LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 82

Chapter 82
I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding when the back door shuts behind Noah. I have never seen him that aggressive or so out of control before. I have known Noah as a calm and collected man but today I saw the other side of him.
I stare at my food and push the plate away. I have lost the urge to continue with the food even though I am barely full.
When I get up though, I look behind me alarmed when I feel a presence. What is with people masking their scents in the house? It is so creepy and spy-like.
Andrew is silently watching me and with how sad he appears, I can’t stop asking myself if he heard what my dad said. Should I say something or just mind my own business? I am not ready to be lashed out at again.
I start packing up the dishes when he finally decides to talk.
“Thank you for standing up for us,” The man says proving my assumptions right. So he heard us. “I understand him. I completely do, because I would have done worse if I were in his position. I have done everything wrong all my life. I abandoned my mate and our son and I regret every bit of it” Andrew pulls a chair for himself and I pause my
What should I say to that?
“I can’t put all the blame on Maya because I had the chance to do the right thing but I did otherwise. I allowed myself to be manipulated and even considered Jace a mistake you and for a long time. I am sorry for the pain I caused you. I kept your mother from your father too. Maybe things would have been different if I just followed the Goddess will” I listen to the long speech and as much as I want to feel bad for him, my heart is just so heavy.
This man hurt my dad so badly. He even let my mother kill Nia. His own mate. He might have saved us but he isn’t a saint. Letting him go is just a token of our appreciation but I agree with Dad, It’s best if they just leave the royal pack.
“He allowed you to move to any pack of your choice. I guess we are even now” I murmur picking up the plates and finally walking to the sink.
It doesn’t take long before the sweaty boys appear in the room.
“It looks tense in here, what’s up?” Leo asks as he trudges towards the fridge while my mate stands beside me. Jace silently’takes the plates from my hands and starts cleaning them by himself. This makes me more guilty because he hasn’t eaten breakfast yet. It’s a
Chapter 82
good thing I know how to prepare food. No way I am letting my mate go hungry.
“The king has allowed us to choose the pack of our preference,” Andrew tells his elder son who is currently sipping a bottle of cold water.
“That easy?” Léo asks with furrowed brows. I wonder, was he ever mad at his dad for abandoning them or for letting his chosen mate kill his mother? “What’s the catch?” Leo expectantly stares at his dad who sighs avoiding his gaze. I know he can never repeat my father’s harsh words to his son.
“That we leave like right now” Andrew sighs again and I wonder why he seems hesitant to walk away.
“I figured” Leo stares at the bottle in his hand appearing to be deep in thought. “I have a business to run anyway, been out for so long” He adds tossing the bottle away and walking out of the room.
If affected by the news, my mate doesn’t show. His attention is on the already spotless plates which he has been drying for a couple of minutes now. It’s so tense in here. It is as if the two men are waiting for someone to say something first.
I never had a conversation with Jace regarding how he feels about Andrew and Leo. I just know he feels something. He might not talk about it maybe for the sake of Alpha Edward, but I see how he looks at Andrew. From what has been happening, I have noticed that my mate is slightly leaning on Andrew’s side more than before.
“Are you okay with pancakes?” I ask Jace as I prepare the ingredients to make the food. Maybe sometime later we will go hunting together. It’s finally time our wolves got acquainted with each other.
“Yes, baby” Jace turns to me with a slight smile and I shift my attention to Andrew who is longingly staring at Jace. Now I understand why he seems reluctant to leave.
“Go talk to him. I will link you when it’s ready” I push Jace towards Andrew’s direction and he gratefully nods walking to him. The two men walk out of the room shoulder to shoulder and I start making food with a sad sigh.
I just wish Alpha Edward would get a second chance too. Even though he is a bit too late to have more kids, maybe some company will be okay than nothing.
Some part of me misses the good old days. The days when Luna would shout from downstairs for Jace and me to go have breakfast. I miss the goofy smile on her face when she would watch us fight for the waffles.
I miss how Alpha Edward used to stare at her with so much love. He would do anything for that woman and she knew it. He was so proud of his family, especially his son. He loved Jace like nothing and he was always so proud of my mate. He was a great father to
Chapter 82
All that crumbled in just one day. Who would have thought all the smiles and the kisses were all fake? I just wish this is all a dream and I will soon wake up and everything will be back to normal. Where my mother will be a happy and loving mate to my father and an adorable mother to me.
“What are you thinking about?” Jace whispers behind me as he lays his chin on my shoulder.
“The past” I whisper paying attention to the cooking food.
“Sometimes I wish we would go back but this is the reality now. It sucks but we have to fight through it” Jace kisses my cheek and I sigh leaning into him.
“Is El okay?” I have been meaning to know how he is holding up since we left him injured in that cabin.
“Yeah, he is. We can visit if you want”
“What did Andrew say?” I turn around and drape my arms around his neck.
“He wants to stay in touch and I said okay” My mate pulls me by my waist towards him, completely eliminating the distance between us. I dip my face in his neck and deeply inhale the familiar scent. It has been a rough journey but we always end up in each other’s arms. That’s what matters the most.
At the end of the day, he will always be mine no matter what challenges we have to face.
“How about that vacation? Just me and you before you take over the throne. I know we won’t get as much time” My mate kissés my head and I softly stare into his eyes. He is right. We need some alone time. Who knows, maybe if we are lucky Liam will get a little sister out of it.
“Where are we going?” I mutter returning the kiss.
“How about Canada?” Jace smiles and I don’t have to guess why he chose the place. Blood is thicker than water I believe.
“You better start packing then”
“Right away” My mate places a haste kiss on my cheek and runs out from the kitchen.
With a slight smile, I turn back to the stove praying for nothing but happy days ahead of us.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 79-81

on 13 Thu. 17 Jan
Chapter 79
As I stare at my mate, a sense of nostalgia engulfs me. We have been in this position so many times that I thought it would be enough for a lifetime.
Jace’s watery eyes softly stare at me. His unevenly beating heart is full of different emotions and I can’t help but feel pity. I want to hate him for not trying hard enough but my heart can’t even dream of doing that.
I love him so much to blame him for a mistake that was not his intention.
“Come” I stretch my right hand to him and my mate quickly stumbles to me. Jace falls to his knees in front of me and wordlessly buries his face into my lap.
I tightly hold his head when his body starts to shake and I hate that he is hurting.
“I didn’t mean it. I know I should have done something but I chose to fail you once again” he cries holding me tighter as if I will disappear on him if he isn’t careful enough.
“Stop” I murmur, gently running my fingers through his hair. There was a time when I had
my doubts about Jace. But he showed me how sincere he is and it would be unfair if I pushed him away at his lowest.
“It was not your fault, babe. If anything, I am happy you came back to me” I sincerely mumble, pressing a soft kiss on his head.
“Ana no, how can you not be mad? Please, hit me, yell at me, because I don’t deserve your kindness. I broke your heart again even after promising not to do again” My heart bleeds when I stare into my mate’s red eyes, and his breaking voice makes it worse. I feel what he is feeling and it’s nothing good. Jace is broken.
“I know what you will do to make me feel better” I whisper, using my thumbs to clear the water from his eyes. There are a lot of things that will help him retain his composure. I want the sad mood gone for a while. What matters is that he is okay and back to us. Hopefully, there are no more thirsty she-wolves after him.
“Anything, baby. I will do anything to earn your forgiveness” Jace frantically nods and I slightly smile as I peck him on the lips.
“Train me” I know my dad thought that I didn’t need training but I do. I can’t only depend on my wolf because when she is not here, I will become a laughing stock of a shi tty queen. I need to learn all the tactics there is in fighting and one able to handle a fight in both forms.
Chapter 79
“What?” My mate’s voice quivers in shock and I laugh. What was he expecting me to say?
“You are the strongest wolf I know Jace. I love you so much and I trust you too. Please train me” I repeat my plea and my mate sighs returning his head to my lap.
“Baby, you don’t have to. You know I can protect you” His muf fled voice whispers. I return my fingers in his hair and he sighs and inhales deeply afterwards. His emotions are eventually calming down and I am glad I didn’t give him a hard time. are eventually calming down a
“No Jace, you are the reason I never trained and with everything that we have been through, I believe you agree with me that I need to get on the training ground and learn how to defend myself and anyone else. Very soon I will have a huge responsibility and I can’t fail the kingdom. Many wolves lost their lives and that of their loved ones. We can’t allow it to happen again” My voice takes a serious tone, causing confusion to appear on my mate’s face.
“What do you mean?” Jace looks up at me with deeply furrowed brows.
“My dad is about to retire. You know that right? And now that he got his second mate, I know he would want to get away for a while. We are succeeding him and I hope you know leaders aren’t meant to be weak” I explain without mentioning that my
dad no
longer trusts my mate.
If Jace finds out about my dad’s plan, he will feel more dejected than he is feeling right now. It’s all the same anyway. When I am queen, my mate will automatically be king. It doesn’t matter which bloodline he came from. It’s only that unlike before, Jace won’t be Noah’s heir.
“Okay, I will. Can I please hold you?” Jace begs and I nod without hesitation. My mate gets up and instantly lifts me from the couch, keeping me close.
Jace walks us to the bed and when we lay down, he gently positions his head on my chest and shuts his eyes.
I know Ana. Ever since we were kids, Ana would always act strong, especially when I was lown. She never liked seeing me hurt and my mate would do everything to make sure I lidn’t feel that way, even when she had to hide her own hurt.
That is what Ana is doing right now. She still has her emotions locked away which neans she doesn’t want me to feel them. I can’t reach her wolf either and mine is lawing at me to reach her.
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Chapter 79
Another weird thing, Ana is willing to train which is something she used to hate. This can only mean that my mate no longer has faith in me. Who would, when I kept failing them?
She had said she would take care of our family while I handled the throne. But her wanting to go to the training field only indicates that the King no longer thinks I am capable enough of succeeding him. No wonder he was cold to me earlier.
It doesn’t matter anyway, as long as I keep holding my mate like this for the rest of my life.
Chapter 80
“Harder, Jace” I pant out, bracing myself for the next blow. However, my mate delivers a weak punch like he has been doing for the last hour.
“Seriously, babe?” I glare, tiredly slumping on the floor and he gives me an apologetic look.
“Ana, I am sorry, but I hate hurting you” My mate whispers, as he approaches me with a bottle of water. Jace kneels in front of me and gently wipes the sweat on my face. He is behaving as if this is some cruel punishment he is forced to deliver to me. Is it so hard to just assume I am one of the wolves he used to train in our previous pack?
The so-called training started yesterday and nothing has changed. I just realized he is not the right person to train me. I take a small sip from the water when he places the bottle on my lips. I am not even thirsty. How would I be when I haven’t done anything
“I understand, baby” I sigh, tracing his jaw with my index finger. I don’t miss how his body slightly trembles due to my soft touch. It’s amazing how easily I affect him and I love it. “How about I ask the king’s beta’s son to train me? What was his name again?” I pretend to think and chuckle when the soft look in his eyes suddenly disappears as my mate releases a loud warning growl.
“No chance in hell. Only I will train you and no one else” My mate grabs the back of my head and I marvel at how easily he loses control just at the mention of another male wolf coming close to me. “You understand that Ana? No one is touching my mate” Jace whispers as his eyes flash black before becoming normal again.
“Then quit doing a sh it ty job and get the job done” I challenge staring into his darkening eyes. His breaths are ragged and the energy oozing from him causes my body to tingle all over.
Jace is hot. And the mate bond makes everything intense and worse.
My mind starts to wander in dark places when my mate’s hungry eyes drop to my lips. His touch suddenly becomes hot and when Jace starts leaning forward, my breathing hitches as I wait for the long-awaited contact.
My mate takes his time to admire my face. His hold on me loosens and his thumb starts to rub delicate circles on my neck as it slowly inches towards the mark he gave me. “You know I love you right?” Jace whispers, softly glancing into my eyes. I know that. I can never mistake the loving look in his eyes.
“I am not perfect baby, but never second guess what I feel for you, Ana. It doesn’t matter
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Chapter 80
how deep the dark world swallows me, because I will always find my way to you. No matter what happens to me, I want you to know that my heart still sk ips when I see you. Promise me one thing” Jace whispers bringing me close to his face. There is completely no space between us. I can feel his heavy and quick breath on my face and it’s making me yearn for his addictive touch.
“What?” I whisper back, almost in a trance.
“Promise you will never give up on me, baby. You are the only person I can’t lose in this life. Promise”
“You know I will never Jace, I love you so much” I sincerely mumble and my mate sighs. offering me a slight smile which I return.
“Can I please kiss you?” Jace asks and I nervously nod.
We haven’t done anything since he recovered and everything has been tense between us. However, the universe proves to be against us when our little boy barges into the training room and his eyes immediately find mine.
“Mommy” Liam rushes to us and when he sees his dad’s hands on me, I don’t know what crosses his mind because he scowls at Jace and starts to push him away. Way to ruin a moment Liam.
“Let go” Our son frowns and we both chuckle separating from each other. As if that is not enough, Liam lunges at his father in a fight in the name of protecting his mommy. I longingly stare at the laughing souls brawling on the floor and my heart swells with immense joy.
They all are my life.
“Mommy, did you see?” My son happily exclaims when Jace allows him to pin him on the floor. “I am stronger than Daddy” Liam happily giggles, as his eyes sparkle with pride. He will be a proud man.
“Yes, baby. You are the strongest boy I have ever met” I coo, picking him up mate’s body.
from my
“Are you two ganging up on me?” Jace playfully acts hurt and I wink at him and curiously look back at my son. I told my dad to watch him and he wouldn’t be down here without a reason.
“Are you hungry? What did Grandpa say?” Liam’s happy movements instantly stop as he only stares at me with innocent eyes. I guess this only means he forgot.
‘Do you need anything, ‘dad?’ I try mind linking Noah but it doesn’t go through. I will just manually look for him.
08:34 Thu 11 Jan
Chapter 80
“I will be back Jace, let me just take Liam back to my dad” I face my mate and he nods kissing Liam’s cheek.
“Put this on” Jace hands me his shirt and I laugh, reluctantly putting it on. I am in the workout clothes which are quite revealing for Jace’s preference.
The first place I decide to look for my dad is his study. When I miss him there, I figure he would be in his room so I just walk there with my little boy in my hold.
I should have knocked or just minded my own business because the sight I walk into, will forever bruise my mind.
A shirtless Noah is pinning a naked woman on the wall and the room is filled with a gross scent of their arousal.
F u ck.
I quickly shut the door and run with my confused boy back to his room.
Goddess! I should be careful now that he is mated. I need to avoid his room and office
at all costs.
However, Liam’s door opens and a disheveled Noah slowly walks. Unlike earlier, he is dressed and I sigh in relief and silently watch him. Should I apologize for ruining his
“Baby, I am sorry..I..” Noah breaks the chain of my thoughts when he talks first.
“No. I should have knocked, Dad. It won’t happen again” I quickly cut him short and he sighs sitting beside Liam and me.
“I am conflicted. A part of me wants to reject her and another part wants me to give this a shot. Maya never wanted me because, to her, I was not worthy. Thank you for showing up to stop us. I need time to observe her and I will only acknowledge her as my mate when you take over the throne, to avoid another power-hungry woman trying to disrupt the peaceful kingdom”
“Is that how you see me?” The woman my dad was with walks through the door and we share worried glances with Noah.
Chapter 81
“Is that what you think of me? I thought we were on the same page, Noah. I might have been quite pushy but you had the right to say no, instead of talking sh it behind my back” The woman angrily yells but the hurt and pain in his eyes don’t go unnoticed.
“Watch your language in front of my kids” Dad strictly reprimands and I figure it’s time
gave them their privacy. So, picking up my son once again, I quickly exit the room and tune out the loud voices behind me.
Lucky for me, I have two fathers so after leaving Liam in Alpha Edward’s care, I rush back to the training room.
Who could have thought I would find my mate training with Leo? Unlike with me, Jace is relentless. He is hitting his brother as if Leo is a da mn punching bag. Why can’t he be this way with me? It’s not like I am a delicate doll that is going to break if he hits harder.
“Urgh” Leo groans when his body hits the ground and I chuckle taking his place. My mate hesitates but when I remind him of someone else training me through the mind link, Jace becomes serious and resumes the hard punches and kicks like he did with Leo.
“Wow! I underestimated you” My mate mumbles placing a delicate kiss on my head. “You did so well” Jace gently smiles as he adorably stares down at me. We’ve been at it and I gave it my all. Blocking every punch and kick and sending him mine as hard as I could. I must say, it’s not as boring as I thought.
“Told you” I try pushing his sweaty body from mine but he tightens his grip around me.” So, will I get a reward or something?” I suggestively whisper and he chuckles, rubbing his nose with mine.
“You just have to ask politely and I will deliver” My mate smirks and I can feel myself blushing like crazy.
“Do you have to flirt in my presence?” The forgotten person in the room reminds us of his presence but my mate doesn’t move an inch. I don’t know if they made up but I can tell Jace is still not Leo’s fan at all.
“I didn’t realize you were still here Leonardo,” Jace says without averting his attention from my face.
“You don’t have to be rude you know” Leo mumbles and my mate snorts as if it should be obvious he doesn’t like his brother.
“I just don’t like you” Jace rudely whispers, and I decide to chime in.
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Chapter 81
“I will take you. Give me your all” I hastly move from my mate’s arms surprising both of them. Leo must be desperate to be here and I can tell he is trying to amend his ways. We both need training so why not spar with him?
“No, Ana. You are not going close to him” Jace snaps and I sigh shaking my head. He is now overreacting. “I will do it” He pushes me behind him and takes my place.
“Okay, Alpha” I mumble, slowly exiting the room. If they want to kill each other they can go ahead.
“So, how did it go?” I ask my dad at the breakfast table. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the aroma of sweet coffee hit my nostrils. It’s also because of the much-used energy I have used in that room.
“She left” Noah nonchalantly answers and I pause the toast on my lips which I was just about to munch on.
“I think you are being hard on her for nothing. She is not mum, dad. And the fact that Goddess chose her for you means she is worthy. Don’t be one of those who betray the mate bond like that. It hurts Dad” I disapprovingly whisper because I wouldn’t want anyone to experience that.
“You think I don’t know that? The woman I loved for years stabbed me in the back and left me for the dead. So I am sorry if choose to guard my heart and don’t end up half dead in an abandoned stinky cell” Noah angrily grits out and I look away feeling guilty. I almost forgot my mother betrayed him too.
“Let’s just have breakfast, Dad. You know I will support your every decision right? I will always be on your side” I reach for his fisted hand on the table and ease the pressure. He knows better and I should just mind my own business rather than try to tell him what to do and what not to do.
When he calms down, I offer a small smile which he returns with a sigh.
The breakfast is eaten in silence. Despite all the people living in his house, Noah only makes food for three people. Himself, Liam, and I. I wonder when he will start favoring my mate again.
“I signed you up in the royal school. You will learn what you need to know there. From how to be a leader to fighting skills” Dad breaks the silence and I nod before remembering my mate.
“Can Jace come?*
“Sure, he can
“Leo and his dad. What is the verdict?” He hasn’t given me an answer since I talked to
Chapter 81
him about their stay here.
“There is one thing you don’t know about me, honey. I don’t forgive. Each time I see those people in my house, the urge to strangle them overwhelms me. I am only keeping them here because they are your mate’s family. When the old wolf is completely healed, I want them out of my pack. They can choose any other pack they want as long they are not sharing the same air I am breathing” The previous unclenched fist tightly clenches again and Noah noisily slams his fork on the table.
It appears as if my conversation this morning is not in his favor. I would be mad too. If someone challenged me for the throne and took my mate for themselves. I completely understand Dad’s sour mood towards Andrew. He took mum from him and together they faked her death. All the time my dad had been mourning for his dead mate, she was happily enjoying life with her lover.
Then when he finds out that she is alive, they stab him in the back and plot his death. Andrew might have a good heart but my father will always consider him as the man who replaced him.
“I will let them know” I whisper, slowly placing my fork on the table. I think he needs time for himself. “I will go check on Liam”
“Baby, I am sorry” Noah quickly takes my hand and deeply sighs. “I am sorry for shouting at you. You are the last person I want to upset Gia, I didn’t mean to yell, Okay?”
“Trust me, I know. I think you need a long run to ease the pent-up anger” I chuckle improving the mood and he follows suit.
“You are right, I will be out for a while” Noah kisses my head and takes the back door

