The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 87

Chapter 87
Selene’s POV
It was the end. The relief that washed through me at that moment was huge, and I couldn’t hold back the smile spreading across my face as I saw the demon king kneeling there helplessly.
It was such a risk to trust Diana, and it really took me a lot of courage to do that because I was still so skeptical about her betraying the demon king.
What if it was all their plan to meet again and give me a s u c k e r punch? Although Diana looked so remorseful, I still found it hard to believe her.
It was Lucian who convinced me to give it a try, and seeing that it all worked out now couldn’t just stop making me happy. I was happy that the peace I
craved and desired before the day of my labor was now at my doorstep.
Diana told me about what she thought would be Killian’s plan since he must think she is dead. I had helped Diana secure her core. She had been unconscious after I pulled it out of her chest, but instead of crushing it for her to die, I preserved it.
In that way, the demon king would think I killed her.
All our plans had just worked out well, and now the demons are all held captive, with Killian here having no strength.
“It is over. You tried hard, but darkness can’t overcome light. Surrender all your”
“Never!” He cut me off. “You think you won? You’re a big joker. You needed her help to hold me down! That makes you a s s s y! If you’re strong enough, free me and let’s fight!”
His voice was full of venom, those eyes glowing with sheer hatred and anger as they stared straight at me.
“You still want to fight me? I hope you know it will end with your death. I will fight you to death!”
My words made him laugh—a laughter of mockery as he sneered at me from head to toe.
“No one should come to your aid. Not your husband or Diana. We should fight just us and see how I not only destroy you but also the fool you are carrying in your stomach.”
As he called my unborn child a fool, rage swelled inside me. Lucian couldn’t hold back as he rushed to hit him, but I was quick to hold him back.
“Don’t help me, so he won’t have an excuse.” I mumbled to him, feeling the anger rush through my veins aggressively. I would not only kill him but also make his death the most gruesome one.
“Now, take back the spell obstructing his power. Then everyone leaves this room for both of us!” I ordered, ready to give him the worst moment of his life. He doesn’t look scared at all. His eyes were on me sternly, embodying that same hatred, especially when he looked down at my protruding stomach.
Diana was reluctant a bit but later obeyed me. If only she had known that her instinct was right. She was finding it hard to trust Killian to release him from that spell and allow him access to his full powers, but I guess she trusted me to handle it.
What we never knew was that Killian had decided in his heart to die but must be with Diana, who made him lose the fight.
He was able to trick me because not once did he look in the direction of Diana. He was facing me like I was the one he had the whole hatred and rage for. None of us knew his heart was burning for Diana, and he vowed to do anything to see her die.
Just as soon as Diana was done pulling back her spell, it happened like a flash. It was difficult for me to comprehend it all quickly because that’s what I was never expecting. My thought was that he was charging at me, but he deserved direction so swiftly, and the next minute he had vanished into the door beside us, not only with Diana’s on his shoulders.
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prete the wall and the door came into sight (kiked it open, and there was him with a huge grin, carrying Diana’s head in his hand,
with an much satisfaction.
He taughed, holding up Diana’s head with her hair in the air. “I would love to die and meet her in the next world. We are stuck
sot i prowled, and he laughed again.
w closer to him, he winked.
would rather kill myself than get killed by you, loser!” He said that and crushed what was in his other hand. In an instant, he fell dead, turning into a fog and evaporating into the air. The same occurred for Diana.
“They are all dead.” Lucian spoke from behind, holding my hand.
“Diana’s greed made her waste her life.” I shrugged as we both turned away.
“Yeah, we wanted to give her a second chance, but karma caught up with her so fast.” He said that, and I shrugged.
“Maybe it is the moon goddess helping us. Diana can turn against us in the future.” I breathed, and he nodded.
Abright smile appeared on his face as we got into the sitting room.
“We did it,” he shrieked to me, and I bit my lower lips to hold back the outburst of excitement.
“Yes, my love.” Tears of joy filled my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
Claps filled the room. We both looked around, and they were all complete. My father and the Lycan royal family with Torian, Fred, and Ria. The amazing thing was that they were with their lovers.
My father walked up to me and gave me a hug that I felt in my soul.
“The father you knew before Diana ruined it all is back. I am proud of you.” He spoke with so much love and compassion that it sank into my heart. I felt
the warmth.
Torian and his new lover also walked up to me. He still had the bandages on but didn’t mind as he hugged me tight.
“You are an angel! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, don’t suffocate me.” I chuckled, and he broke the hug.
“Everything happens for a reason. I am sorry for my s t u i d i t y.”
We all stepped out of the castle and saw the crowd gathered. Both those from my pack and this kingdom. They had all come out for me.
“We want you as our Luna!!” They began to chant.
Chapter 87
*Rule both of us!”
I couldn’t hold back my wide smile. The world! desired is back.
No demons, no enemy planning to destroy us, and my birthright is back in full, even double.
I will not only rule the Lycan but also my pack.
From the rejected daughter, I was now going to become the queen of two kingdoms, and the man I love will be beside me on the throne.
The End.

The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 81-86

Chapter 81
Diana’s POV.
“Kill a thousand werewolves and burn down their home!!!” I ordered the group of demons who leapt in glee to speed out immediately.
I glanced at the shocking looks of the Alpha, Beta and his mate, they were all tied to a chair tightly and had wounds all over their body, marks of claws and bites of the fangs, none had eaten anything yet u won’t stop torturing them…
I don’t care if they die, I would even love to see them die.
The Alpha could only m u f f l e as he heard my order which came just a few minutes after I had ordered all the people living in the Royal Packhouse to be killed and cooked in a big pot…
It was my source of joy, seeing all the werewolves die in thousands, it won’t take long before the Silver Moon Pack becomes a history.
“Blame it on Selene,” I croaked and laughed loudly….
“Hey, arrange more of the demons, tell them to burn down half of this pack with all the wolf there, half of it, for now, wipe them all off!” I ordered and the Alpha convulsed in terror pleading with his eyes as he couldn’t talk,
Just then, loud noise was heard outside, the scream and cries of many wolves as they drew close to the Royal
I smirked waiting for them to get in.
“Allow them in, I want them to see who their Alpha is since I have made an official coronation” I grinned and the demon guard bowed.
A few minutes later, the hall was filled with werewolves and I gestured at the demon guard who locked the door
They were all shocked to the core and couldn’t make a sound as they stared at me on the throne, then to their
almighty Alpha and Beta tied to a chair with bruises all over their body….
“Diana what are you doing, what is going on?…why is all the building silent and the Demons opening the door
and the Alpha is tied to the chair while you are sitting on his throne!!” They all chorused while I giggle,
“The demon has been killing us and everyone we sent to report to the Alpha won’t come back alive, today, many
Chapter 81
of us decide to come ourselves and find out why all this terror is befalling us, we were shocked to see demons all over here, demons is now the warriors and guards!!!… Diana, tell us what is happening and who did this to the Alpha!!” One of them who I guess was their leader asked and the others joined in shouting gibberish.
“Have you all seen it then??… I’m the new Alpha and he is my Luna” I smirked gesturing at Torian.
“Are you a demon?” One of them threw the question.
“Oh yes, and today I officially introduce myself to you all, My name is Diana, The head of demons, very powerful and undefeatable, I’m here for revenge and the revenge is to wipe you all, so be ready to die!” I spoke out and their eyes widened in great shock
“You can’t kill us all you shameless demon, you tricked us all but today we will all fight you to death!!!” The leader shouted making me laugh,
“Wow, That’s a brave move, c’mon…” I grinned and they all charged at me.
But couldn’t get anyway closer with their wolf form before the demon king and the other twenty Demons present fought back, they were many and hard for my demons to subdue, I watched with a smile as the demon king got wounds even when he was killing many, the other Demons couldn’t survive as they died from their claws…
I never begged them to fight for me but since they want to, I’ll allow them to do their best even though i know they won’t be victorious.
The werewolves alive howled and came for me, less do they know what awaits them, they couldn’t get near the throne or even touch it before meeting their terror. With the ring in my left middle finger, I controlled their mind and made them fight each other while I sat still enjoying the show.
Darren’s POV
I watched in horror and deep sadness as their blood spilled all over the floor making everywhere look so b l o o d y and terrific, they were all fighting each other with all their strength and powers, their sharp claws were shredding their skin
I wished I had the power to stop them but there was just nothing I could do, I can’t even talk, I could only watch and see my beloved pack member die in the hand of each other, I knew it was Elf who controlled their mind with her black magic, it made the pain in my heart soar…
She burst into a loud laugh as two b l o d y wolves chop off each other’s skin with their last breath, I could hear the deep grunt of my Beta and his mate, the scene was tearing me apart, I could only wish I was blind not to see
Chapter 81
“Ain’t you enjoying this interesting movie?” Elf asked me with a smirk and I shut my eyes taking a deep breath, the scream and shrill of death was all I could hear, it was all happening real, my pack members are dying in large numbers and it won’t take much before I lose them all….
How did I turn into this?
A man who was once the greatest Alpha protecting his pack member so well that none loses his life easily never had I thought of this moment when they would die and I won’t be able to save them.
More Tears rolled down and Elf laughed at me, she scorned at my tears leaving me shattered the more, I just pray the ground would open and swallow me in, I can’t bear the screams anymore.
The fight went on among them getting more fierce, they used all the might and rage to kill each other,
My gaze darted at Elf and I could see nothing but the face of a cruel bloodthirsty demon, it made me recall when Elena had told me who she is, she said it yet I gave it no single thought instead, it made me hate her the more that I gave her more tortures than before,
I was just so blinded by this demon!
After some hours, right in front of me, every single of them died remaining just one who looked thore like a dead) man, I was all over his body gushing out from every single part of his body,
He was s t a g g e r i n g grunting I’m thirsty for blood,
“Hurray!…here c omes the winner!” She squealed clapping her hand with a wide grin stepping out of the throne,
She moved closer to him with a smirk while he stood grunting with spittle all over his mouth,
“You are really brave so I won’t kill you, I’ll make you one of my demons” she stated and grip his neck tightly peering into his eyes, just then, thick black smoke emanated from her eyes into him,
Instantly, he was turned into a blo o dy demon craving for flesh,
“Go and kill one thousand souls, a thousand werewolves, kill them and eat to your fill!” She commanded him and with the speed of lightning, he sped out.
Diana laughed and turned to me,
“It was a good reward right?…for being the winner of the battle” she smiled making me growl as there was nothing I could do, I want nothing other than death,
Chapter 81
My heart bleeds as I saw the piles of dead bodies all around the floor, the pain was so much on me as the Alpha, I lost my responsibility of protecting every member of my pack, I’m a useless s i s s y!
I sagged my head down in sadness, she was mean, she meant it, I can’t believe this was how I’m going to end, not only would I die, there would be nothing like the silver moon pack again, it would be history since everyone would be killed,
That means we would be extinct.
My eyes were just roaming, I was drained not for the torture but the fact that it was the same woman I mated. with, my Luna, the same lady who tied me up here and was going to end everything about me, as much as ! wished it was a dream, it kept happening in reality.
The guard left and she turned to me.
“What do you mean?” The Beta asked abruptly, gritting his teeth in pain from the tortures.
“I mean you all would have to die leaving only the Alpha to watch his pack wiped away!” She shrugged and before he could say any other word, she muttered some words and a black snake crawled out of her body.
More tears fell off my cheeks, she isn’t just a mere demon but one with very strong powers filled with darkness.
The snake crawled forward to where my Beta and his wife were tied together to a chair, seeing it made them strive to free themselves or at least dodge it, but then, the snake which was being controlled by Diana was so fast.
It went straight into the Beta’s body making him scream, his mate also screamed in horror, they were,both horrified and pleaded with tears yet she wasn’t even listening instead she laughed, this Diana isn’t the woman had lived with for years, the woman here is a pure devil with no mercy in her heart.
I shifted my gaze to my loyal Beta only to see him convulsing as the snake were his internal o r g a n s, a flood of
blood rushed out his mouth like a stream.
It killed him and went straight into his mate before she could think of fighting back, right in my eyes, they were both eaten to death by the strange snake, it was like a dream yet it was true and It is happening!
They are dead for real!
you, be ready for the main scent tomorrow, your people would love to see their Alpha join in killing them too, it won’t be just me….” She paused and crouched at me…
“I’ll make you a bloodthirsty monster tomorrow, I’ll control your mind and body then together, we will kill all those useless werewolves, that would be after you have watched enough of how I will brutally shred their body.
Chapter 81
and dig out their heart.” She smirked.
I just don’t know why death finds it hard to take me away. I crave death so much and wished she would kill me too, I was better dead than alive, how can an Alpha be alive and his pack is being wiped out. The pain is unbearable!

Chapter 82
Diana’s POV
Just as I got into my room to lie on my bed and have a little rest, a knock sounded on the door. It was late in the night, yet I wasn’t going to sleep. There was no reason to sleep when I was yet to accomplish my long-time heart desire, which was to wipe everything Lillian cherished. The knock sounded, and I quickly headed to the door to find out who it was.
I opened it and saw one of the guards there. He was the one I assigned to look after the dungeon where the alpha and his son were.
can I help you?” I smirked at him and he laughed. I could see he was kind of happy, making me wonder and anticipating hearing whatever he had to say.
“Some people must be born fools and can’t help risking their lives every single moment. You can believe what the weakling Dorian said to me.” He chuckled, and I laughed again, knowing it must sound s t u p i d.
Before now, I thought Dorian was a bit sensible. He was able to run away and escape my wrath after getting missing on the day of that war. I thought he was clever, but not until he returned to save his people with the little power he got.
How did he think of having a chance to leave alive?
“Tell me what he says; my ears are itching.” I smirked, and he laughed briefly.
I couldn’t believe that little boy requested to have a public fight with you. I mean, having a wrestle to find a winner. “He said and I burst into hysterical laughter. It was like my lungs would fall out as I laughed so hard?
Not only was my s t u p i son a fool, but he was also daring me. I guess he just can’t help but die so quickly and in a shameful way.
If he wins, you will leave his pack and never harm a single soul again, but if you win, you will go ahead and kill everyone, including him, without anyone fighting back. The demon added, and my eyes brightened in surprise.. at the gut, like what was that supposed to mean?
“What gave him hope? Or is he trying to be heroic, thinking he has a chance of staying alive for more than five seconds in the wrestle? I’ll eat him up all at once with no stress; “I scoffed, and he laughed a bit.
“I was also surprised when I heard such words from him. Are you accepting such an insulting fight?” he asked, and I sneered at him.
Chapter 82
I smirked and he nodded in satisfaction. “Insulting?” he asked. “No, it isn’t insulting to me but to the whole pack. It is the time to show the world how powerful I am. I’ll invite many Alphas from different packs. They need to watch me as I wipe away the great silver moon pack.” I smirked and he nodded in satisfaction.
“Dorian is unaware of how powerful I am. I guess he still sees me as his mother and mate to his st u p i d father. I haven’t shown him how great and powerful I am, so he thought he would win a fight with me.” Wow, it’s going to be interesting how I tear every part of his body into pieces. I’m surely going to make his death remarkable. “My eyes were pure red as I said those words.
I can’t wait for tomorrow; it’s surely going to be my best day on earth. The day I’ll accomplish my long-time heart desire, the same desire that made me join the demon clan and also live as the Luna of my enemy’s mate, f u c k!
I should go back and tell that hopeless soul that you accepted the fight. I can’t wait to see how you will tear his soul apart.” He grinned, making me feel great.
“It would be an interesting sight,” I laughed, plopping down on my bed.
Tomorrow is shaping up to be an exciting day, with a slew of events taking place.
My eyes opened and I gasped in joy, seeing the bright light of the morning shine into my eyes. Finally, it was the day.
After so many years, the day has finally arrived for Elena, whom I was unsure how to end her life, to be killed by the dragon man who visited last night, as well as Jason…
With m
my powers, I can make them weak, and he would be the one to finally destroy them. That would mark the. end. I can’t wait to laugh out my victory, watching the whole pack burn down my fire….
Just as I stood and stretched my body, a knock was heard on the door. I expected it..:
“Come in,” I giggled, and three of my demons walked in.
“The message had been sent to all the neighbouring packs who wished to witness the downfall of the silver moon pack. Many who were their enemies were glad and promised to come. They are already on their way,” one of them with white hair reported, and I nodded.
Another person with dark hair and eyes reported a smug expression that made me laugh.
“A stage for me and that weakling would be really funny. I hope everyone present would be able to see how we fight.” I giggled.
Chapter 82
“Everything has been set….” The last was added, and I nodded as they bowed and exited.
Dorian’s POV,
I could already feel the presence of the dragon woman,around the packhouse with the necklace she gave me. She must be around in disguise, but then I don’t know when she would be done or how successful she must have been now.
It was morning already and I was awake awaiting my fate. I knew that Diana was as powerful as anything you can think of, but fighting with her was the only way to shift her mind away from Elena. The fight would get the attention of everyone, giving the dragon woman a chance to succeed in releasing Elena.
Sophia would also help make things go faster. I hope I will still be alive before she is released.
“Dorian, are you sure you want to do this?… Elf is too cruel and might not let you live more than three seconds. Darren sighed, and I took a deep breath.
I took a deep breath, hoping that everything would go as planned.
Just then, the door cracked open and my heart s k i p p e d a beat. I knew I was going to pass through pain in the hand of the woman I had called my mother, and it broke my heart.
Three Demon guards stepped forward, grins on their faces.
Why do you want to die first and in a shameful way? Whether you fight with the Diana or not, it won’t stop her from wiping this whole clan. You have no hope. Instead, you will be a disgrace to….”
Stop talking and take me to fight her. Who knows, I may defeat her and save my people from her. She would also be in shame when I win and she has to leave here in shame.” I smirked and they all burst into laughter, then glanced at my father.
Had you asked him about his G a m m a and Beta? Has he told you how the elf turned them into bones and ashes in a few seconds? You are stronger than they are, yet she killed them very easily. I wonder what she has in store for
you. Yours would surely be the most painful death ever recorded. “Another of the demon guards added the rope and tore off the rope before they all dragged me away.
Just as I stepped out of the door, I felt my head pound so heavily. It was time to fight with someone greater than me. Diana, what power do I get to prolong the time? What if she isn’t ready to waste a second with me?
I sighed heavily and made a shrug.
I was taken out of the Royal House and my eyes widened at what I saw outside. There were many neighbouring packs gathered around, and I recognized all of them as enemies of my father. Every single one of them was among the pack that wished evil for my father.
Immediately, I was brought out and led up to the stage. An uproar was heard, followed by a round of laughter.
I knew I looked weak and the fact that I would be fighting with Selene was funny.
I was standing all alone on the high stage where everyone could see me. I turned to my right and saw half of the Silver Moon Werewolf right there bound by a chain.
I turned to my right and the other half were also there, chained all together like s l a v e s. They looked hopeless! staring at me. Every one of them knew I had no chance to win, but what they didn’t know was that I only needed to give the Dragon woman that chance to release Selene, who would be the savior of everyone.
Right in front of me were the enemies of my father, scorning me. Diana sat on the high chair behind me with those s tu p i d smirks. I could already feel the aura of power all around her. Her breath was like a fire,
Right there as she stared at me, her fingers turned into strong claws, the fangs appeared on her teeth, so sharp and
scary. Two strong horns formed in her head. I moved back in fear and shock, making her laugh as her body shifted slowly.
She smirked and flew down to the stage where I stood. The force of her body pushed me hard to the ground, causing another round of laughter from the crowd who must have come just to witness the downfall of the Silver Moon Pack.
Why did I even fall like a piece of paper? “Hey, get up little boy, I’m yet to hit you,” she laughed, and I grunted in shame and disgrace, taking my s t u p i d body up.
“Diana, I curse you forever for doing all this to the same people who treated you well,” I sniffed, getting a sneer in
“Would you like to attack my puppy?”She winked and raised her hand in the air,
I knew it was a taunting one, but then, I should try my luck,
At high speed, I charged at her with a punch and succeeded in punching her right in the face, but then it was like a touch to her while my fist ached as I felt like I had punched a brick,
Nice one, come again.” She coaxed a smile.
“You are an a s s h o l e!” I huffed and sent a simultaneous kick to her belly. She stopped at a spot without being pushed back, while I was the one who fell hard to the ground.
Chapter 82
My eyes widened in awe because I knew how much force I had added in giving her those kicks.
I immediately stood up and was about to throw a punch which I knew would be useless when her blow landed in my belly. It pushed me away with such force that I hit my back so hard on the pillar there. A clot of blood spurted out immediately,
I felt an intense pain rush through every part of my body. It was like I had broken all the bones in me. I couldn’t feel my favorite anymore My vision was already blurred as I got very dizzy.
I forced myself up, only to s t a g g e r and fall back to the ground.
All the crowd screamed in happiness, clapping and shouting.
“Just one blow!”
It was making me go mad. In shame, but then, there was nothing I could do. Standing up was like an impossible task. I could only grunt and roll around the ground.
How was her punch this way? I don’t think I can survive a second one.
She menaced closer to me and I felt my heart stop breathing. She looked like a b l o o d y beast full of powers.
She towered down to where I lay and scoffed.
“I don’t waste my prec
my precious time fighting a pup like you. What the hell made you set this fight? All your pack members are here watching their next Alpha. Why are you this weak and went ahead to set a fight with me? Were you drunk then?” She asked, her face full of smugness.
“All the pack members are also here watching their Luna as she becomes very evil and ruthless. They are all laying a curse on you!” I sawthed and she giggled.
I’m the curse itself. I will give them the curse of death right now. I had wanted to keep you alive to watch how I kill them all in the hundreds, but then, you insulted me with this fight, so I’ll kill you to be sure I’ve won! She gritted her teeth and stood tall.
I looked up at her and saw the thick black smoke surging from her body. She spread her palm and the fog formed a powerful sword in her palm.
“Go to hell!” She gruffed and raised it while I shut my eyes. I guess I would have to die already. I knew from the moment I came out to fight Diana that I wouldn’t go back alive. It would be my greatest sacrifice to die for my pack.


Chapter 83
Diana POV
“Diana!” Someone called my name loudly, making me pause. I turned and saw Arianna, the witch, walking forward with the staff in her hand as help for movement.
I sneered at her, wondering what she was doing here and why the hell she stopped me.
“Don’t kill him, please,” she begged.
“Why?” I asked, getting angry.
She looked around and back at me. I could notice pain in her eyes, but I didn’t care.
“So, it is all true?” she breathed.
“Hey, Arianna, or whatever your name is, go back to your pack and be the witch doctor that you are. There are many sick and wounded werewolves to treat. You aren’t welcomed here!” I huffed, and she gritted.
“The last time I saw you, you were the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack. Darren is the alpha and your mate. Rumours have been going around, but I don’t want to believe it till I see it with my own eyes. For real. It was all true. You
are now a demon.” She exclaimed, with a raised brow.
“Get lost!” I scoffed and turned back to Dorian, who was dragging himself away. I jacked him up and punched his
face so hard that he fainted immediately.
I released my grip, allowing him to fall freely on the floor while I smirked and raised the sword to stab his heart. 1:
must kill him today.
Just as I brought it down to dig out his heart, a great force pushed me away, making me land on my butt…
What the hell???
My eyes glinted in fury. I felt ashamed and furious. Who the hell did that?
I sprang up and turned to see it was Arianna.
“I’m not going to let you kill anyone in my presence, you cruel Demon!”She saw me making a stance to fight me.
“Oh, since you chose to die with them, I’ll kill you first!” I huffed and moved my head, causing Dorian’s sword to strike at her. She succeeded in dodging it, but I gave her no chance to regain her composure before spreading
dark magic all over her.
I quickly spread my palm and five serpents crawled out of my body through my palm….
I gestured at the witch and they all crawled to her body.
I smiled evilly, then turned back to Dorian.
“Let’s end this once and for all” I gritted.
“Diana, I’m here!” I heard a familiar voice, which made me turn. I smiled widely, seeing it was Jake from the dragon clan, the one who got the powers to kill Elena.
Oh, yay! I gave a sly grin.
“I won’t hesitate,” he smiled.
“Hey five of you!” I gestured at the guards around me.
I giggled. “Show him the place where Elena is, also bring the weakling Alpha Darren here, let’s kill them all together here before the pack members.””
“Yes, it would be great that way,” Jake laughed.
“This is the key!” I said as I flung it at him.
“Take advantage of the opportunity to bring them out here to kill!”I instructed, and he made a short laugh.
“You must be underestimating me though. I don’t think I need to click on any button before killing those two.1’m the beta for the great Dragon clan, “he boasted, and I chuckled.”
“All good, go get her here!” I grinned before turning to the crowd.
I spread my arms and they all cheered and hailed me with screams and whistles. I felt so great.
Jake’s POV,
I felt giddy with happiness. My heart thumped at each step into the Royal Packhouse, Killing Bane’s child would mean one thing: that I could still get the throne that I craved so much.
The guards were walking with me and I felt like sending them away. It was useless to have these people around me. Without them, I could capture, bind, and kill Elena and the Alpha without stress and in a few seconds.
“Who should we lead you to first?” One of the guards asked, making me chuckle.
I let out a short laugh. “I can do this without your help. I can sense the presence of both Darren and Selena, including Jason. It’s useless to follow me around to do this.”
Even after what I said, I made my way to the dungeon where the alpha king must be, and the guards followed me to the dungeon.
Well, I don’t give a d a m n…
Finally, I got to where the f u c k i n g dungeon was and one of the guards moved forward to unlock the door, but before he could do all that, I gave the door a heavy blow, which broke it away instantly, leaving them all awed.
I got in to meet the trembling alpha, the same man who had been feared and respected by almost all the pack, someone who had been so powerful that his name was heard even in the dragon clan. I giggled and moved closer while he shivered more.
“Is it time already?” I heard him mumble as tears fell from his
“Oh, yes, it’s time for your death and the death of all the pack members. You never saw your end’coming, right?” I giggled sarcastically.
He yelped and sniffed, trying hard to hold his tears.
Selena would be murdered by me, I laughed again, motioning for the guards to drag him out.
They did it immediately while I swagger off to bring Jason and Elena. I could already feel my blood boiling. I was so curious and eager to reach the room and drag them out. Killing her was surely going to be a great victory for
I got back to the seat and started to climb up the stairs to get Elena, who must be in the caged room. I had just taken three steps forward when I heard footsteps.
My eyes were down to the ground, so I quickly raised them, wondering who was that since everyone was outside watching the interesting event going on outside.
My eyes widened. As I saw three people standing at the stairwell staring back at me, I was taken aback and confused.
I arched my brow, moving my gaze from one person to another, trying to believe I wasn’t dreaming.
Chapter 83
Selena, Jason, and Miriam were standing right there with their fists clenched and their faces contorted with great anger. That caused the atmosphere to get hot…
y eve
I don’t understand, but deep in me, I felt great fear the very moment I set on the so-called Elena.
I had never met her before, but I didn’t need anyone to tell me it was her. Her face had a striking resemblance to Lillian’s and her body features were that of King Bane. Į turned to Jason and saw his eyes bloodshot with anger
“Jake, what are you doing here?” Miriam asked me with a raised eyebrow.
“I should be asking you that… what are you doing in the silver moon pack?” I asked, trying to sound bold, but my tone was disgracing me. The enraged faces of Elena and Jason were just making me full of fear.
“You sent me away from the Dragon Clan, you threatened my life and that of my family. You don’t have the guts to ask me how I am faring?!” She shrilled.
“What??” Jason huffed, his eyes glistening.
“Miriam, are you…” My words were cut short by a very strong blow that landed right on my chest, breaking my ribs immediately.
I fell to the ground with a shout of pain. I stood up again to find that Jason hadn’t moved an inch.
I was more than confused.
“You said you would kill me and my family once you set your eyes on me again. You have seen me. Would I die? Miriam inquired, and this time it was Elena, who loomed over me with a grim expression.
I rose and sent three powerful fireballs to her heart, but to my greatest surprise, they didn’t penetrate her body; causing a rush of terror to sweep through me.
There is only one person who has the power to stop a fireball from penetrating their body. That person is King Bane. How can Elena have these same powers as Bane?
She gripped my neck and, without stress, lifted me off the ground.
“I’ll kill you since you plan on killing her instead!” I tried everything I could to break free from her grip, but it was impossible; her powers were strange and unusual for a young girl like her.
Her grip got tighter, making me convulse and waver with a
“Who are you?” She asked, staring at me with a raised brow.
asp for be
I couldn’t reply, so she used her other hand and sent two punches to my face, making me bleed from my nose immediately. Intense pain rushed through me and I felt like crying….
The blood rolled down and got into my mouth. The taste of my blood made me enraged, I clenched my fist and widened my eyes.
“Won’t you talk?” She asked, still gripping my neck.
“Go to hell!!!” I yelled and gave her a heavy head butt that pushed her away from me. She fell to her butt and I took some seconds to catch my breath.
“I think I underestimated you, but I’m going to show you what I’m made of!” I roared and half shifted into my dragon,
“Don’t dare touch her or I’ll kill you myself. “I heard the voice of Jason.
“You both can’t defeat me!” I howled, making a short laugh.
“I don’t need his help. Come fight me if you can.” Selena chipped in with a smirk, and I nodded.
I charged at her with full force, so fast as the wind, but then I jammed the wall instead as she easily shifted to the other side. I swirled and made another attempt with more speed than I had ever had. She dodged the punch and gave me a deep cut with her claws.
I could swear I didn’t see that coming. She was dodging and attacking at the same time, which is stunning.
I spat fire, and she spread her arms, causing a restraining force to encircle her. With more energy, I poured out the liquid fire, causing her great heat, and I knew I only had one more attempt before she was razed.
I made a huge smirk before spurging out the great fire on the restrain. It broke immediately, causing the fire to
fill in.
I went on for a few more seconds to be sure she got burnt, but then, I heard no scream. I paused instantly, but then, there was no one there.
My eyes glistened in shock because I was sure I had given her no chance.
I was still wondering what happened when a sharp pain seared through my back. I howled in pain and turned abruptly to strike the person unexpectedly, but yet, she was quick to dodge and sent a heavy kick to my belly instead.
“You can’t waste our time.” I heard Miriam’s voice, and just then, she sat on my belly and sent multiple punches to my face.
Chapter 83
“Evil would be erased. Everyone who has evil in them would cease to exist since you let evil remain in you. Don’t blame me.” She gruffed and widened her eyes. A bright light emanated from it and shone directly into my eyes, making me shut my eyes tightly.
The light was like poison to my skin as it inflicted great torture on me. I opened my mouth to scream, but then she touched my neck and I lost my power of speech.
“Remember, I am Miriam the Dragon from the tribe of magicians.” She smirked and left me in pain with an inability to scream.
I could only shed tears and roll around the floor. I looked around for the demons which I had seen all around the house, but felt hopeless and frustrated seeing all their bodies lying dead all over the floor.
Jason had used his great powers to burn them down, just like Bane.
Oh gosh…
I can’t believe this is happening!
Selene’s POV.

“Let’s go now before Diana does the worst. I need to save my father and brother Dorian. He has sacrificed a lot for me.” I cried out, recalling all that Miriam told me, all the plans and risks he took to save me. I don’t know what his fate is now that he has to wrestle with Elf just to save me.
Would he survive?
“Yes, let’s go!” They both nodded and we let go, leaving the so-called Jake, who had just succeeded in wasting
our time.
Great fury is all I feel in me. It’s just been a day since I and Jason were caged in there and now I can’t recognize the Royal Packhouse. It looked more like a Demon den. I haven’t seen a single werewolf around, just Demons.
We got out and I felt stuck at the sight. Everywhere was in ruins, houses were razed down, the roads had piles of dead bodies, the bodies of werewolves ranging from the maids to palace guards and omegas.
“Oh no…” I cried out, feeling my anger soar.
Let’s go and end that devil!!!!” I screamed, breathing heavily.
I don’t care about anything right now, not even my life. I want the death of Elf and I’m doing anything possible to see her breathe her last breath as I dig out her evil heart.
Diana POV.
I made a short laugh of victory as the so-called powerful Alpha Darren was dragged up to the stage by the
Everyone was shocked to see him that way. I grinned in satisfaction. They were all wagging their heads in awe at how powerful I must be to bring down the powerful Alpha.
I couldn’t stop feeling giddy as I looked at the crowd who stared at me.
“So the next would be Elena…” I chuckled and turned to the guards who had brought Darren.
“Where is Jake with Elena and Jason?” I asked, and they frowned, looking around.
“He should be here now. We stopped on the way to get some drugs, so Darren won’t die on the Since you want his death to be in front of everyone, we thought Darren must have passed by and reached here before us.” I heard the response from one of them and got disturbed instantly.
I hate long stories at the moment when things are going well. Just now when I needed to end it all…
What are you saying?… Where is Elena?” I yelled at them in exasperation. I badly needed to end Elena’s life!
“Here I am.” I heard her voice, the voice of Elena, and that made me turn sharply only to see Elena, Jason, and Miriam, the same woman who was Lillian’s maiden. They all had dragon wings descending to the stage with fury in their eyes.
Is this real?
erup el SEND GIFT

Chapter 84
I scrubbed my eyes continuously and looked more meticulously to be sure it wasn’t playing tricks on me.
Someone should just tell me I fell asleep and must be dreaming. It can’t be them because this is the last moment when I’ll end it all. The day when my long time desire to destroy the pack will be accomplished.
No one can stop me. No one is going to stop me. I already won!
For some reason, I looked around for Jake, yet there was no glimpse of him around the whole place. The three kept coming down and down, and for some moment I felt fear.
It was the first time in my life, the first time fear gripped me; the fear of dying, the fear of being a loser at the end. I took various steps backwards, glueing my eyes on them as they finally landed on the stage…
The entire Silver Moon Pack, who had been dumb and sober the entire time, let out happy screams and whistles when they saw them.
“What are you doing here?” “How the hell did you get free?” I asked, confusedly.
“Oh, you thought you had already won, right? I’m sorry to disappoint you! Today you will be the one to die instead. “Elena huffed and flapped her wings with her eyes sparkling with fire.
“What is your connection with King Bane?” I was stunned at how she got all these powers like that of Bane:
“She is his daughter, so get to hell!!!” Miriam huffed, and I turned to her in shock, trying to question her when at great force hit me so hard that I fell to the ground.
A round of laughter and joyous screams filled the atmosphere. I felt embarrassed with my cheeks flushing red. This couldn’t be happening!
I sprang up and faced them with a smile.
Don’t be too confident in defeating me; I’m not that easy! I chuckled and screamed so loudly with my eyes shut. There was thunder and earthquakes. I swung my left hand to where they stood and thick black smoke filled with poison spread out. I also muttered some magic words and my twelve serpents crawled out of my body and sped to where they stood.
I moved my eyeball around using
some magic to send a message the demons.
“Kill everyone at sight!” I ordered them. The demons in the Silver Moon pack now numbered close to 200 with powers. Elena, Jason, and Miriam might escape my attack and return their attack on me, which I might not
Chapter 84
survive, but before all that, before they succeeded in killing me, my demons must have slain all the pack
I quickly pointed my ring to the members of the other packs who had attended the event and muttered another magic word, which gave me the power to control their minds.
“Kill every member of the Silver Moon Pack!!” I ordered and immediately they began to attack them alongside
the demons…
I smirked and a cool thought crept into my mind. I quickly spread out my arms and, with half of my powers, I created a very strong retraining dome that covered the stage, making it impossible for anyone to leave.
I’ll die in their hands, but they won’t be able to leave till all their pack members are killed one after the other.
This made me laugh for a short time before a great fireball from two sides hit me so hard that I flew backwards, hitting my back hard on the dome. I could feel my backbone c r a c k.
When Jason and Elena stepped out of the smoke with great rage, I was still trying to rise and attack when Elena gripped my neck so tightly that I couldn’t breathe but shook vigorously.
Jason sent three heavy punches to my belly, causing blood to pour out of my mouth. I angrily headbutted Elena- to make her release the tight grip, but she never did. Her grip went tighter even when her forehead bled from the
hit because I had a metal crown.
She heard screams and shrills of pain, making her turn her gaze sideways. There was a great shock and terror in
her eyes as she saw her pack members being killed.
They had seen it earlier and were doing all they could to break the dome. They kept using all the powers they
I smirked at Elena, making her more furious that she punched my face countless times, making it so b l o o d y that I couldn’t see. The taste of my blood filled my mouth.
She slammed me to the ground and formed a powerful sword from the fire that emanated from her eyes.
I said gloatingly, “Kill me. I’ll love to die. Yes, I’m going to enjoy my death because my plans were accomplished, my great desire and dream came to pass, the whole pack members are going to die and be wiped out. It doesn’t matter if I die,” I said, gloatingly, and laughed so hard.
I glanced and saw how the demons and other pack members killed the Silver Moon Pack werewolves. It made
me smile.
“Go to hell!!!” Elena screamed at the top of her voice, using the sword to chop off my two hands.
Chapter 84
I shrieked in pain, rolling around as I watched my two hands leave my body. The pain was so intense that I cried. profusely.
I was still trying to absorb that pain when she peeled off the skin around my laps. She went ahead to chop off my two ears, making me plead for death as excruciating pains covered my whole body.
I looked around the dome and it was already so weak.
My gaze shifted outside to make sure the demons were done killing, but was shocked at what I saw. My demons were falling dead, and the pack member who I controlled their minds was also being slain, making me wonder what was happening.
The pain around me made it difficult for my mind to function properly, and I was going insane as blood oozed out of my body.
Her sword went to one of my eyes, and before I could stop her, she plucked it out, causing my left eye to fall out of its socket, and I sprang up wailing and shrieking.
My body was convulsing so hard, the pains made me regret every single act I had ever done from the beginning. I never expected her to torture me. I expected my death, but not this way. She should have dug out my heart or slit my throat so I’d die instantly, but she wasn’t going to do that. She preferred to torture me most painfully.
I s t a g g e r e d around gasping for life. My other eyes caught a glimpse at the outside and I saw it clearly. Another pack had arranged their whole armies and were fighting for the silver moon pack. I don’t know who they were but they were really strong and were fighting for their lives.
“Oh no!!… I can’t lose!” I howled and made a mind link to the demon king with all the strength in me.,
“Come and save me if you still want me to marry you. I am dying!” I said before falling to the ground.
Elena wouldn’t let me live, as she slashed my back with the sword, creating a deep cut that went deep into my
I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. The pain was too much on me. I wished I hadn’t created the dome. I would have got the chance to leave with my last strength. I have never felt this kind of pain in my It was shattering my heart.
“Kill me!” I grunted at Elena, but she was so enraged to hear me, all she cared about was my pain and not death.
“Never will I kill you!” She huffed and dragged me around the ground, causing my wounds to bleed more as they scratched around on the floor.
The dome finally broke off and I knew I lost instantly. I was going to die without having any chance with King
Chapter 84
Bane. Lillian died with sweet memories and moments with him. They even made love and slept together for nights. All that was what I craved, even if it was for a day. But little did I know I was going to die without a single hug from King Bane. They talked more of making love and creating love moments.
I had it all planned well and never thought of it ruined at the last moment. Who was able to unlock that door because I was holding the key?….I can’t tell you all that. Jake is nowhere to be found. The dome has been broken, which means all my men would be killed in the tw
i n k l e of an eye.
Darren is yet to be killed, Dorian isn’t dead yet, and Elena, who I thought would be killed by Jake, is right here torturing me just the same way or even more than I had always tortured her in the past.
The whole pack, which I thought would die with me, the pack member who I craved to wipe out from the surface. of the earth, was still alive. Even when I had killed many, it wasn’t still half of them. I had thought creating the dome with half of my powers and controlling the minds of the other pack members to help kill the Silver Moon Pack werewolves would end it, but then, another pack helped out and gave them the time to break the dome before they were wiped out.
The feeling of losing crossed my heart and I felt shattered. The pain of being a loser was so much more than the pain of the torture. After all the schemes and sacrifices, fended up under the feet of Elena, the same girl I treated
like trash.
Elena moved to where I lay and used her sword to trigger more pain from the wounds by stabbing that same
I grunted and pleaded for her to kill me with my eyes as I had lost my power of speech, but then she only laughed sarcastically and proceeded to stab my second eye.
“Plea-se,” I begged Elena for the first time in my life, and the words came out strangely.
Just as she was about to stab it, an unseen force flung her swords away, and before she could turn to see what
had caused it, she was killed.
Before the demon king appeared and took me away in a swift and fast motion, before she could stop him, we
Elena’s POV.
I grunted in anger as I failed to stop them.
S h i t!…
I screamed angrily and turned around, only to see the other smiling back at me.
Chapter 84
I turned around to the whole pack and there were the remaining pack members all staring at me too, their eyes
“Oh, the demons are all dead?” Lasked and they nodded, making me let out a sigh of relief.
“So where is Dad?” I asked, smiling, but the smiles vanished when they also turned around looking for him.
“What? I thought you guys took him away for treatment. Where is my father?” I asked, breathing heavily..
“We can’t find him!” they all replied, with those tones showing how serious they are.
I still won’t believe they aren’t joking.
One of the pack members reported, “The Demon King took him and Elf away,” and I felt my world crumble.
This can’t be!
How and when?

Chapter 85
Selena’s POV.
“We have to save my father. If he dies, then Diana would emerge as the winner even when she is badly wounded. We can’t allow that! I howled and felt my wolf howl too. It would break my heart if, after all these sacrifices, my father died at the end” Lawhined.
“We would save him, but for now, I think what we need is to rest.” The man who looked like Sophia sighed and I breathed.
My eyes moved to Sophia and I smiled.
“We ar
appreciate the help of your pack warriors, which you arranged and convinced your father to join hand in saving our pack from that demon,” I muttered.
“I did it for the love my daughter shared with Dorian. She would never forgive me if I declined,” he muttered with
a smile.
“I’ll have to go save my father. I don’t need any of you to stress yourself out since you have fought so much. You- can all go back to the Royal Packhouse. I’ll be back with the Alpha. I can never rest knowing he is in the hand of the enemy!” I mumbled.
“I would love to join you, but going into the demon territory after having already gotten badly injured in this fight would be useless because we would die without saving him.” Sophia sighed, and the others nodded with their eyes dim.
I also nodded with a wide smile.
“It’s all good. Please, you all should have a good rest. I’ll be back soon. Help the other pack members find a place to lay their heads on.” I instructed, sounding like an Alpha,
They all bowed, making me blush. I can’t believe anyone could ever bow to my command till now.
“So, let’s go,” the voice of Jason sounded, and I turned to him with a lopsided smile.
“You are going with…”
He rolled his eyes. “Shhh, you are the one going with me.”
“Huh?” I arched my brow.
“Yes, would you like to join me in saving the Alpha?… you can stay back if you feel weak. I’ll come back with the Alpha King, “he said with those funny looks, making me laugh.
“I’ll love to have you beside me” I smiled
He smiled back, “I’ll also love to have you beside me since you volunteered to help.”
I laughed and spread out my pair of white wings. He also spread out his golden wings, making everywhere brighter with the sparkling colour.
He held my hand and together we flew off.
“Since Elf wants to wipe out the Silver Moon clan, we will reverse the case. Her demonic clan would be the ones to be erased and wiped out off the earth,” I huffed.
“Leave that to me; just go in and save your father while I kill all the demons; as for the demon king, I’ve always wanted to fight him, and I guess the time has come!” He replied with a chuckle.
“Stop being too caring or I’ll get spoilt,” I pouted.
“I don’t care. You can be any way you like. It doesn’t affect my love. I’ll pamper you till you won’t be able to fight because I want to fight all your battles for you.” He beamed, making me feel so good. My heart was thumping with freaking joy. That made my wings brighten even more.
“I love you,” my dragon muttered,
“I know…” he replied, winking at me.
I laughed as we went forward.
King Bane’s POV.
I haven’t seen Jake for a long time now and had just gotten a piece of information from my spy that he went over to the silver moon pack, and that left me so curious.
What would he be looking for in the silver moon pack at that time of the night when he went and this morning when he snuck out again?
I had stepped out of the Dragon territory and was heading to the pack with my white horse. I was going with my messenger.
Chapter 85
Just then, I felt a sweet sensation rush through me, just the same way I had felt the first time Lillian hugged me.
“Look up!” My messenger squeaked, pointing to the sky. I looked up and saw two Were-dragons. They had wings and the aura of a dragon around them. What shocked me most was the golden wings on the male. The wings were just like mine.
I stopped the horse and spread out my wings. Jumping off the horse, I flew up to the sky and blocked their path,
“Who are you?” They stared back at me while I stared back, wondering what strange feelings I was having as I stared at the girl who had the face of Lillian. She was just like her, making me wonder why.
“Do you know Lillian?” I asked her immediately, as curiosity took the larger part of me.
“She is my mother.” Her reply threw me aback. My eyes widened in shock and awe. I was dumbfounded.
“Then who are you?” she asked back, and I laughed, staring into her sparkling eyes.
your father!” I replied instantly, and she gasped in shock.
“You are King Bane?” The other guy with her asked a question, and I turned to him.
“My eyes moved to the necklace around his neck.
“You are the one who got my dragon spirit?” I asked and he frowned, covering the necklace as he saw I was staring at it.
“Are you the one who owns this?” he asked, gesturing at the necklace.
“Yes, it was a gift I prepared to hand over to Lillian. Well, I gave it to her but she never wore it. How did it get into your hand?” I asked,
“A woman in a hood handed it to me. She said I should use it to protect the life of her daughter, but I was very little then. I never understood what she was saying,” he replied, and I let out a huge smile.
“That was Lillian. She knew you would be the mate for our child.” I screamed, spreading my arms as they ran into it, making me feel so elated, I felt like I would faint. The joy that took over me made me speechless..
“But Mom is dead,” she sulked.
“What!…when?” I snapped in-shock as I had thought Miriam had said she was alive.
“Elf killed her on the day of her labour; she died while fighting with her!” My daughter cried, making me furious.
Was this the reason why I felt enraged at the mention of her name even without knowing what she did?
“Where is she?” I thundered, growling deeply as my muscles sprouted more.
“We are heading to fight her because she took away the Alpha of the Silver Moon pack. That’s where Mom went when she left you. She left you because Elf joined the demon and vowed to kill her. She left because she never wanted a fight with her friend. But then, Elf traced her to the Silver Moon pack where she ran to and killed her. Not only that, she killed thousands of them. Now she has taken away the Alpha, someone who took care of me,” She replied and made a short chuckle of fury
“Where is she??” I asked with a thunderous voice, which caused an earthquake.
“In the demon clan,” they replied, and I didn’t wait for a second before swerving in the direction immediately.
I’m not going to kill just her, but all the demon clan would be wiped out since they helped her kill my mate, the only woman I loved so much.
Diana POV,
The demon king used half of his power to heal me. He broke two hands of one of his human dragon maids and joined them to the part chopped off. He also fixed an ear for me. All this was with his powers, even when he was getting weak. He never cared but kept on healing me.
Right now, I’m not only complete but also strong. He was weakened and had been on his bed for a white. I watched myself in the mirror for a moment, admiring my complete body before walking away to meet Alpha Darren. You can’t tell how glad I was when I found out Damon, the Demon King, also took him alongside me.
I wasn’t going to waste a second. I’m going to kill him now and send his body to the Silver Moon Pack as a prize for winning over me…
I laughed and turned away immediately.
At last, you will be the sacrificial lamb. At last, greet the devil in hell for me. “I smirked just as I got into the room,
“Don’t kill me, please,” he pleaded, and I laughed.
You have no right to tell me what to do, not anymore. I laughed again and formed my claws.
“I need your heart,” I smiled, licking my upper lips.
I raised my hand to dig it out when I heard the announcement from the announcer outside.
Chapter 85
“King Bane is here!” I had him announced and froze.
With speed, I ran off to my room,
I muttered some magical words, and the ring appeared in my palm, facing Lillian, and I immediately put it on my
Right there in front of the mirror, my face changed into that of Lillian’s instantly. I laughed and walked out.
Time to run into King Bane’s arms and tell him the demon clan had held me captive all this while.
I stepped out and was shocked and happy at the same time.
King Bane had burnt down almost all the clans in a short time. He was heading to the royal mansion already.
I saw him fly forward with three other dragon wolves behind him.
I couldn’t recognize one, but the other two were Elena and Jason.
Oh, I pray they don’t recognize I was in disguise…
“Lillian!”” The one I couldn’t recognize screamed in shock while they stopped killing more and descended.
“Bane, my love,” I squealed, running towards him while he stared at me with a frown.
“Is this my mother?” I heard Elena say, making my heart ski p a beat.
“She is just like her,” Jason added.
“This isn’t her!” Elena stated and I was almost at the point of hugging Bane, but he shifted immediately, making me fall.
“Why are you doing this to me? I’m Lillian.” I screamed, desperate for at least his hug.
“You are not Lillian! Lillian has never called me Bane without adding “King”… and Lillian won’t run to me first, other than her daughter, and… you know what? Lillian isn’t obsessed like you are. She would be angry at me for causing great damage to the demon clan. She has a sweetheart and won’t hurt anyone even if you cause her pain,” King Bane explained, leaving me dumb.
“What… what… are… you… saying?” My voice failed me as I spluttered.
I don’t know what King Bane did, but after muttering something with his eyes shut, the disguise went off. I felt it.
“Diana” They all howled in shock and great anger.
“No… I…” My voice hitched as the three of them, King Bane, Elena, and Jason, spat fire from three angles on me.
I tried restraining it but couldn’t. The power was too much and the fire went into my soul. I screamed and wailed in pain but none was going to stop. Life was leaving me. I never believed King Bane, who I was in love with and did everything to have, would be the same person to kill me.
My heart kept shattering into pieces. Right in my mind, I saw Lillian laughing scornfully at me.
Oh no.
I fell to the ground as my skin kept burning off slowly, causing excruciating pain to take over my whole body.
I can’t believe I lost at the end.
Elena’s POV.
The scent of a burnt barbecue filled my nostrils and I stopped the fire-spitting. The others stopped too, only to see the almighty elf dead with her whole body burning. She was more like ash…
“I’m sorry for not being a father… I…”
“Don’t bring it up,” I said, and he nodded.
“You killed the elf?” We all heard the demon king exclaim,
“If you don’t want to die, tell us where Alpha Darren is!” I huffed.
“I won’t… kill me…” He growled and I was about to fight when King Bane set him on fire. That doesn’t kill, but burns to inflict extreme pain.
He shouted and went mad in the pain. He couldn’t bear the torture for a minute before giving up.
“I’ll show you!” He screamed, and Bane took back the fire.
He led us to where he was, and Damon released all the shackles.
Darren’s wounds healed rapidly because King Bane gave him his internal energy.
We helped him out and just immediately got out and flew up into the sky.
Bane set the whole place on fire, causing it to lie in ruins.
Finally, everything was over. I felt so elated.
It had just been a month since it all ended. Every home had been rebuilt, the whole pack was back to stable, and once more, the great Silver Moon Pack had emerged back to life. We were more feared because of the
connection with King Bane.
All of the pack members were all out. Not a single one of them was inside their house on this very day. I had just woken up to find a crowd outside from the window where I had just peeped from.
I don’t know what was happening.
I had been staying in the Silver Moon pack to help recreate it. I was soon going to return to the Dragon Clan.
This morning looked different, as the bright sky shone on the whole crowd outside. It was still early in the
I was about to move back to wake Jason when I saw groups of dragons arriving too…
“What is happening?” I mused again.
Just then, a knock was heard, and Jason woke up.
“Come in,” I said, walking over to Jason, who spread his arms for me.
I lay under his arms while he hugged me tightly.
“Why hug me first each time you wake up from sleep?” I asked with a giggle.
“It gives me strength,” he replied, with pouted lips.
“Ma’am, please, you both have to get dressed. We have got a lot of guests and they are here for the both of you,” the maid announced, and I nodded while Jason arched his brow.
I dragged him to see the crowd outside, and he gasped in awe.
“Let’s get dressed immediately.” I grinned and he nodded. We both scurried like kids to the bathroom, holding hands together.
Chapter 85
“The Dragon Clan and Silver Moon Pack have merged to become one. There is no difference between us. We would fight for each other, living and dying for each other. We are named the Dragon Wolf Clan.” The announcer spoke out, and everyone screamed in great happiness.
I glanced around from the high chair where I sat with Jason. Dorian was sitting with his mate Sophia, holding hands together.
I quickly held Jason’s hand too, pouting my lips.
Dorian saw what I did and chuckled.
“We would be having a new Alpha and Luna for this great clan which we formed, and we have chosen the right one.” He said, and paused.
I glanced at Dad, then at King Bane.
“Who would be the one?” I asked myself, trying to guess before they said it out.
I heard the announcer say out loud, “Our Alpha and Luna are Jason and Elena,” and everyone screamed in delight, but I was perplexed by what I heard until Jason drew me forward.
I couldn’t believe it till the crown was placed on our heads.
Oh, G o d…
Is this a dream?
From a Rejected girl to the Lycan and Wolf Clan’s Luna

Chapter 86
“I know you regretted saving me when your pack Alpha and Torian tortured you for it. I am sorry,” he mumbled meekly, placing his palms on my cheek and caressing it with his thumbs.
“I did, but now I am grateful to G o d for that action. See where it got us to? You are now my king!!” I squeaked abruptly as adrenaline rushed through me.
“Yes! I am so happy that I chose your room to run in! You are now my queen!!!” He squeaked too, and just as if we both had it in mind, our heads drew forward and both lips connected in a deep kiss. Our eyes closed as we devoured each other’s lips like our lives depended on it.
At that moment, I felt like I was floating on the moon with no one other than Blake. The way he suckled and licked my lips was just so sweet and s e x y that I felt myself getting wet.
His hands were roaming from my neck down to my butt, and each squeeze on my butt sent electric shocks that made me lose control of my brain. I was getting so turned on.
But in the middle of everything, an echoing sound blared through the entire building, forcing me to break the
“Finally, they are done oppressing us,” Jace whispered to Bella, who began to laugh immediately.
“That is the emergency bell for all the vampires in this kingdom. Why was it rang? I asked with a confused look, and Blake smiled sweetly, pointing his finger at me.
“You are the reason. The whole world has to know I have found my queen and the one woman my life is attached to!” He purred, and my heart fluttered at those heartwarming words.
“Who would have known that the coldhearted Blake could be so romantic.” Bella snickered, and Jace began laughing, like he was being tickled.
“Crazy people..” Blake rolled his eyes playfully, swaddling me in his arms, which made me chuckle. Lying in hist arms was so cozy and warm.
“Let’s go to the palace. There are people there waiting to ask for your forgiveness. And outside this mansion are the entire vampires waiting to receive you as their next queen!” His voice croons inside my ears.
“Let’s go and meet them. As usual, they would ask for forgiveness and expect me to forgive, even when they never did the same when I was on my knees begging for their mercy. “I muttered with a deep sigh, recalling all that Torian and some of my pack members did to me.
Chapter 86
“We just have to forgive and free our hearts from any burden. What matters is that you’re above now, and they’ll crawl to their knees while talking to you,” he smiled, and my love for Blake grew much deeper within me.
He must be the fresh breath of life that I will rely on to survive.
I was curled up in Lucian’s powerful arms in a bridal style when we got into the palace, and as expected, they were all there kneeling.
Torian, Sophia, the Luna, the Beta, pack hunters, and royal guards are among them. All were on their knees with their heads lowered in a bow.
Blake dropped me, and I walked closer with folded arms.
“As usual, asking for my forgiveness and being sorry for what you all did to me, just because I overcame it all and became victorious.” I shrugged, and Torian was the first to lift his head, followed by Sophia.
Torian’s hazel eyes, chiseled jaw, and pink lips all reminded me of the last time I drooled and desired him like I would die without him. Those days when I was obsessed
“I feel ashamed. Just look at you… Truly, destiny can never be denied. I am so sorry, and I promise to be a changed man who will never maltreat anyone in this life. Thank you for saving my pack from those demons,” Torian mumbled with gulps as he tried not to cry.
“Thank Sophia, who was of help to me. She helped me.” I smiled at Sophia, recalling how she helped hold back those guards from taking me away. She bought me more time to get my powers triggered by the mark from
“Torian made me defy the demons and help you, so I think he should take the appreciation,” Sophia said, and I
was amazed to hear that.
“Please, I was possessed by the demons. That’s why I….” The Beta chipped in, but I won’t wait for him to finish up those words. I already knew he was being controlled by the heart demons, which were triggered by his obsessiveness of having the Alpha pay with his life for his mate.
“I know all that. I forgive everyone…” I announced, and they all screamed in glee, but were ashamed to come close to me. Only Sophia and Torian could hug me.
Jace walked in at that moment, and Torian ran into him with a hug too.
“Please accept me back as your friend and also be my Beta. I beg you…” Torian pleaded, and even went on his
knees. Wow.
Chapter 86
“Now it is my turn to ask for forgiveness again…” The vampire queen broke in.
“You did no wrong. You were only protecting your son from the wolves because of the enmity between them both. Now I hope the vampires and werewolves will live in harmony” I spoke out, and there was an uproar of excitement as the vampires hugged the werewolves.
“Time to introduce you to everyone!” The Alpha chirped in happiness, standing up from his throne. He walked to me and took my hand, leading me out while the others followed. Blake was holding my other hands, and now! felt like a real princess guarded by two giants.
“Here comes the next queen of our kingdom!!!” I heard the announcer scream just as the front door was opened For me, and my jaw dropped as I saw the crowd gathered in front of the building. It was filled up, and just as ! came out, they bowed. The whole f u c k i n g crowd bowed to Lola.
The girl who had faced hatred since she returned from her grandma’s place. From being painfully rejected by Torian to bec oming a s l a v e for saving a vampire, As if that wasn’t enough, I lost my parents to death in cold
blood right in front of me. I was bullied by every soul in the pack and school.
Now I am being bowed to.
Isn’t this a dream?
“We will serve you forever and your wish will forever be our command!!” They all chorused again and again.
I looked around and couldn’t hold back my tears of joy.
“You deserve it all.” Blake whispered to my ears, and it made my skin tingle.
I found myself laughing as it dawned on me that everything was happening for real. It was the end of my miserable life. The end of my torture. It was truly the end of my sufferings!
Blake’s father, the King, stepped forward after the entire crowd had risen to their feet. All attention was fixed on
“From today henceforth, every hatred or enmity between the vampires and werewolves has been dissolved, and that means we are now friends with the werewolves, especially the Blue Moon pack. Here is their Alpha and Luna.” He announced and gestured at Torian and Sophia, who were quite shy at the sight of the eyes on them.
They could make a little wave and short eye contact.
“Those two also helped in destroying the demons and keeping us safe and alive. Werewolves aren’t as evil as we thought. Some may have done us bad in the past, but that should not create a notion that they are all bad. At the very least, Lola had made us understand that by saving my son from being killed by her pack’s pack hunters, she
Chapter 86
had also given him all of her hybrid powers,” he added, and there was a frenzy atmosphere.
The next thing we all heard was my name being chanted by them all. It was so sweet and made my head swell with pride.
This is the best moment of my life, and the fact that it marks the end of all my sufferings makes it so heartwarming.
“From a mere pack hunter daughter, hated and bullied by everyone in her pack, to a queen rulling over the vampires and respected by all the werewolf pack. Wow… a story to tell our kids.” I spoke out to Blake, and he couldn’t just control his emotions as he drew me into his body, kissing me again and making the crowd scream happily. Our tears of joy rolled down our cheeks into our locked lips.
“We will make babies and tell them our love story.” He cooed with a mind link as we weren’t ready to break the kiss, not minding we were in public.
go and make those cute babies now,” I replied, and his eyes glittered in excitement.
He broke the kiss and carried me into his arms, carrying me into the room while the crowd clapped-and
continued their wild screams.
The End.

