My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 93

Two weeks went by in a blink of an eye. Today was Amanda and and Richard’s seventh wedding anniversary. Richard woke up early to do nothing but admire his wife’s perfect feature. Time has not left a mark on her face and she was addictive to look at.


Amanda opened her eyes slowly and was met by a set of deep, full of emotions eyes staring right at her.


“Happy 7th marriage anniversary my queen.” Richard said with a smile.


“Huh?” Amanda had just woken up so her mind was slow to process.


“Happy 7th marriage anniversary, my queen.” Richard repeated himself.


After realising what he was saying, Amanda was shocked. So much had passed but it all felt like yesterday. Her eyes teared up.


“Thank you for providing me with a home I thought I would never have.” Amanda said emotionally.


“That you too, for everything and for betting your whole life on me.” Richard said, kissing her forehead lightly.


“You are the best husband.”


“And you are the best wife.”


“Okay darling, hurry up. Your little dumplings prepared a surprise for you. You better start preparing or else, they will come here to make a scene.” Richard said.


“A surprise?”




Amanda quickly washed up and went to have breakfast with her husband.


But the moment she put the pan-fried egg in her mouth, she felt a sudden urge to vomit so she quickly ran to the bathroom. Richard followed, feeling worried about her.


“What is it?” Richard helped Amanda who was looking pale as they walked towards the dining room.


“I don’t know, i haven’t been feeling like myself since yesterday. No appetite and my body feels really weird.” Amanda said.


Hearing her words, a sudden thought crossed Richard’s mind.


“I will take you to the hospital right away.” Richard said without a second thought.


“I’m fine. Maybe it’s just because the weather has been changing recently.”


“No we are going to the hospital.” Richard said firmly.


At the hospital, Richard nervously waited for the report from the doctor. Amanda didn’t know why her husband was nervous because she felt perfectly fine except her lack of appetite.


After what seemed like a century, the doctor finally walked in with her report.


He had a big smile plastered on her face.


“Congratulations the two of you. Your baby is healthy.” The doctor said..


“Wha…copy right hot novel pub

. what did you just say?” Amanda asked, not believing her ears.


“Mrs Howell, you are already four week pregnant.”


“Ooh my God!” Amanda yelped and turned to look at Richard. What followed was a warm hug from her husband.


The two of the were thrilled, it was not until the doctor coughed that Richard broke the hug.


After telling them the do’s and the don’t’s, Richard and Amanda left. They had experienced it ones so they were not as nervous as had been during the first pregnancy.




Evening arrived in a blink of an eye. Amanda donned a long peach dress as she walked the red carpet, holding Richard’s hand. Thus was probably the happiest she has ever felt in her whole life.


Having two little trouble makers with the man who loved and pampered her. There was also a little in her belly. Amanda smiled with satisfaction as a warm felling bubbled in her chest.


“Wow, look bro, our mother is beautiful.” Maddy said.


“Even daddy looks amazing.”


“Yeah.” Maddy said, a dreamy expression gracing her small face.


“What is with that look?” Vicky asked.




The two ran to their parents.


“Mommy, you look amazing. I also want to be a beautiful bride like mommy.” Maddy said.


“Of course my little princess is the most beautiful, you will even be more beautiful when you grow up.” Amanda said, bending down to hug her daughter.


“Now, you just have to give us a little brother.”


“Why not a sister?”


“No, a brother.” The two siblings quarrelled, making Amanda burst in a fist of laughter.


“You guys don’t have to worry about that. You little brother or sister is already on the way.”



. mommy is the best.”


The family of four had a fabulous time. Amanda had left a history in the entertainment industry, a lot of her friends had been invited and even the media was all over the place.


Amanda excused herself after some drinks to go to the washroom. As she was cleaning her hands, she saw a familiar face that she had not seen for long time. She had even forgotten about her existence.


Amanda looked at the person with an emotionless gaze.


“You really are happy!” Vallery said in a self mocking voice.


“Why shouldn’t I be. It’s all thanks to you that I managed to have what I have today.” Amanda said. She did not really care about this sister of hers. She hasn’t seen her for years and almost forgot about her.


“Hehe Amanda, you have really won. I thought that you were just some wild duckling who was no threat to me, but I really underestimated you.” Vallery said.


“You must be seeing me as a joke, right?”


“You know what, you don’t have to waste your time provoking me. I had almost forgotten that you once existed in my life. Why don’t you collect some good karma for your next life, so that you won’t end up as sorry as you are now.”


“I don’t have to collect good karma, all I have to do is go with you to hell.” Vallery said as she made small steps towards Amanda.


“I’m not a lone. There is someone who even wants you dead more than I do.” As she voice fell, footsteps were head from outside.


Amanda looked at the newcomer shocked.




“Bitch, it’s good that you still remember me.” Mandy said. She has just been released not too long and she could not sit still after seeing how well Amanda and Richard were living. She had to do something.


“What do you want from me?” Amanda asked, feeling scared.


“Nothing, we just want to have some fun.”


“Richard will never let you off.” Amanda threatened.


“Don’t worry, that will only be after he is conscious again, but I guess it will be too late. But don’t worry, I will help you take care of him.

” Mandy said. She could not hide the madness in her eyes.


“What have you done to my husband?”


“Nothing, just something to knock him out for a while. And your two little brats.”


Mandy said, and they all started to move toward Amanda.


“Stay away from me.”


“Hahaha, that won’t do.” Mandy said, laughing like a maniac.


“I guess it will!” Suddenly there was a cold voice at the entrance. Mandy and Vallery stood frozen on the ground like they have been hit by lightening.


Amanda on the other hand felt like her whole body come back to life. She ran towards the source of the voice and hugged the man tightly.


“Did they harm you?” Richard asked, holding the woman in his arms gently.


“No. You came right on time.”


“How did you…..” Mandy looked at the tall man like she was looking at a ghost.


“How did I what? You have just come our of jail but I guess you will be going back in. But this ykrk, it will be for life.” Richard looked at Mandy coldly, enuciating each word.


“Do you think I could give you the chance of harming my family again? You think too highly of yourselves.” After saying that, Richard left and the police soon took Mandy and Vallery away.


Amanda was shaken so the banquet ended earlier.




Many years later, Amanda had given birth to a bouncing baby girl and she named her Evelyne after her mother who had already passed away.


Maddy and Vicky were all grown up and they had their own careers and families. Evelyne was in her final year of campus.