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 78

Chapter 78


I blink my eyes open and groan at the intense headache. That is not the only thing I get to experience. My head is clear. It’s like I have been in a long dream or some weird trance, and that is when I remember what I have been through.


I quickly sit up but tightly hold my head due to the pain the haste movement caused.

My mate.

I messed up again. The previous emptiness in my heart is replaced with pain and more pain. I remember how I ignored her and our son and treated them as if they didn’t matter. How I stupidly mourned a woman who wasn’t my mate in their presence.

I was rude to my dad and even the King. Also, I almost fought Leo for no reason, and more importantly, I hurt the one person who means the world to me.

“How are you feeling?” A soft voice sounds beside me and only then, do I realize I have another presence in the room. The unknown woman stretches her arm to touch my forehead but I grip it mid–air.

“Do not touch me” I angrily grit out. My wolf is upset. He is furious with me for failing to protect our mate and for allowing another woman to jeopardize my relationship with Ana.

“Woah, woah. Easy there tiger” Leo chuckles entering the room followed closely by Andrew. “The lady went through a lot to undo the spell Lily left on you, the least you can do is say thank you, brother” Leo lightly hits my shoulder and I let her hand go.

I need to see Ana. I need to explain everything to her. I can’t feel her right now and that only means she has blocked me out.

“How are you feeling, son?” I stare at Andrew and wonder what I should think about him calling me that. He has never addressed me that way and as much as I hate to admit, he has helped me a huge deal. I might be a mistake to him but he never stopped caring. So I don’t see the need to be rude to him. The least I can do is be grateful for his kindness.

“Well, apart from a shitty headache, I feel quite alright” I murmur pushing back the stubborn hair grazing my forehead.

“It will go away soon. It’s the aftermath of the previous spell. It was quite strong you know” The woman says and I nod getting up. I don’t even know where should start, I can only hope my mate forgives me.

Taking slow steps toward the door, I brace myself for what is about to come. I’m anxious about the upcoming conversation, and I already feel dread when I meet Noah in the corridors and he doesn’t even spare me a glance. This will be the first time he ignored me since I got well–acquainted with him. It’s a bad sign.

I hurt his daughter and even though it wasn’t my intention, I should have done something. Maybe I should have fought the spell or just killed Lily when I had the chance. She went too far and if she was here, I would have made her pay for all the trouble.

I hesitate to open the door to our room when I smell the two scents that matter to me the most. My wolf lowly growls and I take deep inhales to calm my racing heart. My hand hovers on the door handle for just a second before I push it in.

My heart violently thumps in my chest when my eyes land on the two figures on the bed. Ana and our son are heavily sleeping. The two people are facing each other and Liam has his hand wrapped around Ana’s neck. Ana is holding our son too and I wonder why I have to be the one to constantly hurt them. I should be there with them but instead, I am always caught up in one shitty situation or another.

It’s no wonder Noah doesn’t trust me anymore.

Should I join them or sit and wait for them to wake up? Will she overreact when she wakes up and finds me beside her? Of course, she will. So, instead of assuming stuff, I settle on the couch and keep my unwavering gaze on them.

It’s been hours and they haven’t even stirred. The sun is peeking at the window which means it’s already bright outside. Opting for a short shower, I drag myself to the bathroom and after making sure I am presentable enough, I walk back to the room only to find my son awake.


He is busy touching Ana’s hair to realize a presence behind them. Occasionally, I envy

strong the bond between them is. Liam is just a kid but sometimes feel as if the boy understands everything that goes around him.

I make my presence known when I gently clear my throat and the boy quickly turns to me. He doesn’t show excitement like he always does nor does he show any kind of reaction. With his hand still in his mother’s hair, Liam silently watches me as I approach the bed and it pains my heart so much to see him behave this way.

“Hello, baby?” I whisperminding the sleeping mate beside us. I gently pat his head and he just stares at me. First was Noah, Liam too? Now it makes me nervous when I think how my mate will behave. “Are you hungry? I will make you wafflescome on” I try again and my son perks up at the mention of waffles.

“I am so hungry” Liam whines untangling from Ana’s b*dy and lifting his arms to me.

With a low chuckle, I pick him up and exit our room. He never enjoyed his new room after we made the changes. I don’t know if he is still ecstatic about it. After cleaning my son and making him breakfast, Liam and I walk back to our room to finally face my


Unlike carlier, Ana is awake and sitting on the couch I was on earlier.

“Mommy” My son happily exclaims as he wiggles from my arms. When I set him on the ground, Liam rushes to Ana who is readily waiting for him with stretched hands.

“Hecy” My mate coos as she showers Liam’s face with kisses.” Can you please Grandpa to make me breakfast?” Ana sweetly smiles at our son who returns the siles with a huge grin. He behaved the exact opposite when he saw me.

“Okaay” Liam draws and trots away when Ana places him back on the floor. I know she is sending him away to create privacy for us to talk.

On cue, I lock the door and slowly walk to Ana who hasn’t looked at me since I got here.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 77

Chapter 77


What is happening? Andrew and I share glances before looking back at the still–shocked woman. She is not a wolf, that I can tell. She smells like a witch, and I wonder if she and my dad know each other.

“Is everything okay?” Andrew asks, snapping her out of her reverie and she quickly nods looking around until her eyes land on me. That was weird.

‘What is it, dad? Is everything okay?‘ I mindlink Noah but his mind link is blocked. That is unlike him. Especially when he is okay.

“Goddess! This is just…” The lady walks to the couch I am sitting on and tiredly slumps on it.“I don’t know what to think, Oh! Goddess” She suddenly releases a nervous laugh confusing us more.

She appears to be middle–aged with long dark hair and black eyes. Her figure is slim and she’s quite pretty.

“Is she here for Jace?” I ask Andrew and he nods, finally walking inside.

“Let’s get to business Keira, I don’t know what is up with you but we have to help my son ASAP” Andrew instructs the witch who seems elated for some reason.

“They are in your room” Goddess knows what the brothers are up to in there. Neither Leo nór Jace has come out but fortunately, I don’t hear a brawl going on, so I assume it’s all good.

“Let’s go” Andrew ushers Keira to follow him and I debate if I should follow them or stay put. Choosing the latter, I sit back down on the couch and pray all goes well. I don’t want to follow them and become disappointed when things don’t work out as expected. I hate being in my mate’s presence while he ignores me.

Half an hour later, voices from upstairs draw my attention to them. Andrew and Leo are the first people to show up and I quickly get up to meet them.

“How did it go?” I hopefully ask, meeting them on the stairs.

“We don’t know yet, the witch did the spell and he immediately went unconscious. He hasn’t woken up yet so we came here to keep you company” Andrew says and I nod taking two steps back.

“I am going to make coffee, do you want some?” I ask enquire from the two men.

“I will come with you,” Leo says and I silently lead the way. I don’t know what I was thinking when I accepted his hug. It was a moment of vulnerability and I regret being weak in front of him. Now he will use it to mock me or my mate.

“I am sorry” Leo mumbles behind me. I grab two mugs and start brewing black coffee for the men. “I should have


considered your feelings before lashing out at your mate like that” His words surprise me but I don’t show it. He is really determined to gain my favor.

“It’s okay, Leo. Do you think he will be okay?” I don’t even know why I am asking but I feel the need to.

“He will. The witch seems enthusiastic, I don’t know why?” Leo lets out a low chuckle and I turn around to look at him.

“I hope so I hand one cup to him and he grabs it with both hands.

“Did you talk to your dad?”

“Yes, he hasn’t given me the answer yet”

“Good” With that, he takes his dad’s coffee and exits the kitchen. I follow Leo with my eyes and sigh when he disappears. I can’t go to bed right now, I need to wait for my dad and also see if my mate will recover or show any sign of change.

I don’t know when I fell asleep on the sofa. It’s already dawn and no one is around me when I wake up. Though Leo’s scent is

still present meaning he left a while ago. Before I can get up to check on my son, the front door opens and my disheveled dad slowly walks in.

His hair is messy and he has dark circles around his tired eyes

“Dad, what is wrong? You have been acting weird since you saw that woman and you look beat” I worriedly stare at him and my dad quickly snaps his gaze at me as if he didn’t expect anyone to be in here.

“It’s nothing dear” Dad brushes me off but I don’t listen to him.

“Just tell me. You seem on edge. And you didn’t come back last night. Do you know that woman from before?” I walk to him and gently gaze into his eyes.

“No, it’s…She is my second chance” He reluctantly answers, worriedly scratching the back of his neck and I gasp in shock. Second–chance mates are rare. They never happen, at least I haven’t heard of them before.

“What?” I mutter staring at my dad in shock.

“I don’t think I want another. With what Maya did, I would rather spend the rest of my life alone”

“I don’t know what to say, Dad. It’s unbelievable” I didn’t see this coming. Dad getting a second chance mate a few days after my mum’s demise. With how corrupt this world has become, I am not sure of what to think.

“Give it time, Dad. I am happy for you anyway” I gently squeeze his shoulder and he reluctantly nods.

Walking to my room to finally see my son, a couple of mixed emotions hit me at once. Pain, anger, hurt and many more occupy my heart and I don’t have to guess whose emotions are.

This only means my mate’s wolf is coming back to life and he is the one triggering the matebond. I can vividly feel his emotions and none of them are good,

As much as I want to feel relieved, I can’t help but wonder whether these emotions are felt toward me or the dead bitch.

Maybe it was a relief when I didn’t know what he was feeling for another woman.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 76

Chapter 76 


After staying in Andrew’s office for over an hour without any positive results, I could not help but break down. It’s painful. The thought of probably losing someone I love for good creates a deep ache in my chest.

Andrew left. He couldn’t find anyone with the witch’s contact so he decided to go by himself despite the injuries. I think like Leo, he deserves a second chance to come back in the pack.

So, after he left, I slumped back on his bed and started wailing. I couldn’t go back to our room and sleep in the enormous bed alone. His scent will be there and my wolf won’t allow me to rest easy when our mate is somewhere in the pack.

My primal side lacks understanding. There is no way to convince my wolf why I am not close to him. She will easily take control and do it herself.

A presence appears at the door and for the first time, I don’t have the strength to push him away. Leo pulls me up and silently wraps his arms around me. He is not as warm as my mate but I need comfort right now. I just want someone to tell me that it’s going to be okay even though it’s a total lie. Something to take my mind away from the turmoil going on in me right now.

I never imagined Jace would walk right through when I am still in Leo’s arms and his reaction is something I could have never expected. Is he seriously jealous or he is acting on impulse?

“You don’t know shit, Leo. Ana is my mate and this is just a phase that will eventually pass” My mate snaps glaring at Leo. The tension between these two is heavy. Leo and Jace have always been on opposing sides and it will only take something irrelevant to switch on the fire between them.

Leo chuckles gripping Jace’s collars and I am forced to intervene.

“Stop it will you?” I get between the fuming guys and push them apart. “Stop fighting and seek help if you care” I face each one of them but sigh in disappointment when none of them looks at me. They are not even listening.

Shaking my head, I slowly exit the room and I don’t think they even noticed my presence is gone. Before taking the stairs to my room, I spot my dad in the living room and walk to him. Something to keep me out of the bed.

“How are you holding up?” Noah asks and I sigh joining him on the seat. I grab the

coffee in his hand and take a big sip but regret it afterward.

“Goddess! Dad” I quickly hand back the cup, fighting the urge to spit out the bitter liquid.

“What?” Noah laughs in amusement and pats my back. “You didn’t give me a chance to warn you. I can make you one if you want” He offers and I quickly accept.

“Yes, please” I fold my legs on the sofa, lean back, and close my eyes. I don’t understand why people like black coffee at all. I love mine with enough milk and


“So, how are you taking in everything?” He repeats the question and I open one eye to peek at him. Everything is shitty. I should be in bed right now with my son, but I can’t bring myself to because it won’t be the same without my mate holding me throughout the night.

“You should pardon Andrew, Dad” I mumble and his jaw instantly clenches. I know he hates him for taking his mate but we can’t entirely blame Andrew. It’s Maya who made her choice. Furthermore, Andrew was never entirely on Maya’s side. If he did, he wouldn’t have saved us multiple times and Dad knows it.

“Leo wants to join the pack too,” I say when he remains quiet. “Give them a chance dad, we both know it’s through their help we are here”

“We don’t just overlook mistakes, honey. Both of them have tried to take the throne not once but a couple of times. What do you think will happen when we let this kind of people in our midst? I have done everything to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself and I need you to stop letting emotions control you, and do what is right for your pack” he strictly informs and I deeply furrow my brows.

“Are you forgetting it’s because of these emotions we feel the need to protect each other?” I ask the question without elaboration and he sighs sitting next to me. My dad hands me a steaming cup of coffee and I Immediately take a small sip. Just the way I love it.

“I know, honey. I know. I am sorry for my ignorance. I am trying to overlook their mistakes but I just hate that guy.” Dad shakes his head and I squeeze his hand.

You don’t have to bring them back here. We have over a thousand packs in the world, let them choose one for themselves”

know. For now, let’s settle everything first. Your mate needs to get back in his head, Ana. I have been thinking, honey, from the way you handled the war, I think

you don’t need training like the rest of the wolves. I trust you, dear, and I believe since you killed the queen, you will do just fine when you take over, what do you think?” My dad proudly smiles and I return it.

I don’t know dad, I don’t think it’s the right time. Jace…”

“If you have learned something from the beginning honey, I hope you will understand that in this life we are somehow alone. You love your mate I know that, but what if he is not here someday, what if something similar happens and he chooses another over you, or what if Jace doesn’t come back? Have you thought about that? I am sorry but you were born with a responsibility dear, you are my heir and I want you to get that in your head. Relationships can change in the blink of an eye, but as a leader, you need to do what is right for your subjects. We can’t let people with ulterior motives pave the way on the throne and ruin everything, just like that girl was trying to do with your mate”

‘Can you give me a little time then?”

“Of course, sweetheart. After I take care of the rest of the traitors and appoint a new council and palace guards, I will announce my resignation. I am sorry sweetheart, but you will rule with your mate as your helper. I will start training Liam and he will succeed you as soon as he becomes an adult. I hate to admit this, but I don’t trust your mate with this kind of responsibility, there will always be opportunists everywhere and we can’t risk harm befalling our people again” Dad mumbles and I nod in understanding.

“I understand Dad” I mutter, drowning the whole liquid in my cup. I guess there is no more running.

“Also…” Before Dad can finish his sentence, the door opens and he instantly drops the cup he was holding out of shock. Andrew and a perplexed woman remain in the doorway and I wonder why she and Noah are staring at each other in horror.