The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 71-80

Chapter 71

She was finally done bathing, her body dripping slightly with her black hair slick and flowing down her back.

She was wearing her torn clothes.

“Change that cloth to anything you can wear in my wardrobe; you can’t be dressed like that.” I said to her, and she hesitated a


“Really? I can wear your clothes.” She asked, surprised by my nice gesture.

“They aren’t even my clothes. I met them here, so don’t make it feel like I’m doing something huge” I smiled, and she smiled back, making me gaze at her in admiration. For real, her smile was just so pretty, with those nice sets of white, gleaming teeth adorning her face and making her beauty brighter like the sun.

“So you don’t mind if I sleep on the bed with you? I’m nervous. I had never thought there would be any day in my life when I would share the same bed with the Alpha of our land.” She said it lowly, her gaze on the floor as she fidgeted with her fingers.

She was putting on one of my shirts and had one of my khaki shorts on, which stopped barely above her knees, revealing her thick, fresh thighs. The light in the room shone on her, and I couldn’t deny how beautifully endowed she was. In her maid’s gown, she looks nothing like this. I don’t even know if I had seen her around before, or maybe I hadn’t cared at all.

“What’s your name?” I asked, “And look up. I don’t bite.”

Those blue eyes fell on me again as she obeyed and faced me with her hands held together.

“Lara.” She answered with that voice that sounded so sweet. I love it.”

“Lara, I had been single all my life and actually fell in love once with the woman I thought would be the one to spend the rest of my life with. I gave her everything and even sacrificed my true mate for her. My whole heart and soul were all I gave to her, ready to even give more once she requested it. I sighed sadly as the memories rushed in “Guest what happened.”

She sat beside me on the bed, her eyes focused on me as her brows knitted together.

“What did she do? And where is she? She left you” I could sense so much care in her tone and felt the warmth that came from her touch as she held my hands in hers.

“It would have been better if she left me. Heartbreaks happen, and it doesn’t always work, but the heartbreak came with something that would scare me for life, leaving me cursing the very day I met her for the rest of my miserable life.” I poured out, feeling so exhausted.

At that moment, I just wanted someone to rant to, someone to pour out my sorrows and sadness on. The ache and burden in my heart were what I wanted to spill. My mother was someone who would always be ready to take it all and console me, but she is no more. I am left all alone in this world, like a lost sheep.

“Can I know what happened? What did she do to you?” The young girl asked with her eyes on me, giving me all her


From the beginning to the end, I narrated everything to her without excluding a single part. I poured out my emotions, giving my life story in detail to her as if she were my mother who would find a way to make me feel better. I don’t know why I felt like that or why I really was telling someone I just met the story of my life.

Not just that I just met her, but she is a common maid while I am the Alpha, although I don’t even see myself as an Alpha


What kind of Alpha doesn’t have control over his pack? What kind of Alpha has his whole kingdom’s income controlled by a demon!

“I’m sorry. I was thinking about all you said, and my heart is broken. You didn’t deserve that. Your only crime was falling in. love with the wrong woman. She was even a demon in disguise, and now there is no turning back at the suffering she is

12:50 Mon, 6 May MM.

Chapter 71

inflicting on us.” She breathed and sniffed, tears dropping from her eyes and falling on my body.

I told her everything about my visit with Selene, and she was so excited to hear that there was really hope. She offered to help me in any way I want to make sure it is all achieved and Diana gets to suffer.

“So it is all starting tomorrow, right? How do you intend to kill them? If they have any slight hint that they will be ambushed and killed tomorrow, they will escape and report to Diana, thereby sabotaging all the plan.” She rubbed her face and squinted her eyes, like she was thinking of a better idea.

“I will think that through this night and come up with a plan tomorrow. For real, I have to carry out this perfectly so I won’t fáil Selene the second time after I messed up in the past. This is an opportunity to make things right.

“I have an idea.” She snapped her finger, grinning with her eyes lit up.

“Wow, really? Let me know what you got.”

“There is one thing that I am sure can get these demons into trouble of losing their sense of reasoning and not alert over any danger, and that’s the women of our pack. I have noticed so much that they have little or no resistance to  . We can use that as a trap.

“How can we do that?” I asked, feeling so much happiness at her sense of reasoning, which was really what I needed now. Someone should think for me because it seemed like my brain was clogged with guilt.

“I will arrange that. Just give me your badge so I’ll be respected, and the girls will do just as I say. I will make the men decide to stay in a room with these girls, and in there we will get them drugged. Your men can now come in and finish them up.” She explained, and it was like cold water was poured on my body, giving me a chill of relief. My heart, which was heavy, was now light and free.

I beamed and left the bed, walked over to the cupboard, and brought out my badge, which I handed to her immediately.

“If you do this for me, I will forever be grateful. You will remain in my heart forever, but please be very careful. Nothing should happen to you. Absolutely no harm should touch you, please.” I spoke, not noticing I was really displaying a deep sense of affection.

Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell slightly agape as she stared at me, bewildered. “You sounded so protective and caring. I can’t help blushing”

That’s because I really care and can’t bear seeing you in pain–not a pretense, but that’s just how I feel. When all these are over, I will let you know my true intentions.“.

She nodded, her lips in a thin line, as she lay to sleep. “Thank you for this opportunity” She breathed, and I lay on the other


It didn’t take much before sleep took us away, but I got to wake up at midnight, feeling a soft body on me, which explained why I was warm. It had been a very long time since I slept with a woman. The last time was before I met Diana; so many years passed.

You won’t believe Diana had never allowed me to sleep on the same bed with her. Thinking about it now, I can see how stupid and senseless I was. For real, my whole attitude stinks, and I was just seeing what my mother saw. She knew right from the beginning that it wasn’t normal for me to act the way I did.

Lara’s head was on my chest, we were both sleeping like couples, and it felt so good. I don’t know how, but I really loved it. The moon was bright and reflected into the room, giving me the opportunity to see her pretty, glowing face. She looked so innocent, her lips slightly apart as she let out a slow, calm breath.

I couldn’t help admiring her, getting lost as I stared at her and imagined my whole life with her. She was the kind of woman who would stay loyal and give you the respect you deserved. It had just been less than a day since we stayed together, and I was already feeling complete and happier.

My company with her felt so nice and good that I ended up spilling all the secrets to her without any fear of betrayal. My sudden trust in her was unbelievable, considering that I was a victim of betrayal not long ago at the hands of Diana Something about Lara just sits so right, and I could swear she is the one for me even without the mate scent. The connection


Chapter 71

was perfect in every way, both in terms of communication and touch.

“Why are you looking at me like that? i feel like a goddess with that admiration brimming in your eyes. Her voice came in. I didn’t even realize she had woken up and saw me gazing at her intensely.

“You are really a rare gem. Fate actually brought you to me at the right time. I believe the moon goddess has actually seen my repentant heart and brought you to me to mend every broken part and set things right with me.”

She covered her face shyly and buried it on my chest so she wouldn’t see my eyes.

“My cheeks are going to burn. You are flattering me, and hearing all these from the alpha is just really mind–blowing. I feel on top of the world.” She cooed

“You deserve everything. I didn’t even know you were a maid here, and I can’t recognize your face. How long have you been Working for me? I am sorry for letting you stress your body all this time.”

“Ah, king. I was only doing my job, and you were paying me. It feels like a dream. Hours ago, I felt like I would die after they attempted to rape me. I barged into this room to hide because it was the only place I knew they wouldn’t be able to enter.” She paused and exhaled sharply.

“Now that single act had made my crush finally notice me, and not only that, he also liked me and offered to share the bed with me. I swear, I’m overwhelmed and can’t even find the right words to use to express myself. It feels so surreal.”

I winked and held her chin.

“Fate has a lot for us, and I believe we met at the right time. We are sticking together to make this pack work better and to save us from the demons trying to destroy us. Meeting you has just given me the courage that I lacked. You are more reason why I should make sure I get things right because I won’t even want anything to ever happen to you, so it’s important that I

don’t fail

I drew closer, and with our eyes shut, her lips met mine, the deep kiss sending a sensation so sweet and overwhelming down my spine.

We broke the kiss and laid back on the bed, hugging each other. I could swear that was my best sleep for a very long time. I had a dream–a sweet one of mine and hers–in this pack where everything was fine–peace and unity with nothing to worry about.

I was the Alpha, and she was the Luna. In that dream, she was pregnant with my child, and we were that family with an unbreakable bond.

The next day, I woke up with her looking at my face with a smile.

“You were smiling so hard. What are you dreaming of? You even went from smoking to grinning really hard.” She squeaked and laughed heartily. I told her everything I dreamed of, and she was blushing really hard, her eyes wet with emotions,

“I feel on top of the world. I imagine it in my head, and I swear, it’s really overwhelming, consuming me with joy. I can’t wait for that moment, so I have to carry out the duty I have to do today. I must deliver these demons to you in that empty room on the second floor.” She pecked my lips and jumped out of bed to prepare.

Chapter 72

It was the best moment of my life–a few hours, but it lingered on my mind and I couldn’t leave even for a single second. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about everything that happened between us, and I could swear that I found that one thing missing in my life.”

After losing my parents when I was a kid, having a rough life in the orphanage home, and then luckily being taken to the palace to work as a maid. I never thought my life would get any better. I was just surviving on my own; I barely made friends because it seemed I was the only one that got into the palace as a commoner.

Others had connections and were from a known family, while I lived like a stranger.

The first day I entered the palace was when I first saw the handsome Alpha in a glimpse. He passed by with his guards while I stood still with other maids, pausing our work in respect.

My heart really tugged, a kind of connection exploding inside of me and settling right in my head, forming a huge crush that left me delusional all day.

I do everything possible to see him, and when I do see his face, I spend the rest of my day imagining a lot in my head and dreaming of that moment when we are together as lovers who can’t do without each other.

Every single time I think of this, my heart fills up with joy, and I won’t just stop smiling and feeling energetic. I had done so many things differently just to get his attention and to at least hear him talk to me, but I was the last person he noticed. It was as if I turned into a ghost in his eyes, and he didn’t even for a day look at me beyond a second.

It had been three years since I came here, and the Alpha was still not mated. Although I heard rumors in the past that he has a girl he desperately wants to spend the rest of his life with, I ended up not seeing that happen, and it only made me more excited and hopeful.

I only believed I could be his friend one day and have him touch and talk to me. This was my greatest wish that I could possibly convince myself that it could happen, but just last time, the very unimaginable occurred.

It still feels like a dream, and I was so glad I had yet to wake up from it. With the badge, I was able to get five girls who work in the palace. Some were chefs, while others were cleaners.

I got the royal stylist to dress them in a more seductive way that could easily attract the eyes of those horny bastards.

Together with me, we intentionally walked past the demon guards who were on the top floor, gathered around in the sitting” room, drinking and smoking, which is what they basically do.

Diana must have told them that they have every right to do anything in this pack.

Just as we all greeted and stepped up the stairs, they all ogled in silence; their jaws dropped as their heads trailed us from


We all made our way to the room at a slow pace to allow the one who hurried up to catch up and see the room we all entered

This was the bait. We all stayed in the room, waiting and hoping they would come in just as planned. A door was behind the curtains in the other corner of the door, which leads to another room, and in there, up to ten strong men of our pack awaited, including the Torian, who had insisted he would join hands in killing these demons.

We waited for ten minutes before a knock came to the door. I was almost losing hope that these men must have figured out that it’s a trap and won’t be entering, but luckily for me, it worked because as soon as one of us went to the door to open

and check who was there, she was yanked out of the way, all the demon guards barging in and locking the door from behind. They all had huge smirks on their faces, licking their tongues through their lips as they fed their eyes with our bodies. *What are you pretty girls doing here dressed like this? About to start a party or what?” One of them asked, walking closer. “No, we are waiting for our clients. We have  for payment and give half of it to the king; that’s how we survive here,

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Chapter 72

adding to our other jobs we do here in the palace.” I replied, and they all stared at me with squinted eyes. They recognized me immediately.

“Weren’t you the girl that… yesterday?” One of them grimaced, and I nodded.

“So you’re a slut and acting like you are a virgin. You can’t escape us now, though, you and your friends. It’s better you give it to us with ease, or we go the hard way.”

This was what we were told, and the girls all looked at me in fear. I had assured them that nothing would be done to them, and now hearing this must really make their hearts troubled, especially as they don’t seem to be getting any help from anywhere.

“That’s fine. We will do it the easy way; just don’t hurt us.” I breathed, and this time I could hear the gasp of the girls and their intense stare behind me.

“Good You made the right choice.”

“So is the door locked? I won’t want the alpha or anyone to barge in and….

“It’s perfectly locked, and the key is right here.”

I watched as he tossed the key to the table. I nodded with a smile and faced the girls like I was about to instruct them to pull off, but instead I whistled.

“What was that noise for? Why

Their confusion was made clear immediately as the curtains spread open, the door breaking apart, revealing the warriors and the Alpha.

The demons couldn’t even say anything before the attack began, which was unexpected for them. None were prepared for it, and they were outnumbered. Torian was so cruel and fierce, far opposite from the caring man I slept with last night. He pounced on them so dangerously.

His claws and fangs were tearing apart chunks of their flesh, and he made sure to break their bones. It was more of a mere Diana grudge, possibly because they tried raping me yesterday.

“You bastards literally wanted to rape one of my people yesterday? You will all pay for your life!” He roared, confirming my guess of where his rage came from.

Once they were done, the men could not be recognized; their bodies were dismangled, and many parts jutted in uneven directions,

“Clean up this mess. You girls, go back to your business. Arrange their bodies to be delivered to Diana now, alongside my letter to her.” Torian gave orders as he wiped his bloody hands with his napkin.

“You will need water and soap to clean your messy hands. Let me get them for yo

you I said, and he shook his head.

“Rather, go to my room and get the scroll” He said it, still maintaining a mean tone. I bowed and rushed out.

I had barely closed the door after entering his room when the door opened again with him entering in and locking with a huge grin on his face.

“That was a perfect execution!” He praised me, clapping his hands and nodding his head for me.

“You did the main job. See how you were eliminating them like chickens? You really overkilled each and every one of them. even after your men were done.” I giggled while he let out a lopsided smile.

“I was just imagining them touching you and trying to have their way with you. It just sparked such rage in me that I was even vexed to see they died so easily. I wanted their deaths to be really slow.”

“If you want that, you kill with patience, not how you were striking with all your might.” I said, and he burst into laughter, which I joined too. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in, close to his body,

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Chapter 72


Our eyes locked with each other, and as he licked his lips, I felt that uncontrollable urge to kiss him, so I went ahead. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer, planting my lips into his as he took them in, nibbling my lower lips before our tongues met each other.

The kids went deeper and more intense, sparking those rushing desires in us. Everything vanished from our eyes and memory. We couldn’t care for whatever as our hands fought the clothes we wore, hastily putting them off, but it was that knock that had to come in to ruin everything.

The knock actually brought us back to our senses,to realize everything we haven’t done, including the letter to Diana and the one to inform Selene and her crew to get ready in the forest for whatever people Diana will be sending to attack us.

” ! We got carried away,” he mused, rearranging his dress. I had already unbuttoned to the last and zipped down his trouser. It was left to unbuckle his belt and pull down his trousers and shorts. I myself have my gown to my waist already. and my breasts out of the bra.

We were literally dressing up once again.

When he checked the door, one of the guards was coming to inform him that the body was ready. He quickly wrote down the letters with my help. The letter to Diana was really a triggering one that would make her explode. I had to ask if Selene was truly going to make the arrangements.

Because I was very sure that if she doesn’t help out with her Lycans, we will all be wiped out. We had done that one thing that Diana will never forgive. We betrayed her by killing her own people, then sending their destroyed bodies to her with a letter saying that we won’t give her any 50 percent so she can do her worst as we are ready for her.

“We have to stay at the border and be sure the Lycans get assembled in the forest,” I said in anxiety.

“It’s not like we will be able to hold back Diana’s men if the Lycans end up not showing up. It doesn’t make it better if we stay at the border, rather, it will only make us the first to get killed if everything turns out bad, so let’s just stay here and hope.”

Chapter 73

Diana’s POV

I was already waiting and expecting the 50 percent from Torian’s pack. This was the only option he had to prevent me from destroying them yet. I don’t have many grudges against him; that’s why I gave him such a little option–something as easy as that. Once he keeps up, I won’t hurt his people, and he can still live normally.

This evening, I received the most shocking news of my life–all letters that I had to reread multiple times to be sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. It was unbelievable that I had to ask who actually brought it, thinking maybe someone had forged the letter, but they confirmed it was from Torian’s messenger, and the dead bodies of my men on his pack were also delivered, clear evidence that he had betrayed me.

My heart bubbled in anger, running through my veins as I tore the letter apart, gritting my teeth. This was the last thing I ever expected from him after he knew how suicidal he was. In his own eyes, I had killed his mother; that is enough to tell him how easy it will be for me to wipe out his own community.

He shouldn’t have done this for real. Whatever bravery or courage that snuck into him won’t be able to save him from my wrath, and his innocent pack members would now suffer for it. They won’t know what hit them or why, all of a sudden, the army of demons and possessed werewolves are slaughtering them.

“So Torian is ready for war? How prepared is he? How much can his men kill before they get wiped out? Or does he think some motivational ginger would fight the battelle from him?

“Arrange the men, best of all. A hundred. 50 pure demons and 50 werewolves were possessed by heart demons. I want you to kill like your life depends on it, but keep Torian alive because I want to handle him myself.” The commander in front of me bowed and walked out.

What must have given him the courage? The demon king beside me asked, and I shrugged. “I

care what it was; it was just a little pity that he had offered his own people sacrifice over a little courage. I didn’t plan to destroy them, but he had pushed me off limits. Maybe I would have spared him if it was only the letter, but he went as far as killing my men in such a gruesome way.  !

I was mad.

My body shook in uncontrollable rage. I really wish to join them in this war and pour my wrath on them, but it would taint my royalty. I was going to reserve it all for Torian when he was eventually brought to me.

“Do you think whatever gives him the courage to do this must be convincing enough? He really knew what to expect from this, so he went ahead. I think we shouldn’t act rashly and watch closely before attacking.” The demon king said something to me, but his words were really disturbing

I couldn’t imagine myself having to think thoroughly before attacking a small pack like Torian’s to be sure of the reason for his courage.

A knock came in at that moment.

“Who is that?” I shouted, and the response cáme,

“The scout. I had to check around Torian’s pack and found out he made the wall of his border stronger with some magical powers.”

“And we can’t break through?

“He underestimated our magic, ma’am; the men can still go through.”

I chuckled, my lips curling into a sardonic smirk.

“You all have to be fast and bring Torian to me. My biggest mistake was not sending him to the world where his mother is now. They should have gone together that day, so I don’t have to go through this stress.” I hissed and lay back on the bed


Chapter 73

“You can go.” I said to the man behind the door, then turned my gaze to the demon king.

“I hope you now know what is giving him the courage… It’s definitely the border. That boy is more stupid than I thought he could ever be. I can’t wait to teach him a lesson he will never forget. So sad he won’t even live to regret his decision because this time, I will make sure to take his heart out.” I seethed, and we both laughed together.

Lucian’s POV

All I could think of was the pain Diana made Selene go through. That woman took away her joy and replaced it with agony. She crushed her and turned even her father against her, giving her emotional trauma.

All Selene had told me about Diana was pure evil, and I just couldn’t wait to lay my hands on her. I don’t care how powerful she may be or what dark magic she might be operating on. All I want is a fight, one that should be a death match in which

loser gets their throat slit open.

My hatred for her runs really deep into my bone marrow, and that was the sole reason I insisted on coming with her with the other Lycan warriors, hoping that she would join her army to attack Torian’s pack. I planned to use this opportunity to fight her and to pay her for every single moment she made Selene cry.

I was so ready, and even my inner beast kept growling and roaring in eagerness. It was taking time, and this was getting me pissed and frustrated as I thought of the possibility of her forgiving Torian and not sending her men to deal with him, not to talk of coming.

I shook that from my head tonight because I knew what I would do next if that was what happened. I know the plan was not to attack them directly, but if they don’t pass through the forest, I was sure to assemble my men straight to that pack where Diana is staying. In any way, I must deal a blow to Diana today.

I was still contemplating myself when I began to hear the distant cry of war. I heaved a sigh of relief standing up from the rock where I was sitting, a smug smile over my face as I turned to the men.

“I think our guests are on their way. Take positions!” I ordered them, and they all spread out through the forest trees and shrubs along the route. Once the whistle is blown, we all jump out and attack because that would be when they are close by.

I climbed trees, which gave me the opportunity to see them clearly from the front. If Diana comes with them, she will surely be leading in the front, so that is why I stayed in this position. Once I see her, I will know the moon goddess is kind to my needs. I don’t want Selene to stress herself over Diana. I can do it all for her at any cost, even if I get badly injured.

After almost an hour, the demon scent filled the forest, and their footsteps stomped closer and clearer. I peeked at the front and saw no one like Diana. It was just the demons and werewolves who didn’t seem to be in their right senses.

“Does anyone see Diana among them?” I asked my men through the mind link and got a negative response from them all. This really increased my anger, as I didn’t even wait for the whistle before jumping down from the tree.

“Where do you all think you are going?!” I roared at the crowd, and they all looked at me like I had gone out of my senses. The one in the front who looked like the commander stepped closer with his eyes squinted.

“You are the Lycan king, Lucian. What brought you here? This isn’t an affair that concerns the Lycans. It’s between us and the werewolf–basically, the wolves in the pack we are heading to. You won’t be blocking us, will you?” He said, scanning me from head to toe.

“No, I won’t be blocking you all; rather, I will be taking you all home, which is the hell to which you belong!” I snarled and launched a heavy blow to the side of his neck, a cracking, sickening sound heard loudly while he struggled with his life. Just then the whistle blew, and my men pounced on them like a storm.

I fought from the front, giving each that was unlucky to fall into my hands a really gruesome death. My kills were all overkill, as I made sure to feel it deeper and horribly.

We were done in almost an hour. Few were injured but no casualties, while all the men from Diana scattered all over the ground like grass, some parts of their bodies cut off and disfigured.

“One of you should tell Torian to go trigger Diana more with letters because I am not satisfied with killing these weaklings! i want her. I just desperately want to meet her facee–toface and settle things with her for all she did to Selene.” I told one of


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Chapter 73

my men, and he quickly rushed to the border.

I hope after the second set comes and can’t return, Diana will make the right choice of coming by herself.


Well, luckily for her, she didn’t show up. The second set, which had up to 200 demons, arrived, and it was actually a tough. fight for my men, but we succeeded. Although many were injured badly, none died.

It was the injuries that made us not send another letter. We all left that day happy that Diana had felt just the same way do. I know they have been recreated as demons and even possess innocent souls, but after this unexpected blow, she will realize the fight is close by.

It would be more shocking to her because she thinks all that was done by Torian since we made sure none of her men survived to be able to return and tell her all that had happened.

“How did it go through? Selene asked me for a hug as soon as I entered.

“Perfect except for injuries since we fought up to 300 of them. It went well though, but I would have been happier if Diana. had shown up.” I sighed, and he chuckled, tapping my cheek lightly.

“You really want to fight this woman.”

“Time to clean up, bathe, and get some sleep.” She kissed me, and I grinned with joy in my heart. Looking at her alone is just enough to make my day. I can’t really imagine life without her.

“Diana will be really in shock and confusion, wondering how Torian was able to do this. Although she will guess someone helped him, she can’t tell who.” I laughed.

“She will be able to find everything out in a short time, taking how smart she is; that’s why I plan on using my powers to create a dome over Torian’s pack.” She breathed as we both entered the bathroom.

“Really? I hope it won’t take you a lot of energy.”

“It will.” She answered, “But I have to do it. Diana intentionally didn’t go for this war. I can figure out how she thinks from my experience with her. She even sent the other army just so she would see how capable the force was. Now she is sure Torian isn’t the one; neither are his warriors.”

“So you mean she will still attack Torian’s pack?” I frowned. “Then I have to return to that.”

“You can stay in the forest forever. Diana must have calculated it all and seen that there could be only one clan able to kill such numbers of her men just to help Torian and get back at her. All her guesses are directed at us. Now she will stay back and wait for the appropriate time to destroy Torian and his pack. I swear it will be a disaster because she would unleash her wrath on them with all the rage burning in her from losing her men.”

My mouth gaped slightly as I thought of all Selene just said, and it was exactly what someone like Diana could do. Torian might be happy that we were able to carry this out, but he won’t be aware of the blow coming soon.

Diana is a demon queen, evil and overly desperate. She must have even found a way to know we are away from that forest. Even now, Torian might already be facing her wrath.

Chapter 74

Diana’s POV

It was like a bomb exploding in my head as the news was delivered to me, shock written all over my face as I frowned wondering if this was a dream or reality because the only place such a thing could be happening is in the dream.

It was so unbelievable and doesn’t seem impossible especially as I knew the capability of Stan and his entire crew. I know he might have seen for help, but no kind of help would enable him kill 500 of my men in such a short period of time and so easily that I didn’t hear any story of serious casualties to his own people.

When the first set didn’t return, I thought it was a joke. I waited and waited hoping they would really come back and had only stayed longer because the war was a hard one on them. Only for me to wait and realise they were truly gone. No matter how serious the war was, it had gotten to the point that they should be back and even if they didn’t win, I should get a message from one of them that they need back up.

It was all strange and the only guess that was obvious to me was that all my men were killed just as Stan had threatened in his letter. He literally told me that he killed my men and sent their bodies to me with a warning that if I dare to cause any more problem by sending my men to him, they would all be killed.

He actually carried out the threat. I sent another group larger in number. All were well trained and good in black magic and combat. No matter who Stan had called to help him fight, I was so sure this second group I sent will end him and his pack for me but here I am sitting on the throne for over 24 hours since I sent my men and non bad returned, not a single soul.

I was consumed by rage, unable to comprehend whatever was happening because it felt so unrealistic, just like one of those scenes that leaves you wondering then in a blink you get awake and realize it’s all a dream.

It was as I was thinking deep did I remembered that Selene was alive and healthy. Even though she is pregnant but there are still a lot of things she can do like assemble Lycans.

My brows arched as I sat up on the throne, breathing heavily and gritting my throat with my face contorted.

Selene must have given order for the Lycans to come for me using Torian as the bait.

“Torian has dared me to the last and I will show him that no one messes with me and go free not to talk of going Scot free. He might think he is safe but that Lycans he believes in won’t save him aways. they won’t always be there to protect him from me and whatever it will take, I must bring him down.

Who is that? Who dared to betray you?” The voice of Alpha Bale came in from the throne he was on beside me. I scoffed, my lips down turned to a huge smirk. If only he knows how his voice irritates me. I might need someone to talk to, someone who cares to know my struggle.

It took many hours but later I finally found out how everything had happened. A smirk plastered on my face as a really evil plan filled my head on how I was going to get revenge against Torian and finally get him to pay and regret the day he chose to do this to me.

The Lycans helped her out. They are the backbone, the only reason that gave Torian the guts to insult me.

Since the protection had been from the Lycan then it was obvious that all this was just something that was temporary and 1 will definitely get my time to strike back the moment this dome is removed.

I sent my people who snuck around and watch. All they have to do was stay there and keep an eye on the exit route to see when any Lycan begin to go home which was a hint that the so called protection was over. Even if they will come again, it will be after I am done with Torian and his pack. Just that when I am done, there won’t be anyone to protect in that pack.

I will make sure it is dried up from any form of living thing, filled up with dead bodies. The very moment I received the news that the Lycans protecting Torian were gone I didn’t waste any seconds before arranging my people. I took up to 30


Torian’s POV


Chapter 74

My joy knew no bounds as I threw the party all over, announcing to my people our victory and freedom from slavery. Doing all this and not for once did my my mind crossed for once that Diana isn’t someone I should take any chances with.

I didn’t think deep about it because I was sure no one will follow the same path that led to their destruction twice. Even though she would fight me, I believed it was after today since she will still be in shock and maybe guilt of the lives lost.

Selene and her mate had promised to send people to give a permanent protection to us with also a means of alertness that will be sent to Lucían the moment Diana is sighted.

Lucian badly wants to fight with Diana and that was why he did this. They knew Diana was going to come back. I really didn’t think that way. I was stupidly believing she will stay away from me for now and focus on her true battle which is to kill


I was wrong about all this. Totally wrong and I had thought lowly of her to guess that she won’t find out who helped me.

The night of the day that should be a very much joyful one became a sorrowful night that the wrath of Diana fell on us.

Chapter 75

Lola was so happy as she ran into my room and hugged me tight. She just heard the story of what happened to Diana’s men outside the border. She had been full of anxiety, hoping it would all work as we both knew how dangerous Diana is. She wasn’t someone that would let anyone hurt her people and not pay with their lives.

We had done more than just hurting her. We went really deep, making her go short of up to 300 men when she had been gathering people to become warriors so there won’t be any way Selene would outnumber her in the war she is planning.

I know well that she would be burning in rage wondering what happened. She won’t have to blame me because the death didn’t happen in my pack. I was hoping she would start checking if there was any enemy she got outside me. She definitely has countless enemy. No one as evil as her won’t have enemies like the sand on the beach.

“We did it!” Lola squealed and hugged me tight like her life depended on it.

“Yes we did it. Thanks to you for helping me really much. It was a big risk you took to get those men to fall into your trap.”

“Oh, that? It’s a little thing, you did the main job here. Visiting Selene, creating this plan to arrange them outside the pack and unleash disaster on Diana’s men. You are a real hero!” She praised, her lips plunging into mine.

“You know I haven’t told you about me properly. You only know me as just a maid but that isn’t who I am. I am a princess. Let me tell you my story and how I ended up here.” I said with a sigh as I remembered in my head.


I was born in a cold world where love doesn’t exist. Or rather, it never existed around me so I didn’t get to understand what it felt like. My birth was never meant to be a mistake that should have been aborted.

My father, the Alphia of my pack won’t want to set his eyes on me or even act like I was his child and I understood the reason for his resentment. He had asked my mother to abort me when she told him about being pregnant for him, but my mother refused and insisted on keeping me, claiming she was scared of losing her life in the process.

It was until I grew, did 1 realise she wasn’t stubborn to keep me because she loved me as her child- No. There was no love or affection, neither was she afraid to lose her life. It was just one of her schemes and tactics to achieve her greedy dream of having the Alpha’s child even when it was clear the man didn’t want that.

My mother was a poor woman who desired to have a luxurious life and live in a world of wealth where she could get whatever she wanted. She knew she got the chance after being pregnant for the Alpha, so aborting me was what she would never do.

No matter what, I was the daughter of the Alpha, so he couldn’t push us away to die. When he learnt my mother didn’t abort me, he took us into his mansion.

According to what mother told me, It was at a nightclub where she met Gray, the Alpha. Acting us like a prostitute, she was Jucky to be chosen by him. They were caught in a lustful, passionate moment which ended up in a one night stand, and according to what my mother told me, she drugged him and made sure he had  with her raw without any protection.

Her plan was to get pregnant for him and become one of his concubines a way to liberate herself from the shackles of poverty she was subjected to. She really got what she desired.

Gray, the cold hearted Alpha king became my father. After he confirmed I was his child, he could abandon me totally, so he took us in, but made mother a common/maid in his house, but that wasn’t enough for my mother.

She wanted to be more than that.

The pack Alpha was my real father but he had warned and threatened me and my mother not to mention it to anyone or ever act to show I was his child. We picked a random surname and lived our lives with it. My father had even warned me never to call him my father and all thanks to nature for making sure I didn’t resemble him at all.

My mother wasn’t satisfied being a maid and all day and night, she sat alone thinking of how to make herself one of his wives even when it all seemed impossible because my father already got two. Not only that, we were not from a rich family

12:52 Mon, 6 May

Chapter 75

so dad won’t want to have anything to do with us again, but all that didn’t make my mother lose hope.

She was greedy by nature and continued to set plans and hidden schemes to attain a higher status as a wife as that would fetch her great respect from the household and that splendorous and lavishing life of wealth which she dreamed of.

I wasn’t against all these dreams of hers, but she made me her tools.

In her eyes, I was no longer her child, but a common collateral to help her devise a better way to become what she wanted. My feelings or health was the least of what she cared about

It was clear that being pregnant with me in her womb made her win her way into living in the Alpha mansion and also got paid hugely with a job as a maid that earned her monthly payments, but the truth was that she wasn’t done with me yet.


My life was in her hands and she would use me to gain more.

I was ten when my mother brought my food one morning and right in front of my eyes, she sprinkled a white powdery substance into il

When I asked what it was, she yelled at me to shut up and eat. I was ignorant at first and ate the whole meal, only to realise a few minutes after that it was poison as I began to feel painful stomach inflammation that really hurt badly leaving me crying all day and vomiting

When I complained to my mother, she ignored me. I thought it would be only once, but this continued. Every meal was poisoned and it seemed she kept increasing the quantity as the pain kept getting more intense.

I thought of not eating her food, but that would also mean dying of starvation so I would eat and lie on my bed expecting the diarrhoea and abdominal pains that always followed up after eating.

I later found out why she was torturing me with poison.

The poison was to keep me frail and sick so that she would draw pity and attention from my father who seemed to have forgotten us and cared only for his official wives and children.

She doesn’t care a bit about finding a way to stop the burning pain and cramps I felt inside my stomach. How did I want her to find me drugs to stop them when it was all she wanted so I would get bedridden and finally make my father come over to

My cries and weeping were what she needed as it would make everyone around to find out about my severe sickness and somehow get into my father’s ear so he would remember our existence and at least come see us for some minute.

It seemed I had a powerful body system because I got healed after two days without any drugs.

When I turned ten, my mother upped the dose of her poison because it seemed my body had got used to it and I wasn’t falling much sick anymore. It was at that age I got bedridden for so many days because the toxins became much more severe than my body could bear.

I cried and wept hard in my misery, and the mother who caused all my pain would join me in weeping, acting like she was devastated and broken at my sickness.

I hated her for not aborting me and instead making my life a hell on earth. Each day I let out those piercing cries and convulsed from the scorching pain of her poison, she pretended alongside me, shedding crocodile tears and patting my back like she was caring while leaving the door and windows open to draw attention.

Do you know how much that broke my heart?

I wished I could stop eating her food, but that only meant going hungry for the rest of my life because no one in the household cared for my existence.

Finally, She succeeded in her plans as dad began to make out time to come and check on me on the sick bed. I wondered why the doctors didn’t diagnose the reason for my sickness and expose my mother to food poisoning, or maybe he was playing along with my mother.


12:52 Mon, 6 May MM ·

Chapter 75 

No one would believe a ten years old girl telling everyone that she was poisoned by her mother.


I would always see the blurry face of the huge smiles on mom’s face each time dad came to spend time with her and returned, and it hurt so much because I was lying there on the sick bed going through the intense pain of betrayal and sadness.

No one in the entire mansion cared enough to find the source of my illness. Instead, I noticed they all began to stay away from me like a leper, believing I had contracted a strange disease which they wouldn’t want to contact.

My mother was the disease I was suffering from, she was the devil tormenting my life, just for her greedy ambition.

It was a childhood experience that haunted me like a scary monster in the night. I thought every mother was there to love and care for her child- I thought they would sacrifice anything to give their children the best of life even when every other person abandoned and mistreated them, but my fate was different and cruel.

Finally, my mother got what she wanted. A baby boy.

Did I forget to tell you? A male child instantly skyrockets you into a mistress because you now have an heir to some of his property.

I knew nothing about my father except that he was the alpha. I barely knew any other thing about my father because he was never a father to me, and I only saw him a handful times a year.

In the whole mansion, I had only the room and library to go to at my free time. I haven’t left the house for once and was too busy dealing with mother’s poison, getting sick almost every day.

I was 14 years old when my mother bore the baby boy. Only she knew how she was able to seduce my father into having  . with her. She had always been a very cunning woman and only needed my father to give her a little attention which she from poisoning me.


She stopped giving me toxin food and at the same time vanished from my sight, leaving the room for me. She was given a new room as a new official wife after a brief wedding. Maybe father told her not to bring me along.

She was now the third wife and that was a huge blessing for her as it meant her life had changed for the best.

She would be treated so well and given all she wanted. The new apartment was for her and the baby boy who she was too busy taking care of to remember me. Everyone’s focus was on the boy to realise I no longer feel sick like before.

You know what happened next? I became a ghost that no one sees. All the chef did was bring my food to my room and leave immediately, and to be honest, that kind of life was far better.

A life of peace. My wicked mother was gone to enjoy the life and she sacrificed me for that, while I continued to live in the small room, reading books I picked from the library to pass each day peacefully.

It was a better way of living than being with a woman you called a

new life of serenity and separation, but that was only a matter of orber yet she was the thorn in your flesh. I loved my

before it all came to an end.

Chapter 76

I was 18 years when the days of peace came to an end and a new version of life set in. It was a fateful morning and I was just done cleaning up and dressing into my casual skirt and blouse, waiting patiently for my breakfast to be brought in.

A maid hurried into my room, her face expressionless. When she knocked, I thought it was my food so I rushed to open the door, only to see her empty handed. Before I could ask her why she was here because it was unusual for anyone to visit me. She told me my father ordered for my presence in his chamber immediately.

My heart skipped as I stared back at her in shock, wondering if she was in her right senses. I really felt she was either crazy or had came to the wrong room. How would Gray call for me? Does he even know if I was alive or dead?

“Who is asking for me?” I asked again, under my breath as my brows furrowed together.

“Gray, your father ordered you come to his chamber now. Don’t waste his time!” She warned and turned away, walking fast. that I couldn’t ask any other questions before she went out of sight.

It was up to 18 good years, and I could count the few times I had seen my father, but those times, it was only because my mother used the poison to draw his attention to me.

Since, I was born, he never cared to know if I was alive or dead, and the only time he came was when I was bedridden, yet he didn’t spend anytime with me or asked how I was faring before leaving. It was so clear that he hated me so much.

With the way he talked and glare at me sometimes, I knew vividly that he resented me and I also abhorred everything about him and hoped one day I would leave his house and forget I ever had that devil as a father.

For some seconds since the maid left, I couldn’t move as my body froze in anxiety and panic. It was weird and doesn’t look right. To see a majd coming to tell me he was beckoning on me this morning was something that didn’t went well with my


Especially when he asked that I should come to his chamber, a place where he always spend time with his wives and children. What does he want to tell me in there?

I was so shocked that I repeatedly asked myself if the maid was sure it was me, Rose, that he asked to be brought to him.

2 2 2 2 st 2 #

For Dad to ask for me was as impossible as a donkey passing through the needles eye, except he has a punishment for me. it was never going to be something good, and my instincts was there with a foreboding warning to keep me trembling as I pondered on what was going to happen to me next.

My wish was to be left alone till I found a way to leave this hell hole, but It was clear now that my wishes weren’t becoming reality anymore.

No matter what it was, I would face it.

The fear building in me intensified the moment I walked into the chamber that looked just like paradise. So glamorous and amazing that I almost drool staring at how fascinating the interior design was, but on seeing the faces in the room, the beauty of the room vanished before my eyes and seemed like the hell fire.

My body heated and my palms became sweaty as my heart began to ram hard inside my chest, choking my breath while I struggled to breath and keep my balance.

The faces I dreaded were all gathered, his three wives which included my mother. It would be important to tell you all that she didn’t act like she recognized me as her daughter. My father’s mother who was my grandmother and every sons and daughters of my father had were also in the room, all seated while I stood in front of them like a lamb to be slaughtered.

It was the second time I was seeing my half brothers and sisters after they once visited me with their parents on my sick bed nine years ago. I almost cried as my heart throbbed in a twinge of shame and rejection. The difference between me and my half siblings was same with that of a slave and royal families. I was clearly the slave here.

While I stood there with my old, tattered and outdated gown, they were all clothed in expensive clothes and gold jewelries

12:53 Mon, 6 May

Chapter 76

My half siblings were all older than me and looked so chubby and fresh with wealth written all over them, meanwhile, I was thin and suffered like an outcast,

After they had all fed their eyes with my shambled appearance and laughed to the fill, my father cleared his throat to talk, and my heart was racing in panic. The smirk and smuggy faces in front of me was a hint that something bad was about to happen to me.

My instincts of fear was finally proven right as my father dropped the bomb that almost choked me to death as I gaped and paralyzed in terror.

“Get ready for your husband. You are getting married tomorrow!”

His deep and gruffy voice sounded so cold and straight, piercing deep inside me and resounding every words he said inside my brain and causing a total disrray in my entire system.

Was this a joke? I would have believed it was one, but this man I called my father would never in his life bring me out of my room to this place to crack jokes for me.

I was struggling to breath under my shattered state as I stared into the glazed eyes of my own father, a man I hadn’t have the opportunity to look closely for a long time. His face was squeezed with frown and a sternly look that warned me not to dare speak against him.

How would I get married off like this? I thought to myself, but felt a little happy that it was an opportunity to leave this hell hole. Well, that happiness came to an end when he told me who my husband was going to be.

“Your husband is Xander Hughes. He is sending his men tomorrow to take you so get well prepared and never let them wait!” He warned, his voice emphasizing clearly on the name of my new husband like he wanted it to sink in me well, but there was no way this won’t be a joke or prank of some kind.

“Now you can leave” He concluded like he had said something I shouldn’t worry about. Others in the room giggled, and even my mother didn’t cared at all as she glued her to the child she had in her arms, petting him to sleep.

He told me to leave, but my feet wasn’t leaving the ground. I lost my ability to walk at that moment.

1 wasn’t going anywhere, waiting for him to tell me it was a huge prank. My father hated me so well, but it shouldn’t be this deep as to hand me over to that devilish man who would destroy every pinch of happiness remaining in my life. Xander was the last piece to crush an Innocent soul like me.

If there was anyone most dreaded by every person in the pack. it was Xander, who was the richest man in our pack. I had read books about him and felt the chills of his cruelty especially towards women. He had married 12 wives, or rather taken them as  toy because no one had ever heard or seen him perform a wedding rite with any woman.

He was rich, but women that lived with him was in bondage all the rest of their lives. They are in his mansion, serving him. like a slave. They barely comes out so no one knew how terrible their lives were in there.

Those women offered to Xander for money were ones who their family doesn’t care about and had been a disobedient and wicked child. It was an eternal punishment to be Xander’s wife. No freedom at all. You don’t speak when not spoken to, and the worst is that your life is owned by him.

It was a life where you have no say on whatever. I knew all these because I read a lot. Who would have known that one day I would be like those unfortunate women who I had pitied and prayed not to be while reading their pathetic story.

He has no particular wife, and doesn’t have a space for love in his heart. It would be safe to say he hated love and treat women like trash that should be used and crushed under his feet.

Although, I had always wanted to leave this house at any cost. I wanted to vanished and never see the two wicked humans I had as parents, but not with getting married to a man like Xander Hughes.

Even the part of the story about him my mother had told me was equally scary and dreadful.

My father could be called a good man to be compared to him. At least he left me to be on my own while feeding me and he doesn’t hit women have  with any woman, anytime.


12:55 MUI, May

Chapter 76


“What are you still standing there doing, you fool!” My father growled as he saw me still standing after he had dismissed me. I cleared my throat and sniffed back the tears which were already pouring down from my eyes.

“Dad, I don’t understand. How can I get married to Xander, that man is so cruel and evil. He isn’t marrying me but about to use me like other unfortunate women there- I would be like a paper, used once and discarded like trash all the days of my life. Why do you want to sell me out to him when you have all the money you needed?” I whimpered, shaking at the cruel fate which was about to befall me.

“Just shut up and leave now. Xander personally requested for a wife from me among my daughters so you shouldn’t worry, he will make you his official wife. He snapped aggressively, glaring at me as I sneered at him.

Someone who has dozen of concubines without any official wife, having  and beating them at any slightest mistake out of his intense and wild anger issue was the man that was going to make me, a wretched soul, his official wife?

And when did my father accepted me as his daughter after abandoning me for all these years? If Xander requested for one of his daughters, then I am definitely not among because no one outside knew I was his daughters and all my life, he never treated me like one.

Chapter 77 

“Please, can I know when you accepted me as your daughter. if Xander wanted one of your daughters, then they are your daughters, not me! Send one of them to him! so why sending me there?!” I fired back at him in frustration and heartbreak, ast my eyes welled up in tears and streamed down profusely.

The way I talked back at him made everyone surprised, and daddy just shrugged at me, his eyes going dark red in rage while he balled this fists and gritted his teeth.

l’expected him to beat me, but he didn’t do that.

I only wanted your face to be intact for the marriage. I would have designed it with punches right now!” He hissed with a short and waved at me.

“Get out of my sight and go get ready!” He snarled in addition but I shook my head and still couldn’t move as I sobbed and bite my lower lips. It just downed to me that I was about to be a sacrifice for his other beloved daughters.

He rejected and abandoned me for 18 years, then brought me up as his daughter to marry me off. A debt meant for his daughters

Why me?

“Dad, you are confusing me. Even if you finally accepted me as your daughter, I arm the youngest here. If there was anyone to get married among your daughters, it shouldn’t be me. I am too young and can’t marry…. My screeching voice was cut short with a sudden hot slap that blinded my vision and snapped my mouth shut.

At first, I thought it was from Dad, till my blurred vision cleared and I saw my mother standing in front of me with an angry look

She was the one that just slapped me. Tears filled my eyes as my heart broke into shreds. Pain of betrayal exploding inside me as I stared back at her in shock and disbelief.

“Don’t you dare talk to my husband like that. I didn’t train you to be a foolish bitch! Now get out of here as he ordered!” She yelled angrily at me and hissed loudly before turning back to her seat. She took back her baby which she had handed to someone among them while everyone cheered and praised her. I could see satisfaction in her eyes. Even my bright smile.

dad gave her a

It was then I knew there was absolutely nothing I could do to evade this. My fate had been decided, and no single one is out to save me from it. I had father and mother, but was an abandoned orphan in the face of danger.

No one to cry to. Not even a single soul gave a damn about my life. I was the sacrificial lamb. My fate was unknown yet, but I needed no hint or soothsayer to know there was never going to be anything good to hope for.

Who would hope for happiness when forced to be a bride to a man whose heart was cold and fierce. A man who would rather kill himself than allow love to take over him. I was about to become a toy to the devil, and I just hoped he killed me earlier.


With a wild and aimless run, I groped my way back to my room, hitting my legs at almost all the stairs which caused sharp pains and injuries, but none of that mattered. They can’t be compared to what my heart felt.

I was dying inside me, and each moment I remembered how I suffered and survived poison in my childhood from my mother only to be offered to a heartless man as a wife, my heart tugged in anguish, and suicide kept becoming a good decision.

I could have actually killed myself, but some way somehow, in a strange way, I felt the slightest hope of a better life in the hand of Xander. I don’t know why or how it would happen, but my inner self believed that so I decided to accept my fate and see the end.

Al got into my room, I fell face down on the bed, burying my face into the pillow while sobbing uncontrollably. It was too harsh and unbearable. I hoped and prayed it won’t be for real, but God was far away from me. He refused to answer my prayers.

12:53 Mon, 6 May MM:

Chapter 77

My door kept opening and closing with footsteps of people hurrying in and out, and I knew they were the maid bringing in my wedding dress, jewelries and costume.

Tomorrow, I would meet that dreadful monster and won’t have the opportunity to run away. The door of the outside world would be shut against me, and no one here would remember me again. Even if I get killed, no one cares,

I slept off in tears and was woken by taps and nudges on my body. My eyes opened and I could still feel the dried tears. streaked down my cheeks.

“It is time.” That was all I needed to hear from the maid before my eyes became wet again and began to pour down tears, but

had to strength to cry out loud or even whimper. It was not like I would get help from anyone.

This was the first time I was helped to bath and dressed up. Maids and stylist were all around me, preparing me for the wedding, so I would be faster and have no chance of delaying.

They dressed me up in a white velvet wedding gown and sparkling designs of diamonds and pearls. My blonde hair was permed and combed down into straight line. I wasn’t interested in checking myself in the mirror till they were done with


The large mirror was placed to my front and I was taken aback by who I saw staring back at me. My jaw dropped and I gasped, stunned at the transformation. The beauty i didn’t thought I had all came out, and I was blushung at my figure which was a paragon of beauty.

The gown fitted me well and all make–up matched my skin, giving me the perfect appearance of a damsel from a billionaire family.

I was still checking myself out when my father and his children who were my half siblings came into my room. I stopped all I was doing and faced them. My siblings started with snickering.

“They really tried to make you stunning, but all these can never work in the eyes of Xander, and he would hate you for trying out your chance of getting his heart with all these. I wonder what he would start with. Slap or kick one of my half sisters blurted with a smuggy face and other laughed out hard.

“At least, Xander would believe you are my beloved daughter and think he was punishing me by taking you away my father chuckled before snorting at me and taking his leave,

“Be a good wife. My siblings chanted in mockery as they followed their father.

“They are on their way to pick you. So stay in here. We will inform you when they arrive. One of the maids spoke to me and gestured me to go and sit on the bed. I obeyed quietly. At that moment, I really needed to leave here.

Just when all the maids left, my mother walked in with her son who was the pure copy of my father. On seeing them, anger and pain swelled inside my heart. I felt like strangling my mother and burning her corpse for all the evil she did to me, but there was nothing I could do in reality.

