The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 66-70

Chapter 66
Kiara Point of View
I gulped before pushing him away. He looked somewhat confused, and the scene from last night came to my mind. How could he even react like nothing happened last night?
“Can you please show me where you’ve placed the books? I need to start my work, and you need to focus on finding Ry,” I stated, locking eyes with him. He seemed hurt but nodded his head in agreement. I was determined this time that I won’t let him budge myself because of his so-called facade.
Killian walked to the side of the rack where his file and other books are kept. He pulled one book out and a sound of something opening like a door was heard. I turned to the side of the sound where it is coming from and saw a wall opening like a door… When did he construct this?
“While I believe those books are nothing more than a collection of old ideals and myths, they were still my mother’s possessions, so I decided to secure them,” Killian explained as he led me into the wall. I never knew what happened to his mother and there are many theories regarding her. Some said she died, she said it was his father’s fault, some said she left them and ran away… And all the theories are so hurtful that I wasn’t able to bring myself to ask him…
When he switched on the light, I saw racks lined with books. There were so many racks, each filled with books, files, and various items. It resembled a safe room.
“You’ll have to search in here because I don’t remember where I put those books. After you left, I decided to clear out things…
“Related to me,” I finished his sentence. He was gazing at me when his office phone rang.
“I’ll be back,” he declared, leaving the room. I sighed. Why does he have this effect on me? I pushed those thoughts aside and began searching the racks for the healing book I had read during my time as Luna.
I look at every rack when I look up at the shelf. It was there, a little too high for my reach.. I looked around calling for Killian but he didn’t respond to me.
Sighing with a glance around the room, my eyes caught sight of a portable ladder. I thought it might do the trick, so I moved it close to the shelf. Climbing the steps, I stretched to reach the book, but it stubbornly stayed just out of my grasp. Undeterred, I climbed a bit higher on the ladder, and finally, success was mine.
Yet, in that moment of triumph, the unmistakable scent of his presence reached me before he actually appeared. It threw me off balance, and I felt the impending danger of
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a fall. Just in time, his strong arm wrapped securely around my waist, flooding me with a comforting warmth.
“Easy there Mrs Woods.. I don’t want you to get hurt,” His deep husky voice echoed in. the room. And I glared back at him.
“Thank you for saving me but could you please let me down,” he smiled and helped me put down.
We walked out of the room and Killian closed the door.
“I still think this is not going to work.. These books are just ideologies and myth Kiara..” he said as I walked towards his office table, taking a seat on the chair and opening the book.
“You are always this same, think that our old ideologies could help anything,” Killian said as he crossed his arm around his chest and I felt his muscles tighten around his shirt. I remember that night when he took off his shirt his body had become bulkier than it was used to.
I am always like this? When did he meet me before? I do remember correctly that I met him when Alpha Eric came to my pack to talk about alliance. Did we meet before that?
“I just don’t want you to get disappointed in yourself if these things won’t work,” He added so softly that it made me feel warm all over. What game are you trying to play Killian? I thought.
“How do you know that?” I asked as I turned the page to find something related to Lucia’s condition that could help me.
“You don’t need to know that sweetheart,” he said and looked smugly at me.
I ignored the tingling sensation which I felt in the pit of my stomach when I heard him calling me by this new nickname….
I read the books it was total five and going through every text seems more hectic than it seems. Killian went for a while to train himself with his warrior and when he came back he was already freshly showered and his scent filled the office room. And I was confused when I felt my wolf stirring within…
It makes me think that it might be possible for me to get my wolf back…
“Did you find anything?” Killian asked him to sweep his hair back, giving me a good view of his forehead. He looks hot right now and I feel myself clenching
“I did find something but it is still not enough,” I added as I resumed to dwell more. deeper into the books so that I could not think of the hottest men before me. He
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nodded his head.
I was reading when I turned the pages past the healing section.. My eyes widened as I read the lines. It was the curse page section where if you lost your wolf what could be done.. The Moon Goddess created a pair to be together till they die and if anyone rejected each other they would lose their wolf forever.. But it could be given back to them if they wore marks of each other.. My hand abruptly went to my side of the neck where I should have worn his mark feeling it empty…
So, all along, my intuition was correct. I sensed my wolf more in Killian’s presence because he didn’t accept my rejection, and wearing his mark might restore my connection with my
“So, are those curses they talk about all real? If someone rejects their fated mate, do they lose their wolf forever?” Killian’s voice interrupted my thoughts as he, too, perused
the book.
“Am I not a living example right in front of you?” I replied, quickly closing the book. It didn’t want Killian to know about this. While I was glad at the prospect of reconnecting with my wolf, I wasn’t ready to become Killian’s mistress. I refused to immerse myself in unrequited love again. I have endured this feeling enough and now I am not alone. I have to take care of my kids who weren’t safe here…
Standing up from the chair, I prepared to leave the room when he gripped my hand, turning me to face him.
“Kiara, what’s wrong? I noticed you’ve been avoiding me, even in the dining area,” he inquired. Irritation seeped into my bones.
“Killian, could you please leave this pretence of taking care of me? I don’t understand why this concerns you. I only came to you because my children are missing. If this problem didn’t arise, I wouldn’t be here, and you wouldn’t even know that you have kids,” I shouted angrily. His behaviour was wearing on me. Why was he confusing me?
“Let me go!” I demanded, but his grip only tightened. I could sense from the way his eyes flickered between stormy grey and amber-red that he was growing angry.
“Not until you tell me what I’ve done,” I growled.
“Are you genuinely asking me that, Killian?”
“Kiara,” he softly called my name, and I closed my eyes as memories of the passionate night we shared flashed in my mind-the way he moaned my name while thrusting into me. I shook my head.
“Killian, I’ve already told you that you can meet or see your children whenever you want, but don’t expect anything from me. And drop your facade; you don’t have to
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pretend like you care for me,” I declared, pushing him away. I headed towards the door, ready to escape the room when he grabbed my hand, cornering me against the wall.
Anger surged within me, and I tried to yank my hand free, but he was much stronger. The Alpha King’s power resonates in the room. Glaring at him, I struggled even more, only for him to push me up against the wall.
His body pressed against mine, sending sensations I shouldn’t be feeling coursing through me.
“Now tell me, sweetheart. Why are you angry?” His voice was low and husky.
“I hate you,” I whispered defiantly. He rested his arm on the wall above my head and shook his head.
“We both know… that you don’t hate me,” he stated confidently, and I wished to wipe that smug expression off his face.
“How can you
you even talk about a second chance when just last night you engaged in intimate activities with your lover?” I asserted strongly. He raised an eyebrow when he realised what I meant, and a smirk appeared on his face.
Oh.. Killian IronClaw you would be dead from my hand if you don’t wipe that smug attitude from your handsome face..
“Are you feeling jealous right now, sweetheart?” he asked, his gaze dipping down to my breast, which was rising and falling rapidly due to the close proximity.
“You’re shameless, Killian,” I hissed, attempting to push him away, only for him to grab my other hand and pin it against the wall. His eyes flashed amber, and I could see the hunger in them as he exhaled slowly. Trying his best to control his wolf.
“Listen to me, sweetheart, what you witnessed is only one side of the story. And I am
not gonna
lie about it… She does come to my room, but we didn’t do anything.”
“And you think I would believe you,”
“I don’t want to hear any of your reasons. I don’t care about it at all,” I stated. I can’t handle this proximity. I can feel the heat emanating from his body. Knowing underneath that fitted shirt are his chiselled abs, and…
Stop it, Kiara…
My core area tightens, and I bite my lip, attempting to clear my mind, but I can’t, not
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when his intoxicating scent is overwhelming me. I’m angry with him… Yes… Right, you’re angry with this handsome bas ta rd.
“You have no right to be angry when you sleep in the same room as Aries,” he taunted, but I can tell he was angry.
“Yes, you’re right. I won’t give you reasons,” I hissed, lowering my tone significantly.
“I don’t like seeing you so close to him. I don’t like Hanna calling him daddy, but I’m enduring all this nonsense,”
“You can’t blame me, Killian. You missed out on those crucial years when children form bonds with their parents,”
“Because of you. You never informed me about them,”
“Huh… really? That’s because you were with Rihanna, accusing me of poisoning her, accusing my family for things we didn’t do, I yelled. How could he even blame me for not telling him about them.. I was about to but he was so lost in love with Rihanna that he was responsible for every loss he had faced.
“I know, Kiara. What Rihanna did was wrong. I totally agree with you. Later that day… she eventually confessed it to me,” he said but halted, looking at me. What?
“What?” I inquired. He cursed before approaching me, and I could discern regret in those stormy eyes. What had she confessed?
“Kiara, on the day you were accused of poisoning Rihanna, she admitted that you didn’t do it, and it was all a lie,” he muttered. I lifted my head abruptly; he knew this but still. didn’t return to me, still didn’t fight for me.
“You’re a pathetic person, Killian….. And I regret every single day that I once loved you,” I asserted, this time forcefully pushing him. He stumbled back a little but managed to regain his balance. I then rushed out of the room.Chapter 67
Kiara’s Point of View.
Killian trailed behind me as we entered the living room, where Alejandro and Austin were engaged in a serious conversation with Alpha Dean. Their hushed discussions came to an abrupt halt the moment they laid eyes on me. However, Alpha Dean greeted me with his customary charming smile.
“Kiara, good to see you again,” he exclaimed, his smile radiating warmth. Killian, not pleased, let out a low growl.
“Why are you here?” Killian interrogated, approaching the group.
“I’ve come to discuss the security breach that happened last night near my border..” Alpha Dean explained, his expression turning serious. It was evident that someone had invaded his pack.
“So, why did you come here?” Killian inquired, raising his eyebrow at him.
“Killian, you know that since my pack integrated with humans, we seldom face such problems. We were able to locate the intruders, but unfortunately, they took their own lives before we could question them. They turned out to be rogues,” Alpha Dean explained. It seemed those men were associated with the Rogue Alpha. But why did he send his muse to Alpha Dean pack?
“You could have informed me about this through the phone or email. You have capable warriors in your pack, Dean and you wouldn’t need my assistance even if an attack occurred. Give me a valid reason for your visit, Dean,” Killian growled, irritation evident in his voice. Dean, however, sported a carefree smile, leaving me wondering when he’d take a serious approach to situations.
“This is why you used to be my best friend in the past, Dean remarked, his gaze shifting to me. Killian rolled his eyes at his friend’s behaviour.
“I came to visit Kiara,” he declared openly, prompting growls from all three men present in the living room. However, it didn’t seem to faze him at all, even though I felt a shiver run down my spine from those life threatening growls.
“Oh, come on! There’s nothing wrong with getting to know each other. Right? Kiara,” he stated, eliciting glares from the trio and making me feel uncomfortable under their intense scrutiny. This is too much attention on me than it is required.
“Unbelievable,” Killian shook his head in his manner…
That was when the door opened again and another warrior came inside.
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“Alpha King,” He bowed to Killian and he nodded his head in acknowledgement.
“Delta Cyrus has been calling on your phone for a while now.. As you haven’t answered he told me to give you the message that they have found the little boy…” The warrior which I remember correctly was the head trainer. If Killian didn’t train with them. He would lead the warrior.
Little boy… Oh Moon Goddess they have found Ry. Killian immediately pulled out his phone from his pocket dialling Delta Cyrus number. It didn’t take him long to answer.
“Alpha King, we’ve scoured the entire west, and we’ve finally located them near a closed bar in a desolate area 400 miles away from the west which was now inhabited with humans,”
“You think they are keeping him there?” Killian inquired, glancing at me. My heart pounded, on the verge of bursting.
“Yes, Alpha,” Cyrus replied resolutely.
“How can you be sure?”
“We’ve traced a trail and are still actively pursuing it. I believe they plan to keep him there for the night before fleeing the next morning, based on their recent activities,”
“Cyrus, send me the location and keep me updated. We’re on our way.” Ordered Killian.
“Yes, Alpha.”
“And Cyrus,” Killian’s voice took on an authoritative tone, “Don’t take any action until I’m with you. Understand?”
I closed my eyes, finding solace in the fact that Killian showed emotions about his son’s predicament,
“Yes, Alpha,” Cyrus affirmed before ending the call.
Killian looked at Alejandro and Austin ordering them to ready the car as they were leaving right away. They didn’t take a minute before following his command, running out of the mansion.
“I am coming with you,” I said to Killian who walked towards his office room.
“No, Kiara, it is dangerous, we don’t know what will be faced there,” He said he pulled out weapons and threw them in a bag. Zipping it swiftly. Why did he have to carry those? My face is pale at the thought alone. I can’t leave my son there and the goddess. knows what happened to him…
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“Killian no please he is my son.. Please let me come with you,” He contemplated a few minutes when his eyes flicker. I knew they must have already arranged the car and mind-linked him to come fast.
“F uck! Lets go,” We ran out of the mansion and saw Aries and Hanna standing on the porch of the Alpha Guest House. I walked towards them.
“Did they find him?” Aries asked and I nodded my head.
“I will come with you,” he said but I held his hand. I don’t know who to trust here and I really wanted Aries to come with me but I can’t leave Hanna here alone.
I shook my head and Aries frowned at me, “Please look after Hanna. I will be at peace. that my daughter is safe with you,” I whispered softly to him.
“But I can let you go with them alone, “Aries growled but I again shook my head, my eyes pleading to him. I can’t leave her alone again here. I can’t be able to save Ry if my other half will be here thinking that Hanna is not safe at all.
He nodded his head, surrendering to my plea before pulling in a hug. “Please be careful call me if anything happened there,” I nodded my head.
“Mummy, go. I’ll be fine. Ry is waiting for you,” she nonchalantly dismissed me, grabbing Aries’ hand.
“Alright, princess,” I chuckled softly, “Please behave and stay with daddy, okay? Don’t wander anywhere alone,” I whispered gently to her. She nodded, and I bent down to plant a kiss on her forehead.
Heading toward the car, I noticed Killian and Dean engaged in a heated argument about something.
“Dean, we don’t need you for f uck sake.. I can drive by myself,” I looked ahead and Alejandro with Austan in the car was already out of the mansion gate. I look at both of them frustratedly.
“A little more help wouldn’t hurt Killian and my car don’t have symbol on it they wouldn’t find that you have entered the area,”
“Could we please hurry?” I yelled at both of them and Killian cursed at Dean before throwing the car key at him who caught it and sat into the driver seat.
I was about to open the passenger seat when Killian’s deep voice ordered me to sit in the back.
After four hours of driving, Austin kept Killian updated as we neared the location. Dean
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parked the car where others were already waiting.
Killian stepped out of the car first, followed by Dean and me.
“I suggest we approach on foot. It’s risky with a car; we might alert them, and they could escape, Alejandro advised, and Killian agreed.
Alejandro and Austin disappeared behind the trees, transforming into light brown and grey wolves. They ventured ahead. A gentle touch on my shoulder made me turn to face Killian. And I can tell what question must be running in his mind. I have lost my wolf. How will I transform?
“It’s okay I will walk,” I suggested to him but he still did not agree that the surroundings. may be dangerous for me to venture alone. Though Killian had already told me about the building and the surrounding area near that bar. The possible way of escaping but he didn’t think about this.
“I will
go with her,” Dean suggested and looked at him. Because of him we didn’t have to face awkward situations. Killian nodded his head. He walked a little and started to remove his shirt and I immediately turned around and my cheek started to get red. Nudity was not a problem but seeing Killian nude in front of me after so long.. Yes, that would become a problem.
A whistle was heard beside me as Dean praised his magnificent wolf who growled at him before running and following the same path where the grey and light brown wolfChapter 68
Ry’s Point Of View
I was worried when they didn’t tell me where my sister was. And where they had taken her? I was crying desperately to call my sister through the twin bond but it felt like she was sleeping. I don’t know but after two days I was able to feel her again. Sometimes crying, smiling and longing for me. I’m convinced she’s with Mommy and Uncle Arics.

It’s been two whole weeks a long and tiresome fourteen days because they keep shifting places so frequently. I haven’t stayed in one location for more than a day, and sometimes we move twice in a single day. I wonder if Mommy has been able to find me. That must be the reason for them to change the place frequently. Through our twin bond, I can feel Hanna – she seems happy and, more importantly, safe.
Once again, I watch as the two men start packing our belongings. We’re moving to a new place, yet again. Another day, another escape plan.
“Come on, young master, get up your as s! As we have to leave again,” the thin one yells, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. Among all the places we’ve been, this one was the best. It was in a human city, and I could hear children playing outside the building.
The comforting sound of a running car made me realise that I could fall asleep faster here compared to that desolate place where they used to imprison me. Stepping out of the building’s door, I observed many children engaged in playful activities. Some were my age, while others were older. Though they glanced in my direction, no one uttered a word as they ushered me into the van.
Within an hour or so, the vehicle came to a stop again. The thin man forcefully grabbed my hand this time, seemingly intending to inflict pain. I growled in response, causing his eyes to widen.
“Jer ry, don’t harm the child. If the alpha sees him bruised, he’ll kill us,” the other one warned, glaring at me before shoving me into what seemed like an abandoned human pub. Recognizing it as such from the barrels and the large bar, memories of Beta Noah taking me and his son to a similar place after a football match flashed in my mind. I had enjoyed an orange juice and a packet of crisps during that outing.
The smell is tickling my nose, it smells damp and old beer stained on the carpet. They urged me up to the upper floor, opening one of the room doors and I saw a bed there. If Hanna were here she would definitely eat up their head by yelling that she dislikes this place. At least she doesn’t have to face all this. They pushed me again, locking the door behind.
I walked towards the bed, sitting on it pulling my knees closer to me. I miss mummy
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and Hann. Though I sense Hanna’s concern for me through our twin bond, I attempt to respond with calmness, assuring her that I am okay. Deep down, I keep praying for mummy to come fast and save me from this place.
They once again forget to blindfold me as if they have tired of moving to another place from time to time. When we are here. I heard them talking to someone on the phone. The other side was a person who was saying bad words to them telling them to move fast.. And from the way that person’s voice was despirated it seems that mummy was able to find me.
Kiara’s Point of View
It didn’t take us too long to reach the area surrounded by trees. Killian was already waiting there by the time I reached there he was wearing his t-shirt and my eyes went to his toned body and a new tattoo on his back wolf howling to the moon. As much as I tried to not look down but eyes went down and he was already wearing jeans.
My eyes went up to him and he is looking at me with that f ucking smile that irritate me
to the core.
“Disappointed?” He asked with that f ucking smile.
“No,” I said and rolled my eyes as Alpha Dean and I walked to him. I didn’t see Alejandro or Austin with him.
“They went to get to know around the area,” Killian said as if he read my mind.
“So what are we going to do now?,” I may have lost my wolf but Aries had taught me enough to fight. But they are still rogues and they don’t spare anyone. They don’t belong to anyone and I doubt they would be loyal to that f ucking Rougue Alpha either.
We stood there as I saw Killian looking around. We were just a few miles away from that pub. Austin coming back with Delta Cyrus. He looked drained of energy and I can tell from the way he was looking.
“Did you find anything?” Killian inquired as Delta Cyrus and Austin joined us.
“There’s a group of five men surrounding the pub. Additionally, I located an abandoned. building directly across from the pub. It could serve as a useful hiding spot for us while we prepare a strategy for the assault on that location,” Delta Cyrus reported.
“Alright, so I’ll approach the building near the pub and establish a mind-link with Al and Austin. You stay here with Kiara… Killian began to explain his plan, but as he moved to leave, I seized his hand, preventing him from going any further.
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I couldn’t believe he made decisions without even considering my opinion after all, I’m Ry’s mother. My anger intensified. He raised an eyebrow, glancing down at the where my nails were digging in.
“Any problem, sweetheart?” he asked.
“You can’t just decide whether I stay here or not,” I asserted defiantly. He shook his head. expressing disappointment.
“Kiara, I’m the Alpha King. I know how to handle five men without any of them even realising, he sighed, conveying his frustration as I hesitated to trust his training and strength. It wasn’t just about that; it was about ensuring Ry returned safely into my
That sense of powerlessness overwhelmed me. I’m fully aware that I can’t contribute as much as he can handle on his own. However, I didn’t come here to sit idly miles away while my son is in danger. The atmosphere became tense as I continued to glare at Killian, gripping onto him. Cyrus and Austin remained silent, understanding my stubbornness to heed anyone’s advice except this charismatic man standing before me.
Alpha Dean cleared his throat, successfully grabbing our attention.
“Killian, she is right. You can’t decide on your own; she is the mother of that little boy,” he asserted.
“And I am his father. So, I have the right to make decisions concerning my son’s safety,” Killian growled at Dean, allowing his anger to surface without attempting to control it. Overstepping the boundary of the private information which he shouldn’t have too.
“What?” Dean’s eyes widened in shock at this unexpected revelation.
“I am the father, and the girl you saw at the pack is mine too.”
“Kiara, is this true?” Dean stared at me as if I had committed a huge sin, an act more wicked than the act of brutality that happened with me. I couldn’t even draw a comparison between the two. And that ceases my mouth what would I say that I ran away from the Alpha King’s heirs. Hiding all those years….
“Cyrus, keep her here, no matter what,” Killian commanded, letting his Alpha King’s aura envelope both Cyrus and Dean, who obediently nodded in response to the authoritative order.
“Killian, no…” I attempted to follow him, but Cyrus firmly grasped my arm.
“I’m s
sorry, Luna, but I have to follow the Alpha King’s order,” he whispered, keeping his fixed on the ground. Frustrated, I gritted my teeth and forcefully pulled my hand away from his grip.
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“Kiara, I’m sorry,
but he’s right. You can’t help them there. You’ll only hold them back. You’re human,” Dean reasoned, pointing out the vulnerability I was reluctant to acknowledge aloud. While Cyrus continued to survey the surroundings, Dean offered words that underscored my perceived limitations.
I approached the tree, settling down and anxiously awaiting Killian’s return. It seemed like my only viable option at the moment. Leaning against the trunk, I sent silent. prayers to the Moon Goddess, hoping for the safety of my son. A strong intuition told me that today would be the day I held him in my arms.
Dean walked over and took a seat beside me, leaning against the tree in a mirrored
“So, married with kids?” he inquired, his gaze fixed ahead as we observed the surroundings within the cover of the trees.
“You make it sound so easy,” I sighed, glancing to my right as a branch snapped.
“Killian being easy? I wouldn’t even want to imagine,” he remarked, also turning his attention toward the source of the noise.
I shifted into a crouched position, attempting to discern the potential threat, but a hand on my shoulder gently pushed me back down.
“Relax. It’s just a rabbit,” Dean reassured, sniffing the air for confirmation. I nodded in understanding.
“Why did you keep the children hidden from him? As far as I remember, Killian was mateless for the past four years,” he inquired, showing an excessive interest in a matter I preferred not to discuss.
“I don’t like talking about it,” I replied, but he was one of those persistent Alphas skilled at extracting the truth.
“I hate to say it, but Killian was devastated by the news of the attack on your pack, not to mention the discovery of bodies by your brother and him,” he explained, causing my brows to furrow.
“How did you find out about it?” I asked, eyeing him closely.
“I may not be a member of that council or part of Killian’s alliance, but news travels, little lady,” he said, smiling at me.
“I don’t even want to remember that day. It was so sudden; one moment I was determined to live a life with my parents, and the next moment, in the blink of an eye, I saw their bodies lying in blood. I didn’t even know if Aiden was alive or not. I had to run to save my life and, more importantly, the life inside of me,” I whispered softly, the
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memories haunting me like a broken reel.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Kiara,” he expressed genuine sympathy, placing a hand over his heart.
“So where did you live all those years?” he asked, looking at me with curiosity.
“I lived in Aries’ pack; he was the one who saved me. I had a life there until were kidnapped, and Lucia met with an accident,” I explained.
“Aries?” he asked, interrupting me.
“Yes, the Alpha of the Blood Stone Pack,” I replied, but I noticed something flickering in Dean’s eyes.
As I was about to inquire, he hushed me by placing a finger to his lips, directing my attention over my shoulder. I heard the noise of Killian making his way through the trees and bushes. To my disbelief, he was with another man, holding him by the neck. Notably, the man displayed bruises on his face, and there was blood on Killian’s T-shirt.
He tossed the man near my feet, and a painful scream escaped his lips. About to rise, the man was restrained by Cyrus, who came from behind. As I stood up, Killian approached, crossing his arms, and glared at the man.
“They’re all human,” he growled, and the man seemed on the brink of death.
“Cyrus, leave him,” I ordered, but Cyrus glanced at Killian, who nodded. Cyrus stepped back, and the man took deep breaths.
“This is the boy’s mother. Tell her what you told me,” Killian spat out with anger.
“The boy is locked in the pub,” the man cried out in pain.
“Who hired you?”
“I don’t know. I always talked to him on the phone. He gave orders, and we followed. without questions. We’re just here for the money,” he grunted. Clearly of no use and unable to survive much longer, given his condition.
“Killian, let him go. He’s useless. We just need to find Ry, and he confirmed he’s at the pub,” I suggested. Killian considered the idea for a moment before releasing the man.
As the man got up and ran a few steps, he suddenly screamed in pain, dropping to the ground.
What happened?
Cyrus rushed towards him, checking his pulse and shaking his head. Upon inspecting
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his body, he found a chip right where the spinal cord begins. My eyes widened in shock. at the revelation.Killian’s Point of View
in our
After leaving Kiara in the care of Dean and Cyrus, I headed straight to the place where they had imprisoned my son. My wolf was on edge, ready to pounce on anyone way. He growled within me, an impatient force demanding action. I had to remind him that Ry’s safety was paramount. I am not going to risk my son’s safety.
With Alejandro and Austin flanking me, we halted about a hundred metres from the pub. I surveyed the area with heightened senses. Two guys guarded the gate, and another pair lurked behind the pub, engrossed in their cigarettes and laughing. One was missing, and my keen eyes scoured the surroundings, finding him relieving himself in the bushes. What a m oron.
They appeared nonchalant, completely unaware they were dealing with a determined alpha. I tried to catch their scent, but there was nothing. The mysterious aura
surrounding them only deepened the intrigue inside of me. And it made it easier for me to kill them all.
“They’re all human,” Al mind-linked me, echoing my thoughts. Yet, Kiara mentioned they were kidnapped by Rogues. How come there are humans here…
“Al, you handle the two at the pub entrance, and Austin, take care of the ones at the back,” I directed them through the mind-link, and they acknowledged my orders. Discreetly going to do their jobs.
“And make sure none of them survive. Kill all of them. I need to have a chat with the remaining one. Let’s find out who was behind all of this,” I commanded, striding purposefully toward the guy relieving himself while nonchalantly whistling.
I observed as he zipped up his pants and looked around the bushes taking a tree leaf and wiping his hand on it… he doesn’t look like a werewolf.. I don’t understand why that f ucker assigned humans to guard my son. They can’t even match with us… The power we have as a werewolf is stronger compared to these humans who are nothing in front of us. So.. Why?
A scream was heard and he immediately looked back at me. His eyes widened ready to bolt away when I grabbed him by his jacket collar and pushed him to the ground. The breaking of bones echoed in the forest. I put my palm on his mouth so his scream didn’t reach the ones who were inside… And alert them.
“Tell me who is your leader? Who gave you the order to take the little boy,” I growled but I didn’t even have to use all my strength as he was a human. I can break his neck with a flick of my finger.
Chapter 69
“I… don’t… know..” he said, groaning in pain.
“Don’t test my patience because if you don’t tell me, I will break your neck,” I growled at him, my eyes glowing amber-red, conveying the intensity of my threat.
“I am telling you the truth…. I am doing this for money… Please don’t kill me,” the man said as he was gasping for air.
Dragging him along into the forest, I took him to where Kiara was. As I approached her, she regarded me with a mixture of fear and disdain. Yet, her desire for her son’s safety mirrored my own.
I tossed the man near her feet, and another painful scream ripped out his lips. I glared as he was about to rise to his feet when Cyrus came from behind of the tree and restrained him again on the ground. Kiara stood up and I approached her, crossing my arm around my chest as I glared at the man who was struggling on the woodland.
“They’re all human,” I growled, watching as the man tectered on the brink of death, trembling like a dried leaf. The question echoed in my mind: why the hell did they hire. these humans?
“Cyrus, let him go,” Kiara commanded, but Cyrus hesitated, looking at me. I gave a subtle nod, and Cyrus stepped back, allowing the man to catch his breath.
I, with a mix of determination and anger, spoke sharply, “This is the boy’s mother. Tell her what you told me.”
“The boy is locked in the pub,” the man cried out in pain.
“Who hired you?” Kiara asked, and I could see the same strength she possessed when she was the Luna of my pack, making her incredibly attractive. I curse myself for thinking about ramming her here…
“I don’t know. I always talked to him on the phone. He gave orders, and we followed without questions. We’re just here for the money. Please spare me,” he grunted in pain. but still trying to get away from here. Trying to gain sympathy but no one here is soft hearted…
“Killian, let him go. He’s useless. We just need to find Ry, and he confirmed he’s at the pub,” Kiara suggested. Oh yes, how can I forget about her. My amber eyes stared back at her, considering whether to release this man or not. My aura was in full force, my Delta and even Dean were shaking in fear… They can’t handle my Alpha King’s full power and I could feel even the human shaking with terror-why the heck didn’t Kiara feel it?
She glared back at me with the same intensity.. Not budging even a bit.
“Release him,” I mind-linked Cyrus, who immediately let go of the man. As he got up
Chapter 69
and ran a few steps, he suddenly screamed in pain, dropping to the ground.
What the heck just happened? I saw as he dropped to the ground. Lifeless.
한복 49%
Cyrus rushed towards him, checking his pulse and shaking his head. Dead? But how? Upon inspecting his body, he found a chip right where the spinal cord begins…. Bl oody hell… Kiara stood frozen there…
I inspected the chip, determined to unravel the mystery it held.
“I think it was similar to the chips that gave electric shocks to the body. These are of high volts, and humans aren’t able to survive this much volt shock,” Dean said, standing beside me and examining the chip.
“Where are your men?” Dean asked, attempting to cut the tension between Kiara and me. My eyes went to Kiara who was looking at the men on the ground as if trying to understand what happened just now… But I was clear on one thing and that is that f u cker is much more dangerous than we could imagine….
“Al and Austin are waiting for my orders. They were stationed at the pub,” I replied, dropping down to the ground and searching his pocket to find anything. Any clue that could lead me to the kidnapper.
“Okay, let’s go there,” I heard him saying to Kiara, but he looked at me. “Killian, what are you doing?” I saw him rolling his eyes at me as I disrespectfully searched for that
“Looking for clues. I have already got his phone and this chip which was inside that man’s body. I will let my men hack the phone for information,” I said as if this was the most obvious thing to do.
“Killian, this is not necessary now… you can come back later to search for him as much as you want we have to get to that boy first. Let’s go to the pub,” Dean pressed for a decision, and I agreed on our next step.
We proceed cautiously towards the abandoned building, located just across the road. from the pub. There, we find Alejandro and Austin crouched behind a broken window, the glasses sca ttered on the floor, we made our way to the window that offered a good. view of the pub ahead.
“How many insides?” I inquire as I crouch down between Alejandro and Nate.
“We aren’t sure for the exact, but we think there’s at least two,” Alejandro responds, glancing at Cyrus, who nods in agreement.
“Is there any discreet way to enter the pub?” Kiara asks, and we all turn our attention to her. She must be kidding right?
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Chapter 69
“What?” She asks as if she didn’t just pose the most naive question. We can’t enter as if they’re going to welcome us like we are invited here to attend a party.
“You must be kidding, right?” Dean scoffed, but she shook her head in nativity.
“Obviously not. I am serious,” And Dean opened his mouth but closed it, as if he didn’t know whether to say it or not.
“I’m going in,” she got up, ready to walk away, when I grabbed her hand, turning her to face me. F uck she looks more beautiful up close… I shook my head.
“No, you’re not,” I growled at her, maintaining my alpha aura.
“Killian, he is my son,” she yelled at me with determination.
“Don’t use that justification, Kiara. He is my son too. Do you have the same training as me? No. Can you take a life like me? No. So, it’s settled that you will stay here,” I ordered her firmly.
“Don’t you dare order me around, she whispered, yelling at me. I watched as she took a deep breath, and my eyes dipped to her chest. I cursed under my breath before looking back up at her eyes.
“This is your maternal instinct, Kiara. But you need to understand that we don’t know if the kidnapper inside that pub is human or rogue. If you enter without a plan, it might pose a danger to Ry and even to yourself. I promise you I will bring him back here unharmed and intact,” I reassured her trying to make her understand. But actually, I don’t want her to face the same incident that happened that night. I can’t look at her again, bathing in the blood and on the verge of losing her.
The Goddess only knows the condition he’s in, the place he’s being kept in the pub, and whether he’s even conscious. I understand it’s tough for her, but she must remain behind if we stand a chance of getting him out alive.
I gaze at her, seeking her trust, wanting her to believe that I am his father and he belongs to me just as much as he belongs to her. She closes her eyes briefly before meeting my gaze again. In her eyes, I can perceive the fear that lingers, and I gently brush her chin.
“I love it when you two fight like a cat and dog,” Dean chimed in with a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes in response, and Kiara quickly distanced herself from me, crouching down to peer outside the window.
I turned to Dean, who was sporting a goofy smile. When did this man ever become serious? I sighed. Never.
“Don’t worry; I’ll be here to watch over her,” Dean assured me, and I nodded in
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Chapter 69
“Cyrus and Austin, you’ll stay outside the pub. Alejandro and I will enter,” I instructed them.
It turned out to be advantageous that the pub was surrounded by bushes, providing us with a hiding spot.
“Ready?” I mind-linked Alejandro and the others. This is the golden opportunity for me to rescue him, and I won’t let it slip away. I signalled to Alejandro for us to proceed, and we both moved swiftly, crossing the road without being detected.
Keeping a low profile, I attempted to push the door, only to find it locked from the inside. I glanced back at him.
“We need to find another way; the door is locked,” I communicated through our mind- link. He tapped my shoulder, pointing towards the window. I nodded as he approached it, using his elbow to shatter the glass and deftly climbed inside. I followed suit.
Stepping over the sca ttered glass, covering the damp carpet, my nose tickled due to the musty smell. It was evident that this pub had not been used for quite some time.
“Austin, are you both inside?” I inquired through the mind link. receiving an affirmative
“Check the cellar while we investigate upstairs,” I communicated to him through our
me ntal connection.
I sensed some movement as Alejandro and I concealed ourselves behind the bar counter. I watched as the man walked behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey directly from the dispenser. And once again, he was a human… It furrowed my brows. Again, no match for my strength. I glanced back at Alejandro, who shrugged his shoulders, clearly perplexed because this scenario didn’t seem like a typical kidnapping.
I stood up, walking directly behind him.
“Hi, mind if I join?” I greeted him with a smirk, and he shricked, preparing to run. However, I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him against the counter. A curse escaped his lips. He pushed me and attempted to flee, but Alejandro blocked his path with a smirk on his lips.
The man pulled out a gun in a feeble attempt to defend himself, and I couldn’t help but laugh at his futile effort. This nonsense wasn’t going to intimidate me. I was the Alpha King, after all. While his gun touched my toned abs, it didn’t install any fear in me.
Although the primal instinct urged me to tear his heart out, I deemed it more beneficial to question him. I delivered a swift blow to his head, and he crumpled to the floor,
飯 t
landing on the broken glasses
Alpha King, no one is in the cellar Austin reported through the mind link I glanced at
the stairs, preparing myself to go I had to keep my emotions intact to ensure ity’s

Chapter 70
Ry’s Point of View
I detected movement outside my door, accompanied by a string of curses. If Mom were here, she’d likely grab both of them by their car and unleash a torrent of cursing language right in front of me.
A fond memory flashed in my mind. I recalled Mom chasing Aries in the garden after he called his men idiots, and Hanna gleefully echoing that word several times in front of mummy. That alone brought a heart attack to her. The laughter from that moment echoed in my thoughts. I miss Hanna, Mom, and Uncle Aries. I need them. I wanted to go back to them.
“Why are you making so much noise, for goodness’ sake?” I think the chubby one. questioned the thinner one. Their voices were becoming familiar to me.
The chubby one may look overweight, but surprisingly, his voice sounds feminine, and at times, even squeals like a girl’s.
“We forgot to bring the food!” the thinner one shouted.
“Just call someone outside to bring it,” The chubby one said.
“They are not picking up calls. Those bas tar ds are lazy they only want money,”
“Fine, toss me the van key, I’ll go get it before sunset,” the chubby one replied, and I heard the key being thrown at him. Unfortunately, he couldn’t catch it, and it clattered. to the floor.
My ears perked up, and a scream pierced the air just outside my window. Since the window was too high for me to reach, I grabbed a small table positioned in front of it and cautiously peered outside. My eyes widened, prompting me to quickly duck down.
I swear I witnessed a robust figure dragging a man by his foot into the dense forest. This place is undoubtedly not safe; my instincts were correct.
I gulped anxiously, but a few minutes later, a squeak echoed, and I was certain it came from the chubby man. The thinner one swiftly opened the door and rushed inside, glancing around to secure the door, preventing anyone on the other side from opening
With a gun in hand, the thinner one pointed it at the door. I hurried to the corner of the room. He signalled me to be silent with a finger over his mouth. For the first time, fear gripped me, and my eyes began to well up with tears. Trembling, I watched as the door burst open, revealing a massive, bulky man entering. His sheer size was
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Chapter 70
My gaze fixates on the men who effortlessly broke down the door, as if it were made of paper. He appeared like a hero straight out of an action movie, stepping into the room with a commanding presence. His sheer size dominated the doorway, adorned with black hair. The muscles on his arms were larger than my head-how could someone attain such a massive physique?
“Who are you? Don’t come any closer,” the thinner man screamed in terror, still pointing the gun at the imposing newcomer.
Raising an eyebrow, the Alpha King took a few deliberate steps inside. “I am the Alpha King,” he roared, causing the room to tremble under the weight of his aura. Even the thinner man, now shaking in terror, felt the impact. In a foolish move, he pointed the gun at me.
“Don’t come any closer, or I will blow his little head,” he yelled, and once again, the Alpha King’s roar echoed. In the blink of an eye, the Alpha King snapped the neck of the thinner man in less than a second. I stood there in a mix of shock and awe, unable
to to articulate my feelings.
Glancing up at the Alpha King, I recognized him as the man I had seen in my pack, the one who wanted to meet Aries. A grimace crossed my face as the lifeless body fell to the ground.
“You didn’t have to kill him,” I said, genuinely meaning it, as the man was defenceless. A twinge of pity crept in for a moment.
“You are just like your mother,” he remarked, adding, “except for looking,” in a whispered tone that made me look up at him. Frowning, he did the same.
“What?” I inquired.
“Nothing, let’s go; your mother is outside waiting for you. He crouched down to my level, his eyes briefly turning amber red before returning to the colour of my own Stormy gr
In that moment, I realised we shared more similarities than I initially noticed during our first meeting.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked, scanning my body to check for injuries.
“I didn’t even get a scratch,” I/proudly informed him.
“Good, you are very brave,” he complimented as he stood.
and brushed my
“I am?” I questioned.
“Yes, always protect her.”
anna told me how strong you were and how ve
10:06 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 70
“They are with you?” I inquired.
“Yes, in my pack with your dad,” he confirmed.
“My dad… Uncle Aries?” I pondered, tapping a finger on my chin, and he seemed pleased to hear it.
Three more men entered the room, and they all stopped to look at me with wide eyes. For the first time, I felt shy. They each put a hand on their chests, bowing toward me. This behaviour puzzled me, but I pushed it aside, planning to ask Mom later.
“What is your name?” I asked as we descended the stairs.
“Killian,” he replied, guiding me towards the back door that had been unhinged from the door panel.
She stood watch over me outside the pub, and my gaze fixed ahead as I noticed her sprinting toward me.
“Ry!” she exclaimed, lifting me up and showering me with kisses.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I won’t ever let you leave again,” she promised. Uh-oh, this could be trouble. She always stood up for what she believed in. I might be in for it.
“I’m fine, Mom,” I insisted, attempting to wriggle free as she continued to hug me tightly and plant kisses on my cheeks. I was sure they would be red by now.
“Ry, your mom was really scared. Let her give you some cuddles,” a new voice chimed in. Glancing over, I saw a handsome man-my initial thought upon seeing him. He exuded the alpha aura.
Killian approached us as Mom put me down, still holding my hand.
“What about the men-still inside?” Mom inquired.
“One is dead, and the other is unconscious. I’ll take him to the pack for questioning,” he explained.
“Thank you for your help, Killian,” she whispered softly, and I observed the shift in auras between them. It changed so swiftly, from strong to something softer.
“Both of you should go with Austin. I’ll bring the man in another car,” Killian suggested.
“We can wait for you to finish your work,” Mom offered, and a faint smile appeared on the Alpha King’s face before returning to his usual expression.
“Alright, wait near the car,” he instructed before heading inside. The other three men are standing at the entrance of the pub. The new men and the alpha guard us to the car
Chapter 70
which was just parked right outside the building.
It was then that I heard a faint snap of a twig from the side of us.
“Watch out!” Alejandro shouted from the gate entrance, and panic surged through me. I turned to see what caused the commotion, discovering that the chubby man had managed to sneak out of the pub and hide behind the nearby bushes.
With a gun in his hand, he aimed directly at me and Mom.
“No…” she screamed, pushing me out of harm’s way and placing herself in the firing line.
“Mummy!” I cried out as she pushed me, and I tumbled backward to the ground. The other alpha rushed toward me shielding me. The gunshot echoed, and my entire body froze at the sound.
No, please.
He moved swiftly, faster than any wolf I had seen before. He knocked her to the ground, enveloping her completely with his body as the bullet struck his back-taking
the hit for her.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 61-65

Chapter 61
Kiara’s Point of View
“I… How?” I asked softly, unable to believe it. Was this the reason why she wasn’t here to support me? Is this why I haven’t seen her around all this while? Did Aiden know about this?
“Yes, she has been in a coma for a month now,” he said. I remember we never talked after I went back to Arics’s pack after meeting with Aiden. Aiden also told me that she wasn’t picking up her calls, and all of this happened before I was kidnapped.
“Tell me what happened to Lucia. I need to meet her. I need to… I am such an awful friend, Killian. She has done so much for me. Because of her, I was able to face my pack and my brother, and now look what happened to her,” I whispered, the guilt weighing heavily on me as I turned my head away.
“No, Kiara. It is not your fault. I wanted to tell you, but you were already stressed because of the kids, and I didn’t want to put more stress on you. But today I talked to Eve, and she said that there are no chances of her waking up,”
“How did this happen?” I asked.
“She was found near the forest. Aiden was the last one who saw her, and she met with an accident on the day she met with him,” he said.
That’s when a knock was heard on the door, and a warrior came inside.
“Alpha, Beta Alejandro has regained consciousness,” the warrior whispered.
“I will
go and talk to him,”
“I will come too,” I could see he was contemplating it but agreed to it.
“You stand outside the door and guard it. No one is allowed inside the room. Other than me and Kiara,” He commanded to the warrior who immediately bowed to him.
When we reached his room, Alejandro didn’t look in good condition. He was badly injured. His upper body part was bare, and I could see the blade marks on him, although it was healing. The remnants were enough for me to understand that it was because of the silver blade the same blade marks I had been seeing.
“Alpha, Luna,” he said, acknowledging me and Killian.
“What happened there, Al? Why did you only bring Hanna and not Ry with you? And how come you all got
this injured?” Killian asked. My heart was thumping in my chest as I looked at Alejandro with so many expectations. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that
Chapter 60
to find you here,” I said knowing Hanna sees Arcis as her father. That was when a growl heard from behind making my core clench. Staying by his side is not doing anything. good to me.
“I am happy too Kiara I am coming right away,” He said and I ended the call.
I turned my back and found Killian looking at me, his jaws clenched and anger radiating from his body. I ignored that and gave him back the phone.
“Thank you,” I said.
“I need to talk to you about something,” he said.
“Lucia…” he stopped, making my throat feel dry and my stomach churn.
“She met with an accident, and after that, she went into a coma.”

Chapter 61
my baby would be safe. My son is strong, but he is still a small child who must be scared. alone out there.
He found a suitable position to rest himself as he glanced at me and then to Killian.
“We were 20 miles away from the mines where you sent us to check. My car’s fuel ran over, so we decided to take a break at the nearby gas station. That is where I found her,”
“There was an SUV parked there in which there were two people, both of them were wolves. I thought of talking to those people and then I saw this girl in the back seat. As soon as they saw me, they sat in the car and started running away.”
“We chased them until half the distance and took over the car, but they were armed with silver. We had a tough time, but we saved this girl. Those people were murdered.”
My heart was thumping listening to it. My children must have endured so much.
“After coming here, I had already ordered Delta Cyrus to go and check the mines. The little girl is in bad condition, so I hurried her,”
“I am sorry, Luna, I couldn’t save the boy,” He whispered, looking down.
I was starting to break down. I was about to drop to the floor when Killian’s strong arm supported me. I glanced up at him as tears started to flow from my eyes. I don’t want to imagine how much pain they have been through. I just needed my son back in my
“I need to go find him…” I said to Killian.
“No, Kiara. It is not safe. We don’t even know whom we are fighting against,”
“Ry is out there, Killian… Alone and scared!” I screamed at him with my hand fi sting his shirt. He grabs my wrist and holds them tightly.
“Don’t worry, they won’t harm him. They need him alive. We’ll locate him and bring him back,” he reassures, pulling me close as I cry into his chest, pounding my fists in frustration.
He simply embraces me, letting me release all the built-up emotion. “I swear we’ll track him down,” he vows.
Two days passed away and Hanna still hadn’t woken up. The doctors had said it was only because she was small and fragile. And this is making me anxious as more days went on and Ry was still out there.
I had shifted to the guest house. I have Hanna with me and living with her in the Alpha
Chapter 61
Mansion is dangerous. I don’t trust Rihanna. The threat she has given so boldly is enough for me to understand that she is not scared of anyone. And I needed to keep Hanna away from potential danger.
Aries has come to stay with me in the temporarily handing over his
guest house
responsibilities to his Beta. Having him by my side brings comfort and a sense of protection. He’s always been my biggest supporter. He too had sent some of his men to search the west side.
Aiden visits frequently, urging me to come with him. On the other hand, Killian insists that I stay here with Hanna, emphasising the need to be close in this challenging time. Currently, Killian and Aries are engaged in a conversation about the accident involving Lucia. Both alphas and their strong personalities create occasional bickering that I roll
my eyes at
I brushed Hanna’s hair, a routine I’ve followed for the past two days. Suddenly, she stirred, and I eagerly looked down as her eyes opened. A soft “Mumma” escaped her lips, and my heart filled with joy.
“My baby.” I exclaimed, immediately embracing and showering her with kisses on her cheeks. The relief of seeing her awake overwhelmed me. The dark thoughts that had. plagued my mind during her unconsciousness now dissipated, replaced by pure happiness.

Chapter 62
Killian’s Point of View
I witnessed how her violet eyes similar to Kiara shifted from me to Aries, and my heart. sank when she extended her small hand towards him, calling him “Daddy.”
A sharp pain hit me as he embraced them both tightly, pulling Kiara and Hanna into a strong hug. It felt as if I were being tortured with silver, the pain cutting deep within.
I swallowed the pain, realising I had no right to be there. I immediately left the place walking out of the room through the corridor out of the Alpha Guest House and sat on the porch. I shouldn’t feel this way; it was my own fault for not being there for them. They’ve known Aries since birth, so naturally, they would be more connected to him than to me. Despite this rational understanding, my wolf howled in agony, echoing the emptiness I felt within.
I was so lost in this pain when a tire screeching sound against the ground made me look up. I saw a car pulled up in front of the Guest House, and Aiden stepped out. Despite our frequent disagreements and ego clashes, our connection dates back to the days when we began training to become alphas.
During my training days, I encountered Aiden at the training centre. At that time, I was unaware that he had a sister due to his protective nature towards her. There was a particular incident I recall. It was midnight, and families were allowed to visit. Unlike my situation, where my father never came, and my mother was absent, Aiden was fortunate to have a family who was always attentive towards him. I had met his father at
that time.
After my training, I was heading back to the dormitory. Given the Alpha blood in me, I had to undergo extensive training. My wolf was always eager to surface, even in minor alterations. Daniel, a Beta known for his combat skills, was my trainer, helping me control the wolf.
I was covered in mud, blood, and sweat, having just turned seventeen. At that age, finding a mate was unlikely. Yet, as I walked through the courtyard, I caught a sweet scent, a blend of peach and honey. My wolf responded with a growl, prompting me to follow the scent on my own.
I came across a beautiful fifteen-year-old girl picking flowers. Her beauty captivated with her long hair swaying in the wind. Drawn to her like a bee to flowers, I approached. She sensed my presence, turning with big violet eyes meeting mine. Her scent revealed she was an omega.
Chapter 62
But what an omega is doing at this hour and that too where only Alpha is training.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as she looked up at me. She was not even up to my height and my wolf is finding it way too cute.
“N-Nothing..” she nervously said but not backing away from me. She amuses me with this behaviour because normally others back away as they can’t stand my aura. Most people couldn’t stand the dominance radiating from me.
“Don’t you know that you shouldn’t walk out here alone this late at night?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, I noticed she didn’t budge.
“I came to meet my brother. He is also an alpha and comes to train here,” Her soft voice. sent a shiver down my spine, leaving me puzzled about why she was having such an
effect on me.
Curiosity got the better of me as I asked, “Then why are you here alone?”
Her response was innocent, “I wanted to give him something as I forgot to bring a gift for him. I saw these beautiful flowers, so I decided to make a bouquet and give it to him.” She dropped down to the ground, resuming her work, and for some reason, I found myself standing beside her, waiting for the bouquet to be completed.
“How did you get hurt?” she asked, though her attention was on the bouquet she was making. Glancing down, I noticed a mark. The blood had stopped, but the wound hadn’t completely healed since I was training with silver weapons.
“I am the Alpha King, so I have to train more, and these small wounds won’t hurt me,” I responded, puffing out my chest. Despite being seventeen, my physical appearance resembled that of a twenty-year-old, likely due to the Alpha King blood coursing through me. That made me heal more faster than others but the silver affected us werewolves a lot.
She didn’t reply to me, but after a few minutes, she got up from the ground, dusting her dress. She turned to me, her hand stretched out with a bouquet. A bouquet!
“Could you please hold it for me for a while?” she said, and my wolf compelled me to
it for her. I grumbled at him. I watched her as she ran toward the field. I never had much interest in plants, finding them rather dull, but according to the elders, they are of great use. According to them, we may develop in the field of technology but we should not forget the herbs and ground. They can cure anything.
I watched as she picked a leaf from a small plant I didn’t recognize and walked back to me. In her hand was a white handkerchief with that leaf on it. She grabbed my hand, and I felt tingles.
Chapter 62
1 observed as she skillfully tied the cloth around the wound, and I could feel the
coolness. The burning and itching I was feeling, it went away in a blink. How did she do that?
“This is a medicinal plant; it helps to seal off wounds caused by silver,” she said, and I felt warmth all over.
I saw her reach her hand out to me. Confused, I remembered the bouquet she gave me to carry for her. I handed it back, and she smiled before running to the building where we were allowed to meet our family members.
I stood there, still feeling the tingles wherever she had touch
me, and it confused me
a lot. I walked to the building and saw her hugging Aiden, one of the boys I bicker a lot
with here….
He asked. “What are you doing here? Did my sister throw you out of the house?” I sighed, unsure of what to say. How could I admit that I was jealous because my daughter was calling someone else daddy? The growl rumbled through my chest, a manifestation of my conflicting emotions.
“Hanna has regained consciousness,” I finally said. I debated whether I should delve into the complexities of my feelings, but it seemed more prudent to focus on the positive
news for now.
them. here? Sitting in the loneliness.” Aiden questioned. The scenes replayed in my mind like a glitching reel, stuck on the same heartbreaking moment. I want her back. Seeing the fire in her eyes reminded me of the girl who always caught my attention… The strong-willed women that I let go….
“You should be happy about it and inside with Why are y
The memories of our rejection haunted me. The ache of regret and longing enveloped me, and I couldn’t shake off the haunting echoes of the past.
“I, Kiara Woods, reject you…”
The words echoed in my mind, a relentless replay of the moment that shattered. everything. A surge of pain tightened my chest, making it hard to breathe. The weight of loss pressed upon me, leaving me feeling hollow. What am I without her? A heartless. Alpha King, a foolish man, a madman….
The torment of realising where I went wrong gnawed at me, a haunting question with
no easy answers.
The darkness of my thoughts enveloped me, and I found myself alone with the haunting realisation. My ego had blinded me to what was slipping through my fingers.
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Chapter 62
“I have lost everything, Aiden. Da mn it all… I am a father, and I didn’t even know they existed,” I confessed, the weight of the truth hitting me hard. The pain of the revelation echoed in my words, a bitter acknowledgement of the consequences of my own actions.
“Killian, I know this might sound harsh, but what you did all those years ago was foolish. Blaming me and my sister for things she didn’t do, leaving her in misery and pain, not coming back to her. I mean, you left her, then you found her, chased after her, and then, with all your stu pidity, you lost her,” Aiden’s words cut through, each one a piercing reminder of my past mistakes. T
The pain mirrored in his voice resonated with my wolf, a shared agony that I tried to suppress. The realisation that I had hurt both of them dug deeper into my wounded soul.
“She had moved on Aiden. My daughter is calling someone else daddy. What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t think she has moved on Killian,” he said, getting up from the stairs of the porch and dusting his jeans.
“The Moon Goddess has given you a chance to make everything right, and I don’t want to admit it, but you still deserve her. That is the reason why you didn’t accept her rejection and the reason for her to return here, he said before opening the main door of the guest house and walking inside, leaving me alone with conflicting feelings.
Kiara’s Point of View.
I observed Killian walking out of the room, and I sensed the weight on his shoulders. I knew the truth, that he is the father, but revealing it to her now could add more stress. She had just woken up after enduring painful nights without me. I decided it was crucial to let her calm down first, and having Aries beside her would help.
Once everything stabilised and was under control, I planned to find a way to disclose the truth. It wouldn’t be easy, but I was determined. Killian deserved to meet his children, especially with Hanna’s health at stake. I wanted her to have the chance to meet him too.
Aiden observed Hanna sleeping peacefully on Aries’ lap, his fingers gently running through her hair while he focused on his laptop.
“Here,” I offered, handing him a cup of coffee, which he accepted and taking a sip from
“She looks so carefree with him. I don’t understand what magic he did to Woods females,” he commented, a hint of jealousy in his voice. I chuckled at his remark,
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“I think she feels protective around him because she has known him since she was just a baby,” I explained softly, my gaze returning to the heartwarming scene in front of me. I couldn’t help but wish it were Killian there instead.
“How are you feeling, Kiara?” Aiden inquired, his gaze locked onto mine. I couldn’t. conceal my emotions from him. The internal conflict weighed heavily on my mind. Closing my eyes, I attempted to calm my racing heart. Killian had been remarkably attentive in the past few days, not only towards Hanna but also towards me. Yet, doubts lingered, and trust was a delicate matter I couldn’t easily grant.
“I don’t know, Aiden. Killian is making an effort to bond with Hanna, even though her wolf hasn’t fully emerged. I can sense his genuine desire to be close to her,” I explained. my uncertainty evident.
“I can’t bring myself to separate them. Whether I like it or not, they are the heirs of the Mad Crest Pack.”
“I talked to Killian, and he’s upset about Hanna calling Aries ‘Daddy,” Aiden informed
“Did she always call him that?”
“No, she only does it when she’s been away from him for too long. It’s like she feels protective around him,” I explained.
“She started doing this when she was two years old, and Aries was only away for three months,” I chuckled, recalling the memory of her crying all night when he was gone.
“You know he’s not their father. What will you do when they grow up and ask about their father?” Aiden questioned.
“They will ask about their father, Aiden, not Hanna, but Ry already feels that he belongs. to the powerful family. He doesn’t see Aries as his father, though he sees him as at supporter and protector,” I explained.
“And I will let them meet Killian. He is their father and he has rights, but I will not let them stay here, Aiden. Once I find my son, I want to go back to my pack, to the one where I truly belong.”
“And what about Aries?”
“He would understand; he always understood my feelings, my decisions. That is his forte; he never questioned my choices,” I replied.

