Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 257-260

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

“I had to slap Elaine because she had it coming! You think you can just waltz in and play homewrecker

with my husband for three years and not expect to catch these hands? I’ve been civil, not leaving you


With that, Whitney nonchalantly flicked a marriage certificate onto the table. It instantly caught

everyone’s attention.

She flipped it open to reveal a clear photo of her and Ludwik. “Till this day, I’m still the one and only

Mrs. Ludwik, folks. And there’s Elaine, strutting around like she’s the fiancée, flaunting her affair with

my man. I’d really like to know where she gets off!

Three years ago, when you two had your fancy engagement bash, I was still legally married to Mr.

Lippert. You think just because you’re Mr. Big Shot, you can dodge bigamy charges?

Elaine had been bragging in the restroom earlier, saying how she had egged Mr. Lippert on to snatch

my Skye Gem Ltd. from me. And what do you know, they’re planning to tie the knot in a month.

As a scorned wife, I was boiling over. That’s why I lashed out.”

Whitney finished her tirade with a smug smile.

Elaine’s face drained of color as she stared at the marriage certificate, a chill creeping into her


She turned to Ludwik in desperation.

His eyes were dark and stormy as he glared at Whitney. “How did you get your hands on that?”

He had been keeping the marriage certificate safe for three years!

Whitney raised an eyebrow. “I should thank you for reminding me this morning that we never officially

filed the paperwork.”

Back then, she could not let go of the jerk. Thus, right when they had signed the divorce papers. she

sneaked into their bedroom and nicked it.

It had been hidden in her new apartment for three years, and just this afternoon, she dug it out. She

knew it would come in handy someday.

Elaine wanted to make a move on her company tonight, secure her place as Mrs. Lippert, and have

Ludwik announce their wedding plans.

And she had the nerve to throw shade Whitney’s way.

How could Whitney not unveil a grand surprise?

“You’ve been avoiding me for three years, and we’ve been separated long enough. Legally, I could’ve

filed for divorce a long time ago!” Ludwik gritted his teeth.



“Too bad you never did,” Whitney said, glancing at Elaine, who was seething with fury. “Why. Mr.

Lippert, still harboring fantasies about little of disreputable me, is that why you hesitated?”

“In your dreams. I just forgot, you shameless woman!” Ludwik spat venomously.

Whitney was unfazed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, now, unless I file for divorce, it looks like

Elaine’s dream wedding next month is just that–a dream. And Elaine, don’t worry about my stained

reputation; it’s not like you’re any less of a mistress.”

After dropping that bombshell, she struck a flirtatious pose and caught the eye of Bryce, who had

remained silent till then, responding with a knowing smile.

“Easy there, Whitney,” he said as he took her hand, escorting her off the podium.

Orion shot a wicked grin toward Ludwik, whose jaw clenched tight. He fanned the flames as he

followed. “Ms. Valentine, wait up for me!”

The room went silent, all eyes on Whitney, who, despite her scandalous behavior, pulled it off with a

certain élan.

In contrast, Elaine–well, the looks from the other ladies said it all.

The tide of public opinion was turning.

“So Elaine’s grand engagement three years ago was her stepping up as the mistress, huh?”

“Mr. Lippert was not even divorced then. How brave!”

*Playing the role of Mrs. Lippert in Banyan City, flaunting her relationship under everyone’s noses, all

because she’s got the Lippert name to hide behind. She seemed so sly earlier, throwing dirt on


These society ladies, who had been all smiles to Elaine because of the connection to the influential

Bartels family and Mr. Lippert, were quick to change their tune. This was their strong suit.

Elaine’s face was a mask of barely contained rage, especially since she could not lash out in front of

Ludwik. She glared at Whitney’s retreating figure, mentally branding her a vile creature for pulling out

that marriage certificate.

“Why didn’t you finalize the divorce after our agreement years ago?” she demanded, her voice filled

with resentment.

It should have been such a simple task. Just a call to the registrar would have done it. Why had he not

taken care of it?

And over the past three years, he had not even filed for divorce. Could it be…

“Ludwik, we can’t get married if you’re still hitched to her!” Elaine lamented, her voice soft with


“I’m sorry, I didn’t pay it any mind.” Ludwik consoled her with a gentle squeeze of her hand.


Chapter 257

Then, his gaze followed the woman departing with two men, a dark cloud settling in his eyes.

Abruptly making an excuse, he said, “I’ll go force her to sign the divorce papers! Elaine, go to the

lounge and find Danny. Make sure he doesn’t run into Whitney!”

“Lu…” she started, but he was already striding away.

Elaine’s mood darkened further; she did not trust Whitney. With gritted teeth, she ignored the lounge

and followed Ludwik.

In the corridor leading to the garden, Whitney glanced at Orion and said coolly, “Orion, your cameo for

the evening is over. You can go now.”

“What, you’re done using me, so now you’re off to frolic with your lover?” Orion sniped, eyeing Bryce.

Whitney knew he was all bark, no bite, and smirked, “That’s right. I should be with him and not you,

shouldn’t I?”

Bryce chuckled awkwardly but then spoke up warmly, “Why don’t you go freshen up? We live close by,

and we’ve got some things to talk over later.”

Whitney knew he was referring to the auction for Skye Gem Ltd., which was likely to be a battle. She

nodded and headed into the restroom.

After touching up her makeup, she was suddenly yanked against the wall by a powerful grip.

The towering shadow loomed over her, and Whitney looked up to see who it was. Her eyes were cold,

but her lips curled into a taunting smile.




Whitney paused, a sly smile creeping across her face. Ludwik must have overheard the conversation

he had had with Orion outside.

Striding forward, she teasingly adjusted his tie. Despite his faults, the man knew how to wear a suit,

looking sharp as ever.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a woman lingering outside the restroom.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Whitney playfully tapped Ludwik’s chest. “So, you’ve been

shadowing me and cornering me by the restroom while sneaking around behind Elaine’s back? What’s

your game, huh? Looking for a little check–up, are we?” Her voice was a sultry whisper.



Chapter 25

her breath like a feather against his neck.

Ludwik’s Adam’s apple bobbed, his body tensing for a moment.

He quickly grabbed her hand, his voice deep and disdainful. “Spare me the drama. Let’s just get this

divorce finalized, so I don’t have to delay my wedding with Elaine!”

Whitney’s heart, already filled with hatred, skipped a beat at his words.

She laughed without care. “The more eager you are to marry her, the less I want to make it easy for

you. Want me to sign those papers? Then, show me some real commitment. For starters, hand over

Skye Gem Ltd. And since Elaine’s been meddling in my uncle’s case, leading him towards a death

sentence, why don’t you tell her to back off?”

“Why would Elaine interfere with your uncle’s case?” Ludwik frowned, puzzled.

“You don’t know?” Whitney obviously did not believe him.

“I couldn’t care less about your family’s dirty laundry!” Ludwik’s voice was as cold as winter. frost.

Three years ago, she had left him, their son had died, and she had run away. The fact that Keegan

was still breathing was already a courtesy. In fact, he had spent the last three years. deliberately

distancing himself from such matters just to catch a breath.

“Ms. Valentine, you’ve crossed the line. Why are you slandering me the moment you come


Elaine, who was eavesdropping, could not take it anymore and burst into the restroom.

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

She pouted, her voice laced with hurt, “Ludwik, don’t listen to her nonsensel She cornered you here on

purpose, trying to seduce you, spreading nasty rumors to drive a wedge between us.

Ludwik, come here. I’m scared she might have given you some kind of infection!”

Elaine’s words dripped with sarcasm and concern.

Though Ludwik was irked by her unwelcome presence, he still stepped away from Whitney,

Out of the blue, his hand was seized by Whitney. Whitney giggled and suddenly pinned the mant

against the wall! Her 5’5” slender frame trapped the 6’2” mature and formidable man, her soft body

pressed against Ludwik’s midsection.

His heart skipped a beat, his eyes cold, but his blood ran hot with a familiar fervor,

“What are you trying to do?” he asked, his disgust palpable.

“Pass on an infection, of course.” Whitney’s voice was soft and husky, full of seduction,

In the face of Elaine’s shocked and venomous glare, Whitney’s lips curved in a bold statement, “Why,

Mr. Lippert, you seem so nervous about a woman’s approach. Are you a bit sensitive? I heard you’ve

been having trouble having an erection for three years now. Elaine must be desperate, huh? I bet she’s

been seeking help far and wide.”

Ludwik’s face darkened, incredulous at this woman’s audacity – she was brazen yet alluring, teasing

him about his appointment that morning.

Elaine’s face also soured – how did this wench find out?

She must have snooped around. Elaine knew It; this woman had no good intentions coming back!

Elaine, her face flushed with anger, retorted, “You think I’m like you? I love Ludwik, no matter his

condition, unlike you, who cheated with Bryce during your marriagel

Ludwik is under the care of a top–notch doctor. We’ll be starting a family soon, so step away from him


“So, you’re saying Mr. Lippert hasn’t been able to do anything to you for three years?” Whitney

chuckled lightly.

Had it not been for the man’s presence, Elaine would have cursed and torn this shameless.

woman apart.

All she could do now was to burst into tears, “Ludwik…”

Ludwik felt both pity for Elaine and a surge of angry humiliation. “Whitney, if you dare say another word

to hurt her, I’ll make you regret it. Get away from me.”

“It seems Elaine has hired quite a capable doctor.”



Chapter 258

Whitney said with double meaning, her eyes narrowing, yet with profound implication. “But, I think I

might be even more capable.”

She hadn’t wanted to go to such lengths, to stoop so low even in her own eyes.

But Elaine had followed her, and Whitney couldn’t help but be reminded of Tiana!

Elaine cried out, and Ludwik couldn’t help but doubt she ever did anything to Keegan.

Whitney wanted to hurt Elaine, to toy with this jerk.

And as she thought it, she did it, suddenly pressing herself against the man’s trim waist, arms wrapping

around him….

Elaine watched in shock as Whitney brazenly flouted all decency, this woman had changed; she was

daring, shameless, and despicable.

Caught off guard, Ludwik tensed up, equally disbelieving.

“Whitney! Back off!” he ground out, wishing he could strangle her.

His mind screamed to push this madwoman away, but his body didn’t move. His heart momentarily

breached in an indescribable way.

His face was taut, his eyes deep and dark.

Soon, Whitney stepped away, her dress swaying like rippling waves, revealing glimpses of her calves.

“This woman’s like a siren.” Ludwik cursed inwardly, his pride severely provoked!

Yet, the woman simply laughed lightly and approached Elaine, her triumph unmasked, “Looks

like Mr. Lippert is quite alright! Perhaps he’s just not interested in you. Elaine.”

“You!” Elaine was stunned, her lips trembling with jealousy as she saw the budge between Ludwik’s


Could it be true? How could he respond to Whitney’s casual intimacy but not her.

After her taunt, Whitney breezed past them, meticulously sanitizing herself.

Under Ludwik’s increasingly icy glare, which nearly screamed murder, she stuck out her tongue and

fled from the restroom.

The restroom exit was wide, and upon stepping out, Whitney spotted Bryce’s figure.

He looked over with a chill in his eyes as if he couldn’t quite recognize the woman before him.

The smile on Whitney’s lips stiffened.

Bryce felt a mix of heartache and jealousy. “Whitney? Why do you have to act like your reputation is

truly tarnished.”

“You saw that?” Whitney’s eyes fell coldly.


Bryce didn’t speak, but the answer was clear.

The fake smile at the corner of Whitney’s eyes finally faded.

Stripped of her brazen facade, her eyes revealed a deeply wounded soul. She mocked herself. “Bryce,

I meant it when I said don’t wait for me. You saw it. I’m willing to use any means. necessary. I’ve

abandoned my principles. I’m shameless. All to make them suffer.”

With that, she walked away.

Bryce inhaled deeply the scent she had left; her demeanor since returning was cold and capricious. Yet

beneath it all was a heart wounded to its core.

Perhaps only Sammy could save her.

He sighed softly, then overheard Whitney on a call, “Yael… what do you mean, Sammy snuck back into

the country?”

Whitney gripped her phone tightly. Damn it!

Back in the restroom, Ludwik composed himself and straightened his suit, his gaze unfathomable.




But whether it was truly an accident, he was no longer sure.

If this morning’s medical consultation was an accident, what about this time? That damn woman had

barely come near him.

Ludwik suddenly didn’t want to dwell on the issue, nor did he want Elaine to pry any further. novelbin

Turning his gaze, he gently wiped away her tears, his tone measured, “Why did you follow me here?

Where’s Danny?”

Elaine bit her lip in a panic, “Ludwik, she’s suddenly back, and it’s making me uneasy. I’m afraid you’ll

soften if you talk to her alone. I’m even more afraid you’ll go back to her.”

“Impossible.” This woman was playing games, putting him in this awkward position. He would definitely

get even.

Seeing his cool tone, Elaine immediately felt relieved.

Ludwik turned and furrowed his brows, heading out the door, “Danny’s been on his own for too long.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll go keep Danny company right now.”



Chapter 258

Elaine had not finished her sentence when Ludwik’s bodyguard suddenly called him, “Boss, we’ve got

a problem. The young master slipped away when we weren’t looking!”

“What do you mean–slipped away?” Ludwik’s face tensed, his voice icy as he demanded, “What are

you waiting for? Find him!”

His grip on the phone was shaky as he turned and glared at Elaine.

Knowing she was at fault for the serious oversight, Elaine stuttered in an attempt to comfort him,

“Maybe Danny just got bored and wandered off. Ludwik, don’t panic.”

“I told you he’s wary of strangers, and it wasn’t a good idea to bring him out tonight. And you couldn’t

keep an eye on him!”

The man’s anxious rebuke was followed by his rapid stride out the door.

Elaine pursed her lips, inwardly cursing the little rascal. He must have run off on purpose to get her into


“Wait a minute, that wretch Whitney is back. If she sees Danny, who looks so much like Ludwik, and

she discovers she still has a son… The consequences would be dire,” With that thought, Elaine

suddenly realized she could not let Whitney see the little rascal!

Thus, she quickly followed after Ludwik.

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Whitney was on the brink of panic.

Her little Sammy, only three and a half years old, had somehow managed to board an international

flight all by himself and sneak back home. The kid was too smart for his own good, making him quite

the troublemaker.

She dashed across the backyard, heading towards the driveway.

She remembered giving Sammy a smartwatch with a phone feature. Whitney tried to reach her little

munchkin to pinpoint his location.

Banyan City was vast and full of dangers…


She was moving so fast that she accidentally kicked something.

It was soft and squishy. She looked down to find a little boy!

He was sitting by the pond, curled up like a little dumpling, dressed in a posh black suit with a white

bow tie, sitting up straight with an air of seriousness.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, little guy!” Whitney apologized in a gentle voice.

The boy turned his head. The ground lights cast a soft glow.

Their eyes met, and both paused.

Daniel thought, “What a beautiful lady.”

But Whitney was taken aback, pausing for a second before rushing over in shock and annoyance,

“Sammy? You little rascal, how did you know Mommy was here, and how dare you come looking for


Whitney was certain the face belonged to her son beyond any doubt!

She immediately scooped the child into her arms, hugging him tightly, a mix of alarm and relief

in her voice. “Baby, you can’t just leave the country without telling Mommy. How could you do this? Do

you know how worried I’ve been…..”

“Mommy?” A cool little voice uttered the syllables.

His delicate hands pushed her away.

Whitney frowned slightly,

The little guy stepped back warily, eyeing her curiously from head to toe, then said with certainty yet

politely, “Lady, I don’t know you! You’re so pretty. Are you a kidnapper?”

To Daniel, despite the bad blood with Ludwik, he remembered every word his dad had said.

Pretty women are kidnappers!


But why did she seem so familiar? His little heart was racing for no apparent reason.

Speechless, Whitney was completely stunned.

What on earth was her son talking about?

She let go of the child, looked him up and down, and gazing into his clear, cold eyes, she had a


“Sammy, is your illness acting up?” He rarely had dissociative episodes, but when he did, he was

colder than usual and did not remember anything when he was lucid.

“You don’t even recognize your mommy now?”

Whitney muttered to herself, reaching for her son’s hand again, glancing at his outfit and chuckling.

“And you came back in a fancy little suit you never wear, with your hair all combed to perfection.

But don’t think you can fool Mommy like that; no matter what you turn into, you’re still my little



Daniel furrowed his brows, studying the woman. Who was she calling?

“Sammy isn’t my name.”

Whitney was utterly speechless. How could she explain anything to a kid with dissociative identity


“So what’s your name now?”

Danny pondered for a moment before replying cautiously, “A man can’t just tell a woman his name.

What if you have bad intentions? I’d be in trouble then.”

Whitney grimaced. She pinched his ear, her patience wearing thin, “Enough with the act, okay? I’ll let it

slide because you’re sick. Let’s not worry about that for now, Sammy. This place isn’t safe.”

Whitney looked around warily, mainly afraid that Ludwik would appear out of nowhere.

If he found out his son was alive, he’d definitely fight her for custody!

Her brows furrowed, and she quickly scooped him up. “Mommy’s done here. Come on, let’s go home!”

She kept calling herself ‘Mommy‘ in a sweet and soft voice, which left Daniel slightly stunned.

Her embrace was so warm. He had never felt warmth like this from Elaine, only annoyance. Taryn had

said that he had a real mommy, but she was missing!

Daniel pursed his lips, hesitating but eventually pushing her away. “I can’t go home with you; I don’t

know you. I only came out to get away from those annoying bodyguards. If I go home with you, my

family will be angry!”


Chapter 259

Whitney was at a loss, treating his words as if the little boy had concocted some imaginary. family.

“Apart from me, where else do you get another family from?”

Daniel was about to say he had a daddy when Whitney quickly took out her phone, showing him.

several photos with a hint of irritation. “Samuel Valentine, let me introduce myself again. I’m your

mommy. Here are your photos, hundreds of them on my phone. You are my son. Do you believe me


Daniel stared at the phone with wide eyes. How did this woman have his picture?

But no, that was not right. The boy on the phone was dressed differently, all in sporty outfits, not like his

own little suit. He looked vibrant and lively, unlike his usual somber and frail self.

“So he is Samuel, Sammy? Who is he, and why did he have the same face as me? Ludwik has never

mentioned I have a brother!” He wondered.

Daniel’s clever brain was at a loss. What was going on?

“You have nothing to say now, huh!” Whitney rolled her eyes silently, picking up the little guy again.

He was daydreaming, cold and cool, very different from the usual Sammy who loved to laugh, was

quirky, and a warm–hearted kid.

Whitney was actually chilled by tonight’s ‘Sammy.‘

But considering he was sick, it was not that surprising.




This woman, could she really be his real mommy?

Otherwise, how could she have given birth to a son who looked exactly like him? novelbin

No, he had to figure out what was going on!

If she was really his mommy, that would be great. Oh, he had a real mom now; no more acting and

bullying from Elaine.

With that thought, Daniel pursed his lips, deciding to go home with Mommy first!

As for Ludwik, who had him come out tonight to impress Elaine, he can reflect on himself for a few

days while he was away!

Daniel comfortably leaned on the woman’s shoulder and finally spoke up, “Then, take me with you.”

“Why do you have to make it sound like such a chore.” Whitney chuckled, tucking her son’s



Chapter 259

head protectively under her arm as they were about to cross a long hallway.

Daniel, with keen eyes, spotted the bodyguard at the end of the corridor and immediately became

alarmed. “Don’t go this way! I know a shortcut. It’s faster to get out.”

Whitney was baffled.

Was this kid not just back from abroad and visiting here for the first time?

But her gaze swept over the VIP lounges. Wary of bumping into Ludwik, she promptly turned on her

heel to take the side passage, hastening her steps.

At the end of the hallway, 150 feet away, Sammy was fiddling with his smartwatch’s GPS, relieved to

have finally located his mommy within a hundred meters.

Lifting his big eyes, he caught sight of a familiar figure and was about to run over, “Mommy!”

“Young master?” Suddenly, a bodyguard ran up, panting and blocking his path, “Thank heavens we’ve

found you!”

Confused, Sammy looked around; he was the only kid there.

He shook his head in denial, “I’m not the young master.”

“Don’t play games with us, please!” The bodyguard forced a smile, then immediately shouted to the

side, “Quick, inform Boss, the young master has been found!”

Chapter 260

Chapter 260

The bodyguard scooped up Sammy in his arms, causing the boy to freeze momentarily, realizing they

must have mistaken him for someone else. With a sudden burst of energy, he turned and made a

beeline towards his mother.

But before his little legs could carry him far, the bodyguard hoisted him up again, pleading desperately,

“Young master, please, I’m begging you! If you run off again, Boss will have our heads!”

Boss? Who could that be?

Despite being just a child, Sammy was now truly panicked, attempting to use his smartwatch to call his

mom, but in the struggle, it fell to the ground.

“I’m not the kid you’re looking for. You’ve got the wrong guy! Let me go, I’m gonna call the cops, help,


Ludwik, hearing his son’s cries for help through the walkie–talkie, turned as dark as thunderclouds.

The little rascal was becoming increasingly unruly, sneaking out on his own and even daring to cry for

help. Did he not realize he might run into his no–good mother?

Fortunately, he was retrieved in time. Ludwik would not give him the chance to contact that woman and

deal with all the ensuing trouble.

Loosening his tie, Ludwik commanded, “Get him back to the villa, pronto! Into the car! I’ll be right


“Yes, yes… Boss!”

Whitney sighed in relief as she drove away from the convention center with ‘Sammy‘ safely in the car.

Suddenly, a Bentley sped past her vehicle. Recognizing it as Ludwik’s, her nerves were on edge for a

moment, but thankfully, the car zoomed by without stopping.

In the car, two breaths–one big, one small–sighed in unison.

Whitney glanced back, puzzled, at her ‘son‘.

‘Sammy‘, watching his family’s luxury car drive away, let out a guilty breath.

Meanwhile, in the speeding Bentley, the real Sammy was frantically trying to escape the grip of the


He had just seen his mom in the car! What were these people planning to do with him?



Chapter 260

The apartment door swung open.

Daniel, having been cradled in his mother’s embrace all the way home, felt an unexpected reluctance

to let go.

So this was what it felt like to be held by a mom–no wonder the kids at preschool clung to their

mothers; it was indeed intoxicating.

Coughing to maintain his composure, he hopped down, surveying the modest living space.

His house’s swimming pool was larger than this tiny place. It was so small.

Suddenly, Whitney lifted him by his collar and plopped him onto the couch. With hands on her hips, she

was ready for a lecture. “Sammy, we need to talk about the dangers of flying alone. You’re only three

and a half, and no matter how smart you are, you can’t fly by yourself. There are lots of bad people out

there, and you must never do that again, OK?”

Daniel sat rigidly, his cool brow furrowed. What could he say?

He had never even been on a plane before, and although his family was wealthy, his overprotective

father had never allowed it.

Silently musing, Daniel did not dare respond, fearing he would give himself away.

Whitney raised an eyebrow. Usually, Sammy would quickly admit his mistake and cuddle up to her.

“Do you understand what you did wrong?”

Daniel had never admitted to being wrong before, but fearing discovery, he mumbled stiffly, “Alright, I

was wrong.”

Whitney’s lips twitched slightly. For a moment, she felt that the tone sounded a bit too much like


Shaking off the thought, she dismissed the idea that her little Sammy could be anything like that

scoundrel Ludwik.

Whitney stroked her son’s hair. “You must be hungry, Sammy. Let me make you some dinner.”

Daniel nodded, just about to request his favorites as he would with Ludwik when Whitney took charge

and headed to the kitchen. In no time, she presented a steaming plate of spaghetti marinara.

Daniel frowned, skeptical of the meal’s potential. Could it possibly taste good?

After a few bites, Daniel was won over. It was delicious.

This must be Mom’s flavor–the spaghetti tender, the sauce rich. It was every bit as good as Ludwik’s


Looking up at her, he decided this was love.

But why had she abandoned him for three years only to live with another child?



What had happened between his detestable father and his mother?

He was lost in these thoughts.

Then, the bell rang.

Whitney quietly got up to answer the door.

Bryce’s tall figure appeared outside. “I couldn’t reach you at the convention center and guessed you’d

taken Sammy home. Is everything alright?”

Whitney knew what he was really asking: had Sammy been discovered by Ludwik?

She shook her head.

Bryce patted her shoulder, entered with a smile, and called out, “Sammy!”

Danny stiffened. Why had someone else come in?

A man, no less. Perhaps sensing his stature and gentle demeanor, which even seemed to complement

his mother’s presence, Daniel disliked him instantly.

With a haughty glance and lowered head, the little guy continued eating.

Bryce, feeling a bit wronged, asked Whitney, “What’s up with Sammy?”

The woman sighed and pulled him aside, “Bryce, I’ve told you about Sammy’s occasional personality


“You mean he’s having an episode now?”


The two adults stood there, silently observing ‘Sammy‘.

After a moment, Whitney hesitated. “This episode is strange. It’s one thing not to recognize me, but his

behavior and habits are different, too. He used to be lively and energetic, never this restrained at

mealtime. He’s acting like a little lord raised in a mansion.”

Bryce narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “The kid’s current odd behavior does have a hint of Ludwik about

it. Not very endearing…”

Daniel, with ears sharp as a hare’s, inwardly retorted that Bryce was the not–very–endearing


Ludwik might be disliked, but he was charming!






Chapter 260

Bryce’s gaze deepened, feeling this Sammy was very unfamiliar indeed.

After a bath, the little guy emerged from the bathroom, dressed in pajamas and ready for bed, but with

the same air of unfamiliarity lingering around him.

Whitney was busy making the bed in the master bedroom when she came over with a smile and

enveloped him in a warm hug. “Where’s your inhaler, hon? Pop it on the nightstand, and then let’s hit

the hay!”

What? Sammy had asthma?

How was he going to handle this? He did not have any medicine. Daniel’s head dipped as he fibbed,

“Mommy, I kinda lost it on the plane.”

Sammy’s asthma was always a sore point for Whitney, not a frequent issue but one that needed to be

prepared for.

She patted his head gently. “Well, you hop into bed, and I’ll order some delivery.”

Daniel looked at the bed, his little legs shuffling slowly towards it, the soft, fragrant scent of his mother

washing over him. He had never slept with his mother before.

It had always been his dad who took care of him.

But as time went on, Stinky Dad was strict, and Elaine was so sly, always finding ways to make him

sleep alone in the kids‘ room.

He had been horrified there and seen things that chilled him to the bone, but when he told his dad, he

never believed him.

Thinking of this, the stoic yet vulnerable Daniel’s eyes reddened, his little hand brushing the comforter,

his gaze suddenly brightening.

Sorry, Sammy, but I’m commandeering Mom’s bed tonight.

He climbed in cautiously.

After ordering the medication, Whitney turned around to see the little guy buried in the blankets. only

his solemn little face peeking out, a mix of apprehension and hope in his eyes.

“What’s wrong, don’t recognize Mommy?” Whitney’s heart melted as she lay down next to him. hugging

him and softly singing a lullaby while patting his back.

She felt him stiffen, then gradually relaxed, quietly snuggling closer into her neck.

Daniel felt cocooned in his mother’s tenderness, a dizzying, joyous, and utterly content feeling

enveloping him.

But still, there was a thorn in his heart, a nagging question.

He longed to ask why she didn’t want him, why only the other baby mattered.

But he could not.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 251-256

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

After parting ways with Orion, Whitney hopped into her car and immediately opened her text

messages, eagerly awaiting Tiana’s current address.

But there was no text. Tiana had backed out.

Whitney sighed. The once fearless Tiana had now become so cautious.

She had no choice but to seek help from Bryce, asking him to dig up some information.

Bryce quickly provided her with a precise address.

After thanking him, Whitney drove off.

As the GPS guided her past the bustling downtown area, the neighborhoods grew shabbier, and she

finally pulled up in front of a narrow, dilapidated old building.

Staring at the worn alley and the squalid surroundings, Whitney could not believe Tiana and her

parents were hiding in a place like this.

What on earth had happened in the past three years to bring the Melford family to such a state? Taking

a deep breath, Whitney got out of the car and slowly entered the building.

Just as she was about to knock, the door swung open, and she came face–to–face with the last person

she expected.

Valerie, holding an empty can of baby formula, looked up, and her eyes widened in shock.

The two friends stood there, tears glistening in their eyes.

“Valerie,” Whitney called softly.

“Whit… Whitney?” Valerie dropped the can, her voice trailing off as she turned and called back into the

apartment, “Tiana! It’s Whitney! She’s here!”

Footsteps echoed from inside.

Tiana appeared behind the door, her formerly round cheeks now slender, her long hair cut to a bob that

brushed her pale shoulders.

The sweet, brash girl Whitney remembered from three years ago had transformed into a quiet, slick


Her features were soft, with a hint of motherly allure, but her eyes lacked sparkle. She looked at

Whitney in shock, tears welling up.

Whitney took another deep breath, her lips trembling as she stepped inside without a word.

“Whitney… What are you doing here?”

Tiana quickly wiped her eyes and cautiously glanced outside before swiftly shutting the door.

Chapter 251

Her actions pained Whitney, who carefully observed Tiana and the small two–bedroom

apartment that was so different from the spacious villa the Melford family once had. Tiana had been a


Tears fell from Whitney’s eyes as she looked at the pair, her voice hoarse. “I’m sorry, Tiana, I came

back too late. Tell me everything that’s happened to you in these past three years!”

“It’s good that you’re back!” Valerie finally snapped out of her daze and embraced Whitney, breaking

down. “We thought you were dead! Thank God Bryce got out… He managed to get word to me, and I

knew you were alive. These three years, Whitney, you must have suffered so much without contacting


Whitney did not dare reach out; she feared giving herself away, her wings not yet fully grown. She

clenched her fists as she looked at Tiana. “My biggest regret is dragging you down with me! But this

isn’t over.”

“Don’t say that. I’ve been okay these three years,” Tiana replied with a placating smile, her gaze


She looked worn down and afraid, and it made Whitney’s heart feel as if it had been pierced.

“I’m back now, Tiana, don’t be afraid. I’ll do everything I can to back you up, to restore the Melford

family’s glory,” Whitney said with heartache.

Tiana shook her head in despair. “Whitney, you don’t understand the power of Ludwik Lippert, the

influence of the Bartels family…”

She recalled that night three years ago and all the subsequent horrors that ensued like a flood of wild

beasts, causing her to shake her head almost immediately.

Valerie looked at her with sorrow and anger. “Tiana, the three of us have ended up like this all because

of Elaine Bartels. You need to tell Whitney what you’ve been through.”

“Stop, don’t make her feel worse,” Tíana tried to interject.

Valerie, with tears in her eyes, insisted. “We’ve been cowards for three years because of Elaine’s

tyranny. How long will you keep hiding like a mouse?

Think not only of yourself but also of Cherry and your parents. The Melford.Group was brought to its

knees by a single word from Ludwik, and with Elaine manipulating behind the scenes, you’ve been

pushed to the brink of begging!

That bitch has committed countless wrongs, and I refuse to believe that no one can expose her!”

Filled with self–reproach, Valerie continued, “Whitney, that night three years ago, Tiana was humiliated.

The next day, her photos spread throughout Banyan City, destroying her reputation overnight. Elaine

twisted the story of Tiana’s visit to the sanitarium to save you, accusing you both of trying to slander her

with a fake kidney donation, saying you deliberately went into early labor to spite Ludwik. That jerk

believed it all and turned against you with a vengeance.

Chapter 251

He blacklisted the Melford family, and Elaine quietly ran them into the ground, not just

bankrupting them but also leaving them with a massive debt. Tiana was so vilified that no man would

consider marrying her.

I found her in a daze, and if she had not needed to care for her parents, she might have taken her own

life by then. What’s more despicable is that she soon discovered she was pregnant with Cherry. Tiana’s

unique condition meant that terminating the pregnancy would prevent her from ever conceiving again.

There was no choice but to have the child, and to this day, after so many men that night, we don’t know

who the father is.”

Tiana began to tremble, her face turning a ghastly pale. “Stop talking!”

Valerie bit her lip but continued to hold her, “Ludwik abandoned her to her fate, and Elaine ruthlessly

finished them off. Anytime Nolan Fuller and I tried to help Tiana, Elaine would whisper in Ludwik’s ear,

and the Fuller Group and our family would suffer:

Ashton was threatening me, too. I’ve been useless!

Tiana, pregnant and desperate, somehow found work, only to be suppressed by Elaine’s


After all this, Tiana’s will was broken, and the Melford family ended up hiding in the streets, utterly


After giving birth to her child, Tiana became increasingly wary, to the point where she wouldn’t even

see me. I could only secretly buy some baby formula for Cherry and pick up some household


Whitney’s eyes blazed with a fiery red. Her friends were living such stifled lives, tormented to this


And Elaine, that woman was a tyrant; her misdeeds were absolute.

Tiana was so young and radiant; she should have had her pick of the most eligible bachelors in Banyan

City. All ruined, a scandal, an unwed mother, three years of ridicule, plummeting from the heavens into

the mire.

Before she saw Tiana, Whitney only despised Ludwik and Elaine. However, now that she found out

about how Ludwik had destroyed Tiana’s family and how he completely ignored Elaine’s sins,

Whitney’s hatred for Ludwik and Elaine soared through the roof.

Her gaze was fixed on a specific spot…

Just then, a baby’s cry emerged from the bedroom.

“Mommy, mommy…” The infant girl’s tender cries took everyone aback.

Tiana immediately rushed in. “Sweetheart, why are you awake already?”

“Cherry’s awake. She’s only two and can’t speak yet. Should we go check on her?” Valerie

Chapter 251

mentioned the little one with a mix of relief and affection.

Whitney’s lips curled into a smile as she nodded emphatically.

The two women walked into the bedroom where Tiana was frantically changing her daughter’s diaper,

and a baby bottle rolled onto the floor.

Whitney picked it up, reminded of how Sammy had weaned off the bottle early. She quirked her lip.

“Tiana, where’s the formula? I’ll make it.”

“You know how? I can do it!” Valerie chimed in.

She looked at Whitney, a distant memory surfacing. Three years ago, that morning she confronted

Ludwik, she had glimpsed the hospital’s incubator.

That child Whitney had given birth to prematurely, Ludwik had sealed off all news about him for three

years. Not just Valerie but even Ashton and other friends of Ludwik had not seen the child.

Rumor had it the child had survived.

Ludwik treated him like a treasure, rarely letting the child out. Over these three years, he had become a

recluse, not keeping in touch with his friends, but he seemed rather affectionate with that scumbag


Rumor also had it that the child recognized Elaine as his mother.

Hearsay was unreliable, and Valerie did not have the heart to tell Whitney to avoid twisting the knife in

her wound.

Moreover, the child… Whitney surely could not snatch him back.

Rumor said it was twins. The other had died when Whitney jumped into the sea. Not wanting to reopen

her scars, Valerie swallowed her words.

If Whitney was meant to see her son, she would discover it herself. Then, maybe she would tell

Whitney the truth.

Valerie sighed and returned from the kitchen with the prepared formula.

Whitney took the two–year–old baby girl from Tiana’s arms; the child was adorably chubby, with rolls of

baby fat on her wrists.

Just too cute.

She wore a tiny pink cap, smacking her lips for milk as she woke up. Whitney lifted the child’s cap,

about to compliment how the baby was as cute as Tiana, but as she got a clear view of the baby’s full

face, Whitney paused silently, frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Tiana tucked in the diaper around her daughter.

Whitney stared at Cherry, puzzled, almost blurting out, “Tiana, is it just me, or does Cherry look

incredibly like Parker Doonan?”

Chapter 251

Tiana’s face stiffened.

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

At that moment, Valerie passed the baby bottle to Whitney with a meaningful glance.

“It can’t be his,” Tiana said, her tone unimpressed but noticeably colder.

Valerie sighed inwardly and whispered to Whitney, “When Cherry was a bit over a year old, her

features started to become more defined, and I thought she looked familiar. I mentioned it once, and

Tiana blew up.‘

“Why would she do that?”

There was a frosty edge to Tiana’s gaze as she pursed her pretty lips.

Valerie explained, “I didn’t bring up Parker earlier, but in truth, he was the one who wanted to help

Tiana the most back then. But she rejected him outright and gave him a tongue–lashing. You know

Parker–he’s like the prince of the underworld, very proud. After that, he never contacted her again.”

“Why the anger?” In Whitney’s memory, Parker was the most level–headed and fair of the brothers.

“We were disappointed in Parker. He revealed in front of Ludwik that Tiana had been to TriMed

Hospital three years ago to check on Elaine, which made Ludwik believe that you guys had falsely

accused Elaine of faking a kidney donation. Plus, the goons that kidnapped you and Tiana that night

were sent by Parker. That’s why she hates him.”

Whitney furrowed her brow, feeling that Tiana might have misunderstood Parker.

They used to joke that something was brewing between Parker and Tiana.

She never imagined that in the three years she was gone, everything would have changed so


“But this child…” Whitney looked at Cherry, who did indeed have eyes reminiscent of Parker’s, and

said, “Tiana, maybe you don’t want to think about it, but that night three years ago, was there any

encounter between you and Parker?”

Tiana seemed lost in thought, her mind racing through the chaotic memories of a night overshadowed

by multiple men’s overpowering presence and pain.

She shook her head vehemently, tears welling up in her eyes. “I vaguely remember escaping a room in

the club. I have no memory of what happened after, and when I woke up the next day, I was back in

the hands of those thugs… I really don’t remember. I don’t know who it was! But I know it could be

anyone but Parker!”

Valerie interjected. “Apparently, Parker had a close call that night, too, saved by a woman. He’s since

found the woman who rescued him, and it turns out to be Tiana’s cousin, Endora Melford. Parker’s

even broken off an engagement to be with her, spoiling Endora.”

Whitney was shocked; she knew all too well that Tiana and Endora were arch–enemies!



Chapter 252

All because of Cato Melford, who had always schemed against Tiana’s father, Fabian Melford.

Back when Tiana’s family was in good standing, they had suffered endless provocations from Endora’s


Whitney pondered; perhaps Tiana did harbor some romantic feelings for Parker once, and his novelbin

involvement with Endora was yet another blow.

To Tiana, it was hate upon hate, an extra thorn in her side.

Sighing inwardly, she hesitated before looking at Cherry and saying, “Maybe it’s just a striking

coincidence. No matter who her father is, she’s a blessing from above.”

When Tiana heard her daughter mentioned, her heart swelled with love, but Cherry’s little face only

added to her burden.

Whitney did not see her expression; instead, she silently promised the little one in her arms, “Maybe

soon you’ll have a brother to play with.”

No one but Bryce knew of Sammy’s existence these past three years.

Whitney was not deliberately withholding the information from her best friend; she feared that if word

got out, her son could be taken from her.

She could not risk it, so it was better to wait.

“Everything will get better, Tiana, I promise. The Melford family business will come back, and I won’t let

you or your parents suffer anymore.”

Before leaving, Whitney left Tiana a card with a million dollars in it, sealing her promise.

Tears filled Tiana’s eyes, a spark igniting within her that had not been there for a very long time, but she

held back her words.

As Whitney stepped out the door, blinking away her tears, Valerie followed, both worried and happy.

“Tiana’s crying in there. You’ve always been her rock, and now that you’re back, it’s a huge

encouragement for her. But while you ask about our lives, we know nothing about what you’ve endured

these years. Where did this million come from?”

“I earned it, of course.”

Whitney had spent three years as an acclaimed acupuncturist and had not given up on her jewelry

design, earning a tidy sum. But what she couldn’t bring herself to admit was that Sammy occasionally

supplemented their income with his computer skills, though she had absolutely no idea how.

Thinking of her son brought a smile to her face, but then she thought of Cherry and felt a twinge of

guilt. “I will make sure Cherry has a stable childhood.”

“Don’t take on all of Tiana’s burdens…” Valerie said, “Endora’s vendetta is another reason why Tiana’s

life has been miserable.

That vile woman once told Tiana that Cherry could be the child of Parker’s elder brother,



Chapter 252

Barclay Doonan. He was at the club that night three years ago, a notorious playboy, which terrified

Tiana. That’s why she moved here, to hide.

We’re terrified that if Barclay ever sees Cherry, he’ll badger Tiana. If the Doonan family decides to take

the child, it would be a disaster.”

So, that was why Tiana did not want to disclose her address.

Suddenly, Whitney asked, “What about Parker? Has he seen Cherry?”

Valerie shook her head. “Since Parker got engaged to Endora, Tiana has cut off all communication with

him. I’m curious about his reaction to Cherry, too. But now that the suspicion falls on Barclay, the

resemblance could be explained. No doubt Endora has been cozying up to Elaine, acting as her lapdog

to suppress Tiana.”

It all came back to Elaine, still not letting go of Tiana!

Whitney’s breathing grew heavier, her resolve crystallizing with each passing moment.

Exhausted, she trudged back into her apartment, her mood as heavy as the city sky after a

thunderstorm. She didn’t want Sammy to pick up on her gloomy mood, so she quickly shot off a text to

Yael. Just then, a message from Bryce popped up, detailing an eerie case of Keegan, who had

committed murder behind bars. She leaned into the case files and studied them carefully.


Ludwik instructed his driver to take the kids back to Everwood Villa Estate first.

He then took a detour to the cemetery, where he sat in quiet contemplation in front of his other son’s

grave. It was here, in this solemn place, that the haunting images of the woman he had seen that

morning were swept away from his mind.

“Take care, Jacky. Daddy’s got to go now, but I’ll come see you again soon,” he murmured.

The name Jacky was a nickname he had given to this son. This sacred ground had never felt the

footsteps of Daniel, who remained unaware that he had once had a brother.

With a deep breath, Ludwik drove back to the villa, where the moment he stepped in, he was welcomed

by a subtle, enchanting fragrance. “You’re back,” said Elaine, her voice as light as her white sundress,

which clung to her in a way that was both innocent and seductive. Her collarbones peeked out from

beneath the straps, and as she bent slightly to offer him his slippers, her cleavage was irresistibly


But Ludwik merely glanced at her and looked away, unmoved.

He glanced at the living room, his brow furrowing slightly. “Elaine, where’s Danny?”

With a look of exasperation, Elaine replied, “That boy has been giving me the cold shoulder lately. The

moment he got back, he went off to Grandma’s place.”,

Ludwik was about to go after his son, but Elaine saw her chance for some alone time with him,


Chapter 252

and she was not going to let that slide. She wrapped her arms around his muscular waist and asked

with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, “Ludwik, how did the treatment session go today?”

Her eyes shimmered with anticipation. “The medical reports say your indicators are all normal. I knew

this new doctor was extraordinary! Just one consultation, and you’re already showing improvement.

Now that there’s a turning point in your condition, let’s make the most of the evening with Danny out…”

She was blissfully unaware that the said doctor was none other than Whitney!

Ludwik sidestepped the conversation, his face etched with fatigue. “Elaine, I promised my son that from

tonight on, I’d be sleeping with him.”

“But Danny’s still at his grandma’s, isn’t he? We have some time before bed… Let’s have dinner first.

I’ve prepared a candlelight dinner for us,” she cooed, kissing his chin before turning towards the kitchen

to fetch the steak she had prepared.

Watching her retreating figure, her white dress fluttering behind her, Ludwik’s mind inexplicably

conjured up the image of another woman in a white lab coat, her presence commanding yet delicate.

White, the same color, yet Whitney wore it with an entirely different grace. He had found it nearly

impossible to look away from her that morning.

Damn it. He caught himself thinking about her and furrowed his brows in annoyance, throwing his light

on the table.

“What’s wrong?” Elaine asked, returning with a puzzled look.

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

“Nothing… Just some work stuff bothering me,” Ludwik said hastily, covering up his unease.

Elaine eyed him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. However, he had not been able to perform for three years, so she did not doubt that he hadn’t been fooling around.

There was no way another woman could arouse him!

She flashed a casual smile. “Here, try the steak I grilled and this bottle of Lafite I had airmailed first thing this morning. Give it a taste, Ludwik.”

She perched seductively on the edge of the dining table, her legs lightly encircling his, her foot playfully stroking him in a flirtatious gesture.

Ludwik felt uncomfortable, his brow furrowing as he forced down the steak.

Eating felt like chewing wax; he glanced at the red wine, then at Elaine’s purposeful gaze, and declined. “I have work later. No drink for me.”

Elaine bit her lip in frustration. When she was informed that Ludwik was in perfect health, she was overjoyed. She had set her sights on winning him over tonight!

Taking a sip of wine, she straightened up, wrapping her arms around Ludwik’s neck with a sultry whisper, “Then I guess I’ll just have to feed you…”

As her lips approached, Ludwik firmly grasped her chin, his eyes chilling.

“Mmm…” Elaine’s eyes snapped open to his cold stare, shivering before she adopted a wounded tone. “Ludwik, how can we talk about marriage and kids if you’re like this? All of

Banyan City knows we’re getting married in a month, and my parents are expecting grandchildren. I want to be a happy bride.”

He didn’t play into her coquettish behavior but instead asked, “Why was my medical information sent to you in real time?”

Elaine hesitated, having forgotten Ludwik’s disdain for control. She had touched a nerve but played the aggrieved party. “I was just too concerned about you, Ludwik.”

“It seems to me you’re just too eager to have kids,” Ludwik said coolly.

Her eyes welled up. “Are you blaming me? I just don’t want to end up only getting pregnant at such an old age. I really want to be intimate with you, to strengthen our love.”

This woman had sacrificed a lot for him, and Ludwik’s gaze softened. Cupping her face, he said resignedly, “Why the tears? I’ll get better. Just give me some time. And if you’re in a hurry…”

He lowered his voice with a frown. “You could buy some… toys.”

Elaine’s face flushed with a mix of guilt and embarrassment. She had already bought several toys, but

they could only quench her thirst temporarily! There was a man right here!

Chapter 221

She felt near madness but would never let him see her as an indecent woman.

Pretending to be bashful, she snuggled into his embrace. “What are you talking about? That’s not my

point. You know I only love and want you, Ludwik. I’m willing to wait for you to recover.” “Then let’s

leave it for tonight. I’m really not in the mood. Sorry to make you wait.” Ludwik took the opportunity to

sidestep the issue.

His tone was cool and distant.

Elaine felt like she was choking on her frustration. It looked like tonight was another bust. He seemed

to be resisting her more and more. She could not tell if he genuinely lacked interest in women or if he

was actually unwell.

Swallowing her pride, she angled for some consolation, eyes calculating as she held him. “Then you

owe me, Ludwik.”

“What do you want?” To Ludwik, as long as it was not sex, anything else was fine.

Over the past three years, he had been indulgent and generous with Elaine in material aspects.

The woman knew this was his way of compensating.

She accepted gleefully, often initiating requests herself, knowing that they served as proof to the world

of Ludwik’s indulgence.

This time. Elaine’s request came with a sly smile. “I heard that Skye Gem Ltd.’s assets are being

auctioned off?”

Ludwik was taken aback but indifferent. “Yeah.”

After that woman had run away three years ago, leaving no trace, they had not finalized their divorce,

so Skye Gem Ltd. was legally his. He had not cared to deal with it and left it to the


When Bryce was released, he tried to interfere, but Ludwik cut off his capital chain right away.

The court had frozen Skye Gem Ltd. for three years, and now its assets were up for auction. If not for

Elaine bringing it up, Ludwik would not even remember it.

Elaine’s businesslike proposal was, “I want you to buy it for me. Not for any other reason, but I’ve got

my eye on the Skye Gem brand. You know I’m a talented designer, and I can run a company. I want to

bring in some extra business for you.”

“I don’t need you to bring in extra business. You couldn’t spend all my money in five lifetimes.”

Elaine leaped into his arms, saying understandingly. “After all, it’s Danny’s mother’s company. You may

hate Whitney, but I want to do something for Danny.”

“You’re too kind,” Ludwik’s eyes softened, “I’ll make sure Danny gets along with you.”

Out of sight. Elaine’s lips curled into a smirk.

Of course, she was not doing this for that little brat; she wanted all of Banyan City to see how much

Ludwik pampered her. With just a word from her, his ex-wife’s company would be bought and gifted to


What did it matter if Whitney was dead? Running her company was a victory for Elaine!

Plus, she would score points with Ludwik; now, he would make sure Danny respected her.

With feigned sweetness, Elaine suggested, “I want to take Danny to the auction tomorrow night. He has

a connection with Skye Gem. And Ludwik, Danny’s nearly four years old, he should ses more of the

world, or he’ll grow up even more isolated and introverted.” novelbin

Ludwik frowned, “Danny has never been in the public eye, and he’s fragile!”

Elaine was persuasive. “We’re about to get married. Danny can’t stay hidden forever. We can travel

discreetly, and I promise to take good care of the little guy. You can’t keep him in am ivory tower


Ludwik wondered if protecting Danny too much from a young age had contributed to his isolation.

He pondered for a moment, then said, “Your way, then.”

Elaine’s lips curled in triumph. This was all part of her mother’s strategy: bringing Daniel Lippert to the public eye for the first time, and Ludwik buying Skye Gem Ltd. for her. The significance was profound, solidifying her position as Mrs. Lippert in the eyes of high society..

Everything was in preparation for their smooth marriage.

The following day, in the evening.

The grand auction of Skye Gem’s assets was the talk of Banyan City, set to take place at the bustling convention center downtown.

Orion, ever the gentleman, had sent over a tuxedo and arranged for a chauffeur.

Whitney smirked at his thoughtful arrangements, applying a touch of makeup to accentuate her features before descending the staircase to the sleek sedan waiting outside.

Meanwhile, a sneaky little figure with a tiny suitcase emerged outside the entrance of a posh high-rise.

Sammy, peeking from beneath a pair of kiddie sunglasses, scouted the area and spotted his mother getting into a luxury car – a shiny Lamborghini, no less!

Where on earth was Mommy headed? After all, it took him ages to track her down to Harmonia Country using his trusty GPS watch!

Yet, she left before he had even exchanged a word with her!

Sammy dared not call her, fearing a scolding that might send him six feet under. Instead, he



Chapter 253

decided to see what she was up to.

Pouting, he stowed his suitcase with the concierge, hailed a cab, and said, “Hey, Mister, follow that Lamborghini up ahead!”

“Good heavens, kiddo, you’re what, three or four? You know what a Lamborghini is? Smarty pants like you shouldn’t be out here alone. Doesn’t your mom worry?”

The driver was flabbergasted, torn between calling the cops and minding his own business.

With a swift glance, Sammy whipped out a wad of cash. “Mister, let’s make a deal, no chit-chat, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

The driver, taken aback by the child’s angelic grin, muttered to himself and started the engine. Kids these days, growing up way too fast, with brains to match.

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

In the International Convention Center’s opulent auction hall, Elaine, clad in a sleek midnight blue

cocktail dress, made her grand entrance, clinging to the arm of a man whose height was rivaled only by

his influence.

All eyes were drawn to her–not because she was a stunning beauty, which she was, but because of

the sheer power and presence the man by her side commanded.

An auction of Skye Gem Ltd., a small fry in the big pond, typically would not lure the high and mighty.

But rumors had flown that Mr. Lippert was to attend, and like moths to a flame, the elite came in


The Skyfaith Group had soared to the third biggest company in the world by market capitalization in

just three years, and Mr. Lippert? He was the golden ticket everyone wanted to rub shoulders with,

even if it meant just brushing against his coattails.

The distinguished gentleman, shoulder burdened with a child, kept the brim of his fedora low. shielding

the little one’s face.

“My God, Mr. Lippert is making an appearance with his kid for the first time!”

The society ladies oozed envy. “Elaine’s got it all. Engaged for three years, and now it seems she’s got

a little prince. Word on the street is Mr. Lippert spoils her rotten. She’s living the dream, the very model

of a tycoon’s wife.”

Elaine tightened her grip on the man’s arm, her face the picture of grace, but her lips curled ever so

slightly with satisfaction.

To the crème de la crème of Banyan City, she was untouchable, enjoying a slice of happiness that was

uniquely hers.

“Ludwik, let me carry Danny,” she cooed, offering a sugary smile.

“No.” Daniel, stiff as a board in his father’s embrace, shot a cold glance at the woman, irked by her act.

Crowds made him uneasy, his voice taut and cool, “Ludwik, I wanna go home. It’s too noisy here!”

Elaine’s smile faltered, her outstretched hand moving to pretend to tuck a stray lock of hair. Thankfully,

no one seemed to notice.

Ludwik gently squeezed his son’s little clenched fist, well aware of the boy’s discomfort with strangers

and crowds.

He swept a protective gaze over the onlookers and shielded his son’s face, “I don’t want Danny

overexposed. I’ll take him to the lounge. Go ahead and take your seat.”

Elaine saw the displeasure on his face. Bringing the little troublemaker had been her idea, but she

didn’t want the kid causing a scene.



Chapter 254

“Sweeten our son up for us, Ludwik. I’ll be waiting,” she said, her voice loud enough for others to


Ludwik, escorted by his bodyguards, took the child to the resting room, the picture of a doting. mature


The sight made the socialites swoon, and they showered Elaine with compliments, “Elaine, you’re such

a good mom!”

“No wonder Mr. Lippert dotes on you. Heard he’s snapping up Skye Gem Ltd. as a wedding gift for

you? That used to be his ex–wife Whitney’s company, right? Shows how deeply he loves you.”

Elaine could hardly contain her glee. This was the music to her ears!

In everyone’s eyes, Whitney was a defeated rival but still the talk of the town, even in her absence. novelbin

But Elaine responded with feigned gentility, “Let’s not speak ill of the departed. I saw potential in Skye

Gem Ltd. I just wanted to dabble in business. Ludwik, he’s all business; as long as I’m happy, that’s all

that matters.”

“You’re so spoiled!” the crowd remarked, more sourly this time.

Elaine settled into her seat, content.

Ludwik soon arrived, adjusting his impeccable tie, and took the seat beside her.

The lights dimmed, and the auctioneer took the stage.

Then, a murmur rippled through the crowd, “Bryce from the Lutz Group is here.”

Ludwik tensed slightly.

Another voice chimed in, “What a turnout, Orion’s here too. Is he interested in his former sister–in–

law’s company?”

“And who’s that woman with him? Wow, just look at that figure! I bet she’s about to become the number

one woman Banyan City men would die to sleep with.“.

A collective gasp rose from the crowd.

At the mention of a beautiful woman, Elaine instinctively glanced at Ludwik.

He arched an eyebrow, his gaze hardening slightly, yet he made no move to look up. His posture

exuded disinterest.

Satisfied, Elaine smirked. “Orion’s still the playboy he always was, bringing some low–class date to an

event like this. You’ve nearly cornered the market with Imperial Gem Corporation. When do you plan to

acquire his company?”

Ludwik, eyes fixed ahead, responded casually, “I’ll do that whenever I want. No need to pick a day.”



Chapter 294

Elaine adored this understated dominance, his aura gripping her.

Their fingers Intertwined, she whispered seductively, “Ludwik, I must have Skye Gem Ltd. tonight.”

“Then it’s yours.”

The auctioneer announced the assets of Skye Gem Ltd, to the room, starting the bidding at 800


Whitney, seated beside Orion, clutched her heart. Skye Gem Ltd. might not have been a top–tier

Jewelry company, but it was once worth thirty billion dollars. Since her ‘death‘ three years ago, the

company had been ravaged, reduced to a mere shell of its former self.

Her fists tightened.

Then, from the VIP section, a deep masculine voice declared, “5 billion dollars. Give it to me.”

It was Ludwik’s voice.

The room erupted in shock.

“Elaine, congratulations! Mr. Lippert really spoils you!”

Elaine’s lips stretched into a smile.

The auctioneer, taken aback, asked, “Any further bids?”

Bryce raised,his paddle, “5.2 billion.”

Ludwik’s eyelid twitched.

Then, from the back, another paddle went up, “5.6 billion, Skye Gem Ltd. is mine!”

Orion’s distinctively roguish tone was well–known among the city’s elite.

Murmurs spread. “Has Orion lost his mind? His company’s been squeezed dry by Mr. Lippert. Why

would he bid on a company worth just 800 million?”

The auctioneer, equally skeptical, asked politely, “Mr. Orion, are you sure about the 5.6 billion dollar


“Of course. What, you think I can’t afford it?”

“What’s your interest in Skye Gem, bidding on it like this?” someone in the crowd asked, curiosity


Orion smirked, glancing at Whitney, who sat in the shadows, her face veiled, her slender figure

wrapped in velvet.

He licked his lips.

Whitney’s high heel came down with a stomp.

Orion stood up with a huff, casting a sidelong glance at Ludwik, a mischievous smirk playing on



Chapter 254

his lips. “My brother is doing all this for Elaine’s charming smile, and I’m here to get a grin from the

beauty by my side.”

The dim blue lights in the room flickered, and everyone paused, their curiosity piqued about the

mysterious lady accompanying Orion.

From across the room, Bryce locked eyes with Whitney, his gaze intense, as he lifted his bidding

paddle. “6 billion dollars!”

There were gasps all around. “Rumor has it Mr. Lutz nearly got hitched to Whitney three years ago. Is

he here in memorial of his late lady love?”

Ludwik adjusted his tie irritably upon hearing this.

Orion had said he was doing it all for a smile from the lady by his side.

And now Bryce kept outbidding him.

Could it be…

Ludwik’s gaze darkened, and with a cool tilt of the head, he shot a glance in the direction of

Orion’s seat.

He knew she had returned to Banyan City. Worse yet, she was his andrologist.

In his haste today, he had not had time to deal with her. Could it be that she heard he was attending

and slipped in to cause a scene?

The nerve of her, thinking she could cling to him? She had another think coming!

“8 billion!” he declared, his voice icy.

Elaine, still clueless, gave a small, sly smile.

She rose gracefully. “Excuse me, Ludwik, I’m heading to the washroom.”

Inside, Elaine dialed back a missed call, her voice cheerful “Mom… I’m at the auction. Bryce and Orion

are making their moves, but they’re no match. Whitney’s rundown firm is as good as mine. Who can

top Ludwik’s power?

Once I clinch this deal, I’ll use the occasion tonight to have Ludwik announce our wedding date.

What’s there to worry about? That wretch is dead and can’t come back.”

As she spoke, she pushed open the door, only to bump into someone.

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Elaine stood her ground, waiting for the woman to give way. In Banyan City, she was pampered, a

socialite whose path was never obstructed, a queen in her own right.

Yet the woman before her didn’t budge, almost as if she was intentionally blocking Elaine’s


Impatient, Elaine nodded subtly to her side.

The female bodyguard, imposing and fierce, stepped forward. “Can’t you see Mrs. Lippert is here?


Whitney crossed her arms, a grin spreading across her face. “Well, if it isn’t Mrs. Lippert!”

That voice, slightly hoarse…

Elaine, stunned for a moment, felt a sense of familiarity. She sharply lifted her head.

When she saw the haunting visage behind the veil, Elaine’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Whitney?” she exclaimed, staring at Whitney as her phone clattered to the floor. She stumbled

backward, screaming, “Ghost! A ghost!”

“Elaine?” The bodyguard rushed to support her.

“How are you here? You’re supposed to be dead!” Elaine, gripping with fear and almost wetting herself,

stared at Whitney.

When she finally saw Whitney’s shadow, Elaine’s face turned ashen, and she murmured with a mix of

calm and trepidation, “You… You didn’t die?”

Impossible. Elaine had watched the destruction of a woman’s body that the rescue team had retrieved

years ago!

Whitney stepped closer, her cold laugh making her pale face even more chilling. “Disappointed I’m not

dead? You seem awfully sure. It’s as if you were there that night, forcing me, a pregnant woman, to the

brink, watching me plunge into the ocean depths!”

Elaine quickly regained her composure, her gaze turning sinister.

The bodyguard immediately blocked the two socialites trying to enter and closed the restroom


Elaine sized up Whitney, completely unharmed and now even more radiant than before, her jealousy


She smirked coldly. “So you survived the ocean? They say the wicked live long. Have you been hiding

these past three years, hoping to scare me today?

Whitney, wake up. Three years ago, I completely obliterated you. What makes you think you can make

a comeback?”



Chapter 255

“Bodyguard, dunk her in the toilet. If she drowns, just toss her out.”

Elaine watched disinterestedly as two bodyguards advanced toward Whitney.

In the dim light, something suddenly flashed, and the two female bodyguards instantly hit the floor.

Elaine was appalled. She had no idea what had just happened.

The next moment, Whitney grabbed Elaine by the throat.

Elaine gasped, her nails trying to scratch Whitney’s face, her foot kicking fiercely.

“Ah!” Her scream was abrupt. As a distinguished socialite, she severely lacked physical strength.

Whitney kicked Elaine to the ground, dragged her by the hair like a dead dog, and slammed her head

against the door three times before dragging her to the toilet.

“My nose! What are you doing, Whitney… When did you learn to fight?”

Blood spurted from her broken nose as Elaine stared in shock at the bloodstains on the door,

trembling uncontrollably, not daring to underestimate Whitney anymore.

