Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 515-518

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Just as I was chatting, my mom gave me a call.

Things with Lucas were almost entirely ironed out by now. She and Dad were now managing his family business, meaning they would be staying there for a longer time. She suggested me to move there with Serena and Brandon.

“You’d better not go back to Eldoria. It wouldn’t be convenient if Russel returns there too.” my mother’s tone was a tad solemn. “Your father and I don’t have any other expectations. We just hope you can live a good life with the kids. As for marriage…”

My mom didn’t go on, but I knew what she was hinting at. They wanted me not to be entangled in any more troubles with neither Neil nor Russel.

“I’ll head over after some time.” I replied.

I couldn’t just head over now. The secret of Karina and Dylan was like a black hole, pulling me to unveil it. Moreover, I had this strong hunch that even if I avoided Karina by moving to my parents’ place, our paths would cross again in the future.

Instead of being haunted by her once again in the future, I’d rather stay here and solve the mystery once and for all.

“Why waiting? You’ve been in Rosemont for a while, and both Neil and Russel are there too. How can your father and I be at ease?” My mom disagreed. She wanted me to move over immediately.

“I have some matters to settle. Don’t worry, Mom. But there’s something I really need your help with.” I responded.

“What is it?” Mom asked.

“I want to send Serena and Brandon to your place. Can you please look after them for a while? I’ll return once I’m done with the matters here.” I expressed my worries about their safety in Rosemont.

Not only I worried about Neil’s suspicion, but I was also afraid of Karina’s intention. She was a ruthless being. She would be a great danger for my children’s safety if she believed that Serena and Brandon might threat her place in the Whitmore family.

My parents were busy managing Lucas’ company, but I figured they could spare someone to look after the kids, along with a couple of babysitters.

My mom understood me well, knowing that I, ever so caring for the children, wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t see the need. “Rena, has Neil brought you a lifetime of trouble? Even the kids have to suffer.” she sighed.

I bit my lips and refrained from answering. I couldn’t refute the truth.



Chapter 515

“Can you send them over, or do you want me to pick them up?” Mom asked, sounding resigned.

“I’ll bring them over.” I replied.

The trip from here to my parents’ place was a bit of a journey. I would need a nanny to help me with the kids. But I had to do it for their safety.

Stella was taken aback when she heard that I was sending the kids away but quickly understood my reasoning. “I’ll have Eliza accompany you to help with the kids. Can you be sure to drive?” Stella arranged everything neatly.

“Yes, and I’ll set off first thing tomorrow,” I nodded.

The following morning, I packed up the kids’ stuff and, accompanied by Eliza, readied to

set off in Stella’s car.

As I was about to start the car, Neil’s vehicle pulled up, effectively blocking my path.

He stepped out of his car and knocked on my window. I wound down the window reluctantly, “What is it?”

“I need your help with something,” Neil cast a glance at Eliza and the kids in the back seat,

his brows furrowing, “Where are you guys going?”

“What do you need help with?” I didn’t answer but asked instead.

“Hiram is currently at Sterling Estates. I need someone I can trust to watch over him for a while.” Neil’s words left me surprised.

Was he asking me to look after Hiram?

I didn’t know that Faith had brought Hiram from Eldoria directly and settled him at Sterli Estates. But why didn’t Neil just ask Faith to look after Hiram there?

“Can’t do that. Go find someone else.” I rejected outright. Hiram wasn’t my kid, and I did have the time or emotional capacity for it.

“My mom had an incident. I can’t think of anyone else but you,” His tone was heavy. I was startled, what had happened to Faith?

I turned to look at Eliza and the kids, then I got out of the car. “Let’s talk over there.”

I was mainly concerned about Faith’s situation

Neil followed me to a spot a distance away from the car, where I asked, “What happened to Faith?”

“Emotionally unstable. I had her sent back to my dad’s place. Hiram can’t be left in her care now.” Neil’s brows furrowed even more, “When I found out Karina was also in Rosemont, she had already brought Hiram over. She wouldn’t let Karina see Hiram and had him staying at Sterling Estates. Now, Hiram is throwing a tantrum and refusing to




So that was it. The news about Karina must have upset Faith, whose emotional state was already fragile.

It was a bit unmerciful to hide Hiram at Sterling Estates. But what Karina had done truly didn’t deserve to be a mother.

“Hiram doesn’t like me. What do you want me to do?” I said helplessly.

“I don’t need you to do anything. Just watch over him and make sure he doesn’t leave Sterling Estates. I can’t trust anyone else.” Neil explained.

So, I was to be a mobile monitor?

Hiram was prone to running away from home, and an average person couldn’t handle him. With Karina’s capabilities, should she bribe someone to let Hiram go, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“I don’t have the time.” I refused, not wanting to get into a staring contest with that little rascal. Even if I did have the time, I wouldn’t go

“I can’t be distracted with Hiram’s antics right now. You can propose a trade-off.” Neil, ever the businessman, went straight to negotiations.

I instinctively wanted to refuse, but a condition suddenly flashed in my mind, and I blurted out, “Fine, I do have one bargain. Leave the Dawson Group alone.”

Neil’s expression darkened significantly at my words. He questioned icily, “Are you worried about Russel?”

“He’s already backed off. Why can’t you let it go? Is it fun to mutually destroy each other?” I planned to take this opportunity to convince Neil.

“Who says he’s backed off?” Neil’s eyes were cold as ice, “Do you think he would back off so easily? And there’s also Louis, who is not so easy to handle.”



Chapter 516


It turned out Neil knew about Louis and Russel’s collaboration all along.

“So, are you busy dealing with both of them now?” I asked.

“Yeah, and there are other company matters to handle, too. I can’t leave Hiram with Karina, which is why I turned to you.” Neil seemed to have made up his mind to let Karina go, but. he wanted to keep the kid.

If I were in his shoes, I would never accept someone else taking my child. But Karina’s actions were indeed horrifying. She was so fixated on Neil that she treated her own child

like a mere tool.

“The problem is, I can’t help you, Neil.” I declined him once again. Hiram was very resistant towards me. Even if I pitied him for having an irresponsible mother, I just couldn’t take care of him.

If I had the time, I’d rather take care of Serena and Brandon myself.

“You have to help me.” Neil’s tone was firm. “I’ll make you a deal. If Russel and Louis stop troubling for me, I’ll let bygones be bygones and won’t seek revenge. Are you satisfied

with this?”

The calmness on the surface was all a facade. Russel seemed to have tricked me, yet not

tricked me at the same time.

“Let’s talk when I get back.” I was currently busy with sending off my two kids. I had no

time to deal with Neil and someone else’s child.

“Where are you going?” Neil caught onto the key point of my words. “When will you be


Did I have to report my whereabouts to him?

I replied impatiently, “That’s none of your business. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow. Then, I’ll give you my answer. But you should also think about what you promise me. If you and Russel keep this up, you’ll only drag me down. I’m living my life peacefully, and I don’t have time to be a troublemaker!”

If the cause of their conflict had nothing to do with me, they could even break into each other’s houses and stab each other a dozen times, and I wouldn’t interfere.

But because it involves me, I had no choice. Even if I tried to turn a blind eye, trouble

would still come to me.

As a person who has lived twice, I was not naive enough to think I could avoid all


“If you had remarried me directly before, without giving Russel any hope, none of this



Chapter 516

would have happened.” Neil’s voice was heavy and cold, tinged with jealousy.

“Neil, be clear about your current status. You have Karina and a seven-year-old son. Stop wasting your time here, okay? You and Russel have the same brain structure. How can you both not understand this?” My words were a bit harsh.

Neil went speechless. His lips curved coldly, devoid of any emotion, and his eyes were just staring at me.

Even if he had nothing for Karina but a sense of responsibility, there was still a Hiram between us. I was not a generous woman, and I had to consider my own children.

A complete family was certainly important, but I didn’t want Serena and Brandon to know they had a half-brother when they grew up.

This thought made me more determined to send the children to my parents’ place. Until the matters here were resolved, I didn’t want Neil to see the kids again, nor did I want them to be exposed under Karina’s watch, in case any unbearable accident happened.

I ignored Neil, returned to my car, and drove away.

Nearly ten hours of driving, plus the time needed for breaks and to feed the kids and change their diapers, had significantly extended the journey. It was almost midnight when we finally arrived at Lucas’s place.

My parents were living here now. The last time visited, I was seeking help for my family. But now…

Looking at the familiar yet alien villa, my eyes reddened a bit, and an uncomfortable feeling sprouted.

I rang the doorbell. My parents were still awake and waiting for me. They hurriedly came out to greet me, taking the kids from Eliza and me, showering them with kisses.

“Oh, my two little treasures! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I miss you so much!” My mom, looking like she missed them dearly, kissed Brandon in her arms and then reached out to kiss Serena, who was in my dad’s arms,

I had been driving for so long and was a bit tired. I let Eliza bring down some of the kids’ stuff from the car, then I was ready to rest in the living room.

The delicious smell of food wafted over from the dining room, and my stomach growled.

“Mom, have you prepared some food?” I asked, surprised. It was already midnight.

“Yes, you’ve been driving for so long, and you must not have had much to eat on the road. You guys should go and have something. I’ve made some of your favorite dishes.” My mom said softly, while playing with Brandon.

I was physically and mentally exhausted, but hearing my mom’s words, I felt a wave of warmth that dispelled much of the fatigue. It was like returning to the home where my



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parents understood and supported me, where they only cared about whether I ate well, slept well, and lived happily, and wouldn’t interfered with my decisions.

Perhaps having such parents was the reason why I developed a stubborn personality.

“Great, I’m starving!” I put aside my emotional thoughts, walked over and hugged my mom, giving her a kiss, “Thanks, Mom!”

My mom smiled and reminded me, “Eat more, you’ve lost weight again. Have you not been eating well because your dad and I aren’t around?”

As I walked towards the dining room, I replied, “Yeah, I even hired a few more nannies. But as soon as they arrived, I had to go back to Rosemont. Now they’re just there taking care of Daisy and cleaning the house.”

“Right, we probably won’t be able to go there for a while either. How long will you stay in Rosemont?” Dad asked next.

The table was set with four dishes and a soup, all my favorites. I invited Eliza to eat with me. While eating, I answered, “I’m not sure, but it should not be too long. You guys will need to hire a nanny to help with Serena and Brandon. Otherwise, you won’t be able to handle it. You still have the company to manage.”

My mom sighed, “Yes, Lucas and the others… oh…”

When it came to this matter, my mom’s mood dropped, and she no longer spoke.

I felt a lump in my throat, and my appetite worsened. I comforted her, “Mom, we can’t bring back the dead. We can only try to live better and manage Lucas’s company well.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s the best plan.” My mom nodded, “Having Serena and Brandon over with me is rather comforting. Their presence brightens my mood.”

“Yes, sure.” I mumbled, focusing on my meal.

That night, I stayed up till the wee hours, chatting with my mom about Neil and Russel current state of affairs. Unlike before, when she would suggest me to give Russel a thought, she didn’t express any opinion. She neither praised nor criticized Neil either.