My dad’s eyes turn black and when his nails elongate to claws, he instantly shifts and breaks through the kitchen window, leaving the shattering of broken glasses behind.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 75

Chapter 75


I hate this. I don’t know what I am feeling but my heart is in great despair. Not for the death of that woman but what I am feeling for her. I have never felt this confused before.

I am not stupid and I know Lily did something else when she drugged me. But the question is, what did she do and how do I stop myself from feeling this way? My wolf is not responsive, and I don’t know what happened to him. I see my mate and every time I look at her, I feel pain deep down my chest. I am hurting her and I can’t stand it. I need to make everything right before it’s too late.

I never thought it would happen again. At least the first time I had a choice. But today it’s entirely something else. I can’t control it no matter how I try to fight it.

“I need to talk to you” My dad walks into the kitchen where I have been sitting since Ana found me in Andrew’s room. I had gone there to ask him for help. Some part of me is grateful that Lily is dead. I don’t know what would have happened if she was here.

I don’t know if I would have been able to control myself at all, and If that happened, I am afraid I would have lost my mate and son for good.

I blankly look at him when my dad pulls the stool and sits beside me.

“I don’t know what you are going through, son. But I know if you keep this attitude around Ana and Liam, you’re going to lose them, Jace” His harsh words draw an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, and at the same time, they make me angry.

It’s easier for everyone to judge me than try to understand me,

“Do you think I want this?” I angrily yell, glaring at the man who has raised me all my life” Goddess! I hate feeling this way, and if you are here to tell me what I already knowthen you are not helping” My voice quivers at the last statement, and I place my head on my palms.

It’s overwhelming.

“I know son, but you ought to try. Ana and your kid are devastated. Your mate understands, but Liam doesn’t. I don’t know what you will do but the baby needs his dad, You gotta step up Jace”

Fuck! My head hurts when I remember how I ignored them when I woke up. Lily

was the only thing in my eyes and the world around me was completely blurred. They will never forgive me.

Where do I start then, when I saw Ana earlier she was hesitant to talk to me. I wish I was able to feel the mate bond to know what she was thinking. The biggest problem is my son, I hate that I disappointed him again. Goddess! I am a shitty father.

“I will, It’s just….” I sigh running my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know what to do with myself, Dad” I sadly mutter, opening up for someone for the first time.

“We are yet to get help. Andrew knows something, Jace. Promise me you will try for your son for the time being” Dad squeezes my shoulder and I nod with a sigh.

“Good” The man whispers and slowly exits the room, leaving me to my depressing thoughts.

“Mommy” The boy’s cries reach my ears and I wonder if he is alone. Of course, he is alone. I left Ana with Andrew. Should I go to him? Goddess! Why am I so stupid? He is only two, so he needs his parents.

I hesitantly get up and take the stairs to our bedroom. Opening the door, the boy is already out of bed and sitting beside the door crying. Goddess! How can I be so Ignorant? He is just a baby and all I do is abandon him. Liam doesn’t know about being drugged or some lame shit. He just knows his parents are supposed to be here with him.

“Hey, baby” I lowly whisper, squatting beside him and he quickly lifts his tear- stained face to look at me. His eyes are wet from tears and they still look sleepy.

“Daddy?” Liam mumbles. He peeks behind me and looks away in disappointment when he doesn’t see the one he was expecting. “I want my mommy” He whispers covering his face with his fingers.

“I will take you to her, baby. Come on” I stretch my hands to him and he quickly lifts his. “I am sorry” I whisper pressing a gentle kiss on his head. Liam doesn’t react or say anything else. He buries his face into my neck and deeply sighs.

I know it won’t take him long to go back to sleep. So, I run my fingers in his hair and he sighs in content wrapping his arms around me. When his breaths even, I lay him down and cover him.

I need to find Ana. I don’t know what I will tell her but just need to say something. So, start walking to Andrew’s room. She must still be there.

My hand hovers on the doorknob when I hear people talking from inside.know” A familiar muffled voice whispers and it peeks my interest. Out of curiosity, I gently push the door open and my jaw instantly clenches at the sight before me.

“I am sorry, Is there anything I can do?” Leo whispers, gently running his hands on Ana’s back. Her body is violently trembling and her low hiccups let me know she is crying. How did they end up like this? I thought she hated him.

I assumed I knew pain until I am looking at the view in front of me. The confusion in my head instantly disappears when Ana wraps her arms around my brother’s waist, and all I feel is pure anger.

“Let her go, Leornardo” I snap taking quick steps to them. Leo does something that causes me more pain. He quickly pushes my mate behind him, shielding her from me. My heart breaks when the thought of Ana being scared of me runs through my mind.

“Why would I do that? For you to hurt her more? That is all you do, Jace. From the first time I met Ana, she keeps crying for you. Looks like you can’t handle your shit when it comes to your mate, but guess what?” Leo takes a menacing step toward me but I hold my ground.

“Someone out there will give her what you can’t. She will never cry for an incompetent mate again, and I promise you, Ana will be happy” He whispers the last words, standing directly in front of me and I tightly clench my fists.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 74

Chapter 74


Liam and I lay quietly on the bed facing each other. My son doesn’t talk but stares at me. I am doing the same thing. The clear blue eyes remind me so much of someone I haven’t seen since he left us in the ward.

“Are you okay?” I tap his nose and he gently smiles. I wonder what must be going through his little mind right now.

“Will daddy come?” He whispers, wrapping his little hands around my neck. My heart uncomfortably jerks but I force a smile and gently ruffle his hair.

“He will, dear. He will surely come” I hopefully mumble kissing his head and he softly sighs closing his eyes. I don’t know how we will do it but I have to get Jace my back. My dad had already started to punish Andrew and when we went to check on him, he was barely breathing. It’s a good thing he was taken from the damned crosses and he is receiving treatment now.

‘Is Liam asleep? Kyle has information regarding the spell‘ My father mind links me.

‘I will be there in a minute‘ I say back pulling the covers over my son. After -pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead, I slowly lock the door behind me and exit

the room.

“Come on dear” Alpha Edward quickly pulls a chair for me and I nod in thanks. Looking around the room, I sit down in disappointment. Jace is not here and neither is his scent.

“So what did you find out?” I inquire from the witch in the room.

“According to my discoveries, there is a dark witch who performs such spells. When someone goes to them with the drug, they cast a spell that will bind the person injected to them”

“So can he undo the spell?” I quickly ask feeling hopeful.

“That’s the problem. It will only take the witch who cast the spell to undo it” Kyle sadly sighs and my heart bleeds.


you serious? Why the hell will we find the witch when the bitch is dead?” I yell, fisting my palms.

“Can’t you try the spell, Kyle?” My dad asks, probably reading through my stress.

“It only takes a dark witch to even try breaking it” Kyle shakes his head glancing at me in pity.

“She was once working for you, you must know where she found the witch” I direct my angry question to Leo who has been silently listening to the debate.

“It was only once but she never delivered what I had sent her. From that moment, she completely disappeared and the next time I saw her she was dead” His words do more harm than good when I remember he had sent her to kidnap Liam

“I will get answers by myself“I mumble exiting the room and no one stops me.

Reaching Andrew’s room, I slowly open his door, wondering if I should proceed or not. He is inside. Is this where he has been hiding all the time?

Andrew is motionlessly lying on his bed while Jace is standing beside the window. The curtains are pulled apart and my mate is silently peeking at the moon. Goddess! I miss him so much and I want to hate him so bad but I can’t. I just wish he could fight this, fight for us. For our son.

Andrew stirs on the bed before releasing a soft groan and that gives me a go–ahead to finally walk in. Jace quickly turns around at the sound and when his eyes land on me, he doesn’t show any emotion or utter a word.

It’s so heartbreaking. Goddess!

“Hey, can I get a moment with him?” The pleading in my voice doesn’t go unnoticed by him because Jace slightly raises his eyebrows at me and silently walks out. My wolf sadly whimpers for his lack of interest and the painful hole in my heart intensifies.

Is he suffering from memory loss too? For fuck sake, this is the boy I grew up with. We have loved each other as long as I can remember, how come a simple spell will erase all that from his heart? How can he just ignore me and our son like that?

Oh! Goddess, why does this keep happening to me?

I quickly blink away my tears when Andrew sits up and glances at the closed door and back to me in question.

“Are you two okay?” His voice is raspy meaning he just woke up since he lost consciousness. So this indicates he doesn’t know anything yet?

“No” I cover the remaining space between us and settle in the bed beside him. I told

my dad not to harm him further. He made mistakes but he has saved us from

more crises than we could have done it ourselves. Everyone deserves second chances.

“Something happened to him and he is not himself right now, I think” I mumble with a sigh and the man nods for me to continue talking. He looks extremely roughened up and if you didn’t know, you would mistake him for someone else.

His face is still swollen. His busted lip hasn’t healed and he has bandages tied around his chest and stomach. His visible skin is full of bruises but at least he will live.

“Okay?” He mumbles his voice laced with concern.

“During the fight, a girl named Lily injected him with a heat–induced drug. Our dad killed her and gave him an antidote but when he woke up, he was so upset with her death and Jace has been ignoring us since then. Leo said you went through the same thing”

“Yeah, honey” Andrew lowly chuckles and shakes his head.” It was crap. That bitch was crazy. I would have never imagined one of my sons would go through the same thing”

“You found help, right?” I whisper.

“Yes, after a lot of struggle, dear” Andrew sits upright and silently groans, probably from the distress he is feeling in his body. “I know how he is feeling. Jace must be confused as fuck right now, it’s like his mind fled away and he can’t decipher what he is feeling. The spell is strong, Ana. I know you must be wondering why he can’t fight it but trust me, it’s beyond his control especially when his wolf is locked away”

“I don’t know, doesn’t he recognize our son? Liam doesn’t understand this and he keeps asking when his dad is going to come back”

“As I said dear, everything is out of control for him. The only thing in his mind is that girl and her alone. Right now he is probably hurting because he can’t be with her” I sadly chuckle and get up. It doesn’t hurt any less. I hate to think that the only thing in my mate’s head is another woman and not me or our son. It hurts like a damned bitch.

“Please help me” I kneel beside Andrew’s bed and take his large hands in mine.” I talked to the king and your punishment is lifted. I know you have a good heart, Andrew, and you won’t watch as we hurt” My teary eyes blink at him and he sighs ruffling my hair.

“Let me make a call then”

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 66-73

Chapter 65


Ohl Goddess, If someone told me this is how my future would turn out to be, I would have laughed in their faces. This is not the world we had in mind at all. Jace and I had dreamt of a happy future.

I am tired of constant pain and heartbreaks. The bitter part is that I can’t let my distress show with my son here. My mood affects Liam too.

“Give Kyle a minute, sweetheart, we are going for him after taking a break,” Alpha says and I nod taking off the bloody gloves. I need a break.

Walking out through the back door, I lean on a tree and look up at the moon. What is her plan? What does she think when she looks down at all the injured men scattered outside?

Why let one devious woman ruin her beautiful creations?

Will she allow Liam’s dad to be taken away from him too? Haven’t we suffered enough?

“I scented your tears” I look in front of me to see Noah approaching me. Instead of holding back, I cover my mouth with my palm and allow myself to break down. I don’t have to act strong in the middle of the night anymore.

“I know, baby, I will make everything right” My dad holds my cheek and remorsefully stares into my tired eyes. Noah silently kisses my head and pulls me into his arms.” Go have some rest, I will order Leo to bring your mate back. He can’t resist my command, no matter what” He gently rubs my back and I sigh inhaling his scent.

“I want you to train me, Dad. I will fight beside you when the time comes” My dad chuckles pulling away and he slowly wipes my tears.

“I thought you hated being ‘sweaty and sticky” He quotes my words and I laugh when I remember how naive I was. Everything changed when they took my dad. That’s when I realized this world is not for the weak, and we can’t always depend on others for protection.

“I can’t lose you again, Dad. Not Liam or Jace” I lowly whisper.

“I know, you will not lose anyone else. I can feel my wolf now, and when I get my strength back, I am going to the palace and giving everyone the justice they deserve” Noah utters in determination and I shake my head.

“You know it won’t be easy right? Leo said she has an army of trained rogues and witches”

“We just have to end the leader and everyone else will retreat. Leave that to me. honey. Go have some rest. Your mate will be here when you wake up” I nod at my dad’s words and walk to the room my son is sleeping in.

I trust my father.

Laying beside my son, I try to ignore the uneasiness in my heart but it’s futile. I hold Liam tight to myself and bury my nose in his hair. His scent helps me sleep.

True to my dad’s words, when I wake up. I find Jace in the bed next to me. My mate is not sleeping but gently staring down at me. His eyes are red like he has been crying, and that’s when I feel it.

His distress, pain, and heartbreak, from the matebond.

“Babe?” I quickly sit up and I am face-to-face with him. Without a word, Jace grabs my head and kisses me. Unlike the other times when we kiss, this kiss is too soft and careful. His heartbeat is wild and the scent of his tears makes me pull


“What’s wrong?” I tuck away the hair sticking on his forehead and he sighs licking his lips.

“I love you. No matter what happens, know that I love you with my life, Ana He softly stares at me and gently presses his lips on my forehead.

Jace, you are scaring me. Tell me what is happening? I get up from the bed and my eyes widen when I see the blood on his clothes. How did I miss it? It’s Jace’s but it smells familiar.

What happened to them?” My voice quivers and I feel my knees weakening She can’t keep doing this.


“Come with me’ My mate takes my hand and leads me out of the room. The more steps we take, the more dread I feel. My shaky hands tightly grip his and I try as much as I can not to cry.

Outside, among the wolves who are still being attended to by my dad and Kyle Alpha Edward, Leo, and his witch are crouching beside one person and that’s where the strong scent of blood is coming from.

I untangle myself from Jace’s hold, run the remaining distance, and fall on my knees in front of Chase. The tears I have been holding heavily roll down blurring my sight.

“No Chase.” I whisper cradling his head on my lap. We can save him, right Please do something I face Alpha, ignoring Chase’s torn jugular. His head is barely hanging on his neck and there is blood everywhere. His blood.

He can’t be dead.

“Chase, you need to wake up. What should I tell Liam? You two are friends, I continuously tap his cheek but he doesn’t make a move Goddess no

Ana, baby. He is gone Jace’s father mutters prying me from my friends ead body. He was our childhood friend Chase had a full life in front of him out ther butch didn’t care. What is her deal anyway?


+5 vouchers

“Come here” Alpha pulls me into a hug and I tightly clutch onto him. Everything was fine until Jace came back from that Alpha training. “Everything will be okay” He whispers running his fingers through my hair and I sniffle controlling my


What if I just go to the royal pack and kill that bitch in her sleep. Maybe I don’t need to train anymore. The more time we waste the more we invite more deaths. This could have been my son. If we didn’t get Liam first she would have killed him.

“Where is El?” I pull away and look around.

“Your dad is taking care of him. He will survive” Alpha Edward says and I nod wiping my tears.

“What is your plan?” I look at the people around me and Jace sighs dragging his palms on his face.

“We are going for Andrew. He was the one who helped me pull Chase and El out but the queen caught him red-handed. I don’t know what is happening right now, but it can’t be good. The time for war has come, Ana” My mate announces and only then, do I understand his earlier words.

Its time.

Authors note.


you everyone for

your support.

This chapter was a bit emotional for me but what can I say, such is life.

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Chapter 67


[Warning! This chapter contains mature content, skip it if it’s uncomfortable for you.]

“I love you so much, baby” I pull away and rub my thumb on her swollen lips. Her breaths are quick and labored. I love her with everything in me. I am not just saying it to make her happy, I mean my every word. Slightly tilting her head, I slowly run my nose on the pulse on her neck, taking in her alluring scent.

My wolf growls approvingly and immediately comes forward. I don’t push him back, I want him present when we reclaim our mate.

I dip my nose on her mark and gently lick on it. Ana softly moans, trembling in my arms. Her warm breath on my neck just adds to my arousal. I bite and nibble on her soft skin leaving hickeys where my lips touch.

She is so hot.

Trailing my lips down her neck, I lowly growl tearing her top open when it obstructs me from her delicious body.

“You are beautiful” I whisper, taking in her upper body. My wolf is actively present and hers too, from how her eyes keep changing from green to black.

Her skin is soft and I admire how firm her breasts are. Gently cupping her tits, I give them a soft squeeze before running my thumps on her erect pink nipples. My mate shivers as her body leans forward, helplessly falling into me.

“Does it feel good?” I whisper pinching both of her nipples and it renders her weak. I gently lay my mate on the grass and carefully lay on top of her. I can’t afford crushing her petite body with mine.

“I love you” I kiss Ana’s forehead, then her nose, and finally on her lips. “I will always be here baby, no matter what happens, I won’t let myself be taken away from you” I hold her cheeks and stroke them lightly.

“I love you too, Jace” Her lustful eyes longingly stare at me and my eyes land on the tattoo above her breast. Lowering my head, I gently press my lips on it before moving towards her inviting right nipple. They are incredibly hot.

My hands roam over her sexy body, feeling her skin, and ass while she responds with the same fervor, snaking her legs around mine and moaning with pleasure. After licking, massaging, and worshipping her tits, I leave them more hard and wet. I trail my lips down her body, kissing and licking as I go lower. My baby opens her legs for me when I reach her belly button, almost like she is inviting me and I growl at her intoxicating scent. I tear the barrier between us, leaving her bare and panting before me.

I am so hard. My pants are straining against my tensed cock but today is about my

mate. I want her to feel every inch of my love. I won’t let my mate doubt me again even if it means doing this daily.

