Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 125

“Celine, please…” I had to leave Sean earlier to use the restroom, and when I returned to my usual spot, he was still sitting there, but an empty bottle of whiskey was knocked over on the table in front of him. Sean continued to beg, and it appeared as though he had consumed too much alcohol by this point. “Let’s go back to France together, please…”
I shook my head, recalling the scene earlier at the bar, and as we made our way to his room in the hotel where he was staying, his arm was draped over my shoulder while Jenny was on the other side, which allowed us to support some of his weight between us.
“Why are you so heavy?!” Jenny whimpered the entire way down the corridor that we were walking down.
“Celine, come with me, okay?” Sean c ocked his head to the side and gazed at me with a hopeful expression on his face. “You promised… to wait for me to come back…”
I didn’t respond to him, but Jenny was getting a little impatient as she said… “Can you say that to her later? You’re da mn heavy, my go d!”
Sean cracked a smile, and I could feel him working hard to pull himself up so that Jenny and I wouldn’t have to suffer as much fro supporting him.
“Do you have your card with you?” Jenny asked, but she had alread begun searching Sean’s pockets. When she found the card, she quickly tapped it on the automatic door lock, and the door opened shortly after with a beep.
After a struggle to bring him inside, we eventually assisted Sean get
to his bed.
“Oh my gosh!” Jenny grumbled as she hunched her back and held her waist with both hands. “I feel like my waist is going to split in half…”
I couldn’t help but giggle as I watched her take a seat on the chair at the side of the bed, still hitting her sore waist.
Even I was feeling a little bit worn out, as shown by the fact that I was panting rapidly and that my clothing was drenched in sweat.
“Hey Celine… are you feeling alright?” Jenny asked with a worried tone in her voice when she noticed my current state.
“I… I’m fine…” I said. Even though I was intoxicated as well, the things Sean told me in the bar earlier brought me to my senses.
After that, I decided that I didn’t want to drink anymore. I did nothing but sit there and listen to him recount his experiences, including how he had spent the previous seven years living in France.
“I had been missing you… and I had planned this trip for a very long time just to be with you, thinking that when I came back here, you would come to me back in France…” he said.
“Why don’t you travel to France with him?” Jenny told me, pulling out of my reverie. “Aunt Sandra is no longer with us, and she will never return to this world alive, no matter how much vengeance you seek for her…”
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want Sean to overhear Jenny and my conversation, so I just stood there and stared at him as he lay on th bed with his eyes closed.
“The Lauren family is not easy to deal with, and you know it very well, Celine…” Jenny proceeded after she failed to receive a response from me. “I think it would be best if you went with Sean. I have faith that he will look after you very well, and I am certain that you will find great
contentment in being with him…”
After that, she got up from her seat, walked over to where I was standing, and grabbed my hand.
“Do not continue to wallow in your misery any longer. Auntie is watching you from up above, and I know she’s not happy with what she’s seeing right now…”
A sour smirk formed on my face as I cast my attention downward. ” Sean and I can no longer go back to the past…”
“Why…?” she asked, releasing my hand and turned to go back to her seat. “Could it be because…”
“Jenny, please…” What she was going to say was the last thing I
wanted to hear.
“But Sean said he doesn’t mind!” she exclaimed. “The society is very open-minded now, Celine… It’s normal for men and women to live together even though they’re not married…”
“But I’m married and Sean is not!” I shook my head. “Jenny… I understand that you are trying to look out for my best interests by doing this, but… I just can’t let it go!”
I turned my attention back to Sean I am conscious of the fact that parting ways with him was difficult for me, but my mind said I wanted more. I wanted to seek justice for my mom.
I wanted to find out the truth about what happened twenty-one yea
“Jenny, I have already lost one of my fallopian tubes…” I continued. And Sean is not someone who deserves this. He doesn’t deserve to
be with me…”
I also recalled how his mother held a deep-seated animosity toward
“Jenny, stop it!” and she swallowed back her words. “I don’t want to
talk about this, anymore! My decision is final… I’m not going with him!”
And that’s when her phone suddenly started ringing.
“I’ll have to take this call…” she said as she stood up from her seat
and before she stepped out of the room, she said… “Please take care
of Sean…”
I couldn’t help but let out a sigh as I observed Sean’s lifeless body
lying on the bed. The skin on his face was red from drinking too mug
I proceeded into the bathroom, took the face towel that was hanging there, and soaked it with water from the sink before returning to Sean and beginning to wipe his face with it.
“Celine…,” he gripped my wrist unexpectedly, causing my hand to freeze that was wiping down his neck. “Please come home with me…”
Sean’s eyes remained closed, and he continued to murmur the words he had spoken to me earlier in the bar; I believe it is already time for me to put a stop to him saying those things.
“Let me clean you first, Sean…” I said as I pulled my hand back, but almost screamed when he suddenly opened his eyes and his hold my wrist became tighter.
“I like you, Celine…,” he confessed, and I could only look at him w wide eyes as he spoke those words. “I’ve liked you for a very long time, and I’ve been waiting for you ever since you were fourteen…”

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 121-124

“Post it then…” I warned, smiling. “However, you should be sure to first greet your parents before you spread the video. I suppose that they resided in New York for such a significant amount of time, thus… If they were suddenly compelled to leave this place, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to adjust to the change…”
And at that very moment, her hand that was clutching her phone froze, and she spoke with a firm tone. “W-what exactly do you mean?”
I pulled out my phone, accessed the message that had arrived from Uncle Karl, and then read it out loud to all of them in their presence. The Calhoun girl, whose parents are Josephine and Brandon… is not actually Brandon Calhoun’s biological child; rather, she’s the result of/ an extramarital liaison with another woman. Her father was the owner of a company that employed not more or less than one hundred people and had an annual revenue of approximately ten million dollars. Melanie Calhoun has an older sibling who has recently launched a new business and is in the beginning phases of its development. There are less than thirty employees working for him across the entire organization…”
I gazed at her astonished expression when I finished reading the message. She must be wondering how I found out a very important fact about her.
“The company that my husband works for, employs ten thousands of people…” I continued. “Twenty of these organizations have their roots in the form of subsidiary businesses located around the nation. In addition to that, members of the Anderson family operate businesses in the tourism, hospitality, and food service industries. Due to the fact that they bring in more than a billion dollars every year, their annual
contribution has consistently been ranked first in New York. Do you not believe that my spouse will become upset if he learns that his sister is the target of bullying in her school?”
“Definitely…” Jessie yelled out from my peripheral vision.
“Right! Cynthia is the apple of my husband’s eye… and a reasonable person would feel enraged about it. In addition to this, there are a large number of CEO’s that are interested in courting my spouse. By the way, the guy who is your father’s most important business partner is also the one who has always desired to get close to my husband. Do you believe he will collaborate with your dad in the years to come?”
“You… you’re such a bi tch!” she screamed, her eyes were wide with
“B itch…?” I just let out a chuckle. “Darling… that’s not even the worst of what I have in store for you yet. Are you interested in giving it a
Even the three minions were taken aback, and one of them leaned
over to Melanie and whispered something in her ear. “What steps
should we take at this time?”
Melanie’s response, which she delivered with a callous glint in her eye, was, “Kill them; no one will ever find out…”
“Really? You’re going to kill all of us?” I smiled. “You have a lot of guts to do that…”
After that, I looked across at Jessie,
“Have you gotten word to the people whom I asked you to notify about this? Are they here yet?”
Jessie was astonished. She locked her gaze with mine for a brief period of time, and I made sure to hold it firmly. Hoping she’d get my message and then she said, “Oh… yeah, I called them. They should
have arrived by this time…”
“Who did you call?” Melanie asked her question in a trembling voice.
“Nothing…” I said, shrugging. “I just requested her to contact my
husband to alert him that I’m here having a good time with my friends

“I’m so sorry… We are merely acting in accordance with Melanie’s directives. In all honesty, this has nothing to do with any of us…” stated one of the other young women.
Melanie appeared as though she was going to have a heart attack when she saw that her friends were beginning to throw her under the bus; nonetheless, she still refused to acknowledge that she was
“Don’t be afraid of her! She is merely attempting to deceive us!” she yelled out.
“But… we don’t kill people!”
“That’s right! We agreed to beat her up, but to kill her? No f ucking way!
The other girls all shook their heads, probably because they lacked
the courage to speak up.
Melanie’s eyes were initially wide with fear, but they quickly turned crimson with rage as she hurriedly fished out a dagger from her bag. ” You’re all worthless!” she yelled at them. “I’ll get it done even if you
“Oh… how proud your parents would be once they found out that their little baby girl already has the will to kill at such a young age…” I pretended to be so dissatisfied with her that I had to shake my head. Are you going to murder her or do you want to kill me? Or do you believe that the police in New York are ineffective because they are

unaware of what is taking place exactly at this moment?”
Her anxiety manifested itself as a widening of her eyes.
“If we were just ordinary people, your family might be able to cover everything up, but you’re actually threatening the wife and sister of Sebastian Anderson, one of the most powerful men in New York City…’ ‘I said dramatically. “Do you think that in order to make up for it, how many members of your family still have their lives?”
When the dagger landed on the ground with a loud clank, I couldn’t
help but cr ack a grin.
“I’m… I…,” she murmured. Finally, she had shown how scared she
“Stop stammering…” I commanded, drawing nearer to her as I did so.”
Since you’ve admitted that you want the twenty million dollars, go ahead and get them. Bring it in before the beginning of the following week. If that happens, finding a solution to this problem won’t be
simple…” I said before putting out my hand. “Give me the video,
“Twenty million dollars?” her eyes went wider, shaking her head in disbelief. “Where could I come up with such a large sum of money??”
“If the money is still not ready by the following Monday, then I will ask your parents for it personally…” I stated. “I have no doubt that your dad would be delighted to hand it over to me… However, I am unable to guarantee how things will turn out for you at that time…”
I pulled the phone out of her grasp and immediately began scrolling through the gallery in search of the video.
“To whom have you sent this video?” After deleting the video without first viewing its contents, I posed the question. “And where’s the original one?”

She began her sentence with “I…I only have one copy… And I didn’t send it to anyone…”
“Good!” I said, tossing her phone into the air, and fortunately for her, she was able to catch it in spite of the fact that her entire body was shivering with dread. “Now, get lost!”
And the girls immediately scurried away and out of the room.
“Cynthia…” Johnny rushed forward to check on her. “Are you okay?”
Cynthia’s eyes were bloodshot red as she stared up at him, and her entire face was flushed with wrath in response to the young man.
“I’m truly sorry… I had no clue that Melanie would decide what to do…
“Get the f uck off!” Johnny was taken aback by her yelling in his face, yet his expression toward her remained soft even after she had done
“Cynthia… please listen to me…” he said. “I really love—”
“She said… get the f uck off!” this time around, I was the one to cut him off. I had a hunch that what he was going to say to her wouldn’t be something that would be beneficial for her to take in. “Hadn’t you
heard what she said?!”
I was confident that Johnny would leave her alone after he saw how powerful I was, and when he actually did so, I let out a sigh of relief as I watched his back disappearing from the room.
“Celine…” I paused when I heard Jessie’s voice coming from behind me. “I suppose it’s time for me to get going as well…”
I nodded. “Thank you…”
When Jessie left the room, the only sound that could be heard was Cynthia sobbing loudly. She cried tears of anguish while hunching
over with her hands wrapped around her knees
“You’re such a coward girl, Cynthia!” I remarked as I kneeled down next to her on the ground. “Where is the courageous Cynthia that I know? Where is the young lady who used to yell at me when she was in a bad mood?”
I was trying to comfort her by saying those words, but it didn’t appear like my efforts were successful because she started crying out loud even more. “You know nothing!” She sniffed, and tears continued to stream down her face. “Johnny, he is….”
“He’s what?!” I asked while making a face. “Don’t tell me that you have fallen in love with that guy!”
And the fact that she didn’t say anything to contradict it made me heave a deep sigh and shake my head. She just confirmed it.
“He lied to you, Cynthia…” I added, lowering my voice, but she showed no sign of understanding to what I was saying or reacting to it. She continued crying like a baby. “He’s the reason why you broke down and cried on the balcony that night, right?”
And all of a sudden, she stopped crying and looked up at me with eyes as big as saucers and a shocked expression on her face. “You…
you saw me?”
“Cynthia… how deeply have you fallen in love with Jake for you to
replace him with such a guy like that?” I asked. “If you really wanted to find one, you should look for a more capable guy. Which aspect of this man has more charisma than Jake? Tell me…”
She was speechless for a second before looking down at her hands. where they were placed on her lap, playing with the hem of her blouse.
I really tried not to draw comparisons between the two men, but I just couldn’t help myself. And Jake was a significant step above this Johnny guy in terms of physical appearance.
“If you prefer a man like Johnny, then I will assist you look around in the future…” I gave her the reassurance. “I’ll make sure to put you in touch with a better and more good-looking one. Cynthia, you have not yet seen the world, and the only thing you know about is how to brag about the expensive clothes, bags, and well-known brands that you all have. You can’t even determine a good person from a bad one. Don’t you think you’re a failure?”
She bit her lower lip, and I was relieved to see that she was paying close attention to everything I had to say now; although her eyes were no longer welling up with tears, they were still red and puffy.
“And in addition to that… I’m curious as to whether or not you actually had sexual relations with that young man…”
And when she froze, she was rendered completely speechless.
“Are you on a pill?” I questioned her, but she did not have an answer for me. “You’d better not get pregnant with his baby since I know that the outcome won’t be as handsome as Jake…”
I cracked a joke in an effort to cheer her up, and I was relieved when it was successful this time.
“But nothing happened to us…” The corners of Cynthia’s mouth turned up into a smile, and I couldn’t help but reach out and run my hand through her hair as I did so. She’s still a baby… but this experience that she has had will definitely make her mature.
“It’s lovely to see you smiling…” I commented and she blushed, which caused me to laugh out loud. “Don’t worry about it… simply picture yourself getting bitten by a dog every time this comes to mind. It is in everyone’s best interest to gain clarity as quickly as possible in order
to avoid falling deeper. I have faith that one day you will find a man who will love you in a way that is genuine and unreserved…”
“Why did you help me?” she asked out of the blue and I didn’t expect it at all, really.
“Did I help you?” I retorted, raising an eyebrow at the same time.
“I won’t thank you!” she snapped and laughed.
“That’s it…!” I clapped my hands. “Sure you have to keep the same me ntality and keep moving forward…” and she gave a slight nod.
Even though she’s a spoiled brat and constantly has a bad temper towards me, I like Cynthia because she’s such a beautiful and nice gi
-well, sometimes… She’s also very true to herself, which was
another reason for me to admire her.
And I was caught off guard as she launched herself at me and grabbed hold of me in a bear hug. “Thank you… my dear sister-in- law…”
What? Have I understood her correctly?
She addressed me as her… sister-in-law? Finally…
But I hated it…
I didn’t like the way it sounded at all..
I started to draw away from her while still having a pretty firm grip on her shoulders. “I’ve helped you, but you can’t say something like that so casually…” I said, pushing her. “What makes you think that I’m your sister-in-law?”
“Of course I’ll call you that, since you married my brother; it’s the proper way, right?!” She exclaimed, oblivious to the deathly glare I was giving her. “From now on, you have to protect me at all times. You have to guide me until I find the right person…”

And with that, she drew me back into her embrace.
“And I’ll help you with mom…” she spoke in a whisper. “I promise you
“No!” I yelled out in shock. “I don’t want to… Please don’t mess around

It’s impossible for me to picture myself being kindly and sweet
towards Olivia Anderson. I have no problem with the fact that she despises me, since I am aware that no matter what I do, Brylee will always be the apple of her eyes.
As soon as the driver arrived at the school’s main gate, I gave hir instructions to take Cynthia back to the villa.
“Aren’t you going home with me, my sister-in-law?” she smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes flickering at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. I didn’t know if she was just playing around or this was actually her sweet side.
“I said, stop calling me that…” I playfully poked her forehead with my index and she pouted as she leaned on her seat, while I was standing outside of the car, staring at her.
“Where are you going?” she asked once more, and I didn’t know what alibi I should give her in response to her question.
I was actually planning to attend Jenny’s birthday party, and I don’t think it’s necessary for her to know. We weren’t even close to being there yet.
“Can we go home together…? My brother is on a business trip right now and won’t be returning until tomorrow. Who’s going to pick you up?”
Right! Sebastian left for a business trip in Europe, which means that I am free to go wherever I want, because if he was here, I was certain
that he would go with me to the party.
“I still have some important things to do…” I said, tearing my gaze away from her. “Please send Cynthia back home, and drive safely…” I told the driver and he bowed his head in response.
“Wait!” The squeak that Cynthia made caused the driver to stop short before shifting the gear from neutral into drive. “Are you going out on a date tonight?”
“Of course not!” I grimaced and sent a malicious glance in her direction.
“If that’s the case… then where are you going?” I rolled my eyes at for what must have been the hundredth time she asked that quest “Can you… bring me along with you?”
And because I was aware that she wouldn’t give up searching for the solution until she didn’t find it, I made the decision to tell her the truth. “Fine! I’m going to my friend’s birthday celebration. You should know that it’s not convenient to bring you along…” I could bring her even if she’s not invited, but Cynthia’s family is wealthy, and she was not accustomed to attending a simple party like the way that we, ordinary people, used to celebrate it.
“All right… are you able to get back to the house relatively early tonight?”
“Yeah, sure…” I responded as I took a step back and waved my hand in her direction while she was rolling up the window of the car, waving back at me with a beautiful smile on her face.
The party to celebrate Jenny’s birthday was held in the city where it took place at the residence of her boyfriend, Blade. She let me know that she had invited some of our friends and classmates from Staten
As I approached the house… I noticed that the garden was crowded with guests, but I didn’t recognize any of the people that were there. It’s possible that Jenny knew them from her current school where she was enrolled.
I proceeded further into the house, and when I spotted Jenny talking to Blade, I rushed over towards them and gave her a hug from behind.
“Happy birthday, Jenny…” I leaned up close to her ear and murmured something, and she shrieked with delight as she turned around to give me another hug.
As soon as I pulled away, she exclaimed in an exasperated tone,” You’re late!”
“I’m sorry, got stuck in traffic…”
“Now that you’re here, let’s get this celebration started!” She then made the announcement as she took my hand and led me into the garden.
We got closer to the gathering, and realized that some of the people there were from Staten Island and some were Jenny and I’s classmates. We acknowledged one another with a “hi and hello,” and I was relieved that they didn’t inquire about the scandalous act that I had done in this town. They were just chatting and joking like they used to, back in the good old days.
Everyone resumed eating, and after what seemed like an eternity, Jenny muttered something that caused the creases between my brows to deepen.
“Let’s go to the bar after dinner!” she announced. “We haven’t gathered together for a long time, so we must have to go wild tonight!’
Naturally, nobody objected, and I didn’t even have the courage to do so myself. It was Jenny’s birthday celebration, and I didn’t want to ruin it for her.
I was able to catch a glimpse of Sean as he entered the room through the periphery of my vision. He looked very dashing in his black skinny jeans, a white button-down shirt, and a black and gray double- breasted vest. He wore a sleek black tie that was tied around his
neck, and a silver chain watch dangled from the pocket of the suit he
was wearing.
I went straight to the kitchen in order to get away from him, and I grabbed a drink from the counter where they had lined up all of the beers. There are a lot of drinks here, so why would Jenny still want to go to a bar?
I took a sip of the beer, and I was surprised that I took almost half of it when I put it down… but before I could finish it, someone dragged me outside. I tried to figure out who it was, but I was already being pushed inside the car that would take us to the bar.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Sean paid for the private room that Jenny rented for us so that we could celebrate her birthday in private. I am aware that Jenny does not have the financial resources. necessary to pay for such a luxurious room.
“Come, pick a song from the list…” Jenny said to the raven-haired girl, and I recalled that she was one of the students in my class who had a
particularly lovely and sweet voice. She stepped up to the microphone and started singing.
After taking a seat at the far corner of the room, one of my fellow students, whose name I cannot recall, handed me a bottle of beer. ” Celine, I don’t understand why you’re sitting there by yourself…”
And before I had a chance to respond to him, I became aware of someone sitting next to me. Sean…
The man who offered me a beer was grinning widely as if he was teasing me with Sean, then quickly scampered away to join the others in singing.
I held the bottle of beer in my hand, and didn’t know where to look. My heart was beating faster as I waited for Sean to start a conversation.
“I’ll be heading back to France in a few days…” Sean began, and his tone was soft and tinged with a touch of melancholy.
I turned to look at him, and we locked gazes. My heart sank straight into my stomach.
“You’re leaving again?”
He nodded. “There’s an emergency in the office, and I have to get back there as soon as possible to deal with it…”
“Oh, okay…” I flashed him with a brief smile before diverting my attention elsewhere and taking another sip of my beer. Because I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, drinking my beer gave me th feeling that I was being excused from having to react or talk to him
“But you have to know that the reason I came here is to bring you with me to France…” he remarked, in a tone of helplessness, and I nearly choked to death on the beer was sipping. “Hey, are you okay?”
Almost immediately, Sean extended his hand to me and began lightly patting me on the back.

“Stop drinking!” he yelled at me as he attempted to grab the beer that I was holding in my hand. “Give it to me!”
“I’m alright… You don’t have to worry about me,” I said while dabbing my mouth with the back of my arm. “It’s only beer, and I’m doing just well. I’m a big girl now, Sean…” And I ch ugged it down in one go, at which point I felt my entire world begin to spin around me.
I was able to sense the warmth of the alcohol as it wrapped itself around my intestines and spread through my body like an illness that rendered me helpless, and I was glad Sean didn’t seem to notice my
“Celine…” he called out in a soft voice.
“W-what?” I inquired with my eyes only partially open.
“Would you kindly accompany me back to France?” It came out of his mouth unexpectedly, and I stared at him in disbelief.
What did he say? Accompany him back to France? Didn’t I already
mention to him that I’m married?
I was frozen in place, watching my former classmate sing with an uncomfortable throbbing in my heart. I tried to pretend that I didn’t hear him, sipping my beer and bobbing my head to the music.
“I came back here just for you…” he continued. “I don’t care about your marriage or anything else that has occurred to you in the pa Just come with me, please… Let’s start all over.”
“You… did you drink too much?” I queried while maintaining a nervou grin and shaking my head.
“You know that my alcohol tolerance isn’t that weak…” he rasped. ” Your brother Sean is back, Celine… and he came to pick you up. And I want to keep my word to you that I will one day make you my wife…”
And suddenly, my eyes turned red and a teardrop rolled down from
my eye.
As soon as I stepped off my private jet, a black car pulled over, and Jason stepped out of it and immediately opened the back passenger seat for me. After that, he went back inside the car and sat next to the
“Mr. Anderson… why don’t you rest for a little while?” I heard Jason
I nodded.
“Just wake me up once we arrive in the villa, Jason…” I succumbed to
the need to close my eyes and started to relax.
My voice had a faint tinge of exhaustion to it, and I could feel lethargy even while I was just sitting in the car. I went to Luxembourg three days ago in order to execute a contract pertaining to my new firm, which is in the automotive industry.
Over the course of the previous three days, I had been kept so busy that I had very little time to get any sleep. In Luxembourg, there was supposed to be a party in honor of the occasion tonight, and my departure was scheduled for the morning of the next day.
However… I simply could not hold off any longer. Because I am missing my wife so much, I decided to forgo the party and head ba to New York as soon as I could. And when I was on the plane, I was wasting time either, because there were significant events that ha occurred in the company over the previous two days, and Jason had already emailed me right away to let me know about them.
The final phase of our acquisition of Golden Kite Group required our full attention during the previous several days. I was required to pay
close attention, and I couldn’t afford to make any blunders.
After one hour, I was awakened by a light tap on the shoulder… and ast I opened my eyes, I saw that we had finally arrived at our destination.
“Good evening, Young Master!” As soon as I entered the villa, the ser vants greeted me in unison and they immediately lined up at the entrance. “Welcome back!”
One of them took my briefcase, while the other took off the suit I was
Another serva nt attempted to take the paperbags I was holding but I raised my palm to stop her. I wanted to give this personally to Celine
“B asti!” Although my mother seemed a little taken aback when she saw me, she walked toward me with her arms wide out and embraced me with all of her might. “What brings you back here so soon? Aren’t you supposed to come back tomorrow?”
“I’ve completed my work, so I came back early…” I remarked to her as I planted a peck on her cheek. “Where’s dad?”
“He’s in the library studying some documents…” mom responded as she h ooked her arm around mine. “Have you eaten dinner? I’ll ask Mr.
Lee to prepare something for you…”
“Where’s Celine?” I asked instead, looking around the house but I couldn’t find her anywhere.
The smile on mom’s face disappeared before she rolled her eyes a said, “I don’t know… your wife’s not telling me her whereabouts, an have no interest in finding out either…”
And then she turned around and walked towards the kitchen.
“Seb!” When Cynthia yelled from the second floor, I looked up and smiled at her while gesturing for her to come down and give me a hug. She did come running down, and hugged me and when I pulled
away, I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy.
“Have you been crying?” I inquired, my brows furrowing in concentration as I looked at her.
Cynthia’s eyes blazed, and she avoided meeting my gaze, giving off the impression that she was trying to conceal something from me. “
Yes… I… was actually watching a sad moment from a movie and I
cried a lot… and then I heard you arrived—”
“Silly girl…” Before handing her one of the paperbags, I decided to give her a nose poke. “This is for you…”
“Is that for my sister-in-law?” she asked, pointing to the other one in my hand.
I didn’t expect to hear that from her, so I stared at her in disbelief and
asked her. “Sister-in-law…?”
“Yes!” she beamed with a smile. “Celine is your wife, so it means… she’s my sister-in-law, right?”
I couldn’t help but grin as I watched her peek inside the paper bag, and her eyes widened in shock when she discovered a fancy bag inside. “Can you tell me how she managed to bribe you?”
The hand of Cynthia that was clutching the bag froze, and she looked at me with her eyebrows raised. “What? What bribe are you talking
I didn’t pursue the matter any further. I genuinely felt a sense of rel when my sister finally accepted Celine as my wife, and I thought th
this was something worth celebrating.
“Where is your sister-in-law, then?” I asked as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her to the couch.
“Oh… she went to the party to celebrate her friend’s birthday…”
“A party for her friend’s birthday?” I formed a frown. I’m only familiar with her one and only friend, and that’s Jenny.
“Yes, but does she already have any friends? Given that she had only recently transferred from school, I highly doubt that she is a friend from our own institution. I think it’s a party of her friend from Staten Island…” Cynthia reacted in a distracted manner as she continued to examine the bag that I had purchased for her.
Friends from Staten Island?
Sean Hayes was from Staten Island!
I didn’t waste any time and bolted out of the house, oblivious to Cynthia’s repeated calls for my attention as she stood there.
“Ba sti! Where are you going?” mom yelled out as she emerged from the kitchen. “Mr. Lee has already prepared your dinner! Sebastian!”
And I came to a complete halt right there in the doorway before turning around to face her.
“Where are you going?” mom asked again, and maybe she sensed that I was going to find Celine, so she rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me back inside the house. “Brylee had just come back from her vacation abroad. You should visit her instead of wasting your time on finding that woman!”
I brushed away her hand that was holding my arm. “I’m sorry, mom but as far as I’m concerned, my wife is all that matters to me no
Having stated all of that, I retreated before turning around and ignoring her yelling at me to come back.

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 116-120

“What the hell are you doing to me?” I was unable to move since I was stuck under Sebastian’s body, so I attempted to push him away. from me.
There was not the slightest sign of warmth in his eyes as he merely stared at me in a chilly manner. “Dam n, Celine!” he groaned. “What exactly do you think of me? Your pet…?”
I had to stop and think for a second about what he was talking about, since I was a little bit perplexed. I am completely oblivious to the point he’s trying to make.
“Five million, huh?” he continued. “Do you really think that I’m only. worth five million dollars?”
Because of that… I finally regained my composure. That was what I mentioned to Brylee a little while ago, and I scowled as I thought about how Sebastian found out all of this information.
Was he standing outside the room listening to what my sister and I were talking to each other? Or… Brylee might have recorded the full conversation and then played it for Sebastian to hear?
A smile formed on his lips all of a sudden, and there was a deep mocking sneer in his icy expression that would have caused anyone
to cringe.
“How about him? How much is he worth, huh?” he asked as he
pinched my chin, his tone was hostile and aggressive. “Are you willing to sell him off like what you’re doing to me?”
Of course, I was aware of the person he was referring to. Sean…
“Tell me!” He yelled while increasing the pressure of his hand that was pinning mine owing to the rage he was feeling.
“He’s priceless!” I shouted at him in rage and used every ounce of my strength to shove him away from me. “Get off me!”
“Does my approach disgust you that much?” But he was even angrier. He grabbed my hands again and pinned them above my head. “You were fine a few days ago, but your attitude has become so cold these past few days. Is it because your first love came back, huh?!”
“Have you done any investigation on him?” Instead of providing answers to all of his queries, I questioned him. How did he know that he had come back if he didn’t investigate about him?
“Sean Hayes, a childhood sweetheart of yours…” He muttered as he gave me a sly grin, and that confirmed my suspicions. “I was under the impression that you wouldn’t love anyone. It seems that you had already decided to give your heart to this man from the very beginning, didn’t you?”
I forced myself to remain cool despite the impulse to put up a fight. Don’t tell me, my beloved husband… that you’re already in love with me

And as he looked at me, he appeared dumbfounded.
I gave a sarcastic grin, and my eyes lit up with derision and mockery.” Mr. Anderson… I’m very sorry to tell this to you, but I don’t love you! I don’t love you at all! I don’t love you now, and I won’t love you ever again!”
As I stared at him without showing any emotion, I could see the agony in his eyes.
“Do you really despise me that much?” After what seemed like an eternity, he finally inquired, his tone husky and low.
I decided not to answer his question. When I saw the pain that was clearly visible in his eyes, I couldn’t help but feel a little confused about how I was feeling towards him.
And then, all of a sudden, Sebastian started laughing out loud and let go of both of my hands. He got out of bed and proceeded to the window, where he opened it before he lit up a cigarette.
While the breeze blew, he puffed away heavily on his cigarette. The white smoke obscured his handsome face, and the thick black
eyebrows on his face were wrinkled.
I got out of bed and fixed my clothes before heading towards the door and opening it. I heaved a sigh as I exited the room, and Sebastian continued to stare after me with a miserable expression on his face until I was no longer in his line of sight.
But not even a minute later… I could hear him following me down the stairs, the sound of his footfall could be heard after me. I made it a
point to keep my calm as I waited for him so that I could put my arm
around his and look at him with affection.
I don’t want anyone in the house to suspect that something’s going on between us. Especially Brylee, who, as far as I knew… was anticipating that Sebastian and I would be upset with each other when she told him about what we had discussed earlier in the day.
As was to be expected… the sight of Brylee sitting on the couch while drinking her coffee caused the scenario of my husband and I to penetrate deeply into her vision.
Perhaps she had anticipated that we would be torn apart, yet, despite this, our relationship remained very intimate. Brylee, if only you knew…
“Hey Celine…” Suddenly, Sasha, who had just emerged from the dining room, spoke out. “Since you haven’t eaten that much earlier, you must be feeling hungry right now. Do you want me to ask Nadia
about preparing something for you to eat?”
“Don’t bother…” I put on a phony smile. “I’m not hungry…”
“Celine…” Another person who had entered from the sliding door at the side of the house and was carrying a cup of coffee called out.” Come here, my daughter…”
He sat down next to Brylee on the couch and reached over to touch the spot that was close to him. I rolled my eyes but went along with it anyhow, dragging my husband with me as we sat next to Julio in the living room.
“Now that you have married Sebastian, with the title of Mrs.
Anderson, you must try your best in everything in the future so as not to bring a poor influence on the Lauren family…” Julio started. “What do you think about if I suggest that Brylee move in with you for a while?”
What?“Allow her to reside at the Anderson villa so that she may instruct you on how to conduct yourself as the wife of a wealthy and influential family…” he said.
“What?” I laughed it off. “Let her teach me? You know what dad… it would be reasonable for her to teach me how to be a princess, but for her to teach me how to be a rich family’s wife?”
I couldn’t help but laugh as I shook my head.
“I don’t think so…” I continued. “She hasn’t even wed someone from a wealthy and influential family yet, so how would she have the experience to teach me?”
“Don’t say that, dad…” Brylee interrupted. “I believe that she would do well. She has her husband, and I know he’ll help her…”
Her smile was phony as she got off the couch, but she spoke in such