Chapter 63
Kiara’s Point of View
After Two week
It had been two weeks, and Killian and his men were still looking for them. I was getting more and more anxious as the days passed.
“I think we should question Hanna. Maybe she saw something that would help us find. him,” Killian said. We were sitting in his office. As much as it sounds good, I don’t want my princess to even remember those days without me. Where she has suffered so much.
In these past two weeks, Killian always tries to find any opportunity to talk to her, to stay close to her. The excuse to stay close to her has been blurry.
“Yes, Kiara. I know this doesn’t sound good, but maybe through her, we can take the lead because Delta Cyrus has searched every nook and cranny of the west of the mines. The forest and human city spread out and a lead is the only thing through which we can get him quickly,” Alejandro added. He looks quite good.
I nodded my head, and we all went to the Alpha Guest House. I walked inside, seeing her playing with the toys Aries bought back from the pack with some of her clothes and mine. We need them if we are going to stay here a little longer than the required number of days.
“Hey, princess,” I called her sofily as we all went inside the bedroom. I could feel Killian’s gaze on me, and it felt like I was burning with his intense gaze on me.
“Mummy,” she yelled, hugging me. I lightly brushed her hair. She reached me, and I picked her up, placing her on my hip. Killian looked at Hanna in my arms. His hand moved forward to touch her face but stopped when Aries’s growl of warning echoed through the room. I saw how his jaw clenched tightly like it was going to break any minute.
Her violet eyes, so similar to mine, stared at Killian. “Who is he?” Hanna whispered into my ear. Her cheeks were getting a shade of red, and a small smile graced my lips. She had always been the shy type, while Ry had always been an extrovert. This might be the first time she’s meeting a new person apart from Aiden.
Killian moved closer to her, disregarding another growl in the room from Aries. The typical Alpha characters. I rolled my eyes at it. I’m Killian, and I’m here to help find your brother,” he whispered gently to her. The warmth his words brought made me feel good inside.
Her eyes got big, and she giggled. “He mentioned you, said you’re a powerful Alpha,”
Sat, 3 Feb
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she said, looking a bit unsure as she glanced at Killian.
“Really?” Killian inquired, as if eager to hear more.
“Hi, princess,” Arics approached her, and she extended her arms towards him. Aries picked her up, and I noticed a flicker of anger in Killian’s eyes at the sight of his own. daughter calling another man “daddy.”
“These men are going to ask you some questions. If you answer them all correctly, I’ll make cupcakes for you,” Aries promised, and she eagerly agreed.
Alejandro tapped Killian’s shoulder as they communicated through their mind link. The tension was evident in their flickering eyes. Killian sighed, then stood beside. Alejandro, making way for him to question my daughter. I know Killian can’t control his anger.
Alejandro gazed at her, then bent slightly, placing his palm on his chest to acknowledge her as the heir of Mad Crest Pack. I noticed the quick, smug look that Killian shot his way. Looking all so proud.
“Hey princess, answer the questions only if you’re comfortable, okay?” Alejandro reassured her, and my daughter nodded in agreement.
“Do you remember where they took both of you? Like the surroundings or anything nearby? Did you see something or listen to anything that is frequent there?”
“I only remember the day we got separated from Mommy. After that, they covered our eyes. And I wanted to come back to mommy. So, I cried a lot. They didn’t hurt us. They even gave us toys and changed our clothes. But I still want to come back to mommy.” she said, tears welling up in her eyes. I immediately took her in my arms, comforting her.
“The night there was scary… I always cried to sleep and Ry looked after me,”
It was now 11 pm, and after putting Hanna to bed at 8 pm, I decided to give myself some time. I roamed around the pack a little before returning to the Alpha Guest House. As I was about to go to Hanna’s room to check on her, I heard a slight giggle coming from the kitchen.
Heading to the kitchen, I peeked around the corner, thinking I would find the maid, who usually helps me, to bid her goodnight. To my surprise, I stumbled upon an unusual sight. Killian was seated at the kitchen table with his laptop, and a laughing Hanna was beside him, with cake crumbs sca t tered all around.
And I am not gonna lie how that scene alone brought so many emotions in me..
Chapter 63
“What is all this, my princess?” I entered the kitchen with an amused smile seeing how she hid behind Killian who had a huge smile on his face.
She picked up from behind him, “Sorry, Mummy. I was hungry,” she giggled, covering – her mouth with her hands trying to conceal the giggles which made me feel like I was finally at peace.
I step
into the kitchen and reach for a glass from the cabinet. The Alpha Guest House has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a hall, making it convenient for guests who like to stay a little longer for meetings and other activities. It was my idea to build this type of guest house for families wh
are mates and have family to bring.
I decided to get some milk for Hanna. As I pour a glass, I try to ignore the hushed whispers between Killian and Hanna, pretending not to hear. The atmosphere feels a bit awkward for me, yet I maintain a composed facade, focusing on the simple act of preparing milk for my daughter.
Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I position the glass of milk in front of Hanna.
As I observe, I notice a gentler side of Killian emerging in his conversation with her-a side previously unseen. I always used to think sparked my curiosity about how he would interact with his own child and today I am actually seeing him. In this moment, he doesn’t resemble the ruthle
king; instead, he appears as a father yearning to spend quality time with his children.
“What’s the secret talk about?” I inquire, curious about Hanna and Alpha Killian’s hushed conversation.
“I was telling Alpha Killian about the time when Ry threw a ball at your clinic window,” The memory brings a warm smile to my face, anticipating the spirited antics of my growing baby. Despite the playful mischief, I recognize it as part of the joy of parenting.
“Ah so I finally found the traitor, it was him?” I jest with a playful smirk, amused by Hann’s admission which I already know.
“We are just playing mummy,” She insisted, having slammed her hand over her mouth. Her
eyes widened because she just told me his secret.
“Can I share something special with you?” I asked, leaning in towards both of them. They eagerly leaned closer, mirroring each other’s excitement. Their similar behaviour brought a chuckle from me.
“What is it?” She removed her hand from her mouth, eager to hear what I was going to share.
“A mom always understands!” I grinned, but my heart ached with the absence of him.
Chapter 63
It’s a continual tugging at my soul that still hits me when I’m not occupied.
We gaze at each other, and I get concerned as her lower lip begins to shake.
“I will bring him back, I promise… As we find you, we will find him too, I extend my hand towards hers, gripping it firmly. The special connection between twins makes me anxious, and I realise that she might be starting to feel concerned.
“Is he fine?” I inquired, noticing the peculiar look on Killian’s face while he cavesdrops
on our conversation.
“He felt tired and lonely, Mommy,” she begins to cry as she leans into Killian’s arms. He raised his arm, initially making me think he was uncomfortable with her closeness. However, he surprised me by pulling her into a warm, tight hug.
“We’ll bring him back, I promise you, my princess,” he whispered gently into her hair. And I feel warm seeing them close to each other.
I watch when Hanna finally falls asleep in Killian’s lap,
“Let’s put her in bed,” I whispered to him. We were both sitting on chairs in the kitchen, in the
awkward silence, waiting for her to sleep. I haven’t seen Aries, and it’s past midnight. Where did he go?
“Let me put it on her in bed,” he said, picking her up as he headed towards the bedroom. I followed him. While walking around the pack, my mind was drawn to Lucia. I think I can save her…
I opened the door for him to enter. He tucked Hanna in and left a small kiss on her forehead. As I closed the door behind me, I could feel Killian’s gaze on me. I turned to look at him. I could feel how he was devouring me with his eyes alone. I gulped, feeling a tight sensation in my core.
“Killian do you remember that you used to have healing books which belong to your mother,” I asked, and Killian tilted his head.
“Yes, they are still in the Alpha Mansion house. After you went away, I kept them in a case, as no one there is interested in reading them apart from you,” Killian said, closing the distance between us. I gasped as his chest rubbed against mine..
I glanced up, “I think I could heal Lucia,” I said. He raised his eyebrow before he shook. his head.
“Kiara, Eve, one of the best doctors in the world, extended her hand to her. I know she is your best friend and has done a lot for you. But we need to consult her mate about
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this. Those books are nonsense. We live in the twenty-first century, sweetheart,” Killian responded.
“And I am confident that I could heal her. Killian, that book contains so many remedies that we can’t find even in modern times. Let me help her. Talk to Nickolai and tell him to bring her here,” I insisted.
“You are already stressed because of Ry missing Kiara…”
“I can help her. Killian,” I whispered softly. His body is still close to me and I can feel the warmth radiating from his body. It frustrates me how my body responds to him. when I don’t desire it. I Pto help Lucia. If she didn’t give me the courage to face my pack and my brother I wouldn’t be able to form a family again.
He sighed before looking down at me, “Okay I will talk to Austin and tell him to bring Lucia here. I think she will be safer here and could get better medical care,” I nodded my head.
His eyes dipped to my breast and I had to close my eyes to block that night’s events which still imprinted on my skin.
“I wanted to ask something.” he asked as his eyes roamed around my face.
“How could Hanna feel Ry’s emotions?”
“I don’t know but they have some type of twin connection. If Ry hurt himself Hanna feels it,” I said and he nodded his head in understanding.
Suddenly, we heard a throat clearing, and when I looked, there was Aries-his usual self, shirtless with joggers hanging low, likely back from a run. Aries has a strong connection with his wolf side, embracing it freely. Seeing him like this prompts me to subtly
distance myself from Killian.

Chapter 64
Kiara’s Point of View
“Why are you here?” Killian growled at Aries, questioning his presence. A smirk appeared on Aries’ face as he raised an eyebrow. I sighed, realising that things were not going to unfold the way I had hoped.
“I live here with Kiara. You don’t expect me to leave my pack members alone after all the chaos caused by your action,” he growled at him, arms tightly folded across his chest.
“I have already provided you another room,”
“That’s where my Beta resides. I’ve shared countless nights with Kiara. These things don’t bother me,” he stated before heading towards the room where I stood, opening the bedroom door, and entering.
Killian glanced at me, his intense grey eyes revealing a mix of sadness and anger. Why does Aries’ presence affect him so much? I didn’t question him when he was with Rihanna until now, so he has no right to question me. He had lost those rights.
“Good night, Killian. I will come in the morning to get the books and talk to Nickolai about Lucia transferring here,” I whispered gently, turning away. As I reached for the door kn ob, Killian’s warm hand gripped my arm, forcing me to face him. His eyes flickered as he struggled to control his wolf… And da mn I am finding it hot. And I couldn’t help but find it intriguing. A jealous Killian – this is the first time I’ve seen him.
like this.
“Why does he always have to be around you and my daughter?” Killian growled, his powerful aura filling the corridor.
“Killian, I already told you that I’m not going to push Aries out of their lives. If you want to be close to your kids, you have to accept that Aries is a part of their lives too.” I replied strongly to him not budging with the way his eyes flicker between stormy grey and amber red.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Kiara. I am their father.”
“And I didn’t say otherwise. I just told you to resolve whatever issues you have with Aries because as long as my kids want him around, I can’t do anything about it,” I glared back at him.
“Kiara, I know what I did in the past can’t be forgotten or forgiven, but could you please give me a chance to prove myself?” He whispered softly, and I could feel the truthfulness in his voice.
Chapter 64
“Why is Rihanna still around you, Killian? If you truly wanted a chance with me or with our kids, why is she still here?” I questioned boldly, anticipating an immediate response. However, none came, causing my stomach to churn.
My chest tightened, and though I couldn’t pinpoint the reason for my distress, the memories of rejection and the pain I endured resurfaced. I suffered immensely after her return, as he didn’t believe me. Now, he seeks a second chance with me solely because I carry his heirs.
“Killian, I won’t prevent you from seeing your children. I won’t run away from you either. However, don’t expect me to forgive you,” I asserted firmly.
“Good night, Killian,” I utter, acknowledging that this conversation is leading nowhere. Rihanna will still be his lover, a lover who played a role in our separation which he doesn’t want to accept.
I said before returning to the room. I leaned against the door, hearing his growl before he walked away. Glancing around the room, I noticed that Aries wasn’t in the room.
I walked toward the bathroom, listening to the sound of the running shower.
I approached the double bed where Hanna was peacefully asleep. For the past few minutes, I’ve been observing her sweet breaths, the gentle fluttering of her eyelids as she dreams, and the way she hugs her teddy bear, melting my heart. I made a silent promise to myself that once we have Ry back, I’ll also spend moments watching him sleep.
Aries emerged from the bathroom, steam filling the room, and I found myself staring at him. His upper body was exposed, and his new grey joggers hung low to his hip giving me a good view.
After Hanna’s return, Aries became more protective than usual. The room beside mine was taken by his beta, so he had been sleeping on the couch in this room for the past two weeks. However, I think Killian misunderstood the situation…
“Is he gone?” Aries inquired while drying his hair with a white towel, tossing it onto the chair beside the couch.
“Yes. I need to have a conversation with him,” He nodded, but there was an unsatisfied look in his eyes. There is sadness in his eyes. I feel sorry for him, but there’s nothing more I can offer… Yet, I don’t want to lose him…. He has become a shield for me over these past few years.
But Aries can’t be equated to Killian… Killian is someone who stirs up a storm inside me, even when I believed I was over him. Deep down, I recognize that I still harbour feelings for him… or perhaps it’s because he hasn’t acknowledged my rejection. Everything is tangled up and confusing right now.
10:03 Sat. 3 Feb
Chapter 64
Even if our relationship is irreparable, I can’t shake off the turmoil in my
“Killian, remember Lucia, Beta Nicolai’s mate from the Eclipser pack?” I inquired. He furrowed his brow. Glancing at him, I noticed he was staring at me, a perplexed expression on his face, as if he had just seen a ghost or something.
“What?” I inquire.
You called me Killian,” he says, looking down. My heart thumped inside my chest. Did.
“I… Sorry, it could be possible because of everything that is going on right now,” I say, trying to hide the redness spreading across my cheeks. He raises an eyebrow. He is clearly annoyed, as evident from his expression.
“What about the Eclipser Pack Beta Mate?” He asked and I sighed as I don’t have to add. another lie to this.
“You know I have known her from this pack. She is the sister of Ga mma Austin of this pack.” I said as I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“Yes, what happened to her?” He asked.
“She met with an accident just a few days before we were kidnapped. She has gone into a coma. I quietly say
“I see. I am sorry about that,” he said as he stood up and went to the cupboard, pulling a quilt and a pillow to make a bed on the couch. I frowned because I found his attitude too casual.
“I need to find out who was behind the accident,” I said, looking at him.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked, turning to look at me, and I could feel he
wasn’t interested in this conversation.
“If you can find out who caused this, I am indebted to her, Aries. I need to at least do something for her,” I whispered softly.
“Okay, I will send my men there as well,” he said, and I nodded my head. I was about to lie down.
“Were you going to forgive him? Are you going back to Killian?” he asked, and I froze on the spot
“Kiara how can you forget the things he had done to you. The death of your parents, who destroyed your pack. Just because he is the father of your children you would
Chapter 61
forget everything?,” He asks, clenching his jaw. Hurt is evident in his away for a moment before meeting his gaze again.
and I glance
“I haven’t forgotten any da mn things, Aries, but what I do is up to me,” I said. Glaring at him.
“Don’t make mistakes, Kiara,” he says.
“I haven’t made a mistake, Aries,” I said, taking a deep breath. I didn’t imagine having this conversation with him, “I think we should stop talking about it. Please take care of Hanna. I’ll come back. I needed some fresh air,” I said to him before getting up from the bed. I covered Hanna properly with the quilt and started to leave the room when Aries came near me after getting up from the couch.
“Kiara, da mn it, look, I’m sorry, but seeing you close to him makes me jealous. Your know I see you more than a friend, more than a pack member. You should understand what I’m feeling right now.” He said as he stared at me.
‘I’m sorry, Kiara, I was just scared. Scared that I would lose you to him again…” he said, reaching for my hand. I quickly pulled it away.
“Not now, Aries,” I said, walking out of the bedroom. I left the Alpha Guest House. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I wiped them away.
I didn’t realise when I was inside the mansion, but something inside me urged me to go to Killian. I should have taken Hanna with me, but she seemed calm and needed the sleep. Dark circles were appearing under her eyes from recent restless nights.
She didn’t say it, but I believe she was delaying sleep as much as possible. She wanted to feel Ry through the twin bond before succumbing to exhaustion. She wanted to help us find Ry and that little effort she put in was enough for me..
I cautiously stepped into the mansion, carefully avoiding the floorboard that always creaked under the carpet. As I reached the landing, to my utter shock, I encountered Rihanna coming out of Killian’s room, wearing a revealing dress.
She had on one of his shirts, a silky blue one. His favourite and more importantly the one I gifted to him on his birthday. To make matters worse, she had no bottoms on, just lace panties peeking out slightly from under the shirt.
Her hair was tousled, with that se xy bedhead look, and I didn’t need a rocket science degree to realise they not only shared the bed tonight but likely engaged in sexual activity, as I suspected. What could I expect from Killian? A few hours ago he was asking for a second chance from me. Now he is looking for a woman to quince his desires.
She approached her bedroom door and only then noticed me on the landing, watching her. She acted flustered, embarrassed, though Rihanna doesn’t get embarrassed easily.
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It wouldn’t surprise me if she heard me stirring and decided to catch me on the landing.
I shouldn’t have come here. I turned and walked out of the mansion.

Chapter 65
Kiara’s Point of View
I hurried back to the Alpha Guest House, realising I was foolish to think Killian could change. He’s just a selfish jerk, always has been, always will be. Tears streamed down my face, and my heart felt like it was being squeezed as the painful scene replayed in my mind like a broken record… If he was going to do that, why did he even ask me for the second chance? Why is he trying to get close to me again?
I stood in front of the bedroom door, trying to take deep breaths so Arics wouldn’t notice my distressed state. I didn’t want him to see me like this. Despite my efforts to keep my emotions in check, they stumbled once again because of Killian. I was always weak under his gaze.
I gently opened the door and entered quietly. I looked over at the couch and saw Aries. sleeping with his hand on his head. A single tear slipped from my eyes as I walked to the bed, lying down and pulling Hanna close to me. As soon as she felt me, she turned around and hugged me. I stared at the ceiling above me.
“What do I desire? A part of me, thinking logically, wants nothing to do with him. But I’m not foolish to ignore that he still affects me somehow, and I have to admit that…”
“That I still love him…”
Morning arrived in the blink of an eye, and I felt exhausted, unable to sleep at all. Glancing around, it seemed to be around five in the morning, still too early for everyone to be awake. I threw off the quilt and headed to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, I brewed myself a cup of coffee. Rihanna’s early morning departure from Killian’s bedroom lingered in my thoughts. I had hoped that moving away from him would erase all the feelings I had for him, but it wasn’t that simple. Those emotions wouldn’t fade until Killian accepted my rejection, leaving me bound to him in a way.
Why did I even care? I rubbed my temple, questioning why I agreed to stay. I should have gone back with Aiden. It hurt when Killian pushed me away upon Rihanna’s return. Their love went beyond the mate bond bestowed by the Moon Goddess. Killian loved her, and I didn’t need a constant reminder. I was the wife who couldn’t compete with his chosen one.
Yet, I felt let down. Why? Disappointed in Killian for not standing up for me, for believing every lie she told him, for destroying a beautiful relationship. But then, why would he, and why would I want him to? The longer we stay here, the more bewildered I become. I sense my wolf, Erica, whenever he’s close, and it’s impossible to ignore.
10:04 531, 3 Feb
Chapter 65
Why am I feeling her? So many questions, and I still have no answers. Is there a chance for me to regain my wolf?
I hear footsteps entering the kitchen, and initially, I don’t want to face him again. Last night marked the first time we didn’t see eye to eye, leading to a fight. I feel ashamed because Aries is right-I shouldn’t forgive what Killian did to me and my pack.
“You’re up early. Didn’t get any sleep last night?” Aries inquired as he approached me. He turned my chair so that I could face him, and my eyes filled with tears.
“I couldn’t sleep. Want some coffee?” I offered, getting up from the chair, but he gently. held my hand. Lightly touching my chin, he made me look up at him.
“Tell me what happened. Are you hurt? Why the tears, Petal?” He asked, and a small smile appeared on my lips at the nickname. Aries always senses and understands the emotions; I don’t have to explain to him. And this might be one of the reasons I don’t want to lose him….
“Is it because of last night, Kiara? Look at what I said or did to you last night. You don’t even know how ashamed I am for that. I just don’t want to lose you,” he expressed, and I could sense the sincerity in every word he said. “As a friend or whatever, I know I said and did things I shouldn’t have, but I’ve fallen crazily in love with you, Kiara. I don’t remember when it happened, but it’s clear to me that I want you by my side. Please don’t shut me out.”
I gazed into his eyes
and sighed. I couldn’t bring myself to do that. No matter how upset
I was, I couldn’t be so heartless.
“I won’t, Aries. I think all these things happening took a toll on me. None of us are at the fault here,” I whispered softly. He nodded before pulling me into a comforting hug.
Once the clock hit seven in the morning, it felt like a more reasonable time to start making breakfast. Hanna came down and requested pancakes, which she was preparing with the two maids that Killian assigned to the Alpha Guest House to help in the kitchen. I was frying some bacon and assisting in brewing a fresh round of coffee for Aries.
After that emotional conversation with Aries, we returned to our usual selves. Aries went upstairs to wake up Hanna so we could all have breakfast together. The enticing aroma of a delicious breakfast soon filled the kitchen, I soon caught a whiff of his scent. even from a distance, and before I knew it, the door opened, and Killian walked in with Alejandro and Rihanna. I furrowed my brows in surprise at their unexpected presence.
They walked over to the dining area and took their seats. I grabbed a plate with bacon and placed it on the dining table. Killian looked up at me, but I deliberately ignored
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“Do Alpha mansions not have enough food that you decided to join us here?” I remarked as I began preparing a plate for Hanna, who was sitting beside Aries.
I’ve assigned you trusted maids from the mansion, so that’s why I’m here to eat,” he explained, but his gaze was fixed on Hanna, who was giggling at something Aries said. Hanna jumped from her seat and hurried back into the kitchen, and an awkward silence settled over the table. I observed Alejandro, Killian, and Rihanna quietly sipping their coffee.
“Didn’t know that your so-called Luna is so clueless in the kitchen,” I teased, raising an eyebrow at Rihanna, who had been stuck with Killian all this time. She shot me a glare while Killian chose to ignore my words. Aries and Alejandro, however, had big smiles. on their faces.
Hanna returned with a plate full of pancakes, I stood up and helped her to place them. in front of Aries.
There you go, Daddy. I made them all by myself, with a little help from Agatha,” she proudly beamed at her achievement, but the mention of ‘Daddy’ made Killian’s hands clenched tightly. Aries laughed and gave her a light kiss on the temple. Agatha was one of the maids Killian assigned in the guest house.
“You did an excellent job here, princess. I am so proud of you,” he praised. What can I do? Aries will be her dad, and I can’t change the past. He’s been there for everything and I can’t take that away from her just because Killian wanted it and now that he wanted to return and wanted to play a part of father in their lives. It’s not that I don’t want her to know Aries isn’t her biological father, but right now, Ry’s safety is more important than this.
A humming echoed in the silence as Alejandro savoured another slice of bacon. I smiled seeing him enjoying the taste on every bite he took.
“You have no idea how much I missed this, Kiara,” he remarked, earning a smile from me. When I was the Luna, I used to wake up early to help with breakfast, making sure
Beta and my Alpha had their fill before training and caring for the pack.
Alejandro and
would alw…la were always fond of my cooking. Killian didn’t say much, but he
would always join me at the dining table waiting patiently for a serving of my food.
“What about my pancakes, Uncle Al?”Hanna whispered softly as she peered around to see Alejandro as she hid behind Aries’ broad figure.
“Oh, my princess made some too, and of course, I had to taste those as well, right?”
She nodded, her bangs following her movements. She looked so soft at that moment.
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Chapter 65
Another hum echoed, and he added, “It’s even tastier than your mother’s… now I know. where to come when I’m hungry.”
A soft blush adorned Hanna’s cheeks as she rubbed her face on Aries’ chest. Aries chuckled at her actions, and I could see how Killian was looking at them. I could sense his desire to be in Aries’ place, but if he wanted that, he had to distance himself from Rihanna. I wasn’t going to leave my children under the influence of this woman, knowing how well she played her games…
Hanna squeezed the maple syrup bottle a little too hard, and a mountain of the thick, sticky sauce oozed out, completely covering her pancake.
“Oops,” she laughed under my motherly glare, which she just displayed on the pancake.
“That’s okay. I’ll take some of it,” Killian said as he wiped the excess honey from her pancake and smudged it on his own. Hanna giggled at him. I plated the bacon and grabbed a wet cloth from the kitchen sink, walking over to clean the table.
“It’s okay, just be more careful next time.” I gently tapped her nose, then glanced at Killian, who had a broad smile on his face, and I felt a blush warming my checks.
A doorbell rang and Agatha excuses to look who had come. That’s when a warrior, assigned to the pack’s border, arrived.
“What’s going on?” Killian asked as he wiped honey off Hanna’s face.
“Alpha King, Delta Austin had come back,” the warrior informed.
“I’ll go, Killian stated, looking at me. We both stood up from the breakfast table, and he took the lead.
I turned to Aries. “Is she the one who was in a coma?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Please watch over Hanna. I don’t trust anyone here,” I whispered to Aries, glancing at Rihanna, who was smirking, making me want to wipe that smirk off her face.
A gentle touch on my chin turned my attention back to Aries. “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about her. She’ll be fine with me. You should go and take care of your friend,” he assured. I nodded, smiling at him and giving Hanna a final kiss on her head before leaving.
Just a few minutes ahead was the alpha mansion. I mate, Jessica. My heart pounded as her eyes widened. They had been away in the
tered and spotted Austin and his Eclipser pack, unaware that I was alive. Austin turned to me, whispering, “Luna,” and rushed towards me, embracing me in a tight hug.
“You’re alive… Moon Goddess,” he exclaimed, and a warm smile graced my lips.
Chapter 65
“Yes, I’m happy to be back, and more importantly, happy to see that you both are okay.” I replied, and his eyes shimmered with tears.
“You can’t imagine how thrilled Lucia would be if she saw you here,” he expressed.
“She’s aware, Austin,” I replied.
“She met me a few months ago when she visited Aries” pack.”
“And she didn’t tell me anything?”
“I didn’t want any of you to know I was still alive,” I glanced back at Killian, whose eyes. were filled with sadness. But the reality was, I was living happily there.
“Then why are you here?” Jessica asked, raising an eyebrow at me and I don’t understand why her behaviour towards me is so cruel..
Killian emitted a growl directed at her, causing her to quickly lower her sighed and shook his head.
gaze. Austin
Yesterday, I had a conversation with Agatha to organise a room for her. I specified that it should be in the Alpha Mansion and instructed Eve to provide the necessary supplies.
“It’s nice to see you, Kiara, Nikolai greeted as he approached me, and I responded with a smile. He is barely smiling right now. And I can see the dark circle he had under his eyes. It must have been hard for him. He must be heartbroken and I prayed that Aries soon find who was behind all this……
To call
“Kiara will guide you to Lucia’s room; it’s just across from Austin and Jessica’s. I’ll the Alpha of the Eclipser Pack to ensure your safe arrival,” Nikolai instructed, glancing at me before heading to his office.
“Where’s Rihanna?” Jessica questioned, looking at me as if I were her secretary, privy to all her whereabouts.
“Austin, I need to talk to you alone, he intervened, grabbing her arm.
“Luna, we have a lot to discuss; I’ll come to you,” he added before leading her away. I sighed, rubbing my temples as a sudden headache emerged from all the drama.
“Is there a problem between you two?” Nikolai inquired as we descended the stairs towards Lucia’s room.
“I don’t know,” I replied, and he nodded in understanding.
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Chapter 65
I stood outside the bedroom door, gazing at it as if it could open on its own. Was her accident my fault? Why did she have to endure such a tragedy? A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my trance.
“None of this is your fault, Kiara. We had no idea we were in the sights of that Rogue Alpha hiding in a hole,” Nickolai growled reassuringly.
“Come on… I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you,” he urged, opening the door wider. My eyes fell on the bed positioned to the left of the room.
Lucia lay on the bed, and my heart thumped as I slowly approached. Seeing my best friend, my heart felt like it was breaking. Her condition was bad. While the bruises were starting to heal, they were still there, and I didn’t want to imagine how much worse she was when she was found on the day of her accident.
Moon Goddess….
“Lucia,” I whispered, walking to her side, my vision blurring as I gripped her limp hand. My heart shattered at the realisation that I hadn’t been by her side. I had no idea she was going through something much worse than me.
I stood beside her, tears streaming down my face as I saw her helplessness. It felt like. my heart was clenching inside my chest. Nikolai placed a hand on my shoulder. Why would someone do this to her? While she wasn’t particularly close to Killian, he acknowledged her more than anyone in the pack. But would he try to hurt her?
I’ll do anything to bring her back to me, to her mate. This is my promise, Lu.
“Do you believe it will be effective?” Nikolai inquired as we stood on the balcony, stealing a glance at Lucia through the window.
“I understand you may not trust this…. Like Killian, you might think I’m foolish, but
my grandmother lived with witches until she mated my grandfather….. She was the one who shared with me that healing could be achieved in various ways. That’s when I began to take a greater interest in these ritualistic forms of healing,” I explained, gazing at the garden where warriors were training.
Killian still trained them rigorously.
“And Killian’s mother has those books in her possession. I haven’t seen her or know much about her, but Killian mentioned that she used to practise these things too.”
“I’m not labelling you as dumb or stup id, Kiara, but this involves magic or abilities that have long been forgotten. We’ve evolved beyond that. We live in an era where we choose to coexist with humans, adopting their methods for a reason, Nikolai explained.
“Eve has already extended her hand, Nikolai, and if this could bring Lucia back, I would

go through with it,” I whispered softly, my gaze dropping.
“I understand, Kiara, and I’ll assist you with that,” he assured, offering a small smile.
I made my way to Killian’s office, where he had stored the books. Knocking on the door, he granted me entry. I stepped inside to find him holding some papers.
“Did you show Nikolai the room? How is she now?” he inquired, closing the file he had been reading, and I sensed a warm feeling. In the past he used to treat me this softly before Rihanna entered in our life destroying our life…
“She’s still the same. I read her report, and it was clear that she didn’t have a chance to get up.” I began, unable to finish the sentence as tears welled up. Killian rushed to me, pulling me into a hug.
“It’s okay, Kiara. Everything will be okay. I promise,” he whispered softly in my ears. I stayed in his embrace, but I had to distance myself from him. Despite not wanting to, I had to. I wouldn’t let him take advantage of my vulnerability.
I gulped before pushing him away. He looked confused, and a hurt.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 51-60

Chapter 51
Kiara’s Point of View
“Okay, I will give you choices to make…” he sneered, as he circled around me. He yanked me by my hair, forcing me to look at his amber red eyes….
“Choose your mate or your pups..” he growled. My eyes started to glisten with tears when I heard their names. Terror rose in my body when he mentioned them. So he had
my pups.
“Kill that Alpha King and give your children a chance to live….” he hissed. Fear gripped. through me. I can feel the hatred in his voice towards Killian. I was in a desperate position and on the verge of
which was freely trickling and onto out. I could feel the blood from
the floor where I was lying.
my head wound,
His one hand tore off the side of my shirt as he tried to grab my breast. But before he could I grabbed his hand and stopped him. That’s when I heard footsteps racing towards us. Unfortunately, he was not alone. My eyesight became blurry, but I knew I heard a roar and a snarl.
“You didn’t arrive alone. F ucking sl ut.” He hissed as he threw me on the floor. I was crushed as I heard the breaking of something and a scream ripped from my That is when I heard him calling for my name.
My head is hurt
Actually, scratch that. My whole body is in so much pain. Everything hurts. I tried to open my eyes, but couldn’t. It felt as if they were dragged down by stones. I tried to shout out to Ry and Hanna, or anyone; but nothing came out of my mouth.
I felt how slowly Killian put my head on his chest. I saw his worried expression. I was crying. What if this will be my last time seeing him? I am now human and I can’t recover quickly like wolves.
I heard him saying the promise that he would bring my children back to me. And that was the last thing I heard before darkness invaded my mind.
When I came back to myself, I was no longer in pain, but still, I could not open my eyes. I am unable to move my body. My limbs feel like they’re burdened with cement. I felt trapped inside my own body.
When I wake up, the room is filled with brightness. It’s so bright that it makes me wince
a little.
“You’re awake,” an unfamiliar voice says.
I tried to open my eyes again but the lights in the room were making it a difficult task
Chapter 51
for me. I felt like I was gasping for air. Or I am dead and in heaven……
“I am very sorry about this Luna Kiara,” she says politely, and I hear movements around. the room. “You can now open your eyes, the light won’t be a problem anymore,”
True to her words, when I open my eyes, the curtains are closed and the lights are turned low, I turn to the woman who seems to be in her late thirties. She is wearing a nurse uniform and a quick survey of the room makes me conclude that I am in a hospital and that too in a pack.
“Thank you,” I rasped out, my voice feeling h oar se.
“Here, drink water while I go and call the doctor… The Alpha King will be relieved to know that you are now okay and awake. He has never left your side since you have arrived here,” she said as she helped me to drink a glass of water before leaving the
It was when the door opened and Killian walked in. I was accepting him to yell at me and portray his arrogant behaviour for not telling him that I was leaving. But it was totally the opposite of what happened. He came to me and hugged mc.
His hair was messy, his clothes were wrinkled and he looked tired like he hadn’t slept for days. How many days have passed since I was unconscious? I have never seen Killian like this. He always kept his Alpha King demeanour. Impeccable and neat. His eyes are pained, and he seems to have been to hell and returned.
That hug sent tingles down my spine. It totally makes me feel like I was never hurt… 1 let myself enjoy a little warmth that spread between us for a moment… But that moment didn’t last before I pushed him away from me… That is not right.
I looked up at him. I had only one question bugging my mind and that is, has he found them?
“What happened? Where are we now? Did you find them?” I allowed my heart to race a bit in anticipation of Ry and Hanna’s news, but his scowl revealed a twinge of sadness in his eyes. But he shook his head and angered the roses in me. We got that bas t ard who has our children and Killian couldn’t do a sh it about it.
The anger seems to have helped me forget that I was seriously wounded. “Then, why are you here? Why aren’t you out there looking for them?” My voice raises with frustration and disappointment. I was disappointed with myself since I couldn’t find them.
Why the heck was he here when I asked him to find our kids? He didn’t need to pretend to care about me; he simply needed to find his children.
“Kiara, for Moon Goddess’s sake calm down. You were badly injured. Do you know how
Chapter 51
many days you are here in this hospital bed? One week. If I didn’t save you. You would have been dead by now..”
“Then you should have left me there and you need to find them, Killian. I need to find. them….” I said as I started to climb out of the hospital bed.
“Kiara y
you have only just woken up..” He growled at me with a warning.
But I didn’t give a dam n about his warning. One week has passed and I still don’t know where the hell my children are. I can’t just lay here and wait for him to take action. I need to do this.
When I kept my feet on the floor. I stag gered back a little while Killian grabbed my waist, balancing me..
“Kiara for f uck sake just stop this madness you will hurt yourself,”
“Killian! You don’t know a sh it. You did not even meet them. You don’t even know they existed. I have been taking care of them since they were born. I am not taking orders from you. So get the f uck out of my way,” I push his chest but he doesn’t move, he remains standing in front of me like a mountain.
But still, I went away from him aiming my direction to the door when he held my arm. I turned around and gave him a slap which resonated in the room.

Chapter 52
Kiara’s Point of View
The sharp sound of the slap echoed through the room, shattering the heavy silence. My chest heaved as I took a deep breath, a painful twinge throbbing inside my heart, threatening to burst at any moment. Killian’s jaws were clenched, but he held back, a storm brewing in his eyes.
I turned to walk away, desperate to escape the tension, but his grip on my arm tightened, forcing me to face him. His eyes flickered with an ominous redness, and his scent permeated the room, growing stronger with each passing second.
“You aren’t going anywhere, Kiara. Not until I say so!” he snarled, unleashing his entire aura on me. Tingling sensations wrapped around my arm, trapped in his firm grasp. I was no longer his chosen wife bound by his rules. The Kiara from the past was gone, lost the day she jumped off from the cliff. Even though I may be human now, devoid of strength, I refused to be a puppet in his game.
I struggled against his overpowering aura, fully aware that a mere human stood little chance against the might of the great Alpha King. Yet, I refused to submit without a fight, determined to make it clear that I wouldn’t be ordered around when it came to my own children, not by him or anyone else.
“Don’t even think you can order me around, Killian,” I seethed, defying his dominance. His teeth remained gritted, and I could tell in his eyes by the flare of his wolf approaching. I absolutely love to damage his gigantic ego.
“If I hadn’t followed you, you would be dead, or worse, raped, Kiara. So, I will order you. around. Just sit the f uck down and be grateful to me,” he retorted, his arrogance oozing through every word. But I wasn’t about to back down.
“Grateful to you? Really, Killian? You still have the nerve to ask me to be grateful to you?” I shot back, my eyes beginning to glisten with tears. The audacity of his request, considering it was because of him that my children had gone missing, left me seething with anger.
“It’s because of you that they kidnapped them, Killian! Because you didn’t do a da mn thing to that Rogue Alpha who was ready to massacre or kill someone who belongs to you,” I yelled, frustration boiling within me. Words struggled to form in the face of the overwhelming anger coursing through my veins.
Tears streamed down my face, but I hastily brushed them away. I didn’t want him to witness my vulnerability. For years, I’d lived freely with my children, and now he had. come like a hurricane, leaving destruction in his wake. The life I’d built, the peace I’d found all shattered by his presence.

Chapter 32
“Kiara, let me remind you, you’re the one who ran away with my children, hiding them. from me. I could have left you there to die and gone searching for them,” his words carried the weight of his Alpha King’s power, pressing down on me like a relentless monster. Was this his plan all along? The unpredictable switch in his demeanour left me unsettled.
Recollections of a conversation with Alpha Eric resurfaced in my mind. The confidence he had in claiming the children as belonging to Killian’s bloodline, strong and powerful, haunted me. The implications chilled my blood. Was this the true reason behind the
Images from the past flashed before my eyes like a broken reel. The agonising cries, the pain – all linked back to him. Trust shattered like glass, and I couldn’t fathom what was going on in his mind at that very moment.
Fear tightened its grip as I considered the possibility – he might kill me and take away. my children.
“I didn’t come at the wrong time, right?” An incredibly handsome man chuckled, leaning casually against the doorframe. The sound of his laughter rippled through the tense air. I heard Killian sigh, rubbing his forehead before pointing towards the man.
“Kiara, this is Alpha Dean. We’ve been staying in his pack hospital for the past week,” Killian said, his eyes closing with a weariness evident in his posture. Alpha Dean, a stranger to me until now, stood with an air of confidence.
“Killian, this is not the right way to introduce me to this beautiful woman right here,” Alpha Dean smirked, his tone playful.
“I was the one who came to your rescue,” he added, a hint of pride colouring his words.
“I had everything under control,” Killian asserted, a defensive edge in his tone, clearly not fond of having his vulnerabilities pointed out.
“Oh, please, Killian. You looked like you were about to cry like a baby,” Alpha Dean retorted with a smirk, his gaze shifting to me. Killian rolled his eyes in response.
I was taken aback, observing Killian who avoided meeting my eyes. Surprisingly, he seemed genuinely worried for me. The unexpected concern tugged at my emotions, creating a whirlwind of confusion within me.
“And you must be Luna Kiara. It’s a pleasure to finally be able to meet you,” Alpha Dean. addressed me, his short black hair with a modest long quiff at the top complementing his dark green eyes and deep skin tone. His sparkling white teeth presented a grin that had likely left many females captivated.
“Thank you so much for your help, Alpha Dean,” I expressed my gratitude sincerely. His
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Chapter 32
assistance had been crucial; because of him, I was still alive. He took my hands and kissed the back of it. His bold gesture made me uncomfortable, but I chose to offer only a fake smile in response.
“You look better now?” he inquired.
“Yes,” I replied, my tone carrying a genuine appreciation for his concern.
“Now, if you don’t mind telling me the reason for trespas sing my pack grounds,” Alpha Dean pressed further, causing me to nervously bite my lip.
“Don’t jump to conclusions, Kiara. That part of the area falls under my pack, but it was entirely under human control,” he explained, leaving my brows knitted in confusion. That night, I distinctly remembered seeing a wolf there, a detail that clashed with Alpha Dean’s assurance of human control.
“Yes, I had no idea it was pack grounds until I arrived there. I’m sorry, but I intended to be quick and depart before anyone saw me. I didn’t expect to have to intrude on your hospitality,” I explained. Killian wore a deep scowl, and I couldn’t quite fathom his expression.
“Not at all, it was a pleasure to help you,” Alpha Dean winked at me, and Killian let out a low growl in response. I rolled my eyes this time, offering Alpha Dean a sincere smile

Chapter 53
Rihana’s Point of View
“Where the hell is Killian?” I demanded as soon as I entered Alejandro’s office, my worry for him reaching its peak. He hadn’t returned home in a week, an entire week without a word, and no one seemed inclined to enlighten me on his whereabouts.
Alejandro glared at me, shutting his laptop abruptly. He had been tirelessly searching for the person responsible for Lucia’s accident, a search I wasn’t eager to see concluded…
Our past held a tight bond – Alejandro, Killian, and I. We were best friends, envied by every member of the pack. But as the saying goes, every good thing comes to an end, and our trio has crumbled. The downfall began the moment Alpha Eric found Killian’s fated mate, Kiara.
And I met mine…
I fell for Killian when I was just a teenager. I was thinking of becoming his chosen mate and future Luna of the Mad Crest Pack when I got to know that just like me Killian didn’t find his mate. I knew Killian liked me. He loved me. But now it is nothing but just a responsibility. I had become a responsibility for him…
But he didn’t know that I told him a lie when I returned to the pack. All these years I have been feeding him lies that the pack alpha attacked me… That alpha is good. But I want Killian only.
“Rihanna, how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t need to worry about him. He is safe and just today I talked to him on the phone and he is coming back to the pack,” Alejandro said as he folded his arms across his chest. His chest puffed out from. his tight shirt.
“Where the hell is he has been staying these past week and Alejandro don’t you dare to say that I don’t need to know about this. Because I have seen Alpha Aiden coming to ask about Kiara. She was missing too,” I yelled frustratedly at him. I was so close to becoming what I had always desired and just like a wind, Kiara knocked down my plan. I need to talk to that man… He is forgetting his promise. His deal…
“I know they both are together,” I hiss a pure hatred showing in my eyes at the mere mention of that girl. I thought she had been killed but oh how wrong I was. When I saw her again it felt like I met with death. Her being alive was not mentioned when I decided to help that man… That was clearly not part of the deal…
“Rihanna. I think it is enough. You know you can not win over them now. They had. formed a family. They love each other even if they don’t confront it. They are a fated
Chapter 53
mate that was gifted from the Moon Goddess why the hell are you so persistent to separate them,” He said as he shook his head, clearly pitying me and I gritted my teeth. No, I am not going to let this happen, not when I am dreaming of living a life she has lived so long.
Killian should be mine and I will do anything for this.
“No Alejandro, he didn’t love her. He just wanted those kids because they had his blood. They are the future heir of the Mad Crest Pack. If you think that he would love them. It is the most absurd thing I have heard,” I said glaring at him.
“Rihanna! How can you become this cruel? If Killian loved you, you would be sitting next to him like a real Luna. Like Kiara used to live in the past before she rejected him. But he never titled you to become one. He even ripped off that title when he got to know how you blamed Kiara for poisoning you,” He growled. I don’t understand why all of these men are so protective towards that bi tch.
My eyes started to burn in pure hatred because somewhere I knew that this was all correct. Everything which Alejandro said was all true. I turned to leave him when he grabbed my hand and a tingle of sensation felt in me. I immediately take my hand away.
from him.
Yes, I knew he was my mate. He is the reason I decided to run away. Alpha Eric was just a pawn in this game. I knew living away from him would distance this bond. I was just waiting for the right moment to reject him. Because he is still needed in my plan.
“Don’t touch me again, Alejandro. You should be feeling lucky that I was not rejecting you otherwise you would be exactly like Kiara. A mere human,” I hissed at him before leaving the room.
Kiara’s point of view
As soon as I settled in the car. It took us another two hours to finally leave that pack’s hospital. Killian insisted on running a few tests just to make sure that I was fine and that. I was allowed to go.
I can see the distance Killian is putting with Alpha Dean. And I needed to know why Killian doesn’t have a good relationship with this pack. Alpha Dean is inviting me for dinner, which Killian was the one who refused on my behalf.
“Have you informed my brother or Aries that I was injured and we have been staying. this past week here in Alpha Dean pack?” Lask and Killian rolls his eyes at the mention. of Aries.
Like a man, what is his problem? When will his mood ever go with the day?
Chapter 53
“I had talked to Alejandro and I think my beta knows whom he has to inform about your situation,” he said as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“Killian. I don’t get what your problem is with Aries but let me tell you he is a good man. and close to me so I want you to treat him with respect. I belong to his pack.”
“And if you have any other problems with his pack or me just tell me we would leave. We can contact them by phone to find them,”
“It is not mandatory for me to stay here,” I said and Killian only released his aura. Trying to dominate me but who’s gonna tell him that it only gave me a safety and protective feeling.
“Why are you so difficult to deal with Kiara?” He growled.
“I am difficult to deal with?” I said.
“Yes, you are. If you didn’t leave the pack unprotected and if you had informed your beloved Alpha Aries then none of this happened to you…. to us… And next time use your f ucking brain and don’t flirt with the enemy alpha,” He growled at me.
When the car entered the Mad Crest Pack territory. I sighed in relief. The car through the mansion gate and a screeching sound was heard.
r entered
After stopping the car Killian was the first one to exit the car. I thought he would go back into the Alpha house but he rounded the car and went to my side opening the door. He helped me get down.
I was shocked by his care but in his eyes, I could see that he wanted me safe. He can always carry his demeanour strong and cruel but when I was living with him. I started to read his eyes. He is caring, that is what I know… Or maybe it can also be a facade…
We entered the Alpha mansion and in the living room, all were present. Rihanna’s banshee like voice was the first thing I heard as he jumped to Killian hugging him. Aries rushed to my side as his eyes were flickering. His wolf is trying to make a presence. He was angry and I could feel it in my soul.
“Why the hell did you leave without telling me?” He asked. I looked down as I wasn’t able to answer it.
“I had to go to him, Aries. If I weren’t then he would kill my kids. I thought I could find something but I couldn’t, I lightly whispered this to him.
Killian growled at him and rushed past him to the office room followed by Rihanna who glared at me.
I needed to talk to Aries alone. I didn’t forget what that man offered me. My child or
Chapter 531
“Are you okay?” Alejandro asked me. I looked up at him, giving him a small smile.
“Why don’t you take a seat here and I will tell someone to bring you something to drink?” He lightly asked me and Arics was glaring at him. I nodded my head. I think he mind-linked the maid who came and gave me a hot chocolate which I needed most whenever I was anxious. I bet he knew what happened to me? Killian was always open to him.
Aries sat beside me as I drank hot chocolate. After a few minutes, Alejandro too walked. into the office room. Taking advantage of the situation I grabbed Aries’s hand and walked with him to a silent area.
“Kiara, what happened?” he whispered.
“I ran into a slight problem,” I said to him. My voice hushed down so only he could. listen to it. I told him everything that happened to me that night. His eyes flashed with amber red.
“And why the hell Killian didn’t catch that ba st ard. I will kill him. I swear Kiara,” he growled but I held his hand.
“Not now Aries. I need to find my children, they are the most important thing right now,” I pressed my concern to this.
“I couldn’t find anything.” I whispered as tears started to gather in my eyes. I needed my children.
“He only gave me a choice to make,” I checked the doorway and lowered my voice.
“What choice?”
“If I wanted my children to be safe and alive. I need to kill Killian,” I said to him.

Chapter 54
Killian’s Point of View.
I slammed my office door shut, frustration pulsating through my veins as I strode directly to the bar attached to the room. Grabbing a bottle of Brugal rum, I poured it into a glass and downed it one gulp at a time. The burning sensation in my throat did little to case the turmoil inside.
I couldn’t stand the sight of that ba stard wandering around her. Why the hell was he even here? Every time I saw him near her, my wolf stirred, a primal urge to tear him. away from her taking over.
Jealousy and irritation flashed through me, an unsettling mix of emotions that I thought should have dissipated after all these years of separation.
This con this da mn bond, was still alive and kicking. She still had the p
make me feel things, emotions that weakened my resolve. Only her. She had the power to make me weak.
My eyes flashed, struggling to control my da mn wolf as the door to my office opened again. She walked in, the clicking of her heels resonating in the room. I couldn’t help. but wonder why she chose to wear this, why she had to make it more complicated.
“Killian, do you know how worried I was when you didn’t contact me this week?” she said, her voice carrying genuine concern. I turned around, initially ready to unleash my frustration on her, but the sincerity etched in her features froze me in place.
I’d been avoiding her, and deep down, I knew it wasn’t fair to her. Whatever chaos was unfolding in my da mn life, she wasn’t response
it. A moment of softness felt.
inside my heart. I walked to her side and lightly touched her face. She closed her cyes as she enjoyed the warmth of mine but just like always I didn’t feel that tingling which I felt whenever I was with Kiara.
“Rihanna, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t in a good condition to tell you everything.” I whispered, a soft apology escaping my lips. She nodded her head in understanding. That is what I hope for.
“It is okay, I can understand. Just inform me before you go anywhere. You know I got scared,” she whispered softly. I offered her a smile trying to put distance between us but she pouted and gripped my shirt so that I could stand closer to her. I shook my head. knowing that she would do whatever she wanted before I mind-linked Alejandro to come and meet me in the office.
I mindlinked Alejandro’to walk into the office. He had informed me something about the activity when he got the call from one of the warriors. And I needed to find what
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information he had gotten his hand too.
As he walked inside the office, I saw how uncomfortable he had gotten to see me close to Rihanna and how smug she looked when he saw us together and this close. I untangled her hand from my neck which she put when I tried to ease off and put distance between us as I moved to sit on the chair.
“What news do you have, Al?” I asked as I sat at my desk, reaching into my drawer for a smoke. I was not addicted to it but it is something I felt like doing today. The past week has been a roller coaster ride for me. Getting to know you have kids and they have been kidnapped and the attack on Kiara is blocking my mind blocked from even thinking about anything else right now. It feels like a responsibility.
Seeing her this close to losing her brought a new fear onto me. Was it because she was the mother of my children? I couldn’t comprehend why my wolf was acting up, seeking to find her mate, her wolf within her. It was as if he sensed her presence somewhere deep within her….
A protective instinct began to surge within me. If something were to happen to her, I could claim parental rights for both the children. It would be to my advantage, right? But I don’t feel like doing this sh it to her.
“I received information from one of the spy warriors in the west. He reported unusual activity in the mines. Unfortunately, that’s all I got before the signal on his phone went off,” Alejandro reported, his hand pressing against his back, a gesture which I didn’t miss
a bit.
was away.
The past week had proven to be a burden on Alejandro as I with matters in Alpha Dean’s pack while Austin resided in the Eclipse Pack. Austin had informed me of some improvement in Lucia’s health, and he desired to be by her side. I had granted him permission, understanding the importance of family, as Lucia was the only family he had. And I know how it felt to lose them…
In my absence, Alejandro took up the responsibility of managing affairs in my pack. Rihanna, at times, adopted a fake Luna attitude to handle various matters, and I sensed my father had already surrendered his hold on me. By the way, his absence speaks to
“Who else knows?” I inquired about him.
“Apart from Alpha Aries, no one. He was there when I got the call from the spy warrior,” Alejandro reported, his voice carrying a sense of frustration.
“This is the first time I have heard of such information?” Rihanna, scornfully remarking on the situation, directed her questioning gaze at Alejandro, who chose not to respond. The tension in the room intensified, and I could sense there was more to this than met
the eye.
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“And I don’t understand why you’re helping her, Killian. Do you really believe the children are yours?” she taunted, igniting the usual storm of anger within me.
“Send her on her way, and while you’re at it, ask for a divorce and this time please do reject her,” Riharina declared before storming out of the office, pulling her phone from her pocket.
Alejandro and I exchanged a shake of our heads at her audacity.
“What happened there, Killian?” Alejandro inquired, turning to me after Rihanna stormed out of my office.
“A f ucking disaster, Alejandro! I arrived at the abandoned building to find her half. unconscious, bleeding profusely from her head, with hand marks on her neck from the attacker pinning her to the ground…” A low growl resonated from my chest as the memories replayed in my mind.
“She’s angry at me for scaring the attacker away, for losing the information, but he wasn’t there to give her details. From the way I found her, he had other motives,” I explained, frustration evident in my voice as I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends.
“Did you provide her with medical care?” Alejandro frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. Today, he was wearing a hoodie, an unusual choice given the hot weather outside.
“It was Alpha Dean’s land she drove straight into, wasn’t it? He made it apparent he enjoyed her error in judgement,” I took a deep breath, the frustration still vivid at Dean. flirting with her.
“When I got to the cars with an unconscious Kiara, Dean and some of his men were waiting for us. He took us straight to the hospital, and his doctors gave Kiara immediatel medical attention. But now I f ucking owe that man,” I stubbed out my cigarette before lighting another one.
We started to plan what we could do for that news.
“I will go
to to t
the mines and see what I can find there. If I’m caught, I’ll claim you sent me to qualify the lead on the reported recent movement. If it’s the end, you’re close enough to quickly form a new plan with our warriors at your command,” Alejandro suggested. The loyalty and trust between us were evident, reinforcing why he was my beta and my best friend.
“That is a good plan,” I said as I adjusted my weight on the desk looking out of the window.