Then, Whitney shoved her head into the toilet and turned on the faucet. Elaine struggled fiercely.

Whitney stepped on her delicate wrist and leaned down with a sinister smile. “I picked up a few tricks.

You mocked me for being helpless and pregnant three years ago, remember? Now I’m light as a

feather, and I can strike back at a wretch like you whenever I please. How does it feel? You like it?”

“Let me go! Ludwik… Ludwik will make you pay for this!”

Elaine was on the verge of tears, the filthy water choking her as she screamed in panic.

“I don’t know how Ludwik ‘will make me pay‘, but right now, I certainly am going to make you pay,”

Whitney said with a soft laugh.

With a hard gaze filled with hatred, Whitney remembered the desperation of that night three years ago

as she fled towards the end of her life with her child, the agony of giving birth alone,

and the humiliation Tiana suffered.

Whitney cackled as she repeatedly dunked Elaine’s head into the water, soaking her hair through. She

pulled Elaine up and, with a swish of her wet gown, tapped the droplets off her hands.

Whitney reveled in Elaine’s disheveled appearance, her face twisted with a desire to tear Whitney

apart. “This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go, Elaine. You’ll pay for everything you’ve

done to us.”

Then, she walked out, leaving Elaine behind.



Chapter 255

Elaine clenched her fists in rage, her face smeared with grime. She ground her teeth in a fury, her voice

seeping through the door crack. “Whitney… Why won’t you die? You couldn’t beat me three years ago.

What makes you think you can now?”

Whitney’s lips curved in a cool smile as she rejoined Orion in the shadows.

Orion felt a chill and shivered, looking over. “Where have you been?”

Whitney ripped off the wet hem of her dress and asked, “What’s the bid at?”

“Uh… that son of a gun Ludwik bid 20 billion. I’m tapped out.”

Without wasting a word, Whitney stepped on Orion’s polished shoe.

“Ouch,” Orion yelped. “Whitney, don’t push it.”

“The value I’ll create for Imperial Gem Corporation is worth far more than 20 billion. Keep going,”

Whitney demanded.

Orion winced but raised his bidding paddle.

At the same time, Whitney’s phone buzzed with a message from Bryce on Facebook. [Don’t worry,

Whitney. I’ll protect the assets your grandfather left you. Why don’t you come sit by me?]

Whitney looked up to find Bryce’s gaze warm and inviting from across the room.

She felt a surge of warmth and pocketed her phone.

Ludwik adjusted his tie, irritation bubbling as Bryce and Orion’s provocations stirred his anger.




With a mix of fear and vulnerability, Elaine pursed her lips and soon began to weep softly. “Ludwik…”

She looked up at him with a wistful gaze. “Did you know Whitney’s back?”

Three years ago, she had mistaken another woman’s body for Whitney’s but kept it from Ludwik,

simply telling him that Whitney had run off. It was logical for her to ask.

Her eyes were fixed on the man’s face, searching for a reaction.

Ludwik’s expression tensed for a split second, a telltale sign that Elaine caught, confirming he might

have known beforehand.

Her fingers clenched in silent fury, the alarms in her head ringing loud and clear! She burst into



Chapter 255

tears. “I was just in the restroom when I bumped into her. I was surprised and happy to see her, but

she’s changed a lot. She attacked me without warning…”

At that moment, Ludwik was holding up his smartphone to the light, illuminating Elaine’s face, which

was swollen to the point of being unrecognizable.

Ludwik’s brow furrowed, and he spoke with simmering anger, “She dared to hit you? That madwoman

is out of control!”

Elaine looked up at him.

The female bodyguard eagerly added fuel to the fire, “She didn’t just hit Ms. Bartels. She dunked her

head in the toilet multiple times. Ms. Bartels nearly drowned! And the water in there–disgusting. Mr.

Lippert, you have to stand up for Elaine! She’s too kind, didn’t even fight


In truth, Elaine had not had the chance to fight back. Her lips curled in a silent snarl.

But her eyes appealed to Ludwik with feigned helplessness. “Maybe Ms. Valentine misunderstood our

dealings with Skye Gem Ltd. She’s here to take the company back tonight. She’s become so

frightening, her methods too. Ludwik, I don’t want to put you in a difficult position. Let’s just give Skye

Gem Ltd. to her. As long as you’re with me, that’s all I care about. I won’t feel aggrieved.”

Despite claiming she was not feeling aggrieved, she wept even harder.

To Ludwik, she was practically his fiancée, and Whitney’s assaulting her was akin to a slap in his face.

That malicious woman–Skye Gem Ltd. faced auction because she had disappeared three years ago,

and now Elaine wanted the company. What was so wrong about that?

His anger flared, teeth clenched, a cold smile on his lips. “Why should I give it to her? novelbin

The company will be my gift to you, and she must apologize to you!”

Elaine’s crying ceased, and a sly smile spread inside her.

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Ludwik’s face was etched with a frosty scowl as he watched the scene unfold before him. There was no

doubt in his mind that the bewitching woman at Orion’s side was indeed her.

To think she had the audacity to sneak into the auction with Orion and Bryce…

When did she become so shameless, so brazen?

His irritation grew at the thought, but he was determined not to let them have the last laugh.

“Forty billion dollars!” Ludwik declared, his voice resounding like a gavel coming down.

The room filled with gasps, and just when everyone was resigning themselves to the staggering sum as

the final bid, a sultry voice laced with a raspy laugh echoed from the back of the hall, “Mr. Lippert, I’ll

bid 50 billion. Don’t compete with me, okay?”

Ludwik’s head snapped around.

Across the room, through the temporal divide, the way she said ‘Mr. Lippert‘ short–circuited his nerves

in the most inconvenient manner.

In the business world, countless people had called him Mr. Lippert.

Plenty of flirtatious women had called him ‘Mr. Lippert‘ seductively.

But none had ever sent a jolt through his spine and electrified his entire being like she just did.

Damn that. woman.

Ludwik’s muscles tensed as he emerged from his daze, just in time to hear the auctioneer concluding

the three calls and slamming the gavel down. “Fifty billion dollars! Skye Gem Ltd. goes to this lady.

Miss, may we have your name? And your method of payment?”

“Whitney Valentine,” the woman stepped out from her seat.

Her chic velvet gown trailed to her ankles, with a daring slit up the front, seemingly torn in haste,

revealing her porcelain–smooth legs.

With each step, the sway of her figure was enchanting, drawing the eyes of every man in the


She slowly approached the podium, and as the lights illuminated her stunning features, the crowd

caught their breath.

Removing her veil, she revealed her full visage, smiling flirtatiously at the auctioneer, “My name’s

Whitney Valentine. And the payment will be taken care of by Mr. Orion Lippert and Mr. Bryce Lutz.

Thank you!”

The room fell silent, then erupted in murmurs.

“Whitney, that’s Whitney? The former CEO of Skye Gem Ltd.?”



Chapter 256

“I thought she was dead. How did she come back? She’s Mr. Lippert’s ex–wife!”

“Two men are buying back the company for her! Mr. Lippert was vying for his current flame’s smile, and

he lost. But how does he feel about his ex–wife’s dramatic return?”

Whispers and speculations filled the air as everyone’s gaze fell upon the man of the hour.

Ludwik’s gaze was deep and detached as he stared at the woman on stage.

It was the same face, breathtakingly beautiful, but he no longer knew her.

She was like an exquisite, venomous swan.

His fingers tightened, and his eyes narrowed with a predatory gleam, revealing nothing of his inner


As Bryce and Orion joined Whitney on the podium, the crowd watched in disbelief. They were two of

Banyan City’s most eligible bachelors, now signing a check in public for Whitney. novelbin

She instantly became the center of attention.

Elaine nearly bit her lip in frustration. This wench had returned and immediately stole her spotlight.

Especially the dark look on Ludwik’s face, the attention he was giving that woman!

In a panic, she tugged at Ludwik’s hand, her voice quivering. “Ludwik, you promised Skye Gem

Ltd. would be mine…

Ms. Valentine seems unapologetic about hitting me. Is she making such a public spectacle to target

you, to embarrass you in front of everyone?”

Her insinuations snapped Ludwik back to reality, his demeanor turning icy.

At this moment, the auctioneer was about to hand over the contract. Whitney, flanked by two men,

flashed Bryce a sweet smile.

A wave of displeasure surged through Ludwik. He stood up, his voice dark and formidable.

“Hold on!”

At Ludwik’s interjection, the auctioneer’s hand trembled, awaiting the approach of the stately


Whitney’s gaze steadied, indifferent to his presence.

“Which auction house are you from? I’m claiming Skye Gem Ltd. for my fiancée!

Three years ago, this woman voluntarily relinquished her rights to Skye Gem Ltd. due to

mismanagement. She has no right to reclaim it now. Inform your superiors.”

His words were terse, his authority oppressive.

Mr. Lippert had long been a legend in Banyan City, his ruthless tactics feared by many.

The auctioneer bowed his head. “Mr. Lippert, please discuss this further with our



Chapter 256


“I’ve paid fair and square, Mr. Lippert. What, you can simply take what you want by force?” Whitney’s

voice was mocking, her gaze challenging.

Ludwik finally turned his piercing eyes upon her charming, smiling face.

Disgust flickered across his features, indifferent to her provocations. “Ms. Valentine, you assaulted my

fiancée in the restroom. Now, apologize to her!”

Whitney’s glance swept over Elaine, who stood smugly nearby.

She took a step towards Ludwik, “Ms. Valentine? Mr. Lippert, we were married. Isn’t it a bit cold to be

so formal? Did you witness the alleged assault? Any evidence?”

Her bright eyes and pearly teeth were disarming as she drew near, her fragrance teasing his


Ludwik’s breath hitched, not expecting her to bring up their past in public. She had changed and

become reckless, shameless.




Elaine approached, her voice soft and vulnerable yet laden with implications.

The crowd glanced at Elaine’s bruised face, then recalled the scandalous video of Whitney and Bryce

from three years ago.

Now, with Bryce and Orion by her side, the past seemed to be repeating itself…

Elaine stirred the pot with a gleam in her eye. “Ms. Valentine, marriages should end as amicably as

they begin. I mean, your fling with Bryce is one thing, but knowing full well the rivalry between Ludwik

and Orion, you still prance into the party on Orion’s arm. I can only wonder what sort of deal you’ve

struck to be so favored by him. But my heart aches for Ludwik. I hate to see you hurt him like this, to

disgust him!”

Her every word was laced with concern, playing the part of the doting fiancée to perfection.

The crowd’s gaze shifted to Elaine, filled with sympathy.

And then, when they looked at Whitney, their earlier admiration was replaced with contempt.

“Elaine’s right; I had almost forgotten. She’s been notorious for years, a man–eater, and now she

seems to have latched onto Orion.”

“Bryce is just another fish she’s reeled in, huh? A regular femme fatale. I wonder how Bryce



Cabrer 230

stomachs it.”

“Ha! Now I get why two men are bankrolling her–clearly, she’s been working that body hard to please

them! Playing house with two husbands.”

These words made Ludwik frown, his gaze dark and stormy.

Elaine suppressed her smile, feigning concern. “Ludwik, did I misspeak? Seeing her cozying up to

Orion made me so angry on your behalf. Your dignity means a lot to me.”

Her words seemed foolish but endearing to the men listening.

Ludwik’s momentary pause was cold and fleeting. He glared at Whitney. “Do you have anything to say

in your defense? The bruises on Elaine’s face are proof enough of your violence. I don’t care about

your sordid plans tonight or who you’ve been canoodling with. If you don’t apologize to Elaine properly,

you can kiss Skye Gem Ltd. goodbye!”

Bryce could not stand by and watch.

However, Orion, ever the instigator, held him back with a smirk.

Whitney had remained silent, biding her time, perhaps. She was waiting for Elaine to finish rattling like

a machine gun and for the attacks on herself to pause.

Indeed, Whitney had been cornered, the crowd ready to push her head down in apology to ‘sweet‘


But Whitney just smirked, pulling out an object and locking eyes with Ludwik. “Who owes whom an

apology? Well, that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 241-250

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

She trembled with unprecedented rage at the sight of Ashton, her fingers quivering with fury. “It’s all

because you’re blind and foolish, siding with the devil, supporting Elaine’s lies! To hell with all three of

you! I was blind to give everything to marry a scoundrel like you. I regret it!”

“What… What did you say?” Ashton frowned, taken aback by her vitriolic outburst. He had never seen

her this angry before.

“Ludwik!” Valerie cried uncontrollably. “You have no idea what Whitney went through in that sanatorium.

Last night, she finally escaped, intending to find you. Why were you so conveniently not in Banyan City

at that critical moment? Can’t you see what’s happening?”

She was consumed with hatred on behalf of Whitney and Tiana. Tiana was now ruined, her

whereabouts unknown, likely hiding, and terrified.

And Whitney, oh, Whitney…

Valerie covered her face and ran out, filled with despair.

At the entrance, Parker arrived late, his seductive, tired eyes barely concealed by his glasses.

Nolan was furious. “Where the hell were you last night? Ludwik’s child was born prematurely, and

Whitney abandoned the baby and fled. We don’t know if she’s lost at sea or has escaped! Elaine

claims it was a conspiracy between Whitney and Tiana, and now Ludwik is broken.”

Parker paused, glancing toward the ward.

“Tiana tried to set up Elaine by hiring thugs, only to be humiliated by them. Now she’s hiding

somewhere, her reputation in tatters by morning.”

Parker’s frown deepened. That bubbly girl?

“Where were you last night?” Nolan demanded again.

Parker averted his eyes, the heat in them fading as he said, “I didn’t mean to be absent, but you know

how it is in the underworld, always in trouble. I was ambushed last night and nearly killed, saved by a


He had risked his life, and now he feared he had brought disaster upon that woman.

When he woke up this morning, she was gone.

Parker did not want things to end up this way, regretting the unexpected loss of his innocence, but he

knew he had to take responsibility. Thus, he turned and ordered his subordinate, “Keep looking for that


Nolan understood but refrained from teasing Parker, urging him to enter the ward. Parker was always

able to get through to Ludwik.

“Ludwik?” Parker called out to the man sitting there, pale and cold as a statue. In one night, Ludwik

seemed to have changed, his calm exterior hiding a chilling distance.


Chapter 241

“Ludwik, I’ve heard the details from Felix. There are a few things you should consider.

First, why did your company face trouble last night? I heard you planned to take Elaine to the South,

but she claimed she had stomach pains and didn’t go.

And coincidentally, Whitney teamed up with Tiana to frame Elaine, escaping the sanatorium to

‘rescue‘ Bryce?

Don’t you think it’s all too convenient?”

Ludwik’s eyes lifted slowly, his gaze piercingly cold. “Didn’t you tell me some time ago that you

personally checked on my mother’s transplant surgery at the nephrology department and found nothing


“I only did a preliminary investigation of that surgery.”

“Last night, Whitney and Tiana schemed and found a girl to falsely accuse Elaine of a sham kidney

donation, and Ashton confirmed Elaine indeed has one kidney after a physical exam. When you

checked the nephrology department, did you encounter Tiana or Whitney?”

Parker hesitated, recalling Tiana. He was impartial. “Indeed, I saw Ms. Melford at TriMed Hospital that

day, leaving Dr. Horatio‘ office. She was probably investigating the transplant surgery or Elaine.”

Ludwik snorted coldly, his gaze becoming indifferent. “I don’t think so. She went to the hospital to find a

girl selling organs, already planning to frame Elaine by then.”

Parker remained silent, unable to refute, remembering Tiana’s evasive response when he asked her

about her visit to the hospital.

Ludwik’s eyes turned to the incubator, his fists tightening with a creak. “Felix, send the word out.

Boycott the Melford family.”

“Ludwik, Whitney is still missing. She might have really fallen into the sea. There could be more to this


“Anyone else who speaks for that woman, I shall show no mercy!”

Parker frowned but persisted. “Ludwik, I know you’re deeply hurt, but even if Whitney is heartless, she

left you this child. Consider the child’s sake, if not hers.”

Ludwik sneered. His icy heart and frosty expression seemed to solidify into impenetrable ice.

“No, she didn’t leave me the child. She abandoned it. She didn’t want it! Parker, you’ll never understand

how I feel. It’s like I’m already dead inside.”

His eyes were like a bottomless abyssal, and his hatred was perhaps just as deep.

Elaine listened outside, feeling triumphant. She turned and confidently made a call, her head held high.

“Ludwik has ordered a boycott of the Melford family. You know how to help it along, right? Jaxon, take

more compromising photos of Tiana. Threaten her–if she speaks out, her



Chapter 241

parents will pay with their lives. Spin her story, turn her into the rat everyone despises!”

With this, Tiana’s ‘evidence‘ would not be a worry anymore.

Days later, news came from Emperor City that no woman had been caught attempting to rescue


Felix reported to Ludwik with a heavy heart, “Mr. Lippert, it seems Ms. Valentine didn’t attempt a

rescue. Was Elaine mistaken, or was it a rumor? Perhaps Ms. Valentine really did fall into the sea. We

need to intensify the search in the waters.”

The flash of divine insight, lasting but a mere second, was enough for Ludwik to picture another child,

so tiny, being cast into the ocean’s vastness, and from then on, no ripple could stir his


With a tired, cold smirk, he muttered, “Then it will be a companion burial. When I find my child, I’ll give

him a proper send–off.”

A month later, the coast guard captain, whose loyalty Elaine had bought, covertly informed her, “Ms.

Bartels, two incomplete bodies have been found near the coral reefs–one adult and one infant.”

Elaine’s eyes sparkled with a nearly joyous light, relieved that the ordeal was finally settled, certain now

that Whitney was indeed dead. She promptly transferred a hefty sum to the captain, instructing him to

doctor the report to only the discovery of an infant.

When Ludwik received the news, it was met with nothing but a scoff, his heart as cold as ice. He had

lain alone on the ocean floor for a month, and his mother had indeed cruelly discarded him and moved


He rushed to the morgue to claim the pitiful tiny body, covering his long, damp eyes as he sat alone in

the chilling silence for a day. Later, he would lay the child to rest in Banyan City’s most prestigious


Afterward, the name Whitney was erased overnight from Banyan City, disappearing without a


No one dared to utter that name in the presence of Mr. Lippert – the woman who was the business

prodigy, who had scandalously married two of Banyan City’s most formidable men within a year, whose

actions led to Bryce’s misfortune. Her scandals, much like the city’s relentless downpours, ceased

abruptly, leaving no trace as if they had vanished with the first light of dawn.

Elaine firmly secured her position as the future Mrs. Lippert, her victory absolute. Whitney was dead,

and she had led Ludwik to believe Whitney had escaped alive, embedding hatred in his bones.

Chapter 241

She had thought that after the initial guilt, Ludwik would come to loathe the child as an

extension of his resentment. But she had underestimated how deeply ingrained the child was in

Ludwik’s heart.

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Ludwik was on the edge, teetering close to a breakdown, clinging to his newborn as his lifeline to sanity.

Despite the fact that the little tyke had been in the incubator for what seemed like an eternity, facing

life–threatening complications every other day, Ludwik had exhausted every medical avenue and

refused to give up. He was there day in and day out as if possessed while completely ignoring Skyfaith

Electronic Tech.

In such a state, Elaine felt as though she had become invisible, unable to even get close.

And the idea of finding a chance to eliminate the bane of her existence was laughably far–fetched.

Finally, after six months, the baby was out of the incubator. Ludwik, with his ragged beard and a touch

of despair that made him all the more alluring, cracked a rare smile.

But Elaine was still kept at arm’s length from the child.

Ludwik took the baby to Natalie’s house, where he devoted his nights to solo parenting–nursing,

changing diapers, never once asking for help.

Elaine, seeing no other way, gritted her teeth and shifted strategies. The baby was young, just a few

months old. If she raised him as her own, surely he would call her ‘mom‘ someday. To avenge

Whitney’s death and then have her child call her ‘mom‘ felt like a twisted form of victory.

And it would certainly secure Ludwik’s heart.

By adopting this approach, Elaine did indeed manage to earn a smidgen of trust and favor from the

man. She finally felt she could tentatively reach for his heart, which had been sealed away for half a


One night, after the weak child had finished his milk and fallen asleep, Elaine sought out Ludwik, who

had retreated to his study to bury himself in work. She was determined to have a serious

talk about their future.

Ludwik was detached from everything, but the gentle Elaine approached, bashfully snuggling into his

embrace, and whispered, “Ludwik, I can wait for you indefinitely, for a spot in your heart, but I worry. If

you continue to shut yourself away, you’re only tormenting yourself.

I can’t bear to see you hurt like this. Please, for Danny’s sake, come out of this. He needs a normal dad

and a mom, a complete family. It’s time to let her go. She’s not worth your remembrance, not even your

hatred. No mother could be that cruel…”

“You worry too much,” Ludwik closed his file, his profile sharp and expression darkening.

Elaine’s breath hitched, and in a bold move, she kissed his jawline, pleading with infatuated

desperation, “If you still harbor hatred and seek revenge, wouldn’t the best way be to fall for another

woman, to build a life and find happiness with her? Wouldn’t that be the cruelest



Chapter 242


As if realization suddenly dawned on him, Ludwik’s enigmatic gaze landed on Elaine, who was

undeniably beautiful. A flash of deep coldness crossed his features.

Elaine’s lips trailed down along his skin to his throat as she whispered fervently. “I’m worth it. Ludwik. I

deserve your attention.”

“You’re right.” Ludwik murmured, closing his eyes, a mix of exhaustion and simmering resentment in

his tone. He traced her lips, kissing her with a controlled intensity. “Not loving a good woman like you is

a sickness, one I must cure. The best revenge is to fall for you. Let’s be a happy family of three. Take

good care of Danny, Elaine. You’re his mother now.”

His gaze was hooded as he kissed her, movements stiff yet unrelenting. Elaine, flushed with success,

knew the weight of his words. With her head held high, flushed with triumph, she thought Whitney must

be turning in her grave.

Defeated, two lives lost!

Three years later, abroad.

Dawn was just breaking as a medical examination room in a medical academy buzzed with activity.

The male doctor tapped the woman’s knees, saying, “Ms. Valentine, after three years, your chronic

condition has finally improved, but remember, the after–effects are lifelong. You must avoid standing in

the cold and soaking your legs in ice water, or you’ll suffer unbearable pain.”

The woman, who had been deprived of sunlight for years, had a snow–white, breathtakingly beautiful

face, her skin porcelain smooth. She stood up, jumping lightly, her voice husky from permanent

damage yet sultry. “I understand. And don’t forget, I’m your senior at this medical academy. It’s just that

doctors can’t operate on themselves, so I needed you to help with the acupuncture.”

“You’re stubborn. What’s the rush that you’re interrupting your treatment? You’re a miracle worker in

our hospital. I heard you’re transferring your medical license back to Harmonia Country?”

“I’ve got a patient back home,” she replied evasively, picking up her boxing gloves and heading for the

rehab room.

The doctor shook his head in resignation. Ms. Valentine had been on death’s door three years ago,

right after childbirth. She had worked hard these past years, pushing the limits to climb the career


At seven o’clock, Whitney returned to her villa.

Torin was watering the plants. He was deaf and mute, but they communicated through writing.


Chapter 242

Whitney, carrying breakfast, dashed into the living room. Yael Tennyson signaled from the stairs, her

slender figure exuding gentleness, “Whitney, Sammy’s still snoozing.”

“That little sleepyhead.: Whitney chuckled, though her eyes betrayed her concern.

Sammy had suffered an asthma attack the night before, only settling down at dawn.

Whitney entered his tiny bedroom, where her son curled up in bed, his princely features and delicate

frame at odds with his ruddy cheeks–a testament to her care.

A flicker of coldness crossed her eyes, not wanting to recall how she had managed to nurse him to this

state of health in the last three years.

That fateful night, she had leaped into the sea, overwhelmed by bitterness, only to be saved by an

unexpected rescuer.

Later, when Bryce was released, he found Whitney, who had fled abroad. Then, he secretly helped her

find her cousin Yael, both barely clinging to life, hiding out for three years.

To treat both Sammy’s cold–induced asthma and her leg injuries, Whitney revisited traditional


Fortuitously, Torin, a servant from her grandfather’s days and whom she had once sent Simon to find,

had been overseas for a decade.

In his possession were medical books left by Whitney’s mother, and by studying those books, Whitney

became known as a miracle acupuncturist, gaining a modest reputation over the past three years.

These memories seemed lengthy yet fleeting. Agony and struggle had become her constant

bedfellows, keeping her awake night after night. Every time she closed her eyes, the memories of that

fateful night played out in excruciating detail. She needed time to gather her strength, to


But that despicable pair were out there, living it up, not granting her a moment’s respite!

Today, they were preparing to celebrate their grand wedding. Yet in prison, her uncle, Keegan, was novelbin

suddenly convicted of murder, his life sentence turned into a death sentence. Was this Elaine’s twisted

version of a ‘wedding gift‘?

Skye Gem Ltd., once a beacon of stability, was now adrift and on the auction block after three


Tiana, humiliated and exposed by Elaine’s malicious leaking of photos, had brought the wrath of that

despicable man down on the Melford family, leading to their social ostracism. After her disgrace, Tiana

had a pregnancy no one had anticipated.

In these three years, she had avoided all contact with others, but Bryce had relayed that Tiana was

forced to give birth, the child now two years old.

With each thought, Whitney’s hatred became impossible to conceal. The architect of all this chaos was

none other than Elaine. How could she possibly let this woman go unpunished?



Chapter 242

With each grievance, she vowed to settle with that despicable pair. It was time to return home.

“Whitney, you have to find a way to save Dad from the death penalty,” Yael pleaded, his voice tinged

with unease.

“Of course, this trip back isn’t just about rescuing family and friends; it’s also about revenge!”

Whitney squeezed her hand, her alluring eyes brimming with a chilling intent.

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

Whitney was only worried about one thing – Sammy. She bent down, kissing her son with the utmost

care, hoping not to reveal the secret that she was about to skip town. Her heart ached as she stood up,

hastily packing her clothes.

“Sammy’s as sharp as a tack, too clever by half. I can’t take him back with me; he’ll be in your care for

now, Yael.”

“You’re afraid… that man will find out and snatch him away, aren’t you?”

Whitney remained silent; that was indeed her greatest fear.

Yael sighed. Sammy was a chip off the old block, smart as his biological father.

To Whitney, he was as sweet as apple pie, but turn your back, and he was sly as a fox, a real handful.

“I can’t promise I’ll be able to handle the little terror, but if anything comes up, I’ll give you a buzz.”

“Just keep an eye on his asthma. It generally doesn’t flare up, but be cautious all the same.”

“Yeah, your boyfriend booked your flight.”

Whitney’s mouth twitched in annoyance, correcting her once more, “Don’t call him that.”

“Sooner or later, it’ll be true. You need someone to rely on.” Yael did not know what Whitney used to be

like, but these past three years, she’d become too cold and heartless.

Whitney, grabbed her suitcase, gave a casual wave, and thought to herself, “Why would I need anyone

to rely on? I won’t drag any good people down with me again.”

Being heartless was her best weapon. Let the past drift away; let the villains seek their happiness?

Sorry, but no. She was back!

Two days later, at the airport, Whitney stepped out in high heels.

The woman, hidden behind sunglasses, with her flawless skin and stunning figure, still caught the gaze

of countless men.

A mature and graceful figure immediately approached her. “Whitney!”

Bryce’s eyes held a concealed wonder; she was even more enchanting than she had been three years

ago, her figure as youthful as a maiden’s.

His gaze lingered on her legs beneath her trench coat, and a twinge of pain crossed his face.

“Are your legs okay? Aren’t you wearing too little?” he asked, a note of longing in his voice.

Whitney embraced him casually, nonchalantly replying, “It’s nothing.”

“Let’s get in the car.”



Chapter 243

She smoothed her skirt and sat down quietly, an air of detached indifference surrounding her.

Only Bryce could see through the glossy surface to the weariness hidden beneath.

He changed the subject. “Whitney, I’ve looked into the matter you asked about. Natalie is still alive.”

Whitney pressed her lips. Natalie had been in a vegetative state for three years. She had told Taryn

that after three years, she would change the medication. That was one of the reasons for her return.

“Also, I’m on the lookout for that child psychologist from Emperor City you wanted to find for Sammy.

His condition isn’t serious, is it?”

Whitney gave a wry smile. It was not exactly serious, but Sammy had some issues with his personality

– dissociative identity disorder. When it struck, his personality would change completely.

Doctors abroad suggested it might be related to genetics and a lack of fatherly love. Warm–hearted

normally, cold and detached when the disorder hit. His personality was unstable. novelbin

The little guy never asked about his father, and she lied, telling him the man was dead long ago. Deep

down, though, she knew Sammy held onto some wild fantasies; he was always full of ideas.

She sighed softly. “It’s fine, Bryce. There’s no rush on this.”

“So, what brings you back this time?”

“Orion roped me into a challenging case. He said it could be the breakthrough I needed to save my

uncle. I’m going to test the waters first. You know I can’t refuse him.”

Bryce, of course, knew why she could not refuse Orion.

But at the mention of Orion, he glanced at the rear–view mirror, his brows furrowing as he said,


“Orion’s a tricky one,ney. I know you have a lot on your plate, but I don’t want you getting

entangled with him. If it’s revenge you’re after, you can count on me. I’ll help you.”

Whitney met his gaze and said nothing, only reaching down to pull out a box of pills. “These will keep

your father Hunter’s heart condition stable. Keep giving them to him.”

Bryce stiffened slightly. She was reminding him that she still felt guilty for their engagement party three

years ago.

“Whitney… my father’s heart attack was an accident, and we owe it to your medicine that he’s still


“It’s the least I can do.” Whitney leaned back into her seat.

Bryce wanted to say more, but the car radio suddenly switched to breaking news. “Skyfaith Electronic

Tech’s Mr. Lippert has spent a whopping 800 million dollars on a villa for his

Chapter 243

fiancée, Elaine Bartels. It’s taken three years to complete, and Mr. Lippert’s affection for Elaine is the

talk of Banyan City. It seems their big day is just around the corner…”

Bryce quickly changed the station, then hesitated before saying, “It’s true. They’ve set a date for the

wedding. It’s said to be even grander than the engagement party.”

“Is that so? Good for them.” Whitney’s voice was calm, her body showing no sign of agitation.

Her heart had died the night she threw herself into the sea, filled now only with hatred. Perhaps that

was not such a bad shell to inhabit.

She smirked. “Quite surprising, dragging it on until now.”

Bryce quickly added, “They’ve been living together anyway, and rumor has it they’ve got a kid.

Someone spotted them going to register the birth. Ludwik’s been off the rails these last few years; no

one’s seen the child nor dared to ask. Who knows if it’s true.”

Whitney gazed out the window, her gaze momentarily faltering.

All the effort to keep Sammy away, and then they had another? Laughable.

The hatred simmered, lurking in the depths.

“Bryce, I’m a bit tired. Wake me when we get to the apartment,” she said, closing her eyes lazily. Bryce

could not help but notice the abrupt end to the conversation. She seemed not to care, as if she were

above it all.

Was she really?

She had changed a lot. Her beautiful, hopeful eyes had once been cute and soft; now, they were

bewitching and detached as if she were heartless.

Was this change for better or worse?

Bryce pursed his lips, certain of one thing: her cold yet alluring demeanor only deepened his


The apartment was the same one Whitney had bought three years ago, though Bryce had made some


The nursery, with its crib, was now adorned with a Transformers bed, stacks of Lego sets, and

countless other toys.

Bryce chuckled. “I thought you might bring Sammy back, so I spruced up the place overnight, thinking

he’d love it.”

Whitney was touched by the gesture.

Bryce had truly given so much for her, heart and soul.

Her emotions stirred, and she smiled genuinely. “Sammy loves his Uncle Bryce.”

Chapter 243

“How could he not? I’m like a big kid; no child can resist me. Besides, I’ve always seen him as my own


Whitney’s eyes tightened, a touch of emotion tugging at the corners of her mouth. “I wish he had a

father like you…”

“Whitney.” The man walked over and took her hand, his thin lips moving slightly. “I blame myself for not

protecting you three years ago, which led to Sammy being born premature!

But my feelings for you haven’t changed. In three years, he’s become a force to be reckoned with, his

power sweeping across Empire City, but I haven’t been idle. Whatever you want to do, I’m with you all

the way this time. I’ve been right here waiting for you.”

Whitney was silent. She knew she was fortunate to have such a devoted man. It would be a lie to say

she was not moved.

Yet, she felt a little dazed and self–deprecating. “Bryce, I can’t promise you anything. In my pursuit of

what I want, I’m not even sure what I might become.”

“I’m sure enough for both of us. I can see into your heart, Whitney. It’s my own wishful thinking, but I’m

willing to wait for years if I have to.”

Whitney was touched deep down but said nothing more, silently leaning on her hand as she looked out

the window. “The case regarding my uncle in prison…”

“Yeah, I’ll fax the details to you when I get back, and I’ve found the lawyer you were looking for. But

visiting a high–security inmate isn’t that easy.”

“I’ve come back, so there’s no rush. Whoever wants my uncle dead, I’ll find them! By the way, is the

auction of Skye Gem the day after tomorrow evening?”

“Yes, get yourself ready. That will be your first public appearance in Banyan City in a long time.” Bryce

patted her delicate shoulder with a reassuring gesture.

She gently touched the Skye Gem Ltd. folder on the table, her fingertips gleaming coldly as she

clenched her hand slowly.

“Tomorrow, I’ll start by taking a position at the hospital. After my rounds, I might need to see Tiana. Can

you give me her contact?”

The mention of Tiana made Whitney’s heart clench.

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Bryce slipped Whitney a note. “Give it a shot. Ms. Melford’s been dodging us for years, scared she’ll

drag us down. Her whole family’s been like ghosts in Banyan City ever since that man flew into a rage,

and the whole town turned against them. They’ve had it rough.”

Whitney’s eyes reddened slightly. After Bryce left, she immediately made a call, her heart pounding

anxiously as she waited for someone to pick up. But no one did.

Back in the day, the Melfords were not aristocracy, but they were filthy rich. Tiana had been burdened

by her, giving birth to a child of uncertain origin, wrecking her life!

This was Whitney’s deepest grudge.

Holding the note, Whitney spent a sleepless night.

Come morning, Elaine woke up in the arms of a man.

Feeling his powerful breaths and sculpted chest muscles, she blushed, and her heart raced, craving to

possess him.

But she could not get close…

What woman could stand it?

She bit her lip, hidden beneath the covers, and, full of expectation, turned over to plant a kiss on his

abs, her hand slowly…

“Elaine, what are you doing?” The man’s voice, groggy and irresistibly husky, carried a chilling edge as

his hand firmly grasped hers.

With flushed cheeks, Elaine bit her lip and looked up, her face flushed with a rosy fragrance. “Ludwik,

I’ve been reading some books. They say men are spirited in the morning. Why don’t we give it another

try? Otherwise, when will we get married and have another baby?”

Her urgency was palpable as she clung to his chest, unwilling to let go.

Ludwik opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling as if in a daze.

After a while, his brows furrowed slightly, and, unable to refuse her any longer, he rolled over, his arm

encircling her.

His long legs, a lethal temptation, had Elaine’s heart pounding as she closed her eyes.

But soon, the man got up, visibly repulsed, his lips pressed thin as he looked at the woman who had

become stiff and dumbstruck.

He stroked her face, his voice low and frustrated as he said, “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong, I want

to make you happy. Let’s try again next time!”

Then he rose, walking to the bathroom without a backward glance.

Chapter 244

Elaine lifted her head, unwilling to accept fate, and watched his tall figure disappear.

He was such a splendid man, fulfilling every fantasy a woman could have. Just looking at his

handsome face and breathing in his scent was enough to make her blush. But why, after three years,

did he always react like this when things got serious?

Frustrated, Elaine got up and glanced at her sexy slip dress, feeling the irony.

These three years of abstinence were driving her mad! She had lost her virginity long ago, but she had

feigned innocence and kept men at bay to get close to Ludwik.

But that was just for a few months; she had thought that after Whitney’s death, she would quickly

capture Ludwik’s heart and spend their days in loving bliss. Little did she expect his erectile dysfunction

to last three years!

Sometimes, seeing his indifference, she was tempted to turn to another man.

The sound of the shower stopped, and the frosted glass revealed the man’s noble figure.

Elaine, filled with yearning, quickly picked up the scattered pillows and adopted a gentle and virtuous

demeanor. “Ludwik, let me get you a towel.”

Ludwik was tired of her charades. “I’ve got one here, Elaine.”

But she was already inside, wrapping her arms around his lean waist, her head lowered to kiss the

droplets on him, her voice soft and pleading. “Ludwik, I’ve found a renowned specialist from overseas

who can treat the most difficult cases. There’s no illness he can’t cure. He’s available at ten this

morning. Will you see him, please?”

“The Bartels Hospital has arranged more than ten doctors. Did that help? Elaine, maybe I just

need more time.”

“Three years is a long time, Ludwik. Don’t you love me?” She was on the brink of tears.

Ludwik gently wiped them away, feeling a twinge of guilt. “Of course I do.”

“Then why can’t you want me if you love me?”

He turned away, hating his own unresponsive body.

Resentment welled up in him; he even suspected that cursed woman had hexed him, keeping him from

moving on with his life.

“This doctor will cure you for sure. He’s had success with men’s health issues, Ludwik. Try it for our

happiness, will you?”

Ludwik licked his lips, his allure only intensifying the prohibition, driving Elaine wild.

He was mature, exuding a masculine charm, yet so detached and cold.

Unable to resist, she dropped to her knees, batting her eyes seductively, “Ludwik, there’s still time

before work. Let’s give it a proper go…” novelbin

But he looked down at her actions, his eyes flickering with an instinctive repulsion, “Elaine, it’s


Chapter 244

no use.”

“Ludwik, don’t put on your robe just yet…”

“Thump, thump, thump!”

A sudden bout of knocking, chaotic and childish.

Ludwik, as if he knew who it was, instantly wrapped himself in a robe and strode out.

Elaine knew, too. A flicker of resentment in her eyes as she rolled them and followed with a smile.

“Danny sure is an early riser these days.”

Ludwik’s lips curled into a faint smile as he opened the door only to hear the child’s milky voice respond

to Elaine, “If I don’t come to save the man, aren’t you locking him up to hog him all to yourself again?”

Elaine froze, unable to even fake a smile, a chill flashing in the corner of her eye.

Ludwik’s handsome features twitched as he looked down at the short, stern little guy, “You little rascal!

How dare you speak like that? You can’t disturb Daddy and Mommy when we haven’t gotten up yet.”

The kid gave a cold glance, pointing at Elaine with few but harsh words. “She’s not my Mommy! And

don’t you two think about sneaking around to make a little sibling behind my back!”

Elaine rolled her eyes again and, feigning tears, crouched down to embrace him. “Danny, I went

through so much to give birth to you and raise you. How can you say such things and break my


“Don’t try to pull a fast one on me. I’m totally nothing like you. You used to fool me because I was little,

but I’ve grown up now, so cut it out.”

Hearing this, Elaine gave Ludwik an aggrieved look.

Ludwik, however, was looking at his son with amusement, the corners of his mouth lifting into a sly grin

as he crossed his arms and teased lightly. “Got an itch you can’t scratch, kiddo?”

“Dad, I gotta pee! Ludwik, come on and hoist this little lord to the john,” his son’demanded, mimicking

his father’s imperious stance with his small arms akimbo.

Lucas could not help but snort with laughter as he scooped up his cool little dude and headed toward

the bathroom.

Emily watched with gritted teeth as the man seemed to be utterly devoted to his son. With this little

rascal around, she would always play second fiddle!

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

When Daniel Lippert, whose nickname was Danny, was too young to speak, fragile and sickly, he was

under Elaine’s thumb.

But now, at three and a half, ever since he found his voice, he had stopped listening to Elaine. This

little ingrate, true to her mother Delphine’s words–a snake that could not be tamed. Recently, for some

reason, he suddenly stopped calling Elaine ‘mom‘, realizing he was not like her. So young, yet so cold

and defiant!

A shadow crossed Elaine’s eyes–a child born of that wretch could never be kept.

Once she had a child with Ludwik, she would find a way to dispose of him. With a new comfort for

Ludwik, he would not grieve too long.

For now, she would tolerate him–a little brat, easily duped by her cunning schemes.

Elaine took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax as she descended the stairs. The breakfast was

already secretly prepared by the maid.

She pretended to serve it.

When Ludwik and Daniel came downstairs, Elaine lifted her face with a feigned, gentle smile. Then,

she overheard their conversation.

“What’s with the pale face? Didn’t sleep well last night?”

The boy replied coolly, “Had a nightmare.”

The man paused, his noble hand caressing his son’s cheek. “I will sleep with you every night from now


“Aren’t you supposed to spend a couple of nights with her?”

“Your mom can wait. You’re still young,” Ludwik said curtly.

Elaine’s smile froze.

Suddenly, the boy hung his head, murmuring, “Kids at preschool say you’ll get rid of me if you have a

new baby.”

“Then we won’t have one,” Ludwik frowned, then realized something.

“Is that why you’ve been upset since morning?”

The little one coldly wriggled out of his embrace and headed for the table.

Ludwik’s gaze followed, landing on Elaine, “Elaine, Danny’s been having trouble sleeping. Let’s sleep

separately tonight. You heard us. He needs a sense of security. We can talk about having another child

later. Anyway, the treatment is going to take some time.”

It was not a discussion; when it came to this kid, Ludwik wouldn’t hear otherwise–Daniel was spoiled



Chapter 245 novelbin

Elaine nearly crushed the dish in her hand, giving the child a venomous look. However, the next

moment, she steadied her breath and managed a loving smile. “Danny’s health has just improved

these past months. Of course, he comes first.”

Ludwik seemed pleased, patting her shoulder. “You’re a good mom.”

Yet, the child sat at the table, appraising this ‘good mom‘ with a detached gaze.

Elaine continued the charade, bringing over a plate, “Danny! Mommy made your favorite chicken


Daniel tasted it and turned his face. “You didn’t make this. I can tell from the taste that Fleur made it.

Why lie?”

An awkward silence filled the room; the maid, Fleur, shuddered and retreated into the kitchen.

Elaine was livid but stole a glance at Ludwik.

He sipped his coffee thoughtfully before speaking, “Your mom wants you to like her. We should be

forgiving of a woman’s little lies.”

Though he sounded forgiving, he mercilessly exposed the truth.

Elaine felt even more awkward. With her delicate fingers, how could she possibly make meals for this

little bastard every day? In fact, she even wished him weak and ill.

“Ludwik, I just didn’t have time this morning. Usually, I care for Danny myself.”

“I know. It’s just that he doesn’t like what you make. The little devil is picky; I’ll handle it.”

Ludwik’s tone was cold as he rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen.

Elaine watched, her resentment growing deeper. For three years, from baby food to meals, Ludwik did

it all, even rushing home for lunch to cook for the finicky child!

Would her own child ever receive such devotion?

Or was it because, after all, this child was Whitney’s?

The more Elaine thought, the angrier she became. Her gaze fixed on Daniel; she “accidentally”

knocked over the cutlery box, sending a fork flying onto the back of Daniel’s soft hand. The boy. still

young, turned to Elaine and screamed.

“Ah!” A small cut appeared on his chubby hand.

“Hey! Old man!” Daniel howled towards the kitchen. “She hit me!”

Elaine quickly covered his mouth before Ludwik could hear the commotion and emerge from the

kitchen. Pretending to stop the bleeding, she squeezed the boy’s hand harder, turning his face purple,

unable to cry out.

He struggled to reach Ludwik.

“What happened?” Ludwik emerged, brows knitted in concern.


Chapter 245

Elaine let go, feigning concern. “Ludwik, Danny was careless with the cutlery. It’s my fault for not

watching him, and he hurt himself. Fleur, get a band–aid!”

“You’re lying. You hit me,” Daniel sobbed weakly.

Ludwik glared, examining the scattered cutlery and his son’s defiant demeanor.

Elaine’s eyes reddened. “Danny, Mommy loves you. How could I hurt you? Let it go, Ludwik, as long as

he’s happy. But Danny, you really can’t play with these things again. What if you get hurt?”

She caressed his head, the picture of affection.

Ludwik sighed, fixing a band–aid on his son, then lectured sternly, “This is your mom. Don’t let me see

you disrespect her again, slandering her. Where did you pick up such bad habits?”

“I didn’t.” Daniel bit his lip, his beautiful face cold yet aggrieved. “Ask the maids. They saw her hit me!”

Fleur and the maids bowed their heads in silence.

Elaine remained calm; her word was law in this house.

Ludwik surveyed the room. “I know you’re mischievous. Your “Little Demon” title in preschool is


He blew gently on the wound, the pain hitting deep.

Unexpectedly, the boy pushed his father’s handsome face away, his little cheeks red with anger, his

eyes blazing with fury yet helpless. Finally, he huffed, “Stinky Dad! I’m not eating. I’m going

to Grandma’s.”

“Stay put. Finish your meal first.”

Ludwik’s face turned stern. “And stop throwing tantrums. Enough is enough. You’re going to preschool

today, no exceptions.”

“Nobody likes me there. I’m not going!” Little Daniel’s face flushed with distress.

Elaine watched the father–son quarrel unfold with a sly grin. So, they thought they could outsmart her?

With a saccharine smile, she turned her gaze to the little outcast and cooed, “Ludwik, don’t be too hard

on Danny. If he doesn’t want to go to the international preschool, it must be because he’s had a little tiff

with the other children. Why don’t I take him to the regular class? I’ve heard the kids there are more

down–to–earth. Maybe Danny could make some friends there.”

At her words, a wave of panic washed over Daniel’s eyes.

The regular class was where the chubby kid who tormented him relentlessly was. This woman was

doing this on purpose. She knew that he had asked his father to sleep in his room to prevent Daddy

from having a new baby with her.

Chapter 245

This was her revenge!

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

He clenched his tiny fists tightly, unable to articulate a defense against the stinging words.

Ludwik furrowed his brow as he thought about his son, Daniel. The boy was reticent, aloof, and had

always been a loner, playing by himself since he could crawl. The only person he ever opened up to

was Ludwik, his father, and that was only during their love–hate squabbles. The pediatrician had once

commented that Daniel’s solitude bordered on autism.

Elaine had mentioned that the boy struggled to fit in at preschool and often resorted to hitting other


It troubled Ludwik deeply. If mainstreaming him in a regular class could improve his social skills, then it

was worth a shot.

“Alright, we’ll do it your way,” he decided, siding with Elaine, his wife.

Daniel’s hopeful eyes, which had been looking for his dad to object, dimmed at the words. He felt

betrayed. His father never truly inquired about his feelings, always taking Elaine’s side.

With his little fists balled up, the frail boy stood up and stormed off to the backyard.

“He always runs off to his grandmother whenever things don’t go his way. Kids these days…” Ludwik

sighed, hoping his son would grow up healthy and sociable.

“Don’t overthink it, Ludwik,” Elaine consoled, aware of why the boy was upset. In her heart, she reveled

in the discord she sowed between father and son. It was exactly what she wanted.

That old lady in the backyard, who had been hanging on for three years, was a thorn in her side. But

what could the child really confide in her, and could she even hear him?

A child without a mother was easy prey for her schemes. It was unfortunate for Whitney to have passed

so young.

Elaine silently gloated, knowing she held all the cards now. With Whitney’s uncle on the brink of a life

sentence, the Bartels family would soon have nothing to fear.

Once she cured Ludwik of his erectile dysfunction, she would be the happiest woman alive, in both

body and soul.

She smiled to herself, adjusting Ludwik’s tie with feigned affection. “Ludwik, take a couple of hours off

for the hospital appointment, okay?”

Ludwik grunted, clearly unenthusiastic, and headed out, calling the caretaker as he left. “Make sure

Taryn feeds Danny well, and then get him off to preschool.”

“Taryn, you were right. She’s not my real mommy. She pinches and hits me.”

In the quiet solitude of the caretaker’s room, Daniel confided in Taryn beside his comatose

grandmother’s bed.

Taryn looked at the bruises on Daniel’s arm with a heavy heart. The boy was thin, a precious soul

brought up with great care by Ludwik. Ludwik was good at everything but trusting that woman too


When Daniel was two, Elaine had coaxed him into calling her ‘Mommy.’

Taryn quietly disapproved. By the time Daniel turned three and grew more discerning, Taryn made sure

to remind him of his real mother, Whitney Valentine, not wanting him to forget her.

Plus, Elaine sometimes resorted to underhanded tactics with Daniel, and Taryn would reveal them to

the boy in secret. With his sharp intellect, Daniel caught on quickly.

Chapter 246

“Before, she switched your medicine. When your daddy wasn’t around, she’d give you cold water to

drink, making you sick. We’re under her roof; we have to play by her rules. It took me a long time to

gain your Daddy’s trust and prevent Elaine from firing me. That’s why I’m still here to look after the old

lady. What else has she done to you?”

Daniel pounded a fist on the bed. “She deliberately put me in a regular class with a bully who picks on

me. Stinky Dad has no clue.”

Taryn was furious. “Your father trusts her blindly with your education… He can’t attend to everything. I

feel powerless. It’s been three years, and your grandmother hasn’t woken up. If only your mother were

here. Danny, just hold on a little longer. Your mom said she’d come back with medicine for grandma.


Maybe she’s on her way back right now, and you’ll have your real mommy soon, free from that wicked

woman’s torment.”

Taryn wiped away a tear, feeling a mix of sadness and hope. She never believed the story that Ms.

Valentine had abandoned her son to run away. It had to be Elaine’s doing.

Daniel looked up, his big eyes filled with confusion. Taryn always talked

about his real mother. Could it be true?

Why had his dad never mentioned her, referring only to Elaine as his


If he truly had a real mom, where was she? Did she even know she had a precious child waiting for

her? Why had she not come to see him?

The little boy’s expression turned cold and dejected.

At the hospital, Whitney arrived early at the HR department to secure a position, but to her surprise, the

director promoted her to Head of Traditional Medicine and even organized a small meeting to welcome


The department heads gathered around her as if she were a zoo


“I heard she never formally studied at a traditional medical school. Can she handle it? Today’s patient is

quite high–profile.”

“But the director said Dr. Valentine cured an intractable case of epilepsy abroad that couldn’t even be

solved through surgery.”

“With just acupuncture?”

“With just acupuncture.”

“That’s incredible.”

The chatter continued,

Whitney responded with a light smile, “When it comes to the nervous system, acupuncture is quite


She added concisely, “Director, my schedule is tight. I’m only taking this one case for now. No need to

arrange any outpatient visits.”

Orion had arranged her placement, so the director dared not object, especially since her abilities were

well recognized internationally.

Several notorious neurological cases had been cured by the young woman standing before them, who

looked to be in her early twenties.

“Dr. Valentine, your office is on the second floor to the left.”

The male doctors were mesmerized by Whitney’s appearance, while the female doctors chuckled at

the mention of her office location.

Whitney was puzzled by their reactions until she arrived at her office on the second floor. The large

sign that read “andrology” caused her to crack a wry smile.


It indeed involved a broad range of sensitive nerves.


It was not like she had not treated such cases before.

She sighed softly, wearing an expression of professional detachment, and began preparing all the

equipment without the help of an

assistant, given the lucrative fee involved.

Glancing at her watch, it was past nine, and her patient was late. She remembered someone

mentioning that today’s case was not ordinary, likely someone of significance.

They often came with an attitude, probably some pampered heir.

Whitney waited patiently. novelbin

She retreated behind a curtain, tying up her hair, slipping on gloves, and checking the equipment once

more. Then, the door opened.

The slow, deliberate footsteps that entered carried an air of authority and purpose.

With her back to the door, Whitney paused briefly as she felt a powerful presence fill the room.

The masculine scent was overpowering, a chill tinged with something oddly familiar.

F ŏ ≤ 5 5

Whitney furrowed her brows slightly, plugging in the radio, and just as she heard him take a seat

behind the curtain, the man’s elegant fingers snapped a lighter, igniting a cigarette with a crisp sound.

Whitney picked up the medical chart, frowning, “You can’t smoke in here. Please remove your pants,

Mr. Lip…”

Her eyes dropped to the patient’s name on the chart, and she froze, her voice trailing off into silence.

Behind the curtain, the man’s brows knotted just as tightly, his stunning face clouding over with

frustration, “Felix, why is it a female doctor?”

As the words fell, Ludwik savored the woman’s voice he had just heard,

hoarse, with a familiar softness he had not heard in ages. It was a



Chapter 246

voice that carved itself into the bones, tender and soft.

Suddenly, his face seemed to plummet into an abyss, frozen by an icy wind, each inch chilling to the

bone, cracking open.

Whitney’s trembling hands reached for the curtain, her sealed heart bursting with a myriad of emotions,

barely holding together her lovely face that seemed on the verge of collapse. Her fingers stalled on the

fabric as if lacking the courage to pull it aside.

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

With a snap, the curtain was drawn back, not gently but with a deliberate slowness that came from the

powerful grip of a man’s hand. Ludwik’s gaze locked with the delicate features of the woman before

him, and for a moment, he was stunned. The darkness that had

hovered for a few seconds was quickly replaced by an icy gleam in his eyes, a harbinger of the storm

to come.

Whitney quickly withdrew her hand, which he had unwittingly pressed down. Her cold and alluring eyes

were fixed on his face.

Three years had seemingly only endowed this man with a more mature and handsome presence. His

chiseled features bore the weight of experience, making him even more mysterious and formidable.

But at that moment, Whitney’s legs and throat suddenly flared up with pain so intense it made her scalp

tingle and her lips clench tightly.

Ludwik stared at her, his mind also flashing back to that night–the night this woman abandoned their

son, the night he stood alone in the morgue beside the small, lifeless body of their other child.

Rising suddenly, he seized Whitney by the neck, his towering frame cornering her against a piece of

medical equipment, his anger scorching. “I knew you weren’t dead, you viperous witch! How dare you

show your face to me again? Looking for death?”

o is as I s

His fingers showed no mercy as they tightened.

Whitney coughed swiftly, but a mocking smile bloomed on her lips, her eyes filled with incredulous


After abandoning her and their child for another woman, he had the audacity to call her a viperous


A chill ran through her gaze as she deftly countered his grip with a twist

Chapter 247

of her slender neck, escaping his control with ease.

Standing with her back to the desk, her heels pointed dangerously at his vulnerability, she arched an

eyebrow. “Excuse me, sir, but what are you talking about? Do I know you?”

Ludwik’s pupils dilated, his frustration tinged with uncertainty as he

stared at her.

The woman before him, with her delicate features, was unmistakable

even if he were reduced to ashes.

She had grown even more beautiful than three years ago. Her fair skin seemed translucent as if she

had been ill, and her features remained lovely. Her hair had curled, and her eyes had changed


Before they were cunning and bright, adorable and full of adoration and humility when they looked at

him. They were windows to her love.

Now, those very same eyes seemed empty of his reflection.

A surge of inexplicable annoyance welled up inside him.

He tried to ignore it, reaching up to viciously pinch her chin. “Stop playing games with me. I don’t have

the patience to deal with bitches like you. What’s your new angle after three years? Blackmail?

Extortion? Pretending to be a doctor to seduce me? Felix!”

“Drag her out and give her a proper send–off!” His eyes showed no trace of emotion, filled with


Felix pushed the door ajar and, upon seeing Whitney’s face, was struck

with utter shock.


Whitney strode to the door, slamming it shut with authority.

Turning to face the furious man, she flipped through the medical chart with boredom, “Seduce you? Mr.

Lippert, you flatter yourself. According

to this chart, you’ve been having erectile dysfunction for quite some



time, and I doubt I possess such formidable charm.”

Damn it, Whitney had gained a sharp tongue in three years, and she was no longer picky with her


Her eyes, lively yet cold, seemed to lack a heart.

Dressed in a crisp white lab coat, her long hair casually pinned up with a pen, a stray curl brushed

against her charming face.

She stood next to the equipment, facing him, her tall figure imposing as she gestured with a cord.

“Please, take a seat and remove your shirt and your slacks.”

Ludwik’s veins throbbed with fury at her familiar yet indifferent demeanor. He felt as though this woman

was both familiar and a complete stranger to him.

Pressing a hand to his temple, he imperiously made a call, “Who’s running this place? Get them here

now! I want this impostor fired immediately!”

Suddenly, her soft fingers snatched the phone from his hand.

As their skin briefly touched, a jolt of electricity sparked between them, sending a shiver down Ludwik’s

spine and through his limbs. He stiffened, and Whitney tossed the phone onto the desk.

Crossing her arms, she spoke with cool detachment. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lippert, but this hospital belongs to

the Lippert family under the Imperial Gem Corporation. I’m afraid you don’t have the authority to

dismiss me. Didn’t you do your homework before coming in for treatment?”

Ludwik’s brooding eyes narrowed slightly.

This was Orion Lippert’s hospital.

He had not given it much thought; Elaine had insisted he come, so he showed up to appease her.


His brows twitched as Whitney continued in a strictly professional tone, “Please, sit down and

cooperate with the examination.”

“I’m not sick. What kind of doctor are you, anyway? Get out.”

“I notice your complexion is a bit off, dark circles under your eyes. It seems you’re a bit run down.

What, worn out from three blissful years with Elaine? That’s quite pitiable.”

She leaned against the desk, studying the chart with an air of


Ludwik paused mid–smoke, his forehead vein throbbing as he tried to discern any hint of discomfort on

her placid face.

Did she not feel the slightest bit of revulsion saying such things?

Apparently not; she was entirely detached.

Enraged, he advanced, his cigarette–holding hand gripping her waist.

Beneath the lab coat, her waist was as enticingly slender as he


His eyes flickered momentarily, and he swallowed hard, repulsed as he grasped her. “Weren’t you

pretending not to recognize me just now? And now you do. Your lies are revolting. I don’t want to

exchange another word with you. Get out. Leave Banyan City, or I’ll make sure you wish you were


Whitney could not fathom the depth of hatred in his eyes.

S 20 F

Most likely, since her ‘death‘ was unverified, who knew what Elaine had fed him?

This brainless, worthless man. She told herself she was over it, but recalling everything, her heart still


Her hand found his on her waist, her cool gaze sharpening. “Does it really matter whether I recognize

you or not? Much like that last night three years ago when I finally saw you for who you are, Mr.




Chapter 24

As her words fell, his grip was twisted by a gentle but firm force, sending him stumbling back.

Ludwik’s eyes narrowed at the woman.

Three years apart, and she had learned some self–defense?

The man gracefully rotated his wrist, his lips curling in contempt. “You’ve got some nerve, biting back

now. That night three years ago, how you treated me, our child, I’ll never forget. Since you’ve returned,

don’t bother leaving. Whitney, I’ll make sure your life is a living hell.”

Using a child to break free, abandoning him–Ludwik’s barren three years would have been unbearable

without his son and Elaine.

Whitney clenched her fists under the table, her resolve hardening against Elaine’s manipulative tactics.

The nerve of that woman!

“And you, you jerk, just wait and see the price you’ll pay for this,” She thought.

Her face was a mask of calm, the cool detachment of a seasoned

doctor. She glanced at the clock. “My consultation fee isn’t exactly pocket change. Are you sure you

want to spend it on a trip down memory lane instead of discussing your treatment?” novelbin

The man’s mature charm barely concealed his darkening mood as he pressed his lips together in a

brooding silence.

Her indifference, laced with a hint of languor, was strangely alluring.

Whitney continued, “Sorry, but my time is precious. If you have a problem with your doctor, you’re free

to find another one. Assistant, please send in my next patient!”

“You have another patient?” Ludwik’s gaze was icy as he remained seated, his tall frame casting a long


Whitney’s eyes briefly swept over his crossed legs, the lines of his trousers sharp and immaculate, his

shirt hugging a well–built torso.

Chapter 247

His face was perfection personified, exuding a cold, mature allure.

With a slight smirk, she retorted with indifference, “Of course, the fee of being treated by the head of

andrology doesn’t come cheap. Don’t get in the way of my paycheck, Mr. Lippert.”

The term “head of andrology” seemed to strike a nerve, rolling over Ludwik’s composure like a


He couldn’t quite pinpoint why he felt so irked, but his frustration was palpable as he stood up abruptly,

leaning heavily on her desk, his voice laced with a venomous threat, “You tramp, is that what you

enjoy? Treating men all day?

Let me remind you, Whitney, we haven’t been to the courthouse for a divorce yet. Legally, you’re still

my wife. Don’t embarrass me. If I catch you offering your ‘professional services‘ to any other man, you’ll



Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Whitney snorted inwardly with contempt.

So he did remember–they had not finalized their divorce three years


Yet here he was, eager to get engaged to his mistress, having had her committed to a sanatorium and

ultimately playing a part in driving her child and her to the brink!