Reminiscing about the years they had lived together as they watched the sunset, Amanda was grateful and could not control her emotion, giving Richard a long kiss full of emotions.








~~~~~THE END!!~~~~~

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 91-92

She greeted everyone, but all of them except grandma Catherine scoffed at her. She did not care about their attitude and sat down. Making herself feel at home.


“How is Amanda?” Catherine asked with concern.


“Richard called just now and said that there was some accident at home. She was rushed to the hospital. If not for the fact that I was almost here, I could have gone immediately.”


Hearing that his daughter was in the hospital, Peter had no time to waste. He knew that Evelyne won’t be staying for long. It was good enough that she managed to come.


“Okay, since everyone is here, let’s begin.” Peter said as he took out some documents from his briefcase and distributed them among the people who were sitting in the living room.


They did not understand what and why Peter was giving them the documents but never the less, they took them.


Skimming through them, everyone was shocked.


“Uncle, what is the meaning of this?” Jason was the first to ask. Juliana did not have to look through the documents to know what it entailed.


“I have just realised how much of a fool I have been made by my supposedly lovely wife.”


“These are DNA tests for my three children, Amanda, Vallery and Ryan. Unfortunately I’m only biologically related to one and that is Amanda.” Peter said.


Everyone was shocked at the sudden revelation.


What was happening, Peter was only biologically related to Amanda, then Vallery and Ryan…


The news was shocking.


Everyone’s face turned pale, especially Vallery and Ryan. For Juliana, she was on the verge of fainting.


“What happened, wasn’t Evelyne the who cheated on you? How comes Vallery and Ryan are not related to you?” Liz was the voice to regain and her senses and asked.


“I thought so too. But I have never known Evelyne for too long. We have been through a lot, although in my subconscious mind I knew that she could never do such a thing, I still chose not believe and even hurt badly. I have not been living well for the past five years or so.”


“Something did not click in. But at that time I was so much in love that I did not care if Evelyne lived or died.copy right hot novel pub

Everyone knew that she cheated on me, but ever since she left, she has been single with no man around her, if she really had cheated, shouldn’t she have ran to that man’s arms and start a ñew life?” Peter explained his logic.


It was like, when he was sending Evelyne and Amanda away, he had been enchanted, and now that the spell had lost its power, he realised how foolish he had been.


Divorcing his wife because of a mistress? Haha, he even felt like giving himself a tight slap.


After hearing Peter’s explanation, everything clicked in. But there was one thing the William’s did not understand, it was his family business, why would summon everyone.


Vallery felt like the world was crumbling on her. Her head turned blank and her mind refused to process what was happening.


She was not Peter’s daughter, then who was she? Will Jason divorce her. No, she could not let that happen.


“Mom, this is not real right? Say something!” Vallery urged her mother. But Juliana just stayed there like she had lost all senses of life. She was like a lifeless robot.


“No! No! No! Dad, what exactly is going on?” Vallery had no choice but to clutch on her father’s legs.


“Weren’t you the one who helped your mother in framing Amanda and her mom? Why can’t you possibly know what is going on?” Peter asked, his voice filled with seld left mockery. He could not believe that the mother and daughter pair had done too much under his nose and he had not even realised it.


“What!” Jason exclaimed.


Vallery helped her mother to frame Amanda and her mom?


So the innocent image she had been putting on was all a facade.


“Why did you decide to reveal your family dirty deed in my house?” James asked angrily.


“That was so you could not think that I knew about this and intentionally tricked Jason into marrying her.” Peter did not even want to say their names.


James expression was very ugly. Liz and her husband also looked very bad. Only grandma Catherine and Evelyne looked calm.



“So, witch, you have been lying all along, even making me hate my best friend because I thought she was dirty? How could you take us as fools?” Liz asked angrily, shaking the life out of Juliana.


“Ha ha ha…” Juliana suddenly laughed, sending chills down everyone spine.


“Liz, you think you are some kind considerate woman. All you care about is your image. Just because I said a few bad things about Evelyne, you did not even hesitate to distance yourself from her for the fear that your reputation will be wasted. Do you dare say that you cared about her?” Juliana said, laughing like a maniac.




“I know I have lost everything, there is no reason in denying what I have done I just don’t like Evelyne that is why I did everything I could to ruin her life. We were in the same school, although she might not remember me, but I know her. After all she was the princess of every men in school. She is a vixen incarnate and I hate her.” Juliana said, leaving everyone speechless.


“There was this boy that I really liked and I decided to confess to him, not only did he embarrass me infront of the whole class, she even said that I can’t compare to Evelyn’s pinky. He even said that he rather stay single rather than being with me.” Juliana continued.


“Just because of some past grudges that I’m not even aware, you decided to ruin my life? Look at you now, you have your completely ruined your life and that of your children.” Evelyne said.



“Excuse me, I need to go. My daughter is in the hospital, I don’t have time to waste.” With that, she stood up and left without sparing anyone a glance.


“Call me when you reach there, I will come and visit once I’m done with this mess.” Grandma Catherine said.




Just as Evelyne reached the door, she felt a huge force behind her. Juliana had abruptly stood up with the tea pot in her hands and it was aimed at Evelyne. No one anticipated it and before they could react, they heard a shattering sound.


Evelyne had fallen on the floor and her back was bleeding.


“Evelyne!” Peter called out.


“Evelyne!” Catherine called out.


“Evelyne!” Liz cried.


“Auntie!” Jason too was shocked.


“What do you think you are doing?” Peter asked Juliana angrily as he went to check on Evelyne.


“I hate her, and if I’m to die, she dies too.” She said in a malicious voice, having probably lost her mind.


Vallery was still stunned from the fact that she was not a Jackson and did not quite react to the commotion around her.


Her mind had turned blank and she was in a state of shock.

Evelyne had been rushed to the hospital where she woke up shortly after her wound was treated. She directly went to see her daughter even though the doctors had told her to rest for a little more.


Amanda had given birth to twins and she was now resting in the VIP ward. Due to the exhaustion from pushing the babies, she fainted right after giving birth and she was yet to wake up.


Richard was worried about her and had not left her side.


“Doctor, will my wife be okay?” Richard asked.


“Of course. She just fainted from being exhausted. Her due date had not arrived so she was not mentally prepared, she should be waking up before tomorrow morning.” The doctor said.


Although Richard had asked that same question hundred times, the doctor still answered him patiently.


“Can I see the babies?”


“Yes you can, after they have been cleaned.” The doctor said..


Richard was excited about his wife giving him two cute babies, a boy and a girl. He did not expect it. He was also worried about his wife. What if she never woke up. What was he supposed to do?


His emotions were all over the place and it took him a long time to calm down.



Amanda stayed in the hospital for two week before she was released. Her babies needed medical observation because they were born before their due date. After making sure that they were in perfect condition, the doctor finally allowed them to go home.


In the period of two weeks, a lot had happened.


Juliana was sent to an asylum since she lost her mind. She was like a mad dog biting everyone she saw.


As for Vallery, after what her mother did, Jason had also done a DNA test of his son, only to find out that they were not related.


He was so mad and humiliated that he immediately chased Vallery out of the house together with her bastard son.


Vallery had a taste of how it felt to live on the streets. When she was driving Amanda and her mother out of their house back then, she felt thrilled. But now, she wished to just die.


She did some minions jobs like washing the dishes in the restaurants just for a small pay. She wished to even abandon her son.



Time passed by as Madline and Victor grew into two beautiful babies.


Madline was especially cute and took after her mom. As for Victor, he had a haughty aura like that of her dad.copy right hot novel pub



Amanda had returned to the entertainment industry after one year of resting. Although she had been practically forgotten, but with her talent, she easily gained her moment.


Richard used all the resources he had to support his wife. They could not be more sweet as displayed their affection to the public.


People got goosebumps whenever they saw them, but never the less, they loved them and they were a role model couple for many young marriages.


Leonard has completely accepted Amanda as her daughter in law. He spoiled his grandchildren like there was no tomorrow.


Five years passed by in a flash. Amanda had taken all the best biggest awards in the industry for the passed years. She was a legend in the industry after five years. Looking at her what she had accomplished in this life compared to her past life, she felt nostalgic. But she knew it was all because of Richard. That man and done more than enough for her. So Amanda decided to retire from the industry to take care of her family.


“Baby, I feel so blessed having you and our kids.” Amanda said as she laid on Richard’s lap.


“Thank you for giving me what I never had a chance to have in my past life.”


“It’s you I should be thanking my darling. You were an angel who feel from the sky and I couldn’t be more thankful.” Richard said as he caressed Amanda’s charming face.


Time seemed to not work against her as her skin was still glowing like that of a twenty odd years youth.


He simply loved his wife without any restraint. Although they had faced a lot of challenges in their pursuit for a happy family, it was still worthy it.


Thinking about how his life would have been boring and incomplete without her, Richard could not control his emotions. He bent his head and kissed his wife deeply.


Ever since he met Amanda, his self control dropped to zero. He had zero restraint when he was with his wife.


As he kissed her, his hands started to roam around in her skirt, sending electric current in every part of her body.



Although Amanda was in her thirties and Richard was in his forties, he still had a lot of vigour when it came to doing some things.


Although Amanda craved for him too, she still had some rationale.


“Hey, it’s day time.”


“So what? Isn’t it more exciting that way.”


“The children are around, what if they bump into us.” Amanda has always been careful when being intimate with her husband. She did not want her children to chance upon them thus she has always preferred doing it at night.


“It’s good too. How else could they know how they came into this world.” Richard said as he beat his wife on the collarbone, leaving an obvious mark behind..


“Hey, no biting.”


“Baby, I’m your husband. I can do whatever I want with you. You can also do the same. I won’t reject it.” Richard said as he smiled devilishly. He simply loved how shy his wife was..


Although they were now considered an old couple, his wife was still shy when it came to doing some things.


After a wanton session, Amanda fell asleep in her husband’s arms, smiling contentedly. Seeing her smile of satisfaction, Richard vowed to himself that he will make sure that smiled remained on her face for the rest of her life.


In Vicky’s bedroom.


“Bro, our parent’s wedding anniversary will be in a few days. I haven’t heard dad planning anything. Maybe he forgot about it.” Madddy said as she suck on her lollipop.



“I actually have an idea. We can prepare it ourselves and then when the day comes, we surprise them.” Vicky said, his eyes showing a foxy look.


“What is your plan?”


As they were still talking, Richard entered their room unnoticed.


“What are you two imps talking about?” He asked as he leaned his body on the door frame. He was so relaxed that no one could tell that he has just tortured his wife until she passed out.


“Daddy, when did you come in?” Maddy, feeling startled at her father’s sudden arrival.


“Can’t I come to check on you?” Richard asked, feigning anger.


“No, of course you can.” Maddy said.


“Okay my little princess, come to daddy. Let daddy hug you.” Richard said opening his hands wide.


Hugging the soft in his hands, Richard felt happy and contented. He never thought that one day, he too we have a chance of being called daddy.


“Son, come over too.” Richard said in a pampering.


Victor run with his small legs and dove into his father’s big and warm chest.


Richard lifted his two children with ease and went to sit on his son’s bed, making maddy and Victor sit on his laps.


“Now can you tell daddy what you were talking about?” Richard asked gently.


Maddy stated and explained to her father about their plan. Victor added that it was supposed to be a secret but they don’t have enough money to prepare such a big surprise so it was upto his dad to give them the money and keep it a secret from their mom.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 81-90

After everyone walked the red carpet and after thinking that there was no one left, a black Porsche stopped at the end of the red carpet.


It was a sleek car with tilted windows. The reporters were stunned as they started to snap photos madly.


“Woah, who is the big shot now. I thought that I had already seen enough for tonight, but there was still more to come?” One of the reporters said.


“That car is way too cool, I think it could cost a few billions.”


“I think it is custom made. Even the number plate is unique.” Someone with a keen eye commented.


“Which god of fortune has graced our show tonight?” There was a lot of commotion from the reporters that the people inside the room started to crane their necks to see what was happening.


Vallery on the other was talking to Jason.


“I thought that sister will be coming tonight. I heard that her movies were nominated in quite a number of awards. Has fame entered her brain that she has forgotten her place.”


Jason frowned after hearing that.


“What are you talking about? Amanda is will definitely come.”


“But everyone has already walked the red carpet. Does she think that she has it all now because she is a little famous?” Vallery continued with her banter.


“What are you complaining about. It is her business whether she wants to come or not. What does is have to do with her being famous?” Jason became displeased.


“Brother Jase, why are you speaking up for her? I’m just saying it out of good will. This is a national event, does she dare to act rude and arrogant.”


Jason became extremely annoyed now. He did not understand why Vallery was bent on talking bad about Amanda.


Even in the past, whenever she talked about Amanda, it was always nothing good. It made Jason to hate Amanda for some stupid reasons and even broke up with her.


He has been thinking a lot recently after seeing her engagement with Richard. Would Richard allow someone with lose morals to get close to him.


The more he thought about it, the more he became annoyed, but he could not do anything other than live in regrets everyday.


Although he wished to see her, he did not wish for her to come as he will be reminded of the pain he has made her go through.


“I’m sure Amanda is just not feeling well or might be held up with something else.copy right hot novel pub

” Hearing that he was speaking up for her, Val’s eyes turned cold. She clenched her fist in anger and almost stubbed her palm with her long nails.


“Brother Jase, do you still miss her? Are you two still seeing each other, did she seduce you?” Vallery asked, purposely raising her voice for people around her to hear.


“What nonsense are you talking about?” Jason asked, his face darkening.


“Just answer me brother Jase, is Amanda seducing you again?” Vallery said. Even tears were threatening to fall from her eyes any moment.


“Don’t make a scene here.” The more Jason avoided the topic, the more Vallery wanted him to say it.


“Do you know who Amanda’s boyfriend is? Let me warn you she is someone you cannot afford to offend now, you better stop with your tantrums before people misunderstand and spread unnecessary rumours.” Jason warned in a small voice, only the two could hear.


Vallery pretended to be shocked as she trembled lightly, when in real sense she was sending out a signal.


The people around them had started to whisper in low tones.


“What is going with this two? Didn’t Vallery leave the industry because she was pregnant and wanted to take care of her family?” Someone from the crowd asked.


“Yes. I also heard that. But now she seem to blaming Jason for hooking up with another woman behind her back.”


“What? Weren’t this two very loving and haven’t they been together for a long time.”


“Who knows, some people will never allow others to be happy. They are just born to wreck havoc in people’s lives.”


“What are you talking about?”


“In heard that Amanda seduced Jason when Val was pregnant and the two hooked up. There is a rumour that Amanda even got pregnant and aborted the baby when no one knew.”


“Really, isn’t Amanda and Vallery sisters? How could she do such a thing to her sister.


“They are sisters but only share a father. I heard that Amanda and her mother were chased out of the family when she was around twenty years old because her mother went around seducing every man she set her eyes on.”


“Wow, that is big news.”


“No wonder she has raised to fame shortly after joining the industry, who knows how many men she has slept with to be where she was.”


“And have you noticed that she is not even here! Maybe she is busy pleasing some old disgusting men in some hotel room.”


“Sigh, Vallery is good natured that she has never said anything to anyone. She has been enduring it silently all this while.”


“She is so pitiful, I feel for her.”


Vallery who was standing not too far away, smiled smugly inside although she maintained a hurt expression on her face. Anyone who saw her would probably feel heartache for her.


Jason too had heard those words and his expression did not look well. He did not know how those people managed to find out so much about Amanda.


Amanda had never disclosed her family information to the public, only a few people in the industry knew that she was a Jackson’s daughter.


Vallery looked at the person who has revealed the information and gave her a thumbs up when no one was noticing.


Since she wanted to return to show biz, she had to clear out some obstacles, and Amanda happened to be her biggest obstacle.


She had arranged for reportes to attack her on the red carpet but since she did not appear, she decided to implement her plan B.


She turned to look at the people who were talking.


“Guys, what nonsense are you talking about, Amanda is my sister, even if she does something like that, she is still my sister. You can’t just slander her.” Vallery said. Although she was pretending to speak up for Amanda, everyone could still read between the lines.



She was silently admitting that her sister had done so, but because it was her sister, she chose to forgive her.


Jason frowned after hearing that. He felt that something was wrong, but he could not tell what it was.




At the end of the red carpet, Richard slowly alighted from the car.


He did not come out immediately after arriving and stayed in the car for around five minutes. Since he was the VVIP for tonight, he could do as he wished and no one will rush him.


He was doing nothing in particular apart from enjoying his wife’s beauty while hugging her. Only after Amanda urged him did he open the car door.


After waiting for what felt like a decade, the reporters finally saw the car door being opened.


Shiny black leather shoes greeted their eyes, before long, slender legs came into view.


Richard alighted from the car unhurriedly, every action of him followed by loud shrieks from the fans and the media.


People thought that he will be walking the red carpet alone, but under their heated gaze, he walked to the other side of the car, opened the door and stretched his hand out like a gentleman, silently waiting for the woman in the car.


Amanda also took her sweet time, placed her hand in his large palm, and under everyone’s gaze, Richard led her to the red carpet.


Seeing the woman, her fans, who had been disappointed that she had not come, immediately shouted her name. The commotion attracted everyone, looking over the red carpet everyone had the same thought…

“Isn’t that Amanda? Wasn’t someone saying just now that she won’t be coming?” The hall fell into a frenzy as people started talking nonstop.


Vallery looked at the stunning woman on the red carpet and felt extreme jealousy and hatred surge in her heart.


She knew that in terms of looks, she will never compare to Amanda. That woman was born with a beautiful face and a stunning figure, she just needed a little makeover and no one will match up to her.


As for her, she has undergone plastic surgeries to get her current look. She always wondered how come they were sisters but their looks were different.


Amanda took most of her mother’s beauty and her father’s good points. As for Vellery, she had no any resemblance to her father and resembled her mother very little.


How she wished her to die just there and then.


And the man standing beside her, no word could describe his good looking face. He was beyond the mortal beauty.


‘Could he be her boyfriend.’ Vallery thought. But she soon dispelled the thought in her mind. That man was like a god in the business world. How could he be Amanda’s boyfriend.


If it was true, that girl would have already flauted it in front of everyone.


“Wow, it’s Amanda Jackson.” The reporters said excitedly.


“I knew it. Our idol will never disappoint us. How could she ditch us?” Her fans said excitedly, others were even shading tears of joy.


“I didn’t think that Richard Howell will attend today’s gala.”


“And he even walked the red carpet with a woman.”


“Yes, Richard rarely attend such events let alone walk the red carpet.”


“Gosh, these two look good together. Richard’s gaze is flowing with love when he looks at Amanda. Do you see how careful his every move is, he is so gentle that it is melting my heart.”


“Say, why would Richard walk the red carpet with Amanda?”


“I don’t know. The chemistry between the two leaves me wondering as well.”


“Enough talking, get more photos before you regret it.” Thus the reporters concentrated on taking pictures.


This two were stunning together that every photo they took looked great to the eyes.


Under the reporters requests, Amanda and Richard made a few pose and knowing that she was pregnant, Richard did not want to tire her out and led her to the signing wall.


After signing their names, the two walked towards the VIP section and sat down.


Richard had requested for organisers to arrange Amanda’s seat next to his. He was not assured with leaving her in the crowd.


Given her status, she would be arranged to seat at least in the third row.


The girls in the venue looked on enviously as Amanda sat in the VIP section. Vallery almost bit her lips until they bled.


She was green with envy that her face had contorted. Jason was not so powerful so he could only get a regular ticket. Looking at where Amanda was seating, she felt that, that was supposed to be her place. Amanda took it from her.


The glory that Amanda had experienced today would have been hers. Her mind was twisted with evil and unwillingness.


Those models and actresses who has stole the limelight earlier felt like they have been slapped in the face.copy right hot novel pub



They had dressed up hoping that they will be featured in tomorrow’s entertainment news, but with Amanda’s grand entrance, they did not have any hope. They could only reign in their anger with nowhere to unleash it.



The ceremony soon started.


After an opening speech from one of the hosts, a few celebrities were called on the stage to perform. The celebration was lively and people were having a lot of fun.


The programme was running smoothly and it was time to give out awards.


Every celebrity who had been nominated became nervous. They fidgeted on their seats while maintaining polite expressions and their signature smiles whenever the camera pointed their way.


Amanda was no different, but because she was sitting beside her man, she felt that she could overcome anything so she just behaved in a natural way without showing any fear.



“We have reached the most anticipated part of our gala tonight. This is the main reason why this gala was organised. To award and appreciate out best talents in the industry. ” The host made a short introduction.


“Today will be a special day. We have a special guest who will do us the honors of giving out awards to our selected artists.” The host said.


Immediately, the camera zoomed in to where Richard was sitting. It was at this moment that he was helping Amanda to straighten her skirt.


Everyone in the venue was frozen.


Was that the cold hearted Richard that they knew?


What was the relationship between the two? Was it really that of a superior and a subordinate.


They have never seen Richard treat someone so gently.


Even the host had nothing to say. His mouth was wide open you could fit a pigeon’s egg.


Amanda felt the strange atmosphere around them and turned to look at the people sitting beside them.


Seeing their strange gazes, she gave them a question gaze.

One of them looked towards her legs, following her gaze, Amanda was so shocked that she almost died from embarrassment.


Her face blushed seeing what the man was doing. She was so concentrated on what was happening on the stage that she had not noticed what the man was doing.


Seeing what he was doing, although she was embarrassment, she felt sweet inside.


Just then she heard the host’s voice.


“Let’s invite our special guest, Mr. Richard Howell on stage.” The host had used all his professionalism to prevent himself of dying from the sweetness.


Richard, who was busy helping Amanda with her skirt, had not heard the host.


Amanda tugged at his shirt, her face almost dripping with blood from being hot due to embarrassment.


Richard felt someone tugging at him and raised his face to look at Amanda.


That gaze…. even the girls in the venue felt their hearts thumping heard.


Amanda felt like she could just disappear from the face of the earth.


She did not know if this man was doing it on purpose or not.


“The host is calling you on stage.” Amanda said in small voice.


“Ohh..” Richard answered lazily as if only his woman mattered.


Although Amanda knew that there was a special guest, she had not expected it to be Richard.


“Please Mr. Richard…” the host said after the man stopped what he was doing.


Richard straightened his suit, stood up and walked towards the stage under everyone’s gaze.



Amanda felt many burning gazes on her. She did not have to turn to know that those people were looking at her with hatred and envy.


They felt they could slain her with their eyes and even burry her.




One award after another were given out. Richard patiently handed over the awards and even said some encouraging words to the artists.


“Now our next category is to give the best new comer award.” The host said.


Several names of new comers and moveis they acted in were displayed.


Amanda’s name was on the list. Since her source of strength was not by her side, Amanda showed a rare look of nervousness.


Although she was not too optimistic, she still hoped that she will be awarded.


“And out best new comer goes to…”


The host did not indulge in too much pleasantries and went straight to calling the name.


“Amanda Jackson….”


The hall fell into silence until director Alex broke it with his claps.


Everyone clapped hard as those near Amanda congratulated her, especially the people she worked with during filming.


She had been selected as the best new comer from “The Secret Mission” and everyone who participated in that movie were all smiles.


The movie was the best at the box office sales and the actors were even clinching awards, they could not be more happy.


After coming to her senses, Amanda received the congratulatory messages around her with a sweet smile on her face before walking her way to the stage in a graceful manner.


She was wearing low heels because of her pregnancy so it was comfortable to walk.

Standing on the podium, Amanda looked at the man who was beyond reach and smiled. These was the first time they were appearing in public together. Be it walking the red carpet or standing side by side with him, it gave her a new feeling.


The clip from her movie was playing. Even those who were nominated with her felt like she deserved it.


Her acting skills were top notch compared to there’s and they felt like she was really a worthy opponent.


“Let’s have our special guest present the award to our best new comer of the year, Amanda Jackson.” The host said, handing the present to Richard.


Richard took it and walked to stand close to Amanda.


Amanda suddenly felt neurotic for some unknown reasons.


She did not know how to react when Richard handed her the award, how she wished to announce him to the world that he was hers.


“I believe that Amanda Jackson is someone with potential to grow. When I first signed her, everyone was doubtful of my decision, but seeing the potential in her, I could not let such a gem rot away in the entertainment industry. This girl was meant to shine and she surely will.” Richard took the microphone from the host and said.


“I believe that as time goes by, Amanda will not only prove her worth, but she will also prove to everyone that I’m someone who has never made a wrong choice.” Richard said.


His words carried a deeper meaning that only he, Amanda and a few people in the hall could understand.


“Whoah, is the boss feeling proud and smug that he found himself a good wife?” Vivian whispered beside Linda’s ear.


“Careful not to be heard!” Linda warned in a hushed voice although she too was feeling proud because of her artist.


She knew that after this gala, Amanda’s fame will be over the roof, but what a pity, she will have to retreat from behind the scenes.


Vallery’s eyes were burning with rage. If it was possible, Amanda’s body would have already been covered in holes from her gaze.


“What is sister trying to do? Is she trying to hook up with her boss? How lose could she be?” Vallery said to Jason.


She had noticed that ever since Amanda came, Jason’s gaze had never left her. Sometimes, he did not even listen when she was talking to him.


“Which eyes of yours saw that Amanda is hooking up with her boss?” Jason asked.


“Can’t you see that. They came in together. When have you ever seen Richard walk the red carpet with anyone? Did you see how gentle he was treating her?” Vallery asked.


“Stop you wild thoughts. I told you, Amanda is not someone you can afford to offend now, you better shut up and know your place.” Jason said.


Vallery felt even more vexed when she heard that.


If she had a man like Richard, she will never be worried about anything. He owned an entertainment industry, all the best resources will go to her.


Vallery suddenly had a wild thought.copy right hot novel pub

She must hook up with this man.




On the stage, Amanda who had calmed herself down, had her face blushing again from Richard’s words.


Was this man meant to embarrass her tonight. Was he doing it on purpose?


But to Richard, Amanda’s blushing face was too cute that he just wanted to kiss her there and then. He was finding it hard to control his surging emotions.


After saying his words, with his last shred of self control, he handed the award to Amanda while shaking her hand.


“Congratulations… I knew you will one day make me proud.” Richard said.


“Thank you.”


“Amanda, anything you want to say to the public. How do you feel when you hold that present in your hands?” The host asked.


“I feel happy and blessed. When I entered the industry, I never knew that I will reach this far. No powerful family to back me up, sometimes I even felt lost and hopeless.”


“That was when I saw the advert for director Alex movie, I knew I had to try even if I get rejected, so with my thick skin, I went for audition.”


“I was too happy when director Alex told me that I passed. At that time, I was all alone with my mom lying in a hospital bed. I had no one to share my joy with.


“But I want to thank God for everything. For without him, I wouldn’t be where I’m today. He gave me another chance to prove myself that I’m someone worthy.”


“I want to thank everyone who supported me even when I was on the verge of giving up. Director Alex and all the crew I worked with for guiding me through every step of the journey.”


After saying that, Amanda made a bold decision. She did not want to hide it anymore.


“And to my boss and to the person I love the most, thank you for always being there when I needed you. When everyone was running away from me, you came in and became my only source of light.”


“Whenever I lost myself to the darkness and abandoned my course, you were always there to guide me on the right path.” Amanda said as she looked at Richard emotionally. Her eyes were overflowing with love.


She has made up her mind to tell the whole world that Richard belonged to her and only her.


He was her man. The person she loved the most.


Richard was shocked by the sudden confession and stood there frozen.


It was like time has stopped and only the two of them were left in this whole world. Everything else vanished and Richard’s eyes could only see Amanda.


She was standing there, as beautiful as a fairy princess, her crispy voice ringing in his ears time and again.


He felt like he was soaked in a pool of honey. The sweetness was too overwhelming.


There was a pindrop silence in the hall. Everyone had their mouths wide open.


They could not believe what they were hearing or seeing.



Amanda was actually confessing to Richard.


Richard was her boyfriend. That was thunderous news. Tomorrow’s news will be over the top.


Richard came to his senses after a long, long time. Amanda had even become nervous thinking that Richard did not want it. What will she do if he abandon her like everyone else.


Richard looked at her with heated gaze as if questioning her if she was sure.


Amanda nodded her head without a second thought.


She had noticed that many women were lusting after her man, she had to put a mark on her territory lest they think it had no owner.


Since they were standing close to each other, Richard extended his long arm and with a swoop, Amanda was caged in his arms.


He was very gently as not to hurt the baby.


He took that present and the microphone from her hands and handed it over to the host, who was standing stunned like he had no life in him.


Then without further ado, Richard landed a hot kiss on Amanda’s lips.


He had dreamt of this moment several times. The day he will get to kiss his woman in public. Since his dream had come true, he seized the chance to pour all his emotions in the kiss.


Everything came to a stand still as Richard and Amanda kissed on the podium. They were too good looking and perfect together that there was nothing to nitpick about them.


The cameras were zoomed in and even those watching online were shocked. Everyone had turned into pillars of salt.

After the long awaited kiss, Amanda’s cheeks had a red blush, her big doe eyes were misty and she simply looked adorable.


Richard’s eyes darkened as he immediately engulfed his wife in a hug so that people could not see her sexy look.


The host broke the silence with a long suppressed sigh.


It was like his sigh was a switch as it turned people on. Everyone started talking and just after a few seconds, the hall became very noisy.


Amanda looked at Richard feeling extremely flustered and embarrassed.


The host started to ask questions after receiving the director’s signal. They could not let such a perfect opportunity go by. They had to dig some juicy gossip.


“Wow, president Richard and Amanda, that was simply mind blowing.” The host started, laughing to help dispell the tense atmosphere.


“So you guys are a couple?” The host asked.


“Yes.” Richard answered as he smiled. He seemed to be in an extremely good mood tonight.


“Wow, for how long?”


“One and half years!” Richard dropped another bomb. Everyone was stunned.


These two had been in a relationship for one and half years and no one knew a thing. How secretive could they be.


“One and half years. I guess that will be the time when Amanda had just joined the entertainment industry?”




“So, how did it happen?” The host was good on catching up the headlines as he asked the most important questions.


“I first saw her when she went to audition for director Alex’s movie, I happened to be at the hotel and saw her. Something in me told me that she is the one I have been waiting for.” Richard said as he looked at Amanda in his arms. His gaze was overflowing with affection.


Before they could recover from the shock, Richard gave them yet another shock.


Amanda too was shocked by the sudden revelation. Richard had never said anything about that to her no matter how many times she asked.


“Amanda, had you known that you had attracted boss’s attention at that time.”


“I had no idea actually. It was only after we started filming that I came to know of him. He was someone I could only admire from a distance.” Amanda said through the microphone that Richard was holding.


“So, how did you two come to meet?” The host asked. The reporters were starting to get restless as the host was taking over their job. If he asked all of the important questions, what will be left for them to ask after the gala?


“It in was my mom’s ward at the hospital.copy right hot novel pub

At that time my mom was admitted and we needed money for surgery, after director Alex signed me, I was happy because atleat my mom will be able to undergo surgery.”


“Then one day after I came back from filming, I found Richard in my mom’s ward. The first thing that I thought was how and when we offended the big the Demon King. All I knew about Richard was that he was cold and ruthless.”


Hearing her call him big Demon King, Richard did not know whether to laugh or cry. Was he that scary back then?


The people in the hall laughed after hearing what Amanda called Richard.


‘This girl has guts.’ Everyone thought.


“I had no time to think as I rushed to my mom’s ward thinking that I will find her covered in blood, but to my surprise, I found them talking like old friends and even laughing.”


“I was too shocked. The scene was hard to believe. I thought that Richard was only toying with his prey before he finished it off.” Amanda continued.


Everyone was listening very keenly, it was as if they did not want to miss any juicy news.


“Ooh, so that was the reason why you treated me coldly.” Richard chimed in, his voice carrying a teasing tone.


“It was just hard for me to believe, you know, after all that I have heard about your ruthless.”


“But baby, I didn’t know that I scared you that much.” Richard said, everyone felt goosebumps all over their bodies when they heard his gentle voice and his pitiful face.


It seemed as if he had been wronged.


“Who will believe when the famous Richard Howell came out nowhere and said that he was an angel sent by God to help those in need. I simply found it absurd.” Amanda said. At that time, she had honestly felt like Richard was suffering from some kind of illness.


“That is why you could not wait to chase me away from your mother’s ward?”


“Whoah, Amanda chased Richard away?” The host asked in an exaggerated tone.



“Yes, at that time I really thought he was upto no good so I simply shooed him away. I honestly did not want anything to do with him. I thought that we will end up being fed to the sharks.” Amanda said.


“Then how did the two if you end up together.”


“I shamelessly followed her everyday without giving up.” Richard said, straightening his collar, he was simply too proud of his shamelessness.


The host was stumped and so was everyone. Who will be so proud because of their shamelessness.


Most of them felt like, if they were Richard, they will never tell anyone about that.


“I’m glad that you were shameless back them.” Amanda said, or else I would have missed the opportunity of being loved and pampered by you. Her eyes were brimming with love and adoration for her man.


After answering a few more questions, Richard led Amanda to their seats. He could not bare to see her stand for too long.


Everyone had already gotten bored and the events that followed were not as mind blowing as Richard and Amanda’s revelation. The host had a hard time bringing the people back on the main focus of the gala.


After approximately two hours, the gala came to an end. The reporters could not wait to interview the couples. But Richard did not allow as he directly led Amanda to the car.


“I never thought that Amanda will be so low profile. She has never said anything about dating the big boss. If it were some people, they would have already flauted it to everyone.” The reporters said.



Although they had not gotten the chance to do the interview themselves, they have gotten enough headlines for the next three days.


“She is humble. She did not use her background to bully people but worked hard as everyone else. It is hard to find someone with such good morals in this industry.”


“From today onwards, I’m her number one big fan.”



Just as Richard was about to help Amanda sit in the car, they heard a delicate voice calling from behind. Although she has not heard that voice for a long time, Amanda did not need to turn around to know who it was.


“Sister…” Vallery called out.


She left the venue early so she could wait at the parking lot. She did not believe that Amanda and Richard were actually dating.


Her heart was filled with jealousy and unwillingness. She did not want to accept the fact that her sister had found a better man than her.


Hearing her mortal enemy call her sister, Amanda felt goosebumps all over her body. She could not believe that the person who had mocked her and robbed her off her identity was calling her sister.


Richard felt her body turn stiff and wanted to tell her that she did not have to talk to her.


But before he could say anything, Amanda had already turned around and was now facing Vallery, who was standing not too far away from them.

Amanda eyed her coldly. She has never forgotten her past memories. The day that Juliana showed her father those pictures. Claiming that her mother had cheated on him.


No matter how much they tried to explain, her father could not listen to them. Vallery and her mother were gleeful as they helped throw their stuff outside.


That was when Amanda saw their true nature. After she and her mother had treated them like family.


They were chased out with nothing, not even a single penny.


She had not forgotten how Vallery had treated her when she was her assistant. How she had entertained those investors on her behalf because she could not drink.


Amanda remembered all of them. After her rebirth, she had vowed to take revenge on everyone that made her life hard in her past life. She was consumed with rage and all she wanted was revenge.


But after meeting Richard and testing the sweetness of living a happy life, she changed her mind. There was no need of wasting her life fighting meaningless people.


She did not have energy to deal with unworthy people. She had vowed that she will use her time to love those who loved her and to work hard to build her career.


She felt that it was the best form of revenge. Seeing the person you hated most living a life better than yours was the best form of revenge. No need to dirty your hands.


Seeing that she had not said anything for a long time, Vallery became vexed. Was she acting high and mighty because she was dating Richard? Vallery scoffed in her heart.


“Sister…” she called out again. Wearing an innocent and gentle expression on her face.


“What do you want?” Amanda asked coldly. She did not have the patience to deal with some pretentious bitch.


If she had not seen her true face in her past life, Amanda would have felt pity for her sister.


“How…how have you been?” Vallery stammered, not knowing what to say.


She also did not know why she came to the parking lot to wait for her sister.


“How have I been? Wouldn’t sister know better?” Amanda asked sacarstically.


Vallery’s face changed, but just for a moment before it was restored back to its innocent self.


After she took Jason from Amanda and chased them out of the family, she was happy. She could not wait to laugh at her every time they met.copy right hot novel pub

But now looking at her, standing beside such a dignified man, Vallery felt like it was an eyesore..


She knew that she could have dealt with her when she had a chance. But now looking at the man protecting her from behind, Vallery felt that she had already lost.


“I see that sister is doing well. It’s just that we haven’t seen each other for a long time now.” Vallery said, sounding as if they were really on good terms with her sister.


“But according to my memory, I have never heard a sister. It has always been me and my mother.” Amanda said.


“How could you say so sister. Of course we share a father.” Vallery said. How she wished to smash that face and send it to hell. But she could not, she had to swallow her pride in order to get some benefits.


“Congratulations sister, I didn’t know that you were so talented.” Vallery said.


Amanda only looked at her coldly without saying anything.


“If you got nothing to say, I’m leaving.” Amanda said as she turned to enter the car.


“No wait sister…” Vallery said as she tried to move forward. But she had only taken a step forward when a few bodyguards blocked her way.


“Don’t get close to madam.”


Vallery could only stay where she was, biting on her lower lip.



She stood there rooted as Amanda’s car disappeared from her sight.


After an indefinite amount time has passed, Vallery took out her phone and dialed a number.


“Did you capture everything?”


“Yes.” The other party answered.


“Make sure it’s on the trending tomorrow. I want to use this chance to regain my momentum.” Vallery said.


“Okay rest assured.”


But unknown to them, Richard had already seen through their scheme and had already ordered his men to deal with it.


Just as she hanged up the phone, Jason showed up.


“Where did you run to and who were talking with on the phone?”


“I just came to say hi to sister. I didn’t imagine that she will be acting like a diva just because she was dating Richard.”


“I told you Amanda is not someone you can afford to offend now.” Jason said with disapproval. How many time had he warned her not to find trouble with Amanda.


“Don’t you want to return to the entertainment industry, the you should be humble and not provoke people you shouldn’t.” Jason said.


Vallery was displeased by his lecture. What did he mean by that? Wasn’t he supposed to be helping her and supporting her?




“Did you know about the relationship between Amanda and Richard?” Vallery asked as realization dawned on her.


Jason looked at her for a long time before nodding his head. “Yes.”


Vallery was shocked. So that is why he kept saying that Amanda was now someone she could not afford to offend.



“Then why didn’t you say anything?”


“Why would I say anything? Does it have anything to do with you?” Jason asked, annoyed.


Vallery has been revealing her flaws one after another. She was not as gentle, innocent and considerate as he had thought.


“You..” Vallery was shocked and did not have anything to say. It had everything to do with her, okay.


How could she let Amanda live such a good life?


“Do you regret now?” Vallery asked.


“Regret what?” Jason looked at her, not quite understanding what she was talking about.


“Leaving her and getting together with me?”


Jason felt like picking his ears. This was not the first or the second time he was hearing such a statement. He suspected that his ears got calluses from hearing it again.


“What are you going to do if I say that I regret every bit of it? Will you accept it if I say that I want to divorce you?” Jason asked her coldly. His expression was not as gentle as it had been when he was looking at Amanda in the venue just a moment ago.


“What are you talking about? I will never divorce you.” Vallery said. She was actually scared.


“Then you better stop asking nonsensical questions. I don’t have too much patience.”


“Get in the car.” The car zoomed away, the two people did not talk until they reached home.


As for the paparazzi who taken pictures under Vallery’s instructions, Richard’s men had already apprehended him and deleted everything.


Although he had a chance of destroying Val’s reputation once and for all, he did not want his wife name to be associated with some people.

The following morning as expected, Amanda was trending in all news platforms. Be it Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Amanda was the highlight.


Her popularity had skyrocketed and everyone was sorting her to be their ambassador. Movie scripts piled up and even television shows and dramas were not left behind.


Amanda was overwhelmed by the sudden popularity.


“Ooh my! It feels good to be popular overnight.” Amanda lamented as she laid in Richard’s arm lazily.


“Do you want to remain in the limelight and maintain your popularity?” Richard asked, basking in the feeling of hugging his wife.


“But…” Amanda bit on her lower and did not finish her statement. But Richard understood her worries…


“Don’t worry about that.” Richard said as he kissed her on the neck.


Vallery on the hand was expecting to ride on Amanda’s popularity, but after looking through and seeing that her name was not mentioned anywhere, she did not know how to take it.


How could she establish her stand in the industry when no one was talking about her.


She wanted to be in the limelight even if it was negative news. But no one was willing to talk about her. She was frustrated as she pinched her son’s cheek.


“It is all your fault. If your hadn’t appeared, I would not have retreated from the industry. Look now, no one is talking about me.” Vallery said, pinching her son angrily.


As she was still venting her anger, her phone rang, looking at the caller, she felt her migrain return.


“Val, are you alright?” Juliana asked over the phone.


“I’m fine mom, how are you doing?”


“I’m not doing fine. Your father has not come home for the last three days and when I try to call him, he just snob me and hung up the phone.”


Vallery felt her headache intensify. Her mother only complained about how her father was doing this or that. She did not care about what she was going through.


“Maybe he has gotten back to Amanda and her mother. After all Amanda has been doing pretty well in the entertainment industry and has a rich boyfriend, who will let such a daughter go.” Vallery said sacarstically.


When she was famous, her father always doted on her because she was bringing something on the table, but after she got pregnant and married Jason, her father stopped caring about her. She sometimes could not even get the monthly allowance she used to get before she joined the industry.


“What rich boyfriend? What are talking about?” Juliana asked over the phone.


“Mom haven’t you been watching the entertainment news?” Vallery asked.


“Tell me what is going on!”


“Ooh, Amanda is now dating the big boss, you know, Richard Howell!”


“What?” Juliana screamed over the phone.


“How can that be possible?” Juliana could not believe what she was hearing.


“If you don’t believe me, you can look up the entertainment news. You know those two are vixens, what can be impossible about that. But I was shocked too. I never expected Amanda to find herself such a rich man.copy right hot novel pub

” Vallery said, her voice screaming jeleousy.


Juliana immediately forgot about her grievances as she hung up the phone and went to look at the entertainment news.


The more she read the more her face turned pale. She could not believe that someone they had thrown our like some kind of dirt, had gotten such a rich boyfriend and was so famous.


She had even won awards that her daughter has never won. Juliana gritted her teeth in anger.


Was Peter aware of this and chose not to tell her? Did he regret and went back to the daughter and mother pair? Juliana thought about all the possibilities angrily.


She took her phone and dialed her husband’s number.


Peter on the other hand, was trying to get Evelyne to also pick up his phone but he could not get through.


He actually knew where she was staying, but he was just too ashamed to go knocking on her door.


He has been investigating what happened that lead to him divorcing her and chasing her out of the family, the more he dug deeper, the more he did not like what he was finding out. He was actually very afraid to find out the truth.


He had a feeling that he will regret what he did to his first wife after finding out the truth.


Seeing that Juliana was insistently calling him, he was in a bad mood as he picked up the phone angrily.


“What is it?” Peter asked angrily.


“Is that the attitude you should have when talking to your wife?” Juliana asked angrily, screaming in the phone like a shrew she was.


“What to do you want?” Peter was not ready to listen to her banter. The more she behaved like this, the more he missed the gentle Evelyne. She never, even for once treat him like this. Even if he spent one week with his mistress, when he came home, she was always as gentle as always.


“Where have you been for the past three days. I have been trying to reach you.” Juliana interrogated.


“If you have nothing to say, I’m very busy so I will be hunging up.” Peter said, his voice turning cold.


“Have you gone to see your mistress? Don’t tell me that you are regretting it now.” Juliana said.


“What are you talking about? Aren’t you the mistress who worked hard to send the legal wife away.” Peter said sacarstically.


Juliana was stumped for words. Whenever Peter was angry with her, he will always remind her that she was the mistress.



“Don’t even think about it. I’m your wife and that will never change.” Juliana said.


“Is that so?”


“Yes. Don’t forget, even if you go back to her, she might be having another man after all, she once cheated on you.” Juliana said.


“Are you sure it is as you say. Won’t you know better where those photos came from?” Peter asked.


Juliana’s heart skipped a bit. Has Peter found out something? No that was not possible. She had made sure that anyone that was involved was silenced. Even…. even…. gosh! She did not want to think about it.


For the fear that Peter will notice something, she immediately hung up the phone.


Peter on the other hand smiled, but his smile did not reach his eyes as it was filled with coldness.


How long do you think that you are going to hide. I will soon unmask your deeds and expose them to everyone.


Juliana hastily called her daughter. She had even forgotten about Richard and Amanda.


“Mom, what is it again?”


“I have talked to your dad.”


“Isn’t that what you were hoping?”


“But, he sounded odd, he seemed to have found out what we did in order to get rid of Amanda and her mother.” Juliana said. She could not hide the nervousness and fear in her heart.



“What? But didn’t we get rid of everyone who participated?” Vallery said, not understanding why her mother was so nervous.


“Yes but…” What he finds out that you two are not his children, we will be done for.


“Mom I have an idea. I wanted to use Amanda’s popularity for my coming out of retirement but I was not able to. I know what to do and I need your help with it.” Vallery did not care about what her mom was thinking about and only wanted to help herself.


Hearing that it concerned her daughter, Juliana too was interested. She knew that things will be different once her daughter goes back to being a celebrity.


“I want you to find Evelyne and ask her to talk to Amanda so that she can help me.” Vallery said.


“Do you think that, that woman will help us, maybe over her dead body.” Juliana sneered.


“If she doesn’t then…”


“Do you still have those photos?”


“Of course.”


“Then just threaten her with it. Tell her that if she doesn’t get to help, then you will tell everyone how she cheated on her husband and even her celebrity daughter is a bastard.” Vallery said maliciously.


Daughter, aren’t you talking about yourself now? Juliana thought, but she could not say it out loud.


That was her deepest secret that was not supposed to be found out.


“Do you think that it will work?”


“Of course. She couldn’t see her daughter’s reputation go down the drain, I’m sure she will definitely help.” Vallery said.


“Okay, I will get to it. Wait for my good news

Juliana hunged up the phone to plan her next strategy but to her dismal she could not find where Evelyne lived no matter how much she tried.


But that was because Peter had blocked her people from finding out where Evelyne lived.


Peter had even stopped coming home and Juliana could not stomach the humiliation, all she could was go to William’s family almost everyday to spend time with Liz and her daughter.


“Mom, why are you here again?” Vallery asked when she saw her mother again.


For the past three months, apart from coming here to vent her anger all day, Juliana did nothing else.


Even a simple assignment as finding where Amanda and her mother stayed was hard for her.


Vallery could not help but feel displeased. She had been doing all she could to return to the limelight and even did some charity, but it seemed like everything was going down the drain. No matter what she did, nothing seemed to work.


And now her mother has come again to vent her anger on her. She has tired of hearing her one sided story over and over again.


“What else can I do. I can’t stay in that house for a whole day on my own. I might go crazy just thinking about your dad.”


“Why don’t you call him?”


“He won’t pick up my phone.”


Vallery was in deep thoughts. She too had also tried to find out where Amanda and her mother were staying but she could not.


She tried asking Jason but he dissed her and told her to mind her business. She was displeased but there was nothing she could do.


“Mom, I have a brilliant idea to bring dad home.” Vallery said as her eyes lit up.


“What idea?” Juliana asked, puzzled.


“We can’t plan it here, we need to go back home.” Vallery said. She was afraid that someone will overhear them. That will cause them to be in so much trouble.


So they immediately bid everyone goodbye and went to their home.


The moment they reached home, Val immediately divulged her plan to her mother.


“It’s like this, you are going to pretend to commit suicide and then I will call dad to come over immediately. I will tell him that I found you in the house on the verge of dying so I had to rush you to the hospital.”


“I will talk to the doctor so that we are not exposed. Once dad comes, try to act as coy as you could, make sure you get his phone and take Amanda’s Mom number, that way we can track her location through a phone call.” Vallery said.


“That plan is brilliantly, I think I can do it.”


“Just make sure we are not exposed and dad does not see through us.” Vallery commented.


“Okay daughter, don’t worry.”


Thus the mother and daughter pair put their plan in motion.


Peter who was still in the office received her daughter’s call. Hearing her sob, he became tensed and stopped what he was doing.


“What is it?” Peter asked.


“Sob..copy right hot novel pub

. dad… sob… its mom….” Vallery said in between the sobs.


“Your mom? What is wrong with her?” Peter asked with a frown.


“Mom… ah..ah… tried to kill her self by cutting her wrist.”


“What?” Peter was shocked. Although he did not like his wife anymore, but she was still his legal wife anyway. He once loved her deeply.


Thinking of how he had neglected her recently, he felt slightly guilty. But it was only in a flash before his aloofness was restored.


“Where is she now?” He asked, not sounding overly concerned like how Vallery had predicted. Her heart sunk.



If her dad did not get hooked, then their plan will be meaningless.


“We are in the City Hospital, my mom is still in surgery.” Vallery said.


“Okay, I will be right there.” Peter said and hanged up that phone.


Hearing that he was coming over, Vallery immediately revealed a wicked smile.


She could do anything she could to return to the entertainment industry even if it meant using her parents.


She went to hurry the doctor so that by the time her father arrives, ‘the surgery’ will be over.


Peter rushed to the hospital at a lightning speed. He hated that woman Juliana to the core. She had made a fool out of him and even accused the wrong person, he had to settle some scores with her before she thought of dying.


By the time he reached the hospital, Juliana had already been taken to the ward and her eyes were still closed, she looked a little pale and her face was withered.


“Dad you are finally here?” Vallery asked with concern when she saw her father.


“How is she?” Peter said as he looked at the woman on bed without any expression or emotion.


“The doctor said she is now out of danger, the cut was not deep and she will wake up after thirty minutes.” Vallery said.


“Dad, I wonder why mom could do such a thing. You have really neglected her recently. She complains everyday that sometimes you don’t even go home for days, so she is always agitated when she thinks about you.”


“Isn’t that what she is good at. Overthink everything and not even caring about how I feel? Has she ever asked herself the reason why I don’t come home? Your mother is not someone who can reflect on her mistakes, I know her better than you do.” Peter said.


Juliana, who was “lying dead” on the bed almost exposed herself when she heard Peter. She was so mad that she wanted to open her eyes and just scream at him. But she controlled herself, she knew that if they get exposed, everything will be over for them and they will forget about ever seeing Peter again.


She clenched her hands under the blanket and remained motionless.


Vallery on the other hand was stumped and did not know what to say. She could only smile awkwardly.



“Okay dad. I know you hadn’t had lunch. I will go and get some food for you. I know mom will also need it after she wakes up.” Vallery said as she left the ward. The atmosphere was stifling and she did not want to stay in the ward anymore.


Peter did not say anything and let her leave.


After Vallery left, he approached the bed and stood next to it.


He lowered his head and looked at the woman, whose eyes were shut tightly.


“Why don’t you just go to hell, huh? It will be such a huge relief.” Peter said in a low voice.


Juliana was so mad that she almost flared up, but remembering her daughter’s instructions and their mission, she could only bite her tongue to control her anger.


“I thought that you were a sensible woman, I divorced Evelyne because of you, but I never thought that you were that vicious, to even harm yourself just to get back at me.” Peter said, he was very angry at the woman who was lying on the bed.


“Marring is the biggest mistake of my life.” Peter lamented regretfully.


Not being able to take it anymore, Juliana opened her eyes.


“What did you just say?” She asked angrily as she sat up on bed.


She looked like someone who was perfectly in good health.


Peter was startled when he heard the sudden voice before he eyed the woman on the bed suspiciously.


Juliana knew that she has messed up big time the moment she opened her mouth. But she could not stomach the humiliation due to the words that Peter was whispering to her.


“Are you really hurt?” Peter asked coldly.


Juliana shivered at his cold and emotionless eyes.


“Is one of your scheme just to get my attention?” Peter did not wait for her to answer as he had already figured out everything.


“You should have known better woman.” With that, he strode out of the ward with a gloomy expression.

When Vallery came back, she found her mother lying weakly on bed. Her face was ashen. She did not see her father anywhere.


“Mom, where is dad?” Val asked, not caring that her mother was not in the right condition.


Although she has been pretending to be sick, but because of what Peter had said, she was now truly sick.


Getting no reaction from her, Val became vexed.


“Mom, where did dad go?” She only cared if her scheme had succeeded or not.


Not being able to stand her interrogation, Juliana opened her mouth and answered weakly, “he already left.”


“Did you get the number?”




Vallery immediately flared up.


“Is there something that you are really capable of? All you know is mess things up. I have never seen such an incompetent mother who could not even do something for her daughter.” With that, she threw the lunch that she had painstakingly used her money to buy and walked out of the door angrily.


Her mother was startled by her sudden outburst and looked at her drifting back with no emotions in her eyes.


Although she knew that her daughter was just using her, she also had some selfish motives in accepting her daughter’s plan, after they were exposed, she did not have any reason for answering her daughter’s shameless accusations. But she was still hurt and disappointed at how her daughter treated her as a puppet.


The moment Peter walked out of that door, she knew that she had completely lost. And depending on his tone, Juliana did not know how much he had found out about their past deeds. Although they claimed to have gotten rid of everyone, she was still afraid and uneasy feeling was slowly developing in her heart.




Amanda was in her third trimester now. Her belly was bulging. They held a small wedding on a private island where only close friends were invited. Although people were shocked at first and threw nasty words at Amanda after they revealed their relationship, it was only after seeing how loving the couples were and the fact that Amanda was pregnant, did they start to give them their blessings.


She had stopped filming commercials and was preparing for delivery. Richard had been too nervous for the past 8 months or so and could try as much as possible to meet Amanda’s every need.


Even if it was in the middle of the night and Amanda had a certain craving, Richard will not hesitate to go and get if for her.


Just like now.


“Darling, the baby feels like eating the hamburger you brought us the other day.”


The hamburgers that Amanda was talking about were sold at the southern part of the city. They were almost at the Northern part, and there was a considerable distance between the two cities.


Hearing her voice, Richard who had almost dozed off, immediately woke up. He put on his clothes without a second thought, kissed Amanda on the forehead, touched the bulging stomach and said in an indulging voice.


“Be good, I will be back soon.” And with that, he left.


Looking at his tired back, Amanda’s heart ached so much that she almost called him back, but when she almost opened her mouth, she felt a kick in the stomach, the little one seemed to be warning her to dare call his dad back.


“Stop being mischievous, don’t you see that daddy is tired.” Amanda said as she caressed her stomach, her every action filled with motherly love.


She felt another kick in the stomach after saying that.


The little guy was probably grumbling that Amanda favored daddy more. It seemed like the little creature in her womb will be very cheeky after being born.


Although Richard had an option of ordering online, he did not want to take the risk and he could as well drive to the shop himself.copy right hot novel pub

He did not want to risk the health of his wife and that of his unborn child. How he wished it was a daughter, he would pamper her like a princess.


It happened that it was in the middle of the night, so there were almost no cars on the road. In a blink of an eye, he was already home, holding a bag full of hamburgers.


Amanda who had already slept, was woken up by the alluring aroma. Her stomach growled making her blush in embarrassment.


Richard smiled upon hearing that.


“Will you be able to sit up on your own?” He asked as he approached the bed.


“Yes.” Amanda felt even more guilty.


Richard has always supported her. Even to the extent of taking her to washroom. He has never allowed her to walk on her own, or let her leave his sight. Although it felt like she was caged, Amanda loved the feeling of being cherished. She did not feel like Richard was overdoing it, rather she felt guilty for always being a busybody.


“I can do it.”


“Just lie, I will help you.” Richard said as he hurriedly approached the bed.


“I can do it honey, I’m not that weak and delicate.”




Amanda has always considered herself as strong and independent woman. It was not until she met Richard who pampered and spoiled to no end that she began being lazy. Especially after she had gotten pregnant, she did nothing apart from eating and sleeping.


“You know I’m really scared.” Amanda said, out of the blues.


Richard halted in his steps after hearing that.


“Are you feeling weak anywhere.” He asked worriedly.



“Should I call the doctor?”


“No, not that. I’m just scared that one day you will stop treating me this nicely. I have become used to your pampering that I can’t see myself living without you. What if one day you grew tired of me and left me because of my willfulness, what will I do?” Amanda said what she was feeling in her heart.


Richard was shocked when he heard that. Was it due to pregnancy that his wife was feeling so insecure?


But her worries will never be found as Richard felt like it’s he who cannot live without her. So where will he find the energy to leave her.


“Don’t worry my love, that day will never come, unless it’s you who will leave me. I will love you alone be it in this life or the next or the next.” Richard confessed.


“I love you too.” Amanda said. She wondered how good it would have been if they had met each other in her past life. She even felt the urge to tell him the truth that she had reincarnated and this was her second life.


“Babe, come over I have something to tell you.” Amanda said after sitting herself on bed.


“What is it?”


“Just come over.” Amanda said as she parted the space beside her.


Richard obediently walked over and sat down, taking Amanda’s small palm into his and rubbing it lightly, then planting a kiss on it gently.


“When is it coming?” Richard asked, looking longingly at Amanda’s huge belly.


“In less than a month I guess.” Amanda said, anticipating the coming of the new life.


“I hope it will be a girl.” Richard said, as he caressed the belly.




“I want to see how you looked like while growing up.” Richard said, his eyes overflowing with love.


“I want it to be a boy.

” Amanda said.




“I want to see how mischievous you were while growing up.” Amanda, imitating Richard’s tone.


“Ha ha ha, my wife is kinda sweet, especially when she copies her husband.” Richard said with a smile as she kissed Amanda on the cheek.


Amanda blushed at her husband’s teasing.


“But babe, we would have known the gender but now if you had allowed us to do a gender revealing party.” Amanda said.


“No it’s almost due so it’s okay. The feeling of anticipation is also good.” Richard answered.


“Didn’t you want to have some hamburgers, eat it while it’s still hot.” Richard said, getting up to get what he had bought.


He fed it to Amanda one after another until the last one.


“Need more?” He asked as he helped drink water.


“No, I feel like I gained 200 pounds more since I became pregnant.”


“It’s good to be chubbier it feel nice to the touch.” Richard said as he squeezed Amanda’s bust, sending shivers down their spines. They stopped being intimate ever since Amanda got pregnant.


The doctor said that it was dangerous during the first trimester, during the second trimester, Richard was afraid that he will hurt the baby so he could only touch her and kiss her then do the rest himself.


“I miss you.” He said in a hoarse voice. Amanda knew that he was suppressing himself for her sake.


She, too, missed him. 

After thinking about what the doctor told her during their last visit, Amanda blushed. She never knew that she will apply the method today.


She had kept mum about it but seeing how much Richard had done for her, and the fact that he was still respecting her even when he was on the verge of losing control, Amanda felt even more guilty. Although she felt guilty, the feeling of being loved and treasured intensified in her heart. She too wanted to make the man who loved her feel loved.


She looked at the man who was enduring his feeling for her sake and touched his face gently.


“Do you want to say hi to your little bun?” Amanda asked.


“What?” Richard was focused on fumbling with her breasts that he did not hear her well.


“Do you want to talk to your little bun?” Amanda repeated her question, this time in a seductive voice.


“Yes.” As Richard said that, he placed his ears on Amanda’s belly, probably having not understood what Amanda was implying.


Seeing his adorable behaviour, Amanda felt like laughing.


“Actually the doctor said that it’s good to be intimate when I’m nearing my due date.” Amanda cleared her throat and said.


“What?” Richard jerked his head up.


“Err…” Amanda was tongue-tied. How could she explain it. But seeing his eager face, she bit the bullet and explained what the doctor had said to her.


She too wanted him. Actually, they say that pregnant women are always over sexually active, but seeing how careful Richard was treating her, she could not bring herself to ask for more.


Before she could say anything, Richard had already reached for her lips and captured them in a hot kiss. It was so hot that Amanda felt like she will be scalded.


Richard was gentle and afraid to hurt her, just as he was thinking about what to do since Amanda’s belly was too huge and he could not be on top, he felt a sudden weight on his chest, coming back to his senses from the sudden attack, he found Amanda already sitting on top.


“Hey, you didn’t let me finish my statement.” Amanda said as she pretended to be angry. But her face had blushed from embarrassment. She has never been this proactive since they started dating. She has always maintained a shy demure whenever they did the did and Richard was always doing all the dirty stuff.


But today, she was quite bold, even holding Richard under her.


“Darling, are sure it’s safe?” Richard did not forget about the fact that his wife was heavily pregnant.


“Yes. It’s okay. The doctor gave me some tips.”


“Ooh, why didn’t you say anything?” Richard asked.


“I was afraid that you wouldn’t agree.”


