His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 31-38

Chapter 31

I sat in Caitlin bedroom as she jumped around playing. Her giggles brought a smile to my face as she ran up towards me.

“Momma, when’s daddy coming hwome?” she questioned, her gray eyes staring into my eyes.

“When he’s done with the meeting, he’ll come to us, he did promise to take you outside. So be patient” I said reminding her.

A small knock came through the door as Yelena walked in.

“what is it Yelena?” I questioned as she smiled.

“The former king requires your presence.” she said making my heart thump faster in my chest.

Sin’s father wishes to see me. Me. Isabella. It’s not that I wasn’t avoiding him because I was. Let’s just say we tend to argue a lot.

Him being sick was supposed to give me time to get my story together to explain why I hadn’t brought his granddaughter to him the moment I knew I was pregnant.

“Your highness, Isabella?” Yelena asked worriedly looking at my discomfort.

Slapping a forced smile on my face I took Caitlin’s hand, “We’ll be right there.” I said as she smiled walking out.

I let out a deep breath, as my heart pounded faster against my chest. I was not ready for this, but I had to face him.

Walking me and Caitlin out of the room I walked us towards the eastern wing of the palace. I never thought I’d be taking steps this soon towards it.

Caitlin skipped as she walked, a smile on her little chubby face. Reaching the entrance of the east wing, I faced a few guards that directed us towards the kings room.

Standing in front of the door I closed my eyes ready to knock as a faint yet powerful voice echoed “come in’

Gulping. I opened the door, Caitlin next to me. There seated on the bed with thick rimmed glasses and a book in his hand, sat the king on his bed.

“Your majesty.” I bowed my head

“Skip the formalities Isabella, come take a seat.” he said.

I walked in and sat on the couch that occupied the center on the bedroom. He looked up setting his book, and his eyes met Caitlin’s. Looking at me and looking at her. His face held a scorn.

“So you kept her away?” he asked unhappy about it.

Maybe if Sin wasn’t such an ass, she would’ve been born in the comfort of the palace, “I apologize your majesty, but you know that Sin and my relationship wasn’t great back then.” I said sadly remembering the past. “But Isabella, did you not trust to come to me?” he asked.

I see he was upset, but he was Sin’s father, I could not have come to him. “I was conflicted your highness, I hope you understand my position and my feelings regarding it.” I said.

He nodded his head. Soon Caitlin was by his side, “Are you my grandpa?” she asked as a smile overtook his face.

“Of course princess, I’m your grandfather, I hope you’ll come see me more often now,” he said as she nodded rapidly and he looked towards me, gaining a nod from me as well.

“Isabella, I’d like to spend some time with her alone, just to bond.” he requested.

“Whatever it is his majesty desires.” I approved as I stood up.

“Caitlin, don’t trouble anyone, behave, okay? Daddy will take you outside some other time. ” I said as she smiled starting to talk away.

I smiled waving at her and walking out. I let out a breath of relief. That played out better than I had expected. I felt to arms wrap around my waist as his scent enveloped me.

“I heard father wanted to see you suddenly, I’m shocked that the both of you didn’t argue like before.” he said reminding me.

“That was a long time ago, Sin, plus I think we’ve both come to a mutual agreement.” I said unsure of my words, a small chuckle leaving my mouth.

“Well, I’m glad. My love, you’ve given my princess to my father and now he’s going to hog her to himself. What happened to walk outside?” he sighed in defeat.

“Well, You can fight with him over her, but I’m sure she’d choose him over you.” I said as he put a hand on his chest, scoffing.

“you wound me my beloved mate. My dear Belle.” he said placing a small kiss on my temple. “Well, come a long with me, I have somewhere I want to go” he requested taking my hand and leading me to lord knows where.

Reaching the main gates, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Run with me.” he said.

A smile overcame my face, as I nodded.

Walking out the gates towards the main forest, we shifted.

Sin’s wolf big because of his status and mine small. If only… I growled in annoyance as I walked off i from of him.

He nipped at my tail, receiving a welp from me. He took a step back sensing my pounce, and he ran.

Yay! I’m trying to update as much as possible but I’m still no good???! What’s gonna happen?