She suppressed her emotions and gave a casual shrug. “Well, that’s going to be a problem. After all,

I’ve already treated countless men who are utterly inept like you.

You either cooperate with me and drop your pants, or we can keep this up, and the longer it takes, the

more I charge for the consultation.”

Speechless, Ludwik pressed his lips.

She smirked and began writing in the medical record.

Suddenly, the man leaned in close, his breathing heavy as he unbuckled his belt. His elegant fingers

slowly pulled out his shirt, eyeing her while he slid down his trousers, revealing a set of sculpted abs!

This time, it was Whitney’s turn to be taken aback. She had intended to provoke him into leaving.

What was he doing?

== Fès I ŭ S I is us

His face was expressionless, but his movements were undeniably

seductive as his belt hit the floor.

Whitney’s breath hitched, and she bit her lip.

He sneered. His voice, cool and somber, dropped a few octaves. He stood rigidly before her,

approaching the edge of the desk. “Aren’t you supposed to treat me? What are you hiding from? Come


Whitney stared at the encroaching figure by the desk.

Feeling as if the desk was being sullied, she pointed to a chair, “Sir, please, don’t get excited and sit

over there!”

“I’m not excited.”

Ludwik’s smile held a profound meaning.

Whitney wished she could bite off her own tongue.

Maintaining her composure, she had no choice but to face the

challenge head–on, picking up the electrode pads and moving towards


She attached eight pads to his forehead, chest, and abdomen.

Unaware, her breath brushed close to him, and her hair grazed his chest

several times.

Ludwik remained expressionless, his breathing slightly heavier.

Looking up at her delicate cheeks, flushed with a faint red–perhaps from the air conditioning or her own

discomfort–he locked eyes with her gaze, and he faltered for a moment.

This morning, he had seen a similar pair of aggrieved eyes in miniature

at home.

His son was his spitting image, perfect in every way except for those eyes, so much like this woman’s–

often wide with innocence and brimming with hurt. novelbin

Sometimes, he would wake from dreams he should not have, haunted by those tender eyes.

Infuriating! His blood seemed to rush and churn.

Ludwik’s expression darkened, and he frowned.

As Whitney finished with the electrode pads and turned to adjust the settings, her peripheral vision

caught something unexpected.

Erectile dysfunction? Where?

She had not even started the examination, but he was already…

Suppressing her embarrassment, she asked him professionally, “Are you sure you’re sick?”

“Aren’t you the doctor? Can’t you diagnose?”

Ludwik stared at her defiantly, his surprise mingling with his awkwardness.

For three years, he had not been intimate with Elaine, finding it unbearable, even nauseating, to kiss

her, let alone more. He had begun to think he was just that way with women.

But it was different with Whitney just being near him.

He glared at her, feeling both humiliated and resentful, then glanced at the monitor, “Quack, what

trickery have you used?”

“Don’t panic. This is just a diagnostic device. How was I supposed to know there’s nothing wrong with


Whitney opened the medical record with an air of importance, raising an eyebrow at him. “And yet

Elaine’s record claims you’ve been unable to consummate your marriage for three years. Seems like

having too big an appetite isn’t always a good thing. Go tell her to take it easy, will you?”

Ludwik, a man of stature, could easily sense the ridicule aimed at both

him and Elaine.

“Foul–mouthed woman, you’re asking for trouble.” He felt as if his dignity had been trampled.

He glared at her with disdain.

Whitney tossed his shirt and trousers back at him, looking up. “This is medical advice. Have you been

prescribed any medication, Mr. Lippert? Because, my words, they are your medicine, understand?”


Chapter 248

Ludwik hastily dressed, struggling with his belt.

Impatiently, Whitney finished the medical record and turned around. “Why haven’t you left yet?”

“Can’t you see for yourself? Your handiwork!” he retorted gloomily, “How am I supposed to leave like


She suppressed a smirk, feigning discovery of the problem. “Why blame me? Could it be you have a

thing for your doctor?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m perfectly healthy; I have no illness.”

“No illness? Yet here you are seeking treatment?” Whitney’s lips curled sarcastically, her eyes

narrowing as she glanced at the data. He was excessively healthy. She pondered for a moment,

considering a possibility. “Or is it that you’re exclusively disinterested in your fiancée? Now, that’s


Elaine, for all her calculations, had stumbled.

Ludwik’s face darkened as he cornered Whitney against the wall. “Who gave you the right to gossip

about a patient and his family? Elaine and I are just fine. I love her.

As for you, you’ll be out of a job tomorrow, quack!”

I love her, he said.

Whitney’s gaze flickered, the irony fleeting. She remained indifferent, stepping back, her voice cold and

teasing. “I’m not your beloved. The restroom is to your left, Mr. Lippert. Better hurry. And with that, I’ll

see you at the next consultation.”

Ludwik’s face turned stormy as he pocketed his hands and walked out. “Another consultation? In your


He had to contain the situation, his frustration evident as he called out,


But as soon as he reached the restroom, his body and emotions


calmed instantly. He took a deep breath, frowning, and could not help but wonder if it was because that

damned woman was not around him


Was her impact on him so significant because she was the only one he had been with? Damn it.

Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes, exhaling smoke, his thoughts lingering on her

transformation, his eyes dark and cold.

Moments later, he descended the stairs, with Felix following closely, curious but afraid to ask.

Finally, Ludwik turned, his voice frosty. “Find out where she’s been hiding these past three years, why

she’s come back to Banyan City, and how she got a job at Orion’s Hospital.”

Felix silently acknowledged, inwardly relieved that Ms. Valentine was back, though he hardly had time

to enjoy the thought before Mr. Lippert issued a virtual death sentence.

“She’s no doctor. Find a way to revoke her license!”

Felix wiped the sweat from his brow.

Mr. Lippert’s animosity towards Ms. Valentine was palpable.

Up in the office, Whitney watched the man leave, her emotions


A chill seemed to envelop her, causing the assistant who was packing up the equipment to shiver.

“Dr. Valentine?” The assistant called out to her, noticing she had been lost in thought for too long.

Whitney snapped back to reality, her grip tightening on the pen in her hand. Weariness edged her voice

as she said, “No more patients left. You can go take a break.”



Chapter 248

As the door closed behind the assistant, Whitney’s pale face was a mask of cool d

As the door closed behind the assistant, Whitney’s pale face was a mask of cool detachment, but her

mind was alight with various scenarios she had imagined for the day she would see him again. Never

in her wildest dreams had she expected it to be like this.

The moment she laid eyes on Ludwik, she knew – Orion had played a dangerous game.

She pressed her lips, irritation sparking as she grabbed her phone and fired off a text message.

[Orion, what the hell are you playing at?]

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Over at the other end, the response came quickly. [Seen your patient already?]

[What game are you playing?]

Orion burst into laughter, then replied, [Why do you have to assume the worst about me? Whitney, I

know what you’re back in town for, and I’m helping you out. Think about it. My big brother’s weird

illness, I heard Elaine had seen all the top doctors to no avail. How did your treatment fare today?]

He teased her.

Whitney did not want to recall that scene.

[You just love to stir the pot, don’t you?]

Orion called her directly, clearly in high spirits, speaking with a deep tone, “Whitney, it’s time to repay

the favor from three years ago. You promised me something, and now that you’re back, let’s meet up

and sign that work contract!”

Whitney, of course, knew that a favor from Orion was not something to be taken lightly.

She furrowed her brows and stood up to change her clothes. “I won’t back out of the contract. Where’s

the meeting?”

Orion gave her an address, and Whitney hung up, grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

Being a doctor was just a side gig, but now it seemed like part of Orion’s scheme.

She descended the stairs.

Into the hospital corridor below.

“Ludwik!” A child’s voice, milky yet firm, called out.

Ludwik and Felix had just reached the Bentley when they saw his son, looking Father displeased,

running towards them, accompanied by a bodyguard.

The little one’s delicate features caught the eye of every nurse in the corridor, making them wonder

whose handsome son he could be.

As the nurses caught sight of his father, dashing and imposing, they instantly understood. Murmurs of

envy filled the air.

Ludwik turned, his brow furrowed as he walked back, his face somber. “Why aren’t you at school? Why

did you follow me here?”

“I didn’t follow you. The lunch at preschool was terrible. You cook for me!”

Daniel Lippert, with his backpack slung over his shoulders and arms crossed, looked insolently

Chapter 249

at his father.

Ludwik scooped him up in one arm, heading towards the car with a helpless twist of his brow. “With that

sharp tongue, how do you manage at school?”

“If you don’t cook, I won’t eat. Your choice.” His son was aloof, pushing at his arm, wanting to get


Speechless, Ludwik pressed down on his brow.

Felix quickly tried to smooth things over and chuckled. “Our Danny here is the number one fan of Mr.

Lippert’s cooking. Mr. Lippert, why don’t you indulge him and cook a meal before heading to the


This gave both Ludwik and Daniel a way out without losing their dignity.

Ludwik remained silent.

The little guy pressed his lips, and when no one was looking, he stole a quick glance at his dad.

When his father looked his way, he stubbornly pouted his small mouth again.

Ludwik’s expression softened, and he reached out to pull him along. “Let’s go.”

“I’m not that hungry. Slow down.” Daniel grumbled.

However, Ludwik was thinking of the callous and heartless woman upstairs. If she saw that he had a

son, knowing her malicious ways, she would only cause trouble.

He would never let Daniel come into contact with such a horrible woman; she was unfit to be a


Thinking of another son in the graveyard, a chill swept over Ludwik. The little warmth he had felt

upstairs vanished as he placed his son in the car. The door slammed shut, and the vehicle roared


Whitney’s steps halted at the top of the stairs. Had she just heard a young voice calling ‘Ludwik‘?

More importantly, that voice sounded eerily like her own son, Sammy!

After a moment of distraction, she hurried down the stairs, only to see the nurses gazing with glowing

eyes toward the parking lot.

Whitney walked over as if drawn by some force and caught a glimpse of the Bentley.

The car was speeding past her, too fast to see clearly.

In a fleeting moment, she was taken aback. In the rear window, there seemed to be a little boy with a

side profile that resembled Sammy.

Whitney stared at the vanishing car, blinking, unsure if she had imagined it. Her heart felt an

inexplicable pang, and she clutched at her clothing, taking a deep breath, her brows knit together.


Chapter 249

Was that Bentley Ludwik’s? The license plate was different from three years ago.

That child in the car…

Had she seen wrong?

Feeling uneasy, she returned to the corridor and immediately pulled out her phone to make an

international video call. She wanted to see her son.

The call connected quickly, and Yael’s voice came through, “Whitney, it’s daytime over there. right?

Why are you calling at this time?”

“Where’s Sammy?”

“Wow, Mommy, you remember you have a treasure like me? You sneaked back to the country and novelbin

didn’t even tell me; I’m a bit upset, you know.”

Sammy’s warm voice came through, and although he claimed to be upset, his eyes curved into a smile

that was strikingly similar to that man’s.

Exquisitely beautiful, it was hard to imagine how many hearts he would break when he grew up.

Whitney, somewhat helplessly, tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I took on a patient and had to come

back for a while.”

“You didn’t go back to get revenge on that scumbag dad, did you? That patient isn’t him, is it?” Sammy

joked calmly.

Whitney looked incredulously at his little face.

The kid must be just talking nonsense, right? How could he be so spot–on?

Seeing the change in his mother’s eyes, Sammy shifted his gaze slyly. “I’m kidding. Didn’t my dad die a

long time ago? You said he was struck by lightning for all his bad deeds.”

“Erm, yeah, struck dead long ago. Once I’m done with this busy period, I’ll bring you back. It’s not

stable here yet, so be good, okay?”

Sammy, of course, knew what his mother meant by unstable.

He pretended to be harmless and smiled. “I’m Mommy’s good boy. I won’t cause you any


Then, he turned and planted a kiss on Yael, “Auntie, I’m heading back to my room for a nap!”

Once in his room, the little guy pulled out a modified laptop from under the bed and calmly booked the

soonest flight.

He also contacted some local hacker friends. The three–and–a–half–year–old’s eyes glinted with

cunning intelligence.

Chapter 243

After hanging up the call, Whitney sighed.

Her Sammy was safe and sound abroad. The fleeting glimpse in the car must have been her


If there really was a child, it was probably Elaine’s, as Bryce’s gossip suggested.

Was he not supposedly infertile? Maybe they used IVF.

Whitney cut off her train of thought. She had already given up; why dwell on these things?

A chill edged her smile as she tugged at her mouth, got into her car, and drove towards the destination

Orion had mentioned.

In the Bentley, in the backseat, the little boy kept his gaze out the window.

Ludwik, having finished his paperwork, looked up, his brow creased. “What’s so interesting out there

that you keep staring? It’s cold outside. You’ll catch a cold, you know?”

“You sound like an old man, you know that?” Daniel retorted.

If it were not for the fact that the kid looked as if he were on death’s door, Ludwik would have knocked

him one already.

Daniel turned his head, his bright eyes blinked, revealing a long fringe of lashes as he bit his lip and

said, “Right after the car pulled out, there was this woman standing behind us, just staring at me!”

Ludwik paused for a moment, his gaze sharpening.

Suddenly, Daniel asked, “Is that woman…*

“Nobody!” His tone was icy as he hoisted his son up, making him look straight ahead. “The world’s full

of kidnappers, kid! The prettier they are, the meaner they get. Always remember, keep your distance

from those types!”

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

“Come on, how did you know she was pretty before I even mentioned it?”

There was an awkward silence before Daniel, resting an elbow on the bar, rolled his eyes. “You think

I’m a gullible three–year–old kid, huh? A kidnapper, my foot. That was clearly a nurse with a crush on


Ludwik’s lips twitched, and he shot Daniel a side–eye without a word, casually adjusting his tie.

Felix knew that Mr. Lippert fiddling with his tie was a sign he was relaxed. Daniel, the little goof, had not

even suspected that the ‘kidnapper‘ was his mom.

With a chuckle, Felix teased, “Danny, did you forget you’re actually three and a half and easy to fool?”

Daniel’s mature composure took a hit. His chin jutted out in both embarrassment and defiance at the

jab about his age.

For some reason, Ludwik sneezed repeatedly.

Daniel glanced over, showing slight concern with an indifferent tone, “Roll up the car window for him,

will ya? The old man’s getting weaker by the day.”

Felix shivered, thinking, “Danny, your dad just got back from an andrology check–up with your mom.

He’s pretty sensitive to the word ‘weak‘.”

Sure enough, Ludwik’s face darkened, and he gave Daniel a sharp look. “You’re awfully chatty today. Want me to throw you overboard?”

Daniel clamped his mouth shut reluctantly.

He sensed his old man was weighed down by worries today and not in high spirits. The sneezing had

to be because someone was bad–mouthing him, right? He wanted to cheer him

1. up.

Clearly, the father–son duo was having a tense day, and his attempts to lighten the mood were not


Daniel huffed in frustration.

Whitney parked her car, her phone buzzing with a new message.

It was from Tiana. [Whitney?]

She had called Tiana the night before using a new number, as her old number had been terminated

three years ago. Was that why Tiana was too scared to pick up?

Whitney felt an inexplicable surge of emotion and bit her lip as she read the message over and over.

Tiana’s tone seemed so casual. But could she really be unaffected by everything?

Chapter 250

Whitney sniffled, ignoring another pressing call from Orion.

She replied with a tremor in her fingers. [It’s me, Tiana. I’m back, and I need to see you today.]

Then, she tucked her phone into her purse and walked with furrowed brows into the restaurant’s private

dining room.

Orion lounged in his chair, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the woman walking in.

He gave her a once–over and whistled. “Looking good, I see. Who knew you’d be such a knockout

when not pregnant? My dive into the ocean three years ago to pull you aboard was worth it.”

“Keep your sleazy eyes to yourself, Orion.”

Whitney sat down with a cool detachment.

It was almost comical how she had jumped into the sea with Sammy in her arms, only for Orion to be

out fishing on a yacht in Sea Bay at the same time. She had struggled in the cold waves for hours, and

he probably saw her much earlier but only chose to rescue her when she was at death’s door.

When she woke up, she immediately asked why he had bothered to save her at all.

Orion had laughed with his crooked smile, revealing a long–term plan. “Keeping you alive to use

against Ludwik someday? That’s the sweetest deal ever.”

Twisted, but true.

Since Whitney’s return to the country, she had found that the Imperial Gem Corporation’s market value

had plummeted by billions.

In three years, Ludwik had driven the Lippert family to desperation. The massive corporation Orion had

stolen from him had become the laughingstock of Banyan City. Orion was barely hanging on; without a

new plan, he was headed for certain doom.

Now, Orion eyed his lifeline and slid a contract across the table. “Join Imperial Gem as a jewelry

designer. The pay’s great; just follow my orders to snatch deals, and we’re golden.”

Whitney was not naive and scoffed. “So you want me as a human target? Just by sitting in Imperial

Gem, I could ruffle some feathers, right?”

“Smart girl. Why spell it out when you know the score? Don’t you want to crush Ludwik with your own


Orion smirked. “You have no choice. I saved your life three years ago, and this is your chance for

payback. Ready to join me in gutting their empire?”

Whitney’s eyes narrowed; his blatant manipulation was no secret.

But why should she not play along?

First, she could not refuse the offer. Second, she had returned with a desire to unsettle certain



Chapter 250

people, and this would be her platform to achieve just that.

A wry smile played on her lips as she signed the contract without hesitation.

Orion’s surprise turned into a boisterous laugh. He leaned in, his gesture intimate as he lifted her chin.

“I never realized you hated him so deeply. How about marrying me instead? I must admit, my brother

had an eye for stunning women; you’re practically glowing.”

Whitney jabbed his hand away with her pen, her disgust unhidden. “I have zero interest in you. And I

haven’t forgotten how you wronged my uncle.”

“Boring.” Orion retracted his hand and settled back into his seat.

Whitney’s lips twitched. Orion was indeed rotten to the core and oddly eccentric. He was, however, not

cut out for business, or he would not have fallen so hard in three years.

It wasn’t clear how much he cared for Imperial Gem, but his rakish, cavalier attitude was evident.

Curiosity piqued, Whitney asked, “Why do you hate him so much? Why go after him like this?”

Orion’s eyes narrowed in resignation, “Who wouldn’t want to be the carefree heir to a fortune? But the

old man didn’t like him, didn’t want him as his successor. So I had to step up, had to make something

of myself, beat him just once, right?

But fuck, I’ve never won a single round. He’s been mired in mud since childhood while I’ve lived in

luxury, yet the family elders only see his worth!”

Whitney blinked, taken aback. “Why didn’t your dad like him? Isn’t he his son too?”

Orion paused, a twisted smile forming. “Rumor has it Natalie wasn’t exactly faithful when she married

my dad. Ludwik’s parentage has always been in question. The old man and Natalie had a terrible

relationship, so naturally, he resented Ludwik by association. Guess who benefited? Me and my mom.”

His schadenfreude was palpable, making Whitney frown.

Natalie’s name tightened something in Whitney’s chest.

But the Lippert family drama, that man’s issues, were no longer her concern.

Why should she even care?

She returned to the matter at hand with a nonchalant air, saying, “I’m willing to work at the Imperial

Gem Corporation and take on any tasks you throw my way. But I have my terms. Skye Gem Ltd.–I

want to buy it back privately, and you’re going to have to pay through the nose for that.”

“Damn, do you have to be so cutthroat?” Orion shot her a disdainful look. “Isn’t Bryce wrapped around

your little finger? Why not have him foot the bill?”

“You just said I’m cutthroat, didn’t you? That’s only against you.” Whitney replied with a casual lift of her




Chanter 250

Orion’s face turned a shade of green, but then a sly smile crept across his face. “Isn’t the auction for

Skye Gem Ltd.’s assets tomorrow night? Sure, be my date, and I’ll bleed some cash for you.”

Whitney detected the mischief in his tone–this man was up to no good.

She did not refuse, simply picking up the contract and sliding it into her purse. “Then send the evening

gown to my apartment.”

A few steps towards the door, she turned back. “Oh, and Ludwik’s refusing to have me as his doctor.

He’s likely going to try to revoke my medical license. You’ll need to find a way to protect it.”

Orion chuckled, his interest piqued as he watched her. “Doctor or no doctor isn’t the point. The real

question is, can you reignite his passion?”

Whitney frowned.

Orion stepped closer, his voice laced with innuendo. “Isn’t your uncle facing the death penalty? If I were

you, I’d make Ludwik fall for you again, achieve your goals, infuriate Elaine, and then ditch him hard.

Let them taste the despair you’ve endured!”

Whitney paused, her gaze flickering. “Spare me your rotten ideas. I’m not selling myself out; forget it.”

Orion shrugged it off. “You seem a bit tempted. When you hit a wall, you’ll see it’s a good idea.”

He continued, “Remember when you had me stage those two bodies by the seaside to throw Elaine off

your trail? She bought the whole story. She probably doesn’t even know you’re back. What kind of

surprise are you planning for her?”

The mention of that woman made Whitney’s fist clench. A cold curve formed on her lips.

“It’ll have to be a big surprise.”

She and Elaine would be meeting soon enough.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 231-240

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Ludwik was no doctor, but he could not shake the memory of her biting him, the knife she’d wielded,

and the state she’d left Elaine in.

Maybe the stress had truly taken its toll, and she was sick.

He had heard of postpartum depression, of mothers killing their own children, then themselves.

His kids were his only consolation, and he was determined to see them born, to raise them himself.

These two little lives could not be jeopardized. It was also the last bond between him and that damned


“If she really has depression, what’s the best treatment without affecting the baby’s health?”

“I suggest we isolate her. She’s been hurting people left and right, and this apartment in the city

center… If she gets out, Ludwik, your reputation will suffer. They’ll say you’re holding her captive. Since

you want her to have the child, Bryce can’t meddle anymore, but he’ll be out eventually,” Elaine said,

hitting the nail on the head.

Ludwik’s gaze turned icy; keeping her here was not a long–term solution.

Once Bryce was released, he would surely come looking for her, and Ludwik would not allow that man

to bother her again!

He had also been contemplating hiding her away.

He frowned and said, “Whether she’s ill or not, let’s get a professional diagnosis. Call Dr. William from

the mansion over.”

Elaine’s eyes darkened. Ludwik was always extremely cautious about that woman!

She nodded slightly. “I’ll make the call.”

Dr. William was a physician Ludwik had hired to check on his mother.

Elaine greeted Dr. William at the door with a meaningful look.

In this household, Elaine had effectively become the lady of the villa. Whitney was a thing of the past.

Who to listen to was obvious to Dr. William.

Upstairs in the bedroom, Whitney had no idea why Ludwik was bringing a doctor and pleaded, “What

are you going to do now? I’m not sick; don’t think about touching my baby!”

She clutched her belly, panting, the picture of paranoia.

Unbeknownst to her, her state only deepened Ludwik’s concern.

Dr. William restrained the woman and managed to complete the examination.

Ludwik asked with a frown, “How is she? Is she depressed because of stress?”

Dr. William glanced at Elaine almost imperceptibly before nodding. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lippert, Ms.



Chapter 231

Valentine’s pregnancy hormones are high, and the recent stress has caused her to become somewhat

unhinged. She needs proper care.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Whitney looked up incredulously, “How could I be depressed?

It’s them who infuriated me.”

Elaine sighed. “Ludwik, it seems we really need to send Ms. Valentine to a private sanatorium for

concentrated treatment, lest she harm others or inadvertently the child.”

Ludwik pondered, his gaze deep upon Whitney.

Whitney realized what was happening; Elaine had been plotting to have her committed to a mental

institution since she had provoked her earlier!

Whitney stood abruptly, clutching her belly, and spoke to Ludwik with a sinking heart. “I can’t be

depressed; I’m trained in traditional medicine; I know my condition!”

“People with depression never think they’re depressed. Look at your behavior–biting, attacking, it’s a

far cry from your usual self.”

“That’s because you forced me to!” Whitney looked at the man with a cold laugh.

“If you didn’t lock me up, didn’t let her raise the child, would I be this angry? Ludwik, you’re now

sending me to a mental institution? Do you have no heart?”

He looked down. “It’s not a mental institution. Elaine means a sanatorium. Once you’re better,

you’ll be out.”

He had to ensure the children were safely born without her making a fuss.

Whitney was on the verge of madness, pointing angrily at Elaine, “Why do you keep being fooled by

this woman? You believe every lie she tells. I’m not sick, and this doctor is her accomplice, giving a

false diagnosis!

Ludwik, I beg you to open your eyes. This woman hurt your mother and now wants to harm our child.

Do you realize that?

Will she take good care of the child? Have you forgotten how she schemed to cause my miscarriage a

few months ago?”

Ludwik’s gaze faltered.

Elaine quickly retorted with a pained smile, “Ms. Valentine, let’s not dredge up the past. I was blinded

by jealousy then, but Ludwik and I are engaged now. You and the child pose no threat to me. Why

would I do that to myself?

Honestly, I’m not as heartless as you, claiming you’d rather die with the baby than let us have our way.

How much that would hurt Ludwik.”

She seemed to be explaining, but she was reminding Ludwik of the possible danger to the child. Sure

enough, Ludwik’s suspicious gaze turned to Whitney; prenatal depression could indeed

Chapter 231

lead to harming the child.

“Enough!” Ludwik said curtly. “The family doctor is my hire, not Elaine’s. Why would he falsely diagnose


Whitney, if you’re sick, you need to be treated. You don’t want to see me, so it’s settled. Go to the

sanatorium, cooperate with the treatment, and once the baby is born, you can leave.”

“I won’t go. Do you have any idea what your Elaine is planning?” Whitney’s heart was racing, yet this

man refused to believe her.

She knelt, tears streaming. “Ludwik, you don’t want me; you’re engaged to Elaine; I bless you both!

Don’t let her manipulate you. Let me go! I’m truly not sick; I promise I won’t hurt anyone again; just let

me leave.”

“Elaine, what have I ever done to you that made you treat me this way! I won’t let you succeed!”

Whitney yelled in her mind.

Her cries echoed as she was carefully lifted by two security guards and taken away.

Downstairs, the ambulance Ludwik had called was waiting.

Whitney was swiftly placed inside.

The sanatorium Ludwik had contacted was nestled in the mountains, facing the sea to the west, serene

and quiet, with excellent amenities.

Before their arrival, he had cleared out the other patients; Ludwik wanted to ensure she was not

disturbed and would recover properly.

Whitney was cradled in his arms and laid in the hospital room. She scrambled to the door, clawing at it,

her red eyes begging him to let her out.

Off to the side, Elaine spoke in a haunting whisper, “Looks like she’s really not doing well, Ludwik. The

doctor here just said she’s impulsive. Lucky you got her here in time.”

The sanatorium’s physician quickly added, “Mr. Lippert, every expectant mother with prenatal

depression goes through this. They dislike confinement. But try to see the bright side. She’s getting

treatment, and once she’s better, she’ll be out in no time.“.

Ludwik’s expression was frosty as he watched her frail, tear–stained face, his hands clenched into


The doctor had mentioned that if her depression was not managed, it could adversely affect the baby

through the umbilical cord, possibly leading to autism.

He wanted these twins, and he wanted them healthy, which meant enduring this hardship for


He took a deep breath and turned away, resolutely leaving the place.

“Ludwik!” Whitney pounded on the door, watching the back of his head disappear down the corridor,

wondering how he could be so heartless.

Chapter 231

Elaine turned back for a moment. Her smile was unmistakably sinister.

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

In the dead of night, Whitney curled up in a windowless ward, her complexion deathly pale, her gaze

distant and unfocused.

The door swung open, and a nurse carrying a tray of food stepped in, her tone kind as she said, “Ms.

Valentine, please eat something.”

Whitney glanced at the tray, only to find leftover scraps that had gone cold!

Her senses sharpened immediately, her eyes fixed on the masked nurse as she knocked the tray over.

“Did Elaine send you?”

The corner of the nurse’s eye twitched with malice, but her voice maintained its innocence. “Ms.

Valentine, I’m just a regular nurse. Mr. Lippert has instructed us to take good care of you. Please don’t

make things difficult for us.”

Disregarding her, Whitney seized the moment when the door was ajar and bolted out.

Little did she know that two burly security guards were waiting outside, who swiftly grabbed her and

dragged her back to the room.

“Let me go, let me out!” Whitney’s screams were those of a woman teetering on the edge of


As the nurse tidied up the mess and left, Whitney noticed the surveillance camera in the room


Moments later, the door burst open again, and the nurse returned with the guards.

With the door securely shut, the nurse sneered, “Ms. Valentine, time for your IV.”

“What IV? Show me the prescription first.” Whitney was on her feet in an instant.

The nurse ordered the guards to pin her down. As the syringe hissed with its sinister contents, she said

with a low chuckle, “We’re quite professional at treating depression, dear. You don’t need to see the

prescription! Just know that after a few more shots, your baby will be arriving sooner than expected.”


Whitney’s face turned ashen; the medication was tainted, undoubtedly arranged by Elaine.

She could not let them inject her; she absolutely could not!

But there she was, awkward with her pregnant belly, powerless to fight back, watching helplessly as

the drug was pushed into her vein.

“No!” she screamed, her face drained of color.

The nurse swiftly retracted the needle and left with the guards.

Gripped by abdominal pain, Whitney desperately pressed on her arm to slow the drug’s spread

Chapter 232

through her bloodstream. She stumbled into the bathroom, gulping down tap water to induce urination,

trying to flush out the drug.

Tearfully returning to her room, she noticed the camera light was back on.

She slumped to the floor, too drained to even muster a bitter laugh.

Tiana and Valerie searched frantically for Whitney throughout the night. Repeated calls to Nolan and

Parker yielded no clues to Ludwik’s whereabouts.

In desperation, Tiana dialed Felix’s number repeatedly, but he would not pick up.

Something felt terribly wrong!

With no other choice, Tiana hacked into Felix’s address. She and Valerie stormed over and cornered

him for half a day before he reluctantly revealed a sliver of truth. “Madam attacked Mr. Lippert and beat

Elaine. The family doctor examined her and diagnosed her with a tendency for depression. Considering

multiple factors, Mr. Lippert had her taken for isolated treatment overnight…”

Tiana listened, horrified and furious. A glance at Valerie confirmed their mutual suspicion: with Elaine

involved, her fingerprints were all over this.

“That blind fool Ludwik… I don’t have time for this. Where did he take Whitney?”

Whitney would be driven mad by Ludwik and Elaine’s torments even if she was not already.

Felix looked down uncomfortably, “Mr. Lippert knows I’m close to Nolan and Parker. He didn’t let me

follow. This is a highly sensitive matter for Mr. Lippert; anyone who probes too deeply is walking a

deadly path, Ms. Melford. Please don’t act rashly.”

“Damn it, Whitney is in danger!” Tiana hissed to Valerie.

Valerie was calmer, asking Felix, “Do you know where Bryce was taken for questioning in Emperor

City? What are the charges? Is it serious? Please, just give us something.”

“Bryce had a position in the Emperor City Political Consultative Conference. There’s been

embezzlement within the council, and he’s been dragged into the investigation.”

Valerie understood that Bryce would likely be safe but detained for a while.

That was precisely what Ludwik wanted–to move Whitney and cause chaos in the Lutz family, teaching

Bryce not to cross him again.

Valerie pulled a reluctant Tiana away.

Back in the car, Tiana tried to locate the tracker in Whitney’s watch, but it was silent. Where had

Whitney been taken?


Before dawn, Ludwik, restless and uneasy, drove for hours to reach the secluded sanatorium



Chapter 232

nestled in the mountains.

He slipped into the hospital room to find the woman lying in bed, her beauty marred by exhaustion.

Her hair tangled with tears on her pale, almost translucent face. Curled up tightly on her side, her hand

rested protectively on her belly as if, even in sleep, she feared for her child.

He was not sure if bringing her here for treatment was the right decision.

Had he frightened her? Was that why she was so scared?

His hand reached out unconsciously, caressing her cheek before he snapped back to reality, his eyes

turning cold as he withdrew his touch.

“Don’t pity her just because of her vulnerability. Has her acting not deceived you enough?” He warned


He sat stiffly beside the bed, staring at her swollen belly, craving a cigarette. The pack slipped from his

grasp and fell to the floor with a clatter.

The sound jolted the woman awake, her eyes wide with terror.

The door opened, and the doctor walked in, followed by the same nurse from last night, carrying an IV

bag and syringe. “Ms. Valentine, it’s time for your morning nutrition.”

“Get away! That’s not nutrition; it’s meant to induce my labor! You won’t harm my child again!”

Whitney thrashed in panic, hurling anything within reach at them.


Ludwik furrowed his brow, confused by her panic, reaching out to gently restrain her.

As Whitney saw him, she lashed out with a slap, her eyes blazing with red–hot hatred. “Ludwik, your

heart is so cruel. They injected me with something last night, and they will kill your child. It was Elaine;

she must have bribed the doctors!”

Ludwik held her down with a firm grip, his brow furrowed in skepticism. “What nonsense are you

rambling about? Elaine had no clue about this sanatorium; I found it last minute. How could she

possibly have the doctors in her pocket by now?”

Elaine appeared in the doorway, a hint of a smirk on her lips. She was prepared, and Whitney was

likely to be at a loss for words.

True, she had not had the time to bribe any doctors last night, but she had her influential parents

backing her up. With the weight of the Bartels family’s healthcare connections, what could not be


“I’m not talking nonsense.” Whitney lifted her hand, pointing to the security camera. “Do you even know

what they’ve done to me? They’ve been serving me scraps, trying to make me sick. Last night, there

was a period when they turned off the camera, came in, pinned me down, and force–fed me

medication. You won’t believe me? Go check the tapes!”



Chapter 232

“Ms. Whitney, we understand you’re under a lot of stress, but these accusations are simply unfair. I

was practically begging you to eat last night.” the nurse retorted.

Ludwik’s expression hardened, and he gestured for the director to bring up the security footage. On the

screen, the nurse indeed seemed sincerely encouraging Whitney to eat, but the meal was knocked to

the floor by Whitney’s own hand.

It was only upon seeing the footage that Whitney realized how the nurse had cunningly stayed out of

clear view of the camera. From the distance, the leftover meal was indiscernible!

Pointing to a missing segment in the recording, the nurse explained, “This is when Ms. Whitney was

being helped with her personal hygiene and changing clothes. Mr. Lippert, we turn off the cameras for a

few minutes during such times to maintain privacy as security personnel monitor the footage live. If

there’s an issue, the director can arrange for a dedicated 24–hour surveillance for Ms. Whitney.”

“They’re lying!” Whitney pressed her lips together in frustration. “Ludwik, I wouldn’t lie to you. You have

to get me out of here; our baby is in danger. The medication they’re using is all meant to harm the baby

and induce premature birth–it’s all Elaine’s doing!”

Ludwik looked at her, taking a deep breath, and instructed the doctor, “Open the IV bag right now and

test its contents on the spot. If there’s anything wrong with it, I will move you to another hospital

immediately,” he assured Whitney.

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Whitney closed her eyes, a wave of exhaustion washing over her as she lay back on the hospital bed.

The test results were as expected; the medication from this morning was fine.

She shook her head wryly, a mix of sorrow and helplessness in her gaze as she looked at Ludwik. “You

don’t believe a word I say, do you? That child is yours, and even if you don’t want

it, at least don’t let Elaine harm it!”

He did want his children; that was why he had brought her here. How could this damned woman

understand his turmoil?

“Ms. Valentine, I’ve told you repeatedly that I would accept this child and raise it well. Why must you

relentlessly accuse me?” Elaine glided into the room with a soft grace, casting a glance at the man

before her thinly veiled sarcasm hit its mark.

“Perhaps you’re just upset and taking it out on the staff? The surveillance and medication are both fine.

Ludwik has been patient with you.

Maybe you just want to leave, right? I heard your bestie cornered Felix last night inquiring about Bryce.

You’re pretty concerned about him, aren’t you? Desperate to rush to his rescue?”

Ludwik’s eyes turned frosty.

So the claims about the medication and surveillance were all excuses?

Of course, her thoughts were consumed with saving Bryce; how could she contentedly remain here?

“Drop that fantasy of running off with him,” he snapped, releasing Whitney. “Stay put and behave!”

“This is all her design; why can’t you see that? I don’t want to stay here because it’s dangerous.

Everyone is out to get me, don’t you understand?” Whitney said, grabbing his arm in desperation.

“Everyone is out to get you?” Ludwik looked at her with disdain. “It seems your paranoia is worsening.”

He could not let go of her; from the moment she woke up, she had been unreasonable and


The doctor approached, speaking in hushed tones. “Based on last night’s evaluation, Mr. Lippert, Ms.

Valentine is indeed showing signs of depression. This can lead to paranoia, extreme unrest, and even


All the symptoms fit Whitney to a tee. Ludwik rubbed his temples, weary.

Staying here only meant endless quarrels, bringing nothing but displeasure.



Chapter 233

He stood up and left the room, disappointment trailing behind him.

Elaine quickly followed, trying to console him. “Ludwik, don’t be angry. She’s sick, after all. I’m not even

upset with her accusations. Maybe you should stop visiting for a while? Let her cool off; it might even

be better for the baby. We have the surveillance, and we should trust the doctors.”

Ludwik thought that perhaps he was a source of stress for her. That woman was impervious to reason

and only fixated on Bryce. novelbin

He stormed off.

Elaine turned back to the ward, her face morphing into a cold smile as she taunted the disoriented

Whitney, “How does it feel to be seen as a depressed patient?

Right now, he won’t believe a word you say, and why would he? I’m the kind–hearted, gentle woman

who gave a kidney to his mother, and I’m even accepting of his child. Poor thing, pregnant and

powerless, trapped here and utterly alone. How does that feel?”

Whitney’s breathing grew rapid, her hands clutching the bed sheets. Hindered by her pregnancy, she

was almost defenseless. She despised her current vulnerability!

“You’re nearly finished,” Elaine whispered cruelly. “That medication from last night–it was indeed

designed to induce premature birth, but it’s undetectable. And soon, both of you will die as you wish.”

“Elaine, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Do you think you can deceive everyone forever? If you don’t

want anyone to know, don’t do it!” Whitney retorted.

Elaine paused for a moment, rattled by the veiled threat in Whitney’s words.

“Still trying to confuse the situation, even at death’s door. You’re locked in here, powerless to change

anything.” Elaine’s smile was casual as she walked out.

Once the door closed, Whitney quickly looked up at the ceiling where the surveillance camera was

situated. Sure enough, Elaine had turned it off during their conversation.

The mention of the kidney transplant rang alarm bells in her mind.

She jumped out of bed, rummaging through her coat for the watch Tiana had given her, having

forgotten about it in the chaos of the previous night.

With her phone confiscated and her whereabouts unknown, she needed to reach Tiana.

After her recent attempt to reason with Ludwik, she had lost all hope; he was too trusting of Elaine to

investigate anything. She would never find answers in him.

Now, her last hope was to expose Elaine’s true face. Tiana must have made progress on that girl at the


Holding the watch, her last card, she knew that every extra day she stayed put the child in greater

danger. Damn Ludwik for his ignorance.

Chapter 233

She had to escape and expose Elaine’s sham kidney donation. Only then might Ludwik realize that her

supposed depression was a ploy to harm her!

Fiddling with the watch, Whitney finally caught a faint signal while hiding in the bathroom.

At Tiana’s apartment, the signal from the watch broke the silence. Overjoyed, Tiana exclaimed,

“Whitney! Where are you? How are you?”

“Save me, Tiana. The baby is in danger. Ludwik doesn’t believe me. I need proof…”

But Whitney’s words cut out as the signal dropped.

Tiana was frantic, scanning her computer for Whitney’s location. Once she had a rough idea, she

grabbed her laptop and bolted out the door.

Valerie called after her, “Where are you going?”

“The girl from TriMed Hospital confessed everything. Elaine’s kidney donation was a sham, just as

Whitney suspected. The organ transplanted into Natalie was sold by that girl, and I’ve got proof of a

$300,000 payment to her from Dr. Horatio.

All I need is evidence of Elaine’s dealings with Dr. Horatio, and the truth will be out.

Whitney said there’s poison in Natalie’s system, causing organ failure. She’s kept quiet for her safety.

Now, we’ll take this evidence to Ludwik, and the truth will come to light!

He trusts Elaine because he can’t imagine someone harming another and then sacrificing their own

kidney. But Elaine never donated, did she? Such a vile woman; it’s time to open that jerk’s eyes!”

Valerie inhaled deeply. “Looks like you’ve been silently working everything out. I’ve been worried about

Whitney, pregnant and vulnerable, but thankfully, she’s been one step ahead.”

“If it were not for her carrying that jerk’s baby, she wouldn’t be so helpless against Elaine,” Tiana said

with a determined look in her eyes. “I’m going to get that girl to safety right now and then rescue

Whitney. The kid’s welfare is paramount! Once she’s free, and we have the evidence, we can negotiate

terms with Ludwik!”

Valerie frowned. “If it were not for my fear that Ashton might tip Elaine off, I’d help, too. You have to be


“Better you stay out of it. The fewer people involved, the better.”

In the afternoon, Elaine was lounging contentedly in her villa when suddenly her phone rang. It was

Jaxon, his tone unusually grave.

“Elaine, Dr. Horatio, that fool, screwed up. He told me the girl tried to blackmail him for a hundred grand

more, and he refused. Yesterday, he accidentally discovered she had a medical exam proving she only

had one kidney. The bill, I checked, was paid by Tiana,” he explained.

Elaine’s mind raced, and her sunny disposition quickly clouded over. “What are you saying?


Chapter 233

Tiana is looking into this?”

“Yeah, Parker had been to TriMed Hospital before, but he didn’t find anything in the nephrology

department. How on earth did Tiana trace it back to that girl?”

If Tiana was looking into it, that meant Whitney was behind it.

Damn it, that woman had been holding onto such a trump card all this time, and Elaine had been none

the wiser.

How had Whitney guessed the fake kidney donation?

Elaine could not figure out where she had slipped up. Then she remembered the day Ludwik was about

to abort the child. Whitney had indeed sneered at her, asking if both kidneys were intact.

That cunning bitch!

Elaine’s headache intensified. “What’s the situation now? Find that girl immediately; don’t let Tiana beat

us to it.”

“It might be too late, Elaine,” Jaxon said, wiping sweat from his brow. “It’s all because Dr. Horatio was

so hesitant. He’s only telling me now, and by the time I went looking for the girl, Tiana had already

moved her.”

“What?” Elaine’s face darkened, “Find her! Now!”

She stood up, her composure shaken. If Whitney had the evidence against her at this critical juncture,

she would lose everything to Ludwik. That simply could not happen.

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Elaine could not allow Whitney to turn the tables. She had to keep her secrets from being unearthed–

secrets that could crumble her house of cards. Secrets like the truth about Natalie’s accident or the fact

that she had never actually donated a kidney.

Jaxon, however, had been scouring the city for the elusive girl since dawn, but as dusk approached,

there was still no sign of her. Tiana had hidden her too well.

Frustrated, Elaine decided to take matters into her own hands. She changed into something less

conspicuous and headed to the Skyfaith Electronic Tech building.

Ludwik was working late in his office. Elaine peered inside, her breath catching in her throat, then

turned away and casually asked the secretary, “Has anyone come to see the CEO this afternoon?”

“Just a manager from a partner company. Mr. Lippert hasn’t met anyone else,” replied the secretary


Tiana had not brought the girl directly to Ludwik to expose everything? Did that mean Tiana thought

Ludwik would not believe her? Or were they still lacking proof?

Elaine’s thoughts darkened as she twisted her fingernails anxiously. She had to find a way to get

Ludwik out of Banyan City before Tiana seized her chance.

Taking advantage of the dinner hour, when the secretarial office emptied, Elaine fiddled with the

schedule. novelbin

She then slipped out to a secluded terrace and made several phone calls, orchestrating a crisis at the

manufacturing plant.

When Felix received a call from the chip manufacturer, he stepped into the CEO’s office. “Mr. Lippert,

there’s been a glitch in the production line, and their top engineer can’t fix it. They suggest you, as a

co–developer of the Auric Chip, go down there tonight?”

Ludwik’s brow furrowed. “How did such a major issue arise so suddenly? Wasn’t there any quality


“I’ve got people looking into it, but the volume of chip orders is so high that even an hour’s delay could

cost us fifty million,” Felix explained, concerned.

“If you could reset the program, we could be back on track quickly.”

Ludwik glanced out at the darkening evening sky, his expression pensive. He thought about the woman

in the sanatorium who was stubbornly refusing treatment, heavily pregnant, and due any moment. He

was angry and had decided not to visit her for a while, but he did not want to be too far from her either. If he went to the southern factory, he’d be away for three or four days, and he was worried about her


“Let’s deal with it tomorrow,” he said finally.


Elaine was desperate when she heard this. She immediately contacted her father, Zane to sabotage a

few chip–seeking companies.

Within the hour, the secretarial office was bombarded with calls. “I heard Auric Chip’s manufacturer is

having problems. Will Mr. Lippert personally handle it? Can we expect our chips on time? My

autonomous car launch can’t be delayed!”

Felix understood Mr. Lippert’s reluctance to leave Banyan City.

“Mr. Lippert, Skyfaith Electronic Tech needs these big orders to hold its ground. You’ve already shrunk

Imperial Gem Corporation’s market value by billions and stopped Orion’s vehicle project from being

launched. We can’t afford any mishaps now.”

The issue was not critical, but every step Skyfaith took had to be surefooted.

“Mr. Lippert, I heard there’s a problem with the manufacturer. Maybe you should go?” Elaine walked in,

feigning concern. “If you’re worried about Ms. Valentine’s child, I’ll keep an eye on the sanatorium for

you. Besides, you can monitor her room from the road.”

Ludwik stood up. “Elaine, come with me; we can solve the problem faster together.”

Elaine’s face fell at the suggestion, and she suddenly clutched her stomach, feigning frailty. “I’d like to,

but I ate something bad today; it might have taxed my kidneys. I wouldn’t want to cause a delay in


Ludwik did not think twice, just eager to return sooner. Seeing her like this, he did not press and patted

her shoulder. “Have the villa’s doctor take a good look at you.”

“Mr. Lippert, another partner’s on the line about the chip issue!” the secretary interrupted.

Ludwik massaged his temple, realizing the urgency of the situation. Grabbing his coat, he instructed

Felix to ready his private jet and could not help but worry about his unborn children and their mother,

who was in ill health. “Felix, link my computer to the sanatorium’s surveillance!”

He could keep an eye on her; everything should be fine. Yet, for some reason, his mind just was not at

ease tonight.

Having finally gotten Ludwik on the plane, Elaine turned in the darkness and headed back to her


She dialed Jaxon, but still no word on the girl!

Frustration seethed within her. “Can’t you find Tiana either? A bunch of incompetents!”

She paused, a sudden idea flashing across her mind. Whitney was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Tiana had found the girl but was keeping her hidden. What would be her next move?

Elaine’s eyes glinted with a cold light as she abruptly ended the call and ordered her driver, “To the

sanatorium in the mountains!”

Before she even reached the sanatorium, the bribed director called. “Elaine, Mr. Lippert’s office is

demanding Whitney’s room surveillance feed immediately. Should I send it or not?”

She glanced at the time. Ludwik would be on the plane without internet access.

“Delay it. Later, edit out anything inconvenient. What’s Whitney doing now?”

“She’s been in the bathroom for quite a while,” reported the director, but he was suddenly interrupted

by commotion on the line.

Panicked, the head nurse exclaimed, “Director, someone’s opened Whitney’s room! Several nurses are

knocked out cold, and Whitney is gone!”

Elaine heard it all on the other end of the line, her face turning ashen. “It must be Tiana’s doing. Find

them quickly!”

She was right on the money. Damn it, how had they managed to communicate?

Whitney had been biding her time in the bathroom, keeping in touch with Tiana.

Tiana had narrowed down the search by morning, and now, with a precise location, she had infiltrated

the sanatorium disguised as a nurse. There was not much time. Whitney instructed her to gather

several medications and then follow the nurses on their rounds to her room.

In the dead of night, Tiana slipped a concoction into the water, and while the nurses were oblivious,

she dabbed it under their nostrils.

One by one, dozens of nurses collapsed.

With no time to waste, Tiana threw a loose–fitting white lab coat over Whitney’s shoulders, and they

made their way to the stairwell, fleeing into the night.

Elaine hurried to the sanatorium, her heart pounding with urgency.

Surveying the nurses sprawled out in a deep slumber, she clenched her teeth in fury, Whitney, that

wretched woman, had some tricks up her sleeve even in her final moments!

“Which way did they go? How long ago?”

“Over half an hour now. Seven o’clock is the nurses‘ shift change; there were bound to be gaps in the

hallways and offices!”

The director wiped his brow in panic. “If she’s gone, how on earth are we going to explain this to Mr.


“What are you looking at me for? Get moving! How far can a clumsy pregnant woman get?”

Although Elaine barked orders, her mind was racing with calculations. A sly grin flickered across her

lips. Tiana had broken her out, a crisis indeed, but it could lead her to the root of the issue. It was not

all bad.



Their next move would likely be to find that girl.

Did they hold all the evidence?

It seemed tonight’s events called for a new strategy- to pull the rug from under them and catch them all

in one fell swoop.

A pregnant woman and Tiana, alone and outmatched, they would not get far.

A sinister gleam crossed Elaine’s eyes, and she stepped away to make a call. “Mom, I managed to

send Ludwik off. Now that Whitney has escaped, I intend to make the most of this situation. Success or

failure hinges on tonight. Send more people immediately!”

“They secured evidence on that kidney donation matter. Only the dead can keep secrets. That little

bitch Whitney must die!” Delphine responded coolly.

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Elaine squinted her eyes, a sly grin on her lips. She had once used a bout of depression as a cover,

bribing the doctors to administer drugs covertly, plotting the demise of the


But now Whitney was prepared to burn her bridges? Tonight would mark her end.

“Director,” Elaine’s voice was smooth as ice, “delay sending the surveillance footage of Tiana breaking

in to Ludwik. Wait for my say–so. And make sure any trace of me here is wiped clean.”

The Director, considering the lucrative deal promised by Bartels Hospital and the future Mrs. Lippert,

had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Whitney huddled in the car, gasping for air.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Tiana asked, her hands shaking as she started the car.

“Drive… fast.” Whitney clutched her belly, pain in her voice. “They injected me with something to

induce premature birth. The baby might have been affected.”

“That damned Elaine,” Tiana cursed as she floored the accelerator. “We’ll meet up with the girl, grab

the evidence, and then confront that scumbag Ludwik!”

The car sped down the mountainside.

Valerie’s call came through. “Tiana, did you get Whitney? Bad news–I heard Ludwik’s gone on an

unexpected business trip down south. Something about a company emergency. What do we do now?”

Tiana paused, a frown creasing her forehead.

“Don’t worry,” Whitney said, trying to keep calm despite her distress. “It might be better that he’s not in

Banyan City. We’ll take the girl and go south.”

They both knew Elaine could sabotage their plans at any turn.

“You shouldn’t be traveling in your condition,” Tiana said as they drove. “I’ve hidden the girl nearby, just

in case… in case something happened to you.”

Half an hour later, they arrived at a quaint lodge nestled at the mountain’s base. The girl was hiding in

one of the cottages.

Tiana helped Whitney out of the car and hurried to unlock the door. Inside stood a frail–looking girl, her

fear evident as she stood up. “Ms. Melford.”

“Come on, we need to leave. Now.”

The girl ran to them, and the three women burst out into the night, racing towards the car–only

to be blinded by flashlight beams converging from all directions. Elaine’s mocking silhouette. emerged

from the glare. “Ms. Valentine, Ms. Melford, where did you think you could run?”

“Elaine?” Tiana gasped, Instinctively shielding Whitney.

A swarm of menacing thugs quickly surrounded them.

The women barely had time to resist before they were bound and dragged into the cottage. The door

slammed shut behind them.

Elaine leaned against the door, her gaze fixed on Whitney’s pallid face. She walked over and grasped

her chin. “I told you, your pregnancy is your greatest vulnerability. You uncovered my secret and

thought you could expose me to Ludwik with this ‘evidence‘? You think that once he finds out I’m the

reason Natalie is a vegetable, all his misunderstanding toward you will become evidence to doubt me?

Wishful thinking. Tonight, you’re trapped, and all of you will be silenced.”

“Elaine, you viper!” Tiana roared. “If you hurt Whitney, you’ll pay when Ludwik finds out about the

miscarriage drugs!”

Elaine kicked Tiana hard and laughed coldly. “Do you know where you failed tonight? You were too

desperate to save Whitney, worried about the baby, right? Such a pity. Alone and helpless, no one to

come to your aid.”

Tiana pounded the floor in frustration. Whitney’s baby could die any second in that wretched hospital.

She had to save Whitney first, then inform Ludwik and confront him with the girl as proof!

“You’re too passive,” Elaine taunted. “Now that you’re in my hands, your fate is sealed.” She yanked

Tiana’s hair and signaled a thug with a malevolent glare.

The thug struck the frail girl on the head with a heavy blow. She screamed, blood gushing, and

collapsed, twitching, then lay still, no longer breathing.

“Elaine!” Whitney was instantly soaked in cold sweat, her eyes filled with fear and rage. novelbin

Tiana was silenced by shock.

Their hard–won evidence, the girl they had found, was dead just like that?

Whitney’s hands trembled. How innocent she was and how utterly cruel Elaine could be.

“The high society ladies like me, this is how we play the game. Have you learned nothing? And Tiana,

ever since Gunner and Stella conspired to abduct you, I’ve been waiting for my chance. Monica’s

failings have let you slip through the cracks, helping Whitney at every turn against

1. me.

But tonight, you’re paying for it all. You hid the girl and discovered the payments to Dr. Horatio, didn’t


Elaine swiftly pulled several bank statements and medical records from Tiana’s pocket,


scanning them with contempt before moving to Whitney and extracting all evidence from her coat.

Holding the papers, she sneered at them, tearing everything to shreds right before their eyes.

“Elaine, go to hell!”

As their painstakingly gathered evidence of her sham donation crumbled, Tiana lunged at Elaine, fury

in her eyes.

Elaine glanced at Whitney and ordered with a smirk, “Your turn, Tiana. You almost let Whitney’s secret

slip, so you’re evidence, too. What should I do with you? Maybe let some thugs have their way with

you? After all, you’re the only one among the three who’s still ‘pure.‘ How devastated Whitney would be

to see you ruined, don’t you think?”

Whitney felt despair swell within her, her eyes bloodshot with anger. “Elaine, if you have a grudge, take

it out on me, not Tiana! Aren’t you afraid Ludwik will find out about all this?”

“You think you can lay hands on me? Nolan and Parker are still in Banyan City tonight, and even if

Ludwik is away, word will get out. Once they find out what you’ve done, the person you killed just now, they won’t let you off the hook!” Tiana screamed in desperation.

Elaine was not intimidated, though. With a meaningful, icy laugh, she retorted, “Really? You’re clueless

that Ludwik purposely left Banyan City to avoid Whitney’s drama?

Parker? Ha, these thugs are Parker’s men. I’m Ludwik’s favorite, and Nolan and Parker are on my


“No way, Parker would never help you torment us,” Tiana shook her head in disbelief.

Elaine scoffed, eyeing Whitney. “Why not? Ludwik thinks you’ve lost your mind. After I went back

today, he already told me he doesn’t want the baby anymore because I had the doctor tell him it’ll

certainly be born with autism. He hates complications.”

“You’re lying!” Whitney felt the defenses around her heart being torn away, tears shimmering at the

corners of her eyes, “He’s a rational adult. Why would he believe your nonsense?”

“Maybe because he never wanted the kid in the first place. Remember how he pressured you into

getting an abortion? You know it, don’t you?”

Elaine pressed on relentlessly.

“Whitney, don’t listen to her. She’s trying to break you with lies. Ludwik does want the child. Don’t

believe her!”

Already emotionally fragile from being committed to a sanatorium by Ludwik himself, Whitney was on

the verge of breaking down.

“Bodyguards, slip her some pills, take her to those thugs‘ rooms at the club. Let her enjoy a wild night,

turn her into a tramp just like Whitney, unfit to marry off,” Elaine ordered with venom, forcibly feeding

Tiana several pills.



“Stop it, Elaine! Don’t hurt Tiana. If you touch her, I swear I’ll kill you!!”

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Whitney collapsed, her wrists bound tightly behind her back, unable to crawl forward. She desperately

shuffled to the side, attempting to sink her teeth into Elaine’s leg. novelbin

A sharp kick sent her sprawling to the floor.

“Whitney! Be careful! I won’t leave, I won’t leave!” Tiana’s scream was piercing, her voice cracking as

she was dragged out of the guesthouse by the bodyguards, her cries of despair trailing behind the

sound of the speeding car.

Whitney’s eyes widened in shock, staring at the door, not understanding how the night had turned into

this nightmare.

They had become pawns in Elaine’s game; the girl was gone, and Tiana was dragged away, about to

face a horrible fate…

It felt like the world had turned upside down, where justice could not see the light of day, and truth

could not bask in the sun.

She glanced out the window into the seemingly endless cold night; no one believed her, not even

Ludwik, emboldening Elaine’s brazen mischief!

After finally finding the girl, all she needed was to expose Elaine for the fraud she was, to prove the

harm she had done to her mother, and then she could confront Ludwik, gain her freedom, find a way to

rescue Bryce, absolve the guilt she felt towards the Lutz family, save her uncle, and perhaps even turn

Skye Gem around.

All those hopes seemed to drift away as her eyes welled up with tears…

Snapping back to reality, Whitney found Elaine standing over her, one foot pressing down on her

swollen belly, her gaze confident as if stepping on a dead fish.

“Next, it’s time for your child to be properly welcomed into this world,” Elaine said, her almond eyes

shimmering with a devilish glow as she bared her teeth.

“Please… no…” Whitney scrambled backward, her hands tied, unable to protect her unborn child.

Who would save her?

Her eyes wide with terror, devoid of any glimmer of hope, she pleaded, “Elaine, please, have mercy on

the child. It is a life, and even if it’s Ludwik’s, it hasn’t wronged you. If you want, I’ll give birth, and you

can take it. I promise to stay far away from Ludwik. He’ll only be yours, okay?”

She was desperate. For the sake of her child, she had pathetically thrown away her dignity and pride.

Feeling like she was drowning in icy water, her body shook uncontrollably as she fiercely protected the

life within her.

Chapter 236

But as Elaine’s foot pressed down, Whitney felt a warm gush – not water, but blood. Her belly throbbed

with pain. The baby must have panicked inside her.

A flood of blood and amniotic fluid poured out, and Whitney clutched at her clothes, her face contorted

with cold sweat.

“Don’t hurt him… Ludwik won’t let you get away with this; he will never forgive you!!”

Her cries were frantic, her lips slowly bleeding.

Elaine let out a cold laugh and handed her a phone. “Don’t you get it? Ludwik is complicit in this. He

doesn’t want the child but can’t bear to do it himself, so he lets me do the dirty work.

If you don’t believe me, call him. If he agrees to save the child after talking to you, I’ll let you 90.”

Whitney was in despair, unable to comprehend the logic in Elaine’s words, shattered by her


With her hands freed, she lay prone on the floor, desperately dialing Ludwik’s number, the familiar

digits etched into her heart.

The call connected.

After several rings, the line picked up, and Whitney’s tears broke free, her voice tinged with cold

despair and reluctant hope for the man she no longer recognized. “Ludwik, it’s your child. Even if you

love Elaine, don’t let her commit such cruelty. I promise to vanish from your life forever! Or let me stay

in the asylum as long as you want, just please spare this life, it’s… over seven months, weighs a

couple of pounds, it interacts with me… Don’t make me hate you… I don’t want to hate you…”

The two–minute plea was met with silence from the other end.

She kept checking the call – it was connected!

Why was he so cruel? He would not agree, would not save them, but left them to die.

Elaine watched Whitney’s life ebb away from her expression, signaling the bodyguard, who nodded,

indicating the call was successfully intercepted. They had used a dummy number, and

Ludwik had not received the call at all.

Whitney felt an overwhelming pain as if needles were piercing her heart.

The phone slipped from her hands and clattered on the floor.

Elaine’s smirk widened as she stood up. “You see? He doesn’t want you. He just doesn’t.”

A wry smile crossed Whitney’s face as she stared blankly at Elaine, who continued to taunt her, “Since

you’re about to die tonight, I might as well share some secrets. Ludwik is destined for greatness, not

just any Banyan City Lippert scion. One day, he’ll be the perfect man with a family background inferior

to none in this entire world. That’s why I must cling to him. How could I let you take him away?”

Chapter 236

“So, you don’t really love him either!”

Elaine sneered. “True, but he thinks my love is pure! I’m his lifesaver, and he’s bound to me. You never

stood a chance. It’s your fault for tempting him after the divorce. As long as you’re around, Ludwik can’t

be mine, so you, you must die.”

