Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1041-1042

Chapter 1041 Unpleasant Reunion 

With a swift movement, Stella dived into the crowd, enthusiastically greeting the newly arrived grand uncle. She attempted to strike up a pleasant conversation, mentioning how she had eagerly anticipated his arrival at the entrance for quite some time. 

“Sorry about Stella, Mrs. Lenoir,” Ariana apologized with an awkward smile at Cherise. “She’s always like this…” 

Cherise’s expression twisted with confusion and nostalgia as she observed Stella mingling in the crowd. 

Discovering that this seemingly pretentious and superficial Stella was actually her former high school classmate was quite a revelation. She couldn’t help but let out a sigh. 

Although they once shared the same classroom, they seemed to belong to entirely different worlds, with contrasting values and perspectives after those years in school. 

“Yeah, that makes sense,” Ariana considered, tapping her fingers. Since you’re the same age as Sav and Stella, and you all went to Shawbury High School, it’s totally possible you were classmates.” 

She laughed, continuing, “I never imagined you’d have been in the same class as them and Steve, my new brother-in-law. I invited you here for a good time, little did we know it would be a high school reunion. Funny how things turn out, right? Oh, by the way, Sav has invited a lot of her ex-classmates here today. Maybe chatting with them will trigger some memories!” 

Cherise nodded, “I hope so.” 

Just then, Damien and Blake approached. Mr. Hampson and Otto went to park the car and arrange accommodations for the next few days. 

“Deep in conversation, I see. What’s the gossip?” Damien quizzed. 

“Guess what! The bride and groom today are actually my old high school classmates!” Cherise beamed, linking arms with Damien. 

“Wouldn’t be surprised if the bride was my old BFF,” she teased. 

Damien finally lifted his gaze, scanning the names of the groom and bride for the day. He chuckled, “You’re spot on. She was.” 

Cherise’s eyes widened in surprise. “No way! Really?” 

“Absolutely, Damien replied, a gentle smile gracing his lips. He mentioned he’d recently delved into her past, confirming Savannah as her high school BE 

“But he continued, his tone thoughtful, ‘during our investigation, we discovered that back in high school, Savannah didn’t seem to have much interaction with her supposed fiancé.” 

According to reports from Shawbury, Savannah, who was once close to Cherise in high school, was romantically involved with another classmate. 

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09:33 Wed, Apr 24 N 

Chapter 1041 Unpleasant Reunion 


support her boyfriend’s studies with the money she earned. 

As a result, she gradually lost touch with her high school friends, including Cherise. 

“Follow me,” Ariana beckoned Cherise upstairs, leading her to a table where their former classmates were gathered in the corner. 

“Please, take a seat. Excuse me while I go greet my family,” Ariana excused herself before departing. 

Cherise nodded appreciatively, sharing a meaningful glance with Ariana before she departed. 

“Hey, Cherry! Over here!” a man near the staircase called out, recognizing Cherise as he approached and warmly welcoming her. 

Afterward, turning to the others at the table, he declared proudly, “See, I told you she’d come! Cherise was Savannah’s closest friend in high school. I knew she wouldn’t miss this. You guys doubted me!” 

Fetching two chairs, he gestured for Cherise and Damien to join them. “Since you’ve been living in the city since graduation, you rarely come back, right? So when I received Savannah’s wedding invitation recently, I knew you’d make the trip back for it. And here you are.” 

Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1042 Damien Defended Cherise 

As Cherise arrived, she was greeted by a familiar face from high school-the plump boy who had remained the same over the years. 

“Is this your boyfriend?” A sharp voice interrupted, and Cherise saw a heavily made-up woman eyeing Damien. “Introduce him to everyone,” she insisted. 

Cherise racked her brain but couldn’t place the woman. Were they classmates from high school? They sat at the same table, after all. 

Damien leaned in, noticing Cherise’s confusion. “She was a rebellious classmate, expelled for early love and abortion. You were never close to her.” 

Cherise was surprised by Damien’s insight into her past. But seeing the woman with her heavy makeup and sharp tongue, Cherise couldn’t help but agree with Damien. 

I mean, she knew Damien was off-limits, yet she shamelessly ogled him, which got on Cherise’s nerves! 

Cherise casually grabbed a 5L drink bottle to block the woman’s blatant attempts to catch Damien’s eye. “You may call him Mr. Lenoir.” 

Cherise’s calm yet standoffish attitude made the woman smirk. “Just asking for an introduction. Why are you so uptight and unhappy? Afraid someone else might steal him?” 

The woman chuckled, “Cherise, oh Cherise, in high school, you were the epitome of a low self-esteem ugly duckling. Now, your taste in men might have improved, but that inferiority complex of yours still lingers!” 

The woman’s words sparked laughter from the other women at the table, who inspected Damien closely, “Her boyfriend is so handsome. No wonder she’s afraid we’ll keep staring.” 

“If we were to snatch such a catch, she’ll end up a lonely old spinster!” 

“Spot on!” 

The women grew brazen in their remarks, some even boldly asking Damien for his contact information. 

These former classmates continued to ignore Cherise as if she were invisible. 

Cherise’s smile started to melt away, replaced by a frown. This high school reunion was a breeding ground for bad memories and awkward encounters. 

Just as she was about to break the ice, Damien, ever the protector, spoke up next to her. 

“Oh, you clueless fools! Don’t you get it? You should be thanking Cherise for even tolerating you! Seriously, some gratitude would be nice.” he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. 

Damien reached for his glass, eyes scanning the women with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down their spines. 


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09:33 Wed, Apr 24 N 

Chapter 1042 Damien Defended Cherise 


His voice, cold and indifferent, pierced the air. “While I was courting Cherise, I learned all about the nasty things you used to do to her. Remember all that teasing and tormenting in high school? Her distance now is her way of avoiding you – a bunch of pariahs. She’s only being civil because of this stupid high school reunion. Believe me, the only reason you haven’t faced my wrath yet is because she doesn’t want you to pee yourselves in public and humiliate yourselves further.” 

With that, he pointed at the heavily made-up woman who had spoken first. “Remember when you spiked her coffee with soy sauce, planted cheat sheets in her pocket to frame her for cheating, and ridiculed her appearance?” 

The woman’s face drained of color, rendered speechless. 

Damien’s smirk widened as he pointed his finger at another woman at the table. “And you,” he said, his voice dripping with disgust, “Remember that time you ‘borrowed’ Cherise’s pads during that time of the month? And then, the audacity to sell them back to her at an extortionate price? Classic high school hustle, am I right?” 

The woman sputtered, face turning red. “No way! That’s a lie!” 

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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1038-1040

Chapter 1038 Entourage to Shawbury 

Cherise’s eyes fluttered open, still groggy from sleep. She could barely see the man on top of her before his hungry kisses stole her breath away. 

Damien’s dominant, suffocating kiss left her breathless. She gasped as memories flooded back, throwing her for a loop. 

Cherise attempted to push him away, but she soon gave up and let him have his way. 

The flashbacks and the familiar scent told her, without even looking, that the man shamelessly violating her against her will was Damien. 

Seeing her submission, Damien smirked with amusement. “Thought you would put up a bigger fight.” 

“Tired from trying,” Cherise mumbled, her voice tinged with a strained facade of annoyance. “Besides, what’s the point? I can’t escape anyway. Might as well just enjoy it.” 

Her blunt honesty made Damien laugh. He playfully pinched her cheek. “So, finally admitting you enjoy my kisses, huh?” 

Cherise blushed and turned away, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. “I didn’t say that. Just simply accepting what is.” 

Damien’s passionate kiss triggered a flood of sweet memories. Memories of their past intimacy and the undeniable pleasure they shared. Honestly, there was no point in denying her own feelings. She secretly enjoyed these moments with him. 

“Thinking things through, huh?” Damien said, rising from the bed with a knowing smile as he drew back the curtains. Sunlight streamed into the room. 

“Since my dear Mrs. Lenoir is exhausted from our ‘workout, let’s grab a quick dinner downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you, you know.”” 

Cherise frowned. “Everyone? What do you mean?” 

Wasn’t it supposed that the two of them were going to Shawbury? 

At first, Cherise wanted to take Soren and Serafina along, but Damien insisted they go to school. Now, he mentions that everyone awaits her, and Cherise wonders what he means. 

Damien said softly, “This time, we’re going with Mr. Hampson, Otto, and Blake with his girlfriend.” 

Cherise was surprised. “Mr. Hampson and Otto going together makes sense, but Blake and…” 

“Blake’s girlfriend is also from Shawbury,” Damien interjected, seemingly reading Cherise’s thoughts. 

He kissed her forehead and continued, “Blake has quife the eye, picking a girlfriend from your hometown.” 

Damien pulled Cherise into his arms and explained, asked Blake if he wants to join us. After all, you 


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09:28 Tue, Apr 23 

Chapter 1038 Entourage to Shawbury 

with his girlfriend. But he later discovered she’s from Shawbury too and has close relatives getting married. So, he asked if he could come along,” 

“So Blake’s coming for his girlfriend, not us?” Cherise clarified. 

Damien nodded with a faint smile. “You could say that.” 

“As his parents, and with us all heading to the same place, I couldn’t find a reason to refuse.” Cherise said. 

He gently ruffled Cherise’s hair and said, “Alright then. Hurry up and get ready; everyone’s downstairs. waiting.” 

Cherise nodded and went to freshen up. 

By the time they went down, it was past nine. Otto and Mr. Hampson were engaged in a cautious conversation, occasionally sharing quiet laughs. 

Ponytailerella sat on the carpet, writing something on the coffee table. Blake, seated across from her, observed her with a mesmerized gaze, In his typically impassive eyes, there was now a hint of tenderness. 