She wasn’t even smiling, neither did she had any glimmer of pity or compassion in her eyes as she gazed at me from head to


“I am here to tell you something. No one owe you anything, not even your father or mother. Fight and decide a better fate for yourself even when it all seemed to be the cruelest. Even when he is known to be a devil, he has a pacing heart. Give him a reason and he would fufil your desires just like I did mine” she poured out with a smirk at the end, looking down at the young boy who was my brother but doesn’t even recognize me as his sister.

“What are all these you are saying to me, you wicked mother!” I snarled, but she said no other words to me and carried her


“She called you….. The boy tried alking, but she cut him off.

“She is lying. Let’s leave here.” My mother cooed to him and hurried out of the room.


Chapter 77


I broke down in tear of anguish and immense sadness which became worst as three guards rushed into the room and announced that those to pick me up had arrived.

It went so fast and brief, that the next thing I saw was myself standing in front of a magnificent building that stood tall and huge like a paradise. The beauty was a sight to behold and spoke of great wealth. It was overwhelming for my little mind to see such a house that could pass as a heaven.

The men who came to pick me wree all dressed in black attire with dark glasses and none said a single word to me all through the journey to the moment we drove into the large automatic black gate.

Iwasn’t given any spared time to feed my eyes with the beautiful house as the maids were already waiting for me to take me in. I was so confused because I thought I was going to have a wedding in the church and a great ceremony as the newly wedded wife, but all that didn’t happen, neither did I saw my husband that day.

The maids took me into one of the rooms at the first floor. I noticed there were also six more rooms at that hallways, each with their numbers. Mine had 12 boldly written at the top and there was the 11th beside it.

What is that number up there?” I asked curiously and the maid looked left and right before whispering

“You are the 12th wife of the year.”

“What!” I exclaimed, but she gave me a frightful stare.

“You don’t shout anyhow here. The walls are thin and he could be nearby. He hates noise!” She warned me and quickly left.

That was all that happened from morning till night. No one came into my room. I wasn’t served any food, and the door was locked automatically when the maid closed the door.

I was dumped there in hunger at my supposed wedding day without even having a glimpse at the man I was to marry.

What about the honey moon of newly wedded couples at their wedding night? Well, I think he gave me something to remember that night.

It was around 10: pm after I was done pulling off the stupid wedding gown and putting onna night gown I picked from the cloth rack, I sat on the bed gloomly. It was then I began to funny sounds. It was the sounds of bodies slapping against each other and didn’t took long before wild and extreme moans filled my ears from the thin walls of the room.

I won’t have believed my so–called husband was doing this at my wedding night if the lady hadn’t muffled his name under a strangled breath, begging him under a collapsing breath to take it easy.

Chapter 78

My eyes burned and poured down tears as 1 gaped at the wall in disbelief and heart break. The flapping of their skin was only getting more intense and both were now panting, moaning and groaning in the pleasure of the  they were having.

It shouldn’t have hurt me so much, but I just couldn’t tell why my heart seemed like they were crushed into pieces, sending tugging pain into my chest that I found it hard to breath.

I expected a lot from the cruel Xander and had braced my heart and soul to bear it all without allowing them to penetrate through me, but now that I was faced with this, I was stunned at how quick it was to pierce into me and break me down. instantly.

My eyes trailed from the wall to the wedding gown on the table and anger swelled violently inside me. I couldn’t tell when I

ard on the floor rose from the bed and kicked the table hard, shattering it and just as the gown fell, I stomped on it very before kicking it under the bed.

“Give me a blowjob!” The guttural voice of Xander commanded and the next I heard was slurping and choking sound as she sucked on his dick. He was groaning so loud just as if he wanted me to hear it all.

I hissed at the torment those sounds was causing my heart before moving away from the bed. I went to the furthest part of the room away from the wall where the  sounds were coming from and pulled up the window allowing a wave of swirling breeze, to slap my face as I gazed up to the sky.

There was no moon or stars. The sky was blank and gloomy just like my life had been since I was born. Sometime I wonder how I was able to live up to now with all the betrayal and heartbreak from people that was supposed to love me. I had always felt like that girl who shouldn’t come into this world.

It was clearly a mistake that I was born and that explained why the world and everyone in it were all cruel to me. They don’t want me here, not even the moon or stars could appear this night of my wedding and keep me company.

My husband is busy with another woman, making sure I could hear their  screamed and strangled noises. No respect for my feelings that he abandoned me without coming to see me for a second not to talk of the marriage ceremony I dreamed

  1. of.

Maybe I really expected much from a man known to be cold–hearted like the devil. I wasn’t a wife but another  toy which he would visit whenever he felt like.

That night. I slept off, standing and bending my head over on the window stool. Anger, frustration, hunger, heartbreak and aching heart were all that filled me to the brim before I slept off. Even my eyes were tired of shedding tears.

Morning came and I woke to find myself lying on the bare floor. I stood up slowly with a feverish feelings. My head was aching and my body was so weak. Not even my stomach could spare me some pain as it tinged from starvation. I managed to reach the bathroom and took my bath before returning to the room.

From the cloth rack, I picked and wore a blue short sleeve gown that stopped slightly above my knees. I was just combing down my hair when the door finally creaked open. I turned sharply and saw a trembling middle aged woman in a maid.


Her head was bowed and both hands clamped in between her laps.

“Good morning… We both greeted each other at the same time and glanced at each other briefly.

“It is time for breakfast at the royalty dinning room. Xander ordered me to call you in.” She spoke out gently as if she was struggling to speak English.

I was about asking a lot of questions about my new husband but she cut me off immediately.

*Please follow me now. You shouldn’t dare to keep the master waiting. She urged, her eyes sending me warnings that I couldn’t clearly decipher, but I knew it would be dangerous to linger in here after his call.

Memories of last night flashed into my head and I felt a pang in my heart. A silent hiss slipped my mouth and I felt wetness


12-09 MU, Uvay

Chapter 78

in my eyes. The man who could do that to me at my wedding night would effortlessly hurt me beyond measure without feeling any pity.

We both hurried through the hallways, down the stairs till we got to the dinning room at the second floor. I took deep breaths, wondering what would happen to me in there. The maid went back while the two guards at the entrance opened the door for me.

When one of the servants announced my arrival, I heard the loud shattering noise of glasses, but fright couldn’t let me look up. I walked into the room with my head bowed to the floor.

Xander who everyone knew to be very ruthless, depraved, gruesome and horrible was in the room so I lost all courage to look up and see his face. How would I face my nightmare? The dead silence and tensed atmosphere showed how evil this man could to create such environment when there were many women in there.

Xander’s aura was totally atrocious and wicked. I wished I wasn’t called up here. The maid could have brought my food to me in my room.

Who is this thing here? Is this shit one of Gray’s daughter which I married yesterday?” I heard a rough, scary and horrifying voice roared and I flinched, holding my breath and gulping hard as my entire body became sweaty as fear shook me..

“Hey, little girl. Look up while the master talks to you!” A feminine’s voice shouted at me and I took a deep breath before.

Force to look up at him, I saw for the first time, his dark gray eyes which were cold, hard and flinty, narrowing at me in anger. It was as if my blood was sucked dry at that moment as my heart stopped instantly inside my chest.

He was enraged at me that I could feel the heat from his glare.

I trembled, panicked and melted under my skin as his eyes seemed to be piercing into my soul.


“You must be so brave.” He bellowed and stood to his feet revealing his towering figure that stood tall like a gigantic wall. His was dressed in a robe, yet his ripped muscles were budging out. There was rage in his eyes and the moment he took steps forward to me with clenched fist, I knew I was gone,

The women all stared at me in pity. I couldn’t yet figure out what I did wrong to make Xander angry. My limbs were shaking and I was bitting hard on my tongue to hold back the scream and cry threatening to burst out

Sweat were dripping down my face and my heart was racing so fast that I thought it would explode. I was terrified and my mind was shouting at me to run away, but my legs weren’t moving and my stomach felt rock hard,

“Why did you

you broke my table, and also kept me waiting since I ordered you to come down here, I can see you don’t value your life!” He rasped, and now he was standing right in front of me, few inches away that I could feel his breath on my face.

“I am so sorry….” I mumbled, trying to bow my head, but he gripped my neck hard and pulled my face up.

“You don’t dare look down on me, you filthy thing!” He warned, staring into my eyes and I could see his face reddening and yeins pulsing and twitching across his neck in rage.

I kept nodding instinctively, but he still didn’t release me. His grip only tightened hard around my neck that I began to choke and struggled to breath.

My eyes bugged and tears streamed as he yanked me forward, my face close to his.

Chapter 79

” ! Where are that man and your father now?” He couldn’t listen further. Torian was already boiling in rage at everything I was telling him. He was fuming, his face red.

“They are all dead. I poisoned Xander when he tried to rape me, and I then ran away from that pack. I was then sold to a bidder from this pack. When he heard my story, he was scared that one day I would be hunted and it could put his family in trouble, so he gave me the opportunity to become a maid here.

Luckily, I was taken in, and it didn’t take long before 1 set my eyes on you. I realized at that moment that I had found someone my heart was ready to give everything for.

Tarian hugged me, kissed me, and carried me into his arms, leading me into the room since we were in the sitting room.

“You just have to lay there and tell me whatever you want because I won’t let you go through anything stressful and harsh. You don’t even have to help me again because your body has gone through a lot, and the only thing it needs now is rest, sleep, and enjoyment.” My eyes became teary hearing his words of compassion and love.

“I didn’t complain of stress; besides, being with you had been a blessing and really made me forget all the pain of my past. Now I want to do everything to make a happy home with you because I love you so much.”

He had his eyes wet as they gazed at me with so much compassion.

Torian’s POV

“We will make that dream come true. In fact, it is close. Let’s begin the party because the new future we desire is here!” I shrieked, and she jumped up from the bed and stepped out. I informed the messenger to ring the bell and announce it to the whole community, which he did.

From there, we began a party. Yes, a celebration party that spread to the entire pack. Everyone came out to celebrate the great victory because it was the biggest we did to someone like Diana, who had oppressed us for so long that our lives are now horrible.

Everyone actually left their various homes to gather at the village square. Music was on, and food and drink were in surplus for everyone because we were sure of our economy growing back after being plummeted by Diana’s request for a


There was nothing to worry about because not only is our border stronger, but Diana won’t want to lose more of her men. She will rather let me be than keep sending her men to get killed when she should be pulling them up in numerous numbers for the fight against Selene

But that was only my thought. That was me trying to understand how Diana thinks without really knowing her. My estimation was totally wrong because the woman wasn’t who I thought she was. She isn’t someone to joke with.

In the party, hell broke loose as one of my border guards who survived ran up to the stage to announce to me that Diana and her demons were on attack on us and that the entire guards at the border were dead.

According to him, he could only survive because he wasn’t there at that time. He was still a distance away, heading to the border to join others, when he sighted the brutal battle going on. He not only smelled the scent of demons but also caught a glimpse of Diana. He then ran back here to inform us of news that exploded with horror inside of me.

I was transfixed, lost for words, as my eyes scanned through the happy faces of my people, who thought all was going perfectly fine. People who had come out in numbers to celebrate our moment of freedom without knowing that this would be their last moment on earth.

It was just like a celebration of the life spent on earth because it was all about to end.

I picked up the mic, tears cascading down my cheeks. My lips trembled, and shivers rushed through me like waves while I swallowed the huge lump that had formed inside my throat.

“Listen up, everybody! My voice cracked through the crowd gathered, and silence rocked in. My tone was far from what

12:53 Mon, 6 May

Chapter 79

they expected, and in an instant, they were able to sense the intense fear and sadness in every word.

All her eyes drifted to me as they waited to hear what I had to say, but my voice was just hitched in my throat with every word I was about to speak, making it really hard to cross my mouth.

How will I tell them? How will I inform these innocent people that my stupidity has caused them to go extinct? I don’t need a soothsayer or diviner to tell me what Diana is going to do to us right now. Not a single life will be spared, not when I don’t allow one of her men to return alive.

With the help of the Lycan, I did a massacre on her. She is back for revenge already, and seeing she cruised past that forest is chough reason to know the Lycans had left the forest thinking all deals were done.

“Diana is here for revenge!” I finally got the courage and announced it, causing chaos, cries, and uproars through the air, as every single person here, both old and young, knows what it means. We all know what Diana will do to us, and all we should do with the little time we have left is say our last prayers and greet our loved ones.

It was actually the end of us.

Just then, I remembered Selene giving me a ring to communicate with her.

“Kill them all.” The voice of Diana was heard loud and clear, echoing through every corner while people scattered around, running helter–skelter, looking for where to hide and praying you weren’t seen, but that would only be possible if we were fighting against fellow werewolves or vampires.

The demons are able to find everyone with just their scent and the sound of their breath. There was no hiding.

Without wasting any more seconds, I informed Selene with the ring and quickly pulled it out and flung it because 1 remembered she told me Diana shouldn’t see it as she would recognize it and know that I could communicate with Selene.

I didn’t know what to do as I watched my people being killed in numbers by Diana. We were ambushed, not ready for a fight, as everyone had come for a party and not a battle. It was so hard to fight back, so hard to defend ourselves, so Diana was at the top of the chain, dealing us blows.

Lola was crying beside me as we stood on the porch of the hall, trembling.

“Are we all going to die?” She asked, her voice shaking.

“No, but a lot will. I don’t know when Selene will arrive with her people. I sent…”

I couldn’t finish whatever I was saying

Just then, I was grabbed by the hair. The person pulled me into the hall, and I looked up to see it was Diana. I couldn’t find Lola, who was with me, and my heart was almost crushed into pieces. The story of her life, which she told me, blasted my head and entire body with guilt as I wondered if Factually had failed her.

Maybe it wasn’t actually a blessing for her to meet me when I could protect her and give her a better life. What if she had been killed? I was so shocked by this sudden war that I hadn’t checked if she was still standing beside me. I don’t know where she is now, and I am at the mercy of Diana, who I know won’t spare me this time. If there was one thing she can’t forgive, it’s betrayal and falling out of a deal made.

My mind didn’t cross that she would attack today. So I hadn’t informed Selene earlier. Before they reach here, I don’t know how many of us will be left, including me. I don’t know if I will be alive, nor do I know what the state of Lola is.

“Where is Lola?!” I barked, ignoring the devilish eyes of Diana, who was reassuring me of my death sentence already. There was no trace of forgiveness or a second chance this time.

12:54 Mon,

Chapter 80

Shouldn’t you care about yourself more? Clara or whoever won’t survive neither will you. Death is all that should be in your minds now because I’m here to wipe you all out!” Her voice irked me, seeing her in front of me was enough to make my heart burn.

I care less about her threat, what I wanted to know was the fate of Clara, but how will I know that when I am stuck here and can’t even tell what my own fate would be.

I was tied up in one of the rooms and left there. I knew she just wanted to finish up with the others then come for me separately,

Selene’s father sat on his throne, unsure where Diana had gone but with her facial expression the moment she left this morning, he knew she was going to do something really dangerous.

The more he pondered on what it could be, the more confused he become, and there was no guts to ask her where she was going to with fear of provoking her.

He had turned to a weakling, and his fate was really a bad one which he was ready to accept since he brought on himself by allowing a stranger tear apart the relationship he has with his daughter.

Just as he was still in the palace, brooding over the past, having regrets and wishing for a second chance, Diana walked in, blood stained all over her body. He was shocked, because Diana was the last person he could imagine getting beaten.

Only one person came to his mind that moment and it was his daughter, the gift from the goddess, the only girl that could stand against Diana and dealt her with blows.

“Get your filthy  away from that throne. It’s over. No time to hide myself and act innocent. This pack is mine and it’s time to fully claim it before you do to me the same thing Torian did.” She fumed, wiping the sweat on her forehead as she stormed forward.

Daren wasted no seconds to move away from the throne just as she had instructed. She made her way straight forward and sat with pride on the throne

“I am the rightful owner,” she smirked and just then groups of demons began to flood in

“We owns this whole territory!” She shouted, her voice echoing through the entire hall. Among the demons was the demon king, he also took a throne, sitting right beside her on the place meant for the Luna of the pack.

Daren, Selene’s father, could only stand at the corner and watch with fear, his body trembling as he dreaded what could be the next thing for him. His fate doesn’t look good at all. Diana looked so flared and angry that he couldn’t think of her sparing his life.

“Call everyone to know. It’s time to show them who the real ruler is.” I instructed him.

Diana’s POV

1 got to the Royal hall and head straight to the Alpha’s throne having a huge smirk all over my face, it felt so good sitting on the high chair looking down on the others,

“What is really happening?.. I don’t get it all a bit! The Gamma huffed staring at the weakling they called an alpha,

“I’m the head now, you all are my subject! I spoke out and they all went dumb waiting for the alpha to talk but he was more speechless than them.

“Diana, why are you doing this?…I had never wronged you, I treated you the best, I listened to your words only. I showed you great love and care, why are you treating me this way?” He mumbled with his tone cracking as he would cry.

I couldn’t help my laughter seeing the powerful and fearful Alpha talk like a baby, his expression showed how weak he was,

Chapter 80

“Are you asking me that question?…well, I’m not in the mood to reply, don’t dare ask silly questions to me, now go down to the chairs there and sit!” I ordered,

“Diana, stop all this madness!!… Alpha what is wrong with you?” The Beta mate threw her

r questions too,

“Your Alpha can’t fight you all are nothing to me, I can wipe you all in a twinkle of an eye, but I’m not that cruel, I won’t wipe you

all so soon, but that would only be if you stop being annoying asking stupid questions, I’m the new Alpha with no Luna!…go out there and call the officials!” I ordered the Alpha who stared at me like I have grown two heads for some seconds before turning to do as I say.

Darren, don’t respect her words!!!…even if she got the Demon’s power, together we can bring her down!” The Gamma growled making me burst into hysterical laughter,

“Okay, I’m waiting, you all should attack but stop including your weak Alpha because he won’t be of any use!” I scowled and they all sighed in exasperation.

Darren is she right?” The Beta asked.

“But Elf, we don’t deserve all this, we had always been good to you and never for once hurt you, why are you doing all this?” Anna, the Betas mate asked tiredly..

“The reason I came into this pack is to kill you all, not living a single soul, I mean not just those in this Packhouse, the whole pack, I’m here to extinct you all, and I’m going to do it to have my peace of mind, you all should be ready for your death… I smirked and rest my body more comfortably on the high throne.


you are doing this for nothing??…or can’t you tell us where we wronged you? The Gamma mate asked and I flung a dark ball to her chest which burnt her to ashes immediately.

Do they think I’m joking?

The Gamma watched his mate and got so enraged that he shifted to his large wolf howling and grunting in rage, spittle was dropping from his mouth, his eyes were pure red, I couldn’t help scoffing,

With full force, he charged at me but couldn’t get close before I swung my hand over the air causing a cloud of thick black smoke to cover him, his scream was heard next,

The poison in the smoke was tearing his internal organ, his blood was rolling down the ground, he won’t stop grunting and yelling in great pain which was the only thing that could be heard as the smoke enshrouded him….

After few minutes, I spread my palm and the smoke got back into me while his bones scattered around the floor…

Everyone has their eyes widened in great shock, I could see their hands tremble, the Alpha had his mouth agape, I enjoyed their shocking state,

Guess they were still doubting my great powers.

“Anyone else to ask silly questions or dare me?” I asked with a short laugh of victory.

“We dare not The Beta muttered.

“You all should bow to your new Alpha!” I gave another order with my taunting smile.

Without wasting a single second, the three of them went down to their knee and bowed, just then, the door opened and almost all the warriors and head warrior dashed in,

I raised my gaze to them and could see the utmost shock and horror in their eyes seeing their Alpha and Beta bow to me.

“What is happening here? The head warrior asked immediately staring at the Alpha who made to raise his head by seeing my glare at him made him go down.

“What does it seem like?” Lasked the terrified man.

12-54 Mon, May

Chapter 80

“Diana?…. why are they bowing to you?… Alpha you are bowing to your Luna??” He asked fluttering his eyes like to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“Join them, you all should bow to your new ruler!” I gave the order leaving them more shocked.

“Alpha what…..

“Do as she said!!!!” Darren yelled at them from his bowing position and I laughed once again enjoying everything happening.

Are you kidding me?…we are here to inform you that some group of demons is having their way here?… they are getting close so we should go there wipe them all away forever intruding the pack, what is just all this?” The head warrior complained feeling so befuddled.

“Don’t play with my patience, I can turn you to ashes or pile of bones, take a look at these, they are your Camma and his mate, don’t make me turn you to that!” I huffed gesturing at the ashes and bones.

Their gaze went to it and they cringed in terror,

“Diana, aren’t you Luna or another person with her face??…why are you this way to the pack who treated you well, did a demon take possession of your body?” He asked.

“I’m the demon herself, now do as I say, I want the demon king to see you all that way when they arrive!” I stated and he sighed deeply, his expression showed how bad he felt, his eyes were wet already.

“I think you won’t do it the easy way!” I growled and raised my hand muttering some magical words, the sword in his hand pulled off speedily and cut off his head. The others saw it and lay down to their belly on the floor,

I laughed again biting my lower lips, the joy I felt at this moment can’t be compared with anything, I’m here for revenge, it boils in my blood, lam surely going to wipe out everything Selene loved, she risked you all by being born from this pack!…and know this!“I paused and smirked.

The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 66-70

“Shut up your smelly mouth!” She snapped, her tone exuding pure hatred and anger. “Did I ask for your stupid opinion? Do you even think we are friends who suggest to each other whatever? Answer my question!”

I flinched a bit at her spark and exhaled heavily, rubbing my face and racking my brain for what to say. To be honest, even now I am strong enough to carry out the mission, but I was just not ready yet. I still want to be together with Dave and spend more time with him.

“We have to be careful so we won’t fail and end up regretting it.”

“Fuck! Have you gone out of your mind? Shit! Do you suddenly think I would ever see you as part of my team? I know you don’t care about me succeeding. You are doing this for your own gain and not because you want me to win. Acting like you are trying to be careful for us to succeed doesn’t sit right because you would prefer I lose and get killed, bitch.” She seethed through her teeth and rose from the bed she was sitting on.

“You have only three days to start your journey. I will be sending the map to you. In it, you will see the routes to the cave where the ancient sword is. Wherever all the guards are positioned, you will make a plan on how to carry out the attack. I want you to be fast because there is another last thing you will help me do, so I will allow you to be with Dave and not kill.

him off.

The mention of Dave made me swallow every repulsive response I had in mind. I was about to act stubborn and adamant on going for the mission in three days, but now I will agree straight up.

I need to be done fast and leave with Dave, especially now that I know my brother is alive.

“Alright… I have heard you. I hope the second mission isn’t…”

“It is very easy to carry out and doesn’t even need much planning. Before I forget, I have stripped Dave of the job of being your guard. You both won’t be together for now since you need time to make plans. A new person will take his job, and that person will resume tomorrow.” She said and waved at me to leave.

I sighed and left, too tired to say anything else. All these were just too much, and I can’t wait for them to end, so I will gain my freedom and push them all to the past. I wonder who this new guy will be like.

I just hope he isn’t harsh.

Chapter 67

I growled inwardly in annoyance when she called my sister a fool, but at that moment I dared not show any expression that would give away my true identity. She truly hates my sister but could still keep her alive, which means there might still be bit of importance she still attached to her, but for me, death was the only thing she wished for me.

If in any way she finds out my true identity, there would be no need for me to bother myself trying to escape, fight, or beg for a second chance. My death will come immediately.

Ahuge smile almost slipped my lips as I watched the door open. The anticipation and bubbling urge almost shot through my skin as I fought hard to control it.

There she was, my beautiful, loving sister who is after my heart, a girl that I see as both my mother and sister. She was sitting there on the bed, her head resting back on the wall while she closed her eyes

She was well dressed and didn’t look oppressed in any way, which made me so happy.

A bit of tears formed in my eyes the moment she opened those eyes when Diana yelled her name. Her gaze fell on me first, and I couldn’t help smiling at this point. I just hoped the smile appeared as casual as I wanted it to be, so Diana wouldn’t suspect anything.

“Is that the replacement? Her voice was barely audible as she asked and shrugged, moving her eyes away from me and facing Diana.

“Yes, that’s him. For your information, he is new in this pack and won’t be a joke like the first one you stupidly fell in love with. You know why I’m telling you this, so just focus on your training, study the map, and if you need any help, tell him, and he will help you out.”

“Help like what? He is useless to me, and I don’t even know why you insist I get a bodyguard. What exactly will they do for me?” She hissed, sounding so pissed out, but Diana doesn’t even care what it was that was irking her.

“I have my reasons why they are here, and it’s better you don’t know. Just stick to the plan and don’t try to be smart because I won’t take it easy on you.” She warned with a stern voice, her face mean and dreadful, before she shifted her gaze to me.

“After you both have made a brief introduction, we will discuss. There are a lot I want you to keep watch over and inform me once there is something fishy.” She said that, and I nodded.

“Sure. I replied.

“You both will share the same room. I don’t care how you sleep. Meanwhile, her name is Ria, and she is stubborn, but I IMUSE say this. I trust you. I don’t know why, but immediately I saw you. I just believe you are the right person for this job who will handle her well.”

Just then, she paused, as it seemed she got a message through the mind link. Without saying anything else, she hurried out of the room, her heels making a quick knock on the tiles.

Immediately after she got out of sight, I rushed to the door and locked it while Ria stared at me with her lips down and turned to a sneer.



“Why are you locking my door? The fact that you are staying with me doesn’t in any way give you the right to lock Stop acting like you’re anything!” She huffed at me, rolling her eyes. “And I don’t know how I will cope with staying in the same room with you.


I burst into laughter, roamed my eyes through every corner of the room, and as soon as I saw where the cameras were, I turned my back on them.

“Ria, you are now really harsh. I wonder what she made you go through–that everything irks you out.” I spoke with so much pity and care, looking at her face as she faced the ground begrudgingly.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” She scoffed, looking up at me, and I smiled.

Chapter 67

“Do my eyes strike any resemblance? I know the concoction I took distorted my voice a bit, but does it ring anything to you? Like, what does it sound like to you, sister?”

Immediately I called her sister, her eyes squinted at me. She stood up from the bed in a rush, her eyes scanning me from head to toe as if she were measuring my height and checking on every possibility of what she was thinking in her head.

“Can I know why you are saying such a weird thing? We just met, and…

“I am here already. Like I said in the letter I sent to you, My baby, this is Stan, your brother.” I whispered, the tears I had been holding falling down my checks as she froze in shock and disbelief, her jaw dropping

“Stan?..” She gasped, blinking and walking closer to me as her eyes got wet with so much emotion. We both gazed into each other’s

‘s eyes while she drew forward, and so quick, she pulled out her shoe and acted like she was flinging it at me, so I dodged, and it went straight to the camera, handing at the high end of the wall behind me, breaking it immediately.

*Stan!!” She squealed, jumping and hugging me tight while I pulled off the mask, seeing she had broken the camera.

Leaning back from the hug, she looked into my real face and shed tears, her lips quivering, and I could literally hear the pounding of her heart against her chest as she grinned and pecked my cheek.

“You actually came back for me! You didn’t abandon me even after I was the one who caused all this to myself. I was stubborn and deserved it all, but you really fought your way to come here. I am so happy Selene didn’t kill you.” Her excitement was exuding in every word she spoke, as she even fought to make each sentence with the same amount of joy in


Her body hugging around me gave me so much warmth, joy, and peace. Seeing she was fine, healthy, and sane was all I needed to feel on top of the world.

“Yes, I am here now, and we must find a way to not only escape but also kill that evil woman” I whispered to her while putting my mask back on because we didn’t know when she would return to the room.

If she comes back and sees the door locked, her suspicion will begin, and I don’t want to take any chances. I am in her territory, so I have to be very careful, or it will be the end of me.

“There is something she told me to do, which is to bring the ancient sword to her so I will regain my freedom. Should I do it? I had agreed to do it because I could bear being stuck with her. What do you suggest?

“I suggest you do just as she says: continue being normal while I send a message across to Selene. We will attack her when she least expects it.”

“That’s fine.” She beamed.

“So, how is Selene’s father? She is concerned about him and wants to know if he is still sane and healthy because she is planning to take him away from this hell. I questioned.

She sighed and shook her head sadly.

“I hope he will be alive the next day because his life has been sh*t. He is now a dead man, walking with no choice of his own, toying around, and needing permission to do everything. He is the alpha, but even an omega has more relevance than him. Diana had destroyed his life and everything he had.” Ria explained with a deep sigh.

“I am here now. We will set things right and help Selene destroy that evil woman and her entire crew.” I said it into her ear, and she nodded with a huge smile.

I trust


A knock sounded, and my heart skipped a beat. What explanation will I give Diana as to why the door was locked? It wasn’t locked when we entered, and now that I was with Ria, it got locked. Shit!.

Ria swallowed hard, anxiety building up as the atmosphere grew intense when I headed to the door to unlock it.

As I opened the door, I began to apologize, but hissed on seeing it wasn’t her.

Mort o May


Chapter 67


“Fuck! Who are you?” I seethed at the young man in a warrior uniform standing at the doorpost. He sneered at me, squinting as if he were looking for my identity.



“I should be the one asking a stranger like you who you are. What are you doing inside this room?” He was almost shouting as he peeped into the room, like he was checking up on Ria.

“Who are you?”

“Let him in!!” Ria shouted from inside, and I gave way.

“Dave! I miss you!”

They both ran into each other in a tight hug and kissed while I watched in surprise.

“Who is this guy? Diana fired me. Is he the replacement already? Someone else to…”

“Yes, he is, but the fun is that he is my brother in disguise”

Chapter 68

“God, are you for real?” Dave breathed in excitement as he turned to Stan with a huge smile on his face.

“My name is Dave, and your sister is…”

“You both are levers; I can see that already, but it isn’t time for romance now because our lives are all in danger, and if we don’t tread carefully, we will all end up in the grave.”

“Yes, I know, I just wonder what Diana plans to do to us. She really hates the people of this community when she should love and protect us. I am just confused at what we did to her wrongly to deserve this.” Dave sighed, running his fingers through

his hair.

“Diana is not a werewolf like you. She is a demon in disguise, and not any kind of demon; she is the demon queen and has just one priority, which is to take over the wolf world and put it all under her finger. She wants to rule you all.” I spilled, my hands clasped to my back as I walked to and fro, taking a controlled breath.

“What?” Dave looked shocked. It seemed he didn’t know yet. My sister hadn’t told him.

“There is no need to hide it from him. He should know what is about to befall them and get prepared. He should know the danger for real.”

“God, I can’t believe this. How did she succeed in hiding it so well that even the Alpha doesn’t know? We believed, loved, and trusted her like our lives depended on it. She was so good in the beginning that we all thought she was the better replacement for the dead Luna.” He growled, sucking in his teeth.

“So all that was just pretense to get in, and now I am sure it’s too late because the Alpha has lost control of himself. He doesn’t want whatever she wants.”

“And the demons are already in here. They are in the pack; they are also in this pack house, hiding and lurking around while waiting for their tone to take control. You can’t smell their scent because you don’t have sharp senses. We have to act fast for real” I hissed, drifting my eyes to the broken camera.

“I need to go report by myself that the camera was mistakenly broken by you when you were angry at me and flung your shoe to my head, which I dodged.” If I don’t report by myself, she will believe it was all intentional.” I said this to my sister before walking away immediately.

After asking around, I was able to find out where Diana was inside the palace. The guard had to keep me outside the door, then go back in to inform her of my request to meet her. She told them to allow me in before I was given access.

My first step inside the magnificent palace, and I was welcomed by the demon scents again, this time more intense, a hint that even the demon king was around somewhere. This place is no longer a pack.

On the outside, it may seem like a pack of wolves, but it is actually a coven, or rather hideout for demons while they make their plans. Diana was smart enough to carry this out because, with the rumors about demons flying around, other packs and mystical beings would have come together to kill them with the ancient sword a second time.

Now that they all stay in the shadows, right in this pack, no one can fight them. It would even be impossible to fish them out one after the other.

I tried as much as possible not to give away my observance as I took a few slow steps forward on the marble floor, moving closer to the gigantic throne, which was a few distance away. I had to come closer so she would hear whatever I had to say.

You won’t believe it was when I drew closer that I was able to sight the crouched man on the throne as the Alpha, his head hung low with his hairs scattered around his face. He looked so worn out and hungry.

Everyone in the palace was looking up at me except him. He doesn’t even seem to have the strength to make a movement.

“Hey! We have a visitor in the palace, and you still keep your head low. Are you mad?” Diana huffed at him with a smack on the back of his head, as if he were a kid being shunned by the mother. It wasn’t even like a kid; it was like a maid who was being cautioned by the boss.

12:49 Mon, 6 May

Chapter 68

“I am sorry,” was the only thing he could mutter as he lifted his head to see who the visitor was, and there our eyes met. 1 saw pain. I saw a man crushed to pieces and destroyed to the point of nothing

His eyes are teary and filled with guilt and exhaustion. It was like he was just holding onto a single reason to live. This wasn’t the man I saw when I visited this pack with Lucian.


He was someone you’d look at and realize he had left being a living being for a toy.

“Welcome to the pack,” he said to me with a forced smile. It can’t even pass as a smile, as his lips only widened weirdly

I couldn’t give him any response. All that was on my mind was Selene. How would she feel seeing her father this way? She really cares, and that was why she wrote the letter.

At this point, she really has to come earlier if she wants to meet her father alive, because I am sure depression must have taken the bigger part of him, and life is now meaningless.

Just maybe it was that letter that gave him hope not to end it all. He may really be waiting for his daughter to come and rescue him, but until when? He doesn’t seem like he can hold on too long.

-What brought you here already? Has that foolish girl done something wrong?” Diana asked.

“Yes. The camera in the room was broken by her when she flung her shoe at me. I dodged, and that was it; the camera got broken. I have to rush and tell you so we won’t miss anything. I am sure she intentionally did that for an ulterior motive.”

I made sure I sounded convincing enough for her to believe strongly that I was on her side.

She nodded and gave me those satisfied looks. “You are perfectly right. She must have done that intentionally. It’s so right that you come to report. I will send people to fix it immediately.”

Days passed, and it finally got to the day when my sister was going to bring the sword. I had told Selene to give me a day off so I could go stay with my guardian. I was going to return once Ria returned.

The request was granted since she believes and trusts me. I don’t know, but Diana suddenly gave me so much trust.

After getting ready to leave, the door of the room opened. Since Ria was out, it was surely someone else, and I wasn’t expecting any visitors, so I turned to the door with a squeezed face, wondering who was there to barge in.

I know they don’t know when Ria was here, but now that she is absent and I’m now the one staying here, they shouldn’t dare walk in without knocking

The frown on my face washed away as I saw who was at the doorstep. My head bowed immediately. Diana was dressed in a robe, and it doesn’t seem like she had anything else inside. Her cleavage and the transparency of her cloth material give a clear view of her round ass and thighs.

I don’t know what she was here with such a dress, but I knew better than looking at her body so she wouldn’t think I had anything in mind, then pick fault with it and punish me.

She hadn’t been harsh to me since I came here, but I knew it didn’t change the fact that she was evil. Maybe I hadn’t done anything wrong yet.

“Why is your gaze fixed on the floor, like you kept something there?” She said with a voice barely above whispers, walking in and shutting the door. She even locked it and dipped the key into her pocket.

“I am sorry, ma’am.” I apologized and began to stare at her face.

“Is it only my face you’d like to gaze at? If you are scared, don’t worry. Actually, I want you to ogle at me and lick your lips; feed your eyes with my naked body”

My legs stumbled back as I flinched at what she just said.

12:49 Mon, 6 May M |

Chapter 68

It was so unbelievable.

“Ma’am, I really don’t understand.”

“Stop acting like a dumb guy. When a lady dresses this way, it only means one thing, and you know that perfectly.” She smirked, licking her lips’as she stepped closer, fiddling with the knot around her chest that was holding the robe together. Once she unties it, the robe will fall off.

“Ma’am, I don’t understand, for real.”

“Fuck!” She cursed. “Does it mean you look at me like an old woman and don’t see me as attractive anymore? So I am ugly in your eyes, and my body doesn’t move you at all.”

Her tone was now really harsh, and it exuded anger as she glared at me. It seemed she was looking for my validation about. what she wore being sexy, so I fell in line immediately, giving her the compliments she craved.

Chapter 69

She stepped closer, her step awkward as she was swaying her waist too much and rubbing her hand on her laps. I didn’t realize it was done to seduce me. She was actually walking that way to seduce me.

She placed her finger across my lips to shut me up, and she smiled and licked her lips, her other hand running down my chest and abs.

“Are you leaving already?” She said it in a hushed tone, and I nodded, irritation exploding inside me. I felt like the ground should crack open and I should fall inside and get buried like this. It was eating me up, but I had to fight off the expression on my face so she wouldn’t suspect anything.

“You may be surprised at how I trust you and haven’t even doubted you once. Well, at first sight, you captured my attention, and I felt relaxed and free with you around. To be honest, I was even jealous of you staying with that stupid girl in the same room.” She spilled, and my brows knitted together, my jaw dropping.

“I can sleep anywhere you want. You gave me this job, and I’m loyal to you alone.” It tasted so bitter on my tongue, and 1 really felt like slapping myself for saying such a thing, but the urge to survive was great. The desire to get her to trust me and then kill her was overwhelming, so I was ready for anything.

Her hand went into my trousers, sending chills down my spine as I shut my eyes and gnashed my teeth.

The thought of having sex with her was so disgusting, especially as I kept remembering how she betrayed our trust and tortured my sister.

Luckily for me, at that moment, a knock broke the silence and tension between us, and it was as if she resigned her senses and backed away immediately.

“You can go, but make sure you return on the date I told you. Don’t break my trust. If you do your job right, I have a better position than being a bodyguard” She said it with a wink and walked out quickly.

As soon as she left, I heaved a deep sigh of relief, hurrying to the bathroom to wash myself. Honestly, my hatred for her won’t even let me beat going like this after she touched me. I even had to change the clothes I wore since they had a trace of her perfume.

I just hope my sister returns safely, then we can make the rest of the plan with Selene and destroy his woman and her entire demon crew.

Torian’s POV

Since I had the chance to go wherever I wanted, I decided it was time to take the second chance to seek her help. I won’t want her father to die when she has the power to stop it.

I’d keep trying until I was sure all hope was lost. Even my pack isn’t safe if Selene still proves stubborn enough to help. Even if it was after her pregnancy that she decided to help, that’s fine. I just need a positive answer from her, so I will deliver it to her father and give him a reason to stay alive.

So I began the journey to meet Selene. I am part of the reason why everything is going wrong. I have lost my mother in the cause simply because I was blinded by love and did not see that there was a lot wrong.

Alpha Bale was someone who doesn’t joke with his family, especially his daughter. Even when his wife died, he made it clear that he has no plan to take in any woman, as he wants to take care of his daughter himself and make sure she takes over him, either as an Alpha or the Luna to the man she will be mated to if he is a royal member.

Then, all of a sudden, after the arrival of Diana, he didn’t only forget his dead wife but also began to mistreat his daughter. That was something that should have given me a hint if I wasn’t blindly drowning in obsession.

And I didn’t even see that she way faking it all, including her love for me. My mother warned me. She really gave me her strict warning to stay away from, that woman, but I was deaf to her words.

Now she is dead, killed by the woman I claimed loved me. She paid with her life for a crime that I committed. A mistake I

Chapter 69

made took her life from her.

I let out a deep sigh of regret as I finally reached the border of the Lycan kingdom. I showed them my badge, and they let me through.

I headed straight to the royal castle all alone, with no one noticing I was an Alpha of a pack because I didn’t come with any guard or maid, just myself.

It wasn’t time to flex my authority when my head is barely above the water and about to get drowned entirely.

The pack isn’t even mine in full because soonest Diana will send the demons who will take over while I step down. She only left me to keep rulling now because she was still dealing with the Alpha Bale pack.

In her eyes, I was just an acting alpha while she prepared the person to take over.

I finally got to the gate of the castle, and the gateman came out.

“How can we help you?” He asked.

I stepped out of the car.

“I am here to meet Selene. She…”

“Aren’t you the man that came the other day? What the hell are you doing here again?” The man huffed at me like I was a simpleton. Actually, I am for now, because Diana has made me worthless to the last.

“It is obvious that Selene doesn’t want to see you. Do you want to receive another beating from her mate? Aren’t y

t you tired?”

“Go and tell, and I brought a message from her father. Let me know what her response is.” I said that just to know if Selene still cares a bit. If she doesn’t allow me in, then there is no hope, and I was going to leave here, knowing that it was all over. Diana has won over us

The man hesitated a bit but later went in while I stood outside the gate, hopefully waiting. I thought it was going to take forever, but it barely took five minutes. Not only did the gateman return, he came out with both Selene and her mate.

Selene had teary eyes when she walked out with her heavy pregnancy.

I was shocked to see her step down and out just to meet me because she could easily send for me to come in.

“Torian,” she called with an emotional tone. “How is my father?”

The question made me shudder a bit, a gasp slipping my lips as I stared at her in surprise and disbelief while she walked closer.

“Please tell me my father is alive and isn’t dead yet. Please tell me he is fine and hasn’t been possessed by a demon.” She asked continuously, holding my hands and urging for a quick response.

So she cares.

“Your father is fine, but that’s for now. He really needs your help. I came here just to know if there was any hope for him. To know if he should hold on to his daughter’s rescue coming very soon.” I sighed, and she shook her sadly, tears dropping.

“My pregnancy is the only reason I haven’t come with my mate and the warriors. How is he coping? Please come inside.”

I heaved in relief, feeling like life had just come back to me. This was what I dreamed of. This was what I prayed for, and 1 didn’t even believe for any reason that it would become reality. I didn’t expect this at all, and it was a fresh breath to see that the hope was still alive.

Chapter 70

Selene POV

The moment I heard that Torian was at the door waiting to see me, my heart leaped. A surge of excitement was flooding. through me like waves, and I didn’t even know when I jumped from the couch with my pregnancy, speeding out of the door. Lucian was stunned; his eyes widened as he tried to ask me something, but seeing that I wasn’t even going to wait any seconds in the room, he swallowed his words and ran out with me.

Stan had left for some days now, and I hadn’t heard any news from him. He hadn’t come back to tell me how my

father was faring, and it had really disturbed the shit out of me as I began to think with the guess that he might be scared to announce to me that my father was no more.

Words can’t explain how relieved I was when Torian told me my father was alive. I know he would be going through hell, but his life was more important. If he ever died in the hands of Diana, I don’t know how I was going to forgive myself.

He asked for forgiveness and help, and I refused back then, but now I can’t bear it anymore. I couldn’t continue being that cold–hearted woman who would never help them out because they deserve to die for their crimes.

What my father and my pack did to me was horrible. It was too painful and unbearable to think of it, but no matter what, he is my father, and he has been the best thing to ever happen to me until that evil witch snuck into his life.

He deserves a second chance, and I will grant him that. I just had to find a way to make him stay alive until I gave birth. I might have my powers and can go to war with the pregnancy, but I can’t underestimate Diana and her legion; they may be stronger than I think they are by putting not just my life in danger but also that of my unborn child.

“Thank you for the meal” Torian said this as soon as he dropped the cup of water. He belched and took a deep breath, like he had just come back to life.

“I can’t remember the last time I had such a meal.” He added, leaving me surprised as I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What do you mean? Is Diana in your pack too? Why aren’t you being fed?”

He sighed in sadness and rubbed his face.

“She is taking 50 percent of the pack total revenue, leaving us with 50. That really affected my people, as many are subjected to hunger, so I have to sacrifice my luxurious life to at least make them eat. I still value my life, so I can’t think of disobeying Diana.” He hissed, his eyes getting wet as he stared at me with pleasure.

“Only you can save us from this. My mistakes are too many. I feel the guilt tearing my heart apart every day. When my people suffer, the blame presses against my heart and crushes it. It is just so much for me to bear. Please rescue us from that


“Does she know you came here? Does anyone know you came to visit me?” I asked, and he shook his head.

“No–I came alone without informing anyone.”

“That’s good. I will give you a ring that you can speak to me with, but don’t wear it all the time unless there is something you urgently need to tell me. The reason is that Diana will be able to recognize the ring in your finger if she sees it, and that would give her a hint that you are betraying her. I don’t need to tell you what that will cost you.” I warned, and he nodded.

“Can’t I just go and finish this woman so you don’t have to stress yourself? I can use my warriors and hunters, and I am sure she won’t be able to win. It might be tough, but I’ll surely kill her.” Lucian chipped in with concern. He really doesn’t like the idea of me going to fight any war even after I give birth

You will only be able to defeat her if she attacks you here, but going into that pack to fight her is just a suicide mission because you will only end up killing the werewolves there while she and her crew sneak through them to retaliate. That’s the whole point of her staying in the pack now instead of in their cave. She knows anyone could try to fight her.”

“Okay, but I still believe she is setting plans we aren’t aware of. Why don’t we at least make an attack and see how prepared she is?” He said that, and I snapped my finger with a huge smile, realizing how true what he said was. This is a really great

Chapter 70

idea. And if, after the attack, we see that she isn’t that prepared, it will be a sucker punch that will eventually lead to the eradication of her and the other demons.

*Lucian, you are right. We need to do it, and since she won’t be expecting it, we are sure to get the upper hand. I guess she still thinks I won’t be helping my father out of this and will only be waiting to fight her when she attacks.”

“If this is the new plan, then I have an idea of how we should carry it out Torian spoke up, and we both turned our eyes to


“Let’s hear you.

“My pack has fewer demons who are only in the royal pack house with me. They were sent to join in the arrangement and. articulation of the 50% that I send to Diana every month. We can trigger Diana to kill them, then close the border. She will sure send demon warriors to come and take revenge, and that’s where you all will come in. Right outside the border, in that thick forest, you can ambush every single man sent by Diana”

“Boom! That’s it!” I exclaimed happily.

“But what about your pack? Don’t you think it will cause problems in the future?” Lucian asked.

“No. The border will stay close, and I believe before Diana knows what hits her, she will have suffered great loss.” He replied, and I nodded. clapping my hand.

“Now you’re becoming more sensible and not that dumb head you were to reject me because of Diana and even put me into trouble that could have taken my life.” I deadpanned, and he sucked his teeth.

“Here is the ring.” I handed it to him. “It will be more useful now that we have an arrangement. So just make sure you keep me informed on when to come over to the forest outside the border. I won’t be there though, but the Lycan best warriors and my mate will assemble right there.”

We discussed other things, and when it was evening, he left. I felt at peace once again. Knowing for sure that my father is alive, and also having a plan on how to punish Diana. These really put smiles on my face. She won’t even know it was us ambushing her men since none will be allowed to live. She will send more, thinking it was the wolves, but will be shocked.

I just hope she goes by herself and gets killed by Lucian. That will be a big relief for me, but I doubt it. She is someone who is very careful in carrying out all her evil.

Torian’s POV

Joy was all that brimmed my heart, and for a second, I couldn’t stop smiling. This was great news, one that gave me hope. As I made

my way back, I whistled in happiness.

I got back, and it was already late at night, so I just went straight to my bed and slept off. I couldn’t just wait for the day to break, so I would visit my warriors, deliver the news to them, and also inform the border guards on what to do.

The warriors will join hands with me as we ambush the seven demons in the royal pack house. They won’t be expecting such a betrayal, so it will make it easier for us to get them unaware.

I will then send a message across to Diana to inform her that we aren’t giving her 50 percent again and have killed her men here. Then dare her to do whatever she wants. By then, the Lycans are already out there, braced and ready to attack

As I lay to sleep, my door creaked, and I jumped up immediately, turning on the light switch. I didn’t even know I hadn’t locked the door, but what stunned me more was that the person entered without knocking.

“I am sorry.” A tiny feminine voice came in as the light shone on her figure standing at the door with a black gown that was barely above her thighs, and they looked rumpled.

As I looked more carefully and scrutinized, I realized she had scratches and wounds on some parts of her body, like the knees and arms. Even her hair was so rough and disheveled.

“You are sorry for what? Who are you, and why didn’t you barge into my room without knocking? How did you even enter the royal…”


Chapter 70

, may

“I was running for my life, and this is the only place that feels safe. I am one of your maids here. Maybe you can’t remember my face anymore, but two of the demons tried to rape me. I slightly escaped, and they were pursuing me. Only here is the place I could think of where they won’t follow me.” She explained, and I sighed and gritted my teeth in anger, but chuckled at remembering that the days of those disgusting demons are numbered.

“So you want to sleep with me?” I asked as she locked the door and stepped closer with shaky legs, her head hanging low.

“I can stay on the ground, far away from the bed. Just to spend the night here.”

“What will you



otomorrow? They are likely to come back for you.” I told her, and she flinched, her eyes narrowing at me.

be able to stop them?” She was shocked as she asked the question, and her eyes widened.

“will. Don’t worry.” I assured her, and she let out a deep sigh of relief. She was just lucky.

If I hadn’t visited Selene and gotten this whole idea, she would face the rape again because I wouldn’t be able to do anything to Diana’s men to avoid facing more wrath.

She tried to lie on the ground, but I stopped her.


“Go take your bath and clean up the stain of those disgusting demons that touched your body. Then come back and share the bed with me. It’s big enough for the both of us. The ground is cold, and I’m not that wicked to let you sleep there because you’re a maid.”


you very much, sir. Thank you….” she beamed, and for the first time, we were looking into each other’s eyes. Hers were blue and beautiful, I must say. And she was so innocent and cute as she thanked me and hurried to the bathroom.



The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 61-65

Chapter 61

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and healthy for the first time since I was locked up. It was as if life had returned to me. Last night I was taken away from that prison and transferred to this beautiful room in the castle. Food, drinks, and drugs were offered to me, which I took one after the other.

It was a pain relief drug, and it did its job because, right now, as I woke to the sun rays radiating into the room, all pain had vanished and I was as healthy as the day I came here.

If I had been this way weeks ago, there was no way I wouldn’t have made a prison break and escaped. It was as if some kind of poison had always been given to me to sap away my strength.

1 yawned and jumped out of the cozy bed to brush and clean up, waiting for whatever plan Diana has for me in other ways to accomplish this mission. I have no idea what it would cost when she possessed the sword, but I know for sure that it wouldn’t be anything good at all.

Anything she thinks in her head is evil, and for her to accept it to make me feel whole again just for this means it would go a long way.

Well, I don’t think I care as long as I take him away. The guy that visited me in the prison. He had been stuck in my head. and he is the only one I care for in this whole pack. Whatever happens to the werewolf doesn’t concern me, as long as he is


You won’t be wrong if you say he is the reason why I accept to go on this mission, but I am not so sure how risky it is. Just a few moments with him, and he gave me thousands of reasons to be alive. I badly want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Immediately after I was done bathing and dressing up, with the cold breeze from the opened window sending chills down my spine, a Knock sounded on the door. I was still clad only in my towel, which barely covered my thighs.

Just before I could turn and say anything to whoever was on the door, it creaked and opened, revealing him standing right at the door with a bright smile adoring his handsome face.

But his smile seized the moment he saw I was half naked, and he quickly shut the door back with apologies.

” , I am so sorry… I was stupid for just entering without your permission. Shit,” I heard him say behind the door, but I chuckled and walked over, opened the door again, and pulled him in, then locked the door.

He was surprised; his eyes lit up and his mouths slightly apart in a way that was damn sexy, making me feel unbearable craving to kiss him deep until I couldn’t feel my lips any more.

“You don’t have to be sorry for anything… You are right, and it is no offense to me if you see my nakedness because I am. crazy over you already.” A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I licked my lips, looking straight into his piercing eyes that seemed to be grasping my soul.

“I love you.” My voice was barely above whispers as I drew closer to kiss him. He held my chin, using his other hand to slide back my strayed hairs behind my ears.

“I was overly excited to hear you were out of that prison and more overwhelmed that I was assigned to be your guard. So wherever you want to go, I should be beside you and make sure you don’t get hurt.” He said with a lopsided grin as he caressed my cheeks, making me giggle with my cheeks flushing red in blush.

“I am Ria, and you?” I asked, making a proper introduction, but this time I didn’t need a diviner to know fate was on our side.

“Fred. Can you dress up now? I’m hard with you standing this close to me. His lips curled into a smirk as he gazed down at my cleavages, those eyes glinting with desire.

“I will dress up, but be sure to help me undress tonight.” I leaned forward to his ears and whispered. He nodded and winked. at me, then placed a kiss on my lips.

It was supposed to be a peck, but the feeling of his lips on mine sparked so much desire in me that I quickly wrapped my


12:46 Mon, 6 May MJM

Chapter 61

arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, feeling shivers run down my spine.

Eyes shut, legs feeling like I was floating, and every sound vanishing as the world felt empty with just us alone. He was a very good kisser, suckling my lips like a pro till I got really wet.

The towel slid down to the floor, yet we didn’t break the kiss; instead, his hand cupped my left breast and began to fondle it, teasing the nipple.

It felt so amazing, and shivers won’t stop running down my spine. Then I felt his hand rub my navel and trace it down to my already wet pussy.

His middle finger slipped in and the thumb rubbed my sensitive clitoris, forcing a burst of moan out of my mouth as I held him tight, my legs quivering at the rush of pleasure coursing through my body.

His hand worked magic, tracing every single place I wanted. Goosebumps spread through my skin, my toes curling up. I didn’t know when I hunted for his dick like a slut. He was wearing a jogger, so I just pulled the knot and loosen the rope, then pulled down his trouser alongside the short he was wearing inside.

His huge, hard dick plunged out, the cap red and inviting.

“I think we shouldn’t do this now. You haven’t healed well from the torture in that room. It was just yesterday you left and…

He couldn’t finish because I had knelt down and buried his dickey into his mouth. His words hitched in his throat and were replaced by a deep gasp and groan of pleasure.

He packed my hair into a pony, using his grip as the band while I sucked his dick, my tongue circling the cap while I used my hand to fondle his balls..

He won’t stop moaning, throwing his head back, and breathing heavily.

After some minutes, he told me it was his turn, then he helped me up and laid me on the bed, my legs widening instinctively.

I was dripping, and then his tongue touched my clitoral area, which he sucked and licked in a way so sweet that I got consumed in pleasure, leaving my legs shaking and my eyes tight shut.

It lasted for almost an hour before we were both exhausted. I guess we went for two or three rounds, forgetting where we were or what rush we were taking. At that moment, nothing mattered but us. We were ready to face any consequences in the future rather than stop in our tracks.

