I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 666-668

Chapter 666

Chapter 666 Whose Child Is It?

Abigail had no talent for cooking. The culinary skills taught by her grandmother had been neglected

since she returned to Capitalis a year and a half ago.

“Do you need help with cooking? If not, I can send someone over to assist you.” Sean hesitated to offer

his help directly because she had previously asked him to handle work matters. It was obvious that she

wanted him to see it through.

Abigail fell silent. She thought about Luna and looked at the environment she lived in. There were

many grievances that she wanted to share with Sean, but she couldn’t say anything.

“It’s okay. Just write down the process and send it to me. I’m still clever. Although I’ve forgotten

everything, having the process will make it much simpler,” she said. She could learn from short videos,

but she just wanted to trouble Sean.

Him personally writing the process for her would at least comfort her for now.

“Okay. I’ll write it for you. It might be a bit long, though.” Sean’s voice carried a hint of indulgence.

Abigail responded with a sound of agreement.

After he finished writing the process, she washed the pot and started making soup again.

The two of them stayed on the phone, with Sean keeping track of time. Two hours passed without a

trace, and the chicken soup was ready.

“I have to eat and work at the same time now. I’ll call you back after I’m done,” Abigail said. She had

finished preparing the chicken soup and was now addressing Sean over the phone.

“Alright, call me again next time you cook. I’ll teach you.” Sean also enjoyed this process. At least she

now knew to ask him for help when she didn’t know something.

After responding, she hung up the phone.

She brought the food to the hospital, where Luna was still in a deep sleep.

Upon entering the ward, Abigail frowned in displeasure when she saw Simond. “Didn’t I tell you to


Simond shrugged. “I have to wait for my people to arrive before I can leave. I don’t have identification

except for a cellphone. Can I just leave with that?”


“Then, you’re not allowed to enter this ward either! Simond, I helped you because I wanted you to stay

away from me and my best friend. Don’t be ungrateful!” Abigail forcefully slammed the thermal

lunchbox onto the table.

The loud noise startled Luna from her dream. Her eyes widened as she looked at Abigail and Simond.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, she buried her head under the covers.

Simond smiled at Abigail and asked, “Why are you so angry? It’s not like I hurt your best friend.”


She suppressed her anger and answered, “There’s still something about you that I don’t know. Given

her condition, if you provoke someone again and she gets hurt, I don’t care about the status of your

family in Capitalis. I’ll make you pay without mercy!”

He still had his grin as he nodded. “My people have arrived. No matter how many folks come, nothing

will happen. Ms. Alana, having one more friend won’t be a bad thing.”

“I don’t need extra friends!” Abigail said coldly. “Get out of here right now.”

“Alright.” Simond walked lightly toward the door. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned and asked,

“Whose child did she carry? Why didn’t she find her man?”

“Why are you asking about this?!” Abigail felt a bad premonition rising in her heart.

“The co-founder of L.Moon, Luna Smith, has a child out of wedlock. Don’t you think it’d be explosive

news?” he asked with a smile.

Before Abigail could respond, Luna lifted the blanket and looked at Simond with tears streaming down

her face. “Please don’t say anything! I’m begging you… The child has no father, please…”

Watching Simond leave, Abigail sat by the bedside. She unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup and

smiled at Luna. “It’s time to eat. I personally made the soup for you; it’s delicious.”

Luna looked at Abigail and reached out to grab her wrist. “I don’t know when it might happen… My

mental state is not good. Please don’t tell anyone about the child, Abigail. Treat this child as your own,

and don’t tell anyone that the child is mine.”

“Why?” Abigail asked. She didn’t even want another child, and Sean wouldn’t want it either. If she told

him the truth, it would be different. If she didn’t, how could she explain the child’s presence to Sean?

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Luna started crying. “I don’t know why… I thought everything was over and getting better. Why is it like


“Luna, what happened to you? Can you tell me?” Abigail held Luna’s hand, her tone anxious.

Luna’s eyes darted around quickly. Soon, she began to yank at her hair before she cried. “I don’t know

what happened. In the three months before you came back, I suddenly had frequent dreams of

someone giving me injections. It’s like I’ve lost a piece of memory. Since then, my memories have

become chaotic. Many times, I can’t distinguish when things happened…”

“I don’t know why I got pregnant. One day, I woke up and found that my belly had grown bigger. I was

filled with fear and dread. How could this happen?” Luna muttered as she tugged at her hair.

Chapter 667

Chapter 667 He Represents The Passage Of Time

Abigail held Luna’s hand and gently urged her to stop pulling at her hair. “Let’s conduct a DNA test for

the child. We can always find out who the father is.”

“Don’t bother testing. I’ve done it several times during pregnancy but couldn’t find out. The doctor said I

have a genetic issue, and we can’t determine the child’s father,” Luna cried as she tightly held Abigail’s

hand. “We can only wait until the child is older and the genes have stabilized before we can test


“Not my brother’s child?” Abigail asked.

“I don’t know… I can’t remember… It’s like I suddenly broke down. Before I got pregnant, I often

couldn’t distinguish time… It was only when I became pregnant that I realized we were always moving

forward in time. I didn’t want to abort the child. Its existence proves that I’m still in reality.” Tears

continued to stream down Luna’s face.

With red eyes, Abigail embraced Luna. “It’s okay. Once you feel better, we’ll return to Capitalis.”

“I’m not going back. I don’t want to go back, Abigail. We can’t go back,” Luna said incoherently.

“Everyone will be in trouble if we return. Don’t bring the child back.”

“Why can’t we? We won’t find anything by staying here forever,” Abigail cried. “Tell me who gave you

the injections, and I’ll help you find them!”

Luna leaned against her and shook her head. “I can’t remember-”

“Stop asking,” Simond interrupted.

Abigail glared at him. “Didn’t I tell you to leave?”

She noticed a man dressed very casually, standing next to Simond, and staring at Luna.

“Before I leave, let me help you just this once,” Simond said as he looked at the man beside him

walking in. Then, he casually closed the ward door.

“If she doesn’t want to talk, just agree to her request,” the man told Abigail.

She looked at the man and then asked Luna, who was in her arms. “I will let the child have my last

name. If anyone asks, I’ll say he’s mine. Is that okay? You should eat first. Once you’ve had a full meal,

we’ll focus on recovering your health before anything else.”

“Okay…” Luna nodded with a choked voice.

Abigail patted her back.

After Luna finished her meal and took a sedative to sleep, Abigail followed Simond and the man out of

the ward.

The three of them walked outside the hospital, and Simond looked at the man.

“Ms. Quinn, I am Dr. Zack Mason, a psychiatrist at the Sixth People’s Hospital in Capitalis. Your friend

has a severe case of depression. After reviewing her medical history, I found that her depression is


related to the medication she has been taking,” the man explained gently. “You cannot force her. She is

already experiencing hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and difficulty in distinguishing time. If she is

not properly treated soon, she’ll have a stiff body. You’re well aware of the final outcome, right?”

Zack had a renowned reputation, and Abigail never expected that Simond could actually persuade


“I understand. Thank you for reminding me. Abigail felt as if all her strength had been drained from her


It had only been half a year since she was last with Luna, who had changed so much. The culprits

behind Luna’s change were none other than Kelly and Vincent.

The root cause of it all was her background.

“As for the child’s genetic issues… Let’s not dwell on that for now. Since the child is already born, let’s

raise him well. Both the mother and child are in a very pitiful situation, being manipulated like this. Zack

approached Abigail and comforted her. novelbin

Abigail’s eyes turned slightly red as she looked at Zack. “Can she recover from this?”

If Josh were aware of Luna’s current state, how much pain would he be in? He had experienced

insomnia, anguish, and self-blame after their breakup. However, throughout the entire process, he had

no clue as to what he had done wrong to cause Luna to break up with him so decisively.

“Her condition is different from typical depression, so our only option is to do our best in treating her,”

Zack sighed.

“Dr. Mason, they say that humans are creatures who seek pleasure and avoid pain. Do you think she

has the will to survive based on her words?” Simond suddenly asked with a smile.

His train of thought was much clearer than Abigail’s.

Abigail couldn’t help but sink into contemplation. Could it be that even Sean would struggle with what

Luna knew?

Does Vincent truly possess such significant influence? Or is it possible that Vincent cannot handle the

illicit money he possesses, and the mastermind behind him has revealed themselves?

“Dr. Mason, thank you for your hard work. Please stay here for a few days and provide her with some

guidance, Simond finished speaking and snapped his fingers. Coոtent of Drąмąոovеls.cоm

A bodyguard appeared from nearby and said to Zack Dr. Mason, we have arranged a place for you to

rest. Please come with me.”


“Alright,” Zack replied politely.

As Zack departed, Simond turned his head towards Abigail and asked, “I heard that Mr. Graham

secretly dismantled a fraudulent organization in the country with the help of the police, but they haven’t

been able to fully solve the case. Is that true?”

Send Gifts

Chapter 668

Chapter 668 Properly Repaying The Favor

Abigail crossed her arms and frowned as she gazed at the lush greenery. Boldly, she retorted, “You’ve

investigated everything. Why bother asking me?”

Simond tugged at his lips and replied, “I just wanted to confirm with you.”

“What exactly do you want to say?” she inquired.

“Ms. Quinn, let me advise you. Attacking a fraud den is not something an ordinary person can do. Sean

Graham has offended the wrong people. That’s why your friend ended up in this situation. Some

people have no regard for human life when it comes to money. You were completely unaware when

they were devising their plans. What abilities do you have to fight against them?”

Simond’s smile seemed mocking.

Abigail’s face slightly reddened as she looked at Simond, but she remained silent.

His words had left her speechless indeed.

Sean had almost lost his life because of this incident, and it took two years to recover. Now, it was

Luna’s turn. As Abigail thought about Vincent, who had spent the last two decades as a pawn for the

sake of the dirty money in his possession, she knew that period would be in vain if they easily got rid of


“Do you know how tempting over 100 billion, or even an immeasurable amount of money, can be?”

Simond asked her with a smile.

She had no idea about this, just like a poor person who couldn’t fathom a wealthy individual’s life.

People had no concept of things they had not experienced themselves.

“You’ve said so much. What’s your purpose? Are you trying to persuade Sean to tell the police not to

attack the fraud den?” she countered Simond’s words.

“If the police have already intervened, how could they stop investigating? I just wanted to tell you that

you’ve never been safe. I’ve also mentioned that having me as a friend won’t be a loss for you,”

Simond smiled.

Abigail looked at him and sneered. “Don’t tell me you want to help me.”

“I do want to help you. Is that so surprising?” Simond asked with a smile.

“Are you joking? How long have we known each other?” Abigail scoffed. She couldn’t believe that

Simond was interested in her solely because of her outstanding appearance. For a person like him, he

would have encountered all kinds of women.

Simond smiled. “Because I’m bored. It would be dull to return to my home country without any friends. I

finally met someone like you. You’re a big shot. I have to seize the opportunity, or how else will I

conduct business without connections in the future?”

Abigail couldn’t help but roll her eyes. He could invite that psychologist from the Sixth People’s Hospital

but claim that he has no connections?


“The premise of cooperation is sincerity, and that is my principle. Even if you don’t say anything, I’ll still

find a way myself,” she looked at him coldly. “Who knows? Maybe you’re the boss behind the money


Didn’t he say something along the lines that those people were plotting without her knowledge?

Perhaps everything that has happened so far was part of the boss’ scheme?

Simond looked surprised, after which he burst into laughter. “Alright. You’re good at making inferences.

I do have a request in exchange for helping you. You know my family has just returned from abroad, novelbin

right? Despite the grand exposure, the public attention faded quickly.”

“Do you really need that kind of hype?” Abigail asked in return.

His expression turned serious. “Of course we do. I ended up in this situation because of my enemies. If

my exposure is significant enough for me to become the center of attention, my enemies won’t dare to

act recklessly.”

She immediately shook her head. “Your enemies don’t seem any better than the people we’ve

encountered. I even saw firearms. Do you think it’s safe for me to cooperate with you?”

“You won’t lose anything by helping me, and in return, I can assist you as well. It doesn’t matter if it’s

the child or her situation. If any issues arise in the future regarding this child, I can simply claim it as my

own,” Simond commented casually as he played with his phone.

Abigail contemplated, Should I really refrain from discussing this with Sean? What unforeseen

consequences could arise if I do?

“In that case, I’ll await your response,” Simond said nonchalantly.

After he finished speaking, he departed.

Abigail watched him leave with concern. Could the child also be a crucial factor? However, the one who

possessed the knowledge-Luna-unfortunately suffered from mental issues.

Simond exited the hospital and took out his phone. He received a message. ‘Ms. Quinn reported those

individuals yesterday and they were arrested. A murder was narrowly avoided, but fortunately, the local

police were vigilant

After reading the message, a smile formed on his lips Quite an intriguing turn of events.”

Despite being armed, Abigail unexpectedly found the courage to report them. Furthermore, she was

the only one who noticed their weapons.

‘Continue to monitor Abigail and report her every move to me. By the way, help me book a train ticket

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Chapter 668 Properly Repaying The Favor

for this afternoon. I’m returning to Capitalis tonight.

After sending the message, Simond’s mood suddenly improved.

Abigail had undeniably saved him twice, which meant he needed to properly repay this favor.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 663-665

Chapter 663

Chapter 663 Smiling Tiger

Abigail felt a sense of surprise wash over her. Can someone who looks like a thug be considered a


“I’m Simond Simpson, the only son of the Simpson Family in Capitalis. Have you heard of before me?”

Simond approached and asked her.)

Abigail had vaguely heard of the Simpson Family, who returned from abroad a year ago and caused a

sensation in Capitalis. However, it was purely speculative information. No one knew for sure what the

family did or what they were like.

“Not very acquainted,” Abigail replied, ready to turn and leave.

Simond grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

It caused Abigail to face him with anger. He removed the mask from her face with a slight smile.

“Sharing a mask may not be hygienic, but I don’t mind.”

“If you wanted the mask, why didn’t you say so earlier?” she asked, suppressing the anger.

“I forgot.” He shrugged, appearing nonchalant.

“I need to depart!” Abigail didn’t want to argue with him. In this secluded location, there should be few

who recognize her.

She quickly walked away.

Simond had injuries on his body, so he furrowed his brow and followed Abigail without saying a word.

Abigail found a shopping cart, bought milk powder, and went to the cashier at the entrance to pay. She’

discreetly glanced outside and saw that there was no movement.

Simond stood by her side and noticed her gaze. He smiled. “Honey, let me pay for you.”

The hand that Abigail used to hold her phone trembled. Then, she glared at him. “Who do you think you

are?! If you keep calling me that, there will be consequences!”

“Oh, why so intense?” Simond’s voice still carried a smile.

Abigail remained silent, her face stern. After paying, she went outside and found that the suspicious

men had already disappeared. Simond seemed very nervous at that moment. Scanning the

surroundings with sharp eyes, he found no enemies but remained vigilant, not relaxing. Just as Abigail

was about to leave, he hugged her shoulder,

“Take me to the hospital. If you make any noise, you’re finished,” Simond threatened Abigail in a low


Abigail didn’t say anything and could only pretend to be an intimate couple with him.

The hospital was close to the grocery store. As they walked through the hospital’s entrance, Simond

suddenly relaxed. He handed the shopping bag to Abigail, covered his abdomen with his hand, and

took a deep breath.




Chapter 663 Smiling Tiger

“Are you hurt?” Abigail asked him casually.

He looked up at her, his eyes curving upward again. “Oh, thanks to you, Abigail. I will propose to you in

Capitalis and repay you for saving my life.”

“You will eventually regret your big mouth,” Abigail warned him, picking up her things and leaving.

Simond followed her from a distance.

Abigail arrived at the hospital, and a nurse greeted her at the entrance. “You took too long! Luna has

already left the operating room.”

“How is she? Which ward is she in?” Abigail became instantly nervous.

The nurse replied, “Follow me. She lost a lot of blood, and the cause is unknown. In short, her condition

is critical in the intensive care unit.”

“What about the baby?” Abigail asked, feeling a bit dizzy. Everything feels like a dream.

Simond silently followed them, listening to every word Abigail and the nurse exchanged.