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Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1039 Ariana’s Cousin’s Wedding 

A smile tugged at Cherise’s lips as she caught sight of Blake’s lovesick, goofy expression. Back during her memory-loss days, he’d been like a brother to her 

With her memories trickling back, she vividly remembered how utterly boring he’d been five years ago. Seeing him like this now made her realize how much time had changed him. 

Ponytailerella finished scribbling on a page and looked up, surprised to see Cherise standing by the stairs. She jumped up and blurted, “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Lenoir!” 

A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned to Cherise and Damien. 

Damien gave a small smile. “Sorry we kept you waiting, folks.” He wrapped his arm around Cherise’s waist and led her down the stairs. “Ready to go?” 

With Damien’s cue, the group was set for departure. Not many people joined them on this trip to Shawbury-just Mr. Hampson, Otto, Blake, two drivers, and two bodyguards. 

Ariana leaned over to Cherise in the car and whispered curiously, “Mrs. Lenoir, do you remember me?” Cherise’s smile was like sunshine. “Of course! You’re Blake’s ‘Ponytailerella.” 

The girl blushed at the playful nickname. “It’s Ariana Madix, actually. You can call me Ariana.” 

She looked away shyly, trying to break the awkwardness. “Um, actually, it’s my cousin’s wedding today. Thank you for letting me crash your ride… How about I invite you to the wedding?” 

She beamed, her cheeks flushed pink. “Blake mentioned you’ve been stuck inside lately, and maybe need a break from the routine. It’d be awesome if you came and had some fun with us!” 

Cherise had been bored out of her mind lately, with no exciting events to break the monotony. She readily agreed, “Sounds like an idea!” 

She turned to Damien in the passenger seat and asked, “Honey, what do you think?” 

Damien folded his arms and stared out the window, his voice a low rumble of indulgence. “Of course, I still owe you a real wedding ceremony anyway. Attending one before ours could be a good inspiration. You can see what you like and plan our wedding however you want when it’s our turn.” 

Cherise stammered, flustered. “I, uh, I just thought it would be a fun outing, not for…” 

Following Ariana’s directions, they headed to the hotel where her cousin’s wedding was happening. Stepping out of the car, Cherise scanned the names on the colorful archway. Her brows furrowed slightly as she mumbled, “Savannah Seagal…bride…the groom…Steve Orborn…” 

Something about those names rang a bell, but she couldn’t quite place them. 

Just then, a harsh female voice cut through her thoughts. “Hey, Ariana! You said you were coming back today; your uncle must be kicking rocks at the station waiting for you now. But hey, look at you rolling 


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09:28 Tue, Apr 23 

Chapter 1039 Ariana’s Cousin’s Wedding 

Cherise was lost in her own world until a shrill voice shapped her out. She frowned and followed the noise to see a woman in a red dress, around her age, gawking at their car. 

The woman seemed to ignore Cherise entirely, focusing solely on Ariana. “You’ve been keeping a lot under wraps,” she remarked, her voice carrying across the room. I thought getting into Adania University would have you nose-deep in textbooks, but this? Seems like there’s a whole other side to this new life’ that hasn’t been shared. If it weren’t for Savannah’s wedding, we’d all still be clueless about your fancy new life with some rich Adania boyfriend 

She pressed on, her tone dripping with curiosity. “That must be his car, right?” 

Her voice cut through the air, turning heads and igniting gossip around Ariana. 

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Chapter 1040 Unwanted Attention in Shawbury 

Ariana’s face flushed. “Don’t be ridiculous! These are my friend’s family. They were kind enough to give me a ride home, so I invited them to the wedding. It’s not what you think!” 

The woman in red just laughed. “Sneaky, sneaky! Who offers a casual friend a ride home and then gets invited to a family wedding? They’ve never even met the bride! All this fancy treatment for a random friend? Doesn’t add up, does it? Don’t insult my intelligence. Who brings a random person home? Let alone to a family thing like a wedding?” 

Just then, Damien was in the car, hung up on Jacob, and stepped out. 

Shawbury wasn’t exactly known for luxury cars or glamorous people. So, when Damien walked out in his khakis and sweater, looking like a million bucks, everyone stopped and stared. 

The woman in red who’d been grilling Ariana practically had her jaw on the floor. After a stunned silence, she squeezed Ariana’s hand way too hard. 

Dressed in a vibrant red dress, the woman’s eyes lingered covetously on Damien as she leaned in to whisper to Ariana. “Age ain’t nothing but a number, honey! Look at him… I can practically smell the money bags! Come on, spill the beans. How’d you snag him? Check out the car, the clothes, the whole package! This guy has gotta be at least a department manager, right?” 

Cherise, catching wind of her covetous tone, couldn’t suppress a smirk. “Oh, you have no idea you’re selling him short.” 

“Really?” The woman in the red dress instinctively turned towards the voice. 

Only then did she notice another woman standing behind Ariana. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she called out Cherise’s name in a stunt. 

“Do you know me?” Cherise was surprised that this stranger knew her name. 

“Of course! We went to high school together!” The woman in the red dress pursed her lips. “I used to pick on you back then… I mean, we even sat in front of each other! I’m Stella Page. Hey, don’t you remember me?” Stella frowned. 

Cherise’s mind was blank, but she played along. “Yeah, yeah, of course I remember,” she mumbled. 

Stella kept rambling, lost in her own world. “The couple getting married today- Savannah and Steve were classmates with us back in high school! Remember graduation? Considering how deeply they were in love, everyone assumed the gorgeous Savannah would marry the class heartthrob. 

She paused and then ruefully shook her head, “But who knew the prettiest girl in our class would end up-marrying the biggest dork? Money talks, I guess.” 

Stella snapped out of her nostalgic rant and turned back to Ariana, still holding her hand. “Speaking of money, how loaded is this new boyfriend of yours?” 

Ariana fumbled, her face flushing. “Wait, no! Not my boyfriend’s car! Don’t jump to conclusions! It’s actually her husband’s,” she explained, gesturing to Cherise. 


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09:28 Tue, Apr 23 

Chapter 1040 Unwanted Attention in Shawbury 


Stella’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, what? Your husband’s?” 

At this point, Cherise couldn’t keep up the pretense of stay out of the drama any longer. She gave Stella a sheepish smile. “Yep, he’s my husband.” 

Hearing this, Stella’s admiration for Damien quickly soured into disdain. “Well, that explains the flashy car. It’s probably rented and for show. Seems like he’s just putting on airs with his supposed wealth and sophistication, huh?” 

Adding insult to injury, she continued, ‘Who would’ve thought a plain Jane like you would end up with such a vain man for a husband. Quite the surprise. But I guess you two complement each other.’ 

Glancing towards the hotel entrance where a wealthy relative had just arrived, Stella nudged Ariana. “I’ll go say hi to Granduncle. Since they’re your guests, why not show her in? Today’s Savannah’s wedding, and there’s a bunch of our old high school buddies around. You know the drill. See if you can slot her in with the gang.” 



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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1032-1037

Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1032 You Saved My Life 

Lucy shrugged, bypassing Cherise to enter the room. It seems like you’re not too happy to see me.” 

“You’ve changed. You used to like me before you lost your memory,” she continued as she strode into the living room. 

Then, standing in the middle of the room, she immediately noticed the spread of food on the dining table. She walked over briskly and casually picked up a pierogi before popping it into her mouth. 

“It tastes good, and it’s just as I remembered. Your cooking hasn’t lost its touch,” she remarked before waving to Frances.”Could you bring me a set of utensils? I’m feeling a bit hungry.” 

Frances smiled and nodded, “Of course! Ms. Staber, please help yourself.” 

Cherise pursed her lips, quickly taking a seat before Lucy. “What brings you here… is there something you need?” 

Although she knew Lucy had always been a good friend, she had no memory of their past, having only met Lucy two or three times. She could not be as close to Lucy as she seemed to expect. 

Unfazed by Cherise’s distance, Lucy continued eating pierogi. She said casually, “I’m here to take Alexis away.” 

Cherise frowned, recalling that Alexis had mentioned liking Lucy during their last conversation. But… 

“Are you sure about this?” she asked. 

Lucy nodded. “He has been with you and Damien for too long. Sooner or later, someone will use him against you.” 

She explained the situation as she ate the pierogi, “I’ve arranged for a DNA test. The results show that Alexis has no biological connection to you or Damien. But as you know, the false test Sebastian forged has caused quite a stir.” 

“But that one was fake,” Cherise countered. She pursed her lips and continued, “What harm could a false test result do?” 

“You’re too naive,” Lucy chuckled. “Memory loss makes you so innocent.” 

“You see, many people don’t care about the facts. They care about what outcome serves their interests. It doesn’t matter who the child’s birth parents are. What matters is that there’s a test result claiming he’s Sebastian’s illegitimate child with you.” 

Lucy continued, “Even though Sebastian’s fortunes have declined, and your status is only Damien’s wife, the more vulnerable the situation, the more people will try to exploit it to unsettle Damien. And besides, the child is still young. You can’t keep watching over him forever. If someone starts gossiping around him in the future, it will be detrimental to him” 

Once she was done speaking, she let out a satisfied burp and picked up a nearby drink to take a sip. “So, it’s best that the child leaves with me.” 


09:23 Mon, Apr 22 N 

Chapter 1032 You Saved My Life 


She continued, “Once he’s no longer with you, far fewer people will attempt to manipulate him. Furthermore, he won’t be subjected to gossip.” 

“After all, I…” She paused. “After all, I’m unable to have children myself, so adopting a child is understandable.” 

Cherise’s eyes widened in shock. “You… How could…” 

“It’s a long story,” Lucy interrupted. 

She smiled, patting Cherise’s shoulder. “Once you regain your memory, you’ll understand the whole matter. If it weren’t for you back then, I might not have just lost a child and my ability to conceive. I might have died.” 

With that said, she smiled sweetly at Cherise. “So, not only are you my good friend, but you also saved my life.” 

