Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1761-1765

Chapter 1761

Skyler’s nonchalance hit Zavier with the hard truth: he had lost his chance,

The damage was done, and no amount of good deeds could heal the wounds he had inflicted on her soul. He picked up the glass of wine she had poured for him and downed it in one go. “Skyler, I’m so sorry.”

If only he could turn back time, he would never repeat the mistakes that hurt her, but life offers no do-overs.

Without as much as a glance at him, Skyler refilled his glass and pointed at the small plates on the table. “This roast beef is from my own ranch, and the fish is from my pond. Try them, see how they taste?”

Years ago, when they decided to be together, Skyler and Zavier would cook meals during the holidays. Neither of them knew much about cooking, and their culinary attempts were nothing short of disastrous. But since they had made the dishes together, they would also finish them together, no matter how unpalatable.

Those times were so sweet, yet so fleeting.

Now, forced by life’s circumstances, Skyler had become a skilled cook. Just by looking at the spread on the table, Zavier knew the flavors would be great, yet he dreaded this meal, because he understood that this dinner signified the official end of their marriage-the final goodbye.e2

He stalled, hoping to delay the inevitable.

Seeing that he hadn’t touched his food, Skyler finally met his gaze. “Mr. Zavier, are you too accustomed to gourmet delicacies to appreciate these simple dishes?”

“No,” Zavier said, his hand trembling as he took a piece of the cold roast beef and chewed slowly. “It’s very tender. It’s really good.”

“Try the fish,” Skyler suggested.

Zavier took a bite of the fish. “The fish is good too.”

Skyler raised her glass. “Shall we toast?”

He hesitated but lifted his glass to meet hers.

Skyler downed her drink in one gulp, and Zavier had no choice but to follow suit.

After two glasses, Zavier’s voice was hoarse as he repeated his apology, “Skyler, I’m really sorry.”

Skyler didn’t respond but poured herself another glass.

Zavier reached out to stop her, but his hand froze mid-air at the sight of her distant gaze.




“You can’t handle your liquor, take it easy.”

She downed another shot. “Who says I can’t? Running a ranch on my own these past years was no small feat. I’ve built up quite a tolerance.”

Indeed, it couldn’t have been easy for her, a woman alone in a strange place, trying to settle down. Only she knew the bitterness of those years.

Thinking of all the hardships she’d endured, Zavier could only repeat, “Skyler, I’m sorry.”

Skyler managed a smile. “Zavier, I accept your apology. I forgive you.”

He longed for her to lash out, to say she’d never accept his apology, to say she’d never forgive him. That would mean she still cared, even just a little. But her easy forgiveness told him she had moved on. The pain he caused no longer mattered to her.

Zavier felt a wave of bitterness in his heart, yet he was powerless to change anything.

Skyler continued, “I’m no longer that timid Skyler, and you’re not the Zavier I first met, but my resolve hasn’t changed. I want to live well, happily, freely, and with dignity.”

Zavier opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Skyler looked at him. “Zavier, will you give me that chance?” Her tone was still calm, as if a ‘no’ from him wouldn’t make a difference.

Could he say no?

He could not.

He understood too late that loving someone isn’t about possession; it’s about wanting them to live the life they desire.


hapter 1762

This time, he raised his glass with a solemn cheer, “Here’s to you having the freedom to follow your heart, and may your days be filled with nothing but happiness.”

Skyler clinked her glass against his, “Thanks. genuinely hope you find that special someone to share your life with.”

The one he yearned to spend his life with had always been her. During the three years she had feigned her death, it was the faint hope that she might still be alive that drove him to search for her relentlessly. Without that hope, he likely would have crumbled long ago.

“Skyler, if only you could give me a chance to start over,” Zavier’s heart was shouting, but the words wouldn’t breach his lips.

He could only hide his bitterness, forcing a carefree smile, “So, have you had many suitors over these years?”

Skyler teased, “How could there not be? Look at me-pretty as a picture, with a steady job, and my own little slice of heaven at the farm. The line of hopefuls stretches from the village all the way to the town.”

Zavier chuckled, “Even back in our school days, you had a crowd of guys after you. I still remember on the day of the basketball game, there was that one fellow who tried to win you over.”e2

“You have quite the memory. Funny, mine’s gotten so bad. I can barely recall so much the past. Sometimes, it feels like those events happened in another lifetime,” Skyler her voice trailing off into a distant tone.

Zavier felt a fresh sting in his heart. It was his own doing that had caused her memor fade. He longed to ask if she remembered Iris, but he dared not.

Burdened with guilt, he had made sure to take good care of her little sister. Now Iris was studying at Capital College, pursuing a major she loved. She had grown from a little girl into a poised young woman. In her junior year, she was only a year away from graduation.

She worked as hard as Skyler had and bore a striking resemblance to Skyler in her youth. Sometimes, watching Iris brought back the painful memory of how Skyler had been forced to leave school in her junior year because of him.

What he had done to Skyler was inexcusable.

“You’ve gone quiet on me. If you don’t feel like talking, let’s dig in. The food’s all fresh and organic from my farm. Eat up,” Skyler broke the silence.

Zavier took a deep breath, then asked, “With all these admirers, isn’t there anyone you fancy?”



Chapter 1762

Skyler smiled wryly, “You want the truth?”

Zavier nodded earnestly.

Skyler answered with just a few words, “I’m scared.”

She didn’t specify what scared her, but Zavier understood all too well. How could she dare to love another man after being so deeply wounded by one?

Intense waves of pain stabbed at Zavier’s heart one after another. He took a deep breath, avoiding her gaze, and looked outside, “Sounds like thunder. We might be in for some


Skyler replied softly, “Good. It’s after the rain that you see rainbows.”

In the middle of the night, where would you find a rainbow? She was talking about her own life.

Zavier clenched his fists tightly, then released them, “Well, I should probably get going. before it pours.”

“Take care.” Skyler called after him.

Zavier stood up and took a couple of steps towards the door before halting. He turned back, and despite trying to hold back, tears welled up in his eyes, “Skyler, can I… can I hold you one more time?”

Skyler opened her arms wide, “Of course.”

Zavier approached her gingerly, wrapping his arms around her. Her familiar scent enveloped him, stirring memories he cherished, but he had to let go, “Take care of yourself, Skyler.”

“You too.” she replied warmly.

Zavier turned and shuffled away, each step heavier than the last.

Skyler watched his retreating figure, looking so weary, and tears she hadn’t noticed began

to fall.


Chapter 1763

Several years later.

Cornelia and her friends were all caught up in the whirlwind of their busy lives. Getting the four families together was no easy feat, so they made a pact: no matter how hectic things got, they would always reunite on the eve of the New Year.

Today was December 28th, and after the last shipment of farm produce was sent off, Skyler raced home without a moment’s delay.

Cornelia and Jeremy, Hannah and Steven, along with Rosie and Lucas, had arrived with their kids bright and early that morning.

Skyler had been swamped with work, unable to spend time with them, and she felt terrible about it. She drove like the wind, covering the usual fifteen-minute drive in less than ten.

As her car rolled into the driveway, the tantalizing aroma of food wafted into her nostrils, and the laughter of children echoed in her ears.

The men were bustling in the kitchen, the women were lounging in the yard sipping tea and basking in the sun, and the kids were frolicking about. It was a scene of harmony, warmth, and bliss.e2

“Hope, let’s race with Puff Puff, okay?”

A three-year-old girl chased after a fluffy little dog. A nine-year-old boy followed her closely, worried she might fall, but he didn’t interrupt her fun by voicing his concerns.

Skyler watched the pair with an affectionate smile spreading across her face.

Hope, that little rascal, was a chip off the old block, resembling his dad in looks and demeanor. He already carried himself with a maturity beyond his years.

“Ms. Skyler, you’re back!” Hope, the polite boy, greeted her.

Skyler nodded, “Yeah, keep an eye on Lola for me, will you? I’m going to find your…”

Before she could finish, Hope had already taken off after his little friend.

Rosie bounded over to Skyler with a childlike excitement, wrapping her in a bear hug, “My dear Skyler, you’re finally here.”

Skyler grinned, “Sorry, sorry. You all know how it is, my farm produce is seasonal and has to reach tables across the country for the New Year, can’t delay even a minute.”

Cornelia, lounging in the garden, soaking up the sun, didn’t want to move an inch, “We’re not blaming you. Come on over, join us for tea and a chat.”

Skyler replied with a smile, “Sounds good.”



Hannah, carrying out a tray of fruit, jumped into the conversation, “Skyler, your garden’s turned into a paradise. I could live here forever.”

Skyler chuckled, “When I redesigned the garden, I planned rooms for all of you. Stay as long as you like.”

Over the years, Skyler’s leased land had expanded, her business flourishing. She didn’t just improve her own life but also helped several nearby villages prosper, lifting many out of poverty.

With the roads to the outside world improved, the villagers no longer watched their produce spoil in the fields. Life was on the upswing.

Skyler had become the renowned Ms. Skyler, famous for being single, attractive, and wealthy. Suitors were plentiful.

Hannah teased her, “Look at our generous Ms. Skyler.”

Skyler laughed it off, “Stop joking. I’m nothing compared to you guys.”

Hannah’s acting career was booming, bringing fame and fortune.

Cornelia’s comic book company had become the nation’s top, earning her money even while she relaxed at home.

Rosie’s personally designed jewelry had won international awards and was even licensed by a renowned luxury brand.

The four women shone in their respective fields, not letting marriage slow down their ambitions.

Switching from banter to a more serious tone, Hannah probed, “Skyler, with so many chasing after you, have you thought about finding someone new?”


Chapter 1764

Skyler chuckled and said. “Do I look like I have money to burn? Why would I go looking for trouble? Right now, I just want to focus on my career.”

No matter what choices Skyler made, her friends stood by her side, unwavering in their support.

Hannah casually tossed a date to Cornelia. “Nelly, did you get any sleep last night?”

Cornelia struggled to keep her heavy eyelids from closing. “I slept like a baby, actually. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately. Probably just a bit of car sickness. I’ll be fine soon.”

A thought struck Hannah. “Nelly, don’t tell me you’re… you know, expecting?”

Cornelia, groggy and disoriented, didn’t catch on immediately. “Expecting what?” As the realization dawned on her, she bolted upright, her eyes wide open with panic. “No way, that’s absolutely impossible.”

Rosie chimed in, drawn by the commotion. “You and your husband are both healthy. It would be totally normal if you were pregnant.”e2

Cornelia shook her head in dismay. “You don’t understand.”

After witnessing the agony Cornelia went through giving birth, Jeremy had gotten a vasectomy right after their son Hope was born. There hadn’t been any surprises for years, so how could she possibly be pregnant now?

Cornelia quickly called her personal doctor to get tested at the earliest. When the results came back negative, Cornelia felt a wave of relief wash over her, tinged with an unexpected hint of disappointment. She often wished for her son to have a sibling, yet she worried that a second child might cause her to neglect her firstborn.

No sooner had the doctor left than Steven, donning a checkered apron, emerged from the kitchen. “Honey, could you come here for a sec?”

“What’s up?” asked Hannah.

“Just come here.”

With a hint of curiosity, Hannah walked over. “What is it?”

Steven whispered, “All these years, no matter where we’ve had our dinners, Zavier has been lurking around, never once getting a chance to catch up with Skyler. It’s pretty sad, really. Do you think you could talk to Skyler, let Zavier come over for dinner tonight?”

Years ago, Zavier had sent divorce papers to Skyler shortly after returning to the Capital, and they had officially severed ties.

Since then, Skyler had been engrossed in her work, while Zavier poured his soul back into his career, growing Rivera Inc.’s influence by leaps and bounds.



Chapter 1764

Zavier often visited, but he never disturbed Skyler’s life, content to watch over her from


Skyler glanced over at Skyler, feeling conflicted. “What if Skyler doesn’t want him around? Bringing this up during the holidays might rub her the wrong way.”

Suddenly, Steven wrapped his arms around Hannah in a warm embrace. “Thank you, my love.” He was grateful he had come to his senses early; otherwise, he might be in Zavier’s shoes, longing just to share a meal with the one he loved.

Hannah pinched his waist playfully. “Stop being so mushy right now, go finish up the cooking, I’m starving.”

“The food’s ready to be served. Do you guys wanna eat out in the yard or inside?” asked


“With the weather being so nice today, let’s eat out in the yard,” Hannah decided.

Steven nodded. “You go ahead and sit down, I’ll bring everything out.”

Over the years, the men had honed their culinary skills, and soon enough, an impressive spread graced the table.

Skyler raised her glass in a toast. “Here’s to spending yet another New Year together. To enduring friendship.”

Everyone raised their glass in unison, “To friendship!”

Little Lola snuggled in her father’s arms, joining the chorus with a sleepy, “To friendship.”

Hope sat quietly between Jeremy and Steven, not uttering a word.

After a sip of wine, Hannah glanced at the little boy. “My godson, thank you for taking such good care of my daughter.”

Rosie teased, “That’s his future wife, of course he’s going to look after her.”

Skyler raised an eyebrow. “Did you two families really arrange a marriage for your kids?”


Chapter 1765

Cornelia chuckled, “Let the kids make their own decisions. When they grow up, if they want to be together, we won’t stand in their way. If not, we won’t force them.”

Jeremy kept silent, busily helping Cornelia with her food. No matter how many years passed, his affection for Cornelia only seemed to grow.

Steven grumbled, “My little girl is so young. Stop eyeing her for your boy.”

