Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Hector Is Shot

The man was Blaed Herb!

She had already contacted a private investigator to look into all of Blaed’s crimes. The evidence was about to be delivered to her hands, and she was absolutely going to make him rot in jail.

But he had actually got out of detention before she could even get the judge to sentence him to prison? It seemed like he had someone powerful supporting him.

The rain continued pouring down, and thunder roared.

-Blaed gestured at them, and the dozens of men charged at them.

Hector shielded Harmonia and fought against them.

“Run, Monia!”

But Harmonia went forward to help with the fighting instead. With a side kick, she made a man who tried to ambush Hector stumble backward.

At that moment, Blaed took out a gun, aimed it at Harmonia, and gave them an evil grin.

Hector saw it. He quickly grabbed Harmonia’s hand and wrapped his arms around her to shield her.


The bullet went through Hector’s shoulder.

“Hector!” Harmonia cried out.

She steadied Hector as he stumbled in pain.

At that moment, one man swung his stick. Hector endured the pain in


his shoulder and tried to shield Harmonia from the attack. But Harmonia caught sight of it.

She grabbed the stick, punched the man’s face, and broke his nose in the process.

She then threw the stick at Blaed.

Blaed was about to fire the gun a second time, but when he saw the stick charging at him, he dodged instead of pulling the trigger. There was no time for him to do that!

Using that chance, Harmonia dragged Hector up the mountain.

There was only one path leading from the tea booth to the bungalow, and all tourists had to take this path if they wanted to go down the mountain. The path was smooth and had a streetlight set up once every few steps.

Considering the fact that Blaed had a gun, they would just be sitting ducks if they took this path.

They could only run into the forest at this point.

Harmonia kept calling the police for help, but the signal in the mountain was horrible. Every single call failed to get through.

“After them! I’ll give whoever kills them five hundred thousand

dollars” Blaed shouted and chased after Harmonia and Hector with


ey ran until their breaths were ragged, and each step they took felt ike they were dragging their feet through mud.

The rain grew heavier. The mountain path was bumpy and covered in nud. Every step they took could make them sink or trip!

Green Hill was just too big, and the terrain was complex. In fact, two- hirds of it had yet to be developed.


If they continued on like this, before Blaed caught them, they might just end up running into a wild animal first.

Besides, Hector was injured!

“Monia, just go. Forget about me.” Hector frowned as he cradled his injured shoulder. Blood continued gushing through his fingers. “Just listen to me and go!”

Hector kept urging her to leave.

Harmonia did not answer. Instead, she found a dense grove amid the pouring rain that could serve as their temporary shelter.

She brought Hector over to sit down, then immediately tore strips of fabric from her pants to wrap up his shoulder so that she could stop the bleeding.

But the bullet had sunk deep into his shoulder, and he needed surgery. Otherwise, he might suffer from complications later on.

“You’re right.” Harmonia looked at him. “One of us has to go. You’re hurt, so I can’t take you along.”

“That’s more like it.” Hector struggled to nod, but he approved of what Harmonia said.

Harmonia shoved her phone into Hector’s hands and whispered, “The signal co s and goes. Once you get a signal, you have to call for help

ust go. Take the mountain path down.” Hector was already weak at this point. He pushed Harmonia away.

Harmonia looked away. With no reluctance whatsoever, she left in a hurry.

Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Work Doesn’t Feel Tring if Men and Women Work Together

Hector could not understand it. Safan had always been a fair man, but things were different when it came to Harmonia.

“I didn’t ask her to do this. Isn’t it tiring and hard?”

Realization struck. “You pity Harmonia-”

“I didn’t say that!” Safan denied it and felt embarrassed.

But Hector did not expose him and just asked, “So, what did you want to tell me here?”

“I’ve booked plane tickets for you two. You’re leaving with Harmonial the next morning.”

“Monia’s not going to agree to that.”

“Then think of something! Why else do I need you for?!”

Hector fell silent.

After he left the study room, Hector went downstairs.

He saw Ginevra sitting alone in the living room and was looking outside anxiously.

He looked around and saw no sign of Harmonia.

“Where’s Monia?”

“She went to the tea booth. But it’s pouring outside, and it’s dark. I’m really worried.” Ginevra grew more worked up.

Upon hearing this, Hector also became nervous. “Calm down. I’ll head over right now.”

“Alright.” Ginevra nodded. “Stay safe”

“Don’t worry about me.”

Hector immediately left the bungalow and rushed over to the tea booth.

Since it was pouring outside, the phone signal was affected. Hector called Harmonia a few times, but all the calls did not go through.

Water was leaking through one of the corners of the tea booth, and Harmonia was busy moving the boxes of tea leaves Inside.

Once Hector reached the tea booth, he ran inside.

When Harmonia saw him, she was quite surprised. “Why are you here?”

“We can’t possibly feel at ease when you’re out here alone at night.”

Harmonia pursed her lips. “I wasn’t even thinking about that. I was only concerned about the tea leaves

These were the tea leaves that were to be used tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If they got wet and were soaked, they would end up rotting, and it would be a huge waste!

“You’re in for a huge lecture when we’re back…” Hector rapped his knuckles gently against Harmonia’s head and quickly helped her move the boxes.

They finally moved all the tea leaves to a safe corner.

Harmonia then threw a tarp over the boxes and started tying up all four corners tightly to prevent any possibility of water getting into them.

Since they worked together, they did not feel tired at all, and they were



Soon, they secured all four corners Even if water continued leaking through the tea booth, the tea leaves would not be affected.

Harmonia sighed in relief. “Thank goodness you came on time. I

wouldn’t have been able to move all the boxes alone.”

“You just keep making me worried… If you come out here alone again, I’m going to be really mad at you!”

Harmonia pulled at a corner of his shirt. “Sorry…”

Feeling resigned, Hector shook his head. “Seriously, you… Come on. Let’s go home.”

Harmonia nodded and went under Hector’s umbrella.

Just when she looked up, she saw a ray of light through the corner of her eye.

But they were in the mountains, and it was dark all around them. How could there be any light?

Harmonia just thought that she was seeing things because she was tired.

“What’s wrong?” Hector looked at her and asked.

She shook her head. “It’s nothing. Let’s go.”

Then, both of them left the tea booth and went home while braving the storm.

Harmonia turned on the torchlight in her phone and lit up the muddy path in the mountain.

But soon, dozens of men armed with sticks appeared and surrounded them.

“We meet again, Harmonia!”


The man in front of them wore a raincoat and smiled savagely.


Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 33

Chapter 33 That Damned Woman Is a Real Troublemaker

“Mr. Safan’s daughter is amazing! She set up a tea booth and gave away free tea. Not only did she manage to use up the old tea leaves,

but she also managed to promote the new tea leaves. Plenty of people were asking about it!”

“She didn’t just promote the new tea leaves. She even promoted

Green Hill and brought tourists here. Our AirBnB is already fully booked!”

“She’s pretty, kind, and smart! She’s really the Aphrodite of Tea and Mr. Safan Junior!”

When Dimas heard their praises, he smiled.

Truly, she would never stay still.

When the sun set, the tea booth closed its doors.

Harmonia massaged her aching shoulders and returned to the bungalow.

The moment she stepped into the living room, Safan stormed toward her.

“I told you to stay put, you brat! But you never listen to me! You just keep causing me trouble! Do you also cause trouble wherever you Jo?!”

Ginevra and Hector pulled Safan back.

Even as Safan swung his fist at Harmonia, he was still around thirty meters away from her.

Hector said, “Dad, you even told Uncle Zimmer while we were on our


way back that Monia is as kind as you are. Why are you yelling at her


Safan glared at Hector. “You talk too much! Go and wait for me in the study room!”

But Hector was still worried as he stared at Safan’s fist and showed no signs of leaving.

Safan glared at him.

When Ginevra saw this, she pulled Safan’s hand down.

“Why are you angry when Harmonia did something good in your name? It’s not as if those old tea leaves can do anything but sit there in the cold storage and rot away. If it weren’t for her, they would have gone to waste!”

Safan huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked angry, and even his mustache twitched.

Hector took the chance to let go of Safan.

He then snuck a thumbs up at Harmonia before he went upstairs.

Harmonia then came to realize that her father was actually pleased with her, but he was simply refusing to be honest.

fan pointed at Harmonia. “I’m a kind person, so I won’t hold you gainst this. But stay put! I’ve already spoken to the mayor about this. There will be volunteers in charge of this. You don’t have to go to the tea booth tomorrow!”

Then, Safan went to the study room.

Harmonia went over to Ginevra and hugged her. “Mom, Dad is terrifying…”

“I’ll make him sleep in the study room tonight.”


Harmonia nodded. “You’re the best, Mom.”

Ginevra smiled in satisfaction. “You’re my daughter, alright. You’re exactly right. I’m the best.”

Right then, thunder roared, and lightning cut through the sky.

Harmonia looked outside. It was dark, and she could see nothing.

“Is it about to rain?” Harmonia was surprised. The weather forecast never mentioned anything about rain tonight!

Ginevra nodded. “Yes. That’s how the weather is like in Green Hill. It changes at random.”

Harmonia then remembered that there were boxes of tea leaves in the tea booth.

If it rained, water was most likely going to leak through the tea booth,

“I’m going to the tea booth for a bit, Mom!”

She ran out of the bungalow.


Soon, it started pouring.

At that moment, in the study room Hector said, “Dad, Monia didn’t ask for any money when she set up the free tea booth, and she also managed to use up the old tea leaves. She even promoted Green Hill’s tourism industry. This is a good thing. Why intimidate her?”

did you do that to

Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Monia Is Gorgeous

Right after they left, Harmonia asked Ginevra for the keys to the cold. storage.

Once she got into the cold storage, Harmonia opened the tea leaf cans inside and checked the tea leaves within them.

“Are you really not leaving, Monia?”

Ginevra had only just met Harmonia and did not want her to leave. But the moment she thought about how bothersome Blaed was, she was worried.

Harmonia nodded. “As long as Blaed stays, he will continue creating problems.”

As her mother, Ginevra knew her daughter well. If Harmonia did not want to leave, no matter what Ginevra said, it would be useless.

“You have to protect yourself, Monia.”

“Don’t worry. I’m the one who’s going to protect all of you.”

Harmonia then checked the tea leaves on another shelf to make sure that there was nothing wrong with them.

“What are you doing?” Ginevra was puzzled.

‘Mom, these tea leaves can’t be sold, right?”

Ginevra nodded. “The new tea is about to be put on shelves. If we sell old tea leaves, it’ll affect Green Tea Leaves’s reputation.”

So, these tea leaves have been in the cold storage all this while?”

Your father drinks them every day.”

And when is he ever going to finish them?” Harmonia pursed her lips.


“They should be put to good use for the people.”

“What?” Ginevra could not understand.

“Can I have these tea leaves, Mom?” Harmonia held Ginevra’s arm and spoke sweetly to her.

Ginevra immediately caved. “If you want them, you can have them.”

“What about Dad?”

“I’ll handle him.”

Harmonia gave Ginevra a thumbs-up.

Then, she set up her plan. She contacted Alessia before heading to the town to look for the mayor.

The mayor was surprised by Safan’s efficiency. In just less than a day, he launched another project to give away freebies!

The mayor was in full support of this. He got a few volunteers to help Harmonia set up a simple tent at Green Hill’s mountainside.

In less than two hours, “Mr. Safan’s Tea Booth” was officially in business to give away free tea leaves from Green Hill. Since Green Tea Leaves was a major brand, the people knew that they could have a taste of its tea for free and even quench their thirst.

Naturally, it was really popular among the people.