a way that it seemed extremely mature and giving, and I almost wanted to give her an applause for the very wonderful acting she was putting on.
After hearing this, Julio’s expression changed to one of anger.
“I’m doing this for your own benefit, Celine!” he snarled. “Pack up your things, Brylee! You’re going with them later!”
After he finished speaking, he slammed his cup down on the coffee table, causing the contents to spill out all over the glass surface.
Today’s Bonus Offer
“It’s not necessary for Brylee to go home with us at this time…” Sebastian abruptly cut in as we were talking, and his hand was holding mine, squeezing it as he spoke. “Celine is doing well as my
Julio gave a frowning face to my husband while pausing for a time as he gazed at him. “I’m doing this for your own good, Sebastian…” He insisted, and he seemed like he had no plan on giving up. “This is for the sake of your family. Celine’s private life has always been a little messy and in trouble. It’s entirely my fault because I didn’t teach her well…”
I didn’t know how to react to everything that my father was saying to Sebastian, and he was talking as if I wasn’t in the room with them.
“From this point on, this is also my responsibility, you and Celine…” he added as he watched the ser vant clean the mess he made on the
table. “In light of the fact that she’s now your wife and holds the title of Mrs. Anderson, it is incumbent upon me, as her father, to instruct my daughter in a valuable life lesson. Otherwise, there will be a lot of rumors going around about her…”
“My wife doesn’t need anyone else’s opinions or someone to teach her to become my perfect wife! As long as I think that she’s good and I can see that nothing is wrong in our relationship, it is more than
enough!” Sebastian looked at me with a small smile before saying, ” You should do your best from now on, okay?”
I turned my head in his direction, and the previous things he had said to me started playing over and over again in my head. “I’ll make you fall in love with me, Celine…”
All of a sudden, I had the impression that he was quite kind, but for some reason… I found it difficult to accept him in that state.
I became rigid for a brief period of time, and I was aware that he felt it as well, because he was so close to me that our bodies were touching. However, he didn’t move and instead kept the faint smile that was plastered on his lips.
It came to my attention that my father opened his mouth to speak, but I couldn’t help but grimace when he quickly closed it again when
Sasha cut him off.
“Well… considering that we’re all aware that the young master enjoys doting on Celine quite a bit, it would be best if you didn’t interrupt them, Brylee, my dear…”
As I turned to gaze at Sasha, I let out a sarcastic chuckle to myself.
“Thank you…” Sebastian murmured. “We should excuse ourselves now. Celine still needs to take some rest. We’ll get going…”
“Okay…” Julio gave a grumpy nod while furrowing his brows. “Please drive carefully…”
Sebastian nodded.
“Remember to come back to visit us again if you have time…” and he was looking directly towards me. “Okay, Celine…?”
“Sure!” I put on a fake smile and I believed everyone in the room noticed it except for my husband. “I’ll be sure to visit here frequently…’
After that, we got to our feet and walked out of the house with my husband’s hand holding mine.
The phony grins that were plastered across everyone’s faces in that room didn’t fully leave until their car had left the mansion entirely.
“Mom! Why did you help that woman!” Allen, who had been quietly listening to their conversation from the far th est nook of the house, suddenly remarked on something.
Even though he was busy playing on his mobile phone, he was still paying attention to what they were talking about the entire time. As soon as he watched them walk away, he couldn’t resist asking his mother about it and confronting her for defending Celine.
But Sasha remained silent and sat on the couch with a neutral expression glued on her face. It was obvious that she was likewise very frustrated with the current circumstances.
Julio noticed his wife’s reaction before he gave Brylee a worried glance before frowning. “Tell me, what did you do to the Anderson/ family for the days that you were staying there! Why haven’t they ended their marriage by this point? You did mention that Olivia Anderson was taking your side, but what’s happening now?”
Brylee didn’t speak. She lowered her gaze as she played the hem of her dress with her fingers, her thoughts were consumed by
Sebastian’s kind treatment towards Celine.
“I’m trying to talk to you, Brylee! Are you deaf?!” Inadvertently, Julio raised the volume of his voice.
“Dad, can you stop yelling at my sister?” Allen put down his phone and sat down next to her, reaching out his hand to put it on her shoulder and try to comfort her. “Don’t be sad, Brylee… I’m still here. I will never leave you. And I’m willing to help you if ever you need me…”
“You’ll help her?” his father scrutinized him. “What kind of help can you offer to your sister? Didn’t you see? Celine acted in such a haughty manner towards you. And Brylee… I might as well tell you, it
won’t be long before Celine wins Olivia over!”
After hearing this, Brylee turned her shocked gaze to Julio, watching his father as he began to walk back and forth across the room.
“Please don’t take it the wrong way, Brylee…” Sasha interrupted when she noticed that her stepdaughter’s eyes were filled with worry.” You’ve got to admit, you’ve seen Seb’s attitude today, haven’t you? It was obvious that he looked at your sister in a different way. My opinion is that you, as a woman, should be aware of the connotations associated with that gaze. Do you believe that it’s possible for you to win him back over your sister?”
“I told you that there was no way that you could be compared to your sister!” Julio yelled again, the tone of his voice felt a special intense level of annoyance. “At this point, with the exception of Olivia, the rest of the Anderson family does not have a strong opinion on how they feel about her. Once she gets pregnant again and gives birth to a child, let’ see what you can do by then!”
“She can’t get pregnant anymore!” Brylee suddenly uttered the words, her eyes blazing with rage as she thought of her sister being pregnant again. “It would be very difficult to get pregnant again with only one fallopian tube!”
“And so what? If she really wanted to, she could always have a baby carried by a surrogate. Are you seriously going to hold your breath till she announces that she’s pregnant again before you start to worry?” Julio chastised her for her lack of knowledge on the subject.
Brylee didn’t say anything. She bowed her head as tears started to pool in her eyes while clenching both of her fists.
“Have you thought about my proposal last time?” Julio’s voice suddenly became more calm as he hoped that this time, his daughter would listen to him and take his request into consideration.
+25 BONUSAs Brylee gazed up at him, her eyes were bloodshot red. “You want me to… imitate her?”
When Sasha saw that she looked upset and confused, she went over and sat down on the couch next to her so that she could console her.’ ‘I’m aware that you don’t like your sister, and that you think poorly of her, sweetheart. However, it cannot be denied that she has successfully won Sebastian’s heart at this point. Regardless of whether or not she actually resembles Claire, you can’t deny the fact that she has relied on this to get close to him…”
Brylee’s lips began to quiver, and it appeared as though she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. “But she approached him with my face…” she said helplessly. “Why should I imitate her now?”
If Sasha hadn’t been so insistent that she cut her hair, she never
would have done it on her own.
“Brylee…” Sasha clenched her teeth and raked her fingers through her short hair. “With your hair cut so short, no one else would ever be able to recognize who you are, but why doesn’t he care about you even now? Why does he continue to pay you no attention?”
Brylee was taken aback all of a sudden and was speechless as she realized what Sasha was trying to tell her.
She and Celine were identical in every respect. Even the way they styled their hair was the same at this point. But still, why wasn’t he
interested in her at all?
“Because your character and demeanor are too different from Celine… and that answered the question that was running in her mind. “You probably are aware of the fact that she’s quite comparable to Claire. Why is it that you can’t be more like her as well? Don’t lose sight of the fact that you carry her heart in you. You should be able to reach Sebastian’s heart way easier than she did, right?”
+25 BONUS.
As Brylee became increasingly absorbed in her thoughts, she lapsed
into complete stillness.
“Why would you make her do something that she doesn’t like?” Allen was continuing his efforts to prevent his parents from manipulating Brylee’s life. “Wouldn’t it be simpler if I got someone else to kill Celine instead, so that you don’t have to worry anymore?”
“You shut up!” Sasha gave her son a menacing look and pointed her finger aggressively in his direction. “Can’t you see that she’s now Mrs. Anderson? The moment she emerged from their villa, all eyes would be on her and she would be the center of attention. Don’t even bring up the idea of killing her, because the moment you come within a few feet of her, there’s a chance that the reporters will start snapping pictures of you! Are you trying to help Brylee, or do you wish to cause her additional suffering?”
“So… we’d just let her go like this, while leaving Brylee with
grievances?!” As he stared at his mother, he couldn’t help but wear a
“That’s why the outcome will be determined by the abilities of your sister!” she responded, the veins in her neck were furious too. “Brylee, you have to give me your full attention. If there’s something you desire, you have to be willing to pay the entire price for it, even if it means you’ll end up in a lot of pain. As long as it’s obtainable, then everything will be worth it. Do you understand…?”
There was silence from Julio. He simply gazed at Brylee, waiting for her reaction to what his wife had just shared with her, and the following words that his daughter spoke caused him to break out in a broad grin.
“Dad… Mom… I’m going to the countryside tomorrow…”
“Good!” those words were exactly what her father had been hoping to hear from her. Brylee, going to the place where Celine had grown up, and spending her childhood was the best idea they had planned. “I’ve already made all of the necessary preparations over there, and I’ve even acquired the house so that you can use your identity as Celine Lauren to explore everything that’s going on over there. I have no doubt in my mind that you will take on the role of your sister by the time you get back to the city!”
Brylee was greeted with a warm smile from Sasha, who then
approached her and embraced her tightly.
“Brylee, you amaze me with your intelligence. If you put your mind to it, I have no doubt that you could master it. However, before you head out to the countryside, allow me to take you to a place to complete
our plan!”
“W-what do you mean, mom? Where are we going?” She asked in
“We’re going to get you a tattoo!” In order for her to accomplish the task, it was necessary for her to get a birthmark that was an exact match for the one that Celine had on her neck. And the only way for her to have this was to get a tattoo. “Since you aspire to be like her, you will need to imitate everything that she possesses!”
Brylee was overcome with emotion as she considered the sacrifices she would have to make for her twin sister, and she was unable to
stop herself from clenching her fists as she hugged her stepmother.
Celine took everything that was rightfully hers, and she was determined to get it all back by any means necessary!
Sebastian drove the car to the top of the mountain and I frowned as I looked around, checking on my surroundings while he was
unfastening his seatbelt.
“Where are we?” I inquired, but my attention was drawn to something outside the vehicle at the time. “Why don’t you just drive me back to
the house?”
“We’ll go back home once you see this…” he remarked, before he opened the door and stepped out of the car.
He came around to my side and opened the door for me, but I didn’t move from my seat as I went through the motions.
“Come on…” his face was calm and patient as he extended his hand to me to take. “I promise, we’re not going to take too much time…”
My gaze fell on his hand, which was extended and waiting for me to accept, and then my eyes flitted back up to his face, which had an optimistic expression on it and clearly indicated that he wouldn’t give up until he had accomplished what he set out to do.
I heaved a sigh as I unbuckled myself from my seatbelt and proceeded to brush his hand off of mine before exiting the car.
Sebastian responded to my gesture by shrugging his shoulders, but he held the small of my back as he guided me up the grassy path that led us directly to the peak of the mountain.
Even though today was relatively warm, it was unquestionably on the cool side up on this hill. I felt Sebastian place his coat on my shoulder, and then his arm came after it; however, I shook his arm off
“I’m not cold, Sebastian…,” I whined, since I didn’t want to make physical contact with him. Now that there was only the two of us here, I couldn’t simply let him do whatever he wanted to do; but, if he
were to do this in front of other people, I was sure that I’d just let him.
“I’m cold…” he whispered in my ear while he encircled his arms around me from behind. “Let me warm up first, please…?”
I was stunned for a while, before I decided to let him bury his face in the crook of my neck while his arms wrapped around my body for a moment, his warm breath fanning on my skin causing me to shiver.
After waiting for a full minute… he finally broke away from me and took hold of my hand. He led me through the verdant woods and we emerged onto a level area not long after.
The night vision of the entire city flashed before my eyes in an instant, and I couldn’t help but let out a gasp of amazement when I caught sight of the city’s glittering golden lights, which appeared to be sca ttered across the ground like stars.
The fact that the blue sea could be seen plainly beneath the starlight was probably the most breathtaking aspect of the scene.
I was taken aback and my jaw dropped open in excitement. It was the first time that I had ever witnessed a night view of the city that was so breathtakingly beautiful. My heart was filled with conflicting emotions for a brief moment.
“No matter what kind of mood I was in, I always found myself drawn back here. Because whenever I look out at this breathtaking panorama, I don’t feel the need to be afraid of all the troubles that lie ahead…” he said in a tone that was soft and especially pleasing.
I maintained my silence while biting the inside of my lips, and
although my eyes were filled with tears, it appeared as though there were ice blocks that had thawed and were about to run out of my eyes at any minute.
“What’s the matter…?” Sebastian asked me this with a concerned

tone in his voice, as he could tell that something was amiss with me.

Are you cold?”
I shook my head, my lips instantly smiled as I tore my gaze away from him. “It’s just that the wind was a bit too hard, and it’s irritating my eyes…”
He nodded.
“What do you think of this place?” he asked all of a sudden, and when he didn’t hear a response from me, he continued. “I’ll bring you here more often from now on…” his voice was very gentle and soft, and I had never heard him like this before.
“Sebastian…” I whispered his name and he coc ked his head to look at my face with a quizzical expression plastered on it. “Please… Don’t be too obsessed with your role as my husband…”
The man’s eyes were dark and appeared to be very deep, and he
stared at me with his brows furrowed. “My role…?”
“There’s no one else here…” I scoffed, as if he didn’t understand what
it was that I was talking about.
“Really, Celine?” His tone became a little more serious. “Do you seriously believe that I was just putting on an act?”
“Why?” I shot back while suppressing a mocking chuckle. “Don’t tell me you like me already? Or you have fallen in love with me. How
many times do I need to remind you that-”
“What if I say yes…?” he asked while staring at me intently. The
expression on his face was so grave that it made me feel queasy. I was speechless and at a loss for what to say because of his
What was he talking about?
Then, his seriousness began to wane as he turned his eyes away from me and concentrated on the breathtaking scenery while
maintaining a small smile on his lips. “If others were to touch something that a person cared about deeply, the person would think of it as a robbery. Today, when that man appeared, I seemed to have gotten this feeling. Don’t you find it ridiculous?”
I didn’t say anything. When I looked back up at him again, his expression gave me an uneasy feeling that came out of nowhere.
This couldn’t possibly be…
“I’ll win you one day, Celine…” he murmured. “Not only your body, but also your heart, and everything in you…”
I avoided his gaze and looked down.
“I’m tired…” I said as I looked up at him again. “I want to go back
home and rest…”
A fleeting expression of disappointment flashed across his face, but in the blink of an eye, it was replaced by a broad smile. “Okay… we’ll wait until the weather gets a little warmer before coming back here again…”
I gave a shrug of the shoulders as I spun on my heels and started walking back to the spot where the car was parked.
I wasn’t prepared for the fact that he almost confessed his feelings to me-well, he actually did. And I was completely unprepared for it. I was at a loss for words over how to respond to it. The only thing I was sure of was that I had to get away from him as soon as possible.
Today’s Bonus Offer
The first day of summer had arrived, and the weather in the city hit an all-time high of 87 degrees Fahrenheit. As I walked into the school, I noticed that the students were wearing short skirts and crop tops, and several of them even had their sleeves rolled up, others were also wearing beautiful and sex y summer dresses. My outfit was just a simple white summer dress that was soft and cool on my body.
Due to the fact that graduation was getting closer… I had an extremely hectic schedule this past month. I had to make up a lot of class time, but after putting in a lot of effort over the course of a month and a half… I was ultimately able to catch up with the lessons and assignments.
I had to make a mad dash to school every single day, and it was quite difficult for me to do so, because I kept going back home to the Anderson Villa, which meant I would still have to deal with Olivia and Cynthia, but Sebastian would be the cause of most of my suffering.
Since that night a month ago… it seemed as though he had revealed his feelings to me. His attitude towards me underwent a radical transformation. He was so overprotective of me, that he had to hug me to sleep every night.
The fact that I would wake up in his arms each morning, even though 1 had spent the previous night insulting and belittling him, was extremely unsettling for me.
I was in a terrible state of mind… me ntally and physically. As a result, I came to the conclusion that I needed to hasten the execution of my plan in order to avoid becoming too entangled with this man. I have my priorities and he was not included in them.
As I made a turn to the right, down the corridor of the school, I could hear a buzzing coming from my pocket where I kept my phone.
Karl Smith…
“Yes, Hello, Uncle Karl…?”
According to what Uncle Karl shared with me the first time we met in the cemetery, my mother, Sandra Stewart’s parents, were killed in a terrible car accident twenty-one years ago.
I confided in him my suspicion that I did not believe that my grandparents passed away as the result of the accident. I couldn’t help but think that something was lurking in the shadows behind there, so I started an investigation right away.
“I have already located the auto technician who was responsible for repairing the vehicle that was involved in the accident…” He shared the information with me, and as soon as I heard it, my palms were sweaty and my pulse pounded harder.
“W-where’s the car?” My voice was shaking as I asked the question
“I collected it myself…” he stated. “But according to the proprietor of the auto repair shop, the mechanic has recently relocated to Hawaii-”
“Hawaii?!” Given the vastness of the distance between the two
locations, traveling to New York from Hawaii would take us thirteen hours by plane.
“How can we talk to him now, Uncle Karl?” I asked as I leaned
helplessly against the wall next to me.
“We have to get there, Celine. Don’t worry, I will make the necessary arrangements as quickly as I can. Once everything has been resolved, all you need to do is get yourself prepared and be ready to go…”
“But I just can’t…” I sighed deeply. “Due to the approaching
commencement ceremony, I’ve had a very full schedule at school during the past few days. And I really need to get the business off the ground before I graduate…”
He remained silent for a brief period of time, giving the impression that he was considering what action would be most beneficial to do
in this situation.
“Would you be able to hold out for me for just a few more days, and then we’ll travel to Hawaii together, perhaps next weekend…?” I bit my bottom lip and crossed my fingers, anticipating that he would say yes to my request.
After hearing him say, “Okay, you don’t need to worry about it…” I let out a breath of relief. “You might want to take care of your business first. I’ll stay here and wait for your notice; all you have to do is give
me a call when you’re finished…”
“By the way, you asked me to find out more about Brylee, so I ordered someone to investigate about her…” he changed the topic, and that caused me to rise up straight since I was excited about the news he was about to offer me about my sister. “The Lauren family said that
she was in a foul mood and decided to take a vacation out of the country, and the maids said the same thing. What are your thoughts on this matter? I can’t help but feel that there’s something shady going on here…”
“Of course!” I said without showing any reluctance. “My sister likes my husband so much. She wouldn’t dare to leave him just like that…”
“What should we do then? Would it be detrimental to you?”
“Uncle Karl, you don’t need to worry about me…” I said with so much confidence. “I know that she was doing all of this for Sebastian. As long as I don’t have any feelings for him, I won’t get hurt…”

I was aware that the words I had chosen were as cruel as ever. However… I was just true to myself. I had already made it clear that I didn’t need love from the very beginning. Love would only destroy my life, like what it did to my mother.
I heard Uncle Karl sigh before he spoke in a soft and worried voice.” Celine… doesn’t he treat you nicely? I saw on the television that he seemed to be very nice to you. Are you sure you don’t need his protection?”
I remained silent while holding my phone tightly in my hand and chose not to respond to his question.
“I just hope that you won’t get hurt, Celine…” Uncle Karl continued. “I hope that someone will protect you, since dealing with Julio Lauren is not an easy situation to be in. If there is no one around you who can defend you, I have a terrible feeling that…”
I cut him off by saying, “Please, Uncle Karl…” which caused him to pause. “The world can be such a harsh place. If you put all of your faith in the decisions made by others, you will end up humiliatingly disappointed. My mother was a living example!”
Uncle Karl did not react, and because I just now realized that I raised my voice a little bit, I took a long breath and tried to calm myself down before I spoke again, this time using a soft tone.
“Uncle Karl, I know that you’re only trying to look out for my best interests, but… you have to know that he’s not the person for me…”
He heaved a sigh.
“Always keep in mind that I’m here for you no matter what you decide to do; I’m always here to support you, Celine…”
“Thank you, Uncle Karl…”
After that, I got off the call and hung up.
When I looked at the time, I saw that there were only two more hours of school left to go before it was over. Therefore, I hurriedly walked down the corridor, and I was just about ready to go to my class when a young lady with braided black hair who was panting came to a stop directly in front of me.
“You’re Celine Anderson, right?” She questioned, barely able to draw
in a breath.
I frowned as I looked at her from head to toe.
“You… you’re Cynthia Anderson’s sister-in-law, aren’t you?” she asked again when she sensed that I was going to ignore her.
She nodded. “Yes. Some girls took her into an empty classroom…”
“What? Why would they do that to her?”
“I think… it was because of a boy, but I don’t know the specifics of what happened…” she said. “When I was on my way to the restroom, overheard a number of girls saying that they would take Cynthia vacant room so that they could teach her a lesson…”
A lesson?
I did not hesitate and took hold of the girl’s wrist. “Let’s go! But hold
on… how can I trust you?”
“My name is Jessie…” She said while biting the inside of her lip, and I raised an eyebrow at her. “I… I was once bullied by other students, and Cynthia helped me. After that, no one was ever brave enough to pick on me again, and I owe a great deal of gratitude to Cynthia for rescuing me. I had been following her in silence, despite the fact that she never allowed me to…”
After observing her facial expression, I reached behind her trousers,
slipped my hand into the back pocket, and took her phone before beginning to dial my number.
“Hey! What are you doing with my phone?” She questioned, but she didn’t make an effort to retrieve it back.
“You’re aware of the repercussions, should I discover that you have been lying to me!” I exclaimed as I handed her back her phone after getting her number. “Come on! Bring me to that empty classroom!”
She paused as she put her phone back into her pocket and nodded. ” Okay!”
“This is what you get for trying to seduce my man!” As soon as we reached the empty classroom, I made a halt and peeked into the door that was slightly ajar, and I was greeted by the obnoxious yelling of a
young woman.
I found Cynthia dormant on the ground where she had been lying while the girl continued to send her murderous gaze. The girl was dressed in a very short black skirt and a red crop top. The heels on her shoes were about five inches high, and her blonde curly hair cascaded all the way down to her waist, and had delicate make-up on
her face.
“What’s her name?” I turned to ask Jessie in a whisper, who was standing behind me, waiting for me to act to save Cynthia.
“Melanie…” she answered right away. “Melanie Calhoun…”
I immediately texted her name to Uncle Karl, asking for information
about her.
Around Melanie were three other young women who appeared to be wearing an identical ensemble of opulent clothing; yet, their hair was styled in a variety of ways, each of which was distinct from the others.
The only thing that they shared in common was the sarcasm and disdain that could be seen in their expressions as they looked at
But what surprised me even more was the boy who was standing next to Melanie. He was crouching down, so I couldn’t get a good look at his face, which made me frown deeper.
“You have no decency whatsoever, Cynthia!” The young woman yelled once more. “Did the daughter of the richest man in New York attend this school with the sole intention of stealing someone else’s man?”
“You got that right! Shameless!” Cynthia didn’t put up any resistance at all, just like I didn’t when I was being beaten by the girls in the rain, even though they shouted at her and started punching and kicking her everywhere.
The only difference between us was that her brother came to rescue me, while the man who was supposed to save her was just watching her cowardly while she was beaten up.
However, after seeing this, Melanie felt a great deal of discontent. She approached her, knelt down, and pulled her hair, but Cynthia
continued to show no signs of emotions throughout the interaction.
“What if I release the footage of you sleeping with my man, huh?” she asked incredulously. “Would it be such a huge success that it would be talked about all across the city?” After that, she let out a resounding chuckle. “Do you believe that your loved ones would take pride in seeing you become famous as a result of an inappropriate video?”
Cynthia’s eyes avoided her completely, and she instead focused her attention on the boy who was simply observing the spectacle in
When Melanie followed Cynthia’s gaze, she questioned her. “Are you still hesitant to leave him? Johnny, come here…”
The young man walked over cautiously after being startled.
“That’s enough, Melanie…” He uttered it with some trepidation.” You’ve given me enough of trouble for today!”
When I did finally get a look at the boy’s face, I was taken aback. He
was an exact clone of Jake in appearance…
Now I comprehend the reasoning for Cynthia’s decision to have sexual relations with that man. She’s looking for a replacement to help mend the holes in her heart that were made by Jake.
I couldn’t help but let out a frustrated sigh and shook my head in disappointment.
“What? Do you have any compassion for her at this point?” Johnny averted his gaze as Melanie directed a furious glare in his direction, since he didn’t want to make his girlfriend any more upset. “Do you believe that if you’ve found a bigger fish like her, you’ll be able to just
cut me out of your life?”
Just… free Cynthia…” he pleaded in the end. “She has nothing to do with this. It’s me…”
As soon as Melanie stood up from squatting on the ground, she struck him across the face with a hard slap. “Johnny, I’m telling you this… if I’d raised you up in a tw inkling of an eye, I could easily destroy you with one click! You better remain quiet and do exactly as say if you don’t want to end up in that sleepy little country again!”
And the young boy fell silent.
“See this guy you like? Is it going to be worth it, huh?” She refocused her attention on Cynthia and jabbed her in the head with her index finger. “You have till the beginning of the following week to get 20 million dollars ready for me. In the event that you do not comply, I will distribute this video to both your parents and the entire city. When that happens, don’t blame me for exposing your wild behavior in bed to every man in New York City!”
“Twenty million dollars?” I made a triumphant noise with my hands clapping and walked into the room. ‘Oh my goodness, girl… you really do have a voracious appetite!”
Everyone was startled when they turned around to look in my direction. They became rigid when they saw me smiling widely as I walked towards them. Jessie, who was cowering behind my back at the time, was a little terrified at this point, but I reassured her earlier that as long as she’s with me, they wouldn’t dare to touch her.
The three minions were instantly placed in a condition of heightened
I paid them no attention as I strolled right on by, as I made my way over to Cynthia. I got down on my knees and lifted her chin with my hand. ^
“Look at me, Cynthia!” I smiled when I saw her reaction as her sad eyes gradually began to condense, looking at me with a hint of brightness in her eyes.
I stood up and faced the three girls shooting them a piercing gaze
one by one.
“Who gave you the permission to beat her?” When I inquired in a loud voice, they began to back away, and you could see the terror in their eyes. “Can you afford the compensation of beating her?!”
They became speechless as a result of my penetrating gaze, and no one dared to open their mouths to answer me.
“Oh… wow! Isn’t she the sister-in-law who gained notoriety as a result of her indecent video?” I was in the middle of confronting Melanie’s friends when I was suddenly interrupted by her mocking voice. “You two-really do belong to the same family. However, she did steal my man. Am I not allowed to make it public? I want justice!”
Because she didn’t appear to be terrified of me, it’s clear that she had expertise at dealing with situations similar to this one.
“Did you just say justice?” I smirked. “Are we going to talk about
fairness with each other? Then let’s have a conversation about it, shall we?” I stated and she frowned in confusion. “To begin, you’re calling him your man?” I pointed my finger at the boy who, upon first seeing me, had the same shocked expression. “If that’s the case, then why was he with her? What exactly do you think this imply?”
“Of course, it proves that she’s a s lut, just like you!” she started provoking me. “A wh ore who sna tches the man that belongs to someone else!”
“You are incorrect…” I shook my index finger in front of her face, and her eyes widened. “What this indicates is that you are devoid of all charms. You can’t even get a hold of your man. You’re such a failure!”
And she was stunned, her throat bobbed up and down as she
swallowed hard.
“Secondly, the two of you are not yet married, and Cynthia was involved with him without her not having any idea about your connection to each other…” I continued. “We even have the option of suing you two for being frauds!”
“What? Frauds?” she laughed.
“Exactly!” I huffed, rolling my eyes. “You didn’t show up until there was this inappropriate video, but Cynthia has been with him for a very long time. It was possible for me to see it as a strategy that had been camouflaged beforehand. After all, not everyone comes from a wealthy family like us!”
“Celine Lauren, are you that shameless that you would turn the truth
into a lie?”
Now, as she was getting more irate, I was savoring every second of it because I had not yet reached my goal.
But I paid no attention to her. “Thirdly!” I yelled right into her ear. “You brought Cynthia here in secret to threaten and assault her without
obtaining any consent. This is a very significant offense that you’ve committed, girl. How should you compensate her now?”
“Dam n you, Celine?” she let out a scream. “Are you attempting to
compete with me here? Believe it or not, I’ll post this video to [*******
m right away!”
And she fished out her phone from her purse and started working on
Today’s Bonus Offer
obtaining any consent. This is a very significant offense that you’ve committed, girl. How should you compensate her now?”
“Da mn you, Celine!” she let out a scream. “Are you attempting to compete with me here? Believe it or not, I’ll post this video to I******* m right away!”
And she fished out her phone from her purse and started working on
Today’s Bonus Offer

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 112-115

112. HE’S BACK
In order to have a conversation with me, Sean decided to take me to the nearest coffee shop, and as we were sitting, facing each other, I gazed at him absent-mindedly.
He was dressed formally in a white button-down shirt with three buttons undone, and the thin hairs on his broad chest could be seen poking out. He had a really clean and modern look to his dark hair.
But it was his understated appearance that drew attention to his pristine good looks and cheerful disposition.
“Are you feeling okay?” he inquired, his tone of voice still unchanged as before; it was crisp and polite.
I was trying to keep my hands still while I clasped them together, but my eyes seemed to be avoiding him in some way.
“I’m alright…” It took me some time to react to him because I genuinely did not know what to say.
I looked down at the cup of coffee that was sitting in front of me
when my phone rang again.
“Aren’t you going to take that call?”
I responded by biting my lip and deciding to answer my phone, but I was disappointed to see that there was no name displayed on the screen. Once more, it’s a number I’m not familiar with.
Before I took a sip of my coffee, I turned my phone to silent mode and flipped it over so that the screen was facing down.
My gaze traveled over him as I raised the cup to my lips and took a sip from it. He had matured even more. He seemed both familiar and strange to me now, unlike before when we were so close to each
But time and people change.
I set my coffee down and remained staring at him for a few seconds before realizing that I had no idea how to react to him.
“Are you daydreaming again?” he inquired as he stretched his fingers to lightly pat my head.
After a brief period in which I was rendered speechless, my natural
reaction was to retreat.
However, Sean’s hand became stuck in an awkward position in the air as a result of the natural evasive movement he made.
I tried to avoid meeting his gaze, and I had the sensation that my face was turning crimson all over.
As he withdrew his hand, he mumbled, “I’m sorry…”
On top of the table, my phone, which was set to silent mode, started making a vibrating sound.
When I flipped my phone around, I saw that the caller ID showed the same strange number as the one that had called just now.
“I’m sorry, but I have to go…” I announced as I got to my feet and was about to leave, but his words caused me to come to a complete halt.
“Is it true that you’re already married?” he asked.
I was startled and immediately stopped moving, and the hand that was holding my phone began to shake.
“Is he treating you well?”
I locked my eyes with him, but my lips quivered as I said, “He’s very nice to me…”

“Jenny said the marriage was fake. Is that true?”
After hearing those remarks, I was rendered speechless as my brows furrowed.
“Jenny told me everything…” Sean continued. “She said that you had no choice but to marry him… that you had your own difficulties… and problems about your family… That you don’t love him…”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about…” I responded, then turned on my heels and attempted to go, but he was quick enough to grab my wrist and swing me around so that I could face him.
“Why didn’t you come and find me?” he asked, his voice was full of pain. “Didn’t I give you my number? Why haven’t you even bothered to call me once? I was trying to call your old number… but why did you change it?”
Sean barraged me with a number of questions, and I was at a loss for what to say in response to most of them.
We did exchange numbers before he left, but that was back then when I was still young and innocent. I felt overjoyed the moment he confessed his feelings to me.
We used to call each other frequently at that time, but everything changed when his mother called me, telling me to stop calling her son. She was also the reason why I changed my number.
“I had no idea that Auntie had passed away, or how much you’d suffered…” Sean said. “Why didn’t you look for me? You were alone, Celine… and you know that I’ve always been there for you. You should’ve known that just one call from you, I wouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with you again!”
Because my emotions were all over the place at the moment, I chose not to say anything.
“Celine, please…” he was pleading now. “Let me help you… I’ll help you get free from this marriage-”
“What the heck is going on around here?”
Before I could even open my mouth to answer Sean, a deep low voice sounded out inside the room, prompting me to shut my eyes before slowly turning around to see my husband standing at the doorway of the coffee shop with a grim expression on his face. When his gaze landed on me, it was as if thousands of ice needles were penetrating into my body one at a time.
The next second, Sebastian moved over with long strides, and when his glance swept across Sean, who was still holding my wrist, his brows tightened, and he plastered a disdainful smirk.
“What’s the meaning of this?” he inquired with hatred in his voice, and that led Sean to release the grip on my wrist. “Why aren’t you picking up when I called you?” His menacing and oppressive look traveled from my hand to my face as he moved closer to me.
While I was overwhelmed with the pressure he was giving me, he swiftly threw his arm around my shoulders, drawing me into his arms.
This action made me inexplicably defensive. I struggled to escape, but he grasped me so tightly that I wasn’t able to make a move.
“Why don’t you take the time to introduce me to this friend of yours?” he asked, his hold increasing firmer.

