurence where did dad go?” I link him quickly.
“He’s at the lake house, got 4 wolves watching and monitoring his movements as didn’t know what he would do. Seems he is just resting at the moment” he links me back immediately.
“Can’t believe that happened” I link him back.
“I’m kind of not surprised” he admits through the link making me pause.
“You’re not?” I ask in surprise.
“She was pretty angry after their altercation the other day. Her mate has lied to her
and hurt her pups amongst other things. I don’t like to say it but I always felt like he held your mum back a bit” he links me quietly.
“Yeah it was always father’s way or no way at all” I reply back with a sigh. “Ok I’m going to call Henry now, although he’s probably on his way here already.”
“Ok boss, just let me know if you need me to do anything else” he replies. “I’ll keep handling the guests for now.”
“Thanks mate” I reply quickly as I slump down in my office chair and retrieve my
phone from the drawer. Finding my uncles mobile number I call him whilst rubbing my forehead to try and release the tension I feel.
“Jax my boy, checking where I am?” My uncles cheery voice says through the phone.
“Hey Henry” I say and I hear his breath immediately hitch when he hears my tone.
“Whats up? Is it Nova? Is she ok?” He asks his words tumbling out.
“Yeah yeah, Novas fine. Getting a massage as we speak curtesy of moi” I reply with a
chuckle. “Unfortunately this is about something else.”
“Oh, what’s up?” He asks curiously.
“Ma rejected father” I say bluntly as he stays quiet on the other end for a moment.
Making Arrangements
“Well s**t” he finally says as I stand up to walk to the window. Watching the pack members hurry around making everything look beautiful for the ceremony I nearly forget I’m on the phone.
“What brought that on?” He asks when I don’t say anything.
“Ah man I don’t even know where to start. His admittance of the way he treated us growing up, the methods he and his beta used, the fact he arranged with the council for me to marry Genevieve and his that from me. Or maybe it was the fact he invited Genevieve to the Luna Ceremony today for her to challenge Nova for the Luna position. That’s not mentioning the doubt he has been trying to install in pack members about my brothers capability and my own” I rant..
“f**k sake David” he growls, “I swear he never learns.”
“Yes well it’s done now, he accepted the rejection because he knew mum had had enough” I say.
“I think your mum had enough a while ago” Henry admits.
“Huh?” I ask confused.
“She gave him an ultimatum a few years ago, either step back and let you run the Midnight Sky Pack and be successful in your own right or keep doubting his pups continue to cause tension in the family and end up losing her” he says quietly.
“Ma said that?” I check.
“Yes..we held an intervention” he admits. “His Alpha ego took a hit but it was a
necessary one.”
“I never knew” I say quietly.
“It wasn’t for you to know” Henry says simply. “We knew what you were capable of,
but your father was hell bent on wanting things his way. It seems he never truly got
over it.”
“It seems that way” I agree. “Could you take him in to your pack until he decides what
to do? I don’t feel comfortable him being here, ma needs support and also Pa really
doesn’t seem to be a fan of Nova.”
“Really?” He asks now shocked.
Making Arrangements
“Yes” I reply, “he’s unhappy with the danger she brings to the pack but I think he’s just
not comfortable with being around such a strong Luna.”
“She’s admirable not someone to be wary of Henry observes.
“Exactly” I sigh.
“I’ll take him yes. I have 4 warriors escorting me and they were due to travel back today, he can go with them. I’ll have my Beta keep an eye on him until I’m back” he lets me know.
“Thanks Henry, I appreciate it” I say with relief. “So how long until you’re here?”
“45 minutes, you best have some drink waiting for me” he laughs.
“I believe there is a bottle of whiskey in your room ready” I chuckle.
“You know me well” he exclaims.
“Wasn’t me, Nova arranged some welcome baskets. I had a little look and yours has whiskey..maybe she thinks it’s a family thing” I say amused.
“Well then, she’s just gone up on my book once again” he says with a booming laugh. “I’ll see you soon Alpha.”
“Thanks Alpha” I say with a smirk at the sudden use of formal titles. Hanging up the phone I roll my shoulders happy to have sorted that small issue out.
“Let’s go check on mum” Zeus suggests to me. Walking up to her room quickly I knock lightly but don’t hear a response. Peaking my head in I see her small form curled up on her bed resting, feeling my heart swell when I see the sad droop of her cheeks even in sleep I lean over and stroke her hair like she used to for me when I
was younger.
“They’re strong” Zeus comments, “she will be ok.”
“I know” I murmur back quietly as she sighs in her sleep. Standing up I get her a bottle of water and place it on the bedside table and drop a few flowers I pinched from a vase on my walk here. Taking one last look at her I let myself out of her room and
quietly close the door behind me.
“I need a drink” I mutter to myself.

Making Arrangements
“Well let’s go celebrate then” Zeus says to cheer me up. “Concentrate on today, your mum has put far too much effort in it to let this overcast it too much.”
“You’re right” I say making him puff his chest out proudly. Walking down stairs I see. Alpha Brent has just arrived and I walk over to greet him.
“Alpha Jax” he says with a wide smile. “I was wondering when I would be getting this. invitation.”
“You did?” I ask amused.
“I could tell” he says smugly, “you two were meant for one another and I personally couldn’t be happier for you. You’ve got yourself a strong mate there Alpha.”
“Oh you have no idea” I comment. “Nova will be pleased to see you.”
“Where is she?” He asks looking around.
“Ah the ladies are having some massages before getting ready, she deserves some time with her friends before I get to hog all her attention this evening” I laugh.
“A gentlemen I see” he says.
Seeing an Omega pass with some drinks I quickly take a whiskey and say my thanks. Holding my glass out to Alpha Brent he clinks it as I toast “to my Luna.”
“To your Luna” he repeats with a smile.
Nova POV:
“Oh that was lovely thank you” I say giving the masseuse a wide smile.
“It’s my pleasure Luna” she says holding out a card, ‘here’s my details if you ever need to relax”
Taking it I grin knowing I will most definitely be using it in the future. Hearing a soft knock at the door before it’s pushed open I turn to see Amelia walk into the room.
“Ma” Mila exclaims rushing to give her a hug. “How are you?”
“Sad but also happy” she admits biting her lip. “I’m sorry to have done that today of all days but I couldn’t deal with it any longer.”
“I know ma” Mila says into her ear. “You look lighter for it” she comments taking a step back and looking at her mother.
“I feel it” she chuckles almost guiltily. “It was time.”
“Are you ready to some fun?” Mila says enthusiastically as she passes her a large. glass of wine. Watching Amelia gulp it down I grin.
“If you keep this wine coming then definitely” Amelia says with a soft smirk.
“On it” Alice giggles as she grabs the bottle and refills the glass.
I love a drunk Amelia” Naomi exclaims clapping her hands.
“Life and soul of the party” Amelia chuckles slightly embarrassed but seemingly grateful for the ladies enthusiasm serving as a welcome distraction.
“Well call me intrigued” I giggle as I take a sip from my own glass. Hearing another
knock on the door I open it to see Theo looking around in a panic, once he sees Amelia he visibly relaxes before blushing and clearing his throat.
“Apologies” he says scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, “I just wanted to check on Amelia but it seems she is quite alright.”
“Thank you Theo” she says giving him a k*ss on his cheek, “let Jax know I am right.
where I need to be.”
fore quickly pulling Alice in for a passionate k*ss and
then dropping down to tenderly k*ss her growing bump.
“Stay safe” he murmurs to Alice as she blushes.
“Always” she promises looking at him with love before he waves and closes the door
for us.
“So sweet” I wink at her as she grins at me. “Who knew the little rat I looked after would grow into such a gentlemen.”
“Rat?” Alice gasps before bursting into giggles.
“I called him it because he was obsessed with ratatouille the movie, honestly I don’t know why but it stuck for a solid year” I say with a shrug.
“I’ll have to remember that” she says smiling mischievously. “Didn’t hear it from me” I laugh as Flo walks into the room. “Flo! You missed the massages” I say pulling a sad face.
“I did, sorry Luna” she says sheepishly.
“Border patrol?” I ask.
“Umm..yes..yes border patrol” she stammers as I look at her curiously. Seeing her blush I c**k my head at her with a knowing smile. “Ok fine” she exclaims, “I was with Andrew.”
“Say no more” I laugh, as her cheeks stay red she grabs her wine glass and takes a long sip.
“So I was thinking of doing a half up half down hair style for you, but place it over one shoulder to show off your beautiful mark Luna” the hair stylist suggests.
“I like that” I agree enthusiastically.
“Maybe leave some strands down to frame your face” she adds looking at me through the mirror.
“Perfect” I smile.
“And for makeup I think some gold shimmer on your lids. I just want to highlight your natural beauty, so maybe a little contour and blush but nothing heavy” the makeup
artist says having a look over my features.
“That sounds great, I don’t like too much on my face” I agree with her.
“Fab, we will get started then” the hair stylist says as I sit back and let them get to
“How are you getting on my Luna?” I hear Jaxs deep voice say in my mind making me smile.
“I feel very relaxed” I reply, “your mum has joined us and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.”
“Good to hear” he replies quickly.
“How are you? How are the guests?” I ask quickly.
“Everyb*dy is very happy, people are starting to come down now for some drinks. Everything is ready for the ceremony and I’ve told pack members to pause work or anything that needs doing to get ready themselves” he replies enthusiastically.
“Brilliant” I say, “but you didn’t answer how you are?”
“Better now I’ve had a whiskey and all I can think about is how you’re officially going to be my Luna soon” he replies making me imagine the big grin on his face as he says those words.
Not wanting to ask but knowing I need to know the answer I take a breath before asking him, “is everything sorted?”
“Yes” he replies quickly. “I spoke to Henry and Pa will be going back with the warriors. shortly as they are currently picking him up from the lake house. They will keep Laurence updated because I want to enjoy this evening.”
“Noted” I reply understanding he wants to enjoy himself after the events of this morning.
“Relax and have fun, I’ll see you soon” he says, “love you.”
“Love you too darling” I reply back.
Sitting back and closing my eyes so I don’t see the artists at work I chatter happily with the ladies until I feel a tap on my shoulder.
Ready to have a look? One of my stylists asks quietly as I nod eagerly. “Ok…open
Opening my eyes slowly I gasp as I take in my reflection carefully. “Oh my goddess. you’re both amazing” I breath as I twist looking at the back of my hair in the mirror.
“Thank you so much, rd hug you if I didn’t want to risk ruining what you’ve done” I say making them both laugh lightly.
It was our pleasure Luna” the make up artist says. Holding out a light rose lipstick for me she says for you to top up if needed.”
“Oh Nova cear you look amazing Amelia says as she comes to stand beside me. Different to normal but just as beautiful.”
Thank you Amelia’ I smile. Looking at her stylish bun and bold makeup I silently wow at her “You look stunning I gasp.
Ym making a statement’ she says with a bit of sass making me chuckle. Looking at all the ladies hair and makeup I grow more excited knowing we are nearing the
Everyb*dy looks gorgeous’ I say happily as they all cheer.
“Time for your cress’ Alice exclaims before dragging me to the closet to dress. “I
want to surprise them
“On 1 giggle. Holding the dress out she helps me slip it on as she whistles lightly.
“Da mn Jax isn’t going to know what’s hit him’ she exclaims before handing me a pair of stylish gold heels Slipping them on I turn to look in the full length mirror behind me
and stand frozen. Seeing the dress with the hair and makeup has brought it all
together and I look worlds away from my normal day to day self. The slit hints at my
legs with the heels making them appear longer and highlighting how toned they are. My neckline hints at my full breasts but the cut is classy and sophisticated whilst the
dress hugs my waist line showing off the curve of my bum before flowing lightly.
“Hawhere’s Nova and what have you done with her?” I ask Alice cheekily.
“Silly woman” she chuckles, ‘this just highlights how good you already look. All eyes
are going to be on you tonight Luna.”
“Thank you Alice” I murmur emotionally. Seeing her smile she motions for me to step
out and as I do all eyes turn to see me.
Seeing everyb*dy stand shocked I shift uncomfortably, “is it ok?” I ask nervously.
“Wow” Naomi breaths her eyes wide. “You look beautiful Nova.”
“Amazing Flo whispers as they both continue to stare.
“Amelia?” I ask quietly seeing her standing with tears threatening to fall.
“You look like a true Luna” she whispers emotionally as Mila squeezes her mums
“Truly stunning Nova, my brother is going to be blown away” Mila exclaims as she comes to k*ss my cheek. “Beautiful” she assures me as I take a deep breath.
“Ready to do this?” Mila asks with a smile as she checks the time. “Your dad is
downstairs” she adds on.
Steeling myself I straighten my posture and take another deep breath to keep my sudden nerves at bay. “Ready” I say glad my voice is clear.5/5
Jax POV:
“Looking smart Alpha” I hear Laurence say as I step out of the bathroom I was u
using to ready myself in. Attaching my cufflinks I have a quick check in the mirror and nod to myself. Dressed in a smart black suit with a green tie I assume matches Novas dress I admit I look good. Running a hand through my hair I style it into a perfect messy styled look I know Nova is into rather than a slicked back gelled look.
“Thanks Laurence” I say slapping his shoulder as I go to pour us a glass of whiskey.
Holding them up we toast “to The Midnight Sky Pack.”
“Been a long day coming this” Laurence says as we head downstairs. “A ceremony for
our true Luna” he explains when I look at him confused.
“The pack seem much more enthusiastic for this ceremony” I chuckle.
“Wonder why” Laurence scoffs. Seeing his eyes glaze over I wait before he turns to
me with an excited gaze, “ladies are coming down.”
I feel a wash of nerves rush through me before I shake them off. This time is nothing like the ceremony I had to go through before I remind myself as I spin to look up the stairs waiting for my beautiful Luna to arrive. Feeling Zeus excitement increase along
with mine I soon forget about my nerves as my mates enticing scent hits my nose.
My ma walks down first along with Mila and Naomi, “you look beautiful” I say to them
as they reach the bottom. Seeing my mum’s bold look I smirk, “I see what you’re doing.
“Is it working?” She asks innocently.
“I think it will send just the right message, you are one strong independent woman as
they say” I assure her making her grin widely.
“Your Luna looks like something else” she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Seeing my confused expression Mila steps forward, “I don’t think I’ve seen someone so gorgeous before as her” she says seriously. Straightening my tie she smiles at me,
“proud of you Jax.”
“Thanks Mila” I murmur before I hear the sound of heels walking to the stairs. Looking up I freeze as my eyes meet Novas.
Trailing my eyes down I take in her dress that hugs her figure perfectly, her legs peaking through as she walks carefully down the stairs showing how toned and shapely they are. Looking back up I see a soft blush staining her cheeks as she sees my reaction.
“Wow” I whisper as she comes to a stop in front of me. Her long lashes flutter as she looks up at my star struck gaze. Staring for a few moments she chuckles nervously.
“Is it ok?” She asks looking down and smoothing the front.
“Nova you look a goddess” I say softly making her bite her lip to stop herself from grinning. “I’m pretty speechless” I say with a chuckle.
“Can say that again” Alice comments quietly as she walks pasts.
“You look handsome” Nova says reaching out and playing with my jacket collar. Although I can’t wait to take this off later” she links me making my breath hitch in
“Don’t start now, these trousers make things very obvious” I link her back making her
Hearing Laurence clear his throat I realise everyone is watching our silent conversation and Nova blushes once again.
“You look stunning Luna” Laurence says k*ssing her cheeks politely making me growl
lightly at him. “Oh jeez Jax, my pregnant mate is right there” he says making everyone
“Sorry man” I say scratching my head. “Are you ready my Luna?”
“Yes” she replies confidently making me smile as she takes my arm.
“Nova” I hear Kingsley call before we step outside.
“Dad” she exclaims happily as he comes to stop before us.
“I just wanted to see you before you go up there and say how proud I am of you, look just like your mother” he says with a soft smile as his eyes tear up.
“Oh dad” she whispers as she carefully hugs him. “I’m so happy you’re here”
“Me too” he whispers. “Right go do your thing you two, I’ll see you after”
Uttering my thanks we continue out as two pack members open the rear doors to the gardens and I hear Nova gasp in amazement. There are lanterns adorned around the gardens casting a glow on the surrounding flowers, with white, green and gold fabric draped overhead i see lights which I know Nova will think are beautiful as soon as night falls.
We step down together and walk through the pack members as they all murmur between themselves how amazing Nova looks. Smiling proudly as everyone’s eyes are trained on my Luna I hold her until we reach the steps up to the temporary stage before I k*ss her cheek and walk confidently up to the front to address the crowd.
Once the others have taken their place alongside Nova I hold my hand up to gain everyone’s attention and the gardens fall silent.
“Good evening everyone and welcome to our guests that have joined us. Today marks a proud day for the Midnight Sky Pack, our true Lunas ceremony” I say loudly
as everyb*dy claps at my words, Walking to the side I watch as Laurence escorts her
up the stairs before I take her hand and guide her to the front.
Turning to her with a wide smile as everyone watches eagerly I begin to speak, “Nova
Vinrock, by the blessing of the Moon Goddess you were fated to become this packs.
Luna. Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to take on the responsibilities of Luna and make
them your own?”
“I do” her voice rings out loud and clear as she maintains my gaze.
“Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to never betray this pack or its members throughout your time as Luna?”
“I do, until I die” she adds on making my smile grow.
“Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to watch over this pack and its members and protect
whenever necessary?”
“I do” she calls clearly her voice never faltering.
As I move to slip the glove on and take the silver knife I see Nova shake her head slightly and I motion for her to instead knowing she won’t be pained. She picks it up
gracefully ignoring the loud gasps of those from the crowd at her bare hand touching silver and holds her other hand high before she makes an incision on her palm and lets the blood drop into the chalice I’m holding below. Offering her my hand she repeats the motion allowing mine to drop in also before we clasp our hands together.
“Then repeat after me” I start looking at her eyes once again, “I, Nova Vinrock Luna of the Midnight Sky Pack, vow to protect the pack members with my life, to defend those in need and strengthen everyone. I promise to love and care for the pack members as if they’re my own family and I vow to always stand beside them.”
Hearing her repeat the words I hold the chalice up as she swiftly drinks without wincing or showing any sign of the blood being an unpleasant taste.
“I never want to do that again” she links me though whilst maintaining a straight face making me laugh loudly.
“You wont” I promise back.
Turning to the pack I bring Nova into my side and stand proud, “our Luna..Luna Noval of the Midnight Sky Pack” I shout proudly as everyb*dy begins to cheer loudly and the pack link begins to flood with congratulations.
“I have a couple more announcements i would like to make before we can begin the celebration. I thought it appropriate to also announce the official appointment of Novas own Beta and Gam ma. So please can we welcome Beta Naomi and Gam ma Alice to the stage” I shout turning to see their shocked faces.
“What?” Naomi asks in confusion as they reach the stage.
“You may
be the mated Beta Female but this way, the both of you are Novas Beta and Gam ma. It’s appropriate given what she” I ask them quietly quirking my brow.
“Oh my goddess” Alice whispers as I help them both up to the front. Nova grasps the knife and continues the ceremony to name her Beta and Gam ma as the crowd
watches on intrigued. Once done drinking from the chalice both Alice and Naomi gasp as their eyes shine with that of their wolves.
“What’s happening?” Theo asks rushing forward concerned for his pregnant mate ast
the ladies stay quiet for a moment.
“They are gaining some of Kia’s strength” Nova murmurs not worried at all as
everyone looks confused.
“Seriously?” Laurence asks in shock.
“Their aura will be stronger and their sense sharpened” Nova explains quietly as I see Kia is present in her eyes.
“Wow..” Naomi murmurs as they turn their attention to Nova after a moment.
“Beta..Ga mma” Nova says bowing her head as they respond whilst the crowd cheers loudly.
Stepping forward I speak once again, “I’m sure many of you understand why we deemed it fit for Nova to have her own appointed officers. For those guests who are slightly confused, I’ll explain throughout the evening. Now..enjoy the celebrations!” Taking Novas hand I k*ss her softly before pulling back to see her eyes full of life.
“Our Luna” I whisper before pulling her in for another passionate k*ss which she responds to just as passionately.
Second Chance
Second Chance
Nova POV:
“That was a surprise” Naomi says as we leave the stage.
“It was meant to be” I smirk, “but you both deserve it and it just makes sense doesn’t it.”
Hearing them both agree I grin before feeling Jax approach. “I’m so proud of you, so strong” he says with admiration as he wraps his arms around my waist.
“I’m glad we got to enjoy this” I say smiling as I turn to face him. “Shall we go mingle?
I suggest looking at the crowd waiting to congratulate us personally.
“Let’s” he agrees eagerly.
“Nova!” I hear my brothers booming voice as he comes running to me before lifting me in the air. “I’m so happy for you” he says emotionally into my ear as he lowers me to the ground. “You are an amazing Luna and you will do a wonderful job for this pack.”
“Thanks Luca” I whisper holding back tears from his words.
“Stunning” Sophie exclaims as she gently hugs me, “you were born for this role..and this dress is made for you.”
“Literally” I say with a laugh, twirling I wink at her, “Alice is talented isn’t she.”
“Very” she agrees.
Seeing her confidence I smile proudly, “you both look extremely happy” I comment to them as Luca holds her close to him.
“We are” he says with a genuine smile. “The pack love her and it’s brought some joy back for them.”
“I’m glad to hear it” I say as I see Axton approach. Seeing his brows furrowed as he takes large sniffs of the air I look at him with wide eyes.
“Congratulations” he says happily before looking around slightly. Bringing his
attention back to us I smile knowingly. “I’m really happy for you both, you look perfect
Second Chance
“Thank you Alpha” Jax says graciously, “I’m glad you could make it today.”
“I’d say you’re the glad one aren’t you Axton” I say slyly as he looks at me blankly. Pointing to my nose he blushes as he c***s his head.
“It might be nothing” he mutters.
“Or it could be everything” I counter staring at him as everyone else looks at us. confused.
“Trust you to notice” he chuckles as he looks around again.
“Alpha?” Luca asks looking at him with concern. “If this is too much you don’t..”
“No no” Axton says waving his hand, “trust me I’m glad I came, I am genuinely happy. for the both of you and wish you nothing but the best.”
“Then?” Luca asks with furrowed brows.
“I think I smell my mate..but it’s faint” Axton admits with confusion. Once he says that
I grasp Jaxs arm as he looks at me at the same time.
“What if..?” He links me surprised.
“I know” I link him back excitedly.
“Hey, how about I go grab us some drinks and you can tell us about your first few
days at your new home, Axton id like to hear all about it” I say ensuring he stays close. before rushing off.
Seeing who I’m after I grasp her arm lightly, “Nova! You ok?” She asks seeing my slightly flushed face.
“Don’t ask why but could you please come with me quickly?” I ask quietly as she nods in confusion.
As we reach the group I see Jax grin.
“I didn’t get drinks but look who I found on my travels” I exclaim catching Lucas eye,” this is Mila..Jaxs sister.”
With that Axton spins around quickly and locks eyes with Mila, seeing his confusion as well as hers as she subtly try’s to take a breath of his scent I grin at the others.
Second Chance
Axton quickly shakes himself off as he extends his hand out, “it’s a pleasure to meet you Mila, I’m Alpha Axton of the White Mountain Pack.”
She cautiously extends her hand to shake his and as they meet she gasps softly.” What..?” She whispers staring at their hands.
“Sparks?” Jax asks knowingly.
“How did you know?” Axton asks confused as he also looks at their joint hands.
With a deep breath Mila speaks quickly, clearly wanting to get the obvious out for everyone to know, “I rejected my first mate….he has yet to accept the rejection.”
“Oh..” Axton says looking slightly crestfallen.
“I think you’re my second chance” she whispers nervously as she looks up to see his eyes widen in realisation as a smile stretches across his face.
“That’s why they’re faint” he murmurs to himself. “Mate” he smiles before pulling her in close burrowing his head in her hair.
Seeing Alia move forward in Milas eyes she says “mate” clearly once they step back to look at one another again.
“Congratulations sister” Jax says as he k*sses her cheek. “Alpha Axton, I think it’s about time don’t you.”
“You can say that again” he mutters as he continues to stare at Mila in awe.
Quickly hugging Mila I offer my congratulations to the pair along with Luca and Sophie. “Mila why don’t you fill him in on everything, I think after next week you will both feel the bond properly. Although I think Alia has made it quite clear” I add on looking at Milas face as she blushes.
“Thank you Nova” she says k*ssing my cheek as Jax and I turn to walk away.
“Jax, Nova” I hear Amelia shout as we turn to see her with two drinks ready for us. Congratulations” she squeals as she hugs us both hard.
“Amelia this is absolutely stunning” I say motioning to the gardens. “It’s more than I could have ever hoped for.”
“Jax said you like your flowers and I thought this is just beautiful out here, it’s perfect
Second Chance
for the both of you” she says happily grasping my hands.
“You might want to go see your daughter” Jax says with a mischievous smirk. “Why?” She asks sharply, “oh goddess she’s not drunk already is she?”
Hearing that I splutter a laugh into my drink as Jax snorts next to me. “No ma” he laughs before he points to where Axton and Mila are sat close together chatting quietly on a bench.
“Oh my..” she whispers holding her heart, “is that..?”
“Her second chance mate” I finish for her as her eyes fill with tears.
“You’re sure?” She asks nervously.
“Well the signs weren’t as strong but I think it’s because Bruno still needs to accept her rejection..which will be soon won’t it?” I ask Jax as he nods. “Axton could scent her and they had faint sparks when they touched. But also. Alia was forward when she said mate.”
“They’re mates” she squeals loudly making Milas head snap up to look at her mum as she flushes red.
“Okok don’t embarrass her ma” Jax mutters as many heads turn to look at us.
“She looks happy” she whispers as we watch Mila laugh at something Axton has said.
“He’ll be a good mate to her” I say confidently to Jax and Amelia. “They’re what each other need after everything.”
“You’re right Nova” Jax says surprising me slightly. “As much as I find it a little strange my Lunas ex mate is now my sisters I believe everything happens for a reason. They can help each other recover and grow..they’re meant to be.”
“They are” Amelia says just as confidently. “They were always meant to be..they’re fated.”
“Exactly” I say with a smile. “Now..who fancies a dance?”
Seeing Jax grin he holds his hand out to mine, “be prepared to be amazed” he whispers in my ear making me shiver.
Second Chance
“I can dance also you know” I shoot back.
“Oh trust me..I’ve seen those hips move” he says with a smirk.
“Alpha” I gasp mockingly before giggling from the wine.
“When you’re dancing in the room I mean” he says with an innocent look making me
frown. “But also in bed” he adds on making me roll my eyes as I knew he was thinking
“Let’s dance” I laugh pulling him to join the lively crowd already dancing away.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 86-95

Nova POV:
“Athena..its interesting really. A name representing strength, wisdom and courage, one that symbolises power, I wonder if it will be fitting of you in the war to come” Caroline muses continuing to stare at me.
“I find it fitting” I laugh lightly hiding my inner caution, “it also represents justice, inspiration and skill. I’d say my parents made a fabulous choice when it comes to my
name. Even more interesting is the name I go by and have also known to be mine my
entire life.”
“And what’s that?” Caroline asks with an arched brow.
“Nova” I say clearly as her eyes widen before she nods.
“Ah..derived from the word “novus” if I remember correctly” she muses. “New.”
“Yes” I say with a smile in memory of my adopted parents choice, “also a name given
to bright stars. But after the start I had to life I find it perfect.”
Hearing those words her eyes narrow slightly as her lips thin, “oh Caroline, you think I
don’t know you’ve been after me since I was a baby? That the reason for me growing up without parents was because of some twisted logic of my grandparents wanting to kill their own daughter and granddaughter?”
“We have never hid it” she says after a moments quiet.
No..but I wonder what changed?” I ask.
“With what?” She says.
“How did you go from wanting to kill me to then being happy to keep track of me over the years until my 25th?” I ask making her eyes widen again.
“Surprised I know that?” I ask with a chuckle. “You’ve missed quite a lot since your little..sleep. I can see the questions in your eyes. We know of the spies you have, they’ve been dealt with.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about child” she says her voice suddenly higher pitched and slightly breathless.
you fell
“We know Frost orchestrated the attack at the White Mountain Pack where unconscious and Nova here took you” Jax says as he comes to stand beside me radiating power. “He admitted to his involvement and the active role he took in killing Novas adoptive mother.”
“And where is that treacherous old fool now?” Caroline sneers.
“Dead” I state simply as i pick at my nails casually, “I ripped his heart out just like he did with my mother.”
“You monster” Caroline hisses her face turning red in anger.
“Maybe so” Jax says with a shrug before his eyes darken and his fangs elongate as a snarl rips from him. “But we would never kill innocents so let me ask you who the real
monsters are?”
“You anomalies are not innocents” Caroline says.
“Anomalies? I think there are far too many of us to be called that, we are a population just like humans” Jax says with a c****d head.
“You shouldn’t exist” Caroline sneers.
“But we do” I interrupt sharply. “I have caused no harm to one’s that don’t deserve it
throughout my life, I have worked to better people’s lives and bring good to the world. Why do you want to rid me of that?”
“You’re an animal just like the rest of them” Caroline states coldly, “Lizzie failed to
remember that and look where it got her.”
“She found a loving mate, had a beautiful daughter and then had her world ripped apart by her mean that?” Jax asks with disbelief.
“She should never have fallen for that man, I don’t know what he did to get her to cast aside all she knew and believed in” Caroline says. “Your father, Kingsley, wove himself into her head and twisted her beliefs to make her betray us. Hes a monster Athena, one which needs eradicating from this world, just like you.”
“But that’s what you think isn’t it, that my father and I are the key to the downfall of the werewolves” I say making her eyes flicker to me in surprise. “Have I shocked you
“Wolves should not exist amongst us” Caroline sneers at me, “they bring disorder to the world and offset the balance of nature”
Hearing that Jax snorts with cold laughter, “how wrong you are lady. We live amongst nature, we are more intune with the nature of this world than you are. You say we bring disorder when I personally have boosted the financial state of many humans in their business world, we have never harmed humans unless they were hunters. We don’t howl our secrets to the world we even protect unknowing humans from other threats to their lives. So explain to me why we bring disorder to the world?”
Hearing that Caroline looks at him in shock at his little speech. “I grew up as a hunter, saw the damage wolves can cause and it’s plain wrong. You kill ruthlessly, you take pleasure in pain and you revel in confrontation.”
“You saw wolves growing up who were attacking to protect themselves” I snarl. “I would die to protect those I love. Unlike you and others just like you, you’re selfish whilst we are selfless.”
Hearing those words Caroline looks at me with a cold glint in her eyes, “would you?”
“Yes” I growl.
“Even your mother?” She says leaning forward eagerly.
“Funny you mention my mother Caroline, we know she’s alive. We know you have her” I say calmly watching her reaction.
She pauses for a moment before leaning back in her hospital bed and crossing her. arms. “If you know then why are you here?”
“Because we need you to tell us where she is” Jax growls as he steps beside the bed and glares down at her, his towering form imposing and threatening with the cold
aura he is giving off,
She looks up at him and chuckles quietly, “you won’t intimidate me young man.”
“No..maybe not” I laugh as I walk up to her other side and lean over to glare at her nose to nose. “But if you ever want to see your dear Charles again it would be in your
best interest to tell us.”
“Charles?” She whispers as the scent of fear suddenly begins to emit from her.
“He’s abandoned you Caroline, not once has he come looking for you” I chuckle standing back as I see hurt fill her eyes. “Your beloved clearly does not care for you.” “He wouldn’t abandon me” she whispers doubt lacing her tone.
“Yet here you are..20 months after your attack and Charles no where in sight, his informants are dead. His time is coming Caroline and you won’t be by his side” I say coldly. “So you tell me what you know about my mother or you won’t like what’s coming your way.”
“Is that a threat?” She asks bravely.
Sniggering I extend a claw out and lightly trace it over the thin skin on her neck drawing beads of blood, hearing her heart rate spi ke I see her pupils dilate in fear. “It’s a promise” I growl my eyes bright with Kia as our voices join.
“I don’t know if you would want to see your mother again child” she finally spits out. “Whys that?” I ask c*****g my head as my eyes narrow.
“Because she isn’t who you think she is, you think she is going to welcome you with open arms and love you? She won’t” she sneers.
“And again..we ask why?” Jax says coldly.
“Because she thinks you’re monsters also, she’s our greatest weapon” Caroline says: with a cold laugh, “she’s undergone induced compliance therapy and many other forms and now she’s as far away from the lady your father left behind than you can possibly imagine.”
“Where is she?” I growl loudly.
“I won’t tell you where” she sneers, “but she’ll find you. They’ve known where I am this entire time and when she does find you..well I hope I’m around to watch it unfold.”
Hearing those words I pause as I watch her absentmindedly rub her arm. “Tracker” Kia growls before I lunge forward and grasp her arm, slicing it deeply and grasping. the small device lodged in her muscle.
“AHHHHH” she screams in pain as I twirl to Jax in shock holding the tracker as it dangles off of my claw.
“How was this missed?” I ask.
“It never showed in any scans” he says with confusion. “But it does explain the note better.”
“It was designed that way” Caroline pants as she desperately tries to stop the blood from falling. “We are always one step ahead of you, I haven’t been abandoned..I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and your mother, she’s our perfect weapon.”
“b***h” I snarl as I flash my fangs at her.
“We can work with this Nova” I see Jax say confidently, “they won’t get away with it.” “Oh how wrong you are dear boy” Caroline laughs coldly.
“GUARDS” I shout loudly making her eyes flash to me in a panic. Two men come into the room, their pure muscle and large forms making Caroline press herself into her bed making herself smaller.
Ripping her IV drip out I throw it away before gesturing to her, “take her to the cells” I snarl.
Hi everyone! Just a little ask from me, I’ve been asked to participate in the current English voting event which is running from today until the 27th of Jan. I would appreciate any votes you could give me, I’ve posted the sss below. Thank you so much for your support on this novel it means the world to me.

Unexpected Guests
Nova POV:
Storming out the hospital I head to a bench hearing Jax following close behind.
“I could kill her” I snarl as my temper rises
“She was trying to get under your skin Nova” he says his deep voice helping calm me as he wraps his arms around me and brings me to his chest.
“Do voi
you think it’s true about my mother?” I ask after a moment.
“I think it’s a strong possibility, but that doesn’t mean there is no coming back for her” he says quietly. “I think she has been moulded by your grandparents to cause the ultimate damage to you and your father so it’s best to be prepared either way. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on her.”
I don’t say anything as I nod in agreement.
“Life isn’t fair” I mumble into his chest as he k*sses the top of my head softly.
We stay that way for a few moments before we hear “ALPHA” being called. Turning our heads we see Axel running towards us brandishing a phone in his head.
“Yes?” Jax asks not lessening his comforting embrace on me.
“Hannah’s phone..there is a new meeting scheduled, Monday and it’s only 25 miles from here” he pants.
“Really?” I ask in surprise as he holds the phone out for us to see. “Do you think it’s at
genuine one or a trap if they have discovered what’s happened to Hannah?”
“Why do you think it might be a trap?” Axel asks inquisitively.
“Well what if they’ve discovered Hannah’s b*dy?” I ask.
“I doubt it, but there is a chance, I can arrange for it to be checked if I speak to Sophie
about the location” he says slowly. “Beta Laurence is going to go scout out the meeting place now with Ga mma Theo and 5 warriors.”
“Do you think Hannah had a tracker in her arm also?” I suddenly ask Jax. “Luca!
Where is he?” I ask Axel before Jax can reply.
Unexpected Guests
“In the lounge with Sophie” he says.
“Let’s go” I order already jogging towards the packhouse.
“LUCA” I shout as I head towards the lounge. Seeing him stand as I walk through he looks at me questioningly.
“You called?” He says with humour, seeing my face is serious his eyes harden and he refers to his Beta mode. “What’s up Nova?”
Dr Norton mention anything about trackers and the hunters?” I ask.
“No..but we didn’t ask anything like that” he says furrowing his brows.
“Caroline had a tracker in her arm, I wondered if it was the case for all hunters who
work for Charles” I explain.
“I’ll call Elder Martin now if you’d like?” He suggests.
“Yes please do” I say, “go to the office and do it, his number is in the office phone.”
“On it” he says before dashing from the room.
“Sophie did Hannah have one do you know?” I ask.
“Not that I’m aware of but I didn’t look for one, i knew her phone had one and that was it” she says before Axel pulls her to one side.
“Alpha Jax there are a convoy of cars coming down the drive” a warrior shouts as he
dashes into the room.
“What? And the gate guards haven’t mentioned it because?” He fumes as he storms. out the room his eyes blazing. Trailing behind him my heart starts beating loudly at the unknown as I scent wolves in unfamiliar with.
“Relax Nova, it will do you no good being so on edge” Ki says soothing me.
Pushing the pack house doors open Jax jumps down the steps before taking a powerful stance in the middle of the drive with me by his side. Seeing the cars drive up his lips thin and pull back revealing his fangs.
“What the f**k” he snarls, “5 blo ody cars and the gate guards don’t even bother to link me. I’ll be having words.” As he says this a group of 15 warriors come to stand behind us in a fighting stance.
Unexpected Guests
The cars pull up quickly and the back door of the leading one swings open as a tall gentlemen gracefully stands up before walking round to open the other door. Holding his hand out he helps a beautiful lady elegantly stand up and they link arms before
the walk slowly towards us.
“Oh the little..” Jax says as he relaxes his stance immediately.
The man whose bright green eyes bore through us as power radiates from him lifts his lips in a slight smirk, “I wouldn’t finish that if I were you Jaxon” he laughs.
Shaking his head Jax waves the men behind us to stand down and looks at me, Alpha..”
“King” I finish as it clicks.
“You got it, come my Luna” he says taking me hand and leading us to meet our
“Alpha King, Luna Ophelia” Jax says with a genuine smile as he bows to them, “it’s a pleasure to have you here.”
Uttering my greetings also I graciously bow to show my respect. Standing upright I see the Alpha King looking at me closely. Smiling calmly I link my arm with Jaxs.
“Are you going to introduce us Jaxon?” The Alpha King asks with a smirk.
“Of course..this is my mate, Luna Nova” Jax says with pride as he hugs me close to
his side.
“It’s lovely to meet you” Luna Ophelia says in a soft tone with a warm smile. “How nice to see Jax has his true mate by his side at last.
“Thank you Luna Ophelia” I say with a polite smile.
Suddenly the Alpha King and Luna Ophelia bow low to me whilst I stand in shock at their actions and others behind us gape in surprise.
“Um..” I say lost for words.
“We know who you are Nova, and we want to pledge our loyalty to you and your Alpha
the Alpha King says as he stands looking at me clearly as gasps echo around us. We felt your power and then after speaking to Elder Martin we knew we needed to come quickly. This is a time of need and we will be by your side until the threat of the
Unexpected Guests
hunters have been terminated.”
“Oh my goddess..” I breath and I look at Jax who is stood looking proudly at me.
“I, Alpha King Alexander, swear my loyalty to Luna Nova, our Guardian, through life there are challenges but together we will face them and come out stronger. You have
the support of the Northern Packs and a lifetime of loyalty from myself and my Luna Ophelia” he says as his aura ripples around him making everyone else bow but Jax and myself.
“Don’t worry Nova” he says with a smile as I stand frozen in shock, “I’m still your Alpha King. But I respect your position in this world and I know the nature of you and your Wolf, I will support you and your mate to strengthen and protect us all.”
you Alpha” Jax says bowing his head as I mirror him. “This is quite a surprise.”
“I bet” Alexander says with a chuckle.
Suddenly Kia forces a shift for the first time since shifting and before I know it she is stood tall proudly looking at the Alpha King before she bows low to both him and his
“It is a pleasure to meet you both” she links them as they smile showing no surprise at her voice, “I vow to always protect those who are pure and aid those in need. I will offer my advice, support and love wherever I can and I will always..always fight for
those who deserve it.”
She walks closer as everyone watches on quietly before nudging her nose into first
Luna Ophelia’s open palm then the Alpha Kings. Turning she looks at Jax who is
standing with a large smile on his face and walks up before bowing, “my Alpha” she purrs to him making him rumble in approval. Nudging his side as she passes she lopes to the packhouse side before shifting and allowing me to change into some
spare clothes.
“Could have warned me” I mumble to her.
“You seemed rather shell shocked” she says to me rather matter of factly.
“I was” I laugh, “best redeem myself.”
Walking out I hold my head high and stride towards Jaxs side.
Unexpected Guests
“I apologise Alpha Alexander, Luna Ophelia after the past few weeks I was rather shocked by that” I admit with a soft chuckle as they join me, “but your loyalty and faith in Kia and myself means a lot. Would you both like to come inside and I can arrange for some drinks and food to be brought through. I think perhaps it’s time for Jax and I to explain what has been going on.”