Chapter 32

running for almost an hour had us panting uncontrollably. Laying on the hard cold forest grounds we allowed ourselves to cool off. looking at Sin’s wolf, i couldn’t help but admire this man. My mate. why did our lives have to be so complicated to a regrettable point.

letting out a sigh i closed my eyes as Sin nuzzled his nose in my neck. the wind blew into my fur as i allowed the little sun that shone to soak into my fur.

“I think we should get up and get going.” he linked as we lifted ourselves from the forest floor. stretching my now stiff body i let out a yawn, shaking the dust off my fur.

a snapping sound perked our ears alarmingly. a sharp sting penetrated my neck as i watched sin waddle before hitting the ground unconsciously. my eyesight blurred as i tried getting to him. my legs gave out under me allowing me fall to the ground with a thud that hurt as hell.

“well, this was an easy target”a voice rung in my ears as i tried keeping my eyes open. “Don’t fight the tranquilizers drug, let it consume you.” the voice said annoyed. “You should have stayed away Isabella.” rung in my ears as my eyes shut and darkness enveloped me.

My body and neck ached as my eyes struggled to open. Managing opening my eyes I looked around as a cell entrapped me. A sharp pain pierced my head as a small wince left my mouth. Trying to move my hand to touch my head, I realized myself being tied to a poll tightly. Pulling at the ropes, a grunt echoed as I turned my head slightly seeing Sin still unconscious and tied behind me.

“Sin?” I called out his name trying to wake him up. “hey, wake up” i pulled at the ropes, trying to get a reaction from him. slowly his hands started moving a he winced as well, probably from the sharp pain of both the rope and his head.

“Isabella? Are you okay?” he asked slightly panicked.

“I’m Fine.” I confirmed.

after a while of adjusting to the roped tightened around our hands the doors to the cell we were in creaked open.

“So you have awoken, I see.” A voice echoed through. The Familiarity seemed to hit me in the face, but i couldn’t make out who it was.

Sin let out a chuckle. “So you have finally decided to take matters into your own hands.” He said with rage domineering his calm stature.

“You know me well, but not well enough Sin.” the voice growled out. “Jayden we practically grew up together, there is no way that I don’t know you, my cousin, enough to decipher your moves.” Sin said confirming the identity of the voice. Why would Jayden do this? “Who are you working with? Liana? or is it Clair?” Sin questioned making my eyes widen.

He must be confused. Clair wouldn’t do this. She… wouldn’t.

“You are awfully perceptive for a king, Sindevaladore, don’t you think? No wonder your sister is riding off rage.”

“My Perception along with my other traits is what made me king. So what is it that you’re aiming for? MY Mate? My throne? or simply…My head?” Sin questioned with a sneer.

“I wouldn’t mind them all. Mark my words “your majesty” i will make you suffer for everything you’ve done. take this as my… revenge plan if you must.” he laughed as he walked out leaving sin and I to ourselves.

my mind couldn’t fathom what just happened. This couldn’t be right. This could not be happening. Jayden? of all the people in the world Jayden?

“Shocked?” Sins voice broke through my mind.

no words formed as i sat silently unmoved. So everything I went through was because of Jayden and Clair? I felt as though the trust i had instilled was slowly shifting and shattering.

“How are we going to get out of this?” I questioned Sin, my voice shaky from the revelation.

“My dear my mate, don’t questionably doubt a king who knows and sees all that happens in his empire” He said as the ropes around my hands came loose.

“Did you know this was going to happen?” i questioned him surprised. “Of course, the only thing that has ever passed me was you.” he smiled, as he stood up.

yay! 8 chapters left for this book to be complete!!!it

were you expecting any of that? lemme know in the comments down below!

Chapter 33

Standing up after him, Sin took my hand in his in a tight grip and began walking towards the door.

Halting, my eyes budged as I watched him push the door open and Clair came into sight a scowl on her face.

My heart began beating in a panic as I watched the siblings stare off as if getting ready to pounce at one another.

Sin was ready to step forward as my hand held him back.

“It’s not safe…” I said as my words drifted. Sin simply smiled as he approached her.