“Hi… my name is Sean Hayes. I’m Celine’s… first love. Nice to meet you…” Sean took the initiative to hold out his hand to greet him, but Sebastian only gazed at him with his eyes narrowed.
“First love…?” Sebastian asked, his lips twisted in a sarcastic way.
“Yes… her childhood sweetheart to be exact,” Sean shrugged his shoulders and retracted his hand as if it were no big deal that my husband didn’t shake hands with him. “She was just fourteen when I…’
Sebastian’s jaw twitched as he decided to pay no attention to him and then turned to gaze at me. “Didn’t we agree on visiting your parents’ house together after your school? We should get going. Dad’s waiting for us…”
With only one sentence, he had exposed his identity to Sean, and the latter’s visage quickly faded upon hearing that Sebastian called m father, Dad.
“Oh… I’m her husband, by the way,” Sebastian unexpectedly blurted out as Sean’s face paled as he processed the information, even though he was already aware who this man beside me was.
“But your marriage is fake…” Sean countered, smirking.
I just couldn’t bear the humiliating atmosphere any longer; it was too much. The way in which they carried on talking as though I weren’t standing right in front of them made me feel even more agitated.
“My apologies…” I said as I shook my shoulder in an effort to free myself from Sebastian’s grasp. “There is still something for me to do.
I’ll get going…’
I quickly grabbed my school bag and left the coffee shop without waiting for Sebastian to catch up with me. The black car that was waiting in front of the coffee shop was the first I spotted, so I yanked open the door and climbed inside.
A few moments later, I saw Sebastian going out of the coffee shop as well. He seemed so irate, his eyes were staring directly at the car I
was in.
“Who is that man?” he questioned as soon as he stepped into the driver’s seat, his voice calmed down a bit.
Because I didn’t want to engage in conversation with him, I directed my attention to the world outside the car window.
I heard him sigh while he was sitting there, and in silence for some
“You’re not going to tell me who that man is?” He inquired once more, this time with a more insistent tone, but still, I didn’t respond to him as I remained silent. “Fine! I’m going to investigate him all by myse
“Does his identity have anything to do with you?” I hissed as I turn my head to look at him. “Why must you investigate him?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” he asked back. “It seems as though he was trying to seduce my wife; thus, what do you think I ought to do to him?” a smile formed on his lips which was cold and filled with cynicism, causing me to shudder uncontrollably.
“Don’t you dare!” I retorted furiously, glaring at him.
“So now, you’re protecting him!” he exclaimed as he leaned forward, his entire bulk practically obstructing my view of him. The intensity of his rage was literally visible in the bulging veins on his forehead. “Do
you like him?”
I didn’t move. I did nothing but give him a really icy look. There was even an underlying current of unmasked hostility in it.
After maintaining eye contact with him for a while, I eventually moved my lips together in order to respond.
“Don’t forget, Mr. Anderson… that we’re just pretending to be married!” I rasped. “We’re nothing but a fake couple!”
“Fake couple?” he snarled angrily. Do I have a vivid imagination, or did he really sound like he was in a lot of pain when I mentioned that?
I co cked my head to the side and glared at him with a contemptuous expression.
“I would never inquire about the details of your personal life. Even if you were to carry on with dozens of extramarital relationships, I wouldn’t be bothered by it. If you ever get sick of playing with them, I can assist you in resolving the issue at no cost to you at all… provided that you let me know when you do so. So, could you just let me go?”
And that left him speechless.
After that, he let out a hearty chuckle, but then his expression. changed to one of seriousness, and he leaned over me once again
that his warm breath could fan across my nose.
“Who told you that this marriage was a sham?”
And I was taken aback by that.
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“Now that we’re married, do not even entertain the thought of walking away from my life because I will never, ever allow that to happen! You will be my wife forever!”
“You’re crazy!” I growled as I shoved him away from me with my palm on his chest.
He just laughed it off.
“I can be even crazier than you think, baby… Would you be interested in giving it a shot?”
He didn’t wait for me to respond before he violently pressed his lips to mine in a manner that suggested he was trying to punish me.
I attempted to push him away from me and purse my lips, but his strength was so great that he pinned me against my seat and kissed me more forcefully. Because he was so domineering over me, I was completely immobilized.
It was not until he noticed that I was already gasping for air that he reluctantly let go of my lips.
“Don’t let me catch you with that guy again, or you know the
circumstances!” he declared and finally drew away from me. “Don’t ever forget that you are Mrs. Celine Anderson now, my one and only wife!” he reminded me once more before he returned to his sond
drove off. a

114. SAME
I didn’t wait for Sebastian to open the door for me and got out of the car as soon as he pulled up in front of the Lauren mansion.
“It’s Miss Celine! She’s back!” Nadia greeted me in a respectful manner as she bowed her head down, and I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at her for being so courteous to me; nevertheless, she paid no heed to me and instead focused her attention on my husband.” Good evening, Mr. Anderson…”
“Is Celine back?” I overheard Julio’s words as he hastily exited the dining room with a broad smile on his lips.
“Dad!” Sebastian offered him a friendly smile while I remained silent and didn’t say anything to him. I didn’t even bother to give my father a glance as I leisurely explored the estate on my own accord.
Through the periphery of my vision, I was able to make out that Julig was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to greet him.
“Celine, you’re back!” The living room echoed with Sasha’s irritating voice and I rolled my eyes at their over-the-top antics. “Seb, I see that you’re also present. Come, let’s eat dinner. I got word that both of you are going to show up, so we have been getting ready since this morning…”
Julio put his arm around Sebastian’s shoulder and led him to the dining room while Sasha h ooked her arm around mine and whispered, “Are you feeling better now? I’ve been wanting to visit you, but I got a cold recently. It wasn’t exactly convenient in any way. I was afraid I’d infect you…”
It was difficult to imagine that this was my father’s wife, who only a
few weeks ago had caused me a great deal of pain, given the attitude that she displayed.
My mouth formed a sarcastic crinkle at the corners of my lips as I laughed silently. Naturally, one would behave in this manner
regardless of who they shared a house with.
I shrugged my shoulders, and slowly unhooked my arm from around her, then I walked into the dining room. When I got there, I Saw that the dining table was piled high with a variety of mouthwatering
dishes. Instantaneously, the chill crept into my eyes.
The amount of work that Julio Lauren had put into this was quite impressive.
The dishes that were the most expensive were the ones that included caviar, seafood, and Kobe beef.
What about my mother, though? When she was still alive, she never once indulged in such a sumptuous meal, despite the fact that all of these things ought to have been hers from the very beginning.
“Please come in and have a seat…” Sebastian was urged by Julio.
Sasha was very kind and pulled out a chair for me to sit in as well Yes, sit down, sweetie…” She then turned to Nadia, who was servin beverages, and said, “Could you please give Brylee and Allen a call and tell them to join us for dinner?”
Nadia gave a kind grin and nod as she exited the room, but just as she did, a voice startled her from the adjacent living room.
“Is she in the house?” After Brylee asked Nadia and entered the dining room, I turned around and was taken aback by the way she had
changed. The length of her hair was now the same as mine after she had it cut.
Was she trying to copy me this time?
I was able to see that Sebastian glanced over at her, but he didn’t keep his eyes on her for more than a split second at any point.
Allen was the next person to enter the room, and as he took the seat opposite of me, he had a long face and he glared at me with eyes that were filled with disgust.
It didn’t bother me in the least, and in fact… I stared back at him for longer period of time until he finally gave in and lowered his gaze.
Up until this point, I hadn’t been able to recognize his similarity to Julio, and as a result, the idea that Sasha’s lover could be his biological father has lingered again in the back of my mind.
“Celine, dad heard that you were going to be here today, so he got up extra early to go shopping for your favorite seafood…” When Brylee made the announcement, her voice was gentle and friendly.
The new haircut she got made her look even more endearing, especially when combined with her sweet demeanor and voice; nonetheless, my husband continued to pay her no attention. Too bad…
“Is that so?” I asked sarcastically. “But… I don’t like seafood!”
I gave everyone around me a warm smile as I looked into their eye and just as I had anticipated, their facial expressions shifted in th blink of an eye.
“Oh… you don’t like seafood?” Sasha inquired while attempting to conceal her displeasure. “It’ okay… There are still many different foods available here. There are still ribs, roast lamb, and steaks…”
“Why did you cut your hair?” I paid no attention to Sasha and instead focused on Brylee, who was sitting next to her brother. “I recalled that you always preferred to have long hair…”
Brylee’s worried gaze was fixed on mine. “I… thought that your
haircut was attractive, so I cut mine as well… You’re not angry at me,
“Angry?” It made me laugh. “I’m not angry at all. Do you agree that her hair goes perfectly with this style, honey?” I leaned in closer to
Sebastian and placed a light touch on his arm, which startled him, and he quickly turned to look at Brylee, after which he nodded in a forceful way.
“Let’s start to eat…” Sasha announced, trying to break the chilly atmosphere that was starting to form.
The maids, including Nadia, started bringing us some wine.
Julio was seated at the head of the table, and Sebastian, who was
seated closest to him, began a conversation about business.
I realized that I had no interest in continuing to listen to what they were talking about, so I excused myself after having three mouthfuls of the food.
“Where are you heading?” When Sasha inquired, and everyone turned their attention to me in anticipation of my response.
“I’ll just go to my room for a little while to rest…” I gave them a friendly smile in response. “Besides that, I really miss my old room the basement…”
To my astonishment, Brylee got out of her seat at the same time as did. She pushed her chair back and started walking towards me while announcing that she would be joining me in going to my room. “I’l| show Celine her new room upstairs..

Really? They transferred my room upstairs?
I gave a dismissive shrug and pretended that I didn’t mind that my sister had tagged along. We went upstairs together, but she took the lead, and as we went, I noticed that she looked a lot like me from behind. We had the same height… the same figure… and the same
hairstyle… to the point where it would be impossible for a random person to tell us apart.


“This is your new room…” Brylee remarked as she opened the door to my room. Her soft, soothing voice had reverted to its previous, more grating condition.
I walked inside and took my time looking around, only to discover that it was much larger than I had anticipated. There was a walk-in wardrobe, a sofa that was an exact replica of Cynthia’s, a vanity dresser, and anything else that I could possibly require at any one
I couldn’t help but smile at how drastically different it was from the room I had been occupying downstairs before. What was Julio planning to do behind the scenes with all of this?
When I was living here, they gave me a room that was normally used by the ser vants. And now that I was married, he gave me a luxurious
They actually believed that I would come back to live again in this house?
“Happy?” Brylee sat down on the sofa and sliced through me with an icy stare. “Are you feeling proud of yourself? You have already stolen my man, and now you’re attempting to take away my father!”
I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying as I moved to the bed and laid down, feeling the plush and comfortable mattress against my back.
“How long do you anticipate being able to continue using the title of Mrs. Anderson, huh? And when will you leave Seb?” she continued pestering me with questions and that made me turn to one side to
face her, resting my cheek on my hand.
“Tell me, Brylee… are you copying me because you want to be my
She sneered while shooting glares at me. “Who do you think you are? I’m not that crazy to be your substitute! It seems like you’re the one who’s trying to take my place here!”
“Oh… is that so?” I just shrugged my shoulders, and it only made her more irate.
She got up from her seat and started walking in my direction. “If it weren’t for the fact that you had the same face as mine, do you think he would fall for you? You’re just pretending to be me to get close to him!”
“Then you need to give me five million dollars so that I can assist you in getting my husband…” I made the offer, and she was completely taken aback; her pupils drew wider as she looked at me in utter amazement. “It doesn’t matter who the substitute is, because I am now married to him. And as his wife, I have the right to do those things with him, don’t you think?”
She remained mute as she continued to stare at me.
“Don’t you want a taste of him?” I asked and her eyes got wider a she swallowed hard. So, I decided to tease her a little more. “He’s very skilled, you know. He can do it six times a night…”
I lowered my voice to a whisper when I said the last words, and then I burst out laughing when I saw that she had her hands clenched at her sides.
“Are you sure you don’t want to give it a shot? Just give me a chance to assist you, all right? My cost is quite reasonable. For the low, low price of five million dollars… you can get a sample of my husband’s work.”
As Brylee watched me laughing, the facial muscles on her face began to quiver and shake. “What in the world do you take him for?”
“You don’t want it?” I pouted to annoy her more and she blushed. ‘ Aww… that’s alright! Just forget everything I just said…”
I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes.
“Please close the door when you leave…” I said and pretended that a yawn escaped from my mouth. Even though my eyes were closed, I could still feel her staring at me, and I’m loving it…

“You don’t love him, do you?” She questioned me out of the blue, and there was an awkward pause while she waited for me to respond to her inquiry. “Why don’t you answer me? Can’t you at least tell me whether you love him or not?”
“You are absolutely correct, my beloved sister…” I smiled and then opened my eyes so that she could see how honest I was being. “I
don’t love him! Satisfied?”
And for a little second, she was speechless.
“Why?!” she asked, almost screaming. “What rights do you not love him?”
I was aware that she was enraged by the fact that she had be love with the man ever since, and yet I married him so easily. B turned out that I didn’t love him.
“Then why did you agree to marry him?!” she asked again, but th time her tone was more demanding. “Tell me! Why did you subjec yourself to all of that filth and scandal if you never loved him in the first place? How come you decided to seduce him? Are you really such a b itch that you can’t tolerate the feeling of being alone in your bones?”
Her words were extremely harsh to the ears, which caused my face to
darken, so I sat up and stared at her. “Why…?” I repeated her question. “You’re asking me why?”
“Why?” she asked again, clenching her teeth, and I smiled as I got to my feet and started to walk towards her.
But as I approached her step by step, she was retreating back slowly until I cornered her against the wall, and she was unable to move
I put on a sinister smile and pressed my palm onto the wall, trapping her. “Because you love him…” I spoke in a hushed tone. “As long as it is something you loved, I will take it away from you!”
She gazed at me with a terrified expression that caused her eyes to bulge out in surprise, and her lips quivered.
“I will never forget how you forced my mother to die…” I continued, my voice cracking as I thought about how they caused my mother to go through so much pain. “Brylee Lauren, this is just the beginning of what’s to come…” As I leaned in to whisper to her, I made sure that my frigid voice pounded ruthlessly in her ears.
I straightened my back and took a few steps back from her b turning around, returning to the bed, and lying down on it with my eyes closed.
I heard Brylee’s heavy steps as she walked out of my room, slamm the door with a loud thud.
I heaved a sigh as I turned sideways and decided to sleep for a while but after a few moments, I heard the door open and thought it was Brylee again, so I didn’t bother to check who it was, until I felt the body of the person pressing on me which caused me to startle and forced to open my eyes..

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 111

When I entered the gate of the school, I could hear murmuring everywhere, and I could see that some of the students were looking in my direction. I expected this… so, I didn’t pay attention to them and continued walking to my destination.
“Take a look… that’s the mischievous sister from the Lauren family right there!”
“No! She’s officially Mrs. Anderson now…”
‘She probably got that title with her seductive looks. Who knows?”
“Sssshh… keep your voice down. Don’t let her hear you…”
As I walked down into the hallway, I could hear more and more people talking about me behind my back.
Every single group of young women would sca tter as soon as laid eyes on me, as if I were harboring some sort of infectious disease. I acted as though I couldn’t see or hear anything going o around me and then went directly to the office without further ado.
The most important thing for me to work on right now was boosting my academic performance. As a result of the fact that I will soon be graduating, I still had a lot of things to get ready.
I didn’t waste any time and headed straight to the school office to pick up my schedule and books.
I went to hunt for my class, and as soon as I stepped inside, the students who had been chatting and laughing quickly became silent.
I sat down at the empty desk at the back, and pulled out my textbook
from my bag to read.
“Hey! How could you be so shameless and steal your sister’s fiancé? And how dare you still show your face in public, and manage to attend classes?” a girl with blonde hair asked as she slammed her palm on my desk with a banging sound.
raised my chin to look at her more closely.
She continued by extending her middle finger in a condescending manner while making the statement… “If I had you as my sister, I would have strangled you to death…
“You got that right! How dare you come to our class? What did you do to Brylee?” A girl with short dark hair and dark eyes came over.
I made the decision to pay them no attention and instead focused my attention on the book I was reading.
“Hey! She’s asking you a question!” The blonde girl pri cked me on the temple with her finger. “Where’s Brylee?”
I was aware that the other students in my class were looking at if we were putting on a show for them.
“Are you her minions?” I asked and they looked at each other, and that confirmed the answer to my inquiry. “So, you two are her followers…? Then, you ought to be aware of the reason why she has not been attending the class, right?”
“What?” The young woman with the short hair exclaimed in a furious tone. “Who are you calling a follower? Who do you think you are? Yeah
whoever you may be? If it weren’t for Brylee… I don’t know how. you’d make it through life in New York! If I had the power to say so… the death of your mother was undoubtedly brought on by your intolerable arrogance!”
The blonde responded with a “Yeah, right…” while smiling annoyingly
at me and tucking her hair behind her ear.
All of the other students remained silently seated in their respective seats as they observed the scene. They gave the impression of being from a rich family, which was plausible given the serious nature of this institution. The students at this institution came from wealthy backgrounds.
However, those two young ladies standing in front of me were
different. They wouldn’t let up until they saw me bawling my eyes out and pleading with them to stop what they were doing.
I slammed shut the book I was reading as I plastered a smile on my lips and stood up from my seat.
“What did you say?” I asked. “I wasn’t able to hear you very well…”
The young woman with the short hair slouched forward, pressing both palms firmly against the desk. “As I was saying, your mother passed away because…”
I didn’t let her finish her sentence. Instantaneously, my hand sho and smacked her across the face with a firm blow..
“Ouch!” I muttered under my breath dramatically, as I gazed at t palm of my hand. “Your face is so thick that my palm got bruised
“Ssshhh!” I snorted as I placed my index finger on her lips. “Keep your voice down. Should my husband overhear you, I’m afraid that… he might do something you don’t like…”
She was taken aback, and a look of terror spread across her face.
As I looked around the classroom, I could tell that everyone had been taken aback by what they had seen regarding my behavior.
“I am well aware that none of you like me, but it is irrelevant to me,
and it doesn’t affect me in the least, because I do not require
anyone’s approval in any capacity. But I would want to take this opportunity to tell you that I am now married to Sebastian Anderson, and that you have no doubt heard about the background of my husband…”
I watched their reactions, and I noticed that some of them bowed their heads. This action indicated that they were paying attention to what I was saying. But others, including the two girls who had bullied me earlier, kept their heads held high and refused to lower their chins.
“I don’t care how you’re going to talk about me behind my back; I’m only worried that those words will find their way into my husband’s ear and if it ends up involving anyone around here, that wouldn’t be very nice, would it?”
After that, they began making eye contact with one another and exchanging looks. They are now conscious of the fact that my statements posed an indirect danger to them.
“I don’t care-‘
“That’s enough!” The girl with the short hair was quickly halted by blonde girl. She signaled to her by shaking her head that she sho refrain from making any further comments.
“We’ll see how long you’ll last…” she said instead, just before she shook her hand from the blonde girl’s grasp and returned to her seat.
After I made my speech, no one of them had the courage to bring up the topic again in front of me, despite the fact that everyone’s eyes were indicating displeasure.
The moment the bell rang, it was as if the students had all been let out of their cages at once, as they dashed out of the building.
I caught up on the classes I missed recently, and I also got the instructor to bring me some old tests to study from. And by the time I
had completed all of my work, there was not a single student remaining in the classroom.
I was making my way down the hallway when I heard my phone ring inside the pocket of my jeans. It was a message from my husband that read… “Wait for me in front of the school gate, I’ll be right there to pick you up…”
I heaved a sigh as I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and started walking directly toward the exit of the school. However, I was taken aback when I saw a black SUV parked in front of it, and it h o nked as soon as I stepped out of the building.
I didn’t waste any time and opened the door to the back passenger seat, and then I hopped inside. “Let’s go…” I said in a relaxed tone as I sat down, and placed the backpack on my lap.
I didn’t even bother to look at the person who was driving. Because I didn’t feel comfortable getting too close to him, I decided to sit here
I waited with my eyes closed and my back arched back into the of my seat waiting for the car to start moving, but it didn’t.
“Celine…” I was startled when I heard a voice that was strangely
familiar to me.
I immediately sat up straight and opened my eyes, only to be taken aback by the person I was seeing with my own eyes.

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 107-110

“Are you even aware of how many times your husband was invited to give a speech at your University, and yet I refused?” Sebastian asked.
I didn’t move an inch and instead kept staring at his dashing face.
He then heaved a sigh as he straightened his back and moved away
from me.
“Okay, that’s enough… Under these circumstances, you are not
permitted to read books for an extended period of time. Take a break and relax first. I’ll just go for a little dip in the pool, and when I’m finished, I’ll tell you something about the market, all right?”
He picked me up from where I was sitting on the couch and carefully set me down on the bed.
“Wait for me…” he said as he exited the room while carrying a towel and a shirt. “I’ll be right back…”
As soon as the door had been shut, I stepped barefoot onto the carpeted floor and then exited through the door leading to the balcony.
Sebastian has, for some reason, seemed to be particularly domineering towards me throughout the course of the past two days.
The window in the room might be opened for a short period of time at the noon hour, but other than that, it had to be shut at all other times.
It was due to the fact that he insisted that the chilly breeze would not be beneficial for my health. However, I don’t need his concern in any
Regarding that particular matter, I don’t need anyone’s wolly at ally
I had just gotten comfortable on the sofa out on the balcony, where I intended to remain for a while, when all of a sudden I heard someone crying in a mewling, cat-like manner.
That voice… sounded like I had been heard before. I gradually sat up and moved closer to the area where the sound was coming from.
It sounded like it was coming from Cynthia’s room, so I carefully pulled back the curtains to investigate. When I did, I found Cynthia sitting on the balcony of her room and sobbing uncontrollably.
The fact that this was the very first time I had ever witnessed her crying in such a manner caused me to be a little taken aback.
However, I didn’t want to disturb her. I could tell that Cynthia was trying to hold back her s obs since she didn’t want anyone to know that she was in such a precarious state from the way that she was
Everyone has their own unique account to tell.
As a result, I went back to bed after drawing the wool curtains, as well as closing the sliding door to the balcony.
And just as I was about to drift off to dreamland, I was awakened by the buzzing of my phone, which was sitting on the nightstand.
When I checked my phone to see who had texted me, I was surprised to find an unknown number that appeared to be one that I had seen
“Hi… How have you been? I’m back…” As I read the message over and over again, my pupils dilated, and I felt a trembling in my hands. “I’ve been told that you’re currently residing in New York. I want to meet you, Celine…”
As I scrolled through the string of messages, I couldn’t help but
clench my teeth. The entirety of my body was trembling, and I had no idea what to say in response.
After what seemed like an eternity, I finally put down my phone, feeling a little fra zzled.
But then my phone started to ring, and I was too nervous to check it, but I did anyway. I sighed in relief when I saw Jenny calling.
“Hey, Jenny…”
“Celine, he’s back!” Jenny exclaimed, a hint of astonishment audible in her tone of voice. “Has he already gotten in touch with you? I was told that he arrived safely at his destination this afternoon…”
I didn’t speak. I was feeling a little confused as I held the phone in my hand at the same time.
“He…” I stuttered out. “He just messaged me, telling me that he wants to meet up with me…”
“Really?!” I could almost see her eyes widen in excitement. “So… are you going to go through with meeting him?”
“Meet him?”
“Yeah… you should see him. You’ve been looking forward to seeing him for all of these years, but now that he’s actually arrived, don’t you want to catch up with him?” I could tell by Jenny’s voice that she was quite excited.
I don’t believe it was appropriate for us to meet at this time. I’m already…
“Celine, are you listening?” Hearing her words jolted me out of my musings and brought me back to the present.
“Jenny, you know that I can’t…” I whispered. “I…I’m already… married…’
These words, for the very first time, made me feel incredibly down and unhappy.
“Celine, your marriage with Sebastian Anderson is fake…” As soon as Jenny recognized the unease in my voice, she immediately offered me solace. “If you tell him the truth, I’m sure he’ll understand… I’m very certain that he will—”
I laughed out bitterly. “No man in their right mind would ever accept a woman who had been married to another man. And one more thing… I just had a miscarriage…”
When she didn’t respond, I sighed and decided to end the
conversation with her.
“I’m feeling a little sleepy, Jenny…” It was a mumble and she sighed. Let me take a rest first…”
“Okay…” I heard Jenny open a door from the background. “I’ll just ca you some other time. Please try not to dwell on it too much, okay
Rest well…”
After then, she terminated the call.
As I recalled Sean, who had been my neighbor on the island ever since I was five years old, I pressed my phone even closer to my chest and sat on the bed in a state of bewilderment.

“Celine… I promise to protect you for the rest of my life, and no matter
what happens, you can count on me to be always here for you. I’ll remain your brother Sean forever…” He smiled as he gently exerted pressure on my hand while it was encircled by his.
“Of course…” I smiled back at him. “Sean, you are the most amazing brother in the world…”
He laughed as he gently squeezed my cheek and whispered… “Silly girl. Forever means… I want you to be my wife…”
He was already twenty-years old and I was just fourteen at that time. He was about to travel abroad to study, so he took the initiative to confess to me before he left.
His confession took me completely by surprise. I wasn’t prepared fo the fact that my neighbor, who had always looked out for me, woul all of a sudden confess his affections for me.
“Please, baby girl… Please hold on until I get back…” The charming young man gave me a hug while we were outside under the sunshine and surrounded by locust blossoms, and it caused me to become temporarily confused. “I’ve been waiting for you to grow up, and now it’s your turn to wait for me. Don’t forget me, baby girl…”
At that instant, a peculiar sensation emerged within my chest.
The memory of his words remained vivid in my head, as though the event had only taken place the day before. I didn’t make any promises to him, but I did say that I wouldn’t forget about him.
And now that he’s back, I don’t know how to explain to him everything
that happened to me.
Opening the sliding door to the swimming pool, I was surprised to see that the lights were already clicked on and I smiled when I found the. large pool waiting for me. The blue water reminded me of the beach. in Oceana City, and without any further incentive, I walked straight towards it.
I placed my clean shirt and the bath towel on the lounge chair and undressed to my swim trunks and then walked slowly along the edge of the pool until I reached the water, at which point I took a few shallow breaths as I struggled to adjust to the sudden drop in
Even though the pool was heated, I still took a few moments to get used to the water’s warmth before I could fully submerge myself. I descended the wide stairs that were submerged in the water until I could no longer see the ground below me.
I was about to take my first stroke when I was startled by someo who suddenly emerged from underneath the water. Brylee was donning a seductive black bikini at the time, and I watched her with my brows furrowed as she swam around in circles for a while before allowing herself to float on her back and closing her eyes.
It didn’t matter which angle you looked at it from; it was an extremely tempting sight, but all I could feel at the moment was annoyance.
Didn’t the housekeepers tell her that I typically go for a swim every night for a quarter of an hour?
After what couldn’t have been more than a minute of floating and swimming around in the pool, she suddenly turned her head to look in my direction.
“Seb!” Brylee’s cheeks flushed bright crimson in an instant, and she gave off the impression that she was experiencing some level of agitation by lowering her gaze and biting her lower lip.
“Why are you here?” When I asked her in a cold tone, she looked at me, and it wasn’t until then that I observed that she had trimmed her hair to the same length as Celine’s.
F uck! What are you planning to do, Brylee?
“The doctor stated that it’s best for my body and heart to recover if I perform some exercise…” She murmured as she ran her delicate fingers through her dripping hair.
I nodded as I turned around and walked back towards the pool stairs when I heard her calling me, so I turned to face her with a questioning
“Are you leaving already?” she asked. It was at that very moment that her gaze moved down to my shoulders and then to my chest. Suddenly she wasn’t ashamed of looking further down at all.
“Yeah…” I sighed in irritation. “Enjoy your swimming…”
I confidently marched up the stairs and made my way towards lounge chair where I had left my towel, but all of a sudden, I heard
“Seb!” she yelled very loudly. “Help… help me… Sebastian…!” As I watched her swim erratically across the water, I couldn’t help but frown. “I… I’m getting cramps in my..
I did not squander any time and immediately dove into the water and began swimming in her direction. After I scooped her up out of the water, she immediately placed both of her arms around my neck and began sobbing.
I was able to calm her down by rubbing her back in a soothing way
after dragging her towards the side of the pool. “Don’t worry, Brylee, you’re safe now…”
“No, I’m afraid…” She mumbled, her voice was shaking. “I’m so afraid. Please, don’t leave me…” She broke out into a loud so b and buried her face in the crook of my neck, and I did nothing but let her until her cries subsided.
However… the following action that she took caught me off guard.
She began by kissing the side of my jaw down to my neck before pressing her body against mine.
What the f ucking hell?!
I made a strong grasp of Brylee’s shoulders and yanked her away from me. It was so painful that she writhed in discomfort and fresh tears began to form in her eyes.
“Seb!” she yelled out in frustration.
I turned my back on her and dragged myself up and out of the water not paying attention to her calling my name while her hands were trying to stop me from leaving her.
I grabbed the towel that was sitting on the chair and flung it at her. Just wait here…” I sighed heavily. “I’m going to ask someone to help you out of there…”
I spun on my heels and started walking toward the sliding door, but I hadn’t taken more than three steps before I heard Brylee’s voice once
“Sebastian!” I was unaware that she had already emerged from the water, and I am currently being hugged by her from behind. “Why would you ask someone else to help me when you’re already here to do it yourself?”
“She won’t be happy…” I muttered as I worked my way slowly away
from the embrace that her hands had created around me.
“Why?” She inquired, her voice resonating with anguish that I was unable to adequately convey. “Why did you marry her? Why did you choose her instead of me? Was it because she had your child?”
“It was all fate, Brylee!” I snarled as I turned to face her. “Destiny has brought me and Celine together!”
Today’s Bonus Offer

“Destiny?!” She asked in disbelief, clenching her teeth. “What about me? What am I to you? I’ve been by your side for such a long time, Seb! Have you ever thought about me? Have you ever loved me?!”
She must have used every ounce of effort she had left to yell out that final sentence, as her tears wouldn’t stop from streaming down her
But all I did was stare at her with a stony expression on my face.
‘Now that you’re in a better state, it’s time for you to go home, Brylee…” Because I did not display any emotions, the statements came across as if they were being given by a boss to an employee.” No one needs you here…”
And pain flashed across her face at my statement.
“So, you’ve never liked me before?” She inquired quietly, and alt her tone was unruffled, there was a note of agitation in her vo You fell in love with her, didn’t you?”
I became completely unmovable in my position.
Is it possible that I’ve developed romantic feelings for Celine?
I shook my head. I just don’t know how to respond to that question…
Nevertheless, I was conscious of the fact that my feelings for her defied explanation. I had this irrational desire to remain with her and to be alone with her for a period of time.
Whenever I was in the office, I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and I had a strong need to leave my work so that I could spend time with
her at home.
“After all these years of me loving you, how did you fall in love with her?!” After Brylee had finished laughing mockingly, she suddenly started crying as if she were a psychopath. “Why can’t you notice me? Why can’t you recognize my efforts, and the things I’ve done for you? Why can’t you see all of that, Sebastian?!”
“Your efforts?” I laughed it off. “Did you mean sending your sister to my bed?”
She was taken aback, and a look of terror spread across her face. Obviously, she was unaware that I knew what she was doing, but she immediately regained her composure as she started getting closer to
“You don’t love her at all.” she mumbled, her eyes blazing with rage as she glared at me. “The only person you love is Claire!”
I was taken aback by that.
“And Celine… is nothing more than Claire’s ghost because the tw them share the same personality, which makes you think that you have feelings for Celine… They have the same attitude and she-”
“Stop!” I roared in her face. “Brylee, you… just… stop!”
“No!” she yelled back. “You’re attracted to her because she has the same unruly character as Claire!” and then she laughed. “Here…” she pointed to her left chest while tears rolled down her cheeks. “It hurts here… And when I feel hurt, Claire feels hurt too!”
My jaw clenched, my fists tightened as I gave her a cold gaze and stepped back from her slowly.
“You better take good care of that heart because it’s worth thousands of millions of dollars, and you and your parents will never be able to afford to pay for it!” I yelled as I turned my way away from her and I
finally entered the house.
When I felt the kn ob to the room rattle, I still had my eyes wide open… so, I immediately closed them and pretended to be sleeping.
Sebastian went straight into the bathroom, and after a short while, I felt him lying down beside me, then he kissed me on the forehead.
“Why did you sleep so early, Celine? I told you to wait for me…” He murmured something into my ear before pulling me into his embrace and holding me there until I felt his regular breathing, which was a sign that he had already gone asleep.
I sighed as I realized that even if I tried to sleep… I wouldn’t be able to, because my thoughts kept going back to Sean, to Sebastian, and to my mother.
When I woke up the following morning, I discovered that Sebastian had already left the room before I had even gotten up.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I was ready to school. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw a school bag sittin top of the desk and when I examined it, there were already some school supplies inside that I would be needing for sure.
I walked downstairs and entered the dining room only to find Olivia seated by herself at the dining table with a se rvant standing at the back, who smiled faintly when she saw me, to which I responded with a small nod.
I looked around trying to find Brylee but she was nowhere to be seen.
That’s rather peculiar. Since I’ve been staying at this house for the past few days, I’ve noticed that Brylee has become like Olivia’s constant companion, a shadow that never leaves her side.
“Good morning, mom…”
“Brylee went home…” she said, cutting me off as if she could read my mind. I frowned in disbelief as I set my bag down on the chair across from her. Why did she leave so soon? “Surprised, aren’t you?”
I moved a chair over and sat down without uttering a single word. Olivia scowled at me as she hurled a paper at my face, which fell on the spot in front of me.
“I want you to divorce B asti today…” She spoke calmly, but her tone was adamant, and it appeared as though she wouldn’t accept no for
an answer.
I looked down on the paper and I smirked when I saw a check with fifty million dollars written on it.
While I looked at the number that was written on the sheet of paper, I sighed and grinned sarcastically.
“Fifty million dollars…?” the smile on my face became a loud laugh That’s so generous of you, mom…
“You were merely able to get close to my son because you had Brylee’s face!” She scoffed. “How long did you anticipate that this relationship was going to last? You have a short fuse, and to top it all off, because of your bad reputation, you’re unpresentable! In short, you would make my son and the rest of my family look bad in front of the public!”
I just gave him a sarcastic grin as I continued to keep my eyes fixed on the check that was still sitting on the table in front of me.
“My son has grown up to be a very charming young man…” she continued. “A great number of women argued that they did not require any form of financial support as long as they could remain with him. But you…” She showed me a vengeful expression while
rolling her eyes at me. “You’re not even close to becoming like those refined ladies. You are nothing more than a cu nning woman and a gold-digger h oe!”
I picked up the check and played it in my hand, ignoring her insults.” Mothers really know the best… This money is really tempting!”
When Olivia’s smile got even more condescending, I almost lost control of my ability to contain my laughter.
“Fifty million dollars would probably be enough for you to spend for the rest of your life! Take the money and get out of my sight! I don’t want to see your ugly face ever again!”
I continued to study the check in my hand. “Fifty million bucks…” I nodded, a smirk formed on my lips as I gazed up at her. “Ordinary people would never be able to earn it even if for two lives
av save u
Olivia stared at me with her eyes slightly squinted, as if I were a poor woman who had never seen the outside world before, waiting for me to continue, nor for me to accept her offer.
“But…” I threw the check back, and I was disappointed that she
moved back so, it fell on the plate in front of her, her eyes went really wide in shock. “I do not wish to end my marriage to your son, so…”
I moved the chair further back and then stood up.
“What?!” she shouted angrily.
“I said… I don’t want to get a divorce just yet…” I shrugged my shoulders and ignored her reaction, which looked like she was having a heart attack because of the next words that I said. “However… if you’re ready to add an additional zero behind, I might truly consider accepting your offer and divorcing your son as soon as possible…
I let out a roaring laugh, tossing my head back and waving my hand in the air as I turned to walk away, but her words prevented me from doing so.
“I used to think that fifty-thousand dollars was already consid excessive for a person as low as you, and I can’t believe you’re ask for five-hundred million dollars?” she said, her face was shocked.
“So… this makes me think that you don’t really love Brylee that much, because why are you so reluctant to spend money for her, my dear mother-in-law?” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, facing her. “One more thing… would it not bring humiliation to my husband if I were to give up my title as Mrs. Anderson for such a low… low price?”
I jumped a bit when she slammed her palm down on the table with a loud thud, her eyes were glowing with fury as she glared at me. “Who do you think you are to tell me such things?! Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness right this instant!”
The phony smile that had been on my face began to fade, but I did not move. On the other hand, my eyes widened when she strode over me with long strides while saying… “So, you want to be my daughter-in- law? Very well then… I’ll teach you what the rules of the Anderson family are!”
She then raised her hand to hit me, and I closed my eyes ready for the hard impact, but a loud voice from the living room suddenly
interrupted her. “Mom!”
“Sebastian…” She quickly put her hand down to her side and smiled at him as if nothing had happened.
“Mom…? Celine…? What are you two talking about? And why are you standing there?” Sebastian entered the dining room with a huge smile on his face.
He looked like he came from a jog outside because of his outfit and sweat that was trickling down from his forehead. He walked towards me and immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
“Have you eaten your breakfast?” he asked, whispering into my feigned a smile and shook my head in response.
Olivia’s expression of annoyance was clear to see on her face as s fixed her gaze on me, but when my husband turned to look at her, he smile quickly took over.
“Come on, let’s get something to eat…” Sebastian remarked as he guided me to my seat. “The workout has left me exhausted…”
Olivia was standing still, her hands clenched in anger, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at my seeming victory.
“Why are you up this early?” he asked as he took the seat next to me and started putting pancakes on my plate. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Olivia had walked back to the dining table and sat
down on the chair she had previously occupied.
“I’m going to school today…” I responded before I started to eat.
“Alright, I’ll send you there later…” He smiled, paying no attention to
the fact that I was cold towards him “Did you see the school
supplies I bought for you?”
“Yeah, thank you…”
The way he smiled at me made his mom grimace as if she was disgusted with his son being sweet towards me. “Brylee has gone home!” she informed him, while her fiery eyes did not leave mine the entire time.
“That’s good…” he nodded before asking from the se rvant for some coffee.
“What do you mean that’s good?” The focus of Olivia’s glare shifted to his son at this point. “I agree that there are some people who really ought to have left by now, but there are also other people who
shouldn’t have left!”
Olivia made an unsettling noise by prodding the dish with her for the plate.
“Mom’s right…” Sebastian stated. “It’s high time that you paid a visi to your family. I’ll pick you up after you get out of school tonight, and we’ll pay them a visit at your house. okay…?”
“Sure…” I put on a phony smile and carried on with my meal.
“Cynthia…” Olivia called out to her daughter, who had just walked into the dining room carrying a backpack. “We’d love for you to join us for breakfast…”
But the young woman only took up a loaf of bread and started
walking away while muttering, “I’m going… Bye! I’m already late for school…”
“I’ll go with Cynthia…” I whispered to Sebastian and reached over to grab my school bag from the chair beside me.
“You’re free to leave once you have completed eating your breakfast.” He ordered. “I’ll give you a ride…”
“No, I’m fine…” I responded, and then went out in a hurry.
After noticing that Cynthia was about to shut the car door, I sprinted after her to prevent her from doing so.
“Hey! What exactly are you up to?” She questioned while examining my body from head to toe.
“I’ll go to school with you…” I responded with a smile before jumping inside the vehicle.
“No! I don’t want to go with you!” Cynthia protested in response and she started to push me out of the car. “Get out! Get out of here!”
“Mr. Driver, let’s go!” After I ordered with a firm voice, the man who was behind the wheel acknowledged my request and then sped out in a blaze of glory.
“Hey, pull over!” Cynthia yelled at the driver, but he paid no a
to her and continued to concentrate on the road. “I said, sto
are you trying to keep up with her? She is a complete unknown! the car right now!”
Nevertheless, the driver continued to drive away, and it didn’t matte how loudly she yelled at him.
When we finally arrived at school, Cynthia sprang out of the car and bolted away from me as if I were a plague. I shook my head as I mumbled my gratitude to the driver before I finally walked out of the