“Mmmh!” Richard said. But he has already made a mental note to teach that doctor a lesson for teaching his wife dirty stuff.


The couples did not waste any time and indulged themselves in the most intimate way possible.copy right hot novel pub

It was so good but Richard could only stop it since he did not want to tire his wife out.


“Are you okay? Did I hurt you anywhere?” Richard asked, wiping the beads of sweat on Amanda’s forehead.


“Yes, I’m fine.” Amanda said, assuring her husband.


Richard carried her to the washroom for a quick wash up before carrying her back to bed.


She was treated like a precious gem that could break if not handled with care.


She was about to doze off when she remembered something, she had not told Richard about her past life.


“Babe, are you a sleep?”


“No!” Although Richard had his eyes closed, he was not sleepy at all. He was like a lazy lion who had just finished a fat prey.


“I was to tell you something but I got distracted!”


“What is it? Aren’t you tired. Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow.” Richard said as he hugged her from behind. He could not hug her from the front because of the pregnancy.


“I’m neither sleepy nor tired. Isn’t it almost morning. It’s you I’m worried about because you have to go the company very early in the morning.” Amanda said.


“If you are fine, okay then. You can say whatever it is.”


“Do you believe in reincarnation?” Amanda started.






“Like someone dies and their soul find their way to the living world again?” Richard asked.


“Yes, something of the sort.”


“I think I have heard of it but I have never seen or heard of someone who has actually reincarnated.”


“I always hear that those who reincarnate are like demons. They either come for revenge or come to destroy other peoples lives. It’s said that they did a lot of bad stuff in their past life so God doesn’t give them a chance of entering eternal life that is why they come back.” Richard tried very hard to remember everything that he knew about reincarnation.



“Ooh…” Amanda was left speechless. Should she continue with what she was going to say or should she swallow the secret.


Even her mother did not know about her living a second life. She was afraid that they will perceive her as a monster.


“What if someone close to you told you that they actually reincarnated, will you believe them?” She asked. Her face was hidden in the darkness, and one could not tell what she was thinking about.


“Maybe yes maybe not.”


“Will you be scared of them, see them like some kind of monsters?”


“That, darling, I don’t know since it has never happened to me in the first place.” Richard said.


“But darling, why are you suddenly talking about this things?” Richard asked, not quite understanding what was on his wife’s mind. Actually, this was the first time that Richard was unable to tell what Amanda was thinking.


“Because I’m a reincarnate.” Amanda finally said after gathering her courage. She did not want to hide the secret anymore. What if something happened to her!


“What did you just say?” Richard asked, unable to hide the shock in his voice.


“I have lived once and died, then I was reborn.” Amanda explained in the simplest manner she could master.


“Oh my goodness? are you for real darling?” Richard asked, hugging her tighter.




“Do you remember your past life?”


“Yes. Why aren’t you scared?” Amanda could not help but ask.


“Why would I be scared?”


“Because you are with someone who has already lived once.”


“What nonsense are talking about darling, I wouldn’t be scared of you even if you have been reborn ten times. In fact I should be on my knees thanking God for giving my wife a second chance.

” Richard declared.


Amanda felt touched.


She then went on and narrated how her past life was and how she ended up dead.


When she finished her story, Richard had already teared up. The man who has always seen himself as unbreakable, for the first after a long time cried because of his wife.


“I’m sorry darling!” He stated.


“Why are you sorry?”


“I wasn’t their for you in your past life and you ended up going through a lot. Even going to prison.”


“Aren’t you here now?” Amanda said, she was feeling every emotional too.


“I just thank the heavens that I met you in this life, or else….”


“Okay baby, isn’t everything perfect now. I have such a loving husband, my mother is healthy all thanks to you. These are things I could only dream to have in my past life but never had a chance.”


“Tell me, how did you know that you have been reborn?” Richard asked curiously. He had already calmed down and now he was like an obedient student whose world has been opened to a whole new chapter.


“You look really cute with your curious gaze.” Amanda teased her husband.


They had switched on the lights and now Amanda was using Richard’s thighs as her pillow. Although they felt as hard as a rock, it was the only place she felt safe and loved.


Amanda answered all of Richard’s questions. It was almost dawn when she finally feel asleep making Richard sigh in relief. He was worried that she might exhaust herself.

The following day, Amanda woke up at midday. She had slept too well without any dreams.


She was greeted with a pair of deep eyes staring at her. She almost screamed out loud because she was still disoriented from her sleep. Only after she heard the familiar scent did she calm down.


“Hey, aren’t you going to work?”


“Nope. My paternity leave starts today. I will accompany you until you give birth.”


“But there are still some more days until delivery.”


“It’s okay. I covered upto three months work. If there is nothing serious, I told Thomas not to disturb me.”




“No buts. Everything is settled don’t worry.”


Seeing that he was insistent, Amanda could only surrender.


Richard looked at her with a deep gaze.


“What is it?”


“Err!” Richard was embarrassed to say what was on his mind.


He had actually not gotten a wink the whole night and kept thinking about what Amanda had told him.


She was reborn and has already lived once. Richard wanted to know if they had known each other in her past life and what kind of life he had lived. Did she have a wife and children or was he single until he died.


“Babe, you are making me worried.” Amanda said, suddenly feeling uneasy.


“En…. I just wanted to ask, in your past life, did we know each other, and do you know the kind of life I lived? Did I have a family?”


Hearing his question, Amanda laughed softly.


“Was that difficult to ask?” Amanda said as she winked at her husband with a mischievous light in her eyes.


Richard was even more embarrassed and his face even turned red. It was so hot he felt like fanning it.


It was a good thing that the curtains were not drawn, although it was midday, the room was slightly dark.


Amanda tried to remember how Richard was in her past life.


“In my past life, you were the boss of the biggest entertainment industry. The life and death of many artists and media outlet were in your hands.”


“Although you had a strange temper and always acted arrogant, you had a lot of scandals with many artists under you. You were probably involved with all women in the city.” Amanda said.


Richard was shocked. Although he could not remember what happened in his past life, he trusted his wife.copy right hot novel pub



He found it hard picturing himself like some kind spoiled brat who was a playboy.


“Anyone who messed with you disappeared without a trace so no one dared to mess with you.”


“As for having a family, I don’t remember hearing any news about it.”


“Mmmh.” Richard did not know what to say.


“Di you remember the first time I saw in my mom’s ward, it was basically because of what I knew about you in my past life, that is why I was wary of you.”


“So that is why you treated me coldly.” Richard turned to his wife and asked.




“You know I had just dealt with a jerk in my past life and I was not ready to entertain another.”


“But the more I interacted with you, the more I felt like you were totally different from how you were in my past life.”


“The Richard Howell I knew will never entertain a woman twice, once you were done with them, you will toss them aside without a care in the world.”


“Was I such an asshole?” Richard could not believe his ears.


He had a very unique OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) when it came it women. He perceived those creatures as dirty and filthy not until he met Amanda. His view about women had largely changed due to her.


How could he entertain such a thing. But because he don’t remember living such a life, he could only believe Amanda.


“Yes, babe.”


“You know that day, when I saw your assistant outside my mom’s ward, I was expecting the worst. I never imagined that I will find you talking and even laughing so calmly. I thought that you were entertaining your prey before you slain it, that is why I wanted you gone as soon as possible.”




After talking some more, Richard helped Amanda to get off the bed, after a quick shower and breakfast, he took her to a morning walk.





Although the couples had been preparing for the coming of their baby, they never expected it to come in such a way.


One day, a week later, Amanda was having her afternoon bath while Richard was reading some documents in the bedroom. Although he had taken a leave, some matters needed his attention and would work on them when he got time.


Although the bathroom was layered with thick non-slippery carpets, some accidents were bound to happen.


Amanda, who had finished washing herself, tried to get out of the bathtub. She was too heavy, that just after a few attempts, she was already panting. She did not want to call Richard so she persisted.


But she had never foreseen that she will lose a footing and land heavily on the ground.


Hearing the commotion in the bathroom, Richard immediately rushed over. He was shocked at what he saw. Amanda was lying on the floor, clenching her stomach as cold sweat dripped down her forehead.


“Darling, our baby, save it.” She called out weakly.


Richard had no time to think. He scooped her up in his arms and rushed towards the door.


“Car, prepare the car right away.” He howled even before he reached downstairs. The butler, who was having his afternoon tea immediately went to get the car from the parking lot after hearing his boss’s anxious voice.


Amanda was rushed to the hospital and was immediately rushed to the labor room. Good thing her water had not broke or she would have given birth in the car.


Richard insisted on accompanying his wife while she gave birth. Although the nurse tried to advice him otherwise, Richard was insistent on seeing her wife give birth to their baby.


As Amanda pushed her babies with confidence, at the William’s family, tension filled the house.


Peter had suddenly summoned everyone to meet at the William’s family, claiming that he had an important news to announce.


Most them thought that maybe his business deal worthy billions that he has been negotiating for a long time has finally come through. Only Juliana was feeling uneasy in her heart.


The feeling was so real that she felt like she would not breath. If she had a choice, she wouldn’t go. But Peter specifically told her not to miss.

He even said that it will be too entertaining thus it will be a pity if she missed.


After everyone had gathered, Peter also arrived. He had even come with his son Ryan. Juliana was now more certain about why Peter had gathered everyone here, and before it even started her face had already turned pale from fear.


Peter did not begin right away and casually made small talks with James and Jason’s father. It was as if he was waiting for someone.


Soon after, the doorbell rang. The servant who was closest to the door went to open it, but when she saw who was outside, her expression changed.


“What is it, why aren’t you opening the door?” Liz asked when she heard no movement from the door.


“Madam..!” She did not know what to say.


“Who is there?” Vallery said as she rushed towards the door.


Peter on the other had a calm expression on his face but his heart was in turmoil.


‘Had she really come?’


“Move away from the door. What manners are those, preventing the guest from entering the house.”


“Young madam!”


“Just go back to the kitchen.”


Evelyne, who was outside the house, almost left when the door was not opened for a long time.


She had received a call on her way here that Amanda had been rushed to the hospital, if not for the fact the she was almost here and Peter had urged her to come, she would have left long ago.


And seeing that they were not even opening the door, she felt like a joke again. Did they want to make fun of her and laugh at her again?


Just as she turned around and was ready to leave, the door was flung open.


Vallery was standing at the door in a long floral dress and was utterly dumbfounded when she saw Evelyne.


“Auntie, why are you here?” Although she was surprised, she was delighted that she had finally met Amanda’s Mom. She will use this opportunity go get some favors from her.


“Quickly come in, don’t stay outside for too long. It’s not safe.”


Evelyne looked at her coldly before entering the house.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 71-80

“Who would have thought that Amanda and our president were a pair?” Those who had experienced the whole thing were still shocked.


“Someone quickly pinch me. I think that I’m dreaming.”


“Ounch! Can’t you be gentler?” She complained after someone gave her a hard pinch.


“It is not a dream, okay. Amanda is the president’s girlfriend. You can see how much they love each other.”


“Hehe and there we were, bashing Amanda and yet it turns out the she our lady boss. I feel like my face is swollen from the slap.”


“But I think Amanda is cool. She has never used her relationship with the president to bully us. She has always been polite to everyone and never once showed disdain or arrogance.” Someone from the crowd said.


Those who had bullied Amanda and talked bad about her had their faces turn pale from the fear the she will get back at them.


If they had known, they would have instead improved their relationship with her instead of ruining it. Now they could only feel regret and hope that Amanda will not remember what they said about her.


Amanda who was still recovering from the shock of the surprise, did not know what was going on in people’s mind. Even if she knew, she will not care about such a trivial thing.


She still felt like she was dreaming as she glanced at everything around her. This man was really full of surprises and mysterious.


“Did you like it?” Richard lowered his head and asked in her ear.


“Yes.” Amanda nodded but her eyes were still dazed.


“I like it so much. I did not know you would do this to me. I fell like I’m in a trance.” Amanda said emotionally.


“Silly! All this is real. From the very first day I saw, I knew that I had to make you my wife. That is the goal I have been striving towards.” Richard said as he revealed a doting smile.


“Thank you!” Amanda said and hugged him tightly.


In this lifetime, everything was beyond her expectations. What if she had coward back then when Richard was wooing her and refused to accept him? Will she be able to attain all this happiness on her own. Would she be able to achieve all that she has achieved alone? Amanda felt so emotional that she did not know what to say apart from hugging him tightly.


Richard embarrassed her securely in his arms. He never knew that he will be a romantic person or even love a person so hopelessly without any restrain. After his mother died and his father schemed against him with Mandy, he totally closed himself off from the world.


He had no desire to date or even get married. But the moment he saw Amanda on that day at the audition, something in him seemed to have awakened as his cold heart stirred with some unknown emotions.


The feeling was foreign to him but he did not dislike it.copy right hot novel pub

Thus he embarked on his journey to pursue her. Luckily she reciprocated his feelings.



People started to return to the room one after another. Those who had talked bad about Amanda dared not to open their mouth again. They quitely returned to the hotel room.


When they reached, several long tables had already been arranged and different types of dishes were placed on them. Smelling the aroma of the food, everyone felt hungry and they could not wait to dig in.



Jason, who had experienced everything, was not feeling well. He had come to this hotel to close a business deal. He also chose this place because he knew Amanda will be coming today with the crew for the completed movie.


He wanted to find a chance and talk to her but never did he imagine that he will experience such a scene.


Richard who was known to be cold and unfeeling had actually prepared such a grand proposal for Amanda.


When he saw them together before, he thought that Richard was only using her and their relationship won’t go far. He was waiting for the day that Richard will dump her so he can take his chances. But now it seemed like he will never get the chance.


His relationship with Vallery was not that great like it had been from the start. Vallery kept telling him how he did not love her anymore. The moment he even tried to mention Amanda’s name, Vallery will be raged and even refuse to talk to him for days. Since she was pregnant everyone tried to give in to her as much as possible, but even his family was getting tired of her bad temper. He had been going home less this days. He better spend a night in hotel room, than go home and be yelled at.




Peter’s company was not doing great. Many big projects were mysteriously cancelled or the investors refused to offer funds. Juliana was complaining how her allowance was reducing each month. He really missed his peaceful days when he only had Amanda and her mom.


Juliana was a shrew and her villain character was coming out one after another.


“Why are you home so late again. Nowadays you come home late and you don’t even offer any explanation. You don’t even look at me anymore. Don’t you love me anymore?” The moment Peter stepped his foot in the house, Juliana’s shrewd voice was heard, his migraine seemed to become worse the moment he heard her voice.


“What are you complaining about. I spend the whole day looking at the documents and tire myself out just to give you a comfortable life, but the moment I reach home, you start shouting at me like some village ogress. I really didn’t know that you had such a bitchy character.” Peter said tiredly. He really did not have an ounce of energy left in him to argue with a woman who only knew how to doll herself up and bring nothing to the table.


He walked passed her and directly went upstairs without even offering her a second look.


Juliana was so mad that she almost bit her lower lip into half.


“Why do you get mad everytime I ask you a question, are you having a mistress outside or are you seeing that bitch again?” She asked angrily.


Only after seeing Peter’s expression turn cold did she realise that her words had gone too far.


“Don’t you know better who the mistress of this house is? What does it matter to you if I have one on the outside, you won’t possibly be mad right, after all you once were.” Peter did not hide his disdain.


His daughter was causing trouble over there by throwing useless tantrums. He was sure that if not for the child in her stomach, the William family would have long gotten rid of her.


Hearing his words, Juliana’s face drained of all colour.

She never thought that a day will come when Peter will call her a mistress.


She stared ahead dumbly. By the time she came back to her senses, Peter was nowhere to be seen.


Jason experienced the same scene when he reached home. It was like the mother and daughter pair had some telepathic connection.


They really knew how to imagine all kinds of things that their husbands did outside.


Unlike Peter, Jason only asked how the baby was doing and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He did not have the energy to bicker with his wife.



By the time Amanda and Richard reached home, it was almost midnight. They did not leave immediately and had dinner with everyone. The higher ups from R&S also came to give their congratulations so they had to toast to everyone.


Richard carried her directly to the bathroom and placed her in the bathtub. Amanda was tired that she let him do whatever he wanted with her body.


“Sorry, I planned it simple and we had to leave immediately after, I didn’t know that it will take long.”


“It is okay. My heart is still beating hysterically.” Amanda said as she looked at her man with love.


“I will let you off tonight.” Richard said.


He cleaned Amanda and took a quick shower. He then carried her to the bedroom.


The couple soon hugged each other and drifted into slumber land. .

Amanda’s days in the company have been smooth sailing after everyone knew of her relationship with Richard. She could freely go to his office and most of the time they even drove the same car to the company.


But only those in the company and their close friends knew of their relationship. Everything has been sealed off from the media.


“Today you have a magazine shoot, and it might happen a little late. We need to start preparing. The location is within the city, we will head their when the time is right.” Linda said. Since she joined R&S with Amanda, she has made great progress in her career and could only thank Amanda for that.


“Okay. When is the Film Festival Awards ceremony happening?” Amanda asked. She has acted in several movies and TV dramas and she hoped to be nominated in even one.


“It is almost end of the year, I think it won’t be too far.” Linda said.


“We will wait and see if I can get nominated.” Amanda said, but her heart was hopeful.


“Of course you will. It will be a huge boost for your career. You fanbase is now huge and stable you don’t have to worry about that.”


“It is all thanks to you. I wouldn’t be here today if not for your guidance.” Amanda said as she glanced at Linda.


“It is the big boss you have to thank. If it was not for him, we would still be rotting at Starshine.” Linda said.


Hearing someone mention her man, Amanda gave out a sweet smile.


Linda immediately felt her heart bleed. Why did she mention the boss. She got stuffed by PDA untill she got a nosebleed.



“Today is the day we have been waiting for.” Vallery said over the phone.


Mandy had kept her in the dark about the relationship between Amanda and Richard and she did not know that the two were already engaged.


She was heavily pregnant and her due date was approaching.


“Just go ahead and do as we had planned. I’m sure no man will accept a woman who has been tainted by a dozen men. Make sure to do a clean job, I have tolerated her long enough it’s now time she disappeared.copy right hot novel pub

” Val said over the phone.


Mandy replied that she understood and hung up the phone.


Her expression was dark and filled with evil.


She could not believe that Amanda and Richard were engaged! When she received those photos, she was so mad that she smashed everything in her house. But her anger, jealousy and hatred could not be quenched.


She could only resort to such a lowly method to quench her anger. But her anger will only subside after she has succeeded.


She did not take Vallery so seriously and only wanted to use her. She wanted to find a scapegoat once things did not turn out the way they had planned.


There was no such thing as true friends in her dictionary, everyone was her pawn. Once she was done using them, she will just get rid of them.


She knew everything about Vallery, and how she stole her sister’s fiance but she did not expose her. after she used her to achieve her goal, she will just get rid of her.



Vallery was rushed to the hospital as the baby was coming out. Maybe due the stress of dealing with Amanda, her emotions had been unstable so the baby came out one week earlier. Jason had only been coming home once in a while and she could not help but think that Amanda had seduced him.


Grandma Catherine remained indifferent as everyone hurried to rush Vallery to the hospital. They called the Jackson’s family and Juliana rushed over in an instant. Peter was out of town so they only told him over the phone.


The family waited for almost one hour as they prayed for a safe delivery, soon the nurse came out and told them that Vallery had a safe delivery and she delivered a bouncing baby. Everyone cheered on and even Jason could not control the excitement he was feeling inside.


He was now a father. He could not help but smile happily. He could not wait to hold his baby.



James was especially pleased knowing that Vallery had given birth to a boy. At least the family had someone who will continue their bloodline.


“I’m now a grandmother.” Liz could not control her tears of joy. Juliana too was happy hearing that her daughter had given birth to a son and she was safe and sound.




Amanda had finished shooting for the magazine and were coming back when their car was suddenly cornered. Linda was the one driving and she had noticed the car following them but had not paid much attention to it.


But the car soon overtook them and blocked their way. Amanda who had been resting opened her eyes when she felt the car stopping. She has been feeling tired a lot lately and slept every moment she was not doing anything.


“What happened?” Vivian asked.


“A car has blocked our way, I will go and take a look.” Linda said as she opened the car door and alighted, but the moment she stepped out of the car, she was hit on the back and lost consciousness.


Some people came towards the car door, opened it and dragged Vivian out of it. Before she could even react, she too was knocked down.


Amanda was fully awake after sensing that something was not right. She opened her drooping eyes and felt a huge force pull her from the car, before she could make sense of what was happening, her head was covered with a thick black hood and was yanked into another car.


Her heart was palpitating. What was happening, was someone trying to kidnap her, ooh they have already kidnapped her.


She was so tense that she felt cold sweat dripping down her spine.


The car started moving immediately at a terrifying speed. Judging from the direction the car was moving to, they were probably moving towards the outskirts.



Amanda forced herself to calm down because panicking won’t save her. She atleast had to find a way to save herself.


“What are guys doing, what do you want from me?” She asked with a shaky voice.


“Ooh, what a beauty.” The people in the car did not answer her and instead laughed maliciously.


“I warn you, don’t you dare to anything to me. My boyfriend is not someone you dare to mess with!” Amanda tried to warn.


“Hahaa, today we will have the best day of our lives. Say who will go first?” The people in the car seemed not to hear what Amanda was saying.


They were focused on checking her out with undisguised lust.


“The boss said that we only have to kidnap and take her to him. You should keep your wild thoughts to yourself. Someone had paid a hefty price to get rid of her.” The person who was driving said.


“We will just wait for the boss to have his fun then.” The man said.


Amanda heard their conversation clearly. Someone wanted to mess with her and has paid a lot of money just to get her.


She did not have a lot of enemies in the entertainment industry who could pull something like this, unless…


A name clicked in her mind. She could not help but shiver at the thought of what awaited her.

Linda slowly regained her consciousness. She touched the place where she had been hit and it hurt like hell.


Looking around, she found that their car was still packed but the other car was not there anymore. She did not have time to think about anything as she stood up with shaky legs.


She fumbled to the car only to find that no one was there. The door was wide open but neither artist nor Vivian was in the car. She started to panic as she called Amanda’s name.


Getting no response, she walked to the other side of the car only to find a figure lying there unconscious. She rushed over and found it was Vivian.


What happened, where was Amanda?


“Vivian quickly wake up!” Linda said, her voice shaking with nervousness and uneasiness.


“Wake up!” Linda was starting to panic.


Vivian woke up after a while. Her eyes were groggy and she tried to remember what happened.


“You are awake, what happened, where is Amanda?” Linda asked hurriedly.


“Amanda…” Vivian was not yet fully conscious. Linda almost gave her a slap to wake her up but resisted the urge.


“Amanda… what! Wait, why am I lying on the ground… ouch, my head hurts.” Vivian said as she tried to sit up. Linda hold her hand and pulled her up.


“After you went to check the car that stopped us, I suddenly heard a thud! As if someone had fallen so I came to take look, something hit me hard and I fell on the ground.” After sitting up, Vivian remembered what had happened and recounted.


“Then Amanda must have been kidnapped.” Linda came to a conclusion.


That car stopped infront of them to lure them out so that they can knock them out and then kidnap Amanda. Who would have the guts to kidnap the boss’s woman.


“Kidnapped!” Vivian was shocked as her heart started to race.


“The what will we do.copy right hot novel pub

Boss will definitely skin us alive and feed us to the sharks.” She said, her voice was quivering.


“We have to report to the police.” Vivian said.


“No!” Linda stopped her.


“Why?” She did not understand.


“We do not know the situation, we cannot alert the police. What if the people who took her are lunatics and hurt her after finding out that we contacted the police, I will call the boss first.” Linda said as she went to car. Luckily those people have not taken anything from the car.


She took out her phone and dialed Richard’s number.




After recounting what happened, Linda felt relieved but she was still panicking. She did not know what the boss would do to them.


Richard did not say anything and hung up the phone.


Thirty minutes ago, Mandy had called to tell him that his father had been admitted to the hospital because his condition was not good. Although he did not like his father that much, he still rushed to the hospital after hearing the news.


His father was still in the operating room undergoing surgery. When he received Linda’s phone, his whole body turned cold and a dark aura shrouded his eyes.


Mandy who was waiting with him outside the emergency room could not help but shiver.


She looked at Richard only for find him emitting an oppressive aura. His cold aura almost froze the whole corridor.



She has been planning for a long time just for this day. After she received the news that Amanda was taken, she immediately put some pills that could trigger a heart attack into Leonard’s tea. She has been spending most of the time with him, and she practically lived there.


After the pills took effect, she immediately rushed him to the hospital as she called Richard. She knew that Richard will not abandon his father because of a woman.


But she seemed to have miscalculated something, to Richard Amanda was not just any woman, but the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with. Even his own biological father could not measure up to her importantance in his heart.


Richard took the his phone and left the corridor, but Mandy did not want him to leave as she clung on his sleeves.


“Where are you going, uncle is still in surgery. Do you have the heart to live him?” Mandy said.


“How do you know I’m leaving?” Richard asked as he looked at her coldly. His suspicion grew stronger.


He had only taken a few steps and this woman already knew that he was leaving.


Mandy bit her lip and said nothing. Why was she impatient. Everything will be over soon. Even if he rushed over now, he won’t make it in time to save Amanda but instead he will only experience her sorry state.


She could not blow up her cover.


“I’m just worried that uncle will not feel better after waking up and not seeing you.” Mandy found an excuse.


“I was just going to the washroom. The surgery is still ongoing and I have no idea when it will end.” Richard said, flung the hand that was holding his sleeves and walked away in hurried steps.



“Don’t disappoint me Richard, go and experience her sorry state, then you will hate her for being filthy and I will help you finish her off.” Mandy thought as she smacked coldly.


Unbeckonist to her, her erily smile had fallen to Richard’s eyes.


When she was gripping his shirt, he has quickly put a mini camera on her sleeve button. It was so tiny that is was not visible to the naked eye.


After he received Linda’s call, although he almost flipped out from anger, he forced himself to calm down. He could not make any informed decisions when he was angry and it could even lead to more fatal consequences.


Thus he started to go through everything that has happened. Although his father’s health was not so good, it was not to the extent that he will suddenly faint. He was using the best medicine in the world and he had ordered the maid to be administering it on time. His father also loved his body and could not make a fuss about not taking the medicine.


His father fainted and Amanda was kidnapped, he was pretty sure that someone was trying to lure him away from saving Amanda.


Although he was angry, he had been watching Mandy’s expression, and seeing her uneasy expression after he received the call, his suspicion only grew.


When she gripped his shirt and told him not to go, he immediately knew that he was right. He has always know that Mandy was not a good person, but every time he wanted to deal with her, Amanda had always stopped him saying that he should consider his father’s feelings even of they were not on good terms.


Richard has always relented because he listened to his wife more.


After he left the corridor, he made a series of calls as he issued several commands.


He called his assistant and told him to head to the hospital to keep watch as he left in his car.


Although he appeared calm on the outside, his heart was very nervous. He did not know if he will make it in time.


“Amanda hold on. I’m coming to save you!” He thought silently in his heart..

Amanda was still in the car. The speed has reduced since they were out of town and the terrain was not good.


She was still trying to distract her kidnappers.


“Who is your boss?” Amanda asked.


“You have no right to know who our boss is?” The person who was sitting in the passenger seat said.


“How much did they pay you. I will pay you double… no triple… you know what I will just pay you however much money you want as long as you let me go.” Amanda threw out her bet.


From their conversations, she had learned that this people only cared about money and they will do anything to get.


They were a gang who did illegal activities to make a living.


“Are you kidding? Do you know how much money was paid just to get you?” The man in the passenger seat said. He seemed to be the most talkative among the three of them.


“I’m not kidding, just name your price. As long you let me go I will give you whatever you want.”


Seeing that their bro was almost brainwashed by the woman, the two sent her nasty looks.


“Shut up woman. You will not convince us of anything. Our boss only commanded us to kidnap you. Everything is beyond our control.” The one sitting beside Amanda said.


Actually they did not know how much money their customer had paid, all they knew was that it was a good amount of money and if they did a good job, they will be rewarded handsomely.


Seeing that they were getting angry, Amanda immediately shut up and closed her eyes to rest. She did not know if Richard will find her in time.




Richard on the other hand, was already racing. He has passed many red lights and was starting to alarm the authorities.


He had placed a GPS tracker on Amanda’s phone. Luckily when Amanda was forced out of the car, she was still clutching her handbag and now it was with her.


Seeing the red dot on his phone disappearing into the suburbs, he had a bad feeling. What if he lost the connection with her. After all the outskirts had poor network coverage and even the GPS could not function well. He could only urge his driver to driver faster.

The person who had been called boss stood up and moved to where Amanda was. He bent infront of her and held her chin up forcing Amanda to look at him.


When she saw his face closely, Amanda got the shock of her life and her heart almost stopped beating.


Wasn’t this Godfrey, the one person who was feared in the whole country.


Rumours had it that he was the most dangerous gang leader in the underworld, no one messed with him and remained alive.


She had heard of him in her past life. She remembered his face because he was once number one on the criminals wanted list. His pictures were posted everywhere and everyone in the city knew him. The government had put a 100 million bounty on his head. To many, he was known as the godfather of her underworld.


But even when she died, the person had not been found.


In both her lifetimes, this was the first time she has been in close contact with him.


Amanda felt that God must have played a prank on her. Did he give her another life just to die at the mercies of this gangster?


“Woman, do you know who I’m?” Godfrey asked when he noticed that the woman before him was looking at him with fear and trepidation. It seemed she knew him and was aware if his ruthless methods.


Amanda shook her head like a chicken pecking on the grains.


“You are really beautiful but unfortunately you offended someone you shouldn’t have.” Godfrey said, revealing a bloodthirsty smile.


“Sir, I think you must have made a mistake here!” Amanda tried to sound as calm as she could.


“I’m just a nobody who does not know how to offend anyone. Maybe you got the wrong person. Just let me go and I will tell no one about this.” Amanda said. She tried to sound as pitiful as she could in the hope of gaining this man’s sympathy.


But hell… this man had seen and been through a lot, her little tears could not work on him. His heart was cold without any feeling. He was like a war machine and only cared about the money.


“Boss, the woman said that she can give us whichever amount we want, as long as we let her go.” The person who had been talkative in the car said.


“Really?” Godfrey asked with interest.


“Yes boss. Just name your price. My boyfriend is very powerful and rich. Whatever price you name I will give it you as long as you let me go.copy right hot novel pub

” Amanda readily nodded.


“How unfortunate. The person who contacted us wants you dead, but after we’ve had out fun.” Godfrey said eerily smile.


Amanda felt goosebumps all over her body.


“Drag her over and prepare the cameras.” Godfrey ordered.


“My boyfriend is Richard Howell, he will never you let you off incase something happens to me.”


Hearing that, Godfrey stopped in his tracks. He knew who Richard was. Although he was just a CEO, he had a lot of contact in the underworld. He was not someone he did not want to mess with.


He was just a little surprised before he regained his confidence. He knew that a man like Richard will never risk his resources just because of a woman. When one is gone, he will just find another.


“Hehe you think that I’m scared of you. You are just a small fry, why would someone like Richard care about you. You are just a play thing for him. Once he gets tired of you, he will just cast you aside without caring about you.” Godfrey said.


“I would also like to have taste of a woman who will attract someone like Richard.” Although he had not planned on touching this woman as he deemed her dirty, he was now interested.


He was not the godfather of underworld like most people thought. He was only a stand in for his boss. Not many people have seen his boss because he was the one who usually accepted missions and talked to their customers.

Even those who followed him thought that he was the boss, but only he knew that there was someone more powerful than him.


Amanda felt despair. Even Richard’s name can’t make them yield, was she really going to die here today?



Back at the hospital, Leonard was wheeled out of the operating room. His face was pale and his eyes was tightly shut.


When Mandy saw him, she immediately hurried over but was stopped by Thomas. She somehow felt guilty because of what she did.


Leonard has treated her well since she was young. But she could not even spared his life in the name of achieving her goal. But her guilty soon fade away as she thought that she was doing him a favour by getting rid of Amanda.


“Why are you stopping me from seeing uncle?” Mandy asked Thomas.


Thomas eyed her coldly and said nothing.


From what his boss had said, this woman must the one responsible for getting Amanda kidnapped. She planned all of this and she still dared talk to him.


“Who are you stop me? You think that because you are Richard’s assistant you can do as you wish. Do you believe me that you will be fired once I tell him that you stopped me from taking care of his father?”


“You don’t have to worry about that Miss Mandy. It was the boss’s orders that you should not get close to his old man. You should just stay as far away as possible.”


Mandy was astounded. She could not do anything. She did not even get the chance to talk to the doctor and tell him what he should say.


As the nurse wheeled Leonard to the ward, Thomas followed the doctor.



“Doctor how is the patient?” Thomas asked when they reached the doctor’s office. Richard had specifically instructed him to do everything discreetly. Mandy was not supposed to find out anything. She was a suspect and they should not let her plan succeed.


“The patient was given some medicine that stimulate the heart attack, that is why he fainted.”


Thomas was shocked.


“You mean to say that someone intentionally tried to harm him?”


“Yes. The heart attack was induced. Someone must have placed the medicine in his drink.” The doctor said after seeing the analysis report.


“Thank you doctor. Other than me, do not say anything to anyone.” Thomas as he strolled out with a grave face.


He made a phone call and ordered his men to go to Richard’s house and collect evidence. After questioning the maids and finding out that Leonard fainted while he was drinking tea, they took his cup, luckily the maids had panicked and they had not touched anything.


The cup of tea was taken to the hospital so that the doctors can run more tests.




Vallery was discharged from the hospital and everyone was finally happy and relieved. Peter had also returned from his business trip and had gone to see his grandson.

Seeing them come at her with undisguised expressions and seeing their ugly faces, Amanda felt like throwing up.


The moment they tried to touch her, she hit the filthy hand away.


“Don’t touch me with your filthy hands.” Amanda said coldly.


“Woman, you better behave. We don’t have time to play games with you.” The man whose hand had been slapped away said in a sinister voice.


“You think that I’m afraid of you. Don’t you dare touch me. I warn you to keep your filthy and dirty hands away from me.”


“Hahaha, what are you going to do? You cannot be thinking that someone is going to save you or you are going to escape right? No one has ever escaped from the hands of our boss! You better cooperate before things get ugly.”


After the man said that, he tried to touch her again. Amanda took the chance and bit his hand hard with all her mighty. The man winced in pain not at all thinking that the woman will suddenly bite him. His hand turned numb from the pain.


“Woman are you a dog? How dare you bite me? Do you want to die?” The man said angrily as he sent a tight slap on Amanda’s cheek. She felt her head spinning from the slap and felt her vision blur.


Her face tilted to the side from the impact of the slap, a five finger imprint was already visible on her cheek. She could even feel a metallic taste in her mouth. She was pretty sure that she has lost a few teeth and even her mouth has been torn apart.


Sure enough when she spat out the blood in her mouth, a few teeth feel.


“If you touch me again, I will bite your fingers off.” Amanda said. Her face had already swollen to a pig’s state.


“Hehee I have never seen a defiant woman like you. Don’t you fear death?”


“I better die than be touched by you!” Amanda said.


Why would she be afraid of death when she has already died once. If this was her fate, then so be it. But she was a little regretful as she will not get the chance to spend more time with Richard.


“Boss she is refusing to cooperate, what should we do with her?” The man did not bother to talk to her anymore and turned to his boss.


“You have become really incompetent. You cannot even handle a single woman, don’t tell me you need me teach you what to do!” Godfrey said.


Having been ridiculed by his boss, the man got angry and roughly pulled Amanda’s hair. Amanda felt a stinging pain on her scalp and gave out a painful moan.


“Don’t touch her face though. I don’t want to have s*x with an ugly woman.” The boss said.copy right hot novel pub



He liked to watch people be tortured. It gave him some kind of relief.


“Yes boss.” The man nodded.


Having gotten his boss’s approval, the man was not gentle at all. He pulled Amanda by her hair without caring if she was getting hurt or not. Amanda felt so much pain. Her knees had been scraped since she was practically walking on them.


Her hair seemed to have been pulled out from her head. Her scalp became numb as she let the man pull her away. She did not even cry out in pain.




Richard was anxious and had rushed the driver several times. He wished he had wings so he could just fly over and rescue his girl.


The car soon stopped where the red dot had disappeared. Before even the car steadied, he had already jumped outside. On the way here, he had used up almost all his contacts to get people to surround this area. Since he was in the millitary before he took over the family business, he had alot of friends who he could contact to give a helping hand.


He did not know the strength of the enemy and would never take any risk. He would not put Amanda’s life in danger. Thus he made a lot of preparations. If those people did not know their place and wanted to play with fire, he did not mind opening one for them.


Richard walked forward as he gave a series of instructions in his walkie-talkie. As he moved forward, he saw an old building in the distance. The house was dimly lit and he guessed right away that, that was where Amanda was being kept.


“The location of the target has been locked, everyone stay alert and wait for more instructions.

” Richard said. If it was possible, he just wanted to quitely take Amanda and leave this damned place. He did not know how she was or if those people had mistreated her.


Richard rushed over without thinking about anything else and kicked the door open with a heavy kick.


The people in the room were shocked as everyone became alert.


“Who is it? Who dare bang in my territory?” Godfrey asked coldly as he pulled a gun and held it in his hand.


Richard entered the room without any fear. The aura that he was emitting was like that of the king of hell who has come to claim lives.


Everyone including Godfrey could not help but shudder. The temperature in the room suddenly cooled down.


Amanda, who was half conscious, thought that she was hallucinating due to pain when she saw the familiar figure of Richard. She wanted to utter a word but no word came from her mouth. She had been tortured beyond recognition.


Her face was swollen, although that man was told not to hit her face, he still gave her a few slaps.


Richard entered the moment they were starting to set the cameras, their boss had already removed his belt.


“Where is she?” Richard asked coldly without caring about the guns that they were pointing his way.


“I don’t know what you are talking about!” Godfrey said. Since it was dimly lit in the room and Richard was still standing at the door, Godfrey did not recognize him right way.


“The woman you kidnapped, where is she?” Richard asked, walking slowly towards the the room.


“You come into my territory and you want to act arrogant? Who do you think you are?” Godfrey asked.


“You don’t have the right to know who I am, just hand over the person.” Richard said coldly, he was starting to lose his patience.


“Are you talking about her?” Godfrey said as he pointed his gun at a certain corner.


Following his hand, Richard saw a woman crouching in a corner.

Her beautiful hair was in a mess and she was in a terrible state. She buried her head in her hands and was even trembling.


His pupils immediately dilated, he sprinted and in a blink of an eye he was before Amanda. Anger wailed up in his chest when she saw her beaten beyond recognition.


He immediately hugged her but Amanda tried to push him away. She might have thought that they were those people who still wanted to abuse her.


“Don’t touch me, stay away from me…” Amanda cried as she waved her hands in the air aimlessly.


Richard had no other choice but to comfort her lightly.


“It is me… it’s me… sorry I’m late… I will take you home.” Richard said as he stroked her back lightly.


Hearing the familiar voice and smelling the familiar scent, Amanda could not take it any more and the last shred of consciousness that she had maintained collapsed as she was shrouded in darkness.

When Godfrey clearly saw who the man was, his legs finally gave way. Even the gun he was holding in his hands fell down on the floor.


“Richard Howell… so this woman was telling the truth.” Godfrey was in a state of panic. Although he pretended to believe that woman when she said that she was Richard’s woman, but in realy sense, he did not believe her at all.


How could Richard Howell date a lowly actress. Before they accepted any mission, they had to do a thorough investigation on the person they were dealing.


They only knew that Amanda was a little famous in the entertainment industry, although she had a backer, the person who posted the mission refused to divulge any information, so they could only rely on the little information they gathered.


Godfrey did not have enough power in the underground like most people thought and only relied on the fact that his boss did not show himself in the public, to mess around. But he could not use the resources of the underworld like he wished.


So, with his little resources, he was not able to gather more information about Amanda. But he was also disdainful that she was only a little actress, who he needed not to pay attention to.


Having seen Richard come to personally rescue her, Godfrey knew that he had screwed up big time.


His boss had warned him several times that he can mess around as much as he want, but there are some people he dared not to touch. Richard happened to be one of those people.


“Mr Richard, sorry I didn’t know that Amanda was your woman, even if I was given a thousand guts, I will never dare touch her.” Godfrey did not wait for Richard to say anything. He kneeled down and started to kowtow without a care in the world.


His subordinates were astounded seeing their boss kneeling while banging his head on the ground.


What exactly was going on? They looked their boss dumbfounded. Seeing that they did not yet understand the seriousness on the matter, Godfrey stood up, kicked them to make them kneel before going back on his knees.


Richard only looked at them coldly without any expression on his face. He was hugging Amanda lightly, afraid that he will hurt her more than she already is if he exerted any more force.


Looking at her disheveled look, he did not want to think about the torture she had gone through. Her face was swollen, her body was covered in stains of blood, a huge piece of her hair was even missing.


Her breathing was unstable. Richard’s heart was hurting so much. He felt as if someone was squeezing every blood vessel in his heart with a forceps.


He walked over to the sofa and laid her down gently. As he was leaving, Amanda subconsciously clutched at the corner of his shirt. She was frowning in discomfort.


“Don’t worry, I’m right here. Nothing will happen to you… I will take you away in a while.” After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.copy right hot novel pub

The light kiss immediately cooled Amanda down.


He then walked to the people who were kneeling on the ground.


“Who took her?” Richard asked, his voice was laced with sheer coldness.


Everyone looked at Godfrey without answering.


“Was it you?” Richard said, pointing his gun at Godfrey’s head.


Godfrey was scared stiff. He knew that if he delayed even for a minute, his head will be blasted open by the bullet.


“Bastards, why are you not talking?” He yelled at his minions.


“Who captured her when you went over?” Godfrey yelled.


“It was big 4!” Everyone pointed at the tall man who was kneeling at the far end of the room.


Without wasting a second, Richard fired a shot, and then another shot.


The man called big 4 fainted on the ground as his two hands were shot. The shot was precise and it hit his tendons accurately.


“Who touched her?” After shooting the man, Richard looked at them and asked again.


Everyone was trembling and even others peed on themselves.


Whoever was pointed at, his hands were shot.


They thought that Richard was the demon king, his aura was dark and oppressive even Amanda who was unconscious could feel it.


She heard gunshots, although she could not open her eyes, she was scared and curled up into a ball.


After Richard finished quenching his rage, he took Amanda and left the place. His was still angry though and really wanted to kill those people, but he could not as he still needed evidence to put someone behind bars.


“Come over, I want a confession, after that call the police.” Richard said over the walkie-talkie.




Godfrey thought that the disaster was over and that the man had let them off, but hearing solid footsteps coming from outside the house, he knew that he was too naive.


Soon, he saw men wearing camouflage uniforms entering the door one after another. They were not too many, as Richard had ordered others to go back since it was not a big deal.


“Who is so disrespectful as to kidnap our sister-in-law?” Someone asked coldly.



“I’m yet to meet my sister-in-law and yet this people wanted to kill her?” Another person added.


“Brother Richard is so secretive it’s been long and he even got engaged but he is yet to introduce us to our sister-in-law, he is so mean.”


“Maybe he just want to let sister-in-law leave a carefree and normal life, you know how messy our circle is, I bet sister-in-law doesn’t know his other identity.” A young man who appeared to be in his late twenties said.


Hearing the familiar voice, Godfrey was shocked. Wasn’t that the voice of his boss.


Why is he here?


“Let’s see whose balls have grown to the extent that they can even kidnap Richard’s woman.” The man, called Andrew moved forward.


Andrew was the godfather of underwolrd. Many people did not know him, because it was Godfrey who used his title.


“Boss…” suddenly Andrew heard someone call him. Few people had the right to call him boss. They could be counted by fingers.


“Andrew, is it your person?” Actually, although all this people were army veterans, they too had unimaginable power in the underworld and they had their own people.


“It’s you!” After hearing the voice of the person who had called him, Andrew immediately rushed over and threw a deadly kick at man who who was trying to stand up.


The people who had fainted were jolted awake by the sudden voice.


Looking at their boss who his bones had been broken from the single kick, they drew in cold air. They could not help but tremble.



Richard rushed Amanda to the hospital at a lighting speed. When they reached the hospital she was rushed to the emergency room, Richard had doctors check every inch of her body and see if she sustained any internal injuries.



Seeing the doctor come out, Richard immediately rushed over.


“Doctor, how is she?” Richard asked, his voice sounded nervous and uneasy.


“She is fine. Luckily there is nothing life threatening, but she was lucky because her stomach was not hit or else she could have lost her baby.” The doctor said.


Hearing that, Richard’s mind turned blank. It was as if he had been hit by lighting as he stiffened.


“The baby! Do you mean she is pregnant?” Richard asked.


“You didn’t know, your wife is 8 weeks pregnant.” The doctor said.


“Ooh, thank you.”


Richard said, after a long. He did not know how to feel. He was too delighted that he laughed out loud.


The doctor looked at him astounded.


“What is wrong with this man? Can he have not known that his wife was pregnant?” The doctor did not mull over it for long and left.


Richard felt like crying. He was truly overjoyed that Amanda was carrying his baby. She was going to make him a dad. That feeling was too great.


But remembering that those people had almost killed his baby, Richard’s eyes turned frosty as he made a call.


“You don’t have to call the police, after you are done getting evidence, deal with them as you see fit. They almost caused by baby and my wife to lose their lives.”


“I got it.” The other person answered. 

Amanda was enveloped in darkness, someone was chasing her, she tried to move towards the only source of light but she could not, no matter how much she tried, she could not reach it.


Her heart fell as she thought about the fate that awaited her. Was she already in hell. Had God really let her die?


Amanda fought to open her eyes but they were so heavy. Her eyelids seemed to carry tons of loads as she could not even move them. The darkness was suffocating her.


As she struggled with the darkness and almost gave up, she heard someone shout her name.


“Amanda hang in there, don’t give up. You cannot leave me alone. I will be right there to save you. Even if I can’t, I will gladly accompany you to hell. We will always be together, always.” The voice started to fade.


Amanda thought that the voice sounded familiar, but because of the darkness she could not tell out who was talking.


But she felt an explicit peace when she heard that voice. In her past life, no one cared about her like that. She even died alone in the prison.


Amanda fought heard to open her heavy eyelids.


What greeted her eyes was white a ceiling, it had a huge bulb that had already been turned off.


Her head was resting on a soft fluffy white pillow. Her hair was all over the place and her body was sticky with sweat.


Amanda looked at the blue and white walls and concluded that she was in a hospital. Seeing the IV bag hanged on the IV pole, Amanda was dazed.


It seemed that she was just having a nightmare and she was has not died.


She tried to move her hand but realised that something was clutching it tightly.


Amanda moved her head robitically only to come into view with a handsome face.


Richard was sleeping on the side of the bed while clutching her hand tightly. He seemed not to be sleeping peacefully as a frown was seen between his eyebrows.


He looked exhausted as his eyes, although closed, you could see the obvious eye bugs.


His santa claus had grown and it only added to his charm.


Amanda looked at the handsome face and immediately thanked the heavens that she was not dead.


Richard opened his eyes when he heard the movement beside him.


He was having a nightmare that he saw Amanda being consumed in flames but he could not do anything. No matter how much he called, Ananda never looked at him.


Opening his eyes and seeing that beautiful face infront of him, Richard was relieved.


“You are awake. Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” He asked, without releasing her hand.


“I’m fine just a little lethargic.” Amanda said. She was in fact feeling very unwell, but seeing his tired and worried face, she did not want him to feel heartache.


Richard reached out to touch her forehead, seeing that her fever had gone down, he gave out a sigh of relief.


She had suddenly developed a high fever at night. Since they could not administer any antibiotics due to the baby, they could only lower it naturally.


Richard stayed the whole night taking care of her and he had barely taken a wink.


“What happened?” Amanda asked.


“You were kidnapped!” Richard said.


“I know that. How did I end up here?”


“Silly, of course I saved you.” Richard said as he pinched her nose.copy right hot novel pub



“Did those people do anything to me?” Amanda asked.


“They just beat you, sorry I came late and made you go through all that… you almost lost your life and that of…” Richard did not finish his statement. When he was told that Amanda was pregnant, he was very delighted and forgot about everything.


After calming his mind down, he became unsure if Amanda will be willing to keep the baby, after all her popularity was on the rise and her career had just stabilized, taking a break for a year or so will mean that people will forget about her.


He did not want her to sacrifice her career because of him but he also hoped that she could keep the baby.


Seeing that Richard did not finish his sentence and he seemed to have a lot on his mind, Amanda looked at him with a questioning gaze.


“Darling, can I ask you something.” Richard probed lightly.


“What is wrong?”


“Err… if by any chance you got pregnant during this period of time, will you keep the baby?” Richard asked carefully, his eyes never leaving her face.


Amanda was stunned when she heard his question.


Why would Richard ask such kind of a question out of the blues. Was there something going on?


“Why do you ask?” Amanda asked.


“Mmm..can you answer first?”


“Of course it is our baby, I will keep it.” Amanda answered after thinking about it seriously.


She loved Richard so much. He has always been giving in to her and pampering her. She did not know what to do to show him how much she loved him, if giving birth meant that she can pour her feelings to him, then she would gladly do it.


Hearing her answer, Richard felt his eyes tear up. He could not help but direct his gaze at Amanda’s flat tummy. Amanda followed his gaze, and seeing where he was looking, her mind could not help but run wild.


Richard engulfed her in tight hug. But he was careful not to touch her belly.



“Thank you so much baby, you have no idea how happy I’m!” Richard said, he could not control his emotions and his tears finally fell.


“Why are you thanking me?” Amanda was still in the dark.


“Thank you for loving me and bringing light into my life…”


“Baby, you are pregnant!” Richard took her face into his hands, looked at her direct in the eyes and said word for word.


Amanda was stupified and looked at him dumbly. Her mind was slow to process what Richard had said.


“What did you just say?”


“Baby you are pregnant, 8 weeks pregnant!” Richard repeated himself and pulled her into another tight hug.


Amanda hugged him back.


She was pregnant with Richard’s baby, that was great, she was worried that she was going to die for a second time and will not have the chance to spend more time with Richard, but God even added another blessing on top, Amanda let her tears flow freely.


“Baby, are you feeling uncomfortable any where? Why are you crying?” Richard asked in a hoarse voice. His eyes were still wet but he was asking Amanda why she was crying.


Amanda could not help but laugh. She reached her hand to wipe the tears from Richard’s face.


“Same reason as you.” Amanda said as she smiled sweetly.


“But how comes I didn’t feel anything, it is already two months.” Amanda said, feeling that she was rather stupid and careless.


“You schedule has been tight, you hardly had time to rest, how could possibly notice anything?” Richard said. He could not allow Amanda to blame herself.


“I did not even notice my periods.” Amanda said.


“It is okay baby. Isn’t everything alright now.” Richard said as he kissed her on the face.


“Look at me… I even forgot to call the doctor to come and check on you.” Richard said as he slapped his face.





“Wait, I will call the doctor right now.” Richard said as he pressed the call button on the bed.


After the doctor did a thorough check up on Amanda and confirmed that everything was fine, then did Richard relax.


He tucked her in bed, and only after confirming that Amanda was asleep did he leave the ward. He still had somethings to take care of.






“Boss Mandy has been arrested. The evidence was enough to put her in jail for five years.” Thomas said over the phone.


He has been working tirelessly over the night to collect enough evidence that could help put Mandy behind bars.


“Good. Make sure that she stays there.” Richard said.


“Yes boss. Your father woke up in the middle of the night, you might want to visit him.” Thomas reminded over the phone.


“I got it.”




“Hey bro, why are you so mean? It’s been almost a year, when are you going to introduce sister-in-law to us?” A cheerful voice came over the phone. The person talking was Andrew.


“Soon.” Richard said, and before the other person could say anything, he hung up the phone.


He was in no mood to deal with certain people.


“Tks… this brother is choosing love over us bros.”


“Are you only noticing that now?” Someone asked with disdain.

After Richard hanged up his phone, he went to his father’s ward.


“Good morning father, how are you feeling now?”


“Son, how did I end up here?” His father asked, rather confused. The last thing he remembered was him drinking tea with Mandy, but how he ended up in a hospital bed, he has no idea.


The doctor even said that he had undergone a heart operation.


“Someone gave you medicine to trigger your heart condition.” Richard said.


“Who dare to poison me? I rarely leave home.” Leonard said.


“Who was the last person you were with?” Richard asked. He did not want to say that name out loud as it disgusted him.


Leonard thought about it and his expression changed.


No way would Mandy do such a thing to me.


Seeing his expression, Richard knew that he had thought through.


“It is as you think.”


“No way. How could that be? There is no way Mandy could do such a thing. I have treated her like my daughter ever since she was young.” Leonard said. He could not believe it and started to cough profusely.


“But she is not your daughter after all, even if she kills you, there is nothing she can lose.” Richard said.


“And beside, she made people to kidnap Amanda. If I was not first enough, you would not have been able to see your first grandchild.” Richard said.


Thinking about how his wife almost lost her life and that of his child, the anger in his heart almost suffocated him.


“What did you just say?” Leonard asked, his face turning pale.


“I’m sure Mandy is not that kind of a person. How could she do something so evil when she can’t even bear to kill an ant?” Leonard said, his face turning pale.


“Do you think I’m here to frame that woman. Amanda is still lying in the hospital bed. Those people were arrested and are the ones who confessed. Do you think that I have so much time as to try and frame someone?” Richard asked. He was angry as his father continued to believe an outsider while he suspected his own son.


“Don’t worry, she is already arrested, if you don’t believe what I say, you can go to the police station to ask for evidence once you get better.” With that Richard left the room.


He went directly to Amanda’s ward. He did not want to stay out for long as she will be scared once she wakes up.


Richard pushed the door open and found Amanda curling up in a ball. She seemed to be having a bad dream.


Richard walked over slowly and raised his hand to straighten the blanket.copy right hot novel pub

Amanda curled even deeper into the bed.


Richard felt his heart ache, he removed his coat and shoes and climbed in bed. He pulled Amanda in his powerful arms, hugged her tightly and rested her head on his chest.


Smelling the familiar scent of her hair shampoo, Richard’s body relaxed and he dozed off without knowing.




Mandy could not believe that she had been arrested.


**After she went to Richard’s home and found that they had already collected everything, she had a bad feeling.


She immediately went to her house and started to pack whatever she could. Richard left the hospital confidently that she now felt scared.


Since she has not heard from those people for a long time, she knew that things had not gone the way they had planned.


She tried dialing Vallery’s number, but it did not go through.


What could she not understand at this time, she had been used by Vallery as a knife. She thought that she was using her but instead she was the one being used. Vallery only wanted to borrow her knife to slain off her enemy.


But she could not suffer alone. Those people were contacted by Vallery, although they had her contact too, they did not know who she was. Even if they were caught and confessed, Vallery will not be left unscathed.


As she was still mulling over, she heard her door bell ring. Mandy was scared for some unknown reason and refused to open the door.


“It’s the police, open the door.” Hearing that they were police, Mandy felt her heart sink.


How could she escape without them noticing.


She looked around nervously and decided to go through the back door. She thought that the police were only at the front door.


But she did not expect that they were too many. The moment she opened the door, she pumped into another group of police.


She got the shock of her life that she even forgot to walk over. Her suitcase fell on the ground attracting the few police men who were strolling around.



Why were they so many, it felt as if they were arresting a national criminal.


“We have the suspect, she wanted to escape through the back door, all teams retreat.” One police talked on the walkie-talkie as the other went to cuff her.


“Miss Mandy right, you are suspected of intentional murder. Please follow us to the police station to assist in the investigation. You have the right to remain silent as anything you say might be used against you in the court of law.” After the police hand cuffed her, he led her away.


Mandy was still in a daze and it took her a long time to react.**



At the police station, Mandy refused to say anything else apart from, “I want a lawyer.”


Mandy was given a chance to contact her lawyer and even called her parents, who were truly shocked at the sudden news, even her mother fainted from the shock.


After contacting the people she wanted to, stayed silent and did not say anything else. The police could not do anything and could only wait for her lawyer.


The lawyer arrived shortly, he tried to bail her out but since her crimes involved lives, the police refused.


Mandy could only be locked in the police cell as her lawyer thought of something else.




It was evening when Amanda woke up again. She had slept well as she did not have any nightmares.


She tried to move only to find herself secured in a warm hug.


Seeing that Richard was still fast asleep, she decided not to mess around and only rested herself securely in his arms. She did not wish to wake him up since she knew that he has not rested well since yesterday.



But Richard was a light sleeper, the moment she moved in his arms, he was already awake, he was just too lazy to open his eyes.


He wanted to see what his little woman would do, but he did not expect her to lie down quitely and not disturb him. Richard was amused and touched at the same time. No one has ever been considerate of him, only his woman.


He moved his hand gently and pushed Amanda so that she was lying on his chest.


“Did I wake you up?” She asked when she looked at his groggy eyes.


“Nope, I have slept for a long time. I feel refreshed.” Richard said as he pinched her nose.


Amanda moved in and captured his lips. Richard was startled and delighted as this woman rarely took the initiative to be intimate with him.


He hugged her tightly and deepened the kiss, not giving her a chance to escape.


Only after he felt that she was almost out of breath did he release her.


“I thought that I would loose you. You really scared me baby.” Richard said as he looked at Amanda with love.


“I thought so too, that I will never see you again, that I will never hug you again. Thank you for coming to rescue me.” Amanda said emotionally. She bent her head and gave Richard a deep kiss.


“I love you Richard Howell.”


“I love you too Mrs. Howell.”

Evelyne wanted to visit her daughter at the hospital but Amanda declined. Her condition was getting better and she will be discharged in two days time.


“Mom, you don’t have to come. It was nothing serious. I just fainted at work because I was exhausted.” Amanda said.


She could not tell her mother the truth for the fear that she will start to overthink and let her thoughts run wild.


“You need to take care of yourself. You always come home late and leave early. I don’t get to see you for some days and yet we live under the same roof. How can I not be worried?” Evelyne reprimanded her. Amanda was touched. In her past life, her mother did not even get the chance to say such words. Although it felt like she was being scolded, Amanda did not feel angry. In return, she was happy.


“I know mom, I also have some good news. I will tell you when I come home.” Amanda said.


“Just say it already, mom can’t wait to hear.”


“No I’m not saying. You will have to wait for me to come home.” Amanda said, was she trying to act cute with her mother.


“Then I will just call Richard directly.” Evelyne feigned anger.


“No mom don’t. Richard doesn’t know yet.” Amanda stopped her mom. Richard will never hide anything from her mother.


She was worried that he will tell her, that is why she warned him earlier, or else her mom would not be in the dark until now.


“Are you pregnant?” Evelyne asked.


Apart from this, she could not think about anything else. If it was work, Richard handled everything, so there is nothing he cannot know concerning Amanda’s work.


When she heard her mother had guessed right, Amanda was so shocked that she choked on the water she was drinking.


Richard happened to enter at that time, seeing her coughing profusely, he immediately went to pat her on the back.


“Why are you careless even when you are drinking water?” Richard did not know what to do with his woman. She will be the death of him one day.


Hearing Richard’s voice, Evelyne suddenly called out his name over the phone, and since he was bending his body towards Amanda, he heard her.


He took the phone from Amanda’s hand and put it on his ear. Amanda on the other hand was still coughing madly. Her eyes had already turned moist.


Looking at her disheveled state, Richard’s eyes darkened.


“Mom…” Richard averted his gaze and called out softly.copy right hot novel pub



“Richard is Amanda pregnant?” Evelyne went direct to point.


Richard was momentarily shocked. Amanda had told him not to tell her mother, how did she know.


“I guessed it. Amanda was being too mysterious so I just made a bold guess.” Evelyne explained when she heard nothing from the other end of the phone.


“Yes mom, Amanda is pregnant.” Richard affirmed.


“Wow that is great. How long?”


“Eight weeks.”


“I’m so happy. I can’t believe I’m going to be grandmother. Is that why she fainted at work? Sigh.. my daughter is so muddle headed, she did not even know that she was pregnant and yet she kept working.” Evelyne lamented although you could hear the joy in her voice.


“Come home soon. Don’t stay at the hospital for too long. It is not a health place and it also has a lot of negative energy which is not good for the baby.” Evelyne was delighted.