Jax POV:
Nova briefly disappears to organise drinks and food to be brought to the private
lounge on our floor leaving me with Alex and Luna Ophelia.
“So this was a surprising visit” I say to them as they look at me with wide smiles.
“As soon as we felt her power Alex became restless, he was about to call the council when elder Martin reached out. Alex was too impatient to call you and thought the best idea was to just head here straight away” Ophelia says with humour as she looks at her mate. “Learning she was your mate was a lovely surprise though I have to
“Why don’t they sense Kingsley?” Zeus asks me suddenly.
“I think it’s part of his protection by the Moon Goddess perhaps, it’s worth looking into “I reply to him.
“Do you realise how incredible it is to have a Guardian Wolf alive in our lifetime?” Alex
asks us with amazement.
“Elder Martin didn’t say she was my mate?” I check.
“No, he said she resided in your pack and that was enough for me, he said you’d be
reaching out as you had a problem anyway and I thought to hell with it, we are
coming to you” he says with a shrug.
“Well I’m glad you have” I sigh, “there is a lot going on and a lot we still don’t
“Alpha? Can I have a quick word?” Axel calls as he knocks on the door.
“Yes come in Axel” I shout before he opens the door and freezes at the sight before
“Alpha King, Lady Ophelia it’s an honour” he says bowing low. “I’m sorry I’ve been in the office I appear to have missed you arriving.”
“Hello Axel” Alex says stretching out his hand for him to shake.
Teksasi sight, moattendic
Figmes News” he says sal in stool. 7 socke I. Ecer Marin and he has further
interrogated Or Nomen. Omy Chares and Carbine ever tac trackers instaled, ther
were designed by Dr Nomon so he has provided us with information on them. So we
don’t need to work about Parman
That’s good to hear I say with relief
“Theres more.” Axel says with excitement. “Dir Norton has ever so kindly provided the
derals of the tackars believe can find Charles
“Seriously?” I ask looking at hinin amazement
“Yes! I was going to deactivate Caroline’s but then I thought perhaps we could lead a faise trail to keep them busy for a few days. I know this weekend would be good to go ahead with no problems” he says
Clicking my fingers par his shoulders in price, you are brilliant! Yes. Laurence is due
back in a couple of hours, once he’s back you can arrange with him a false trail for the
next few days. How long do you need to find Charles?
“Give me 3 hours, can I have permission to stay here and only Evan travel back to
Alba Henry’s pack and run the scheduled scout missions? I believe I could be of
more use here at the moment Alpha Henry has cleared it” he says eagerly.
“Most definitely” I agree. “So Evan will be participating in the 30 hour mission yes? Due back Sunday morning and will have time to rest before the ceremony?”
“He will” Axel says confidently
“Then go ahead, go and organise that and I will come find you once I am done here. Thank you Axel, Nova will be very pleased” I say with a grin which he returns. Bowing low to our guests he leaves with a spring in his step.
“Ceremony?” Alex asks with a mischievous gleam.
“Novas Luna Ceremony, and yes before you start you were to be invited. We only decided this morning to hold it in 3 days” I say rolling my eyes at him.
“Oh good..I do love a party” he smirks before Nova glides back into the room.
“Refreshments will be here shortly” she says softly.

Jax POV:
Nova briefly disappears to organise drinks and food to be brought to the private. lounge on our floor leaving me with Alex and Luna Ophelia.
“So this was a surprising visit” I say to them as they look at me with wide smites.
“As soon as we felt her power Alex became restless, he was about to call the council when elder Martin reached out. Alex was too impatient to call you and thought the best idea was to just head here straight away” Ophelia says with humouras she looks at her mate. “Learning she was your mate was a lovely surprise though I have to admit.”
“Why don’t they sense Kingsley?” Zeus asks me suddenly.
“I think it’s part of his protection by the Moon Goddess perhaps, it’s worth locking into “I reply to him.
“Do you realise how incredible it is to have a Guardian Wolf alive in our lifetime?”-Alex asks us with amazement,
“Elder Martin didn’t say she was my mate?” I check.
“No, he said she resided in your pack and that was enough for me, he said you’d be reaching out as you had a problem anyway and I thought to hell with it, we are coming to you” he says with a shrug.
“Well I’m glad you have” I sigh, “there is a lot going on and a lot we still don’t
“Alpha? Can I have a quick word?” Axel calls as he knocks on the door.
“Yes come in Axel” I shout before he opens the door and freezes at the sight before.
“Alpha King, Lady Ophelia it’s an honour” he says bowing low. “I’m sorry I’ve been in the office l appear to have missed you arriving.”
“Hello Axel Alex says stretching out his hand for him to shake.
“Congratulations on your upcoming ceremony Nova” Ophelia says as she steps.
forward to k*ss her cheeks softly. “We can’t wait to celebrate with you.”
“Thank you” Nova says with a soft blush, “I have a room being prepared for you both if
you’d like to stay here?”
“We won’t be leaving anytime soon Nova, I meant it when I said we would stay by you throughout this” Alex says as he guides Ophelia to sit beside him. “I would appreciate
being told more?”
“Of course” I say instantly as Nova sits beside me also.
For the next 20 minutes we sit there and explain in detail everything that has happened thus far as they sit and listen attentively without asking questions. Once
we have finished Alex leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees with his chin
on his hands.
“That’s a lot” he comments.
“I did warn you” I chuckle.
“Can I offer my advice?” He says.
“Please do” Nova replies quickly.
“I think finding Charles is top priority, what Caroline said about your mother finding
you I think could also be true. She has had 25 years with her parents now, to her knowledge her mate betrayed her and their mate bond, I think it’s a strong possibility she doesn’t know of her parents involvement in that” he says. “I do believe she will
have been conditioned but I also believe that can be broken, seeing her daughter and
her mate once more could be what’s needed for that to happen. I’m not saying let’s hang around and wait but there are no leads on your mum, she is a ghost in this.
Which is exactly what your grandparents have designed.”
“You’re right” I say quietly. “We need to find the hunters.”
“The meeting that is scheduled is the perfect time, I don’t suggest attacking however.
I suggest we scout it out and follow them from there, we can find their base, see the
routes they take and more” he says with confidence. “My only concern is they will
know the traitors have been found, it could be a trap because of that. Although from
the sounds of it none of the traitors were told about the meeting otherwise Elder
Martin would have told you by now so I believe there is a strong possibility this is a
genuine meeting”
“Things are amping up now I say leaning forward with anticipation.
“They are” Alex agrees. “Once we know more on Monday I think it’s best to react quickly and not give them time to act.”
“Definitely, we go to them instead of them coming to us” Nova says.
“Exactly” Alex agrees. “I do have one suggestion though, if it is a genuine hunters meeting on Monday then we leave them a gift.”
“A gift?” I ask already having a feeling I know what he’s going to say.
“Caroline’s b*dy, left for them to see” he says with a dark smile. “She has no use to us
“Brutal but a good idea” Nova agrees making Ophelia look at her slightly in surprise
which doesn’t go amiss.
“I apologise Luna Ophelia, I know it’s surprising for me to say that but I have to admit Kia quite likes action” Nova says quietly. “She isn’t afraid of blood or fighting, it only
pushes her more.”
“I see” Ophelia says with a smile, “very unlike me.”
“Darling you don’t have to be like Nova, you are perfect for your role” Alex says
comforting her.
“Oh I don’t mind Alex” she says with a giggle, “I don’t have the stomach for it I know
that. But I commend you Nova on being a warrior, it’s not for the faint hearted.”
“Thank you” Nova says with a soft smile.
“I have an idea though, leaving her b*dy at the meeting would panic them. They may not lead us to their base or anywhere else of importance. I suggest once we have
found the base then we leave her b*dy. Then they will be scared and have lost their
advantage” i interject.
“Definitely” Nova agrees with a smile thrown my way.
“A warrior?” Alex asks with interest still hung up on a comment from Ophelia.
“Yes Alpha” Nova smiles, “I trained with the Elite Warriors when I was younger and I
organise the training programs for it to this day as well as the council guards training.
“Could we spar?” He asks eagerly.
“Dear..” Ophelia protests.
“It’s okay Luna, I’m happy to spar if Alpha Alex is also” Nova says reassuringly.
“Jax?” Ophelia says looking confused as to why I’m happy for my mate to spar with
the Alpha King.
“I’m not worried” I shrug, “we can go now if you’d like?”
“Don’t hurt her Alex” Ophelia murmurs to him as he chuckles.
“He won’t” I say making them both look at me in surprise. “But you’ve asked to spar
now..can’t back out” I laugh as I eagerly lead Nova out the room.
“Please kick his as s love” I chuckle, “he hasn’t been beaten in a long time.”
“Just for you” she winks.
Nova POV:
“Shall we clear the sparring area for now?” I ask Jax, “I know we are addressing the
pack before the run this evening about what I am.”
“Save Alex from embarrassment you mean?” Jax quips back to me.
Pointing my finger at him I laughed, “I never said that.”
Rolling his eyes he simply chuckles before running over to a couple of warriors to
politely ask them to leave as I ready myself to spar.
“First to tap out? One round human form another round wolf form?” The Alpha King suggests as he walks over to where I’m preparing.
“Yep, that sounds good to me” I smile rubbing my hands eagerly.
“Promise I’ll go easy” he laughs as he walks off making me frown.
“Men” I mutter to myself before I hear Luna Ophelia laughing lightly behind me.
“Sorry I didn’t mean that as an insult” I start before she waves me off.
“Oh don’t apologise, I’m well aware of what Alpha egos can be like” she says with a
pointed look towards her mate making me smile.
“Her wolf is very weak” I hear Kia say to me quietly as I quickly glance at the other
Luna noticing her slight paleness.
“Is everything ok Nova?” I hear Ophelia ask me as she must have caught my
hesitation. Looking around I check it is only the two of us before speaking.
“Will this spar cause any damage to yourself?” I ask quietly. Hearing that her eyes
widen as she nervously wets her lips.
“You know?” She asks warily.
“I know your wolf is weak” I whisper, “I don’t know why nor do I need to. But if you are
not strong enough to withstand the pain you may experience because of the bond
then I won’t spar with your mate, your health is the priority.”
Hearing those words her eyes soften as she smiles gratefully to me, “thank you Nova,
that truly does mean a lot. But ever since I fell ill we have been working with the pack doctors back home who are incredibly talented, Alex’s pain is not mirrored in me any longer. I’m sure you can understand with him being Alpha King and having fought a lot in the last few years it would have done more harm than good if we still had that connection. You can go ahead and spar, but thank you for your concern and lack of prying.”
“If you’re sure Luna” I say before bowing my head and walking to where Alex is waiting.
“Oh and Nova” she calls, “don’t hold back.”
“I heard you talk to my mate Nova” Alex says quietly as I reach him, “I will talk to you about it more in time but for now I want to simply say thank you. Your concern will have meant a great deal to Ophelia as it does me.”
“Ok Alpha, don’t feel like you have to just because I’m aware. I know it’s not my business I just simply wanted to check the Luna would be safe” I say with a small
“She will be, I spar daily with my men back home” he explains. “I couldn’t risk her
feeling any blows so we dealt with it.”
“Noted” I say before smirking at him. “I won’t hold back then.”
Stepping back a few paces I look to Jax who is grinning at the sidelines, “alright first to submit loses in each round. Human form first, any questions?” He shouts.
We both shake our head as Alex pulls his top off. Flexing his muscles he smirks at me
before asking “nervous?”
Chuckling I quietly observe his large muscular form which must have taken years to
reach. “No” I reply simply making him falter slightly before his face hardens into that
of determination.
Keeping myself relaxed we begin to circle one another sizing each other up, seeing
his weight shift slightly I grin in anticipation as he flies off of the mark swinging with
his right arm to deliver a punishing blow to my side. I easily side step and grasp his
arm twisting it behind him before pushing him away using his own momentum with
“Have to try harder than that Alpha” I tease.
He growls slightly before moving in quickly and releasing a flurry of short precise jabs to my ribs which I block effectively. Continuing this for a few moments I spot a few patterns of his and notice his jabs are becoming more desperate. Seeing his leg swing to catch me low I spring in the air flipping over his head before punching him powerfully in the back before he can regain his balance, causing him to stumble forwards a couple of steps.
“” He asks shocked before righting himself. Sensing the frustration coming off of him in waves I step back slightly to give him some space. Seeing that he quickly dives towards me tackling me round the waist and sending me sprawling on the floor as he traps me from above. Swinging his arm to deliver a harmful blow to my head I quickly catch his fist in my hand immediately halting his movements before twisting and squeezing it slightly making him hiss in pain.
Using this to my advantage I lift my legs and lock them at his waist before using my weight to roll us. Standing quickly he does the same before I initiate the attack for the first time. Moving low I punch his right side which he blocks with both arms but it leaves his left side unprotected, seeing that I move up as I swing my leg round making strong contact with his thigh making him stumble again. Not giving him time to recover I jab him twice in the abdomen leaving him breathless as he leans over. I quickly move round him and grasp his arms before pushing him to the floor using my leg, standing above him I move my foot to his neck as I hold his arms outstretched.
He struggles for a few moments before slumping to the floor unable to move, he then
bares his neck as best he could with my foot being where it was to show he submits.
Stepping back immediately I offer my hand to him as he rolls over to stand up. Taking
it he looks at me with narrowed eyes before stalking away.
“That was embarrassing” I hear him mutter as he gulps down a drink.
“Nova wins” I hear Jax call out gleefully earning himself a glare from Alex. “Wolf form” he then says slightly more somber although his eyes still bright with excitement.
Quickly stripping out of my clothes before I shift I hear a low growl from Jax as I look
up to see him glaring at both Ophelia and Alex who are openly staring at my b*dy.
Shifting quickly to avoid embarrassment Kia then sits on her haunches c*****g her
head questioningly.
“Sorry” Ophelia has the decent to murmur, “you’re extremely fit Nova, I admire your dedication to training..I imagine many people stare but it was rude of us to do so.”
She throws Alex a sharp look at he turns to Jax with wide eyes, “how the f**k is she so strong?” He growls. “Her figure is toned and strong there is no mistake but she is stronger than her figure suggests.”
“Do you have to ask?” Jax replies before pointing at Kia.
“Ah..” Alex sighs before quickly stripping as Kia looks away politefully.
“Point proven Kia” I hear Ophelia chuckle as she huffs in response.
“Ok same rules apply” Jax calls out as Alex’s wolf stalks forward, pitch black with rippling muscles and the same bright green eyes.
“Fight” I hear Jax call before his wolf leaps at Kia, she swiftly rolls and bucks her back legs slashing his open belly as he yelps in surprise. Surging to her feet she spins as he immediately moves in trying to bite her flank but she evades his attack and nimbly nips his side as she does so.
“She’s fast” I hear Ophelia admire as Kia purrs in appreciation.
Lunging forward Kia lowers her head to charge into his wolf’s side causing him to loose his balance before she bites his back leg causing him to loose a chunk of fur.
With a howl his wolf’s eyes narrow in anger at being shown up, he then charges. towards us but Kia bounds over his head twisting in the air before landing and grasping his tail in her jaw. Spinning him round she sends him skidding along the floor but before he has chance to righten himself she lunges and bites down on his neck, holding him down with her front paws.
As he fails to submit she tightens her jaws slightly making him growl in
“Submit” she links him as we see the reluctance in his eyes. With a huff through her jaw she presses down harder causing him to yelp in pain before he lies down without
a struggle, submitting. Releasing her jaws slowly she steps backwards before bowing and running over to where I folded my clothes.
After shifting and dressing I turn to see Alex has also gotten half dressed but Ophelia
is gently inspecting his wounds.
“Are you alright Alpha?” I ask politely.
“Yes I’ll be fine, my mate is just worrying” he says quietly before looking up at me with
an unreadable expression.
“That was impressive Nova” he states as Jax chuckles quietly. “I’ve never been taken
down that fast..ever. I didn’t even land a blow, you have no marks on you. The only other person who has managed to defeat me is your mate and even then it took him. over an hour. That was barely 10 minutes total for the two rounds. You are truly
“Thank you” I say with a small smile.
“Well now we know you can kick my butt I suggest we go eat” he says. “Leon is
slightly embarrassed right now.”
“Let’s keep this between us” Jax suggests as he looks at me.
“Probably best” I grin making Alex huff indignantly.
“You’re going to have a few bruises” Jax comments as he looks at Alex’s side which
is inflamed and has a few cuts on them.
“I made sure not to cut too deep so you would heal quickly” I say quietly.
“I know and again..I appreciate that” he says as he pulls a loose top over his head. “I’d like you to train with me whilst we stay, it would be good to have a new perspective
and gain some techniques.”
“Of course Alpha” I agree with excitement. “We can spar again?” I suggest to./
“As long as you promise to not knock me down that quick” he says jabbing his elbow into Alex’s side as he scowls at his comment.
“No promises” I smirk making him gulp.Check In
Check In
Jax POV:
Nova excuses herself to take a quick shower so I head to the office and check in with how Axel is progressing. Seeing Laurence arrive at the same time I look him over
which he notices.
“We ran into no problems” he says quietly before we walk into the office together.
“How are you getting on Axel?” I ask as he nods his head in quiet greeting.
“Give me another hour and I’ll be done” he says without looking away from what he’s
working on.
“So t
“So the meeting place?” I ask Laurence.
“An abandoned barn, I estimate it could hold up to a thousand people but it is derelict and run down. I believe it could even have been an old factory so perhaps barn isn’t
the right word to use” he answers.
“Any sign of activity?” I ask.
“None” he says with a shake of his head. “It’s also surrounded by other working factories so attacking there would not be ideal.”
“We won’t be” I tell him immediately, “that’s why they will have arranged for it to be there. Plus surrounded by other humans it won’t look as suspicious. Instead we are going to scout the meeting, we will observe and the trail those we believe are important when they leave. That way we can hopefully learn more about where they are based or spend their time.”
“I agree that’s a good plan’ Laurence says sitting back in his chair. “I ran into your ma downstairs and she apologised for David’s actions whilst you were away. I have to apologise also, I had no idea he had been asking those sorts of questions.”
“Of course you didn’t” I shrug, “he knew what he was doing and other pack members wouldn’t want to willingly defy the previous Alpha I assume.”
“But still, I apologise you have had to dealt with that” Laurence say seriously.
“I think Ma dealt with it to be honest” I say with a light laugh.
Check In
“Yes..she did tell me” Laurence smiles slightly. “I have Naomi helping her, I thought. the company would be nice and I know they have a lot to do before Sunday.”
“Thank you Laurence” I say gratefully. “We have the Alpha King here.”
“What?” He asks his head twisting sharply to mine from where he was looking at the
“He turned up whilst you were gone, he and Luna Ophelia swore their loyalty to Nova and we have filled them in on everything that has taken place” I explain. “They will be
staying until we have finished with the hunters.”
*f*****g hell” Laurence says with wide eyes. “Our Luna truly is something special isn’t
“She is” I agree proudly. “She also just kicked his a ss at sparring which quietened him
down rather a lot.”
“Oh s**t” Laurence says with a bark of laughter. “He wanted to see for himself huh?”
“Oh he definitely saw” I chuckled. “Tonight for the pack run I am going to explain to
the pack who Nova is exactly.”
“I think it’s time” Laurence agrees. “I can sense her power and I know a few pack members have noticed it also. I think they believe it’s because she is the Luna but clearly it is more than that.”
“I’d like you to say a few words Laurence” I say leaning forward as his eyes widen.
“Ok?” He questions.
“You know about Guardian Wolves and I know you will speak highly of Nova. I think. the pack needs to hear this from someone other than her mate, even if her mate is their Alpha. Alex will also be there and say a few words but I think your knowledge
will speak for itself” I explain.
“I’d love to” he replies eagerly.
“Brilliant, I’m glad that’s sorted” I say relaxing. “So how are you and Naomi? I feel bad I haven’t had chance to check in more with your pups development.”
“Oh they’re growing quickly! Naomi is handling herself brilliantly and I’m ensuring she gets plenty of rest, same with Alice. Those women would work till they fell asleep on
Check t
their feet if they could” he laughs. “Nova is coming to our next appointment, if you’d like to join us you are welcome. I’m not sure I could handle anyone else.”
“Oh?” Lask
“I nearly took the doctors hand off when he put the gel on her for the scan, it’s my protectiveness coming out. It’s a lot harder to handle than I thought” he admits.
“I have heard how protective men can get, but Doctors will see that all the time” I
assure him.
He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair, “to be honest I think it’s worse because of everything going on. I want Naomi and the twins to be safe, but my wolf and I are
on edge a bit more.”
Guilt fills my b*dy at his words, “I’m so sorry Laurence” I say quietly. “I didn’t mean for
all of this to mar you and your mates experience.”
“Oh no it’s not your fault, or our Lunas” he says quickly, “it’s just making me slightly more protective than I believe I would be normally. And that’s to be expected. I think you being there could actually help, my wolf doesn’t see you as a threat and knows to be respectful. I think it could help the doctor get on with his work easier.”
“Then of course I will be there” I exclaim. “Axel you know to not utter a word that is
said here yes?”
“Certainly” he replies, “to be honest I’m concentrating on my work. Not your guys
drama” he adds on with a smirk thrown our way.
“***” Laurence laughs appreciating my brothers teasing.
“Congratulations man” Axel says with a wide smile. “I haven’t had chance to say so far but it’s exciting news for the pack.”
“Very” Laurence beams.
“I’m ready to be an uncle whenever by the way Jax” Axel throws in there.
Turning to look at him in surprise he chuckles nervously, “what?”
“Well I’m surprised you want to be around pups that’s all” I say slightly ashamed at my
“I’m not a kid anymore” he says rolling his eyes. “Evan and I also hope to find our
mate and have pups you know
“Wow” I chuckle, “my brothers have grown up.
“You’ve given me this responsibility but you’re surprised I mentioned pups?” He
laughs in amusement pointing to his laptop.
“I still remember the boy who froze when he held his sister for the first time like she
was some precious china” I laugh. “You two will be great uncles though, and dads
when the time is right.”
Thanks man” he says with a wide smile as he turns to his work again.
“Wow” Laurence mouths to me as I look at him in amazement.
“Oh goddess” I groan loudly.
“What?” They both ask quickly.
“I’ve just realised you’re going to teach all my pups the horrible tricks I taught you two “I groan rubbing my forehead dramatically.
With a loud laugh Axel nods enthusiastically, “that and more.”
“Brilliant” I mutter before smiling widely to show my humour.
“Ok I’m off for some food, I’ll be back after eating and you can show me what you’ve
got. Laurence come join us, Nova will enjoy seeing you” I say as he quickly stands.
“See you soon boss, Beta” Axel says his attention back on his laptop.Heading Home
Nova POV:
“So how have you gotten on?” Jax asks Axel once we have returned to the office following lunch.
“To be honest i don’t think you’re going to like it” he admits turning to face us.
Sighing Jax looks at me in frustration before motioning for Axel to continue speaking. “Well it seems to not be activated at the moment” he says slowly.
“So it’s one that can be activated and deactivated?” I check.
“Yes. Dr Norton didn’t disclose that information when asked but it’s because he wasn’t asked the right question. Once I caught on to suspecting it was the case I asked Elder Martin to check and he has since confirmed it” he says looking
downcast. “I apologise for getting your hopes up.”
“You don’t need to apologise Axel” I say gently, “if he ever does activate it we can then monitor his movements, I assume they have them for emergencies. It’s more than what we had previously and for that we are grateful.”
“Thank you Luna” he says with a small smile. Yawning he stands up stretching. “I’m going to look into it more after the pack run.”
“That’s great Axel, thanks bro” Jax says as he takes a seat. With a smile to the both of us Axel quietly leaves the office leaving us to our thoughts..
Not even a minute later there is another knock on the door which Jax stands up to open.
“Alpha Axton” Jax says politely, “come in.”
“Hi, I didn’t meant to intrude I just want to extend my thanks for allowing us to stay for the night. Luca and Sophie are both ready downstairs to travel back to our pack” he says with a smile.
“That’s wonderful” I say softly. “I imagine Luca is excited.”
“Like a little pup” Axton says with an eye roll as Jax chuckles lightly.
Heading Home
“I’m sorry for not being around much, I’ve been making arrangements for the pack”
Axton continues.
“It’s no problem, I’m sure you’re eager to get home now” Jax says as he leans back.
against his desk casually.
“Very” Axton agreed quickly.
“I’m not sure if you’ve heard but I have pushed Novas Luna Ceremony to be moved to Sunday, you are of course welcome as is Luca and Sophie who I believe already know
“Jax mentions.
“I did hear you had arranged it, I appreciate the invite. If all is well in the pack and I feel it’s ok for me to leave for the day then I will be there, I will confirm in the morning if that isn’t too late?” He suggests.
“That’s fine Axton, I hope all is well back at The White Mountain Pack” I say with at
“I’ll make sure to let them know about your ceremony, I think everyone will be excited for you” he tells me genuinely.
“We will come downstairs with you, I can’t let Luca and Sophie leave without saying goodbye” I laugh as I open the door. “Have you thought about how you will introduce
Sophie to the pack?”
“Yes and I got Elder Martins view on it also” he starts, “I will say she was a rogue. through no fault of her own and that once she has adjusted to pack life and feels. comfortable she will share her story in time. I don’t wish to say more and endanger her as to be quite honest after the last few days I don’t know who to trust with the
“I think that’s a good idea” Jax agrees as we walk down the stairs. “From what I have gathered during my visits Luca is a very well respected Beta of your pack, I think. people will trust him and his mate.”
“Exactly” Axton smiles. “He’s been waiting a long time, everyone will be very happy.”
“Do you think anyone will mind the age gap?” I ask quietly knowing 8 years a bigger gap than most.
“ Sophie comes across as shy but once you have gotten to her true self
Heading Home
you can see she is mature beyond her years. She has had to endure a very different
life to most and it’s made her tough” Axton muses.
“Her confidence has grown since spending time here and being around Luca. I think she will be a brilliant beta female” I say.
“She will” Axton says confidently, “plus she can fight. She may seem delicate but she has thick skin, I think she will pleasantly surprise many.”
We walk outside the pack house to see Luca and Sophie finishing loading their car with my father shifting nervously beside them.
“Hey” I call waving to them all as we walk down the steps.
“Hey Nova” Luca grins before greeting Jax.
“Hi” Sophie says coming to stand in front of me as I look at her carefully. Sensing no nerves coming from her I grin happily making her brows furrow.
“What?” She chuckles.
“You’re becoming more of a Beta female without even realising, I can’t sense any nerves or fear in you” I smile.
“Oh” she laughs in relief. “I’ve always had much faith in the moon goddess, she has. mated luca and i for a reason and I am excited to see my new home.”
“I can tell” I say softly embracing her. “Look after yourself Soph, and if Luca ever
causes you know where to find me” I chuckle with a wink.
“Thanks sis” Luca says coming to stand beside her.
“We will see you Sunday?” I check.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world” he says seriously.
“Good” I say with relief. My dad comes to stand beside me with a sad look in his eyes. “You alright dad?”
“Yes just conflicted” he laughs slightly embarrassed.
“Let me guess, you’re happy Sophie is going with her mate but sad your daughter is moving on” I murmur squeezing his arm in comfort.
“That and I won’t be there to protect her anymore” he says with worry.
Heading Home
“My brother will do that, although I’m sure Sophie is more than capable of holding her
own” I laugh as she scowls slightly at his words.
“You are welcome to visit whenever Kingsley” Axton says as he appears next to Luca. “You know how to contact us if you wish to visit.”
“I will..thank you Alpha Axton” dad replies politely.
“Soph I just wanted to mention I haven’t forgotten about your wolf” I whisper as I pull her to one side. “I have requested some books and my uncle Johnathon said he will be able to help. In the coming days he will contact you if you wish?”
“I’d like that” she says brightly as her eyes widen in excitement, “thank you Nova.”
“It’s my pleasure” I smile. Turning back to the gathered group I clap my hands together.
“Right as much as it’s been lovely having you here I believe it’s time for you to go home, I hope you have a safe journey and see you Sunday” I exclaim with excitement.
“There she goes again sending us away” Luca whispers teasingly to Axton.
“You know full well if I don’t do it like this then I will go” I laugh as Luca steps forward and embraces me. “I’ll keep in contact Luca.”
“I know” he whispers trying to hide his worry for me.
“Love you” I murmur.
“Love you sis” he murmurs back before walking to open the car door for Sophie to
slide into.
“Bye!” I shout along with everyone else as the car speeds off down the drive a moment later spraying dust everywhere.
“The little f ucker” I splutter as I try to clear the air in front of me, “why does he do that.
“Brothers are meant to annoy you” I hear Theo laugh from behind me..
“Don’t get any ideas” I say with a glare.
“I wouldn’t dare” he chuckles holding his hands in surrender.
“Let’s go and organise tonight then” Jax calls to Theo and myself gaining ourAddressing The Pack
Addressing The Pack
Nova POV:
“Hello Nova” I hear Ophelia’s soft voice say as she takes a seat beside me whilst we
wait for the pack to gather.
“Hello Luna, how are you?” I ask her with a soft smile.
“I’m good thank you for asking, I wanted to thank you again for your concern before”
she murmurs quietly for only me to hear. “I’m going to tell you more, Jax also
deserves to know. I’ll come to you soon.”
“Whenever you’re ready” I assure her as I squeeze her hand gently. “If there is
anything you need please don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“I won’t” she says with a squeeze back.
“Would you like to sit with Naomi and Alice during the run?” I ask sensing her wolf. wasn’t strong enough to shift. “They’re both expecting so will not be shifting and they’ve both lovely ladies.”
“That would be wonderful” she exclaims happily.
“Great I’ll get them over here” I tell her whilst quickly linking them both.
“Let’s head to our mates shall we” she says as she sees them looking towards us.
“Let’s” I agree as we make our way towards them.
“Ready?” Jax asks with a wide smile.
“As I’ll ever be” I chuckle back.
“Hey Nova” I hear Alice say from behind me.
“Alice” I exclaim hugging her, “how’s the pup?”
“Growing” she smiles proudly.
“Aunty Nova can’t wait to meet you” I whisper to her bump making her smile more.” Luna Ophelia this is Alice, and Naomi, our Gam ma and Beta females” I say smiling at Naomi as she comes to stand with us. “They won’t be running today.”
Addressing The Pack
“And we have brought some snacks” Naomi says flourishing a basket.
“Lovely” Ophelia beams as she shakes their hands politely. “Thank you Nova” she says gratefully.
“Anytime I murmur.
Feeling Jax wrap an arm round my waist I look up at him as he guides me to the front.
“Good evening everyone” his deep voice booms out gaining everyone’s attention. Tonight we are celebrating the new shift of 3 members, Brandon, Flora and Abi congratulations on meeting your wolves and I hope you enjoy your first pack run this evening.”
They smile in thanks from the front of the crowd as everyone claps around them.
“I want to say a few words before we begin” Jax starts gaining everyone’s attention again. “As you may have noticed we have some special guests staying with us for the time being, if you could all give a warm welcome to Alpha King Alexander and his mate Luna Ophelia.” With that they both walk to stand beside us and bow to the audience as everyone bows back respectfully before cheering happily.
“But what I actually want to talk about is your soon to be Luna. As many of you have probably figured out from her involvement in training and her interactions around the pack she is something very special” he says throwing me a proud grin as I blush from his words. “Kia her wolf is also something special, Kia is a Guardian Wolf.”
With that there are many gasps from the pack members as their excitement grows.
Feeling Kia push forward I look to Jax, “Ki would like to say something.”
With a nod he looks to me as Kia links the entire pack, “hello everyone” she says as everyb*dy looks towards me shocked.
“I’m Kia, Novas Wolf. We wanted to tell you who we are today because it’s the least you deserve, I have kept my true identity hidden from many throughout the years to protect us. But it’s time to hide no more. From today I want you all to know who we truly are, we vow to always protect you, guide you and help wherever possible. Your are all our family and our home” she says making everyone smile at her words.
“Nova and Kia are a force to be reckoned with, i could list their qualities but i would be here all night” Jax says making the crowd chuckle, “but let me say how lucky we are
Addressing The Pack
that they are here with us.”
With that Alex steps forward to address the crowd as they grow quiet in anticipation. “Having a Guardian Wolf amongst us is a rarity and one to not be taken lightly. Myself and my Luna have pledged our loyalty to Nova and we hope to work closely together in the future. Thank you for welcoming us to your pack and we look forward to spending more time with you all.”
A loud round of applause spreads across the crowd as their smiles continue to grow. Jax gestures for Laurence to step forward and he winks at me before addressing the crowd.
“I’d also to express a few words about our new Luna. I’ve known she was to be our Luna since first meeting her, she is strong not just physically but me ntally to. She is loyal and would do anything for those she loves, but not just that she is compassionate and cares about those around her. As many of you know I love my history and myths, to find out Guardian Wolves are indeed real amazed still does” he chuckles. Turning to bow at me he raises his head to talk to me, “having your here has been a pleasure Luna Nova and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us all.”
“Thank you” I whisper emotionally and I feel my heart swell from the words spoken about myself.
“Finally, i would like to announce Novas Luna Ceremony will be held this Sunday! I hope you’re all excited” Jax shouts as the pack cheers loudly at the news.
“Now..let’s run” he says with a howl before stepping aside to shift.
“Thank you Jax, that was more than I imagined” I say quietly giving him a soft
I | I
lingering k*ss.
“You are loved Nova, this is where you belong” he says simply.
“Let’s run” I smile excitedly at him before stepping back to strip and shift behind him.
As Kia walks up to greet a shifted Zeus we turn to look at the pack together as they all bow to us in wolf form. Seeing Alex’s wolf walk up to beside us we raise our muzzles to the sky and howl loudly before shooting off letting the excitement for the run take over us.
Addressing The Pack
Running quickly Kia runs ahead before huffing over her shoulder for Zeus to follow
starting a game of chase. Leaving them to run happily for a couple of hours I take a
step back in her mind and allow her her time with her mate.
Reaching the pack house we quickly shift before dressing and embracing each other. “That was fun” I grin to Jax as he gives me a toothy smile back.
“We will prioritise runs soon I promise” he says as I nod my agreement.
“f**k you’re fast” I hear Alex exclaim as he shifts back.
“I’ve definitely gotten quicker” I laugh as Jax agrees quickly. “I think you have also.”
“Yes I did notice that” he comments with excitement in his eyes.
“Kia is magnificent” Alex says in awe.
“Thank you” I giggle, “she’s heard that too much recently,”
“Have not” she huffs playfully to me.4/4
An Hour
An Hour
Jax POV:
“Hi Alice” I say to gain her attention as I walk into the pack house.
“Alpha Jax” she says with a warm smile as turns to face me.
“How are you?” I ask gently as I see her caressing her slight bump.
“I’m good thank you for asking, just feeling a little tired” she admits.
“I’ll have to make sure Theo gets you to rest, I’m grateful for everything you’re doing but please know your health and that of the pup is more important” I say making her smile.
“Oh I know, thank you Alpha” she says happily.
“I just wanted to see how the preparation for the ceremony is going? I’m sorry I haven’t been of more help” I start to say before she shakes her head to stop me.
“Don’t apologise, I’m in my element and your mum bless her, she was born for this” she chuckles. “Everything is going well and you have nothing to worry about.”
“That’s a relief” I say with a little sigh. Seeing her eyes crinkle at my words I have an idea come to me. “I wondered if you, Naomi, my ma and sister would like to have massages and get your hair done on Sunday before the ceremony? I know moving here has been different and you haven’t seen Nova as much. I know she definitely wishes she could see you more so I thought as a thank you and as a reminder of how important you are to my mate, and now me, it would be a nice thing for you all to enjoy.”
She holds her hands over her heart as my words sink in, “that would be lovely Alpha. I was going to ask if I could borrow her for an hour in the morning of the ceremony just to make sure the dress fits her also. It should do as I know her measurements inside and out but I want it to be perfect for her.”
“Be my guest Alice” I say with a warm smile.
“I’ll see you at dinner shortly, everyone enjoyed the run” she says.
“Brilliant, thanks again Alice” I call as I start to walk downstairs.
An Hour
“Where did you go?” I link Nova.
“In our room darling” she links me back quickly.
Pausing mid step I glance at the clock and see we have an hour before the late dinner
I’ve organised. “Join her” Zeus says eagerly making me turn on feet and jog upstairs.
“Where are you?” She asks a moment later. Not replying I smile slightly before opening the door and seeing her stood in our closet ready to change.
“I’m here” I say as she laughs.
“And just what are you doing here?” She asks with a knowing smile.
“Hmmm well we have a little time before dinner “I say slowly walking over to her.
“We do” she drawls lifting a brow and c*****g her hip.
“We do” I whisper before reaching for her towel and pulling it so it slides off of her. “That’s better” I wink as I gaze brazenly at her bare b*dy in front of me.
“Hmm” she says raising a brow and stepping in close to me. Feeling her hardened
****s press against my shirt I feel my hard shaft twitch in my trousers. Nova bites. her lip looking up at me before trailing a hand down my chest before cupping my length.
Dropping to her knees I keep my eyes focused on her as she swiftly unbuttons my trousers and pulls my c**k out. Seeing her eyes widen approvingly she wets her lips. before looking up at me through her lashes and easing me into her mouth. Hollowing: her cheeks she takes me further with every movement until she swallows me whole. making me moan loudly in pleasure. Setting a steady pace she hums against my shaft making it pulse in her mouth, reaching a hand down she lightly plays with my balls as I fight closing my eyes to the pleasure wanting to keep watching my beautiful
With a grunt I pull away so I don’t blow too soon and pull her to her feet swiftly picking her up and taking her to the bed. “So se xy” I growl as I hold her legs open. wide and move between them, lowering my head I lick through her wet folds before reaching her cl it and sucking lightly.
“f**k” she whispers as she bucks her hips eagerly.
An Hour
“So ready for me” I smirk before plunging two fingers deep in her and continuing to suck on her swollen nub.
“Oh Jax yess” she moans happily as I continue to give her pleasure. Reaching a hand up I lightly pinch her n****e causing her to gasp and buck her core into my face. Increasing the pace I soon feel her walls begin to tighten as her legs stiffen around me, “c*m for me baby” I whisper before biting gently on her cl it and curling my fingers causing her to release quickly with a light moan as her walls clench my fingers.
As her b*dy relaxes I move up her before pushing into her gently, “I’ll never get enough of this I murmur in her ear as I start a slow pace moving deep inside of her.
“Then don’t ever stop” she whispers back as she locks her legs around me holding me close. Kissing her softly I keep my slow pace enjoying the moment of being close to my mate as she responds with just as much love.
Feeling her fingers lightly scratch my back I begin to increase my tempo as she mews beneath me in pleasure. Lifting my b*dy up I slide a hand between us to rub her swollen cl it as her darkened eyes flash to meet mine showing the passion in them.
*f**k Nova” I rasp as I hold her hips down and slam into her harder. Watching her breasts bounce with each thrust I feel myself getting closer to release, as Novas breath hitches I reach down and bite her mark lightly causing her to moan loudly as her walls clench my shaft and her juices run.
“Jaxxx” she whimpers as she shudders around me. Watching Nova has me come undone after a couple more jerky thrusts as she reaches up to bite my mark making me shoot my load deep into her with a guttural roar.
Rolling over I lay beside her as we both gather our breaths. “Feel better for addressing the pack?” I ask her rolling onto my side to meet her gaze already on me.
“Yes” she says with confidence, “they deserved to know and Kia deserves to be herself and not hide anymore.”
“To be honest I think after the first pack run the pack members knew you were something different” I admit as I think of the admiration on their faces when they saw Kia for the first time.
“Probably” she agrees. “Do you think they understand our reasoning for keeping it
“Yes I do” I say, “this pack trusts me as their alpha. Plus you have helped them more than
you know since joining, people are meeting their training targets quicker than ever and people seem a lot more settled despite the incident with Flo. Laurence and Alex enjoyed being able to say a few words about you.”
“Really?” She gasps.
“Yep” I grin, “so get that perky as s up and we can head downstairs to eat with everyone.”
“Hey I would be down there already if someone hadn’t come up to distract me” she says looking at me pointedly.
“Guilty as charged” I smirk pulling us from the bed, smacking her as s I gently push her towards the closet as I head to the bathroom.
“I’ll bring you a cloth, go get ready” I say. Noticing she hasn’t moved I turn to see her eyes trained on where my as s was.
“You like what you see?” I tease.
“Definitely, just something about a toned man’s as s she smirks as she licks her lips making my c**k immediately harden.
“Oops” she winks before twirling and heading to the closet.
“Temptress” I growl out with a little laugh as her giggles reach me in the bathroom.Vote
Ophelia’s Curse
Ophelia’s Curse
Jax POV:
“How was training love?” I ask as Nova walks into the office in her workout gear the following morning.
“So good” she exclaims happily, “I had a new group today and I have to say I’m
impressed! Everyone was highly motivated and listened to my suggestions eagerly. Yeah…brilliant!”
“They like having you there for training” I comment as a light blush stains her cheeks.
“Really?” She asks shyly.
“Really” I confirm.
Hearing a knock on the door I stand up knowing it will be Alex and his mate. “Come in
come in” I say gesturing for them to enter as I open the door.
“Hello Alpha Alex, Luna Ophelia” Nova says bowing politely. “How are you both finding.
your stay?”
“Lovely” Ophelia says happily, “the welcome package was delightful Nova, I could tell
it had your touch. I forgot to mention it earlier.”
“Welcome package?” I ask confused.,
Throwing me a glance Nova chuckles nervously, “oh I think it’s nice for
guests to have a little welcome basket for when they stay. You know, some wine,
food, bath salts, movies..those kind of things.”
“Thats awesome love” I say my heart warming at her gesture.
“It’s a Lunas touch” Alex comments as he crosses his legs and reclines in his
chair. “The room is lovely though, and everyb*dy at the pack has been delightful.”
“Glad to hear it” I smile.
“I actually requested we come and see you” Ophelia says nervously wringing her hands together.
“Oh?” I ask confused.
Ophelia’s Curse
“Yes, it’s not common knowledge but as Nova discovered it at the sparring I wanted to address it fully with the both of you” she says nervously.
“Sorry am I meant to know what this is about?” I ask looking at Nova slightly lost.
“No love, I’m sorry but it wasn’t up to me to disclose” Nova says softly her eyes. looking to Luna Ophelia who is looking back gratefully as my eyes widen in understanding.
“Ophelia’s wolf is dying” Alex says shortly, the pain evident in his voice. Hearing that I look at her in shock and then to Nova who is looking at them both with worry.
“Dying?” I repeat slowly.
“Yes” she whispers with tears silently falling down her face.
“Oh sweetheart” Alex whispers as he pulls her onto his lap and cradles her lovingly. “I’m so sorry Luna” Nova says, her eyes full of empathy.
“Is there anything that can be done?” I ask quietly not wanting to cause more upset.
Alex sighs deeply in response as he takes a large breath in of his mates scent before stroking her hair and looking up to me. “She’s been cursed by a witch.”
“s**t” I exclaim, “but what witch?!”
“We haven’t found out” he growls, his anger at the fact evident as his eyes flash with those of his wolf.
“We were visiting a pack a couple of hours from home just over two weeks ago and there was a rogue attack, they came from nowhere and Ophelia helped protect the young. She was taken for 4 hours and in that time she was subject to being beaten and then cursed by a witch” he explains his voice low and pained.
“Rogues?” Nova asks confused.
“I know what you’re thinking, and after meeting your father I know it has nothing to do with him. They were turning feral anyway so I know for certain they are not under your father’s rule” Alex says answering our unspoken question.
“So it was planned then” I comment as he simply nods in agreement.
“Definitely” Ophelia says looking at us with watery eyes. “I heard them mention
Ophelia’s Curse
“master will be pleased.”Ever since it’s happened I’ve been unable to shift and my
communication with Zina is getting less and less.”
“Master?” Nova gasps.
“Charles?” I growl at the same time.
“I fear so” Alex says slowly.
“But why have they targeted you?” I ask genuinely confused.
“I fear they have something big planned..what I’m not sure. But there is no way that they have been tracking Nova, have infiltrated the council, and attacked the Alphal
King and his mate for no reason” Alex says.
“It’s too much of a coincidence I agree quickly.
“They’re targeting the strongest” i realise suddenly after a few moments of silence.
“Explain” Alex says looking at me with interest.
“If you take out the strongest it leaves the weak, they fight amongst themselves, gain
a new hierarchy and it is also easier for hunters to attack” Nova says playing with her
hair as she bites her lip, lost in her thoughts.
“But why me? I mean I may be mated to the Alpha King but I’m no warrior, I can fight
and I will always fight when needed to protect the vulnerable but it’s not my strength”
Luna Ophelia asks with confusion.
“You’re Alex’s weakness” I explain gently.
“Similar to why they may have waited for me to turn 25 and find my mate” Nova says
quietly, “if Jax dies..then I die.”
“You said two weeks ago?” I ask quietly.
“Yes, just over” Alex agrees.
Looking at Nova I see the understanding in her eyes. “No..” she whispers.
“No?” Ophelia asks.
“We found out we were true mates at that time” I say.
“So it could be linked” Alex says slowly as he looks between us.
Ophelia’s Curse
“f**k sake” I mutter. “Why does it just keep getting bigger.”
“I’m sorry” I hear Nova whisper making me turn to see her lips quivering as she fights
to stop herself crying.
“No love” I whisper as I move to crouch in front of her, “none of this is your fault. Your
are an amazing woman and our pack and I could not wish for a better Luna. What your have accomplished in your life is absolutely amazing, you’re amazing. Please don’t
ever apologise again or feel guilty for this. It’s the actions of others that are to blame,
their decisions and their fault.”
“He’s right Nova” Ophelia says from behind me, “I would never blame you for this. I only met you recently and I know you are as pure as one can be. Don’t let that guilt spread.”
“Don’t” I whisper as I look into her eyes. Nodding her head she squares her shoulders and takes a deep breath.
“You’re right” she murmurs with an embarrassed smile. “I apologise I didn’t mean to get emotional.”
Pointing at the tears streaming down her own face Ophelia chuckles, “darling that was hardly emotional.”
“Ophelia cry’s at everything” Alex adds in with a wink at his mate who squeezes his
“True, but do I need to tell them about Marley and me and a certain Alpha King?” She asks coyly lighting the mood slightly.
“Don’t” he gasps as she laughs lightly.
“My lips are sealed” she whispers before they k*ss one another lightly.
As Ophelia returns to her chair Nova looks at her curiously, “is there a way to lift the curse?”
“Yes” Alex says slowly.
“I’m sensing a but” I wince.
Nodding he looks at me sadly, “it can only be lifted by the one who cast it. We have spoken to our packs advisors and they are certain of that.”
Ophelia’s Curse
“Ah f**k” I curse quietly.
“I can help you” Nova says quietly.
“What?” Ophelia asks in shock.
Nova takes a deep breath before her eyes turn to that of Kia showing she has moved to speak.
“I may not be able to heal your wolf but I can certainly lend her my strength. It will slow down the effect of the curse and hopefully give us enough time to figure this out” Kia links us all as we all look at Nova in amazement. “I would like to speak to our uncle Johnathon before we try which we will do at the Luna ceremony, just to confirm it’s safe for me to do so.”
“How do you know you can?” Alex asks her curiously,
“I just know” she responds, “it’s instinctual but im certain I can. Do you trust me?”
“We do both Alex and Ophelia say immediately.
“Thank you Kia” Ophelia adds on softly.
“You are deserving” is all Kia says before she retreats and allows Nova to have control
once more.
“Amazing” I whisper as Nova smiles shyly.
“Truly amazing” Alex agrees relief in his voice.
“We will get to the bottom of this” I say comforting them.
“We know” Alex smiles, “but for now we all should concentrate on your Luna Ceremony. We need some lightness in our lives.”
“Definitely” I chuckle.