Since it was the holiday season, there were plenty of people around. Harmonia. The volunteers brewed tea, poured it out, and handed cups of tea to the tourists.

Tea made from old tea leaves was not as good as new tea leaves, but since they were preserved well, the difference in taste was minimal.

Besides, the tourists who went up and down the mountain were parched once they reached the mountainside.

+25 BONUS.

When they drank the free tea from Green Tea Leaves, all of them praised the tea to the high heavens.

Some of the tourists took pictures and posted them on social media.

The hashtag #Beautiful LadyGiving AwayTea started trending and was all over social media.

[Isn’t that Mr. Terran’s ex-wife? Why is she selling tea? She can’t be that poor now, can she?]

[Are you blind? That’s free tea! She went off to do volunteer work!]

[Harmonia is so beautiful! Love rival of mine, you can have the girl. I’m going to Green Hill tonight for my new love!]

This was an indirect promotion that gave a boost to Green Hill’s tourism industry.

More people came to know about Green Hill!

Aureole Media also struck while the iron was hot and uploaded a set

of beautiful photos from Green Hill.

The people started going to Green Hill so that they could take pictures and upload them on Instagram.

The group left the tea plantation.

“Dimas, I’ll leave the rest to you.” Safan nodded at Dimas.

‘Leave it to me.”

‘I’ll be at ease leaving everything else to you.” Safan had full confidence in Dimas.

Dimas nodded. “I’ll be returning to the hotel now,”

When he left, he ran into a few locals who were chatting up a storm.


Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 31

Chapter 32 Monia Is Gorgeous

Right after they left, Harmonia asked Ginevra for the keys to the cold. storage.

Once she got into the cold storage, Harmonia opened the tea leaf cans inside and checked the tea leaves within them.

“Are you really not leaving, Monia?”

Ginevra had only just met Harmonia and did not want her to leave. But the moment she thought about how bothersome Blaed was, she was worried.

Harmonia nodded. “As long as Blaed stays, he will continue creating problems.”

As her mother, Ginevra knew her daughter well. If Harmonia did not want to leave, no matter what Ginevra said, it would be useless.

“You have to protect yourself, Monia.”

“Don’t worry. I’m the one who’s going to protect all of you.”

Harmonia then checked the tea leaves on another shelf to make sure that there was nothing wrong with them.

“What are you doing?” Ginevra was puzzled.

‘Mom, these tea leaves can’t be sold, right?”

Ginevra nodded. “The new tea is about to be put on shelves. If we sell old tea leaves, it’ll affect Green Tea Leaves’s reputation.”

So, these tea leaves have been in the cold storage all this while?”

Your father drinks them every day.”

And when is he ever going to finish them?” Harmonia pursed her lips.


“They should be put to good use for the people.”

“What?” Ginevra could not understand.

“Can I have these tea leaves, Mom?” Harmonia held Ginevra’s arm and spoke sweetly to her.

Ginevra immediately caved. “If you want them, you can have them.”

“What about Dad?”

“I’ll handle him.”

Harmonia gave Ginevra a thumbs-up.

Then, she set up her plan. She contacted Alessia before heading to the town to look for the mayor.

The mayor was surprised by Safan’s efficiency. In just less than a day, he launched another project to give away freebies!

The mayor was in full support of this. He got a few volunteers to help Harmonia set up a simple tent at Green Hill’s mountainside.

In less than two hours, “Mr. Safan’s Tea Booth” was officially in business to give away free tea leaves from Green Hill. Since Green Tea Leaves was a major brand, the people knew that they could have a taste of its tea for free and even quench their thirst.

Naturally, it was really popular among the people.

Since it was the holiday season, there were plenty of people around. Harmonia. The volunteers brewed tea, poured it out, and handed cups of tea to the tourists.

Tea made from old tea leaves was not as good as new tea leaves, but since they were preserved well, the difference in taste was minimal.

Besides, the tourists who went up and down the mountain were parched once they reached the mountainside.

+25 BONUS.

When they drank the free tea from Green Tea Leaves, all of them praised the tea to the high heavens.

Some of the tourists took pictures and posted them on social media.

The hashtag #Beautiful LadyGiving AwayTea started trending and was all over social media.

[Isn’t that Mr. Terran’s ex-wife? Why is she selling tea? She can’t be that poor now, can she?]

[Are you blind? That’s free tea! She went off to do volunteer work!]

[Harmonia is so beautiful! Love rival of mine, you can have the girl. I’m going to Green Hill tonight for my new love!]

This was an indirect promotion that gave a boost to Green Hill’s tourism industry.

More people came to know about Green Hill!

Aureole Media also struck while the iron was hot and uploaded a set

of beautiful photos from Green Hill.

The people started going to Green Hill so that they could take pictures and upload them on Instagram.

The group left the tea plantation.

“Dimas, I’ll leave the rest to you.” Safan nodded at Dimas.

‘Leave it to me.”

‘I’ll be at ease leaving everything else to you.” Safan had full confidence in Dimas.

Dimas nodded. “I’ll be returning to the hotel now,”

When he left, he ran into a few locals who were chatting up a storm.


Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 26-30

Chapter 26 Not Her Biological Brother

Her heart sank like a stone. It was as if it were plunging into an icy


She would never have guessed that the person who she had thought was her brother for over twenty years was not actually her biological brother!

Harmonia felt a ringing in her ears. She could not dwell on it further. She grabbed Hector’s hand and pulled him out of the house.


They walked all the way out to the courtyard. Hector held Harmonia’s wrist.

His warm hand grasped her cold wrist. His brows furrowed in concern.

“I found out nine years ago.”

Harmonia trembled. She turned to look at Hector. Looking into his eyes which were filled with tenderness, she did not know how to react.

“Oh, Hector…”

“I was abandoned by my biological parents after I was born. Mom and Dad adopted me out of kindness. I was afraid you’d overthink it. I was worried you wouldn’t accept me as your brother. And I was afraid you’d end up crying like you are now That’s why I kept it from you and never told you.”

Hector’s tone was light: He raised his hand and gently wiped away 1er tears.

He had kept it from her for so long, for so many years.


He had imagined various scenarios of how Harmonia would react when she had learned the truth, but he never expected that the secret would be revealed in such an unexpected situation.

Harmonia bit her lower lip. She should have figured it out sooner!

How could her dad, a man of such high moral character, possibly have an extramarital affair? And how could her brother possibly be an illegitimate child?

Her brother had been abandoned by his biological parents. He was not the Marsh family’s biological child. He was supposed to be the one who felt the saddest, yet his immediate concern was her feelings.

“How could I ever not accept you?”

Harmonia’s eyes welled up with tears once again. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Seeing my dear sister cry like this breaks my heart.”

As Hector said that, he placed his hand on his chest and made an exaggeratedly hurt expression to cheer her up.

Seeing his theatrics, Harmonia could not help but smile through her tears.

t cry, Harmonia. How about I call you my big sister again?”

tor smiled and cheered her up, just like they used to when they were kids.

When they were little, Harmonia used to play house with him and would always insist on being the big sister.

So, whenever she cried, Hector would call her “big sister” to tease her and cheer her up.

‘Well, go ahead then!” She wanted to hear it-just like in the old days.


+ 25 BONUS

Hector leaned down and whispered softly in her ear. “Big sister?”

Harmonia could not help but chuckle. It was just like when they were kids. She looked up at him. Her smile was sweet and radiant.

Safan and Ginevra rushed out when they heard the commotion. They did not expect they would overhear a conversation like that. Watching the siblings’ interaction, they nodded and smiled.

Harmonia was bound to find out the truth sooner or later, after all. It was a good thing that they were still as close as ever even after she learned the truth.

Harmonia noticed them, but before she could say anything, the smile on Safan’s face disappeared in an instant and was replaced by a stern expression.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He answered it and walked back into the villa.

Ginevra, on the other hand, had her full attention on her daughter.

She hugged Harmonia tightly and examined her carefully. “My precious daughter, you’re still as beautiful and talented as ever.”

“Talented? What talent? I just got a call from the mayor!” Safan roared.

“She’s using my name for advertising. The man she brought here is teaching the locals to place orders on some sort of app called BuildEasy. He even said it’s the first bulk purchase event in Green Town! People only bulk purchase groceries, and she’s doing the same for housing construction?”

Ginevra asked, “Was the old mayor praising her or criticizing her then?”

“Does it matter if the mayor praised her? I’m her father, and I’m

criticizing her!”

“You old fool, the older you get, the more unreasonable you become! Just because I’ve been tolerant with you doesn’t mean my patience has no limits!”

Ginevra rolled up her sleeves and charged toward the small villa.

Except for her age-defying beauty, she looked nothing like a typical rich and graceful lady.

Suddenly, Harmonia’s phone started buzzing non-stop.


Chapter 27 What Are You Staring at? You Don’t Recognize Your Own Father Anymore?”


“You’ve got a new order on BuildEasy. Please process them promptly!”


Then her phone just kept on buzzing!

She took out her phone and immediately opened the “BuildEasy” app. She saw the order count soaring.

One after another, orders kept coming in. It had already exceeded two hundred orders!

At this rate, there was a real chance of hitting seven hundred orders!

Hector lowered his head and saw the rapidly increasing order count on her phone. He was genuinely happy for her.

He leaned in and whispered in Harmonia’s ear with a smile. “Excellent strategy, big sister.”

The products in the group purchase were the same, so naturally, the house designs for the group purchase were also identical.

Initiating a town-wide bulk purchase meant that even if over seven hundred households placed orders, producing the designs within a month was completely feasible.

Bulk purchasing for house construction not only saved time and costs but also allowed for town planning.

With everyone getting the same design, there would not be any feelings of inequality. It was truly a triple win.

+ 25 BONUS

Safan was calmer after Ginevra had straightened him out.

As they said, the wife held the reins. Safan, now a lot tamer, was washing his hands. He was going to make some soup for lunch.

Harmonia knew that her stubbornness had broken her father’s heart when he strongly opposed her marriage to Absalom back then.

So, what was she to do when the old man was upset? She had to be extra cute, of course!

She stood outside the kitchen and leaned against the glass door. She poked her head in and asked, “Dad, is there anything I can help with? Would you like me to do the dishes? Or prep some vegetables for you? Chef Safan, I’m your kitchen helper, Harmonia. I await your orders!”

Safan, who was currently chopping meat with his back turned to Harmonia, appeared deeply focused, but he was actually suppressing a laugh.


Safan’s cleaver landed squarely on the cutting board! He turned around and looked at her with a stern expression. He instructed, “Go to the backyard and pick some chives!”

Harmonia immediately made an “okay” hand gesture and then dashed toward the backyard.

There were flowers in the front yard, all kinds of vegetables in the backyard, a trellis for growing tomatoes, and a lemon tree.

Who could have imagined that Safan, once a prominent figure in the business world, would now embrace a pastoral lifestyle with such finesse?

Harmonia walked toward the vegetable garden on the side. A small


by colorful broken tiles, surrounded the lush chives

in the muddy ground.

Just as she bent over to pick some chives…

She heard a noise.

She heard a distinct mechanical hum. In this tranquil backyard, the noise stood out.

Harmonia followed the direction of the sound. She peered through a small window into the shed, only to realize that it was a cold storage


On the shelves inside were neatly arranged containers of tea leaves.

“Why do we have so many containers of tea leaves?” Harmonia murmured to herself.

The tea-picking season in Green Hill was in late September. Now was not the harvest season, so where did those tea leaves come from?

Harmonia felt puzzled by this.

After entering the villa, she handed the chives to Safan. She looked at him and hesitated about asking him about the tea leaves.

“What are you staring at? You don’t recognize your own father anymore?”

right now. Don’t stay here and bother me. Go run around outside.”