“The baby was born prematurely and has a genetic defect. We won’t know the results until they have

been in the hospital for a month,” the nurse answered,

“A genetic defect?” Abigail became puzzled.

“It has been inherited from the mother. Our hospital is too small to detect this genetic defect. Once they

recover, it would be advisable for you to take them to a larger city for further examination. The

hospital’s preliminary assessment is that it may be caused by a specific medication,” the nurse


Abigail nodded and fell silent.

Abigail sat in the intensive care unit for a while before getting up to pay for Luna’s hospitalization.

“Miss, do you know someone named Simond? He said he is your husband and asked you to help pay

his hospitalization fees. A nurse stood in front of Abigail, who was in a terrible mood.

Simond? He knows how to choose a name.

Abigail looked at the nurse and asked, “Which ward is he in?”

“He is in the operating room. Something was inserted into his abdomen, and it exploded inside. His

condition is also critical,” the nurse said, intending to take Abigail to see him. Content belongs to



Abigail nodded, acknowledging that encountering Simond was unfortunate. Not only was she

threatened, but she also had to pay for his medical expenses.

Abigail, with a mindset of “less is more” and a lack of interest in arguing with him, decided not to dwell

on it. Besides, she had also confirmed that Simond was the only young master of the Simpson Family,

It’s better to resolve conflicts than to hold grudges.

After paying Simond’s medical expenses, Abigail was about to arrange the sick room for Luna when

she received a call from Sean.

Chapter 664

Chapter 664 Long-standing Danger

She quickly answered the call.

After Simond flirted with her today, she felt somewhat guilty toward Sean.

However, she didn’t dare to casually reveal Luna’s situation. Luna was hiding from everyone and living

in Adral. It meant that she did not want anyone to know that she was with child.

Whose child is this? Should she do a DNA test?

“Sorry, I was swamped. I couldn’t have dinner with you,” Abigail apologized to Sean as soon as she


“Why are you apologizing? Where are you? If work’s too difficult for you to cope with, I can come over,”

Sean replied, expressing his longing for her. They had been apart for 18 months, but she left again as

soon as they had the chance to be together again.

“There’s no need. I should be back in a week or two. Don’t worry, Sean. Aren’t you busy with your

company too? Focus on your work, and we can have fun together once I’m done with my matters.” Her

only concern now was to keep Sean from flying over to look for her.

If he had come, Josh might also have found out about Luna’s pregnancy.

She didn’t want Josh to know this news and be upset.

“Alright then.” Sean didn’t inquire further, even though he found her behavior a bit strange.

Abigail hung up the phone and sighed lightly.

After the overnight stay at the hospital, the doctor informed her first thing in the morning that Linda was

momentarily out of danger and would be moved out of the ICU at noon.

After wearily answering the doctor, she sat in the corridor outside the ward and massaged her temples.

Suddenly, someone sat down beside her.

She turned her head to look.

It was Simond again with a mischievous smile. “Thanks for paying my medical bills, honey. Can you

help me buy a phone and a SIM card?”

Abigail reached out and grabbed his collar. “Be careful with your life if you dare to shout nonsense


Her anger startled Simond.

He raised his hands. “Okay, Ms. Alana. Please help me buy a phone and a SIM card.”

Abigail stood up abruptly and was about to leave when suddenly everything went black. novelbin

Simond quickly stood up and held her. Her elbow hit his wound, which caused him to grimace in pain.


“Ouch! That hurts!”

Abigail regained consciousness and pulled away from Simond’s grasp while looking at him with

irritation. “Stay in your ward if you can’t manage!”

“If I do so, what if you fall down? What if you have a bruised and swollen face?” Simond spread his

hands innocently.

Abigail didn’t answer him.

“I haven’t had breakfast yet. Remember to buy me some breakfast,” he added.

“Just die in a hole!” Abigail snapped at him.

“How can you be so heartless?” He pretended to be sad as he covered his wound.

Abigail left with a cold face.

After she left, the smile on Simond’s face disappeared. He walked into the ward where Luna was about

to stay and wandered around.

When the nurse came in to hang the IV drip and saw Simond, she immediately blushed and asked,

“Where is Ms. Quinn?”

“Oh, she went to buy something. Is there anything you want me to tell her?” Simond resumed his


“The patient has just regained consciousness. She doesn’t have stable emotions. So, when you see

Ms. Quinn, kindly inform her to be cautious when she’s talking to the patient. Don’t agitate her, as she’s

still bleeding. Agitation could accelerate the bleeding, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman,”

the blushing nurse advised Simond.

Simond nodded. “Okay, got it. Thank you.”

“Not a problem at all,” she replied. Then, she hurriedly left.

Simond picked up the medical record from the bedside table.

When he saw the section about gene mutation, his brows furrowed.

“Gene mutation?” he murmured under his breath. He set the medical record aside and went to look for

the doctor.

“The phone and card are there. Remember to cancel the SIM card before you leave,” she reminded


Simmond saw a new phone on the chair beside him and immediately smiled. “Oh, thank you, Ms.



“No problem.” Abigail sat down, took out a bottle of water from her bag, and took a sip.

After Simond turned on the phone, he glanced at Abigail and asked, “Have you read the medical

record?” Reаd at Draмanоvels.com

“I have, but the equipment in this hospital is outdated. I’ll head to a bigger hospital for a check-up once

my friend’s condition stabilizes,” she replied.

Simond quickly downloaded WhatsApp on his phone and went to get breakfast.

“I asked the attending doctor for you. The genetic mutation is likely caused by the medication taken in

the later stage of her pregnancy. Has your friend become an experimental subject or something?

Moreover, this kind of situation is impossible to happen domestically. She should have been injected

with the medication abroad some time ago,” he said casually while munching on a not-so-tasty bun.

Abigail immediately looked at him, her gaze ice-cold. “Did you say abroad?”

“The attending doctor said that besides the gene mutation, there are also components that control her

mind. Do you want me to help you investigate? I’d be happy to repay your kindness.” Simond smirked,

looking very much like he was asking for trouble.

Abigail vaguely guessed when Luna was injected.

It turned out that the danger had never left.

Chapter 665

Chapter 665 Want To Be With You

About the incident in the Golden Triangle… Luna didn’t mention what happened to her afterward.

Everyone thought that everything was over, but it did not.

Abigail glanced at Simond and said, “No need for you to help me investigate. Contact your people and novelbin

leave quickly!”

Simond shrugged. “Add me on WhatsApp. I will pay you double the amount you spent on me.”

“I don’t need the money. I helped you so that you would stay away from me in the future. We were just

passing acquaintances. Don’t contact me again.” She didn’t want any further interaction with him. Who

knows what enemies he might have made abroad?

She didn’t want to be implicated by Simond.

The man didn’t insist and simply smiled as he played with his phone.

At noon, Luna came out of the intensive care unit.

Abigail sat by her bedside while looking at her exhausted appearance. Her eyes couldn’t help but

redden. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? I was really worried about you.”

Luna’s lips were pale. She asked Abigail, “What about the child…”

“The child is in the incubator. It’s fine. Don’t worry.” Abigail held Luna’s hand and answered with


Only then did Luna feel relieved. She closed her eyes and continued to rest.

When the doctor came, Abigail immediately asked, “Can I give her some supplements? She’s very

weak right now.”

“Remember not to have any inflammatory foods. It’s best for her to have nourishing meals, like chicken

stew and fish soup. These are suitable for pregnant women. You can make them for her,” the doctor

advised her in a gentle tone.

She nodded repeatedly. “Are there any medical staff here? I want to hire someone. I can’t handle it


“Yes, the hospital can arrange that for you. Just remember to pay the hospital fees when the time

comes,” the doctor replied.

After thanking the doctor, Abigail went out to find the house where Luna was staying.

The nanny had given her an address, but she was not familiar with the area. She had to ask for

directions to avoid getting lost. Additionally, she needed to find a market for groceries.

In this small town, there were more elderly people on the road, with barely any youngsters. Even if

there were, they were mostly youths with colored streets wandering the streets.


After leaving the hospital, Simond entered Luna’s room.

He stood at the foot of Luna’s bed and looked at her.

Luna woke up from her sleep and was greatly startled when she saw the unfamiliar Simond. She

clutched the blanket and trembled. “Don’t… Don’t take me. I… I am done with Josh Pearson!”

Simond walked over and gazed at the terrified Luna. Then, he suddenly smiled. “I’m Abigail’s friend. My

name’s Simond Simpson. Don’t panic. I’m here to take care of you.”

“No! Thanks, but I don’t need your help. Please don’t come and take care of me,” she replied


Simond examined Luna. She was one of the founders of L.Moon and used to be bold and confident

with exceptional business acumen. Yet, she now resembled a madwoman.

“Luna, Lam not a bad person. Your best friend, Abigail, saved me. As a way to repay her, I’m staying to

look after you,” Simond spoke gently.

Luna dared not speak.

He was definitely not someone whom she could mess with.

“It’s really okay,” Simond reassured her. “I’ll pour you a cup of hot water to energize your body. Your

best friend is here, and you are safe.”

She hid under the blanket and remained silent.

Simond brewed warm honey water for Luna and blew on it slowly. When it cooled down, he held the

cup and sat back by the bedside, saying, “Here, have some water.”

“I don’t want to drink…” Luna’s voice carried fear.

“It’s of the right temperature. Refusing to drink it merely means I wasted my energy blowing it, isn’t it?”

There was a twinge of a smile in his voice, but there was also a clear hint of threat.

Luna slowly poked her head out of the blanket but quickly averted her gaze when she made eye

contact with Simond’s smiling face.

She snatched the cup from his hand and gulped the water.

While Abigail was busy as a bee, another call from Sean came.


She was in the midst of making soup for Luna, and in her haste, she dropped the lid of the pot and

answered the phone.

“What’s up?” Cradling the phone on her shoulder, she stirred the chicken in the pot with a ladle.

Her nose twitched as she smelled a burnt odor. She felt a bit frustrated. Why can’t I make soup

properly? In the past, I could cook a meal while observing Grandma, but now, my skills have


“Can’t I just ask how you’re doing?” Sean’s tone was as calm as ever. Updated at Draмąոоvels.cоm

Abigail’s anxiety disappeared when she heard his words. She looked at the pot of chicken soup and

sighed. “You taught me how to make chicken soup, but I just made a pot of burnt mess…”

“You haven’t learned the essence of Grandma’s cooking at all.” Sean laughed helplessly. Then, he

became puzzled. “Why are you cooking by yourself?”

“Isn’t it normal to cook for oneself? Grandma has spoiled me, making me unable to get used to eating

outside. I’m trying it myself.” Abigail wished so much for Sean to come over and cook together with


I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 656-662

Chapter 656 You’re Not Here

Abigail turned around and looked at him, her smile cold and distant. “Since we can’t have a meal right away, forget it. I just came back from out of town, and I need to go back and have dinner with my family.”

Her schedule today was quite busy. First, she had lunch with Lawrence and Scarlett, and then she went to visit Sean’s grandparents and Analise.

Tomorrow, she would officially start working.

She wanted to finish this matter as soon as possible and then balance the situation between Sean and the company.

Luna had been covering for her for half a year. She couldn’t let her continue to bear the pressure after she finished handling things.

Moreover, L.Moon was different now. Previously, there wasn’t such a large volume of orders. Now, in addition to the pressure from Fairy Meadow, there were other brands that needed L.Moon’s designs, as well as the entertainment team she had independently created before. All of these things invisibly put a lot of pressure on Luna.

Daniel was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Abigail to care so much about her family.

As he watched Abigail’s figure walking away in the distance, it took him a long time to snap out of it.

Abigail had just arrived at the Pearsons’ when Sean called.

“What’s wrong?” Abigail pressed the answer button and reached out to take a pair of fork and knife to pick up her food.

“You’ve only been back for half a day, and I already miss you. How’s everything going?” Sean’s voice was filled with nostalgia.

Abigail licked her lips. “It’s alright, but we haven’t found the mole. They probably had a plan long ago, so it’s not easy to catch them.”

After all, there were quite a few designers who had resigned or been fired from L.Moon.

“If we really can’t find them, I can have someone help you.” Sean’s voice carried a smile.

“You take good care of yourself. The external matters have nothing to do with you. Once you’re better, you can come back and do whatever you want.” Abigail immediately became serious.

Sean responded with an “oh.” His mood was a little low. “I feel a bit annoyed when you’re not here.”

After she left, Sean realized that Alice’s house was really boring. He had finished all the chores in the morning: sun drying peanuts, fetching water, and tidying up the vegetable garden. Without Abigail to chat with Alice during lunch, he felt the house suddenly become quiet.

“I’ll come over as soon as I finish handling things. If you feel bored, you can exercise more. If that doesn’t work, consider helping Alice clean the house thoroughly. Do everything you can.” Abigail


10:48 Wed, Jan 17 W

Chapter 656 You’re Not Here


wanted to go over now, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

“That’s it. I’ll try to find something to do this afternoon,” Sean said.

He didn’t want to complain too much to Abigail. After all, she had a lot of work at her company. If he bothered her too much and she made a mistake, it wouldn’t be good.

“Well, just give me a call if you need anything.” Abigail’s tone softened.

Lawrence and Scarlett looked at her, their eyes filled with surprise.

Abigail had a different look every time she came back, and this time, she looked completely new.

After hanging up the phone, Abigail noticed that they were looking at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“You look different again. I am a bit afraid to talk to you,” Scarlett whispered. Even though Abigail seemed gentle now, she still felt a bit unfamiliar.

“Don’t be.” Abigail sipped her soup.

To celebrate her return, Scarlett had prepared a lot of dishes.

Abigail thought Alice was really good at cooking. Compared to her, Abigail felt that others couldn’t master the dishes and servings as she could.

Abigail felt like her mouth had been pampered by Alice.

“You don’t seem as fair as before, but you look much healthier,” Lawrence sat beside her, his eyes full of affection.

“I go out for exercise and sunbathing every day, so it’s inevitable to get a bit tanned. I’ll be going back to Pendorf after dinner,” Abigail said, eating faster than them.

“You just came back. Take a good rest and go tomorrow,” Scarlett immediately persuaded.

“I have to deal with company matters tomorrow. I can’t leave Sean alone in Eastbay. The sooner I finish, the sooner I can go there,” Abigail said, then thought of Luna and added, “How are Luna and Josh doing in their relationship?”

When it came to them, Lawrence didn’t say much. He could only look at Scarlett.

Scarlett lowered her gaze and looked at the food in her bowl, feeling quite upset. “They have been arguing a lot in the past three months. Luna rarely stays at home anymore, and Josh’s temperament is no longer as gentle as before.”

“What does Josh really think about this relationship? Have you asked him?” Abigail asked again.

“We did ask. He always says it’s his own fault. But in these three months, instead of making progress, their relationship has become more tense. I don’t think they will make it,” Lawrence said and started eating slowly.

Abigail sighed and remained silent.


10:48 Wed, Jan 17

Chapter 656 You’re Not Here

“If you can persuade Luna, please do so. They have been together for so long, what can’t be resolved? This is the first time that Josh has been in love, and there are many things he hasn’t done well, and we know that. Let Luna give him a chance.” Scarlett’s face was full of worry. She genuinely liked Luna and hoped that Luna could marry Josh.

They were already at the stage of discussing marriage. How did it end up like this?”

Send Gifts

Chapter 657 The Parasite

Abigail nodded in agreement.

Scarlett had casually mentioned it, but she didn’t expect Abigail actually to agree.

She glanced at Lawrence with eyes that filled with joy

Abigail’s personality had become much milder now; she was completely different from her previous cold and aloof demeanor.

After having lunch, she returned to Pendorf to visit Analise and Sean’s grandparents. In the evening, she had dinner and then took a plane back to the Pearsons.

Before nine o’clock at night, her biological clock went off.

The next morning, Abigail arrived at the company and asked Selena to notify a meeting.

The meeting was with the human resources department.

As soon as everyone entered the office, they noticed that Abigail was completely different from before. Her temperament had become more restrained and gentler, but at the same time… she was even more captivating.