Guardian Wolf Chapter 76-85

450 Points
Nova POV:
“Love it’s time to wake up, they’ll be here with dinner soon” I hear Jax say softly as he sits down making the bed dip.
“Do I have to” I groan into the pillow making him chuckle.
“Yes” he says in his deep voice.
Glaring I point my finger at him as I sit up, “I blame you” I say before stifling a yawn.
Chuckling his mesmerising eyes hold amusement as he looks at me, puffing his chest out he replies cheekily “well i take it as a compliment, now get your a ss out of
Throwing the first thing I grab at him he ducks before picking it up off of the floor and holding it up with a look of disbelief, “a pillow Nova? Really?”
“That was pretty pathetic” Kia murmurs as she joins in Jaxs amusement.
Huffing he chuckles before reaching down and pulling me up, dropping a k*ss he points to some relaxed clothes on the end of the bed. “I got some stuff out ready for you, don’t know if it’s alright but this evening we need to relax. It’s been a hectic day and I don’t plan on us leaving this room if we don’t have to.”
“Thank you babe” I say smiling at his thoughtfulness.
As I finish pulling my hair into a messy bun after getting dressed I hear a knock on the
door as Jax heads over to open it.
“Jax” I hiss quietly making him pause as he looks at me. “The room will stink of s*x!”
His chest rumbles as he lets out a deep rumble, “I knew you’d say that so I opened the
windows babe.”
“Oh” I say spinning and realising they’re open as the curtains ripple slightly in the
breeze letting in the warm air, “so you have” I add on sheepishly.
Opening the door I see Luca with Axton close behind him.
“You look rough” I comment to Luca as I walk to give him a hug.
“Yes thank you dear sister” he says sarcastically, “it’s been a long as s day and you know what I’m like when I have little sleep.”
“I know” I murmur as he k*sses the top of my head before stepping further into the
“Hi Alpha” I say smiling at Axton as Jax shakes his hand in greeting.
“Ah no Alpha please” he says grimacing, “can we forget about that just during dinner at least you know sk ip the formalities.
“No problem” Jax says, “not really necessary in here is it.”
“Thank you” Axton sighs as he collapses into a chair in the comer
Looking between Axton and Luca I see the stress in their eyes making me niet vous, “you both ok?”
“Not really” Axton says looking out the window “Today has been a lot to take in, and
that ar seh ole of a Dr has gotten on my nerves. Did you know he had access to all our medical files at the pack hospital for the past 5 years?”
“WHAT?” Lexclaim loudly, “that’s a breach of patient confidentiality!”
“I know” Axton growls, “we saw all the files he had accessed throughout that time
and do you know who’s he looked at?”
“Mine?” Lask with a sigh.
“Not just yours, also mine and all ranked positions. He didn’t look at any others” he growls tapping his knee.
“Why though?” Jax asks confused, “and how did he get that allowed?”
“He didnt” Luca says with a pointed look.
“Ah” Jax says as he takes another chair holding out beers to everyone from our mini fridge.
“We saw his access records which the i***t didn’t even bother to try and hide, he really thought he wouldn’t get caught. But there were also notes he made on his phone which was sent to an unknown email address” Luca says.
“We need that” Kia growls to me angrily.
I’ll get that email address and get Azel on the case” Jaz immediately says as if he
read my mind
ready got it ready for you” Luca says holding a plece of paper out to Jax whos
nods in thanks
So what was he looking for? Lask again
To see if we were expecting pups” /exion admits quietly making me blanch as Jays
head snaps up to meet mine
“V/ what?” I shutter before I take a gulp of beer
“Pups Hova” Azion says with a sigh, “he even made notes on when you took the shot
and who administered it
“Did he get involved at all with the administration of the shot?” Jaz asks reluctantly
“16” I reply quickly shaking my head, “I’m a qualified doctor remember. I administered il myself at the time but always had another nurse present just to witness
“Makes sense” he says as he looks at me nervously.
“I can see what you’re thinking Jaz but flova and I never planned to have pups” Azton explains as Jays shoulders visibly relax at his words.
“Can Lask why?” Jax replies.
With a pained expression Axton nods, “please don’t be upset with anything I’m about
to say”
“I won’t, the past is the past” Jax assures him.
“Nova was saving herself for her mate, her true mate which i supported. So at first it wasn’t a possibility anyway. But I also promised to never betray Nova whilst in our chosen maleship so I never went near another either, after 6 months we caved. I don’t want to upset you but we did grow to love one another, nothing like you both clearly but enough to trust one another and be there for one another’s needs I suppose” Axton says quietly glancing at me quickly as I smile slightly in agreement for him to go on. “But we also could never have a pup and them grow up with parents who separate because they found their true mate, not only that but that’s something we both believed our fated mate deserved. You deserve to be Novas pups father, not
450 Points
Ally was fated that way and we weren’t going to oppose that.”
Seeing Jaxs eyes soften as he looks at me he smiles affectionately, “thank you..both of you.”
“It was only right” Axton says with a shrug.
“So why were they checking for that?” I ask.
“Because you’re a Guardian Wolf Nova, if you had a pup it could well have been another Guardian Wolf” Luca points out as I slam a hand to my head in realisation.
“Oh s**t” I exclaim.
“He was keeping an eye out incase he needed to terminate a pregnancy” Luca spits out as his eyes flash with those of Reed as I feel nauseous at his words.
“That’s awful” Jax says with disgust.
“f*****g hunters” Axton snarls angrily. “The level they sink to is repulsive.”
“It is” Jax agrees as he looks at me nervously.
“I’m not pregnant Jax” I say quietly as he smiles softly.
“I know” he murmurs, “and as much as i want a pup with you, after hearing that I
agree even more with our decision to wait.”
Offering him a sad smile I lean back with a sigh as I take a sip of my beer.
“So what’s happened to him?” Jax asks.
“He’s going to be executed for treason, he also did forge the reports on our mother” Luca says with a pained look in his eye. “He never reported to the hunters directly but he worked for Frost and was aware who he was relating information to.”
“Do you think there are any more traitors?” Axton asks suddenly.
With a growl Jax frowns, “I hope not. It’s hard to know who to trust around here.”
“What are your plans after tomorrow Axton if you don’t mind us asking?” Jax asks
after a moments quiet.
“Gain my packs trust back, work my as s off to gain back the money that b***h spent and hopefully find my fated mate” he says with determination.
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Nova POV:
“So I know you mentioned about your mate gaining your gifts in times of need and I’m
thinking you haven’t had chance to read through all of the information I have?’
Johnathon after we had finished our food.
“No, it was something I read briefly before we had to leave’ I said as I sit beside Jax
on the sofa.
“Well I can tell you more about it’ Johnathon says as he passes everyone another
beer, “if you don’t mind the others being here that is? I can also tell you more on our
journey to your pack, less potential ears that way.”
“No, these two are fully aware of what Kia is and also with Luca being family I would
tell him anyway” I chuckle as Jax does the same.
“Just checking” Johnathon also chuckles. “So there have been 3 recorded instances
of gifts between a Guardian Wolf and their mate being shared or transferred as it was
also referred to.”
“Transferred suggests it leaves the Guardian Wolf without them?” Jax asks.
“It happened once, the complete shift of gifts from a male Guardian Wolf to his mate.
He found her being attacked and she was too weak after her past treatment to
defend herself. So..he marked her on instinct, instead of leaving her feeling tired as is
normally the case it invigorated her and the gifts were transferred” Johnathon says as
I sit back in shock. “He was strong due to the size of his wolf and together they were
successful in getting away from the attack.”
“Were the gifts transferred back?” Luca asks intrigued. “What were they?”
“Yes they woke and everything was back to normal, but she did gain strength and
health back quicker than an average wolf. The gifts were that of a healer and visions.
She learnt their plan of attack seconds before it happened and shared it through the
mindlink, that’s how they got was against vampires” Johnathon answers.
“So other times it’s just been shared?” I ask.
“Yes but like I said there is only 2 recorded times of that happening so I can’t tell you if
50 Ports
the transferral is rare or if it’s just what the circumstances made happen at the time Johnathon says. “I’m sorry I know it’s not very helpful but there isn’t that much information regarding that available. Also in those cases the mates were weak..Jax is far from that if what I have heard about him is correct. So I can’t tell you if it would
happen between you.”
“To be honest I don’t need it to Jax says, “it was just interesting.”
“But it would be nice to know it was an option I point out.
“Well it’s a possibility Jax shrugs. “But it’s not something we should rely on.”
“What are your gifts Nova?” Johnathon asks intrigued.
“I don’t know” I say quietly to which he looks shocked by, “but your birthday..your
emergence?” He asks.
“I’ve had increased senses and my strength has grown considerably, but other than that I haven’t noticed anything different’ I shrug.
“You know are incredibly strong both men tally and physically maybe you don’t know because you haven’t had to yet. Ask Kia’ Johnathon suggests.
“Ki?” I ask her quietly suddenly nervous.
“They’ll come” she answers.
“Nothing more?” I scoff.
“If I knew more I’d say Nova, you know that’ she retorts.
“She just said they’ll come” I reply, “nothing more” I add on shooting everyone a look
to say don’t ask.
“Then they will come” is all Johnathon says with a smile, “trust in Kia.”
“Thank you” I say softly.
*******g hell Nova’ Axton says as he lounges in his chair, “I thought I had a lot to think
about. Nothing compared to you.”
“Tell me about it” I sigh as Jax chuckles shifting me onto his lap so I’m wrapped in his strong arms. Resting my head on his chest I feel the tiredness seeping though me, “I
think I need to sleep.”
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+50 Points
“About time she can show her true self, but that will take some getting used to” I
admit quietly before we take our seats as Luca simply smirks at me.
“Shall I bow?” He teases.
“Don’t you dare” I growl.
Seeing Rose be dragged in Kia’s hackles are immediately up as she growls loudly in
my head, “b***h” she snarls as I strongly agree. Looking at her I see resignation in her
features as if she has accepted what her fate will be, whilst her b*dy looks frail and
dirty like she hasn’t bothered to look after herself. “She’s given up Kia, she has no
fight in her” I say to my wolf.
Feeling anger pulse through the bond I look at Jax, “she deserves everything she’s
going to get” he snarls viciously his protectiveness of me coming out strongly as he
glares at her.
“She does” I agree calmly turning my attention back to the front.
“Good morning everyb*dy” Elder Martin calls to gather everyone’s attention. “We are
here today to reach the verdict on Rose Brown. After yesterday’s events we have
heard enough and do not require more information for a sentencing. So with the
council in agreement the verdict is as follows.
Rose Brown, you have committed a a series of serious crimes against Alpha Axton
and Luna Nova. Due to your actions in forcibly breaking a mate bond and working
alongside hunters, I Elder Martin, on behalf of the entirety of the council sentence you
to death. We show no mercy to those who have betrayed their own, you worked
directly with hunters even if it was not to your knowledge I’m sure you knew it was
wrong what you were doing. Alpha Axton was within his rights to kill you for what you
did, but his thinking of requesting a formal trial had led to more information
becoming known to us which we are thankful for.”
Hearing that I don’t even flinch knowing that was the only possible outcome after her
admissions yesterday. Looking at Axton I see his face hasn’t changed from the
furious glare he has had on since her appearance.
“Due to you, Alpha Axton, being marked we will break the bond after this has
concluded to ensure you feel no pain. The matter of how she is executed is however
your decision” Elder Martin says addressing Axton.
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Nova POV:
“So I know you mentioned about your mate gaining your gifts in times of need and I’m thinking you haven’t had chance to read through all of the information I have?”
Johnathon after we had finished our food.
“No, it was something I read briefly before we had to leave” I said as I sit beside Jax
on the sofa.
“Well I can tell you more about it” Johnathon says as he passes everyone another beer, “if you don’t mind the others being here that is? I can also tell you more on our
journey to your pack, less potential ears that way.”
“No, these two are fully aware of what Kia is and also with Luca being family I would tell him anyway I chuckle as Jax does the same.
“Just checking” Johnathon also chuckles. “So there have been 3 recorded instances. of gifts between a Guardian Wolf and their mate being shared or transferred as it was
also referred to.”
“Transferred suggests it leaves the Guardian Wolf without them?” Jax asks.
“It happened once, the complete shift of gifts from a male Guardian Wolf to his mate. He found her being attacked and she was too weak after her past treatment to defend herself. So..he marked her on instinct, instead of leaving her feeling tired as is normally the case it invigorated her and the gifts were transferred” Johnathon says as I sit back in shock. “He was strong due to the size of his wolf and together they were. successful in getting away from the attack.”
“Were the gifts transferred back?” Luca asks intrigued. “What were they?”
“Yes they woke and everything was back to normal, but she did gain strength and health back quicker than an average wolf. The gifts were that of a healer and visions. She learnt their plan of attack seconds before it happened and shared it through the mindlink, that’s how they got was against vampires” Johnathon answers.
“So other times it’s just been shared?” I ask.
the transferral is rare or if it’s just what the circumstances made happen at the time” Johnathon says. “I’m sorry I know it’s not very helpful but there isn’t that much information regarding that available. Also in those cases the mates were weak..Jax is far from that if what I have heard about him is correct. So I can’t tell you if it would
happen between you.”
“To be honest I don’t need it to Jax says, “it was just interesting.”
“But it would be nice to know it was an option I point out.
“Well it’s a possibility” Jax shrugs. “But it’s not something we should rely on.”
“What are your gifts Nova?” Johnathon asks intrigued.
“I don’t know” I say quietly to which he looks shocked by, “but your birthday..your
emergence?” He asks.
“I’ve had increased senses and my strength has grown considerably, but other than that I haven’t noticed anything different” I shrug.
“You know are incredibly strong both men tally and physically maybe you
don’t know because you haven’t had to yet. Ask Kia” Johnathon suggests.
“Ki?” I ask her quietly suddenly nervous.
“They’ll come” she answers.
“Nothing more?” I scoff.
“If I knew more I’d say Nova, you know that” she retorts.
“She just said they’ll come” I reply, “nothing more” I add on shooting everyone a look. to say don’t ask.
“Then they will come” is all Johnathon says with a smile, “trust in Kia.”
“Thank you” I say softly.
“f*****g hell Nova” Axton says as he lounges in his chair, “I thought I had a lot to think about. Nothing compared to you.”
“Tell me about it” I sigh as Jax chuckles shifting me onto his lap so I’m wrapped in his strong arms. Resting my head on his chest I feel the tiredness seeping though me, “I think I need to sleep.”
“If you wanted us to go you could just tell us to f**k off” Luca says smirking.
“Smar tar se” I say rolling my eyes at him.
“We get it, get some rest sis” he says playfully rubbing my hair as he did when I was.
younger making me glare at him.
“Night guys” I say through another yawn as everyone files out.
“Come on, let’s get to bed” Jax says as he stands keeping me close to him. Feeling the comfort of the bed envelop me I let the heat from Jaxs b*dy and his even
breathing lull me to sleep.
All too soon it’s morning, the sunshine starts to filter through the curtains making me wake slowly from my sleep.
Seeing the time is 8:30 I shoot out of bed wide eyed realising we had 30 minutes to
get ready, “JAX!” I shout shaking him awake.
“What?” He asks leaping from the bed in a panic as I rush off to the bathroom.
“Look at the time!” I call out at him as I hear him swear in realisation and start to rush
around the room. 15 minutes later we are stood by the door looking at each other
before bursting into laughter.
“Well you look beautiful” Jax says as he opens the door for me, “good to know you
can get ready quickly unlike my sister.”
“Let me guess she says it takes time to be perfect” I laugh.
“How did you know?” He asks.
“Women’s intuition” i giggle before we reach the doors leading to the room.
Taking a breath as the doors are opened I grasp Jaxs hand and we stride into the
room side by side. As we pass the council members they all bow to me causing me to
pause and look to Elder Martin questioningly.
“That’s new” I comment.
“Their wolves respect Kia and yourself, get used to it” he says also bowing.
Seeing others in the room do the same Jax smirks at me, “your power is radiating from you now, Kia is done hiding.”
“About time she can show her true self, but that will take some getting used to” I admit quietly before we take our seats as Luca simply smirks at me.
“Shall I bow?” He teases.
“Don’t you dare” I growl.
Seeing Rose be dragged in Kia’s hackles are immediately up as she growls loudly in my head, “b***h” she snarls as I strongly agree. Looking at her I see resignation in her features as if she has accepted what her fate will be, whilst her b*dy looks frail and dirty like she hasn’t bothered to look after herself. “She’s given up Kia, she has no fight in her” I say to my wolf.
Feeling anger pulse through the bond I look at Jax, “she deserves everything she’s going to get” he snarls viciously his protectiveness of me coming out strongly as he glares at her.
“She does” I agree calmly turning my attention back to the front.
“Good morning everyb*dy” Elder Martin calls to gather everyone’s attention. “We are here today to reach the verdict on Rose Brown. After yesterday’s events we have heard enough and do not require more information for a sentencing. So with the
council in agreement the verdict is as follows.
Rose Brown, you have committed a a series of serious crimes against Alpha Axton
and Luna Nova. Due to your actions in forcibly breaking a mate bond and working
alongside hunters, I Elder Martin, on behalf of the entirety of the council sentence you
to death. We show no mercy to those who have betrayed their own, you worked
directly with hunters even if it was not to your knowledge I’m sure you knew it was
wrong what you were doing. Alpha Axton was within his rights to kill you for what you
did, but his thinking of requesting a formal trial had led to more information
becoming known to us which we are thankful for.”
wing that was the
Hearing that I don’t even flinch only possible outcome after her
admissions yesterday. Looking at Axton I see his face hasn’t changed from the
furious glare he has had on since her appearance.
“Due to you, Alpha Axton, being marked we will break the bond after this has
concluded to ensure you feel no pain. The matter of how she is executed is however
your decision” Elder Martin says addressing Axton.
Standing he holds his head high his wolf present as he addresses the room, “she is
not worth my time, after the bond has been broken I will wait until her execution has taken place to witness her death however the manner in which it happens I do not care for. My priority is my pack.” Seeing Roses eyes fill with tears at his words her head drops to the floor as her b*dy slumps. Axton simply looks at her before looking away showing no sign of remorse.
“As you wish” Martin says with pride in his eyes at his words.
“On another related matter, I would like to disclose that due to what was said yesterday Alpha Jacob will also be standing trial in the coming days. He was removed. from the position of Alpha this morning and his pack has been notified, Elder Angela has already travelled to his pack to ensure everything is in order in his absence and to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for the pack members” Elder Martin says making me sigh in relief. “Thank you for attending, if you all could now make your leave.”
“I’m ready for home” I say to Jax as we stand and look at one another.
“We will wait for Axton and for the execution to have been confirmed and then we can go love” he says k*ssing me softly. “Let’s call Laurence and update them.”
Heading Back
Heading Back
“She’s being executed as we speak Het Laurence know as I’ve called to tell him we
will be home this afternoon After everything she said yesterday it was a given, I’m surprised Axton didn’t want to do it himself to be honest but I get why
“Yeah, it’s definitely more humiliating for her if the council does it due to the actions of her mate, forced mate whatever you want to call it Laurence says, “If Axton hed killed her for her actions at the pack the information she had we wouldn’t know but
also there would be no public humiliation. She has shamed her pack, her father has
also, in front of the entirety of the council. That’s not something to be thought of lightly, execution by the council is one of the highest orders”
“True” Nova says, plus at the time of the decision he still had the mark on his neck, perhaps the emotions were a lot and he just thought the quicker it’s done the better”
“So we shall see you soon?” Laurence checks.
“Give us 3 hours” I reply relieved to be travelling home soon.
“See you boss, Luna” Laurence says before I disconnect the call.
“All done” we hear Luca say from behind us. Turning we see him looking pleased, “no
more of that deceitful b***h taking up too much of our time.”
“Throat slit” was Axtons words as he appears looking like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. Rubbing his neck absentmindedly where his mark used to lay he
offers us a small smile. “Time to move on.”
“It’s for the best Luca says patting his shoulder.
“Definitely” Axton replies confidently, “well at least we have Sophie to pick up on
some Luna roles.”
“I’m just relieved no one asked about my mate mark” Luca chuckles, “although maybe
that means I’m boring.
“You are” Nova shrugs turning away to hide her grin.
“Thanks” he scoffs before laughing, “but I know when you’re lying lil sis, I’m the one
Heading Back
that taught you.”
“Hmmm” she replies narrowing her eyes making his smile falter, “sure you do.”
“Well s**1” he mutters as he walks to their car
“Nova, Alpha Jax!” We hear being called as we turn to see Elder Martin approaching
us quickly.
“Elder Martin” I say politely.
“I just wanted to inform you that the 3 traitors are also going to be executed, we are going to interrogate them again this evening and they will be executed once we have as much information as we can gather. We will of course keep you updated with the
findings. You’re welcome to stay of course” he says.
“Thank you Elder Martin” Nova says from beside me, “but we think returning to the
pack is the most sensible solution.”
“I thought you might. It’s been a pleasure seeing you both, I hope in the future it is in better circumstances. I have also spoken to the Alpha King, he will be contacting you
to arrange a visit” he informs us.
“Always a pleasure..despite the circumstances” Nova says with a small smile as she politely k*sses his cheek before I step forward and grasp his hand.
“I have a message for you Alpha Jax and it’s that your hard work will pay off in
will all come clear soon” he says looking me in the eyes as my brows furrow in
confusion. “Thank you for your help in this trial the both of you, and thank goddess you noticed about Johnathon. I’ve nearly spilt that information far too many times” he
chuckles as I smile proudly.
“Thank you Elder Martin, we will contact you soon” I say as he bows slightly in respect.
and we do the same.
Turning I lead Nova to our car as we see Johnathon join us with freshly washed hair.
“You killed her?” I ask quietly.
“I needed to get justice for my niece, it’s not the first time I have done so he mutters as he throws his bag into the boot. “Let’s be off shall we?” He asks smiling widely at.
the prospect of seeing his brother.
Heading Hack
“Let’s” I smile
Starting the engine I check to see Axton and Luca are ready behind us and set off thankful to be driving home sooner than we had hoped.
“Well your visit was certainly exciting” Johnathon laughs from the back seat making.
Nova giggle
When isn’t it at the moment she drawls rolling her eyes at me.
“I know you mentioned discussing more on the drive home but I thought it may be
more beneficial we discuss it at the pack. My Beta knows more than we do and he has a great interest in history and gifted wolves. Plus Kingsley will be present, I think
that may help” I suggest.
“I thought the same after I suggested it” Johnathon laughs, “we could talk now if needed but what’s the point in repeating myself if you’re happy to wait.”
“I waited 25 years, I can wait a few hours” Nova chuckles.
The closer we are to the pack the lighter my b*dy feels as the tension and worry of
being away from them is slowly lifted. Seeing Nova smile as she looks out the
window I speak “you feel it to don’t you?”
“I was anxious to be home and know everyone was safe, I’m starting to feel less on
edge” she admits meeting my eyes.
“So the Luna ceremony. “I start as her face lights in excitement. “Any more
“Well I’m sure your mum will have lots of ideas but I did have a couple myself” she
says excitedly.
“Such as..?” I prompt enjoying her happiness.
“Well I know what dress I’d like, I’m going to suggest Alice help make it or find one we
can make suitable alterations to. She has a great knack for things like that but I’m not
going to tell you the design. I want that to be a surprise” she smiles.
“Hmm. me too” I reply huskily making her noticeably shiver at my tone of voice before. glancing in the mirror to see Johnathon dozing in the back.
“Music Fheard Theo and Flos cousin Annabelle I think it was? Anyway she was.
playing with a couple of others the other week and I can’t get my mind off of it, I think rd like them to perform she suggests
That’s a brilliant idea agree, “they’ve played for a few pack nights I’ve organised in the past and I’m sure they would be honoured
“Great” she exclaims
“How would you feel about naming your own Beta and Gam ma at the ceremony?” I
“What?” She gasps in surprise
“Well ‘ve been thinking of something Axton said, you’re more of an Alpha than we are just not by blood. I think as Luna and as a Guardian Wolf it would be fitting that you name your own Bete and Germa” I suggest
Naomi and Alice’ she says immediately
think there the best solution, they’re already meted into the roles but I imagine once you become more known you may end up with quite a few extra responsibilities, of course will be there to share them but Laurenice, Theo and Florence already have their roles I suggest we make it more of a tearn effort ?” I put forward.
“like that idea she says smiling softly, “they’ll be over the moon.
Tim glad you approve” I smile as she leans over and k*sses my cheek.
“Life is going to be different isn’t it” Nova suddenly says nervously.
“Yes, but that’s part of life. We will get through it and come out of it stronger” I assure her as Zeus puffs his cheet out in agreement
Seeing Zeus presence in my eyes she reaches a delicate hand out to cup my cheek. gently, how about we let Kia and Zeus have a run this evening? They also need their
“Yes” Zeus growls eagerly pushing forward.
daren’tsay no joke to her, “I think that’s a plan.”
“Thank you” Zeus says to me happily
“Anytime buddy, when things calm down we can organise it more ok” I reassure him.
Heading Back
“I’d like that, we both would” he agrees as Kia also links me to say “thank you Jax.”
Nova POV:
“Home” Jax sighs pull up outside the packhouse before he jumps out and runs.
as We
to open my door.
“Thanks, I don’t mind opening my door you know” I say squeezing his forearm as I stand close to him.
“Only being polite” he winks before taking my hand and leading us to where Laurence and Naomi are waiting.
“Oh we’ve missed you” Naomi whispered as she pulled me in to a tight hug. Feeling a movement against my abdomen I gasp as I pull away and look down.
“May 1?!” I ask as she nods and pulls my hand to rest on her growing bump. Feeling the wriggles beneath I giggle, “they are some strong pups!”
“They’re happy their Alpha and Luna are home” she chuckles, “Jax..would you like to feel?”
“You sure?” He asks his eyes brimming with excitement.
“Yes” Laurence chuckles from beside her, “the future Betas are in there after all.”
Reaching his hand out tentatively Naomi rests hers over reassuringly as his face. spreads into a wide smile, “that’s amazing” he breaths as I smile at the longing I feel through the bond.
“Soon love” I link him as he smiles at me happily.
“I’m nervous for when they get bigger” Naomi admits pulling a worried face.
“They’ll be here before you know it” I smile. “How was your appointment yesterday?”
“Everything is going perfect, I just need to make sure I get enough rest” she says with a soft smile, “can you please attend the next one?”
“I’d love to” I grin.
“Thank you Luna” Laurence says with a smile.
“How are you both? How’s the pack?” Jax asks after introducing Johnathon to them.

“Very good, everything went smoothly in your absence which you’ll be pleased to know” Laurence says with a smile before excusing himself upstairs briefly.
“Where’s my dad?” I ask as we all take a seat in the lounge.
“He’ll be here shortly, Sophie and him were training but they should be on their way. back now” Naomi says shooting a reassuring smile to Johnathon.
“Alpha I have the treaty drafted if you and Alpha Axton would like to have a look at it?” Laurence says reappearing from the office a few moments later.
“Thanks Laurence, Alpha Axton if you would please come through to the meeting.
room with me” Jax says standing up and motioning behind him.
“Yes please after you” Axton replies politefully.
After they’d left I turn to see Naomi looking at me with an unreadable expression,”
how did you do it?”
“Do what?” I ask confused.
“Jax and Alpha Axton? They seem to be getting along and even making a treaty?”
She says in disbelief.
“Oh..that” I chuckle, “well I didn’t do anything. Rose tricked Axton, he was as much at victim as 1, despite him being in pleasure at first it was all fake and twisted. With Axton and myself we always agreed to step aside for fated mates respectfully, and that’s exactly what he’s doing” I shrug. “He knows Jax is my life, my soul mate but it doesn’t mean he’s forgotten all we accomplished together, Plus his Beta may have al problem if he didn’t offer to help” I smirk winking at Luca who is looking anxiously.
around for Sophie.
“Well it’s a good ally to have” Naomi smiles in relief as she caresses her bump.
“Nova” I hear being squealed behind me as I turn to see Alice and Theo making her way over. “I’m so happy to see you” she exclaims as we hug.
“How you feeling?” I ask as I take in her glowing complexion.
“Much better, no tears now” she chuckles as Theo nods.

“Thank the goddess” he says dramatically making everyone laugh as she playfully
hits his arm.
“You’ll be showing soon” I smile as she rests her hand on her stomach.
“I can’t wait” Theo whispers quietly as he rests his hand on top of hers.
“Flo and Andrew?” I ask Theo quietly.
“Upstairs waiting to see their Luna” he grins.
Hearing my dad and sister chatting as they head inside the packhouse I look across
at Johnathon who is sat opposite me. “They’ve just come inside” I say to him as
worry crosses his features.
“He’s going to be happy, relax Elder” I say making him relax at my teasing.
“Oh Nova, thank the Goddess you’re safe” I hear my dad exclaim as he walks in with Sophie right behind him, “how did…”
He stops abruptly lifting his nose and taking a deep inhale, “what..” he whispers to
himself running a hand through his hair. “Why do I know that scent?” He murmurs to
himself in confusion.
“Hey dad” I call gaining his attention, “I’d like you to meet Elder Johnathon.” With that
Johnathon stands and steps beside me before turning around and meeting my father’s confused gaze.
or causes
ly as my father
“Hello little brother” Johnathon beside me nervously as my
gaping at him.
“Little brother?” He gasps.
“You won’t remember me..” Johnathon starts before my dad interrupts.
“Your eyes” he states as he stares at them hard.
“Just like yours” Johnathon’says quietly as my father doesn’t move.
“I don’t understand, I always thought my parents left me at the orphanage aged 2, I
didn’t have any siblings”he says frowning.
“What?” Johnathon asks c*****g his head. “No..the Beta of the pack left us there
when our parents were killed..I was 2 and you were almost 1. We were separated

within 2 months of being there.”
“Wait if you thought you were 2 but actually it was Johnathon that was 2 do you think
that was told to you on purpose?” I ask looking between the two.
“I think so, I was taken in by an old lady who I later learned was a witch. She was the most kind person to me growing up and without her I wouldn’t be where I am today” my dad admits still staring at Johnathon. “She had visions..” he trails off ast
realisation crosses his face.
“Do you think she knew what you were?” I ask tentatively.
“I think she will have” Johnathon suddenly says, “Guardian wolves have helped.
witches In the past, it is likely some still know a lot about them and wish to protect
them. It’s in one of the books. I imagine she did it to protect you.”
“I have a big brother?” My dad chuckles nervously.
“You do” Johnathon says taking a tentative step forwards. My father does the same before they come together clasping each other tight as they try to hide their emotion.
“The family bond” my dad murmurs as he steps back. “I always thought it was a
parent, but it was you.”
“It was” Johnathon says quietly. “Why don’t we go for a walk? I have a lot to tell you
and I’d love to hear more about my brothers life.”
“Of course” my dad agrees immediately.
“But first..Sophie?” Johnathon asks looking behind him as she steps forward her
eyes wide in shock.
“Hi Elder” she says quietly.
“Johnathon is fine, I don’t need to be called Elder by you” he says with a small smile.”
It’s lovely to meet you.”
“And you…I’m sorry I’m still in shock” she says with a nervous chuckle.
“As am I” he admits, “but to know I have two nieces and not one has made me
happier than you know. Congratulations on your new mateship, what a blessing.”
“Thank you” she whispers with tears filling her eyes before she lunges forward and

pulls him into a hug making him freeze in surprise before gently wrapping his arms around her.
“Family” she whispers happily as she meets my eyes over his shoulder.
“Family” I repeat.
A few filler chapters today! A big shock is coming and tomorrows chapters are full of drama get ready. for it to start amping up?? Hope you’re all enjoying the book!