Chapter 55
Kiara’s Point of View.
“What choice?” Aries asked.
“If I want my children to be safe and alive, I need to kill Killian,” I replied, swallowing hard as I faced the gravity of the decision. The gravity that is drowning me.
“F ucking sh it!” Aries whispered, expressing the difficulty and confusion that lay ahead of me. I knew that would be the most difficult task for me. He is my mate though I rejected that bond four years ago but I was still feeling that tingly sensation whenever he was near me.
On the way here, I was thinking about this. What Killian had done was so cruel that someone wanted him dead, and that too using his own mate.
“Kiara, you’re not going to do that, are you?” he asked, glancing around to ensure no one overheard. Tears welled up in my eyes. I never wanted anything to happen this way. I had been happy, and now I found myself torn between conflicting emotions. What was I going to do?
“Do you need my help? We will do this together. I will not leave you alone in this….. You could kill him, and we’d run away from here without letting them know,” Aries suggested. I sensed that this plan would take an unexpected turn, and the idea of killing my mate, even in the face of the wrongs he had committed, felt like a disaster in the making.
“Kiara, what are you thinking now?” Aries asked and I wanted to form sentences to make him explain what I was feeling. Someone knowing all this along that he has an heir and using them to kill him by his own mate would have become a history.
“Nothing, you are right. I will do that. I will do that for my kids,” I whispered but inside. me, a storm was forming. How could I do this?
“Okay just look after yourself. I will stand near the border once you kill him, come to me, okay?”
“Take this phone. It would be easier for me to get connected with you,” he said as he pulled out a brand new phone and handed it to me.
I nodded my head. He lightly brushed my hair pulling me in a comforting hug which didn’t feel like that at all… Why is this happening to me?
It was evening and the clouds started to gather around the sky as if the Moon Goddess didn’t want this to happen. I don’t want that either. I was scared because my children were with them. I wanted them safe. I don’t have a choice to make.
Chapter 55
The weather has been gloomy since early this morning, and it was evident that it would only get worse. The bedroom which I used to share with Killian is where I am staying right now. And it is only making me contemplate. Why didn’t Killian share this bedroom with Rihanna? He wanted her to be his chosen mate but they are not sharing this room. Did he still have something for me in his heart?
Aries had already left the pack in the evening. And I decided to stay to execute my plan. I was waiting for him to come. He was dealing with something he didn’t want me to
Cool air seeped through the open window of the bedroom, carrying the scent of impending rain. Wrapping my arm around myself I tried to give myself some warmth.
We are alone from the way the quietness I felt in the Alpha Mansion. Alejandro left somewhere in the evening and Alpha Eric is not living here anymore with Killian. I haven’t seen him….
So that leaves Rihanna whose voice is only being heard on the ground floor by the way she is ordering everyone around. Trying to show me the power she had as the Luna of the pack.
I walked out of the room and met with Rihanna in the hallway. I was about to walk past her when she grabbed my hand making me stop. there.
“Why are you still here, Kiara?” Rihanna asked, a hint of annoyance in her tone. I rolled. my eyes, yanking my hand free as I resumed my steps towards the guest room where Killian was staying. However, her next sentence made me freeze on the spot.
“Do you really believe that Killian is searching for your kids to give them back to you?” she questioned, and a bitter taste filled my mouth. I turned to look at her, my eyes narrowing.
“You’re so innocent, Kiara,” she taunted, walking towards me. “They are the heirs of the pack. He would separate you from them and take them with him. He is going to kill
you,” she declared menacingly. The truth hit me like a tidal wave, and my fist tightened as tears welled up in my eyes.
My heart raced uncontrollably, the quickened pace causing a tightening sensation in my chest. Shocked and unable to find words, I stood there, vulnerable and exposed.
“And once he kills you, I will kill your children. They don’t deserve to be called the Alpha King’s heirs,” she declared coldly, her words cutting through me like a knife.
I felt the hot water from the shower cascading down my body, the steam enveloping the small glass cabin in the bathroom. The events leading me here were a blur, but one
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thing was clear, I wouldn’t let their plan succeed. I would be the one to end him.
“No! You are not going to do that,” I screamed, my voice echoing with rage as my chest heaved. The anger inside me boiled over. I had hoped Killian had changed, but he was still the same selfish monster who only thinks about himself. The same monster who destroyed my pack.
“Let’s see if this is going to happen or not?” She sneered, walking away from me, leaving a trail of tension in her wake.
The memory played like a haunting melody in my mind. The betrayal, the hurt, it fueled a fire within me. I shut off the shower, the droplets clinging to my skin.
Naked, I stepped out, taking the towel to wrap around my body. I have to protect my own. I wouldn’t let them dictate my fate. Not again. I walked to his wardrobe, picking one of his shirts and wearing it. My legs are bare. I knew what he was weak for. And this is the only way I can be close to him. I waited for him to come. That was when the door of his room opened and he walked inside..
My heart thudded loudly in my chest as I looked up at the man coming into the room through the doorway. He turned to face me, amusement and smugness etched on his features.
“I didn’t expect that. Kiara, what are you doing here, sweetheart?” he whispered, the words delivered with a softness that sent shivers down my spine. I gulped down the fury and anger brewing deep inside me. Seduction seemed to be the only way to persuade him.
My eyes swept from him, top to bottom. He was completely drenched by the rain, the droplets clinging to his clothes, drawing my attention to the shape of his physique. Despite my resolve, I couldn’t deny the impact his presence had on me.
His soaking black hair fell in front of his eyes, a cascade of darkness that added an enigmatic allure. The wet white t-shirt clung to him, giving me a good view of his abs and firm chest. It was almost see-through, revealing a new tattoo that covered the side. of his left flank and his arm.
My gaze couldn’t help but dip lower, a mistake that sent a jolt through me. His black jeans were soaked through, outlining the definition of his manhood…
My mind raced to catch up with the sudden surge of desire, my stomach doing a flip. I felt a dryness in my throat as I swallowed, unable to tear my eyes away. He raised his arm, brushing his wet hair back, and my breath caught as his muscles flexed.
Chapter 55
“Eye up here, sweetheart,” he says arrogantly.
My cheeks burn in embarrassment. I was lost for words.
“You didn’t answer me, sweetheart, why are you here?” he asked as folded his arm on his chest. The nickname is giving me a tingling in my core. Why the f uck he still has an
effect on me?
“I wanted to welcome you. You’re doing so much for me. It’s the least I could do,” I whispered seductively. He raises his eyebrow at me. I was behaving out of character. This is not what I do. And he knew it.
I felt a hint of uncertainty, a deviation from my usual demeanour. This wasn’t my typical approach, and he was keenly aware of it.
He walked over to me, a hint of scepticism in his raised eyebrow. This wasn’t the Kiara he once knew. He took hold of my chin, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. His proximity and intoxicating scent left me breathless.
My heart pounded, and all I could do was gaze up at the man who had cast me aside, trying to decipher the look in those brilliant grey eyes of his, so similar to the storm outside.
He pressed his thumb to my lips, a provocative move that made my core clench with. desire. Taking his hand, I led him to the bed, dropping onto it with Killian now hovering over me.
The flicker in his eyes shifted between grey and amber red and I knew he was drowning. into the desire. I felt the hardness of his body against mine, the wetness of his clothes. adding to the charged atmosphere. A low growl rumbled from his chest.
“You’re playing with fire, sweetheart, he whispered near my ear, his teeth grazing my earlobe. I shuddered as his strong hand settled on my waist.
“I’ve played with this fire before, Killian. I remember it perfectly. It’s just you who have forgotten,” I whispered back, trying to maintain a facade of control. But he was affecting me in ways I didn’t want to admit.
Wherever his hand roamed across my body, it sent tingles to my core, making it clench with a mixture of pleasure and apprehension.
He forced me to separate my legs by his thigh as he pressed his body more onto mine. He smashed his lips against mine. Pleasure rushed through me as he devoured my lips. like he had been hungry for years. A moan left my lips. I knew my lips would be bruised by the way he was kissing me.
I arched my back involuntarily. A soft moan escapes my lips as I feel him throb against
Chapter 55
my stomach. He stood up
before removing his t-shirt which was soaked and another blush danced on my face. It has been so long since I have seen naked men. And this man knows that he was built by the Greek go d.
He watched me with a hunger that I never thought I’d see again – a hunger that made me light-headed. But he was playing with my emotions, attempting to dismantle the protective wall I had built around my heart. In the heat of the moment, he turned me around, raising my hips as I felt his clothed hardness pressing against me.
While he dry-hu mped me, my hand slipped under the pillow where I had hidden a silver dagger given to me by Aries. Rihanna’s mocking words echoed in my mind.
Gripping the dagger tightly, I turned around, ready to plunge it into his chest…

Chapter 56
Killian’s Point of View
“It looks like they are leaving,” Alejandro remarked, peering out of the window. My brows knitted together as I hastily stepped in front of the window, gazing at the garden outside the Alpha Mansion. Shock surged through me as I realised she might be leaving with him. Urgency propelled me out of the office room, through the living room, and into the garden.
“Don’t let her leave the pack,” my wolf growled at me for the first time, a low warning tone ringing in my mind.
“Going somewhere?” I questioned as I approached Aries and Kiara, who stood close to each other. I rolled my eyes at them, noting Kiara’s frozen stance at my question.
I hoped fervently, praying to the Moon Goddess that she would stay. Aries lightly held Kiara’s hand, and I glared at the way he always touched her.
“No, I am staying here, only Aries is returning to the pack. Something happened that he needed to solve,” Kiara explained, her gaze meeting mine.
“What could happen in a small pack?” I asked curiously, and Aries growled in response. My eyebrow raised at his unexpected reaction.
“I’m going then, Kiara. But please be safe, okay?” Aries said, holding her face. My glare intensified as I watched them, the close proximity triggering a surge of jealousy and irritation within me.
I stood beside her as Aries left the mansion gate. Mind-linking one of my warriors, I instructed them to follow him. I needed to know if he was genuinely returning to the pack or if there were other motives at play.
I heard Kiara take a deep breath before turning to look at me, and I found myself lost in those eyes. The hesitation and nervousness were evident, and I wanted to ask her about it. However, before I could, she walked back into the Alpha Mansion.
Sighing, I felt a strong desire to be close to her. Was it because I hadn’t accepted the rejection? Was that why I still harboured feelings for her?
Gathering some weapons, I instructed my men to load them into the car. If something happened there, Alejandro and my men would have the means to protect themselves.
Standing beside the car, I waited for Aries. Glancing at the door, I saw him coming out of the house.
“Take care of yourself, and if the situation gets out of control, just come back here,
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okay? And I need you to keep me up to date with the news,” I instructed Aries. He nodded before getting into the driver’s seat, and I watched as the car left the mansion.
Deciding to train the evening batch of warriors, I immersed myself in sparring and. exercises. As the clouds gathered in the sky, I transformed into my wolf form, patrolling the borders to ensure security.
When I returned to the Alpha Mansion, I was drenched in the rain. Despite being the Alpha King, I was susceptible to illness. Passing by the bedroom door, I hoped to catch a
oof her, but her absence worried me. I didn’t hear her heartbeat from inside the
Fear gripped me at the thought that she might have left, but then I heard her loud heartbeat coming from my room. I entered cautiously, not expecting to see her in the state I found her.
My manhood began to throb at the sight of her wearing my shirt, looking beautiful. It brought back memories of the days when we used to live together, and her habit of wearing shirts at night when going to bed sometimes ignited a strong desire in me.
“I didn’t expect this. What are you doing here, sweetheart?” I asked, my eyes roaming over her body. The curves and her bare legs fueled a longing within me, and my wolf jumped with excitement.
Her eyes swept over my body, and a sense of pride washed over me when I heard her gasp. My manhood stood proudly, and I started to feel a bit uncomfortable in the tightness of my jeans.
“Eye up here, sweetheart,” I whispered seductively, my voice low. A smug smile played on my face as I saw her cheeks turning red.
“You still haven’t answered my question,” I insisted.
“I wanted to welcome you. You’re doing so much for me. It’s the least I could do,” she replied, and I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. This was completely out of character for her. I knew something was up in her mind.
Despite the changes she had gone through in the past years, I still knew her well. Something was up, and I needed to find out why she was behaving so boldly.
Walking up to her, I held her chin, making her look at me. I could hear her heart beating faster than normal. Despite her attempts to deny it, I could see the familiar look of desire in her eyes – a desire that mirrored my own, one I was trying hard to conceal.
Four years apart from her has only made the desire harder to resist. The dress and the memories were nothing compared to the real thing, and I knew she had another motive behind this. It only fueled my craving for her even more.
Chapter 56
I expected her to keep her distance, but what I didn’t anticipate was her gripping my shirt, making me fall with her onto the bed. Primal desire surged through me, breaking every ounce of control I had left.
“You are playing with fire, sweetheart,” I whispered, my lips brushing against her ear. My hand found its way to her waist, giving it a firm squeeze. Unintentionally, she arched her back against me, and I lost whatever remained of my restraint.
I crushed my lips against hers, pleasure coursing through me. I fought every urge to plunge my tongue into her mouth. Her soft moans filled the room, and da mn, it was like music to my ears.
I parted her
responding with my thigh, the scent of her arousal hitting me, and I felt her body
responding to mine. Standing up, I removed my shirt, hovering over her once again. The way her eyes drooped with desire only fueled my already arrogant demeanour.
Turning her around, I lifted her hips so that I could grind against her. She was driving me mad, and I cursed myself for not remembering the night I had her in my arms.
In a fleeting moment, she turned, and in the dimness of the room, I saw a shining object in her hand, which I knew perfectly well what it was-a dagger. A silver dagger. I grabbed her hand before she could plunge it into my chest.

Chapter 57
Killian’s Point of View
“What the f uck are you doing?” I growled at her, but her grasp on the silver dagger only tightened, fueling my anger. It made me even angrier to see the same hatred in her
that I had witnessed on the first day.
“If I don’t kill you, I will never be able to meet my children,” she yelled at me, tears started to glisten in her eyes. I yanked the dagger away from her tight grip, throwing it away from her reach.
“What are you saying?” I asked, confusion etched on my features. The sexual tension that had filled the room moments ago now cooled down, turning into harness and frustration.
“That attacker wanted you dead. He gave me a choice. He made me choose between you and my children. Of course, I would choose them over you again and again if I had
1 to. You’re a monster: you don’t deserve to live,” she yelled, tears streaming down her checks. Her chest was heaving, and this time, it wasn’t because of an intimate feeling that we shared a few minutes ago but because of sheer hatred.
She pushed me away as she started to get down from the bed. What the f uck just happened? She talked to that attacker, and he ordered her to kill me, and she agreed to it. My blood was boiling. I knew I hadn’t given her the love she deserved, and if anyone asked me, I was still grappling with the jokes the Moon Goddess was playing on me right now.
“You talked to that
her to face me, tacker and didn’t tell me a sh it about it, I grabbed her arm, turning
her to face me. Why did we always have to start all over again? F uck, this hurts. I know I can’t win her back, but this thing hurts. Is this what they call betrayal?
“What do you want me to do? If I told you about the talk with the attacker, I would never have been able to meet my child, Killian. I am their mother. I have been raising them all these years, and this is the first time I have been separated from them. I needed to know if they were safe or not. If they are alive…” She cried out loud, dropping to the floor and pulling her knees together. Seeing her like this ached my heart.
“Kiara, you should have told me this. I would do anything to bring them back, I had made a promise to you, even if I had to kill myself,” I said. I don’t know, but my wolf trusts her. He trusted her that the children were mine. She looked up at me and laughed, a taunting one.
“You can drop this facade, Killian. You are not doing anything, and if you find them,
won’t bring them back to me; you are going to kill me,”
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And I felt like lightning struck my soul. What rubbish is she talking about?
“Why would I do that?” I asked, but she shook her head at me, getting up from the floor and walking out of the room. I followed her to the hallway. The pain in my chest grows with each passing minute and thousands of emotions are ready to consume me. My mate thinks that I am going to kill her. Why the f uck would she think of that? She was the one who left me, who rejected me.
“Kiara! I haven’t finished talking to you yet. F uck, tell me why would I do that,” I growled at her. My aura changes as my wolf doesn’t find her behaviour pleasing at all. First, she tried to kill me now she is f ucking nerve to ignore me.
I grabbed her arm again while she yanked it free. Rihanna came rushing out of the room, alerted by my yelling.
“Killian? What is happening?” She asked as she looked at Kiara, who was walking down the stairs. I saw her taking the car keys. I can’t let her leave. I ignored Rihanna, rushing down to follow her.
“Answer me,” I demanded, grabbing her arm again, pulling her to my chest.
“Let me go,” she insisted as she struggled in my hold.
“Kiara, I am already at the edge of losing my mind. Just tell me who told you this.”
Tears continued streaming down her face.
“You wanted to separate me from them. You would get the parental right once I am out. of the way. That was your plan all along,” she accused, and I was left speechless.
I was about to question her again when the border warrior mind-linked me.
“What?” I replied angrily.
Alpha, Beta Alejandro returned from the mines of the west. He was injured a bit… And. he had brought a little girl with him.”
“They are rushing to the hospital as the little girl doesn’t look in good condition, the border warrior conveyed the urgent information. And I knew exactly who he was talking about.
I took the car key away from Kiara’s hand, opening the door and pushing her inside, strapping the belt.
“Killian, what the hell are you doing?” she yelled at me.
Chapter 57
“Al, brought a little girl from the mines of the west,” I stated, and she fell silent.
The ride from the Alpha Mansion to the hospital felt like a blur. My grip on the wheel tightened as the events played in my mind like a relentless film. My mate is trying to kill me…
Stopping the car in front of the hospital, the first person to reach me was one of the warriors I had sent with Alejandro to search the mines of the west.
“Alpha, Eve and the doctors are operating on that little girl, and Beta Alejandro is in another ward. He got injured a lot, but he could recover faster than that of the little girl as she still hasn’t yet had a wolf,” he reported, and I nodded.
“And Eve said that the little girl looks weaker than a normal baby should be,”
“Killian, what is he saying?” Kiara asked, looking visibly shaken. I wanted to comfort her, to hold her, but to
many chances had already slipped away.
Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to sit on a chair. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her or to my daughter.
“The doctors are operating on her. We just have to wait, Kiara. Be strong. Everything will be fine,” I assured her, but she seemed dazed as if she was listening to anything I was saying.
I sat beside Kiara, holding her close. I wouldn’t leave her side until I knew our daughter was safe and sound. Questions swirled in my mind. Why hadn’t Alejandro brought both of them? What could have happened there? Why didn’t he contact me? The plan we settled with is that he would keep me up to date. Then why?
The previous incident made it clear that the kidnapper wanted me dead. They knew that the children were mine, the heirs of the Mad Crest Pack. The realisation sent shivers down my spine….
“Hanna was so small when I gave birth to her,” Kiara said, her gaze fixed downward. The hospital lobby was deserted, with only a few of my warriors and doctors allowed in.
“When my water broke, I was only eight months pregnant. Aries got panicked when he saw that. At that time, the pack didn’t have doctors, so Aries had to take me to the human hospital so that I could give birth to them,” she continued, her hands fidgeting nervously.
“I had lost the wolf after rejecting you so they wouldn’t even notice that I am a werewolf,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
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Chapter 57
“Al, brought a little girl from the mines of the west,” I stated, and she fell silent.
The ride from the Alpha Mansion to the hospital felt like a blur. My grip on the wheel tightened as the events played in my mind like a relentless film. My mate is trying to kill me…
Stopping the car in front of the hospital, the first person to reach me was one of the warriors I had sent with Alejandro to search the mines of the west.
“Alpha, Eve and the doctors are operating on that little girl, and Beta Alejandro is in another ward. He got injured a lot, but he could recover faster than that of the little girl as she still hasn’t yet had a wolf,” he reported, and I nodded.
“And Eve said that the little girl looks weaker than a normal baby should be,”
“Killian, what is he saying?” Kiara asked, looking visibly shaken. I wanted to comfort her, to hold her, but too many chances had already slipped away.
Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to sit on a chair. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her or to my daughter.
“The doctors are operating on her. We just have to wait, Kiara. Be strong. Everything will be fine,” I assured her, but she seemed dazed as if she was listening to anything I was saying.
I sat beside Kiara, holding her close. I wouldn’t leave her side until I knew our daughter was safe and sound. Questions swirled in my mind. Why hadn’t Alejandro brought both of them? What could have happened there? Why didn’t he contact me? The plan we settled with is that he would keep me up to date. Then why?
The previous incident made it clear that the kidnapper wanted me dead. They knew that the children were mine, the heirs of the Mad Crest Pack. The realisation sent shivers down my spine…..
“Hanna was so small when I gave birth to her,” Kiara said, her gaze fixed downward. The hospital lobby was deserted, with only a few of my warriors and doctors allowed in.
“When my water broke, I was only eight months pregnant. Aries got panicked when he saw that. At that time, the pack didn’t have doctors, so Aries had to take me to the human hospital so that I could give birth to them,” she continued, her hands fidgeting nervously.
“I had lost the wolf after rejecting you so they wouldn’t even notice that I am a werewolf,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.
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“I was having trouble while giving birth to her. And the doctor kept her in the incubation tube for one month as she was the weakest among both of them,” she continued, her voice tinged with sorrow.
“They told me because of this consequence I won’t be able to conceive anymore. They were my last hope,”
My chest tightened at the revelation. I wasn’t there for her when she needed me the most. It was my mistake, and I had to accept that I had always loved her. There was sadness and regret in her eyes before she looked down. All I wanted was to take that sadness away from her.
“You asked me why Aries is important to me. Because he was there for me. He was the one who saved me when you….” Her voice trailed off, leaving the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.
“And more importantly, he was there for them,” she added, her words cutting through the heavy silence.
The tightness in my throat became unbearable. There was no way to explain the pain in my chest. I had messed it all up. I should have been there for her when she was pregnant, going through heartbreak, and when she was in labour with our pups. But I couldn’t be there.
My throat felt dry, and even though I wanted to say something, I couldn’t find the words. I got up from the chair, walked to the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. Leaning against it, I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the overwhelming emotions.
I had nothing. I couldn’t realise what I was missing until I saw them in front of my eyes again. I couldn’t face her, not like this. Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my racing heart. How could I justify to myself that I deserved another chance with her? I regretted every action I did in the past. If she gave me the chance, I would beg for it. But did I truly deserve her? And what about the children whom I didn’t even know existed until now?
But I wanted to protect them. I wanted them to be by my side. I wanted to see them grow. I wanted to be by her side.
After a few hours which felt like years the operation theatre door opened and the first one to jump was Kiara. As Eye and the other doctors walked out of the room.
“Alpha,” they all bowed to me. I nodded. my head acknowledging them.
“What happened to my daughter?” Kiara asked. I wanted to ask this but I don’t want anyone to know about their existence. Not yet.
“The little girl is out of danger but she is still weak. We have to wait for her to wake
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We’ll monitor her closely. You can go and meet her after we transfer her to a private room,” Eve said as she glanced up at me and bowed before leaving. And I knew she knew something and she went to her office.
One of the nurses told us about the room and we went there. Kiara was the first to enter the room and I could hear her soft cry, how she was kissing her cheeks and crying silently beside her.
I stood outside the room as my wolf howled to meet my daughter. He was screeching my chest and wanted to go inside. I closed my eyes before grabbing the kn ob and opening it.
My heart raced as I stared down at her sleeping on the bed, tubes attached to her arm and beeping on the machine but even in those sounds I could hear the faint lub dup of her heartbeat. She was looking so weak. I notice how her small chest heaves as she takes a breath.
Kiara was beside her as she lightly brushed her hair. Crying silently and thanking the moon goddess. I stood there not knowing if I could touch her. If I had the right to do
Kiara looked at me and she nodded her head indicating me to come near her. I walked to her bed… I saw her when she was playing in the garden but it was nothing compared
to now.
“She is Hanna,” She whispered softly and a small smile graced her lips.
Upon seeing her up close, she looks exactly like a mini Kiara. Even if her hair is not similar to Kiara’s. Her features are exact copies of Kiara. And I felt my wolf howl in happiness.
I lightly brushed her hand thinking that if I touched her she would be bruised. Oh how much I loved her….

Chapter 58
Ry’s Point of View.
The sound of hustling and bustling outside of the room made me open my eyes. I frowned as I looked around the room where I and Hanna were held captive. The room is dark and I don’t have a wolf yet to see in the darkness. I glanced down at Hanna. She was sleeping right beside me after crying for the umpteenth time telling me how much she misses mummy.
I lightly brushed her hair aside. She was getting weaker and I could feel it. I feel everything which she feels either if it is happiness or sadness. We share each other’s emotions. I remember one time when I went with Aries and his Beta to hike in the mountains leaving her and mummy in the pack.
got stuck there because of bad weather and mummy wasn’t able to reach out to us. The network died due to constant rain and I was able to tell Hanna that I was safe. It is the special bond we shared when we were in mummy’s womb. That is what mummy told us.
“Hanna!” I called lightly to her as I tried to wake her. Her brows knitted but she didn’t wake up. I touched her forehead and she was burning. I immediately jumped out of the bed running to the door and banging on it with my small fist.
Mummy always told me to look after her. And I can feel she is not feeling well right now. She was always the weak among both of us and needed special care, that is why Mummy never separated Hanna from her.
“My sister is having a fever, anybody there please look at her,” I yelled out to the men who kept us in this room.
The room reeked, a chilling atmosphere surrounding us. Tucked away in one corner was a meagre bed and a handful of simple wooden toys-our only companions in this desolate space.
For a trip to the toilet, we had to request an escort, but venturing out in the night was something I loathed. The guards were weary, and any delay would earn me a growl of impatience, especially if we stumbled on my way back to the room.
Night after night, Hanna’s so bs echoed through the darkness, a haunting melody of her yearning for our mother. This has become a regular occurrence in the recent days. Frustrated, I pounded on the metal door, the metallic clang reverberating in the stifling
After a series of forceful knocks, a lanky man opened it, his appearance dishevelled, resembling someone roused from a deep slumber. Strangely, he lacked the distinct
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scent that mummy had once explained werewolves possessed. The absence of that unique scent hinted that this man might be human…
“What did I tell you, young master, about not making any noise at night?” he yelled, his voice filled with annoyance. However, his outburst failed to faze me. I had a gut feeling they weren’t here to harm us. Ignoring his scolding, I hurried back to where my sister lay, pointing my small finger at her in distress.
“She’s not waking up. I’ve called her many times, and she’s got a fever. You need to see what’s wrong with her,” I urged, my worry etched across my face.
“What!” That was enough to jolt him out of his slumber, and he rushed over to where I stood. Without hesitation, he pushed me aside to get a clear look at my sister, fear etching his features. His hand reached for her forehead, and a curse escaped his lips. Fear gripped me; I had no idea when our mother would find us.
With urgency, he scooped up my sister, darting out of the room. I tried to follow, but he locked the door before I could catch up.
“Where are you taking her?” I shouted, my fists pounding on the unforgiving metal door. This time, there was no reply, leaving me alone in the cold, dim room.
Sinking back onto the bed, I drew my knees in close. Regret gnawed at me, a relentless reminder that I shouldn’t have insisted on mummy taking us to Uncle Aiden’s pack or stopping in front of that cafe. If only I hadn’t been so bossy about it, Hanna wouldn’t be in this dire condition.
For the first time, tears welled up in my eyes. I had been trying to maintain a brave. front for mummy and Hanna, but now, alone in this room, fear consumed me. The night noises became ominous, and sleep eluded me until the first light of dawn. The chirping of birds offered some solace, drowning out the haunting hoots of owls that had plagued the night.
The door creaked open, and I could hear hushed voices as it unlocked. The same skinny man returned, accompanied by a smaller, pudgy one. Though I could hear most. of their conversation, I feigned disinterest.
“Pack only the necessary items. We have to hurry,” the skinny one ordered, prompting the fat one to gather the few wooden toys strewn about. The other one lifted the bed, preparing to leave. Before exiting, he turned to sneer at me.
“Where are you taking me? Where’s my sister?” I demanded.
“If you want to know about your sister, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and come with us,” Je rry, the skinny one, yelled, attempting to intimidate me. As usual, I refused to be swayed. The fat one chuckled, finding amusement in Jer ry’s failed tactics.
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“It wouldn’t work on him, Jer ry. He’s an Alpha King’s son, alright. Let’s pack and hurry out of here,” the fat man remarked from outside, his voice carrying as he loaded the bed into the back of a van.
Little did they realise that not a single one of them bothered to wear masks or conceal their faces. This time, I wasn’t blindfolded. I committed their faces and voices to memory, vowing to carry them with me for years to come. It was a promise to myself – a promise of eventual retribution. One day, I’d get my revenge.

Chapter 59
Killian’s Point of View
I woke up to a sight that took me by surprise-Kiara sleeping on one shoulder and my little daughter on the other. Their hands clutched my shirt, and my wolf howled in happiness. It was a rare moment of pure joy, a stark contrast to the years of battling depression that my wolf had endured for missing his mate.
At that moment, I didn’t want this dream to end. The realisation of how much I had missed over the years hit me like a ton of bricks. My wolf revealed in the happiness, a stark departure from the usual struggles.
I could sense my wolf attempting to forge a connection with Hanna, coaxing her timid. wolf that only I could feel. It struck me how foolish I had been to ever doubt Kiara’s sincerity in this matter.
I turned to my other side, and there she was- Kiara, looking as captivating as ever. Her cheeks were nestled against my chest, a familiar and cherished sight whenever we shared bed. Kiara had this habit of circling around the bed. She always tries her to best to sleep at a distance from me but in the middle of the night, she came to me and hugged me. And I am not gonna lie, I always enjoyed that warmth.
The morning sun poured through the open curtain of our private room, casting at gentle glow on her face. She was a truly a vision of beauty, her eyelashes brushing delicately against her cheeks. I took a moment to appreciate her, to acknowledge the simple, yet profound, beauty that she is.
I closed my eyes, allowing the memories of the last night to wash over me. How beautiful she looked with only my shirt on. Her hair flowed freely. How fluffy her boobs felt under my hand. She had gained weight and it was only in the right places, making her more irresistible than ever.
That’s when I noticed her stirring awake. Kiara slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before her gaze met mine. We locked eyes for several moments, a silent exchange passing between us. Her eyes widened suddenly, and she sat up abruptly, causing my wolf to whimper in pain at the sudden distance.
A corresponding whimper echoed from the other side of my shoulder. In the dream, Hanna nestled closer to me, her grip on my shirt tightening. I could sense the tension in Kiara’s eyes, but the emotions behind them remained elusive, leaving me to wonder what she was feeling at that moment.
“Good morning,” I greeted, my voice emerging huskier and deeper than usual, and as her eyes met mine, it felt like fireworks ignited within me.
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“Good morning. She always does that. In her sleep, she has a habit of hugging onto something. Let me take her away,” Kiara spoke, moving around the bed to gently separate Hanna from me. My wolf resisted the distance, but I understood that Kiara wasn’t prepared to share her with me just yet. I, too, wasn’t ready to push her on this
“Just like you,” I said and looked at me.
I hadn’t been there in her life all these years, and I knew that seeking a second chance would be the most challenging task for me.
Last night I had told her that she could go back to the alpha house and sleep there while I would stay here in the private room but she doesn’t want to get separated from Hanna. And I can understand this feeling very well because I too like seeing her so close
to me.
As we both didn’t want to leave the room we decided to stay. The couch in the private room is too small for me. I watched how Kiara made a space in the bed for herself hugging Hanna close to her. I watch how she lightly brushes Hanna’s hair trying to ensure that she is safe and sound and is with her. That sight alone brought so many emotions in me.
It was past midnight and I could feel my back getting stiff from sitting there. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and when I walked back to the couch only to find Kiara was awakened because of the sound.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to disturb you,” I whispered softly, but she shook her head.
“You should go and sleep in the Alpha house, Killian, or you could ask Eve to give you another room,” she suggested, but I didn’t want that. I wanted to be selfish; I wanted to be near them.
“Kiara, we have already discussed about this. I’m staying here,” I affirmed.
“Or is it because you find me hard to resist due to what happened tonight,” I smirked, noticing how her cheeks turned red from embarrassment. I could hear her heartbeat quicken, and the deep breaths she took. My eyes dipped down on her breast before looking at her eyes.
“Nonsense!” She whispered and then almost yelled, and I hushed her, pointing to Hanna, who was sleeping soundly beside her.
“You’re going to wake her up, sweetheart, I warned.
“Then you should stop mentioning about it, so I don’t have to yell at you,” she retorted,
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back at me. And I couldn’t help but laugh at her. I always found her cute when she was. angry.
“Because you’re throwing me out of my own hospital,” I added.
“I don’t even want to talk to you. Do whatever you want,” she declared.
“Yes, sure, because if you see me, you might attack me again,” I quipped, turning to walk back to the couch. However, her soft hand caught onto my arm, halting my steps.
My throat dried as I replayed the moment when our bodies had touched. Her warmth against mine. Da mn, when did I become so h orny?
“I’m sorry for what I did that time, Killian. I just wanted my kids to be safe and with me,” She looked away, her hair falling to shield her face. I reached down, brushed her hair back, and compelled her to look at me. Guilt clouded her eyes, and I frowned.
“It’s okay. You did what you thought was the only option left at that time,” I reassured her.
“Killian,” she whispered breathlessly. A memory of our passionate encounter flashed in my mind, and I pushed it away, despite the fact that the recollection had already sent blood rushing south, causing my c ock to harden.
“Don’t use that tone, sweetheart, because you know it makes me crazy. And I don’t want to scare my daughter,” I whispered lightly.
“I am sorry. I know they sound like useless words that will do nothing to fix this mess… Or take back the pain that, because of me, you went through-physically or men tally. Leaving you to handle the birth of our children alone and you turning human, I am. sorry, Kiara, for all of it,” I said quietly as I sat beside her.
“Can I have one chance?”
She shook her head negatively, and it shattered my heart. “No, Killian, what’s done is done. I don’t want any of this. I know I am selfish for coming here, for asking for your help to find my children, but I just wanted them. What we had, it ended the day I rejected you,” she said, closing her eyes, taking a shuddering breath as she firmly pulled. away from me and turned her back.
“We just need to find out about Ry… perhaps when it’s all over, you can be a part of the children’s lives. But we are over, Killian… there is no return.”
I knew she was right, and I had hurt her more than I should have.
“You blamed Aiden for Alpha Eric’s kidnapping. You didn’t give me a chance to tell you about them. You don’t come to me when I ask for your help…” I said, my voice low, filled.
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with regret.
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“I know… I know I hurt you, and I won’t try to reason with you… Instead, I will show you that Kiara Woods is the only woman I want and have ever loved,” I declared.
Her heart thudded, and I took her elbow, turning her around to face me. I couldn’t miss the look of shock and confusion on her face.
Raising my hand, I brushed knuckles over her cheek and neck. Satisfied to see her eyelids flutter shut, I pulled her into a comforting hug. Wherever our bodies touched, I could feel the tingles, a silent promise of the emotions that still lingered between us.
“Go to sleep, Kiara,” I whispered softly, gently brushing her hair. My gaze shifted to my daughter, her chest rising and falling into a peaceful slumber. The steady rhythm of her heart provided enough comfort for me to close my eyes. I couldn’t recall when I eventually drifted into sleep.
I’ll go and call Eve to check up on her, I announced, rising and walking out of the room. It dawned on me that last night might have been a moment of weakness, and even without a wolf, Kiara was always strong. She has that aura around her.
Running my fingers through my hair, I walked out of the room and straight to Eve’s office. Glancing at my watch, it showed past ten in the morning. As I approached her door, I was about to knock when I overheard her speaking in a hushed voice to someone. I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Knocking on
was cle the door, I heard a faint “come in.” Entering, I found her alone, though I
was clear that I had distinctly heard someone else present….
“Alpha!” she greeted, and I could sense her nervousness by the rapid beating of her
“I came to ask you to check up on Hanna,” I instructed, scanning the room. Besides Eve, there was no one else. I enhanced my hearing ability, but there was no sign of another. person. Whom had she been talking to? My gaze shifted to the c curtain swung because of the air.
window and the
“Alpha, you don’t have to come for that. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Actually, I came to check up on her in the morning but saw you all sleeping, so I decided to do it an hour later,” she explained nervously. I walked toward the window, glancing down at the floor, but there was no one in sight.
I looked back at her as she hurriedly grabbed her coat and stethoscope.
“Eve,” I called her name, and she immediately looked at me.
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“I need you to do everything you could to keep that little girl safe. It doesn’t matter how much it costs; I just need that girl safe,” I commanded, letting my aura intensify within the room. She gasped, submitting to my authority. I nodded, satisfied with her response, and turned to leave.
“Alpha, is she your daughter?” Her question made me freeze on the spot.
“How?” My eyes widened in surprise.
“Alpha she has a rare blood flowing through her veins of course no one in the world can possess it apart from the one that belongs only to the Alpha King family,” She said. Of course, Eve is a great doctor and world wide known to be precise. That is why she is the head doctor of my pack. She has knowledge about herbs and she also heals many through the unknown power…
“You can’t tell anyone about it, Eve,” I commanded in my Alpha voice. A clear warning for her. My wolf surfaced forward and added more aura to my command. She whimpers under my influence but easily submits.
“I wouldn’t say anything. You are the Alpha King.” Eve scowled at me for enforcing the command.
“What about Lucia?” I asked, binding my hands around my chest. I had sent her to the Eclipser pack to ensure Lucia’s health was kept in check. I hadn’t heard anything from Austin or Nicolai, and it was bothering my mind.
“Alpha, she has a very little chance of surviving. I’ve already conveyed the news to the Alpha of the Eclipser Pack and her mate, but they are persistent in keeping her on the ventilator,” Eve revealed, and I realised I needed to share this information with Kiara.
But what confuses me is that Rogue King hasn’t done anything in these past few weeks.
“Alpha, that little girl is not only important because she is carrying the Alpha King’s. blood,” Eve said, causing me to knit my brows. What was she trying to imply?
“Make it more clear, Eve,” I urged.
“She has the power of your mother’s lineage too, Her words sent a shock through my spine.
Chapter 60
Kiara Point of View
I splashed another batch of water onto my face, hoping to cool down the heat on my checks. As I looked up, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair. I hesitated to step out of the bathroom. The moment Killian walked out of the room to call Eve, I bolted into the bathroom to hide in there.
I couldn’t recall how I had fallen asleep in his embrace, but I knew it was a moment of weakness that I shouldn’t have shown to Killian.
The memories of last night flooded back, and I once again felt a surge of heat. His touches, his kisses, his embrace-everything felt so real, so enchanting, that I could drown in it. I had been this close to killing him, and it was only because of the choice the attacker gave me. What I didn’t expect was Killian’s lack of reaction. He seemed to understand. Where did that cruel, ruthless alpha king go? Normally, nobody would survive attempting to kill him.
Glancing at the shirt I was wearing, I lifted the fabric and raised it to my nose, inhaling softly. When I walked out of his room last night I was able to wear the jeans which I kept on the side of the couch. His scent lingered-a familiar and favourite scent that brought a mix of conflicting emotions.
What surprised me were his words, “Kiara, you should have told me this. I would do anything to bring them back. I had made a promise to you, even if I had to kill myself. I will do that,” It sounded so real and confident. But could I trust him again? I hadn’t forgotten what Rihanna had said to me. What did he do to my parents? How can I able to forget about it?
Last night, I was finally able to meet my daughter. As soon as I saw her, I took a deep sigh of relief, but my son was yet to be found. And why did Alejandro bring only her? Where is Ry?
My heart clenches as I remember the morning.
My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself cocooned in warmth. I snuggled more into that enchanting scent, realising that I was against a hard wall of muscle.
Wait! A wall of muscle!
Da mn! Killian!
I looked up and stared into those stormy eyes that seemed to bore into my soul. Lowering my gaze, I noticed how my head rested on his shoulder, his hand clamped.
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around my waist, holding me tightly against him. And I can feel the fireworks in me.
I used to always hold him like this… I didn’t want to get up. The moment felt like a forbidden apple, tempting me to savour the warmth and comfort of his embrace.
Frustrated at my weak resolve, I abruptly distanced myself from him, jumping out of the bed. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of hurt in his eyes. Why was he sad? I had to ensure I never found myself in this predicament again. I am not going to be weak in front of him again.
I heard the door of the room open, and his and Eve’s voices filled the space. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the room. I don’t trust anybody in this pack anymore. And more importantly if it is Eve. Eve had her stethoscope on Hanna’s chest.
I composed myself before walking to where they stood beside the bed.
“She is fine, Alpha. She just needs more rest. We just have to wait for her to wake,” Eve reassured me as I looked down at my baby. She looked weak, and I wanted to cry, feeling helpless that I couldn’t save her from this. Them. I don’t even want to think. about what happened to them. How will they live without me? How many torture these little souls endured.
“When will she wake up?” Killian asked.
“In a day or two. She is weak because fatigue has taken over her. Is she always this delicate, Luna?” Eve inquired.
“Yes,” I admitted, looking down. It had all happened because of me. I should have considered the circumstances my babies would face because of the rejection. My little princess had a tough start, spending seven long months fighting to survive in the hospital. Now at four, she’s still tiny, unlike Ry, who seems older than he is. Her journey from fragile beginnings to where she is now is nothing short of inspiring. Meanwhile, Ry carries himself with a maturity that defies his age.
Despite both being of Alpha blood, my little one may be small in size and light on the scale, but her brilliance shines just as brightly as her brother’s. My mind is drawn to Ry who still hasn’t been found. Stay strong baby momma will definitely find you.
After checking, Eve and the nurse who accompanied her walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Killian. I needed to inform Aries and Aiden that she had been found.
“Killian, can I borrow your phone?” I requested.
“Why?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at me.
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“I need to tell Aiden and Arics that we have found Hanna,”
“For Aiden, I have already informed him. He’s on his way here. As for Aries, I don’t think he needed to know,” he growled at the mere mention of him. This sudden change in behaviour took me by surprise.
“Killian, I had already told you that he is a very important part of my children’s life. It can’t throw him out of there life just because you have a problem with him,” I asserted strongly. Aries had done so much for me, and I couldn’t repay him in this lifetime for all he had done for me and the children.
“Be careful of him. I don’t trust him, Kiara. He is a shrewd one,” he said icily.
“Of course, you would say that. You’ve never liked him,” I replied, frowning slightly. I knew he wasn’t perfect, but…
“Think what suits you, Kiara. But I would stand by my words.”
“Of course, but I’ve also been around for the last four years, and he has always been. good to me and more importantly to my childrens,” I said quietly.
“That still doesn’t change my mind. For the goddess’ sake, Kiara, when would you ever start listening to me?”
“Killian, you have no right to control me. When it comes to my children, I know who they are safe with and around whom they are not. You’ve lost all your right to meddle in the decisions I make regarding my children or my life,” I said, glaring at him. I extended my hand in front of him, waiting for him to hand me the phone.
A curse left his lips before he pulled out the phone and gave it to me. I walked to the other side of the room so our conversation wouldn’t be heard by Killian. But who am I kidding too? He is the Alpha King and he had the power to hear. I dialled Aries’ number, and after a few rings, he picked up.
“Kiara, for heaven’s sake, where are you? I’ve been waiting for you to call me. Do you know how many bad thoughts started to bug my mind? I was about to go to the pack to bring you here,”
“Aries, wait… Hanna… we have found her…. last night,” I told him. It was quiet on the other side for a while before he said.
“I’m coming there, Kiara. Don’t worry… I am so happy we have found her. Is she okay?” He asked.
“Yes Aries she is okay. I think you should come here. If she woke up she would be happy
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to find you here,” I said knowing Hanna sees Areis as her father. That was when a growl. heard from behind making my core clench. Staying by his side is not doing anything good to me.
“I am happy too Kiara I am coming right away.” He said and I ended the call.
I turned my back and found Killian looking at me, his jaws clenched and anger radiating from his body. I ignored that and gave him back the phone.
“Thank you,” I said.
“I need to talk to you about something,” he said.
“Lucia…” he stopped, making my throat feel dry and my stomach churn.
“She met with an accident, and after that, she went into a coma.”

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 36-50

Chapter 36
Kiara POV
I stood before my pack’s gate again. Tears started to welled in my eyes as I stared at the pack I once called my home. I was nervous and scared. I doubted they would accept me again. Coming here felt like a mistake. They would be hating me. Because of me, they couldn’t get the help.
If only I didn’t reject Killian and left the Luna position he would certainly help my pack. I was in deep contempt for what I would say if they asked me
Lost in my thoughts, a hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality
“Don’t worry, Kiara Nothing happened because of you. It was fate who pulled your string” Lucia said Lucia reassured, and I nodded, trying to find solace in her words.
She met me near the pack borders. She wanted to come with me. She mentioned to me that the Eclipser Pack and Blood Moon Pack had grown a relationship. I wanted to ask what but brush that off aside as my mind was flooding with the other questions and fear
With a call, the pack gate opened, and Noah drove the car inside. To my surprise, I didn’t have to guide him, he seemed to know where the Alpha mansion was supposed to be. The unexpected familiarity stirred a mix of emotions within me.
Everything has been changing. A change in a good way and I couldn’t help but feel proud that Aiden had established his pack from scratch. The car entered through the Alpha mansion gate, stopping in front of the main door. Lucia was the first one to come out of the car.
I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. She waited to calm down before we entered the alpha house.
If I had a wolf it would be whimpering inside my mind. As I felt them stare at me. Lucia held my hand so I could use her as my support.
“We come to meet Alpha Aiden. Tell him that Beta Lucia is here from the Eclipser Pack,” she said to someone and all this while. I kept my head lowered, not daring to lift it up.
“Kiara, you don’t have to worry. Like I said, Aiden would be dying to know that you are alive..” she reassured and that is when the door swung open and Aiden walked in. She told me that he was ill and needed medical support… But he looks fine to me…
“Beta Lucia, it was good to see you again… Kiara!” He called, making my heart drop. I immediately lifted my head up and there he was standing there. Looking much more
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mature than the last time I saw him.
“Kiara, you are alive…” he said before running towards me. He hugged me as my started to form in my eyes ready to spill any minute. My pack, My family, it is still safe…
“I am sorry… I am so sorry that because of me, Mom and Dad died. Because of me, the pack faced this massacre and damage,” I said through tears, my heart in pain. The pain. of the past four years, thinking they were safe and alive, seemed bearable now that I was faced with the reality of my pack’s…
“You know how much I have feared that I had lost you, I have been cursing myself till now that I could not save you….” he confessed, holding me close to him.
“I was afraid to face you. I was afraid to face the pack members thinking they would hate…” I cried out.
“No, Kiara, no one has ever hated you. For the things you have done for the pack, they would never have a heart to hate your soul sister…” He was reassured, offering comfort. and understanding.
And I don’t know how to reply to him about this. The pack never hated me.
“You guys
should stop crying. Aiden, if anyone sees that you are crying in the arms of your sister, I am going to tell Nickolai and he will make fun of you….” Lucia teased, bringing a small smile to our faces.
I couldn’t be any more happier than I already am right now.
Aiden pulled me and made me sit on the couch as my eyes roamed around the alpha house. The exterior has been changed; it was not like the one my mom made…
“I am sorry for our grandmother, Aiden. She had to lose her life to save herself too…”
“Kaira you are alive and that is enough for me. I know we have loosened many but we can’t fight the fate the moon goddess had already written in our life… So let’s not reminisce about the ugly past when we have a lot for the future….” he suggested, encouraging us to focus on what lay ahead.
That was when I heard a small cry. A woman similar to my age entered the living room. cradling a beautiful baby which I can tell was not more than six months old. She was beautiful, her long black hair braided, her blue eyes which are as blue as the Pacific Ocean. And her lips had a smile on.
Aiden immediately looked at her. He mind-linked her as she walked towards n
“Kiara, she is Evelyn… My fate mate, she is the daughter of the alpha of Eclipser Pack…” Aiden said as he introduced her.
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“And here is my daughter, Candice,” he added, proudly introducing the baby in Evelyn’s
I immediately jumped to see her. And she looked so cute.
“I’m glad to see you, Kiara,” she said and I smiled at her. I couldn’t be happier now seeing my younger brother finally forming a family. Mom and Dad must be proud of them…
“She is beautiful.” I said, directing my gaze to Candice. Hanna and Ry would be happy to know that they have a cousin. I can totally imagine their excited faces jumping with joy to meet her as soon as possible,
“Ry and Hanna would be happy to see her,” Lucia said, voicing what I had in mind. There was no point in hiding anymore; they should live in this pack, the pack that belonged to me.
“Ry and Hanna? Who are they?” Aiden asked, frowning in confusion. A multaneous chuckle escaped both Lucia’s and my lips. Aiden would always be a bit slow to catch on.
“They are my kids, Aiden, I explained, but the frown still lingered on his face. prompting laughter from all three of us.
“Kiara, don’t mind him. He is a little late to understand all this…” Lucia began, but an excited scream cut through the air.
“You had twins. I’m the uncle of the twins…” he yelled a little too excitedly because soon Candice’s little cry broke the atmosphere making Evelyn growl at her.
I felt a wave of happiness wash over me as I looked at the pack from the balcony. The pack members, upon hearing about my return, welcomed me with open arms and hearts. Some expressed that they still saw me as their departed Alpha’s daughter, and that title would forever belong to me. The warmth and acceptance from the pack filled me with a sense of belonging and peace.
Tears welled up in my eyes because of the overwhelming love the pack had given me. The realisation of the reduced pack members hit hard; some had lost their mothers, some their fathers, and others were widowed as their husbands, the warriors, fought valiantly and gave their lives to protect the pack. The sacrifices and losses the pack had endured were profound, and the weight of their grief resonated with me.
My heart clenched at the thought, and the mission to find the Rouge Alpha King became an even more crucial and personal task for me.
“Kiara!” Lucia’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at as she was
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wearing her coat. Is she leaving? Aiden wouldn’t let me leave this place. He was persistent that I would stay for a night and I didn’t have a heart to say no to him..
“Are you leaving…” I asked frowning.
“Ah yes as you have know the incident that happened we have tightened our security all the pack members were still scared and you know being a beta mate I had responsibilities too I can’t leave my mate there alone.” She said and I couldn’t help but chuckle thinking she was the same one who was used to tease me for being typical smitten wife.
“What with this smile?” she asked.
“Weren’t you usually teasing me for being a typical smitten wife now say who is who now?” I laughed. I miss these moments where I can freely talk to my friends, and family without the worry that these moments will slip through my fingers.
She sighed as a small shy smile graced her lips, her neck was adorned with the mating mark and I could tell she was happy to be with her fated mate not like me whose fated mate hated her….
“You were right, Kiara. Mate do change your point of view,” She said.
“Okay, now I have to leave. The Beta Noah would be staying in the guest house. Your brother doesn’t want any stranger near the alpha mansion. But I wanted to ask something, please don’t take it to heart..” she asked and I nodded my head for her to
“Didn’t you find anything suspicious with the Alpha Aries Pack?” And I frowned at her question because even if I don’t belong to that pack. That pack had given me everything…
“No but I could tell that he was worth to put your trust in…” I told her but from her face, she still didn’t feel like agreeing. We said our goodbyes as she walked back to her car and headed in the direction of her pack…
My throat felt dry so I decided to drink some water heading to the kitchen. I found Evelyn there. I smiled at her. I didn’t get a chance to talk
to her. Using this opportunity
to know her.
“So how did you and Aiden meet?” I asked as she handed me a glass of water.
“It was Alpha King who came to our pack with him to do some business. That is when we found that we are fated mates…” Evelyn told me. Aiden doing business with Killian on what prospects. Did he forget the pain I have gone through?
“Kiara I have seen how devastated Aiden was when he found your grandmother’s lake
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house burning. They had found two dead bodies there… which they assumed one would be yours,” she said. I felt like the air had been knocked out of me. Someone portrays my death. They deliberately wanted them to make it real that I was dead. But who and why?
“He had gone through so much pain and that’s when I decided to settle in this pack to support him and help him build this pack from scratch.” She said,
“Thank you for doing this Evelyn. I would say that they had gotten the best Luna..” I said.
“Not the way you did for your mate’s pack Kiara. You are the one who was still praised by my father.” She said.
“And I am happy to see you here. To be able to meet you,” We talked for hours when she decided to take the leave to feed Candinice who, according to her, was just like my brother.
I was heading in the direction of the guest room. When I saw Aiden walking in through the stairs up.
“Going to bed?” he asked and I replied with a yes. He nodded.
“Aiden, I am leaving tomorrow morning. Ry and Hanna can’t stay away from me and leaving them alone won’t fit right. I can’t burden the alpha of the pack,” I said.
“Kiara… for that I wanted to talk to you about something.” he asked, contemplating whether he should say or not…..
“As you know that you are accepted to the pack. Everything is alright. I would like your to come back here sister,” he said and I found it difficult to answer as I couldn’t imagine to throw away the back who supported me for four years…
“You can take your time Kiara but this pack belongs to you as much as it is for me.. Ry being the next in line Alpha King it would be better he would be familiarised with. this pack..”
“But I don’t want Killian to know about me or my children, Aiden. I am happy being distant with him right now. And the heir is on the way anyway.
“Kiara, he was the one who was looking for you like a mad man when as soon as he got the news that our pack had been attacked…”Killian POV
I drove off the grounds quickly, noticing a shift in the attitude of the Gam ma Owen and Pack Alpha Aries as if they had suddenly realised who I was or someone was here and told them… But I didn’t stay there anymore. I was here to observe their security and pack development. So I don’t find any necessary points to stay. My wolf whined at the departure, seemingly quite fond of the boy I had left behind.
Sol decided to find a hotel approximately ten miles away in the human town and to return by foot the next morning.
I found myself further away than I had originally planned. Their guards kept a watchful eye on me until they believed I was far enough away. The best next step would be to go early in the morning in wolf form and observe to gather information about the alpha.
The alpha’s son, Ry, lingered in my thoughts. He seemed like a great kid, and my wolf took a keen interest in him. I felt the anger surge within my wolf when Aries pulled Ry away from me. The primal instinct was clear – my wolf desired nothing more than to rip off Aries’ neck. He wanted to protect that kid and I was confused by his protective behaviour towards the kid who I just met today.
After a few hours, I decided to call Rihanna, just to let her know that I would be staying over in a hotel for a night or two… I hadn’t really made any plan prior to coming, but now I knew I needed to find out more.
“Rihanna, it’s me…”
“Killian, I miss you. Do you know how worried I have gotten as you didn’t call me…” she fainted over the phone to me.
“Where are you?”
“I am in a hotel in a human town, ten miles away. I will be returning the next morning,” I told her and she took a huge sigh of relief.
“They didn’t offer you a place. Killian I don’t think you should stay there anymore. What the point when that Alpha is not even interested in us…” she said but it feels like an excuse for me to return back to the pack.
“Rihanna, I know what I am doing. So you don’t have to decide it for me,” I
commanded strongly. She hummed a response and softly put down the phone from my curt reply.
Chapter 37
After talking to Rihanna, I decided to call Alejandro. I essentially reiterated what I had shared with Rihanna. Alejandro also provided me with updates on the pack, reassuring me that there was nothing to worry about aside from the thing that Rihanna was making the maids’ life unbearable.
“We had found the problem because of which we couldn’t able to get any alert call from any pack whenever it got attacked,”
“What is the reason,”
“Someone specialised is hacking our system so we don’t get any alert calls and can’t help the pack in time,” So it looks like the spy still is in my pack. So why did that girl tell lies to me? Who is she saving?
After Kiara left the pack after a few days I found the spy and to my surprise it was Vivian. One of the maids who works in the alpha house but before I could find the truth for doing this she had consumed wolfsbane dying right in front of me.
The next morning arrived in the blink of an eye. After having breakfast at the hotel. I chose to leave the jeep behind and continue on foot until I entered the pack’s surrounding woodland, where I could easily shift. Renowned for my tracking and fighting skills, I was confident that no one could hide from me, and I knew how to conceal my wolf effectively.
No matter how well a pack could conceal itself, once you know its location, it couldn’t escape the advancement in human technology.
I could utilise satellite maps to display the nearby places, identifying suitable gaps in security details. Unfortunately, even the Blood Stone pack, known for its secrecy, was surrounded by woodlands, offering me the perfect cover to elude their border control.
I spent most of the morning observing their training formation, noting who entered and exited the pack, and monitoring how frequently the guards switched their positions on gate patrol. Just then, I notice a car entering the pack borders. With my keen eyes, I could see that a man was driving the car and a woman was seated in the passenger seat.
I saw a little glimpse making me furrowed by brows in confusion from the side face she looked like… I brush the thought aside as the time is not to think about her…
I took a sideline at the edge of the pack, walking towards the field that seemed to be the back portion of the alpha house. I stood there for a few hours and that seemed unexciting because nothing happened in this area. No guard is watching here or they
Chapter 37
wanted it to look like it….
Having gathered enough information about the pack, its security weaknesses, and other details, I planned to discuss this with Alejandro and Austin once I returned to my pack grounds. However, as I was about to leave, I heard a chuckle in the field and quickly hid behind a large tree.
I looked closely to see a little girl playing around as she was so busy enjoying that she didn’t notice and she tipped on her foot immediately reminding me of her…
A s ob left her lips and I wanted to go and soothe her pain away. What the hell is happening to me?
“Mummy!” she cried out.
I watched as a female ran towards her. She has the same burgundy hair but it was shortened
up to her shoulder length. I could only see her back but I knew she was the same woman who came with Aries. She reminds me of her and I didn’t want to go. As I stood and watched how she soothes the pain away from that little girl.
I stood watching how Aries walked to the duo as he stood closer to that woman. My wolf
that man into pieces. He kissed
was scratching inside me as he wanted to run a dr
the forehead of the little girl and how she smiled sweetly at him. I felt jealous…. Jealous of seeing his family…
I was confused by my wolf reaction. Why is he pulling my patience thread this early in the morning? Why is he affected so much seeing him closer to that woman and little girl?
I felt some familiarity with her… with both of them…. I heard many things about her… How she helped the alpha in developing the pack… How she helped cure the injured from the Eclipser pack. Even the alpha praised her for her ability to cure the injured with limited supplies. She mainly used herbal plants… I wanted to meet her… to see
I shifted into my human wearing joggers which I have been carrying with me. I don’t want them to know about my presence. As I stare into the distance, the woman has her backside on me and that little girl’s features do look similar to her… That was when my phone vibrated. I curse as I hide behind the tree when the female turns to look at my side.
“Why are you calling now, Alejandro? I was close to finding…. I growled at Aiden through the phone when his next sentence made me freeze.
“Killian… Lucia….” It was, Austin and for the first time, he called my name… And I knew. the news was bad from the way his voice broke at the end.
09.57 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 37
“What happened to her?”
“She met with an accident while returning from the meeting with the alpha of The Blood Moon Pack,”
And I felt like the air had been knocked out of my chest. I shifted into wolf form running through the woodlands to the roads.
My mind is buzzing as if it was clouded. How come this happened to her? I just talked to her yesterday. She was happy and now this happened…
I entered the Eclipser pack, and the guards bowed to me as I ran in the direction of the hospital. From the cars parked in the front hospital, I knew my beta and gam ma had arrived. Nickolai was sitting, and Jessica tried to console him….
“How is she?” I asked Alejandro, as both Austin and Nickolai were not in the condition. to tell me anything.
“I don’t know Killian. The doctor is still operating on her. We didn’t find her in good condition. And the doctor is not giving any positive response,” Alejandro whispered softly. My fist curled. How the hell did this happen to her?
“How did this happen? And, moreover, why is she alone…” I asked Alejandro.
“She said she wanted to go and meet Alpha Aiden. She said it was important to her….” Nikolai said, and my brows furrowed in confusion. What was so important to her was that she went alone.
I was not thinking straight. Yes, Aiden’s mate, Evelyn’s, who is the daughter of the Alpha of the Eclipser Pack. And Lucia has a close relationship with Aiden after the death of Kiara. But that still didn’t give her the right to go to another pack without her mate or even any guards or warriors with her.
“She was returning home when her car collided with another one, and the other car ran away, leaving her there to die, Killian. And if you ask me, it doesn’t look like an accident at all…” Alejandro said.
I don’t know what to say now, She has been attacked, but why? Is she linked with something I didn’t know? We waited in the lobby. Nikolai hadn’t left his place. I could. feel what he is feeling right now. When I saw Kiara’s burned body in that lake house, I felt like I was torn in pieces. I was blaming myself for everything that happened to her.
I walked towards him, taking a seat next to him. He was a boring hole in the wall, and I could feel the anger he was radiating. So he had heard what Alejandro said.
09:57 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 37
“It is going to be okay, she will pull through this, Nickolai, she is the best warrior, and I know she won’t go down like this…” I tried to assure him, but I felt like my hands were bound by the silver chain.
First, that Rogue Alpha King, and now someone trying to kill Lucia? What is happening? And I felt like I was an alpha who could look after his pack security.
“I am sorry, Alpha King, but we don’t know when she will be able to wake up…
We ar going to keep her under observation for the next twenty hours, and then we will decide based on the signs she shows. The impact had hurt the left side of her brain…” the doctor explained.
“No! She’s going to wake up!” Nickolai shouted, grabbing the doctor by his collar.
“Nikolai…” I said quietly, pulling him back by his shoulder. I understood he was broken, but we have to find what actually is happening inside my pack or his…
“No Alpha…”
“I know, Nikolai, you have to get your grip yourself together…” I ordered this time in my alpha’s voice. I didn’t want him to lose his mind. They all bowed their heads in my command as I tried to put my wolf back down.
“Doctor, as you know, she is still a member of my pack. And I don’t want to hear any negative response from her.. Do anything you can do to keep her alive…” I instructed. firmly.
“Yes Alpha King,” the doctor responded quietly, bowing his head. “Well, I will give you all a moment with her,” He said before leaving.
The first one to rush inside was Nikolai followed by Austin and Jessica.
“Alejandro, we have to find out about this accident. It was now clear that Alpha was targeting my pack alone. He wanted something from me… And arrange a meeting with Aiden. I want to find the reason for her visit…” I commanded him, as he nodded his
Is this linked to what happened with Kiara? Does that Rogue Alpha King have any other motive to do this?
5/5Chapter 38
Three days have passed since I visited the Blood Moon Pack. I had called Lucia many times, but she didn’t answer any of my calls. And a deep dreaded feeling settled in the bottom of my heart. My mind was clouded by what Aiden had said.
Killian had been looking for me. I still didn’t want to believe it. Why didn’t he come to save the pack when I asked him? Why did he reply to me that this was the fate I had to face for rejecting him? I was feeling angry thinking that Killian was playing with us… with Aiden.
“Kiara!” Aries’ voice pulled me out of the thought as I looked at him. We are having another meeting. We have formed an alliance with many packs and provide them security from the attack of that Rogue Alpha King. Yet, we hadn’t found a dime about that ba stard.
Aiden hadn’t seen that man either. He had mentioned about them being covered in black cloth around their face. Hiding their face but why? He was trying to find him, but it was not easy for any of us…
“Yes,” I said, closing the laptop as I found Aries and me alone in the meeting hall. I had. to talk to Aries about visiting the Blood Moon Pack again as the constant pleading of these mushkins has been piercing my ears.
“Nothing, you seem lost, is everything fine?” He asked, and I took a deep breath.
“Aiden wanted me to return to the pack..” I started without beating around the bush. It haven’t decided to leave this pack who sheltered me in my bad times, but I also don’t want Aiden to think that I have left him again. Not this time… When Ry needed a teacher to train his wolf and Aiden looked perfect for it. As he had trained with Killian when they were younger.
Aries knitted his brows but didn’t say anything and I too had lost words to say. “And what do you think?” he asked, looking straight into my eyes. His gaze flickered with golden shade as his wolf tried to present itself. He doesn’t look like any normal wolf some of the time by the way he possesses his wolf…
“I haven’t thought about anything yet… But Ry and Hanna wanted to go and visit him and look at the pack from where I belong…” I said playing with my fingers. I am finding this selfish. Selfish that even this pack had put a roof above my head I wanted to return to my family… Am I being selfish…..
“If it was for a few days then I won’t hold you back Kiara. But you are now my pack member and I am not going to lose you… You are important to me… As I have said that I
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wanted to become the father figure for Ry and Hanna..” He added.
“Aries you don’t understand the situation you’re putting yourself into…. What if you find your fated mate…”
“I wouldn’t…” He interjected me, making my brows knitted in confusion.
“I don’t understand…”
“You don’t have about that, Kiara… I will not leave you… I will go and tell Noah
to get the car ready for you to the Blood Moon Pack..” he said before leaving.
After returning from the Blood Moon pack I decided to have a coffee. This centre belongs to humans so I would be safer here than stopping at any pack who already knew me. We have gone to meet Aiden.
“Come on guys. Let’s fill your tummy,” I said to these munchkins who excitedly exited the car.
“Don’t run and Ry please look after your sister,” I called out to them as I locked the car door.
The cafe was named Dream Star. When I entered, the wind chimed making my presence known to the owner. He gave me a polite smile as he led us to a seat from where I could look at the busy streets where people come and go.
“What would you like, mam?” a server asked as I ran my eyes through the menu. ordering coffee and sandwich for myself and for these kids, chocolate shakes and pancakes.
She smiled at me and went to prepare our order,
“Did you like Uncle Aiden?” I asked Ry whose eyes are still shining with all the things he had done with his uncle. I can look into his eyes how much he adores the pack. Making
think that if I made a bad decision to not return to the pack.
“Yes he is the best, the pack is the best. And Aunt Evelyn too. She has a cute little baby with her. I like her a lot and I want to play with her,” Hanna excitedly told me about how much she enjoyed the pack. And the most the baby
Evelyn had really proven herself as Luna. The pack is doing great and that is enough for me. I was happy with the Blood Stone Pack. A little hospital I opened to help and look after my pack members. After thinking much about what Aries said I decided to give him a try. Everyone should get a second chance and he would for me….
“Are we going to stay in this pack?” Ry asked as he wiped the foam moustache from his
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sister’s lips as she laughed at her brother. I enjoyed seeing them looking after each other.
My mind went back to what Aiden talked about to me. He still thinks that Ry would be brought there with his own family would be better for upbringing.
He wanted Ry to handle the pack when he got older and I am still contemplating it. As I took another sip from my cup I started to feel dizzy. I looked around and I felt something was wrong with my drink. I feel dried. I am sure they had done something with my coffee. I reached out my hands towards my kids when I saw blankness around me. I felt powerless, too weak to even scream.
The next time I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room. I was chained to the chair. My hands were bound behind my back and a cloth gushed to my mouth so I couldn’t scream as my eyes only searched for my kids.
The door of the room opened and a man walked inside. He had his face covered and I felt miserable that I couldn’t fight this. I was getting weak from whatever they injected.
into me.
“Tell the alpha that she had woken up…” He said to the person who came with him….