A daughter knew her father best. Even if she asked about the cold. storage, her father would not tell her

Harmonia gave him a charming smile, and her voice turned tender. ” I’ll leave the kitchen to you then, Mr. Safan.”

Safan snorted a couple of times, making it clear he was exasperated,



but the constant upward curve of his mouth revealed the unspoken affection he had for his daughter.

After Harmonia left the kitchen, she headed toward the living room.

There, she found Hector flipping through some documents.

“Hector, what are you reading? Can I take a look?”

“Of course. What’s mine is yours too.”


Chapter 28 Someone Was Crashing

Hector was smiling, and he was full of love. He loved and spoiled her tirelessly every single day.

Even if he knew that she was not his biological sister, it did not change anything.

Ginevra shook her head helplessly. She then patted Hector’s knees.” Spoil her then!”

Hector laughed.

Harmonia was looking down at some documents and flipping

through them. She realized this was the tea plantation’s reports for the past few months. It recorded the growth of the tea leaves and several detailed explanations.

The residents of Green Town had been tea farmers for generations, but their tea industry had never gone well.

Six years ago, her parents started working with Green Town when they moved in. They rented farmland from the locals and organized it into a tea garden.

This large tea garden had also turned into one of Green Town’s tourist attractions.

Her father also hired tea farmers to tend to the tea garden. Not only did they have regular salaries, but they also received bonuses at the end of each year.

So, in recent years, the residents of Green Town slowly began to have a better quality of life. But the tea leaves in the storage were piling up into mountains.

“Mom.” Harmonia closed the document folder. She looked up at


Ginevra. Her expression was extremely solemn and serious.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s up with the tea leaves in the backyard’s storage?”

Hector was also stunned. Obviously, he had no idea what this was about either.

Ginevra did not expect her to be so observant. The storage room looked so pretty on the outside; people just thought it was a nursery.

She told her the truth. “That is last year’s remaining stock. We could only keep them in our cold storage unit to preserve them.”

“How could there be unsold stock for tea as good as this?” Harmonica could not understand.

Ginevra sighed, “It was during the third quarter of last September. After we’d packaged the tea leaves, we had prepared to transport them from Green Town to the airport like every year. But who would have thought…

“That hooligan, Blaed Herb, would extort us for three million dollars in protection fees. Even though it was a small sum to our family, three million dollars could help plenty of needy people!

“Of course, we would not agree to t! In the end, he brought along a gang of ruffians, blocked the truck transporting the tea, and started a staged accident!”

‘Have you reported this to the police?” Harmonia asked.

Ginevra nodded. “The police have already arrested them. But since hey didn’t commit any major crime, they were released after a few lays. After their release, they did not stop. They started using worse actics; they started harassing us by scaring the packing workers, the Irivers, and their families


“They have been creating trouble for us again and again. This led to us missing out on the new tea’s launch in the market. Large batches. of orders could not be handed over in time. We had to pay a huge. sum to compensate for breaking the contract. Our tea leaves went into unsold stock because of this too.”

When Ginevra brought this up, she was really unhappy.

“You know what’s worse? Your father and I have approached Blaed’s parents. We hoped they would talk to him. However, his parents were unreasonable too. They were crying in the middle of the streets

saying that we were bullying them!

“That Blaed’s mother even clutched her heart, saying her heart attack was acting up! They really are birds of a feather!

“Soon after, Blaed would say nasty things whenever he saw us. He said that if we gave him the three million, we would not have unsold stock. Listen for yourself, is this something a person should say?”

The more she spoke, the angrier she got!

Hector’s expression was solemn as he said, “I had no idea something like this happened.”

“You were already too busy with the consortium’s affair. Also, you were too far away to help us. It would be hard for you to handle him when he was in his element here too.”

Hector’s tone was stern. “Father has always been active in charity work. Blaed is a resident of Green Town. He enjoyed plenty of privileges here when you think about it.”

Harmonia smiled and stopped swiveling the ring on her pinkie.” Hector, what more do you expect from an ungrateful dog?”

Ginevra nodded, she agreed, and said, “Harmonia couldn’t have said it better. His whole family is a pack of ungrateful dogs. They are

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unreasonable. And there’s nothing we can say about it.”

Harmonia chuckled coldly.

Using reasoning and logic would not work with rabid hooligans like these.

One could only fight poison with poison and give them a taste of their own medicine.

She was going to note this “favor” down..

Suddenly her phone rang.

Once she picked it up, Louis’s shriek came through! “Ms. Marsh, someone is crashing our booth. Help!”

Chapter 29 If You Do Not Pay the Protection Fees, I Will Destroy Your Booth

Before Harmonia could say anything. The phone beeped, and the call ended!

Harmonia swiftly stood up from the sofa. While calling Louis back, she ran toward the outside of the villa.

Hector and Ginevra also heard what was going on. Hector also quickly caught up to Harmonia,

On the other hand, Ginevra was frantic. She ran into the kitchens to call for Safan.

Once Harmonia entered the town, she saw Louis holding onto the booth.

“Under broad daylight at that! This is preposterous! This is Mr. Safan’s new project!” Louis yelled.

Blaed said, chuckling. “What does it matter if it’s Mr. Safan? Why don’t you go check who I, Blaed Herb, am? You are in my territory. I will destroy your booth if you do not pay your protection fees!”

Blaed had a cigarette in his mouth. With big gold chains draped around him, revealing two large and tattooed arms, he seemed very Fierce.

He had a metal rod in his hand as he walked up to Louis. A few other minions followed him with their sticks in their hands.

Louis’ legs were shaking with fear, but he continued holding on to the




This was Marshtown Studio’s signboard. As the assistant manager, who was working a triple-paid shift getting a doubled year-end bonus, he had sworn his life to protect it, no matter what!

“Son of a b*tch, do you wanna die?” Right after he said this, Blaed whirled his rod. He was prepared to smash it against Louis.

Harmonia took hold of the swinging metal rod.

Blaed was just about to curse her. However, when he looked up and saw Harmonia, her stunningly beautiful posture made his eyes light up. He revealed a greedy and lewd expression!

However, before he could react, Harmonia had already raised her leg toward his crotch and kicked him hard!

And after that, she gave him a reverse roundhouse kick! Then she gave him another flip, slamming his entire body hard into the ground!

The metal rod in his hand had also flown out of his hand. It made a clunking sound!

Seeing this, a few of Blaed’s minions swung their sticks and rushed toward Harmonia!

Hector rushed forward to protect Harmonia. Without much effort, he knocked them to the ground one by one, stacking them up in the process!

Blaed and his minions whimpered and wailed in pain!

Hector and Harmonia struck out one after another. Their movements

were clean and sharp. It was simply a satisfying sight!

The onlookers snickered, but no one dared to offend Blaed’s hooligans.

After all, these days, hooligans are the most difficult to deal with!

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There was a black car parked not far away. A man leaned against the body and took the phone away from his ear.

Harmonia turned her head and saw him from a distance through the crowd.

Wasn’t that Dimas?

At that moment, the police arrived.

Harmonia looked up again. The car had already left, and the person

was gone.

She must have been mistaken…

Soon after, the police took Blaed and all the others away.

The crowd of onlookers dispersed, but the whispers continued.

“Who’d known Mr. Safan’s daughter was actually so strong?”

“Not only is she strong, but she’s also exceptionally pretty. She’s like a celebrity.”

“Alas, as strong as she is, she’s still a little girl. When Blaed is

released in a couple of days, he might go looking for trouble with her again.”

When they heard this, everyone looked horrified and shook their heads.

Blaed was someone they could not afford to mess with, and neither did they dare to mess with him!

As they were involved, Harmonia, Hector, and Louis made their way to

he police station to make their statements.

Safan and Ginevra, who arrived later, worked together with a few

volunteers to clean up the booth.


Blaed arrived at the police station and pleaded guilty with excellent


“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re right about everything, Officer Scott. I didn’t expect that my foot would crush his phone either.” Blaed stomped his feet, “After all is said and done, it’s all my foot’s fault! I’ll pay for its price; I’ll compensate for it all!”

“I don’t need to remind you again about what you have to do after you pay, do I?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aren’t I experienced in this?” Blaed smiled playfully and nodded his head.”

Then, he walked toward Harmonia and the others and nodded with a smile, “Hey hottie, I’m really, really sorry.”

The moment Harmonia met those eyes of his, she felt the change in his expression. it was treacherous and ferocious!

Harmonia’s gaze also changed. She laughed lightly. She was not being deterred by this look in his eyes. In fact, her presence had intimidated and crushed him!

This was the first time Blaed had encountered a woman like


his opinion, women were just things for men to sleep with. However, now, Harmonia had filled his heart with contempt. ‘We will meet again.” Blaed left behind these words.

Chapter 30 Mr. Safan Has a Good Daughter, Uninvited Guests “I look forward to it.” Harmonia laughed coldly. She was not the slightest bit afraid.

Blaed’s eyes were wide open. He was astounded by her charisma.

While he was still dumbstruck, the police took him away and did everything according to procedure.

Blaed being detained in prison, was not news in town.

On the contrary, Harmonia going against him had become the talk of the town.

Marshland Studio’s booth for group purchasing housing projects was up once again!

Louis was dedicated to his job as he led volunteers to work hard to sell, promote, and explain their purpose of being there.

Their orders on BuildEasy were growing rapidly. It was to the point that the platform started to suspect them of making fake orders and began an investigation.

However, after their investigation, they realized there were no problems at all.

Their rankings skyrocketed. For the first time ever, the top ten, who had always been well-established at the top, felt a sense of danger.

After returning to the bungalow, Safan looked gravely worried as he


Count yourselves lucky today that the police were there just at the ight time! Don’t you know that it’s normal for Blaed to lord around the

streets like this? No one ever dares to report it to the police”

Harmonia was stunned. She feared that it was not a coincidence that the police were there. Someone helped them call the cops!

Safan pointed at Harmonia and roared again, “Blaed will seek revenge! Your mother and I avoid him whenever we can. He is reckless, impulsive, and an absolute outlaw. After he’s released a few days later, he will definitely come and seek trouble with you!”

Harmonia’s expression and tone of voice were exceptionally calm. Then, let him come.”

She was somewhat looking forward to Blaed to come knocking at their door. He could come over happily, but there was no guarantee that she would let him return the same way!

“You! You are such a rebel! Leave right now! Immediately leave Green Town and return to Nilus City!”

Safan pushed Harmonia’s suitcase. Then he tried to haul her out of the bungalow!

“Leave now. Immediately!”

Harmonia grabbed Safan’s hand. “Dad, the Marsh family has the final say in Nilus City. I’ll definitely be safe if I were to return, but what about you and Mom?”

When she said this, Safan and Ginevra were both speechless. Both of

anderstood it clearly…

armonia recounted, “Dad, why did Blaed come to crash our event? That’s because he didn’t receive his three million in protection fees! This time, he even got beaten up by Hector and me. He will definitely come to settle all these scores.

Hector and I can leave at any time, but the new tea leaves are due to aunch in less than three months. The two of you can’t leave at a


crucial time like this. Also, Dad, you are labeled as a kind, benevolent man here. You can’t do anything to him as he is a resident of Green Town!

“But there are no rules saying that the daughters of kind-hearted

fathers can’t be nasty. We can fight fire with fire, and violence with more violence! Let’s make Blaed serve prison time! That would be a good thing for the people of Green Town too!”

Harmonia’s every word made sense, and her logic was clear. There was nothing to refute.

But then again, from Safan’s point of view, he was a father before he was a kind-hearted person!

“Stop giving me excuses. You are to leave this place immediately. Do you understand?”