Fathers Doubt
Jax POV:
Treaty done, training reports up to date, hotel and restaurant invoices, orders and payments made, pack finances all in order and new shifters have their first run tonight planned. “Organised” Zeus says proudly as I file the paperwork away. breathing a sigh of relief.
“Yeah thank the goddess I have a very capable Beta who can step up when I need him to” I mutter to him.
“This pack runs smoothly because of you, and Laurence works so well because of how he was trained and you” Zeus points out with a wolffish chuckle. Hearing a knock on the door I stride over and open it smiling in greeting.
“Morning Kingsley, Elder Johnathon. How are you both?” I ask as I gesture for them to take a seat.
“Well yesterday was not what I expected” Kingsley laughed “but to know I have a brother is a gift.”
“It certainly is” I say with a broad smile. “How have you settled in Johnathon?”
“The room is lovely and your pack members are very welcoming. It’s been a pleasure” he says politely.
“Good” I say before sitting up and leaning forward in the desk, “so the reason I’ve called you here may not be the nicest topic to talk about but I think it’s high up on our list of things to figure out. Laurence spoke to you about Caroline didn’t he
“Yes he did” he says with a scowl, “the hate I feel for that woman is incredibly high.”
“Well that’s something we all have in common” I say grimacing, “well I’ve heard from the Dr this morning that he will be happy for me to speak to her after lunch today. I want to focus on finding Novas mother,l for the both of you Kingsley. The thought of her potentially suffering over the years is extremely unpleasant and although I know Nova thinks what we are doing is right I also don’t want to hold off finding her just because we don’t know everything. Unfortunately I don’t think this is a situation.
here we can know everything we need to before tackling the problem and I know Nova is in agreement after speaking to her this moming. She’s aware of this meeting”
“You’re right there has been too much going on for years now that none of us were aware of Kingsley says with a pained look in his eves
“Exactly, I’m hoping or rather Im banking on Caroline giving us information regarding Novas mother but I think we should also be aware that it might not be up to date as she has been in a coma for over a year” I say pulling on my neck slightly at the thought. “Kingsley I assume you need to go to your pack?”
“Definitely” he says immediately. To Ik e to see you speak with Caroline and I’d also like to speak to her before I go.”
“Of course” I agree. “but no violence. I know you harbour a lot of feelings towards her and they are all warranted that’s a given. But we can’t let our emotions lead us so l guess I’m just saying, control yourself.”
“I am a Guardian Wolf he smirks “but yes of course Jax. I understand I can’t react, her death although it will happen. I know it can’t happen just yet.”
“Glad we agree” I chuckle.
“I have also spoken to Axel and Evan this morning, they are going to return to my uncles pack today but only for a day before they go on scout missions they have arranged. I have seen the plans they have drawn up and I have to agree they are
meticulously thought out so I have given them a go ahead” I inform them as they
smile approvingly. Handing them both copies of the plans for them to read over I
continue, “I do have a suggestion for you though Kingsley if you would be interested?
“Oh yes?” He asks looking up with raised brows.
“I know I haven’t had time to learn more about the rogue pack you lead but I
wondered if you had some pack members you would like to accompany the groups.
on the different scout missions? It would increase the efficiency of the missions and
also increase their strength if they did run into any problems, which I’m hoping they
don’t” I explain. “How do you feel about that?”
Putting the papers down he leans back and smiles widely at me. “I think that’s a
Fathers Doubt
brilliant idea. My pack operates just like any other but there are some major differences. As you know I took over from the previous Rogue King who was a brute and made his members do awful things. Truly awful. So I have a different system in my pack, I have those I trust with my life, many are rogues similar to me who were made rogues through no fault of their own. I then have rogues who have made past mistakes but have taken the oath of course and are working on righting their wrongs. But I also have rogues who are on the turn of going feral, I have realised that living within a pack reduces the feral rates and also increases the moral of those who join. But we still have rogues who are too far gone,they are kept in the cells and monitored 24/7, if they are feral they are killed.”
“That’s interesting” I say genuinely intrigued. “It was a lot to take on?”
Throwing me a look he nods, “you have no idea. My pack is a lot safer than it used to be, the changes I have made have made a difference but it takes time for such. dramatic changes and it’s only been 2 years. There were ones that refused to align with my new rules and hopes for the pack. I call those wolfs wanderers and they are free roaming belonging to no pack. If I come across them they have the opportunity to sign up and make changes but they have to perform the oath. If they fail they then die you see. But if the wanderers refuse..I put them down.”
“It’s what
of us would do” I shrug. “It sounds like a good system if I’m honest.”
“It’s brutal but necessary for all packs safety” he agrees. “But I definitely have pack. members who I trust with my life, I would happily organise for them to join the scout
“Great” I smile. “They are your copies to keep, I’ll speak to my brothers before they go and their contact information is on there. I’m going to leave it to them to handle, they are more than capable and it’s time they showed everyone their skills.”
“Everyone being your father” Kingsley says quietly.
“Yes” I shrug.
“I saw how he was when you were gone, those men are patient and did well to not
react” he says making me look at him curiously.
“Tell me” I say sharply.
Fathers Doubt
“Permission to speak freely?” He asks knowing he’s speaking about not only my
father but the previous Alpha.
“Yes” I say after a moments hesitation,
“He doesn’t trust them and it shows. I saw him ask pack members after training
sessions they helped in or led if they did a good job and if they helped. They
organised a drill for a group of trackers which he then complained about to a few older pack members quite openly which both Sophie and I overheard as well as a few
juveniles” he says looking at me as he’s careful with his words.
“f**k sake Pa” | growl slamming my hand on the table.
“That’s not all” Kingsley admits as Johnathon looks shocked by what he’s saying.
“Go on” I groan.
“He complained about the Omegas, he was unhappy with his suite and he said the
standard of food had dropped since he left” he admits. “Sophie had to console an
Omega she found crying in the bathroom after breakfast which she had taken to your
parents suite for them.”
“Why didn’t he say these things to my Beta?” I wonder aloud.
“Can I now speak?” Johnathon asks quietly.
“Sure” I agree.
“Your father was a great alpha as you know, I met him a few times on official visits
and he helped the pack begin to thrive. But I did have to report him once on the
treatment of Omegas as I saw him threaten one once” he admits.
“WHAT?!” I shout standing in shock. “How did I not know this?”
“I’m sure he was harsh bringing you up at times as he wanted you to be successful,
but I have to admit you’re a very different type of Alpha to him. Your pack members
respect you because they want to and because you have earnt their trust and have
their best interests at heart. The pack members respected your father because of
how he made the pack successful, not necessarily because of the way he did it” he continues. “He knows you’re a different Alpha, but he also knows you’re a better one than he was and I imagine it doesn’t sit too well with him. It sounds like he is making small comments that he thinks won’t get back to you to attempt to put doubt into
Fathers Doubt
pack members. But I will also say your brothers have had outstanding reports made
about them from your uncles pack. Nothing to suggest they aren’t brilliant warriors
and leaders in their own right.”
“s**t” I mutter slumping back down. “My Beta would have said if he knew this was happening so I fear you’re right.”
“I don’t think your mother is aware either” Kingsley says quietly. “She mentioned the pack nights they started were her idea at the time and she was so happy you had
continued them.”
“I always thought they were my father’s idea, he most certainly took credit for the idea. But my mother won’t know, he would never show her up like that in front of pack. members. She loves everyone and would do anything to help, so she would never agree with the things you have said he’s done” I say absentmindedly twirling a pen in my fingers.
“You’re a good leader Jax, show him” Johnathon says with a small smile.
“My own f*****g father” I growl shaking my head in disappointment. “I thought it was just me and my brothers.”
“What?” Kingsley asks confused.
“Nothing” I say shaking my head and sitting upright. “Thank you for speaking to me gents, I will be keeping up to date with the scout missions and I suggest we have a daily video call to talk over developments. Meet me at the hospital at 1pm?”
“I’ll be there” Johnathon says before standing and bowing his head, “thank you for speaking with me Alpha Jax.”
“And me” Kingsley says standing and shaking my hand, “you’re perfect for my daughter” he says with a proud smile.
“Thank you” I reply.

Nova POV:
“It felt good to train again” I sigh rolling my shoulders as the emotions I’ve been keeping check feel lighter than they have in a little while.
“I bet” Theo laughs, “how are you coping with everything?”
“As always, head up and get on with it” I chuckle.
“It wouldn’t hurt to talk about it Nova” he says pausing in what he’s doing to look at
me with care.
“What do you want me to say? I have grandparents who are that f****d in the head they have purposefully gone after my family, they wanted to kill my parents and me when I was born, never mind what my parents dealt with before. I’ve had people betray me and cause me emotional and physical harm from the person who I loved at the time, I’ve seen my sister harmed and taken. I’ve learnt I have a whole family out there I haven’t known about for 25 years! It’s just crazy Theo” I sigh. “That’s not to mention whatever the hunters are getting up to.”
“It’s a lot” he agrees quietly. “But if anyone can deal with it it’s you.”
“Thanks for the faith” I chuckle.
“I mean it” he replies shrugging as if it’s obvious.
“You have your mate, and he will only strengthen you. Goddess help the hunters
when you finally are on to them” he smirks. Rubbing his arm he winces as I see a
bruise is forming. “s**t Nova you hit hard” he laughs.
“That was me?” I gasp running to check it. “I’m so sorry Theo I thought I was holding
“That was you holding back?” He asks in amazement, “correction….the hunters are
“If only it was that easy” I smirk as he laughs at himself. “I am sorry though.”
“Don’t be, it’s training” he shrugs again.
“I’m going to take Flo some food, coming along?” I ask as we head back to the
“Definitely” he replies before we head into the pack kitchen and grab a tray of
breakfast for Flo.
5minutes later we are knocking on her door hearing her cheerily call for us to enter.
“Morning” I sing, “you look happy today.”
“I am” she smile
“I feel good. Back to normal just waiting for the go ahead to train.”
“Andrew?” I check.
“Back this morning, but he went to the gym that’s why you probably didn’t see him” she says smiling.
“Well I’m glad to hear it, I know how good training makes you feel” I exclaim. “We can train together!”
“I’d love that” she grins.
“You might regret it” Theo smirks playfully at Flo making me thin my lips as I glare at
“Why?” She asks looking over her shoulder as she take a look at the food.
“Because she hits harder than anyone I know” he grins as he motions to his darkening bruise.
“D amn Nova” she gasps as I grimace.
“That’s her holding back apparently” Theo teases as he elbows me in the side.
“It was” I pout pulling a sad face.
“Hurts like hell” Theo says purposefully as he still has a wide grin on his face.
“You’re a werewolf get over it” Flo shoots at him.
“Flos probably not the best person to speak to for sympathy after recent events” I point out making Theo’s face fall as he realises his mistake when Flo bursts out
We chat for 20mins minutes before I start to feel waves of anger through the bond

making me tense in my chair.
“What’s up?” Theo asks noticing my change in posture.
“Not me, Jax. Sorry both of you but I have to go” I rush out, “see you tonight for the
pack run?”
“Definitely. Go..go!” Flo says motioning for me to leave the room.
“Bye” I shout over my shoulder as I head towards his office.
Knocking once I push the door open to see Jax stood by the window, anger rolling off
of him in waves as his fists are balled tightly into fists.
“Jax..?” I ask quietly reaching his side and resting a hand on his arm.
“Nova” he breaths as he turns to me his eyes softening slightly but the rage still simmering.
“Care to explain?” I ask softly guiding him to his chair and sitting on his lap before. lacing my fingers in his hair.
“My father was more disrespectful than he led everyone to think whilst we were away.
” he growls as his fingers tighten against his chair his knuckles turning white.
“Hey..relax” I murmur, “what’s he done?”
“Only complained about his suite to others despite telling us before we left his room
was lovely, disrespected my brothers to other pack members when they organised
specific drills for the trackers here, asked pack members behind their backs if the
training they were providing was helpful and complained the standard of food has
dropped since he was Alpha oh and made an Omega cry” he lists off.
“Seriously?” I ask pausing in my movements momentarily.
“Yes, your father told me today after gaining my permission to speak about father. He
was polite with how he said it..I spoke to pack members and the effect he has had is more than I thought” he admits closing his eyes in frustration. “He’s undermining me as the Alpha and I won’t stand for it. Laurence is gaining the information as we speak, he’s not happy either. I left him in charge and my father has tarnished that.”
“So what are you going to do?” I ask quietly.
“Tell him to step down, he’s no longer needed for help in this situation and if he
breaths a word of what is going on I will have to consider more” he replies strongly anger still lacing his tone.
“Your mum? I’ve asked her to help with the Luna Ceremony” I point out.
“Oh she won’t have a thing to do with this, I don’t think she will even be aware” he says as I rub his neck to relax him, “I need to tell you more about my childhood.”
Moving so I can look at him he looks slightly nervous as I search his face for clues,”
“He was tough on me and my brothers, but when i got to about 12 he became more aggressive. If i didn’t perform well enough in training I was punished his Beta at the time was the one who administered the physical punishments, my father was more
verbal” he admits.
“What punishments?” I ask in horror.
“Oh all sorts but it was never visible if I wore my day to day clothes, he was careful
about that. It went on for a few years but once I got to 18 I hit back, since then he
backed off and my father and I have gotten on pretty well. I didn’t allow for him to
ever let
brothers suffer the same and maybe that’s why he has a thing against
them at times. I thought we’d put the past behind us” he sighs.
“But why?” I ask
“It was the way his father was, then he wanted to be the same but my mother would
never have agreed so yeah..he threw me into pack duties and made me help with paper work instead of going out” he explains.
“That’s harsh for a child” I say, “even an Alpha.”
“I know, but honestly he made changes in the last few years, I’m disappointed now”
he says as he rubs my thighs absentmindedly.
“Let’s go” I say surging to my feet.
“To?” He asks standing up slowly.
“To speak to your father” I growl leading him from the room.
Jax POV:
Seeing Novas determined face as we march to my parents suite has Zeus puffing his chest out in pride of his mate.
“Her protectiveness of her mate is coming out, combined with the nature of Kia it’s magnificent isn’t it” he says in awe.
“It is” I agree.
Seeing her step slightly behind me as we reach their door I appreciate her knowing this is for me to handle.
Knocking 3 times I hear shuffling behind the door before it opens and my mother’s welcoming face appears.
“Oh Jax, Nova! What a pleasure” she beams, “come in come in. I’ve been meaning to find you.”
“How are you ma?” I ask gently not giving away my inner anger.
“Better for seeing you” she replies cheerfully as she embraces Nova in a hug. “I have some ideas for you, do you have time to look through?”
pa around?” I ask quickly as No……
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Jax POV:
Seeing Novas determined face as we march to my parents suite has Zeus puffing his chest out in pride of his mate.
“Her protectiveness of her mate is coming out, combined with the nature of Kia it’s magnificent isn’t it” he says in awe.
“It is” I agree.
Seeing her step slightly behind me as we reach their door I appreciate her knowing this is for me to handle.
Knocking 3 times I hear shuffling behind the door before it opens and my mother’s welcoming face appears.
“Oh Jax, Nova! What a pleasure” she beams, “come in come in. I’ve been meaning to find you.”
“How are you ma?” I ask gently not giving away my inner anger.
“Better for seeing you” she replies cheerfully as she embraces Nova in a hug. “I have. some ideas for you, do you have time to look through?”
“Is pa around?” I ask quickly as Nova shoots me a look.
“He will be back in 15 mins love if you can wait?” Mum asks her eyes hopeful.
“Of course ma” I smile my heart softening as her face splits in a wide smile.
“Brilliant” she says with a clap, “come have a look Nova. I think you’ll like what I’ve come up with, I’ve spoken to the ladies and they all seem to agree. They’ve been most helpful!”
“Great, show me I’m excited to see” Nova says flashing her white teeth at my mum as they take a seat.
Sitting there i watch as my mum and Luna chat enthusiastically about the Luna ceremony, their excitement evident from their expressions. After a few moments of them chatting Zeus puts an idea forward for me and I sit upright as I ponder it over.
ジ Coming to a decision I lean forward with a slow smile on my face and look between
the two women.
“I know that face” Ma says as she catches me watching. “What are you planning?”
“Well it would be more appropriate if we say what are you planning” I chuckle. “Life
has been crazy recently and I would have liked the Luna Ceremony to take place.
already, she’s been my Luna for a while now in my mind. How would you feel about
organising it for this weekend?”
“This weekend?” Nova gasps in shock as my mum beams at my words.
“ 3 days” I specify.
“Is that even possible?” Nova asks
“Oh goddess yes, I can get it done” my mum replies confidently. “In fact I can start right away, Flo isn’t back to full duties she will be the perfect help and Naomi and Alice are always eager if I mention the word ceremony.”
Nova stares between the two of us for a moment before she chuckles as a blush
tinges her cheeks, “if you think you can do it..then let’s do it. I can’t wait to be the
“Perfect” I smirk.
“I’ll make those adaptations you mentioned Nova and speak to Alice about the dress. The idea of naming a Beta and Gam ma for Nova was brilliant Jax, I’m proud of
you. It’s very fitting for Nova” my mum says patting my hand reassuringly.
Hearing footsteps approach I meet Novas eyes and stand abruptly walking over to the window in their living area as the door swings open.
“Hello everyb*dy” my dad’s deep voice says as it resonates around the room.
m save star
“Hi dear..” my and giving his a quick k*ss.
“Hello David..” Nova says politely with an unreadable expression.
“Jax..” he says turning his piercing gaze to me.
Not saying anything I simply study him as he begins to falter in his confident gaze.”
Everything ok?” He asks looking at me with furrowed brows.
“You tell me” I shrug not giving anything away as my mum steps back in shock.
“Jax hunny?” She asks questioningly.
“This isn’t about you ma, I’m sorry I didn’t want to spoil your excitement” I say gently
softening my eyes as I look to her as she nods in understanding before stepping to
the side closer to Nova.
“What’s this about son? Spit it out” my father says turning to pour himself a glass of
“Your actions whilst we were away” I growl as the memories of what I’ve been told flash through my mind.
“I did as you asked?” He says turning round with a raised brow.
“Don’t play innocent to me father. I most certainly didn’t ask you to undermine me in my absence” I growl as my mum gasps turning to look at her mate in shock.
“David?” She whispers.
“I did nothing of the sorts” he growls back at me before Zeus snarls coming forward
in my mind making his mouth abruptly close.
“Questioning Axel and Evans training when they organised impressive tasks specifically designed to improve the trackers we have here is not what I asked” I remind him. “Asking pack members after my brothers had ran sessions or helped if
what they had done was helpful is not what I asked. Not to mention the pack
members i have just spoken to mentioned how you were questioning if what I did as Alpha was enough for this pack. Do you have any idea how successful I have been?”
“Son that’s not what I was doing” he says as a tear rolls down my mother’s face.
“Oh no, you were complaining about your suite despite us checking it was suitable before we left, you complained about the food saying it had gone downhill since your
were Alpha which resulted in the omega who brought it crying in the bathroom” I
growl angrily taking a step closer. “You, my father, have questioned MY pack.”
“But the food is lovely, the suite is perfect..” my mother whispers in confusion.
“I know” I say looking at her, “father is trying to sos seeds of doubt when there isn’t
any to begin with ma.”
“Son..” he starts.
“Dont” I snarl my anger rising and becoming evident. “You lack trust in your sons and that is clear, I put your pasts actions down to the stress of being Alpha as you’ve seemed lighter the last few years and we have gotten on better. You’ve been more approachable and more father like, this has disappointed me and made me doubt you intentions.”
“But..” he starts.
“I didn’t say for you to talk” I cut him off abruptly. “I am taking away your new responsibilities I have requested of you. You are officially back in retirement. Only you
I add on throwing my mum a look to know she isn’t involved in this. “Also if I hear you say one word about the situation we are in you will regret it. Don’t hesitate to think you will escape punishment just because you’re the previous Alpha.”
“Jax..” my mother gasps.
I continue to look at my father as he glares at me before moving his gaze to my mum who looks heartbroken.
“Is it true?” She asks my father.
“No of course not love!” He exclaims defensively.
“I should point out I can smell your lies on you David” Nova interjects with a cold tone. “It’s coming off of you in waves.” This makes him glare at Nova with growing hatred at her admission in his eyes.
“How dare you” he growls before she steps forward and emits her aura.
“This is not my fight but don’t you DARE growl at me when you’re the one that’s f****d up David. I gave you a chance when you apologised previously..this is about your son and I will protect my mate at all costs. Do you hear me?” She snarls looking him in the eye making him look away in submission.
“David..”my mother whispers covering her mouth in horror.
Lowering his head but not before shooting me a look he hesitates before speaking,” it’s true” he says h oars ely. “I wanted to ensure my pack was still successful.”
“But David.. you can tell that just by looking around. What Jax has done is nothing.
short of incredible” she exclaims her temper rising as she feels the need to protect
“You know the money you made the pack father..I’ve tripled it in the past two years alone through investments which I decided with the aid of my beta. The one you went behind the back of when I specifically left him in charge. We have more elite warriors than ever before and all pack members are trained to a high standard now, not just the men. I have made some noticeable differences father I just don’t flash them in people’s faces” I snarl as he looks shocked by my admission.
“What was I to do?” He asks in defensive.
“TRUST YOUR CHILDREN” my mother roars as Nova smiles slightly in approval of my mother’s tone.
“Exactly” I snarl.
“Does ma know?” I ask father my voice deceptively calm.
“Know what?” She asks turning to look at me as my father’s face falls behind her.
“I’ll take that as a no” I chuckle at him. “You need to speak to your mate ma, if he doesn’t come clean then come to me and I will tell you” I say as I motion for Nova for us to leave.
“I have Theo coming to stand by the door if he’s needed ma. Maybe ask why his devoted Beta decided to abruptly leave the pack once I became Alpha.” I suggest calmly. “You should remember it’s because of ma I decided to try and work on our relationship pa. And ma..don’t forget I love you” I add on before closing the door behind us.

Unrecognisable (BONUS CH
Unrecognisable (BONUS CHAPTER)
Amelia POV
Staring at the closed door for a few moments looking where my son and his new
mate had left I fought the overwhelming urge to go and comfort my pup.
“We will go to him after Amelia, but for now we need answers” I hear my wolf, Lina,
whisper soothingly to me.
Spinning I pin my gaze on my mate as he looks at the floor in shame. My eyes black with Lina holding herself forward in my mind I growl lowly at him to show my deep
displeasure at what I’ve beared witness to.
“How could you?” I ask angrily.
“Amelia I’m sorry..” he starts but I hold my hand up to cut him off.
“Right now I don’t need to hear that you’re sorry, I need to hear what you’re sorry for. No more lies David” I demand fiercely as I stare at him showing I won’t back down to
him any longer.
“You’re right” he says after a moments quiet. “Please sit down.”
“Just speak David” I growl without moving an inch. Seeing that I won’t budge he pours himself another glass of whiskey before gulping it down and sighing loudly. Sitting in an armchair he rubs his face as he does when he’s stressed and turns his
attention to me.
“There are things you aren’t aware of when the pups were growing up” he starts making my breath hitch.
“What did you do?” I growl stepping forward making his eyes widen at my
“I was harsh at times in my treatment of them, not so much Mila but the boys had to grow to learn as Alphas that they could not fail” he says.
“Couldn’t fail?! They were PUPS” I shout, “of course they could fail at times, who
doesn’t. Are you perfect?”
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He stays quiet as he sees the fury blazing in my eyes. “You need to start talking I snarl
“Fine..fine” he sighs holding his hands up in surrender. “If they didn’t perform well
enough in training then Beta Andrew would give them a punishment that 1 found suitable, Jax soon took it upon himself to take the punishments not only for himself but for his brothers. They needed a drive to succeed so they worked harder?
“Andrew hurt my pups?” I say deathly quiet.
“Nothing too physical, it was for them to work hard so it wouldn’t happen again he
“And you thought this was acceptable because?” I sneer
“It worked for me” he shrugs, his remorse if he felt any was not showing
“You hid it from me?” I ask quietly
He slowly nods his head as he avoids my eyes, I knew you wouldn’t agree. You were too soft with them Amelia, they needed to know life wasn’t designed to be handed to them on a platter. I made Jax throw himself into learning how to run a pack, he also helped with paperwork and gained more responsibilities when I deemed he had
earned them.
“Well clearly someone had to be a loving parent” I scoff at him. ‘How could you do this behind my back David? We are a team..or I thought we were. You caused my pups to endure physical pain when they made mistakes which is a natural part of life.”
“But it has made them into who they are today” he says looking at me confused as to
why I don’t understand him.
“Did Andrew beat him?” I ask.
He nods his head in answer as a snarl rips from me, “he purposefully hit him where I couldn’t visibly see I assume?”
“Yes” he says quietly. “Jax took it everytime, not saying a word.”
“You know I could scent blood at times and Jax would always laugh it off and say he
got the upper hand on someone and he needed to wash I say gazing at him in anger, “that boy protected you even when you didn’t deserve it.”
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Hearing that David looks up at me in shame, “he did” he agrees quietly.
“Did you make him?” I ask.
“ I never said anything but he never told you” he admits. “I don’t think it was
out of fear.”
Hearing that I laugh at him which makes him look surprised, “he’s made that clear, one thing I don’t ever relate Jax to is fear, he put up with it because you are his father and you were supposed to know best. But mainly because of his love and need to protect me, he knew it would hurt me..would hurt us.”
“When he got to 18, he finally broke. He beat Andrew so badly he was put in hospital
for 5 days, I said it was a rogue attack” he says quietly.
“That was Jax?” I question remembering well how badly Andrew was beaten.
“Yes” he says quietly.
A small grin appears on my face at this, “good. He deserved worse for harming my
“So tell me David. Why have you been undermining our Alpha whilst he was away?” I ask quietly as my lips thin waiting for his answer.
“I wanted to make sure what he was doing was right for my pack” he growls
“Your pack?” I ask incredulously.
“Yes” he nods.
“I believe you are well aware that the current Alpha is Jax, this pack may mean a lot to you and in a way it will always be our pack, but it is no longer your pack to run David” I growl at him.
“And questioning the twins abilities?” I ask incredulously as he doesn’t say anything
in response.
“Those boys need a firm hand Amelia, they have been away for years now and I
needed to make sure what they were doing was suitable for the pack members here”
he says sternly.

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“They are amazing Alphas in their own right David” I shout furiously. “They are trained
to take over from Henry for Goddesses sake, do you really think they can’t organise a
task for trackers that isn’t to your standard? Not only openly criticised them infront of pack members, why?!”
“To make sure they kept working hard to prove everyone wrong” he snarls back as he stands angrily.
Hearing that I snap and before I know it I have stepped forward and delivered a stinging smack to his left cheek making him stumble back in shock. His eyes fly to mine in shock, “what?!” He gasps.
“They shouldn’t have to prove ANYONE wrong, that is all your doing” I scream at him making his face pale. “YOU are the one that have made people doubt them over the years, YOU are the one that sent them away making everyone think of them in shame,
YOU are the one that didn’t trust in your own sons.”
Hearing that he simply stares at me in shock, feeling his confusion through the bond I
snarl at him once more. “Amelia..” he starts.
“No” I growl. “I am more disappointed in you than I have EVER been David. You drove our sons away and continue to contribute to the gap that is between them and us, their parents. I love my children, more than anything.”
“I know” he says quietly.
“No David..I don’t think you do. I mean more than absolutely anything, you think I would forgive you just because you’re my mate?! After all these years??” I ask suddenly deadly calm.
Feeling his panic suddenly surge through the bond I c**k my head as I study him.
“I don’t recognise this man” I say gesturing my hand over him before turning and striding towards the door.
Turning before I open it I see the look of desperation on his face as he takes in what I have said. “I don’t want to see you, go home. I will stay here and assist our children, our pack, our family as I should. What I have heard disgusts me and I need to process it, but let me tell you something. We will never be like we were, you have hurt our children, taken away precious moments from their childhood and deceived me for
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too long. Get out my sight.”
“Amelia love please.” he says desperately as he steps forward reaching for me.
Flinching away from him I avoid his touch seeing his eyes fill with pain. “I did this to
help them.”
“Do you ever wonder why Jax is so successful?” I ask him pausing in reaching for the
He says nothing so I continue, “because he has learnt from your mistakes. He saw how you acted and experienced your methods, I can confidently tell you he is different and that is a brilliant thing. He is intelligent, logical, fierce, quick thinking, loving, kind, compassionate and most importantly he is genuine. Instead of looking. for how our children could improve, I suggest you look at improving yourself. Right now I am disgusted to call you my mate, it makes me feel physically sick to know how you have been acting. Jax has made this pack formidable, one everyone looks at as one of the strongest. And Nova? Well she is quite simply brilliant. She will be the final piece in the puzzle of this pack and I could tell that before I even met her. She is an amazing woman, and most importantly she is supportive of her mate and will protect him at all costs. I am proud of her for how she has dealt with your h o rrendous behaviour since she has met us. You criticised the food, the room because you couldn’t take that what Jax has achieved is better than what you did..but in fact you should have shouting his praises.”
Recognition at my words fills his eyes as he slowly nods in acceptance at what I’ve said, “Now get out of my sight” I say flinging the door open to be met with the surprised faces of Axel, Evan and Theo.
“Boys..” I murmur sadly making them immediately step forward to hug me as tears. begin to stream down my face. “I’m so sorry my loves.”
“This isn’t on you ma” they both mutter.
“Axel..Evan, please let me explain..” David says from behind me.
They look at him quietly before gently pushing me aside, moving in unison they step forward and both deliver a punishing blow to his abdomen sending him sprawling on the floor. “That wasn’t for us..that was for ma” Evan growls down at him before Axel steps forward and growls “shameful” at him as David simply nods in acceptance.
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“Go home David” I say quietly as he stumbles to his feet.
“Amelia..” he whispers.
*f**k OFF” I scream as he hangs his hand and stumbles from the room heading down the stairs. “Theo would you please ensure he gets home safely?” I ask quietly as he bows his head respectfully.
“Of course” he murmurs before following David.
“What now ma?” Evan asks stepping forward and wrapping an arm round my
shoulder tucking me into his side protectively.
“Now we go apologise for my naivety throughout the years” I say sadly.
“You don’t need to” Axel whispers as he walks on my other side.
“Yes. I do” I whisper. “I should have known, but I do now and I will do everything in my
power for you kids. You are my pups, that will never change. Let’s go find Jax.”
A bonus chapter at the request of a few’s not necessary for the novel but it does offer an insight into Jax’s parents conversation. I wouldn’t mess with Amelia, she is one fierce woman? poor David..but I think he deserves it doesn’t he?

Jax POV:
“So..” I start as we quietly walk away from my parents suite, “I spoke to your dad and he agrees with what we discussed this morning. Scout missions are going to be sent out from tomorrow and he has some warriors he is confident in sending with them.”
“Good” Nova says simply as she squeezes the hand of mine she is holding.
“Are you ok with the Luna Ceremony being in 3 days?” I ask quietly.
Turning to me she grins at those words as she nods vigorously, “oh goddess yes! I would have a Luna ceremony just now with only us if it was acceptable, I just want to be by your side officially.”
“I’m glad” I say with a relieved smile.
“I’m sorry if I seemed quiet when you mentioned it, I thought of the work load it would put on others and I had a little guilty moment as I felt bad. But seeing the excitement of your mother I know in fact it will bring more joy to everyone and more excitement for the coming days” she says happily.
“I thought I’d scared you for a moment” I chuckle.
“No..definitely not” her melodic laugh reaching my ears.
“Do you feel better for speaking to your parents?” Nova asks as I open the office door
for her.
“I do” I agree immediately, “I have been so patient with pa but it’s not fair I continue to
bite my tongue. I have tried to give him respect as the past alpha and as my father
but he continues to push me. As much as it will hurt’s time she knew.”
Do you
think he’ll tell her everything?” Nova wonders as she takes a seat opposite
“I don’t know” I admit as I lean back and close my eyes deep in thought. Nova simply
hums in acknowledgment as we sit in comfortable silence for a few moments.
Hearing her stand I open one eye to see what she is doing and when I hear the lock click both my eyes fly wide open.
She turns to me as she feels my gaze on her. I see her eyes are dark and she smiles
before biting her plump lower lip. Immediately feeling my trousers tighten as my shaft springs to life I ask h oar sely “what are you doing?”
“Well Alpha..” she purrs as she licks her lips slowly her eyes never leaving mine, “I have to admit watching you back there sparked something in me.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask watching as she lifts her hand to gently trial along the top of her lush breasts.
“Mmhmm” she murmurs as the scent of her arousal hits me making my nostrils flare. and my shaft become unbearably hard in the confines of my trousers. Shifting slightly to try and give my shaft more room her eyes follow my movements before she bites her lip once again.
“Take them off” she whispers.
Motioning to my groin she nods with a smirk as I quickly unbutton them and moan in relief as my shaft bounces free to rest against my stomach. Seeing her eyes darken. further as they zero in on my c**k I smirk before she meets my gaze once again.
Smiling seductively she reaches her hand up and slips the thin strap of his dress off
of her shoulder and down her arm before repeating the action on the other side as I
watch her mesmerised.
Saying nothing she lets the dress drop letting her full breasts be free of the dresses
hold making me growl in approval. Feeling my c**k twitch I reach my hand down and slowly smear the beads of precum over it before pumping it slowly enjoying Novas. show. H ooking her thumbs in the side of her dress she seamlessly slides it over her full hips and drops its so it’s a puddle on the ground.
Seeing her standing there in just her panties has my breath hitch before she bites her
lips and turns giving me a perfect view of her round as s.
“Minx” I breath as I hold off on pumping my c**k faster. Scenting her arousal grow I moan as she slides her panties down her legs whilst bending over to give me an amazing view of her already glistening core. Gulping as I gape at her she looks
behind to me and winks before standing straight and stepping out of the panties leaving them on the floor before turning to me completely bare.
“You like what you see?” She purrs as she takes a step forward.
“Very much” I pant as I reach my other hand down to squeeze my balls slightly
making me moan. Watching my slow movements she moves her hands and pinches
her n*****s slightly making her gasp at the feeling before trailing her right hand down
her front towards her core.
Circling her cl it gently she hums as her eyes flutter closed momentarily before
opening and focusing on me once more. Entranced by her movements I stare as she
runs two fingers through her folds before holding them up for me to see.
“This is how wet I am for you” she whispers making me moan again before she sashays her way towards me, swinging her leg over me she stands straddling me before running the two fingers along my lips coating them in her sweetness then
slowly pushing them into my eager mouth.
*f**k nova” I breath as she pulls them away before she reaches down and replaces
my hand with her own on my shaft and swiftly sliding herself down taking me whole.
“Ah Jaxxx” she groans as she rolls her hips slightly adjusting, her tight walls hugging my hard c**k. Slamming her lips down on mine I k*ss her passionately before she begins to bounce on my c**k making me grunt into her mouth.
*f**k that feels good” I whisper against her lips as I grasp her hips making her move faster. Reaching a thumb over I circle her swollen cli t as I bite down on one of her hardened n*****s making her cry out. Biting my cheek as I hold off wanting her to release before me, I rub her cl it faster making her shudder above me before her walls tighten and she groans my name loudly, “y..yes Jaxxx!”
Feeling her juices coat my shaft as she collapses on me I swiftly pick her up and turn her so her chest is wresting on my desk and her a ss is lifted in the air tempting me.
Slamming back into her warm heat she screams “JAXXX” making me grunt with each thrust. “Oh goddess yesss” she pants before I spit on my thumb and slide it gently
into her tight as s.
“One day soon, I’m going to claim all of you Nova” I rasp making her push back against me eagerly. Feeling myself get closer to my release I lift one of her legs and rest it on the table before reaching my hand down and rubbing furiously once more
on her cl it.
“c*m with me” I order as my movements become more frantic, the both of us lost in this passionate moment. Slamming into her her legs shudder and her back arches as she hurtles over the edge her juices squirting around me as I jerkily pound into her a couple more times before releasing deep inside her tight walls with a loud roar.
Coming down from our high she stays slumped on the desk as I lower her leg and pull myself out of her. Watching my c*m drip from her I smile at the sated look that is on
her flushed face.
“So good” she mumbles making me smirk and smack her as s.
“Let me get a cloth” I chuckle as I quickly pull my briefs and button my trousers before
running to the office en-suite.
Returning I quickly wipe her and then help her stand as she k*sses my chest softly.
“I love you Jax” she smiles.
Pausing I look down at her as I send all my love and affection I feel for her through. the bond, and I love you my Luna” I whisper k*ssing her lips gently.
“But please get your clothes back on before you seduce me again” I tease making her hit my chest playfully.
She quickly slides her dress back on before reaching for her panties but I stride over and grab them before sliding them in my pocket.
“Now you can sit on my c**k easier” I smirk making her blush slightly at my words as
she bites her lips.
“Open the window and get some paperwork out” she smirks pointing her finger at me, “don’t go filling my head with ideas.”
Letting out a huff of laughter I do as I’m told before taking a seat.
Hearing a knock on the door Novas eyes flash to mine with horror as I simply laugh. “Well I’ve opened the windows love, but I don’t think we can hide it. It’ll probably just
be Laurence.”
She quickly sits down and crosses her legs picking up some paperwork to look busy, swinging the door open I freeze slightly before chuckling, “busted” Zeus smirks to
Standing in front of me are Axel, Evan and my mother.
“Can we have a word Jax?” My mum asks nervously.
Hearing Novas breath hitch I smirk inwardly, “her face is probably bright red” Zeus
laughs to me.
“Yes of course ma, come in all of you” I say before walking back to my seat, grinning
as Nova sends me a deathly glare.
Seeing Axel and Evan smirk at one another I point my finger at them and growl lightly, “I don’t want to hear one word of what I know you’re both saying to one another.”
Seeing their grins disappear I look at them as they nod sheepishly.
“Oh hunny, it’s wonderful. I can’t wait for grandpups” my mother chimes in making the
guys snort and Nova turn even more pink.
“When this has all calmed down then we can think about pups ma” I smile as she
holds her hand over her heart and nods excitedly.
“So..what’s up?” I ask leaning back in my chair.Conversations
Stting there I try to calm my racing heart as I feel my cheeks burning, glaring at Jar
The simply ons there with a mug smirk on his face although thankfully he did warn
His brothers to stay quier
His motte’s earlier excitement had disappeared as sadness filled her features
making my hear cench for her
I spoke to your father she says her voice strong despite her inner conflict
Are you do Jar asks quietly his desc voice soothing to listen to
“to rather people don’t ask me that after what I’ve learnt, I should be the one asking
you she says lowering her head in shame.
Ma contar says standing up and walking round to embrace her
Why didnt you tell me? She whispers into his chest.
“Because I didn’t want to upset you, I could deal with it and I did. I couldn’t come
between you and Pa’ he says with quiet confidence
Just because you could deal with it doesn’t mean you should have’ she points out standing back with a frown. None of you should have.”
“We only had his verbal displeasure to deal with because of Jax’ Evan admits.
“I know, I heard his mother replies. I never did understand why he went off on you boys so much, when the incident happened before you went away I begged for you to stay. I can’t think of anyone else who wouldn’t have reacted the way you did. When I spoke to your pa about it he wouldn’t budge, I’m so sorry boys.”
“Men” Avels says rolling his eyes with a laugh.
“My pups” she says jabbing a finger into his chest.
“We were happy to go’ Evan says quietly as Amelia’s eyes fill with hurt, “I’m sorry ma it’s nothing against you, But we couldn’t reach our full potential here with everything that had happened and we wanted a clean slate so to say, Alpha Henry has been
amazing as you know.”
“Oh I do loves, it’s just hurts as your parents we have failed” she s obs as tears fall
down her face.
“You haven’t failed, don’t think we aren’t aware that it was you who reached out to
Alpha Henry for us ma, you ensured we were going to somewhere that would benefit us” Axel exclaims passionately.
“But I am sorry to you all” she says looking round the room, “and Nova my’s not
how I wanted you to meet us properly.”
“You have nothing to apologise for Amelia”. I assure her with a smile.
“I don’t want to hear you apologise anymore to us ma” Jax says with conviction, “I mean it. I’m sorry you had to find out this way but he needed to learn. I gave him too many chances as it is. Mila will be home this evening and I think a girly day tomorrow to organise the Luna ceremony is just what you need.”
“I know son, I know” Amelia says.
“Jax you’d be so proud of ma, she reminded us we don’t want to get on her wrong. side” Axel laughs as his eyes beam with pride.
“f**k OFF DAVID Evan mimicks making Axel chuckle and his mum smile sheepishly.
“I may have gotten a bit emotional” she admits.
“Theo didn’t know what to say” Evan says trying to hide a smile.
“You two seem overly happy with this” Jax says suddenly looking between the two
twins suspiciously.
“They got a hit in his mother says with a shrug, “goddess knows that man deserves.
“About time” Jax mutters smirking at me.
“Where has he gone if you don’t mind me asking Amelia?” I ask softly.
“I sent him home” she admits. “I don’t want him around and I would like to be able to concentrate on the Luna ceremony..if you’ll still have me organise it that is?”
“Oh without a doubt, I still want you to” I say with a giggle. “I’m going to ask Theo to
have someone stay with him constantly and also perhaps have a couple extra patrols round the house. With everything going on it just offers a little peace of mind.”
“You’re right Nova” Amelia sighs, “perhaps I shouldn’t have sent him there.”
“We can move him closer” Jax points out before thinking for a moment. “There is
Grans old place?” He says looking at his mother.
Nodding her head she purses her lips, “yes ok.”
“You’re sure?” He checks.
“I don’t wish to risk him being hurt by the hunters” she says quietly, “but I am not forgiving him. He can move there for now but I want nothing to do with him at the
“As you wish” Jax says with a small smile.
“If you ever need to talk Amelia please don’t hesitate to come to me” I say quietly.
“Thank you Nova” she says offering me a wet smile, “I will.”
“Axel, Evan, take ma to her suite and make sure she has some food and rest. Noval
and I have to head over to the hospital so we won’t be around for a little while” Jax says standing up dismissing everyone. “If you need us link us.”
“Yes sir” they chorus as they both hold and arm out for their mother. “We will come say bye to you this evening but we will be back for your Luna ceremony” they grin at
“I should hope so” I tease as I raise my hand in a goodbye.
“Thank you both” Amelia says quietly before they walk out the office. My eyes soften
as I think about how hard that must have been for Amelia.
“Your mum is tough” I comment to Jax in admiration.
“Yeah she is, the pack love her” Jax says with a smile. “Fierce warrior as well, always
surprises us people.”
“I can imagine” I laugh. “Suppose we should head to the hospital.”
“Yes” Jax says standing up and leading me to the door, “let’s just get it done shall we.”
Nodding I take his outstretched hand and together we walk to the hospital. Stopping
and chatting to pack members on the way as they mention how much they are
looking forwards to the pack run this evening.
“Why don’t we announce the Luna ceremony before the run?” Jax suggests. “We’ve
had no time for a pack meeting so I’m going to combine everything this evening.”
“I like that plan” I reply as we pass the guards down the corridor to Caroline’s room.
“Luca and Alpha Axton will speak to us once we are done here, Luca wanted to be here for you but I thought perhaps it would be better less people for now. You can tell him everything after, I don’t want you thinking you have to keep anything from him”
Jax says.
“No I agree, less people is a good idea” I say as my nerves grow. “Deep breaths Nova”
Kia whispers to me as I regain my composure.
“Hello Alpha, Luna” the doctor says bowing his head as we reach her door.
“Good afternoon, how is she?” Jax asks his voice lacking emotion and his face giving
nothing away.
“Frail and old, but stronger than she was” he says with a shrug. “She’s well enough to answer your questions, just don’t be physical in your interrogation as she is still
extremely weak.”
“Ok thank you Doctor” Jax says before swinging the door open and striding through. Taking a deep breath I clear my mind and follow him.
My eyes immediately meet the bright blue ones of my grandmother, who is gazing at me with an expressionless face.
“Caroline” I hear Jax snarl as I stand beside him.
“Alpha Jax I presume” she says without looking away from me before a cold smile crossed her face, “and my granddaughter..Athena.”