Was he losing his mind? I couldn’t help but stay rooted to my place and Sin stood right in front of her face. A growl rubles from Clair as her hand came up to punch Sin square in the jaw.

Sin unmoved allowed her fists to connect to his face.

“Well I deserve that” he spoke as my mouth fell open to his words.

We were here standing face to face with his sister that practically betrayed our trust and he says ‘l deserves that’. My mind out of docis I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Gaining my attention back, I waas in eye contact with Clair a smile over her face.

“I can’t believe you fell for that.” she said with a smile, my mind confused.

“Wait, so you’re meaning to tell me that this is part of the plan you devised?” I questioned.

“I told you Bella, nothing can happen without me knowing.” he said with a strained smile.

“What about Jayden?” I questioned.

“He needs to fall into the trap I’ve put up.”

“But why Jayden? Why would Jayden have anything against me? I did nothing to him, absolutely nothing…” by now my voice cracked as I couldn’t fathom this whole thing.

“Your being with me alone is what triggered him Bella. Jayden is the kinda relative that creates scenarios that he was never in. Right at this moment just as much as five years ago hm, in his mind, I stole you from him.” Sin said

My mind froze for a second. I was with Jayden? Heck we didn’t even know each other unil I was brought to the palace with Sin. Just when did it all start.

“For now, let’s get outta here, I don’t want you standing in the middle of dan-” the door opened with a cunningly smiling Jayden, “ger” Sin finished with a frown on his face.

“Well done cousin, being able to trap me in this way.” A sinister sneer contrasted his face.

“I would applaud myself don’t you think Jayde? So why don’t you stop all of this now while you still can?” Sin requested almost in a demanding tone.

“Stop? STOP? Why didn’t you stop the moment stealing my lover crossed your mind.” he said pointing at me.

“Jaden she is my mate. You only met her when she walked into the palace. Even if she was your lover, which she was not, would still not give you any right to hold on to one that belongs to another. Your mate is out there Jayde…” Sin said affirmatively.

“Cut the bullshit Sindevaladore.” Jayden spat out. “Speaking won’t save you.”

“I know, that’s why I came prepared” with saying a that a hiss echoed through Jayden’s mouth as he fell to his knees

The smell of silver tinge led my nose as I watched a silver needle peirce Jayden’s thigh. He looked up with scorching rage and garmtred before his consciousness gave out and he passed out.

Soon the doors bust open as 4 palace guards walked in, and bowed before Sin.

“Take his to the dungeons and out him in the cell next to Elliot. I’ll deal with them later.” Sin’s voice shook with authority.

Clair sighed in relief as her shoulders slumped. “It’s finally over.”

“yea” i muttered but my heart wasn’t sitting right. Something felt off. “What’s wrong?” Sin questioned sensing my discomfort.

I shook my head ignoring the feeling. “Nothing” I smiled. “Let’s go home.” I said as he pulled me into his chest and placed a loving kiss on my head.

Chapter 34

Finally reaching known grounds I couldn’t help but finally feel relief away from all the tension. Sin’s hand in mine we walked to the palace doors.

“Your majesty…” a hasty Yelena made her way towards us. She seemed panicked and out of breath, “Caitlin-”

The moment I heard her name I was up and about into the room. Her name ringing in my head like alarming bells as my heart clenched. Opening her bedroom door, there she lay in bed completely drenched in swear tears pouring out of her eyes. This couldn’t be happening again… This isn’t supposed to happen

Placing my hand on her burning forehead caressing her cheek, my mouth felt dry, Sin rushed in out of breath with worry as my words refused to formulate.

“D-doctor… Call the doctor Sin!” I yelled in utter distress. “Yelena, iced water” I shouted.

“We’ve tried that your highness, it didn’t work in fact she seemed like she was getting worse”

My held fell on cailins face as my desperation took over.


Absolutely and utterly useless is how I felt not knowing what to do. There lay my child slowly falling unconscious to pain and I sit here uselessly.

Sin held me trying to comfort me. All we could do was wait. All we could do was hold on. All we could do was watch her in pain.