Chapter 517

My parents’ transformation brought me immense joy, and with it, a significant reduction in my psychological stress.

By the time I woke up, it was already a sunny afternoon. My mom hadn’t gone to work and there was now a nanny in the house – someone she hired early in the morning to look

after the children.

As for Eliza, she had to accompany me back to Rosemont today.

“Rena, remember to consult me no matter what happens, okay? Don’t shoulder everything. on your own.” Mom advised me solemnly before I left.

“Okay, Mom. Please take care of Serena and Brandon for me. I’ll deal with things on my end as quickly as I can and then come back.” I looked at the two kids playing in their crib, feeling reluctant to leave them. But I knew this was for their safety.

My mom’s expression was serious. “I definitely will, don’t worry.”

I went over and gave Serena a kiss, then Brandon, before reluctantly getting into the car to leave.

In the rear-view mirror, I saw my mom holding Brandon at the front door, watching me as her figure gradually shrank in the distance. That was when I noticed that this little old lady had started to stoop a little. She seemed shorter than in her youth. It was said that people shrink as they age – my mom was aging too, but she still had to worry about work and

about me.

My nose twitched, and I felt a wave of sadness.

In that moment, all I wanted was to quickly resolve everything so I could live with my parents and the kids, free of worries and enjoying life. Having family and friends was enough for me!

When I returned to Rosemont, it was again late at night.

Stella and the others were already asleep. Hearing me return, Stella sleepily got up and asked, “Rena, have you had dinner yet?”

“I’ve eaten, you go ahead and sleep!” I answered while changing my shoes.

“Alright, I’m beat. I’m going to bed.” Stella could barely keep her eyes open, yet she still had to get up to make sure I’d eaten. I was touched, considering she wasn’t even my mother.

I hadn’t really eaten anything. But I wasn’t very hungry, so I took a shower and went to bed.

Without Serena and Brandon by my side, I had trouble falling asleep. I scrolled through my

08.28 –

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phone, looking at pictures of the kids with a motherly smile on my face. It wasn’t until the sky began to lighten that I finally drifted off.

“Damn, Neil’s at the door already, Rena. Did he come to see you?” Stella’s voice rang in my ears like a thunderclap.

My sleepiness was instantly shattered, and I woke up.

Neil? He was here?

I remembered telling him I’d look after Hiram’s situation for him when I got back, and that day was today. He must have taken me seriously.

I got up, rubbed my bleary eyes, and couldn’t help but frown.

“Yeah, he probably came to see me. Let me freshen up, and I’ll head out.” I replied.

“Wait, Rena! You absolutely can’t remarry him. Don’t let him move you, okay? Look at Mitch, he didn’t do anything as extreme as Neil. I wouldn’t give him another chance to hurt me, and you should be the same!” Stella grabbed my shoulders with a look of exasperation.

“No, I’m not planning to remarry him. You’re overthinking.” I quickly stopped Stella. I hadn’t had enough sleep, and my head was starting to ache from her shaking.

Stella finally stopped shaking me and asked, “Then why did he come to see you as soon as you got back? Didn’t you tell him to?”

“It’s a bit of a different situation. Let me talk to him first, and I’ll explain it to you later.” After calming Stella down, I hurriedly freshened up and went out to see Neil.

Indeed, Neil was waiting for me at the front door. He had smoked half a cigarette by the time I arrived and promptly crushed and discarded it.

But the smell of smoke still lingered on him, causing me to cough lightly.

“You’re back.” he said, looking wearier than when I’d seen him two days ago. His eyes, however, retained their sharpness that never failed to intimidate.

“Yes. Is Hiram still at Sterling Estates? Did Karina bring you any trouble?” I asked


“She tried to look for me, but I didn’t see her. I don’t have time for her right now. There’s a lot going on at the company.” Neil answered nonchalantly, then got straight to the point, “Have you thought about what I asked you?”

I hadn’t really given it any thought because I knew that Hiram and I were incompatible.

Plus, I was worried that if Karina found out I was looking after Hiram, she might come to trouble me instead.

The last thing I wanted at the moment was trouble, and if avoiding it was an option, I



Chapter 517

would always choose to walk away.

“Neil, why don’t you ask Cooper Clarke for help? Or see if any of your other trustworthy friends can lend a hand?” I suggested hesitantly.

“So your answer is that you won’t help me.” Neil cut me off bluntly.

I nodded. That was my answer.

He let out a cold laugh, “You had your answer two days ago, didn’t you? You just wanted to distance yourself, so you said you’d tell me today, right?”

I remained silent, neither confirming nor denying.

“Cooper and Hiram don’t know each other well. If he goes to see Hiram, Hiram will resist.” Neil explained, his voice filled with disappointment and helplessness, “Forget it, I won’t force you. I’m going back to the office.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

Watching Neil get into his car and drive away, I felt a strange discomfort. His current situation was indeed tiring, not physically, or because of the company’s state, but mentally.

I could imagine how hard it would be if I were in his shoes. I really needed someone to

lend me a hand.

I wondered how Faith was doing. I hadn’t contacted her because I didn’t want to trigger any emotional fluctuations. And with Ryan by her side, she should be fine.

But when I returned to Stella’s house, she was in a frenzy, yelling, “Is that true? Why?!”

“Is it true? Is it true that Louis is Neil’s half-brother?”

“It’s over…”

My heart skipped a beat. After Stella hung up the phone, I asked, “What happened?”

Stella’s eyes were wide as saucers, “Did you know that Neil’s mom tried to commit suicide last night?”


I was taken aback, utterly blindsided by the unfolding events. Faith, who suffered from mild depression, had always managed it with medication and positive vibes. I never imagined it would escalate to the point of suicide.

“Rumor has it that Louis is actually an illegitimate son of Neil’s father, and it must have triggered Faith…” Stella sighed heavily, the weight of her words hanging in the air. “What on earth is going on? Are all men like this? It seems like regardless of their age, they just can’t keep it in their pants!”


Chapter 518


I felt as if I was in a dream. Ryan, in my mind, was never that kind of man.

A person’s character can be gradually understood through interactions, and Ryan’s affection for Faith had always been strong. Suddenly hearing that Ryan had an illegitimate son who was raised in the Whitmore family, alongside Neil, seemed nothing short of incredible to me.

Did Louis have any proof? Otherwise, the Whitmore family would never accept this!

“Who told you this?” I asked.

“A friend of mine whom you don’t know.” Stella said, somewhat uncomfortable. “Rena, Neil’s mother has always been kind to you. Maybe you should pay her a visit. She’s in the hospital now.”

“Do you know which hospital?” I asked.

Knowing that Faith was in trouble, I had to see her.

Stella immediately picked up her phone to find out the hospital for me.

Two minutes later, she gave me the address of a hospital. She wanted to accompany me, but the journey to Springvale was long, and despite having a nanny, she was not comfortable leaving her kids for an entire day, so I set off alone.

Driving to Springvale, I couldn’t help but think of Neil and the similarities between his current situation and that of my family when we had a crisis, during which he had been a great help to me.

I drove past the former residence of Bonnie Tueley, which was about half rebuilt and still bustling with construction. There was no indication that the Whitmore Co. was having any issues, and the project was not delayed at all.

Without stopping, I continued on my way. My second chance at life began with Bonnie, but it certainly wasn’t going to end with her. There were more complex issues awaiting me to handle and decisions to make.

Suddenly, I heard frantic honking from behind me. I glanced in the rear-view mirror, and, to my surprise, it was Neil’s car.

But he didn’t seem to recognize Stella’s car, so he didn’t notice me on the car.

His car sped past me, seemingly in a rush, most likely heading to see Faith in Springvale as well.

Didn’t he get the news yesterday? I watched as his car sped away and pressed the accelerator to follow him.

I arrived at the hospital by evening. It was the most prestigious private hospital in



Springvale, and I heard that Whitmore Co. held shares in it. If Faith was here, her privacy could be protected from unwanted visitors.

But of course, that also meant it was a hassle for me to enter. I had to call and get permission.

I called Faith, but her phone was turned off. So, I called Neil, whose car was parked at the entrance of the hospital.

After a few rings, Neil picked up, his voice indifferent, “Hello.”

“I’m at the nurse’s station. They said I need permission from the patient or their family to visit. Could you please come out and help?” I went straight to the point.

Neil seemed surprised that I was there, “You’re here?”

“Yeah, can you please come out?” I replied.


Three minutes later, Neil appeared. Upon seeing me, his furrowed brow relaxed a little. With him being there, no one stopped me from entering.

Neil turned back, and we walked in silence to Faith’s room.

The room didn’t smell of medicine, but of faint floral fragrance. Faith was resting on the bed with her eyes closed. She looked frail and pale, so different from our last encounter. Ryan was nowhere to be seen.

“Faith.” I spoke softly.

Faith slowly opened her eyes. Upon seeing me, a spark of joy flickered in her eyes, brightening her otherwise gloomy face.

“Irene, how come you’re here?” Faith tried to sit up, but I stopped her.

“Faith, I came to see you. How are you feeling?” Her left hand was heavily bandaged, covering her suicide attempt.

I felt a pang of sorrow but didn’t know how I could help.

Neil stood by silently. Just then, I heard a sound from the bathroom in the room. Hiram

came out.

Upon seeing me, his face fell, “Why is she here? I want my mommy! I want my mommy!”

“Hiram!” Neil scolded, “Don’t disturb your grandma’s rest!”

“Grandma, I want my mommy,” Hiram didn’t obey. Instead, he ran to Faith and continued to cry for his mother.

Faith, already weak and in low spirits, could spare no more attention to Hiram and sighed helplessly.



Chapter 518

Hiram seemed inattentive to Faith’s situation. He persisted, as if the whole world revolved around his mother who, in reality, hadn’t been a responsible mother for him at all.

Suddenly, Neil walked over, picked Hiram up, and placed him next to the wall. “Stay there and think about what you’ve done.” His attitude was cold.

“But I didn’t do anything wrong!” Hiram raised his voice in protest.

I was worried that Neil might lose his temper, but he held back, his face stern, inhaling deeply as if suppressing his anger.

“Hiram, your grandma is already very upset. Can we not talk about this right now?” I tried

to soothe the situation.

“But it’s all your fault! Because of you, my dad doesn’t want my mommy!” Hiram suddenly turned his anger towards me.

I was left speechless. The kid’s perspective was truly unique, thinking that Neil abandoned

Karina for me.

I wanted to say that Neil actually distanced himself from me for many years just for


To my surprise, Hiram actually came over intending to hit me. Although he was just a seven-year-old kid and didn’t have much strength, the full force of his small fists punching me still hurt, since I was caught off guard.

“Hiram Whitmore!” Neil, seeing this scene, rebuked him angrily and promptly pulled Hiram


Neil’s anger scared Hiram, and he didn’t dare to cause any more trouble. But he started crying, tears streaming down his face like a broken faucet. He looked so wronged.