“I will start to brew some nutritious soup for her. Come home, come home!”


“Yes mom.”


Richard was used to calling Evelyne mom ever since, even before he proposed to Amanda.


Amanda felt like it was awkward at the start, but the man was comfortable with it so she just let him be.




Today was Mandy’s trial.


Her mom and dad woke up early to rush to the court house.


They could not bear to see their daughter end up in jail.

They have tried everything they could but it was futile. Even Leonard who dotted on her, did not want to help her anymore after finding out what she did.


Although Mandy tried to deny the charges, all the evidence pointed at her.


She tried to involve Vallery but the police could not find anything that linked the two together. Even the phone number she provided did not exist.


She felt despair and unwilling when she thought of how she going to survive in prison.


Why was she stupid to even think that Richard will one day love her back.


She regrets coming back from overseas. If she had remained there, she would still be living freely.


She did all this stupid things because she could not stand him loving another woman. How was she no better than that bitch?


Mandy really hated Amanda to the core. She blamed everything on Amanda and did not want to confess.


She could only watch as the judge read out her sentence word for word.



Vallery had been unsettled ever since she heard that Mandy was arrested. It was especially so when the police came knocking on the William’s door.


She could only deny everything. If anyone knew what she did, that will be the end of her. She did not know how she could explain if they found out.


She has been staying at home ever since she gave birth. Everyone in the entertainment industry had forgotten about her.


Grandma had also warmed her attitude towards her due to the baby, in short, her life was a lot more better than before and she could not let anyone ruin it.



Leonard had already been discharged by the time Amanda left the hospital. Mandy’s action had given him a blow, he did not want to stay in the hospital so he could only recuperate at home.




It has been one month since Amanda was released from the hospital.



Her manager had adjusted her schedule, although she was pregnant, she tried to finish as much work as she could. Richard tried to stop her but she could not listen.


She could not just ditch the work because she was pregnant. It was a good thing that her belly had not started to show yet or it would have caused yet another bad news to her.


She had also met Richard’s friends who helped in her rescue mission and personally thanked them.


Today was the day for the annual film festival awards know as Kalasha awards.


It was entertainment based and many categories were chosen to be awarded.


Amanda as the upcoming artist, had acted in three movies and two of them were nominated. She had to attend the ceremony to show support for her movies.



The event was taking place at Panari Hotel. A lot of media personality had already stood on the both sides of the red carpet.


Many rookies and upcoming celebrities slayed the red carpet as they made their way to the signing board.


Those well and established artists always came late, these small fries came earlier so that they can socialize and get some connections before the start of the main event.


Vallery was also coming along with Jason, she wanted to slowly establish her status again since she has already given birth.


They walked the red the carpet and received a lot of praises which left her quite pleased that people had not completely forgotten about her.



“Yoh, did you hear that there will be a special guest today?” People started gossiping as soon they entered the hotel.


“Yeah I heard about it. But even if there is a special guest, we won’t even have a chance to meet him after all he must be someone distinguished.”


“We will just wait and see who it is.”


Everyone went to make connections as the celebrities streamed in one after another. It was really a feast for the eyes.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 61-70

“Amanda, you are here?” Kevin asked, his voice sounding excited just like everyone else.


“I knew you would not disappoint me.” Looking at how Amanda was dressed charmingly, he knew that she had understood their meaning.


“Girl come to me.” Said a man with a bulging stomach as he tried to push away the model who was in his arms.


The model did not feel good after being pushed away and glared at Amanda with hatred and envy.


“Amanda, Mr. Fred is calling you. Go and accompany him.” Kevin said as he winked at Amanda.


“Since you are already here, you should be obedient and do as you are told.” Kevin continued.


“So Mr. Kevin, you want me to sleep with this sleazy men just so I can get resources?” Amanda asked, a smile on her face.


“Since you already understand, you should just go with the flow. The company was planning on promoting you, but after an internal decision was made, we decided against it. If you want to strive in this industry, you need to depend on yourself. We cannot do everything for you.” Kevin advised, sounding like a good employer.


“What if I refuse?” Amanda asked.


“Then you will leave us no choice. We will just terminate your contract since you disobey the company’s orders.” Kevin said. It was as if he had been waiting for this moment.


“But since you are already here, don’t think of leaving unscattered. You should drink with a few directors first. If not I don’t know if you will survive in this industry.” After saying that, he pushed Amanda slightly towards the man who had been calling her.


Amanda was unprepared and stumbled forward. She had expected herself to fall on a big belly and a body full of alcohol. But instead, she fell into a sturdy chest. A clean scent of mint greeted her nostril. She did not need look up to know who it was.


“Who is planning on selling my girlfriend to some ugly men.” Richard’s cold voice sounded.


His aura was chilly that the warm room suddenly turned as cold as ice. The people inside could not help but shiver.


They took a moment before they registered what had been said by the cold statue before them.


“Who are you to fight for women with me?” Mr. Fred said. He had already drunk enough and his vision was blurred. He was not seeing clearly.


He could only make out a tall figure standing infront him but he could not tell who it was.


The room was dimly lit so many people did not recognize Richard at first glance.copy right hot novel pub

But after looking at him closely, you could see beads of sweat streaming down their forehead.


“It’s Richard Howell. Did he say that Amanda was his girl friend? Thank God I did not touch her.” Some people we relieved.


They knew how ruthless Richard Howell was. He never laughs with his enemies.


Kevin on the other hand almost peed on himself.


“Who would have thought that Richard was Amanda’s boyfriend. Why didn’t that person say anything. Was she intentionally misleading them?” Kevin thought as he tried to suppress the panic in his heart.


He had to salvage the situation before it truly got out of hand.


“Mr. Richard sorry. This is all a misunderstanding.” Kevin said, trying to stand up but his legs were trembling so much.


“What misunderstanding? Are you trying to say that my girlfriend willingly came here to entertain you guys?” Richard asked, his voice dripping with coldness.


“Of course not.” Kevin stuttered. He did not know what else to say.


“Didn’t you just threaten her now that if she does not do a good job accompanying you, she will not survive in this industry. That you are going to terminate her contract!” Richard said word by word.


Kevin now understood that Amanda had probably dug a trap for him and he unknowingly fell in it.


It seemed like they came together but Richard stayed outside just to listen to what they will say, when the time was right, he will come in to save the damsel in distress.


Now everyone in the room understood the ‘good intentions’ of Kevin. Although they liked to play around, they could never use their superiority to force actors in doing what they don’t want. Those who wanted to find more resources will just come to them willingly.


Mr. Fred was already sober. He could not help but shiver.


Was Kevin planning to kill him.

How could he let him play with Richard’s woman. Although everyone in the room was practically younger than Richard, but in business world there was no seniority. Only the stronger ones were respected.


Everyone started to go one by one. Richard did not stop them but marked each one of them in his heart.


“Kevin, the next time you want to die, don’t drag us with you.” Everyone spat this sentence as they left.


They were glad that Richard did not stop them, but they did not know what was coming for them. If they had know, they would have stayed to beg for mercy even if it meant to kneel down and kowtow.


Only Kevin and Fred were left in the private room. Fred wanted to leave but his legs could not listen to him.


He went to Richard and bowed his head. “I’m really sorry Mr. Richard. I didn’t know that Amanda was your woman. If I have known I will not have touched her even if I had a million guts. I swear on my company that it was Kevin who invited us. He said that he had some fresh meat which he wanted to share with everyone. So out of curiosity, we came to take a look. Please forgive me.” Mr. Fred lowered.


He knew that with a snap of Richard’s finger, his company will be doomed.


Richard did not even looked at him. He hugged the woman in his tightly, protecting her from the cruel world as he turned to look at Kevin.


“I know you have everything prepared out. Even the script for tomorrow’s press conference. I want you to go on with your plan. Call the person feeding you lies and tell her that nothing has changed.

And of course you know nothing about what happened tonight. Everything went as planned. Call your bitch Becky, let her come and accompany your disgusting friend. I want videos and pictures before today midnight.”


“If you speak a word of what happened, tonight, believe me, you will never see the light of the day. Proceed to terminate Amanda’s contract tomorrow. Create as much hype as you want. If you don’t do a good job, don’t blame me for being merciless.”


“I will do as you say. As long as you spare my life. I will do anything.”


“Good. Then I will see how well you perform tomorrow.” Richard said, bent over to carry Amanda in a bridal style and left the room with his long legs without even looking back.


Since he entered, Amanda had not uttered a single word. She obediently stayed in his arms.


“Hey I can still walk, alright.” Amanda tried to protest. The man did not budge as he increased his speed.


Back in the room, Kevin stood up with shaking legs. Thinking of what had happened tonight, his heart still had some lingering fear.


He will never let that woman off. After planning everything, he called Becky and left swiftly before she arrived.


On Amanda’s side, she regretted her actions tonight. If she had not insisted on solving the problem by herself, she won’t be feeling that her waist was breaking apart.


Richard had really lost his cool tonight and tortured her inside out. .

The following morning, Amanda did not wake up early knowing that she will not be going to work. She was so tired even after a night’s sleep, she did not even have the energy to lifting her finger.


She turned around and found Richard focused on reading a newspaper on the coach.


Amanda admired his handsome and flawless face as she imagine how lucky she was to have met this man.


She coughed slightly to attract Richard’s attention.


“Is the newspaper more beautiful than I am?” Amanda complained the moment Richard looked over.


Only in front of this man would she let herself lose and act coy.


“You are awake.” Richard put down the newspaper and walked over with an evil grin on his face.


He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.


“Of course my wife is the most beautiful. She is the only beautiful thing in this whole world.”


Amanda was now used to Richard calling her his wife.


She smiled at him sweetly.


“Hey I have not even brushed my teeth yet.” Amanda protested when she noticed the man deepening the kiss.


“It still test sweet. Want some morning exercise?” Richard asked, not at all breaking the kiss. His hand had already reached inside the covers and was teasing Amanda’s smooth skin.


Wherever his fingers touched, Amanda could feel an electric current coursing through her body.


“Hey, stop messing around so early in the morning.” Amanda said as she clutched the bed sheets tightly.


“I need to use the bathroom.” Only then did Richard release her.


“But I can’t move.” Amanda said, feeling embarrassed.


“Why?” Richard asked.


Amanda glared at him without saying anything.


Richard knew that he had not been gentle with her last night. He complied and carried her to the bathroom.


While Amanda was relieving herself in the toilet, Richard had already prepared bath water for her.


“I’m done.” Amanda called.


Richard went in, carried her up and placed her in the bathtub. He sprinkled some body wash in the tub which formed some bubbles. It was the smell of lavender which Amanda loved.


After enjoying her bath, she wrapped herself in a white towel and went to the bedroom only to find that Richard was still around and had not gone to work.


“Aren’t you going to be let for work?” Amanda asked as she went to the closet to find some clothes to wear.


“There is nothing going on this morning. I want to accompany you a little more.” Richard said as he went to hug her from behind.


“Hey, let me put on some clothes okay.” Amanda said, her face turning purple from embarrassment.


“I like it when you don’t wear any clothes.” Richard’s deep voice reached her ears.


Amanda wanted to bury herself in the closet. How had she never known that this man was such a hooligan?


“What are you thinking about and I’m right before you?” Richard said as he bit on her soft ear. It was so soft that he did not feel like letting go.copy right hot novel pub



“Why don’t you check the news, I’m sure Kevin must have already finished the press conference by now.” Amanda remembered what had happened yesterday and said.


“Okay.” Richard finally released her.


Amanda heaved a sigh of relief and looked for some comfortable clothes to put on.


It was already 8.30am.


When Richard went online, the internet was in a frenzy.


A lot of hashtags about Amanda being chased out of Starshine entertainment was everywhere on the internet.


#Amanda is no longer an artist under Starshine.


#Amanda is a shrew in private.


#Amanda actually stole someone’s fiancee.


#Startshine tired of covering up for Amanda and decided to get rid of her.


#Amanda seen yesterday accompanying some famous directors at a private gathering.


#Amanda’s private life is a mess and her time in the entertainment industry is over.


“I told you guys. Amanda is not a simple character. Now you believe me, right. Even her company cannot tolerate her lame behaviour any more.”


“She should have quit at first instead of fooling us.” Many people joined in the fun to insult Amanda. But most of the people were bought by Mandy and Becky and they only talked because they were paid.


“Some people are always ready to talk big without even hearing the other side of the story. Amanda has not even talked and there you are already casting judgement. I wonder how much your faces will hurt when Amanda retaliates.”


“You brainless fan, how much did Amanda pay you… huh? Do you dare swear on your life that the news is fake? Then won’t Starshine be shooting themselves in the foot?”


“I swear on my life that Amanda is not that kind of a person.” The fan side.


The discussion continued as both sides teared each other up.


Kevin called Richard the moment the press conference was over.

But of course he used Amanda’s contact information. What right did he have to own Richard’s contacts.


“Mr Richard did I do well?” He asked nervously. He hid himself in the washroom so no one could hear him.


“Mmh. You can take this opportunityto call your contact and tell her that you know everything. ” Richard said and immediately hung up the phone.


His face was very gloomy. Although he had expected people to say negative things about Amanda, but looking at it himself, it did not feel good. He almost smashed the tablet in his hands.


“Why are you angry?” Amanda walked over and took the tablet from his hands.


“Don’t look at it.” Richard tried to take it back but Amanda dodged.


Looking at the comments online, Amanda smiled lightly.


“It seems like someone is adding oil in the fire.” Amanda said after looking at it for a while.


“Don’t worry it will be over soon.” Seeing that her mood was not affected, Richard was relieved.



“Miss Mandy, have you seen the news?” Kevin asked from the other side of the phone. He behaved like he knew nothing about Richard and Amanda.


“You did a good job, Mr. Kevin. I will give you what I promised.” Mandy said. Her voice sounded like she was in a very good mood.


Kevin didn’t know when she did it, but now Mandy was the largest shareholder of Starshine and she had promised him that once he dealt with Amanda, he will be the next CEO. He was overcame by greed and did not think about the consequences.


But now, there was no joy of becoming the CEO, instead, his life was hanging by the line.



“Miss Mandy, why didn’t you tell me that Amanda’s boyfriend was Richard?” Kevin asked, his voice turning cold all over a sudden.


Mandy’s expression changed over the phone.


“How did you know that?” She asked, her good mood probably ruined.


“You don’t have to worry how I found out. Just know that I won’t go to hell alone.” With that he hung up the phone.


Mandy looked at the darkened phone screen, feeling that something was not right.


She immediately took her car keys and went to Richard’s ancestral home. She had to strike first while the iron was still hot.



“Kevin I have seen the news. That bitch is done for.” Becky said over the phone. Although Kevin had tricked her yesterday, it was not in vein.


“What did Mr. Fred promise you yesterday?” Kevin asked. He was not feeling guilty about selling her to some old men.


“He promised me a big role for his next project.” Becky said, feeling excited.


“Okay. You did well.” Kevin said. But in his heart he thought that maybe Becky will never live to see that day.


“Director Kevin, the president is requesting for you to go to his office….” his secretary’s voice was heard

“Everything went as you hopped for I hope you are happy.” Philip said.


“Now everyone is on Amanda’s neck requesting her to leave the entertainment industry.”


“Mmmmh!” Kevin answered in a daze.


“What is wrong with you. Isn’t this what you hopped for?” Philip asked, not quite understanding why Kevin looked like he was going to dye.


“Nothing boss. It is just that I did not have enough rest last night. Maybe if you could give a day off.” Kevin said. He wanted to go home because he felt unease. It is true that yesterday he did not have a good rest because of the fright he had received.


“You can take two days off. You have worked hard.” His boss was kind enough to give him two days off.


Kevin left the boss office, took his bag and went home.


At Richard’s family home..


“Uncle how is your health?” Mandy asked while making tea in the living room.


“I’m fine, thank you for coming.” Leonard, Richard’s father said.


“You have been back for a while now, have you met with Richard already? That boy rarely comes home since that incident.” Leonard said, revealing a tired expression.


“I have only seen him once. I told him to come and visit, but looks like he didn’t.” Mandy said.


“I have not seen him for a long time and I rarely go to the company.”


“Uncle don’t worry. I’m sure he will come soon. You know when I met him he had a woman with him I guess their relationship is not simple.” Mandy said. She did not want to sound too obvious. She could only provide a few hints.


“A woman? My Richard never mess around!” Leonard said. He will obviously be on his son’s side.


“Maybe. But when I asked him he told be that it was none of my business so I just let him be. Uncle Leonard you know that I have loved Richard for a long time and I will never stand by and see him tricked by some women.”


“I don’t stop him from dating any women that he like but you know how the women working in that industry are. They are always after money and to destroy people’s lives.”


“What do you mean?” Leonard’s expression turned serious.


“The woman that I saw Richard with, she is an actress. I did not want to investigate but that day I had a few of my friends. They could not see me suffer so they decided to take matters into their own hands and investigated that woman.copy right hot novel pub

It seemed like it was not a one time thing between her and Richard.”


She showed Leonard some photos that she had hired someone to take after following Richard and Amanda’s every move.


“I just thought that maybe if I tell uncle, you can talk to Richard and he might listen to you. Even if he can’t love me the way I love him, he can’t waste his life like that by hooking up with some morally corrupt celebrities.” Mandy said.


“You have suffered.” Leonard looked at her with some pity.


“It is Okay uncle. I don’t want Richard to be taken advantage of.”


“This celebrity is all over the news now. Her scandal is really bad. If you think that I’m lying, I can show you.” Mandy had already logged into her account and passed the phone over to Leonard.


The more Leonard read, the more his face darkened. He almost fainted as he clutched his chest tightly.


After he took his medicine, he calmed down a little.


Richard was enjoying a rich breakfast with Amanda when his phone rung. He looked at it and frowned slightly, intending not to take it.


“Who is calling?” Amanda asked.


“The old man.” Richard answered planning to throw his phone on the sofa.


“Answer it.” Amanda said.


“You know he is your father after all. That is a fact you can’t deny.”


“I will do as you say.” Richard then pressed the answer button.


“What took you so long to answer the phone?” A roar came from the other end before even Richard had a chance to greet him.


“I’m having breakfast! What is the matter?” Richard asked without any warmth in his voice.


“What kind on attitude is that.

I’m your father, can’t I even call you?” Leonard was not pleased by his son’s attitude.


“Uncle, calm down okay. Richard said that he was having breakfast, maybe let him finish eating first.” A gentle voice was heard through the voice.


Since Richard had placed his phone on loud speaker, he and Amanda cleared heard it.


“Come home after eating breakfast. I have some matters to discuss with you.” Leonard hung up the phone without giving Richard a chance to reply.


Richard immediately lost his mood for breakfast, but since it was Amanda who personally prepared it, he had to eat.


“Don’t worry, maybe your father just want to talk.” Amanda consoled.


“There is nothing to talk about. I’m sure he had found out about our relationship and that’s what he wants to discuss with me.” Richard said, having seen through the old man.


“My father has never liked the entertainment industry. To him it is deemed dirty and unworthy. When I opened a branch of R$S, he was against it, but I did anyway. I will take you over to meet him.” Richard said.


“Me. But didn’t you hear a female voice just now. Maybe your father wants to introduce you to some girl.” Amanda said, her voice dripping with jealousy.


“What girl, that was Mandy. My dad believes that, that is the only woman who is worthy of his son. The more reason if we go together. I’m a hundred percent sure she is the one who told my dad about us. Don’t forget, all this scandal was started by her.” Richard said.



“Okay. I will accompany you.” She also wanted to see how the place where Richard had grown up looked like.


After breakfast, Richard called Ian over the phone.


“You can do it now.”


“Yes boss.”




Back at Richard’s home.


Mandy had been browsing the internet, feeling good seeing how Amanda is insulted by everyone.


Just then, a breaking news popped up.


#R$S have signed Amanda as there artist.


#Amanda, who has been blacklisted by Startshine some hours ago has signed with R$S.


#One throws her away like a thrash while the other picks her up like a priceless treasure.


#what is going on with the entertainment industry today.


Mandy was so shocked that she almost threw her phone away.


“What is it?” Leonard, who was not a fan of surfing the internet asked when he saw that Mandy’s face was turning pale.


“Uncle, look.”



The people at Starshine were not feeling any better especially the president and Becky.


They tried reaching Kevin’s phone but it had been switched off.


Compared to their one sided story which did not have enough evidence, the news released by R&S was mind blowing

“This industry is turning upside down. Who would have thought that R&S will pick up something that Startshine deemed thrash.”


Online netizens were excited as they gave their opinions. Those who had bashed Amanda were now so embarrassed that they could not even lift their heads. They hid behind their keyboards with the fear of being found out.


“This slap is sooo much satisfying. My goddess never fails.” Her fans were excited as they went to her private account to leave congratulatory messages.


Amanda, sitting in Richard’s car was obvious to what was happening online. She was now going to Richard’s home to meet his father. She was slightly nervous as she had a feeling that the old man will not like her.


“Nervous?” Richard asked when he saw fidgeting in her seat and biting on her lips.


“A little.” she answered honestly.


“Don’t be. Nothing will happen to you when I’m around.” Richard assured her with a doting smile.


“Okay. But I don’t want to put you in a tight position.” Amanda said. She could not hide the nervousness in her voice.



The internet was in frenzy. R&S has released scandal after scandal of Kevin and Becky.


“It turns out that Startshine wanted to frame Amanda from the beginning then shift the blame on her? How could people be so cold blooded?


“Even the president, whom everyone has been looking up to, has such a cold heart. How could they force Amanda to go and accompany the directors without any shame?”


Philip was in a panic as he tried to use his company’s PR to clear out the rumors. But nothing seemed to be working. His statement was drown in the mass comments. He could not believe that Kevin had messed up. And the worst thing is that he was nowhere to be found. He regretted giving him two days off. No wonder he did not look good in the morning. He must have known what was going to happen.


Kevin on the hand had switched off is phone the moment he reached home. He knew what was coming was not good but he did not expect Richard to go to such extent because of a woman.


When his wife saw him coming back so early, she was shocked.


“Honey, why are you home so early today. Did you not go to the company not long ago? You said that you had an important press conference.copy right hot novel pub

” His wife asked suspiciously.


“It ended earlier. Did you not watch it?” Kevin asked as he went to kiss his wife.


“No. I have been busy since morning I had no time to watch.”


“It is nothing. I was just going to dismiss some actress from our company. She has been misbehaving and we had to terminate her contract.”


“Honey, can you pack a few clothes, we are going on a vocation and we will back in one weeks’ time.” Kevin said, hiding the guilty in his eyes. He did know not what was going on online or what Richard had planned, but his heart was unsettled. He wanted to move away from this place as soon as possible.


“How about work?” his wife asked, feeling that her husband was acting really strange.


“Boss has given me one week for vacations don’t worry.” Kevin said.


“Okay, then I will go pack up.” His wife said, sounding excited.


They had been married for one year now but they did not have any children yet.


Kevin headed to his study room and turned on his laptop. He did not know why, but he did not want to turn on his phone.


Logging into his account, several headlines popped up.


#Amanda signed with R&S the moment Starshine terminated her contract.


#The accusation of Startshine over Amanda is baseless. She was forced into doing things she did not want that is why they deemed her arrogant and terminated her contract.


#Starshine artist director disappeared without a trace.



Kevin felt cold sweat dripping on his forehead. He did not dare turn on his phone because he knew everyone was looking for him. He started this mess because he could not bear Amanda going against his wishes. The position of the CEO was very tempting that he did not realize that he was falling into a trap. Now he knew what fear felt like. He could not even stand up. This Richard was way too first.


His wife came into the study room to ask him about his passport only to find his face pale with fright. He was looking at the laptop screen in a trance and he did not even notice her coming over.


“Honey, are you alright?” she asked with concern.


Although she did not have a job and was a stay at home wife, her husband doted on her. When she first married him, she did not like the idea of his husband working in the entertainment industry, but because of his love and pampering, she fully trusted him. This past one year they have been married, she has never heard anything bad concerning her husband and believed that he was not like those who were shrouded with scandals on the internet.


Her husband must be in love her that is why he has never been in a scandal with those sly and scheming celebrities.


Before Kevin could react, his wife had already reached behind the desk and was scrolling through the news. The more she looked, the more her face turned pale.


“What have you done Kevin?” she asked.


“Didn’t you say the artist you are going to deal with is someone with lose morals and the company could not stand her vile behavior. What is the internet saying? You actually initiated this without knowing the whole truth. You left the company in a mess. Is that why you want to run away?” his wife questioned angrily.


Kevin snapped at his wife’s accusation. “What do you know woman. I wake up early to go to work so that you could have a comfortable, but like everyone else, you join in the fun of accusing me? Who am I doing all this for? I was set up; I did not know that it was a trap.

Someone deceived me….”


As he was still talking another breaking news popped up. It was the video of Kevin and Becky being intimate and doing all the dirty stuff.


The person who released the news only sent a link and warned that it was an X-rated video, and people were to watch it at their own risk. But curiosity being the middle name of all human beings, everyone was excited to uncover what was hidden in the link. Kevin’s wife stumbled upon the link and clicked on it without knowing. Soon ambiguous morns filled the room, hearing the familiar voice, Kevin turned his hand at a lightning speed and wanted to snatch the mouse form his wife’s hand. His heart was already hanging in his throat.


His wife was also embarrassed and wanted to turn it off but seeing her husband’s expatriated look, she thought against it.


“Turn it off?” Kevin growled at his wife.


“Why are you having such a huge reaction? Does this video concern you? “His wife made a bold guess.


Just then, the faces of the two protagonists were shown on the screen. Kevin’s wife was shocked when she saw her husband’s face on the screen. The blood refused to flow to the brain and she almost fainted.


“Kevin… you…” she could not utter a word as her whole body trembled.


“Let’s divorce…” after an unknown amount of time has passed and without hearing anything from her husband, she said those words through gritted teeth.


Hearing her words, Kevin finally came back to his senses.


“What did you just say?”


“Let’s get a divorce.”

“Master, young master is home.” The maid rushed to the house to report the news.


“Go and prepare some tea.” Leonard said towards the maid.


“Okay master.”


“Father.” The maid had just gone to the kitchen when Richard’s baritone voice came through from the door. He walked towards the sitting room while holding Amanda’s hand tightly.”


Hearing his son’s voice, Leonard turned around only to be met with his son walking forward with a woman beside him. He was momentarily stunned when he saw who the woman was.


Mandy who also heard the maids words was waiting in anticipation, when she turned around and saw that Richard had come with Amanda her expression did not look good. She clenched her fists tightly and her eyes flashed a malicious light. It was only for a split of a second before she wore a flattering smile.


“Brother Richard, you are here.” She said.


“Why did you bring this woman here?” Leonard asked, trying not to die from anger.


“Does father know her?” Richard asked, not at all minding that his father is angry.


“Stop playing games with me! Who doesn’t know her? Isn’t she trending online right now because of being shameless?”


“How could you get entangled with someone from the entertainment industry. Do you want me to die from being angered by you?”


“Did father call me over just to tell me this?” although Richard had expected this, his face still turned frosty.


“You know that my time is limited, if called me just for this, sorry I have to leave.” He said as he turned around to leave.


“Who gave you the permission to leave?” Leonard roared.


Richard had no choice but to stop in his tracks.


“It is good that you brought this woman here, I have some things to say to her.” Leonard said.


“Father let’s get one thing clear, I did not bring Amanda here so you could you cast your judgment on her with some unfounded rumors. I actually came to tell you that she is the woman I will be spending my whole life with, she will be my wife and your daughter-in-law so show some respect.” Richard said.


Mandy felt like she had been soaked in freezing water. Her blood chilled as color drained from her face.


Was Richard here to declare his love to Amanda in front of his father?


“What nonsense are you talking about? “Leonard almost blew his top as he stood up with the support of his walking stick , his body trembling.


“I mean what I say.” Richard was unfazed as he looked at his father with a challenging gaze.copy right hot novel pub



This father and son pair had not met for a long time, but the moment they met, they could not communicate well.


Leonard started coughing profusely; Mandy immediately went to hold him and guided him to sit down as she poured him a glass of water.


“Uncle, can you calm down. Richard has not returned for a long time can you go easy on him.” Mandy said.


“This rascal is intentionally going against me and provoking me.” Leonard said.


“Richard, it has been a long time since you returned, can you listen to uncle. He has been missing you but the moment you entered the door, you started to fight with him. His health has not been great recently but it seems that you don’t care.” Mandy said as she shot Amanda an accusatory gaze as if telling her that she was the cause of all this.


Amanda looked uncomfortable and clung to a Richard even more.


Seeing her acting like she could not wait to burry herself in Richards coat, Mandy scoffed coldly.


“Mandy, you are the sensible one. You have really suffered all this while. Uncle will help you marry Richard as soon as possible.”


Hearing that, Mandy showed a delighted expression. She actually knew that she and Richard will never be. But she was just mad to see him caring and pampering another woman. It really stung her heart. She felt that if she cannot have him, then nobody can. He only belonged to her and her alone.



Her love for him was beyond obsession.


“Richard you should start preparing your wedding as soon as possible. You two are not young anymore and I want to hold my grandchild soon.” Leonard said.


He had not regarded Amanda since the pair came and she was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.


“If father wants to marry, then go ahead and marry. The only woman I will marry in this lifetime is right here standing beside me. If father thinks that she is unfit to hold the title of the missus of this house, then I will leave with her and never return again. I will also return the company to you. She is the only woman I will love in my life.” after he finished his statement, he left like he never came.


By the time Leonard came back to his senses, his son was long gone.


“Sorry about that.” Richard said as he hugged Amanda tightly.


Amanda returned the hug. “It is okay. I don’t care about his attitude. All I care about is the you love me.” Amanda said. She searched Richard’s lips and gave them a quick peck. Richard could not let such a good chance slip by.

He held the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. Only when she was out of breath did he release her.


Mandy on the other hand was sulking. Seeing that Richard’s father could not help her, she decided to take the matters into her own hands. She left to go and device a plan.


Richard drove Amanda directly to the company. Amanda, worried that people will see her together with Richard and might start spreading rumors, she decided to alight from the car before they could close the company. Her manager was almost arriving and she will go with her. Richard did not insist but he decided to wait with her for her manager to arrive before he could be relieved. He could not just dump his woman on the road.


Soon, her manager, Linda and assistant Vivian arrived in a black sedan. This was the first time they were Richard and Amanda together so they were a little nervous. After all Richard was now their boss and Amanda might be their lady boss in the future.


They exited the van and walked towards the couple. Richard nodded at them lightly, turned around and kissed Amanda before he entered his car.


“Miss Linda please come to my office immediately you arrive in the company. I have some matters to discuss to you concerning Amanda’s contract. Amanda too come and see me.” With that he left in a flash.

Amanda’s work, since she joined R&S has been going great. Those who did not like her at first came to warm up to her when they saw how dedicated she was to her work. The rumours also had it that she was scouted by the president, so they had to treat her even better.


“Amanda if you continue with your attitude, you will surpass us seniors in no time.” Jacky said. She was a senior in R&S company and they have just wrapped up the movie they had been filming.


“Thank you senior. It is because of your guidance that I’m able to reach where I am today.” Amanda answered politely.


“You should not be polite with me. We are now a family. Just call me sister Jacky, and stop being too formal.”


“Okay sister Jacky.”


“Good. That is very good.”


After some formalities Jacky left as she still had some work to do.


They have been shooting a movie entitled ‘Back to the origins’which has been going on for three months.


Apart from that, Amanda had participated in various variety shows and has also become an ambassador for many famous brands. Her popularity was on a steady rise and her followers and fans were already in millions.


“Today’s shooting was intense so the director has requested people to go home and rest, dinner will be held tomorrow when we are back in the city.” Vivian said. Her eyes could not even be opened at the moment. They have been staying at the filming location and they had very little time to sleep.


She was wondering how Amanda was still able to stand on her feet after acting in so much intense scenes.


“Yes let’s go back and rest. Linda has not been feeling well recently we will go and visit her once we are back.” Amanda said as she gave an exhausted yawn. She was so tired but the most important thing is that she missed a certain someone.


For the last ten scenes, they have been filmed out of the city it. Has been more than a month since she saw her man. She really missed him and could not wait to go home and hug him.


“Darling, we will be leaving the production set now. We will probably reach home by 8 PM. Be good and wait for me. Make sure that you eat your dinner on time.” Amanda said over the phone. It was as if she talking to a five year old boy.


“Should I pick you up at the airport?” Richard asked. Although he wanted to badly see her, he could only wait patiently for at home.


“No babe! Just wait for me patiently alright. I don’t want you get tired. You should preserve your energy for something else.” Amanda said as she smiled with a deeper meaning.


Hearing her words, Richard could not sit still. He immediately took his coat and the car keys and left the office in a hurry still pressing his phone on the ear.


“I really miss you.” Amanda said in a small voice.copy right hot novel pub



At first she was not accustomed to saying such words but now she was more or less used to it.


Hearing her gentle and loving voice saying that she missed him, Richard hated that he could not just grow wings and fly to her side ASAP.


He felt his body boiling and blood rushing to a certain lower part of his body.


For the one month she has been away, he has really suffered, everytime he heard her soft voice, he could always get a reaction but because she was not around, he could only bear with it and solve with his hands.


“I miss you too.” Richard said. His voice was deep and hoarse just like a beast who had just woken up and was feeling hungry.


Hearing his majestic voice, Amanda face could not help but blush.


“See you soon. I will be switching off my phone since we are boarding the plane soon.” Amanda said, reluctant to hung up the phone.


“See you soon.” Richard as he walked towards the elevator.



It was just a short distance of two hour and they were soon at the airport.


Amanda breathed in the fresh air that she had missed for the one month and felt her exhaustion fade away.


It was really good to be home.


She saw Thomas walking towards her and Vivian and she could almost guess that the man did not listen to her. But she was already feeling sweet in her heart and could not wait to see him.


“Miss Amanda, how was your flight?” Thomas asked with a smile.


“I told you to just call me Amanda. It makes me uncomfortable when you call me that.” Amanda said, but her eyes were brimming with happiness.


“I’m afraid that someone will get jealous.” Thomas said.


“The boss is waiting in the car.” Thomas said as he looked at Vivian with a meaningful gaze.


Vivian immediately understood and turned to look at Amanda with a grin.


“Go on and be with the boss.

I will just hail a cab to my house. It is not far from here.”


“Okay. Be careful on the road.”


“You too.” Vivian said and leaned over to Amanda’s ear and said in a meaningful voice, “will you be able to attend tomorrow’s dinner?”


“Of course. What do you mean with that look of yours?” Amanda was shocked. When she understood what her friend was enunciating, her face almost burned from embarrassment.


“You should get going before anyone recognize you. We are ahead of schedule so many people do not know that you are coming back today or else this place will have been congested with no place to even lift a leg.”


“Okay, Thomas please send Vivian home.” Amanda said as she strode towards a car that was not far away.


The moment she reached the car, before she could even knock on the window for the person inside to open, the door opened and a hand carefully pulled her inside to prevent her from knocking her head on the hard door.


She was shocked and before she could come back to senses, hot kissed rained her lips like a tornado.


Smelling the familiar scent, Amanda relaxed her mind and she clung on the man’s neck and returned the kisses in more passionate and urgent way.


She had really missed his touch and could not wait to melt in his embrace.


Their kisses were urgent as they ravaged each others mouth. All the emotions they felt towards each other were poured in that long kiss.


Amanda was almost out of breathe and pushed the man away. She gasped for air as she looked at the man before her with love filled eyes.


Richard hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. He has missed this hug so much. He almost flew to where she was but resisted the urge because he did not want to inconvinence her work.


“I missed you so much my love.” Richard said as he nestled his face in her collarbone inhaling her unique scent greedily.


“I missed you too babe. I couldn’t wait to see you.” Amanda said as she hugged his slim but sturdy waist tightly.


She finally felt a sense of security and felt that she was finally home.


Richard kissed her little ear and nibbled on it.



He kissed her on the forehead, her eyebrow, her flapping eyelashes. He practically wanted to brand her with his kisses.


When he reached her lips, he kissed then gently. They very delicious and no matter how much he tasted them, he did not seem to have enough.


Not wanting to let her go, he deepened the kiss. After another intense kissing and snuggling in the car Amanda could not take it and immediately said to Richard, “Let us go home.”





“Hello Mandy.” Val answered the phone at the first ring when she saw who the caller was.


“How are you doing today?” Mandy asked.


“I’m great. It is just this little thing in my stomach. It so mischievous that it keeps kicking me.” Val said, her voice was filled with gentleness.


“I’m envious of you Val.” Mandy said over the phone.


These two have become very close and they regarded each other as sisters. They have been sharing many secrets and they did a lot of things together.


“I wanted to tell you that she is back.” Mandy said over the phone.


By ‘she’ Val immediately knew who Mandy was talking about.


“Wasn’t she supposed to be back tomorrow?” Val asked, frowning.


“They came ahead of schedule maybe they wanted to evade fans at the airport.” Mandy said.


“We will continue with the plan. It is even better that she came earlier than planned.

The following day, Amanda was woken up by the phone call from her assistant, looking at the watch, it was already noon.


She was so exhausted and with Richard tossing her for a half the night, she over slept.


“Don’t tell me you are only waking up now.” Vivian’s teasing voice came through the phone.


“Your phone call woke me up. What is it, I still want to sleep some more.” Amanda said groggily.


“Was he that fierce. Oh my God, I didn’t imagine the strength of our president to be that greet.”


“Do you want to die. If you have nothing to say I’m hanging up.” Amanda said.


Vivian knew her limits and immediately shut her mouth.


“You are trending again!” Her voice became serious when she started talking business.


Amanda felt a headache coming. She thought that she had maintained a very low profile and also avoided scandal as much as possible, why would she be trending again?


“It as Linda had predicted. Many ‘fans’ were waiting for you at the airport and seeing that you did not show up with the production team, they concluded that you lied to them. They said that you had given them a false schedule on purpose so that you can avoid them.” Vivian briefly explained what was going on.


“Ooh, so someone really planned to sabotage me! It is like they couldn’t keep quite anymore. Let me check it out.” Amanda said and hung up the phone.


She went to the washroom to take a quick bath. Richard had already gone to work.


She took her laptop and went downstairs to the living room.


“Miss you are awake. Master warned us not to wake you up because you were tired. We could only wait patiently.” The maid said.


“Yeah. I was pretty tired yesterday when I came back do I needed some rest.” Amanda said.


“Would you like to take breakfast or would you prefer to wait for lunch. It is already being prepared.” The maid said.


“I think I will just have lunch.” Amanda said as she headed to the sofa.


“Yes miss.” The maid returned to the kitchen.


Amanda powered on her laptop and logged into her temporary account. She could not log into her main account as it will immediately be flooded by comments from the fans.


Seeing the comments online, Amanda shook her head with pity.copy right hot novel pub

Pitying the person who came up with such a scheme.


“I can’t believe that Amanda stood her fans up at the airport. She has just acted in a few movies and endorsed a few famous brands but she is already acting arrogant as if the entire entertainment industry revolved around her.”


“Why would she lie to us and send us a fake schedule. I was so mad when I saw people shouting at their idol that I almost blew up my top.”


“Wasting our money to buy her flowers and presents and yet she already returned. Who does she think she is? Even those award winning actress need to be polite to their fans.”


Looking at the one sided comments, Amanda laughed out loud. This people had no idea that her fans already knew of her return. They wanted to insight her fans into hating her just because of this, they can as well find something more tangible.


She took her phone and dialed a number.


“Sister how have you been. I haven’t seen you in a long time. How is your pregnancy.” Amanda asked gently.


The person on the other end felt that something was not right.


When did her sister become so kind hearted that she will call to check up on her. She had tried dealing with her but she failed miserably every time. It seems like her sister always saw through her schemes before she even launched them.


Instead of being lambasted in negative news and leaving the industry, every time she dealt with a scandal, her popularity soared that Vallery felt like she wasvpunching a cotton by her ‘well thought out traps!’


“Ooh it is the big shot Amanda. I didn’t know you had time to call commoners like us. You are very famous now, you even dare ditch your fans at the airport, I fell pity for them.” Vallery said over the phone. She was scrolling through her phone now and seeing the comments online, her lips curved into a knowing smile.


“Ooh I called to specifically thank you sister. If it has not been for you I don’t know if I would have been this famous. What else can I do. I just have to sit back and let people talk about me then boom I will just be famous.” Amanda said.

Her face had a meaningful smile but her eyes were frosty.


“What do you want from me?” Vallery asked as her heart skipped a bit.


“Nothing I just wanted to express my gratitude. I can’t be ungrateful to those who have helped me.” Amanda said meaningfully.


Vallery felt like she had swallowed a fly. Her face expression was so ugly that she almost wanted to cut someone to pieces.


She has never known that her sister has been watching her every move and knew everything that she has done. She thought that she has been discreet enough to cover her tracks, but now that she knew, there is not need to hide anything anymore.


“Hehe I can see that you know everything. You are not as naive as I thought. Yes I hate you Amanda and I wish you could just die. Your face disgust me to no end. I have done all those things, and so what? What are you going to do about it, huh? Who will believe you Amanda, even if your fans believe you, dad and everyone in the family will not believe you. You are just a broken and nauseating thing to them. They will never believe you.” Vallery said. She has done more then enough to tarnish Amanda’s reputation in the family.


“Ooh who said that I’m going to expose you. Do you think that I have time to deal with people like you. My time is very precious. Just know that I know all the tricks you have been pulling on me. But I don’t plan on exposing you after all I’m not as evil as you.”


“Oh sister, you are still too stupid and naive. I thought that you have matured since you entered the entertainment industry. But it is good that you know your place.” Val said.


“I just wanted to remind you that Mandy is using.

Don’t think that I don’t know that it was you two who planned everything at the airport. But it is good that I have become smarter and can see through your childish tricks.”


“What do you know about Mandy?” Vallery asked. She knew how much they hated each, Amanda could not just remind her out of her good will. She must be planning something.


“Did she tell you the reason she hates me so much?” Amanda asked her another question not intending to answer that stupid question.


“Didn’t you snatch her fiance from her. I never thought that you will be such a whore. Hooking up with whoever winked at you. It is good that I saved Jason from you.”


Amanda pretended like she had not heard her sister’s taunting and continued with her questioning.


“Did she tell you who her fiance was?”


“She didn’t but that is none of your business. This is not over Amanda. I will help her and do whatever it takes to make sure she gets her finance back.”


“My sister is so righteous and full of justice, what will she do if she finds out that you are also a mistress?” Amanda said, hitting Vallery where it hurt most.


“Don’t talk nonsense to me. Jason never loved you in the first place, you are the mistress.” Vallery howled.


She hated hearing that word the most.


Amanda seemed to enjoy how she lost control of her emotions.


“Amanda you just wait, I’m going to deal with you soon.

At Panari hotel…


The atmosphere was full of celebratory mood as people clicked glasses.


“Guys, this has been the best team I have ever worked with. Everyone played their part well and the shooting went smoothly.” Director Guo said.


“I just hope that this movie will do well in the box office. If it can surpass ‘The Secret Mission’ that will be a huge relief.”


‘The Secret Mission’ has been a big hit and broke many records be it in box office, tickets sales or the screening time.


Anyone who showed their faces in the movie have become famous.


“Director Guo, didn’t you say that the president will be coming to today’s dinner party?” One of the actors said.


“Yes. The president said that he will attend today’s dinner to especially thank you guys for your hard work.”


“Since I entered R&S, this will be the first time our president will be attending a dinner party. He has never been one to entertain anyone.”


“I have noticed that our president has really changed nowadays. He is not as cold as he used to be and he even smiles more often. I don’t know what brought the changes but our president has really changed.”


“There is a philosophy that men in love are always gentle and easy to get along with. I think our president might be in love.” One of the ladies made a bold guess.


“That might be the case, but wouldn’t he have already introduced to us our lady boss?”


“Maybe it is not the right time or the lady boss is just shy.”


Actually majority of the people here were from R&S since the movie had been invested exclusively by R&S. The company had a lot of talented actors and actresses and it did not require to seek outside help to shoot the movie.


It has always created movies exclusive to its artists.


“Director Alex, you are always close to president Richard, you would possibly know if our president is seeing someone?”


Although many ladies in the room had wild fantasies that their president may one day take a fancy on them, but they could also retreat once they found out that he has a girlfriend.


They could not wish to interfere in their president’s affairs and cause a misunderstanding.


Director Alex has also participated in directing the completed movie although he was not the main director.


Hearing them ask him a question about the president, Alex raised his eyebrow and looked at a certain someone, seeing that she was calmly chatting by some of her seniors, his lips curved into a knowing smile.


He turned to those who had asked him the question and looked at them.


How will they react when they find out that Amanda is their lady boss. The one person they are yearning to meet. She is right here with them but they have no idea.


“Of course our president is not single.copy right hot novel pub

It is almost a year since our president started dating.” Alex said, anticipating to see their reaction.


“So it is true. Wow that lady must have saved the world in her past life to have a chance to be with the president.”


“I bet she is beautiful and gentle like a breeze. Have you seen her?”


“Of course I have. How else would I know?” Alex looked at them with a smile.


“In fact their might be a surprise tonight!” Alex said looking at them with a pregnant gaze.


“Ooh what is it?”


“You will know later.” Alex said and paid no more attention to them.


Seeing that people were excited, Amanda and her group could not help but ask curiously.


“What are you guys excited about?”


“We have just uncovered some earth shattering news!”


“What is it?”


“Our president has a girlfriend and they have been together for almost one year. No wonder our president has changed so much.”


“Ooh is that so? I have never heard anything about it.” Jacky said.


“Director Alex has confirmed to us just now. You know that he is always close to our president so his words can be trusted.”


Jacky gave a disappointed look. She has always liked the president but if the president was already taken, she will gladly retreat. She cannot be a third party in a relationship and maybe their president did not even like her.


“He said that their might be surprise later, maybe the president is planning to introduce his girlfriend to us.”


“A surprise?” Amanda asked shocked.


“Yes. You might not know but our president does not like to attend this kind of gatherings.

Not even once has he attended such a dinner, but today he is making an exception, maybe he might really want to introduce his girlfriend to us.”


Amanda nodded. She of course knew that her man did not like to attend this type dinner parties. He had only made an exception once when he attended the dinner party when ‘The Secret Mission’ was completed. And it was only because she had attended that dinner party that Richard also went, if not this will be his first but unfortunately this people did not know about that.


Amanda turned to look at Alex only to find the latter shrugging his shoulders at her with an innocent face.


She was at a loss and could only pretend to be excited like the rest of the people but her mind was already elsewhere.



“The president is here?” Director Guo and other senior members who were at the high table went to the entrance when they heard that the president has arrived.


Everyone craned their necks, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and gossip.


“Is he here with his girlfriend.”


“You will hurt your neck, just relax. It is just a few steps from the door into the room.”


Outside the hotel door. A black Rolls Royce had packed steadily. A man with long straight legs alighted from the car. He was wearing a white retro suit, his face was stunningly beautiful as his hair was neatly combed.


His deep set eyes contained a mysterious light that was hard to decipher. His gaze was not as cold and contained a gentle light that was hard to hide. He really looked like a man who was foolishly in love.


Those at the door greeted him and to their surprise, he answered them one by one without showing any impatience.

They almost thought that they were hallucinating when they saw his smile.


Richard entered the room followed by those who had gone to welcome him. His steps were steady and looking at his beautiful face, many hearts were drumming.


Amanda looked at her man with pure admiration. This man really knew how to steal the show. The way he dressed, you could think that he was going to get married.


Looking at his white suit, Amanda felt a sense of familiarity and so did everyone. When it clicked it their minds, they all turned to look at Amanda.


Her one-shoulder channel white dress had the same design with that of the president. Was it a coincidence or did she do it on purpose. Different thoughts went through their minds as they looked at Amanda with envy.


Amanda was also shocked when she saw that she was wearing a dress with the same design and colour as Richard. Was it really a coincidence, she could not tell.


“Amanda look, your dress is similar to the president’s suit, is it a coincidence?” One person could not hide her curiosity and asked.


“I don’t know too. This dress was prepared by my manager. I didn’t know that it will collide with our president’s.” Amanda said.


Everyone looked at her but they could not hide the envy in their eyes. Although they were one big family, everyone strived to out do the other. The best one at scheming will always receive the best resources, they never thought that Amanda, who was still a new comer will have the guts to scheme against their president.

Seeing everyone look at her with envy, Amanda laughed awkwardly. “Haha, I think it is just a coincidence.”


“Do you know that the president does not like people who use underhanded means to get the resources?” Someone warned.


“I actually did not think that my dressing will clash with with the president’s, maybe I should go and change.” Amanda said, as she tried to stand up.


Some people thought that she just wanted to create hype using their president’s name while others believed that it was just a coincidence.


“There is not need for you to change your clothes. If you change now, people will only think that you wanted to create hype. And since the president has already arrived, it will be even more rude for you to leave.” Jacky said.


She had toiled in this industry for so many years and knew that Amanda was saying the truth. The reason she believed her was because Amanda was still considered a new comer, although rumours had it the president personally scouted her, she believed that they had no other relationship.


Alex took the microphone and went on stage.


“Attention guys, our esteemed president has arrived, as I told you, there will be a surprise tonight. Remember the cards you guys were given at the entrance, they have numbers on them, our president will be choosing one number randomly and whoever is chosen will have the chance of dancing with our president. It was given exclusively to girls.” Alex said.


Everyone was surprised. A dance with the president, that was a dream of all the ladies in the room.


Whoever will be chosen, they were sure that her life in the entertainment industry will never be the same.


“What! I threw mine away because I did not understand why it was given in the first place. I thought that it was just some random pass to enter the room.” One of the girls said with regret.


Those who had kept theirs started to search for them frantically.


Those who had thrown them away had regret written all over their faces. How they wished they could go and look for it. But they could not leave since the president was already here.


They could only swallow their bitterness and wait to see who the lucky girl was.


Soon the hotel staff brought a box that contained folded papers. Richard did not waste time as he dipped his hand in the box and made a random pick.


Alex looked on with a microphone in his hand. Richard had specifically told him that he must dance with Amanda, so all the papers only had one number on it but the people below the stage did not have to know about that as it will cause a blow to Amanda’s reputation.


He took the paper from Richard’s hands and unfolded it infront of everyone.


Every girl held their breathe, even Amanda could not help but become nervous.copy right hot novel pub

How she wished she will have a chance to dance with her man. This will be their first dance in public even though people still don’t know about their relationship.


After opening the paper, he signaled the staff member to leave to avoid any suspicious incase the people requested for Richard to pick again.


“Our luck lady tonight is number…”


Alex deliberately paused and looked at the people below the stage. Everyone was really nervous, his gaze lingered on Amanda for seconds before he read out the number.


“29.” Hearing the number, everyone hastily looked at theirs, but they were bound to be disappointed as they were not number 29. Even Jacky was disappointed since she had hoped that she will be chosen and dance with her dream man.


“Who is number 29?” Everyone turned to each other.


Amanda looked at her card and her heart raced. She could not help but glance at Richard. Richard smiled at her lightly without hiding the fact that he knew it was her number.


“Amanda it is you.” Jacky, who was closest to Amanda saw her card and cried out in surprise. Everyone turned to look at her in surprise.


How was this girl so lucky, first she wears a matching outfit with the president, then she is the one chosen as his dance partner, can this be just a coincidence or is it a deliberate plan.


“Huh, Amanda, I never knew that you were that scheming, we treated you like family and took care of you like our junior, yet you were aiming far beyond the sky?” One of them could no longer hide her anger.


The artists under R&S always maintained a united front and they always support each other. Although some were scheming, but it was not to the extent of letting yourself be the centre of hatred and envy. They could support you and they could also pull you down.



To them Amanda has gone beyond what they could tolerate. They thought she was just a young girl who had not seen much of the world, but her scheming prowess surpassed all of them.


Even Jacky showed her displeasure. She has always thought that Amanda was innocent that is why she chose to support her, but now she hated her.


As they were still mulling over the matter, seeing that Amanda had not yet come forward, Alex called her.


“Our number 29, Amanda Jackson, the president is waiting for you.”


People refused to let her pass, but seeing their president’s cold gaze, they had no choice but to give way.


Amanda walked gracefully towards the dance floor, although she was nervous, she did not show it. Looking at the man who was standing at the centre of the dance floor with his hands clasped together infront of him, Amanda felt like she was walking down the aisle towards her to be husband. Her steps became more graceful as she walked towards Richard.


Richard stretched out his hand and invited her with a gentle gaze.


People who were watching were shocked when they saw the love in Richard’s eyes. It was as if only Amanda existed in his world and the rest were backdrops.


“Just this and you are already shocked, there is more to come. I have been eating dog food for the last one year and I feel like I don’t want to date anymore, the next surprise will definitely blow your mind away.” Alex though in his mind as he looked at the people who were shocked with pity.


The music was light and romantic. Amanda followed in Richard’s steps as they swayed on the dance floor. They were in sync that people could not help their thoughts from running wild.


“These two look compatible. I have to admit that Amanda is beautiful. Even her aura does not fall behind.


“Yeah she is graceful and the chemistry between the two makes me think that they are in love.”


“Do you see the president’s eyes, they are filled with love and indulgence when he looks at Amanda. His smile is so gentle and his expression is full of love.”


“Haha this Amanda is not a simple character.” Some people could not admit the vibe on the dance floor and just scoffed


The two couples on the dance floor were obvious to what was happening as they enjoyed their precious dance.


“You look stunning.” Richard whispered in her ear.


“You too.” Amanda said but a blush had already spread on her face charming face.


“Did you arrange all these?” Amanda could not help but ask..


Richard was looking at her longingly that he did not here her question well.




“The clothes, the dance, did you arrange all of it?”


“Yes.” He nodded without hiding anything.


“Thank you. I love you.” Amanda said, how she wished she could just kiss him here.


“No problem. There is more to come.” Richard said with a mysterious smile..

People started to let lose and join the dance floor. They let down their guard after seeing how their president was dancing with Amanda. The mood was not as oppressive as they had imagined.


After the song finished playing, Richard gave Alex a look. He soon understood and cleared his throat before saying into the microphone…


“Let me have your attention again guys. The biggest surprise of the night is coming. Please I want everyone to leave the room in an orderly manner and stand outside. Do not make any noise. This is very important occasion to our president.” People were dumbfounded but did not ask any questions. They did as they were told and left the room one after another.


“Why is he being so mysterious. Can’t he just say what is about to happen instead of keeping us in suspense?” Many people grumbled as they walked outside.


When they reached entrance of the hotel, everywhere was coloured red. Red roses were spread everywhere on the ground. They could not help but marvel at the sight.


Many of them could not keep their cool and let out surprised shrieks.


Amanda was standing in the middle of the roses with her eyes blind folded and did not know what was going on.


After the dance, Richard mysterious covered her eyes and led her outside, telling her that he had a surprise for her.


She did not know what was happening around her but she could hear people talking and exclaiming, although she could not tell what exactly they were talking about.


“What is this man planning”. Amanda’s mind turned blank as she thought of a possibility.


“But that can’t be real, after all there are a lot people here, would he dare do that?” Amanda heart raced for some unknown reason.


“Wow this is so beautiful? Is someone planning a proposal?”


“All this roses, it is like we are walking in a bed of roses!”


“Who is lucky to be able to enjoy all this romance. If my boyfriend could even do half of this, I will wake up smiling every morning.”


“How do you know someone wants to propose?”


“Then what is it with all this flowers….”


“Wait, who is that standing in the middle?” Someone soon noticed a slender figure standing amidst the flowers.


“Doesn’t that look like Amanda?” Someone with a keen eye noticed


“Why is she everywhere?”


“Does she want to embarrass herself, clearly someone wants to propose to her girlfriend, why she doing there?”


“Maybe she is the one being proposed to…!” Just as that person’s voice fell, a tall figure was seen coming from the other side walking towards Amanda.


The person was holding a huge bouquet flower in his hands and from his walking posture you tell that he was extremely nervous.


“Wait, isn’t that president Richard! Don’t tell me that he and Amanda….” The person’s voice tailed off. Although he did to finish what he was saying, but everyone seemed to grasp the meaning behind his words.


Their minds exploded when they thought about it. Some stood dumbfounded as if they had been hit by lighting and they have now become statues.


Richard took one step at a time untill he stood behind Amanda. Feeling someone standing behind, Amanda tried to turn around but because she was blind folded she could not see anything.


“Don’t turn around.copy right hot novel pub

” Richard’s low voice came through as he hugged her from behind. He led her forward and Amanda just followed dumbly.


Her heart was thumping in her chest, her feelings were all over the place.


“I want to remove your blind fold now, but you should do as I say, okay?” Richard said in his magnetic voice.


“Okay!” Amanda nodded.


“Okay there we go…” Richard removed her blindfold but Amanda did not opened her eyes. She closed her eyes tightly without any intentions of opening them.


Richard took her hands and placed them on something that felt like a ribbon…


“I will count to three, I want you to open your eyes and pull whatever you are holding in your hand…. but don’t turn around until I tell so… okay… we go 1…2…3….


Amanda’s eye lashes flattered as she opened her eyes slowly, before she could react to what was infront of her, Richard urged her to pull the ribbon.


The huge red box was pulled apart. Balloons flew everyone, just as she thought the surprise was over, a brand new custom made Porsche 911 greeted her eyes. Amanda covered her mouth as tears flooded her face.


She had just said in passing that she really loved this sports car, never in her wildest dream did she imagine that Richard will buy one for her.


“You can turn around.” After Richard finished speaking, he knelt on one knee and held a red ring box in his hands. It seemed like today everything was made in red.


Amanda got the shock of her life when she saw Richard kneeling before her and holding a ring box in his hands.


Before she could react….


“I have thought about it since the first time I set my eyes on, of how our life will be beautiful if we get to spend it together forever. I have realized that you are truly the girl that is made for me, and I’m also the man that is made for you. We are both compatible with each other, every moment I have spent with you are the best moments of my life, I never thought that an angel like you still exist in this world. I promise to be there for you every single moment of your life, I will be by side. I want us to grow old together, hold our hands when our hair turn all white and die together. However, right now all that I’m asking you is a beautiful token of my heart, would you marry?”


Richard said, he voice and eyes were filled with deep emotions and love for the girl who was standing before him.


She was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.


He maintained his kneeling posture as he looked at Amanda with love.


“Let me take care of you for the rest of our lives…”


Seeing her lack of reaction, Richard became nervous. Had he overdone it and scared his girl. What will he do if she said no?


His heart was now beating furiously. He has never been this nervous even when he signing a billion dollar business deal.


“Say yes… yes.

… yes…” Everyone started to shout. They even forgot that it was Amanda they have been loathing a moment ago.


Amanda came back to her senses from the screams. Seeing the god-like man still kneeling in front of her, Amanda nodded her head without a second thought.


Yes, she loved him with all of her being and wanted to badly be his wife. But she thought that her dream will never come true. She thought that the heavens were already fair enough for giving her a chance to become his girlfriend, but now, the man she loved was proposing to her, how could she say no.


Seeing her nod, Richard felt that his soul has come back to life from the depths of hell. When he saw her lack of reaction for a long time, his heart died just there and then.


But seeing her nod her head, his whole face lit up, it was so bright that it could lit up the entire place, he placed the custom made diamond ring on her middle finger before standing up and hugging her tightly.


It was then that his heart settled down. This girl was one step away from being his for life.


He cupped her face and gave her a deep French kiss, it was the most passionate kiss Amanda has ever received. She returned it with much passion. All the emotions she was feeling right now were conveyed in that kiss.


Just as she was still indulging in the kiss, fireworks sounded.


Richard held her hand and turned to look at where the fireworks were coming from.


In the sky, different colourful fireworks could be seen.