His daughter was his heart, his treasure, his little pumpkin. The thought of her growing up and being swept away by some other man made Steven want to sharpen his axe.

Hannah suppressed a laugh and added more veggies to his plate, “Hope is so brilliant, he’ll probably have girls swooning over him left and right, and you’re still complaining?”

Steven was at a loss for words.

The way they looked at Hope was like future in-laws sizing up their son-in-law: one could never find him suitable enough, while the other liked him more with each passing day.e2

Lola raised her chubby little hands, “Daddy, I want Hope to hold me.”

Steven’s face turned green at the thought, “Marc, keep an eye on your son. Don’t let him charm my little girl every day.”

Jeremy placed the food in Cornelia’s bowl and then casually remarked, “My son knows his boundaries, and he won’t steal your little pumpkin.”

Rosie watched the two children and gently caressed her belly. In a few months, her own baby would be joining this world. Conceiving had been a bit tough, but it was worth it.

Since she wasn’t past the first trimester, it wasn’t ideal to travel long distances. Lucas didn’t want her to come, but couldn’t persuade her otherwise, and they made the trip together.

He reached out and gently massaged her lower back, “Are you tired?”

Rosie replied, “Not at all. I’m happy to be with everyone.”

Lucas called her his “silly girl.”

At the table, three couples sat together, leaving Skyler the only singleton, but she didn’t feel awkward as they were all close friends. Having her own career and a handful of good friends, that was the life Skyler had always pursued. No matter the difficulties, she didn’t mind anymore; she was all about enjoying the moment.

While they reveled in their lively gathering, it only highlighted how solitary and forlorn Zavier felt standing outside the walls, but he didn’t pity himself. Just being able to hear Skyler’s voice through the wall was a form of bliss for him.


-The End-

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1755-1760

Chapter 1755


Zavier was afraid of so many things.

Fear gnawed at him – fear of losing control again and hurting Skyler.

Fear that Skyler would run away from him once more.

Fear that he might never even catch a glimpse of Skyler again.

Just fear…

Sensing his silent turmoil, Garrett grew impatient. “Zavier.”

Zavier waved him off, “Find a hotel and get some rest. I need some solitude.”e2

“How can I leave you alone in this state?” Garrett glanced at the small house nearby. “Skyler and the others have gone inside. You can’t see her from here, what’s the point in staying?”

Zavier replied, “Just knowing she’s there, that she’s alive, that’s enough for me.”

Garrett sighed, “You’re hopelessly romantic, you know that?”

At that, something clicked in Zavier’s mind. “Garrett, you go right now and arrange for men to monitor the area for miles around. I have to know Skyler’s whereabouts at all times. She can’t vanish from my life again. But remember, she mustn’t notice. We can’t disturb her life.”

“Alright, I’m on it.” Garrett shook his head as he left.

Back in college, Garrett had thought Zavier was the least likely to be tied down by love. Now, it seemed Zavier was the only one ensnared by it. Some people might seem crazy and heartless, but they were the most devoted in love.

After Garrett left, Zavier, with trembling hands, lit a cigarette and took a harsh drag. “Skyler, I know I’m a bastard. I know everything. I could have explained it all to you, but I chose a path that hurt us both.”

Back then, Zavier knew everything. He knew that Skyler had tricked him under her grandfather’s coercion. He knew it all.

He could have chosen to talk it out with her, but instead, he hurt her in the most extreme way. Because he thought, in Skyler’s world, her sister would always come first. He would always be second to her sister.

Until the day Skyler faked her own death and he saw her young sister again, now grown up and the spitting image of eighteen-year-old Skyler. Not just in looks, but even the timid demeanor was identical to Skyler’s. That was when he had his epiphany. In Skyler’s heart, her sister was another version of herself. She didn’t want her sister to live in constant fear as she had.


Chapter 1755

Despite being barely an adult herself and unable to escape the clutches of her own family, she did everything she could to protect her sister. She refused to let her sister suffer as she had.

He knew all of this, yet he let jealousy drive him to wound her so grievously. He could still vividly recall the light dying in Skyler’s eyes when he told her that her sister was dead.

After that, she never mentioned Iris in front of him again, and to this day, he didn’t know if she had truly forgotten her sister.

He had consulted psychologists who told him that some people choose to forget certain events because they’re too painful to remember. Maybe Skyler had indeed forgotten Iris. Otherwise, how could she bear to fake her own death?

It was his selfishness, his jealousy, his madness, and his obsession that made her decade with him akin to living in hell.

“Skyler, I know I made a mistake. Is there any chance for me?” Hot tears rolled down from Zavier’s bloodshot eyes.

He knew, all too well, that regret was the one thing you couldn’t buy in this world.

no ng mis


Chapter 1756

The trio gathered in the cozy cabin nestled in the heart of the countryside.

Skyler led Cornelia and Hannah inside. “Nelly, doesn’t this place give you a sense of déjà


Cornelia looked around, taking in the neatly organized and homey interior. “It’s got a similar vibe to your chalet in Nice, right? Though this one’s quite a bit more spacious.”

Skyler nodded, a touch of pride in her voice. “Yeah, I sketched the blueprints myself and had the craftsmen build it to spec.”

Cornelia took Skyler’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “Skyler, I can’t even begin to tell you how overjoyed I am to see you again.”

Hannah chimed in, “Me too.”

Skyler smiled warmly. “Seeing both of you again makes me very happy too.”e2

Cornelia opened her mouth, intending to ask Skyler about the past years, but she found herself unable to voice her queries. As she looked at Skyler now, so peaceful and serene, she realized she didn’t need to after all.

“Take a seat, you two. I’ll brew us some tea.” After inviting Cornelia and Hannah to sit down, Skyler prepared two cups of tea with her own hands and handed them over. “This is a local blend. Tell me what you think.”

Hannah lifted the cup to her nose, inhaling the aroma before taking a delicate sip. “Steven loves his tea. I’ve never been a fan. No matter how fine the tea, it all tastes the same to me.”

Skyler turned to Cornelia, who took a gentle sip under their watchful eyes, and then another. “I can’t really tell good tea from bad, but this tastes fresh and slightly sweet.”

Skyler laughed. “Our local tea is top-notch, but due to our remote location, it doesn’t sell well. Most of it goes for bargain prices.”

Cornelia replied, “Distribution isn’t an issue. If the tea’s good, I can find buyers and ensure a fair deal for the farmers.”

“Let’s not worry about that now,” Skyler interjected, pulling out a grill. “I’ve prepared some barbecue for us. Let’s eat and chat.”

There wasn’t just barbecue; Skyler had also brewed her own rice wine. Both Cornelia and Hannah were astonished. “Skyler, how on earth can you do everything?”

Skyler replied with a smile, “To put it nicely, I’ve got a knack for this stuff. Less nicely, I had to learn to make a living.”

Cornelia and Hannah’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Skyler…”



Chapter 1756

Skyler reassured them, “Nell, Hannah, don’t feel sorry for me. These past three years have been some of the happiest of my life. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from those who hurt and looked down on me, doing what I love, living off the land-l couldn’t ask for a more carefree life.”

For the first twenty-odd years of her life, Skyler had never truly lived for herself.

After faking her death to escape Zavier, she found her sanctuary in this secluded spot and started anew. At first, times were tough. Fortunately, she quickly landed a job as a substitute teacher at the local school. Because of her excellent teaching, she soon became a full-time teacher.

With a steady job, she then leased some land. She farmed her own crops and hired help during the busy seasons, gradually achieving a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Every day followed a similar routine, seemingly monotonous, yet deeply fulfilling.

As they savored the barbecue and sipped the homemade wine, they listened to Skyler. recount her life over the past couple of years. Seeing Skyler now, so free and content, Cornelia and Hannah felt genuine happiness for their friend.

Chapter 1757

A group of old friends, gathered for a night of food and fun, invariably found that time flew when they were together. Before they knew it, night had deepened around them. They had so many stories yet to share, and none of them wanted the evening to end.

Skyler, ever the generous host, decided to offer a sleepover. “We can all squeeze into the king-size bed,” she suggested with a playful grin.

Cornelia had just finished washing up when her personal cell phone chimed with a new WhatsApp message.

Lounging in an armchair, Hannah teased, “I bet your hubby can’t stand the thought of you spending the night out. Is he checking in to make sure you’re not having too much fun without him?”

A bit tipsy, Cornelia didn’t even want to move. “Even if it was the king himself knocking, I’d stay right here to keep Skyler company.”

Skyler walked over, picked up the phone, and handed it to Cornelia. “Even if you want to stay, you should drop him a line. Don’t leave the man worrying.”

Cornelia snorted, “I don’t wanna deal with him right now.”e2

Skyler probed, “You guys had a fight?”

“If only it were that simple,” Cornelia sighed.

Skyler didn’t understand. “How can fighting ever be a good thing?”

Cornelia pouted, her voice tinged with a hint of distress, “He’s always so accommodating, putting me first in everything, never thinking of himself. His job is way more stressful than mine, and he earns in a month what I make in a year. Yet, he insists on handling all the parenting duties himself, and that’s not even the half of it.”

Cornelia was cut off as Hannah chimed in, “Nelly, how do you manage to flaunt your perfect love life all the time?”

“I’m not showing off, I’m worried about him,” Cornelia protested. “I’ve told him countless times to be a bit more selfish, but he just won’t listen.”

Skyler ruffled Cornelia’s hair affectionately. “I’ve known President Hartley longer than any of you. Wanna hear what I think of him?”

Cornelia perked up instantly. “Please, do tell.”

Skyler began, “President Hartley is genuinely one of the good ones. He doesn’t just provide a comfortable life; he supports your career, too. Many men, especially those with fragile egos and no real talent, would rather keep their wives at home post-marriage, treating them as unpaid housekeepers. Housewives sacrifice their careers and handle all




household matters, working themselves to the bone without the respect they deserve.”

“In our society, there’s this misconception that a housewife is just playing around at home since she doesn’t bring in a paycheck. Just consider this – on that point alone, your man is miles ahead of so many others.”

Cornelia knew all too well how good Jeremy was, and the better she knew, the more it pained her. “Sometimes, I wish he wasn’t so good.”

Hannah asked, “Would you rather have someone like Steven or Zavier?”

The name hung heavily in the air, silencing them all, especially Skyler. The mere mention of “Zavier” sent a visible shudder through her.

Realizing her faux pas, Hannah glanced apologetically at Cornelia, who quickly took Skyler’s hand in hers. “Sky, don’t be scared. He can’t find us here.”

Skyler managed a weak smile. “Whether he comes or not, I don’t care anymore. If he wants to drag me back, let him. I’ve had three years of freedom, and that’s worth something.”

Her words reached the ears of Zavier, who was hidden within earshot. He felt as if his blood had turned to ice. He had known before even finding Skyler that she wouldn’t willingly return with him. She would have preferred him to believe she had perished in the fire, leaving nothing behind. However, hearing her say it, the words stabbed him directly in the heart, each syllable a sharp knife twisting into his chest.

Chapter 1758

A gentle pat on his back startled him. He turned around, staring at the person who approached.

Jeremy gave him a look that said ‘follow me’ and started walking away.

As they stepped beyond the boundaries of the quaint farmhouse, Zavier asked, “What brings you here?”

Jeremy glanced towards the distant cabin, “I couldn’t rest easy knowing Cornelia was headed to such a secluded spot alone, so I followed discreetly. I won’t intrude on her time with friends. I just need to know she’s safe.”

Zavier offered a wry smile, “We used to say you were incapable of love, but it turns out you’re the most loving of us all.”

“Really? Still planning on winning Skyler back?” Jeremy probed.

“Using your words, as long as I know she’s alive and well, that’s enough for me. I can’t dare to hope she’d return to live a life with me,” Zavier replied.e2

“That’s a good realization,” Jeremy approved.

Zavier looked again towards the lit cabin, where the three friends were surely deep in conversation. After a long pause, he asked, “Marc, do you think I still have a chance?”

“In my opinion, loving someone isn’t about possession, but about their happiness. If we can’t provide that happiness, we need the courage to let go and allow them to find it on their own,” Jeremy advised.

“Remember when you thought you wouldn’t last long and pushed Cornelia away? Was she happy without you?” Zavier countered.

“Our situations aren’t the same. Think about it for yourself. But remember, love isn’t about legally binding someone to you, and marriage isn’t a license to hurt,” Jeremy reminded him.

Marriage wasn’t a license to hurt.

Zavier was hit by the realization that, despite being legally wed to Skyler, he had hurt her in ways that were inexcusable over the years. Under the guise of love, he had been cruel, no different from an abuser.

He was seized by a fit of coughing.

Jeremy patted his back, “You should see a doctor.”

Zavier muttered, “Even if I died in front of her, she probably wouldn’t be sad.”

Raising an eyebrow, Jeremy said, “Life is precious. Don’t test anyone with it.”



Chapter 1758

Zavier chuckled, “You always see right through me. Don’t worry, I won’t pressure her anymore. Knowing she’s out there, being able to watch her from afar, what more could I ask for?”

Jeremy’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to find Cornelia calling back. He answered immediately, “Cornelia.”

Her voice, slightly slurred with sleepiness, came through, “Jeremy, I’ll be home in a couple of days. Don’t worry about me.”

He nodded, “Alright.”

“Is the little guy with you? I want to hear his voice,” she said.

“It’s way past his bedtime. He’s asleep,” Jeremy replied.

There was a pause before Cornelia said, “Honey…”

A warmth spread through Jeremy, “I’m here.”