Guardian Wolf Chapter 51-75

Jax POV:
Walking down the corridor behind Nova I stare unashamedly at her swaying hips
which captivate my attention. I suddenly pull Nova into me and turn her so she’s got her back against the wall.
“Jax” she gasps as I press my b*dy against hers.
“Hmm?” I hum as I lean my head into the curve of her neck and inhale a breath of her intoxicating scent, feeling my b*dy relax I start to drop feathery k*sses on her neck
around her mark making her squirm against me.
“Jaxxx” she moans breathily before pushing her hands against my chest making met pause and look at her, “your parents?” She asks with a quirked brow as she looks at
me with dark eyes.
“Can wait a few minutes” I growl against her, “I want my mate.” Hearing her breath
hitch I flash her a smile as I know I’ve got her, capturing her lips in my own heated
ones I k*ss her passionately expressing my need for her.
Feeling her lift a leg up I reach my hand down and grasp her bum guiding her leg around me before lifting her so she can do the same with her other leg caging my in between her strong thighs. Groaning against her as I feel her warm core press against my growing bulge I nibble on her lower lip making her press into me more as I
feel her need grow through the bond. Kissing her plump lips I shift slightly grazing my bulge across her core behind her panties, “f**k” she whispers before grinding herself against me as she tangles her hands in my hair. Reaching a hand between us I graze
her hardened n*****s over her thin summer dress making her moan into my mouth.”
You want me” I breath against her lips.
“Always” she whispers making me grin.
Trailing my hands down I lift her dress and shift her panties to one side giving me access to her warm core. Slipping a finger through her folds I breathe deeply as the scent of her arousal hits my nostrils making my hard shaft twitch uncomfortably in my trousers. “So wet for me” I whisper before plunging a finger into her making her gasp as she arches into me.
“Oh y..yes Jaxx” she moans as I slip a second finger in stretching her tight walls.
hand as Rubbing my thumb over her swollen cli t has her grinding her hips into my continue to plunge my fingers into her. “That’s it babe, ride my hand” I instruct huskily as my lust filled eyes meet hers.
Seeing her flushed cheeks has me hardening even further before she reaches her hand down to slip under my shirt lightly scratching my toned muscles. “That feels so good” she moans as she tilts her head back in pleasure, reaching forward I suck her mark lightly which tips her over the edge. Feeling her walls tighten around my fingers. as her juices run I look into her eyes as they glaze over in silent pleasure.
Hearing a noise from our right we both freeze before turning to look, “it’s an Omega. cleaning round the corner” I whisper before I hold her tight against me and push ust through a door slightly down the corridor bringing us into an empty guest room.
“Better” I smirk as I stand holding her inside the door.
“That was risky” she giggles still coming down from her high.
“I’m not done yet” I growl before dropping her down and claiming her lips once again. Feeling her hands snake down to my trousers I buck my hips as her hands graze my
bulge, making quick work of my buttons she pulls my trousers down followed swiftly by my briefs freeing my hard shaft.
“So big” she growls appreciatively as her big eyes look down and focus on my shaft. resting against her stomach before she grasps it and starts pumping it slowly. Hearing those words has me twitching in her hand as I growl before turning her round quickly so she rests her hands on the wall in front of her. Grasping her hips I pull them. open and watch as she naturally arches her back in anticipation of what’s to come. Stepping forward I press my shaft between her thighs coating it in her juices as I
reach round and knead one of her round breasts.
“You’re stunning” I rasp before pulling back and surging forward plunging my shaft
deep into her heat feeling her walls tighten to accommodate me. Hearing her sigh in
satisfaction I grin before holding her hips steady and pounding into her at a relentless
“Oh goddess Jax YESSS” she screams before pushing her hips back into me, “harder”
she pants breathlessly knowing I need to release some pent up frustration. Grunting
in response I slam into her increasing my speed making her a moaning mess before me, moving one of my arms I spread her cheeks before taking a finger and lightly tracing her tight second hole. Hearing a loud gasp as she bucks against me I slowly push my finger in making her tremble in pleasure, “oh Jax..f uck that feels good” she whispers. Slowly pushing my finger in and out I watch eagerly as she moves to meet me with each thrust. Starting to feel her walls tighten as she tilts her head back I
reach my other hand round and grasp her neck gently forcing her to look at me with
hooded eyes.
“Goddess you’re everything” I pant before she shudders around me as pleasure racks through her b*dy making her eyes flutter close. Feeling her walls grasp my c**k as I release my finger to hold her hip and steady her I groan loudly as my balls tighten and
she milks me for rope after rope of my c*m.
Steadying my breathing I hold her up as I feel her b*dy relax, reluctantly pulling out of
her I k*ss the back of her shoulders. “Let me get a cloth” I whisper still admiring her
round toned bum on show with her dress pushed up around her waist.
Walking back out of the bathroom after washing my hands I gently clean her off before spinning her round and k*ssing her gently pouring my love for her through the
“I promise, when this is over I’ll make sure to worship your b*dy at every opportunity” I say looking her in the eye as I cradle her flushed cheek. Feeling her stiffen I frown
“Don’t say things like that unless you want to go again” she says in a strained voice.
Smirking I wink at her, “oh really?”
“Really” she laughs whilst caressing my shoulders. “I love you” she says with a soft
“I love you” I promise..
“Feel better?” She asks me with a giggle.
“Very much so” I grin.
“Hmm well I’m glad to have helped…Alpha” she whispers flirtatiously. Tracing her
swollen bottom lip with my thumb she captures it in her mouth and sucks gently

looking up at me through her lashes.
“That’s not fair” I mumble as I feel my member twitch again.
With a pop she releases it with a giggle, “later” she winks before walking to the door. Before opening it I quietly start to ask “have you ever..” before trailing off unsure how.
to ask.
“Ever had anyone near my bum?” She asks with a laugh as she swings the door open.
Grimacing as I don’t know if I regret asking I nod slowly “No…never” she says shaking her head as I grin knowing that’s mine and mine only.
“Good” I growl in her ear as I pass her. “Neither have i” I throw back over my shoulder
as she shakes her head in amusement.
“We should probably wash” she says after a minute of walking.
“Why?” I ask.
“We’re going to meet your parents” she says with a frown.
“So” I reply with a shrug, “they were newly mated once. I was conceived the night they marked they can’t blo ody talk.”
“Oh..well when you put it that way” she laughs as I wrap an arm around her.
“Plus I like showing off you’re mine” I whisper in her ear making her blush.
David’s worries
Jax POV:
“How you doing son? My father asks In his deep voice as we enter.
“Better now” I say throwing a look at Nova as she purposefully avoids my gaze
making me chuckle.
“How are you dear?” My mum asks rushing to embrace Nova. “Your mum adores her”
Zeus informs me as if I hadn’t already figured that out.
“Good thank you Amelia, it’s nice to be home” Nova responds politely returning her hug. “How are you both?”
“Good considering the recent events” ma assures us with a warming smile.
“It’s nice to be back in the pack house” Pa agrees.
“I’m sorry we aren’t able to make those dinner plans I suggested but we will next week when we hopefully have more time” Nova says giving my parents an apologetic look.
“We understand” ma says waving her off.
“I did actually have something I’d like to talk to you about Amelia” Nova starts looking nervous biting her lip slightly as I’ve noticed she does when she’s unsure of what’s going to happen. “As you know my Luna ceremony needs organising, I’ve got Naomi, Flo and Alice helping. Obviously Flo will do what she can but it could be a nice thing to help her as she recovers. But we have a little to do over the next few weeks and I imagine I’m going to be very busy, I was wondering if you’d be willing to take over the reigns a bit organising it for me?”
Seeing my mums eyes widen in excitement as she gasps I grin. “I would love to! Oh my goddess how exciting” she squeals. “Thank you Nova, you have no idea how
much this means to me.”
Seeing the tears in my mums eyes I turn to Nova, “Genevieve wasn’t as keen for my mothers help” I explain quietly.
“What?” She asks looking confused, “but surely the previous Luna is the perfect
David’s wories
person to help. You had your own..I mean talk about first hand experience.”
Chuckling I agree, “well as long as it’s not going to be like the previous ceremony I’m
going to leave it to you ladies to organise.”
“What was it like?” Nova ask amused. Seeing my mum grimace I laugh.
“Tacky” mum says bluntly, “yet ridiculously expensive.”
“Ah” Nova chuckles not prying for more information, “well I would appreciate any help
you can give.”
“I’ll start right away, we will have to find sometime and have a chat about it” my ma
“Well I’d like a white and green theme, warm lights not those awful bright white ones, and with food I’m not fussy. But I do love cheesecake oh and I hate mango” Noval
says with a shrug.
“White and green?” I probe.
“Your eyes” Nova smiles, “my favourite part of you.”
“Not my bulging muscles and big c**k?” I link her bluntly making her throw me a sharp look.
“Those are just an added bonus” she replies playfully making me hide a laugh behind
a cough.
“That’s a great idea Nova, I’ll have a look and get some ideas for you” my mum says drawing her in for another hug as a large smile stays plastered on her face.
“So as you know we are going to the council over the next few days” I start as the
atmosphere turns more serious, “whilst we are gone I’m leaving Laurence in charge.”
“Laurence?” My father asks confused.
“Yes” I say calmly. “He’s my Beta, he’s more than capable of the job and he has the
most understanding bar me of everything that is going on. He has Alpha blood in him
as well which makes him strong.”
“Better than the previous Alpha?” Pa asks in disbelief.
“Yes I believe he’s more suitable” I say calmly.
David’s woes
“Son have you thought this through?” Pa asks again.
Gritting my teeth my eyes flash with that of Zeus, “yes. I have, Lam the Alpha here father don’t question me”
“With all due respect David, you are retired. Laurence helps run this pack day in day out and it is his responsibility as Beta to step up when required” Nova interjects.
“David they’re right. We stepped down and Jax is the Alpha now, we as parents. should help when necessary and offer any support we can. Laurence is an excellent Beta, and may I point out you did the same at times during your time as Alpha” My ma
points out.
Nodding slowly he looks away with a pained expression on his face. “Ok Alpha” he says deliberately.
“I also have Axel and Evan returning this evening, in our absence the pack needs. added strength. It was a concern of mine with Nova and myself being away from the grounds at the same time as my Ga mmas. They will be here until the weekend and then will return back to Uncle Henry’s pack to finalise a few things before they come back permanently the following week” I inform my parents.
Seeing my mother’s eyes widen in shock I turn and see my father glaring at me.
“What?” He growls with his eyes blazing.
“You heard me Pa” I say pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Do you really think that’s sensible?” He asks as my mum looks down at the ground hiding the hurt that crosses her face.
“Yes..I do” I reply sharply.
“They are..” he starts before I quickly interject.
“They are what father? Insolent? Unruly? Unfit to bear the responsibility of our family? “I ask frustrated.
“Yes!” My father exclaims angrily, “those boys need to learn responsibility and what it means to follow instructions. They were careless and endangered others, what’s changed?”
David’s worens
“Father that was 7 years ago..7!” I shout angrily.
“Jax?” I hear Nova ask quietly.
“They were teenagers Nova, they went out with a group of friends and ended up
spending time with 2 human girls. There was an attack and they shifted, in front of
the girls, to save them” I explain keeping my voice calm.
“They revealed us to humans” my father growls.
“It was either that or those girls got killed, what would you have done father?” I ask
heatedly stepping forward as my aura bristles. “They reacted and they bore the
consequence of their actions at the time. I would have done the same.”
“What happened to the girls?” Nova asks.
With a sigh I turn to her, “one had to go to a psych ward for a month. We paid for her
medical care and we explained everything, my brothers were not going to let the
rogues attack them, I mean goddess knows what they would have done they were
feral. The other girl spoke to her family and 3 months later she became a hunter.”
“But at the time Axel and Evan protected them?” Nova checks.
“Yes” I answer immediately.
“They exposed us and put a target on our pack, they should never have got involved”
my father growls.
“Would you stop father” I growl angrily, “they were young and they reacted as anyb*dy with Alpha blood should have. They protected those who were weak and stopped them from suffering further.”
“I will not tolerate them coming home” my father says striding towards me.
“They are your son’s” I growl. “Why are you behaving like this? You saw them at Novast
party, you enjoyed spending time with them. Why can’t you just enjoy the chance you
have to work with your sons again?”
“Because I don’t trust them” he snaps.
“Is that why they went to Henry’s pack?” Nova asks quietly.
“ was father’s decision” I say throwing him a dirty look. “I attempted to bring
them home when I became Alpha but out of respect for our father they said they wanted to continue improving themselves to make him proud.”
“David our sons are coming home, you need to put the past behind you” my mother
says grasping his arm gently.
“And what if the hunters got you?” My father asks in a strained voice, “I couldn’t go through that again and it could have happened. All because of them.”
“Oh for Goddesses sake David. They are MY sons, I have been patient with you..with This situation regarding hunters and your opinion on them because of what you have suffered before. BUT I will remind you for the final time, I am not your ex mate. I can fight, and I would fight to my death to protect my family and my pack, I will not shy away from the danger the hunters show us” my mother says fiercely. “It is time for our sons to come home, I want them home.”
“Amelia.” my father says brokenly.
“No. I am not discussing this with you further, get your head out of your ar se and look. at the bigger picture. We are stronger as a family and they are coming home. If you do not accept that they have done everything they can to make you forgive them then. that’s your issue, I miss my sons and I am proud of them” my mother says again ast
her eyes flash
“If it hadn’t been for Axels quick work we wouldn’t have located the vans that had
taken Flo, and if it wasn’t for Evans hard work training the warriors at Henry’s pack they wouldn’t have been so efficient in recovering her” I say.
“Look father, I am the Alpha here. You either get on board or you go. I’m not arguing.
and this isn’t a discussion, I am telling you” I say with conviction stepping forward to glare at my father. “I will be in my office when you’re ready to apologise and start acting like the Alpha you were.”
Nova POV
“That went as well as expected” Jax growls in annoyance as we stride across the gardens to meet my father.
“I know they made a mistake but I have to admit I find your father’s opinion and reaction rather strong” I say calmly.
“The longer my father was Alpha the more he made decisions that I couldn’t understand, he was great don’t get me wrong. He helped this pack and led it from strength to strength, but he became overly reactive and overly harsh in his way of training us as the time went on” Jax says with a sigh. “The twins got it bad, they were little trouble makers but they were young boys. When needed they stepped up and over the last few years I am so proud of the men they have become. But it hurts them. that my father refuses to forgive them for one mistake they made, even though it’s a mistake I understand.”
“Hmmm” I wonder.
“To the pack he was a great leader, but as a father he was harsh, overly critical and unforgiving at times. He wanted us to be our best no matter what, he didn’t allow for mistakes” Jaz explains. “He found it hard stepping down but over the last few years I saw him relax, settle down and actually enjoy retirement.”
Suddenly I see Luca running towards me, “Nova I can’t find Sophie” he pants.
“What?” Lask
“I went training and she said she was going to her room to rest, I went back two hours later and she’s gone. Her scent is weak, like she hasn’t been there since I was out. I don’t know where she is I’ve searched the entire pack and no one has seen her”
he worries.
“Right my dad is down here, come with me” instruct before running to where I can scent my father waiting for me.
“Have you seen Sophie?” I ask him without pausing to say hello.
“No?” He replies with a c****d brow
“When did you hear from her last?” I ask quickly.
“This morning, she sounded off. I thought she was tired and missing home” he says looking at Lucas worried face with concern.
“Has she showed any signs of being unsettled?” I ask Luca.
“No!” He exclaims, with a sigh he looks at me before speaking “we mated this
morning. I didn’t force her I even checked four times if she was sure but she was. But
she stopped us marking.”
“Why?” I ask confused.
“I don’t know, it’s why I went to training. To try and work out so she didn’t sense my upset, I thought she was doubting me I don’t know” Luca admits with hurt in his
“Dad call her” I instruct whilst rubbing my brother’s shoulder comforting.
Standing as we wait to see if she picks up I shift my weight uncomfortably, “what’s
wrong?” Jax asks sensing my uncertainty.
“I just don’t have a good feeling about this” I admit in a low voice.
“Why?” He asks.
“I don’t know” I admit.
“Kia?” He asks her looking in my eyes.
“She’s not in the territory” is all she says to us.
“No answer but I can track her phone, I installed an app not to her knowledge after
the last time she disappeared” my father mutters. After a moment he looks at me in shock, “her phone is here.”
“She’s left it in the room” I hear Luca say, “I’m sure I remember seeing it on the
“I’m sorry? The last time she disappeared?” I ask confused.
“Yes, growing up hasn’t been easy for her. She has her issues and sometimes to deal with them she left” my father explains his features downcast.
“Where would she go?” I ask sharply.
“I never knew” he shrugs, “she was never harmed or anything, she said she went to see friends. Human ones which she met when she was studying for 2 years in the
city near us at the time.
“You didn’t check?” I ask.
“No. There were times during her childhood where she had to see and experience things no child should have to. She wanted the chance to experience a bit of normality and she chose to study, I allowed her that of course. But I never asked for an address, it was safer me not knowing and I couldn’t visit and risk being around. humans myself incase I got found” he explains.
“When did she last go missing?” I check.
“About 19 months ago” he admits. “She went away for a week to celebrate her friend’s birthday. She showed me pictures and she looked happy, she came back more relaxed and less bothered by her worries.”
“Do you think the marking scared her away?” I ask Luca gently.
“No I don’t think so. My fangs came out but I would never have marked her without consent you know that, I turned away and calmed down and that was that. She just said that she wasn’t ready” he says. “I was sad and a little hurt but I understood it.”
I nod whilst looking at him as my worries grow. “She can’t mark me Nova, she has no
wolf” he says quietly.
“No wolf?” I exclaim.
“She never shifted, it pained her for a long time and it’s something I don’t understand” my father admits. “Her mother was a wolf and obviously I am also but for Sophie it never happened.”
“That’s sad” I admit, “I had no idea I’m sorry, she smells like a wolf.”
“I don’t understand it either” my father says.
“Can I see the pictures of her from last time she went away?” I ask as Kia puts the.
idea to the front of my mind.
“Of course” my father agrees immediately as Jax looks at me with a silent question.
“We can ask Axel to figure out her identity and trace her” I link him.
“Brilliant idea” he replies in amazement, “goddess I need to up my game” he
Dropping a k*ss on his cheek I smirk at his comment, “you can” I tease him through.
the link, “some of us just have more good ideas.”
“Here Nova” my father says holding his phone out unaware of Jax and I’s silent. exchange.
“Thank you” I smile before looking down. In the photo i see Sophie, her face slightly. rounder showing her youth and her eyes bright with mischief with her arms wrapped
around her friend.
“Wait. Nova, show me that” I hear Luca say urgently. Turning the phone so he could see it clearly his breath hitches as I hear his heart start to race.
“Kingsley, when did Sophie go exactly? What date?” He asks in a controlled tone.
“January 16th, a little over 19 months ago, she returned on January 24th” my father. says efficiently.
“Oh goddess no” Luca whispers.
“Luca?” I ask nervously sensing his conflicting emotions.
“Nova look” he says thrusting the phone into my hand again.
“At what exactly?” I ask sharply.
“There” he says jabbing his finger angrily on the screen. My eyes focus on the background and my ears begin to ring as my hand shakes, “she was there?” I ask in
“Where?” Jax asks looking at the photo over my shoulder.
“That right there is the mountain to the far northern end of the White Mountain Packs
territory” I force out.
“She was that close to you?” Jax asks in disbelief. “You could have found one
another earlier that’s such a shame” he says softly.
“Is it?” Luca asks coldly.
Hearing that my father growls and turns to glare at Luca as Jax looks shocked but
the tone of Lucas voice.
“What is going on?” Jax asks bewildered.
“January 19th, 19 months ago was the day our parents were killed by hunters” I say calmly as the quiet anger in my voice makes everyone step back pensively. “It’s a little suspicious that she never mentioned being so close to Lucas territory when they were getting to know one another. Almost as strange as her doing a disappearing act on you father and it was coincidentally the same time our parents were killed” I growl my eyes flashing with Kia’s.
“What?” My father gasps as his face drains of colour. “Please tell me you don’t think she had something to do with it?”
“I’m not asking” I growl as my anger rises.
“She did” I snarl, “look at that woman’s wrist holding the camera.”
“She has a tattoo” my father mumbles, “but she’s covered it with makeup by the looks
of it.”
“It’s an H, father. And what does that stand for?” I growl taking a step towards him as
I hear Luca shift behind me and release a howl full of pain and anger.
“H…Hunters” my father so bs falling to the ground clutching his heart.
“She was with the f*****g hunters” I snarl.Think
Jax POV:
I stay frozen to the spot for a moment shocked at what Nova and Luca have revealed
es my mind races before my Alpha brain tunes in.
“Watt Nove” I start grasping her arms to help relax her, she turns to me her eyes
ablaze with fury but I can sense the underlying hurt through the bond.
“Nove this doesn’t confirm anything” I start saying.
“She was with a freg Hunter in the same area at the same time our parents were
killed” she snarls furiously.
I know love I know” I say calmly, “but she might not have known this woman was a
hunter. I mean this lady had covered her tattoo in makeup, you can barely see it in the
photo, when if Sophie never knew?”
Seeing doubt flick across her eyes I continue talking calmly, “she might have been
tricked Nova. I mean come on let’s think about this logically. Sophie is well aware of the hunters having killed her birth mother, she knows they have been after her own father her entire life and what he went through when they had captured him. Never mind what they have done to your own mother? Kingsley is she aware Novas mother may be alive?”
“I have never hid anything from Sophie, she’s aware of everything” he says quietly.
“I know it doesn’t look good Nova but seriously what would her motive be for being involved with hunters?” I point out gently.
Seeing Nova pause as she takes in my words her anger starts to calm down as her
rational thinking kicks in. “Ok. but what was she doing there? She never mentioned to
Luca about being near his own pack when they discussed it.”
“I don’t know” I admit, “but I’m not convinced she was working with the hunters. Yes she was clearly spending time with one but I personally doubt her knowledge of that.”
With a sigh Nova sits down in the ground next to where Kingsleys crumpled form is.” dad?” She asks quietly wanting his opinion.