After exploding, one letter after another could be seen appearing in the sky.



My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 51-60

Amanda deliberately delayed so that she would be the last to leave. She did not want to arouse any suspicion when people saw her entering Richard’s car.


“What took you so long?” Richard asked the moment Amanda sat on the passenger seat.


“Have you waited for long?” Amanda asked as she fastened her seat belt.


“No. Around ten minutes.” Richard said.


“I wanted people to leave first. If I’m seen entering in such a luxurious car just after my scandal, will I not be shooting myself in the foot again?” Amanda said.


“It was not in vain too. I found someone talking about me in the washroom. I did not know that a lot of people were spying on me.” Amanda said.


“Who was talking about you. Tell me and I will teach them a lesson.” Richard said.


“Don’t worry about it. I have already called director Alex and he will deal with it.” Amanda said.


When she looked at Richard, she found that his expression was not right.


“What is with your expression.” Amanda asked, puzzled.


Richard did not speak. He just unbuckled her seat belt and pushed her towards him gently.


Before Amanda could react to what was happening her lips were beaten.


“Why did you not contact me first. Why did you find director Alex first and not me?” Richard asked, feeling extremely wronged.


“Are you jealous?” Amanda laughed.


“It is just that director Alex is in charge of the movie. Him replacing her is easy. Why would I bother you with such a small issue?”


Hearing her laugh at him, Richard increased the force of his kiss and soon there was a taste of blood in their mouth. He licked her lips with satisfaction before kissing her gently as if to blow away the pain.


“Next time don’t forget to call me no matter how small the matter is. When it comes to you, everything is of great importance.” Richard said and he helped her fasten her belt again


“What do you want to eat tonight?” Richard asked as he started the car.


“Can you take me to Hills Hotel, I hear the dishes there are very good.” Amanda said as she rested her head on the back of the chair.


“Was today shooting tiring?” Richard asked with concern when he saw her tired face.


“Yes but I’m getting used to it.copy right hot novel pub

” Amanda said with her eyes closed.


“You can rest. I will wake you up when we are there.” Richard said.


Amanda nodded and soon closed her eyes as exhaustion overcame her.


After one hour, Amanda opened her eyes slowly. She found that she was still sitting in the car and a pair of gently eyes were staring at her.


When she looked outside, it was dark but she could still see that they have not moved an inch.


“Why didn’t you drive.” She turned towards Richard and asked.


“I did not want to disturb your rest. So I figured that I might as well let you rest first before we go. If I drove while you were sleeping, you wouldn’t be comfortable.” Richard said.


“Didn’t you get bored for the one hour I was sleeping?” Amanda asked.


“No. I got a rare opportunity to watch you sleep!” Richard answered.


Amanda did not know what to do and coughed slightly.


“Let’s get going then!”


“Should we go to the hospital since it is already late?” Amanda asked.


“I already ordered but we can still go to the hospital if your tired.” Richard said.


“No I have rested enough. Let us go and eat.”


“As you wish, milady.” After saying that Richard started the car.


Since it was late in the evening, there not many cars on the road so they reached Hills Hotel in no time.



“President!” The manager who has been waiting at the entrance the moment he received their president’s call greeted immediately.


Richard nodded at him.


“Is everything prepared?”


“Yes. Everything is prepared as per your instructions.”


“Good.” Richard said as he led Amanda towards the elevator.


Hills Hotel was one of his many business. He did not need to make an order in advance. He even has his own room. But he wanted to prepare some things for Amanda that is why he called the manager in advance.


“It is good to be a big before. It seems like the manager has been standing their for a long time even his legs seemed to be shaking.” Amanda said to Richard.


“I just called him so he can prepare some things for you. I did not tell him to wait at the entrance all that time.” Richard said with smile feeling like he was innocent.


“Who would dare not wait for their big boss.” Amanda as said as she winked at Richard mischievously.


“Naughty.” Richard said as he pinched her nose.


When the elevator opened, they stepped in and Richard pressed number 4.


They did not know that their interaction has fallen into someone’s eyes.


Jason who had just arrived happened to see that scene. He did not approach them and stood at a distance and watched as Amanda smiled cheerfully at Richard.


He of course knew who Richard was and dared not mess with him.



He felt so bitter as if he had drunk a bottle full of vinegar.


His friend, Nelson had also noticed the scene.


“Come on bro, I thought you said that you have never loved Amanda. You were only good to her because of your family relationship with theirs.”


“Didn’t you finally get the goddess of your heart. Why are you feeling bitter now. Don’t tell me that you still like Amanda!” Nelso said as he patted him on the shoulder.


Actually he had secretly liked Amanda for a long time but he has never told anyone.


Even when he knew that Jason was dating Vallery and he will probably break up with Amanda, he never told anyone that he wanted to pursue Amanda. He has kept this secret for a long as he could remember. He did not expect that Amanda had already found herself a boyfriend. And it was Richard who he did not have the guts to compete with.


He could only swallow his pain as he consoled Jason.


“Who said that I like her. I told you that I have never liked her for a single day. Our relationship was more of a transaction.” Jason denied instantly but his expression said otherwise.


Nelson did not expose him and only walked foward calmly.


“Don’t keep our bros waiting, we should get going.”


Jason clenched his hands and released them. He walked forward with a resolute expression on his face.


“Amanda I’m not giving up just yet. I have to make you mine no matter what it take.

In the private room where Jason and his friends were gathered. Jason kept on drinking glass after glass of wine and did not talk much. He seemed to be in a bad mood.


“Buddy, what is wrong. You seem to be in a bad mood?” Mike asked. One of his buddies.


“Yes, since you came you have only been drinking. Have you even been listening to what we have been talking about?” Dan asked.


“I’m okay guys. You go on with your business. Today I’m not in the mood to have fun.” Jason said as he drowned another glass of wine in one gulp.


“What is wrong with him. We specifically came out here to celebrate his successful marriage proposal. Why is he acting as if he is forced to get married?” Mike asked.


“Nelson what happened on the way here. You are the one who came with him. Wasn’t he cheerful on the phone just a while ago?” They all turned to look at Nelson.


Nelso shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to say.


He looked at Jason and also drowned his wine.


The people around them felt that something was not right but did not ask anymore. If they wanted to talk about it, they will.


Nelson finally opened his mouth to explain.


“Actually when we were coming we bumped into Amanda. Not actually bumping but saw her waiting for the elevator with a man. Jason saw it and immediately his mood changed. Maybe he has never gotten over her. Or he loved her but he has been denying it all along.” Nelson said.


They had grown up with Jason so they definitely knew his relationship with Amanda the most.


Before Vallery came into view, Jason always dotted on Amanda and often called her his wife, but the moment he got together with Vallery, he changed completely and said that he was only putting on a show for Amanda and did not actually love her.


His buddies were shocked but did not comment. Everyone liked Amanda. They hated Vallery because she was too pretentious.


“Jason, when you started dating Vallery, did you tell Amanda?” Mike asked.


When they heard Jason say that he was together with Vallery, they did not ask for details and only blessed him as their buddy.


Jason looked at them and shook his head.


“No. When I went abroad, Vallery followed me.copy right hot novel pub

We were so much in love that it did not cross my mind to tell Amanda. Actually I should just say that I forgot about her.” Jason said.


“Did you ever think of how Amanda will feel when she found out about your relationship with her sister. You ruined your years of friendship because of a bitch who came out of nowhere. Jason do you even have heart.” Nelson yelled angrily.


“Amanda wasted all her youth on you. Waited for you patiently, but what did you give her in return… huh?”


“Are you proud of yourself for breaking her heart. Now seeing her with another man, you can’t seem to accept it. Do you regret it or are you planning to have both sisters?” Nelso finally lost his cool and scolded Jason.


Everyone was shocked with his outburst but they understood his anger. Everyone in the group had a good relationship with Amanda and they treated her like she was their sister.


Nelson took his coat angrily and left in a huff.


The others looked at him but did not stop him.


“Tell us Jason, what really happened between the three of you?” Mike asked. He did not get angry like Nelson and show all his expression on his face.


“Actually before I went abroad I had started to go out with Vallery. When Amanda’s parents divorced, there was this rumours that her mom had cheated on her dad. So when they left the family, Vallery came into contact with me.”


“She used to say a lot of bad things about Amanda and her mom. She also had pictures of them. I was heartbroken and immediately slept with her. That is when our relationship began.

My mom also told me to avoid Amanda and her mom because they were not good people. Before I found her to explain everything that happened, I went abroad. Vallery followed me and we were practically inseparable so I could not even think of anything else.”


“When I wanted to tell Amanda, Vallery always brushed it off saying that we need to wait for a perfect opportunity. Amanda was in the dark because she knew that once I come back from abroad, we will be engaged. She did not know that everything had changed.”


“Her family also kept her in the dark and they planned to tell her on our engagement day with Vallery.” Jason felt frustrated.


Why was he dumb and let those people lead him by the nose. Now talking about it, he realised how stupid he had been.


He never admitted that he loved Amanda after being together with Vallery but the truth is that deep down he loved her. He wanted to be with her, especially after seeing her after five years.


She is now beautiful and it hurts every moment he looks at her but could not have her.


Seeing that he stopped talking, his friends knew that he was regretting his actions.


They did not judge or yell at him like Nelson did but everyone was occupied in their own thoughts.




In the presidential suite on the fourth floor, Amanda had already showered and she was having dinner with Richard.


“How did you know that I needed a shower before anything else?” Amanda asked as she put the steak that Richard had cut into smaller pieces in her mouth.


“It is common sense. I also like to take a shower the moment I’m done with work to wash away the day’s exhaustion.” Ricahrd. Said.


He also taken a shower and he was looking clean and energetic.



“Thank you.” Amanda said.


This man was considerate and always thought of things that she neglected.


Actually she knew that she will be uncomfortable eating dinner when she has not showered. But she was hungry. She did not want to eat take away or disturb her mom to cook for her. She also did not want to go back and forth from the hospital and hotel. She could only eat dinner first then go back.


“If I hear you saying thank you again next time, I will punish you.” Richard looked at her dangerously.


She shrunk her neck and did not dare look at his dark eyes. She was afraid of getting lost in them.


But she still gathered her courage and asked.


“How will you punish me?”


“Do you want to know?” Richard asked with an evil smirk on his lips.




The moment she nodded her head, she was scooped by a pair of large hands and soon landed on hard thighs.


Richard did not give her time to react as he cuped her face and kissed her hard. He only released her when they were both out of breathe.


Her eyes were misty. She looked seductive with her dazed look. Richard could barely control himself as he went in for another intense kiss.


“If you continued looking at me like that, I will definitely eat you up.” His voice was low and carried a dangersome tone.

After messing around some more, the two lovebirds finished their dinner and left hand in hand.


When they reached the entrance, Amanda saw Jason leaning on the pillar at the entrance and smoking a cigarette. She was not planning on going over to say hi, after all he was among the last people Amanda wanted to come in contact with. She took Richard hand and led him in a different direction. But how could Jason let her leave, after all she is the one he has been waiting for.


“Amanda, can we talk?” Jason said as he flicked the cigarette ashes in the nearby dustbin.


Amanda stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned around and looked at Jason coldly.


“What is there anything to talk about between us?” Amanda asked coldly.


Richard also turned around and looked at him. But unsurprisingly, Jason did not falter this time. He did not know where he found the courage to face Richard, if it was on a normal day, he was sure that he would never dare face this man head on.


But maybe a man’s instinct to conquer was too strong that he did not feel the danger he was putting himself into.


“How long have we known each other, Amanda? Don’t you care even a little how I feel. We were once considered childhood sweethearts and we were even engaged.” Jason said.


“At least now you remember that we have known each for a long time and we were even childhood sweethearts.” Amanda said sarcastically.


“But Jason, what did you do to our relationship? You threw away our friendship just because Vallery gave you what I could not give you.”


“Who used to tell me that he is not in a hurry to get intimate with me and once we get married, we will be legally together. But one night with that bitch made you forget everything.”


“What do you want me to say to you. Actually the moment I knew that you were together with Vallery, to me you were as good as dead.” Amanda said coldly.


“How long have you known this man? Do you dare swear to me that this man will love you for the rest of your life?” Jason did not admit his mistakes but asked a different question.


“We can start over Amanda. I can give you everything that Richard can give you. Money, status, I will give it to you as long you accept me back.”


“Hahahaha…” Amanda suddenly laughed out loud. She looked at Jason as if she was looking at an idiot.


“Why have I never known that you are such an asshole. Does Vallery know that you are out here seducing another woman when your wedding date has already been set? I think she will be super happy if the news reached her.” Amanda looked at him with an indifferent gaze.


“You know about our wedding?” Jason asked in disbelief. Apart from his family members, no one else knew about this.


“Of course, the day that you went to give the bride price, grandma called me back and told me everything.” Amanda said as a matter of fact.


“Let me tell you this Jason, this man here loves me so much and does not care how awful my past was or how people judge me. He supports me unconditionally without asking anything in return. He has helped me walk out of my painful past. When I suddenly lost faith in men, he appeared like an angel and put me under his protective arms.copy right hot novel pub

I can’t even love him enough.” Amanda said emotionally.


Richard’s heart thumped. Amanda said the she love him. Maybe this is the best words he had ever heard his whole life.


He looked at her with a loving gaze and really wanted to trap her on the wall and kiss the hell out of her.


“When people were talking bad about me online, he was the first person to come out and calm me. He did not even ask whether I did those things but all he did was to trust me.”


“Jason, do you remember five years ago before you went abroad when my mom and dad divorced. Did you ever come to ask me how it was or even if the rumours were true. Maybe you were busy hooking up with Vallery and believed every shit that she told you.”


“But I never gave up on waiting. I knew that Jason that I knew, loved and grew up with will never judge me without asking for the truth. But I was very wrong. You never even called for a day. If it was not for grandma I wouldn’t have even known that you had gone abroad.”


“When I wanted to call you, you suddenly sent me a message saying that I should to disturb you and you will be back after five years. That you wanted to concentrate on your studies.” Amanda continued. But Jason did not know this part because it happened in her past life. She only said it depending on her past experience.


“Like the idiot, I waited for you to come back so that you can find justice for me and my mother, but instead you hooked up with my sister, and even planned to embarrass me on your engagement party. Who did you take me as…. huh? Some doll you can just play with and throw it away once you get tired.” Although she was talking about herself, Amanda felt so calm as if she was discussing an irrelevant topic. She was beyond the stage of feeling emotional for people who don’t care about her.


Richard squeezed her hand gently.

Although she had told him about her past and he had even done a thorough investigation about her… but hearing her say it in details, made Richard’s heart twist with pain. He felt like punching someone to release his hand.


But having nowhere to release his pent up anger, he could only squeeze Amanda’s hand tightly.


Jason looked at Amanda with a lost gaze. He did not know what to say and he could not justify himself. He had really hurt her deeply.


“So Jason, there is nothing for us to talk about. If you are really apologetic then stop pestering me and let me at least live a peaceful life.”


After saying that, Amanda took Richard’s hand and dragged him to the car.


Jason was still standing there in a daze. No one knew what he was thinking about.


When they reached the car, Amanda had no time to sit when she found herself landing on someone’s legs. After sometimes her lips were swollen red she could not help but touch them.


She had realised that whenever this man was happy or angry, he will always kiss her hard.


“Repeat what you said to Jason just now.” Richard said in a hoarse voice as he nestled his chin in the crook of her neck.


“Huh?” Amanda did not quite register what this man was talking about. She had said so much to Jason, what was he talking about.


“About you saying that you love me. Say it. I want to hear you say that you love me.” Richard said as he looked deep into her eyes.


Amanda blushed. So it was this. But no matter how much she tried, she could bring herself to say it. She was embarrassed beyond words.



“If you don’t say I will…..” Richard did not finish his sentence but with his dangerous gaze, Amanda knew that it won’t be anything good.


“I…. lo…ve….you.” Amanda said in a small voice. Although it was like a whisper, Richard still heard it clearly. His body seemed to have been turned on as the heat was getting hard to bear. He did not do anything but hugged her tightly.


He knew that if he made any wrong move, he will not be able to control himself. He could only hug her in order to calm his frantic heart down.


“I love you too, Amanda.” Richard finally said after barely calming himself down.

One week later, “The Secret Mission” was finally completed. Everyone was in a celebratory mood as they hugged each other.


“This journey has been a rollercoaster to most of us. Thank you everyone for you cooperation. Those who have shown great professionalism, I appreciate you. Continue with the same spirit and you will definitely go far.” Director Alex said.


“I have booked dinner at Hills Hotel, let’s go there and celebrate. Our biggest investor will also be attending and some others.” Director Alex said as everyone cheered on.



At Hills Hotel, the mood was good as everyone was exchanging contacts and talking about their next project.


“Amanda, what are you planning to do since we are done filming? Have you thought of the agency you want to join?” Stacy asked Amanda.


Although they were enemies in the movie, but during the whole filming, they have developed a close relationship and they could be considered friends.


“I have thought about it and I will be signing with Starshine entertainment. I can’t go for bigger companies because I have just joined the industry. My resume is still lacking.” Amanda answered. Although people praised her for her brilliant acting skills, she still needed a place where she can learn and develop her skills even more.


“That is also a good choice. It is not too grand or too small. I have faith that you will do better there.” Stacy said as she sipped on her wine.


“Thank you sister Stacy, I hope you take care of me in the future.”


Just then, Cynd’s voice was heard.


“Guys who wants to play a game.” Cyndy asked in a crisp voice.


Since everyone was in a good mood and and the main investor had not yet arrived, they decided to have fun.


“I’m in…”


“Count me in…”


“Me too…copy right hot novel pub



Most the people joined the game, only Amanda, Stacy and a few senior members of the crew did not join.


“What about you Amanda, don’t you want to join in the fun?” Cyndy asked as she looked at Amanda.


She was friends with Melany and did not like Amanda, after knowing that her best friend was replaced because she offended Amanda, her hatred deepened.


She wanted to embarrass Amanda so that she can avenge her friend.


She was not worried about the consequences because her father was a big shot in the entertainment industry and she was not worried about offending anyone. Even director Alex had to give her face.


“No. You guys have fun.”


“How could you say so. You are our second female lead. How could you not play with us. Are you looking down on us because you had a better role than us.” Cyndy said.


Amanda frowned. How and when did she offend this rich missy. Just then she remembered that she was Melany’s friend. They were always inseparable on set.


Does she want to avenge her friend? But she had definitely picked the wrong person as Amanda had already seen through her little tricks.


“I don’t look down on anyone. I’m not just in the mood to play the game now.” Amanda explained simply.


But Cyndy was bent on forcing her to play.


“Then you have to play. Or else we will know that you are looking down on us.” Cyndy said.


How could she embarrass her if she does not get her to play.



Everyone now understood Cyndy’s intentions when they heard her insisting like that.


“Okay. I will play with you.” Amanda resigned to her fate and nodded.


“What game are we playing?” Someone from the crowd asked.


“Truth or dare.” Cyndy answered with an evil grin.


Amanda was speechless. What kind of game was that?


However, as one of the classic games that was suitable for a party with many people, Cyndy’s suggestion immediately received everyone’s approval.


As for the rules of the game, it was very simple. To pick the big ghost card was to win, and to pick the small ghost card was to lose. The person with the small ghost card could choose between truth or dare, but if they were unwilling to tell the truth or do the dare, then they failed and would be punished with two glasses of wine.


Very quickly, the game started.


At first, everyone was still restrained but at last many different questions like “At what age did you give your first kiss?”, “How many adult moves do you have in your secret folder?”, and “How long did you last on your first day?” started to become frequent…


“Amanda, truth or dare?” Cyndy who had gotten the big ghost card from who knows where asked her with a malicious expression.


Amanda’s luck has been pretty good the first few times, and she had not picked the small ghost card, but after a while, she had unfortunately been hit.


Amanda then replied, “Dare!” On such an occasion, the truth was more dangerous than dare.


“Then, please ask for a kiss from the first person who will enter through that door first in the first ten minutes.” Cyndy said as she pointed at the door.


Everyone started to get excited.


Amanda’s eyebrows creased together. What kind of shitty dare was that. How could she just kiss anyone who entered the door. She already had a boyfriend, okay!


“Can I drink up as punishment?” Amanda asked.



“No. You will only drink after ten minutes is up.” Cyndy said. She had formulated a perfect plan to humiliate her and she could not let it go.


Some people thought that Cyndy was going overboard but they couldn’t say it in front of her. Others who did not like Amanda so much rejoiced secretly.


Director Alex had been busy talking to other investors and did not know what was going. When he realised what was going on, it was too late and Amanda only had five minutes before she kissed a stranger.


Cyndy had already secretly sent the message and told the person she prepared to be ready in ten minutes time, not a second late.


Director Alex was sweating. He had already known the relationship between Richard and Amanda and Richard had specifically trusted him to take care of Amanda. If something was to happen to her, he might as well be buried alive.


He hurried to the corner to make a call.


“Richard, where are you?” Director Alex asked. Although he tried to keep his voice, he still trembled.


“I’m still on the way. What is wrong?” Richard asked.


“How long until you are here?”


“Around eight minutes!”


Director Alex’s back was drenched in cold sweat.


“Can you hurry up and be here in five minutes time. This concerns Amanda and is a matter of urgency. I will explain to you later.” Alex said, he could not care about anything now.


Hearing that it concerned Amanda, Richard immediately urged the driver to hurry up and within four minutes, he was outside the hotel entrance.

Richard slowly pushed the door to the private room where Amanda and the crew were having their party.


Cyndy looked at her watch and was confused. Didn’t she tell that scumbag to wait until ten minutes were over. There was still one more minutes. But some people did not know what was going on in Cyndy’s mind and immediately pushed Amanda towards the door. They only wanted to watch the show that will unfold.


When the door was opened, a slender but a well build body came into people’s view. Some people gasped while others dropped their wine glasses.


The man who was standing at the door was absolutely breathtaking. With a pair of gold rimmed glasses on his handsome face. His nose was long and straight. His pinkish lips were pressed into a thin line.


He was wearing an black English tuxedo suit which enhanced his broad shoulder. Inside was a white shirt and a light brow bow tie. It seemed like he had come from a formal gathering.


His trousers were tightly pressed on his thin thighs enhancing his manhood. His waist was narrow and it was hugged by a belt which was custom made.


Who else could it be if not Richard Howell the number one sought after bachelor in the entire City A.


If you looked closely to girls in the room, some of them had already started drooling.


“Huuuh…” Someone gave out an excited sigh which brought everyone back to their senses.


Cyndy looked at the man who had entered, her eyes glued on his handsome. She instinctively wanted to stop Amanda but someone had already pushed her forward.


“What is going on?” Richard asked director Alex coldy.


Director Alex cleared his throat before saying lightly. “We were waiting for you. So the crew decided to play a game of truth or dare. I was not aware because I was busy talking to some investors. Amanda happened to have picked the wrong card and she was dared to kiss the first man who will enter the room in ten minutes time.” Director Alex said, without omitting anything. He feared that Richard might flare up if he concealed anything.


“Is that so?” Richard asked with a raised eyebrow and he eyed everyone in the room one by one.


Everyone wanted to deny, but they had no courage. Director Alex had already explained and if they denied now, wouldn’t that mean that director Alex had lied.copy right hot novel pub

In front of this big boss, they could only lower their heads in shame.


The most unsettled person was obviously Cyndy. Ten minutes was up and she did not have the chance to tell the person she had arranged not to come.


Just then, a phone alarm sounded. The owner of the phone was so embarrassed that she wanted so badly to crawl in a hole and never come out.


Since the room was silent, everyone heard the alarm and immediately turned to look at her.


“I had set an alarm for ten minutes just so we don’t forget. Time is up.” She braced herself to say but her face had already turn red from embarrassment.


Just after her words, the door was pushed open again. Richard was still standing closet to the door and was the first to see the person who entered.


He was wearing rugged clothes, they were dirty and almost stinking. The person had unkempt hair, his body was filled with tattoos. He looked like a gangster on the street.


Seeing the man come in, Cyndy’s face instantly turned pale. She was now panicking and hoped for the man to disappear.


“Hey, where is the beauty that was supposed to be kissed?” He asked as he licked his lips disgustingly.


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the man. Who could want such kind of a person to kiss them? They can as well drink a whole bottle of wine.


Richard had a frown on his face and his eyes had already turned cold.


Amanda was even more puzzled. So this was the plan to embarrass her. Let her kiss with a rogue as they secretly took pictures and then post them online to tarnish her reputation. This move was small but extremely vicious.



Amanda looked at Richard and then turned to look at Cyndy. Cyndy was busy giving the man signals with her eyes that she did not notice Amanda’s gaze, but Richard understood her meaning instantly.


After seeing the warning look of Cyndy and the cold gaze that was locked onto him from the side, the man trembled and immediately bowed his head.


“Sorry I walked into the wrong room.” Immediately after saying that he ran away. Richard turned to Thomas who was standing beside him and gave him a signal. Thomas understood and immediately left the room to chase after the man. They had to collect evidence in order to return the favour. How could someone dare to play with the lady boss.


When the man left, the atmosphere was less tense.


“Where did that man come from?” Someone from the crowd asked.


“It seemed like someone told him to come. How could he be sure of the game we were playing?”


“Who could do such a disgusting thing? Did they want to embarrass Amanda.”


Some people turned to look at Cyndy. She was uncomfortable under their gaze but had nowhere to hide. She could only be thick skinned and remain in the room.


“Should the game continue?” Someone asked from the crowd.


Seeing that the person who came in was Richard, everyone already guessed that Amanda will probably be rejected.


She was a newcomer in the industry and Richard might not even know her.


“Then I will drink.” Amanda offered to drink. She did not want people to know about her relationship with Richard, not just yet.


As she said that, she eyed Richard so that he can flow with her.

Richard understood her gaze but was not planning on letting this opportunity go. When will he ever found another chance to kiss his wife in public. He must use this opportunity well.


When Cyndy heard that Amanda wanted to drink, she was relieved. At least she still had some sense in her and maybe did not want to feel embarrassed from being rejected.


She turned around and went to the table to get the alcohol but her hand was suddenly held. She turned around in confusion only to find Richard staring her intently.


Amanda’s heart beat accelerated. Did he not get her signal? Her cheeks had already turned red. She looked at the big hand that was holding hers and felt sweet. Although she did not want to admit their relationship just yet, but being held in public with him gave her a new feeling.


Amanda looked at him nervously and everyone else looked on with anticipation. Was the big boss displeased with Amanda and was going to punish her? Everyone made a silent prayer in their heart for Amanda.


“This is a game and we should follow the rules, isn’t miss Amanda?” Richard asked as he smiled lightly.


His smile was beautiful. Amanda felt like pouncing on him and kiss him.


In her confusion, she felt a warm feeling on her lips. Richard had kissed her in public. And he was even deeping the kiss.


Her mind was a mess and she resisted the urge to respond. Finally he let her go, took her hand and led her to the sofa, without a care of how people will think. The feeling was so good that he did not want to stop but he still considered Amanda’s feelings..


During the whole dinner time, Cyndy tried to get close to Richard but she was not successful and since she was still feeling uneasy after almost being caught, she did not make it obvious.


Richard sat their quietly only concentrating on Amanda. He could only nod his head if someone asked him a question.


Cyndy was very jealous. She had seen this man when she attended a dinner party with her father one time. Since that day, she had dreamed of different scenarios of them meeting again. She never thought that after seeing him again, she will never even have the chance of getting closer.


She now regretted playing that game. If she had not wanted to embarrass Amanda maybe she will be the one sitting beside Richard now.


Feeling a cold gaze on her, Amanda turned around and met Cyndy’s cold eyes. They were filled with undisguised hate and envy. Seeing that, Amanda decided to infuriate her further as she smiled at her provocatively.


After dinner, everyone left only Amanda and Richard were left in the big room.


“Aren’t we leaving?” Richard asked he looked at her gently.


“You know we cannot leave together.” Amanda said.


“Okay. I will wait for you in the car.” Richard said as he removed his coat and placed it on her shoulders. Feeling the warmth emitting from his coat and his unique scent, Amanda gently hugged the coat closer to her body.


When Richard left he was blocked by a petite figure. He frowned a little and you could see a sense of impatience on his handsome face.


“Mr. Richard.” Cyndy called out softly. No one knew where she had popped out from. The bodyguards became vigilant and made a protective wall around their boss.


Richard did not even look at her and continued to walk forward.


Cyndy did not give up and tried to stop him. The bodyguards pushed her away without showing any mercy.


“Don’t be deceived by that Amanda. She is not all she seems to be. She is scheming and has a lot of sponsors outside. Do you know how many investors she has slept with. A word from her got my friend replaced. Don’t be deceived by her innocent outlook. She is a bitch on the inside.” Cyndy shouted as she helped herself stand up.


Her butt hurt so much that she almost cried but she did not shed even a drop of tear. She only looked at the man going in the car with an infatuated expression.


Richard did not slow down and soon reached the car.copy right hot novel pub



The driver opened the car door respectfully. When Richard entered, he was shocked that Amanda was already sitting in the back seat.


“When did you come?” He asked with unconceled surprise.


“I came out from the back door.” Amanda answered.


“What took you so long?” She could not help but ask.


“I was held back by some dog. It could not stop backing and it was irritating.” Richard said, his voice filled with disdain.


“A dog?” Amanda obviously did not believe him.


“It’s nothing. I will send you home.” Richard said as he seated himself beside her and naturally reached out to hug her.


Amanda did not refuse and rested her head on his shoulders. She was exhausted and she could not wait to close her eyes.


“Tired?” Richard asked as he massaged her forehead.


“Uh uh.” Amanda nodded lazily.


“Sleep then.” He adjusted her head so she could not hurt her neck and then said to the driver. “Drive slowly.”



After one week of resting, Amanda was notified by her new company that she needed to start work. They had already signed the contract and she just needed to report to the company.


“You need to come to the company tomorrow, I have accepted some magazine shoots for you. You also need to attend some opening ceremony for various famous brands, this will help in your exposure.

” Her manager, Linda said over the phone.


“Okay. I will follow your arrangement.” Amanda said. Richard had done a background check on the lady and he said that she can be trusted. Only then did Amanda feel relieved.


The entertainment industry was not a simple place and you could not just trust anyone you meet. Betrayal was a common occurrence among artists and their managers.


Vivian was already her assistant and the company did not oppose.


“You also need to prepare. Director Alex will start promoting your movie in the following weak. As one of the main actors, you will be needed to move around some more.”




After hanging up the phone, Amanda gave a relieved smile.


Her mother had mostly recovered, her career was going smoothly and she had the best man in the world as her boyfriend. Thinking about her past life and her present life, she could not ask for more.


She stood up and went to the kitchen.


During the past week that she had been on break, she had developed a habit of cooking for Richard every lunch. She would prepare a lot of food and take it to the company personally. She had noticed that Richard did not know how to care for himself and he will always eat when he felt hungry.


After being with him for quite sometime, she wanted to take care of him.


After preparing lunch, Amanda packed it in two lunch boxes, left some for her mother and made her way to R$S company.


On the way, she was delayed by traffic. She wondered what was going on today as this has never happened before.


Before she reached the company, she received Richard’s call.


“Babe, do you want me to starve to death?”


Amanda laughed as she squinted her eyes.


“Why don’t you go and eat at the canteen or order take away.

Today I’m quite held up and I don’t think that I will be able to make it in time before you starve to death.” Amanda said with a smile in her voice.


“Then I will just pass lunch. After testing your food, I don’t think I can stand eating anywhere else.” Richard said, his voice filled with regret.


“But I’m starting work tomorrow, won’t you be eating lunch then?” Amanda asked, raising her eyebrows lightly although Richard could not see it.


“Yes. I will starve myself untill you cook for me.”


“No you are not allowed to do that!” Amanda said. When she raised her head, she noticed that she was already outside R$S company.


Everytime she came here, she will always feel a sense on inferiority. She wanted to soar as high as this building so that she can rightfully stand beside Richard with her head held high.


She removed a mask from her bag and wore it. This way people will not recognize her.


Outside the CEO’s office.


“Come in..” After Amanda knocked, a deep voice was heard from the inside. It was not as gentle as when he talked to her.


Amanda pushed the door open and entered.


“Sir, I’m here to deliver you lunch.” She said the moment she reached the huge mahogany desk.


Richard looked up, pleasant surprise apparent in his deep eyes.


Amanda smiled cheerfully as she went over to give him a kiss..

“I thought you said that you were busy?” Richard asked as he nibbled on her ear.


“I wanted to surprise you.” Amanda said as she put her arms around his neck.


They kissed passionately and before things could go south, Richard withdrew and stood up with Amanda and walked toward the sofa.


“I need to go to the washroom for a bit.” Richard said in a husky voice as he kissed his girl on the forehead.


Amanda looked at him and did not say anything. Everytime things heated up, Richard will always stop. He has never taken any step further and will always help himself with cold showers. Amanda looked on feeling guilty.


She did not have the courage for taking that last step but it seemed Richard was having it hard. She made a resolute decision and could not let him wait any longer.



After a delicious lunch, Amanda laid lazily on the sofa as she browsed through the entertainment news on her phone. Richard was reading through some documents and would occasionally look towards the sofa, revealing a gentle smile.


After work, the two left hand in hand and were soon out of the company.


“You said that you are starting work tomorrow?” Richard asked in the back seat.


“Yes. My manager called me and told me to go to the company tomorrow. She arranged some work for me and I need to review it. I have rested enough and I was starting to get bored.” Amanda said with a smile.


“My wife is so hardworking. She cannot even stay at home for a few more days. What I’m going to do when we finally have children.” Richard said in a reading tone.


“Who is your wife and who is going to give birth to your children?” Amanda, her glossy cheeks blushing.


“No one.” Richard looked at her and bent over to kiss her.


“What type of candy are you? I cannot get enough of you no matter how much I kiss.” Richard said as he looked at her with a heated gaze.copy right hot novel pub



“You know, you don’t have to wait anymore.” Amanda gathered her courage and whispered in his ear.


“What did you say?” Richard asked.


“I said you don’t have to wait anymore to…” Before Amanda could finish her sentence, she felt her body floating in air. She was so startled that she almost screamed in fear. Richard secured her perfectly in his arms and did not let go.


“Are you sure about what you are saying?” Amanda nodded in daze. The kisses were so overwhelming that she did not even know whether she was standing with her head upside down.


“Drive faster.” Richard groaned. He had been waiting for this moment patiently. With her past experience, he did not want to scare her.


It took half the normal time to reach his mansion. He did not even wait for the car to stop steadily before he rushed our with Amanda in his hands. The driver and the bodyguards who were in the other car could on shook their heads and smile. Their boss has really endured for long.


Richard did not care what they were thinking and immediately pressed his palm on the door to unlock it. Even if he knew, he will only shrug his shoulders like he could not understand why grown up men could stay single.


The kisses never stopped all the way to the bedroom.

Amanda did not know how the world looked anymore.


“One last time Amanda. Are you sure about this?” Richard asked, but his hand haf already reached out to remove Amanda’s top.


To show that she was serious, Amanda also clumsily tried to undone the buttons of his shirt, but no matter how much she tried, they could not be opened. Her eyes were misty and dazed, looking sexier than anyone else Richard had ever seen.


The curtains in the bedroom stayed lightly. Outside, the street lamps illuminated the light as it stretched all the way to the bedroom.


The room was emitting a faint yellow light. There were two figure in the sheet as they poured their hearts to each other without any restraint or fear. They moved up and down in a regular rythm and you could hear some mourning of pleasure escaping through their throats.


They were wrapped in the warmth of love as they merged their bodies to become one.


The first battle lasted for a long time untill Amanda could not take it anymore. Richard knew that it was her first so he tried to be as gentle as possible but he still lost control.


“Does it hurt?” Richard asked in a husky voice as he hugged Amanda in his arms.


“Yes. I feel sore.” Amanda answered honestly.


Richard scooped her up and walked directly to the bathroom.


“Where are you taking me?” Amanda asked when she felt her body floating in the air


“To the bathroom. I want to see if I hurt you badly. I’m sorry I scared you.


“It is all right. It is my first time so it is inevitable. Maybe I will be fine in a while.” Amanda said blushing.


Although they have just been intimate a moment ago, but she was still not used to Richard seeing her naked body.


But Richard was not thinking about anything else. He quietly placed her in the bathtub and checked every part of the body but especially the ‘that part.’


After confirming that it was nothing serious, he was relieved and joined her in the bathtub. After helping her wash up, Richard too took a quick shower, wrapped her in a white towel and left the bathroom.


He placed her on the sofa in the bedroom as he went to change the sheets.


Richard hugged her to sleep, his heart which has been hanging aimlessly in the air has finally found somewhere to land. He now felt complete.


Amanda had slept the moment her head touched the pillow. She was exhausted after the intense battle.


“Good night my love. Thank you for making your way into my lonely life. I promise you that you will never regret this. I will work hard to provide you with a comfortable life and no one will ever look down on you again.” He kissed her forehead, closed his eyes and succumbed to the fairy tale world.

The following morning, Amanda woke up at 6.30 am. Richard had already woken up and he was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She stretched out her hands lazily and feeling the sourness on her waist, she blushed furiously. Thinking of what had happened yesterday, her face heat up some much that could even see the blood veins.


But she did not regret any of the things that had happened yesterday. She has already fallen in love and it was just a matter of time. She wrapped herself in the bed sheet and went to the bathroom. After washing up, she suddenly realized that she did not have any clothes. The clothes that she had worn yesterday were all tone into pieces.


“What am I going to do now?” she was frustrated because she had to go to the company and yet her house was quite a distance from here. She finished washing up and went to Richards’s wardrobe. She took out one of his shirts and wore it. After drying her hair with a towel, she made her way downstairs. She has been here several times and she was more familiar with the place.


Richard who was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen was startled when he saw Amanda coming; she was only wearing his white shirt. It only covered up to her thighs. Her legs were long and straight like that of a model. Richard looked at her without blinking. She looked even yummier than the breakfast he was making. Her skin was white and without any blemish. It looked like you could squeeze milk out of it if you pressed it.


Richard swallowed hard, his throat already burning. The heat was travelling from his head all the way down there. This girl will really be the end of me. Richard thought as he glared at Amanda with a darkened expression.


Seeing his expression, Amanda wanted to flee back to the bedroom but her legs did not listen to her. They kept moving forward as if they had their own mind.


When she came back to her senses, she as already in Richard’s arm.


“Did you sleep well?” Richard asked in a deep rich voice. It was as if he was intentionally seducing her.


“Yes.” Amanda nodded. Her hands had already reached inside Richard’s shirt and she was practically drawing circles on his chest.


Richard caught the little hands that were misbehaving and held them tightly.


“If you continue to misbehave, I will definitely have you for breakfast.” he said in a warning tone.


Amanda shrieked deeper in his arms.copy right hot novel pub

She did not know where she found the courage to play around like this, or maybe it is because of what happened yesterday, and they have a more intimate relationship than before.


“You can’t!” Amanda said as she lifted her head to take a look at her beloved man.




“Because i have to go to work and you cannot bear to see me going to work while feeling tired.”


“You really know me quite well.” Richard chuckled.


“Speaking of work, will I go like this? I don’t have any clothes here.” Amanda said as she looked down at uncovered legs.


“I told Thomas to prepare some clothes for you. I think he is almost here.”


Just then, the door bell rung.


“I think it is him.” Amanda said as she prepared to go and open the door.


Richard caught her time and looked her up and down. Amanda finally understood. How could her memory be so poor? She forgot that she was wearing only a shirt and all her thighs were exposed.


“Go to the bedroom I will bring the clothes. Don’t ever let another man see you like this. Only I can.” Richard said, bent over to kiss her lightly and pushed her towards the stairs. He then went to open the door.


“Boss, everything that you asked is all here.” Thomas said the moment the door opened.




“What is in my schedule for today?” Richard asked as he took several shopping bags from Thomas hands.


“You have a morning meeting at 9am till 12 noon with the executives. You will be having lunch with Mr.

Wilson of Firmview Corporation and then at 3 pm, you will have an online meeting with the overseas company.”


“Cancel the online meeting and arrange it to tomorrow. I will have something to do at that time.” Richard said as he matched towards the bedroom with the bags in his hands.


Amanda was lying lazily in bed when the door was pushed open.


“I forgot to tell you that auntie called in the morning. She wanted to know if you are okay because she did not see you since yesterday afternoon until today in the morning. She was worried about you.” Richard said as he handed her the shopping bags.


“What did you tell her?”


“That you are at my place and she need not to worry.” Richard


“Change into something comfortable and warm. It is very cold outside. I know you are going out station today for a magazine shoot; I will pick you up later. Call me when you are almost done.” Richard said and left to finish making breakfast.



After breakfast, the couples left. Richard insisted on sending Amanda to her workplace before going to his. On the way she called her mother to tell her that she was going to work and shy will see her in the evening.


When she reached Startshine Entertainment Company, Amanda went directly to Linda’s office. Vivian had already arrived and they were waiting for her.


“Did I keep you guys waiting for long?” Amanda asked the moment she reached the office.



you are our employer, waiting a little wait is not a big deal.” Vivian joked.


“We are going in City B to shoot for Fashion Focus Magazine for their next month issue. You will wear multiple clothes ranging from ancient costumes to modern wear. Although it sounds simple, it is not easy to. Because every clothe will display a different theme and different outlook. You need to be mentally prepared.”


“Don’t worry I think I can do it”. Amanda said with a smile.


They soon packed their things and left.


On the shooting set, the photographers and the magazine personnel had already arrived. Of course Amanda was not the only celebrity who was there. Some were shooting for different issues and everyone was dedicated to his or her work.


On the Amanda’s side, she was more professionals than even a veteran model. Every pose that she made was on point. She showered a lot of professionalism that the photographer could not help but applaud her after every take.


Even Linda was shocked. She was told to manage Amanda; she was quite reluctant because she was just a new comer who did not have any backing. But she convinced by the artist director of Startshine that is why she accepted. But it was only under one condition that if Amanda did not do well in six months period, she will quit her job as her manager. But seeing how she displayed her skills, she could not wait to put her heart in her work and groom her artist well.


Richard had arrived at location earlier enough. He packed his car at a distance and waited patiently for Amanda’s call.

Today was the premiere of “The Secret Mission.” Amanda was very nervous as she took her assistant Vivian and her manager Linda to go and watch in one of the famous theatres.


This was the first she will appear in big screens. She could not help but be nervous.


Richard had not accompanied her because their relationship was still a secret even her assistant and manager did not know about it.


“I’m so nervous right now. I don’t know how the public is going to react to my acting skills.” Amanda said as she patted her chest. Her heart was beating at an irregular rate.


“How could you say that you are nervous. In fact you acted so well. I think everyone will like you.” Vivian said.


She had seen first hand how Amanda had acted in the whole movie because she was one of the crew members, she had to say that she was amazed everytime.


“Don’t worry. I know you did your best. From the one month we have been working together, I guess I can say that I have some confidence in you.” Linda also consoled her. She did not judge her after seeing her brilliant work for the past one month. She was actually looking forward to this movie.


When they arrived at the theatre, they went to buy some popcorn and soda so that they can settle once and for all. There were a lot of people who came to watch the movie. Although the previous scandal had quite a huge impact, but after it was cleared up, some people still chose to believe in director Alex.


Amanda were already sitting in the hall, just waiting for the movie to start. Soon the lights went off as the screens lit up with a trailer that the team had been using to promote the movie.


Amanda could not help but rub her hands together. They were already sweaty.




After two hours of watching, everyone remained seated. No one wanted to leave the theatre. They wanted a replay.


“Wow…” Someone in the crowd gave an excited sigh.


It seemed that everyone was brought back to their senses from the movie.


Everyone started discussing and the hall suddenly became noisy.


“Wow, that was mind blowing.” Someone said excitedly as she went online to share the good news.


“I think this is best movie I have watched this year.copy right hot novel pub

” Someone said.


“You this year? I think for me, it is in the last five years. nowadays, people only shoot the movie with a motive of making money. They don’t even care how bad the actors act as long they take home a bunch of cash.”


“But gosh, this is very good. I almost thought that I was watching a live thing.”



When Amanda left the theaters with her assistant and manager, the internet was already flooded. People were discussing about the movie and those who had dissed it really regretted their decision. But they vowed to go and watch it the next day.


Vallery knew that the movie was airing today and was waiting for Amanda to become a laughing stock. She did not expect that she will get a lot of positive reviews. Even the people she had arranged to speak bad of Amanda, were the one in the front line praising her.


How could this bitch have such perfect acting skills. Where did she learn it from. She really knew how to hide herself.


As Vallery thought about it, she became very angry that she smashed the remote control on the wall and swept everything that was on the dressing table to the floor.


She cannot let Amanda raise to fame. It will be dangerous. She did not know when Amanda became so smart that she could even go against her.



After the movie, Amanda’s fanbase increased tremendously.

Her fame was on the rise and she received many good scripts. The company now decided to promote her and gave her the best resources.


But some people were not so happy about it.


Becky had been the star of Starshine before Amanda popped out of nowhere.


She has been worshipped by many people and all the best resources were given to her. As long she wanted a certain script, or an advertisement, she always got it without needing to fight.


But since her movie was released at the same time as that of Amanda, it flopped and now she could only get the second rate resources. She did not like this feeling at all.


“Tell me, Kevin, why are you favouring Amanda now. All my resources are snatched by her. Is it because of that one movie.”


Becky asked as she panted heavily.


“Those are president’s orders and I cannot go against.” Kevin said as he panted even more heavily. They are used to sleeping together that is why Becky had the best manager and had always gotten the best resources.


She also started from the scratch like Amanda. But since she knew how to please those in power, she had not suffered all this while.


“You are the artist manager. You are the one who arrange our resources. Can’t you do me a favour. I have been serving you for a long time now. Or is it that you have found some fresh fish and now I’m not pleasing to the eye anymore.” Becky said as she bit the man on the shoulder hard.


Instead of feeling the pain, Kevin became excited.


“Of course you are the best.

There is someone who has contacted me. She said that she had some dirt on Amanda and as long I can work together with her, we can bring Amanda down. Now the president is only thinking about her. I don’t know what she offered him.” Kevin said as he laid on the bed relieved.


After getting the assurance that she wanted, Becky smiled with satisfaction. Although Kevin was not too old and was only in his forties, it was not fun sleeping with an old man. If not for the benefits that he gave her, Becky could not have even looked at him.


He was also a family man and she did not want to be called a mistress.


So during all their encounter, she has been recording everything just incase Kevin went back on his words or betrayed her, she will just threaten him with the videos and pictures in her hands.



It has been more than two months since the movies had been released. It has earned billions and billions of money and everyone was happy.


But on Amanda’s side, things were not going too smoothly as they had hopped. Someone was constantly going against them.


Whenever they found a good script or a good magazine to shoot, the artist director, Kevin will always say that it is taken and they should look for something else.


Amanda had been seeing Mandy with Becky being together a lot recently and she could not help but doubt them.


Most of the resources that were taken from her ended up in Becky’s hands, whenever they met, she will always act arrogantly in front of Amanda.


Even a dumb person with a negative IQ could see that Becky was intentionally going against her.


But Amanda was patient. She is someone who did not provoke others but, but if you provoked her, she will surely give you an unforgettable show. Becky had not reached a stage where Amanda needed to personally deal with her but even so, she had already formulated a plan in her mind.

At Richard’s mansion, Amanda was lying lazily in his arms after an intense ‘work out’.


Richard was lightly playing with her hair.


“Honey…” Amanda called out softly.


“Huh…” Richard looked at, indicating for her to continue.


“Can you help me look up to someone?”




“Kevin Anubi the artist director of Startshine and Becky Leaky. I think this two have an interesting relationship. And also the relationship between Mandy and Becky those two have been close recently.” Amanda said.


“I have been waiting for you to ask me to do something for you. I was starting to think that I’m an incompetent boyfriend.” Richard said, feeling gleeful.


“How could you say that about yourself. To me you are the best boyfriend. No one came compare to you.” Amanda said as she kissed him on lips.


Richard did not allow her to retreat as he deepened the kiss. After another round of excitement, Amanda soon feel asleep from exhaustion.


The following morning, Amanda went to the company early in the morning. She was supposed to sign a contract with a famous director as the first female lead for his upcoming movie. It was a good script and she loved it. Even Richard had encouraged her to take it.


She had auditioned and passed. Even Becky had auditioned for the same movie.


Reaching the office, Amanda saw that her manager and assistant had gloomy expressions. She instantly knew that something must have happened.


“Why do you look like the sky is falling?” Amanda asked with laugh to ease the tensed atmosphere.


“It is that bitch again. That director Bernard had gone back on his words and is signing Becky, actually they have already signed the contract.” Vivian said through gritted teeth. She was so angry and she almost flipped the table upside down.


Amanda’s frowned as her eyes showed obvious anger.


“How did you know about this?” She calmed down and asked Linda. Vivian was so angry that she did not even want to talk.


“Kevin called to inform me. Becky has also been flaunting the whole morning in the company and everyone knows about it.” Linda said.


Although she appeared calm, she felt like squashing someone.


In the president’s office..copy right hot novel pub



Kevin was standing behind the desk with his hands behind his back and a lazy aura round him. He seem not to take the president very serious.


“What is with Benard. Hadn’t he already decided on Amanda, why would he change his mind so suddenly?”


“I have no idea boss. He suddenly called me and told me that he wanted to switch actresses. Who am I to ask so much questions, since they both come from the same company, and the benefits that they would bring are almost the same, then I have no objections.” Kevin said as if it was the most normal thing to do.


“I hope it is not one your petty schemes. Don’t think that I don’t what you and Becky have been doing all this while. I just turned off a blind eye because it did not threaten the company.” Philip said as he looked at Kevin coldly.


“President, I don’t know why you always defend Amanda so much. She is someone with no background, if not for that movie, I bet she will still be crawling at the bottom of the industry. Why do you care about her so much? What benefits did she actually give you?” Kevin was not afraid as he questioned his boss.


He knew that with the information he had in his hand, once he showed it to him, his attitude towards Amanda will change.


“Why do you say so? You know I’m an upright man and I don’t engage in those dirty business. What benefits do you think Amanda gave me? I just want to help because I know she has the potential of being a big star.” Philip justified his actions.


“Then you have been fooled by her. This Amanda is not a simple character. I have some insider information about how she got her role in director Alex’s movie.” Kevin said.


“Wasn’t that scandal cleared?” Philip asked with some suspicion.


“Don’t be too naive. Don’t you know how this industry works. It is very easy to cover up a scandal as long as you want. Just come up with some fabricated evidence and people will believe it.” Kevin continued to brainwash his boss.



He knew that his boss was scheming but he did not engage himself in certain things. He was someone who loved his family.


“Do you know that Amanda actually stole someone’s fiancee?” Kevin continued.


“She hooked up with a man who already had a girlfriend and replaced the current one. Tell me, a girl with that kind of character, can she still survive in this industry. It is just a matter of time before this scandals are all over the internet. Do you want to tell me that you will deploy your best resources just to help her?” Kevin had already achieved the effect that he wanted so he shut up.


He gave his boss time to digest the information he had given him.


“What do you want to do?” His boss finally asked.


“Simple. Tonight I will be hosting a private party with my buddies. A lot of directors will be there, I’m planning to let Amanda go and accompany them. If she is unwilling, we will just say that she is going against the company wishes and then we will take that opportunity to cancel her contract. If someone question us then we will just release the news in our hands.” Kevin said. He had already formed a perfect plan in his mind.


After chasing Amanda away, he will continue to provide resources for Becky and will not feel threatened.


“Let me trust you this once, if anything goes wrong, don’t blame me for being ruthless.” Philip said.


“It is good if you inform Amanda about the party yourself, I know she respects you and she won’t refuse.” Kevin said.


“Okay, you can go and call her.”


Amanda was surprised when she heard that the president was calling her to his office. She immediately hurried over.


“Amanda I want you to attend a party with Kevin tonight. There are a lot of directors. You need to accompany them and maybe someone will take a liking at you and give you resources.” Philip said even without looking at her.


Amanda was shocked.



“President…” Amanda tried to speak but she was cut off by Philip.


“You have hid yourself pretty well but now that I know your true colours, stop pretending infront of me. Just do as you are told.” Philip said coldly. He was already getting impatient.


“What did you hear about me. And did you verify the information first before casting your judgemental look on me?” Amanda lost her cool and asked angrily.


“Are questioning my orders now?” Philip also became angry and raised his voice.


“Don’t you dare defy me. You won’t like it when you don’t do as told. Get out of my office.” Philip said as he pointed towards the door.


“Don’t ever regret this.” Amanda said as she left with her head held high.


The moment she went outside the door, she dialed Richard’s number.


“Honey…. is everything prepared?”


“Yes babe.” Richard answered softly.


“Okay. I think we will have a good show watch very soon. I will come to see you in a moment, I think it is time.” Amanda said, smiled sweetly and hung up the phone.

Amanda rushed to R$S company after talking to Linda. She told them not to worry and rushed to see Richard.


“What happened?” Richard asked Amanda the moment she reached his office.


“Starshine is going to terminate my contract.” Amanda said, she was not worried at all.




“Becky already signed the contract with director Bernard. I have been told to go and accompany some directors today so that I can be offered resources.” Amanda said as she looked at Richard’s expression. As expected, his face turned dark when he heard it.


“But don’t worry I won’t be taken advantage of. After all I still have you. I’m only going to mess things up because I know you will back me up.” Amanda said as she sat on his lap.


Richard’s expression immediately lightened up.


“Just do as you wish, I will back you up.” Richard said in a pampering voice.


“About the contract?” Amanda asked.


Richard took his phone and called a number.


“Come over to my office with what I told you to prepare.”


Soon there was a knock on the door.


Ian came in panting slightly.


“Boss I’m here.”


“Sit down.” Richard said. Amanda tried to get down from his arms but he tightened his grip. He did not allow her to move.


She could only lower her head in embarrassment.


After everything was finalised, Amanda left to go and prepare. She also wanted to talk to her manager and assistant so that they can be mentally prepared. Richard still had some work to do and did not leave with her but he will pick her up at 6 o’clock.




“Mum I missed you.” Amanda said the moment she reached their house.


“Why are you back so early?” Her mother asked looking at the watch. It was only 2 in the afternoon.


“I have an event to attend later so I have come to prepare.” Amanda said.


“Okay. How is Richard.”


“He is fine. He will come by later to pick me up.” Amanda said.


The door bell rung, disrupting their conversation.


“I think it is Linda and Vivian.” Amanda said as she went to check the door.


Sure enough, Linda and Vivian were standing at the door. Amanda quickly opened the door and ushered them in.


“Why did you call us here?” Linda asked the moment she entered. This was not her first time coming over.


When they reached the living room, they saw Amanda’s mom sitting on the coach.


“Hi auntie.” Both Linda and Vivian greeted at the same time.


“Hey guys. You are here.copy right hot novel pub

I will go prepare tea and some snacks.” She said as she stood up.


“Guys I have some good news?”


“Did Bernard give you the contract again?” Vivian asked. They have been in a bad mood since the whole morning. Only Amanda seemed to be calm like she had everything under her control.


“Nope. Take a look at this.” Amanda said as she handed them her contract with R$S.


“What is this?” Linda asked with suspicion but still took the document.


The moment she read the first page, her face changed. She looked at Amanda with disbelief written all over her face.


“What is it?” Vivian asked and looked to the document curiously.


“Aaah.” Her scream echoed through the living after she saw the contract.


“What is going on Amanda?” She asked the question Linda was asking herself in her mind.


“It is as you see it. We are changing companies!” Amanda said.


“But why. You still have a contract with Starshine. What are you doing?” Vivian asked still in disbelief as she flipped the pages over and over again.


“With the president’s attitude, I’m pretty sure they have already decided to terminate my contract. The only thing that they are lacking is a reason to do so. And today, they have the perfect opportunity to find an excuse to get rid of me.”


Amanda said with a calm expression.


“How the hell did you find this. How come we did not know about it?” Vivian asked feeling agitated.


“Actually there is something I have been hiding from you two. Not that I did not trust you, but I have never found a perfect opportunity to tell you. And also I’m afraid that you won’t believe me.”


“So is it true that you are a kept woman?” Vivian could not help but blurt out.


“Hahaha..”Amanda laughed.


“You could say so.” She said as she smiled at them.


“Ooh no…

we are doomed.” Vivian cried out.


Linda had been keeping quite since she saw the contract and no one knew what she was thinking. And hearing Vivian say that Amanda was a kept woman she also looked on, not hiding the shocked look in her eyes.


“Enough of the joking. I have a boyfriend and I’m not a mistress. Our relationship is open only that I cannot make it public for the time being.” Amanda said.


“So your boyfriend works at R$S company. Is he the one who helped you with the contract?” Linda asked.


Now everything seemed to make sense.


“Yes.” Amanda nodded.


“Who is he. Quickly tell us.” Vivian urged.


Amanda tilted her head and smiled sweetly.


“He is Richard.”


Silence consumed the three of them after Amanda finished speaking. They looked at her like it was the first time they are laying their eyes on her.


“Why are you looking at me like that. Didn’t you want to know and now you don’t believe me.” Amanda said.


Vivian and Linda came back to their senses.


“Who did you say. Richard?” Vivian asked.


No one could blame her for being suspicious.


“Richard Howell is my boyfriend. Actually we have been together for a long time now. Since when I was filming director Alex’s movie.”


“Just prepare, we have a brilliant show to watch tomorrow!”


“Are you going to that private gathering?” Linda asked after calming down from the stupefying news.


“Of course. I can’t disappoint them. Don’t worry no one will take advantage of me.” Amanda said.


“If you want, we can go together.” She offered.



“No. We are good.”


After they left, Vivian was still in a daze.


“Who would had thought that the number one bachelor whom everyone woman in the city is lusting after is already taken. I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!”


“Remember what Amanda said right? We have to keep this a secret.” Linda said while glancing at Vivian.


Although she was still recovering from the shock, she was someone who could put her emotions in check.


“Of course I remember. I’m just shocked, okay!”




At 6 o’clock sharp, Amanda was already prepared. She heard the sound of engine from her bedroom and went to open the door, knowing that it was Richard.


“You are here. I’m ready. We can leave immediately.” Amanda said as she hugged his arms.


“Is Auntie not home. I want to say hi.”


“Mom is not home. She has found some friends and they like walking around in the evening.”




In the private hotel room.


The atmosphere was lively as everyone was enjoying themselves. Various famous directors were there, drinking and chatting. Atleast everyone had a woman in his arms. It seemed like this was a normal gathering to a few of them.


“Kevin didn’t you say that there will a newcomer to accompany us today.” One of the director’s asked as he spanked the girl who was sitting on his laps.


All these girls were in the entertainment industry and accompanying a famous director was not a big deal as long you got the resources.


The door the room opened and a slender figure was seen at the door.


She was donning a red dress, her well defined figure enhanced. Her cleavage was revealed making the men who looked at her almost drool.


There was a pin drop silence as Amanda walked to the room step by step. She did not like the feeling of being stared at by these perverts, but she had no other choice.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 41-50

The movie “The secret mission” entailed an operation where the special forces were to retrieve an important data for their technological development.


Amanda was playing the role of Jane, who was most trusted subordinate of their chief.


The missions were ranked according to their importance and urgency.


The female lead role Vanessa which was played by the best actress of the year Stacy was also a major general in the army.


Stacy and Jane were rivals who fought with each other because each one of them wanted to be promoted to stand beside their chief.


Both of them had fallen in love with their commander in chief and they wanted to gain his favour.


Today’s scene was where Amanda’s troop and Stacey’s troops were sparring.


The chief had released a message that there is a T level mission to be undertaken and the best team will be given the mission. T was the highest ranked mission in their army and brought one immense glory and favour when completed successfully.


“In 1…..2…..3….. begin.” After hearing the director’s whistle, everyone got in position.


“Major general Vanessa it’s my pleasure for my team to spar with your team today.” Jane bowed her head lightly.


“Major general Jane, I’m sure my team will come out the best today. I have to get this mission at all costs.” Vanessa also bowed her head.


“Okay may the best team win.” Jane said as she smiled lightly.


Vanessa had on a serious expression and did not smile back.


When the trainees saw their leaders coming, they cheered on them.


They have been training for a long time now and today’s sparring will determine whether they are taken into the inner circle of the army or they remain to serve outside.