“Take care of yourself while I’m gone,” she urged.

He smiled, “Will do.”



“I’ve only been away a day and I already miss you so much. I miss your embrace and your kisses. But you’re not here, what do I do?” she lamented softly.


Chapter 1759

Jeremy, “Come out.”

“What?” Cornelia’s voice held a mix of curiosity and concern.

“I’m outside, in the front yard.”

Her voice carried a tinge of disbelief. “Where did you say you are?”

“I’ve told you before, whenever you need me, I’m here. I keep my promises.”

It wasn’t long before Jeremy saw Cornelia, phone in hand, peering out of the cabin’s doorway, scanning the surroundings. He stepped forward, ensuring she couldn’t see Zavier hidden in the shadows, and waved toward her. “Look to your right.”

The countryside nights were void of streetlights, plunging the area into darkness, but Cornelia managed to spot him with the faint glow from her phone. Without a moment’s hesitation, she bolted from the yard, sprinting towards him.e2

“Easy there, slow down. Don’t trip over,” Jeremy called out, quickening his pace to meet her.

Cornelia couldn’t care less. All she knew was that she missed him desperately, longing to be in his arms, to feel him wrap her up tight.

Jeremy caught her as she leapt into his embrace, his large hand gently stroking her hair. “Something bothering you?” His voice was deep and soothing, each word a comfort.

She nuzzled into his chest. “I just really missed you, that’s all.”

He tightened his hold. “I missed you too.”

“Really, you two, flaunting your love in front of me? Get a room,” Zavier’s voice suddenly cut through the night, startling Cornelia.

She whirled around, and upon confirming it was indeed Zavier, she stumbled backwards in shock. “You… how are you here?”

She dared not even glance towards the cabin, naively hoping Zavier wasn’t aware of Skyler’s presence.

“I followed you,” Zavier stated matter-of-factly.

Cornelia mentally cursed herself. She had been so careful in coming to see Skyler, yet somehow she hadn’t managed to shake off Zavier’s surveillance.

Jeremy held her close. “Cornelia, don’t listen to his nonsense. It’s not your fault. The people he sent to find Skyler spotted her. He just came to check it out and ran into you by chance.”



Chapter 1759

Cornelia was not only filled with self-reproach but also terrified for Skyler. Living so freely now, Skyler would surely meet a grim fate if Zavier took her back.

Fearful of witnessing such an outcome, she opened her mouth to plead, yet knowing she couldn’t sway Zavier’s resolve, she found herself unable to speak a word.

Zavier continued, “You know, I really should thank you both for helping Skyler escape me back then.”


Cornelia’s heart raced, fearing the sarcasm in his voice, but his next words offered her a

sliver of relief.

He spoke with an air of sincerity, “When Skyler preferred to lose our child rather than stay by my side, she turned to you for help, and you didn’t turn her away. You gave her hope in her darkest hour. Otherwise, I might have lost her forever.’

Previously, Zavier would have killed Cornelia over this. Now, he was expressing gratitude.

Cornelia couldn’t be sure if he was sincere or mocking. “Zavier, do you really mean that?”

Zavier offered a rare smile. “When have I ever lied?” It was true that he often went mad,

and it was true that he could resort to violence, but he never told a lie.

Cornelia ventured to trust him. “Zavier, Skyler has got a spark in her eyes now. Do you realize that?”

When Cornelia first met Skyler, she was like a zombie, just going through the motions. Skyler used to smile, but it never reached her eyes. Now, Skyler seemed like a real person. A living, breathing individual with a passion for life.


Chapter 1760

Zavier spoke with a hint of resignation, “I know.”

Cornelia hesitated before asking, “Then you…”

“I won’t interfere in her life anymore,” Zavier declared firmly, “and you shouldn’t let her know I found her.”

Cornelia wasn’t sure what to make of Zavier’s unpredictable nature. Turning to Jeremy, she sought reassurance, “Can I really trust him?”

Jeremy ruffled her hair affectionately, “If he says he won’t bother Skyler, he won’t.”

Jeremy had faith in Zavier’s word.

Zavier added, “But I have one condition.”e2

Cornelia’s anxiety spiked, “What?”

Zavier chuckled at her nervous reaction, “Got you scared there, didn’t I?”

Cornelia clenched her teeth in irritation.

“Just kidding, no need to get so worked up,” Zavier said, gazing towards the quaint cabin ahead, murmuring to himself, “She’s alive. That’s wonderful! I get to see her full of life. It’s wonderful.”

Cornelia’s heart, which had been in her throat, finally settled back in its place.

Jeremy wrapped his arm around her, “It’s getting late. Do you want to stay with Skyler tonight, or come to the hotel with me?”

Cornelia decided, “Tonight, I want to be with Skyler.”

“Then get some rest,” Jeremy said, “I’ll come for you tomorrow.”


Cornelia had obligations back in Riverton, so after staying just two days with Skyler, she

had to leave.

Hannah was filming in this area, probably staying for another month or two. Whenever she had free time, she would accompany Skyler.

Skyler had a steady job and owned a little farmstead. A stable income and homegrown food made for a comfortable life.

Lately, though, she felt a persistent gaze upon her, unsettling her peace. Somewhere deep down, she knew it must be Zavier who had found her.



Chapter 1760

One evening, turning down an invitation from Hannah, Skyler prepared a few simple appetizers, ideal for pairing with a drink.

With the dishes laid out, she addressed the empty room, “Since you’ve found me, no more hiding. Come out.”

Silence followed her words.

After waiting for a while, Skyler poured herself a drink and downed it in one gulp, “Stop hiding. Show yourself!”

This time, the man she knew so well yet feared appeared at the doorway. With a mix of trepidation and nervousness, he asked, “May I come in?”

Skyler hardly recognized him with his now gray hair. She never imagined that upon their next meeting, Zavier would look so aged. A bitter taste rose in her throat as she motioned him inside, “Come in.”

Zavier entered, his gaze cautious and his hands trembling slightly, “Skyler, I…”

Skyler seated herself first, poured two glasses of wine-one for herself and one for the empty seat across-and gestured, “Sit.”

Zavier eased into the chair across from her, watching nervously as she finished her glass. Placing her glass down with a clunk, Skyler began, “You were here since Hannah and Cornelia found me, weren’t you?”

Zavier nodded.

Skyler laughed softly, her voice tinged with resignation, “I’ve schemed and struggled to finally have the life I wanted. Yet, in the end, it’s like a mirage, nothing but an illusion.”

She had thought that upon seeing Zavier again, she would break down, but to her surprise, she found herself able to converse with him with unexpected calmness.

It was as if the man before her was a complete stranger.

As if she had never loved him.

As if he had never hurt her.

As if nothing had ever happened between them.

In that moment, Skyler finally understood. True liberation wasn’t about living freely; it was about freeing one’s soul.

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1748-1754

Chapter 1748

“Thank you, Grandpa.” Zavier turned to look at Skyler. Despite having a thousand words on his mind, he simply uttered a brief sentence. “Skyler, you just hang tight here, okay? I’ll be back before you know it.”

Skyler offered a warm smile, “Okay.”

Then Zavier said to Hudson, “Grandpa, please look after Skyler for me.”

Hudson waved dismissively, “You’re a grown man. Stop fussing like an old maid. Go and handle your business. You can only protect the ones you love when you’ve got your own affairs sorted.”

Zavier nodded, “Got it.”

Skyler gave him an encouraging smile, “Hurry back.”

And with that, Zavier was gone.e2

No sooner had he left than Skyler heard Hudson’s sobering words, “Skyler, the Blue family going bust means you’re no longer playing in the same league as the Riveras, you get that, right?”

Skyler nodded slowly, “I understand.”

Hudson seemed pleased, “I knew I wasn’t wrong about you. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”

Skyler laughed bitterly, “I just wish I wasn’t so clear on the situation right now.”

Hudson continued, “You’re a good kid, a real catch for any regular family. It’s just a damn shame that my grandson Zavier’s got too much on his plate.”

The implication was subtle, but to Skyler, it already felt too direct, “What would you like me to do, Grandpa?”

The thought of breaking up the kids himself did make Hudson’s heart twinge, but that was nothing compared to the future of Rivera Inc. “We’re at a critical juncture. Zavier’s reputation can’t afford the slightest scratch. It’d be better for his image if you’re the one to call off the engagement.”

“Hudson,” Skyler’s address to him shifted with the gravity of the moment, “Did you even discuss this with Zavier before making your decision? Does he want this?”

She forced a smile, “If this was Zavier’s wish, I wouldn’t hesitate. But we both know he has no intention of calling off our engagement. He trusts you completely, and that’s why he left me in your care. If he knew you’d tricked me here, then sent him away, knowing his temper, he’d resent you for sure.”

Hudson gripped his coffee mug a little tighter, his tone even, “So you want him to resent




Skyler was taken aback, “I don’t want him to hate you, but your actions will lead to that.”

Hudson deflected, making it about her choice, Whether Zavier resents me is entirely down to what you decide.”

Skyler was silent. She had thought Hudson genuinely cared for her happiness with Zavier, but reality was a stark reminder that in the face of great interests, she was always expendable.

However, that wasn’t anyone’s fault. If their positions were reversed, she might have made the same call as Hudson.

Hudson pressed on, “Skyler, I know you’re a good girl. I know you have your own aspirations, and I know you want to break free from the Blue family’s control and take your sister out of there. As long as you promise me and take the initiative to propose the annulment of the engagement with Zavier, I can make all these come true.”

Two years ago, when they were arranging the engagement between Zavier and her, no one asked them in advance if they were willing. Now that Hudson wanted them to annul the marriage, again, no one had asked them in advance if they were willing.

Whether it was getting engaged or breaking it off, Zavier and Skyler, the two people it concerned most, had the least say.

Skyler felt a bitter laugh coming on but fought back tears instead, “Mr. Hudson, do I have another choice?”

Hudson delivered the ultimatum with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “Unless you want to never see your sister again.”

Chapter 1749

Back then, the Blue family arranged a marriage for her in the Capital, using her younger sister to threaten her. Now, the Riveras wanted to dissolve the engagement, again using her sister as leverage.

Everyone knew her younger sister was her Achilles’ heel, and everyone could manipulate her as they pleased.

She had never had a second option to choose from.

Skyler stared at Hudson with bloodshot eyes, but Hudson remained eerily calm as he met her gaze. He knew all too well that she had no other choice but to agree to his terms.

Skyler bit her lip so hard it turned white before she finally released the pressure. “Hudson, can you give me a few more days to think about it?”

Hudson smiled, “Zavier will be tied up for the next few days and certainly won’t have time to return. I’ll give you twenty-four hours to decide. Once that time is up, I expect the answer I want.”

His words effectively extinguished any hope she held onto, but she was still not ready to give up. She pulled out her cell phone to call Zavier, only to find she had no signal.e2

Hudson pointed upstairs with a smile, “We’ve installed a signal jammer in the house. You won’t be able to make any outgoing calls. If you receive any calls, we might let you answer as long as you watch what you say.”

This move by Hudson effectively severed her contact with Zavier. Without a connection to Zavier, she was left to fight alone. And how could she, alone, outsmart the cunning Hudson?

In an instant, Skyler felt as if an iron grip had tightened around her throat, and no matter how she struggled, she couldn’t break free.

Hudson continued, “Good girl, if you truly care for Zavier, then you surely know what’s best for him. Unless you don’t really love him at all, and you’re only with him to escape the clutches of the Blues.”

Skyler clenched her fists tightly, “Respecting him, considering his wishes, that’s what’s truly best for him.”

“Respect him? If he fails, who will respect him then? Once he successfully takes over Rivera Inc., who would dare not to? We both know this world is survival of the fittest.” Hudson’s smile was no longer the gentle facade Skyler knew but a chilling sharpness.

This version of Hudson sent shivers down her spine. It took her a long while to find her voice again, “But it was you who initially pushed for the alliance between the Riveras and the Blues. I don’t understand why you now want us to split now.”




Hudson replied, “How can you not understand? You know better than anyone that when I encouraged Zavier to ally with the Blues, it was because Zavier wasn’t yet strong enough to challenge Matthew and Owen head-on. He needed to keep his edge hidden. Back then, marrying into a less powerful family was a form of protection for Zavier. Now that Zavier has the strength to vie for Rivera Inc., and he’s determined to win, what he needs is a partner who can help him in this battle. If the Blues had maintained their status, even if they couldn’t assist Zavier, at least they wouldn’t hold him back.”

Hudson’s gaze on Skyler sharpened menacingly, “But your family have declared bankruptcy at this critical moment. To outsiders, it’s as if Zavier has lost an arm. If Zavier doesn’t cut ties with the Blues quickly, those who support him will undoubtedly waver. I love my grandson, and I can’t bear to see him lose in this battle for succession.”

Skyler understood all of this perfectly well.

Chapter 1750

But deep down, she clung to a sliver of hope, hoping there was another path she could take. For more than two years, she had been engaged to Zavier, and for at least that long, he had treated her with kindness and respect.

Zavier was the one who made her believe not everyone in the world was out to get her, that there was someone willing to cherish and respect her.

He would often reassure her, “Scaredy-cat, from now on, I’ve got your back. You don’t need to fear anything. Just focus on your music. You’ve got talent, and I believe you’ll make it big.”

He also promised, “Scaredy-cat, once I take over Rivera Inc., I’ll bring your sister to the Capital. No one will ever threaten you again.”

And he had once teased, “I must be out of my mind to fall for a scaredy-cat like you.”