“Miss Kidney, L. Moon needs to recruit six more managers. Do release a recruitment notice today. Of course, if you have any candidates in mind, you can ask them too. The compensation will not be lacking.” Abigail directly addressed the meeting.

“Yes!” Miss Kidney immediately responded.

“Also, after the meeting, please send me the information of the designers who have resigned in the past year,” she continued.

“Okay!” Miss Kidney nodded again.

Abigail looked at them and added, “Anyone who has been late or left early in the past month should resign.”

She was shocked. It turned out that Abigail was only mild on the surface as she had even more decisive


“I’ve mentioned before that we have a pantry in the company. Why are there still people bringing breakfast into the office?” She turned to Miss Kidney with a cold expression.

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead. “I’ve mentioned it several times, but they didn’t listen.”

“Organize a list for me of everyone who has had breakfast or afternoon tea in the office in the past month!” After she finished speaking, she organized another set of documents.

Everyone was filled with fear and trepidation.


Chapter 657 The Parasite

“For the design department, inform Miss Kidney that if the sales of their designs don’t improve this month, they can leave.” Abigail now started to reprimand each department one by one.

Cold sweat dripped from Miss Kidney’s forehead to fier chin. She nodded and made a note.

“In the past three months, some people have complained that the food in the kitchen has become increasingly unappetizing. Do you know why?” Abigail maintained her gaze on Miss Kidney.

“We investigated and found that the prices of ingredients have been increasing… Miss Kidney lowered her gaze, feeling uneasy.

Abigail stared. “No, someone has been taking kickbacks. Just go to the supermarket and ask around. They returned with receipts, but the prices on them are exactly what they paid for.”

“I’ll find out the reason today,” said Miss Kidney, who was so worried that she retracted her head.

Abigail turned to the next page and continued, “The internal conflicts within the Star Team are so severe, Don’t you know how to stop it?’

“For the Star Team, Antonia Winters became famous four months ago for designing costumes for a historical drama. She got to know many big stars in the industry and started to act arrogantly. The problem now is that every production team in the entertainment industry that films historical dramas would invite her team. If she’s not there, they won’t be happy, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Miss Kidney’s voice became quieter as she spoke.

Abigail looked at the information and remained silent for a moment before responding, “Promote Sandy Tewwier to the same position as her.”

“Sandy Tewwier… Sandy has only been here for six months…” Miss Kidney started to worry as Sandy was a completely new talent.

‘Who has the final say? Me or you?’ Abigail asked her in return.

‘It’s… you.” Miss Kidney did not dare to argue anymore.

Abigail closed the file and stood up, ready to leave.

After she left, the entire personnel department looked at each other with mournful faces.

“Abigail… has already become a queen upon her return.” Miss Kidney sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

With Abigail’s return, L.Moon experienced a major earthquake in less than a morning.

Those who were dismissed were dismissed, and those who were fined were fined. Everyone was filled with fear and trepidation.

Abigail was looking at the book of accounts in her office when Antonia barged in. She walked up to Abigail’s desk and glared at her angrily. “I might not have made any great contributions, but I have also put

in a lot of effort. Are you planning to bite the hand that feeds you?”


Chapter 657 The Parasite


Antonia was promoted from Pendorf and became the head of a design team consisting of the four originally recruited members. Later, due to the entertainment industry’s high demand, the team was then split into two. Her team led the historical drama team, while another person handled the costumes for the contemporary dramas.

Indeed, every company needed someone to be present every day so that they knew where they stood.

“What effort?” Abigail set aside the book of accounts and calmly looked at Antonia.

“I made the costumes of a historical drama popular this year. That was all from my entire effort, and you’re now promoting a newbie who’s been here for less than a year to be on par with me?!” Antonia was discontented.

Abigail raised an eyebrow and said, “Your entire effort? The whole team, including you, consists of hundreds of people. Are you saying it was only your effort?”

Antonia realized that she had spoken too hastily and immediately corrected herself. “What I meant was I had put in a lot of effort. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gained attention.”

“Is this how you always suppress Alison’s team? It’s not that she’s incapable, but the scripts that she has received are not outstanding. Even if the costumes are good, she can’t make it big. Besides, I think you don’t need L.Moon anymore. What’s wrong with finding someone to replace you in advance?” Abigail didn’t want to beat around the bush with Antonia anymore. Since you don’t know what modesty is and the importance of connections in the entertainment industry, it’s only a matter of time before you cause trouble for


I Want a Divorce

Chapter 658 Moving Forward and Retreating Together

Abigail had promoted Sandy to Antonia’s level. When the time came for Abigail to dismiss Antonia, it would serve as a warning to everyone else.

Antonia didn’t expect Abigail to be so direct, and she was momentarily speechless

I’ve been busy lately, and so has Lama. We all forgot that L.Moon has a management team. Isn’t that right, Antonia? When you were in Pendorf, you weren’t like this.” Abigail looked into her eyes as if trying to see through her thoughts. “No matter how many important people one interacts with, they must remember their own identity. Always remain humble and strive for improvement. That’s what a designer should do… instead of constantly mingling with important people and neglecting their own talent.”

In Abigail’s eyes, Sandy’s design ability far surpassed Antonia’s.

Morcover, Sandy had better academic achievements in history and culture. She had a doctoral degree in history, while Antonia only had a few more years of work experience than her.

But Abigail didn’t mind mentoring new talents.

Antonia felt indignant at being criticized. She immediately took off her work badge and walked up to Abigail to forcefully place the badge on the table. “Since you have the idea of dismissing me, why don’t

I resign? I don’t even care about the meager compensation L.Moon offers! Just wait and see. I’ll

establish a new team and make L.Moon’s team worthless!”

Abigail nodded. “Ambitious. I’ll be waiting for your good news.”

Antonia left Abigail’s office in a dramatic manner.

Once Antonia resigned, more than a dozen team members of the historical drama followed suit.

Luna arrived at L.Moon close to noon.

She rushed into Abigail’s office and anxiously said, “There’s a problem within L.Moon and it’s my negligence over the past six months. With so many people being dismissed at once, will L.Moon still be operating normally?!”

“What’s the problem? If there are vacant positions and a heavy workload, we’ll increase the salary and deal with it once we find new people,” Abigail replied.

“Antonia’s team is well-known in the entertainment industry. By dismissing her, she took away so many people. This team.is as good as gone!” Luna continued.

Abigail smiled at her. “Do we really need this team to make money?”

Luna paused for a moment and then softly said, “Not necessarily…”

“That’s not a problem, right? If the major production teams in the entertainment industry don’t hire us, there will always be smaller ones that will. The newcomers are pretty good; they can handle the


Chapter 658 Moving Forward and Retreating Together


pressure. It’s like a whole new team,” Abigail said calmly. “This past half year has also given us a chance to see how many issues there are in the company that need our attention.”

Abigail missed the days when Analise was in the kitchen.

Back then, she would do everything she could to give them extra money and cook delicious meals, and the food expenses weren’t expensive either.

In the six months that she had been away, the food expenses had doubled, and the budget for afternoon tea had also increased.

“It’s all my fault… There’s just too much going on with L.Moon that it’s completely different from before. I have to handle everything, and sometimes I get so busy that I’m confused…” Luna Smith sighed bitterly. “Maybe I’m just not suited for a big company. When L.Moon was just a studio, things were much simpler, and I handled them well.”

“If you want to know how to handle things well, I can teach you slowly. I left in such a hurry and left you with a mess. I’m sorry,” Abigail apologized with a guilty expression.

Luna was taken aback for a moment. Then, she smiled. “Well… if you’re apologizing to me at a time like this, I can’t bring myself to blame myself anymore.”

“If we start arguing, L.Moon will really be finished,” Abigail said, taking out her phone. “I’m going to order coffee. What would you like?”

“We have coffee during afternoon tea,” Luna reminded her. “No need to order for me, as I’ll go get some fruit.”

“It’s different; there’s a coffee shop that’s really good,” Abigail looked at her phone, her voice soft. That coffee shop was recommended by Sean, and he always bought her coffee from there.

Luna nodded absentmindedly, not noticing the change in Abigail.

With a fruit platter in hand, Luna returned to the office and sat on the couch, eating the fruit. “You shouldn’t be away for so long next time. When you came back, I felt more at ease. I didn’t have any anxiety when I was with Josh yesterday.”


you used to always think about unfinished work at the company when you were with him?” Abigail couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Yeah, I would think about all the documents and the finance department at the company, and it would annoy me.” Luna took a bite of the apple and sincerely said, “It’s really good to have you back.”

“I’ve already started recruiting for six managers,” Abigail said as she looked at the documents.

Luna’s eyes widened as she looked at Abigail. “Six… Do we really need that many?”

“Out of the six competitive individuals, only the strongest in ability can occupy a managerial position,” Abigail pondered. She realized that one was prone to slacking off and two were difficult to maintain the equilibrium, but three people would be suitable. However, the question remained whether the abilities of these three individuals would meet the standards.

Hence, she decided to choose six individuals and divide them into groups of three. In the end, two


14:40 Thu, Jan 18

Chapter 658 Moving Forward and Retreating Together

individuals would emerge victorious-one as the general manager and the other as the assistant general manager.

Chapter 659 Strange Encounter

Luna was impressed by Abigail’s idea.

“By the way, Sean hasn’t returned to the company in a while. Is he still staying at the holiday place?” Luna thought that since Abigail and Sean had such a good relationship, Sean might follow Abigail wherever she went.

“Yeah, he thinks the environment there is great. Especially the food that suits his taste. That’s why he doesn’t want to come back,” Abigail replied with a smile.

Luna became curious. “The food must be delicious if he misses it. Can you give me the address? I’d like to go and check it out too.”

Abigail smiled. “That place is quite exclusive, and we went there through connections. But I learned a few recipes from them. I can make it for you next time if you’re free.”

“Sure!” Luna had a voracious appetite for food and didn’t care for anything else. “I’ll help you with the work!”

“You’re tired too. Take a rest. When the recruits come I’ll take care of them and let them handle the company’s affairs. Then, the two of us can consider retiring.” Abigail hoped Luna would have a good relationship with Josh.

Luna nodded and didn’t say much. She just silently ate her fruit.

Abigail glanced at her a few times and couldn’t help but ask, “How are you and Josh? Are you still doing well? My parents told me you’ve been arguing a lot in the past few months.”

“Maybe the more we get to know each other, the more we realize that we’re incompatible,” Luna said indifferently.

Abigail pursed her lips, unsure of what to say. She knew how Luna and Josh got together. It was a typical case of falling in love at first sight. It’s normal to have some differences as they get to know each other better.

“Whether we’re compatible or not, we’ll only know after we understand each other better, don’t you think?” Abigail still wanted to help Josh.

“If you’re busy with work, I won’t disturb you. You’ve been so busy before and didn’t get much rest. I’ll go back and sleep.” Luna stood up, not wanting to talk about Josh with Abigail.

Abigail nodded and walked Luna out of the company. When she returned to her office, she called Josh.

When the call connected, Josh smiled. “You came back, and I didn’t even look for you. I worked overtime at the company until late yesterday. You were already asleep when I got back. Going out seems to have improved your routine.”

“I don’t have time to talk about these things now. What’s going on between you and Luna?” Abigail got straight to the point. If it weren’t for Scarlett and Lawrence asking for her help, she wouldn’t want to get involved in their affairs.


Upon hearing Luna’s name, Josh suddenly fell silent.

“You don’t like her anymore?” Abigail asked.

“It’s not that I don’t like her. It’s just that there’s a gap separating us. Abigail, has Luna been calling you privately these past few months? I feel like she’s been acting strangely lately.” Josh had a distressed


“What do you mean by strange? You’re not trying to break up with her and blame her, are you?” Abigail was suspicious.

Josh immediately became annoyed. “Do I seem like that kind of person to you?! I genuinely feel like Luna’s changed a lot these past three months. Her emotions are so unstable, and it’s completely different from before.”

Upon hearing Josh’s words, Abigail couldn’t help but ponder. Upon careful consideration, Luna does seem burdened with something.

“Have you been spending a lot of time with Luna? I’m not blaming her for not working hard enough. I asked the human resources, and they said she hasn’t been coming to the company much. When I came back, the situation at L.Moon wasn’t that controlled.” Abigail preemptively defended herself, afraid that Josh would misunderstand and think she believed Luna hadn’t managed L.Moon well.

“We haven’t seen each other much these past three months. Sometimes, when I call Luna, she becomes suddenly irritable. I thought it was because she was too busy with L.Moon’s affairs, and I would wait until she was in a better mood to meet up with me,” Josh explained.

She didn’t know whose words to believe. Luna claims to be overwhelmed, and Josh is also busy with work, so they often can’t find time to meet up. Josh expresses his dissatisfaction about it. Now, he is saying that Luna hasn’t met up with him much. If what he says is true, what has Luna been doing these past three months?

“I’ve heard about your situation. I’ll find a way to ask her, but don’t lie. I won’t help you anymore if even one word is false.” Abigail threatened Josh.

Josh immediately responded. “I wouldn’t lie to anyone, especially not to you. And you know me better than anyone, right?”

She bit her lip, her brow furrowing. “I understand. Since she’s been in a bad mood recently, you shouldn’t keep contacting her constantly. If anything happens, I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Josh became cheerful. With Abigail’s help, he felt much more at ease. Luna never told him anything, and when he asked a few more questions, she found it annoying.

Abigail hung up the phone and couldn’t help but sigh

Send Gifts

Chapter 660 Malice Never Left

In a dimly lit room, a man with gray hair approached with a syringe. Then, the frigid liquid slowly infiltrated Luna’s body.

When Luna caught sight of the man’s face, she let out a horrified scream and woke up the next second. As she sat in her room, her heart raced in her chest, and her ringing phone seemed like a death knell, desperately demanding attention.

A surge of immense annoyance overwhelmed her as she stared at her phone, unable to control her frustration.

As the workday drew to a close, Abigail was packing up when she received a call from Scarlett. She answered it and was about to mention that she was heading home for dinner when she heard Scarlett sobbing. “Abby, please come back quickly. Luna and Josh are having a heated argument, and we don’t know what to do.”

“I’ll be right back!” Abigail hung up the phone, grabbed her bag, and hurried back.

Returning to the Pearson Residence, she sensed a tense atmosphere in the living room. Handing her bag to the nanny, she changed into a pair of slippers.

When Luna saw Abigail approaching, she immediately stood up. “I have something to attend to. I need to leave.”

“Luna, what happened between you and Josh?” Abigail approached her, holding her hand and inquiring.

“Nothing. I just need to go.” Luna shook off Abigail’s hand, her expression filled with frustration.

Abigail followed her, frowning. “Luna, can you please tell us what’s going on? If you want to break up, it’s okay. Just talk to him calmly.”

“Do you think he listens when I talk to him? Yes, I haven’t been going to the company much in the past three months, and I haven’t spent much time with him. Can’t I have my things to do?!” Luna became agitated as soon as she mentioned this.

Abigail now understood. Luna must have been arguing with Josh because he expressed his doubts to her. As a result, he was unable to control his temper.

“Don’t mind him. Have you eaten? If not, let’s eat before you return, okay?” She tried to soothe Luna. She didn’t understand why Luna had changed so much in six months. She is entirely different from before. In the past, she would argue, but she won’t snap like this at her boyfriend’s house.

“I don’t want to eat. I’ll go back first,” Luna said, heading toward the door.

Abigail immediately followed her, speaking gently. “Laina, I know a bar. I’ll send the address to your phone. Head there first. I’ll change my clothes and drive over. How about I accompany you to relax?”

Luna glanced at her and finally nodded slightly. After she left, Abigail looked at Josh with displeasure


and asked, “Why did you ask her all those questions without figuring things out first?”

“I just mentioned it briefly, and she suddenly smashed the bowl and started arguing with me.” Josh still didn’t understand what he did wrong. He just wanted to show his concern for Luna.

Scarlett covered her chest and silently sobbed.

“Luna’s temper has been strange these past few months. There was no sign of her outburst tonight. She was fine with your mother before dinner. When you have some alone time with her, ask her what’s going on. If something is bothering her, we can all discuss it together. We’re willing to support her.” Lawrence was also worried about Luna.

Luna seems different.