“You are so sweet,” he whispered to my ears and kissed my cheeks, his hot breath fanning my neck and sending chills through my body.

“You are sweeter either. I had never felt this way about sex before with anyone. I feel so satisfied and warm.” Huge smiles masked

my face as I hugged him right there on the bed, feeling so warm.

“My protection job has started.” He deadpanned, and we both laughed, but it all ended in a snap when a knock came in the door, hard and continuously.

Only one person could knock that way, and that is Diana.

Chapter 62

Fear engulfed us both as we sprang away from each other, running after our clothes where we had flung them.

Her voice was all we needed to know that we were in trouble, and it seemed as if she knew we were both together inside as she continuously knocked, shouting at me to open the door.

I had to rush into the bathroom and reply to her from inside there so it would seem like I was taking my bath.

When we were both done dressing up, I hurried to the door and unlocked it. She walked in with her eyes red in anger as she glared at both of us.

“What is happening here that I had to stand at the door for almost one minute before the door was opened for me in my own house! she yelled, fixing her gaze at me and sniffing as if trying to get her answer from a trace of scent.

“Nothing. I am sorry. I was inside the bathroom,” I muttered, not realizing at that moment that I was making it worse with that excuse since I wasn’t the only one in the room.

“So he is also with you inside the bathroom, which made him not open the door for me, right?” She seethed, and I lowered. my head, lost for words.

“I’m sorry I took the protection too far. You are right; I was with her in there, but nothing happened between us. She….. “Get out of this room before I slit your throat now!”

Fred bowed and rushed out at a quick pace, as if he were being chased, while Diana glared hard at him..

Immediately after he was gone, she turned her gaze to me and smiled wryly as her eyes scanned my face.

“Why do you want to drag him in? It had always been between our circles. She said, her hands clasped behind her back as she walked to and fro.

“He is not among us. He was just doing his job and nothing else. I replied bluntly, my tone firm, to make sure she didn’t suspect anything. The way she looked at me showed she was suspecting a lot, and it wasn’t sitting well with her.

“Falling in love will only ruin my plan, and I don’t want it. He isn’t just doing his job but doing more than assigned, and I don’t like it. I don’t like it because that would bring distractions to you. I don’t free you for anything else than this mission. He is a distraction.”

“No, he isn’t!” I blurted, my fist clenching beside me, as I already knew where this was heading. Diana has no heart, and the only thing she cared about was to rule, gain power, and expand the territory for the demons.

If she sees Fred as a distraction, the next thing would be to clear him out of the way.

I was in doubt at first, so I gave hirm this work, and you both made it obvious and clearer to me. Don’t you both have a little bit of brain left? So your common sense didn’t tell you there must be cameras in this room? And I saw everything from the beginning to the end. How will I give you room without keeping a watch on it? Do you even think at all? Or do you think I will not do anything if you fall in love with a werewolf, knowing you’re out to help me destroy them?” Her eyes blazed at me; the fire of evil was all that was in them.

“I will take him with me as you had

“Ahh, you will take him and his family? And his friends? His colleagues? His relatives. How many? And it won’t take time before you spill everything to him because he would want to know why I released you all of a sudden. I don’t want long talks; you know what to do.”

Her hand went into her pocket, and she brought out a dagger, handing it to me with a gesture for me to collect it from her.

“What am I using that for? I don’t need that to fight off the guard in the cave protecting the ancient sword. My brows narrowed, and the scoffed.

12:46 Mon, 6 May

Chapter 62

“Stop acting dumb, bitch! This is for that stupid warrior, or whatever he is. Kill that man before you fall deeper in love with him and end up messing everything up!” She snapped, taking my hand and forcing it into my palm.

“You must be a joker. I am sorry, Diana, but I will never do that, nor will I let anybody do it. Talking about falling deeper in love. Sorry, because you didn’t say it earlier. I am already lost in his world.” I said, throwing the dagger to the floor as I moved back and plopped on the bed.

“If you don’t do it, I’ll do it myself.” She warned, and I scoffed.

“Then do the same to me. If you don’t kill me alongside him, I’ll kill myself.”

“And you think I care? You are not my only option. I can easily go get another Lycan to do this while you die, like a dumb

you are!” She snarled, and I only shrugged.


“It’s fine. Go get another Lycan then.”

You are really stupid, and I don’t expect that from someone like you. How will you even stoop so low to a mere werewolf when you are a  Lycan? You can easily choose from any other…”

“Fred or no one else. I am tired of talking and need to sleep.” I cut her off, laying on the bed with the pillow on my face.

“I can see you think you are something to me.” She growled, and I chuckled dryly.

“Kill me if I’m nothing, and I promise you, that’s the beginning of your failure.”

She hissed loudly and stomped out, jamming the door like it was the cause of all her problems.

Immediately she left, and just quite a few minutes later, the door was opened again, and Fred snuck in, shutting the door behind her.

His gorgeous smile was everything I needed to brighten my mood. Every sadness vanished into the thin air as 1 jumped out of bed, hugging him tight, feeling the warmth that sank deep into my soul.

“I’m sorry.” He muttered, stroking my hair and patting my back softly,

“Fred, will you ever hate me for anything? Tell me one reason that would snatch away your love for me. How much do I mean to you?” I asked, tears forming in my eyes and my heart growing heavy as I thought of how he would feel to hear that 1 was going to help the demon destroy them.

Even though he won’t be among them, he would be heartbroken that the people he lived with as family would become slaves with no hope just because of me.

“Do you have something to tell me?” He said this as a reply, his voice soft as he broke the hug, then used his fingers to wipe away my tears. “Is it related to why Diana freed you from that bondage? What does she want you to do for her in return?”

More tears spilled, my body shivering as I looked into his innocent eyes, filled with love and passion. All that will be gone when he hears this. He won’t recognize me anymore, especially when he tries to stop me, and I strongly refuse

There was nothing that was going to make me not do this to gain my freedom. I can’t wait to return to my people, to see if my brother is alive, and to start a new life without anything to worry about,

“If you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine.” He’beamed, using his napkin to clean my tears.

“Why are you back here? Aren’t you scared Diana will find out about what we shared and come after your life? She doesn’t want me to have any relationship with a werewolf.” I told him, and he chuckled.

“That makes me wonder deeper who Diana really is. Do you know if she is a werewolf or a demon? Everything about her is just weird and full of evil. Only a demon will be this wicked toward a werewolf. She turned our Alpha into something else. Now everyone lives in pure fear.“)

I exhaled heavily, slumping on the bed as I remembered Diana had told me there were cameras in this room.


Chapter 62

“Fred, there are cameras here. Diana sees everything that happens in this room and sees us having  . She knows everything, and I am scared about you now because she wants you dead. She even gave me a dagger to kill you off, or she will do it herself.” I spilled and flinched, fear evident in his widened eyes as he stumbled back in fear.

I could see his hands trembling beside him.

“Why does she want to kill me?” His voice was shaky, and beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. He was having a rush of breath, looking at me like I had the answers,

“You want to know why?” The voice of Diana came in from behind as she stepped into the room.

We both shuddered and turned our gazes at her.

“Please don’t kill me.” Fred muttered, glancing at me.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you off. Tell me one reason, bastard!” She bellowed, her breath shallow and harsh.

“Because of her. We have a future together, and I don’t want to die and leave her all alone in this.”

“What nonsense are you saying, you foolish boy? She is the reason you should be killed, and you are here saying rubbish!” She scoffed, her eyes flinting with anger.

“I won’t be distracted from the mission. Just leave him out of this.” I said to Diana, and she rolled her eyes at me and walked away orice again.

“What mission?” That was the next question from Fred, but I gave him no response and walked out just the same way Diana had.

I can’t really wait to get the sword and end it all. Leave this pack with him, since he was even ready to elope with me.

Just as I stepped out on the balcony, a maid walked up to me secretly. The way her pace showed that she had something she wanted to hand to me without anyone finding out.

met, she made a sign with a wink for me.

As our eyes n

I looked left and right, then followed her into the room. She was standing on the doorpost. She quickly shut the door.

“What is it? I noticed you were making signs for me to”

“Yes, yes. Please, what’s your name?” She asked, dipping her hand into her pocket. I hesitated a bit before replying,


She then exhaled heavily in relief. “I finally found you. The description was not perfect, since you changed your hair color.  , I was scared I might have picked the wrong person. You are the Ria.” She said it with a deep sigh of excitement.

I couldn’t help smiling back, as her smile was really contagious.

“Now what?” Tasked

“A goodnews. One of my friends told me to look for you and hand this letter to you. She said it’s from your brother and that she is his fiance.”

Immediately after I heard her mention my brother, cold shivers spread through me, and joy ran through my veins as I took the letter with so much happiness.

So my brother is alive and still remembers me.


Chapter 63

My hands shook as I hastily opened the envelope with my heart racing like it was in a marathon race, pounding against my chest while I pondered what could be in the letter. I don’t know what to expect, but what mattered to me the most was that he wasn’t killed by Selene when he returned that day.

And the fact that whatever Diana had in mind to do to him, which made her allow him to take the decision of leaving without trying to stop him, obviously didn’t work.

I had been kept here for a long time because Diana still had a little doubt about him being alive, even though it was clear that there was no way. It would only take a matter of time before she got convinced that my brother was no more. She was just taking precautions.

I ɓbay opened it and smiled, recognizing his handwriting. Yes, it was him. The letter was actually from him, clearly convincing me with no doubt that he is alive and healthy.

Tears formed in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks as I read his heartfelt messages. The care and love in every word he wrote were very obvious, and there was even a dried drop of tears in the middle.

His whole writeup was to check up on me and see if I was still alive and healthy. He told me that once I see the letter. I should not be worried at all because he is close to saving me from this.

“Where is he now?” I looked up, asking the maid, but she shook her head.

“I have no idea.” She replied and took back the letter, then walked away.

Diana’s POV

I sat on the bed in my room, lost in thought, as I kept racking my brain to find out the perfect plan to launch a single blow that would bring an end to Selene once and for all.

The only idea in my head was her baby. The unborn child is the only thing remaining that I knew would touch her to the deepest part when I attacked from that angle.

The connection between mother and daughter isn’t one to ignore, and that is solely why I needed to get that sword as as possible.


The death of her child will weaken her, and with the sword, I’ll really stand a chance. Her mate isn’t in trouble since the demon king can take him out with the demon warriors. Selene is the main deal. If I find a way to get her out of the way, my victory is sure.

As I sat there thinking, my mind flashed to Ria and her new–found love, sending sour feelings through my body. I growled in frustration, my fist clenching tight.

That relationship is a big risk. A very dangerous one that could put everything I planned in jeopardy. I don’t know how, but I don’t feel safe knowing that those two are seeing each other. He is a  werewolf and a warrior, someone who has been trained to fight for his pack. He has them in his heart and will rather die than allow anything to happen to them

Does Ria even know this?

She might want to keep it a secret, but there is absolutely no way he won’t find out, and when he does, he will find a way to spoil everything. Even with the promise of being safe when the destruction occurs, he won’t succumb.

Ria might tell him that he won’t be among those to be ruled by demons, and also his family and friends, but as a warrior, I am sure he won’t follow that path of eloping instead of helping his own people.

Why the hell did Ria choose him of all the people in this pack? Now if I kill him, she will do the same to herself. If I keep him alive, he will spoil my plans.

Fuck it!

Chapter 63

I cursed, and at that moment, the alpha walked in. Well, calling him the Alpha is just so sour in my mouth, and we all know he is nothing close to an Alpha right now. He is my puppet, and I only call him Alpha to keep my cover from getting blown. The whole community has to be in the dark until I unleash my terror.

The way he walks has totally changed–no longer firm and daring, but now his shoulders slump and his stature is a bit slouchy. He doesn’t have a voice of his own or the ability to do anything without my permission.

He is my toy, abiding by every single one of my rules.

As he stepped into the room, he flinched at seeing me, then bowed, his body shivering a bit and his fingers fidgeting.

“What are you here for?” I snarled, running my gaze through his face.

“Please, I am very hungry. Please tell the maid to get food for me. He begged like a child, asking for a lollipop, his voice slurry and tone breaking in and out.

“It’s not time yet. You need to cat around evening time so it will last for the day. If you eat now, you will be hungry in the night, so go back to the palace. I will call you for food when I decide.”

His eyes became wet, and I could hear the grumbling of his stomach. His breath was fast and heavy as he tried changing my mind

“Please I…”

“Get out, or I’ll order the guards to drag you away. Stop making me stress my voice!” I rasped, and he sulked in, wiped the tears off his eyes, and turned to the door, walking sluggishly like his legs were too heavy to carry.

“Better compose yourself. Don’t ever make it known that things aren’t as they should be in the palace. The more you act like a weakling the more..

“Please stop talking to me. Your voice and words are like venom to my soul, and I can’t bear hearing them. I did nothing for you to deserve all this. This pain and suffering even after I had treated you like my world.” He was crying, literally shedding tears with sweat smeared all over his face.

“Cry more, baby. I will get milk for you to take, or you can come and suck my breasts. Fool! Get the  out of my face!” I spat, and he left, his feet barely on the ground.

I burst into laughter, enjoying every bit of it. His suffering is like a fresh breath for my soul. I don’t care if he wronged me or not; what I care about is the suffering of every single werewolf.

After a week, Ria will get the sword for me, and I will use that same sword to kill her and the stupid guy she is calling her boyfriend; both of them are going into the grave like Romeo and Juliet.

*She really believed me when I told her I’d let her go free with whoever she wanted. That daft of hers Nobody is leaving here alive. You either stay here as a slave or die off.

Torian’s POV

My mate is gone, and her father is gone. He is just living but dead inside. I was in the palace when he told me he was going to beg Luna for food.

He whispered this to me with his stomach sound, showing he was actually dying of hunger. It didn’t take five minutes before he was back, fighting his tears and trying hard not to cry, but his body was shaking and there was no food in his hands, which means Luna had declined his request.

He didn’t say anything to me but went to the throne and sat silently.

1 felt really bad for him.

“You didn’t get what you went to ask for, right? When are you eating for the day then?” I asked, exhaling, and he looked up to ne. The tears he had been holding back flowed like rivers down his cheeks.

.47 Mon, May

Chapter 63

“Is there anything worth living? Please tell me why I am alive. Just one reason.” He muttered, sniffing his tears.

“To meet your daughter, You’re alive for your daughter, and I know no matter what you did to her, she won’t allow you to“

“For how long shall I wait? I can’t keep living like this. It’s too much for me to bear. I have life, but it is not mine. This pack calls me their alpha but doesn’t know that I own nothing, not even my own life. All the decisions I take are hers, and I have turned into something else because thats what she wants me to be.”

He was pouring out his heart, and I didn’t even know what to say, realizing fully well that I’m not an exception. We are all in this together, because even my pack will be handed to her once she asks for it. That’s the deal.

The mistake we made was never meeting her and giving her the opportunity to use and manipulate us. I recall that I was actually head over heels in love with a demon like her without even knowing it. My mother is dead, killed in a gruesome way by the same woman I thought was my soulmate.

Had I known then….

Look at my mate, whom the moon goddess blessed me with; that was who I rejected and pushed out of my life just to please no one else than Diana, the demon that is now tormenting my life.

That was a huge mistake, but the hand of the clock can’t be rewinded. I just hope, some way, one day, we will get that second chance to set things right.

I know I will never have my mate back, but at least I will get my life back and be able to start afresh. I will find a girl to love, who will also love me, and we will grow to get used to each other.

Bale also deserves some peace, joy, and happiness at his age. He needs to enjoy the fruit of his labor, which is his special daughter, whom he was blessed with.

Selene is a gift, and with her, the whole world can be under our feet. She has the greatest power out there. Every pack and even kingdoms of other mystical beings will want to seek refuge under her arm, and that will make them accept merging with us

This pack will grow to become a large empire with millions of people. A dream of every alpha out there. It was given to Bale on a platter of gold, but he kicked it away.

Diana, a demon, made him turn against his own child, which was a blessing.

Chapter 64

Alpha Bale’s POV

Hunger had almost eaten up every part of me, and I couldn’t even feel myself any more before the woman I married decided it was time for me to eat. Even after starving me, she used her hand to bring out the portion of food I would eat.

It was little–not enough for the long time I had been hungry–but does she care? No. I was even afraid to complain before she denied me eating at all. It didn’t take me a minute to finish the small portion of rice, and I used water to fill my stomach.

I was like a slave in my father’s land, or even something lesser, because even slaves have a little right left, unlike me, who lives under her whimp in everything.

“Go to the visitor’s room and stay. The demon king is visiting, and I have another visitor. I don’t want to see your face around.” That was what she told me after I was done eating, and without hesitation, I did as she said, even walking at a fast pace like a child afraid to be flogged by the mother.

I have no idea who the visitor was, and she doesn’t care. The wedding I did with her was a bullshit because she isn’t my wife. at all. She has never been and will never be. My only regret is my daughter. I miss her so much, and she is just the reason I am still staying alive because, aside from her, I have no meaning on this earth.

I entered the room and laid on the bed, allowing the past to flood into my head and torture the daylight out of me. Every mistake and bad decision I had taken in life because I was blinded by infatuation.

Tears formed in my eyes, running down my cheeks as my heart grew heavy, sadness exposing itself inside of me. The scene of my happy family with my first mate and daughter Selene was playing like a scene, clear in my head.

How did I fall into Diana’s trap to the extent of banishing my daughter, not minding that she would be killed?

I was drowning in thought, hitting the bed with a punch continuously every time I remember that one time I acted so stupid. and senseless. The frustration was just overwhelming and unbearable for me. I badly wanted a second chance -a new beginning to be a good father, ruler, and leader.

A knock sounded on the door, and I rose quickly to open the door, thinking it was Diana. I won’t dare keep her standing at the door for a minute after she knocks, or she will beat me. It is normal and usual for her at this point to hit me like a punch bag.

If being worthless were a human, that is me. Even my wolf had sunk into the deepest part of me, dumb and hopeless. Diana made sure I lost all my power.

I got to the door and pushed it open. I was faced with a maid. She looked left and right as if to be sure no one was watching before she handed an envelope to me.


“What is that, and from whom?” I asked, my brows knitting together as I squinted at the envelope without taking it from her.

Her eyes darted left and right again before drifting back to me.

“Sir, please let me enter before I am seen. I don’t want anyone to catch me talking to you, especially Diana. I had been stalking you for many days, waiting for the day to be able to give you this. Luckily, I eavesdropped when she was telling you to stay in this room.”

I didn’t wait any seconds before letting hier in and locking the door behind…

“This letter is from someone, but the message is from your daughter.” She spilled, and it was like a rain of cold water poured down on me, with shivers running down my spine and sending goosebumps all over my skin

“My daughter, you mean Selene? She sent me a letter Tears brimmed in my eyes as I took it quickly from her and tore out the envelope.

“Oh my God…” I fell to my knees, placing the letter on my chest after reading it all. The tears in my eyes wouldn’t flowing down as I felt every word she wrote, hearing them in my ears like she was talking to me face–to–face in that room.


Chapter 64

Selene hadn’t abandoned me like I thought. She doesn’t hate me like I thought she did, and it seems she has pushed the past away and is also looking for a way to make things right between us.

In the letter, she called me Daddy; she referred to me as her father, and the feeling was amazing. I realized at that moment how much I had missed my life, my daughter, everything about her. I missed her smile, voice, and cheesiness.

Gawd, why did I do all that to her?

“I will have to leave now before someone catches me here. The maids said that at that moment, making me look up at her.

“How will I send her a response? What way can I meet my daughter? Please help me out. I badly need to talk to her.”

She shook her head with a deep sigh.

“There is absolutely no way. I don’t even think she is out of the Lycan kingdom. I’m confused as to why she hadn’t come to rescue us too, but I believe the time is close, and this letter is just to reassure you to stay strong.

“Tell me who brought this letter. I can get to speak with my daughter through her.”

“I don’t know her, and she didn’t introduce herself to me… I have to go now.” She said that and walked away immediately.

I held the letter to my chest, treasuring every bit of it

It was like a fresh breath of life had returned to me. Just the thought that my daughter doesn’t hold any grudges against me anymore made me so happy. Like, after all the wrong I did to her, she still has a place in her heart to forgive me.

Nina’s POV

I watched him as he leaped in excitement, hearing that I had delivered all the letters, especially the one meant for his sister.

He hugged me tight and  me deeply, tears brimming in his eyes.

“Thank you so much, my love. You are a blessing in my life. Now, she won’t have to worry and won’t kill herself if she has it in mind. She will stay strong and wait for me, knowing I didn’t abandon her.” He  me again and again.

“You’re turning me on with these  .” I teased, and he laughed.

“You already turned me on with this good news. You have no idea how happy I am to hear this. It means a lot to me.” He carried me in his arms like a baby, and I could only blush really hard, giggling uncontrollably.

“And I have another message for you.” I added, and he carefully brought me down. “Let me hear it, my love.”

“Very soon you will get a job in the palace. I have used my connection to send messages to the guards and workers there. If there is any vacancy, I will be informed, so if it is something you can do, you will be employed immediately.”

He held me by the waist and pulled me close.

“I love you. Nina, my heart beats for you, and I promise I will never leave you. Thank you for everything. The sacrifice is beyond what I thought you could do for me. I’m overwhelmed.” He poured out his heart, every word exuding pure passion and love that I could feel.

Shifting my strayed hair behind my ears he planted another  on my forehead, then my nose and my lips.

“I will do anything for you.” I said it lowly with a beam on my face. He nodded.

“I know, I believe you. I once doubted if you could stay with me–if you would be able to face whatever attack for being my love–but now I am fully convinced. I didn’t really believe in love, but you had told me for real everything about it, and I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth with everything I got.”

My cheeks must be like tomatoes now. I am sure. His words were so sweet that they made my heart skip a beat and butterflies dance all over my stomach.

12:47 Mon, 6 May MJM

Chapter 64

My lips widened into a grin that refused to seize even for a single minute. Hearing him say all these to me was like a balm to my heart, giving me life that seemed to be dead inside me.

“I am blushing. “My voice hitched as my phone rang at that moment.

We both darted out our eyes in the direction of the phone, and I instantly recognized the number. My mouth went agape as excitement lit up in my eyes.

This is one of the guards in the royal packhouse. One thing could be the reason for the call.

Iquickly picked it up.


“A job just came up. It’s urgent and needs to have a replacement real fast because it’s from Luna, and you know she can’t exercise any kind of patience.” The voice came from the other end.

So, what’s the job?” I asked with a sharp breath. The joy bubbling inside me was making it hard for me to talk.

“Is the person you want to give a job to your friend? If he or she is, I don’t think this would be a good one for the person. because it’s more like a risk.”

“Tell me!”.

“The Luna wants a personal guard for the Lycan girl she has been keeping captive. I don’t know what ever transpired, but she suddenly released her and is treating her well. I am sure there is a secret plan. She fired the first one because he seemed to be falling for the Lycan girl. Why I say it’s a risky job is because Diana wants the person to give her information about the girl.”

He was explaining on the phone while Stan was already on his knees, thanking God with a huge smile on his face.

We both knew who the Lycan girl was already. This was the miracle we prayed for. We were actually hoping just to get a job in the pack house, but now, not only did the job come, it also came in the best way.

Stan will be close to his sister as a guard. What more do we ask for? What is better than this? With his masked face, both of them can make plans on how to escape so easily.

“See, I will be sending him over right now. Give him the job. That’s the job he is very good at. Do you hear?” I said on the phone and got a positive response at the other end before I hung up the call.

Immediately after I dropped the phone, he carried me up in a bridal style, dancing like we were married couples having their wedding dance.

Diana’s POV

“I have solved the puzzle.” His lips curled into a smirk, an evil glint sparking in his eyes as he walked into the room with a gentle and prideful pace, both hands vlasped behind him.

“Really? What exactly did you find out? Is there a way to kill Selene? Because that’s the only thing I actually want to hear now.” I sighed, with little or no anticipation for whatever he had to offer. Since we began this journey of revenge over the werewolves, he has done little to nothing.

The only reason he still beats the crown of the demon king is that I can’t snatch that from him. According to tradition, it was meant only for the male breed of demons. Although he is the demon king, I do both while he enjoys the praise.

I don’t actually care about him. I care about our people who were chased out of their land and made to sleep in caves like refugees. We were ambushed by the entire world kingdom just for a dispute with a few pack. That was an injustice done to us, which we will never forget, even when those who did it are all dead.

The children and generations to come will pay for their crimes, one after the other. I had vowed with my life that there was no way I would live to see my family continue staying in those caves and being treated like lepers.

I will use everything I have to destroy the werewolves one pack after another until they are all below our feet and bow to us as their gods on earth. The journey has begun, and there is no turning back anymore.

I am close to victory, and just one obstacle needs to be removed. Once I get the sword and kill Selene with it, she will get broken with anguish, blinded by rage and the burning flame of revenge, and I will use that against her.

She will end up killing the man she loves, and that will be the end, because once her mate is dead, her powers will weaken. Then I don’t need much to unlive her. I would even take her captive, taunt her, and torture her till she begged for death.

Then, in a gruesomely exciting way, I will end her. After that, the wolves will be left with no hope because even the Lycans will be against them because of what Selene would do to their king.

Then, I will rule over the pack and use their warriors and the ancient sword to expand my territory. Gradually, I will have an empire where I will sit on the throne and rule with an iron fist.

I can imagine all these in my head already, every single scene playing out like it was reality, and for real, I could feel it already close. That moment is very near, and even mynner demons can attest to that.

No one can stop me.

“You don’t seem to be interested. I see you have really lost hope in me.” Lu

sighed, taking a seat close to me on the bed.

“I’m all ears. Or do you want me to jump and scream because you said you’ve solved a puzzle?” I chuckled, rolling my eyes playfully at him as he gave me that charming smile.

Only love binds us. My love for him is what still keeps me stuck with him, no matter what. Yes, I love him even though he is close to being useless to me and the plan I have in mind. I don’t really mind, and I want to rule the empire with him beside

“I have created a poison that will kill Selene’s baby. The best part of it is that the poison won’t have any effect as she is pregnant. It would wait till she had given birth, then cut away that joy a day or two later.” He spilled, and for some minutes, 1 stood still, staring at him as if to be sure he wasn’t playing pranks on me, maybe trying to use this to make me laugh or something.

“You don’t believe me? It shows in your squinted eyes that you can’t believe your ears about what I said. Well, here we are, my love. You don’t even have to worry about whether it will truly work. I had tried it on two pregnant wolves, one in her early pregnancy and another in her late pregnancy. It worked.” He smiled, handing me a small bottle with a dark content inside it.

“Wow, now that’s my baby!” I squeaked in happiness, jumping and hugging him with so much joy.

Chapter 65

“I know I have not been so helpful, but I promise to be now. I will do all I can to help us achieve this great fear that you have in mind, so we will live the life we desire and make sure we make those who have made us suffer regret their actions.”

“Yes, my love.” I cooed with a kiss on his lips, rubbing his check as well as smiling uncontrollably.

“Now, we need someone to help us put this poison in her meal.” He breathed, “It won’t be so easy to do it since she is far away and that she isn’t a commoner like she was before.”

“Don’t worry about that. I have someone who would do that for us. You have done more than enough to create this poison; leave the rest for me to do. One thing I promise you is to make this empire dream happen. Our people will seize the opportunity to be slaves to werewolves, and instead they will be below us, eating from our leftovers and serving us like their gods for the rest of their lives.

I giggled, scanning the bottle, which was a special thing for me because I had been really looking for a way to create a poison that could actually kill the baby after birth.

Not like I won’t be able to make it, but to make one that she would take now and then kill the baby after two days of birth was what was hard for me.

Once Selene gives birth, she will be protected so much, and she herself will be on high alert against any kind of attack, which would make it harder to accomplish then.

But now I don’t have to worry about that.

Ria’s POV

It was evening, and I was on the balcony, enjoying the view and cool breeze, when a maid walked up to me and said that Luna seemed to be my presence in her room; maybe I shouldn’t even call her Luna. She isn’t Luna since she is here to destroy these people.

“Why is she calling me? Do you have any idea?” I asked with my brows knitted together.

“I don’t know,” She replied bluntly and walked away, just as she had come in.

I couldn’t think of anything that would make her call me, not like we have issues we haven’t discussed.

With a deep sigh and hiss, I rose from the chair and sluggishly made my way back into the house.

I got into the room, and she was on the bed with the démon king. Shivers ran down my spine as I furrowed my brows, wondering what was going on and why I was beckoned now.

“Good evening,” I noticed that the atmosphere was really tense because of the demon king. He was someone I really dreaded, knowing he had lived all his life as a monster who sold his soul to the devil and could do the deepest evil ever imagine.

you could

When I set eyes on him, all I see is dark magic, because he possesses them all. Dark magic that had been forbidden long ago.

“Sit.” She told me with a head gesture.

I did as she said, and she brought out a bottle and dropped it on the table in front of her.

“How are you doing now? Your health and strength. I hope you’re regaining your full ability to carry out the mission.” Her tone was blunt and pissed off as those eyes glazed from head to toe.

“I am getting better.” That was all I could utter as I waited for the actual reason I was called up on. It can’t be to ask me about how I’m feeling now.

“I can’t wait for a week. Can we know what it will take for your health to be fully regained in three days?” Her lips curved to a sneer as she asked and waited for my response.

“Why are you in such a haste? We can take it step by step to avoid…

2.48 Mon, o may

Chapter 65

on, 9 may

“Shut up your smelly mouth!” She snapped, her tone exuding pure hatred and anger. “Did I ask for your stupid opinion? Do you even think we are friends who suggest to each other whatever? Answer my question!”

I flinched a bit at her spark and exhaled heavily, rubbing my face and racking my brain for what to say. To be honest, even now I am strong enough to carry out the mission, but I was just not ready yet. I still want to be together with Dave and spend more time with him.

“We have to be careful so we won’t fail and end up regretting it.”

” ! Have you gone out of your mind? Shit! Do you suddenly think I would ever see you as part of my team? I know you don’t care about me succeeding. You are doing this for your own gain and not because you want me to win. Acting like you are trying to be careful for us to succeed doesn’t sit right because you would prefer I lose and get killed, bitch.” She seethed through her teeth and rose from the bed she was sitting on.

“You have only three days to start your journey. I will be sending the map to you. In it, you will see the routes to the cave where the ancient sword is. Wherever all the guards are positioned, you will make a plan on how to carry out the attack. I want you to be fast because there is another last thing you will help me do, so I will allow you to be with Dave and not kill.

him off.

The mention of Dave made me swallow every repulsive response I had in mind. I was about to act stubborn and adamant on going for the mission in three days, but now I will agree straight up.

I need to be done fast and leave with Dave, especially now that I know my brother is alive.

“Alright… I have heard you. I hope the second mission isn’t…”

“It is very easy to carry out and doesn’t even need much planning. Before I forget, I have stripped Dave of the job of being your guard. You both won’t be together for now since you need time to make plans. A new person will take his job, and that person will resume tomorrow.” She said and waved at me to leave.

I sighed and left, too tired to say anything else. All these were just too much, and I can’t wait for them to end, so I will gain my freedom and push them all to the past. I wonder who this new guy will be like.

I just hope he isn’t harsh.



The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 51-60

e the rest of my life in this peace that Lucian and Selene had promised us, but my sister was someone I loved so much.
I had made a lot of sacrifices for her, risking my own life and going as far as betraying my own master. She is the only family I have since my parents died. I couldn’t live in peace knowing she was out there, away from my care, attention, and protection.
After a few minutes, the cart was set. Selene gave me an envelope with letters that I should give to her father. Lucian only shook my hand and told me to trust myself that I would be able to save my sister.
My move to the pack was to be an undercover and find a way to bring her back safe. If I need any help, I should just send them a message. Selene just wants me to know how her father is faring
An hour later, I was already out of the border, and I watched as it closed again while I stood outside and the repelling force kicked me far away.
With the map in my hand, I was able to locate Selene’s pack. A place I had been to for a handful of times since Lucian visited that night.
I don’t know how Selene was able to do it in such a short period of time, but she actually was able to. It has been just three days since I told her about my intentions to go and know how my sister is faring and possibly bring her back home, and she was able to help me find a way to sneak into the pack through a secret passway without drawing the attention of the border guards.
She also made arrangements for who I would be staying with. An old woman from her pack. Selene had sent her a message before my arrival, and luckily she accepted to take me in, but I pleaded that I shouldn’t put her in trouble.”
The pack hadn’t been a peaceful place. It looked calm because no one had the courage to speak up. The woman’s name was Mariam, and the night of my arrival, we spent quality time together, where she told me about everything that had been going on in the pack ever since Selene left.
From the outside, the pack looked peaceful and everyone was in harmony, but there had been changes, especially in how their rulers were treating them. Selene’s father was now a king who ruled with an iron fist, making it easy to condemn to death or put offenders through great torture.
Cases were not treated well, and even the one on the right side gets prosecuted. Everyone in the pack lives in constant fear of their rulers. They are all concerned about the Alpha because he is who they knew, how he was in the past, how well he treated them, and how his members loved and trusted him.
Diana was the evil she dreaded. They all knew she was the one who changed their Alpha into a beast that is kept unhinged. Their prayers had been for the day she will die. They kept hoping and hoping for that day, wishing there would be a savior, but none had come.
According to her, they only heard rumors that Selene was still alive and was the gift from the moon goddess to save them from their sufferings, but most didn’t believe she was alive since it was confirmed that she was dead after getting banished.
Another rumor was that Selene was alive and had refused to help. This was the truth in the story, and Miriam was just asking me why. I didn’t know what to tell her. I just told her she would come when the right time arrived.
I slept well that night and woke up in the afternoon of the next day.
“What do you plan to do? How do you intend to reach out to your sister? You can’t just barge into the royal pack house.” She”
Chapter 51
said to me and I sighed. She was even the one I was about to ask if she had any suggestion how I could get into that place.
My plan was to get work in there. I don’t mind if it was mining or being a cleaner. Just anything that would take me into that place.
My mask is good enough to hide my identity from Diana, who knows me well. I should really be conscious of my surroundings because I am really among those she is desperate to kill at this point.
“I don’t know how I will get in there. I’m thinking of securing any work, but I’m not sure there is any vacancy now.” I breathed, anxiously waiting for what she had to say.
“Even if there is any vacancy, you can’t secure any because your background will be checked, and it’s highly suspicious. Not only will you fail to get a job, you will also be picked up and killed. I myself will be put to death for taking you in. You have to become familiar. Live a normal life for three to four months, entering a school, making friends, and, you know, bedding in properly.” She said it with a shrug, and I couldn’t hold back my grunt of frustration.
“I really don’t have a long time to spend. My sister might be going through a lot, and”
“Safety matters. If you die, no one will save your sister, so just take your time and do everything properly so it won’t all be in vain.” She cut in, and I reluctantly nChapter 51
Stan’s POV
odded. I looked back at the castle one last time as the cart got ready to take me out to the border. I knew this might be my last moment in this place. I have so much resilience in my heart that I must bring my sister back here safe and sound, even if it means dying on her behalf.
My journey to the Wolf Pack was one I had put into thought and consideration, weighing the consequences and risks. 1. could actually stay back and liv
“Pick a cloth from the rack, you are following me to the market. I will introduce you as an orphan from the neighborhood pack. I had spoken with the CEO there, and they have forged a fake passport for you. Your identity is sure now, so let’s just live normal for some time before you apply for any work in the palace. You don’t want to be on the list of investigations led by Diana, do you?”
“No!” I snapped, a short gasp of fright escaping my lips as I thought about how deadly that would be.
F u c k! And the moment she finds out who I am, It will be the worst end for me, and my death won’t be a funny one.
I dressed up and followed her to the market, where we bought some cooking items. She even bought some clothes for me.
Her friends in the market would constantly ask who the handsome man with her was, and she would tell them I was an orphan from another pack, and my new name was George.
As we were returning, there was sudden chaos along the road, with people running wildly and hiding. She grabbed my hands immediately before I could even see exactly what was going and we both ducked beside a car.
“What is….”
“Shh,” she hushed me.
“I don’t understand. Who and why is everyone running?” I asked stubbornly.
“Diana… she visited the market 1 guess and is returning home. No one will want her to see them. She picks up on anyone, and the end might really be death because she can make up any reason to have your head cut off. I don’t know why she is this evil to us. Like, how could a fellow werewolf like her who came from even a lower pack come into power and choose it upon herself to make out life hell?” Miriam lamented, her voice deep in anguish.
I exhaled heavily, looking down to the ground in sadness at hearing her call Diana a werewolf. She has no idea that they were living under the rule of a demon. If she knows, it wouldn’t be a shock to her to see how they are being treated. She will realize this was always the interim of the demons.
It is so sad that the suffering or pain they are going through now is nothing compared to what would befall them in the future if Diana succeeded in killing Selene.
That is when Diana will realize there is no one to stop her. This whole pack will be filled with demons, and the whole werewolf will be turned into s l a v e s. Even neighboring packs aren’t safe either.
It all later died down, so we stepped out and rushed home. I just felt more anger towards Diana, and the desire to see her but c h e r e d to death just increased more in my heart.
Chapter 51
If she can do all this wickedness without remorse to these people, I wonder how my sister is faring. Is she still alive? Is she sane? Or has this evil Diana possessed her entire being just as she must have done to Selene’s father to make him a devil to his own people, whom he was supposed to protect and love?
I can’t really wait to get into that castle. I will make sure I make the path very clear for Selene to come in and destroy that woman, Diana. She really needed to be crushed as soon as possible before she did more harm.
It was evening when we came back from the market, so we just arranged dinner and slept. The next day was when I would do my registration for training school, just like every other grown man in the pack. It was one of my ways to blend in and look with little or no suspicion.
I was going to be one of the students, get registered, and act like a normal citizen.
This was what Mariam suggested and I had no problem with it. To me, it was a good idea, but neither I nor she thought of my mask while making this suggestion.
I was bound to sweat during the tasks, but with the mask, I won’t be able to, since it isn’t my real skin.
We didn’t think of that, and that was where my first problem started.

hapter 52
The registration went well with no sign of suspicion. I was able to get through all the processes and was given my uniform. They tested my ability, and I tried as much as possible to show the normal range of ability for a werewolf of my age.
The tasks were too easy for me, but I pretended like it was taking a lot of my energy, making fake groans and grunts while scaling through successfully.
The instructor was proud of me and clearly stated that he sees a warrior in me. I was told to go back home and resume properly the next day, but I insisted on staying back to watch even though I wouldn’t be joining in the training yet. This was just for me to watch closely in order to blend properly.
It was really a crucial moment of my visit, and if I fail at this point and become a suspect, every plan I have will be shattered. I needed to see how the werewolves who were in the same class with me go about their training session because I have to try as much as possible to act the same way as them and not show an obvious extra strength, which will make them doubt my identity as a wolf
1 stood at the far end, watching each and every one of them, both the boys and girls, since there was no gender separation. My focus was on their reactions and the effect of every part of the training on them, and I didn’t even notice there was a lady I was keeping distracted.
It was not until she kept failing in the training with constant scolding from the instructor that she caught my attention. A beautiful blonde-haired girl with bright, clear skin and pretty brown eyes. She is among those in the front row and seemed to be among the best, so the instructor was able to figure out that she was lacking at that moment.
“Where is your mind?” She had yelled at the girl, and she only shook her head and muttered a no while going on with the training sections. The way she kept stealing glances at me and would always find free time to feed her eyes on me made me realize I was the one making her train badly.
I was happy as the class finally ended and I was able to capture all I needed for my pretense the next day. I was also lucky that the instructor seemed to like me. The man was amazed by my skill when performing th
initial task as a beginner.
“Are you joining us tomorrow!” A voice spoke to me from behind as I stepped out of the gate alone. I flinched a bit since I wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me. Mariam had gone back home after bringing me here, so there was no one I should be expecting to speak to me.
I turned my face in the direction of the voice, and it fell on the young lady with brown eyes. Those eyes gazed into mine gorgeously with her sweet smile as she flipped the strayed hair covering her face.
“Yes, of course. I am now part of this pack and should join in every important activity.” I replied with a brief smile.
That’s good. My name is Nina, and you?” She gestured for a handshake.
“Stan.” I muttered, taking her hand, and was really surprised at how soft and tender these palms were. They were even cold. and seemed to be the warmth my hand needed, forcing me to extend the handshake till she looked at me with a questioning expression.
“Sorry.” I laughed, freeing her hands, “It’s been long. I felt such soft, petite, and tender palms, cold, and felt so good.”
She blushed hard, covering her face as she tried to hold back the uncontrollable smile.
“Your hands aren’t bad to shake either, Mr. Stan. And welcome to our class. I saw you handling your initial task effortlessly. Why were you pretending it was hard for you?” She asked, and my brows creased together as 1 frowned at her.
“What do you mean? Isn’t that task supposed to be hard? Carrying a huge load on the back and…*
“It wasn’t hard for you. I am good at reading counts, and I saw yours were fake. You are really strong, I must say, and it’s clear you will be my challenge as the best student of the year. She chuckled, and I only shrugged, not knowing what exactly to
“You are still the best. I am just a learner and a newcomer. Besides, I don’t want to be the best. I just want to come to class,
Chapter 52
train, and go back home. No challenge with anyone.” I said clearly that I was slightly increasing my pace.
I wasn’t comfortable with the path the destruction was heading down. I don’t want to say something that would draw attention to myself, and this girl just looks like someone I have to stay far away from. How was she able to know I was feigning during that task? From there, she may find out about my mask and, at the end, figure out that I am a Lycan, and that is where everything will get exposed.
“I will like to be your friend,” she offered, also picking up her pace to catch up with me.
“I don’t want to have any friends. I’m sorry” I raised my hand in gesture.
“Why? We can be training together, pushing each other to become better. I just saw you at fright sight and realized we would be good colleagues and a motivation to each other.” She said it happily, but I was getting p i s s e d.
“Like I said earlier, no. Please go your way and leave me. I don’t need any friends. I stated it bluntly, and she stopped walking and folded her arms with a sad look.
“Please don’t do this to me. You are the only guy I have ever had the desire to be friends with, and it took a lot of courage to say it to you. Don’t break my heart by pushing me away, please.” She moaned out, her tone sounding like she would cry anytime soon, while I kept walking without turning.
“I don’t want a friend. It’s as simple as that.” I retorted without even turning back until I got home.
“Go bathe and take your food to the kitchen. After that, come and tell me how it all went,” Miriam said to me as soon as I greeted her with a hug.
In a few hours. I was done, and we both sat on the bed in the room while I relayed to her everything.
“I thought I told you that you should make friends and act normal
“I will make friends, but not with someone who has already read me to kriow I was faking the groans and grunts while carrying out the initial task. If she gets closer to me, one day she will read out my true identity.”
She nodded in agreement. “You are right. You both should stay away from each other, but make friends and stop claiming you don’t need friends. That brings attention to you.”
I slept that night, making imaginary scenes of how I would go by the next day, making sure nothing gave out my identity, but yet again. I didn’t think of my mask preventing me from sweating.
This was a huge thing that I should have really considered because there was no way I would explain how I am someone who doesn’t sweat. I was lucky the instructor didn’t notice it while I was going through the initial task. But during the training, there was no way I should not sweat,
I woke up early and got prepared as fast as I could to avoid being late. Coming late would give me that attention that I am running away from. Before 8:00, which was the time for class to begin, I was already in school, sitting on the desk that had been given to me with my name written on it.
I went way earlier. Around 7:00 am. No one else has arrived in the class, so I just sit and bend my head on the desk.
I don’t know how long I dozed off, but later on I was woken by a gentle tap. I jumped up, thinking class had begun while I was sleeping, but as soon as my head was raised, I saw that nobody else was in the class except Nina standing in front of me.
My eyes first flashed to the time, and it was 7 :1 7 a.m.I hadn’t even slept for long-
“You beat me to punctuality, for real. Dude.” She placed her hands on her waist and said, “And you say you aren’t ready to be friends with me so we can motivate and push each other to…
“Not again. Not again, please. Nina, I can have friends, but not with you. I don’t want to be your friend.” I snapped.
“Why? What did I do wrong to you? Please tell me.” She pleaded.
“Nothing. It’s just a choice, and I beg and hope you respect it.” I seethed, and her eyes dimmed in sadness again. She looked
Chapter 52
at me with pain in her eyes before walking away to her desk, where she buried her face on it.
I looked away, not wanting to lie back again to avoid being asleep when class would begin. There will be no one to wake me up this time. I was lucky Nina did.
After some time, students started walking in, and anyone who did step in, both male and female, would feed their eyes on both me and Nina. They had seen our names as early as I actually didn’t know that their name and time of arrival to class were being recorded as soon as they crossed the door first thing in the morning.
The students must have seen our names first in wherever it’s been checked, which I don’t know because that’s what explains why they were staring at us weirdly, adding that it came earlier than Nina.
I later knew there was a device behind the door where you could click to see the first, second, and third earlycomers every day and the time they arrived.
Training began, and it was as easy as I thought since I wasn’t using my full Lycan abilities. It was tactical, tricky, and tedious; one has to use every one of their senses, being sharp and quick to respond.
Everyone does the training together, and as it went by, I began to notice the eyes on me and how everyone was constantly peering at me like I had grown two horns. Including the instructor.
I didn’t know why yet until Nina walked up to me and whispered.
“We have to find a way to cover it up, or your cover will be blown.” She had stylishly whispered, taking the place of the girl beside me in the row.
“You aren’t sweating. It’s not normal. It actually occurs only if you begin to sweat right about now.”
This was the moment I found out I had messed up.


Chapter 53
Fear engulfed me, with my legs trembling as I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked down to the ground.
Was this why they were staring at me weirdly, even the instructor? Nina was totally right, and if I don’t find out what to do to cover up in the next few minutes, I will be suspected instantly.
The trainkig was really hectic and took a lot of energy. My hands and legs are all sweaty, and even the shirt I was wearing was wet with sweat, so there was no other reason to explain why I want sweat on my face, which should be the first place.
“I will faint beside you and quickly attend to me. I will use that to distract everyone.” I hear Nina whisper beside me, and before I can really understand what she is saying, she slumps, and there is an uproar with chaos as everyone shouts in shock to see her fall heavily on the ground.
I was also stunned and speechless, seeing that she actually fell flat, hitting her head on the ground, and didn’t even flinch. I was the only one who knew she hadn’t really fainted, but I did that to pull their attention away from me.
Just as she told me. I rushed at her to attend to her, carried her in my arms, and was led to the hospital. The security ment helped me till I got to the clinic, and she was laid on the bed with doctors gathering around.
“You should leave now. We will attend to her.” One of the doctors told me that as he saw me, I was still standing in the ward, looking at her.
“Can’t I stay here and…
They grimaced in confusion. “What do you mean? Are you a doctor? Meanwhile, she isn’t even your sister, and you are still new here.” I was retorted at as they gave me a suspicion look.
“I am perfectly fine!” The voice of Nina sounded from the bed where she lay as she sat up immediately.
“What? You were faking it? Why? I will have to report.
“Don’t you dare? It won’t take me anything to make you all lose your job, and I will make sure I punish even your family!” Nina threatened, looking them dead in the eyes.
“Did you do that to leave the class? You will be in trouble if they find out.
“They won’t find out unless you report me, so if they find out anyway, I will know one of you snitched. I swear you won’t like what I do. I hope you still know who my father is.” She seethed and walked over to me. She smiled and took my hand gently.
“We will stay here for now.” She said it in a low, calm voice.
“You can stay, but I obviously can’t. I am not the one who fainted. They will be suspicious about me not returning to class.” I whispered, and she shrugged, taking a deep breath.
“If they find out you’re my boyfriend, they won’t be wondering why you stayed back with me, so we have to make them believe that.” She whispered back, then turned to the three doctors.
“Y’all, act like you just attended to me, and I need like an hour of rest. Also inform them that my boyfriend will be staying beside me till I wake.” They all nodded and walked away without saying another word.
“Who is your father that they were really forced to obey you?” I asked out of curiosity. “Who is your father that they were r
“Lock the door first.” She rolled her eyes playfully as she sat back on the bed. I obeyed and locked the door, and they walked
back to her.
“My father is the co-owner of the hospital. But that’s not why we are here, so we aren’t talking about that. What are you hiding?” She asked in a more seripus tone, her eyes piercing deep into mine.
“Nothing much though, but thank you for saving me from a lot of issues that I wo even know how to solve. I didn’t think of that. Something as important as that was what I ignored. That’s careless of me.” I hissed, running my fingers through my
Chapter 58
“What are you hiding? Show me your real face.” She blurted, standing to her feet with her hands folded against her chest, “You shouldn’t be hiding anything from me if you need my help. I am the only one that can keep your secret with you and help you not get caught.”
“I am not a werewolf, so you won’t know me. I am hiding my face from Luna and not anyone else.” I breathed, and she frowned.
“The Luna? Are you in any way connected to Selene? Or Lucian?” She asked with her eyes widening.
“Lucian. I am Stan, his personal guard and brother to a girl named Ria who is staying with Luna. I don’t know if you have heard of her or seen her. Do you know of any girl staying with Luna that has that name?” I asked with so much curiosity, impatience eating deep inside me as I prayed and hoped she would give me a positive answer.
I badly need to know how my sister is faring since we separated.
“I don’t know anyone with that name, and besides, the royal pack is now like a coven that mere pack members hardly enter. The Luna and Alpha are dreaded. Even if your sister is fine or in trouble, no one staying outside will know.” She explained, her eyes dimming as she saw the sadness in my eyes.
“Do you have any idea how I can get work or anything inside that place? I really have to know how my sister is faring. I am totally restless and filled with anxiety. Please help me.” I kept begging, holding her hands desperately.
She kept quiet, silent, and looking into my eyes, then down to our hands that were locked together.
“I took a lot of risk for us to end up here. To bring you out of the prying eyes, trying to find out what you truly are. If I hadn’t pulled up that commotion, by now I am very sure you would be in the palace facing prosecution. They might be whipping you mercilessly and…”
“Kill me. She will kill me instantly, without a second’s chance for me to speak. If she sees my real face, she will slay me instant. I am wanted on her list.” I cut her in, and her eyes widened.
“What did you do to her? How did you become such a great enemy to an evil woman like that?” She asked, her brows arched together.
“Can I trust you? My life is on the line, and I am trying as much as possible to be very careful. I don’t care about dying, actually, but I am scared of dying without releasing my sister from that bondage.” I sighed, looking down to the ground,
“You can trust me. Stan, I don’t know if you really know how much I love you. I really love you, and it all started from the very first day I saw you, and at this time, I am ready to go any distance for you and with you. My heart is beating for you, and every single second I stand and talk with you, I feel complete and satisfied. We will scale through this together.” She smiled widely, and her palms went to my cheeks.
“If you stay close to me, your life will be in danger. I can feel that my stay in this pack won’t be smooth, honestly. I will have to face a lot, and with you beside me, it might just put you in danger.
Nina’s POV
A little smile crept up my lips as I chuckled quietly at what he just said. His handsome face was just like a sun shining into the dark-a cool breeze that sends warmth to my soul.
The way his lips moved and his sweet, deep voice were just so awesome, and they were driving me crazy. I was falling deeper in love, his grasp on my palm making the feel secure.
This was literally the best feeling in my life. The actual sweetest moment of my life. Love had really caught hold of me the least time I expected it. I never knew any man would make my heart melt, and over the years I had gotten a lot of men around me seeking my attention, trying all they could to get me to fall for them, but it was all seeming impossible.
At some point, I thought I had lost that ability to fall in love, but not until this man appeared. Everything about him was taking over my mind, and the pain I felt at his initial rejection was unbearable, so deep and unimaginable. It wasn’t what I expected it to be, even though I knew it should hurt.
For real, I had lost control of my he
mate. I don’t know if he loves me the way I do, I don’t know if he is my
there is one thing I know for sure in my heart.
I am in love with him.
This was something I knew with no doubt, and that is that I would do everything possible to make him happy. To show him how much I love him.
He just talked about endangering my life if I was close to him. He really has no idea how much I love him. Does he even
s, anytime, I will risk it all to do it for him. know that I can take a bullet for him? Whatever help he
I want him to love me. I want us to become couples. He should take my heart, because it’s his. No one else has it.
“Stan, I want you to know that I am here, and I am not leaving any time, not for a single second. We will fight your battle together and win it all. Your sister will be rescued and get back to safety. We will do everything possible. Trust me, because I will die seeing you in any kind of pain. I love you.”
The words were rolling from my heart to my mouth, looking into his deep hazel eyes as they gazed back at me.
He let out a smile, slowly put his hands beneath his neck region, and carefully pulled out the skin mask.
A sharp gasp slipped my lips as I saw his true face. My mouth went agape, and my eyes widened in admiration.
I thought he was handsome with the mask, but it is not compared to what he looks like naturally.
“You are the only one who has seen my real face here. I have begun to trust you, Nina.” He cooed, and I could swear my stomach was filled with butterflies.