Cherise was too stunned to speak. She desperately wanted to know what had happened to Lucy. 

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Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1033 He Found Me 

What enabled her to speak so casually about a pain that most women struggle to talk about for the rest of their lives? What could have caused her to lose a child, her ability to conceive, and nearly her life? 

“All right,” Lucy said abruptly. 

Seeing what looked like pity in Cherise’s eyes, Lucy suddenly found the pierogi in her mouth less appetizing. She grimaced. “I’m fine now, aren’t I? Why are you looking at me like that? I don’t like it.” 

She signed before continuing, “It’s been many years. I’ve moved on. I’m happy now.” 

The air around them grew eerily quiet. 

Lucy smiled faintly. Her gaze seemed to drift past Cherise to some distant place. “Being infertile isn’t so bad. My dad stopped pushing me to go on blind dates, and whenever some guy bothers me, I just whip out my medical certificate. It saves a lot of hassle.” 

Cherise pursed her lips, uncertain of what to say. After a moment, she took a deep breath and threw herself into Lucy’s embrace, holding her tightly. 

This sudden hug caught Lucy off guard. 

“What are you doing?” Lucy exclaimed, unsure about where to put her hands. 

But after a moment, she chuckled wryly. “You’re making me nervous like this. Did you lose your memory and develop a crush on me or something? I’ll have you know, even though I can’t have kids for the rest of my life, I’m still a straight woman who enjoys looking at muscular men!” 

Still, Cherise embraced Lucy tightly, trying to channel her warmth to her. “I don’t remember what happened to you. But Lucy…” 

Cherise took a deep breath and continued, “I’ll always be your friend. Even without my memories, I’ll always be your friend and support. Thus, no matter your sadness or troubles, I’ll always be here to listen.” 

“I…” Lucy hesitated, “I don’t know what to say.” 

“As long as you understand,” Cherise said softly, “that’s all that matters 

Lucy’s stiff posture gradually relaxed. She chuckled ruefully. You’re impressive, as always. You see through me even though I put on a front.” 

After saying that, she closed her eyes, and tears silently streamed down her cheeks. “He found me. I’ll leave tomorrow. This time, I have to escape to a much farther place. I actually… came to say goodbye.” 

Lucy’s words left Cherise utterly stunned. 

Cherise did not have to ask to know that the”h” Lucy referred to was the person who had hurt her the most. She couldn’t even bear to mention his name. 


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Chatter #03633 fe found Me 

see mother 

It mightbe baziniaileishishene Lacypplied. She looked up and smiled at Cherissellectumwbci can trulyutgaveenon.” 

Withthashe be acted outdid guy pinched Cherises cheek. Who knows I highhbbinggaldsishingly handsen bevoiended monce you next time.” 

Cherier kungbetheAllAithth, but regiedless of who your poviriced is, he beter bcgcod to Aldexis.” 

He wall bed butaysumed. 

Then acvisu strbe dailymicidivandicontinued, 

can’t have children in this lifetime anyway and Aldexs 

treat him as toy SOD. 

is aboutthe samhce as ayahithidho passed away! 

Cherise notdederlancing statively hathen watch. Alexis should be back soon. 

As soon as she finished socnandinhaher heard a car going outside the house. 

Serf @dftsifts 


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Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1034 New Mother 


The moment the servant who went to pick up the children opened the door, Serafina darted in. Following behind her was a composed Alexis, and Soren, who was bringing up the rear, carried both his and his sister’s backpacks. 

“Lucy’s here too!” Serafina dashed straight into Lucy’s arms. “Lucy, I missed you so much!” 

“You say that every time, kiddo.” Lucy chuckled helplessly, retrieving three exquisitely wrapped chocolates from her bag. “I came in a rush this time and didn’t bring any gifts. But here are the chocolates I received at the last academic conference. You can have them.” 

“Thank you, Lucy!” Serafina kissed Lucy’s cheek before running upstairs with chocolates in hand. 

Soren smiled wryly as he watched his sister run away. Then, he approached Lucy and took his share of the chocolate. “Lucy, you seem preoccupied.” 

Lucy instinctively touched her face. “Is it that obvious?” 

“No.” Soren shook his head, grinning. “But I can read between the lines, and I can tell you’re troubled. And can’t think straight!” 

Lucy shot him a wry look. “You’re too perceptive for your own good.” 

Cherise looked helplessly at her son. “That’s enough. Go upstairs and keep your sister company. Lucy and I need to talk to Alexis.” 

Soren pursed his lips and glanced at Alexis before heading upstairs with the chocolate and backpack in 


Lucy waited to hear Soren closing the door upstairs before smiling and waving over. “Come here.” 

Alexis blushed as he approached Lucy and took the chocolate she offered. “Miss, why do you wish to 

talk to me?” 

“Don’t call me Miss anymore,” Lucy chuckled. “From now on, call me Mom. Come on an adventure with me, and I’ll show you the wonders of the world outside. How does that sound?” 

Alexis’ big eyes lit up immediately. “Really?” 

Then, he glanced at Cherise gratefully. “You weren’t lying after all!” 

Cherise chuckled awkwardly. “Well, you see… I keep my promises.” 

Lucy frowned at her. 

Cherise cleared her throat, saying. “Actually… Alexis mentioned before that he really likes you. So, I promised him that the next time I saw you, I would ask if you wanted to adopt him…” 


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Chapter 1034 New Mother 

this little guy too.” 

She pinched Alexis’s cheek with her finger. “Since you like me and I like you, how about you pack your bags and follow me, your new mom, on a fun adventure?” 

Alexis nodded eagerly. “Okay!” 

With that, he leaped out of Lucy’s embrace and hummed a tune as he happily went up the stairs. 

Meanwhile, Lucy reclined into her seat and smiled faintly as she watched Alexis disappear from view. 

At that moment, Lucy only knew that Alexis was an orphan Cherise adopted in Lermille. She was unaware of the truth about her connection to the child. 

Once Alexis went out of her sight, Lucy turned to Cherise. “By the way, when you regain your memory, remember to write me an email and tell me the true story behind this child. 

Cherise pursed her lips and nodded earnestly. “I will.” 

Since Alexis had only been living in the Lenoir residence for a while, he naturally did not have many things. 

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Marrying the Man In the Dark 

Chapter 1035 Leftovers 

All his clothes and belongings, along with the toys and gifts Serafina and Soren had given him, barely filled one suitcase. 

Thirty minutes later, Alexis reappeared before Lucy, fully dressed and wheeling the suitcase. Lucy, stood up and took the suitcase from Alexis’s hands. “I’ve made arrangements for the adoption. procedure. I’ll make sure Alexis has a proper family.” 

She paused briefly before continuing, “But I’ll probably change his surname to avoid unnecessary complications. He’ll be called Alexis Staber.” 

Cherise nodded. She understood. Lucy was a single woman. If Alexis did not have her surname, it would lead to speculation and gossip. 

“I’m fine with that!” Alexis chimed in before Cherise could speak. “I’m happy with whatever my mom names me!” 

Cherise did not know what to say. She could not help but wonder if this kid was too clever for his own good. However, from the look in Alexis’s eyes as he watched Lucy, Cherise could tell that he truly liked her. 

After seeing off Lucy and Alexis, Cherise found herself pondering silently. Lucy, Alexis. 

When I named Alexis all those years ago, did I choose this name because I hoped he would be like Lucy? Did I choose the name because its meaning reminded me of Lucy? 

She scratched her head, realizing how troublesome it was to lose her memory. Otherwise, she would not have been perplexed about why she gave Alexis that name years ago. How she wished she could remember everything about her past immediately. 

But as she recalled how she remembered something about her past that day because Damien kissed 


Her cheeks turned red. 

Not long after Lucy left, Damien returned home with Beckham. Accompanying them was Damien’s close friend, Lennon. 

As they settled around the table, Lennon was surprised to find his plate of pierogi only half the others. He furrowed his brow and looked at Cherise with discontent. “Cherry, even if yo me coming here for dinner, there’s no need to treat me like this, isn’t there?” 

Cherise glanced at the plate of pierogi before Lennon and realized it was the one Lucy had eate earlier. After Lucy left, Cherise’s mind was so occupied with Lucy that she forgot to bring a new pierogi for Lennon. 

She smiled awkwardly, saying, “Um, I’ll ask Frances to get you another plate. My friend, Lucy, came see me just now and sat on your spot. She ate half of the pierogi, and I forgot to bring you a new 


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Cherise’s words instantly silenced the entire dining room. 

Lennon pursed his lips, carefully guarding his half-empty plate. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll just eat this half.” 

The air became strangely still. 

Cherise waved at Frances awkwardly. “Can you get Mr. Belcourt a new plate of pierogi.” After all, it was not right to let guests eat leftovers from one’s friends. 

Lennon pressed his lips together and replied hoarsely, “I said, there’s no need to change it. I’ll eat this.” 

Cherise bit her lip, glancing at Lennon in confusion before looking at Damien. Damien returned her gaze and shook his head. But this only deepened her confusion. 

Why did he shake his head? Was it because it was something acceptable? Did I make Lennon angry that he said those words? 

But it makes sense. He came to his friend’s house for a meal, only to find the friend’s wife had served you someone else’s leftovers. I would feel uncomfortable too. 

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Chapter 1036 Bitter Smiles 

Would Lennon think that she was humiliating him? 

A sense of unease crept over Cherise at this thought. She bit her lip. 

“Mr. Belcourt, I didn’t mean to… You know that I suffer from amnesia. After I lose my memory, I often find myself confused. Somehow, I keep forgetting about social cues and etiquette…” 

She turned to him with a sincere gaze. “Please don’t take this to heart. Don’t feel bothered by this. I’ll ask Frances to change this for you…” 

Frances pursed her lips as she approached and reached for the half-full plate of pierogies before Lennon, only to be met with his glare. 