“I know. I’ll change my clothes.” Abigail furrowed her brow.

As Luna’s best friend, Abigail knew something was weighing on Luna’s mind, but she wasn’t sure if she could get Luna to open up about what happened. After changing her clothes, Abigail drove straight to the bar, where Luna was already waiting for her.

Abigail ordered drinks and food. She leaned back in her seat as she talked to Luna about how it felt to be with Sean. “We used to have some distance between us. After spending half a year together and being with each other daily, that distance seemed to disappear. If you’re feeling stressed, do you want to go out for a walk?”

“I’m planning to go on a trip. I’ll leave in a couple of days. I told Josh today, but he won’t let me go. I don’t understand why he won’t allow me to travel.” Luna looked displeased, her tone tinged with irritation.

Abigail sat up straight, slightly surprised. “Why is this so sudden?”

“We’re not lacking money. Can’t we just go whenever we want? I’ve been in Capitalis for too long, and it feels like everyone is always in a rush. It’s suffocating me a bit.” Luna smiled.

“Luna, is something bothering you? The Pearson Family likes you and hopes you can be with Josh.” Abigail decided to be direct. That was how they always were with each other-they did not beat around the bush.

Luna lowered her gaze and smiled. “What could be bothering me? Don’t overthink it.”

“We’re best friends, and you can tell me if something is wrong. If it’s because of Sean and me leaving you with the workload, causing problems between you and Josh, I would feel guilty!” Abigail raised her voice a bit.

“There isn’t anything between us, and we just got to know each other better. That’s why it turned out like this. Please stop asking. We agreed to have a drink together. Why bring up these questions?” Luna finished speaking and downed the contents of her glass.


Chapter 663 Smiling Tiger

Abigail felt a sense of surprise wash over her. Can someone who looks like a thug be considered a star?

“I’m Simond Simpson, the only son of the Simpson Family in Capitalis. Have you heard of before me?” Simond approached and asked her.)

Abigail had vaguely heard of the Simpson Family, who returned from abroad a year ago and caused a sensation in Capitalis. However, it was purely speculative information. No one knew for sure what the family did or what they were like.

“Not very acquainted,” Abigail replied, ready to turn and leave.

Simond grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

It caused Abigail to face him with anger. He removed the mask from her face with a slight smile. “Sharing a mask may not be hygienic, but I don’t mind.”

“If you wanted the mask, why didn’t you say so earlier?” she asked, suppressing the anger.

“I forgot.” He shrugged, appearing nonchalant.

“I need to depart!” Abigail didn’t want to argue with him. In this secluded location, there should be few who recognize her.

She quickly walked away.

Simond had injuries on his body, so he furrowed his brow and followed Abigail without saying a word.

Abigail found a shopping cart, bought milk powder, and went to the cashier at the entrance to pay. She’ discreetly glanced outside and saw that there was no movement.

Simond stood by her side and noticed her gaze. He smiled. “Honey, let me pay for you.”

The hand that Abigail used to hold her phone trembled. Then, she glared at him. “Who do you think you are?! If you keep calling me that, there will be consequences!”

“Oh, why so intense?” Simond’s voice still carried a smile.

Abigail remained silent, her face stern. After paying, she went outside and found that the suspicious men had already disappeared. Simond seemed very nervous at that moment. Scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes, he found no enemies but remained vigilant, not relaxing. Just as Abigail was about to leave, he hugged her shoulder,

“Take me to the hospital. If you make any noise, you’re finished,” Simond threatened Abigail in a low


Abigail didn’t say anything and could only pretend to be an intimate couple with him.

The hospital was close to the grocery store. As they walked through the hospital’s entrance, Simond suddenly relaxed. He handed the shopping bag to Abigail, covered his abdomen with his hand, and took a deep breath.




Chapter 663 Smiling Tiger

“Are you hurt?” Abigail asked him casually.

He looked up at her, his eyes curving upward again. “Oh, thanks to you, Abigail. I will propose to you in Capitalis and repay you for saving my life.”

“You will eventually regret your big mouth,” Abigail warned him, picking up her things and leaving.

Simond followed her from a distance.

Abigail arrived at the hospital, and a nurse greeted her at the entrance. “You took too long! Luna has already left the operating room.”

“How is she? Which ward is she in?” Abigail became instantly nervous.

The nurse replied, “Follow me. She lost a lot of blood, and the cause is unknown. In short, her condition is critical in the intensive care unit.”

“What about the baby?” Abigail asked, feeling a bit dizzy. Everything feels like a dream.

Simond silently followed them, listening to every word Abigail and the nurse exchanged.

“The baby was born prematurely and has a genetic defect. We won’t know the results until they have been in the hospital for a month,” the nurse answered,

“A genetic defect?” Abigail became puzzled.

“It has been inherited from the mother. Our hospital is too small to detect this genetic defect. Once they recover, it would be advisable for you to take them to a larger city for further examination. The hospital’s preliminary assessment is that it may be caused by a specific medication,” the nurse explained.

Abigail nodded and fell silent.

Was Luna’s argument with Josh all because of this, and who injected the medication into her body?

Abigail arrived at the intensive care unit and saw Luna lying weakly on the hospital bed. Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Sitting by the bedside, she furrowed her brow and said, “Are you being foolish? I’ve been such a good friend to you. Why did you hide this from me? If you hadn’t fallen and miscarried, you wouldn’t be lying here.”

But Luna couldn’t answer her.

Abigail sat in the intensive care unit for a while before getting up to pay for Luna’s hospitalization.

“Miss, do you know someone named Simond? He said he is your husband and asked you to help pay his hospitalization fees. A nurse stood in front of Abigail, who was in a terrible mood.

Simond? He knows how to choose a name.

Abigail looked at the nurse and asked, “Which ward is he in?”

“He is in the operating room. Something was inserted into his abdomen, and it exploded inside. His condition is also critical,” the nurse said, intending to take Abigail to see him.


Abigail nodded, acknowledging that encountering Simond was unfortunate. Not only was she threatened, but she also had to pay for his medical expenses.

Abigail, with a mindset of “less is more” and a lack of interest in arguing with him, decided not to dwell on it. Besides, she had also confirmed that Simond was the only young master of the Simpson Family,

It’s better to resolve conflicts than to hold grudges.

After paying Simond’s medical expenses, Abigail was about to arrange the sick room for Luna when she received a call from Sean.

Chapter 664 Long-standing Danger

She quickly answered the call.

After Simond flirted with her today, she felt somewhat guilty toward Sean.

However, she didn’t dare to casually reveal Luna’s situation. Luna was hiding from everyone and living in Adral. It meant that she did not want anyone to know that she was with child.

Whose child is this? Should she do a DNA test?

“Sorry, I was swamped. I couldn’t have dinner with you,” Abigail apologized to Sean as soon as she answered.

“Why are you apologizing? Where are you? If work’s too difficult for you to cope with, I can come over,” Sean replied, expressing his longing for her. They had been apart for 18 months, but she left again as soon as they had the chance to be together again.

“There’s no need. I should be back in a week or two. Don’t worry, Sean. Aren’t you busy with your company too? Focus on your work, and we can have fun together once I’m done with my matters.” Her only concern now was to keep Sean from flying over to look for her.

If he had come, Josh might also have found out about Luna’s pregnancy.

She didn’t want Josh to know this news and be upset.

“Alright then.” Sean didn’t inquire further, even though he found her behavior a bit strange.

Abigail hung up the phone and sighed lightly.

After the overnight stay at the hospital, the doctor informed her first thing in the morning that Linda was momentarily out of danger and would be moved out of the ICU at noon.

After wearily answering the doctor, she sat in the corridor outside the ward and massaged her temples.

Suddenly, someone sat down beside her.

She turned her head to look.

It was Simond again with a mischievous smile. “Thanks for paying my medical bills, honey. Can you help me buy a phone and a SIM card?”

Abigail reached out and grabbed his collar. “Be careful with your life if you dare to shout nonsense again!”

Her anger startled Simond.

He raised his hands. “Okay, Ms. Alana. Please help me buy a phone and a SIM card.”

Abigail stood up abruptly and was about to leave when suddenly everything went black.

Simond quickly stood up and held her. Her elbow hit his wound, which caused him to grimace in pain.


“Ouch! That hurts!”

Abigail regained consciousness and pulled away from Simond’s grasp while looking at him with irritation. “Stay in your ward if you can’t manage!”

“If I do so, what if you fall down? What if you have a bruised and swollen face?” Simond spread his hands innocently.

Abigail didn’t answer him.

“I haven’t had breakfast yet. Remember to buy me some breakfast,” he added.

“Just die in a hole!” Abigail snapped at him.

“How can you be so heartless?” He pretended to be sad as he covered his wound.

Abigail left with a cold face.

After she left, the smile on Simond’s face disappeared. He walked into the ward where Luna was about to stay and wandered around.

When the nurse came in to hang the IV drip and saw Simond, she immediately blushed and asked, “Where is Ms. Quinn?”

“Oh, she went to buy something. Is there anything you want me to tell her?” Simond resumed his smile.

“The patient has just regained consciousness. She doesn’t have stable emotions. So, when you see Ms. Quinn, kindly inform her to be cautious when she’s talking to the patient. Don’t agitate her, as she’s still bleeding. Agitation could accelerate the bleeding, which is very dangerous for a pregnant woman,” the blushing nurse advised Simond.

Simond nodded. “Okay, got it. Thank you.”

“Not a problem at all,” she replied. Then, she hurriedly left.

Simond picked up the medical record from the bedside table.

When he saw the section about gene mutation, his brows furrowed.

“Gene mutation?” he murmured under his breath. He set the medical record aside and went to look for

the doctor.

When Abigail came back, she didn’t see Simond, which was a relief.

She had bought a lot of food. It was mostly nutritional supplements.

After busying herself in the ward for a long time, she finally made the bed. Just as she stood up, she saw Simond entering the room with easy steps.

“The phone and card are there. Remember to cancel the SIM card before you leave,” she reminded lum.

Simmond saw a new phone on the chair beside him and immediately smiled. “Oh, thank you, Ms. Alana.”


“No problem.” Abigail sat down, took out a bottle of water from her bag, and took a sip.

After Simond turned on the phone, he glanced at Abigail and asked, “Have you read the medical


“I have, but the equipment in this hospital is outdated. I’ll head to a bigger hospital for a check-up once my friend’s condition stabilizes,” she replied.

Simond quickly downloaded WhatsApp on his phone and went to get breakfast.

“I asked the attending doctor for you. The genetic mutation is likely caused by the medication taken in the later stage of her pregnancy. Has your friend become an experimental subject or something? Moreover, this kind of situation is impossible to happen domestically. She should have been injected with the medication abroad some time ago,” he said casually while munching on a not-so-tasty bun.

Abigail immediately looked at him, her gaze ice-cold. “Did you say abroad?”

“The attending doctor said that besides the gene mutation, there are also components that control her mind. Do you want me to help you investigate? I’d be happy to repay your kindness.” Simond smirked, looking very much like he was asking for trouble.

Abigail vaguely guessed when Luna was injected.

It turned out that the danger had never left.

I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 651-655

Chapter 651 The Longest Companionship

Upon hearing this, Ronaldo burst into laughter.

He couldn’t believe that someone as formidable as Sean would now be treated like a child under the supervision of a granny.

“What about Miss Quinn?” Ronaldo couldn’t help but ask.

“She’s accompanying Alice to visit friends,” Sean replied.

“Alice doesn’t have any relatives left. It’s good that you guys keep her company. I’m just worried that once you leave, she’ll be lonely all by herself,” Ronaldo said as he sat down on a small stool nearby.

“No, you don’t really understand her. Alice’s perspective on life is much more profound than us young people.” Sean continued to sun-dry the soybeans.

Ronaldo smirked, “You guys have only been living with her for a short time. But I’ve watched her since childhood. No matter how strong-minded a person is, they will occasionally feel lonely.”

“Then we’ll come to visit her often in the future,” Sean suggested.

Ronaldo looked at him. After a long pause, he said, “You’ve really changed a lot. I’m even jealous of you… How come you’re different every time we meet? It’s so easy for other women to fall for you!”

Sean looked at him. A hint of caution appeared in his eyes. “What… are you saying? You… don’t have a girlfriend, do you… Are you into men?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Men can also appreciate other men, and besides, you’re already handsome. After watchin

you outsmart the criminal forces in the Golden Triangle, I think you’re even more handsome. If it weren’t for the great things you’ve done, I wouldn’t have helped you. Alana is my idol, and I felt that being with you was simply wasting her!” Ronaldo said angrily.

Sean raised an eyebrow and asked, “How about now?”

“Now… It’s still okay. But let me tell you, even if you’re handsome, Alana’s status is higher than yours in my eyes,” Ronaldo said nonchalantly.

Sean nodded. “Luckily, you still idolize women. If you idolized me, I would be afraid you were into


“You are indeed handsome. But not every man can be swayed by you! Hey, it’s strange, why aren’t you jealous anymore?” Ronaldo looked puzzled. Previously, if Sean knew that there was a man who had feelings for Abigail, he would have been so jealous that he would have wanted to dig out the other person’s brain.

“You wouldn’t understand the kind of relationship I have with her now,” Sean said and continued with his work.

For the past few months, they had been together. Despite the initial hardships, Abigail never backed down and stood by his side all the way.


One night, when Abigail willingly nestled into his arms, he realized that his relationship with Abigail had taken a great leap forward, not physically, but emotionally.

He used to believe that getting closer to her, even just a little bit, would make him incredibly happy.

But that happiness would always fade, and he would worry about losing Abigail. However, he no longer had such thoughts.

Just as Ronaldo was about to tease, he heard voices speaking.

“Among the entire area, only her family raises chickens, and these free-range chickens are quite valuable. Normally, I can only get one from them during New Year’s. It’s thanks to you Sean got to enjoy this,” Alice said with great delight.

“I didn’t expect her to give me the chicken.” Abigail’s voice sounded somewhat shy.

Compared to her previously tense demeanor, Ronaldo could hear from her words that she was truly relaxed and happy now.

That’s good. It seems bringing them here is the right decision.

“Ronaldo, you’re here! You’re quite fortunate. Rebecca’s family raises chickens, and every New Year’s, she’s stingy and only gives me half. However, when Abigail went, she brought back a live one,” Alice said with a cheerful smile upon spotting Ronaldo.

“It seems Abigail has quite a charm!” Ronaldo looked at Abigail.

Abigail replied irritably, “Don’t tease me! I taught Rebecca the embroidery method, and she gave it to me as a thank you.”

“Abigail’s embroidery skills are impressive,” Alice said, then looked at Sean. “Go and sun the soybeans properly.”

“Alright-” Sean’s voice dragged on.

Alice was gentle with Abigail but strict with him.

In Alice’s opinion, those who didn’t take care of their bodies needed to be taught a lesson to help them. remember and learn to cherish themselves.

“Later, you and Abigail will go and get the chicken ready,” Alice instructed him again.

“Okay,” Sean replied.

He and Abigail followed Alice, leading busy and tedious lives here. Every day was filled with trivial matters. Sometimes, they felt tired, and occasional disagreements arose due to differing opinions. However, in the end, Sean and Abigail would compromise for each other.

In the past month, they hardly argue anymore.

Ronaldo walked over to Abigail, circling around her. “Alice really knows how to take care of people. Your aura is unique now.”


“Is that so?” Abigail smiled, much more cheerful than before and less serious.

“Yes, indeed. Oh my, Alice is amazing. How did she raise you two so well? Such a transformation!” Ronaldo praised repeatedly.

“Don’t flatter me here. What brings you here?” Alice waved her hand and walked toward the backyard.

Ronaldo followed. “I have a friend who just got married. The day after the wedding is the day of the parade. I want to take them out for a feast and also participate in the parade ceremony. It would be great for them.”

Send Gifts



Chapter 652 Apology

Upon hearing this, Alice nodded and remarked, “They’ve been here for quite a while without having a good time. It’s time for them to relax.”

Instantly, Sean and Abigail were delighted.

But before they could fully enjoy their happiness, Alice continued, “You still need to be careful about what Sean eats. He can’t eat everything like you. There are many things he can’t eat, do you understand?”