They have also heard the news about the mission. The best team in today’s sparring will have the privilege of going on such a high ranked mission.


Everyone was full of energy and vitality and the each team wanted to be the best.


No sooner had Jane and Vanessa sat down, they heard shrieks and cheers from the crowd.


They looked towards the direction where everyone was looking at and the figure at the entrance made them to fall into a trance.


At the entrance was a tall figure, with slim waist, narrow legs, and a face that was as beautiful as if God took all his time moulding it.


His hair was hanging loosely on his forehead. He had on a lazy aura.


He was wearing a full militay uniform. It only enhanced his beauty. The uniform made him look more hot and unrestrained.


Although people said that the people in the army were cold blooded, but this man was as warm as an autumn breeze. Maybe he only showed his ruthlessness to his enemies, but in his territory he always wore a warm smile but still people feared him.copy right hot novel pub



“It is chief Erick. Damn it! I cannot even breath just looking at his face.”


“How could God be so unfair? How could a man be more beautiful than even a woman.”


“I just want to go over and lick his boots.”


“For me I just want to hug his thigh.”


Director Alext was happy because he was achieving the effect that he wanted. The hardest to control when shooting was the crowd.


Chief Erick waved at the crowd as he made his way towards Vanessa and Jane.


Although their teams were sitting on the both side of the arena, Jane and Vanessa did not sit far from each other.


Seeing that their chief was coming over, Jane managed to calm her erratic mood in time. She stood up and maintained a ram rod staright position. Although she loved their chief and wanted to be with him, she could not show it so bluntly.


Many years of training in millitary has taught her how to hide her emotions even in the face of danger.


Emotions was one of the lethal weapon for soldiers. If you let your enemy read your mind then you are already dead before you even know it.


Chief Erick happened to see Jane adjusting her emotions at a quick pace and nodded his head in approval.


Looking at Vanessa on the other hand, he could not help but frown. She is a major general who need to lead in the front, if she cannot adjust her emotions at the right time and gave the enemy a chance to strike, won’t that be a fatal blow to her team.


The secretary beside her squeeze her hand a little. Vanessa finally came back to her senses. She looked at her chief embarrassed.


She has always lost her cool whenever she was infront of the chief. She thought that she might be able to put her emotions in check but it was a failure.


She turned her head to look at Jane and noticed her cool expression. Vanessa sneered.


Who is she putting on an act for. But that is where she was wrong. Jane knew how to control her emotions even if it was infront of a man she loved.


“Chief!” Jane called out as she gave a military salute.


“General Jane!” Erick also called out as he gave her military salute.


“Don’t be hard on yourself. I’m just here to join in the fun.” Erick said.



“Please continue.” After saying that, he went to sit down.


He sat between Jane and Vanessa although the distance between them was a little wide.


The referee bowed the whistle and first the bunch entered the arena.


Each team had to produce ten participants and whoever won the most will be announced as the winner.


Finally the sparring session was over. The best team was Jane’s. They had won six out ten and they were so elated.


Feeling proud of her team, Jane went to congratulate them.


“You did well. At least you did not make your general look bad in front of the chief.”


“How could we make our general look bad. After all we have such a powerful leader. We had to do our best.”


“Okay guys. You can rest now. Let us wait and see what the chief will say regarding the mission. I will communicate to you.” Jane left because she had been summoned to go and meet with the chief.



“Your team did well. I see the your training is going well.” Erick said to Jane.


They were now sitting in a tightly guarded meeting room. Only those with the highest military security clearance were allowed to enter.


“Vanessa too your team did well. Only a little reformation and they will do better.”


“Okay enough with the formalities.” Erick’s face turned serious.


“I have a mission for you guys.

And this mission needs the both of you to cooperate together. There is this item that has gone missing in the CIA archives. Although the news had been sealed, out intelligence team happened to get wind of it. But now we cannot risk exposing their identities so we need to this by ourselves.”


“Vanessa your team has always been the best at collecting intelligence. I want you to use your best team and find this device. It will help us with our technological advancements that has been stuck for over fifty years.”


“Jane your team is best at combat and other military skills. Once Vanessa locates the device, I want you to lead your best team and retrieve this device.”


“This mission cannot be completed with one team. And if any of you mess up, then the mission is compromised.”


“Understood.” Erick looked at them sternly.


They could feel the seriousness of the matter so they nodded their heads solemnly.


“Go and start preparing. I will you brief tomorrow on the way forward.”


“Yes sir!” They answered in unison, saluted their boss and strode out the small conference room.


“Cut….!” Director Alex yelled excitedly.


He could not help but run his hands in excitement. Today’s scene was long and was intense. He never imagined that it will end just in one take.


“Everyone please take a break we will continue later.” Director Alex generously gave them a break.


The next scenes were simple and were all finished in one take.


At six, they wrapped up and everyone went home

Today being a Saturday, Amanda slept until she woke up naturally. They were not filming on weekends so they can take time to relax.


A smell of a delicious aroma wafted in her nose jolting her awake.


Her stomach grumbled on the smell of food coming from the kitchen.


She woke up and went directly to the kitchen without even washing her face.


In the kitchen, Evelyne was skillfully frying some eggs for breakfast.


“Mom, you don’t look like someone who has just undergone a heart surgery. You are so full of energy. You even woke up early to make breakfast.” Amanda said as she approached the kitchen.


“I have been lying down for a long time I feel like if I lie down anymore some mould would grow on my body.” Evelyne said.


“Today is a weekend. You should sleep some more. You have worked hard. You need to rest so you can replenish your energy. I don’t want you to grow old fast.”


“I’m fine mom. I was woken by the aroma of food. Yesterday I was too tired that I did not eat well.” Amanda said.


“Okay. Go and wash up. I’m almost done here.”


After washing up, Amanda went to the kitchen to have breakfast with her mother.


Her mom had made a lot of food. There were eggs, bacon, sandwich, pancakes, waffles… name them.


Amanda felt her taste buds salivating before she even started to eat.


“Mom why did you make so much food. We are only the two of us.” Amanda asked, puzzled. Looking at how much food her mom had made, she did not know what to say.


She knew her mom loved cooking. Amanda always ate untill she can’t anymore, because the moment you place that egg omelette in your mouth, you will not get enough of it.


“I was just cooking randomly. I did not know that it will be too much.” Her mom said.


“And we are not alone. There are bodyguards outside. We will invite them in so that we can eat together.” Evelyne said.


Amanda slapped herself on the forehead. “How can I forget about them. My mind is muddled upon seeing good food.” Amanda chuckled and went to call the bodyguards.


The moment she opened the door, she bumped into a hard and steady chest.


Her nose crunched in pain as it was almost broken from the impact.


She looked up and came into contact with dark mysterious eyes. They were looking at her with a gentle light.


“Why are you so careless.” Richard said, holding Amanda in his arms.


“I’m not careless. I didn’t know that I will bump into you at the door.copy right hot novel pub


“I was going to knock but the door was opened from inside so I did not have time to. Where were you going?” Richard asked.


“I was going to call Felix and Charles so we can have breakfast together.” Amanda said as she struggled to get out of his arms.


Richard released her. This was a hospital and her mother’s ward. He could not hold her even if he wanted to.


“Ooh. So I came at the right time.” Richard said, a smile hanging on his lips.


“Yes. Mom woke up early and made a lot of food. We cannot eat it all just the two of us.”


“Amanda what took you so long?” Evelyne asked as she walked towards the door. She had also been waiting for a while but had not seen her.


When she reached the door, she saw Richard. She could not help but smile.


“Richard is here too. Come in. We are just in time to have breakfast.”


Richard smiled as he nodded his head. “Thank you auntie. I just rushed here and had not had breakfast yet.”


“Come in. I made a lot of food. Amanda move a side so that Richard can come in. Why did you keep him waiting at the door.”


Amanda moved away, embarrassed. They had been talking so she did not remember to welcome him in.


Richard entered the ward. He was carrying various size of bags all filled with nutritious supplements that doctor Martin had said Amanda’s mom needed for quick recovery.


“Why did you bring so much?” Evelyne asked as she took the bags from Richard’s hands.


“These are what you need for your recovery. Actually it was given to me by a friend of mine. So instead of wasting them in away in the house, I thought they might be of help to you. So just take it.” Richard explained simply.



“Go wash your hands and come have breakfast.”


Richard went to wash up in the bathroom.


“Why are you standing there for?” Evelyne asked Amanda.


“And where is Felix and Charles?”


Amanda then remembered that she had gone out to call the bodyguards.


But looking outside, no one was standing out side the door.


“Where have they gone. When I was talking to Richard, they were still here.” Amanda mumbled.


“I told them to go and rest since I’m here.” Came Richard’s voice came from the other side.


“Ohh…” Amanda answered, appearing absent minded.


How could Richard allow them to eat the food prepared by his mother-in-law before he even ate it himself. He had long signaled them to leave.


“Okay. Let us go and have breakfast.”


The three sat on the coffe table just outside the kitchen. They ate in a harmonious manner and you could even think that they were already a family.


Although Richard did not like to eat too much in the morning, but this breakfast was well balanced so he ended up eating more than he should.


Amanda who was worried that the food would go to waste was relieved when she saw that Richard had cleared almost everything.


It was good to have a man in your life. At least he will help with things ladies cannot do.


“What do you plan on doing today?” Richard asked Amanda after breakfast.


“I wanted to go and look for a house. After mom is discharged, we will need somewhere to stay.” Amanda said.


“Why did you not tell me? Do you have the money for rent?” Her mom asked.


“I was to tell you after breakfast.” Amanda said.


“About the money. Richard here helped become a mini-millionaire. Many things have happened since my scandal so I did not get the chance to explain it to you.” Amanda said.


After saying that, she explained to her mother about everything that had happened untill she cleared her name.



“It is all thanks to Richard here.” Amanda said with a smile.


“It was nothing really. I just did it because I couldn’t stand and watch people misunderstand you.” Richard said with smile. Sounding like it was not a big deal.


“I have seen that Auntie is okay. Go and change I will accompany you to look for a house. I know some houses that are in a good location and have good security.” Richard said.


“Go change. Don’t keep Richard waiting for long.” Her mom urged her.


After Amanda was gone, Evelyne turned towards Richard.


“Thank you for taking care of my daughter. I did not know that you had done so much for her when you have barely known each other.”


“Don’t say that Auntie, I did it willingly. I will just tell you the truth. I really like Amanda. The moment I saw her, I knew she is the one I have been waiting for. And now I’m wooing her.” Richard confessed honestly.


“I know. But I’m afraid my daughter is not very active. She has been hurt before by the men she trusted so it will be hard for her to open her heart to you. You will have to work harder.” Evelyne said.


“Don’t worry Auntie. I will do all I can so that Amanda fall in love with me. I will not give up on her.”


“That is good to hear. My daughter is always muddled headed sometimes. You need to take care of her on my behalf.”


“You don’t have to worry about that. With me around, no one will mess with her.

“What kind of house do you want?” Richard asked as he drove Amanda out of the hospital.


“Didn’t you say just now that you know quite some good places.” Amanda asked, puzzled.


“That was just an excuse to convince Auntie and also to make you not refuse my request of accompanying you.” Richard with a straight face.


‘How thick is this man’s skin. How could he lie without even flinching.’ Amanda thought.


“But since it is a weekend and we are both free, we can look around, if we find anything good then we take it.” Richard said.


Amanda had no objections and just nodded her head.



“Grandma how are you feeling?” Jason asked after entering the ward.


“I’m fine. I just want to leave this place.” Grandma Catherine said.


“Okay grandma. We are here to take you home.” Jason said.


“Val, come help me hold grandma.” Jason said as he beckoned Vallery who was standing at the side.


They helped grandma up and put her on a wheelchair. Jason pushed the wheelchair as they walked towards the car.


“We just came the two of us. Grandpa and the rest are waiting at home.” Jason said after settling his grandmother in the car.


“It is fine. There is no need to attract a lot of attention.” Grandma said.


She knew that her husband was guilty and did not have the courage to face her now. She did not dwell on the matter too much.


“What are you planning to do with Vallery?” She changed the topic.


“We were waiting for you to get discharged. We are planning to hold a wedding before her belly start showing.” Jason said.


“It is good to hold a small wedding now. Or you can just get the certificate and you will hold your wedding later after she has delivered. There is no need for too much fanfare.” Grandma said.


She had thought hard and long about the issue. Since the child was their own flesh and blood, she could will make sure its is born in a complete family.


Although she did not like Vallery and her mother, she will still have to accommodate them because of her great grandson.


“Grandma why are you saying so?” Jason asked. Although he was not in the mood for the wedding, he did not want to show it.copy right hot novel pub



“She is already pregnant. Is there a difference if you get a marriage certificate. She will still be your wife and enjoy the benefits of being the madam of the William’s family.” Grandma said.


Jason knew that his grandmother did not like Vallery. He had even thought that she will not allow them to get married. But because of Vallery’s pregnancy, she was allowing them to have a marriage certificate. That was more than he had imagined.


Vallery on the other hand clenched her fists tightly. She had thought that with this baby, everything will go smoothly, but now according to grandma’s words, they can either hold a small wedding or get a marriage certificate. She had planned to use the baby as an excuse to establish her status in the family.


She wanted to have a huge and unforgettable wedding. She wanted to show off to Amanda that she is still the winner. That she had stolen everything from her.


“Jason, we will just do as grandma says. What is important is our baby. As long as the baby is born in a complete family, I don’t care about the wedding.” Vallery said.


She had to master up all her acting skills in order to put on that innocent and considerate act.


“All I want is to be with you. As long we are together, everything else does not matter.” Vallery continued in a small voice.


How could Jason not tell that she was just putting on a strong front.


He once promised her that he will give her the wedding of the century but now he was about to break his promise.


Looking at her innocent and fragile look, Jason felt guilty. He had already failed one of the person he loved, if he failed another one, won’t he be the jerk of the year.


He cleared his throat and looked at his grandmother through the review mirror. “Grandma we will talk about that when we reach home. I also want to marry Vallery and make her my rightful wife. Since she is the madam of the William family, we cannot let her down.”


Grandma just snorted and closed her eyes to rest.



She did not know that his grandson was a hopeless bastard who loved so blindly that he could not see through a woman’s facade.



“Let’s go here and take a look. It looks great.” Amanda told Richard after she saw a post advertising a vacant house.


“The security looks good and the environment is also quiet and clean.”


“Okay.” Richard replied as he drove towards the gate.


“Hello, we are here to look for a house.” Amanda said to the security guard after the gate was opened for them.


“Okay. Wait a minute. I will call the person in charge.” The security guard left to make the call.


“He is on the way. Can you please be a little patient and wait for him.” The security guard said politely.


“It is fine. We will wait at the packing lot.” Amanda said as Richard drove away.


After ten minutes, the sales agent arrived.


“Thank you for choosing our property. It is an honour to be of service to you.” The agent said.


He had talked too much that Amanda did not even remember his name.


“Can you please show us the house. We need to take a look before we make a decision.” Amanda said.



She had noticed that Richard was frowning, clearly displeased with how the agent was talking too much.


“This way please.” They followed him towards the apartments.


When they reached the vacant house, Amanda immediately fell in love with it. It had the perfect view and a large garden that they can use to plant flowers.


The surrounding environment was great. It had clean pavements and the cherry trees planted on the side walk gave one an artistic feeling.


Amanda could not help but grin. “In already love the ebevrionmet. Let’s go in and take a look.”


Richard looked at her. Gentleness overflowing from his eyes.


“Okay.” He nodded as he hold her hand. He could not resist the urge to hold her.


Amanda blushed but she did not push him away.


When they reached the house, Amanda was even more amazed.


The design of the house was one of a kind. The agent opened the door and ushered them in.


The house had a spacious living room. A big dining room. She walked towards the kitchen, it occupied a larger space and had great furniture.


The house had two floors. The ground and the first floor.


After touring through the whole house, Amanda was pleased and immediately signed a five year contract with the agent.


She was given a bunch of keys and after everything was finalised they left.


She will redecorate the house and buy some furniture because it had nothing.


After leaving the place, Richard drove to a five star Michelin restaurant to have lunch. .

At William’s family home…


The atmosphere was joyous as everyone welcomed grandma.


“Welcome mom. We are glad that you are okay.” Said Jason’s father.


“Yes mom. We were so worried but thank God you are okay.” Liz added.


Grandma Catherine just looked at them coldly and said nothing.


“Lunch is ready. Let us have lunch and we will talk later.” James said after seeing that his wife’s expression was not right.


“Yeah, mom just came from the hospital. Let’s eat first.” Liz said.


The family went to the dining area.



After lunch, Richard took Amanda to do shopping. They walked around aimlessly just to pass time. Richard wanted to spend more time with Amanda so he gave an excuse of shopping.


They went from shop to shop either to buy or to just take a look. It seemed like Richard was a VIP member in every shop they stepped into. And whenever Amanda saw something that she liked, Richard will immediately pay for it.


She was so embarrassed that she did not want to look at anything anymore. She tried to let him stop but he could not listen. Amanda gave up trying to convince him otherwise.


They were in this particular shop when a voice stopped them.


“Richard is that you?” A female voice called out from behind them gently. Richard and Amanda turned around instinctively at the same time.


They were met with a group of ladies approaching them. The lady infront was wearing a channel dress with a ten inch high heels. She was carrying a blue Gucci handbag in her hand matching perfectly with a her blue dress.


She had on smoky makeup, long eyelashes and her mouth was painted red.


She is not the type of beauty that were enchanting at first glance. But looking at her twice one could not let their eyes off.


Beside her, she was accompanied by four ladies, probably her followers. They were following her from behind and were laughing from time to time.


“Richard, it is really you. I thought that I was mistaken.” The lady was called Mandy. She said softly and her eyes softened.copy right hot novel pub



Richard had a frown on his face as he looked at the woman before him coldly.


Amanda could not help but give him a questioning look.


Sensing her gaze, Richard looked at her and smiled gently. But when he turned to look at Mandy, his expression turned gloomy.


“I just came from overseas not long ago and thought of visiting you. I went to your house and uncle said that you rarely visit.” Mandy said gently. All this while she had not looked at Amanda even once.


“Ooh. Continue visiting then. I don’t care if the old man want to marry another wife. That is upto him to decide. It is none of my business.” Richard said coldly.


Mandy’s expression instantly fell. Richard was still mad at her. She had gone abroad to give him time to heal but it seems like he was still the same.


“What are you talking about Richard. I take uncle as my own father. How would I think of marrying him. I came back because I was worried about you. How could you talk to me like that.” Mandy could not help but feel wronged.


She went forward and wanted to touch Richard but he effortlessly avoided her touch.


Her hand hung in air awkwardly.


“Uncle is not feeling well. You should go and visit more often. You know you are all that he has left. You should let by gones be by gones.” Mandy gritted her teeth and said.


She had loved this man for a long period of time and thought that her love will be reciprocated in the end, but all her efforts were in vain.



Seeing that they knew each other and maybe had a lot to talk about, Amanda decided to excuse herself.


“I will be in the cafe over there. Call me when you are done.” Amanda said to Richard as she pointed at the cafe opposite the shop they were at.


She did not wait for Richard to respond and left.


She had just taken a step when her hand that was hanging on the side was held in a firm grip. Amanda was startled and did not immediately turn around.


“There is nothing to talk about here. And there is nothing you cannot listen to.” Richard explained gently.


He did not want Amanda to misunderstand him and think that he was a scumbarg who was entangled in different relationships.


It was then that Mandy took a good look at Amanda. She had intentionally ignored her when talking to Richard because she did not feel any threat from her.


To her she was just a plain looking girl who was not worthy of being her opponent.


But seeing how Richard talked to her gently, Mandy gave her a second look.


“Richard who is she?” Mandy could not help but ask.


“It is none of your business.” Richard answered in a stoic voice.


Mandy’s lips twitched. Why did he change at a lighting speed. Wasn’t he talking in a gentle voice just now. Why did he sound so cold in the next moment.


“Can we go somewhere and talk?” Mandy asked.


Instead of looking at her, Richard turned to look at Amanda.


Amanda just shrugged her shoulders and said nothing.


This was his business, she could not interfere. Although she felt uncomfortable at how Mandy was looking at Richard with a gentle gaze.


“Let us go to the cafe over there.” Richard said. He also wanted to solve this once and for all.



Mandy looked at her girlfriends and told them to stay. She looked at Amanda but seeing that Richard was clutching her hand without letting go, she did not say anything and followed after them.



“Hey girls, that girl just now looks familiar.” One of Mandy’s girlfriend whispered the moment Mandy and Richard left.


“Yes I think so. I have seen her somewhere and but I cannot remember where.” One of them answered.


The other one who was on phone answered them. “She is the girl who has been trending on social media recently. She was rumoured to have slept with a lot people in order to get the role she is playing now.”


“Ooh. I remember now. Even director Alex helped her clear her name.”


“But why is she with Richard. Everyone knows that Richard is engaged to Mandy. Maybe the rumours about her are true. She wants to hug those with thickest thighs.”


“We cannot judge. After all the scandal was already cleared. Mandy has also been overseas for long and maybe Richard was tired of waiting.”


“Okay. Let us wait and see. But if she is hooking up with Richard, Mandy will not let her off easily.”


“Let us just wait for the show.”

In the cafe opposite…


Richard ordered tea for Amanda and helped her sit down.


Mandy looked at her coldly feeling uncomfortable.


Just then Richard’s phone rung. He took it out to look at the caller. He gave Mandy a warning gaze before he excused himself to answer the call.


Mandy did not notice that gaze as she was busy seizing up Amanda.


“Did you know that Richard and I are engaged?” Mandy asked Amanda the moment Richard left.


Amanda looked at her puzzled.


When was her business to know what people Richard is engaged to. They are not even together so she definitely knows nothing about him.


“It seems like he does trust you enough. Maybe you are just a plaything for him to pass time.” Mandy smacked sarcastically.


“I want you to name your price and stay away from Richard from now onwards.” Mandy said.


“I don’t understand what miss is talking about.” Amanda feigned ignorance.


This woman was now getting on her nerve.


“Don’t play dumb with me woman. I know you are only after Richard’s money. With your status, his father will never allow you to marry into the Howell family.”


Amanda hooked her lips. Which eyes of this woman saw that she was together with Richard only wanted to squander his money.


“Excuse me miss. Which eyes of you saw that I’m together with Richard?” Amanda asked.


She was long fed up with this woman. She has been treating her politely because of Richard but now she was getting on her nerve.


“Are you not together. Then why is he treating you so gently. I have never seen Richard treat anyone with such gentleness.” Mandy said. Not at all believing Amanda.


“I told you there is nothing between me and Richard. If you want to believe whatever you think is right, then go ahead and entertain yourself.” Amanda said. She was done playing polite.


“Does Richard know that you don’t have any manners and you can just talk to people whoever you want?” Mandy asked.


“That is none of your concern.”


“Tell me miss, whatever your name is. You said that Richard is your fiancee right?” Amanda asked.


“You don’t even know my name and dare to mess with me?” Mandy asked angrily. Who did not know her name and status in city A. No wonder this girl was daring enough to hook up with Richard.


“Do I have to know you? Who are you anyway? Are you the mayor or the president of United States?” Amanda asked sarcastically.


“You….” Mandy was mad that her face turned red.


“Now can you answer my question?” Amanda continued.


“What question?” Before Mandy answered, Richard interjected with a deep voice.


Amanda smiled at him lightly.


“This lady here is saying that she is your fiancee I just wanted some clarification.copy right hot novel pub

After all she thinks that I’m your girlfriend and she even wants to pay me so that I can stay away from you.” Amanda said, without hiding anything.


Mandy looked at her with astonishment. Was there something wrong with her brains.


“Is that so…?” Richard looked at Mandy coldly.


“I…..” Mandy tried to explain herself but was cut off by Richard.


“I thought that I was clear before. But since you seem to have forgotten I don’t mind repeating it once more.”


“I, Richard Howell, I’m not engaged to any woman. Since the day you decided to collude with my father to drug me, that was end of our relationship. I don’t like people who scheme behind my back and play dirty tricks.”


“You wanted to sleep with me and you got your wish. You even faked being pregnant so that I can marry you. How low do you think my IQ is in that I cannot see through your petty schemes?”


“I told you that I will never touch you again. Not in this life and not in the next. You should stop pestering me. A friendly advice, you would have just remained overseas instead of coming here to provoke me.”


“But since you want to marry into the Howell family so much, why don’t you marry the old man. Didn’t you collude with him to drug me? Didn’t he advice you to throw yourself in my bed. You already got what you want. I’m not that patient and noble so do not try to cross my bottom line.” Richard said coldly.


Mandy was in a daze. Before she could react, Richard had already left with Amanda.


She clenched her fists and a vicious light crossed her eyes.


After some time…..



“Mandy are you alright?” Her girlfriends asked with concern. She did not know when they had come.


“I’m fine girls.” Mandy forced a smile.


“Why did Richard leave so suddenly. We thought the since you have not seen each other for a long time you had a lot to talk about.”


“He is busy so left earlier.” Mandy found an execuse.


Her friends did not ask anymore after seeing that she did not look good.


“Do you know that woman. The one who was with Richard?” Mandy asked her friends.


“She is called Amanda. She has just entered the entertainment industry and already shrouded with scandals.” One if the girls answered. She had a good feeling about Amanda before, but seeing that her friend’s unhappiness might be caused by her, she decided to throw mud at her without hesitation.


“What is wrong with her. Is there something going on between her and Richard?” Sheila, one of the girls asked.


Mandy did not answer but the look she gave them answered their question.


“How dare she seduce your man? Does she not want to live anymore.”


“Now that I think about it, it seems that the rumours had some truth in it. I was just wondering how director Alex is so noble and gentleman and he can stand up for a woman, it seems that he already got the benefits.”


“This is so disgusting. Now she has already hooked up with Richard. How dare she?” Mandy looked at her friends being mad on her behalf and said nothing. Although she was not sure of the relationship between Amanda and Richard, she had to act as soon as possible before anything happened between them.



In Richard’s car…


Amanda looked at the man with a gloomy face and sighed. She did not ask him anything but accompanied him quietly.


“Don’t you want to ask anything?” Richard asked, looking at the girl in the passenger seat.


“What is there to ask. That is your privacy and your life. If you want to talk about it I will listen.

” Amanda answered with a warm smile.


Looking at her gentle smile, Richard felt his erotic mood calm down.


He sighed. “It was five years ago on my birthday. Mandy and I had been engaged for some time. I was not enthusiastic about this relationship because I thought that it was just a waste of time. I did not treat her coldly on the account that my father really adored her. I had never touched her before since it was a relationship arranged by our families.”


“I just wanted to make my dad happy because since mom died, he has been alone with no one to accompany him. Then Mandy came. She would always keep dad company which made him happy. He then said that I should marry her. I did not object seeing how happy dad was.”


“Then on my birthday, I was drugged by the two of them. I was not aware and only woke up in the morning and found myself lying beside Mandy. I was shocked and immediately asked her what happened. She told what happened. I was so mad that I immediately chased her out of the house. But what surprised me was that dad stood beside her and defended her.”


“He took all the blame and said that it was not Mandy’s fault. It was my fault for not treating her well and they just wanted to see if I could perform.”


“I immediately stormed out of the house and never looked back. One month later dad called me and told me that Mandy was pregnant. I did not know that it was yet another prank so I decided to go home because dad was all the family I had left.”


“One week later, I stumbled upon her pregnancy report. It indicated that she was not pregnant. Dad tried to explain that they only wanted me to go back home. But I did not care. I took my mom’s belongings and left home. And that was the last time I have been home. Now I have just been on my own untill I met you.” Richard said as he looked at Amanda gently.


Amanda’s eyes had already turned red. She did not know that the man she viewed as an unbreakable pillar had gone through so much pain.


She could not control herself and hugged him tightly

Richard was shocked when Amanda hugged him. But it was only for a second before he hugged her back tightly. It was if he wanted to merge his body with hers


They stayed in that position for sometime before Amanda let go.


She had already come to a decision. She did not know if she will regret it in the future but for now she just wanted the man before her to feel the warmth that he has constantly been giving her.


“Richard…” Amanda called out softly.


“Huh..” Richard looked at her with a tender gaze.


He was still reeling in the feeling of being hugged by her.


“I don’t want you to wait anymore.” Amanda said. She was shy that she did not dare look at him in the eye.


“I don’t understand.” Richard said in confusion.


Amanda was abashed that she did not want to repeat. But she gathered her courage and looked at Richard in the eyes.


“I said that I don’t want you to wait anymore. I’m willing to be your…..”


Before Amanda could finish her sentence, a torrential of kisses befell her innocent lips. She was shocked that she almost fainted.


She clutched on Richard’s collar for support. Althoug they were in the car, Amanda felt like she was floating in the clouds and any wrong move will land her on the hard ground. She could only clutch the collar of the wild man tightly.


When Richard felt that the girl before him could not breathe anymore, he released her.


He engulfed her in a tight hug without letting go.


“Do you mean what you said just now?” Richard asked is husky voice.


Amanda looked at him, perturbed. Her mind was still muddled from the fierce kiss just now and she had not registered what Richard was saying.


“Have you accepted by pursuit?” Richard asked again, seeing how confused she looked.


Hearing that Amanda nodded shyly. She could not help but bury her face in his hard and strong chest.


Richard chuckled.


“Thank you Amanda. I promise that you will never regret your decision today.” He looked at her as he said emotionally.


Amanda’s eyes were glistening, her tears threatening to fall.


“I know. You are such a good man and maybe it is me who does not deserve someone like you. Maybe one day you will find that I’m not as you thought and leave me just like Jason did.copy right hot novel pub

I’m afraid Richard but I also don’t want you to be alone after all that you have been through.” Amanda said. Tears has already stained her beautiful face.


“I’m afraid that I’m not as beautiful as Mandy. I’m afraid of you walking away from me that is why I dared not accept you. But now I can’t think of you being intimate with other women. I can’t think of you being lonely. I want to be your source of strength, your source of warmth but I don’t know if I can do it.” Amanda poured out her heart.


“You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. From the very first I saw you, something in me seemed to have come back to life. The first time I talked to you, I knew that you are the one I have been waiting for. I don’t want anyone else Amanda. You are enough for me be it in this life or the next.” Richard said as he tightened the hug.


“I never thought that I will fall in love with a girl the moment I saw her. But you are different Amanda. Just thinking about you makes my day really good and wonderful.” Richard said, releasing her from the hug.


He held her small face in his big hands and looked at her with a gentle gaze.


He moved his face closer to hers. Amanda closed her eyes in anticipation but she only heard a low laugh beside her ear.


Amanda opened her eyes and looked at the man laughing.


“Why are you laughing?” Amanda asked.


“You are so cute. What were you anticipating just now. You even closed your eyes!” Richard teased her.


“Nothing.” Amanda said. This man was such a teaser. She thought that he was going to kiss her and even closed her eyes.

She was so ashamed that she just wanted to bury her face where it will not be seen.


“Were you waiting for this…” The moment Richard finished his sentence, his lips touched hers.


His was licking her lips gently like it was some kind of candy that he could not get enough of.


It was not like the first kiss which was filled with emotions and passion.


Instead of closing her eyes, Amanda open them wide. Was this man addicted on giving her sneaky attacks.


She opened her mouth in shock and Richard took the chance to stick his tongue in her mouth.


She tasted as sweet as he had imagined and he could not get enough of her.


“Richard….” Amanda came back to her senses and called out in a small voice.


“Yes…” Richard answered, his lips still hovering over hers.


“We are in a car and someone might see us.” Amanda said.


“Oooh….” Richard seemed not to have heard her as he continued to kiss her gentle.


After some time, he released her lips and pulled her in a hug.


“Sorry I was too excited that I lost my cool. But don’t worry no one can see us from the outside.

” Richard said.


Amanda rested her head on his chest as she panted lightly.


Her heart was still beating rapidly. She cannot even imagine that now she is Richard’s girlfriend. The most precious bachelor in the girls’ eyes was now holding her in his arms.


Amanda’s lips formed a silly smile, just in time for Richard to see it before it fell.


“What are you smiling about.” Richard asked, sucking on her already red ears.


“I didn’t know that it felt so good to have a boyfriend. And my boyfriend is the best man in city A. If word of this came out, I don’t know how many ghosts will be stalking me.” Amanda said.


Remembering something, Amanda raised her head and looked upto to the man.


“I have a request. Can we not make out relationship public for the time being. I know I have just been out of scandal and if word got out that I’m with you, I don’t what I would do.” Amanda said.


Richard understood her worries and nodded without hesitation.


“Thank you.” Amanda said.


“Shall we go home now.” Richard said as he released her.


Amanda’s hand happened to touch somewhere and she jumped up in shock.


Richard had a quick reflex and placed his hand above her head so as not to hit her head.


“What is it?” Richard asked.


Amanda looked at where her hand had touched just now and blushed.


Richard followed her line of sight, and when he saw a bulging below his belly he just smiled.


The moment she said yes, he already had a reaction. He just did not want to frighten her

The following day…


Vallery had already gone back home from the William’s family.


Jason was coming to pay the bride price. Grandma had allowed them to hold a small wedding after too much persuasion.


“Make sure everything is perfect. I don’t want my in-laws to feel out of place. If anything goes wrong be prepared to pack your staff.” Juliana commanded the servants.


She had woken up very early in the morning to prepare. They have been looking forward to this day since Vallery started dating Jason.



On Amanda’s side.


A phone call woke her up from her drowsy state.


“Hello…” She said drowsily.


“Still lazing around in bed.” A low chuckle came from the other end of the phone.


Richard was wiping the sweat on his body. He has just completed an intense work out and he was sweating profusely.


“What time is it?” Amanda asked.


“It’s 7a.m.” Richard checked his wrist watch and answered.


“It’s so early.” Amanda said lazily. She clearly had no intention of waking up at this time.


“I just wanted to know if you are okay. I will come visit Auntie later. You can continue to sleep.” Richard said.


“And I also missed you through out the night so I just wanted to hear your voice.” He added.


Hearing that, Amanda smiled sweetly. This man’s words seemed to be coated with honey. They sounded so sweet to the ears.


“I’m not sleepy anymore. Wash up and come over. I will go make breakfast for you.” Amanda said.


Looking at the coffee that had already turned cold, Richard was happy and accepted thr offer immediately.


He immediately rushed to the bathroom to shower.


Amanda woke up and took a light shower before she went to make breakfast.


Their small kitchen was well stocked and she did not need to worry about what to cook.


“Why did you wake early.copy right hot novel pub

” Evelyne asked as she approached the kitchen.


She had woken up early so that she could make breakfast for her daughter, little did she know that her daughter was already awake.


“Mom, it is still early. You should sleep some more.” Amanda said as she stirred the porridge in the pot.


“I have been lying down for a long time. My body is getting stiff.” Her mom answered.


“Actually I’m fine. I could even be discharged today.”


“No mom. You still need to be under doctor’s observation moreover the house is still under renovation and it might take some few day for it to be ready.” Amanda denied instantly when she heard that her mom wants to be discharged.


“I’m fine. See I can even walk on my own. I feel that my body is getting better and better.” Evelyn tried to convince her daughter..


“Then stay for two more day. I will talk to doctor Martin and see how you are recovering.”


“Richard is coming over for breakfast, if you don’t want to sleep anymore go and wash up a little.” Amanda said.


Amanda had told her yesterday after coming back that she has accepted Richard’s pursuit and her mother was happy for her.


She just wanted her daughter to find the happiness she deserved. Richard being a reliable young man, she was assured that her daughter will be happy.


She looked at her daughter meaningfully and smiled.


“What is with that gaze mom. I’m just making him breakfast alright. I just want him to feel the warmth of a family.” Amanda smiled as she said.


“Okay. My daughter is all grown up and knows how to take care of people. I’m relieved.

” Evelyne said as she went to wash up.


Not long after, the door was knocked from the outside.


Amanda went to open the door.


“You came so first. Were you near by?” She asked the moment she saw Richard.


Richard entered and pecked on her lips. “Nope. I just came at the fastest speed. I did not want to keep you waiting.”


Amanda blushed from the kiss.


“My mom is around, can you behave yourself.” Amanda said in a small voice.


“So can I misbehave if she is not around?” Richard teased her.


“In your dreams.” Amanda said as she escaped to the kitchen.


Richard giggled happily and followed her in the kitchen.


Today being a Sunday, he was not dressed formally.


He was wearing black pants and a maroon short sleeved casual t-shirt.


“Where can I help?” Richard asked the moment he reached the kitchen.


“Do you know how to cook?” Amanda asked. She clearly did not believe that such a rich man would know how to cook.


“Of course. I was once in the army. How could I have survived if I did not know how to cook?” Richard said nonchalantly.


“You are our visitor. Just sir back and relax. Breakfast will be ready in no time.” Amanda said.


“Just tell me what do. It is boring just sitting down and doing nothing.” Richard said. He had already entered the kitchen and was preparing the ingredients.



Amanda had never been able to convince this man otherwise so she just let him to whatever her wanted.


Their tacit understanding surprised the both of them.


When Evelyn came down from the bedroom, she was surprised to see their small table filled with mouth watering dishes.


When did her daughter make so much food in such a short period of time.


She approached the kitchen only to hear her daughter laughter.


When she reached at the door, she was surprised to see that Richard was holding a spoon and he seemed to be cooking.


“Richard you are here!” Evelyn called out.


“Auntie. Good morning. How is your body?” Richard greeted.


“I’m feeling much better. Is wanted to be discharged today but Amanda refused that I should stay for some few days.”


“Amanda is right. You should stay for a few more days untill we are sure that your body is recovering well.” Richard said.


Evelyne smiled. “Okay then I will do as you guys say.”


After that the family of three sat down for hearty breakfast.



The preparations at the Jackson family was going great and it was almost time for Jackson and his family to arrive.


“Siz you look so beautiful. No wonderful Jason fell in love with you and left that country bumpkin.” Ryan said as he admired her sister.


He had specifically asked for leave from school so that he can come and share the joy with her sister.


“Soon, you will be Mrs Jason. I can’t even imagine someone like Jason being my brother-in-law.”


“He already is. You should also work hard and finish school soon.” Val eyed her brother through the mirror and said.

“Madam, those from William family are here.” The maid said anxiously. When the door rang, she had hurried to check and saw the people from William family standing at the door.


They were not many. Jason, his mother and his father and a few servants who helped them carry several bags of gifts.


Juliana hurried to the door. She straightened her clothes and touched her hair.


“Do I look presentable?” She asked the maid who was standing at the door.


“Yes madam. You look absolutely stunning.” The maid said.


“Okay, you should go back to the kitchen. Let them hurry up with the cooking.”


The maid left.


Peter had also gone downstairs the moment he heard the door bell ringing.


Juliana opened the door with a huge smile plastered on her face.


“Come in… come in. Don’t keep standing at the door.” Juliana welcomed them in.


The William’s family entered the house. For Liz and Jason, this was not there first time coming to Jackson’s family Villa but for Anderson, it was his first although they have been friends with Peter for a long time.


“Why did you bring so much gifts. We are a family there is no need for such formalities.” Peter said as he shook hands with Anderson.


“This is the right thing to do. Vallery is carrying our next generation and we cannot wrong her in any way. Even if we are already a family, some things cannot be ignored.” Liz said.


They went directly to the sitting room as Juliana called Vallery. She had to serve tea to her elders.


Vallery walked down the stairs in long sapphire mermaid dress. She had applied delicate makeup and she looked a absolutely stunning.


Jason looked at her without blinking. Although she could not compare to Amanda, she had her own charm which got him hooked and refused to let.


Seeing how beautiful she looked Jason thought that it was not a loss to marry her. He loved her for the past five years wholeheartedly and promised to give her the best life. But seeing Amanda recently and being in contact with her, Jason did not known what his heart wanted anymore.


But he could not show it after all Vallery was now carrying his baby. He should treat her well.


He smiled at her gently. His eyes overflowing with affection.


After serving the tea, both families talked. The atmosphere was harmonious and everyone was happy.



After breakfast Richard took Amanda to buy house appliances. Since the renovation was on going they had to set everything ready and once it was done they will move in immediately.copy right hot novel pub



But it was more of a date than shopping. After Amanda chose what she liked, Richard assistant took care of the rest. But Amanda insisted on paying so Richard did not insist.


He liked how independent his woman was.


In their hassle Amanda received a phone call from grandma Catherine.


“Hello Amanda. How are you?”


“I’m fine grandma. How is your recovery?” Amanda asked softly.


“I’m fine. I’m not sick anymore. How is your mom doing?” Grandma asked.


“She is fine. She even wanted to discharged today but I told her to stay for a few more days.” Amanda said.


“That is good to hear. Where are you now. Can I see you?” Grandma asked.


“I’m outside doing some shopping. We are moving to a new house after mom is discharged so I need to buy some things in advance.” Amanda answered.


“Okay. If you are busy it is okay. I will see you some day when you are free.” Grandma said.


“You had something to tell me grandma?” Amanda asked after hearing that something was not right.


“No I just wanted to see you. I miss you.” Grandma said.


Amanda’s heart warmed. She missed her grandma too although she was not ready to go to William’s house now.


“I miss you too grandma. But I don’t want to see anyone from the family.” Amanda said bluntly.


“I understand. Actually I’m alone.

No one is home.” Grandma said.


“Where did they go?” Amanda asked. Today was a weekend. How comes no one is home.


“Come over. I will tell you the details.” Grandma said.


“Okay I will be right there.” Amanda said.


“Can you take me somewhere?” Amanda asked the man who was in the driver’s seat.


Today he was acting as her chauffeur. But he seems to be enjoying it as he got to spend more time with Amanda.


“Okay.” Richard had heard her conversation and did not ask anything else.


Amanda gave him the address and they were soon on the highway heading towards the William’s family.


The security guard saw Amanda and immediately allowed her to pass.


He was familiar with her because she has been visiting in the past years and everyone in the family was familiar with her.


Amanda rung the door bell.


“Miss Amanda, you are here to see our matron?” The servant who opened the door asked.


When she looked at the tall man standing next to Amanda, she was mesmerised. This man had an aura that even their master could not match.


He was handsome and had an aristocratic air around him.


She was lost in the beauty of the man before her untill she heard the matron’s voice.


She was embarrassed and immediately ushered them in.


“Amanda you are here!” Grandma said as she went to hug her. Seeing the man standing before Amanda and looking at her gently, grandma was also shocked.


“Amanda…” She looked at her questioningly.


Before Amanda could say anything, Richard had already stretched his hand to greet grandma.


“Grandma, I’m Richard Howell, Amanda’s boyfriend.”


Grandma was even more startled.

They in the world of business, who hasn’t heard the name Richard Howell. She did not imagine that such a prominent man will be Amanda’s boyfriend. But she was happy, at least he seemed more reliable as compared to her stupid grandson.


“Amanda only accepted to be my girlfriend yesterday. I have been chasing her for a while now.” Richard explained. He did not want grandma Catherine to misunderstand Amanda and think that she was not faithful to his grandson.


“Grandma, where is everyone?” Amanda asked as grandma led them to the tea house in the garden.


“They went pay the bride price for Vallery and propose the marriage.” As grandma said that, she looked at Amanda to see if there will be any change in her expression. But seeing that she was calm, grandma said nothing.


She did not know if she should be happy that Amanda has moved on or sad that she will never be her granddaughter-in-law.


“Vallery is pregnant so we don’t want her to give birth out of marriage. Although I don’t like her, I want my great grandchild to have a complete family when he or she is born.”


“I knew about the pregnancy.” Amanda said calmly.


She did not care if they get married or not. Now it was not any of her business.


“Grandma, thank you for taking care of Amanda. Sorry we just came empty handed and did not bring any gifts.” Richard said as he served grandma tea.


“Amanda is like my own granddaughter. But I did not protect her well and she ended up hurt by the people she thought were her family.” Grandma said.


“You did enough grandma. You are my family. I don’t care about what others say, as long you treat me well, that is enough for me.” Amanda said.


They left at six o’clock after staying with grandma the whole afternoon.


The moment they left, Jason and his family also arrived.


If they had stayed anymore, they would have met.

The following day was Monday. Amanda arrived on set very early in the morning.


The shooting was going smoothly and they only had a few days to finish shooting the whole movie.


After her scandal, many people on set had become her friends. Her acting skills were also good. Many people chose to support her. But some of them could not just swallow their jealousy. They tried playing little tricks like keeping Amanda’s lunch and water, but she did not care.


They will soon go their separate ways. It was a waste of her energy to keep fighting them.


Today’s scene….


Jane was sitting in her office looking at the intelligence report the Vanessa had sent over.


She did not completely trust Vanessa and she had also taken a step foward and collected her own data. As expected, Vanessa’s report was vague and did not disclose everything. If they used the report that Vanessa had sent over, their mission will definitely fail and it will not look good on her and her team.


Jane’s eyes turned cold. This Vanessa was daring. How can she risk the life of her comrades because of some private feud?


She took both the reports and went to look for the chief.


She did not expect to meet Vanessa their. Her expression did not falter as she looked at Vanessa.


She stood before Erick and gave a salute.


“Chief this is the report Major General Vanessa submitted. I have come to report and draw a plan for our mission!” Jane said with seriousness.


Erick looked at her and smiled. “Have a seat. I was going to summon you. General Vanessa had already brought the report to me.”


“Thank you.” Jane said as she sat down.


They discussed the report and their plan of action. Jane did not say anything about the tricks Vanessa played in the report.


She knew that her chief must have noticed it too. She will wait untill Vanessa leaves before she can raise her doubts. She cannot let her know that they have seen through her little tricks.


After they were done discussing, Jane requested to see the Chief alone. Vanessa had no choice but to leave but that was after she gave Jane a warning gaze.


“General Jane, what is it?” Erick asked her as he looked at her gently.


Jane was uncomfortable under his gaze but did not say anything.


“Sir, I’m sure you have noticed that something is wrong with the intelligence report that General Vanessa has submitted.” Jane went directly to the point.


Erick looked at her with interest and nodded his head.


“Go on.”


“This is the report I got my team to gather. you can tell that Vanessa deliberately concealed some important points that would change the result of the mission.”


“I don’t want to put the life of my fellow comrades in line just because of some private conflicts. I did not want to say it when Vanessa was here because she would have lost face and maybe she will compromise our mission.”


Erick looked at the report that Jane had submitted and nodded from time to time. It matched with what he has collected.


“Call General Vanessa now.” Chief Erick gave an order.copy right hot novel pub



“No chief. Do not alert her. Let her think that we are using her report. Since she want the mission to fail, we cannot give her that satisfaction. I have also come up with a plan according to my intelligence. Chief can look at it and make some changes.” Jane said.


After looking at it, Erick nodded his head. “We will go with your plan and see what Vanessa was planning to do!”


“Yes sir!” Jane saluted and left the small meeting room.



After the scene was over, Amanda went to rest. Vivian brought her water.


“Why don’t you hire an assistant? You don’t even have anyone to help you with this little things.” Vivian said as she handed her a bottle of water.


“I will think about it. Or do you want to be my assistant?” Amanda asked.


“Me?” Vivian could not believe her ears.


“Of course you. Who else is here?” Amanda could not help but laugh.


“I have seen that you have been taking good care of me since I joined the crew. You did not judge me like everyone did but you chose to trust me and stand by my side. I just want someone who is loyal to me and who I can trust.” Amanda said.


“I would like to be your assistant.” Vivian said with obvious joy in her voice.


“Then let’s finish shooting this movie first and we will talk about it.” Amanda said.




Just then, one of the crew members came in holding a huge bouquet of red roses. It was so big that it almost covered half of his face.


“Amanda someone delivered this flowers to you.”


Amanda looked at the huge bouquet of flowers and immediately guessed who the sender was.


She took it and checked the card that was stuck inside.


“I hope these flowers will help cheer you up.

I miss you and I can’t wait for the day to end so I can hug you.” Reading those words, Amanda blushed. She smiled happily and stored away the flowers carefully.


Just then her phone rung. “Did you receive the flowers?” Richard low and magnetic voice was heard from the other of the phone.


“I just received them now. Thank you I like them.” Amanda said. Her face showing a tint of red colour.


“Call me when you are done. I will come to pick you up.” Richard said.


“Okay. Take care.”


“You too take care. I miss you.” Richard replied.


The next scenes were easy and they were all done in one take. By 6PM, filming had wrapped up and people were leaving.


Amanda was going to the washroom when she heard someone saying her name, she moved closer to hear what the other person was talking about.


“Today Amanda received a huge bouquet of red roses. I don’t know who sent them but she received them happily and did not refuse.”


“What did you say? Amanda received flowers?” The person from the other end of the phone said.


“Yes. Everyone was envious of her on set. We don’t know which big shot she had hooked up with this time round. Even director Alex did not say anything.”


“Continue to keep an eye on her. If you found out anything, quickly inform me.”


“Okay sister Vallery. I will tell you if I found out anything.” The phone was hung up.


Melany heard someone clapping behind her. She was scared that she almost dropped her phone.


She turned around and found Amanda standing there smiling at her cheekily.



“Well…. well…. well…. our great actress Melany, when did you become a paparazzi?” Amanda asked. She was smiling but her eyes had turned cold.


“I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Melany feigned ignorance.


“Do you believe that a word from me will get you replaced this instant?” Amanda continued to smile cheekily.


“Who do you think you are. The female lead or the male lead?” Melany asked arrogantly.


“I’m just a nobody but believe me. I can end you career in this industry without lifting my finger.”


“I’m not scared of you Amanda Jackson. You have no family or backing. Those old men that you rely on will soon leave you.” Melany said.


Amanda did not reply her and took out her phone to call director Alex.


“Hello director, I have found someone spreading rumours about our movie and the cast but they don’t want to repent, I think they should be replaced.”


They talked some more before Amanda hung up.


Melany thought that Amanda was just playing a prunk and did not take it serious until she received the assistant director’s call.


“Melany Mobetto right, tomorrow you don’t have to come on set, you are fired.”


Her face immediately turned pale.


When she came back to her senses, Amanda was long gone.


She slumped on the floor not knowing what to do

Amanda deliberately delayed so that she would be the last to leave. She did not want to arouse any suspicion when people saw her entering Richard’s car.


“What took you so long?” Richard asked the moment Amanda sat on the passenger seat.


“Have you waited for long?” Amanda asked as she fastened her seat belt.


“No. Around ten minutes.” Richard said.


“I wanted people to leave first. If I’m seen entering in such a luxurious car just after my scandal, will I not be shooting myself in the foot again?” Amanda said.


“It was not in vain too. I found someone talking about me in the washroom. I did not know that a lot of people were spying on me.” Amanda said.


“Who was talking about you. Tell me and I will teach them a lesson.” Richard said.


“Don’t worry about it. I have already called director Alex and he will deal with it.” Amanda said.


When she looked at Richard, she found that his expression was not right.


“What is with your expression.” Amanda asked, puzzled.


Richard did not speak. He just unbuckled her seat belt and pushed her towards him gently.


Before Amanda could react to what was happening her lips were beaten.


“Why did you not contact me first. Why did you find director Alex first and not me?” Richard asked, feeling extremely wronged.


“Are you jealous?” Amanda laughed.


“It is just that director Alex is in charge of the movie. Him replacing her is easy. Why would I bother you with such a small issue?”


Hearing her laugh at him, Richard increased the force of his kiss and soon there was a taste of blood in their mouth. He licked her lips with satisfaction before kissing her gently as if to blow away the pain.


“Next time don’t forget to call me no matter how small the matter is. When it comes to you, everything is of great importance.” Richard said and he helped her fasten her belt again


“What do you want to eat tonight?” Richard asked as he started the car.


“Can you take me to Hills Hotel, I hear the dishes there are very good.” Amanda said as she rested her head on the back of the chair.


“Was today shooting tiring?” Richard asked with concern when he saw her tired face.


“Yes but I’m getting used to it

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 31-40

R&S company.


When director Alex entered the office, he was startled to find that Amanda was also there.


He looked between the two people and could not control is thoughts from running wild.


“Hello Richard.” He greeted the big boss. It seems like they had a good relationship depending on how they interacted.


Richard just looked at him with a raised eyebrows and did not say anything.


“I did not know that Amanda was here too.” Director Alex eyed the man suspiciously.


“Hello director Alex.” Amanda took the initiative to greet him.


“Hello… how do you two know each other?” Director Alex could not help but ask with a gossipy expression.


Amanda gave a troubled look to the man sitting next to her.


What was their relationship, were they even considered friends?


Amanda was not too naive as to think that Richard was just helping her blindly, he must want something in return.


And what he said about being in love with her, Amanda did not even believe it for a second.


She looked at director Alex and did not know what to say. “This… director Alex…. we…..”


Before she could finish her statement, Richard looked at director Alex coldly and said, “It is none of your business.”


Director Alex could only shrug his shoulders as he sat down.


Thomas immediately served them tea and retreated.


“Did you bring what I asked you to?” Richard went directly to the point.


“Yes.” Director Alex nodded.


“Thankfully, we always record every audition that we do and keep the videos for future reference. If that was not the case, things would have turned out ugly.” Director Alex said.


“What is it?” Amanda asked, not at all grasping what the two men were discussing.copy right hot novel pub



Director Alex opened his mouth to explain but Richard was ahead of him.


“We are talking about the video of your audition. This is the only solid evidence to shut up those saying that you don’t have any acting skills. With this video, they will be able to tell if you deserved the role rightfully or if you depended on underhanded methods to get the role. We will not only place you video but also the whole process and everyone who participated in the audition so that the netizens can judge on their own if it was fair or not.” Richard explained patiently.


Director Alex was startled beyond words.


When did Richard ever talk so much and so patiently to someone. This man treasures his words like they were some kind of a priceless treasure. Whenever someone talked to him, he will always nod his head or give a noncommittal reply. Yet here he was infront of beauty, explaining sentence after sentence, something that has never happened before, was there really nothing going on between them?


“Also after the video has been released, we will need a public relation team to to keep rhythm. That will help you stabilize your position in the industry. Many companies will try to poach you, you will have to be careful when chosing which agent you want sign with.” Richard continued.


Amanda listened attentively and did not interrupt him. This man had done a lot of things for her, she did not know if she will ever repay him.


He even thought of using this scandal to pave her a path in the entertainment industry.


In her past life, she had always been on her own, but now she had someone who could go to any lengths just to help even though they have not known each for a long period of time.


“You don’t have to worry about the PR team, I will take care of that. All you need to do is prepare yourself to go back to continue filming.” Richard added.


“Which company have you thought of? When you first signed the contract with me you said that you have not yet thought about it, after this scandal you must have thought of it, right?” Director Alex asked.


“Not really. But I will think about it seriously, because the company that I chose will also affect my future progress I must think carefully.” Amanda said.


Richard and director Alex nodded their heads in understanding.


Director Alex thought of something and suddenly said, “Why do you need to think about it when you already have the big boss sitting right beside you. All you need is to say a word and the contract will be prepared ASAP.


Richard also looked at her with an expectant gaze.


His company had many subsidiary companies under it and show biz was just one of the many companies. Although it was not the biggest in the industry, but the artist signed by R&S did better than those signed by other companies.


They had the best resources to offer to their artists but one had to have the capabilities and prove that they are worthy of the resources before they were signed on.


Richard really hoped to bring her under his wings so that he can look over her himself. He was not confident in leaving her at someone’s hand, what if they took a liking at her.


Amanda looked at both of them and smiled. She knew her capabilities better than any one else, for now, she could not think of joining R&S. She wanted to find a smaller company so that she can atleast have a resume and horn her skills.


“Now is not the time for me to join R&S although I would love to. But I don’t have a resume let alone strong stand in the entertainment industry. I will join a small company first but of course my ultimate goal is R&S.” Amanda smiled as she looked at Richard. Her smile was beautiful and warm. Richard felt that he has been rapper in honey just looking at her smile. His whole body felt warm.


Director Alex was attacked by the sudden public display of affection that he got goosebumps. This two people, what was going on between them?


He cleared his throat to bring their attention back on the matter at hand.


“Tomorrow I will personally hold the press conference and release this video. I also want to slap those who questioned my dignity and judgement with this video.” Director Alex said sternly.


His character has been questioned because of this matter, he wanted those people to experience the wrath of his anger.


How could they just spread rumours without any concrete proof. He will make sure that their faces are slapped until they are swollen.


After everything has been agreed on, director Alex left at lighting speed. He had been stuffed by the dog food untill he was full. He had to leave as soon as possible or else his eyes will definitely go blind.



Now only Amanda and Richard were left in the huge office.


They looked at each other and smiled unknowingly.


“Are you not mad at me because I did things without consulting you?” Richard asked.


“Why should I be, I even don’t know if I will be repay this debt in this lifetime. Thank you so much.” Amanda expressed her gratitude.


“You don’t need to repay anything. But if you really want to, you can be my girlfriend.” Richard said.


Amanda blushed. Although this man had touched her heart time and again, she was not ready to be in a relationship.


“If you do not want to become my girlfriend then can you give a chance to persue you? Maybe in the future you will see my sincerity and accept my persuasion.” Richard said. He did not want to put too much pressure on his girl.


Amanda looked at him silently and said nothing.


“So which one do you agree on; be my girlfriend now or if you are not comfortable with it, give me a chance to persue you, we can understand each before going to the next step.”


Before waiting for Amanda to reply Richard already answered himself. “I will persue you first. We have just met, I don’t know you and you don’t know me so we need to understand each other first.”


Amanda was amused. Wasn’t her choice to decide. But what he said was not wrong. She will accept him to persue her. If things work out then well and good, if it doesn’t they will see what to do but atleast they will have nothing to lose.


After that they went to have dinner.

At the hospital, all hell had broke loose.


After Peter confirmed that Evelyne was in deed at City A People’s Hospital, he rushed over.


He did not want to wait any longer as he had no where to vent his anger.


He just wanted to teach that unfilial daughter of his a lesson.


When he rushed to the ward, he pushed the door open. He was too lazy to even knock.


Evelyn who has been resting heard some noises from her ward and opened her eyes.


What met her eyes was a pair of enraged eyes. They were staring daggers at her and she felt uncomfortable.


“What are you doing here.” She sat up as she asked the man before. Gone were the days when she was infatuated with this man that she will do anything just to please him. She sacrificed half her life helping this stupid man but all she got as payment was ridicule, humiliation and disgrace. Now she did not even want to look him.


“What I’m I doing here? Evelyn, do you know what you precious daughter has done. How can she shame the Jackson family like that, huh? How could she go around parading herself and sleeping with men just to get resources. Is that how you raised your daughter?” Peter asked in an enraged voice.


Hearing that he was here to accuse her daughter, Evelyne was instantly enraged.


“Peter, have you come here to cast judgement on us and laugh at how badly we are doing. Amanda is your daughter, your own flesh and blood. But instead of helping her clear her name, here you’re like everyone else accusing her!”


“Do you have any conscious in your head. You should know your daughter better than anyone else. But instead of even asking what happened, the first thing you do is to accuse her. What kind of shitty father are you?”


“Do you dare tell me that you have investigated this matter and what they are saying about Amanda is true. Or the moment you saw the news all you cared about was to maintain your image?”


“Have you ever thought of her as your daughter, thought of how she is struggling to make ends meet. Here I’m, lying in a hospital bed while my daughter is out there, being stabbed from all corner of the entertainment industry. I cannot even help her with anything apart from burdening her even more. The person she could have relied on is here, accusing her without even finding out the truth. I was really blind back then!” Evelyn’s pent up anger was finally unleashed.


At first Peter was feeling really guilty and uncomfortable the more Evelyn talked.copy right hot novel pub

But hearing her say that she must have been blind to marry him, and thinking of those photos, his mind snapped.


“What, you regret marrying me after hooking up with the rich right. I still remember those photos. Evelyn, how could you betray me. Although I married another wife, but I was still good to you. But you went ahead and hooked up with other men behind my back thinking that I will not find out. Now look, your daughter is even worse. You are really my biggest regret.” Peter said as he gnashed his teeth angrily.


Thinking of those disgusting photos that someone had deliberately photoshop in order to frame her, Evelyn did not feel good about it. She had an inkling of who it might be but she did not have the money to investigate.


“Let me ask you again Mr Peter, have you ever taken you time to investigate that matter. Or you only listened to what people whispered in your ear.”


“Did you ever take the initiative to find out the truth before judging people. I don’t care what you think of me, but leave my daughter out of this mess. She is innocent and she does not sell her body to anyone. If you think you have lost a lot of face, you can organize a press conference and announce to everyone that you don’t have a daughter by the name Amanda. You can disown her and maybe you will have a peace of mind.” Evelyn said, she was agitated that she started to feel pain in her heart. She clutched her heart as she looked at Peter stubbornly.


Peter was shocked by what Evelyne said.

Did she really want him to disown his own daughter.


But thinking about it from another perspective, it was beneficial to him and he had nothing to lose. He will just forget that he ever had such a daughter in his life.


“And where is Amanda?” After remembering that he has not seen her since he came, Peter asked.