Chapter 54
“So are you going to be my boyfriend officially? Remember, I already told the doctors to inform the instructor that you’re mine, so you are staying here to inake sure I am fit.” I beamed, and he smiled back and took my hand into his
“I was fighting with my feelings for you because I don’t want to get distracted from my missing here and didn’t even know if I could trust you to be beside me, but I guess fate has plans for us both. You are mine from now on, beauty goddess. His lips curled into a really gorgeous smile, and I couldn’t hold back my flushed cheeks as I blushed uncontrollably.
His words were so sweet. I had heard so many compliments; many guys had praised me and called me so many nice names; some even told me love lines, but all that hadn’t even tugged at my heart a bit.
I was even p i s s e d and annoyed at them all. It was cringy to me, and I thought I had no heart to fall in love. I guess I was totally wrong now. Even the simple smile from him to me was making my legs go jelly, and I was craving his touch and kiss and even desired having him inside me.
“So you also love me. That means we are together now. Oh G o d, I hope this is not a dream.” I squealed, and he laughed, pulling me closer to him, those eyes overwhelming me with their seduction.
I leaned on him, his tall, muscular body holding onto me like a rare gem.
“Let me taste those lips before I die.” He whispered so sweetly, and before I could recover from the effect of that rizz, his soft lips met mine. A brief kiss that sent shivers down my spine and left me craving for more as I shut my eyes
and lost my whole sense, the whole world seeming to have disappeared, leaving only the both of us.
He broke the kiss, leaving me gasping and leaning forward for more.
“We have to return to class, and besides, we are yet to figure out what to do about the mask. I have to find a way to sweat. I don’t know how to do that. Maybe I will just fake being sick and end my attendance at this school. We may have escaped today, but it won’t continue.” He sighed.
“I already have it figured out, so you don’t have to worry. I have a witch friend who can make you sweat through the mask. She is very good at spells and magic. And she will also be of help to you in getting a job in the royal pack by enchanting the Alpha into agreeing to give you a job once he sets his eyes on you” I said, and he let out a gasp, his eyes squinting like he was unsure if he really heard me right.
His expression was like….
“Was this the instant solution appearing right in front of me? Was she going to solve this huge problem for me immediately? Nina, a girl I just met not long ago, was going to help me get all this?”
His eyes lit up as he wore back the mask. “Nina, are you serious? For real? You will do all this for me? Gosh! I’m going crazy.” His voice cracked a bit, and emotions brimmed in it.
“Yes, I will do it and more for you because I love you. I want us to spend our future together. I might sound so desperate, and I don’t really care because for the first time I knew what I wanted; I knew what my heart craved and desired so much, and that’s you.” I had a huge smile on my face as I said this to him
He grabbed my waist and pulled me to himself, then those lips met with mine in a deep kiss again, this time it was longer, and he made me wet as he took my lips and tongue, like that was where his life depended on.
My hands wrapped around his neck, and his hand was also rubbing my a s s and pressing it in a way that made me almost moan out. It was so sweet, and my entire body was already screaming to get laid.
He broke the kiss, his eyes wet with emotion.
“Nina, I love you. I might not have been the first one to confess, but I swear, you are the woman I want. I bless the day we met. You are really Go d-sent. Let’s get back to class before it gets obviously suspicious.” He said and pecked my lips, “I really love these lips of yours and want to kiss them always.”
I laughed, and we both held hands as we walked out of the ward. Just as we opened the door, we were met with three boys
Chapter 54
standing right in front of the door, hands folded against their chests.
Well, I know each and every one of them because they have spoken to me before. I can recognize their faces. They are the finalists, have gone through all the training stages, and are seniors to us since they will be graduating in a few weeks and can then choose to be an official pack warrior.
The blonde guy in the middle was the one interested in me, while the other two are his best friends. He has been doing all he could think of to get my attention. So many times, he had sent letters to me and even helped me unnecessarily
He is really in love with me, and it was clearly driving him crazy. He had told me he wouldn’t rest till he made me his after finding out I was actually single. He swore to melt my heart and make me fall in love with him.
As he stood with his friends looking at me, I could see sheer shock and disbelief, especially with the clear picture of me holding hands with Stan.
In height, they all were the same as Stan. I don’t know who is stronger, but they are three, and there is no way he can fight them all. With the rage in Larry’s eyes, I knew he wouldn’t let Stan go scot-free for taking me from him.
It just stinks that he thinks I’m his or his possession to attain.
“Were you three standing here waiting for us? Why are you prying into my…
“Did I hear you use the word “us”?”What is that supposed to mean? Don’t you dare confirm my doubt because I don’t want to believe there is anything going on between the both of you!” He shouted, dropping his folded hand and clenching his fist.
“This m o t h e r f u c k e r just came, and he is already tampering with your girl. I don’t understand the courage, or wasn’t he informed? Why did you tell him?” One of the friends threw the question at me.
For real?
I almost puked at the disgusting statement he just made. Since when did I become a Larry girl, and how the hell is he asking me why I didn’t tell Stan?
“Are you made or what? I have nothing to do with Larry. I have nothing to do with any of you, and I made it clear that I am not interested. He is the one forcing himself on me, but my intention was made clear. No!” I blurted firmly, and Larry growled, walking closer like a predator.
Stan didn’t move an inch but held my hand firmly, as if telling me not to be afraid that he was here.
“You told me you don’t have the heart to love. You repeated it to me just three days ago. What happened to the heart all of a sudden? It can love now? What did he do? Who is he? What rank or what the f u c k does he have that I don’t? He is even f u c k i n g ugly! Nina, are you sure you aren’t under a spell?” He bawled, veins running through his neck and arms.
*She isn’t. Maybe you’re the one under a spell of s t u p i d i t y. You are asking what happened to her heart, and I am asking what happened to your brain. It doesn’t seem to be working!” Stan retorted before I could say anything.
Their eyes turned to him, the friends grimacing as they scanned him from head to toe.
I just remembered at that moment that he was a lycan and could easily beat these guys down with his lycan abilities. If only they knew that they would just be endangering their lives if they tried fighting him.
* “G o d, who gave this newcomer the guts? Or is it because you are unaware of who we are? Listen carefully, and let me give
you a brief introduction. We are finalists and among the best. The training you are going through now, we have gone through it years ago and even mastered it all. You stand no chance, little brother, so stay off” Larry threatened, hoping to actually instill fear in him with that, but Stan wasn’t moved a bit.
“I don’t care about those b ul l s h i t. If there is anyone to stay off, it’s you and your pups, whom you call friends. Nina is my girlfriend, as you can see. Get off the road; we need to head to class. It was so pathetic of you to stand at the door waiting for us because you heard she was with me. What exactly were you waiting for?” Stan chuckled deeply.
“Fool!” He added, obviously irking them. Be was intentionally sparking up their anger as if he wanted to really fight with them.
Chapter 3%
Nina, is he right? Is he your boyfriend? I don’t mind if he is interested in you, dating you in his head, and thinking you both are in a relationship. Tell me if you also love him and see him as your boyfriend Larry growled, his eyes flinting in ange
“We are dating. We are in a relationship. Yes, and you should know that, so leave the path!” I responded, and Stan smiled with a nod.
“It can’t be! Nina, it can’t be. I will never be alive to watch it happen! F u c k you for thinking you can choose another guy over me! What? How? Is he better than me? In what way?”
“I also don’t want you to be alive to see us together. There are several ways to take your life; do you need a suggestion?” Stan smirked, and one of Larry’s friends clearly couldn’t hold back anymore.
He attacked unexpectedly. Yeah, I didn’t see it coming. No one saw it except Stan, who really has sharp sight and instinct. It was very fast and swift, but Stan was able to dodge the blow without releasing his grip on me.
“If you
want a fight, set the stage and stop trying a s u c k e r punch, pup!” Stan scorned at him while the three looked in shock and had questioning looks.
We both walked away.
“We will make you regret it!” Larry shouted from behind, and Stan laughed, turning to me with a lopsided smile, “We will make them regret it rather.”

Chapter 55 

Stan’s POV

We gut back into the class, and it was almost time as the instructor had left,racing only the students that were already. arranging their bags to the anticipating closing bell.

Immediately we entered the classroom, there was a dead silence, every eye pinned on us, shock and disbelief written all over. Their gazes swept from me to her, and some were even rubbing their eyes to be sure they weren’t seeing things.

We both ignored each other and went to sit. This time she didn’t go to sit on her desk, but we both shared our hands, still held together.

“Are you both friends already or what?” A deep voice huffed at us from the back. I turned in the direction of the voice and watched as the guy in the back stood and walked up to us.

He wasn’t looking at me, though, with all his angry stares at Nina.


“It is none of your business!” Nina responded, and he narrowed his eyes at her, leaning forward.

“You don’t want to be seen and called a slut all around the school. Don’t you know mingling with a newcomer will make you that? Only a slut starts dating without even knowing each other properly. How long have you met him, and you are holding his hands like that’s your husband to be?”

All I could sense was so much jealousy and bitterness in his voice. It almost sounded like he was crying. I could feel his broken heart in every word he spoke. I guess he is one of Nina’s biggest admirers in the class.

“Well, Mr., don’t you ever mention her name beside the word slut again. You won’t like what I will do to you if you try it again.” I warned, and he shrugged and raised his hands to the air.

“Bro, we aren’t fighting. I am not dragging her with you. I just came to remind her of her attitude. It isn’t what someone like her should be portraying. At least her father isn’t someone to be put to shame.”

“You can go back to your desk and keep crying. He is my boyfriend, and there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is cry because I didn’t even give you a single chance.” Nina retorted, and it was like a hot slap to his face. His cheeks turned red, and shame was written all over his face. He didn’t say any other words and walked away with a hanging head.

The s

stares and murmurs mong the students continued until the bell rang

“I think we are already gathering enemies, but I am glad we can both take them out.” She chuckled as we walked past the exit


“All you have to do is sit in a corner and watch me. I don’t want you to indulge in any shitty fights. These pigs don’t deserve to have your skin touched by them. I don’t equally want you stressing yourself.” I smiled as she giggled with blushing cheeks.

“I’m following you home to see where you stay.” She said that, and I shook my head immediately.

“No. No. no. I told my grandma that I would never have anything to do with you since you were able to find out I wasn’t a normal wolf so easily. Let me visit you instead.” I suggested, and her eyes lit up. She let out a lopsided smile.

“I stay alone.” She said it shyly, and I didn’t even know where the silly excitement came from, bubbling and boiling inside of me. I was already imagining the two of us in the room all alone.

Her body was one that was irresistible/even with the school uniforms. The gown wasn’t tight, but her rounded ass could still be noticed. Those boobs had always hade me find it hard to talk when close to her.

If we stay in a room all alone, I won’t be able to control myself, especially if she tries to change into another dress.

“You stay alone. Maybe I shouldn’t visit them before…”

*Stan, please, at least come and know where I stay in the future. You don’t need to enter inside.” She said so, and I nodded.

2:44 MUn, o may

Chapter 55

wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

52% 0

Since her house isn’t far from the school, as she said, we both trekked. It took us almost an hour. She later told me it was intentional for her to go home on foot, as she makes it an exercise..

We got to her house. It was a bungalow,

“My father built this and handed it to me. He told me I had to stay alone, so I never lived my life depending on anyone for protection or anything else. The first few months were hell, as I was scared of the silence and loneliness, but now I’m used to it, and for real, it’s blissful. I enjoy it. I also love being someone who has the courage to face everything alone.” She said it with a pretty smile that made those small lips more inviting.

She backed me up to open the door, and those asses were right in front of me. Her thick thighs appeared more beautiful and desirous of being rubbed.

My eyes pinned on her back region, and I really got lost; I didn’t realize she had opened the door and was asking me if I would be going or have a cup of drink.

It wasn’t until she turned and I didn’t give any response that I regained myself. She caught me gazing at her ass.

I had to shift my gaze to the ground, like that was what I was staring at.

“Did you hear what I asked?” She asked with a cheesy smile, flipping her hair to the back of her ear.

“You said something? Sorry. I didn’t hear you.” I breathed and laughed.

“Come and help me zip down this gown. You were lost staring at my ass, and now you don’t even know what I asked. What if I requested your dick inside me?”

My jaw dropped, and my eyes popped with excitement and an uncontrollable urge for  . The way she said this was so enticing and seductive that my dick began to get hard.

Wait, did she really ask me if she wanted my dick inside her?

“Did you say that?” I asked under my breath, licking my lower lips.

“No, I didn’t. I asked if you would like to have a cup of water before leaving.” She said, and I could help the disappointment. look on my face.

“Yes, I need one. The journey was tiring.

I exhaled, slumping heavily on the couch.

“You also didn’t hear me ask you to unzip my gown for me?” She said that, and I jumped from the couch again, both of us laughing out loud.

I stood behind her to zip it down, and she moved back more, her ass rubbing my already hard dick. Her body was something I needed to be blind to to withstand getting hard.

“What’s making you hard, Mr Stan.” She giggled.

Chapter 56

It happened so fast. Her question was like a spark to the urge that was still building up inside me. My hands wrapped around her waist while I pulled her close. She glided her hip, rocking me with such a rhythm that turned me on the more.

My hands cupped her breasts, my fingers rubbing the nipples. She threw her head back, looking at me with a smile as her lips drew close to mine. We  deep without our eyes closed, savoring the moment.

She broke the  and walked over to the bed, then pulled off her gown, clad only in her g–string pants. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her boobs were so enticing as they stood firm, inviting me over.

“I thought we planned for you to just know where I stay.” She said it with a lopsided smile, and I chuckled, walking closer.

As I stood in front of her, she pulled down my trousers and shorts at the same time. My dick plunged out, hard with veins, desiring nothing else but to enter inside her.

She let out a silent gasp as she saw how huge it was. Her eyes lit up with excitement and amazement.

She held it, and shivers ran down my spine. She began to stroke it, and the pleasure got deeper. Her hands are so soft.

Then she opened her mouth and put my dick inside. I closed my eyes, licking my lips as another shiver coursed down again.

She began to give me a slurpy blowjob, taking my dick so good that it was driving me crazy. Her tongue was playing over her head, and her other hand was rubbing my balls. She was really good at it.

I was so hard as she lay with those sexy eyes on me while she pulled down her pants and widened her legs.

We had sex in several positions and styles, going many rounds. It was so pleasurable, as she was even a good rider.

It was evening and almost night when we were done. Even when I went to take my bath with her, we went for another round.

We both couldn’t get enough of each other, as if our lives depended on it.

“So are you sleeping over going home this night?” She asked, and I laughed, sneering at her.

“It isn’t even 8 yet, and you say it’s night? Besides, I stay with an old woman who might need my help at any time. You sound like you want me to sleep over

She laid on my chest, and both of us were on the bed. She wasn’t even making an attempt to leave me.

“I’m addicted to you. The thought of not being with you breaks my heart.” She sighed, her fingers playing through my nipples and abs.

“We will meet in school tomorrow.” I replied with a short laugh.

“This night will be hell for me without you. I thought you would be staying with me. She sulked, still lying on my chest.

“I would love to, but it’s really wrong. She might even be so worried now that I haven’t returned from school; you know I’m new in this pack. I explained, and she nodded, then  me.

“I love you, and I am not hoping you’re my mate. I’ll reject anyone else; if not you, promise me you will take me as your mate.” She whispered into my ears

“You are the best person I have ever niet since I was born and the only girl I cared for besides my sister. You had even been of so much importance to me that I dare not lose you in any moment of my life. We are soulmates, and I can feel it inside me. I promise to make you mine at all costs. I replied, stroking her hair.

“Now, can I go, love?”

She hesitated a bit before sitting up to give me the chance to leave the bed.

Chapter 56

Nina’s POV

I had to keep repeating to myself that it was just for this night, and tomorrow morning at school we are going to meet, sit together, talk, and touch each other. Yes, it’s just this night that he is leaving, and once I sleep and wake up, it will be the next day for us to meet.

My heart was just heavy and seemed to be breaking apart as he dressed up to leave. I badly want him. Just his présence beside me and I will be perfectly fine, but as he said, he had to leave and not sleep over.

“I’m done,” he said, and I stood to escort him out to the gate. I was putting on just a bumshort and singlet.

“Make sure you don’t miss school tomorrow. Remember, I don’t know your house. If I don’t see you in school tomorrow, I might go crazy because you’re the only one I have in mind now.” I muttered as we both held hands and walked out.

“What? I hope I won’t distract you in training.” He said that and laughed.

“I am determined to get to your level of strength and abilities. You don’t distract me from training but keep me motivated. And before I forget, let me ask: Do Lycans have secret training for sex too? Because you are so damn good. I cummed and squirted like a baby,” We both laughed.

“You are such a good rider. I didn’t expect this from any female werewolf, but you blew my mind. I will never forget those moments. It’s stuck in my head.” He said, and I blushed so hard, covering my face.

“So I gave to go

He added, killing the happiness in me. I frowned and nodded. He  me, and I couldn’t return it His departure was really hurting me, and I don’t even know when I became this clingy and obsessed.

For real, this isn’t the kind of girl I was. For someone who hasn’t had the heart to love since she was born, it’s so shocking to see that I have turned into this effortlessly.

He left, and I stood outside the gate watching his figure till they got out of my sight. Then I hissed and grumbled to myself before making my way back to the house. I can’t really wait for the day to break so we can meet again.


got back into the house, and the moment I entered through the front door and locked the door, I felt strange. My whole body shivered a bit, with goosebumps spreading through my skin.

It was weird, but one thing I was sure of was that something wasn’t right. It was a sign of danger, and even my wolf rose and stayed alert. The feeling was a sign of danger, but I couldn’t pin down what exactly it was.

My eyes roamed around, and everything in the house was normal with no sign of danger. Nothing looked out of place.

This might just be because of Stan’s absence. My obsession to have him around me had started creating a dangerous scene in his absence.

I shrugged it off and went into the room, laid on my bed, and hugged the pillow that now smells like him. I closed my eyes, and all I could see was him. He was all over my head, taking up every single space where there was nothing else I could think of

Smiles all over my face as I hugged the pillow tighter, scenes of the sex we just had replaying in my head and giving me that feeling of pleasure again. His deep voice when he told me how good I was. That pleasure–filled groan he made when he first entered me.

It had been a long time since I had sex, and I would be really tight and wet, so I understood why he made that sound, and for real, it gave me excitement deep into my bone marrow and brain.

I love how he handled me, both rough and gentle. He just gave it to me the exact way I wanted it.

My eyes were close as I reminisced on every moment with him while waiting to fall asleep. Just then, I heard a creak at the door. At first, I ignored it, but when it followed with footsteps that were silent, but I was able to hear them, I jumped out of bed in fright and alertness.

“No need, just give up, bitch!” A voice came from outside my door. The voice was one I couldn’t recognize, so I was confused about who it was and what the person needed.

12-43 MU, o may

Chapter 56

Is he an arm robber or something? Whatever he was, I was ready to fight him to his death. Even if they are two or three, I will still defeat them.

“You will be the one to give up. What are you here for?” I retorted with confidence, but it was returned with laughter. A galore of laughter from different voices. I realized at that moment that they were three or four, but we’re up to seven, if not


The door was knocked down in a blow, and before I could even do anything, someone sprayed something towards me, and as soon as it entered my nostrils and down into my body system, I lost all the strength in me. It sapped it all, and I left myself weak as I stared at the stranger faces on nose masks.

“What do you all want?!” I murmured as my legs quivered in weakness while I stumbled back.

They were ten men, yet they had to spray me with this to weaken me.

“You don’t recognize me?” One of them laughed, and the voice hit me as I traced where I had heard it before.

The seniors crushing on me told us they would make us regret it.”

“Remember, I told you you would regret it. The time is now. It’s all set with the cameras. Make it easy for yourself by lying gently on the bed while we take turns.”

“Turns on what?” I bawled.

“Having sex with you. It’s normal sex until you try fighting back, and it becomes rape. No one here wants to rape you, so comply for your own good.” He seethed, and I flinched at the sound of this.

“You all are here to rape me. My breath was heavy, and my heart was pounding really hard against my chest. The single thought of it was horrifying.

And it’s more terrifying that my bones are weak; the drug they sprayed had successfully weakened me.

I was pushed to the bed, and my clothes were getting ripped, leaving me unable to do anything. Just tears fell from my eyes while I was screaming with a lot of strength.

“No need to shout. We both know there is no one to save you

you from us.”


Chapter 57 

I felt like my life was about to end, with everything playing like a movie in front of my face and me unable to do anything.

It was as if my screams took away the remaining strength left in me as I lay helplessly while my clothes were being ripped off by these disgusting men.

It was like my body was against me. I tried lifting my arms, and it was like a whole castle was on it so heavy and difficult to

I shook my head, pleading to them not to do this, but they all turned deaf..

The senior insisted that he would go first. I had to shut my eyes as he made to climb on me because I didn’t want to see how it happened. The memory in my head would be so terrible and heartbreaking

He laughed as he climbed on me, the touch of his skin on mine sending a huge cringe all over me, tears finding their way down my eyes from both sides.

“How dare you?!” A roar like a fierce lion struck through the room, and I could immediately recognize the voice, making a sigh of relief slip from my lips as my lips widened into a smile.

He came back. He felt it and was here to save me before these evil men would be able to hurt me. My powerful mate is here.

“The guy on top of me suddenly dropped cold on top of me, so I pushed him off. I don’t know what Stan fired at him.

I opened my eyes and could only see the ten men clearly, but not Stan. It was a fight, and they were all attacking him, but he moved like the wind, so fast that I barely saw him. He dodged all of their attacks so easily as he dealt them heavy blows that were sure to crack their bones.

He beat them all so easily, but with rage and no trace of mercy. He made sure they died, and he even overkilled them. I had never seen a face as dangerous as this, and it was so dreadful that I was even scared, thinking he wouldn’t recognize me.

But the moment he was done and turned to face me, it all melted down, and his face turned back to normal

With concern, he squatted down and helped me wear my clothes, then pulled me into a tight hug

“I am so sorry for leaving you. If I hadn’t come earlier, I couldn’t imagine what they planned to do” He spoke with so much care and love that I felt the warmth in my heart. His hug was like the drug I needed, giving me comfort beyond anything


“Thank you for coming. Thank you for saving me from those monsters, and they even had to shamelessly drug me so I would be weak to do anything. I breathed while he helped me put on my clothes.

“Come, let me assist you to take your bath and wash, then you go to bed while I clean up this place and dump these bodies. He pecked my cheek, and I let out a weak smile.

Stan’s POV

As I disposed of the bodies in the river, I felt like they should all just wake up so I could kill them again. I wasn’t satisfied at all, and I really hated death at that moment. I hate the fact that people die and escape the supposed suffering meant for them for everything they do.

Death is just there to stop it all, and it just should be that way. After dumping them all, I rushed back with speed before Nina was attacked again since she was alone in the house.

I sighed in relief when I reached and entered the room to see she was still sleeping soundly on the bed, her face as pretty and innocent as always. She looked too good to go through any kind of suffering.

If anything had happened to her, it’s all my fault: how did I leave when she needed me most? I should have seen that it with all signs that there was an impending danger when she could let me go.


Chapter 57


When I got home, I couldn’t rest; my heart was pounding fast and loud, and shivers were running down my spine. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and anytime her face crossed my head, I would feel anxiety.

It became worse, so I couldn’t bear it and ran out of the house after telling my foster grandmother that I was going to see a new friend. I didn’t even wait for anything else she had to say before leaving.

I’m so happy I stopped these men from hurting her. As she lay on the bed, I sat close to her, looking at her

her face intently. watching how she breathed in and out softly, and how her cute lips appeared plump and damn attractive,

She was like a goddess to my eyes, and I could keep my eyes off her. I will be staying here all night to make sure she is fine and no one is attacking her again. I actually told her from the start that being with me was going to bring problems; I never knew it would come this quickly.

This isn’t even the actual deal. It wasn’t the attack of the main enemy. When Diana finds out about my existence in this pack, it is then that the real problem will begin, and I don’t know how I would escape, not to mention that she isn’t a Lycan.

I should really tell her that this should be an example and a better reason for her to leave me, but sitting right here beside her, I could tell my heart was against that. Anything that would keep her away from me was something I realized I wouldn’t be able to bear.

I want her beside me all the time, and I want to keep her safe and one day take her back to my kingdom. I will love her to be my wife



Chapter 58

Ria’s POV

I don’t know how long I had been in this house, but I knew it was long enough to make my brother come to get me. It was long enough to give him the courage to find me and bring me back home.

Even if he is angry that I didn’t leave with him that day, isn’t it already dissolved? Or is he scared of death? Scared to fall into the hands of Diana?

Maybe that was the reason Diana still kept me in this place. She made sure I stayed in this room in the royal pack house all day and night without leaving, just to draw my brother to me, and she would then take the opportunity to get hold of him.

Right now, I know nothing about her plan, and I can only guess. She has removed me from her crew while planning how and when to attack Selene and her mate. The promise she made to me about getting Lucian is all gone, and I know it.

I don’t have any hope of that any more. Instead, I feel so bad and stupid for trying to force myself into the life of a man who doesn’t want me. It was clear that I wasn’t the one for him. Not even the moon goddess made that happen. Selene was his mate, which he confirmed with her smell

It was so foolish of me to keep fighting against fate. Now it has backfired. Selene is the one to save me, and now that I have made myself her enemy, do I have any second chance of being rescued, or will she come in here with her full force and wipe me alongside Diana?

A deep breath and hiss were what I let out as it crossed my mind that it was actually possible that my brother was killed by Selene when he left me and went back to meet her. I didn’t want to think of that and was making sure I set my mind positive.

But for real, it could be, and that clearly explains the reason he hadn’t made an attempt to rescue me after so many months.

Shivers ran down my spine, beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I sat on the bed with my knees raised cheek, staring at the space.




The room was just blank, containing my bed and a table where my food was being served. Diana hasn’t said anything to me about my future or what she was going to do to me, but I’m sure there was no way to get Lucian as she promised. All I want now is to go back home. I need to know if my brother is alive or not.

I just need to meet my family member. I need to start my life afresh and get the kind of future I desire.

As I sat there, eyes shut and tears dropping down my cheeks, I began to reminisce about the past and how stupid I had been. all my life.

A knock sounded on the door at that moment, and it creaked and opened. It wasn’t time for lunch, so I expected it to be Diana, so I didn’t raise my head because I was tired of seeing her face.

I don’t know what she might be here for, and I don’t care to know. I just want her out of my life. I need to leave here before I go crazy.

“Hey.” A deep, strange voice called out, and I flinched, looking up because this was not the voice I was expecting

A man dressed in a warrior uniform was standing in front of me, his dark eyes piercing into mine as he dipped both of his hands inside his pocket.

“What are you here for? Did she send you to kill me? Just do it quickly, please. I am tired of being alive. I’m tired of sitting in this room like a statue without even knowing what my life is all about.” I swallowed hard, tears falling freely down my eyes, uncontrollably. My heart was racing, and sweat was on my face,

I was feeling so much pain. I don’t know why seeing the guy just spilled all my emotions as if they were locked up somewhere in my heart for a long time.

“I am not here to kill you. I was just curious about who is in this room, seeing how the maids sneak in here with food. Diana”

Chapter 58

warned no one to come in here, but I decided to disobey her and come to see who was in here. I’m shocked to see a beautiful girl stuck in here. Diana locked you up.” His brows arched as he scanned me from head to toe, those eyes getting


“So you aren’t here to kill me. But can you do it anyway? I am serious; I don’t want to be alive. My life has no meaning.” I cried more, burying my face in my palm as more tears poured.

“Don’t you think it’s possible to get rescued? Have you lost hope already? You shouldn’t, because I was once in this kind of situation, with my stepparents being so horrible for me to cope with. My life was traumatic, but I was able to cope. I was able to fight back, and now here I am. At least I can proudly say I am proud of who I am.” He spoke with so much care, then. walked closer to me. He slowly held my hand.

Our eyes locked together, and I could see how really handsome he was. Like his eyes and pink lips, with well–shaved beards around his chiseled jaw. The way he smiled was just so cool.

“There is still hope.” He said it to me.

What hope? I don’t want to keep living in this delusion. It’s clear that there is no way I will get out here alive. I know you think there is hope because you don’t know who Diana really is. I know her, and I know for sure that there is no hope, not only for me but for you and every wolf in this pack.” I said this and lowered my head in sadness.

12:45 Mon, 6 May M4


Chapter 59

es met again. He looked

He didn’t say anything and was so silent that I had to look up to see what he was doing, and our eyesi away and took a deep breath.

“Do you mind explaining to me what happened? Like, why are you here, locked up? What crime did you commit?” He asked with a calm voire.”

“Nothing. The only wrong thing I did was trust Diana. But I don’t have anyone else to blame but myself because it was my greed that brought this upon me.”

“What greed? I don’t know in what context, but in no way do you deserve this. You shouldn’t be locked up like a prisoner. How long have you been here?” He asked, sitting on the bed close to me.

“First of all, how were you able to enter here? I thought nobody was allowed? Wait, I hadn’t even asked you how you unlocked the door without Diana’s knowledge. Do you have a magic trick?

He laughed and brought out two thin irons from his pocket. “I used these. So you know I can help you out of here.” He smiled, but I frowned in return,

“Why? It’s not as if I don’t want to leave, but I’m scared. I’m not sure we will make it. It’s so damn risky, and I can’t understand why you would want to take such a risk for a stranger like me. We will both be out to death, or I will still be spared while you get slain, which will be so stupid of you. Don’t waste your life for me.” I shunned him, and he shrugged, his eyes looking down to the ground.

“I have made up my mind. It is my first time seeing you, and I don’t even need any other reason to save you. I had been restless about you, seeing the maids bring food to you, and the door locked. I stood at a corner one time and heard your scream when they would be leaving and locking the door. It is clear you are dying slowly inside here. I can’t allow that.”

“So you plan to take me out of here? How will you do that, and what will be your fate because it’s stupid to save me and die? I can’t even allow you to do that.

“None of us will die. Let’s take this risk and leave this place. We can go to your pack and start a new life. I had been setting plans on how to run away from this pack after the arrival of Diana, who is bent on destroying everyone. We can utilize the plan together and escape.” He smiled.

“So why are you doing that? Do you love me? Do I still look like a woman any man can look at and fall in love with? Is there any difference between me and a beggar or even a mad woman?” I giggled sadly, scanning the face of this handsome man.

His smile was so sweet and contagious. He held my hand, rubbing it softly.

“You are pretty. So beautiful that I can’t get you out of my head. For real, I won’t rest till I give you the life you want and make you feel what true love is all about. He cooed and pecked my lips, then stood to his feet.

“I will have to leave now. It’s almost time for you to be served your meal. I don’t want to be caught here. Just stay strong and calm with a lot of hope, because I am here. I am here, and I will not stop till I save you from all this mess. I don’t care about your crime or your past. All I want is your happiness.” He spoke with so much love, exuding his voice,

The way his eyes twinkled with passionate emotions was everything I loved. I was staring at him and was so sure this was the man I would love to be with. One who cares, one who wants nothing but my happiness, and not one for whom I have to use a love charm or fake bond scent to get attention.

He came looking for me. I was on my own, and fate attracted him to me, and here he is confessing his love without having to make any effort. I had a huge smile on my face as I nodded at what he said. He stood for some minutes before leaving, and as he got to the door, he turned back at me.

“Stay strong. Don’t fall sick or think of dying, because there is still hope. I promise you, I won’t let you continue like this.” He said that with a reassuring smile before walking out.

The moment he stepped out, everywhere felt blank, lonely, and harsh. The bare walls were staring back at me taintingly, making me feel the heaviness of my heart even more.

12:45 Mon, 6 May JM

Chapter 59



He left, and I felt so lonely, like something very important had been snatched away from me. It hurts to be locked up here. It hurts that I had turned from a girl respected for her close relationship with the Lycan king son into a prisoner in a strange men’s land, treated like a bullshit.

It was when he left that I realized how much I wanted him around me. For many months, I hadn’t talked to anyone. Nobody has interacted with me, not to mention smiling and giving me hope that were crushed long ago.

A huge smile crept up my face as I remembered all he told me. He actually promised to take me away from here and wants to spend his life with me in my pack. Although he doesn’t know I am not a werewolf but a Lycan..

Imagining us together really made my heart warm. I hugged myself, feeling joy wave through my life like a storm. It was so overwhelming that I felt like my heart was thumping for him.

The door creaked in a few minutes, and this time it wasn’t him, even when I was actually expecting to see him again. Looking up to see it was Diana, and the maid who has my food walking in ruined my mood and snatched away every single happiness in me.

I sighed sadly, looking to the ground, not wanting to see the face of this witch, who had been a devil in my life.

“You looked happy when I walked in. That’s unlike you. What happened? Or who came in here?” She asked with a tone full of evil. So annoying to my ears.

“I’m trying to make myself happy with anything. I won’t die of dejection and loneliness as you wish.” I hissed, and he laughed.

“You are funny. I don’t want you to die because you are more important to me than getting that foolish boy Stan. My men had confirmed that he wasn’t dead; somehow Selene didn’t kill him. I am sure she wants to use him as a tool to get me, not knowing I already have a plan for that.” She chuckled.

“You will crumble. You will fail, and you won’t even see a second chance to right your wrong. I promise you.” My voice was breaking in and out as I snorted at her. She scoffed and walked closer, peering into my face.

“If I crumble or not. If I fail or not, you won’t know because you won’t even be alive to see where it all goes. Once your stupid brother falls into the trap trying to get you with my trace, I’ll slaughter the both of you. Don’t even think of the future because you are just a dead woman living.”

Chapter 60

“There is a mission I have for you. I want you to listen attentively to it because if you make any mistakes, I won’t lose anything; rather, you will get killed.” She said this to me with a huge smirk on her face.

“Whatever mission you have, keep it to yourself because I won’t do anything for you. For your information, I am not on your crew. If I were in the past, I would like to let you know I am no longer among them. I am out, and you should know that.” I snapped with a strong tone, giving her a stern look, which she returned with short laughter.

“Did I mention anything like your choice in my statement? If I did, it’s a slip of the tongue. Bitch, you have no choice of yours, and it’s a must that you go for this mission when, how, and where I want you to. If you’re stubborn, then you will die off.”

“As if I don’t want to die. I would rather die than do anything for you.” I bawled, and she smirked again.

“You are not the only one to die; your brother too.” She said that, and I flinched.

“What do you mean? My brother is likely to be dead already, and even if he isn’t dead, he is far away from our reach. He had abandoned me for a long time.” I scoffed.

“That’s fine. You caught me there. Since you want to die, make the death reasonable. I’ll be sending you on the mission. There is a reward if you succeed, and the reward is that I’ll set you free to do whatever you want in the confinement of this pack. If you fail, you die off like an animal.” She stated this and sat on the chair, facing me.

“I don’t believe whatever reward you have for me. The last time I believed and trusted your words, I ended up being used and destroyed. You are evil!” I shouted, tears dropping from my eyes. My heart was heavy, and pain was coursing through my veins as I remembered the past. How I ended up here.

For real. I would do anything she wanted to get my freedom. It’s just that I don’t trust her. And the only reason I badly want this freedom is because of the new love of my life.

This would be the opportunity to be with him forever and not him having to sneak in and take a risk just to see me, adding that if Diana sees him here one day by accident, that might just be his end. He is just a warrior, and Diana won’t see any reason to keep him alive.

“Now here is the mission. It is all about getting the ancient swords that were used against the demons in the past. I know I have to kill Selene, but it’s more important that I get that sword first because that’s where part of her powers are, and I feel that with the sword, killing her would be easier,” she began to explain while I stared at her like she had grown two horns.

“So you are still bent on having your demons infiltrate the whole wolf community, rulling them, and using them as slaves and toys?”

“You won’t be affected, so don’t act like there is a big deal in it. You also have the right to choose up to five people you will like to save and take back to your kingdom. Think about it; this is really an easy way to get back to your normal life. Don’t be stubborn!” She coaxed.

“Why do you want me to do this? Any sending me?” 1 asked with a deep frown.

“Because you don’t have a demon scent. My scent will cause a trigger that will send a signal to the other packs once I get close to the sword, and that will lead to an ambush on me and my men. I don’t want that. You can easily fight off the guards in that cage, get the sword, and come out safely.” She relayed, and I hissed, letting out a deep breath.

*I would be able to do that if you hadn’t weakened me with poor feeding and torture. I’m down and can’t even fight. My Lycan abilities are at their lowest. If I must go on that mission, you will have to give me a week or two to recover. Mind you, I’m not doing this because I’m afraid of death; it’s simply because of something else that matters most to me.” I said, rolling my eyes as she let out a huge smile.

“Consider it done. You will be taken out of here this evening and given a room where you will be fed and treated well. You will need all your Lycan abilities to be able to fight off the guards in that cave. I didn’t send any werewolves because no one of them would be able to do it. Your powerful Lycan abilities are the only key. But if you don’t kill them all off and get the swords, they will slay you.“. She reminded me, and I hissed.

Chapter 60

“I am not dumb. Just don’t try to fail in your promise because I know how to destroy you if you betray me.” I warned, and she nodded because she also clearly knew.

The one who brings out the sword is the only one able to unlock the powers in it; that’s why it’s only for the Alphas. If I do it, I’ll be able to use the sword on Diana since it will be mine. I may be able to kill her with it, but I would be ambushed by her fellow demons.

“If you betray me and go back on your promise, I’ll kill you with the sword and die with no regret.” I made it clear to her, and she laughed.

“Stop doubting me so much. I might be bad, but bringing the sword for me makes you deserve your freedom at it’s peak as long as you don’t leave this pack for the moment till I kill Selene.” She said that, and I nodded.

“I am not leaving because even out there in my kingdom, it is far more dangerous. You will just let me stay on my own in a packed house far from here. Don’t visit me or disturb me for anything. Don’t

“Yes, madam, just finish the mission first.” She laughed and headed towards the exit. “The maids will come in a few minutes. Take care.” She waved.

I jumped in excitement, squealing and rubbing my palms in glee. My happiness was that I would have time to meet him again, this time with no fear of being caught..



The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 41-50

Chapter 41
Selene’s POV
He left the hospital after I closed my eyes and told him I wanted to rest and be left alone. He cared for me and gave me a
after reassuring me that he would make it up for me by finding the man who dared to hurt me even if it meant many lives getting killed along the way.
I didn’t care. My emotions and feelings were shut at that moment, and the only thing I wanted was a world on my own. I badly wanted to be left alone and deserted by people. That alone seemed to be my craving because the more I mingle with people, the more I was hurt.
Thinking about how my life has been since my mother died really shreds my heart and makes me feel sick to the s
stomach. I can’t just understand what was going on and why I couldn’t get the life I dreamed of for myself, even when it kept seeming like it was getting bett
For real, I didn’t want to believe I was cursed, but at the moment, I was totally convinced. My life was built on the bedrock of pain, and I was definitely going to keep facing it because I depend on people for my survival while they end up falling into my hands.
Te other girls could stand up for themselves at this age, I was living my life timid and hopeless, waiting for help from
and when they failed, I got crushed. My father and my mate, King Lucian, had all abandoned me and moved on with their lives. It was now the turn of the vampire prince.
Maybe this time I was going to get killed and not have another chance to move to another kingdom and find another man.
My life stinks, and the more I brood over it, the more I feel like stabbing myself to death. What was holding my wolf? What was holding my mating features from blooming since I lost my first mate?
As I lay on the bed, I only wished for one thing: to become strong and learn to stay on my own. I want to leave this kingdom, seek asylum in a faraway pack, and then build my life from scratch by myself. I don’t want to hope on someone only for them to trash me in the end.
This was my dream, but it ends up in my head because the strength is nowhere to be found. I am more like a human than werewolf, and it hurts. It makes me a pawn and vulnerable in front of anyone.
NoTears rolled down both of my cheeks, sideways to the bed as I hissed and took a deep breath, shutting my eyes like I would shut away my sorrows alongside.
The door creaked at that moment, and a silent hiss slipped my lips on the thought that it would be Liam coming back to check if I was done resting, as I told him earlier. I really know he might actually love me and have good intentions for me, but all it does is remind me of Lucian.
They both did the same thing, and the end was that. I mean, can he still stand by me when troubles arise from both his family and kingdom members? He even has a girlfriend that his parents are backing, and I was brought in here with the lie that I was his s l a v e.
He might promise to make it open and tell the truth to his parents, but what would it change? They will reject it and be totally against it, especially as I am a nobody, so weak and wolfless. I was the Alpha’s daughter, but nothing can prove that There is nothing to show as evidence.
It just hurts me, and it hurts more that there was nothing I could do to change this predicament of mine.
I opened my eyes to see who it was. I was still thinking it wwasliam, but since he hadn’t said anything, I decided to open my eyes and ask him why he was here, but to my surprise, I saw a doctor. Dressed in his white coat, his eyes pecked on the bridge of his nose as he stared at me-not actually at my face but at my stomach-
Chapter 41
Good evening. I greeted her, unsure if it was really evening or afternoon. I just said anything that came to mind. He didn’t reply but looked up at my face with a questioning look.
The vampire prince brought you here, and I heard you’re his s e x t o y, huh?” He frowned deeply, as if the words he spoke. were sour on his lips.
I nodded
“Is there any problem?” I asked in a low tone, as I don’t even have the strength to talk. I was just so curious about why this doctor is acting weird and giving my stomach a strange look.
“For how long have you both known each other? And is he truly treating you as a common s e x t o y, just like every other werewolf here! I need nothing but the truth from you.” He said it sternly, walking closer as if he would beat me if I tried to le
“Why are you asking me all those questions? Is it actually your concern, whatever way he treats me? Does that have to do with my treatment? Aren’t you a doctor, or did they assign something else to you aside from that?” I asked with a mean tone, peering at his face.
He scoffed, readjusted his glasses, and dipped both hands inside his coat pockets before moving to and fro like he was contemplating something.
have balls. That courage to actually talk back and question me is never seen in people like you who are in this pack. That answers my question automatically, but I’m scared of the mistake he just made. It will bring nothing but disaster to our kingdom. What did you do to him? How could you, in a small moment, make him fall so deeply in love with you that he deemed you deserving to have his child?” He finally spilled, and Labruptly sat up in a rush, ignoring whatever pain I felt.
My jaw slacked, and my eyes popped as I stared at the doctor like he had grown two heads. I was trying to see him smile cheesily and tell me it was a prank, but it didn’t happen. He was dead serious with what he just uttered.
“Am 1 pregnant?” I breathed, trying to control the fast pace of my heart as sweat covered my forehead.
“Yes, but it’s my duty to remove it. Our future king can’t have you as a wife and mother to his child. There is no way like you will be the queen of our kingdom, no matter how you try with your charm and s t u p i d trick, b i t c h!” He snorted, hatred evident in his eyes as he glared at me.
1 shook my
head, not knowing how to feel to hear that I didn’t lose Lucian’s baby. It was still there. It survived death.
Liam and I hadn’t touched each other or even slept on the same bed, even though we shared the same room. He had promised to give me time to consider his request to be with me. There was only one person who could possibly have the child in my stomach.
“The reason I haven’t removed it is that the baby seemed to be almost a month old, and Liam didn’t mention anything like that. Meanwhile, I had heard rumors that you both had known each other for a long time before he finally brought you here. He even sent a letter to the Lycan king to leave you to him.” The doctor added, and I placed my hand on my stomach, rubbing it, unsure of what to feel.
Should I be happy or sad?
Will he even
the vampire pime back when I tell him the baby is still there? Will he believe me, or would he think I had come with
the vampire’s child to claim it was his since we both saw the hospital lab test clearly stating that I had lost the baby?
But why would the doctor lie to me? And what caused that blood? It happened at the perfect time to make Lucian believe I was the one who killed the baby.
I was really confused.
“The baby isn’t for Liam. It is for the Lycan king. Liam and I hadn’t touched each other, which he can confirm.” I muttered
11:41 Sun, 5 May ti G.
Chapter 41
in hopelessness as I thought of asking him to actually go on and kill the baby. Even if Lucian accepts me back, it will only be because of the baby and not love.
He will accept me out of pity, just so I’ll bore the baby safely while he goes on with the woman he chooses over me. Ria is his love now, and I was very sure he had forgotten. Why won’t he? Our mate bond, which was one-sided and less strong, can’t hold him from being with someone of his own kind and a girl he had been close to since childhood.
*Really? Lucian has his baby in you and still sent you away. I’m confused. Or you dumped him for our prince while having his baby unknowingly?” He frowned, and I took my time to tell him about the fake lab test because of blood flow.
It was then that he told me about a new poison that was capable of causing that. Someone secretly gave it to me.
“So what do you wish to do? I can see without any doubt that Liam likes you. It will break his heart to hear that you are pregnant. I know I hate you, but our prince likes you, so I don’t even know what to feel towards you. Can we remove the child “He sighed, and I looked at him weirdly.
“To protect Liam’s feelings. If you truly love him, you will”
at love him!” I stated it bluntly, leaving him surprised.
“Yes. I don’t love him. Maybe I just like and appreciate him for sparing my life, but he would love to make me remove Lucian’s child. No, and never. It doesn’t exist inside me.” I retorted.
“You still love Lucian.”
*Lucian is my mate, and yes, I love him sadly. I will love it if you just discharge me and let me go.”
“To where? You can’t cross borders without Liam’s permission, and even walking on the road alone is dangerous and deadly. You can easily get stoned to death.” He gave advice, sounding caring. The middle-aged man was now acting like he cared if 1 died or lived.
“That should even make you happy that I will die better stop because he is going to be married soon and the woman is not me. His fiance and someone he had already beent engaged to. I am nothing to him.”I blurted, and he sighed and then nodded.
3. Or don’t you hate me again? If you’re acting this way because of Liam,
“Well, no matter what, I wish to help. I don’t know what Liam’s reaction will be to your pregnancy, and the bump is now obvious. He hadn’t looked at you properly to see it. When he hears it’s Liam’s child you brought here with you, he might spark like a rage of fire and do something he will regret.”
“If he kills me, 11l be forever grateful to him. My life has no meaning”

Chapter 42
Liam walked into the hospital at that moment, his face red and his eyes bloodshot. I knew at that moment that he had heard everything I was discussing with the doctor.
“So you plan to keep the baby? Why? After everything he did to you. Do you know he f u c k
i n g le ft you to die?”His voice roared in, anger brimming in his tone twisted with jealousy.
He wasn’t angry with me. I couldn’t see the anger directed at me, but it was at Lucian. The jealousy was all about him, seeing as I still have the feelings to make me want to keep the child.
“I don’t want to kill an innocent child’s life. I don’t want to do that!” I blurted, and he sighed, running his fingers through his
“There is no reason to keep the child of a man who wants you dead. You are dead to him, and he should also be dead in your eyes. Imagine you died; will the child survive? Everything is gone. Please, don’t keep the baby.” He spoke with a coaxing
“The child did no wrong by being killed. It is none of its business. I am keeping it.” I stated it firmly.
es do with having feelings for Lucian? Do you, in any case, still feel like the child should bring you.
it have anakiri together? Tell me, do you still love him? Because if you want a child, I can give you one.” He breathes, slumping on the chair at the comer, his eyes on me as they scrutinize by face as if trying to find the whole answer from it.
“I don’t have feelings for him. He is dead to me, but this child is mine. It should be dead, but it survived like a hero. I won’t
be the one to…
“Fine, it’s all fine. You can keep it, but promise me that you will never return it to him for any reason. We will keep the child a secret, and I’ll claim him or her as mine, and we can live our lives without the baby knowing he has a father who abandoned it to die.” He said that, and I could feel the possessiveness in his voice.
He really doesn’t want me to be with another man. He loves me, and I am sure of that, but one thing is certain in my heart; I really can’t deny it. Everything about him was evidence of his love for me, but I knew he wasn’t going to be the man for me,
As much as I appreciated
his care and love, and his resilience to make our relationship work, I still knew it was not going to work because my heart still belonged to no one else than Lucian.
He had hurt me so much that I should actually forget he existed, but every f u c k i g time I tried to move on and give space for another man, it just didn’t work.
His face is all over my head, and the memories of him are all I can think of.
Maybe it was because he was my mate; I can’t actually tell. It hurts that he was currently with another girl, whom he said he would marry. It really aches my heart that he pushed me away like a trash can, but then my s t u p d heart still hoped he would come back, and because of that, I couldn’t hate him.
Instead, I was so excited to hear his baby was still in my stomach. It was good evidence to prove that I was innocent of the allegations of killing the baby.
I badly wanted to run to him and break the news to me, making him realize it was all lies made against me to split us.
“You still love him. There is no need to lie or try to cover up. You still f u c k i n g love a man who left you out in the woods to die. He didn’t care about you a bit. You told him you had a miscarriage, and this was what he did. Selene, don’t put yourself through this suffering. Don’t hurt yourself because of how you think you feel. That man isn’t…”
Chapter 42
“Liam, please. We are talking about my friend here. Fine, he did all that to me, but I still believe he will change after realizing..
“Realizing what!!!” He barked, jumping to his feet. “Hey, just don’t act timid. Lucian has moved on, and you should do the same. Is it that there is no way you can give me your heart? We can learn to fall in love and find solace in each other’s arms, L am talking to my father currently, so he will accept you. He muttered, signing tiredly.
“Tell me why you still like Lucian.” He added, hissing in annoyance.
I kept silent, unsure of what to say to him. I knew he was very berserk and was just trying hard to hold his temper. There was no way I could hide my feelings for Lucian. He was the man I wanted-the man my heart and soul wanted to spend the rest of my life with-and no one else could change that.
The only reason in my head was because he was my mate, and that should be enough reason, right?
“Liam, let’s just take things easy and slow. We…”
“You already have someone you love in mind. I was only an option for survival while you planned to go back to him. But I have something to tell you. Let me open your eyes to reality, because it seems you’re blind. Lucian will accept you simply
will realize because of the baby in your womb, not because he loves you. And when you bore the baby and he grows, you
upid you had been to go back to him.”
All he was saying seemed to be entering from one ear and leaving from the other. I knew it was all words built out of envy and jealousy. Even if he was right, it’s unfortunate that I still don’t mind being dumped later on. If the baby would make Lucian be close to me, then be it.
I just want to be where he is, see him again, and feel his touch. He was everything my soul wanted, and Liam was nowhere close to it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fall in love with Liam. It is so sad to see that he was head over heels in love with me.
We were still in the hospital ward when a knock sounded on the door, and it was opened to reveal one of the royal guards. He rushed in with a letter and bowed to Liam.
“That’s a letter from Lucian to you.’ He said he was handing it to Liam.
He opened it with a squeezed face, contorted into a mask of disgust and hatred. For real, he hates Lucian now just because

Chapter 43
His face was contorted in hatred and anger, but as soon as his eyes scanned through the letter from up to the bottom, that face turned soft and softer, and his eyes squinted. I saw his lips quiver a bit as he squeezed his face, more like he was trying. to understand what he read.
I couldn’t deny the sheer fear that emanated from every part of his body; even his hands were shaking.
“What is it?” I asked curiously, leaning forward as I gazed at the paper in his hand. He exhaled, swallowing hard as he seemed to be rereading the letter to make sure he had read it right the first time.
“What was sent by Lucian? What did he send?” I asked, my curiosity at its peak. He lifted his gaze at me, and a deep frown crossed his face the moment his eyes fell on me.
“So this is what you could bring to my kingdom? This is what my good heart would merit for me and my people? Are you a curse?” He said it to me with a low tone that showed so much disappointment and disgust. It was as if I was a deadly creature at
that moment. Maybe I’m not, but that was what his gaze made me feel like. He really looked at me in a way that made me think at some point that I had grown two horns and had become a monster of the night.
“You haven’t told me what Lucian sent.” I retorted and scoffed.
uld tell you what you already knew. Wait, could this be like a plan by both of you to ruin me because I know how much werewolves hate us from the core of their hearts? Is this a set-up plan and trap to get me into crossing paths with the Lycans and ending up getting wreaked by the havoc of them? You worked with the Lycans to destroy us. You….”
“Hey, I did nothing. Don’t accuse me of what I didn’t do. I have no single idea what was written in that letter, and there is no set-up or trap. Stop spitting gibberish!” I fired at him, and he chuckled dryly, his left hands dipped in his pocket as he walked closer to me.
“Oh, now read the letter and continue your pretense.” He smirked and flung it at my face. I picked it up and began to read, and my eyes widened at what I saw. It wasn’t that he was going to fight them; he was already on his
There was no reason for the war; he just said the vampires took what belongs to him, and now they are going to pay for the casualties and deaths of their people.
As I read the letter, I knew Lucian was talking about me, but then why? Like, why would he fight these people when they. didn’t kidnap me? He kicked me away from his life to get perished and devoured to death. The vampire prince picked me up and gave me a second chance to live. Now he is acting up like I was kidnapped.
“So he is going to wage war on you people because of me. Is he mad? After he rejected me and kicked me out of his life.!” I seethed, breathing heavily as I clenched the letter in my palm.
“Just get yourself prepared to meet him. I can’t risk my people’s lives for a w h o r e like you.” He snapped, and I flinched at that word, looking up at him with shock and disbelief to hear something like this come from his mouth. For real, he just called me a who e .
“Who is a wh o r e? Me?” I was confused.
“What other word should I use to explain you? You prefer to be with a man who is evil, dangerous, heartless, wicked, and doesn’t care about you. He even gave you his child and blamed you for the death. Yet you still want him. You choose him over me, who is ready to….”
“Spare me that c a p!” I cut him off with a loud, long hiss as I looked at him hatefully. What nonsense was he saying?
Yuck! I felt so disgusted.
As I lay on the bed, I made sure to look the other way; his face at that moment irked me.
Chapter 43
He hissed back at me and stomped out.
I exhaled in relief ar his absence and shut my eyes. A kind of joy slipped in as I recalled what the letter said.
It was a war to reclaim me, and the only way they could survive his deadly attack was to offer me to Lucian immediately without any hesitation. I was happy that he would go to that length to have me back.
My heart can’t see his flaws. The wrongs he did to me in the end seemed to be enshrouded by an unseen force, preventing my heart from hating him. Instead of hating the man who hurt me, I was hating Liam, who actually helped me. I hated him because he was like an obstacle, trying hard to tear me and Lucian apart…
Actually, we were like two toxic couples who hurt each other, but anytime they stay away from each other, they crave their presence. They really realize they are souls that can’t stay alone without each other.
But why is he here to take me? Has he chased Ria away? What does he want me for?” I asked myself the question, but I only felt more happiness at the thought of seeing his face.
I knew I should hate him. I shouldn’t give him a second chance, or at least make him crave me for me, before I give myself to him. Like, right now, I should refuse to see him to show I was angry at him, but all that doesn’t seem impossible. I just can’t get myself to do that.
ucian, and that’s the only thing that matters to me. I only hope one day he will love me without any bounds and fall for any trick or set up by the enemy to tear us apart.
As I lay there with my eyes shut, something began to stir inside of me. I totally ignored it, not expecting it to be something serious. I waved it up at some reaction my body could be getting from the drugs they had injected into treating me.
veins while
I brought the letter back to my face, opened my eyes, and began to read again, but I couldn’t even go to the second line before my hands shook like they were being electrocuted. The paper fell out of my grip.
What is happening?
I mused to myself, sitting up immediately as I stared at my hands in confusion. I couldn’t think of anything that could be a reason at this point.
“It’s time.” a voice said into my ears like a whisper, and I flinched in fear, looking around to see who did that, but I couldn’t find anyone. I was alone in the room.
“What spoke to me?”
My fear increased, and I had to stand up from the bed, removing everything connected to my body. My hands felt light and jelly. Something was not right with me, and I could deny it at this point. It was like a beast was rising inside of me. As a wolf that doesn’t have a colleague or parents, there was no one to tell me I was having my first shift as a werewolf.
Confusions twisted inside me as the havoc began to wreak havoc inside of me. Every part of my body was feeling something, and I could feel my senses sharpening in a mysterious way because suddenly I could hear voices, and these were the voices of people far apart from me.
I wasn’t interested in whatever gist these voices were giving each other until I caught a family one. It was the one from Liam I knew his voice well, so I was very sure this was him.
He was talking in whispers, unlike his usual commanding and domineering tone and the way it sounded really showed it was an evil plan, so I listened with rapt attention.
It was then I heard what left me frozen to the spot, paralyzed with shock and disbelief.
“Inject it into her water. She will die in three days, right in the hands of the Lycan king, and that way we won’t be blamed for
Sun 5 May
Chapter 43
anything. And I will be so happy to see that w h o r e and inconsiderate b i t c h die. She is worse than anything I can’t think of.” These were the words Liam was saying.
It was just this heightened sense of hearing that made me able to hear him from a few blocks away from where he stayed. I felt like my heart was stabbed as I gasped, my legs stumbling back.
I couldn’t believe my cars. Shock wreaked havoc on me, and I was twisted with fury to realize that the man who claimed to love me was actually planning to kill me off and stated clearly that he would be happy to see me dead.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and as soon as they dropped to the ground, they formed a kind of sparkling pearl, and whatever began to surge from inside of me continued.
I came with a terrible pain around my stomach and chest region that forced me down to the ground. I gritted my i clothing my stomach, as I tried all I could to lessen the pain.
“I was the one that spoke inside you. Yes, I am inside you, and now it’s time to be with Lucian because both of you are mates. Your souls are intertwined with each other, and now that you are about to shift, the bond will become stronger because the enemies are brooding and increasing, ready to unleash their destruction. Both of you must stop it,” he said.
I felt like laughing as I listened to the voice speaking to me. I was so sure he or she was sending the message to the wrong pension and wasn’t aware because how would he associate me with stopping whatever destruction from enemies? I can’t even
“Why are you laughing? You underestimate yourself, but when the power is unleashed, you will realize it. For now, you can shift and finish up the business. This was what the voice said, then vanished, and as soon as it disappeared like a gust of wind, the havoc that was wreaking inside of me continued.
I began to shift, but what I was shifting into wasn’t a werewolf. It was something else that I could explain. Why was I forming a wing beside my back? Why was I craving blood and also feeling the urge to vomit at what seemed like fire? All these came with a rage that was beyond my understanding.
The anger that filled me to the brim was unimaginable, and I could remember all that Liam was telling whoever it was.
After a few minutes, I shifted and couldn’t recognize myself. I wasn’t a wolf, nor was I a dragon. My whole body was shared by these beasts. I had a wolf, a dragon, and a vampire all in one body.
But immediately, I turned back to my human body, but every feeling didn’t stop. I still felt that deep, uncontrollable rage with the great powers surging through my veins and seeping through my veins.
I was breathing heavily, waiting for whoever was coming to inject me. I was ready to tear that person into pieces.