Sean felt a bit disappointed upon hearing this.

It had been a long time since he had eaten seafood, and he couldn’t help but miss what he used to enjoy.

Abigail glanced at Sean and said, “It’s already great to be able to go out.”

He was always on the move. But for the past few months, he had been stuck in Alice’s place. It would be a lie if he said it wasn’t tough.

There were no entertainment activities here, and even the use of mobile phones was restricted. He was bored to death.

Sean thought Abigail made sense.

“Then I’ll come pick you up tomorrow!” Ronaldo ;diately chimed in.

The days flew by in Eastbay. Abigail familiarized herself with the local customs and culture.

In June, Sean’s condition had significantly improved since his arrival at Alice’s. However, L.Moon faced a serious issue.

A mole within the company eluded Luna’s detection, and the clothes they had produced were circulating on the internet before the fashion show.

This wasn’t the first occurrence of such an incident.

The business partner insisted on meeting Abigail in person to address the matter.

During dinner, Abigail informed them, “I have to go back for half a month. There’s a big problem in the company.”

Alice didn’t mind. Before they arrived, she had heard from Ronaldo about the identities of the two. Both were big shots in major companies, and the fact that the company had been running smoothly for such a long time without them was already rare.

Sean felt a bit reluctant. They had been together all this time, and now that they were about to separate, he couldn’t help but feel a bit down.


Abigail reassured him, “I’ll be back as soon as I’m done with work, don’t worry.”

“Yeah, sure.” Sean found it difficult to ask her to stay. Originally, when they came to Alice’s place, they hadn’t even confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. The fact that she stayed with him for so long without leaving was already considerate enough.

After dinner, Abigail packed her things, occasionally glancing at Sean, who was on his phone.

“Listen to Alice’s advice. Your current situation is already good. Just hold on a little longer, and you’ll get better,” said Abigail. She didn’t have much to pack, just a few clothes.

But Abigail never lacked clothes, so it was fine to leave them here.

Sean looked up and suggested, “You should go back and take care of things. I can manage on my own. It’s okay.”

His words unintentionally carried a hint of resentment, making Abigail feel uncomfortable.

“The situation at the company is quite serious. I have to go back now, but I’ll come over as soon as I’m done,” Abigail explained to Sean. She had become quite accommodating toward him lately.

After all, he was the patient.

“It’s okay. I’m the one who’s been holding you back,” Sean said.

He meant it sincerely and unintentionally, but it made Abigail feel uncomfortable.

“What do you mean by holding me back? We’ve been together for so long, and now you’re saying this. It’s a bit ungrateful,” Abigail expressed her discomfort, forcefully zipping up her backpack.

Sean quickly clarified, “I didn’t mean it that way. I meant that you also have your own things to do, so it’s already good enough that you’ve been with me for so long.”

“If you believe you’re holding me back, it implies that you still consider our matters to be separate,” Abigail remarked, tossing her bag aside.

Sean couldn’t fathom why she became upset; he believed he was merely stating the truth.

After Abigail lay down with a stern expression, she ignored Sean.

“Are we having communication problems again?” Sean asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I have a flight tomorrow. Can you stop arguing with me at times like this?” Abigail felt that she had already spoken very clearly. Why can’t he just think about it more carefully?

Speaking of which, even though they had been together for so long, they still argued over small things.

Every time Abigail thought they already understood each other enough, Sean would immediately disappoint her.

Like now.

She meant that Sean’s concerns and matters were also her own, and she had never felt that he was


holding her back by staying here. If it truly bothered her, she would have left long ago.

Unfortunately, Sean had a stubborn head when it came to relationships.

He tended to fixate on the reality of a situation and often overlooked her feelings.

“I’m not arguing with you. My tone of voice is pretty gentle, right?” Sean squeezed her shoulder and mentioned.

Abigail silently let out a sigh. “Can I just go to sleep?”

“Okay…” Sean could only shut up.

But he was also wondering where he went wrong.

When they spent a lot of time together, they argued. Sean knew that after a day or two, they could resolve their misunderstandings.

But this time, he felt a bit uneasy about allowing her to leave with a heart full of anger.

As Abigail was drifting off to sleep, Sean suddenly said, “I’m sorry…”

Chapter 653 Same Roots

Most of the time, Sean didn’t know what he had done wrong, but he would still apologize first.

He just hoped that Abigail could return in a good mood.

Abigail was exhausted, but she still nodded and said, “Remember to take your medicine and listen to Alice’s advice. I will be back soon.”

Sean hugged her and gently kissed her cheek.

When Abigail returned to Capitalis, L.Moon’s internal problems had become so serious that even the shareholders considered removing Luna.

As Abigail came out of the airport, she spotted Luna in the distance.

As soon as Luna saw Abigail, guilt and tears filled her eyes. “Abigail… I’m sorry, I messed up L.Moon.”

“Let’s go back and take a look first.” Abigail approached her and patted her shoulder.

Luna sniffed, “It’s all my fault.”

“Don’t blame yourself. The situation has already occurred. Blaming anyone won’t help. What’s important is how to solve this matter.” Abigail grabbed her suitcase and looked very capable.

Her unique temperament attracted the attention of many people from the moment she walked out of the airport.

“Is she a celebrity? She looks so cool.”

“I don’t know. She’s wearing a mask and sunglasses; it’s hard to tell which celebrity she is.”

“What celebrity? Celebrities nowadays are not so low-key. They come to the airport hoping that fans will surround them to show their popularity.”

Abigail ignored their comments. Like a gust of wind, she got into the car with Luna.

Upon arriving at L.Moon, Abigail walked into the office. The shareholders, who rarely appeared before, were all present. She glanced at Luna behind her.

“Where is the person who leaked our design drawings?” Abigail asked her.

“She has disappeared. I reported it to the police and hired many people to find her, but we haven’t obtained any reliable information.” Luna replied.

Abigail nodded. She walked to the desk and sat down, saying to the shareholders, “Let me handle this matter first. You can’t expect me to come up with a solution immediately. Go back and wait for my updates.”

“I just want to ask you, How much can you minimize the losses in this matter? The client said that if it’s


not handled well, they will suc us. I consulted a lawyer, and the minimum compensation would be close to 7 million.” The leading shareholder asked Abigail.

“I will discuss this with the person in charge of Charm,” Abigail said.

“I trust you, Miss Quinn. But Luna has made such a big mistake; there has to be some punishment,” the shareholder added.

Abigail, who was flipping through the documents, looked up at the shareholders and said, “According to what you’re saying, everyone in the company should take responsibility for this matter. The person who should be punished is the mole, not the person who has contributed to the company. I hope you understand this.”

“When she was working here, she would often be absent from the company. Which high-ranking executive does that in any company?!” Another shareholder stood up to argue with Abigail as well.

“I’ll say it again: when there’s a mole in the company, we catch the mole! L.Moon was founded by both of us, and I appreciate your investment. But since we’ve received substantial dividends and now face a problem, we should bear it together. If you’re unwilling to bear it, you can withdraw now. In the future, after we’re married and start a family, we won’t be able to come to the company often, and similar

So, do you want to kick us all out of L.Moon?” Abigail stood up, fixing

problems may arise frequently


gaze on everyone with a stern

The shareholders remained silent.


Abigail sat back down, appearing calm as if nothing had happened. “When there’s a problem in the company, I hope we can stand united instead of immediately turning against each other. I detest internal conflicts the most. Can internal conflicts solve the problem here? If L.Moon falls, I will follow Luna and face the same fate. Do you understand?”

In the early years, without Luna tirelessly seeking out contracts, L.Moon would have been somewhere


The strong foundation of L.Moon was built by Luna piece by piece, forming a towering L.Moon now.

Luna looked at Abigail, her eyes becoming even redder. She pursed her lips, feeling even more self-


It was not that everything would be fine if no one said anything… Abigail trusted her so much, but she let her down.

After the shareholders left, Luna sat on the couch, sobbing with red eyes.

Abigail looked at her helplessly. “Can you stop crying? This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Why do you become more fragile as you grow older?”

“I feel like I’ve lost my drive; that’s why this problem occurred. They’re right, it’s my fault. I didn’t properly protect L.Moon…” Luna looked at Abigail, sniffing.

Abigail did notice that Luna had become more fragile than before. She used to have a carefree

personality and was very organized in her work. Even if she made a mistake, she would find a way to fix


But this time, Abigail only saw her vulnerability and exhaustion.

Abigail blamed herself for being away for too long and leaving the heavy burden of L.Moon on her. Even if Luna was strong, there would come a day when she got tired.

Luna had been running L.Moon for the past five or six years, and in the early years, she had to work tirelessly. Now, even in the midst of a passionate romance, she still had to find time to manage the business.

Upon seeing Luna in this state, Abigail felt a surge of guilt and remorse. She owed Luna so much.

“You have your own things to deal with, too. It’s my fault for being away for so long. I’m sorry.” Abigail handed her a tissue.

“Abigail… maybe I should resign,” Luna looked at her and said softly.

Chapter 654 Her Territory

Abigail noticed the helplessness in Luna’s eyes.

“What happened between you and Josh?” Abigail asked immediately.

Luna lowered her gaze and remained silent for a long time before slowly saying, “I think… being in a relationship is exhausting. It’s completely different from before, and I’m growing weary of it.”

Abigail was taken aback by her words. She sat beside Luna and embraced her, asking, “Is it his fault? Or has he changed?”

“I don’t know. I feel like the more familiar we become, the less it feels like the good old days. It doesn’t feel as great as it used to be…” Luna uttered softly. Lately, she had been arguing frequently with Josh. On one hand, she had too many tasks to handle at the company, yet he wanted her to spend more time with him.

Due to that, she felt overwhelmed and frustrated.

Whenever she finally took time out to have a meal with him, he would be occupied with something else. It felt like it was unavoidable that they were growing apart.

“I’m back now. You should try to work things out with him. Maybe you haven’t experienced the stage of balancing work and relationships yet, so you’re feeling overwhelmed. If work is making you tired, I can hire a manager immediately. What do you think?” Abigail patted Luna’s arm and comforted her softly.

“Abigail, I feel so useless right now. It’s like I have no value anymore.” Panic was evident in Luna’s voice. “Ever since the incident at the company, I’ve been doubting my own abilities. In the end, I feel like I have no value to L.Moon anymore. I shouldn’t have neglected the company for so long when I was with him. Now that I’m managing it, everything feels unfamiliar.”

“If you can’t balance your relationship and work, then choose only one. Talk to Josh about it. He works hard because he wants to buy a house and save money for marriage as well as for future children. What about you? What are you working for?” Abigail asked her.

Luna had lost herself now.

She had never made such a mistake before, and this time, it had caused her great frustration. She began to feel lost. At the same time, her relationship with Josh was also in trouble, which only made her feel even more useless.

“What would you do in my situation?” Luna turned her head to look at her friend.

“I enjoy my work, and I enjoy designing. Even if I’m busy, I will always prioritize my work. Even though Sean is great now and we may get married in the future, I must keep my work to reflect my value. Abigail always had clear goals.

From the moment she decided to get divorced, she knew her choice.

“Alright. I’ll think about it,” Luna uttered.

“I’m about to meet the owner of Charm. You should look for Josh. Take some time to rest and adjust


Chapter 654 Her Territory

your mindset as well. Don’t overthink,” Abigail comforted warmly.

7 million was not a number they couldn’t afford, but the psychological burden of making such a mistake could casily crush Luna and make her doubt her abilities.

Abigail regretted not calling Luna more often just to check up on her. If she had done that, Luna wouldn’t have suffered so much during this time.

After that, Abigail drove Luna to Pearson Residence and went straight to meet the owner of Charm.

She parked the car in front of a Findellian restaurant, and after getting out of the car, she handed her keys over to the valet.

The owner of Charm was very young. It was said that he had just taken over the family business half a year ago, but within the span of six months, he had revitalized the struggling women’s clothing brand Charm and brought it back to its former glory.

He even reached new heights by collaborating with L.Moon.

Abigail was wearing a white shirt and wide-leg pants. As she walked with grace, she attracted the attention of many men in the restaurant.

“Isn’t that Alana? Where has she been in the past six months? She looks different.”

“Yeah… I heard she still doesn’t have a boyfriend…”

Everyone was gossiping about her eagerly.

They thought that if she didn’t have a boyfriend, they stood a chance.

Daniel was looking down at his phone as he replied to a client’s message. He only looked up when someone sat down opposite him.

Abigail glanced at the handsome and co

man in front of her and immediately presented a

calm smile. “Mr. Sawyer, I am Alana from L.Moon. You can also call me Abigail.”

Daniel had been frustrated due to the car accident before the new product launch, so he was all ready to curse out loud, but when he saw Abigail’s innocent face, he couldn’t bring himself to speak.

“Hello, Miss Quinn.” Daniel put down his tablet, trying to keep his voice steady. “What would you like to


“Anything is fine. I’m not picky,” Abigail replied, propping her chin on her hand with a smile on her face.

Daniel picked up the tablet next to him and ordered two mains before getting to the point. “I discussed with the company about postponing the press conference for a week, but we only have one week. How can you remedy the situation? Initially, once the press conference starts, the purchasing channels will be open. Even if we release a new line of women’s clothing, we won’t have any ready stock. We will suffer a huge loss because of that.”



still sue L.Moon?” Abigail picked up the glass of water next to her and took a sip.


Chapter 654 Her Territory

“If you can’t resolve the matter, I must proceed with the lawsuit.” Daniel slowly detached himself from Abigail’s enchanting aura and regained his rationality

It was the first time he had seen such an enchanting and competent woman. From the moment she sat in front of him, she was like a deadly nightshade flower, dangerous and captivating.

Even Daniel, who had seen countless beautiful women, almost fell for her.

Send Gifts

Chapter 655 Unconventional Competent Woman

Abigail nodded in agreement. Then, she took out her tablet and showed her design to Daniel. “What do you think of this? If it’s just for pre-sale, do you think it will have higher sales than the failed one?”

This design was created while she was staying with Alice. Originally, she had planned to release it during a major event, but she had no choice but to bring it out to save the situation now.

When Daniel saw the design, his eyes were immediately drawn to it.

He couldn’t help taking a few more glances at it and finally bit his lip. He pondered for a moment before saying, “You’re right. This design would be extremely popular if it’s for pre-sale.”

“It was originally meant to be given priority to Fairy Meadow. You should be aware that Fairy Meadow is a subsidiary under L.Moon, so I wish to give them the best option I have. Unfortunately, L.Moon is currently in trouble, so I have no choice but to use this design to make up for it. However, I spent a long time personally designing this, and the design fee I charged your company for the previous drawing was pretty low. You know what I mean, right?” Abigail propped her chin and proposed to Daniel.

Little did she know, her unintentional action made his heart race.

How could a

To a competent woman be

so e 3.

“I understand. Whatever you want in return…” Daniel uttered while looking at her. Even though his mind was in chaos because of her, his rationality was still intact.

“L.Moon will take 2% of the sales. If that’s not acceptable, I can give you another design,” Abigail said straightforwardly.

“Alright. I’ll give you one week to come out with the samples, and they should be available in all sizes!”

Daniel stated.

“All sizes? I recall that Charm is a brand that caters to women who are fit. Fairy Meadow is the one that specializes in different sizes. Are you trying to take advantage of my business now?” Abigail sat up straight, her smile tinged with sarcasm.

Daniel felt ashamed because of her words. He did want to seize the market for different sizes. Fairy Meadow served women of all sizes and made a fortune in this market, but unfortunately, Charm didn’t have an outstanding designer like Abigail.

He merely mentioned it to see if she would agree. Now, it seemed that she wasn’t just putting on airs.

“What if I said I’m not?” Daniel asked her.

“You can get the size that fits your market. Only L.Moon has various sizes and styles to accommodate different body types. Moreover, this is something that L.Moon will not sell at any price,” Abigail stated while shrugging her shoulders. “Sorry, Mr. Sawyer.”

“No problem. I’ll decide on the 2% commission with you once I see the finished product.” Daniel now understood that Abigail was a cunning businesswoman.


Chapter 655 Unconventional Competent Woman

The smile on her face faded slightly. “No. You’re making the decision today. I will get my staff to get the commission contract ready and will send it to your email.”