He said he loved her. He said he wanted to marry her. They had agreed that a little over a year from now, once she graduated from college, they would go and get their marriage license. Everything was moving according to plan, so how had it turned out like this?

Ironically, it was her most despised, the Blue family, who had brought her to Zavier’s side. And it was again the Blue family that forced her to leave him.e2

Hudson insisted, “Skyler, if you truly love Zavier and wish him well, then you should stand

on the same side as me.”

Skyler let out the frustration that had been building inside her before replying slowly, “Of course, I truly like Zavier, and of course, I wish the best for him, but I don’t think your approach is what’s best for Zavier.”

Hudson’s expression darkened, “Then tell me, what would be best for Zavier? Indulge him in sensual pleasures? To see him defeated in this competitive battle? Do you understand what he’ll have to face if he fails?”

Skyler knew, but how she wished she didn’t. Then she could rebel just this once.

Hudson, sensing her inner turmoil, continued to persuade her, “Skyler, Zavier’s father and brother are gone. He must finish what they started. He can’t afford a single misstep before he takes over Rivera Inc. If he still holds you in his heart and wants to bring you back when all this is over, then no one will be able to stop you from becoming his wife.”

At these words, Skyler chuckled, “You know Zavier’s temperament better than I do.”

Skyler understood everything, yet for the sake of her sister and what Hudson claimed was best for Zavier, she was coerced into playing Hudson’s game with Zavier.

The Capital was frigid, and so was Skyler’s heart, yet Zavier’s touch was scorching.



Chapter 1750

That night, it felt like she had walked through the gates of hell and back. She knew Zavier was furious, yet she still managed to utter a sentence that pierced his heart as they lay together.

“Zavier, no matter how much I despise the Blue family, they are still my flesh and blood. I don’t want to see the Blue family ruined. I want to see them rise again. Don’t hate me for playing you like this, but I must carry the Rivera family’s heir to secure my place as your wife and give the Blue family a chance to stand tall once more.”

Zavier glared at her with bloodshot eyes, as if he wanted to devour her alive, “You’d choose the Blue family, who treat you like a pawn, over me?”

She wanted to say that wasn’t true.

She wanted to say she chose him.

But she couldn’t.

She managed a smile and said, “In the end, we’re together, isn’t that all that matters?”


Chapter 1751

“In the end, we’re together, isn’t that all that matters?”

As Zavier echoed Skyler’s words, he suddenly reached out and tightened his grip around her neck, a dangerous breath hot against her ear. “Skyler, repeat what you just said.”

His grip was so intense that Skyler instantly struggled to breathe, her face turning a deep shade of red. Yet, she defiantly met his gaze. “Was there something wrong with what I said?”

Zavier’s voice was icy. “What do you think?”

Skyler tried to wriggle free but failed. “Zavier, if you can’t handle the truth, I can go back to telling sweet little lies to keep you happy.”

She couldn’t finish her sentence before the hand on her neck squeezed tighter, so tight she thought he might snap her neck at any second. “Zavier.”

Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.e2

After what felt like an eternity, an eternity that seemed to drag her through the depths of hell, Zavier finally let go. He stared at her, his expression as dark as if he’d just stepped out of the underworld. “Don’t worry. I won’t let you die. I’ll just play with you slowly, make you wish you were dead.”

Skyler was overwhelmed by a wave of pain once again. She didn’t know how long she suffered, or how she eventually fell asleep, but when she woke up, she was in a dark, gloomy room. It was pitch-dark, the kind of darkness where you can’t even see your own, hands.

Disoriented, Skyler tried to get out of bed to find a light switch or draw back the curtains, but even the slightest movement brought a fresh onslaught of agonizing pain, making it nearly impossible to get up.

Enduring the excruciating pain, she managed to get out of bed. Unable to see the switch or the windows, she groped around in the dark, inch by inch. Despite her searching, she couldn’t find a light switch or even locate the windows.

A terrifying premonition slowly crept over her. She moved back to the bed, hoping to find her phone for some light. Her situation worsened – her phone was nowhere to be found. She was trapped in a pitch-dark cage, cut off from any source of light and any connection to the outside world.

With no other choice, Skyler lay back down on the bed. Time passed indeterminably until she finally heard a faint sound.

Skyler immediately got up and saw a door, blending seamlessly with the wall, slowly opening. Light flooded into the room, blinding her, and she instinctively raised her hand to



Chapter 1751

shield her eyes. As she gradually lowered her hand, she saw a stoic woman standing in the doorway.

Skyler, barefoot, rushed toward the woman. “Where am I? Where’s Zavier?”

The woman handed Skyler a tray of food. “This is your lunch. From now on, I’ll be bringing your meals three times a day.”

Skyler demanded, “Where’s Zavier? Where is this place? Who locked me up here?”

The woman ignored her questions and pushed the tray of food closer. “Are you eating or not?”

Skyler persisted, “Where am I?”

The woman’s patience waned, and she frowned, ready to retract the tray. “If you’re not eating, I’ll take the food away.”

“Unless you let me out, I won’t eat a thing.” No sooner had Skyler made her defiant declaration than her stomach betrayed her with a loud rumble.

Before the woman could turn away, Skyler grabbed the tray. Her body was her own, and if she didn’t care for it, how could she expect anyone else to?

No matter what, she needed to eat well now and keep her strength up.

Chapter 1752

The woman glanced at her with a sneer, a scornful grunt escaping her lips. “Hmph.”

Clutching the meal box tightly, Skyler asked once more before the door shut, “Where’s Zavier? Is he the one keeping me locked up here?”

The woman didn’t bother answering Skyler; she just closed the door and walked away.

Thankfully, a lamp was left on inside the room, allowing Skyler to eat the food the woman had brought in the light. The meal was hearty enough, but as Skyler chewed, there was only one taste that overwhelmed her senses bitterness. But no matter how bitter, she

had to eat. She wanted to live.

There was a camera in the solitary room, and right after Skyler finished her meal, the door opened again, the woman’s face expressionless as she collected the utensils.

Skyler thought about making a run for it while the woman was off guard, but a single sentence from her extinguished that thought. “If you manage to get out of here, you won’t make it past the front door,” the woman said coldly.

Skyler’s step halted, and she turned to look at the woman, pleading, “I want to see


“Do you think you can see Zavier just because you want to?” The woman dropped the biting comment and walked out with the tray.

The light went out again, plunging the room into darkness. Skyler lay back down on the bed, losing track of time once more until the woman came back with another meal.

This cycle repeated day after day. Without sunlight or any way to tell time, Skyler could only keep track of the days by the number of meals brought to her.

One day, two days, three days… ten days, twenty days…

Time slipped by, and Skyler’s appetite worsened. About a month later, she couldn’t stomach anything. Everything she ate came right back up, and her hair began to fall out in clumps.

Without a mirror in the room, Skyler didn’t know what she looked like, only that her body wouldn’t hold out much longer. So, when the door opened again, she lunged at the entrance with a weak, desperate cry, “Let me out. I don’t want to die in this lightless cage.” “Die?” A dark, male voice suddenly echoed above her.

Skyler struggled to look up. It wasn’t the woman who brought her meals but Zavier. He no longer bore any resemblance to the man Skyler once knew. His gaze was frightening. He stood before her like a sovereign lord looking down at his slave. “Do you really wish to die?”



Chapter 1752

Skyler wanted to laugh, but tears betrayed her, spilling out uncontrollably. “Zavier.”

Zavier slowly crouched down, his hand gripping her chin. “It’s been so long, and you still recognize me. Should I be pleased?”

Skyler wanted to swat his hand away, but she had no strength left. She just lay on the ground, looking up at him. “When I die, could you bury me somewhere with sunlight?”

She curled up miserably, “I hate cold and darkness. If I can’t see the light while I’m alive, at least let me have it in death.”

Before she could finish, Zavier suddenly picked her up. “Skyler, those who deceive me don’t get off easy, even in death.”

“You’re insane!” Skyler retorted.

“You’re not the first to think that,” Zavier replied coldly.

Skyler knew she should never have used normal logic to guess Zavier’s thoughts; he never played by the rules.

Based on Hudson’s analysis and her own understanding of Zavier, she had expected him to call off their engagement once he found out he’d been played.

But Zavier didn’t. Instead, he locked her away in a place devoid of daylight. And when her body was on the brink, he whisked her away to the town hall at breakneck speed to pick up a marriage certificate.

Chapter 1753

Staring at the marriage certificate in front of her, Skyler hadn’t yet escaped the grips of her own terror when she heard Zavier’s words, “Just keep me happy, and I might just help the Blue family rise again.”

Skyler couldn’t care less about the fate of the Blue family; she wished for nothing more than their downfall. It was her sister Iris who mattered to her the most. “What about my sister? She must have tried to get in touch with me. If she couldn’t reach me, she must be worried.”

“Dead,” Zavier said bluntly.

Skyler’s heart seemed to stop for a second. “What did you say?”

Zavier let out a small chuckle, leaning close to whisper in her ear, “I said, your precious little sister is dead.”

“You’re lying!” Skyler blurted out.

“Sent by your precious Blue family to please some high roller. They played too rough, ended up killing her,” Zavier said with a tone of mock regret.e2

In that instant, Skyler felt as if she could hear the sound of her heart shattering. Drained of all strength, she collapsed to the floor, wanting to ask more but finding herself voiceless. She feared hearing even more brutal truths, knowing full well her own family was capable of such inhumanity.

In a hazy daze, Skyler faintly heard Zavier’s voice tinged with a rare urgency, “Skyler, I’m taking you to the hospital now. You better hang on for dear life, cause if I haven’t given you permission to die, you better not even think about it. If you die, I’ll bring down the entire Blue family.”

Whatever else he said was lost to her; she didn’t care to listen, as a buzzing noise filled her


When she came to, Skyler was lying in a hospital bed, a TV hanging on the wall across from her. She immediately turned it on, catching a news flash.

Nora was being arrested on suspicion of murder. Could Nora have something to do with the deaths of Zavier’s brother and father?

Before Skyler could see more, the door opened. Thinking it was Zavier, she quickly turned off the TV in fright, but to her surprise, it was Marissa, Zavier’s caretaker. “Ms. Skyler, I made you your favorite soup. Come on, have some.”

Skyler shook her head weakly, “I’m not hungry.

“You’ve been out for days, surviving on IV drips. You need to eat something.” Marissa set down her thermos and cranked the bed upright. “Silly child, just a month, and how much



Chapter 1753

weight you’ve lost…”

Seeing Skyler’s gaunt appearance, Marissa’s eyes welled up with tears. “You don’t need to worry about the Blue family with Zavier around.”

It seemed Marissa was unaware of the truth, and Skyler had no intention of enlightening her. Taking the soup bowl, she sipped a little, then casually inquired, ‘Marissa, about


The mention of that name set Marissa off into a tirade, “That Nora, no good, after all the kindness Mr. and Mrs. had shown her, who would have thought she’d stab the family in the back.

Thank goodness for Zavier, he’s so capable. Not only did he seize control of Rivera Inc., but he also exposed that murderer.”

From Marissa’s lips, Skyler pieced together the events that had unfolded during her captivity. Zavier swiftly seized control of Rivera Inc.. Subsequently, he exposed the culprit responsible for the tragic deaths of his father and brother.

Marissa was usually reserved, but now she couldn’t stop talking about it, only pausing when she heard Zavier’s cough.

Both women were startled. Marissa recovered first, “Oh, Zavier, you’re here. I should get going.”

Once Marissa left, Skyler lost all appetite, not wanting another sip of soup. As she went to cover the bowl, Zavier’s voice cut through the silence, “Finish that soup.”

His voice was cold and deep, making Skyler shiver with fear.

“You wanted to marry me, have my children, and help the Blue family rise from the ashes. I’ve given you all that,” Zavier moved closer, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “From now on, your life is mine. Get better, so you’re ready whenever I need you.”

Chapter 1754

Skyler said nothing, just picked up her spoon and continued to sip her soup.

Taking in her frail figure, Zavier spoke again. “Your sister hasn’t…”

He could hardly bring himself to say the word “died” when Skyler abruptly looked up at him, “My sister? I have a sister?”

Zavier was at a loss for words. She didn’t remember having a sister?

The news of her “sister’s death” had overwhelmed her with grief. She had fainted and then slept soundly for an entire week. Upon waking, she was eerily calm.

He should have known something was wrong. Was she truly unable to remember? Or was she pretending, putting on a show just for him?

Zavier couldn’t be sure. The only thing he was certain of was the immense hurt his lie had

caused her.e2

Memories of the past flickered through Zavier’s mind like scenes from a movie, relentless -and vivid. He had known for years the real reason why Skyler had been manipulating him.

He knew everything and yet, he hurt her like a madman.

Even after she had fled from him, wounded by his actions, he failed to see his own mistakes until she faked her own death to escape from his life completely.

That was when he truly realized the extent of his folly over the years. That was when he understood the depth of the pain he had inflicted upon her.

All Skyler ever wanted was simple. It’s to live well, to live with dignity. That was all.

And he had destroyed her most cherished sense of self-worth, keeping her like a pet. She

had lived a life worse than death.

In the two years following her ‘death’, he had been a shell of a man. Holding onto a sliver of hope that Skyler was still alive, he searched for her across the globe, as hope dwindled, ever so faintly. Just when he thought he could never find her again, there she was before his very eyes.

Zavier gazed intently at the woman under the distant streetlamp. Even from afar, even though the view wasn’t clear, his heart pounded violently in his chest. It was as if he had been brought back to life.