“Never doubt my love for you, baby” I hold her thighs and carefully widen them more. My mate shivers when I deep my nose between her swollen soaking folds. and deeply inhale. “Beautiful” I murmur, gently running my tongue along her folds. I will never get enough of this. “You are mine, Ana”

“Goddess” Ana whimpers lifting her waist toward my face. My lips gently gently lick up and down the valley between the lips of her pussy. “You are so sweet, Ana. All mine” I growl, almost losing control to my wolf.

She tastes divine. Fresh and sexy.

I eat out my mate with great hunger and ferocity. Her sexy body keeps writhing as she moans for me in encouragement. Today I am not fingering her. I am saving that to my almost-bursting dick.

“Jace, I am so close” Ana cries and I quickly pull away. Hovering over her body once more, I gently press my lips on her, letting her taste herself.

“Not yet, sweetheart. I want us to do it together” I mumble kissing her forehead. Ana starts fumbling with my clothes and I let her take them off. However, when they appear stubborn to her, My mate rips my clothes off with one swift motion. I lean back with a low chuckle and remove the useless pieces from

my body. My mate appreciatively takes in every inch of me until her hungry eyes land on my hard cork. Ana licks her lips and brings her hand forth to touch it but I quickly hold it.

“Let me pleasure you too, Jace” Her eyes are like dark pits as they stare at me. “Today is about you, baby. We have all of our lives for you to do that. But now” I gently push her back down and she complies. “Open your legs for me, and let me make love to you” I instruct her and she does just that. Ana opens her legs wider and my wolf growls appreciating the intoxicating view.

Her scent is strong and inviting. Tonight, however, I must not lose control to my wolf. With that, I lean forward and guide the head of my cock to my mate’s waiting opening. Ana gasps loudly as I enter her, followed by satisfied groans from the both of us.

“Goddess, Jace” She whispers, arching her back in pleasure. Fuck! She is beautiful. My eyes remain on my dazed beautiful mate. I love her.

“I love you” I softly press my lips on hers and start to move so slowly in her warm and tight folds. Goddess!, I will never get enough of her. As I sink deeper, her walls clamp down on my cock, sucking me in. The pleasure makes me groan and deepen the kiss. This is the best experience I have ever encountered in my life.

“It feels so good, Jace” She moans out arching her back more when I pull away from the kiss.

“Look in my eyes, baby” I nibble on her lower lip and press my forehead on hers.

Ana struggles but eventually, her unwavering gaze remains on mine. Lacing her fingers with mine, I slowly move in and out of her, making sure my cock touches every sweet spot in her.

I return my lips to my mate’s and my hand lowers back to her nipple and gently massage it. Our moans are mixed in our mouths as I slowly increase the tempo of my thrusts.

She is beautiful.

“More Jace, give me more” My mate pants out and I give her just that. I pick up my pace as I move inside her more aggressively. “Yes, like that” She throws her head backwards and calls out my name.

I take advantage of the tilted neck and lick on her mark and that sends Ana to another level of pleasure. Her body violently shake and her pussy clench around

“Goddess Jace, I am close” When she moans out, I snake my hand between us until I reach her clit. I rub the sensitive spot and gently suck on her Mark. She is close I can feel it. With a deep thrust, I elongate my canines and bury them in the mark on her neck and that does it.

With a loud cry, my mate tightly clenches around me milking me so hard and I groan letting myself go. I ride her through her orgasm and when her body stops. quivering, she relaxes in my arms and lazily opens her eyes to look at me. “I love you” She breathlessly whispers closing her eyes.

Authors note;

Tomorrow we are going to war. Brace up.

Queen verses King.