Daniel looked at Abigail, his gaze turning cold as well

No matter how beautiful or charming a woman was, it was worthless when it came to interests.

“L.Moon was the party who made the mistake. Instead, you’re putting pressure on me. Isn’t this inappropriate?” He picked up the coffee next to him and drank it slowly.

Abigail raised an eyebrow. “But I, as L.Moon’s most outstanding designer, have provided you with a solution. Shouldn’t you be grateful? If it were another company, the profits you earn from this design alone would be enough to cover the expenses of filing a lawsuit. Perhaps, even more than enough.”

What she said was true.

Daniel knew very well that this was how Abigail operated. She hadn’t come up with any new designs for almost a year, and her fans were constantly lamenting on Instagram. Now that she had come up with such an excellent design, her fans would still buy it even if it couldn’t fit.

The popularity of a top design

in the women’s fashion industry was not just for show.

“I can’t give you an immediate must discuss it with the higher-ups.” Daniel came with a


The higher-ups in Charm treated L.Moon’s mistake as a good opportunity. If L.Moon couldn’t resolve it, they could market it, criticize L.Moon, and then take over their position.

L.Moon had been the leader in the women’s fashion industry for too long. Even insignificant brands wanted to bring it down and take its place..

Initially, the public speculated whether Abigail had run out of ideas after not coming up with any designs for so long.

Now, however, it seemed like she had been honing her skills.

“Mr. Sawyer, you’ve been in charge of the company for six months, yet you still can’t make decisions on your own?” Abigail asked him.

Her words provoked him. “Miss Quinn, every company has its own way of operating. Isn’t it inappropriate for you to say that?”

“I’m busy and don’t have time to waste on you. If you want to collaborate with L.Moon, show some sincerity. I wouldn’t give you this attitude if it were another designer’s work. However, this is my work, so think carefully before you speak.”

As an award-winning designer from abroad, other brands would fight to have her designs. It was almost a given.

Daniel merely led Charm for half a year. How could he not be aware of his position?

“Alright. Go ahead and draft the contract,” Daniel compromised.


Chapter 655 Unconventional Competent Woman

Abigail’s negotiation skills were so strong that she took control of the situation right from the start.

Daniel realized that he was completely passive this time.

“Well then, thank you, Mr. Sawyer. Could you please handle the rumors and gossip spread online as well?” Abigail stood up, intending to leave.

“The dishes haven’t been served yet…” Daniel reminded, secretly hoping that Abigail would accompany him for a meal.

I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 646-650

Chapter 646 Seeing a Doctor Requires Sincerity

Upon entrance, Abigail heard Alice’s voice and became a little excited. “Living here for two years can make him better?”

“Exactly! It’s not that serious… He’s just a bit weak. We can replenish his body with good food. There’s nothing that can’t be fixed with delicious meals,” Alice said with a smile.

The heavily concerned Abigail did not expect Alice to downplay the seriousness. “Alice, are you telling the truth?” She became somewhat incoherent. “He was hospitalized a few days ago because of a severe cold. It was serious.”

“Do you think I’d lie to you at my age?” Alice smiled and glanced at the old-fashioned wooden clock in the living room. “It’s time to prepare lunch. Ronaldo, Abigail, come and help me.”

“Okay!” Ronaldo became excited.

Initially, Abigail did not understand his excitement, but as they started cooking, she realized Alice was an amazing cook. In the kitchen, knives were hanging on the wall near the cutting area.

She also noticed that Alice primarily made a living through live-streaming her cooking. She discreetly took out her phone and entered Alice’s live stream, discovering her more than 15 thousand fans, many of whom were learning to cook from her.

Abigail looked at the ingredients hanging in the kitchen and gradually developed an admiration for Alice. No matter her age, Alice lived her life with such refinement. It was evident that she loved life.

Meanwhile, Sean and Ronaldo assisted her, and Alice was considerate of the two. She never let them appear on camera from beginning to end, informing her fans that one of them had come to see her for medical treatment.

Abigail looked at the live chat and felt touched.

‘Grams, you’ve been alone for a long time. It’s good to have someone around you.’

‘Grams is a skilled traditional medicine doctor. It’s a pity that such a good doctor doesn’t have any apprentices. The tradition might be lost.’

Becoming a traditional medicine doctor required a long journey, and one should have talent in the medical field. But Alice was already old, and even if she tried her best to teach, she could only do so for a few more years.

Even if she was willing to spread her knowledge for a few more years, others might not be willing to learn for that long. Perhaps she did not want to dwell on this issue of passing down the tradition


The lunch Alice made was like a grand feast, and everything was cooked in clay pots. With the combination of ingredients and medicinal herbs, the aroma made Abigail’s mouth water uncontrollably.

Even Sean, who had eaten top-notch cuisine, was impressed by her culinary skills. “This is even better than the food I eat outdoors,” he commented, his face slightly flushed after finishing lunch.




Soon after, Abigail and Ronaldo helped Alice tidy up the kitchen. “Mr. Fernandez, why didn’t you tell us about this amazing place earlier?” she asked.

“If Mr. Graham hadn’t been so sick, you wouldn’t have had a chance to come here. Alice has been live- streaming for so many years, yet not a single fan has found out where she lives. And you, wanting to taste her food for no reason, must be dreaming.” He quickly washed the dishes skillfully.

At that point, she wondered if Sean had benefited from this misfortune.

After finishing the cleaning, Ronaldo planned to leave. “You can negotiate the medical expenses and the cost of staying here yourselves, but you have to help with the household chores and farm work. Alice grows her crops and buys rice and oil, but a lot of it is self-sufficient, so living here might be a bit tough,” he explained to Abigail before leaving.

“It’s okay. If Alice can cure him, everything else is not a big deal.” She felt much more relaxed today.

He nodded and did not say anything more.

After he left, Abigail chatted with Alice for a long time. Alice did not ask for much money, but she had many requirements, such as going to bed and waking up early, as well as not allowing any romantic activities between men and women during their stay.

In terms of daily life, Abigail was responsible for purchasing, and Sean just had to listen to her. After the two sorted the arrangement, they followed Alice to the vegetable garden to dig potatoes in the afternoon.

Since Sean had never done farm work before, he was panting, and his hands were getting blisters after digging a little. Abigail, on the other hand, was much more efficient than him.

Alice sat on the grass, watching him, and said, “Why are young people nowadays so tired from doing so little? Are you planning to let your girlfriend work until dark?”

He looked at the blisters on his hands and could only endure the pain and continue digging.

When the sun was about to set, Abigail walked toward the sweaty Sean and frowned as she looked at his blisters. “Why didn’t you say anything when your hands were getting blisters? It’s okay to do lesser work.”

“I think Alice is right. Being sick is not an excuse. I got blisters on my hands from doing so little work. It just shows that I’m weak,” he told her.

At that moment, Alice walked over to Sean, grabbed his hand, and checked his pulse. After examining. she hunched and circled back, commenting, “Young people in the big cities nowadays are rarely healthy. Even if they eat well, they lack exercise. Their body is so clogged.”

Naturally, Abigail and Sean did not understand the profound meaning behind her words, which Alice did not expect them to understand anyway. Traditional medicine doctors not only emphasized medical treatment but also the nourishment of the human body.

If the human body was malnourished, it would not yield good results, no matter how many medicines were taken or how good the ingredients were.

The three eventually returned from the vegetable garden together, and Abigail and Sean were


Chapter 647 Ten More Minutes of Rest

However, they were greeted with the task of helping in the kitchen. Abigail could not help but think they did not come here for medical treatment but rather to experience the countryside life.

After finishing their meal, she and Sean were exhausted. There were no convenient facilities for washing up here, but fortunately, Ronaldo had made arrangements beforehand. There was solar power and a makeshift bathroom, although they had to conserve water and fetch it after usage.

At 9:30 a.m., they lay together on the relatively spacious bed. Her arms felt like they were about to break. “I’m starting to have second thoughts. Maybe I should just leave you here alone.”

“When disaster strikes, everyone flees for safety, right?” Sean looked at her.

Abigail had done a lot of work that day while he had not exerted much effort. His hands were blistered and still quite painful.

“Let’s sleep… I’m tired.” She closed her eyes, thinking about the unknown things that awaited them tomorrow, which worried her.

From dealing with L.Moon’s affairs until now, she had never gone to bed this early.

Sean looked at her profile, feeling content and at ease in his heart. It was so miraculous that even he could not understand it. No matter how good his relationship with her was in Capitalis and Pendorf, it had never been like today, giving him a completely new sense of peace.

He could not figure out why, but he felt that today was somehow different. Most likely, they were just too tired. As such, he did not dwell on it for long before falling asleep.

The next day, around 5:30 a.m., they were awakened by Alice, living a life similar to military training. They had to water Alice’s vegetables in the morning and weed the garden. The couple divided the tasks, with her watering the vegetables and him pulling out the weeds… They were busy until 8:30 a.m., then returned on time for breakfast.

Walking on the morning road, Abigail swung her sore hand and felt the dampness of the morning dew enveloping her, refreshing her whole body. However, she still found this rural life challenging. Although she had done a lot of housework with Analise since she was young, it had never been this hard.

Meanwhile, Sean was already too tired to speak. As a young master, he had always lived a life of luxury, and his grandfather had never made him do any heavy work. No matter how much work or pressure he had in his job, it had never been as tough as it was now, planting a seed of thought in him to escape back to Capitalis.

“I’m thinking of leaving you behind and letting you live here on your own.” When they were almost at Alice’s house, Abigail suddenly voiced out.

Sean sighed. “I guess I’ll have to fly back, too, the day after you leave… I could hold on as long as you were here, but without you, I can’t last a second.”

Those days would be unbearable.


“Although people should share hardships, I think this kind of difficulty is something you have to solve on your own.” Abigail now regretted having a conscience and accompanying him through such hardship.

“You should still stay and take care of my emotional state. I feel exhausted… When weeding, I was thinking maybe I should secretly buy a ticket and take you away with me…” His voice was low, and he still had dirt on his fingers. He was feeling depressed.

“Forget it. Your life is more important,” she whispered.

Now, even if it was tough, they had to endure it. It was only two years after all.

He stopped talking. Indeed, Abigail wanted him to get better, so even if it was difficult now, they had to tolerate it.

Back at Alice’s house, breakfast was already prepared. It was noodle soup cooked with beef bones. After finishing their meal, the couple took off their jackets because it was too hot.

“You used up all the water while washing up last night. Today, you have to figure out how to store water yourselves. During typhoon season, you can’t go out to fetch water. By then, you won’t even have water to drink,” Alice told the two before leaving the house.

The couple was at a loss.

After she left, Abigail and Sean surveyed the village and discovered there was no running water, only well water. They could not go out during typhoon season. While Alice could survive with a barrel of water, it would not be enough for the three of them.

Back at the house, he lay on the recliner in the backyard, comfortably squinting his eyes. Abigail sat by the stone table in the yard, using her tablet to search for ways to conveniently fetch water.

“I think we can dig a well in Alice’s backyard,” she suggested to him.

He opened his eyes and looked at her with a lazy gaze. “But we have to ask Alice’s permission. I just thought about it. Why not consider installing a pipeline to connect the well water to her house?”

“Isn’t that too much? Drawing water from the well also requires electricity. Can we go to the well during typhoon season to connect to a power source?” she asked him.

“This kind of project isn’t my expertise.” He smiled. He had invested in a resort and knew exactly how

to connect water sources.

She nodded. “Alright, you can discuss it with Alice, but we need to fetch water now. We ran out of water yesterday and don’t have water left for cooking lunch.”

As soon as Sean heard that they had to work, his face immediately fell. “Wait a moment,” he said, closing his eyes again and pretending to be dead.

Abigail stood up and walked over to his side, grabbing his hand, and pulling him up. “What if Alice returns later and gets angry because, there’s no water? Hurry up!”

“Just ten more minutes of rest…” He lazily refused to get up from the chair.

Chapter 648 Physical and Mental Training

Compared to Abigail, Sean had become much lazier. Having experienced hardships, she did not feel much exhausted in this situation. The man, however, had never dealt with these practical household chores before. Being assigned by Alice, he thought his days were completely miserable. The only time he could relax was when Alice was absent.

“Let’s go!” Abigail pulled him, afraid that Alice would get angry if she came back. Despite Alice’s gentle and humorous demeanor, she took all the tasks seriously.

Reluctantly, Sean allowed himself to be yanked up. As soon as he stood up, he forcefully grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Crashing into his embrace, she stared at him wide-eyed. “What are you doing?”

He held her chin and gazed at her. “You give me more headaches than Alice. I can’t even take a break.”

“Alice will be angry if she sees no water. We’re asking for her help now. Can’t you be more sincere?!” She looked at him solemnly.

“Well, you’re right. Let’s go.” He grabbed her shoulder helplessly.

The two worked for half an hour and finally filled Alice’s water tank. Sure enough, as soon as they finished, Alice returned carrying a basket of things.

Abigail saw herbs and some unfamiliar items in the basket. When Alice entered the backyard and saw the full water tank, she nodded in satisfaction.

“After lunch, I’ll take you to a place,” she said, sitting on a small stool in the yard while tidying up the things in the basket and talking to the couple, with Abigail responding.

“Alice, I want to connect a well to your house. What do you think?” Sean asked her.

Her hand paused, and she looked up at him. “Tired of fetching water already?”

“No!” he immediately retorted. Her attitude was gentle, but he felt like he was being warned.

“No need to say anything. If there’s not enough water, just buy more barrels. Why bother with connecting pipes? Creating noise and pollution?” she grumbled.

Abigail understood that Alice wanted them to exercise more. She held Sean’s hand and stopped him from trying to persuade Alice. “Alice is right. After we finish our tasks, let’s go and ask where we can buy some barrels.”

“That’s right. Why exert so much effort when you’re young and strong?” Alice stated, putting the sorted herbs in a woven bamboo basket.

Sean estimated that even if he bought two more barrels, he and Abigail would still have to consider fetching water every other day. Thinking about this, he could not help but sigh.

After lunch, Alice took them to an old man’s house.


There was a cobblestone path in front of his house, and Alice pointed to the path and said to Sean and Abigail, “Tomorrow, you’ll help in the vegetable garden. Return 30 minutes early, then walk on this path for another 30 and learn yoga from him.”

“Okay.” Abigail knew walking on cobblestones was a way to maintain good health. Some parks in big cities had paths like this for white-collar workers to walk on after work.

Sean nodded in agreement.

“After dinner, come here and walk for an hour, then do yoga with him again,” Alice continued.

“Okay,” Abigail immediately responded.

“Alright, go buy the tanks now. Remember, take good care of the vegetable garden. If the vegetables die, you’ll only eat radishes and pickled vegetables in the winter,” Alice said, then hunched and left.

Abigail and Sean bid her farewell and turned back to greet the energetic old man wearing a white outfit.

“Sir, what’s your name?” Sean-spoke first.

“Last name Colleen. You can call me Sir Colleen,” he answered. He had heard about Sean’s condition; he was just a young man with a particularly bad physical condition.

“Hello, Sir Colleen,” Abigail quickly greeted him.

“Good, the young girl looks pretty good, much better than him,” Sir Colleen said, glancing at Sean. With his sickly appearance, he won’t last another day in the city.

She glanced at Sean and said gently, “He ended up like this because he saved someone.”

“Just remember to come after dinner.” Sir Colleen did not ask much about their past.

Abigail bid farewell to him and went to buy the barrels. After searching several shops, they finally found a place to buy them after 4 p.m. and quickly rushed back.

“I just realized that even in this village, we can’t afford to be idle.” She could not help but sigh as she returned to Alice’s house with Sean. She had thought that if she came here, she could have leisure time to draw, but now, she felt it was just wishful thinking.

“Perhaps this is just the life of ordinary people. Without avenues to earn money, they rely on their labor to support themselves,” he responded softly. He walked along this winding path as the sun set, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and he noticed that his steps were slower than usual.

Many people, exhausted from the city, escaped to their childhood homes in the countryside. It was because the city was truly exhausting, and even walking required taking wider strides than those around you to survive well.