Whitney understood then, a mocking laugh escaping her, “So you’ve never had sex? That’s quite

pathetic. You’re not his savior; I know the truth.”

Elaine’s face turned a shade of furious blue. She glared at Whitney, wondering what she had


But then, she relaxed, staring at Whitney’s defiant death’s door grin. She leaned in to deliver the final

blow. “Whether I’m his savior or not doesn’t matter; he believes I am, and that’s enough. And your

uncle Keegan, I should thank him for his misplaced vengeance, making Ludwik the scapegoat, which

ultimately delivered him into my hands. Our family has absolutely crushed the Tennyson family, be it in

business or people! I’ll take good care of your uncle, too. So, take these secrets to the grave with you.

You won’t be able to utter a word against me, and in dear Ludwik’s eyes, I’ll remain the kindest soul.”

Whitney’s eyes bulged with fury and realization. Her suspicions that the Bartels were the bane of the

Tennysons‘ existence were spot on.

Her fists clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white with the force of her unyielding spirit. The

secrets of the family feud had come to light tonight, and she was not about to let Elaine get away with


But as she looked down at the blood staining the floor beneath her, a sense of helplessness washed

over her. The inevitability of her situation gnawed away her resolve.

Elaine’s lips curled into a wicked smile of victory as she ordered her bodyguard to brandish a dagger.

“Let’s perform a little C–section, shall we? We’ll deliver a stillborn–of course, I can’t be sullied by a

single drop of blood.”

Her laughter echoed down the hall as she strutted away triumphantly.

Whitney’s mind, sluggish from shock, finally snapped back to the present. Horror–stricken, she

stumbled backward, her heart pounding like a drumbeat heralding the end.

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

At the airport in the South, Ludwik stepped off the plane and immediately turned on his laptop, eager to

check the live feed from the sanatorium’s surveillance system.

But the connection was frustratingly spotty, the feed lagging in real–time.

His gaze was icy as worry creased his brow. Without a moment’s hesitation, he dialed the


The director picked up, his voice hesitant and filled with excuses about poor reception in the mountains

and ongoing repairs.

Meanwhile, Felix was rambling on about a litany of issues cropping up at the factory,

Yet, Ludwik, standing tall and imposing in the midst of the bustling airport, paid him no mind. A chill

surrounded him, his brow twitching with unease.

Suddenly, his phone pinged with a notification.

An unfamiliar number with an international prefix – probably spam?

It rang just once!

For reasons Ludwik could not fathom, he found it unsettling and impulsively tried to call back, but it

would not go through.

What the hell was going on?

Something felt very wrong tonight. His right eye twitched, a premonition of impending trouble.

“Mr. Lippert? Mr. Lippert?” Felix called out several times before getting his attention.

Ludwik slowly turned, noticing an inexplicable film of sweat on his palm. “I can’t connect to the

sanatorium’s feed. Damn it, what good are they if they can’t get this right? Forget the factory issues. I

need to go back.”

Taken aback by Mr. Lippert’s unusual demeanor and evident agitation – he had not rested at all on the

flight – Felix did not dare say more and immediately instructed the airport manager, “Prepare Mr.

Lippert’s private jet for a return flight.”

“Plot the shortest course. Get me there in two hours. And find out what’s going on at the sanatorium!”

Ludwik ordered, pinching the bridge of his nose as he strode back to the cabin.

“What did you say? Imbeciles! She was in labor, and you let her escape?!” Elaine could hardly believe

the call from her henchman.

Fuming with rage, she had left the scene to cover her tracks and was busy planting ‘evidence‘ to’turn

tonight’s events in her favor. She even planned to cast herself as the ‘victim‘ of a kidnapping by

Whitney and Tiana.

Chapter 237

Once she confirmed that the child was killed during an emergency C–section and the B&B was

reduced to ashes, all the secrets would die with Whitney in the inferno.

“Exactly how did you let her get away? Where are the others?” Elaine snapped, her eyes flashing with

malice as she spun the car around and raced back.

Arriving back at the B&B, she was greeted by a scene of carnage, with several of her men severely

injured, some with bites or severed wrists. A violent shiver ran down her spine.

“Elaine, you weren’t here. That dying woman was terrifying. She fought us tooth and nail to protect her

child…” Only one henchman was left unscathed, wiping blood from his eyes as he pointed toward the

back road from the B&B. “She took a scalpel and car keys. She was badly hurt, and with her water

broken, she couldn’t have gotten far!”

Elaine slapped him across the face, seething with fury. “Don’t just stand there. Gather everyone and

find her! Kill her on sight, and make it quick!”

She glanced nervously around the room and commanded, “And burn this place to the ground.”

Elaine drove off, cursing the resilient woman who dared to fight back.

Whitney pushed the car to its limits, the world around her a blur. She could not recall how she managed

to escape from that room; all she knew was that as a mother, she had done everything to prevent that

blade from slicing open her belly, to prevent Elaine from killing her baby.

The pain was unbearable; her abdomen throbbed, and blood and amniotic fluid soaked the seat. She

could no longer feel her baby moving; if she did not act fast, it would suffocate inside her.

What to do? The road was pitch black, deserted.

Behind her, Elaine’s men, like relentless predators, were surely on her trail.

In desperation, she abandoned the car, sending it careening down a slope, and fled in the opposite

direction, vaulting over the highway barrier into the trees lining the slope. :

The moon cast a cold light, and the sharp, salty sea breeze cut through the air.

She was near the coast, still within the territory of the coastal sanatorium..

She intended to endure, to get farther away to safety for her and her baby, but a sudden gush of blood

signaled the onset of labor. She collapsed onto the rocks, her baby ready to be born prematurely.

She could feel the baby’s tiny, desperate head pressing down, fighting for life.

Whitney tore a piece of cloth and stuffed it in her mouth. In the bone–chilling wind, she lay back,

opened her legs, and began to push with all her might, with one hand holding the knife and the other

clenching onto a rock.

Chapter 237

Her cries of agony pierced the night, unanswered as if swallowed by the vast sea below.

Once cherished by him, she never imagined that one day she would be giving birth alone in the

wilderness, secretly enduring all the pain and torment to save her child.

Once, she never thought she would be driven to such despair by a mistress.

What had led them to this moment?

“Ludwik, every ounce of pain reminds me to hate you. I hate you, Ludwik.”

As consciousness slipped away under the intense agony, Whitney, drenched in sweat, bit down on the

cloth, her mouth filling with blood. She had no strength left; she was gravely injured at the B&B and

was now on the verge of a difficult labour.

How could she deliver?

The pain was overwhelming, and she was nearly blacking out. The baby had grown so quickly like she

was carrying twins, but the doctor had said it was just excess amniotic fluid.

Was the baby in the wrong position?

Desperate, Whitney bit down hard, her oxygen–starved brain growing fuzzy, the world darkening as

she forced herself to stay awake.

The baby would suffocate otherwise.

Through the haze, something surged out with a rush of fluid.

Barely conscious, Whitney tried to reach for her child, but another surge of pain wracked her body.

She touched her still–swollen belly, despair engulfing her. Had she not yet given birth?

Pressing down on her abdomen, she pushed with all the pain of a knife carving bone, numbly assisting

her own labor.

Finally, a feeble cry sliced through the night, barely audible.

“My child… my precious…” Whitney wept with joy!

With her last bit of strength, she cut the umbilical cord.

As her pale, trembling hand reached for her baby, a blinding light suddenly flooded over her from


“There she is!” yelled one of the henchmen.

Whitney clutched her newborn to her chest with a desperate grip, as if her soul had left her body. She

tried to rise, but her strength failed her.

Four thugs closed in, the leader picking up a scalpel that had fallen to the ground, twirling it menacingly

in the dim light of a flashlight. The beam suddenly flooded over Whitney and her infant, and he called

out behind him, “This bitch has gone and had the kid! Get Elaine and Mr.


Chapter 237

Lippert on the line.”

Mr. Lippert? The name struck Whitney as if she had been rendered mute.

Her face was ashen, and she held her newborn with a madness only a mother could muster. The

agony of childbirth was nothing compared to the excruciating pain ripping through her

heart at this moment.

Did he know about the birth? The child was born, and yet he still did not want it? Was he still plotting

with Elaine to get rid of them both?

Why? Oh, why?

“Ludwik… I fought with everything I had to bring this child into the world,” she cried out. “I risked my life

to give you this baby, and you still cast us aside. Ludwik, you monster!”

She felt on the brink of insanity as if she could visibly see her heart tearing, piece by piece, while she

stumbled backward, trying to evade the thugs who were after her child, the ominous glint of the scalpel.

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

As Whitney’s head collided with the rock, leaving her immobile, her desperate attempt to flee

momentarily gave her assailant pause. His voice carried a chilling threat through the air as he said,

“Your child’s barely two pounds. It won’t survive this! You and yours have to die. Just accept your fate,

and I might leave you a whole corpse.”

With lips quivering, Whitney mustered a cold, trembling laugh. Summoning her last ounce of strength,

she struggled to her feet and glanced behind her, only to see the raging sea, its waves ready to

swallow everything whole. novelbin

Despair and surrender gripped her faster than she would have believed possible.

A twisted smile broke through her terror as she clutched her newborn, too tiny and still to comprehend

the peril. Her eyes shimmered with a mosaic of light, tinged with the crimson of heartbreak. Then, all

turned dark.

“I won’t let Elaine harm us, not even the slightest bit. I’m so sorry, my love… so sorry,” she whispered

to her child.

“Ludwik, Ludwik, Ludwik! I hate you! In this life and the next, I’ll never forgive you!”

With those final words, she leaped backward, her frail body unfurling like a ribbon in the wind. Clinging

to her precious baby, she closed her eyes in utter despair as her tears joined the boundless depths of

the ocean below.

Elaine’s voice echoed the sentiment, “He never wanted this child. He could not bring himself to do it, so

he let me do the dirty work.”

“He knew sending you to the sanitarium would mean the child would not last long under the strain,” she


Whitney had not believed her at first, but she could not dismiss the last call for help that went ignored

by him.

Elaine had gloated, “He’s fleeing Banyan City tonight just to avoid you, to let me take care of the

unwanted ‘trouble‘.”

“Oh, baby, I was so wrong! My greatest mistake was hoping that man would have a shred of decency.

His cruelty is beyond words.

I’ll always be with you, never letting you fall into the hands of evil, suffering their torment. I love


But I am filled with such hatred, such loathing. Even in death, I won’t rest until I’ve haunted that

treacherous pair!” These words were the last in her mind as the sea devoured her.

The henchmen, stunned, rushed to the edge of the rocky precipice, peering down at the turbulent

white–capped waves below.

Except for the howling wind, not even the sound of a body hitting the water reached their ears.



Chapter 238

“Where is that bitch?” Elaine approached through the darkness, her face alight with vicious joy at the

thought of Whitney’s inescapable fate.

“Elaine!” one of the men called out, his voice tinged with panic. “She gave birth… But she jumped with

the baby to keep us from taking it!”

“What?” Elaine froze for a moment.

Snapping back to reality, she ran to the cliff’s edge, her flashlight beam probing the depths. As she saw

the height of the cliff, her lips curled into an involuntary smirk.

Before her sneer could fully form, one of the men stepped on something soft and out of place among

the rocks.

“What now?” the leader barked at the alarmed underling.

“It’s… another baby! Alive or dead, I can’t tell!”

“How can that be?” Elaine’s eyes widened in disbelief, rushing to where a small, bloodied bundle lay

half–hidden beneath the rocks. The infant, still covered in blood, was so tiny and silent that it had gone


“What’s happening? You said she jumped with the child!” Elaine’s voice trembled with unease.

“It’s true, she jumped with the baby in her arms. We all saw it. But how could there be another?” A cold

realization dawned on Elaine. Could Whitney have been carrying twins without knowing


Did Ludwik know?

Whether he knew or not, this child had to be disposed of. There could be no loose ends to

threaten her future with Ludwik.

“Pick it up and throw it over,” she commanded with chilling finality.

As the henchman hesitated, Elaine’s phone rang. It was Jaxon. “Elaine, something’s wrong. Mr.

Lippert’s private plane has returned! It just landed on the sanitarium’s roof. He’s searching for


“What?” Elaine’s face turned pale, her mind racing. She looked up to see a helicopter’s red light

blinking in the distance.

“Wait!” She felt a rush of panic. What if Ludwik had binoculars on that planè? They could not risk being

seen now.

She quickly instructed her men to lay the baby back down, then took a knife, sliced the infant’s fragile

veins, and flung the blood toward the cliff’s edge, tossing the knife into the sea.

“Smear some of the fresh blood along the roadside. Quickly! Then erase any signs of a struggle and


After giving her orders Flaine called Ashton her voice hoarse with urgency. “Ashton. Jaxon

Chapter 238

saved me. No need to come to the B&B anymore. I was worried about Whitney. I’m by the seaside, and

I’ve found some unusual bloodstains. Notify Ludwik, fast!”

“Director, you can send the surveillance footage of Tiana rescuing Whitney to Mr. Lippert now!”

Hanging up, Elaine squinted at the sea below, then at the helicopter drawing ever closer.

Slowly, she raised her flashlight.

“Mr. Lippert, there’s a light on the coastal road. Could it be Ms. Valentine signaling for help?” Felix

shouted, peering out of the helicopter.

Ludwik’s face was ashen. From the moment his heart had clenched with an ominous pain, he found it

hard to breathe.

A vein throbbed at his temple, a grim premonition telling him something terrible had happened.

His fingers gripped tightly together, slick with sweat, as if he was losing his grasp on something

precious, something irrevocably slipping away, causing panic to fill his chest.

He rose from his seat, his voice a thunderous roar. “Land now!”

That damned woman, whatever she had done, she had to be safe, both she and their children.

The helicopter touched down just as the delayed surveillance footage appeared on a laptop. Felix

opened it, and Ludwik’s gaze turned icy at the sight.

The surveillance footage was crystal clear, capturing Tiana’s deceptive disguise as a nurse, her brazen

entrance into the hospital ward, and the entire process of spiriting away Whitney.

Just moments ago, the hospital director had hemmed and hawed, insisting that Whitney had somehow

fled on her own, blaming the spotty signal in the hills and the perpetual ‘fixing‘ of the surveillance


Ludwik did not buy it for a second until he saw this footage.

He clenched his jaw tightly, his fists coiling into balls of restrained fury.

The helicopter touched down at the roadside, yet from the woods nestled at the foot of the slope,

Elaine’s cries for help pierced the air, “Who’s there? Is that you, Ludwik? Ludwik, please, you’ve got to

save me, save the child.”

What child?

The tall man leaped from the chopper, his body tensing instinctively.

His eyes flickered with a tremble of urgency, propelling him toward the cliff’s edge at breakneck speed.

“Elaine… whose child is it?”

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

“It’s yours! Whitney went into premature birth right here! I’m so sorry. Ludwik. I’m late. Whitney’s

disappeared, leaving this tiny thing behind with no one to cry for it. It’s so small, barely crying or


Blood seemed to drain from Ludwik’s veins.

Whitney had given birth prematurely? And she was gone? She left their child here?

The onslaught of information pummeled his mind.

His heart sank as he sprinted to Elaine’s side. The woman, her face marred by injuries, was holding a

flashlight, desperately shining it on the ground. “The baby’s too small. I didn’t dare touch it. Ashton

called and said he got through to you, so I just waited for you.”

Ludwik’s gaze fell to the stone beneath which lay a bundle of fear and vulnerability, his pupils

reddening with a murderous rage.

How pitiful was this wrinkled little being, not even wrapped in a swaddle, just abandoned like trash

beneath the stones, shivering in the bone–chilling spring night and the piercing sea breeze.

At that moment, Ludwik’s heart, no matter how cold or.tough, crucified Whitney for her sin.

The child he and his mother had so eagerly anticipated.

Even after Whitney’s betrayals, he still wanted this child, wanted it to live.

Now lying there, small enough to fit in his palm, covered in blood, nearly transparent, quivering slightly

in the cold wind.

Ludwik’s eyes turned red.

His hands trembled as he slowly bent down, gingerly picking up the newborn, placing it securely in the

expanse of his fatherly arms, wrapping his coat around its frail body, his lips pressed in a grim line, his

voice damp with emotion, “Daddy’s here now, I’m sorry, kiddo.”

“Mr. Lippert…” Felix said, noticing his stunned and frightening demeanor..

“Get the doctor from the cabin over here, now!” Ludwik bellowed, his temples throbbing with rage as he

stood up, like a lion gone mad, scouring the woods.

“Felix, find her. There’s another one; they’re twins; find the other one!”

Felix sensed his desperation. A towering man, yet there were tears in his eyes. novelbin

“Mr. Lippert, keep it together. I’ll find Ms. Valentine right away!”

“Ludwik, stop looking!” Elaine came over, sobbing, “When Jaxon and I got here, we only found this

child. Whitney is gone. Jaxon followed some bloodstains on the road for dozens of meters before they


Chapter 239

What scares me the most is that part of the blood trail goes down the slope. It might mean Whitney

threw the other child off the cliff.”

Ludwik stared icily at Elaine.

He could not understand a word she was saying.

While Felix had already turned pale, illuminating the slope with his phone, indeed spotting a 6–foot–

long blood stain.

Ludwik, his gaze fiery, dragged the doctor down the slope, his chilling voice asking. “Is this the other

child’s blood? Is it?”

“Ludwik, calm down,” Elaine feigned concern.

“Shut up,” he snarled.

The doctor, with his equipment, took a sample of the blood and tested it on the spot, then looked down.

“Mr. Lippert, I’m sorry. It’s infant blood, still fresh.”

Ludwik was numb, holding his surviving child, staring blankly at the edge of the cliff beneath which lay

the endless sea.

The chill of early spring, the biting sea wind, the white waves crashing against the cliffs, a distant ship

twinkling with lights.

He could not believe it.

His handsome lips turned pale, and he chuckled bitterly, shaking his head in denial.

Elaine, with a cold glint in her eye, kept feeding him lies. “The blood on the roadside is substantial. I

think it’s Whitney. She… she ran away. Maybe she was trying to escape the sanatorium in a hurry to

save Bryce? She didn’t even care about the child!

Or maybe she hated you for keeping her in the sanatorium and, in a fit of rage, threw the child away.

Either way, to abandon one and discard the other is just heartless. She doesn’t deserve

to be a mother.”

“Felix, confirm if there’s really a blood trail of someone escaping!” Ludwik’s eyes were livid.

Felix and his men rushed to the scene, returning with an unnatural tone, “Mr. Lippert, there indeed is a

dragged blood trail, along with a woman’s messy footprints.”

What they did not know was that those were Whitney’s footprints from her earlier escape.

Elaine shot a venomous glance down the cliff. Whitney, having jumped with the child, was unlikely to

have survived.

All evidence was buried, and it was up to Elaine’s storytelling. She did not want Ludwik to know

Whitney was dead. By convincing him she was alive, she could fuel his hatred.

With a smirk hidden inside, she set her trap and sobbed. “Ludwik, she left you and ran away. Don’t be

angry. It’s just that this child is truly pitiful, abandoned by its mother right after birth.”



Chapter 239

“No, my child isn’t dead.” Ludwik murmured.

The man, once strong and tall, now knelt powerless at the edge of the cliff, his back etched with hatred.

His eyes, sharp as blades, were vulnerable as he stared at the sea, hating with a voracity that pierced

through the calm.

He clutched the child in his arms and roared, “Whitney, give me back my other child!”

Where is my other child? Where! You heartless witch, you’ve killed my child, and no matter where you

flee, to the ends of the earth, I will never let you go!”

His cold roar shattered the quiet night, tearing at the stillness in his gaze.

It made sense now; the wretch only knew she was carrying a single child. He never disclosed the truth,

and the hospital reports were always doctored.

So, when she gave birth prematurely, not noticing the silent child, she assumed there was only one. In

her rush to save Bryce, to avenge her confinement, to rid herself of this inconvenient preemie, she

abandoned the child, throwing it off the cliff into the sea.

Her betrayal, her infidelity, no matter how much she wounded him, none compared to this indelible

mark of hatred.

She abandoned their child, and with that, Whitney ceased to be human in his eyes.

He had thought, even in hatred, to entangle his life with hers. But now, the betrayal was too deep.

But she could not wait to cast him aside, to erase him and their children from her heart completely!

Panic flickered in Ludwik’s eyes, and a torrent of hatred swelled, leaving him as vulnerable and fragile

as a child.

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“Ludwik!” Elaine rushed over with concern.

Felix helped the dazed man to his feet. His handsome face was too pale, his body stiff as a board, and

Felix could not help but feel pained by the sight. “Mr. Lippert, don’t let rage cloud your judgment or jump

to conclusions. I have a feeling Ms. Valentine wouldn’t just run off and leave the child.

She’s just had a premature delivery, and she wouldn’t risk everything for Bryce. Is it possible that she

and the baby might have accidentally fallen into the sea?

I’ll immediately seal off this area and call the police. We need to find Tiana and get to the bottom of this.

But right now, we have to get the child to the ICU! Mr. Lippert, let the doctors…”

“Nobody is touching my son!” Ludwik protectively held the tiny bundle in his arms.

Chapter 239

His child had been heartlessly abandoned by its mother, and had he arrived a minute later, it surely

would have perished.

With tenderness and a chilling resolve, he looked down, gently stroking his suit, not daring to touch his

son. He paid no more attention to the situation at hand and strode with purpose to the airplane. Before

boarding, he cast a dark glance at the ocean, “Get the Coast Guard to search. I want them scoured

every inch! If she’s truly dead, I want to see the body, to ask her why she could be so cruel.”

Felix let out a heavy sigh. “I’ve already contacted the maritime search and rescue teams.”

Elaine clenched her hands, weighing the situation once more. The cliff was so high that Whitney and

the preemie could not possibly have survived.

She boarded the plane with a sense of relief.

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

In the neonatal ward of the hospital, Ludwik paced the sterile hallway for what felt like an eternity, unsure how he managed to endure the agonizing hours outside the operating room.

His eyes were bloodshot, his fingers stained with the remnants of one cigarette after another as he

chain–smoked, waiting for any news.

Ashton and Nolan had also arrived in a rush, their expressions grim.

Soon, the corridor swelled with an influx of people, including police officers.

Voices swirled around him, recounting the night’s harrowing events. Elaine’s fragile sobs echoed

against the walls, her body marred by bruises and cuts.

The director of the sanatorium said, “Around seven this evening, a girl disguised as a nurse broke into

the sanatorium, drugged many of our staff with sedatives, and kidnapped Ms. Valentine. I was terrified

and tried to contact you immediately, but your phone was unreachable. I wanted to show you the

hospital’s security footage, but the signal was jammed. With no other option, I reached out to Elaine to

come to the sanatorium and figure out what to do.”

“But before I could get there, Tiana abducted me!” Elaine interjected, her voice laced with distress.

“She and Whitney were both in the car. They bound me and took me to a B&B. It turns out Whitney

was the mastermind behind the plan, instructing Tiana to find a kidney donor at the hospital. They

wanted to frame me for a fake organ donation to Natalie, manufacturing evidence to turn you against

me, Ludwik. Their aim was likely to make it seem as though I intended to harm her child, securing

Whitney’s release from the sanatorium so she could go rescue Bryce.”

At the mention of Bryce, a flicker of life sparked in Ludwik’s otherwise vacant gaze.

Elaine knew words alone carried little weight and produced two pieces of evidence. “Ludwik, I had

Jaxon dig up this–Tiana bought two plane tickets to Emperor City tonight.”

Ludwik studied the ticket confirmations, signed by Tiana, for a flight at eight o’clock. Finally, a sardonic

laugh escaped him.

She had escaped and was now desperate to save her lover.

“They intended to deal with me first, fabricate evidence, and slander me to you. But at the B&B, they,

that girl, and the hired thugs couldn’t agree on a price, and a conflict erupted. Ludwik, Whitney is more

deranged than you can imagine. She actually ordered the thugs to…”

Seemingly too fearful to continue, Elaine made a slashing gesture across her throat.

Ludwik frowned deeply, incredulous. Ms. Valentine could not even bear to kill a chicken at his villa!

“Everything was so chaotic. I was tied up when Whitney and Tiana set the B&B ablaze to erase all

traces. Fortunately, Jaxon arrived in time to save me! My throat was injured, but I was still



Chapter 240

worried about Whitney’s premature birth. Knowing how much you value your children, I

followed Jaxon here. We found the baby, but Whitney was nowhere to be seen, and who knows what

happened with Tiana and those thugs.”

She clasped two medical reports, one confirming her throat injury from the fire. The other was a health


“Ludwik, to prove my innocence, I just had an examination confirming that I truly only have one kidney

left. Whitney’s misunderstanding of me led her to this madness and attempt to frame me.”

“She’s getting her just deserts. That woman is venomous. The schemes she and her best friend

concocted are just malicious, even resorting to murder and arson, not to mention abandoning her

child!” Ashton scoffed with disdain. “Ludwik, there’s no need for doubt. I was with Elaine during her

medical examination; she has only one kidney. Plus, around nine, she indeed called me for help,

saying she was trapped in a B&B. Check the call log!”

Exhausted, Ludwik pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyes and heart felt dead. “Felix, send someone

to Bryce’s interrogation facility in Emperor City. Wait for her there.”

“Mr. Lippert, I think we need to find Tiana Melford to confirm all of this,” Felix cautiously added.

Elaine’s eyes cooled slightly, her voice even and calm, “Ludwik, since it appears to be my word against

theirs, perhaps it would be best if you confronted Ms. Melford directly.”

Ludwik shook his head. “With proof of your throat injury and the marks on your wrists from being

bound, it’s clear Whitney couldn’t stand being confined to the sanatorium. Desperate to save Bryce,

she tried to use you as a bargaining chip by framing you!”

He sneered bitterly, haunted by the memory of blood from another child’s fall from a cliff, a stain that

washed over his hatred time and again. He remembered how that woman made countless excuses in

the sanatorium, claiming Elaine was out to get her, pleading with him to let her go.

His belief was firm; because he had her confined, she would use the premature birth of their child as

revenge against him. He was done with talk of love and hate; it was a desecration. He loathed her to

his very marrow.

“Find Tiana,” he said coldly. “Someone must be punished to quell the hatred in my heart.”

Felix shivered, uncertain whether to pursue Ms. Melford any further.

Elaine’s lips curled up in a hidden smirk, pleased with her successful counter–strike tonight.

The child was Ludwik’s Achilles‘ heel, and Whitney had no evidence to defend herself. As for Tiana,

Elaine had countless ways to silence her.

Despite searching all night, Felix found no sign of Tiana.

But at dawn, a sensational news story overtook the headlines in Banyan City: The Melford

Chapter 240

heiress was raped and humiliated in a club after her hired thugs turned on her, with explicit photos

leaked online!

Felix’s heart skipped a beat as he opened the photos, only to be confronted with the disturbing images

of Tiana being humiliated by various men. Her face twisted in pain, her cries and struggles

heartbreaking, her clothes torn to reveal bruises and wounds–a testament to the nightmare she had


He rushed to the Melford estate to confront them, but they, too, claimed ignorance about their

daughter’s whereabouts. Tiana’s mother wailed, clueless about the source of the leaked photos.

As he left the Melford estate, he bumped into Valerie, who had been waiting anxiously all night. Valerie

joined Felix in rushing to the hospital.

Inside the OR, the newborn baby had been fighting for life through the night and was finally wheeled

out by the doctors, out of immediate danger.

Ludwik’s patience had worn thin, his energy depleted, and in his cold gaze, there was only room for his

surviving son.

He couldn’t hold him. Due to premature birth, his son was barely 1.9 pounds. Perhaps if he had stayed novelbin

in the warmth and safety of the womb a few more days, he might have made it to two pounds.

Maybe if he hadn’t been discarded in the biting chill of the wind, left beneath the harsh clatter of the mill

wheel, he wouldn’t be clinging to life by such a precarious thread…

Ludwik stood there, a silent, icy sentinel, separated by the glass of the incubator, treating his cigarettes

as a lifeline.

Valerie was roaring in his ear, her words like a tempest he refused to hear.

“Mr. Lippert, believe me! It’s not the slick tale Elaine’s spun. She struck while Whitney was lost at sea,

while Tiana was left shattered and accused. Elaine’s the culprit, pretending to be the victim! We had the

proof that she was behind your mother’s condition, but Elaine found it and destroyed all the evidence.

Now, there’s no one to testify,

Poor Whitney, she must’ve been in such despair to leap into the ocean. She didn’t run away; if you’d

talked to her, you’d know she never thought of saving Bryce. She was devoted to you, and you repaid

her by locking her away, freezing her out…”

“I don’t care who you are. If you don’t want to end up in a world of hurt, get out now. My son needs

peace.” Ludwik’s voice was as unyielding as granite.

Ashton came over to pull her away with displeasure. “Valerie, what are you still doing here, stirring up

trouble? I know you’re Whitney’s best friend, so you’d say anything to defend her, but Elaine’s the

victim of their cruel plot. She’s endured so much suffering.”

He was cut off mid–sentence as Valerie, overtaken by rage, whipped her hand across his stoic face

with a resounding slap!


Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 226-230

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Elaine could not hide it any longer, and with a sigh of frustration, she confessed, “I don’t know what

happened; I was sure I had avoided it tonight!”

“It’s that time of the month; you need to rest and take it easy. This can wait,” Ludwik reassured her with

a sense of relief in his voice, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “Besides, I’m not feeling quite

like myself tonight either. I wouldn’t want to leave you with a bad impression, Elaine. You should get

some sleep.”

His tone was too calm.

Elaine was smart and suddenly remembered the water… Her gaze faltered, and her expression paled

as she looked at his face, seeking answers.

Ludwik looked back at her with tender eyes, not avoiding her gaze, the depths of his eyes


Elaine clenched her fists, realizing she did not have the courage to confront him.

He helped her dress and gently laid her on the bed, touching her forehead tenderly. “Sleep well,

sweetheart,” he whispered.

The man turned off the light and left the room indifferently.

In the darkness, Elaine quickly heard the sound of the front door closing downstairs.

Furious, she got up, ran barefoot down the stairs, and grabbed the bowl of water from the table. She

had guzzled it earlier when he had coaxed her, but now she could detect an unusual medicinal flavor.

She had been duped!

Elaine dug her nails into her palms, a mix of embarrassment and rage making her smash the bowl to


He had prepared the water in advance to prevent anything from happening between them, even if it

meant inducing her period early.

His indifference chilled her to the bone. Why?

Why would he refuse to…

Her head felt like it would explode. She had tried to touch his crotch earlier, and he had shown no


She had thought maybe the mood was not right, but now she understood. He was not interested in


He did not love her, which was why he could look at her body so calmly.

It was all Whitney’s fault. He still longed for that woman’s touch, which was why he disregarded Elaine!



Chapter 226

That vixen, even though divorced and trampled under her feet, had the audacity to humiliate her on her

engagement night.

Elaine’s face twisted in hatred. As long as Whitney was around, Ludwik’s heart would never

return to her!

She began to plot viciously.

Ludwik arrived at his apartment alone, standing in front of the window at his desk, smoking. His tall

silhouette was a portrait of solitude.

Felix sensed the depth of the president’s preoccupation, his lonely figure as distant as a thousand


Since Ludwik had left Everwood Villa Estate early, Felix figured he probably did not make any real

contact with Elaine.

His heart clearly was not with her.

Tonight, he might sit in silence until dawn.

Felix had prepared everything as instructed, and seeing the man’s heavy movements as he stubbed

out his cigarette, he could not help but sigh in consolation, “Mr. Lippert, she won’t belong to anyone

else; she’s still yours. But are you sure you want to do this?”

Ludwik closed his eyes, his long fingers resting against his temple, silent in his severity.

At the apartment.

Bryce arrived late at night.

Whitney and her two best friends had just finished making spicy burritos, the aroma wafting

from the kitchen.

“What’s cooking that smells so good?” Bryce chuckled.

Behind him were his company’s investment manager and two female stylists carrying several luxurious


“We’re making burritos,” Whitney replied with a smile.

Bryce glanced at her friends, then pulled Whitney aside, his voice gentle, “I was worried about your

mood today and didn’t want to intrude and make things worse. I didn’t expect your friends to have

cheered you up so much. Thank them for me.”

“Uncle Bryce, could you be any sweeter?” Tiana murmured.

“Uncle Bryce?” He was puzzled.

Valerie chuckled, “Tiana’s ex–fiancé Gunner, you know him, right?”



Chapter 226

Bryce was taken aback, looked at Whitney, and waved his hand. “I’m not close to him. My nephew is

such a mess; we’re not cut from the same cloth.”

Tiana laughed and nudged Whitney, whispering, “He’s really good at cheering you up. This old guy

sure has a way with words.”

“Ms. Melford, I can hear you,” Bryce responded, amused.

Whitney’s lips twitched. Why did it feel like Bryce had instantly won over her friends?

She steered the conversation back. “Mr. Lutz, what brings you here?”

“I’ve got a ton of things. There’s a lot to prepare for the engagement tomorrow, and I didn’t want to

upset you, so I waited until now to bring the dresses. But most importantly, I need your signature on an

investment document.”

Bryce snapped his fingers with a flourish, and the investment manager handed over a contract.

Whitney was taken aback and somewhat touched as she read it, “Mr. Lutz, a two billion investment in

Skye Gem is no small amount. With your situation being so volatile, won’t this blow our cover?”

“Darling, just watch as Skye Gem comes roaring back to life! Leave the rest to me. I promised to invest

before the engagement, and I always keep my word.”

His reliability made her feel unworthy.

“Two billion, Mr. Lutz is really splashing the cash. Let’s call it an engagement gift,” Tiana joked. Whitney

shot her a glare. “You all know that he and I are actually…”

“Let’s not dwell on it. Mr. Lutz would be heartbroken. Even if it’s all for show, who knows what the future

holds? With the right conditions, it could turn real,” Tiana said, looking at Bryce’s affectionate gaze and

advising Whitney, “After the engagement tomorrow, everything will become clear. Time to change your

mindset and move on. You’ve got your friends and a man who supports you; what’s there to fear? Let

go of the past and think of your child, your uncle, and your cousin.”

Indeed, Whitney had planned to use Bryce’s help to get her uncle out early after the engagement.

Ludwik was engaged to Elaine, and they seemed happy together.

It was time to let go of her own entanglements and move toward a new direction.

Ludwik had used his actions today to say goodbye to their past.

Taking a deep breath, she realized that with the new investment, Skye Gem would be revived, and her

life would improve, right?

Tonight seemed like a turning point, bidding a hasty farewell to her past.

Chapter 226

“Alright, I’ll muster up my spirits to face this new chapter of life, to make money and take care of my

baby,” she said, picking up a hint of a smile.

“Making money to raise a baby is totally unnecessary. You’re a powerful woman, and the Lutz Group is

rolling in dough,” Tiana said, linking her arm with her friend’s. “We’ll make it big together.”

“Alright, Valerie and I won’t be third wheels anymore. We’ll leave Mr. Lutz to plan tomorrow’s banquet.

See you in the morning.”

The two besties left in a hurry, not wanting to be a nuisance.

The apartment fell silent. In an attempt to ease the awkwardness, Whitney picked up the gown and

said, “I’ll go try this on for size.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Bryce said with a gentlemanly gesture.

Surveying the modest apartment, Bryce spoke in a warm tone, “It’s a bit sparse here, but I’ve picked

out a crib in baby blue. The little one will surely love it…”

His gaze turned, and he suddenly became silent, struck by amazement.

The woman emerging from the bathroom was draped in a champagne–colored gown that flowed

elegantly over her form, her figure delicate in all aspects save for the gentle swell of her belly.

Her skin was radiant ivory, so flawless it seemed the lightest touch could mar it. With no need for

makeup, her long hair casually pinned up, she exuded a breathtaking beauty.

Her eyes, though calm, inexplicably ignited a fire in Bryce.

His Adam’s apple bobbed slightly, and with his hand to his mouth, his gaze intense, he whispered, “You

look stunning, Whitney.”

Whitney, flustered and gripping the hem of her dress, was uncomfortable with such praise from a man

she hardly knew. Her cheeks flushed with a soft hue under the shimmering light.

She quickly put on a professional smile. “As long as it fits. Tomorrow,is just a formality!”

He could not help but step closer, wrapping his arms gently around her.

As Whitney struggled, Bryce tightened his hold. “You’re truly breathtaking. I’m sorry. May I just hold you

for a moment?”

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

“Listen, girl,” Bryce declared, his voice a blend of solemnity and tenderness. “I only plan to walk down

the aisle once in my life, and I want it to be with one woman only.”

“Mr. Lutz, please, can we not talk about this?” Whitney’s heart hammered in her chest, fearing their

relationship might sour. novelbin

Fortunately, he soon released her, sighing with a sense of resignation. “You’re too guarded when it

comes to love. Guess sweet–talking you isn’t going to cut it, huh? Looks like I’ll have to win over your

heart the old–fashioned way. Good thing I’ve got plenty of time. Consider all the perks of having me as

your man.”

Whitney could not help but chuckle, the tension easing.

After a moment’s thought, she asked, “Everything okay with the Lutz Group these past few days? And

you? Anything out of the ordinary? Make sure there’s extra security at the engagement party tomorrow,


Bryce narrowed his eyes in thought. “What’s worrying you?”

She recalled Ludwik’s threatening words at the bridal boutique and could not shake off a sense

of unease.

“Nothing specific, just… be careful, that’s all.”

“I know what’s got you spooked. Don’t worry, I’m not defenseless. The Lutz Group has clout here in

Banyan City. I haven’t done anything illegal. If anyone wants to start trouble, they’d need a damn good

reason,” Bryce said with steady confidence.

Whitney let out a small sigh of relief and yawned. “It’s getting late, Bryce. You should head


He seemed pleased with her use of his name, squeezing her hand. “I’ll pick you up in the morning, my

lovely fiancée.”

With his bodyguards stationed at the door, Whitney closed it behind her, feeling secure. Yet, sleep

eluded her that night, her eyes wide until dawn.

The engagement party was set at the Hilton Hotel near Bryce’s mansion for convenience’s sake.

Valerie arrived early, but Tiana called unexpectedly. “Whitney, I found the girl from TriMed Hospital! I

have to see her. I’ll be late to your engagement bash.”

This was indeed good news. The truth behind Elaine’s kidney donation surgery could finally come to

light with this girl.

Whitney was the picture of composure as she followed Bryce into the hotel’s ballroom.

The décor was understated, befitting the Lutz family’s preference for privacy, though a few



Chapter 227

media outlets and some shareholders were present due to the company’s influence.

Members of the Lutz family, along with the formidable Hunter and Claire, were seated in places

of honor.

“This is as low–key as it gets,” Bryce whispered gently, noting her preference for simplicity. “Still, we

need to promote it just right.”

Understanding the pressure Bryce faced from his family, Whitney felt grateful for the modest setting.

Her makeup was light, and her smile was genuine. She willingly linked her arm with his, saying,

“Pleasure doing business with you, Bryce.”

“It’s a pleasure getting engaged to you, my dear,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with happiness. As the

soft music played, they walked down the aisle together. The ceremony was a local tradition, so they

were to partake in a tea ceremony.

With each step toward the end of the aisle, her smile remained, but inside, a tearful storm raged.

In her mind, she saw the face of the man she once loved–his elegance, his stern affection, the things

he’d done for her, and those that had hurt her. She bid farewell to that chapter of her life.

She was about to start anew, as Valerie had suggested–perhaps even find peace away from the turmoil

of love.

No more of him. Whitney had to get used to that.

The master of ceremonies handed Whitney a teacup, pulling her from her reverie. She met Hunter’s

imposing gaze for the first time.

“If you’re shy about calling him ‘dad,‘ just call him ‘Hunter,“” Bryce joked softly.

“To Hunter and Claire,” Whitney said, raising her cup with a smile.

Bryce’s parents surveyed her approvingly, their gazes eventually settling on her stomach. “You must be

due in a couple of months. If it were not for that video you two leaked, I’d have thought Bryce was just

fooling around. We didn’t realize he had jumped the gun! You’ve been through a lot these past months.

Once the baby is born, our family won’t let you down.”

Whitney stiffened slightly, but Bryce wrapped an arm around her protectively.

After the tea ceremony concluded, the large screen behind them suddenly flashed with an image,

seizing everyone’s attention.

The Lutz relatives gasped in shock, turning to the elders. “Mom, Dad, look behind you!”

The elders, confused, turned to see what caused the commotion.

Whitney’s heart sank as she raised her head and saw the intimate photo of her and Ludwik in



Chapter 227

bed plastered across the screen–a photo she had taken only for Elaine, showing them under a blanket,

their nakedness barely concealed.

The photo was timestamped just a week ago, and her pregnant belly was unmistakable.

“What on earth is going on?” the Lutz relatives demanded.

The air grew heavy with the elders‘ disapproval.

Bryce’s expression darkened, his shock turning to disbelief. He quickly barked orders to shut off the

screen, but it was too late.

A medical report followed the photo, showing a ‘prenatal paternity test‘ with Whitney as the patient and

Ludwik as the father.

Hunter was speechless for a moment before slamming his hand on the table and turning to Bryce and

Whitney. “What the hell is this?!”

Whitney’s face lost all color, her legs barely supporting her.

Bryce held her steady, his normally warm face now icy with fury. He had prepared for everything and

vetted every hotel employee, yet overlooked one detail–the screen was hacked and beyond control.

What he had not expected was Ludwik’s ability to produce such a damning photo.

“Dad, let me explain…”

“Have you both been playing us for fools? What’s this woman’s real story? Is that child even yours?!”

Hunter trembled with rage.

A sardonic laugh rose from the back of the room.

Bryce turned to see Gunner, his eyes glinting with disdain.

Gunner’s father had been locked in a succession battle with Bryce, but with Gunner’s lackluster

performance, Bryce had maintained a firm grip on the reins of power at Lutz Group.

At this moment, how could Gunner let bygones be bygones? In a sarcastically sweet tone, he said,

“Grandpa, are you all in the dark? This Ms. Valentine here is Ludwik’s ex–wife. But of course, Uncle

Bryce here has managed to bury all her stories. And since the older folks never dig for the truth, it’s

tough for you to grasp what’s real.”

He clicked his tongue and added, “Just look at the date on this photo. Ms. Valentine was still rolling in

the hay with her ex just a week ago!

Carrying her ex’s child, still entangled with him, and yet she has the audacity to stir up a scandalous

video with Uncle Bryce. I have no idea what love potion she used, but she somehow got Uncle Bryce to

claim this love child as his own willingly. It’s just a shame, really. Grandpa and Grandma, you were so

overjoyed for nothing, and now you have to suffer this embarrassment!”

“Shut your mouth, Gunner,” Bryce’s voice was icy cold.



Chapter 227

The scene descended into chaos. Even though the Lutz family relatives had heard whispers about

Whitney, none dared to speak against Bryce in front of the old man.

But now, criticisms and insults toward Whitney began to surface.

Seeing the media frenzy below, Hunter stood up in a panic, his gaze filled with utter disappointment as

he looked at Whitney. Suddenly, he clutched his chest and collapsed to the ground!

“Dad!” Bryce’s face went pale as he rushed to his father’s side.

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Bryce immediately crouched down, yelling, “Call a doctor, get me a doctor, now!”

“Oh, Hunter!” Claire wailed with tears streaming down her face.

Whitney stood by helplessly as people rushed forward in a frenzy. She had intended to check on the

old man, maybe offer first aid.

Suddenly, Claire shoved her away with a look of utter disdain. “Get away! I don’t care what kind of

spell you’ve cast on Bryce, but you must leave right now!”

“Mom, it’s not her fault. Someone’s trying to ruin our engagement party today. You can’t fall for this,”

Bryce tried to reason with his mother.

“And you dare defend this fraud, carrying another man’s child and pretending to be a Lutz? You want to

give me a heart attack?”

Claire’s health was frail, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.


“Bryce, stop it. It’s all my fault. I brought this trouble upon us. Please, take your folks to the hospital.”

Whitney’s face was ashen, her heart numb, as a suffocating despair engulfed her.

Bryce called for the doctor, and in a hurry, they loaded his parents into an ambulance. novelbin

He then managed to calm the shareholders and warned the media to hand over the photos they had

taken. Yet, some had already broadcast the chaos on the internet.

Whitney was banished by the Lutz family, forbidden from entering the hospital or accompanying Bryce

to tend to his parents.

Chapter 228

She was escorted back to Bryce’s mansion by his bodyguard.

From noon until evening, when Bryce returned, Valerie and Tiana breathed a sigh of relief and

immediately asked, “How are your folks?”

Bryce looked towards Whitney.

“Don’t keep it from me, please don’t,” Whitney begged.

“My mother is suffering from stress, but it’s not too serious. My father has a history of heart problems;

he’s had a heart attack and is now in the ICU.”

Whitney staggered back, unable to articulate her agony.

“This has happened, Whitney. Don’t blame yourself.”

Finally, Bryce approached, frowning as he grasped her icy hand. “But that photo… what’s the deal with

it? You and him a week ago… how could you leave such a weakness in his hands?”

“I’m so sorry, Bryce!” Whitney buried her face in her hands.

The photo was her own undoing. She could not have imagined that Ludwik could produce a paternity

test result, likely using her prenatal


He was ruthless, willing to destroy her publicly.

She bit her lip until it bled, and suddenly, the mansion’s door was knocked upon.

The Lutz family’s butler went to answer but was startled by the sight of armed police at the door.

However, he maintained his composure and hurriedly whispered to Bryce, “Sir! There are police at the

door. They say they’re here to arrest you!”

Bryce’s expression froze, his eyes narrowing with a scoff. “It seems

someone isn’t satisfied with just ruining my family. Let’s see what this

is about.”

Whitney paled at his words,

She followed closely behind Bryce to the door.

Bryce recognized the officer and, with a calm demeanor, offered him a cigarette. “I’m not sure what

offense the Lutz Group or I have Megedy committed to warrant Officer Godfrey’s visit. No worries, I’ll

call Mc Sterling,”

Mr. Sterling was the second–in–command of the police force in Banyan City, placed there by Bryce,

He was part of the reason the Lutz Group was untouchable in Banyan City.

Officer Godfrey wiped away sweat, knowing in any other circumstance, he would be terrified by Bryce’s

words. But this time, he forced a smile and said, “Sir, please don’t make it hard for us. Banyan City

would not dare touch you, but… this arrest warrant comes from the highest authorities in Emperor City.

Your company is not under suspicion, but as a member of the advisory committee, you have a position

to answer for. There’s been a corruption scandal, and Emperor City’s military wants a full investigation.

You must come to Emperor City for questioning.”

Bryce’s gaze grew cold.

Finally, handcuffs were produced and clicked around his wrists; he could not resist.

“What’s going on?” Whitney was frantic, holding onto his wrist. “What are you being arrested for? How

can I help you?”

Bryce reassured Whitney. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Stay home and wait for me, don’t go anywhere!”

He was swiftly taken away in the police car, disappearing into the night.

Chapter 938

The Lutz family’s butler made dozens of calls. Within two hours, many influential figures had visited

Bryce’s home, but all eventually shook their heads and left.

Whitney was smart enough to tell that even these powerful people unable to help him.

“Butler, is there anyone else we can contact for help?” Whitney asked, desperate.

“Do you not know who’s after our Mr. Lutz? We’ve called everyone w/S could. If there were a way, Mr.

Lutz wouldn’t have left with them. If you ask me, it’s all your fault, Ms. Valentine. You’re a curse.

Now Mr. Lutz is detained in Emperor City, and Hunter’s in ICU waiting for him. The Lutz family can’t

afford to lose its pillar at a time like this, do you understand?”

Whitney understood, her face pale with worry and guilt.

She knew who she had to turn to.

This was not her first brush with despair, but this time, the darkness of the abyss felt deeper than ever.

Her heart bore a hole of hatred.

Hatred for herself, for ever becoming entangled with such a heartless


He had played the game of power to its limits.

Her knuckles were white with tension; she hastily threw on a coat over her dress and told Valerie and

Tiana, “I need to step out.”

“It’s dark outside; where will you go?” Tiana asked knowingly, her eyes red. “Don’t go to him!”

“Bryce can’t be taken to Emperor City because of me. The Lutz family can’t fall apart because of me.”

“Stop right there! He’s clearly pressuring you. Let’s think this through. I’ll get Valerie to reach out to

Ashton, and I’ll get in touch with Parker. We’ll give it a shot.”

Whitney snorted with a bitter chuckle. “Even Bryce, with all of Banyan City’s clout at his disposal,

couldn’t stand against him. Think about his reach, Tiana. I don’t want you guys to get caught in the

crossfire. I can’t bear the thought of more innocent people getting hurt!”

She had been too hasty, deluded into thinking, into dreaming, that she could start anew.

But he never intended to let her go.

In that swamp of love and hate, she never got the chance to spread her wings before he clipped them,

sending her tumbling back into the murky depths.

Feeling helpless, Tiana pulled her aside and slipped a modified wristwatch into her pocket, “It’s rigged

for communication and tracking, just in case. Keep it on you for now, Whitney. I’m worried about what

he might do to you!”

Whitney nodded solemnly and dialed Felix’s number.

Soon after, a car pulled up outside Bryce’s mansion.

Two bodyguards flanked her as she got into the vehicle.

Whitney glanced at the rear–view mirror, revealing a chilling smile, “Is he pleased?”


“Don’t call me that! And you, are you an accomplice?”

“I…” Felix stuttered.

The rest of the ride was silent, the chill of the night air wrapping around them as Whitney was escorted

to the apartment.

Chapter 220

Stepping inside, the lights were off, leaving only the glow from the city lights outside to illuminate his

silhouette against the backdrop.

Ludwik sat elegantly on the sofa, his legs stretched out, one hand resting on the armrest, a cigarette

dangling between his fingers.

He tilted his head ever so slightly to size her up like a predator eyeing its dying prey making its return

or like an emperor, scornfully surveying the dominion over which he ruled life and death.

“Are you satisfied now, Ludwik?” She stopped at the center of the carpet, her laughter tinged with


“My engagement party was ruined, Hunter’s in the hospital with a heart attack, fighting for his life, and

Bryce has been arrested and taken to Emperor City. Answer me, Ludwik! Are you satisfied now?!”

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

“You’re a devil, Ludwik. You can get engaged and sleep with Elaine last night with a clear conscience,

so why can’t I move on and find someone new? Who the hell gave you the right to strip away my

freedom, my dignity, my child?”

Cold tears fell as Whitney was driven to the brink of madness.

She collapsed onto the plush carpet. Looking up, her long hair framing her elegant neck like a

wounded swan, the very picture of desolation.

“You’ve made those photos public, letting the whole of Banyan City know that I, Whitney Valentine, am

nothing but a two–timing tramp! Pregnant and in your bed, in the bathtub with Bryce… No man will ever

want me again. You’ve gone to greater lengths than any butcher ever could.”

“If you had been obedient, none of this would have happened,” Ludwik said, his voice devoid of


His features twisted with a cruel beauty as he leaned in from the shadows, his hands bracing on his

knees. “I gave you a chance, Whitney, and you squandered it.”

When they met at the bridal boutique, he had already made up his mind to show no mercy. His words

were not empty threats, and he had indeed made her pay a devastating price.

“Why keep me on a leash if you don’t want me? Why force me into a divorce and then refuse to let go?

Am I that irresistible to you? You animal, your actions almost tore the Lutz family apart…”

His long fingers clamped down on her chin, his laugh cold and biting as if he had been stepped on the

tail. “I’ve said it before, the child is mine and can’t call anyone else ‘daddy‘. You’re a discarded dress of

mine, but you can’t become someone else’s!

Bryce lied to his parents, claiming the child was a Lutz. The moment


Chapter 220

you dared to change the child’s surname in front of me at the bridal boutique sealed their fate. I’m an

animal, you say? No, all of Banyan City knows you don’t mess with Mr. Lippert!”

Whitney finally realized the terrifying truth; he was seeking vengeance on Bryce, on all of them!

How monstrous could this man be? The person before her seemed bloodthirsty and unrecognizable.

“What will it take for you to let Bryce go, to leave the Lutz family alone?” she asked, her voice weak.

Her chin distorted under his grip, a testament to the force he exerted as his chuckle echoed above her.

“Dare to plead for him again and see what happens.”

“You had him arrested with your influence just to force me to come begging, didn’t you?”

Whitney sneered, tears cascading down as she violently shrugged off his hand. She stood, not caring if

anyone else was in the room, shedding her coat and tearing away her champagne–colored dress with

equal ferocity.

The silky fabric could not compare to the smoothness of her legs, her long hair just barely covering her

chest, and her tender skin glowing in the dim light.

Ludwik’s breath hitched at the sight.

Her eyes were filled with hatred as she approached and sat on his lap, naked and resolute. “Is this

what you want? Fine, have your way with me as many times as you like, as long as you spare him. I’m

familiar with this kind of deal.”

Her mockery was palpable. Last time, it was for her cousin Yael.

He had already trampled her dignity underfoot.

Choplex 279

But she had still underestimated this man’s desire for destruction.

Suddenly, his burning hands seized her, flipping her aside as he removed his shirt and covered her

with a vicious intensity. “You think I’d bother touching you again? You’re nothing but a worn–out shoe.”

Whitney felt like her heart was pierced by nail after nail.

She laughed bitterly, her lips stained with the crimson of blood. “Right, you must have had your fill last

night. You’re probably out of strength now.”

“Shut up! You filthy cheater! Even your words are without measure!”

He was sick not to have touched Elaine last night, sitting up until dawn, tortured by the thought of

Whitney in Bryce’s arms.

Damn it, even though she was tainted, he could not control himself at the sight of her.

He hated this loss of control over himself!

Ludwik looked away, his gaze icy.

But then, the woman clung to him again.

Her scent, sweet as milk, was enticing, yet her touch was ice cold, just like the dead look in her eyes.

Whitney kept laughing. “No matter how much I explain, you’ve pegged me as a dirty woman. So, why

did you drag me back here? To not sleep with me, not to make a deal? What do you want from me?

You’ve driven me insane!”

Why did he bring her back? Ludwik did not know.

All he knew was that whether alive or dead, she belonged to him.

He would not allow her to be with another man, nor could he let go of this child. Even if it meant hate,

he would entangle with her to the very


Chapter 925

Ludwik turned and knocked on the table, signaling his bodyguards to come in. “Take this woman

upstairs. Without my permission, she is not to leave this apartment.”

“You’ll never imprison me again!” Suddenly, she bit down hard on his


“Ah! Have you lost your mind?” He looked down in horror at the woman lunging at him.

She nearly tore flesh from his wrist, a testament to her breakdown. In fact, Whitney was already having

a breakdown on her way here; she only forced herself to stay collected.

But now he wanted to lock her up again. Did he think he could still claim ownership over her even after

the divorce? Did he think it would be that easy?

“You dragged me back here just to keep me confined? Dream on, Ludwik. No matter my sins, I’ve paid

my dues to Mom, and I haven’t wronged you!

You’ve broken me completely, divorcing me for an engagement, wanting to abort our child!

I barely sought Bryce’s help, and you severed my future again. Since you won’t spare me, nor Bryce,

let’s destroy each other.”

Desperation had taken hold. If she was locked away, Bryce and the Lutz family would be forever

burdened by her.

She released her bite and, in a swift motion before he could react, grabbed a fruit knife from the sofa

and stabbed at his arm.

“I’ve had enough. My child, I’m sorry…”

“You madwoman.”

Ludwik furrowed his brow, blood streaming down his arm, but he did

not move away.




Ludwik turned and knocked on the table, signaling his bodyguards to come in. “Take this woman

upstairs. Without my permission, she is not to leave this apartment.”

“You’ll never imprison me again!” Suddenly, she bit down hard on his

wrist. novelbin

“Ah! Have you lost your mind?” He looked down in horror at the woman lunging at him.

She nearly tore flesh from his wrist, a testament to her breakdown. In fact, Whitney was already having

a breakdown on her way here; she only forced herself to stay collected.

But now he wanted to lock her up again. Did he think he could still claim ownership over her even after

the divorce? Did he think it would be that easy?

“You dragged me back here just to keep me confined? Dream on, Ludwik. No matter my sins, I’ve paid

my dues to Mom, and I haven’t wronged you!

You’ve broken me completely, divorcing me for an engagement, wanting to abort our child!

I barely sought Bryce’s help, and you severed my future again. Since you won’t spare me, nor Bryce,

let’s destroy each other.”

Desperation had taken hold. If she was locked away, Bryce and the Lutz family would be forever

burdened by her.

She released her bite and, in a swift motion before he could react,

grabbed a fruit knife from the sofa and stabbed at his arm.

“I’ve had enough. My child, I’m sorry…”

“You madwoman.”

Ludwik furrowed his brow, blood streaming down his arm, but he did

not move away.



Chapter 229

If he dodged, she would fall off the sofa, and with her belly so large…

His eyes flickered with complexity.

“Why didn’t you…” Whitney did not expect him to stand still.

Her furious gaze softened slightly as she saw his shirt soaked with

blood and the wound on his wrist.

“Have you had enough madness?”

Ludwik pinned her down on the sofa, inspecting her wide–eyed gaze. “If you’re done with your

madness, get upstairs. Your threats are useless to me. And don’t flatter yourself; I’m keeping you here

to ensure the child in your womb so Elaine doesn’t suffer through pregnancy.”

And with that, silence fell.

All the pain he had ever given her was nothing compared to his words.

It all circled back to Elaine. For the sake of sparing his Elaine any pain, he had really gone to great


A child he did not want had now found its purpose. Impressive, indeed!

Of course, that was not what Ludwik’s heart truly felt, but for some reason, the hurtful words just spilled


Perhaps he did not want her to sense that he still harbored affection for the child. He did not want to

give her the slightest chance to

manipulate him with any sign of weakness.

Let it be, he thought. They would deal with everything else once the

child was born.

“Take her upstairs. Lock her up!” he bellowed, pinching the bridge of his


A maid and two burly bodyguards swiftly approached, seizing Whitney, her fruit knife already kicked

into a corner by Ludwik.

He then solemnly warned, “Remove anything sharp from the upstairs



Chapter 229

rooms, and keep her under surveillance 24/7.”

“I’d rather starve than be caged by you, and my child, even in death, won’t be used by you and Elaine,

Ludwik. Just wait and see!”

Whitney roared with unexpected fury.

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Ludwik slumped onto the sofa with an icy detachment as Felix hurried in, wincing at the sight of the

wound on Ludwik’s arm, “Mr. Lippert, you really need to take care of that cut…”

“For a guy like Bryce, she actually tried to kill me,” Ludwik’s lips curled into a frosty sneer.

Felix shook his head, thinking to himself, “Ms. Valentine’s actions couldn’t have been just about Bryce.

Any woman pushed to the brink like that might snap…”

“Ludwik, I heard you crashed Whitney’s engagement party. Is she here now? Oh my god, you’re

bleeding so much! What happened?”

At this moment, Elaine burst through the door.

Ludwik looked up, his face stiffening with surprise at her unexpected arrival.

Elaine caught the flicker of guilt in his eyes and felt a flame of jealousy ignite within her.

Last night, on the eve of their engagement, he had left her alone at the villa, deliberately induced her

period to avoid her, and she had bitten back her anger.

She had not anticipated his premeditation, that today he would have Bryce arrested and forcefully take

Whitney back.

Thinking he was still secretly keeping that bitch? Elaine seethed with rage, sensing an unprecedented


If it were not for the maid she sent as a spy, she would never have found this place.

But she could endure, her face betraying no hint of her fury as she rushed over with feigned concern. “How did you get bitten like this?


Chapter 230

Ludwik, sit down, let me stop the bleeding for you?

Ludwik frowned, taken aback. Her demeanor was aggrieved but calm, and she immediately showed

concern for his well–being, stirring a ripple of emotion in his heart.

“Why are you here?”

“You left me at the villa last night, and I was worried my parents would ask questions, so I kept an eye

on your whereabouts, Ludwik, I didn’t come here to cause trouble,”

Tears welled in Elaine’s eyes, a picture of hurt innocence,

“Whitney and Bryce’s engagement must have meant they had feelings for each other. And with you

plotting against Bryce, wouldn’t Whitney despise you to the core? I was worried you two might clash,

and look, you got hurt.”

Even Elaine could see the affection between Whitney and Bryce, Ludwik’s gaze turned icy.

Momentarily, he felt a wave of guilt washed over him, moved by Elaine’s appeasing manner.

Why could he not fall in love with this woman who cared for him instead of being entangled with the

heartless Whitney?

Ludwik was frustrated with himself.

Seeing the look of remorse in his eyes, Elaine knew her ‘understanding‘

had touched him.

But it was not enough. A cold smile crept into her heart; as long as that woman was back in his life, she

would make sure they never got any


Whitney had to be eliminated.

Elaine clenched her teeth; just last night, she had been searching for a way to deal with Whitney, and

now an opportunity had presented itself.