Thank you for reading.Chapter 68
Today is the day we are going back to the royal pack. Most men have woken up but their wolves are still weak. We don’t have enough backup but the King believes if he comes out, some of his loyal people will join him.
We are being optimistic here because we don’t have any other choice. We can’t give Maya any more time to hurt the innocent people.
As we had agreed, Leo is already here with his witch. My dad managed to convince a few warriors from our pack that the King was alive and he needed their help. My main worry is how we are going to fight against a hundred powerful witches.
It’s risky, that’s why I am not letting my mate near the war. I talked to Noah and he was able to convince her to stay behind with Liam and the injured men. At least if I don’t make it, Liam will have his mother to raise him.
As if she read my thoughts, Ana tightly holds my arm and leans her head on my chest. After our intimacy, she has been constantly clinging to me. It’s a relief because she no longer doubts me.
“It’s time, baby” I whisper looking behind us at the already assembled men.
“You promised you would always be back to us right?” Her sad eyes have unshed tears and the thought of ending up like Chase breaks my heart. I can’t imagine what she would go through if that happened, my son too.
“Of course, sweetheart, I will always come back to you” I gently run my thumb on her cheek. I need to fight hard. I need to find my way back to them even if I have to go through death.
Jace. We are leaving Leo yells, and I nod looking back at my whimpering mate. Goddess! It’s hard seeing her this and not holding her.
“I love you” I quickly peck her cheek, and turn around to avoid looking into her teary eyes. F uck! It feels like a goodbye.
Protect them for me, please. Goddess.
I hastily walk back to the house where my son is still sleeping Placing a lingering kiss on his forehead, I softly ruffle his hair and deeply inhale his scent.
“Take care of your mommy, son. Always” I whisper, caressing his check. I don’t know what to feel at this point. May the
universe favor us.
Ana is crying in her dad’s arms when I go back out and I try my best not to look at her. The scent of her tears is thick in the air and I can tell my dad is affected too. He keeps clenching and unclenching his fists with a locked jaw.
Everyone knows this is a suicide mission but it’s the right thing to do.
Let’s go.” Noah nods at the witch and after chanting her spell, we are teleported to the southern border of the packhouse. We left Kyle behind just in case something unpredictable happened when we were here.
I have weapons in my house. Every kind, from lethal to less harmful. We can’t fight the witches in our wolves’ form. They hould be our priority, and after we eliminate them, her backup will lessen making it easy to take care of the wolves. If you may please, get us in the basement of my house” Once again, we are teleported to the King’s basement at his order and 1 narvel at his enormous collection of weapons.
Wow!” Leo whispers, eagerly looking around and I internally scoff. He once wanted to overthrow the King yet he can’t even ight. I assumed he had a warehouse full of weapons to protect himself with. I still wonder what his condition is.
Choose any weapons of your preference and let’s get out of here” Noah’s voice brings my mind back to work and I start hoosing everything that will help me stay alive.
Maya keeps moving from one point to anothel a5 3000
“Why aren’t they coming? I haven’t had a rest since yesterday, does this mean they don’t give a f uck about you?” She furiously yells at the tied-up Andrew.
Right now, they are in the royal courtroom. Among the present is the corrupt council and her group of witches. She had started to suspect Andrew from the day she killed his mate. He tried to hide his feelings for Nia but she could read through his canotions. She knew Andrew was up to something and when she caught him red-handed the other day helping Jace escape, it was her chance to finally get rid of him.
But she has a bigger problem. All the prisoners who used to work for Noah are missing and to make matters worse, a large supply of medicines from the Royal Pack Hospital was stolen.
This is not how she had planned everything. Noah is alive and she needs to get him before the Werewolf kingdom learns he never died. That will cause great trouble for her. So, the only way to find Noah’s location is through Jare, and she believes since the sons know their father is in trouble, they won’t hesitate to save him.
“Can’t any of you st upid witches track where these Idiots are?” She faces the women who have their heads lowered, “Goddess! Why is everyone around me so useless? The council members are just a bunch of st upid old wolves, all of my guards are incompetent fools, these b itchy witches are just here to leach on my money and the idiot of my chosen King just betrayed me” She screams in frustration as her claws elongate. Her shaking body turns to fur and her eyes darken.
Unexpectedly, she grabs one of the witch’s head and instantly snap it. “Get out and bring Noah to me or all of you are dead” She commands and the women disappear from the room leaving their dead friend behind. Maya angrily huffs, mindlessly throwing the dead body on the floor,
“You are so pathetic’ Andrew weakly chuckles without lifting his head to look at her. Crazy Maya tied him to the King’s seat and had him beaten senseless.
“We will see about that when I drop the heads of your two b astards in front of you” She laughs swiping her sharp claws on Andrew’s face, leaving a huge deep cut.
“I should have killed your crazy a ss when I had a chance” He whispers in regret, attempting to lift his bleeding head but he has no strength to do that.
“Great idea” Maya tightly holds his cheeks allowing her claws to pierce through his flesh. “I should send you to hell when I still have a chance With that said, she draws her sword and lifts it mid-air with the intent of ending him, but just before it can touch his skin, a poisonous dagger from nowhere penetrates through her hand and she drops the sword with a painful
Authors note;
Thank you for reading.
0Chapter 69
Third-person POV
“What the hell?” The woman shrieks, cradling her bleeding arm and frantically looking around the courtroom.”Why are you idiots still sitting there, get the hell out and find the intruders” She snaps at the council members and they fearfully scamper out one after the other.
“F uck” She growls kicking Andrew’s leg without realizing the incoming presence behind her.
“Hello, Mate” The sound of the bariton voice behind her draws all the blood in her system. Slowly, turning around, she is met with the sight of a healthy Noah, and his men behind him. “Happy to see me?” Noah smirks at her horrid face, and his eyes darken when he looks at the injured man staining his throne seat.
Leo takes that chance to untie his father and instructs the witch to get him to safety.
“You are supposed to be dead” She whispers eyeing the people behind him, and her eyes dangerously glares at Jace and Leo.
I can’t go down this easily. Hell, I am not going down, ever. Maya thinks, mind linking her guards to join her. Instantly, her body shifts and pounces at Noah who immediately does the same.
Alarms go through the Kingdom and everyone becomes alert. The news about the return of the King travels all over, and it’s welcomed positively regarding how Maya has been treating them since the day she showed up.
All the wolves emerge from the confines of their homes to help their King fight for their long-lost freedom.
They say one will never know the importance of something until that thing is taken away from them. The wolves thought Noah was ruthless during his reign until Maya showed up and showed them what ruthless meant.
In the blink of an eye, the once-silent Kingdom is filled with cries of war.
After the shift, Noah’s wolf leaps through the door and bolts outside. Everyone follows, half of them in wolf forms, and the rest remain in human form carrying their weapons in hand.
Noah comes to a stumbling stop at the battle field and Maya’s wolf softly lands in front of him. In contrast to Noah’s midnight dark fur, Maya’s has white patches that make her outstanding.
The two mated wolves show reluctance in attacking each other but their human urge of blood and power pushes them beyond their limits. Maya’s wolf slowly backs away and drops low on the ground.
Her dark eyes dangerously size her mate who happens to be her prey, as she viciously growls and begins circling him, carefully examining Noah. Noah’s huge dark wolf does the same. At this point, he tries hard to block her alluring scent from poisoning his mind again. He was fooled once, and he won’t allow the mate bond to distract him today.
As if in sync, the two wolves, instantly leap in the air, attacking each other. They both go for each other’s necks causing them to clash back on the dusty ground with a heavy thud. The dark wolf throws his opponent on her back and goes for her neck again, but she swiftly kicks his stomach with her powerful front paws and pushes him away from her.
They once again circle each other with low growls. With great agility, Maya leaps on Noah’s back and instantly bites a huge chunk of flesh from his shoulder. Noah vigorously shakes her from his body only for her to tighten her grip on his flesh. He turns his neck and catches her right paw between his sharp canines and she growls letting him go.
“Taking the little chance to his advantage, Noah flips her on her back and ruthlessly bites her underbelly drawing blood. As Maya struggles to throw Noah on his back, he quickly goes for her neck and tightly clamps on it causing Maya to howl in pain.
Her painful howl reaches the ears of her ser vants who are being stopped by Noah’s men from interfering with the fight. One of the witches though, uses her powers to separate Noah’s body from Maya and sends him flying in the air before harshly hitting his body on a tree.
Noah falls with a painful growl and his body instantly shifts back to human due to the immense pain. Still collecting himself,
Chapter 69
a laughing Maya approaches him with a shining sword in her hand.
“Hello, mate” She sweetly whispers, placing the sharp point of the dagger on Noah’s chin.”Happy to see me?” She asks with a soft chuckle.
He is right where she wanted him to be, or so she thinks.
Yes, Very happy” The man whispers and swiftly swipes her feet off the floor and she falls backward with a groan. Noah instantly holds her in a chokehold and lifts her from the ground and slams her body on the nearest tree so hard that it
The witch once again uses her magic to pull Noah from Maya and holds him in an invisible chokehold mid-air, giving Maya a chance to regain her energy. With a chuckle, Maya gets on her feet and picks up her dagger.
“You underestimated me, Noah. This is my game, and I plan on winning either way. I will play dirty until every pathetic wolf in this kingdom bows to me. I will bend them to my every will and kill anything that challenges my rule” With a glance at the witch, she releases Noah and he falls back on the ground.
He can’t lose. He has to protect his princess. He promised her.
With that thought in mind, he mindlinks Jace to take care of the witch while he finishes the bi tch.
“Oh! I almost thought you were the goddess. Don’t be overconfident Maya, our creator is still watching He mumbles eyeing the sword. He will only need one swipe, and her head will be detached.
“Well, the world favors the strong, weak peasants add no value to nature” She chuckles, circling him. The blade is tight in her grasp while her sharp eyes are on her prey. Hold him” She yells and the witch repeats her earlier spell and Noah is helplessly pinned down on the floor.
He can’t move nor talk, his hands and legs are spread apart while the unknown force pins him down.
Maya’s eyes sparkle as she watches his defenseless form. Tam goua enjoy separating every limb from your body. Then 1 will behead you and moan over my mate’s death for a week. Don’t worry though, I will do good and send our daughter to you so you won’t die of boredom in hell” She laughs lowering her sword on Noah’s right shoulder.
Tightly pressing it on his skin, she slices through the flesh, dragging the blade towards his abdomen and leaving a gush of blood in its trail.
“Oh! I love watching this” She muses as she continues with her wicked administration.
I am sure you do A soft voice mumbles in her car and when she turns around, it’s too late to scream.
Authors note;
Thank you for reading.
We are almost at the end.
Any questions or misunderstandings will be happily cleared.COMMENT
Chapter 70
I can’t keep calm. My emotions are all over the place and my wolf is on edge. Now and then, my skin turns to fur as my elongate. Does this mean they are in danger?
Of course they are, they went into a den of notorious lions outnumbered.
“I trust your father, princess” Fred utters in consolation but I laugh at his words.
“My father is just a wolf, like any other, his title doesn’t make him invincible and I can’t let him get hurt. Also, how do you expect me to explain to Liam when his dad doesn’t come back to us?”Speaking of Liam, Kyle is keeping him busy with the many toys he brought from the pack house earlier.
“All of you can’t leave him too, you know, he needs a familiar face around here” I nod staring out of the window. Most of the men are already awake but their wolves are still docile.
However, my thoughts are cut short when I feel a scaring pain in my abdomen. “Mate” My wolf growls and completely takes control. Half shifting into my beast. I dash towards the forest like a blur. My movements are snappy and agile in the thick woods, and the only thing running in my mind is my mate.
My senses heighten and my cars perk up when I hear groans of pain and struggle. Sounds of painful howls are all over and that enhances my strength. The scent of wolfsbane, blood, and silver is also prominent, causing the air to smell putrid. However, a strong smell of blood hits my nose seizing my attention, it’s not just any blood. It’s my father’s blood.
With a loud growl, I leap in the air and softly land on the battleground right where my parents are fighting. A witch is holding my dad on the ground while my mam mocks and slices his body.
Caught off-guard. I swipe my sharp claws on the witch’s neck rupturing her jugular. My bi tchy mother is too occupied to notice a presence behind her..
“Oh! I love watching this,” She mocks slashing my father’s body and it gets me so mad.
“I am sure you do” I mumble, and when she turns around, I dig my claws into the flesh of her neck. Her pale face fearfully stares into my black eyes and I watch her with nothing but hate. My wolf doesn’t even hesitate when I ampute the hand holding the sword and tossing it away.
Her painful scream fills the battlefield and the fighting ceases. “How dare you touch my father” My voice is deep and menacing like thunder. I throw the b itch on the floor and she screeches when I pick up her dagger.
Werewolves don’t re-grow their org ans. The wound might heal but the hand won’t regrow. You killed Chase, blew us up in that building, you tortured innocents. You don’t deserve an easy death, bi tch” 1 pick her up by her neck like she weighs nothing.
Everyone is silently watching. I don’t know who her people here are but no one is fighting anymore. Instead, they pave the way for me as I drug the pathetic bi tch to the crosses she made with her own hands.
It’s time for her to taste her own medicine.
“Bring me wolfsbane, Dad, and silver and every poison that will harm this b itch” I don’t turn around to look at Noah, giving him the needed privacy to find clothes. We are wolves but he is still my father.
To my utter amazement, the b itch in my grasp hasn’t stopped talking even for a second. Kill them, Idiots. Why are you staring at me like that? I swear, I will kill all of you” She keeps yelling and I darkly chuckle.
I won’t tell her to shut up. She will do it by herself when the pain worsens. Her wound is already healing that’s why she is so loud.
When we reach the crosses, I am surprised to find them full of wolves despite us rescuing hundreds of men just the other day.
Chapter 70
“Bring them down, now” I yell and a couple of soldiers rush to rescue the injured wolves. I take the silver ropes and tie them all around her body as I ignore how harshly they burn my skin. She needs to go at all costs.
After tying her up. I grab the bottle of wolfsbane and syringe from my dad and inject a lot of it into her system. Maya keeps thrashing and screaming and to shut her up, I pour the remaining dose in her mouth and hold her mouth and nose until she forcefully swallows the poison.
Tie her up” The guards quickly bring her up the cross. The look in her eyes hasn’t changed one bit. She keeps glaring from me to Dad with loathing but I don’t care, she must die at all costs. However, our moment of victory is short-lived when two witches wake up from their unconscious states.
Their first action is to release Maya from the ropes. At the same time, pain strikes at my mid-rib rendering me speechless. My mate. They are using my mate to get me.
“Find Jace, Dad” I breathlessly mumble eyeing, Maya. We can’t let her be rescued. We will be her sl aves forever. I ignore my mate’s pain and lift her by her hair. With her sword, I place it around her throat, and I am about to swipe it across her neck when the witch lands in front of me with a dagger pressed on my mate’s neck the same way.
“An Eye for an Eye” The witch stares at me with a victorious smile on her face. The other witch is holding everyone in place including my father. They cant move or fight.
Iglance at my mate’s drop eyes and my heart breaks.
Please, Goddess,
What do you think Ana sCOMMENT
Chapter 71
The witch will kill Jace even when I let this woman go. I look into his eyes again and opt for the midlink. I don’t know what they did to him but he looks bl oody and weak.
“Baby, fight I beg him. Our little boy is alone and waiting for us, babe. Just one more fight and we will go on that vacation. You promised me, remember?”
“Makr up your mind, Ana. Your mother or your mate” The witch sneers and I ignore her when my mate’s eyes show the slightest determination.
“You are strong, honey, I trust you’ Jace slightly nods and that’s the go-ahead I needed. Moving with speed, he takes the chance of the distracted witch and turns the blade from his neck to her stomach. Jace repeats the action before tiredly, slumping down on the ground.
“Goodbye, Mother’ 1 mumble slitting the queens throat, and aming the blade to the witch holding the wolves with her magic afterwards. With a shriek, the witch shumps down, and the relieved wolf takes their anger on her.
I quickly rush to my mate and lift him from the ground. “You did well, baby. I love you” With him in my arms, I ran to the pack hospital and lay him on one of the beds. I quickly change back to my human form and wear one of the doctor’s coats.
There is no one here, not even one doctor or patients. Jace coughs out blood and I quickly mindlink Noah to send in a doctor but his reply is worse. The queen killed them all when the medical supplies went missing. St upid b itch.
“Hold on, baby” I mutter getting out from the ward and rush to the storage room. We have been taking care of the injured wolves and at least now I have a clue on what to do. I gather everything I will need for the wounds and his contaminated blood but stop midway.
My wolf growls in discomfort and a deep pain occurs in my chest, the same pain I felt when that woman tried to mark my mate. This make rush back to my mate only to find a disgusting scene going on. The previous calm Jace is now all sweaty and panting for air. On top of him is a naked b itch trying to bury his erect d ick into herself.
F uck me! Before I can tear her apart, someone else beats me to it.
“I am so tired of these desperate bit ches Jace’s father appears in the doorway and angrily walks to the pair. Ripping Lily from my mate’s body, he hits her head repeatedly on the tiled floor until her head starts bleeding. Despite her painful screams and grunts, our father doesn’t stop until she is limp on the ground with her brains splattered all over.
I take in deep breathes to calm my wolf and my erratic beating heart.It almost happened. Thank you, Goddess.
“I smelled her earlier and saw her eyeing my son. I knew she had bad intentions, especially with the smell of that drug on her” He points down at the syringe and a bottle lying on the floor next to Jace’s bed.
“This is the same drug my mate drugged Andrew with when she conceived Jace. It’s a heat-inducing drug for females and it makes men lose control” My eyes remain on Jace. He is still fighting for air with his hands tightly clutching the sheets, his eyes are firmly shut while his manhood is standing erect. It’s so hard and veiny than I have ever seen him before. It looks painful and as if it’s going to burst.
“What should we do?” I point at Jace and pur dad quickly gets on his feet.
“Cover him up and start with the wounds, I will go look for the antidote.” I nod advancing to him and when I touch his skin, he groans leaning into me. His skin is scalding hot and sweat is trickling from his body like water.
“It’s… hot, baby. Help… me Jace writhes in discomfort coughing out blood. Is that bitch insane? Shouldn’t she at least care he is sick before wanting to do whatever with him? I quickly mix the drugs and inject them into him.
Covering him up as Dad had mentioned, my mate growls in discomfort as if the sheets are burning him. “Ana…Please” his hand finds mine and tightly grip it.
Chapter 71
I have never encountered something like this before. I only thought it happened with humans.
“Dad is bringing help. I can’t touch you. Jare, you are sick I mutter combing my lingers through his hair. My mate slightly opens his eyes and stares at me. His eyes are bl oody red. Things would have been easy if his wolf had been present.
“Sorry, I am sorry… Ana. Sorry for… being vulnerable… and letting her touch me 1 silently nod and release my hand in his grasp. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if she had gone through with the assault.
“I am not mad at you, I shouldn’t have left you alone, Jace. Just close your eyes and hold it in I don’t even know what I mean by hold it in. His body is violently shaking for Goddess’s sake. Yes! cold towels.
I run to the bathroom and take all the towels to the sink. After wetting them, I arrange them on my mate’s body and he slightly sighs. Does this mean it’s helping?
“Found it” Our dad exclaims rushing in and I sigh in relief and move to give him space.
“Thank you” I sincerely murmur when he is done injecting him with the antidote.
“He is my responsibility, Ana. You and Jace will always be my babies” Dad kisses my hair and I nod blinking away tears. Will he be happy again? Will he find a second chance and have a mate who will truly love him and give him kids?
“And we will always be your kids dad, we will continue to annoy you until we grow old I softly chuckle and he joins me.
“Take care of him, I will go help the King gather the remaining traitors” I nod taking a seat beside my mate. His body is much calmer and his breath is becoming even.
“Babe?” I call trying to even his deep-furrowed eyebrows with my fingers. Jace doesn’t reply. The drug must have worn the last strength he had.
I turn around when I smell the unwanted scent before he can even reach the door.
What does he want now? I was hoping he died in that war.
“Gianna” He drawls out and 1 roll my eyes turning to my mate.
Authors note;Chapter 72
“What do you want, Leo?” I mutter without looking in his direction. Don’t tell me he is here to demand whatever he had promised. I wonder where he left his puppet.
“Aren’t you happy to see me? Considering all this went down because of my idea, I deserve an accolade, Ana” He brags and I roll my eyes.
“Yeala. How is your father?” I quickly change the topic before he asks for the impossible.
“He is well and resting. He sent me here to see how his ba stard is doing” Leo chuckles but his laugh is cut short when my wolf takes over and pins him on the wall.
Jace is not a ba stard, he has a father who will do anything for him. Don’t bother yourself checking on him because 1 won’t
anyone harm him, let alone talk s hit about my mate. I growl and the fear in his eyes satisfies my anger.
“So….sorry,” Leo struggles with the words and I let his body slump on the ground.
“If you don’t have anything else to say, get the hell out I point to the door but he doesn’t get up. Leo sits up and leans hack on the wall with a tired sigh.
“I am sorry, Ana. Everything that has happened made me realize things are not that simple. I am sorry I took advantage of your kindness, sorry for trying to hurt Liam and your mate, sorry for everything My brows furrow at the vulnerable figure who has his head down. Is this the same Leonardo or is he trying to play pitiful before he strikes?
“So, what changed your mind? You have been preparing to bring my dad down for years, what suddenly made you sorry?” I sofily churkle and walk back to my mate.
“Don’t you see, Ana Leo quickly gets up and his voice becomes harder, he is not pleading anymore “Everyone is dying. I Jost
101 mother for nothing, all my men are gone, my dad almost died, and the witch who has protected us all of our lives just died in that war” He yells in aggravation and 1 smirk.
He finally got it. This is not the human world where he is used to bossing his workers around as if they are his da mn s laves. We are not immortals. We f ucking die.
Good for you Leo, that’s some reality check for you” I mumble squeezing ny mate’s hand. His wounds are already healing. meaning his wolf is recovering.
I need a favor, Ana. I know Noah will listen to you” Leo brings my attention back to him and I nod for him to continue.
I would like to return to the pack. It doesn’t matter what pack it is but I just want to be among our kind. That is the main. eason my mum and I came up with our previous plan. Whatever plan Dad and Maya had, we had nothing to with it
Wait, is that your condition?” I stare at Leo so hard as if I can look through his brain.
Yeah. What did you think it would be? Leo asks and I shrug. Perhaps to kill everyone and have the kingdom to himself. “As nuch as you hate me, Ana, I also want a mate, have my pups and everything our kind have. Do you know how hard it is rowing up out there, in a city full of humans, we don’t shifi Ana, we don’t train our wolves and they become suppressed, ur wolves become weaker than an Omega wolf I don’t want that for my kids and there is no way I am choosing a human to ear my pups, I want a wolf and that can only happen when I am in a pack” Leo exclaims in frustration.
Okay, Leo. I heard you. I will talk to my father” If that is the case though, why did he want to separate me from my mate ist to get to the throne? They were so mean and I pray karma gets him some day when he finds his mate. I want him to feel ow I felt when he held a knife to my innocent son’s nerk.
You can leave,
will be here soon and you are the last person I want him to see I mutter through gritted teeth and I ear a sigh from him. My son trusted him, Liam loved this Idiot yet he was just playing with his little innocent feelings.
low could he? I will never forgive him.
Chapter 72
“I am sorry. An a…I
“Go, Leo” 1 angrily cut him short. The defeated guy walks out of the room and I wonder what Dad will do with Andrew. As much as he helped Jace, he is still a traitor and a big one. Things would have been better if wasn’t sworn in and hadn’t taken Dad’s position and sat on the throne. He was Maya’s companion and partner in crime, he dug his own grave and it’s gonna swallow him.
It’s a good thing my mate already has Alpha Edward..
A soft wind passes in the room and a second later, Kyle is standing in front of me with my crying son in his arms. My dad’s beta is also with him and one of the guards.
“Moomy” Liam cries shuffling to me and for the first since this began, I laugh stretching my hands for him. “It’s over baby. It’s now us till the end of time. Nothing will separate us again” I mumble cradling his little head in my chest.
My son can finally have a normal life.
“Thank you, Kyle, I think my dad might need your help outside” I gently smile at the gentlemen and they walk away with nods. There is still commotion outside. Cries of pain from the injured wolves and the smell of blood and smoke are heavy in the air.
I don’t want to imagine what my dad is doing with the traitors.
“Daddy?” My son holds Jace’s unmoving hand and he worriedly stares at me. My son has seen things a kid his age has never seen. Liam can tell when a person is hurt and the worried look in his eyes tells me he knows his dad is hurt.
I don’t know what my son sees in my eyes because he smiles and kisses my cheek. “Don’t worry Mommy, I will give Daddy my strong” The determination in his voice makes me laugh. He will be a fighter, just like his dad.
Authors note;
Clarification from the previous chapter.
Lily was Chase rejected mate. The girl who ignored her mate for Jace.Chapter 73
After what feels like hours of waiting, my mate finally wakes up and my heart leaps in joy.
With a low groan, Jace frantically looks around him before his eyes settle on Lily’s dead body and he suddenly sits up. Looking alarmed.
He hasn’t looked at Liam or me yet.
Jace?” I whisper to catch his attention but his eyes don’t leave Lilly. My mate’s jaw is tightly clenched as his fists grip the
“Daddy! I gave you my strong our son happily exclaims but he doesn’t even spare him a glance, nor show a reaction towards us. This is unlike him.
“Why did you do it?” My mate grits out, his eyes still on Lily and I raise my brows in confusion. He is acting weird.
“Baby, are you okay?” I worriedly whisper taking his hand but he does something I wish Liam didn’t have to see. Jace violently Jerks away from my hold and stumbles towards the dead body, kneeling beside Lily. He looks so broken, it is as if he just lost the most important thing in his life. Like for real?
Liam and I watch in confusion as his father cradles the body to his chest. Is this really happening? Did I miss something? But he had apologized before he went unconscious and I know for sure, Jace loves me and he isn’t a cheater, so what’s wrong?
Wordlessly, Jace picks up the body and leaves the room without giving us a single glance. It’s like we are not even there. Oh! Goddess. I grit my teeth so hard to hold in my emotions. Maybe he is just taking care of it and he will be back.
“Mommy?” My son worriedly stares into my eyes and I cradle his head, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I can’t cry in front of him. Especially when he is about to do that.
I lack the energy to get up and follow my mate. My wet eyes remain on the door he just used minutes ago. History can’t repeat itself, I just know that. If it does, an innocent soul is gonna be caught in between, and my son can’t experience that kind of rejection.
‘Something is wrong dad, Jace woke up and left with Lily’s body’ I mindlink our father. I can’t feel my mate’s wolf just yet. Did he secretly have a thing for Lily? Is he pretending just to see my reaction? Goddess! That will be the most tasteless joke I have ever encountered.
“Mommy, is Daddy leaving again! My son whispers without lifting his head from my neck and I sofily run my fingers through his hair.
“No, baby. He is not” I kiss his head and he sniffles. Liam easily reads into stuff. He knows when we are happy and when we aren’t. He has been eagerly waiting for his dad to wake up and that is not the reaction he expected. He even thought it was because of his imaginary powers his father woke up. He will be back, I promise” I whisper even though I am not sure of my
own words.
‘Godcess! Ana, we just saw him and he won’t talk to any of us. The only thing Jace said is that I will regret hurting Lily. We are coming to you dear, where are you?’ He sofily asks, worry and concern in his voice.
Not more than two minutes later, four worried men enter the room and I don’t lift my head to look at them. If I do, I will end up crying and my son is here. I can smell them so I know who they are.
“Oh! Baby, something must be wrong somewhere because we both know that isn’t Jace” Our dad walks to my right side and sits down. “The look in his eyes was unlike him. I have never seen so much hate in my son’s eyes. I don’t understand what is happening. Here I thought we can finally breathe in peace” He sighs, stressfully running his fingers through his hair.
“I think it’s weird too. The less time I have been around him, the more I realized he so much cares for you. I see how he looks at you, honey. But the man that just confronted us in the packhouse is not Jace” My dad gently pats my head and 1 don’t react.
Chapter 73
I don’t know what to think or say. I had really looked forward to the vacation he promised me. It makes me wonder If I came any minute late, would Jace have fought the effect of the drug or he would have just gone ahead and f ucked her.
My heart is breaking with every depressing thought going through my head right now. My wolf has recoiled back in my head and the only reaction I am getting from her are her painful whimpers.
“I know someone who might have gone through the same thing” Leo speaks for the first time and that’s when I look up. For the first time, I see remorse in his eyes. He is no longer the co cky b astard I have known for a while.
I know he remembers the depression I went through when I had Liam. His mother is the one who rescued me after all. Despite their scheming, she still saved my life, I would have been dead right now.
“Who? What happened?” Our dad quickly gets up and I hopefully stare at Leo.
“My father” Leo sighs and sadly stares at the baby in my arms. Liam hasn’t stopped whimpering and tightly clutching at me. Jace’s mother used the same drug on my dad when she conceived Jace. And that is not the only thing she did, I don’t know what was in that drug but as soon as it got into his system, he started acting weird. He said his wolf disappeared and he started feeling very attached to the woman. Like how mates are supposed to feel or some sh it
“I don’t understand” I chime in before Leo can continue. “We gave him an antidote. And no matter what is happening to him, he at least has enough senses to recognize his son when he sees him. Unless the drug makes you so f ucking st upid to the point of hurting your two-year-old son I bitterly say feeling so much anger. My son and I don’t deserve this.
“Calm down, honey, let him finish the story and see if we can help him” Our dad softly whispers, and so much pain engulfs. my heart when Liam sniffles. I smell his tears and his little fingers move around my neck. What should I tell him? We are not even sure we will help Jace because the b itch who caused this, is already dead and he is probably planning to avenge her.
Doesn’t he have a brain or a heart to fight the dam ned feelings?
“Come on my little
prince, do y
you want some lee cream?” My dad reaches out to Liam but the boy refuses him.
“Did Andrew get help or did the feelings gradually fade?” Jace’s father hopefully asks and everyone stares at Leo in anticipation. My heartbeat quickens at the upcoming answer because it holds 111 fate.
“He did. Though, I don’t know how, I felt st upid listening to him, so I didn’t allow him to continue with the story. We can still ask him though Leo shrugs and I sigh in disappointment, lowering my gaze.
“That’s the problem. He is on the brink of death if he is not dead already Noah says, killing all the hope I had.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 61-65

Chapter 61


We quickly turn to the voice and relief washes over me. He is awake. “Thank Goddess, Dad?” Ana happily exclaims, rushes to Noah and instantly engulfs him in an enthusiastic embrace. Noah chuckles and weakly wraps his

feel? hand around her. “I was so scared Dad, I thought I lost you. How do Come sit down, you shouldn’t be standing just yet” She rushes with her words with concern making the man laugh more.


Noah gently holds her shoulders and adorably stares at her. Once again, I feel discomfort in my heart. She is special and I am the only one not appreciating her the way she deserves. I need to make peace with her before we go to the upcoming mission.

“I am sorry I let you down. I let everyone down. I should have been brave enough to sense I was being played. They didn’t hurt you, did they? Sorry for not

protecting you, honey, Forgive Dad, okay?” He remorsefully whispers, and after scrutinizing her for any signs of injuries or discomfort, he pulls her back to him for another hug.