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 106

“Brylee!” Olivia was unable to control her need to yell as she vigorously shook the shoulders of the woman who was loudly sobbing.
“Mom…” she uttered after being stunned for a brief period of time
before she came to her wits.
Olivia had a natural understanding of what her thoughts were. She let out a heavy sigh as she extended her hand and patted the back of Brylee’s hand.
“Are you aware of the reason why your sister defeated you?” she
asked, her brow raised.
Brylee bit her bottom lip and shook her head.
“You are too kind, Brylee…” Olivia stated. “Remember, if a woman wants to keep a man by her side, she must employ all means necessary to do so. She must have something that you don’t have, even if I don’t understand why my son persisted in marrying her in the first place. Therefore, you have no choice but to learn from her. Keep in mind that the two of you look exactly the same!”
Those were meaningful statements, but Brylee gave the impression that she did not comprehend their significance as she looked at the woman in front of her with furrowed eyebrows and said, “We look… exactly the same…?”
“How could you be so certain that she hadn’t taken advantage of this to approach my son with her own methods?” Olivia had inquired of her.
When Brylee abruptly became aware of this fact, the anger in her eyes immediately became visible. “Mom… what do you think I should do?”
“What else?! Take him back!” the mother exclaimed.
“Take him back?” she repeated. “But… I have always had the impression that Sebastian does not like me as much as he used to…”
She was completely clueless about why Sebastian was acting more and more distant towards her. She felt helpless as a result of his recent behavior, which she could not understand why he was pushing her away.
“This is the information that you have to take in!” Olivia bit out. “What if you married Ba sti and later discovered that he was having an affair with another woman? Would you be willing to divorce him?”
Her words shocked Brylee, and she gave a bewildered shake of her head. “No… I won’t!”
Olivia beamed a satisfied smile as she considered her response. “You got that right, sweetheart. Men just have a natural tendency to mess around… Therefore, simply take Celine as your love rival. You have to educate yourself on the knowledge that she possesses but you don’t!”
nervously with the botto of her dress as she what to say next. Cle
was facing a difficult
Brylee fidge contemple
ease don’t judge frequently att
out a croak
st yet. To
re’s he
vers too harshly. These re than they already did!” o what I’ve just stated. You ly like her. Second… you
ou decide t
my son
euse s
ave a beauty
rest. She let Brylee exit the room by opening the door for her. “Give careful consideration to everything that I’ve said…”
Brylee contemplated what Olivia had said the entire way back to her own room after leaving Olivia’s chamber.
They were identical in every respect…
She reached out with her hand and lightly caressed her cheek as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Therefore, Celine had used her face from the very beginning.
It was because they looked the same that Seb was now temporarily
It was due to the fact that they looked the same that he approached
And it was because he had approached her too much, that he was attracted to her.
Brylee’s hands had balled up into fists at this point.
She came so close to losing to Claire five years ago.
Was it possible that Celine would beat her after five years?
Would she be able to watch the man who she’d loved for more than a decade pursue her sister and do absolutely nothing at all to stop it?
Her thoughts were racing with all manner of obscene scenarios involving the two of them for a little moment.
She repeated her search for them after opening the window once more, but they were nowhere to be found.
It’s possible that they went back to their room and engaged in some despicable activity there.
But even if Celine’s body was in no condition to carry out an action of
that nature… she still had a mouth to do with.
There are instances when a man would prefer a woman’s mouth even
Brylee went completely insane at the prospect of this and slammed
the window in frustration.
It was clear that Seb belonged to her from the very start! Why would Celine take him away from her?
No way! She couldn’t just wait around for things to take their course. and sit there doing nothing. She absolutely couldn’t admit defeat!
Yes, she looked exactly like her!
She would most certainly be capable of doing what Celine was able to do!
I was left wondering why Brylee and Mrs. Anderson chose not to join us for dinner after we had already finished eating without them.
As soon as we got back to our room, I went straight to the shelf, grabbed a book, and then curled up on the couch to begin reading. The book was about company law.
“You can always come to me with any questions you have regarding business, and I would be happy to answer them. Why on earth would you want to waste your time reading those pointless things?” Sebastian said to me as he pulled out a shirt and a towel out of the wardrobe and then turned to look at me.
But I wasn’t paying attention to him since I had my chin propped up on my palm and I was focused on what I was reading.
I was absolutely certain that the things he said made perfect sense.
Getting some hands-on experience was actually more important than reading theoretical texts.
However, even if I were interested in practicing, it would be preferable if I had at least a basic comprehension of it first.
In a little over a month, I will be receiving my diploma. In order for me to launch my company at that point, I will need to have at least a decent amount of self-assurance.
From this point forward, each and every step that I take would be of the utmost significance to me. After all, there was no one else on whom I could have relied to save myself. In addition to this, I am required to proceed with extreme caution at all times.
Sebastian once more took the book from my grasp, which came as a complete surprise to me.
“Hey!” I was taken aback and was about to take the book back when he grabbed my hand. He then bent over and supported his arms on the sofa, which caused my body to become wedged against it.

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 96-105

“Are you aware of the nonsense you’re currently babbling about?” Mrs. Anderson displayed an extreme amount of shock. She gave the impression of being someone who did not believe what her son had stated.
“That’s enough!” Sebastian’s father rushed over and put his hand out to his wife in an attempt to reassure her. “Even if you’re against their marriage, they’ve already gotten their marriage certificate. And you’re asking them to get a divorce right away? Won’t we become a laughing stock to the public if you’re going to insist this to happen?”
After that, he looked up at me, and I didn’t particularly like the trace of dissatisfaction that I could detect in his eyes. “You should respect your mother no matter what. Even so, she is older than you are…”
I bit my lip and looked down, nodding my head.
“What do you mean by laughing stock to the public?” Mrs. Anderson turned to look at her husband who was standing behind the couch. Was today’s incident not big enough of a joke for you? And also, what do you mean her mother? I’m not her mother and never will be!”
Despite the complexity of the circumstances, the elderly man maintained his cheerful demeanor by maintaining a smile on his face. “Celine is legally our daughter-in-law. It is perfectly acceptable for her to refer to you as her mother…”
“Who in their right mind would want a daughter-in-law like her anyway?” she rasped angrily. “William, why do you have such a favorable impression of her? Can’t you see how pitiful Brylee is right now? She treated her sister so nicely, but look at what this woman did to her? She stole your son away from Brylee! Do you still want to have
that kind of person as your daughter-in-law?”
Hearing this, Brylee immediately showed her face full of grievance. She was crying, and no matter how I looked at it, the tears that were streaming down her face gave the impression that she had been victimized in some way.
When William looked at Brylee, his eyes showed that he was indeed feeling a little bit of sadness. “I feel sorry for you too, Brylee… But
now that things have reached this point, there is nothing I can do to change it, regardless of how sorry I feel. We have no choice but to accept it, no matter how much it hurts…”
“What do you mean you can’t change anything?” Mrs. Anderson rose from her seat and pointed angrily at her husband. “Tell your son to file a divorce right away!”
“You are well aware that the issue at hand has grown to be too significant. If they were to get a divorce, it would certainly make the situation even worse, and the stock price of the Anderson family business would plummet to an all-time low!” the old man d causing his wife to stop moving for a second while her eyes g wide in shock.
“Then you’ll just let him marry this sl ut?” she muttered, expressing h displeasure. “Where would our family find the serenity to live now?
WWilliam was quick to make her feel better by saying. “All right… don’t. @get so worked up. It’s not like you’re not familiar with the fact that y your son comes up with new ideas on a daily basis. You are well aware of how easily he can change his mind. Let’s have another conversation about it after everything has settled down…”
“COlivia!” all of a sudden, a man identified as Jack appeared. “What my bbrother-in-law had said makes perfect sense. What took place today
was far too significant, and the Lauren family as a whole will be affected…”
Oh… so Jack was Olivia’s older brother all along. It makes sense to me now because they have the same attitude.
“Both the company and the stock price will also be affected…” he continued. “Now that Sebastian has announced his marriage, let’s just wait and see what will happen now. Even if you want them to file a divorce, we still need to wait until the whole incident cools down
before we can move forward…”
“But Jack…”
“Don’t let your emotions affect your judgment!” he pointed out to his sister, who appeared to know her very well. “Calm down, Olivia… Everything will be alright.”
After a moment of silence during which Mrs. Anderson appeared to be considering something, she suddenly snapped her head in my direction while maintaining the icy stare she had been giving me.
“I hope you’re enjoying your first few days as Mrs. Sebastian. Anderson. But keep in mind that my daughter-in-law will only be Brylee and no one else!”
She turned around and immediately assisted Brylee with standing up
from the couch.
“Let’s go, sweetheart…” She spoke in a soft voice. “Mom is going to put you to bed so you can rest. Mr. Lee, please prepare a room for Brylee. From now on, she will be staying here at my house!”
“Yes, Madam!” With his head bowed down, the elderly man hurriedly ascended the stairs to carry out the instructions given to him.
I knew it! This old woman was planning something.
“Celine… I need to have a talk with you!” Julio yelled out as soon as his favorite daughter left before he approached a room that was
(completely empty.
Lasked Sebastian for permission through my eyes and he nodded in understanding, squeezing my hand as if to reassure me that it was going to be fine before he released it.
“Have the two of you actually obtained your marriage certificate?” My father questioned as soon as I walked into the room.
Il stood in front of him with my arms crossed over my chest and my chin held high as I spoke, and I said, “I believe that everyone in New York should know this by now…”
He proceeded to speak with displeasure while looking at me with an expression of bewilderment on his face and clenching his teeth.” Sebastian’s your sister’s fiancé! How could you do this to her? Don’t you have a sense of decency and shame? Was this what your mother had taught you?

I was sitting on the balcony sofa in the room… curled up into a ball… staring up at the moon as it shone faintly above the night sky.
“Don’t you have a sense of decency and shame? Was this what your mother had taught you?”
I could still make out the words that he was shouting at me.
“I believe that it was a blessing in disguise that your mother passed away at such a young age; had she lived, she would have been pis s ed to death by you!”
As the words he had said continued to play in my head, I moved from my seat and buried my face between my knees.
“Get a divorce from him as quickly as you can if you want to keep your conscience clear regarding your sister. You’re not suitable for
Conscience? Wow… that’s a really big word!
“Don’t you dare think that just because he married you, I won’t be able to do anything to you! What kind of status does he have? You should know that if he could choose to marry you so quickly, he also has the ability to divorce you in the blink of an eye! And if he does, what are the chances that you’ll be able to return to the Lauren Family at that point?”
As each word reverberated in my ears in a manner that was both icy and merciless, I became increasingly terrified.
From the moment Julio Lauren began speaking about my mother, I immediately shut my mouth and did not respond in any way. I did not
utter a single word during the entire talk.
I did nothing but sit still and watch him go mad.
In the past… I was never able to comprehend why he dealt with Brylee. and me in such a different way. We’re both his daughters, anyway…
But now I have an answer to the question of why he was treating me in such a way. Brylee Lauren was a puppet… and I was not!
That was to say, even in the event that I tied the knot with Sebastian Anderson. Even if I were another one of his daughters. Even so… he would maintain a heightened state of vigilance around me.
I heard the door to the bedroom open, and I could sense Sebastian’s overwhelming presence, but I chose to ignore him and instead buried my face even deeper between my knees.
I don’t want to give the impression that I was upset by the things that my father told me a while ago.
In the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Sebastian picking up the blanket before proceeding to walk over towards me and wrapping it around me. He might’ve noticed that I was already trembling because I was just wearing a thin white shirt with short sleeves.
I blinked my eyes several times as I looked up at him after staring down at the blanket that was covering me.
“Thank you…” I whispered in a tone that was very uninterested while clenching the sheets around me tightly.
Sebastian grinned and sat down on the stool that was directly across from mine. “What did he say to you that you had ski pped eating dinner?”
I continued to keep silent while keeping my posture the same.
“I asked Mr. Lee to make you some porridge….” He continued, and he
reached out to ruffle my hair. “He’ll bring them to you, later…”
My eyelashes fluttered as I questioned.. “Has all the news from the outside died down?”
“Why’d you ask?” He showed a grin
was under the impression that the infamous second Miss Lauren had no fear of anything. Don’t tell me that you’re afraid of what the public would think?” Sebestian’s voice, for some reason, was a little bit delighted.
I looked up at him and shook my head before I got up from the sofe and walked into the room. I wasn’t bothered about public opinions… I wanted to tell him that. But as I’ve already mentioned. I’m not the pipe of person who feels the need to explain themselves to coners.
I could care less about what Sebastian thought of me as a result of my failure to answer all of his questions. Now all I need to do is get
some res
“Where should I sleep tonight?” I asked the blanket was still wrapped around me. There was only a king-size bed and a leather couch in the
“Where do you think it would be best for you to sleep?” He asked with a jovial smile plastered all over his face.
I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the couch. “I’ll sleep here..”
Sebastian, however took hold of the blanket and unwrapped it around me before pulling me into his arms by the waist. At this point, his expression changed to one of solemnity. “We’re husband and wife now and yet you want to sleep on the couch?”
I scoffed at him while imitating the goofy grin that had been plastered on his lips earlier. Anderson…. Do you not realize that this is merely a m
we are playing?”
outh curved
response to my statement. “Not
only had we shared intimate moments, but we had also obtained our marriage certificates. Is there anything else that the two of us haven’t done together as a married couple?”
The things that he said left me speechless. I had never before
encountered someone with such thick skin.
Someone knocked on the door all of a sudden, making us snap our heads toward the door.
“Young master, the porridge is ready!” The sound of Mr. L ee’s voice. could be heard coming from outside the door.
Sebastian heaved a sigh as he released his grip on me and moved toward the door to open it, while I immediately laid on the bed and sna tched a book that was on top of the nightstand and acted as though I was reading it.
I didn’t want anyone to have the impression that Sebastian and I were doing something in his room.
Mr. Lee burst in the door, and he was holding a tray with the bowl of porridge and a glass of cold water, looking around. He saw me sitting on the bed reading a book and he gave me a warm smile.
“You may go out now, Mr. Lee…” Sebastian commanded when he noticed that the old man was staring at me. “Thank you…”
He put down the tray on the table and bowed his head before turning around and leaving the room.
“I’m going to sleep with Cynthia tonight!” I threw the covers off of me, together with the book, and got out of bed.
“Have you ever seen a bride sleeping with her husband’s sister on their first night of the wedding?” he asked, and that made me come to a complete halt.

Sebastian walked up to me and leaned over and murmured.
something into my ear. “I don’t care what your purpose for getting the marriage certificate…” His voice was husky as he spoke. “But during this particular period of time… you’re still Mrs. Anderson, my wife. Now that you want to sleep with my sister, are you trying to show them that our marriage is fake?”
He does have a point in that regard. But….
“Come on, have the porridge first. Otherwise, it will get cold soon…” he shifted the topic as he pulled me by the hand and dragged me to the table. “Don’t worry, I won’t touch you… I will never touch your without your permission, Celine…”
He drew a chair over for me and helped me sit down by gently pushing my shoulders.
“Am I that scary…?” he asked, his tone was playful, and I looked up at him with my eyes wide open and a sense of alertness. “Hey! That look in your eyes is making me very uncomfortable. Don’t look at me. like that…”
I maintained my silence, and he looked at me with intense
“Yes… I am a man, Celine… but I will never force myself on you. Do. you remember the first time we did it?” he asked and I blushed so hard that it made him laugh. “It was you who took the initiative, right? and it was also you who provoked me the second time on the island,
was still you who had seduced me, wasn’t it?’ ‘he held my chin with a little
and for the third time… it chuckle in his voice, but I looked down
feeling so embarrassed.
He was right, though… I was the one who made the first move to him. But I really don’t care anymore. I only did that because of my plans to make him fall in love with me and take revenge on my sister.
I just shrugged my shoulders and began eating the porridge that Mr. Lee had cooked up for me. “Sebastian…” after taking two mouthfuls of the food, I turned to look at the man who took a seat next to me at the table. “If I weren’t in the picture… would you marry her?”
“If I had to give you another chance, would you still choose to replace her and give up your virginity?” he countered, and I was taken aback by what he said. His eyes were hollow and dark as he stared at me.
I couldn’t bring myself to look directly into those beautiful blue eyes for some reason, so I averted my gaze and began to fiddle with the porridge with the spoon in my hand. “Yes, I would… Because I needed the money for my mother…”
Sebastian’s sudden outburst of laughter took me by surprise.” Therefore, don’t bother asking about the “what ifs,” because you would still show up and give me yourself, no matter what the situation was…”
What kind of answer was that?
Whatever! I didn’t want to ask him any more questions.
Sebastian’s smile slowly faded and he frowned when we heard another knock on the door. “Young Master! Your mom and dad are looking for you…”
For the first time, we looked at each other in an extremely tacit way.
“Take your time and eat. I’ll just go and talk to them for a while…” he said and got up from his seat, leaving me without waiting for my
As soon as he closed the door, I set the spoon down and walked over
to the bathroom. No matter how exquisite the dishes were, I would be full after just a few bites because I have a low appetite.
I closed the door to the bathroom, and rubbed my shoulders, experiencing a great deal of pain. My anxiety had been through the roof for the past couple of days as repeatedly played through in my head the outcome of my failure several thousand times.
Nevertheless… I never in a million years imagined that I would end up getting married to this man, but no matter what the ending was, those two days were so draining that I needed this shower and a good night’s sleep.
After taking off my clothes, I folded them up neatly and laid them out on the sink. I stepped into the stall and turned the kn ob on… letting -the warm water make its way down my face, and to the rest of my
In the haze, my eyes were lifeless, and my face was pockmarked with exhaustion. There was no spark of enthusiasm anywhere in my features.
After a speedy shower, I noticed that my head began to feel unusually heavy for no apparent reason. I couldn’t tell if it was because the room was too stuffy or if it was due to something else; all I knew was that I was having trouble breathing.
I gave my temples a quick squeeze and then hurriedly turned off the shower. Thankful that there was a clean towel that had always been hanging on the rack. I pulled it down, and quickly dried my body and my hair.
After drying off in the stall, I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out, only to realize that I had forgotten to bring any clothes with me. I heaved a sigh as I emerged from the restroom and walked barefoot onto the carpeted floor of the bedroom.
I made my way cautiously towards Sebastian’s wardrobe in search of clothes that I could temporarily borrow, but I was taken aback when I saw a vast collection of dazzling clothing for women.
Is everything being prepared for me?
I smiled and ran my fingers over the various types of dresses and fabrics that were hanging neatly inside the closet. I couldn’t help but gasp in delight.
I casually pulled out a white nightdress and went back to the room, but after taking just a couple of steps… I started to feel a little lightheaded.
I let out a small sigh, sat back on the bed, and reached out with one hand to squeeze the space between my eyebrows.
I need to get dressed soon. I don’t want Sebastian to see me like this because he might get the idea that I’m trying to seduce him again.
I pulled off the towel that had been wrapped around my body. However, before I could put on the nightdress, there was a slight noise at the door, and I tensed up in response to it.
My hand froze up all of a sudden, and it seemed as though I had suddenly realized something.
As a reflex, I turned my head and saw Sebastian’s tall and fit figure standing by the He looked surprised too, and as he stared at
me, his norm
ed eyes began to clead over.
He had
y planted on the Adam’s apple
was rendered
d down in a repetitive
tely befudd
seemed lil
bout three
seconds of us staring at each other… I finally came to my senses.
I screamed as my hands instinctively flew to cover the relevant parts of my body, and I yelled at him in a state of panic. “What are you doing here?! Didn’t you have a discussion with your parents?!”
I was aware that my face was pale and tired the whole night, but right now… all of the blood in my body had rushed into my head, and it was on the verge of dripping out of my face..
Sebastian took my bare form and his face became expressionless as he did so. His voice was scratchy and h oar se as he stammered out the words, “I… I forgot to take my phone.”
After a brief pause, I yelled at him in exasperation as he continued to stare at me with desire in his eyes. “Turn around and don’t look at me!’
And he turned around very quickly, and I took advantage of the opportunity to get into my nightgown… leap onto the bed… and cover myself with a blanket.
Sebastian did not move from his position and approximately one minute later, when he turned around and found me already tucked under the covers, he shook his head and smirked at himself.
He took a few slow, deep breaths as he walked over to the bedside and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. His breathing appeared to be all over the place, and he had a firm grip on his phone as he looked down at me. “You… you really need to sleep now. I won’t be back for quite some time…”
I didn’t respond to him, and he didn’t stick around any longer as he turned around and left the room after a few moments of staring at
I bit my lip as I threw the covers off of my body and took a deep breath, shifting into a comfortable position before I was finally able

The conversation with my parents lasted for more than an hour, and by the end of it… I was really pis sed off, especially with my mother.
heaved a sigh of exasperation as I irritably ran my fingers through
hair and turned the kn ob on the door leading to my room. It’s already one in the morning, according to the time on my phone, which I just checked.
I noticed the bath towel that was still untouched and spread out in its original position on the carpet as soon as the door was opened. The
room was illuminated by the bedside lamp that was on the
My mind immediately went back to the previous scene that flashed clearly in my mind.
Her cr eamy white flawless skin… her slender legs… her curves… those pink… ahh!
I took a few deep breaths as the rising heat in my body caused me to gulp many times. I gave a little shake of the head and then dashed into the bathroom to get a cold shower.
As soon as I had finished drying my hair and put on comfortable clothes to sleep… I pulled the covers over me and laid down next to Celine. However… I could detect a barely perceptible tremor in the spot just next to me.
“Celine… what’s wrong?” I asked as I slightly shook her left shoulder.
She was curled up on one side and her forehead was wet from sweating heavily. Her lips were pale from her biting, and her body was
“Celine!” I sat up straight away and placed her head on my lap.” What’s happening?”
“It hurts…” She uttered the words in a trembling voice. “I’m hurt…”
“Where?” I asked in panic. “Where exactly does it hurt?”
“My stomach…” she groaned, clutching her stomach tightly. “It… it hurts so much…”
I hastily threw the covers off of her body, and I was astounded to see blood on the bed. Additionally, her white nightdress had red stains smeared all over it.
Is she having her period?
Celine opened her eyes, and they were bloodshot red as tears pooled in them. Her trembling hand grabbed mine. “Please… can you bring me some painkillers?”
At this very moment, the color of her face was beginning to fade, and her entire body was fiercely trembling.
“I’ll take you to the hospital!” I responded, and was going to take her up when she prevented me from doing so.
“I just need some painkillers…” she remarked, gradually lowering the volume of her voice. Her hand was clenched tightly around mine, and the perspiration that had accumulated on her forehead continued to trickle down her face. “Help me get some painkillers. This period pain, is an old illness… please, I need painkillers…”
When I looked down at the b loody sea beneath her, I shook my head and couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t just a regular period.
I bent down and grabbed the towel from where it had been lying on the ground. I then wrapped it around her and quickly picked her up.
and rushed to the front door.
“S-sebastian…” she mumbled, her voice was getting weaker. “W-what are you doing?” She drew a long breath in, and I could feel the weakness spreading across her body.
“This doesn’t look normal…” I said as I hurriedly unlocked and then kicked open the door, and then made my way down the stairs.
“This is my body, and I’m the one who knows it better than anyone else…” she stated, gritting her teeth. This is nothing more than a period…”
I fixed my gaze intently on her features while clenching my hands in frustration at this stubborn woman. This isn’t a normal period! You’re f ucking bleeding!”
I could feel that even the towel on my arms was already wet. Celine closed her eyes and buried her face in my chest.
“S sir… what’s going on?” A maid who had undoubtedly heard me. yelling, woke up, and dashed out of her room while rubbing her eyes.
“Get the driver to prepare the car! Hurry up!” I yelled, and she sped off to the quarters reserved for the chauffer.
Because the noise level was so high, Brylee, who had not yet been lulled to sleep, decide pen the door. Their rooms were only
separated by Cyalum.
She strolle
a glim
her nightgown and look dan tearing down the
down, only to catch
rs with Celine in
nd tried to look
at w
her eyes kept darting back to the ground, where she noticed blood on
the surface.
Even though they only appeared to be droplets… it was very strange for her to see blood coming from a woman who she thought was pregnant.
It was at this very time that she appeared to have had an epiphany, as seen by the grin on her face as she made her way back to her room.
v arms a
I held Celine in the driver sped to reach the hospital very quickly. I had already given Jason the instructions to speak with the -physician and go to Anderson hospital to meet me there.
As soon as I stepped out of the car, medical staff raced over and began dragging a stretcher in my direction.
Soon enough… Celine, who had lost consciousness, was pushed into the operating room, and I was left outside, pacing back and forth in the waiting area. A few traces of wrinkles on my face could surely be seen, along with my tensely-knit eyebrows as I thought of Celine’s condition.
“Mr. Anderson!” Jason hastened his way over and handed me a box. ” Why don’t you change your clothes first…”
When I looked down at my white shirt, I noticed that it had a blood stain on it. I gave the operating room a quick glance and then scowled; the concern I had for Celine was growing more intense with every additional second that she remained inside the operating room.
After taking the coat out of the box and putting it on me, I sat down in the waiting area and hoped and prayed that my wife would be okay.
I remained there for a while, until the door to the operating room
eventually opened, and a nurse ran out in a panic before returning with bags of blood in her hands.
After a few minutes had passed, a different nurse had come out of the room, and I couldn’t help myself any longer, so I grabbed her hand and prevented her from moving any further.
“How is my wife doing?” I inquired, and as a result of my anxiety, my voice was slightly trembling.
“Mr. Anderson… your wife is in the midst of an ectopic pregnancy, and she is experiencing a significant loss of blood. She is in critical condition right now…” she paused. “She has not regained
consciousness yet, and an emergency blood transfusion is required right away!”
I slowly took my hand off of her as I stood there dumbfounded, the feeling of weakness creeping up to my knees as my eyes wandered around in confusion.
Ectopic pregnancy?
Was Celine really pregnant with my baby?

My eyes flickered, and when I finally opened them, I discovered that I was in a room in a hospital. When I thought back about Sebastian’s terrified reaction when he spotted the blood on my nightdress, I couldn’t help but shake my head.
I tried to reassure him that it was nothing serious, and just a normal period… but he was so concerned that he even took me to the Anderson hospital. I was about to sit up when I felt someone’s arm wrap around my waist, and I could feel a warm, steady breath coming from above me.
I looked up and the man’s perfect jaw was pressed against my forehead.
“Uh…” I wanted to get out of his arms almost instinctively as I uttered a slight groan. However… even my slight movements were enough to startle the man who was holding me in his arms.
His voice was raspy as he murmured, “Hmm… you’re awake?”
I removed his arm from its wrapping around me by carefully lifting it up and away from my body. “I have already told you not to bring me here anymore. It’s nothing more than a period…”
Sebastian gave me a pitiful smile as he intertwined our fingers and es. It was evident that he hadn’t been getting eyes were red and his hair was a mess.
stared intently into
enough sleep
“You ha
eping… and you ke
ght. But now that
e away?”
to yourself
Festful sleep, you’re
I rolled my eyes at him before casting my gaze elsewhere. “Why are we still here?”
“How are you feeling right now?” he asked, instead of answering my question. “Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”
How do I feel?
I grimaced and pushed him so that I could stand up, but I let out a gasp when I felt a searing agony throughout my body.
“Don’t move, just continue to lie still…” Sebastian jumped to his feet, quickly grabbed a glass of water, and then handed it to me.
… I’m not thirsty…” I mumbled, shaking my head. “Excuse me, but ! have to use the restroom…”
“Okay…” he sighed as he handed me the glass of water. “Drink this first, and then I’m going to help you with the catheter so that you can go to the restroom without ha ssle…”
My hand froze from taking the glass from his hand. “Catheter…?”
I slowly bowed my head and looked down to see that a transparent tube had been attached from the fluid IV bag to the back of my hand.
“W-what happened?” I inquired while squinting in bewilderment.” What’s this?”
“You’re pregnant, Celine…” he seemed to be very dissatisfied as he informed me about this news.
Me? Pregnant?
The B-Mode Ultrasound image I showed everyone was fake. I just bought it on the black market!
“…I’m pregnant?” my lips trembled as I shook my head in disbelief
handing him back the glass that I didn’t touch. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. “How could that be? I had my period last.
“Then how was your period last month…?” he groaned. “Was there a very small amount of blood? You thought the small amount of blood was your period, so you didn’t give it much thought, right…?”
As he continued to glare at me, the wrinkles on my brow deepened. “H -how did you know?”
“Celine… Why don’t you take better care of yourself? Can you please come to the hospital when you’re not feeling better? Do you even realize that if you had arrived just ten minutes later, you would have been too late to save your life? You must have lost a significant amount of blood, da mn it!” he yelled at me while directing his venomous gaze toward me, scolding me like I was a kid.
“Uh… what exactly do you mean?” My voice sounded like a feeble whisper when I posed the question, but it didn’t bother me the way he talked to me, even if I was a little bewildered. The only thing I care. about knowing right now is my current health condition.
I was aware that if I were indeed pregnant, it was quite unlikely that I would have suffered a miscarriage.
After he announced, “You’ve had an ectopic pregnancy…” my entire body, including my breathing, froze up in response to his words.
Ectopic pregnancy…
“According to the doctor, an ectopic pregnancy would have slight occasional bleeding, but if you’re careless, you’d probably mistaken as your monthly period…” he paused to see my reaction, but I gave him a blank one. “However… having an ectopic pregnancy is exceedingly risky, and the doctor said… it’s possible that a significant amount of internal bleeding could occur in a relatively short length of
time. If you don’t take action soon, it could be dangerous for your
I was rendered dumbfounded by what he had just explained to me, and I found that my attention was beginning to wander. I had my period last month, and Sebastian was absolutely right. It was much.
less than usual.
At that point in time, I couldn’t have cared less about it. It occurred to
me that perhaps it was due to the fact that I was overtired and anxious about the plans I had in place for the Lauren family.
But I wasn’t prepared for that…
While I was staring blankly ahead at nothing in particular, my hand found its way to my stomach and caressed it gently.
There was a child here? My baby… Sebastian and mine’s baby…
The room was engulfed in agonizing silence, and I had an overwhelming sense of guilt.
Sebastian took a deep breath before staring at me, and based on the expression on his face, I couldn’t tell if he was upset at me or not; nonetheless, I didn’t give a hoot about it at all.
“So… did they remove both of my fallopian tubes or only one?” | asked him all of a sudden, and the scowl that was already present on his face became even more pronounced.
His chest was heaving up and down, and he had his fists clenched on his sides. His voice was low as he snarled, “Who said that?”
“I had a neighbor on the island, and she too had an ectopic pregnancy…” I started to tell him a story. “After they had saved her, they informed her that both of her fallopian tubes would need to be removed. From that day onwards, she couldn’t get pregnant normally…
125 BONU
“Then you’re luckier than she is…” he said. “Because they only removed one of your fallopian tubes. In spite of the fact that
becoming pregnant will be more difficult in the future, at least you will still have the chance…
“Really…?” As I looked into Sebastian’s eyes, I let out a sarcastic chuckle. “All right, that settles it…”
“Are you worried that you won’t be able to get pregnant in the future?” He asked while elevating my chin slightly.
I glared directly into his eyes while sneering and shaking my head in response. “That wasn’t something I was considering. If I were to become pregnant with Anderson’s heir, I would rather have both of my fallopian tubes surgically removed…”
Sebastian’s face turned very dark all of a sudden, and I was startled enough to tear my eyes away from him and shake his hand from my chin.
“I would appreciate it if you could excuse yourself, Mr. Anderson. I have to get some sleep!” I laid down on the bed and turned my back on him.
When I felt his footsteps walking away from me, I bit my lips tightly, trying to prevent myself from crying, and when I finally heard him slam the door shut, I let out a loud so b and my shoulders shook violently.