Harmonia knew that Safan was worried about her safety. But this time, she would not leave, no matter what he said!

“Dad, you and Mom have protected me for more than twenty years. It’s time for me to protect the two of you.”

Tears welled up in Ginevra’s eyes.

Safan was silent.

The air was still until a deep voice called out. It broke the silence.

Mr. Marsh, you have a good daughter.”

Everyone turned to look toward the door.

Harmonia’s eyes gleamed.

Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 18-25

Chapter 18 Juicy News: Mr. Terran’s Dad Is Having an Affair With Absalom’s Mistress’s Mom

The chancellor was startled when Harmonia shouted at him to stop. He thought he had lost this opportunity!

However, to everyone’s surprise, Harmonia took out her smartphone and opened an app.

“Mr. Chancellor, please place an order on BuildEasy for formality’s sake.”

The chancellor let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, you mean BuildEasy? I have this on my phone. It’s very convenient and popular. I placed orders on this app when I was building a house in my hometown.”

Harmonia did not know how to reply to that.

Soon enough, on behalf of Nilus City University of Architecture, the chancellor placed an order with Marshtown Studio.

After all the approvals were granted, Marshtown Studio gloriously made it to number eight of the top ten companies on BuildEasy with two major orders!

After leaving the chancellor’s office, they ran into Alessia, who was leading a photography team taking pictures around the campus and coordinating with the promotional team to upload all sorts of posts. online about their university.

After exchanging greetings with her, Hector gently tapped Harmonia’s head with his finger.

“I need to get back to the consortium for a meeting. I’ll leave the driver here to take you back.”


“Hector, it’s fine. Have the driver take you to your meeting. Louis is still at the recruitment booth. I’ll catch a ride with him.”

“All right.” Hector nodded. He trusted Louis.

After Hector left, Harmonia approached Alessia and whispered,” You’ve found out how Luna became an outstanding graduate, haven’t you?”

Alessia was surprised. “Harmonia, how did you know I found out?”

Harmonia looked at Alessia with an expression that clearly said, “Do you even need to ask?”

Alessia chuckled and said, “Absalom’s dad and Luna’s mom are having an affair.”

Harmonia snorted. “The younger ones are involved with the younger ones and the older ones with the older ones. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, it seems.”

With that, Harmonia handed a USB drive to Alessia and whispered a few words into her ear.

Then, she winked and said, “I’m returning your favor.”

Alessia immediately took out her laptop and pulled the first video from the USB drive.

“What is our backup marketing account? Let’s start by sharing this secret!”

A minute later, the news of Luna’s graduation project plagiarism and thesis ghostwriting spread like wildfire across the Internet!

The most outstanding graduate of Nilus University, who had just been given the Legacy Crown, found herself embroiled in this controversy

within less than ten minutes!

The University of Architecture immediately issued a stern statement via its official Twitter account!

The chancellor and his team tracked down Luna, who was in the midst of a photo shoot on campus. They confiscated the Legacy Crown and imposed a serious penalty by withholding her graduation!

This scene was captured by other graduates and quickly circulated on social media.

Following Harmonia’s instructions, Alessia had the interview team surround Luna with questions.

The students around her engaged in discussions. As the press relentlessly bombarded Luna with questions, she covered up her ears and screamed in distress.


Harmonia purposely stood directly in Luna’s line of sight and flashed a smile at her.

When Luna spotted her, she freaked out. She shoved her way through the crowd and charged toward Harmonia.

Then, she grabbed Harmonia’s wrist and yelled, “Harmonia, it’s you again! You planned it all! You planned everything from the paternity test to all that’s happening now!”

“People deserve to know the truth, don’t you think?” Harmonial nonchalantly replied to her with a question.

“Harmonia, you’ve ruined my life. I will never let you off the hook! Even

if I am to go to hell, I’ll drag you down with me!”

“Oh?” Harmonia raised an eyebrow playfully as she stared at Luna’s furious expression.


It only further provoked Luna’s already frayed nerves.

Luna’s face contorted with rage. She screamed frantically,”

Harmonia, it was you who gave me abortion medicine that afternoon six days ago! You killed my baby! You’re a murderer!”

Chapter 19 Harmonia or Your Mistress, You Can Only Save One, Mr. Terran

That was Luna’s last card! She knew she could not clear her name. So, in desperation, she wanted to drag Harmonia down with her.

However, what Luna never expected that, following Harmonia’s

was instructions, Alessia had already released the second video!

The video footage showed Luna drinking the abortion medicine herself!

The students and university officials who had gathered around the scene witnessed the latest trending topic.

The crowd began to discuss it.

“So, she drank it herself, didn’t she? How could she try to frame someone else like that?”

“The timestamp in the corner of the video showed it’s from six days. ago in the afternoon!”

“Does she think we’re all blind? She drank the medicine herself. She’s got blood all over the lower part of her body. Then, she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Yet now she’s trying to frame someone innocent here?”

Luna heard the discussions around her. Her eyes widened and she was gasping for air.

“How… How is this possible? Why do you have this video? How did this happen?”

Luna’s expression turned frantic. She shook her head continuously.

Harmonia pulled her wrist away. She sneered. “If you don’t want


others to know, you shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Shouldn’t you know something so simple?”

With that, Harmonia turned away effortlessly and left.

Luna was completely out of options now.

“Aargh!” She had lost her composure completely. Just as she lunged toward Harmonia, the security team arrived just in time and held her back!

Today was the graduation ceremony at Nilus University, and it coincided with its centenary celebration. However, it was marred by Luna’s actions and cast a shadow over the event.

On the other hand, at the recruitment booth of Marshtown Studio near the northern gate, things were bustling.

They did not close until it was dark.

“Ah, I’m such a scatterbrain.” Louis tapped his forehead. “I left the resumes we collected this morning at the Academic Affairs Office.”

“Drive your car to the entrance of the Administrative Building. I’ll go get the resumes from the Academic Affairs Office. It will save us more time.”

“Okay. They’re on the empty table near the entrance of the Academic Affairs Office.”

Harmonia nodded and headed toward the Academic Affairs Office.

As she walked into the Academic Affairs Office, a pungent smell hit her. A hand suddenly covered her mouth and nose from behind.

Harmonia had practiced karate since she was a child and was a first- degree black belt. However, just as she was about to fight back, an icy cold gun pressed against her waist.


No matter how fast she was, she could not move faster than a bullet

Moreover, although she held her breath in time, she still inhaled some

of the gas.

Harmonia’s consciousness began to blur. Her limbs showed signs of weakness. With her last ounce of strength, she dropped the ring on her little finger on the ground.

Then, she lost consciousness.completely.

When Harmonia regained consciousness, she found herself in a large


In the dim light, she saw a woman before her.

“Luna. So, you were behind all of this?” Harmonia was not surprised in the least.

“Harmonia, you ruined me. There’s no way I’ll let you off!”

Luna snickered and delivered a harsh slap to Harmonia’s face.

A resounding “smack” echoed through the room. The corner of Harmonia’s lip began to bleed.

“All that’s happening now is what you brought upon yourself. But don’t worry, before you die, there is something I want you to understand! You will die after you learn the truth!”

As Luna said that, she handcuffed herself and sat down not far away.

Harmonia was speechless and wondered if Luna had lost her mind.

As time ticked away, Harmonia’s strength gradually returned.

Suddenly, a blinding light illuminated the room. Absalom, who was alerted to the situation, rushed here.


The kidnapper held two guns, with one pointed at Harmonia and the other at Luna.

“Mr. Terran, did you bring the money?”

“Everything you asked for is right here.”

With that, Absalom brought out a few boxes. He opened them for the kidnapper to inspect before closing them again. Then, he pushed them forward.

The kidnapper grinned with satisfaction. “Mr. Terran, you see, we have your childhood sweetheart on one side and your ex-wife on the other. How about we play a little game?”

With both Harmonia and Luna in his hands, Absalom had no choice but to cautiously engage.

“What kind of game?”

“Trade yourself for one of them.”

Luna, who was sitting beside Harmonia, turned pale as she heard the demand. “No!” This was not part of the deal she made with the


Harmonia, who observed Luna’s reaction, quickly understood that Luna had been manipulated by this kidnapper. It was an incredibly foolish move on Luna’s part.

Absalom frowned. He looked at Harmonia and Luna.

“Leo, this is between us. You shouldn’t involve others!”

Leo Hoffman laughed. He clenched his teeth and said, “Mr. Terran, stop wasting time. Make a choice, or neither of them will walk away alive!”

“Ab…” Luna trembled in fear. Tears welled up in her eyes.

It was a life-or-death situation.

To say that Harmonia felt no fear would be impossible.

Yet, she merely pressed her lips together and said nothing. She strived to maintain her composure.

At that moment, it felt as if time had stopped. There was a dreadful


The power to choose rested in Absalom’s hands.

Absalom frowned. As Leo continued to urge him to make a choice, he

had no time to think.

“I choose her!”

Chapter 20 A Cool Move and a Clean Shot

Absalom pointed at Luna.

Luna was filled with joy. Her eyes were brimming with tears as she called out, “Ab…”

He gave her the hope to live. So, in his mind, she was more important

than Harmonia.

In her excitement, Luna looked toward Harmonia and arrogantly

raised her chin.

Harmonia did not feel bothered at all. In fact, she even thought it was ridiculous. Why would she need to prove her worth through a foolish

man’s choice?

Suddenly, Leo began to laugh. He shook his head while clicking his


“Looks like your wife of five years can’t compare to your childhood sweetheart who came into your life first!”

With that, Leo tossed a pair of handcuffs to Absalom’s feet.

“Mr. Terran, please handcuff yourself and walk over here! If you dare to play any tricks, I’ll kill all of you!”

Absalom bent down to pick up the handcuffs. He followed Leo’s instructions and quickly put them on his wrists. Step by step, he walked over to where Leo stood.

Leo then restrained Absalom with swift movements and placed the barrel of his gun against Absalom’s temple.

“You can let her go now,” Absalom said calmly. Despite being under Leo’s control, he still exuded an imposing aura.



“What’s the rush? I’m a real man, would I break my promise?”

Leo then tossed the key to the handcuffs in front of Luna.”

Congratulations, Miss Woods. You’re free to go!”

Everything that was happening right now was far from Luna’s


However, Leo’s menacing demeanor left her too afraid to utter another word. She feared that Absalom might find out about her involvement in this kidnapping.

She could only bow her head. She trembled as she fumbled for the key on the dirty floor. Then, without another word, she sprinted toward the door. She wanted to run as far away from this treacherous place as possible.

“Ab…” She called out for Absalom’s name as she was worried about him. Her voice filled with concern as she looked at him with teary


However, at that moment, Absalom seized Leo’s arm, and with a ” crack!” he broke one of Leo’s arms. Leo dropped the gun on the floor.

Leo was about to aim his other gun at Absalom when they heard a


A bullet pierced through his hand and knocked the gun from his grip.

Seeing this, Harmonia quickly glanced at a small, dilapidated window at the side. She knew there was a sniper positioned on the hill across from them. This sniper was undoubtedly one of the best in the business.

Leo, despite his grim situation, did not panic. Instead, he laughed and tore open his coat.

He had explosives strapped to his body. He tightly gripped a


detonator with his bloodied hand. All he needed to do was press the button, and it would explode instantly.

Seeing that, Luna was terrified and sprinted madly toward the exit.

Absalom’s gaze locked onto Harmonia. He intended to keep Leo occupied and allowed Harmonia to escape first.

However, in the blink of an eye, Harmonia suddenly stood up and used the chain of her handcuffs to strangle Leo’s neck. She yanked him toward the nearby window.