Every passing second felt like minutes and every minute hours. Soon the rushed steps of the doctor flew right up to Caitlin’s bed.

We watched as the doctor examined her. He let out a sigh after giving her some sort of medication. Whilst doing his check up she slowly seemed to be feeling better. My heart was pounding unconditionally as relief began sweeping over me.

“Your majesty may speak to the both of you outside for a moment?” the doctor asked.

Sin nodded as we stepped out and Yelena stepped in to aid Caitlin in our stead.

“Your highness it seems as per your request I’ve looked into what has been happening to the young princess.” he said. Request? I looked at son who seemed to be avoiding my eyes.

The doctor then continued to explain, “I spoke to a few other pack doctors and one of them seemed to be well informed because he’d spoken of why. Apparently after the loss of her twin, the young princess is missing a link, or so to say a bond. It triggers her to fall into this state accompanied by pain and the reason for that is because she seems to be falling into an early heat stage. ”

” But that’s not possible” I intervened, “heat only comes into play after you’ve met your mate…”

“I understand that very well your majesty, but because of this missing bond, it seems to have triggered her heat process in the wrong way. Instead of heat doing her good, it’s early stages are detrimental to health and to make it even more difficult on the recipient, it allows pain to seep through. The young princess is young, so her body can’t handle that amount of pain as yet, as she grows it’ll become less but still unbearable. I’ve given her a suppresent that’s been out in the market for a couple of months, but I’d suggest giving it to her, the only person we all know that will be able to stop her pain is her mate. * the doctor said sadly.

My tears just simply burst out as I couldn’t hold it back in. One stupid plan for revenge has caused misery in the lives of so many.

“I’ll prescribe a few suppresents, along with when she should take them, the only cure is her mate.” the doctor sounded off.

“Thank you doctor, we appreciate it.” Don spoke up as my words were clogged in my throat. The doctor simply nodded as he walked back into the room.

My knees gave out under me as I couldn’t hold my cries in any longer. When they say a mother cannot bear to see her child in pain, I think also meant the uselessness accompanied by the feeling.

Sin held my on a tight embrace as he tried sounding me off.

An innocent child lost a done too young to learn that her body is mourning for that loss. My heart squeezed as the tears continued to roll out of my eyes.

My Caitlin. My love. My child.

And with that I conclude this book ?, another complete book 72??? I’ve never been so happy, yet sad 2.

There are 4 chapters left (consisting of a 1 chapter after story and 3 side stories.) all will updated within the course of the next 2 weeks!

If you guys have any questions regarding anything in the book, any questions about the characters, the book or even about me, ask in the comments below and I will answer them [[ll!

With that being said, I hope you all enjoyed “His Hidden child’ and I hope to see you in the next book I start updating 72?

(6 years ago)

We never truly understand what the heart desires until it plays on the decisions and choices we make.

I had a simple yet difficult goal.

And it was simply to help my blood related cousins get rid of their step brother for the throne.

And that’s exactly what failed to happen when I laid eyes on her.

My cousin’s mate.

The young girl, the daughter of common bakers, had become the soon to be Alpha kings mate. At first she was just an obstacle that had gotten in my way to dispose of the dear cousin I had loathed. But later on, as weeks passed by, she had slowly become the woman I desired and longed for. And my eyes would follow her whenever she was near. Isabella.

Sighing I couldn’t help but bang my head on the table.

“Jayden, Abigail wishes to see you.” David called out.

Nodding, I stood up from my chair and slapped a smile on my face making my way to the first queens Chambers.

Knocking in the door, I waited for her to let me in.

Sindevaladore’s mother, Abigail, seemed to had started loosing her head a bit after the king took in his second chance mate. Sin was her only string of stable mentality that kept her together. Without him, shed fall apart.

Hearing a slight “come in’ echo from behind the door, I pushed the door open making my way in.

She stood at the widow watering the flowers that were slowly withering away. Humming to herself I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for her to tend to me.

“Ah, Jayden, you’re already here.” She said noticing my presence.

I nodded hesitantly as she ushered me to take a seat. Pouring me a cup of coffee, I picked it up slowly drinking it. She wanted something, that’s the only reason she would ever call the likes of me.