His eyes narrowed, and his tone was cold. “I said there’s no need for that!” 

He lowered his head. Gazing at the food on the plate, a bitter smile filled his face as he began to eat. 

Cherise was speechless. 

She innocently turned her eyes to Damien and mouthed, “What should we do?” 

“Ignore him.” 

Damien narrowed his eyes and said plainly, “He has a tendency to blow up like this.” 

He glanced at Cherise. “What did Lucy come for?” 

“She came to take Alexis with her.” 

Cherise pursed her lips. “She said that they’d found her. So, this time, she’s going somewhere they would never find. She won’t return for a while.” 

Her reply caused Lennon to pause momentarily from eating. 

After a moment, he forced another bitter smile, lowered his head, and began stuffing the pierogies into 

his mouth. 

“Um, Mr. Belcourt, please be careful not to choke.” 

Worried that Lennox was enraged, Cherise kept an eye on him while talking to Damien. 

She could not help but give Lennon advice when he began wolfing down the pierogies. 

Lennon stopped while keeping his head lowered, asking, “Did she mention when she would re 

“Ah.” It took Cherise a moment to process that Lennon was talking about Lucy. 

IsMr. Belcourt and Lucy acquainted? 



@ 1 Coins = 1 Pearls 

She looked at Lennon carefully. “Are you acquainted with Lulu as well, Mr. Belcourt?” 

Lennon furrowed his brow and mustered a wan smile. “I’m not sure if you can say we’re acquainted,” he 



Beckham, sitting at a side quietly, could sense Lennon’s apprehension. He interrupted the conversation to stop Cherise. “Have you remembered anything lately?” 

Cherise pursed her lips and promptly responded, “I did recall some things, but there isn’t much that I’ve remembered, and the memories are hazy.” 

“Very well.” 

Beckham nodded. 

“Damien told me that you’ll be heading to Shawbury tomorrow. That’s a good plan. I will be traveling to Europe for a while for some work. If visiting your former residence helps with your memory, when I return, I’ll take you to visit the Tanner Residence and the places where your mother and I used to bring you.” 

Cherise nodded earnestly. “All right. Then I’ll rely on you, Dad.” 

“There’s no need to say thanks between a father and his daughter.” 

Beckham smiled and lifted the wine glass on the table. “Let’s toast for our wishes to come true.” 

Damien nodded, raised his glass, and clinked it with Beckham’s. “I toast for your safe journey, 


Lennon set down his spoon and raised his glass as well. 

Beckham shot a look at Lennon. 

“There’s no need to be so downhearted, you young one. Losing something important to you is not frightening; What’s worse is staying in the situation and refusing to do anything to salvage it.” 

Lennon raised his head and met the earnest gaze of the middle-aged man. “I think it’s too late for me. to do anything.” 

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Chapter 1037 Triggers and Temptations 

Beckham shook his head. 

“You’re young. It’s only too late if you’re at my age and in my situation. If I had been braver, smarter, and tried harder when I was young, maybe the situation would have changed.” 

With a hint of regret in his eyes, the man continued, I had so much time, so many years… and yet I never noticed her existence… It was already too late when I finally found her. You’re luckier than me. At least you know she’s still alive. She’s still living somewhere out there.” 

Lennon forced a bitter smile. 

“I’m still going to do what I can. It’s just that…” 

For Lucy, perhaps even doing whatever he could was far from enough. 

The harm he caused to her was irreversible. 

Even though he only realized how much he had hurt her in the end. 

“Keep going.” 

Beckham clinked his glass against Lennon’s lightly to encourage him. 

Cherise followed Damien’s lead and clinked her glass with Beckham, followed by Lennon. “Mr. Belcourt, I don’t know what you’ve been through. But don’t lose hope. You can do it!” 

Lennon chuckled self-deprecatingly. “I will.” 

After dinner, Cherise and Damien sent the two men qut. 

“I hope I’ll get my memories back quickly.” 

With a hand resting against Damien’s arm, Cherise watched as they drove away. “I feel like I’m living in a fishbowl.” 

Damien raised his hand and pinched her cheek. “Why do you feel like you’re in a fishbowl 

“I feel like a fool, completely isolated from the world. I have no idea what happened to Lu know what happened to Lennon, and I don’t know what happened to Dad. The more I mec are related to me in the past, the more I feel that losing my memory is a terrifying thing.” 

Damien smiled and gently clasped his large hand over hers. “Don’t worry. You’ll remember eve sooner or later.” 

Cherise pouted. “I really wish I could wake up with all my memories restored.” 

The man frowned as he remembered something. He looked down at Cherise. 

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“You just told your dad that you remembered something earlier, right? Do you still remember what happened when you recalled that memory? Jacob said that for your type of amnesia, there will be triggers to help you recall your memories.” 

Cherise was silent. 

Was her intuition correct? Her trigger would be him teasing her. 

Thinking of the incident in the car today, her face turned crimson again. 

“Mrs. Lenior, your face is very red…” 

Furrowing his eyebrows, Damien lowered his head and intently fixed his eyes on the woman’s crimson face. “Are you thinking of something naughty?” 

Cherise quickly turned her head away while avoiding his gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 

She quickly broke free from his embrace and scurried back into the villa. 

Damien stayed in his spot, smiling faintly as he watched her. 

He was much luckier than Lennon. 

Because he was aware of Cherise’s feelings for him from the beginning, and he was well aware of his feelings for her. 

There was no hurdle between them apart from the misunderstanding half a decade ago. 

Even though she had lost most of her memories, she was still the abashed girl who would blush because of him. 

Watching the petite figure entering the villa, he sighed and quickly followed with wide strides. 

The following day, Cherise was roused by Damien kissing her. 


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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031 Cooking for Beckham

Cherise felt a warmth enveloping her heart as the man’s deep voice filled the room with its gentle timbre. No one could resist the soothing resonance of his words. She bit her lip, contemplating. “Well, I suppose it’s not entirely out of the question…” She didn’t want to dismiss Damien’s suggestion. After all, she was open to trying other ways to regain her memory. She wasn’t willing to allow Damien to have his way with her.

“But…” She paused, locking eyes with Damien. “My dad just arrived in Adania today, and we’re set to head to Shawbury tomorrow. I don’t think that’s very nice, is it?” Despite her memory loss, Cherise understood the significance of spending time with her loved ones.

“He’s leaving tomorrow.”

Cherise’s eyes widened in surprise. “He’s leaving tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Damien affirmed, his gaze slightly distant. “He’s headed to settle some old scores on a Mediterranean island.”

Cherise nodded thoughtfully. “I see.” Though she didn’t fully understand what Damien meant by “old scores,” she understood the gravity of the situation. Beckham had his priorities, and her father’s urgency to resolve the conflict spoke volumes of its importance to him. As his daughter, she couldn’t stand in his way. She took a deep breath and asked, “How about inviting Dad for dinner tonight?”

“That’s a great idea,” Damien agreed, nodding. “Why don’t you make some pierogis?” With a playful pinch to Cherise’s cheek, he added, “Both he and I adore your pierogis.”

Cherise nodded. “Sure!” With that, she ascended the stairs to change. But on the way up, a thought struck her, prompting her to turn to Damien again. “And what about Sebastian?”

Damien reassured her, understanding her concern. “He won’t come to any harm. Your father has his limits. Although everyone in Sebastian’s life has abandoned him, his life won’t be in danger. Your father mentioned putting him in a vegetative state, and that’s precisely what will happen. So, no need to fret.”

Cherise was dumbstruck. Do you think this is reassuring! “I think… it will be challenging to care for Sebastian if he ends up in a vegetative state,” Cherise noted, her lips pressed together. “Why don’t you just confine him to a mental institution like Ian… It’s no easy task to care for someone in a vegetative


“That could pose a challenge,” Damien chuckled. “Sebastian is much more cunning than lan. A mental institution won’t be enough to contain him.”

Cherise had already set the steaming pierogis on the table as the sun dipped below the horizon. This was her first time reuniting with her dad after her amnesia, and Cherise was meticulous in her preparations. Following Damien’s suggestion, she made pierogis, her signature salmon dish, and various other dishes.

Standing by the dining table, Cherise surveyed the sumptuous spread and smiled with satisfaction. Despite her memory loss, she hoped her father could feel her affection for him upon seeing the delectable meal she had prepared.


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08:48 Sat, Apr 20


Chapter 1031 Cooking for Beckham


door. “I’ll do it.”

Frances understood what Cherise was thinking of and stepped back with a smile. “Sure, Mrs. Lenoir. Please go ahead.”

Taking a deep breath, Cherise hurried to the door with a smile, eager to greet her father. “Dad…”

“Dad?” Lucy’s voice rang when the door opened. She tilted her head, peering at Cherise. “Is Mr. Beckham in Adania?”

Cherise blinked in surprise. “Oh. It’s you.”


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08:48 Sat, Apr 20

Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1026-1030

Chapter 1026 Betrayal 

The man cradled Cherise tenderly in his arms, yet his icy gaze pierced Sebastian. With a contemptuous sneer, he remarked, “You previously made it clear that if you didn’t return the shares worth ten billion. to me, Lenoir Group would be renamed to ‘Weiss Group.” 

“But what you don’t know is…” With a dismissive flick, he tossed a stack of share transfer documents. onto Sebastian’s lap. “Starting tomorrow, Weiss Group will be rebranded as ‘Lenoir Group. Your father has already signed a contract with me and transferred all the shares under his name to me.” 

Sebastian’s eyes widened abruptly, and he hurriedly sifted through the documents. To his astonishment, they bore the unmistakable signature of the elderly Alain! “How can this be…” He collapsed back onto the sofa, bewildered. “I’m his flesh and blood…” 

“Your father spilled the beans,” Damien smirked, “He made it clear that you’re the most unreliable person on the planet.” 