“I know how it looks Nova” he starts before taking a deep breath and steadying his
voice. “But I would hope Soph would never betray me, betray us like that. She has
seen first hand the cruelty of the hunters and I can’t for one minute think she would
be working with them.”
“We need to find her” Nova says looking at me, “Axel?”
“I have linked Laurence asking to send a photo of Sophie to Axel for him to try and
track” I inform her.
After a moments silence I speak up again, “what if the hunters were using Sophie? It
makes sense doesn’t it, your grandfather knows about Guardian Wolves he knows it’s
your birthday. Maybe he was setting the ground works these last few years, if he saw
Sophie had attended human college then he could have been planning this all along?
Thinking one day Sophie would lead them to you without her knowledge.”
“Sh it..” Nova whispers, “oh my goddess.”
“She could be in danger” I point out quietly. “Let’s get to the office, I’m going to find
Luca for you.”
Seeing Nova nod as she stands and helps her father I turn and shift bounding into the
forest tracking Luca. After 10 minutes of running I can see Reed ahead lying by al
small stream.
Shifting I walk up behind him and sit down quietly next to him.
“How you doing?” I ask looking forwards at the stream. With a stressed huff Reed
looks down at the ground.
“Not good huh?” I continue talking. “I know that was hard to look at and you’re feeling
id you to
angry. But I listen to me.” With that I look at Reed calmly as he nods his
head in understanding.
“I know Sophie is your mate and that there is a lot of emotion involved when it comes to your parents but i really think we assumed the worst. Sophie has also suffered greatly at the hands of the hunters, she lost her birth mother, she has had to live life
as a rogue her entire life because of them and she’s seen how losing Novas mother affected her father. Kingsley has never hidden what they did to him or anyone else from her. Do you really think she would have been spending time with a group
willingly that have caused so much hurt to people in her life?”
With that Reed is silent as he continues to gaze at the stream, “I think she’s been played Luca” I say quietly before continuing, “the lady clearly covered her tattoo or attempted to, and why would that be? She didn’t want people she was spending time with to know she was a hunter, Sophie could easily have not realised if the thought wasn’t on her mind. I honestly believe this stinks of Novas grandfather, I mean he could have been using Sophie to try find Nova the last few years.”
With a quiet cra ck Luca shifts and sits beside me deep in thought. “True” he sighs. tapping his leg nervously.
“Did you tell her about your parents?” I ask,
“Yes, this morning actually. It was the conversation before we mated, I was looking at photos of them on my phone as I do sometimes and she came into the room. She knew already that they had been killed by hunters but I gave her more details when
she asked” he tells me.
“Did she seem like she knew those details already?” I probe.
“No” he sighs, “I never sensed her lying to me either. But..”
“But what?” I ask.
“But I don’t really know her properly yet” he says sadly, and we haven’t completed the
bond so I don’t know for sure.”
“I get that” I say quietly. “Look I’ve got Laurence sending my brother her photo, if
anyone can find her it will be him. I’ve had my border patrols check the territory and there are no signs of struggles, or any suspicious scents. I think she left willingly, and
we will find out why. But I think it’s best we don’t assume the worst but also be
“You’re right” he sighs. “I jumped to a conclusion.”
“So did Nova, and it’s understandable. They were your parents, you caught Sophie in
a lie even if she didn’t lie on purpose” I comfort him.
“If she truly wasn’t involved then she is going to be so hurt by my reaction” he mutters
“She might be, but if she’s like Nova she will be able to rationalise it and understand
why” I say calmly. “Shall we head back? I know Nova is worried about you and let’s face it, keeping busy will help occupy your mind.”
Standing and retrieving a pair of shorts from a nearby tree I hand them to him to slip
on before he stands and follows me.
“I hate not knowing” I hear him admit from behind me. “Being Beta, as I’m sure your understand with your role, I like to be in control. Know information on situations I am involved in and those of my pack and people I care about are involved in. Recently wer
have too many unanswered questions and it makes me uneasy.”
“You and me both brother” I tell him turning and clasping a hand on his shoulder, “but none of us are alone in that. We need to work together to get to the bottom of
“I’ve been thinking” he says as we start walking again, “if Kingsley put a tracker on Sophie’s phone don’t you think it’s possible the hunters did the same?”
“Yes it is” I reply, “I’ll get Laurence to look at her phone. Let’s get some food in us and
we can get to work.”Realisations
Nova POV:
It’s late by the time we have spoken to Axel and gotten some food and I’m exhausted.
“We still have to go to Caroline” Kia sighs to me. Internally swearing as I realise it’s not
going to be an early night I decide I need a coffee and excuse myself from the office.
“Anyone else fancy a drink?” I ask before I close the door.
“Whiskey” Jax grunts his brows furrowed in concentration as he stares at his
“Lots of it” Luca mutters from the sofa in the corner.
Chuckling at them I head downstairs enjoying the few minutes of quiet I have. As | methodically make the coffee and gather the whiskey for the men I let out a deep. sigh as I struggle to switch my mind off. After pouring my coffee I turn to get some milk and freeze as I sense a presence behind me. Taking a deep breath i catch no scent causing me to frown momentarily, realising I can’t do much if I don’t look I turn slowly as my eyes search the dark corners of the kitchen. “Maybe next time you’ll turn
the light on” Kia says snarkily to me.
“We can see perfectly fine what’s the point” I snap back before a figure steps out from the pantry doors shadow.
“Sophie?” I gasp in shock. Taking in her saddened features and her eyes with dark circles underneath I feel my heart clench in sympathy.
“You know?” She whispers.
“Know what?” I ask slowly unsure of her reason for reappearing.
“That Hannah is a hunter” she says in a monotone voice.
“Yes” I murmur quietly. “Luca and I, we saw the photo of you both together last time. you saw her and we saw her tattoo.”
She lets out a humourless laugh, “that f*****g tattoo” she snarls surprising me with
the venom she has in her voice.
“Sophie I don’t understand” I say quietly, “how long have you know?”
Looking at the clock by the window she shrugs, “about 10 hours now.
“She’s not lying” Kia says confirming what I already know, her heart rate is steady and
she is looking at me clearly as she speaks with no signs of nerves.
“Do you want to sit down?” I ask gently, “why don’t we have a chat?”
“Thank you” she whispers as her bottom lip trembles. As she sits down I get her a
glass of water and some snacks which I put in front of her before sitting on the other side of the breakfast bar. As she reaches for her water I take in her appearance properly and can’t stop the gasp from escaping me. Dried blood is covering her bare arms and there are droplets sprayed across the front of her dark top.
“Are you hurt?” I worry.
“It’s not mine” she replies darkly. “It’s Hannah’s.”
The hunter?” I check.
“The one and only” she winces at the mention of her.
“Why can’t we scent you? Or the blood?” Kia suddenly links her.
Looking surprised she looks at me with wide eyes, “Kia” I explain chuckling.
“, I used a scent mask spray, a strong one it seems to hide everything. I took it from Hannah’s belongings” she admits.
“Why?” I ask.
“I thought it would be safer travelling back here, make me more invisible incase they found Hannah quickly and wanted to follow me” she says. “She’s dead.”
“You killed her?” I check.
With a solid nod of her head she shrugs, “that b***h deserved it.”
“You need to explain Sophie, I just want to understand” I say gently reaching a hand
out to clasp her own shaking one.
“I persuaded dad to let me go and study business at a human college, I wanted to experience a bit of normality and maybe find somewhere I felt like I belonged. Growing up we were constantly moving and it was tough, I thought college would help me, the socially anxious teenager, gain some confidence and find my meaning in
life a bit more. I met Hannah there, she was a girl in a dorm down the hall from me. We clicked right away and had lot of similar interests, over the course of 3 years I spent a lot of time with her and when life at home became a bit much when I returned she was who I turned to.” She explains before taking a sip of her water.
“I had no idea she was a hunter” she says with a pained expression. “Honestly I never saw that tattoo until today, she would have long tops on and she had a brace on her
wrist sometimes, she told me she had a weak wrist but now I think it was to cover the
“So what made you realise?” I ask quietly.
With a sad expression she looks at me, “Luca told me about your parents and what exactly happened. When he told me the date I automatically thought of Hannah and how I hadn’t seen her for a while. I got my phone out when Luca had a shower and
was looking through pictures of us from our trip and I saw the tattoo she’d tried to
cover. I knew then that she had been lying to me the entire time, I just knew she was involved. She was acting shifty at the time but she said it was family drama, and she
disappeared most days” she cries softly.
“So what did you do?” I probe.
“I text her, always got on at me that I didn’t have an
off of a phone she gave me. She
up to date phone so she gave me one last time as a “gift” from her” she scoffs, “I
never used it. I don’t think I even mentioned it to dad as it stayed turned off in a box
as I had no use for it. I’m not a materialistic person at all, it’s just not me after the lifestyle I grew up with.”
“Did you text her here, at the pack?” I ask sharply.
“No” she says shaking her head, “I didn’t have it here so I had to go and collect it, as soon as I had the suspicions of her I figured that she didn’t give me the phone to be nice, it most likely has a tracker on it. I knew I had to confront her and asap, so i spent.
some time with Luca and when he went to training I left.”
“We had the same suspicions but thought it might be on your phone, I mean the one
you use” I say.
“Yes well, I checked and turns out only father has a tracker on that one” she chuckles. “That’s why I left it, I didn’t want anyone else to risk being hurt and i knew it was
something I needed to do.”
“Is that why you didn’t let Luca mark you?” I ask her softly to which she nods sadly.
“I didn’t mean to upset him, but I didn’t want him to risk himself either. I can’t bear the thought of him being hurt Nova, he means so much to me and it’s only been a short.
amount of time” she admits.
I smile at her words, “he will be relieved to hear that, he was doubting himself. How did you manage to leave the pack?”
With a grimace she looks up before answering, “I um, I “borrowed” a car. It was one of the warriors that I heard tell his friend he was staying with him for a few days as his parents had visitors so he parked it at the packhouse garage for a few days. I left it int the local town incase you caught on and couldn’t track me. I’ve brought it back and it’s not damaged, I even put more fuel in it.”
With a soft laugh I look away as shame washes through me, “what’s wrong?” She
asks noticing my expression.
“I should never have doubted you” I say simply.xplanation
Nova POV:
“I can’t blame you” Sophie says quietly, “I would have had the same reaction.”
“I know, but I still feel guilty” I admit as I realise she knew that would have been our first thought.
“Well don’t, please” she says with a small smile.
“So you confronted Hannah?” I ask getting back to the topic at hand.
“Yeah” she sighs, “I told her I was fighting with dad and I needed to let loose for al while. We met at a hotel under the pretence of going out to a club for the night. But I said I fancied some food first so I drove to a quiet diner and suggested getting some fresh air with a walk to clear my head. She suspected nothing” she chuckles darkly. “I restrained her and told her I knew who she was. She was terrified, she told
“What do you know?” I ask interested.
“I know your grandfather knows Caroline is here, I also know he has 3 spies, all high
up and they tell him everything there is to know about you” she admits.
“Anything about dad?” I check concerned.
“No” she says shaking her head, “I lied about where i lived whenever i spoke to Hannah about home, it was part of the agreement of dad allowing me to go to
college. But also i never told people the truth of where we were, I grew up not trusting others and it was dad’s strict instructions to never expose our whereabouts.”
“So why didn’t grandfather do anything if he knew where I was?” I ask.
“Because he knew one day dad would find you, and he’s been waiting for that day” she says quietly.
“Anything else?” I ask calmly.
“I know how many hunters there are under his control and I know he’s planning an attack on you. But if they find out what happened to Hannah that may change” she
admits wincing.
“Do you think they will in the next week” I ask quietly.
“I don’t think so, I had the idea to send a text off of Hannah’s phone saying she was spending 10 days with me and that in that time she can’t risk being found so she
wouldn’t be contacting them” Sophie says.
“Impressive idea” I praise her making her blush slightly.
“Well it was common of her to disappear for a little while and then report back her findings I realised once I looked through her phone. I’m confident they won’t suspect. anything, she has no trackers on her phone either I checked” she says a little
flustered from the compliment I paid her.
“Nice” I smirk. “You’ve done a good job Sophie. Admittedly would have liked to know beforehand but I know you were protecting us and for that I’m thankful. Are you ok though? I can imagine today has been a long day.”
“I’m nervous to face Luca, what if he hates me” she whispers.
“Why would he hate you?” I exclaim.
“I spent time with your parents killer, she was involved in the attack Nova. It was there on her phone” she admits looking scared to tell me. “I have it with me for you to look.
“You didn’t know Sophie, you were used do you hear me? This is not your fault” I
comfort her. “Luca will have been worried for you, yes at first he was angry when we
discovered the photo but Jax spoke to him..and me. Jax didn’t believe for one
moment that you could betray us.”
“Really?” She whispers surprised.
“Yes. He made some extremely valid points” I explain.
“Nova love are you ok?” Jax links me making me realise I’ve been gone a while.
“Jax has linked me, are you up for going to the office?” I ask.
Squaring her shoulders she nods her head determinedly, “yes, I need to tell them
“That a girl” I wink before going to get my coffee. “D amn” I moan as I pick up my cold cup. “Let me just make a fresh one, I need caffeine” I say making her chuckle lightly,”
do you want one?”
“Please” she smiles politely.
“I’m glad we got to chat Sophie, I’m sorry we haven’t been able to spend more time.
together but once this has all calmed down we will. I’ll make sure of it” I promise her.
“I’d really like that” she murmurs happily.
Turning with the tray I jerk my head to the stairs, “come on then, I’ll lead the way.”
“On my way up love, I’m not alone. Don’t let anyone react badly” I warn him.
“Ok..?” He asks through the link fishing for more details.
“See you in a minute” is all I say as we head up the stairs.
Opening the door I smile reassuringly at Sophie, “look who found me” I say lightly ast
we walk into the room together.
“S…Sophie?!” Luca exclaims in shock as he stands from the sofa. Seeing everyone else pause as they take in my relaxed stance I smile lightly.
“Sophie has a lot to tell you, but I’m going to make it clear as I can tell that Luca is itching to check on his mate. She did not in any way betray us, she did what she did to protect us” I say clearly as relief spreads across my father’s face.
With a sigh of relief Luca rushes to her and wraps her in his arms holding her tightly to him, “I thought you’d left me” I heard him whisper.
“I’m so sorry Luca” she says into his chest whilst reaching an arm around to stroke his back comfortingly. “You’ll never lose me.”
“Sophie are you ok?” Dad asks stepping forward looking concerned.
“Yes dad, I’m ok. I promise” she says with conviction.
“Why don’t you sit down Sophie and tell them everything you told me” I say gesturing to the sofa. With a nod she turns to sit down but Luca pulls her down onto his lap in
Seeing Jaxs bewildered face I walk over and sit on his lap as well dropping a soft k*ssi on his lips, “just listen, you were right.”
As Sophie sits and explains everything she has done today and the decisions she had
In make i sem averyone’s faces go through a range of emotion. From confusion, to worry, to being impressed and finally to pride
“You’re just like your sister Thear Laurence chuckle as she finishes her explanation”
Logical and here edy protective of those you love”
With a smile stretching nemss her face at his words she blushes and tucks her face
into Lucas chest much to everyone’s amusement
“I’m so proud of your darling, your mother would be as well” my dad says quietly making a few tears escape her eyes
“Thanks dad” she whispers.
“I didn’t mean to betray your trust with the tracker he starts before she quickly
“I’d rather have it than not dad” she says looking at him not giving him room to
apologise further
“I wish you had let me mark you Soph Their Luca say quietly, “I just want to protect you, I don’t mind that you can’t mark me”
Stroking his check she smiles, “I know only said no because of today, I knew you would try to find me and couldn’t risk you being hurt I want you to she tells himn
As he grins widely I chuckle, “remind me not to go near your room tonight” joke
making everyone laugh.
“You can mark him Sophie” Kia links her allowing everyone to hear “Maybe not right
now but you will be able to at some point”
“What?” Sophie asks in shock
“You have a wolf, I can sense her. But there is something stopping her from emerging, Thave a feeling it has something to do with when you were born, maybe the hunters had help then and wanted to stop another wolf being allowed free” Kia says making
Sophie gasp
“Really?” she asks excitedly
“You smell like a wolf Sophie, if you were born without one you wouldn’t smell like
one” I point out. “We will figure this out for you.”
“You can mark me” Luca grins against her lips looking excited.
“Oh go upstairs you two, you’ve agreed to stay another night haven’t you?”I chuckle,” maybe you can help her wash” I suggest to Luca wiggling my brows.
“Yes Luna” he smirks before leaping up with her in his arms, “well that’s my cue, good night all” he smirks before racing from the room.
“That’s my daughter” dad says grimly.
“Part of life dad, don’t pretend you’re innocent” I smirk making him chuckle.
“Fair point” he shrugs.Evening
Jax POV:
“Well” I drawl out looking around the room, “that answers some questions.”
“Was not something I was expecting” Kingsley frowns as he looks at the door his daughter just left through. “Although I’m feeling very proud of her right now” he admits smiling slightly.
Good on her” Laurence shrugs, “shows she is a Beta female
“True” Nova agrees with pride in her eyes. “They must know she is your daughter though. I mean why did Hannah go through the farce of befriending her if that wasn’t the case? Her wolf has been bound so she’s not a risk in that sense and she didn’t know me at that point. They must know, we will have to talk about it again with Sophie in the morning, she might have more information from Hannah, It’s also worth looking through her phone before we leave, Axel could you make sure it’s not possible for the hunters to trace the phone?”
“I’ll sort that tonight ready for you in the morning” he assures us
“So it’s actually you Kingsley they’ve been trying to find I muse thoughtfully. “But why
not Nova?”
“Because they have been moulding me” she points out, “I’ve never opposed them so that’s why. Perhaps if I had it would be a different story, I’m starting to think more and more that they were keeping me around for their benefit.”
“Do you think it’s wise to go to the council?” I ask wearily.
“We don’t take dad” Nova says sharply, “not a chance. If they were using me to try find him then we need to prevent that from happening and not tell them we have found him. We go and ask for the information Elder Johnathon has on Guardian Wolves and we will look in to it, I am genuinely intrigued to know more this isn’t only for my
father’s benefit after all.”
“I think only Nova and I go to the council, along with Luca. I don’t think it’s wise for Sophie to be travelling to the council because they will ask questions” I say sitting up and clasping my hands together as I think through things.
“What do you say when they see Luca is mated?” Laurence asks.
With a sigh I look up before speaking, “I think we push the truth slightly. As she mentioned being nervous around packs when she first got here we should just say she isn’t yet confident enough for a visit to the council and Luca is slowly.
acclimatising her to the role as Beta female.”
“And if they ask why?” Laurence probes.
“We can’t say she was a rogue and we can’t mention her nervousness was around packs, we just make it a general statement of gaining confidence” I say, “but we could
imply that she was of a lower rank and it’s a big step up. They don’t need to know
“I think that should work” Nova agrees. “I doubt they will fixate on Luca being mated. much with everything else we are there for
“If they do seem like they’re asking too many questions we simply steer them from the conversation’ I suggest.
“What about the way they are going to gain the truth? Laurence asks reminding me.
“Only Rose is being questioned, none of us are there for that reason we are simply there to verify information and give our versions” I say thinking aloud, “Rose won’t know Luca is mated so she won’t give it away whatever their method and we are perfectly within our right to refuse if they do ask as it wasn’t requested of us.”
Looking around the room I see everyone nod as they agree.
“We are clear then?” I ask sternly.
“Yes Alpha” the room choruses.
“Ok Nova I’ve linked the doctors. It’s been a long day and even Alphas need rest, they are going to wake Caroline in the morning we need to be there at 6:30am” I say stifling a yawn.
“Thank you Jax” she says with relief in her voice.
“Ok everyb*dy get some rest we will reconvene tomorrow before Nova and I leave. Laurence please be at the hospital with us in the morning” I instruct everyone as they all bid us goodnight. “Axel, Evan can you stay back for a moment?”
“Yes Jax” they reply politely.
After everyone has left bar Nova and myself I gesture for them to sit down with us. “We spoke to ma and Pa today” I began as they both try to hide the apprehension they feel at the mention of our father.
“It didn’t
down too well” Nova admits softly making the twins look at her sadly. “I don’t understand because I wasn’t there at the time but from what Jax has told me
you have worked hard since the incident to please your father. But what matters is how you are now, to the pack.”
“We would do anything for the pack” Evan says with conviction.
“I don’t doubt that, you seem like fine young men to me” Nova assures him gently.
“I have told Pa that Laurence is the one I am leaving in charge, do not let him attempt
to assert his authority over Laurence just because he is the previous Alpha, My Betal
has a lot more information on what is going on at the moment and there is a reason
am leaving him in charge” I say clearly, “try to impress father but do not let him bend
your will.”
“Ok Alpha” they both say confidently.
“You may go’ I say eager to have some time with Nova, as they stand and bow their
heads respectfully I speak up again, “it’s nice to have you home.”
Seeing a smile cross both their faces at my words Nova stands and opens the door for them, “I’m looking forward to getting to know my new brother in laws properly” she says making their smiles grow. Dropping a k*ss on her cheek they both turn and wink at me their playful personalities showing momentarily, “f*****g brothers” I grow!
with a grin as they leave chuckling.
“Come here” I murmur to Nova moving my chair back as she sashays to me before
swinging a leg over and straddling me. Pulling her closer I caress her lips with my
own as she lets out an involuntary moan. “We should head to bed” I murmur as I feel
the tiredness seep through my b*dy.
“We should” she whispers.
“I sense there is a but” I say raising a brow in question.
“Hmmm” she hums before biting gently on my mark making me groan from her touch,Evening
feeling the sparks fly I immediately harden in my trousers as she smirks at me all my tiredness suddenly forgotten.
“But I want to make you feel good first” she murmurs before sliding off of me and
dropping to her knees. Running her hands up the inside of my thighs I hiss in
anticipation as her delicate hands release me from my confines. Grasping the base of my shaft she leans forward and flicks her tongue out tasting the precum. “Delicious”
she whispers looking in my eyes before she licks her way up my shaft and swallows
me whole eliciting a guttural groan from myself. “f**k Nova” I moan as I watch her bob her head sucking me deep into her throat, reaching up she grasps my hand and
guides it to her head making my eyes widen in excitement. Wrapping her hair around
my fist I hold her head steady as I raise my hips to thrust into her mouth.
“Goddess that’s hot” I say huskily as I admire her taking my whole length without gagging whilst maintaining eye contact through her lashes, she reaches a hand down. to gently tease my balls making my thrusts increase.
“Go for it Jax, I won’t break” she links me making me gasp in pleasure.
Standing up I hold her steady by her hair as I plunge into her mouth making her hum against my shaft increasing my pleasure.
“Mine” I growl possessively as I feel my balls tighten from her touch and I thrust deep
into her throat as my b*dy convulses in pleasure.
Releasing me with a pop I pull her to my feet whilst I hastily attempt to get my still
hardened shaft back into my briefs.
“Bedroom” I growl before lifting her into my arms.
“Why not here?” She asks cheekily eyeing the office.
“Because my Luna, by the time I’m done with you you won’t have the energy to walk,
you’ll be thankful later” I promise as our lust filled gazes collide. Hearing her breath.
hitch I smirk before giving her a passionate k*ss.
“Ok..bedroom. Now.” She orders as the scent of her arousal grows stronger,
“Your wish is my command” I grin.Spent
Nova POV:
Rotating my hips I run my nails down Jaxs chiseled chest, my claws lengthening
slightly as I break the skin making Jaxs eyes darken impossibly further as he hisses in pleasure at my touch.
Lifting my hips up I slam down on his shaft riding him hard as he thrusts up meeting me making my t**s bounce in his eyeline. “I think this is my favourite view” he says huskily as his eyes zero in on my rosey buds. Smirking I reach my hands back to rest on his thighs as I continue to bounce on top of him. Letting out a string of obscenities he lifts himself up so he can take one of my rosey buds into his mouth as
he bites down gently making me moan.
Flicking his tongue out he sucks my breast as I watch his every move. Feeling my tummy tighten as my pleasure rises | push his chest back so he’s lying on the bed and lean forward moving my hips more to increase friction on my swollen cl it. “Ah Jax I’m close” I moan out as he watches where I’m rocking myself on his hardened shaft. With a growl he moves us quickly so he’s on top, without breaking our pace he moves my legs so they’re over his shoulders and lifts my hips making him go even deeper. As he reaches my pleasure spot with each hard thrust I start to shudder in his hold as with a loud cry he pushes me over the edge once again. Seeing stars my eyes roll back in pleasure ahe reaches a hand out to gently pin my neck as he continues thrusting whilst I ride out my high.
“I think you have one more in you” he growls as he slows his pace thrusting into me holding off his own release.
“Jax I don’t know how much more I can take” I pant as my b*dy goes limp in his hold.
Smirking he lowers my hips and cages me in between his strong arms, “is that so” he whispers huskily in my ear before sucking on my mark lightly. Groaning in pleasure as heat pools immediately below he lifts his head and winks at me. Suddenly stopping in
his movements he pulls out of me and sits on the back of his heels, “done for the
night then?” He asks me.
Gaping at him I struggle to form words and instead settle for scowling at him as my
b*dy craves his touch.
“No” I whisper biting my lower lip.
“Oh good..because I have an idea” he smiles cheekily at me as he slowly strokes hist
shaft, watching his movements my breathing becomes laboured as my chest heaves.
with anticipation.
“Oh yeah?” I attempt to ask nonchalantly.
“Oh yes” he growls before swiftly rising from the bed and striding to a shelf on the wall and opening a chest that’s locked on there. Licking my lips I feel my juices run as
I admire his strong back and muscular bum, “you like the view?” He asks smirking as
he turns to face me
Nodding my head I focus on where his right hand is still slowly pumping his big c**k,” you like watching me?” He asks c*****g his head at me.
“Mmhmm” I hum not moving my eyes.
“Touch yourself” he orders with authority ringing in his voice. My eyes flash to his as I
smirk and snake a hand down my b*dy before reaching my heat. Slipping two fingers through my folds I whimper as they graze my swollen cl it.
Coming to stand at the bedside besides me he watches my movements, his breath
hitching as my fingers slip inside my wet core.
His strokes his shaft quicker as I see approval in his eyes, “hmm I’ve changed my
mind” he says huskily as I look at him questioningly. “I think you’ve got two more in
you” he says meeting my eyes.
“Only if you do” I murmur as my back arches from the pleasure im giving myself.
“You want me to c*m on you?” He rasps as his eyes focus on my fingers once again.
“Yeah..right here” I whisper as I reach my other hand out to knead my breast.
“f**k Nova” he growls as he begins to pump his d**k furiously his breath coming in soft pants as I plunge my fingers in at a matching pace.
“c*m with me” I whisper as I pinch my n****e and rub my c lit feeling my release draw closer. Seeing his c**k twitch eagerly in his hand at my words I let go of my n****e
and reach
my hand up to grasp his tight balls. As I play with them he moves closer his
eyes still focused on my hand moving below, as I feel his balls tighten and him jerk in his hand I rub on my c lit harder with my thumb, feeling my walls tighten I moan “now Jax” as my hips lift off of the bed as I hiss loudly pressing on my cli t. Hearing him growl my name I look up to see his eyes on mine as he jerks his d**k releasing his
warm seed over my boobs.
With a sigh I relax on the bed as I run a finger through his c*m and raise it to my
mouth, sucking it slowly as I hum in pleasure gazing at him. “s**t Nova you’re so
******g se y” he growls as his shaft stays rock hard in his hand.
Seeing my eyes widen as my hand moves to replace his he smirks as he holds up his hand showing a black blindfold, “this Alpha isn’t done yet” making my heart race.
Grinning he lifts himself over me as I trail my hands down his chest, lifting my head gently he ties the blindfold behind me making all I see black. Hearing a clinking noise.
I furrow my brows in confusion before twitching as I feel something cold on my wrist,
“relax” he breaths, “do you trust me?”
“with my!
I say clearly.
“Good” he murmurs before pulling my arm gently and with a click my arm is bound
outstretched above my head, he quickly moves to do the same with my other and
then drops a feathery k*ss on my mark making me moan.
Feeling his weight shift back off of me I still as I wait for his next move. Feeling his
hands grasp my hips he lifts me before I gasp as his warm mouth sucks on my cl it.
Flicking his tongue out he licks though my folds before plunging into my core and
lapping at my juices. Reaching a hand up he squeezes my breast as I writhe at his touch. As he continues his magical assault on my warm core I find myself begging.” Jax p..please” I gasp.
“Please?” He asks teasingly before sucking on my cl it slightly harder.
“Hmphh” I moan out as I find myself too lost for words. As my stomach tightens with me nearing my release all too quickly he senses it and gently rubs on my cl it with hist fingers, “oh goddess” I moan before he suddenly moves away leaving me desperate
for more.
“Jax please” I moan again.
“Please?” He asks.
“Let me c’m” I beg.
“Hmm, what do you want my Luna?” He asks huskily as he gently runs a thumb over my swollen lips.
“I need you in me” I moan desperately.
He rubs his shaft through my folds before dipping his tip in moving torturously slow.” Like this?” He whispers as he continues is slow place.
Rocking my hips I try to lift them to meet his movements but he holds me down, “no” I
“Then what?” He teases further.
“Hard and fast” I barely ge
me quickly.
my words out before he surges forward and pounds into
“YESSS” I scream as he rubs my cli t at the same time.
“You have no idea what this does to me” he growls, “you being blindfolded, tied up
and covered in my seed.”
“Oh goddess Jax I’m going to c*m” I bite out as I feel my walls tightening round his
“c*m” he orders as he slams into me before biting down on my mark making me
scream as my b*dy convulses squeezing his c**k as I c*m hard. Reaching up to his
neck I lick finding his marking spot before I bite down making him grunt as he stiffens and releases deep inside me. As I feel his b*dy collapse on top of mine I sigh in
“That was so good” I whisper h oar sely as my breathing settles.
He releases my arms and undoes my blindfold where I’m met with his bright green. eyes which are full of love for me, “it was amazing” he whispers huskily in my ear before dropping a soft k*ss on my lips..
“Wait here, I’ll run us a bath” he says quietly.
“I’m too tired” I moan into a pillow.
“Bath then sleep love” he promises before he moves to the bathroom quickly.
Looking around at the messed up sheets I can’t help the giggle that escapes me, ”
what you giggling about?” He links me in amusement.
“I think we need new sheets” laugh through the link
“Already on it” he tells me laughing also.
A few minutes later he walks through and scoops me up off of the bed which as my legs feel like jelly I don’t protest at
“Hmm you did say I wouldn’t have the energy to walk” I murmur laughing lightly.
“Told you” he winks as he lowers me into the bath before slipping in behind me.
“Relax” he murmurs as he begins to rinse my b*dy, falling back against his chest Flet
sleep consume me.Hospital
Jax POV:
As I wake I look down to see Novas head tucked into my side with a small smile resting on her lips. Thinking of last night I smirk to myself. “I think you distracted her pretty well don’t you” Zeus comments cheekily.
“Hmm she needed to forget for a while, plus we aren’t getting to enjoy our new mateship so much with everything going on” I shrug inwardly
“It might be bothering her but she won’t let it become too much, she’s so strong. Some of this could have broken a person” Zeus points out proud of his mate
“Oh I know, I’m a lucky man” I comment with a smile as flashes of her pleasure ridden
face from last night come to mind.
“Hmmm” I hear Nova moan slightly as she stretches away from me blinking blearily
as she wakes up slowly.
“Morning beautiful” I murmur as she turne
her bright eyes to mine.
“Morning” she smiles sitting up. “Mmm the bath last night was definitely a good idea. Did you put me to bed?”
Chuckling I nodded, “yeah you were flat out in the bath. I ended up rinsing you off and
getting you into bed.”
Lifting a brow she lifts the sheets as she looks down with a giggle, “no surprise you
chose for us to sleep n*ked.”
Blushing slightly I shrug, “it was easier. and i prefer feeling you n*ked against me.”
She looks at me before bursting out laughing, “aw is my big bad Alpha blushing over
our lack of clothes” she teases making me lift my shoulders and shake my head.
“Noooo” I deny looking away.
“Didn’t see you blushing last night” she teases with a satisfied look in her eyes.
Grinning I just get up and slip into the bathroom to freshen up before switching with Nova. 20 minutes later we’re ready to go and I tentatively have a feel of her emotions
through the bond where I’m relieved to feel only determination and a bit of anger.
“Ready?” I check as she throws a jacket over her long tight dress.
“Ready” she assures me before opening the door and leading the way. Watching her as s sway has memories flashing through my mind and I immediately speed up to walk alongside her, seeing my slightly flushed cheeks again she quirks a brow questioningly.
“Your as s does things to me, I don’t want to be distracted” I laugh as she chuckles.
We quickly make our way to the hospital and up to where Laurence is waiting for us. Coffee for you both” he says holding two cups out.
“I knew I liked you for a reason” Nova teases making Laurence chuckle as I let out a small growl.
“It’s coffee Jax, I like that he knows I like coffee” she deadpans to me making me blush again before her and Laurence burst out laughing.
“Oh ha ha ha” I say rolling my eyes.
“She doesn’t seem as worried as I thought she might boss” Laurence links me as we look through the window watching the nurses prepare themselves.
Smirking to myself I link him back knowingly, “I helped relax her, amazing what a good
nights sleep can do for you.”
“Ohhh” he says with wide eyes at me over Novas head, “well it worked” he adds on
with a chuckle hidden behind a well timed cough..
“Good morning Alpha, Luna, Beta” the doctor says as he bows to us in greeting.
“Morning Doc, you ready?” Laurence checks as Nova and I both utter our greetings.
“Yes we are, I thought I’d quickly just explain what we are going to do. As mentioned
she won’t be ready to talk or engage until Friday at the earliest if I’m happy with how.
she is progressing” he explains as I growl at his words.
“I’m sorry Alpha this isn’t a process I can speed up, she has been in a coma for over a
year and a half now. She will be very disoriented” he explains.
“No it’s not that. I know she needs time but she’s also a prisoner” I point out.
“She will be of more use if I can get her recovery going smoothly” he assures me. Nodding as I motion for him to continue he says “we are going to try and wake her by stimulating the main senses. It may seem overwhelming for her at first but it’s been effective in our trials of similar cases. We will also send a small electronic current
through her, awakening her b*dy and senses as such.”
“Is this practised amongst humans?” Nova asks interested.
“No” he shakes his head, “they do focus on pleasant sensations of the main senses to try and wake a coma patient but they focus on one sense for a short period of time.
This is different.”
Seeing us all nod he motions to the room, “so I’m cleared to begin?” He asks.
“Go ahead” I order him as we watch from the window.
“It feels wrong” I mutter to Laurence and Nova as they look at me understandingly.
“It does” Nova agrees, “all I have wanted to do since I took her into the White mountain packs care was separate her head from her b*dy because of he involvement in my parent’s death. Even more so now, but I know it’s more important. she lives so she can provide us with more information..for now.”
“I can’t believe she’s your grandmother” Laurence says with disgust as he watches the medical staff begin the procedure.
“She’s no grandmother of mine” Nova scoffs.
“Let’s go and get some breakfast downstairs whilst we let them work” I say turning. and leading them down to the pack hospital cafeteria. Appreciating the quietness at this time of day it’s nice to sit and be able to eat food in relative peace. After talking about the arrangements of our few days away I check the time and see a couple of hours has passed.
“Shall we go see how they’re progressing?” I suggest.
“Yeah, let’s see if that hags awake” Laurence says with bitterness strongly lacing his
voice. Nova lets out a cute little snort at his words which in turn makes me chuckle.
“Hag?” She repeats looking at Laurence in amusement.
“I could think of much worse but there are children present” he says pointing at a
group of
young children entering the cafeteria.
Walking upstairs we arrive just as the Doctor is leaving the room along with two
“Any luck?” I ask calmly.
“She’s awake but not entirely with it” he informs us, “everything looks as it should but
obviously over the next few days we will have to test her cognitive function and her physicality at some point. Her muscles have had little movement over the course of her coma so I’m not expecting her to be able to walk but I have to check if her
responses are the same as normal.”
“That’s good thank you Doctor” I say gratefully. “I’m going to increase the guards to 3. and they will rotate every 6 hours, Laurence will be in charge for the next few days so please keep him updated and he will contact Luna Nova and myself.”
“Of course Alpha” he says bowing.
“Thank you Doctor” Nova says with a small smile which isn’t reflected in her eyes.
Can I have a quick word in private?” She asks after a moment darting her eyes to me
“Yes of course Luna” he says as they walk down the corridor. Looking after them I
furrow my brows in confusion.
“No idea what that’s about do you boss?” Laurence asks.
“No” I state calmly whilst my mind is racing.
“Could she be pregnant?” He asks making me freeze.
“I don’t know” I admit after a minute, “we haven’t discussed it. Plus isn’t it too soon?”
As I finish talking Nova reappears and looks between Laurence and I. As we say nothing she sighs before throwing her hands up, “you want to know what that was about don’t you?”
“I mean it’s y..your business Luna I don’t want to intrude” Laurence stutters out
thinking she’s annoyed.
“I just want the shot again when I return that’s all” she shrugs as she looks at me
apologetically. “I’m sorry maybe I should have mentioned it to you
but I just don’t
think right now is a suitable time for a pup between us.”
Shaking my head I smile reassuringly, “as much as I’d love us to have a pup, you’re.
right and it’s a sensible choice, But..”
“But?” She asks furrowing her brows.
“As soon as this is over that’s exactly what’s going to be on my mind” I step forward and say huskily making her visibly shiver as colour flushes her cheeks.
“Good” she whispers whilst giving me a shy smile in return.
“Right let’s go have this meeting and then we are off” I say with determination.5/5
Nova POV
As we all sit in the office preparing for days and I to leave Ladinite the ait of authority that is oozing off of my mate as he matructs those we are leaving with what to get on in our absence with easte
Hearing a knock on the door I sent my father and sister so I stand up and walk over opening it quietly
Moning” I say with a soft smile an I take in their fresh faces “How are you feeling today
“Better now I know my daughters are both sate, although it back from the council my father says
Will be nice when you’re
Looking at Sophie I see the fresh mark on her neck and bite back an excited squeal that is threatening to escape wouldn’t be very Luna like of you” Ria sniggers to me.
“Congratulations” I wink as I hold her hair to the side and look at her mark, “It’s
gorgeous” Lcompliment making her blush slightly
“Thank you Nova” she says more confidently than when she has previously spoken.
“Come in we are just running over a few things” I say an hold the door for them
as I
As Jax looks up he smiles and says his greetings before instructing them to sit.
“Can we just run over a few things we forgot to ask yesterday Sophie?” He asks.
“Yes of course” she says immediately as she speaks clearly and shows no nerves. Ast she speaks Luca goes to sit on the arm of the sofa next to her and offers her a reassuring smile which she returns.
“Ok getting right to it we wondered if Hannah knew who you were before starting at the college. Do you know it it was a coincidence or if it was planned?” Jax asks.
“To be honest I don’t know for sure, I have a feeling it was a coincidence but then I
think she definitely pushed for us to become friends after originally meeting” she
says thoughtfully.
“If that’s the case then maybe it’s your birth mark Soph my dad says speaking up.
“Birth mark?” I ask.
“Oh umm..I have a birthmark on my shoulder, here I’ll show you” she says standing up. As she does she turns and Luca slightly shifts her top revealing a dark birthmark in the shape of a heart with a dot to the right of it. “It’s pretty unique huh” she says with a little embarrassed laugh.
“It is” I agree. “That makes sense, I mean I don’t know anyone else with a birth mark
like it.”
“Ok, that’s a strong possibility then” Jax says with a nod. “Next question is did they know anything about your father, anything at all?”
With a grimace she looks at my dad who offers a reassuring nod with a sad smile on his face, “they don’t know anything about him as such. I never told Hannah where he lived, what he looked like, anything like that. But I did turn to Hannah at times when I was struggling. At one point dad and I we..we fought a lot she admits. “I struggled when my wolf never showed and I lashed out, it was one of the reasons for wanting to attend a human college. I was home schooled so it was a big change but I took my wolf not showing as I didn’t belong amongst wolves.”
With that Luca offers a small growl as his eyes flash making her squeeze his hand reassuringly, “I know it’s silly, I clearly do” she says gesturing around and then at her. neck. “But being a teenager I was emotional and I lashed out. I struggled moving from place to place so yes at times I did complain about it. But I never went into any
detail that would give dad away”
“Ok, how did they never find out where you lived when you travelled home?” Jax asks
With a chuckle she points at my dad, “dad was very cautious. I had to take different routes and swap with people who wore my clothes to bear my scent, it was a bit crazy actually the amount of precautions I took but I appreciate that now more than ever. We barely used technology, it was only the last few years that we did because
we were desperate to try and find Nova. But even then we were extremely cautious.”
“Have you looked through Hannah’s phone?” Jax asks.
“I did briefly but not in detail. I didn’t want to waste too much time and I had to act
quickly she admits.
“It was good thinking on your part honestly, you should be proud” Jax says.
With a sigh he stands up. “I’m sorry to do this and I know people aren’t going to like it.
But do you mind me Alpha commanding you, just a few questions?”
With that growls erupt from both Luca and my dad as I look at Jax in slight surprise. I get his reasoning but I am surprised he hasn’t mentioned it before. As if reading my mind he throws me a slightly guilty look, “sorry love I didn’t want to upset you” he links
“You haven’t, I know why you’re doing it I reply back quickly.
“Luca, dad..calm down’ Sophie stays standing up. “Yes Alpha Jax, I am happy to be Alpha commanded, I want to help reassure people as I know my absence was.
worrying for some” she says calmly.
“Thank you Sophie” he says in relief at her willingness before emitting his Alpha aural
to get her to bow her neck in submission.
“Sophie did you have any prior knowledge or contact with the hunters?” He asks hist deep voice vibrating around the room.
“No Alpha, I met Hannah at college and I had no knowledge of her being a hunter until yesterday. I have met hunters before with dad but we always escaped, other than those times I have never met hunters to my knowledge” she tells us. Hearing that knowledge my eyes widen as I look to my dad.
“We still have a lot to tell you about our past Nova” he says softly, “but right now it can
“Sophie do you have any reason different to what you explained yesterday for disappearing?” Jax asks.
“No Alpha, I didn’t want to hurt Luca or anyone else and I thought that getting rid of Hannah would show my sincerity in not knowing what she was. I knew people would make an assumption and jump to conclusions, I wanted to prove them wrong when I had chance” she says clearly.
“Ok Sophie, finally, did you know the hunters were aware of Nova being alive and