“I see Ravecca is trying to establish a place in the family.” She said with a smile, as she gripped the cup tighter.

Who wouldn’t?

“Yes, please don’t mind her, after all the throne is Sindevaladore’s.” I said trying to ease her tension.

“Indeed it is.” She said without restraint. “No matter what schemes you all put into play, I’ll make sure Sin sits in that throne.” She said with a smile. Her words holding thorns.

I said nothing as I continued to drink the coffee that was slowly becoming cold.

She isn’t to be taken lightly.

“What about Isabella? How is she?” She questioned looking into my eyes.

“Your highness, you should know better than anyone. She is your soon to be daughter in law.” I smiled.

She laughed at my words. “Poor Leana. She had always stated by sins side hoping to be his mate, but it seems, that spot was destined for someone else.” She laughed, her words holding spite.

She turned to look at me with a smile. “What would Sin do when he realises how your eyes follow his mate?”

I choked on the coffee that was in my mouth.

She handed me some tissues with a sincere look. “My, are you okay?” She mocked.

Nodding. I took the tissues wiping some of the spiller coffee.

“Please excuse me, your highness.” I said as I stood up.

“There’s no doubt about it that the two of you seem to have mutual feelings.” She said as I turned my back to her.

Mutual feelings? What a joke.

Ignoring her words I walked out,closing the door behind me. Abigail was a force to be reckoned with and if we didn’t watch our backs she was going to take her chance.

Sighing I walked down the hallway towards the stairs. I felt something bump into me, and slowly fall back.

Instinctively I caught the person only to meet with her eyes.

“Jay!” She smiled brightly. I could slowly feel my heart wanting to thump.

“Isabella, how many times do I have to tell you to watch how and where you’re walking.” I scolded playfully.

Laughing she balanced on her two feet, thanking me.

“Bell, can you listen to me?” Sins voice echoed through as the smile on Isabella’s face dropped.

“I don’t want to hear it. If there was really nothing going on, why have you not kept your distance?” She questioned.

She seemed to be upset about something as she quarrelled with Sin. Catching up to her, he held her hand. Trying to get her to listen to him. He seemed distraught about something. Was their relationship not going well?

“Let go of me Sin!” She said as she tried getting out of his hold. Unknowingly, my hand had fallen on to Sin’s in order to stop his hold. He turned to me with furrowed eyebrows.

“What are you doing?” He questioned.

“She asked you to let go.” I said firmly. I couldn’t understand my interference.

Sin’s alpha side dominated as his look turned dark, “She is MY mate.” He said making me fall back as he warned.

“Sin, enough.” Isabella said as she rinbbed his shoulders calming him down. “Jay only intervened cause it seemed as though you were hurting me.” She defended

“I would never hurt my mate intentionally.” He said looking at her. Letting go of her hand, he headed upstairs in a bit of rage.

“I’m really sorry about that Jay.” She apologized as she followed behind him.

She’d only had been able to say she was sorry because she couldn’t see the look in his eyes.

Trembling slightly, I tried getting a hold of myself. No matter what I wanted, I couldn’t challenge an alpha. Especially for his mate.

I think I might be losing my mind as well.



Let me know your thoughts down below. What do you think is happening?

Again I hope this series of side stories will help to make more sense of the story and how things came to be < (°+%” <,

Let me know your thoughts!

Q: how much more is left?

A: 1 don’t know, but I’m hoping between 6-8 and an epilogue.


Side Story 2:

It felt as though I was slowly suffocating through the jealousy that was seeping through me every time I saw Isabella and Sin together.

The happiness I could never have belonged to the one person I had mused feeling about.

With Abigail’s words eating away at me it was as though something slowly grew in me quite unknowingly and by the time I’d realized, I had fallen too deep.

“Jayden!” I heard my name being called bringing me out of my thoughts.


“Why do you look so surprised?”

Ah, she must’ve been the reason the couple was in such disarray earlier when they’d bumped into each other.

“You’ve grown quite a lot, I almost didn’t recognize you.” I smiled as she walked closer to me. “You’ve returned quite early don’t you think?” “Well, how could I stay far away when Sin is here?” she questioned as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I couldn’t help but sigh. It seemed she didn’t learn of his mate, and she’d come back with hopes and expectations.