Zavier suddenly began to cough violently. Garrett, who was behind him, quickly stepped forward to support him, “Zavier.”

Zavier’s eyes remained fixed on the woman under the streetlamp, “Is that Skyler? Is Skyler really still alive?”

He was terrified. Terrified it was just a dream, afraid that upon waking, he would be alone



Garrett assured him, “It’s Skyler! Skyler is truly alive!”

Zavier seemed not to hear what Garrett was saying, repeating, “Is Skyler truly alive?”

Garrett said, “If you don’t believe it, let’s go to her. The moment you touch her, you’ll believe that Skyler is indeed alive.”

Garrett moved to guide Zavier forward, but after just one step, Zavier froze, “I can’t go over

there. I can’t disturb her life now.”

Garrett looked at Zavier with puzzled eyes, “You’ve searched for her for two whole years. Now that we’ve finally found her, why…”

Before he could finish, Zavier clutched his chest and began coughing violently again. Amidst the coughing, a mouthful of fresh blood spilled from his lips.

Garrett was startled, “Zavier, what’s happening to you?”

Even as his body weakened to the point of barely standing, Zavier’s eyes remained fixed on the woman under the streetlamp.

After she led her friends inside, leaving the spot empty, he still could not look away. He whispered, “I’m scared.”

Garrett was even more confused, “We’ve found her, what are you still afraid of?”



Zavier was afraid of so many things.

Chapter 1755

Fear gnawed at him fear of losing control again and hurting Skyler.

Fear that Skyler would run away from him once more.

Fear that he might never even catch a glimpse of Skyler again.

Just fear…

Sensing his silent turmoil, Garrett grew impatient. “Zavier.”

Zavier waved him off, “Find a hotel and get some rest. I need some solitude.”e2

“How can I leave you alone in this state?” Garrett glanced at the small house nearby. “Skyler and the others have gone inside. You can’t see her from here, what’s the point in staying?”

Zavier replied, “Just knowing she’s there, that she’s alive, that’s enough for me.”

Garrett sighed, “You’re hopelessly romantic, you know that?”

At that, something clicked in Zavier’s mind. “Garrett, you go right now and arrange for men to monitor the area for miles around. I have to know Skyler’s whereabouts at all times. She can’t vanish from my life again. But remember, she mustn’t notice. We can’t disturb her life.”

“Alright, I’m on it.” Garrett shook his head as he left.

Back in college, Garrett had thought Zavier was the least likely to be tied down by love. Now, it seemed Zavier was the only one ensnared by it. Some people might seem crazy and heartless, but they were the most devoted in love.

After Garrett left, Zavier, with trembling hands, lit a cigarette and took a harsh drag. “Skyler, I know I’m a bastard. I know everything. I could have explained it all to you, but I chose a path that hurt us both.”

Back then, Zavier knew everything. He knew that Skyler had tricked him under her grandfather’s coercion. He knew it all.

He could have chosen to talk it out with her, but instead, he hurt her in the most extreme way. Because he thought, in Skyler’s world, her sister would always come first. He would always be second to her sister.

Until the day Skyler faked her own death and he saw her young sister again, now grown up and the spitting image of eighteen-year-old Skyler. Not just in looks, but even the timid demeanor was identical to Skyler’s. That was when he had his epiphany, In Skyler’s heart, her sister was another version of herself. She didn’t want her sister to live in constant fear as she had.



Despite being barely an adult herself and unable to escape the clutches of her own family, she did everything she could to protect her sister. She refused to let her sister suffer as

she had.

He knew all of this, yet he let jealousy drive him to wound her so grievously. He could still vividly recall the light dying in Skyler’s eyes when he told her that her sister was dead.

After that, she never mentioned Iris in front of him again, and to this day, he didn’t know if she had truly forgotten her sister.

He had consulted psychologists who told him that some people choose to forget certain events because they’re too painful to remember. Maybe Skyler had indeed forgotten Iris. Otherwise, how could she bear to fake her own death?

It was his selfishness, his jealousy, his madness, and his obsession that made her decade with him akin to living in hell.

“Skyler, I know I made a mistake. Is there any chance for me?” Hot tears rolled down from Zavier’s bloodshot eyes.

He knew, all too well, that regret was the one thing you couldn’t buy in this world.

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1747

Chapter 1747

Skyler’s gaze was laced with apprehension as she watched Zavier end the call. He reached for her hand again, clasping it tightly, “Skyler…”

His expression was dark and stormy, prompting a wave of panic in Skyler, “What happened? Did something go wrong?”

After a moment of heavy silence, Zavier uttered gravely, “The Blue family has declared bankruptcy.”

Skyler knew all too well what the bankruptcy of the Blue family meant. For a moment, her heart was a chaotic mess, but she refused to let herself fall apart. With effort, she mustered a radiant smile, “No wonder I’ve been getting non-stop calls from the Blue family all day. So, this was the reason.”

Zavier saw through her anxiety, “Skyler.”

Before he could finish, Skyler continued, “The Blue family has never been kind to me. I’ve always been trying to break free from their grip. Now that they’re bankrupt, it’s probably a good thing for me. Don’t worry about me.”

Zavier’s gaze lingered on her. He was at a loss for words, unsure whether she truly didn’t grasp the full implications of the Blue family’s bankruptcy or if she was just pretending not to know.e2

He reached out again, holding her cold hand firmly, “Skyler, we’re likely to go through a lot in the coming days. No matter what happens, you have to trust me, okay?”

Skyler asked, “What’s going to happen?”

Zavier paused. Then Skyler added, “Zavier, we both know that to take control of our destinies, we must become strong. I’ve been juggling school and songwriting to make money, and you’ve been working hard too. We’re both getting closer to our goals. But…”

Zavier cut her off, “No buts.”

Skyler persisted, “Zavier, we’re capable of supporting ourselves, and we’re getting closer to our goals, but we’re not yet strong enough to take on our families, especially you. Right now, Rivera Inc. is at a critical juncture in its competition. You may not think about yourself, but can you really let go of your brother and father’s death?”

Zavier was silent. He couldn’t let go. The culprit would soon reveal themselves. Soon, he would be able to bring the perpetrator to justice, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted by anything else.

Skyler spoke again, “Zavier, no matter what choices you make, I won’t blame you. So, feel free to boldly do what you want to do.”

Zavier decided, “Right now, I’m taking you to Grandpa at the Rivera’s Manor.”



Chapter 1747

Skyler agreed, “Okay.”

Zavier added, “Grandpa’s getting on in years, and sometimes his memory fails him. His authority in the company diminishes day by day. Matthew and Owen might not listen to Grandpa much, but as long as he’s around, they won’t dare to cause any chaos.”

Skyler nodded, “Right.”

Both of them felt uneasy on their way to Rivera’s Manor, and they rode in silence.

Fortunately, when they arrived at Rivera’s Manor, the other members of the Rivera family had not yet returned, only Hudson was there.

Hudson said, “Zavier, the bankruptcy of the Blue family can be a big deal or a small one, but you need to take charge at the office personally. Don’t let Matthew and Owen take this opportunity to cause trouble.”

Zavier responded, “Grandpa, I understand. Please take good care of Skyler for me.”

Hudson replied, “I asked you to bring Skyler here to keep her safe from those who might have designs on her. Now that she’s with me, you can go and do what you need to do without worry.”

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1746

Chapter 1746

During the chillier months, he had stocked up on all sorts of cozy mittens for her, but when they were together, his broad palms were her best source of warmth.

Zavier tightened his grip, “Let’s go see a doctor”

At that, Skyler panicked, clutching at Zavier’s shirt, “Are you hurt?”

Zavier caught her fumbling hands, “Other girls’ hands aren’t as cold as yours. That’s not normal, so I thought we should have a doctor check you out.”

His words were full of concern, but Skyler fixated on the wrong detail, “Zavier, have you been holding other girls’ hands?”

Zavier, completely baffled, stammered, “When have I ever held another girl’s hand?”

Skyler pressed, “If you haven’t held another girl’s hand, how would you know their hands are warm?”e2

She was letting her imagination run wild. Zavier couldn’t help but laugh, though thinking about her jealousy suddenly brightened his mood, “Scaredy-cat, you only act tough with me.”

Skyler insisted, “Answer my question, no changing the subject.”

With a firm but gentle pull, Zavier drew her into his embrace, wrapping her in his coat, “I asked a doctor. That’s how I know.”

Snuggled against him, she listened to his steady heartbeat and nuzzled closer, “Don’t lie to


Zavier leaned down, kissing her forehead softly, then found her lips, whispering, “Except for your hand, I don’t hold any girl’s hand.”

Skyler murmured, “Me neither.”

Her voice was soft, her cheeks flushed, but Zavier heard her loud and clear, his heart warming at her words, “What did you say?”

Skyler deflected, “I’m hungry.”

This tactic had always worked on Zavier, but not today, “Tell me, what did you just say?”

“You know,” Skyler said, her voice a whisper.

Zavier persisted, “But I want to hear you say it.”

“Except for your hand, I won’t hold any other boy’s hand,” she finally confessed.

Zavier was overjoyed, lifting Skyler into his arms.



Chapter 1746

Startled, Skyler protested, “We’re still at school, don’t get carried away.”

Zavier teased, “So it’s okay to get carried away when we’re not at school?”

Before she could respond, Zavier whispered in her ear, “I wish you were graduating


Skyler sighed, “It’s still more than a year away.”

Zavier’s voice was husky, “Skyler, I can’t wait another second.”

He was holding her so close, and she felt his response even through their layers of clothing. “Let’s go to your place tonight.” She actually didn’t mind this. On her twentieth birthday, passion had led them further than before, and in the heat of the moment, things had naturally progressed until an accident at the last minute.

Zavier raised an eyebrow, “Hmm?”

Realizing her boldness, Skyler’s face turned beet red, burning hot. She quickly changed the subject, “Zavier, I’m really hungry.”

Zavier, ever considerate, wouldn’t push her when she was hungry, “Alright, let’s grab something to eat first.”

However, just as they got into the car, Skyler’s phone rang with a call from the Blue family. She frowned, hesitating whether to answer or not, when Zavier’s phone rang too.

He glanced at her before answering his call.

Skyler couldn’t hear what the person on the other end was saying, but she watched as Zavier’s expression grew darker and darker.


Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1745

Chapter 1745

Time flew by.

In the blink of an eye, Skyler had entered her junior year. She was the epitome of

dedication, acing her studies and keeping up with her part-time job, where every song she composed was a hit.

Just when things seemed to be on the upswing for Skyler, Zavier, who graduated earlier, had slowly risen from being the least likely successor to a formidable contender for the helm of Rivera Inc., bringing the battle for inheritance to a fever pitch.

One day, after class, Skyler barely stepped into her dorm when she received a text from Zavier: [Free tonight?]

Zavier had been swamped lately, and it had been days since Skyler last saw him. She quickly replied, [Nope. I’d clear my calendar for you, Mr. Zavier, no matter what.]

Zavier responded with [Get downstairs.]

Every time Zavier sent such a message, he was usually waiting for her outside. Skyler rushed to the window and looked down. Sure enough, there he was, standing below, a cigarette between his fingers, lost in a haze of smoke.e2

Skyler texted back, [How many times have I told you not to smoke? Why are you still at it?] Zavier suddenly looked up, and although they were too far apart to see each other clearly

she was on the eleventh floor – Skyler could still make out the smile on his face.

He obediently stubbed out the cigarette and sent another message, [Dinner tonight?]

Skyler smiled down at him, [Sure.]

Returning to the dorm, Emma and Amanda couldn’t help but tease, “Zavier’s waiting for you again, huh? The love you two spread could feed our entire campus for a year.”

Skyler laughed, “Your boyfriends are just as sweet to you. No need to be jealous of me.”

“When’s the wedding?” Emma asked eagerly. “I’m dying to celebrate your big day.”

“We’ve got it planned,” Skyler said. “We’ll get hitched right after I graduate.”

Amanda chimed in, “We all thought Zavier was the domineering type, but turns out he’s all about warmth and thoughtfulness. Sky, you really hit the jackpot.”

Whenever anyone complimented Zavier in front of Skyler, she never downplayed it. In her eyes, Zavier truly was the best partner, “He really is amazing. I’m so grateful that he’s the man I met.”

But Amanda warned, “Just keep a close eye on him. A catch like Zavier has a long line of


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Chapter 1745

admirers. Don’t let any schemers get the upper hand.”

“He’s not that kind of guy,” Skyler responded with confidence.

Emma added, “Better safe than sorry, right?”


Skyler’s phone rang, and she thought it was Zavier urging her to hurry. When she picked up her phone and checked, it was a message from the Blue family. Without much thought, she casually swiped it away without opening and reading the messages. “Ladies, I need to head down. Don’t want to keep my boyfriend waiting.”

“When has Zavier ever rushed you?” they spoke in unison. “Remember your twentieth birthday? We spent ages getting you ready, and he waited downstairs for a good couple of hours. Anyone else would’ve lost patience, but not your Zavier. He didn’t send a single text.”

“He might not rush me, but I can’t stand the thought of him out in the cold,” Skyler retorted before dashing out the door.

Emma called after her, “That girl is showing off again!”

Skyler quickly made her way downstairs and as soon as she reached Zavier, he took her hand firmly into his.

The winters in the Capital were harsh, and Skyler’s hands were always cold, but ever since she and Zavier got together, her hands had never felt the chill again.