A loud crash followed as Harmonia and Leo slammed into the wall.

Harmonia did that to provide an opening for the sniper on the hill opposite to take a shot.

“Harmonia!” Absalom called out anxiously.

Leo struggled with all his might. Just as he was about to press the detonator, a deafening gunshot rang out as a bullet swiftly pierced Leo’s forehead and ended his life in an instant!

Harmonia propelled herself off Leo’s shoulders. She executed a somersault and snatched the detonator from his hand.

Leo fell to his knees, and he was no longer breathing.

Absalom’s expression stiffened. He rushed to Harmonia. His hands

ing as he clasped her shoulders tightly.



Chapter 21 Absalom’s Heart Was Broken, Harmonia, I Can Explain

“Harmonia, that was too reckless! Do you even realize what could have happened if he had pressed the detonator?”

Her somersault had left Harmonia drained as she had not fully recovered in the first place. She could barely muster any strength now.

She leaned against a nearby railing without giving Absalom another look.

“No matter how risky it was, I had to save myself.”

She would never let go of any opportunity to save herself. Dying here was not on her agenda, and she definitely did not want to die because of him and Luna.

Harmonia exerted herself and pushed his hands away.

“Harmonia, I saved her because…”

“You have the right to save her.”

Harmonia had carried a massive burden in her heart for years. Even after the divorce, that weight had been hard to remove.

However, the moment Absalom made that decision, she was finally freed from that weight. Although her heart suffered during the process, her heart would no longer be held hostage.

She walked toward the door.

Upon seeing Luna, she pressed her against the warehouse door.

“Luna, you should watch your back from now on. After all the horrible things that you’ve done, don’t be surprised if someone comes to settle scores with you!”


She tilted her head and displayed an icy and intimidating demeanor.

Luna was so terrified that her face turned pale. She leaned against the door with her legs trembling.

Harmonia sneered and walked away

Not far away, a McLaren and several police cars pulled up.

Hector jumped out of his car and hurried toward Harmonia.


“I’m feeling a bit weak.” She was exhausted. Her legs felt like lead weights. She had truly reached her limits.

“Everything’s okay now,” Hector reassured her as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ll carry you.”

With that, Hector hooked his arms beneath her legs and lifted her in a gentle embrace.

Absalom witnessed the scene. It was a painful sight for his eyes. He clenched his fists. His veins were bulging. He felt like his heart had been brutally torn open, with blood gushing out from the wound.

“Harmonia, why won’t you give me a chance to explain?”

The night breeze carried a slight chill, but Absalom felt an icy coldness within him.

The police took Leo’s body away and cleaned up the scene.

Having gone through the recent ordeal and being intimidated by Harmonia, Luna’s face lost all color. She clung to Absalom in fear and helplessness.

“Ab, are you okay? I was so scared I was really terrified. Thank you for choosing to save me in that critical moment.”


Absalom wore an indifferent expression as he pried open her arms and glanced at her. “I only saved you because I knew you’d make things worse. I just wanted you out of there, nothing more.”

Luna, upon hearing Absalom’s words, stiffened. “No, Ab, I know you love me. You chose me over her just now!”

Absalom’s face grew even colder. A dark and ominous expression took hold.

“It’s time for you to pay the price.”

With those words, he walked away, leaving Luna with nothing but his retreating figure.

Luna still had not grasped the meaning of his words until the police approached her and placed another pair of handcuffs on her wrists.

“Miss Woods, you are suspected of being involved in this kidnapping case. Please come with us.”

Luna’s eyes lost focus as she shook her head repeatedly. “No… No!”

Her desperate cries echoed through the vast warehouse and harmonized with the cawing of crows in the distant hills.

Meanwhile, on the hillside across from the warehouse, Dimas handed over the sniper rifle to the police. He dusted himself off and accepted the handkerchief Dominic offered. He wiped his hands clean and briskly walked away.

Hector took Harmonia to the hospital, where the doctors promptly examined her.

They confirmed that she had been exposed to a sedative, but it posed no harm to her body. Her current state of unconsciousness was due to exhaustion. She just needed some good rest. Hector let out a sigh of relief.


He stayed by Harmonia’s side and fixed his gaze on her.

He frowned as he was overwhelmed with guilt. “Harmonia, I should’ve come sooner.”

In the late hours of the night, Absalom received word that Harmonia had been taken to the hospital. He immediately headed to the hospital.


Chapter 22 The Mistress Is Arrested for Alleged Kidnapping Suddenly, his phone rang.


“Hey, Ab, where are you? Mom and Dad are having a big fight. You need to come home right away!”

Loud banging noises came from the other end of the call.

Absalom remembered that today was the day his mother and sister were flying back to their home country.

“I got it.”

He wore a grave expression. He let out a sigh and changed direction to head toward the Terran family’s mansion.

Absalom arrived at the Terran family’s mansion.

“You have the audacity to show your face here?”

Holly Terran was furious as soon as she saw him and began yelling at him.

“The other day, you said you wanted to throw a welcoming party for your Uncle Dimas. Even though he’s just a year older than you, he’s still your uncle. I was pleased that you were being so considerate, but that joy didn’t last long!

“While I took your sister overseas for a trip, you got a divorce and got involved in such a huge scandal! Now, this is just great! It turns out that Harmonia is the most outstanding graduate from Nilus University! She’s so much better than Luna!”

A mother scolding her son was perfectly natural.

His younger sister, Monica Terran, chimed in and said, “Harmonia is so great! Unlike a certain shameless woman who only knows how to use her pregnancy to climb the social ladder. As if she’s the only one in the world who can bear a child!”

Absalom, maintaining his composure, retorted, “Mom, marriage is a matter between two people.”

“Are you saying I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong?”

Absalom’s father, Felix Terran, tried to support his son. He said, “It’s a done deal now. To be honest, Harmonia isn’t that great. They’ve only been divorced for a few days, and she’s already competing with Absalom for the Empyrean Tower project. Not to mention, she kept her educational background hidden for five whole years. Would a woman who lacks such honesty truly love Absalom? She’s from the countryside, after all. She can’t compare to the daughter of the Woods family.”

Upon hearing Felix’s words, Holly instantly jumped up from the sofa.

“Felix, are you out of your mind? Luna wasn’t carrying your son’s child! She was trying to make your son a stand-in father! And you’re still praising her?”

Holly’s yelling was giving Felix a headache. He looked at Absalom and asked, “Son, you tell me. Am I wrong?”

“Yes.” Absalom nodded.

That caught Felix completely off guard.

“Absalom, Luna grew up with you. You’ve always been close!”

“She has been suspected of involvement in a kidnapping, and has been taken in for questioning by the police.”


Absalom’s tone was cold and devoid of emotion.

Felix looked shocked. “Luna was involved in a kidnapping case? Nonsense! She’s so gentle and delicate. Who could she possibly kidnap?”

“She hired someone to kidnap Harmonia.”

Felix found himself at a loss for words. “Luna is like a daughter to me. She’s as gentle and kind as a lamb. There must be a

misunderstanding. I’ll get to the bottom of this now. Perhaps it was Harmonia who orchestrated her own abduction!”

As Felix said that, he hurriedly walked toward the door of the mansion.

Seeing that Felix was trying to leave in such an anxious manner, Holly was filled with anger.

“Felix, it’s not even dawn yet. Where are you going? Are you rushing to find out the truth and clear Luna’s name? Don’t think I don’t know that she’s the daughter of your first love!”

Luna’s mother, Tessy Woods, was a college friend of Felix and his first love when they were young.

First love was one of the most wonderful things in the world.

learing Holly dredge up the past, Felix was infuriated as well. The argument escalated, with both of them exchanging harsh words.

Monica, who was frightened by the escalating argument, stood to the side. She mumbled softly, “They were just arguing about Tessy and Luna earlier, and now the subject circled back to them again.”

Absalom was about to intervene when he heard footsteps approaching.

“Felix, are you trying to bond with my sister here?”



Chapter 23 Do Everything He Can to Win Her Back

Dimas’ arrival brought an instant calm to the heated atmosphere in the mansion.

“Uncle Dimas? What brings you here at this hour?”

Monica’s eyes sparkled at the sight of Dimas. Their help had arrived!

“I just finished a venture capital meeting. I heard you guys were back, and I had something to discuss with Absalom, so I thought I’d drop by,” Dimas spoke calmly and unhurriedly.

However, the next moment, he had a smile on his face as he changed the subject.

“Though it seems I might have picked the wrong time to visit.”

Holly let out a snort of anger. She folded her arms and sat on a single- seat sofa on the side.

Felix remained silent as well. The atmosphere had somehow

quietened down again as they had temporarily stopped their quarrel.

Absalom looked at Dimas and asked, “Uncle Dimas, what do you want to talk to me about?”

“It’s nothing serious,” Dimas replied. He handed a file folder to


Absalom furrowed his brows. He recalled the divorce gift Harmonial gave him on the day they separated. It was also an envelope.

“What’s this?” Absalom took it.

“I happened to find out that the three major projects of Terran Construction were secretly negotiated by your ex-wife for you.”


Absalom’s expression changed drastically as he heard Dimas’ words. He was in shock and could not believe what he was hearing. He even thought he might have misheard Dimas.

“Uncle Dimas, what did you say?”

“Terran Construction didn’t outperform others; the truth is, your ex- wife paved a smooth path for you.”

Absalom frantically opened the envelope and examined all the papers and photos inside.

Absalom looked at the photos of Harmonia. She was using her professional knowledge to convince the clients in the pictures.

“Harmonia…” His hands trembled uncontrollably as he held the


He realized just how much Harmonia had done for him.

His eyes reddened as he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt.

“Absalom, you’re such a scoundrel! After all she did for you, you still had the audacity to ask her what she had done? Wasn’t what she did for you enough? You, on the other hand, what have you done for her over the past five years?” Absalom thought.

Dimas, with a knowing look, said, “She’s heading to Green Hill

tomorrow. You still have a chance.”

Absalom instantly looked up at Dimas and nodded in gratitude.

Dimas did not stay for long. After having a brief chat, he left the gifts. for his sister and niece and left the Terran family’s mansion.

Absalom stood still. His gaze fixed on everything in his hands.

He felt like his heart had been torn apart into fragments of regret and


He regretted everything he had done in the past.

He feared that she might not give him another chance.

Suddenly, Felix’s sarcastic remarks broke the silence. “Did your Uncle Dimas just happen to find this information? Well, I say, let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Verify whether this information is true or false first.”

Holly was about to unleash a torrent of curses when Absalom walked up to Felix.

He leaned in slightly and whispered in a soft voice. “Dad, don’t think I don’t know how Luna secured her position as the most outstanding graduate. I hope you’ll reflect on your actions.”

He delivered each word with a tone of sternness.

Felix shot him a piercing glare. “Absalom, don’t forget that I’m your father! You’re in no position to reprimand me!!

Absalom snorted. Then, he nodded in Holly’s direction before turning. and leaving.

Holly watched him leave and remarked with resignation, “I never thought Harmonia had done so much for the Terran family. Absalom must be full of regrets now.”

Monica, who was munching on some chips, said, “It’s more than

regret, Mom! I think he’s overwhelmed with remorse. Now he’s going to do everything he can to win her back.”

At 4 a.m., after leaving the Terran family’s mansion, Absalom called his secretary.

“Lawson, cancel all my appointments for today, and arrange for a private jet to take me to Green Hill.”

“Mr. Terran, your private jets were sent for maintenance two days ago. The earliest we can have them back is next week

“In that case, book a flight for me to Green Hill. The sooner, the better.”

Lawson immediately checked the available flights to Green Hill.