watching her before yesterday?” He asks calmly despite his nervousness suddenly
showing through the bond
“No” she says looking in his eyes, “I had no idea. I was desperate to meet my sister, so
the day father came home and told me he’d found her I was over the moon I knew
only when looking at Hannah’s phone yesterday that they knew of her. If you look at
her conversation with a contact called “Charles” it shows that he spoke to a council
elder only 4 days ago about Novas birthday plans and that a meeting would be called
in due course” When she says the name Charles my dad growls menacingly, “your
[***** grandfather” he says as his grip on his chair lightens whilst his eyes flash.
As lax retracts his aura he smiles at her in relief, “Thank you Sophie. I’m sorry I had to
do that”
“It’s fine Alpha Jax” she says bowing her head, “anything to help”
“Axel have you finished looking through Hannah’s phone? Jax asks suddenly turning.
to Axel who has been busy with his head down in the comer of the room.
“Yes” he says standing up “Don’t worry I have removed any trackers so they can’t
trace it to having been used here.”
“Say anything of note” Jax says sitting down
“There are around 150 hunters in this area under the control of a man called Charles. It’s true that Hannah meeting Sophie was a coincidence and the birth mark is the reason. If you look at some of the first messages it is shown there, she contacts him first so it must have been something he made all hunters aware of to help find her. There are no names of the councilmen but there are definitely 3 as Hannah told Sophia. I doubt she knew who they were” he admits.
“Is there more?” Jax asks.
“I know meeting dates that they have had previously and I know old places they used to meet at but no information on knew ones. It appears he gives 24 hours notice of a meeting, I assume it’s an added level of security” he says. But I will keep the phone on as to our knowledge they won’t know of Hannah’s death we could use that to our advantage” he points out with a smile.
“I want you and Evan monitoring the phone” Jax orders. “Nova is there anything else
you’d like to mention?”
With a sigh I stand up to go stand beside him, “I’d like to express my thanks to you all
for helping us so much and for being so supportive. I’ve known you all a short period of time, apart from that annoying man over there” I smirk at Luca as he holds his hand over his heart in mock horror, “but I couldn’t be more grateful. I don’t have anything.
else to ask. Oh wait, yes I do. Axel you mentioned that you knew of their previous
meeting places. It would be a good idea to gather some information on the locations
and it could be worth scouring those areas to see if we can gain any more information..if it’s safe. Can you and Evan concentrate on that also please?”
“Yes Luna” he says happy to he and his brother have more responsibility.
“Thanks love, good idea” Jax smiles as he drops a k*ss on my temple as he stands “Witches?” He quickly checks with Axel motioning to the phone as he suddenly
remembers Flos words.
“Nothing that I can see, I don’t believe hunters on the whole would support that so
maybe only Charles knows that information’ Evan says quietly from beside him
“You’re right” Jax mutters.
“Any sign of suspicious activity and you contact us, immediately” he orders, “we have to go now but you all know what I’ve instructed.”
As everyone agrees I smile softly as we leave the room to head downstairs to our waiting luggage. “Laurence you’ve got this” I say drawing him in for a hug
“Thank you Luna” he says gratefully as his eyes burn bright with the chance of
proving himself.
“Stand up to my dad” Jax warns.
“I will” Laurence smirks as he helps load the car.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this” Jaz admits as we pull away from the pack house, I stay silent but I can’t help but feel like I agree,Arrival
Nova POV:
“Do you think we are doing the right thing?” I ask Luca and Jax as we pull away.
“I mean the hunters will know I am going to see the council with them having 3 feeding them information. They will know that they failed in taking Florence and I doubt they will just give up, they will be scheming surely” i worry. “What about the pack? What if they use this time as one to attack?”
“I know Nova..f uck” Jax exclaims quietly as we drive away.
“I understand your concerns. But i also know that despite you both not being there. the pack is in good hands. You have a Beta with Alpha Blood leading, you have twin Alphas there for added strength, your dad is a Guardian Wolf. I’ve seen you fight Nova, if he’s anything like you then they will regret if they do attack. Plus you have. Sophie who can fight like hell, as well as how many elite warriors? Not to mention the previous Alpha and Luna’ Luca points out.
“Over 200 elite warriors including ex elite who are at the age to still fight, then we have almost 1200 others who can fight” Jax admits. “I had Evan call them all in so the pack is closer together, no one is staying remote or any further than 3 miles from the pack house. Theo is also returning this evening along with Florence. She is being escorted by warriors from my uncles pack and he has stated that he can be
contacted to assist if any situation requires it.”
“I actually think we are more in danger than your pack” Luca admits. “If they have 150
hunters then they could easily be taken out by that many wolves, it would be idiotic of
them to attack.”
“And what if they do have witches helping?” I ask nervously.
“Well know Florence said she was certain only 2 took her and I believe her, but the
extraction report states they killed 9 hunters, they must have been waiting in the
vehicles. So I’m not ruling out witches being involved in actually taking Florence
especially after the whole Rose fiasco. Maybe it was a need to know basis on your
grandfathers end” Jax points out.
“Even then I doubt they would attack your pack, they wouldn’t have that many
witches to help Lu
assures us. “Us on the other hand” he frets.
“We are walking into a situation that is not ideal” I admit.
“The council approves of using witches when necessary, it could even have been the traitors suggestion” Jax muses.
“True” I sigh. “Well we won’t know until we get to this s**t show.”
Hearing a splutter of laughter from Jax and Luca I smirk, “what?” I ask innocently.
“s**t show” Laurence laughs.
“Would you have preferred me refer to it as a bonding experience?” I ask with at giggle.
“Fair enough sis” Luca chuckles grinning at me in the mirror.
Settling in we continue our journey for the next hour and a half talking comfortably amongst ourselves as we try to keep our nerves at bay. Pulling up to the gates to the council building I look at the two men who mean the world to me.
“Whatever happens in there, we are in it together” I say to them with a comforting smile which they both return.
“Always” they chorus.
Pulling up I see two elders waiting for us outside the doors with expressionless. faces. Jax parks the car and jumps out before opening my door and offering me his hand. Walking up to the council men with Jax beside me and Luca close behind I
ensure a relaxed smile is on my face.
“Hello gentlemen” I say politely bowing my head in respect.
“Nova” they say stiffly back to me.
“Luna Nova” Jax says with a light growl, his wolf offended for his mate.
“Our apologises..Luna Nova” Elder Frost corrects before welcoming Jax and Luca. “If you could all follow me I will show you to your rooms. Luna Nova you will be staying
on the 2nd floor, Alpha Jax, Beta Luca you will both be in your respective rooms on
the 3rd floor.”
O With a laugh I look at them, “I will be staying with my mate councillors” I inform them.
“You agreed to stay in your own room when visiting” the other whose name I don’t
know pipes up.
Shrugging I smile at them innocently, “true. I did agree that when I visited with my CHOSEN mate I would stay in a separate room as ridiculous a request as it was. But I made no such agreement when it came to my fated. So Elder Frost if you could show us all to the 3rd floor we would be most grateful.”
Seeing them struggle for words they both stiffly nod their heads before gesturing
“Can I request to know why I was still expected to stay in a separate room?” I ask as
we walk.
“To control your anger” Elder Frost says coldly.
“I haven’t struggled with my anger since I was 12 years old and that was through no fault of my own if I have to remind you, anyway..being around my fated would calm. that so called anger if it was a true issue wouldn’t it” I point out.
With clenched jaws they say nothing until we reach the 3rd floor rooms, as they hold the doors open for us to walk in I pause directly in front of them both as I take a deep. breath. “’s almost as if you wanted me to be alone, to not have my mater there for me, or my brother” I murmur whilst at looking in their eyes.
I can assure you Luna Nova that is not the case” Frost says as he struggles to
maintain eye contact.
“Well Elder, if your eyes didn’t give you away then your scent reek of lies” I hiss as I step forward. Seeing panic flare in his eyes I c**k my head at him, “now I just
need to now why” I muse.
Pausing for a moment as I study them I step back before smiling lazily. “If you’ll
excuse us, we would like to freshen up, we will be done shortly.” With that I close our
door on their shocked faces and breathe a sigh of relief.
“Weird” Jax comments.
“They don’t want you near me because they think you increase my strength, both physically and me ntally” I explain as I head towards the bathroom.
and so they are
sont me
ANOTTAM as well the man in
tee with 3 broken nibs, a
Jax POV:
After freshening up we hear a knock on the door and I quickly open it to see a shy maid stood waiting, “hello Alpha Jax, I have been told to inform you lunch will be held in 30 minutes if you could meet in the dining room” she says nervously.
Smiling slightly to ease her nerves I nod my head, “of course, thank you for letting us
With a slight bow she turns and walks to Lucas door to inform him of the same.
“Who was it?” Nova asks as she walks out of our bathroom fastening her belt on her
“A maid, we have lunch in 30 minutes” I say which she sighs loudly at.
“Ah goddess ok” she laughs before quickly heading over to the vanity in the room to
make sure her appearance is in check.
“You ready?” I ask 20 minutes later as I hear Lucas door opening.
“I’m ready” Nova says turning and giving me a quick k*ss.
“Who do you think will be there?” I ask.
“I imagine the council head Elder Martin and then I’m sure Frost and others will join him” she says with a slight shrug. “Do they know you well?”
“No” I answer, “I tend to avoid the council whenever possible, I never wanted their involvement with running the pack.”
“Im starting to think that was a wise choice” she says with a light laugh.
“Let’s head down then” I say with a smile as I open the door for her.
Walking out we meet Luca who is waiting on the landing along with Alpha Axton.
“Alpha Jax, Luna Nova” he says extending his hand for me to shake, “congratulations. on your official mating, I’m happy for you both.”
“Thank you Alpha” Nova says politely seeing the truth in his eyes. “Are you ready for
this?” She asks as we start down the stairs.
“Are you ever ready to meet the council?” He asks with a grimace.
“N..” Luca starts speaking before Nova holds her hand up effectively stopping.
everyone from speaking.
“Nova?” I ask through the link as we all look around in confusion.
“Wait. I can hear voices” she links, “I heard my name i’m intrigued.”
Lifting my finger to my lips to make sure Luca and Axton don’t make a sound I motion
to Novas ears. They nod slightly in understanding as i try and strain my hearing.
“They’re coming closer” Nova links me suddenly.
Listening I hear two voices coming up the corridor adjacent to where we are.
“She won’t know what’s hit her..”
“I need to go back and inform master that Nova has arrived, you know the plan, don’t let us down..”a deeper voice says which makes my eyes widen.
“Not a f*****g chance” Nova snarls through the link as I feel a wave of her anger hit me. Seeing Luca motion for us to move forwards we stalk silently towards the open landing. Seeing only one man walk round the corner Nova immediately moves in and grasps his arm twisting it behind his back and covering his mouth stopping him from calling out.
“I heard everything you just said so don’t you dare try and say otherwise. Where is the other?” She hissed in his ear releasing her aura making him submit instantly.
“He’s gone” he gasps.
“Gone where?” Nova snarls yanking his arm more.
“I don’t know. He comes to me when he wants to, it’s not on my terms” he croaks as she moves her hand to his neck pushing him into the wall.
“A witch? Who is he?” Nova asks with her eyes flashing brightly with Kia.
“Yes. He’s who checks on my reports, he works for the master and is his second in command” he croaks as he tries to fight Novas command to no avail. “I don’t know
his name, they’re very secretive.”
“You dare to endanger my mate” I snarl moving forward and slamming my fist into his
side making him choke out a howl as Nova tightens her grip on his windpipe.
“You f*****g traitor” I spit out landing another blow to his other side as Nova drops.
him to the floor.
“You’re coming with us” she growls as she grasps his arm and begins to drag him
behind her.
Lifting my nose I take a deep breath, “definitely a witch as suspected with Florence’s kidnapping, no scent here of the other man either” I growl annoyed
“Do you want me to take him?” I link Nova although Zeus is putting at her show of
“No..this is my fun” she links me back as she turns and gives me a wink “you just
enjoy the show.”
“Why is that weirdly attractive” I link her with amusement.
Turning she looks at me with a raised brow, leaning forward she bites my ear lightly,” you dirty man” she whispers before chuckling and continuing dragging the mant
behind him.
“Who is he?” I hear Luca ask from behind us.
“Not a clue” I say taking a good look at the man, “I haven’t been with the council for at least 2 years but he looks new to me.”
“He is new” Nova says before gesturing for me to open the dining room door. Slamming them open we gain the attention of the council elders gathered for lunch. as all chattering stops and silence envelops the room..
Suddenly with a cough the council head elder Martin stands and gathers Novas. attention. “Care to explain why you are dragging Elder Anthony and appear to have caused him physical pain?” He asks.
Stalking in she throws him 15ft forward to land at Elder Martins feet. “Because he’s a traitor” she snarls with venom. “One who is working with a witch to help the hunters
find me.”
Hearing gasps of shock around the room I carefully study each individuals faces trying to detect the other two traitors amongst them but there is nothing suspicious
that catches my attention.
“He’s what?” Martin growls in anger. “Are you sure about this Nova?”
“Come here” Nova orders him, seeing him scowl at her instruction she chuckles
darkly. “I’m not in the mood to be ignored.”
“I’d listen to her Elder” I warn him as Luca and Axton nod their heads in agreement.” You can’t feel the anger running through her at the moment..but I can” I add on with at
smirk seeing his face pale slightly.
Seeing him move forward while motioning for two guards to restrain Anthony who is groaning on the floor I look to Nova who is silently seething.
Raising her hands she grasps his temples and closes her eyes showing him
everything that she heard and saw whilst on our way downstairs. After a moment his head snaps up and he looks at her in shock, “the hunters are working with witches?!”
He exclaims.
“It seems so” she says far too calmly. Walking forward I grasp her hand and pull her to my side slowly rubbing soothing circles on her back as she relaxes slightly under my
As she looks at him I see him incline his head slightly as I realise Kia must have linked
him also.
“Well it appears we need to question him” Martin says with an unreadable expression on his face. “Honestly Nova all you seem to attract is blo ody drama” he mutters in
what I believe to be a light hearted manner.
“I know you’re probably joking Elder but I know for a fact Nova is not in the mood for that from anyone here after the last few weeks so I would keep quiet” I warn him as I see the fire flare in Novas eyes at his words.
“Drag him to the cells” Nova orders the guards.
Seeing them look to Elder Martin for confirmation she snarls and releases her aural slightly causing everyone bar me and Elder Martin to bow their heads in submission.
“I don’t need his blo ody permission, take him to the cells..the most protected ones.
NOW” she roars her eyes flashing dangerously.
With that the guards immediately grasp Anthony off of the floor and drag him out to
take him to the cells.
“Good” she says darkly as she watches them go..
“Bit of an overkill Nova” Elder Frost says snidely as he walks up to beside us.
“Kneel” Nova commands making him drop to his knees immediately in surprise as
Luca, Acton and I chuckle.
Grasping his chin in her hands she forces him to look at her, “don’t test my patience.
Frost. I am no longer the submissive she wolf desperate to help whoever I can. I am
now one that is desperate to protect those I love and end this nonsense with the
hunters, I have no time for insults, snide remarks or ridiculous room arrangements. I
am a grown as s woman who could kill you with one not push me” she growls before pushing him so he’s sprawled on the floor looking at her in fear.
“Take note” I growl as I look pointedly around the room.
“Shall we get some food love?” I whisper as I turn her to look at me and rub her arms
“Yes” she says calming down as she rests her hand on my chest holding me close.
“I’ll let you work out your frustration later” I link her cheekily.
Looking up at me with slightly flushed cheeks she grins as she links me back “I’m
counting on it.”Elder Martin
Elder Martin
Nova POV:
As I sit for lunch I concentrate of the feeling of calm and love that Jax is sending me through the bond to help settle my anger.
“I’d like you to accompany me to my office after lunch Alpha Jax and Luna Nova, we have lots to discuss” Martin says calmly as he eats his food ignoring the subtle shocked looks the others are throwing towards me.
“We will be there” Jax says before looking at me, “we would also like to have at meeting with Elder Johnathon this afternoon if it is possible?”
“I will have to check” Martin says before looking down the table towards the man who is smiling reassuringly at me.
“I have all the time in the world for Nova as you know. Why don’t you link me when you are done with Elder Martin and you can come to my private library” he says politely.
“Thank you Johnathon” I say softly smiling slightly at the one person who is showing me some friendliness.
With a nod of his head he returns to eating his food in silence. As we all finish Axton raises from his seat and motions for Luca to join him, “if you could excuse us my Betal and I have lots to discuss. We will see you this evening” he says before smiling at Jax and myself and swiftly walking from the room.
As the other elders filter out we are left with just Martin and ourselves. “That was tense” he chuckles looking at me in amusement.
“Sorry” I apologise, “but I’m not going to stand by and let others think I am someone who can be walked over any longer.”
“And you shouldn’t have to” he says seriously, “let’s go to my office. These walls have
“Your strength is admirable Nova” Martin comments as we walk up to his office, looking at Jax he grins, “I suppose with a mate like him you have to be something special.”
Elder Martin
“A mate like me?” Jax asks confused.
“Your leadership is something that others should learn from. Do you have any idea. how well you do as an Alpha?” Martin asks nonchalantly.
Seeing an Alpha lost for words has me chuckling as I wink at my mate. “Well not
anyone is mated to someone like Nova Alpha Jax, I’d do well to remember that, it
takes someone with a certain strength to be a Guardian Wolfs other half.”
“Oh..thank you Elder Martin” Jax says graciously, his deep voice making me shiver as his hand touches my lower back.
“In here” Martin says opening the door and ushering us in. “Take a seat.”
Sitting ourselves down we wait for him to speak as he quickly shuffles through some
documents on his desk.
“Ok, so Anthony joined us 23 months ago. He used to reside in the Red Moon Pack”
he starts.
“The Red Moon Pack? When? Surely not whilst I was there” I say.
“No he was there for 3 years, he joined shortly after you left as his mother had fallen. ill and was residing there. His mother was the old pack doctor” he says making my eyes widen in shock.
“The lady who helped start me with my medicinal studies?” I ask in surprise.
“Valeria yes. She unfortunately passed away not long after he joined. A heart attack. of all things” he says quietly.
“I doubt that” I say furrowing my brows. “I mean a heart attack of natural causes is incredibly rare within werewolves, even ones who are ill
“I have had her information brought here as I thought you may say that after todays events, take them with you and have a look before we confront Anthony” he says. passing me a small brown folder.
“I will” I say holding it tight in my grasp.
“Why was Anthony called up to be an Elder?” Jax asks suddenly.
“He was taking after his father, his academic success was incredibly high and he had
+25 Port
Elder Martin
many recommendations. I’m surprised to be honest that he has done what he has” Martin says with a frown.
“Just because he is a traitor doesn’t mean that he is one by choice” Jax points out.
“So fill me in on what’s been happening” Martin says looking at us both clearly.
With a sigh I study his eyes closely, not seeing any deception I hesitate before asking “this may seem unusual but after we have told you the information we have it will make sense. I’d like to command you to ensure I can trust you” I say sitting forward as
he looks at me shocked.
“It’s not a question is it Nova” he says with a sad smile.
“No” I say shaking my head, “I can’t risk anything right now and although I know of everything you personally have done to help me I have to make sure I’m protecting
those I love.”
“I understand” he says with a nod and a reassuring smile, “go ahead.”
Releasing my full aura has him crippling in his chair and his neck tilts submitting to me fully, “can I trust you, Elder Martin, to not betray me or those that I love? To never speak of any information I tell you? And finally have you ever betrayed me or worked alongside the hunters?”
“I have never worked with the hunters, they are my sworn enemy ever since losing my daughter to them when she was just a year old. For the past 55 years I have worked. tirelessly to bring them down. I will never betray you and I would do anything to help you succeed” he answers clearly.
“Thank you” I say retracting my aura as I release the breath I was holding.
“Help Nova succeed?” Jax asks intrigued.
“Novas life has been dedicated to others, it’s about time she does what she needs to
do for herself and for that to happen she needs my support” he says with a smile.
“So will you tell me?” He asks looking between us both. Seeing Jax nod in agreement I take a deep breath and explain everything that has happened since Axtons betrayal right up until the event before lunch which he saw through my eyes.
Blowing a large breath out through his gritted teeth his eyes flare in anger as he
1 Martin.
stares in me in shock.
“We have 2 more traitors?” He hisses in fury as his eyes burn bright, his wolf moving
to the forefront.
“Yes” I say calmly.
“s**t he exclaims, “well then we need to interrogate Anthony today. We need all the information we can possibly get before the trial starts this week.”
About the trail, what is this new method?” Jax asks.
“It’s a truth serum” Martin says absentmindedly before his eyes widen. “That Anthony
“We can’t use it” I say suddenly. “I mean we don’t know if Rose has anything to do with the hunters but I do find it suspicious that she came into our lives right at the moment everything began to go downhill. She’s admitted to using a spell for Jax.1
mean it wouldn’t be too far fetched would it?”
“No it wouldn’t” Martin agrees as he furrows his brows which he does when he’s thinking deeply.
“I will still administer a serum, but it will be a placebo one have a feeling the serum wasn’t as such a truth serum but actually one others could influence someone to
answer as they wish” Martin muses.
“Why do you say that?” Jax asks intrigued.
“Because this would be the first trial for it be used which is awfully convenient. Anthony pushed so hard for it to be used and we thought it was so he could prove himself, we’ve seen it in practise but again he was present and could have manipulated it. So therefore I am now doubting its validity. But I was planning on commanding Rose anyway so we would still get the truth, just not their twisted version now” he says thoughtfully.
“Can I ask who Roses father is?” I ask suddenly.
With a dark laugh Martin looks at me, “Elder Frosts brother..Alpha Jacob. You’ve met. him before” he reminds me
Freezing I think back before throwing my head back and letting out a deep sigh, “that
Elder Martin
f ucker.”
“I’m missing something” Jax says looking lost.
“Nova upset him about 4 years ago” Martin says vaguely.
“What did you do?” Jax asks looking at me in amusement.
“I turned down his marriage proposal” I growl.
More Family
More Family
Jax POV:
My jaw almost hits the flaw at Novas admission.
“What?” I ask in shock.
With a grimace she looks at me as she speaks, “he was old enough to be my father plus he was ridiculously S**ist and as he so eloquently put it at the time “wanted a hot young jewel of a Luna to show off.”
“That’s disgusting” I growl,
“His mate died in a rogue attack 10 years previous and everything I had heard of him
since was unappealing. He kept the information he had a daughter who was close to
my age a secret from me” she reveals.
“I wonder why” I drawl.
“I would never have said yes” she shrugs.
“You did embarrass him though” Martin points out with a chuckle.
“He embarrassed himself, I mean who proposes to someone when you’ve had a total
of 2 conversations and of all the places he chose to do it at a ball surrounded by
other Alphas” she says with disgust.
“True” Martin agrees. “The kick was my favourite part of the night.”
“Again..I’m lost” I admit as I struggle to keep up.
“He didn’t take my rejection well, he grasped my arm and tried to pull me against him
so I kicked him where it would really hurt” Nova says with a slight smirk.
“With her full strength at the time” Martin points out proudly.
“He deserved it” she says with conviction.
“So there is a high chance Rose was sent to upset your mateship” I point out as Nova
nods in agreement.
“Yes” she says with a sigh.
+25 Points
More Family
“Have you seen him since?” I ask quietly.
“Oh goddess no, and for that at least I’m thankful” she says quickly as she holds my
“Well that’s another person I’m going to have to put in place if I ever get the displeasure of meeting him” I sigh running a hand through my hair agitatedly.
“He’s not the only one” Martin says making me growl as Nova smoothly interjects.
“I think that’s enough for now Martin, Jax has got the message” she says firmly.
“Sorry Alpha” he says and at least he has the decency to look slightly embarrassed at
his confession’s.
“I’ll tell you later Jax but it’s nothing to worry about” she links me reassuringly as I try to move my mind away from others liking Nova in that manner.
Sitting myself up I shrug it off before looking at Martin. “Shall we meet this evening to
interrogate Anthony?”
“Yes, Johnathon is ready when you are so you can head down. Nova knows where to go, I’ll meet you outside the cells at 6pm sharp” he says as he stands and offers me
his hand.
Shaking it firmly I hold my hand for Nova to take as we utter our goodbyes.
After walking quietly for a few moments Nova looks at me and suddenly speaks, “I’ve had 4 mateshipproposals since I turned 18. It’s one of the reasons I agreed to
become Axtons chosen mate, but I want to assure you I never considered any others.
The only two I’ve ever been intimate with is you and Axton. I’m sorry I don’t like to
mention it but it’s the truth.”
With a little grimace I nod before squeezing her close to my side, “I had Genevieve before you and a couple of women from other packs when I was a teen. But as you know you’re the only one that’s ever made me satisfied” I admit. “So I would never judge you Nova, but to think others may still want you makes me feel possessive.”
“I know” she says with a soft smile, “but you’re my last Jax, you’re my everything.”
Stopping and wrapping my arms round her waist I claim her lips in a hungry k*ss as I pull her flush to my chest, “and you’re mine” I whisper as we pull away for breath.
+25 Points
More Family
Pulling my head down she k*sses me gently on my lips before trying to calm her breathing. Smelling the faint scent of her arousal I groan making her look up and
apologise with a shy smile.
“I’m sorry Jax, your touch sets me on fire I can’t help it” she says with a blush on her
Grasping her hips I push her against me so she can feel my bulge pressing against my trousers, “that’s what a k*ss from you does to me” I say huskily making her shiver. “Even at the most inappropriate times” I point out with a raised brow whilst gesturing
to our surroundings.
“Sorry love” she whispers with a giggle before stepping away slightly much to my
“Minx” I growl before she continues to pull me towards Johnathon’s library. Stopping outside a dark wooden door she knocks sharply 3 times before pushing it open and
walking in.
With an impressed whistle I take in the huge bookshelves that take up the room full
of different books. “This is some collection” I admire.
“Thank you Alpha Jax” Johnathon says as he appears at our side. “It’s taken me
many years to get to this stage.”
“I can imagine” I chuckle.
“Here take a seat, I had a feeling you’d drop by so I’ve gotten all the books I thought would be relevant ready for you” he says pointing to a table and some arm chairs by
the window.
“Do you need to command Johnathon too?” I link Nova suddenly.
“No” she says confidently.
“Why?” I ask confused.
“I met Johnathon here at the council” she starts saying aloud, “he has been my
confident and has been incredibly helpful whilst I grew up. But beside that Johnathon
here swore a blood oath to protect all Guardian Wolves and their legacies.”
“Really?” I ask turning to Johnathon in shock.
More Family
“Guardian Wolves bring order to our kind, they are our silent protectors and without
them we would turn on our selves. It is my greatest honour to serve and work
alongside Nova, I would die for her” he admits quietly.
“That’s admirable” I say with a genuine smile on my face.
“Turn on themselves..” I hear Nova mutter and she spins around clicking her fingers excitedly. “That’s it!”
“Explain?” I ask. “I’ve asked too many questions today” I moan to Zeus which he simply huffs in agreement.
“Without Guardian wolves our kind would turn on ourselves. We would effectively do the job of the hunters for them, surely that is why my grandfather is so dedicated to finding my father. If he can get rid of the both of us it would mean the end of our kind sooner than imagined” she says as I can see her mind racing.
“I think that’s a very strong possibility” Johnathon agrees as I stand in shock once again. “There is a book here that states without the Guardian wolves other wolves become greedy, desperate for power and with no care for others. They become selfish and kill unjustifiably to get what they want, they use the mate bond to hurt others and to make packs weak and easier to take over. It would end in the werewolf population diminishing so much that it would be easier for hunters to kill.”
“So that’s his long term aim” I say with horror.
“I think it might be yes” Johnathon says with a concerned look as he goes to stand beside Nova. As I watch them open books efficiently I suddenly gasp.
“What’s wrong?” Nova asks quickly.
“Why did you swear a blood oath Johnathon if you don’t mind me asking?” I enquire.
With a little gulp he shifts his weight uncomfortably before looking at me, “to protect the Guardian Wolves.”
“He’s not lying” Zeus says.
“Is there another reason?” I ask quietly.
“No” he says quietly but I can hear his racing heart as I’m sure Nova can also.
“Johnathon you’re lying..I can smell it on you” she says looking confused.
More Family
“Your eyes Johnathon..they’re the same as Novas” I say suddenly making Nova move
to look at him in shock.
“Ah..ah ummm” he stutters lost for words.
“And Nova got her eyes from her father…” I trail off as it all clicks.
“You’re Kingsleys brother”Uncle
“Van” the willepare after a moment of ellenes “But please Hove you have to listen to
ee he nye with a slight fluch standing his cheeks “aur tdidn’t know unil the
holde my waist lending me his strength
died protecting us, I doubt he will have any memory of them We were placed left al an orphanage by their Bets and not long after we were separated Lined to find him
protection and that of his future family had to concentrate on my own path. Every decision t have made till now has weighed heavily on my mind as to if i would ever meet him again?’ he says sadly “When you came into my world I started to realise my
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“I am, and I am so proud to be he assures me. “I swore the oath to pledge my loyalty
“Oh my goddess’ 1 whisper as I stare at him. With a quiet s ob I throw myself towards him as he welcomes me with his strong arme
murables into my eat
“Elder Martin made the same connection you did but said it wasn’t his place to tell you” he says as I pull back and wipe my eyes quickly,
Smiling softly I chuckle as understanding hits me as to how they worked so well together to aid me. “That makes sense” I say shrugging.
“Kia did you ever feel the family bond with him?” I ask her quietly.
“No…but I think that’s to do with the Moon Goddess” she says thoughtfully, “we feel it now though. I have always trusted him.” It’s true, ever since Jax vocalised his realisation I felt the family bond snap into place as my uncle by blood was stood in front of me.
“We’ve gone from having only Luca to having a proper family” I whisper in wonder to Kia as she purrs with happiness.
“ said Kingsley” Johnathon says spinning to Jax who stands wide eyed in shock at what he’s done. “How do you know his name?”
“C rap” he mutters running a hand through his hair again.
“You’ve seen him?” Johnathan asks grasping my hands.
“He’s at our home” Kia links him making him laugh out loud,
“I thought this day may never come, my brother is home” he says in amazement. “No one will hear anything in this room by the have my word.”
“How is he?” He continues.
“He’s good..considering” I say wondering what more I should say. “Just tell him” Kia tells me with a slight huff.
“He has a daughter Sophie who is 20, she was a result of one of my grandfathers twisted games and unfortunately her mother died when she was a baby. She is also my brother Lucas mate” I say with a smile. “My father, and this may be a shock, is the new Rogue King.”
With that he chuckles, “let me guess approximately 2 years ago he became the new Rogue King?”
“Yes?” I ask questioningly as he shows no sign of surprise at my revelation.
25 Points
“Rogue activity significantly began to die down around that time and has continued
to do so, there have been rumours of a new rogue king who is bringing order and reducing feral rates” he explains. “It would make sense for we said Guardian Wolves are here to bring order and protect others. What better position to have to make that more successful, the changes he has made have made a noticeable difference to packs being successful. It also explains why the rogue king has refused any audiences with the council in the last two years.”
“When you put it like that it’s actually quite an obvious role for him to take” Jax
chuckles in amusement.
“I was surprised” I said with laughter in my voice.
“Nova I need to tell you something” Johnathon says as his expression drops significantly and dread creeps into his voice.
“It’s about your mother..” he starts before I hold my hand up to pause him.
“I know” I say quietly as his eyes widen in surprise, “I know she is most likely still alive. You told me about what would happen to me if my mate died, I told Jax and he made. the connection. It’s one of the reasons I asked to speak to you today.”
“I’m sorry Nova, I couldn’t tell you. I wanted to so badly but I couldn’t” he says apologetically as sadness fills his features.
“Let me guess..the Moon Goddess?” I ask with frustration as I frown at how much
she has kept from me.
“I’m so sorry Nova. If I told you that then you would know of your father and the Moon. Goddess made me swear I would never mention him to you until you brought him up. I knew he was alive I never lost that family bond so I knew your mother must be also” he says sadly. “She did it to protect you both. I’ve been thinking and it makes sense now, you found your father close to Kia fully emerging, this way you are at your strongest. Defeating your dad and you would be extremely hard to achieve, if you had found one another earlier then you wouldn’t be at your full potential and despite you being impressive your entire life, you may have made the wrong decision just simply because of biology and the fact your brain hadn’t matured fully or you hadn’t
experienced enough of life to make the correct decision.”
“Decision?” I ask.
“Of who to protect” he says, “now it will be instinctual and I know it will always be the correct one. But that is because you have had the time to train and become the formidable woman you are today. With your mother if you had known earlier then your
need to find her most likely would have outweighed your logical thinking of what was
the best way to do so. Now you clearly know that waiting and coming up with a plan
with as much information as you can gather is the smarter move, otherwise you
wouldn’t be here.”
“Why do you think Novas grandfather wants her and her father to find each other
even if it makes them more dangerous?” Jax asks suddenly.
“Because that will also be when they’re at their weakest, and by that I mean they will
still be extremely hard to kill but they will be weakened by their love and their need to protect one another which makes them more vulnerable. Especially after everything you both have experienced in your lives” Johnathon says gravely.
“So he planned this” I gasp.
“Maybe not planned but definitely waited to see if it could happen” Johnathon
“And my mother?” I ask hestitantly.
Sighing he looks at me sadly, “I have tried to find her over the years but your grandfather is always one step ahead of me. But I think together we can.”
“Do you really?” I ask biting my lip to stop the cries from escaping.
“Yes” he says stepping forward and hugging me once again, “I will come back with you on Friday. It’s time I see my brother.”
After embracing for a moment he steps back and gestures to the pile of books
behind him. “I will go get us some refreshments, why don’t you both have a look
through these. I have included my notes I have made over the years and any information on your mother that i was able to find.”
“Thank you..uncle” I say with a shy smile.
His eyes fill with happiness at my words as he flashes me a toothy grin, “I have waited
a long time to hear you say that.”Interrogation
Jax POV:
A couple of hours later and I look over at Nova to see her engrossed in an ancient looking book. Admiring her scrunched up brows as she concentrates on the information she’s teaching I can’t stop the small smile playing on my lips.
“Stare any longer and you might as well take a picture” Nova says before looking up with a smirk
Ah you caught me I chuckle, “anything interesting in there?”
“There is actually she says thoughtfully, “have you felt any different since we’ve marked one another?”
“Different how?” I ask confused.
Shrugging she just looks at me with her big eyes. “Umm I don’t think so, although I don’t know for certain. I mean it’s been a very busy few days” I point out. “I haven’t had time to train or work out or anything really.”
“True” she says before looking back down, “why?” I ask gently.
“It says after being marked some of my gifts may transfer over to you or come to you in moments of need” she mutters making my eyes widen.
“Seriously?” I gape.
“Yup” she says with a pop before looking at me closely. “Your senses?”
“Same as always’ I say with a shrug.
“Hmm well it’s something to keep an eye out for isn’t it” she says softly before turning her attention back to reading. “Don’t take this the wrong back but I wish Laurence was here, he would find this all interesting and he would be a lot more efficient than US.”
“Ha, I was thinking the same about an hour ago love. We will have to come back and read some more later love, we have to go and interrogate Anthony” I say bringing her attention back to myself.
“Are you happy to know the truth about Johnathon now?” I ask as we stand and ready
ourselves to leave.
“Yeah and I feel pretty silly for not noticing how identical our eyes are, it’s pretty obvious as well after seeing dad. They have the same cheekbones, eyebrows, ears.. mean now I know I can’t stop noticing similarities” she chuckles.
“Well he’s over the moon” I tell her as I recall the spring in his step as he dropped us
off some coffee earlier.
“He’ll be even happier on Friday” she smiles.
We walk down to the cells hand in hand and meet Elder Martin staring daggers at a pitiful looking Anthony who is chained to a chair.
“I’m going to hand the reigns to Nova for this one” Martin says without sparing us a
My eyebrows shoot up at his words as I can’t stop my surprise from showing through the bond, Novas head snaps up to look at mine as she pulls a frustrated face.
“Don’t you dare doubt me Jax” she growls dropping my hand. Holding my hands up in surrender I shake my head quickly, “no I know and I most definitely don’t doubt you. I’m just used to leading interrogations or have Laurence do it when necessary. I’m sorry it was a natural response but honestly I have no qualms with you leading. Quite obvious you can handle yourself” I joke at the end.
“Hmm good” she says narrowing her eyes slightly before turning to Martin.
“Limitations?” She asks quietly.
“No death” he says simply.
Nodding she turns and flings the cell door open making Anthony’s eyes snap to her in fear as he attempts to shrink back into the chair.
Chuckling darkly she crouches down in front of him making sure he can’t avoid her piercing gaze. “Well well seems you’ve ran out of luck.”
“W..what do you want?” He stutters out pathetically.
“It’s pretty obvious is it not?” She asks coldly, “but we will start with why you betrayed
me? And why you went against the council by working with the hunters?”
He stares at her for a moment as he appears deep in thought before Novas art flies out and twists 2 of his fingers back snapping them before he has time to blink
With a how he bares his teeth at Nova as she smiles coldly in amusement, “scary” she whispers mockingly
“Tell me she commands making him fift his neck in submission
Why not just do that to start? I link her trying to bite back a laugh.
“This way is more fun, and what he deserves” she replies back throwing me a wink
“My mum Anthony starts through gritted teeth, “they killed her and have said if I don’t
do what the Master orders then then they won’t give my sister back to me.”
His sister?” Martin asks as Nova asks a similar question
You have a sister? Tell me more she orders
“She was travelling to Red Moon Pack for my mother’s funeral and her mate was
away helping protect another pack She was ambushed on the way and I found her
Car abandoned on the side of the road shortly after the funeral As I was checking if
out I was apprenended by & hunters, was injected with something to prevent me
Communicating with my wolf they showed me a photo of Bethany, my sister, and
she was fed up and unconscious if I did what they asked she would be returned he
“That was years ago?” Nova asks shocked
They continued to ask things of me and like a fool I followed” he says quietly
And Bethany Nova asks quietly
Thaven’t seen her since a week prior to her being taken” he whispers.
How often do they contact you?” Nova asks
“There is no pattern” he admits.
“Have you ever contacted them? Nova probs. After a moment of silence Nova 6***S her head, “I thought you’d have learnt this by now?
Seeing his face fill with horror she lifts her hand and extends her claws before
holding them up and admining them, “amazing really isn’t it? Something this deadly is
hidden away in our bodies” Without giving him the chance to reply she slices a deep
cut from his shoulder diagonally across his chest before repeating on the other side forming a large X as it begins to drip with blood.
“She’s magnificent” Zeus punts as I can’t help but agree. Crying in pain he shakes his restramts to no avail as he growls at Nova
‘Don’t you growl at me” Kia snarls to him making him shake in terror, respect she
demands loudly making him quieten.
“I have a burner phone, hidden in my room under a floorboard of all things he scoffs.
“Lused it once, when I saw you arrive today. I’ve never used it before as any
information I had previously was not urgent enough. Elder Martin didn’t tell everyone
of your arrival until you were here so I had no way of informing them sooner.”
“Ok” Nova says, “but I am intrigued. When I heard you talking to the witch I heard you
mention a plan tell me what it is?”
“No no” he whispers as he stares at Nova
“Do I have to make you?” She asks taking a step towards him and grasping his chin
before trailing a claw down his cheek and lightly across his neck breaking the skin.
He looks at her with horror before she huffs in annoyance and her aura pushes out
once again making him submit.
“Friday morning I am supposed to ask you to just have a look at the guards training before you leave, there I would inject you with the vial I have by the phone in my room
and it will make you loose your connection with your wolf for a short period of time. In that time I’d question you to find out if you had found your father as you would be susceptible to being commanded without your wolf” he admits. ‘I would report my findings back using the phone and they would contact me again if I’m required.”
Without a word Nova turns and steps out of the cell before looking at me silently
“You did good” I say softly, “I expected more violence actually”
“What’s the point’ she says with a shrug, “he was doing this because of his sister. I doubt if they didn’t have her he would be working with them. Don’t you think he’s
suffered enough.”
“You handled it perfectly” I say dropping a quick k*ss on her lips before she turns to
+25 Points
look back into his cell.
“We will find his sister, he needs to know she is safe before we decide on his fate” she
says to Martin seriously.
“Why?” He asks.
“Because as much as what he’s done is wrong, he must love his sister and I know what it’s like to loose people. I may be ruthless when necessary but I still have a heart, he’s gone against his morals for years to try and get her back” she says with a sad
“You’re too kind” Martin says as his lips curl upwards.
“No..he’s just broken already” she murmurs looking at the shell of the man in the cell.5/5
+25 Points
Nova POV:
“So I’ve just spoken to Laurence and everything is going fine at the pack, Axel and Evan are busy compiling information on places mentioned for hunter meetings on Hannah’s phone. I’ve suggested they wait till we are back to go and scout places” Jax says as he takes a seat next to me on the bed. “But I have some good news for you.. Florence is back and recovering with Andrew. They should be ok to return to their suite tomorrow and I’ve asked Naomi and Alice to lend a hand if they need
Hearing that I smile as relief fills my b*dy, “oh thank the goddess.”
“How are you feeling?” Jax asks looking deep into my eyes.
“I feel a bit strange, I need to tell you something. I didn’t go that hard on Anthony one because he will suffer enough from the council alone and two because he did it out of desperation. But also I swear I could feel his emotion and it was quite
overwhelming” I admit.
“You could feel his emotion?” Jax asks in shock.
“Yes. Not like how I feel yours through the matebond but when he admitted to what he did wrong it was like my b*dy was doused in sadness and guilt. When he spoke about his sister I could literally feel the love he has for her pulse through my b*dy” I try and explain. “I couldn’t feel anything from the pain I inflicted.”
“Have you felt that at any other time?” Jax asks intrigued.
“I think I felt it earlier when Johnathon admitted to being my uncle, I felt the love he had for me. I think I have been experiencing it since my birthday but this evening had me realising it and it’s become much more apparent. But it’s not all the time, I think it’s when there are strong emotions involved” I muse as I fiddle with the duvet sheet.
“We have a lot more information to read that Johnathon has found so we can look into it tomorrow, I wonder if there is a way Kia can help shield you from it so it doesn’t become overwhelming” he suggests thoughtfully. “Would you like a bath running? It
will help us relax.”
Hearing that my ears perk up, “us?” I tease.
“Saves water” he winks cheekily before k*ssing my temple and walking to the bathroom. A few minutes later he calls me through and I gasp as I get to the door, in the bath are some white petals and he has lit candles basking the room in a soft glow. “This looks so welcoming” I whisper in shock, “how did you get everything?”
“Alice packed it for us, I think she anticipated a bit of relaxation would be in order” he admitted. “Oh and..” he starts turning round and opening a cupboard, “ta..dah” he exclaims happily holding out a bottle and two glasses.
“Wine” I say with a wide smile. “This screams Alice” I giggle.
With a wink he walks over and helps me out my clothes before dropping a k*ss on my neck and guiding me to the bath, “get in” he whispers as he pours two glasses. “For you my Luna” he says with a dramatic bow before handing me a glass as I giggle at his playful antics.
Grinning he lifts his top over his head making my mouth go dry as I’m left faced with
his well defined muscles and tantalisingly teasing v lines. Seeing he hadn’t moved for
a bit I drag my eyes upwards to meet his amused gaze. “Like what you see?” He asks
“Hmm maybe” I shrug before biting my bottom lip gaining his attention.
“I’d stop eye f*****g me love it’s not helping me right now” he says with a pained
expression as I giggle. “Woman” he scowls playfully before undoing his buttons and
stepping out of trousers and briefs fluidly.
“Oh” I gasp as his hard shaft bounces to attention making heat pool below.
“Told you” he says sheepishly before stepping into the bath behind me and pulling
me back to rest my head on his chest trapping me between his muscular legs. “Sorry”
he murmurs as I wriggle slightly brushing against his hard c**k digging into my back.
“I like it” I tease making him groan.
Sipping my wine I enjoy the tingles surrounding me from touching Jax as we relax in
comfortable silence for a little while. “Ah my head feels so much clearer now” I
murmur as he puts his wine glass down and begins to massage my shoulders releasing the tension in them.
“I never enjoyed baths before, but they’re much better with you” Jax breaths in my ear, his warm breath making my b*dy shiver and erupt in goosebumps.
“Oh yeah?” I ask looking up and raising a brow at him.
“Yep. I have quite a view when you’re with me” he says as he smiles down at me.
Giggling I feel my eyes darken slightly from his words as his hands start to wander from my shoulders. Moving down he cups my boobs before lightly pinching my hardening buds as I let out a small moan.
“Anyone would think this was your plan all along” I whisper placing my glass to one side as he continues to knead my breasts in his strong hands.
“Hmm I can’t deny that” he agrees before pushing his hips up to remind me of his hard shaft behind me. Feeling a flash of arousal flow through me I use my feet to slide myself up his b*dy so his shaft is nestled between my thighs and I’m resting on his broad chest. Hearing his breath hitch as his c**k grazes my folds I smirk proud of
the effect I have on him. “f**k Nova” he moans as he breaths in my arousal making
his c**k twitch against me. Reaching a hand down he gently rubs my swollen cli t
before running his hand through my wet folds and pushing two fingers inside my
tight walls. “Ahhh” I moan in satisfaction as pleasure pulses through me from his
slow movements. Rubbing his thumb against my cli t he slips a third finger in and I
gasp as I feel his love for me surge through the bond.
“So wet for me my Luna” he growls in my ear only increasing the pleasure he’s
bringing to my b*dy. Increasing his pace he plunges his fingers in harder making his
palm brush my cl it with each movement bringing me closer to release.
“c*m for me” he rasps slamming his fingers in and curling them finding my pleasure spot before pressing down on my cl it hard. Hurtling over the edge I moan his name loudly “f**k Jaxxx!”
Grinding my hips into his hand whilst I ride out my high has his shaft twitching in readiness to be in me. “So S** y” he moans before removing his fingers and raising them to my lips for me to suck. Tasting myself I humm against his fingers before sitting myself up and turning round to straddle him.
“Perfect” he whispers in admiration as he rakes his eyes over my b*dy. I slowly grind my wet core over his hardened shaft before rising myself up and sinking myself down
6) Shares
onto his c**k inch by inch until he’s fully in me. Seeing Jaxs eyes roll back I slowly
rock my hips sending pleasure jolting through me. Lifting my hips and bouncing on
him slowly I purr in delight as his hands grip my waist allowing me to keep a
torturously slow pace. Increasing my tempo slightly I circle my hips causing him to
moan before I lean forward brushing my flushed breasts in his face causing his eyes
to flutter open before he sucks a breast hard leaving his mark.
“Oh goddess Jax” I moan as I grip the side of the bath for balance and start to ride
him quicker, with soft grunts he raises his hips to meet mine whilst he watches me
bounce on his shaft sloshing water around us.
“I’m going to c*m” he rasps as my b*dy becomes desperate in its movements chasing a release. His thumb presses on my cl it causing me to jerk on top of him as he bites down on my mark hard, my b*dy convulsing as my walls tighten and grip his
“Jaxxx” I breath as my eyes roll back at my release causing his shaft to jerk and pump
ropes of his warm seed deep inside me.
“f**k Nova” he shouts as I lean forward and bite his mark causing him to shudder under me whilst he c ums hard. Panting lightly I slump my tired b*dy on top of his as he circles my back soothingly calming our racing hearts.
I’m barely awake he stands and lifts us both from the tub before pulling out of me and setting me down on my shakey legs. Handing me a towel I dry myself off as he does the same before lifting me into his arms and carrying me over to the bed. Lying me down he slides in beside me and pulls me to his chest.
“Sleep Nova” he rumbles in my ear before I give in to the darkness.
Accidentally posted the chapter before proof reading but I have now and and am waiting for the edits to be accepted so please excuse any slight issues until morning?? Tomorrows chapters are Roses trial..get ready for drama, surprises and some fierce Nova moments. It’s about to get very interesting? Hope you’re enjoying the book!
Trial Morning
+25 Points

Trial Morning
Nova POV:
I wake up early with a lot on my mind, staring at Jaxs relaxed face as I wonder what’s
going to transpire today.
“We just have to wait and see Nova” Ki sighs to me as she paces slowly in my mind.
“I know” I reply quietly, “there has just been a lot of unanswered questions and to find
that Rose is Alpha Jacob’s daughter was strange enough.”
“It’s too much of a coincidence I think” Ki agrees with a sad tone.
“It would explain why Elder Frost is so..well frosty with me I suppose” I murmur to her
as I burrow my head into Jaxs chest breathing in his scent to calm myself.
“He was a pig headed Alpha. I’m surprised Elder Frost is his brother actually, I mean.
how is an Elder related to that man” Kia mutters angrily.
“He may be an Elder but it doesn’t mean he is respected” I point out, “we saw the way
others looked at him throughout lunch yesterday.”
“And he disrespects us” Kia snarls indignantly.
Hearing Jax moan as he stretches slightly I look up and meet his sleepy eyes,” morning” he murmurs pulling me closer to him. Enjoying the comfort he gives me I lie there for a few more minutes before pulling away and huffing. “Well we best get ready
hadn’t we” I sigh as Jax looks at me with concern.
“Hey” he says grasping my chin lightly stopping me from getting up, “I know today isn’t going to be pleasant and there will be a lot of bad memories brought up but it is
for the greater good. Zeus and I are right there beside you, we always will be.”
My heart fills with warmth at his words and I can’t help but smile as I see the
affection in his eyes. “Thank you” I whisper before k*ssing his lips lightly.
Standing up I stretch causing Jax to groan behind me, spinning round I see him cover
his eyes with his arm as his other fist clenches the duvet.
“You alright there?” I ask laughing as I see the very obvious tent he’s pitching.
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Trial Morning
“I swear you make me like a h orny teenager all over again” he mutters without looking
to me. “I’ll be a minute, I just need to think about pack finances or something.”
Snorting at his words I shake my head in amusement, “there is always a cold shower”
I giggle.
“Minx” he growls playfully as I walk into the bathroom and freshen up. Walking out I
see Jax is finishing getting dressed and looks smart in a black shirt and dark trousers
with polished shoes.
“Ooo my Alpha” I purr in his ear as I walk past him causing his eyes to flash before he
takes a deep breath. Throwing me a glare I hold my hands up in mock surrender
saying “ok, best behaviour today..promise.”
“Good” he sighs, “I don’t fancy having to explain my need to sit down at times in front
of the council.”
Grinning widely at him I shake with silent laughter thankful for him distracting from my thoughts. Pinning my hair into a neat bun with a few loose waves framing my face I sit back and nod, happy with my appearance.
“Very smart” Jax says approvingly as his eyes take in my smart navy dress which goes to my knees and my white cropped blazer.
“Thanks” I say shyly before grabbing my bag and walking to the door.
“Shall we head down?” I ask as Jax finishes combing his dark locks.
“Yes. Let’s go” he agrees as we open the door to see Luca stood with his arm
outstretched ready to knock.
“Morning Sis, Alpha Jax” he says with a small smile, “you look lovely.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself I suppose” I reply with a shrug before winking to let
him know I know he looks smart.
“Alpha has had to go down already as he is being questioned first, he seemed quite
on edge this morning” Luca mentions quietly.
“I don’t blame him” Jax says. “I may not like the guy too much after seeing the pain he
caused Nova but I respect him for taking this step and righting some of his wrongs. Not many Alphas are proud enough to do that. Plus he has had a tough few weeks
25 Points
Trial Morning
also, I imagine seeing Nova and I marked was tough for him.”
“It was” Luca agreed, “but he bears no ill will towards you both, I mean how could he?

“I know” I say quietly before looking at Luca. “How are you doing?”
“I’m talking to you as family now” he says throwing me a look I understand means stay quiet, “but I am worried not for my alpha but for my friend. He has told me of the struggles of the White Mountain Pack that I am going to return home to and I know he is under a lot of pressure to change peoples opinion of him now. The result of this trial will help but still, he will be an unmated alpha. I will need to be there for him to
keep him focused.”
Nodding as I understand his words I can’t help the guilt that flashes through me.
“Nova..stop” Jax says suddenly throwing me a strange look. “Do not feel guilty for Alpha Axton, he may have been strongly influenced but what he did was still wrong.
This is what he will have to deal with and what he deserves.”
“I don’t feel guilty for Axton, well I do to an extent and I hate that he was manipulated but it’s actually the pack members I feel guilty for” I reply quietly.
Seeing his eyes soften in understanding he grasps my hand as we start walking again, “and that’s what makes you such a good Luna, the care you have for others is commendable. But we have to trust Luca and Alpha Axton to build their faith and
moral up again.”
“I know, and I trust they will be able to” I reply confidently.
“Good” he says as we reach the large double doors leading to the trial room. Squaring
his shoulders he holds his head high and reaches his hand to rest on my lower back.”
We’ve got this” he reassures me before the doors are pushed open and we stride into
the room.
Feeling the many pairs of eyes turn and focus on us I look to where we are seated
and don’t acknowledge their gazes. Hearing Jax growl lightly beside me I look up at
him in surprise as I take in his clenched jaw as he scans the room.
“You are getting some very dirty looks right now” he hisses as he draws me closer to
his side.
Trial Morning
“Do you want to know something about me Jax?” I ask quietly.
“Yes.” he says looking at me in confusion.
25 Pint
Smiling softly I squeeze his arm, “the more judgment, more hate, more disdain and
more anger that is thrown my way will only benefit me and do you want to know why?
“Yes.” he says with a playful smile.
Biting my lip I gesture around at the many people looking at us, “because I may be here to help others and much more but this type of environment is where Kia and I
“Really?” He asks with a c****d brow.
Seeing Luca start to smile more as he takes in the gleam in my eye I grin up at Jax,“ oh yes”
Luca laughs loudly throwing his head back earning a few surprised looks his way before he looks back at Jax and myself, “you haven’t seen Nova when she has to prove herself. Things are about to get interesting” he exclaims making Jax grin as he
looks at me with interest.
“People may regret what they’ve got themselves in for” Luca says with a knowing
smile as I smirk at his words.
Alpha Axtons Explanation
+75 Point
Alpha Axtons Explanation
Nova POV:
Taking a seat next to Jax only then do I look around and take note of everyone who is in attendance. Seeing the rest of the council sat opposite all looking at me on and off has me c*****g my head slightly as I look clearly at each individual trying to
distinguish who the traitors are.
“Why don’t we just command them all?” Kia asks with a huff.
“Because of the trial. If by the time it is finished we still do not know more then I
would if Martin agrees” I say simply.
“But it would be easier if we did” Ki mutters.
“I know, but we need to focus on the trial” I say calmly to her as she lowers her head in acceptance of my words.
Moving my eyes from the council I see Alpha Jacob sat staring at me with a dark look in his eyes as I raise my brows at him questioningly. Seeing his eyes flare
momentarily as I show no sign of intimidation I smirk before turning my head so my mark is clearly on show. Hearing a loud growl resonate throughout the room I smirk
at Jax as he looks at me.
“Having fun?” He grins.
“Just showing someone I’m taken” I laugh as he k*sses my temple softly.
“Good” he growls in my ear before biting my lobe as another loud growl sounds.
Everyone’s attention turns to Alpha Jacob who is staring daggers across the room at me as his eyes flash with those of his wolf in his anger. “You must have seriously pis sed him off” Jax comments as he drapes an arm over my shoulders possessively.
“He was the one that grabbed me after I’d politely declined his offer, if he hadn’t gotten physical than neither would I. I suppose it did hurt him to be shown up by a woman both through rejection and then being kicked to the floor” I say with a shrug
as I watch his Beta whisper in his ear to calm him down.
As I finish the doors open and everyone stops talking as two guards bring Rose into
Alpha Axtons Explanation
the room. Chained and dragging her feet on the floor she looks a shell of the woman we met a few weeks ago. Her hair is lacking any shine and is hanging limply on her head, her eyes are lifeless and shallow with large dark circles for her under eye whilst her skin is pale showing the lack of exposure to the sun in recent weeks.
Seeing Axton walk in and take a seat at the side without so much as sparing a glance at Rose I wait as Elder Martin makes his way to the front and begins to address the
“Good morning everyone. Today we are holding trial of former Luna, Rose Brown, for the known drugging of Alpha Axton of the White Mountain Pack to cause a forced betrayal of the mateship bond between him and his chosen at the time. We are also bringing into question the authenticity of the bond between Alpha Axton and Rose Brown” he says which causes a spread of muttering to extend throughout the room.
“Brown?” Jax whispers questioningly.
Shrugging I have no answer for him, “perhaps Jacob and Frost are half brothers or it could be her mother’s name” I suggest quietly.
“To begin I would like Alpha Axton to take to the stand and tell us his version of events” Martin says clearly ending the muttering.
As Axton walks to the seat in the front booth he looks at me and Jax for a moment before turning his full attention to Martin. I see Rose out the corner of my eye look at him with a mixture of longer and anger.
“Alpha Axton if you could please speak” Martin says gesturing for him to begin.
Clearing his throat his deep voice resonates around the room as he begins talking,” last month we were holding an emergency meeting between 4 different packs regarding a Rogue matter. As we were greeting the guests my Luna at the time, Luna Nova, and I met Rose. I caught her eye and felt the effect of a mate bond snap into place, as Luna Nova headed the meeting I led Rose to the downstairs room as I wished to explain the mateship between Nova and myself. I did not wish to cause any physical pain to Nova and as I was intending to explain why to Rose. She asked if I would like some tea whilst we talked, I drank some before talking whilst I gathered my thoughts but immediately became overcome with lust for her and ended up taking her to my room and mating. We spent 3 days there where I ended up marking
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Alpha Axtons Explanation
her, I didn’t know why I was so lustful for her and was naive believing it was the strength of the matebond. I came to 3 days later when Nova was addressing the pack issuing her goodbyes. From then on whenever I had to speak to Rose about a pressing matter we would agree to sit down and talk over tea only to end up having S**.” Taking a deep breath he narrowed his eyes before continuing.
“We had Nova and Alpha Jax return for a pack matter and Rose administered an aphrodisiac during our dessert which only I consumed. However instead of Rose being my focus of attention it was Nova who was sat opposite me. I fought the effects out of respect for Nova and commanded Rose where she told me she had drugged me and had also attempted to seduce Alpha Jax to betray Nova. My Beta Luca then took her away to the cells and the following morning I contacted the council requesting a trial and to officially break the mateship between Rose and
Silence followed his speech before Martin asks his following question, you
why she drugged you?”
“I don’t, but I assumed she was jealous and wanted to ensure my attention was on
her and not my chosen”Axton replies.
“Can you explain why you wanted to speak to Rose about your relationship with your
chosen?” Martin asks.
“Nova and I had signed a contract stating if either of us found our fated mate we would step aside and allow the relationship with the fated mate to progress. However we agreed to follow all mateship laws and not cause any physical pain to one another through betrayal. I have to mention this for people to understand, Nova did not in anyway pose a threat to Rose” he says whilst meeting my eyes. “When I first met Rose I froze, there were multiple witnesses with Alpha Jax being one of them, Nova was the one who pushed me forward to greet her. I got carried away with the bond and k*ssed Rose despite knowing I shouldn’t however Nova did not say anything. Instead she left us be and took charge of the meeting with the guests. I immediately regretted causing her pain simply by a k*ss and that’s why I requested talking to Rose and explaining everything” Axton says his voice slightly wavering as he mentions the
pain he caused me.
“Did you ever show any hint that you would perhaps reject Rose” Martin asks.
Alpha Axtons Explanation
-25 Parts
“No. Never. I believe my words were “s**t that felt good but we have to stop. I can’t hurt Nova but trust me I won’t be rejecting you” I then led her to the downstairs lounge” he says with a grimace as he recalls the events.
“Ok, that is all I am asking for now but we will have some follow up questions later on