“I am okay Dad, thank you for waking up” Ana mutters, and they stay in the hug for a couple of minutes before pulling away.

Noah glances our way and slowly walks to us. My dad quickly pulls a chair for him and he sits down with a sigh. My mate settles herself behind the King and wraps her arms around his neck just like she did with my Dad minutes ago.

“I should have known” Noah sighs, stressfully wiping at his face.” It’s messy, huh?” He glances at Dad and he nods with a sad chuckle.

“You have no idea” Dad mutters and my mind goes to the packhouse. The queen will surely harm Chase and El. They were the closest to me and if she sensed we were alive, she would surely interrogate them. Too bad I can’t risk using mind link because I will be discovered. I just have to trust the Goddess for their protection until everything is settled.

“How are you feeling, Is your wolf awake?” Ana stretches her neck to look into her father’s eyes and he shakes his head In dismay.

“No, baby, not yet. But soon he will be here, I am passed the critical stage” Noah hopefully mutters, indifferently staring at the witch.

“Mommy?” Liam’s voice reaches my ears and I run to the room we are currently using. The boy is awake and fearfully glancing around.

“Sweetheart” I coo, picking him up and he rubs his eyes to clear them from sleep. ” Are you okay, buddy?” I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair. I never got the chance to trim it. I guess my boy is going to keep the long hair until we are out of trouble. “Mmmh” Liam nods wrapping his little hands around my neck. He is not as lively

as before. My son appears sad.

“Do you want your mommy?” I ask and he repeatedly nods, as his eyes water. So he misses Ana.

“Yes, I want my mommy” Tears start rolling from his eyes and Ana must have sensed it because she comes running to the room.

“I am here, sweetheart. Mommy is here, okay?” Ana cradles our son on her chest and Liam’s cries intensify. I silently watch as she whispers sweet nothings to Liam until the boy calms down. I think I should do the same with her.

In no time, the boy falls back asleep but Ana doesn’t put him down.

Can we talk, please? It will only take a minute “Ana silently watches me before muttering a ‘sure. When she places my son back on the bed, I take her hand and lead her outside through the back door.

{Warning; Mature content ahead}

As soon as we reach the most secluded place away from the cabin, I turn to my mate and lovingly stare at her. She is as beautiful as always, only that she seems sad and she has slightly lost a couple of weight.

“Why did you bring me here, Jace?” Ana tucks her hands in the back of her shorts pockets and wearily stares around.

I hold Ana’s waist and gently pull her to me. Tucking away the stray strands of hair behind her ear, I gently run my thumb on her cheek and she deeply sighs.

“I am sorry for pushing you away. I love you, please forgive me?” I whisper staring into her beautiful eyes. My heart hums in anticipation as I stare at the woman I have loved all my life.

“I understand, Jace. It’s not your fault” Ana responds looking away and I gently hold her chin and turn her head back to me. The tears welling in her eyes make me understand just how undeserving I am of her. Why can’t I just behave like a mate is expected to?

So, wordlessly, I gently press my lips on hers and softly kiss her. Ana doesn’t respond to the kiss and instead, I smell her tears. I don’t know how to explain to her that I feel horrible for being a jerk so I decide to show her through my actions.

I gently pull her head to me and deepen the kiss. When her tears stop, she starts returning my kiss and I silently sigh in relief. I slowly move my hands on her sides and softly caress her body through her t-shirt. Slowly, Ana wraps her hands around me and that’s the go-ahead I needed.

My hands unhurriedly lift her t-shirt until they are touching her bare skin. Her body shudders and she kisses me with more vigor. I pull away from the kiss and stare at her lustful eyes that undoubtedly mirror mine. Her breaths are forced and her cute lips are swollen. The sweet scent of her arousal is intensely in the air.

It drives my wolf crazy.

“Let me love you, please” I place a gentle kiss on the mark on her neck and she shivers clutching to me tightly. “Let me show you how much I love you, Okay?! pull my head to stare at her hooded eyes and she silently nods.

Fighting my wolf for control, I carefully strip my mate naked and gently lay her on the soft grass. Gradually, I lick every part of her, from her head to her toes. I lovingly worship my mate’s body and when I am done, Ana is panting and begging me for more.

After making love to her again and again, Ana tiredly lays in my arms contentedly.

As the two lovers bask in the afterglow of their lovemaking, they fail to notice a pair of dark eyes intently staring at them.

Authors note,

Thank you once again for reading.


I didn’t know your take on smut, so I excluded the entire deed, but if you don’t mind, there is always next time.

I love you guys.

Send gift


Chapter 62


Something doesn’t seem right. I heighten my senses but I feel nothing, not even a movement, why do I feel restless though?

“Jace, My wolf feels uneasy” Ana whispers, putting on her shirt and I quickly do the same.

“Me too baby, do you smell anything?” My mate’s eyes turn black and she releases a deep warning growl. The shirt she just wore seconds ago is torn in shreds when she shifts into a big black wolf.

Ana starts taking deliberate steps, advancing deeper into the bushes and I follow her in my human form. Not more than twenty steps ahead, a figure emerges from the bushes, and Ana’s wolf instinctively leaps on him.

“I come in peace, Gia” Leo shouts, showing his neck in submission and another figure emerges after him. A woman in dark clothing.

She is not a wolf. She has the same aura as Kyle. So she is the witch Kyle sensed earlier. The one Leo has been using to enter the royal pack back and forth. without being noticed.

“What do want?” I venomously spit out, Ana’s wolf already retreated but she is still on guard. Leo sits upright and for the first time, I look at him in a different light. My fucking brother.

It doesn’t matter anyway, because we were meant to be rivals from the beginning. “Nice to meet you too, little brother” Leo chuckles getting up and I glare at him. “I am not your fucking brother, Leonardo. What the hell do you want?” I grit out moving beside my mate who is still growling lowly.

“The old man thinks otherwise, Jace. He sent me here to take you and Ana with me back to Canada. Maya knows that you are alive and she is currently in this pack” Leo utters, shrugging nonchalantly.

“And then what? Hide for the rest of our lives while that bitch tortures innocents?” I angrily yell, staring at his pathetic face. Does Andrew think I am stupid? He made his bed and he won’t be spared just because he rescued us. If he doesn’t drop that bitch right now, I won’t be able to help when Noah decides to tear him apart.

“I am not foolish, okay? Do you think I want to do that shit, bow down to the filthy bitch that murdered my mother?” Leo bitterly chuckles, scrunching his face in disgust. “I want her gone for good, and that’s why I came here with a proposal” He lowers his voice and shares a glance with the woman beside him. Without being told, I can tell this woman is a dark witch. The aura surrounding her is shady and that’s more reason Ana’s wolf is still on edge.

“What makes you think we will trust you, Leo? With all the shit you have done?”

Fuck I hate this guy. Ever since I saw him holding my son and smirking at me like I was some looser to him. Let alone lusting over my mate. I can never trust this Idiot.

“What choice do you have Jace? Do you think the four of you will win against the thousands of guards she appointed to guard the palace? Your friends are heavily guarded, and now that she knows there is a possibility of you saving them, the security around them will multiply” I don’t even want to know how he knows our plan.

“We have that covered Leo, we don’t need you” I dismiss patting my mate’s back and she leans toward me.

“Oh! I see” Leo chuckles and dips his hands in his pants pockets.” So you think your lame plan will help you? Your witch is still a rookie who can only hold a spell within an hour limit. In order to rescue those men, you only need one trip and twenty minutes at most. With the heavy security around, you won’t even manage to exit after you enter. What makes you think your planned more than one trip won’t risk your lives?” Leo gives me a smug look and even though whatever he saying makes sense, I don’t want to admit it.

“My witch here can teleport a hundred-plus people without breaking a sweat. You won’t even have to fight because she will also perform a spell to render the guards unconscious for some minutes until at least we are far gone. She can also create an invisible spell around us and no matter how much they search, they won’t find us. Unlike what your rookie did. We found you without even trying” Leo brags with a proud smirk on his pathetic lips.

“If that is the case, why don’t you just use the witch and finish the queen off?” I wonder, staring at him.

“You don’t know what you are fighting against, do you?” Leo chuckles.

“No. Tell me” I shake my head, taking a step forward.

“Maya is protected. No one knows yet, but she recruited an army of dark witches. for herself and it’s just a matter of time before they are here and everything will turn upside down. She has the council wrapped around her finger and no matter what she says, they will listen. Lastly, the guards around her right now are the men who have been protecting her for years. None of them are Noah’s men but the rogues she recruited and trained when she was supposed to be dead” Wow! I didn’t know that.

“Did Andrew tell you that?” I enquire with furrowed brows.

“Yes. And the old man doesn’t know it but Maya is just using him. When the witches arrive, she won’t need him anymore. Noah is the only person who can end her, and he can’t do that by himself, he needs his army behind him. I need her dead at all costs, that’s why I am here” I chuckle at Leo’s words because I find them absurd.

“Then what? After she dies you challenge Noah for the throne?” I laugh staring at my wretched brother. He wants power yet he doesn’t know the first thing about

fighting. If I can take him down in minutes, he will just be a piece of cake to Noah. I wonder why Andrew didn’t train him like he did with me. Maybe Leo is good at being a billionaire and having people do shit for him.

“I will tell you what I want later, but right now you need to make up your mind and let me know whether you are taking my offer or not. We will give you twenty minutes to discuss with your group and give us the answer”

“Shit they are here” The witch exclaims shifting our attention.

Authors note;

Thank you a lot for reading this far.

For those who commented about smut. It will be here soon.

Thank you so much for supporting me.

Also, If you have any requests, I will be happy to oblige.

Love ya.

由 Send gift



“Shit, do something before she spots us” Leo instructs the witch and she starts chanting stuff I don’t understand. Probably creating an invisible wall around us like Kyle did.

“Done. They can’t see us” The woman exclaims and we watch as three cars stop metres away from our position. The guards from the first car rush to the middle car and open the doors on both sides.

“What about about the cabin?” I ask the woman standing next to Leonardo and she smirks at me. My son is in that cabin and they can’t touch him. He is innocent in all this.

“I got it covered, Alpha boy” The witch drawls, causing Ana to growl, baring her teeth at her. Isn’t she supposed to be with Leo?

Andrew is the first to get out of the before rushing to the other side to hold the door for Maya. It must have taken them a great deal to drive in this part of the forest. Why didn’t they just shift in wolf form? Or is it just because they are royalty they don’t want to tire their wolves? That’s why Noah is better in all ways.

“You better pray you didn’t interfere with my plans, Andrew. There is no way that bastard of a son and a dying man could have escaped” The bitch screams in Andrew’s face and the man remains silent. If he can’t talk back to her, can he even stop the queen from harming the innocents? Depending on him is pointless.

“I told you it’s just a matter of time. Why can’t he see she doesn’t care” Leo chuckles but I don’t share his amusement. I am a fucking bastard to the pretend king, thanks to my whoring mother.

“I think you now understand how serious this is. Go talk to the rest and give us feedback” Leo mutters when the group trudges more to the forest. Luckily for us, they are taking a different route from our cabin.

I know Leo is right. Even though It’s risky to collaborate with the enemy, we gotta do what we have to. I hope the rest will agree to this. Ana nudges my arm and without wasting a second, she dashes through the bushes to the way we came from.

“Absolutely not ” My dad is the first person to oppose after explaining

everything to them.

“They are already here dad, we either act now or we won’t have that chance again” Ana desperately says. This is the first time she has talked since we got here. Apart from worry, I don’t sense any other disturbing emotion from her so, I am assuming we are good.

“True Alpha Edward. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. The sooner we save them, the better chance we have to fight back. We need to assemble wolves who are loyal to me and train them before her witches locate us. We don’t have time” Noah says and Dad nods with a sigh sitting back down.

“Have you thought what Leornado will demand in return?” Dad glances at Ana and I feel fear consuming me. If he thinks he will come for what’s mine, he will have to fight me to death.

“Let’s worry about that later, I need my beta and guards here as soon as possible,” Noah says in a final tone and no one argues more.

“Okay, Dad. We are up” Ana assures handing Liam to Noah but the boy tightly grips his mother’s clothes.

“No. Don’t leave me Mommy” Liam shouts and starts crying again. He hasn’t allowed anyone to hold him apart from Ana. He even refuses to look my way. It’s unlike him.

“Baby, Grandpa will take care of you for a while. I won’t take long I promise” Ana coos, kissing his head but it’s fruitless.

“No. I want my mommy” Liam hides his face in Ana’s chest and cries harder.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Stay with them, we don’t know what to expect so it’s better if we don’t put all the eggs in one basket” Dad says, pulling them in a hug.

“But what if”

“Your son needs you Ana, he should be your priority” Noah chimes. cutting her off. My mate sighs and takes a seat with Liam on her lap. I also think it’s better if she stayed. That way, I will be at peace knowing they are safe. I walk to Ana and gently kiss her temple and my son’s cheek.

“I love you. Take care of him, okay?” I whisper patting Liam’s head and he peeks at me through his fingers. He must have missed his mum a lot to behave this way. “Protect your mommy for me, okay champion?” I gently smile at my boy when he lifts his head and frantically nods at me.

He surely loves his mum more than me.

“Be careful, yeah? we will be waiting for you Jace, don’t disappoint us” Ana’s heart speeds when she says this as her eyes stare at me with worry. I can feel her uneasiness through the mate bond too.

“I know. I will come back to you” I hold both of them in a tight embrace, praying that the Goddess will help me keep my promise.

We are walking to our supposed deaths and we can only hope for the best.

“Let’s go” Kyle announces and I pull away from the two people who mean everything to me.

I must come back to them, no matter what.

Authors note:

Thanks so much for reading,

I appreciate and love you all.

Here are some clarifications from the comments,

Someone asked; Why Kyle was a rookie yet he came from the witch kingdom.

Answer; That’s because the witches don’t want to involve themselves in the werewolves’ war, thus they discreetly sent Kyle to help Noah. A powerful witch would have easily blown the cover that they came from the King, and bring chaos between the two kingdoms.

Second; Why does Leo know Maya is using Andrew?

Answer; Easy, A woman who is willing to kill her mate and daughter, what else can she do? It’s clear Maya doesn’t value relationships, and her being with Andrew means she wants him for something.

-If she cared enough for Andrew, she wouldn’t have ordered the death of Jace knowing he is Andrew’s son. Let alone kill Andrew’s mate. She is certainly playing at something.

Lemme know if you still don’t understand anything else.

I have another werewolf book and I believe it’s super, I will direct you if you wanna read it.

It is called ‘Alpha Aiden And His Human Mate’

Love ya.

Chapter 64


The room remains silent when they leave and I sigh staring down at Liam. He still has his face hidden and I don’t know why he is behaving this way.

“He can sense the stress you know. Every child feels safe with their mother” Dad says, softly staring at us and I kiss my baby’s head. How ironic? My mother wants me dead.

“I am sorry she did that to you, baby. I should have protected you but I fucking laid there uselessly” Dad whispers in exasperation, as he stares down deep in thought. I can’t imagine what is going through his mind. “It was not your fault Dad. I don’t blame you”

“But I should have been able to do something, baby. If something happened to you I…I..” Noah covers his eyes with his palms and sniffles. With a heavy heart, I walk to my dad and drape one arm around him. “It’s our duty as parents to protect our kids, not harm them. I am sorry she hurt you, baby. I will never let her do that to you again” Dad lifts his face to look at me and my heart breaks at his wet and red eyes.

Liam senses the sour mood too, because he wiggles from my arms, and when I let him down, he lifts his arms for my dad to pick him up. Given the chance, I wrap my arms around Dad and tightly embrace him.,

It’s not his fault that his mate is a bitch. We can’t change who people are.

“She will pay for hurting us. It’s just a matter of time” I whisper running my hands through his hair. He needs a shave. At least he is clean. compared to before.

“Don’t be sad, Grandpa, I will protect you too” Liam wraps his little hands. around my dad’s neck and I chuckle at his little gesture. He sure

understands what is going on.

“I know my little prince, no one will touch me when you are here” Dad answers pulling Liam to himself and I hold them both. We remain silent and after a minute or so, I remember they haven’t eaten yet.

*I will go make you something to eat. You also need your medicine, Dad” I pull away and my son does the same, and quickly gets off my dad’s lap. Liam trots to my side and grips my hand with his.

Goddess! Did something happen to my son when we left him with Alpha

Edward? Or maybe he overheard people talk about our kidnap or supposed death. It must be the reason he is this scared.

“Baby?,” I lift my son from the ground and he still has the same look. He appears uneasy and his heartbeat is fast. “Baby, mommy is going nowhere, okay? I am going to stay with you until you are big like daddy, yeah?” I coo, and his eyes instantly light up.

“And my baby is going to be super strong and he will protect mommy always, Is that right?” I kiss his cheek and he giggles. Thats it.

“Yes, mommy. I will be super strong” Liam exclaims, lifting his little hands in the air.

After preparing a couple of dishes with the company of my father and son, we settle around the small dining table and start eating. It makes me happy watching my father with etiquette like he used to do in the palace. The man is hungry.

“Eat some more” I add more meat to my dad’s plate when he finishes his food. He has gone days without eating and he needs the strength.

“Thank you sweetheart” He gratefully says, and resumes the second plate. “I want more too” Liam whines and I chuckle giving him more food even though he hasn’t eaten much.

“Of course baby” I feed my son and when he is full, he tiredly falls asleep in my arms.

“Can you feel your wolf?” I ask my dad after putting Liam in bed.