“Okay… thank you!” When Brylee finished her call, the corners of her mouth smiled even more broadly as she reacted to the uplifting news.
As expected, Celine had a miscarriage. The fact that she suffered an ectopic pregnancy added even more excitement to the situation. It appeared as though heaven was actually on her side and assisting her.
She hastily changed her clothing and applied some make-up on her face, which gave the impression that she was exhausted and depressed. She felt the need to convey to everyone that she was miserable and going through a lot right now.
The following instant, she pounded on the door of Mrs. Anderson’s room. “Mom.”
Olivia had only a hazy recollection of the knocking sound coming.
from the door, but she roused her husband, who was sleeping next to her. But just as he was about to stand up, he heard Brylee calling out for his wife.
He then went back to sleep after saying, “Brylee’s calling for you…”
Olivia yawned as she looked at the clock that was sitting next to her on the bedside table. It was still early in the morning, only a little after five o’clock. What exactly is Brylee’s problem?
“Mom…” Brylee continued to rap on the door repeatedly. “It’s me, Brylee… I have something really important to discuss with you…”
Olivia got out of bed and opened the door, despite the fact that she was feeling a little bit of unhappiness.
Brylee.. Why are you up at this ungodly hour? Why don’t you go back to bed and catch up some more sleep?” she said, staring at the other person straight in the eyes
A feeble smile was displayed on Brylee’s face as she spoke to her, saying “Mom, you told me the night before that you wanted me to accompany you out today, but It looks like I won’t be able to make it since I have an emergency that requires me to go to the hospital straight soon…”
“Why?” She questioned with a worried expression on her face.” What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay? Did the pain in your heart return?
Bryles gave a small shake of her head. “Nothing’s wrong with my heart. It’s Caline…” She stopped for a moment and watched Olivia’s reaction before continuing “Something happened to her. I really need to see my sister
“Your sister?” She scowled, and her tone did not indicate that she was particularly happy. “What could possibly be wrong with Celine?”
“Last night, Celine experienced a significant loss of blood…” Brylee said hastily. “I looked over and saw Sebastian carrying her out the door. I was too weak to follow them and I really wanted to have a look, but I couldn’t. As a result, I was only able to find someone to assist me in checking up on what happened to her later on. Who would have thought…”
These simple words shook Olivia’s world and rang in her ears like thunder.
Does this indicate that Celine suffered from a miscarriage? That was an idea that kept going through Mrs. Anderson’s head. Since she has just been living with the Anderson family, she will no longer have the
legal right to continue her marriage to Ba sti!
“Then you have to live here from now on, Brylee…” Olivia remarked while wearing a bright grin on her face. “I will help you with retrieving. everything that was taken away from you…”
Sebastian took good care of me, and the personnel at the hospital were surprised to see him interacting in such a manner with a patient for the first time. Each time… I attempted to be unreasonable in the hopes that it would make him resent me more, but he was very patient with me.
I felt unease… no. I’m frightened. I had the uneasy notion that I might develop romantic feelings for him.
I can’t love him. I don’t want to fall in love with him. I was conceived with the sole intention of exacting vengeance against those
responsible for my mother’s pain and anguish.
For some reason… love makes me feel sick to my stomach. My mother had a lot of affection for my father, but she died because of loving him too much.
Hatred is the only emotion that outlasts love. And that is what is going through my mind and heart at the moment. Hatred and revenge
I was finally allowed to leave the hospital after being there for three days. I was urged by the doctor to remain in the hospital for a week to guarantee that I was finally secure and strong; nevertheless, I insisted on going home because I didn’t want to remain in the hospital for a significant amount of time.
Sebastian was unable to stop me from going home, therefore he did
so without first obtaining authorization from the attending physician. My medical care would continue for the next two days with a doctor attending to me, providing me with adequate IV infusions, and
requiring me to take some antibiotics.
A visit from the doctor took place earlier today. When I had finished with my drips, it was time for breakfast.
threw the sheets off of my body and got out of bed slowly. Mr. Lee had given me food in my room for the whole day yesterday, but I didn’t like the sense of being served by others, since it made me feel somewhat useless.
Dressed with a thick coat, I took the elevator down.
Lin the dining room, I could see Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, along with Brylee, eating breakfast while joking around with each other and having a good time. Every once in a while, I could even hear my sister laughing out loud.
It was Friday, and Cynthia might’ve gone to school quite early and she wouldn’t be back till evening.
As for Sebastian.. he might’ve gone for work, but I actually don’t care about him.
“Miss Celine. why did you come down alone?” a se rvant ran over to aid me, and her voice made the people who were eating at the table snap their heads to look at me.
“Tm okay, thank you.”I gave the se rvant a gentle touch on the shoulder to let her know that I didn’t require her assistance, and she acknowledged my gesture before heading back to the dining area.
I moved nearer the table and I watched how Brylee and Mrs. Anderson’s smile faded in an instant.
“Celine.” The elderly gentleman gave me a friendly grin before rising
from his seat to pull me a chair. “We’d love to have you join us for breakfast…”
“Thank you….” I smiled as I took a seat across from Brylee.
“Please grab another set of cutlery for her…” Mr. Anderson instructed
the ser vant before he sat back on his seat. “Are you feeling better now?”
Just as I was ready to answer him, Mr. Lee came out with a new cooked dish and placed it in the center of the table.
“Miss Celine…” he said, appearing a little bewildered. “Why did you come down? I’m already making a meal for you, and I’m about to send it to your room just now…”
“Mr. Lee, take her back upstairs with her food…” Mrs. Anderson ordered while giving me the cold shoulder and acting as if she didn’t want to eat with me.
Mr. Lee nodded like a loyal ser vant as he was and took my hand. ” Let’s go, Miss Celine…”
“It’s alright, Mr. Lee…” Mr. Anderson interrupted and the old chef instantly released my hand. “She’s already down here, and it would be wonderful if we’d eat together…”
Hearing this, Mr. Lee darted a glimpse at Mrs. Anderson hopelessly, unsure who he’d follow and what he would do next.
“Eat together?” the wife sneered. “Can’t you see that she’s had nothing but bad luck throughout her life? Do you want her to bring us bad luck as well?”
“What nonsense are you blabbering about, Olivia?” William scowled as he stared at his wife.
“How are you, Celine…?” Brylee unexpectedly inquired, breaking the tension that was rising between the old couple. “Are you feeling
I paid her no attention and instead reached for my spoon to begin eating my food.
She continued by saying “Celine, I know you’re upset….” causing my stomach to turn in response to her dramatics. Tm feeling sad too… but it’s okay. I believe you will still have a child in the future. I asked the doctor about it, and he said that even though it is unlikely for a women to become pregnant after having one of her tubes removed, there is still a possibility that she could, right?”
She was comforting me in front of the Anderson couple as though
e was demonstrating to them that she truly cared for me, but I didn’t pay any attention to her as I continued to eat despite the fact that they were all looking at me.
“Don’t worry… even if it doesn’t work, you can always get a surrogate baby…” she added and my spoon stopped in the air as I looked at her hypocritical face with a cynical smile.
Difficult to get pregnant?
Surrogate baby?
What kind of words!
“Thank you for your concem, my dear sister….” I said as I set my spoon down on the plate. “I would definitely work hard with my
I took note of how astonished she appeared to be by what I said, but I saw that she quickly got over it, so I didn’t stop there.
“Both my husband and I are still relatively young, so we could always keep trying. The more often we do it the easier it will result in a baby, right?”
The force with which Brylee’s fingers gripped the utensils almost
made me laugh out loud in front of them.
“Ha!” Olivia gave me a condescending grin before casting her gaze in my direction. “Because you have such a wicked heart, G od has decided to punish you by teaching you a lesson. Do you believe that you’ve arrived at the pinnacle of success simply because you had a baby? It serves you right that the go ds have chosen to take the child. away from you. One should never stoop to an unacceptable level of meanness and lowliness as a human being. Otherwise, the heavens might just strike you to death!”
“Olivia!” William’s palm made a loud impact on the table, which caused everyone in the room to startle. “Is this the kind of thing a mother-in-law ought to say?”
She growled while maintaining her glare at me. “Me…?” she pointed at herself. “Her mother-in-law? As I’ve said before, Brylee is only my daughter-in-law!”

“Auntie…” Brylee hesitantly called out to her, and then she turned to look at me with panic clearly visible in her eyes. “Please refrain from saying anything like that to Celine. She had no intention of doing it on purpose…”
“Who is it that you’re calling Auntie?” Mrs. Anderson exclaimed with a frown etched deeply into her brow, her eyes getting wider. “I told you to address me as mom, didn’t I?”
Brylee focused her attention more intently on the food in front of her. ‘ But… but Seb and Celine have been married for quite some time. I… I am concerned that you will not bestow upon me the honor of being your daughter-in-law…”
As soon as she finished her words, tears began to spring up in her eyes, and I rolled mine, but this caused Mrs. Anderson’s face took on a worried expression as she drew closer to Brylee and began to gently stroke her back.
“Who says that you don’t have the honor?” Even though she was whispering, I was still able to make out what she was saying. “In just a couple of days, I’ll have my son divorce her. The Anderson family doesn’t need a daughter-in-law who can’t bear us a grandchild!” then she glared at me with great dissatisfaction.
“All right, now, you’re being too harsh… and I don’t like it! Celine is now our daughter-in-law and you can’t change that fact unless your own son wants her to divorce himself!” Mr. Anderson said firmly. “If others are going to hear what you’re saying, they might even call us a joke…”
“We’re at home, how could there be any outsiders? It’s not like Brylee is an outsider!” Mrs. Anderson stated as she moved away from Brylee
and continued eating.
“What are you all discussing here?” a familiar voice suddenly
sounded and I turned to look at my husband who was approaching. directly towards us while dressed in a dark casual suit.
Instantaneously, Brylee’s eyes glowed with a mixture of helplessness and love as it dawned on her.
“My son… why did you return to the house so much earlier than usual today?” His mother was smiling widely, which was very different from the smile she had been giving previously.
“I’m done with the company matters for the day, so I came back earlier…” he said as he sat down next to me and grabbed my hand that was on top of the table. “Are you feeling better? Why did you come down?”
I could tell by looking out of the corner of my eye that Brylee had straightened her back and was blazing at our hands as they became intertwined.
“I’m fine now…” I responded with a warm grin permanently affixed to my lips.
“Jack told me that you have plans to acquire the Golden Kite Group. Is this true?” Mr. Anderson questioned out of the blue, making Sebastian tear his gaze away from me and release my hand.
“Yes, we’re still in the middle of discussing about it…” he replied and then murmured thank you to the se rvant who brought him another set of cutlery.
“Acquiring ownership of the Golden Kite Group is not a simple task. I’ve also heard that a number of other large corporations are keeping a close eye on it. Do you have sufficient faith that you will be able to obtain it?” The question was posed by his father as he passed the serving tray of rice to his son.
“Let nature take its course…” Sebastian said while he flashed a small smile. After that, he reached for an apple and put it on my plate
before continuing. “Here, eat more…
William nodded. “All right… whenever you run into trouble, you know where to find me, son…” He then stood up and pushed his chair back after wiping the corners of his mouth with the table napkin. “I have an appointment with my friends to play golf. I’ll head over first…”
Everyone nodded busily.
“Brylee… I seem to remember that your father’s company belongs to the Golden Kite Group, right?” As Olivia turned to ask my sister, who had been attentively following Sebastian’s actions with her eyes.
Brylee nodded. “Yes… one of my father’s firms is under the Golden Kite Group, so if you acquire it, then…”
“Then we’ll be a family!” Olivia exclaimed. “Once we obtained it, the businesses acquired by your father will only rise up…
“Yeah…” Brylee said in haste. “I’m aware that once the group has been bought, there will be a great number of enterprises with which to divide the revenues. I would prefer it if people from the outside did not criticize my dad only because of the connections they have with our family. In the event that the acquisition is finalized, my father will most assuredly utilize his own talents in order to compete with those of the other businesses…”
It was clear to me that Brylee was trying to convey her thoughtfulness and kindness through these statements.
After giving a shrug of the shoulders, I shifted on my seat to face Sebastian, who was busy eating and obviously not paying attention to Brylee and his mother’s discussion about the Golden Kite group. “I want to start classes again on Monday…”
Sebastian’s face contorted into a scowl as he stopped eating and
bited his head to look at me
“I have been out of school for a considerable amount of time… so, I need to make up for my classes as soon as possible…” I explained.
m scared that if I don’t catch up, I won’t be able to graduate this summer…”
“But you have yet to recover.” he said softly. “Give yourself a break and let me take care of everything in the meantime…”
“My body is fine…”I said. “T1l be okay…”
“Are you sure?” He asked as he looked at me intently with his dark eyes.
“Yeah.” I nodded and I lifted my hand to brush away the hair that was covering his eyes, and I almost laughed when he flinched from his seat at my gesture because I was only teasing Brylee…
The two of us were indulged in our little conversation, directly
ignoring Brylee’s existence, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw her clenching her fists on the table.
However, the look of concern on her face had yet to subside. “Celine… you’re not fully recovered yet. Why don’t you give yourself a break and let your body regain the strength it’s been losing after you lost so much blood? I’ll help you with your assignments…”
“You want to help me?” asked her with a smile, respond because I kw that she could tell f smiling at her that mething was off. “Why exams first beforou even consider as s
m done eating..
Please excuse
was sittin
d my wrist as
going with yo
she didn’t
the way that I was
you pass you
me with an
where I
g a glass
of cold water. But just as he was about to get up, he turned back to Brylee and asked, “Brylee… are you feeling better now?”
Brylee, who had been in a grumpy attitude, snapped out of it when she was confronted with his unexpected worry. My husband was greeted with a smile and an enthusiastic nod from her. “Yes, I’m much better now. Thank you for your concern…”
Sebastian nodded, then finally got up from his seat and wrapped his arm around my shoulder after releasing my wrist. “Since you’re almost recovered, you should go home. I believe that your parents would worry about you if they hadn’t seen you at home…”
And that rendered Brylee completely dumbfounded, while I couldn’t help but smirk as I looked at her.
“Let’s go…” Sebastian spoke softly into my ear before leading me to the elevator.
Today’s Bonus Offer

“Why are you trying to drive my sister away from you?” I asked Sebastian as soon as we reached our room. I kept my eyes on him as he walked to the fridge to get a bottle of cold water and then handed it to me.
“It bothers me when she picks on you like that…” he said and my hand, which was ready to grab the bottle from him, stiffened slightly as it prepared to do so.
I sighed as I sat on the couch, and looked at him.
He stared back at me with a long look that was worth a thousand words, and all of a sudden… a mysterious smile spread across his face.
I averted my gaze away from him to avoid making eye contact, and held the cup in my hand tightly, staring blankly as if I was lost in a deep thought.
The urge to start a business of my own suddenly popped into my mind. What if I invest in my husband’s company?
Great idea!
“Have you found yourself once more lost in your own thoughts?” I was taken aback by Sebastian’s voice, and as a result… I co cked my head to look back at him.
“Would it be possible for me to compete with other parties for your company’s business tender if I were to start a company right now?” I asked him, and he gave me a puzzled look.
“Are you thinking of doing business?” he asked back, and I nodded.
“Who doesn’t want to make money…” I stated, shrugging my shoulders as I opened the bottle and took a swig from it.
“Are you quite certain that all you want to do is make money?” Again, with a teasing grin playing on his lips, he questioned. “How much money do you want? With the title of Mrs. Anderson… I don’t think you should be worrying about finances…
I felt somewhat uncomfortable because of the unexpected closeness he showed me, but I managed to hide my unhappiness on my face. “I know my place, Mr. Anderson!” I said, deliberately emphasizing the last two words.
Yes, my title as his wife was fake.
And I don’t have any idea how long my reputation as Mrs. Anderson would last.
As a result… having my own company rather than depending on that of others would be the most reliable option.
“Do you always put so much thought into things?” he questioned, showing a modicum of interest.
He might be thinking that I was almost the same age as his sister, but I had far more life experiences and was matured than she was.
“Don’t you think it’s a good idea to make preparations ahead of time?” ‘I said. “Do you want me to wait until I’m having trouble paying my bills before I start making plans?”
Sebastian didn’t appear to be aware of the fact that my smile was obviously false or that it made me look like I was concealing my face in any way.
The next thing I knew… he was picking me up and carrying me bridal style. His blue eyes became a little brighter, and the curve on his lips. became even more charming.
I was taken aback by his gestures, but inadvertently, I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself and prevent myself from
He gently placed me on the bed, and didn’t pull away as soon as he stared me straight into the eyes.
“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered, my arms still wrapped around his neck, but my eyes were staring at him warily.
His expression stiffened for a moment. Then he poked my forehead with his index finger, which caused me to open my eyes quite wide.” Am I a monster? Why are you giving me that kind of look?”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him aside before attempting to envelop my entire body in the blankets.
Sebastian, much to my astonishment, proceeded to lay beside me, put his arm around my waist, and then buried his face into the crevice of my neck.
“You’re quite a restless sleeper, do you know that hmm…?” he whispered, his voice was h o ar se. “Struggling and kicking around are relatively minor concerns, but you also occasionally suffer
nightmares, and at other times you might even start crying. To tell you the truth, I’ve ne of these. Please t
een able to get a good nie to move, okay? Let me
sleep because
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I didn’t m
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apped around my
ime living ealth, which
My struggle with insomnia got much worse after my mother passed away. My mother’s face would constantly be reflected in the water whenever I had a dream about her. It was impossible for me to recall the number of times that I had startled awake in the tiny hours of the morning feeling terrified.
However… I was able to get through the past two nights, both at the hospital and here at Anderson Villa, without waking up until the morning. Naturally, Sebastian would have me ensconced in his arms each and every time I opened my eyes to a new day.
But… Lhad no idea that I was like that, despite what he had informed me whenever I was in my sleep.
When I stared at him, my hand moved to touch his handsome face and I ran my fingers along his exquisite jaw while my thumb lightly brushed his lips.
‘Sebastian…” I murmured into his ear, but it wasn’t loud enough to rouse him awake. “What is it that you want from me? What’s your real purpose in marrying me?”
What else did I possess except my life that was valuable enough to be put to use at this precise time?

The woman who was sleeping next to me had already dozed off, but she was still in a semi-seated position with a book propped up on her chest when I woke up, and it was already after three o’clock in the afternoon.
I flickered my eyes open and stared at my wife’s lovely face while she was asleep. I wasn’t accustomed to her being so reserved. She didn’t even put up a fight when I gave her a hug and buried my face in her neck, so I could inhale her scent, which was a combination of vanilla and strawberry and was one of the things I had missed the most.
In point of fact… I was baffled as to why I believed it was imperative that I constantly show concern for her.
Didn’t she and Brylee essentially share the same appearance?
If I had chosen Brylee, she would have been as submissive as a little puppy, but unfortunately… Celine was as belligerent as a porcupine that was covered in sharp quills. She would frequently silence me with her harsh words, leaving me unable to respond.
“Thank you, Sebastian…”
That old image played out once more in my head.
In the rain… in spite of the fact that she was being bullied, she chose to maintain her composure even though she looked terrible and was ashamed. Despite this, when I was finally able to save her, she thanked me in just the most passing manner.
Yes, I remember that at the time… the way she looked at me seemed to be warning me not to interfere in what she was doing.
Possibly, it was from that moment on, when I started to get a little intrigued about what else she was like.
Even though it was obvious that she was terrified of snakes on the desolate island, she nonetheless dutifully sucked the poison out for me. She did not show the slightest sign of reluctance at that time… and I wasn’t even given the opportunity to express my gratitude to her.
Because I recalled that she had assured me that she would never be indebted to anyone…
She claimed that she was able to save me because I had helped her in the past, specifically during that time when it was raining and when Julio Lauren was beating her to death.
Did she really need to be so calculative?
It wasn’t until after I had Jason do further investigation into her that I realized she wasn’t nearly as terrible as the rumors made her out to
On the other hand… I came to see that she was self-reliant and capable, friendly and submissive, as well as intelligent and gifted.
Unfortunately, she had a cold and superior demeanor by nature. Regardless of how other people evaluated her… she would always be the last one to defend herself.
On the surface, she and her identical twin sister appeared to be the same person; nonetheless, their personalities were very different.
She was without a doubt a girl who was not romantic in any way, and she had the ability to easily anger me.
Making delicious bread?
Treating a man’s sexual problems?
I had no doubt in my mind that she was intentionally trying to provoke
me. But despite this, I still decided to take the bait.
In point of fact, on the day of the wedding, I was aware that it was inevitable for her to show it there. Following my examination of the video, I requested that Jason carry out additional in-depth research about Brylee.
Not until then did it dawn on me that Brylee had never been anything but hypocritical. And I also found out about the dispute between the twin sisters.
Therefore, it was inevitable that Celine would show up on that day. I wasn’t anticipating that she would be able to convince Cynthia, since I wanted to see if she could find her own way in.
It was certainly unexpected. After all… Cynthia didn’t like her very
much before.
In regard to that video where I was having an intimate moment with her in the restroom…
“Sebastian… what kind of a woman have you provoked by your
actions? Isn’t this video recording a little bit too intimate for public consumption? Shouldn’t you just throw it away rather than show it to everyone at your wedding?”
The person who did the talking was a man who wore eyeglasses. He was not an outsider reporter but a good friend of mine… Louis.
He was not your typical journalist in any way. His father held the position of Chief Executive Officer at a well-known media company. It had been a month since Louis returned from Germany, and during that time, his father made arrangements for him to complete his internship at an entertainment company.
However, in order to prevent any rumors from spreading, he has kept his true identity a secret from everyone.
On the other hand, he acted on impulse and frequently divulged information that others would not have dared to reveal. Celine took note of this courageous young reporter and made the decision to
collaborate with him as a result.
When I stared at the video that Louis had in his hand, I couldn’t help but raise the corners of my lips.
I was completely unprepared for the fact that my wife had led me to the restroom just to prepare for this.
How audacious… but I did like it!
“She requested that the video should be played on your wedding day. Do you want me to stop her from doing that? I’ll figure out how to
hands on the original video and rip it to shreds!” After I gave Louis. the signal to stop the video that was still playing on his phone, he spoke what he had to say afterward.
“I want you to play the video clearly on my wedding day…” I sported a grin as I ordered before lighting up a cigarette.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Louis made a frowning face as he sat down in the chair that was in front of me inside my office. “You’re aware that once the video is made public, it will completely destroy your reputation, right? It’s clear that she has some nefarious motive for keeping the video from you-either she’s after your money, or she’s hoping to win your hand in marriage!”
Louis was trying to warn me about her because he had observed a great deal of behavior similar to hers in the past. After all, he had a lot of connections, therefore he frequently encountered women in that position.
“Do you agree that she has a very lovely personality?” Instead, I asked the question while smirking broadly across my face. Even the thick cloud of smoke could not hide the smug grin that had become
permanently affixed to my lips.
Louis scowled and looked at me for a while… studying my face as he did so, before finally moving on. “Do you have feelings for that
Today’s Bonus Offer


I didn’t utter a word to his question. I took a slow drag off my cigarette and shot him a look that was clear enough for him to comprehend.
“Go dda mit, man! You really do like your fiancee’s sister, don’t you? Otherwise, how could you tolerate such a thing?!”
After extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray, I got up from my swivel chair and walked towards the window. “As a reporter, you need to give it your best effort. If there’s any possibility that something could go wrong with this, I won’t let you go either…”
“Hey! What do you mean by that?” His brows became wrinkled. “Are you going to really tolerate her and show everyone this video?”
“On the day of the wedding, I will make arrangements for a large projector. You could just play the video there directly…”
“What if she breaks her word? What would you do if she decides she no longer wants to play the video?” Louis remarked in haste. “It’s important for you to understand that women have unstable emotions. They are capable of developing new concepts on a daily basis!”
“I’ve heard that conducting an interview with Mr. Park has been one of your lifelong goals…” I inquired, and upon hearing that name, a bright light appeared in his eyes.
I was always aware that he wanted to interview the CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York, Mr. Park. His affair with his
ecretary had almost ended up ending his marriage with the famous
odel, Candy.
“Don’t worry… if Celine doesn’t want to expose it, I’ll do it all by myself instead. I will see to it that everyone in the world is aware of your affair with the sister of your fiance…” the words that I wanted to hear from him suddenly came out of his mouth.
I flashed a contented grin before I dismissed him and signalled him to leave the office.
Because of this, a relatively small reporter was able to create a significant amount of drama for the Anderson family. But despite this, New York City’s most prominent businesses were obligated to treat us with respect.
1 carefully sat up, stretched my arms, and attempted to lay Celine
down on the bed in a flat position. However, as soon as I held her in my arms, she opened her eyes and glanced at me in what appeared to be bewilderment.
“I… I’m so sorry… but, did I wake you up?”
Celine repositioned herself so that she was sitting upright and continued to ignore me as she continued to read the book that she was still holding.
“The weather is really nice today. You up for a little bit of a stroll?” | asked while yanking the book out of bonds and placing it on the nightstand.
After that, I grabbed her hand a
“I don’t want to go out…”
don’t have to g
den. You have
get out of bed.
esitate before pulling back
just take a walk in the se lovely flowers to relax
Urself and c
I didn’t give her the option to say no as I swiftly pulled a coat from the closet, wrapped it around her body, and then opened the door, before dragging her out of the room.
“I can walk by myself!” Because she didn’t want me to hold her hand, I didn’t insist on doing so either.
It was getting close to spring, and the garden included many different kinds of flowers, each of which was absolutely stunning and
bewitching to behold.
noticed that Celine was speechless for a little period of time as she looked at the vast field of flowers.
She was immersed… and as she stroked her palm over the flowers and peered at them, she seemed to remember something from the
I grabbed her hand and put it on my lips, kissing her knuckles, and all of a sudden, she came to her senses.
However… she didn’t stop me, which made my mood lighter as I dragged her to the most remote part of the garden with a beautiful smile plastered on my lips.
This time… Celine didn’t struggle because her eyes were firmly
focused on the flowers, and I couldn’t help but notice her facial expression.
But before long, she had stopped at the spot where red roses were planted.
“Do you like red roses?” I asked in amusement.
“Yes…” she answered in a hushed tone as she slowly withdrew her hand from mine. She knelt down and plucked up a deep-red rose with a long stem. “When we lived on the island, there was a rose garden in the backyard of our home, and it never failed to put my mother in a
cheery disposition whenever the flowers began to bloom…”
She smiled, closed her eyes, and stood up straight as she inhaled deeply the fragrance of the flower she had in her hand.
“Mom’s really quite talented…” she continued and as I listened to her, I found myself smiling secretly. “She would use the petals to make rose petal jam, rose syrup, rose flower tea, and rose wine…”
She crashed the flower with her hand, and let the petals be blown away by the breeze, a smile glued on her lips as she watched them sc attered on the ground.
When I saw her smile, which was as lovely as a flower, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed, the beating of my heart raced. This is the very first time that I saw her smile in a genuine way since she became my
I picked up a red rose and stepped forward, tucking the flower behind
her ear.
tarting today, whenever you want to go have a look at the bed of oses, I’ll be there to accompany you…” I said in a soft voice yet husky, before pulling her into a tight hug.
Celine let me hug her for a few moments before she raised her head to look at me, but as soon as she did, she quickly averted her gaze d her pair of icy eyes behind those long lashes. The beautiful
lowly faded away.
‘m tired…” She then pulled away and turned her back on me. “I want o go back to the room…”
was aware that she was ignoring my attempts to get close to her. from the very first time we had met, she had regarded me with a
deal of suspicion.
pite the fact that my cousin Jake was making a concerted
effort to look after her, I was still able to sense that there was a chain.
around her heart the entire time.
And this shackle shut off any concern that may have been coming from the outside world. But I controlled my impatience. I had faith that I would one day be able to free her heart from the chains that were holding it captive.
Brylee was overcome with resentment and jealousy as she stood at the window of her room, looking out at the two individuals who were hugging each other in the garden below. She closed the window to her room harshly and then proceeded to see Olivia and acted as though she was crying.

Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 86-95

After I was certain that Cynthia was already fast asleep, I sneaked over to the opposite side of the room and quietly opened her laptop. I accessed the recordings that were stored in my cloud storage and then backed them up, before I copied the piece of information into the phone I was using.
After I had finished using the laptop, I turned it off and walked back to the room, where I was surprised to hear Cynthia talking to herself while she was asleep.
“Why do you love her?” She uttered a mumble. “Why should it not be me?”
It appeared as though she was even considering the answer to that question while she slept.
I heaved a sigh as I sat next to her and dabbed away the te were gathering in the outer corner of her eyes. I needed to have conversation with Jake and explain everything to him in detail.
I needed to talk to him right away, so I typed out a message on my phone and sent it to him.
The response he sent was, “Okay, I’m here in my room…”
Before leaving Cynthia’s bedroom, the first thing I did was pull the sheets over her body and cover her, then I proceeded to Jake’s room on the second floor.
I lifted my fist and just as I was about to knock on his door, it was suddenly opened.
“Come in…” he said, and I followed him as he walked further into the
room. When we reached his bed, he stopped walking and gestured for me to sit, but I refused to do so.
“I just want to clarify that Cynthia was not the one who pushed me out of the window. I jumped out on my own…”
“What?!” he exclaimed, his eyes widening from shock. “I thought… I thought… f uck!” he yelled and I jumped, didn’t expect him to act this way in front of me. “I thought Cynthia pushed you out of the window because of her jealousy. I even said bad words to her…”
I did nothing but look at him in silence as he spoke the words. He heaved a sigh as he made his way towards me, his hands grabbing my shoulders as he did so and shaking me slightly.
“Celine… why did you do that?” he asked, his eyes fixed on mine as he searched for an answer. “You were playing games with death! I can explain to her in a hundred different ways why the two of us are not destined to be together. What you did is unacceptable, Celine! That is one of the most extreme ways to-”
“But, the most radical solution is actually the most extreme way getting to the bottom of the issue…” I said, cutting him off. “Jake, did this for you… For Cynthia to stop liking you. This is my way of saying thank you for all the help you’ve given me…”
“What?” He asked, looking at me as if he didn’t understand what I was saying. “I… what are you trying to say?”
“Let’s end our game…”
“Game…?” he asked again, releasing my shoulders and walked back to the bed, sitting down. “What game are you talking about?”
I let out a long, drawn-out sigh as I took a seat next to him. “Let’s put an end to this sham of a relationship. Everybody thought that we were together. Let’s end this once and for all, and make them know that it’s not really true that we’re… I gestured at us with my finger,
pointing to him and then to myself.
“I haven’t even made any move to you, and this is already over? We’re and this is already over? We’re
over…” he asked bitterly and I nodded. “But… I like you, Celine.”
What he said didn’t take me by surprise because it was so transparently obvious.
“But I don’t like you, Jake… I’m really sorry…”
“But… But this morning. You…”
I understood exactly what he was trying to convey. This morning I made inappropriate advances towards him… flirting with him… and I deeply regret it.
“My apologies…” I said, looking down. “I had the intention of doing that. And I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but I’m not the kind of person who deserves to be loved. You don’t know the real me, Jake…”
“I don’t care!” he exclaimed, grabbing both of my hands and squeezing them tightly. “I know in my heart that you’re the one for me, Celine… It doesn’t matter to me if you h ook up with a bunch different guys! The accusations they’ve made against you tha you famous across various social media platforms are nothi me. I’m willing to get married to you as long as you promise to… st
with me.”
I shook my head as I pulled my hands away from his grasp.
“I’m sorry…” I whispered, and I heard him scoff. “Listen, Jake… I’m the kind of person who will do anything it takes to get what I want. And I am well aware that you would prefer not to become involved with someone like me. I have plans, and you are going to despise me once you find out about them…”
After hearing what I had to say, he narrowed his eyes and began to appear increasingly uncomfortable. “What do you mean? What plans.
are you talking about?”
“You’ll see it on the day that my sister and your cousin get married…” I spoke in a whisper as I rose from the mattress and made my way toward the door. “Goodbye, Jake…”
I said the last words without turning back to glance at him for the very last time.
As I made my way down the stairs, I was aware that everyone had already gone to bed.
I couldn’t help but c ack a sad grin as I closed the main gate, turning around to look up one last time at the Anderson Villa.
After the taxi I had called pulled up directly in front of me, I opened the door and was about to get inside when someone stopped me by grasping my wrist.
“Celine…” I heard Sebastian’s voice, and when I turned around, he
appeared to be in a great deal of distress. His eyes were cloudy as he stared at me. “W-where are you going?”
“Sebastian…” I mumbled, my hand was trembling as I reach lightly touch his face. “Will you marry me?”
A And the expression that I saw on his face was not the one that aranticipated seeing from him. He was unable to utter a word becaus
che looked so shocked.
ol gave a slight shake of my head and quickly got into the car, after wwhich I instructed the driver to speed off.
“C”Celine!” As he pursued the taxi I was riding in, I could hear him yelling mmy name repeatedly. “Celine!”
AfAfter wiping the tears that were on my face, I leaned back in my seat, clclosed my eyes, and waited for Sebastian’s voice to stop echoing ththrough my ears. This is both my destiny and my plan. To leave the
city, and when I come back. I will see to it that I get my revenge on each and every one of them.
It hurts that he chose Brylee over me even for the very last time
have no idea why I was in so much pain, but I had to push aside every feeling that I had that was counterproductive to my strategy, so that I could move forward. I have to carry on with my plan and forget everyone, including Sebastian.

It’s been three months since Celine left the city and the villa… and today is the day that her sister, Brylee, and I will finally get married.
My parents came to the conclusion that they wanted to throw the Wedding of the Century,” so they invited a large number of guests and spent no less than one hundred million dollars on the event, which was lavish in every sense of the word.
At an early hour of the morning, the Anderson villa was packed with many people. The entire building was surrounded by reporters from a variety of countries on all sides. After one another… luxury cars pulled up, and the passengers who exited the vehicles were celebrities and other well-known figures on their way to the event.
Directors of local companies, as well as high-ranking official from various city and county government agencies, arrived incogni though Jake’s parents had arrived three days earlier to lend a and Dad was extremely busy, the amount of work that needed
done had not been significantly reduced.
The guards kept watch over the house to ensure that everything was running smoothly. The se rvants are working hard and can be seen walking back and forth doing the work assigned to them at all times.
But I wasn’t paying attention to any of them at that point in time. I was in my room, dressed in a tuxedo, and standing by the window while I was pondering something in my head.
“Mr. Anderson, Celine has just arrived in the city, and she came here about half an hour ago…” I was informed by Jason, and I sighed, as I had been preparing myself for this to occur.
After leaving the villa that night, Celine was not seen or heard from anywhere in the city. After having people look into her whereabouts for a period of three months, I discovered that she had returned to Staten Island, which is where she had been living before with her mother. She moved back into their old house, and led a life of relative
Every day, she spent her time volunteering at either an elderly home or an orphanage. She would occasionally give food to the neighborhood strays, and on other occasions, she would take lengthy strolls
through the park or along the beach, or she would spend the entire day reading in a bookstore.
After spending a week on the island, I got the impression that her life was fairly routine and uneventful, so I stopped keeping an eye on her and gave her the freedom to leave whenever she pleased.
I frowned when I discovered that an unknown number had just texted me on my phone, which was vibrating on the nightstand next to me” Will you marry me today, Sebastian?”
couldn’t help but grin, as I immediately recognized the message.
“How did she get in here?” I asked as I turned to Jason, who was still keeping a good posture behind me while he awaited my instructions. We made sure that the invitations were only given out to the guests…”
The location of the wedding was heavily guarded, the guests waiting outside were subjected to rigorous screening, and invitation cards were required for entry into the venue.
“It was your sister, Mr. Anderson, who was the one who brought her in …” he said in response.
“Cynthia…” I spoke in a hushed tone, and as I did so, a smile formed
on my lips. She was so charming that even my sister melted for her.
“Mr. Anderson… what do you propose we do at this juncture?”
“Maintain a low profile for the time being…” I said. “It would be interesting to see what kind of games she would play this time…”
“Okay…” he nodded, and before leaving my room, Jason gave a respectful bow.
I was in Cynthia’s room and she kept on complaining about why I wanted her to take me in. “What are you planning to do this timè, Celine?”
“Oh…?” I dramatically said, arching my brow in her direction as I crossed my arms over my chest. “It’s been three months since the last time we saw each other. Didn’t you miss me?”
Her eyes widened and her face turned beetroot as she glare my direction. “Never!”
I gave a casual shrug of the shoulders and flashed her a warm s I couldn’t deny to myself that I’ve been missing this girl, despite the fact that she caused me a lot of headaches. It was clear to me from the look in her eyes that she yearned to be with me. Either she was too ashamed to admit the truth or she was just making an attempt to deny it.
“Thank you for letting me in, Cynthia…” I said. “This wedding is very heavily guarded. Thank G od, you’re there to save me…”
I took a step toward the window and turned to look down at the bustling crowd that had gathered around the swimming pool.
The swimming pool…
When I thought back to the evening when I made the decision to jump into the pool, I broke into a grin. After I had left the villa that night, I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to them.
“What are you here for today?” Cynthia inquired as she approached me and stood next to me.
I chose not to answer her question but instead raised my hand to look at the time on my wristwatch. At that moment, my phone began to vibrate in the pocket of my jeans, and when I looked at it, I saw a message that said, “It’s time…”
“Hey! I’m asking you a question!” Cynthia rasped with a slight change
in her tone.
I smiled as I leaned over her and whispered into her ear. “Do you want
to become my sister-in-law?”
I had to pull away to check on her reaction, and by the time I did, I was on the verge of laughing out loud. Her jaw dropped open and she was speechless.
Before she came into her senses, I had already opened the a
walked out of her room.