“Mr. Terran, all flights to Green Hill today are fully booked.”

With summer vacation approaching, university students were on break early. Green Hill happened to be a popular and affordable summer retreat.

Absalom muttered a curse and slammed the brakes.

He instructed Lawson to purchase twenty private jets for future unforeseen needs.

Then, he hung up and called Dimas.


Chapter 24 Harmonia, Wait for Me

Absalom got straight to the point. “Uncle Dimas, I’d like to borrow your private jet.”

“My jet’s maintenance will be completed this afternoon. You can use it then.”

Absalom frowned. “This afternoon? Can’t it be moved up?”

“I know you want to see Harmonia, but there is no rush. You’ve wasted five years; you can afford to wait for another half a day.” Dimas figured out why he needed to borrow his jet.

“I’ll transfer the cost of using your jet to you.”

“No need; consider it a small favor from me.”

With that, their conversation ended.

Absalom slammed his fist hard on the steering wheel. He had never hated himself as much as he did today.

His eyes turned red. Tears blurred his vision.

“Harmonia, wait for me.”

The next morning, Harmonia woke up and inquired about the situation.

She learned that Leo was an employee in the security department of Nilus University.

Four years ago, during the redevelopment of Brones District, he had a dispute with Terran Construction. He had been waiting for an

opportunity to seek revenge.

Leo and Luna used each other to carry out the abduction, but neither of them ended up in a good situation.

Harmonia instructed Hector to arrange two commendation posters.

In the name of Marsh Corporation, one poster was given to the police station, and the other was given to the sharpshooter, as an

expression of her gratitude.

Afterward, they proceeded with their original plan to travel to Green Hill on a private jet, with the only change being the inclusion of Louis.

During the four-hour flight, Louis kept sobbing while looking at his resume. The flight attendants had already brought him several tissues.

Harmonia watched him as he continued to cry in despair. Anyone who did not know what happened would have thought she had forced him to do something indecent.

At this rate, he would probably faint before they even reached Green Hill.

She comforted him with empathy and reasoning. “Look; not only do you get triple pay if you have to work on your day off, but you also get paid vacations. This is such a wonderful job!”

continued to cry.

armonia played her trump card. “We’ll double your year-end bonus and benefits.”

The crying abruptly stopped.

Louis tossed aside the tissue. He rallied his spirits and got to work.

“Why did you bring him along?” Hector asked Harmonia in a low voice. There was a hint of disdain in his tone.



“You’ll find out once we get to Green Hill.”

As the plane continued to fly smoothly, the absence of a man’s loud crying made for a much quieter journey.

At the same time, on the other side of Nilus City, Dimas held a poster in his hands and examined it repeatedly.

“Is the flight route approved?” he asked in a cold and composed voice.

Dominic quickly nodded. “The flight route has been approved. We’ll be taking off in two hours.”

“I was asking about the afternoon flight.”

Dominic understood and promptly answered, “Mr. Terran’s flight plan has also been approved. As per your instructions, it’s scheduled to depart at 5:59 p.m.”

“Good.” Dimas nodded.

“Sir, since both you and Mr. Terran are heading to Green Hill, why not travel together?” Dominic could not understand.

Dimas glanced at him. “You talk too much.”

And then, he handed the commendation poster to Dominic.

“Go and hang it in my bedroom.”

Dominic was taken aback. “Sir, there’s no space left in your bedroom for that.”

‘Take down that ‘Moonlit Night in Green Hill’ painting.”

Dominic was shocked. “Sir, that painting is worth 30 billion.”

‘Honor is priceless.”

+ 25 BONUS

Dominic nodded vigorously. “You’re right, sir! Saving a life is worth more than any treasure. You, sir, are the epitome of a man of honor!”

He admired him profoundly.

Suddenly, Dominic thought of something and stopped in his tracks. He asked respectfully, “Sir, where would you like to place the ‘Moonlit Night in Green Hill’ after it is taken down?”


Chapter 25 Holding Old Grudges Against Her, You Should Be Ashamed

“The warehouse.”

Dominic shuddered at the thought of storing a painting worth 30 billion in the warehouse.

He held the commendation poster in his hands and silently repeated to himself. “Honor is priceless! Honor is priceless!”

Four hours later, Harmonia’s private jet landed in Green Hill. As soon as she arrived at Green Town, she hired twenty trucks.

Each truck had banners, labels, and a huge loudspeaker. They went through every street and alley to broadcast a message.

“Mr. Safan is giving back to the town residents by providing free home designs for self-built houses! Plus, more welfare subsidies! Guaranteed satisfaction!”

Harmonia’s father, Safan Marsh, had lived in Green Hill for six years. He had been dedicating himself to charitable work. He was a well- known and highly respected philanthropist in the area.

monia, that’s impressive!” Louis said in admiration. “Green Town as at least a few hundred households. If we can secure these contracts, our studio’s ranking will surely rise.”

‘To be precise, there are 1,101 households.” Harmonia had conducted thorough research before coming here. “Out of those, 766 have expressed interest in reconstructing their houses, and 132 have already completed their reconstructions.”

Marshtown Studio was ranked third from the bottom in BuildEasy.


By adopting the small profits and quick returns strategy, if they could get these 766 households to place orders with them on BuildEasy, they could make it into the top rankings before the bidding for the Seadale Museum project started next month.

“We have one month left. We need to make the most of our time!” Harmonia squinted and her expression turned serious.

At this moment, a few intrigued locals came to inquire.

“Is this really a project initiated by Mr. Safan?” Some locals were skeptical.

“Absolutely, Harmonia Marsh here is Mr. Safan’s one and only daughter!” Louis assured them.

“Do you have any proof?” The residents were rightfully cautious.

Harmonia was prepared for this. She took out her birth certificate from her bag.

Hector and Louis were left dumbfounded.


Who would carry a birth certificate around with them?

She was such a dutiful citizen!

seeing her birth certificate, the locals believed her.

Okay, okay. My house needs reconstruction! I’ll definitely support Mr. Safan’s project!”

Louis was naturally sociable. He immediately struck up a

conversation with the locals and encouraged them to refer them to their friends and relatives.

It was a good thing that Louis had top-notch professional skills and an impeccable attitude.

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With his eloquence and persuasive skills, he had everyone absolutely captivated by his words.

Hector, on the other hand, had some concerns. He leaned in and whispered softly, “Harmonia, even if we manage to secure all 766 households’ contracts, can we really produce the design plans in just a month?”

Harmonia nodded.

Hector remained worried. “So, what are you…”

“Hector, don’t worry. I’ve got a plan!”

After that, Harmonia patted Louis on the shoulder and entrusted him with the task. “We’ll leave this to you.”

They were heading up the hill to meet their parents.

The news spread like wildfire.

Soon, when the mayor heard about Mr. Safan’s new project, he not only took the lead in making an order, but he also referred them to his friends and family who wanted to rebuild their houses.

After that, he set up a small booth for Louis by the main road and enlisted a few volunteers to help him.

With the mayor’s support, the booth was crowded with locals seeking information.

However, at the same time, in a small villa halfway up Green Hill, two people were arguing loudly.

“Back then, she was willing to cut ties with the Marsh family and us just to marry Absalom. Now that she’s divorced, did her parents and the fact that she’s a Marsh finally come to her mind? I thought she’d long forgotten about us.”

Safan fumed Despite being a philanthropist, he had a notoriously fiery and unpredictable temper

Harmonia’s mother, Ginevra Marsh, immediately defended her daughter.

“You’re the one who wanted her to cut ties with us. She sends us messages to wish us well every year. Have you ever replied to her? During holidays and festivals, has she ever not sent gifts? At your age, you’re still holding old grudges against the young ones. Your should be ashamed!”

“Fine, let’s not talk about the past then. Still, she’s just arrived in Green Hill, and instead of coming to visit us first, I heard she’s launching some construction project in town in my name.”

Ginevra retorted. “Harmonia works in construction. Using her father’s name for a big project is not a bad thing! I think you’re not upset about her starting a project in your name. You’re just upset that she didn’t come to visit you immediately after she came to Green Hill.”

Ginevra looked at Safan with an expression that said, “Go on, keep trying to deny it.”

Safan denied. “I never said I wanted her to come visit me! You always take her side. You know, people say an indulgent mother spoils the child!”

“How is our daughter spoiled? She’s been exceptional since she was little! Even Hector, despite not being our biological child, is an exceptional young man!”

Harmonia overheard her parents’ conversation on the porch. Her gorgeous face was instantly drained of color.

Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 12-17

Chapter 12 The Self-Depreciating Mr. Terran, You’re Only Opposing Me to Attract My Attention

He was worried her back would hit the wall. So, he had purposely put his hand out to cushion her fall.

“Absalom, let go of me!” The way Harmonia looked at Absalom was full of anger.

“Harmonia, you’re only opposing me to attract my attention.”

Harmonia chuckled at this. She felt it was absurdly funny. “Mr. Terran, confidence is a good thing to have, but arrogance is not.”

She had to admit. Absalom had the right to be cocky, but his arrogance was misplaced!

“Harmonia, I’m giving you a chance to return!” He had a feeling that she was getting farther and farther away from him.

A chance?

“Absalom, you should just give up!”

Her words did not have a shred of warmth to them. It made his heart clench.

Harmonia’s pretty brows frowned. She put in her all to escape his hold. However, she put in too much energy, and the back of her hand struck his lower jaw.

The slap was not too heavy, but it was enough to draw everyone’s attention.

Taking this opportunity, Harmonia pushed him aside with a single shove. She then took a few steps back and kept her distance from him.


Absalom frowned and stared at her coolly. His tongue touched the inside of his cheek.

“Harmonia, you are the first person to ever have dared to lay a hand on me.”

“Mr. Terran, you flatter me. I’m just paying the favor back.” The back of her hand was bruised and swollen. It had not fully gone down yet.

Just then, a low, clear voice spoke from nearby.

“Absalom, don’t be late for the Seadale Museum’s construction meeting at 4 p.m..”

The Seadale Museum’s construction meeting? Did Terran

Construction plan on targeting this project?

Harmonia lifted her head and looked toward the direction of the

voice. Alas, the man had already turned to leave.

Absalom was stunned. His words could not leave his mouth, and he swallowed them right back.

Harmonia watched the man’s retreating figure. Her gaze fell on the redwood beaded bracelet on his wrist.

It was him!


n swiftly toward the parking lot.

tood where he was, taking in the remaining scent of

gne in the air…

A huge wave of pain overwhelmed him. It was something he had

never felt before.

He frowned as he stared at Harmonia’s silhouette. She was elegant

and gorgeous, but she was leaving him further away.

“There’s nothing I want that I can’t get yet.”


From what he understood of her, he believed that she was only consumed by rage.

When she thought things through, she would turn around and beg him to take her back. It was just a matter of time.

“Harmonia, I’ll be waiting for you.”

Harmonia ran into the underground parking lot, looking for the man’s figure.

That silhouette; that bracelet. She would never mistake those two. He was the man who saved her that day.


Harmonia entered the parking lot. She only saw him open the car door and prepare to get into the car.


She did not care that she was still wearing heels and rushed up toward him. However, she accidentally tripped and sprained her ankle,

She hissed. Staggering, she fell forward heavily.

ust as she was certain that she was going to fall, a hand held her by ner slim waist securely.

“You asked me to wait, and I heard you. So, you don’t need to be in such a hurry.”

Harmonia opened her eyes. She was greeted with a handsome face. The scent of pinewood cologne was indescribably fresh.

If Absalom’s energy was an overwhelming wave, then the man in front of her was a wide wall. However, they were just as intimidating, and just as eye-catching.