Send Gifts

Chapter 649 A Mundane Life

At that moment, Abigail pondered about Analise.

Once upon a time, Analise also relied on labor to support herself and send her to the best art school… How could one not say that the ordinary’s attitudes toward life were not admirable?

The two returned to Alice’s house, and Sean caught a whiff of the familiar scent of herbal medicine, feeling a bit queasy.

She noticed his expression and knew he did not want to drink the medicine. “Starting tonight, you have to properly take these. It’s not enough to just cat-some nourishing food. Your body needs a lot of nutrients and medicine to nourish and heal. Even though the winter-here is barely cold, it’s still a challenge for you,” she explained to Sean while busy at the stove.

She hunched and busied herself, and Abigail immediately thought of Analise’s figure. Suddenly, she felt a longing for her grandmother. She wanted to call Analise but was afraid Sean’s situation would be discovered, affecting Analise’s health.

“Alice, let me help you.” She approached her and rolled up her sleeves.

“Do you know how to gut a fish?” Alice asked her.

Abigail felt a bit embarrassed as she was not skilled at it.

“I do,” Sean immediately spoke up.

Alice raised her chin and directed his gaze to the fish hanging on the side with a straw rope. “Go to the river and gut it. Do you know which organs to keep?”

He scratched his head while Abigail took out her phone and started searching.

“The fish bladder and intestines can be kept. Discard the rest. Make sure to clean the fish intestines.” Alice did not put on airs and directly told them.

As such, he took the knife and prepared to gut the fish.

“You go with him. Keep an eye on him so that he doesn’t have any accidents and fall into the river,” Alice told Abigail.

“Okay, got it!” She quickly followed her man.

The two of them left the house together. After dinner, they walked on the cobblestones. At first, it was exciting, but after about ten minutes, they found it boring. After half an hour, both of them were rather discouraged.

They walked back and forth like this, and anyone would feel annoyed after walking for more than ten minutes. Unfortunately, Sir Colleen was watching them…

After 30 minutes of walking, both of them were exhausted. Abigail soon realized that though everything sounded simple, doing it was extremely agonizing. She could sit and draw design sketches for ten hours straight without feeling the agony she experienced when trying to walk, which she found


extremely uncomfortable.

Her feet were also in pain, and by the end, they would go numb…

After taking a ten-minute break, she started learning yoga.


“The most important aspect of yoga is the harmony of breath and mindset. Breathe slowly, execute the moves slowly, and every step must be steady, without impatience. And you must learn to focus, to concentrate on what you are doing at the present moment without distractions,” he explained as he taught them the moves.

Initially, the two of them struggled to concentrate, but with his repeated guidance, they gradually learned to forget themselves and focus solely on yoga. It was almost 8:30 p.m. when Sir Colleen finally allowed them to return to Alice’s house.

This routine continued day after day.

Abigail, who had initially wanted to escape multiple times, gradually grew accustomed to the early bedtime and rising and working in the fields.

One month passed…

Abigail video-called Luna, lying to her that she and Sean were out hiking. When Luna noticed the man, she found it a bit strange. “Why is he so tanned?”

Quickly, Abigail glanced at him beside her. “Really? I didn’t notice. Maybe it’s because we’re always together.”

“Oh my… You’re different, too. What have you been up to? Practicing some kind of ancient art? You look completely transformed now, full of energy and relaxation, as if you’re in control.” Luna could not recognize the couple anymore.

“Is that so?” Abigail widened her eyes in surprise.

“Why lie to you? Sean looks much more energetic than before. It seems going outdoors for a walk is beneficial.” Luna sighed.

“He looks much stronger.” Josh chimed in.

It was at this moment that Abigail realized, silently and imperceptibly, that their physical conditions had changed.

“You look great, full of vitality.” Lawrence’s voice joined in. He squeezed into the frame and told her, “Tell him to come over and say hi.”

Meanwhile, Sean was reading a book on Alice’s recliner. Abigail walked over to him, holding her phone, and tugged at his hand. “Say hi!”

He turned his head toward the camera and raised his hand in greeting. “Have you had dinner?”

“Yes. You look so different, in a good way! Now, we can rest assured,” Lawrence smiled.

Sean raised an eyebrow. “Really? I look that different?”


“Well, it’s truly necessary to go out and explore.” Lawrence hinted, as Luna still had no idea Sean was sick.

“Indeed.” Sean nodded.

Without the hustle and bustle of the big city, coupled with practicing yoga, Sean’s heart had become more stable, and his understanding of life had deepened.

“Well, enjoy yourselves out there, and remember to video call us from time to time,” Lawrence informed with a cheerful smile.

Chapter 650 True Bond

“I got you, Lawrence.” Sean smiled gracefully. He had undergone a complete transformation, leaving Luna at a loss for words. It was as if he had been reborn.

Abigail sat beside him, leaning on his arm. She pointed her phone’s camera toward the sky and exclaimed, “Look, the sky here is so blue. I never realized that the night sky in the city is different from the one in the countryside. The night sky here is dazzling, with stars that resemble diamonds filling the expanse.”

Luna could not help but feel envious upon seeing this. “Oh, I seriously wish I could join you guys.”

“After we finish here, I’ll take your place.” Abigail turned the camera back.

Luna immédiately agreed. After discussing some daily matters, she expressed her desire to talk privately with Abigail, who proceeded to walk outside with her phone.

Once outside, she asked Luna in a hushed tone, “What’s wrong?”

“Your relationship with Sean seems different now. Have you recently broken down the barriers between each other?” Luna asked softly.

In truth, she envied Abigail greatly. The dynamic between Sean and her was no longer the same as before. Previously, Luna always felt that he was desperately trying to please Abigail, but Abigail, still haunted by the pain of her failed marriage, was always hesitant about their relationship. She always felt that something was missing between them. But now, that feeling seemed to have vanished.

“No, it’s the same as before.” Abigail was rather confused. Honestly, she did not feel any significant changes between her and Sean.

Since they arrived at Alice’s place, they had been preoccupied with various trivial matters daily. The only difference was that they did everything together. Due to his fragile health, Alice wanted Abigail to be by his side at all times, fearing that he might faint or have an accident at any moment.

“It’s different! Haven’t you noticed? I can’t quite explain it, but I feel like you two have formed a deep, profound bond. When others see you together, they perceive you as a natural couple, and no one can come between you,” Luna said eagerly.

Abigail leaned against a tree, gazing at the night sky with a smile. “Is that so?”

So, this is how relationships are nurtured, huh?

“Yes! It surprised me, too. What surprised me even more is that you two now possess such pure temperament, as if you’ve embarked on a spiritual journey.” Luna believed that Sean’s reappearance in the public eye was bound to cause a sensation..

On the other hand, Abigail, as Alana, was already a public figure, so her next appearance would undoubtedly spark speculation within the industry about what she had experienced to become so composed, poised, and captivating.

Her best friend was improving day by day, and it made Luna a little envious.


At that point, Abigail glanced toward Alice’s doorstep. This place held so much meaning for her. The  ́small house, warm lights… That elderly person who had tirelessly guided her and Sean through their ordinary and busy lives.

“Perhaps it’s because our living environment has changed recently,” Abigail said with a smile.

“I’m so happy to see you and Sean like this. Please stay happy,” Luna sincerely expressed.

“We will,” Abigail replied with a smile.

It turned out that suffering did not always come with pain; there was also growth awaiting them. After her divorce from Sean, they tried to grow closer to each other, but there were always obstacles in their path. True love meant accompanying and understanding each other, practicing the simplest form of love in their ordinary lives.

After ending the call, Abigail leaned against a tree, her face beaming with a smile.

She and Sean… had quietly and gradually become better.

Winter swiftly passed, and spring arrived. The couple celebrated the Next

holidays, the temperature in Eastbay began to rise.

It was only mid-February, y

yet bay

On this day, he was helping excitement.

needed a jacket at this

te “es


Seeing Sean holding a bl

New Year’s at Alice’s. After the

the temperature had already surpassed that of summer. Sean, who had

I year, now

only required a set yoga clothes.

sun-dry beans at the doorstep

at the doorstep when



aback. “My goodness! Are you still


Sean looked up at him. “What’s differe

naldo arrived, brimming with

ving beans under the sun, he was somewhat taken

Mr. Graham? What are you doing? You look completely

“The composure of a hidden boss, the aura of a

the aura of a transcendent being. It seems that Alice is truly

ura of a tr remarkable. She has managed to


as perfect as

ou.” Ronaldo never hesitated to shower others with praise.

Sean replied, “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I came over to hang out with you guys. My good buddy is getting married, and I want to invite all of you to the wedding feast. There’s even a parade! I’m telling you. It’s way more fun than anything else; it’s truly grand. You won’t regret joining us,” Ronaldo casually mentioned to Sean.

“Well, we’ll have to ask Alice first. If she doesn’t allow us to go, we can’t,” Sean replied.

Alice had strict control over his diet, almost forbidding him from eating anything that would not benefit his health, taking every opportunity to nourish his body.


I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 645

Chapter 645 Hard Times Are Coming

Eastbay was much hotter than Capitalis.

Sean wanted to take off his clothes, but Abigail firmly refused, “Don’t take them off. Let’s wait until we get to Alice’s house.”

Ronaldo looked at Sean, who was still wearing thick clothes, and couldn’t help but suggest, “Perhaps you can take off one layer. It’s a big problem if you get too hot.”

“Okay… just take off your outer coat.” Abigail compromised as she noticed the sweat on Sean’s cheeks.

Sean quickly removed his coat and took a deep breath, feeling refreshed.

The three of them ventured further into the island.

The place still resembled a traditional village with bungalows and brick houses. The roadside grass was lush, and the sound of insects chirping was constant.

Abigail felt a sense of peace here.

They were accustomed to living in the bustling city, where everyone was always in a rush.

But here, there was a tranquility and slowness that could calm one’s mind.

They followed Ronaldo to Alice’s house. The old lady’s house was a very ordinary brick house with two rooms adjacent to the living room and not even a bathroom…

Sean had never lived in such a place and felt a little bewildered. “Can we even stay here?”

He asked Ronaldo.

Ronaldo walked in. “Why can’t we? Alice’s family used to have very good living conditions.”

Abigail followed him inside and noticed that the floor was still cemented and shiny from being stepped

The house was cool and tidy.

“What does Alice do for a living? What about her children?” Abigail whispered to Ronaldo.

Ronaldo sat down at the square table in the living room and instinctively picked up the teapot, finding that there was still water inside, and poured tea for them directly.

Abigail could tell from his familiarity that he must have a close relationship with Alice.

The house was quiet, indicating that Alice hadn’t returned yet.

Sean observed the layout of the house. They were in the living room as soon as they stepped in, and there were two rooms next to it.

He noticed a back door next to the living room and walked toward it, pushing it open.


As the door swung open, it felt as if the door to a new world was also opening at that moment.

Alice’s backyard was particularly beautiful, with many jars placed in the corners, and there was also a small area for raising chickens and ducks. The kitchen and bathroom were also located in the backyard.

He stepped into the yard, carefully observing his surroundings, and discovered that Alice’s backyard concealed many treasures.

Cured meats and other items were hanging in abundance under the beams.

Ronaldo came out with a cup of tea and handed it to Sean. “How do you like it here? It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It’s great. It has a vibrant atmosphere, and most importantly, it’s very peaceful and serene.” Sean stood in the yard, listening to the nearby birds chirping and admiring the dappled light in front of him. Suddenly, he felt incredibly at ease.

Ronaldo sat down on a lounge chair next to the flower rack and leaned back, gazing up at the sky. “You’re here to heal your heart. Once your heart is well taken care of, everything else will fall into place.”

If one’s heart was well taken care of, what illness couldn’t be cured?

Sean looked at him while holding the teacup. “Come again?”

“Many people become depressed when they realize they have a serious illness, but depression only leads to a faster death, don’t you think? Before this, Eric stayed here as well. He loved it here and lived with Alice for a while. He didn’t experience any negative emotions at all. Eswadian people are suited to live in places with beautiful scenery,” Ronaldo said with a smile.

Sean sipped his tea slowly. “You’re right.”

He slowly discovered Ronaldo’s wisdom. He was a wise fool with a unique understanding of life.

Abigail joined them in the backyard and couldn’t help but look around. After taking it all in, she whispered, “I suddenly feel calm.”

“This little courtyard has its magic,” Ronaldo said with a smile.

Just as he finished speaking, a voice came from outside, “Did you bring your friends, Ronaldo?”

“Yes, Alice!” Ronaldo immediately stood up.

Sean and Abigail followed him to meet Alice.

She was very short and thin as she hunched over, but she was carrying two buckets of water.

When she saw Abigail and Sean, Alice looked them up and down, then smiled and said, “You two make a perfect couple.”

Ronaldo helped her with the water, and Abigail quickly fetched another bucket. “Yes, it’s all about the perfect combination of talent and beauty.”


“Yes, that’s right. Oh, I’m getting old. I have to take a break after carrying water, Alice said, patting her shoulder and walking toward the house.

Sean followed her and politely greeted them, “Nice to meet you, Alice.”

“Good, good, good. This place is simple, so you’ll have to adapt if you come to live here. I’m used to living here and don’t like going out anymore,” Alice explained to him.

“We should adapt when we come here,” Sean replied.

Alice sat down at the square table and poured herself some water.

While Abigail and Ronaldo brought the water to the kitchen, Alice had already finished drinking her water and asked Sean to show her his hand.

Sean extended his hand to her.

After carefully examining his pulse, the old lady looked into his eyes and said, “In the world of martial arts, what you have is a damaged heart meridian… Repairing it won’t be an easy task.”

“Mm… I’ve suffered quite a serious injury,” Sean replied.

Nodding, the old lady said, “I heard from Ronaldo that you’ll need to stay here for two years to fully


I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 644

Chapter 644 For Him

Lawrence nodded to Abigail, reassuring her, “If there’s a cure, that would be great. Don’t worry about 1. Moon. Luna will take care of it.”

After dinner, Lawrence and Scarlett left.

Abigail helped Sean clean up, and then the doctor came to give him an injection.

With an IV drip, Sean looked at the news on his phone and fell asleep.

Abigail put away his phone and covered him with a blanket.

He had just woken up and fell asleep again.

Abigail’s heart was filled with worry.

Fortunately, Sean stayed in the hospital for three days and gradually recovered. The doctor said he could be discharged.

Abigail took him back to the Pearsons’ and started packing. Even if things didn’t work out with Ronaldo, they could go back to Pendorf. The temperature in Capitalis was too low and dangerous for Sean.

On the second day of returning home, Ronaldo called her.

“Alice said she could try treating Mr. Graham’s condition, but she couldn’t guarantee any results. What do you think?” Ronaldo asked Abigail.

“Let’s give it a try. It’s this situation, and we might as well try anything.” Abigail replied. In this situation, there was nothing else they could do.

After discussing with Ronaldo, Abigail told Sean, who was playing chess with Lawrence in the living room, “Ronaldo will come to the airport tomorrow to pick us up. I heard the temperature in Eastbay is very good, and it’s a good place to seek treatment.”

“Okay. You arrange it.” Sean focused on the game, his brows furrowed.

Abigail didn’t say much to him. She just sat by his side and watched.

After dinner, Abigail received a call from Kevin.

“I inquired for you. I couldn’t find a traditional medicine doctor, but I found a family with a strong background in medicine. They have a prodigy in their family who can help Sean.” Kevin excitedly told Abigail.

“It might take us a while here. I found a traditional medicine doctor and plan to see him first. The doctor said that traditional medicine treatment is currently the best option.” Abigail felt a bit embarrassed.

“It’s okay. You can come over anytime. I’ll take you to see him whenever you’re ready.” Kevin smiled at Abigail.


He found it somewhat miraculous that Abigail and Sean reconciled. He hadn’t been in touch with Sean for a long time, and he hadn’t expected the man to make such a big move silently.

It really made him uneasy.

“How have you been lately? We haven’t seen each other for a long time.” Abigail’s tone was much gentler than before.

“What can I say? I have everything I need, so of course, I’m living a good life. Remember to send me a wedding invitation when you two get married,” Kevin joked like the old times.

Abigail sighed and had nothing to say, so she hung up the phone.