He was sure that Amanda had no where to go with such a scandal as the media will be out there to harass her.


“That is non of your concern.”


“Or has she gone to her rich men to find favour.” Peter asked mockingly.


“I told you my daughter is not like that. If you are really bent on believing such rumours, then I want you to walk out of that door, call the media and tell them that from today onwards you disown your own daughter. But if you really love your daughter, then go and investigate this matter thoroughly. Either way, don’t ever show yourself in front me again.”


“And Peter think through. Don’t ever regret what you are going to do.”


After Evelyn finished speaking, her face had already turned pale. You could see cold sweat falling from her forehead. She was in pain but she did not want to appear weak infront of Peter.


“You don’t have any right to tell what to do. Of course I’m going to disown that thing you call a daughter. What is there to regret, I have nothing to lose.

And I’m also going to abolish your house it the slums, so that you can see the consequences of messing with me.”


Evelyn could not take it anymore and fainted. But before she fainted, she pressed the emergency call on her bedside.


Peter was still talking self righteously when a stream of people in white lab coats walked in.


He had not even noticed that his ex-wife was already unconscious.


Leading the team was doctor Martin. Richard had told him to put utmost importance on the condition of this patient.


After checking Evelyn, his expression changed.


“The patient needs immediate surgery, please prepare the operating room.”


“The patient’s condition has been triggered, we cannot delay anymore.”


After doctor Martin gave a series of instructions, they carried Evelyn to the operating room.


All this while, Peter was standing their dumbly, no one even cared to look at him.


He left the ward with clenched fists, his face was ruthless and there was no warmth in his eyes.


Doctor Martin did not forget to tell Richard.


They rushed over after hearing the news. Amanda was worried that she even started crying.


After reaching the hospital, Evelyn was in surgery, Richard asked what happened and hearing that someone was in Evelyn’s ward before she fainted, he asked his assistant to investigate the matter

“Will my mom be okay?” Amanda cried as she leaned in Richard’s arms. He hugged her tightly as he consoled her in a gentle voice.


“Auntie is a good person and she will be alright. You just need to be strong for her.”


“It is all my fault. If I had known this will happen, I would not have left her alone.” Amanda blamed herself.


“It is not your fault. But don’t worry we will soon find out who it was.” Richard said.


Amanda hugged him tightly as she felt a sense of security. His hard chest gave her a feeling that this man was reliable and he could not let her suffer.


Amanda raised her face which was full of tears and looked at Richard. “Thank you, Richard.” She said in a tender voice.


Hearing her call his name for the first time, Richard was excited as he looked at her gently.


“Why are you thanking me. No one forced me to do this. I’m doing it at my own will. Don’t feel burdened. I just want to show you my sincerity so that you can accept my pursuit, not that I’m feel sympathy for you. I like you a lot Amanda.” Richard said.


He guided her to the bench on the other side of the corridor and made her sit down. He clutched her small hands in his big ones and squeezed them. He wanted to channel as much warmth as he could to her so that she could not feel alone.



Thomas came back after some times with a grave expression on his face






Looking at his face, Richard knew that something was wrong.


“What is it?”


Thomas looked at Amanda and did not know what to say.


“Just say it already. Why are you looking at her like that? This concerns her.”


“I have asked around and also checked the surveillance footage, the person who was in the ward was Peter Jackson, Amanda’s father. He had come to teach Amanda a lesson because of the rumours that is going around. He even went to the place where they leave. The neighbours told him that they are in the hospital so he came here directly.” Thomas said.


Amanda looked at him shocked. After her parents divorce, her father acted as if they did not exist. He did not even care if they lived or died. But because he had lost face because of her scandal, he came to trouble them.


“That is not all.” After Thomas said that, he handed Richard the tablet in his hand.


Richard looked at the trending video with a grave expression.


He passed the tablet to Amanda so that they can watch together.


Peter’s face came into view the moment Amanda clicked on the video.


“Hello friends of the media, my name is Peter Jackson and I’m here to talk about the news that has gone viral about Amanda Jackson.copy right hot novel pub


“Amanda Jackson is my daughter who I once loved and cherished. But she and her mother have done many things to disappoint me from time to time. I now want to declare that from today onwards, I want to disown this daughter of mine. She can no longer use the Jackson name and pour mad on my reputation.”


“Today I specifically went to find her so that I can help but she was nowhere to be seen. I ask now reporters, don’t associate any news of Amanda to my Jackson family or whatsoever, from this moment onwards we are no longer father and daughter.”


The media and the internet was in an uproar. This video had been posted ten minutes ago but it has received many likes and comments.


After Amanda watched the video, she had no expression on her face. Although she did not expect much from her father and even loathed him, but what he did was too much.


Disowning her publicly without even hearing her side of the story made Amanda’s body turn cold. Richard looked at her worriedly as he pulled her into his strong arms.


Amanda did not resist as she allowed him to hug her.


She was so angry and disappointed. She did not know how to vent her anger and could only cry her heart out.


After thirty minutes, Amanda lifted her head. She had cried untill no more tears were shed.


Her eyes were swollen and looked red.


She looked at the mess she created on Richard’s shirt and felt embarrassed.


“Sorry I have dirtied your shirt.” Amanda said, her face becoming as red as a tomato.


“No. It’s my shirt’s pleasure.” Richard said.


He really wanted to take her and kiss the hell out of her but he resisted the urge. He did not want to scare her after what she had experienced.


He touched her head and kissed her on the forehead. Amanda only felt a warm feeling on her forehead, before she reached to what had happened, Richard had already retreated.


She looked at him and touched the place where she felt the warmth, her heart accelerated with no reason.


“You know, it is good to cry. Keeping your emotions without releasing them can affect your mental health. It is good to vent.”


“I know.

But this the last time I will cry over such stupid people. Now we have nothing to do with each other.”



Peter went back home after addressing the media.


Vallery, who had watched the whole process was really shocked by what her father had done.


Her father was too ruthless. But she was happy atleast that bitch will not take advantage of her family. Now that Amanda has no family to rely on, she can crush her at any time.


But first she will play with her to her heart’s content before sending her to hell.


Hearing the sound of the engine from outside, she ran to the door, holding sandals in her hands.


She had to be even more filial so as not suffer this fate.


“Dad, you are home.” She greeted the moment she heard the door opening.


Hearing such a sweet voice the moment Peter entered the door, he felt that his depressed mood ease a little.


He had such a filial and understanding daughter, why would he worry about some people with lose morals.


“What are you doing standing here. You should be resting and taking care of the child.” Peter chided.


“Dad, I’m not that delicate. In fact I have been resting the whole day and I don’t want to sleep anymore. My back is aching just from lying down.” Vallery said as she clutched her dad’s arm.


“I have seen the news dad. Don’t you want Amanda anymore. After all she is still your daughter. Will that not cause a problem to the company.?” Vallery asked carefully.


“No really. I thought it through. Disowning that unfilial daughter will do me no harm.

And with her scandal, people will scold her even me. But for me I will have nothing to lose.”


“Now you and Ryan are my only children. People from the Jackson family does not behave like morons. Let her learn her lesson.”


“And what if she come back and apologise. Will you take her back?” Vallery asked.


“No. I don’t think that she can come. Given her mother’s temper, she cannot allow her to come.” Peter said.


Vallery appeared worried on the surface as she poured her dad some water, but on the inside, she was so elated that she felt like screaming.



As they were still talking, the door bell rang. The house maid went to open the door only to find a delivery man standing outside the door.


“Is miss Vallery home?” The delivery boy asked.


“Yes.” The maid answered.


“Tell her I have a package for her. She can come and sign for it.”


“Miss, you have a package, come and sign for it.”


Vallery was confused. What package. She had not ordered anything online. But she still chose to go and take a look.


It was a brown parcel. Vallery took it and signed her name.


She opened the envelope and what she saw inside made her face turn white instantly.

Vallery calmed down and went back to the house. She did not have the mood to act filial again and keep her dad company.


“Dad, I will be going to my room. I have some matters to deal with so I will not keep you company.”


“Go ahead and so your things. I’m fine. I also want to go and get some rest.” Peter waved his hand.


Vallery rushed upstairs at a lighting speed. She did not even remember that she was still in the first phase of her pregnancy and she had to be careful.


She opened the parcel hastily and poured all the content on her bed.


They were pictures of her and Collins when she had gone to give him his payment.


They were taken very clearly. It was as if the photographer was just in the vicinity.


There was also a note in the parcel written very clearly in bold letter.


“Five million. Tomorrow five o’clock. Or everyone knows that you are the mastermind behind Amanda’s scandal.”


“We have a recording too. Don’t play any tricks or your fate will be worse than Amanda’s.”


There was also a bank account that the money should be wired to.


Vallery was really unsettled. Had Collins betrayed her. If that was the case, she will not let him off.


She took out her phone and dialled Collins’s number.


“Did the money I gave you not enough and now you even have the guts to blackmail me?”


“Do you think that I will not be able to find you?” Vallery asked, her voice seething with anger.


Collins who long been apprehended by Richard’s men. When she heard Vallery’s, he did not know how to respond.


But he had to keep his cool. If he said something wrong or Vallery noticed anything unusual, then he did not dare think how will die.


That person had told him to keep in contact with Vallery or else everything he has done will go viral.


“Why would I blackmail you? I’m not even in city A now. I went on a vacation to relax after you paid me. I have no idea what you are talking about.” Collins said innocently.


“I hope you are not trying to play any tricks. Just pray that it is not you.”


“What did they send you?” Collins asked, although he already knew.copy right hot novel pub



“Some pictures, when we were doing the transaction and a recording of what we talked about.” Vallery said.


“It seems like someone followed us to but I don’t know how they found out. Now I have to prepare five million dollars by tomorrow.” Vallery greeted her teeth.


“If it is not you, let us not contact each other for the time being. Maybe that person is watching our everyone move. But if it is you, I swear to you that you will never see the light of the day again. I will drag you down to hell with me.” Vallery said with a threatening voice.


“Miss Vallery don’t worry. I swear that it was not me. I swear on my money. If it is me then I will never earn any cent till the day I die.” Collins tried to sound as normal as possible.


Vallery finally believed him. After hearing him swear on his money and the way he worshipped it, she finally believed him.


“Okay, I will contact you if I have any news.” She hung up afterwards.


She was so stressed that she did not even care about what was going on online. She had wanted to use her father’s news to further suppress Amanda, but with this issue at hand she had to let go first.


First she contacted a friend of hers who was good at computers and told him to check on the bank account to see if she can find the owner.


“Val, I’m sorry. It is an anonymous account I can’t even find anything.”


“It is okay. I will think of something else.

” Val replied, feeling extremely upset.


Was there no other way other than forking out five million dollars.


She decided to call her manager.


“Hey Lucy I want you to help me gather five million dollars by tomorrow.” Vallery went direct to the point.


She rarely contacted her manager because most of her work was arranged by her father, the manager was there just to facilitate her public image.


“Why do you need so much money for?” The manager asked with a frown.


Everyone time Vallery contacted her, it was nothing good. It was always to clean up the mess she has created.


“Stop asking questions. Just do as you are told.” Vallery became irritated. She never liked this manager of hers. Always inquiring about things that did not concern her.


She did not trust her. She better trust a rogue like Collins and not someone who can betray her.


She hung up the phone without waiting for her manager to reply.




At the hospital…


“I have sent those pictures and the recording to Vallery, told her to pay five million dollars by tomorrow or else everyone knows about her evil scheme.” Richard said in a deep voice.


Since they had already talked about this, Amanda was not surprised.


They had been waiting for almost four hours now and it was almost midnight but the surgery was not over.


“You should go back and rest.

You have to work tomorrow. I will keep guard here. You don’t have to worry about me.” Amanda told Richard.


“I have to atleast make sure that auntir is out of danger. Only then will I be assured. Don’t worry I’m used to sleeping late so it is not a big deal.”


Since Amanda could not persuade him, she decided to keep quite. Anyway it felt good to have someone keep you company in this darkness times.


After an unknown amount of time passed, the door to the operating room opened. Doctor Martin came out, drenched in sweat from head to toe. Amanda who had almost dozed off was instantly awake.


“Doctor how is my mother. Did the surgery go well?” Amanda asked the moment the doctor came out.


“Yes. The surgery was a success although it was a little tricky. We have to monitor her for atleast twelve hours, if she wakes up after twelve hours then everything is good.”


Doctor Martin nodded at Richard and they soon disappeared in his office.


Amanda waited for her mother to be wheeled out.


Seeing her pale face and cracked lips, tears streamed down her face again.


Her mother must be fine or else she did not know what she will do without her.


She was taken to the ICU where she will be monitored for twelve hours. Amanda could only look through the glasses.

The following morning…


At Hill’s hotel…


The reporters were waiting anxiously for director Alex to come on stage.


They have been waiting for almost thirty minutes and there was no sign of the protagonist. They were starting to get impatient.


“Say…. was it a prank?” One of the reporters could not help but ask.


“Maybe. I have always known that director Alex does not involve himself in such scandals but it seems that we have all been fooled.”


“I have always been a biggest fan of his work and I have never missed to follow up any news concerning him. But this time I was truly disappointed. I will never support a celebrity so blindly.”


It was noisy in the conference room as everyone was giving their opinion.


Suddenly the door was pushed from outside. The reporters aimed their cameras towards the door, not wanting to miss any explosive news.


Director Alex walked in followed by his assistant director Ethan.


He was dressed in a black tuxedo, looking refined. His face carried a hint of seriousness and his aura was aloof.


He looked at those reporters with a cool gaze. It made them feel guilty for no reason.


This was their idol who they worshipped and loved, but now they have surrounded him with gossip and rumours without even knowing the truth.


The reporters were aware of their doings in the entertainment industry. They did not care about the truth and they always followed what the masses say.


But that was their work. How could they find the time to care about who was wrong or right? They only cared if they can get an eye catching headline, the rest came later.


“Good morning everyone. I stand before you today to clear the rumours that have been going around. I don’t know what to say to the media. You guys are really amazing at spreading rumours.copy right hot novel pub

You channel your energy to accusing people without any solid proof. Have you ever thought about the consequences of your baseless accusations. You break many families because of the so called justice. Yet there had never been any truth in what you report. You always misguide the netizens thinking that you are doing justice and cleaning up the mess. Have you ever thought what the victims of your slander go through. Does any of you ever take his or her time to find evidence before you cast your judgement. You are really a big disappointment to the entertainment industry.”


After director Alex finished speaking, the hall was so quite that you could even hear the reportes’ heartbeats. They were so ashamed by what director Alex said that they did not dare ask anything.


They always feel good when slapping people in the face, but now that it was their turn, it did not feel good at all.


But there were those who were thick skinned enough and were not even ashamed of their action. One of the reporter raised his hand.


“So director Alex, did you come to clear the rumours or did you come here to tell us how to do our work. We all know that no ones ever accepts that they are in the wrong. Everyone goes around denying that they did not do it.”


“And you are the director, but here you are helping Amanda clear her name. Do you dare say that there is nothing going on between the two of you? What right do you have to help her. Or what identity are you using to help her clear her name. The director or her bed mate?”


Director Alex’s face turned frosty. This reporter really had some big guts. He whispered to his assistant next to him. His assistant nodded in understanding.


“I did not come here to be interviewed by people who only care about themselves.

People who don’t care about the truth. I will not answer any question. But I hope that after this session, you will still be arrogant as you are now.” Director Alex said coldly.


“Now open your eyes clearly and see what I’m about to show you.”


After director Alex finished speaking, he signalled the technical team that he has come with to project the video.


“This is the audition process for the role of secondary female lead. Nothing is edited.”


Everyone’s gaze was focused on the video being projected after director Alex finished speaking.


As he had said earlier, it was not edited and they could see how everyone auditioned.


From the first actress to the last which was Amanda. Every word that director Alex said to each actor. Nothing was missing.


At the end of the video, everyone was amazed but only by person.


Amanda’s audition is the one that intrigued them the most. She had such a great grasp of her character. Such acting skills have not been experienced for a long time in the industry.


They forgot about their prejudice as they stared do discuss with enthusiasm about Amanda.


“Guys, I have never seen anyone with such acting skills. Did you see Charity and Ruth, they pale in comparison compared to Amanda. What award winning actress, Amanda is ten thousand steps ahead of them.” One of the reporter said.


“I bet this movie will be a big.

.. big hit!”


“I feel like those who mocked her when she arrived at the hotel for audition are in for a surprise and a very painful face slap. Did you see how they looked at Amanda with disgust and contempt. I bet they will cry in shame once this video gets uploaded.”


“I already like this movie before it is even released. I think it is going to be the best I have watched in recent years.”


More and more reporters voiced their opinion. Director Alex had long left but they did not even realise it. He already anticipated their reaction. He did not want to look at their hypocritical faces.


It only took him forty five minutes and he was done with the press.


After finding out the truth, the reporters rushed out to make amends.


They apologized to Amanda. Because of their rushness and hunger for news, they did not care about the truth and treated her harshly.


They also posted the audition video online. Many netizens had a mix of reactions.


Many of them acknowledged Amanda and even anticipated the release of the movie while some who liked stirring up trouble were still not convinced but they were soon defeated by the the public.


Amanda had gained a massive number of fans. Those who hated her to the core now claimed to be her die hard fans.


Reading their comments, she did not know if she should laugh or cry.

Her mother had already woken up after six hours. The doctor said that she had a strong will to live that is why she work up earlier than anticipated. Her recovery was also going great although she was still weak.


Richard left yesterday in the middle of the night after talking to doctor Martin. He still had a company to manage so he could not stay up all night.


He was worried that Peter might come back to make trouble so he arranged for some bodyguards to stay guard out side the ICU.


Although Evelyn was awake, she still had to be under strict observation so she was still in the ICU but Amanda was allowed to go in and stay with her.



“Big boss… it is done.” Director Alex called Richard the moment he left the press conference. “You can just wait for good news.”


Although he was older than Richard, but he respected him because most of his movies were invested by R&S group of companies. He had long regarded Richard as his big boss.


“Good. I will let the PR keep the rhythm.” Richard said.


“Are you going to use your company’s PR team?” Director Alex asked.


“Yes. Is there any problem?” Richard asked with a raised brow although the other party could not see.


“Don’t you think that it is a bit high profile. Won’t it cause a lot of troubles for Amanda.” Alex said, a bit worried.


“You don’t need to worry about that. No one is going to highlight that. I will just tell them to do it discreetly.” Richard said.


“Okay then. I will start shooting again the day after tomorrow.”


“Okay.” Richard hung the phone and immediately called Amanda.




“Hey…” Amanda answered.


“How is auntie. Is she awake?” Although he already knew from the bodyguards, Richard still chose to ask her.


“Yes. My mom is awake. The doctor said it was way earlier than anticipated and that is a good sign. She is going to recover fast.” Amanda said, feeling grateful.


For it not for this man, she is sure she would have collapsed long ago.


“That is good news. I will come by in the evening to take a look.” Richard said.


“Have you seen the news?” He asked.


“Yes. Thank you again. I really don’t know how to repay you.copy right hot novel pub

” Amanda said.


“Haha… you don’t have to thank me. It is my obligation to help my girl.” Richard said, smiling cheekily.


Amanda was caught off guard by the sudden attack that she almost dropped her phone.


“Err…. are you not busy?” She decided not to dwell on the topic since this man was so unpredictable. Amanda did not dare think of what will follow.


“Just finished the morning meeting. I’m drinking coffee.” Richard answered simply.


“You need to drink less coffee from now on. Too much coffee will make you not be able to get enough rest.” Amanda could help but say subconsciously.


“Do you care about me?” Richard asked, pleasantly surprised.


Only then did Amanda realize what she has said. It was way out of line. But she could not control herself meaning she maybe cared about him. But Amanda would never admit it.


“Of course not. Don’t think too much about it. I will be hanging up now. You should get busy with your work.” She hanged up swiftly before Richard could reply. Her heart was beating too fast the it almost jumped out of her skin.


Richard on the other hand just smiled and shook his head amused. His girl was probably caring about him but she was shy to say it. Anyway he did not continue drinking coffee and instead switched to tea.


“Was that Richard?” Evelyn asked all of a sudden.


“Yes.” Amanda nodded.


Her mother looked at her meaningfully.



“I can tell that he really likes you.” Evelyn continued.


“My daughter Richard is a good person. Not everyone is a bastard like your father and Jason. You need to let go in your heart and give yourself a chance to be happy. Life is too short to get yourself locked up in your past. I want to see you happy and living a carefree life.” Her mother said.


You could say that Evelyn understood her daughter well. She knew that she had a knot in her heart and her past experience with men has not been good.


Amanda was so touched that she almost cried.


“Thank you mom. He already asked me to be his girlfriend but my heart is afraid. I’m afraid to love again. Maybe I will be betrayed again. That is my only weakness.” Amanda said emotionally.


“I know. That is why I told you to let go. Do not let him wait for too long or else it will be too late and you won’t be able to hold onto it.”


“Okay mom. I will think about it.”



At the Jackson’s corporation.


Peter Jackson was sitting in his chair watching the press conference. He had just come out from the meeting when his assistant handed him the tablet.


The more he watched the more he was shocked. He felt unease after thinking about his actions yesterday.


So it turned out that rumours about Amanda were all false. Evelyn has told him to investigate the matter first but he did not listen. He went ahead to disown his daughter in front of everyone. It was too late to take back his words.


Those were just rumours started by people. But he was shocked when he watched the audition video. When did his daughter become so good at acting.

If she signed with his company, won’t it be best, maybe then he will be able to redeem himself.


When he said those words yesterday to the media, he thought that he will find some relief and finally be free. But he felt bad and uncomfortable. He felt that he had lost something precious when he said those word. His heart felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to take his words back. But he could not. After all he had a face and an image to maintain.


Remembering that he had ordered people to abolish Amanda’s house he immediately felt terrible.


He called his assistant immediately.


“The order that I gave yesterday to abolish Amanda’s house, do not carry it out.” Peter said.


His assistant was baffled but still answered honestly.


“Boss, the house is already down. It was done at night so as not to alert the authorities. The landlord is now looking for Amanda to ask for compensation.”


Peter’s expression immediately fell. He did not know what he was feeling right now. He waved his assistant to get out.




The other person who was not feeling any better was probably Vallery.


She had not slept for the whole night because she was trying to find the five million dollars.


Her manager had only managed to get three million, so she had to find two more.


She was in a terrible mood, and seeing how Amanda had cleared her name and even gotten herself a lot of fans, her mood became even more terrible.


How did this happen. Everything was going on perfectly. But now all her efforts are down the drain.


She gritted her teeth angrily as she swept everything off the dressing table.


She had no where to vent her anger.


“Amanda thank your God that you are lucky this time. But next time you won’t be so lucky.”


She was also grateful that the director had not shown the videos for previous auditions or else she did not know where she would have hidden her face. That audition had gone terribly bad and she did not even want to remember it.

“Mom, what did you and dad about?” Amanda asked her mother as she helped her to sit up.


“Nothing. He had come here to condemn you and I wouldn’t let that happen.” Evelyn answered.


“I know. He already disowned me infront of the public. Now I don’t feel anything for him. Even the resentment I had for him is gone. He is just like any other passerby in my life.” Amanda said.


Although she had hated her father after waking up, but she still craved for the love and warmth that she had missed, hoping that one day they will reconcile and let bygones be bygones. He had crushed her hopes yesterday making Amanda wake up from her delusion.


To her, the dad she knew was no more.


“Ooh he did that. I just told him out of anger. I did not know that he will really have the guts to do.” Evelyn said, feeling bad for her daughter.


Maybe if she had not said that to her ex-husband, Amanda would still have a father.


“I’m sorry Amanda. I was just mad at him for treating us like some kind streetwalker. He is your father, he must know your character more than anyone else and yet he came here to question you. I just couldn’t stand it… I couldn’t.” Evelyn’s mood was off the roof.


Thinking it might harm her recovery, Amanda had no choice but to calm her down.


“Mom it is not your fault. You did what you had to do to protect your daughter and I’m grateful for that.”


“You know the kind of people dad live with at home. I’m sure they have not gotten tired of tarnishing our reputation and dad believes them. How could you fight with them. Just let them be. Let them do whatever they want. Maybe they have forgotten that karma is a bi*ch. They will never escape their retribution. I will never let that happen.” Amanda said. Her eyes were determined as if nothing could hold her back.


“Your father also said he will demolish our house. If you have time you should go and take a look.”


“Okay mom. You can rest now.”


….copy right hot novel pub



At exactly noon, Amanda received a bank message. Her account has just received five million dollars. She knew where it came from without even asking.


She called Richard right away.


“Hello, Vallery had deposited the money.”


“Good. I thought that she had forgotten. I almost sent her a reminder.” Richard answered from the other end of the phone.


“Since you are a mini-millionaire, do you want to treat me to dinner?” Richard asked.


“When are you getting off work?” Amanda asked.




“Okay. I will pick you up.”


“Okay.” Richard hung up the phone feeling happy.



Vallery had gone to look for Jason at the company.


She was still mad at paying five million dollars to who knows who. She had tried figuring out the bank account but she was not successful. She could only gritt her teeth and send out the money.


She feared that if she delayed any second, then her scandal will be all over the internet.


“You should be resting at home. Why are you here?” Jason’s voice was heard as soon as Vallery entered his office.


“I missed you brother Jase, so I came to see you.” Val said, pretending to be mad.


“Does brother Jase not want to see me?” She asked moving towards Jason’s desk.


Feeling that he might have been a little harsh earlier, he motioned her with his hand.


“Come here.”


Val walked over happily and snuggled in his arm. She sat on his lap, held his neck and went in for a kiss.



Jason took this chance to tighten his hands around her waist as he deepened the kiss. They kissed until both were out of breath before they released each other.


Val took the chance to sneak a lick on Jason’s ear. She had long known that this was his most sensitive part, and just one bite from her, it always gives him a hard on.


And truthfully Jason already had a hard time enduring Val’s teasing. This girl has always known how to seduce him. He liked it but now he was not in the mood.


If it was earlier, before Amanda knew of their relationship, he would have made love to her right there and then. But now he did not know why he had no sparks toward her.


Seeing how intimate they were, he subconsciously thought of Amanda. Her beautiful and gentle face flashed in his mind jolting him awake.


“Stop messing around, will you?” Jason said in a husky voice. He was really trying his best to endure.


“Why. I miss you.” Vallery said in a seductive voice. Having no intentions of stopping her actions at all.


“You are pregnant. Have you forgotten what the doctor said? The first three months are very important, and we cannot do anything that will endanger the baby’s life.”


Vallery put on a displeased look and looked at Jason aggrieved.


“Brother Jase, now you could only think of the baby right? You don’t even care about what I feel. Is the baby more important than me. I’m starting to feel threatened even before it is born.” Vallery said. Feeling extremely wronged.


Jason could only sigh as he kissed her. “What are you talking about? Of course I’m happy you are carrying my child. Or don’t you want it, huh? You know you are the only one I love and there is no one else. You both are the most important in my life now.” As Jason said that, he placed his hand on Val’s belly, although there was no movement from the inside, he still felt contented.


Hearing that, Vallery smiled sweetly.



“Don’t worry, I’m just joking. Of course I love my baby and I don’t want anything to happen to it.”


“That is my girl!” Jason said, kissed her more and released her from his hands.


They went to sit on the coach.


“Have you told grandpa, auntie and uncle about my pregnancy?” Val asked.


“Yes. They are excited especially my mother. Even if I hadn’t told them, grandma would have said it after all they go to see her everyday.”


“We will go back today so that we can have dinner with them. Grandma will also be discharged tomorrow.” Jason said.


“Okay. I have been busy this past two days that I have not had the chance to visit auntie.” Val said.


“We will go today after I’m done with work.”


“Why would uncle do such a thing to Amanda?” Remembering what Peter has done the other day, Jason asked Vallery.


When the scandal of Amanda had broken out, Jason had also seen it. But he did not chose to judge and humiliate Amanda, instead he chose to believe that Amanda could not do such kind of thing.


The other day Val was also hinting that Amanda did not get her role appropriately, surprisingly, he chose not to comment because something in him told him that Amanda was a good girl who could never involve herself in such dealings.


“How could I know. I was also shocked when I saw my day announcing the news. When he came home he did not say anything and I could not figure out what he was thinking.”


”How could my sister be such kind of a person. Someone must have deliberately started the rumours in order to make Amanda leave the entertainment industry.”


“But why would someone frame her?” Jason asked.


“I don’t know. Maybe they were those who went to audition for director Alex’s movie. Maybe they felt like Amanda did not deserve the role that is why tried to bring her down.”

At six o’clock Amanda was already outside the gates of R&S company.


She looked at the tall building with envy. If only one day she will get the chance to come and work in this huge company.


She did not think too much about it before she called Richard.


“Hello, I’m outside your company.”


“I will be there right away.” Richard replied.


When Amanda said that she will treat him to dinner, he had rushed his work and by 5.30PM, he was already done.


He had resisted the urge to go and find her. She might think bad of him.


But the remaining thirty minutes felt like a lifetime. Every now and then, he will glance at his watch.


Receiving the call he had been waiting for, he immediately grabbed his court and sprinted out of office.


The workers who were still in the office were astonished when they saw their boss in such a hurry. He was almost running.


They could only shook their head and continue working. Their boss hated people who gossip behind his back. They could not risk their job.


When he reached downstairs, Thomas had already prepared the car.


“Boss, please.” He made a gesture as he ushered his boss in the back seat.


“Let’s go. Amanda is outside the company. We cannot keep her waiting for long.” Richard said.


They had just passed through the gates when Richard saw a petite figure standing near the gate.


She was dressed in a simple tight blue jeans and a white top. Her long hair was hanging on her shoulders, swaying lightly from the impact of the wind.


In Richard’s eyes, she looked stunning. Everything in place paled in comparison compared to her simple and beautiful get up.


Richard told the driver to stop the car beside her.


Amanda had already seen his car. His number plate was special and could easily be recognized.


The car door opened and a pair of long legs were soon seen coming from the car.


The person had a pair of long finger. His nails were trimmed beautifully and you could not see any dirt in the them.


Seeing that Richard had come out of the door, Amanda smiled at him.


Her smile was mesmerising and could easily captures one’s heart.


“Have you waited for long?” Richard asked as he walked towards her.


“From the time I called to now, it has only been five minutes.copy right hot novel pub

That is not a long time.” Amanda answered.


“That’s long. The wind is strong today. Come on. Let’s get in the car.”


Amanda nodded.


They naturally sat in the back seats. The assistant and the driver were occupying the front seats and even so Richard cannot allow her to sit far from him even if it was in the same car. He wanted her to sit beside him.


“I said that I will pick you up but it seems like the other way round.” Amanda said after settling in the car.


Richard did not quite register what she had said and looked at her with a questioning gaze.


“You should be sitting in my car not me sitting in yours. And besides you picked up from outside your office.” Amanda said.


Richard chuckled. This girl’s mind always seem to be thinking things differently from the perspective of other person.


“You don’t have to worry about that. Work hard, earn money, buy a car then you will pick me up one day. I will be waiting.” Richard said.


“Speaking of work. I have spent the whole day answering calls from different companies. Some wanted to sign with me while others just wanted me to shoot an article for them. My head feels like it is splitting.” Amanda said as she massaged the space between her eyebrows.


“What did you say to them?” Richard asked.



“I could only decline them for the time being. They were so many. Others I have never even heard of them.”


“For now, my aim is to finish the work at hand first.” Amanda replied.


“Okay, don’t worry. I will help you look out for a suitable company.” Richard said.


Amanda immediately declined. “How could I trouble you with such trivial matter. You have such a huge company to run everyone day. I cannot let you be troubled with my matter.”


“It is not trouble at all.”


Amanda just looked at him and was about to open her mouth to say something when her phone rung.


Taking it out from her handbag, she saw that it was a call from her landlord. She then remembered what her mom told her. Had her dad really ordered people to demolish the house?


“Amanda Jackson, huh! I have never known that you are such a rich missy. I have been merciful to you all these time you have stayed here and this is how you repay my kindness? Since your dad is so rich that he can even ask people to destroy my property, I guess his daughter is not worse off and you can compensate for the house, right? After all you are now a famous star and dare not to leave with us commoners.” The landlord said sarcastically.


“Sorry for the trouble. I have only found out this morning that my dad planned to demolish our house but I did not know that he will do it for real. I thought that it was just a threat. How much compensation do you want? I will be sure to make it up to you!” Amanda replied politely. She did not get mad at how the landlord talked to her.


It was true that he had helped them in their most difficult times in her past life when they could not afford the rent. Sometimes he had even given them food when they slept hungry.


“Two million.

That will be enough to build a new house.” The landlord said.


“Okay. I will give you the money.” Amanda said.


She now had five million dollars in her account. She had not planned to receive so much money. She will just pay up two million and rest will help look for a better place to stay with her mom.


“In one week’s time. Or else….” the landlord did not finish his sentence and hung up the phone.


Amanda looked at the dimmed phone screen with a complicated gaze.


Why would her dad go and demolish someone’s property? Didn’t he know that it can cause him a lot of trouble?


“What is wrong?” Richard asked beside her with concern.


“It my landlord. My dad not only disowned me but he also went ahead to demolish our house thinking that is where we did not dirty business with my mom. Now the landlord is mad and wants two million as compensation.”


“Thomas, you should know what to do.” Richard did not answer her but turned to look at his assistant.


Since they were in the same car, he had heard everything and was not surprised about his boss orders.


“Yes boss.” He simply answered.

At William’s family villa.


The family of five including Vallery were having dinner at huge oval shaped dining table.


Grandpa James was sitting at the head of the table.


On his right was Jason’s father, Anderson and on his left was Jason.


Liz was sitting next to her husband while Vallery was sitting next to Jason looking all shy.


“Vallery, what would like to eat. Has your reaction been worse?” Liz asked


“No mom. My taste has not changed that much. And a part from vomiting once in a while, everything is good.”


“That is good. It looks like the little guy is considerate about her moms condition.”


“When I had Jason, I had the worst reaction. I could vomit at anything that irritate me. I did not want to even come in contact with the smell of an onion. That was the worst. It made me sick.”


“Jason was a very stubborn child before he was even born.” Liz looked at her son with love and indulgence.


After giving birth, the doctor told her that her body was not in a good condition so she would not risk getting pregnant again.


She dedicate her time on raising Jason and did not think of having another child.


“Jason, you need to accompany Vallery more often, that will help to ease the reaction and the child will grow healthy.” Liz said.


“Okay mom. I will listen to you.” Jason had nothing to say.


“Once your grandmother is out of the hospital, we will talk about the wedding. The child must be born in a complete family.” Liz said.


The servants started serving. It was a family rule that people should not talk during meal time so everyone just concentrated on eating their food.



On the other hand, Amanda and Richard had reached Panari hotel.


Since it was one of the many hotels under R&S, they were taken directly to a VIP room. The manager even left his work to come and serve them personally.


Seeing that Amanda was uncomfortable with the formalities, Richard chased the manager away.


“Just prepare the food. We will serve ourselves.” The manager nodded and left after taking their order.


“Thank you. That was awkward.” Amanda said.copy right hot novel pub



“I saw that you were moving in your seat uncomfortably and thought that you might be uncomfortable so I just chased him away.”


“Yes. I don’t like being the center of attention. That manager was looking at me like he wanted to recognize me or something. He did it discreetly maybe afraid that you will notice and it was kind of creepy.” Amanda said honestly.


“Of course I noticed.” Richard said. How could he not notice when someone was eyeing his girl. He was especially extremely keen when it came to matters concerning Amanda.


“Tell me anything about yourself.” Richard asked as he looked at her intently.


Amanda looked puzzled. “Me!” She pointed at herself.


Richard laughed out loud. “Of course you. We are only the two of us here. Who could I be talking to?” Richard was amused.


She was so cute when she looked confused. He did not know what poison this girl had fed him.


“Ooh have you not checked my background?” Amanda asked.


Richard looked at her but did not say anything. Although he knew everything about her like the back of his hand, he still wanted to hear her say it. He wanted to see how much she trusted him.


“My life is quite simple. I was born in a simple family. You know my dad and mom. My childhood days were one of the best. I had a dad and a mom who both pampered me and treated me like I was a princess.

They gave me everything I wanted.”


“I never lacked anything. Be it their love or material things. As long as I wanted something they will get if for me.” Amanda had a distant expression as if she was trying to remember her childhood days.


“I also had a playmate who was my childhood sweetheart. I guess we got engaged even before we were born. My mom and his mom were best friend.”


“Everything was going on well until I reached the age of seventeen. My dad came home with a woman and a girl around the age of fifteen and a boy around the age of thirteen and said that they were my sister and brother and the woman was his wife.”


“My mom was dejected at first but came to accept them with open arms. I also treated the two siblings like they were my own sister and brother. After some years they started to play some little tricks when dad was not around.”


“Juliana, that is my stepmother could harass my mother and call her names but my mother would just endure. When dad came back, she will be the first to go and cry to my dad that my mom was treating her badly. My dad could then lash out at my mom without even asking what happened.”


“My mom never talked back. She just endured it silently. If I tried to speak up for mom, they will glare at me with evil eyes. I could only shrink to the corner and not look at them again.”


“At that time I could only complain to one person and that was Jason, the one I was engaged to. He would always console me and whenever he met Vallery, he always said some nasty things to her which made Vallery go home crying. I always thought that that was my pillar, and whatever might happen he will always be here when I need him.”


“When I turned twenty, mom and dad divorced. Someone showed dad some nasty photos claiming that mom had an affair outside marriage. Having been humiliated, he divorced mom on the same day without even finding out the truth. That is the day I started suspecting Vallery and her mom. Although it was not so obvious, but looking at their gloating expressions when we left, I was certain that it was their doing.


“My life took a sudden turn following that event. I was new to the society. I was used to my mom and dad’s pampering that I did not know where to start.”


“Jason also went abroad the same year to further his studies. His family started to grow distant from us except for his grandmother who has always loved me to date.”


“I became Vallery’s assistant for one year after her debut. I went through a lot. I quit and began acting in small roles. But without any background and resources it was hard. So I quit and just did whatever I did in order to survive. But of course it was all clean business.”


“After five years, Jason was supposed to come back and we were supposed to be engaged officially but I found out that he is together with my sister so…..”


‘In my past life I even went to prison for five years, my mom died. I never met you in my past life. I think this is fate. I died at thirty and woke up at twenty five.’ Amanda thought in her mind but she did not say it out loud. She did not want to scare him. He might think that she was not human.


“That is probably my life for the past twenty five years.”


Silence filled the room after Amanda finished speaking

Dinner at Panari hotel went well.


After dinner, Richard sent Amanda back to the hospital. He used that chance to take a look at Amanda’s mom. After making sure that everything was alright he left feeling relieved.


He ordered some bodyguards to keep guard at Amanda’s mom ward fearing that someone might come to disturb them.


The doctor had said that she will be transferred from the intensive care unit to a normal ward tomorrow for her to recuperate well.


“Mom I’m going to see grandma. You can rest I will be back later.”


Since Amanda was resuming filming tomorrow, she wanted to see grandma. She feared that she might be too busy thus might not have the time to pay her a visit.



“Amanda you are here!” Grandma called out when she saw Amanda approaching.


“I have come to take a look. How are you feeling.” Amanda asked as she approached the bed.


There was a Auntie Lona feeding her porridge.


“I’m fine already. I will be discharged tomorrow. I feel like the more I stay in this place the more I feel sick.” Grandma said.


“Okay. As long as you feel like you are okay. There is no need to keep staying in the hospital. It is not a healthy place for elderly people. You can recover well and fast when you are in a familiar environment.” Amanda did not urge her to stay anymore.


“How is your mom. How is her condition?”


“My mom is also doing great. She had her surgery yesterday. Something unexpected happened so we had to push it forward.” Amanda said.


“That is good. I wish her a quick recovery.” Grandma said.


“Thank you grandma.” Amanda said.


After talking some more, she left so that the old lady could rest.



At William’s villa.copy right hot novel pub



The family was sitting in the resting area after they were done having dinner. They were drinking tea as they talked about Jason’s wedding.


“Jason, we need to prepare the betrothal gifts as soon as possible. You need to go and propose marriage to Vallery’s family. We cannot delay it. The wedding should be done when Vallery’s belly has not started to show.” Liz said.


“You also need to prepare a wedding dress for Vallery. Everything should be perfect.”


“Mom I will just leave everything to you. Just do as you see fit. I will not interfere with the wedding preparations.” Jason waved his hand and stopped his mother.


He was not as excited as he had been before. He had been looking forward to spending the whole of his life with Vallery but not any more.


Every time he thought of marrying, Amanda’s face would flash through his mind. He did not know why but he always thought of her.


He just wanted to marry Vallery for the sake of their child, if not for the baby he would not have even thought about it.


“You also need to go to the hospital tomorrow to pick up your grandmother. Since she is being discharged tomorrow, don’t go to the company. Stay with Vallery and take care of your grandma.” Liz added.


“Okay mom. I will listen to you.”


After talking some more, everyone went to rest.



Amanda’s mom could not wait until tomorrow.

She insisted on being transferred from the intensive care unit at night.


Richard had already asked the hospital to prepared a VIP ward for them.


It was way better than the ward they stayed in previously. It looked more like a hotel presidential suite.


It had a kitchen, a resting room for those who looked after their sick patients, a bathroom and a toilet.


Amanda was shocked when they brought her mom here. Since she could not refuse, she could only sigh and go with the flow.


The man was adamant on helping her, she will just assume that she did not see anything.


After settling, she washed up briefly and went to rest.


It was a good thing that after her mom was admitted, she went back to the house and brought some daily necessities and clothes or else everything would have gone down the drain when they demolished their house.


Although what she brought was not enough, it will sustain them untill they were discharged.


Her mom did not need a lot of clothes because most of the time she wore the hospital gown, actually it was all the time. Maybe she will change when she gets discharged.


Early the next morning.


Amanda woke up earlier than usual. Shooting was resuming today so she had to wake up early to avoid being late.


She went to the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast before she went to clean up in the bathroom.


After cleaning up and dressing, she went to look at her mom and noticed that she was still sleeping soundly, she did not want to wake her up. She went to grab her breakfast and after taking a bite she rushed outside the door.


She took the subway as always and rushed to the set.


When she reached the shooting location, a lot of people had already arrived.


Some people who were cold to her before and felt that she did not deserve her role as the second female lead greeted her politely. Their attitude had warmed up a little.


They had seen the video that director Alex had released at the press conference and they were shocked.


Some of them were among those who had shouted the loudest for Amanda to leave the entertainment industry.


They had thought that Amanda acted well on set due to pure luck. Especially those who had gone to audition for the same role but only managed to get some minor roles.


They could only lower their head and dared not to provoke her anymore.



But there are some who still felt that Amanda was just lucky that is why she escaped unscathed. Director Alex just took pity on her because she had no background and no one to stand up for her.


“Amanda is here.” One of her fans shouted.


The first day, Amanda a had gained a considerable amount of fans on set. Those who genuinely felt that she had the skills chose to support her.


She was soon surrounded by a group of people.


“You know when I saw the news on the internet I was shocked and mad at the person who had published it. Some people are just born to cause trouble. They have not even seen my idol act but they went around claiming that Amanda have no skills.” Vivian said. She was one of the people who truly felt that Amanda was gem.


“We are only a small number so our voice were drowned in the massive attacks the moment we spoke. I was so mad that I did not even eat that day.” Sharon said.


“I just wanted to slap those people. But hell, that video was so cool. It quickly shut them up. That slap was satisfying that I could not stop grinning after your audition video went viral.” Sharon added.


Amanda just smiled at them and said nothing.


“Hey Amanda, you now have a considerable number of fans after that incident. We were asking if you could form a fan base to support you.” Vivian asked.


The others nodded.


Amanda was touched and nodded without hesitation. Having people who support you unconditionally is really sweet.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 21-30

Amanda did not know what to do. Since this man was so adamant on helping them, she will just accept his help and deal with the rest later.


And he was right. The more she delayed her mom’s surgery, the more dangerous her condition became. She could wish to see her mother get well soon because she did not want to spend a lot of time in the hospital.


“Thank you doctor Martin for the trouble. I will inform my mother once she wakes up about the surgery.” Amanda said.


“There is no trouble. It is my work.” Doctor Martin waved his hand.


“Then I will see you the day after tomorrow.” Amanda said.


“Then I will be taking my leave. Please take care of yourself.” Doctor Martin said as he turned around to leave.


He had just reached the door when Amanda called him from behind.


“Execuse doctor Martin, before you leave, is there anything we need to take note of before the surgery?” Amanda asked.


“Not really. Just make sure that she eats her meals well and she should take a lot of nutrition supplements. Let her avoid eating food with a lot of fats.” Doctor Martin gave a series of instructions.


“Okay. Thank you doctor Martin. That is all I wanted to know.”


“Okay I’m leaving. Take care.”


After doctor Martin left, Amanda walked towards the bed. She tucked her mother well in the blanket and left the ward to check on grandma Catherine.


When she reached the ward, the bodyguards were standing guard on the door as usual. They kept a tight security that even a fly can’t get through.


It was if the president was the one admitted in the hospital.


The bodyguards heard someone walking over and looked towards the corridor with vigilance. Thay only relaxed after seeing that it was Miss Amanda.


Amanda walked over and nodded at them. They nodded back at her.


“Is grandma alone in the ward?” She inquired. She did not wish to meet anyone from the William family. Seeing their hypocritical faces only made her sick and wanting to throw up.


“The matron is a lone. She is resting now.” One of the bodyguards responded.


The servants and bodyguards called grandma Catherine matron because she was the head of the William’s family. Most of the family decisions were made by her.


Grandpa James was only in charge of the company but everything else was left for grandma to handle.


“Then I will just take a quick look and leave. I don’t want to disturb her rest.

“Amanda said.


The bodyguard pushed the door open for her as she strode in.


She looked at grandma who was lying quietly in bed and could not help but fell guilty. Why was she such a blubber mouth and thought that grandma was also involved in that scheme.


Grandma was the only member of the William’s family who treated her well. She treated her like her own granddaughter but in return she caused her harm.


She looked at her as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She walked towards the bed and stood there rooted, not knowing what to do.


She could only lower her head lightly as she clutched the hem of her dress.


She knew that grandma will never do anything to harm her. Even after they left the Jackson family with her mom, she continued to support her and stand by her side even if everyone deserted themselves from them.


Grandma never judged her even once or mocked her.


Yesterday when she was talking to her, she pretended to be calm because she did not want the William’s especially Jason to see her vulnerable state. Although she apologised to grandma, she still felt guilty.


Grandma had already woken up the moment she heard Amanda’s voice at the door. She was just taking a nap and was not in deep sleep.


She did not want to open her eyes so she remained motionless on bed and waited to see what Amanda would do.


Little did she know that she will start crying the moment she reached her bed.


Her sobs were like knives stabbing her already old heart.


She did not understand what her stupid grandson saw in that witch. Amanda was such a sensible and good girl that every man would wish to marry but her grandson just decided to throw away such treasure.


Grandma Catherine could not take it anymore. She opened her eyes and held Amanda’s hand that was hanging on her side tightly.


“Silly child, why are you crying so hard. Someone might think that I’m already dead when they see you crying beside my bed.” She chuckled lightly as she said in a pampering tone.


“Grandma…..” Amanda wiped her tears as she held her tightly.



“I’m so sorry…. I did not mean to cause you any harm. I was just mad at all of you and I did not think straight when I told you those words.” Amanda said as she sobbed even harder.


“Silly child. You already apologised yesterday and I already forgave you. As I said it was not your fault. Some people does not know how to appreciate good things. There is no need to feel guilty anymore and grandma does not blame you.”


Amanda was so touched that she did not know what to say. She could only smile at grandma.


Grandma really loved and spoiled her. She even dissed her own grandson because of her. Amanda felt warmth flood her heart.


Apart from her mother, the only person she treated as family was this old woman before her. She really meant a lot to her. She gave her the love of a grandma that she never had.


Her grandparents on both sides died when she was still young so she did not enjoy the love and pampering they gave their grandchildren.



“How are you feeling now. Any better.” Amanda asked with concern after calming down.


“Yes, I’m much better. I want to be discharged.”


“That’s good to hear. But you should stay for a few more days for the doctors to do a follow up to make sure that you are completely fine.

” Amanda advised.


Grandma Catherine smiled as she pinched her cheeks.


“Look at you. You have grown up and now you can even take care of me.”


“Grandma is always so good to me I would not wish for anything to happen to her.”


“Okay. Why did you come today. Yesterday was enough.”


“I’m actually staying in the hospital. My mom is sick and she needs to undergo surgery.” Amanda explained simply.


“What happened to Evelyne?” Grandma asked worriedly.


“My mom has always been sick but she hid it from me. I only found out recently that she has a heart problem. Plus the news of Vallery and Jason, her condition worsened and she was admitted the same day as you. Her surgery will be the day after tomorrow.” Amanda said.


“I’m sorry child. You have to go through a lot yet you are still so young.” Grandma felt heartbroken.


“It okay grandma. Suffering is part of life and all this will pass sooner or later. I glad that you still care about us.”



After some time grandma felt tired and she needed to rest. Amanda left the ward so that she can have rest and proceeded to her mom’s ward.

After leaving grandma Catherine’s ward, Amanda decided to go and rest.


It was not easy for her to balance between shooting and taking care of her mother.


Today being her first time shooting such intense scenes, she was really tired and just wanted to close her eyes and take a rest.


As she was going back, she bumped into Vallery and Jason. They were holding hands as they walked.


It seems like they were coming to see grandma Catherine.


Amanda did not want to talk to them so she pretended to be on call as she walked passed them.


Seeing that it was Amanda, Vallery did not want her to pass them and called her sweetly.


“Sis, are you here to see grandma?”


Since Amanda did not want to talk to them she pretended not to hear her as she walked directly passed them, pressing her phone on her ear and talking to who knows whom.


Just as she thought she had passed them, her hand was held from behind. She was startled and she almost forgot that she was pretending to be on a call.


She could only sign and say, “I will talk to you later. I still have some business to attend to.”


After pretending to hang up the phone, she turned around to see Jason holding her hand.


She looked at Jason and then at Vallery, seeing that her expression had turned sour, she smiled at her with a provocative gaze and looked at Jason coldly.


Sensing that he had overreacted, he quickly let go of Amanda’s hand and he was left embarrassed.


Since yesterday, Amanda has been on his mind and he cannot seem to let go of her.


He could only clear his throat to ease the awkward atmosphere between them.


“How are you doing Amanda? Are you here to see grandma?” Jason finally found his voice and asked.


Amanda did not even bother to look at them as she turned around to leave.


They clearly saw that she was coming from that direction and they still asked her such a stupid question. She did not want to waste her good mood on them.


Vallery’s eyes turned cold when she saw that Amanda was leaving without even answering them.


Looking at Jason’s dazed eyes, she knew he was thinking about that slut again.


“Sis, we are just concerned about you, after all it is late and you are here alone. Beside we are also going to see grandma we have some good news for her.” Vallery said in a sweet voice.


“It is none of your businesses who I come to see. And it does not concern me at all whether you are going to see grandma or not.

That is your business and not mine.” Amanda answered coldly.


Vallery continued to smile sweetly on the outside, but her heart was filled with cold glint and disdain for her sister.


Why was she pretending to put on a strong front when in reality she was hurting.


She knows how much her sister had loved Jason and she knew Amanda could not get over him so easily.


“Apart from coming to see grandma, we also came see a gynecologicalist.” Vallery said as she looked down on her flat tummy. She touched it gently and smiled.


“Brother Jase and I are expecting our first child. I was too careless that I did notice that I missed my period untill recently when I started to experience some weird moods in the morning. Aunt Liz advised me to come and do some tests and it turns out that I’m two months pregnant.”


When Amanda heard that her sister was pregnant, she was shocked but then she sneered coldly. Her heart only turned even more cold towards these people.


She smiled lightly as she looked towards her sister, “Congratulations to the both you. I can’t imagine how a child born from a slut and a bastard will look like. I hope I will have the chance to see one.” Amanda said sarcastically as she looked at them.


Vallery was furious and even Jason’s expression did not look good.


Was she cursing their baby to have a bad life even though she is not yet born?


What was the meaning of her words?


Vallery really wanted slap this bitch to her death but she could not.

She could only endure her hatred and look at Jason pitifully.


Jason looked at Amanda deeply but he did not say anything.


Seeing that he did not say anything to Amanda after hearing her call them names, Vallery did not feel good.


She sensed that Jason had really changed since yesterday, she did not know why but her instincts were telling her that something was going to happen.


“Sis, you should not talk like that about Jason. I admit that I’m a slut for snatching Jason from you. But Jason is innocent. He once loved you. How could you talk about him like that. And besides everyone in the family approved of our relationship. I think that you should just get used to it.” Vallery said.


She wanted Jason to be hers and hers alone.


She wanted him to hear what Amanda thought of him so that the hatred can go deep.


Indeed Jason expression turned even uglier.


“Amanda, are you calling me a bastard now. How many years have we been together. Did I ever mistreat you in any way.

Just because I love your sister more, I’m now a bastard in your eyes. All those years when you said that you loved me, did you not mean any of it?” Jason asked angrily.


Amanda looked at him amused. Now she was the bad guy just because she called him a bastard. But was he not?


“What is the definition of a bastard to you? Is not someone who does keep his promises. Someone who breaks his promises without even offering an apology? You hooked up together with my sister behind my back and now you are here parading your love infront me. Gloating to me of how you are expecting your first child, do you want me to smile with love and give you my blessings? Tell you to have a blissfull life and live happily till old age. I was you fiancee, remember? But now in your eyes I’m just a bitch who does not have manners and who does not know how to talk to people. If you are not a bastard then who are you?” Amanda finished her statement as she chuckled coldly.


Jason was at a loss and did not know how to respond.


Indeed he was a bastard. But that is because he loved Vallery. Vallery gave him everything a man could hope for from a woman.


He was a man with needs and feelings. Since Vallery gave her what Amanda denied him for a long time, he decided to be with her. He saw no problem in doing that.But now Amanda calling him a bastard, he did not fell good about it.

Vallery clenched her fists tightly. Since that did not work, she had to try another approach.


She just remembered that a friend of hers told her that Amanda was now acting in a movie, she could use this to throw mud at her infront of Jason.


“Sis please forgive us. We did not know that it will cause so much harm to you. We could have controlled our feelings for each other if things were to turn out this way. Just tell us what you need and we will help you in the best way we can.” Vallery said like a good and caring sister.


Only Amanda knew that it was an act and her scheming sister must be upto something.


Just as she thought, Vallery continued in a caring tone.


“I have heard you joined the crew for Director Alex’s new movie, “The Secret Mission”. Being in the entertainment industry without resources is not easy. You are a girl and a very beautiful one. Someone can easily take advantage of you especially in a big production like that one. Don’t keep it to yourself when you are going through such difficulties, you can find me or brother Jase and you can just ask for our help.”


Amanda was really fed up with this people. Who is the one that schemed to drive her and her mom out of the family. If it were not for their scheme, will they be struggling now like they had no family.


Everything was going well for their family untill this bitch and her mother came into their lives.


And now she is pretending to be caring when in reality, all she want is to smear her name infront of Jason.


As she was still mulling over in her head, she heard Val continue in a gentle tone.


“And by the way sis, how did you get such a big role. I heard that you are a secondary female lead. You are not signed with any agent but you managed to clinch such a big role. I did not know that my sister had such perfect acting skills.” After saying that, Vallery looked at Amanda with a meaningful gaze.


Seeing her scheming gaze, Amanda just wanted to rush up and thrown a slap across her gloating face.


She sniggered with disdain as she looked at her sister.


“Do you think that I’m like some people who only knows how to use their status and family background to get what they want. If you have the skills, you don’t need to rely on underhanded methods like some people. I auditioned like everyone else and that is how I got the role. Does sister not wish me well or do you think I relied on some dirty schemes?” Amanda said coldly.


“I have the skills and that is what director Alex was looking for.” As she said that a thought suddenly flashed through her mind and she looked at Vallery with a meaningful gaze



“Say it sis, did you also audition but failed to get the role that is why you are so bitter.”


Vallery’s expression changed in a split of a second but was soon restored to normal.


That short change in her expression did not escape Amanda’s eyes as she was looking at closely.


She knew she had guessed right.


Her sister must have tried to get the role but failed.


Everyone knew that director Alex did not accept backdoor briberies and will only accept anyone who had skills.


In her past life, Vallery was successful in her acting career while she was only a mere assitant.


Vallery had resources and was pampered by her parents. Whatever role she wanted, she will get it.


But in this life, her career seem not to be going well as she has not heard any news about her sister.


In her past life, they always referred to her as the winner of life, the queen of the entertainment industry.


But in this life she seemed to not be so lucky.


Thinking of her past life, Amanda scolded herself as she gave herself several slaps in her mind.


After Jason went overseas in her past life, Vallery immediately made her become her assistant. At that time they had already chased them out of the family.


Since she needed to find a job, she accepted the offer because she knew that since she was her sister, she will treat her well.


But she wrong. Vallery mistreated her time and again but she could not even complain. She could only endure and console herself that once Jason came back, everything will change. She will not suffer again.


If she had known that these teo were already together, she would not have been so foolish and hope that the man she loved will change her life. She would have walked away and start a new life.


So they treated her like a fool and kept her in the dark about their affair.

That is why Vallery was daring enough to bullying her.


Once in while she will go overseas on the guise that she was going to horn her acting skills.


There were so many clues left for her but she was so blind that she did not see.


Ha! She can only blame herself for being a fool.



“What are you saying sis, I did not audition for any role. I was just saying that since I will not be acting for a while, you can sign with dad’s company and all my resources will be yours. I want to take care of this pregnancy and I don’t want anything to happen to our baby.


Actually I’m thinking of quitting the entertainment industry after I give birth and concentrate on taking care of my family.” Vallery said.


Jason nodded in agreement.


“Amanda, your sister is right. I’m sorry for letting you down but this a matter of heart. I only love Vallery. If you find it hard to sign with uncle’s company, come sign with me then. I will take care of you like my are my own sister and I will give you the best resources.


This industry is dirty and you won’t be able to survive for long.” Jason said.


Amanda looked at them unimpressed as she chuckled coldly.


“Ooh so you are now sorry.

But the fact is that I don’t need your help. I’m well on my own and I’m doing pretty good. I can find the resources using my own capabilities. I don’t want my achievements to be associated with certain people. I don’t deserve the honors.”


After saying that, she turned around and left. Vallery clenched her fists tightly that her long nails almost broke her palm.


‘You want to pretend to be all mighty, then I will show you what this industry is capable of. I will make sure that you don’t have a chance of making a comeback.’ Vallery thought venomously.


On the outside, she looked at Jason. An aggrieved look hanging in her eyes.


“Brother Jase, I have tried but sister does not seem to want to forgive me. What will I do. I really want her forgiveness.” Vallert sobbed.


Jason hugged her as he consoled her gently.


“Don’t worry. It was a big blow to Amanda but I know one day she will forgive us. Just give her some time.”


After saying that, he took her to see his grandma.

Amanda returned to her mother’s ward to rest.


Those two bastards have ruined her good mood. But sooner or later, she will get back at them.



After seeing grandma, although she was still cold towards Vallery, she was quite happy hearing that she will soon be a great grandmother.


Although she hated Vallery, but she was carrying their own blood so she cannot neglect her.


Vallery was happy with the progress. At least this baby will help her a lot in her relationship with the William family.