“Are you not aware?” I asked carefully

“Aware of what?” she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

For a moment I thought about whether to break the news to her right here and now, or just give it to her slowly, but either way, she was going to find out, even if it wasn’t from me, we were within castle walls. “What us it Jay? Did something happen while I was away?” she questioned concerned.

“Well, he’s found his mate,” I said as she seemed quite taken a back. “Mate?”

“Yes, he’s mated to someone else.”

By looking at her face for a moment it felt like her entire world was crashing down and she didn’t know what to do.

“I know it’s hard to accept, but it is what fate has decided,” I said trying to console her.

“Who is it? Is she someone renowned? A woman of higher status than me or you? What role does she play in society?” she questioned hastily. “The daughter of a baker is whose become the mate of you previous Sin,” I said,

Not understanding why the words had left my mouth, but they did, and there was nothing more I wanted to do than to continue to spout things that would anger her rather than console her.

What was I trying to achieve? A little bit of relief? A fight? Or for Isabella to leave him for me? I didn’t know.

What had drawn me to the woman who was not of our status? Was it her pearly white smile that sat on her face turning her eyes into crescents? Her hair, that shine vrightly in the dark and light? Her voice? Or perhaps it was because she belonged to Sin and I wanted noting more than to take what was his abd claim as mine. I didn’t know, but there was just something alluring about her and her continuous kindness had allowed a seed of doubt to grow in my mind.

All the “could haves’ turned into “perhaps’ and a small spark grew in me to turn things around.

“A lowly commoner? She dares?”

“What can you do Lea, a mate is once in a lifetime,” I said, “you cannot change it,”

“Does this not seem weird to you Jay? There is no way the moon goddess would have paired a character King, like Sin himself with a woman who is not of a similar kind. She must have done something,” “Done something?”

“Perhaps you’d cast a spell? Enchanted him? Or perhaps temptation?” Leana spoke nonsense.

“There’s no such thing, her scent caught his nose and he claimed her like any other Werewolf,”

Lillian scoffed at my words, “What’s wrong with you?” she questioned, “Did she bewitch you too?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Don’t tell me a lowly person such as herself sold herself to you, body wise I mean…”

I couldn’t help but feel a little angry, “She’s not that kind of person, don’t speak of her like that.” I warned.

“Mother-in-law must be surprised by this, I’m sure she thinks the same, I’ll go talk to her,” Lillian said as she walked off toward Abigail’s quarters.

A woman whose dignity is her life, that was who Isabella was. But I couldn’t help but slightly fantasize about her, only if she were mine. But what if I could make her… Mine…


Yall I have been dead. And I am sorry, things have just been really really rough these last couple of months and I just had nothing in me to finish the story.

Anyway, I’m sorry for not updating this, I shall finish this in the next 2 weeks completely! So thank you for being patient!

I’m done-ish, I’ll be updating another 2 around this time tomorrow as well then we will only have 3 left, and an epilogue. Yay.

Again thanks for being patient! And we conclude this book by Sunday this week!


Side Story 3

Leana had made her way quite upset toward Abigail whine she’d considered a mother her entire life.

“Lea, You’re here,” Abigail said with a warm smile,

Funny enough her smiles were always cold, but by seeing Leana her heart would warm up.

“Mother I’m back,” she said quite enthusiastically, but the tears had uncontrollably begun to fall.

Her heart hurt and she couldn’t help it. Sin was the man she’d devoted her all to, even having gone out of her way to do things he liked even though she disliked them. He was her world.

They’d been together for as long as she could remember, but she couldn’t understand, when she’d met Sin earlier her happiness stepped through, but as soon as Jayden had told her of the mate she hadn’t caught sight of her entire world came crashing down.

She hadn’t even caught a whiff of the thief as yet, but she was determined to take back what was rightfully hers.

“Mother, how could Sin do this to me…?” she questioned as her heart wrenched in pain.