SEND GIFTChapter 39
Kiara’s point of view
I don’t know
W many days I had been confined within these four walls of the dark room. My body is in pain, as they didn’t give me anything to eat, just a little water. And one-time food. I was growing weaker with each passing day. I was cursing myself as I wasn’t able to save my children. My fear is eating me alive. I wanted to hold them and embrace them. I don’t know if they are here or not because apart from these two men I haven’t seen anyone here.
I was sure that my children were not here, otherwise, I would have heard their cries. The absence of their voice made it clear that they had been kept away from me. But what confuses me is why?
Despite their claim of informing the so-called Alpha about my awakening, no one had returned to see me. I struggled to break free from the chains, but my weakened state and the absence of my wolf’s power made it look like a futile attempt.
“Please Erica please come back to me. I need you. I need to save my children,” I tried calling her. Thinking that this would at least break the motherly feeling in her. But it was a vain attempt as I still couldn’t feel her. My tears couldn’t hold themselves and rushed out as I felt the pain of her abandoning me again. Why does the moon goddess have to give me this fate? Why me?
The door of that room opened with a bang and I knew it was getting dark as they had always given me a one-time meal around eight o clock. It was a routine they have set up for me.
“Here eat this,” a man came towards me untying my hands. Once he did he walked to the front of the door resuming his position guarding the door.
“Please tell me if my children are safe or not? What does your alpha want from me? Please I beg you please let me go… Or at least let me see them for once,” I cried ignoring the pain which I felt all over my body when he untied my hands. My eyes are blurred with tears.
My heart is heavy with grief as all the bad thoughts keep on coming back to me, breaking me into pieces. They were only four years old. Away from me. Goddess knows. what danger they are in.
He looked at me with pity eyes and I knew he didn’t want me to suffer because he always tried to provide me with enough water and food whenever his superior was not there. And for some days he even let me walk freely for a while. At least they are not torturing me, they just wanted me weak like they have been ordered not to touch me…
09:57 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 39

“Don’t talk. I can’t do anything and I don’t know who the alpha who kidnapped you as I am a rogue,” he said, making my brows knitted in confusion. Why would that Rogue King want me? What does he want from me? I was about to say when he stopped me.
“Keep quiet and eat,” he said without looking at me anymore. I know I can run from here if he is the one who guards this room. The two always switch positions at night and I think making his heart melt for me could be my key to get out. I have stayed enough here. If my wolf is not going to help me I will be the one who is going to save them. I used to be the strongest, but now I feel more useless. But I wasn’t going to give
I didn’t say anything after that and started eating. This time he had provided me with enough food that would help me to regain the energy. Once I was done he picked up the plate and was about to walk away.
“Aren’t your Alpha the Rogue Alpha King?” I asked, wanting to get a little information out of him. When I would be able to run away from here I have one place in my mind. where I would be able to get….
I knew that Aries would have noticed that I was missing and I bet he must be looking for me. I just have to find out who that bas ta rd Alpha Rogue is and what he wants from me and my children. Wasn’t he happy to destroy the packs? Why is he targeting me?
I looked up to see him and asked again, “Isn’t he happy to destroy the packs by killing the innocents? He is a monster for killing everyone just because he wants to become a so-called King.” I yelled. My chest is heaving as I take deep breaths.
“Because you all deserve this,” the man yelled, making me shake-in fear a little.
“Do you believe that your so-called husband is like a saint? He is the bas ta rd who destroyed a pack once you wouldn’t remember because we were just ants in front of him,” I knitted my brows. What is he talking about?
“I-I…” I wanted to say but I felt like my throat had formed a knot restraining me from saying anything else.
“Yes, didn’t you remember you were once a Luna from the Madcrest pack? The most powerful Alpha who only looks at the rogues like a disgusted figure…” I was shocked for a moment. I don’t remember attacking any rogues. Killian wouldn’t do such things too. We always have sheltered a few but hurt them never in the dreams we would do that.
“And his children were supposed to be dead. My alpha would give me the justice for that Alpha King Killian killing my family. It is now the time for him to see how it feels when his entire family will be burned down into ash,” he yelled before leaving me alone. I gulped the hard feeling which built up inside me. He knew my children were Lycan-born. That Rogue Alpha knew all this along that is why they are targeting me.
09:57 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 39
I can’t let anything happen to my children. I can’t let them die. But what did Killian do to that alpha for him to be brutally killing everyone and how did he find out that my children were Killian’s?
It was night when I felt the quietness around me. The other man had come and now it is the time to switch their positions. I gulped as the bead of sweat formed on my forehead.
I had only a few minutes and that man hadn’t tied my hands before leaving me. I got up from the bed and quietly walked towards the door. I twisted the kn ob and it opened with a click…
I went out of the room. This felt like an abandoned building. I stepped down from the stairs and as soon as I reached the main gate of that abandoned building I heard the growl from upstairs.
“F uck where is she?” My heart raced like a gallop as I hid behind the doors hiding myself in the shadows as they both rushed down the stairs.
Their footsteps echoed in the hall, and I pressed myself further into the shadow, praying that they wouldn’t notice my presence.
“F uck,” the once yelled as he gripped his hairs and pulled the other one my his collar. “How the f uck she escaped? Do you know that if alpha got this news he would not be pleased, I heard a chokes noise and after sometime he left the man.
“She couldn’t have gone far. Go look for her. We need her alive,” one of them ordered.
Chapter 40
Killian’s Point of View
“Did you find anything here?” I asked one of the warriors who came with me on the location where Lucia was found on the day of her accident. The car was badly wrecked. It was a good thing that she was still alive. The doctor had already told us that we should be patient with her. The chances of her waking up are minimal right now and that news had broken Nikolai to his core. He had locked himself in the room.
Two days later, Alejandro, some of my pack warriors, and I returned to the accident site, searching for some clues. And my other warriors are looking for that car who dared to harm the most important member of my pack. She is my family and I had to bring her justice. I had already made up my mind to find that f ucker.
“Alpha, I couldn’t find anything. Lucia’s phone was damaged, and I’ve sent it for repair, but it’ll take time to get it fixed.” He reported and 1 nodded my head before dismissing him. My hands were clenched in a tight fist. I am cursing myself that whatever happened to Lucia somewhere I am responsible for this s hit.
Someone was harming the persons who were close to me only either it was my people. whom I hold dear to my heart or my aligned pack. I ran my hands through my hair taking a deep breath. I needed some time to think about what was happening right now.
“Alpha King Killian,” Alejandro called out to me. He had a laptop in his hand and a mant was standing beside him who was wearing an official police uniform. I walked towards them. Nodding to the police officer who bowed to me acknowledging my presence.
“He is the head police of this area,” Alejandro informed me. That man again bowed to
“Officer,” I said nodding to him.
“He had
me with the CCTV footage which had a clear video of how the accident took place. Though the person sitting in the car is not clear, we got his nameplate and are searching for him,” Alejandro said as he turned the laptop towards me.
I saw how that f uckers car banged with Lucia’s and how he walked out of the car just to look if anyone has seen it or not. My jaws are clenched hard. It was clear from the video. that this was a planned murder but why her. Why Lucia of all the people? Did she know something which is crucial for me?
“Find him,” I growled as my alpha wanted to show his presence but I controlled him.
“Don’t worry Alpha King, we are searching for him the moment we get that rat we will drag him to you,” that man responded.
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Chapter 40
“Did you talk to Aiden?” I asked as we were returning back to the Eclipse Pack.
“Yes and he should be already on the way to the Eclipse Pack,” He replied.
After two hours the car stopped in front of the Alpha’s mansion. I went down and walked in the direction of the living room. Aiden and his mate were already there sitting with Nickolai and the Alpha.
“Killian,” Aiden said but I was quick to question him..
“Before you say anything, why is Lucia so frequently visiting you?” I asked and that ceases his mouth.
“And I demand answers, Aiden. Someone is targeting my pack, and they might be among us,” I stated firmly, crossing my arms over my chest. The room was charged with my alpha aura, and Aiden growled, sensing the impact on his mate.
“Are you again accusing me for the things I didn’t do,” Aiden growled.
“Alpha….” Nickolai said.
“And you shouldn’t have left her on her own to go to visit a pack alone, Nickolai. You should have thought about the danger we are already facing from that rogue alpha,” I wanted some answers from them but I was only met with silence. I sighed they were hiding something from me and it was clear in front of me.
It was pretty late in the evening when I finally reached home. I didn’t get any answers from them. I had also asked Alejandro to look for that woman. I need to know about
her too.
The moment I stepped inside I leaned against the door and stared down the hallway. The memory came rushing to me of how Kiara usually waited for me in the living room whenever I came late home from meetings. She always sat near the bonfire with a book in her hand. I sighed. How many years have passed without her by my side?
Pushing myself away from the door I head upstairs passing our old bedroom. I pause and stare at the door. It has been four years and I haven’t used this room. Rihanna was persistent in renovating this room to her own taste and wanted to shift with me in here but I was highly against this.
I stood there for a while as the memory kept flashing in my mind like a broken movie. Why am I thinking so much about her?
“Well look who decided to come back and have the audacity to show his face,” Dad’s crisp voice makes me turn to him. I frowned at his hurting words. But what could I accept from him? When did he ever politely speak with me?
Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 10
“I have been busy looking at what has been going on lately,” I say quietly, not wanting to argue with him. I moved past him. I needed rest and talking to him would not give me any peace.
“Killian!” He called out to me in his alpha’s voice.
“Look what is happening in the pack. The elders and aligned packs alpha wanted answers from us. Fix it or give up your title…” my brows knitted in anger. I am the one who has given everything to this pack to make this pack better and he was threatening me in the name of title?
“I believe you’ve grown accustomed to the standards I elevated this pack to. We are simply reverting to the way it was when you were the Alpha…” I retorted back harshly.
Not wanting to listen to any of his cruel words I turned my back on him.
“Killian! Don’t dare to turn your back on me,” He warns
“NO… but I am the Alpha now and you better not disrespect me,” I snarled, my eyes. flashing with a fierce glare at him..
“Because of me, you are standing in the Alpha position…”
“It is not because of you, Dad, it is because of me. I have earned the title of Alpha King for my accomplishment and the challenges I face. I won’t spare that f ucker until I have him by his throat,” a deep growl resonated within my chest. We glared at each other and before this got out of hand I turned my back and went in the direction of one of the
guest rooms.
A week has passed since that day, and things are still extremely heated at home. We are having a meeting in my office as I started to plan to build up more security for my pack safety.
Austin still appeared sombre, but I trusted him with our responsibilities which I knew he would be able to manage. Suddenly, the room burst open with a loud bang, and my Delta rushed in, his face reflecting horror, as if he had witnessed the impossible.
“Alpha, she is back…” He uttered, making my brows knitted in confusion. Who is he referring to? Just then, my phone rang, and upon hearing the words, a chilling sensation swept over my entire body making my alpha growl in pleasure.
“Alpha King.. Luna… Luna Kiara is back…”

Chapter 41
Kiara’s point of view
not o
going to
“She couldn’t have gone too far. Go look for her. We need her alive. I am face the wrath from the alpha,” one of them ordered, his eyes narrowing as he tried to look around. As they both shifted into their wolf form and ran away into the dense forest. I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. I stepped out from the shadows. I needed to get away from here before they found me.
My feet pounded against the forest floor as I ran, the chilly night air biting at my skin. Panic surges through my veins, urging me to keep moving. I need to find my children.
As I ran, the distant hum of cars reached my ears, and relief washed over me. I knew those wolves wouldn’t be foolish enough to come into the heart of the city in their wolf form. We, the wolves, always try to conceal ourselves from the human world and now as I become a human it is easy for me to mix into them.
I slowed my pace as I turned up another darkened street away from the street light. I nearly lost my footing before balancing myself. I rested my back on the cold brick wall, trying to regain my breathing. I looked down on myself. My clothes are torn a little. from below and my feet have some cuts because of running.
I shut my eyes tight, trying to stem the flow of lone tears escaping. Why hadn’t Aries or Aiden noticed my absence? Didn’t they realise I was missing? My mind spiralled into the thoughts of my children. The ache in my chest with each passing moment that I wasn’t with them.
“But how the hell am I going to find them?” I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible as another lone tear escaped through my eyes. I longed to hold my children, to reassure them that everything would be okay. That was when I heard her voice again. Erica, my wolf. It had been ages since she spoke to me. How long has it been since she talked to me?
‘Go to your mate. He has the only power to find your children,’ she urged me. And I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry at the irony. Even when she decided to talk to
it was about to go back to the man who had shattered me.
‘After all these years, you are still lurking in the shadows and didn’t show yourself, making me suffer like a human, I tsked at her. She is still weak. Like a mere presence but at least I had her within me.
‘You rejected your fated mate, Kiara. You knew you were going to get cursed for it. I can’t help you even if I am here with you,’ her voice echoing in my mind. I glanced down at my wounds which I had on my wrists and they still hadn’t healed yet so she might be right.
Chapter 41
‘So how are you here with me? Didn’t I lose you because of the curse?” I asked as the confusion etched on my face.
“Your mate didn’t accept your rejection, Kiara,’ she explained, and a bitter laugh escaped through my dried lips.
After all these years, you talk to me only to push me to go back to him? Don’t you remember it is because of him that we are suffering..
‘But he is the only one who can help you, Kiara. Don’t be so stubborn and go to him. Don’t you want to hold your children? I want them. I need to know if they are safe or not, She said.
I contemplated over her words of her, as much as I didn’t want to admit it but she was right. Alpha King Killian held the power to find my children and could bring them back. to me. It was a bitter truth, but a truth nonetheless. Bracing myself, I pulled up the last ounce of the remaining strength within me and stepped out of the street.
I try to find the way out of the city. I don’t have money. But after a few minutes, I stood. in front of the forest, which I remember like the back of my hand. I ran into the dark forest, the rocky ground hurting my bare feet.
I never knew that I would be back here, back to his ground. This time, I carried a fire that would blaze through this pack and burn strong until I found my children, even if it meant swallowing my pride and begging him for help.
I saw how the wolves ran alongside the road, hidden among the trees and bushed, their eyes tracking my every move. This was the Alpha King’s pack, after all this pack’s security had always been tight. Word of my arrival would have reached their ears by now, by how the air thickened with each step I took.
I walked towards the manned gate. “Tell you Alpha that Luna Kiara is at the gates,” I said, holding onto the little strength I had fighting that once I was able to enter I would find help…..
“Luna!” The guard at the manned gate gasped, my appearance must be shocking to him. His eyes glazed over as he tried to announce my presence to Killian or Alejandro through the pack’s link. It didn’t take a minute when he opened the manned gate for
me to enter.
I took a deep breath before stepping into his territory again. I saw how the pack members emerged from the pack house to watch me. Their faces are etched with confusion, longing and shock. Why wouldn’t they be surprised I came out of the dead. I don’t know what their so-called Luna had filled their ears with. I noticed the absence of children playing near the alpha mansion like they used to do. I always loved talking to them and hearing about their school days. Things here seemed different now, almost dull and grey.
Chapter 41
The once-thriving atmosphere had lost its lustre, not blooming and thriving as it did. when I left. The thought gnawed at me. Was I the one who had caused this to them? Was my hatred actually reached so far as to hurt the innocent pack member of the Mad Grest Pack? That was not what I thought when I left this pack. They are not involved with the things that happened to me or my own pack…
With a heavy heart, I inhaled deeply as I stepped through the mansion gate. The surroundings look the same as when I left them. The overpowering scent of the Alpha King Killian, surrounded me as I set foot on his territory, causing my wolf to stir within.
Pack members trailed behind, gathering in the courtyard, their hushed whispers swirling with excitement and disbelief about my return from the dead. To them, it seemed like a blessing, the true Luna and the fated mate of the Alpha King had returned.
I am clear that this isn’t resurrection from the death that they dreamed of. I wasn’t here to return to them or their Alpha. I will make it very clear that I am here for my children and them alone.

hapter 42
Killian’s Point of View
“Alpha King… Luna… Luna Kiara is back….” echoed through my mind-link, the words ringing like a sudden storm in the calm. My heart, once paused in the grip of awaiting. resumed its beating, each thud loud and painful against my chest. My wolf howled within. a mix of longing and pain. She is alive.
The first person to dash out of the room was Alejandro. The guard must have mind- linked him as well. I stood there grappling with the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. My wolf demanded action, to go and hold her right now, but I needed to gather the thin thread of patience I had left.
Gathering the little bit of patience that is thin like a thread. I walked out of the office room. Taking a long stride through the living room to the alpha’s mansion main door passed in a blur. I swung open the door without seeing how much strength I used because it nearly got pulled out of its hinges, but I paid no mind.
There she was, standing before me, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I watch, frozen in shock, as I look at the female with the same burgundy hair but a little shorter than she used to keep. My wolf is scraping inside my chest, aching to run to her and hold her. It feels surreal, the realisation that she was alive after all these years, while my wolf regretted everything that had happened to her and her pack.
Her eyes locked onto mine, and that familiar, relentless pull seized me. The blo ody fated pull that kept my wolf sane and me on the brink of insanity. Closing the distance between us, I couldn’t help but marvel at the features I had missed for four long years.
For four years, she had been dead, and for four years, I had been living like a lone wolf, without any mate. My wolf didn’t want anyone except her. Yet my wife, my fated mate stands before me, alive.
“Kiara!” I called out to her, my heart pounding in my chest. Her eyes dropped and it seemed as if she was losing all her strength. She was about to collapse when I lunged towards her, grabbing her by the waist before she could land on the hard ground. And I felt that electric sensation my whole body burned with the need as soon as I held her in my arms. Holding her in my arms, my wolf sighed in relief as if he had been deprived. of this intimate touch.
Her head rested against my chest, and I could feel the warmth of her body against mine. Despite the relief she felt, her eyes still held the same hatred. My gaze shifted to the bruise on her face, and the protective instinct of my wolf took over. A low growl rumbled from deep within me as I lightly brushed her cheek.
“Who did this to you?” I demanded, my voice thundered with a dangerous edge
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wanting to kill that person who dared to harm the fated mate of the most powerful Alpha King’s Mate… My mate.
She said something, her voice barely audible, but it still reached my ears. “Save them,” she whispered. Confusion etched my face. She clutched my shirt tightly before pulling me towards her as her lips lightly brushed my ears.
“Save your children, Killian. They need their father now more than ever,” She pleaded with what little strength she had left before she went into unconsciousness. But for me, it felt like slipping away through the ground.
I paced in front of the bedroom door like a wild lion trapped in a cage, my thoughts at whirlwind of confusion and anger. I don’t know what to believe now… I feel deceived. Deceived by her. How come she is alive all these years and I don’t know a s hit about it. Did Aiden know that she is alive? Why did they keep this from me?
Austin and Alejandro were also standing nearby and from their face, it is clear that they were as shocked as me. It is a good thing that my father had gone to meet the council in place of me, and Rihanna had accompanied him. I have time to get answers…
“Killian, you have to stop doing this. Otherwise, you will dig a hole in there,” Alejandro’s voice echoed in the corridor as I forced myself to stop pacing a hole in the carpet. Taking a deep breath, I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to collect my thoughts.
“She will be fine, Killian,” Alejandro reassured me. After she fainted in my arms I didn’t think of anything as my wolf wanted to save my mate. I carried her up before I dashed. towards the Alpha house, and urgently mind-linked Eve to come and attend to her. When she looked at her she was also shocked but I noticed a fear too…..
Now, an hour had passed, and Eve hadn’t left that room. My wolf was restless, yearning to hold his mate close, yet I trusted Eve’s expertise to ensure Kiara’s well being.
“How come she is alive, Alejandro? I have seen two burned bodies in her lake house. And why would she live hiding from me?” I asked him as he was the only friend I had. These are the questions that have been swirling in my mind for goddess knows how many times.
“Only she can answer for that, Killian,” he said as he patted my shoulder. That was when the bedroom door opened and Eve walked out.
“How is she?” I asked as soon as she stood before me.
“She is out of danger, Alpha. It is just that she is weak right now, and the fatigue and pressure took over her body, causing her to lose consciousness. We just have to wait for her to wake up as she takes more time to recover…” She explained.
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Chapter 42
“Why does she require more time to recover?” Austin interjected, voicing the same concern that had crossed my mind.
Eve took a deep breath before saying “She doesn’t have a wolf in her now…”

Chapter 43
Aiden’s Point of View
After that heated argument where Killain once again accused me of the thing I didn’t do, I was not sitting at the Eclipser Pack’s Alpha mansion. Every f ucking time this happened and I had to give proof about me being innocent.
The Alpha Evo’s hesitation was clear in his eyes, and why wasn’t he. He had almost lost his excellent beta and I know he wanted Nickolai and Lucia to be Alpha and Luna after he resigned from his position. And now she was lying on the hospital bed not knowing how long.
If Evelyn weren’t my mate, I would likely be rotting in a dungeon for crimes I hadn’t committed. I sighed, frustration simmering beneath the surface. My warriors had been dispatched to gather information about the accident, but their report yielded nothing.
Pulling out my phone from my pocket, I dialled Kiara’s number. We hadn’t spoken in a while, and she needed to know what happened to Lucia. Lucia was more than just a pack member, she was my confidante and a pillar of support during Kiara’s absence. She was the one because of her I was able to reunite with my sister. I can’t let that f ucker
I had called Kiara numerous times, and she still hadn’t answered her phone. It had been a week since she left my pack, and her silence was becoming increasingly worrisome. Because nobody is safe right now and her being out of my sight it makes me anxious.
Rubbing my temples, I played the video again on my laptop, desperately searching for any clue that could lead us to the man responsible. A cup of coffee was placed on the table, drawing my attention. Looking up, I saw Evelyn standing there. Concern etched across her beautiful features, she gently came and sat on my lap enveloping me in a comforting hug.
“Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine. What happened to Lucia is not your mistake. It is not anyone’s mistake,” she whispered softly, her words a soothing black to my troubled mind. My wolf, restless and agitated, seemed to calm at her touch.
“I am also worried about Kiara. She hasn’t replied to me or called me back. I don’t know if she is fine or not..” I admitted as she continued to rub the soothing circle on my back trying to calm my wolf down..
My phone rang, and I hurriedly picked it up, hoping it might be Kiara finally responding. However, it was Killan on the other end of the line.
“Did you know Kiara was alive?” Killian’s deep, thunderous voice echoed through the
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Chapter 43
phone, causing me to grip it tightly. How had he found out about this? I tried to hide. my nervousness.
“You knew?” he tsked, his tone mixed with surprise and irritation.
“Now, imagine my surprise when I find Kiara has been growled lowly through the phone.
all these years, he
“How could you not tell me?” He whispered as if I had deceived him. It was Kiara’s decision to remain hidden. She was happy away from him and I would do anything for my sister’s happiness. I would not sacrifice her happiness that was the last promise I had made to my father. And I will do anything to keep this promise.
My wolf was already on the edge when he heard her name.
“Killian!” I exclaimed.
“You meet her? My wife, my mate I thought was dead for four years?”
“Yes… How…” Before I could complete my sentence his next words froze me.
“She has returned, Aiden. And she was weak and with so many injuries. I want you here now and be prepared for the war for keeping my mate away all these years. You know betraying me would lead to something more deadly. He ordered before cutting the call. That made my wolf jump up.
“What happened?” Evelyn asked, her green eyes as Evo and
filled with concern. Al Nickolai rushed into the room.
“Killian has found Kiara…” I replied, and the news caused their eyes to widen in surprise and worry. We had all
Pt this secret from Killian for a reason. When Alpha Evo found out that the doctor who saved his pack during the rogue Alpha attack was Kiara he was happy to see her again. He had always believed in her strength when she ruled side by side with Killian. And Kiara made sure that Alpha Evo supported her decision and he was happy to keep it…. Why would she go back to him?
I mind-linked my warriors to get the car ready. I am not going to let her stay there any longer. It must be Killian who found her and might have brought her back.
“Alpha Aiden, you should call Alpha Aries too..” Alpha Evo’s voice pulled me out of the thought. I don’t like that man a bit. He is suspicious. But it was because of Kiara’s blind trust in him. I was still kept quiet. That man sure is hiding so many things that we don’t
know off…
“We don’t need to involve him in this..” I said, trying to brush off the topic as I hurriedly
Chapter 43
3 Feb
descended from the stairs.
“Aiden, Kiara is a member of his pack now. He is her Alpha and if you go alone. I don’t think Alpha King Killian is going to welcome you with open arms. He is already suspicious of you. And Alpha Aries being her Alpha could be possible that he could do something…” He said and he is right. I know for sure Killian is more than angry right now. Why wouldn’t he? I nodded my head as I watched Alpha Evo walk to his office room where he would call Aries.
Killian Point of View.
After telling him, I cut the call. I had enough of all these things and now I will do what I had to do. It has been three hours and Kiara still hasn’t woken up yet. As much as I don’t want to admit it, my wolf is excited and nervous but what troubled my mind was her last sentence before slipping into unconsciousness.
my children…” That’s all I heard. Did she now have formed a family away from me? My wolf growled at the thought alone. He was displeased with this very own idea that Kiara had moved on.
The woman I had seen in the Eclipse pack, alongside that Alpha. A chosen mate to someone else, with a child by her side. The mere notion set my wolf on edge, a primal. desire for blood simmering beneath him. My fist curled involuntarily.
And Aiden has hidden my wife from me, the Luna of the Mad Crest Pack, and will be held accountable, just as the Blood Stone Pack Alpha that had offered her a place within his pack kept her hidden.
After that I let my wolf go
for a run along the pack boundary. I let my wolf run for as
long as he needs it. He needed to vent his anger somewhere and running in a wolf form was easier for him. That was when Alejandro mind-linked me.
“Alpha King, we have an intruder…” Alejandro said through the mind link.

Chapter 44
Kiara’s Point Of View
I opened my eyes, as greeted by the familiar scent of sandalwood that surrounded me. I blink opened my eyes, I took in the surroundings. I knew this room intimately. It was me who decorated every bit of this room with so much love and dedication but did I find the feeling to be reciprocated. No….
I tried to remember what happened to me all those past hours. I remember conserving with my wolf. I remember entering the grounds I never wanted to enter. I remember telling Killian to save his children. That is when my eyes widened in shock. I hurriedly
and hissed in pain. My eyes went to my hands and legs which are bandaged.
sat up
I was in his pack. The Mad Crest Pack. Panic surged within me. I had revealed the existence of his children. No, No, No he can’t find them. I got up from the bed and looked around searching for some clothes. My eyes went to a newly set of jeans and a top which lay on the couch. I wore them. Before I could think of leaving the room unnoticed.
The door opened, and I turned around to find Eve entering the room.
“Kiara, you woke up.” Eve exclaimed, as she rushed inside the room towards me. Instinctively, I leaped a little backward. What had I done? I shouldn’t have come here. I looked up at her, and from the way her eyes flashed, it was clear that she had already mind-linked him about my awakening.
She took a step closer to me, and I instinctively took two steps back.
“Don’t come any closer, Eve..” I said coldly. Trust had eroded, and I found it difficult to believe anyone in this pack. The members felt like nothing but backstabbers.
“I had already informed the Alpha, Kiara. He is coming here. Till then, let me check. up..” She said, trying to be a good doctor that she has always been. I shook my head. negatively. I had no intention of staying here any longer. My only objective was to talk to Killian and seek his help in finding my children before leaving. That was the plan I had formed.
As I moved towards the door, a sudden dizziness engulfed me, and I grabbed the bedpost to steady myself. Eve rushed to my side, helping me sit back on the bed.
“Kiara, you have to calm down. You can’t rush here and there. You know that you have lost your wolf, and you need to regain your strength before doing something. You have been unconscious for the last five hours…” Eve said. I know that my body has become weak but I needed to find Killian before they could do something to my children.
“Eve.. Where is Killian? Can you please call him…” I whispered softly. She got up
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Chapter 44
the bed and came back with a glass of water. That was when I heard noise coming from downstairs. I got up from the bed and left the room.
“How can you hide her from me?” Killian’s growl echoed through the room and I winced at the intensity of his anger. I ran up between them, sensing the imminent danger knowing that this time they would kill each other.
“Kaira!” Aiden exclaimed, pulling me into a protective hug. I sighed in relief feeling the comfort of his arm around me. When I turned to look at Aries, his hand touched my chin as his eyes scrutinised my body. A deep growl resonated behind us, making me turn to face Killian.
His eyes flickered between amber red and brown. His brows were knitted with tension. Jaws tightly clenched, he gazed at me and then shifted his attention to Aries.
“Why have you come here Kiara… You should have come to me if you needed help.” Aiden whispered softly, and all these while Killian stood there silently. I turned to face him. Knowing perfectly that only he can help me find my children.
“My childrens have been kidnapped!” I said as my body trembled.
Killian’s Point of View
“What!” I gasped, an unexpected surge of anger rattling within me as I looked at how that Alpha had secured an arm around her. The realisation hit me hard- she had. already moved on from me.
“My son and daughter have been kidnapped,” she revealed. The news hit me like a punch to the gut. Apart from that girl, she also had a son with this Alpha. My fists tightened at the thought of her being mated to someone else. My eyes then went to her neck, still as bare as I had left it.
“What? When” Aiden yelled, and from his tone it was clear that he had met with her children. I was foolish to live like a widower when she was enjoying her life with someone else.
“I didn’t know who did this. I was coming back after meeting you and I decided to eat lunch in a cafe. I think they had mixed something in my coffee, and after that, I woke up in a small room. They kept me there for a week… They said they knew whose children they were….” She said before stopping herself mid-sentence and my brows knitted in confusion.
“This happened in a human city?” Fturned to look at Aries who tilted his head at me, not anticipating my concerned response.
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Chapter 44
“Yes! The kidnapper said that they are going to kill my children,” She said as she trembled and I wanted to hold her close to me but Aries beat me to it, before pulling her in a comforting hug.
She took a deep breath. “Killian, you have to find them..” She said actually it felt more like an order and couldn’t help but tsk at her audacity. Having a child with someone else, she expected me to find them. It felt like a twisted joke.
“I can’t do it,” That was all I replied.
“Killian, please, you have the power to find them…” she pleaded, her eyes filled with tears making me feel a tight tug in my chest. Why would I feel this way? Yes that f ucking fated mate d amn pull.
“Why would I find them when you have an alpha around you,” I said, gesturing to the two men who stood beside her. She shook her head before stepping closer to me. The scent of her natural aroma overwhelmed me, and I almost moaned. She looked up to meet my eyes. Her beautiful eyes filled me with so much hatred for me.
“Killian… my children… they…” she seems to struggle with words. Hesitating to say or
conflicting with what she is going to say..
“Spit it out!” I demanded.
“My children, you are their father…”

Chapter 45
Kiara’s Point of View
“What did you say?” Killian demanded, his stormy grey eyes started to flicker with an amber-red one. His wolf made its presence felt. The room is beginning to feel dominant. I was already weak to the core and he is not making anything easier. Aiden and Aries stood behind me ready to attack him if he did anything to me. I knew I needed to talk to him alone. I know this is not going to be easier. As he really didn’t take this news well.
But as if he read my thoughts or intention, he asserted, “I need to talk alone with her,” He said to Aiden, whose brows knitted in confusion. I sometimes wonder why my brother has to be so protective. It could sometimes be exasperating.
“No! I am not taking any risk here. If you wanna talk to her, talk to her here in front of us,” Aiden insisted. And I sighed. Killian growled in response.
“Aiden, I think what he said is right. I need to talk to him,” I whispered softly. He shook his head and stood firm in the same position. I turned to him and glared at him a bit, then I walked towards him.
“Just stay right outside the door. I know he is not going to do anything to me. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it when I walked in his territory,” I whispered softly trying to assure him, but a small mocking laugh came from behind where Killian was standing.
“Just call my name, and I will come right away,” Aiden said, as he glared at Killian who didn’t bat an eye. His stormy grey eyes betrayed a sense of hurt.
I felt a light touch on my elbow and turned to look at Arics, who also didn’t seem pleased with my decision. I held his hand, reassuring him, “I will be fine.” Killian growled menacingly and furiously in response. Aries didn’t say anything before following Aiden out of the living room.
I watched as they closed the door. I took a deep breath before Turning to look at him. “Let’s talk in your office,” I strongly said before walking confidently towards the wooden
Once we were inside his office, Killian pulled me by my arm, forcing me to face him. My hands automatically touched his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart.
“What the hell did you say outside there!” Killian’s roar echoed in the office room. I quickly stepped away from him creating a big distance between us and said.
“The pregnancy…. I was pregnant when I left the pack… and they are yours,” I tried to keep my voice steady, but it felt challenging to string together the words into coherent
Chapter 45
sentences. I was trying not to reveal my emotions because at this time I am having a tsunami of emotions in my heart and mind. For four years, I had convinced myself that they were mine, only mine. Now I was unravelling their world to him.
“You gotta be kidding me, Kiara? When did we do that?” He asked, as his brows knitted. in confusion. I knew this moment would come. Why would he remember that day?
“The day we went to Red Bound Pack to sign the treaty with the Alpha Ezekial,” I explained and Killian’s frown deepened and I could tell his mind wheels were running as he tried to find this memory. He squinted his eyes at me.
“You were drunk that night during the celebration…”I added, pressing on that particular memory, but I knew he wouldn’t recall that I sighed. I was wrong to think that if I tried to remember him he would recall this memory. But why would he remember this beautiful memory… Oh, how could I forget that this was not a beautiful memory for him to cherish?
I took a deep breath as I found this room closing in on me, making it difficult to stand. there. I was foolish to come here… Come to him. To this man who didn’t even know that I carry his children.
After some time, as if he finally remembered, he moved quickly, taking me off guard. He pushed me against the wall, pinning me under his hard body by holding my covered shoulder. I could feel his tensed body, his face almost touching mine. His sandalwood scent engulfed me, making my wolf purr at the contact. The anger burning in his eyes was so intense that I could sense he was ready to shift any minute.
“Get off me!” I fumed, what the hell is he doing right now? I struggle in his hold only to find it getting tighter than before.
ME AND DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING ALL THESE FOUR YEARS?” Killian roared in his alpha voice. And I don’t know but I seriously wanted to yell at my wolf, who seemed pleased at the way this man, who broke my heart four years ago, claimed my children as his….
He growled furiously at me, looking down into my face, pure anger radiating off from his touch. His once light stormy grey eyes seemed to be permanently getting more colour, as if he was suppressing a long-standing anger from his wolf.
“They are mine…” I said, trying to be strong as I pushed him off me. However, to my surprise, he managed to grab my arms and place them above my head. Tingles that I hadn’t felt for so long returned and this time ten times stronger. I felt like it danced on my skin.
He places his knee between my thighs, pushing his body dangerously closer to me. His nose touches mine, and his warm breath tickles my lips.
09:58 Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 45
“Killian! Get off me! Or I will shout for my brother…” I warned him because my wolf was far from scared. She is practically enjoying this closeness.
“Where are my children?” He yelled at me.
“That is why I am here, Killian… I don’t know… I already told you the truth… I was kidnapped…” I too yelled at his face. His eyes narrow against mine. He pushes himself off me and I see how he roamed in the room like a caged lion. I let him do this. I think. he needed it…
“Why?” He said as he turned to look at me. “Why didn’t you tell me about them?” He whispered softly.
“I did what I needed to do at that time, and I think I don’t have to remind you about the past…” I closed my eyes as the memories of him trusting Rihanna more than met knocked down my memory lane. How he thinks that I poisoned Rihanna because of jealousy.
“I was never cruel to you Kiara.”
“I am not going to talk about the past Killian… They are mine…” he cuts me off with a dangerous deep roar.
“And mine alone, and if you can’t help me to find them. I will find them with your help or not..” I met his roar. I am not going to back off now. I am clear on the purpose I came here after that I head to the office door. I wasn’t going to defend my behaviour from four years ago with him. He doesn’t deserve it. Not when he favours her.
“Wait…” His voice takes on a slightly gentler tone. “They are mine children also… I will help you….”
That was when the door of his office room opened, and the person I never wanted to see again stood before me. Her face was etched with shock as she looked at me…

Chapter 46
Kiara’s Point of View
“Killian…” She called out his name as she opened the door and met with me. Her eyes widened in horror as she witnessed the dead coming back to life. The shock on her face told me she had no clue I was still alive.
“You are alive?” Rihanna icily muttered, her face contorting with a mix of disbelief. I fought the urge to tsk at her and locked eyes with Killian, who still wouldn’t meet my gaze. I really was a fool to come here.
“Very much alive, Rihanna, as you can see,” I snapped, my tone dripping with irritation. I shot a disdainful look at her as she rushed in, taking her place next to Killian. I could practically feel the pain on her face, and a wicked satisfaction crept in.
‘Sorry Alpha King. I tried to stop her, but she doesn’t listen to me and the warriors, Alejandro chimed in, attempting to defuse the tension. “And Alpha Eric is asking for your presence, Kiara, he is waiting in his office room,” Alejandro added, his eyes. signalling towards me.
I took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of strength within me before stepping out to face him. I knew I had to tell him too and if he got to know the truth about children and me hiding them away from their rightful pack as they are the original heir to the pack he would definitely not be pleased with it.
“Kiara!” Killian’s voice echoed behind me just as I reached for the door. I turned to face him, sensing his unease. He fidgeted, hesitating before finally speaking, “Don’t tell father about… “My brows raise at his incomplete words.
My eyebrows shot up, curiosity piqued at his incomplete sentence. “About what?” I prompted, my gaze locked onto his grey one.
“That the children were mine,” he blurted out. The revelation hit me like a thunderbolt, and both Alejandro and Rihanna reacted simultaneously, their surprise echoing in unison, “What?”
“Killian, I think I don’t need your help anymore. I can look for them,” I declared my voice firm. Why did he not want Alpha Eric to know about them? Did he too not believe that I was telling the truth?
“Wait, Kiara! You don’t understand…”
“Killain, I am a fool to come here thinking that you might help me find them… I shouldn’t have come here. Look, let’s forget this…” I began, but Killian’s vehement interruption halted my words.
Chapter 46
“No!” he growled, his eyes blazing with frustration “You’ve clearly made an enemy out of someone, or your pack alpha,” he said with disdain. “and my children are feeling their wrath. You have failed to protect them…”
“What are you saying, Killian? Whose children?” Rihanna interjected as she tried to figure it out.
“F uck you!” I retorted, my anger boiling over as I swung open the door and slammed it shut behind me. My frustration and disappointment in Killian fueled my hasty exit.
As I stormed out, I glanced towards the sitting room as I walked out and found Aries and Aiden sitting in the silence. Their heads snapped up as they watched me leave, and Aiden and Aries were at my side in a flash as we walked towards the warrior of brother’s pack. I was in pain and no one would be able to understand this feeling.
Why does he think that it was Aries’s fault? The kidnappers clearly want to hurt them. because of him….
“Kiara… Listen to me!” His firm grip on my elbow pulled me back into the warmth of his chest.
“Don’t leave, let me help you!”
“Come back inside at least. Let me call some contacts, and see if there is any intel you have missed?” He suggested, a subtle plea woven into his voice.
“Killian?” Rihanna half laughs.
“Rihanna I want you to treat them with respect as they are now part of my pack,” Killian declared loudly, his alpha voice cutting through the tension. He gestured for me to re- enter the house, and I hesitated, caught in the internal struggle of trust and self- reliance.
I look at him for a moment, uncertainly clouding my judgment. Could I trust him? Could I entrust him with the safety of my twins?
“Killian!” Rihanna growls under her breath, her impatience is clearly seen.
“Enough Rihanna!” Killian roars back at her, taking even me by surprise. This was the first time I saw him taking a stand for me.
I walked back into the house, back into his office. He watches me as I take a seat at the other side of his desk. Aiden and Aries followed me inside the office room.
“Slowly, tell me every detail that happened to you when you were kidnapped,” Killian said as Alejandro stood beside him and took a seat on the chair. Rihanna strutted in, her high heels clicking on the wooden floor. Why did she have to be here? I thought that
Chapter 16
she wouldn’t be a threat to my children.
“With all due respect, Alpha King, but I would prefer this talk would only be held among those I trust,” I asserted a firmness in my tone. I am not taking any risk here.
“Kiara, how can you talk to me like that… I am the acting Luna…” Rihanna pipes up, her words making me glare at her.
“Isn’t that right, Killian?” Rihanna cooed as she casually touched his shoulder. A surge of bile rose in my throat at the sight of her touching my husband. I had to shake off such thoughts; I couldn’t afford to let personal feelings cloud my mission. After all, he had chosen her over me, and I needed to accept that reality.
“No, Kiara, you mustn’t think like that. Don’t forget she was the one he wanted,” I reminded myself sternly. Once I found my children, I planned to take them away from him again. If he had already decided on a future with her, I needed to prepare myself to step away from his pre-planned life where I was not welcomed.
Lost in my thoughts, I felt Aries’ hand gently touch mine, a silent reassurance that I needed to be strong.
“Rihanna has worked hard for the pack, Kiara. For the last four years securing the pack’s safety. She has the right to attend this. As she too knows many humans who might help us find them…” Killian bluntly stated, shutting down any argument on the matter. 1 clenched my jaw but accepted the reality fine, she could be here, but I wouldn’t let her near my children, not after the stunt she pulled four years ago.
“Start from the beginning without leaving any detail, because every small one matters here,” Killian requested, his tone carrying a mix of urgency and determination.
I took a deep breath before recounting the painful details, “They knew that the children were yours, Killian, and it is that da mn Rogue Alpha King…” My voice trailed off as I saw his fist tighten in anger.
“That motherf ucker..” Aiden growled, mirroring the frustration and rage that simmered within me. My chest tightened at the memories, the ache of missing my
children intensifying with every passing hour. Goddess, how I missed them. My heart
was breaking even more from their disappearance as the hours went on.


Chapter 47
Kiara’s Point of View
Killian had gone to talk to some of his spies who would go into the human city to find anything related to kidnappers. Aiden had already sent some of his men for a search and I was praying to the Moon Goddess that they could find my children as soon as possible.
“Are you $1
sure you want to trust Killian with your children?” A voice behind me breaks my thoughts. I turned to find Aries standing there, and we were in his office room, a temporary sanctuary from the chaos outside while Killian and Aiden conferred with their men.
“I don’t know… Aries.. I just need my pups back,” I confessed. The uncertainty weighs heavily on my mind. I was caught between my desperation for my children’s safety and the complicated dynamics surrounding their rescue. Even my wolf, who had guided me into here, now seemed to have retreated into the shadows.
My attention shifted to Aries’s hand, noticing he was carrying a first aid kit. It dawned on me that I needed to change my bandages. He lightly pulled me by my elbow, guiding me towards the couch as he tended to my wounds.
“It’s okay I will be with you till we find Ry and Hanna. Do you know how worried I got when Aiden came to the pack? I was thinking the whole time that you’re staying with him… I called you but you didn’t answer any of my calls. I thought that you decided to leave my pack and go to the one you belong to..” Aries said as he changed the bandages.
“Kiara!” Alejandro calls standing near the office door. “Alpha Eric is asking for you,” He said before giving a strange look to Aries who sat stoic in his place. I sighed. I thought I was saved from this awkward situation.
I walked toward his office room. The alpha mansion is huge and even after Killian took the position of the Alpha King he didn’t take the office room which belonged to his father. Their relationship sometimes felt a little strange.
I stood in front of the wooden door which was embroidered with a wolf crafted on it. I took a deep breath before knocking. I heard a small come in and I pushed open the door. Alpha Eric does look old. That poison had done a great loss to him.
His eyes rose to me and his/brows knitted in confusion before sighing and shaking his head. I watched as he took the crane which was near his table and walked towards me.
“Alpha Eric,” I greeted him with a bow.
Chapter 47
“Please take a seat, I know you need it,” He said and walked towards the coach and I followed him.
“I had already talked to Aiden and I think I didn’t get a chance to talk to you..” He said. before taking a deep breath. “I am sorry for your loss Kiara. Your father and mother were good people to me,”
A small lump started to form in my chest as I found it too difficult to breathe. Tears started to gather in my eyes as my memory went to the screams of my mother and father. I closed my eyes. I needed to be strong. I am not the weak Kiara anymore.
“I think the loss has already happened. Alpha Eric and my mother always used to say put mud on the matter. We shouldn’t dwell on the past as it would only scrape the wounds which are yet to be healed,” I strongly said. He nodded his head but didn’t anything.
“I am taking my leave then,” I said but his next sentence stopped me.
“I heard that your children had been kidnapped.” He said it made me freeze on the spot. I gulped as Killian’s voice echoed in my ears ‘Don’t tell anyone that they are mine…”
I turned to face him holding my breath. I am already in a situation where I am finding everyone suspicious
“Whose are they?”
I returned to the office room to find Killian in a hushed conversation with Aiden, while Aries stood by the side. Their discussion came to an abrupt halt as they noticed my presence. Rihanna was there too, standing closer to Killian, a small smirk playing on her lips. The rush of jealousy surged within me like a volatile volcano, ready to erupt. She always found a way to test my patience.
And somewhere in my mind I knew that it was not only jealousy it was something more… something closer to hatred….
“Each of my alphas has been informed, and they are already dispersed in the human city, ready to report any unusual activity should they find any,” Killian informed me as I entered the room. I nodded, the weariness settling in again. I needed to rest.
“Okay, then it’s time to leave,” I declared, turning my gaze toward Aiden, who was already standing.
“We will head back to our pack. If you hear of anything, let us know immediately,” I added, my eyes fixed on Killian.
Chapter 47
“You are leaving?” Killian took a step towards me. “You know I can help… Let me help,” he muttered under his breath.
“Stay for one night. If we receive any news during the night, you’ll get it instantly. Otherwise, you won’t get it until the morning, and it will be too late to act on it,” Killian offered, catching me off guard. I hesitated; staying the night was never part of the plan. I never thought I would be back here, let alone spending the night..
I glanced up at Aries and Aiden, both waiting for my decision. Aries spoke up, “If she is staying, then I am also gonna stay,” earning a growl from Killian.
“Don’t worry, Alpha Aries, I welcome every pack, not much like you who chases. away guests from the door,” Killian retorted sarcastically.
“You can have your old rooms; they are still available,” he added.
Things were changing so fast, too fast for my liking and I didn’t really know how I felt about staying here overnight, returning to my old rooms. Knowing she and he shared a
“Okay..” I nod my head, agreeing only for one night.
“You should go to Aiden. Come back tomorrow morning but staying away from your mate and child was not the right thing to do now,” I said to Aiden.
“I am not leaving you here alone, Kiara.”
“Aiden, I am not alone. I have Aries. I knew he looked reserved and didn’t talk much but he is a good alpha. He took good care of me for these four years,” I reminded Aiden. Het looked hesitant but after convincing him for a long time he finally agreed only to come back the next thing in the morning.
I couldn’t sleep, not without my sweet boy close by. I head downstairs, wanting to know If Aries has found anything important. I find him with his head asleep on the kitchen table, laptop wide open. It was 3 am, he must have been so tired and thought he could push through the night.
I try to utilise my sleepless night as I take his laptop and start to search for anything. That is when a small message pops up on the laptop with only a few words.
Sat, 3 Feb
Chapter 48
Kiara’s Point of View
I discreetly slipped out of the Alpha’s mansion, relieved to find that no one had seen me. Pulling out my phone, I checked the address. It was a location I knew well from my time as the Luna here, as I often had to journey to human cities for medical supplies.
However, the reason the kidnappers had called me to this specific human city was puzzling. The Rogue Alpha King seemed to be adept at crafting intricate strategies to keep me away from his pack.
My instincts screamed that this might be where they were keeping Ry and Hanna. I couldn’t afford to keep waiting idly, and the need to take action overwhelmed me.
I followed the navigation system in Killian’s car, driving for about an hour until I reached a human industrial estate. A sense of horror crept over me as I realised the familiar surroundings. I had run away from a place like this before, and now I found myself back in another eerily similar one.
I parked the car right outside the abandoned building. Sitting inside, I waited for any sign of movement, but when none appeared, I knew I had to take action. Dawn was approaching, and time was of the essence after an hour-long drive. I couldn’t afford to waste any more moments. I needed my pups back in my arms, safe and sound.
Stepping out of the car, I surveyed the area, searching for a way to enter the building. I couldn’t shake the thought of whether anyone in the Alpha’s house had noticed my absence. Aries might have woken up by now, and the address on the laptop could have caught his attention. The kidnappers wanted me to come alone, and if Aries arrived with Aiden, the chances of finding my children’s location would be risky.
From seeing the surroundings it was clear that it is the wolf territory and I am sure that I can get away from this mere issue… I have this feeling that coming here alone was a big mistake because every bit of me told me to return back to the car. I wasn’t meant to be here. And worst of all I don’t have the alpha’s permission to which this territory belongs to be here. Did this pack have my children?
As I searched for a way in, I came upon an unlocked door that needed to be replaced because it was loose and insecure. Surely a holding facility required increased security? As I entered the warehouse, the hairs on the back of my neck crept up.
This was an abandoned building… This was not good. Now I see that coming here alone may not have been the best decision I made tonight.
Empty cartons and broken glass s cat tered around the floor. I glance up only to find that the window has been busted in. The presence of pebbles, most likely thrown by teens,
Chapter 48
created an unsettling atmosphere. This place is creepier than the one I was confined in for a week. The lightbulb had not been changed, and part of the roof seemed to be damaged, maybe due to a storm.
I did not want to be here, but I had to remember that my small children were trying to be brave for me. They must be hoping for me to come and save them. I silently. persuade myself to proceed a bit further inside the building. I had to search for them.
“It won’t be much longer, my puppies; wait for me, and I will rescue you both. Mummy is going to find you both, I said to myself.
I walked around looking for signs of clues and information about the pack territories I was invading…. I began to go steps that were just as broken down; the entire. area needed sewing
U up:
I walked towards a room and opened it, only to discover that it was an office. Many of these places have offices upstairs, away from the packing floor, so possibly some information was stored here….
The room was dark and creepy. I took out my phone from my pants pocket and switched on the torch mode. It gives a nice extra glow of light. This place seems to have been abandoned for many years. Cobwebs and dust piled on the walls and furnishings, giving off a damp air.
I look through the offices, empty! Nobody was here. I head back down the steps into the old pack area. I Want to save the remaining battery life of my phone’s battery. In the dark, I searched for the light button and turned it on.
My instincts urged me to turn around, as the hairs on the back of my neck sprang up again…
As I did, I yelled, a pair of amber red eyes in the darkness watched me silently. Why wasn’t I able to feel it? The furious red seemed intended to scare me away, but I refused to leave… Not until I get what I came for…
“Where are my children?” I asked strongly, trying to keep my hand which was shaking because of the situation I put myself in.. I can’t let it find that I was scared.
“Did you bring anyone with you?” A deep h oar se male’s voice grunts back at me… A voice which I felt that I heard somewhere but due to the condition I am in I wasn’t able to recognize it.
*You said to come alone, so that’s what I did,” I shouted, my chest rising and falling.
“Just a simple no would have done it!” He growls at me before taking large menacing steps towards me.
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Chapter 48
I wanted to go since I was feeling weak, but it was too late because before I could ask him where my children were, his hands were forced around my throat.
He lifted me up, and my feet were no longer touching the ground. My nails were pressing more urgently into his hand to get out of his hold which only tightened around my neck..
He drops me to the ground. I can feel something breaking under the impact… A painful scream ripped out of my chest and my skull screamed at me to pass out… Black dots start to dance around my vision.
“Okay I will give you choices to make…” he said as he circled around me. He pulled me by my hair making me look at his amber red eyes….
“Choose your mate or children..” he growled.
“Kill that Alpha King and give your children a chance to live…” Fear raced through me. I was in a vulnerable position and on the verge of passing out. I could feel the blood. from my head wound, which was freely trickling and onto the floor where I was lying.
His one hand broke off the side of my shirt and tried to grab my breast. But before he could I grabbed his hand and blocked it. That’s when I heard footsteps racing towards us. Unfortunately, he was not alone. My eyesight became blurry, but I knew I heard a roar and a snarl.
You didn’t arrive alone. F ucking slu t.”