Faith, though upset, still loved her grandson dearly. Seeing Hiram crying so pitifully, she said, “Hiram, you can’t be rude to Ms. Finch, you know that? We’re keeping you away from your mom because she’s not treating you well, not because of Ms. Finch.”


Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 514

Chapter 514

A couple of days later, I received a call from Faith.

She sounded pissed off. “Rena, Karina is actually in Rosemont! We’ve been fooled!”

I was taken aback. How did Faith find out?

“Faith, where are you?” I asked.

“I’m back in Eldoria. I’ve had a hunch something was off. Hiram is usually so clingy, always begging me to come back home whenever I step out. But this time, he kept insisting I take my time. So, I decided to go back to Eldoria without telling anyone. Surprise, surprise, only Hiram was home alone with a nanny who looked after him, and no sign of Karina at all!” Faith’s voice was seething with anger, and she continued without waiting for my response.

“Hiram and the nanny lied to me, saying Karina was at work. I visited her hospital where she should be working at, but they told me she was on an extended leave! What is she doing sneaking back to Rosemont? I bet it’s no good!”

Indeed, it was no good. Karina had returned to see Russel. Whether or not she was involved in the previous attacks on Whitmore Co., I still had no concrete proof. Russel certainly wouldn’t give me that.

I didn’t know what to say, so I just listened to Faith.

Finally, she was done, and I asked, “Faith, how do you plan to deal with this?”

“Deal with it? I’ll find a way to get Karina out of the Whitmore family. Hiram has to stay. She’s using her own child as a pawn! She’ll ruin him if this goes on!” Faith sounded firm.

“And what if Hiram insists on keeping Karina?” I asked.

Faith seemed stumped by my question. She sighed, “Yeah, if Hiram wasn’t so infatuated with Karina, I would have kicked her out ages ago.”

I didn’t know how to solve this either, so I left it to Faith.

Now that Faith knew Karina was in Rosemont, Neil must’ve known it, too.

I had no idea how he would deal with Karina.

However, I didn’t expect Karina to reach out to me and propose a meeting.

I was curious about the secret between Dylan and Karina, so I agreed to meet.

“Irene, did you tell Neil’s mom that I’m in Rosemont?” As soon as we met, Karina asked straight out. She was abrupt, even calling me by my first name, unlike her usual “Ms. Finch”.



Chapter 514

“I didn’t. Why would I have anything to do with this?” I took a sip of my water, responding coldly.

“But Russel told me you knew I was in Rosemont. Who else could have told her?” There was suspicion in Karina’s eyes. “I know you might be wondering why I am with Russel. There’s nothing between us. I just came back to dissuade him from targeting Neil because of you.”

She sounded so innocent. But it was completely different from what Russel had told me.

In fact, I didn’t realize Karina was so obsessed with Neil. She was willing to risk everything, including Whitmore Co., as long as she could marry Neil.

She was as ruthless as ever.

“Then go explain to Neil. Why are you here with me?” I was more puzzled.

Karina put on a troubled face. Finally, she revealed her true purpose.

She was here to persuade me to go back to Russel.

This surprised me. But with a second thought, it made sense. With Russel and I separated, she was bound to worry. What if I went back to Neil, considering my two children were his?

“You’ve got some charm, to have a man go to such lengths for you. I admire that.” Karina said, even praising me begrudgingly in the end.

Throughout our conversation, she was emphasizing everything that Russel had done for me, hoping I would appreciate it. Besides, the true identity of my two children was something I didn’t want the Whitmore family to know, so staying with Russel was my best option.

Everything she said was nonsense to me, since I had already thought it through.

“Karina, there’s no need for you to say all these. Even if Russel and I break up, I would never go back to Neil. As for whether you can win his heart, that’s your problem.” I finished my water, got up, and prepared to leave.

Karina seemed desperate. She stood up abruptly and raised her voice, “You’ll regret losing a man who loves you so much!”

I stopped, turned around, and looked at her. “I won’t.”

Karina looked at me, her brow furrowed, as if she wanted to say something but held back. I quickly left. I had driven Stella’s car today, and it was parked not far from the entrance. As soon as I got in, I received a call from Stella.

She knew I was meeting Karina today and was worried, and I reassured her. I was about

to drive home when I saw a familiar figure rushing into the same cafe I had just left.


09.25 !

Chapter 514

It was Louis Aldridge.

Was he also in Rosemont? I remembered what Russel had said, even if he didn’t target Neil, there were others who would. Was he referring to Louis?

Louis hated Neil deeply. He was convinced he was the illegitimate son of the Whitmore family, deserving the same status and lifestyle as Neil.

And he was close to Russel. It wouldn’t be far-fetched if the two of them were collaborating.

Poor Neil, the two childhood friends he grew up with turned into his enemies.

I felt sad for Neil for a moment, then drove back to Stella’s house.

“Just when we had a few days of peace, they’re at each other’s throats again?” Stella was deeply invested in the affairs of Russel and Neil. During my time at her place, she spent two-thirds of it fretting over their issues.

When I had just met with Karina a couple of days ago, Stella had spent some time analyzing her psyche for me.

“Neil’s the type who never allows himself to suffer. After what Russel did to him, he’s definitely out for revenge.”

I was trimming Brandon’s nails when I recalled the words Neil had said, and my mood turned heavy.

I didn’t want Russel to target Whitmore Co., and I certainly didn’t want Neil to stir up trouble with the Dawson family.

But it seemed like I didn’t have any power to stop it.

“This is turning into a full-blown battle.” Stella sighed wistfully, “Their feud is starting to affect my family’s company. They really are using their personal interests to throw


I stayed silent, moving on to trim Serena’s nails. I wanted to speak to Neil and try to dissuade him, but after I had asked him to cut back on visiting other people’s kids, he seemed to be angry. He hadn’t contacted me since, nor sought me out.

Besides, with Karina’s situation probably causing him much stress, how would he even have the time to pick a fight with Russel?

Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 513

Chapter 513

I started to feel anxious.

In the pit of my stomach, a voice was screaming at me that Neil knew everything about the kids!

But in the next moment, his words deflated my fears. “Only if his family doesn’t accept your two kids, considering the Dawson family never approved of your affair”

“Hmm, I don’t care, that could be a reason.” I let out a sigh of relief.

Neil remained silent, his gaze locked on me, as if trying to see through me. Just then, Stella came out, cradling Serena in her arms, “Rena, what’s wrong with your little princess? She suddenly started crying.”

Serena’s tiny face was flushed red from crying, her mouth pouted, tears pouring down her cheeks like crystal beads, her crying was heartbreakingly pitiful.

I hurriedly got up to take Serena, but the little one seemed to know Neil was there. Her eyes were fixed on him. She continued whimpering in my arms and made her look more miserable.

Was my motherly embrace not comforting enough? This six-month-old baby, barely learning to sit, had already mastered the art of looking pitiful?

As Neil’s gaze met Serena’s, he immediately stood up and reached out, taking Serena from my arms.

Stella’s eyes widened at the scene, and once more, something magical happened. As soon as Serena was in Neil’s arms, she instantly calmed down and seemed delighted.

“This…this is impossible.” Stella’s petite face was filled with confusion.

But I could understand. It was probably a blood connection.

Neil walked out with Serena in his arms, strolling around the yard, while I went back inside to bring out Brandon. The sun had risen. It was a perfect time for a bit of sunbathing.

On the white bench in the yard, Neil held Serena on his lap, supporting her tiny arms and helping her sit up.

Neil’s actions were gentle, his face filled with indulgent smiles as he looked at Serena. For a moment, I was taken aback. Was this how one should look at someone else’s child?

Stella brought out the mat and her three kids, setting them up in the yard to play. She .juggled between caring for the kids and stealing glances at Neil.

And then she looked at Brandon.

This made me feel anxious because Brandon and Neil looked uncannily similar.


Chapter 513

“Rena, come here.” Stella couldn’t hold it in any longer. She pulled me to a corner and bluntly asked, “Tell me the truth. Are they really Russel’s children?”

I was taken aback, “Otherwise?”

“Why do they look more and more like Neil? Damn…” Stella was pretty straightforward, and we were close, so she didn’t beat around the bush.

“No!” I vehemently denied, thinking of Neil’s words that if the kids were his, he’d take them away. My heart was filled with unease.

I was a bit lax recently. What if Neil really took something from the children to get them tested? What about Karina – did she destroy the paternity test report that she had testified? Would Neil find it eventually?

I grew more anxious and abruptly took Serena from Neil’s arms, my tone cold, “Neil, you can go home if there’s nothing else. From now on, you don’t need to come looking for me, and you don’t need to be so nice to Serena. She has a real dad.”

Neil frowned at me, seemingly finding my outburst ridiculous, “What’s gotten into you? I have my own child too. I just find Serena cute; why are you freaking out?”

Hearing Neil say he had his own child, my anger flared up even more, I glared at him coldly, “So stop holding other people’s kids.”

This comment angered Neil. He rose, giving me a cold look, then he strode away without a second glance at Serena and Brandon.

As the front door opened, Mitch appeared again. It turned out that he had been waiting by

the door.

He wanted to come in again, but a stern glare from Stella stopped him. He obediently followed Neil out.

Stella then locked the door and came back to me, “Rena, what’s wrong? Did something inappropriate…”

“Serena and Brandon are indeed Neil’s.” I felt somewhat broken, because no ma much I denied it, everyone could see that Serena and Brandon looked a lot like Neil.

Stella was dumbstruck, and it took her a while to retrieve her voice, “Really?”

“Yes, really. Only you, my parents, Russel, and Karina know this.” My gaze fell on the children playing with their toys on the mat. I felt my mind was in chaos.

“What?? Russel and Karina too?” Stella was so shocked her words stuttered, “Russel! He accepted it? And Karina, she didn’t even tell Nell?”

I shook my head, my tone heavy, “No, Russel not only accepted it, he even got a fake paternity test report to deal with Neil. As for Karina, if she wanted to stay firmly in the Whitmore family through the children, she wouldn’t tell anyone about this.”



Stella nodded vaguely, seemingly overwhelmed and confused.

“Let me process this…” she sat down, seemingly playing with the children, but her mind was elsewhere pondering my words.

I sighed, “Stella, don’t tell anyone else. You speak too quickly, so please be careful. Once Neil knows about this, he’ll fight me for the kids, and that’s what I’m most afraid of.”

Stella snapped back to reality and nodded seriously, “Okay, I absolutely won’t let it slip.”

Then, as if just remembering something, she sighed, “So, Russel is really good to you, Rena. He could even accept Neil’s children, and he treats both kids well.”

I had nothing to say, because she was right.

Putting other factors aside, Russel’s care towards Serena and Brandon alone would make anyone think he was their biological father. When he took them out, he’d present himself a perfect dad.

“No wonder your kids are so close to Neil; it’s because…” Stella started to say but was cut off by me.

Tshook my

head at her, “Let’s not talk about that. We have nannies in the house. We wouldn’t want them to overhear.”