“Oh my dear child, what can be done? What the moon goddess has Willed is what will be,”

Leana did not want that kind of console. Not at all. What she wanted was to take…

“Does Sin not like me anymore?” she asked carefully

“That could never be,” Abigail said, “if anything I wanted you for him, but that hissy just had to be his mate,”

Leana was aware of Abigail’s sides. Abigail in her eyes was a woman at war. Her ate had taken in his second chance mate as well and Abigail couldn’t accept it.

“What do I do now, mother? What am I to do?” she asked.

“A man tells his deepest secrets when he is intoxicated, why don’t you have a drink with him when he’s feeling down and see for yourself whether he loves you?”

“Feeling down?” Leana asked baffled.

“Well I’d heard them argue earlier and Sin is quite frustrated at her because she didn’t seem to want to understand the relationship between the two of you…”

Was that why he’d left her suddenly without a second word? Because she’d seen them be affectionate like they always were?

This woman truly did not know her place and to Leana, that was something she could never accept.

“I guess I shall do what you’ve said. If Sin truly loves me as I know he does, there is no better victory,” she’d said.

Abigail couldn’t be more satisfied with using the naive girl. This was the daughter-in-law she wanted, one easily manipulated.

“Do so tonight, knowing sin, after 2 bottles, he should be hazy and more inclined to speaking, take him out to the courtyard and talk to him there, the atmosphere shall lead to good things, ”

The only thing Abigail could hope for was the timing. If Isabella could simply see herself being rejected then and there, her dignity would plummet and things would go as planned.

“I’l do it, thank you for your support,” Leana said quite happily as she’d gone out to calm her heart. She was prepared for this and she would finally be able to claim her place next to him, in his heart.


Well, I mean I get how she feels but ? ye no. Abigail on the other hand is indeed a force to be reckoned with. The chapter is a bit short~ but I hope you enjoyed it.

His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 21-30

Chapter 21:




Can a person be more evil than her. I followed behind Sin as he carried Caitlin towards our room. My mind was swirling with questions and my head pounder like a drum.

Sin opened the door to the room, placing Caitlin on the bed and walking to the couch on the far end of the bedroom.

“Is He.. The one who touched you?” was the first question the came out of his mouth.

All I simply did was nod. I could hear his heavy breathing. He was angry but trying to keep himself calm. He closed his eyes trying to think straight and not giving into his wolf.

“1 am going to kill him.” he said darkly.

” Sin, if Ravecca has anything to do with this we need to get her as far away from us as possible or she might hurt you or Caitlin.” I spurred. He lifted his hand stopping me midway.

That’s it? He didn’t believe me did he?!

“Isabelle my love, he said, ‘your mother, I have two mothers. I can’t just say Ravecca, Abigail is there as well.” he said making me open My mouth in disbelief.

“Why are you trying so hard to not suspect Ravecca. Abigail is your birth mother, she did nothing but love you, she wouldn’t dare hurt her son.” I said to him rashly.

In my hardest times she was there for me, she tried giving Sin all of her love, but he rejected it. There’s no way a mother that bore her child for 4 werewolf months would want to hurt him or her. He needed to get that straight.

“I don’t think you know my mother Isabelle. You think my dad got a second wife for no reason? She has never been any good news to the family. I love her, yes, but when it comes to motherly love, Ravecca has given it to me by far.” she defended.

“why are you so blinded by her. She’s the reason you lost me in the first place. I blame her for killing my child. It’s all her fault!” I screamed at him as the tears rolled down my face.

“If you want me to throw her in the dungeons, then so be it. I won’t doubt you any longer. I’ll believe your every word. But Isabelle, think carefully before I make the decision. In all honesty I can throw both my mother’s in the dungeons for all I care, because both have committed their crimes but I chose to overlook it. But I dare say again. Think before making me do something that will satisfy the other.” was all he said.

As he stood up and pulled me into his chest locking our lips tightly. I melted in his arms, and gave in without a fight. I was breathless as he pulled away.

“I’m not going to allow that bastards kiss to linger on your lips, Because you are mine. You can only kiss me. You can only look at me. Yes Elliot is handsome, but he is a psychopath, I heard your thoughts, so don’t look at any other male besides me.” he kissed me one more time, making it gentle, before winking at me and getting into bed.