Chapter 49
Killian’s Point of View
It was past 12 in the night, and sleep still hadn’t knocked on my door yet. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and my mind was a chaotic mess. The revelation that Kiara was alive and seemingly hiding my children from me spun my thoughts into a whirlwind. Why would she do such a thin
I reflected on our past interactions, and besides one mistake where I blamed her pack, I couldn’t recall treating her poorly during her time here.
“I have kids, for Moon Goddess’s sake. I am the father, and I still don’t remember or know a sh it about their existence, I muttered to myself, frustration and confusion bubbling within. The realisation that the child I had met earlier was my son and the girl in the field was my daughter added to the disarray in my mind. My wolf paced like a caged lion, urging me to take action to retrieve them.
Kiara was sleeping in the next room, her presence sensed by my heightened alpha instincts. I reached for a drink to quench my thirst, hoping that it would kickstart my brain into motion. I had decided to keep Lucia’s coma condition a secret from Kiara. She was already grappling with so much, and revealing Lucia’s situation might only bring more pain to her already fragile human body.
“What are you so busy thinking?” A voice breaks my running thoughts. I cursed as I looked at Rihanna as she entered my guest room which now had become my bedroom in a little to no dress. What the hell is she trying to do today?
“Rihanna, I’m not in the mood right now to entertain you. I’d like to sleep,” I replied with a sigh, trying to ward her off. The last thing I needed was for Kiara to see her in my
A mischievous smile played on her face as she moved closer to my side of the bed. However, I halted her in her tracks with my next sentence.
“Alone, Rihanna,” I stated firmly, pulling out my t-shirt, my joggers hanging low enough to reveal a hint of my pubic hair. The smile on her face faltered, and I could sense her disappointment. While I respected her, there were moments when her actions pushed. me to the edge.
“Why do
you let her stay here? Killian don’t you remember how she rejected you…” Rihanna started but a low growl rumbled from my chest.
“Rihanna, though she rejected me. We still are mates as I didn’t accept her rejection and she needed help. She had come to me for the help which I am going to give her,” I said. As I went to grab another drink, talking to Rihanna nowadays always gives me a headache. I missed the past Rihanna who supported me by giving solutions and not her
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Chapter 49
who nowadays creates problems.
“And you believe her that the kids are yours?” She tsked at me making my grip on the glass tighter.
“Killian if the children were yours why would she run away with them? Why would she not come back to you? You have come across her many times and yet she didn’t come. to tell you that she is alive and has your kids?”
“Why would she accept to keep the secrets?” She said and a frown settled on my eyebrows. I don’t want to doubt her dignity but I am sure Kiara would not stoop so low as to give my name to other children…
“Killian she only came because I bet that Alpha Aries did something.. They are a small pack Killian why would that rogue alpha take her children. I bet she was telling you a lie..” She said and another low grumble through my chest.
“And haven’t you seen her intimacy with Alpha Aries? They look close… I mean closer than
you and her were together..” And the glass breaking was heard in the room. My wolf was ready to thrust my hand around her neck.
A fit of jealousy settled on my chest. I have seen how close she stood with that Alpha. How he was always beside her. And that is wanting me to rile that Alpha away from her.
“Alpha?” one of my warriors on night patrol presses against my mind link.
“What’s wrong?” I instructed them to inform me if they noticed any suspicious behaviour, no matter how insignificant it appeared. We had warriors from another pack. on site tonight, so all of the regular regulations were suspended.”
“Luna Kiara had just left the pack broader in your car,”
“What?” I yelled which caused Rihanna to shake a bit. I got up from the bed, grabbed my T-shirt and wearing it again.
“Killian! What? What happened now? Where are you going?” Rihanna asked me but I didn’t answer as I rushed out of the bedroom door.
“Alpha King, do you want me to follow her?” Warrior asked.
“No, leave it to me!” I commanded before cutting the mind link. I head downstairs to find Aries asleep on the kitchen table.
“Alejandro I need you to head downstairs right now,” I mind-linked my beta that was when my eyes went to the laptop on the kitchen table. I had to wake him up. Why the hell didn’t he wake up when Kiara made his way out.
“Aries?” I grunted, pushing his shoulder to wake him up from his deep sleep…
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“Wake up,” I slapped the top of his head, that ought to be done on purpose and hard. And that was enough for him to spring into action.
“Where is Kiara?” I asked.
“Upstairs. Sleeping,” he muttered so casually how the hell did he get this Alpha position when he didn’t even know a member of his pack ran away in the middle of the night.
“No just a warrior informed me that she had crossed the pack borders in my car,” I informed him.
“I will contact my men. I made them stay a little away from this pack, maybe they have seen her going,” he said as he checked his jeans pocket to find his phone but cursed he opened his laptop that is when the message popped up.
“I think we don’t need that… That is an hour away. I’ll go and see what I can find out!” I said before taking the car key.
got into my sports car, which was fast and would allow me to catch up with her. I zoomed onto the map after entering the address’s location code.
Da mn, that is Alpha Dean territory. The wan kers had always caused me problems, but he wouldn’t kidnap children, right?
We may have differences but still, he was an honourable alpha. He wouldn’t even know that Kiara is alive and why the hell would he kidnap her children?
After an hour of driving. I silently pulled up to an abandoned building. I notice my car parked outside the building and pull up next. I’m not sure how far back I was; I pushed my foot down, but Kiara got a big head start.
This place looks like it would collapse any minute. I entered and this building seems to have been abandoned for a while now. It is clear that Alpha Dean had nothing to do with this building; he is wealthy though some parts of his territory were used by humans and that is why we had conflict. I don’t want humans to enter my territory. He likes to do business with them.
Fear gripped over me as I heard screams from inside the building. I curse inside, attempting to find a way in. That agonising shrick sounded like Kiara.
“She is in danger!” my wolf exclaimed, sending a rush of adrenaline through me. I join in on his herding and can hear her brief, gasping breaths.
I followed her shallow sound of breathing and it took me a little to no time to reach her.
I opened the door only to find her pinned on the floor with a man on top of her.
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Chapter 49
“You’re f ucking dead,” I growled angrily at him but it was enough for him to run into the pitch-dark corner of the building.
As much as I wanted to chase that man and ripen his beating heart from his chest. My wolf gives me signals to go to Kiara. She has now become a human and needs me more. right now.
“Kiara!” I hurry towards her and crouch down next to her.
“F uck why did you come alone here. It is dangerous,” I said as I lightly pulled her up, supporting her limp body. I brushed aside her hair as her blood stained my hand.
I saw blood on the floor where her head was. I saw her ripped t-shirt and red anger boiled inside of me thinking that someone trying to touch her enraged us. From someone hurting her and at her for placing herself in another dangerous situation.
“Killian?” she called out my name and again that tickling feeling returned. I supported her head lightly tapping her cheek so she could remain awake. She was becoming more limp by the minute.
Her broken whimpers resonated in the silence of the room as she called out the names of her children. Her head now rested on my chest as she cried as she kept telling me to find them and bring them back to her.
“Kiara I promise I will do anything and bring them back to you,” I said.
“Kiara?” I try to shake her gently. Calling her name out but she became pale. F uck she needed to go to the hospital. Cradling her up I find a way out of the building, my wolf pushing me forward.
‘Please hold on Kiara. I am not gonna let you leave me again’ I said to myself.
As soon as I found the exit I saw Alpha Dean with his men waiting for me in front of my car. He saw me and smirked. I walked to him.
“Alpha King not that I had to say but as a formality I had to. You are trespas sing without my permission lurking around my pack in the middle of the night,” he said arrogantly as he folded his hand on his chest. Dumbas s! I know this.
“Who is this?” He raised an eyebrow at me, glancing at Kiara in my arms, before noting the blood still flowing from the back of her head.
“F uck Killian what have you done,” Dean asked dropping the formalities. We both were used to knowing each other but that was before he got his pack to indulge with mere humans.
“This time, nothing… She’s been attacked and requires immediate medical attention.” I
Chapter 49
was going to get to my car when a warrior blocked my route, making me growl at him. menacingly.
“What the hell happened?”
“She came here to get information, but that jerk attacked her. Fortunately, I arrived. here before further damage might have occurred,”
“And you thought I would believe you?”
“I don’t give a da mn..”
“Who is she?” He questioned, brushing some of her hair strands to see her face. Why are all males touching my mate?
“DON’T TOUCH HER,” I hissed, baring my fangs at him.
s my mate!”
“Because she is my

Chapter 50
Killian’s Point Of View
“That is something new…” Dean said as he scraped his chin, narrowing his eyes at me.
“I thought she was dead..” he added.
“So did 1,” a growl rumbled through my chest. What is his problem? Why is he taking so much interest in my mate and my pack business?
He gives me an odd look for a time. A glance that appeared to be attempting to read me. Now was not the time to talk about my marriage troubles with this man. Kiara urgently needed help.
“Dean if you are done with your interrogation. I have to leave. She needed help,” I growl, my patience is low and this man standing there is making me lose it every second.
“If you want we can take her to my pack hospital. Give me your car key,” Dean said casually, making me knit my brows. Why is he getting so worried about her?
“Killian you don’t have time. She was bleeding a lot. If we don’t hurry to the hospital you might lose her,” He said as he pulled out his hand towards me demanding my car keys. I was contemplating as much as I didn’t want to go with him. This way I can reach the hospital faster. Because going back to the Mad Crest Pack would require more time.
I pulled out my car key, throwing it in his direction as he caught it and opened the backside door. I slowly sat lightly holding her head. My wolf wanted to keep her near
“Bring the Alpha King’s car and follow me to the pack’s hospital. Hurry!” Dean commanded his man who rushed to take my other car. It didn’t take much time as we crossed his pack borders.
The car stopped in front of the hospital and a doctor was already waiting for us. A stretcher was pulled and I laid her down there. As they pushed it to the emergency
I don’t want her to get separated from me. My wolf wants her. He wanted to heal her. Dean and I waited in front of the emergency room. I had already called Alejandro and Austin to come to this pack. I needed my man.
“What is she doing there all alone?” Dean asked.
“Like I said someone told her to go there alone in exchange for information,” I repeated the same sentence the third time.
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Chapter 50
“Killian, you know that place doesn’t belong to me anymore, it belongs to humans who work for me. If they came to know that she was there it could have gotten worse,” He said.
“I thought she was dead. You know… Everyone knows that you found her body,” He lowers his voice to me.
“I too don’t know till now Dean. It was just yesterday she came to me,”
“You don’t need to know that.”
“Alpha King…” The doctor’s panicked voice reached my eardrum making me stand up.
“There is a problem. She is not healing. She is bleeding a lot and we need blood transfusion immediately otherwise we would lose her,” and it felt like the air had been knocked out of me. She has now become a human and she can’t heal quickly like a wolf.
“What?” Dean asked as he looked at me. Confusion etched his face.
“I had to call Aiden,” I said, pulling out the phone.
“What is her blood type?” Dean asked from behind me.
“It is O+ve Alpha,”
“I have the same blood type take mine,”
“No, Alpha we require human blood. Otherwise, it would mix with yours and it would. get her to shock,” The doctor said.
“We will arrange it fast,” They said and started to look for it.
Everything seemed to blur as they rushed here and there to bring the blood for transfusion. I don’t remember how many hours had passed. But it felt like years to me. I just got and I was about to lose her. That was when the doctor came out of the room. telling me that she was now safe and I could meet her.
When I stepped into her room, seeing her pale on the hospital bed made me experience a variety of emotions. The most noticeable were regrets. She appears serene and attractive. Why have I never noticed her perfect complexion? Or how naturally long her eyelashes are? Or how plump and rosy her lips are.
‘Because you never wanted to, you were so concentrated on hating and blaming her for the things she never did that you never saw anything positive in her, my wolf told me.
I hold her hand in mine. It is so tiny and delicate. I’ve been doing this a lot. Rubbing her
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Chapter 50
wrist, feeling her pulse, and listening to her steady heartbeat, all to ensure that she was safe and with me. I didn’t lose her again.
A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Seeing Dean standing there.
“I had sent my men to search that entire area but we didn’t find anything, not even any smell through which you could trace that attacker,” Dean said as he walked next to her watching her attentively. My wolf growls at the close proximity. He didn’t like seeing how Dean was so attentive to her.
“And if you don’t believe me I can ask your warriors to search the area again to find out if we had missed any clue,” I nodded my head. That is what I was thinking. I won’t believe this pr ick. Even if he tries to become a guardian angel I won’t be able to trust him…..
“How did she become human?” He asked as he was still attentively watching her. He was about to touch me when I pulled his hand away from her.
“Try to touch her again and you will be dead,”
“Killian, you are in my pack and threatening me?” He laughed.
“I didn’t ask you to do me a favour,”
“You didn’t answer me,”
“You don’t need to know,”
“We will leave as soon as she wakes up and I don’t want anyone to know that this incident happened,” I ordered him as he raised an eyebrow at my attitude. I was known to be ruthless and bad-tempered. I like those rumours about me.
“Okay but do remember that you’re still indebted to me. For saving your as s my friend,” He said, making me roll my eyes at him. He saluted me going outside of the room.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 26-35

Chapter 26
Kiara POV
“Yes… Everything is alright,” I replied, shutting my eyes and tilting my head back on the couch head post, letting the moment sink in, soaking up the tranquillity.
“Kiara…” He called out my name in his deep husky voice, interrupting my peaceful moment. I cracked open my eyes, meeting his dominant gaze.
I heard him sighing as he walked towards me, still bare-chested. His eyes burning with desire, a hunger for love that was crystal clear. Sometimes, I can’t even make eye contact with him. I don’t know if it was because his eyes looked so similar to his… or was it because he is something to me… Something more… something deeper?
I feel the exact same gravitational pull that I was familiar with. Which I felt with Killian and it was always like this and I couldn’t quite put my finger on the feeling. This shouldn’t be happening, right? He would nowhere near be my second chance mate. It was not right to feel this way with him. Not when I don’t want to register this feeling
He yanked my arm, pulling me up. I stand in front of him. “Kiara, I know this might not be the right time to discuss it, but I want to ask you something. I know I have been giving you very clear signals, that I want to have something with you,” he spilled, and goosebumps erupted in my skin.
I don’t remember when Aries started to develop feelings for me but one look and anyone would tell that he wants every bit of me..
I have to keep my heart beat in a steady state as it wants to jump out of my chest. I don’t want to have any romantic feelings with him… or anyone else. I only want revenge… I know using him to destroy Killian’s pack is quite a daring plan I plotted but because of Killian I had lost many things in my life and destroying the precious thing he worked for is what would give me salvation and peace I have been looking for all these four
I wanted the Madcrest pack to feel the exact same pain and fate which my pack faced. It don’t want to stop now. I know using Aries as a tool for my revenge is the shadiest move I have ever made in my life, but after facing death, this experience wouldn’t faze me a
His hand gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. The touch sparked something within me. And I can see him struggling to control himself. I wanted to ask him if he also felt the same electric sensation which I felt… whenever we are this close with each
Chapter 26
“I want to give Hanna and Ry the love they should receive from their father. I know Hanna looked up to me as her father’s figure, and I must admit that this feeling is making me greedy for you with each passing year I spent with you,” he confessed as his breadth, fanning my lips.
I closed my eyes as I bawled my hand into a tight fist. Taking a deep and calm breath, I opened my eyes. I took a step back and I could see pain and disappointment in his grey eyes. “Hanna and Ry will always be yours as much as they are mine, Aries. I was indebted to the care and love you have given them. I truly couldn’t ask for anything more… But I can’t think of romance,” I declared.
As uch as it hurts to say these words to him, I can’t let myself love him… Not when there’s still so much on my plate…
I turned my back on him, walking straight to the door. Desperate to escape from this room which was weighing with heavy tenison. Sure, I may not have a wolf in me
anymore, and I might have become weaker. That is the reason I always try to be careful. I can’t stand his Alpha aura……
But his next sentence froze me on the spot, making me clench the door kn ob until my knuckles turned white. “You still haven’t gotten over your mate right?” His words hit me like a punch to the gut. My jaw tightened when he mentioned him.
I had told him what happened to me and my pack but I didn’t mention Killian’s name or his pack….
His words catch me off guard. I tried to control my anger which was ready to burst. “I haven’t gotten over him?” I snarl at the very idea. It was a good thing that my hands were fisted as if they wanted to rip at my own hair for the flashback that just hit me hard.
The memory of the separation from my parents. The memory of asking for help from him and his betrayal left me to fight with fate. The memory of how I was this close to losing my children…. It all flooded back.
A wave of nausea churns within my stomach, and I have to concentrate on my breathing to keep it in check.
“He was the reason my parents got killed and my innocent pack member suffered a catastrophe… my brother who still didn’t know that I am alive… How could I get over that, get over the things he did to me?” I mutter, my words trailing off as they become a personal mantra of hatred for him.
He is the cold, ruthless alpha who should taste his own medicine… and I had made a promise to myself that I would get my revenge….
“Then why are you not giving me a chance? A chance to build a family with you? I know
Chapter 26
the past you have faced is not easy to forget… Kiara… But I will do everything in my power to make you forget those nightmares which still haunt you,” he insisted as he grabbed my hand in his hold. It’s the same fisted hand and he gently unfurls my fingers, his touch soothing the spot where my nails had done some damage.
“I needed some time to wrap my head around this, Aries. I hope you will understand the time I take to accept your feelings…” I told him.
A smile stretched across his face, and the scent of roasting chestnut wafted through the room. And I felt that if I had my wolf in me, she would be jumping up and down now.
“Let’s go to the kitchen before those little rascals turn the kitchen upside down…” He suggested, and I chuckled as his hands went to my waist.
After the little chocolate shake date and some mischievous antics in the kitchen, they finally settled down for the night. Aries had some business with the Beta, and the pack members were out there getting their night training in. Arie being the alpha he is, always did the rounds at the border to make sure everything was on point.
“Can we have a bedtime story, Mummy… pretty please?” Hanna begged, doing the whole cute hands-together prayer move that made me always give in to her wishes.
“Alright, one story and then straight to the bed,” I agreed.
“Now, what story do you want to hear?” I asked.
“The choice is yours, mummy,” Hanna replied, and I tucked her in, planting a kiss on her forehead. Ry strolled over from his bed to join the two of us.
For now, I had them sharing a room. I knew the day would come when they’d want their own space, but for the time being, they found comfort in each other’s company. It also eased my nightmares, knowing they were together in one room, making it simpler for me to check on them throughout the night.
“How about “Beauty and the Beast?” I suggested this because after doing so much work in the day. Arranging the meeting with packs and dealing with their issue. That is the only story that came to my mind. But sooner a chuckle left my lips when I saw Ry rolling his eyes.
“Seriously, Mum? A love story..” he groaned, as his little hand folded over his chest.
“Ry, I like love stories… You are not easy to please,” Hanna teased, elbowing her brother in the chest.
“Okay! Okay! Hanna don’t tease your elder brother,” I said, but she playfully jabbed him.
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Chapter 261
again. I shook my head as I turned my attention to Ry. “I don’t remember any of the stories Arics told you so bear with me,”
“There once lived a girl called Belle…” I started as they both snuggled up under the duvet.
“She lived with her father in a small village who was an inventor…”

“Where is our father, Mummy?” Ry’s question hit me like a punch to the gut, knocking everybit of air out of my lungs. I hadn’t mentioned their father, and although I expected these questions when they grew up, not at this tender age of four. I swallowed, feeling a lump form in the back of my throat making it difficult for me to speak up.
“Sorry Mummy, I didn’t mean to sadden you,” Ry climbed over the bed, wrapping his tiny arms around my waist, looking up at me.
“You haven’t, dear,” I whispered softly to him, drawing my fingers through his hairs, assuring him that he could always ask me anything, no matter how difficult the topic. might be.
“Did he hurt you? Was he mean to you?” Ry asked quietly, his eyes fixed on me.
“I want to know about Daddy too,” Hanna chimed in. As it was easy for me to talk about him. I chuckled softly and leaned forward to cup the side of her face.
“Your father is a busy man… he has lots of work to do. But I am certain that when you both get older you will be able to meet him then.”
“Yeah!” Ry
shouted in excitement, as he thrusted his little fisted hand in the air dancing
in celebration.
“Then I can’t wait to grow up fast, so that I can meet him,” Hanna exclaimed, as she joined her brother on the bed. Both of them jumped in happiness.
I watched them revel in the joy of the idea of meeting their father one day. But deep down, I’d do everything in my power to prevent that meeting. They didn’t need to know what kind of man he was. It was better for him to be busy, away, and to meet them one day. That seemed like the kinder option. They were mine, mine alone.
A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. Aries stood there, wearing a black. t-shirt which fitted to him like a second skin.
“These monsters are still not asleep?” he laughed and walked towards them grabbing both of them and trying to fit on the bed.
I chuckled softly as I listened to Ry complaining to tell him the stories of his hunting. and all. They were almost asleep when Aries’ phone rang. His expression darkened by
the di, making me feel a little nervous.
He gently placed deeping Ry under the duvet and went out. Once both the children are adeep 1 close the bedroom door leaving a night light on for them
walked towards him on the porch, his back on me as I listened to him ay the name which I didn’t want to hear in my life. I didn’t know that I would face this situation this soon as I was not prepared for it. My anguish grew
“What happened?” I ask him.
“A pack from among us was attacked by the rogue king and they needed our help.”

Chapter 27
Kiara POV
“Eclipser pack needed our help as it got attacked by the rough alpha king,” Aries’s voice. rang through my ears, making my blood run cold. A fury surged in my chest. That Rogue Alpha King, the one who killed my parents, is still wreaking havoc on the pack just to bring them down. He did the same with my pack, but I believe Aiden and his warriors have defeated them….. Without anyone helping them…..
“We have to be quick to help them, Kiara. They are running low on doctors and the Eclipser pack is the most respected pack. The Alpha of that pack has the link with Lycan King Killian Ironclaw. We can’t keep them waiting.” I gulped as I heard his name after four long years.
The main door of the mansion opened, revealing his Beta, Noah, who stood with his bag and with some of his warriors. The four black jaguars stood in front of the
“Alpha, the car is ready. Kiara, you have to be quick, we can’t waste any more seconds here,” I nodded my head as I rushed to my room to grab the necessary clothes and things. After packing my things I went to Hanna’s and Ry’s room, they were still sleeping peacefully making me feel somewhat peaceful. I kiss their forehead one last. time as I pray to the Moon Goddess that they will be safe…
I ascended down the stairs in a hurry. I found Aurora standing by the door, she was the one who looked after my children whenever I was busy.
She loved them, and I have always put my faith in her if the protection of my children requires it. But this is the first time I felt a different kind of fear. Scared to get out of these borders. To the outside world, I was dead to them. And I am happy to live with it if this could save my children.
I was hesitant to leave my children here. But as a doctor, I had to help others. It feels like something very bad is going to happen. Aurora could feel my hesitant state. I don’t. like something very bad is going to ha want to leave the pack. I don’t want to leave my children here alone….
“Kiara, don’t worry I will look after them,” Aurora said and I nodded my head giving her a smile as I walked out of the main door. The cold December air made me feel chilly.
I felt as if Arics sensed my discomfort. He walked up to me, took my bag and passed it to Noah who put it in the car and got into the driver’s seat. Aries shortened our distance. as he kissed my forehead and I again felt those weird sparks.
“Don’t worry they will be fine. I had promised you for their safety and no one would dare to enter my territory without my permission,” He said. We walked to the car. He
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Chapter 27
opened the door for me and I entered. He walked to the other side and entered.
The car ran through the concrete path exiting the mansion door. I sighed as I tried to calm my beating heart. A cold sweat formed in my hand as I rubbed them on my jeans and decided to take deep breaths. I had to be strong.
The possibility of meeting him would be merest. And I prayed that this would never happen….
The Eclipser pack is the closest pack to us and the first pack Aries formed an alliance with. The alliance rules are very simple: one pack alpha helps the other if they ask, so I can’t just tell him not to go.
Something is pressing inside of me, wanting nothing more than to use this chance to see him again… Thinking perhaps if Killian could see me, he would repent for his actions, But as I have learned, I have faced so many black-and-white moments, that I have to protect myself a lot from life’s grey areas… I was taking my steps ahead of why I had to stumble upon him…
The car entered the ground of the Eclipser pack, and the wrecking of the pack reminded me of my pack. I thought they would be like this only. The car headed directly to the alpha’s mansion. Whenever the pack met with a sudden unplanned attack the mansion had an underground where they usually safeguarded the women and children who couldn’t fight.
The car stopped in front of the mansion, and the Alpha of the pack stood on the porch waiting for us. Aries was the first one who exited the car followed by Noah. I looked around the ground as a bile of nausea rushed. up my throat.
At first, my brain couldn’t register what I was seeing. That Rogue Alpha King was just as ruthless and monstrous as Killian. Dead bodies were piled up on top of each other and
left to burn.
A knock on the window made me look up to where the sound came from only to see Aries standing. He nodded his head indicating me to come. I took another deep breath, opened the car door, and stepped out.
“Here, wear this mask. It’ll keep your identity hidden,” Aries said as he pulled out a black mask from his pocket and handed it to me. I couldn’t help but feel grateful. He always looks after my needs and asks if I am comfortable or not. And my safety.
“We are not prepared for this sudden attack to happen. We need to talk with this Rogue Alpha King as because of them many peace treaties among the pack are at risk. He can’t just be a sad ist and destroy the pack and kill the members just because he enjoyed it” I heard the beta of the Eclipser pack explain as they went to the area where the office
Chapter 27
must be.
“The injured warriors are in the hospital. If you don’t mind, one of the members will take the doctor there,” He added as we gathered in front of the office.
“Okay,” I replied, but I could feel the different aura from Aries. I brushed this off, as he had to be strong to represent his pack. This is the first time I have seen him without
“Noah, go with her. I don’t want to leave her alone there. Take care of her and make sure that nothing bad happens to her,” Aries commanded as he looked at me one last time before entering the room.
One of the warriors led us to the hospital, and the scene inside made my heart ache. I can perceive the pack members sitting down crying into each other’s arms. Survivors were left to mourn the dead.
The elk-wood walls and the white marble floors looked warm, a familiar sight to me. I walked past the first hall, and my stomach knotted at the strong smell of blood fillin my nose. All six beds were filled with patients, each one heavily injured. I can see someone was assisting each of the injured.
I rushed to the last bed and saw an injured man, his body was covered but with blade marks and he was not recovering at all. The blade must be made of silver… But the marks looked familiar, just the cut mark I saw on the body of Alpha Eric four years. ago… How is it even possible? Was he kidnapped by the Rogue Alpha King?
I cleaned and stitched up the injuries, reassuring the patients. I can see the pain in their eyes at the loss they had just faced. As I try to assure them emotionally to make them
“You will be alright. It will hurt a little, but it will help the blood to stop,” I said and started my work. Beta Noah didn’t leave my side; he went to every bed where I went. After I was done here, we walked back to the pack house.
“Kaira, stay here. The Alpha doesn’t want you in the office right now,” Noah said before heading in the direction of the office.
I waited near the porch. The journey here required a seven hours of drive and I knew the children would be up by now, and must be troubling Aurora for not finding me there. So I decided to call them.
“Mummy, where are you? You know how Hanna behaves whenever she doesn’t find you. in the morning,” Ry said as a wail could be heard through the phone.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. I had to come with Aries this time, but I will return as soon as possible. Till then, take care of your sister, okay?” I said and he replied with an okay.
Chapers 27
“Could you please give the phone to Hanna?*
“Dear, I am sorry to leave you and didn’t tell you, but mummy has to work. Be a good girl and don’t trouble your brother and Aunt Aurora. I promise that I will come as fast as I can.” I was talking to my children when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned, thinking that it must be Aries or Noah, not to expect the grey eyes which I hated to the core, to look straight into mine.
0Chapter 28
Kiara POV
I froze on the spot as those piercing grey eyes stared into mine. As time stood still. I felt like I was burning in fire. He stood towering over me, and my breath hitched. I felt a crushing pain filling my chest. As the unwanted memory flashed through my eyes. broken reel. He was still the same. His deadly aura he exudes stood above all.
like a
Something in me whimpered as if it wanted to go back to him. To cry in his arms but I stood in my place, hand balled into a tight fist. My eyes would by now glisten with tears as I felt the burn where he had just touched my shoulder.
His gaze swept me from head to toe, making my fingers curl. I knew I was safe as the mask hid half of my face. I had changed a lot in those four years, both internally and externally.
My once long burgundy-length hair was now cut short up to my shoulder length, and I now wore lenses to hide my natural eye colour. And now I wore fitting clothes that flaunt my curves. Even after losing my wolf, Aries makes me practise the martial art so that I can still protect myself when I am in danger.
“Alpha King!” a voice called his name, making him look back to where the voice came. from. The Beta of the pack stood by the door. He bowed to him.
How can I forget that this pack was among the alliance of the Madcrest pack? Da mn… why was it so painful? I had known it was going to happen, I had foreseen it, but even so, I was not prepared for it. My mind is buzzing with the thought that he will recognize
When I left the pack, I knew I would meet him… How far could I run from him? This day never should have come.
“The Alpha is waiting for you in the office. He requested your presence immediately,” he said, and Killian didn’t wait any second longer, walking in the direction of the office, not before giving me a last glance.
I pursed my lips as I looked away from him, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill any minute and the scream that wanted to escape through my lips. I hated him…
I hated him… for not loving me as much as I loved him…
I hated him… for not trying to rekindle the bond between us when it faltered…
I hated him… for destroying something so close to me… my pack, my family, leaving me in the arms of death…
Chapter 28
I hated him… for making me feel this much pain…
But sadly, the hate couldn’t measure up to the love I had for him… After seeing him, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to forget the love, which I had for him, and that made me feel pathetic..
I didn’t
go back to the alpha house knowing that Killian must be there. So I decided to stand beside the cars. I don’t want to face him again. Many pack members came and thanked me for helping them.
In the distance, I can see Rihanna. She is not wearing her usually fitted clothes. And I can’t help but stare at her stomach.
It was hidden under a baggy T-shirt. So the rumours are right… The Madcrest Pack is expecting an heir… Killian had moved on from me so fast, and I couldn’t help but tsk at myself. What to expect from him… He never needed me… He never loved and again. those hatred emotions swift me with force.
And I found myself slowly backing away. As tears start to gather in my eyes. I wanted to go back into the arms of my children. A place I finally managed to live with. I don’t know how long the meeting between the alphas of the pack took place, but I hadn’t left the side of the car.
“Excuse me,” I turned to the voice which called me. Looking at a girl who is not more. than a teenager.
“The alpha wanted you to eat something. You have come this far to help us, it would then be fair if you had something with us. Luna also wants to meet you,” the girl said. I sighed, looking around, then finally nodding my head.
We walked through the main door of the house to the long corridor, which at the right ends with a kitchen. “Please sit here and have something while I call Luna,” She said and walked out of the kitchen.
I took a glass of water, not wanting to feed myself with anything. I strolled around the area when I saw Rihanna going somewhere discreetly. I followed her. That is the only advantage of losing a wolf. I don’t have a scent in me, so they won’t recognise that they have been followed.
She stood in front of a room/before taking another glance here and there before entering. I was confused as to why she would be here alone. Killian never lets me leave his side whenever we go to attend the meeting. I was only allowed to go with him or his warriors should be with me.
I too entered the room which led to stairs that go downward. I glanced around and spotted a shaft of light coming. I am about to close the door, thinking that this may be a bathroom when another male voice reaches my ears.
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What on earth is she doing here?
“…now,” she muttered.
“I had told you meeting here is risky. How can you be so foolish?” A man’s voice… but I couldn’t make much out, it’s too low.
“I know, but I was surprised to see you here. Everything is going as we planned,” Rihanna responded.
I leaned closer, wanting to peek inside, but the sound of footsteps made me quickly back away and round the corner, as I prayed that they didn’t hear me.
Ι peer around after a few minutes, only to see the shadow of a man on the floor. Who is
I heard footsteps and pulled back. I couldn’t risk being seen. I glanced around, wondering where to hide, but to my relief, the footsteps were fading, probably heading. in the opposite direction. Thanks, goddess.
I didn’t wait for Rihanna to come out of the room as I rushed out of the house. I started to think, were the marks on the warrior and alpha Eric similar then Killian have someone in his pack who is betraying him and whom Rihanna is talking to? Was she a part of it?
But after some time, I saw the alphas coming out of the mansion. Going to their car and heading to their pack. I adjusted my mask as I hid behind the car. Every pack associated with Madcrest has seen me with Killian in Galas, meetings and even in wars. So I can’t help but feel a panic so no one can recognize me.
“Zaia!” Aries’s voice calls, and I freeze. When I joined the Blood Stone Pack. Arics gives me a name that he decides to call whenever we are outside our pack. He understood, and that time when I woke up after two weeks was a new life. Moon Goddess is providing me with… And the identity I want to hide.
“Oh No..” I muttered to myself as I turned and sighed in relief to see only Aries and his members. I hurriedly walked to them. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.
Killian and Rihanna are here, and I don’t want them to recognise me… Not Rihanna,
that b itch was the reason I was…
But when I walk towards him, I can feel a burning gaze on me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Killian standing with his hands in the pockets of his grey joggers. I gulped. I started to pray that he wouldn’t recognize me as I had lost my wolf. He would smell me only as a human…
But he’ll know… there’s no way you can live with someone for three years and not be
Chapter 28
able to recognize them from close..
I can’t go over there. I can’t find Rihanna near him. Yet I think Aries has other plans, and to my distress, he signals me over, making my heart thunder.
I stood rooted in my spot. Killian’s squinting eyes make me feel scared. So I decided to turn and head to the car. I will make any excuses.
But as I was about to go inside the car, a strong arm pulled me. I turned to look at Arics. “Kiara, I was calling you. Alpha King Killian wants to meet you. The Alpha of Eclipser pack praised you a lot. The help and medications you provided to them….” Aries said but I cut him off. I am not ready to face them.
“Aries, you know I don’t want to have any interest in any of these things. I did what you commanded me to do and I am happy to help these people but…” I said, trying to make
up any excuse.
“Kiara, Alpha King’s pack is the highest and dominant pack in the world. It would be wrong if we don’t address them respectfully..” Noah said, and I gulped as I looked up to Aries. His brows knitted in confusion but didn’t say anything.
“Noah let it be, I think after doing so much work she must be tired. Let’s just head back to the pack,” He said and I took a huge sigh of relief. I can Killian standing on the porch. as we get inside the pack. Ready to leave…
By the time we reached our pack, it was already midnight. Aries tried to talk to me, asking about my sudden change in behaviour but I couldn’t tell him anything.
All the way home, I was trying to hold back my tears. And as soon as the car stopped in front of the house, I rushed out of the car, walking straight to my children’s room. I needed their presence.
I heard him calling my name, but I paid no attention. Today has been a hard day in my life. Aries was quick, and before I could close my room door. He stopped it by keeping his shoes in between.
“Kiara, would you tell me what the problem is? I know I shouldn’t have asked you to come with me, but please try to understand. I want to make my pack stable and established and helping others was the way through it,” He said as he entered my room.
I took deep breaths as I glanced up at him. His face held concern for me. “It’s not like that, Aries. You were right, I was tired and I needed rest,” I said.
“Do you want me to stay? I will stay with you until you sleep and get back to my room,” he asked, but I knew where this would lead. And I was not looking for anything.
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“Arics, I really need some time alone for myself,” I said. He didn’t say anything apart from leaving the room. I walked to the bathroom, a cold shower will help a bit.
After showering, I went to look for my children. They were sleeping peacefully, hugging each other. Hanna’s leg was on Ry, and sometimes his brows knitted, but still, he didn’t remove it. He knew what his sister’s sleeping position was. I stayed by their side for a few minutes before switching off the light.
I walked to the kitchen. I needed a drink. Aurora was sitting there, working doing something on her laptop.
“They didn’t bother you much, did they?” I asked as I picked up a bottle of whisky. Seeing me, she raised an eyebrow. I was always looking after my actions. This would be the first time I was doing something which was against my character. Like getting drunk.
“No, they are sweet angels, and I like spending time with them,” She said, and I returned a smile before picking a glass and going in the direction of my room.
“It looks like today was a very difficult day for you,” she said as her eyes went to the one large bottle of Balvenie I was holding.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. She was about to close the laptop when I cut in. I needed some time alone with myself without any interference.
“No. I am fine. Don’t worry. Thank you for asking though. Good night,” I said. She smiled and nodded.
Entering my bedroom with a bottle of Balvenie, I didn’t bother to turn the lights on. Why? My body was longing for the darkness to cover up any slight confirmation of unhappiness in my look.
I knew this would happen, that he would want an heir with a girl he always desired in. his life. So why did it hurt me so much? I thought I had prepared myself, by putting a strong wall around my heart… which I thought would be dense even at the mention of his name.
At first, I thought it would have been four months after my leaving, that he made her pregnant… but after four years, I still feel like I am being betrayed by him.
I sat down on the floor against the bed, pouring myself a large glass of whiskey. I stare out of the window, glancing at the strong light of tonight’s full moon. The glow was the only source of light that lit my dark room.
Why did the thought of Rihanna giving the heir to the Madcrest Pack have so much
effect on me? Was it due to the damages she caused in my and Killian’s relationship, or was it because the pack already had an heir.
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My mind wandered back to the moment I left the Madcrest pack, how he accused my brother of kidnapping Alpha Eric… and how he left me to fight my fate.
How I rejected him. No, I can’t keep thinking back about that nightmare. I took another long gulp of the whisky and before I knew it, I had already emptied the glass.
I reach my arm out for the bottle and go to pour another glass, but my hands start to shake. I’d spent the last four years rebuilding our lives… Mine and the children.
Yet here I am, seeing him only for a second, and I have become a shaking mess. I thought staying away from him would never make me feel this pathetic when I saw him, but now he still has a strong impact on me. Even after four years, my heart still flutters for him. Why?
Is Aries right? Will I never get over him?
I missed my wolf. Whenever I face any hard situation, she is always there to support me. I had someone to talk to and share my problems with. But now I am alone. She is not talking to me. Why would she? I had gone against the rule and I have been cursed.
I could feel the alcohol relaxing my tense muscles and making me sleepy.
I climb into the bed, setting my pillows before I lay back on them. I keep my eye on the strong full moon tonight, letting the glow offer me peace.
“Rihanna was his real love, I was just his fated mate he never wanted. Let them have cach other. Two cruel and twisted hearts suit each other…” I whispered to myself before drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 29
Kiara POV
I woke up to the sound of these two munchkins. Their hushed voices and the cute giggle, which they tried to hide behind their small palms. I stayed quiet as I waited for them. They silently climbed onto my bed from beneath the quilt.
One on each side of my body. As their small fingers poke my cheeks. “Good morning, mummy..” they said in unison, and another round of laughter followed, making me
open my eyes.
“Good morning sweethearts,” I laughed and started to tickle them. The tickling game was one of their favourite games aside from hide and seek. They started giggling with excitement as I tried to reach them. They hide under the duvet, making me laugh.
“No, Mummy, no” Ry unruly chuckles as my hand goes to his tiny stomach to tickle.
“Run, Hanna, I’ll protect you,” He said to his sister between his sweetest laughter.
Hanna let out a yelp as she scrambled her way out of the bed, but I swiftly caught her, my arms wrapping around her, playfully pulling her back.
We played until exhaustion set in and collapsed back onto the bed. Laughter echoed, mingling with slivers of sunlight streaming through the curtains, filling my room with warmth. Our chests rose and fell with deep breaths as if we’d just finished a lap around the grounds.
That was until Ry’s stomach growled from hunger asking for breakfast. Hanna squinted. mischievously, baring her teeth, and playfully growled, taunting with a checky grin,
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“I’m always hungry, mummy..” he grumbled, as he rubbed his stomach. He was right. This boy would keep on eating if I didn’t remove food from his reach.
His wolf has started to show signs of being present, unusual for a child of his age, but then I knew his true bloodline. He’d undoubtedly keep me on my toes during his
teenage years.
As for Hanna, she was innocent. Who was dreaming in the land of fairies and dolls? She sees life as sweet and the sun always shines bright. But I could tell from Ry he knew that the world would not always be a happy place to live.
“So who wants to eat pancakes made by Aunt Aurora?” I hear Aries’ voice from the hallway.
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“Me!” Hanna cagerly responded jumping off the bed and rushing to beat her brother, only to trip and fall.
She is such a clumsy child, always rushing in not thinking much of the consequences… but that was what I liked about her. The trait which she got from me…
Soon the room echoed through her cries as she picked herself up off the wooden floor. I start to get off the bed, but Aries beats me to it, scooping her up and planting a comforting kiss on her forehead.
“What happened?” he asks her softly, his patience evident.
“I fell and hurt my knee,” she says in between her so bs.
“No problem princess, I will fix it right now,” He looks at me with a smile as he takes her. into the bathroom to rinse the scrape on her knees.
Ry rolled his eyes at his sister being a crybaby. He jumps off the bed, dragging himself to the kitchen. I can clearly feel him being upset about something.
“What’s wrong, honey?” I inquire, as I brush off his hair aside, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Nothing,” he replied shortly and I sensed his mood was off. He has been behaving like this if the involvement of Aries got more than it required.
After eating our breakfast I was about to go to my office to start my work.
“Mummy, can I go ride my bicycle out around the pack grounds?” Ry asks as he starts to put his trainers back on.
“How far out?” I ask as I fold my arms around my
“I was thinking of the field overlooking the woods,” he shrugs as if it was not a big deal.
“That is too far out on your own, Ry. You’ll have to take someone with you,” The field is the end of the border after which the lake follows and I am not sure how secure that place is for a little boy like.
“I was about to go patrolling the area. How about you come with me?” Aries asks as he puts on his trainers. As soon as Aries offers Ry his shoulder tensed.
“Aries, you should train the warriors. You have already missed their training sessions,” I reminded him. Aries had always been gone for days or three. He didn’t come clean with this matter but he says that it was just to expand his pack facilities….. And I can see Ry’s shoulders relax and he exhales deeply. I had to talk to him.
He nodded his head before going out to do his duties. Aurora was done cleaning the
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“Aurora if you’re free could you please take them near the fields. Ry wanted to ride,” I said.
“No worries. Let’s go kids,” she shouted. Hanna jumps off her seat as she rushes out. through the door. After seeing that we are alone here. I squinted down to his height.
“What is the problem, Ry? Why are you behaving so distant with Arics?” I ask as he looks down at his fingers.
“It is not like that…” he whispered softly.
“Ry?” I asked sternly this time.
“I feel changes in me…” He tried to brush off my worries. I don’t know how to train him. and control his wolf. I remember Killian telling me that he got his wolf at this age too. He had a teacher who looked after him but for Ry, I don’t have anybody.
“It’s okay Ry don’t worry… When you come back from playing we will talk about it..” I said ruffling his hair. He smiled at me and rushed through the door.
I hear their laughter. I sighed. I knew what Ry was talking about. His wolf is starting to surface. And I don’t know whom to talk to. If only Killian was here it would be easier for
Aries would help but I had to make him understand that Ry does not like us getting close. So both of them could train together and their relationship wouldn’t be affected
“Thank you, Aurora,” I place my hand on her shoulder.
I would have lost without her too, she was perfect with the children and I had to admit that she reminds me of the only close friend I had in Madcrest Pack, Lucia.

Chapter 30
Kiara POV
We were all sitting in the office, which was large enough to accommodate a rectangular meeting table. I was
hed by the three head warriors and Aries.
The situation is tricky, as all the whole pack is getting attacked by Rogue Alpha King. And his motive is just to destroy the pack and kill the innocent. So, we decided to hold a meeting where we should discuss how to tighten the security around the border of our pack.
Nobody has seen him; he just came to attack and kill the innocents. We only know that he had a kingdom which he got after killing Alpha. With the pack’s security on the edge. Aries decided to expand his alliance. He started to train a section of warriors and pack members, by providing four rotating shifts of border security.
Owen, the original head warrior, was the first one who found me on the shore. He was also the ga mma. He was just as protective of the pack members as Aries and was ruthless in his planning security details.
“The Alpha of the Eclipser pack sent an email today. He was indebted by the help we had done and we were eager to form an alliance with us,” Noah said. Aries was sitting at the head of the table with me sitting beside him.
“And we also got an email from Beta Alejandro from the Madcrest Pack. They wanted. to reward us with some presents. As nobody knows that this pack even existed, they like us to come to the Alpha’s meeting where they strategize about the attack of Rogue Alpha King,” He continued.
And I felt as if the air was stuck in my throat. I think this would be the time. The time has come for Killian to know that I am not dead. I can’t run and hide away from him. anymore. Not when I had a revenge plan in my mind for killing that Rogue Alpha King and was eager to know why he was only targeting the pack which was allied with the Madcrest Pack.
Why does the rogue alpha King have enmity with Killian? Are there other things Killian didn’t tell me?
Owen continues outlining his strategies for the security across the border as I listen to them carefully. From his face, it was clear that he hadn’t slept for the whole night. All the packs were scared as they didn’t know when they would get attacked by that monster who was hungry for blood.
Owen is a few years older than me and Aries, he is in his thirties in our comparison of
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twenties. Yes, I married Killian quite at a young age.
ree years younger
His mate is younger than me, Sophia, and they have a boy who is than Ry. Still, they had become best friends. Ry idolised him, and if they started to play together, it would be a hard job for us to separate them.
“I think this is good news for us as I wanted to expand my pack, and mingling with other packs would give us this opportunity and our pack has some unmated members. Maybe they would find their fated mate in the associated pack,” Aries said, his arms kept steadily on the wooden table.
I sometimes find it hard to believe how Aries have these luxuries because the pack was not left behind in terms of education and living… After discussing, the other members left the office room, leaving only me and Aries.
I remembered the little conflict we had last night and I need to clear things up to him.
“Kiara, is there something on your mind?” Aries asked, and I looked down, playing with my fingers. What will I tell him?
I was taking time to organise my thoughts, but I think he misunderstood my silence.
“Okay, you still need time? Kiara, did I ever do something against your wish? Did I ever impose my thoughts, or commands on you?” he asked, and I could feel he was angry or disappointed with my actions last night.
“I was always patient with you, but I can’t do this anymore. This is making me feel used. I need the same effort which I have given you to return back to me,” Aries said as he was about to get up from his chair when I stopped him by holding his hand. He has done so much for me, and I will not break our friendship because of the misunderstanding we had last night…
“Yes, It’s about Ry. He said his wolf is becoming more present,” I said, and Aries’ brows
knitted in confusion.
“Isn’t he just a child? How can he feel his wolf at this early age?” He asked, taking my hand in his. But I didn’t respond to it. I am still not ready to share about my past with him… I am still not ready to tell him about Killian.
“That would only be possible if he has the blood of a Lycan King….” he said. Taking my silence as a yes, he stared down at me.
“Are you really not gonna tell me who their father is?” He asked, and I was again at a loss for words.
“Okay, I will wait for you, Kiara… Now tell me what you want me to do for it?”
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“I think we need to start his training early… help him keep control of his wolf,”
“I’ll discuss it with Owen. He knows all about it, and he is good at it…” Aries said.
“Nothing too strong, Aries. He is still a baby,”
Killian POV
I rose early to observe the morning training session. With that b asta rd, Rogue Alpha King threatening our packs, we had to put more weight into our warriors. Usually, it was always Alejandro or Austin who trained my warriors, but as a Lycan King, I wanted. them to undergo rigorous training. I had no time for quitters. This routine also calmed my wolf, who was always angry.
I wanted to train them for the war which I knew was coming with that Rogue Alpha King. That f ucker who hasn’t come to light. And still have the guts to target the packs under my rule….
The training grounds were meticulously organised, into sections for different levels and activities, as well as different training activities. There are target practices for shooting, with a large wall behind it so we didn’t end up hitting anyone. Then there were the tracks and the training of wolves from the area. We also had weapons practice, as well as hand-to-hand sparring, which my wolf enjoyed to the purest.
I was standing on the training ground as I sparred with the newly trained warriors. The new warriors have not even turned eighteen. We circled the ground, and he ran towards me to charge at me but with one swift motion I grabbed him by the neck, throwing him to the ground and with a few light punches, I knocked him to the ground before twisting his arm behind his back.
“The newly assigned warriors need more training, Austin,” I commanded, pulling the young one from the ground. Patting his back, at least he has the courage to spar with
“I understand, Alpha. I will include them in night training,” I nodded as I grabbed my t- shirt and put it on as I headed towards the mansion motioning him to follow me.
“We need to be prepared for the war, Austin. I can’t have weakness in my men, they won’t even last two minutes,” I can feel my wolf taking over the control.
As the Alpha King is a huge responsibility, I expected respect and hard work from my warriors. This was how I was trained from a young age, my own wolf emerging earlier. than others of the same age.
“Yes, Alpha, I understand,” He assured me.
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“Where is Alejandro? Did he find something about that ba st ard?” I asked. I entered the mansion heading straight to my office as I sat in the chair.
“They are still investigating the matter. Alejandro had informed me last night that he needed more time. The man is hiding in the shadows. It was very difficult to gather information about him,” Austin said curtly. He had become more distant with me after what happened four years ago.
Not because I punished his mate. He still thinks she deserves more than two weeks of punishment… but for letting Kiara go…
“And why this time again we didn’t receive any news about the attack that happened to Eclipser Pack. Why did the news come late to us?” I growled. We had been trying to look for it too. Seven packs which were allied with us have been attacked by that alpha.
And we didn’t even receive any alert news. The news came to us very late when the alpha did his work. We had created an alert call whenever the pack was attacked and for all seven I didn’t get any alert call.
Why is that?
“It looks like the system which we created is malfunctioning. I will have someone look into it,” he explained.
“Austin, I want that person in front of me. If it happened one time that was called a mistake, but if it happened seven times then it was a deliberate attempt that we
have a spy in the pack who wanted to create a dent in our allied pack with us. *still
“And what about that Blood Stone Pack?” I asked as I remember the day when I first met that alpha. I can see the potential in him. But what caught my attention was that girl who came with him that day.
She reminds me of her. When I reached the Eclipser Pack I felt like something was
calling me out in that direction. Like a string is
me. I couldn’t see her face but I
knew I felt something for her. As for my wolf, he was jumping, excited to feel something for her.
But I got angry when I saw her closer to that Alpha. I had to control everything in me not to go to her and drag her with me here… And that confuses me because I didn’t feel her wolf.
“Alpha Aries has accepted our invitation. How about we go to visit the pack and have a meeting with them,” Austin suggested, and I nodded my head in agreement.
That is when the office door of my room opened and Alpha Eric walked in.
“I heard another pack got attacked. And you could not do anything for the safety of the
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pack who looked up to you… as a king I thought giving you the position would be one of my best decisions, Alpha Eric’s voice rang in the office room.
He walked through the door sitting across from me. Yes, my and Kiara’s blood did save his life but the poison that his body had consumed had managed to weaken many parts of his body. He became weak.
I asked the question which I wanted to resolve and I was slapped with regret. Kaira’s pack never did this to him. He was still not telling me who harmed him. My father had many secrets after my mom left him and I didn’t know anything…
“I am making an effort, Father. My pack members are in search of him. But he was. hiding after the attack and he went quiet for many months after he planned to attack another pack,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried to make him understand.
It is frustrating that he was speaking to me in such a manner, considering I am the one who now has a reign in hand, and not him..
“I don’t care, Killian. Do something about it. I don’t want any more blood of innocents just because we had an enmity with that Rogue Alpha King,” he said and walked out of the room before I could say anything.
COMMChapter 31
Killian POV
As I sat alone in my office room, the weight of the past pressed down on me. Regret and failure echoed in my thoughts- I failed to be the mate Kiara desired, to put faith in her, to bring her back, to save her. The remorseful; memories haunted me, and I couldn’t escape the gnawing guilt.
I tried calling her many times. I wanted to talk to her but she was the one who closed the door on me. The regret I was feeling was making my wolf out of control some of the time.
That was when I heard her high heels rushing along the wooden floored hallway and another wave of frustration built up in me. The relationship between Rihanna and me is deteriorating day by day. My wolf now a days couldn’t control his anger whenever she was near him.
She was responsible. Because of her, we are alone. He could feel the pain and I wanted to know why he hated her. After all, when we were young he was the one who liked Rihanna first. Now he didn’t even want to bathe an eye at her..
“Good morning, Killian,” Rihanna greeted. I knew it was her without having to look at her. And I wasn’t anticipating her visit at this hour, nor was very pleased to see her.
“Why are you here?” I asked as I picked up any file just to keep this conversation short. She was the another reason why my father hated me the most.
When he saw her again in the mansion he was about to kill her if I was not there to save her. That was the day when he made me regret that I had made a grave mistake by making Kiara leave the pack.
I too was surprised by the coldness I had started to feel for her. “I had reminded you so many times to knock before entering my room,” I said.
A smile fell off her lips at my cold response. But I don’t care. After what she did to Kiara I took the title of Luna from her. That was the only punishment she should deserve. Now there is no Luna in the pack. That place should always be Kiara’s.
“But it is me, Killian. I don’t need to knock, do I?” she said, her voice sounding sultry.
When I look back to my mistake the first one would be me appointing Rihanna to the Luna position. She possessed a remarkable ability to disconnect emotionally from. situations. She had a different mind-set than any normal female. She is indifferent to concerns about the innocent bystanders…
She only knew strategic focus on her ultimate goal and the most effective route to
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Chapter 31
achieve it. She was the complete opposite of Kiara.
Kiara, she cared for others in a way I didn’t quite grasp. She talked with my council leader, aiming to stop any fights that could harm us all. She never pushed herself into. things. She waited to be asked to join private pack talks. The council listened to her ideas and took them seriously. Often, she fixed problems with just a quick phone call.
I didn’t understand why Kiara acted this way, but her caring approach and smart solution made her a valuable part of our pack. She has done her job as a Luna which I never really had expected. The enthusiasm I saw in that girl. How she was helping the members and looking after their needs reminded me of Kiara.
“Killian, would you tell me what I did so wrong that you’re not bothering to talk to me. Is it because I came to the Eclipser Pack unannounced?” She asked, coming to my chair.
“Rihanna, when will you start following my orders? You are not Luna anymore and I don’t want to confuse the council if you try to mingle in every situation which doesn’t require your presence,” I said, glaring at her.
“I thought you needed a support Killian that is why I came,” She said looking down on her lap.
“Rihanna, I have work to do. Could you please leave me alone,” I said, avoiding eye contact because if I looked up at her it would make me feel sympathy for her which I don’t want. As even after whatever she did. I can’t forget the girl who stood by my side when my mother left me.
“Okay,” she said before leaving the room.
I vaguely remember when I got to know that it was not Aiden’s fault. I had gone to visit. the pack or I wanted to bring her back only to find that pack burnt to the ashes. I was late but I was still able to save Aiden… That was the first pack Rogue Alpha King destroyed making my wolf angry.
When he didn’t find Kiara in the pack he went wild and I let him be as it would be the only thing that could sedate him.
“Do you really think she is dead?” My wolf whines in my head, his own guilt eating him
“Yes! No one would survive that fire which happened to her grandmother’s house,” I correct my wolf giving him hope is not good. It will only weaken him.
Aiden and I went back to the lake house where her grandmother stayed only to find it burnt to the crip. We found two bodies which were female and both not recognizable.
I wasn’t thinking at that moment, but he let me take charge back again when he saw the
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burning house and the burning bodies.
“How could you be so sure?” He snapped at me. He blames me for everything that happened to Kiara and this time I wasn’t able to argue with him as he told the true things.
“What? accusing? Realistic? Let me remind you, you were as mad when you got to know that she was using us for her pack’s safety. If you went back to
rown memory, you might see things that make you feel guilty,” I said to him.
“What are you trying to say?”
“I won’t go through this again with you. It’s been four years. Kiara is gone. We need to move ahead, not keep thinking about the past we messed up together. All I have to do is find that Rogue Alpha King and get revenge for taking away the most important person. in my life, which was Kiara,” I said, pouring a glass of whisky and drinking it down in one go.
I began to drink, something I never did when Kiara was around. The intense burn of alcohol served as a reminder that I still had a lot on my plate, and the first task was to find that scoundrel.
I can’t continue this constant struggle with my wolf for four years. It’s making me feel crazy. We’re supposed to be connected. I can’t let guilt and regret take over and ruin the future we had.
I carry the responsibility of hundreds of pack futures on my shoulders.
His yearning for Kiara only exists because I didn’t get a chance to refuse her as my mate, but she is gone now…