Chapter 44
I had no idea what I was turning into, and my little brain thought it was my wolf, but the powers I was feeling were something beyond my understanding. A lot of things I couldn’t understand were running through my mind. Words to say. like they were magical words. A beast inside me was rising with a lot of strength and ability that I had never heard of.
All I knew was that I was going to attack whoever came into this ward now. The courage in me was something I had never had before, and there was that feeling I had. That of someone invincible.
Footsteps began to sound, and I was able to detect who it was. How I did that was still a mystery to me. The footsteps were those of five doctors, and one of them had a syringe and ampoule.
I have no idea why they were up to five to carry out what Liam ordered, but I guess they were already feeling the anxiety of what I had turned into.
Slowly, I sat on the bed, my hands on my laps, as I stared at the door in anticipation. Before now, I would have been scared that five hefty men were after me to actually kill me, and I would have been weak and in tears that the order was from Liam, whom I thought I could trust. Someone I thought loved me.
But the new me had emerged, and all that was now something of the past. I was even impatient and angry that they weren’t walking fast.
ally, they got into the ward. Whatever beast had appeared inside me was literally making me an invincible and very powerful being, because that was the only thing that could explain why I was able to see through the door. My eyes were now so special that I could see through obstacles.
The men rearranged their coats and wore cool, innocent smiles on their faces to deceive me into thinking that they meant no harm. After I am done with them, I will face that b a s t a
rd who called himself a vampire prince. I will make sure he regrets this order. The only reason I won’t kill him is because he saved me from dying. Even though he has become a di
c k h e a
d now, I can’t deny the fact that if it weren’t for him, I would have been decaying in the ground.
They walked in. Five of them.
“Wow, it seems you have healed. You can now sit
with no help.
“Oh, you are really a strong woman. It might really be a blessing to have you as our vampire queen with this strength and special healing abilities.”
“Yeah, I still pray she changes her mind if she is going to be with that wicked man, Lucian.”
“Don’t you think you might be making a mistake by leaving Liam, who really loves you?”
“Are you dumb heads going to keep talking gibberish other than carrying out the evil that dumb heads ordered you?” I seethed in irritation, cutting them off the rubbish they were spilling from their mouths, thinking they were good actors hiding their evil intentions.
“What have you said, dear?”
“I am also confused”
“My dear, he sent the five of us. There are five best doctors in this kingdom to take care of you, especially. He doesn’t want
you to…”
I snickered and stood up while they watched, befuddled. I was sure there was no way they would guess I already knew their plans. It was totally impossible in their eyes, so they kept feigning and putting up the innocent acts as I headed to the door
Chapter 44
and locked it up, flinging the key beneath the bed, making sure it reached the end.
“What are you doing?”
“Are you sure the man who attached her didn’t inject something into her secretly that was going to affect her brain?” One of the doctors threw the question to the other, all still having squeezed facial expressions, grimacing and looking at me like I had grown two heads.
“No, he didn’t inject anything. Well, the word inject reminded me of something else instead. Something like the order from Liam, who you claim loves me. Inside your pocket, you have it ready to inject into me, right?” I said that and burst into laughter.
Their jaws dropped, their eyes widened, and a few even stumbled back on their legs as great shock hit them like a tsunami. The way their eyes popped out as they looked at me made me laugh mockingly.
Fear took over their shock, and one after the other, they began to look back at the door, then beneath the bed. Realization is actually hitting them now, but it’s too late. I could see the dread in their eyes as they all fixed their eyes on me while moving
Although they can’t really tell what I have become, they already knew I wasn’t something to mess with now. I was able to hear their conversations with Liam and had the courage to lock the door and fling the key away, all enough to hint to them
they were in trouble. A real one.
“Selene, you knew the plan all along? How? Who told you? You were not in that room. No one was, not even the bodyguards
“Look at her eyes. We didn’t notice earlier. They are dark red and fierce. She is no longer the girl we saw earlier.” Another shouted in terror and ran to the door, then began to bang it all out and call for help
“There is no need for that. The door is covered with invisible fog, enough to keep every sound away from those outside. Stop wasting your time.” I said with a smirk, tossing my hair behind my ears..
“Please forgive me. Forgive us.” As they realized all hope was lost, they fell to their knees and began to plead for mercy.
“Huh? Forgive you? If I wasn’t aware of this, I will be dead. You were literally about to take my life. In three days, I will die, and the blame will be on Lucian. That’s how cruel and heartless you all and your prince are. I can’t spare such a creature. “I shrugged and let out a dry chuckle.
“How are we so sure she will defeat the five of us?” I heard one of them say to them, but as I looked at his face, I couldn’t see his lips move. He was having a mind-link conversation, and strangely, I was able to hear it.
Wow, there is really more about my new-found powers that I don’t know about. For real, I could hear mind-link conversations without being connected.
I pretended not to hear anything and sat on the bed.
“I can’t spare you all. No. You all are killers.” I was talking to them so they wouldn’t know I was listening to their conversation.
“At the countdown of three, we will all shift into our wolves and pounce on her at once, using every strength and tactic we have. Y’all ready?”
“Yes. We will catch her unaware. How didn’t I think of this?”
It almost made me laugh as I waited for their countdown.
“3” He said it through the mind link, and I joined in the countdown, counting the number alongside him.
“2” He spoke through the mind link, as their eyes squinted at me on hearing I was also counting.
11:41 Sun, 5 May
Chapter 44
“She can hear us!” The one who had run to the door screamed. He is the most scared of them all.
“Whatever. Attack!” The one counting yelled through the mind link, and only three shifted into their wolves and actually pounced on me.
I didn’t know how it happened. I found myself dodging their attacks so easily, moving quickly and swiftly enough. They were very fast, but I was able to see their attacks before they got to me. For real, I was moving like the wind.
Then my claws appeared with fangs, muscles, and veins running through me with that rage that makes me feel the unbearable hunger to kill.
What I did to these men shocked me. After I saw their bodies lying on the floor, lifeless with parts cut off and s c a t t e r e d around. It was in a haze of hunger and thirst to kill that I attacked them, and my heart, which was always soft and merciful, seemed to be removed and replaced with that of a demon.
I stared at them and couldn’t believe I had done this.
The remaining two fell to their faces, begging me to spare their lives and crying. Telling me they would do anything I asked them. They even offered to be my s l a v e, but I searched for that tender heart that gets moved by a little apology and plea. I ransacked to find that part of me that has no courage to hurt people, that good, innocent part of me that would make me allow them to scot free, but I couldn’t find it.
tldn’t trace even a tiny piece. A smirk appeared on my face, excitement brimming in me just at the thought of the new uesome way that crept into my head to kill them with.
I was going to bang their heads together continuously to see which was stronger.
They raised their heads from the ground they were lying on, looking up at me to check if I had changed my mind about killing them, and I took that opportunity to grip them with the neck, my clench so tight that their tongues poked and their eyes bulged out.
“Let’s see who had a stronger head,” I winked, and while they shook and wriggled to free themselves, I slammed the heads together with so much force that the sound of their skulls is echoing in my ears.
They had a brain tumor, their eyes raised at the top, and other parts of the body were moving unnaturally, with blood gushing from their heads and their faces unrecognizable.
They died, and I was still hitting the heads together as the sounds were really cool to me.
I finally dropped their dead bodies, then moved to the tap at the corner, washed my hands, and stepped out of the ward. My body was stained with blood, but I ignored it. I was going to meet Liam.
He has an explanation to make. He will have to explain to me why he chose to kill me for my own choice.
My sense of smell was at its peak as I walked out of the hospital, ignoring the stares of the people around me. I was sure they thought the blood was mine and didn’t care to know what was wrong with me since they hate me.
I got to the castle in my b l o o d y hospital gown and s c a t t e r e d hair. I was even barefooted, looking like ghosts in horror
The guards even gave way for me upon recognizing it was me. Liam had warned everyone in the castle to stay away from me and never lay hands on me.
As I entered the castle, it looked different. I could feel some kind of silence and dread. It was like everyone had run into their room and locked the door. I couldn’t meet anyone, nor could I hear a voice. The inside was like a deserted home.
With my senses, I located Liam to be at the palace, so I headed there straight up, not minding how I looked or what his parents might do. I even want them to be present when I ask Liam, while he chooses to poison me and make it look like
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Chapter 44
Lucian did it.
I got to the palace door and pushed it open without knocking. I wasn’t afraid of anyone anymore.
All eyes drifted to me, and among them, I saw those hazel-charming eyes also gazing at me. The eyes of the man with the key to my heart.
Now I see why the castle was so dead. It was his presence. Lucian was here.
“Selene, he called.

Chapter 45
I didn’t know how much I had missed his voice until I heard him call my name, and those eyes that were fierce when I came in here became soft and filled with emotions. He stood abruptly and walked towards me, but at a slow pace, like he was trying to see if I would back away from him.
His eyes became wet immediately as they scrutinized me from head to toe. I was looking so bad and unkempt with the blood stain, and I guess he also thought I was wounded.
“Selene, he called my name again as he made to hold my hand. I was mute and silent because I was badly missing him and
I craving his touch when I should be angry at him like every normal being. He really hurt me and left me to die.
I really don’t know why all that didn’t change my feelings towards him. He seemed scared to touch me, thinking I would have hated him and wouldn’t want anything to do with him. His eyes say it all-that he badly missed me, so I don’t need to doubt it
As soon as his hand touched mine, goosebumps spread through my skin, and just like a fresh breath of life, I felt warm and safe. My beast, which was mad, untamed, and wild, became totally calm, submitting to his touch.
“I am so sorry… L
“What did you come here for in the first place?” I asked, cutting him off whatever apology he wanted to deliver.
“1 came to take you from him. I am sorry, I am doing this the hard way, and you might not want to have anything to do with me. I am really sorry because of how s tu p id it was, but I couldn’t bear it anymore. Each day without you was hell. I threatened him that I would start a war against this kingdom if he didn’t offer you to me peacefully. He confessed like a baby, trying to seek permission.
“You don’t look good here. Are those your blood? Who hurt you?” He asked with care, exuding his voice, and that was when 1 shified my eyes to Liam, who quickly diverted his eyes out of guilt. I guess he doesn’t know what happened to his men and was just feeling guilty about what he ordered them to do. He might even think I had been injected already.
But the confusion twisted in his face was the blood stain on me. He definitely can’t find a way to explain that, especially as he was so sure there was no way I would be able to stop them from carrying out what they want to do to me.
“You are right. I don’t look good here, and I’m very happy you are here. Please take me away from this monster that wants to kill me and put the blame on you so the world will see you are an evil monster. What hurts me is that he is using my life to gamble.” I hissed, and Liam shuddered so hard in shock, his gaze darting at me as his widened eyes stuck at my face.
I smirked at him as he stared, speechless. Lucian held me in the hand and turned over to Liam. In fact, everybody was looking at him now, including his parents
“I thought you said you would rather die than harm her.” Lucian growled. “You made it clear to me that she is the woman. you love and wish to marry, but you are only offering it to me because we are mates and you don’t want war. What is this hearing? You attempted to kill her. Is that the explanation for the blood on her cloth?” His voice was really c o a r e and gruff, and his eyes were red in rage.
“She is lying. I don’t know what she is talking about. She was hurt by someone no one here knew. I promised her I would find him. The man hurt her because of my fiance. He.
“Cut the story short. Explain what you know about this poison.” I cut in, bringing out the ampoule and syringe from my pockets.
“What is that? I have never seen it before.” He managed to say it, his lips shaking and his eyes narrating as more confusion hit at him with a hint of what might have happened, but I am sure he would still find it so hard to believe.
“My son, you took that from the private store? To harm Selene, how could you? She was going to die, you know that? Even if you succeed in painting Lucian ay/the devil that took her away and killed her, it won’t later bring her life back. She will be dead and gone! Is that what you call love?” His father spoke out
You just announced that you would do everything to make her yours. You told us. You convinced us that she was the one,
Chapter 45
then this is what you ended up doing?” His mother added that he was breathing heavily.
“How does everyone believe this liar? She is doing all this to hurt me because I wanted her. Selene, was it a crime that I spared your life in the woods, brought you here, fed you, clothed you, and gave you everything? My crime was falling in love with you, and now you want to repay me with this? You are pulling these allegations on me, knowing there are people who.
have been after your life.”
He paused and wiped the crocodile’s tears.
“Her life had always been in danger, ever since I publicly showed her love. One of them must have arranged all these, and worse, he would have made it seem like I was the one. I really don’t know why she is accusing me of this. I am innocent.” He spoke with the highest innocence anyone would ever hear.
If I didn’t clearly hear him order those doctors, I swear I will never believe he did it. Everyone’s eyes went away from him and back to me, and I was sure they had been moved to believe him while looking up at me like someone with an interior
“I know you hate him, but there is no need to accuse him. I don’t think he can do such to you.” Lucian spoke gently to me, and I chuckled dryly.
“The blood stain on me is that of the doctor he assigned to inject this into my veins. I was able to hear all his conversations with them with my newfound powers. The new power was also what helped me kill the doctors because they actually planned to force it on me and were ready to kill me with their wolf, but unlucky for them, I have made my first shift, and my wolf is deadlier. I laughed heartily, recalling how it had all happened.
“So you mean you aren’t wolfless anymore, and when I take you to my kingdom, we will be able to smell each other’s scent?!” Lucian said loudly in excitement, and I nodded. “I am also not a weak girl anymore. I can now protect myself from wicked people, especially Liam.”
“Stop accusing me. girl!” Liam, who was now angry, shouted at me, standing on his feet in his tall, towering figure. He was obviously trying to intimidate me with his aura and strength, but I wasn’t moved-not because of Lucian, but because I knew he was no match for me, and even here and now, I was not going to leave till I punished him.
Like I said before, I won’t look at him because he saved my life.
“Go to the ward I was at, and you will see your doctors all dead with their bodies cut from limb to limb. I am here to hear your explanation of why you wanted to kill me. You have to tell me why, or I will force you to.” I saw myself leaving Lucian, whom I was holding, and walking closer to him.
claim “I told you I did nothing. No one believes that sh i t you said about hearing with whatever kind of nonsense powers you to have. You ungrateful being can leave this kingdom with him so we have our peace. Go. I don’t want to see you again.” He said in a way that I would feel bad. It was like he was trying to gaslight me.
“You know I am not lying, lover boy. Can you swear to your life that you didn’t give the order? You have the ancient book of death. We can both swear to it. Since you are so sure you didn’t give any orders, I am the one accusing you. It’s time to prove your innocence. I came here to punish you for the crime, but you are boldly denying it.” I laughed mockingly.
“What? Punish me? Are you mad or what? Lucian, I know you’re the reason for all her courage and boldness to say all this trash to me, and I am only holding myself up because of you. Warn her to shut up and leave, and stop provoking me!” He said it threateningly.
“Maybe you should try attacking her or have a fight-to-death match. Something like a death match in which both of you fight till one of you gets killed by the other.” Lucian replied to him with so much confidence in his voice that it made me smile wide as 1 glanced at him.
It seemed he already believed everything I said and knew I had become powerful even when he hadn’t seen me fight.
The calmness we both had left 1 iam trembling like a kid. His parents were quick to go down their knees to beg for the match not to hold.
They knew whatever gave me the courage not to panic over what Lucian suggested really meant Liam stood no chance.

he door, I let loose of my vampire beast nature and attacked from behind, my fangs and claws ready to plunge and sear her deep on the back of her neck.
I was really fast. As a vampire prince and next in line to rule, I had the natural gift of moving silent like the wind yet with great speed, making it hard for anyone to get at me and at this actual attack, I made sure I used the highest speed and swiftness I could.
If I had gotten my target. Selene would never survive. She will bleed and die but what I wasn’t aware of was the height of her strength now. My speed was nothing to compare to hers and she has a high hearing ability. It was even as if she was reading my mind and knew I was about to attack because it took her nothing.
Like, it was so easy for her that you would think this was a movie planned and practice. I couldn’t even get really close to her before she turned, and before I could stop my fast pace, I had collided with her punch which hit my face like a tsunami. It struck me really hard that I felt like my skull cracked. It was like my head had split open as I fell on the floor with a loud thud.
“You are a fool!” She scoffed and gave me a heavy kick at the side of my stomach forcing a sharp screech of pain. It was even hard to breath.
“You saved my life and that’s your only saving grace. Only an evil man will save a life just to kill it at his choice. I hate you and don’t want to ever set my eyes on you again.” She added and turned away. In my haze of pain I watched them leave and that was the last time I ever set my eyes on her.
I had to move on with my fiance, but what I didn’t know was that it wasn’t the end of our relationship. Fate has for us. Meeting her wasn’t common because her enemies had kept record of our encounter. They believed I would have something to offer as a help
The demons lurking around in search of a way to kill her had marked me as one of their target to give them hint to get at her. They would never let me be if I don’t work with them. Selene might have great powers and abilities now. She might really be invincible, but the demons has other plans for her.
Their plans are deadly and if they succeed, she won’t only lose all her powers but fall into an eternal cage where she would stay and rot.
Diana was going to do anything possible, and she was even ready to offer her life for the victory of her demon clan. And since Selene was in the line to their victory, her life is really at stake.
I had no choice.

Chapter 47
Diana’s POV
“I don’t understand what is going on at all, and I am here to get a clear answer from you. Tell me what is going on and what plan you have, because right now it is clear everything has gone bad. Or are you blind to see?” Ria looked so angry as she was almost yelling at me, her tone showing the depth of her regret and anger as she glared at me with both hands on her waist.
There were tears in her eyes, showing how heartbroken she was as well. I know how much she loved Lucian, only to get kicked out the moment she thought she had gotten it right. I wasn’t shocked because I expected this.
I was just surprised it happened so early, and now there was no way we could kill Selene physically. She isn’t weak anymore, and she has made her shift. The powers hidden within her had gotten unlocked, and the mate bond between her and Lucian is now something unbreakable..
Well, it would have actually been unbreakable, literally, if I didn’t exist, but as I am alive, not only will I break them apart, I will make them enemies. They both need each other to be stronger, and when they turn against each other, it will make them vulnerable to me.
I have plans, and a lot is going through my head, but the last thing I am bothered about is this ranting from Ria. If she knows what kind of dangerous and deadly war brooding will happen in the future, she will care less about these stu p i d feelings and find a way to get stronger to be able to bring down Selene.
The tears in her eyes made me scoff. It was that kind of tear you shed when you lost your loved one to someone you never expected. You are shocked, distraught, and pained, seeing that he actually took her over without her effort.
“Sorry you lost Lucian, but will you like losing your life too? Do you think Selene is still that weakling we know? If she sees you in that castle, you either become her sla v e or she slaug h t e r s you instantly. That’s why I brought you here.” I said with a shrug, walking over to the bar of Wiine.
“What are you saying?” There were surprises in her tone. “You are sounding like Selene would be the one to s l a u g h t e r me. That pup can’t do anything without the help of Lucian, If we should face each other in a battle, I will make sure she eats sand till she bloats and dies.”
I chuckled at her s t u p i d words of ignorance.
Just then, her brother stomped in.
“What the f u c k is all this?” He shouted.
I had also sent a message that he would come over too. Not like 1 care for their lives; I just don’t want them to die now because they know more about the Lycan kingdom and how the routes are built. They have to be alive to help me in my
That’s the sole reason I sent the message that they should come, as Lucian went away to bring back Selene. I felt it in my nerves the moment Selene unblocked her rare gift, and now I have to fight her in the dark because I’m no match at the
The expression on Ria’s brother’s face was that of rage, and he actually thought I played them off.
“Why is Lucian going back to being her all of a sudden and sending my sister packing? What happened to the charm? Why isn’t it working on him anymore? Or am I supposed to believe you gave us a fake one to gain our trust?” He kept ranting while I sipped my wine.
“Talk now, or I will
Do nothing. Actually, there is nothing you can do, little boy. Sit your a s s down and listen!” I huffed.
“Oh, you think I can’t do anything! Watch and see!” He said, sounding threatening as he turned to the door.
“If you set your foot into that castle any moment from now, Selene won’t only kill you but get your bones crushed. I don’t
11:45: Mon, 6 May A
Chapter 47
really know what kind of death she plans for you, but I can assure you at it’s so gruesome that you will feel it till your last breath. Just sit back, boy. Selene is back, not just for romance with Lucian, but for revenge, and all we can do is hide in this secret cave, setting strategies to get her.”
“Absolute nonsense!” He spat angrily.
“Maybe you should listen to her. She might be… Ria tried convincing him, but he glared at her.
“Don’t you dare tell me that. This b i t c h here is just toying with us. It’s so obvious now. She cooks up a frightening story to get us under her whim for her selfish interests. If none of you have seen it, I have. She is a liar. How are we even trusting a demon? S h i t!” He seethed and turned to face me.
“You said I couldn’t do anything, right? Just watch” He snapped, and I laughed at his stupi
di y.
“You can go. I don’t force anyone. Go and be the scape goat so others will start believing me. It’s actually a favor on my side, so stop acting harsh and threatening as if you are doing me any hann!” I scoffed with a hiss.
“Ria, I promised to get Lucian to you, and I have not lost hope. I will surely do that for you, even if it means poisoning Selene. Just anything to make sure he…”
“Poisoning Selene…” I laughed loudly. “Go and see for yourself!”
“I don’t want any suggestions or advice from you, Mrs. Stay off my path. My sister and I can’t depend on you, not when you are even known to be crafty, evil, and selfish. You aren’t helping us, and I know!” He snarled, then stomped out. I just wonder what he has in mind to do.
Well, whatever it was, Selene will deal with it with ease. It won’t even take her any effort at all. They can’t believe me because they don’t know anything about what Selene actually was. Her true identity had been hidden in that weak, innocent body.
And now that her mate’s bond with Lucian will get stronger, what can he do? He is just a mere personal guard to Lucian, and now he won’t even have the trust anymore. Lucian will believe everything that his mate tells him
Selene, on the other hand, doesn’t have that tender heart for her oppressors anymore. She won’t forgive him. She will rather give him his rightful breath process for all he has done to her, starting from the day be framed the story to Lucian that the mate connection was fake and created by a witch.
I looked at Ria, and she already had her head low, her face buried in her palm as she sobbed silently.
“Your brother won’t make it, but I want you to be strong. If everything goes well according to my plan, Lucian will be back to take you in his arms.”
“And what if it doesn’t go well? Do you think of that? We all had plans and had barely executed them before it all went rong. It went wrong so badly that now I have to hide in this cave like a thief, like a rogue chased out of her family. ….
“You are free to go.” I laughed, drinking more of my wine.
“So I’ll get killed?” She raised her brows.
“It’s a choice you make for yourself. Others will be here soon to avoid the wrath of Selene. Anyone who decides to leave will be allowed to do so freely, but I’ll make the person dead and dumb so he or she doesn’t give out any secrets before being killed”
“What about my brother?”Don’t you think he will….
“There is a heart demon waiting to possess him at the Lycan kingdom border. It knows how to deal with him when it enters his heart.” I said that and winked before offering the cup to her.
*Have some and wind up. We all have to calm our nerves, get ourselves together, and sharpen our minds and senses. We have to get smarter and find a way. We have to find a way out of this mess before it consumes us. No matter how long it
“So right now, we have no plan. You have no plan to deal with what you started? For how long will I stay here waiting for the

Chapter 48
Stan POV
Her warning was ringing in my head. Every part of my being was reminding me of everything she told me, and I was pretty sure she wasn’t lying. It was actually dangerous for me to show my face to Selene now, if she had really become strong and powerful
With all 1 had done to her, she was going to really make my life hell and not kill me in the process, but I wanted to try my h i c k. Selene had a good heart, and if I offered to tell her everything and expose all of Diana’s secrets, I believed she would give me a second chance.
She might really hate me from the depths of her life, but what is more important to her is the destruction of the demons, especially Diana, and since I can help her with that, I believe she won’t kill me off.
For the first time in my life. I was ready to do the right thing, even though it would cost me a lot, Working for that demonic Diana was something I couldn’t do anymore, especially as she failed to accomplish that one t ing I desired so much.
For real, I don’t know if I will be able to make my sister have Lucian, but at least I won’t be working with Diana, who isn’t straightforward and uses us like toys. I am sure she doesn’t believe I would have the courage to expose her to Selene, maybe because of my sister, who was still working for her, but she is wrong.
Selene has to know that we are being forced to a b i d e by her rules. The actual enemy we all have to destroy is Diana. She is evil.
I was looking back continuously to make sure no one was following-anyone like a demon from Diana. I saw none, so I quickened my pace to get to the kingdom border. I knew I would be facing a lot from Selene, but if she can give me this second chance, then we can all make things right.
Finally, I got to the border, and just as I was about to cross it, something like a fog covered my path, and before I could think of what to do to dodge from it, the whole fog vanished into my chest. I clearly saw it when it entered me.
My eyes widened, fear gripping me and leaving me paralyzed to a spot. I knew that was a demon. A heart demon that could possibly control people’s senses and make them do things they don’t want to. It creates a kind of delusional state that leaves. you saying and acting in a way that you never planned for.
“Diana can’t allow you to expose us, b a s t a r d!” A voice whispered in my ears, making a cold run down my spine. I shivered and swallowed hard, looking at my hands and body to see if there were any changes,
There was none, nor do I feel like I wasn’t in control of my brain. Everything seemed normal to me, and I was forced to believe nothing had entered me
“Maybe it is all in my head. F u c k!” I shrugged and ran forward to the kingdom, crossing the border, and kept running till I was in front of the castle. A place that was once my home. A place I was brought into and treated like a part of the royal family.
All my life as the Lycan prince personal guard, it had been like a bed of roses, with him making me feel like I had gotten an older brother that cares so much for me. His family really treated me and my sister like jewels, and it was so good. One thing was left for me, and that was seeing him get married to my sister.
I had really desired that among all.
Right now, as I stood in front of the big black, I couldn’t go further. Gut-wrenching fear and anxiety were eating me deep into my veins and bone marrow. My heart was beating so fast and loudly, and my body was literally shaking like I was being electrocuted.
I wished I had become an enemy to Selene. I wish I treated her so well and stood by her. My life would have been a blessing now that she had become really powerful. Not only will I be safe from the demons, but I will also be close to the two most powerful creatures on earth, so I am sure of my well-being and that of my sister.
But now I am in the middle of an ocean, not among any sides. I don’t trust Diana, and neither will I trust Selene, who must
Chapter 48
really hate me from the depths of her heart.
After less than an hour, I picked up the courage and pressed the bell. Soon enough, the gateman came out and opened the door, and immediately he saw me. He was only surprised to see me. The expression on his face says a lot, which I couldn’t explain.
He didn’t say anything to me, but with the way he looked at me, it was like he was so shocked that I could get the courage to step foot in here again. Maybe he had heard rumors of what I did to Selene
This made me more frightened, but going back was not an option. I needed Selene to decide my fate, and it can only happen after I meet her..
With a slow pace, I moved in, and as soon as I entered the porch, my body began to heat up as if there were fires in the whole building. Sweat covered my whole body as I looked around, wondering where the heat came from.
Everyone was normal, making me know it was only me, and the heat was generating from inside me. I could not understand what was going on, so I ignored it and kept moving towards the palace, where I guessed they would be.
I guessed it right. They were both in the palace, sitting on the throne with majesty and an aura that was mind-blowing. I walked in after the guards opened the door, and it was like I would get swallowed in an unseen ocean. The fierce eyes of Selene on me were nothing to be compared with
The moment I entered the palace, the door was shut by the guards, and I was left facing the deadliest gaze of my life.
“Why are you here?” Lucian broke the little silence with his harsh voice. He seemed to be concerned, so I showed my face. Maybe there was still a bit of pity and care in him for me. It should be so since we have really been together for a long time.
“I am here to help. To ask for forgiveness and…”
Why are you asking for forgiveness?” Selene cut in, standing on her throne.
“Please listen to me. I have repented. I swear, I am here to help you in everything you need.”
“Cut the cr a p, boy… First, why are you repeating this now! And secondly, when did I ask for your help and make the announcement that I needed help? If I need help, will I seek it from an enemy? The same person my blood is burning to kill? Make it make sense!” She scoffed.
“I know…” My knees went down as I bowed to show my loyalty. “I want to follow the way of light, I will tell you everything about Diana, especially where her hidden cave is and all the plans she has told us about. Please, there is a little I can be of help with. My sister is also being forced to be with her. I just want to…
“Your voice triggers every single rage in me, and it is still a miracle that I didn’t attack you in the deadliest way, tearing you bit by bit. I don’t need your help, and the only thing I want you to do for me is slit your throat. I want to want you to die.” She seethed through her teeth, her eyes really flinting.
“I will do that if you promise to save my sister from that demonic woman, Diana. If you promise, she will be kept safe and…”
I couldn’t finish my statement before the empty chair beside me lifted and a hard strike at my head caused me to fell to the ground, bleeding with throbbing pain and hitting my skull unbearably.
I cried out, holding my wounded head.
“I should protect the girl who joined hands with you to ruin my life. All I want is to see you all die in a gruesome way, and that’s why I am back here. To give you all you deserve. If I don’t turn this way, none of you will repent or decide to side with me. f u c k you all!” She spat, stepping down from the throne.
I opened my mouth to start telling her the secrets so she would know I was bluffing when I said I would help her get Diana. but just then my head went blank and I could not talk any more.
“You said you would tell me the secrets of Diana, especially where this secret cave is. Let me hear you. Maybe I will change my mind and not kill you after making you go through hell. Talk now.” I heard her say the words I was praying she would say. This was the reason I came here to get her to listen to me and agree for me to side with her and help in bringing Diana
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Chapter 48
But strangely, my brain had gone blank, and something seemed to be functioning abnormally inside me. I stared at her and began to laugh. I was laughing and couldn’t control it. Something else was laughing through me against my wishes.
“What is funny?” She growled, her fangs appearing and claws taking place of her lingers, the danger in her and becoming so frightening, yet I could not stop myself from laughing this stu p d laughter.
eyes increasing
“Bit h, you will get devoured by Diana. You are nothing but a puppet in her eyes, and I was sent by her to tell you to wait for your death because she will strike you down when you least expect it. You thought I would tell you anything. Fool!” My lips nioved, and these words were rolling out of my mouth uncontrollably.
And there and then, I heard the laughter of that same voice that whispered to me earlier. I realized it was the heart demon controlling me.
I am dead

I guessed it right. They were both in the palace, sitting on the throne with majesty and an aura that was mind-blowing. I walked in after the guards opened the door, and it was like I would get swallowed in an unseen ocean. The fierce eyes of Selene on me were nothing to be compared with
The moment I entered the palace, the door was shut by the guards, and I was left facing the deadliest gaze of my life.
“Why are you here?” Lucian broke the little silence with his harsh voice. He seemed to be concerned, so I showed my face. Maybe there was still a bit of pity and care in him for me. It should be so since we have really been together for a long time.
“I am here to help. To ask for forgiveness and…”
Why are you asking for forgiveness?” Selene cut in, standing on her throne.
“Please listen to me. I have repented. I swear, I am here to help you in everything you need.”
“Cut the c r a p, boy… First, why are you repeating this now! And secondly, when did I ask for your help and make the announcement that I needed help? If I need help, will I seek it from an enemy? The same person my blood is burning to kill? Make it make sense!” She scoffed.
“I know…” My knees went down as I bowed to show my loyalty. “I want to follow the way of light, I will tell you everything about Diana, especially where her hidden cave is and all the plans she has told us about. Please, there is a little I can be of help with. My sister is also being forced to be with her. I just want to…
“Your voice triggers every single rage in me, and it is still a miracle that I didn’t attack you in the deadliest way, tearing you bit by bit. I don’t need your help, and the only thing I want you to do for me is slit your throat. I want to want you to die.” She seethed through her teeth, her eyes really flinting.
“I will do that if you promise to save my sister from that demonic woman, Diana. If you promise, she will be kept safe and…”
I couldn’t finish my statement before the empty chair beside me lifted and a hard strike at my head caused me to fell to the ground, bleeding with throbbing pain and hitting my skull unbearably.
I cried out, holding my wounded head.
“I should protect the girl who joined hands with you to ruin my life. All I want is to see you all die in a gruesome way, and that’s why I am back here. To give you all you deserve. If I don’t turn this way, none of you will repent or decide to side with me. f u c k you all!” She spat, stepping down from the throne.
I opened my mouth to start telling her the secrets so she would know I was bluffing when I said I would help her get Diana. but just then my head went blank and I could not talk any more.
“You said you would tell me the secrets of Diana, especially where this secret cave is. Let me hear you. Maybe I will change my mind and not kill you after making you go through hell. Talk now.” I heard her say the words I was praying she would say. This was the reason I came here to get her to listen to me and agree for me to side with her and help in bringing
But strangely, my brain had gone blank, and something seemed to be functioning abnormally inside me. I stared at her and began to laugh. I was laughing and couldn’t control it. Something else was laughing through me against my wishes.
“What is funny?” She growled, her fangs appearing and claws taking place of her lingers, the danger in her and becoming so frightening, yet I could not stop myself from laughing this s t u p i d laughter.
eyes increasing
“B i t c h, you will get devoured by Diana. You are nothing but a puppet in her eyes, and I was sent by her to tell you to wait for your death because she will strike you down when you least expect it. You thought I would tell you anything. Fool!” My lips nioved, and these words were rolling out of my mouth uncontrollably.
And there and then, I heard the laughter of that same voice that whispered to me earlier. I realized it was the heart demon controlling me.
I am dead

Chapter 49
Everything happened so fast, beyond my reasoning. I was doing things I didn’t plan to do and was even making a stance for
fight with Selene, whom I knew I was no match for.
“I didn’t plan to kill you. I was ready to forgive you and give you a second chance, but I can see your words weren’t sincere. You are actually a toy to the demons and would rather die than repent.” I heard her say, her voice ringing continuously in my head.
My mouth opened to tell her I wasn’t doing this with my own intentions. I wanted her to know I was being controlled by something greater than me, but the ability to control what to say was gone. It was as if I wasn’t the owner of my mouth and every word that came out of it.
Fear shook me-great fear that made my heart pound so hard that I thought it would break out of my ribcage. Even Lucian, who had sympathy for me earlier, had gone berserk, seeing that I was only pretending to be sorry for my crime.
I thought they would find out there was a heart demon in me, taking control of my actions, but they didn’t. They all believed I was the one. My mind flashed back to Diana and her warning when I told her I would expose her. She didn’t fret, nor did she try to stop me. The way she acted should have given me a hint that she had plans for me already.
My lips shivered as I felt the heaviness of my heart. The urge to cry was bubbling in me but couldn’t come out. I couldn’t cry. My expression was still cold, making me look adamant and unrepentant.
“Do you think I care about your second chance or forgiveness? B i t c h, killing me won’t be an escape from what is coming to you. I will die with happiness, knowing that soon enough you will join me in the land of the dead. Very soon, you will get destroyed in a way you never imagined.” I spoke loud and h o a r s e l y, laughing hysterically.
Doing all these while my heart bleeds and my inner self cries out of help. All my efforts to take back control over myself were totally useless. That fog that vanished inside me had taken over my senses. This was Diana’s plan all along, just to make sure I got killed without spilling any secrets.
“Guards, behead this b a s t a r d for calling my mate a b i t c h! How dare you?!!?”Lucian roared aggressively, but before the men. could swing into action. Selene raised her hand to put them to a stop.
“Don’t touch him.” She said this as she squinted her eyes at my face, studying my eyes with scrutiny.
“Why are you sparing me? Do you still believe I will work with you if you spare my life? You must be very dumb!” I spat laughed like a clown again, but she was unmoved. Lucian was burning in rage as he stepped down and walked up to her.
“What are you waiting for? It’s so obvious we can’t keep this b a s t a r d. I want him dead, and I don’t mind doing it myself. After all he did to you, he still has the guts to taunt and play with us like we are fools!” he growled as he leaned forward, speaking to Selene in a coaxing tone.
His patience seemed to be running out.
“He desperately wants to die suddenly after pleading and asking for a second chance. It doesn’t look right. Something is definitely amiss, and we can’t fall into the trap.” She said this as she peered into my eyes. “His eyes look weirdly darker, like there is fog in-them. Something is speaking through him.”
A seep of hope crept into me, relief and joy boiling into my soul as I shouted in joy inside me since I couldn’t even show my excitement on my face.
“What are you saying, b i t c h?!” I yelled, founding really aggressive.
“I will bring you out of him and crush you beneath my feet. You hide your scent and take his form, making it hard to be fished out, but I’m smart enough to know this isn’t the real Stan. He might be a d i c k h e a d, but he doesn’t talk too much, like you make him do. That makes it all suspicious, and now I have confirmed you are with him.” Selene said, looking deep into my eyes, and I could feel her gaze inside my soul.
She was really talking to whatever demon had entered me.
Chapter 49
“I will kill you!” The demon spoke through me again, and this time he ne strike at her, my nails cutting through her neck. An irresistible attack I made under this spell, under this unseen force of the demon that had forced itself inside me.
Since he couldn’t get Selene to kill me with his triggering words, he decided to attack her physically
As she backed away, holding her bleeding neck, I was pushed to fight her more, but just then, Lucian pounced on me, sweeping me off of my feet and sitting on my stomach while he threw punches in my face. “I will punch the demons out of you; maybe that’s the best way to get you into your right senses!!” Ile growled, with those blows breaking both my nose bone and cheek bone. My lips are swollen and bleeding, yet he won’t stop.
Selene rushed at him and pulled him away from me.
“If you kill him, we will never be able to know where Diana is or what her plans are. We might have all the powers in the world, but Diana still has the upper hand because we have no idea where she is at now or what evil scheme she is setting up. She is way smarter, even with her lesser powers, she can still find a way to bring us down!”
“F u c k you!” I seethed, and she turned to me with a smirk.
“It’s time to deal with you and not him!” She said, and in a blink, I was carried up off the ground, right to her shoulder. She darted out of the room and headed to the ritual room.
My body began to shake vigorously; every single part was hitting against each other, and I felt like I would die.
“You can’t leave now. It’s too late.” She whispered, and I realized it was the demon trying to fight it away now that it found out the plan didn’t go as planned.
Just as we got into the room, she sat me down and blew something into my face. I became unconscious immediately.
Waking up after hours. I found myself in a room chained on both hands and legs to the edges of the bed, dressed up.
“Diana, I will make sure you pay for all your crimes.” I said and exhaled in relief at the realization that I had regained my full self and could now speak out what I had in mind without being controlled
Selene really exorcised the demon away from me, but then I tried to remember anything about Diana since the day she took us to the cave and couldn’t remember anything reasonable. Not the location of the cave, or whatever discussion we had shared.
Just then, the door opened, and Lucian and Selene walked in. I sat up and groaned at the pain heating up my face. Lucian really hit me hard.
“Don’t waste anytime. Tell us everything. Everything that will help us find and kill Diana.” Lucian was the first to speak.
I began to rack my brain again and again, trying to fish out that memory, but nothing was registering in my head. I could only remember Diana as the woman I went to on the night Lucian and Selene first met and stayed in that hotel. Everything else was hazy and unclear.
Does it mean I would be killed since my life is worth nothing now that I can’t even help?
“Are you deaf or dumb?” Selene frowned, and I took a deep breath, looking down to the floor.
“I can’t remember
“F u c k! What is now the essence, for goodness sake? I told you it’s entirely useless! This guy is useless and is better dead than alive. You trusted him, and here it is. After all the suffering to keep him alive and free, we got an empty skull who can’t remember the information that was his only reason to be given a second chance.”Lucian barked, giving me a really deadly look.
“I will think. I will
“You will think what you betrayal! Are you actually playing with our heads? We look like s t u p i d people to you, huh?” He snarled, talking close with his teeth bare and palms clenched on both sides.
Chapter 49
“You have memory loss. I think the demon died but succeeded in takiay those memories. That must be what Diana ordered. I know she is that smart to make plans B to save herself if her initial plans fail. Selene hissed and sat on the couch
“Okay, so the next step is to kill this s o n o f a b i t c h. He has no reason to be alive now.”
“No, he has many reasons to be alive and will be of help to us. Remember, Diana doesn’t know the demon is out of him because we didn’t drive it out but suppressed it to death inside him. We can create our own heart demon and give it a clear resemblance to hers, then use him for our gain.” She suggested.
“Oh, that sounds really great. But I have no idea how to create a heart demon.”
“It takes a long time. We just have to set the blocks and fence on the border higher and protected with more powerful restraints to avoid any sudden attack, then we can go on with our normal lives while I carefully and gradually create the heart demon.”Chapter 50
Selene’s POV
Life started normal again, and this time there was little to nothing serious to worry about. While I gradually and carefully created the heart demon to be used to counter Diana, Lucian was always there for me and showed me what love was all
Love is a beautiful thing, and finding that one person who loves you with all their heart and entire being is really special and awesome. Every second of your life becomes so sweet, and you find yourself smiling and enjoying the gift of life.
Their presence fills you with so much joy, and they give you the company you desire. You can’t do without them as much as they can’t do without you, so you spend your days lavishing on the sweet moments.
Lucian was everything any woman would want in a man. So caring, protective, funny, and loving. He would always ask me what I wanted, making me smile every time I totally forgot what sorrow felt like.
My life was a bed of roses, and this time there were no thoms to make the whole experience sour. We were that family that everyone would envy and pray to have.
The kingdom also loved and cherished me, not knowing that I was a werewolf and not a Lycan like them. They grew to like me and not be as envious as they had been. I was a werewolf, but with great powers and prowess, which gave them the absolute assurance that their lives were safe in my hands.
Lucian and I were the perfect rulers to guard them and make sure no harm befalls anyone. Every case of dispute, both that of families and friends, was settled amicably so that each went home happy.
Months passed, and it was only getting better. Lucian’s mother had become like a mother to me, and I couldn’t even feel like a motherless child. She was there to replace my mother and shower me with all the motherly care I needed.
I laid on the bed this cool evening, staring up at the beautiful ceiling with the chandelier glowing with its gems. crossing my mind, and I was just curious what would be the fate of my pack and that of my father now.
past was
It’s been several months, and I haven’t heard anything from them. Even if they had any message to send through, they couldn’t since I had blocked off every slightest link and this kingdom had built its border in such a way that not even a fly from the outside could enter.
The thought of my father being dead flashed through my mind, and a shiver ran down my spine, my brows arching.
What ift
The question was something that shouldn’t bother me since I had disowned him as my father, but somehow I was feeling so guilty inside of me. No matter what he did to me, he is still my father, and I can’t deny that.
Maybe I was really too harsh and wicked to leave him all alone to face Diana, who was after his life. He deserves a second chance, and that was what I should have offered. To him and to my pack members now that I have gotten these powers.
That might just be the sole reason I got this gift-to save our kind and give them hope of life under the duress of the demons. Was I so selfish and cruel not to think about all these earlier?
Has my pack turned to a place filled witlydemons and the wolves serving them like s l a v e
s ? My life may be so great and good here, but with my people suffering, I can’t have that peace of mind.
I sat up, sweating on my forehead as my breath came out fast and harsh. The pace of my heart was increasing and pounding harder against my chest.
It will take more than two weeks to get the heart demon ready, and that’s a lot of time for me to leave my people at the mercy of Diana, of whom I have no idea what her evil schemes are right now.
Just then, a knock sounded on my door.
Chapter 50
“Come in; the door is unlocked.” I said, and Stan walked in with slow ste then bowed to me.
“Good evening. He greeted me with a smile I could see was forced, and his eyes had that restlessness as they settled on my face. He doesn’t look anything close to happy; instead, he appears troubled.
“How can I help you?” I asked, knowing he came for a favor with how he was fidgeting.
“I don’t know how this will sound to you. And I don’t know if you will even trust me, but I just want to say it out, and whatever you reply is fine with me. Either you allow it or not, I will accept it with an open heart.” He began, taking a deep
“I’m all ears.” I said, and he stepped closer a bit.
“I made a skin mask, and I wore it standing in front of a mirror. I also told the witch doctor of the pack to create scent protection for me. With the mask on. I look nothing like myself, and nothing can give away my identity. I even went as far as getting a wolf scent concoction that would give me a wolf identity, I…”
“What do you want to do with all that? Lasked, even though I can guess why already. His sister. No matter how hard he has tried to keep it low over the months, he will surely get that restlessness of not being with his sister or knowing about her whereabouts, especially when she is with someone as evil and dangerous as Diana.
“I can’t remember Diana’s cave, but your pack can give a trace. In all that had been happening, she had been good at hiding while she truly was from the pack members, and I am sure it was for a reason, which can be because she still wants to keep her status as the Luna to everyone.” He paused and took a deep breath.
“She may be making secret plans to get at you, but I am sure she will still be in that pack as the Luna and your father the Alpha” He added.
“So you want to go to my pack and stay undercover to find out about Diana’s movement?” I questioned him, and he nodded. I chuckled knowing he actually kept the part of his sister aside because he wasn’t sure I would allow him to have anything to do with her after she chose to be with Diana instead of leaving with him when he decided to cut an alliance with Diana.
“Your main intention is to find out how your sister is faring,” I said to him, and his eyes lit up as he looked up at me, then back to the ground.
“You are right… I haven’t been able to sleep well knowing she is out there with an evil woman. I don’t know if she can even control herself anymore. If that evil woman had possessed her with a lot of demons, that would make her lose her sanity. I don’t know what state of mind she is in now, and it’s pestering me. I need to go check on her by all means.” He sighed.
“Please allow me to..
“There is no way I will decline your request because I know exactly how you feel, given that my own father is also there working with that demonic woman. I also wish to have your kind of courage to go out there and check up on him. Since you are determined to go into this, I won’t be a hindrance.” I smiled, and he jumped up in the air in excitement, rubbing his palm gleefully.
“Oh G o d, thank you so much. Thank you for trusting me. I really thought since I had a history of working with demons you wouldn’t allow me to go there to avoid…”
“Don’t kill my trust. This is your chance to prove your loyalty. There is still hope to make the world a better place, and you can be part of it. Be careful. I am extremely careful and also check up on my father too” I added the last part with a heavy heart as the image of my father filled my face.
Those days were the last when my mother was still alive. I was that child loved so much by both parents that I don’t even know if I was Daddy’s girl or Mom’s.
My father was the best man any child would have, putting me and my mother first in everything. Like he was so good. Not
until that evil woman came into his life.
She turned him into something I couldn’t recognize anymore. So fast that I began to think the past was a dream and not reality, Like, how he suddenly turned into a cold-hearted man who could easily hit me without remorse
17:46 Mon, 6 May

I still want the former self of my father back, and 1 still believe that par! him exists. The only way I would experience that again is if he were still alive. If I had given him a second chance, then he would have asked for my help; maybe now it would all have been over. He may be here with me, giving everyone that fatherly love we crave.
I hope he is alive. I really don’t want him to die or get overwhelmed by demons; he won’t even agree to come back to the light.
“So I can start preparing now? I don’t think Lucian will agree if I tell him. Can you.”
“Leave that part for me. Go and start preparing. I will convince him easily.” I said it with a lip-sided smile, which he returned. with respect and regard in his eyes.
“You are really a gift.” He said it excitedly before dashing out. I can’t wait for him to reach there, meet my father, and find out how he is doing. There are a lot of messages he will deliver to my father for me.
Alpha Bale, my father, had begged of me for a second chance, and I am ready to give him that if only he is ready to change his ways and secretly turn against Diana to work for me.
Just then, a knock sounded on my door.
Chapter 50
“Come in; the door is unlocked.” I said, and Stan walked in with slow ste then bowed to me.
“Good evening. He greeted me with a smile I could see was forced, and his eyes had that restlessness as they settled on my face. He doesn’t look anything close to happy; instead, he appears troubled.
“How can I help you?” I asked, knowing he came for a favor with how he was fidgeting.
“I don’t know how this will sound to you. And I don’t know if you will even trust me, but I just want to say it out, and whatever you reply is fine with me. Either you allow it or not, I will accept it with an open heart.” He began, taking a deep
“I’m all ears.” I said, and he stepped closer a bit.
“I made a skin mask, and I wore it standing in front of a mirror. I also told the witch doctor of the pack to create scent protection for me. With the mask on. I look nothing like myself, and nothing can give away my identity. I even went as far as getting a wolf scent concoction that would give me a wolf identity, I…”
“What do you want to do with all that? Lasked, even though I can guess why already. His sister. No matter how hard he has tried to keep it low over the months, he will surely get that restlessness of not being with his sister or knowing about her whereabouts, especially when she is with someone as evil and dangerous as Diana.
“I can’t remember Diana’s cave, but your pack can give a trace. In all that had been happening, she had been good at hiding while she truly was from the pack members, and I am sure it was for a reason, which can be because she still wants to keep her status as the Luna to everyone.” He paused and took a deep breath.
“She may be making secret plans to get at you, but I am sure she will still be in that pack as the Luna and your father the Alpha” He added.
“So you want to go to my pack and stay undercover to find out about Diana’s movement?” I questioned him, and he nodded. I chuckled knowing he actually kept the part of his sister aside because he wasn’t sure I would allow him to have anything to do with her after she chose to be with Diana instead of leaving with him when he decided to cut an alliance with Diana.
“Your main intention is to find out how your sister is faring,” I said to him, and his eyes lit up as he looked up at me, then back to the ground.
“You are right… I haven’t been able to sleep well knowing she is out there with an evil woman. I don’t know if she can even control herself anymore. If that evil woman had possessed her with a lot of demons, that would make her lose her sanity. I don’t know what state of mind she is in now, and it’s pestering me. I need to go check on her by all means.” He sighed.
“Please allow me to..
“There is no way I will decline your request because I know exactly how you feel, given that my own father is also there working with that demonic woman. I also wish to have your kind of courage to go out there and check up on him. Since you are determined to go into this, I won’t be a hindrance.” I smiled, and he jumped up in the air in excitement, rubbing his palm gleefully.
“Oh G o d, thank you so much. Thank you for trusting me. I really thought since I had a history of working with demons you wouldn’t allow me to go there to avoid…”
“Don’t kill my trust. This is your chance to prove your loyalty. There is still hope to make the world a better place, and you can be part of it. Be careful. I am extremely careful and also check up on my father too” I added the last part with a heavy heart as the image of my father filled my face.
Those days were the last when my mother was still alive. I was that child loved so much by both parents that I don’t even know if I was Daddy’s girl or Mom’s.
My father was the best man any child would have, putting me and my mother first in everything. Like he was so good. Not
until that evil woman came into his life.
She turned him into something I couldn’t recognize anymore. So fast that I began to think the past was a dream and not reality, Like, how he suddenly turned into a cold-hearted man who could easily hit me without remorse

I still want the former self of my father back, and 1 still believe that par! him exists. The only way I would experience that again is if he were still alive. If I had given him a second chance, then he would have asked for my help; maybe now it would all have been over. He may be here with me, giving everyone that fatherly love we crave.
I hope he is alive. I really don’t want him to die or get overwhelmed by demons; he won’t even agree to come back to the light.
“So I can start preparing now? I don’t think Lucian will agree if I tell him. Can you.”
“Leave that part for me. Go and start preparing. I will convince him easily.” I said it with a lip-sided smile, which he returned. with respect and regard in his eyes.
“You are really a gift.” He said it excitedly before dashing out. I can’t wait for him to reach there, meet my father, and find out how he is doing. There are a lot of messages he will deliver to my father for me.
Alpha Bale, my father, had begged of me for a second chance, and I am ready to give him that if only he is ready to change his ways and secretly turn against Diana to work for me.