“He also mentioned that Yolanda couldn’t snag a decent husband. Since you’re so reckless, he has no one to count on. He would rather sell off Weiss Group’s shares, move overseas, and start afresh. Anyway, this money will ensure Yolanda lives a carefree life from now on. And as for you… he never considered you his son.” 

Sebastian felt like he’d been struck by a bolt of lightning, his mind reeling… Did my own father… forsake 


“Of course, the surprises I have in store for you don’t stop here, Mr. Weiss,” Damien remarked with a yawn, motioning for Otto to enter. Otto swiftly led a team to remove all the hidden cameras and bugs in the room. 

“And this.” Damien extended his hand, retrieving the pen from Cherise’s front pocket. He deftly disassembled the pinhole camera from the pen cap and handed it to Otto. Then, he reached out and playfully pinched Cherise’s nose. “What’s about to happen isn’t meant for outsiders to witness.” 

Cherise pressed her lips together, staring at him blankly. “Why not?” 

“Because it’s going to be rather frightful,” Damien explained, planting a kiss on her cheek. “And some folks prefer to remain out of the limelight.” 

The door swung open, and a middle-aged man in a silver-gray suit entered briskly. Cherise glanced up, taking in the spirited figure. Though he appeared to be in his fifties, there was a vitality about him that belied his age, with no hint of weariness or aging evident on his face. He looked very lively and… attractive. Still, Cherise couldn’t shake the feeling that she knew him. 

“Call him ‘Dad,” Damien whispered softly to her. 

Cherise’s eyes widened in realization. “Is this… my dad?” 


“Um… Hi, Dad,” Cherise rose awkwardly, her voice stiff. 



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09:21 Fri, Apr 19 

Chapter 1026 Betrayal 

Sebastian, grabbing his collar firmly. “You insulted my daughter, trying to sully her innocence.” 

“Didn’t I hear you blabbering about putting my daughter into a vegetative state meant for display?” He swung his fist forward, aiming at Sebastian’s face. “I won’t put you on display, but I’ll definitely put you in a vegetative state.” Despite being in his fifties, Beckham exercised regularly and took care of himself. When his fist landed, Sebastian had no chance to fight back. 

With one punch, Sebastian’s nose gushed blood, some of it splattering onto Cherise’s hand. As the warmth of Sebastian’s blood splashed on Cherise’s skin, she paused, inspecting it closely, and realized it was blood. 

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Chapter 1027 Settle It Tonight 

Instinctively, Cherise glanced upward, finding Sebastian’s face already drenched in blood. Despite his young, slender frame, Sebastian seldom exercised. Beckham hoisted him effortlessly as though Sebastian was as light as a feather. 

Meanwhile, Damien held onto Cherise, her hand now tainted with Sebastian’s blood. He produced a napkin for her to dab it away, then redirected his gaze. “Father, I’ll escort Cherise out for now.” 

Beckham, in the midst of beating Sebastian up, furrowed his brow slightly as he turned around and realized the extent of his violent, gory actions. Recognizing that Cherise was still grappling with amnesia and might not cope well with such a spectacle, he offered Damien a faint smile. “Take her away. I’ll remain here.” 

Damien scooped Cherise up as the man’s words trailed off and swiftly exited the room. In the corridor outside, Otto and other men clad in black stood at both sides. Damien kicked the door open and strode out, Cherise cradled in his arms. The men promptly cleared a path for him, bowing slightly as he passed. 

Cherise rarely found herself subjected to such scrutiny, causing her discomfort to spike, especially under Otto’s gaze. His smile sent shivers down her spine. “Please, put me down…” She murmured, her lips pressed tightly against Damien’s ear. 

“Even if I put you down, they’d still stare,” Damien replied with a faint smile, his voice low. “You have short legs. Mine are longer, and I walk at a quicker pace.” He had an inkling of Cherise’s thoughts, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “Being carried by me saves time and keeps you out of the spotlight.” 

Cherise fell silent, mulling over Damien’s words. Though they held merit, she couldn’t help but feel a flush of embarrassment. “Why do you think you’re quicker?” she interjected, her cheeks red. “Also, my legs are perfectly adequate.” 

Damien chuckled softly. “Why don’t we compare and settle it tonight in bed?” 

Cherise huffed. “Fine! We’ll see then!” She nestled against his shoulder, observing their reflections in the mirror as they moved. His legs appeared impossibly long and slender, the fabric of his trousers tapered elegantly at the ankles. Glancing at her legs dangling from his arm, she couldn’t deny that her legs were shorter. Yet, she clung to her pride nonetheless. 

“Don’t get too smug,” Cherise retorted, her lips forming a tight line. “It’s probably just your pants making your legs look longer than they are.” She paused, then added, “And don’t assume my legs are short either. This skirt is intentionally designed this way. Once we remove our bottoms, my legs won’t be as short as they seem, and yours won’t be as long as they seem!” 

Damien couldn’t suppress a chuckle at her words. “So you suggest we remove our bottoms to settle this tonight?” 

Cherise nodded, her expression determined. “Yes, that’s right. I want to settle it once and for all! I’m not backing down.” 

“Sure,” Damien remarked with a smile, his voice low and suggestive. 


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09:21/ Fri, Apr 19 


Chapter 1027 Settle It Tonight 


Cherise pouted, a sense of unease creeping over her. It only dawned on her as Damien settled her into the car. She slapped her forehead in realization. Discussing how clothes made their legs look was her attempt at preserving her dignity. She thought it was merely innocent banter. But to Damien, it might have sounded like a clumsy proposition… 

His tone and the mischievous glint in his eyes flooded her mind. He must have interpreted her words as an invitation to do the deed! He must have thought she was acting coy with him, hence his sly grin and playful tone. 

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Marrying the Man in the Dark 

Chapter 1028 The Accidental Kiss 

As she mulled over her predicament, Cherise couldn’t help but bury her face in her hands, grappling with uncertainty. It seemed she had inadvertently dug herself into a hole and leaped right in. 

Meanwhile, Damien had slipped into the car from the other side. He settled beside her, radiating warmth that gently brushed against her cheeks. Cherise felt the heat rising in her face. 

“Why are you blushing?” Damien’s sudden inquiry caught her off guard, his dark eyes gleaming as he playfully surveyed her flushed cheeks. “Let me guess why you’re rosy-cheeked, Mrs. Lenoir.” He teased her playfully. “Are you already thinking about our evening plans, Mrs. Lenoir?” 

Cherise remained silent momentarily, her mind racing to find the right words. “I… I didn’t mean to suggest anything inappropriate earlier,” she stammered, her cheeks burning under the weight of his intense gaze. “I… I didn’t mean anything of the sort!” 

Her heart fluttered erratically as she averted her eyes, chastising herself inwardly. Why am I still reacting like this with Damien after all this time? It was absurd! As she reproached herself silently, Cherise focused on steadying her breath. 

understand,” Damien replied, unexpectedly leaning closer to her. “You must be reproaching yourself for losing your composure. Am I right, Mrs. Lenoir?” His voice sent shivers down her spine as he whispered into her ear. “But fret not, Mrs. Lenoir. Regardless if you’ve lost your memory, you always find a way to engage in these little battles with me, ending up intertwined with me at night.” 

Cherise was slightly startled. She instinctively turned around. “You…” With her back facing Damien, she hadn’t anticipated the outcome of her abrupt action. When she turned in that split second, her moist lips perfectly met Damien’s cool ones. 

As their lips touched, it felt like an electric current traveled from Cherise’s lips to her brain. Countless images of her and Damien kissing flashed through her mind. There were tender, gentle, intense, and passionate kisses. She was stunned by the flood of emotions accompanying each memory. In those mental images, she felt the overwhelming depth of her love for the man before her. Every kiss conveyed the same message: she loved him deeply. 

Damien, caught off guard by the accidental kiss, was unaware of the shift in Cherise’s thoughts. He was taken aback by the unexpected intimacy. It had been a while since she had kissed him like this. Driven by impulse, he lifted his hand. He gently cradled the back of her head, prolonging the kiss indefinitely, lost in the intensity of the moment. 

Seated at the helm in the driver’s seat, the new chauffeur, Timothy, silently covered the car windows and lowered the partition thoughtfully, effectively turning the back seat into a private enclave. 

Meanwhile, Damien tenderly pressed his lips against Cherise’s as he gently laid her down beneath him. Cherise felt her head spinning from his tender caresses, the sensations on her lips triggering a cascade of mernories within her mind. Unable to resist, she closed her eyes as images flickered through her consciousness, one after the other. 

Cherise witnessed herself holding a photograph of Damien, her cheeks flushed as she addressed a middle-aged man. “Uncle Shaw, I’m willing to marry him,” she confessed, her voice tinged with excitement and nervousness. 

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Chapter 1028 The Accidental Kiss 

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Then, the scene shifted, and Cherise saw herself signing a contract before an elderly man. With a warm smile, she assured him, “Grandpa, rest assured, I’ll fulfill my promise to you! I’ll strive to have children for Damien!” Each memory flickered vividly in her consciousness, stirring a whirlwind of emotions 

within her. 

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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1023-1025

Marrying the Man in the Dark


Chapter 1023 It’s Your Child

“You must take responsibility for this child,” Cherise declared firmly.

With a loud clatter, the saucer in Otto’s hand slipped and struck the coffee table. Otto’s face paled as he glanced at Cherise. “You’re so clumsy.” Cherise, unfazed, shot him a cold look. “Leave if you can’t handle such a simple task!”

Pressing his lips together, Otto’s expression soured as he turned away and left the room. Once he was gone, Cherise maintained her smile, turning her attention back to Sebastian. “Do you think I should keep this child or get rid of it?”

Sebastian raised his brows slightly. He didn’t even bother to glance at the test report. “It’s Damien’s child, and you want me to decide?”