After existing the hospital, Jason sent Vallery to the Jackson’s villa because she insisted.


She wanted to do some things and being with Jason will hinder her.


Only at her home will she be at ease.


She must teach that bitch a lesson.


Doesn’t she enjoy being in the entertainment industry, then she will make her famous.



Vallery entered her house happily. Jason did not follow her in because his friends had invited him to a gathering and he was already late. He wanted to rush over as soon as possible.


“Hey darling, why are so happy.” Her mother asked. It has been a while since she saw Vallery smile like this.


“Is dad home? I have some super good news for you guys?” Vallery exclaimed happily.


“Super good news? Are you getting married to Jason. Yesterday you did not come home so we wondered where you were!” Her mother asked with a raised eyebrow.


“No! Who is getting married. Moreover grandma is still in the hospital. How can we get married without her blessings?”


“Then what is the good news? And what happened, you even called that old woman grandma! Don’t you hate her and always wishing that she could die?” Juliana was dumbfounded.


“What old woman. Stop saying your nonsense mother.” Vallery did not mind scolding her mother.


Grandma Catherine was starting to be warm towards her because of the baby, she could not let anyone ruin that, even if it is her own mother.


“What is the good news daughter?” A voice came from the stairs.


It was none other Peter Jackson who was coming from the study room.


He ascended the stairs in an aristocratic manner.


Her father really had the charm and Vallery could not help but admire him.


Although he was over fifty years old, he has maintained himself well over the years and you could think that he was in his thirties.


He did not have that protruding stomach like his age mates.


His aura did not diminish at all as time passed by. Instead it became sharper and more domineering.


She wondered why she did have even half of her dad’s aura.



But that was not a problem. She will understand the day she finds out that Peter is not even her biological father. But that is a story for another day.


Peter came down and sat on the sofa and looked at her daughter with a questioning gaze.


Val smiled happily and said in a bashful tone, “I’m pregnant!”


“Aawww….” Juliana screamed when she heard the news. She was so happy that she did not even care about her lady like demure.


“You are pregnant. You can finally marry Jason with ease. No wonder that you changed your attitude towards that old lady. She must have known and became excited about seeing her great grandchild.” Juliana even shed tears of joy.


Although Peter appeared calm on the outside, he was so excited that his heart almost stopped beating.


Finally, the relationship between the William and the Jackson family will be strong.


The William cannot let their blood be born out of wedlock. If the word got out, their hard earned reputation will go down the drain.


They must arrange the wedding as soon as possible.


“Congratulations daughter. That is really good news. At least after marrying Jason, no one will talk bad about you.” Peter said as he smiled happily.


“Our family bond will be even stronger. I was worried that grandma will be against you guys being together, but now that is not a problem anymore.” Peter said.


“Thank you dad and mom. I was worried too that my relationship with Jason will end.

I was so stressed that I did not know how I could live without him.


It was aunt who saw my condition today in the morning and told me to go and do a check up. Turns out I’m two months pregnant but I have been negligent.” Vallery said.


“That is good. As long as the baby is safe. Does our in laws know?” Peter asked.


He had changed how he addressed them from family friends to in laws. Wasn’t that way too fast. It was as if he could not wait to become their in laws.


“We only informed grandma because we did the check up from the hospital grandma was staying. She was quite happy about it.” Val said.


“I plan on informing them tomorrow. Ohh and we also met Amanda in the hospital I think she had gone to see grandma. She is now acting in a movie as the second female lead. I wonder how she got that role.” Vallery said, sounding as if she did not imply anything else.


“What? Amanda is acting in a movie. When did she become an actress?” Peter asked.


“I also have no idea. She is acting in director Alex’s new movie. ‘The secret mission’ you know how I liked that script but I failed my audition.


A friend of mine told me that she is the second female lead. I tried to ask her how she got the role but she said it was none of my business. Even Jason was there but she did not give him any face. I could only leave her to be.”


“How could that bitch have the capabilities of getting such an important role, of course she could only sleep with those big shots.

” Juliana did not hesitate to say.


“Like mother like daughter. She has now learned from her mother and she has started spreading her legs everywhere. I have to bow to that mother and daughter pair. Will they sleep with every man in the city for them to be satisfied?” Juliana did not hide her disgust. She was past the stage of caring about her demur.


Peter’s expression did not look good. He had to find Amanda and talk to her.


“And dad, I even told her to come and sign under your company but she refused. I was even planning on leaving my resources to her since I’m pregnant. I will take a break until I give birth.” Vallery immediately paraded herself as the righteous sister.


“How can she accept that. Those old men are giving her more benefits, how could she look at your dad’s small company? Won’t that be belittling her status as number one bitch.” Juliana was really bent on tarnishing Amanda’s reputation.


Seeing her father’s expression getting worse and worse, Val gave her a warning gaze, they should not overdo it. After all they had many chances to do it. They have to take one step at time.


She decided to excuse herself because her aim has been achieved.


“Okay dad mom, I’m a little tired and I will be going to rest. You two also rest early.”

After returning to her room, Valley’s eyes had already turned dark and icy cold.


She went to her bedside drawer and took out an old model phone.


It seemed not to have been used for some time now.


Since she got this phone, it has been of great help to her. She has given her opponents many sleepless nights.


She keyed in a number she had memorized a long time ago and made a call.




“Hello Miss Vallery long time…” The other party seemed too excited after getting her call.


“I have some business for you.” Val cut direct to the point.


“Okay. Like old times?” The other party also turned serious.


“No. This time is different.” Val said as she started giving a series of instructions.


After an indefinite amount of time, the other party finally replied.


“I understand. Rest assured I will do a clean and good job.”


“Okay. I want to see the news by tomorrow morning. I will give you your payment if I’m impressed. Same place same time tomorrow.” After she was done speaking, she hung up the phone without even waiting for the other party to reply.



One of the times when she overseas, she saved a person by accident. That person was a genius and gave her this phone as a token of gratitude. He told her that any call made through this phone could not be traced. At first she thought that that person was just bluffing, but after using it for a period of time, she realized that it was true. She had also tested and even tried to get its call history from the telecommunication company but there was nothing. She could finally use it without fear of being caught.


She had used this phone to do a lot of dirty business but she has never been discovered.


She also liked paying her minion in cash. Someone can track her down if she used electronic transfers. She was a cautious person who did not like leaving behind things that could be used against her.


After settling the matter, she went to take a shower and finally succumbed to the darkness.






Amanda was sleeping so peacefully unaware of the storm that was brewing on the internet.


Someone has just bombarded the internet with a scandal that could make one’s jaw drop.


“Amanda Jackson is said to be a kept woman by a rich business man.”


“She has become a disgrace to her family until they chased her out of the family.”


“She now leaves by depending on married men, wreaking havoc in the marriage of many innocent people.”


Many people did not pay attention to the news first after all Amanda is just a nobody who they have not heard of.


But the news kept being reposted until the netizens became curious.


Someone could not help but ask, “Who the hell is Amanda Jackson?”


A ‘good passerby’ could not help but answer.



“Oooh, she is an upcoming actress. She is now acting in director Alex’s movie, ‘The Secret Mission.’


The people on the set say that she has zero acting skills and that she is so arrogant that you cannot tell her anything. Everyone is wondering how Amanda got such a big role when she has no resources and she is not even signed with any agency.


The fact that she could get such a role without any prior acting skills or resume leaves everyone with many questions.”


“Ooh it turns out she is just a bitch who knows how to sleep with big shots to get what she want? Such people are the most dangerous and they better leave the entertainment industry.” One of the netizens commented.


“But I thought that director Alex is such an upright man and does not accept such contemptible deals, turns out it is just a matter of who is involved. He too cannot resist the charm of a bitch. Surely this world is ending.”


Many people castigated Amanda to the point that they wanted her to leave the entertainment industry.


But some netizens were still rational enough as to not join in the fun without knowing the whole truth.


“Why is she given so much attention when she is just a rookie? Maybe she really has some good acting skills even though she is not signed with any agency. We should not always be ready to jump to people’s throat without even knowing the whole truth.” One of the rational netizens commented.


“And the person who broke this news, what is it that Amanda did to piss you off that you have to expose such a scandal about her?”


“Oooh I just don’t like how she used unscrupulous means to get that role. Such people should not be left in the entertainment industry or else they will be a bad example to our children.” The reporter commented righteous.



“I have my source and I promise that this news is true. My source knows this Amanda very well and the news is authentic. She also told me that the role that Amanda was so difficult even the award winning Charity failed the audition, so what of Amanda who is just a nobody without any family background and resources, don’t you think that something smells fishy?”


“See, this girl is morally corrupt and should leave the entertainment industry. She will be a bad example to our children. And director Alex too, having thought that he is such a good man who upholds dignity yet his life is a mess in private, I say we should boycott his movie. Let it rot in theaters. They should even stop filming because no one is going to watch it.” The netizens seemed to have been fired.


Some were paid commenter but others were truly disgusted especially after hearing that their favorite idol failed the audition but some unknown country bumpkin actually got it.


The social media was in chaos as everyone rushed to voice their opinion.


The person who had released the news was so excited that he could not even sleep. Things were going on well, more than he had even imagined. He could not wait tomorrow to get his money.


He has been doing such kind of business for a long time now. Exposing celebrities on the internet. Showing their ugly sides to the netizens and ending their lives in the entertainment industry. Although it was a risky job, but he loved it because it paid him handsomely.

The following morning……


Amanda was woken up by a call from unknown number.


She tried to ignore it but the caller was insistent on calling.


She could only open her eyes groggily as she searched for her phone.


Remembering that she was still in the same room her mother, she hurriedly took it as to not wake her up and hurried to the bathroom.


This hospital was quite good. Atleast every private ward had a bathroom. The VIPs rooms were even better, but given their financial situation, they could not afford a VIP ward.


“Hello…” Amanda answered the phone. Her voice was little hoarse, because she has just woken up and was still half conscious.


When the person on the other hand heard her voice, his whole body turned soft. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever hard for a long period of time.


His cold heart could not help but soften at how cute his girl was.


He had already branded Amanda as his girl. Wasn’t that quite shameless of him?


A low laugh came through the phone making Amanda a little confused.


Who was so free very early in the morning to call and just laugh at her. She even thought that they were scammers who wanted to con her.


“If you just want to laugh, then laugh but I’m sorry I don’t have time to accompany you.” Amanda said sounding displeased.


Having a little understanding of her temper, Richard knew that she was going to hung up if he did not introduce himself.


“Hey… it’s me…. Richard.”


Amanda was even more displeased. Did she die again and was already in hell. Why would this demon king call her early in the morning.


Richard did not wait for her to say anything before he continued.


“Still sleeping, huh? Do you know that you are now trending on social media?” He cut straight to the point.


Hearing that, Amanda was finally awake.


Trending? Her? Was this man trying to play a prunk on her. She was a hundred percent sure that apart from the people on set, no one else knew that she was an actress. No wait, there was also Vallery and Jason.


But why will she be trending out of the blues?


Amanda did not believe him for a second



“You, don’t you have anything to do so early in the morning. First you wake me up from my sweet sleep just to tell some nonsense. I think you deserve a beating.” Amanda said through gritted teeth.


Richard was not angry, instead he chuckled again. Amanda could only hear a rumbling voice through the phone speaker.


Why would someone’s laugh sound so good?


“I knew you would not believe me. But don’t worry you will find out as soon as you log into your social media account.” Richard said and hung up before Amanda could react.


Amanda was puzzled but decided to check it out.


When she logged into her account, tones of notifications came up.


She just clicked on one casually. What she saw made her heart stop for a moment.


‘Who published this news about me. Did I offend some big shot recently.’


The more Amanda read the more her face turned pale. It was so pale that you could see blood flowing through the veins.


She supported herself on the wall so as not to fall.


She had just started her acting career and now it was over before it even began.


How could she help her mother without a proper job. How could she pay Richard his money when she did not have a job.


She wanted to rush online and tell those netizens that she was not that kind of a person. She got her role through proper means, how could they slander her like that?


As she was just starting to type, her phone rang again. She was so startled that she almost dropped it on the floor.


It was eerily quite in the bathroom and the phone call seemed to have woken her up from her nightmare.


That was when she noticed that her clothes were drenched from sweating due to panic.


Amanda picked up the phone after seeing that it was Richard.


“Have you seen it?” He went directly to the point.


“Yes?” Amanda answered in a weak voice.


Her cold attitude has long died after seeing the news.


Hearing her talk in a such a weak voice, Richard felt his heart get twisted.

It was so painful that he almost could not breathe.


He liked how she acted arrogant and cold. But being weak was not her style. It seems that the news gave her a heavy blow.


“What do you plan on doing?” Richard calmed down and asked.


“What can I do. You know I’m not that sought of a person. I got my role with my own effort but now they are saying that I slept my way through. How can I accept such slander. I wanted to write a statement just now to explain to them but you interrupted me with your call.” Amanda said.


“Thank God I called before you did that.” Richard sighed as he said.


“Why? I should be explaining myself right now. Those people are slandering me with their baseless accusations. How can I just sit back and do nothing.” Amanda said.


“I did not say that you could sit back and do nothing. It is just that explaining yourself right now will only add more oil to the fire. People will think that you are guilty and that is why you want to get yourself out of the situation. Then the person who started the rumours would have achieved their purpose.


The more you explain the more sticky it will become and then you will not be able to bring yourself out of that situation. Your career will also end and no one will remember you.


Right now you need to calm your mind down. Think of anyone who would want you dead and why. You need to find evidence to prove your innocence. Believe me, those netizens only follow the rhythm. They don’t care who is right or wrong. As long as you find hard evidence to prove your innocence then they will shut up.


You could even use this opportunity to stabilise your position in the entertainment industry.

” Richard explained.


After he finished speaking, he noticed that his mouth was even dry. It shocked him to find out the he had talked too much. Maybe this is the longest speech he had ever made in his entire life.


Since he met this girl, his limits to doing things have been challenged once and again. But he liked the feeling.


After listening to Richard, Amanda felt that someone has poured cold water on her.


She was instantly awake and her mind was also abnormally clear.


How could she forget the cruelty of the entertainment industry.


When she thought about what she was about to do before Richard called, she gave herself a tight slap. This was a mistake that could never be repeated.


Thinking about the consequences of her rushed actions, she could not help but shudder.


It felt like she had just come out hell.


“Thank you. I was really rushed without thinking about the consequences. I don’t know what would have happened if not for your timely call.” Amanda said politely. Her heart even felt warm. The cold wall that was built around her heart cracked a little.


“I’m glad that I did well, milady.” Richard said. A mischievous light danced in his eyes.


Amanda felt her ears getting pregnant when she him call her milady.


But she still feigned calmness as she said. “Don’t flatter yourself.” She hanged up immediately after saying that lest the other party attacked her again.


Hearing her regain her composure, Richard was relieved. He was about to tease her more but the heartless girl had already hanged up the phone.


He could only smile helplessly as he shook his head.

After hanging up the phone, Amanda parted her disoriented heart as she calmed down.


She splashed water on her face and went back to the ward.



On the other hand, after Richard was done talking to Amanda, his aura immediately changed.


The temperature in the room suddenly dropped to negative zero as he tried to control the raging beast that was threatening to break out from his chest.


He called his assistant immediately.


“I want you to investigate this matter thoroughly. The person who started these rumours and who he or she has been in contact with.” Richard said coldly.


Although Thomas was on the other side of the phone, his body trembled with fear just from listening to his boss voice.


He really was enraged this time.


At first he was not so sure about his boss attitude towards miss Amanda. His boss had started acting weird the moment he saw Amanda.


It seems like his boss really liked this girl and maybe she will be their future lady boss.


Thankfully the moment he hard the news, he reported it immediately.


“I have already started the investigation sir. This situation is not simple. I have not been able to find any clues untill now.” Thomas said through the phone.


“Use whatever method you have to. I don’t care what you do but I want that report by today noon. Use every resource at your disposal I will take responsibility.” Richard ordered.


Thomas was shocked. Because of a girl, his boss even authorised his best resources to be used. Next time he needed to be careful with this missy.


“Yes sir.” Thomas answered and hanged up the phone. He immediately went to carry out the orders given by his boss.


Having been given the permission by the boss, he contacted their best man at collecting intelligence.


Being their trump card, this type of case was a piece of cake to that man.



After talking to his assistant, Richard went to the gym for some exercise. He was used to waking up early, and hit the gym before going to the office.


Today his assistant called him very early in the morning before his usual time but he was not in the mood to continue sleeping.


After working out, he went directly to take a shower.


After thirty minutes, he came out of shower, a white towel wrapped around his narrow waist as he walked towards the wardrobe.


He picked out a black suit, like always, put it on at a lightning speed and went down to have breakfast.


He was somebody who did not like people invading his personal life. He did not have a lot of workers at home.


There was only one aunt who was responsible for his meals and cleaning the house, and one butler who was in charge of cleaning the compound and tending to flowers.


He liked having black coffee in the morning without anything else.


After he was done, he took his suitcase and hurried to the company.



He liked going early because that helped him to avoid the morning jam.




Amanda has just reached the ward when her phone rang again.


She looked at it and saw that it was director Alex calling and immediately felt like she was a sinner.


She has implicated a lot of people with her scandal and no matter how good they were to her on the set, they still had a reputation to maintain.


She did not mind being harassed by the public but she will not let innocent people suffer because of her.


“Hello….” Amanda answered wearily not knowing if director Alex was mad at her.


“Hello Amanda, did I disturb your sleep?” Director Alex asked with concern.


“No I’m already awake. I’m really sorry about the news. I don’t know who started those rumours about me. I have implicated a lot of people and I don’t know if I can survive in the entertainment industry anymore.” Amanda immediately apologized. She did not want director Alex to rebuke her.


“I have already seen the news and that is why I called you. I know you are not that kind of a person and those people do not know what they are talking about. I’m the one who experienced your acting skills first hand so I know better.” Director Alex said.


Amanda was stunned. Director Alex believed her. This is the second person to tell her that they believed in her. She really felt warm in her heart. She could almost not hold back her tears.


“Thank you director Alex for believing in me. I promise that I will give you a satisfactory answer on this matter.” Amanda said with seriousness.


“I know. Don’t be hard on yourself.

We will stop shooting for some time. This incident have had a great impact on our side. I will wait and see what the other investors have to say. But don’t worry I’m not planning on replacing you.” Director Alex assured her.


Amanda finally felt at ease. She did not know that she had been holding her breathe for such a long time. She gave a relieved sigh before she hang up the phone.


After calming down, Amanda went online to check on the news again.


She read through every article to get a better understanding of the situation.


After browsing through a lot of articles, she had an idea of what that person wanted to achieve.


Just like Richard had said, if she tried to explain herself people will think that she was guilty.


She has no evidence to prove her innocence and she had no family background to rely on.


She did not know how she was going to solve this all on her own. She did not have any powerful people who will help her.


After thinking for a while she took her phone started calling some of the friends she had made in her past life when she joined the entertainment industry.


Each of them was unwilling to help because they did not want to be implicated.


Amanda could only sigh not knowing what to do.


Since today she was not going to film, she decided to accompany her mother as she thought of a solution.


She explained to her mother what happened briefly and her mother could not help but feel sorry for her daughter.


“Do you know who is responsible?” Her mother asked.


“No. But it is not hard to guess. There is only one person who hates me so much that she could wish for me to die. Other than that I cannot think of anyone else.” Amanda said.




“My beloved sister Vallery.” Amanda said in a mocking tone.


She once poured her love and affection to her sister. She did not expect that it will come back to bite her in the end.



“So what are you planning to do?”


“I honestly don’t know mom. I don’t have a background to rely on. I don’t even have strong contacts in the industry. I have no idea where to start clearing my name.” Amanda said.


Her mother felt bitter. If a man like Richard could take a fancy on her daughter, wouldn’t that be better. He had the ability to protect her daughter from such storm.


But it was only a fleeting thought in her mind before she dismissed it.


“Lets go home. I don’t want to stay in this place anymore. You can use all the money you have to find justice for yourself.” Her mom said.


“What are you trying to say mom. You will be having your surgery tomorrow and I don’t even have to pay for it. Richard will take care of everything.” Amanda was surprised as to why her mother wanted to be discharged.


“That is even better. Take this chance and tell Richard to help you. Instead of wasting money on me, he should help you. After all I’m just an old woman who can die at any moment. I’m still quite strong and I can still endure for a few more years.”


“Mom stop saying that. I want you to get better as soon as possible. Don’t worry about me, I will find the solution as soon as possible. You will still have your surgery tomorrow.” Amanda said. Leaving no room for discussion.


Her mom could only close her eyes and pray that her daughter will be safe and overcome this.

At Jackson’s villa….


Vallery woke up especially early so as not to miss the show.


She turned on her laptop and logged into her social media account.


Several news suddenly popped up and she clicked on one randomly.


The more she read, the more pleased she became.


Seeing Amanda being attacked by the netizens was so pleasing to the eye that she could not help but laugh out loud.


Her mother who was passing by could not help but become curious.


What was her daughter laughing at so early in the morning?


Maybe she could go in and take a look.


She knocked on the door lightly.


Hearing someone knock on her door, Vallery immediately shut up.


Did someone hear her laugh like a maniac just now?


“Who is it?” She asked from the room.


“It’s mom. Open the door.” Juliana answered.


Hearing that it was her mother, Vallery went to open the door without hesitation.


“Mom why are you up so early?” She asked as she ushered her in.


“I did not sleep well last night. I was going to make some tea when I passed by and heard you laughing.”


“Ooh… I just stumbled upon some good news this morning. I was so happy that I could not control myself from laughing.”


“What kind of news made you happy?” Juliana asked, puzzled.


Vallery did not answer her but turned the laptop towards her mother.


Juliana curiously went to take a look.


She only read a few sentence and did not finish reading the whole article, but just like her daughter, she was very pleased and her mouth could not help but hook into a happy arch.


“She deserves it. Who told her to play with things she cannot handle. Whoever posted this news deserves an award.” Juliana said. Not knowing that the mastermind was standing next to her.


Vallery did not say anything as she continued reading the news.


After her mother left, she contacted some of her keyboard armies to add more fire.


The internet, which had cooled down after a stormy night was again in uproar.


Amanda’s article was pushed to the top searches again.


Amanda who had been following closely knew that someone was playing some dirty tricks.


She had decided to lay low and wait for the storm to subside but now it seemed like the other party will not rest untill she removed her from the entertainment industry.


Richard, who was also following closely, knew that something was not right when Amanda was again pushed to the limelight.





Vallery contacted her minion to congratulate him on the good work not knowing that they were being watched.


After taking over the investigation, Matt had already discovered the man who posted the article.


He had hacked into the person’s facebook account and soon found his IP address.


Although he had disguised his IP address when posting that article, it was easy to someone who a computer wizard to undisguise it.


Having locked the target, Matt did not make any sudden movements so as not to alert the enemy, he just watched him closely to see what his next move was.


Matt had hacked his phone too. The moment that man received the call, Matt knew. He connected it to his laptop so as to hear the conversation.


“Hello Collins, you did a good job last night. I’m very satisfied and I will give you your payment as promised.” Through the phone came a sweet voice of a lady. It was not as cold as it was yesterday.


“Thank you miss Vallery. You I can never let you down.” Collins replied, pleased with himself.


“Okay. Meet this afternoon. Same place same time.” The phone was hang up.


Matt had already gotten the names of this people. All he needed to do was to track the phone number that had called Collins and the identity of the other party will be unveiled.


But to his surprise he could not trace that number no matter how he tried.


He even checked Collins’s call history and to his astonishment, the number was not on the call logs.


If someone told him something like this, he would not have believed. But having witnessed it himself, he had no choice but to believe that the number did not exist.


It seemed like the call had been made through thin air.


Having reached a bottleneck, Matt decided to take another approach.


The man called his contact Vallery. He search for the name Vallery and tried to filter out one who probably has a connection to Amanda.



After filtering through, he came upon a name Vallery Jackson, he paused on the name and looked at Amanda’s full name, Amanda Jackson. These two seemed to share the surname.


He searched some more and immediately found out the relationship between the two.


Amanda and Vallery were step sisters who shared the same father but had different mothers.


Vallery and her mother now live in the Jackson family villa while Amanda and her mother live somewhere in the slums.


Seems like Amanda and her mother were chased out of the family due to some unfounded rumours.


The more Matt investigated, the more he found out more and more details that even Thomas has not been able to uncover.


Thomas only did a background check on Amanda and did not dig deep.


Matt combined all the report he had found and sent to Richard using a secret code that only they could understand.


Thomas had already told him that any news he came across, he can directly send to his boss because it concerned their future lady boss.



After talking to her Collins, Vallery hummed a happy tune as she went to wash up in the bathroom. After that she went to have breakfast.


Seeing her father reading the newspaper with an unsightly expression, Vallery instantly knew what he was reading about.


She strode carefully and took a look. Sure enough it was the entertainment news about Amanda.


She pretended not to know anything as she asked. “Dad what are you reading about. Why is your expression so gloomy. Did something happen to the company?”


Peter slammed the magazine on the table as he said gloomily. “Look at what your sister has done. Like mother like daughter.


I’m going to find her and teach her a lesson. Even if she no longer live with us, she cannot shame our Jackson family like that.” Peter Jackson was truly angry.


Vallery did not say anything as she sat down to enjoy her breakfast.



At noon, Matt followed the GPS on Collins phone and soon it stopped at a remote area outside the city.



It was very remote that even the phone signal was poor.


The place had no surveillance cameras and it was the best place for doing dirty business.


He followed him into an abandoned warehouse discreetly.


After a while, a lady came in. She was wearing a cap and it was hard to tell how she looked like.


Matt watched silently as he started taking some pictures.


He had a recording device on him that could capture sounds from a certain distance and since he was near them, the recording device recorded their voices clearly.


“You came early?” Vallery asked the moment she came as she removed her cap.


Matt took the opportunity to snap a few shots.


“Nah, just arrived a moment a go.” Collins answered.


“You did quite a good job. I really hate Amanda. She is like a worm in my stomach. But this is just the beginning. There is still more to come for her.” Vallery said.


Collins did not say anything and just listened on quietly.


“Here this your payment. You know I always uphold my end of bargain. I gave you a bonus after all it is not easy to find someone so trustworthy.” She handed Collins a stack of cash.


Collins’s eyes brightened as he smelled the money.


To him money was everything and he could do anything to get it. Even if it was digging out someone’s grave, as long you paid him, he will gladly do it.


Shortly after they left.


Matt soughted out everything he had discovered and sent it directly to Richard.

At R&S company…. CEO’S office…..


Richard looked at the information that Matt had sent him. A dangerous glint flashed in his already cold eyes.


He took his phone and called Amanda.


“Hey, are you busy?”


“No. I’m just seated in the hospital chatting with my mom.” Amanda answered.


“Have you seen the development on the internet. It seems like someone is bent on making sure that you are dead.” Richard asked. His voice was filled with concern that he himself did not even notice.


“Yes. I have seen it. I thought that I will lay low and let the storm pass but that seem not to be the case anymore. I have no idea what to do.” Amanda said honestly.


Richard’s heart ached when he had that. This girl has really suffered.


Having seen the information that Matt had sent him, the urge to bring her under his wings became even more intense.


He just wanted to love and pamper her.


Amanda really wanted someone to talk to. The pressure was too much for her to bear alone.


“If you are free, come to my company now. I have some good news for you.” Richard could not wait anymore and told her to go to the company.


Amanda was stunned and did not immediately reply. Richard wanted her to find him. He had some good news for her!


Was it true when he said that he was an angel sent by God to help those in need.


Richard waited for a while but did not hear any reply from the other side.


“Are you still there?” He asked.


“Yes.” Amanda answered in a small voice.


“What! Are you shocked that I asked you to come to my company? I mean no harm, I just want to help you. I will not do anything to you. I promise.” Richard said with a chuckle.


Amanda blushed.


She was just startled, okay. How many people have had the chance to go R&S company under Richard’s invitation.


She was just not prepared for this.


“No. I was just shocked.

I will come over right away.”


Since he was willing to help, then Amanda will not stand on ceremony with him. She also wanted to clear the rumours as soon as possible so as not to delay shooting for a long time.


“Mom, Richard asked me to go and find him at his company. He said he had some good news for me. I will go and take look. Take care of yourself. If you feel any discomfort, please call the nurse and don’t suffer in silence.”


“Okay, go and be careful on the road. Now that your photos are all over the internet, many people will recognize you. You got to be careful.” Evelyn said.


“Okay mom. I know. I will wear a face mask so one will recognize me.”


After nagging her mother a bit more, Amanda left.


She was lucky because many taxis liked to pack around the hospital. She just hailed one and rushed to R&S company. There was not much jam on the road so the journey went smoothly.


After arriving at the gates of R&S company, she called Richard. He had told her that she can call once she reached the company so he can send someone to pick her.


This was to help her avoid unnecessary trouble incase someone recognized her.


Not long after, Amanda saw Thomas walking towards the gate. She waved at him from a distance.


Thomas saw her waving and smiled at her.


“Miss Amanda, this way please. The boss is waiting.” Thomas said politely as he led her to a private elevator, exclusive only to their boss.


The elevator led directly to Richard’s office so Amanda was at ease. At least no one saw her.


She could not imagine the consequences if someone recognized her.


They could just want to send her directly to hell.


Amanda was touched at how thoughtful Richard was.



Since meeting this man, her cold heart was slowly warming up. She did not want to think too much about it, but the feeling was good.


“You are here?” Richard raised his head from behind the desk as he smiled at her warmly.


Amanda was mesmerised by that smile that she even forgot to breathe.


This man’s every action screamed of seduction.


Was it intentional or did he not know how serious his flirting affected Amanda’s weak heart.


She shook her head vigorously to remove those silly thoughts from her mind.


“Yes. You have a nice office.” Amanda said as she looked around curiously.


She has been to many places but not like this.


Everything in this office was exquisite.


Just looking at everything from the furniture, to the decor, the office desk, the design, it could only be described by one word Noble.


“Thanks. Please have a seat.” Richard motioned as he also stood up and walked towards the leather sofa in the middle of the office.


“What would you like to drink?” Richard asked.


“Tea will do.” Amanda replied as she sat down.


“Thomas, prepare two cups of tea and some snacks. Please.”


“Yes boss.” Thomas left to prepare tea.


“So how have you been?” Richard asked.


“I’m fine, thank you.” Amanda answered politely.


“I have not seen you for only one day and you have grown even more beautiful.” Richards said. You could hear the humour and urge to pamper in his voice.


Amanda blushed thoroughly. Her face had turned red and it was spreading all the way to her ears and neck.


Richard looked at her blushing face and smiled wickedly.



Why is this girl so cute. Seeing her blushing face, I just want to take a bite and feel the taste.


“Why is your face so red. Are alright?” Richard teased her more.


Is this man a hooligan. He is clearly teasing her and now he is asking why her face is red.


Amanda did not dare to look up.


“No. Your office is a little hot that is why.”


Richard did not want to expose her so he just smiled.


He turned to his office desk and took out an envelope. Inside was all the information Matt has been able to gather.


He took out some photos and passed it to Amanda. He did not want her to see everything that was in the envelope as she may think bad of him if she knew that he has investigated her.


Amanda took the photo curiously not knowing what it meant.


Seeing the people in the pictures, Amanda looked at Richard with a questioning gaze.


Understanding her gaze, Richard opened his mouth to explain. “After I heard that you have been framed, I took the liberty to investigate this matter. Although I have not known you for a long time, I can tell from a glance that you are not that kind of a person. So I asked my contact do a thorough investigation on this matter.”


“Those two people are the ones who started the rumours about you. Your sister Vallery is the master mind, and that man is the one who executed the plan.”


Amanda did not seem surprised.


She looked at Richard and smiled.


“You know, when you called in the morning and told me to calm down and think about it, it really helped a lot. I filtered through my mind and thought of someone who hates me so much that they could not wait for me to die, and only one name popped into my mind, Vallery Jackson.”


“So seeing her in this picture is not a surprise. It is not like I don’t believe you, but I have already made my guess.” Amanda said.


Richard was relieved. Seeing her nonchalant gaze just a moment ago got him to doubt the authenticity of the

“That was the only person I could think of. And given her character, it is something that she could do, so you have just helped me confirm my guess.” Amanda continued to explain.


“That man is called Collins. My contact has found a lot of dirt on him. It seems like he is used to doing this kind of work.”


“In that photo, Vallery was going to give him his payment. That is their usual meeting place. Their relationship is deep because that man has helped Vallery to do a lot of dirty work.”


Richard gave her a recording. After listening to what Vallery said, her face turned frosty.


So she really wanted her to leave the entertainment industry. Was it because she auditioned and got the role while Vallery failed that is why she harboured so much hatred for her.


She had already taken everything away from her. Her family, her stupid fiancee yet she still wanted to mess with her, she will not allow that to happen.


“Will this be enough to clear my name?” Amanda asked.


Richard shook his head.


“Who said that we are using this to clear your name. If you post this online, not only will it not help, but it will make things more difficult for you. Vallery will take this opportunity to say that you are framing her. She will use her love towards you and the netizens will definitely feel that you are a vicious sister.”


“You could even frame your own sister who is innocent in order to clear you name. This will cause a lot of negative comments to your reputation which will be even more hard to overcome than this one.” Richard explained.


“Then what should I do. Sit back and do nothing!” Amanda said, she was very stressed.


“Of course not. I’m going to help you clear you name. You just have to trust me.” Richard said.


Amanda looked into his deep eyes and could not help but want to depend on him.


She nodded subconsciously. “Okay.” She felt that this man could do anything for her as long as she nodded her head.


Richard smiled happily when he saw her obedient expression.


He had thought of many ways to convince her in order for her to trust him but he did not expect her to accept right away.


But he also understood her. If she insisted on being stubborn, she would not be helping herself. She could only accept his help now.


Amanda looked at the man before her keenly.



He had an oval face, sharp jawline, deep set almond eyes, they were the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen. She felt herself drowning deeper into his mysterious eyes.


They carried a mysterious light that was hard to see through. One could not tell what he was thinking about.


“Why are you doing this for me?” Amanda could not help but ask.


Hearing her question, Richard smiled even more charmingly.


“Will you believe me even if I tell you?” Richard asked, a smile still hanging on his pink lips.


“Just say it.” Amanda urged.


“I have fallen in love with you.” Richard uttered word for word.


Amanda was so shocked that she chocked on her saliva.


She coughed so hard that even her eyes turned moist.


Seeing her flushed look, Richard thought. So! Damn! Cute!


But he still showed his concern, “Are you alright?” He asked as he patted her on the back.


“Yes.” Amanda answered. Her voice was no longer sounding as confident as it had been before.


“You! How could you say such big word!” Amanda said, feeling flustered.


Richard instantly felt wronged. “You wanted to hear the truth and I said it, now you don’t want to believe me?”


Thomas who was at the door also nodded his head in agreement with what Amanda had said.


Boss, can you have mercy on your humble servant.


Just now, he almost slipped hearing what his boss said.


The tray in his hand swayed but luckily he stabilised himself in time before it fell.


He had never seen this side of boss. Especially when he complained like a little boy who has been wronged. That expression was so animated that it felt adorable.



Thomas cleared his throat.


Hearing that some was at the door, Richard returned to his cool self before he glanced at the door coldly.


Thomas shivered from that gaze, but he was used to it.


“Boss, Director Alex is already here, should I let him in?”


“Yes.” Richard responded without even looking at him.


Hearing that Director Alex was here, Amanda also composed herself.


But her face was still flushed.


Richard looked at her longingly before turning his gaze away.




Somewhere in the slums in city A, Peter with his bodyguards and assitant passed through the messy paths as they walked towards Amanda’s house.


Peter was shocked to see that his ex-wife lived in such a shabby place.


They had divorced for a long time and he has not paid attention to their life after the divorce.


He even suspected that this is why Amanda and her mother could sell their bodies in order to make ends meet.


He almost suffocated due to the smell that was coming from the sewage. They were almost everywhere.


But since he wanted to teach this child a lesson, he had to endure.


They reached an old house. Peter furrowed his brows as he wondered how Amanda and her mother survived in such a place.


Although the house looked decent among the others, it was still not any better.


He looked at the bodyguard behind him.


The bodyguard understood his gaze and went to knock on the door.


He knocked for some time but no one responded.


“Sir, maybe they are not home.” The bodyguard said.


“Knock on their neighbor’s door and ask.” Peter said in an irritated tone. Had he made an empty trip to this disgusting place?


The bodyguard went as told and knocked on the door of their immediate neighbour.



The neighbours have already seen them from afar and hid in their houses. They thought that maybe they were people from the government who have come to abolish their houses.


The neighbour hesitated for a moment before she opened the door.


Before she opened her mouth to speak, the bodyguard had already greeted her politely and inquired about the whereabouts of Amanda and her mother.


“You are asking about my neighbours. Those two are the kindest souls I have ever met. The girl works hard in order to support her mother. Her mother has always been sick but she hid it from her daughter. I recently heard that her mother was admitted to the hospital and the girl had to find a job to pay for the medical bill.”


The neighbour went on and on untill the bodyguard signalled for her to stop.


“Which hospital was she admitted to?” The bodyguard asked. He was not here to listen to the neighbours bullshit.


“Ooh, I heard it was City A National Hospital.”


“Okay. Thank you for your information.” The bodyguard said as he took out a note from his pocket.


The neighbour was surprised but still took the note from the body guard’s hand.


“Sir, they are not here.” The bodyguard said.


“I heard everything.” Peter said in an emotionless tone.


“I want to find out if they are really in the hospital and inform me. You have one hour.” Peter commanded.


The bodyguard nodded as they left the place.

My Reincarnated Wife Is A Little Too Sweet chapter 16-20

“Grandma how are you feeling?” Amanda asked the moment she entered the room.


“I’m feeling much better.” Grandma answered in a weak voice.


“It is good that you are feeling better. I was worried and feeling guilty all day because it was me who caused you to end up in the hospital. I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be. It was not your fault. I did not expect that Jason could do something so shameful and even everyone in the family would support him.”


“Sorry grandma. I thought that you knew too that is why I was shocked when you reminded me that it was my engagement day. I too had only found out recently and was still recovering from the shock.”


“I don’t even want to see that scoundrel. How could he do this to you after all that you have been together?”


Grandma was so furious that she started coughing profusely.


Amanda was shocked as she hurriedly poured her a cup of warm water.


“Grandma calm down. You have just been out of surgery and you have not rested well. Please have some water.”


She helped grandma sit upright on bed and helped her drink some water.


“Thank you Amanda.”


“Don’t worry grandma. Although I’m hurting. I have to move on with my life. I cannot let the pain consume me. I might do something that I will regret for the rest of life. So the best I can do is to calm down and think about my future.” Amanda said calmly.


Hearing that, grandma swallowed whatever she wanted to say back.


Forget it. Amanda was such a good girl and she deserved better. How could she tell her to forgive her stupid grandson.


How could he not see how good Amanda was and instead went for that little bitch.


“I just hope that you will find your happiness soon enough and that you will be happy for the rest of your life.” Grandma said.



She did not have the heart of telling Amanda to forgive her grandson and because he did not deserve her.


“Thank you grandma for your blessings.” Amanda said politely.


“Since when did you start being polite with me. Although we will not be a family anymore but I will still treat you like my own granddaughter. In fact from now onwards you are my one and only granddaughter.” Grandma said with a domineering attitude.


Amanda could not help but be touched. She smiled happily as she held grandma’s hand.


In her marriage, grandma was only blessed with one son and that was Anderson, Jason’s father.


Anderson and his wife Liz also had only one son so grandma did not have any girl child in her family.


She hoped that Amanda will marry in her family and become her granddaughter-in-law.


But now that stupid grandson of hers has messed up everything. And now she could only be shameless and proclaim Amanda as her granddaughter.


“Thank you grandma. You know you don’t have to say that because I have always viewed and treated you as my real grandmother and nothing is gonna change.” Amanda said honestly.


“That is good. That is good.” Grandma Catherine was relieved as she nodded happily.


Amanda helped her to eat the super that had been delivered not too long ago.


Because she was still weak, she could not eat a heavy meal and only had some light porridge and omelettes.


After she was done eating, they talked a little with Amanda before she felt tired and dozed off.



Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, Amanda covered her well. She switched off the lights only leaving the bedside lamp on before walking out quietly.


When she walked out, grandpa James, His son Anderson and his daughter-in-law Liz had already arrived.


She was not surprised because she knew that they have already heard the news of grandma waking up so they rushed here as soon as possible although it was already very late.


Amanda gave each and everyone of them a calm glance before greeting them politely.


They were her elders and even if they treated her like trash, she cannot show them disrespect because after all they had once treated her really well when she was young.


“Amanda how is grandma. She only wanted to see you and no one else.” Jason was the first to speak up.


“She is fine. She has eaten and is already asleep. You should not disturb her rest. Since it is already late, you guys should just go back first and come back tomorrow to take a look.” Amanda said this out of goodwill and turned around to leave.


She did not want to breathe the same air with these people for even a second. Because honestly, they made her really sick.


“Who does she think is she to tell us what to do? Just because mother only wanted to see she feels like she is now superior to us. What a shameless bitch.” Liz could not help but swear.


“Mother, Amanda is right. Since grandma has already eaten and is sleeping, we should not disturb her rest. Everyone has had a rough day today.

We should go back first and the rest will be taken care of tomorrow. I have already arranged for a professional nurse to look after grandma so you don’t have to worry.” After Jason was done talking, he supported his grandfather and they left together.


Vallery just stood there like a sore thumb.


Since Amanda had come out of the room, Jason had not looked at her even once. Although she was standing next to his mother, he seemed not to have noticed her.


Everyone did not object to what Jason had said and they soon left.


“Vallery it is too late now. And being on the road right now is not safe for a girl like you. You should stay at out place tonight and maybe you can leave tomorrow morning.” Liz offered.


Val hesitated for a moment. But remembering how Jason had looked at Amanda in the hospital and looking at how he had ignored her just now, She felt that she needed to stay close to him before he had a change of heart.


“Okay aunt I will listen to you.” Val replied.


“Why are you still calling me Auntie. You should start calling me mother.” Liz grunted unhappily as she gave Vallery a side long look.


Vallery just looked at her shyly as she blushed..

The next morning, Amanda woke up early and prepared herself to go to the set.


The shooting had been delayed because of the second female lead so it was set to begin as soon they found a suitable actress.


She had spent the night in the hospital with her mom. After waking up, she went to buy breakfast for her mother and herself too.


It was a good thing that there was a restaurant near the hospital so she did not need to waste a lot of time trying to find one.


After buying what she needed, she went back to the hospital.


Since her mother was still sleeping, Amanda did not want to wake her up, so she just ate her breakfast silently before leaving after giving her mother a peck on the cheek.




Amanda took the subway directly to the filming location.


To her luck, the filming location was not far away from the hospital so it only took her thirty minutes on the road.


It was also good taking the subway because she was not stuck in traffic being that it was early in the morning and most people were going to work.


After arriving on set, some of the crew members had already arrived and they were preparing the set.


After saying hi to the people on set, Amanda found a quite corner to sit down and continue reading her script.


Although she had spent almost all night reading the script, she still wanted to go through it before filming started in order to understand her character well.


An indefinite amount of time passed. Amanda was burried deep in reading her script untill she heard the director’s voice.


She was engrossed in reading that she did not even notice him coming over.


“Hi Amanda, you came so early.” Came the director’s calm and gentle voice.


“Hi director. I just arrived not long ago. I did not want to be late on the first day of filming.” Amanda replied and she looked up to director Alex.


She frowned a little when she raised her head.


She had been bending her neck for a long time and it felt slightly uncomfortable.


“Okay. Get prepared filming will start soon. I think your scenes with the male lead are being filmed first.” Director Alex reminded her.


“Okay director and thank you for the remind. I will go and do my make up now.

” Amanda nodded as she stood up. She went directly to the make room to get her makeup done.


Since she was only a second female lead, she did not have her exclusive makeup room and makeup artist like the male and female leads so she could only use one room with the rest of the cast.


The make up artists were hired by the production team so she did not need to worry about not being able to pay for her make up.


Amanda found the chair and sat down to wait for the make up artist to come and do her makeup.


Not long after, a lady came over where Amanda was sitting.


“Hey, I’m Amelia and I will be doing your makeup.” She introduced herself politely.


“Hey, I’m Amanda. Thank you for your service and I hope you are going to take good care of my skin.” Amanda replied politely with a calm smile.




Amanda had just done doing her makeup and changing into her costume when the assitant director’s voice was heard outside the door.


“Amanda, the director is requesting for you to go. Shooting is about to begin and you need to get in position.”


Amanda left the dressing room and went out with the assistant director.


She was a little nervous because it was her first time doing such a huge project.



But thinking about her mother lying in the hospital waiting for her to earn money so the she can undergo the surgery, she encouraged herself and assured herself that she can do it.




At R&S group of companies.


Thomas was standing ramrod straight in front of an office desk with a file in his hands.


Behind the desk was a man with a cold and unsmiling face.


His looks were heaven defying and his face only could cause calamity in the whole nation.


He was holding a pen in his hand and reading some documents. He could write down after every few minutes of reading, making corrections on the documents he was reading.


He was executing a noble and aristocratic aura that was hard to ignore.


Thomas cleared his throat as he stared at the man before him.


He had been standing there for over ten minutes but it seems like the boss did not even notice his presence.


He was used to it because once his boss started working, he will forget about everything even his meals.


“Boss, the information you asked about miss Amanda is all in here. I have compiled everything and you can take a look.” Thomas stated as he stretched out his hand to give the file to the man who did not even look up.


Hearing that, Richard Howell lifted his head and looked at Thomas briefly before taking the file before his eyes.


He took a quick look at it before closing it and putting it beside his documents.


“You did a good job. You will get a bonus at the end of the month.” Richard said flatly.



He had already returned to reading his documents as he said that.


Thomas was so touched that he almost cried.


“Thank you boss.” He bowed as he thanked his boss.


“That is all for now. You can leave.” Richard said coldly.


“Yes sir. Call me if you need anything.” Thomas bowed one last time and left unhurruedly.


After some time, Richard looked at the tightly shut door and then at the file that was lying quietly on his desk.


Something flashed in his eyes briefly before he took the file and started reading it word by word.


He did not want any thing to escape his eyes as if he was reading a billion dollar contract.


He did not show any expression on his face but you could tell that he was very satisfied with whatever was in the file.


He read for almost one hour before he put it down.


He had a calculative look on his face as he pondered on his next move..



























It was a tough day for Amanda. After they were done filming, she felt like her whole body was being tone apart.


She felt like she had just been given a good beating and her whole body was aching.


She dragged her tired body to the dressing room to change into her own clothes.


On her way to the changing room, many crew members greeted her and congratulated her on her good acting.


“Miss Amanda you did great today. Where did you learn your acting. It felt as if your character has come to life.” One of the crew said.


“It felt so surreal. Your cold and domineering attitude. You almost overpowered the male lead. I think you should quit acting and become a major general.” Another one added jokingly.


Hearing that, Amanda was amused and she could not control herself from laughing out loud.


“Thank you guys. But you won’t believe me when I tell you that it is my first time acting. I have not even studied in any art school. I think that I’m just lucky.” Amanda replied to them politely.


“Then from today onwards I’m your number one fan.” One of the crew said.


“Me too..”


“Count me in…”


More and more people joined.


In the end Amanda had gained herself over ten fans just in a moment.


Seeing how they vowed to be her loyal fans, she was so touched that she did not even know what to say.


She hugged each and everyone of them to express her gratitude.


“She is so real and cool. She is not like those fake dolls who only knows how to parade themselves but have no acting skills to show.”


“Yes. Did you see Melany today. She repeated almost all her scenes. I was so sick that I felt like going up and giving her a tight slap. But I don’t have the backing of a powerful family and I don’t want to lose my job.”


“I think that with time, we will like Amanda more and more.”


“Heh, I won’t be taking a shower for the next one week. My idol has hugged me. I don’t even want to remove this shirt.


More such comments were heard.


Amanda looked at them amused. She left and went to change her clothes.




After filming was done, director Alex went to review the video.


He was shocked on seeing how well Amanda acted. He could not help but smile like an idiot.


This girl was a gem. A little experience and guidance and she will be a black horse in the entertainment industry.




After filming wrapped up, Amanda rushed to the hospital.


She was worried that her mother will be lonely and might start overthinking things.


She had to rush to the hospital to keep her company.


The director said that they will only pay her after one week of filming.


Before that she had to find other ways to earn money in order to keep her mother in the hospital.


The hospital was not a charity and they could not stay there without paying for the bill.


They also needed money to buy food and daily necessities.


Just thinking of how she needs to find another job made her head hurt.


When Amanda arrived at the door of her mother’s ward, she was instantly surprised.


The door was tightly guarded by black-clothed bodyguards.


They were wearing shades and you could not even see their faces much less their expressions.


Amanda wondered if she had walked to the wrong ward and looked up to confirm the ward number.


It was her mother’s ward. But what was going on. Was her mother kicked out. But she had paid the bill for the next three days and today was only the first day.



She took out her phone and was preparing to call her mother when a voice startled her from behind.


“Miss Amanda, you are back.” Amanda turned around and surprise was written all over her face.


She even forgot how to speak.


Wasn’t this the special assistant to the city tycoon Richard.


What the hell was he doing here and how did he even know her name.


Did something happen to her mother?


“What happened to my mother? Why are there bodyguards outside my mother’s ward. I don’t care who you are and what status you have. I will not spare you if something happens to my mother.” Amanda threatened but deep down she knew that she was just like a headless chicken without any power to do anything.


Rumours had it that Richard was the most ruthless business man in the country and whoever messed with him will not see the light of the day.


Had her mother offended this bloodthirsty devil in the past and now he has come to take his revenge.


Just thinking about it made Amanda’s whole body shudder. She even got goosebumps all over her body.


Without waiting for Thomas to say anything, she rushed towards the door and banged at it.


The bodyguards tried to stop her but Thomas signaled them to let her in.


When Amanda entered the room, she was surprised by what she saw. Her mother was not covered in blood and screaming in pain but she was rather laughing happily.


What the hell was going. Was this man playing with his prey first before eating it whole.


She had expected to find her mother on brink of death from the torture by this devil.


She rushed to her mother’s bed and looked at her worriedly.


“Mother are you okay. Did he do anything to you. I swears that even if he touched a strand of your hair, I will not spare him.”


Her mother was dumbfounded.


“Amanda darling are you alright? What are you talking about.

Who wants to hurt me?” Her mother asked, a little astonished.


“I’m talking about this man here. Has he done anything to you?” Amanda asked as she glared at Richard with a murderous look.


“Why are you so agitated. Who told you that Richard wanted to hurt me. In fact he is a very good child and he brought me many fruits and many nutritious supplements.” Her mother was not sure what was going on with this daughter of hers.


“Don’t be rude to our guest. You should at least say hi.” Her mother reprimanded.


“Richard this is Amanda my daughter. Amanda this is Richard Howell the president and CEO of R&S group of companies. I think you have heard of it.” Her mother introduced briefly.


“Hello.” Richard stretched out his hand.


Amanda could only reply stiffly.




They shook hands for less than two seconds before Amanda withdrew.


Richard looked at her and wondered why she hated him so much.


Had they crossed paths in the past and he did not remember.


No that can’t be. If he had encountered such a beautiful soul he would surely remember.


And he was not someone who liked to be in close contact with just any lady.


He had his doubts but he chose to keep them to himself.


He will found out sooner or later..

Evelyne looked at her daughter and then at Richard and wondered if these two already knew each other.


She had a contemplative look in her eyes as she observed the two.


“Auntie, about your condition I will talk to doctor Martin and see what can be done. It will be even better if the surgery will be scheduled early on before your condition worsened.”


“You don’t have to worry about that. Amanda is working really hard and I will have the surgery once she gets paid.”


As she said so, she looked at her daughter with pity.


It was her responsibility as a mother to give her daughter a good life. But here she was lying in a hospital bed while her daughter faced the cruel world on her own.


She really failed as a mother.


But once she gets better she will make up for it. They will face the challenges together and her daughter will never suffer again.


“You do not have to worry about the bill. I will take care of it. And you cannot refuse. Just take it as an angel of God helping you.” Richard said in a manner that Evelyne could not refuse.


She turned to look at her daughter but her daughter’s gaze was on the man before her.


What God’s sent angel. Does he think that she is such a fool to accept help from a stranger. There was nothing like free lunch in this world. And the most unbelievable thing is that the man who was known to be the most ruthless and cold hearted was the one offering free lunch.


Hah, Amanda scoffed in her heart.


After her past life experience, she learnt to be more cautious about men and trusting their words.


“Amanda what do you think about that?” Her mother asked when she saw her expression getting darker and darker.


Amanda came back to her senses after hearing her mother’s voice.


“Ohh about that…. we are sorry sir but we can’t accept your offer. I will get my pay in one week’s time and I will pay for my mother’s surgery. You don’t need to be concerned.” Amanda declined politely but her voice carried a trace of coldness.


Richard gave a small smile after hearing what Amanda said.


Was this girl trying to challenge his authority.


Did she know that he was the largest investor in the movie that she acting in right.


Just one word from him and it will get her fired. But he can’t do that because he cannot stand to see her suffer.


But he knew how to deal with arrogant brats like this one.


“It is okay if you want to pay your mother’s surgery.

But I talked to doctor Martin and he said that her condition cannot be delayed any further or it will be hard to do the surgery and the recovery time will also take time.”


“How the hell did you know all that……”


Amanda did not wait for the answer because she knew that with this man’s resource he can even dig one’s ancestral grave if you messed with him.


She instead asked. “Why are you helping us when we barely know each other.”


“I told you to just take as I’m an angel sent by God to help those in need and I happened to meet you first.” Richard answered innocently. He was not even ashamed that he was lying with a straight face.


If his assistant was here, he would have been shocked. When did his boss became so good hearted that he can even help strangers.


“Okay. I will take it as you are loaning me and I will pay you as soon as I get my pay from the production crew.” Amanda finally gave in.


She will do anything to see her mother get better.


Hearing that, Richard nodded in satisfaction.


“Then it is a deal.”


By the time you get paid, I promise you that I will have already made you my girlfriend and we will see if you will still pay me back. Richard thought as a he looked at Amanda with a foxy look.


“Just like that. Don’t we even need to sign IOU?” Amanda asked in astonishment.


Did this man have a lot of money that he just wanted to throw it away.


“There is no need for that. At least I know Auntie is a good a person and her daughter cannot be any different.


Richard liked how careful and cautious Amanda was because at least no one will take advantage of her.


“Since that is arranged, I will be taking my leave. Auntie, please rest well. Everything will be okay before you even know it.”


Richard looked at Amanda as he stood up to leave.


Seeing that, her mother tugged at her sleeves.


“Amanda, please see the guest out.”


Amanda could only nod reluctantly.


They followed each other out one after another. Amanda was so focused on thinking about the sudden appearance of this man that she did not even know where she was heading to.


It was not until Richard caught her in his arms that she came back to her senses.


She looked at him with a stunned look. They were so close that she could see every inch of this man’s face.


He had an oval face. It was flawless and perfect even better than that of a woman with make up.


His eyes were deep and dark and carried a mysterious light that you could not see past it.


His nose was long and straight and fitted on his face well.


Amanda was lost in those deep eyes that she almost drowned.


As she was eyeing him, Richard was also doing the same.


He looked at her small exquisite face and almost wanted to touch it.


It was so soft that he felt like taking a bite.


He wondered if it will be as sweet as he imagined.


His throat felt dry as he tried to control the heat that was raising in his body.


This is the first time he has looked at her at a close distance. It turned out that she was even more beautiful than he had imagined.


His was on the verge of losing control before he snapped back to reality.


“What were you thinking just now.

You were so distracted that you almost hit your head on the wall.” His low magnetic voice was heard.


Amanda was so shocked that she immediately pushed him away.


“What are you doing in broad daylight. Do you want me to call the police and report you for sexual harassment?” Amanda was furious.


She cannot accept that it was her fault.


“Ha…” Richard gave a low laugh.


His Adam apple moved up and down making Amanda swallow subconsciously.


Noticing what she has just done, she looked away with an embarrassed expression.


“I just saved you right now and now you are saying that I harassed you? If it were not for me maybe you might be having a concussion right now.” Richard said with a smile on his face.


He was not angry at all and instead he was in a better mood.


“Moreover, you were looking at me so intently I thought that you had fallen in love with me.” He said with a mischievous smile.


Amanda was surprised when she heard that.


Her eyes widened as she looked at the man before her.


“Who has fallen in love with you. I have never seen a man with such narcissism. And narcissism is a disease that need to be treated sooner.” She clenched her fists as she spat out those words.


Richard looked her with amusement and loved her even more..

She was really a stubborn girl but he loved it.


“I know I’m handsome and no woman can resist my charm. I won’t be surprised if you fell in love with me. In fact I will gladly accept you.”


Amanda was angry that she almost stomped her feet.


She did not know what came over her just a moment ago.


She had to admit that this man was really handsome and very charming but she cannot be attracted to him.


The good the looks were the more dangerous it was for her to dive in. Moreover looks are very deceiving and she cannot fall for this man.


“Yes you are very handsome sir and every woman would not resist your charm. But I’m different from every woman. I don’t fall for such little tricks. How many women have you deceived with your looks untill you took them to your bed?” Amanda asked sarcastically.


By now she had already calmed her frantic heart down.


“There is none.” Richard answered subconsciously.


Amanda suddenly laughed.


Who will believe him. After all he was such a handsome man and he even worked in the entertainment industry.


Amanda knew the tricks of the entertainment industry better than anyone else. She had toiled at the back of the food chain in her past life and have seen the darkest parts and secrets of the industry.


Women in the entertainment industry were all crazy and they could do anything just to get what they want.


How can this man say that he has not had any woman.


Seeing the woman before him look at him with doubtful eyes, Richard chose not to explain himself and just shut up.


Explaining himself won’t do any good. She might even think that he was trying to cover up something.


Richard looked at her silently and turned around to leave.


Seeing their boss come out, the bodyguard moved a side to make a path and maintained a considerable distance behind their boss.


He summoned Thomas who was sitting on the bench outside the ward.


“Yes boss!”


“I want you to arrange some things for me.” Richard said as he started to give a series of instructions.


“Call director Alex and tell him to delay the payments for the crew. Tell him that our company has encountered some problems and we cannot disburse the money for the time being.


Call doctor Martin and tell him to schedule the surgery for Amanda’s mother to the day after tomorrow.


From today onwards, make some security arrangements for Amanda.

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