Chapter 230

With a sorrowful look, she said, “Ludwik, what are you thinking? You’re engaged, yet you brought her

back. It’s embarrassing for me and the Bartels family. I love you, and I can tolerate it, but my parents

can’t accept this. If you truly can’t let her go, then I’ll step aside!”

“Elaine, what are you talking about?” Ludwik knew he was in the wrong.

“How could I not let go of that kind of woman? Does she deserve it? I just… I’m thinking about the baby

she’s carrying. It’s getting on in months, and I want her to have it.”

A vicious glint flashed in Elaine’s eye; the child was still tethering his heart; he could not bear to

abandon it.

She quickly put on a face of benevolence, “If it’s not about her, but just about the baby, that doesn’t

affect our marriage. I love children, too. After she gives birth, I will take care of the child as if it were my novelbin

own. Ludwik, I won’t make things difficult for you.”

Her tone was forgiving and resigned, a small smile on her lips, when suddenly there came a sound of

struggle from upstairs!

Ludwik stood up sharply,

Elaine patted him reassuringly, “Your wrist has just been bandaged, and Whitney attacked you,

stabbing and biting. She doesn’t seem quite right. I’ll go upstairs and check on her to avoid provoking

her further by your sudden appearance.”

With that, she gave the maid a knowing look and quickly ascended the


Ludwik took a step forward, but the maid immediately stepped up, pointing out the injury on his wrist,

“Mr. Lippert, this still needs attention.”

He stopped, his gaze locked on the staircase.

As Elaine turned to close the door behind her, she caught his watchful

eye, and a scheming glint passed through hers.


She entered the bedroom, where two bodyguards were restraining Whitney from struggling.

Elaine said with a smile, “Let her go. I’ll take a look at her.”

Whitney turned her head sharply, her eyes widening in disbelief at Elaine’s presence.

The bodyguards stepped back to the door,

Elaine leaned in close to Whitney, whispering with a venomous smirk, “Surprised to see me here?

Ludwik sent me! Do you think he took you back because he still has feelings for you? Naive. He’s

agreed to let you have the baby for me to raise. He’s considerate, doesn’t want me to suffer pregnancy

with a single kidney.”

The maid had secretly conveyed Ludwik’s harsh words to Elaine, and

she wielded them like a knife.

Seeing the shift in Whitney’s devastated eyes, Elaine whispered in her ear, her lips curling, “I pretended

to agree to take good care of the baby. Once you give birth and leave, guess what I’ll do to it? Babies

can’t fight back. I could drown it, strangle it, poison it, torment it slowly. Ludwik trusts me so much, he

would just think it died of sickness…”

Whitney’s pupils dilated with horror.

Threaten anything else, and she could bear it, but not her unborn child. She became like a mother hen

protecting her chicks, her mental defenses shattering.

Her eyes burned with fury as she clutched her belly, knowing she should not fall for Elaine’s trap but

still collapsing into a rage. She grabbed Elaine’s hair as if she were harming her child right then, filled

with terror and despair, biting and clawing at Elaine. “If you so much as touch a hair on my child’s head,

I’ll make sure you pay! I will never let my baby fall into the hands of a vile woman like you, never!”

Her screams echoed as she repeated herself over and over, the room



Chapter 230

filled with the sounds of struggle.

Ludwik pushed the maid aside and rushed upstairs, “Whitney, what are you doing!”

Hearing his voice, Elaine’s eyes narrowed, and she quickly smashed Whitney’s hand against her own


Whitney, already exhausted, collapsed onto the floor. Unconcerned with Elaine’s ploy, she simply

sneered in response.

The moment Ludwik burst through the door, he was met with the harrowing sight of Elaine crumpled on

the floor, her forehead smeared with blood from Whitney’s vicious scratch.

Clumps of hair were scattered across the ground. Elaine bit back tears. “Ludwik, something’s off with

Whitney, but don’t hold it against her, please.”

“Whitney, this is enough!” Ludwik’s voice thundered as he swiftly helped Elaine to her feet. “Elaine

came here with good intentions to check on you. Why did you have to do this to her?”

Half–sprawled on the floor, Whitney looked up at them with a mix of disgust and disbelief, chilling her to

the core. In a weak yet furious roar, she lashed out, “Ludwik, if you dare let her harm our child, I will

fight you with my last breath. Our baby doesn’t need a heartless father like you! If you two don’t release

me today, I swear I’ll end us all. We’ll all be doomed!”

Her words were wild, those of a woman driven to the edge of despair.

Ludwik was momentarily taken aback.

“Ludwik, step outside with me. I need to talk to you,” Elaine said,

tugging at his arm with a hesitant expression.

Once outside, Elaine let out a weary sigh.

“You saw what happened back there. She’s incredibly aggressive and



Chapter 230

dangerous. Ludwik, I’m a nurse, and I have reason to believe that Whitney might be suffering from

antenatal depression. It’s a severe condition. Far worse than the usual prenatal anxiety because she’s


volatile. She could harm the unborn child.

Medical studies have shown that antenatal depression can lead to fetal abnormalities, even stillbirth in

severe cases. Moreover, I’m afraid that if she continues to stay here, under these circumstances, she

might snap and do the unthinkable to her own child.”

Ludwik’s face paled at the revelation.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 221-225

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

“Me and him… It’s impossible now,” Whitney thought but said nothing.

Ludwik had set his heart on getting engaged, and soon, he would be walking down the aisle with


And here she was, playing pretend with Bryce.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Whitney pushed aside her thoughts and answered, “Mr. Lutz…”

“You might want to start getting used to calling me ‘Bryce‘ today, okay?”

His voice was smooth, with a hint of magnetism, and he chuckled. “Are you at home? If you’re free, get

ready. I’m sending someone to pick you up and take you to the bridal boutique. My mother has been

on my case since dawn. I’m in a bit of a bind.”

Whitney remembered he wanted to use the excuse of dress shopping to have Claire meet her.

Even if she was not free, she had to make time. Thus, Whitney replied, “Sure, I’ve just finished up


After hanging up, she put on her sunglasses for a bit of incognito before helping Taryn into the car.

Taryn carefully hid the medicine deep in her shopping bag and bid her farewell.

Whitney waited on the curb, and sure enough, Bryce’s car arrived swiftly.

At the entrance of Banyan City’s largest bridal boutique, Whitney stepped inside to find Bryce’s tall

figure waiting for her.

He took her small purse and gently cradled her waist. “The drive from your apartment was a long one.

Must’ve been tiring, huh?”

Whitney shook her head, her clear hazel eyes meeting his. “Where’s your mother?”

“She’s too proud to come here early, even if she’s eager to see her ‘future daughter–in–law.‘ She’s

probably still making circles on her way here.”

He painted a vivid picture, and Whitney could not help but laugh. She could just picture the old lady

being both a relic and a rascal, much like her own mother–happy or not, she was always childlike, often

teasing Ludwik.

Lost in thought, Whitney’s spirits dipped.

Bryce observed the play of emotions across her face, as changeable as the June sky. He could almost

guess what she was thinking. This little woman full of stories was moved by memories right now, and

her every glance was both beautiful and captivating.

Bryce had to admit that Whitney was drawing him in deeper and deeper, even without really

Chapter 221

doing much.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took her hand, his eyes sparkling with joy. “While we wait for her, shall

we take a look around? This place isn’t just about wedding dresses; I’ve found some interesting


Whitney tried to withdraw her hand, but with his assistant behind them and the boutique manager close

by, it was tough to do so without slighting him.

So she played along. “Interesting things? Like what?”

“Baby cribs.”

He led her to a display by a large bay window.

This bridal boutique was a one–stop–shop, offering not just baby cribs but also miniature pianos and a

selection of cute baby clothes.

Being a soon–to–be mother, Whitney’s gaze lingered on these items, chuckling. “Mr. Lutz, how did you

find such a well–stocked bridal boutique?”

Bryce’s eyes twinkled. “A recommendation. It is the biggest store, after all.”

“Let’s take a look at this crib,” he said, pointing to a beautifully crafted little bed. “It’s big enough for

twins. Ask the baby if he likes it.”

“How would he answer?”

Whitney was bemused, patting her round belly. Though her belly was large, her waist remained


Bryce’s gaze lingered on her waistline, deepening imperceptibly.

He stepped closer, gracefully crouching down before her belly, and earnestly inquired, “Little one, do

you prefer blue or pink? Tell me, I’m all ears.”

Whitney’s mouth twitched in helpless amusement. “Mr. Lutz, stop it.”

“Didn’t I mention on the phone that you should call me Bryce today to avoid raising my mother’s

suspicions? Why not practice now?”

He looked up at her, eyebrow raised, and in that gaze, there was a focus that made Whitney blush and

look away, embarrassed, “I will… later.”

“Your Mommy is too shy. She won’t even say my name. So, have you decided?”

He did not press her, but leaned into her belly as if listening intently.

Whitney was skeptical, but then her belly actually moved.

Bryce laughed heartily, pointing at her belly. “Okay, I got it, blue it is—a boy.”

Whitney did not believe his nonsense, but his childlike charm made her smile, “Mr. Lutz, please stand


Chapter 221

“Yeah, this does look a bit like a proposal,” he joked.

The assistant snickered, and the boutique manager lavished praise, “Miss, you’re very lucky to have a

boyfriend who’s always trying to make you smile.”

Whitney awkwardly looked away, her peripheral vision catching sight of something that caused her

entire body to stiffen.

Following her gaze, Bryce saw the imposing figure of a man in the VIP area, his expression icy and


His eyes narrowed slightly, not surprised, and a hint of amusement lingered.

Ludwik’s face was a mask of frost, his eyes like icy pools with flames of anger flickering within.

He watched as Whitney and Bryce walked in hand in hand, browsing cribs, that bastard kneeling in

front of her belly, speaking affectionately to his child, while she looked shy and flustered, playing the

part of expectant parents shopping for their child.

His hand in his pocket clenched into a fist, making a grinding sound.

At that moment, he did not want to admit it, but his heart was painfully twitching.

A sneer curled his lips as he saw the blush on her face that she could not hide fast enough upon

seeing him.

Was she that heartless? Allowing Bryce to play the father of her child, so eager to exhibit their illicit


Scoundrels, both of them. Happy, were they?

A chill settled over the room.

The manager shivered inexplicably as Elaine admired a diamond–studded gown worth millions, her

smile beaming, “Ludwik, does this suit me?”

When no answer came, she turned to look and saw his gaze was fixed on Whitney.

Elaine paused. What a coincidence. Nonetheless, her cold expression slowly turned into a smirk as she

saw Bryce crouching before Whitney.

She leaned into Ludwik’s arm, her body soft and clingy. “Ludwik, what a coincidence to see Ms.

Valentine and Mr. Lutz here. Do you think they caught wind of our visit to this store and came to flaunt

their love? Well, we can’t show weakness. What do you think of this gown for me?”

Ludwik withdrew his gaze, crushing the end of a cigarette underfoot, his mouth twisting faintly. “How

can I tell without seeing it on you? Try it on for me.”

Elaine blushed demurely at the prospect of modeling it for him, “You’re so bad, Ludwik, making me all


“Ms. Bartels, right this way, please.”

small entourage of clerks, each holding up a selection of wedding gowns, attended to her every need

with reverence.

Whitney watched the scene unfold, and the stiffness that had taken hold of her earlier began to fade

into the shadows.

She mocked herself inwardly. Just moments before, she had been worried about whether he had seen

her walking in, hand in hand with Bryce, and what misconceptions he might have drawn from it.

Now, like waking from a silly dream, she realized how laughable it was. Clearly, she had not moved on.

What did it matter if he misunderstood? Moreover, did he even care anymore?

He sat there on the plush sofa, the very picture of nobility, as he waited for Elaine to try on her dresses,

his handsome features casting an almost dreamlike spell.

And yet, there was a bitterness to it that made her heart ache.

They had both moved on, clearly, but while she and Bryce were just pretending, he and Elaine were

the real deal…

“Whitney, my mom’s here,” Bryce gently tugged at her hand, bringing her back to the present.

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Whitney fought to hide her flushed cheeks, wanting to suggest another store, but Claire had already

strutted in with the butler in tow.

Left with no choice, Whitney let the man lead her to greet the formidable matriarch.

In the opulent changing room, Lyra peeked out and said to Elaine, “Bryce’s mom has arrived, Miss.

This is the perfect chance to knock Whitney down a peg. Don’t you want to play some tricks on her?”

The prospect of undermining that wench was tantalizing to Elaine. A little scheming and Ludwik would

undoubtedly take her side, striking right at Whitney’s heart.

But with a cunning glint in her eye, Elaine chuckled and said, “Use your head. I’ll spare her today.

Nothing’s more important than my engagement to Ludwik. Once I’m the future Mrs. Lippert, dealing

with her and that little mistake will be child’s play.”

Lyra caught on. “Miss, you’re always one step ahead. No wonder you’ve got the boss wrapped around

your finger.”

Elaine smirked, her lips curling as she undressed to try on her gown.

In the lounge. novelbin

Bryce leaned in close to Whitney and whispered, “Don’t be nervous. I’ve squashed those nasty rumors

about you. Mom doesn’t follow the tabloids, and if she asks you anything you don’t want to answer, just


Whitney nodded.

With a fond pat on her head, he introduced, “Mom, this is Whitney Valentine. You insisted on meeting

her, and here she is.”

Claire, oozing grandeur, took a seat, her gaze immediately locking onto Whitney’s belly.

Whitney nervously greeted, “Claire.”

“Sit down! Don’t stand. You’ll tire the baby,” Claire said with a strange tone, casting a resentful glance

at her son. “Whitney Valentine, right? The girl who designs my jewelry. I quite liked you, although the

Valentine family is a minor name, and I’ve heard you’ve had some… complications.”

“Mom, you’re prying too much,” Bryce coughed.

Claire huffed. “Fine! He won’t let me dig into your past. He’s so protective of you. It’s all so improper, a

child on the way, and only now we’re told, and all this scandalous footage.



But since this child is a Lutz, and your family isn’t exactly well–off, I accept it. Get engaged to Bryce

quickly. It’s hasty but a double blessing, and it settles one of my worries.”

Whitney was stunned, looking at Bryce. At this moment, she finally understood what method Bryce was

referring to.

She scowled in disbelief, about to object, but Bryce’s hand pressed down on hers.

He whispered urgently, “It’s the only way to make my parents happy. Don’t ruin this, Whitney. After the

engagement party, I’ll clear things up with them. Right now, I need to get through this rough patch!”

If it were not for her billion–dollar loan, the Lutz Group shareholders would not be displeased with him,

and the Lutz family would not be seeking a new leader.

She could not afford to fail at such a critical moment.

Whitney bit back her frustration, but Claire’s kind gaze on her belly made her skin crawl.

“Have you chosen a dress? Don’t go for high heels for the sake of beauty. The baby comes first.” Claire

grinned, taking Whitney’s hand in hers.

Dazed, Whitney managed a strained smile in response.

“The girl is lovely. Bryce, you should have a few more with her,” Claire said approvingly, her voice

carrying through the store.

The staff glanced over, and Whitney felt the chilling glare burning into her.

Facing Claire’s smile, Whitney’s expression stiffened.

Bryce drew her closer, clearing his throat. “Don’t mind her, Whitney. She’s getting senile.”

“Perhaps Claire really is losing it!” A cold male voice rang out, laced with mockery.

Whitney turned sharply, her breath catching at the sight of Ludwik. Her face tensed with anxiety.

Bryce’s eyebrows rose as he stood, instinctively pulling her behind him.

His protective stance only darkened Ludwik’s scowl. “If you’re not senile, how did you miss the red

flags when choosing your son’s partner, someone desperate to secure a safety net?”

Whitney’s hands clenched tight, her face draining of color.

“Who are you, young man, and what do you mean by that?” Claire frowned at the strikingly handsome


“Mr. Lippert, show some class. My mother is elderly; you could at least spare her your harsh words,”

Bryce confronted him.

Ludwik’s lips twisted in scorn. “I’m not the villain here. A person’s character and manners aren’t just for

show; they’re etched in their very bones.”



Chapter 222

With that loaded remark, he downed his wine and strode past, barely sparing Whitney a glance.

“Such disrespect towards my son, what do you take me for?” Claire was fiercely protective.

Elaine, on Ludwik’s arm, turned back with a smile. “Claire, Ludwik has been more than respectful. But

between us, she’s what you’d call ‘secondhand good,‘ you understand?”

She shot Whitney a mocking look, smirking.

Ludwik frowned slightly. Given how quickly this woman had switched loyalties from his mother to the

‘new Natalie,‘ he found the irony too pungent to intervene.

His tacit approval left Whitney feeling colder than ever.

Claire knitted her brows, turning to Whitney for an explanation. “What ‘secondhand good“? Explain


“Mom, why bother with irrelevant people? In my eyes, Whitney is the best there is. Mr. Lippert has a

business grudge against me and is just trying to provoke me. Are you taking him seriously?”

Claire trusted her son implicitly and had refrained from looking into Whitney’s past to avoid upsetting


This time, both she and her husband could see Bryce meant business.

She stood up irritably. “Business grudges should be kept out of personal matters. Don’t shop in the

same place as him. Banyan City has plenty of haute couture stores, and the Lutz family can

afford it.”

“Yes, you’re right. It’s time for your beauty treatment. It’s already three o’clock,” Bryce urged.

“You cheeky boy, afraid I’ll devour her? Fine, let’s go. You’re walking me out.”

Bryce shot Whitney a glance, and she responded with a subtle nod of approval. “I’ll just pop to the

restroom,” she said.

As the mother and son departed, Whitney finally felt like she could breathe again. Dealing with the

social niceties had left her completely drained, especially after Ludwik’s snide remarks had almost

blown her cover.

Massaging her temples, she made her way to the ladies‘ room.

Tucked away in a cozy corner of the restaurant, the restroom was both elegant and secluded. Whitney

washed her hands over and over, the hot water turning her fingertips a rosy red until she mustered

enough energy to head back out.

But upon exiting, her gaze froze as she spotted the approaching figure. The flush of warmth in her

fingertips faded instantly.

Ludwik leaned against the wall, tall and imposing. The dim lighting failed to penetrate the icy depths of

his eyes, casting his features into a blend of light and shadow, making him appear both brooding and

dangerously alluring. Instinctively, Whitney took a couple of steps back.



Chapter 222

However, he moved toward her, the smoke from his cigarette shrouding his piercing eyes in a haze.

His gaze, initially obscure, turned icy. “You can’t get engaged to Bryce! I don’t care if you’ve met his

parents or whatever. You have to call it off. Do you hear me?”

“Why should he dictate terms? Is it a case of ‘do as I say, not as I do‘?” Whitney thought as she looked

back at him with a mix of ridicule and bitter amusement.

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

“You can shack up with Elaine or get engaged for all I care. I’m divorced, and still, you think you can

control me?” Whitney thought.

Remembering how he had allowed Elaine to mock her as ‘second–hand good‘, Whitney’s heart

throbbed. What was she to him? Did her feelings not matter at all?

Clutching her fists, she said coolly, “Are you done, Mr. Lippert? If so, please step aside.”

“I don’t have the patience to repeat myself!”

His fury pressed down on her like a suffocating cloud.

Whitney looked up, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “The only reason I’m engaged is because

you pushed me into it. We have nothing to do with each other anymore, and you have no right to

dictate what I do or don’t do.”

We have nothing to do with each other…

Those words seared through the man’s gaze.

“When did I ever force you?” he scoffed coldly, “Force you into another man’s bed, into eagerly jumping

into his arms? Whitney, you’re even more shameless than I thought.

Even if I cast a shameless woman like you aside like an old shoe, I won’t allow any other man to touch

you, to tarnish my reputation, got it?”

Whitney was floored by his unabashed audacity. It seemed he just kept humiliating her further.

Her nails dug into her palm as she realized that what he discarded could be trampled underfoot but

must not tarnish his pride.

A man so arrogant, how could he bear the thought of his ex–wife remarrying? It seemed unrelated to

whether he loved her or not.

She felt as if pricked by ice needles and could not help but laugh mockingly. “Mr. Lippert, you’re worried

about losing face? Maybe you should reflect on how quickly you got engaged to Elaine after kicking

your wife to the curb. You might already be wearing the cap of a scoundrel.”

“Elaine has sacrificed everything for me. What right do you have to speak about her and me? As for

you and Bryce, a viper and a schemer, you’re well matched,”

His eyes narrowed in scorn as he grabbed her arm, drilling his gaze into her, “Do you even know what

he’s done behind your back?”

“What do you mean?” Whitney struggled, bewildered.

Ludwik scrutinized her expression. “He’s cunning, not as simple as you think! He plays dirty, using

media manipulation to trap you in a ploy, and The Lutz Group isn’t unstable at all. Are you naive or just

willing? Take today, for instance. He deliberately brought you here; you think it’s for what? It’s just to

provoke me.”



Chapter 223

The smirk Bryce had given him earlier was not lost on Ludwik.

Yet this woman stood by him, feigning affection, and the thought of him claiming his fatherly rights in

front of Ludwik made his blood boil. “I’m warning you, whether I want it or not, the child in your belly is

still mine. If I see Bryce overstepping with you again, you’ll both regret it.”

The way Bryce looked at her waist was something Ludwik could not forget.

His rage surged, and his eyes reddened with fury as if he wanted to strangle her. “Do you understand

what kind of man he is now? Leave him, cancel the engagement!”

Whitney snapped out of her daze, a flicker of calm and coolness settling over her, “Ludwik, I don’t know

what misconceptions you have about him. To me, he’s been a help in difficult times. Without him, Skye

Gem would’ve been driven to the ground by you.

You say he’s manipulating the media, deceiving me? Sorry, your bluster doesn’t convince me. Just to

get to me, he’d neglect The Lutz Group and ruin his own reputation? He’s a businessman; that doesn’t

make sense.

He brought me to this bridal shop because a friend recommended it. Bryce is gentle by nature; you’re

overthinking it, or maybe you just can’t stand seeing me with him…”

Despite her lengthy explanation, she saw his expression grow colder. Whitney knew all too well his

paranoid nature, his belief that he was above all.

His eyes darkened with chilling firmness, gripping her until it hurt. “He’s all good, and you don’t believe

me, right?”

Whitney frowned, enduring the pain in her wrist, her voice strained yet clear. “I just think you shouldn’t

gauge the heart of a gentleman with your own mean measure. You’ve chosen Elaine, so stop trying to

control whether I get engaged or create false stories about Bryce to pressure me into calling off my


No one can have the best of both worlds. I’d rather die than be your mistress. I’m not that cheap, and

you can forget about it.”

Ludwik let out a low, prolonged sneer.

Gauging Bryce with his mean measure? In her eyes, was he really like that?

Or was she so protective of Bryce that she forgot their past?

A heartless, blind woman.

A pang of pain struck Ludwik’s heart as his gaze returned to an icy glacier, abruptly releasing her, his

features sharpening with cold. “So you’re unrepentant and guarding him, huh? You’ll pay for every word

you say today. Dreaming of a happy life with him, Whitney, you’re living in a fantasy.”

He flung her off with disgust, his pupils void of emotion, and though his look was indifferent, it sent

shivers down her spine.



Chapter 223

Whitney leaned against the wall, nursing her sore wrist, watching him walk away coldly.

What did his words mean? What price would she pay? How had she offended him?

Why did he seem angrier than the day he found the video?

A wave of alarm washed over her.

It was only when Bryce arrived, finding her in the restroom, that Whitney snapped back to reality. “Did

Claire leave?”

“I saw my mother off. Come on, let’s continue with the dresses,” Bryce casually suggested, hand in


Suddenly, the bridal shop manager came rushing over, looking apologetically at Bryce, “I’m sorry, Mr.

Lutz, Mr. Lippert from Skyfaith Electronic Tech has reserved the place. He’s bought all the dresses at

full price. You’ll have to leave immediately.”

Whitney paused, a sense of relief washing over her as she looked up at Bryce.

Bryce seemed unfazed, his demeanor still calm, his lips pressed into a thin line as he met Whitney’s

gaze. “What do you think?”

“Let’s go to another shop.”

“It doesn’t matter. There are plenty of other places,” Bryce said nonchalantly as he escorted Whitney

past the VIP sofa area, where Elaine was twirling in a dazzling dress, showing it off to Ludwik, who

seemed captivated by her, holding a glass of red wine and not sparing a glance in

their direction.

Bryce smiled softly. “Mr. Lippert is really spoiling Elaine. I should take a leaf out of his book. Whitney,

I’ll spoil you too.”

Whitney averted her gaze briefly, uncertain if Bryce’s words were a show of support for her or if he had

some other agenda.

Once they left the bridal boutique and got into the car, Whitney pondered for a moment before turning

to ask, “Bryce, you didn’t deliberately bring me to this particular shop, did you?”

The man’s hand, firmly on the steering wheel, paused as he turned and gave her a smile tinged with

amusement. “Of course not. What did you think? That I’d be so childish as to drag you here just to get

under Ludwik’s skin? Silly girl, I’m not so immature.”

Whitney furrowed her brows and studied him for a while, eventually deciding to suppress the doubts

festering in her mind. Ludwik had misunderstood; surely, Bryce would not stoop to provocation.

Back in the shop, a wine glass nearly shattered in the man’s grip as he dealt with Elaine with strained


Rising to stand by the floor–to–ceiling window, Ludwik watched the Cayenne pull away. He pulled out

his phone and dialed. “Felix, I want you to set up a grand scheme. I’m preparing a


16:04 T

Chapter 223

special engagement gift for Bryce.”

Coming to the bridal boutique to taunt, show off, and brainwash that foolish woman? The thought that

someone might take what was his, especially her, with his child still growing inside her, made Ludwik’s

gaze turn icy cold.

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

On February 20th, Elaine and Ludwik’s engagement party went ahead as scheduled.

It was an event of unprecedented grandeur. Flicking through the channels on Banyan City TV, every

news program was giving way to live coverage of the lavish engagement at Joyful Manor.

The blinding flash of paparazzi cameras pierced through the television screen and into Whitney’s eyes

as she stood motionless in her apartment. She was not surprised, nor was she particularly upset; she

just felt as though a huge chunk had been carved out of her heart.

Today, it was finally official; he was with her. The dust had settled, and they had each gone their

separate ways.

Tomorrow, it was her turn to get engaged!

Ironically, and somewhat messily, that was how things ended between them.

Whitney blinked hard to clear the mist from her eyes, consoling herself with the thought that the harsh

words he had said that day in the bridal shop–about making her pay–surely did not count now.

Since he had chosen to get engaged and was so enamored with Elaine, his heart had clearly moved

on from Whitney long ago.

After the engagement, he would accept their fate, wishing her well from afar.

Her heart, tense for days, let out a faint sigh of relief.

“Whitney, why torture yourself like this?” Tiana burst through the apartment door, saw Whitney

transfixed by the TV, and immediately snapped it off.

She wrapped her arms around Whitney, both fierce and worried. “Are you alright? Every local channel

in Banyan City is airing it. It must be Elaine’s way of getting back at you, using her connections to flaunt

her engagement. That couple isn’t worth our attention. Let’s find something else to do.”

Not wanting to worry her best friend, Whitney forced a smile. “I’m really okay… Even if I had held any

illusions before, today, they’re truly gone.

I bought some baking gear when I moved in yesterday. I was thinking that once the baby’s born, I’ll

learn to make some purees. Wanna help me experiment?”

“Absolutely! We’ve got to make sure the little one eats well and stays healthy!”

Tiana thought the baby was the only thing that could lift Whitney’s spirits and shift her focus, “Let me

download a cooking app…”

“What are you guys up to? Can I join in?” The knock at the door was followed by Valerie’s voice.

Chapter 224

Tiana was taken aback for a moment before she went to answer the door, asking in a hushed tone,

“Why aren’t you at that despicable couple’s engagement party with Ashton? I’m obviously not invited,

but you’re different. You could’ve gone and spied for me.”

Valerie shrugged off her scarf, her lips twisting sarcastically. “Elaine’s grand engagement is a massive

blow to Ashton. How could he attend when the woman he loves is getting engaged to another man?

He’s been hiding out somewhere, and I’m glad for the peace. It saves me from having to accompany

my parents and endure Elaine’s two–faced attacks. You know my parents are affiliated with the Bartels

family and always overshadowed by Zane.”

Tiana huffed in irritation.

Turning around, Whitney had heard their conversation.

Valerie walked over and gently touched Whitney’s wan face with a look of shared understanding. “How

did we both end up falling for men who’ve been ensnared by Elaine? What’s so great about her? Is it

her manipulative ways, her acting skills, her numerous vices? These men are all blind to it!

Whitney, don’t be sad. On the contrary, you should celebrate escaping from misery. Let that Ludwik,

Elaine, and Ashton love triangle wear themselves out. It’s hard to find a three–legged toad, but men

with two legs are a dime a dozen!” novelbin

“You’re wrong; men have three legs, too,” Tiana said with a blush.

The playful banter between them made Whitney chuckle, “Tiana, are you looking for a boyfriend?

Anyone catch your eye since Gunner Lutz?”

“Out of the three of us, you’re the only one who has pristine and untainted love lives. What do you think

about Parker Doonan?” Valerie teased.

“Why are you bringing up Mr. Doonan?” Tiana was utterly confused and blushed even more.

“Your face is red. Is there something going on?” Whitney prodded.

Having seen something she should not have twice, did that count as something going on?

“You both are such gossips! Stop making things up. I’m closer to Nolan. Why don’t you say something’s

going on with him? Let’s drop it! Or shall we go back to discussing your tragic love stories?”

“Tiana, do you even have a heart?” Valerie dropped her usual cool demeanor and roared.

Their playful teasing seemed to genuinely calm Whitney’s mood, and she went to the kitchen to fetch

the baking tools with a resigned smile.

With Whitney out of sight, Tiana could not resist turning the TV back on, her mouth twisting in

annoyance. “I want to see what kind of people Elaine’s parents are, whether Ludwik looks



Chapter 224

happy today…”

It was around six in the evening, and the last light of dusk cast a beautiful glow over the lush lawn.

The buffet table was a sight to behold on camera.

Seated on white silk chairs were the relatives of both parties. Ludwik’s flamboyant engagement had

attracted many business elites.

“That’s Zane and Delphine, the head honcho of the Bartels Hospital in Emperor City,” Valerie pointed


Zane looked dignified, his eyes revealing nothing, while Delphine appeared resplendent and ruthless.

“Elaine takes after her mother; you can tell just by looking at her eyes–cold and malicious.”

Tiana snorted, her gaze shifting to Ludwik’s family. There was an empty spot, except for an elderly man

in a traditional suit, his back to the camera, conspicuous yet understated.

She squinted, amused. “Kaden Lippert didn’t show up, huh? No surprise there. Ever since Imperial

Gem Corporation was taken from them, Ludwik has probably detested the Lippert family. He definitely

wouldn’t have invited them.

But it’s odd, isn’t it? Zane allows Ludwik’s parents to be absent? I’ve always wondered, with all of

Elaine’s wealth, why she’s so devoted to Mr. Lippert. The Bartels family seems to take Ludwik very

seriously, too.”

Valerie was just as puzzled. “Elaine is far from the love–struck woman she pretends to be. I know she

set her sights on Ludwik in her early twenties. What kind of charm does this man have?”

“Hey, that old man in the traditional suit sitting with Ludwik’s guests, do you know him?”

The camera caught a clear frontal shot.

Valerie peered at the screen. “Isn’t that Ludwik’s uncle? The top brass of the Emperor City military. The

Lippert family actually hails from Emperor City. Kaden moved to Banyan City later on. From what I

gather, Ludwik is third in line among the younger generation in the Lippert family.”

“I see,” Tiana mused.

Tiana analyzed with a sneer, “The Bartels family must be eyeing Ludwik’s uncle’s military influence in

Emperor City, huh?”

“But this guy is quite enigmatic, barely has any contact with Kaden, and he’s not Ludwik’s dad either.

There’s a layer in between. Who knows what the Bartels are really after…”

Valerie was mid–sentence when she saw Whitney, belly swollen with pregnancy, coming out of the

kitchen. She quickly turned off the TV, and the conversation came to an abrupt halt.

Chapter 224

At Joyful Manor.

Ludwik loosened his Windsor knot, feeling suffocated.

The elderly man dressed beside him sat as serene as a pine tree, “Ludwik, what’s so important that

you’ve asked me to this lounge?”

Ludwik looked up, facing his uncle, Jason Lippert. Truth be told, they had hardly been in contact since

his childhood and were not close.

It was not until a few years ago, when he quietly founded Skyfaith Electronic Tech and during his most

financially trying times, his uncle silently offered a lifeline.

Since then, there had been a slight, though distant, connection between them.

Ludwik spoke with an indifferent expression, “Uncle, with your position in the military, I need to request

an arrest warrant of the highest level from Emperor City. Is that possible?”

Jason looked over with interest. “Who are you planning to take down?”

“It’ll be needed for tomorrow.”

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Jason watched as Ludwik methodically crushed his cigarette, his expression stoic.

Without prying further, Jason’s gaze darkened, “The help you need, consider it done.”

Ludwik, a man of few words, stood and bowed slightly. “I’m grateful, take some rest.”

With that, he walked out, his presence cool and detached.

Jason slightly furrowed his brows as he watched Ludwik’s retreating figure.

The door swung open, and Zane and Delphine entered, accompanied by Elaine, all wearing bright


“Good to see you, Jason,” Elaine said, her voice laced with restrained excitement.

“Sooner or later, you’ll have to change how you address him, silly girl,” Zane chuckled deeply,

approaching Jason with a lower voice. “Are you happy to see Ludwik? Actually, he’s had a fallout with

Kaden. The timing seems right; maybe you could…”

Jason’s eyes dimmed, a man of his stature feeling a rare twinge of uncertainty. He sighed. “The kid had

a tough time with his mother when he was young, and I didn’t help. He’s too proud and aloof; now isn’t

the right time; he won’t accept…”

Zane carefully interjected, “Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know back then.”

“Let’s discuss this another time. He turned out quite well, I’m impressed.” Jason’s eyes showed

a hint of approval, and he kept it low–key, “Mr. Bartels, I appreciate the invitation.”

“A young one’s engagement is indeed an occasion to have you,” Zane replied with utmost respect as

he saw Jason off.

Back in the lounge, Delphine could barely contain her excitement, “Jason’s been in the military for so

long, it’s rare to catch a glimpse of such an influential figure. It’s because of our Elaine. She’s really

held onto Ludwik’s heart. He has unlimited potential. Congratulations, my daughter. You have cut

through the thorns, driven away that wretch Whitney, and today, you’ll become the future Mrs. Lippert!”

“Thanks to you, Mom and Dad, for introducing me to Ludwik early and helping me deal with that

wretch. Tonight, I will become Ludwik’s woman, and Whitney will never have a chance to come back.

We need to find a way to get rid of her for good!”

Delphine’s eyes narrowed. “The die is cast. It should be easy for you to deal with her. Just make it

clean! Our family and the Tennyson affairs should never see the light of day. So, no survivors from the

Tennyson family. As for Whitney’s uncle, find a chance to seal his lips in prison.”

Zane nodded heavily. “Leave it to you, Elaine. Tonight, you must secure Ludwik to avoid any further


1/4 novelbin


Chapter 225

Elaine blushed demurely and nodded.

At the wedding banquet, Nolan noticed Ludwik drinking heavily.

It was unusual for a groom to be pouring his own drinks.

It was clear to their group of friends that Ludwik was distracted, and far from happy, his brow furrowed

with a heavy heart.

His aloofness made it difficult to approach him.

“Ludwik!” Elaine fluttered over like a graceful butterfly.

The media relished capturing the moment.

Ludwik forced a smile and embraced her affectionately, announcing to his friends, “The party’s over.

Elaine’s not feeling well; I’ll take her home.”

Nolan and Parker did not jest about hurrying to the bridal chamber as they usually would at weddings.

They simply nodded.

Ludwik and Elaine left by car.

At the Everwood Villa Estate, Elaine was attended to by two maids, her long gown trailing behind her

as she stepped into the bath for a soak.

In the deep silence of the night, Ludwik sat elegantly on the sofa, his handsome face reflected in the

vast windows.

His eyes, like deep pools, held secrets and a detached coolness.

He lit cigarette after cigarette, pressing his brow as if to ease some inner tension.

An hour later, Elaine emerged, the maids nowhere in sight.

She approached, her allure heightened by the red flush on her cheeks. Dressed in a black see–through

gown with a high slit, her fair upper body wrapped in a plunging neckline, her long hair dripping with

misty droplets, her eyes hazy with desire.

Elaine gently leaned on Ludwik’s long legs, mermaid–like, looking up coquettishly. “It’s getting late,


He looked at her deeply, her cleavage in plain view, but his eyes struggled to ignite any passion, as

calm as the deep sea.

Suddenly, he averted his gaze, speaking softly, “Elaine, there’s some water on the table. You’re hardly

dressed; have a sip to warm up.”

Elaine, touched by his care, hurriedly drank the water,

Gulping it down, she deliberately let a drop linger on her lips, glistening as it slid down to her



Chapter 225


Then, she climbed up his legs to the sofa, her heart pounding as she admired the slight openness of

his shirt, the alluring collarbones, his chest exuding warmth. She reached out a finger.

“Let’s not rush.” Ludwik gently held her hand, frowning slightly.

“What’s wrong, Ludwik? You don’t like it here? I sent the maids away, and there’s no one to disturb us.

Or shall we go upstairs?”

Her voice was full of shy anticipation as she clung to his shoulders, swaying gently.

Ludwik’s response was evasive, and he stood up abruptly, pushing her aside, “What I meant by not

rushing was during the engagement period.”

“Ludwik?” Elaine’s eyes flashed with uncertainty and unease. “We’re engaged now, just a marriage

certificate away. What’s stopping us? I’ve waited for you for years, and tonight was supposed to be our

perfect night.”

“Your health isn’t ready for this,” Ludwik found an excuse, his tall frame commanding.

He was irritable and annoyed with himself for not being drawn to Elaine’s stunning figure. What was

wrong with him wanting to take Elaine? Whitney had cheated on him long ago.

Yet, every time he opened and closed his eyes, all he saw was that damn woman’s image, as if cursed,

making him feel absolutely nothing for Elaine.

Elaine wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing close.

Startled, Ludwik turned around swiftly, his brow knit as he pushed her away.

“I’m ready, Ludwik! I’ve even had a kidney check–up recently; my health has improved, and I can be

intimate with you…”

“But I’m afraid of hurting you,” Ludwik could not bring himself to reveal the real reason, not wanting to

crush her self–esteem.

“Ludwik! Any man would be unable to resist a woman like this, and you’re a normal man, especially

since I’m beautiful…”

Her fingers slid downward from the firm grip around his muscular waist.

Ludwik tensed, his jaw set tight, his large hands catching hers. He looked at her for a moment, then

with a decisive move, he scooped her up sideways. “Let’s head upstairs.”

A thrill of anticipation quivered through Elaine. Ludwik finally wanted her. Were they going to the


He was a man of virtue, almost puritanical in his restraint. The thought of his abstinence was

intoxicating to her.

Yet, as they approached the bed in the bedroom, a sudden pang of pain clutched at Elaine’s



Chapter 225

abdomen, making her wince.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his tone casual.

Struck by a sudden realization, Elaine’s face paled, and she quickly stood up. “I need to use the

bathroom, Ludwik. Wait for me, don’t go!”

“Alright, I’ll stay,” he said, his voice indifferent as he turned to light up a cigarette, his

expression unreadable.

After Elaine dashed to the bathroom, she looked down, and her face turned ashen. “Damn it, now?”

She could not believe it; it had been just two weeks since her last period. Her cycle was always regular,

but the pain was undeniable.

And it was not light. There was no way she could hide it and go through with intimacy.

Frustrated and deflated, she applied a sanitary pad with a pale face. When she emerged, she found

the tall figure of Ludwik standing by the bathroom door.

“Is it your time of the month?” Ludwik asked, his voice even, his dark eyes briefly scanning the contents

of the trash can as if he had expected it.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 211-220

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

The employees of Skye Gem Ltd. were anxious, their focus completely shattered as rumors and

discontent spread like wildfire through the office space.

Whitney’s face was now as pale as parchment. She hastily called for an emergency board meeting.

However, the three shareholders who had cashed out earlier were unreachable.

She felt the chill of dread. They were the very shareholders who had threatened her earlier in the day.

Whitney’s refusal to consider any public relations strategies with the Lutz Group led them to believe

that Skye Gem Ltd. was beyond saving. They had dumped their stocks in a hurry, and now they had

even set sights on the very building that housed the company!

Upon hearing that the Skye Gem building was going up for auction, Bryce immediately had his people

dig into the matter, tracing it back to Elaine, a known adversary of Skye Gem Ltd. Bryce knew he had to

intervene for Whitney’s sake.

Using a burner phone, he called Elaine, “Elaine, this vendetta against Whitney is getting ugly. Step

back and stop this madness.”

The woman on the other end paused, then laughed upon recognizing the voice. “Mr. Lutz?”

Elaine wasn’t rattled. “I’m helping you, Mr. Lutz. I presume it was you who sent that video to me?

Thanks for the assist, though I know it’s for your own gain. You chose me to light the fuse, knowing I’d

use that video to drive a wedge.”

Bryce clenched his jaw. The video wasn’t meant to be used this way.

It was only after Ludwik, in a fit of inhumanity, had publicly humiliated Whitney at a restaurant that

Bryce had considered releasing it.

The Lutz family was also one of the four pillars of power in Banyan City. Bryce was known for his

patience and humility, but he could play hardball when pushed.

Ludwik’s arrogance and brutality were unworthy of Whitney. Bryce found himself consumed with the

desire to protect her.

Elaine’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, “Let’s be allies in the shadows, shall we? Skye Gem Ltd. is

cornered and Whitney is desperate. Why not step in as the hero and win her heart?”

Bryce remained silent, hanging up to stand by the window, contemplating his next move. He instructed

his assistant to hire trolls to smear his reputation online, hinting at instability in the Lutz Group’s


The assistant was perplexed but carried out the order without question.

Bryce glanced at his phone, which was filled with missed calls from the family patriarch and matriarch.

Then he dialed his butler. “I’m heading to the Lutz estate. Assure my parents to stay calm.”

The auction for the Skye Gem building was heating up online, with bids soaring.

Whitney was at her wit’s end, unable to reach the shareholder with the deed. That’s when Nyx burst

into her office, looking both pale and furious, “Ms. Valentine, rumor has it that Skyfaith is aggressively

buying up Skye Gem shares and bidding on the building. What’s wrong between you and Mr. Lippert?

He seems hell-bent on bringing us down!”

A sinking feeling took hold of Whitney. It was Ludwik.

“Are you sure?” she asked, shaking her head.

“Who else? The bidders on that building are tied to Skyfaith.”

Her grip crumpled the papers in her hand.

Was he so intent on destroying her because of that misleading video?

She had already been forced to divorce today. Wasn’t that enough? Why the relentless animosity and

the sheer cruelty?

The building was her grandfather’s legacy. She couldn’t let it sold.

Ludwik wouldn’t let bygones be bygones. He was out for blood, and it was bitterly cold.

As the price neared a staggering 800 million, Whitney dialed Bryce in a desperate move, “Mr. Lutz, I

need your help. The Skye Gem Ltd. building is being auctioned, and I’m out of options. Could you lend

me a billion, please?”

A billion wasn’t much for a conglomerate like The Lutz Group, but Bryce hesitated for a moment, then

assured her, “Don’t worry, I’ll help.”

Whitney sensed his hesitation.

After thanking him, she quickly used the funds to reclaim the building.

Her PR manager rushed in with urgency, “Ms. Valentine, there’s something online you need to see.”

The news was damning. The Lutz Group was in turmoil, with Bryce Lutz at the center of the scandal.

He was vilified online, some even

Chapter 211.

labeling him a criminal.

The shareholders were questioning his character due to the leaked video.

“Reports just in, Mr. Lutz has transferred a billion to Whitney Valentine’s account, defying the board’s

disapproval and causing major discontent.”

“Bryce Lutz’s CEO position is now at risk.”

“Rumors suggest his father Hunter Lutz, the family patriarch, is furious and may appoint a new head.”

Realization dawned on Whitney as she understood Bryce’s hesitation. He was risking everything to

help her, and now he was in the eye of

the storm.

Filled with guilt, she called him back, “Bryce, I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were already in trouble,

and now I’ve added to it.”

Before he could respond, an angry voice thundered in the background,

“Bryce, our family has strict rules. You’re my youngest son and I’ve always recognized your potential,

but how could you stir up such a scandal? Who is that woman? Your uncles are talking, and your

position might not hold. Sort this mess out immediately!”

Whitney hung up, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. Bryce was in trouble because of

her, and she had to make it right.

“Don’t be too hard on him,” Claire’s voice trailed off, her tone filled with a weary concern. “He’s of age

now, and settling down is what worries me the most. Perhaps we could…”

Her words became a distant hum.

Bryce’s voice was as smooth as ever, “Whitney, have you secured the company building yet?”

“Yes, but at such a cost to you.” Whitney’s voice was heavy with guilt.

Bryce chuckled ruefully, “Yeah, I’m in quite the pickle now, aren’t I?”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“There is. But I’m afraid you might not agree to it.” Bryce’s deep, soothing voice was tinged with a sigh.

“I’ve got a slew of calls to deal with right now. I should get on that first.”

Whitney imagined him, brow furrowed in concentration, as she listened to the hurried tone of his voice.

Staring at the disconnected call on her phone screen, she was suddenly interrupted by an incoming call

from an unknown number.

She answered, and the voice on the other end introduced themselves as Bryce’s assistant, “Ms.

Valentine, I apologize for the intrusion, but there are a few things I just can’t hold back. Mr. Lutz cares

deeply for you and hates to see you struggle. But as his assistant, watching him work tirelessly for the

company, I can’t stand by and see him lose his position.

The online backlash he’s facing is because he stood up for you this morning, taking all the blame upon

himself, and I believe you’re well aware of it. Just now, despite the risk of shareholder scrutiny, he

transferred a billion to you.

Ms. Valentine, one must have a conscience. It’s not right that he saved you from peril, and now when

he’s in trouble, you can’t remain indifferent, can you?”

Whitney’s grip on her phone tightened as she took a deep breath, “What can I do for him?”

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

“The Lutz family is known for its stringent rules, and now Mr. Lutz is suspected for allegedly having an

affair with a married woman. It seems the only way out is to legitimize your status. You know as well as

I do that even if you manage to buy back the Skye Gem Ltd, building, with the company morale

shaken, your shareholders would keep offloading their shares.

So why not go for a win-win? If you agree to an engagement with him, that video will be above board.

He’ll stabilize the Lutz Group, and your company will be under his protection. Weighing the pros and

cons, it’s the best option you have.”

Whitney held her breath, struggling to make a decision in her mind.

In the end, rationality won over her emotions.

She couldn’t let Bryce down. He had done too much for her.

And Skye Gem would crumble to bankruptcy in no time under Ludwik’s relentless pressure if she didn’t

take any actions.

She was about to give birth to a baby, and Skye Gem was beyond her own capability to save.

She needed a safe harbor.

It was all Ludwik’s doing.

Whitney let out a silent, desolate chuckle. She closed her eyes and said, “I’m not heartless. Please tell

Mr. Lutz that if he needs a faux engagement to get through this, I’m in-as long as he can get out of this


“Thank you, Ms. Valentine.”

The assistant hung up the phone, beaming, and turned to a man of quiet elegance, “Mr. Lutz,

congratulations. But Ms. Valentine is sharp. She specified a faux engagement.”

Bryce’s eyes flickered with amusement as he took a drag of his cigarette, “She’s exactly the woman I

thought she was. It’s okay; we have all the time in the world. If she steps into the Lutz household, won’t

everything else be easy?”

He squinted slightly, contemplating..

News of Whitney and Bryce’s planned engagement spread like wildfire. Any rumors about the video

were now seen in a different light.

The internet exploded with the plot twist, and the tide of public opinion about Bryce shifted dramatically.

Exhausted, Whitney returned to Tiana’s apartment, where a text from Bryce soon followed. [I didn’t

expect my assistant to press you behind my back. Whitney, if you’re unwilling, I can clear things up


[No one pressured me, Mr. Lutz. Besides, it’s just a pretend engagement. So don’t feel guilty.]

Bryce’s reply was profound. [To you, it’s pretended. But to me, it feels like-dreams coming true.]

Whitney paused mid-typing, suddenly unsure how to respond.

“Whitney.” Tiana came to open the door, and Valerie was there too. They both looked at her with


“Is what the news says true? Have you thought this through?” Valerie came over.

Whitney offered a helpless smile, her eyes tinged with weariness and fear, “It’s not about what I want. I novelbin

need to save Skye Gem Ltd., and I owe Bryce.”

Valerie nodded, understanding the situation forced Whitney’s hand and said no more.

As Whitney stepped into her room, Tiana closed the door behind her and whispered to Valerie, “You

know, I actually think Bryce isn’t too bad. If Whitney could just…”

“It’s all too rushed. I just hope Whitney can step out from Ludwik’s shadow. It’s hard. Maybe Bryce will

be a pleasant surprise. He’s no simple man, but the way he looks at Whitney shows his tenderness.”

Valerie sighed.

In the small bedroom, Whitney removed her scarf and gloves, checking the time. It was already


She had been worried about her cousin Yael. Following contact details given by Felix, Whitney

nervously dialed the number.

It took a while for the other end to pick up, and a girl’s voice came through, “Who are you looking for?”

“Yael, are you safe? I’m Whitney, your cousin. Has your dad ever mentioned me?”

“Whitney!” The girl’s voice quivered with excitement, and she began to cry, “I was kidnapped more than

ten days ago and only released this afternoon. They didn’t hurt me, just left me hungry. Whitney, is my

dad fine after he went back to the country? Where is he? I want to talk to him.”

Faced with her request, Whitney’s voice caught in her throat.

Chapter 212

Her cousin sounded so worried.

That’s why her uncle was so desperate. His wife had left him, his health didn’t allow him to care for his

daughter, so he was driven to make something of himself, to take what wasn’t his,

And that’s what landed him in jail

Whitney covered her mouth and nose, stifling her sobs, unsure how to tell Yael about her father’s


“Your dad… It might be a few years before he can reunite with you. You stay safe abroad, and I’ll come

visit when I can.”

She curled up as she spoke, eyes closed. Her uncle deserved a sentence, but life imprisonment was

clearly too harsh.

Now that she was leaving Ludwik’s shadow, she would find a way to appeal for her uncle and to get

him out.

Skye Gem Ltd., her uncle, her mother-the burdens on her shoulders were still heavy. Whitney took a

deep breath, telling herself to stay strong.

Ding-dong, her phone chimed.

Bryce sent another message. [Whitney, where are you? I’ll come to pick you up. It’s more appropriate

that you live with us from now on.)

Whitney froze for a moment, remembering their soon-to-be ‘engaged’ status and quickly replied. (I’m at

my friend’s place. I won’t stay at your villa. I’ll look for an apartment tomorrow.]

[I’ll come to take you to find an apartment tomorrow, then.]

Bryce was considerate, not imposing. [Make sure to have dinner now, for the baby’s sake.]

She smiled, realizing she had indeed forgotten to eat.

Her hand gently caressed her belly as she murmured softly, “Baby, even though your dad has left, your

mom will still love you. I can’t wait to meet you.”

Late at night, Elaine carried a cup of coffee and knocked on the door of Ludwik’s study.

The man’s voice was husky and dark, “Come in.”

Elaine walked in with a charming smile, “Ludwik, that’s your fourth cup of coffee. It’s not good for your

stomach. You can deal with whatever important work you have tomorrow. Why don’t you rest with me

for a bit?”

Work was just an excuse. Ludwik would rather keep himself busy like a machine, if he could.

His brows were set in steely indifference, his handsome features casting a cool blue tint in the dim light.

“I just slept this afternoon. Elaine. after you administered those acupuncture treatments to me, I’ve

slept twice and now my head feels heavy. Are you sure this therapy can cure my insomnia?”

Ludwik was riddled with doubts.

Elaine’s hand stiffened momentarily. In her haste, she had been a bit heavy-handed with the hypnotics,

not quite gauging the correct


“Ludwik, ever since you mentioned Whitney using some underhanded methods to put you to sleep, I’ve

been worried. I rushed to come up with this acupuncture technique. It’s completely harmless.”

Anyway. Whitney was out of the picture, she could sling as much mud as she wanted.

Elaine moved behind him, her fingers lightly pressing against the temples of his aching head, “Maybe

it’s the side effects of those pills Whitney gave you? She never had good intentions, and you saw that

for yourself.”

Just the mention of that woman sent his pupils into an icy glare.

There was a time when he wouldn’t believe Elaine, holding onto some fantasy about her.

Now, why wouldn’t he believe Elaine? Maybe Whitney truly meant to harm him.

Seeing him silent, Elaine’s lips curled into a subtle smirk. She had all the time in the world to frame

Whitney. But at the moment, there was another urgent matter.

Elaine placed her hands on his shoulders, hesitating before speaking, “Ludwik, you’ve locked yourself

away in the study today, not even glancing at the news. There’s something I’m not sure I should tell


“What is it?”

Elaine’s lips twitched into a sly smile, “Whitney and Bryce announced their engagement this afternoon.”

She felt his shoulders drop suddenly, as if petrified.

Then, the temperature in the room seemed to plummet into an icy stillness.

After the silence, a storm of fury surged forth.

Chapter 212

Her schemes today were to drive Whitney into Bryce’s arms, and Bryce’s move had pleased her


Elaine fanned the flames, seething with indignation, “How could Whitney do this? She’s despicable,

getting engaged to another man so soon after divorcing you. It’s like she’s stabbing you right in the

heart, isn’t it?”

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

“I glanced at the stock ticker on the wall. Skye Gem was on the rebound now, thanks to the Lutz

Group’s backing.” Elaine added.

“You see, Whitney had no heart. She betrayed you. Your child would grow up calling Bryce ‘Dad’,

walking through the doors of the Lutz Mansion. Ludwik, you’re too proud for that. It’s a slap in your

face, a living insult. How can you bear it?” Elaine faked anger in front of Ludwik.

Ludwik stared at his own reflection on the computer screen, his eyes like damp chasms in the early

morning gloom.

A new engagement right after a divorce? What a farce.

She’d run straight into Bryce’s arms. How dared she claim nothing happened between them?

A bitter laugh escaped him. With a sudden move, he swept all the papers from his desk, his hot coffee

spilling onto the floor and splashing Elaine’s shoes.

But he was oblivious, lost to his rage, barely managing to breathe. “Elaine, get out!” he growled.

She’d achieved her goal. Her eyes were narrowing with satisfaction as she left the room.

Ludwik spent the night in his study, smoking until dawn in front of the window.

He chuckled darkly to himself, swearing that the heartless woman wouldn’t easily get away with this.

His child walking through the doors of the Lutz Mansion? No, no one could shatter his pride.

Crushing the cigarette butt in his hand, he grabbed his car keys and stormed out.

Whitney woke early because of her growing belly, which had made sleep elusive day by day. The baby

seemed to be still asleep, peaceful without movements.

She spoke to her belly, “You’re quite the lazy one, aren’t you? You only stir when I’m upset. We have

our seven-month checkup soon, I hope you weigh 1.5 kilograms now.”

She ordered some breakfast ingredients online, planning to cook for herself.

But when someone knocked on her door around seven, she thought it was the delivery. But she found

two bodyguards greeting her when she opened the door.

Before she could finish her question, she was being escorted out, only to see Ludwik leaning against a

sleek Bentley. His figure was impeccable, his presence always commanding.

He looked like he hadn’t slept the previous night. His eyes were bloodshot, not sparing her a glance.

Well, he’d said he’d never lay eyes on her again.

Pain pricked at Whitney’s heart as she asked, “What are you doing here?”

Her heart fluttered when he extinguished his cigarette with a vicious twist of his foot. A wave of his

hand was his only response, not even bothering with words.

The bodyguards were dragging her towards the car.

“What are you doing, Ludwik? We’re divorced now!” Whitney panicked.

He gazed into the fog, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “No need to remind me.”

“Congratulations on your engagement, huh?” His laugh was mocking.

Whitney’s heart sank, her fists clenched.

The news from the Lutz Group had spread. He was bound to find out anyway.

But who was the first one to bring up divorce?

She wanted to ask if he still had conscience.

Whitney looked down, her voice low, “Now that we’re legally separate, whether I remarry is none of

your business.”

“None of my business,” he sneered, his eyes cold as the grave, fixed on her belly. “But I won’t let a

woman like you give birth to the child.”

“Take her to the hospital.”

It took Whitney a few seconds to comprehend before she panicked.

Her heart trembled, her body shook with disbelief as she protected her belly. “Are you insane?”

He turned and got into his car.

The bodyguards shoved her into another vehicle.

Chapter 213

He couldn’t even bear to ride with her.

Whitney’s fear escalated as she clawed at the car door, screaming at him, “Even beasts don’t devour

their young, Ludwik! Do you have any heart left?”

His laughter was a bitter symphony.

Whitney’s desperate cries for Tiana were lost as the car sped away.

Back in the apartment, Tiana and Valerie both heard the commotion and rushed out, but only to see

Ludwik driving away.

Their faces turned pale with horror.

“Ludwik’s lost it. The baby’s seven months along. What’s wrong with him?!”

“Quick, call Nolan, Parker and Felix! We can’t let this happen!” Valerie shouted as they sprang into



At the hospital’s maternity ward, the setup was grim. The abortion doctor waited by the operating room.

Whitney struggled fiercely but was dragged in and sweat in fear beside the operating table.

Tiana and Valerie arrived soon, confronting Ludwik.

“Ludwik, have you lost your humanity? That’s a living being, your child! Let Whitney go!” Tiana yelled,

her voice filled with desperation.

He flicked Tiana aside with a cold gesture, his eyes like frozen lakes.

“You can’t do this, Mr. Lippert!” Valerie screamed, rushing to stop the madness.

Whitney was forced onto the operating table. She trembled with fear, calling for Valerie to save her.

But Valerie was dragged away, helpless.

Just when all seemed lost, Nolan and Parker burst onto the scene.

“Ludwik, calm down! Whatever your grievance, that child is innocent!”

They tried to intervene, but Ludwik was a man possessed, a dark flame burning in his eyes.

Parker sighed heavily, “You’re mad at Whitney and Bryce, fine. But that child carries your blood,

Ludwik. You can’t kill your own flesh and blood!”

“You’ll regret this, Ludwik!” Nolan shouted.

“Regret?” Ludwik scoffed, a hollow laughter filling the cold hospital corridor.

His gaze was like a curse from the depths of hell itself, as the endless darkness threatened to swallow

him whole. He pointed accusingly at the woman who had carved out his heart, “The biggest regret of

my life is ever meeting that woman, letting her conceive my child, and giving her countless

opportunities to hurt me.”

“Ludwik, I know it’s tough for you to accept Whitney and Bryce’s engagement.” Parker tried to calm him

down in a hushed tone, aware that Ludwik had lost all sense of reason.

“How can I not accept it? We’re divorced. Her promiscuity is none of my concern anymore. I’m just here

to deal with this tainted offspring.”

His words pierced Whitney’s heart like daggers. She clutched her belly tightly, hoping her baby couldn’t


But Ludwik’s scorn continued unabated. His eyes, bloodshot with fury, fixed on her stunning face, filled

with endless loathing. “You think you can frolic with your lover while carrying my child? Dream on,

Whitney. Just by having you as a mother, this child is unworthy of being born into this world!”

Whitney felt her heart go numb.

How much must he despise her to not even tolerate the existence of his own child?

How could a father say such heartless words to his unborn child?

Or perhaps, it was because he had Elaine now, and that’s why he was so eager to ‘deal with’ the child?

Regardless of the reason, Whitney felt a chill in her bones. It was as if she were waking from a

nightmare, realizing that he not only didn’t want the child but wished to kill it!

Such cruelty was beyond madness.

Lifting her tearful eyes, she knelt on the operating table, looking up at him, “What must I do for you to

spare our child?”

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

“Whitney…” Valerie gasped, covering her mouth.

Nolan and Parker looked on in astonishment at the woman with terror etched on her face.

Her hand never left her belly, a mother’s instinctive protective stance.

“Can I beg you? This child will have nothing to do with you from now on. I promise I won’t use it to

blackmail you. I won’t ask for child support.

Ludwik, you can be harsh, but you can’t deny a child. You gave him life, he’s seven months along now. In two months, it’ll be born. It’ll smile at me; it will cry and fuss. It’ll be a living and grow up…”

Her voice broke with pain. “Even if you despise me, the child is innocent. Please, don’t take its life


The cigarette between Ludwik’s fingers trembled as he flicked it fiercely, his deep eyes misting with a novelbin

cold fog.

Those were his children – there were two, not just one!

Could he really be so heartless? It was this woman’s shameless betrayal that he couldn’t stomach.