Outside… the atmosphere was very lively, and everyone was in a happy mood. I moved through the crowd while donning a black cap in order to maintain a low profile and hide as much of my face as possible.
Soon after that… I made my way to a location behind one of the pillars, and when I got there, I saw the man waiting for me with great
“Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” the gentleman who was wearing glasses queried. “You are putting yourself in harm’s way by doing this…”
I smiled at him in a way that was a little bit mocking as I loat him. “Are you able to carry it out or not? Please let me know
as possible so that I can discuss the matter with the other rep and ask them to perform this task on my behalf… I have a feeling they will be more interested in doing it.” I said as I turned to face th group of reporters who were awaiting the start of the wedding
When I started to move away from him, he stopped me and said, “ Wait… Aren’t you afraid of death?”
“Aren’t I still alive?” I smiled. “Perhaps, you’re the one who’s afraid here, and not me…”
“Me?” he cracked a smirk as he took away the glasses from his eyes.’ ‘A brave reporter has nothing to be afraid of, and I’m one of them. With today’s scandal, a promotion is definitely waving at me!”
“Then I hope that your luck holds out!” I extended my hand to him for
a handshake, and he beamed at me.
“By the way, my name is Louis…,” he said, and I nodded in response. I would like to have you as a friend if it turns out that I will be able to continue living after today. You can always come to me for help in the future if you find yourself in a difficult situation…”
“Sure!” I nodded as I covered my face with a face mask and retreated
from him.
At the Anderson Villa… the wedding was held on a lawn that was several hundred square meters wide and had grass that had been cut
in an even fashion.
There were multiple drones in the sky to create perfect memories from a variety of different vantage points, as the event being commemorated was a very special one.
In addition to this, what was once a plain expanse of green grass was transformed into a field of blooming flowers. Clearly, each and flower that was used for this event was purchased from another country and flown in by airplane.
There was a great deal of crystal decorations, angel costumes, pink girl’s hearts, and many other things like that… In a nutshell, whatever you could think of or couldn’t think of, you can experience it here in some form or another. Naturally, there was only one word that could describe the entire thing.
In addition to the exquisite decorations, there was a large band of musicians who kept the mood upbeat by playing beautiful music throughout the event.
There were thousands of white chairs placed around the venue, and
each one had a bouquet of flowers placed on top of it. It was almost like you were sitting on a bed of flowers when you looked at it that
I sat down in the far corner of the room and looked at the time while
maintaining a blank expression on my face.
After more than an hour had passed… all of the chairs in the area around me were now occupied by people.
As I turned my head to take in my surroundings, I noticed that the women were all wearing expensive perfume, and that the dresses they wore were all branded.
On the other hand, I was dressed in a manner that made me appear to be a person from another world. As a result, they were looking at me, most likely wondering why I was wearing a casual shirt and pants for
an event of this nature..
After a while, a strikingly good-looking man walked in, and the women began to clap and cheer. As I looked at him… I could feel my heart beating so quickly.
Sebastian Anderson, who was dressed in a tuxedo, made his way with deliberate strides to the middle of the aisle. Following closely behind him was a group of eight dashing gentlemen, each of whom was wealthy and titled. And Jake was one of them.
I reverted to the previous position of lowering my head and continued my conversation with Louis on my phone by texting him.
Not long after that… a deafening cheer rang out from the distance, and the wedding music rang again, I looked up, turning my head to see the bride, who was surrounded by her beautiful bridesmaids, walking step by step towards the groom with her hand holding Julio Lauren’s arm.
“Wow…” said everyone in the room after they had a look at her,
wearing the wedding dress.
The wedding gown that Brylee wore was stunning beyond description. As she made her way slowly down the red carpet, which was covered in pink and red petals, she gave off an excited and elated appearance.
I could tell by looking into her eyes that she was both excited and nervous. Her gaze was fixed solely on her future husband, and she
made no effort to cast it elsewhere in the room.
Countless cameras were constantly taking photos of her from every angle. I smiled as I tore my gaze away from her, only to bump my gaze into the man’s deep eyes.
A seemingly bottomless chasm appeared to be concealed within the pair of calm and profound eyes. It seemed as though some kind of evil beast was lurking inside of them. A murky and unexplainably terrifying atmosphere.
I quickly averted my gaze and bit the inside of my lip out of nervousness, hoping against hope that he would not recognize
But what if he did?
But there’s no way that could happen. I was sitting in this extremely isolated nook with a large number of people all around me.
But his gaze…
I gave a quick shake of the head and then mustered the courage to look up again, only to see him looking at his bride.
I let out a sigh of relief, but then I was startled when the beep from my phone signaled that Louis had sent me a new message.
“Are you all set? The start of the wedding ceremony is coming up in just a few minutes…”
I gathered my composure and got ready for the most important performance of the century.
The priest started to speak, and when he said, “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace…,”
I wasted no time and stood up from my seat, raising my hand. “I object!”

Two words that caused the entire audience to fall silent as they looked at me with wide-open mouths and shocked expressions on their faces. Nearly all of them turned their heads in my direction, as though they were wondering who was the courageous woman that brought an end to this grand and luxurious wedding.
I smirked as I slowly took off my cap and mask, showing them my face as I moved closer to the groom and the bride, who were staring at me in shock— Oh… it was only my sister who seemed taken aback at my presence because the groom appeared as though he was expecting this to happen.
“Isn’t she the bride’s sister…?” I picked up on what someone in e
crowd said.
“Oh my G od! She’s the black sheep of the Lauren family!”
I expressed surprise by raising an eyebrow, but I didn’t bother to look at the person who had made this statement. I have always been conscious of the fact that this was how other people saw me; they considered me to be a black sheep, a bad omen, and the wicked
sister of my father’s family.
But it still hits differently when you hear it with your own ears.
I caught a glimpse of Cynthia’s expression out of the corner of my eye and saw that she was dumbfounded as well… However, she appeared more intrigued than angry about the situation.
The best men were also watching me with interest, and there was a
playful smile plastered on their faces. It appeared as though they were looking forward to what I was going to do next. But there was only one person who appeared to disapprove of what I was doing because he was frowning and staring at me, but I chose to ignore him. and focus on the other people around me instead. Jake…
“Celine!” I was in the middle of the crowd when I heard Sasha’s voice, and the next thing I knew… she was standing next to me and pulling me along by the hand. “Why are you even in this place! You’ve been gone for three months, and yet here you are, stirring up complications once more! Don’t cause any trouble on your sister’s wedding day! You never really change, do you? You are bringing shame upon our family again!”
Het her drag me until we reached the middle of the aisle, but an angry voice just stopped me from moving.
“You go home, Celine!” There was no need for me to turn around to find out who was responsible for the irate voice that was ringing in my ears. “You’re such a disappointment to me and to the Lauren family!”
Julio Lauren sn atched my hand from Sasha, and attempted to drag me outside, but I yanked my hand angrily and pushed him away, which caused him to stumble back. He was lucky Sasha was there to
catch him.
I glared at him and turned to walk back with my shoulders straight, and my chin held high.
I could feel people around me holding their breaths in anticipation as they watched me walk on the red carpet. From my peripheral vision, Mrs. Olivia Anderson’s face became dark. She was sending me a
murderous gaze and was about to stand up, perhaps to intervene, but her husband pulled her back on her seat, and shook his head as a warning to let me mind my own business.
“What the f uck are you trying to pull here?” I narrowed my eyes, trying to identify the young man who had the nerve to yell at me, and it wasn’t until I remembered seeing his pictures in the Lauren family’s living room that I was finally able to recognize him.
The youngest child of Sasha and Julio— Oh… should I say… Sasha
and her lover’s son?
Yes… After conducting some research, I came to the conclusion that he was not Julio’s son but rather Richard’s. I gave him a smirk and a raised brow as I walked past him and continued to stride towards the couple.
Once I had made it to the front, I looked up at Brylee and saw that she was stunned there. Her eyes were darting around nervously, but she was staring me down in an evil way while her fists were tightly
“Hello, my dear sister…” I gave her a grin while twirling my ha been a very long time since I last saw you…” The last time was she cut my hair inside Cynthia’s room. “I believe you forgot to s me an invitation, so please forgive me if I crashed your own wedding
She did nothing but stand there staring at me, and I couldn’t help but admire how flawless her face looked, even though it was hidden by the veil. Her long black hair was styled in waves that fell over her shoulders… and her beautiful wedding gown that made her look like a princess from a fairy tale with that tiny tiara perched on top of her head.
“Brylee, you looked absolutely stunning on your wedding day…” I couldn’t help but blurt it out, but she just rolled her eyes at me.
A bitter smile adorned her lips as she stared at me with deadly glares
that penetrated my bones and made me shiver.
“Yes… my wedding day…” she spoke softly but firmly. “But what are you doing, Celine? Why are you ruining my special day? Can we just…. please… let’s talk after this. I’ll give you anything you want, as long as y you let the ceremony finish first…”
“Get the f uck out of here!” I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply when I heard Allen’s voice again, and I was on the verge of telling him the truth about who his biological father was, but now was not the time for that thing. I have another plan for that…
“”Allen, don’t get involved in this…”I tried to stop him by raising my
hand, but he insisted on forcing me to leave the room regardless.
Your reputation is already bad enough…” he continued, his tone beecoming gentle. “Don’t you have any concern about the possibility ththat no one will want to marry you? That no one has any interest in Idoving you?”
A ss tuturned to look at him, a grin spread across my face. “You ar abbsolutely correct on that, my dear brother…”
He owned, staring at me in confusion… so, I continued to make uunderstand what I was trying to say.
“I’m afraid that no one wants to marry me… and that’s the reason why I’ve come here do get married today…” As I approached the man who waa sstanding next to Brylee, who had a breathtaking visage paired wiiticcobalt blue eyes, I took his hand with a smile, and I could see thaaceweyyone around me had fallen silent. “Will you marry me today,

The entire crowd let out a gasp, and countless photographers
snapped pictures as they witnessed the most remarkable event that had taken place in New York this year, or maybe not this year, but the entire thing that had happened in the city.
Tomorrow… this will undoubtedly be one of the headlines, and I can’t
Sebastian exhibited no signs of surprise… as if he was aware that this would occur in the future. He didn’t say anything; he simply stared at me with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
“What do you think I will respond to you with?” He asked me this while his hand was on mine, squeezing it, but his face remained emotionless the entire time.
“I think… You will say, yes!” I smiled at him, showing him my most alluring and perfect smile… but he didn’t budge from his position, and just raised an eyebrow at me.
“You’re that confident that I will say yes?” he smiled at me this time, but it seemed to be accompanied by ridicule.
“Hey!” Someone in the crowd suddenly yelled out. “You are so shameless to steal your sister’s husband!” and everyone started shouting and throwing insults and bad words at me.
“Sl ut!”
“Wh ore!”
“Shameless Woman!”
“I don’t understand how the Lauren family gave birth to such a ditz…” One of the bridesmaids said, and I saw Cynthia stunned from her seat before lowering her gaze on her lap.
“She is truly without any sense of shame! Nobody else comes close to matching her level of bit chin ess!”
“Oh… it’s such a pity! How is it possible for Miss Brylee to have a
sister like her?”
It felt like someone was pr icking me with needles the entire time with various kinds of caustic language.
But all I could do was laugh at myself for what they had to say, and before long I had released Sebastian’s hand and turned to face the crowd with a smile, showing to them that I wasn’t affected by their
“Hey, guys… take it easy!” I laughed. “I’m just kidding… Why are you all getting so worked up?”
They frowned, and there was complete silence as everyone ma their way back to their seats.
“There’s no need to worry, everyone! I won’t put a stop to the wedding I’ve just arrived here to give my sister the wedding gift that I prepared for her…” I made the announcement while clapping my hands three times to indicate that a video should start playing on the large screen that was positioned on the right side of the stage.
It was a video of a woman taking a shower, and while she did so… the water was cascading down on her body and she was running her fingers through her blonde hair to remove the bubbles. The woman’s back was turned to the camera.
After a few seconds, she pushed her dark back and pulled it up… revealing a small butterfly that appeared to be a tattoo; however,
when the camera focused on it… everyone who could see it could tell that it was a beautiful birthmark.
When the girl who was showering turned around, the entire scene played out in slow motion. People gasped when they saw the face of the woman smiling sweetly while looking directly at the camera. And
then the screen went blurry.
“Are you. familiar with the girl seen in the video?” I inquired, and the expressions on everyone’s faces revealed that they had no idea what to say as their gazes darted from me to Brylee and back to me again.
I couldn’t help but chuckle as I turned around, pulled my hair back, and flashed the guests at the wedding the birthmark that was on the back of my neck.-
“That’s definitely me…” After hearing what I had to say, I heard a collective “ohhhh…” coming from them.
I grinned as I clapped my hands three times one more time, and then another video appeared on the screen. This time, it was the vide hat they thought was me having sex with that young model. Whe noticed how flawless the girl’s neck was, their eyes widened even
No stain. No tattoos. No birthmark.
Brylee appeared to be passing out as she stood there, sobbing, and searching for something to hold on to, because her soon-to-be
husband moved just inches away from her, looking at her
disgustingly. The crowd was all stunned as they sent deadly stares at my sister.
Oh… Brylee, my dear… I was just starting.
When I turned around, a hand suddenly fell from my face and struck me very hard. And I was very, very familiar with that hand. The heavy hand that belonged to Julio Lauren..
“How can you frame your sister in such a way, Celine?!” he roared in my face, and his eyes were bloodshot red as he cast a menacing glare in my direction.
“Celine…” The shaking of Brylee’s hands accompanied her trembling voice as she lifted her veil, showing me her face covered with fake tears. “How could you subject me to such cruelty? I did absolutely nothing but take care of you. I even asked dad for you to stay in the house and help you get back to school, but this is all you did to me??
Everyone was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, and their -expressions conveyed confusion as they wondered who among us
was telling the truth.
“You’re an ungrateful child, Celine! Sasha decided to step in, and I rolled my eyes. “Right from the beginning, your father and sister have been nothing but kind to you! How could you possibly place the blame for your mistake on Brylee? You’re so heartless! I can’t be you can do this to us! To our family!”
I laughed at them as I touched my face that had been struck by Julio. This was not something for which I had planned and I wasn’t
prepared for. I underestimated them!
Facing such compelling evidence, they can calmly continue to lie.
“Why do you want to hurt me like this, Celine…?” Brylee collapsed to the ground in an unexpected manner and sobbed in her hands dramatically. “Is it because of Seb? Do you love my husband-to-be?”
Mrs. Anderson rushed over to Brylee and gave her a bear hug before wiping away the tears that were running down her face. “It’s okay, Brylee. I’m here… We’re always here for you…”
My sister sobbed loudly as she threw herself into Mrs. Anderson’s arms and buried her face in the woman’s chest. “It’s so painful, mom… I can’t believe my own sister would be capable of doing something like this to me…”
“Celine!” My name was suddenly called out by Mrs. Anderson. “Leave this place at once! Or I’ll report you to the security staff and have them drag you out of here!”
At this precise time, Sebastian intervened between me and his mother. Everyone appeared anxious as they waited for what he was going to say, but before he could open his mouth to speak, I raised my palm, which caused him to frown and stop moving in place.
“I won’t stop your marriage, Seb…” said in a hushed tone, assuring him. “All I need is five million dollars!”
“What?” he asked, staring at me in disbelief. “Why?”
Another video materialized on the screen, and this time it showed. Sebastian and I engaging in sexual activity inside of the restroom. After the video, everyone was shocked when a picture of an
ultrasound of a baby appeared on the screen. This caused the room to erupt into complete and utter chaos.
“I’m pregnant, Seb…” I said. “And that five million dollars I was asking for is for me to get an abortion so that you don’t have to worry about both the baby and me. You’ll only need to think and take care of your family with Brylee…”

“You have no choice but to leave! Now!” Mrs. Anderson suddenly stood up, and while she was doing so, she motioned to one of the bodyguards to come over to assist her. He quickly obliged, and as he stopped beside her, he handed a black shoulder bag to Sebastian’s mom. She opened her bag and flung a check at my face. “That’s the equivalent of five million dollars! Leave this place and get lost!”
When I bent down to pick up the check after it had fallen at my feet, I raised my eyebrows to look at the amount of money that was written on it. “That is incredibly kind of you, Mrs. Anderson… I am very grateful.”
“Get out of here!” she shouted, anger laced her face. “Leave! Now!”
I raised both hands into the air in a mocking way and turned around to leave, but as I did so… I heard a low sound reverberate through the speakers, and when I turned my head to check who it was, my heart raced when I saw Sebastian holding the microphone. The priest who had been holding it moments earlier was nowhere to be found.
“You’re just going to leave like that?” he asked, his eyes piercing through me. “All you want is that money?”
I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest and stared at his handsome face. His face was very calm, and his blue eyes were as deep as well, making it difficult to decipher what was going through
his mind.
“I’ll give you one hundred million dollars, Celine…” he said and my eyes widened in shock, as well as the eyes of everyone else in the crowd. Brylee’s face paled, while Mrs. Anderson snapped her head towards her son, her red nails digging against her palm as she
clenched her fists, glaring at him. “All I ask is that you give birth to my
Is he insane?
That photo of an ultrasound was fake! How could I even… Oh, Go d!
I scoffed at him and shook my head
“I’m sorry, Sebastian…” I said as I took a few steps back, my eyes welling up with tears as I did so. “But… I don’t want my child to be born without legal parental consent…”
After I finished speaking, I turned around and started walking toward the exit; however, the next thing he said caused me to stop in my tracks and made me stand still in the same spot.
“Marry me, Celine…” he spoke, his tone was authoritative. “Let’s get married so that our child can have legal status…
“Sebastian…” Brylee uttered those words, her voice quaking. “You’re going to marry her? Why? And what about me?”
“Sebastian!” The echo of Mrs. Anderson’s voice could be heard throughout the air. “What makes you think you’re capable of doing that? Have you completely lost your mind?”
After turning my head, I saw that Mr. Anderson had rushed over as well and was shaking Sebastian’s shoulders, Julio Lauren was beside him, sending deadly stares at his son-in-law to be. I couldn’t
understand what Mr. Anderson was saying to his son, but it sounded like he was telling him to stop what he was doing.
As I made my way back to the front, Brylee began to pull herself to her feet with assistance from Sasha and Mrs. Anderson. “Sebastian, please…” She cried out. “What could I possibly have done to deserve this? Why are you treating me in such a cruel manner? What have I
done for you to hurt me like this?!”
This time, she wasn’t putting on an act at all. She was sobbing her eyes out, and on the inside I couldn’t help but laugh. You all deserve
But what Sebatian just said caused me to engage in some
introspective contemplation. Why did he want to marry me? I thought I knew him very well, but I was wrong. Does he not give a da mn about Anderson’s reputation?
I watched as he disregarded his father and Brylee… and my eyes. widened when he started to walk towards me and stopped short of me by only an inch. This caused my heart rate to increase. significantly.
“Celine…” he said my name in a soft whisper, and I swallowed… my hands automatically covered my mouth when he suddenly pulled out a ring on his finger and kneeled down in front of me. “Will you marry
I was completely at a loss for words. I was just standing there, un to speak as I stared down at him, and he was looking at me wit kind and loving look, and for a brief moment… I had the feeling that was in love with him, but no. I couldn’t… I wouldn’t… When he pulled my hand and slipped the ring on my finger, I jerked back in response, but I was late. The ring had already slid onto my finger.
“Sebastian!” Brylee wailed while crying her eyes out very loudly. “You have no right to treat me like this! I don’t deserve this!”
The man, however… did not focus his attention on her but instead grabbed my hand as he stood up from kneeling and led me away from the venue where the event was taking place.
This was not something that I had in mind at any point. I had no intention of getting married to this man at all. My sole mission in
coming here was to cause disruption at Brylee’s wedding and to generally make things difficult for everyone involved.
I was only interested in money. In order to promote my later plans, I needed a start-up fund.
And lastly… I was aware of how cruel Julio Lauren was, and I knew that if he found out that I had returned to this city, he would never let me go and would probably end my life.
Therefore, I decided to attend this wedding… And regardless of
whether or not my reputation will improve, as a direct result of the mayhem that I caused, I will become more famous and will be known by a greater number of people. Julio will have a more difficult time torturing me if we proceed in this manner.
Nevertheless, the man next to me, holding my hand while we escaped his wedding, had other plans, and I had no idea what to do at that point. I believe that I will just go with the flow with him…
“Don’t go, Sebastian, please…,” I was still able to hear what Brylee was saying before I heard Sasha shout.
“Oh my G od, Brylee!” She let out a loud scream, as if she purposely wanted to make Sebastian hear it. “Brylee passed out! Call an
ambulance! Hurry!”
Sebastian, however, continued to walk away from them despite this fact, his hand firmly gripping mine as if he didn’t want to let go of me
at all.
“Sebastian!” Now it was the sound of his mother shrieking in terror. You have no right to treat Brylee like this! Don’t lose sight of the fact that she has Claire’s heart!”
And that brought Sebastian to a stop.
Claire…? Who the hell was Claire?
However, a short while later… Sebastian continued to leave the venue and led me to his car. After we had gotten settled in, he did not immediately start the car’s engine. He did nothing but remained there, apparently thinking… and stared blankly at the steering wheel.
“Sebastian…” I uttered the phrase in a low voice. “Who is… Claire?”
He heaved a sigh as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He murmured the name “Claire…” before he declared, “Her heart was
given to Brylee five years ago…”
Oh… and who was she? What exactly was her relationship with Sebastian? The fact that he wanted to marry my sister because she had her heart, indicated that she must be an important person in his
Sebastian suddenly opened his eyes and started the engine when we were abruptly interrupted by the sounds of an ambulance. “Are you sure you don’t want to go and check on Brylee?”
He gave me a puzzled look while shaking his head. “Claire’s he in Brylee’s body… That’s the reason why I wanted to marry her, L
Oh… he just confirmed what was running through my mind. But…
“But it’s you that I like now, Celine…” he said.
I averted my gaze away from him. “How did you even like me? I mean
I am a cold and heartless woman. I am not deserving of anyone’s love. I… I’m even considering getting rid of your child!”
My hands were fidgeting on my lap as I looked down, but he suddenly grabbed one and brought it to his lips, making me surprised.
“I know you’re lying about the baby…” he said, smiling, and my eyes
widened in horror. How did he even know about it? “I know you’re not pregnant, Celine…”

I was aware that by this time, the majority of the guests had been led out of the venue of the wedding by the bodyguards, and that the only people who were still there were our immediate family members and
close friends.
I continued to drive as I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair, but I was taken aback when my phone began to burst from the number of calls and messages it was receiving, most likely from my own family or from the Laurens.
On the other hand… as I kept my attention fixed on the road ahead of me, I paid no mind to my phone. The roaring sound of the accelerator pedal could be heard the entire time.
I simultaneously glanced over at the woman who was seated quietly beside me, and I noticed that regardless of how fast the car was moving, her expression did not change at all. She didn’t show any sign of surprise or didn’t even bat an eyelid.
She was certainly one tough woman!
My desired location was reached quite quickly, and I pulled up in front of the building.
“We’re here…” Celine appeared to be disrupted from her deep thought when I made the announcement; however… she did get out of the car, and made a frowning face when she realized that we had just arrived
at the Civil Affairs Bureau.
She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me with narrowed eyes, opening her mouth but then closing it again when I took her hand and pulled her inside the building.
Because of my powerful status, the highest-ranking manager extended a cordial greeting to me. “Good morning, Mr. Anderson…” he said, bowing his head down. “How may I help you? This is really a surprise visit from you—”
He was cut off from his statement when I leaned over to whisper what I needed, and a few moments later, two pieces of paper were handed to me.
“Uh… what exactly does this even mean?” Celine inquired, while maintaining a scowling expression on her face, and I smirked at her, which caused the frown on her forehead to become even more pronounced.
But despite this, she appeared stunning, far more stunning than any other woman I had ever seen in my entire life.
I sighed as I tried to push that idea out of my mind.
“Didn’t you want to get married?” Instead of giving her an answer to her question, I asked her. “What’s that look on your face? You don’t seem to be very happy, huh?” I lifted her chin with my finger, trying to decipher what was running in her mind by focusing on her eyes, but she was emotionless.
The manager’s office of the Civil Affairs Bureau had been thoroughly cleared, and only those who were necessary remained outside the office. Now, there was just the two of us left in the room, and we were seated in chairs that were right next to each other.
To my utter astonishment, Celine started laughing out loud and, as she did so… her eyes closed. She came dangerously close to acting like a fool, but despite that, she’s still the loveliest woman for me.
“Brylee did everything in her power for you to marry her, but you chose to marry me instead…?” She inquired about it as if she didn’t believe that I was serious when I proposed to her earlier.
I admired the look on her face as I nodded and continued to stare at
her in silence.
“Sebastian!” she scolded as she kept her smiles away, looking at me with a glare. “What are you trying to do? What’s your purpose in marrying me?”
“What’s my purpose?” I repeated her question while inching closer to her, and she responded by widening her eyes and pressing her palm against her chest. “From the very start, I had the intention of marrying your sister because she had Claire’s heart…” I paused for a while to gauge her reaction to what I had just said, but all she did was sit there expressionless in anticipation of my next statement. “However… I came to realize that instead of marrying a woman who clings to her partner all day, wouldn’t marrying a heartless but alluring woman be more interesting?”
The moment Celine took in this information, she bolted from her seat and scowled angrily at me. “You are a complete and utter per vert!”
“Of course not!” I replied, my eyes rolling around in a sarcastic manner. “Do you really want to know what’s the real reason for this?”
“What?” She questioned it by folding her arms on her chest and jutting her chin out.
I smiled evily and got to my feet, and abruptly h o oked my arm around her waist, drawing her closer to me and whispering into her ear. “I would really like to see if you’re going to fall in love with me or not…”
Celine fixed her gaze solely on me while slightly hesitating to breathe. Then, a smirk appeared to form on her lips. “Mr. Anderson, are you trying to find a reason for your own existence through me? And oh… you should call me honey from now on…”
Her words were dripping with sarcasm as she reached out and gently unhooked my arm from around her waist, which I had been holding.
The following instant, she tidied up her clothes and sighed heavily as she looked up at me.
“Remember that there’s absolutely no chance that I will ever fall in love with you!” It was a chilly voice that she used, and I stood frozen as I looked at her with a piercing gaze, my eyes penetrating her very being as she spoke.
His intense gaze caused me to swallow hard with nervousness, but I didn’t make it obvious for him to notice how I was feeling right now. I believe that he must have a genuine reason for wanting to marry me, and I intend to discover what that reason is.
Things had progressed to the point where I was powerless to prevent him from marrying me, although I did not want to marry him.
Because, despite my best efforts to the contrary, I know that taking
on the role of Mrs. Anderson would be beneficial for me.
“I don’t care why you want to marry me, nor do I want to know why you want to marry me…” I scoffed. “However, this sham marriage ought to be beneficial for the both of us, otherwise you’ll find out what else I’m capable of doing. In addition to that, I would like it if you could treat me better when we’re together!”
Having said that, I grabbed the paper from him and was about to leave, but he blocked my path and prevented me from leaving by holding my wrist. “Since you have taken the oath, you will be my wif from this day forward…”
After releasing his hold on me, he moved closer to me and spoke in a hushed tone. “I’m going to let everyone in New York City know that you and I are already married. And I won’t stand for it if anyone ever insults you again!”
I gave him an icy stare while maintaining a smirk on my lips and raising an eyebrow. “Mr. Anderson… You are very skilled at capturing the affection of each and every woman. Have you been acting the same way toward that Claire girl as well?”
He smirked and the proximity of his face to mine made me jerk away from him. “Are you jealous, my dear wife?” he asked in a low voice that rumbled from his throat with a hint of happiness.
I smiled mockingly while maintaining my cold demeanor toward him. I was just thinking… is it really easy for you to forget Claire?”
Sebastian let out a sigh before putting his arm around my shoulder and smiling. The odd expression that he maintained on his lips gradually became more noticeable. “So, Mrs. Anderson… let’s repay it together, yeah?”
I frowned and carelessly brushed his arm away that was on my shoulder.
“What does it have to do with me?” I snarled at him as I stormed out
of the room, giving him the evil eye.

After a few moments, the entire city of New York was nearly brought to its collective knees by the news that Sebastian Anderson had finally gotten married, which he had posted on his personal account on one of the social media platforms.
On the other hand… the name that appeared on the marriage
certificate was not that of Brylee Lauren but rather that of her sister, Celine Lauren, who is none other than me.
I wasn’t sure what to think at the time, but just the idea of the Lauren family getting angry was enough to make me silently celebrate the
outcome of what I’d done.
After pulling out my phone, I discovered that the general public was in an uproar, and within a short amount of time, our marriage became a topic of conversation and began trending on social media.
This caused my lips to curve higher as I smiled in victory.
Have people shared it too quickly?
Some people were skeptical about the validity of the marriage. between the affluent son of the Anderson family and the notoriously reckless second daughter of the Lauren family.
And the video from the wedding scene went viral almost instantly as well… and everyone was very ecstatic about it.
There was a wide variety of commentary published across a variety. of platforms. Some people even went so far as to boldly speculate that there were many different types of grudges and entanglements, in addition to secrets that were unknown to the general public.
There must have been a lot of people at the hospital where Brylee was taken by this point, causing it to be crowded and noisy.
On the other hand, the vast majority of the comments that I perused were focused on me, Celine the sl ut…
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Sebastian’s phone ringing, and he answered it while he was driving and pressed the loud speaker button.
“Mr. Anderson, we’ve arranged for the moderators to be here…” The
interior of the car seemed to reverberate with the sound of a man’s
voice that was very recognizable. “Every post and comment will be deleted right away…” he reported to Sebastian in a hurry.
“Okay, Jason. Thank you for informing me…” he said before he hung up the phone, and shortly thereafter, he drove up in front of Anderson Villa, but the security guard there refused to let me in.
“I’m sorry, young master, but your mother gave me instructions that Miss Celine is not allowed to enter the villa without her permission…”
After hearing what the guard had to say, the man’s expression
changed from serious to somewhat fearful.
“Back off!” Sebastian snarled while gripping my hand firmly.
“But Sir…”
“I said, f uck off!” he shouted, and I jumped, removing my hand from his grasp. “She’s my wife now!”
“I-I’m sorry, young master…” The security guard’s eyes widened as he stammered and immediately stepped back and opened the door for us, backing out of the way… but Sebastian shoved him, making me step back from them, and I headed my way into the living room alone, where I saw the ser vants taking down the decorated flowers around
the house.
Because everyone was so busy… it appeared that nobody had noticed that I was there. I continued to walk further until I reached the staircase, at which point I abruptly heard someone call my name.
“Celine!” I came to a complete halt and turned around, only to find. Jake coming toward me while still dressed in his best man’s suit and bearing a bewildered expression on his face.
“Jake…” I said, sending him a small smile. “L-long time no see…”
Jake did not return my smile and instead cast a frown in my direction while displaying an extremely pained expression. “Is what I read on the internet really happening? D-did you two actually get married?”
My eyes flashed, and my eyelashes flittered slightly as I bit my lip. “Y- yes… we got married.”
“But why?” he asked, staring straight at me. “Why would you marry my cousin? Isn’t he the person your sister wants to marry?”
I heaved a sigh, rolling my eyes at him. “Is there a law that allow stolen marriages?”
His eyebrows furrowed deeper as he clenched his fists. “Is everyt that was written online true?” His tone was somewhat anxious, but sounded more like being upset.
“Jake…” I made an effort to stop him from asking, but he brushed it off.
“The comments were saying that you… you are poor and you idolize the rich, thus you were determined to seduce your brother-in-law just to become Mrs. Anderson. Are you not exactly the same as those famous people who would do anything for wealth and fame? Why? What was my cousin doing with you in the washroom that day? Was it like… what they had said… a part of your… scheme?”
I shot a slicing glare back at him after I heard him say those words. Are you done?” I turned around and walked towards the kitchen but I heard him speak again.
“Why aren’t you taking the time to explain to me what’s really going on?” Jake yelled at me from behind. “Why don’t you debate and explain for yourself?”
I took a deep breath before I answered him without even bothering to turn around and look at him. “Their comments weren’t wrong. I was just trying to achieve my goal, and I’m indeed a woman who’s willing to do anything to get what I want!”
I heard him heave a sigh of defeat, and when I turned to look at him, he was staring at me with a broken-hearted expression. He turned away from me without saying anything else before walking away.
Over the years, I got used to being silent. I have no habit of explaining things to anyone. Moreover… I didn’t want Jake to know the truth because I knew that if he did, it would hurt him even more than it already does.
As I proceeded further inside the house… I saw an open room and I walked inside to check who they were and I saw Sebastian’s father having a conversation with some older men who appeared to be their immediate relatives. The moment they all laid eyes on me, they became rigid.
“Could that possibly be Celine?” I overheard the man with the dark hair sitting next to William Anderson asking, and in response… he nodded before greeting me with a brief smile.
Mr. William Anderson was a very impressive man. In spite of everything I’d done to his family, he was still pleasant to me and didn’t show any animosity towards me. And I was glad to know about that.
“Does she even have the audacity to come here?” The other man, who
had gray hair and wore it in a brush-up style, said something, and then everyone started talking about me, with the exception of William, who shook his head and gave me an apologetic look.
As they continued with their conversation, I stole a chilly glance at them and noticed the irony and contempt in their expressions. I
couldn’t help but c rack a grin as I turned to leave.
“Excuse me, I’ll just go upstairs…” I informed them, having purposefully made my tone severe.
“Have the two of you picked up the certificate of marriage yet?” William asked and it made me think that they had never bothered to check their phones or read the news yet, so they didn’t have any idea that Sebastian had just posted it on his personal social media
“Yes…” I nodded, lowering my gaze to the ground.
“Oh my G od! What on earth was Sebastian contemplating?” everyone started rambling again.
“You got that right! Wasn’t it enough that he’d embarrassed our fami already today?”
“Uncle Jack… it seemed to me that you were very dissatisfied with my wife…” Suddenly, a familiar and magnetic voice sounded, and I turned to look at Sebastian, who had just strode in.
He merely threw his jacket to the maid that was standing at the corner, waiting for some order to come her way.
The next instant, he approached me, put his arm around my waist, and gave his elders a stern look before saying, “Dear uncles, this is my wife, Celine… Have you thought of anything nice you could say to her?”
His voice, which was typically soft and soothing when he talked to his
relatives, came across as harsh this time.
It seemed as though the elderly gentlemen were trying to communicate by exchanging looks with one another… but it was difficult for anyone to articulate what it was that they wanted to say.
Everyone was also aware that in the event that Sebastian ever lost his temper, there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Especially when their companies had connections with my husband, they really
had to be cautious with their words.
“Oh, Sebastian…” The man with the dark hair, whose name was Jack, laughed. “I know you think your Uncle Robert is being mean, but he wasn’t trying to be. But the incident that occurred today was already quite serious, and yet you had to register your marriage with Celine at the same time. They are speculating that this will undoubtedly have an impact on our family and that the value of our stock will drop significantly the day after tomorrow..”
“Really?” Sebastian beamed, and it appeared as though he didn’t give
a hoot about the things that his elders were trying to caution hi about. “Are you only concerned about the stock market?”
“You are aware that is not the case, right?” Jack lost his cool and snapped. “I’m concerned as well about our name. It’s for the sake o the Anderson family that I’m thinking about this!”
“Then it’s only right that I thank you?!” Seb said. “Regarding the stock market, regardless of whether or not it rises or falls tomorrow, I will not let this small amount of money faze me in the least!”
Seb took me by the hand and led me to the upper floor after he had finished saying those words. Even after we had left, I could still hear
them continue to talk about us.
“William, what could possibly be wrong with your son? What does he mean unfazed? Is a hundred millions of dollars supposed to be
played like that? Is it really a small amount of money for him?” Jack asked, and Seb’s grip on my hand became increasingly firm.
“Alright, let’s all calm down first… It’s not like you don’t know Seb’s temper. Let’s just go with the flow for the time being, and wait till I get a proper discussion with him…” William said and I heard Seb chuckle as he suddenly lifted me, which caused me to shriek, and he carried me bridal style into his room.