Stella closed her mouth quickly. She took a deep sigh, her gaze on Serena and Brandon softened, filled with pity and affection.

Although she had divorced Mitch, their kids at least knew who their father was, and Mitch would visit them. However, Serena and Brandon’s case was different, as they might grow up without a father in their lives.


Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 512

Chapter 512


Mitch, the wimp, acted as if he’d seen the cavalry arriving at the sight of Neil. He took refuge behind Neil, his voice a notch louder, “Let’s talk this out! There is no need for violence. Aren’t you just taking advantage of the fact that I never bully women?!”

“What’s going on? The front door wasn’t even closed.” Neil asked.

Stella rolled her eyes dismissively, not in the mood to talk. I, on the other hand, stared coldly at Mitch, “Ask your buddy here. What drove him all the way back from Eldoria?”

“What did you do, Mitch?” Neil turned to Mitch, demanding an explanation.

Mitch stuttered, unable to articulate a clear answer. I decided to speak on his behalf, “Russel sent him some pictures of Stella and me at the bar the other night. He rushed all the way back here just to accuse us of dressing inappropriately and neglecting our kids.”

As I summed up the situation, Mitch’s face turned awkward.

Neil’s brow furrowed. Then, he asked, “Is this true?”

“Neil, I’m not lying. You didn’t see how they dress. I used to spend my nights at bars, and I knew what kind of men hang out there. They have several kids at home, so they couldn’t just abandon them and go partying even if they’ve got nannies, can they?” Mitch argued, even though he looked embarrassed.

“I saw it.” Neil interrupted Mitch coldly.

“What? What did you see?” Mitch looked confused.

“I saw what they were wearing. I was there that night too.” Neil bent down, picked up a pillow from the floor and shoved it into Mitch’s arms. “I heard that you’ve been working overtime these past few days, almost pulling all-nighters, so as to spare some time to come back and question them, haven’t you?”

Stella and I exchanged glances. No wonder Mitch looked like he was on his last legs; he’d been working excessively for the past few days.

I had to hand it to him. He really went all out just to come here and pick a fight.

Mitch hung his head, looking somewhat ashamed.

“Alright, Mitch, done with your nonsense? You can piss off now!” Stella was done with Mitch. She walked over and shoved him towards the door.

Before Mitch could utter another word, he was already out the door.

The living room became quiet again. I felt much better without Mitch’s noise.

If Neil had said a word more to defend Mitch, he would have been kicked out by Stella too.

 “What are you doing here?” I asked, somewhat puzzled. 

“How is Serena doing?” Neil looked around, and, not seeing the kids, he asked, “Where are they?”

The kids were now in their room with the nannies. I didn’t tell Neil that but simply replied, “She’s been doing well these past few days, and there’s no need for you to worry.”

Stella quickly added, “Yeah, why are you so concerned? Even Russel doesn’t seem to care that much.”

Upon hearing these words, Neil shot her a glance, “When was Russel here?”

That was a couple of days ago. I had no idea what Russel and Karina were up to now, but I admired Karina for being able to hide it from the Whitmores for so long. I knew Hiram must have been helping her.

Therefore, Karina could stay in the Whitmore family as long as Hiram was around to help. Stella gave me a look but didn’t answer Neil. Instead, she turned and went to check on the kids in their room.

“When are you planning to go back to Eldoria?” It was just Neil and me left in the living room, so I took the initiative to ask.

“Why, are you eager to send me back there? What about you?” Neil sat down on the couch, crossing his long legs elegantly, his hands resting casually on his thighs. His eyes questioned me as well.

I wasn’t exactly hoping for Neil to return to Eldoria. Once he got back, he’d find out Karina wasn’t there. If that caused any trouble and delayed me from getting information from Dylan, I didn’t think it would be worth it.

“I’m not sure yet. My parents aren’t there, so it doesn’t matter whether I return early or late.” I answered casually. Even without Dylan’s appearance, I might still stay here a little longer. Neil, however, thought of something else, “Is it because Russel is here?”

I was left speechless. At this point, Neil believed I had feelings for Russel, while Russel thought I was still in love with Neil. It was all very confusing.

But all I wanted was to live a simple life with my kids, free and easy.

“I’m back here just to tell you both to stop being ridiculous, okay?” I replied, feeling helpless.

“What’s going on with you and Russel? Are you breaking up?” Neil seemed quite pleased at the mention of this with a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, “I was surprised when he suddenly turned against Whitmore Co., but I figured something must have gone wrong between you two. He wouldn’t have done that otherwise.”



Chapter 512

I took a deep breath and met Neil’s gaze calmly, “Yes, Russel and I are breaking up. We’re not a good match, so you don’t need to keep suspecting that there’s something between us, and there’s no need to hold a grudge against him because of this.”

Neil’s smile widened, he nodded approvingly, “Hmm, it’s a good decision. It would’ve been even better if you made it earlier. You were never a good match. But what about the kids? Didn’t he ask for custody?”

“The kids are mine. I won’t give them to him.” I stated firmly. The kids weren’t even Russel’s to begin with; even if they were, I would fight for them with everything I had.

The two kids were my life. To put it selfishly, men could still father children with a younger woman in their forties or fifties, but I couldn’t. Serena and Brandon were the only two

children I would ever have, and there would never be a third.

“Is it because you refuse to give them to him, or because he didn’t ask for them at all?” Neil questioned, not quite believing my words.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, taken aback.

“Nothing much, it just strikes me as odd. Doesn’t Russel value his own kids? He was okay with them taking your maiden name and didn’t even fight for custody when you split up. If

it were me, I would never be able to allow it,” Neil said, his gaze holding mine as though hinting at something. “Irene, you know me. I can’t stand the thought of my child being taken away.”

A chill ran down my spine. Seeing the way Neil looked at me while uttering those words, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he might know something and was subtly trying to warn

I tried to maintain my composure and nodded, “Yeah, I get it. But Russel is not you.”

“He should be the same in this regard. We’ve been friends for years. I’m absolutely sure.” Neil’s smile faded, his tone becoming more serious.

Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 511

Chapter 511

“Sure, I’ll let you know as soon as I have any news.” I replied casually.

Until the day Dylan revealed his secret with Karina, I wouldn’t disclose her whereabouts to him, unless he found out on his own, which would be beyond my control.

After ending the call, Stella asked, “Is your friend trying to find a doctor?”

I nodded my head, pondered for a while, and decided to spill the beans about Karina and Dylan. After hearing the whole story, Stella shared my intuition that something fishy was going on between Dylan and Karina, and it wasn’t something small.

“Yeah, that’s why I want to figure out what’s going on. Karina has been relentlessly plotting against me, and I can’t just sit and do nothing.” I responded.

“Absolutely!” Stella agreed with my approach, “She’s cunning and even more manipulative than that Bonnie Bitch we knew. We need to be prepared.”

As I glanced outside, darkness had fallen again. I realized I had been back in Rosemont for a week now. Time flied.

Only here did I feel a sense of belonging. The environment and the cultural vibe made me feel comfortable. I secretly made up my mind that if I could clear things up with Neil and Russel and avoid any future entanglements, I would return and live in Rosemont for the rest of my life.

After all, my best friends were here.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The housekeeper went to answer it, but she didn’t recognize the visitor and came back to inform Stella.

Before the housekeeper could finish her sentence, I saw a shadow darting in. It was literally darting, for it was as fast as a dog. But it wasn’t an actual dog; it was Mitch.

He looked disheveled with unshaved chin and red eyes, looking like he hadn’t slept or cared for himself for days. He seemed to emanate an aura of resentment.

Seeing Mitch, Stella practically jumped, and without a second thought, picked up a toy from the floor and threw it at him, “Who let you in? Get out!”

“Stella, you’re being unreasonable!” Mitch pointed angrily at Stella, “How could you dress like that and go to the bar? And leave the kids at home, huh?”

I was stunned. How did Mitch know about this?

Was it Neil who told him?

“I have three babysitters here and I don’t hire for nothing! And we’re divorced, what I wear to the bar is my business, not yours!” Stella retorted, “This is my house! Leave now, or I’ll call the police!”.

Mitch, inflamed by Stella’s defiance, stormed over to the mat. After identifying his three children, he attempted to carry them all at once. Stella tried to stop him, “What are you doing? Are you here to snatch the kids?”

“I haven’t seen them for a long time! They’re my children too! Stella, don’t be a shrew!” Mitch stared at Stella, mustering the courage to retort.

“I don’t care, I have their custody now, my word is the law!” Stella grabbed the children from Mitch’s arms, but the older two recognized their dad and insisted on being held by him.

The situation escalated, and the children might be frightened if it kept going on. I stepped in, trying to end their quarrel, “That’s enough. Please calm down and talk. The kids can easily be scared!”

Stella looked down at the children in her arms. They were indeed frightened. She softened her tone and summoned the babysitters, who took the children to the playroom. Only the three of us adults remained.

Mitch looked exhausted, with prominent dark marks under his eyes. I asked, “Aren’t you busy in Eldoria? How could you find time to come back?”

“Huh, if it weren’t for Russel’s message, I wouldn’t have known you two left the kids to go to a bar dressing like that. Unbelievable!” Mitch was clearly angry discussing it.

To my surprise, it wasn’t Neil but Russel who had leaked the information. How could he… “Why the hell did Russel tell you all this?” Stella was also furious.

“What did he say wrong? And you, Irene, your kid had gastroenteritis, and you went to a bar?” Mitch suddenly turned his anger towards me.

I found it amusing, “I went to the bar first. Then my kid got sick, and I rushed to the hospital. Did you think I’d go out when my child is sick?”

“Divorced women sure are bold, Irene. Don’t you have anyone to answer to?”

I realized today just how chauvinistic Mitch was.

I scoffed, “Answer to whom? I haven’t broken any laws.”

“Exactly, Rena. Let’s not waste our breath on him. Mitch, if you don’t leave now, I really will get violent!” Stella had had enough. She got up to fetch a broom, a handy tool for chasing people away.

Mitch adopted a desperate stance, “Go ahead and kill me. I won’t leave without a satisfactory answer today!”

Stella laughed sarcastically, “Oh? What answer do you want?”

“You give me a promise, in writing, that you won’t dress like that and go to the bar


and you can’t abandon the kids!” Mitch boldly voiced his demands.

He was practically asking for trouble.

As expected, the moment he finished speaking, a cup flew towards him. Stella was livid; she pointed at Mitch and yelled, “Who are you to criticize me? When did I ever neglect my kids? Mitch, remember, we divorced because you were flirting with a vixen, not because ! wronged you. Didn’t you think of our children then?”

Though Mitch avoided the flying cup, he couldn’t avoid Stella’s verbal lashing. His face turned pale, probably reminded of his foolish actions in the past.

Men, sometimes they can be such conceited beings that nobody could communicate with.

Even if Stella was about to take a swing at Mitch with a baseball bat, I wouldn’t lift a finger to stop her.

“I messed up, okay? Wasn’t that being why I let you have all the kids?” Mitch said, his voice much softer than before, not daring to look Stella in the eye.