And the thought of them calling Bryce ‘Dad’ – it tore him apart. He was a man of stature. What

belonged to him could not be taken by others.

So, maybe it was better they were never born.

But his heart, raw with the pain of detachment, wrapped layers around him.

Memories of his anticipation for the twins flashed uncontrollably through his mind. He wouldn’t have

cared for her so tenderly if he hadn’t hoped, wouldn’t have taken her for her first check-up.

Even last time, when she was hurt and they went to the hospital, he wanted to be heartless, but still, he

secretly pocketed the ultrasound image.

The greater the anticipation was, the deeper the disappointment became. Now his head was full of

hate. He knew he was beyond reason.

But who could understand the agony of his pride being crushed?

Watching her empty gestures of submission, his eyes lowered. His heart fluttered with a twinge of pain

and hesitation.

The operating room was at a standstill, the cigarette butt fell, signaling his wavering resolve.

Parker stepped forward silently, trying to bring Ludwik back to his senses.

That’s when a commotion erupted from the corridor.

Bryce rushed in with a squad of police officers, “Ludwik, you have no right to end a life!”

Like a wounded beast jolted awake, Ludwik’s gaze turned icy as he saw the newcomer.

His eyes mocked with a sarcastic laugh, “So eager to play the stepdad, Mr. Lutz? You want to play

house, but I won’t let you. Doctor. proceed!”

Parker knew he was furious. Just moments ago, he had seen the sorrow in Ludwik’s eyes.

But Whitney was terrified. Seeing Bryce with the officers, she clung to him like a lifeline, crying, “Bryce,

stop him!”

“Don’t be afraid!” Bryce burst into the operating room, gently lifting her down to shield her behind him,

“Are you all right, Whitney?”

“I don’t want to lose the baby!” Whitney murmured in desperation, her hands trembling as she clutched

his shirt, fearing Ludwik would take

her the next second.

Her dependence moved Bryce, and he held her hand reassuringly, “I won’t let him touch you or the

baby. We have laws that protect us!”

“Mr. Lutz, whose child are you protecting? This is my child. Are you impotent?”

Ludwik’s scornful laughter filled the air, enraged by the couple’s interaction.

The corridor was filled with officers, surrounding the two most powerful men in Banyan City. They were

hesitant to act.

Nearby stood Parker, Nolan and Felix, along with many nurses and doctors.

Ludwik’s taunting words turned all eyes to Bryce, casting peculiar glances.

Whitney felt Ludwik was being too arrogant and hurtful. She frowned in worry, looking towards Bryce.

Ludwik’s gaze grew colder.

Bryce remained composed, smiling slightly, “No need for Mr. Lippert’s concern. As for you and Whitney,

you’re legally divorced now. You have no claim over the child she carries.”

“We haven’t finished the divorce procedure. I can still make decisions, and Mr. Lutz can’t do a thing.”

Ludwik boasted.

Chapter 214

“But the police can!” Bryce’s brow tightened as he turned to the Banyan City police force. “Mr. Lippert

might be powerful, but I can call on the city’s main office. If you insist on this, we’ll see who’s really in

control. Let’s wait for the court’s decision to see who has the right to decide a life.”

Ludwik sneered. “To play the stepdad, you’re going to such lengths. Do you enjoy caring for my

offspring that much? Seems Mr. Lutz has a taste for charity.”

More taunts that cut deep.

Bryce’s eyes turned frosty, but his demeanor remained calm, “Whether or not the child is mine by blood

is irrelevant. I will love and protect him as my own. Unlike Mr. Lippert, I love everything about the

woman I love. I’m Whitney’s fiancé now, and I have every right to protect this child. Mr. Lippert, step

back, or I will take actions!”

His declaration of guardianship and tender confession disgusted Ludwik to his core.

This only fueled his jealousy further. He looked at Whitney with disdain, “I didn’t realize you enjoyed

trash-picking so much, happy with your buy-one-get-one deal?”

Whitney’s breathing quickened. Even insults should have their limits!

Bryce held her close, his patience thinning, “Say what you will. I’ve chosen Whitney.”

“Ludwik! Don’t let them get to you. It’s not worth it!”

Elaine arrived late, wrapping her arms around Ludwik’s, casting a glance at Whitney and feigning

sweetness, “I know you’re doing this for me, to clear the way for our perfect engagement. But

remember, there is virtue in mercy. Ludwik. We’re about to get engaged. Let’s not spill blood. Besides,

Bryce wants to pick up a ready-made child, doesn’t he? Give him the chance! We’ll have our own

children in the future, won’t we, Ludwik?”

Elaine said this to appear gracious, sensing Ludwik’s reluctance to terminate the pregnancy. She

figured she’d play the good Samaritan for now. Later, once they were engaged, she’d deal with the

unwanted child herself, and Ludwik would never suspect her.

Ludwik glanced at the stunned Whitney, who was still cowering behind Bryce as if he were her knight in

shining armor.

His heart had grown so cold it was numb. Squeezing Elaine’s hand tightly, he smirked with a frosty

edge, “Of course, my children should only be borne by you.”

Whitney felt as if her face had been torn off, watching the duo play their parts in harmony.

Her heart had long been desensitized. Her child was unwanted. And indeed, he had come for Elaine to

deal with the problem.

Truly, he was a heartless man.

She tried to mask her desolation, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she looked at them, “Many

babies? I believe Elaine has forgotten her little issue of having just one kidney-unless, of course, Elaine

actually has two functioning kidneys, which would explain this slip of the tongue, wouldn’t it?”

It was a probing question.

Elaine faltered, her face paling for a brief second before she defensively turned to the man, “I simply

forgot for a moment that I have a disability, Ms. Valentine. Why must you attack me so viciously?

Ludwik, you’ll let me have children, won’t you?”

“Enough,” Ludwik snapped, glaring at Whitney and pointing at Bryce, “You think you’ve found yourself a

protector? I won’t let you two off easily.”

Whitney was furious, “What more do you want from me? You know exactly why I got engaged to him!”

Ludwik frowned, what did he know? Wasn’t it her shameless betrayal?

Elaine was momentarily taken aback, but then she remembered the transaction from yesterday under

the name Skyfaith could easily be explained away.

She batted her eyelashes cunningly, “Ms. Valentine, don’t start with another sob story, pretending your

engagement to Bryce is a farce. Do you think Ludwik would believe you now?”

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Whitney clenched her fists, her heart as cold as ice-she had no longer believed in anything.

Disappointment was mirrored in her eyes, her hope extinguished.

With a touch of mockery, she said, “Of course it’s a real engagement, just like yours with Mr. Lippert.

You both seem to be doing just fine on your own.”

There it was—the admission that she couldn’t wait to get engaged to another man!

Ludwik’s eyes turned frosty with malice, and suddenly he wrapped his arms around Elaine’s waist.

“Felix, move up the engagement party for me and Elaine. I want it to be the talk of the town.”

Felix looked at Mr. Lippert’s impulsive decision and sighed inward. “Mr. Lippert, but Elaine’s birthday is

just in eight days. How much sooner do you want?”

“The day before their engagement.” Ludwik glanced at Bryce and Whitney as he winced.

Whitney’s face turned ashen.

Elaine’s heart burst with joy. “Ludwik, then we really need to start preparing. Shall we go look for a

wedding dress now?”

“What wedding dress? Didn’t you say you wanted to start a family with me?” Ludwik turned his head

and kissed Elaine’s temple, holding her close as they walked away.

Even though Whitney had already overheard their intimacy before, hearing him speak so frivolously still

pierced her to the core.

The others around were practically gawking.

As they reached the car, Ludwik pinched the bridge of his nose, ready to get in with Elaine.

Parker called out from behind, “Ludwik, I need to speak with you.”

Parker glanced at Elaine, signaling for Ludwik to come over.

Elaine clenched her hands nervously.

She got into the car, deliberately leaving the door ajar with a sense of unease.

Standing a few meters away, Ludwik couldn’t muster the energy for small talk. “What is it?”

Parker and Nolan were at a loss for words. Just yesterday, they thought by convincing Ludwik to return

home, there might be a chance for reconciliation with Whitney.

But then, a scandalous video surfaced.

After seeing Bryce in that state, it was hard for Parker and Nolan to believe there was nothing between

him and Whitney.

“Ludwik, I know the video has left you devastated, but I told you about how Whitney bought



Chapter 215

emergency medicine for Natalie. Maybe you should ask Elaine about it?”

Ludwik’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. “Is there need for questions? What kind of good intentions can

a woman who’s already cheated have for her mother? The only person I can trust now is Elaine. Don’t

try to sow discord between us.”

Parker and Nolan exchanged a look. Ludwik’s heart was clearly wounded by Whitney’s betrayal,

making him more dependent on Elaine and all the more obstinate. He was too proud to listen to anyone

else at the moment.

Inside the car, Elaine could barely overhear their conversation. Her lips curved up slightly when she

heard Ludwik’s words.

Let the truth about that old hag’s kidney transplant rot in the grave. Ludwik would never doubt her


Now, all she had to look forward to was the upcoming wedding with Ludwik. He had even

spoken about starting a family with her.

A blush of shyness crossed her face for a moment, but as the man got into the car, Elaine leaned over

with a flushed face, “Ludwik, are we heading back to the villa?”

Ludwik paused, withdrawing his hand and gently patting the back of hers. “There’s still work at the

office, you go pick out a wedding dress. I’ll hire an event planner for the engagement party. Just tell me

what you want.”

His words were a rejection of intimacy, and Elaine felt a slight sink in her heart. But considering it was

daytime and recalling his previous words were to upset Whitney, she let go.

She had already torn Ludwik and Whitney apart. Once Whitney and Bryce were engaged, it would be a

done deal.

This man was hers! All that was left was to deal with that unfortunate child.

Upstairs in the hospital.

Bryce supported Whitney and carried her into a doctor’s office, his brows knitted tightly, “Please take a

check-up on her quickly.”

Tiana and Valerie followed, watching his every move.

Perplexed by the situation but intimidated by the man’s dignified aura, the doctor quickly listened to the

baby’s heartbeat.

“The child is a bit restless, but everything seems fine. She needs to rest.”

After the doctor spoke, Bryce let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing him more worried than herself, Whitney managed a smile. “Bryce, the baby is okay, I can feel it.

Thank you for today. If you hadn’t come with the police, I don’t know what would have happened to this


The child’s own father wanted to get rid of it.

“Scared?” His warm hand squeezed hers gently.

Still shaken, she tried to compose herself, looking up at this handsome and refined man with ripples of

gratitude in her heart. “I’m sorry for the insults you had to endure because of me. You shouldn’t have to

claim this child in front of him.”

Bryce looked at her trembling eyelashes, her pale face endearing and causing a surge of

protectiveness. He caressed her eyelashes gently and smiled inward. Of course, he would claim the

child to infuriate Ludwik.

His gaze was deep and soothing. “When I said I would treat this child as my own, I meant it.”

Tiana and Valerie were taken aback, their eyes shifting to him.

But Bryce’s gaze stayed fixed on Whitney, his voice lowering. “I’m not that petty. Whitney, once you get

to know me, you’ll see that I’m different from him. I don’t care much about public opinion. If you marry

me, you’ll be happy in the future.”

Whitney’s gaze darted away, filled with confusion and then avoidance.

Bryce stroked her hair. He knew she would retreat like a rabbit if he pushed too much, especially since

she had just divorced.

So he changed the subject, his brows furrowed. “We need to get engaged soon. Once we are, the baby

will have my name and I can protect both of you legitimately. If Ludwik could try to harm the baby today,

who knows what other dangers might come tomorrow.”

Whitney was startled, her heart wry with a bitter smile.

She had to let go of a man who could cruelly consider ending the life of a seven-month-old fetus. The

dangers weren’t just from Ludwik but also from Elaine and others.

Looking at Bryce, she realized she had no one else to rely on.

“I’m all ears,” she said, perhaps hoping that if she and Bryce got engaged, and Ludwik and Elaine

settled down, all the scores would be settled.

Bryce narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “The board meeting for the Lutz-Group is in five days.

Before then, I need you as my fiancée in name to help me stabilize the situation. Then we can get

engaged five days later.”

Whitney’s expression remained nonchalant.

He seemed pleased, though he kept it from showing too obviously, as he crouched down to talk to her.

“I’ll have the company send out a press release, and there’s a lot to prepare. But don’t worry about a

thing. Just tell me what you want, and I’ll listen to every word, to make sure you’re the most beautiful


Feeling a bit trapped, Whitney wanted to remind him that this engagement was a farce.

But there was a depth in his eyes, as if he knew what she was about to say, and he cut her off.


Chapter 215

Glancing at his watch, he said, “Sorry, I have a lunch meeting and won’t be able to join you for a meal.

Could I ask the two lovely ladies to keep Whitney company?”

His gaze shifted to Tiana and Valerie.

A blush spread across Tiana’s cheeks. Valerie, ever composed, smiled and nodded. “Mr. Lutz, are you

already getting into the role of the fiancé?” novelbin

“Of course, I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time.”

With a slight curve to his lips, Bryce didn’t shy away from showing his affection for Whitney in front of

everyone. After lifting her onto the hospital bed, he waved goodbye to them gently.

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Tiana closed the room door as Valerie sat at the bedside, handing a glass of water to Whitney.

Turning around, Tiana couldn’t help but vent her thoughts. “You know, I used to think Ludwik was the

epitome of charm. But now? Bryce, he’s like the George Clooney of men – mature, suave, and just as

alluring. Sure, he may not have the old-money background or the clout Ludwik has, but he’s not far off.

It’s like choosing between ice and fire. If it were up to me, I’d go for the one who knows how to treat a

lady right, and that’s Bryce all the way.”

She finished with a sly glance at Whitney.

Valerie saw Whitney’s distant gaze and nudged Tiana, whispering with a sigh, “After what Whitney’s

just been through, you know as well as I do, the last thing on her mind is another


“But she’s a catch, isn’t she? Simon, Ludwik, Bryce… Apart from Simon, which one of them isn’t. a

one-in-a-million guy? Whitney is a knockout.”

Whitney managed a small smirk at Tiana’s teasing.

Delighted, Tiana patted her shoulder. “Look at yourself, Whitney. Ludwik has turned you into a shadow

of yourself. If you ask me, he’s no better than a manipulative jerk, not the only one suffering, and yet he

believes every word from that bitch, time and again misunderstanding you. Let him stew in his own


Now he’s set to get hitched to Elaine in four days, and you’re supposed to be getting engaged to Bryce

the day after. Time to move on and stop pining over him. He wasn’t even there for his own child.”

Tiana trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid.

Whitney’s heart skipped a beat, still haunted by the recent events. Shaking her head, she muttered,

“Maybe there’s no future for us. Ever since Natalie’s accident, it’s been one long explanation after

another. He wouldn’t listen and wouldn’t believe. I’m tired. I almost lost my child. I’m scared now. It’s

time to let go of him.”

Though the pain lingered, voicing her thoughts seemed to bring relief.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks, revealing a faint smile.

Valerie and Tiana came over, tenderly stroking her hair. “Whether you let go or not, you can fool others

but yourself. Whitney, you still have your child to stay with you. And if you want, Bryce could be by your

side too.”

Whitney gave Tiana a speechless look, shaking her head. “Let’s not talk about feelings. I’ve been hurt

enough. I just want to protect my child right now. I’ll focus on giving birth and not dwell on anything

else. Don’t worry, I’m not knocked down yet. There’s so much more for me to do. Oh, Tiana, any

updates about that investigation into Elaine’s surgery?”


Chapter 216 novelbin

“Just about to tell you,” Tiana began, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “I found out that on

the day of Natalie and Elaine’s surgeries, two doctors were on call, neither the top experts from TriMed

Hospital’s renal department. Ludwik is a major investor at TriMed, and his mother’s surgery should

have had the best resources. But Elaine claimed Natalie’s condition was sudden, and the other doctors

were all unavailable.”

Tiana’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Guess where those two doctors used to work?”

Whitney understood immediately. “The Bartels family’s medical center in Emperor City?”

“Exactly. That part of their resume vanished, and it’s old history. I had to hack into the medical system

multiple times to find any trace.”

Taking a deep breath, Whitney’s eyes flashed with resolve. “Tiana, check how many kidney transplants

were scheduled that day, especially during the same time as Natalie’s. Find out who those patients


At Whitney’s suggestion, Tiana and Valerie paused, exchanging knowing looks.

Tiana’s eyes widened. “Are you suggesting Elaine might have-”

Before she could finish, Whitney nodded, a silent understanding between them. “Be careful!”

After a few hours, Bryce returned swiftly from a meeting in the afternoon. Tiana and Valerie exchanged

winks and discreetly made their exit.

Whitney rolled her eyes at her friends, trying to dispel the awkwardness. “Don’t mind their looks.

They’re just being fanciful and leaving us with embarrassment.”

Bryce chuckled. “I don’t find it embarrassing at all. In fact, I quite enjoy it.”

She deflected, changing the subject. “Bryce, if I may be so bold, how old are you?”

“Thirty-two. Do you think that’s a bit too old for you?” He kept the mood light, signaling to the nurse to

help Whitney out of the hospital room.

Whitney cleverly avoided answering his question, asking instead, “Where are we headed now?”

“I promised to help your apartment hunting. I’ve shortlisted a few suitable places.”

Whitney got into his Cayenne, noting the understated luxury that matched his demeanor. The watch on

his wrist spoke of subtle affluence, and his light gray shirt softened his presence.

Unlike Ludwik, who even in the simplest white shirt seemed to radiate an imposing presence, Bryce

was all ease and quiet strength.

Shaking off the thoughts of Ludwik, Whitney felt a tinge of defeat.

Sensing the dip in her mood, Bryce turned on the radio, deliberately playing a light-hearted broadcast.

He didn’t say much, but the gesture was thoughtful and warming.



Chapter 216

Whitney glanced at him, receiving a comforting smile in return.

The car came to a stop in front of a serene high-rise apartment complex.

“This is the place,” Bryce said as they walked in. “I’ve checked the area, and this is the safest and most

comfortable option. It’s on the fourth floor, which is good for you given you’re about to giving birth in two

months. Even in a blackout, you won’t have trouble getting up and down.”

Whitney liked the apartment, but as she approached the window and her gaze fell on a nearby lakeside

villa, her brows furrowed. “Mr. Lutz, this seems awfully close to where you live. And it’s quite a distance

from Skye Gem Ltd. The commute would be inconvenient for me.”

“You’re right,” Bryce admitted with a hint of a smile.

Bryce chuckled with a touch of sincerity in his voice, “I get worried with you living so far away, Whitney.

It’s not convenient for you either. Now that we’re ‘engaged’, it’s easier for you to pop over when my

relatives come visiting. As for commuting, I’ll drive you to and from work.”

Whitney wanted to argue, mentioning she was planning to buy a place near her friend Tiana’s.

But if she needed to play along with his charade, it seemed she really had no choice but to live nearby.

She wasn’t picky about accommodations and pulled out her credit card, “Then let’s buy this place.”

“Do you really think you need to pay?” Bryce pushed her hand back gently.

Politely shaking her head, she replied, “Mr. Lutz, we’re not in that kind of relationship. Even though

Skye Gem Ltd. is on the brink, I can afford this. I never thought about buying a place before because I

felt I had a home, but now… it’s time to start anew.”

Bryce frowned at her constant reminders of their clear-cut agreement.

But at her last sentence, he felt comfortable, smiling slightly, “Starting over, you’ll find happiness again,

trust me. It’s not that hard.”

“Before our engagement party, I’ll invest in Skye Gem Ltd. No matter how much they try to suppress

us, I can hold my ground. For the next two months, don’t worry about a thing. Just focus on having the

baby, and I’ll support you returning to work after. I know you’re a strong, independent woman.”

Whitney was touched by his willingness to take on the risk for Skye Gem Ltd.

They say the best way to get over a relationship is to start a new one, but did she have the courage?

All Whitney could do was quietly squash any fantasies he might have, “Thank you for helping me so

much, Bryce. I can’t repay you, but I’ll help you secure your position at the Lutz Group. After the baby is

born, we might have already made things clear to the Lutz family, and I hope your parents will forgive


Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Whitney felt a wave of relief wash over her when she heard his response, mistaking it for an agreement

to come clean to their elders once their engagement had stabilized the situation.

“Thanks for helping me house hunt. How about I treat you to dinner?” novelbin

“I’d be honored to accept. After you, my queen.”

Whitney couldn’t help but chuckle. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for such a humorous guy, Mr. Lutz.”

“I haven’t really dated much, so no teasing.” He flashed a bright smile as he reversed the car.

Whitney was mulling over some things she needed to discuss with him.

Once they were settled in the cozy booth of the restaurant, waiting for him to finish ordering, Whitney

broached the subject. “Our engagement, happening in five days-do you think we should hold a party, or

just make a quiet announcement?”

She didn’t want any complications. If the Lutz elders got involved, it would be harder for her to extricate

herself from the Lutz family later.

“I understand your concerns, but a simple announcement won’t satisfy my uncles and aunts. The Lutz

Group shareholders are like hawks. We need an engagement ceremony to shut them up. At the very

least, we have to invite my parents and a few key family members.”

Whitney frowned. “I can’t hide my pregnancy forever. How will you explain it to your parents? Will they

agree if they see me like this?”

He poured her a glass of milk, a sly glint in his eye. “I’ve come up with a foolproof plan that’ll make

them accept the child!”

“What is it?” Whitney was curious.

He played coy, touching his nose lightly. “Whitney, I can handle my father, but my mother is eager for

my marriage. She insists on seeing you when we go wedding dress shopping the day after tomorrow. You’ll find out then. So, do you agree to meet?”

Since the engagement party was going ahead, it wouldn’t do to meet his parents for the first time on

that day.

Whitney sighed in resignation. “If we’re putting on a show, might as well go the whole nine yards. I’ve

met Claire once before.”

Bryce comforted her with a cryptic assurance. “You have nothing to worry about. My mother doesn’t

bite. You just help me charm her a bit, and after the engagement party, we’ll find a time to call the

whole thing off.”

Hearing him say this, Whitney felt reassured.

The food arrived, and the doors to the private room closed. That’s when Whitney suddenly

Chapter 217

asked, “Mr. Lutz, the blood test results for Ludwik’s mother, have they come out?”

“Yep.” Bryce took out his phone and slid it across the table with a serious look. “That’s partly why I

wanted to see you today. I sent samples to two different full-service labs, and the results were

consistent. I think you need to see this.”

Whitney quickly took the phone and read the report.

Her expression turned grave afterwards.

Toxins were indeed present in Natalie’s bloodstream-trace amounts of a cunning poison that the body

couldn’t expel on its own. As she had suspected, it would gradually accumulate in the liver and kidneys,

hastening the death of someone in a vegetative state.

This explained why Ludwik’s doctors had failed to detect anything amiss daily.

And Elaine, after ensuring Natalie was left in a vegetative state, seemed worry-free, as if she wasn’t

concerned about her waking up.

With this situation, Natalie wouldn’t live three years, let alone one!

This toxin could cause renal failure within hours in high doses.

Elaine had applied a massive dose first, causing Natalie’s kidneys to fail and necessitate a transplant,

then administered an antidote. After the surgery, she injected small doses to deceive everyone!

Whitney was horrified by the realization and even more certain of the direction Tiana had taken in

investigating how many kidney transplants happened at the hospital that day.

To deliberately poison a healthy kidney was diabolical. Would such a woman voluntarily ‘donate’ a


Whitney was filled with doubt.

To prevent Elaine from harming Natalie again, Whitney knew she had to reveal the truth to Ludwik.

Her biggest worry after leaving was Natalie’s condition. She had to find a way to remove the toxins.

Once they were cleared, Natalie might have a chance to wake up.

With this thought, Whitney clenched her fists tightly, her appetite lost.

She stood up, bidding a hasty farewell to Bryce. “Bryce, could you send me a digital copy of the report?

I have an emergency to attend to.”

“You shouldn’t blame yourself for the malicious people around Ludwik. He’s blind to it, and you don’t

have to take the fault on yourself,” Bryce sighed.

Whitney paused, realizing that without her uncle’s kidnapping of Natalie, Elaine wouldn’t have had the

chance to harm her.

She always felt guilty towards Natalie.


Chapter 217

That night, Whitney spent hours researching the toxin, drawing on the traditional medicine knowledge

her mother had taught her, especially in acupuncture and pharmacology.

The next day, Tiana called her with a plan to infiltrate the TriMed Hospital as an insider, but Whitney

was worried. So she rushed to the TriMed Hospital early in the morning, intending to investigate the

kidney transplant patient situation with her, but Tiana refused.

“You waddling around with that big belly makes me more nervous. Besides, you’re too conspicuous for

Elaine. I’m better off working alone.”

Tiana continued, “Your immediate concern should be your engagement with Bryce. Haven’t you seen

the news? Yesterday, the Lutz Group announced your engagement in five days, and that scumbag

Ludwik has moved his engagement with Elaine up to four days from now. I wonder if it was Elaine who

prompted Skyfaith to make the announcement?

Anyway, the media was making a big deal out of their engagement. It’s likely to be a grand affair.

They’re even going to the most prestigious bridal shop to choose a wedding gown tomorrow! Even if

your engagement with Bryce is fake, I don’t want you guys to lose behind!”

She was speaking out of frustration. Whitney froze, her face tensing up, a sharp pain clustering

in her heart.

Ludwik had kept his word, moving up his engagement with Elaine to one day before hers with Bryce.

He was determined to embarrass her, aiming at humiliate her and Bryce in front of the entire


Watching her face rapidly pale, Tiana belatedly shut up. She hugged her gently. “Why am I even

mentioning him? You just focus on your engagement with Bryce, and don’t overthink it. Right, weren’t

you supposed to pick up some herbs? It’s too risky for us to be here together. You better go now.”

Whitney snapped back to reality and nodded. She had identified thirty effective herbs against the

neurotoxin for Natalie.

She needed to collect them, assess each one, and combine them with some specific medications to

create pills that could neutralize the toxin.

At the Skyfaith Electronic Tech headquarters.

On the 50th floor executive suite, the PR Manager was summoned into the office.

Ludwik looked up from the pile of documents with a stern gaze. “Did you release the news about the

engagement party in four days?”

“Ludwik, that was me.” Elaine sauntered in, a practiced smile on her lips. “The manager came to me for

our latest PR strategy, you know. The internet is buzzing with people eager for our

Chapter 217

engagement. Didn’t you mention at the hospital yesterday that you wanted to move it up a day? I

thought it was the perfect time for Skyfaith to make the official announcement.”

A imperceptible frown creased Ludwik’s brow.

Despite his offhand remarks, it was clear Elaine had taken his words to heart, eager for the

engagement. He could see her eagerness, but chose not to call her out, his tone slightly displeased,

“Did you also reveal that we’re going to pick out the wedding dress tomorrow?”

Elaine’s grip tightened slightly. With a coy smile, she approached him playfully, “A reporter was

pressing me for details yesterday, and I accidentally let it slip. Are you angry with me, Ludwik? I’m

sorry, I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long, I just got too excited. Plus, the Bartels family is

coming the day after tomorrow. If I let my parents know I’ve prepared nothing, they’d be angry.”

Though her reasoning was coherent, a fleeting wave of irritation passed through Ludwik as he

observed her gentle features.

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

Ludwik massaged his temples, his voice softening as he thought of everything she had done for him.

“It’s okay. I promised you a grand celebration, and I will deliver.”

“Ludwik, you’re the best!” Elaine cooed, affectionately kneading his shoulders.

His employees were all there, and Ludwik fought the impulse to shrug off her touch; he could not afford

to embarrass her.

But his eyes narrowed slightly, feeling a strange sense of unfamiliarity with the current situation.

The engagement he had used to spite that woman had slowly turned into reality.

He told himself to focus. He owed Elaine a lifelong commitment, especially after promising her parents

an engagement.

Those fleeting thoughts of calling off the engagement for that woman were foolish – no more of that!

She did not deserve it.

Pushing down the irritation in his chest, Ludwik looked up calmly, “Elaine, you go ahead. I’ve still got

work to deal with.”

“Alright, I’m heading to the TriMed Hospital to get my surgery scars treated. I’ll be back to make lunch

in the lounge. We can eat together,” Elaine said, feigning slight dissatisfaction.

Her devoted voice echoed in the office as if she wanted the whole staff to know she was soon to be

Mrs. Lippert.

Felix waited silently for Elaine to leave before he approached Ludwik with the information he had


Ludwik leaned back in his executive chair, frowning. “What now?”

“It’s me, Mr. Lippert,” Felix said, trying to remain composed under the unusual wrath that had gripped

his boss these past days.

He approached cautiously. “About the incident you asked me to look into last night when you were

drunk – the online attacks on Bryce, I’ve found something. Bryce is cunning. Just the other day, the

Skye Gem building was suddenly auctioned off. First, he lent money to Ms. Valentine, then secretly

paid people to slander him, creating the image of a man trapped in a dire situation. Basically, he set a

trap to coax Ms. Valentine into an engagement.

Mr. Lippert, perhaps Ms. Valentine isn’t aware of Bryce’s ambition? He’s a real despicable man!”

Felix realized that Mr. Lippert could not bear the thought of aborting the child, so when he left, there

was no conclusion about the baby.

Mr. Lippert’s misunderstanding was that Ms. Valentine had cheated and then got engaged

immediately afterward, pushing his resentment to its peak.

Thus, Felix thought that if Mr. Lippert understood that Ms. Valentine might have been tricked as well,

there could be a chance for a turnaround.

Ludwik stared at the information, his gaze turning icy. “Daring to scheme against me, a wolf in sheep’s

clothing, and that foolish woman believes him. Why show me this? Do you think I care about their

sordid affairs? Maybe she willingly walked into this trap to be with her lover!”

Felix felt that Ms. Valentine was not like that, but Mr. Lippert was too emotional to be rational about


Thus, he decided to take a bold step. “I think it’s one thing for Ms. Valentine to leave you, but for Bryce

to steal her away is dishonorable. Are you going to tolerate that?”

Ludwik’s glare turned dark, a cold smirk crossing his lips, “I can let her go, but it’s not for him to take.

They think they can live happily ever after? They’re dreaming.”

Felix breathed a sigh of relief; Mr. Lippert could not tolerate it – that was a good sign.


At the TriMed Hospital in Banyan City.

Tiana, disguised as a nurse and masked, infiltrated the offices of the nephrology department. She

gathered all the patient information from the kidney transplant surgeries that day, following Whitney’s novelbin

instructions to check the patient details.

But there were no slip-ups; including Natalie, there were five kidney transplant patients that day, with

four surgeries completed.

Whitney suspected Elaine of a switcheroo.

Tiana then headed to the director’s office to access the original kidney data.

Just as she reached behind the curtain, someone entered the room.

Elaine’s casual voice drifted in. “My scar must be removed flawlessly. It’s in such a visible spot

on my abdomen, and I’m about to have the most perfect night at my engagement.” :

Tiana held her breath, hiding beneath the curtain, rolling her eyes in disgust.

Delusions of a fairy tale night with Ludwik – the shameless siren.

“Rest assured, Elaine, the scar is shallow. We’ll get our top specialist from the cosmetic department to

use laser treatment. Three to five sessions should do it.”

That male doctor’s voice sounded familiar to Tiana; was not he one of the surgeons involved in

Natalie’s transplant?

Lyra reminded the doctor sharply, “Elaine’s scar is from a kidney transplant surgery; how could it be

shallow? Be mindful of your words, Dr. Horatio.”

Dr. Horatio, the director of the department, looked towards the door, coughed emphatically, and


Chapter 218

hurriedly corrected himself, “Yes, yes, Elaine donated a kidney. The wound isn’t small. I’ll call the

cosmetic expert right away.”

Elaine glanced at the doorway, aware that walls have ears.

Her scar was not deep, just deliberately made to look gruesome to convince Ludwik without a doubt.

She could have gone directly to the cosmetic department, but if Ludwik casually inquired about her

visit, it might raise suspicions, so she always made sure to show up at the nephrology department first.

She would not leave any clue for suspicion, especially for that Parker – Elaine feared he might come

snooping around the hospital.

After the doctor left, Lyra cursed under her breath, “That idiot. Miss, you go lie down.”

Elaine headed towards the curtain.

Suddenly, a figure burst from behind it; Tiana pulled up her mask, trying to make a quick exit.

“Hey, who are you?” Elaine demanded, catching sight of the intruder hiding there.

“Sorry, I’m a nurse from this department. I came to clean the diagnostic bed. You and Dr. Horatio came

in, so I stayed out of sight. I’ll leave now.” Tiana came up with an excuse in a pinched voice.

“Nurse? What’s your name?” Elaine scrutinized her, noting the absence of a name tag and examining

the woman before her long hair under a nurse’s cap, delicate face with fine brows, and large eyes.

Suddenly, Tiana wrenched herself free and dashed for the exit!

“Hey, where do you think you’re going!” Lyra noticed her fleeing and felt something was off, so she took

off after her.

Tiana, in a panic, bolted from the doorway, only to have her mouth swiftly covered by a long, slender

hand and be whisked into the adjacent room.

The smell of disinfectant assaulted her senses as she was hauled into a stall by a towering figure. It

was only then that she realized that she was in the men’s room!

Lifting her gaze, she was utterly flabbergasted!

The cold glint from a pair of wire-rimmed glasses was followed by a face with a roguishly charming


Parker?! What on earth was he doing here?

Lyra came back empty-handed, only to see Elaine with a troubled look on her face, picking up a

medical file from the examination table.

Chapter 218

“Who was that nurse? She was so careless.”

Elaine squinted. “She didn’t have a name tag, said she came to clean, but didn’t wear gloves, and the

file she left behind just happens to belong to a kidney transplant patient.”

Her gaze cooled, and she furrowed her brow as she thought back to the eyes staring at her from above

the nurse’s mask. Somehow familiar.

A flicker of unease crossed her mind as she said, “Go get Dr. Horatio back here.

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Lyra swiftly ushered the two surgeons into the room.

Elaine crossed her arms, “Gentlemen, I’ve paid you handsomely, and I know back when you were

interns in Midtown, you were well looked after by the Bartels Hospital. My mother mentioned it. A little

gratitude goes a long way. Now, about Natalie’s surgery, we must tie up all loose ends! That girl…”

“Don’t worry, Ms. Elaine. If anyone comes sniffing around, they won’t find a thing. The kidney transplant

patients, the donors, everything is spotless.

The girl we found for you was a relative from the oncology ward, not connected to the transplant

department at all. She took the money and had no idea who the buyer was. This secret is buried deep.”

Only then did Elaine nod, her face still frosty. She furrowed her brow, saying, “Get me the list of all the

female nurses in your department.”

Dr. Horatio was perplexed,

Lyra snapped, “There was a suspicious nurse in your office just now. Ms. Elaine wants an inspection.”

Reluctantly, Dr. Horatio had the head nurse bring in the name list of all the female nurses.

It included photographs, and Elaine quickly flipped through it, not finding a single pair of eyes that

matched the masked nurse she had seen earlier.

“Is this everyone?”

“There are some temps, too, but it’s a hassle to list them all. The hospital isn’t very strict about

managing temp nurses.”

Elaine pondered, then relaxed slightly, thinking the suspicious nurse must have been a temp and likely

not a threat.

She admonished, “Tighten up the management of your patient files during this period. Be vigilant about

who enters and leaves the office!”

Dr. Horatio felt she was being paranoid. “Don’t worry, Ms. Elaine, we’ve got it all under control. There’s

not a trace to be found.”

Elaine looked into his eyes and smiled faintly. “Good.”

After she and Lyra left, Elaine paused in the hallway and looked back at the two doctors in the

director’s office.

With a cold snort and expressionless face, she muttered, “Those doctors’ greed makes them

untrustworthy. I can’t touch them now with Ludwik asking questions, but once the old hag kicks the

bucket, their lips must be sealed.”

Chapter 219

Lyra gasped, shocked by Elaine’s casual mention of silencing someone.

In the men’s restroom, Tiana’s eyes darted around,

Glaring at Parker, then down at his hand over her mouth.

Her cute face flushed red with frustration, and only when Parker realized his mistake did he retract his

hand and stuff it into his pocket.

“Phew. Mr. Doonan, what brings you to TriMed Hospital?”

Now that she could breathe, Tiana asked awkwardly.

“Just using the restroom,” the man replied curtly, his voice deep.

Tiana was speechless.

After saying this, Parker actually headed towards the urinal.

“Hey, I’m still here, you know? I’m a girl, and I’m not blind… Mr. Doonan! Hey!”

Tiana was indignant, her face a deeper shade of red.

“Can’t you just close your eyes?”

“You should’ve given me a heads-up! It’s too late now! Where are your manners?”

“You’re one to talk about manners in the men’s room?” Parker frowned, glancing at her flushed cheeks,

a playful spark in his eye.

This little hooligan had caused him quite the trouble when Ludwik sent him to rescue her, taking

advantage of him in the car. She had no memory of their encounter, and the next time they met, she

dared to smile innocently at him.

A storm of thoughts raged through Tiana’s mind. Why did she, a proper, innocent girl, keep ending up

in these situations?

Last time, she accidentally intruded on Ludwik at the Imperial Gem Corporation.

Oh wait, if Ludwik was ‘L’, then her following ‘Ludwik’ to the restroom wasn’t actually him.

Suddenly, Tiana’s eyes flashed as she scrutinized Parker’s profile.

His flashy pink shirt highlighted his devilishly handsome and angular face, with a thin frame and legs

that seemed to stretch on forever.

This profile resembled the one from the restroom at the Imperial Gem Corporation…

Damn it. Could it have been Parker playing ‘Ludwik’ last time?

Meaning she had seen this man twice!

What kind of twisted fate was this?

“Hooligan, still here?” Parker broke her train of thought.

Tiana was speechless. Did she look like she wanted to be here? No, Elaine was after her outside.

He had the nerve to call her a hooligan as if she was interested in watching him.

Annoyed, she fixed her gaze on his thin lips, sarcastically remarking, “Just curious, do you always take

this long at the urinal? No issues, I hope? After all, this is a hospital. You might want to get that


“This woman needs to be put in her place…” Parker thought grimly.

Facing her, he smirked devilishly, “The restroom here should be quite clean. Care for an inspection in

the cubical, Ms. Melford?”

This man always had a way with words, his gaze casual yet unsettling beneath his scholarly glasses.

How he became Ludwik’s close friend was a mystery.

With two spots of color on her cheeks, Tiana, unwilling to back down, glanced at his waist and

snapped, “No need for an inspection. I’m not concerned about your health.”

Parker narrowed his eyes at the spirited little lady.

At this moment, for some reason, he felt an impulsive urge. Damn it.

“My health is excellent, as you can see, Ms. Melford,” he retorted coldly and arrogantly.

Tiana was at a loss for words.

Look at that conceited tone. Though he did have the right to boast…

A shudder of humiliation… wait, what were they even discussing now? How did the topic come to this?

Were they that close?

Chastising herself internally, Tiana’s face turned even redder as she quickly stepped around him,

aiming for the door. “Anyway, thanks for earlier. If you still need to do your business, I won’t keep you.”

Parker’s face darkened.

“If you leave now, Elaine might still be out there.”

His mention of Elaine made Tiana narrow her eyes and turn back to him. “I haven’t asked yet, Mr.

Doonan, why are you at this hospital? You wouldn’t be here to investigate something, would you?”

“What about you? You’ve been sneaking around the nephrology department, huh? What’s the deal?

Investigating Elaine?”

Chapter 219

Parker narrowed his eyes. He had come to snoop around himself, curious about the recent news of

Natalie’s kidney failure, but he did not suspect anything fishy within the nephrology department.

But Tiana, that feisty little thing, seemed to have her sights set on Elaine.

Tiana caught her breath, thinking she had to keep the task Whitney entrusted to her under


Besides, with how Ludwik, that lousy excuse for a man, was fawning over Elaine these days, and with

Parker being his friend, she would not put it past Parker to rat her out.

She quickly deflected with a chuckle. “Me, investigating Elaine? What do I look like, someone with too

much time on my hands? A relative of mine’s got kidney failure, just came to ask the docs some

questions. Running into her was just bad luck. Alright, I’m out of here. Make yourself at home, Mr.


With that, she slipped out cautiously.

Parker did not stop her, his gaze lingering on her retreating figure in the nurse’s uniform. Did she take novelbin

him for a fool?

He let out a snort of amusement. Dressed up and sneaking around, she was definitely up to something.

Was this Whitney’s doing? Sending her to investigate something?

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Tiana slipped out of her scrubs, put on her shades, and dashed down the corridor, only to bump into Dr.


He and another doctor were hurrying from the Nephrology Department to the Oncology Department,

saying, “I just made a promise to Elaine, and now this girl wants even more!”

Tiana froze.

What promise? Squinting behind her sunglasses, she trailed them discreetly.

The stomach cancer ward in the Oncology Department was on the most harshly conditioned fifth floor.

As Dr. Horatio and the doctor entered, a gaunt figure lunged at them, only to be stopped by a

bodyguard. The girl begged desperately, “Dr. Horatio, yes, we agreed on 300 thousand dollars, but now

my dad’s cancer needs proton therapy, and the hospital says it’s another hundred grand. You promised

me that as long as I made the donation, you’d help treat my dad as much as possible. I had no choice.

Please, can you give me another hundred grand? I have nothing left to sell.”

“Shut up!” Dr. Horatio’s face turned stormy as he had the bodyguard silence the girl and drag her into

an emergency stairwell.

Other visitors in the hallway glanced over, assuming it was just a hospital disturbance, and soon lost


Tiana had thought the same, but then she remembered hearing the word ‘donation’. Thus, she pressed

her mask tighter to her face, inching closer to the stairwell.

To her surprise, Dr. Horatio and the other doctor came out.

Tiana quickly ducked into a patient’s room.

Once they were gone, she frowned and stepped into the stairwell.

In the dim light, the skeletal girl was sobbing. Beaten and bruised, her fists pounded the floor in

helpless anger. “What am I supposed to do? I have nothing left to sell. Why are these doctors so

heartless, leaving Dad to die…”

Tiana watched her for a moment; then it clicked: Why could she not find any leads on those four

transplant patients in Nephrology? Why was there nothing odd about the kidney data? Maybe Elaine

had not struck there at all!

She fixed her gaze on the girl and, following a hunch, asked, “What did you sell that got you 300

thousand dollars from Dr. Horatio?”

The girl looked up in shock. She scrambled to her feet warily.

Tiana tried to approach her, but the girl distanced herself and fled, clutching her abdomen.

Chapter 220

Tiana watched her clutch at her belly, her heart racing.

Flashes of the conversation she overheard in the director’s office came back to her.

Dr. Horatio mentioned how shallow Elaine’s surgical scars were.

Lyra corrected him, saying how could a kidney donation scar be shallow…

She thought it through and smirked coldly but lost sight of the girl.

Which patient room was her father in? Damn it, stumbling upon all this was a lucky break, but where

could she find this girl now?

Tiana was almost certain that if she could investigate this girl, she would uncover the truth Whitney


Whitney had concocted an antidote pill but could not deliver it to Everwood Villa Estate, so she had to

secretly contact Taryn and arrange a meeting.

They decided to meet near Whitney’s apartment.

Taryn arrived with a heavy sigh and tears welling up in her eyes.

“Madam, what on earth is going on? We’re out of the loop in the mansion, only hearing from Elaine’s

confidante maid that you’ve signed divorce papers with Mr. Lippert.

That morning, Mr. Lippert even took you to visit his mother. Xandra and I thought you had reconciled.

After you left that day, the maid said Mr. Lippert threw a huge tantrum in the living room, smashing

almost everything in sight!”

Whitney gave a numb, bitter smile, unsure how to begin explaining.

Taryn was visibly upset. “How did things between you and him escalate to divorce? Now, the child

inside you is left uncertain while Elaine’s openly shopping for furniture and decorating the villa, and in

two days, she’s getting engaged to Mr. Lippert. He’s rushing into this!

Elaine, relying on his empathy, has us treating her like the lady of the house, or else we’re out on our

ears… Alas…”

Listening, Whitney felt sad and powerless.

Sad at how he doted on Elaine, powerless at the thought of the old servants like Taryn and Xandra in

such a tough spot.

Extracting a large packet of pills, she handed them to Taryn. “Listen carefully, Taryn, I can’t go back

now, but there are toxins in Mom’s body! I’m worried about her, so I’ve made this antidote. You need to

secretly give her one pill daily. Here’s a six-month supply; I’ll find a way to contact you after that. If

there’s an emergency and we can’t get in touch, take this to the address, and they’ll know how to

produce this pill.

This medicine will gradually cleanse the toxins without altering her organ’s appearance so she can

avoid Elaine’s inspections. Remember, whatever Elaine feeds her after visiting, you need to remove it

with a stomach pump.

If, in three years, Mom doesn’t pass as the doctors predict, it means she’s recovering. Then, I’ll switch

to a stronger medication, and maybe she’ll wake up. So for the next three years, it’s crucial you protect


She explained hurriedly, showing Taryn the blood test report.

Though Taryn was not a pharmacist, she could read.

Shaken, she paled and said, “Madam, are you saying that Elaine poisoned Mr. Lippert’s mother?”

Whitney’s voice dripped with scorn. “Who else could it be? Mom didn’t have to become a vegetable.

Elaine’s using the poison to keep her unconscious, slowly eroding her organs, hastening her death, all

within three years.”

“Is that true? But Mr. Lippert checks on his mother every day. How could Elaine dare to be so cruel?”novelbin

“The doctors can’t detect it,” Whitney said with a mocking shake of her head, “Besides, he trusts her

completely now. He’d only think I’m being spiteful, trying to drive a wedge between them. That’s why

you must feed the medicine secretly. Without solid evidence against Elaine, if you alert her, she might

harm Mom more directly.”

Understanding Whitney’s pain and care, Taryn nodded solemnly, lamenting, “Mr. Lippert has been

deceived. It’s horrifying that Elaine could come up with such a wicket scheme, poisoning Mr. Lippert’s

mother and then donating a kidney. It chills me to the bones…

It’s you, Madam, who’s getting the raw deal, misunderstood by Mr. Lippert, divorced, and yet you’re still

so concerned for his mother. You’re the one who truly cares for her.

Isn’t there any way to expose Elaine for who she really is?”

Her indignation was palpable.

Whitney gently pressed her hand against her chest. “I’ve got a buddy of mine digging into this. To keep

her from making another move on Mom, I’ve got to lay out the truth in front of Ludwik. It’ll be his call

then, but at least Mom’s life will be safe.”

As she spoke, her phone buzzed with a call from Tiana.

“Whitney, I’ve got a lead. I’m certain Elaine is up to no good. She’s crafty. She didn’t go through the

nephrology department for a kidney source. I found a girl who might’ve sold her kidney to save her dad,

but I lost her, darn it!

Now, if we can just find this girl, we’ll have a way forward. Hang tight. I’m staking out the oncology

department every day until I catch her…”

Whitney clenched her phone, her breathing quickened.


Chapter 220

After Tiana hung up, Whitney looked up at Taryn with a faint smile. “The truth won’t take long now,

Taryn. Before Ludwik finds out, you guys have to keep Mom safe; thanks for all you do.”

Taryn perked up a bit. “No problem at all. Once Mr. Lippert sees the truth that you’re innocent, maybe

you two can patch things up!”

“Me and him…” Whitney’s voice trailed off into a bittersweet silence, and she could only shake her

head sadly.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 201-210

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

When she looked at Destiny Barbecue with a trace of melancholy, his heart softened. He thought she

was reminiscing the sweet past just like him, and he couldn’t bear to see her so upset.

So he asked Felix to grab a barbecue for her.

But right after that, she walked into another diner with Bryce Lutz. Turns out, she wasn’t sad or regretful

at all; she could casually share a meal with another man they once had on a date!

“Calling him Bryce, huh? How intimate. How many times have you called him that?” he sneered,

Whitney Valentine took a deep breath, “You’re being a bit unreasonable right now.”

“Not even divorced, and you’re already eager to jump into his arms?” Ludwik didn’t let her struggle,

pinning her against the wall,

“So, sharing a hot dog with another man is fine, is it? Is your body also something to be given away…”

The moment he uttered those words, even he couldn’t bear to imagine another man possessing


Anger surged through his throat, “Whitney, how can you be so frivolous? You keep lowering my

standards. I won’t be soft–hearted towards you ever again!”

He yanked her into the shower, careful to avoid her belly, and tore away all her restraints.

Looking at her with disdain yet burning desire, he commanded, “Serve me.”

Whitney was stunned, the hot water creating an ambiguous atmosphere, but her heart was cold,

watching his drenched and undeniably sexy form.

She felt he was gradually turning into an unreasonable devil.

Shaking her head with a bitter smile, she said, “Since Mother’s accident, have you or been nice

with me? Your heart is as hard and cold as ice, deaf to the truth. Ludwik, I get tired too. I wanted to stay

by your side, but you kept pushing me away, humiliating me time after time. For the sake of Elaine

Bartels, you misunderstand me. No matter how warm my heart is, it can turn cold, no matter how

strong I am, I can be broken by your cruelty.”

“You can’t take it anymore? Claiming to atone, but secretly seeing other men, do you think I’ll let you

go?” He scoffed, reminding himself not to be fooled by this woman’s show of weakness again. It’s all an

act! Grabbing her hand, he unbuckled his expensive belt and tied her wrists.

Whitney saw his demonic side flare up, his desires intense, and the events of the previous night filled

her with dread.

Moreover, with her injuries still fresh, she violently shook her head in refusal, “I was just at the hospital

today; don’t be a brute, You and Elaine are getting engaged at the end of the month. What am I to


“What do you think? I need to vent,” he said with a sinister smirk.

He threw her to the ground, his adam’s apple bobbing, “You’re injured, but you still need to quell my

rage. After tonight, I’ll let your cousin go.”

Why could he be so heartless, trampling on her, using her like a tool? Threatening her time and

Chapter 201

again? They once loved each other. Now, everything was stripped bare, dirty and cold?

Whitney’s heart was numb, cradling her pitiful belly, drenched hair clinging to her face, her voice a

mere whisper lost in the dust.

She looked at him with vague eyes, sorrowfully saying, “Ludwik, when all the truth comes to light, you

will regret this! You’ll regret what you’ve done to me. I didn’t harm your mom, leaving her comatose. novelbin

And Elaine’s kidney transplant…”

Tears choked her words.

Ludwik furrowed his brows, unwilling to hear her mention his mother at this moment.

His mother’s vengeance made it impossible for him to be with her, yet deep down, he was damnably

unable to let go.

Seeing her with Bryce filled him with jealousy, and only through physical domination could he feel he

still possessed her. Damn it, he was still infatuated with her.

The door was suddenly knocked loudly, Whitney, teary and disoriented, opened her eyes and abruptly

pushed him away.

Elaine’s voice, filled with suppressed rage, came from outside, “Ludwik? Ludwik, are you in there?

What are you doing with Ms. Valentine?”

The man froze as if jolted awake by an alarm, his eyes clearing a bit.

Whitney shivered, her face growing even paler as she looked at him, her voice hoarse with self–

mockery, “Are we done? Getting caught like this, you’ve made me out to be the other woman, are you


“We’re not divorced yet, so don’t get ahead of yourself!” Ludwik snapped back, preferring her quiet


“You can be shameless, but I refuse to stoop so low. Now, can you please leave?”

Whitney, too exhausted for any more words, slumped against the floor, her pale complexion


Ludwik, somewhat concerned, tried to help her up but she knocked his arm away.

The intimate moment turned cold again, “Get on the bed, stop being stubborn.”

“You promised to let my cousin go, keep your word and stop using her to threaten me.”

Hearing her transactional tone, Ludwik fully sobered, his voice chilly, “I’m not particularly satisfied with

your lifeless performance.“/

Whitney’s heart felt hollow, and she glared at him, “What more do you want?”

“I’ve lost interest.” Ludwik coldly dressed in his trousers.


Whitney cursed in her heart, a bitter thought crossing her mind that perhaps Elaine’s return had

dampened his mood.

Chapter 201

Before he left, he glanced at her the morning. Apply it yourself.”

Cavewakened state and frowned, “I’ll have Felix bring your medicine in

“Get out.” Whitney struggled to b

feet, leaning against her belly, and slammed the door shut.

His expression darkened immediately.

At the door, Elaine sat in her wheelchair, relieved to finally

see Ludwik emerge, his shirt visibly

soaked and his trousers wrinkled, his handsome face marred by scratches.

Her jealousy burned within, her nails almost tearing through the wheelchair.

Despite her fury, she couldn’t show it and instead cried pitifully, “Ludwik, why did you leave me alone to

come back? I fell down in the cinema, it hurts so much, please help me?”

Ludwik suddenly remembered their movie date that evening.

He had indeed left her in the cinema.

Regret flashed across his face, and he quickly knelt down, concerned, inspecting her ankle, “You’ve

scraped the skin, maid, call the doctor immediately!”

Seeing he still cared for her, Elaine’s suppressed anger subsided a bit.

She glared at the door and raised her voice coyly, “Ludwik, I don’t want a doctor, I just want you.

Please carry me upstairs, I want you to tend to my wounds.”

“Alright, I’ve got you, just stay put.”

His voice, soft and tender, filtered through the door, followed by the robust sound of footsteps

ascending the stairs.

Whitney leaned against the door frame, her heart plummeting as she finally understood; she was

merely a tool, while Elaine was destined to be the apple of his eye.

Lifting her gaze to the cold, distant moon outside the window, it reminded her of that night she had

defied Natalie, sneaking out into the hills beneath the same lunar glow.

Natalie wanted her to give birth to the child, stand by her son for life and not to make him lonely again.

How she wished to fulfill that wish. She had been stubborn, determined, but now maybe it was all in

vain. Oh, Natalie. He’s hurt me too deeply. I wanted to win him back, but he’s tainted our bond time and

again. This isn’t what you wanted, is it?

Should I keep holding on? What’s the point of reluctance? He’s already moved on to another woman.

The wedding date is set.

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Master Bedroom, Second Floor.

Ludwik lifted Elaine’s leg gently, applying ointment to the slight injury she had sustained.

His rough hands grazed her skin, and she couldn’t help but shiver at the touch, feeling a heat that

seemed to radiate from his palm.

Ludwik carried an air of post–adventure nonchalance about him, a lazy devilish charm that was hard to


Elaine longed for his attention, yet she was also green with envy. She couldn’t help but probe, “Ludwik,

what happened earlier? Why did you leave me at the party with Whitney and come back early? You

were downstairs in the den for so long… were you with her?”

Ludwik finished bandaging her leg with gentle precision, skirting around the heart of her query, “Elaine,

don’t overthink things.”

“How can I not?” she snapped, jealousy burning within her. His non–denial was as good as a

confession–they had been together again.

She suppressed her anger, putting on a pitiable face as she flung her arms around him, her voice

breaking, “Ludwik, remember? You promised we’d get engaged by the end of the month, and my

birthday is only ten days away. You’re still entangled with her, and I’m scared. Please, can you finalize

the divorce with Whitney? I don’t want our engagement to be tainted.”

Ludwik frowned suddenly. The engagement at the end of the month was a spur–of–the–moment

promise, fueled by Whitney’s indifference that had irked him.

He hadn’t given it much thought, nor did he realize Elaine’s birthday was so close.

Like waking from a dream, Ludwik pinched the bridge of his nose, his mood turning irritable as he

brushed off the topic, “I’ll take care of it.”

He distanced himself from Elaine slightly, “Elaine, you can’t bathe tonight either. Take your medicine

and get some rest early…”

But Elaine didn’t miss the hesitation in his voice, and his avoidance of the engagement topic. Her mom

was right; he was infatuated with that harlot Whitney, unwilling to put it in black and white and finalize

their separation.

She had to shift his affections to herself.

Ludwik had always been a one–woman man, except for that one indiscretion. She was convinced that

if he had a few more encounters, he’d lose that foolish obsession.

She stopped him from leaving, playing the fragile card as she stumbled into his arms, “Ludwik, I can’t

sleep if I don’t feel clean. Could you help me to the bathroom for a quick wipe down?”

Ludwik’s brow furrowed, knowing women prized cleanliness. He couldn’t fault her for that.

He lifted her in his arms, heading for the bathroom, and at that moment, Elaine shot Lyra a knowing

look. Lyra smirked knowingly, taking the nurse with her as they hurried out, closing the door behind


Chapter 202

Ludwik set Elaine down, intending to call the maid to assist her, but before he could step out, a soft arm

wrapped tightly around his waist, “Ludwik…”

He stiffened slightly. Elaine’s lithe figure pressed against his back, her hands softly caressing his shirt

while her voice was sultry and coaxing, “Ludwik, stay with me tonight, will you?”

Realizing what she was insinuating, Ludwik’s expression darkened for a moment, his natural inclination

to refuse, “Elaine, you’re hurt. You need to rest.”

“But this isn’t a trivial matter, Ludwik, Elaine countered, stepping in front of him with doe eyes that were

soft and pleading, her breath warm against his collarbone, “We’re going to be like this one day, right?

I’ve never been with a man before, I don’t know how it works. Don’t despise me for being clumsy, I’ll

learn, and I’m confident that I can make you like me.”

Her words conveyed her innocence, a stark contrast to Whitney’s reputation.

Elaine’s tender allure was palpable as her lips quivered against his adam’s apple.

Ludwik paused, then pushed her away, an instinctual rejection in his heart.

All he could think of was Whitney’s face and voice.

Embarrassed and conflicted, he held Elaine’s wrist tightly, coughing as he made an excuse, “Elaine, I’m

not ready yet. All this time, I’ve thought of you more like a sister.”

Elaine felt like she had been doused with ice water! She turned pale, her eyes swimming with sorrow

and defiance. Yet she quickly said, “Ludwik, is it because you despise my body? I know I only have one

kidney now, and I’m not like other women.”

Her words stung Ludwik with guilt-she had donated a kidney for Natalie.

That was why he had agreed to engage her, but the date was not something he wanted to rush.

Nor had he thought about being intimate with Elaine.

His frustration grew, and he could only hold her shoulders, consoling softly, “How could I despise you?

In my eyes, you’re as beautiful and whole as any other woman.”

Elaine managed a smile, her gaze softening as she wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering,

“Then let’s try it, Ludwik. We’re getting engaged soon anyway, and I want to give myself to you, body

and soul.”

“Elaine, your body can’t handle it right now! Stop this nonsense.” Ludwik pushed her away as if she

were a hot potato. Just then, his phone rang from his pocket.

“I have to take this.” He seemed relieved to have an excuse to leave her, heading for the door, “Parker?

No, I’m fine, I’ll be right there.”

After hanging up, Ludwik turned to Elaine, “There’s a new lead in the case of my mother’s kidnapping. I

have to head to the station. Don’t wait up for me tonight.”

Elaine’s eyes, which had been filled with resentment, shifted subtly.

She had made sure the kidnapping case at the police station was under control, and though Ludwik

never gave up the search, he was unlikely to find anything.

Why would Parker call him? Parker wasn’t like Ashton, who was under her thumb, nor was he as

straightforward as Nolan Fuller. He was a tough cookie.



Chapter 202

With this thought, Elaine became uncertain, watching as Ludwik hurried downstairs.

Her gaze grew cold as she closed the door and dialed Jaxon, “Check what Parker’s been up to these

past few days. Also, follow Mr. Lippert to the station discreetly. Be careful.”

Ludwik descended the stairs to find Felix standing outside a door, carrying a bag of medications from

the morning hospital visit.

“What’s going on? She won’t open the door?” Ludwik asked, his tone cool.

“Yeah, Madam locked herself in her room, won’t talk to anyone,” Felix said in frustration and

helplessness. He wasn’t sure what Mr. Lippert had done to Whitney this time, but judging by his fury at

the chili shop, it was likely another round of physical discipline.

Lately, Mr. Lippert’s moods are so erratic, even he can’t seem to rein them in.

Felix sighed, “Madam said you shouldn’t bother her unless it’s something to do with her cousin, Yael

Tennyson. She sounded so congested, Mr. Lippert, I’m a bit concerned,”

“You’re concerned about her?” Ludwik narrowed his eyes.

The corner of Felix’s mouth twitched, Mr. Lippert’s jealousy ran so deep it even extended to him. He

quickly added, “I’m just worried about Madam, especially with the baby on the way. Untreated external

injuries can lead to infections, and it seems like she hasn’t eaten anything tonight.”

“If she chooses to be sick and starve herself, then so be it!”

Ludwik glanced at the firmly closed door. His physical needs were unmet, which only added to his

irritability, and this woman, she always talked about trading her cousin,

A chill settled in his heart; if it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t have rushed into agreeing to Elaine’s end–

of–the–month engagement proposal.

The man walked to the door in agitation, then turned back, “Tell the maid to fix her something to eat if

she’s hungry.”

Felix’s mouth twitched again as he exhaled in resignation.