“Not yet dear, but I am not as weak as before” I nod clearing the table and after doing the dishes, we sit in the room and wait for the others.

After hours and hours of waiting, the first group finally appears. Kyle and Dad are the first ones to emerge with Unconciuos Fred and his son Damon.

“Goddess!” I fearfully exclaim, as Dad and I rush to them and I stagger at their condition. It’s a good thing my son is asleep. Liam would have freaked out at these horrid images.

Their bodies are completely bare and what breaks my heart is the sight of whip marks on them. They were definitely whipped with silver-laced whips because their skin is peeled off and is rotting away. They are covered with dry blood and numerous wounds.

“Fuck” Dad mutters staring at his beta with guilty eyes. They are so thin

and appear lifeless. If we wasted any time, they would have died for sure.

“It is worse there, Ana. Those people are suffering. We will go for more” Jace’s dad says and they disappear again. It’s already dark outside. I hope Jace is okay.

“I am ashamed that woman is my mother” I blink away tears kneeling beside Damon. They didn’t do anything to deserve this. Goddess! Why do some things happen anyway?

“She will pay ten folds for this” My dad rushes to his room and comes back with the duffel bag containing the medicines. Without wasting time, we immediately get to business. My dad and I work silently on the battered bodies. First, we clean the wounds and disinfect them before injecting them with the antidote to eliminate the wolfsbane from their bodies.

As the night fades away, the two witches bring more injured men while Dad and I take care of them. Now I am glad that I stayed behind because it is hard work as it is. During the trips, I haven’t seen Jace and I wonder why he hasn’t appeared yet. Leo too.

“These are the last ones” Kyle announces when they bring two more guards. In total, we have a hundred and twenty-six injured men. Eighty of them are still unattended to because we ran out of medical supplies. The house is too small to accommodate all of them so they are littered outside the cabin.

This is a disaster.

“Where is Jace?” I ask Alpha Edward when he takes a sit beside Kyle.

“He went with Leo to the royal hospital for medical supplies”

“Oh, Okay” I mutter feeling worried for him. He can’t be found or I will die. What will I tell our son if his daddy doesn’t show up? I hope Andrew will man up to that bitch sooner.

“The queen took El and Chase, to set up a trap for Jace when she missed us home. I don’t know what is wrong with that woman.” Alpha stressfully sighs. I knew she would go for our friends when she missed us.

“Can you check on them, please?” I face Kyle but he tiredly shakes his head.

“I need to rejuvenate, princess. They will be fine”

It can’t be fine with Leo and Jace in the same room. But since there is nothing I can do for now, I pray to Goddess for his safety.

After another half an hour of waiting, Leo and his witch finally appear with two large plastic bags. That is not the important thing.

“Where is Jace?” I quickly ask walking to Leo’s side.

“Oh! His friends were taken and he didn’t want to leave without them”

“And you left him alone?” I almost yell at Leo. Doesn’t he have a heart? “We brought the medicines, didn’t we? The boy will be fine” Leo utters dismissively, walking past me and I share worried glances with Alpha Edward.

Was this his plan all along, to hurt my mate?

Authors note;

Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 65


Oh! Goddess, If someone told me this is how my future would turn out to be, I would have laughed in their faces. This is not the world we had in mind at all. Jace and I had dreamt of a happy future.

I am tired of constant pain and heartbreaks. The bitter part is that I can’t let my distress show with my son here. My mood affects Liam too.

‘Give Kyle a minute, sweetheart, we are going for him after taking a break,” Alpha says and I nod taking off the bloody gloves. I need a break.

Walking out through the back door, I lean on a tree and look up at the moon. What is her plan? What does she think when she looks down at all the injured men scattered outside?

Why let one devious woman ruin her beautiful creations?

Will she allow Liam’s dad to be taken away from him too? Haven’t we suffered enough?

“I scented your tears” I look in front of me to see Noah approaching me. Instead of holding back, I cover my mouth with my palm and allow myself to break down. I don’t have to act strong in the middle of the night anymore.

“I know, baby, I will make everything right” My dad holds my cheek and remorsefully stares into my tired eyes. Noah silently kisses my head and pulls me into his arms.” Go have some rest, I will order Leo to bring your mate back. He can’t resist my command, no matter what” He gently rubs my back and I sigh inhaling his scent.

“I want you to train me, Dad. I will fight beside you when the time comes” My dad chuckles pulling away and he slowly wipes my tears.

“I thought you hated being ‘sweaty and sticky” He quotes my words and I laugh when I remember how naive I was. Everything changed when they took my dad. That’s when I realized this world is not for the weak, and we can’t always depend on others for protection.

“I can’t lose you again, Dad. Not Liam or Jace” I lowly whisper.

“I know, you will not lose anyone else. I can feel my wolf now, and when I get my strength back, I am going to the palace and giving everyone the justice they deserve” Noah utters in determination and I shake my head.

“You know it won’t be easy right? Leo said she has an army of trained rogues and witches”

“We just have to end the leader and everyone else will retreat. Leave that to me. honey. Go have some rest. Your mate will be here when you wake up” I nod at my dad’s words and walk to the room my son is sleeping in.

I trust my father.

Laying beside my son, I try to ignore the uneasiness in my heart but it’s futile. I hold Liam tight to myself and bury my nose in his hair. His scent helps me sleep.

True to my dad’s words, when I wake up, I find Jace in the bed next to me. My mate is not sleeping but gently staring down at me. His eyes are red like he has been crying, and that’s when I feel it.

His distress, pain, and heartbreak, from the matebond.

“Babe?” I quickly sit up and I am face-to-face with him. Without a word, Jace grabs my head and kisses me. Unlike the other times when we kiss, this kiss is too soft and careful. His heartbeat is wild and the scent of his tears makes me pull


“What’s wrong?” I tuck away the hair sticking on his forehead and he sighs licking his lips.

“I love you. No matter what happens, know that I love you with my life, Ana” He softly stares at me and gently presses his lips on my forehead.

“Jace, you are scaring me. Tell me what is happening?” I get up from the bed and

my eyes

widen when I see the blood on his clothes. How did I miss it? It’s not Jace’s but it smells familiar.

“What happened to them?” My voice quivers and I feel my knees weakening. She can’t keep doing this.


“Come with me” My mate takes my hand and leads me out of the room. The more steps we take, the more dread I feel. My shaky hands tightly grip his and I try as much as I can not to cry.

Outside, among the wolves who are still being attended to by my dad and Kyle, Alpha Edward, Leo, and his witch are crouching beside one person and that’s where the strong scent of blood is coming from.

I untangle myself from Jace’s hold, run the remaining distance, and fall on my knees in front of Chase. The tears I have been holding heavily roll down blurring my sight.

“No Chase..” I whisper cradling his head on my lap. “We can save him, right? Please do something” I face Alpha, ignoring Chase’s torn jugular. His head is barely hanging on his neck and there is blood everywhere. His blood.

He can’t be dead.

“Chase, you need to wake up. What should I tell Liam? You two are friends, right?” I continuously tap his cheek but he doesn’t make a move. Goddess no.

“Ana, baby. He is gone” Jace’s father mutters prying me from my friend’s dead body. He was our childhood friend. Chase had a full life in front of him but that bitch didn’t care. What is her deal anyway?

“Come here” Alpha pulls me into a hug and I tightly clutch onto him. Everything was fine until Jace came back from that Alpha training. “Everything will be okay” He whispers running his fingers through my hair and I sniffle controlling my


What if I just go to the royal pack and kill that bitch in her sleep. Maybe I don’t need to train anymore. The more time we waste the more we invite more deaths. This could have been my son. If we didn’t get Liam first she would have killed him.

“Where is El?” I pull away and look around.

“Your dad is taking care of him. He will survive” Alpha Edward says and I nod wiping my tears.

“What is your plan?” I look at the people around me and Jace sighs dragging his palms on his face.

“We are going for Andrew. He was the one who helped me pull Chase and El out but the queen caught him red-handed. I don’t know what is happening right now, but it can’t be good. The time for war has come, Ana” My mate announces and only then, do I understand his earlier words.

Its time.

Authors note.

Thank you everyone for your support.

This chapter was a bit emotional for me but what can I say, such is life.

LOVE ME AGAIN MATE By Katie Spheres Chapter 56-60

Chapter 56


I groan opening my eyes and shut them back fast. I am lying on a soft and warm surface in contrast to what I woke up before.

Adjusting my eyes to the light in the room, I slowly sit up being careful of my aching body. Where is this place? I wonder staring at the wooden walls and floors.

Goddess! My dad.

I force myself up and walk out of the door to see if my dad is there. The last thing I remember was Jace carrying me to the car after the explosion. Since my wolf isn’t awake yet, I can’t use my senses to locate his scent.

I walk to the next room and gently push the door open. We are in an unfamiliar cabin from what I can see. I have never been to this place before.

I sigh in relief when I spot him on the bed and quickly walk toward him. My father is still unconscious but what gives me hope, is his slow breath and the faint heartbeat. I don’t know how much poison they fed him but I’m sure if we get medication to subdue the effect of the wolfsbane, he will wake up in no time.

I hold my dad’s hand in mine and press it to my chest. I pray he gets up soon. I miss him so much, and being out here with nowhere to go scares me a lot. We need to find a way to reach the silver pack unnoticed. I am sure Jace’s dad will help.

Goddess! I look like shit. I have never felt this dirty before.

“You are awake?” I look at the door where my mate is approaching with a duffel bag in his hands. “I am sorry you have to go through this, sweetheart” Jace whispers, pressing a kiss on my forehead. Unlike my dad and I, Jace is already washed up and changed to clean clothes.

Where did he get those?

“What is this place, Jace?” I curiously ask, wondering if it is that man’s house too.

“We are in the middle of the wilderness, but on silver pack grounds. I built this place to escape home when you left” He murmurs avoiding my eyes and I nod.

“We need to find medicine for my dad, can we also bring my son here?”

“News about our death is everywhere Ana, we can’t risk being seen especially when we don’t have our wolves yet. Let Liam stay with our dad for a while, until at least we can recover and we can fight”

“After I brought you here, I sneaked home and brought us some necessities. Only my dad knows about us and he gave us some medical supplies to use for a while. He will be here any time from now with more medicine for Noah. But now, we need to start with what we have” My mate says and I quickly nod reaching for the bag but hiss in pain when severe pain in my ribs stops me.

Being human is useless.

“Careful, baby, I will take care of you” Jace pushes me back on the bed and opens the bag full of medical supplies. My heart calms when I watch him mix the medicines and slowly inject them into my dad’s body.

It’s just a matter of time before my dad will be strong again and no one will ever touch us again. When that bitch is gone, I wouldn’t have to worry about my son’s safety.

“Your turn” My mate whispers and gently injects me with the same liquid and I sigh in relief. “Come, I will clean you up” He whispers lifting me in his arms and back to the room I woke up from.

“Why are you still strong?” I wonder staring at his body. Apart from scratches from yesterday, Jace is perfectly fine.

“During the Alpha training, our bodies were trained to endure the wolfsbane and silver. I can also take a good beating and still survive Ana. Unlike Noah, we were locked for a day only, and that is not enough

wolfsbane to keep me down” I have seen Jace fight. His wolf is also different from the normal wolves. Jace strength and size surpass that of the alpha wolf and now that he seems not affected by wolfsbane like normal wolves are expected to, I find it suspicious.

I also realized Liam is growing way too fast compared to the normal Alpha kid. Liam is more smart than a mere two-year-old. Is there something about Jace that I don’t know about, or is it just his luck?

“What are you thinking about?” My mate whispers, carefully taking off my clothes before tossing them away. There is no bathtub here but I am grateful for the shower even though the water is cold.

“How will we save the others? You know we can’t just leave them in her claws” He applies soap on the sponge and gently scrubs my body. I never imagined myself spending a night in such a dirty cell.

“We need to heal first. My dad said the witch would arrive today. I am sure they can help us in the healing process of your dad, also, with their help, we can infiltrate the royal pack unnoticed” So that’s how Leo used to enter in and out of the royal pack without being caught. People will go to any lengths for power. “I still don’t understand why that man saved us” My mate’s hands freeze for a second when I mention my mother’s mate but quickly recovers and resumes washing my body. I noticed that Jace.

He is hiding something from me. And here I thought there won’t be secrets between us anymore.

Goddess! I hope this one won’t ruin us again. I remain quiet as I let him repeatedly wash my hair. When I am clean enough to his taste, Jace brings me back to the room and dries my body. I silently watch him apply lotion and cream to my wounds. Jace dresses me warmly and afterward, he silently excuses himself to go and make breakfast.

With a sigh, I walk back to my dad’s room and take his hand in mine again. I will ask Alpha to clean him up when he gets here. I don’t want him to cringe when he wakes up in this manner.

After long minutes of staring at my father, the long-awaited miracle happens. Jace’s father arrives accompanied by a foreign man, and I longingly peek behind them in case he came with Liam. My son is probably wondering why his mum left him.

“Oh! honey. I am sorry I couldn’t protect you, baby” My adoptive father rushes to me and I quickly get up to meet him in a warm embrace.

“It’s not your fault, Dad. We will find justice” My mate remains in the doorway and the other guy walks to my dad.

“How is my baby doing, does he miss me?” I eagerly ask him with hopeful eyes.

“The little guy is doing fine Ana. He keeps asking for you and Jace and I am doing everything to make sure he is comfortable” I hope we recover quickly before the queen remembers I had a son.

“He is heavily poisoned Alpha. His wolf is barely alive and if he doesn’t get immediate help, we might lose him” The guy says and we avert our attention back to him. “I don’t know how you will do it, but we need a doctor in here ASAP”

“Aren’t you a doctor?” I whisper inching close to my dad.

“I am the witch honey, and things are about to get messy in this kingdom. We need him up at all costs. Only he will defeat her”

Chapter 57


“Okay, you can help him, right? Witches have magical powers, yeah?” I eagerly ask, and the man laughs shaking his head.

“No amount of spell will eliminate the poison in his blood or the wounds on his body right now. He needs the antidote and after that, when his wolf recovers he will recover naturally” The witch explains and I hopefully look at Jace’s dad. He can get us the antidote from the pack hospital.


“Right now everyone who supports the king is laying low. That woman has eyes everywhere and I don’t think

will want to risk their families, honey” Alpha explains, and I sadly chuckle.

“Really? This man lying here has been taking care of them for ages, and not even one doctor from his entire kingdom can help him in his time of need? Let’s see how they handle that bitch then” I whisper and move to the bag Jace brought.

I will not rest until my father is okay, even if it means I will have to risk sneaking in their labs to get the medication.

After mixing the drugs like Jace did earlier, I take my dad’s hand and carefully inject it into his vein. As long as he is not in that woman’s claws, he will be okay.

“I can sneak in their labs without being noticed” The witch suddenly says and I quickly look at him.

“I will come with you” I quickly say standing up and slightly hiss at my painful body. “Just in case we have a lot of stuff to carry, I can be of help” I add when they stare at me like what I just said is crazy. “You look weak and injured. I want this to be quick, so just take care of your father, okay?” The man says and after a click of his fingers, he disappears in the air like he was never here.

“I know I sound mean but we can’t risk anything, honey. If one talks out of fear, you know it will be bad, right? Also, everywhere is tense, we don’t know who we can trust or who the spies are. We can’t involve any more people until the King is back on his feet. If I go back to the pack hospital for more medicines it will raise attention” Alpha pats my shoulder and I nod staring at my dad.

His handsome face is immensely swollen, you wouldn’t recognize him at all. He has multiple wounds on his body that are covered by dry blood. His clothes are tattered and full of his blood. They beat him as if he were an enemy.

My once handsome dad is reduced to nothing. I hold his hand and sniffle. Seeing him this way brings tears of pain into my eyes.

“Can you help me clean him up, please?” I pleadingly stare at my adoptive father and he frantically nods. “Of course sweetheart, I brought him fresh clothes to change. Give me a hand, son” He says calling over Jace who has been silently standing in the doorway. Is it just me or does Jace seem off?

He is not acting as his normal self and I know he will not talk to me even if I ask.

When the two men carry my father to the bathroom, I rush to the luggage Alpha brought for a clean bedspread. After changing the sheets, I walk to the kitchen to see what my mate had prepared, only to be disappointed once again.

Didn’t he say he wanted to make breakfast? After helping me with the shower, it took approximately thirty minutes before his dad and the witch arrived. That was enough time to prepare something.

Either way, I don’t dwell on that and instead decide to make it myself. My dad might wake up anytime. soon and I want him to find something to eat when that happens. He will need energy to heal and hopefully, he will train me before we together rip that bitch into useless pieces.

An hour later, the small dining table is covered with a variety of food. I prepared fried potatoes, Toast, eggs, sausages, fruits and apple juice.

The men emerge from the small room my dad is occupying and silently pull their chairs.

“You never used to cook Ana. In fact, you were too lazy to do anything, not that you needed to anyway”

Dad says filling his plate with food and I chuckle.

“Well, someone didn’t let me Dad. I was innocent” I steal a glance at my mate and he winks at me.

“I know, honey. He spoiled you too much, At some point, I almost thought your legs weren’t working” He jokes again and we laugh. Jace used to carry me everywhere, he was so strong and since I was so lazy, I got used to it. He wouldn’t even let me fill my glass of water.

“I miss those days” I sadly mumble staring at my plate. Those are the days I used to live happily. My only worry was eating and sleeping. There were no enemies wanting to kill me or the fear that Jace might be hiding something from me. We were just happy.