Chapter 32
Kiara POV
It was now evening time and I spent the day catching up on managing the pack and checking security protocols. Arics always trusted me with these tasks because of the experience I have for being Luna. I handled my responsibility perfectly.
As I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to prepare dinner for them. In the alpha house, only Aries, Aurora and Noah stay with me and kids. Usually, Aurora and I take care of their dinner. But after dealing with the meeting and everything else, I decided to call it a day. I was very tired.
I was busy figuring out what to do for dinner tonight when suddenly, his little voice said, “Pizza, please…” It came out of nowhere taking me by surprise. I must not have noticed him; I must have been really focused on my work.
“Excuse me?” I look up from my desk, and there’s Ry, checkily smiling at me from the office doorway.
“You haven’t thought about dinner yet. You are thinking about what type of takeaway.. I think pizza,” He says, tapping his finger to his chin a few times before walking in and leaning against the desk.
“Now, how do you know what I was thinking of that?” I chuckle at him for being completely right.
“I know you, mummy,” He sighs.
I laughed as I picked him up, settling him on my lap. They are my joys.
“Tell me what you did today?” I asked, as I brushed his hairs, gently scraping his scalp. He always enjoys this. is traits are similar to Killian. I remember when one time Killian was dealing with a headache that was the first time he asked me to scrap his hair. I remember how he gently laid on my lap and I did what he asked me to do. Unknowingly, he needed me. I didn’t want to forget those memories. That soothes him…he used to tell me…
“Nothing much, just went to ride on a bike near the fields. Hanna again fell and scraped. her knees. I did what you taught me,” he says, hugging me, his little head resting on my chest. I hummed at his response as we dwell into the atmosphere. How much I wanted. my wolf to feel this bond.
“Mummy, do we have no pack of our own?” He asks, making me pause at his question. How does his little head grasp on such a thing?
“Why do you say that, Ry? This is our pack. You were born here. You and Hanna. I
Chapter 32
thought you would like to stay here with Aries, Aurora. And the pack members love you,” I said as I couldn’t understand his question.
“Mummy, I want to go to the pack from where you belong. I have a feeling this is not mine,” he says.
“I don’t like Aries any more. I know he is not my father. I want to meet my father. I want to see him,” he added. And I wasn’t able to think anymore. How will I tell him that it was his father who abandoned us? Who left me died and didn’t come and save me.
This is not him talking. It’s his wolf who had a bloodline to rule over packs. To become the alphas of alpha. To become the Alpha King. I can clearly understand he will become mature before Hanna. It’s his wolf wanting to become the best of the best. Just like Killian.
I was about to tell him when Aries knocked on the office door, entering. Seeing us, his lips stretched into a smile.
“Kiara, I wanted to talk with you,” He says, coming closer to me and I can tell Ry does. not like that a bit. I sighed at this boy. What is really happening in his little brain of his head.
“Go ask your sister what topping she would like,” I wink at Ry, trying to ease the tension. in the room. I needed to talk with Owen to start his training soon. He had to control his wolf if I wanted to stay in this pack. Under Aries protection. He couldn’t go against the alpha of the pack.
I chuckled as I saw Ry jump off my lap, running through the door out of the room. Aries ruffled his hair, which he dodge and ran faster. Aries shook his head but didn’t say anything about his action.
“Is everything alright?” I asked. I saw as he closed the door and I could feel the thumping of my heart in my cars.
“We have become so busy that I am not getting a chance to spend time with you,” He said. As he walked towards me and sat next to me. Taking my hand in his rubbing it gently. We always pulled out time for each other. Actually, it was Aries who usually did because I gave most of my time to my kids or the patients. Aries was also a cold hearted. alpha when I settled in this pack, but he tells me that I melted his heart.
We often watched movies together or gaze at the sky with a steaming cup of hot coffee. He mentioned that if I had a wolf, we would be running in the woods at night. Which by the way is a very intimate thing for any wolf. It helps with the bonding of the two mates either fated or chosen.
“It doesn’t matter.. Did you find anything about that rogue alpha king?” I asked seriously.
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“No, nothing yet. But I could tell if he would get to know that he hurted your pack he would be regretting his actions by now,” he said and my brows furrowed in confusion. I wanted to ask him why. But before I could he cut me off.
“But I have some news to share with you, and I hope you will not refuse me,” he said, as he swept my hair behind my ears. I nodded my head signalling him to say continue.
“Kiara, the beta and his mate from the Eclipser pack were coming tomorrow to acknowledge our help. I would love it if you will present at the meeting with me by my side,” He said.
“As a companion..” he added, taking me by surprise.
“Aries, I don’t know. I am just a pack doctor, and I help with a few of your meetings when you are absent. I don’t think it would be right to stay with you. It would be
“Kaira, they wanted to meet you. The Alpha and Luna couldn’t make it as they needed to rebuild their pack, but we have to greet their betas,” he said, pressing more into the matter. I would have agreed if it was a meeting among us, but I can’t disclose my identity. But I also can’t ignore his request.
And I sighed, realising I wasn’t able to run away from it. Aries wouldn’t listen to any of my excuses this time.
I nodded my head, and a small smile appeared on his lips as he said he would go and email them to have lunch with us.
After eating, we dropped onto the bed. This time, I kept my kids close to me.
Killian POV
“Alpha?” Austins’s voice enters my head as I am showering after a tough evening training session. I got a little bit too rough with some of my new young warriors, but. they could take it. There was nothing like a good sparring session to keep my wolf in
“Austin?” I said after granting him access to my mind-link.
“Alejandro has just returned to the pack and is waiting for you in the living room,” his voice carries a hint of annoyance.
“I am coming. Did he find anything?” I commanded as I reached for the shower gel, and frothing it up on my chest.
But I was met with the silence. “Spit it out, Austin!” I growled through the mind link.
Chapter 32
“They found nothing.” I cursed as I cut the link off with my gam ma, this f ucking as shole rogue alpha king! I squeeze the shower gel bottle in my hands, crushing it out from
pure rage.
I cut the shower short. It is not even an hour where I tried to control my wolf when it had already surfaced and ragging again to kill that bas t ard. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my torso, heading straight to my main bedroom… which I used to share with Kaira… My hands were balled into tight fists as I tried to control my angry wolf.
After grabbing my joggers, I went downstairs.
While heading toward the direction of the living room. I came across Rihanna’s bedroom. She hadn’t come out of her room, and I knew I had to deal with her tantrum. But that would be something I deal with after talking with Alejandro. Still, my mind was preoccupied with the information Alejandro had brought with him.
He was sitting in the living room, and upon seeing me, he stood up. He looked tired, after all the spying on any pack’s borders was no easy task. I knew he must have had sleepless nights. I had always put my faith in him with my problems. And he never disappoints me….
Tell me what you got?” I asked. Alejandro took a deep breath before replying.
“We have been misled, Alpha King. There’s no pack in that address which you provided to us, and all the blood drained from my face. What the hell?
“What do you mean there is nothing? After all the problems we faced, only to meet with nothing? You’ve got to be kidding me,” I growled.
“If it was not a pack, then it was already a formed pack which is stabbing us from behind, Austin said.
I knitted my brows, as I didn’t understand what he was trying to say.
“Make it more clear, Austin. We don’t have time to play riddles right now. The allied pack are pressuring me to do something about that bas t ard. If we don’t take any further actions, it could lead them to dissolve the treaty with us, and I am not going to tarnish.
my name.”
“Let’s discuss this in the office,” Alejandro suggested, and we made our way towards the
“When we reached the address, there was no pack, Killian. It was just an empty field of ground… There wasn’t even a person,” Alejandro explained, as he pinched the bridge of
his nose.
Chapter 32
How can we be misled by them….
“And Austin, did you get any news from Lucia?” I asked, and the concern etched on his face. Two years after Kiara was gone, Lucia met her mate, who had now become the beta of the Eclipser pack.
Austin was going mad when we found out that an attack happened in the Eclipser Pack. But soon we all sighed in relief that she was there when it happened. So no one had seen that rogue. How does he look? The same goes to Aiden; he only said that he was wearing a black cloth on his face. Though he remembers the eyes…..
And what is more frustrating now is that he is misleading us. He was one of the pack which is under my rule.
I was reluctant to leave her, considering she was the one of the best warriors I had in my team. And our relationship had been started to strained ever since I let Kiara go. Alejandro was the only one who never left my side.
“Yes, they are invited to the Blood Moon Pack for tomorrow’s lunch,”
But at the mention of that pack, Alejandro’s face was etched with confusion. And I could read from his expression that he was thinking about something.
“Tell me, what are you thinking?” I asked Alejandro.
“Don’t you find it suspicious, Killian? As we knew anything about that pack, and suddenly, in four years, it had established itself like a whole da mn world in it,”
“And even just this year, they started to mingle with other packs,” He added and I couldn’t help bur
agree with it.
That alpha did seem a little arrogant to me when we discussed the war matter concerning the Rogue Alpha King. His behaviour towards me was far from being feared and respect for me being Alpha King but I noticed the hatred in his eyes for me. I need to go and investigate his pack. Why does that pack now want the alignment and not before? Something doesn’t seem to fit right into the picture.
The misleading and now this pack…
“Informed Lucia about our suspicion and once she returned from the meeting that pack informed me so that I can go and see it with my own eyes,” I said.
“Alpha King, wouldn’t it seem like an aggressive approach? Let’s mail them for a meeting. I bet they wanted to meet you, otherwise going to their territory would be considered an act of war, Austin suggested.
“It wouldn’t if I go alone,” I said as I played with the paper weight. The only good thing.
my father taught me was how to hide myself. They won’t even track me down. The friendly visit couldn’t hurt right…
“Do you want anyone to come with you?” Alejandro asked, and I shook my head. Alone, I can find more things. Let’s see what that Alpha is
After the meeting was done. I headed in the direction of my bedroom. Not before informing Rihanna, she had to know that I would be leaving for a few days. And this time she didn’t follow me like a tail.
for her to open. After a few minutes, she
I knocked on her bedroom door, waling with joy to see me there. I bet she thinks
opened, inviting me in. Her eyes are
that I came to share a bed with her. I am not going to make the same mistake as I did a few weeks ago.
My wolf was missing Kiara and her absence was eating him with guilt and longing and I don’t remember how much I drank that night because the next morning I found myself in her bed. Naked.
“I am going to visit a pack, and I don’t want you to come with me this time,” I said, crossing my arm across my chest.
“Pack? Which pack?” She asked.
“The Blood Stone Pack. And for a moment. I saw her face look somewhat scared before she put on a smile.
“Okay, I will look after the pack_
“For that, I had assigned my Beta, Rihanna. I don’t want my father to be stressed because of you, so restrain yourself from being involved with the pack duties,” I said and turned my back to leave. She looked hurt, but I didn’t stay there any longer. I had to prepare my things to leave for the Blood Stone Pack tomorrow.
Chapter 33
Kiara POV
The morning was spent preparing for the upcoming visit from the Eclipser pack beta and his mate. I readied the guest house for them to stay in case the meeting did not go the way Aries wanted.
And I have been assigned the job of preparing lunch for Aurora. She was the best at these things. And her amazing dark chocolate-flavoured bro wnies were reserved for the dessert. The dishes were mainly meat. Aries wanted this meeting to be perfect and I didn’t want to disappoint him.
Aurora was the total opposite of Lucia. If Lucia excelled at being a fighter to protect the pack. Aurora was skilled at filling the pack members’ stomachs up to the brim. My relationship with Aurora is as good as it was with Lucia. She reminds me so much of her… And I don’t understand why I remember her so much after four years.
“Are the dishes ready?” I asked as I helped her decorate the dining table.
“Yes, all done..” She smiled. I nodded before walking out of the kitchen, only to stumble upon Ry.
“Now where are you running off?” I asked. My hand is on my hips as I stare at him. His head was secured with a helmet, and his new trainer set was on which was a gift from Owen. I sighed at his unruly character. Not again..
“Mummy, can I go to ride a bike,” he pleaded, giving me those puppy eyes from where he learned these things?
“Ry I already told you that I can’t come with you. I had to make preparations for the arriving guest, and Aurora was busy. Why don’t you play in your room today?” I tried to coax him, but no, he listened to none. After so much bickering, he finally went with Aries, as he told me that he needed to receive the guest from the pack gate only.
I was busy talking with Aurora when Owen came.
“Where is Alpha? He is not responding to the mind-link, and the guests are already here..” Noah said and I furrowed my brows didn’t he say he went to receive them from the pack main gate only…
“I will try calling his phone…” I said to Noah as I turned to Aurora. “Can
you escort them to the main living room? And please take some drinks to entertain them. Meanwhile, I will bring Aries,” I said.
“Yes sure,” she said as she started preparing the drinks for the guest. I pulled out my phone from the jeans pocket as I couldn’t now have the blessing of mind-link and even,
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Chapter 33
if I could I didn’t belong to this pack which made it quite difficult for me to understand their emotions and feelings.
I tried calling him, but he still was not picking up my call and Noah tried mind-linking, but we got no response.
“We can’t make them wait any longer, Kiara. Why don’t you go and talk with them?” He suggested and I sighed before nodding my head.
“Welcome Beta,” I greeted the Eclipser Pack beta, who stood and gracefully greeted me with a warm smile.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Luna. My Alpha and the pack are indebted for the help you did that day, saving the injured,” he said, and I couldn’t help but frown in confusion. Luna… He must be mistaken, as usually, in the absence of Alpha, the Luna receives their guest. But why Noah isn’t correcting him. I thought, so I decided to correct him but before I could I heard the sound of plumbing in the bathroom that was on the ground floor.
“I think there is a mistake..” I tried to correct him when Noah cut off.
“Please have a seat, it must have been a long way to come here,” he said, and soon I heard the bathroom door being opened. I decided to ask why they were doing this later. I put on a smile, turning to greet the female Beta when I froze on the spot upon seeing her….
“Welcome,” I turned to greet her with a smile when my eyes met with her, mouth dropped open.
and my
Lucia was standing before me. She looked so different. A different in a good way. Her shoulder-length hair was now gracefully reached to her waist. And she was even wearing makeup. She looks a lot more girly this time.
“Kiara?” Her mouth moved, but I couldn’t hear my name that had come out through her lips. As I hear only the thumping of my heart. She was the female Beta of Eclipser Pack but I hadn’t seen her that day.
“Kiara, is that you?” She asked loudly this time as if she wanted to confirm that I was really standing in front of her and not a ghost.
She rushed towards me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug as the tears started to gather in my eyes. I had been hiding perfectly all these four years, and from one moment to another, I stumbled back to my past.
Aurora, her mate and Noah looked surprised by this.
“I thought you were dead?” she asked in her broken voice, and I didn’t know how to
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respond to her. It was quite a difficult moment for me but what’s even scarier is that, what if she told Killian about this.
I needed to put distance between us. I grabbed her shoulder, pulling her away from me. She got confused by my act but didn’t say anything.
“So far yes,” I replied shortly.
“You both know each other?” Her mate asked, trying to break the tension that had come
upon us.
“Kiara is the closest person to me… She was Luna before I met you,” her eyes flashed to him, and I knew she had told him about me through their mind-link.
When she disclosed my identity, Aurora and Noah’s faces were etched with shock and confusion. I sighed, this is getting out of hand. Where the hell is Aries.
“How long have you two known each other as mates?” I ask, trying to change the subject.
“It has been two years. I met Lucia in a mating ceremony organised by the Madcrest Pack. The Alpha King was reluctant to leave her as she was one of the best warriors in the world, but Lucia decided to come with me. When the attack happened, we were not present in the pack that time,” He explained. This is the reason I didn’t see them last
“Beta Nikolai, why don’t I tour you around the pack until the alpha of the pack comes back? I think he was busy with something. I hope you won’t take it to heart for his absence,” I suggested, trying to show my hospitality to them. As much as I wanted to run away from this situation I had already put myself in. Aries, I saved time. I thought before I toured them around the pack.
your as s this
Lucia tried to talk to me, but I didn’t give her any chance. We started from the alpha. house, to where they would be staying, to the small hospital which was built when I joined this pack. Our training ground where the members were training.
I bet Beta Nikolai liked everything, by the way, he seemed enchanted by the development we had done to the pack. This was a very crucial step, and I didn’t want to miss this. This is the thing through which we can win their trust for them to join our hands.
I was using the techniques which Killian uses whenever another pack visited. I learned. this from him. After we are done, we get back to the pack mansion. It had been an hour or more, and Aries still hadn’t returned. And it was now making me worried.
“Noah, could you please look for them? It’s been half past an hour, and they still haven’t returned home. I am getting worried,” I said to Noah, who nodded his head.
Chapter 33
He was about to go when I heard Ry and Hanna running down the corridor…
Lucia’s eyes glared at me before she turned her head to watch them enter.
“Mummy… Mummy… look, we collected blueberries from the field so Aunt Aurora could make us my favourite pie,” Hanna laughed, filling the living room. And I want nothing more than to pick them up and hide them behind me.
My eyes went to Lucia, who was looking at them without batting a bit.
“I am sorry Beta Nikolai, the kids took up my time. I hope you understand,” Aries said, exuding his alpha aura, and I glanced up at Lucia, who was looking a bit hurt by this.
“Come on, kids, let’s clean you up,” Aurora said, understanding my worry as she rushed them up to their room.
“I hope my Luna has shown you around my pack, so let’s get to the business if you. don’t mind,” Aries said as he walked towards the coaches, but not before kissing me on my cheeks, and Lucia growling at him. Aries raised an eyebrow at her but didn’t budge as he went to my waist.
What the hell is wrong with him today? I removed his hand from my waist as I excused myself. I could hear their voices from the kitchen as they discussed about the treaty for protection.
I thought I had hidden better, but her voice took me by surprise.
“We all thought that we had lost you, and here you’re enjoying your life with another alpha…” Lucia said. Her face was etched with many emotions, but disappointment and sadness were the most prominent ones.
“Lucia, I don’t want to talk about the past.”
“Why wouldn’t you? It was you who left all of us behind, Kiara. Alpha King…” As soon as she said his name, furry rose through my chest as I saw red in front of me.
“Don’t say his name. He was responsible for everything that happened to my pack, Lucia. My pack was the first one which suffer the wrath of that rogue Alpha King, making me lose my parents and even my grandmother. I was in the hands of the dead when this pack opened the arm for me… for my kids,”
“And you think Alpha King wouldn’t accept you when you returned to the pack. And worse of all, you had hidden his kids… the official heir of the Mad Crest Pack,”
“Not his Lucia they were mine, only mine..” I snapped at her.
“Kiara, why did you hate him so much? It was you who took his happiness from him? How can you be this cruel, not even listen to him,”
Chapter 33
“I hate him because I asked for his help when I was in a dire situation when we were battling for life. I asked for his help, and do you know what he replied to me? He said that by rejecting him I had to face this sh it. I don’t deserve to live…” I yelled this time.
“I was not happy with whatever happened to me, Lucia. I had only received a cold. shoulder from him, and at last, he even ignored my pleas and left me to die. And you told me it was not fair to him if I hid his children,” my chest was heaving. I knew by now the tears had wetted my checks.
Lucia looks confused as she asks, “You asked for help from him and he didn’t help you,” I nodded.
“Oh, Kiara, I didn’t know you went through so much,” She said and hugged me. This time I couldn’t hold back the longing I had felt for my friend and cried my heart out.
We were sitting in the kitchen as Lucia helped Ry and Hanna to bake a pie for them. I can see from her face that she was happy to be by their side. I heard footsteps as I looked to my side only to find Beta Nikolai.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Kiara. You were the same as Lucia described you,” He said as he took a seat beside.
“She was really disturbed thinking that she had lost you. She told me how much you did for her and for the pack. If I were in place of Alpha King I would be regretting by
And couldn’t help but think, will he ever regret the things he had done to me?
Chapter 34
Killian POV
I chose not to tell them that I was coming beforehand to visit their pack. I thought if I did, they might find an excuse not to meet me. It wouldn’t be a good Alpha move to turn down a sudden meeting with an important leader like the Alpha King, especially on their own territory.
Upon entering the pack, I noticed the Alpha had put a strong security, as Austin had mentioned. However, it seemed odd that his pack had only a few members, maybe not more than a thousand, considering the extensive security measures. It got me thinking that Alejandro might be right about this; the Alpha’s actions seemed suspicious.
“Can I help you?” A man, not more than thirty, crouched down to peer at me through. the window of my black Jeep Wrangler.
I was intentional in my actions. It was my smoke screen tactic. I aimed for them to think of me as arrogant, assuming that I wouldn’t return on foot. The plan was for them to think that the black jeep would drive away, creating the illusion that I had gone.
I took off my sunglasses to meet the gaze of the wolf.
He was a strong wolf by the power he exudes it is clear that he must be of Ga mma hierarchy. And that too must be a head warrior because he looked all muscled up for being just a Gam ma. It seems unusual for a ga mma to guard a mere pack… this wouldn’t fit into a puzzle. But I can tell that this is a good trick to lure away anyone.
“I am here to meet the Alpha,” I stated, looking straight into his eyes. He mustn’t think of me like any other alpha but I thought I had hidden my Alpha King aura perfectly to confuse him.
A smirk forms on his lips making me raise my eyebrow at him. I knew that he must be mind-linking someone from the inside of the pack.
“Sure, but could you please tell me the name,” He glanced over the length of my jeep, sizing me up but that arrogant smile didn’t leave his lips as if he was enjoying something…
Meanwhile, I controlled my wolf who was on his hind leg ready to pounce on him if any attack he threw at me…
“I have heard your alpha was looking to join an alliance and I too wanted that to form a bigger one,” I said, still looking into his eyes so that he wouldn’t think that I was lying. I can tell from the keen eyes he is looking at me he knows something….
“Alpha…?” he asked, wanting to know exactly whom he was talking to.
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“That matter would be settled only with the alpha of this pack. I hope you understand,” I affirmed.
“Yes, of course, Alpha… Are we expecting you?” he threw another question in my direction.
“No, I was just passing through. I have heard a lot about Alpha Aries of Blood Stone Pack and the help he did to the pack which was a catastrophe after the attack of Rogue Alpha King. So I decided it would be better to meet him now,” I downplayed my game.
“The alpha isn’t available right now,”
“And I am not in any hurry so waiting is fine with me,” I responded, releasing some of my aura but keeping most of it back so as not to reveal my true identity.
“Look, I am not here for any threat to you alpha,” Not yet anyway but I can’t promise for the future.
He laughed before saying “That will be known later,” making me frown in confusion.
He circled around my jeep, opening the passenger door and taking a seat. “I will give you a tour till my alpha is available to entertain you,” he offered.
“That would be great…” expressed. And that is what I am looking for…
I suspected as he mind-linked his guards at the gate, as it opened after a few minutes.
For me, it is just like a normal pack consisting of pack members’ houses built at equal distances, a small school building, a cafe and a few restaurants…. And a health centre… A training ground. But what made me curious about the way he described it was the same trick I used to get to know another pack…. A trick which I didn’t tell anyone except…
“If you don’t mind, can I know your name,” I asked, turning to the left as I was directed by the gam ma.
“Owen alpha,” he replied.
“And your position? I know by the power you hold it must be Ga mma but other than that? You’re too strong to be a guard..” I teased with a smirk, giving him a sidelong glance.
“I am the head warrior alpha,” he responded, accompanied by a chuckle.
I remember how Lucia was persistent in urging me to come here and I wanted to know the reason for it because she was happy by the way she talked to me after these years of silence. That was one of my most important reasons to come to this pack and see what makes her so happy that she forgets the things I did to her friend…
Chapter 31
I parked outside the alpha mansion where Owen hopped out of the jeep, letting me know that he had informed the alpha and beta of my arrival.
I also exited the jeep and took a seat on the bonnet, taking a chance to cast my eyes on the obvious intel of the pack.
The pack was not only tightened with the security but also it has established itself in a good way making me more curious about how that alpha can afford all this by just forming an alliance this year. It can’t be possible for any pack to withstand the ground that will be established in a short time….
The ga mma, Owen, stuck close to me, scrutinising me for hidden hints regarding my alpha identity. His keen observation picked up on the fact that I was masking something, and he was right, especially regarding my full wolf.
“Owen…” A young boy with a mix of burgundy and black hair mixed walks out of the alpha mansion’s front door. He had a football in his hands. Running straight to the gam ma who immediately formed a smile on his face soon dropping his cold aura which he directed solely to me…
So he is good with kids.. Or with this particular kid because I can see how he stares at me before looking down at the boy.
“Yes Ry,” he asked as he ruffled his hair and the little boy dodged it.
“Has Jace returned from the school? I wanted to play with him. I am getting bored as Aries is playing with Hanna the childish girly house game…” he said arrogantly and I couldn’t help but a smile break through my lips at this little boy’s attitude and what more that he called the alpha by his name.
“Ask your mom if she gives you permission you can go and play with him,” he said, crossing his arm across his chest.
But hearing my chuckle he looked at me. He has grey eyes. A stormy one which I can tell he holds thunder in it.. That boy piqued my wolf interest by how calm he had become after seeing him, making me more confused than I already was.
“Who is he?” the small boy whose name by the way is Ry asked pointing his little finger. in my direction.
“Who is he?” We asked the same question pointing at each other. Gam ma looked amused by this.
“I am Ry,” the little boy boldly announced, striding up to me and tossing his ball across the courtyard.
“I am an alpha!” I declared, staring down at him, he seemed somewhat familiar.
Perhaps I have met his father in any of the meetings…
“You are?” he said as his eyes lit up and he glanced up at me.
“Which pack?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t have heard of it,” I replied, waving my hand to brush away the topic. Vet. I couldn’t help but notice Owen’s keen eyes still fixed on me, watching for any
subtle cues
“How many are in your pack?” he asked, making me chuckle at his enthusiasm to learn more about me. I chuckled at his curiosity, seeing a reflection of my younger self in him. He appeared well-cared-for and loved, unlike my own experiences after my mother left me.
“You are very keen to know all things. Are you a warrior’s son?” I asked, engaging in a friendly match of playing with his football.
“I am the son of the Alpha”” the little boy said, puffing his small chest out and I couldn’t help but my wolf growl at that…
So he is the son of Alpha Aries. I take a step towards him and mess up his hair which he lets me do… This time he didn’t duck down his head…
Chapter 35
Kiara POV
“Are you done packing your things?” Aries inquired as he entered my room. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt which fitted to him like a second skin and army green joggers. He must have come straight from the training session from how tousled his hair looks right now…
“Don’t look at me like that this happens,” he said, pointing at his hairs “because I was dealing with your princess tantrums,” And I couldn’t help but a smile cracked on my lips.
“Yeah, it was only for one day, so I don’t see the need to pack more things… Is Noah. coming with me or Owen?” I asked, as I folded a sweater and placed it in my bag. The medical kit is all ready.
It had been three days since Lucia left, and I only spoke to her last night and came to know that the health of the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack was bad. And he needed immediate attention.
And I felt like the air had been knocked out of me. Aiden needed help… I was so worried that I was about to leave at night only, but Aries suggested that I wait for the morning. It would be difficult to travel at night knowing how much time it takes to get from one pack to another. With small human towns in between them.
“Noah is coming with you. He must be getting the car ready,” he said, walking towards me. He knew I was panicking inside. I hadn’t seen my brother for like four years. He might have thought that I must be dead by now.
The need to meet my brother overwhelmed me. He was my only remaining family, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Aries entering what we called my personal space. While his touch on my shoulder eased some of my nervousness, it didn’t have the same effect as it did with Killian…
He guided me to sit on the edge of the bed as he knelt down in front of me. I couldn’t comprehend why Aries was so caring towards me. This demeanour had been consistent since the day he found me here… It left me feeling guilty, as I had been rejecting him. I still didn’t have the heart to fully accept him…..
“You should stop panicking and take a deep breath,” Aries advised, rubbing smooth circles on my arms. His touches sent tingles through me.
“I- I don’t know, Aries. I don’t know how to face him after four long years… He… He must be hating me for leaving him like this… for running away like a coward…” I confessed, as my eyes started to fill with tears.
Chapter 35
“No, Kiara, he wouldn’t hate you, He can never hate you….. He is your brother, you are his family…” Aries reassured me, attempting to ease my worries with his words. Deep down, though, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I hadn’t been fair to him.
“How will I show my face to the pack members? Because of me, they had to face all this if I hadn’t left his pack if I hadn’t rejected him. Then all this wouldn’t have happened,” I expressed amid my so bs. Regrets flooded my thoughts, and it all seemed to trace back to him.
“Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine,” he comforted, pulling me into a reassuring hug. For the last four years, he gently soothed my wounded heart, helping me forget the pain of my loss… But the anger still flooded my mind and had consumed my soul. I will not stay still till I find that ba sta rd…
“And don’t worry about the kids, they will be safe here. I will look after them,” he assured, and I nodded my head in acknowledgement.
By the time I was done with my packing, I thought I could talk to the kids. They would likely get upset but it is still not the right time for them to meet him…
I opened their bedroom door, expecting to find both Hanna and Ry. To my surprise only to find Hanna playing with her dolls. Where is Ry? I worried as I furrowed my brows. The moment her eyes landed on me, she ran towards me, sweetly yelling, “Mummy!”
“Hanna, where is your brother?” I asked as I scooped her up.
“I don’t know, I told him to play with me, but he said that he was going to play football with Jace,” she replied.
“It’s okay, go play with your toys. I will look for your brother..” I assured her, walking out of their bedroom. I headed in the direction of the living room which cut through the front porch and garden thinking that he might be there as Jace and Ry usually play football there. But when I got there I couldn’t find them.
As I walked around the side of the courtyard, my heart stopped at the sound of hist laughter surrounding the courtyard. Which I knew from the bottom of my heart. It has been imprinted on my soul.
I stare as he lifts Ry up to sit on the front bonnet of his black jeep, just as he was sitting. Panic surged within me at the closeness between him and my son-my son. Anger bubbled up,
and I clenched my hands into tight fists. How could he be here? My mind. felt like it was blocked as I couldn’t think of anything other than to run and take my son
from him. I walked back to the house and I saw red.
I stormed into Aries’ office, finding him seated on the chair. The question lingered in my mind-how did Owen not inform him about the Alpha’s presence in our territory,
12:26 Fr, 2 Feb
Chapter 35
and not just any Alpha, but the ruthless Alpha King.
“Kiara!” Aries exclaimed, but before he could question my sudden entrance, I yelled.
“Why is he here?” I was not thinking straight right now. I don’t give a da mn about this alpha or that who was playing with his own son without knowing about his existence.
“What…” He asked as he jumped up towards me seeing me reacting like this.
“I want him out of here, Aries. I don’t care about your alliance but I want him out…” I said he was confused for a moment and I wanted to pull every bit of my hair out seeing him again make me hate him more.
“Kiara, first tell me what is the matter…” Aries tries to calm me down.
“Aries, Killian is here and he is talking to my son…”
“Killian is the father of my children,” I said as my chest heaved with anger. Aries didn’t need to be told twice before he took the beeline out of the living room towards the porch area. I followed him as I hid behind the mansion’s main door looking out.
Aries grabbed Ry’s hand pulling him away from Killian which made him growl and a shudder fell to my spine as his growl echoed to the area. Does he know that Ry is his son… Is Lucia betraying me? Did she tell Killian about my kids?
And I really prayed to the goddess that what I was thinking was wrong. I had trusted Lucia with this secret she wouldn’t do that…
I stared at his stormy grey eyes which were directly held on Ry who was behind Aries. I can tell he was angry, he was more than angry. But he seems to take the unspokent message that he is no longer welcome here and walks back to the front of his jeep. He seemed to say something to Aries who didn’t bother to reply as he settled in his jeep.
I glared as I saw the car moving out of the alpha mansion ground making me take a huge sigh of relief. Once he was out of the site I rushed towards Ry whose eyes were fixed on the jeep.
“Ry!” I called him out as I pulled him in a hug wanting to feel that he was still with me.
“Mummy, you just missed a really cool alpha!” He excitedly chimes at me.
“Did I?” I asked, holding back the frustration I was feeling.
“Yes, but Aries said he had to leave..” he said looking down. I can see he is disappointed as his wolf must have acknowledged his father even with just a first meeting… I place my hand on his shoulder pulling him inside.
Aries has many questions which I have to answer now. But I want my kids to be with me
Chapter 35
right now.
“Your sister is alone, go play with her,” I said, trying to coax him.
“Okay sure mummy but after that, I want to play with Jace but when will we meet that alpha again…….” he asked as he tried to take two steps at a time. And I froze at his question. What with the sudden coincidence with Killian? Why now? Why after four long years? These questions were bugging my mind.
“First go to the room but I’ll need to speak to you later,” I said, planting a kiss on his head as he walked to his bedroom.
I went downstairs, in the living Aries and Owen were standing. From the look Owen was giving me it feels like he would have known the bloodline of Ry’s.
“Kiara, Owen didn’t know that he was the Alpha King. He had hidden his aura so well that it confused him,” Aries said, trying to save side his gam ma but the look he gave to me, he didn’t look like he was sorry for this. It feels like it was being planned…
“I want to talk to you,” I said looking straight into Aries’s eyes. He nodded, indicating to me to continue.
“Alone. I need to talk to you alone….” I pressurised every bit of my words.
“Owen see if the car is ready or not,” he commanded his gam ma who went to follow his order.
I look around the house, finding it empty.
“The Alpha King, Killian Ironclaw of the Madcrest Pack was my mate. He was responsible for my misery and I don’t want him to join our alliance with us. If you needed his power to grow your pack then I would suggest that I would leave this pack… I said. And I can tell that he was shocked by how his mouth hung open.
“Kiara what are you saying…” Aries said knitting his brow.
“I don’t want him near my children. He knew nothing about them and I wanted it to be like this…”
“Ok, okay, I got it. Calm down. Don’t be so nervous,” He said, holding me close. How could I stay calm? This would be my second encounter with him and it would just be in the span of three weeks.
And he was this close to, my children, playing and laughing with him. He doesn’t deserve this and I would make sure of it…..
Chapter 35
After regaining my composure, I went to their bedroom. Upon entering, I found both of them asleep in a single bed.
The twins wanted that closeness even now, just as they did in my tummy. Hanna, especially, sought comfort in Ry’s presence during the night when nightmares struck. And Ry being the protective brother he is, he lets her do whatever she wants.
“Shh, Mummy, Hanna is asleep. Ry whispered, placing his small finger on his lips to ensure quietness.
“What about you?” I asked as he sat, flipping through a nursery book.
“We were playing when she said she wanted to sleep but she also wanted to hear a story. because she can’t sleep without it. And you and Aries are both busy so I thought to read to her,” He said, and my heart swelled at his cute brotherly love for his sister. Despite being mischievous at times, he wouldn’t tolerate anyone else teasing her.
“Ry… about the alpha from today, what did you talk to him about?” I inquired, attempting to sound it nonchalant. I didn’t want him to worry that he had done something wrong.
“Nothing much. He just wanted to know whose son I am?” he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“Ry, I had always told you to be careful with strangers..” I cautioned, but Ry has always been cautious with strangers. He doesn’t like to mingle with new people. And he was not so easy to please. He had put a significant distance with strangers.
“He wasn’t a stranger,” He interjected. Oh no… and I closed my eyes and didn’t want to hear it anymore.
“No, my wolf said we could trust him. That he would keep us safe,” he said, causing concern and fear to
surge within me.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 16-25

Chapter 16
Kiara POV
“He kidnapped my father,” Killian snarled, ready to throw another punch before I stepped in front of Aiden.
“Killian, have you lost your da mn mind? Why would he do that?” I snapped, I was getting sick of his uncontrolled rage. I feel like his mind was clouding with something… He was not thinking straight before blaming anyone who was in front of him.
“Do you f ucking think I would believe you,” he snapped out on me “You and your pack are betrayals, he snorted and my eyes welled. up
with tears.
“I should have known the person behind kidnapping my father and poisoning my member was just a ploy for your father to sn atch the pack from me,” He accused, hurling misguided blame on me and my pack.
“How dare you accuse us of these grave offences. I have already told you that my beta was the one who found him on the border of my pack, beaten,” Aiden growled in defence.
“Falsely accuse your pack, Alpha Aiden? We both know how your father treats our alliance. It was all for the peace treaty, and Kiara was the only card you had. You lucked out with the moon goddess making our Alpha King and Kiara fate mates; otherwise, we wouldn’t be needing you,” Elder Simon’s venomous words spewed out.
“Killian had already made it clear that he won’t get a mate with Kiara but your father was persistent to push her to him. He was just a greedy man and he took this. opportunity,” he continued.
So, was I just a bargaining chip between my father and Alpha Eric? Did Killian know all along? Is this the reason why he couldn’t love me?
The realisation hit me like cold water as I looked up to see Killian who was avoiding my
So everyone knows that Killian didn’t want me as his mate. I was imposed on him to
take me.
“Elder Simon!” Aiden shouted his name. “You think you can humiliate my family like this? She is my sister, your pack’s Luna, your mate!” He emphasised the last word, staring at Killian, who still couldn’t muster the courage to meet my gaze.
“And you expect me to believe you if you came and said that you found my father near. the border,” Killian snorted.
Chapter 16
“Yes, and I won’t care if you me or not but I won’t let you disrespect my sister any longer. She is the daughter of Alpha Alexander, an heir of the Blood Moon Pack, and you dare to accuse her,”
Killian is clearly becoming angrier with each passing second. Something the entire room can feel.
“Aiden,” he tried to speak, but my brother continued to rant, cutting him off, “If Alpha Eric was here, he wouldn’t just stand idly by and listen to this nonsense you’re spewing which you are doing to your own mate,”
“If I remind you he was the one who always wanted Kiara to be your mate. He was the one who proposed the idea of marriage when we got to know that she is your fated mate knowing the person you have chosen couldn’t be a Luna,”
So they all know about Rihanna and no one thinks of telling me.
And Killian finally lost it. His eyes darkened, a warning that his wolf was surfacing, ready to take control. The courtyard became tense, and it felt like he was on the verge of losing his Lycan King’s control.
Everyone could feel his power exuding from him. And I knew Aiden wouldn’t back down. While we might not have the Lycan King’s power, we were no weaker than them. We were amongst the strongest packs.
Yet, somehow even in this heated situation, Killian merely scoffed at my brother’s attitude…
And I could sense my brother’s patience wearing thin, and it was finally on the edge of breaking. Hell could break at any moment if Killian didn’t stop this, and I was right…
Before I could say anything, my brother stormed towards him, changing into a grey. wolf in mid-way and tackling Killian to the ground. A grasp escaped from my lips as I saw the scene unfold in front of me.
Killian, being an Alpha King, was known for his power, and my brother, being a normal wolf, would be a potential disadvantage. Still, Aiden stood his ground, but I couldn’t bear watching them fight.
I was yelling their name to stop but they wouldn’t listen to me. But it looks like they had turned blind ears to me. They are hungry for each other’s blood.
And I saw as Aiden got more harm, his blood stained the ground. I can’t even change and help him. I was pregnant and shifting could hurt my pup.
I tried to run towards them. But Alejandro grabbed me by my arm, “No! Kiara! You will hurt yourself,” he cried out but I had enough of all this
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Chapter 16
BK 77%
I watched as a grey wolf was thrown on the ground and Killian was ready to attack him when I ran in between them. His hands stopped, his chest heaving as he changed into human form.
“Enough Killian, please stop this nonsense. We didn’t do anything. Last night I was on the way to tell you about Alpha Eric’s condition when you locked me in the room. We didn’t do anything.” I said.
“Alpha!” A warrior rushed to his side, murmuring something which we all could hear.
“Alpha Eric’s condition is improving and he is out of danger. Doctor Eve is looking for you,” he reported.
After hearing this, Killian once glanced at me and went in the direction of the hospital. Alejandro and Elder Simon followed him.
I helped my brother up as one of his pack’s warriors brought a set of clothes. He changed and walked towards me. I knew I had to tell him everything.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you badly? Do you want us to go to the hospital?” I whispered softly and sooner his furrowed brows eased.
*I Should be the one asking you all this Kiara. What Killian is talking about?” He asked.
I took a deep breath before telling him everything. Everything which I kept inside my heart. I knew now keeping it secret wouldn’t help either of us. I had to keep my child safe and it could only be done away from his own father.
“Oh Kiara, why didn’t you tell us? I am sorry Kiara but dad didn’t marry you to him I swear his father wanted this alliance. That bas ta rd I’m gonna kill him,” Aiden seethed.
“But you all knew he wanted someone else and still didn’t tell me,” I said. He didn’t say anything and looked down. I closed my eyes for a second. Fighting those tears which were ready to break any minute.
“Let it be, Aiden. I just want to go back to my pack. Please take me away from here. I don’t want to live in this unwanted marriage anymore,” I cried out, he nodded as het hugged me patting my back.
‘Kiara came to my office right now, Killian mind-linked me.

Chapter 17
Killian POV
Walking through the corridors of the hospital felt too long for me. I was on the edge of losing my wolf. His anger is glowering within me with each passing second. If Kiara hadn’t come in between the fight, I would have that f u cking man’s throat.
The moment I got the news about him entering my pack I thought that he got a call from Kiara to help her out but when I saw him with my father, brutally tortured and injured, I lost my dam n mind.
Still has the audacity to lie in front of my face. How come my father would be found in the south when he left for the packs situated mainly on the totally opposite side? What did he take me for who would fall into his stories?
“Alpha!” Eve called as soon as I entered the room, followed by Alejandro and Elder Simon. The room smells of disinfectant, a scent that wrinkles my nose. I don’t like this. smell. I turned my gaze to the man on the bed. His chest was bare and the wounds were enough for me to know that he was brutally tortured.
I walked towards the bed, I was well aware that my relationship with him was not on good terms, not after what he did to my mother. But fate is playing a game with me too, wasn’t I doing the same thing…
I stood beside his bed as I watched the doctors examining him and cleaning hist wounds. He was the powerful Lycan; his wounds would be cured within a second but the gush of blood was evident that he was being tortured by silver. And some of the wounds are still fresh. I clenched my fists as I tried to control my anger.
“Alpha, we need your blood for Alpha Eric’s treatments. Despite the fact that he is out of danger, you and Luna are the only ones who can save him. He was being poisoned by an unknown poison; that is why his wolf wasn’t able to fight back,” Eve explained.
I took a huge sigh of relief, he was out of danger and that was enough for me.
Once he was cured, he would tell me who did this to him. I will not spare that person, even if it turns out to be the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. I nodded my head in response to her.
“Killian, what would you do with Alpha Aiden? Though we haven’t found any evidence linking that he was responsible for the kidnapping how come he miraculously found Alpha Eric near his pack’s border when her sister, poisoning the now Luna,” Elder Simon said and I couldn’t help but a deep growl rumbled from my chest when he mentioned Kiara the infinite number of time today.
I was still searching for a reason why Kiara would do such a thing. Was jealousy the only
Chapter 17
reason, or was there something else? Or I was so blinded by the rage and hatred towards. her that I could not see things clearly…
The beeping of the machine pulled me out of my thoughts. “Alpha, you need to hurry up. Alpha Eric needs the blood of yours and Luna’s otherwise he would go into shock and it would be difficult for us to bring him back,” Another doctor urged as they rushed into the room to get supplies which could save him in the meantime.
“But Rihanna is also not well, her blood would only put him in more danger than he is already in,” Alejandro added. And I cursed at the unfortunate circumstance I found myself in.
“We can use Kiara’s blood, Alpha,” Eve said, and Alejandro shot me a look.
“She belongs to the pure lineage of Alphas; her blood would be enough for us to save Alpha Eric. She is the only one who can save him,” She added.
“But in her condition…. Wouldn’t that put her in danger?” Alejandro asked, and my brows furrowed in confusion. What condition were they talking about?
“No Alejandro! Only a little amount is needed,” Eve reassured and resumed her work. My wolf wasn’t happy about this. I glanced at Alejandro, wanting to ask him about what condition they were talking about. But before I could, he walked out of the room.
I ran my hand through my hair, knowing talking to her wouldn’t be easy but he was the only hope.
“I will come back with Kaira,” I said and walked out of the room, heading to my
office. I mind-linked her, commanding her to visit me in my office before I could take another step towards my office. I stopped in the track of Austin and Jessica’s room.
“Jessica, why would you do that? Why would you put all the blame on Kiara?” Austin’s voice thundered through the room.
“I didn’t want her here. She didn’t belong to our pack when she first came to the pack. It was only because she was the fated mate of the Alpha Killian. Didn’t you see how Alpha Eric banished Rihanna and made Alpha Killian marry Kiara? I can’t stand to see my friend in pain. She has gone through a lot, and this is the only chance for her to get what should be hers,” she whispered and yelled at Austin.
“But that doesn’t give you both a reason to put all this drama, Jessica, and moreover you trap Kiara in all this. What will Alpha Killian do when he gets to know about you and Rihanna misleading him?” he growled in disappointment.
And I swung open the door, without minding how much strength I put in as it came out of the frame. Jessica’s colour drained from her face as she cowered behind Austin. A low growl rumbled from my chest, and she knelt in front of me.
Chapter 17
Austin looked disappointed, but he didn’t dare to intervene. I grabbed Jessica by her throat, pulled her up and pressed her against the wall. A whimper escaped through her lips.
“A-Alpha please…” she stammered.
“You planned all this just to trap Kiara,” I growled.
“A-Alpha, it was all Rihanna’s plan,” she cried out in my grip. My eyes had turned red, and my claws extended, leaving marks on Jessica’s throat. Austin rushed to my side to protect his mate, but I pushed him back, as he threw back and collided with the wall.
“She is telling the truth, Alpha,” Austin yelled as he grabbed my legs and knelt. I left her throat, and she slid down.
“Now tell me every dam n thing you know,” I commanded both of them.

Chapter 18
Kiara POV
We walked in the direction of the mansion, Aiden persistently refusing to leave my side. I knew he would be furious when he got to know the truth. He was ready to spark a war between us, but after some pleading, he accepted but not before having a conversation with Killian and taking me back to my pack.
I was hoping that Father wouldn’t be too upset with my decision, as this alliance was important to him, but Aiden had assured me that he would talk to him.
Entering the mansion hall, we encountered Alejandro. The moment he saw me he calmed down. He rushed to my side, checking for any sign of injury.
“I am okay, Alejandro,” I assured him, and he nodded his head before he glanced back. at my brother. I can feel the tension in the air as they glare at each other.
“We are sorry for what happened out there, Alpha Aiden. Our Alpha is going through a lot of things, and his wolf can’t control itself and gets over him. We have been searching for Alpha Eric, and many secrets unfolded during that. I hope you will cooperate with us to find the real kidnapper,” He explained, keeping his demeanour calm.
I sometimes felt Killian couldn’t do anything without Alejandro’s help. He was always. there to hide his mistakes. Ready to defend Killian and the pack.
“We will talk about this later, Beta Alejandro, because what your alpha did to my sister was not easy to forget and forgive, even if he was her mate,” Aiden snapped out at him.
“How’s Alpha Eric now?” I asked, jumping in between the heavy tension that was filling the corridor.
“He is out of danger for now, but he was being poisoned with something unknown. Eve is searching for the cure, but your and Alpha’s combined blood was the only way to save him now,” Alejandro said.
How did this happen to Alpha Eric? Who would dare to kidnap the powerful Alpha and torture him this brutally?
“Who would do such a thing to him?” Aiden asked the question which had been bugging my mind.
“We are going to look for that, Alpha Aiden,” he said before he turned his gaze to me. “But before that, Kiara, you have to give him the blood.”
Aiden scoffed at him. “You all are selfish. Didn’t you all blame my sister for poisoning that girl? And didn’t Alpha Eric assure us that she would not enter the pack? How come.
Chapter 187
she is here?”
I looked shocked at my brother. I felt that I didn’t know anything about our marriage at all. I gulped the remaining emotions that I was feeling now. I have taken enough from everyone, and now, I will decide for my future.
“I will help,” I stated, and both of them looked at me. Aiden furrowed his brows, but I shook my
head. Alejandro took a sigh of relief.
“But before that, I need to talk to Killian,” I said.
Killian POV
“Now tell me every da mn thing you know,” I commanded both of them.
After listening to the truth, my wolf was roaring inside of me.
‘I had told you that my mate wouldn’t do such a thing. You didn’t trust her; look at what we did to our mate. How hurt and betrayed she looks. I will kill that bi tch,’ he growled in anger.
I tried to control him, reminding him that Rihanna was our childhood friend, but deep down, I too was disappointed in her.
I swung open the door of her bedroom. She was standing near the window gazing outside.
“Killian, I heard Alpha Eric returned to the pack. And I saw the fight. Are you okay?” she asked, reaching for my arm, but I pulled it away from her.
My wolf growled at her, and she immediately showed her neck in submission, her eyes. brimming with tears..
“Rihanna, I know the truth. I want to listen to the reason why you did this to her,” I commanded. She whimpered but that didn’t evoke any sympathy towards her. I wanted to know the truth behind her actions.
“Ki…” he shuttered.
“Rihanna, don’t test my patience. Tell me why would you do that? How can you make false allegations against Kiara?” I asked through gritted teeth.
“I am
m sorry, Killian. Please forgive me, but I did all because I still love you. I wanted to be with you.. I don’t want to go back to another pack. I wanted to stay by your side. I know you didn’t love her, I came back for you,” She cried out as she knelt in front of
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Her eyes were filled with regret and shame for what she had done.
“I loved you, Killian. I was wrong here to put Kiara in trouble. You know I am not a bad person, all I wanted was your love and attention,” She cried, as she kept asking for forgiveness.
“If you want, I will ask for Kiara’s forgiveness too, but please don’t separate me from you. I need you, Killian. I was scared that you too, just like your father, would find me as a thorn and throw me away,” she said, tears streaming down her face as she begged for forgiveness.
I sighed as I looked at her state. She must have been terrified. Unable to see her like. this, I pulled her up and gently rubbed her cheeks. She then hugged me.
“I am sorry Killian. Please forgive me,” she whispered into my chest. I hugged her back, but soon, I caught a whiff of the alluring scent of her. I looked at the door. Kiara was standing there, looking at us with betrayal-filled eyes..
“I will wait in the office,” she said and hurried out of the room. I don’t know how I would face her after what I did to her.
I walked to the office room, opening the door only to find her sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for me. The air around her felt a little different. Different from the time I had spent with her.
“Kiara..” I called out her name. She stood, taking a step closer to me. I just wanted to hold her and ask for forgiveness.
“I will help your father but I want something in return,” she calmly said, leaving my mouth hanging open.
“I want you to reject me. I want you to free me from the duties and obligations which you bound me with. I want to get freed from this unwanted marriage,”
And the moment I heard all those words from her, I lost it. My eyes turned back to the amber red. “What did you just say?”

Chapter 19
Kiara POV
“You heard me right. I will only help Alpha Eric if you reject me,” I repeated, meeting his thunderous grey eyes. And I felt his anger growing as his eyes turned amber-red.
That is impossible!” he snarled at me. His knuckles turned white as he fisted his hand.
“I will never reject you. I will not let you leave me,” he declared, taking his steps closer to me. And soon, I was enveloped with his scents, sandalwood. He knew I was weak for him, but not anymore. I would not let him hold me back just because of his selfish
After the humiliation, he still thought I would stay with him. No. This wasn’t going to happen. I had made up my mind. Seeing him hugging Rihanna broke everything inside of me. In every circumstance, he would run back to her. She was more important to him so let it be this way then.
I pushed him, but he held my hand, pulling me closer as I glanced up at him. “Why do you want me here only to get a cold shoulder from you? I have given you everything, Killian. All these three years, I was by your side. I have tried to make you love me, for you to see me. But I cannot win your heart.”
“Why continue this facade? Why continue to make my life miserable? I can see now that I never really stood a chance, and I never will be…” If the sound of a heartbreak was a thing. I feel like every spectator could hear my heart being destroyed in front of their
very eyes.
“Even so, you will not go away from me. You are my mate, and you will obey my orders. It is my command eyes seem to flash in colours, his wolf trying to come through.
6s your mate. You dare to leave me I will drag you back,” Killian’s
If I heard him saying this in another situation I would be the happiest girl on the earth. but right now it only fueled my anger. Why did he want me here? To see how happy he is with her? Or to get blamed again and again for the thing I didn’t do?
I had lost the energy to fight for him anymore. Now with everything he did to me last night and today, what he did to my family, I needed to stay away from him. I had to protect his baby, even from him. Silent tears are streaming down my cheeks as I realise
what I must do.
“Are you so scared of being cursed? Is this the reason for you not rejecting me?” I asked. It made sense now, what would be the other reason for him to stay with me? He is afraid that if he would reject me he would get a curse from the moon goddess. If he lost his wolf then how would he become the strongest Lycan king?
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Chapter 19
He didn’t say anything, just kept staring at me. His amber-red eyes bore into my soul as if he wanted me to be with him. Begging me not to leave him.
Was that regret I saw in his eyes?
“What if I were to reject you?” I said. I wipe away my tears as I prepare myself and my wolf for what I am about to say. I closed my eyes talking for the last time with my wolf, Erica. Her head hung low as she understood what I was going to do next.
“I am sorry Erica, but I have to let you go. I can’t stay in this bond anymore,’ I said to my wolf. She didn’t reply to me as I only heard her howl within me.
I might become weaker after losing her, but I could still be alive and find happiness with my baby in my pack. This is all I wanted.
“What do you mean?” he muttered under his breath. Soon, a knock on the door was. heard. A warrior came inside, telling us to go to the room as Alpha Eric’s condition was getting worse.
Pulling away from him, I walked in the direction of his room. I found Rihanna standing in the lobby, her face stained with traces of tears, making me wonder why she was crying before I came to meet Killian?
I sat on the chair as Killian sat beside me. Eve started her work, as she collected the blood from us, mixed them, and injected them directly into the veins of Alpha Eric. Soon, the normal beeping sound of the machine echoed in the room.
Once outside the room, I turned to look at Killian.
“As I helped with Alpha Eric, now is the time for rejection,” I said, and a series of gasps can be heard in the silence of the corridor. Alejandro, Elder Simon, Rihanna, Aiden and a few of the pack members were present. Before anyone could say anything. This is the
“I, Kiara Westwood, reject you, Alpha King Killian Ironclaw, as my mate and Alpha,” I said, glaring at him. I watched as his eyes darkened at my rejection..
I gasped as pain ripped at my chest and I felt the violent pull of the bond tear through me, but I kept looking at him. I saw as he dropped to his knees, gripping his chest.
I saw Rihanna rushing to his side, supporting him. A small smile played on her lips.
I could feel the bond breaking, and I prayed that Killian didn’t accept the rejection so that the baby would be safe. And like the goddess heard my prayer he didn’t accept it…
“Kiara…” he got up, taking a step towards me, but was pulled back by Rihanna.
I was getting weaker as in front of my eyes darkness started to surround me. Aiden ran
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towards me before I could touch the floor.
“What have you done, Kiara,” he yelled at me.
“Take me away from here,” I whispered as I felt myself losing. I prayed that my baby would be safe. He nodded before picking me up in his arms. I heard Killian roar behind me, but I decided this would be my fate… I don’t want to continue anymore, not when she has returned and become everything to him…..
“I won’t let you leave me!” Killian’s roars before I hear him shift and race off into the distance.

Chapter 20
Kiara POV
When I opened my eyes, I found myself in my bedroom. The yelling of Aiden could be heard, and I looked sideways to see Aiden yelling at Alejandro. But soon they shut up and looked my way.
“Kiara!” Both of them called my name. I got up on the bed, resting my back on the head of the bed.
“I think you are not required here anymore, Beta Alejandro. I will look after her. And I would believe that the things we talked about would reach Alpha Killian as we have many unsettled matters to talk about,” Aiden said and shut the door in Alejandro’s face.
“What have you done, sister?” Aiden sighed as he sat beside me, pulling me into a comforting hug.
“I did what was necessary, Aiden. I can’t take it anymore, not after Rihanna comes to the pack and becomes the Luna of the pack. I had to decide for us,” I explained.
“Us?” Aiden asked, his brows knitted in confusion, and even in this hard situation, a small smile graced my lips. Aiden looked a bit lost, but soon his eyes grew wide, and he laughed.
“I am gonna be an uncle,” he exclaimed, and I nodded my head. And he pulled me in a tight hug.
“But what about your wolf? Is she there? Are you able to feel her?” Aiden asked as we separated. I tried calling her but only to meet with the silence.
“She is not talking to me. However, I can feel her a little because Killian didn’t reject me. I know I haven’t entirely lost her,” I explained. But my mind keeps bugging with only one thing, why didn’t Killian accept the rejection? Wasn’t he the one who hated. me? The wolf would be lost only if a person rejected his or her mate, not the one who accepted it.
I brushed that thought away. What has been done has been done. I packed my bag only the necessary items. In those times, I hadn’t heard of Killian. And this is what I wanted.
Our departure from the pack was steeped in an uncomfortable atmosphere. Please echoed from the pack member, begging me to reconsider, to grant me another chance. Some still weren’t able to grasp that I rejected him. Despite my heart screaming at me to stay, every part of my begging was telling me to stay and fight for him, fight for the future which I am going to have with him.
Chapter 20
My mind ruled over my heart, foreseeing the endless sorrow I’d endure if I stayed. I remained torn until the end, even as Lucia pursued me, begging me to wait. The conflict lingered, and despite the ache in my heart, I knew leaving was my only choice to avoid prolonged disappointment.
As soon as she came to know about all this she hurried to me. She was still determined. in telling Killian about his baby, convincing me that he’d see Rihanna’s true colours and what a bi tch she is and how really he was in love with me, he just doesn’t know it yet. My heart wanted to believe in her convictions, but my head won.
Once we passed the pack boundary I can feel like I was leaving everything behind. I just wanted to get back to the Blood Moon and reunite with my parents. I was feeling ashamed of my failed marriage to such a powerful alliance, but I knew they would never reject me. Father might be disappointed but he would never abandon me. They have only shown me love.
Upon reaching the pack ground, Aiden continued driving. He mind-linked to alert the warriors to open the gate. I was silent all the way here not saying any words.
“Kaira, don’t worry, everything is going to be okay. I had already talked to Father and. they must have reached here before us,” He said as our car entered through the gates.
The car stopped in front of a mansion, and my parents were standing outside waiting for me. I ran into the comfort of their open arms and I was finally able to expose every bit of my emotion I was feeling the entire way to the home.
Mom led me into the mansion, and we gathered in the living room. Telling them everything that had happened to me. My father struggled to contain his anger, disappointed in Killian. Mom was quick to intervene, soothing him.
“Aiden, we need to arrange a meeting with Killian tomorrow. We had to also inform him about the misunderstanding that happened and the…” Dad began to say, but I couldn’t bear to expose him to a toxic atmosphere knowing that it would only lengthen the problem.
“No Dad, you don’t have to do that…” I whispered.
“I wanted to say something.” I said, and both of my parents’ eyes went towards me. I glanced at Aiden, who nodded his head, encouraging me to share my news.
“I am expecting, and I just wanted to raise my child here,” I finally admitted, revealing what I had kept inside. Wiping away a lone tear that stung my eyes, I saw my parents exchange surprise glances at each other, silently talking through their mind-link.
“We will stand by you, Kiara, always. You will stay here and raise the child,” Dad affirmed, casing the heavy tension within my chest.
Chapter 20
For the next few weeks, 1 had made up my mind to rest. The pack’s doctor checked me up and ensured that the baby was strong as I was able to fight the rejection. I just had to keep a good care not to get hurt as it will not be easy for me to heal quickly.
Killian kept calling me all week, but I couldn’t find the strength to pick up. What more was left to be said?
“Why don’t you go and visit your grandmother?” Mom asked, looking slightly worried as I cut another call which was from him. She put the herbal tea on the table.
“Do you think I should go?”
“Sure, Kiara, why not? Take a few days for yourself. You’ve always loved it there as a child,” she advised but I knew she was feeling scared that if Killian came to the pack to look after me it would only stress me out and may put the baby in danger.