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1744

Chapter 1744

Skyler had dropped a few grand on a swanky hotel room, and Zavier could only watch as Skyler was whisked away by her sister, feeling a pang of loss in his chest.

Back in his own room, he pinged his buddies in their group chat, [What are you guys up to?] He sent the message, but no one seemed to care.

Zavier: [Lucas is taken, Steven’s got his eye on a girl. I get why those love-struck fools aren’t replying. But Marc, what’s your excuse? You ain’t got a lady love, why the cold shoulder?]

After a while, Marcus finally shot back a message, [Was just catching up with my grandma.]

Zavier: [How’s her health?]

Marcus: [Gran’s tough as nails.]

Zavier: [She’s only got you for a grandson. She not bugging you to bring home a bride?]e2

Marcus: [My gran ain’t as bored as your granddad.]

Zavier: [That’s a way to put it. You’re young now, so she’s not pressing you. Give it a couple of years, then we’ll see if she starts nudging you.]

Marcus: [Don’t sweat it for me. You sort out your own stuff first.]

Zavier: [Already did.]

Marcus: [Really?]

Zavier: [I’ve decided to go with the family’s wishes. When Skyler is of age or after she graduates, we’ll make it official.]

At that, Steven and Lucas, who’d been playing dead, suddenly sprang to life.

Steven: [If you’re into Skyler, just say it, man. What’s with the family wishes excuse?]

Lucas: [Never thought I’d see the day Zavier falls so hard. The age-old tale, even heroes can’t fend off Cupid’s arrow.]

Zavier: [Thought you guys were dead. Back from the grave?]

Steven: [My bro’s getting hitched. I’d claw my way out of a coffin for that.]

Lucas: [Did you even ask Skyler? Is she down with this plan to marry you?]

Zavier: [She’ll be on board for sure.]

Steven: [Sure? You’re that certain she’ll say yes?]

Lucas: [Spill it, Zavier. What’s got you so hooked on her?]


Zavier was stumped. He’d never pondered that question. Maybe it was Skyler’s stubborn streak that got to him. Maybe he felt for her and wanted to be her rock. Or perhaps it was just that she fit his idea of beauty.

He didn’t want to delve too deep. All he knew was that he wanted to marry Skyler, and be with her for life.

Marcus: [If you’ve made up your mind, then treat her right. Don’t have any other intentions with other women.]

Steven: [Marc, quit playing advisor when you’re single as a pringle.]

Lucas: [Let him speak. Marc’s making sense.]

Marcus: [If there’s anything you need with me, just holler.]

That reminded Zavier of something, “How’s the collaboration going with my uncle Matthew and the Hartley Group?”

Marcus: [The guy’s got no character or competence. Teaming up with him is a headache. Besides, Rivera Inc. is a mess right now, and I’m not keen on muddying the waters. But if it’s you, I’d consider it.]

Marcus’s words were the solid backing Zavier needed.

With his friends’ support, he felt ready to take on the world, “Thanks, man. Time to roll up my sleeves and get to it.”

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1743

Chapter 1743

Skyler’s heart skipped a beat before pounding wildly in her chest as Zavier’s ambiguous words hung in the air. ‘Zavier, please don’t say things that could be misunderstood.”

tris suddenly perked up, her big doe eyes widening as she gazed at Zavier. “You like my sister, don’t you?”

Kids and their instincts. From the moment Iris had met Zavier, she knew there was something special about him because of the way he treated her sister.

Months had passed without seeing Skyler, and Iris noticed a stark change in her sister. Back in the day, her sister shared Iris’ fear of their household, they’d barely breathe too loudly in front of their kin, often on the receiving end of venomous words or even a harsh slap.

But this time, her sister returned with a newfound courage, far from the trembling leaf she used to be around family. This version of her sister seemed even more beautiful and


If possible, Iris really wished she could leave this place with her sister and never come back, never see these people again.

Before Zavier could reply, Skyler interjected, “Iris, be careful with their words.”e2

But Iris had that mischievous sparkle that kids sometimes get, especially around a sister they adore, “Sis, I’m not making things up. Besides, I was asking my brother-in-law, and he hasn’t answered yet. Why are you in such a hurry?”

Skyler turned to Zavier, “Zavier, she’s just a kid. Don’t take it to heart.”

Zavier smiled at Iris, “It’s only natural for people to like someone as amazing as your sister, isn’t it?”

“So, you do like my sister?” Iris pressed on.

Zavier nodded. “Of course, I do.” His answer was short and to the point. That was just the kind of guy he was.

Skyler nudged him discreetly, “Don’t talk nonsense in front of the kid.”

Zavier retorted, “Who’s talking nonsense? I’ve never been more serious.”

Skyler was at a loss for words.

Iris chimed in again, “If you like my sister, then you must always treat her well. You can’t ever hurt her.”

Zavier ruffled Iris’ hair with a smile, “I promise you right here and now that I’ll always treat your sister well. If I don’t, you can deal with me as you see fit.”




But ironically, it would be Zavier who would cause Skyler the deepest hurt in the future. When he realized his mistake, it was already too late. Skyler had decisively fled from his life, and it took him so long to find her again.

Excited by the promise, Iris looked at Skyler, only to see her sister’s eyes brimming with tears. “What’s wrong? If you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t ask.”

Skyler shook her head, “Don’t worry, Iris. I’m fine.”

Zavier’s concern was palpable as he echoed Iris’ question, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine,” Skyler insisted.

But the more they showed their concern, the more she inexplicably felt like crying. She quickly diverted by fussing over Iris with the food, masking her true emotions.

Zavier kept his gaze on her, “Scaredy-cat, what’s really going on?”

Skyler snapped back, “I said I’m fine. Why do you keep asking?”

Zavier fell silent. The girl wasn’t scared anymore, at least not in front of him. In front of others, she was still the same little scaredy-cat.

Nonetheless, the meal was finished in a cheerful atmosphere.

After dinner, Iris clung to Skyler, refusing to let go, and Skyler indulged her, embracing her sister’s whims for once.

Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1742

hapter 1742

Skyler flashed two more photos on her phone, Take a look at this.”

Zavier peered closely at the images of two children who bore a striking resemblance, “Your sister is a twin?”

Skyler explained, “This is me, and this is Iris. Both pictures were taken when we were five. I had someone Photoshop us together last year. Everyone who sees this picture thinks we’re twins. From now on, you’re not allowed to say we don’t look alike, okay?”

Zavier couldn’t help but chuckle at Skyler’s stubbornness, “Alright, alright, I won’t say you two don’t look alike anymore.”

She pocketed her phone with satisfaction, “Glad you get it.”

Zavier stood up, offering a warm smile, “Come on, let me treat you and your sister to


Iris looked at Skyler with concern, “Can we really go out to eat?” Iris wanted to, but she was also scared.e2

Skyler took Iris’ hand in hers, “Do you want to go out to eat, Iris?”

Iris nodded vigorously, “Yes.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do, and there’s nothing to worry about,” Skyler reassured her.

Iris’ smile curled up at the edges, and Skyler’s heart clenched with a mix of joy and pity. Just like her, Iris craved the love and affection of a family. The simple prospect of dining out filled her with as much excitement as if she had been given the most precious treasure in the world.

Zavier, observing this exchange, felt a pang of empathy. Even though he knew the sisters had a rough time with the Blue family, he couldn’t begin to fathom what they had endured over the years.

The chauffeur Zavier had arranged was waiting outside. Ever considerate, Zavier took the passenger seat, leaving the backseat for the sisters.

The two chattered non-stop, filling the car with their lively conversation. Zavier listened silently, determined to do whatever he could to help Skyler and ensure Iris’ well-being. He knew that only when Iris was alright, could Skyler truly heal.

At the table, Skyler kept piling food onto Iris’ plate. Iris savored every bite as if it was her first, reluctant to pause even for a moment.

It wasn’t that the Blue family hadn’t treated her to good food. They had always controlled the portions to prevent overeating, worried that the girls would grow fat instead of tall.

At ten years old, Iris was in the throes of growth spurts, naturally ravenous and quick to


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digest anything she ate. Limiting her food intake was, in essence, starving her.

As Skyler served Iris more food, Skyler cautioned, “Eat slowly, Iris. Don’t make yourself sick. I’ll be in Southern Port for a few more days, and I’ll take you out to enjoy whatever you like.”

Iris assured her, “I won’t overeat.”

Skyler knew all too well the hardships, “Okay, just take your time.”

Nodding, Iris continued eating, and Skyler added more to her plate. When Skyler looked up, she caught Zavier’s complex gaze. She smiled sheepishly, “Thank you for everything.”

Zavier reached over with his fork to serve Skyler, “Don’t just look after your sister, make

sure you eat too.”

Grinning, Skyler replied, “I will.”

The table was laden with seafood, especially shrimp. While Skyler was busy peeling shrimp for Iris, Zavier started doing the same for Skyler.

“You don’t need to worry about me,” she insisted. “Take care of yourself.”

Zavier paused before blurting out, “I want to take care of you.”


Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband Chapter 1732-1741

Chapter 1732

Steven nudged Zavier with his foot and teased, “Come on, Romeo, if you’re smitten with her, just spill the beans. What’s with all the hemming and hawing? That’s not the Zavier I know.”

Zavier glared at him. “Mind your own business.” She was his fiancée, after all. Zavier didn’t believe for a second that Skyler could slip through his fingers.

Steven chuckled, “If I didn’t poke my nose into your business, you’d probably never get the girl.”

Zavier was all business. “I called you here to discuss something important.”

Steven waved him off, “More important than your love life? Doubt it.”

Zavier had enough. “Steven!”d2

“Alright, alright, spill it. I’m all ears.”

So Zavier laid it out, detailing how Skyler was working with Carter in the music biz.

Steve had to admit he was impressed. “Never took Miss Skyler for the secretive genius type.”

Skyler was over the moon with her work being appreciated, listening in silently as the men talked.

Steven added, “But let’s get real. The real test for a song is how it does in the long run. If Carter’s deal with Skyler is to split the net income fifty-fifty after costs, they could be looking at enough dough to live comfortably for a lifetime.”

Zavier mused on a future possibility. “I’ve been considering if she should start her own studio, and be her own boss.”

Steven nodded, “Being the boss has its perks. More cash if things go well, but it also means looking after a whole crew. That’s real pressure, and it could stifle the creative juices. Music’s not just about hard work-it’s a lot about raw talent.”

The two bantered back and forth, completely ignoring what Skyler might want. Finally, Skyler piped up, “Don’t I get a say in this?” Zavier turned to her, “Let’s hear it, then.”

“I’m happy working with Carter for now,” Skyler confessed. “He’s been a mentor to me. It’d be wrong to just bail after one hit single.” Zavier probed, “Is that really your plan?”

She nodded.

“Don’t regret it later,” he warned.

“I won’t,” Skyler assured.

Steven chimed in, “I think we should respect Skyler’s wishes. She’s happy, and she’s making bank-what’s not to love?”

Zavier was clearly not pleased. “Who knows what she’s really thinking?”

Steven caught the hint of jealousy. “You’re not worried about Carter swindling her. With you backing her, he wouldn’t dare. You’re worried she might elope with the guy, aren’t you?”

Zavier’s face darkened as his private fear was voiced, and he glanced at Skyler. Just the other day, he’d gone to pick her up from the studio and found Carter personally escorting her out, whispering something that left her grinning ear to ear.

His fiancée, even if he wasn’t keen on her, couldn’t be allowed to make a fool of him.

Skyler’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You really think that?”

Zavier just grunted.

She didn’t want a bad rep. “Zavier, we may be headed for a split, but I won’t fancy anyone else before that. And I certainly won’t run off with anyone. Carter’s just a mentor to me, nothing more.”

Zavier was resigned. “I don’t want to fight our families. I’ve decided to go along with their plans.”

Skyler was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Steven couldn’t resist teasing, “It’s obvious, isn’t it? Zavier’s fallen for you and doesn’t want to call off the engagement.

Chapter 1733

Skyler had no intention of dating, let alone entertaining the thought that Zavier might like her. This time, she chose not to respond.

After dinner, as usual, Zavier drove Skyler back to her dorm.”

Before parting ways, Zavier said, “Winter break’s almost here, and the dorms might be closed. Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place for a couple of months?”

Skyler chuckled, “Thanks for the offer. But I’ve already spoken with the dorm supervisor. I applied early, so I can keep my room over the holidays.”

Zavier paused, then added, “Well, if you need anything, just let me know. I’ll send my cell number to your WhatsApp in a bit. Make sure to save it in your contacts.”

Skyler nodded, “I will.”d2

Without another word, Zavier drove off.

Back in her dorm, Skyler found her roommates Emma and Amanda packing their bags, with gifts for their parents from the Capital’s famous shops scattered around them.

Emma asked Skyler, “You’re really not going home for the winter break?”

Skyler replied, “No, I’m not. I’ve still got some work to sort out.”

Amanda chimed in, “Emma, you’re such an airhead. Skyler’s fiancé is in the Capital. Why would she go home? Obviously, she’s going to spend the holidays with him, have some fun, and maybe kindle some romance.”

Skyler didn’t feel like correcting them and let their teasing slide.

The Blue family had made it clear that Skyler wasn’t permitted to return to Southern Port unless she was accompanied by Zavier. She had wanted to discuss a trip to Southern Port with Zavier, especially to see her sister. But after all the help he had given her and considering his odd behavior that evening, she was hesitant to impose on him again.

Emma then asked, “So, where do you and Zavier plan on going for fun? Are you guys heading abroad? Let me know in advance, so you can pick up some stuff for me.”