The next day at noon, Abigail and Sean arrived at the airport while the sun was shining.

Ronaldo was already waiting for them at the airport. As soon as he saw them, he immediately smiled and said, “Mr. Graham, long time no see. You have indeed lost a lot of weight.”


“How can I not lose weight when I’m sick? By the way, you still look the same,” Sean replied with a smile. He looked frail now, with pale skin.

Sean, with fair skin, tended to appear even paler when unwell.

Abigail dragged her suitcase onto the plane.

Ronaldo walked with Sean, his neck hunched, muttering, “I have to say, Capitalis is really cold. I can’t stand it even for a moment.”

Sean nodded. Capitalis was in the north, so it was naturally cold outside, and they had to rely on heating.

After boarding the plane, Ronaldo finally breathed a sigh of relief. “Eastbay is still better.”

Abigail knew that the temperature in Eastbay was extremely pleasant. It was never particularly cold throughout the year, except for the hot and difficult-to-bear summer.

Sean enjoyed the cold breeze for a while, then felt drowsy as soon as he boarded the plane.

Abigail arranged for him to rest in the lounge and chatted with Ronaldo in the active area of the plane.

“His condition looks serious. He used to have some color in his face, but now even his lips are pale.”

Ronaldo’s voice was filled with concern.

He had heard from Abigail that it wasn’t that serious, but now he could feel that Sean’s condition was really not good.

“Yes. I’m afraid he might catch a cold. It snowed a few days ago, and he got sick after being outside for a while. The temperature is even lower today after the snow melted. I’m really worried that he might have more problems when he wakes up.” Abigail was more worried about Sean than Ronaldo.

Ronaldo immediately became cheerful. “Don’t worry. Alice is very outstanding. I almost died when I


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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 643

Chapter 643 The Fragile Sean

Abigail sat on the edge of the bed, extending her hand toward him.

Previously, Sean always felt that Abigail’s hand was cold, but when he touched it this time, he found that it was warm.

He had looked it up before and knew that it might be due to her weak health.

Now, he was the one who was physically weak… Sean instantly felt terrible. How did he, a grown man, become so weak?

Gently rubbing Abigail’s hand, Sean said, “I used to think your hand was cold, but I find it rather warm


Abigail looked at the disappointment in his eyes and felt uneasy.

“You will definitely get better, so what are you worried about?” She looked at Sean, her tone calm.

Sean smiled at her. “I’m not worried.”

Whether he was worried or not, Abigail could tell. However, she wasn’t the one who was sick, so she couldn’t truly understand him.

When Scarlett and Lawrence entered with several bags, Abigail wondered if they were going to empty out the entire hotel.

“Why are there so many…” Abigail exclaimed.

“I don’t know what he likes to eat, so I made a little bit of everything. Eating a bit of each dish is good for the body,” Scarlett said. She prepared each dish based on its different healing effects, so each dish. had its purpose.

Sean looked at the table full of dishes and immediately said to Scarlett, “Thank you, Mrs. Pearson.”

“What are you thanking me for? Hurry up and eat. If it doesn’t suit your taste, let me know.” Scarlett smiled and handed him a fork and knife.

Abigail also sat at the dining table under Lawrence’s insistence.

While eating, Abigail’s phone rang.

It was Ronaldo, who she hadn’t talked to in a long time.

Abigail stood up with her phone and said to Sean, “I’ll take this call first, so you go ahead and eat.”

After she left the ward, Lawrence and Scarlett immediately served Sean,

“You should eat more and replenish your body to get better. When you return to Pendorf after recovering, you should eat well. Don’t worry about maintaining a good figure. The most important


thing is to have a healthy body, then you can consider your figure,” Lawrence carefully explained to


Sean couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ve never deliberately maintained my figure.”

He used to exercise regularly, so he was in good shape.

“You haven’t deliberately maintained your figure, but your figure is already this good, eh?” Lawrence couldn’t help but mutter.

Scarlett couldn’t help but say, “Let him eat. Why are we discussing his figure?”

At their age, why were they comparing figures with a youngster?

Abigail had contacted so many people, and Ronaldo was the quickest to respond.

“You mentioned something about finding a doctor, and I’ve already inquired about it. I know an elderly traditional medicine doctor who is almost eighty years old, but she lives in very poor conditions. If Mr. Graham wants to see her, he may have to endure a difficult time for a while,” Ronaldo warned Abigail in advance.

Abigail was a bit puzzled. “What do you mean by a difficult time?”

“Well, she lives in the mountains, on a separate island even. Mr. Graham would have to stay with her on the mountain and help her with various tasks. The old lady refuses to come down, but I assure you, her traditional medicine skills are remarkable, although the lineage has been broken. Let me tell you another secret-she used to be a witch doctor here.” Ronaldo chuckled.

Abigail was skeptical, but she still respected different cultural practices.

“In that case, I’ll wait until Sean is feeling better and bring him over. It won’t be a problem staying on the mountain, and I can even help with some chores,” Abigail said, hoping that the doctor Ronaldo found would truly be effective.

“Alright, I’ve already spoken to the old lady, and she’s willing to see Mr. Graham,” Ronaldo said. “Once you have everything arranged, I’ll fly over in a helicopter to pick you up and take you to her.”

“Say, doesn’t she live on a mountain? Is there even a place for you to land?” Abigail was a bit confused. Flying in a helicopter seemed a bit too extravagant, no?

“Yes, of course there is. Why wouldn’t there be one?” Ronaldo just wanted to show off his newly purchased helicopter.

After Abigail agreed, she couldn’t help but ask, “Can the old lady really help? Sean’s condition is quite serious.”

“Just how serious is it?” Ronaldo asked curiously.

After hesitating for a moment, Abigail decided to tell Ronaldo about the situation. She knew that withholding information would only delay Ronaldo’s judgment.


After listening, Ronaldo couldn’t help but click his tongue. “This is muced quite serious. I’ll ask the old

Tady again today. If she can’t treat him, then don’t come over. If it doesn’t work in the country, you can try going abroad.”

“I know. He’s still in the hospital because of a cold, and we don’t know when he’ll be discharged,” Abigail said, sighing heavily.

Ronaldo immediately reassured her, saying, “It’s not a big problem. Traditional medicine doctors in our country are still very skilled. As long as you search diligently, you’ll find a solution.”

“Thank you.” Abigail felt a little better.

Regardless, the fact that he called back so quickly gave her some hope.

After hanging up the phone, Abigail turned and returned to the hospital room.

Sean had already eaten his fill, but with the persuasion of Lawrence and Scarlett, he ate a little more.

“We found a lady, but we are not sure if she can cure him. If she can, we’ll head to Eastbay after he’s discharged.” Abigail sat down and told Lawrence and Scarlett about her plans.

I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 642

Chapter 642 Holding You to Feel at Ease

Sean chuckled. “What’s with that face?”

Abigail glared at him, her voice filled with anger. “Can’t I be sad?”

If Abigail had said this before, Sean would have been thrilled.

But now, he just felt a little disappointed with his situation. They gradually understood each other’s feelings and what it meant to be together…

“Don’t be sad. No matter what happens to me in the future, don’t be sad. You still have a long future ahead of you.” Sean said, feeling a sourness spreading uncontrollably in his heart.

He was sadder than Abigail, especially after finding out that he had been asleep for so long. This was something that never happened before.

Abigail licked her lips and tried to lighten the mood. I’ve used my connections to look into it. Don’t worry too much, for there will definitely be doctors who can cure you.”

Abigail now felt that his short lifespan wasn’t a big issue.

The biggest problem was that even a minor illness now posed extreme danger to him.

“Indeed, the medical care in our country is very advanced, so there’s no need to worry.” Sean also tried to make himself appear less sad.

Abigail took the initiative to hold his hand. “It’s okay. If anything happens to you, I won’t get married again in this lifetime.”

Sean looked at her with surprise. His eyes twitched, and he instinctively held her hand. “In that case, I’ll take good care of my health. I can handle as many injections as necessary.”

“Vincent’s probably feeling smug now. He knows a traditional medicine doctor who is quite good. I heard that he cured someone with your condition. He came to negotiate with us today, asking you to have Xavien bring back Lily.” Abigail finished speaking and tugged at her lips, revealing a mocking


Sean snorted coldly. “Even if she comes back, she won’t be able to get married.”

“Why?” Abigail was curious.

“Do you think she can return and get married after being missing for so long?” Sean said curtly.

Abigail frowned. “You’d better not do anything I dislike. You know what I’m capable of, right?”

“Xavien didn’t force her. It was her own decision,” Sean said calmly.

Abigail became curious and leaned closer to Sean. “Where did Lily go?”

“Xavien sent her to a countryside hotel to have fun. She didn’t take any precautions and got pregnant. The man didn’t let her leave and asked her to give birth to the child,” Sean answered.


Abigail looked surprised. “Did she agree to it?”

“Why wouldn’t she? That guy has some money and good looks. Seeing how she seemed like she was a Capitalis girl, his parents were eager to take her in. She even thinks she has found her prince charming,” Sean said.

“Is that really what she thinks?” Abigail still didn’t believe it.

“Of course, Xavien said some things to her. People always like to live in the beautiful dreams woven by others,” Sean sighed as he continued.

Abigail looked at him without saying a word.

“The best way to deceive a girl is to weave false dreams for her.” Sean looked at Abigail, his eyes clear.

Abigail pondered for a long time before speaking. “Xavien knows how to manipulate people’s emotions, too.”

“Fraud is carried out by exploiting the vulnerability of people’s hearts. Xavien didn’t force her and merely weaved a dream for Lily. If she were smarter, she could have escaped, but unfortunately, she prefers to live in a dreamlike state.” Sean finished and leaned back on the bed.

“Men are really scary!” Abigail couldn’t help but say.

Sean smiled and pursed his lips. “Don’t worry, Xavien wouldn’t do this to good people, and I wouldn’t do this to you either.”

“We’ve been together for years. If you ever get tired of me-”

“As long as you stay true to yourself, I don’t think you’ll ever make me tired. It’s not right to always cater to your husband. Life is about mutual understanding Sean said gently.

After he finished speaking, he coughed softly.

“Let me get a doctor!” Abigail immediately stood up in nervousness.

“Don’t… it’s just a little itchy throat, and there’s probably nothing wrong. I think I’ve overcome it.” Sean held Abigail’s hand, wanting to talk to her more.

Abigail still pressed the bedside bell. “Still, we should get a doctor to check on you.”

How could she be careless? It was just a minor cold, but if something happened again, they might end up in the intensive care unit.

Sean smiled helplessly. “I feel like I’m as fragile as glass now, breaking at the slightest touch.”

“You’re even more fragile than glass!” Abigail emphasized.

Sean sighed helplessly.

After the doctor arrived, he conducted a comprehensive examination.

After the examination, the doctor frowned and said, “You’re slowly recovering, but it’s better to stay in


the hospital until you’re completely fine. Once you’re discharged, make sure to dress warmly and find a warm place to live.”

“Okay, we will,” Abigail immediately responded.

After the doctor left, Abigail’s face finally relaxed. She smiled slightly. “It’s good that you’re getting better. Once you’re discharged, we’ll go back to Pendorf immediately. Your home in Pendorf is warm, and you won’t have to go out anymore.”

Sean nodded and looked at Abigail, saying, “Come here.”

Abigail immediately sat down on the edge of the bed.

Sean took her hand as his eyes softened. “Let me hold your hand.”

Abigail smiled at him, making him feel like it was a dream. He felt that if he didn’t hold her hand, everything would seem a bit unreal now.

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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn Novel Chapter 641

Chapter 641 Is He Going to Die Young?

Abigail stared coldly at Martha, her fists tightly clenched by her sides.

Cameron gritted his teeth, his gaze icy as he stared at Vincent with hostility.

Vincent looked at Abigail, a smile playing on his lips. “If Sean wakes up, tell him to quickly reveal Lily’s whereabouts so that Xavien can bring her back. Only then will Molly’s friend help him with his


Martha looked at Abigail, her face filled with victorious delight. “By the way, Eric said that he is willing to marry Lily to help Sean out. You’ve lost.”

Abigail didn’t expect Sean’s illness to bring Eric misfortune as well.

“Not only is Molly’s friend able to treat him, you know, Cameron said calmly, suppressing his anger.

“Well, he did treat patients similar to Sean a few years back. Otherwise, why do you think Lawrence went to find him on Sean’s behalf? Also, why was Eric willing to compromise himself for Sean?” Martha finished, exhaling lightly. “I told you, Sean’s pretense with his own body would have consequences.”

“Are you done talking? Get lost,” Abigail said coldly, her voice calm.

Cameron raised his fist, ready to strike them.

Martha glanced at Abigail. “His treatment cannot be delayed, for every day counts. Think about it.”

After they left, Abigail’s mood seemed to be in a terrible state.

“It’s okay. They won’t be smug for long.” Cameron reassured Abigail.

“I’ll call Eric,” Abigail said. There had to be another way. She couldn’t let Eric marry Lily, or the Davidson Family would truly be in trouble. She and Sean would owe him for the rest of their lives.

She didn’t want to owe Eric any favors, and he had no obligation to help Sean either.

“Okay,” Cameron said and then went to call Kevin and the others.

Upon seeing how they were exhausting all their connections, he didn’t believe they couldn’t find a second doctor to treat Sean.

Abigail dialed Eric’s number. Without giving him a chance to speak, she spoke first. “You don’t have to sacrifice your marriage for Sean. Also, why are Vincent and Martha só desperate to marry into your family? You probably know this better than anyone!”

“Sean’s condition is so severe, though. We can’t just stand by and do nothing,” Eric said.

“Eric, there are many doctors in this world, and it doesn’t have to be him. We have connections and friends; we can work hard to make those connections work instead of bowing down to scoundrels like him! Do you know the consequences of the Davidson Family getting involved with them? Over billions of dollars of dirty money will be money-laundered because of his coercion. This money represents the hard-earned income of thousands of families, so even if… even if Sean’s final outcome is not good, I


cannot let this money be laundered!” Abigail said, her eyes red.

She was willing to remain unmarried for the rest of her life.

If it really came to that, she hoped that Sean’s previous actions were worthwhile.

At the very least, people with a conscience should not let Vincent get his hands on that dirty money.

Eric fell silent, not speaking again.

“Eric, behind Vincent is a black industry chain. If you let dirty money like this get laundered by such an industry because of Sean, you are not helping him. Instead, you’re dragging us all into eternal guilt,” Abigail continued.

“I understand.” Eric said softly.

After hanging up the phone, Abigail looked out the window.

The weather today was just like her mood-foggy. It seemed like it was about to snow again.

After a brief moment of confusion, her eyes gradually cleared; she would do everything in her power to save Sean. Even if the final outcome was not good, she would never bow down to Vincent.

After all, Sean had already sacrificed so much and lost his own health, so she would persist until the day Vincent faced justice!

She sent messages to friends she knew in the industry.

At noon, Sean woke up. His condition was much better than yesterday, but there were many needle marks on his hands.

The doctor helped him put on an oxygen mask.

He leaned against the bed, looking at Abigail by his side, feeling a bit sentimental.

Was it really over? He actually woke up in the hospital today after falling asleep last night.

“I’ll have my family bring you food right away,” Abigail said, feeling a bit at a loss. Seeing Sean clearly improving, her heart was filled with joy.

“Yeah, I’m starving,” Sean said, looking at her with a smile.

Abigail quickly sent a message to Scarlett.

Sean looked outside and asked Abigail, “Is it morning or afternoon?”

It was foggy outside, so he couldn’t really tell. More importantly, he was still groggy from sleep.

“It’s afternoon. It will be getting dark soon,” Abigail answered.

Sean fell silent for a moment before he smiled. “I had a good sleep. I haven’t slept this comfortably in a long time.”


Abigail looked at him, not saying anything.

He didn’t feel well last night, coughing as if his lungs were about to collapse. He only felt slightly better after going to the hospital.

Sean noticed that Abigail was not in a good mood, and his expression became serious. “Am I going to die young?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?!” Abigail immediately became angry.

To wake up and say such ominous words, if he couldn’t say anything comforting, she’d rather he not say anything at all. She was already so upset!



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