“I’m sorry, thanks.” Harmonia steadied herself and took a few steps



“Why are you apologizing and thanking me?” He stared at her unfazed, while smiling.


Chapter 13 About Mr. Martinez Wanting to Steal Partners

Harmonia nodded slightly and explained, “The apology was for my clumsiness. When I saw you getting into the car, I was worried that you would leave and that I couldn’t catch up. Human legs can’t outrun cars after all. The thank you was for saving me once again.”

“Again?” He smirked. “You are a grateful one. It was but a simple gesture. There’s nothing to thank me for.”

Once he said this, he walked toward the parked Alphard.

He stopped in front of the car.

“If you really want to thank me, then stay away from my nephew.”

The surroundings were exceptionally quiet. His words were as heavy as a giant rock thrown into a quiet lake.

Harmonia thought she misheard!

His nephew was Absalom?

So he was Absalom’s uncle who never showed up, Dimas Martinez!

as Martinez was an extremely mysterious man. There were very ew who had seen him!

Harmonia frowned. It was clearly summer, but there seemed to be a chilling breeze. It was freezing her to the bone.

She never thought the man who saved her at the Northriver estate would actually be Absalom’s uncle!

“You should tell that to your nephew” Harmonia’s tone was composed.

She would not stay silent and be spoken to like that just because this


કો મા આમ નિ


If a gentleman kept weapons on himself at all times to take action at any time, then he was one.

After leaving South Pearl Hall, Harmonia drove toward the Empyrean


The security guards were about to stop Harmonia when they saw her. However, they saw her take out a pair of keys to open that exquisitely crafted twin lock!

The Empyrean Tower’s keys were passed down from centuries ago and they could not be duplicated!

“Mr. Weber gave me these keys. I’m here to take pictures.” Harmonia smiled and explained when she saw the security guard’s astonished


“Alright, alright. Please go ahead.” The security guard was polite. When he saw her smile, he felt a bit self-conscious.

“Thank you.” Harmonia nodded and smiled as she entered the


The west wing was the one caught in the fire back then. Even though they h mergency protections in place, the damage was still severe.

like the only way to head up was by entering from the east

Harmonia held on to her SLR Camera. As she walked, she took

pictures of the inside of the building.

Then she walked outside, planning to take some pictures of the front exterior. However, she noticed by chance that it had a clear view of the Northriver estate from where she stood.

Also, there was a security camera aimed straight at the estate’s living

room window!

Chapter 14 How Arrogant, I’m Not Interested in the CEO’s Position

Harmonia’s gaze shifted. She immediately looked for an equipment


The equipment room was located between the east and west wings. It was in a small but discreet place.

Dominic had already passed all the keys to the Empyrean Tower to her. Harmonia opened the equipment room door with no problems. She confirmed all the surveillance faculties were working just fine!

She swiftly typed on the keyboard and searched for the surveillance footage from six days ago.


She was right! The high-definition security cameras clearly recorded the scene where Luna took the abortion medicine herself!

Furthermore, she was not visible from that angle.

The solution really would present itself when one was not looking for it. Her efforts were not for naught after all!

Harmonia laughed lightly. She wanted to corner Luna with this

evidence. So, it was super important for her to preserve the


She took out a USB flash disk from her bag and copied this footage into it.

It was dark by the time she left the Empyrean Tower.

Harmonia then returned to Heron Bay Villa. Just as she entered the living room, confetti poppers crackled around her!


“Congratulations, Monia! You’ve got the Empyrean Tower project!”

Alessia and Mr. Smith were on her left and right sides with confetti poppers in their hands. Confetti arched from around her. Both of them were smiling brightly.

The villa was decorated just for this. It had all the party necessities like balloons and streamers. The most extravagant was the large banner that spread across the living room.

[Congratulations to our top socialite, Harmonia Marsh for successfully finishing off Absalom. You are the very best!]

When Harmonia saw this, she snorted. She rubbed her chin and slowly shook her head.

“What’s so good about being a top socialite? If we are going to do something, then we have to set bigger goals!”

The next moment, Alessia hugged Harmonia. She shouted out expressively, “Monia’s right! Let’s do it!”

“Let’s do it!” Mr. Smith also immediately pumped his fist in excitement!

Not far away, Hector held his forehead. He shook his head helplessly.

Dinner started. The four of them held their wine glasses up in celebration.

Soon after, an entire roast turkey was served.

“Monia, I prepared this just for you. You’ve worked really hard for the past few days. This is to help you replenish your energy.”

Harmonia did not look surprised as she stared at the huge roast turkey, because she knew that only Alessia could come up with something like this.

On the other hand, Hector was astonished. “Where did you get such a big turkey?”

“Who do you think I am? I can dig through gossip and news in your

high society circles and pick them clean. Did you think sourcing a huge turkey would be hard for me?”

Hector was surprised that she seemed quite proud about it!

Harmonia held back her laughter. As she ate the turkey that Mr. Smith carved for her, she suddenly remembered something. She lifted her head to speak.

“Hector, it’ll take a week to handle the procedures for the Empyrean Tower. I plan to give the studio a holiday for now. After all, there’ll be countless late nights awaiting them.”

“Marshtown is already in your hands. You’re totally in charge, and you don’t need to report everything to me. You have the final say in everything.”

Hector relied entirely on Harmonia. Getting the Empyrean Tower renovation project helped to further boost Marshtown Studio’s.


Even now there were heated discussions about how Marsh

Consortium’s stock prices would surge in the following day’s stock market. As a brother, what was there for him to be dissatisfied about?

Harmonia ed sweetly. Her tone was cheeky, “Marshtown is in my are still the CEO of Marsh Consortium. I have to report erior right?”

You are the highest-ranked member of our family. As long as you ask for it, the CEO’s position will be yours.”

Upon hearing this, Alessia almost fell out of her seat.,


“Is… Is it that simple?”

This was the position for Marsh Consortium’s CEO, not a random stall in a market!

Harmonia shook her head. “I’m not interested in the position of CEO.”

Chapter 15 It Does Sound Quite Lousy

Harmonia wanted to make Marshtown Studio a globally recognized construction company. She was running toward her ultimate goal of being an elite, aristocratic, and affluent woman!

“Not interested?” Alessia almost fell off her chair again..

After three rounds of drinks, the group started chatting idly.

Hector took out an invitation letter from his briefcase.

There was a unique logo on the invitation. It spelled out the words ” Nilus City University of Architecture”

Then he gave a copy of the event flow to Harmonia.

“This is the flow for tomorrow’s convocation ceremony. You can first.” familiarize yourself with it.”

Harmonia nodded and accepted it.

“Alessia, could you help me look up this year’s valedictorian and invited guest lists.”

“Here you go.” Alessia took out a document holder from her bag and passed it to Harmonia.

Harmonia was stunned and puzzled. “Aren’t you just a bit too fast?”

“The news company I’m at, Aureole Media, is working together with Nilus University. Tomorrow I’ll be bringing in a team to the venue myself!”

“To dig up gossip?”

“Of course! It’s to interview people and take pictures. Just a few things that we should be doing as a news company.”


Harmonia looked at her suspiciously.

Alessia’s voice was rather meek. “Digging for gossip is also a small part of it, right…?”

Harmonia thought to herself. “I knew it!”

Nilus University was the top university in Nilus City. This convocation just happened to coincide with their 100th anniversary. They might have invited a majority of the upper-class elites too!

For someone from the “High Society Inspection Committee” like Alessia, this was the perfect place for her to show her skills! How could she let such an excellent chance like this go?

Harmonia looked down as she flipped through the names of the invited guests and valedictorians.

Then she saw a familiar name, Luna Woods.

Later, she contacted the most famous detective agency in Nilus City

She smiled beautifully.

The atmosphere was exceptionally cheerful at Heron Bay Villa. They started up a retro disco battle.

Mr. Smith showed off his skills with his solo song and dance, whereas Harmonia and Alessia took turns trying to beat him in a


Hector held his forehead. He was so done with this.

After sending Alessia off, Harmonia gave the studio’s assistant manager, Louis Perez a phone call.


“Louis, from tomorrow on, give all the staff a week-long holiday. Let them rest properly and recharge their batteries.”

“Thank you, Ms. Marsh. You sure are wise. Let me thank you most sincerely on behalf of everyone in the studio!” Louis laughed as he said.

“Except you.”

When she said this, Louis immediately stopped laughing.

“Wait, what?”

“I have something else arranged for you.”

Louis was her brother’s trusty supporter after all. Of course, he would be entrusted with important work.

“Ms. Marsh, this isn’t fair! Why can’t I get a break too?” Louis cried,

“Seven days. While the others go on break, you’ll get three times the pay.”

Louis’s sobs immediately stopped. “Oh, how I love my job. I would do anything for it!”

Harmonia was rendered speechless.

When she thought about this afternoon, Dimas mentioned the

Seadale Museum project to Absalom. She immediately asked about it.

“Right, do you know about the Seadale Museum project?”

“I know about it. This project is Seadale Museum’s order on an app. It’s a project that you’ll need to compete to bid for it. Only the top ten companies on the app can bid for it. The bid starts next month.”

“Order on an app? Is it an app for construction?” This was the first

time Harmonia heard of this.


“Yes. It started at the end of last year.”

“What’s the app called?”


It… sounded quite lousy…

After the call, Harmonia quickly took out her phone and downloaded BuildEasy. Then she immediately tapped into the rankings

The top ten companies were all well-known. Terran Construction had been on the rise the past few years, so they were in first place.

Even though Terran Construction was competent, and they were wealthy, the other companies were not to be underestimated either. Harmonia then scrolled down looking for Marshtown Studio’s ranking.

Chapter 16 Mr. Terran Is Jealous, Swap Seats

Goodness. The ninth place?

Harmonia checked BuildEasy’s rules for increasing rank. Then, she understood that the ranking was based on the company’s scale, orders received, the difficulty of the orders, and the importance they held.

Even if the Empyrean Tower’s order was not keyed into BuildEasy, based on its importance and difficulty, Marshtown Studios still got some points for it.

Taking this into account, Marshtown Studios had been dead last before they secured the Empyrean Tower project.

The next day, Nilus City University of Architecture drew its curtains for its convocation.

It was Nilus City University’s 100th anniversary. Thus, this year’s convocation received a lot of attention. Almost all the high-profile people in Nilus City were here.

Harmonia and Hector showed up at the same time. They were

extremely eye-catching. Many students were wondering if they were dating.

Absalom heard the discussions all around. So, he looked toward

Harmonia and Hector.

He saw Harmonia laughing while saying something to Hector. Even though they were not too intimate with each other, the sight of them being happy together irritated him endlessly.

He cursed under his breath. Then, he walked toward the first row and

sat down.


It was just his luck that Hector was seated on his right. To Hector’s right was Harmonia.

Absalom clenched his fists. He felt extremely irritated and upset.

“Mr. Marsh, can we swap seats?” Absalom asked, but it was not exactly a request. It was really just a demand.

However, Hector did not budge. He replied gently, “I believe you see who is on my right. Swapping seats is not a good idea. As the president of Marsh Consortium, I’m obligated to side with my staff. I do hope you understand.”

His beloved sister had faced so many hardships during the five years she was with Absalom. He was only calm and composed talking to Absalom because this was his sister’s alma mater. He wanted to

show some respect to the university

When Harmonia heard Hector’s response, she discreetly gave him a thumbs-up.

Hector saw it from the corner of his eyes and could not help but laugh.

However, Absalom let out a huff. His words were sharp. “I hope that you’re just siding with your staff and that there isn’t anything else. going on.”

Hector retorted just as unceremoniously, “It doesn’t matter. I’m not married. So, you need not bother how I treat my staff.”