Chapter 21
Kiara POV
After talking to Mom, I started packing my things to go and stay with my grandmother. When my grandfather died, she was cut off from the world and stayed just a few kilometres away from the border, living in a small lake house.
The nighttime came, and I went downstairs to have dinner with my parents. As soon as I reached the dining room, I only saw Mom sitting there, waiting patiently for me. Her head hung low as if she was thinking of something-
“Where are Dad and Aiden? Weren’t they joining us for dinner?” I asked as I took a seat beside her. A maid came and started serving me the dishes. By the smell, I knew it was made by Mom. She was very precautious of me. Looking after my every need.
At the mention of them, she looks a little worried. I knew something was wrong by the way she composed herself and smiled a little, “No, dear. He and Aiden had to attend a meeting with the council. They had to settle the matter,” She replied.
“Didn’t I say they don’t need to talk to Killian? Mom, I don’t want to make any contact. with him. I can alone raise my children. I know I am disappointing you and Dad but I don’t want to go back to him,” I pleaded. I should have known Killian wouldn’t spare the matter of finding Alpha Eric…
Seeing me taking so much stress, she rushed to my side and said, “Kiara, no, please try to calm down. He had to settle this matter. Otherwise, the council will think that we are the ones who broke the alliance. We had to resolve this misunderstanding. Otherwise it will be difficult for us to live here,”
But I knew Killian didn’t listen to anyone when his mind was blinded by rage. After eating dinner, I went back to the room, but not before stopping in front of Dad’s office.
I was leaving tomorrow, so I thought talking with him would bring a little peace to me. I knocked on the door, and a strong Alpha voice permitted me to come in.
I opened the door and walked inside, seeing Aiden, his Beta Marcus and his father who was the head of our warriors team sitting and talking about something but seeing me there they all shut up. I felt something was wrong.
“Dad, I am leaving tomorrow, so I thought to have a talk with you,” I said.
“We will take the leave, Dad,” Aiden said, and three of them got up from the couch and went out. From looking at their faces it was a clear indication that they were worried and a bit scared but from what?
“I may not be here tomorrow to see you off as I have matters to attend to outside the
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pack, Kiara. But I had assigned two of my warriors who would come with you. Take care of yourselves and the baby, sister” Aiden said and closed the door behind him.
“Is everything okay, Dad?” I couldn’t hold myself and asked as I sank myself on the couch. Because I had a feeling that something was not going in the right way. They all looked tense and it felt like they were hiding something from me.
“Yes, Kiara. You don’t need to be worried. Have you eaten dinner?” He asked and I nodded my head.
“I heard from Aiden that he didn’t know that you are carrying the heir of his pack?” After a few minutes of silence Dad asked, and I looked down, not wanting to meet his
“He wouldn’t have cared even if I told him,” I replied, still looking away as I tried to hide the tears at the mention of his name. A tense silence fell between us. I wanted to ask him what happened in the council meeting? How was Alpha Eric here? I have so many questions right now.
When the silence grew more between us, I looked up at him, his eyes were filled with regret. “It was all my mistake, Kiara. I knew Killian never wanted you as his mate. He already had someone, but Alpha Eric ensure us that he would do something about that,”
“And when we got to know that you are his mate, we thought this bond was blessed by Selene. We didn’t know that you had to bear all these three years with him,” Dad mumbled. A lone tear escaped through my eyes.
“It is okay, Dad,” I whispered softly. I forced a smile to tell him that this was okay but I knew as I was feeling a huge gaping hole in my chest and there was a part of me wanting to give up.
After taking a long bath, I decided to call it a day. I picked up my phone one last time before going to bed and didn’t see any of Killian’s calls or messages. In the message, he had said that he wanted me back in the pack, even going way too far to threaten me that if I didn’t come, he would dare to do something worse…
But I ignored those and got ready for bed. It was a rough day, and suddenly I felt. drained. As I have lost my wolf, I am becoming more like a human….
The next morning after saying goodbyes to my parents I was on the way to grandma’s house. Mom was right. Going back to my favourite place as a child did wonders for me. The gentle ripples of the lack brought a fresh calmness to my soul.
Grandmother was happy after seeing me there. She was worried when she got the news about me. She still couldn’t believe that Killian would do such things to me. Killian is known for his cold behaviour, but he had always talked politely with my grandmother.
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I think the reason must be because she knew his mother. That is the common thing that makes them have a good relationship with cach other.
I always looked up to my grandparents and my parents’ bond. How they fated to each other, they supported each other, loved each other and died for each other, and here I am the only curse whose mate didn’t love but always hated me.
Even on the last day, he hugged Rihanna while he was with her. I sighed, thinking that coming here was to make him forget, not to remember him.
My hand rests on my stomach. I understand I’ll always be connected to Killian through our child, and my love for him will endure. Yet, now I have a chance for happiness and peace with my parents and my child. I won’t let it slip away.
The break allows me to reconsider my situation, my heart is healing. Despite the initial heartbreak, a new future awaits for me. My father will be the male figure in my baby’s life, the alpha. It’s not what I dreamed of, I remember putting on my wedding dress with romantic dreams for marriage with Killian. Now, I’ve awakened from that dream.
“Just take care of yourself, you need more of the rest,” Grandma said when I was returning to the pack.
We waited for an hour for the warrior to come and get me back to the pack, but no one
I tried calling Aiden or my parents, but no one was picking up my calls. Now I’m starting to get worried.
“Kiara, you have to stop worrying yourselves,” Grandmother said as she tried to calm me down, but I wasn’t able to hold my emotions. Everything around me makes me feel like something bad is going to happen.
“I am not feeling good about this, Grandma. No one is picking up my call. I had to go and look for them,” I said, and she nodded her head.
“I will come with you too. We will take the car,” she said, and we hurriedly got back to our pack.
My heart pounded as I entered the pack territory, the air thick with anticipation. I saw everyone rushing here and there. The warriors were taking the necessary weapons, and another batch of warriors started lining up at the borders. And I knew what they were preparing for. They are preparing for the war…

Chapter 22
Kiara POV
I rushed out of the car, running straight to the Alpha house. I saw Aiden commanding every warrior to prepare as many weapons as they had. The chaos is what I am looking at right now. My heart is hammering inside my chest and it would burst any minute.
“Aiden, what is going on?” I asked, but seeing me there, Aiden’s face paled. He cursed as he grabbed my hand, pulling me inside the house where I saw Mom and Dad.
“Kiara, what the hell are you doing here?” Aiden yelled, but I was too scared and confused to even listen to his yelling. I glance at my parents.
“Dad, please tell me what is going on here? Why are we preparing weapons? Are we going to war?” I cried out, seeing my pack like this made my heart bleed. Is this the thing they are hiding from me?
Dad, without sparing me a glance, walked to Grandma and said, “Mom take Kiara and go far away from here. She shouldn’t be here. This time is not right for her.”
But I felt frustrated by his order. Why isn’t anybody telling me what the hell is happening here? “No Dad, I am not going anywhere. Not until you tell me what you are hiding,” I yelled at him.
He sighed knowing how stubborn I am in any matter. He glanced back at my mother, who only shook her head. I know they were talking through the mind-link. I felt helpless as I wasn’t able to form any connection with them.
His hand went to grab my shoulder, and his
xt words made me feel ice cold. “We have always been targeted by the rogue alpha king, Maximus. He always wanted our pack, and when he got to know about the breaking of our alliance with the stronger and larger Madcrest pack, he wanted to give us a letter where he mentioned that he would attack us or give us another option to fall under him,” Dad said.
After hearing this, the ground slipped under my feet. Alpha Maximus is a rogue alpha who was known for being cruel to the pack he ruled for many years. He wanted the Madcrest Pack too, but that time Killian made it very clear to him that the packs under him wouldn’t be harmed otherwise it wouldn’t bring good for him and his pack.
“There should be a way Dad,” I muttered, looking at him as tears started to gather in my eyes, thinking of all the things that might happen if we didn’t do anything.
He shook his head, and there was disappointment written all over his face. “After what happened with Alpha Eric, the other packs too cut off their alliance with us. There is no way other than to fight,” he whispered softly and went towards Aiden, and both went outside to see if they were ready for the war or not.
Chapter 22
But now we are not under any support of packs. What will we do now?
As if her hardship weren’t enough, another wave surges through her. The thought of anything happening to my pack brought a heavy question- how could I endure living- with this burden.
I need to talk to Killian. I had to. He was the only one who could help us. I ran back to the car as Mom shouted my name from behind.
“Kiara, where are you going?”
“Mom, I need to call Killian, only he can help us,” I said as I opened the car door, pulled the bag out, and searched for my phone. At first, she wanted me to stop, but after thinking about the consequences, she didn’t say anything.
I dialled his number as many times as I could, but he didn’t receive After seeing that this was just a failure, I decided to message him.
any of my calls.
[Alpha King, we are under attack from the rogue Alpha King, Maximus. I need your warriors so we can fight. I know what happened between us was not good, but I am requesting and asking you for help as a pack which was under your care for many years. A promise your father made.]
I sent the message, but even after a few hours, Killian didn’t reply to me. I called him. and messaged him, but only to be greeted with the silence and disappointment.
Dad and the head of the warrior started to form a plan. They have put guards in every area, but still, we couldn’t stand with them. They are known for ruthlessness, cruelty and murder. They didn’t spare the pack if they attacked us.
“Kiara, that’s enough,” Mom said. “I think you should stop calling him now and go with your grandma.”
“How can you say this? How will I leave my pack in such a big problem and run away?”
“There is nothing you can do, Kiara. You are pregnant, you can’t even shift now. You have lost your wolf. Think about your child, Kiara,” she said, and tears welled up my eyes. I felt helpless and weak. I prayed that Killian would think of the time we had spent together and come to rescue us. But all my hopes shattered after seeing his
[I don’t give a da mn about you and your pack, Kiara. For what you did to my father, this was the consequence you would face for doing this to me. I can’t help you and this is the fate that you brought upon yourself. I hate you, and I don’t want to see your face]
My phone slipped through my fingers and dropped to the ground making a cracking sound. I wanted to burst out right there. This is all happening because of me. I was responsible.
Chapter 22
Aren’t mates meant to provide the emotional and physical support we need? Was Killian so overwhelmed by hatred that he stunned me in an instant? Not a single chance. was given to me. It’s his betrayal that cuts deepest through my heart like a silver blade, causing the most profound hurt. The breach of trust echoes through the pain of rejection.
I don’t remember when I got into the car. I felt like everything was blurry around me. I looked back at my parents and Aiden, who stood at the gate. I prayed this wasn’t the last time I saw them… I felt helpless that I wasn’t able to help them. I felt deep hatred towards my mate.
How could he be so cruel, so devoid of compassion towards me and mine? Killian, you are truly a monster.
An anger surges through my veins, halting my tears and instilling a resolute determination. “Killian.. You’ll never know what belongs to you now!” This was my pledge, a promise bleeding with so many emotions but the most prominent one was betrayal and hatred.
3/3Chapter 23
Killian POV
“I, Kiara Westwood, reject you, Alpha King Killian Ironclaw, as my mate and Alpha,” As soon as those words slipped past her lips, I saw red. I dropped down on my knees as it felt like I was struck with the silver bullet. I didn’t know rejection hurt like a f uck. My mind is still comprehending that she has rejected me.
I thought I had enough time to talk to her but she was so quick to even let me comprehend all this. I felt as if the air left my lungs, and I wasn’t able to breathe. I’ve faced battles, been staked, but this pain surpasses every war wound. How is it even possible? I hadn’t even marked her.
My wolf is clawing inside me wanting to just come out and claim her right here in front. of everyone but all these three years I didn’t let them bond thinking that if I let them it would hurt but I was hurting right now. This pain is unbearable… Howcome she was able to withstand it…
“Kiara!” I call her name out through the pain, wanting to take a step towards her, but Rihanna pulls me back. My wolf roars in my mind, wanting nothing but to tear her down.
I should have f ucking said something. But I thought she was innocent and sweet. I was not expecting her to go this far and reject me. And this all happened because of me. I know I did her wrong, wrong for blaming her….
But when she said she would only save Alpha Eric if I rejected her. It was not because I was afraid of rejecting her. It was because this is the thing I don’t want us to face. If I had to do that, I would have done that the day I knew she was my fated mate.
Then and there, I made up my mind, I would not reject her. If I didn’t, she had to come back to me, but when I saw her falling because of rejection, I was about to hold her, but Aiden was quick enough. He is taking her away from me.
“I will not let you leave me,” I growled as I let out my wolf, shifting, and he ran into the forest because if I stayed there, I would hurt anyone. He is feeling something breaking inside of him. He needed to calm down. I heard Rihanna’s and Alejandro’s calling my name, but I didn’t stop.
He has only one motive in mind: to destroy everything in his path. Killing animals, clawing at the tree trunk…. anything which just could help him ease the burning pain.
Has she really betrayed me? Is she really doing all this just to save her brother? Because I don’t see any other reason for her to reject me.
I allow my wolf to run freely. He was seeing red, he needed blood and I let him hunt
Chapter 23
down anything in its path. For three years, she’s been my Luna, my wife. Now, she rejects me and the pack. Why?
Da mn it, Kiara sneaked into my life, she had made a place in my heart and my pack. The mere idea of her leaving me ignites a furious anger within me. The rage fuels my wolf’s craving for animal blood, and I don’t control him this time. He needs it as much. as I do.
I remember when I first met her in the meeting which my father deliberately arranged. He had chosen her for me but we didn’t know that it was fate that chose her for me. Her looks were too blended and feeble… well as she was in comparison to Rihanna, who always likes to own a room wherever she goes. She always likes the attention all to herself.
But after the marriage, I began to see Kiara’s strength and beauty in a unique way. Her wisdom, calm demeanour in war meetings- she was a perfect luna and mate. She earned her respect from my pack and council members.
She wasn’t weak. She has proven in all these three years.
Kiara had made her own place within the pack, even my council advisors praising me how lucky and blessed I am to be a fated mate with Kiara. I grew accustomed to her presence, standing by my side as my Luna. The idea of her leaving me never crossed my mind. Her unwavering determination which glistened in her eyes when she rejected. me spoke volumes. When she uttered our marriage vows, I knew she meant every word.
When my anger cooled down, I thought about returning to the pack. I still had time. I could still manage to change her mind, and if I couldn’t, I would lock her up, but I will never let her leave me.
Naked, I walked to the way of the mansion when I saw Alejandro standing there. After seeing me, he gave me the joggers, but he still didn’t say anything to me. Walking through the hall of the mansion, I tried to search for her scent.
“Where is she?” I asked, turning to look at Alejandro when Lucia burst through the mansion door. Her eyes filled with tears.
“She has gone, Alpha. Please go after her and bring her back,” she said. I wanted to do this, but wasn’t she the one who rejected me? She was the one who chose this path for her.
“Alpha, she didn’t tell you something very important. She is…” but she was cut off by Rihanna, who ran towards me and hugged me tightly. Alejandro and Lucia’s face twitched in anger. I don’t understand where their love and respect for Rihanna went. Why are they siding with her, who left them behind?
“Killian, are you okay? Do you know how worried I get when you run away like this?”
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she said, but somewhere her words didn’t make me feel any sympathy for her. She was also the reason for Kiara to leave.
“I am fine, Rihanna,” I said, pulling away from her as I glanced at Alejandro who was staring at me blankly. I need to compose myself. I can’t let her rejection consume me to depression. I have always been a strong alpha, and that is how it would be…
“How is Alpha Eric?” I asked.
“He is doing okay, Killian. Your blood and Kiara’s together worked on him, and he was able to fight with the poison,” Alejandro said and glanced at Rihanna, who still hasn’t separated from me. And it is irritating me to the point that I would burst out on her. Still, I kept my composure. I had to talk to her.
“As soon as he gets his consciousness back, do tell me,” I said, and he nodded his head. I looked at Lucia “You were telling something?” I asked, but her eyes first went to Rihanna, then she shook her head and went away.
“Rihanna, could you please give me a minute? I need to talk to Alejandro,” I said again, pulling her hand off my biceps.
When I was left alone with Alejandro. I took a seat, head in my hands. What should I do
“What will you tell Alpha Eric when he gets conscious and looks for Rihanna?” He asked, taking a seat in front of me. He takes a bottle of whiskey from the shelf, pouring the content into the glass and sliding it to me. I hurriedly took it and gulped it down in one.
Yes dad would be another problem if he got to know about her rejecting me and leaving the pack. But if…. If the Blood Moon pack is responsible for his condition then they have made a grave mistake.
“Isn’t she the one who rejected me,” I said, glaring at him.
“Weren’t you the one who always wanted this? Killian, how could you be so blind that
didn’t see her worth? She is the best you have got. And you let a single mistake take over your anger and you destroyed everything. The matter could be settled in a talking way. Why do you have to fight with Aiden,” he yelled. And I sighed I wanted to do that, but I was not thinking at that time. I was already angry at Kiara for poisoning Rihanna, so I let my anger pour on Aiden.
“Find how my father reached his order. Dig up everything. I want to clear everything off right now,” I ordered..
“And take Jessica into a dungeon and lock her for at least two weeks there without giving her food and water,” I said, pouring myself another drink.
Chapter 23
“Why? What did she do?” He asked. I sighed, knowing that if I told him the truth, he would yell at me for not believing in my mate.
I took a deep breath before I said, “It was all planned, Alejandro. Kiara didn’t poison. Rihanna. It was her plan so I could give her attention,” I said.
“What? How could they even do such a thing? I have been telling you to believe in her, but you never listen,” he said, crossing his arm around his chest. I sighed but didn’t reply to him. Taking my silence as an answer, he got up and went out. I heard the commotion outside my office, but I don’t have any will to intervene and stop.
I was known for my c
I have always been strict with my pack. It was Kiara who always gave them mere punishment. It is not even a day, and I have already started to
think about her.
I had emptied two bottles of vodkas when Rihanna burst into my office. “Killian, please don’t punish Jessica. She didn’t do anything. If you want to punish anyone, it should be me,” she said.
“Yeah, you are right. I would mind-link Alejandro to take you to the dungeons as well,” I muttered, ignoring her presence as I was a boring hole in the wall.
“What?” She asked in disbelief. It was in the past when I used to hide every one of her deeds, but now I wouldn’t do such a thing
“Killian, how can you do this to me?”
“If I didn’t punish you, then my pack members would think I am bias sed. The punishment is to serve everyone equally,” I growled at her. And soon, her tears started pouring out.
“Then you should punish Alpha Aiden and the Blood Moon pack too, For what they did. to Alpha Eric.”
“What? Please don’t tell lies to me,”
“No, Killian I wouldn’t. I was searching for you when I stumbled into her room, wanting to apologise for my mistake, but I overheard them talking about how they wanted to use you only for her pack safety. But now that you started to doubt them, she considered it more important to reject you.”
“No… this cannot be!” my wolf growled in anger. Was this Kiara’s plan all along? Did she use me for my title, to protect her pack?
“Well if she thinks she can use me to protect her pack… then I should show her the wrath of the Alpha King!”

Chapter 24
Kiara POV
“Don’t worry, Kiara, I know you tried so hard to save the pack. But you have to run. You are not alone anymore, think about your child,” She said as she continued driving. We have reached half the way to the lake house.
“If the situation doesn’t settle, we will pack our things and reside in a new pack. I know a few of them, or if they didn’t accept us, we can change our documents. Don’t worry.”
But I turned deaf ears to her. How can I live with this pain that my pack faces this war only because of me? I don’t know if I can see my parents again. I don’t even get them to meet my child and they are taken away from me and I have only one solution and that is to run away?
This sudden hurricane in my life is making me feel pathetic. I couldn’t do anything. I felt like my hands were bound. I was caged in silver because I was feeling burning in my heart right now. I was shut off by my mate. I have left my pack to face the fate which I decided for myself. Could I even be able to live with these things?
The car stopped at the lake house. The screeching of ties on the road pulled me out of the thoughts. Grandma hurriedly went inside the house and started to pack her things. My things are already in the car. I stood there contemplating.
I was praying to every goddess to just help me pull me out of this unwanted situation. I was getting weaker the more I think. It is draining my energy. I was feeling like running back to the pack to fight with them, for them, even if I had to face the same fate.
The hatred for Killian was growing with each passing minute. I cursed at the moon. goddess to give me a mate who didn’t care for me, for my pack. I had given everything. to his pack. And he returned the favour to me with negligence,
The sun had set by the time we reached the lake house, and the temperature had started to drop. The chilliness in the air made me shiver. My hand went to my stomach as I closed my eyes. A tear escaped my eyes. I made up my mind that I will return to the pack.
“Grandma, wait!” I called out her name when I saw her putting the bags in the car.
“I can’t leave them to die, not now. They are my family, my pack. We have to go back there, we have to help them out,” I begged.
“Kiara, have you lost your da mn mind? If we return there, there would be no chance for you to survive; they would kill you. I know dear you are worried for them but you have to live. You have to survive this mess,” She reassured, her grip on my shoulder trying to give me confidence and assurance.
Chapter 21
“Grandma, please let’s go back to the pack. Let’s help them,” I cried as more tears flooded through my eyes.
“Shhh…” she said, making me close my mouth. Her face scrolled and sooner her eyes widened in shock. I wasn’t able to understand this…
Just then, howls echoed through the woods. How the heck did they find out I was here? No one knows about this house. That is why Grandma prefers this place. It was a hidden place…
“How’d they get here so da mn fast?” Grandma exclaimed. And I was losing all my hope. After losing my wolf I couldn’t do anything and hearing from a distance is one of those. So I don’t really understand whom she was talking about?
“Run, Kiara! Run fast and don’t look back. Just keep yourself safe,” She urged, hands pushing me away to the opposite of woods as we heard the howls and running footsteps. coming closer.
A chilling terror creeps down my spine. My grandmother hugged me one last time. Her eyes filled with tears as she held my face in her hand. Kissing my forehead one last time “take care of yourself,” she whispered softly. But I still stood there.
“Go!” she shouted this time, as she shifted into a shining grey wolf who glistened in the light of the moon and ran into the forest. I ran to the opposite side.
My heart raced as the adrenaline kicked in. The forest was thick, and I could hear the wolves gaining on me. Grandma’s warning was still echoing in my ears, but I couldn’t shake off the worry for her. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting eerie shadows. The air surrounding me felt thick.
I pushed myself harder…
1 scanned the dark forest while I secretly prayed that whatever I was thinking would be wrong… The sound of claws scraping the trees reverberates in the silence of the night.
As I ran through the forest I looked back to see if I was being followed or not?
My tears blurred my vision, but I had to run. Soon enough, the sound of wolf paws hitting the ground reached my ears, running towards my direction.
I was in human form and I wasn’t able to run anymore than that. The speed compared. to them for me is slow. I knew they would reach me…..
As the forest gave way to the edge of a cliff, I skidded to a stop. Turning, I saw three wolves advancing, low growls rumbling from their throats. I took a step back, and they mirrored me, their eyes locked on mine.
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Chapter 21
They corner me at the edge of the cliff. One more step, and I’d be free-falling. They hesitated, almost like they mind-linked each other because they were not taking any steps towards me. They didn’t even shift into their human form for me to know what their faces looked like.
I knew running wasn’t an option. My hands went to my stomach as I apologised to my baby. I closed my eyes and let myself flow. I jumped from the cliff, I wondered if this was the end or…..

Chapter 25
I sat by the window, gazing out at the forest and lake that stretched out like a giant carpet around the mansion. It was so peaceful. I sit in tranquillity as I remember about the crazy journey that brought me here. My life took a huge U-turn giving me another chance. A chance that I hadn’t expected at all was given to me. To live….
“Kiara!” A strong and dominant Alpha voice reached my ears as I heard the back door open and I turned around to look at Aries. The head alpha of the Blood Stone Pack.
There he stood, chest bare, shirtless and flexing his hard muscles. His arm and chest were inked with tattoos. His joggers were hanging low, giving me an eyeful of that V- line. I rolled my eyes at his bizarreness. I bet if the pack female wolves would be here they would be drooling by now.
His long black hair was still damp, and I could tell he and his pack members just back from a hunt… with my…
Alpha Aries was the one who saved me. That night, when I took a jump off the cliff, I thought this might be the end of me. He showed up… like a light in the darkness. That is what he is for me.
He and his pack member were swimming in the lake and enjoying their time after hunting. And I was found near the shore like a mysterious package. And he took me in by giving me a roof above my head.
The Blood Stone Pack, a pack which I never knew existed. It is just across the lake and many don’t even know it existed. As much as I had studied from the books and the meeting which I attended with him….. This pack was never mentioned. For me, it is an unknown pack isolated from every other pack.
So, it was a small pack consisting of only five thousand members. When Aries found me they were the ones who took me in, treated me up. And I woke two weeks later only to meet with grey eyes that were so similar to that of Killian. But it wasn’t him….
I started renewing from this pack. Aries saw some potential in me, especially my skills, I was a Luna and together we decided to expand his pack. He had always idolised this plan… And I was here just to return him the favour for saving me. We started forming alliances with other packs which are not under Madcrest… And I hope to never meet him again. That is why I always try to run from it.
Aries played the frontman- the face of the pack- while I was the secret who was always there to back him up. But all the protocols, rules and meetings were held through me
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Chapter 25
When I was in my last month of giving birth to my twins. Yes, twins, I was pregnant with two children, Hanna, and Ryker… They are making me stronger.
I still wonder why Killian didn’t accept the rejection… Because I was dead for him and for my pack too, a few members who survived the attack from the Rogue King. After getting better I wanted to go back to them but from what courage I would face them. For running away?
Aries had found that they were doing better not so much because in the war mom and dad were sacrificed. Aiden is doing fine on his own and that is what matters to me. Four years ago I lost everything: my mate who betrayed me, my parents and my
grandmother who sacrificed themselves for me.
That dark past had changed me a lot. And that includes my emotions too. I just only love my children. I am living for them only. I had closed all the doors of love from my heart not wanting anybody to enter.
Aries didn’t say anything to me but I could see in his eyes how much he wanted me. But I had shut everyone out after what happened to me in the past. If I don’t give a person a chance or reason to hurt me. I won’t be disappointed.
Before I could dwell more into my past, the air filled with laughter, the delightful sound of little feet racing on the wooden floor. Their tiny footsteps echoed towards me, and just that alone brought a huge grin to my face.
Thank you, Moon Goddess. Thank you for blessing me with these two munchkins. Thank you for giving me a taste of the love a mother holds in her heart.
“Mummy!” A little voice ran through the corridors as I shut the laptop off giving one. last email to the pack which needed my attention. There are many sick people in his pack. And they don’t have any doctors. So I decided to give them a little help.
“Mummy look, I beat Aries again,” Ryker said and puffed out his little chest. I laughed looking at Aries who was busy with Hanna playing with her.
“That’s amazing so what did you win this time?” I asked as I stared at a similar pair of
grey eyes.
Both Ryker and Hanna adapted my burgundy hair but the features are so similar to him… Hanna has a splitting image of me and Ryker has a splitting image of him…
“He let you
win so that you won’t be disappointed,” Hanna said as she jumped off Aries’s lap and ran towards me. I stretched out my hand as they both came and hugged me.
I laughed as Hanna stuck her tongue out at her brother. Teasing him and a beautiful
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Chapter 25
little scorn settled on Ryker’s features. She always likes to tease his brother knowing how little patience he has and gets angry every minute.
“No, he is not,” Ryker said as he looked at me before continuing “I beat him this time,” He said before nodding his little head agreeing with his own statement.
“Yeah! Yeah! You won. Now tell me what you wanted?” Aries said and walked towards me leaving a little to no space as his eyes stared at my son. Ryker’s little fingers scratch his chin as he thought of things he could ask Aries.
Aries has always been protective towards them.
I laughed at his reaction. My heart danced with joy, overwhelmed by the sheer love I had for them. Every day, I get up, they are the reasons I keep breathing. The reason I’m still living. They are my everything, my great love. Mine only.
Hanna whispered in his ears everything they could eat. She has a sweet tooth. Desserts, chocolate, late-night sleeping, hiking, camping just outside the mansion… And Aries. and I looked at each other knowing very well that they are just two little naughty kids.
But in Ryker’s eyes, something else shines. My mischievous one. I still have a huge grin on my face but it fell sooner when I heard his next sentence.
“I want to go outside this pack, go to the lake house mummy always talks about and want to meet my uncle,” he said. And my smile fell. I gulped as I thought of avoiding this.
I was very clear to them where I came from. How much love did I get from my parents? From Aiden and from my pack. Because somewhere that pack still belongs to me. And they always wanted to go and meet them but I don’t want that.
Seeing me silent, Aries tried to change the subject. He knew about my past. I told him everything, why didn’t I?
He has always been with me, helping me raise these troublemakers from day one. Every step of the way, he’s been there- even during the birth of them. Just when I thought I had nothing left, he kept me going.
“Okay, who wants to drink chocolate milkshakes?” Aries asks changing the subject, knowing perfectly how much they like it. And that too made from his hand. Both of them jumped excitedly, forgetting the things Ryker just asked me before.
“So go to the kitchen and take the ingredients out. We all are making it together and whoever reached the kitchen first. They will get more cuddles tonight,” he said.
“Yeah!” they shouted in union running towards the kitchen direction.
Chapter 25
“Kids not so loud,” I called forward to the two munchkins.
I let out a sigh, the kind that comes from deep within. When they’re out of sight, I peel away the warmth- the soft exterior I save just for my kids. It’s like the mask I put on every single day, shielding the hate from what’s really beneath.
“Everything alright?” Aries shoots me a concerned look as my gaze lingers in the direction my children went away. I am well aware that Ryker, deep down, has always yearned to uncover his roots. He sensed he didn’t quite fit into the puzzle here. He might not have all the official status yet, but sooner or later, he’s gonna start questioning why he feels different.
How far can I keep dodging his question? Ryker’s one-of-a-kind, destined to be the alpha king, and there’s no escaping the truth. One of these days, I’m gonna have to tell him. But not now. When he’s ready to handle the weight of it all, that’s when I’ll have to come clean….

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 9-15

Chapter 9
Kiara POV
Four days later
I didn’t leave my room. I was hoping for Killian to come and talk to me and clear things out. But he never came. It was Jessica who eventually informed me that today they had. gone to the Crescent Moon Pack to settle the matter. It is most likely behind the Alpha Eric missing, Alpha Alexander was behind it. I don’t know their history but it was rumoured that Alexander hated Killian and the reason behind that is still unknown….
I secluded myself within the four walls of my room. Every moment felt like an eternity as I struggled with my thoughts. I still couldn’t get that image out of my mind. Tears welled up in my whenever the memory resurfaced. The next morning, Killian had come to make it clear that I had to apologise for my behaviour toward Rihanna.
Is he listening to himself? It was clear that I couldn’t win his trust, and I was nothing but dust in front of Rihanna. His cruel and harsh words still echoed in my head.
“I know you didn’t, do this on-purpose jealousy got over you, thinking that I and Rihanna had something in the past. But if you apologise to her, then I can forget about this,” His harsh ignorant words still rang in my ears. Apologies to that vicious woman. No. Never. He seemed to believe every word she said without questioning her actions. It was as if my feelings and concerns meant nothing in his eyes.
I wanted to make a fuss about him kissing her but after listening to those words I thought it would be a futile attempt. He would never feel that I was hurt by his actions.
I couldn’t bring myself to eat, my heart was breaking, stealing away any desire for food. So all those missing nights where I didn’t sleep a wink expecting him to come to me he has been sharing those nights with her? Go d knows what they were doing he didn’t mark me so I don’t feel that heart-twisting pain if he had done something intimate with her but the bond was still there and it is making my wolf feel unwanted, undesired and rejected.
‘Kiara, you need to eat. You don’t look well, and it is not about you anymore- it’s about the baby,” Lucia’s soft voice broke through my thoughts. In front of me a tray had been set on a small bed table, the food untouched. As soon as she said those words I immediately looked up at her. How did she know?
“How did you find out?” I managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper. I struggled to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. I hadn’t talked to Killian about this yet, and I didn’t want the news to spread among the pack members before he knew. What if he no longer cared? What if he didn’t want it? There are many what-ifs and I don’t have any single answer for what-ifs.
Chapter 9
“Alejandro told me. He asked me to take care of you. He didn’t trust anyone else here in the alpha house and what happened that night I think he did a good job to inform me of that,” she explained gently.
“But I felt very bad, Kiara, you should have told me such big news by yourself. I thought we were friends,” Lucia whispered softly and it was clear enough that this hurt her.
“I’m sorry, Lucia. I should have told you myself. It’s just… It’s a big thing, and I wanted to talk to Killian first. He doesn’t know yet that I’m carrying his pup,” I whispered in a small voice trying to reason. She smiled lightly, nodding her head as she understood my feelings. I was grateful to have her support.
“So Alpha too didn’t know and Alejandro got to know first?”
“He was with me when Eve broke the news and I told them it is best for them to let me share this news with Killian but it looks like Alejandro broke his promise I had to punish him,”
“Yes, Let’s scare him, I want to see his face when you do this to him, I like seeing him so docile in front of you,” she said and we both laughed. At least I’ve someone in here who looks after me and trusts me. Alejandro and Lucia. They both never let me down.
“Kiara, can you tell me what really happened that night? Rihanna has been telling everyone in the pack that you pushed her, painting herself as the victim, trying to gain. sympathy from the members,” she asked me as she settled beside me on the bed.
“Lucia, you know I wouldn’t do that. She fell on her own, and when I went to talk to Killian about it, it was… too late” I hesitated before ending, the pain in my chest. reappearing. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about the betrayal I had seen- Killian kissing Rihanna. She continued to stare at me, waiting for me to continue. A knock at the door broke our talk. I heaved a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to tell her that.
The door opened and Eve walked inside greeting me with a warm smile, “Hello, Kiara. Since you haven’t come to the hospital to let me check you up I thought I would
pay you the visit before going to look for Rihanna,”
“Why are you visiting Rihanna?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh! She mentioned that she hadn’t been feeling well for the past few days. I thought I’d check on her,” Eve replied. My brows furrowed slightly at her words. Is she ill?
“You’ve lost weight Kiara since the last time I visited you,” she said as she started examining me. “I am not very hungry,” I replied in a cut-short manner.
“You must make a concerted effort to eat more Kiara. The baby will merely drain you of additional nutrients. The baby will suffer if you do not eat,
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Chapter 9
“Whose baby will suffer? Is anyone pregnant?” Rihanna’s voice suddenly echoed from the doorway of my bedroom. My heart leapt to my throat as she smoothly put on that crookedly innocent expression. I sucked in a sharp breath, mind-linking Eve not to tell her anything. We all three look at each other. Her eyes lingered on my stomach before they shifted to Lucia.
“Lucia, I thought that you didn’t even get a chance to meet your mate yet, and now you are carrying someone else’s child? Your mate wouldn’t be too thrilled after hearing this,” she chimed, a cruel amusement dancing in her voice. This is not right. If she spreads these false rumours that will tarnish Lucia’s reputation as much as I don’t want to say but I can’t let this happen. I gulped before saying.
“Don’t, Kiara. Let her think that I am pregnant. I don’t trust this bi tch, Lucia urgently mind links me.
‘How can I just let it be, Lucia? She would make fun of you in front of the entire pack. It’s not right for your future mate. And I would not let this happen.
‘No Kaira don’t,
Lucia, I understand your concern, but I am strong enough to take care of myself and old enough to know what I am doing and I won’t let her game succeed,
“I am pregnant, Rihanna,” And oh how her smile flattered for a moment, her eyes. widening in genuine surprise before she quickly masked her emotion with a practised smile.
“Well, well, congratulations then, I am happy for you,” she said sweetly, though I found. a flicker of something darker in her gaze. From her face, it is clear that she is not happy
at all.

Chapter 10
Killian POV
The journey to the Crescent Moon pack felt like a hazy blur, and I couldn’t focus on anything. My mind was trapped in a loop, replaying the same scene over and over like a glitchy film reel.
My head feels clouded, and nothing is making any sense right now. It’s almost as if I’m listening to everything through a thick glass.
I’ve run my fingers through my hair a thousand times and even now. Alejandro and Austin were silent beside me. The whole ride they had exchanged each other’s side glances and I knew they were definitely talking through mind-link.
I couldn’t hold back my frustration any longer. “For f uck’s sake, just say whatever you both wanted to say out loud. Because if you both keep staring at each other or talking through a mind link, I might throw both of you out of my car,” I grumbled irritably, my patience wearing thin..
Alejandro is my best friend. We practically grew up together. My father was always busy giving his pack his loyalty, and when my mother got sick and I had nowhere to find solace, Alejandro and Rihanna were the ones who stood by my side and helped me cope with when she….
And when my father thought of assigning me as the next alpha, I immediately chose him as my beta. He had always been the one to do whatever I gave him, and he never disappointed me.
On the other hand, Austin is younger than us, making him give me more respect, so he always thought before speaking to me. But he had a sweet spot for Kiara, as she was there with them when his and Lucia’s parents got killed during a rogue attack.
“Killian, don’t you think you should be listening to your mates rather than your ex- lover?” Alejandro’s voice cut through the tension.
I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale in frustration. I let out a sigh. “Even if I agree with you and listen to my mate, it would not change the fact that I saw Kiara push Rihanna,” I retorted back.
“But there is no logical reason for Kiara to push Rihanna. Why would she do that?”
“No sh it, Sherlock, she was jealous, still thinking that what we used to have is ongoing till now. She is feeling that Rihanna is coming in between us and she is taking all the attention from me and I didn’t make her Luna,” I said the same thing that Rihanna had been saying for the past four days and till now I still couldn’t believe that. If Kiara wanted to make a fuss about it she wouldn’t be so quiet about it.
Chapter 10
She is bold and strong, with whatever she wants she gets it with her determination. She is stubborn and persistent. But I don’t know about her jealousy though I haven’t clarified anything related to my past with Rihanna. I don’t see that I had to do that; it’s not like she loved me or I loved her. This arrangement is clear from the beginning.
“Is this Kiara’s side of the story or Rihanna’s?” Austin asked this time he was lower than usual.
“Kaira is saying the same thing- that she didn’t do that. I had asked her to apologise to Rihanna. If she had done that she should just say sorry and the matter would just end right then and there,”
“Killian I don’t really think that Kiara could hurt her out of jealousy. She is the most blessed soul I have ever come across and I knew she wouldn’t do that. It must be you have seen it differently or perhaps mistaken it,” Alejandro said.
His words still repeated in my mind. Did I interpret that scene in the wrong way? I had seen her pushing Rihanna. Even if I did she should give a genuine reason aside for only saying one thing over and over again.
And that kiss was so sudden that I had to yell at Rihanna. I can look after her, it could be like a friend, and I made her Luna, not because I wanted something back from her, like wanting her to be with me again.
After that kiss, I was about to go back to Kiara. I don’t find Rihanna’s company any more pleasing. My wolf was always on the edge. If I hadn’t controlled him, he would. have ripped Rihanna’s head by now for touching me without my permission. But I am still questioning why I am feeling like this. What has changed in these three years? Why don’t I find Rihanna pleased anymore?
“We are here,” Austin’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. My Mercedes Benz stopped in front of the Crescent Moon territory gate. A guard of Crescent Moon walked towards the driver’s seat as Alejandro rolled down the window halfway.
“We are here to meet Alpha Alexander,” Alejandro declared with an authoritative edge. in his voice. His sharp, strong voice was enough to show that he belonged to the Mad Crest Pack and the position he was entitled to. However, it looks like the guard on duty was the perfect reflection of their alpha- utterly clueless, and worse insufferably foolish and dumb.
“Got an appointment with Alpha Alexander, do ya? Our alpha isn’t available to just meet anyone who shows up at the border, claiming they wanna meet him,” the other guard. hurled back, his words bathed with arrogance. I raised an eyebrow, controlling my wolf’s agitation beneath the surface.
Alejandro glanced in my direction, and I nodded my head. He lowered the window further down, and both the guards froze as if they were struck by lightning. Their eyes
Chapter 10
widened like a saucer, as they immediately lowered their heads in respect. After all, I am the king.
“W-We are sorry Alpha King. We didn’t know that it was your car. We are sorry,” both guards bowed many times to me. “Open the gate! The king is here!” one of the guards shouted and the gate swung open for us to pass. Alejandro shifted the gear of the car, guiding the car into their territory.
“I told you to put our pack logo on the front of the car, Alejandro grumbled at Austin, his annoyance clear in his voice.

Chapter 11
Killian POV
The road was covered by the darkness, the towering trees casting unreal shadow over the path as we drove closer to the pack house. The light from the pack house shone strongly in the dark. And it only became stronger the closer we got and soon we found ourselves in front of the big mansion.
Alejandro parked the car, and I could see Alpha Alexander and a few of his men and guards waiting outside the mansion. Alejandro was the first to go out of the car, followed by Austin. After making sure that everything was clear, Alejandro nodded his head for me to come.
Two more cars pulled up behind mine, and five men came out from each car. Cyrus, my third-in-command, Delta, had driven the car right behind mine. He came over to me followed by the rest of my most trusted men and warriors. I had chosen them. exactly because they were all deadly and they were people I knew I could trust with my life. If something bad happened at least I have enough mens with me to counterattack
“Alpha King Killian!” Alpha Alexander shouted a little too excitedly for my liking as he saw us coming closer to the mansion. I glanced around the mansion as my men were alert, so no harm could be done to me.
He went down the stairs and greeted me. Alpha Alexander is something that ba st ard still thinks that he can act all docile and innocent in front of me only to stab me in the back. I nodded my head and shook his hand a little too hard.
“Welcome to my humble home,” he said as we entered the mansion and made our way to the hall. I took a seat on the coach as Alejandro, Austin, and Cyrus stood behind me, and Alexander settled in the armchair across from me.
I still couldn’t understand his hatred towards me. I knew when it all started. Once in a while, the main pack holds combats for soon to be alpha heirs, and like my father, I wanted to become a powerful one. I, too, took part in that Alpha combat. That was where I met Alexander. He was younger than me by two or three years, and he had all that alpha arrogance in him, which didn’t take a whisk for me to defeat him.
I think that hurted his pride more than it should have because all others gave me respect for being a Lycan King, but he took it a little too personally. But I still think there’s something more to add towards his hatred….
“The sudden news of your visit quite took me off guard. What do I own your pleasure. for?” He asked. I greeted my teeth, controlling my wolf to not break his neck.
Chapter 11
“Where the f uck is Alpha Eric?” A growl tumbled from my chest. He looked a little. confused before, as usual, his face wore a smug grin which I hated to my core.
“He had left the pack four months ago, right after we settled with clauses and signed the peace treaty with Macrest pack, Alpha King.”
“And you thi
you think I would believe you? He hadn’t come back to the pack, Alexander. He hadn’t replied to any of our mails and not to mention that you’re doing the same thing. You know I am not a patient person. Tell me where he is, or else I’ll find a way to get the truth out of you,” I warned.
“I knew you would never believe me,” he said before looking at his beta mind-linking him, who went inside and brought back a folder and gave it to Alejandro, who went through the pages. He dropped down, giving it to me to see, which holds my father’s signatures, and the date was mentioned, which is exactly four months ago.
“Now, do you believe me or still want to rip my throat out for a crime I didn’t commit?” his voice laced with taunt.
“What do we do now, Killian? I guess it’s a waste of time coming here, Alejandro’s mind- linked me. If Alpha Eric had truly left the pack, why hadn’t he returned? Something didn’t add up.
“Still, I would like to inspect the whole pack houses, I commanded. My eyes fixed on Alexander to observe any indifferent actions, but he nodded his head.
“Beta Cedric, take some of our guards and accompany the king’s men for a thorough inspection of the pack house,”
‘Don’t miss any houses, Alejandro. I don’t trust this ba stard,’ I commanded who nodded his head and went with others for inspection.
“Would you like something to drink, King?” Alexander offered, moving towards the bar which was situated right next to the living room. My eyes remained fixed on him as he poured two glasses of Glen Carn Mor- as if the strong liquor would affect me. He walked towards me, handing me a glass.
“I don’t know what game you are playing, Alexander. But if I find out you’re behind hist disappearance, not even your pleas will save you from my anger,” I stated.
“You still don’t trust me, huh? I was younger back then, Alpha King. You can’t blame me for that mistake a small boy made. I have no intention of making an enemy out of you, especially when I am in need of a strong ally,” he replied, taking a sip of his drink. While his words made sense, there was something in his attitude that didn’t sit right
with me.
“As much as you still find me as your enemy, Alpha Eric was the one who came to me to
Chapter II
sign the peace treaty; don’t you want to know regarding his visit? How long had he stayed here? What did he do all those months?” he added.
“What do you mean by that? The smaller pack had to form an ally with me; it is either this or a war. There’s no other option than this,”
“Are you sure this is the reason for him to gather as many packs as they could, or is there another reason for that?”
“Don’t play with words and get to the point, Alexander,”
‘Alpha King, we have searched the entire pack houses; Alpha Eric is not here,’ Austin’s voice rang through the mind-linked. I greeted my teeth.
“You have a spy in your pack, King. She was always with you like a shadow, seeing your every move and waiting to destroy you, but she was just a pawn in the big game, which has just started because you don’t even know what is coming for the future.”
My brows knitted as anger surged through my veins. What the hell is he talking about?
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” I growled, I was only minutes away to rip his throat.
“I don’t know who she is?” he replied, “As I overheard Alpha Eric talking to someone how he found a spy in his pack and he knew something was going to happen in the near future that is the reason for him to form strong allies that if in future attack happens then your pack would be able to protect yourselves.”
That is too much of the information to grasp. Is he really telling the truth? How can I believe him? Who knows, he is trying to deceive me?
“Do you know that you can be punished for giving false information?” I still am not ready to believe him. Not until I look into the matter with my own eyes. But first I have to find whom he is talking about?
“Alpha King, why would I even try to deceive you? What would I gain in all this? I just
the information which you didn’t know as a loyal friend to you,” Before I could ask him more about the door open and my mens with his mens came inside. My eyes. darted to Alejandor who shook his head indicating that he is not here as well.

Chapter 12
Killian POV
I didn’t stay there any longer. I didn’t have any reason to stay in that pack and waste any more of my time. We climbed back into our cars, ready to return to my pack. It took us two days to go back and forth.
Stress nagged at me like a persistent itch, and I needed a moment alone to collect my thoughts. It then occurred to me- I had a spy in my pack, and we hadn’t even realised it until now and my father knew about this and didn’t share this with me. Why?
“Alexander said I have a spy in my pack. He too doesn’t know who she is, but he overheard Alpha Eric talking about her,” I revealed, breaking the icy silence that had settled in the car.
Alejandro and Austin’s eyes widened in shock at this information. “That can’t be Killian.. No one would dare to do this. How?”
“I don’t know and what’s worse, I have no idea who this spy might be,”
“Have you suspected anyone in particular? Someone you find suspicious?”
No one would try to deceive his or her pack if they were found the punishment is worse. than banishment. It was only the death for the one who deceived his or her pack and it was in a most brutal way if it was found to be done in the Madcrest pack. I will not spare
“Are there any additional members to the pack that I didn’t know about?” I asked Alejandro.
“I doubt it, but I’ll double-check once we return to the pack,” Alejandro responded. As our car crossed the pack’s border, a wave of relief washed over me. Alejandro parked near the mansion, and I made my way to my office. I needed to give my wolf some rest, as well as find some clarity amidst the chaos swirling in my mind.
“Killian don’t worry we will find him,” that was what those last words Alejandro assured me. But I know it was not easy to find him when we don’t know how many secrets he has been hiding from me.
The next morning in my office, Alejandro and Austin entered to brief me about the new additions to our pack. However to our surprise, since my marriage to Kiara, there had been no newcomers. My father had issued an order to keep outsiders out of the pack, offering them homes in our allied packs instead.
Chapter 12
“Now, what are we going to do? This situation is slipping out of our hands, Killian. We need to inform the elders about Alpha Eric’s missing.” Alejandro suggested. I sank into. my chair, trying to look for any clue that might lead us to the spy.
“Alpha King, are you sure you want to trust Alexander’s words? What if he is trying to deceive us?” Austin questioned.
“That’s been on my mind as well. But why would he lie to me? He wouldn’t gain anything from it,” I said, massaging my temples. My mind was clouded; it felt like I could not think straight.
“Austin, inform the elders and councils that we need a meeting as soon as possible,” I ordered Austin as he nodded his head and went out.
I let out a sigh and clicked my shoulders blades to relieve some of my tensed muscles. “Killian, why don’t you go and get some rest? I will contact Cyrus and send them to all our allied packs with guards to talk to alphas,” he suggested. I nodded in agreement.
ice swung open, :
Just as I was about to take a break, the door to my Elder Simon walked in. Dealing with him so early in the morning was not what I had in mind. Don’t get it in a wrong way after my father I had always looked up to him.
But sometimes he gets on my nerves.
“Alpha Eric is missing, and you didn’t inform us.” That was the first thing Elders Simon questioned.
“Elder Simon, we only discovered this yesterday. We are looking for him,” Alejandro. answered.
“What have you found so far?”
“Besides the fact that we had a spy in the pack, nothing. Elder Simon, you were close to my father, why didn’t he share this with you? He had known this for a few months and still kept us in the dark,” I asked, my patience was hanging by the thin thread that could break any minute and I won’t regret it..
What is the reason for Alpha Eric to hide this huge thing?
Although he wasn’t the pack’s beta when my father was Alpha, he had a strong bond. with my father and should have been informed about such critical matters.
Betrayal of this magnitude was a crucial issue that should have been shared with council or elders of the pack. Knowing that he is taking a risk of the six lakhs pack. members.
“You know how your father has become after your mother is gone…… He started to
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isolate himself from us. But now that you know that we have a spy in the pack, find her and punish her…”
“If I knew who she was, do you think I would be sitting here and waiting. I would have. her by the throat for stabbing me in the back,” I growled in frustration.
“What actions are we going to take right now?”
“We are looking into the matter as soon as we got caught the spy we can then figure out where my father is and why are they trying to deceive us,”
The door burst open again, and Jessica rushed inside, followed by Austin who was trying to hold her back.
“I hope you have a very good reason for barging into your Alpha’s office and disrespecting me like that, Jessica. What happened?” I asked, my brows furrowed as I looked at the pair who seemed to be somewhat scared.
“It is nothing, Alpha. It is a mistake. Jessica, let’s go we..” Austin told me, trying to grab. Jessica’s arm as if he wanted to pull her out of the room.
“Alpha, Luna is in danger,” she said, and all the blood drained from my face. Kiara is in trouble. I ran in the direction of her room, fear gripping me. A few days ago, she had fainted, and every negative thought started to bang in my head.
I had neglected her. What if her condition had worsened, and she needed my
I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to her. My wolf paced within me, desperate to see her. As I reached for her bedroom doorknob, Jessica’s voice stopped. me in my path.
“Alpha, it’s not Kiara who is in danger, it’s Rihanna…” Jessica said as all the other three looked at me.