“So get out!” Stella barked, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and hurling it in Mitch’s direction with all her might.

Mitch dodged it again, but the pillow hit Neil square in the chest as he walked in. He caught it reflexively and then frowned at us all.

Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 510

Chapter 510

After hearing Stella’s words, a sense of urgency and concern flashed across Russel’s eyes, tinged with a hint of reproach. He questioned me, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“Weren’t you with Karina at that time?” I retorted.

Russel seemed to be taken aback by my response and just stared at me in silence.

Stella defended me, “Don’t look at Rena like that. I used to encourage her to accept you, thinking you were a decent and loyal man, not like Neil. But it seems I was wrong. Birds of a feather flock together, huh? How could clear water spring from a mire?”

Russel’s face darkened at her harsh words. Luckily, we were alone, so there was no one else to witness his humiliation.

“I had something important to deal with last night,” Russel started, pausing to glance at Stella. His gaze was slightly hesitant, but then he regained his composure and asked, “Since you knew Karina was here, did you tell Neil?”

“Why would I tell Neil? It’s their business, not mine.” I replied nonchalantly.

“Alright, I understand.” Russel contemplated for a moment before turning towards the front door. “Is Serena in there too? I’d like to see her.”

Stella looked at me questioningly, but I subtly shook my head, not wanting her to stop Russel.

Russel’s affection for the kids was genuine, untainted by any pretense. I wasn’t heartless enough to keep him away from them.

Still, I felt compelled to say, “Please wait here for a minute. I’ll bring Serena out.’

Russel halted in his tracks.

I went inside to get Serena, who was doing better today, though she seemed less lively and energetic than usual.

Russel’s face softened as soon as he saw Serena. He took her from me and gently rocked her in his arms.

“Serena, do you remember Daddy?” He asked softly.

Hearing the word “Daddy” stung a little. For the past six months, everyone saw Russel as Serena and Brandon’s father. He often referred to himself as such, especially in public.

It must have become a habit by now, hence his slip of the tongue.

Stella didn’t seem to notice anything amiss. She was just frowning at the scene, probably comparing Russel’s actions to Mitch’s.



Chapter 510

Serena seemed to enjoy being in Russel’s arms, occasionally laughing and reaching out to grab his shirt.

I didn’t interrupt them and let them have their moment. But then Russel’s phone rang, forcing him to take the call.

I took Serena from him and glanced at his phone. It was Karina calling.

Karina sure was bold, taking risks as she always did. If Neil and Faith found out she was in Rosemont, and that she might have had a hand in Russel’s dealings with Whitmore Co., she could kiss her chances of marrying Neil goodbye.

“Please go ahead. I’m going home with Stella.” I told Russel dismissively. He had changed too much, and I wasn’t interested in prying into his business with Karina.

“Alright, and I’ll explain everything later.” Russel replied, sounding a bit impatient.

I didn’t need his explanation, but I kept that to myself. I carried Serena and left with Stella. As we stepped inside, Stella closed the door tightly behind us.

Stella spoke up once Russel’s car had driven away, “Rena, you really don’t plan on getting back together with Russel, do you? It seems like you’re rather indifferent towards him.

“Really?” I was a bit surprised. I didn’t think I was being cold; I was just keeping a safe distance to avoid any unnecessary complications.

“Definitely. It feels like there’s nothing left between you two.” Stella sighed, “It’s a pity for the kids. He’s a good father, I could tell. I noticed it back in Eldoria. I guess all men are the same – incapable of being a good husband but can be good fathers.”

But Russel wasn’t even the father of my children. I thought to myself guiltily.

Feeling more guilty, I decided to stay at Stella’s place for another day. I was planning to go back to Bailey’s, but she pointed out that it wouldn’t be convenient for him as a married man, especially since his wife Hannah was pregnant. So I’d better stay here with her, who was living alone with a handful of hired help and no husband or in-laws to worry about, until I decided to return to Eldoria.

I accepted her suggestion. Now the complications between Russel and Neil were temporarily settled, but not completely. Plus, Dylan had showed up. I had to remain at Rosemont to make clear of what it was between him and Karina.

It was indeed enjoyable staying with Stella. Apart from taking care of the kids, it felt like being single again. Barbara and Alicia would occasionally drop by for a meal and some girl talk.

After Alicia’s falling out with Sean last time, she declared she wouldn’t waste any more time on him. She was determined to focus on her career instead of a man.

I found it hard to believe.



“Rena, your phone is ringing. Who’s this Dylan? Stella asked as she handed me my phone when I was playing with the kids.

“Just a friend.” I took the phone and answered the call, keeping my reply as simple as possible.

I hadn’t been in touch with Dylan for a few days and it was clear he was growing anxious. He thought I’d forgotten about the promise I’d made to him and so, he rang me up and pressed about it. I tried to soothe him, “Dylan, take a deep breath, alright? I’m on the lookout for her as well. You know she’s got these amazing medical skills and a lot of people are after her expertise. Tracking her down isn’t as easy as picking up a phone. It takes time and effort. You can also try reaching out to her from your end as well.”

“I can’t, Ms. Finch,” Dylan blurted out. “She’s deliberately avoiding me!”

At this point, I was certain there was something more to Dylan and Karina’s relationship and it wasn’t anything pleasant.”

I decided to probe a bit more. “Why would she be avoiding you? Is it because your condition is serious and she can’t treat it, so she doesn’t want to waste your time and money?”

“No, no, no, it’s not like that. Anyway, I’m hoping to hear from you soon. Please let me know the moment you find something, okay?” Dylan didn’t want to discuss his relationship with Karina any further. He just repeatedly impressed upon me his urgency.


Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 509

Chapter 509

Neil and I wandered around the hospital, and we returned to the nurse’s station when time rolled around for Serena’s medication to be changed,

After a couple of hours of bustling around, we finally got her IV removed, and it was time for us to head home for some much-needed rest.

Neil drove me to Stella’s place. I thanked him after I got out of the car with Serena. “I appreciate your help tonight.”

“Please get some rest.” Neil merely advised before driving off.

It was already after four in the morning. After settling Serena down to sleep, I went to remove my makeup and take a shower. Tonight had been incredibly exhausting, and I was asleep almost the moment my head hit the pillow. Thankfully, the nanny at Stella’s house was fantastic, allowing me to sleep in without being disturbed by the kids.

Upon waking up, I noticed a lengthy text message from Neil, filled with advice on how to care for a child with diarrhea. I was a bit dazed, wondering if I was still dreaming.

My phone rang, jolting me from my confusion. The name “Russel” on the screen immediately sobered me up.

“Are you home yet?” Russel’s voice was icy as it came through the phone.

“Hmm, what happened?” I sat up, glancing around. My voice was slightly hoarse, likely due to last night’s drinks.

“Nothing. Just got caught up with some urgent matters last night and couldn’t see you and Stella home. I was a bit worried.” Russel replied, then asked, “Are you at Stella’s place?”

I didn’t deny it, “Hmm, what’s up?”

“Please come out. I’m waiting for you at the front.” Russel hung up before I could reply. I was taken aback. How did he know Stella was living here? And how come he was already waiting for me at the door?

I quickly freshened up and dressed. Stella was in the living room playing with the children on a mat. “Rena, are you hungry? Lunch will be ready soon!” She asked when she saw me. “I’ll just slep out for a bit. Be right back.” I replied hastily not wanting Stella to know Russel was waiting outside.

The day was overcast, not a hint of sunlight could be seen. Russel was leaning against the wall and waiting for me.

I wasn’t sure why Russel was here, but I felt an inexplicable pressure, making each step



Chapter 509

towards him feel heavier than the last.

Upon seeing me, his stern expression softened a bit. But his brow was still furrowed, hinting at his underlying discontent.

“When did you get home last night?” Russel seemed particularly concerned about my departure from the bar last night, his tone unusually stern.

“Four in the morning,” I replied.

“Four in the morning?” Russel’s face darkened at my answer, a clear sign of anger flashing in his eyes.

I nodded, intending to explain, but Russel cut me off, “Why so late? Were you with Neil?”

I indeed was with Neil, but there was a reason for it.

“Russel, please, let’s not talk about this. I know you’ve stopped fighting with Whitmore Co. I appreciate that.” I avoided his question and deflected the subject.

Russel’s brows furrowed further, “First, you will answer my question. Were you with Neil till four in the morning?”

I didn’t like the feeling of being interrogated and doubted, so I just nodded in response.

Russel’s eyes darkened, and he seemed to be repressing his emotions. He took a deep breath, struggling to control his anger.

He kept staring at me, sending chills down my spine.

“Am I not doing enough?” He eventually muttered, his words cold and laced with accusation, “What do I need to do for you to think I’m better than him?”

“Russel, you’re overthinking. Neil and I can never be together again. You’ve never been worse than Neil in my heart, and I sometimes think you’re a good person. It’s just my bad luck that I fell for Neil first, and after breaking up with him, I’ve lost the ability to fall in love again. I’ve rejected you many times, but you refuse to give up. You’re driving yourself crazy; do you know that?” My emotions got the best of me, and I spoke rapidly.

“I just want you to stay by my side, even if you don’t love me!” Russel seemed a bit out of control. It was part of him I rarely saw. His hands gripped my shoulders tightly, which scared me.

I was startled by his intensity and struggled to break free.

“Russel, calm down!” I couldn’t help but shout.

Russel didn’t let go of me. Instead, Stella, hearing my shout, rushed out holding a broom.

Seeing Russel, she stormed over and brought the broom down on his arm.

The blow on his arm caused him to release me, and he seemed to have regained some


Chapter 509


“What are you doing, Russel? Harassing someone in broad daylight? How did I never know that you were such a scoundrel? Rena, call the police. Did he try to assault you?” Stella stood protectively in front of me, pointing at Russel and cursing.

Russel didn’t say anything but just stared coldly at Stella.

My shoulder was throbbing, but it wasn’t bad enough to call the police, and besides, Russel hadn’t tried to assault me.

“Stella, it’s okay. We just had a disagreement.” I reassured Stella.

“Is he here to take the kids?” Stella speculated, still under the impression that Russel was Serena and Brandon’s father. For her, since I no longer wanted to be with Russel, he was here to take them.

I laughed at her assumption, “No, don’t worry.”

“That’s good.” Stella suddenly adopted a disappointed tone as she addressed to Russel, “Russel, you’re the children’s father. How could you disappear when they needed you? Oh, and with that Karina. What is wrong with both you and Neil? You both like to mingle with women like her.”

Russel’s expression changed, “What happened to the kids?”

“You don’t even know?” Stella questioned. Her eyebrows were knitted in confusion as she turned to look at me. She couldn’t fathom why I hadn’t informed Russel. After all, he was the father of the child.

“I’m clueless. What happened to the kids?” Russel, who genuinely treasured the two kids as if they were his own, turned towards me. He was puzzled as to why I hadn’t shared the news with him.