Martin says gesturing for Axton to return to his seat.
Turning to Jax he offers me a comforting smile which i return making him relax slightly as he sees I am ok.
“That was hard to hear” Luca mutters beside me as I look at him in shock.
“I didn’t ask too many questions at the time, I was upset with how much pain you were in and you were my priority after returning from patrol” he explains softly. Squeezing his hand I turn to Elder Martin as he begins speaking once more.
“Next I would like Luna Nova to come down” he says making everyone’s eyes snap to myself as I gently k*ss Jaxs temple and gracefully head to the front holding my head hi.
“Time to show them our strength” Kia says with a wolfish grin.Disbelief
Nova POV:
“Good morning Luna Nova, so to begin I would like you to confirm if what Alpha Axton has said is accurate and include any other relevant information you have” Elder Martin says looking at me with an expressionless face.
Nodding I sit up straight and look around the room before setting my eyes on Rose who’s face is contorted with anger.
“I can confirm that what Alpha Axton has said is true. The three days leading up to me leaving the White Mountain Pack and relinquishing my role as Luna was long and painful. I suffered betrayal pains throughout the meeting initially but as I left the pain increased in strength, I ended up passing out and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. My mark was inflamed and angry due to Alpha Axton and Rose having marked one another. However from waking up the following day It meant I didn’t suffer any more pains from them both” I say clearly my voice strong. “I left hospital on day 3 and returned to the pack and offered my goodbye to those present. That is when Alpha Axton came down with Rose, he was angry however Rose did attempt to attack me. She wasn’t successful” I smirk looking at her as she growls at me.
“She attacked you?” Elder Martin repeats.
“Yes. The pack members were shouting “long live the true Luna” not at my request may I add. They weren’t happy with the way Alpha Axton and Rose had treated me, however I explained now the contract was null and void I was no longer required to stay and help Rose adapt to the Luna role as I had agreed when we signed the contract. I still requested Elder Angela to train with Rose to help her. Her initial attempt at attacking me was after I said I would not stay to train her. The second time was as I was walking away I reminded them of the pain they had caused me. She lept at me from behind and I turned and grabbed her brown wolf’s throat and pinned her to the floor. There I reminded her of the pain I could inflict if wanted and turned and relinquished my ties.”
“Did you warrant the attack?” Elder Martin asks.
“No. I didn’t warrant any of the events that took place those few days but I will always
protot malwhen someone wants to cause harm. Even to a pathetic wolf like Rose “say with a cold sole discoted at her as she snarls at me
How do you wake after 3 days? Marking another can cause someone to die but PAYMENT SOnyone interjected from the audience
Raising my brows at Martin he shifted uncomfortabhi “it’s up to you to answer that as it wasn’t an official question from myself. However people will wonder”
Because I’m a strong wolf” I say simply
Hearing a few sniggers from the audience I smile softly before clicking my tonque Don’t test me
“Did anything else happen between Rose and yourself?” Elder Martin asks swiftly
moving on
“She made judgemental comments when she visited our pack alongside my brother and Alpha Axton She also arranged for Alpha Jax and to stay in separate rooms when we visited them pack I say “Mine was to be opposite Alpha Axtons and Roses room, which was my room that they decided to originally pa k in. Whilst Alpha Jax was staying on a different floor. My brother and Alpha Axton didn’t agree with her idea so I was showed to the room with Alpha Jax. She wasn’t happy with it. Then there was the meal..she jumped on Alpha Jaxs lap so I threw her across the room.”
“So you didn’t initiate anything?” Elder Martin verifies.
“Not once, she tested my patience continually but I never once initiated anything” reply calmly
“LI ES” she snarls whilst baring her teeth at me.
“You’re not worth me lying” I coldly reply.
“Why would she be so set on causing you pain?” Elder Martin asks with a certain
gleam in his eyes.
“Well I only was told yesterday that Rose is Alpha Jacob’s daughter, I do believe it was
due to me turning down Jacob’s mateship proposal a few years ago” I say whilst
leaning forward. “I clearly insulted the man’s ego and he couldn’t move past it.”
Hearing him snarl I raise my brow and laugh softly, “would you like to deny it?” I ask
“You kicked me” he snarls from beside his Beta.
+25 Points
face and
“I did” I laugh at the memory earning a few shocked looks before I set my glare at him, “but maybe you should have accepted my polite refusal of your proposed mateship like a gentleman instead of getting angry and grabbing my arm painfully. If you hadn’t of laid a hand on me I wouldn’t have had to retaliate.”
Hearing that I hear muttering around the room. “There were also many witnesses there for that event including your own Beta” I shrug.
“And you say you didn’t know Rose was his daughter?” Elder Martin asks.
“Not until you told me yesterday. I knew she was an Alphas daughter from a few comments Alphas Axton and Luca made however I never questioned it further. Again..she wasn’t worth my time” I say coldly.
“You w***e” Rose hisses making me laugh softly.
“Oh Rose dear, I’m no w***e. Although like I said to you before, I’m sure you’re no stranger to spreading your legs.”
With that she stands and tries to lunge for me but I don’t even flinch as her restraints
hold her back.
“Is there any other information you’d like to share?” Martin asks.
“Only that as Axton said, the moment I saw they were fated I knew my chosen mateship was over I was just waiting to follow the official steps. I was no threat” I
“You were a threat to Rose clearly” Elder Frost pipes up making my attention turn to
“Please explain” I say slowly.
“You were mated to her fated mate. She would see you as a threat of course she would” he snarls slightly at me.
“I agree, she would initially assume I was a threat. However I pushed for Alpha Axton to greet her, I left them alone to head the meeting and I have always stuck to my word. If she had been patient enough to hear Alpha Axton out and trusted her
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supposedly fated mate then she would have seen that. I also was the one who included the clause to ensure she had adequate training, both for her benefit and the packs benefit. Those actions don’t strike me as someone who was a threat” I say loudly as I feel my temper flare at his attitude.
“But you were still mated to her fated mate” he points out angrily.
“Yes I was. And who may I ask requested the mateship between Alpha Axton and
myself?” I snap.
“The council..” Martin answers.
Clicking my fingers I throw my hands up in frustration, “exactly. I didn’t love Axton at
first. I did it to help the pack and to stop advances from other men. I did grow to love
Axton yes but that was from his treatment to me and the way we ran the pack
together before he met Rose. I also had a fated out there, I was never going to stand
in their way.”
“Alpha Axton” Frost interjects coldly as he has no answer to what I’ve said.
“For someone who doesn’t remember my title Elder Frost you have a certain issue. with pointing out whenever it sk ips my mind” I smirk at his pettiness.
“Luna Nova never has to refer to me as Alpha Axton, she does so of her politeness” Axton suddenly pipes up earning a few surprised looks.
“Why is that Alpha Axton?” Asks Martin who looks amused by the situation.
“For one I would never expect someone I was previously mated to and was my equal then feel they were below me because of my actions. Nova showed me complete and utter respect when we were together so I would never ask her to call me her Alpha. Secondly..” and with this he flicks his eyes to me with a certain look in them, “why would I ask someone who is much more powerful than myself call me the Alpha. She may be Luna by title but we know she is more of an Alpha than anyone present here
Hearing a snort of laughter come from Jacob and his Beta I look at them with an
unreadable expression.
“Is something amusing you gentlemen?” I ask quietly.
“Oh s**t” I hear Luca mutter.
+25 Points
“May I remind you I am here to answer Elder Martins questions however I have answered many more politefully. Do not disrespect me” I say glaring at the two men.
“Why is it amusing?” Elder Martin asks turning to look at the men, “it’s true.”
Snorting Jacob’s and Beta look between themselves, “we sincerely doubt that. She is a weak, small woman who is only good for bedding men.”
Hearing that Kia moves to the front and snarls loudly at their comments, releasing a little of my aura I stand up and slam my hands on the table in front of me. “Come here “I command as everyone in the room submits in shock. Seeing they can’t fight my order they stumble to in front of me whilst I begin to scent fear from them both.
c*****g my head slightly i smirk and take a deep inhale, “ahh I can scent your fear. Are
you telling me that this small, weak woman is causing that?”
They don’t answer as I glare at them before his Beta stutters out “”
“Because as I pointed out to you, and you stu pidly didn’t believe..I am a strong wolf. You disrespected me multiple times and Kia didn’t take too kindly to it. Now because you thought that me kneeing you in the balls was humiliating before, when you were
the one that was disrespectful and out of line, I am going to show you how lenient I
was with your disrespect.”
“Magnificent” I hear Jax say in awe as I step out from behind the booth. I release my aura further and my voice joins with Kia as I look at them with a grin.
“KNEEL” with that command they both drop to their knees with their necks.
“Tut tut…an Alpha submitting. Whatever next” I laugh before I go and stand directly in
front of them.
“You messed with the wrong she-wolf” I snarl as Elder Martin stands by with a wide
smile. “Now you know, I was lenient before..but if you ever disrespect me again I’ll
have you dancing n*ked in front of a crowd..or worse. It’s your choice.” With that I
reign my aura in and they slump to the floor whilst I motion for the guards to drag
them away.
“Does anyone doubt me now?” I ask raising my head and glaring around the room.Exposed
Jax POV:
Watching Nova command the attention of everyone in the room has my b*dy filling
with pride at her show of strength.
“She’s making everyone aware of her” I hear Luca mutter from beside me with worry.
“Why should she hide?” I ask quietly.
“She will become a target” he says.
“She told Elder Martin and myself she was done being disrespected and allowing
people to walk over her. She’s not hiding anymore” I reply softly as he looks at me
with wide eyes.
“Is she telling everyone?” He asks panicked.
“No..I don’t think so. But I don’t know, it’s up to her now. She is unbelievably annoyed I
can feel it, but I imagine she didn’t release her aura fully for a reason” I shrug before
turning my attention back to Nova.
Seeing the men dragged back to their seats I smirk towards them as they drop their gazes to the floor ashamed.
“Nova, I think that was needed don’t you” Elder Martin says as he looks at the two
men pointedly.
“A few years over due” she mutters before taking a breath and looking at Elder Martin
as he resumes his questions.
“Returning to the events that took place can I ask why you wanted the clause included to involve training the Luna that would take your place?” He asks.
“Because I wanted the pack to continue to thrive in my leave. I didn’t work my as s off to put it bluntly for years alongside Axton for the pack to fall with the new Luna” she says. “I had personal reasons, for example as people are aware my brother Luca is the Beta, but I also wanted the people there to continue to live in happiness and security.”
“Did Rose accept the training?” Elder Martin asks.
“Well as I’m sure it can be confirmed, she didn’t. I believe she attended a couple of sessions maybe 3 but she told us directly to our face that she didn’t want to be preened to act as Axtons previous lover” she says with a wince. “I made the point that I hoped I was considered more than that to Axton and that she should take up my arrangements as it would only benefit her.”
After a few seconds silence she spoke up, “can I have permission to speak my mind about something?”
“Go ahead” Martin gestures.
“In the time I saw Rose she was always dressed in the newest designer clothes and preened to perfection. You couldn’t fault her appearance apart from maybe a slight lack of class. I know the financial situation of the pack when I left and I also know from her spending the effect it will have had..that is no way a Luna behaves and it’s one of the reasons I ensured the clause was included” she says calmly. “In my time as Luna i never got my hair done professionally, I never wasted money on other companies unless required when our pack members could do just as good a job, I never wore the most up to date fashion unless Axton got me a gift which he rarely did
as he knew I would scold him.”
With that Axton chuckles as he nods his head in agreement, “I put the pack before
myself continuously and I never once complained, why waste money when there was
everything we needed right there within the pack. From what I know and saw of Rose
I cannot say it was the same for her.”
“I am glad you brought that up..with the consent of Alpha Axton I am going to
disclose how much money Rose spent directly on herself and her friends. In less than
3 weeks Rose spent £1.6 million dollars on herself” Martin says as he holds a
financial document in the air.
“What?” I gasp turning to look at Luca who is gritting his teeth in anger.
“Now you know another reason for my displeasure towards her” he snarls quietly.
“That’s absolutely ludicrous of a Luna” Nova says in shock as everyb*dy within the
room begins to talk amongst themselves again.
“Luna Nova we are done for now. There may be questions later” Martin says as he
smiles at Nova.
“Thank you Elder Martin” she says graciously bowing her head in respect
As she makes her way towards us I smile at her proud “that’s my Luna” I whisper to her as she winks at me before taking her seat
“I was fed up with those S**ist excuse of men she mutters rolling her eves and pointing to Jacob and his Beta.
“Now if everyone can be quiet it is time we speak to Rose Brown Martin says as my eyes flicker to her where she sits looking apprehensive
“Come and sit before me” he says gesturing for the guards to move her to the booth.
“Now Rose, first I would like to ask you if what Alpha Axton and Luna Nova have said
is true?” Martin asks.
“It is not true” she says quietly
“You deny the accusations?” He checks.
“I deny them” she says simply.
“Ok. We have a truth serum here concocted by Elder Anthony who unfortunately
cannot attend due to a private matter” Martin says throwing Nova and myself a quick
The guards quickly administer the serum as Rose doesn’t fight. “She was quite
compliant” I hear Nova observe.
“She thinks she won’t have to tell the truth” I chuckle softly.
“As this is the first trial using the serum I will also be commanding you Rose” Elder
Martin says as she nods her head slowly her eyes opening slightly in surprise.
“To begin, I will once again ask you if the accusations made by both Alpha Axton and Luna Nova are true?” Martin commands with raised brows as his aura is released.
Submitting she immediately responds “they are true” to which the room is filled with shocked gasps as I notice Jacob look at her in panic.
“So you lied when you denied the charges?” Martin confirms.
“Yes I lied” Rose says as horror fills her features. Seeing her gaze flicker to Frost who has shifted forward in his chair I whisper to Nova “look at Frost.”
+25 Points
“He was expecting something different” she agrees before I see her eyes glaze over and then Martins gaze shift to Frost.
“Martin knows” Nova says simply.
“Why did you want to cause harm to Nova?” Martin asks Rose.
“At the request of my father, I met Axton once before at an Alpha ball and I have. always liked him. We found a way to break Axton and Novas matebond and we planned for Axton to be with myself and Nova to be with my father” she says with tears streaming down her face.
“How?” Martin commands coldly.
“We had the help of a witch, with the help of an Omega we managed to have Axton
digest a serum which would give the effects of a matebond with another who had the
serum, that being myself. I visited the pack under the pretence of finding my mate” she whispers.
With a snarl Axton surges to his feet angrily before Martin gestures for him to calm
“We are getting answers Alpha” Martin says quietly, “stay calm.”
Taking a breath he nods and sits back down, “apologies” he says through gritted
“Why was your father so focused on having Nova as a mate?” Martin asks.
“After her rejection he had a spy watching Nova during her time as Luna, he saw how
successful she was but he also saw her wolf” with that Nova gasps as she looks at
Luca with worry as Jacob begins to grin. “It was then that he said one way or another
he would have her.”
“How did you get hold of the serum?” Martin follows.
As Roses b*dy shakes with the force of his command her tears splash on the surface
of the table as she replies quickly, “we had a couple of people approach us saying
they knew a way to break the bond between Axton and Nova and would be willing to
do so for a price.”
“The price being?” Martin asks.
+25 Points
“They got to meet Nova” Rose says making me frown with confusion.
“Only meet you?” I ask surprised.
“I have a bad feeling” she growls.
“Who approached you?” Martin asks.
“A witch and another man” she gulps.
“This has gone off of topic” Frost hastily interjects.
“I believe this is very relevant Elder Frost” Martin replies coldly. “Sit down.”
“Rose don’t say anymore” Jacob growls as he sits panicking.
Nova suddenly surges to her feet as she is glaring at Frost across the room, she swiftly makes her way down whilst I hastily follow. “Don’t say a word Alpha Jacob” she commands making his mouth close.
“You know more than you’re letting on Frost” she growls as she comes to a halt in
front of him.
“I scent fear and deceit from you” she whispers as she c***s her head intimidatingly.
“f**k you” he spits only making her grin.
“Are you working with the hunters” she suddenly commands as the room falls silent around the release of her aura.
He tries to fight her command only for her aura to increase, “y..yes.”
“You f*****g traitor” Nova snarls before grasping his hair and slamming him to the ground in front of her. Placing her foot on his throat she looks to Martin, “they’re all in it together.”Mothers Killer
Nova POV:
“How have the hunters got themselves intertwined with wolves?” Kia growls to me in anger. “They’re known enemies, hunters literally kill wolves”
“Guards bring Alpha Jacob down here” I order without taking my gaze off of Frost as he looks up at me in fear. Hearing him be seized and dragged over I finally move my
eyes to him and see him shaking in terror.
“Was the other man accompanying the witch a hunter?” I command making his b*dy
shake further.
“I don’t know” he forces out, “he was definitely human but I had limited interaction with him. We took the offer and that was that, any conversations after that point were
with the witch.”
“If they were also wanting me then why did you agree to try and get me for yourself?” I
ask bewildered.
“I thought we could trick them, I’ve seen your wolf Nova and although I may not know what wolf you are exactly I do know that you’re blessed” he says making everyone
around us gasp.
1 want everyone out bar the council members, my mate, Alpha Axton and Luca, plus the ones restrained’ I growl loudly. No one speak a word of what has transpired so
far I command as I look around at those who begin to file out.
“You knew I was blessed but you thought I was a ‘small weak woman’ did you not?” I
I thought you may be a healer he whispers.
Tm not, but I will say healers are far from weak 1 point out.
I was wrong Luna Nova please forgive me he says as he looks up at me pitifully.
1 don’t forgive teators I say simply as Kie howls in agreement.
I look to Jax as he had come to stand beside me showing his support whilst glaring at Jacob on the floor “You endangered my mate” he snarls as his eyes flash with
Mothers Killer
those of Zeus causing the broken Alpha to whimper.
425 Pants
“Did you not for one moment think it was highly suspicious that a witch and a human
wanted to help you acquire me as a mate so badly?” I ask.
“My brother said it would be better this way” he mutters as he avoids looking at Frost.
“How long have you worked with the hunters Frost?” I command.
“20months” he admits.
“Jacob and Rose, when did they approach you?” I command.
“6months ago” Rose answers.
“Did you agree to work with them further?” I command again.
“No, breaking the matebond between Alpha Axton and yourself was our only point of discussion” Jacob replies.
Hearing that I laugh coldly, “you were used” I hiss. “Most likely your brother is the one
that planned it.”
Seeing the look that crosses Frosts face at my words I know I’ve hit the nail on the
head with my assumption. “You are a member of the council, one who people are
meant to respect and be able to communicate with to solve problems and celebrate success. How could you do this?” I ask him.
“I was sick of helping the weak. I was promised power, success and followers” he growls. “I finally had people who saw my worth.”
“Your worth?” I ask with a dark chuckle. “You, Frost, are nothing but a weak excuse of
a man who has no morals.”
“You b***h” he snarls.
“Get up” I say calmly letting go of him and stepping back. “I’m going to show you exactly what you’re worth. Fight me” I say with narrowed eyes as he stands to his full height.
Seeing his eyes widen momentarily at my words he makes no movement, “come on Frost. Fight me, it’s not a trick. I’ll even promise to not shift even though Kia is itching
for blood.”
Matters Kille
With an engaged roer he leaps at my head shifting midair into a dark grey wolf. Sidestepping with a slight duck at the last moment I avoid his long claws as he lets
out a loud growl in frustration.
You can do better than that I taunt him as he lunges once again at me. Opening his jaws wide he moves close and tries to snap at my side however I lend a solid blow to his fank which sends him skidding across the floor. ‘I can’t be bothered for this to lest I’m afraid I shrug as I stalk towards him as if he was my prey. Despite being winded he jumps to his paws and lunges again, this time aiming for my legs attempting to get me on the floor however with a strong kick to the snout I send him fiying back to the wall where he falls with a slump.
“You betrayed the council, the werewolf population and me’ I snarl in anger. ‘You deserve a long drawn out painful death and I’m going to ensure that happens. Now
SHIFT” I commend as his bones cra ck leaving his n*ked bruised b*dy curled in a fetal
position on the floor
Grasping his ear I lift him so he’s forced to look at me, “you f****d up’ I smirk before
punching him herd in his side as I hear a satisfying cr ack of his ribs.
‘Guards, take him to the cells. Put him in silver so he can’t heal or communicate with
his wolf I order as they immediately rush to do as I’ve ordered.
‘Love…” I hear Jax say quietly beside me. Spinning to look at him I see the care he has
for me in his eyes as he reaches to embrace me.
“You need to calm down” he links me, ‘I know you’re angry and I am also. But I don’t
think you can expose yourself just yet.”
“Such a shame’ I hear Frost wheeze as he’s dragged past. Looking at me through swollen eyes he smiles maniacally, I was expecting more from the lady brought up by two warriors. They warned me about you, but honestly…I expected more for what you
With those words the room goes silent. ‘Excuse me?” I ask quietly as a small flame of fear begins to flicker deep in my belly.
‘When did you meet my parents?” I hear Luca ask in confusion.
“When I tore your mother’s heart from her b*dy’ he cackles.
Mothers Killer
“f**k I hear Jax whisper as my b*dy freezes momentarily.
“You killed our mother?” Luca asks as he advances towards him.
“That ex mate of mine was a nuisance, one I was only too happy to get rid of at the hunters orders, who do you think led them away for the hunters to attack. If that’s what brought me power then it was necessary” he growls, “rubbing how happy she was everytime I had to visit to do the required council checks and how fulfilling life as
a mother was. Pathetic.”
“You’re my mother’s first mate? The one that rejected her?” Luca asks in disbelief.
“She didn’t deserve me as a mate” Frost spat out as Kia growls loudly.
“You ba stard” Luca roars as he lands blow after blow upon Frosts b*dy in his anger
“Nova?” I hear Jax ask nervously from beside me after I don’t move.
“Im sorry for what you’re about to see” I whisper without looking at him. With a loud roar I pounce on Frost and slam his head to the ground causing blood to pool below
“You took my mother’s heart, so I’ll take yours” I snarl before plunging my hand into his chest and grasping his heart in my hand. Seeing his eyes loose focus he howls in pain before I rip it harshly from his b*dy as he falls silent and goes limp in death.
Standing above his b*dy grasping his crushed heart in one hand I feel Luca come and embrace me from behind as my b*dy shakes with silent so bs. I’m here Nova’ he whispers soothingly in my ear as I cry.
“Why?” I whisper, “WHYYYY” I scream in pain as my aura is released fully causing everyone bar Jax and Luca to drop to their knees as they watch silently in horror. Hearing Kia howl mournfully in my head I see Jax approach from the corner of my eye
and take the crushed heart from me.
“Let it out love” he says softly as my aura continues to pulse around the room
“He killed our mother, helped kill our father..he’s a traitor” I so b as he pulls me close to
his chest.
“And he deserved everything he got love” Jax says in my ear. Feeling broken I
continue to fare down at the b*dy of my mother’s killer as disbelief courses through
my b*dy.
“You’ve exposed yourself now Nova” Johnathon says as he struggles to his feet fighting my aura, you don’t need to hide. What he did was wrong and he deserved everything he got. Calm down sweetheart, embrace your mate” he soothes in a deep calming voice.
“You don’t need to hide” Jax whispers in my ear.
Stepping back I look around until I meet Elder Martins eyes, although filled with
sadness I see the pride shining strong.
“I am done hiding and other people attempting to control me, from now on I vow to protect the people I love and I will do anything in my power to do that. People need to know a Guardian Wolf lives..and these hunters need to f*****g die* I growl my voice
mixed with that of Kia’s as people submit around me.
This is me…..and I’ve emerged” I snarl before shifting into Kia’s huge form and bounding from the room with a powerful howl, as Zeus and Reed follow to share in
my grief and hurt.
Check More (AD) (0/3) >
ដcontinue to flare down at the b*dy of my mother’s killer as disbelief courses through my b*dy.
“You’ve exposed yourself now Nova” Johnathon says as he struggles to his feet fighting my aura, “you don’t need to hide. What he did was wrong and he deserved everything he got. Calm down sweetheart, embrace your mate” he soothes in a deep calming voice.
“You don’t need to hide” Jax whispers in my ear.
Stepping back I look around until I meet Elder Martins eyes, although filled with
sadness I see the pride shining strong.
“I am done hiding and other people attempting to control me, from now on I vow to protect the people I love and I will do anything in my power to do that. People need to know a Guardian Wolf lives..and these hunters need to f*****g die” I growl my voice
mixed with that of Kia’s as people submit around me.
“This is me…and I’ve emerged” I snarl before shifting into Kia’s huge form and bounding from the room with a powerful howl, as Zeus and Reed follow to share in my grief and hurt.What Now
What Now
Nova POV:
After running for an hour Kia skids to a halt outside the council building and quickly shifts so I can dress in the clothes that have been placed out for us,
“Have I messed up?” I ask turning to Luca and Jax.
“No” Jax says immediately, “it’s time you showed everyone exactly what you are capable of. You have been hurt, betrayed and suffered through a lot which others.
have so far been oblivious to. It’s time Nova.”
Turning to look at Luca I see the inner turmoil in his eyes as he offers me a small
smile, “you should never have had to hide who you truly are in the first place, there are
others out there as you well know that will want you for power. That’s why I’ve always
baan apprehensive about your emergence, but Jax is right. It’s time.”
With a deep sigh I slump down on the step as I gaze out across the fields in front of
us, “Thave no idea what I’m doing” I admit,
“Does anyone?” Jax asks. “Everyday people have to adapt and change their paths,
their plans and their hopes. It’s part of life. When I became Alpha, although I had been trained by my father my entire life, I still sat there in that office chair and had
absolutely no clue what to do at times. But you have to trust in yourself, in those
around you that are there to help and in our pack and most of all, Kia..she is so wise
Nodding I stay quiet for a moment. “I can’t believe he ripped our mother’s heart from
her b*dy” I quietly s ob as Luca wraps his arm around my shoulders, tears silently
rolling down his face.
“It explains why we could only see their faces before the burning” Luca mutters
grimacing at the memory.
“You didn’t know? Who dealt with their bodies?” Jax asks surprised.
“Elder Frost as he was on a council visit at the time, a border patrol alerted us however Axton and I at the time were in an important meeting and had our walls up. Luca got there before we did” I whisper as the memories come flooding by.
What Now
“So was Frost with the border patrol?” Jax asks.
“He was running solo on his way to the neighbouring pack, Elder Bernard had gone on ahead, it was thought to be a safe route” I explain.
“Elder Bernard has come to our pack before” Jax mutters.
“He heard the attack and the nearby border patrol joined him, by the time we got there there were only a few hunters left fleeing, Kia was furious and killed them. All but Caroline” I admit. “But Frost had covered our parents bodies at that point as he said he didn’t want to upset us further and as an Elder of the Council we naively
trusted him.”
“Sol assume no one saw him kill your mother. Did their bodies not get looked at
before the burning?” Jax asks in confusion.
“I assume so. Two border patrol members were also killed though so maybe they did
see something and that’s why they were killed, or they died fighting. We won’t know
now. The bodies were examined by Frost and a council Doctor who arrived 2 hours
after the attack, due to it involving hunters they took the lead and Axton, Nova and
myself concentrated on ways to better protect the pack. Working kept us distracted and had us not focusing on the loss we were feeling. We thought that’s what our parents would want. I felt the family bond snap at the time of the attack and knew they were gone so I immediately got involved in the fight” Luca answers solemnly.
“So the doctor could be the third traitor” Jax says looking between us both. “How long does it take to get from the council building to your pack Luca?”
“Roughly 3.5 hours” he says as his eyes grow wide.
“The doctor got there quickly. We need to find out if that was a coincidence or if he knew he needed to be there relatively fast” Jax muses.
“**”Lexclaim throwing my hands up, “I didn’t even think of that.”
“You had no reason to suspect them both at the time Nova, don’t focus on that. Which doctor was it?” Jax asks.
“Dr Norton if I remember correctly: Nova you need to speak to Elder Martin” Luca says jogging his knee as he thinks.
“Either the doctor is a traitor or he was commanded not to say anything” Jax says as
What Now
he looks deep in thought.
“Nova” I hear being called behind me as I turn to see Johnathon rushing outside. “Are
you ok?”
“No” I whisper,
“My dear” he says quietly as he pulls me in for a firm hug. “The trial is paused for today, the verdict will be said in the morning as I think we have all the information we need, but I suggest we travel back to your pack immediately after that.”
“Ok” I say simply.
“What you did in brutal as it was, was the right thing to do. You have not only exposed another traitor but because of you commanding Alpha Jacob you have exposed a lot more information than we could have possibly hoped for” Johnathon says with pride.
“And exposing myself? I released my full aura in there Johnathon” I stress rubbing the
back of my neck absentmindedly.
“It was time Nova” he says quietly. “I think you know that, you have been hidden for too long. The evils in this world are only growing and the threats to yourself and your loved ones are increasing by the day. You have to show how formidable you are and do what the Moon Goddess destined you to do. You can’t do that hiding your true
“Nova you were absolutely magnificent in there love” Jax says as he comes to hold
waist and look in my eyes. “I am so proud of you and Kia, we all are.”
“I’m nervous” I admit.
“Good” Jax says, “it shows you’re normal.”
“So what now?” I ask looking at him for answers.
“Now, we go back in there. Speak to Elder Martin and head upstairs for the night, Johnathon could we also speak to you about Guardian Wolves a bit more to keep
ourselves busy” Jax suggests.
“Of course” he says with a reassuring smile. “I’ll bring dinner up to your room, how
about we all eat together.”
+25 Points
What Now
“Thank you, I’d like you to come see Elder Martin with us also” I say softly smiling.” Luca can you join us this evening?”
“Of course Nova” he says looking shocked I’ve even had to ask.
“I think Alpha Axton should also join us” Jax says quietly.
“You do?” I ask furrowing my brows.
With a sigh he nods, “yes. He knows of Kia, he knows of the attack on your parents and may, as the Alpha, have some more knowledge he can share. But also, as much as it pains me to admit it, he is your friend and your supporter and you had years where you experienced life together, and I won’t ever get in between that or be able to truly understand it as I simply wasn’t a part of it. As you couldn’t with my past. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future against the hunters, but I have a feeling we need allies. Plus, I know how much you love me..I can feel it.”
“Jax is right Nova” Luca pipes up after a moment of me looking at Jax in shock.
“You’re amazing you know that” I tell Jax who simply smirks at me. “Ok, well Luca you speak to Axton and we can meet for dinner at 6:30pm. How is that?” I suggest
“It’s a plan” he says before hugging me tightly, “see you this evening Jax, Elder Johnathon.” With a bow of his head he turns and slowly makes his way inside
“I feel bad for him” I admit quietly.
“I know” Jax replied as he holds me close to his side, “but you also lost your parents.”
“But I also have my parents still alive” I point out.
“And Luca is Sophie’s mate, after everything his biological parents did for you do you
really think Kingsley won’t do the same for Luca?” Jax asks raising his brow.
“That’s a very good point” I say with a little smile.
Softly k*ssing my lips he steps back and takes my hand, “come on. Let’s go find Elder
plorergleing a bum as she booke up in cuples “You
on pa bo tobom fault you for what you dud
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Her ses
That makes sense he murmurs as he looks to Nova sadly
Also Loca informed me the doctor arrived around 2 hours after the attack despite
beng based at the council building here which is a 3.5 hour journey. Was he visiting another pack at the time and it was simply a coincidence or was it because he knew
he headed to get there fast? I question.
The had someone send for him Martin responds. They are all questions we need
answeing I will handle this one and I’ve asked someone to gather Alpha Axton and Bes Lucs to be witnesses. You need to take some time to yourself Nova.
Thank you Treply as she smiles in agreement.
Thow we didn’t get to speak to you today at the mal Alpha Jax, to be quite honest I
done think we need to Martin says thoughtfully, but I would personally like to know
about this spell involving you and Rose?”
I don’t know I shrug Kia says I won’t be affected by anything, it’s a form of
That’s impressive Martin says with awe as he leans forward on his desk, so you
were affected at allz
1mean I didn’t have a drink but no, I wasn’t he reply
May spa tration asks quietly from the comer before Martin gestures for
Kim to process
To not sure you’re aware Elder Martin But if a Guardian Wolfs mate dies then so do
the it’s her aggest weakness he says throwing me an apologetic glance.
Protesting Alpha Jay from any other form of influence is to protect them both.”
Oh my goddess Nova says as she turns to face me looking panicked, “What if they waited for me to tum 21 because then I would have a mate. They could be targeting
you to get to me
Offering her a small smile squeeze her hand reassuringly, to be honest Nova it is
sumeking a bean thinking of since you told me
Corset worry you? She asks quietly
Too I say coaty would do anything for you Nova and if they come after me they
+25 Points
Next Step
have another thing coming, I’m a force to be reckoned with also you know” I add on
with a playful wink.
“This could be why you gain some of my gifts in times of need” she points out.
“Exactly” I say with a smile. “But trust me Nova, I can protect myself. I’m an Alpha for
a reason.”
“He’s right Nova, the Midnight Sky pack is one of the most formidable packs as I’m
sure you’re aware. But the reason they’re not spoken about is because of order and
peace that Alpha Jax has been able to maintain throughout the last few years,
conflict doesn’t come to them for a reason” Martin says turning to address Nova. “He
has formed treaties with other packs that have been successful and relations are
very positive, the finances are very high and continue to grow. He is invested in many
businesses in both wolf territory’s and humans. Plus he has aided the Alpha King on
numerous occasions to help bring peace to the northern packs as they struggled
with vampires.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks looking at me with admiration.
“Because it’s what any Alpha should do” I say, “why brag about something that you
take on responsibility for when you become an Alpha.”
She stares at me lost for words for a moment before her face splits into a large grin,”
seriously…amazing” she winks as she repeats her earlier words.
“Elder Martin whilst I’m here I’d like to request travelling back with my niece when
they go home tomorrow” Johnathon says after a few moments of comfortable
“Granted” Martin says without hesitation.
“Thank you” Johnathon says bowing his head.
“Elder Martin I think it’s relevant we inform you of some important news” Nova starts as she glances at me. Knowing what she is about to reveal I nod in silent agreement
before she continues speaking, “my father..he’s alive.”
“He’s what?” He asks sharply.
“He’s alive..and he’s a Guardian Wolf” she says as his eyes grow wide in surprise.
$25 Parts
Next Step
“Hang on..your brother is alive?” he asks turning accusingly to Johnathon.
With a grimace Johnathon nods, “I swear I didn’t know where he was. I knew he was alive as I still had the family bond with him but I had to protect him. You know I mentioned the Moon Goddess visited me.”
“I know, relax I can tell you’re telling the truth” Martin says waving his hand, “I’m just surprised.”
“He had another daughter, my half sister Sophie who is 20. She is Lucas mate” Nova admits with a smile.
“3 Guardian Wolves?” He exclaims.
“No Sir, just 2” Johnathon interjects.
“How did you know?” I ask him, “we’ve never mentioned her wolf to you?”
“You only get one Guardian Wolf between siblings, and it’s not necessarily the first born as I can attest to” he explains. “It’s the one the Moon Goddess believes is more
deserving of that blessing.”
“More deserving?” I hear Nova ask.
“It just means some have a better natural ability to be leaders, to be fair, to be strong and many other attributes. I myself am a good warrior but even if I trained day in day
out I wouldn’t be strong enough for that of a Guardian Wolf” he shrugs.
“Sophie has never shifted, she believed she was wolfless” Nova continues, “but she
smells of a wolf so I didn’t know at first. But Kia has explained that her wolf has been
bound, we need to find a way to break that.”
“I can help with that” Johnathon says immediately, “I have done it before.”
“You can?” I ask in surprise.
He simply nods in agreement before Martin speaks, “this is a lot of information. But
Johnathon most definitely needs to travel back with you and help your sister.”
He suddenly pauses as his mouth falls open in shock, “your mother” he gasps.
“Is alive” Nova says quietly.
“Oh that poor woman” he whispers. “Ok I have an idea…I’m going to contact the
+25 Points
Next Step
Alpha King.”
“He will help” I say without hesitation.
“He will?” Nova asks surprised.
With a smug grin I chuckle, “I’m good friends with Alex. I saved his life once, and that
of his mates..long story but ever since we have kept in touch. After I’ve helped him
and his pack, he owes me. But he would help anyway, if he believes the cause is right
he will always get involved.”
“Wow” Nova whispers.
“I’ll mention you” Martin says as he smiles at me. “Let’s keep up to date and… be safe.
You mean a lot to me Nova, I hate seeing you hurt” he admits.
“I know” she says as she stands and walks round to k*ss both his cheeks, “thank you.”
“Right..we will see each other for the verdict, but I will speak to you before you leave” he says as he tries to hide the emotion he is feeling.
“Thank you Elder” i say extending my hand for him to shake.

Jax POV:
“It feels like we’ve lived a lifetime in the last few days alone” I chuckle as I walk out from having a rinse. Nova is laid on the bed in only a tank top and some panties with
closed tracing circles on her arms methodically as she appears lost in
her eyes
“Tell me about it” she sighs.
“We need to distract her for a bit, her mind will be exhausted” Zeus mutters to me as I
hum in agreement.
“Laurence has called by the way, everything is good. No sign of suspicious activity, although I think Evan and my dad has a little bit of a do this morning” I grimace.
“Oh really?” She says opening her eyes and quirking a brow. “About?”
“Training, Evan has ran a few sessions for Theo as he had been organising border patrols and running extra training sessions. Even offered to cover today so Theo could help Florence and Andrew get settled back in their suite. Pa saw the way he was running things and didn’t approve” I shrug.
“In front of people?” Nova asks.
“Yes..which I’m not happy about. I don’t think Evan took too kindly to being referred to as a pup” I sigh before lying down on the bed.
“Hmm” Nova says.
“Say it” I say with a chuckle.
“I don’t agree with disputes like that in front of the pack if it can be helped” she says quietly, “I mean it will make Evan potentially doubt his training methods or he will become defensive because he feels like he is being insulted. Also to have you father verbally disagree with him in front of pack members shows his doubt in his own son who is there to help. It only takes planting a seed you know.”
“I said that to Laurence” I agree.
“So what happened?” Nova asks.
-50 Points
“Evan finished the drills he had started then had Axel come and ask him to help with a patrol so my father could also lead some training and avoid it escalating” I explain.
“Smart of Evan I suppose” Nova agrees.
“Hmm” I sigh, “I believe he said it was too early for conflict with pa but he didn’t like having to keep his lips shut and find a peaceful solution. His alpha wolf was offended.
“We need to be wary of that Jax” Nova says after a moment, “it’s all well and good Evan avoiding conflict with your father and finding a peaceful solution for now, but it was slightly submissive so he’s not going to be happy about having to do that. If it
continues it won’t end well.”
“Goodness don’t I know” I sigh. “Mila is back this week, I’m going to have a family
“Can’t wait” Nova smirks.
Rolling over I end up between Novas bare legs looking up at her amused face. “Hmm I like this view” I grin at her with a wink.
“I bet you do” she replies rolling her eyes. Pushing myself up so I’m hovering over her I glance down at her full breasts pushing against her tank top.
“I always like the view” I whisper before leaning down and claiming her lips hungrily. Sweeping my tongue in she moans into my mouth as our lips move together
passionately. Pulling away Nova looks up at me through lust filled eyes.
“Someone’s eager” she teases as she reaches a hand down to palm by shaft through
my joggers.
“Seeing you in all your glory today has had me ready for you constantly” I admit with
another smirk. “It was truly magnificent.”
Reaching my own hand down I push her panties to one side and run my fingers
through her folds. “So wet for me” I moan as my c**k twitches eagerly. Rubbing her
nub lightly with my thumb she bucks her hip as she glares up at me.
“Don’t tease me Jax, I need you to f**k me” she says as I smile widely at her.
“And you said I was eager” I tease before plunging two fingers deep into her core and
pumping them quickly making her moan as her eyes flutter closed.
“Eyes on me” I command making her eyes snap open to meet mine. “I love seeing the effect I have on you. How do you want me to f**k you love?”
“H..hard..ahhh that feels good” she moans as 1 curl my fingers slightly grazing her pleasure spot.
“What was that?” I whisper as I reach down and free my shaft from my joggers.
“Hard” she orders looking at me. I lower my mouth and latch onto one of her n*****G sucking and leaving my mark as I grind my shaft into her thigh hinting at my readiness.
“Ah y..yesss” she moans as I rub her c lit harder and bite gently on her n****e. “I’m
going to c’m Jax” she warns as I see her eyes begin to glaze over in pleasure.
“c*m for me” I demand as I reach down and lightly suck her mark, with that her b*dy
shudders under mine as her walls tighten around my fingers and her eyes roll back in
“Ahhh Jaxxxx” she moans loudly as I slowly move my fingers inside her. Lifting them
from her she groans at the loss of contact and watches me with hooded eyes as I lift my fingers to my mouth and suck them, “so sweet” I growl before lifting myself and flipping her so she’s as s up on the bed making her squeal in surprise,
“On all fours” I command as I lift her as s up and pull her to the edge of the bed.
Standing up I pump my c**k a couple of times as I take in the view of her glistening core coated in her juices as she has her t**s squished into the bed, her as s up tempting me with the curve in her back
“So se xy” I growl as I run my fingers through her folds before running them along my shaft coating it in her arousal. With a whimper she shimmy’s her as s making my eyes flash, grasping her hips tightly in my hand I plunge deep inside her tight walls as sh e
gasps at my entrance.
“f**k you’re tight” I grunt as I pull back slowly before slamming back into her. Hearing her moan lightly in response I begin to pound into her at a relentless pace knowing
It’s what she needs.
“She needs to know we are the one in control in the bedroom” Zeus growls to me as
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“Have a nap before dinner love, we have an hour” I say k*ssing the top of her head as I
rub circles on her lower back.
“Ok” she murmurs already half asleep making me chuckle.

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