“Put me down!” I tried to warn Sebastian, but all he did was laugh at me, his eyes rolled back in his head, and I couldn’t help but sigh in regret as I stared at him. I resisted the urge to touch his beautiful face, even though my hand was almost raised to do so, because I was afraid that he would interpret my actions in the wrong way.
“I said… put me down!” I yelled, which made him freeze, and eventually he put me down on the bed.
I shot him a glare and stood up, walking towards the window and
opening it after drawing the curtains. It startled me when Sebastian hugged me from behind, and I flinched as he did so.
“Did I not tell you that you’re not permitted to allow yourself to be bullied by other people?” he murmured in my ear. I frowned and tried to make sense of what he was telling me, then I recalled how his elders talked about me earlier.
“If it’s going to make them feel comfortable, then let them say a few more words…” I said as I slowly slid away from his hold. “It’s not like I suffered an actual wound from what they said. If, on the other hand, I were to refuse them, I would only show that I am a proud and conceited person. Obviously, I’ve never given a da mn about what other people think of me, but…”
I heaved a sigh as I made my way to the fridge in the corner of his room, where I took a bottle of water and began to drink from it.
“But your father was there…” I continued as I turned to look at him. ” And I believe that as a nice daughter-in-law, I definitely shouldn’t tram ple on my father-in-law’s pride in front of others…
Upon hearing this, Sebastian walked over to where I was standing and, with a grin on his face, he pushed me up against the fridge, trapping me with his arms.
I turned my head away as his face inched closer, and as a result, his warm breath began to brush against the side of my neck.
“It seems that you’re getting used to the role of a daughter-in-law, hmm…?” he spoke in a low and husky voice. “Does that mean that you’re ready to take on the role of being my wife now?”
I used my index finger to push him away from me, and I looked at him with a stony expression, my mouth was curled up in a smug grin.” Aren’t you going to see Brylee?”
His lips curved as if telling me that his wife really knew how to
change the topic. Oh… hell yeah… I was the best.
“Even if you don’t care about her, how about the woman who gave her the heart?” I added, my tone tinged with sarcasm as I looked at him.
He used one of his long fingers to lift my chin, and he was standing so close to me that I could already smell the mint on his breath.
“If you mention this again, I’ll take it that you’re jealous of them…” he said, teasing me while unconsciously curling his lips into a smirk.
I scoffed at him and shoved him violently to the side, which caused him to laugh aloud.
But the smile on his face faded almost immediately when we heard cars drive in from the gate. He turned his back on me, and walked
towards the window.
As I drew nearer to take a better look at who had arrived, I couldn’t
help but frown. Imagine my surprise when I saw Brylee emerge from the car, still dressed in a hospital gown.
I didn’t expect her to come here so spon. It hadn’t even been four hours since she passed out at her own wedding. If it were in the past, she would have stayed a week in the hospital even when she was just having a cold.
Sebastian was completely silent and would only occasionally glance over at me to see how I was reacting. After what seemed like only a few seconds, I felt him grab my wrist and started to pull me toward the door. “Let’s go downstairs…”
I involuntarily narrowed my eyes and had the urge to pull my hand back, but he held it so firmly that I couldn’t let go at all.
But as soon as he opened the door of his room, we were greeted by his sister, who had also just emerged from her room, and she was now examining my appearance in great detail.
“Did you really marry this woman?” She inquired, her eyes darting
back and forth between her brother and me.
“You’re supposed to call her sister-in-law, Cynthia…” Sebasid and Cynthia’s mouth twitched as if she didn’t know how to
“Hello there, sister-in-law…” While she was in a daze and Sebasti was slacking off, I broke free from his grasp and grabbed Cynthia’s
arm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you…”
Cynthia jumped and brushed away my hand harshly. “Sister-in-law?” she grimaced. “Eeewww! Don’t you dare touch me!”
But I clutched her arm tightly, just like how my husband had grabbed me just now, and didn’t allow Cynthia to move. “Your brother and I have already gotten our marriage certificates. From this point forward, I’ll be your sister-in-law… so you have to be nice to me, and treat me with respect, so that I’ll take care of you…”
I gave her a friendly smile and gazed at her with my dazzling eyes. But for some inexplicable reason, the look I gave her combined with my smile made her appear uneasy.
“Who told you that I need someone to look after me?!” she asserted in a firm voice. “Let go of me!”
Her level of resistance increased whenever I refused to let go of my hold on her.
“I said get your hands off of me!”
“Nope…” I scoffed as I disregarded her efforts to resist and dragged her toward the stairwell.
Amidst all of the commotion, Cynthia did not have a choice but to go. along with being dragged or else I would push her down the stairs.
When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I let go of her hand and grabbed the arm of the man who was following behind us. I want to show the guests that Sebastian is now in my possession.
Cynthia made a frowning and pouting face before quickly
straightening out her sleeves, which had been crumpled as a result o my firm grasp.
Sebastian’s grin grew gradually wider as he felt the friction of my skin against his as we made our way towards the plush couch where the guests were already seated and their attention was focused on us.
The piercing look that Brylee was giving me with her eyes was particularly intense. The icy gaze that Sasha, who was sitting next to my sister… was casting my way pierced right through me.
“You… s lut!” Allen was still young and aggressive, and he gave off the impression that he sincerely wanted to put an end to my life by beating me to death.
However, beforeheaddlevevertake a half step out, Julio Lauren stopped him and provevented himdrom moving towards me.
“What are you doing? Vulidiosisked with a frown as he stood in front of his son and blockedebi bipathth.
“Dad! She stole Brylee’s’s
“Enough!” Julioiyelled, whichcbroroptoded me to raise an eyebrow on my own accord. “Did youreadviivaartydies, Sebastian?!!?”
My father’s gaze was fixed ommmeanddagot the impression that he was planning to poke holcica imy booty insome way.
“Yes.” Sebastian’s answer was shord bunut dacaused the Lauren family to look at me in a manner that conveyered chetti disgusts.

“Why?” Brylee questioned as she looked at Sebastian, her eyes turning red and trembling as she did so. Her hand was pressed firmly against her chest, and she was taking deep breaths.
“Don’t be sad, Brylee…” Sasha said worriedly as she scooted closer to her and gently ran her fingers through her hair. “The doctor warned that you won’t be able to handle any more stress than this…”
I was met with a glare from Mrs. Anderson, who had recently emerged from the kitchen. “You’re very proud of what you did, huh?”
“Mom!” Sebastian tried to stop his mother, but all she did was roll her eyes at him. Disappointment was written all over her face as she approached the area where we were standing.
“I don’t care how much trouble you usually cause, Sebastian!” s said, gritting her teeth. “But do you even have any idea what you gotten yourself into? Do you even realize how heartless the woman you married is?”
Sebastian startled me by suddenly snapping his head in my direction while maintaining a grin on his lips. “My wife has a face, a nose, two eyes, and a mouth…”
And as he did so, he lifted his hand to brush the hair that had been. covering my face, tucked it behind my ear, and gazed at me with an affectionate expression on his face.
“She’s not a monster, mom…” he said calmly. “How could you possibly say that she’s heartless?”
However, he failed to notice that the loving gaze that he was sending
my way was deeply hurting Brylee… and I had to fight the urge to laugh out loud at that very moment.
“You should get a divorce as soon as possible!” Mrs. Anderson exclaimed, and it appeared as though she was not satisfied with the answer that her son provided. She then turned around and sat next to
my sister. “Brylee is my only daughter-in-law…”
“Mom…” Brylee’s voice was soft as she murmured, looking so aggrieved.
“It’s okay, sweetheart…” She comforted her while she hugged her very tightly: “Don’t worry… things are going to turn out fine. Just trust me…’
The words that Mrs. Anderson used to reassure her sounded
suspicious to me, as if she were making preparations for something.
I snorted, but I kept my mouth shut and didn’t say anything.
“What are you laughing at?” Sebastian’s mother’s eyes widened as she looked at me, and I almost rolled my eyes at the way ev the room was staring at me with sickening looks.
I smiled and tried not to give them the satisfaction of seeing was bothered by the way they were looking at me.
ne in
“Nothing at all, mother. Simply put, I thought the way you expressed yourself sounded very intriguing. If this is the case… you are aware that we are now living in a modern world. Your son is indeed very outstanding, but he doesn’t deserve concubines, does he?”
“Who told you to call me mother?” she sneered. “Now even the dogs. and cats are referring to me as mom! Oh my G od! I can’t believe this!”
“Oh, mom…!” I decided to tease her even more, and this time I did it out loud. “It’s only natural for me to refer to you as my mother, regardless of whether or not you acknowledge the fact that I am
already your daughter-in-law. Of course, if you continue to insist that I’m one of those animals, I won’t be able to do anything to change. your mind, right?”
“Celine…” Sebastian warned me, but I ignored him.
“You know, as long as you hear a cat or dog calling you, don’t regard yourself as ‘human’ like me. After all, cats and dogs won’t call a human, mom… They would only call animals of their species, mom…”
I raised a brow in a mocking way, and I couldn’t help but c rack a grin in silence when Mrs. Anderson gaped at me in complete silence.
Sebastian leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “Don’t get into any more trouble, Celine. Please refrain from making her angry again…”
I turned my head to look at him and let out a sigh, which was a clear indication that I had given in.
“Mom, from the moment we got our marriage certificate, I never thought about having a divorce!” Sebastian glared at his mom, his
voice sounded firm.
It was so unyielding to the extent where I couldn’t help myself but glance at him sideways.
“What do you mean?” Mrs. Anderson’s face was full of displeasure as she questioned her son. “I am your mother! Do you think I would want to hurt you? That I am doing all of this to bring you down? I have experienced more difficulties and have been through more challenges than you had in your life! You would rather wait for this bitc h to cause you some sort of disaster before you finally believe my words, don’t you?”
“I’ve chosen this path myself, mom…” Sebastian’s fists tightened as he continued to glare at his mother. “No matter how things turn out… I will never, ever second-guess my choice because I have known from
the start that this is the path that will lead to my greatest good…”
He took a firm grip on my hand and squeezed it as he looked around at the other people in the room who were slicing through us with an icy stare.
“Stop criticizing my wife…” he continued. “She has yet to fall in love with me. I was the one who insisted on pulling her into this marriage. However, I will make her fall in love with me soon!”
Everyone was completely taken aback when they heard what he had just said. And I was shocked as well, but I didn’t make it obvious to the people who were in the room with us.


Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura Chapter 76-85

Sebastian’s eyes were crinkled in a faint smile when he pulled away. You don’t mind, do you?”
“How dare you!” I wanted to give him a slap on the face, so I raised my hand to do so.
However, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him instead. As a result, my face brushed up against his chest, and the aroma of his perfume mixed with his masculine scent lingered in my nostrils, causing me to shut my eyes.
“I thought you didn’t mind?” he let out a chuckle, making me open my eyes. “What are you so angry about?”
I looked up at him and my body trembled in anger. “I’m your cousin’s girlfriend! Have you lost your mind?”
These siblings were both per verts!
A cold smile flashed across his eyes as he said, “Celine… you have provoked me right from the very start. Do you believe that I will be able to hold my ground while you become Jake’s woman?”
I stared at him in shock, my eyes flaring wide open.
“I am more handsome, gorgeous, and more attractive than my cousin …” He gave me a wicked grin as he pinched my chin. “I’ll bet, there’s no way you could argue with that…”
When I started laughing uncontrollably, he wrinkled his brows.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked in a calm manner, but there was a trace of anger in his voice.
I got on my tiptoes, grabbed the bottom of the black shirt he was wearing, and pulled him in closer to me. This time around, I was the one who teased him and whispered things into his ear. “You’re
jealous of your cousin, aren’t you…?”
“Jealous…?” He repeated the word, and looked at me with a raised
“In any case, would you mind providing me with a more detailed explanation of what you’re doing?” I leaned against the crook of his neck and there was a trace of laughter in my breath that made him stiffen. “But I’m sorry, Mr. Anderson… Unfortunately… I don’t like you!”
I gasped when he suddenly pulled me by the waist. His movements were so strong that I felt extremely uncomfortable.
I looked up at him with dissatisfaction but stunned when I noticed the look he was giving me, and then I heard him chuckle at my reaction. You don’t like me?”
I let out a lopsided smile, despite the uncomfortable situation. “Mr. Anderson… you really think that all women in New York fall into your charms?”
But the smile in his eyes didn’t fade a bit. “Oh… so you think I have a charming personality?”
Hearing this, my lips curved with sarcasm. “You really don’t have a good memory, Mr. Anderson… I’ve told you that you… are not good in that aspect.”
“Really?” I shrieked when I was hoisted off my feet and he carried me bridal style, dashing towards the staircase. “Then let’s reenact the whole thing! Just don’t moan my name, okay?”
My eyes widened when I realized what he was going to do to me.
“Hey! What are you doing?” I said in a commanding tone, carefully
controlling my volume in anticipation that another person might overhear us. “Put me down!”
And at that moment, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs, at which point Sebastian quickly hid behind a wall while lowering me to the ground in a controlled manner.
“I will never let you marry my cousin…” he groaned in my ear before pecking my lips and vanishing as he opened a door that was situated beneath the stairwell.
“Good morning, Celine…!” I jumped when I heard Jake’s voice, and I looked up to see him at the bottom of the stairs.
G-good morning…” I responded with a smile while looking down at the ground to hide the redness that was starting to appear on my face as a result of what Sebastian had done to me.
“Have you eaten your breakfast yet?”
“Nope… Not yet… but I…”
“Jake!” Mr. Anderson suddenly yelled as he emerged from the kitchen. “Oh… you’re still here, Celine?” He appeared perplexed and was staring at me in a suspicious manner.
“Uhmm, yeah…” I managed to wear an awkward smile. “I…I’m going up now… I’m going to wake Cynthia up for school.”
“Okay…” Mr. Anderson said, turning his attention back to his nephew.” Jake, there’s something I need to discuss with you. C’mon!”
Jake was guided to the kitchen by the old man as he put his arm around the younger man’s shoulder.
I let out a sigh of relief as I finally made my way upstairs.
When I got back to Cynthia’s room, found her sitting on the bed and laughing while she was having a facetime with someone. But as soon
as she glanced in my direction, a frown formed on her face.
“You haven’t left yet?” She exploded, and I just stared at her with a dumbfounded expression and didn’t say anything in response to what
she said.
I walked over immediately and sat down on the pink sofa, my expression being particularly gloomy as I did so. After that, I caught a glimpse of the spoiled brat looking at me in a bewildered manner out of the corner of my eye.
She ended the call, got off the bed, and came to stand in front of me with both hands resting on her hips. “Hey! Why don’t you just get up and leave? What keeps you hanging around here?”
I was able to hear her, but my thoughts were preoccupied with something else.
“Hey! I’m talking to you! Are you dumb?”
Despite this, I had my gaze fixed on the ground and was not payin attention to what the girl was saying.
“Hello? Have you lost your hearing or something?”
When I did finally look up, my eyes rolled as I stared at her. “Haven’t you learned your lesson about keeping your mouth shut?”
After a brief period in which she appeared to be stunned, she
eventually opened her mouth to speak. “You… Why are you shouting at me? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? And hey! Who told you to wear my clothes? Throw that in the bin after!”
“Cynthia Anderson!” I groaned, standing up in front of her. “Go, and take a quick shower! Prepare to have breakfast and then go to school!’
“What?” she was shocked. As if going to school was some sort of a big crime. “Are you crazy? I won’t be attending class today! I’m going
back to sleep!” she yelled and turned around, falling back onto the bed. “If you want to go to school, you’re going to have to go by yourself! And do not include me in your craziness!”
I refrained from speaking, but went over to the girl immediately and pulled the blanket off of her.
“Could there be something wrong with the way you’re thinking?” The moment Cynthia attempted to sit up in bed, she let out a scream. “It’s going to be seven o’clock in five minutes! Getting dressed, taking a shower, and eating breakfast won’t be enough to get me to school on
I lent a solemn air to what she had to say.
“You must be completely crazy to believe that I am going to school right now!” She gave me the eye-rolling gesture before reaching for her blanket and pulling it up and over her head. “You’re just a nobody. Even my own parents are powerless to coerce me into going to class. Because with all the money that we have, I can easily buy a school diploma, duh!”
My lips curled in a smile when an idea suddenly popped into my mind. “Fine! Those legs are yours, and I can’t control them, and I have no way to…”
“You’re absolutely right!” she exclaimed, chuckling to herself. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’ll be able to get everything you want simply because my father asked you to stay here. A polite reminder: if you want to get a generous reward, do you know what you can do to get it?”
I gave her a shake of the head.
She gave a smirk while gesturing with her index finger toward the ground. “Get on your knees!”
“On my knees?” I made a frowning face, and the small smile that had
been on my lips began to fade.
“Yes…” she smirked while nodding her head. “I demand that you get on your knees and apologize to me. After giving it some thought for a while, I might decide to go to school. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll just s kip school and stay in bed all day. It’s up to you to decide!”
“Oh, is that what you mean…?” I returned her sarcastic grin with one of my own. “You should go back to sleep then… and I’m going to keep myself busy with Jake…”
I then turned around and started walking toward the door, but Cynthia stood in my way and prevented me from walking out.
raised a brow, crossing my arms over my chest in an arrogant
manner, mimicking her posture on how she insulted me, noticing that she’s not wearing slippers even though the floor was cold against her
bare feet.
“I know you’re shameless, but you’ve outdone yourself this time!” she hissed. “Making busy with Jake in the early morning?”
“Great minds think alike! So… yes. I’m shameless. What about it?” I scoffed. “I’m giving you ten minutes! If you don’t come down, I’m going to sleep in Jake’s room tonight!” after saying that, I went straight to the door and left with a victorious smile on my lips.
“Aaaahhhhh!!!” I couldn’t help but chuckle when I heard the young woman yell while simultaneously stomping her feet on the ground.

As I walked into the dining room, I noticed that Jake was sitting at the table by himself… eating the bread that I had made.
“Celine…” he greeted me with a grin before waving his hand and motioning for me to come closer to him.
“Hey… where’s Mr. Anderson?”
“He went back to his room. He said he was going to wake up Aunt Olivia…” he responded as he took a bite out of the piece of bread in his hand. “This is so good! The most delicious bread I’ve ever tasted…’ ‘ he said and shoved the last bite into his mouth, then picked another

“Do they taste that good?”
“Very, very good!” he said, half of the bread was only shoved in his mouth, holding it with his teeth, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how he looked. “C’mon! Have a taste of your delicious bread…” He said, picking up another one before pushing the plate in front of me and handing me a glass of cold water.
“Okay! I’ll give it a try!” I exclaimed, and was about to take a piece of bread from the plate, but I was able to see out of the corner of my eye that a person dressed in a suit who I knew very well had entered the
dining room
As a result, I bent over and bit down on the half piece of bread that Jake was still biting. The passage of time came to a screeching halt, and as Jake let go of the bread in his hand and dropped it on the table, I pretended not to notice what had happened.
“Mmmm… yummy!” I said, chewing the bread with a broad smile on my face as I turned to look at Sebastian provocatively.
“Your method of eating bread is very distinctive!” Sebastian complimented in a sarcastic manner with his teeth gritting.
“Celine…” I overheard Jake murmuring my name, and he appeared to be a little taken aback by what I had done. “You… you… do you want to have another bite?” he asked and then picked up another piece of bread and put it in his mouth, his gaze expectant.
Looking at his hilarious expression made me want to burst out laughing.
“Come in, Miss Lauren!” The joyous moment I had just been experiencing, abruptly turned into a miserable one when a s ervant walked in with another person following behind her.
“Celine!” When Brylee called out, I immediately got goosebumps from
the sound of her voice.
“Hi, my dear sister…” I made sure to greet her as if I didn’t fee surprised by her coming over here. “What in the world broug here so early in the morning?”
“I’m worried that you might not be used to this kind of place, so…” She gave a shrug of her shoulders and then looked around, noticing that Sebastian was standing very close to Jake. “Seb… why are you
up so early?”
“What brings you here?” Sebastian inquired, without so much as casting a glance in the direction of his future wife. He pulled up a chair to sit, and a se rvant brought him coffee almost immediately
“You mentioned yesterday that… that we’re going to see each other today…” She looked down, fiddling with her hands, and then looked
up at me with a smile. “And also… was worried about Celine. Shee might not be used to staying in this kind of place…”
Although I smiled, I decided to maintain my silence.
“I’m here now!! The labored voice of Cynthia resounded throughout the dining room as she nam over panting. “Hey! Five minutes!! made it in five minutes, not ten minutes!”
Everyone was taken aback when Cynthia showed up out of breath yet dressed for school…. but her brother Sebastian was especially surprised by her appearance. He might not have been used to his sister waking up early in the morning and then showing up ready to
go to school.
When i saw Sebastianla expression and the small smile that tore his lips apart, I couldn’t help but smile as well..
It just took me five minutes to finish” Cynthia beamed with prideas she locked at me and smilet broadly
COh, yeah…” I shrugged, winking at her can see that, Cynthia…
The young woman roiled her eyes and then sat down directly opposite Jake while she continued to suck norain. She then tumed the atendon to her cousin and smiled warmly att him, to which Jake returned with a small smile and a nod
A ssBridee sat next to Cynthia… I observed that she had a very faint xxpression of displeasure on her face “Are you okay, Cynthia??”
Ooh-yyol:teinere?” Sebastian’s sister asked uninterestedly. “And why preathwouldn’t lce okay? Please, Mr. Lee, bring me my breakast…”
Theemaamburried over and quickly sera plate with four layers of filluffy aanillappancakes topped with blueberry sauce in front of the girl 3ef00eeeginmingta gorge herself on the meal in front of her.
Yumialeyyes brightened in excitement.
Celine Celine! Let’s go to isol
sur-based, please…” Sebastian remarkedharked, it was causingalake’s eyes to close close
jowing his head down to Seb. “How “How What do you wam to eat?”
1 shrud sitrugged my should
any seat next to
from because cause of my gestur
appeared owed to want to ri
“And Jakad Jake! The tone
Aute” After Brylee’s response, d coughed ughecating that that bread aires ontinuditing because she was going to ing to
jave me a puzzled look with her big eyes eyelake’s doors expression shi
his gaze follow collowed Cyn
done to thato him.
Llaid said with a grin directed towards wards
in danh have to prepare mine…
1. giggled agl ek a ssexcused who was neary nearlyestroth
juricvhete the kitchen to start preparing caring
By acwcurs you say you’re full? Jake nar bite obite of the bread he was
us.dio voditevou team to make it?”
eesipression of surprise and disdain
became raote more pronounced.
edeny chiny chinychany.hand, and fixed ring atiny doniced need to eat when I W day longyaongeid fecias though ve
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he same… bayleelayeye’s eyes gave me a
her hand down onwhcoratite, table, escraped her chair back, back, and
“Hey! Hold on qua ba sebad of bread and drank tracol Jaiyou guys offys off!”
“Jake, you don’t have
the back passenger sea from behindamat frown
exclaimed, gritang hentadr teeth.
Celine! Let’s go to school! Now!”
I shrugged my shoulders innocently and smiled at her as I stood up from my seat next to Jake, as if nothing had happened. However… because of my gesture, Cynthia’s rage increased to the point that she appeared to want to rip my face apart.
“And Jake!” The tone of Cynthia’s voice didn’t change at all. “Finish eating that bread already! You’re going to drive me to class!”
Jake’s expression shifted from one of shock to one of foolish grin as his gaze followed Cynthia, obviously still not recovering from what I’d done to him.
I giggled as I excused myself before turning around to chase Cynthia who was nearly out the front door with her backpack in tow.
“Hey! Hold on just a second!” Jake yelled as he took the final chunk of bread and drank the cold water before jogging towards us. “I’ll drop you guys off!”
“Jake, you don’t have to send them to school…” I was climbing in the back passenger seat when I was startled by Brylee’s voice comin from behind him. I frowned and paused in my ascent.

What’s Brylee’s drama again?
“My driver has already gone back home, so I’ll go to school with them
Brylee continued while she was moving around the vehicle and standing at the side of the driver’s seat, and then talked to the middle- aged driver. “Would you come down now? I’m going to drive…”
“What?” Jake asked, frowning. “Are you sure, Brylee…?”
“Yeah… I’m—”
“No!” Jake gave a little shake of the head and then motioned for the driver to exit the vehicle. “I’m taking over…” he announced as he hopped inside the car and strapped himself to the seatbelt. “Celine… could you take a seat here next to me?”
“Oh my G od! I feel so dizzy…” On the spur of the moment, Cynthia said, who was already seated in the back while she was unstrapping the seatbelt from her body. “Celine, I was wondering if it would be all right if I took a seat up front…”
I raised a brow, but eventually nodded when I read what was going through her mind. “By all means, Cynthia…”
Cynthia’s mood improved by leaps and bounds.
“Brylee… come on! Didn’t you miss your sister? You two can have a good catch-up!” she beamed, opening the door and immediately laying claim to the passenger seat next to Jake.
Seeing this, Brylee smiled and got in next to me. “Alright, let’s go!”
Jake smiled as he looked at me in the rearview mirror, before he
started the engine.
“Did you sleep well last night, Celine…?” Brylee asked, wearing a fake grin, which of course I recognized easily.
However… I didn’t intend to expose her.
“I had a beautiful sleep last night, Brylee…” I smiled as I leaned my back against the seat, closing my eyes to show that I was imagining Cynthia’s bed. “Cynthia’s bed is very soft, so much more comfortable than my hard bed…”
I heard someone snort, and then she laughed, making me open my eyes. “Do you feel that the bed at home is hard? Don’t worry, I’ll tell Dad to change your bed to a softer one, just for you to make yourself more comfortable…”
“Thank you, Brylee…” I said as I gazed out the window. I didn’t want to continue the act with her anymore because if I did, I could wind up hurting her by telling the truth about how her fiance acted towards me.
“What about you, Celine?” I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard Jake speak from the driver’s seat. “Are you going to transfer school…?
“I don’t know yet…” I responded shortly. Even now, I have no idea how to proceed with my academic pursuits. It’s been a week since I last attended my class at the university.
“You know, Celine… I think you’re too young to teach Cynthia…” A sudden interruption came from Brylee. “What Mr. Anderson said the other day was nothing more than a joke; how in the world could you possibly take what he said seriously? Just one night is enough. Don’t make yourself into the butt of some joke…”
While Brylee was speaking with me, she appeared to be putting on an act of modesty.
“The butt of some joke?” I asked. Those were the most underhanded words imaginable.
“I second the motion!” Cynthia chimed in as she snapped her head to look at us. “Brylee is absolutely right… You’d better go back home and leave me, alone!”
“Okay…” I gave a little shrug of the shoulders as I looked at Brylee. You should tell dad to talk to Mr. Anderson. If he allows me to leave, then everything will be taken care of. I’m going to go back to the house…”

My answer was very concise. I didn’t have to stay or go back to the
Anderson villa.
After hearing this… Brylee’s facial expression went from being stern to smiling, and she eventually became very quiet.
We arrived at Cynthia and Brylee’s school shortly after, and as soon as we did… the three of us climbed out of the car and waved good to Jake, who was looking at me in particular the entire time.
“Stop following me! You’re such an eyesore…” Cynthia rolled her eye and took the lead to enter the gate of the school.
“Celine, are you really going to be so stubborn?” Brylee rasped as she walked up to follow Cynthia. “She said, stop following her!”
I snorted and stepped forward, ignoring the two spoiled brat women. You are the polite one, while I am unreasonable. Hasn’t this always been the way? And now you say that I am being stubborn?”
I was laughing aloud but my eyes were full of sarcasm.
“There’s always some sort of give and take involved in everything. It’s been said that “There’s no such thing as a free lunch…” I added as I walked past her, but she levelled up my pace.
“What do you mean by that?” she frowned. “Go against dad? Since you spent the night in Anderson’s villa, are you seriously starting to believe that you are above the law?”
There were students milling about the school grounds at an ungodly hour, and I could see the amusement in their eyes as they watched me converse with my sister. It appeared as though it were only the first time that they had seen a pair of identical twins conversing in the school’s hallway.
“What are you so afraid of?” I inquired while glaring at Brylee with a satirical expression on my face. “Are you afraid that I will reveal the truth that you were the woman in the video with that model, or are you afraid that I will spill the secret that we switched identities on that night?”
The color left Brylee’s face all of a sudden, and she glanced sideways, as if checking to see if anyone had heard us. “What in the world are you talking about with that nonsense?”
“Nonsense?” I let out a loud snort. “Why are you so adamant ab me going back to your house if you believe that what I’m saying complete nonsense?”
“I’m afraid that you will bring disgrace upon the Anderson family just as you have brought it upon ours!”
“Really?” I laughed. “Is it me who brought disgrace to the Lauren family or you? and the previous incidents have already made your family lose face. How much worse could it possibly get?”
She came to a stop in the middle of her walk and glared at me.
“And one more thing…” I added. “Are you afraid that I will bring disgrace to the Anderson family or you’re afraid of me?”
“Afraid of you?” she sneered. “Why should I?”
“Because I took your fiance’s virginity…” I declared, and her nose flared up in anger. “Don’t you think it’s worth something…?”
Brylee’s face transitioned from fury to blanching to livid. “Are you sure you want to get into a fight with me?”
At that very instant… her eyes were as icy as a black widow spider waiting to pounce on its victim. Because I was silent… she interpreted that as a confirmation of what I had already decided.
“Ha!” Brylee chuckled and turned to walk away, but before she left me, she said… “I heard that you went to the cemetery yesterday!”
What? How did she know about it?
“That cemetery is indeed a good place. I assume your twenty- thousand dollars is almost spent…” my eyes widened and she smirked. “If you provoke me once more… I will turn your mother’s tomb upside down!”
Brylee was laughing uproariously, her eyes looked like those of a devil, and I stared at him in such disbelief that I felt as though looking at a ghost. “Do you even hear yourself, Brylee?”
“I know very well that if you play tricks on me, I wouldn’t allow her peace even after death!” she laughed even louder and started to walk
But I didn’t give her the chance to move an inch as I grabbed her by the shoulder and brought her to a halt. Then, when she turned around to look at me, I slapped her hard across the face.
The students who were surrounding us didn’t waste any time in pulling out their phones and immediately began taking pictures and videos of us.
“She’s your mother, too!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, and my voice shook with rage. “Brylee… how much of a ps ycho could you possibly
To my utter astonishment, she laughed… and as if nothing had
happened, she tucked her hair behind her ear. “Do you believe that she would still be alive if I had treated her as if she were my mother?”
My eyes were full of shock as I glared at her.
“I might as well tell you that not only will I not be saddened by her death… but also that I felt happy because she was the source of the shame of my life!” Brylee’s cold words slashed my heart.
“Shame in your life?” The words caused my heart to drop like a rock into an ice cave, and I was unable to breathe because the pain was so intense. I observed that Brylee was on guard against the other students in the hallway; however… she maintained a pleasant smile despite the fact that her eyes were unusually hostile.
“Do not get on my nerves. Do you hear me?” she warned. “You should
know what to do now!”
As soon as she finished speaking, she turned on her heels and was about to leave when I called her again.
She turned around and looked at me with a spit-it-out expression.
“After school… you’ll go to the Anderson family with me, and I will tell Sebastian’s father to let me go home…” I said, my tone was rare and gentle.
“That’s my girl!” Brylee even clapped her hands in happiness. “At least you had the good grace to make the most of the opportunity…”
stood there and watched as she walked away from me before I dashed off to the ladies’ room, and I suddenly felt like it was freezing. I couldn’t help but clench my fists in the cold, my sharp nails digging into my flesh.
After what seemed like an unimaginably long period of time, I finally looked up with a thirst for blood in my eyes.
If Brylee wanted to see what a real ps ycho looked like, then I would be more than willing to show her how deep someone’s pain could go.