Amanda added, “Me too, I need to stock up on skincare products. They’re so much cheaper duty-free.”

Skyler answered, “I’ll probably stay put, got too much on my plate with music projects.”

Amanda retorted, “Why work so hard when you’ve got a loaded fiancé?”

Skyler replied firmly, “His money is his own.”

To outsiders, Zavier lived a life of luxury, with everything handed to him on a silver platter. But in reality, he faced immense pressure, not only running his own gaming company but also navigating a minefield of corporate politics to secure his future at the helm of Rivera Inc. If he lost in the power struggle for Rivera Inc., his life could become worse than that of an average person.

As for Skyler? She had grown up without familial love and knew that only financial independence could give her the power to say “no.” Skyler believed that no matter whom a girl married, she should have the ability to earn her own money.

She thought about the many housewives who had the capability to earn before marriage but chose to focus on family life afterward, becoming so out of touch with society that their lives grew harder by the day.

Living off others’ generosity was something Skyler refused to experience again.

Winter break arrived, and most students joyfully returned home for the holidays, leaving only a few behind on campus.

With her roommates gone, Skyler settled into a simple routine: working at Carter’s music studio by day and reading books in her dorm at night. It was a simple life, but she was content.

As Christmas approached, Skyler decided to give Iris a call. Previously, Iris’ phone had been confiscated by their parents, cutting off their communication.

Chapter 1734

Later, Skyler bought a new phone and entrusted Zavier to deliver it to Iris. It was then that the two sisters reconnected. They made a pact the phone was not to cross the threshold of the Blue family household. They couldn’t risk another discovery. So Skyler would only call at agreed-upon times when Iris could safely answer.

“I’m just so thrilled to hear from you.” Iris chattered away on the phone, a stream of updates and stories spilling out. Skyler could almost see her sister’s animated gestures through the line.

Knowing that Iris was doing well eased Skyler’s mind..

As they were about to end the call, Iris’ voice dropped to a murmur, “Skyler, are you really not coming home for Christmas? If you don’t, I’ll be all alone.”

Skyler’s heart clenched. She made a snap decision. “I’ll be there, Iris. I’ll come home on Christmas Eve.”

Christmas Eve was always a hive of activity in the Blue family, everyone buzzing with tasks and preparations. Nobody would notice if Iris was absent. Skyler figured she could slip in unnoticed at that time.d2

After hanging up, she immediately booked a flight from the Capital to Southern Port, making sure all her bases were covered.

Having tied up all her loose ends at work on the last day before the holiday season, Skyler approached Carter. “Mr. Carter, I’ve wrapped up my tasks. Anything else you need from me?”

“Are you getting ready to go back to school? I’ll give you a ride.” Carter said.

Skyler, not keen on mixing her personal life with work, gently declined, “You’re busy, Mr. Carter. I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”

But Carter persisted, “There’s a bit of work chatter I’d like to go over with you. With the holidays around the corner, I don’t want to eat into more of your time. We can talk on the way.”

Cornered by his insistence, Skyler reluctantly agreed.

However, as they descended to the lobby, Skyler was caught off guard by the sight of Zavier leaning against his car, a cigarette in hand, impossible to miss as she stepped out of the elevator.

Carter chuckled. “Ah, your fiancé’s here to pick you up. That explains the refusal.”

Without diving into explanations, Skyler offered an awkward smile and bid Carter farewell.

Approaching Zavier, she was met with his gruff voice, “What did Carter want?”

“He had some work stuff to discuss. He was going to give me a lift back to campus, but when he saw you, he left,” Skyler replied. “Do you really think it was just work he wanted to talk about?” Zavier’s tone was skeptical.

“What else would it be?” Skyler shrugged.

Zavier poked her forehead teasingly. “You naive thing.”

“Don’t poke me.” Skyler pouted, swatting his hand away.

Zavier made another jabbing gesture, “I’ll do whatever I want.”

Dodging his playful attack, Skyler asked, “You’re here to give me a lift?”

“Yeah. Mom wants us to have dinner together. I was nearby and thought I’d swing by to pick you up,” Zavier explained.

“I could’ve taken the subway. It’s convenient.”

“Then go. Take the subway. Don’t get in my car.”

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re here already.”

Zavier tapped her head again. “You are not that silly after all.”

Skyler feigned offense, “Keep that up, and I’ll get mad, you know.”

Laughing, Zavier teased, “So you’ve got a temper now?”

Skyler shot back playfully, “Even a cornered bunny can bite, and I’m a whole lot more than a bunny.”

Chapter 1735

Zavier chuckled, “Where did you hear that?”

Skyler shot him a glare. “Are we going or not?”

“Alright, alright. Miss Skyler commands, and I dare not disobey,” Zavier replied with a hint of playful sarcasm.

Skyler got into the car, and quickly fastened her seatbelt, afraid that he might drive fast again. Fortunately, Zavier seemed to be behaving this time, driving with steady hands.

As they neared Kalene’s place, he finally spoke up. “Carter’s a married man, Skyler. Don’t let his kindness fool you into playing the other


Skyler’s eyes blazed as she stared at Zavier. “Do you even hear yourself, Zavier? Is that what you think of me? For the last time, my relationship with Carter is purely mentorship. Nothing more.”d2

“I’m just looking out for you,” Zavier replied, taken aback by her fiery response. It was rare to see Skyler lose her cool, and despite the seriousness, there was something inexplicably endearing about it.

He was aware there was nothing between her and Carter at the moment, but given how much time they spent together, and considering her charm, he couldn’t rule out the possibility of Carter developing inappropriate feelings. As her fiancé, he felt it was his duty to warn her. He couldn’t just stand by as she potentially walked into a trap.

“Don’t worry. I won’t,” Skyler said.

“Are you really mad?” Zavier asked, half-teasing.

“No, I’m not.” she huffed, and Zavier couldn’t help but laugh at her adorable indignation.

Skyler bit her lip in frustration. She was genuinely upset, and here he was, laughing. She decided to give him the silent treatment.

Ever since Samuel passed away, Kalene had been struggling. It had been a while since Skyler last saw her, and it was clear that Kalene was not faring well.

Yet, the sight of them together brought a smile to Kalene’s face. She had prepared a lavish spread for their visit. “Skyler, Zavier tells me you’ve been staying at the dorms. The campus must be empty during the break. Are you sure you’re safe there all alone?”

“Don’t worry about me, Kalene. The campus security is always there. It’s perfectly safe,” Skyler reassured her.

Kalene turned to Zavier. “And you, as the man of the house, shouldn’t you take better care of your fiancée?”

Zavier sipped his soup, seemingly nonchalant, yet his gaze never strayed far from Skyler. “I’ve told her to move into my place, but she doesn’t want to. What can I do?”

Not wanting to discuss their personal matters in front of an elder, Skyler quickly changed the subject. “You’ve lost weight. You should eat more. Can’t neglect your health.”

Understanding Skyler’s discomfort, Kalene let the topic slide. “Yes, let’s eat. I had these Southern Port dishes prepared especially for you. Make sure you eat up.”

Skyler smiled and reached for the food, just as Zavier nudged her under the table. She looked up at him, her eyes asking, “What’s that for?”

Without a word, Zavier picked up a piece of her favorite meat and dropped it into her plate. “Why reach for something you don’t like? At home, you should eat what you want. Don’t force yourself to eat anything else.”

Skyler didn’t know how to answer to that. Who would pick and choose only their favorite dishes as a guest at someone else’s table? That could easily be seen as rude.

But Zavier wasn’t concerned about that. He pushed all of Skyler’s preferred dishes towards her. “You’re family. Eat what you like, and don’t bother with the rest.”

Chapter 1736

Skyler’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson under his teasing gaze.

Kalene chuckled softly, “Skyler, Zavier’s right. When you’re at home, you should feel free to eat whatever you like. Make yourself comfortable.”

Skyler murmured an acknowledgement, “Okay.”

Kalene glanced at Zavier, and after a silent exchange of looks between mother and son, she added, “I’ll have the housekeeper tidy up the guest rooms. Why don’t you both stay over tonight and keep me company?”

“Sure,” Zavier agreed with a nod.c2

Skyler had a flight back to Southern Port at midnight and knew she couldn’t stay the night, but she was at a loss for how to politely decline Kalene’s kind offer.

As she hesitated, Zavier stepped in, “Mom, I’ve got some things to take care of tonight. After dinner, I can drop Skyler off at school on my way.”

“What do you have planned?” Kalene asked with a trace of suspicion. Just moments ago, he was insisting on having Skyler stay the night. Why the sudden change? What game was this boy playing?

“Life’s big decisions, Zavier said cryptically.

Kalene shook her head with a wry smile. “You’re never serious, are you?”

After dinner, without wasting a moment, Zavier announced he would take Skyler back to school. But no sooner had they left the neighbourhood, he asked, “So, you really don’t want to hang out with us?”

Skyler was taken aback and quickly clarified, “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just have other commitments.”

“What kind of commitments?” Zavier pressed.

Skyler simply replied, “Personal matters.”

Zavier’s mood clearly soured as he dropped the subject.

“Thanks for bailing me out earlier,” Skyler added after a moment.

“Hmph.” was all Zavier offered in return. So, she did realize he had helped her out of a tight spot.

They arrived at the school soon after, and as Skyler got out of the car, Zavier sped off with a rev of the engine.

With a sigh, Skyler headed back to her dorm to pack a few essentials before hailing a cab to the airport. The dinner had set her

back a little, but she reached the airport just in time, boarding her flight without any issues.

After a two-hour flight, she arrived at Southern Port, and it was already past two in the morning.

The winter in Southern Port might not have been as cold as in the Capital, but the damp chill seemed to seep into her bones. Instinctively, she wrapped her down jacket tighter around her.

The next thing she knew, a large hand had taken hold of her small suitcase’s handle. Startled, Skyler was about to cry out for help when she realized the hand belonged to none other than Zavier. “You-how did you get here?”

Ignoring her question, Zavier countered, “Missing your sister?”

Skyler nodded, “Yes, but-”

“Are you sure you can see her all by yourself without being noticed?” Zavier interjected.

“We had arranged a time. On Christmas Eve, the Blue family won’t notice whether she’s there or not.”

“That might have been the case before, but now things might be different.”


“Because of you.”

Being known as Zavier’s fiancée had its implications, and Iris was the person Skyler cared about the most. If the Blue family wanted to control Skyler, Iris was the perfect leverage.

Skyler began to grasp the situation, “Zavier, thank you.”

Zavier pulled at his coat, “It’s cold. Let’s find somewhere to stay first, and in the morning we’ll let your family know we’re here.

“I’ve booked a hotel already.”


Dragging her suitcase, he said, “Then let’s grab a cab and get going.”

Skyler hesitated, “The hotel I booked is quite budget-friendly. I doubt it’s up to your standards. Maybe I should book another one for you, something a bit nicer?”

Chapter 1737

Zavier watched her dilly-dally with a look of sheer displeasure, “If a young lady like you can endure it, what’s stopping a grown man like me from staying?”

He talked a good game, but once they reached the hotel, Zavier regretted it. The girl was making good money these days, but she still pinched pennies like nobody’s business. This place wasn’t a hotel. It was more like a dodgy motel that charged a few bucks a night.

Not only was the cleanliness questionable, but safety seemed like a gamble too.

Dragging her suitcase behind him, Zavier turned on his heel, “We’re leaving, now.”

Skyler protested, “It’s past check-in time. They won’t refund the room charge.”c2

Zavier shot back, “You got a death wish or something?”

Skyler just fell silent. She had already told him he wouldn’t be comfortable in a cheap place like this, and he insisted on coming with her. Now he wouldn’t even let her stay alone. The guy was a real pain in the neck.

Considering he’d rushed over in the middle of the night to help her out, she decided to let it slide.

Zavier picked the fanciest hotel in town, the kind where a single room for one night could cost a small fortune.

Skyler, feeling a bit embarrassed to have Zavier foot the bill after he’d come all this way, insisted on paying for the room herself.

A room cost thousands, and getting two would run them nearly ten grand. Every penny was hard-earned, and Skyler couldn’t bring herself to splurge, so she booked just one room, planning to make do with the couch for the night.

The pricier room, of course, came with all the bells and whistles. The air conditioning was already purring, making the room cozy and warm.

Skyler walked in and immediately shrugged off her coat.

Zavier looked at her and said, “That eager to bunk with me?”

Skyler retorted, “It’s not like we haven’t shared a room before. Don’t play the innocent.”

Zavier’s eyebrows arched, “What did you say?”

Skyler repeated, “I said it’s not like we haven’t…..”

She couldn’t finish her sentence. Zavier suddenly closed the distance between them.

Skyler backed away in alarm, “What are you doing?”

He advanced with each step, quickly cornering Skyler against the wall. Skyler had no way to retreat, “Zavier, stop kidding around.” Zavier replied, “Who’s kidding around with you?”


Zavier leaned in, his gaze searing, “Skyler.”

His intensity was too much, and Skyler couldn’t meet his eyes. She turned her head away, trying to escape, “What do you want?” Zavier lifted his hand, gently stroking her delicate cheek, “From now on, you tell me what’s going on. If something were to happen to you, as your fiancé, where would that leave my pride?”

So, that was what he wanted to talk about. His words were harsh but were laced with concern.

Skyler’s heart started to race. She opened her mouth to speak, but her

chook so much she couldn’t get a word out.

Zavier leaned closer, his forehead brushing against hers, “Promise me, Skyler.”