At the police station, Parker had been waiting for quite some time.

Ludwik strode into the interrogation room, his brow furrowed, “What have you guys found?”

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

The kidnapping of his mother was a case that he insisted on scrutinizing closely, even though the

mastermind, Keegan Tennyson, had already been locked up thanks to his efforts.

Parker motioned for him to take a seat. “Take a look at this interrogation clip first.”

Instead of a live interrogation, what played was Keegan’s testimony. The officer asked, “Was Whitney

involved in the kidnapping of Natalie that night? Please give us a detailed account of the events.”

“My niece Whitney had no part in the old lady’s kidnapping! It was me, trying to rescue her from

Ludwik’s clutches, and since she’s got medical skills, I had my assistant forcibly bring Whitney over

when Natalie fell ill. If you don’t believe me, you can check the drugstores in the towns we passed

through. Whitney had me pick up emergency medicine for Natalie!”

“Parker, why are you showing me this interrogation again? Keegan defending Whitney doesn’t mean

squat to me. I won’t believe a word he says!‘

Ludwik stood up disdainfully. “Is that all you got?”

“Be patient,” Parker, somewhat exasperated, turned off the video and pulled out a piece of evidence.

“You naturally wouldn’t trust Keegan’s word, and neither did I at first. But, you know, I did a little digging

when I had some downtime and actually found proof that Whitney did buy emergency


“What?” Ludwik’s voice caught in his throat.

Parker raised an eyebrow. “Propranolol for shock, Nifedipine for seizures – both critical for Natalie’s

condition. Tough to get info from the town’s pharmacies, but I found one that had footage. Caught her

on camera, stepping out of the car to make the purchase.”

The blurry surveillance footage showed it clear as day – the heavily pregnant woman struggling to get

out of the car was none other than Whitney. Her face was a mask of urgency and concern.

Parker handed him the pharmacy receipt. “She paid with a card; it’s all on electronic record.”

“What are you getting at?” Ludwik’s gaze was sharp.

Parker clapped him on the shoulder, leaning in close. “I believe she was indeed trying to save Natalie

that night. She wouldn’t have bought those medicine otherwise. This footage indirectly corroborates

Keegan’s claim that he wasn’t lying for Whitney.”

Ludwik’s breath deepened. “What if it’s all an act to throw off the cops? Buying the medicine first, then

harming my mother to have an alibi?”

“Ludwik, I was on the same page as you at first,” Nolan said, his expression complex. “I hated Whitney

for what happened to Natalie. But considering it from an outsider’s perspective, Whitney usually treated

Natalie well. They had a decent mother–in–law and daughter–in–law relationship, seemingly with no

motive for the crime. Plus, I heard from Felix today – Whitney’s acupuncture skills saved Braxton

Tarrington’s life, sparing you from a prison sentence. Right?”

Parker threw that in abruptly.

Ludwik was inwardly tumultuous. He had just uncovered this information today, and Felix was already

running his mouth.

Chapter 203

He was too close to the situation to see clearly, but Parker, as an observer, squinted thoughtfully. “Felix

let slip that Whitney didn’t mess up the bid and quietly took the heat for Braxton’s life–threatening

incident on your behalf. Now, I’m thinking, what if Whitney was against Keegan’s vendetta from the


Perhaps under her uncle’s pressure, she felt compelled to assist in the revenge against you, but her

heart, being full of love, couldn’t bear to follow through. That’s why we have this situation where

Keegan’s plotting against you, and she’s secretly saving you behind the scenes.

If that’s the case, she’s been in a tough spot. Because of this whole Braxton business, I’m beginning to

think she never wanted to hurt you in the first place. So why would she suddenly turn against your

mother? Doesn’t that strike you as contradictory?”

Parker had a lot to say in one breath.

Nolan listened and analyzed. “Right. It’s like she was initially out to save Natalie, buying emergency

medicine and all. Then why turn around and harm Natalie, making her a vegetable? Isn’t that

contradictory too? So I think there’s something fishy about this case. Elaine went to save Natalie and

ran into Whitney; what exactly happened in between that led to Natalie’s renal failure?”

Parker spread his hands wide in a gesture of uncertainty.

Ludwik’s gaze darkened, his lips pressed tightly. He said, “Elaine claimed Whitney tampered with my

mother. Isn’t that video she recorded solid proof?”

It was Elaine’s video, shot on the spot at the hospital, that had convinced Ludwik of Whitney’s guilt,

fueling his rage.



Shook his head with a smile. “Speaking of which, I’ve got a place to show you.”

In the dead of night, Elaine received a call from Jaxon. “Elaine, there’s trouble.”

“What’s happened?” Elaine’s expression shifted.

“I’ve been snooping, and Parker’s been shadowing the police investigation into the kidnapping case.

He’s been door–to–door and found a pharmacy. I immediately had someone inquire at the pharmacy

Parker retrieved footage of Whitney buying emergency medicine for Natalie and got hold of the

prescription. He’s probably shown all this to Mr. Lippert by now.”

Elaine’s eyes narrowed. “Did Parker call Ludwik to the station to discuss this?”

“Yes, I couldn’t get in, only managed to get bits from the junior officers,”

Damn it.

Parker had unearthed the fact that Whitney bought emergency medicine for the old lady. Once he

mentioned this to Ludwik, what would he think? Would he believe Whitney was trying to save his

mother and then forgive her? And since she had claimed to have seen Whitney harming the old lady,

would her own testimony hold no weight with Ludwik anymore?

“Elaine… there’s something else I didn’t get to tell you. I overheard at noon that Mr. Lippert has

discovered Whitney saved Braxton that night.”

“What? Why didn’t you say so sooner?” Elaine growled softly.

Chapter 203

This is bad. Now that Ludwik kept finding out about the good things Whitney did for him, not intending

to harm him.

Would Ludwik’s hatred soften? If those two reconciled, wouldn’t her grand scheme fall apart?

She couldn’t let that wretch Whitney have any chance.

Elaine squinted, her thoughts drifting to Bryce that evening. novelbin

Suddenly, she let out a cold, mocking laugh. “Whitney rushed to the hotel to save Bryce and got

trapped that night, right? I told you to find me the footage, the photos, and you’ve come up empty?”


“Keep looking,” Elaine ordered sharply. “Someone’s setting Bryce up, they must have recorded it

secretly. If Ludwik ever finds out about Whitney’s indiscretion with Bryce, he’ll never forgive her for

the rest of his life!”

That would suitably extinguish the firestorm Parker had inadvertently sparked.

Elaine was desperate. She hadn’t expected Parker to throw a wrench into her perfectly orchestrated

plan concerning the old lady’s abduction case, which had seemed so seamless, so conclusive.

Now, if Ludwik grew suspicious…

Thinking of Whitney downstairs, Elaine’s hatred intensified, and she instructed Lyra with venom in her

voice, “Go and quietly lock that wretch’s door. No food, no water. Take the blankets away from the

room, let her freeze.”

Inside the private room of the bar, Parker had gone out of his way to bring in an old professor from a

famous medical institute, leaving Ludwik puzzled.

It wasn’t until Nolan presented the video Elaine had taken of Whitney ‘harming Natalie‘ that things

started to click. He handed it over to the old professor.

“Take a good look at this, please,” Parker said. “This girl in the video, is she using acupuncture to harm

this elderly woman, or is she trying to heal her?”

Ludwik’s gaze hardened, a flicker of nervous anticipation as he turned to watch the old professor’s


Chapter 204

Chapter 204

The video was only six seconds long, ending abruptly as Natalie coughed up a mouthful of black


The old professor had watched it repeatedly, finally offering his analysis. “Hard to say, Mr. Doonan,

judging by the points where the girl inserted the needles, it looks like she targeted the area near the old

lady’s pancreas. The pancreas is complex; the needling could be harmful or healing. But the color of

the blood she spat out suggests internal bruising.”

Ludwik’s expression froze for a moment.

Parker thanked the professor and personally escorted him to the door.

Returning, he shrugged, “This professor is as credible as they come. At least he didn’t rule out the

possibility that Whitney might have been trying to save your mom. Elaine shot this video, claiming

Whitney was harming Natalie. I wonder, could she have been mistaken?”

Ludwik’s face twitched slightly as he remembered Whitney insisting at the hospital that it was his

mother’s pancreatitis acting up, and that she was needling to release the congestion.

His mother did indeed suffer from pancreatitis!His gaze fixed on the emergency prescription order,

perhaps Whitney was really trying to save her?

Braxton said she was kind–hearted, and he himself had seen her take Braxton’s pulse, claiming her

acupuncture was to save lives, not for money, her expression soft and sincere.

Even Nolan could see she was close to Natalie.

If she was as innocent as Parker suggested, then the whole tender issue wasn’t a setup, and when

Keegan kidnapped Natalie, could she have been trying to stop him? According to her story, was she

trying to sneakily rescue Natalie instead of aiding Keegan in his misdeeds?

Unfortunately, complications later led to his mother suffering renal failure and becoming comatose.

His heart pounded.

Could she be innocent?

Reflecting on his treatment of her these past days, verbal and physical abuse, Ludwik’s brow furrowed


If she was innocent, then he was not acting like a man for hurting her this way.

“Figuring anything out?” Parker handed him a glass of wine, teasing him with a look.

Ludwik remained silent, tilting his head back and downing the wine in one go.

“It’s not that I’m making excuses for Whitney,” Parker continued, “but I just feel that she isn’t

irredeemably evil. If she harmed your mother, why is she still enduring your torment and fighting to stay

by your side?”

“She wants redemption,” Ludwik replied coldly.

Parker chuckled, countering, “And what if she’s innocent? She stays, drinking down your hate, why do

you think she’s doing this for?”

Chapter 204

Ludwik paused in his drinking, the sharp vodka accentuating the depth in his eyes. He abruptly put

down his glass, closed his eyes for a couple of minutes, feeling a softening in his heart.

Was Parker suggesting that she was in love with him?

He stood up.

“Ludwik, it’s almost dawn. Where are you going? Get some rest, your eyes are red,” Nolan attempted

to stop him.

Parker raised a hand to silence him, his lips curving into a smirk, “Fool, he’s obviously going back to

Whitney. Go back to her, Ludwik. Calm down, ask her what really happened that night, give her a

chance to explain,” Parker said, patting his shoulder with earnest.

At 4:30 AM, Elaine was jolted by a call from Jaxon. “What did you say? Parker had some old professor

analyze that video I shot?”

She sprung from her bed, her face pale as a ghost. That meddlesome Parker!

She had presented that video at the hospital to frame Whitney, convinced that Ludwik’s fury would

ensure he believed it without scrutinizing the footage.

To incriminate Whitney, she had handed the video over to the police as evidence.

But she hadn’t counted on Parker keeping a copy.

Now, with the professor’s expert analysis, her claims were falling apart, and she risked getting burned


Parker was such a busybody. What if he started digging into the old lady’s hospitalization.

The truth about the kidney transplant – it couldn’t be discovered.

Biting her lip, she hurriedly got out of bed, feeling uneasy, she needed to give strict instructions to the

hospital’s doctors to destroy the evidence and keep their mouths shut.

Otherwise, if Ludwik suspected anything, he might start investigating.

Elaine, with Lyra in tow, rushed out the door.

As the sky began to lighten, Ludwik returned to the villa, where the living room was eerily silent.

Standing tall, he paused in front of a room on the first floor, ran a hand through his handsome face, and

quietly opened the door.

The room was cold, the chill palpable.

He saw a small figure huddled on the bed, her belly round with pregnancy, but she was curled up, her

little face buried in her knees, a picture of self-preservation.

“Whitney?” Ludwik frowned and walked over.

Seeing she had no blanket and was lying there, her face flushed, breathing ragged, lips cracked and

peeling, he touched her forehead, alarmed by the heat.

“Wake up… Whitney, why aren’t you covering up? You’ve got a fever!”

He roused her.



Chapter 204

Whitney, in a daze, opened her e

lip, “What are you doing here? Dia

Maikhana_e_nasee… posted a video owned and recoiled, biting her

you release itly cousi

He was silent for a moment. She always knew how to rile him up.

Ludwik clenched his teeth and reproached her, “Have you forgotten you are about to become a

mother? Are you tormenting yourself on purpose just to make me see?”

“I’m tormenting myself? Get out!” Whitney wanted to laugh.

“Then why didn’t you cover up?”

Whitney gave him a self–deprecating look, “My room was locked, and the maid took the blanket.

Someone made sure I had no water to drink, no food to eat, and was left to freeze all night. Do you

believe that?”

“Why would the maid do that?” Ludwik was incredulous.

“Heh, Elaine told her to. I know you won’t believe it, no matter what I say.”

Whitney’s pale lips twitched.

“Elaine has no reason to do something so stupid right under my nose. It’d be too easy to get caught,”

Ludwik reflexively defended Elaine, his tone softening a bit.

Whitney’s heart ached. You blind man, can’t you see?

She closed her eyes, “You conceited bastard, get out.”

In the dim light, Ludwik gazed at her frail body and the desperate disappointment in her eyes.

In his anger these past days, he had been blind to her ‘suffering‘. She was unhappy, indeed, and

seemed so wronged, her eyes filled with countless unsaid words of defense against him.

Was he the one who was conceited?

His jaw clenched, and instead of leaving, he moved closer to her, watching her silently.

“Whitney…” His voice trailed off, deep and hesitant.

His gaze was fixed on her, evaluating, intensely complex.

“What?” Whitney was puzzled. What did his silent stare mean?

It had been ages since he looked at her with such tranquil eyes. Now, it was nothing but hate, disgust,

or blatant longing.

Was he slightly gentler today? A flicker of uncertainty crossed her mind. His look sharpened, he let out

a soft sigh, and suddenly, he scooped her up and strode out of the room.

Enveloped in his heady scent, Whitney felt waves of cold then heat wash over her until her dazed

thoughts snapped back to the present. She realized he was carrying her, heading towards the

backyard, towards the cottage.

Dawn was breaking, a hint of daybreak etched into the sky, making it look tranquil and beautiful.

Whitney found her voice again, “You… you’re taking me to see your mother?”

He didn’t answer, just continued to hold her as they entered the cottage.

Whitney was incredulous. He’d sworn to keep her away from his mother what had changed today?

“Ludwik, what are you doing?”

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

In the sterile hospital room, Ludwik gently placed Whitney down before silently exiting, the door clicking

shut behind him.

“What’s the deal?” Whitney muttered to herself, now alone with Natalie

in the quiet room.

Ludwik left the villa through the back entrance, disappearing into an upstairs room.

The guard in the security room nearly jumped out of his skin, snapping to attention. “Boss?”

Ludwik watched the woman on the monitor and said simply, “Leave us.” The guard glanced at the

unexpected lady of the house on the screen. What was the Boss up to? Without questioning further, he

left as


Downstairs, Whitney was clueless about Ludwik’s whereabouts, but she wasn’t about to waste a

precious moment.

She moved back to Natalie’s bedside, taking her wrist gently, a sad smile on her face. “Finally, a

moment alone with you, Mom. I’m going to check your pulse.”

After checking, she sighed and started a gentle hand massage,

followed by some pressure points, then carefully turned Natalie over to her other side.

“This is like a little workout, Mom. I’ll explain the pressure points to Taryn later. For now, let me clean

you up. I know how you like to be fresh and tidy.”

She stepped into the bathroom, turned on the tap, and meticulously washed Natalie’s face and hands,

even removing her socks to massage each toe.

Chapter 205

“Is this pressure alright? I know you can’t tell me, but I feel you can sense it,” she whispered playfully.

After tending to Natalie, Whitney returned to the bedside, placing Natalie’s hand gently on her belly.

“The baby’s been so good, usually so calm. But lately, there’s been more activity. I’ll bring this child into

the world, and maybe that’s the only promise I can keep to you. You know, he’s getting engaged at the

end of the month. You wouldn’t want to see me stay under any other

unsavory title, would you?”

Finishing her words, she fell silent.

Ludwik stared at the screen in the surveillance room, catching the moment she wiped a tear from her


Did she not want him to get engaged?

In truth, he didn’t have to. He could compensate Elaine another way. Marrying her was a logical choice,

but there were alternatives. If he stood his ground, he could deal with the Bartels family’s demands.

Watching her care for his mother, Ludwik was trying to discern her true

nature. Even the best actors couldn’t hide the subtleties of their


And his fiancée, Elaine, hadn’t even come to visit to his mother since

the incident.

Suddenly, the door burst open. Whitney looked up, startled by Ludwik’s unexpected return.

Panicked at the possibility of a misunderstanding, she stood rapidly, “I was just freshening up Mom.

Don’t get the wrong idea.”

Her distress was palpable, stirring a discomfort within Ludwik.

He sat down on the nearest couch, fixing his gaze on her before speaking in a gravelly voice, “Tell me

again what happened the night

Chapter 205

you were taken. I want to hear it all.”

Whitney’s eyes widened in disbelief. He never believed in her. Why ask


“Ludwik, would you even believe what I say?”

“I’ll decide after I hear it,” he replied sternly.

She recounted the details, “Whether you believe it or not, my only intention was to save your mom and

protect my uncle. Maybe I was too greedy, and in the end, I accomplished nothing.

But Mom was fine when she was with me, until Elaine knocked me out and took her away. When I got

to the hospital three days later, Mom was in a vegetative state and had been rushed into a kidney novelbin

donation surgery.”

“So, you’re saying you didn’t harm my mom, but Elaine did?” Ludwik’s brows knitted together.

Whitney thought of Natalie’s ongoing blood tests and the murky details surrounding Elaine’s kidney

donation. The truth was not yet clear. She sighed, “I’m not accusing anyone. The truth will come out

soon. But think about it, what would be my motive to harm Mom?”

Ludwik hesitated, realizing he’d never considered this before.

What motive would Whitney have?

“Ludwik, I wanted to protect my uncle. Why would I deliberately cause your mother’s renal failure?

What benefit is there for me to be hated by you, to face pressure on Skye Gem Ltd., and to have my

uncle jailed while my cousin’s fate is unknown? Why would I make such a loss?”

As Ludwik looked at her, he found no answer.

Whitney pressed further, “I’ve gained nothing. So who has? Elaine is about to be engaged to you.”

“I trust Elaine! Nobody would be foolish enough to harm someone and


ter 205

then donate a kidney, becoming disabled for life. Besides, you have no idea how good she’s been to

me. She saved my life years ago.”

Ludwik’s voice was hard, his fingers unconsciously touching the half–ring in his pocket, his gaze

softening, “Without Elaine, I would have died back then.”

Whitney gasped at the sight of the emerald green ring in his hand. She finally remembered why

Elaine’s half ring had seemed so familiar.

Elaine’s was a match to his, together forming a complete ring.

She recalled the stories about the girl saved Ludwik back then, mentioned by Elaine before leaving

Banyan City, supposedly to provoke her. So, Elaine was that girl?

Whitney pondered, asking, “When did you find out Elaine was your lifesaver?”

“Recently. It’s not your concern.” Ludwik was reluctant to discuss the deeply buried topic.

But Whitney’s suspicions only deepened. If Elaine truly was the savior, wouldn’t she have used that

leverage to marry Ludwik long ago? She

desired him too much to wait.

What was the reason? Did Elaine also find out recently, or did she only recently acquire the half ring?

Whitney’s thoughts raced. No wonder Ludwik held such unwavering trust in Elaine. They shared the

‘savior event‘ from years past. She couldn’t help but shake her head with a wry smile, “Ludwik, Elaine

isn’t as innocent as you think. I’d reconsider the half ring if I were you.”

“What are you implying? That it wasn’t her who saved my life all those years ago, but you?” Ludwik

said, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and confusion.

Whitney paused, taken aback. Indeed, a few years back, she had saved a man’s life, one who had

been suffering from a hysterical fit, but the



darkness of that night had concealed his features from her, leaving his identity a mystery to this day.

She shook her head, “I’m not one to take credit where it’s not due. It’s just… odd. Elaine has gone to

such lengths for you. She claims to have saved your life years ago, and despite your lack of

acknowledgment all these years, she’s still given so selflessly, donating her kidney to your mother

without a second thought?”

She frowned slightly, “And she agreed to the donation so readily. If it were me, I’d at least check in with

my folks first. After all, this body is a gift from my parents.”

Ludwik’s expression froze, and he realized that the Bartels family had indeed been kept in the dark.

Elaine’s decision to donate her kidney had been an urgent one. At the time, he was tied up at the police

station, and neither he nor his family had been consulted by Elaine, who had not hesitated in the

slightest before making her donation. Wasn’t that a bit strange?

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Body and soul, a gift from mom and dad; she loved him, sure, but she

had to ask their blessing before making a sacrifice.

“You weren’t there when the kidney transplant happened, right?” Whitney prodded.

Ludwik shook his head.

Whitney snickered inside but took a roundabout approach, “To get the full picture of Mom’s condition,

maybe you should retrace her entire journey from kidney failure to transplant.”

“You still suspect Elaine?” Ludwik’s gaze was unreadable.

“If you believe I was saving Mom that night, then someone else caused her kidney failure!” Whitney

stated pointedly.

Ludwik pinched the bridge of his nose, considering her logic. There had to be a reason for his mother’s

sudden kidney failure.

If not Whitney, then perhaps Elaine was involved?

But he couldn’t investigate. To do so would mean doubting Elaine, who had sacrificed so much for him.

If she were innocent, it would break her


After a few seconds of contemplation, Ludwik instructed the maid, “Go to the front yard, wake Elaine. I

need to confront her and Ms. Valentine


Whitney looked up, startled. Did he believe her?

Otherwise, why would he want to confront Elaine? Although he hadn’t mentioned reopening the

investigation, Whitney was surprised! Her heart pounded with foolish hope.

Elaine, having just bribed a hospital doctor, stepped out to find her trusted maid on the phone.


“Miss, something’s up. The Boss took Whitney to the main house early this morning to see his mother,

and I don’t know what they’ve discussed, but he suddenly asked me to wake you, said he needs to see

you in person! He doesn’t know you’re not in your room. What should I tell him?”

Elaine’s legs almost gave way.

Lyra furrowed her brows, “It must be that wretch Whitney. She’s convinced the Boss of something. He

might be suspecting the kidnapping incident!”

Elaine bit her lip, going pale.

Damn Parker for starting this. Ludwik’s softening towards Whitney, taking her to see the old lady.

Maybe Whitney replayed the facts, and this time, Ludwik might be listening!

Lyra grimaced, “Just say I’m at the hospital for suture removal. I’ll be

back soon.”

The maid hung up, but Elaine was rattled. Returning now, she’d face a confrontation with Whitney, and

although confident in her deceit, Whitney was no pushover, and Ludwik was shrewd. If he suggested

revisiting the transplant, she’d be in trouble.

Her arrangements were meticulous, but fear of oversight lingered.

Damn it, she needed a distraction for Ludwik, to bury any suspicion. Snatching her phone, she dialed

furiously, “Jaxon, why haven’t you found that video of Whitney and Bryce?”

“Miss, I haven’t got anything yet…” As Jaxon hesitated, Elaine’s phone pinged with a new email.

She opened the attachment, stunned by the contents.

Then, checking the sender’s details, found it anonymous.


Who was this timely ally?

Elaine smirked, her panic subsiding as she slid into her car with a

cunning smile, instructing Lyra, “Get the media on the line, as many as possible!”

Whitney, you think you can expose me? You’ve just sealed your fate.

“Boss, Elaine’s suture removal was this morning. She’s at the hospital and will return soon,” the maid

informed Ludwik.

Frowning, Ludwik mused, “Why didn’t she tell me? Did she go alone?”

“I’m not sure,” the maid trembled.

Whitney glanced at the clock. Barely past seven, was Elaine that eager for suture removal?

The hospital for the removal was the same one for the surgery. Considering Ludwik’s recent

questioning, Whitney suspected Elaine was panicking.

“Wait outside for me,” Ludwik said, turning to his mother.

Whitney nodded and left the house.

Standing by his mother’s bedside, Ludwik sighed, “Mother, do you believe Whitney means no harm?”

Clasping her hand, his eyes showed pain, “To be honest, forgiving her feels like betraying you. But

without her, I’m hollow. What should I do?”

He seemed to have his answer.

“Damn it, I still want her. If she hasn’t hurt you or wronged me, can I keep her?”

He chuckled wryly, clenching his fist, then guiltily walked out.

Seeing her delicate form in the hallway, his lips curved involuntarily.

Could he begin to let go of his deep–seated hatred?



Chapter 206

“Let’s go,” he said, reaching for her hand.

Whitney stumbled, her heartbeat thundering, her hand trembling in his.

He felt her stiffness but said nothing as they walked together to the

main house.

Was she dreaming? His hand holding hers, could he be forgiving her? novelbin

His softened demeanor sent her heart racing, anxious and hopeful.

Back in the villa, Ludwik ordered breakfast.

He called a doctor to take her temperature, even placing the cold pack on her forehead himself.

Though silent, his gaze was no longer icy.

Whitney watched him, wishing time would stand still.

Breakfast arrived, and he teased her dazed stare, “Never seen a guy this handsome? You said you

skipped dinner. Eat.”

Blushing, Whitney bowed her head and ate, her hunger returning.

He watched her, deep in thought, then asked quietly, “Why didn’t you tell

me about rushing to South City to save Braxton?”

Whitney froze. He knew?

Thinking back, it must have been that day in the hospital when Braxton had let something slip.

She pursed her lips, swallowing the bitterness that threatened to rise, and cautiously met his handsome

gaze. “Back then, Uncle and I were in the same boat. I had to protect him. If you found out he was

involved in something that could hurt United Realty Corporation, you wouldn’t have let him off easy.”

“Is that the only reason?” Ludwik’s tone made it clear he wasn’t entirely satisfied with her answer.


Chapter 206

Whitney’s face stiffened, and she averted her eyes. “I was also afraid something might happen to you.”

His lips curved slightly as he probed further, “What time did you treat Braxton? And why did you wait

until morning to come to the police station to see me? You made me misunderstand. Where were you



Whitney’s spoon clattered against her bowl’s edge.

She saw the concern etch into his brow and realized she couldn’t tell him about the incident in the hotel

where she had to save Bryce after he’d been drugged.

She lowered her head, her voice a whisper, “I didn’t go anywhere. I was with Braxton the whole time,

making sure he was out of danger. Only then did I leave the hospital to come see you.”

Ludwik’s eyebrows knotted together, but he remembered how her clothes were drenched that


Was it raining that night?

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Ludwik didn’t dwell on it, and the conversation didn’t continue. He

watched silently as she ate two bowls of oatmeal.

The phone rang, and the man stood to go upstairs, “I need to sign some paperwork.”

“Oh.” Whitney’s lips paused, surprised by his initiative to speak to her. Could they be mending fences?

Her heart raced with excitement yet feared it was all an illusion.

After taking the dishes to the kitchen, Whitney went back to her room for her phone and found several

missed calls.

They were from Bryce, Valerie Bartels, Skye Gem Ltd.’s Nyx, and Tiana, who had called over a dozen


She was about to call back when her phone rang again. Whitney answered with a rare cheerfulness,

“Why so many calls, Tiana? What’s up?”

“Whitney! Did you catch the news? You’re in deep trouble,” Tiana Melford’s voice was laden with


Whitney was taken aback. What news could she be in?

She immediately opened the day’s trending topics and saw the top headline, ‘Mr. Lippert’s wife caught

in scandalous affair, explosive video released.‘

Whitney was dumbfounded and anxious as she clicked on the video. After watching, she felt the room


“Whitney, why were you at a hotel with Bryce? The video has a timestamp–it’s from the 28th before the novelbin

New Year. Weren’t you in South City that day? Could you be possibly set up?”



Tiana was frantic, “The news is blown up. I can’t pull it down. I can’t believe you’d do this. I trust you,

but Ludwik might not.”

As she spoke, there was a sudden noise from upstairs.

Whitney trembled, belatedly realizing she should get up. Her face was pale, and she ran out


At the stairwell, Ludwik strode out with a chilling gaze.

Whitney’s mind buzzed to



Outside the villa, Elaine glanced at the stormy trending news and dialed a number, “Jaxon, get the PR

manager from Skyfaith over to Everwood Villa Estate.”

She walked inside just in time to hear Whitney’s panicked voice, “Ludwik, I…”

“Ludwik!” Elaine rushed to his side, feigning concern, “You haven’t seen the news, have you? You’re

still not fully recovered. Let’s skip today’s news and take a walk.”

Her peacemaker facade barely concealed her intentions.

Ludwik clenched his phone, the video still playing on the screen, with Bryce’s heavy breathing

unmistakably audible.

Whitney’s face drained of color.

She shook her head, “Ludwik, this is a misunderstanding. Let me explain…”

“The 28th before the New Year, you were in South City taking care of Braxton and still found time for a

tryst with Bryce? Tell me that’s a misunderstanding?”

Ludwik descended the stairs slowly and stood before Whitney. His eyes were penetrating as he

pressed the phone to her nose, “Quite the


Chapter 207

frenzy, biting each other’s lips off! Where did I get the confidence to assume that you wouldn’t dare

cross the line? You harlot, playing me for a fool, is that fun for you?”

“It’s not like that!” Whitney’s voice trembled as she tried to explain,

“That night Bryce was drugged, he called me in a panic to help him. The drug made him lose control,

that’s why he clung to me in the bathtub. It was just a few mistaken kisses before I subdued him with

acupuncture. Trust me. Nothing happened between us, really!”

“Do you think I’m blind?”

Ludwik scoffed coldly, “An eight–second video, and there you were clinging to him like you couldn’t

bear to let go. So you’ve been sleeping together all this time, right? I’ve been the utter fool!”

“I haven’t; I don’t love him! It’s you I love! I went to save Braxton for you.” “Whitney, you’re so

hypocritical. You’ve cuckolded Ludwik so grandly and you still deny it?”

Elaine joined in, her voice filled with feigned distress for Ludwik, “I can’t stand by and watch. You might

not know, but Bryce is Braxton’s prized student. Whitney went to help him that night, not for you. She

wasn’t in South City for you at all. Maybe she’s been in cahoots with Bryce all along!”

“What nonsense are you spouting, Elaine?” Whitney shouted back, but Ludwik’s expression had

already shifted.

He couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

Elaine poured fuel on the fire, “Ludwik, I’ve been meaning to tell you, Whitney’s been playing you from

the start! When Keegan sought revenge, she colluded with Orion and already lined up Bryce as her

next step!

They’ve been intimate long before. She cheated during her pregnancy,


Chapter 207

and these days she’s insisted on staying under the pretense of taking care of you. Perhaps Bryce knew

about your stake in Skyfaith

Electronic Tech, and Whitney’s after it too!”

Ludwik felt like he’d been struck by thunder. All reason left him when he saw the video, which

convinced Whitney had been with Bryce.

Elaine was right, it wasn’t the first time she had shown interest in the wealth of Imperial Gem


But this was too dirty.

Ludwik’s hand shot out, gripping Whitney’s throat.

Whitney clasped his icy hand, “Elaine’s framing me. I really went to save Braxton for you that night. It

had nothing to do with Bryce…”

“Shut up, you harlot.” Ludwik sneered, his eyes cold, “Ten minutes ago I asked you what you did that

night. What was your answer? All night by Braxton’s side, huh? Aren’t you disgusting?”

“Bryce saw you in that sorry state, didn’t he? I finally figured out where that little show happened!”

“Ludwik, that’s too much.” Whitney’s face turned as pale as a ghost. How could he say that to her?

“Too much? You came to see me that morning, drenched like a drowned rat, filthy as can be.”

Ludwik lost it, his hand swung out and slapped her across the cheek.

His eyes reddened with fury, but it did little to quench his anger. He shoved her to the center of the

room, glaring at her swollen belly. It felt like his spine was crushed, his head throbbing with pain. “That

child is mine, you tramp! You’ve been defiled by another man, where does that leave me? I, Ludwik,

have never suffered such indignity in my life, and I want to end you right now.”

He was on the verge of madness, his hand raising to strike her again.


Chapter 207

Elaine laughed bitterly, wishing he would just step on Whitney’s belly

and crush the bastard child.

“Mr. Lippert! Mr. Lippert, what in God’s name are you doing?” The door

burst open, and Felix rushed in.

Behind him followed a parade of managers from Skyfaith Electronic Tech’s PR department.

Felix immediately intercepted Ludwik, casting a frantic glance at Whitney who was barely hanging on.

“Mr. Lippert, emergency. The has dragged Skyfaith into the mud. You need to deal with

the company crisis first!”

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

The PR manager glanced surreptitiously at Elaine, then, pointing an accusatory finger at Whitney,

fumed, “Ever since that video of Ms. Valentine and the big shot CEO of Lutz Group came out, Skyfaith

was inevitably thrust into the media spotlight. Mr. Lippert, your reputation is critical, especially since the

company’s recent high–profile debut. Your wife’s cheating scandal is bound to affect Skyfaith’s stock

prices, and that’s just not worth it.”

Ludwik’s gaze shifted their way.

The PR manager then shot Elaine a quick, “And with Elaine attending the summit as your partner, the novelbin

public’s been speculating about her role. The gossip about you, Elaine and Ms. Valentine is all over the

place and it’s affecting Elaine’s good name too.”

Ludwik looked towards Elaine, a self–mocking glint in his eyes.

How foolish had he been to forsake a woman who actually cared about him in favor of forgiving


And now, truth to be turned out that Whitney and Bryce had already

been intimate!

The thought of having considered forgiving her in front of his own mother that morning, the internal tug–

of–war of his conscience made him feel utterly ridiculous.

How pathetic was he!

His heart felt as though it had been scraped clean by a knife, leaving

not a shred of tenderness.

What was there to love about such a despicable woman?

He pulled Elaine close, gripping her hand tightly, “Elaine’s reputation will not suffer on my account. Go

ahead with your strategy.”

30.57 K

Chapter 209

“The best PR move right now would be for you and Ms. Valentine to sign those divorce papers post–

haste, and push the civil office to backdate it before the 28th. Once the public knows you two are long

divorced, her dirty laundry won’t be your concern. At the same time, we’ll play up your engagement to

Elaine to distract the public and give Skyfaith a different headline.”

Whitney curled up on the floor, fists clenched.

Hearing this, she began to have her suspicions about the source of the video. She glared at Elaine with


Elaine’s peripheral vision caught Whitney’s scowl and returned it with a cold, triumphant sneer.

She said gently, “Ludwik, don’t worry about me. My reputation can take the hit, but Skyfaith is your

business empire that you built from the ground up. I can’t bear to see it suffer.”

Ludwik motioned with his hand, “Lawyer, bring the divorce papers. What are we waiting for?”

Elaine was momentarily taken aback, then a sly smile curled at the corner of her mouth. She had

orchestrated this whole scene to force Ludwik’s hand, to make him sign the divorce papers quickly!

The lawyer promptly presented two sets of divorce papers.

Ludwik tossed them at the woman crumpled on the floor, not sparing her another glance as if even

looking at her was revolting.

His lips turned a cold, cutting sneer, “Sign it, take your things, and get out. Don’t dirty my floors. You’re

nothing but trash, and I’ll be damned if I spare you another glance in this lifetime.”

Words couldn’t cut deeper than that.

This lifetime without another glance.

Whitney’s laugh was slow and pained, tears streaming down her face



Chapter 208

as she breathed in sharply.

With trembling hands, she completed the signing, murmuring not for him to hear, but as a bitter

soliloquy, “I stayed to look after you, thinking you were down and out, wanting to help you rise again.

But clearly, you don’t need it. I’m relieved then. Let’s part ways, once and for all.”

Ludwik paused sharply.

Parting ways those words stabbed straight into his heart, blurring his


Whitney set down the pen. Clutching her chest, she pleaded humbly, “Just my cousin, you promised to

let her go.”

Ludwik let out a mocking laugh, filled with scorn.

“Well, consider it a condition of our divorce. Felix, throw her out. The thought of having touched her

makes me sick!”

Whitney clenched her fists tightly.

Ludwik stormed upstairs, his eyes bloodshot with rage, while Elaine, satisfaction plain on her face,

followed closely behind.

“Ludwik, your hands are shaking again…”

Elaine caught up to him, concern in her eyes as she produced an acupuncture kit, “Let me give you a

treatment, help you rest properly.”

“Elaine, thank you.” Ludwik looked at her, weary, a self–deprecating smile playing on his lips, “After all

is said and done, you’re the one who truly cares about me.”

Elaine froze, then her eyes, still holding a trace of nervousness, met his. Seeing him so vulnerable like

a child, she allowed herself to smile triumphantly. She knew any doubts Ludwik had about her were

now on the back burner she was his sole comfort now.

divo wa

With the signed divorce papers, Whitney was out of chances.



Elaine’s eyes flicked, a plan forming as she looked deeply at Ludwik.

Moving behind him, she dipped the needle in a sedative and inserted it into a point at the base of his


Soon, Ludwik was deep in slumber.

Elaine secured the doors and windows, then pulled out her phone to record a video, a sly smile

spreading across her face.

“Ludwik, your kisses hurt so much…”

As moans and groans of intimacy wafted downstairs, Whitney stiffened.

The PR team was still lingering below. They exchanged glances, their expressions varied as they

looked upstairs.

The sounds of passion echoed through the house.

With a hard look in his eyes, Felix dismissed the managers, “What are you looking at? Get out of


After the managers filed out, Felix gave Whitney a complicated look, helping her up with a sigh, “Ms.

Valentine, Mr. Lippert is just heated. Besides, given the situation, you should understand his

impulsiveness. He might be out of control.”

Whitney’s face was ashen as the noises upstairs continued unabated.

She knew Ludwik well enough to recognize what was happening above. It wasn’t just kissing the

sounds were of real intimacy.

A piercing migraine stabbed through her head, each pulse making it harder to catch her breath.

Clutching at her shattered heart, Whitney thought bitterly how he had unceremoniously ripped away

their last chance at reconciliation.


20-57 M

Chapter 208

All that was left between them was a cold distance.

She attempted a strained smile, “Don’t worry, Felix. I’ve already signed the divorce papers. He’s free


She tried to stay composed, but her body was shaking, and tears breached her eyes like a dam giving

way to an ocean.

Felix let out a heavy sigh, the helpless tone in his voice unmistakable, “Mr. Lippert insists that you leave

as soon as possible. Please, just go.” “I will,” she muttered, the words tasting bitter. “Why stay and

further humiliate myself?”

Whitney forced a smirk, struggling to her feet. She dialed her friend Tiana, asking for a ride.

Her gaze swept over the mansion one last time.


This was it the final goodbye to what was once their sanctuary of love, where every nook and cranny

bore the imprints of their shared


She had been delusional to think that by staying, she could win him back and earn his forgiveness.

But she had forgotten one thing a shattered mirror can never be made whole again.

And love was no different it couldn’t withstand the turbulence of passion and resentment, nor survive

the misinterpretations and


With a hollow gaze, Whitney withdrew a packet of pills and handed them to Felix, her voice hoarse with

a dire warning, “These are for his panic attacks. Please make sure he takes them regularly. And be

careful, don’t let Elaine get her hands on them. If anything happens to him, I hope you’ll contact me


Felix took the packet, exhaling a weary breath, “Ms. Valentine, it’s clear



Chapter 208

you still can’t bear to leave Mr. Lippert.”

“I know…” Whitney suddenly covered her mouth, fighting back the tears with all her might.

Down the winding road, a car approached. She knew Tiana had come.

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Whitney took a deep breath, “Felix, when is Yael getting out?”

Felix pulled out a note, “Contact the number here tonight, and you’ll find out where Yael is. Actually, Mr.

Lippert has always been quite nice to her.”

Whitney stiffened, the reality hitting her hard. He had only used her cousin as leverage, getting close to

her on a couple of occasions.

Now, he must feel as sick as someone who had swallowed a fly.

With a mocking turn of her head, Whitney took one last look, her gaze freezing in place.

In the upstairs master bedroom window, Elaine stood in a bathrobe, the collar hanging wide open,

revealing several love bites, brazenly

assaulting Whitney’s eyes.

No matter how much she tried to hide it, those marks choked Whitney with a silent pain.

Elaine couldn’t be more smug, her sneering smile as if to declare her


Today, indeed, she had won.

But Whitney was determined to expose the truths. She walked out with her fists clenched tightly.


Tiana and Valerie had both come, shocked at her withered and swollen


Without a word, Valerie immediately helped her into the car.

As they drove down the mountain, the atmosphere in the car was heavy. Tiana kept glancing in the

rear–view mirror, her worried gaze

repeatedly meeting Whitney’s.

Whitney’s smile was uglier than tears as she spoke of the heaviest matters with an eerie calm, “I left

him, I know you both were worried about me. I had signed the divorce papers this time.”

Valerie was slightly shocked, realizing in just a few days, Whitney had moved from stubbornly staying

to helplessly leaving.

One could only imagine what Ludwik had done to her.

“Leaving him is for the best. Look at you, tortured beyond recognition. If love is lost, let it go. You and

your child’s safety are the priorities. Why staying there to be tormented by him and Elaine?” Tiana was


Whitney touched her belly, remembering Bryce’s words about considering her child’s future.

That’s why she had made this decision today.

She forced a bitter smile, “I know it’s time to let go. Today he was intimate with Elaine, that’s the bottom

line of my tolerance. He will surely marry her, and I can’t leave my child without protection or let it fall

into the hands of a stepmother like Elaine.”

“What? That scumbag couple!”

Tiana clenched the steering wheel, glancing at her phone where the trending news had just updated,

“No wonder half an hour ago Ludwik falsified your divorce date, and Skyfaith Electronic Tech

announced his engagement to Elaine with much fanfare. Did he push you to move up the divorce date

so Elaine wouldn’t be slighted?”

“Yeah,” Whitney forced a smile.

“Damn, as soon as Skyfaith Electronic Tech’s announcement went out, Ludwik was off the hook! The

comments below are bizarre, all the firepower is directed at you and Bryce. Now Skye Gem Ltd. and

the Lutz Group are getting trashed!



Chapter 209

People are sympathizing with Ludwik, congratulating Elaine, but they’re calling you an adulteress and

Bryce a home–wrecker. I’d get it if they targeted Bryce, but you’re clearly the victim. Who leaked that


Whitney fell into thought, then her phone rang.

It was Bryce, sounding anxious, “You finally answered the phone, Whitney. Did you see that video? I’m

sorry, did Ludwik misunderstand you? I can explain it to him.”

Whitney’s brow furrowed, “Mr. Lutz, you said you would destroy all the cameras that morning. How

could such a video still be leaked?”

“I did destroy them.”

Bryce sounded frustrated, “It might have been live–synced to someone else’s hands. I’ve checked,

Elaine had sent someone to that hotel recently, trying to dig something up. Could it be her?”

If Whitney had harbored any doubts against Bryce before, his tone now

swept them away.

As she had suspected, it was Elaine who had got the video and leaked it, with the clear aim of

attacking her and driving her away.

Besides, why would Bryce stage such a thing that also implicated the Lutz Group in a public relations


“Whitney, such a video can seriously damage a woman’s reputation. I’m truly sorry. How can I make it

up to you? I’m right outside Skye Gem Ltd. Your company is also in big trouble.”

As he spoke, Nyx’s call came through.

“My manager called me, Mr. Lutz, I might need to go to the company right away.”

“I’ll wait for you. Whatever I can do for you, I won’t hesitate.” Bryce’s soothing voice cut off.

Tiana and Valerie looked over.



Preoccupied, Whitney immediately answered Nyx’s call.

An anxious voice came through, “Ms. Valentine, can you come to the company now? Your video is

everywhere, and the company is being bombarded with calls from the media, just receiving insults. The

shareholders are furious and want you to take actions.”

“I’ll be right there.” Whitney’s face turned pale.

Tiana hit the gas, speeding up.

They soon arrived at the Skye Gem Ltd. building, driving into the underground garage. Whitney got out

and saw Bryce waiting.

She nodded slightly. Without further ado, she went straight to the CEO’s office.

Inside the office, the PR department was overwhelmed with calls from

the media.

Several shareholders were staring at the now–green stocks. Seeing Whitney arrive, their anger was

palpable, “Ms. Valentine, this scandal is a fatal blow to Skye Gem Ltd. We were already suffering from

economic sanctions, and now our employees are panicking. The internet is full of people criticizing you

for indecency, and your image is directly affecting the the company. If you can’t save the company, we

might as well sell off our shares right now!”

Whitney’s brow was tightly knotted, “Please calm down. There’s been a misunderstanding with that

video. Mr. Lutz and I haven’t done anything, and Mr. Lutz is here too, we can explain everything


Bryce walked in with a suave grace, “Ms. Valentine is right.“.

The PR manager of Skye Gem Ltd. shook her head, “Ms. Valentine, explaining to us isn’t going to cut

it. The online crowd isn’t buying it. Right now, they’re rallying behind Ludwik and Elaine, and there’s a

bunch of trolls fueling the fire!”

The mud was being slung at her and Bryce directly. Whitney knew the



culprit was Elaine.

Bryce glanced back at his team.

A manager stepped forward and approached the group, “I’m the PR manager for the Lutz Group. Our

firm has been hit hard as well, but we’ve devised a plan that could save both Skye Gem and the Lutz


The shareholders of Skye Gem were anxious, “What’s the plan?”

“Taking a leaf out of Mr. Lippert’s book, we play into their hand by admitting that Ms. Valentine and Mr.

Lutz are an item, but only after her divorce, of course. That way, even if the public disapprove, you’ll be

in the clear. Then we can stage an engagement. An alliance between Skye Gem and the Lutz Group

will turn the tides of public opinion into a romantic success story, restoring both companies‘ images!”

The shareholders paused, then nodded in agreement, “This is the best course of action available!”

However, Whitney shook her head with composure, “I disagree. The video is clearly a misleading one,

and I refuse to be forcibly linked to

Mr. Lutz.”

Besides, she had just signed her divorce papers today. If Ludwik saw her ‘officially‘ with Bryce, wouldn’t

it confirm she was desperate to be with Bryce?

Even though they were parting ways, she didn’t want him to

misconstrue the situation.

Bryce’s piercing gaze narrowed as he persuaded, “Whitney, I personally don’t mind. If it benefits both

our companies, I’m willing to play along.”

Seeing Mr. Lutz agree, the profit–driven shareholders of Skye Gem immediately took Whitney aside,

whispering, “Ms. Valentine, Skye Gem is on its last legs. Don’t be stubborn now. Mr. Lippert is clearly novelbin

out for blood. This is the time to lean on the robust Lutz Group. And let’s be



υπομιτι 209

honest, you and Mr. Lutz make quite the pair! Skye Gem needs this help desperately!”

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Whitney clenched her fists at the dire state of her company. Exhaustion etched across her face, but

she still shook her head. “Trends on social media are fleeting. They’ll die down soon. I’ll hold a press

conference to clear the air then. I don’t agree with your approach.”

The PR manager of Lutz Group glanced towards Bryce, whose gaze darkened, signaling the end of the


The shareholders of Skye Gem were infuriated by Whitney’s stubbornness. “What can you possibly

clarify? The video is clear evidence! You’re refusing to take the high road, and you’ll run your

grandfather’s legacy into the ground sooner or later. Don’t blame us for being heartless when that


“Please give me some time,” Whitney pleaded, taking a deep breath. “Skye Gem is a jewelry brand.

While my image is important, it’s the products that are our real strength. I’m confident the company will

bounce back.”

Free from her entanglement with Ludwik, Whitney now had the time to

focus on her own company’s issues.

Back at her desk, she calmed herself and tweeted from the company


[Half a month ago, Ms. Valentine received a call for help from her friend, Mr. Lutz, who was drugged.

Her visit to the hotel was to administer acupuncture to Mr. Lutz, not to engage in any inappropriate

behavior. Please don’t jump to conclusions just over a blurry video.]

Almost instantly, Bryce retweeted the post, adding: [I was in a dire state and Ms. Valentine saved me

with her timely acupuncture treatment. The fault is mine for harboring feelings for her, but she’s a kind

and loyal woman who didn’t succumb to pressure even in a precarious situation. Please do not

misjudge her!]


Chapter 2

The online community was taken aback, with comments flooding in.

Among the criticisms, different voices emerged.

“Am I sensing a love story here?”

“Bryce has feelings for Whitney, calls her after taking his medicine, and tries to coerce her? Is that what

I’m getting?”

“Doesn’t Whitney seem a bit innocent in all this?”

In the office, Whitney rubbed her temples, puzzled by Bryce’s protective stance. Now the internet was

ablaze with criticism of him and the Lutz

Group only.

She dialed his number. “Mr. Lutz, this obfuscation isn’t good for your

reputation or your company.”

“I care about you and only want to protect you. Don’t worry about my company, Whitney,” Bryce replied

before promptly hanging up.

Whitney sighed, feeling a mix of helplessness and warmth. Bryce really was a gentle soul. novelbin

She was about to tackle the backlog of paperwork when Valerie and Tiana came over, urging her to

take a break. “Since you’ve issued the clarification, let’s see how it plays out. You’re still feverish, and

Felix texted me that you’re injured. Come on, let’s get you to the hospital nearby.”

Recalling her injury, Whitney’s cheeks burned, but then she thought of the man who caused it, and her

empty ring finger chilled her to the


Ludwik woke up at noon.

He descended the stairs to the empty living room, devoid of the woman who had once fallen there. The

polished floor reflected a distorted image of his face.


Chapter 210

Confusion flickered across his face.

Felix approached cautiously, holding two divorce agreements and a simple yet exquisite engagement


“Ms. Valentine has left. She returned the engagement ring you gave


Ludwik stared at the ring in silence.

Memories flashed through his mind – he had presented it on New Year’s Eve in an attempt to mend

their relationship.

He had designed the ring himself.

She had never removed it, even when he forced her to sign the divorce papers a week ago.

But now, with all the ugliness exposed and her supposed infidelity with Bryce, she couldn’t pretend any

longer and took it off.

Ludwik chuckled mirthlessly, picking up the delicate ring, noting the faint bloodstain on the inside – a

result of removing it too forcefully.

His eyes darkened, then quickly reverted to scorn. She couldn’t possibly care, he thought. she must

have been eager to be free.

Blood seeped from his palm as he clenched the diamond, the sharp edges cutting into his skin.

He threw the ring into the fireplace and began to smash everything on the table, the noise startling the


But Ludwik’s face remained eerily calm.

Felix stood by, waiting for Mr. Ludwik’s rage to subside.

Finally, exhausted from the destruction, Ludwik sank into the sofa, massaging his temples. “Bring me

my phone. What’s the situation with Skyfaith?”

Felix reported promptly, “The stock has rebounded, and the public




reaction is cautiously optimistic. Everyone’s looking forward to your engagement announcement with


“And?” Ludwik’s lips curled in irony.

Felix hesitated, aware of what Ludwik really wanted to ask but diverted to another topic. “I’ve traced the

video’s origin a careful release from an overseas domain.”

Standing just outside the living room, Elaine smirked inwardly. She had hired a cautious overseas


“But the video itself wouldn’t have caused such a stir without someone

pushing it. It seems to be linked to Bryce.”

Ludwik’s sarcasm was palpable. “Who else would want to blow this out of proportion but him?”

His eyes narrowed as he remembered the day when he dragged Whitney out from the restaurant and

Bryce’s look towards her.

It seemed Bryce, the seemingly mild–mannered adversary, was far more devious than he appeared.

“Mr. Lippert, do you think Bryce could be the one who leaked the video?” asked Felix, his voice laced

with concern. “Should we tell Ms. Valentine

the truth?”

Ludwik’s eyes, however, were glued to the two clarification messages on his phone screen. A woman’s

declaration of innocence followed by a man’s agreement and a public confession of his affection for


What an orchestrated duet.

With a surge of anger, Ludwik snapped his eyes shut, the fury within him blazing like a wildfire. In one

swift motion, he hurled his phone against the wall, where it shattered into pieces.

“Tell her what? That she’s perfect for that snake?” he scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Rising

from his seat, he ascended the staircase,



Chaphe: 210

his steps heavy with disdain.

Felix watched, startled, as Ludwik disappeared, his solitary figure a testament to the bitterness that had

seeped into his gaze. To Mr. Lippert, it seemed there was nothing left but hatred for the Ms. Valentine.

Elaine slipped out of the villa, a sly smile playing on her lips as she dialed a number. “Jaxon, start

spreading the word to the shareholders of Skye Gem Ltd. Tell them someone’s ready to pay top dollar

for their stock. Mention there’s a bid of 800 million for the Skye Gem building, too. Those with deeds

will want to cash in.”

“Elaine, you mean to…” came the voice on the other end.

“Not enough. Stir the pot a bit more. Make Ludwik despise Whitney even further,” she instructed with a

chuckle, adding, “And make sure Whitney hears that all this is Skyfaith’s doing.”

By three o’clock in the afternoon, the storm hit.

Two shareholders of Skye Gem Ltd. were putting their shares on the market at a premium price, and

the one holding the deed to the Skye Gem building suddenly initiated auction proceedings to sell it off!

Upon hearing the news, Whitney rushed out of the hospital and bolted back to her company, a sense of

urgency propelling her forward.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 196-200

Chapter 196
Elaine’s lips curled into a sardonic smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m a bit chilly,” she said
with feigned innocence. “Could you ask Ms. Valentine to fetch me some clothes, maybe a thermos too? Oh, and a pair of high
Felix, eavesdropping, realized that Elaine was treating the lady of the house like a servant.
Unfortunately, Mr. Lippert was too hot–headed at the moment to notice the subtlety.
“Why the high heels?” he inquired, puzzled.
“Ludwik, darling, it’s Valentine’s Day,” Elaine cooed, her expression softening into something resembling hope. “I was so looking
forward to a date with you, but imagine my dismay at ending up in the hospital instead. Thankfully, I’m feeling better now. I’ve
never actually been on a date with a gentleman.”
Her gaze lingered on the striking man before her, filled with longing.
Ludwik felt a twinge of guilt, recalling his indirect role in her condition the night before. How could he refuse her anything now?
After a brief pause, he said with restrained emotion, “Alright, once you’re feeling up to it, I’ll take you
out to dinner.”
Elaine’s eyes lit up as she clasped his hands. “And I’d love to see a movie.”
“Ludwik, are you trying to sweet–talk me?” Elaine’s almond–shaped eyes crinkled with mirth.
She had managed to turn the tables. Now all she had to do was wait for Whitney’s arrival.
Inside the mansion, Whitney was about to prepare herself some dinner when a new maid, her voice dripping with authority,
called out from the second floor. “Mr. Lippert called. Elaine’s in the hospital and he wants you to bring over some clothing, a
thermos, and high heels, pronto!”
Whitney paused.

Why was Elaine in the hospital?
She quickly put two and two together and a cold smile played on her lips. She refused flatly, “Since you’re her personal maid,
you can go.”
“The assistant insisted on you. Right now, you’re nothing but a servant. Dare you disobey?”
The maid snorted, then turned and entered Elaine’s room, unlocking the door to rummage for
Watching the door swing open, Whitney’s eyes narrowed. She fiddled with the landline then changed her mind, heading upstairs
“Did you find them?” Whitney asked as she stepped inside.
The maid, on high alert, dashed out, blocking Whitney from entering Elaine’s room. “What are you doing here? Mr. Lippert has
ordered me to keep an eye on you. You’re not allowed in the mistress’s room.”
Chapter 196
Probably Elaine’s orders, Whitney thought, noting the locked door. What did she have to hide?
Just as Whitney pondered her next move, the landline on the first floor rang.
The maid looked down urgently.

“I’m just a servant; I have no right to answer the master’s calls,” Whitney said coolly. “Perhaps it’s Elaine calling for you. Aren’t
you going to answer?”
The phone’s insistent ringing seemed to confirm the maid’s fears. She was new and still getting the lay of the land, and as she
went to answer the call, she was occupied.
Seizing the opportunity, Whitney slipped into Elaine’s room.
She knew the layout well–it used to be her and Ludwik’s master bedroom. The big bed was unchanged, now flanked by medical
equipment and a nurse’s cot.
Whitney quickly examined the medicine cabinet, which contained medication for post–kidney removal surgery. Opening a
drawer, she discovered an identical stash of medicine.
Why would Elaine need so much if the hospital could supply it at any time?
Something was off.
Whitney compared a pill from the drawer to one from the cabinet. Both were labeled for kidney patients, but when crushed, their
contents were starkly different.
Her expression grew serious as she stashed samples of both medicines in her pocket.
As she closed the drawer, she caught a glimpse of Elaine’s purse, left carelessly open on the hanger. Inside, a red string tied to a
broken jade half–ring peeked out.
Whitney frowned. The half–ring looked eerily familiar.

Footsteps on the stairs jolted her back to reality.
With no time to inspect it further, Whitney dashed out just as the maid returned, relieved to find her still standing at the door. The
maid handed Whitney the items for Elaine, locking the room behind her. “Hurry up and don’t keep Elaine waiting!”
Whitney left the villa in her own car, her mind racing. She compared the crushed pills–on one side, legitimate kidney medication,
and on the other, something that seemed suspiciously like a vitamin
To confirm her suspicions, she stopped at a pharmacy and presented the suspected vitamin to an experienced pharmacist with
an apologetic smile. “I accidentally lost the bottle and can’t remember what this is. Could you identify it and possibly give me a
new bottle?”
After a quick test, the pharmacist returned with an incredulous grin. “Miss, this is just a common vitamin tablet. You’ve probably
been taking it as a supplement, right?”
Whitney’s gaze sharpened. It was indeed a vitamin. Her thoughts raced. Why would Elaine mix vitamins with kidney medication,
pretending they were the same? And if she had just undergone a kidney donation surgery, she couldn’t possibly skip her
recovery medication.
Had Elaine not been taking her prescribed medicine at all?
As she drove, a chilling realization dawned on Whitney.
Chapter 196
Natalie had become a vegetable after kidney transplant surgery, and Elaine had insistently claimed she donated a kidney, her
scar visible to all, convincing Ludwik and everyone else.
But there was more to this story than met the eye.
Whitney made a call to Tiana, her voice low and steady. “Tiana, I need a favor. Can you look into the doctor who performed
Elaine’s kidney donation surgery, as well as her current treating physician? I suspect there might be something off with them.”
“What’s up, Whitney? The kidney donation for Elaine and Natalie’s transplant, they’re both supposed to happen at the same
time, right? It’s the same surgeon; is there an issue with him?”

*No, the issue is with Elaine. I have a hunch she’s not taking her post–op medicine. She’s pulling the wool over our eyes.”
“Huh?” Tiana was puzzled. Why wouldn’t someone take their medication after a kidney transplant surgery?
*Just look into it for me, will you? I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something fishy about this
whole transplant operation.”
After hanging up, Whitney sat quietly in thought for a moment before heading to the hospital.
Ludwik was outside in the corridor, puffing away on several cigarettes,
Felix arrived with dinner in hand, and he reached out to take it, then headed back into the hospital
Elaine was lying there, noticing the redness at the corners of his eyes from the smoke, she said with concern, “Ludwik, you really
should cut down on the smoking. You haven’t been sleeping, and last night, you…”
She paused, the hint of bitterness in her voice was clear, then, with empathetic understanding, she added, “Your nervous
condition hasn’t fully healed, and I’m still worried about you.”
At her words, Ludwik turned to look at her, his gaze becoming enigmatic.
He suddenly asked, “Elaine, I have a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you. I need you to answer me truthfully.”
Elaine was taken aback for a moment, a sense of wariness flickering through her heart, but she managed a smile, “What’s the

Chapter 197
As the hospital’s surveillance mysteriously gone, Ludwik’s sharp gaze met Elaine’s. “You know, the night I had that hysterical
episode, you cured my insomnia. I slept like a log and was clear-headed the next day. But last week in Amoria Country, you
seemed to lose your touch. And there’s something odd-next to Whitney, I always drift off without a hitch. Why is that?”
Elaine’s heart skipped a beat. That night, it was Whitney by his side. Was he suggesting that with Whitney present, he could
sleep again?
Damn it.
Perhaps it was because Whitney had once saved Ludwik four years ago, creating a dependency in him for her presence to
Ludwik rubbed his brow. “I don’t mean anything by it, just that your treatments for me are hit or miss.”
“Ludwik!” Elaine’s hand tightened within her sleeve, feigning calmness with a pained expression. “You’re being unfair. Insomnia
is a global puzzle that remains unsolved. I’m glad I can sometimes help you find rest. If not, it might be due to your mood that
day. I’m looking into your insomnia, you mentioned Whitney helps you sleep, right?”
His eyes shifted as he nodded. It was indeed peculiar, Whitney wasn’t the girl who had saved him four years ago. Elaine was, yet
he didn’t seem to have the same instinctual reliance on her.
Watching his eyes change, Elaine felt a chill. With veiled meaning, she said, “Remember, Ludwik, Whitney came to you with a
purpose. She’s got to find ways to endear herself to you, earn your trust. What if she’s using some method to make you sleep?”
Ludwik froze on her words.
Elaine quickly added, “She claimed to be skilled in acupuncture, didn’t she? You don’t know, but there are some dubious
practices in traditional medicine-techniques I would never use on you. But her?
That’s not so certain.”
She insinuated, “I’m not speculating maliciously, but if she can stoop to taking photos to humiliate me, think about it, is she really
that innocent?”