“It’s not his. It’s yours,” Cherise insisted, maintaining her smile as she spoke to Sebastian. “You see, this child isn’t even a month old yet. Everyone claims I slept with you to secure shares for Damien around two weeks ago. But after I regained my memory, I never had any intimate relations with Damien.”

“After doing the math, it’s clear this child is yours,” she continued, her smile unwavering as she looked at Sebastian. “I want to keep this child, take our first child, Alexis, and run away with you.”

Sebastian wrinkled his brow, slight frost seeping into his deep gaze. “Is that so?”

“Absolutely,” Cherise said, a smile playing on her lips as her eyebrows arched and her eyes twinkled. “Damien doesn’t love me enough. Maybe you were onto something. Perhaps we used to be head over heels for each other. That’s why I’m thinking of leaving Damien.” Her gaze dropped instinctively as she rested her hand on her abdomen. “This baby is ours.

“Get rid of it,” Sebastian responded, his eyes narrowing, his tone slightly gentle yet forceful. “If you want to be with me, you need to get rid of this child.”

“Why?” Cherise looked up, her expression guarded. “Judging by the timing, this baby is yours!”

“It’s not.”

“Why do you doubt it’s yours?” Cherise bit her lip, disappointment flickering across her features. “Are you trying to absolve yourself of responsibility? Sebastian, don’t let me down!”

“Cherise,” Sebastian sneered, “Do you think you’re putting on a convincing act? Even if there’s a baby on the way, it’s not mine.” He yawned, unimpressed. “I figured you had more tricks up your sleeve when you asked me out. Is this all? Seems like Damien didn’t teach you much,”

“Why won’t you believe me?” Cherise pouted. “Is it because I’m not convincing enough?”

“Because you made a mistake. Are you seriously claiming you’re carrying my child?” Sebastian’s gaze turned icy. “Even if you’re lying, you should at least stick to some basic truths, don’t you think so? I haven’t laid a finger on you, yet you’re trying to sell me this story that you’re pregnant with my child. Cherise, do you honestly think I’m that naïve?”

“Oh, Cherise let out a drawn-out breath. “I get it. So you never touched me?” She had an ulterior


291 +0

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09:24 hu, Apr 18

Chapter 1023 It’s Your Child

spots. There was even a pinhole camera on the pen in her front pocket.

In the adjacent room, Otto’s team was transmitting the conversation and live video feed of Cherise and Sebastian to numerous media channels that had previously propagated rumors about them.

Therefore, Cherise purposefully echoed Sebastian’s words several times. “So you’re implying that all those claims about us being together and loving each other are lies?”

Sebastian smirked. “Has Damien never whispered such sweet nothings in your ear?”

Chapter 1024 There’s No Escaping

“If you tell me you’re genuinely interested in being with me, I’d be thrilled to have you by my side.” Sebastian lifted the teacup to his lips, taking a sip. “But you’re fabricating a pregnancy, acting like your want to be with me. What’s your game?”

“Are you planning to murder me when I lower my guard? Or perhaps you want me to publicly admit that I returned Damien’s shares to him just so everyone believes his wife cheated on him. I never expected you to defend Damien like this, even with your memory loss.”

“If I’d known you’d react like this, I wouldn’t have let you slip away in the first place.” He yawned, his voice laced with indifference. “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to incapacitate you and make you a foolish, helpless person.”

“I’m not like Damien. He revels in your vivacious essence and spirited demeanor, whereas I…” Sebastian set down the teacup, fixing a menacing gaze on Cherise. “I cherish you in every form. Look at you now, with your pallid complexion, harboring fear in your heart… I love it.” Shifting into a more relaxed position on the sofa, his frigid gaze swept past Cherise, his words sharp and brutal, sending chills down her spine.

“Before our paths crossed again, all I could envision was possessing you at any cost,” he declared. “I once believed that an innocent country bumpkin like you would willingly become my bride. After all, I’m from a wealthy family. I thought I could manipulate you and triumphantly flaunt you to the world,

but… alas.”

“Damien beat me to the punch.” Sebastian toyed with the pen in his hand, a cold smile gracing his lips. “Not only did he snatch you away, but he also ensnared your heart, leaving nothing for me. So, what do you expect me to do? I can attempt to seize you physically, but I can’t capture your heart.”

Cherise’s complexion paled, her fingers clutching the sofa’s armrest tightly. “So you’re responsible for my memory loss?”

“Not really,” Sebastian yawned. “Your amnesia wasn’t part of my scheme. I conspired to drive a wedge between you and Damien. I didn’t foresee you actually losing your memory.” He met Cherise’s gaze boldly. “However, I don’t care about your current condition. It doesn’t matter whether you recall anything.” Regardless if she’s lost her memory, her mind is consumed with thoughts of Damien, and she’d never draw near to me!

“I’ve been pondering a lot lately,” Sebastian drawled, sinking lazily into the sofa. “Wouldn’t it be niee to put you into a vegetative state so you could be a mere trophy?” His chilling proposition rolled off his tongue nonchalantly. “I could manipulate you as I please. You wouldn’t be able to leave or betray me.”

“When your mind goes blank, you won’t be dreaming of another man in front of me,” he smirked at Cherise. “There’s no escaping.”

“Is that so?” A deep male voice interrupted as Sebastian issued his menacing threats, causing him to jolt from the sofa.

Standing at the door clad in black, Damien fixed Sebastian with a cold stare. “As Weiss Group’s future heir, shouldn’t you be worried about Weiss Group’s shareholders hearing such unsettling remarks, Mr.

Sebastian Weiss?”


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09:24 Thu, Apr 18

Chapter 1024 There’s No Escaping

Sebastian’s brows knit into a deep frown. “How did you…” Sebastian’s associates had assured him that Damien had been resting at home all this time! How can this be…

“Are you wondering how I got here?”

Chapter 1025 The Truth Revealed

Damien strolled over with a faint smile, sliding into the seat next to Cherise and pulling her into a gentle embrace. “My lovely wife is chatting with a guy I abhor. Even if I wanted to take it easy, I had to keep an eye on things.”

He reached for the test report on the coffee table, giving it a thorough once-over. He playfully tweaked Cherise’s nose with a little chuckle, teasing her. “I almost fell for it. I thought you were expecting, you sneaky thing.” Blushing, Cherise responded with a shy smile, opting to stay silent.

Sebastian’s brow furrowed as he finally noticed the test report in Damien’s hand. Damien handed it over. “Hey, Mr. Weiss, read this.” Sebastian took the report, his face visibly paling.

The document wasn’t a pregnancy test but rather a comprehensive report on Cherise’s hormone levels. and ultrasound results. Signed off by several reputable doctors from the hospital, it clearly outlined Cherise’s menstrual cycle from twenty days prior, with specific dates highlighted. Remarkably, Sebastian’s encounter with Cherise aligned perfectly with her menstrual cycle.

“Mr. Weiss, did you not take my wife’s physical health into consideration before spreading rumors?” Damien queried with a faint smile. “Do such basic considerations clude you?”

Sebastian’s face flushed instantly. He shot Damien a fierce glare but found himself speechless. As a man who had been single for many years, he couldn’t have possibly factored in Cherise’s physiological state before inventing tall tales!

The hidden camera nestled in Cherise’s front pocket captured everything Sebastian said and all his expressions distinctly. When broadcast online, it created an uproar! The scandalous rumors of Damien’s wife sleeping with Sebastian for money were exposed as utter falsehoods! It left everyone stunned. No one fathomed that Sebastian would give up a fortune worth ten billion to Damien just to spread a rumor!

Even more astonishing was the revelation that Cherise was menstruating on the very day he claimed to have been with her! No further evidence was required. Cherise’s menstrual cycle stood as the most undeniable proof.

“Is Sebastian Weiss your son?! Is he the one who will inherit Weiss Group from you?!” While everyone reeled in shock, Alain’s phone at Weiss Group’s headquarters rang incessantly. “What was he thinking?! Ten billion down the drain over a stupid rumor?!”

“If he had truly been involved with Damien’s wife, squandering ten billion might have been somewhat justified, given the potential humiliation of Damien, towering figure in the business realm. But now? He’s only succeeded in making a laughingstock of himself!”

“Outrageous! We demand a new president for Weiss Group!”

“Replace the president! We want a new president!”


Overwhelmed by the flood of calls, Alain was awfully frustrated. “Your lack of judgment is truly astounding!” He called his son in annoyance. “I’m telling you, Weiss Group is cutting ties with you from this moment onward!” He didn’t wait for Sebastian’s response and ended the call after exclaiming, “I’m disowning you!”


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Chapter 1025 The Truth Revealed

Sebastian was stunned and contemplated calling his dad again.

“It’s futile.” Damien smiled knowingly. “Mr. Weiss, do you think I’ve been solely focused on Cherise’s amnesia all this time? You underestimate me.”

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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1020-1022

Chapter 1020 Damien’s Sacrifices Revealed 

Cherise observed Ian’s smug portrait from her vantage point across the screen. She subtly tightened her grip on the microphone as she listened to his haughty tone. She asserted confidently, “I’m pretty sure Cherise won’t buy into your story.” 

“Why not?” Ian retorted. “You don’t know that country bumpkin well enough,” he chuckled. “Back in high school, she was always buried in her books while the rest of us slacked off. Thus, she was constantly ostracized by others. Whenever I showed her the slightest attention or gifted her anything, she’d be so moved that she practically fell in love with me on the spot.” 

“Damien, I acknowledge that you facilitated my release from the mental hospital, apologized, and even provided financial support. From your perspective, that’s a monumental gesture. But let’s not overlook the fact that it was your actions that landed me in the mental hospital in the first place, shaping me into who I am today!” 