“You are right, but you are not the only one who’s not married.”

They both nodded and smiled. When their eyes met, hostility burned within them! It was like they were about to enter a battle!

Harmonia felt like they were about to get into a brawl.



Just then, the host announced the start of the convocation.

ceremony. The chancellor went on stage to give a speech, and the whole hall went silent.

Soon after, the vice-chancellor announced the valedictorian.

“Architecture course: Luna Woods!”

The second Luna’s name was announced, the whole hall broke out

into a ruckus.

“Luna Woods? For real?”

“But both Serene Scrolls and William Jackson are better than her.”

“No matter how good they are, their backing is not as strong as hers!”

The muffled whispers did not stop. Under everyone’s gaze, Luna walked up to the stage in her graduation robes. She was utterly

unfazed. It was as if she was meant to be valedictorian all along!

Once Luna stood on stage, her gaze fell on Absalom. It was full of gentleness and love.

However, the second she saw Harmonia, her gaze suddenly changed. She looked arrogant and pleased with herself. It was like she was saying, “Did you ever have this honor?”

Harmonia looked at her and smiled playfully yet profoundly.

Luna took out the script she prepared and started speaking.

Once her speech ended with applause, the music started up again!

“Let’s welcome our campus’s most mysterious valedictorian to come. up on stage to pass on the Legacy Crown!” Once the vice-chancellor said this, the whole hall went silent.

Chapter 17 The Best Person on The Terran Construction Was Actually Mr. Terran’s Wife

Who could forget that Nilus University had a most mysterious valedictorian?

That year there were no traditions and no passing of the Legacy Crown. However, that person had amazing grades! It was said she was the best engineer in almost a hundred years, a genius if you will.

And now, she was here!

Under everyone’s gazes of anticipation as they looked around, Harmonia stood up from her seat. She followed the hostess and strode up on stage.

The second Harmonia walked up onto the stage, everyone exclaimed with surprise.

“What? The new person in charge of Marshtown Studio is that mysterious genius from our university?”

“Oh my gosh! Who would have guessed that the best person in Terran Construction was actually Mr. Terran’s wife?”

“Ahem, to be precise. It’s his ex-wife.

In the audience seat, Hector was unfazed. He was smiling as he watched Harmonia. His sister should have had all eyes on her and been star-studded like this all along!

On the other hand, Absalom’s handsome features were tense. His expression was absolutely dark and scary.

From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Hector. He could guess he knew something about it.


But as her husband, how could he know nothing about this?

This woman had lied to him again!

He let out a chuckle.

How could Harmonia lie to him when he was apparently the love of

her life?

Swiftly, Absalom stood up and left the ceremony early.

At this point, all eyes were on the stage, but his face and presence were just too hard to ignore. His departure still attracted a lot of


It was just that he looked so terrifying that no one dared to look at him for one second more.

However, when they saw Harmonia walking on the stage graciously in contrast to the forlorn Absalom leaving the scene, everyone

understood what was going on.

Luna stood frozen on the stage, her eyes wide with shock.

She stared at Harmonia walking over to her step by step. It almost felt like countless hands were slapping her face.

Who would have thought that she was that mysterious genius?

Harmonia stood before the microphone and beamed beautifully toward the audience.

After a simple speech, there was a round of applause. Harmonia followed the hostess and walked to Luna’s side.

Harmonia held the Legacy Crown to put it on Luna. She said softly,” Be careful, don’t break it. What if you need to return it?”

Luna was fuming with rage! But in a situation like this, she could only hold back and swallow her anger.


The picture with both of them in the frame was trending the second it was published online! It created a huge discussion.

There was no harm without comparison. It was impossible to ignore it. Luna and Harmonia were as different as a peasant and a goddess.

After the graduation ceremony, the graduates rushed toward the north gate. They were looking for Marshland Studio’s recruitment. booth.

Harmonia and Hector headed toward the principal’s office to talk about contributing to a building.

They did not expect to walk into the chancellor and the dean having a discussion.

“Did all the invited guests show up today?” the chancellor asked.

The dean shook his head. “Mr. Martinez did not show up, but he sent a bouquet with his regards.”

“He’s a powerful figure who’s far out of our reach. It’s okay.” The chancellor smiled and waved his hand.

“That’s right. It’s already an honor to receive a bouquet from him.”

Harmonia was stunned.

So, Nilus University had also invited Dimas?

In their eyes, receiving a bouquet from him was already an honor. It was obvious that this man’s background was not simple.

Soon after, Hector and the chancellor discussed the building’s contributions. The chancellor nodded happily all the way, totally agreeing that Marshtown Studio should design and construct the building.

Just as they were about to sign the contract.. “Wait!”


Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Mr. Terran’s Ex-wife Is Much Prettier Than His. Mistress

“I choose Marshtown Studio.”

As he said that, the members of the studio erupted in cheers.

Terran Construction had lost!

For the past five years, Terran Construction had been invincible and

dominant in the industry, but now they had lost to a relatively

unpopular studio.

While the members celebrated, Harmonia simply smiled.

“That was a good competition, Mr. Terran.”

After Harmonia said that, she took the stage, shook hands with Dominic, and exchanged contracts.

Marshtown Studio had won the bidding!

In an instant, topics like “Marshtown Studio beats Terran. Construction” and “Terran Construction narrowly defeated” were trending! It sparked discussions across social media!

“Oh, I feel sorry for Mr. Terran. He’s so handsome! I’ve got a soft spot for handsome guys!”

“Have you forgotten what just happened? Wake up, girl! Do you also want to be Mr. Terran’s sister?”

“Who is this beautiful lady from Marshtown Studio? She seems so confident, and she’s really capable!”

“Doesn’t anyone else think that the beauty looks a bit like Mr. Terran’s ex-wife?”


Soon, curious netizens dug up photos taken at the courthouse for comparison.

Using their keen eyes, they identified Harmonia as the same person, thanks to a small mole at the corner of her eye.

“She’s really Mr. Terran’s ex-wife! I just let out a squeal!”

“His ex-wife’s looks leave the mistress in the dust, by like eight million miles. She’s practically in another galaxy! What’s up with Mr. Terran’s taste?”

“Mr. Terran truly lost a gem and let an opportunity slip through his fingers! Is his ex-wife staging a real-life ‘revenge’ soap opera?”

The studio members were equally astonished. Very few of the core team members knew that she was Mr. Hector’s sister, but the revelation of her being “Mr. Terran’s ex-wife” added another layer of intrigue to her identity.

After all, her current appearance and demeanor were quite different from the seemingly ordinary ex-wife of Mr. Terran.

After the bidding session ended, the team members left first. They headed back to the studio to prepare for the next steps, including handling interviews with the media.

Meanwhile, Harmonia found Dominic and obtained the keys to the Empyrean Tower along with the necessary paperwork.

Dominic extended his hand toward Harmonia. “I’m looking forward to seeing the Empyrean Tower restored to its former glory by

Marshtown Studio.”

Harmonia nodded and shook his hand. “We will do our best and not disappoint you.”


Her gaze and demeanor remained as resolute as ever.

As Harmonia left the hall, she ran into Absalom in the corridor..

“Harmonia, we need to talk.” His body blocked out all the light in front of her just as he had done during those five years when he

overshadowed her brilliance.

Harmonia did not look at him. “I have nothing to say to you, Mr. Terran.”

It was over between them.

“Harmonia, about Luna and me…”

“I’m not interested to know.” As Harmonia said that, she was ready to walk past him.

“Harmonia!” Absalom gripped her slender wrist. His voice filled with anger. “How long are you going to lie to me?”

Lie to him about what?

If it was about her identity as the eldest daughter of the Marsh family, well, back then, she had chosen to cut ties with her family just to marry him.

So, that did not count as a lie!

As for secretly securing the three major construction projects for him, it was because she did not want her family to find out. She was concerned that her identity would bring unnecessary trouble to him.

Everything she did before was for him, but he saw it as deceptiveness.

Harmonia’s lips curled into a mocking smile. It was unclear if she was mocking the man in front of her or mocking her former self.

“Mr. Terran, please act appropriately!”

  • 25 BONUS

Absalom smiled in anger. He emitted a chilling aura colder than the harshest winter wind.

Instead of releasing his grip, he pressed her against the wall!


Out of My Way, I’m Becoming a Billionaire Chapter 10

Chapter 10 She Must Have Picked Up a Thing or Two

Harmonia’s gentle voice filled the room. Her voice was flowing like a forest brook. It was calm and soothing.

Throughout her presentation, she did not glance at the large screen

even a single time. Every detail was etched into her mind. Her

explanations were clear and organized. Her proposal could be described as flawless.

“What Marshtown Studio aims to do is not just restore Empyrean. Tower but to rekindle the image of Empyrean Tower in the hearts of all Nilus City residents.”

She concluded with a beautiful statement and earned applause from the entire audience.

Inside the live chat room, the barrage of comments was going wild!

“Who’s this stunning lady with a knack for architecture? As a recent graduate from Nilus University’s architecture faculty, I’m thoroughly. impressed!”

“Marshtown Studio’s restoration plan is really extraordinary and creative. Not everyone has the guts for that!”

“I personally prefer Marshtown Studio’s proposal. Now, it’s up to the client to decide!”

Dominic stood up from his seat.

“Both proposals are excellent, but the Empyrean Tower is of utmost importance to me personally. Please grant me some time alone to consider.”


After he said that, he walked out with his hands behind his back

toward a small equipment room.

Dominic’s hesitation was understandable since both proposals had

their merits.

Marshtown Studio’s proposal was more daring, but it would restore Empyrean Tower closer to its original state. On the other hand, Terran Construction’s proposal was more conservative, but it would make too many changes to the Empyrean Tower.

room was

The audience in the live chat room was speculating about which bid the client would choose, but the atmosphere in the notably tense.

The members of Marshtown Studio, who were initially skeptical of Harmonia as their new leader, had grown to respect and trust her over the past few days as they worked together to develop their proposal.

While Marshtown Studio had been relatively unknown to the industry in recent years, its ability to compete with Terran Construction and make the client reconsider their decision was a significant step forward.

This was a promising start. Winning or losing the bidding seemed to becomess important!

the most concerned party was undoubtedly Terran

uction. At first, they were all confident of their victory, but now, eir faces bore expressions of concern.

“I never expected Mr. Terran’s ex-wife to know architecture. I thought she was just leading the team to participate.”

“It’s really strange. If Mr. Terran’s ex-wife knows about architecture, why hasn’t she been involved in Terran Construction’s projects over the years?”



“Maybe she just got lucky? After all, she’s been married to Mr. Terran for five years. She must have picked up a thing or two.”

Absalom remained silent. He did not agree with his subordinates’ speculations.

Even if her team had prepared the proposal, the articulate

presentation was delivered by her alone.

It had only been a few days since their divorce, if she really knew only a little about architecture, there was no way she could confidently stand on that stage.

It was clear that she knew more than just the basics.

Absalom looked at Harmonia out of the corner of his eyes

She sat there poised and graceful. He could not help but clench his hands into fists. It felt as if his chest had been struck with a blunt


How many secrets was she hiding from him? It seemed that she had deceived him more than he realized during their marriage of five years.

Ironically, he had initially thought of asking Marshtown Studio to join them after he won the bidding, but now, looking back, it felt absurd.

Despite that, an idea was slowly forming in his mind. If she were willing to come back to him, he would forgive her for being deceptive and start over with her.

This idea seemed incredibly foolish even to him.

Thirty minutes later, Dominic came out of the equipment room. He stood with his hands behind his back…

All eyes were fixed on him. Everyone was awaiting his decision.

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