She purposely brought up the photo incident, knowing Ludwik was aware of Whitney’s wrongdoing. His expression darkened.
“You said you wanted to observe my hysteria, but Whitney’s been medicating me. Seems to help a bit,” he admitted.
Elaine’s heart clenched, but she maintained a composed, bitter smile. “If you find her medicine helpful, that’s good to hear. Each
person’s treatments differ. Maybe you can show it to me? I suspect it’s something to boost vitality.”
She inwardly scorned, Whitney’s medicine was nothing but a supplement.
Ludwik, not versed in medicine, shook his head. “I’ve already taken today’s dose.”
Elaine cursed inwardly, knowing she needed to get her hands on Whitney’s formula soon.
Now, Ludwik seemed to doubt whether it was Elaine who had saved him that night, as she couldn’t cure his insomnia.
She had to play her card. “Ludwik, I saved you four years ago. I am confident about your condition. Whether Whitney stumbled
upon something useful is up for debate.”
Remembering the past, Ludwik’s eyes softened. Elaine had saved his life; he shouldn’t doubt her. Whitney’s medicine might just
be a boost after all.
He changed the subject. “You should eat first.”
“Given the injustice you just accused me of, I’d like you to feed me.” Elaine’s relief was palpable as she cooed shyly. Her wrist
feigned weakness.
Understanding her frailty, Ludwik didn’t refuse. He scooped up a spoonful of porridge and passed it gently to her.
Leaning in, Elaine’s lips parted invitingly. She intentionally let a drop spill on her lips, “Oops… I made a mess.”

Ludwik turned to grab a wet wipe, but Elaine caught his thumb, drawing it to her lips in an intimate
He stiffened.
Elaine stuck out her tongue innocently, “Sorry, Ludwik! Growing up by my mother’s side, I got used to this. I forgot about your
need for cleanliness.”
He assumed it wasn’t intentional, leaned in to clean her up, his voice low and cool, “It’s okay, I’ve got
Their bodies awkwardly close, and Ludwik’s towering presence almost enveloped her.
Breathing in his enticing scent, Elaine’s cheeks flushed.
Just then, the door to the room swung open.
Whitney, carrying a large bag, walked in on the scene.
Ludwik’s back to her, he seemed to be embracing Elaine, perhaps even kissing, his hand carefully wiping her mouth.
Across Ludwik’s arm, Elaine’s mouth curled into a cold smile, her voice weak, “Ms. Valentine, you’ve

Ludwik turned, noticing Whitney, his hand instinctively retracting from Elaine’s mouth.
Seeing Whitney’s icy demeanor, he felt his actions were unnecessary.
“What did you want me for?” Whitney asked, trying to ignore the sting of jealousy from witnessing
their interaction.
Ludwik’s handsome face cooled as he continued to feed Elaine, recalling the photo incident and his anger towards Whitney, his
tone dropping colder, “You intentionally upset Elaine into the hospital. Why take that kind of photo and sent to her? Apologize to
Whitney had anticipated Elaine’s drama on her way over. But she didn’t expect such a performance, Elaine lying in the hospital,
commanding his full attention.
But why should she apologize?
Whitney, her fists clenched and face twisted in sarcasm, faced the biased man, “What wrong have I
Chapter 197
done? Last night, Elaine wouldn’t stop calling, so I just showed her the truth. Or are you claiming you didn’t force me, Ludwik?”
“Don’t twist my words,” Ludwik shot back, finding her defiance infuriating yet alluring.
Tears streamed down Elaine’s face. Embarrassed, Ludwik stepped over to restrain Whitney, his voice a low growl, “Do you really
want to go into details? Have you no shame? Enough with your schemes; she’s sick, stop provoking her!”
“Feeling all torn up about her, huh?” Whitney couldn’t help but lace her words with a touch of bitter sarcasm, watching his worried
expression like a splash of cold water to her face.
At the summit, he had been so heartless towards her, so merciless the night before, as he vented his

And today, Elaine was playing up her sickness, and he was all tenderness and care.
Whitney told herself that he hated her now, that his cold indifference was deliberate, and that she had to endure it, to win back
his affection. But sometimes it just cut too deep.
Unable to hold back her biting tone, she jeered, “Wasn’t it you, Mr. Lippert, who drove her to the hospital with your mock illness?
If apologies are in order, you should be the one giving them.
Elaine set me up at the summit, and last night, I just returned some favor, showing her what it feels like to have the tables turned
on her.”
Elaine panicked at the accusation of faking her illness and dragging the summit’s events into the light. She leaned weakly
towards Ludwik, “Ludwik, she isn’t here to apologize sincerely. She’s turning the tables on me. I didn’t frame her; why is she
slandering me?”
Whitney scoffed at Elaine’s act, knowing she couldn’t match her in deceit.
She could see the man’s gaze growing colder by the second.
Ludwik’s eyes swept towards Whitney with a chill, “Enough is enough. You keep saying she sabotaged you at the summit. Do
you have any proof?”

Chapter 198
“I’ve told you before, it was her who deliberately leaked our divorce news to the male bosses there. Just look into it and you’ll
know!” Whitney felt a pang of disappointment in him.
He didn’t investigate; he just took Elaine’s word for it without question.
Elaine’s grip tightened for a moment as a thought struck her, then she relaxed, sneering at Whitney, “Ludwik, I admit I was at
fault. I did talk to Ashton that day, and I might have accidentally mentioned your divorce settlement. Perhaps he…”
Ludwik got it.
He whipped out his phone and dialed Ashton’s number on speakerphone.
With Whitney watching, Ashton picked up, and Ludwik asked with a cold edge, “Did Elaine tell you about my signing the divorce
papers that day? Did you tell anyone else afterward?”
Ashton hesitated, then said, “Maybe I blabbed after a few drinks? You can’t blame Elaine for this; I was loud, and a few people
passing by might have overheard.”
Ludwik hung up, shooting Whitney a frosty look, “Satisfied? It wasn’t Elaine who spread the word about our divorce; it was
Ashton. Stop trying to pin this on her!”
Whitney really began to question his intelligence.
He was so ruthless in business, yet so blind to these shady tactics.
It was clear as day that Ashton was Elaine’s lapdog; he’d take the fall for her.
Elaine was cunning, leaking it to Ashton first as a smokescreen. That night, everyone knew about their divorce. These things
don’t spread so quickly without someone behind it.
Elaine looked triumphantly at Whitney, her voice dripping with feigned distress, “Ludwik, Ms. Valentine keeps coming at me,
maybe she hasn’t given up yet. I wanted to talk to you about my birthday at the end of February. My parents called again today,
hoping we could move up our engagement.”
“They’re worried, in case I don’t have much time left.”

“Elaine, that won’t happen,” Ludwik frowned, trying to soothe her.
Elaine’s eyes welled up, pleading, “Ludwik, my future is uncertain, and I’d love to be engaged to you on my birthday. Can you
grant me that wish? I’ve given you everything, I hope it wasn’t for nothing. Can’t you pity me?”
Her teary emotional blackmail made Ludwik think of all she had done for him, four years ago, and now. Ludwik’s brow furrowed,
his vision blurred, his steely gaze almost instinctively flicking to Whitney.
He actually cared about her reaction. He wanted her to shake her head fiercely, to come over and cling to him, insisting she
didn’t agree.
He longed to see even a trace of her being worried about him.
But Whitney had been frozen out by Elaine’s words, momentarily paralyzed, unable to react.
Chapter 198
Her heart was so cold, she glanced at Ludwik, seeing that he hadn’t refused.
The next second, she plummeted into an abyss. She finally understood why Elaine had summoned her today. The real knife was
waiting here.
Ludwik waited, but Whitney offered no resistance. She remained indifferent, as if she didn’t care.
Hmm, fine.
Ludwik’s head dropped, his voice laced with sarcasm, “Fine, we’ll get engaged on your birthday. Consider it a birthday present.”

Elaine grasped his hand in disbelief, her heart leaping with joy, “Ludwik, you really agreed?”
Ludwik glanced coldly at Whitney, smiling, “Elaine, didn’t I promise you we’d go see a movie on Valentine’s Day? Shall we?”
“Ludwik, you really spoil me!” Elaine reveled in his reaction, knowing it was a dig at Whitney.
She snuggled against Ludwik in a show of demure affection, taunting the stunned Whitney, “Ms. Valentine, would you mind
fetching my heels?”
Whitney didn’t move. Ludwik’s irritation grew, his voice frigid, “Aren’t you going to get them?”
His tone, commanding like a master to a servant, stabbed Whitney’s ears, but she felt nothing.
Her heart was already shattered by his words about the engagement as a birthday present to Elaine. The pain engulfed her.
It seemed he truly wanted the divorce. Whitney, do you still want to save this?
He might be beyond waking up, as Bryce said. Perhaps you’re no longer in his heart.
Despair struck Whitney, her tears hidden, refusing to show.
She numbly picked up the heels, and holding her slightly aching belly, she tossed them at Elaine’s feet and silently walked away.
“Stop!” Ludwik watched her retreating figure, the slumped shoulders, the indifferent profile, and he felt a suffocating annoyance,
“Did I say you could leave?”
Elaine’s eyes gleamed with malice, pretending to be considerate, “Ludwik, why don’t we take Ms. Valentine to the movies with
us? After all, she has medical knowledge; she could look after me if I feel unwell, right, Ms. Valentine?”

Even Felix frowned at the humiliating command. He was about to speak up for the young mistress when Ludwik, for some
unfathomable reason, snapped, “Let her serve you!”
Felix rubbed his forehead in disbelief. Mr. Lippert, that’s not what you’re thinking, is it? Why do this to her? And the poor lady, she
turned as pale as a sheet.
“Ludwik, you do spoil me,” Elaine cooed, leaning weakly against him.
Ludwik escorted her out of the hospital room, driving to the cinema himself.
Felix had no choice but to bring Whitney along.
Inside the movie theater, Ludwik waved his hand, directing Felix to book the entire room.
Elaine’s eyes sparkled with delight; the scenes she’d fantasized about countless times were coming
Chapter 198
Whitney probably never even watched a movie with Ludwik!
Delighted with the thought, she was bubbling with triumph as they approached the entrance, but Felix hesitated, “The waiting
area outside is cold; there are no heating. Mr. Lippert, with Ms. Valentine pregnant, maybe she should come in to watch the
“No need,” the usually distant Whitney spoke up.
Ludwik’s steely gaze stiffened for a moment, but if she were to gracefully accept Felix’s offer, he wasn’t entirely opposed to the
He also noticed the draft in the lobby was chilling, and she had started to shiver.
This ungrateful wench.

His eyes frosted over, a cold smirk on his lips, “Elaine, let’s head inside. We don’t need any riffraff disturbing us.”
Whitney dug her nails into her palms until crescents of crimson marked her skin.
As she watched him wrap his arm around Elaine and head into the theater, her world turned upside
< F
They had never managed to watch a movie together during their happiest times. It wasn’t for a lack of longing on her part; she
had thought there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.
Opportunities there were, indeed, only the person by his side had changed.
End of the month, huh? Their engagement was set.
It was as though an invisible force was pushing her back into a corner of the wall. Felix, seeing her unstable, quickly reached out
to steady her.
But he could see the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.
Felix felt a blockage in his chest, “Madam, Mr. Lippert has agreed to the engagement, though it seems to be out of spite. He’s
acting on impulse right now, his resentment might fade with time.”
Would time be the healer? Would her suffering and submissiveness bring him back?
A LO S Suo
Whitney wasn’t so sure anymore.
She forced a smile, “I’m fine. I just need some fresh air.”
Once outside the cinema, taking a moment to clear her head, she remembered the real reason she had come out tonight, and it
wasn’t to wait on Elaine.
She quickly sent off a text on her phone.
Desperate about Natalie’s health, she reached out to the only person she thought could help.


Chapter 199
In the opulent grandeur of the silver screen’s embrace, Elaine nestled snugly beside Ludwik in the plush velvet cinema seats.
Her heart fluttered like a caged bird as she stole glances at his chiseled features, a heady mix of sweetness and triumph
bubbling within her.
Just hours earlier, her temper had flared over the photo Whitney sent, prompting a frantic call to her mother for counsel.
Her mother had told her to feign hospital stay to throw Whitney off balance, and cautioned, “You can’t let Natalie kick the bucket
just yet, darling. Bear with it. You’re at the cusp of getting engaged to Ludwik; if she stirs trouble now, his heart will be elsewhere.
You need to ensnare his affections fast. Once the engagement is official, you’ll find the right moment to deal with her. Then, with
the title of Mrs. Lippert securely yours, what’s there to fear?”
Her mother was spot on, which is why Elaine was basking in today’s triumph of setting an engagement date with Ludwik.
She had relished publicly humiliating Whitney, a sweet release at last.
Now, she needed to expedite matters with Ludwik, to cement their relationship beyond doubt.
As the movie screen flickered to a kissing scene, Elaine feigned coyness, her head inching involuntarily towards his broad chest.
But Ludwik’s mind was miles away from the on–screen romance, his gaze shifting to his phone more often than the film
Elaine’s lips had barely grazed his jawline when Ludwik abruptly came to, instinctively turning away as he rose with grace,
“Elaine, I’ll be right back. Need to use the restroom.”
Elaine drew a sharp breath, watching his retreating back with a mix of desire and frustration.
Outside, Ludwik, unable to concentrate inside the stifling cinema, stepped out for a smoke.
After pacing around without finding her, his brows furrowed deeply in irritation.
“Felix, I thought I told you to keep an eye on her. Who let her leave?”
Felix emerged, internally sighing at his boss’s distracted state, and pointed discreetly towards the street opposite the cinema,
“Ms. Valentine said she needed some fresh air. I kept a watch; she’s just

over there.”
Following Felix’s indication, Ludwik finished his cigarette and strode purposefully out into the night. As he reached the vibrant
strip of eateries, his steps faltered.
There she stood, Whitney, frail and thinly clad in front of a bustling barbecue stand. Like a statue, she gazed on, her raven hair
whipping across her pale face in the chilly night breeze.
Memories flooded Ludwik’s mind, constricting his chest with a sudden ache. It was the spot where they had reconciled, their first
date after patching things up.
“I’d really go for barbecue right now, L!”
“The place is called ‘Destiny Barbecue‘, and there’s ‘Romance Inn‘ too.”
He teased the petite woman beside him, “Romance Inn? Maybe we can stop by afterward.”
The unexpected sweetness pierced his heart like a warm needle, sinking deep into his core.
Ludwik’s gaze followed hers, landing on the very spot they had once shared a meal. She had been so adorable, directing him to
order her favorite toppings.
When she pouted about the other boyfriends being more attentive, he, filled with tender affection, had chased after her with a
napkin, dabbing at her lips. Later, she had coyly sought a kiss, wanting to taste something sweeter from his lips.
His throat tightened, eyes clouding with a distant longing, his fists clenched at his side.

Was she thinking the same? Did she wonder why everything had fallen apart?
“Miss, I remember you! You were here with a very handsome boyfriend last time. Oh, he’s not with you today? Don’t stand out
here; come in and eat.”
The owner of Destiny Barbecue approached Whitney with concern after seeing her linger for so long.
Caught like a thief, she hastily wiped her eyes and shook her head, “No, thanks. I’m good.”
“But your baby might be craving something. Pregnant ladies shouldn’t miss out on their cravings. I’ll have a word with your
boyfriend when he comes to pick you up; he shouldn’t be too hard on you!” The owner joked.
Whitney managed a wistful smile, “He won’t be coming.”
The owner’s expression faltered. As Whitney turned to leave, she couldn’t resist one more glance back. Her eyes, glistening
under the moonlight, seemed to seep into Ludwik’s heart, softening it inexplicably.
He watched her small figure recede, rubbing his brow, and sighed, “Felix, get a barbecue to go.”
Felix couldn’t help but smirk, knowing well that Mr. Lippert was buying it for Whitney. Mr. Lippert was softening; his mood always
swayed by her.
Ludwik lit another cigarette as he saw her disappear around the corner onto another street lined with late–night food stalls.
Compelled, he followed from a distance, stopping just short of a planter as he dropped his cigarette butt.
His heart lurched as he saw Whitney pause by a car, a man stepping out to greet her.
Whitney glanced at her watch and smiled, “Mr. Lutz, punctual as always.”

“A rare occasion for you to reach out to me,” Bryce, spotting a narrow spot by the curb, gently supported her waist, careful of her
condition, “It’s crowded here; let’s find somewhere to sit.”
Whitney’s gaze, perhaps still lured by the scent of Destiny Barbecue, lingered on it once more.
“Craving a barbecue? Then let’s go,” Bryce suggested, noticing the pallor of her lips.
Whitney hesitated, the taste of those flavors a distant but poignant memory.
No, it wasn’t the same place as before.
Quietly, they entered the stand, Whitney politely inquiring, “Mr. Lutz, you’re adjusting okay here, right?”
“Don’t think of me as delicate. I’ve lived abroad for years; I’ve experienced all sorts of living conditions.”
Chapter 199
Bryce chuckled lightly, deftly prepping a simple plate for her and glanced at her belly, “Everything’s been alright since you left my
place that night? I’ve been concerned for you.”
Whitney stiffened slightly, unable to divulge what had transpired when she returned to Ludwik’s place. She forced a smile, “The
baby and I are doing fine.”
“But you don’t look well. You even visited the hospital today,” he noted with furrowed brows.
Was he following her? She dared not dwell on the concern in his gaze, instead pulling out a vial from her pocket and cutting to
the chase, “Mr. Lutz, I need a favor. Could you have this blood sample analyzed for me? It must be kept strictly confidential and
accurate. After considering my options, I believe only someone with your resources can help me.”
“For such a small favor, I only wish you’d ask more of me.”
grasp. The
Bryce reached over, his hand subtly covering hers as he took the test tube from her warmth of his palm was reassuring, and the
slight smile on his lips told her not to worry.
A flicker of warmth crossed Whitney’s heart.

“Mr. Lippert! The barbecue for Madam is ready. Will you be delivering it to her personally?” Felix bounded over, his face lit up
with excitement as he clutched the neatly packed takeout box. But he found Ludwik standing motionless on the street, his
presence as still as a statue.
The cigarette hanging from his lips had burned down to the filter, the glowing ember casting a sinister light into his icy gaze.
Ludwik slowly took the food, glanced at it, and let out a chuckle.
With a turn, he tossed the food straight into the trash can!
Felix, confused by his actions, followed Ludwik’s scornful gaze and took a sharp breath.
How could the young madam be sitting in this eatery with Bryce??
Bryce’s hand was still hesitantly pulling away from Madam’s delicate hand.
Damn it.
Did Mr. Lippert see it all?
Before he could gather his thoughts, the man beside him, radiating a chilling aura, strode into the eatery.


Chapter 200
After asking for the favor, Whitney finally relaxed and picked up the menu to order, “So, Mr. Lutz, what will you have?”
“Call me Bryce, would that be okay?” His smooth voice carried a warmth with it.
Whitney paused, looked up, and met his gentle gaze. With a resigned smile, she said, “Bryce, it’s my treat.*
The man chuckled, “Alright. But you haven’t answer my question yet.”
Whitney was speechless, and quickly turned to place their order.
But Bryce wasn’t one to let her deflect the topic easily. He caught the sleeve of her blouse and sighed deeply, “With your frequent
hospital visits, the baby’s at risk. You can’t keep bending backwards for him to torment you. I hope you’ll seriously consider your
future, and the child’s.”
“I mean every word. I’m waiting for you, and I want to be with you, pregnant or not. Just give me a chance.”
“What kind of chance? The chance of swooping in on someone else’s wife?” A mocking voice interrupted them, and Ludwik
loomed over the table, casting a shadow over Whitney.
She looked up sharply as Ludwik kicked back a chair and sat down uninvited.
He smirked at Bryce, his natural air of authority palpable.
The two men were evenly matched, but the women nearby couldn’t help but give Ludwik, with his sharp edges and dominant
presence, more attention.
Unruffled by the sarcasm, Bryce met his gaze evenly and with a smile suggested, “Mr. Lippert, there are plenty of empty tables
around. Why squeeze in with us?”
“Us?” Ludwik chuckled darkly, “Is there an ‘us’ between you two?”
His biting words clenched Whitney’s fists, a numb pain at her heart.
Bryce gave her a reassuring glance and coolly retorted, “Mr. Lippert, no need to be so aggressive. Since you’ve moved on to
someone else, let Whitney go. That Elaine who was with you the other day seemed quite a match for you.”

He added with a hint of irony, “As I understand it, you’re engaged to Elaine at the end of the month, aren’t you?”
Ludwik’s eyes danced mockingly to Whitney, “Eager to share the news with your new lover?”
“Ludwik, mind your language.” Whitney took a deep breath, barely containing her frustration as she clarified, “Bryce and I are
completely innocent!”
“Wearing his shirt, meeting up eagerly before the ink is dry on the divorce papers – how innocent can you be? Can you get any
more hypocritical?”
She closed her eyes tightly, feeling bitter and powerless.
“Mr. Lippert, she had to change into a new shirt at the summit because you neglected her, and she, being pregnant, had an
accident. Also, she didn’t tell me anything. I simply learned you were getting
a divorce and decided to find out more because I plan to pursue her,” Bryce explained with a chill in his volce..
An accident? Ludwik’s eyes darkened dangerously at the thought of such intimate details witnessed by Bryce. His forehead
veinis bulged as he glared at Whitney.
Whitney, oblivious to why his gaze had turned so terrifying, suddenly found herself yanked from her seat and pulled into his cold
He pinched her chin, and Bryce’s demeanor changed as he caught Whitney’s other hand, his eyes flashing with danger, “Mr.
Lippert, what do you think you’re doing in broad daylight?”

“I’m getting intimate to my own woman. What’s it to you?”
“Bryce wants to pursue her? She’s not divorced yet; you can only watch what I choose to do.”
Ludwik’s eyes flared, and without hesitation, he captured Whitney’s lips in a deep, possessive kiss.
Whitney froze, desperately trying to pull away. “Ludwik! No… you shouldn’t…”
They were in the middle of a bustling diner, and her protests drew countless eyes. Humiliated, she was pinned against the table,
her movements uncooperative, her gaze flicking toward Bryce.
Enraged by her resistance, Ludwik growled against her lips, “You better be careful. Until the divorce is final, you’re mine!”
“Ludwik, enough! I refuse to play these tiresome games with you.”
Whitney stared at his handsome lips, recalling the hospital scene, wondering if he had already been intimate with Elaine in the
dark of the cinema. Her heart filled with revulsion.
The more she resisted, the more Ludwik saw it as a sign of her concern for Bryce’s opinion.
Ludwik tightened his grip around her waist, pulling her closer.
“Mr. Lippert, show some respect in public!” Bryce’s anger flared as he saw the woman in his arms shaking, vulnerable as a blade
of grass.
Cursing internally, Ludwik finally released her. In front of Bryce, he provocatively wiped the redness at Whitney’s lips, his touch
deliberately suggestive, “See this, Bryce? She’s been my woman. No matter how much you want her, she’s out of your reach.”

Whitney couldn’t believe the vile words he’d spoken.
Tears glimmered in her eyes as Bryce’s brow furrowed, “Whitney, come with me!”
Whitney attempted to leave,
Ludwik’s gaze turned icy with warning, “Don’t forget about your cousin. I still have her.”
Whitney stiffened, staring at him helplessly.
Ludwik pulled her out of the diner, and Felix promptly brought the car around.
He lifted her into the vehicle.
Bryce followed them out, his fist slamming into a pillar as he watched the Bentley drive away. He had never felt such rage.
All because she was still Ludwik’s wife, and he couldn’t take her away.
Chapter 200
A dark glint flickered in Bryce’s usually gentle eyes. It was time to play his hand.
He turned and made a call.
Elaine had been waiting in the cinema for half an hour.
Ludwik had gone to the restroom and never returned.
Her face shifted from anticipation to gloom as she sensed something was off.
She called Lyra immediately, who informed her, “Mr. Lippert left the cinema with that wretch and hasn’t been back.”
Elaine’s eyes turned frosty. Her Valentine’s Day, ruined by Ludwik’s absence!
It’s Whitney again! That woman just wouldn’t leave Ludwik alone!

When two attempts to reach Ludwik went unanswered, Elaine furiously tossed her popcorn away.
Lyra stormed in, her cheeks flushed with anger, “Miss, Felix just drove off, did Mr. Lippert ditch you on the way home?”
Elaine turned to face Lyra. A slap landed across Lyra’s face. “Why on earth would Ludwik ditch me? If you can’t speak properly,
then shut your trap!”
Lyra clutched her face, too scared to let out a sob.
In the Bentley, Whitney gripped her stomach tightly as the speed frightened her.
The tension inside the car was palpable. She attempted to speak, “Could you slow down-”
“You’d do well to keep quiet,” Ludwik said, his grip on the steering wheel betraying his tension.
Whitney was taken aback as she noticed the veins on his arms bulging, hinting at his troubled state. She chose to remain silent.
Finally, they arrived at the villa.
Ludwik didn’t wait for her to get out; he scooped her up roughly and carried her straight to a guest room on the first floor that
seemed rarely used.
He didn’t bother with the lights. Trapped between the door and his unyielding embrace, Whitney could feel the dangerous and
irrational gaze of the man in the dark.
She didn’t dare to meet his eyes, instead, she fished out a pill from her pocket and handed it to him indifferently, “If you can’t
keep your cool, then take this.”
“Heh.” He tossed the pill out the window, his chest heaving with emotion, “The reason I can’t be calm, isn’t that because of you?”
“As long as you’re here, my sickness won’t heal! Whitney, it’s all you.”
His voice was husky as he dragged her into the bathroom, glancing at the hand Bryce had touched, he lifted her under the
shower and turned on the hot water.
“Ah, are you insane?” The hot water forced Whitney’s eyes shut, and she trembled from the heat.

Love beyond the mask ( Whitney ) Chapter 191-195

Chapter 191
She put down her phone expressionlessly and leaned against the headboard, gently cradling her still stomach. Despite her
exhaustion, sleep eluded her.
Her eyelids drooped, and as she listened to his uneven breathing, Whitney stared blankly at him.
At some point, Ludwik’s large hand found its way to the edge of her stomach.
It was probably just an instinctive motion in his sleep.
A pang hit Whitney’s heart as she gazed at his face, surprisingly tender under the soft light, and a wave of uncertainty softened
Maybe it was only in his dreams that he could let go of his hatred for her, only then remembering they were expecting a child.
When awake, he didn’t want the child at all.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she cautiously stroked his hair, her movements slight and ambivalent. “Ludwik, I can’t fathom your
heart. I don’t know what you’re thinking. Do you despise me to the bone, or is there a sliver of space for me? In your sleep,
without malice, you fill me with a flicker of hope…” Exhausted, her words trailed off, and she collapsed onto the bed.
Ludwik awoke amid a softness he recognized, surrounded by her scent and tenderness.
He had slept surprisingly well. Opening his eyes, he found himself curled up in her arms.
His cheek against her belly, he could hear the faint stirrings of the little one inside.
His handsome face froze for a moment, filled with a chilling detachment that quickly blended with unguarded tenderness and
He looked up to see her pallid face, bruised at the neck and arms.
Ludwik lifted her shirt, eyeing the tortured marks on her pale waist, his gaze impenetrable.
Suddenly, she stirred slightly. His quickly let her shirt fall back into place.
Whitney slowly came to, and the first thing she saw was his piercing eyes, contemplating her in silence.

The air grew still, and he quickly moved to the headboard, lighting up a cigarette, his profile etched with post–coital devilry.
Despite not wanting to recall last night, Whitney’s cheeks flushed at the sight of his exposed torso.
“You look quite taken. Do I please you more than Bryce did?” Ludwik sneered, misinterpreting her blush.
Whitney felt as if doused in cold water. Last night could have been chalked up to his unmedicated frenzy. But this morning, was
he still drunk?
Or had he returned to his demonic self, needing to mock her to kickstart his day in good spirits?
Her hands trembled with the effort not to lash out, as she quickly got dressed.
“What’s the rush?” Ludwik flicked ash from his cigarette and hooked her chin, yesterday’s afterglow still on her face, a soft blush
framing her delicate features.
eyes trailed down from her neckline, igniting a fire within him that he couldn’t resist.
Before she could react, he pulled her back down.
“What are you doing now? Still drunk? You bastard, Ludwik! Let go of me. Last night, you promised to leave my cousin Yael
Her reference to their deal sent his anger soaring.

He gripped her shoulders, his own scent intoxicating him, his words dripping with cold sarcasm. “You think one time is enough for
a deal? You’re not that valuable!”
Whitney staggered at his taunt.
The fleeting warmth from his sleep, which she clung to for comfort, quickly dissipated.
Dreams were dreams, and the harsh reality was the cold–hearted man he became when he awoke. She sought his heart, but he
turned their relationship into a stark transaction. He knew how to wound.
The curtains closed out the morning light, and her voice was hollow. “Please, don’t hurt our child. I beg you.”
He paused, his face darkening, then continued.
An hour later, Ludwik turned away, dressing with his back to her.
Whitney struggled to breathe, her petite face ashen, sweat beading from pain.
His elegant shirt cloaked his brutishness as he regained his composure. Turning, his gaze coldly swept over her. “Get up. Make
me breakfast.”
Whitney, incredulous, furrowed her brows. “I can’t move. If you’re hungry, fend for yourself!”
She cautiously touched her belly.
Ludwik ignored her frailty, his lips curving cruelly as he threw back the covers. “I left you with just enough energy to cook. If you
want something from me, you’d best do as I say.”
Realizing his ruthlessness, she wanted to smother him with pillows, but she forced herself up, her steps faltering as she
descended the stairs.

In the kitchen, even in an apartment, space was ample.
The fridge held only a few basic ingredients.
Drained, her lips were white, she managed to made some scrambled eggs.
Pregnant, she needed nutrients, so she ate half before he emerged from the shower.
Ludwik, his frame towering on the stairwell, watched her silently, his gaze unreadable.
Deep within, he loathed himself for being with her twice.
Last night’s excuses were illness, drunken madness.
Chapter 181
But that morning, sober, he was supposed to despise her, with no room for sentiment
Yet, his body betrayed him. The night’s passion led to another loss of control
She couldn’t know, so he lashed out verbally, reducing it to a transaction.
Seeing her empty, despairing expression, he found no joy in his vengeance,
Unhappy himself, he cycled through tormenting her.
Watching her tremble as she walked, a heaviness settled in his chest.
These emotions were beyond his control. He didn’t understand this was love and hate intertwined.

Felix, slipping in quietly, noticed Mr. Lippert staring fixedly at the kitchen, his fists clenched,
He understood Mr. Lippert’s turmoil well,
Last night, Mr. Lippert had….
Felix coughed inwardly, the sounds reaching him even downstairs.
“Here you are,” Ludwik said, catching sight of Felix and swiftly masking his emotions.
He looked away from the woman in the kitchen and descended coldly, “What are you preparing, a royal feast? Breakfast isn’t
ready yet?”
Whitney almost choked on her eggs, hastily swallowing. She shot him a glance and removed the remaining eggs from the pan.
Ludwik’s phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, a flicker of hesitation crossed his face before he walked to the window to answer.
“Elaine, good morning.”
Whitney carried the breakfast tray out to the sound of his voice, as tender as a lover’s whisper.
Such warmth in his tone was a stark contrast to the cold shoulder he gave her.
She told herself not to look his way, but masochistically, her eyes betrayed her, stealing a glance at his profile.
Sure enough, the man sported a gentle curve at the corner of his lips as he asked with concern, “Did you sleep well last night?”
“Did the pain wake you again? I’m sorry, I… got tied up with something and didn’t make it back home last night.”
Whitney noticed a flicker of guilt in the depths of his eyes.
She forced a smile, her gaze fixed on the scrambled eggs.
“You have to get an IV today? I’ll try to swing by later, then. Breakfast? I know you’re a good cook. Maybe some other time.”
He continued to soothe the woman on the other end of the phone.
Whitney felt a chill run through her.

This was like a husband lying to his wife, while she was nothing more than a discarded mistress. He and Elaine were getting
engaged, he wanted a divorce from her, he had asked her to trade her
body for Yael. In his heart, she had been relegated to a contemptible place.
Unconsciously, she tightened her grip on her fork.
Ludwik ended the call and turned to see her hands covered in yolk, a sneer crossed his face, “What’s the matter, can’t handle a
few words between me and Elaine? You’re the one who insisted on staying at my place. Get used to scenes like this; there will
be plenty more.”

Chapter 192
He took the eggs from her, plopping down to eat it.
Whitney just watched him quietly, mustering a smile. “Ludwik, are you simply indulging Elaine or are you truly in the dark?”
“About what?” He was clearly irritated.
Whitney took a deep breath. “Yesterday, it was your precious Elaine who deliberately lured me to the Oceanus Hotel. And Nyx,
she’s not even eligible to attend the summit, yet she found me there. Who gave her the invitation to get in? Think about it, the
news of our divorce, only you, me, the lawyer, Felix, and Elaine knew about it. Felix and the lawyer are tight–lipped, so who
spilled the beans last night? Those men at the table, they pounced on the divorce to give me a hard time. Can’t you see it’s all
Elaine’s plotting? She wants to embarrass me in public!”
Ludwik just snorted after hearing her out, his eyes narrowed coldly. “Don’t tell me you think that sleeping with me once has
turned me into a fool?”
“Whitney, you really can’t wait to show your true colors. It’s all Elaine’s doing? Everything’s her fault, you’re the innocent one, you
never damaged Imperial Gem Corporation, never turned Natalie into.a vegetable. How did I never see through your incessant
lies before, blaming everyone else!”
Whitney was at a loss for words, she laughed lightly at him. “You really are playing the fool right now. You hate me, so you refuse
to listen to anything I say. You only believe what you want to believe. Why don’t you go find out who leaked the news of our
divorce last night?”
Ludwik frowned deeply.
Whitney stood by the table, locking eyes with his sickly handsome face, and suddenly said, “You slept so well last night,
otherwise you wouldn’t have the energy to scold me now, would you? Don’t you remember? The night you had a hysterical
episode in the hospital, you slept just as well, which made you wake up earlier the next day.”
“Let me ask you, during the week you disappeared, with Elaine by your side, did you sleep well at all?” His frown deepened. He
had been away in Amoria Country for a week, with Elaine keeping vigil for hours every night, yet he had not found rest. He
scoffed, “Don’t try to make a point using my sleep, or that night with the hysterics. I know Elaine saved me, what are you trying to

Whitney bitterly smiled to herself. She reached for a Western analogy, “Ludwik, poor sleep is also a trigger for hysterical
episodes. Since Elaine can cure you, why don’t you ask her why she hasn’t cured your insomnia? And what treatment has she
given you these past few days?”
Ludwik pursed his lips tightly.
Whitney turned to Felix, her laugh was cold, “Even Felix knew to come find me last night. What do you think that means? If Felix
thought Elaine could cure you, he would have sought her out last night.”
Felix was inadvertently dragged into the fray.
Ludwik glanced at him, his gaze sinking into contemplation.
Indeed, Elaine hadn’t started any treatment this week, saying his condition needed observation.
Chapter 192
Yet Whitney insisted on giving him her medication. Also, the strange fact that he could sleep by Whitney’s side, something he
had realized long ago…
Suddenly, with a “bang“, Whitney’s face turned pale and she slowly slid down the table.
“Madam, what’s wrong?” Felix was quick to rush over.

Ludwik snapped back to reality, looking at the woman sprawled on the floor, he set down the and approached her with a tight
face. “What trick are you pulling now, Whitney?”
But she was motionless.
His eyes darkened as they landed on her abdomen, a flicker of unease passing through.
“Mr. Lippert, could the madam be overtired?” Felix asked with a meaningful tone.
Ludwik’s expressionless face belied his quickening heartbeat. He knew very well how rough he had been last night and this
He pinched the bridge of his nose and said in a low voice, “Get the driver to prepare the car.”
Felix, somewhat worried, immediately made the call while Ludwik carried Whitney down without a word.
The car sped to the nearest hospital.
In the emergency room, the doctors placed Whitney on the bed and drew the curtain for a check–up. Coming out with a stern
look, the doctor fixed Felix and Ludwik with a glare. “Which one of you is the husband of this pregnant woman?”
Felix awkwardly shrank back.
Ludwik nodded, the cool and imposing man giving the doctor pause.
The doctor took Ludwik aside into another office, barely containing his anger. “You’ve really gone too far. Your wife is over six
months pregnant, a time when she needs rest. Her fetal position isn’t good, and here you are, causing her injury for your own
selfish reasons!”

“Injury?” Ludwik was puzzled.
The female doctor was not amused, “Tear wounds; she needs dressing. Her stress levels were high, leading to abdominal pain.
She’s carrying twins, for heaven’s sake. Can’t you show some restraint and care? You husbands!”
She muttered under her breath, not noticing the man’s tightening features.
Ludwik’s eyes were dark and stormy, his thoughts unreadable. He wasn’t supposed to care for her, he wanted her to suffer. But
now, his own heart was also aching slightly.
He leaned against the wall, lighting a cigarette in frustration.
The doctor returned with the ultrasound results, her tone snappy, “Sir, take a look at your two adorable children. Please pay more
attention to your wife!”
gaze fell on the report, staring blankly. He didn’t reach for the ultrasound print for a long
Chapter 102
Seeing the handsome man’s indifference to even his children’s scans, the doctor slammed ther down on the desk, shaking her
head in disappointment. “It’s a shame such a beautiful woman ended up with such a husband, Pregnant with twins and still
With that, she walked away.
Ludwik’s lips curled into a self–deprecating smile; to Felix, it looked both cold and despondent.

Tll go check on the madam,” Felix found an excuse to leave,
When he returned, he found that the ultrasound print on the windowsill had vanished.
Surely Mr. Lippert had taken it.
He claimed he didn’t want children, but when the madam fell, he was quick to check the back of her dress. One’s own flesh and
blood, how could he bear to part? Even refusing to look at the ultrasound was too much for him.
Felix sighed inwardly, wondering how to untangle the knotty relationship between the madam and Mr. Lippert,
Felix raced into the hospital room, breathless. “Madam, you’re awake?”
After a restful sleep, Whitney felt somewhat better. A cool sensation enveloped her body–a sure sign that the doctor had applied
some medication.
There must have been an injury. Ludwik had lost control, utterly reckless.
Whitney touched her abdomen, a wave of concern washing over her. “Felix, could you please check with the doctor if I’ve had an
ultrasound? I’d like to see.”
Felix paused, scratching his head in hesitation. “Just a moment, I’ll go ask.”
Usually, Mr. Lippert insisted on a particular hospital, one that kept the secret of the twins from the young madam.
But this hospital visit was unplanned, and Félix quickly sought confirmation from Mr. Lippert,
The man sitting on the bench in the hallway, frowning in silence, didn’t utter a word.
Felix understood. He pulled some strings, and the doctor produced an ultrasound image of a single baby, which he then handed
to Whitney.
The report indicated a low–lying pregnancy but no significant abnormalities. Whitney gazed at the tiny shadow on the
ultrasound–her child appeared so frail, not even seven months along. Her heart
melted with tenderness.
She vowed to eat well, to help her baby grow stronger and ensure a safe delivery.

Tucking the ultrasound report away, Whitney stepped out of the room and immediately spotted the man in the hallway, coldly
puffing on a cigarette.
He was still here.
Her fingers clenched. She didn’t want to look at him, let alone deal with him. She handed a yellow pill to Felix, instructing, “Make
sure he takes this at four o’clock. Felix, I’m heading home now.”
“Stop right there!”

Chapter 193
Ludwik frowned as he watched Whitney walk with an exaggerated sway in her step.
He moved closer, taking her delicate hand in his. His brow arched with a mocking challenge, “You want me to take this, so why
not give it to me yourself?”
Was he deliberately picking a fight?
“Wasn’t it you who refused to take it?” Whitney shot back with a hint of sarcasm.
Ludwik’s voice turned icy, “As if you’d dare poison me.”
Whitney’s heart ached. He would rather believe Elaine’s lies than trust in her remedies.
Suddenly, she found herself swept up in his arms.
“What are you doing?” Whitney pushed against him.
“What do you think I want to do?” His eyes were deep, carrying a mischievous glint.
Whitney fell silent.
As Ludwik carried her, his scent enveloped her, a familiar warmth she longed for. It felt like her heart was suspended in the air;
even the slightest softening from him sparked the fantasy that he might forgive her.
What had made her so meek? Was it the fear of losing him?
She looked down quietly. Then, her stomach growled audibly.
Whitney discreetly covered her belly.
Felix chuckled from the side, “Miss Valentine, seems like the little one’s hungry.”
Ludwik stiffened briefly, his expression unreadable, but he changed course toward the hospital cafeteria. It was a spotless and
hygienic place. He seated her at a table and sat across from her without a word.
Felix went to order food.

Whitney stole glances at Ludwik’s profile until she was interrupted by an elderly voice, tinged with amusement, “Ludwik, what a
Ludwik looked up and quickly rose to his feet, respectful, “Braxton, it’s been ages. What brings you to Banyan City?”
Hearing the name, Whitney turned sharply to see the renowned Braxton from the South City!
As a healer, she remembered every face she treated.
Braxton chatted with Ludwik, “I heard this little hospital had an impressive traditional healer. My stroke didn’t kill me thanks to a
young nurse who saved me with her acupuncture. I thought I’d come take a look!”
What? Whitney was startled. How did Braxton know it was a young nurse?
She averted her gaze.
Chapter 193
But Braxton had already noticed her scrutiny and turned to her sweet face.
“You are?” Braxton squinted at Whitney, examining her closely from her face to her slender hands.
His gaze shifted, even Ludwik noticed something was off. He interjected, “Braxton, is there something about my wife?”
“Your wife?” Braxton was taken aback.
To outsiders, Ludwik had no time to explain and referred to her as such. He nodded.

Braxton peered at Whitney, then chuckled with recognition, “No wonder, young lady, that night…”
Whitney glanced at Ludwik’s puzzled look and quickly signaled to Braxton not to reveal anything.
In front of her benefactor, Braxton caught on that the young lady had her concerns and paused.
“Do you know each other?” Ludwik asked sharply.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” Braxton laughed, shifting the topic, “Ludwik, I heard about your dramatic moves in Banyan City’s business
world. The company that won the South City land bid turns out to be backed by your brother. A little family rivalry in the Lippert
family, eh? But I wasn’t wrong about you. You’ve become the CEO of the Skyfaith Electronic Tech, outshining your previous
ventures. You’re probably going to make the Lippert family surrender the Imperial Gem Corporation, aren’t you?”
“That was always mine,” Ludwik said calmly.
Whitney watched him, knowing there was a storm of ruthlessness hidden beneath his calm, already strategizing as always. But it
was just making Orion jump through hoops.
Braxton didn’t say more, and after a meaningful look at Whitney, he left.
Whitney understood the old man’s intention. He probably wanted to thank her. Felix was still waiting on the meal, so she excused
herself to the restroom and left the table.
Following Braxton’s direction, she turned a corner and found him supported by his son, waiting for
“Young lady, did you save my life?” Braxton asked, his emotions stirring.

Whitney didn’t confirm, only smiling, “Sir, you have the aura of longevity.”
“I’m in my eighties, longevity enough. I know it was you. That night, I briefly opened my eyes and saw a young nurse with
needles working over my head. You were remarkable; after your treatment, my mind cleared. I caught a glimpse of your eyes,
just like these.”
Whitney laughed; she had been well–covered that night.
“You discreetly saved me to keep Ludwik Lippert out of jail?”
Knowing they were married, Braxton pieced the rest together.
But he wondered, “Why not let him know?”
Whitney paused before answering, “Sir, there was an error with the bidding due to my uncle, which also falls on me. It led to your
negotiation with him going awry, causing your condition. I didn’t want you to die, nor did I want him to face consequences, so I
discreetly came to your aid. However, it was still against medical regulations, and besides, telling him now is pointless. He has
deep misconceptions about me, and he might not believe me.”
Chapter 193
Her tone held a note of loss.
Braxton looked at her, smiled faintly, “A little couple’s quarrel?”
Whitney shook her head. If only it were that simple.
“Don’t worry, such a kind–hearted young lady like you. He’ll realize how much you love him eventually. You saved me at the risk
of being arrested. Could you leave me your contact information? If I ever fall ill again, I’d like to call on your expertise, and I’d pay
whatever it costs.”
“I never take money for my acupuncture; saving lives is second nature to me.” Whitney reached out and checked Braxton’s
pulse, “If you’ll excuse me.”

After checking his pulse, she nodded, “You’re doing great. Here’s my card.”
“Thank you, thank you so much!” Braxton said, treasuring the card. As he walked away, he said to his son, “What a kind–hearted
young lady. That Ludwik is one lucky guy.”
Perhaps it was the joy of having saved a life, seeing Braxton bouncing around with such vitality that brought a hint of happiness
to Whitney’s heart. She let out a soft sigh and sent a text to Felix; she wasn’t going to eat and would be leaving early.
Around the corner, just a stone’s throw away, Ludwik’s deep gaze followed Whitney as she walked
Felix was equally astonished.
“Mr. Lippert… it turns out, that night in South City, the missus wasn’t hiding out in Banyan City indifferent to your situation. On the
contrary, she went alone to save Braxton! And the next morning, she was misunderstood by you. And just now, she said that the
sabotage with the contract was Keegan’s doing, so she wasn’t involved in Keegan’s revenge against you!”
“I have ears!” Ludwik snapped. His tall frame tensed up.
He hadn’t expected to follow in secret only to overhear such news.
That night, she had secretly saved his life.
But why had she kept it a secret? And why was she still hiding it from him now?
He instructed, “Go confirm whether she really went to South City that night.”
Felix nodded, then added, “Mr. Lippert, I think Madam’s heart is with you in this revenge plot of Keegan’s. Could it be possible
that Keegan forced her into it? She risked jail to save Braxton. If she didn’t love you, why would she take such a risk?”
Ludwik closed his eyes, his heart fluttering slightly.
Had he finally found a shred of evidence that she cared for him?
Braxton had praised her acupuncture skills, and it seemed it was not without merit.
She had repeatedly lied, claiming that when he had his hysterical episode, it was she who stayed by his side.

Tiana had also vouched for her.
Suddenly, Ludwik asked, “Felix, that night, at the door of my hospital room, did you really see her there?”

Chapter 194
I indeed saw Miss Whitney! But I’m not certain if she ever stepped inside? That morning, Miss. Whitney even picked up some
cookies she wanted you to try, saying it was you who told her you had a hankering for Natalie’s cookies.”
Ludwik’s gaze narrowed. Cookies were something his mother used to make, something unknown even to Elaine. How could she
know about them?
Could it be that she really visited the hospital room that night?
He remembered sleeping soundly in Elaine’s arms, and when he woke up the next day, Elaine claimed to have cured him.
Yet Whitney scoffed and suggested he ask Elaine why he couldn’t fall asleep afterward.
Ludwik said, “Also, check the hospital’s surveillance footage from outside the room that night.”
After a full meal, Whitney returned to Everwood Villa Estate.
As soon as she opened the door, she heard a servant’s voice whisper, “She’s back.”
“Is she back?” Elaine immediately wheeled herself over, an IV drip in tow, her eyes brimming with tears, a picture of aggrieved
frailty, “Ludwik…”
When Whitney stepped in and saw her tear–streaked face, she couldn’t help but laugh.
“Waiting for someone, Elaine?”
Elaine stiffened at the sight of Whitney. Then, peering behind her and seeing no sign of Ludwik, disappointment flashed across
her face – he hadn’t returned! Anger surged within her, “What are you doing back here? Where’s Ludwik!”
Whitney shrugged off her scarf, disinterested in engaging with her.
Elaine caught a glimpse of a scandalous mark on Whitney’s neck, her nails digging into her palm with vexation, blocking
Whitney’s path and rising to her feet to slap her, “You bitch, feeling proud, are you? Flaunting that mark for me to see!”
Whitney glanced at her neck nonchalantly, whatever her true feelings were, she grabbed Elaine’s arm. Her face twisted into a
sneer, “Yes, I am proud. Your scheme at the conference backfired, pushing Ludwik right into my arms.”

“What does it mean to weave your own trap? Have you experienced it yet?”
“How are you feeling, Elaine? I’ve come on Ludwik’s behalf to check on you. Aren’t you in such a state you need an IV drip?”
Enraged, Elaine’s chest heaved, She almost spat blood at Whitney’s calm demeanor.
Forcing herself to remain composed, she swallowed the nasty feelings that surged at the sight of that photograph.
Elaine let out a hollow laugh, looking Whitney up and down with a hint of pity, “I don’t know what you’re so smug about, Whitney.
Do you know what you look like? A fallen woman playing the mistress. He sought you out for relief, that’s all. Men have their
flings. Do you think I can’t handle a little sand in my shoes? Ludwik and I are getting engaged soon. He will belong to me for the
rest of
Chapter 194
his life! I will be the blissful Mrs. Lippert.”
Whitney clenched her fist subtly, the mention of engagement a thorn in her side.
Elaine’s words felt eerily familiar; not long ago, she too had claimed Ludwik’s lifetime was hers.
But how the tables had turned.

Seeing Whitney fall silent, Elaine felt a slight release of her pent–up frustration, raising her eyebrows, “Lyra, the other maid is
back. Put her to work on whatever needs doing!”
Whitney snapped out of her reverie, realizing Taryn was no longer here.
Instead, a new, unfamiliar girl was present.
Her brows furrowed, “Elaine, what have you done with Taryn?”
“She’s a confidant of Natalie, isn’t she? I told Ludwik it would be perfect for her to look after her. Ludwik agreed without
hesitation.” Elaine’s tone was that of the lady of the house, looking down on Whitney as if she were a servant.
Whitney understood. Elaine had replaced Taryn to take control of the villa.
Taryn had helped her that morning, and Elaine held a grudge.
With Ludwik absent during the day and Taryn gone, it would be easier for Elaine to play dirty.
She pondered this quietly but realized it might not be entirely bad. After some thought, Whitney suddenly said to her, “Ludwik
promised to come see you today. Why didn’t he keep his word? Does that mean your IV drip is for show, and all your pretense is
for naught?”
Elaine wanted to tear her apart at her insinuating tone. She snapped back sarcastically, “There’s a heap of trash in the kitchen.
Get to it! And wash the dishes from my breakfast and lunch!”
Nonchalantly rolling up her sleeves, Whitney went about her chores.
Elaine watched her with a piercing gaze. This matter with the photo was far from over.

Malice flickered in her eyes. If Ludwik didn’t return, she would go to him herself. A man’s guilt had an expiration date, after all.
She’d show Whitney how she would beat her.
As expected, Elaine left the house, Whitney had deliberately provoked her to do so.
Watching the car pull away from the gate, she stealthily sent a text to Taryn.
After disposing of the trash, she quietly moved to the back of the separate building.
Taryn rushed out, her face twisted with conflict, “I’m sorry, Madam. Mr. Lippert has this place locked down tight, with more
bodyguards and cameras than ever. Plus, he’s explicitly forbidden you from visiting Natalie!”
Whitney pulled out the ultrasound report from her pocket, pleading, “Taryn, the baby’s six and a half months along. I went for an
ultrasound today. You know how much Natalie loves this grandchild. I want to show her the baby. Ever since her accident, I
haven’t been able to get close. I need to check on her condition!”
“It’s impossible…”
Chapter 194
“Taryn, please. Elaine deliberately reassigned you. You must have made up your mind about Elaine’s true color by now,”
“I trust you wouldn’t harm Natalie, but Mr. Lippert doesn’t… Oh dear.” Taryn saw the sincerity in Whitney’s eyes, her longing for
Natalie. Unable to bear it, she confided, “There’s surveillance everywhere in the ward, but they turn it off when it’s time to bathe
Whitney, crouching low, hid behind the railing, “I’ll wait here for you.”
Taryn nodded, “I’ll get you a nurse’s uniform.”
Whitney quickly called Tiana, giving her the IP address, asking her to hack the cameras for that time frame and make some
Once the family doctor had left and it was bath time, Taryn brought out the uniform,

Whitney changed into it and, led by Taryn, snuck into the building through the back door.
Natalie’s room had been moved to the ground floor. It was spacious and constantly
temperature–controlled, filled with all sorts of Western medical equipment, while monitors kept a vigilant watch over her.
The elderly woman lay there in silence, her frame much thinner, her breath barely audible.
Taryn sighed with sorrow, “Ma’am, to be honest, Mr. Lippert values Natalie’s life even more than his own. Nearly every night he
visits late into the hour. The doctors have said Natalie is a third brain–dead; her organs are slowly failing as she remains in this
vegetative state, and she may pass within three years. Do you still have any doubts?”
Whitney didn’t go into detail, “I practice acupuncture, so I wanted to check on Natalie.”
As she spoke, she placed her hand on Natalie’s wrist to feel the pulse.
The pulse was faint; Natalie was indeed living yet not.
Taryn and Xandra began to gently wipe down the elderly woman’s body. Whitney helped out, and as they turned Natalie to wipe
her other side, she quickly pricked Natalie’s finger with a needle and squeezed out a few drops of blood, catching them in a tiny
After collecting five or six drops, Whitney wiped Natalie’s finger with a cotton ball.
After making sure no one would notice, She slipped the vial into her pocket unnoticed.
After staying for about ten minutes, Taryn urged her, “The doctor will be here soon to administer the IV nutrients. Madam, you
should probably head out now.”
Whitney bowed her head, placing an ultrasound beside Natalie, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, “Natalie, this is your little
bundle of joy. See? He’s a bit on the lean side, but he’s healthy. I’m going to work hard to bring him into this world and show him
to you. Regardless of whether Ludwik wants him or not, he’s mine.”
Taryn choked up at the sentiment. Bending down, Whitney whispered, “If anyone has harmed you, I swear I’ll uncover the truth. I
won’t let you just lie here waiting for death!”

Chapter 195
After delivering her message, she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and hurried away.
Taryn saw her safely to the shade of the trees before slipping out of her uniform. Whitney silently made her way back to the main
house. She ducked into the backroom of Taryn’s quarters, a place mercifully free from prying eyes and surveillance.
In the privacy of the dimly lit room, Whitney pulled out the vial of blood and held it up to the light. She pierced it with a silver
needle used for testing toxins.
The needle didn’t change color.
But Whitney frowned, noting the blood’s unusually dark hue and thick consistency.
Natalie’s medical reports showed signs of amnesia, pancreatitis, and various minor ailments, but her diet was light and her blood
fat levels weren’t high.
The blood shouldn’t be this thick, and it was rare for an elderly woman’s blood to be so dark.
Her brow furrowed with concern. She was almost certain Elaine was up to no good; otherwise, Natalie wouldn’t be suffering from
kidney failure.
Attacking someone through their blood was the fastest way to induce rapid kidney failure!
That was the reason she had sent Elaine away today to get this sample.
There was definitely something off about this blood, but the silver needle had failed to detect it.
Elaine was clever, avoiding detection even by the doctors Ludwik had arranged for Natalie.
While Whitney was skilled in acupuncture, she was not versed in Western medical diagnostics. This sample needed to be sent to
a high–end medical testing facility for a thorough examination.
She pondered who to entrust with this delicate task. Tiana? No, both Nolan and Parker were too shrewd. If Ludwik discovered
she had drawn Natalie’s blood, who knows what misunderstandings might arise? Who could she ask for help?
In the office, Ludwik wrapped up a meeting.

Felix entered, “Mr. Lippert…”
Ludwik glanced at him and gestured for the secretary to leave. His gaze was deep and serious, “Did you find out?”
Felix nodded, “I’ve confirmed it. On the night of the bid, Madam booked a flight to the South City. She stabilized Braxton’s
bleeding around two in the morning, and then he went into surgery…”
Ludwik massaged his temples, realizing he may have judged her wrongly.
“I remember she only arrived at the police station the next morning, soaked to the skin. Where was she in between?”
“I couldn’t find that out. Perhaps Madam stayed at the hospital with Braxton?” Felix speculated.
Ludwik’s frown deepened with a mix of emotions. He then asked, “What about the hospital’s
surveillance that night?”
Felix frowned, “The cameras malfunctioned that night. The entire building was off the grid until they were fixed the next
afternoon. It’s strange, too coincidental… I wonder if someone tampered with
Who could it be?
That night, Orion and Kaden had cornered him in the corridor, with reporters swarming around.
It could have been anyone.

Ludwik’s thoughts were darkening when suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Jaxon burst in, “Mr. Lippert, I apologize for
the intrusion, but Elaine’s been hospitalized, and it’s quite serious. You should go see her!”
“What?” Ludwik stood abruptly, “Wasn’t she recovering well at the villa?”
“It’s, it’s related to Miss Whitney…”
Ludwik’s expression grew stern.
At the hospital, Ludwik strode into the emergency ward.
There, Elaine lay on the bed, pale as a ghost, unconscious.
“Elaine?” He approached her, concern etched on his face, and demanded from the maid beside the bed, “What in the world
The maid Lyra had been brought over from Emperor City by Elaine herself.
Tearfully, she came forward, indignantly claiming, “Mr. Lippert, it was Ms. Valentine’s doing! Today, when she returned, she found
Elaine sick and on a drip. She arrogantly scolded her, even mocking her with your name. Seeing Elaine in a wheelchair and
vulnerable, she even tried to slap her!”
Ludwik’s expression was icy cold.
Was this the Whitney he knew?
Though he felt estranged from her now, Whitney’s demeanor and upbringing didn’t match this description.

Noticing his hesitation, the maid quickly showed him a message on Elaine’s phone, exclaiming, “You have no idea what Whitney
sent Elaine from your phone last night. Look for yourself!
Ms. Valentine’s malice runs deep. Elaine cried all night after seeing this photo. She didn’t dare to be angry with you, only
suffering in silence. She’s already down one kidney, and the pain nearly did her in last night. It’s pitiful, really!”
Ludwik saw the photo of him and Whitney in a compromising position on the bed, his face turned stone–cold. A flicker of
discomfort crossed his eyes as he scanned the sender ID- it was from his
own account.
His pupils darkened with rage.
This shameless woman, she dared to capture their intimate moments!
The room fell silent as a grave.
Chapter 195
Seizing the moment, Elaine slowly opened her eyes, letting out a pained moan.
Tears fell weakly as she whispered, “Ludwik…”
“I’m here!” Ludwik gripped her hand, his brow furrowed, “How are you feeling? Are you alright?”
“I’m in a bit of pain.” Though her words were mild, her expression was one of severe agony.
Ludwik’s gaze softened with a tinge of guilt, but he remained silent.
Elaine turned to reproach the maid feebly, “I told you not to tell Mr. Lippert about the photo…”
“But miss, you’ve endured so much. Why stay silent? Whitney’s photo upset you, that’s why you’re sick. With only one kidney
and her constant bullying, how will you survive?”
Lyra’s impassioned defense deepened Ludwik’s sense of guilt as Elaine looked at him with a feeble and pitiable gaze.
His voice was hoarse, yet his eyes were cold, “Elaine, she and I are not divorced yet.”

Elaine’s heart clenched with hatred; Ludwik’s words implied he still harbored feelings for Whitney’s body.
She swallowed the sting and played the part of the wronged party, crying, “Ludwik, I don’t blame you. I’m just so heartbroken.
You’re free to… but I foolishly thought you had feelings for me. You promised to get engaged with me. Can’t you just stop
entangling with her?”
Her plea for pity made Ludwik speechless.
Elaine’s sobs tore through the silence, her voice shaking with a blend of sorrow and disbelief. “I could’ve lived with being kept in
the dark, but why, oh why did Whitney have to play her games? She knew full well I just went through a kidney donation and
couldn’t handle the stress. Yet, she deliberately sent me those photos of you two. It’s more than I can bear, Ludwik. Doesn’t she
have a
As her tears flowed, Elaine’s voice grew more impassioned, and she began to gasp for air, beads of cold sweat dotting her
forehead. “Ludwik, Ludwik…”
“Elaine! Please, try to calm down,” Ludwik pleaded, the sight of her distress tearing at his heartstrings. Fearing for her well–
being, he immediately called for a doctor.
He tried to reassure her, “I know you’ve been wronged. Tell me what you need, okay?”
“I don’t dare ask for much,” Elaine said through her tears, “I just want her to apologize for the photo incident. That’s all.”
Ludwik clenched his fists, realizing for the first time the depth of Whitney’s cunning. Last night was supposed to be a
straightforward deal, yet she had the gall to flaunt it to Elaine?
A chill ran through his breath as he commanded with a sweep of his hand, “Felix, bring her here. I want a full explanation!”

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