Stella blurted out, “Serena had a severe case of gastroenteritis last night. She was vomiting and having diarrhea, and had to be rushed to the ER. Neil was there with Rena and the child, but where were you? Hooking up with Karina?”

Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 506-508

Chapter 506

The words had barely left Russel’s lips when Neil shot him a frosty look.

Must be the whiskey playing tricks on me, I thought and rubbed my eyes. But when I looked again, the two men were still there, and their expressions were even more displeased than before.

Stella had already dashed off with a group of young men, and although the bar was bustling with people, I suddenly felt like I didn’t belong.

“I need to use the restroom,” I said, not knowing how else to escape the awkward situation.

“I’ll go with you.” Neil offered, standing to block my exit.

“No need,” I replied, pushing him back onto the couch. “Please have a drink, I’ll be back to explain things.”

But Russel stepped in my way. “Irene, what on earth are you wearing?”

Hooked down at my overly sexy top. It was a bit embarrassing. “Stella picked it out for me. I’ll explain later” I offered, trying to smile.

“I’m leaving soon. You will come with me.” Russel declared, grabbing my arm firmly.

“I can’t leave yet. Stella’s not back.” I protested, trying to break free. But Russel was stronger. I didn’t have a chance.

Seeing the struggle, Neil stood up and came over. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Russel. “Don’t touch her!” he scolded outrageously.

Russel’s already stern face turned frosty. “Don’t forget that I’m her husband.” he retorted.

“Why lie to yourself?” Neil asked coldly. “You know as well as I do that she’s never loved you. Not even having two kids together can change that. Didn’t Mitch and Stella separate despite having three kids?”

I didn’t want Neil to continue. His words were too hurtful. Russel didn’t say anything, but I knew every word was like a dagger to his heart.

“That’s enough!” I cut Neil off and turned to Russel. “Let’s go outside for a few words.”

Neil’s face darkened at my words, but he didn’t stop us this time. He just watched as

Russel and I left the bar.

Once outside, a jacket landed on my shoulders. “It’s cold at nights.” Russel stated. His

voice was cool.

It was indeed chilly. The jacket brought some warmth, and I began explaining, “I came here mainly to accompany Stella. You called when I was already dressed. It would be



Chapter 506

rude to ditch her.”

Just as I finished speaking, I saw Stella on the other side of the street. She looked furious and was gesturing animatedly at that group of guys.

I didn’t see Alicia and Sean, so I assumed they hadn’t managed to catch up.

Stella noticed us and strode over. “Russel, what are you doing here?” she asked with a hostile tone. She knew about my situation with Russel and wasn’t a fan of his.

She believed that Russel was a scheming man of calculations.

“Something came up.” Russel replied, glancing at Stella’s equally revealing outfit and frowning. “I’ll take you both home. Had enough to drink?”

“Of course not!” Stella retorted, “Go home yourself. Just don’t disturb me and Rena. Bye!”

She grabbed my hand, intending to return to the bar. But two men stepped forward and blocked our path. They were obviously Russel’s crew.

“What do you want, Russel?” I asked, taken aback.

“It’s late. Let me take you home.” Russel repeated. He seemed adamant about not letting me go back inside and run into Neil.

“We don’t need your help, don’t you understand?” Stella was getting annoyed. “Rena, let’s


But without Russel’s command, the two men stood firm like robots and wouldn’t let us pass. I felt a surge of anger. I had been kind enough to have already explained the situation to Russel while drunk, but now he was infringing on my personal freedom.

“Russel, tell them to get out of our way!” I demanded.

Russel didn’t respond, and in my frustration, I shoved past the two men. One of them reflexively tried to retaliate, but Russel quickly reprimanded him. “When had I granted you to fight back? Get lost!”

The two men retrieved a bit, and we took the opportunity to leave. If Russel tried to stop me again, I was sure I’d start an argument.

“Rena, look behind you!” Stella suddenly tugged on my hand, whispering urgently.

I turned and my eyebrows knitted together.

A cobalt-blue car pulled up next to Russel. The back window was half-open, revealing Karina’s face. She saw me and quickly averted her gaze. The window rolled up a second later.

Karina probably didn’t know Neil was here. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have the guts to show



Chapter 506

Russel started walking towards the car. When he glanced back at me, I quickly turned away and picked up the pace.

“I thought Karina was in Eldoria. What’s she doing here?” Stella asked, puzzled.

“I’m not sure. But promise me you won’t tell Neil.” I urged.

“Why not?” Stella was even more confused.

“I’ll explain when we get back,” I promised. Now was not the time.

Stella nodded, then she started talking about Alicia. Apparently, she’d been scolding the guys for failing to keep Sean from leaving.

She berated them for their lack of chivalry, then started worrying about Alicia’s situation, concerned that Sean, in his anger, might do something to hurt Alicia.

Midway through her rant, Stella suddenly fell silent. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Neil, who was sitting in our spot.

It seemed to me that she should be worrying about me first.

Neil, noticing our return, put down his glass of beer. I’d suggested he have a drink here, but I hadn’t expected him to take me seriously.

“No way, why is he here again?” Stella was on the verge of exploding with a million questions. She pointed at Neil and exclaimed, “Don’t tell me he came with Russel!”

Chapter 507


Neil certainly didn’t arrive with Russel, but they made their grand entrance together.

I find it challenging to explain this uncanny connection to Stella.

“They didn’t come together.” I simply clarified.

“Alright, he hasn’t spotted us yet. You should get out now. I’ll grab my purse, and we’ll head straight home.” Stella suggested.

I turned and walked a good distance away, waiting for Stella to reappear with her bag. After a few moments passed, I began to worry and decided to look for her.

Just as I suspected, Neil grabbed the opportunity to keep Stella occupied, because I just went out with Russel and didn’t return. At this point, Stella was rolling her eyes in


Neil was holding her petite, fashionable handbag. Upon seeing me return, she sarcastically remarked, “If this wasn’t a limited edition, I’d have dumped it by now!”

“Go.” Neil tossed the bag at Stella, uttering the single word with disdain. His intention was clearly to have me come find Stella.

Stella caught her bag but didn’t move. “I’m not leaving. Whatever you have to say to her, say it in front of me.”

Neil looked at the immovable Stella speechlessly.

“What I’m curious about, Neil, is what could you possibly have to say to Rena?” Stella sat and crossed her legs, looking utterly relaxed. She ‘hmphed’ before continuing, “Let me hear it. I’ll analyze it for you.”

Neil, of course, had no interest in wasting words on Stella. He stood up, walked over and grabbed my hand, intending to lead me away.

I pulled my hand away from Neil and stated coldly, “Stella is right. Whatever you have to say, say it here. There’s no need for private discussion.”

Just then, Stella’s phone rang. She quickly retreated to a quieter area to take the call. I was

left to face off with Neil.

Within a matter of minutes, neither Neil nor I had spoken a word. Then, Stella returned looking quite anxious. “Rena, we need to hurry back. Your child isn’t feeling well!”

Upon hearing this, my mind went into overdrive. “What’s wrong?”

“Our nanny called, saying Serena just started vomiting suddenly. It’s quite severe, as she’s also having a diarrhea. I asked the nanny to take Serena to the hospital. We should head there directly!” Stella grabbed my hand, rushing us out the door.



Chapter 507

I was panicked, regretting having gone out tonight. If I were by my child’s side, I would’ve noticed her discomfort immediately.

This area was busy and the night life had just kicked off, so it was difficult to hail a cab. Stella and I had both had drinks earlier and hadn’t driven here. As we stood on the

sideline, desperately trying to hail a cab, it felt as though the universe was playing a cruel joke on us.

That was until Neil’s car pulled up in front of us. Without waiting for him to offer, I climbed into the passenger seat, with Stella following suit in the back.

“Could you drop me at the hospital?” I asked Neil.

“Sure.” Neil didn’t waste any time. Stella gave him the hospital address and we sped off into the night.

Fifteen minutes later, I burst into the pediatric emergency room of the hospital. Our nanny was there, holding my daughter, Serena. The doctor had examined her, suspected a gastrointestinal infection as the cause of the vomiting and diarrhea, and recommended

IV fluids.

I took Serena from the nanny. Her usually rosy cheeks were pale, and she looked exhausted. She looked at me with such a pitiful expression that my heart ached.

Just then, the nurse called us over. “Serena needs an injection!”

I quickly carried Serena over.

“We need another person to hold the baby’s legs. We’re afraid she’ll squirm. We need to draw some blood from her neck.” The nurse waved Neil over, “You handsome guy, you’re with them, right? Are you the child’s father?”

Serena did bear some resemblance to Neil, although not as strikingly as she did to Brandon. The nurse mistaking Neil for my child’s father was understandable.

Neil paused. He didn’t deny it, but simply complied with the nurse’s request and firmly held Serena’s legs.

My little girl, only a few months old, didn’t have much strength. But her veins were delicate, and her skin was sensitive, so we had to be careful.

Neil held Serena’s legs firmly. Serena sensed it and began to cry loudly. Her heart-wrenching cries made my eyes well up with tears.

The nurse tried to insert the needle into her head but failed twice due to the dim light and her tiny veins. Serena’s cries weakened with her strength.

I wanted to blame the nurse but forced myself to remain calm so as not to make her more nervous. That would only make things worse for Serena.

“Can’t you get someone else to do it if you can’t?!” Neil suddenly snapped, livid. “She’s only



Chapter 507

six months old! How many times do you plan to poke her head? Get someone else!”

Neil’s stern face frightened the nurse, who didn’t dare to argue and quickly ran out to fetch someone else.

Seeing Serena’s shaved head with spots of blood felt like a stab to my own heart.

She didn’t have the strength to cry anymore and just whimpered. I held her and tried to soothe her. But she kept looking at Neil. Her teary eyes were heart-breaking.

“I’ll hold her.” Neil suddenly offered.

He took Serena from me before I could respond. He held her gently and carefully, with one hand supporting her bottom and the other protecting her waist. She looked like a cute, cuddly doll against his shoulder.

Stella, watching from the side, was speechless and simply stared in awe as Neil comforted the baby.

Neil walked out to the waiting area with Serena to get some fresh air. Stella came over and asked, “Was Neil this good with your kids back in Eldoria too?”

“How could it be!” I shook my head, “He just lent me a hand now and then. Serena and Brandon seemed to take a liking to him too. I had no clue why.”

Stella was oblivious to the fact that Neil was the biological father of my kids. I once thought about faking it until I made it, so I never told a soul about it.

Stella watched Neil pacing back and forth from a distance with bewilderment on her face. “Really? Is it some sort of genetic inheritance?”

“Genetic inheritance? Don’t talk nonsense!” I am a bit taken aback.

“Well, it’s true, isn’t it? You fell head over heels for Neil the moment you saw him. You’re just into his type. So, it’s not surprising that your kids like him too. Aren’t they just following their mom’s footsteps?” Stella explains earnestly.

Chapter 508


Hearing Stella’s explanation, I finally heaved a sigh of relief, albeit secretly.