His voice, deep and sultry, struck right at/Skyler’s heart, “I-I got it.”

“Are you sure?” he pressed.

Skyler hummed a soft affirmation, “Mhm.”

Zavier’s lips sought hers. Skyler’s eyes widened as his lips drew nearer, eventually blocking her view. She felt a warm touch on her lips, first a gentle caress, then a firmer press.

Instinctively responding, Skyler was caught off guard when Zavier suddenly pulled away. He patted her head, “It’s late. You should freshen up.”

Skyler was speechless. Was he playing innocent now?


09:46 1

Zavier teased, “What are you staring at? Want more?”


Chapter 1738

Skyler retorted, “Shut up!”

She snapped back before spinning on her heel and dashing into the bathroom. The sound of the faucet echoed as she splashed cold water on her face, a desperate attempt to calm the storm within her. Although the two were engaged, they were still quite young, and there were many uncertainties ahead for them.

Could they truly make it to the altar? It was anyone’s guess.

Some choices were made in the heat of the moment, a fleeting happiness that could lead to a lifetime of regret. And Skyler couldn’t afford any regrets.

Thankfully, Zavier hadn’t pushed her further, instead giving her space to think. When she finally emerged, refreshed and more composed, she found him on the balcony, a cigarette dangling from his lips.

She couldn’t help herself. “How many times do I have to tell you to cut down on smoking?” she chastised, her voice laced with concern.

This time, Zavier actually listened, snuffing out the cigarette. “Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll need to be on top form to meet the Blue family.”e2

“Okay,” Skyler murmured, her voice soft. “I’ll crash on the couch. You take the bed.”

“As you wish,” he replied.

Exhaustion claimed her quickly, and she was soon adrift in sleep on the sofa. Time blurred until she felt herself lifted, a warm cocoon enveloping her as she was gently placed in the bed.

Blinking awake, she saw Zavier tucking her in. “Zavier, you’re giving up the bed for me again?”

He didn’t offer an explanation, just a quiet, “Did I wake you?”

She shook her head slightly and he playfully poked her cheek-a tender gesture that carried no sting. “Sleep,” he whispered.

Her eyes fluttered closed, and sleep reclaimed her. Zavier sat by her side, watching her peaceful expression. She seemed so serene, undisturbed by nightmares.

He remembered when she first arrived in the Capital, those early days when they were forced by their families to share a room. Her sleep was restless, haunted by bad dreams that would wake her-and him-several times a night.

It wasn’t that he cared particularly. It was just that his light sleep was disturbed by her startled movements. He’d watched her, impassive, as she fought her demons night after night.



But times changed. Months passed, and Skyler had slowly found her purpose and strength. She’d learned to fend for herself, her confidence growing. Most importantly, she was away from the suffocating presence of the Blue family, and the oppression that had once been her daily life.

Now, she was not only more confident but less intimidated by others. She even dared to snap back at him when provoked.

Unable to contain the flutter in his heart, Zavier gently prodded Skyler’s cheek again. She seemed healthier. Her cheeks were fuller than when they first met.

Feeling the disturbance, Skyler swatted in her sleep at the nuisance on her face. Zavier caught her hand in his, holding it firmly. “Scaredy-cat,” he murmured with a promise only for himself, “I’ll make myself strong so no one can bully you again.”

Yes. He was determined to become strong. He wouldn’t let anyone force him to do things he didn’t want to do anymore.

Skyler slept on, undisturbed by the world. When she awoke, the room was bathed in sunlight, the sheer curtains turning the rays into a golden haze.

“You sleepyhead, finally up?” Zavier’s melodious voice suddenly rang in the ears.

Turning her head, Skyler saw him sitting at the edge of the bed, his laptop now resting beside him. He must have been handling business while she slept.

Closing the laptop, he asked gently, “Did you sleep well?”


Chapter 1739

Skyler nodded in agreement.

“Time to get a move on,” Zavier said. “Spruce yourself up. Make those relatives take a second look and see you’re not the same person they used to push around.”

“Right,” Skyler replied, immediately standing up and grabbing her cell phone to check the time. “It’s already eleven?!”

She couldn’t believe she had slept like a log until eleven in the morning. She usually had trouble sleeping, but last night, she had crashed and didn’t wake until the late morning. It was definitely out of the ordinary..

“It’s only eleven, still early. No rush, let them wait a bit longer,” Zavier remarked casually.

Although Skyler was itching to show the Blue clan a thing or two, to prove they couldn’t mess with her and her sister anymore, she knew she wasn’t strong enough to take them on just yet. Confronting them now was like a suicide mission. She wasn’t about to play the fool.

Skyler got ready at lightning speed and then headed out the door with Zavier.e2

What she didn’t expect was to find the Blue family waiting for them in the hotel lobby, and not just any member, but Gilbert himself-the very man who had always looked down on her, treating her like she was worth less than the dirt under his shoes.

Upon seeing Zavier, Gilbert approached with the eagerness of a puppy, “Zavier, you’re heading back to Southern Port with our dear Sky? Why didn’t you let us know sooner? We’ve got plenty of room at home, no need for you to spend money on a hotel.”

“Our dear Sky,” he said with such feigned affection. It was quite a shift from the past when he used to call Skyler every name in the book, none of them pleasant.

Skyler knew exactly why the sudden change in attitude but still managed a respectful, “Uncle Gilbert.”

Gilbert nodded, his face showing uncharacteristic warmth towards Skyler, “Sky, how have the past few months in the Capital been treating you? I heard that Zavier has been very good to you, but I didn’t quite believe it until now. It seems the rumors were true.”

It turned out that Zavier had notified the Blue family at eight in the morning that he would be accompanying Skyler back to their estate.

Upon receiving the news, Gilbert decided to personally come to the hotel to pick them up. He had arrived before nine and had been waiting in the hotel lobby for nearly three hours, growing more impatient by the minute, but he had to wait because of Zavier’s presence.

“Thanks for your concern, Gilbert. We’ve been doing alright,” Skyler replied.



Zavier glanced at Gilbert and took Skyler’s hand, ready to leave, “No need to trouble you to pick us up. Skyler and I will make our own way to the Blue estate.”

Notifying them but refusing their ride-it was a clear snub, intended to embarrass Gilbert.

Gilbert didn’t dare to retaliate against Zavier, but he felt he could manipulate Skyler, “Sky, you’re just going to head back like this? Not taking my ride? I’m afraid it wouldn’t look good when you explain it to the family, especially Iris. She’s been eagerly waiting for me to bring you home.”


On the surface, it sounded like a concern, but it was clearly a veiled threat. Skyler understood all too well. She might be out of the Blue family’s reach while in the Capital, but Iris was still with them. If she acted out, it would be Iris who suffered the


She couldn’t take that risk. Yet, she didn’t want to put Zavier out, feeling caught between a rock and a hard place.

Zavier saw her concern and reassured her, “Don’t worry. They won’t dare to bully your sister anymore.”

“But…” Skyler hesitated.

Zavier squeezed her hand tighter and continued, “Before, they confiscated Iris’ phone to prevent her from contacting you because they were worried you’d refuse to follow their plans and marry into the Rivera family. They used Iris to control you. Now things are different. They’ve seen how well I treat you, and how much I protect you. From now on, they’ll probably be begging Iris to keep in touch with you every day.”

Chapter 1740

Considering Zavier’s words, Skyler nodded in agreement. “Thanks for tagging along with me on this. If I had come back alone, meeting Iris would have been a toss-up.”

Zavier quipped, “Well, since you’re the fiancée my family has set me up with, who else would I accompany but you?”

His words carried an undertone. He was reminding Skyler that their relationship was approved by both their families. It wasn’t just about the two of them being willing. No one would tear them apart.

To Skyler, though, it sounded like she was just another item arranged by her family-his past resistance and current assistance were both out of obligation.

As they stepped out of the hotel, Skyler murmured, “Let’s hail a fancy ride. We can’t tarnish your reputation.”

Zavier was amused by her earnest silliness. “Afraid of tarnishing my reputation by taking a cab?”

With her head held high, Skyler retorted, “I’ll call for the most expensive one. We can’t have your reputation tarnished.”e2

Zavier, holding Skyler’s hand, walked directly towards the Lamborghini parked at the hotel entrance. “Get in.”

Skyler realized, “You called for a car ahead of time.”

Without offering an explanation, Zavier said warmly, “Get in, silly.”

Skyler didn’t waste a second and quickly jumped into the car, not even glancing back at Gilbert, who was seething with anger.

Thinking of the usually haughty Gilbert now brought low, Skyler suddenly felt a refreshing sense of delight, as if the weather itself had brightened.

Seeing her joy, Zavier felt genuinely happy for her. “How’re you feeling now?”

Skyler beamed, “Absolutely fantastic. Never been better.”

Zavier watched her smiling face and couldn’t help but smile as well. He resolved to make sure she felt this good every day, and to never let anyone bully her again.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the Blue household.

Gilbert had beaten them there and was already at the doorstep with the family, all wearing smiles that had never been afforded to Skyler before. They greeted her warmly as if she had always been their darling “Sky.”



But Skyler’s eyes searched only for Iris.

Iris had longed to rush over and hug her sister, whom she missed dearly. However, with family members around, she lacked the courage. Standing at the back of the crowd, she timidly watched Skyler.

Surrounded by relatives, Skyler couldn’t break free. It was Zavier who came to her rescue. “Every day in the Capital, you kept talking about your sister. Why not go and see her first?”

Hearing Zavier’s suggestion, the Blue family quickly made way, pushing Iris toward Skyler. “Iris has been talking about Sky non-stop too. We told her to wait for you, but you know kids-she wandered off to play just before you arrived.”

Skyler glanced at the speaker, about to say something but held her tongue. Iris was the most sensible. If Iris knew her sister was coming, she probably wouldn’t have slept a wink, let alone sneak off to play.

“Skyler!” tris called out.

“Iris…” Skyler raised her hand and gently touched Iris’ head. She had many questions for Iris, but with everyone’s attention focused on them, she couldn’t ask anything. She had to restrain even the desire to hug her own sister.

Barbara spoke up, “Zavier, seeing you and Sky getting along so well puts our minds at ease as parents.”

Zavier asked, “What are you at ease about?”

Barbara replied, “Of course, about entrusting our daughter to you. We used to worry that she would be mistreated if she married far away from home, but not anymore.”

Zavier gave a cold smile, “Is that so?”

Chapter 1741

Bernard, sensing the awkward tension, stepped forward with a welcoming grin. “Zavier, this is your first time visiting our humble abode, and we’re all absolutely thrilled to have you. We’ve gone all out and prepared a welcome feast in your honor. Please, come in and make yourself at home.”

The Blue clan was treating Zavier with the pomp and circumstance befitting a

distinguished guest from afar, regardless of whether Zavier appreciated such fanfare or


Today, Skyler, who had always been neglected and disregarded by them, also was treated with smiles and warmth, all thanks to Zavier.

But Skyler wasn’t buying any of it. She couldn’t care less for their sudden change of heart. Zavier, playing along, provided her with the perfect excuse to spend some quality time with Iris.

Once alone, Iris threw herself into Skyler’s arms and clung to her tightly, sobbing, “Skyler.”

Tears welled up in Skyler’s eyes as she comforted Iris, “Iris, don’t be scared. I am here for you now.”

Iris rubbed her face against Skyler over and over, seeking the maternal affection she’d never received. To her, Skyler was as vital as a mother. “I was so afraid you didn’t want me anymore, and I was so scared.”e2

Skyler softly stroked Iris’ hair, trying to soothe her fears. “Iris, you’re the most important person in my life. How could I ever leave you?”

She had repeated these words countless times on the phone and through WhatsApp messages, but living in fear every day, Iris found it hard to trust any promises. After all, Skyler had once told her they would never be separated, yet she ended up being sent away to the distant Capital.

Iris looked up, wiping away her tears, “Does… does my brother-in-law treat you well?”

The word ‘brother-in-law’ made Skyler blush slightly, “We’re not married yet, Iris. Why are you calling him that already?”

Iris retorted with the logic of a child, “Sooner or later, I’ll have to call him that.”

Skyler pinched Iris’ cheek playfully. “You’re such a little thinker. From now on, you call him Mr. Zavier, not brother-in-law.”

“Why not call me brother-in-law? I think it sounds quite nice.” Zavier’s voice came from behind them. He had managed to slip away from the others in the family.

Skyler was taken aback. “Weren’t you dealing with my family? How did you end






Zavier chuckled, “Gettin rid of them was a piece of cake.”

Recognizing Zavier’s exceptional ability to handle any situation, and fully aware that the Riveras were no match for him, let alone the Blues, Skyler wisely chose not to pursue the issue any further.

Zavier’s gaze fell upon the young Iris, a ten-year-old girl with an undeveloped innocence, her features not yet resembling Skyler’s. “Were you and your sister born to the same parents?”

“Of course,” Skyler replied without hesitation.

Zavier’s curiosity piqued, “It’s just that you two don’t seem to look much alike.”

“Who says we don’t look alike?” Skyler was quick to defend, pulling out her phone and scrolling through her cloud album to find a picture from when she was about ten, “Take a look at this.”

Zavier leaned in closer, “Is this a photo of Iris?”

“That’s me,” Skyler clarified. “It’s from when I was around Iris’ age.”

The girl in the photo was the spitting image of Iris as she was now-indistinguishable from one another.

Zavier scrutinized the photo for a moment longer, “You two really look alike.”


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