The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 34-40

Chapter 34
Torian’s letter was what I never knew I would need in order to realize how foolish I am. It was like an eye-opener to me, enough for me to know that it had been long overdue that I should go into the woods with a rope and hang myself.
His letter was full of mockery, and he even had to make a caricature of me on it. He then told me that as I wandered around looking for a place to lay my head, I should never think of coming close to his pack or he would make me regret my life.
He already knew I had been sent out of the Lycan kingdom, and I don’t know how. I read my father’s letter and found it hard to believe it was from him. I wouldn’t have been shocked if he hadn’t claimed to have forgiven me earlier and was ready to accept me.
It seemed he also knew I had lost all I had, which made him return to his evil self. He also warned me not to cross the border of his pack, and that I should go and die and rot away.
It was like they were all waiting patiently for this moment, and there was no way I could beg after denying them my help. earlier when I was the Lycan King’s favorite.
I was actually going to change my mind, to be honest, and to help. I just wanted them to feel a bit of the gut-wrenching anxiety and pain of being denied help when in desperate need of it. I wanted them to feel how I felt when they all turned dead ears to my pleas.
It actually backfired on me too early, and it also seemed like they had settled their dispute with Diana because the letter didn’t show they were still in fear of Diana bursting in and killing them.
How Lucian turned against me was still a mystery I couldn’t unfold. I had a miscarriage, which should be another reason he showed me a lot of love, knowing how painful it feels, but he strangely believed I killed the child to please the vampire king.
Different questions were bubbling in my mind, sending a rush of shivers down my spine as I kept swallowing hard and biting my lower lips to push back the outburst of so b.
I was threading through the forest, not knowing where it headed. All I knew was that I was going further away from the Lycan kingdom, away from Lucian.
As a rogue, I knew my presence would start attracting predators. I knew it was really dangerous for me to be here, but I wasn’t afraid anymore. The death that I had always dreaded was more like my wish, and the thought of it makes me feel
ལ་འཚོན་འཆ་འའི འ
Dying right here in the woods won’t be bad, not like anyone needed me in this world. I meant nothing to anyone and was better off dead than alive. Nature and everything in it had made it all obvious to me that I was supposed to die.
As expected, I began to sense movements around me, and soon enough, the scent of vampires swirled around me. They are always the quickest to sense an astrayed werewolf because we are their meals, and they had really sharp sense.
I let out a weak smile and kept waking, acting like I hadn’t noticed them. They were lurking around the bush, setting up a plan on how to get me easily. I guess they thought I was somehow strong. If they know me well, they will know they don’t have to set any formations or tactics on how to attack me.
A weak thing like me has no chance for even the weakest vampire out there.
“Attack!” I heard the roar, which echoed in my head, and from the trees and shrubs, they all jumped out in style, surrounded me, and I got my legs swept off the floor, landing my butt on the ground hard.
I didn’t try to stand; I just lay there with my eyes shut. “Kill me quick, devour, and eat every part of me you all want. I said it lowly, not sure if they heard me, but with how I made no struggle or commotion to free myself, they were supposed to

I needed that death more.

At least using my or g a n s to feed these vampires would make me have some importance as I die since I have been an absolute mess all my life. For real, anytime I think my life has become better, it doesn’t only get worse but becomes more unbearable.
“Why is she not doing anything? Does she think we are here to play with her?” I heard a thick voice that had that tone, radiating strength and might. I was forced to open my eyes, and my jaw slightly dropped at the figure looking down at me with squinted eyes.
Okay, who is this? Why does he look somehow familiar?
“Are you feigning to be dead with just a slip off of the ground?” He sneered at me, looking into my eyes in a strange way. I don’t even know what made it strange, maybe because of how I felt seeing eyes with red eyeballs. It should be scary, but it is now so gorgeous and charming.
“No, I am waiting for you all to do whatever you want to do. Enjoy the meal offered to you with no struggle. Please don’t have mercy on me in the slightest. Kill me off. I have to die. If I had the courage, I would have hung myself.” I spilled, my eyes hot with tears that rolled from both sides.
“So you came out here to get killed when you can be of so many uses,” he said with a wry smile as his eyes scanned my body from my face down to my thighs.
“I am cursed, so it’s better you kill me.” I replied with a deep breath, looking the other way.
“I don’t feel like killing you. Let’s say you’re so beautiful to get killed like that. I am the vampire king son, and I need girls like you to fulfill my sexual urges. I’m tired of the ones I have, and besides, it’s been a while since I tasted the p u ss y c a t of werewolves.” He chuckled deeply and stood straight.
“You are the what?” I asked in anger and shock, standing to my feet abruptly as my eyes pinned to his face, realizing why his face was familiar. His picture was shown to me by my father after Diana accused me of having a relationship with him.
I stared him down, and tears formed in my eyes again. We were both strangers, yet he had been the reason my life got destroyed.
Wait, Lucian told me he wrote him a letter.
“Why did you lie to the Lycan king? Why did you tell him I was your love and that you gave me the order to kill his baby? What did I do to you to deserve all that? You ruined my life!” I shouted at him in tears, hitting his chest, and when his men tried to stop me, he raised his hand at them, gesturing at them to let me.
“Why did you do that? He didn’t believe it was all lies because you received a letter directly from him. It was the only evidence he wouldn’t doubt. We are strangers; why did you…”
“I did nothing. I haven’t met you before, and I’m shocked to hear all this, he said, speaking with a soft voice suddenly.
I stopped hitting him and backed away; my eyes popped.
“What? Are you trying to lie to me? There is no need for lying. I am just confused as to why you will do such. Did you want me out here that bad? Here I am, then. I had been sent away, and you are here to take me away. Go ahead.” I bawled, my legs giving up on me as I squatted and buried my face in my palm, crying.
“Someone else must have impersonated me. I have no idea all these things you’re talking about, but I can only help by taking you back to my place, You can stay there for as long as you want.”
I flinched and looked up at hirm, wondering if he was the one who just said this. Does he still remember that I am a werewolf and that he is a vampire-not just any vampire but the vampire prince! We are enemies, huge ones that should kill each other at first sight.
11:40 Sun, 5 May & G.
Chapter 34
How and why is he offering to give me accommodations?
“Are y
you going to spare her life? It’s dangerous and must be a trap. We must not fall into it.” One of his men picked up
and said to him. He only glanced at him, then looked back at me.
“I will bear any consequences for bringing her home. I don’t know how, but I believe her. I trust her, and I am sure she isn’t evil. My name had been used to ruin her. I have to find out who did that and get that fool punished, I sent no letter to the Lycan king” He gruffed and stretched out his hand at me.
“Allow me to take you home. Out here, it is more dangerous than you can imagine. If it was another crew that got here first, you won’t spend the next minute alive.” He breathed, and I reluctantly took his hands.
They were surprisingly softer than I thought, and the warmth they sent through my body was something I didn’t imagine. He smiled, and I was forced to smile back because his smile was really contagious.
His men were just staring in confusion and disbelief. My eyes got to his neck, and I saw that same necklace that was used as evidence by Diana to claim I was with him.
So she went to the extent of creating a copy just to make sure I got ruined.
“Do you know who is behind it all? Who claimed to be me just to get at you?” He questioned us as we walked hand in hand.
I took my time and told him everything, beginning with the moment of my father’s second wedding. I don’t know why I was telling this stranger everything, but it felt relieving. I never knew I needed someone to hear me out this badly.
It was like I was freeing my heart from shackles as I poured them out to him while he listened attentively.
“Wow, your life is really busy, with so many experiences happening so quickly. I will like to be part of the story.” He chuckled, and I gave him a look.
“Part of what?”
“Are you done with Lucian and Torian? You can be the reason vampires will get along with werewolves. I will become the king in a few days. We can bury the spa d e and become family as we were long ago before pride and arrogance broke the love.
“So you mean, you…
“I want to make it right for you. I might not be perfect/but I will learn to make you happy wholeheartedly. I’m sorry if I sound too straightforward, but I think I’m in love. My heart is racing. He breathed, and I placed my hand on his chest.
Am I set for another heartbreak? Or will this love be the one to last till death do us apart?

Chapter 35
Lucian POV
I was supposed to be happy she was gone, but that happiness was nowhere to be found. I stood in a spot in that room that she left for over an hour without moving as I kept trying to convince myself that I did the right thing
It might not be true that she had a
tionship with the vampire king, but I couldn’t dare take a chance. One thing I dreaded so much was heartbreak and betrayal. Happening the second time will really break me into pieces, and I might not recover.
I loved her, but it hadn’t gone deep, so I had to push her away now.
A knock came in, and I opened the door with a forced smile as I was expecting Ria. I should have stayed on my own and not tried entangling with her, but sitting back and thinking of our past, it was clear to me that she was the only girl I could trust.
We grew
grew up together and were like siblings. I could tell there was a time I had a crush on her. That friendship should be enough to make us couples. I was ready to be a new man, becoming that normal being like everyone else, so I believed she would help.
Ria had already arrived since, almost after Selene left, but had been with my mother. It seems they have a lot to discuss, and I’m sure marriage with her won’t be an exception.
If it were before, I wouldn’t allow such discussion, but now that I have decided to be normal again. I won’t mind tying the knot with her and then learning to love her. I will make my heart learn to love again.
As I opened the door in expectation, I was a bit surprised to see one of my guards, and it was then that I remembered 1 sent him on a mission to stalk Selene as she crossed the border.
I didn’t expect much since I told him to do nothing but watch Selene and let me know what happened to her. I strictly warned him not to do anything, even if she got attacked. It was hard for me to give this instruction, but I gave it anyway.
Well, I didn’t expect her to die. Somehow, I believed she wasn’t going to be killed.
“What happened to her? Dead? Which creature killed her?” I asked casually, making sure nothing about me showed I was still concerned or cared about her well-being.
He shook his head and exhaled.
“You shouldn’t be expecting her to be dead when she has her boyfriend waiting to pick her up.”
“What?” I squeezed my face. “The vampire king son came and picked her.” I asked, and this time I lost my ability to make up a casual, unconcerned tone, as every word had that anger and jealousy in it Even when that should not surprise me, it still did and came with a pang on my chest.
I came to the realization that I was completely right. Not like I had doubts. Well, I did. In a little part of my heart, I doubted she had anything to do with the vampire king son, but it was just confirmed now.
I had to choose the guard because he is most trusted in this scenario, as he had nothing to lose or gain from lying against Selene, adding that no one knew I gave him such instructions.
“They pulled up a show like she was going to get eaten, but the next minute, they were having a close-range conversation, and…
“Did they kiss?” I cut in abruptly with a sharp breath, waiting and hoping to hear a negative answer. I don’t know why I was still feeling protective over a property that isn’t mine.
“No, they didn’t, but they held hands like lovers and walked away. It was so clear they are close; nothing showed they just
11:40 Sun, 5 May ti
Chapter 35
met, adding that werewolves and vampires are enemies, so there can’t be anything like love at first sight; instead, they should be killing each other at first sight.” He spilled, and I felt weak immediately.
A deep growl escaped my lips as I waved at him to leave them jammed at the door. My heart was restless; anger, jealousy, envy, rage, confusion, shame-the list goes on.
I was just feeling so mad with emotions. One question kept ringing in my head. Why did she act like she loved me? She even had my
child. I might have treated her harshly at the beginning, then why didn’t she just leave me alone instead of pressing hard into my heart till she melted it and slipped in?
Then she betrayed me again. She broke my heart for real, and it’s still a mystery to me how I allowed her to go scot-free. I should have hurt her badly or even killed her.
The door opened, and Ria walked in with a smile. She sat on my laps and wrapped her arms around me, plunging a kiss, which I bauled with. It was a struggle to kiss her.
“You don’t look happy to be with me. This isn’t how you sounded on your phone when calling me to come and stay with you. Don’t you…”
“Ria, you will be my bride in no time, which you have always wanted. Your brother won’t be punished for lying to me either. I will make him my PA in the palace. My head is just full up now.” I sighed, looking away.
“Sex with me will free you from it all.” She teased me with a smirk and stood up, then began to undress slowly while gliding her waist seductively, her hands sliding through her dress and boobs as she licked her lips and winked at me.
She locked the door and returned quickly, pulling down her pants and throwing them at me. All these and my dic k refused to stand; she zipped down her gown and let it slide down slowly, leaving her on just a bra. Her p u s y neatly s h a v e d and dripping wet.
“The sight of you is making me so wet, and I can’t wait to have you inside me.” She dipped her index finger in and licked it. As my eyes trailed her finger up to her mouth, in my head, her face changed to that of Selene. Like I was in a trance, the whole figure transformed into that of Selene, and with immediate effect, my dic k became hard.
The sexual urge came like an eruption of a volcano, so irresistible that I stood and pushed her to the wall, grabbing her neck and pinning her.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. This time I responded well, all because I wasn’t seeing Ria but as Selene. My eyes were closed, and I only imagined doing this with Selene. The only thing remaining to make me whole was her moan.
I badly needed to hear that innocent moan of pleasure she feeds my ears with and how she grabs me, not wanting me to
The sex went on, and I f u c k e d her like a s l u t, hard and rough, ignoring whatever pain she may feel each time I handled her without care when turning to another position. She even hit her head on the desk several times, but I didn’t care a bit.
After imagining I was with Selene when kissing. I opened my eyes to see Ria’s face. I just wanted to f u c k out my frustrations and anger at her. I even mistakenly slipped my d i c k into her eyes, making her cry out in pain, but I guess her love for me made her ready to take anything.
She took it all without running away till I was done and c u m, making sure it was out even when she was begging me to spill it all inside her.
“You withdrew? Why? Why?” She asked/sounding like a baby asking for breast milk.
“It was a mistake because I was used to that. Next time, baby.” I smiled fakely, hoping she didn’t sense the fakeness. I just couldn’t imagine her having my baby, not yet.
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Chapter 35
“Sorry if I sounded desperate. I shouldn’t be worried when we will be together till death do us apart. I will have your children till I am tired,” she laughed, and I faked mine as usual. It wasn’t funny to me. So cringy.
Maybe because I am still learning to love her and Selene has been the girl all over my head.
I will get used to it. Must!
At least, it is clear Selene is not for me. She had made her choice-the choice that suits her-and that’s fine. I won’t force anyone on me, but one day, if we ever get into war with the vampires, I won’t hesitate to treat her as one of them and kill her viciously.
Why am I thinking of a war against vampires?
My subconscious whispered to me, and the answer came glaring in my face.
My hatred for the vampires is now deep, simply because I lost Selene to him. The vampire prince.

Chapter 36
Selene’s POV
Once again, I found myself in another land far from home, far from the Lycans, and now it was a place where werewolves were forbidden. They are enemies of the land and are meals for the inhabitants.
The vampire prince wouldn’t leave my hand; he held them like a rare gem he wouldn’t want to lose, or maybe I only had that thought in my head and it wasn’t how he held it. Maybe he was holding me so I wouldn’t be able to run away when his people were about to eat me.
“Are you really going to allow me to stay here? I am a werewolf; do you still remember that?”
He chuckled, and his lips parted a bit, making him look really s e x y.
“Don’t be afraid. There are your fellow werewolves in the castle too. Not like you are the first to be brought here.” He said that, and I felt a bit of relief. So if there were my kind alive in here, then I wouldn’t be killed, or maybe not yet, because eventually, when they are unable to bear their craving for blood and internal o r g a n s, they will eat me up.
I wonder who these werewolves are.
hat are they doing in the castle? S l a v e s or
” S l a v e s, s e x t o y s, and maids. These are the only reasons they are alive. You know how wild sexual urges can be at times. They are there to fulfill all our fantasies. He laughed like it was a funny joke. It was literally rape and sexual assault to have people as se
x t o y s, meaning their feelings and state of mind don’t matter
“So which of them am I going to fit in?” I asked, and he paused walking and sized me up with his eyes, squinting at my breasts and thighs.
“Being my s e x t o won’t be bad enough to save you from dying.” He uttered it, and I scoffed, sneering away from him.
“You think I’m desperate to live?”
“So you would rather die?” He asked, surprised.
“I can’t be your s e x t o y. If that’s why you are taking me to your kingdom, just allow your men to kill me off, please.” I said tiredly, s n a t c h i n g my hand away from his grip as I flicked my eyes around at the men that were around us. They had excitement in their eyes, hoping their master would give the instructions to unalive me
“Let’s talk.” He breathed and began to walk further away from his men, while I followed reluctantly.
We got a bit further away, beside a tree, and he leaned on it, his hands folded against his chest, as he gazed at my face with a look I couldn’t understand.
“My name is Liam the vampire prince, and you?” He began the introduction, leaving me confused
“Selene, the Alpha’s daughter, but no more. Right now, I just have my name to live and die with.”
“Why are we introducing ourselves?” I frowned.
“Your father disowned you because of me. You told me everything, and it touched my heart, so I want to help. Let me make it clear and open to you. I want us to be together.”
“As! S l a v e and master? I can’t. I can’t be anyone’s toy. I don’t emit my Alpha scent, but that’s who I am; that’s my bloodline. I
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Chapter 36
I understand, and I can’t make you a s l a v e or you either, but we can pretend. Yes, we can, just so I can’t protect you. That’s the only way I can successfully take you in. I understand your pain, which makes you see life as nothing. You actually don’t mind dying and even want it badly, but unfortunately, there is someone who can’t bear you dead.” He breathed and slowly
went for my hand.
He took it gently, like it was something delicate.
“Liam,I think I am cursed. You might love me now, but as the days, weeks, and months go on, you will one day turn your back on me. Something will happen, and all your love will vanish in the thin air, leaving me shattered again. I had faced that torture numerous times from my father, friends, and people around me. I don’t want to..
“I am also cursed. My heart had been a solid rock, and I kept fighting with my inner demons. You melted it. Your eyes were everything, and your presence gave me hope. I don’t know, but please let’s give it a chance.” He said it in a really soft, heartwarming tone.
I felt a flutter in my stomach, like there were butterflies in there. A huge smile was on my face as I stared at his enchanting eves filled with love.
With him around me, I will forget my past. I will forget all the pain I have gone through, and maybe I will live the rest of my life here.
Okay, for how long are we going to pretend to be…..
Leave that to me, babe. I will find a way. He beamed, and I nodded with so much excitement. I don’t know when I hugged him tight, ignoring the stares of his men from afar.
“Let’s go…”
We both walked back to his men.
“She is the one.” He spoke to them with confidence, his arm around my
“The what? We don’t want to believe you fell in love. We aren’t believing that, prince.” One of them countered.
“You have to believe because it’s true. And you have to help me find a way to make Dad dissolve his hatred for the werewolves and allow me to marry the girl I want. Y’all have to support me.” He carried me on his back at that moment, and off he sped.
In a few minutes, we had crossed the border and entered the vampire kingdom. My nostrils itched from the scent, and my inner self was restless, sending a message of alertness and emergency-a warning that I wasn’t in the right territory.
The eyes that were looking at me were filled with venom and an urge to kill me off. They were growling, displaying their fangs, but didn’t dare to come closer. Liam had brought me down and was now leading me like a new s l a v e, his hand gripped on my shirt.
“You don’t feel any hurt, right?” He whispered to me.
“Stop, or you will give us out.” I almost laughed out loud. He really cares.
As soon as I got into the total castle, he brought me to his parents, who were sitting on their thrones in the palace.
“Who is this new s l a v e? I thought we were done having these things here. The ones we have are enough!” His father snarled, his tone brimming with nothing but deep and intense hatred.
I couldn’t look into his eyes for more than a few seconds before looking away. He made his red eyes look so dreadful and scary, unlike those of his son.
“I am tired of all those we have. I had to bring one for myself.” Liam responded nonchalantly.
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Chapter 36
“You should reduce how you have sex with these things. You know your fiance will be coming in a few days, and she won’t
“I have no fance, mom. Stop saying that, it irritates me. You both can’t arrange a marriage for me. I will marry when I want and who I want!” He fumed, his eyes flinting with rage.
“We didn’t deny you that, but while we wait, we will wed you with her. She will be your wife till you find someone’s better, and then when I’m done with my days as the king, you both will climb to rule. We are sure you won’t find another girl, so she will be there to take over.” His mother said it with a smile.
“So when I find the girl I want, what will happen to Sophia? She will be divorced, right?” He asked, and they both laughed.
“Stop acting like you aren’t aware of your curse. We can’t keep waiting for a miracle to occur. Sophia is your wife. “His dad spoke and drifted his eyes at me, his stare lasting more than it should.
“She is prettier, but that isn’t enough reason to bring her here.”
“She is also a virgin, so she is quite special, and I won’t want anyone to touch her. Please send the message across. Anyone that toils with my toy will get beheaded!” Liam said, addressing everyone else in the palace except his parents.
“You will still get tired of her and go looking for another.” His mother said it with a giggle.
in’t mind the stup i d boy. It’s better he gets tired of these wolf things so he can focus on his wife.”
Liam hissed and dragged me by the hair as he led the way out, heading to what I guess was his room. Immediately after he got out of sight, he released my hair and even arranged it for me, then took me by the hand and entered his room. He locked the door and exhaled deeply, slumping on his bed.
“My parents are jokers!” He spat.
“So you will choose me over the girl that we are offering to you?” I asked, placing my hands on my waist.
“Yes. Absolutely. That sassy, arrogant, proud girl can’t even be my friend, not to mention marriage. I’m just so angry that my parents still think she is the best match because she is from a very rich family and has been helping this kingdom with the
h funds and connections they have. Our marriage is some sort of compensation to her parents.” He explained and sat up. eyes piercing mine.
“But you are the one I will marry. I will do whatever it takes, I promise.” He breathed, and I only chuckled silently and shrugged.
They keep promising but reject me at the end when a problem of trust arises.

Chapter 37
Diana’s POV
“So we are all a team now with fifteen ambitions and dreams. We have wishes we want to achieve, and the only reason we are together is to help each one of us turn those dreams into reality” I began, maintaining a cool smile as my eyes moved from one person to another while they listened with rapt attention.
Why won’t they?
Although we are all on good terms and have come together to fight in oneness, they still harbor that fear for me. The fear makes me superior to them. I hadn’t changed from the heartless demon I am, and this new group we formed didn’t turn me into a good Samaritan either.
They all know their boundaries, and I am the boss here.
“You are welcome to this group” I winked at the new girl who just joined in. Her name is Kia, and she is the new girl to become the Lycan queen after we successfully deleted Selene.
She smiled and bowed a bit at my welcome.
You are a very important person in this group, as you are closest to the Lycan king. With your help, we will put an end to selene once and for all.”
She nodded in agreement. I was already seeing the glint of hatred in her eyes. If there was one person she badly wanted dead, it was Selene, after she almost took her position. If I hadn’t come to her aid and worked on using my dark magic to create a being looking exactly like the vampire king son, no one would believe Lucian.
“I will do whatever it takes to kill the b i t c h, because as long as she is still alive, Lucian will one day leave me for her. He will one day start looking for her and dump me, just as he has always done. I don’t know what that foolish girl did to him.” She seethed through her teeth, rolling her eyes in sheer annoyance.
“She did nothing. That’s how the mate bond works, and we are lucky she has yet to make her first shift, which would bring out her full scent and make the bond much stronger than it is now.” I shrugged, and she gasped
“So you mean their connection isn’t at its peak now?”
“At all. If we allow Selene to make her first shift, Lucian will destroy the world for her. He will go through hell to make sure everyone who makes her sad dies a gruesome death. This is why we should be fast.” I spilled, taking a deep breath as I clasped my hands behind my back.
“True, we have to be fast. I can’t imagine having to face Lucian’s savage beast that kills like a blood sucking monster.” Stan uttered his fear, rubbing his palms together.
Alpha Bale looked intently at me for a few seconds and then faced down to the floor.
“Do you still feel anything for your daughter? Let us know now, so we will do you a favor.” I said to him after catching a glimpse of his weird stare at me.
He raised his gaze sharply.
“A favour? What favor, if I may ask? Do you intend to spare her life?” He asked, rushing his words as if they had a time limit,
“Spare what?” I laughed. “The favor is to kill you alongside her so you don’t have to feel the pain of losing her.”
“I don’t have any feelings for my daughter. She is better dead.” He breathed, and I knew it was hard for him, but he has not choice. That’s the only way he could live.
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Chapter 37
Torian, on the other hand, was just mute, face down. I know he still hates me for killing his mother, and I don’t care, not like I even want him to ever love me. His hatred irritates me, and I am glad it is all gone because just the thought of those days he was all over me makes my stomach churn.
They are both here because they chose to work for me so as to save their lives. Yes, I gave them the chance to live on the condition that they help me and the demons achieve what we came for, and that achievement includes killing Diana and having the ancient sword.
They will be the only ones spared and not subdued under us, the demons as s l a v e s as the prize for helping us. I also have the intention of killing Lucian, but 1 will do that secretly so Ria won’t know I betrayed her since she was only going to help me because I made it possible for her to be with him.
She is in love with Lucian so much, and that has sparked her inner demons, which made her ready to go through hell if that was what it takes to kill Selene.
We had succeeded in getting Selene banished, and as always, she didn’t get killed in the woods. It had always been like that. She would always find a way to escape death.
The vampire kingdom doesn’t know the mistake they were making by taking her in. They have no idea because if they knew what I planned for them, they would have either left her in the woods or killed her.
Ria here will help cause a huge conflict between Lucian and the vampires, and it will lead to a war. In the battle, Selene will
et killed. I will do that myself.
“Ria, don’t miss a day without putting that concoction in his meal; it makes him more enchanted by you. His love for you grows by the day as long as he keeps eating the food you prepare, adding the mixture.”
“Yes, ma, I understand.” She smiled, blushing a bit. Maybe she was already imagining her future in her head when she didn’t have to worry about any girl s n a t c h i n g her lover.
I dismissed them, and they all returned to their packs while I went back to my cave, where I now stay with the demon king and the demons
Everything was working perfectly fine, and I can already feel it. I can feel the victory drawing closer. Just when Selene thinks it has all died down, she will be hit by death this time, and I swear to make it a really horrible one for her for putting me through all this stress.
Lucian’s POV
I sat alone on the balcony, staring at the space, with different thoughts bubbling through my mind. I was confused and worried, unsure what my life would turn out to be with the kind of man I was about to become.
I was now acting soft, merciful, and smiling all the time. My weak self was back, and the worst was that I now had a girl to call a fiance who I was actually going to marry and have children with.
Ria had been a friend; she had been like family to me, and now that we are supposedly dating. I couldn’t feel any
One question kept ringing in my head even when I already had the answer, and that question was whether Selene truly chose the vampire king over me.
The fact that she had a history of being suspected and apprehended for the relationship before we met makes it more obvious. She might have been denying it, but there were just too many undeniable pieces of evidence.
What annoys me though is that she made me soft, she me mended my heart, and she made me change my ways only to
leave me.
The only thing I had no idea about was why she stayed with me all this time. Why did she deny the vampire prince and take
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Chapter 37
the risk of being with me even when I was the worst man then?
The sex we had was just heavenly, and our mate bond was real. I felt it even though it isn’t that strong, and the fact that she can’t feel it since she doesn’t have an inner wolf yet stuck with me was just out of the ordinary.
Then I found out the truth about her relationship, and she didn’t even press hard to change my heart by sending her away. It was like she already had him waiting for her.
Well, it is true. He was waiting for her and had taken her to his kingdom.
I have to learn to love Ria and stop thinking about that traitor who deserves to be dead.
But wait….
A thought crept into my mind, and my brows arched.
“Which doctor did she meet at the hospital that confirmed the miscarriage she hari?”
Yeah, maybe it’s true she took something that killed the baby, but just as she said, she visited a hospital, which confirmed it was a miscarriage
I jumped from the chair and ran into her room like a madman, ignoring the looks from the maids and guards.
have to visit the doctor who gave her the test results and find out if it was truly just a miscarriage or if she took something that killed the child. I will force him to tell the truth about all Selene has told him. I’m sure she made him fabricate the test results. He must tell me all that was discussed between them.”
I mused as I got into the room and began to ransack. After some minutes, I found it under the bed. With a glance, I saw the name of the hospital and sped out.
It was evening, and there were meetings I had to attend in the palace, but I pushed all that aside.
“With whatever Selene told him to convince him to fake the results, I will be able to know if she really committed these crimes. No matter how glaring it kept becoming, some tiny part of me still believes she is innocent.”
Maybe, just maybe, the vampire prince has something against her and was using it to manipulate her. Or she is being forced by someone, maybe Diana or some sort. There is no way Diana, whom I had watched closely and realized she truly loved me, would suddenly do all these things to me.
It is possible, though, but I needed more conviction.
I got to the hospital and immediately gave the order that all the doctors be gathered together,
Fear and confusion were on their faces as they wondered what brought me here and why I was assembling them.
“My wife… sorry, Selene came here days ago for a test to see if she had lost her baby to miscarriage. Who and who carried out that test?” I asked, and there was dead silence, everyone looking at each other with questioning looks as they murmured among themselves.
“This hospital will be shut down, and every doctor here will have their family locked up, going through several tortures daily if you guys don’t get fetched out who it was. I am not here to joke!” My voice echoed through the room, and their incoherent murmurs increased.
“Someone should talk to me!” I shouted, and the head doctor stepped forward..
“We are confused too. We heard that she came, and some actually saw her, but it isn’t in the camera system. Someone wiped it, and we can’t get who…”
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Chapter 37
I laughed and brought out my gun,
“You all are just eleven. The kingilom won’t feel your loss. Lie as I plant bullets in your heads since who it was had refused. If he speaks up, I will let you all go free.” I said, and there was an uproar till I fired the first one, and he lay motionless.
They knew I was serious then.
I pointed at the second person, and that was when he spoke up, and it was the head doctor.
“Please forgive me. I was paid to kill the child.”

Chapter 38 

You were paid to do what? Kill my baby. Paid by who?

1 asked in a rush, staring at the man who had gotten to his knees, both hands together in a pleading way and sheer fear in his


He took deep breaths, blinking in confusion, and his eyes flicked through every corner of the hospital as if he were scared of someone coming for him if he spoke.

“Are you deaf?!! Who paid you to kill my child? And how? I thought it was a miscarriage. Wait, Selene paid you to kill the child. I asked with widened eyes, my heart racing as I hoped for a negative answer.

Even with the evidence that the vampire king’s son had instructed Selene to kill the child, I still somehow don’t want to believe that.

“Huh?” The doctor was stunned at my question, his brows arching “Selene can’t pay to get her own child killed.”

What he said made me feel a pang in my heart–a pang of guilt. I just believed a lie. If Selene didn’t pay to kill the child, then someone else did and pinned the blame on her. I believed Selene could kill my child, our child.

Il me who did: Who paid you. motherfucker?“I roared, and his breath became faster. He stood up and begged me to go 

an office.

“Please, let’s go somewhere. Maybe an office, so I’ll tell you the whole truth. Please. He begged, and I didn’t hesitate to agree. I was too eager to know the truth and was ready to do as he said, not knowing it was a trick. It was something I shouldn’t have succumbed to.

“Now let’s go to your office! You all should get back to work!” I commanded as we walked over to his office.

Just as we were about to enter the office, my phone rang. I ignored her, and we both entered. After it rang the first time, it ended and began again, forcing me to check who it was.

I was surprised to see that it was one of the border guards. I didn’t expect his call, and there was nothing that should cause him to call me unless it was something really important–something I should never miss.

“What is it?” I asked gruffly while gesturing at the head doctor to sit

“Please, we need your order now. Tell us what to do to her. She is here and wants to meet you. Should we kill her off?” His voice came from the other end.

“Huh? Who is that? Who are you talking about?” I asked, my voice rolling out quickly and curiously.

“Selene. She is here.” He said, and my heart skipped beat with a rush of excitement running down my spine. I was so happy that she was coming back at last. Now that I had found out she wasn’t the killer, She didn’t kill the child.

Even if she had any relationship with the vampire king, it didn’t push her into killing my innocent baby. Someone else paid this doctor to do it

“Tell her to come in. No one should touch her or dare harm her in the slightest way, or I will crush that person.” I shouted on the phone.

“She refused to come in either and said she wanted to see you first. She wants you to come over quick so you can talk. She had refused to tell us what she wanted or why she wouldn’t be stepping in L…


up and tell her I am on my way now! Don’t you ever allow her to leave, or I will deal with you mercilessly!” I yelled at him and hung up the call. I even forgot about the head doctor or whatever questions I had to ask him. Nothing else



Chapter 38

mattered more than Selene at that moment, and I don’t know why.

I don’t even know if I was going out there to bring her back, ignoring everything else, including Ria, for whom I had promised marriage. My love for Selene wasn’t fading at all. Even when I thought it was all gone, it would always spark, as if it had been hiding itself all this time.

“Before you leave, hear me out.” The doctor said something, but I didn’t even act like he said anything.

“Hear me out. Your baby is not dead. I didn’t succeed in killing it. The blood was just a wound in the womb that didn’t affect the baby. I lied to her, saying that the baby is dead, so my client will think I succeeded and pay me up my balance.”

I was outside the doctor when he said all these, and I almost fell to my knees. My joy was beyond bounds. I began to run instead of walking quickly. Everything was coming back to me. All I thought I had lost was returning, like it was giving me a second chance to make it right.

My child is not dead: Selene is waiting for me out there. I didn’t think straight earlier to think she could kill our baby. The doctor was even shocked when I asked if she was the one who paid to get the baby killed.

Someone is the real enemy that I wasn’t seeing. Something isn’t right, and the best I should do is keep Selene close to me while trying to find the enemy because it can’t be her. She might also be stuck, getting manipulated and forced to stay shut.

1 should help her instead of pushing her away. After all, we are mated to be together, and that is what we should be fighting


After speeding my way all alone to the border, what I saw left me speechless. The dead bodies of the guards were scattered everywhere, including those of the man who called me. I shuddered, roaming my eyes around in disbelief.

What happened?

I muttered under my breath, and as I looked around, my eyes caught a paper placed on the body of the man who just called


As I took it and opened it, I saw it was a letter, and it was indicating that it was from Selene,

“You thought I was coming back to you? Fool! I just distracted you from finding out the truth. I’m happy you fell for it. It’st gone now, loser! I will not rest till I end you!”

I read every line one after the other, repeating it with my face contorted. What is gone?” I asked myself and immediately remembered that there was someone who had yet to tell me something. I mean the head doctor.


great speed, I ran back and got to the hospital. I entered the office where I left him, and there he was lying in the pool of his own blood, dead.


Is that what the letter meant? And… did it just indicate that Selene killed him? Wait, she tricked me into losing the truth. She doesn’t want me to hear from the doctor, and yet the doctor said she wasn’t the one who paid him.

Could she be working with those people secretly, or is all this another stunt pulled to make me believe Selene is evil? Even if she is among them, there was a controller. They are a crew with many living in this kingdom because how did the doctor get killed?

All I did that day to fish out the killer was futile. The fellow doctors I had called out with him denied ever getting close to the office, and even my threat of death couldn’t let them say anything, and I knew they were all sincere.

As usual, the camera caught nothing about it. That was how I was left confused again, unsure who to trust and believe. Ria returned and tried all she could to make me tell her why I was bothered, but I couldn’t.

Chapter 38

I was in love with Selene, and I knew it. The love had refused to go, and it was bothering me because I was aware of how dangerous it was, knowing Selene was evil. Even if she isn’t actually evil, she is working with them. I had to get myself into making this stamp in my heart.

She has to leave my head forever while I live my life without her. It was my silly obsession with her that made me ignore the doctor when he told me to hear him out. It was as if he knew he would be killed and that I was just being lured out of the


I didn’t think straight just at the mention of Selene. It was like a drug that I was addicted to and didn’t even realize until it was placed in front of me. The way I was running like a madman to meet her would make anybody think she was the love of my life.

had chosen the vampire prince over me a long time ago–couldn’t

The fact that the truth was glaring in my eyes–that she even make me realize she could never just come back to the kingdom to meet me.

I was lured out by her just so one of her colleagues would kill off the doctor and hide the truth.

But the doctor said my baby is alive.

Does it mean she took my baby away to stay with the vampire prince?


am I even sure the doctor wasn’t lying in that part?

Everything was just getting messed up, boggling my head and leaving me more drained and befuddled. This was why I hated love so much. It takes away your sense of reasoning and leaves you stupid until you are consumed.

As I laid on my bed that night in a different room from Ria, I just couldn’t sleep. One part of me was yelling at me to get Selene back and talk to her face–to–face. That part was trying to make me see that anything can be made up against anyone and that Selene might be totally innocent.

Another part was bringing up all the evidence that pointed Selene out as an evil girl, especially that she left immediately. I sent her off and went into the arms of the vampire prince, which my men saw clearly.

I was just left speechless and awestruck, not knowing what to do.

Maybe it was time I pushed even Ria out of my life and faced my purpose in life, which was to rule my people. I should just lock my heart and become that monster again who doesn’t care about anyone.

Just maybe I should kill that plan of becoming normal again, because it was mainly me being soft and vulnerable to destruction. If someone can sneak into a hospital in this kingdom and kill anyone with no trace, then I am failing as the leader.

My men out there on the border were also killed like animals, and I had no idea who it was or how.

For real, I was failing, and it started out of this distraction that love caused. I caused myself all this. I am the one to be blamed for it.

There’s no one else, and that’s because of love.

I think it’s over. It’s time to keep them away. I will call off whatever marriage Ria has and put her brother to work as a guard at the border, keeping him away from nie so he doesn’t pester me about his sister.

Tomorrow, the cold, heartless side of me will begin, and this time, there will be no space for weakness.

C Chapter 39
Selene’s POV
My life in the vampire kingdom was safer than I expected in the first few weeks, as nobody tlid more than just look at me with strange looks. Like the members in the castle would only look at nie while I passed but wouldn’t say anything or try to hurt me with either words or other ways, just as 1 faced in the Lycan kingdom. It was as if they had been warned and were bound not to touch me.
One thing I knew well was that they actually don’t love me, and it was just out of respect for their prince since I was a girl he brought for himself and had warned them not to tamper with
He might have called me his s l a v e or personal maid, but whoever was in the building would know it was all lies. He stinks at hiding it and won’t even allow me to pretend better. He doesn’t want me to do any work for him and would prefer spending the day with me in the room, where we talk about different topics.
He was so cool and told me stories, interesting things about this place, and even how his childhood went. I was loving the friendship, and I was so sure and ready to build it up into something serious. His parents, whom I thought would be an obstacle, were too busy with kingdom activities, or maybe they just chose to let me be
as peaceful, and I was enjoying it, but the problem was that Liam had refused to say anything about the girl his parents ed his fiance. Anytime I asked him about her, he would wave and snort, telling me to forget about her.
I was trying to actually put her out of my mind, but it wasn’t possible, I still knew that as long as she was alive, whatever future I was thinking of with Liam wouldn’t work out. Actually, I won’t mind just being his friend, but I still doubt the girl will allow me to be a friend.
He doesn’t want to talk about her, and he clearly doesn’t like her. I could read it on his face and eyes anytime I brought it up.
“Why not communicate with her and let her know it won’t work? Like, she still thinks you are her husband to be.” I said to him one of those nights we talked in his room.
“She knows I am not in support of the marriage unless she wants to act delusional. Everybody knows my heart belongs to no one!” He stated it with a firm tone and looked at me with a soft gaze, as if trying to tell me the statement was an exception
for me.
As the day went by, I fell deeper in love. I was envisioning my future with him, and I must say it was overwhelming and great The kind of support he gives me. How good he was at making me laugh, and how he gazed at my face as if it were a display of magic.
I knew he loved me. I knew I was ready to love him even without us being mates, but the issue was still there. Someone was still walking around with the tag of being his fiance. She might not be here now, but she will come some day, and I can’t imagine what the outcome will be
As a weak, wolfless girl, I wasn’t ready to face another oppression. Vampires are more wicked than Lycan and werewolves, adding that we are even a meal for them to devour, and the hatred makes it all worse.
Well, I was able to push it out of my mind and live on in the moment, a moment I never wanted to end. I was even gradually forgetting Lucian and my family at the pack. They were a torture to my soul, and Liam wants me to always be happy, so I made sure I didn’t have them in my mind so they wouldn’t ruin my mood.
One fateful morning, Liam went to be with his parents at the palace, as he does sometimes. He would be there till evening. when he would come back and spend the rest of the day with me.
I just had to stay indoors without coming out at all. He doesn’t always want me to be seen outside, and I really prefer that way. He was enough to make my day. I needed not to be familiar with anyone else.
Chapter 39
This morning, he went away to the palace as usual, and I stayed in the room. The food, water, and fruits I will be needing are all in the room, and all I should do is eat, bathe, and sleep to my heart’s content.
I was standing in front of the mirror, and I could see the changes in my body. They were so obvious. I was adding weight, getting more nourished rapidly with my boobs, and growing really fast with my curves, I looked more beautiful and s e x y.
It was something that really made me blush and grin from ear to ear, but it was cut off by a knock. I should have known Liam didn’t knock since he had the key and then kept quiet, acting like I was either sleeping or wasn’t in the room either.
But I didn’t think fast, so I asked who was at the door.
“Prince Liam sent me to deliver a message to you.” He replied, and I didn’t hesitate to open the door. Just as I did, a firm
I hand grabbed my neck, his palm covering my mouth as he dashed in and used his legs to kick the door close.
He was masked, and before I could know what was actually happening, I felt a hit on my nose that sent sharp, unbearable pain while I fell back on my buttocks. He had headbutted me.
I made to scream, but he pointed a gun at me with a sign for me to shut my mouth, and I did immediately, covering it with my palm as tears rolled down my eyes while I tried to figure out who it was.
h o do you think you are? Cinderella?” He growled; his voice was really thick and scary. I shook my head, not knowing
was supposed to do or say.
“Have you heard of Sophia? Do you know who she is to Liam?” He asked in a hush whisper that sent chills down my spine as he coc k e d the gun along.
III.know. My lips were shivering, and words were finding it hard to leave
“So who are you to Liam! Don’t dare tell me you’re his personal s e x t o y or s l v e, as he introduced you, because I am very sure it was all pretense. It was planned by both of you! Tell me where the f u c k you came from and who the hell you are to Liam?!” He snarled, leaving me shaking, my entire being trembling at each word he spoke as my eyes stuck at the index finger around the trigger as I feared the worst.
I don’t even know how he was able to enter here. If he leaves, for real, I won’t be able to report to Liam. Nothing was giving his identity away. Nothing could be used to describe him to Liam except being tall since he had a hoody long sleeve and trouser with a mask that covered every part of his face.
“I am just a friend, honestly. Nothing more……”The words couldn’t roll out completely as he used his heavy-duty boot and kicked me in the face. I screeched, holding my face, which was now stained with the liquid of my blood. My mouth also has that tangy taste of my blood.
“You think I am here to joke, b i t c h y wolf? I will kill you here, and nothing will happen!” He roared, and I just regretted that the roll was soundproof. There was no way I would be able to ask for help, and my life was really in his hands at the moment, which I can’t deny for any reason.
“Please don’t kill me. Please, I will leave him if…
“I am not here to tell you to leave him. I am here to tell you that he has a fiancé who he should be getting married to
“Yes, yes, yes, he will marry her. He will do that. “It’s not worth anything to be made queen, and…”
“Shut up your stinky mouth. Liam loves you, and we aren’t blind. If you don’t have a way to stop him, I do, and that’s by killing you. If your presence tampers with the marriage between Liam and Sophia, then I will take that life from you and keep it where it should be. Always remember who you are, a foolish wolf girl!” he blurted and hissed.
“Yes, I will. I will remember, and I will always stay away from Liam. 1….”

Chapter 39
“F u c k, look at how far and well fed you are, adding to your beauty unlike other girls when they are brought for s l a v e r y and a s s e x t o y s. They grow leaner, turn timid and shaky all day with their hair and eyes as evidence of their deep suffering of both mind and body, but look at you. He spoke with utmost surprise.
I didn’t know what to say at all. My head was just blank, and I have no idea if I was supposed to talk.
“I can’t leave you just like that. No… I have to show you how serious I am, and this should be the way”
“What way are you?”
Straight to my left arm and left thigh, bullets hit, penetrating deep into my bone marrow. I cried out in pain while the figure of him vanished through the door. My vision became blurred as my blood flowed, surrounding me like a pool while I got consumed in the excruciating pain that was running deep into my bone marrow.
I crawled to the door, feeling like I would die because of how unbearable the pain was, but I had to open the door so my voice would be heard by the people outside.
But you won’t believe I successfully opened the door and cried out for help only to be ignored and left to die by everyone. Nobody came to my rescue, not even the guards or maids.
ain is so
so deep that I can’t tell myself anymore. I got numb, finding it hard to breathe as my heart thumped fast and illy.
I called out for Liam’s, but my voice only echoed back to me, and then, a few minutes later, everything blacked out, and I thought I was dead. Wasn’t that how death is? I really thought it was over and was happy.
Everything that the masked man said was ringing in my head, and it really gave me more reasons to pray I was dead. If I had thought the Lycans were wicked, then that is because I hadn’t faced the vampires.
I was shot at at the first warning. Imagine what will happen if my relationship with Liam continues.
G o d, why is this always happening to me?

Chapter 40
Liam’s POV
I sat beside her on the sick bed; her eyes were close, and she wasn’t moving. The hospital machine was connected to her body, and the beeping sound was the only sound I could hear.
The doctors had reassured me that she responded well to the treatment and would wake up soon, but I was still restless as long as she was still motionless. My eyes were pinned on her eyes, and I kept hoping she would open those pretty eyes again. and look at me.
My heart was just so heavy, and I couldn’t say a word. I couldn’t think about anything. My inner beast was equally restless, and nothing else matters more than her.
Nobody could tell me what happened to her, but I saw the bullets. Someone actually shot at her inside that room, yet none of the guards and maids could tell who it was. The worst was that they refused to help her, and I had to come back and see her lying in the pool of her blood just outside the door.
The guards claimed they were following my order to not come close to her, which is why they didn’t help a dying soul. I had no time to deal with them before bringing her to the hospital because he life was what matters.
are lucky she isn’t dead, and I’m very thankful to G o d that she didn’t die. I swear with my blood that if she had died. dead bodies would be surplus. Not a single guard or maid in that castle will go scot-free. I will make sure I slay them all without remorse and do the same to their family
They can’t be in that house, and Selene gets attacked and dies while they act blind and claim they know nothing about it.
I thought I noticed a movement, and I leaned forward immediately, squinting my eyes at her fingers that just made the
“Selene, are you there? Do you still feel so much pain?” I cooed, my voice barely above whispers, as I moved my gaze to her pretty and innocent oval face with small, inviting lips.
Slowly, she opened those eyes-weak eyes that showed she was in pain and sheer sadness-as she flicked those eyeballs towards me but didn’t move her head.
“Selene.” I called her name softly, holding her palm. She was totally weak, yet I felt the restraint as she tried to pull her hands away from my grip.
“Please leave… me alone. Her voice was extremely low, and she really looked the other way when our eyes met.
“What happened? Please talk to me. If you are still weak, you can forget. Just stay calm and get fine. You don’t have to say anything for now. I just want you to be fine.”
“Please just go before they see us together. I am your s l a v e, and you’re my master. That should be how it is, please.” She spoke under her breath, and her eyes became wet as she contorted her face the moment she moved her injured leg.
“We agreed it would be just a way to bring you in. You can never be a s l a v e to me, and neither will I be a master to you. Gradually, we will…
“Stop the we, and go back to your wife. Why are you acting like you are single?” She asked with a dry heave, sadness clear in ger voice.
“I have no fiance. L.”
“Please, there is no need to try to deny or explain. We really don’t owe each other anything. You were nice enough to save. me from death. Allow me to be among the maids. Let me just live like that to escape all these attacks and threats. I don’t
11:41 Sun, 5 May G
Chapter 40
want to be killed”
“Who attacked you? What did the person say? Please give me a hint on how I will get the badge. Did you see any significant.
marks or…
“I saw nothing, but as for what he told me, he said I should stay away from you because you have a flance who you will be that you getting married to. He saw how well fed and nourished 1 am-healthier than a s l a v e should be. He knew for sure. weren’t treating me as the toy you lent me, so he angrily shot at me.” She explained and finally turned her face to me.
“I shouldn’t be seen with you, so I don’t attract enemies to myself. You know I am a werewolf, and there is deep-rooted hatred for us here. I will be assassinated by one of your people so easily, and it can even be from your father.”
“Nobody will assassinate you. Listen, I will protect you. I promise you that. This will never repeat itself because I will always be by your side, and I will make my intention clear to my parents. Either they accept us to be together or I leave this kingdom. We can elope together and…”
“Don’t mention that, please. Just stop talking at this point because I am having a headache. I am becoming sick of these words, as I have been hearing them almost every day of my life from different people who claimed to love me. It’s just tiring at this point.” she hissed, sniffling her tears.
“find out who hurt you and…”
“I find anything. Go to your wife so I won’t be attacked again.” She said it in a pleading tone.
“I will kill her rather than be with her. If my parents force me on her, I’ll take her life just so I can be with you.” I said it inaudibly. She didn’t hear it, and there was no need for her to hear it.
I understand her fear. The pain she went through just because of me. I failed her, and I must make it up by getting the man who hurt her. I will surely find out through both the hard and cruel ways. No one can hurt my jewel and go scot-free. I will never allow that.

The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 31-33

hapter 31
I slept off with a broken heart, feeling weak and exhausted that I couldn’t even stand, even after knowing Selene had warned me it gets dangerous to stay outside the gate at night, especially when I was an unwanted visitor.
There was nothing I could do because, at that point, I was tired of life. I regretted every step I had taken since I met Diana. She actually ruined my life.
I was lucky to have a gift from the goddess as a mate. I had a woman who would uphold my pack and make us the most powerful, but I rejected her brutally for a demon, and now my mother is gone. Killed in front of me.
What woke me up was a slap, so hard and deafening that my brain went blank at first, and my vision blurred as I sprang up, s t a g g e r i n g.
“What are you doing here?” The scary voice came in, leaving me trembling immediately as I looked up at him with heavy breaths. His tone was far from friendly. It was deadly instead, brimming with venom and pure hatred, like I had done the worst of things to him.
The Lycan king stood tall, glaring at me with fists on both sides.
“What are you doing here? B a s t a r d!” He fumed again, impatiently. He was really waiting for an answer when I had none, and my brain was even empty to find out what answer I should give him because I was thinking it was a rhetorical question.
“I was about to….leave….I just slept off.” I finally found my voice, swallowing hard.
“What brought you here in the first place? Who did you come to meet?” He retorted, and I took a deep breath, looking into his eyes for the first time, and all my courage sapped out as I saw the danger and viciousness in them.
“Please, calm down. I am leaving now. I am sorry.” I apologized immediately, not daring to tell him I came to see Selene. It would make him angrier, I know.
“Your name is Torian, right?” He asked, walking closer with heavy steps that made my heart accelerate and thumped. aggressively.
“Yes, good night.” I breathed and turned to take my heels when he sped forward like the wind, and in the next minute he was in front of me, blocking my path.
“No one cares to walk away from me. What gives you the guts to do that in my own land? Are you mad? Besides, Selene told you to leave since you came; what still kept you? Were you waiting for her to come out so you would harm her had always done?” He seethed, his face frowning.
as you
“Please, I have no intention, and it was a mistake that I stayed back. Please allow me to leave.” I was literally begging. My heart was burdened. I hate how my life stinks, and at that point, I really had no strength to live on.
Diana is out there forcing her way into my pack to destroy me and my people. My mate is here with another man as her mate and has completely moved away from me. She doesn’t even recognize my existence and won’t mind if I die.
“She told you to leave, yet you stayed back. You are curious to know what she meant when she told you it gets dangerous staying outside my gate at night, right?” He said it with a cold chuckle as he sized me up with his eyes.
“No, you’re wrong. I…”
“You shouldn’t be scared. You’re an alpha that has grown wings to pester my wife; I will give you the deal you signed for.” He said, and in the next second, before I could see it coming, his heavy punch landed on my face, forcing me to the ground with a loud thud, my face hurting like it was struck by a fast train.
For minutes, I felt numbed and couldn’t feel any part of my face.
Get up and fight, bro. Whoever wins goes in and has her since you decide to return out of the blue moon after all you did to her. You actually wanted her dead. If your plans had worked well, she would have rotted. Get up and fight me,
mo t h e r f u c k e r!” He snarled, and I was just shaking my head, my lips bleeding and hurting so bad that it was hard for me to
He landed a heavy kick with his heavy boot right at my face when I least expected it, so I didn’t shield my face. The hit was on both my left eye and lips, pushing my head hard to the ground.
“Please, me I groaned, using my hands to cover my face and balling myself together, frightened of his strike.
“Is this how Asparelphas act? Like babies! You should be courageous, domineering, and exude a powerful aura. You should allow anyone to bully you, even if it means dying. Why are you acting like a pup, fool?” He scorned, and I looked up at him with my b l o o d y face, feeling the burden in my heart.
“I need help. Even if I were the sacrificial lamb, even if I were killed, I don’t mind. I had lost the person most precious to me, my mother, so I am ready to die, but my people’s lives are at stake. They are the ones I care for and need their protection. They don’t deserve to suffer for my mistake.” I pleaded with tears in my eyes, rubbing both of my palms in emphasis.
His eyes were still mean and unfriendly. My words don’t seem to be entering his cars, or rather, he wasn’t understanding the real meaning of what I was saying.
“I will allow you to go, but without an arm. Yes. That is the perfect punishment for all you did to my mate!” He rasped, walking closer to me.
“Will that make you prevent that demonic Diana from penetrating and enslaving my people? If yes, take my life; I don’t mind. I just want your promise to protect my pack members.” I begged profusely while on my knees.
“I won’t do that. I even want to see them all suffer, so don’t ask me for work, b a t a r d.” He laughed sarcastically and was about to kick me in the face again before a voice stopped him. It was obvious that this was the only voice that could prevent him from doing whatever he had in mind to do.
“Just let him go; I don’t want to see his face any longer.” Selene’s soft tone broke in, so smooth and heartwarming. Her voice made tears fall from my eyes, and when I looked up and saw her, I saw my world, my dream, and everything I desired in a woman, but it came with a gutwrenching pain in the core of my heart.
She was pregnant. I could see the lump on her stomach. This wasn’t the Selene I met and rejected; this woman was now nothing different from an angel-so beautiful, s e x y, and mature. A spec for almost every man, and remembering how innocent and kindhearted she was really made me sadder at the reality that she wasn’t mine.
She can never be mine.
“I planned to cut off his left arm and offer it to you. That same arm, he slit the wrist just to make his rejection of you more brutal and painful.” Lucian said as he faced her entirely, and I could swear I saw him smile. His lips actually widened, and those white teeth gleamed.
Lucian was someone I had never seen smile at anyone before, but he just did it effortlessly. I needed nothing else; there were no more doubts that my mate was gone from me. They are in love now and are expecting a baby.
“No, no, no, I just want him out of here. He disgusts me.” Selene shrugged, smiling at him and totally ignoring me. She didn’t spare me a single glance at least, her whole focus on Lucian.
Okay, baby… I will get him kicked out.”
‘Selene, please help me and your father. We are going to be killed very soon. We will die off, and the packs will be infiltrated by demons, who will in turn make our people s l a v e s. They….”
I don’t have any business with you guys. I don’t know you or the man you call my father, nor do I know who the pack nembers are you’re talking about. The day I was banished was the last day I seize to exist among you all, so stop the noise
and get out.” She seethed and actually looked at me, but for just a few seconds before turning back to Lucian, who held her. close to himself.
“Selene, we are very sorry. I don’t know how to…”
A bang landed on my head at that moment, and I felt flat on the floor.
“She said stop the noise and get out, fool!” This was the only thing I could hear in the distance before everything blacked out.
The pain of whatever was hit on me was totally unbearable, and the pain was overwhelming. I couldn’t withstand it. Someone had hit me with a rod from behind my head.
Everything blacked out, with no hope. It was totally useless for me to come here, as I had gotten nothing but pain and torture, yet it wasn’t enough sacrifice to get Selene to pity us and make the Lycans hold back Diana for the moment while we all planned on how to destroy her.
I was knocked out and would be taken away, back to my pack, with no help from Selene. I was still going to get killed, followed by her father.
She doesn’t care, actually. Her heart had turned cold. She wasn’t that little girl who was being played around because of her soft heart. Now she knows how to repay everyone with what they deserve.
To be very honest, we deserve everything she was dishing out to us, as we were all wicked and evil to the poor girl. Everybody in her pack forgot she was the princess; we all suddenly began to treat her like a s l a v e and even claimed she was a child with no father.
None of us knew she was going to be our savior from death and eternal s l a v e r y. No one knew she had that gift to bring hope to us again. Maybe if we had known? Now I think it might just be too late-too late to draw back the hands of time and make right our wrong.
Like I said earlier, it was actually over. All hope is lost. We have lost our treasure, the gift from the goddess.