This chatterbox definitely couldn’t be let in on the real deal. She just couldn’t keep a


“Could be. I mean, I’m a sucker for a good looker, and guess they are too.” I casually

chimed in.

Just then, a different nurse arrived. She was a bit older and probably more experienced. She asked me where my child was, and Neil’s voice echoed from a nearby distance, “Over


Serena was nestled cozily in his arms, occasionally gazing up at him with a lively smile. The sight was rather heartwarming, reminiscent of a father-daughter bond.

Stella’s eyes were darting around. Her biggest hobby had been gossiping. If something felt off, she just had to stick her nose in it.

“Maybe the mother should be holding her.” the nurse suggested to Neil, “Moms usually have a better touch.”

I reached out to take Serena from Neil’s arms. As the nurse was instructing me on how to hold her for the injection, Neil suddenly voiced his concern, “Will this be a one-shot deal?”

The nurse hesitated for a second. The marks from the previous jab were still evident on Serena’s forehead. She appeared somewhat embarrassed, “The previous nurse was a bit jittery due to lack of experience. I can assure you that I’ll get it right the first time.”

Neil’s stern look softened a bit upon hearing this. He seemed even more concerned for Serena than I was, though I had no proof of this.

This time, thankfully, the procedure was successful. Serena let out a small cry, but at least the IV was now in place. I carried her to the IV room, which was deserted at this late hour. There were only me, Serena, Stella, and Neil.

Brandon was still at Stella’s place, who herself was a mother of three. I suggested that she should head back first, “Stella, why don’t you head back home? I’ll take a cab once

Serena’s done with her fluids.”

“Why taking a cab?” Stella’s gaze landed on Neil as she retorted, “Isn’t there a ready-made driver right here?*

Neil was engrossed in his phone, seemingly replying to some messages. At Stella’s

words, he lifted his gaze, neither agreeing nor refusing outright

Stella inquired, “Neil, are you in a hurry to get back?”

“No.” Neil replied

“Great, then could you please see this good deed through and drop Rena and the kid at my place later?” Stella sfood up with her bag slung over her shoulder, ready to leave.

“Uh-huh,” Neil responded curtly, without uttering a single unnecessary word. He and Stella always seemed to clash, Conversation was always limited between them.

I was worried that it was dangerous and inconvenient for Stella to head back alone, as she would need a cab or someone else to pick her up. So, I mustered up the courage to ask Neil if he could drop her off first.

To my surprise, Stella instantly declined, “No need. I don’t get along with this guy. I fear it might bring bad luck if I ride in his car!”

Neil’s expression darkened as he retorted coldly, “Good. I wasn’t planning on offering a ride anyway.”

“Hmph,” Stella grunted before hastily exiting, leaving just Neil, Serena, and me in the IV


I was feeling quite tired, and the alcohol was making my head swim slightly. But I had to hold Serena, so I struggled to keep my eyes open.

The false eyelashes Stella had applied were too dense and were starting to loosen, obstructing my vision. The discomfort forced me to blink incessantly.

“You’ve got a twitch in your eye?” Neil noticed my strange behavior and asked bluntly.

“No!” I quickly lifted my gaze to look at Neil, causing the right eyelash to dislodge partially, leaving only a bit of glue stuck to my eyeliner.

There was an awkward pause. Neil, seated quite close to me and without any vision impairment, had a clear view of the false eyelash dangling from my eye.

He extended his hand, gently pinching the false eyelash, and pulled it off in one swift


“These things don’t suit you,” Neil tossed the false eyelash into the trash can before commenting on my make-up, “Your style is different from Stella’s, no need to force yourself into this spicy, seductive look.”

His words made me feel a bit awkward. Indeed, the look didn’t suit me. But Stella wanted

me to try it out, and I didn’t refuse.

But what did he have to do with it?

With that thought, my embarrassment evaporated, and I responded nonchalantly, “I don’t see how it’s any of your business”

“True, it’s not.” Neil’s words were barely out when his hand deftly yanked off the other false eyelash. The sudden pain caught me off guard, making me gasp.


I would have let out a string of expletives if I wasn’t worried about waking Serena.

Biting back my anger, I questioned him, “Neil, are you out of your mind? Couldn’t you have given a heads up before ripping it off?”

At my words, Serena woke up and started crying. It seemed she was uncomfortable. I smelled a whiff and immediately realized she might have got a diarrhea again.

In such a situation, it would be impossible for me to handle it alone. I needed someone to hold Serena to prevent the needle from dislodging.

Seeing my predicament, Neil reached out to take Serena from me, even before I had a chance to ask. The nanny had packed some diapers and wipes, making things a bit easier. As I bent over to change Serena’s diaper, I reminded Neil without lifting my head, “It’s a bit stinky. Bear with it.”

“Mm-hmm,” Neil responded simply.

I thought he would be repulsed. After all, in his mind, this was not his child.

Yet, throughout the process, Neil didn’t so much as wrinkle his brow or turn away to avoid the smell. Instead, he kept his gaze fixed on my hands and finally commented, “You seem quite adept at this.”

“Duh, if I can’t change a diaper after half a year, do I even qualify as a parent?” I responded matter-of-factly.

“I don’t know how to do these things.” Neil suddenly blurted out.

“It’s fine if you don’t. Hiram’s grown up now. He doesn’t need you to change his diapers.” 1 replied, finding his statement rather strange.

But Neil didn’t seem too pleased with my response. He retorted, “It’s not too hard to learn.” I couldn’t fathom why he wanted to learn to change diapers.

But I didn’t have the energy to guess. Serena had her diaper changed, but she still seemed

uncomfortable. I needed to hold her and walk around a bit to distract her.

“I’ll grab the IV stand.” Neil, seemingly aware of my intentions, took the stand on which drip bag was hanged. “Let’s carry her around a bit. It might make her feel better.”

I gave him a silent glance, said nothing, and began to walk around. I cradled the child in my arms, and she seemed to relax a bit as soon as I started moving. She occasionally looked around, her eyes filled with curiosity about everything in sight.

Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 504-505

Chapter 504

As I picked up the small ball from the ground, Stella had finished gathering the rest. Not forgetting to shoot a glare at Neil, she grumbled, “Don’t help Mitch bring stuff over here again. Next time I see you, I won’t even open the door!”

Neil retorted coldly, “You think I want to do this? Even if you and Mitch got divorced, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s your kids’ father. You refuse his calls, his messages, and even the stuff he buys for the kid. Do you think you’re blameless?”

“Why are you blaming me? Blame Mitch for making me sick. If he hadn’t, we wouldn’t have divorced.” Stella was defiant, never one to back down in front of Neil.

Neil frowned at the mention of Mitch’s stupidity. Before he could reply, Stella, in a sudden outburst, questioned, “Do you think I’m like Rena? Do you think I could tolerate as much as she does?”

I was exasperated. This woman and her quick tongue was a habit she’d never ditch.

Neil’s face darkened, his gaze falling on me. I was just an innocent bystander in this. I had nothing to do with their quarrel.

With an irritated look, I signaled Stella. Realizing her mistake, she looked a bit embarrassed. “I just think you men always assume that people will forgive your mistakes. It’s frustrating. Not everyone has the patience to deal with it!”

“You’re you, she’s she. Don’t lump them together.” Neil replied, clearly annoyed.

“Alright, Stella, let’s go inside.” I didn’t want Stella to drag me into their argument anymore, so I tried to usher her inside.

Stella, carrying a pile of bags, walked towards me. I took a few bags from her, and a thought suddenly struck me. Neil was here to deliver stuff anyway. Why didn’t he just give the music box to Stella’s kids? He should hate Serena and Brandon, right?

His behavior was indeed strange. Initially, I assumed it was just a gift from a client that wasn’t suitable for Hiram, and so he gave it to me. But given the current situation, it seemed unlikely.

When our eyes met, Neil didn’t look away, he was surprisingly calm.

“Why are you still looking at him?” Stella noticed me looking back and quickly reminded me in a low voice. “Stop looking. He’s a jerk.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment. I didn’t need her reminding me, I was well aware of that. I wasn’t looking back because I missed him or anything, I was just puzzled by what happened last night.

Barbara and Alicia were surprised when they saw us carrying so many bags. “What’s all




“Some so-called love for the kids from a certain someone.” Stella replied grumpily.

I explained. “Mitch sent some stuff over for the kids.”

“Really, some men… Barbara sighed in frustration. “Isn’t the best way for a man to love his kids is to love their mother? Why can’t they get this simple thing?”

We all exchanged glances, sharing the same question.

The gathering didn’t end until late in the evening. I hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time. It felt great to chat and have a drink with good friends, especially here in my childhood hometown of Rosemont. To be a bit cheesy, I even felt the air here tasted sweeter.

Berbere and Alicia had already left. Stella insisted on having me stay over at her place. I had been drinking and had two kids with me, calling Bailey to pick us up would be inconvenient

Then, with a mischievous grin, she said, ‘Stay a couple more days. I’ll take you to meet some hot guys!”

I stared at her in shock. She was already onto new guys this soon after the divorce? I bet Mitch was regretting his actions in Eldoria, cursing himself every night. But here was Stelle, already thinking about meeting new guys?

For a moment, I wasnt sure whether to feel relieved or impressed. But one thing was certain, Stella was a true role model.

“I didn’t hire all these babysitters just to keep the house lively. I need to have some fun too!” Stella defended herself, seeing my surprised expression.

“I get it. I’m just really impressed by you.” I patted Stella’s shoulder admiringly. “Looks like I didn’t need to worry about you moving on.”

Stella burst into laughter. “With all the delicious food, fun activities, and handsome men in the world, why should I give up such great life for a man who didn’t treat me right?”

Makes sense. This was Stella’s philosophy all along.

When I was still chasing after Neil, she used this philosophy to persuade me to let go of him and consider other men. Now, it was clear that not only did she have a carefree attitude, but she also put it into practice.

‘Sounds like a plan. I’ll learn from you!” I agreed.

“You always agree with me but never act on it. Rena, you disappoint me!” Stella sighed dramatically. “You’re too easygoing. That’s why Neil took advantage of you.”

I didn’t say anything. She was right. I only managed to divorce Neil because I got a second chance at life. In my previous life, I would have stubbornly stuck with him till the end.

I never told anyone about my second chance at life. Not just because I was afraid of being


Chapter 504

treated like a freak, but also because I didn’t want Stella and the others to mock me for my stupidity in my previous life.

“How about we go out and have some fun tonight?” Stella suggested, winking at me. “I shouldn’t have let Ali go home. She could have joined us, so she can forget about that damn Sean. But Barbara is happy with her family, I don’t want to get beaten up by Silas.”

“Not tonight. It’s already late, and I have to take care of the kids.” I checked the time and declined.

“What? Trust me, tonight is perfect. Remember Cielo Nocturno? We haven’t been there in a while. A salesperson messaged me a few days ago, they’ve got a new batch of handsome drink companions, all long-legged hunks!” Stella’s eyes gleamed as she spoke, sounding like a kid in a candy store.