I was waiting for the office hours to come to an end as I sat in my swivel chair and periodically checked the time on the watch that was attached to my wrist. It was very strange because I usually work until the evening, but here I was feeling anxious and excited about going home because of a girl named Celine who had been on my mind ever since I met her…
My thoughts kept going back to the events that took place in
Cynthia’s room the night before. I was able to hear them being noisy in my room. However, when I couldn’t take it any longer, I stormed into my sister’s room, and what I saw made me laugh out loud when was alone in my room; the nightgown Celine was wearing had been completely ruined.
And I witnessed the shock on her face as she realized that I was able
to see her mounds. It turned her face the color of beetroot. Even though I had seen them so many times before, the thought of how delicious those were still caused me to feel a flush of excitement.
Then there was the incident that happened earlier today when she teased Jake in front of me. I will freely admit that I was feeling envious. I want it to be just me that she would be acting like that toward, rather than anyone else.
All of those images and feelings tangled up together are running through my head, and it’s confusing me.
I heaved a sigh. I have only one wish, and that’s to be able to see her every time.
I had just finished organizing the items that were sitting on top of my desk, and was shutting down my laptop when I heard a knock at my
door. I looked up to see Jason walking into my office.
“Mr. Anderson… you are scheduled to meet with the Korean investors at three o’clock this afternoon. Would you like to—”
“Cancel it…” I ordered, clicking the mouse with my finger.
“Jason, you need to call off the meeting…” I muttered again before slamming down the lid of my laptop. “I’ll be leaving work early to go home. There’s something very important matter that needs to be taken care of at the house…”
“Important matter?” The frown on my secretary’s face deepened. “But
all of the important matters for you are currently here in your office. And this is the very first time that you have ever left the office at such an early hour. You stated before that there’s nothing more essential than doing your work and earning a living-”
“Jason…” I groaned and shot him an angry glance. “Since when did you want to call into question the decision that I made?”
“Uh, I’m so sorry…” He kept his attention fixed on the ground as he looked down. “I’ll cancel the meeting as soon as possible…”
After he finished speaking, he bowed his head, put his heels together, and then walked out of my office.
When I got home, I found my mother and Brylee making their way up the stairs. Mom gave the impression that she had warm feelings towards her son’s future wife, and the fact that she detested Celine
was very obvious.
I was relieved that they didn’t notice me, so I hurried up into my room, taking the elevator, and took a quick shower after lying on my bed to
rest for a little while..
I couldn’t help but think about what would happen if my parents were aware of what had transpired between the twins while I was allowing the warm water to cascade down my body. Would they hold a dislike for Brylee but a fondness for Celine?
I don’t think so….
After I had finished showering and put on some comfortable clothes, I made my way out of my room. I saw Cynthia and Celine arrive home from school, and I noticed that Celine was not in a good mood; her face was gloomy, and her gaze seemed to penetrate everything that she saw.
But I have no idea why she is acting as though nothing is wrong with her.
“Celine!” I saw Jake come out of the kitchen, and I couldn’t help but frown when he walked towards the two girls who were working on something that looked like homework on the coffee table. “You’re home! I’ve been waiting for you since forever…”
I scoffed. Really, huh?
When my sister saw Jake take a seat next to Celine, she frowned and pursed her lips as she watched him do so. I heaved a sigh as I stood in the corridor on the upper floor, my palms pressed against the balusters as I watched them down in the living room.
Celine merely gave Jake a polite nod in response. Because she had been so flirtatious towards him earlier in the day, it bothered me that
she didn’t even make the effort to give him a smile.
“Jake… I can’t find a solution to this problem. Can you help me
answer it?” Cynthia wedged herself in between Celine and Jake, prompting the latter to frown but still check what Cynthia was asking
“You can move on to the next question…” Jake said. “Give me a few moments, and I’ll get back to you on that…”
After that, he got up from his seat and moved over to sit next to Celine. When Cynthia saw this, she shot a murderous glare at the woman who was intently reading a book, completely oblivious to the fact that the young woman sitting next to her was already trying to kill her with her gaze.
I thought that they were already friends… and why does my sister have such a strong dislike for Celine?
“Hasn’t Sebastian been home from the office yet?” I was startled when I heard my name coming from Celine’s mouth. Why was she looking for me in the first place?
“Not yet…” Jake provided a response. “It was always expected that he would return after dinner. Recently, he’s been inundated with work…”
Celine gave a short nod in response to Jake, and then she snapped her head towards my sister when Cynthia slammed the book down on
the table.



To my astonishment… Celine moved closer to Cynthia and checked what she was struggling to answer. 

“Which question do you need assistance with?” she asked with al raised brow, and plastered a smile on her face. 

Cynthia regarded her with an air of condescension in her eyes. “This! This, and this!” She made a point by poking at the page of her book that was opened. “Can you answer all of them? Wait… Do you even know these problems?” 

Celine shrugged her shoulders, ignoring Cynthia’s mocking. During the time that she was reading the questions, she maintained her silence, and after the moment she was done… she took out a pen and began scribbling on the book as well as on the piece of paper that Cynthia had given to her. 

That’s when I realized that it was time to head down the staircase 

and see what she was up to. I was taken aback to discover that not only did she provide responses to the questions that Cynthia had posed to her, but that she also documented the entire procedure on 


“Does this solve your problem?” she asked while Cynthia’s eyes darted between the questions and the smart woman. 

As she continued to stare at Celine, a look of bewilderment eventually crossed her features. When I caught a glimpse of admiration in my 

sister’s eyes, I couldn’t help but crack a grin. 

“What’s the matter?” Celine inquired, and they were so focused on each other that they didn’t even notice I was standing behind them. 


+25 BONUS 

Can I help you understand it by breaking it down into simpler terms?” 

“No… no! It’s okay. You needn’t bother…” After putting the book away, Cynthia got to her feet. “I’m starving, let’s get something to eat!” 

As she turned around to go to the dining room, her eyes widened when she saw me. “Seb! You’re home!” She came around the couch 

and hugged me, then kissed me on the cheek before pulling away with a pout on her face. “I’m starving…” 

“Bro… I thought you were still in the office.” I was greeted by Jake with a pleasant smile. 

“I felt bored…” I answered shortly as I shrugged my shoulders and turned around, purposely ignoring Celine who seemed to be waiting for me to approach her. I dragged Cynthia with me into the kitchen with my arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Let’s see what’s the dish for tonight!” 

“Sure!” Cynthia nodded and smiled broadly as we moved toward the direction of the kitchen. “I’ll ask Mr. Lee to cook my favorite dish… 

“The table is ready for dinner!” After Mr. Lee made the announcement, 

we shifted our pace to the right, changing our direction into the dining 


I also noticed that Jake and Celine got up from where they were sitting and walked over to us, while I pulled a chair for me to sit. I frowned when my sister remained standing, waiting for my cousin 

and Celine to step into the dining room. 

The servant quickly poured a cup of tea for me, then stepped back 

and waited for the others to arrive. 

Celine sat opposite from mine, and Jake was about to sit next to her, but Cynthia prevented him from doing so… pushing my cousin aside and sitting down next to Celine. 


+25 BONUS 

Jake shook his head and settled himself beside Cynthia, with a pout 

on his lips. 

“Basti my son… you’re home!” I winced at mom’s nickname for me as she and Brylee entered the dining room, and I greeted them back with a small nod. “Come here, Brylee. You take a seat next to your future 


Mom even pulled a chair for Brylee to sit next to me, before she 

settled herself at the head of the table, since dad said that he would be late in getting home because he had a meeting until eight o’clock. in the evening. 

The dishes were served almost instantly by the servants. In a short amount of time… there were over ten different dishes served on the 


“Can you get a bottle of red wine, please?” Mom called for one of the household helpers, but Mr. Lee had already arrived, carrying an expensive bottle of Chateau Lafite 1787. 

He popped the bottle open and poured each of us a glass of the beverage. “Cheers!” mom exclaimed with a smile, and everyone raised their glasses and took a sip. Then, everyone began to eat casually. 

On the other hand… the young lady whose seat was directly across from mine wasn’t eating but instead staring at the wine glass, from which she took sips intermittently until it was completely depleted. She seemed to be in deep thought, oblivious to the fact that I was watching her every move. 

The servant who was now holding the red wine noticed her glass, so she filled the glass that was already empty with the blood-colored liquid once more. 

Brylee’s expression became hostile as she looked at her sister and 

+25 BONUS 

frowned as she did so. She inhaled deeply before picking up a dish, carefully placing it on my plate, and then sending me a sweet smile. 

“Try this one, Seb…” she said. “This is delicious…” 

“Thank you…” I smiled back and she nodded, caressing my arm. 

before picking up a piece of steak and reaching out to put it on Celine’s plate. 

“Have some food, my dear sister…” She exhibited a caring and kind demeanor toward her sister, exemplifying what it means to be the best sister in the world. 

Celine looked up at Brylee, and raised her glass with a smile before taking another sip. After she had finished drinking from her glass, she turned her attention on me, her lips wearing a wicked grin. 

And the next thing I felt was a foot touching my leg from under the table. 


When I felt her foot touch my shaft, the food I was swallowing suddenly blocked my throat, and I let out a violent cough that caused the people around me to look at me with worried expressions on their
“Seb, are you alright?” Brylee asked as she quickly handed me a glass. of cold water. “What’s happening to you?”
I wrestled the glass away from her grasp and drained the entire contents of it in one swift motion. When I put the glass down on the table, I glared at Celine, who was smiling innocently as if she had nothing to do with what had just happened to me.
She gave a shrug of her shoulders before suddenly raising the glass up in the air and staring at me closely. “I wish you Sebastian, and my sister, a lifetime of happiness!”
Everyone stopped from what they were doing and glanced at her for a time. My lips were curved into an indifferent arc as I stared at her intently for a moment before lifting my glass to clink it with her and drinking swiftly from it.
The ser vant filled Celine’s empty glass, but this time around… Celine looked at her sister while she raised her glass again. “Brylee… thank you for your kindness. I will make it up to you in some way…
“Celine, enough!” Brylee yelled and sn atched the glass away from her sister just as she was about to drink from it again. “You can’t hold your liquor. Stop drinking!”
“Oh…” Celine gave her a sweet smile and a submissive nod, acting as if Brylee were her mother. In point of fact, she was terrible at drinking.
When she had a few drinks, she would start babbling incoherently.” Don’t worry, this will be my very last…
She took the glass back from Brylee’s hand and demanded the se rvant to fill her glass again, but I signaled the maid to leave the dining room, and she bowed her head, before she quickly walked
“You have to eat more…” my mom surprisingly said, directing at
The disheartened Celine set her glass down before trying to give mom a grin that didn’t quite make it to her eyes, and that’s when I realized that there was something bothering this girl. What’s her problem again?
“Okay, thank you…” she turned to mom before she started eating. What a delectable dish you have prepared! This one has such a delightful flavor! I can’t believe how good your cook is!”
I smiled at how she commented about the food she was eating, and praised Mr. Lee.
“Mr. Lee is a very talented cook!” Cynthia remarked as she rolled her eyes. “So, I didn’t believe it when dad said that you’re better than him. … It’s just bread, duh…”
Celine simply shrugged her shoulders in response, and then a
moment later, she rose from her seat, and made a modest bow as
she announced. “Excuse me… I’ll just go to the restroom…”
She pushed her chair back but before she could step away, Jake caught her wrist, who swiftly stood up from his seat. “Do you want me to go with you?”
“No, thanks…” she smiled sweetly at him. “I can manage, Jake…”
Her departure seemed to have eased the atmosphere on the table.
“B asti…” mom called my name, drawing my attention away from Celine, who was leaving the dining room at the moment. “Are you okay now?”
“Yeah…” I sighed. “You need not to worry about me…” I suddenly lost my appetite. So, I pushed my plate away and stood up from my seat with the intention of following Celine.
“Where are you going?” Brylee asked, holding my arm so tight, stopping me from moving.
“I’m going to make an important call…” I said lowly but there was a firm tone in my voice, causing Brylee to look at me with concern in her eyes. “Don’t worry… I won’t take long…”
“Brylee, sweetheart… you really need to eat more of this…” mom said, putting some food on her plate, drawing her attention away from me, and I thanked mom silently even though it wasn’t her intention. “You look so thin. You have to be very beautiful and se xy on your wedding day, yeah…?”
Brylee nodded but I could feel her gaze following me as I exited the
My hands were shaking so badly that I had to hold onto the sink to steady myself. I looked in the mirror and saw that not only my face, but also my eyes were red. I chuckled, but the reflection in the mirror displayed my true bitterness.
And then all of a sudden I heard the door open, followed by Sebastian walking
into the restroom, which caused my eyes to widen in shock.
“W-what are you doing here?” I inquired as I moved to take a step back, but he quickly trapped me against the wall, which caused me to
think back to the event that occurred this morning in the hallway. “Is this the iconic posture where you’re pushing me against the wall?” I narrowed my eyes, and Sebastian only smiled at me before pressing his body against mine in a more forceful manner.
“Do you know what you’re doing to me, Celine…?” he rasped, his voice husky and I smiled as I yanked my hands away from his hold and wrapped them around his neck.
“I know what I’m doing, Seb…” I gave him a wicked grin and brought my lips slightly closer to his ear. “I was trying to seduce you…
“Oh… Is that so?” he raised a brow. “But I remember you telling me that you wouldn’t ever like me, yeah?”
Hearing his statement, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing before I answered him with a dazzling smile. “You’re so petty…” with that said, I took the initiative to kiss him on the lips.
Sebastian kissed me back hungrily… causing me to let out a small whimper as our mouths moulded against each other, curling both of my hands up between our chests as we kissed. He tasted like mint with a mix of red wine, and it was so addictive.
I parted my lips slightly… which allowed his tongue to access into my mouth while simultaneously allowing mine to slip into his. He pulled one hand from my waist and raised it up to my jaw, cradling my face as he pulled me even closer to him… needing me as close as possible.
But then we heard a knock on the door, followed by Brylee’s voice calling my name. “Celine… are you still there?” she asked, but it appeared as though Sebastian didn’t mind as he reached out to click the lock of the door.
I smirked in victory, allowing myself to moan loudly, so that my dearest sister would hear me.

A gasp fell from Celine’s lips as I slammed her up against the wall, both of us falling in a mess of hungry kisses and desperate hands, and she really surprised me with loud moans, and she panted
breathlessly, her legs tightly wrapped around my waist, and her arms looped around my neck.
Our bodies were tightly pressed against each other as we kissed passionately, ravishing the feeling of our tongues moving together.
Loud moans fell from her lips again as I moved my mouth down to her neck, my lips trailing sl oppy kisses along her skin. Her back arched against the wall as one of my hands slipped under her sweater and slid down her pants, coming into contact with her warm skin, my fingers close to the place where I already knew she wanted
me the most.
A smirk formed on my lips when I moved my hand lower to discover that she was bare inside the pants.
“You didn’t borrow underwear from my sister?” I asked with a small laugh, lifting my head from her neck to peer at her.
She gave me an eye roll which only made me laugh harder.
“It’s alright… Making things easier for me…” I gave her a casual shrug, and her mouth dropped open a few seconds later when I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down with one hand, before slipping a finger into her, eliciting another moan from those beautiful lips.
More gasps and moans escaped her as I sped up my movements, sliding my finger in and out and even adding another one, her nails painfully digging into my shoulders.
Her moans were pure pleasure to my ears, so I began to quicken my pace even more, making her legs shake lightly as they stayed wrapped around my waist. I wanted to make her completely shatter beneath me, make her crumble under my touch, make her mine in every way possible, turning both of us into a sweaty mess seeping into one another, ignoring the fact that my future wife was just outside, waiting for us to exit the room.
But I didn’t care anymore as I loved how Celine surrendered to me.
“You’re already wet…” I rasped into her ear while my finger continued to slam in and out of her.
I leaned forward to take her earlobe between my teeth, biting it lightly before releasing it, and I could practically see the goosebumps as they formed on the skin on her flawless thighs. “Is that because you missed me so much…?”
She didn’t reply verbally, her eyes were closed and her lips were parted, but she did give me a slow shake of the head, which I knew was a lie. In the midst of her soft groans and my labored breathing, her frantic hands reached for the hem of my shirt and began to practically pull it over my head. This compelled me to slide my finger out of her so that I could assist her in removing my shirt, which resulted in the exposure of my exposed torso.
A low groan erupted from my throat when her soft lips attached to my chest, leaving kisses down the skin and all the way to my y stomach. Her legs slipped from my waist to stand on her own feet, but I kept my body pinned against the wall with mine, her lips continuing to brush against my skin while I quickly unbuckled my belt.
Celine assisted me to pull the belt from the loops and then get rid of my trousers, carelessly pulling them down until they reached my ankle.
I watched as her teeth sank into her bottom lip, like she was doing it to deliberately tease me, torture me, which completely worked, because in a matter of seconds, I’d torn her from the wall and lifted her up to sit on the sink.
My greedy hands moved to remove her sweater, eager to just rip it off, but from the look on her face, I knew she was not going to let me do
“Don’t tear it…” she mumbled warningly against my lips and I rolled my eyes. “This sweater belongs to your sister… she’ll get mad at me.”
“I can buy her a new one…” I stated, but she responded by shaking her
She was now staring at me intently, her arms by her sides, as my lips. ghosted over her body, leaving kisses anywhere I could reach and sucking on the skin, being rewarded with her sex y moans which encouraged me further.
Fed up with waiting, I began to position myself, lining my hardened length with her entrance, ready to slide inside of her when she stopped me by placing her hand against my chest. I looked at her in a slight confusion.
“Get it done quickly, Brylee is waiting…”
“I don’t care…” I let out a loud groan as I slammed into her, and within. minutes, she was letting out more moans, although much louder than before, her breaths coming out as hard and heavy gasps as if doing it on purpose for her sister to hear.
Celine’s moaning my name, those three syllables dripping off her tongue so gracefully, and I swear no one else can say my name the way she does. Her hands were clawing down my back, digging in whenever I pressed deeper, my hips swirling in a circular motion making her completely fall apart.
Pleasure filled whines leaving her lips because of me, her skin flushed and sweaty because of me. “Seb…” her voice sounded like pure heaven in my ears, encouraging me to go deeper, harder.
My hand travelled up one of her thighs, angling it slightly higher so I could continue thrusting into her, causing more euphoric sounds to fall from her lips. Her eyes were squeezed shut but I still enjoyed the beauty on her face, even though she was a little drunk as she unraveled slowly… crumbling just like I wanted.
She’s good… so f ucking good, just as good as she always was… as I remembered her to be… she felt so good… the way her hips swirled in a rhythm to match mine felt like utter ecstacy.
We both lost control, a bunch of pleasure filled whines and moans tumbling from Celine’s mouth as she came, while low groans and moans erupted from my throat when I did. I slowly thrust into her a few more times as we both came down, both of us panting
breathlessly, our bodies slick with sweat.
I finally caught my breath, enough to slide out of her, burying my face in her neck, and calming down.

“I’ll go out first…,” Sebastian said after fixing himself and I nodded in response, not taking a glance in his direction as I pulled my pants up aand tidied up my clothes.
He sighed, pulling me closer to plant a kiss on my temple before he copened the door, leaving me alone inside the restroom.
AAfter Sebastian left, I stared at the door that was now closed and läaughed at myself. I had no doubt that Brylee was aware of everything that was going on, and now I’m curious as to what she was planning lta da once Sebastian and I had returned to the dining room.
I bproceeded to lock the door before climbed up on the sink and took ddown the mini spy camera that was almost invisible. I smiled vvictoriously as I slipped it into my pocket and brushed off my
Thiss will slowly torture and break you, Brylee… and of course,
WWWeen bernerged from the restroom and returned to the dining table, ffound that Mrs. Anderson had already left. Cynthia was beaming from eaardœeanss she conversed with Jake, and the people at the table were@bblivious to the fact that I had returned to my previous spot
bessida Vynthia.
Conte otherhand, Brylee had already started talking to Sebastian as ifinottinggi had happened, with her hand on his arm and lightly tou chinggtias s the two of them dooked at each other. Those who were ignorantosfiteesituation would think it was a sign of affection betweeenheewwoofthem.
But nobody woulddevekknow how just a few moments ago, in the
restroom, that this man was banging me.
“Céline…” It took Jake a while to notice me, and when he did… he got up from his seat and walked over, which caused Cynthia to roll her eyes and glare at me. “According to Brylee, you’re complaining of stomach pains. Are you okay now? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”
Really? So, Brylee made up a story for me….
“I’m fine now, Jake…” I smiled at him. “You don’t have to worry about
me anymore…”
“Have some food that’s easy to digest…” Jake said and picked up
some food for me and put it on my plate.
“Thank you…” I said, and resumed my eating, but made up an act again to annoy my sister who was still busy talking to the man I was kissing earlier. “Oh my G od… what is causing this room to become so
I deliberately pulled the collar of my sweater and revealed my neck. As if on cue, Brylee looked up and I was certain that she could clearly make out the love bites on my collarbone and on my neck. Her eyes flashed with anger, narrowing into slits, and her fists clenched while holding the utensils.
“Do you feel hot, Celine?” Jake inquired, but Cynthia was fidgety in her
seat and continued to draw his attention back to her.
I couldn’t help but laugh, but I kept my mouth shut otherwise. Instead, after ch ugging some ice-cold water, I fixed the collar on my sweater and stood up. “I’m done eating. I’ll go upstairs now to rest…”
When I made the announcement, Brylee immediately rose from her seat, all of the facial muscles on her face twitching in a show of repressed anger.
“Aren’t you coming home with me?” She asked with a smile, but the glare in her eyes was clearly meant for me.
“Home…?” I asked while putting on an air of drama and moving my hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. “But… I made a commitment to Mr. Anderson that I’m going to teach Cynthia. I’m having a good time with her here in their house…” Unlike you…
bent down and linked my arm with Cynthia.
“Do you agree with me, Cynthia? Do I already have a special place in your heart?” I could tell that Cynthia was trying to pull her arm away from me, but I firmly held onto it, glanced over at Jake, and then looked at the young woman with my lips pursed as if to warn her about what would happen if she disobeyed me. I’ll steal Jake from
She showed a very slight twitch in the corners of her mouth. “Y-yes… I got to the point where I liked her for a very brief period of time…”
Cynthia’s words practically squeezed through her teeth, and I smiled to myself in contentment as I stood up straight and turned to face Brylee, who was maintaining her phony grin throughout our exchange.
“There you have it, my dear sister…” I said, laughing inside. “Let’s talk about things like going home or whatever else at a later time. My entire body is covered in so sticky, and I really need to take a shower. You should know that, hmmm…?”
I didn’t bother waiting for her response before I pivoted on my heels and sauntered up the stairs.
As I was rinsing the soap off of my body, the door suddenly slammed open and Brylee appeared before me. She was staring me down with an evil expression on her face, her fists were clenched, and I could
hear her teeth grinding together in anger.
I felt a little bit startled, but I turned around to face her, showing the marks that were all over my body on purpose, and asked, “And to what do I owe this honor?”
She did not utter a single word as she glared at me while raking her eyes up and down my body to examine the marks that were present on my shoulder, collarbones, and neck. She appeared to be completely deranged, and the very sight of her made me shudder.
“How can you be so shameless?!” She yelled as she ran over to me with long strides and raised her hand to hit me, but I was quick enough to stop her and grabbed her wrist tightly, before slapping her face with my wet palm. “S hit!” Brylee screamed out in pain, and as soon as I let go of her wrist, she gently rubbed the tender area while staring at me with an angry expression on her face.
I calmly wrapped myself in a bath towel while giving a perfunctory smile to myself before I walked out of the room.
“You are so despicable, Celine!” Brylee ground her teeth in irritation as resentment boiled up inside of her.
I didn’t say anything, not even bother to show her any reaction. Just get out of control all you want, I don’t care!
“You think you can do all of that to me?” she said as she followed me back to Cynthia’s room. “Just so you wait and I’ll turn your mother’s grave upside down!”
That being said, she brushed her shoulders with me harshly and was about to leave the room when I said something that caused her to
come to a complete and utter stop in her tracks.
“Go ahead and dig hard!” I yelled at her, and then I laughed when I noticed that she had turned around and was moving closer to me.
“What did you say?” She asked me in a tone of disbelief, while pointing her index finger in my direction.
I pulled out another clean towel and dried my hair, turning my back at my raging sister.
“I wasn’t able to protect mom when she was still alive, and now… she’s dead. Even all the wishes in the world wouldn’t bring her back to life, let alone an intact grave…” It was said in jest. “When a person has passed away, they will be buried beneath the ground six feet deep. Always has been, and it will continue to be. On the other hand, I’ve heard that whoever disturbs the grave of their parents will be held accountable by heaven. Anyway… you can go ahead and try! Let’s see what will happen to you!”

The words I said didn’t faze Brylee at all. She immediately started laughing uncontrollably and asked, “Do you really think I believe what you said? I’m scared…” she pretended as though she was terrified by covering her face with her hands before she laughed out loud once
“Of course you’re not afraid of anything because you have no heart…” I laughed sarcastically but deep inside, I was still in a lot of pain for
Brylee still couldn’t find in her heart to love her own mother, even up until the day that she was no longer physically present on this planet.
“In fact, I admire you very much, my dear sister… You clearly know that your husband-to-be and I were doing something in the restroo but you could be so generous, as to turn a blind eye to it and even cover up for me. Thank you so much…”
“Do you really think that you can get him by having sex with him?” She sneered at me in a tone that conveyed complete disdain. “He’s just messing around with you… It’s very normal for men to behave in such a manner, my sweet and naive sister… Plus, he was intoxicated, so it’s possible that he mistook you for me!”
Wow… what an amazing way to put the brakes on and lick her own wounds. She must be proud of herself…
“Well… it’s natural for men to fool around, and women do the same thing too…” I said. “Playing with your fiance has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life… and to put the cherry on top of it all, his very first time was spent with me. You know what? I had a blast of a time with him. He’s so… so… good in bed!”
But then I looked up and saw a picture frame flying toward me from. above. Luckily, I was able to duck out of the way in time to avoid being hit by it, and the picture frame, which featured Cynthia, landed on the sofa.
Nevertheless, Brylee arrived at my side in a flash and grabbed hold of my hair. “You b itch! You deserve to burn forever in hell!” She let out a furious scream. “Do you have the audacity to fight with me?”
I didn’t say anything, but I lifted my knee and hit her in the stomach with such force that she took a step back and grabbed her stomach with both hands. However, she quickly regained her composure and walked towards the bedside table.
She opened it up and rummaged around inside until I saw her taking out a pair of scissors. She rushed towards me once more and pulled my hair. My eyes widened with shock and horror.
It was too late when I realized that she had already cut my long black hair. “This hair is causing me so much trouble!”
When I reached up to touch my hair, I was so shocked to discover that it had been cut to just above my shoulder. I turned around to loo at my sister, and I saw that she was grinning and holding the hair that she had cut off before dumping it and stomping it with her feet on the ground.
“Is that the best you can do?” I asked, with a smirk plastered all over my face as I looked at the shocked expression on her face caused by the way I reacted to her cutting my long hair. “I’m going to go to the salon tomorrow, because I think it’s still long…”
“What?” she asked, with her eyes still wide open from shock. “You’re not bothered that I cut your hair?”
“Why would I?” I shrugged my shoulders as I scanned Cynthia’s closet, looking for something to wear because I was already shivering
from the cold. “My hair is already short, Brylee… But what if your man still wants me? How will you comfort yourself now?”
She was completely taken aback, and her small hand was clenching the pair of scissors that she was holding.
I walked up to her and leaned over, whispering… “Does Sebastian really become that intoxicated when he drinks? But why did he call my name earlier in the restroom? That’s supposed to be your name, right?’
I bit my bottom lip as I pulled away, my hand sn atched the pair of scissors out of her grasp before placing them back in the drawer.
“Do you think… it’s possible that your fiancé will marry me?” I asked behind her, my lips touching her ear, and I could feel goosebumps breaking out on her skin.
“You b itch!” Brylee was flustered and exasperated as she spun to grab my wrist and squeezed it with great force. “Do you really think you already have him under control? Let me tell you my dear sister… he won’t marry a piece of trash like you!”
“Oh, is that so…?” I gave her a sarcastic grin as I yanked her hand away, walked towards the laundry basket, and took the mini camera out of the pocket of my pants, all while maintaining eye contact with her. Just you wait and see, my beloved sister…
“You have your own house but why do you want to sleep in mine?” a shadow of anger settled over Cynthia’s face as she stood in front of me while I was lying in her bed reading a book, unresponsive to her complaints. “Hey! I’m talking to you! Do you hear what I’m saying?” she threw her stuffed toy at me, which caused the book to fall on my
I sighed as I got up, putting the book on the nightstand before turning
to face the irate girl who had been acting like a spoilt brat “Why am I staying here in your room? Why am I sleeping in your bed? Why don’t you ask your father about it, huh?”
“You know what? I’ll tell Jake that you like my brother!” she abruptly shifted the conversation’s focus. “How shameless can you be? You slept with my brother but you’re still with Jake! I’m going to let him. know about this!”
“Whatever floats your boat…” I gave a shrug as I stood up and headed towards the window, where I peered out and saw the glistening swimming pool below.
“It wouldn’t bother you if Jake found out about what you did?” She inquired, but I was unfazed by the question. “Celine, don’t you like Jake? You don’t care about him, do you?”
As I turned to look at her, a grin spread across my face. “Cynthia, it makes no difference whether I care about him or not. The fact that you care about him is the most important thing, but you cannot violate the boundaries of morality. Do you understand?”
Instantaneously, there was complete and utter silence in the roo
I turned around and looked at the water once more until I noticed Cynthia’s hand trying to pull the window shut, but I was able to prevent her from doing so. “No…”
“It’s cold…,” but despite what she said, I shook my head.
“It’s cold so you want to close the window…” I said. “Don’t you know that once you violate the taboo, you will be ten thousand times colder than what you feel now?”
Cynthia appeared perplexed as she looked at me and furrowed her brows.
“You hate me, right?” I continued. “You hate the fact that Jake likes
me. You hate the fact that this world is unfair. You hate every single obstacle that is stopping you from your feelings…”
Cynthia did not respond, but her eyes showed that she was becoming increasingly enraged as she comprehended what I was trying to

“Listen to what I have to say, Cynthia…” I added. “Even if it wasn’t me, he still wouldn’t have chosen you. It’s impossible for you two to be more than what you are now! You’re cousins!”
“Why do you care?!” she roared, reaching out again to close the window, but I was able to stop her as I grabbed her hands and yanked them on her sides. “If you’ve really committed yourself to doing it, down from here!”
“What?” She was unable to move because I had control of her, and her expression was one of shock as she swallowed while looking first at me and then at the water below.
I smirked and let go of her. “You don’t even have the guts to end your own life…” I spoke in a whisper. “How are you going to be able to face the rumors and the criticism that will come your way if you continue to feel the wrong way about him…?”
The corner of her mouth twitched. “W-what… that’s b ullsh it!” she stammered indignantly.
“You know about my reputation…” I said. “Are you able to hold up under the pressure if people are constantly criticizing and accusing you? Do you believe that people will not treat you the same way that they treated me? If you were just an ordinary person, perhaps the attention that has been focused on you wouldn’t feel quite so overwhelming. But you’re not! You are well-known and rich, Cynthia! If you continue to be so stubborn, the public opinion that you will have to deal with in the future will be one hundred times more nasty than
“You’re talking nonsense, Celine…” she sneered, shaking her head as
she stepped back and distanced herself from me.
Llooked at her panicked face and I couldn’t help but pull up the corners of my mouth. “Cynthia, you have to remember that you can’t compare yourself with me. I have nothing… Therefore, I have nothing to lose no matter what kind of risk I take!”
“What do you mean?” she asked, frowning.
I couldn’t help but chuckle while shaking my head. “Will you feel upset if the person you like despises you because of someone who has nothing to do with you?”
“You like Jake solely due to the fact that he is kind, considerate, and smart, right?” When I asked her, she answered with a tentative yes. Will you still like him if he has a sudden change of heart and becomes mean, irritable, and angry at you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Celine!” she exclaimed while she had her arms crossed over her chest and was staring at me if there’s one thing I know for certain, it is that he will never treat in a cruel manner. Don’t drive a wedge between us. He’s not even close to being someone like that!”
“He’s not even close to being someone like that?!” I repeated. “Really,
huh? I’ll let you see, Cynthia…”
After saying that… I climbed up on the stool, and craned my body out
of the window.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Cynthia sprinted towards me with a
worried expression on her face, and she appeared as though she had
no idea what to do to me.
“Let’s make a bet, Cynthia…” my lips curled into a smile. “Let’s see what Jake will say after this…”
As soon as I had finished what I needed to say, I released my hands from holding the window frame and allowed my body to fall down into the water below.
“Celine!!!” I could still hear Cynthia shouting my name the moment ! felt my body submerged in the cold water.
Even though I was able to swim on my own, two men came to help me out of the water. I was lying on Cynthia’s bed when I realized that the rest of the house was still making a racket. My jump caused concern for the Anderson family as a whole, particularly for Jake and
On the other hand, Cynthia did not fare as well. When I opened my eyes, she was sobbing on the sofa, and her face looked as if she had been through a lot recently.
“What on earth took place?” I asked as I sat up. Even though I believe that I already know what happened, I still want to know everythi
about it.
“Jake and Sebastian were the ones who rescued you…” she
responded. “However, Jake thought that I was the one who pushed you out of the window….” She wailed as she spoke.
I waited for her to collect herself, but she didn’t do it.
“He’s so upset with me… This is the very first time that he had yelled at me, and his gaze, and his words…” Cynthia paused. “Jake was so scary. It seemed as though he would eat people…”
I uncovered myself by pulling back the sheets and placing my bare feet on the ground below me. “Is this the most that you can handle? You won’t fully understand how intimidating he can be until your love transforms into a whirlpool of public opinion and sucks the breath
out of him…”
“Do you love him?” She asked me out of the blue, her voice suddenly a little less tense.
“I love no one!” I said, and she appeared to be stunned for a moment, but after she regained her composure, she walked over to me and sat down on the bed beside me. “I’m nothing more than a pretend girlfriend of his…”
“But, why? What I mean is… why did you help me to recognize him for who he really is?” she inquired. “Don’t you despise me to the core?”
“I don’t hate you, Cynthia…” I said, smiling. “Except for your short fuse and the fact that you are a spoiled brat…”
The sudden color changed in her eyes occurred as she lowered her head and resumed her sobbing. She spoke with a trembling voice a she exclaimed, “But why does he like you?! He’s well aware that hi relationship with you is a sham, but when he spoke to me, he took what he said seriously and was extremely venomous. His words cut me to the core, and he even went so far as to say that if it weren’t for my dad, he would have strangled me to death. I hate that man! I don’t want anything to do with him anymore! I don’t like him!”
I heaved a sigh as I pulled her into a hug, and as she sobbed on my chest, I simply let her cry out. The love that Cynthia had for Jake was a childish thing. And I don’t believe that this was love. She had only supposed that it was…
“Tell me, how it is that I can make it up to you, Celine…” As soon as she had some space between us, Cynthia asked, and I looked at her in complete shock. “Hey! Don’t think that I’m going to like you because of this! I still don’t want to be friends with you!”
gave a monkshrug off the shoulders while pretending to consider ow she coulitimukke amends to me.
Are you certamafftthis? inquired, and she nodded. “Well, I reallyy ant have anything to say at the moment. I’ll just let you knowoncee omething conesstommy mind to tell you…”
Okay… shemurmured, as shellay down on the dedeskie me, andd losed her eyesston sien.

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