Cherise’s heart raced at Ian’s revelation. Damien was the reason Ian ended up in the mental hospital? She pressed her lips together. “Is that so? I almost forgot if you hadn’t brought it up. Were you admitted. because of me?” 

“Obviously! You saw fit to confine me to a mental hospital for the past six years because of that minor incident. And your sister even shattered both my legs back then. If it weren’t for my resilience, I’d be a cripple by now!” 

“Don’t you comprehend the magnitude of your actions?” Cherise gripped the voice-altering microphone tightly. “If it were merely trivial, I wouldn’t have resorted to locking you away.” 

“Yes, I concede!” Ian’s jaw clenched. “It was my fault for spreading rumors about Cherise being pregnant with Lennon’s child, and I was also wrong to drug her and terminate her pregnancy. But at the time, your child wasn’t even two months old. It was merely the size of a fingernail. Its loss wouldn’t have made a difference.” 

“And didn’t I assist you in testing Cherise’s loyalty to you?” After uttering those words, lan seemed to wrestle with guilt, seemingly realizing he was wrong. “Regardless of my past rights and wrongs, you need my help now. You’ve chosen to release me and even offered me financial assistance for your beloved Cherise…” 

“Since you’ve done so much, an extra three million and a house should be like spare change to you…” On the other side of the screen, lan grew more excited, oblivious to “Damien’s” prolonged silence. 

Cherise clenched the voice-altering microphone, her complexion pale. If lan hadn’t spilled the beans, she wouldn’t have fathomed what had transpired back then… The high school senior she had once revered deeply was actually such scum… At this moment, she was both furious and distressed. 

Damien was someone who desired children greatly. Given how lan had caused them to lose their first child, Damien must have harbored such hatred for him. Flow could Damien have put his animosity aside? 

However because she could only remember lan and recall memories related to him, Damien had swallowed his bitterness. Not only did Damien release lan… but Damien was also willing to provide with financial assistance and even extended an apology… 


Chapter 1020 Damien’s Sacrifices Revealed 

seized a pair of scissors at her side, and strode forth resolutely to slice through the screen, 

On the other end of the screen, Ian’s face appeared. Sporting a thick beard, he continued spewing vile, repugnant remarks. It took him a moment to register that something was amiss, and he turned around. “C-Cherise?” 

“Yes, it’s me,” Cherise retorted coldly, advancing toward him and locking gazes. “Hello, Ian. It’s been a while.” 

Ian gawked at her blankly. “Y-yes… It’s been a while.” 

Send Gifts 

Chapter 1021 Confronting Ian

She smiled at him, her demeanor calm yet determined. “I have a gift for you, Ian,” she declared. She grabbed the objects on a nearby table with swift precision and launched them towards him. Though he managed to evade the first cup she threw at him, Otto quickly intervened, restraining lan. In the ensuing chaos, hot water, a kettle, teacups, plates, and fruits rained upon Ian.

After hurling everything within reach, Cherise regained her composure quickly, to everyone’s surprise. “Take him back to the mental hospital,” she instructed, her voice steady. She took a moment to gather herself before continuing, “His presence is no longer needed.”

“Mrs. Lenoir, are you absolutely sure?” Otto’s grip tightened on Ian as he posed the question, his concern evident on his wrinkled brows. Damien had emphasized to Otto about Ian’s role in recovering Cherise’s memories. Hence, Otto hesitated to send Ian away despite what Cherise had said.

Ian was an incredibly sly man. Should his current schemes fail, his future ploys upon potential release from the mental hospital would undoubtedly escalate to more extreme measures.

“Yes,” Cherise affirmed, drawing a deep breath. “Even if my memories remain elusive, I no longer require his presence.” She felt distressed for Damien. A man of his stature rarely gave in and was barely swayed easily. He had only set aside his dignity because her memories focused on Ian. Cherise was Damien’s number one priority. Yet, she refused to allow Damien to be so subservient or constrained, even if it was for her sake.

“Cherise!” Ian fought against Otto’s restraint, his voice teeming with desperation. “Cherise, what I said’ before were lies, I swear… You might not recall Damien now, but you remember me. You know what sort of person I am.”

“What I said earlier-Damien made me say it… Really…” Ian’s gaze bore into Cherise, his expression fraught with pain and anguish. “I never meant to address you in that manner… This whole situation is Damien’s doing. This is his and Otto’s scheme!”

“Is that so?” Cherise retorted with a scoff. “But it was my choice to be here. Having this conversation was also my idea.”

She gazed into Ian’s eyes. “Ian, you’re quite the performer. If it wasn’t for what you said, I wouldn’t have been aware that you had initially intended to dispose of the study materials you gifted me back then. I was deeply touched at the time, believing you genuinely cared for me, but it was all a façade. You’ve probably said the same to countless other girls.”

“Thank you,” Cherise added, offering lan an indifferent smile. “You’ve taught me a valuable lesson.”

lan was taken aback. “What is it?”

“It shows that what you witness might not always be the whole truth. Moreover, I can’t take others’ words at face value. Take him away,” she commanded before briskly leaving the room.

As the swung the door open and stepped into the corridor, a frown creased Cherise’s brow, and she turned to glance at Otto. “By the way, Otto, if I’m about to meet someone dangerous, can you ensure I May safe?”

  Confronting lan 

keep you protected.” After a momentary pause, he locked eyes with Cherise. “But if you want to face a dangerous individual, Mrs. Lenoir, it’d be best for Mr. Lenoir to be there with you.”

“Otherwise, Mr. Lenoir won’t rest easy. And I’d strongly suggest steering clear of any risky encounters without his knowledge,” Otto advised. Despite his recent return to the country, Otto had already shown himself reliable, as others had attested.


Chapter 1022 I’m Pregnant 

The cause of Mr. Kolson’s disappearance and Cherises memory lapse stemmed from her clandestine rendezvous with a highly perilous individual. It was time for Cherise to take action regarding Sebastian. This time, she didn’t want Damien meddling in her affairs. 

“I’m not keen on him accompanying me,” Cherise declared, drawing a deep breath. “What about this? I’ll set up the meeting, designate the time and place, and you can make preparations in advance. If he tries anything, you can keep me safe.” 

Otto hesitated for a long time, but after locking eyes with Cherise and seeing her resolute expression, he eventually acquiesced with a nod. 

“I’ve got your back. Even if it’s not for Mr. Lenoir’s sake, I’ll still protect you,” Otto assured Cherise before handing lan over to a nearby bodyguard. “Send him back to the mental hospital.” With Ian taken care of, Otto turned to Cherise. “Mrs. Lenoir, where do you plan to meet this person?” 

“Right here,” Cherise replied, scanning the surroundings. “Get ready. I’ll set up the meeting now.” 

“Alright,” Otto acknowledged before exiting. 

Once Otto left, Cherise dialed Sebastian’s number. Despite knowing the individual she wanted to meet posed a threat, there were issues that she could only resolve with Sebastian. 

“Cherise, what’s the occasion for this unexpected call? Sebastian’s voice over the phone carried a tracé of amusement. “It’s quite the rarity. Did Damien finally loosen the reins and let you reach out to me?” 

“He can’t restrain me anymore,” Cherise responded with a slight chuckle. “If you’ve been keeping tabs on Damien, you’ll know he’s been holed up in Lenoir Manor all day. He hasn’t even stepped out of his 


Cherise’s revelation left Sebastian silent for a long time. Eventually, he chuckled. “So, where do you 

want to meet?” 

“At Adania’s Atlantis Hotel,” Cherise answered readily. “Room A302 on the third floor.” 

“You’re suggesting we meet at a hotel?” Sebastian snickered. “And in a presidential suite? Aren’t you concerned about…” 

“Not at all,” Cherise interjected calmly. “Even though can’t recall everything, I’m not afraid of you, especially since I gave birth to Alexis for you four and a half years ago. You can’t do anything to me. And meeting at a reputable hotel like this means you don’t have to worry about Damien secretly sending someone after you, right?” 

“Trije,” Sebastian’s voice was subdued. “Similarly, I don’t have the means to send anyone to deal with you or Damien’ He remarked, “Such a shrewd plan sejenis uncharacteristic of you.” Sebastian had been keeping tabs on Lenoir Manor all along, and his people confirmed that Damien had been asleep in his bedroom all day. 

I managed to gain admission to Adania University based on merit. I’m not a fool Cherise yawned. Here’s the deal Let’s meet in two hours. I have something important to discuss with you.” Without 


       I’m Pregnant 

“Mrs. Lenoir, everything is in order,” Otto announced pushing the door open. “Will Sebastian… be joining us?” 

“He will,” Cherise remarked, lightly raising an eyebrow. “Let’s head to the hospital. I have to do something.” Despite Otto’s evident concern, he followed Cheris and accompanied her to the hospital. 

Two hours later, upon Sebastian’s arrival at the hotel, Cherise had just returned from the hospital. Seated together on the sofa in the presidential suite, Cherise motioned for Otto to pour tea for Sebastian and placed a hospital report on the coffee table. “Sebastian, I have news. I’m pregnant.” 


Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019 Meeting Ian

Otto’s smile was reassuring. “Ian doesn’t know Mr. Lenoir all that well, and his interest lies solely in Mr. Lenoir’s financial resources. He won’t notice the differences in your voices.” His explanation left Cherise momentarily stunned.

They continued walking in silence for a while more before Cherise felt compelled to counter. “The lan I knew was different,” she asserted. He was attentive, compassionate, and acutely aware of her family’s financial struggles, generously offering her his old study materials when she couldn’t afford new ones. He even noticed when she wasn’t feeling well and expressed genuine concern.

In Cherise’s memory, the Ian from the past was a paragon of gentleness and perfection, which attracted others to him. However, the Ian that Otto had portrayed seemed like a profit-driven opportunist. This stark contrast troubled her deeply. She couldn’t reconcile the Ian she remembered with Otto’s portrayal. Even after she had heard lan’s voice on the phone, she was still in disbelief. She needed to witness these purported changes in Ian firsthand before conceding.