Before I could even respond, she had already dragged me into the dressing room, insisting on giving me a complete makeover and taking me out to appreciate the dashing men of

our country.

The little ones were sound asleep, as if they were well aware of their bedtime routines. The nanny was taking care of bathing and diaper changes, so Stella wasn’t worried at all.

“Who’s calling you this late at night?” My phone rang just as she finished applying my makeup. Stella picked it up, glanced at the screen, and an awkward expression crossed her face, “It’s Russel, do you want to take this?”

I nodded, “Yes, hand it over, please.”

Chapter 505

After handing me the phone, Stella stepped out and left me and Russel to have a private chat.

“Where are you?” Russel cut straight to the chase, “Let’s meet up.”

“I’m at Stella’s place. It might not be a good time right now. How about tomorrow or the day after?” I didn’t refuse Russel. After all, he’d finally cooled off, which was a big help to me. I couldn’t just cut him off.

“Okay. Please send me the address. I’ll pick you up tomorrow afternoon. Are Serena and Brandon there?” Russel asked about the kids.

“Yes.” I answered simply.

Russel paused. He said nothing more and hung up.

I called Stella back in. Her surprise was palpable. “Seriously? You guys settled your complicated issue in just a couple of minutes? Are you communicating telepathically or something?”

“We’ll talk more when we meet tomorrow. I owe it to the effort you put into my makeup.” I gestured to the exaggerated fake eyelashes on my face. “Are you sure about this length? I’m afraid I might look like I’m fanning people every time I blink.”

Stella took a serious look and nodded, “It looks good. We’re going for a glamorous nightclub vibe.”

I was speechless, allowing Stella to continue applying her solid makeup skills on my face. It was almost eleven when we finished dolling up and changing into our outfits. Stella flicked her hair casually and said, “Perfect timing. Let’s get going!”

Looking at my heavily made-up reflection in the mirror, I had to admit that the style was indeed stunning. I rarely tried such a look, so it felt refreshing.

My doctor had advised me to take care of my emotions. Using that as an excuse, I agreed to go out and have some fun with Stella.

Before leaving, we checked on the kids who were already fast asleep.

“Let’s call a cab!” Stella only remembered that we’d had a few drinks and shouldn’t drive. She whipped out her phone to book a ride while I shivered slightly in the cool evening breeze. My fluffy white tube top was seasonally ambiguous and only kept me warm around the chest, while the rest of me looked almost primitive.

The ultra-mini skirt was even more outrageous, but it perfectly showcased my long legs. I didn’t know where Stella found these over-the-top outfits.


Stella wasn’t much better off, goosebumps visible on her arms, but she kept her


Once the cab arrived, we headed straight to Cielo Nocturno. Stella seemed familiar with the place. She might had frequently visited during her stay in Rosemont.

“What’s your preference these days? Cute boys or bad boys?” Stella asked thoughtfully.

“I’m just here to have a drink and listen to some music. You can do whatever you want.” I was not here to find a man, but rather to zone out in a lively atmosphere.

Stella wouldn’t have it. She was about to give me a pep talk when her phone lit up. After a glance at the caller ID, she looked at me and said, “It’s Ali.”

She took the call.

Three minutes later, she hung up looking bewildered. “She’s coming. And she asked why we didn’t invite her.”

“What?” I was shocked.

Was Alicia in the mood for a drink? She seemed very down this afternoon at Stella’s and barely had spoken.

“Let her come. The more the merrier. It’ll help her forget Sean.” Stella quickly cheered up, “It’s good that she’s doing this!”

Alicia arrived in no time. She seemed agitated. She grabbed a drink from our table as soon as she arrived.

“What’s up? Thirsty?” I asked.

After downing two drinks, Alicia finally sat down. She took a deep breath a came to see me again.”

“What?” Stella and I were taken aback. Wasn’t he abroad? He’s back?

Sean was of mixed blood. It was normal for him to visit here and there betwee

countries that he called home.

“I will not be shattered by him. I’m going to hang out with at least half a dozen me tonight. I don’t believe half a dozen of them can’t make me forget one!” Alicia decla perhaps due to the alcohol.

Even Stella couldn’t take it, “Two is enough. You can’t handle half a dozen.”

AlAlicia looked at Stella as if she were crazy, “Talk, not sex.”

ekexhaled and relieved. She’d given me a scare.


WWith our objectives aligned, Stella ordered a few drinks and invited some good-looking guguys to join us.


Chapter 505

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared before us, casting a gloomy aura. I looked up to see Sean’s forbidding face.

He was staring at Alicia, who was holding hands with one of the guys. His eyes were sharp as knives.

“How did he get here?” Stella pointed at Sean. Her tone was full of disdain.

“I don’t know.” Alicia shook her head. But she seemed unafraid, as she didn’t let go of the guy’s hand.

Sean ignored Stella and me, swiftly pulling Alicia’s hand away from the guy’s.

Alicia jerked away from Sean, “What the hell?”

“Come home with me.” Sean’s voice was cold and commanding. Without waiting for Alicia’s refusal, he hoisted her up and marched off, leaving Stella and me standing there like statues.

Stella was furious. She turned to the guys and declared, “Whoever brings my friend back gets a grand!”

Upon hearing this, the guys rushed after Stella. I was left standing, dazed for a moment before getting up to join them.

No sooner had my rear left the seat when the dazzling lights and festive colors around me seemed to dim a fraction, as if shrouded by some form of dark cloud. Casting a slight upward glance, there was Neil, standing in front of me like a specter, with a face stormier than Sean’s. “Having fun with all these pretty boys?” he sneered.

I was baffled. Had Neil seen me with Stella and the others all this while?

Before I could even respond to Neil, the figure of Russel materialized from nowhere, effectively blocking my path from both sides. His eyebrows knitted together in a stern frown. “Irene Finch,” he spat, “Is this why you had refused to see me?”


Reborn Reawakened Rekindled Chapter 503

Chapter 503

After playing with the kids for a while, I bathed them and got them ready for bed. After a moment of hesitation, I sent a message to Faith, telling her about Neil’s visit and his


Faith quickly replied: [I get it, he’s always been set in his ways.]

Indeed, there was nothing I could do about it.

Once I got it off my chest, I felt much more relaxed and quickly fell asleep.

Stella called while I was helping the kids get dressed. I put her on speaker and tossed my phone aside. Her voice was loud and clear, “Rena, you’re back in Rosemont. Let’s get the girls together; it’s been too long!”

“I barely have time with two kids to look after; how do you manage with three?” I asked, laughing.

“Come on, if you have the money, why worry about taking care of kids? My sister hired three nannies for me, one for each kid. They’re all great, I’ve checked. I can trust them!” Stella replied cheerfully, a far cry from the gloom that surrounded her divorce. She was back to her old, bubbly self.

True, but I couldn’t exactly go out to a gathering at the moment, my nanny was still in Eldoria.

Understanding my situation, Stella suggested we meet at her place. She said her nannies. could help look after my kids too, making the most of the resources!

Under her insistent urging, I agreed to go and we planned to meet in the afternoon.

After lunch, I mentioned my plans to Bailey and Hannah. Bailey said it would be inconvenient for me to travel with two kids, so he offered to drive me to Stella’s place. I nodded in agreement.

Stella was now living in a house under her name, with her three children, three nannies, and three housekeepers. She was living a comfortable life. When I arrived, Alicia and Barbara were already there.

The biggest surprise was Alicia. I hadn’t seen her in a long time, and she had lost a lot of weight. She looked as skinny as me, and there was a sickly look to her. She wasn’t as lively as before, and she kept frowning, as if she wasn’t in the best mood.

“How adorable!” She picked up Serena and a smile finally appeared on her face. She kissed Serena’s little cheek.

“I didn’t bring my kid, I left Silas at home to look after him, so I could come and have fun.” Barbara took Brandon from me, grinning from ear to ear.


na na

We all went from being single ladies to women with kids and family. When we got together, the conversation mostly revolved around our children, with other topics sprinkled in between.

“Rena, has Neil contacted you?” Stella suddenly asked.

“Yes, he’s come to see me twice.” I sighed. “It was mostly about Russel, but now that Russel is quiet, Neil won’t leave me alone.”

“Men can be so selfish, he still has feelings for you, but you must stay strong. Don’t fall for his sweet words!” Barbara advised me earnestly.

But Neil wasn’t one to use sweet words. He liked to manipulate and guilt people into doing what he wanted. I didn’t want to keep talking about Neil and Russel, so I changed the subject. Stella then turned her attention to Alicia.

Alicia was unusually silent and rarely contributed to the conversation. It felt like she had something on her mind.

My intuition told me it was still about Sean. For someone like Alicia, who never took relationships seriously, falling in love could be a deep and consuming experience.

“Ali, you and Sean need to end things. Stop torturing yourself.” Stella was always straightforward, and there were no secrets among us.

Alicia seemed stunned, then a bitter smile appeared on her face. “I want to end it, but every time I decide to, he comes back. I can’t bring myself to ignore him. Do you know what that feels like?”

We all knew what it felt like. Alicia was the only one among us who hadn’t been in a relationship before. We all knew what it felt like to be uncontrollably smitten with


So we didn’t mock or blame Alicia. Instead, we empathized. Sean, who we thought was a decent guy, turned out to be a jerk who liked playing with people’s feelings.

“But you even went abroad with him and got nothing out of it. You have to be strong. We’re not young girls anymore. Do you want to waste your time on a man who’s not worth it, like Rena did?” Stella thumped her chest. “Look at me, I divorced Mitch as soon as he cheated on me, and we have three kids!”

We admired Stella for that, but knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things. I added, “Let’s give her some time to get over him.”

Stella and Barbara exchanged a look and sighed.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Stella looked puzzled, “Who could that be?”

She got up to answer the door. I didn’t move, but soon I heard her voice, “What are you doing here?”


08:09 @

Chapter 503

Who was it? I was curious. Could it be Mitch? Impossible, he definitely couldn’t leave


I went to check and wished I hadn’t.

Neil was standing at the door with bags in his hands, looking rather grim. Stella clearly wasn’t welcoming him.

He looked surprised when he saw me, but quickly composed himself and said to Stella, “Mitch told me you returned all the stuff he sent for the kids. These are some clothes and toys he asked me to bring.”

“You knew I returned everything and you still brought more?” Stella retorted, indicating she wouldn’t accept what Neil brought either.

“That’s your problem.” Neil dropped the bags near the door and added, “If you don’t need it,

throw it in the trash.”

“Neil!” Stella looked angry as she saw the toys and clothes scattered on the floor. She instinctively bent down to pick them up.

Mitch was smart, he knew Neil would do his bidding and deliver the goods effectively.

Watching Stella stoop to pick something up, a satisfied grin spread across Neil’s face. Suddenly, a round ball rolled by, stopping at the entrance of the living room. Stella called out to me, “Rena, could you fetch that for me? What’s Mitch thinking, buying all these toys? Does he think I can’t afford to spoil our kids?”

Poor Mitch, he just wanted to show some love to the kids, but all he got was a scolding.

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