I feel a presence behind me and before I know it, strong arms are wrapped around me.

“I am sorry baby, a lot is happening and I don’t want to lose you” Jace whispers and kisses my temple.” I still love you as much, even more” he adds and I raise my head to look at him.

“The boy who loved me, never hid anything from me like you are doing right now Jace, I know when something is troubling you,” I say and he reluctantly pulls away. Jace glances at his dad and back at me. He looks hesitant and guilty.

Goddess! Did he do something again?

“Is there something we should know, son?” Dad places his cutlery on the table and shifts his attention to Jace and I do the same.

“Mmh…Yes..” Jace nervously runs his hands in his hair and my heart jumps in anticipation. I hope it’s not something that will break us again.

“Wait a minute” Alpha holds up his index and pulls out his phone. When a gasp leaves his lips, we shuffle closer to peek and we gasp too.

“What is happening?” I whisper staring at the screen in shock and anger. The bitch is at it again.

“Like I said the other day, everyone knows what happens when you betray the throne” It’s another streamline from the queen but this is worse.” My dedicated men have been working hard to find the traitors and today, I am happy to announce to you that they are successfully caught” The bitch proudly points at my dad’s shadow guards, beta Fred and his son.

They are beaten to a pulp just like my dad.

Mother chuckles and continues, “Previously, the traitors used to be killed by a sword but I think that is a too-quick death, that’s the reason people don’t learn a lesson. I have come up with a more suitable form of punishment” She motions on her right and there are huge croses coated with silver.

Siver chains hung on the crosses and my blood runs cold just thinking of what that poison is capable of. “From today, if anyone goes against me, will be hung on those crosses, they won’t be fed or given water. They will stay there all days and nights bound with silver until their bodies give up” She finishes with a proud smirk and I stare at her red-painted lips in disgust.

“She is a devil. No one has ever ruled this kingdom in this manner” Alpha whispers and we we wearily watch as the innocent men are mounted on the silver posts.

“The witch was right, it’s about to get messy” I mutter contemplating what to do. We need to save them. “I will go bring more medicine for the King. I don’t care anymore” Dad mutters getting on his feet.

Chapter 58


Wow! I underestimated that woman. She is pure evil.

“Can you shift?” I turn to Jace who has a deadly expression on his face.

“No. Not yet” He sighs taking a step closer to me.

“I want to tell you something Ana, but you have to promise one thing” Jace takes my hand and pulls me into his lap when he sits down.” I hate keeping stuff from you, it’s overwhelming and I can’t anymore” “What is it?” I ask feeling alarmed. Did he do something stupid? Goddess, I will kill him if he breaks my heart again.

“Promise me you won’t leave me, no matter what happens. I love you, Ana and I can’t lose you, please” His tender eyes are pleadingly staring at me and I am compelled to nod. For the sake of my son.

“Okay, mmh” Jace clears his throat appearing hesitant ” Alpha Edward is not my father” He mutters and I slightly pull away from him,

“What?” I whisper hating this conversation already. That man doesn’t deserve this. First, his mate’s betrayal, and now the only family he has turns out not to be his.


“I hate it too and that’s why we can’t let him know. He is the only person I recognize as my father, Biological or not. Whatever that bitch was playing at, I refuse to hurt my father” Jace angrily grunts and it’s only now I am realising how this has been weighing him down.

“Baby, calm down, please talk to me” I whisper, tenderly holding his cheeks.

“You remember when your dad’s beta said Justin used his woman to try to Kill Andrew?” he asks and I nod. Everything is becoming clear now.” That woman was my mother. She always had greed for more. She didn’t go there to kill him, she drugged and fucked him instead. I am a bastard Ana, a fucking bastard” Jace yells on the verge of tears and I feel immense pity for him. This explains the size of his wolf and his strength. I knew he was different.

“No. You are not, don’t say that Jace” I coo, trying to ease his pain.

“When I was at the alpha training, I received a note saying a bastard like like wasn’t worth of being with the princess. I didn’t understand what it meant until days ago” he sadly mumbles.

“How did you know Andrew was your father?”

“At first I thought it was just a coincidence. He used to visit me at the Alpha’s training and he would give me extra fighting lessons. He is the reason I am the best fighter. It didn’t bother me who he was because I thought he just took an interest in me”

“Then days ago when we were captured, he was there. I am sorry I lied to you, baby. I wasn’t drugged but he made everyone believe I was. Then when they took us to the cells, he took me to a different room and explained everything. Only after that did he drug me so the queen wouldn’t be suspicious” And it gets


“So, I was about to be raped when you were around, Jace?” I quickly get off his lap shaking my head in disappointment.

“No. Ana, I wouldn’t have let that happen. Your mother was around and I couldn’t act stupid. I had just recovered when I heard the commotion, I swear” He stands up and approach me.

“Andrew was the one who saved Liam when Leo took him,” Jace says and I scoff. So he and Leo are brothers. Just perfect. Is that why Leo got close to me?

“And he is also the reason why my dad is on the verge of death” I yell glaring at him. “He is also silently watching as his beloved queen kills innocents without lifting a finger. He only saved Liam because he is his grandkid and he saved us yesterday for your sake. I don’t care who he is to you, if it comes to my father, his enemies are mine as well” I turn around to go back to my father’s room when my mate grabs

me by my


Jace tightly holds me and gently presses his lips on mine. I don’t return his kiss but let him kiss me. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me, Ana. This is messed up and I hate to be part of it, I am sorry” My mate whispers running his thumb on my right check.

Staring in his sad eyes lowers my anger. It is not his fault. We don’t choose how we are born because if that were the case, there is no way Maya would have been my mother.

“The only thing that matters to me right now is you and our son, I am nothing without you Ana. All these relations and power struggle is nothing to me. If I could change the past, I would” His voice breaks and I close my eyes inhaling deeply. What was his mum playing at? What was her main aim in doing all this?

“It’s okay baby, I am sorry I yelled at you. None of this is your fault” I whisper, briefly kissing him on the lips. “I think we should tell Dad. It is better if he heard it from you than someone else”

“I can’t Ana. It will break him. He is the only father I recognise and nothing will change my love for him. I can’t cause him pain again” Jace shakes his head pulling away only to be startled by another presence in the room.

Fuck, he heard us.

“Dad?” I whisper in a shaky voice not knowing what to do.

“I found everything we need, Let us get to work” The witch announces saving us from the awkward situation.

Jace is on the verge of tears and he is staring at his dad with utmost guilt. Alpha on the other hand, silently follows the witch to Dad’s room.

“You heard what happened, right?” The witch glances at us and I silently nod. He shuffles through the bags he came with takes out some pills and hands them over to me and Jace.

“There is more. Worse” he mumbles mixing medicines before injecting my dad again. I swallow the pill and pray it starts working already.

Third-person POV.

“I think something doesn’t add up” Maya whispers, gently touching the mark on her neck.

“What is it?” Andrew enquires following the movement of her fingers and his eyes widen slightly.

“I killed my mate, then why haven’t I felt the connection of the mate bond break? I was supposed to feel the pain when he breathed his last but I didn’t. We never rejected each other, so what happened?” She turns to Andrew with a questioning glance.

“Well, I am not sure” The man answers indifferently. Her gaze lingers on the man in front of her a moment longer before silently walking away.

Chapter 59


It’s been the second day of nursing Dad and so far, he is spotting changes. I am feeling a lot better myself and Jace too. I can feel my wolf recovering but not yet fully. The wounds and the pain I had is no longer there and this is hope for me.

Maybe tomorrow or the day after that, I will be able to start training.

On the other hand, Alpha hasn’t appeared since he overheard our little talk with Jace. Jace is not left out either, he is distressed and spends most of his time time in bed brooding.

To make sure everything goes back to normal, I have decided to go to Alpha’s house to talk to him. It will be also a good chance for me to see my son.

“Will you be, okay?” I ask my mate, gently patting his head.

“Yes, I will be up in a bit” Jace mutters turning to the other side, away from me and I sigh getting up. I have been trying to cheer him up from yesterday but it’s pointless. He keeps pushing me away.

I enter my dad’s room and sigh in relief as I watch him sleep. His wounds are healing up and his heartbeat is back to normal again, which is a relief. It’s just a matter of time before he opens his eyes.

I kiss my father’s forehead and walk out of the room. The witch whose name is Kyle is already waiting for me at the front door and I adjust my hoodie to cover my head.

“I am going to cast a spell and we will teleport to Alpha Edwards house” He holds my hand and I nod thinking it’s cool. And here I thought we would be walking there.

“Okay, I am ready” I eagerly whisper, and he chuckles at my impatient face. If I were born a witch, I would be untouchable.

Minutes or seconds later, we appear in our living room. It was just a blur and I didn’t get time to enjoy the ride. It’s been long since I was here and I can’t help but feel nostalgic. This house was once a happy home. There was always laughter and happy chatters before everything crumpled and it’s still crumbling. It only took one wrong move and the once-happy family is no more.

“Take your time,” Kyle says easing himself onto one of the couches and I nod trudging toward the stairs. My sense of smell is back, so I follow the only scents in the house and they lead me to the master bedroom.

At eight in the morning, Alpha Edward and my son are still in bed. The window curtains are drawn so there is enough light in the room to spot the two figures on the bed. I quickly rush over in relief when I lay my eyes on my son.

He is fine. My baby will be the strongest child I will ever know. I slowly lie beside him and run my fingers through his hair as I frequently kiss his head. I missed him so much.

“Ana?” Alpha groggily whispers, opening his eyes and he frantically looks around before glancing back at

“Did I wake you?” I whisper back and he shakes his head sitting up and pulls the covers down his waist. “No honey, It’s late morning anyway. Where is Jace?” He eagerly asks. Staring into his sad eyes, I feel pity because he doesn’t deserve this.

“That is why I am here, Dad. He thinks you are mad at him and he keeps blaming himself for hurting you. He hasn’t left the bed since you left, and It’s making me worried” Dad sighs and holds his cheek looking deep in thought.

“I have known that for a while. When I found out what my mate had been doing behind my back, I started investigating her, and I found so much dirt including the fact that the son I have loved so much all my life, wasn’t mine”

“He is my pride, Ana. He always was. Every time I see him I feel content in my heart. He is a good boy, and Goddess knows what he means to me. We have come too far and I don’t understand why I have to be



the one on the losing end” His voice breaks and when I see a tear drop from his left eye, I quickly move to his side and embrace him.

“First, it was you dear. But even though you left, you were mated to my son and I still had you as my daughter. But now that son isn’t mine anymore, this baby isn’t my grandchild anymore and you are not my little girl anymore. Tell me what I should do Ana. Why am I being punished and for what mistake? Dad looks at me and I hastily wipe away his tears. I don’t know what to tell him that will ease his pain. He is a good man and doesn’t deserve these tears.

“That’s not true Dad. We love you just as much. We have no control over what happens in our lives but some things will never change. You brought me up as your daughter and the love and care you gave me, will never be erased in my heart. The love I have for you doesn’t compare to what I feel for Noah because I have loved you for a long time”

“The reason why Jace is distressed is because he feels guilty you are hurting. He doesn’t wish to replace you because you are the best dad he ever had. He is staying in that bed because he fears if he wakes up, he will face the reality of you hating him. Jace deeply loves you. Liam is comfortable around you because he loves you. Please, stop stressing over things we can’t control, and let’s just be happy together I coo kissing his cheek. Blood relations don’t matter. What matters is that we have always been here for each other for so long.

The man has looks and since wolves age slower, he will still find love out there if he wants. The same goes for Noah. Just because our partners are undeserving doesn’t mean we have to punish ourselves all our lives.

“We need to get out of here. The queen’s entourage just entered the pack” Kyle barges into the room startling us.

“What happened? Why is she here?” I get up and quickly pick up my son. There is no way I am living him

for her.

“Maybe she is becoming suspicious. I told you it would only worsen” Dad rushes to the closet and within minutes, he comes out with another duffel bag.

“This is Liam’s stuff. Keep yourselves safe”

Heavy thuds on the ground from outside reach our ears and when the front doors forcefully open, Kyle grabs our hands and chants the same words from earlier.

Send gift


Chapter 60


I open my eyes as their presence fades from the house. I know I am being a dick to Ana but I feel like a total failure. My biological father is the reason her dad is in the state he is in right now and to make matters worse, I am hurting the man that has dedicated his life to me since I can remember.

I throw the covers away and get out of the bed. My wolf is back and I know just what to do. I have to make everything okay.

Just because my mother was a bitch and my father is a damn traitor, doesn’t mean I can’t do anything right. No matter what happens, I have to rescue the guards that are being tortured for no reason.

I don’t understand why people are so bent on provoking the Goddess. Unlike in the past, nowadays no one takes the mate bond seriously. Wolves are forgetting the magic of having that one special half of you. Instead, everything in today’s world is greed for power without minding who gets hurt.

“You shouldn’t have brought me here. I am the Alpha and my absence will raise eyebrows” I hear Dad’s voice in the next room, followed by their scents and I rush to them.

“And let you die? Do you think she came to play hide and seek, Alpha? Why do you think of all the packs in the kingdom she came here, she probably suspected something was wrong and you are the closest person to the people in this room” Kyle explains and I hurry to Ana. She is carrying my sleeping son in her arms and she appears shaken.

“What is going on, Dad are you okay?” I ask the restless man as I carefully pick Liam from his mother.

“No, son. That bitch is in our house” He says in exasperation, stressfully running his fingers in his hair.

Fuck, Andrew said he won’t let her near my family. He can’t even put a leash on that bitch. What if Kyle was not here and she took my son? I need to meet him soon even though I don’t know how. We can’t use phones because they will be easily traced to our location.

“Are you, okay?” I hold my mate’s shoulders and she turns to me with teary eyes. I feel bad for pushing her away. I am hurting Ana and I hate it.

“I will lay him down, give him to me” She stretches her hands towards our son and I give him back. Ana silently walks away and I sigh facing Dad. We need to clear the air before we proceed with anything else.

“Dad..” I start and he silently faces me. Kyle excuses himself and I am thankful for the privacy ” I don’t know what to say, Dad, you know I love you, right?” I whisper hating the sadness in his eyes. If I were to choose, I would choose him a thousand and one times.

“I know, son. I was hoping you didn’t find out. That way, you would only recognise me as your father but it happened anyway” Father sadly chuckles and I raise my brows in confusion.

“You knew?” I whisper in disbelief.

“For a while now, yeah”

“It doesn’t mean a thing though, you are my father. The rest doesn’t matter. I am sorry you have to go through this, Dad” I don’t want to imagine my life after raising Liam for twenty years, and later learning he is not mine. The amount of pain I would have to endure would be out of this world. It’s been only months since I met the boy and yet, I love him with my all. What about twenty years from now?

“Yeah. Thank you” He whispers, but the hurt and pain in his eyes don’t falter. What was wrong with my mother? “Let’s discuss how we will end this madness for once. I want my peace of mind back” He pats my back walking towards the chairs and I sadly follow.

On a normal day, Dad would have hugged me or at least smiled at me or assured me it was going to be okay. This just makes me feel worse. Is he repelled by me? But I love him. My feelings haven’t changed since I had that conversation with Andrew.

Now I wish he never appeared to me.

›”Is there a way we can save the King’s men before they die on those damn

posts?” Dad asks sitting in the dining chair facing Kyle.

“We can use the invisible spell but it has limitations” Kyle answers placing his phone on the table.

“What kind of limitations?” My mate chimes in and stands behind my dad. Ana wraps her arms around my dad’s neck and places her chin on his head. Seeing them in this position makes me a lot more jealous. My dad is upset with me and my mate is giving me a cold shoulder.

“I can only teleport three people at ago. Another bad news is that I can sense the presence of another witch in this pack. The presence wasn’t


here when I arrived which means the queen is up to something, and it’s just a matter of time until she finds out what is happening here” Kyle says to our displeasure.

“Goddess! We are so dead if the king doesn’t wake up quickly. I need to train before shit goes down. I can’t let them take my son” Ana rumbles and Dad gently holds her hands that are still around him.

“Easy, honey. No one is taking Liam from you. I will protect him with everything in me, even if it’s the last thing I will do. I promise” Dad mutters, slightly easing her worry.

“The only people you trust are three of you. It’s not enough manpower to save those guards because I can’t guarantee a rescue without a fight. Also, the royal pack is more heavily guarded now than ever” Kyle adds.

“There has to be a way, Kyle. I am not yet trained but if I let my wolf take control, she can be ruthless, Jace is also a good fighter. How about we sneak in at night and while you and Dad handle the prisoners, Jace and I will hold the guards” Ana says in determination and my heart swells in pride.

She is selfless.

“Good point princess, but we will only need an hour. If I work past that, my strength will wear up and it will be risky. You know what I mean” The only thing we can do now is take chances. The queen will find out about us soon and when she does, there is no doubt she will finish those men in an instant. So, our only option is to head out. The more men we have on our side, the better for the King.

“Wait, what about Liam and the King?” I ask remembering we can’t leave my son alone in here with the unconscious king.

“I will take care of him” We quickly turn to the rough voice behind us in ‘shock.


Authors note;

Thank you everyone for supporting me to this far. I wouldn’t be here without you because you are all my inspirations.

I have been reading comments and damn! Some of you are just a hard nut to crack, but anyhow, I am grateful you still read my book.

We are almost at the end of this story to my relief, and if you want to read more of my stories you can reach out at

I am writing this because many readers are complaining about the high prices they are charged to read these stories.

If you are not interested please, no rude comments. You don’t have to

hurt my feelings.

Thank you.

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