“Change is inevitable, Mrs. Lenoir,” Otto sighed softly, his voice slightly resigned. “But during my interactions with Ian over the past few days, I never thought he was an intellectual.”

Cherise couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at his words. She turned to Otto, her gaze curious. “So, what qualities define a true intellectual?” she inquired.

Otto’s steps faltered momentarily before he responded with a smile, “In my opinion, intellectuals should possess traits akin to yours, Mrs. Lenoir-being elegant and approachable.”

Cherise was momentarily surprised by his compliment but soon returned the smile. “You’re the first to describe me in that manner,” she remarked. Otto found himself momentarily distracted and captivated by her smile.

As Otto’s footsteps stopped, Cherise’s brows wrinkled looking up at him with concern. “Is something wrong? Did I say something peculiar?” she asked, her tone laced with worry.

“No, everything’s fine,” Otto replied, clearing his throat lightly. “We’ve reached our destination.”

It was only then that Cherise realized they stood before the door of a room in the hotel. Otto unlocked it and gestured for Cherise to enter. The room was spacious, divided by a large screen. Cherise stood on one side, bathed in the sunlight from behind her, while a man sat in a chair on the other side, eating and listening to music lazily.

Although Cherise couldn’t see the man’s expression, his relaxed demeanor made her imagine his unkempt appearance. She found it impossible to reconcile this figure with her memory of Ian, even without seeing him.

Ouo motioned for Cherise to settle into a chair, then nonchalantly addressed the individual on the other side of the screen. “Mr. Lenoir has arrived. If you want anything else, you may let him know.”

Without delay, lan set aside the apple he had been eating on the other end, straightening his attire as he asked, “Damien’s here?”

Cherise’s lips flattened. She reached for the voice changer and answered him. “Yes, I’m here,” she


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Chapter 1019 Meeting lan

As expected, Ian didn’t recognize Damien’s voice, as Otto had forewarned. It seemed he hadn’t even realized that a woman was on the other side of the screen. Clearing his throat, he proceeded to address Damien. “Damien, let’s skip the pleasantries,” Ian declared. “You’re well aware of the terms I outlined earlier, so I’ll be direct.”

He paused momentarily before clearing his throat and delivering the following statement. “You should be aware that Cherise harbored feelings for me in high school,” Ian asserted. “I casually offered her study materials I was about to discard, and she was deeply moved, nearly brought to tears.”

“Now, if it’s true that she only remembers me,” Ian continued, his tone growing more ominous, “it suggests that I’m of greater importance to her than you. Consider this carefully. By rejecting my demands, you may risk losing Cherise forever.”


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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1018

Chapter 1018 Behind A Screen

Cherise pursed her lips. “I did,” she affirmed quietly. The arrogant voice Cherise had just heard aligned with what she could remember of lan’s voice. Yet, neither the current Cherise nor her past self could have fathomed that this voice she had once pined for would say such things with such arrogance and disdain.

Before Cherise could respond, lan resumed his tirade on the other end. “Ensure Damien knows who holds the real power now!” he bellowed.

Cherise remained silent momentarily, her mind grappling with Ian’s words, which seemed out of character. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she addressed Otto calmly over the phone. “Get ready and send me the address. I’ll be there shortly.”

“Are you sure about this?” Otto interjected, his lips pressed together in concern. “You…” His voice trailed off as he moved to a quieter location. “Mr. Lenoir would never agree.”

“Today, you’re going to follow my lead,” Cherise reassured him with a smile. “Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong, I’ll take full responsibility. Damien won’t hold you accountable.”

With his boss’ wife reassuring him, Otto found himself unable to refuse Cherise. He nodded silently. “Okay. I’ll get everything arranged right away.”

After hanging up, Cherise retreated to the dressing room. She selected a plaid skirt reminiscent of what she used to wear in high school. She tied her hair up into a high ponytail, a style she recalled donning every time she met Ian.

Once dressed, she received an address from Otto. Damien had indeed made courteous arrangements for Ian, securing him accommodation at one of Adania’s highly rated, five-star hotels. When Cherise arrived at the hotel, Otto was already waiting.

Spotting Damien’s car pulling up, Otto hurried over. He had previously served Damien in Europe and was reassigned due to Mr. Kolson’s absence, stepping into Mr. Kolson’s former position.

Otto had only heard of Cherise. He had never caught a glimpse of her in person. In his mind, a woman worthy of marriage to his boss must have exuded elegance, maturity, and poise-a wealthy young lady of undeniable means. Cherise’s articulate manner over the phone further reinforced this image in Otto’s mind.

However, as the car door swung open, Otto’s expectations were defied. Instead of the poised figure he had envisioned, a woman emerged dressed like she was still in high school, her hair pulled back in a youthful ponytail. Her bare face radiated a natural, sweet charm. Otto couldn’t help but press his lips together, privately sneaking a second glance at Cherise.

Cherise was well aware of Otto’s unspoken thoughts. She understood that her attire today hinted at a desire to appear younger. Yet, she was here to reconnect with her former high school friend and wanted to gauge whether lan remembered their shared past. Flashing a sweet smile at Otto, she quipped, “Yes, it’s me-the one you just spoke to on the phone!”

Otto’s astonishment was palpable, clearly not anticipating that the woman before him was Mrs. Lenoir. Moreover, he hadn’t anticipated how effortlessly approachable she would be. After a brief moment of



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Chapter 1018 Behind A Screen

Lenoir, this way, please,” he croaked, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

With an awkward shuffle, Otto passed a small voice-changing microphone to Cherise. He avoided eye contact as he hastily turned away and led her forward “I settled Ian in and informed him that Mr. Lenoir will meet with him soon but prefers not to see him face-to-face. You can converse with Ian behind a screen later.”

Cherise acknowledged his instructions thoughtfully. “Mm.” Realization dawned on her shortly. “Won’t he be able to discern that my voice differs from my husband’s?” she inquired, a note of concern creeping into her voice.

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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) Novel Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017 Ian’s Requests

Unfortunately, their shared history still eluded her. Steeling herself, Cherise took a deep breath and opened the email marked ‘Ian’s requests.’ The contents within made Cherise’s jaw drop in shock. The email starkly outlined Ian’s demands.

In addition to the initial two million, Ian had reconsidered his stance. He gathered that returning to Shawbury to help Cherise recover her memory would be a prolonged endeavor. Hence, he requested an additional three million from Damien, bringing the total to five million.

Another one of Ian’s requests conveyed his desire to procure a residence in Shawbury, expressing discomfort with the prospect of an extended hotel stay upon his return to the town. He believed having a place to call home during his stay was equitable.

Ian also asserted that he couldn’t forget Damien’s past actions. Despite a prior verbal apology from post of no Damien, Ian deemed it insufficient. He insisted that Damien compose a lengthy Twitter fewer than 500 words on his personal account, affirming Ian’s virtuous character and acknowledging his past transgressions.

Perched in Damien’s chair, Cherise squinted at the words on the screen, her eyes burning as she rubbed them vigorously. Doubt gnawed at her. She thought that she had misinterpreted the email.

Unaware of Damien’s past misdeeds that had provoked Ian’s demand for an apology, Cherise remained steadfast in her belief that even if Damien had indeed wronged Ian… Damien had requested that Ian join her on the journey back to Shawbury to jog her memory. Ian’s requests seemed utterly absurd. The Ian in the email appeared to be opportunistic and solely driven by self-interest.

Yet, the Ian embedded in her memory was the epitome of nobility and integrity. He was the very pride of Shawbury High, the embodiment of inspiration. Ian was a boy who had commanded the admiration of all the girls in school. Before her SATS, he had generously provided her with old study materials, words of encouragement, and heartfelt smiles.

Despite her efforts, Cherise couldn’t reconcile the lan described in the email with the one etched in her memories. As she was feeling perplexed, the ringing of Damien’s phone interrupted the silence again.

“Mr. Lenoir, lan is causing a scene at the hotel and insists on your immediate agreement to his terms.” It was a call from someone named “Otto Walkins.” “Otherwise, he’s threatening to besmirch your reputation in Mrs. Lenoir’s presence.”

“Ian asserts that Mrs. Lenoir only recalls him now and will undeniably believe whatever he says.” There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Otto continued, “Should you reject his demands, he’ll approach Sebastian. Consequently, Mrs. Lenoir will have a low regard for you. He maintains that someone as intelligent as him can concoct a detailed array of lies to sow resentment and discord towards you in your wife.”

Cherise’s grip on the phone tightened as she struggled to absorb the shocking revelation. After a momentary pause to compose herself, she steadied her voice. “Did… Ian really say that?” she inquired, her tone laced with disbelief.

Otto was momentarily silenced by Cherise’s gentle inquiry. After some time, his voice deepened. “Are you Mrs. Lenoir?” he countered.


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Chapter 101 lans

Cherise pursed her lips. “Yes, I am,” she answered firmly.

“Where’s Mr. Lenoir?” Otto pressed.

“He’s resting,” Cherise replied tersely.

“In that case, I shall wait for Mr. Lenoir to awaken before…” Otto’s sentence trailed off, leaving the remainder of his words hanging in the air.

Cherise drew in a deep breath, her voice resolute. “I’ll take care of everything on his behalf today.”

On the other end of the line, Otto remained silent for a prolonged moment, visibly taken aback. “Um…”

“Has Damien agreed?” Before Otto could respond, another male voice boomed arrogantly on his end. “Haven’t you made the stakes clear to Damien? That’s enough! Stop calling and instruct him to come speak with me in person!”

Otto hesitated, his lips pursed in uncertainty. “Uh…” he trailed off, his voice tinged with apprehension. “Did you hear that?”

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