Chapter 13
Killian POV
“She was poisoned,” Eve muttered as she read Rihanna’s report while Rihanna was in bed. Her face looks pale and weak. Her lips were dried. I sat beside her holding her hand.
All were present in the room, and Elder Simon shot me an accusing glare. I had made at da mn promise to him that I’d protect her. Whatever c rap had happened to her in her older pack could be blamed on my old man, but what the hell was happening here on my watch is more frustrating. Because it was happening right under my nose.
“Are you da mn sure, Eve?” The question hung in the air. I was angry. Who the hell could do this to her?
“Yeah, Alpha,” Eve replied. “Her blood had traces of poison and it seems like she’s had it in her for over a week. It wasn’t even wolfbane, this stuff was sneakier to even pinpoint.”
“Who the hell would poison their own pack’s member Eve thinks before saying bulls hit. We all know Rihanna moreover Alpha Eric had already swore to us not to harm our own members,” Alejandro burst out, his brows knitted in anger and confusion.
“Did something happen to you when I was not here?” I asked Rihanna, her eyes. drooping as she wetted her dried lips. Looking at her like this made my heart. crumpled. She didn’t say anything, just rested her head on my chest.
I was furious that the spy
all my wolf wanted was to see Kiara and to ensure if
too late? Even in the midsted to pull off whatever the hell she wanted. Was I
she was okay or not? In all these, I forget that she was also on target.
She was my f ucking fated mate an easy target for that da mn spy bi tch to make me lose my control over everything. I clenched my teeth, vowing to make that spy pay the moment I got my hands on her. I can’t let her harm Kiara.
“So, what the heck is that thing that is poisoning my granddaughter, Eve? And Alpha Killian, is this your Alpha King’s blood-sworn promise to look after her? I should have thought twice before entrusting her to you. You’re no different from your father,” Elder Simon hissed through his gritted teeth. He stood beside her, rubbing her back in a reassuring manner.
I bit my tongue, knowing that arguing with him would not solve anything right now. I had to find that da mn spy first. The room fell into an odd silence, and all looked worried for her. But then, Eve dropped a bombshell with her next words.
“That poison is similar to wolfsbane but as wolfsbane is easy to find this poison can’t be found that easily,” Eve explained.
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“It is a silverbane leaf. About this leaf only a few people know about this stuff. ’cause it ain’t easily available and no ordinary wolf can identify that plant in the wild.” She added.
“Only a doctor can identify those plants.” She added.
“And Rihanna had been calling me many times before to check up on her as she had told me that she was not feeling well. That time I had her blood tested but the reports came this morning only Alpha.
It was too much information to grab. I felt like I was a weak alpha who couldn’t even look after its pack members’ safety.
“So where the hell do you find those da mn leaves, or whatever the hell that is? How could it even be smuggled in my pack right under my nose?” I roared, but before Eve could answer, Jessica cut in between.
“It was easy to find near the southern hills Alpha.”
“From where our ex-Luna Kaira Westwood belongs.”
Kiara POV
That morning, I had to practically drag myself out of bed. I was determined to visit Eve at the hospital. I needed to check on the progress of my pup. I couldn’t stand living like a poor rejected omega. I mean, let’s be real. I wasn’t even close to being in that category.
After Rihanna’s dramatic exit from the room that day. Lucia had made it abundantly clear that I had to spill the beans to Killian as soon as he returned to the pack.
The anticipation was eating me up from the inside. Somewhere deep inside me. I knew Killian wouldn’t throw me aside. He couldn’t reject his heir. right! After all, we were destined mates, and whatever Rihanna had played house in the past with him was not going to happen in reality… we’d built together.
I was sure he would be over the moon upon hearing the news. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit but still… We would finally live like the fated mate, and he would mark me… I want to bear his mark.
I stepped out of the room and I knew he had returned home. I can feel his aura in the surroundings but something felt off.
I wanted to go straight to his office, but a warrior came rushing towards me.
“Luna.” I turned to look at him. “There was an accident in the training field. One of the teenage warriors injured himself. Doctor Eve isn’t at the hospital to attend to it. We’ve
Chapter 13
been trying to mind-link her, but she’s not responding. Could you please check up on him?”
I sighed. It seems like my big news would have to wait a bit longer. The pack members. continued to call me Luna and they addressed the same title to Rihanna. They had too; it was the order given by their Alpha King. They can’t go against this order even if they
want to.
I still have to look at every important matter. If Rihanna advises any new changes which she wants to happen inside the pack, the protocol first goes through me once I agree to the terms then it is decided to follow.
I might know the reason because I have seen her ordering the members around here and treating them like sla ves. She treats everyone like she is not only Luna of the pack but also Killian’s mate.
I headed in the direction of the hospital, which was not far from the mansion.
A seventeen-year-old boy was sitting on the chair. He had a cut on his arm which I knew was from silver blades. I still don’t understand why Killian is persistent for them. to fight with silver-coated weapons for training. Maybe that’s what made our pack one of the top fighters in the game. No one stood before us.
I walked to the young warrior, I pulled a pair of gloves from a side table and slipped them on. As I examine his wound. It is not dangerous but wolves are susceptible to silver and his wolf is not even present to heal itself a little quickly.
After cleaning his wound and a few stitches I was done.
“Thank you, Luna,” He muttered a small thank you before leaving the room. I peeled off the used gloves and tossed them into a nearby trash can. Waiting here for Eve seemed like the best use of my time, so I settled into her office.
Sinking into the plush couch situated right next to the door, I pulled out my phone. Only to see ten missed calls from my brother, Aiden Westwood. I hadn’t spoken to my family since the ceremony day.
They had initially planned to attend my ceremony but ended up cancelling as Mom and Dad were on a world tour after passing down his pack responsibility to my younger brother, Aiden. Part of me was glad they hadn’t witnessed the unfairness I faced at the hands of my own mate within the pack.
They are not going to take this matter lightly. Mostly Aiden, he was always protective towards me.
Seeing all those missed calls was not giving me a good feeling. What if Aiden has gotten wind of the news by now that I am not the Luna of the pack. My family loved me, and if
Chapter 13
they came to know about this unjustness my family wouldn’t keep quiet.
I hurriedly called his number, and he picked up after just two rings.
“Kiara! I don’t know how this happened, but this morning, my beta came with the news that a wolf was found injured on our border. When we reached the border, we only to see it was Alpha Eric,” And all of his remaining words hung up in the air, as my heart was pounding loudly in my chest.
“And he is not in good condition,”

Chapter 14
Kiara POV
My heart is drumming inside my chest. I had to find Killian and tell him about Alpha Eric’s condition. Aiden does not sound good. He was clearly panicking. Of Course, why wouldn’t he find an alpha of the most powerful pack this brutally tortured is something not taken so lightly. I don’t know how Killian would react to this news.
I was well aware that his relationship with his father was not in good condition. Far from the supportive or secure outlet of unconditional love as the relationship with my parents. But he was his only family…
I had asked Aiden about Alpha Eric’s condition but he was not able to tell anything. We were already in crisis with the medical ground and the doctor of our pack went to another pack and no one was there to clearly tell me about his condition.
They are already rushing here, but it would still take some time for them to reach here. I was on the stairs, my thoughts were mixed up in worry, and I paid no attention to my surroundings. When I stumbled on something rock-hard. I don’t have to look up to know whom I ran into. His scent was enough for me to know.
I was about to lose my steps. He was quick to grab me from my waist holding me otherwise I would be lying down and could have injured myself.
“Ki… “I looked up but before I could even tell him about his father’s condition. He cuts in with his angry growl.
“How could you do this, Kiara?” he growled, in disappointment and anger. I glanced past him and saw Alejandro and Austin standing there, their faces wore a mix of shock and concern. I glance up at him. There’s coldness in his eyes as he looks into mine. But this time the hatred could be seen very clearly.
“Just because I didn’t make you the Luna of the pack, you would try to kill Rihanna just to take Luna’s position..” he said with disgust dripping in his voice. But for me, I was still processing what he was talking about. Me, trying to kill Rihanna?
“I- I don’t understand Killian,” I frowned in confusion. Trying to comprehend the situation. Alejandro stood beside Killian. His eyes are somewhat guilty.
“Killian, it might be a mistake. We hadn’t…” Alejandro was quick to intervene.
“Shut up, Alejandro. This is a matter of my pack members’ safety. Rihanna is my family, and I won’t let anything happen to her, not again,” Killian words cut through the air like a knife and at that moment, something shattered inside my chest.
Am I not his family? Did I ever mean anything to him? I am his fated mate, for
Chapter 14
goodness’ sake. When will he ever recognise my worth in his life?
“What are you talking about Killian, why would I poison her,” I asked, desperately trying to make him see the reason.
“Because she has now become Luna of the pack and you are nothing here. You are jealous of her, so you thought, let’s get her out of the way. Why would you do that to her, Kiara? She is innocent. Why can’t you just let her be here with me, Kiara? She is not destroying anything which was not here, to begin with,” He growled at my face.
His last sentence was like a dagger through my heart, a cruel blow that cut deep. I had given my all to him, and in return, I received only his cold, hatred-filled words.
The belief he held in Rihanna twisted my gut. How could he even think that I would kill someone in such a merciless and calculated manner?
By now we have gathered a crowd, the staff and some of the pack members watching in shocked disbelief at their alpha’s uncharacteristic behaviour. He had always been stern. and powerful, yes. But never cold and ruthless towards me.
All these years staying with him he didn’t lose his temper towards me. But just after the return on Rihanna’s would make him an alpha out of character.
As much as I wanted to keep my composure in front of him I couldn’t. I lost it. My anger. I will not stand here listening to all his false accusations thrown at me.
“How can you accuse me of something like this, Killian? I would never do that. I would never stoop so low for the position…” my voice broke a little, and I struggled to form sentences to invoice them to him.
“Enough! I don’t want to hear anything from you,” he cut in.
“No, you have to,” I shouted back at him. I had enough of him and his so-called friend. I will not take any more of his hatred towards me. He had pointed a finger at my character, and I will make sure that this will be the last fight we had…
“I don’t even know what you are talking about. Why would I poison Rihanna? On what grounds are you accusing me?” I implored, my voice trembling.
“We don’t need any grounds or evidence, Kiara Westwood. That silverbane is a very rare poison to find, and it was only present near the region you belong to. And you still have the guts to deny it,” Elder Simon’s vicious words cut through the air making my heart sink, his words weighing heavily upon me.
He was right in a way that the silverbane is a rare plant, found only in my region. It was the deadliest of plants, and even a tiny amount of it could be enough to kill any werewolf. But how could it get here?
Chapter 14
“Elder Simon, I swear I didn’t do anything to your granddaughter,”
“We will find out about that. Killian, what are you doing standing there for? Search her room look for bane prove you are worthy for keeping the promise,”
At that moment, I turned to Killian, my gaze filled with desperation for him to understand, to trust me.
“Austin, search her room to look for the silver bane that Eve talked about,” He growled at Austin and the warriors. The room takes on a heavy atmosphere as he stands before me, his dark aura swirling around as a threatening reminder of who is in charge here.
But that would not budge me. I too was angry, hurt and moreover felt betrayed. It hurts to know that even after all these years I wasn’t able to win over his trust.
The warriors, however, didn’t move from their positions. And I knew they had a deep
trust in me.
“Now!” Killian’s alpha voice roared through the room, compelling them to follow his alpha command.
The warrior wasted no time and headed in the direction of our room. Suddenly, a hot hand wrapped around my arm. I looked up to see Killian looking at me without any emotions. It was insane, but even in a moment like this, the mate bond was still making me feel a spark from where his hands touched my skin.
It was sickening how the Goddess could play with our emotions like this, making us feel these sensations even in a situation like this. And I could tell that he felt it too, as he loosened his grip slightly, but only to ensure that I listened to him properly.
“She had already faced so many difficulties in the past, Kiara and I won’t let this slide if I get to know that you are behind this. Mate or not, is bigger than my pack’s safety,” by saying this he dragged me to our room.
As soon as I enter the room my belongings are tossed to the floor. Every item in that room held deep emotional meaning in my life. Though Killian never loved me, this was once our safe place. The only room in the mansion which I decorated through love.
My heart grew heavier with each passing minute as I witnessed the wreckage of the life. I had so carefully built.
The warrior tosses and turns the room upside down, but they still can’t find what they are looking for. One of the warriors came and stood in front of Killian, his face looked. down not wanting to make eye contact with me.
“Alpha, we didn’t find anything in Luna’s room,” the warrior said. Killian turned towards. me, his grip on me tightening, causing pain to shoot through me.
Chapter 11
“Tell me, Kiara, where are those da mn banes? If you tell me the truth, the punishment would be less severe in comparison to what I’ll do to you if I find out the truth myself,”
I had taken enough of him. No, not anymore.
“I didn’t have anything. I don’t even know what you are talking about Killian,”
“Enough, Killian! Enough about her. Everything was going well before she entered our lives but now look at the mess we are in. I didn’t poison her. I would never do that. And I think the search you just did a few minutes ago should have been enough to prove to you that I am innocent,” I shouted at him.
Something flickers in those red eyes as he tries to control his alpha anger. He turns to leave the room but not before ordering the warriors to lock me inside the room.
“You can’t do this to me.” I rushed wanting to go near the bedroom door but he already locked it.
“I can, and I will. You are still not proven innocent, Kiara. Consider yourself lucky that I have shown some restraint. Otherwise, you would be locked in the silver cage in the dungeon,” he said before closing the door, leaving me alone in the room.

Chapter 15
Killian POV
The heaviness of today’s events kept me confined to my office, refusing me to leave. I still don’t want to believe that Kiara would do any harm to Rihanna. But what Eve said is right that bane is closest to the southern region. But how the hell was it smuggled
I was already on the edge with the spy in my pack and now this. Would I ever live in peace?
All the things are weighing me down, and my wolf is giving me silent treatment after what I did to Kiara. He was pis sed that I did not trust Kiara. How the hell was I supposed to, with all the d amn evidence present right in front of my eyes?
“But that doesn’t mean for you to lock her in the room and humiliate her in front of the pack, My wolf growled at me. I sighed and blocked him out for a moment. I don’t want to talk to anybody right now.
That is when Alejandro suddenly barged into my office.
“Killian, do you even know what the hell you are doing? How can you just lock Kiara inside the room? How could you even blame her for something this big?” He angrily threw questions at me.
“Didn’t you hear what Eve said? I did what was right. She was still not proven innocent, so she had to stay locked up inside the room,” I responded in a cold and detached tone. I still don’t understand why my pack members trust her more than their alpha orders.
“Because she is innocent, for the love of the goddess, Killian! She is your mate. Have some trust in her. And out of all people, you didn’t believe your mate? Eve may be wrong….” he said, his tone laced with disbelief.
“What Eve said was enough for me to believe in her words. She was my pack member,” I defended myself. She was my pack member. Of course, I will trust her more than my wife who doesn’t even belong here.
What if Kiara really hurt Rihanna? Did Alejandro forget the push she did to Rihanna a few days ago?
“Do you truly believe she is capable of such a thing? We are talking about Kiara here, Killian. She has been ruling by your side all these years and she didn’t hurt anyone even though she had always helped others,” Alejandro shot me a piercing glare.
y silent in this. H o
was right. She had always shown respect to my pack members. Never in these three years of being Luna had I heard any complaint from the members
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Chapter 15
about her but they praised her capabilities.
“I really prayed, Killian, that when you got to know about the truth you would regret everything you did to her. If you thought that both of you could fool me then it is
wrong. I know the perfect couple act she played with you, was just only for the alliance,” He confesses, making my eyes grow wider in shock.
Yes, we had played a perfect role, acted like a truly mated couple in front of the pack, all so my father would hand me the position that should have been rightfully mine. But hell, I soon got so indulged in the game that I too didn’t know when I started to enjoy all that attention she gave me.
The moment she entered my pack we flourished in everything.
“Do I have to remind you whom you are talking to Alejandro? I am the alpha and I make the rules here so just keep your mouth shut and follow my orders,” I busted out at him. He raises an eyebrow at me. He is angry, but his wolf won’t allow him to disrespect me- the alpha- any further.
“If you so much believed in her then find evidence, bring them to me and prove she is innocent,” I growled at him.
“I will,” He said before storming out of the room.
Kiara POV
I don’t remember how many hours have passed but no one had come to ask me anything. I hadn’t eaten anything and I started to feel a little weak. Because of all this drama, I wasn’t able to tell Killian about his father. And I knew Aiden would be here in a
few hours.
But what hurt most was my mate not believing in me. His accusing words still resonate. in my ears. A sudden knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I quickly wiped my tears strained cheeks. I don’t want anyone to see me in my weakest state.
“Kiara, I brought something for you to eat,” Alejandro said softly, keeping the tray in front of the table. I hurriedly got out of the bed, running towards the door.
“Alejandro, I had to talk to Killian. I need to,” I pleaded, wanting to go out of the room when his hand grabbed my arm to prevent me.
“Kiara, I am sorry, but you can’t leave the room. Killian hasn’t allowed you out of the
I sneaked in with the food. If he got to know that we would be in big trouble,” He
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Chapter 15.
“No, Alejandro, I must talk to him. I got a call from Aiden this morning. I was on the way to tell him but then this happened,” I rushed to explain to him.
“Hey,” he gently put his grip on my arm. “Tell me slowly. What are you talking about?”
1 took a deep breath before continuing. “Aiden told me that he had found Alpha Eric near the border of the pack, injured,” I said and all the colours drained from his face.
“He was rushing here. We had to tell him about it,” I said, freeing myself from his grip.
As I rushed out, a warrior burst into my room, panic etched across his face.
“Beta Alejandro comes outside fast Alpha….”
“Alpha King and Alpha Aiden are fighting in the yard. You need to come quick,” he said. We both looked at each other before I ran into the courtyard. I find Aiden on the ground, with a swollen eye and bleeding at the corner of his mouth.
I rush to his side and turn to see Killain readying for another punch.
“Don’t you dare touch my brother, Killian!” I growled, the protective instincts surging within me when I saw my husband assault my family.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 3-8

Chapter 3

Kiara POV

Just then, a familiar voice breaks through my thoughts. “Why are you sitting here all alone?” I glanced up only to find Lucia. She wears a stunning purple bodycon dress that features her curves, her presence emits confidence. Beside her was her twin brother, Austin. The gamma and third in command of the pack.

“Good to see you, Luna. The arrangement is up to the member’s liking. Everybody is praising you,” Austin greeted me as he took a seat beside his sister. He was accompanied by his mate, Jessica. Who greeted me with a smile.

I tried to divert my attention, focusing on the conversations around me, but my eyes kept returning to them. Their closeness, the way she leaned into him, it all felt like a betrayal, even though he had never promised me anything more than an arranged partnership. But seeing your mate with other women hurts.

“What’s she doing here? When did she return?” Lucia and Austin asked at the same time when their eyes went in the direction of them standing together. So she is related to this pack, but where was she all this time? Because, as far as I know, in three years I haven’t heard of her or seen her.

“Do you know her?” I couldn’t help but ask Lucia, seeing her grimace expression on her face, but as soon as I asked her this, her face turned into pity. She glanced at Austin.

“She is Alpha King’s best friend. Alpha Killian, Rihanna, and Beta Alejandro have been together forever since they were children.” Austin said, and I felt like a fool because I hadn’t heard anything from Killian; not even his beta, Alejandro, bothered mentioning about her.

“But that’s not the case. She always tries to act like Luna before you come to the pack. She thought that she was going to be Luna. But the fated bonds can’t be broken. When she got to know that Alpha King had met his mate and was going to get married to you. She reluctantly left the pack.” Lucia said it bitterly, showing it in her face.

“She is a bitch.” Lucia added sipping her wine. And I couldn’t help but feel a little endangered by her presence. I shook my head. Maybe she was here to see Killian’s coronation. I mean, they’re best friends, right? She couldn’t have come with any other feelings.

“Okay, that’s enough; she’s a guest here in our pack; Let’s not say something like this. Maybe she was here to attend the Alpha King’s coronation.” I tried to reason, but it felt like I was lying to myself. My wolf didn’t like her at all. She senses her coldness and nastiness.

“I hope so, Kiara. I really hope so,” Lucia whispered quietly, but I heard it clearly. My wolf paced inside my mind as I watched Killian, for the first time in my life, get closer to any other woman.

The grand Pack Council Hall is adorned with banners and filled with pack members, their eyes fixed on the ceremonial stage. Alpha Eric was still not present here. And I don’t comprehend this mixed uncertain feeling. He had told me to arrange the event, and his absence made me feel a little scared….

Elder Simon, one of the council members and oldest in the pack, took a position beside Killian. We are all silent to watch as the scene unfolds because that place should be acquired by Alpha Eric. Murmures were heard inside the grand hall, but Killian’s intense gaze at them was enough for them to stay quiet.

Elder Simon cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the members, saying, “Welcome all. Today, we gathered to witness a historic moment in our Madcrest pack’s history. And it’s sad news for us that Alpha Eric wasn’t able to attend this ceremony because he was still busy with the other matters.” More murmurs accompanied.

“BUT we’ve got to hold this ceremony,” He said a little loudly “After years of service and dedication. Alpha King Killian had proven his power and made the Macrest pack one of the ruling packs. Now it’s time for him to finally sit in his position as the Alpha King,” he took a pause and glanced towards me, “and Luna to rise and take their respective titles and positions.” Elder Simon’s voice booms in the hall. The pack members shouted with anticipation. He raises his hand and commands silence.

“Alpha King Killian, you have grown into a remarkable Alpha. Because of the absence of Alpha Eric, I pass down the mantle of leadership to you with confidence and pride. Lead our pack with strength, compassion, and the spirit of unity.” Elder Simon said this and raised his hand.

Killian’s chest swells with pride as he grasps Simon’s hand, a symbol of the passing of leadership. The pack members erupt in applause, their approval and support echoing throughout the hall.

His eyes met mine, and something flickered in those eyes—hatred—which made me more distant from him. The pack members quiet down, anticipating the next declaration. My heart is thumping with excitement and nervousness.

Elder Simon glanced at me and turned to the pack members. He cleared his throat. “Now it’s time for Luna to join the pack.”

Before he could say anything, Killian stepped forward. His dominant aura was enough for the pack members to bow to him. But for me, it didn’t affect me much. The power of fate mates.

“I have carefully considered the options and have come to a difficult decision. It is my duty to announce that the new Luna of our pack shall be…” Killian said this and paused for a moment. My pulse quickens as I await the order that will confirm my place as Luna.

I took a deep breath, my confidence wavering slightly, but I felt a warm hand as Lucia encouraged me to walk to the podium. I rose from my seat, ready to walk, when his next command voice froze me in place.

“Rihana, granddaughter of the elder Simon.” He said. I stopped without taking any further steps. I look at Rihana, who stands up gracefully and walks to the podium, standing beside Killian. Who held his hand out for her to take. And for me, everything around me shattered into pieces.

There was silence, as pack members as well as I were too confused to understand what happened here. Elder Simon was the first to cheer, and pack members followed. This is the most humiliating thing that has happened in history.

“Kiara,” Lucia whispered. I stood there frozen, unable to say a word. Oppose or ask, What the actual fuck happened here? But I was not going to let them see my vulnerability. I act in such a way that this decision is already known to me.

The event went on. Nobody said anything related to this sudden change of the Luna of the pack; the position that was rightfully mine was given to a girl whom I had just seen. I saw that Killian was not going to say or even reason about this change without my notice. I stood up and walked out of the hall.

“Kiara? Wait! Where are you going? Do you know about all this?” Lucia came rushing toward me. And I silently prayed to the moon goddess to not let me break in front of her.

I tried everything in all those three years to let pack members believe that everything was good between their Alpha and me.

“L-Lucia, I want to be alone for a while. I’m not feeling well. You should go back and enjoy the event. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” After saying this, I rushed to the stairs to go to our room. Closing the door and dropping down on my knees. Crying my heart out.

Chapter 4

Kiara POV

The next morning came like a foggy haze, as I felt too drained to process any emotions. I had cried myself to sleep, waiting for Killian to return to the room, but all my hopes had faded away to nothingness. But I remember slumbered off on the floor, when did I end up back in bed? And moreover, my clothes have changed. I was wearing only a long white shirt that barely covered my butt which I usually wear at night. Did Killian change my clothes?

I glanced around the room, and although Killian wasn’t there, his lingering scent told me he had come during the night, slept beside me, and then resumed his duties as usual in the morning. It was his typical routine he followed with punctiliousness, never missing a beat.

After freshening up and dressing, I had only one destination in mind—to confront Killian. He had hurt my pride. I may be weak but not for my mate to step on me and behave like last night never happened.

The night’s events remained a blur, and I couldn’t comprehend what had driven Killian to act in such a way. Had I not fulfilled my duties perfectly? What could have caused him to make such a significant decision without consulting me? Like if he had ever done it.

As I stood before his office door, ready to knock, Alejandro’s voice caught my attention, causing me to hesitate.

“What was the reason to go to such an extent, Killian?” He asked, and hearing his voice it was enough for me to know that he was also disappointed by this sudden change. He had a good relationship with me. We started as friends, and he put his faith in my every decision. As much as he is Beta for Killian, he has given me the exact same treatment. I never questioned his loyalty towards me.

“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, Alejandro. Care to clarify?” Killian’s alpha voice echoed in the room, brimming with power that revealed that he was not pleased with the question.

“You appointed Rihanna as the Luna of the pack without discussing anything with Kiara. She had no knowledge of this sudden change. What you did last night is unacceptable, especially to someone who puts her duties, the pack and you before everything,” Alejandro stated firmly, unyielding in the face of Killian’s anger.

“If she didn’t behave like she knew about all this, you would be in front of councils and ministries giving them answers,” He added.

I knew I shouldn’t be listening to this. No. Eavesdropping on your own mate is the worst thing I’ve done in my life, but I needed to know the reason behind his actions.

“Are you saying that everything I wish to do in my own pack has to be discussed with her?” Killian growled, his fury evident. He was more than just angry; something deeper seemed to fuel his frustration. By staying beside him, I’ve learned to read him. It was my only option to understand him when he didn’t talk to me.

“Yes, because she is rightfully the Luna of the pack and your mate, Killian,” Alejandro reasoned without backing out.

“I know what I’m doing, Alejandro. You don’t have to worry about that. What’s done is done, and there’s no going back,” Killian replied, his voice unwavering.

“I thought that finding your mate would be enough for you to forget about Rihanna,” Alejandro said, and my body shuddered at the mention of her name. Forget about her? My wolf growled inside, unsettled by the confession.

“You’re not going to reject her, are you, Killian? We’ve been friends since childhood, and I know your feelings towards Rihanna. For god sake, everyone in the pack knows. But I thought they would fade once you found your mate, Kiara is your mate,” Alejandro’s voice echoed in the room, filled with concern.

“It’s a sin to reject your mate, Killian. You’re not going to do that, are you?”

The word “reject” sent shivers down my spine. I’ve seen oh I heard tales where alpha usually reject their mate and go to stay with their chosen one. Ignoring the pain, agony and humiliation the rejected one bear. The Moon Goddess becomes so angry with this chosen mate that after a few years, the curse follows the one who rejects his or her mate….

It was clear that Killian never truly loved me, and the fragile bond between us could break at any moment if he had any feelings for Rihanna. Was she the reason he couldn’t love me?

“I know, goddamn it. I won’t reject her. She is my mate, and that’s how it’s going to be. But you’re not seeing the reason why I did this,” Killian replied, his frustration evident.

“Then show me the reason, Killian. Before being your beta, I’m your friend, and I would understand you,” Alejandro implored.

But before Killian could respond, a shrill voice interrupted, making my heart race with fear. Rihanna’s voice filled the lobby, and I couldn’t move, frozen in place. How long had she been standing there? I eavesdropped on their conversation, and now she has seen me doing this. I was embarrassed.

“Kiara, why are you standing outside? Are you here to meet Alpha Killian too?” her voice rang out like a banshee, making me feel small and insignificant. When did she arrive? Killian’s office door burst open, and his expression turned from shock to anger as he saw me standing there.

His brows twitched in anger which I know because of me. But as soon as his eyes met Rihanna his expression changed. And I felt a pinch inside my heart. My eyes went down. This hurt actually.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Kiara. I’m Rihanna, Killian’s childhood friend. We didn’t get a chance to meet when you came to the pack. I had to leave immediately because of some personal reasons. But I heard a lot about you,” Rihanna said, her excitement too much for my liking. Killian’s eyes were fixed on her, and he had one of those smitten smiles on his face that made me feel invisible and unimportant.

“Yeah, really and I haven’t heard a thing about you,” I interjected, my words causing her smile to vanish instantly. The tension in the room was thick and clear, and I knew my response wasn’t well-received by either of them.

Rihanna’s eyes scrutinised me from head to toe, making me feel uncomfortable and inadequate beside her. Her outfit was a black t-shirt showing her cleavage, tight jeans featuring her wide hips and high heels. While I felt plain and unremarkable in my baggy t-shirt and black leggings.

“Do you need something, Rihanna?” Killian finally asked, ignoring me, his mate who had been standing right in front of his door, unnoticed for who knows how long. Who could’ve heard something? I was never on his priority list. Never will be.

I was stunned, unable to find my voice. She had returned—the girl whom I never knew Killian loved had returned. I stared, feeling like an outsider in my own pack as she hugged him and greeted him with a good morning with a kiss on his cheek, like Isn’t it going way too far to call them a best friend, igniting a fire of jealousy and pain inside me.

“Killian, you’ve put a huge responsibility on me. I had to look at the file to understand the progress of the pack. I was not here for three years….” She said this as they both walked inside the door. Killian looked at me one last time before following her inside.

Alejandro glanced between us. His green eyes went back and forth between us before he sighed. He grabbed my arm and made me walk out of that horrible place. Because I felt like my legs were too frozen to do anything.

I felt jaded; the colour of my face faded, as for my wolf, she was seeking bloodshed. She was pacing back and forth in my mind, demanding that I take action on this. But would I get answers even if I asked him?

Chapter 5

Kaira POV

Alejandro’s steady support on my arm never left me, and I felt my head spinning with the weight of everything that had come to light in just one night. It was like a hurricane had swept through my life, leaving me in a state of disarray.

“You should rest, Luna. You don’t look well. Do you want to go to the doctor Eve, or should I call her here to check up on you?” His concern was evident in his voice as he gently guided me to sit on one of the plush couches in my room.

A frustrated and bitter laugh escaped my lips on its own when I heard him still calling me Luna. “I think you should change the way you address me, Alejandro. I was stripped of that position last night.” I said, my voice laced with resentment.

He let out a sigh before sitting beside me, “Kiara, I know what Killian did to you is unforgivable, and I know you had no knowledge related to this change in position, and if you believe me, I don’t either. That was until I saw Rihanna last night.”

“Where was she all these years? Why didn’t anybody share this with me?” I asked, feeling like a fool.

“Alpha Eric had made sure that she didn’t stay in the pack when he found out that you were Alpha Killian’s mate. Some of us know that he is too weak for her,” Alejandro explained. That reason still didn’t snuff out my curiosity for her to be here.

“And where is Alpha Eric? I didn’t get any calls from him. He didn’t come last night to attend the coronation,” I continued because if he was present here this wouldn’t have happened to me. He always looked after me when I entered this pack. Now he just vanished into thin air. And as far as I don’t want to think about it, all events didn’t fit well.

“He has informed us that the things he is dealing with are going to take a little more of his time. As for the changes, he didn’t know about them, but we’ll have to inform him. Then he’ll decide what’s going to happen in the future,” he said. What’s more important is that- What he’s doing and still hasn’t finished it yet. It’s been like six months or more since he went to the Crescent Moon Pack.

“Anyways, I would not overthink what you just saw. I know that Killian wants you. You had created a secure place inside his heart, Kiara. Maybe he still has feelings for Rihanna, but he would not leave you. He is just feeling guilty towards her,” Alejandro said.

“Why is he feeling guilty?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Rihanna was banished from the pack by Alpha Eric. She was lucky that one of our smaller packs took her in at the order of Killian, but Alpha Eric never wanted her in the pack to return,” Alejandro disclosed. That was something I didn’t know; actually, I didn’t know anything about their relationship. But why was she banished from the pack?

Banishment is a harsh punishment and usually, no one is allowed to make any communication with them. But Killian ignored that rule and even brought her back to our pack and appointed her as Luna. What is he actually thinking?

“Banished? Then why is she here? Lucia didn’t say that she was banished from the pack. She mentioned that she left the pack.”

“As I said, only a few of us know that she was banished.” he reasoned.

I was about to ask the reason for her banishment when the bedroom door opened and Killian walked in. The moment his eyes landed on Alejandro and me sitting close, a growl escaped from his throat.

Alejandro was quick enough to stand up. I rolled my eyes at his behaviour. What with this sudden possessiveness? Just a few minutes ago, he had his arms wrapped around another girl’s waist.

I didn’t want him near me, so I decided to leave the room, but Killian’s firm grip on my wrist stopped me. I looked up at him, his eyes flickering between enchanting stormy grey and angry amber-red. As if he is controlling his wolf so he doesn’t kill anyone. And I couldn’t help but wonder, who did he want to protect or attack, Alejandro or me?

“Rihanna is now staying here with us in the Alpha house,” He said. I stared at him, not knowing if I had a say in this or not because it felt more like an order than a request or piece of information.

“Didn’t Pack’s guest house have enough space for her?” I questioned. I wanted to take back my words, but I couldn’t because they had already reached his ears. I will not back down from him or from her.

“I’m not asking you, Kiara; I’m telling you,” he asserted. Yes, that’s what I thought.

“Okay.” I reluctantly nodded my head. Emotions swirling inside me.

“And she needed someone to help her understand the pack’s development. Many things have changed since I took the reins. And I don’t have time to spare. You have to help her,” he stated nonchalantly as if it was just a simple task. But it ignited a fire inside me. How could he ask his fated mate to look after his ex-lover? What did he take me for?

“I thought you appointed her as Luna, you know she is eligible for the title,” I said.

“Kiara,” my name rolled off his lips in a sensual way but I know he always calls me like this. “This is an order from your mate and most importantly as the alpha of the pack. I would choose whomever I want to get the title. You are my mate and you’ve to idly follow and stand beside me.” He ordered.

That’s when a sudden dizziness overcame me, and this time it was so overwhelming that I lost my balance. I was about to fall flat on the floor when Killian’s quick reflexes kicked in, and he caught me around the waist.

“Kiara!” Alejandro’s concerned voice reached my ears, and I found myself resting on Killian’s shoulder for a few moments.

“Kiara, are you all right?” Killian asked, his voice filled with panic, and I couldn’t help but feel a relief wash over me—at least he cared about my well-being.

“Alejandro calls the pack doctor. Hurry.” He ordered as he scooped me up into his arms and laid me gently on the bed. What is happening to me? This feeling is very new to me. And I couldn’t pinpoint it.

“Kaira, look at me.” He said softly, and my eyes immediately went to him. His grey eyes were soft and filled with concern. I wanted to speak with him, but I couldn’t get any words out right now. He stared at me like he wanted to read me. It was always like this some of the time he stared as if he was reading me.

“Kiara, what happened to you? I just saw Alejandro rushing out of the room,” Again, that shrill voice broke this moment. And I closed my eyes. My hands balled into tight fists, controlling my wolf so she wouldn’t go crazy and hunt her down.

“Oh, did I disturb you guys?” She asked with her so-called sweet voice. And Killian put distance between us. Her eyes hurt as if she was the one who was his mate and not the other way around.

“I’ll come back later. Take some rest,” She said it hurriedly, her voice breaking slightly as if she had caught her mate cheating on someone else. Killian looked at me and then at her before following her, leaving me alone again.

Chapter 6

Kiara POV

After an hour, the door to my bedroom creaked open, and I glanced to see Eve, the doctor of the pack and Alejandro entering. I was about to get up from the bed, but as soon as I took a step, I again felt dizzy and found myself reaching for the bedside to support my trembling body. Eve and Alejandro were quick to reach me and make me lie down on the bed.

“This looks bad. I heard from Alejandro that you fainted. Are you okay?” Eve asked concern etched on her face as she took the medical briefcase from Alejandro and placed it beside the bed. I winced as she spoke. By now, I think the whole pack knows.

“I don’t know, but it’s been happening for quite a few days. I- I feel weak like my energy is draining, sometimes I desire to eat things which I don’t like at all and I think I’ve gained a little weight,” I admitted, rubbing my throbbing head.

“You should have had yourself checked when it first started, Luna. You’re too careless about your health,” Eve scolded gently. As she pulls out the stethoscope from her medical bag and places it on my chest to hear my heart rate and lungs. Then she lightly grabbed my hand to check on my pulse with a critical eye.

“Please lie down comfortably on the bed,” she instructed, and I complied, as she checked my abdomen. I feel a mix of discomfort and curiosity about what might be causing my condition.

“You’re quite careless to call yourself a student in medicine and herbs, Luna,” Eve said lightly as she continued her examination. She put the device in her bag. But from her face, she didn’t look the least bit concerned, and her eyes shone with an odd sense of happiness that confused me.

I looked confused at her. I didn’t quite understand what she was talking about. Yes, I was a medical student before I married Killian, but I had to put it on hold because everything was so sudden and Alpha Eric wanted me to come to the pack sooner. So I decided to continue my studies here, but then I had to attend a meeting with Killian and look after the pack with him. I didn’t get a chance to complete it.

“I don’t understand Eve,” I said.

“Didn’t your wolf tell you about this? I mean, she would be the first one to sense the changes in your body, Luna,” she said, her brows knitting together. Okay, now my heart has started to beat like a gallop. Am I dying or what?

‘Erica, what is she talking about?’ I asked my wolf, who only slumped her head, not responding to me. And I started to get irritated by her referring to me as Luna; didn’t she come here last night to know that I’m not Luna now?

“Can’t we just skip the honorific because it’s now making me uncomfortable?” I said, and her frown deepened.

“Why, I’ll be punished if I don’t address you by your name. I don’t want Alpha to come to my head.” She tried to lighten the aura, but it only deepened. I growled because yes, now everything around me started to be more stressful for me and my wolf, who was bound to a single thread so we both wouldn’t go crazy.

“What? Am I missing something? Did I say something wrong?” She asked as she looked at Alejandro.

“Kaira is not a Luna, now; that position was given to Rihanna last night.”

“When did she return to the pack?” but before Alejandro could answer, I growled loudly enough for them to understand that they had to stop talking about this. At least, not in front of me.

“Could you please tell me what’s happening to me, Eve? What am I dying now?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest loudly.

“What? No, no, Lu… Sorry Kiara. You’re not dying,” Eve assured me with a small smile.


“Alejandro, I wanted to talk to Kiara alone.”

“No, I could not do that because it’s the alpha’s order to stay with her and not leave her for a second,” Alejandro said. So now he is caring. I could not help but tsk inside my mind. Wasn’t he the one who left me here to follow his ex-lover like a kicked puppy?

“How’s your and Alpha’s sexual intimacy nowadays?” She asked, and my eyes widened. As for my cheeks, they started to feel hot, and I bet that they would be red by now. Alejandro coughed, looking around the room, trying to blend in, invincible himself.

She waited for my answer, but I couldn’t form one. How could I say that we are not the lovey-dovey couples the pack members think? We hadn’t gotten physically intimate for the past two months? The burden of duty had been heavy on his shoulders as he worked hard to form a treaty with small packs and strengthen the Madcrest pack.

So I decided to shut my mouth and not answer her question. But her next word shook me to the core.

“You’re pregnant, Kiara. It should be around eight weeks. I’m not sure, as I would suggest you come to the packs clinic for a clear examination. But I am 100% sure you’re pregnant,”

And the news hit me like a splash of cold water. What? I couldn’t believe it. My eyes started to glisten with tears. I’m pregnant with his pup. I had totally forgotten that night. Two months ago, Killian and I had visited Red Bound Pack for the alliance. Killian got so drunk while celebrating their joint treaty that night. I decided to come to our assigned guest room before him.

I stayed in my room, uncomfortable and anxious, as I waited for him to return. When he finally came back, he was so drunk and angry. Lycans had a high tolerance for alcohol, but that night, he had been strangely affected after only two drinks. I remember us sharing a deep, passionate night together as if he wanted to claim me to let everyone know I belonged to him alone.

But in the morning, he said he had no memory of it. It broke my heart, and since then, he has been distant, putting a huge emotional and physical distance between us.

“And I think Alpha has the right to know about you carrying his children,” Eve suggested, pulling me back to the present. Panic surged through me, and I immediately knew that I wasn’t ready for him to know, not yet. If he wanted me to carry his children, it would have happened before, but he was always cautious during all our previous sexual encounters. That night was a mistake, a big one, and I am sure he is not going to take this news as a happy one, not after Rihanna returns.

“No!” I shouted, catching both of them off guard. I quickly composed myself and added politely, “I mean, I’ll share this good news with him.” They seemed reluctant at first, but they eventually agreed to respect my decision.


Chapter 7
Killian POV
“Can I come in? I hope I’m not disturbing you,” Rihanna peeked into my office, smiling so brightly. She still looked as beautiful as ever. I thought that when Rihanna returned, I’d be overjoyed, but now, I feel nothing for her. What’s happening to me?
“You don’t have to ask every time, Rihanna. You’re welcome anytime now,” I managed a smile, though it felt forced.
“No, Killian, you’re a married man now. I can’t just barge in. What if you’re with your mate?” Her teasing tone made me growl involuntarily. My wolf didn’t like her mentioning Kiara. Rihanna seemed hurt by my reaction, but I suppressed the guilt. rising inside. She’s been through a lot since my father banished her from the pack three
years ago.
Maybe it’s guilt that’s making me feel this way. A pang of guilt that she had to go through all those mistreatment because of me.
“How’s your training going? Did Kiara teach you everything about the pack?” I asked as I rifled through my drawer, searching for paperwork related to the Crescent Moon Pack.
My father hasn’t been responding to our messages, and I don’t want to think otherwise but the alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, Alpha Alexander, is a bit notorious and he hates me. But I still couldn’t grasp why the father was so persistent in forming an alliance with him. It’s not like we need them; if anything, they need us.
“Killian, please don’t get angry with me but I think Kiara doesn’t like me. I know I shouldn’t be saying this but she always treats me coldly. She said that she doesn’t me in the pack and near you,” She said in a small voice, her voice breaking trying to hide her s obs. I was taken aback by her confession. Did she really treat her this harshly? I couldn’t believe that.
I arched an eyebrow at her. My wolf was not pleased with the way she said this, “Rihanna, I assure you that it’s not like that. She is the most mature woman I came across in my time,”
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I-I was trying to befriend her so that we could work together but…”
Before she could complain any further I growled “I said it would be a
misunderstanding.” Her eyes widened. I sighed before adding, “I will talk to her,” She nodded her head..
Her hand landed on my shoulder. I fought to control Khan, my wolf, who was growing restless by her touch. Is the bond with Kiara really this strong? Now, I am not able to
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Chapter 7
bear any other touch. The one I’ve yearned to touch is right in front of me, but I don’t feel anything for her anymore.
“Killian, you need to relax. You’re under so much pressure. Maybe you need a break,” she whispered seductively, her fingers inching towards my neck touching the bare area. In the past, this would have led us to be intimate, but now, I just feel numb.
“Rihanna, not now. I’m really not in the mood. I already have too much on my plate. You should go and take some rest,” I said nonchalantly, and again, her eyes welled up. Not again. But without saying anything she nodded and headed for the door, but before she could leave, I caught her hand. This is not the right way to treat her. I called her name aiming to stop her.
“It’s okay, Killian. I know now you don’t feel anything for me. These past few days, I have seen the changes that have come between us. You’ve been distant from me. I shouldn’t have come here,’ she said between her s obs. My heart clenched as I saw her crying again. I hugged her immediately.
“It’s not like that, Rihanna. I’m already on edge with my father missing. I know I shouldn’t worry, he is the strong alpha and can take care of himself, but he’s all the family I have left, I explained, hugging her closer to me. My wolf protested, but I patted her back gently, feeling a surge of guilt.
Even though her crying gets on my nerves, I can’t just treat her coldly. She’s been through so much, especially in that pack over the last two years must be adding to her anxiety. I held her until her so bs subsided.
“Are you going to stay with me tonight? I still can’t sleep properly alone,” she asked, wiping her tears. I sighed. I’ve been by her side
Since she returned to the pack, unable to spend time with Kiara or even talk to her. I’m sure Kiara noticed my absence these past few nights. I nodded, and Rihanna beamed, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before retreating to her room.
For three years, I resented my father for banishing Rihanna from the pack just so I could mate with Kiara. He knew my feelings for Rihanna, I’m sure of it, everyone in the pack knows it. But he insisted that I mate with the woman Moon Goddess chose for me, my destined one.
And so, I complied with his condition by marrying Kiara. I thought it would be a simple act, a way to ensure Rihanna’s place within the pack. Little did I know, my father had other plans – ones that far exceeded my expectations. He banished her, tearing us apart. I managed to help her in finding refuge with another pack, where she could remain discreet and safe, even if it meant cutting off our contact.
Seeing her again on the day of my coronation brought a rush of happiness and longing. She confided in me about the suffering she had endured in her previous pack. They
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Chapter 7
treated her like a mere ser vant, subjecting her to cruelty. Even the head Alpha had so far as to even rape her, but she was lucky and ran away from that pack. That boiled my anger. I was about to take action for it but she said she wanted to leave that to the
She found solace in my arms, and at that moment, I made a promise to protect her from any harm. As I ascended to the throne, I honoured that promise by bestowing upon her the title of Luna.
I couldn’t bear the thought of sending Rihanna back to that wretched pack, where her mistreatment would continue and the danger she might face. By granting her the Luna title, I hoped to prevent any interference from my father, Alpha Eric.
I knew that my decision would likely disappoint Kiara, I was expecting her to make at fuss about it but she accepted it so easily?
I had intended to explain this to Kiara, but I didn’t have a chance to meet her or to stay with her. I had been with Rihanna all the time. And then there was my wolf, a restless. presence within me, who wanted nothing but to be with Kiara.
A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Did you call us, Killian?” Alejandro’s voice carried a mix of concern and formality as he settled into a chair beside the couch, with my gam ma, Austin, following suit. Austin didn’t look pleased to see me, likely due to his sister’s close friendship with Kiara. Kiara had effortlessly won the hearts of my pack members, even without exerting any. deliberate effort. And now, they resented that I had chosen another for the position of
“Is there any news from the Crescent Moon Pack?” I inquired, ignoring Austin’s evident indifference. Their sombre expressions didn’t escape my notice. My jaws clenched in anger. What could they be planning? If they had my father in their grasp, I vowed to dismantle their pack stone by stone.
“We have sent some of our informers to the pack but Alexander is way more cun ning than we thought. He had taken more precautions than we could imagine. No informer is able to get inside his pack,” Austin admitted.
“Then it’s time we see the situation for ourselves. If a w
is what he wanted, so be it. If he has my father, it’s a gamble that may cost him dearly,” I declared, my resolve steady.
“Are you sure, Alpha?”
I affirmed with a nod, “Yes we will be leaving the day after tomorrow for the Crescent Moon Pack. Let’s see what that bas ta rd wants from me?” I said. After discussing the plan Austin was the first to leave the office room. I too decided to call it a night.
Chapter 7
“Alejandro, what happened to Kiara? Did Eve tell you why she fainted?” I asked.
“Seriously, you haven’t met her all this time. Killian, it’s been five days, and you still don’t know how your mate is? Are you so busy with pleasing Rihanna? For the sake of goddess Killian, open your da mn eyes because when you do, it will be too late for you. to repent for it.” Alejandro looks at me with disbelief, his eyes filled with disappointment. By saying this, he left the room.

Chapter 8
Kiara POV
It was nighttime, and I finally mustered the courage to step out of my room. Killian hadn’t returned today either, and a mix of emotions swirled within me. Did I really mean nothing to him? I understood that our marriage was a result of circumstance, but the growing distance between us felt unbearable.
As I headed towards the kitchen, I crossed paths with Rihanna. The moment her eyes met mine, her smile shifted into something sinister.
spent time with her, I knew she wasn’t what she look pite her appearance, having
Ordinarily, I would have ignored her. Giving her a forced smile, a few forced polite. words, and then a quick exit to maintain peace. But not today. Not today tired of seeing her claim my mate as hers..
Today was the day when I had to make it clear to her that maybe they both had something, but that was before I came into the picture, and now she was nothing to him. A cold aura was emitting from her, one she was trying hard to hide. I couldn’t trust her, not one bit.
“Are In an instant, her expression changed from innocent to cu nning.
ins looking for Killian?” she chimed, tilting her head with a venomous g
With a more pushful tone, she continued, “You know, Kiara, he’s sleeping in my room. again.” That hurt because I thought he must be in his office. After all, that’s where he usually stays.
“No, Rihanna, I was simply heading to the kitchen. Good night.” I said, hurriedly trying to walk past her, but she grabbed my hand immediately, making my wolf growl at her. She took a step back like she was scared of me.
“Look Kiara I don’t want to beat around the bush, but I think now that you know where your mate is spending his nights, wouldn’t you just leave him and get out of the pack? Don’t you have any self-respect?” she said with a slightly raised voice. I know what she is trying to do. It makes me feel pathetic. She has been doing this for the past few days. How does Killian not want me? How is he giving all his attention to her?
“What made you think that I would reject my mate and leave him?” I shot back, my voice determinant. In response, she advanced, coming even closer, and I instinctively wrapped my hands around my stomach, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by her. She raised her eyebrow at my action.
“You’re no longer Luna/Kiara. You’re nothing more than a mate to him. He doesn’t love you. In fact, he never did. He was waiting for me, she taunted, her words cutting
Chapter 8
through the air like a knife.
“I don’t understand Rihanna. What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?”
“Okay, I’ll make it more clear for you. I want Killian. He married you just because of his father; otherwise, he would have rejected you as soon as he found you that’s what we planned if Alpha Eric didn’t come between us,
“Rihanna, he is my husband, my fated mate… Rihanna cut me off interrupting me.
“But that still doesn’t make you his love. Kiara opens your da mn eyes; if he should have loved you, he would have marked you. But he didn’t; he was waiting for me.” Her every word picked me like a needle because yes I was not marked, maybe he was accepting her to come back to him, marking her and kicking me out of the pack. I had it enough that she has now pulled off my patience string.
“Rihanna, he is my mate, and he would not leave me for you. It should be
you who gets out of the pack; don’t take my silence as my naivety because I can do many things to you,” I said coldly. I wasn’t a pushover and wasn’t going to be looked down on by her.
But suddenly her expression changed into a sad one, her eyes starting to glisten with tears replacing the smugness and cu nningness that were there a few minutes ago. She reached for my hand, and I pushed her away lightly, only for her to crumple to the floor as if she were made of paper.
“Kiara, would you please stop treating me like I am a mistress who is wrecking your home? I had gone through a lot, and Killian has always been the one who has looked after me since childhood. I’m sorry for coming between you too, but please don’t hate me,” she sobbed, and I wanted to ask her, are you crazy or what? That’s when I smelled him. This bi tch.
“Kiara!” he shouted loudly, making me cringe in my place. He ran towards Rihanna, pulling the damsel in distress as she held onto him. I wanted to roll my eyes at them. But my heart was tearing up when Killian’s angry eyes met mine. He looked beyond furious.
“Are you hurt?” His concerned voice reached my cars which was not directed to me.
“I’m fine, Killian. Don’t worry, I’m not hurt. Please don’t say anything to Kiara. It’s my fault. I’m keeping you away from her. She must be angry because of that,” Rihanna sobbed, her words muf fled against his chest. Killian’s fingers brushed gently through her hair as he comforted her.
His attention shifted to me, his tone dark and accusing. “How could you do this, Kiara? I expected better from you.” I was too shaken to say anything. Did he believe her over
Chapter 8
“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t push her! She fell on her own,” I said, raising my voice. And I think the voice was loud enough because Alejandro and Austin came rushing out of their rooms, followed by Austin’s mate Jessica.
“What’s going on here?” Austin asked as he looked around the scene.
way I
“It’s nothing, Austin. Kiara and I were talking, and I think the talk didn’t go the wanted. I’m sorry for disturbing all of you,” she said, wiping her crocodile tears, still leaning all over Killian, whose eyes were looking furiously at me.
“Jessica called Eve to see if she could make it to the pack right now and check on Rihanna,” Killian ordered concernedly. Jessica nodded her head replying a small yes, Alpha, before running to follow his order. Alejandro and Austin were standing there, looking at me with pity and understanding.
“Killian, please listen to me. I didn’t push her.” I said I wanted to make this clear, so I grabbed his arm, which he yanked away strongly, making me stag ger back. It’s good. that Alejandro was by my side, he held me before I could land on the floor.
Killian turned his attention back to Rihanna, lifting her effortlessly into his arms. Without sparing me a second glance, he strode away, as Rihanna nestled against him.
I stood there, struggling to comprehend the chaos that had unfolded right before my
“Let’s get you to your room,” Alejandro whispered softly.
“NO! Alejandro, I had to make it clear to him that I didn’t do this,” I said, holding my tears which were ready to break any minute.
“Kiara, please. Right now let this be, it’s best to talk to him in the morning when things have calmed down,” He said softly. Grabbing my arm which I pulled back and hastily moved in the direction of her room. I should have listened to him. I should have waited until morning, sparing myself the pain of witnessing a sight that would shatter my heart.
In the bed, Rihanna had her arms wrapped around Killian as she kissed him. I felt my stomach turn immediately and a clenching pain formed in my chest. I was giving Killian my heart and trusting him completely.
I knew that they had something in the past. Killian had loved her. But that was the He should have pushed her or corrected her when she held him or kissed him.
Something he should have done since he had a mate now.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Kiara POV

As I walked into our room, the mingling scents of his pine and sandalwood and my peach scent greeted me, sending a shiver of pleasure through my core. I sighed. It seemed that even living under the same roof, I couldn’t break through the walls around his heart.

He never recognized me as his mate. Marriage was supposed to bring us closer, but it was merely an arrangement made by our fathers. I longed for something deeper, something real. I want him to recognize my wolf and let them be together. But he never gave me a chance to begin with.

And something in me told me he would never give me a chance to form a bond between us. It felt like something was holding him from coming closer to me…

After taking a refreshing bath. I stood in front of the mirror. My dress, a breathtaking creation of silk and lace, shimmered in the dimly lit room. The pale blue fabric hugged my curves, flowing into an elegant floor-length slit skirt. Delicate embroidery adorned the bodice, its intricate patterns catching the light like stars in the night sky.

My waist-length burgundy hair cascaded down my back, and natural curls adorned the ends. My skin, as pure as freshly fallen snow, had a subtle rosy blush. It wasn’t just a natural glow; it felt like an enigmatic energy surging through my veins, waiting to be unleashed. I shook my head as I got a little dizzy. What’s happening to me?

“Isabelle!” I called for one of the staff members who usually assisted me in getting ready for any gala events. Wearing these gowns and high stilettos was always a headache for me. If I didn’t have an image to uphold as a Kings’ mate, I’d happily choose leggings and a loose T-shirt.

As I struggled to pull up the back chain of my dress, I called her name again, but only silence answered. That was until I caught his scent, and my heart skipped a beat. His presence intoxicated me, and my core tightened with desire, as it always did whenever he was near.

He had made it clear that our marriage was arranged, even though we’re mates. He harboured no romantic feelings for me. At first, I thought the same, but spending time with him revealed a different side. Despite his tough exterior, he makes me fall for him. I knew there was a heart behind his rock-hard demeanour.

“Let me help you with it,” he whispered gently, his fingers brushing against my back skin as he zipped up the chain. A rush of warmth and comfort washed over me, calming my nervousness. I took a deep breath, savouring his presence. He is my mate yet he is so distant from me.

I think this was the curse of the mate bond, who doesn’t love you.

I looked at him through the mirror- standing six-foot-two tall, with deep grey eyes, his dark night hair longer on top, but shaved short on the side. A sharp yet chiselled jawline. It felt like his body was blessed by the moon goddess herself. Clade is in a grey suit which hugs his physic perfectly.

His intense gaze met mine through the mirror, and time seemed to stand still as we locked eyes. But my attention was quickly drawn to his crooked maroon tie. I couldn’t resist; I shook my head and turned towards him.

“Here, it’s done,” I said softly, swiftly fixing the tie. For a moment, his eyes seemed to soften, revealing a glimmer of love, but it was soon masked by his usual dominating aura, a constant reminder of how much he hated my presence.

“Thank you,” He said in a non-bothered way. I was aware that what I felt for him couldn’t turn into more. Even when I crave that more. Even when I long for it. There’s no chance that he could love me back. Not one. And I can live with that. Or, at least, try to.

After we were both ready, we made our way to the grand hall, my hand clasped around his muscled bicep as we greeted the pack members present. The shining bright light of the hall seemed cheerful, the mingling noises filled with the sombre music as members conversed, in glittering dresses and wealthy suits.

“You did an incredibly great job here, Luna. Everything looks perfect.” Their compliments poured in, praising my hard work and the perfection of the event. I smiled, side-glancing at him, hoping for his compliment, but he simply unclasped our hands and headed towards the elders and councillors.

It stung, as it always did. He would ignore me when it suited him, only acknowledging my existence when he needed something. Taking my seat at the table, I felt unusually tired. Yes, omegas are weak in hierarchy compared to other ranked wolves but getting weak like this is not an option. Not for me.

My father had trained me to be a perfect Luna, moulding me into the leader that every she-wolf should aspire to become. In my teenage years, I believed it would be a heavy burden, but I embraced it, striving to prove myself worthy of the role. But this sudden weakness is making me feel a little scared. I reminded myself to visit the pack doctor.

Yet, as I observed Killian from across the room, my heart sank. He stood beside a girl I had never seen before, their bodies close enough to prevent any passage of air between them. His arm was possessively around her waist, a gesture which should be particularly for me only, his mate.

She radiated confidence in a dazzling golden dress with a deep V neckline that drew attention to her cleavage. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail.

A surge of jealousy and uncertainty washed over me. Who was she? And why did she seem so comfortable with him? Questions surged in my mind, but I pushed them aside, trying to regain my composure. As Luna, I couldn’t let my emotions show.

A sharp needle of pain pricked my heart as I watched him gaze at her with a mixture of adoration, love and longing in his mesmerising grey stormy eyes. It felt like a dagger twisting in my chest. She glanced at me and gave me a smug grin resuming her talk to Killian.

The Alpha King’s Regret Hiding His Secret Twins by Isaiah Chapter 1 Part 2

Chapter 1

Kiara POV


“Arrange those flowers near the podium; they would look beautiful there,” I said to one of the staff members, and she immediately nodded her head, following my orders. My heart was brimming with excitement.

Tonight marked the coronation, a highly anticipated event in our Madcrest pack. It was a momentous occasion as my mate, Alpha King Killian, would finally ascend to the position of pack leader, and I would stand proudly beside him as his mate and Luna of the pack. The coronation should have happened after we got married, but Alpha Eric put it on hold. He wanted to give his pack a little more of his serving.

We were fated, married but not yet officially marked. Three years ago, my father suggested a strong alliance with the Madcrest pack, particularly with Alpha King Killian. I couldn’t quite comprehend his decision. I was an omega, and the thought of mating with the fierce, dominant and ruthless Alpha King made me feel like prey before a predator.

However, former Alpha Eric of Madcrest Pack and father of Alpha King Killian assured me that I was his fated mate, the Luna of the pack, even without the official mating mark. The Madcrest pack members respected me in that role.

When I first met Killian we both felt a strong pull towards each other and I couldn’t be happy about that. The moon goddess, Selene, blessed me with the strongest alpha in the south region. My wolf was jumping wanting to bond with him but stopped sooner than we both could imagine when I saw his eyes looking devoid of any feeling.

“Luna, where should we put these fiery lights?” Lucia asked, her whole body tangled up with the fiery lights. And I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. She is quite a girl and a friend which I made as soon as I entered the pack. She was a warrior here. Her high skill in the training ground was the first thing that attracted me and we clicked right together.

She was a skilled warrior in the pack. She is good with weapons, good is a mere word but excellent at it. But if you gave her kitchen duties or aside from anything related to weapons she would be a disaster. Totally a tomboy.

“What with you looking like a walking pole,” I teased, helping to untangle her from the lights.

“I told you not to give me this work; it’s going to get late because of me, and Alpha would be mad,” she whined like a small child.

“Alright, let me help you,” I said, and we continued working together. After checking everything to ensure it was in its right place and order, I decided to take a break.

“You should go and get ready for the coronation. You’re going to be titled as the Luna of the pack. I’m so happy for you. You deserve this, Kiara..” Lucia said, sitting beside me.

I looked around the grand hall. I still thought that I could arrange it more beautifully, but I didn’t have a chance. Even though the coronation news had come so suddenly, I had worked hard to make everything as beautiful and perfect as possible. “I know, but there is still a lot to do right now. The caterer hasn’t come yet and…”

“Hey, hey, hey, relax. Don’t forget that you’ve entrusted the responsibility to Miss Smith,” she reminded me with a comforting smile.

“Oh, right. I did forget that. I wanted this event to look perfect, Lucia. And I was nervous to officially get the title,” I said. I had done my duties perfectly, but officially declaring that I would be the Luna is quite a big tag that is going to bind with my name as if being a fated mate of the only Lycan King is not enough…

Lucia chuckled playfully, “Oh, look at you; you resemble so much like a typical smitten wife.”

“Hey! He is my mate. I want everything to be special when he is involved.” I said and rolled my eyes, a small smile tugged at my lips, but Lucia raised an eyebrow at me, “When you get to know your mate, you’ll understand this feeling.”

She raised her hand in surrender as she added, “Don’t worry, Kiara. Just relax. Everything looks perfect. It’s your day too, so just go up and get dressed and look pretty for our alpha.”

I nodded, and after tirelessly working for three continuous days to make everything perfect, I wanted this occasion to be flawless. I hoped that my hard work in our marriage would be recognized and appreciated by him.

I don’t tirelessly work to become the perfect Luna of the pack, but also for him to recognize my effort with anything related to him.

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