Chapter 32
Selene’s POV
There are times in our lives when we think everything has begun to align and we have nothing to worry about. We look back and feel satisfied, thinking we have reached that stage in life. We think our dreams have become reality without knowing it was just the calm sea before the storm.
That calm moment was just there to drift your mind away and leave you vulnerable. You aren’t prepared for the worst and aren’t in the state of mind to take what is coming. The word was that it could be your end. The very end of your sweet life.
That night I watched as my first mate was taken away; he was driven in the cart, taken back to his pack in his unconscious state, while my mate held my arms and led me back into the castle.
I felt relief, satisfied that my enemies were facing the hell they had put me through in my life. Lucian had also promised to keep his word about offering the head of Diana to me. He promised me that the demons are people I shouldn’t be worried about because he would make sure to wipe them out the moment they made attempts to hurt me.
Maybe I should have been merciful a bit and told him to send his Lycans to my father’s pack and that of Torian just as they begged in the letters. Maybe I shouldn’t have become cold-hearted and been that innocent girl with a soft heart.
Karma hit me so fast, and when I least expected it, the most painful thing was that it came from the man I gave my whole heart to, the man I was going crazy in love with. The disaster was from the father of my child, and I was unaware of the enemy lurking in the dark.
Two days after Torian left, I didn’t receive any letters or feedback about anything from my father’s pack. I had no idea if Diana attacked or killed him. Not like I cared; I just wanted to know for no particular reason, or maybe I thought I would be happy to hear my father was dead.
It was all s t u p d i t y, Paying evil with evil was against my nature, but I forced it, and the wages came really early.
It started two days after Torian’s visit. Yes, I woke up to a miscarriage; the child that bonded me and Lucian was gone like a nightmare. The blood was evidence that there was nothing in my stomach anymore, but I didn’t believe it,
I didn’t want to believe this was reality, so I visited the hospital, and there they broke the remaining part of my heart with the announcement. My tears couldn’t stop. I cried till I lost my voice and my throat went sour. The pillow of my bed was soaked with tears as I waited in fear to break the news to Lucian, who had gone for a meeting in which he would spend two days.
The next day came really fast, and when I heard his voice on his return, my heart began to race. There was no joy in hearing his voice because I didn’t know what to expect when he hears what happened.
Right on the bed in our room, I sat, my face buried in my palm, as I sobbed while he walked in. His footsteps are approaching me.
I expected him to call me those pretty pet names he always calls me, then ask me what happened with his tone filled with care and love, but all that didn’t happen; instead, with a gruffy voice, he asked.
“Where is my child? Gone already?”
I flinched, looking up in so much shock that it left my mouth hanging and my eyes widening, but when I saw his dead expression, I realized there was more to be shocked about than his statement.
Something was amiss; that softness and warmth that are embedded in his eyes were nowhere to be found, and he was staring at me like a stranger, someone he wasn’t that familiar with.
Chapter 32
‘Don’t call my name, and stop putting up the acts like you are actually shocked. You are just filled with anxiety and disbelief that I might have found out who you truly are.” He shook his head and turned to the mirror as he loosens his tie and unbuttones his shirt.
“I am confused, baby.” My voice was barely above whispers as I stood to my feet, realizing it was actually serious-something bad had happened that l’had no idea about.
“What happened to the baby? Tell me the truth. Don’t tell me it’s a miscarriage, because I don’t see what should cause it. I did everything for you. I pampered you and loved you.” He hissed, shaking his head.
“What is wrong with you?” I asked, feeling totally confused, and just then the door opened, and his mother walked in with tears in her eyes. She stomped towards me and landed a slap on my face.
“Why? Selene, or whatever your name is, why will you do that to my son? Why?” She yelled in a broken tone, and I was just looking, not knowing what to say because no one was telling me what the hell was going
“Is the vampire king’s son better than my son? Okay, let’s say he is better. Does it warrant you taking the innocent child’s life at his request? But how will you prefer that guy to my son? Is that how s t u p i d you are, and to think you were close to being the queen to take over me?”
“Ma’am, I have no business with the vampire king son. I swear, I have never met him.” I said, making sure I sounded entirely honest because I wasn’t lying and I don’t know how to actually make them believe me.
Whatever made them draw this conclusion must have been clear evidence, especially Lucian’s mother, a woman who really trusted and loved me.
“You went to the hospital to check if the child was truly gone, then you made sure no maids were following you and claimed you wanted to be alone just so you could go meet him. You were that desperate, so why did you act like you loved me?

Chapter 33
“Stop this prank, fast.” I was almost yelling, anger and confusion twisting inside of me as I stared at the man I was about to marry, spilling gibberish like one who had lost his mind. Does he even still recognize me? There is no way he would be saying these hurtful words to me, adding to my pain from miscarriage.
go meet
“I want you out of my life. I don’t want to set my eyes on you again, and my words are final. Pack your things and the love of your life. Don’t act like I’m not doing you a favor by sending you back to him. You don’t have to sneak around to meet him anymore.”
“I don’t know who the vampire son is, and can you tell me who lied to you? How did you believe all those lies without caring to hear from me?” I bawled.
“Leave fast; Ria, who deserved to be my queen, is arriving with her luggage, and I won’t want her to feel uncomfortable with you around here.” Lucian dropped the bomb that stumbled my feet back, with my eyes widening in shock as I doubted my ears. I couldn’t believe I really heard the name he just called.
“Ria?” I muttered under my breath, my eyes peering at him.
“Yes, she is the woman I want. I might not be in love with her, but she is the true queen for saving me from you. I would have killed you the moment I stepped in here, but I am trying to be good and change my cold form.”
“I am not going anywhere because you are not safe. You have been charmed, and it’s vivid in your eyes. Ria did something to you. Everything is wrong about you.”
I couldn’t say more as his hand struck my cheek in a blinding slap that snapped my face to the left, forcing blood to splutter from my lips as I screeched and held my burning lips, tears streaming down my face.
I was so shocked and pained to the core of my heart. It was unbelievable; it felt more like a bad dream, but I waited to wake up and didn’t; instead, my heart was breaking into tiny pieces.
He laid his hand on me. He had slapped me without any remorse, and not even my tears or cry could bring the slightest pity or sympathy from me. Those eyes seemed darker and were glaring at me coldly and dead.
“Don’t you dare me! You are calling me a mad man, huh? I realized the truth about how wicked you are. Who knows what you planned to do to me when I made you the queen? Who knows what evil you have in mind? You killed the child because you thought you had gotten me. Fool!” He spat and stomped to the wardrobe.
He opened it, scammed through, and scoffed before turning back to me.
“Miss, I just realized you came here with no single property. Every piece of clothing and stuff in this room is mine, so there is no bag for you to pack things up, poor girl. Now leave!” He commanded and walked over to the exit.
I don’t know what had happened, and he wasn’t telling me, but his demeanor and attitude showed he knew a lot a lot of lies, actually-that made him believe with no doubt that I had a link with the vampire king son. This was the same trick Diana pulled to get me banished.
F u c k it!
“What are you still doing here? I will call the guards on you and instruct them to beat you before taking you away. Is that what you want? Leave if you don’t want that!” He yelled, gritting his teeth as he gave me a hateful look that melted me to my
“Please talk to me. Let me know my crime. Let me know what you were told to spark this deep hatred because I am innocent, I swear.”
He laughed croakily, a laughter of ridicule.
Chapter 33
“The vampire king himself sent me a letter. I didn’t want to believe it was true, and he set up a venue for us to meet, and there he told me everything. According to him, you were his property, and I was simply a pawn.”
I gasped at his statement, my mouth hanging open as I became totally confused because why would the vampire king son also join hands in rumming me when we don’t even know each other? We live in two different parts of the world.
“Hypocrite, stop acting all shocked and confused. Well, he said I should inform you that he is no longer interested in what you both planned and just wants you to return to him since you have successfully removed my baby. Lucian paused, exhaling heavily, and closed his eyes for a moment, his guts moving up and down.
He seemed to be holding himself, trying to control whatever was bubbling inside him at the mention of me removing his child.
“Leave, Selene. My hatred for you keeps growing, and once it crushes the glimmer of love remaining, I will definitely grab your head and hit on the wall continuously even after you have died. Just get lost!” He shouted viciously, and I nodded.
“I am innocent. I …”
Another slap, so unexpected from him. He was literally beating me for real.
“No more words from you. Leave,” he roared, and with tears in my eyes and a broken heart, I walked away to the exit, actually leaving the new place I was about to call home.
A kingdom I thought was becoming my new family where I would stay and grow with the love of my life. They had joined others in abandoning me, rejecting me for something I didn’t do. As I took steps away from the room where Lucian was, I felt more pain than I was feeling on my cheeks.
The pain was in my heart and soul, ringing in my head that I was walking away with no destination, probably to my death, because out there, I have no other friends who would take me; instead, there are hungry predators that would love to use me to fill their desires.
Do you know I was walking away with so much expectation that the love of my life would call me back? I was walking slowly with so much hope that he wouldn’t allow me to actually go away like this, but I got out of sight and received no call. Even when I turned, he shut the door, preventing me from seeing him.
As I got to the porch, I met with Ria; she was with her bags, like one returning home.
“You took so long to leave, but I’m glad it is finally over. Go and look for your kind, your fellow riffraff that can accommodate you.” She giggled and smirked while I looked at her with sadness brimming in my heart.
“What did you do to Lucian?” I asked, my voice cracking.
“I should be asking you that question because it’s more strange that he fell for you. The world was in shock and confusion, and they needed you to answer that question you asked me. What did you do to him, little pup?
“We are mates. We are fated, and it didn’t matter who.”
“Guess who is being chased out now while the other is getting in? The so-called mate was rejected. Stop acting like you are innocent; we all know, and it’s normal that your cup is full. A day like this would surely come, don’t you know?” She cackled and flipped her hair dramatically.
“Safe journey…” She added as her cat walked in with her bag wheeled. Immediately after she got in, I saw the guards and maids rush out to help her with the luggage, bowing and greeting her with honor and respect. They had smiles and were really happy.
There was no doubt that she was the one they all wanted instead of me. The same day I lost my baby, I lost my love. I lost my new home. I lost everything. My life is surely the next to lose because there is absolutely no reason to be alive; the one single reason I valued my life had just been sna t ch e d from me.
Chapter 38
Lucian gave me so many reasons to be alive and tight to become strong and perfect. He even offered to be my personal trainer in my ambition to be a strong wolf. We had both sat down and planned what our future would be like. We already have a name we will give the child if it turns
ou to be male or female.
He made many promises about what he would do for me, where he would take me, and the gifts he would lavish on me. I said earlier that I was the luckiest girl, forgetting that the word is against me. Nature is against me, and they kept reminding me how true it was that I shouldn’t be among the living.
Maybe I should go back to my father. It will be so shameful, but after he finds out who Diana is, I hope he will accept me as his daughter.
We need to stick together to save our pack. The power I had to bring Lycans over had been sn a t c h e d; now I am that weakling, that useless girl. I pray he accepts me, or I will just hang myself.
I got t o the border, and it was as if the guards were expecting me, as they had allowed the gate to open for me.
I left. I left like a nobody because that was who I was, trash that anyone can toss away at anytime.
“Let me go back to my family. That’s where I should find solace since my father was back to his senses.” I mused to myself, drying my tears with the back of my hand.
Just then, I saw two men walking towards me, and as they got closer, I recognized one of them immediately. He was our messenger in the pack.
“What is he here for? To hand me another letter from my father? Apologies? Plead to come to their rescue.” I asked rhetorically as they got to my front.
“We aren’t so sure why, but we were sent to give you this letter because you can get close.” The messenger said that, and the other introduced himself.
“Lam the messenger from Torian’s pack, Crescent Moon, and I was sent to also give you this letter before you come to the pack.”
They both handed the letter to me and didn’t wait for me to finish reading it before leaving. I opened the one from Torian’s pack first, hoping to get some solace from the letter, which I believed would be a love letter from him.
I was ready to return to him, but what I read destroyed me. It crushed me into pieces.


The Alpha’s Rejected Daughter by Humble Smith Chapter 26-30

Chapter 26
There was shock on everyone’s face-that kind of shock that leaves you questioning a lot of things, including your sight. That moment you stare at what was happening in front of you, and you are forced to be doubtful about both your eyes and brain because you just couldn’t believe it was all real.
That was how the whole student was the moment we both stepped out of the royal cart, hands held together like couples with bodyguards flanking us.
They kept peering at me as if I had two heads, wondering what it was all about seeing their cold-hearted king, who hates the sound of love, holding my hands. This was Lucian’s idea, and I really couldn’t help feeling ecstatic at every step we both took forward into the school building.
This was the Lycan king, a man who was known and seen as a beast with no heart. He had really changed miraculously, and luckily I was the one he fell for. The moon goddess gave him to me, and no darkness or forces could stop it.
“Today will be the last day you attend school. I will be training you at home myself, and I won’t continue being a teacher here. It’s time I focus on my birthright as the ruler of this pack.” He broke the silence that had lingered between us since we stepped down.
I shuddered a bit out of the joy that was overwhelming me. It felt so good that tears made their way into my eyes. It was tears of so much joy, which I find hard to control.
“Oh G o d, is this a dream? How did you suddenly change and are now in love with me?” I couldn’t help asking because it was all looking so unreal, especially considering that this wasn’t just any man but someone whose heart had been crushed by a woman, which made him cold and heartless,
Was well known to me and every one of my pack members as a devil in human form, a man who wouldn’t blink twice before taking lives as if they meant nothing. He was really wicked and dreadful.
How was it that I wasn’t dead? From the night of that curfew until now, there have been so many clear reasons for me to be dead and forgotten, but one way or another, I came out alive. It was like an unseen angel was protecting my life and finding ways for me to stay alive.
Now, from the rejected Alpha’s daughter, who has no wolf and is totally weak, here I was, holding hands with King Lucian, the man who I really feared would be the end of me. How he suddenly changed into this soft and caring man overnight was something I found hard to explain.
“Since the day I left you in that room and returned back here, I had been so restless, and your image had been all over my head while I forced myself to hate you. I kept struggling and forcing out the hatred, but it didn’t come. It took me weeks to respond to that letter because I was troubled. I knew what my negative response would result in.”
“Yet you did it.” I cut in, rolling my eyes at him. “So if I had died, your child and mate would be gone.”
“I knew my mother would come to save you, even though I wasn’t so sure. It was something I prayed for, and the moon goddess was kind enough to answer my prayer. I intentionally left that letter in a place where she would read it. I’m glad everything worked out, and here you are, with me.” He said with a soft tone as we got into the reception.
She stood up and bowed in respect, making sure she was facing Lucian alone to show I wasn’t part of who she was bowing to.
“What kind of uniform did you give to her yesterday?” Lucian’s tone, which had been soft earlier, became really cold and frightening.
The lady flinched in sheer fear as her eyes blinked continuously while she fought for words to say.
I…I… It was the one left.”
Chapter 26
“My mother clearly announced that she would be attending this training school and sent her pictures to get her size made. Why wasn’t it done and another oversized, shapeless gown given to her instead?” He retorted; this time I was sure he would hit her. It all depends on her response. If it was tangible enough to reduce this anger.
“I swear. I have no idea why it was only that size left. 1….
“Tell whoever is in charge of making those school uniforms to meet me in the palace in the evening around 7 p.m. in the dot. You hear me clearly?” He snapped while she was still speaking, and she nodded continuously. Her eyes glimpsed at me. and I could see shock and disbelief in her eyes, which quickly changed to a hateful stare.
“Let’s go, so you will show me those that refused to let you sit after I instructed that they should make space for you. Also, I will gather all the teachers, and you will show me the one that made you sit on the floor?
“Okay, daddy, but one more thing I didn’t tell you.” I whined like a baby, pouting my l*ps as I held his strong hand.
“What’s that?” He asked, facing me.
This woman here directed me to the male bathroom that day and got me embarrassed and s l u t- s h a m e d. I entered the midst of n*ked boys bathing and changing their clothes because she intentionally led me there. I reported proudly, moving my eyes to the receptionist, whose eyes were now wide open and her m*uth agape as she stared at me.
Fear gripped her. Her body was shaking as she began to breathe fast.
“Is that true?” Lucian growled, facing her with fists clenched.
“It…it wasn’t intentional. I…I…
“It was. She laughed at me when I returned, showing she knew all she was doing. I interjected, and Lucian turned sharply to his bodyguard.
“She is sacked; take her to the disciplinary section. She should be lashed twenty times on her back.” He commanded, and the woman fell to her knees in front of me, her head bowed low to my feet as she pleaded for mercy, crying.
“Get your filthy self off her! Lucian snarled and kicked her hands off my feet before taking me by my hands.
“I know you have a good heart; don’t tell me to pity her, please. She deserves even more.” He said calmly to me as we paced together to the class. I could catch a glimpse of many students peeping from their class windows, unable to comprehend what their eyes were seeing
The greatest shock was seen when we got to my class and walked in, hands still held together. Lucian seemed to be enjoying the touch of my palm around his, as he wouldn’t even want to leave me for a second.
We got into the class, and it was that same teacher, the lady who refused to caution the students to let me with them after the fat girl had whispered something to her.
She was the first to see us as we came forward to the class door, and the first sight got her frozen, her eyes on us without blinking.
We entered the class, and the whole place became dead silent; some were already sweating, especially the fat girl who was trembling in addition.
“Point them out. And once you’re pointed, don’t waste any seconds before coming out.” That was all Lucian said as he freed my hand and folded his arms over his chest, the four hefty bodyguards standing behind in readiness.
Every eye flicked to me, appearing to be begging not to be called out; some even had their palms together, begging me to spare them.
The first thing I pointed out was the fat girl and her two friends, as they are the two I really wished to get punished severely.
Chapter 26
It was so painful when they kicked me and even slapped me. They bullied me like I was a thrash.
“I didn’t do anything to…. One of the fat girl friends tried defending herself and regretted it immediately as her face got blinded by a hot, loud slap from Lucian, which snapped her face to the other side, leaving her in a daze for some minutes before getting struck by burning pain, which made her cry uncontrollable,
“If you
don’t keep quiet, I will give you two more.” Lucian warned, and she bit her l*ps to hold the s o b back, mu f f l i n g as she held her pure red ch*ek, which seemed to have Lucian’s hand printed on it already.
I then pointed out the two girls in the front two-the curly-haired one and the other-who were the first to refuse me from sitting with them and went as far a
calling me a street beggar, claiming they paid the fees in full.
Clearly. I could remember I told them I would report them to Lucian, and they said I was a fool if I thought he would save me. I guess the result came faster than they ever thought.
“Selene, it was just a joke. Please, you can sit with me. You can even have the entire desk. I will stay somewhere else.” She begged lowly, her eyes wet with tears already.
“We are really sorry… They kept whispering behind me while I ignored them entirely.
“I will use these four as an example and get them expelled not just from this school but from any other in this kingdom. That’s just an addition to the punishment they will go through. Next time, when I give an order, you will obey it. I told you all to make space for her to sit; you should have known she was special to me. Instead of obeying me, y’all decided to bully her. I will show you hell!” He seethed and gestured at his guards to take them away.
I glanced at the teacher, and she was really pleading profusely with her eyes for me not to mention her. She was lucky; if she had ever laid hands on me yesterday, she would have been among us now.
“Let’s go.” Lucian said to me and took my hand again as he led the way.
“I am sorry for every time I have been harsh to you and our child. I should be protecting you at all cost.” He smiled briefly.
“My fear is your personal bodyguard and his sister. They are meant to really harm me and the child, and as long as they are still in that royal castle, I will never feel safe.” I sighed, and he laughed, his laughter sounding really sweet.
“What do you want me to do to them? Just say it, love.” He hiccuped after mentioning the last word.
“Love?” I grinned, my eyes lit up, and just before I could know it, he pushed the door beside us open and pulled me in, then shut the door so fast. In a few seconds, I was pinned to the wall, his deep hazel eyes piercing into mine as both of his arms against the wall at my sides.
“What are you doing to me? My heart is racing, and I feel like I am going crazy. Your body is driving me crazy.”

Chapter 27
Lucian’s POV
She looked up at me with those pretty eyes, shimmering and twin l i n g like there were stars in them. They look so innocent yet brimming with desire, like a child craving a loll*pop she just saw. The eyes with which she smiled and licked her l*ps while I locked eyes with her were so cute.
“The door is not locked. She said it with that innocent tone still as her hands went over my chest, running down to my abs as she licked her l*ps again.
I wrapped my hand around her slender waist and pulled her closer to me, using my other hands to adjust the stray covering her face while gazing at her l*ps. “Nobody will barge in while I’m here. It seems you forget I am the king.”I chuckled. letting out a smile that lingered.
It was clear my old self was back. That darkness that clouded my heart and filled me with anger all the time was gone, and now I just felt happy, smiling from real joy in the heart and not the fake ones that hurt the jaw.
But only when I was with her did I really smile. Just her presence makes me feel some kind of way that I love so much. I feel complete, like my soul has met just that one thing I needed.
As her body collided with mine, that sweet sensation came rushing in, washing through my body. She circled her arms around my neck, leaning over, those inviting l*ps calling on mine, and I couldn’t even hesitate any longer before k*ssing her deep, taking in those soft l*ps like it was a drug I was addicted to
Our eyes were shut; nothing else mattered but us. It was like the world had vanished and we were in an empty space, floating and feeling just our body and soul. The connection was real, something I could feel in my spirit; even my beast was ecstatic.
We k*ssed for minutes before our hands began to roam. I couldn’t tell when we both got stark n*ked, my hands fondling those soft, tender breasts and nipples while k*ssing her. Those soft hands of hers were rubbing my chest down to my already
hard di c k.
The pleasure was really deep, and it made me deepen the k*ss as if I would suck out her spirit. The way she let out silent moans through the k*ss was driving me crazy.
I broke the k*ss, carried her up into my arms, and dropped her on the table, her leg parted wide and those toes already curling up.
“Please f u c k me, please…” She begged in a low moaning tone as her left hand stroked my big, hard di c k while she supported her position on the desk. Her pleading eyes were on me, wet with craving emotions.
I smiled and grabbed her neck while she threw her head back, then I whispered to her. “You are mine to play with, and I decide what to do to you.”
She nodded as my l*ps brushed through her neck, running down her belly button. It was like she never expected it, and the pleasure came in an outburst. Yeah, she won’t expect me to go that intimate with her, and I didn’t also plan it, but her body was everything to me. I adore it and want to eat it to the fullest.
The way she moaned was so loud that she had to slap her m*uth shut to m u f f l e it. I was sure she hadn’t felt this before. My tongue sliding through her sensitive cli t was something that really drove her crazy, so she threw her head back and used her hand to push my head in.
I took time to devour every part, overwhelming pleasure consuming her as she became wetter and her pus s y was dripping. That was when I pulled back and penetrated her honey hole with my di c k, and it slid in so sweetly that we both moaned at the same time.
I felt it in my soul-the tight puss y swallowing every inch of m y d i c k. Inside, she was so sweet, and her moaning was like a
Chapter 27
driving force as I began to thrust harder gradually. I felt she was getting tired of that sitting position, so I helped her down and bent her over in a d o g g y t y l e , ramming her from behind while she called out my name.
“You are so sweet, I can’t get enough. I groaned out as I reduced my pace, sliding in and out slowly, feeling every inch get buried inside.
“My legs are shaking…” I spoke like a baby, smiling as she looked back at me while I leaned forward and k*ssed her. I had had s** so many times, but there was something so good about her.
After our encounter that night in her pack, I had been thinking about the s**, holding it with so much regard and importance, every moment buried in my head, that I stayed up all night thinking and desiring it more.
If this is how a mate-bonding relationship feels, then I was too stupi d to ever think of killing my mate. That stony heart and hatred for love had been washed away by her with no stress, and I could swear I was ready to settle down and spend the rest of my life with her.
The moment I was about to release, my groan was so deep and loud as I held her waist tight, my eyes shut, and my toes curled up too. I released inside her.
“Wow….” I breathed, sitting on the chair beside the desk while she sat on my lap, hugging me tight. Her body was a solace to my soul, which I just don’t want to come to an end.
I want to hug her forever, hold her hands, and feel her skin every minute of my life.
“You are so sweet. I love you.” She spoke lowly into my ears, her fingers running through my hair while I stroked hers.
“I love you more, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I spilled, my eyes closed.
“As your mate, we should, but I’m wolfless and weak.
“Don’t worry; that’s why you have me. I will be your wolf and your strength. I won’t let anyone harm you in the slightest. It have been thinking a lot, and now I have arrived at my decision, and that’s you. I want you. I want to be with you forever.” I confessed, and those words were actually from my heart.
“You are flattering me. I’m floating now, and my heart feels like it will burst out of so much joy. I can’t wait to show my fathe what his rejected daughter has become. He never believed in me and abandoned me like garbage.” She sighed, sounding really sad and pained.
“If you’re sad about him and want him dead, I’ll bring his head to you tomorrow.” I said immediately.
“I don’t want him dead; I want my stepmother out of his life. They should be going their different ways because I am sure she is the cause of whatever shi t my father had turned into.” She hissed.
“There is only one way, and that’s killing her. Please stop being too soft; I have to send my men to kill her so your father will come back to his senses.” I stated seriously. Anything or anybody that causes her a bit of sadness doesn’t deserve to live.
Selene’s POV
“Must she be killed? Maybe you should just get her banned from my father’s pack.” I almost said this out, but once again I remembered my mother’s bracelet, which she intentionally spoiled. I remembered how she actually planned my death with my own mate after making him reject me brutally.
Maybe she really doesn’t deserve to live because, as long as she is alive, I am not safe. She doesn’t know I’m still alive. Since my life was a threat to her and she wants me dead so badly, she should actually die first.
“I want her head on a platter tomorrow.” I said to him, and he smiled happily and caressed my ch*eks.
“Consider it done, my queen.” He k*ssed me, and we both stood up, picked out clothes, and dressed up.
15:05 Wed, 1 May M
Chapter 27
“We are going home from here. You need to rest, eat, and take a nap.
“So you really know how to care for someone,” I chuckled.
“I only know how to do that for you alone. You matter the most to me.” He replied with a short laugh, his perfect set of white teeth gleaming and giving him a really handsome look.
This man is really like a Greek g o d, 1 swear.
We were done dressing up, so he took my hand quickly, as if someone else would snatc h me from him. We both stepped out of the room, and I just saw from the tag that it was a staff office, but it seems whoever was there was either not in school or had been dismissed.
As we got out and turned to the staircase, the first person my eyes met was a familiar face, which was that of Ria, Stan’s sister. She was walking in the opposite direction from us.
Her eyes met us, and the pain and rage were clear in those eyeballs while she tried to keep it at bay and maintained a calm demeanor.
She greeted Lucian with a low bow, but he didn’t even give her a glance as he kept a straight face while we walked her
past like she wasn’t existing.
“She is hurt.” I giggled, and he scoffed.
“She can kill herself or try hurting you, so I would help her meet her dead parents; maybe she must be missing them.”
Thank you for loving me, and I will have to meet your mother, and we should thank her. We both owe her a lot for bringing us together again. Imagine I died in that forest.” I breathed.
“You’re right, but you will lead the way. I’m not good at thanking people.” He shrugged and glanced at me. “How is our baby doing in your stomach?”
“Perfectly fine, and she is grateful for the better man her father has become. She is really proud of you.” I replied, and again, a charming smile left his l*ps.
“Tell the child that you are the reason. You really changed me so easily when I thought I had been lost in that dark world.”
I laughed, and he joined, like he was learning how to actually laugh steadily.
We both entered the royal cart and drove off with my head resting on his shoulder and our palms clasped together.
“You will be the queen very soon, and I want to mark you fast and make you mine so no man will look in your direction.” He said it with a short chuckle of excitement as he fiddled with my fingers.
“I’m the luckiest girl on earth!” I giggled, joy bubbling inside me as I thought of how great I would be. The respect and how highly ranked I would become in the world, how I would become popular as the Lycan queen, having maids, and the entire kingdom bowing to me in real respect-not even my pack can dare to disrespect me.
Well, if only I had known what the future had in store for me, I wouldn’t have called myself the luckiest girl because my fate was far from luck.



Chapter 28 

Bale’s POV

I was in my palace dealing with dispute between two families about the land shared among them. One was claiming that the other tampered with the boundary, while the other denied it.

I was still trying to call on the person who made the demarcation when one of my guards, who are mounted at the pack boundary, ran into the palace like one being chased by a dragon. He was sweating profusely, and fear brimmed his eyes. What shocked me more was how badly wounded he was in both arms and legs.

He was in so much fear that it took him minutes to be able to catch his breath and find his voice. His eyes kept flickering around as if he were scared that whatever was hunting him was in the palace.

“Have you gone mad? What’s it?!! What is after you, and why are you badly wounded?!!” I kept asking while he was breathing heavily and grunting and gnashing his teeth.

“We are in danger. He managed to say, his eyes back to the very exit he came from. He began to point in that direction, repeating the same sentence: We are in danger.

My bodyguard surrounded me in readiness to defend me from whatever it was, but this fool is still finding it hard to say what the problem was.

“Alpha, the demons are here, and…and….

“What?” I exclaimed, my m*uth hanging open and my eyes widening as what he said resounded in my ears, sending shivers of fear down my spine.

“But how possible is that? The repelling force at that gate should have restricted them from entering. How could they break in?” asked in confusion, looking around and realizing my wife wasn’t with me; she hadn’t left the bed room since morning.

She claimed to be quite weak and told me to go to the palace, saying that she would come by when she rested a little more. It’s been hours, and she isn’t here.

I was looking for her because she was what I cherished most, and wouldn’t want any harm to her or my child. She should be here to be protected by my well–trained bodyguards, just like me.

“Where is my wife?” asked. “Go get her here and shut the door; assemble the warriors to…

2 23 F A33 24 2

“Diana is the woman who led the demons in. She is the reason the repelling force didn’t strike back at them. The Luna we all bowed and held up as our queen is the woman destroying us,” the wounded man shouted again, and it was like my whole body was splashed with cold water as a chilling sensation swept through my skin.

I was frozen with shock, paralyzed at the spot with my head banging and my vision seeming blurry to understand what was happening in my surroundings.

“Are you trying to play with me or what?” I breathed, and the man shook his head, groaning in pain as he held his bleeding injuries, fighting for his life as he struggled to talk.

“She was the one who spared me and said I should come and inform you all. I saw her with my two eyes leading the legion of demons alongside the demon king. think they are here for us–to overthrow and rule over us.” The man, whose voice was now fading, spilled and couldn’t hold on anymore as he died.

“Let’s go to war!!! We are fighting them back!!” I roared, and before me or anyone else could do anything, fog filled the whole place, thick and dark, blinding everyone of us. Then the laughter of Diana came in.

It was an evil laughter, like that of a monster in the night.


Chapter 28

“Diana, what are you doing? What turned you into this?” I screamed, but began to hear slashes of swords and claws. It was all over the place, yet I couldn’t see what was going on because I was literally blinded by the fog.

Bodies were falling: some were falling on my feet while the slashing sound lingered. I knew at that moment that my royal guards were being killed.

Just then, something like a chain circled me, and in a split second, I was in chains from shoulder down, leaving only my head and neck as the only parts I could shake.

Then the fog cleared off, and my breath hitched as I saw myself sitting on the floor in front of Diana and the demon kingman who had been defeated and banished into the desert.

I could still recognize the demon king who was once an Alpha King before he chose the darkness path, allowing the devil to

him to bring curses and destruction to the werewolf kingdom.


It took a lot for us to defeat him with his dark magic, and we were only able to do that years ago because we were special wolf among us that had the ancient sword from the moon goddess.

“Longest time.” He said to me with that wry smile that has its way of instilling so much fear in you.

“Who awakened you?” I fumed, struggling with the shackles on me. He chuckled and moved his eyes to Diana, who had a huge smile on her face.

“Do I need to tell you it was all done by my beloved wife, Diana? She is the hero, and with her help, we are back to reclaim all that had been snatched from us, including this pack and every living being in it. Dracula, the infamous demon king, huffed at me as he snapped his fingers, and the door of the palace closed and locked by itself.

“You are not reclaiming anything, and I promise you, you will be destroyed again, and this time, your remaining won’t be sent to the desert, but it will be burned into ashes!” I seethed, and both of them laughed.

Diana, the woman I had fallen head over heels in love with–a woman I had done so much for–even went to the extent of killing my daughter because I believed her.

“You are the dumbest man to ever live, and it must be a mistake that you’re the Alpha. How could you be so easy to manipulate?” She laughed mockingly and used her hand to slap away the crown on my head. “You are not worth being the Alpha.” She spit on my face and laughed with the demon king.

DianaI loved you without knowing you were from the demon clan. Why did you also sell your soul to the devil? Why do you choose to follow that evil path? And remember, you have my baby. You have our baby, Diana.

They burst into another round of laughter.

“So you think I will have a baby for a st*pid clown like you? Ahh, you have no idea how much I hate you. It had been hell for me living with you and hearing you confess love to me. Your s** with me has been like rape, and I feel nauseous when you k*ss me. I’m glad it’s all over, yuck!”

My heart shattered into pieces as I heard what she just said, and then the image of my first wife clouded my mind. It was as if I was just beginning to come back to my actual sense, like one that had been charmed before.

I also began to remember my beloved daughter, whom I led to her death just to please this evil woman.

My world was crumbling right in front of my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it

“The child is mine, dumb head,” Dracula said this and clasped his hands behind him as he walked over to the throne. He proudly sat on it, and Diana went over to the queen throne while their demons took positions behind them just as my royal guards.

“We are here to ask for the sword; the ancient sword used to destroy me in the first place. I heard it was your turn to keep it

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Chapter 28

safe and protect it. Show us where it is. Dracula said it in a commanding tone, as if he were talking to his puppet.

If he thinks I will ever do that, then he is a big fool. That sword is the only hope to prevent the demons from rulling over the entire werewolf race in the north and south of America. If they get it, then there is no way we will be able to defeat them, and that means we will become their slaves.

“Stop dreaming. I will never show you where it is.” I said it adamantly, meaning every word.

“We know you will prove stubborn. We aren’t in a haste to have it, but just know that we can still have it without your help, and besides, showing us where the sword is will save your pack from being among those to be attacked and subjected under us,” Dracula said in a casual tone, smiling at Diana, who beamed and pecked his l*ps.

“You have no idea how much I missed you. The mission was really stressful for me because of him. You are the man I love.” She cooed to him, and he grinned, held her chin, and pulled her closer as they both k*ssed deeply. I looked down to the floor, unable to see my wife do this.

My heart was heavy with pain and felt like it was being stabbed countless times, leaving me bleeding.

“Your daughter is the only one that can prevent us from having that sword and even go as far as killing us all. She is wolfless because something greater than a mere inner wolf is brooding and taking form in her. She is bestowed with a supernatural gift that has never been seen before. It’s just a year, and it will all get unlocked. Now she is dead; no hope for you, bastard!” Diana said to me after they broke the k*ss.

“But you

said she was having a relationship with the vampire son. You….” I paused talking, realizing how foolish I was sounding. Diana was lying all those times just to get my child killed. She was never on my side.

Regret and guilt slashed my soul, and tears filled my eyes. If only I knew. If only anyone had told me.

“Your pack members don’t know we are here, and we can pretend everything is fine. Just help us with the sword. You have days to think about it. It’s a way to save your own people and give them the better life they deserve. We won’t harm of them* Dracula said, and I shook my headunable to agree to that.

Just then, a knock came on the palace door.


Diana stared intently at the door, her eyes changing colors magically, and it was like she knew who was behind the door and left the throne to open the door herself.

*Come in…” She dragged them in and locked the door. I looked up to see the trembling Torian and his mother. They smelled the demon scent late, and now they were already in with the door locked.

*Please let us go. We…” Torian begged as his eyes met with the demon king and his legion of demons, then at me, hopelessly sitting on the floor.

“No, you are not going anywhere, not when you actually came here to make me lose my baby” Diana said and laughed gleefully, and right in front of Torian, Diana attacked his mother brutally, using her claws to sear all over her face.

“Noll” Torian screamed and made to fight her, but the demons came and held him back.

“You will lose your mother first.” Diana giggled and stomped on the woman’s ankle, breaking off her joint constantly while she screeched in great pain, convulsing.

Chapter 29


I shuddered hard, shocked and in disbelief, my eyes pinned on the disfigured ankle as her joints jutted in an uneven direction. She was in great pain, letting out a bloodcurdling cry while she held her leg.

It was so hard for me to understand and so overwhelming to see Diana in this form. I could swear before this moment that she was an angel, a woman with a good and tender heart who wouldn’t be able to hurt a fly.

How wrong was I? How blind was I to bring in a demon into my home and bred her up to this point, and now I am left with no way of escape.

Torian was in tears, so heartbroken to see his beloved mother anguish with him, unable to do anything.

“I won’t need either of you alive since I will be taking control of your pack. Who will be the first to die?” Diana threw the question at Torian.

“None, please don’t kill us. Have mercy on us, at least for whatever we had in the past. Remember all I did for you.” He cried like a baby, hoping to extract the tiniest tenderness from her–at least a little pity from Diana–but this wasn’t the same woman we all knew.

“Both are dying, and I asked who would go first. What do you mean by none? Or should I choose myself? As for me, I want you dead first because the sight of you irks me. It reminds me of the past we shared, which only makes me angry and irritated.” Diana scoffed, huffing a dry chuckle.

“What? You never loved me?” Torian was vividly shocked; it was written all over his face as his widened eyes peered at Diana, who still had her fangs and claws out in readiness. Her eyes were turning blood red, and the veins were sprouting out.

The demon king should be the one doing all this, but Diana seemed to be more dangerous than him. She seemed to hold more grudges against us than the demon king himself, and it was just driving me crazy, especially as this was the same face 1 took to the altar as my wife, threw a big party, and bought her the best of wedding gowns and jewelry.

Could all this be a dream–a nightmare that feels so real–but on the later run, I would jump up from the bed, sweating and breathing heavily, then exhale in relief that it was all a dream.

You all are just so daft. All I have in my heart from every single werewolf in this world is hatred–intense hatred that runs deep through my veins, seeping into my bone marrows. What I desire is to see you all suffer terribly, but for you two..” She paused, pointing at me and Torian. I don’t want any suffering for you both.

She chuckled, “I want death. Slowly and painful one in a gory way that you would feel even after death.” 

“What did I do wrong to you? I was so caring and harmed my daughter to please you. I….

“I hate you both for torturing me all these years. F**k it. I had been living in hell, putting up with the outpour of fake love just to hide who I truly was, The s** was so annoying when it wasn’t from my lover, Dracula. I had to bear it all, and now what my

whole being craves is to pay you all back with death!”

My heart sank into my stomach, listening to her. The venom in her tone was enough evidence that she wasn’t joking. She really meant that the love I thought we shared was torture to her. She hates me for all that and won’t spare my life.

At that momentI lost my voice. My brain went blank, and my throat seemed like it was blocked with lumps. The thought of dying was so terrifying, especially when my killer was going to be my second wife. My mind was flashing back to every blissful moment of my life when things were perfectly fine with my beloved mate and daughter, Selene.

I was missing them, realizing those were pasts that wouldn’t return to me. Maybe I wasn’t the cause of my first mate’s death, but the guilt pressed against my chest because there was just one fruit we shared that she expected me to treat well. Our daughter is the fruit of our deep love.

Chapter 29

Diana came into my life and took away my senses. 1 became a fool, an absolute fool who had lost every sense of reasoning.

It just hurts so much that I realized all this so late when my life was about to be snatched away. Well, I had no reason to stay alive after my daughter had died because of me. Can I live with the guilt of being that man who killed his daughter for demon, and they just let me know she was a gift from the moon goddess?

I didn’t only put my life at stake: I did the same for my pack members and everyone else in the North and South regions,

“If you kill meyou will never find the ancient sword?” I shouted at Diana, and she wasn’t the only one who laughed; the demon king and his legion of demons joined in.

Do you want to use that as an escape route from death? If you don’t show us, someone else is willing to do that to save his family. We have you the offer initially, and you declined; it’s gone.” Diana winked evilly, then turned to Torian, who was still gnashing in pain.

You will die first. I want him to watch his sweet mother and partner in crime die off. You know you should go to the world of the dead and prepare a room for him.” She laughed and pulled out a dagger from her pocket.

The woman was shaking profusely, begging for mercy with terror in her eyes as she stared at the blade drawing close to her skin. Torian, on the other hand, was doing all he could to free himself from the grip of the demon guards, but his strength wasn’t enough at all.

All he could do was shout, roar, scream, cry, and plead with tears and sweat smeared all over his face. His crushed heart is clearly seen in his eyes. It was nightmare. Yes, no man would be able to bear such. It was something that would haunt you forever if you were kept alive.

The pain of watching the woman that bore you, being killed slowly, dying in deep pain with you doing nothing but watching or looking down to the ground. This was too much to do to even your greatest enemyand it left me throbbing with more fear at what Diana actually was.

She was the real devil and had been pretending all this time with no trace to what her true identity was.

She hesitated a bit, and I thought she was about to change her mind and not kill the woman. But in the next minute, the blad slit off the left ear. She ordered her guards to hold the woman tight as she took her time gauging out her eyes, a huge smirk on her face as if she were enjoying every bit of it.

Well, she was actually enjoying it to the fullest. Like several horror movies, we all watched as the socalled second Luna of this pack singlehandedly harvested the woman’s organs one after the other as she died slowly in intense pain.

She kept the parts on a tray after she was done, then turned to Torian with an evil smile. He couldn’t make any sound anymore, clearly lost his voice, or finally realized that it was useless screaming or begging for mercy.

His mother had actually been slaughtered, after all his begging and pleading that he should be killed instead. I could feel the suppressing guilt in his eyes; every part of him was broken as he looked hopelessly at Diana.

She gestures with her knife that he should be brought forward. For real, she was going to take her time killing him brutally too. Mercy was far away from her, and it does look like a casual thing to her.

So this was the woman I kept with me and slept on the same bed with. I had s** with her and k*ssed her. I lay with a demon. dined with my death, brooding it for a better moment to take my life and make my people slaves. Then, that one precious gift from my true mate, I pushed to her death, just to please this devil.

My legs were now weak, unable to carry me, as my heart seemed like it was being stabbed countless times. The pain was getting worse with the face of my daughter filled in my head and her voice when she was warning me about my new wife echoing like a bell in my brain.

Torian was brought to her and was positioned on the floor, giving her free access to any body part she wished to cut first.

Chapter 29

need to chop off his dick first. That’s the punishment for everyone of you that had had s** with me.” She seethed, and my heart sank into my stomach. I don’t need a soothsayer to know she was also referring to me.

“Why are you doing this to me? Please just allow me to go back to my people. Allow me to go, and I’ll never come close to you again. I will go far away from you and…”

“Why are you running now? Remember how much you loved and desired me? You were ready to even kill him to have me. Where had that obsession run to, baby?” She said in a sarcastic tone, her eyes on the blade as the demons pulled down his shorts, revealing his limp dick, which made them all laugh mockingly at him.

I swear to leave you and never….”

“I don’t want you to leave me anymore. She burst into laughter, her eyes down to his dick, as she put on a hand glove. “It will be into three parts… She giggled evilly.

Just as she bent to actually do itthere was a knock on the palace door–a consistent knock that made her look up alongside everyone else.

“What??” She and the demon king muttered, their eyes narrowing at the door. They are the only ones able to see through the door, and they saw who was at the door, which made them shocked and confused.

Who could it be?

Diana’s eyes turned to me with fury.

“Why did you invite the Lycan into this, you motherF**ker?” She barked, and I flinched in fear and confusion. I didn’t invite anyone, but if they were here, then God just gave me another chance to live.

“I didn’t.”

“If this door is not opened in seconds, we will break it down and kill everyone in there!” Their voice roared on, confirming that they were truly Lycans, and not just any, but powerful and well trained

“What are they here for?” A question that boggled my head.

Diana grunted, fuming, as she looked around in frustration

“Let’s go…” She said this to the demon king and her crew, and in a twinkle of an eye, they vanished in a gust of smoke.

It was then that I realized I had been holding my breath.

I ran and opened the door, and the seven Lycans burst in.

“Where is Diana?!” They asked furiously but were left shocked as they saw the dead body and blood spilled all over the ground.

“What happened here?” Another of them asked, but the leader shunned him. “We don’t care. No need to ask!

He then turned to me with a serious look. “We searched everywhere before coming herewhich means she isn’t in the pack. Selene, our queen, is to be made an order for her head. Make sure you offer her to us, or we will take it by force and compensate ourselves with five more heads!”

This is what he said before they all left.

Did I just hear it clearly?

Selene? She is alive,

Chapter 30 

My eyes popped, and my m*uth hung open as I stared at the receding figure of the Lycans as they vanished after spilling what had frozen me in the spot 

Did I just hear that my daughter is alive and is now the queen of the Lycan kingdom? Did my cars deceive me or what?

“My mate is alive… Oh God!” Torian spoke with a voice cracking with emotion and tears in his eyes as he struggled to carry his dead mother.

We will help you give her a befitting burial, and my men will aid in taking her back to your pack. We both just escaped death, and it’s second chance to stick together and fight against our enemy that wants to destroy us. I said to him, and he looked up, the blood of his mother stained all over his body, his l*ps shivering.

I have lost my

mother and would have died too if those men hadn’t barged in. I swear to do anything to make her pay for the death of my innocent mother. He shouted in deep sadness as I nodded and took a deep breath. I wasn’t relieved yet, knowing we weren’t still safe. We just escaped death now, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to get killed soon if we don’t

act fast

The palace was cleaned up, and the dead body was taken away. I warned that everything that happened should be kept a secret from the pack members because I don’t want them to start living in fear and realizing that their alpha is unable to protect them.

I have to think deeply about how to fight back, but the most important thing was meeting my daughter. I don’t know if she would forgive me, and I don’t know if she would offer to help, but Diana confirmed that she was the only one able to save us from the demon.

Diana doesn’t know she is alive, and that would be to our advantage. She will attack her when she never expected it.

I entered my room and laid on my bed after giving the order that all entrance into the pack be blocked with more repelling forces. Nobody would be able to enter. I don’t know how long it would be able to hold Diana and her demons before it gets weakened, but I hope it stays for days till I find a solution.

Torian did the same for his pack since we are both Diana’s targets.

At night, I couldn’t sleep; my daughter was on my mind. I was calling her my daughter and feeling my foolishness, Like, I actually disowned her and banished her from my pack without mercy. I have no right to call her my daughter, and I don’t even know if she will ever forgive me.

I took my time to write her a long letter of apology and then began to beg for her help. Even if she doesn’t have her gift. unlocked yet, she can help put the demons away by making the Lycans intervene.

Since only the Lycan can scare away Diana and her demons, she can send their warriors here to guide the boundaries and prevent them from penetrating.

For real, Selene is the last piece to survive Diana and her evil crew.

After taking my time to write the letter, I reread it to be sure there was no mistake or any part I didn’t write with the utmost respect and regard. It is really overwhelming to think of what she was about to become. So it was actually true that she was with the Lycan king that night, and I didn’t believe her but sided with the demon woman I married.

God, am I this foolish? I am really mad and st*pid. I can’t believe I really went that far into love with Diana. Was that even love or st*pidity? I actually ruined my life by myself.

Early the next day, I sent the letter to her, begging for a quick response, as she was my hope and the hope of the entire pack and werewolf in the north and south. If she helps bring in the Lycan warriors here, Diana won’t have the opportunity to have that ancient sword.


Chapter 30 

And when her powers are unlocked, that will be the end of the demon race. She really needed to intervene. I made sure the letter entailed all that.

24 hours passed, and there was no response. My messenger, who delivered the letter, had returned, and when I asked him what my daughter looked like now, he told me he wanted to even be allowed into the castle. The letter was collected by at maid outside the gate.

A whole day passed, and Selene, my daughter, didn’t give any response. I guessed she would be busy with her duty as the new Lycan: queen and waited for another day, but there was no sight of her messenger coming to deliver her response letter.

Torian then insisted that he would go there himself. His concern was nothing more than having his mate back. The fool who coldly rejected and shattered my daughter’s heart was now ready to fight to have her back.

All my warnings about how dangerous it would be to visit her fell on deaf ears. According to him, she was his fated mate from the moon goddess, whom he mistakenly rejected. He thinks he still has the right to have her back, and no other man should take her from him.

Does he think the Lycan king would give her back to him? She must have told him all she went through in the hands of her first mate, and Torian was just going to offer himself for brutal punishment, but I guess all these tragedies happening so fast hazed his mind and affected his sense of reasoning-

Since he was adamant, I had to write another letter for him to help me give to my daughter if he successfully met her.

Reports of gradual damages were the letter I received on my desk from the boundary guards as I entered the palace. Diana and her demon group were using their magic to break the dome.

Fear and panic shook me, sweat forming on my face as I struggled to breathe. I had really lost appetite for these two days. and with this letter, I felt like I would get high blood pressure.

Why does she want to kill me? Why does she want to rule over the werewolves? I was asking myself these questions because I still couldn’t believe she was an actual demon. The desire of demons had always been to rule over the werewolves and make them their subjects.

“Selene, please help.” 1 muttered with tears forming in my eyes, my body shivering in overwhelming anxiety that was consuming every fiber of my being.

All that I kept seeing in my head was Selene’s moment of distress and pain–when she would be begging me for mercy and at single trust in her words, with unending tears, especially when I was about to ban her from this pack, knowing it was death sentence, yet I wasn’t merciful at all.

Torian’s POV

I went with no bodyguards or maids whatsoever. Only me. It was a journey that would decide my fate, and I kept reminding myself that we were mates, even when my subconscious mind was yelling at me to go back.

Why should I be afraid of my mate? Why can’t I revoke my rejection and accept her back as mine? Nothing can change the fact that we were fated. We both felt the connection and overwhelming mate bond. I was st*pid and rejected her, but we can still make it right.

We should be able to come together again.

I kept repeating to myself throughout the journey. I made sure to leave my pack in the afternoon so I would reach there at night and then compel them to allow me to sleep over, which would give me more time to be with my mate.

“So you think she will leave the Lycan queen position to be with us as mates? My inner wolf asked.

“She doesn’t have to. She should have to forgive me. We can merge my pack with the Lycans, and I would get a high position among the royals. She is the one who can save my life from this ocean of destruction and pain. She will defeat the demons

15:06 WedMay

Chapter 30

for us. 1 breathed, feeling really sad for all I had done to her in the past.

Diana is really so evil. She made me do all these and now wants to kill me off like a chicken.

It was evening when I reached. I stopped right in front of the gigantic royal castle. The gate was slightly opened by the gateman. He stepped out and sized me up.

“Who are you?” He asked meanly.

“I am Alpha Torian, Selene’s mate. I am tired from the long journey, and you won’t want her to come here and punish you for keeping me standing out here after I told you who I am,” I said with a little smile, hoping he would open the gate for me..

“Who are you to call the Lycan king’s mate yours?” He seethedand I could see his eyes change color.

“Hey, just go and tell Selene she has a visitor and that his name is Torian. We were former mates before something happened, and it couldn’t work. Go and tell her she has visitor, and stop acting cocky!” I retorted. He shrugged and walked back in, locking the gate.

“Be fast before you regret it!” I shouted. Selene won’t hate me so much now that she is now a powerful person, right? She has a very good heart that is soft and caring. She won’t hold grudges, for sure.

I mused to myself with a smile, and when the door clanked again, I was grinning, feeling so sure that she had told him to open for me.

The gateman came out through the small gate and handed me a letter, saying it was from Selene.

I opened it slowly, confusion on my face.

My jaw dropped as I saw what she wrote.

“If I allow you in, my mate will tear you apart. I am dead to you all. I can see you all are paying for your sins now, and I would love to watch it all happen. Go back and tell everyone, including my father, that I am deadjust as they badly wanted. Don’t stay long outside the gate. It gets dangerous at night.

I looked up and saw that the gateman had already gone back in. I rushed to knock on the gate but was electrocuted by the touch on the gate.

She really wrote this. She was really going to leave me out here without even seeing me.

“Wait, were we thinking she still has feelings for me?” My wolf hissed hopelessly as I sat on the ground..

She already knows about what Diana was doing to us and would actually enjoy watching it all. For real, we were evil to her. Everybody wanted her dead; even her own people were chanting for her death while she was taken away to be banished.

It is really over. There is no way out of this mess


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