My face flustered. He heard my thoughts. But he hadn’t marked me again. I turned to look at him his chest heaving.

I shook my head, but his words had repeated themselves in my mind. Its not possible at all, Abigail wouldn’t do it. She wouldn’t and I know it. I sighed and got into bed beside Caitlin, facing her.

This couldn’t fathom in my mind. I know Ravecca is behind all of this. She was always there. She wanted the throne for her sons, but as long as I’m here she will not take what belongs to Sin.

Ravecca was evil and nothing could change that. The only reason is holding back is because of her manipulation with her love. Sin says it won’t bother him weather Ravecca is convicted and honestly I can’t decide weather to believe that or not. But she deserves to rot for doing all she’s done to Me. She destroyed my family and it’s only fair that she gets punished for it.

Wattpad killed my story I published earlier only to see it wasn’t published properly. God I’m upset. But here’s the chapter any way! Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!, EB]

Until Tuesday!


Chapter 22:

The sun peaked through the gray curtains of the bedroom. Caitlin stored between Sin and I. I blinked my eyes open adjusting to the sunlight. My thoughts from yesterday swirled in my mind allowing me to get a restless night, but never the less at least I had gotten some shut eye.

I sat up stretching and making my way towards the bathroom. I turned to look at both father and daughter passed out like rocks snoring with disheveled hair. I chuckles slightly as I closed the door preparing myself for the day.

When I had gotten out, both Sin and Caitlin were sitting on the bed playing rock, paper, scissors. Sin kept on loosing purposely as Caitlin eyes lit up and a big smile overtook her face.

Two minutes later as I used the towel to dry my now wet hair, Caitlin spotted me and jumped up on the bed.

“Mommy!” she yelled running towards me. I picked the tip of her nose giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sin made his way into the bathroom as I continued to pepper kiss her face.

I heard the shower run, as my face heated up with unreasonable thoughts and I swear I heard Sin laugh.

Fifteen minutes had passed before the bathroom door clicked open and the warm mist smoked out of the bathroom into the bedroom. “Have you decided whether I should throw my mother into the dungeons Isabelle.” Sins voice echoed behind me.

I placed Caitlin down as I turned to him, staring into his deep gray eyes. “yes” I replied without hesitation.

he pulled a shirt over his head as his hair stuck up in all directions. The sweet scent of just walking out the shower filled my nose, he smelt great. What?

He simply nodded and walked out of the room. Caitlin settled down as Yelena knocked the room door coming in and taking Caitlin away, to get her ready. I slipped on a floral dress and tied my hair up in a bun. As I slipped on my shoes I heard a growl echo through the palace. I dropped my shoes running out to see if anything bad had happened, but Ravecca’s high screams of anger reverberated in my ears.

“Sin! I am your mother, what is the meaning of this?!” she questioned undeniably filled with pride. Oh how I hate her right now.

“Mother, my mate seems to think you’re behind everything from the start, I wint judge her opinion.” he said bluntly.

Ravecca whipped her head looking towards me instantaneously I though she would have rotated it in a 360° turn.

“Isabelle my dear, what is the meaning of this?.” she questioned venom in her voice.

“you know exactly what this is. You think your schemes to get the throne for your sons is going to be easy, but you better forget it.” I said to her with just as much venom in my voice.

“Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, you think I’m dumb enough to do something like that? Tell me?! Even if I do want the thrones for my own flesh and blood, I would never mistreat my step kids because they have more rights to the throne than my own kids. So how dare you assume any of this?! Explain it to me?!” she yelled out softly with gate lingering around her. Had I made a mistake? No! She would do anything to get what she wants. That’s just her.

“I don’t believe a word you say Ravecca! We’re you not the one who set up the night when Sin kissed that absurd Barbie!” I yelled not wanting to say Liana’s horrific name.

“Who? Liana? I’ll have you know Belle’ that Liana and I never saw each other that night, and I wouldn’t hide that, and I hate the damn girl, why would I let her anywhere near me?!” Ravecca asked astounded by my accusation.

“I don’t believe you!” I exclaimed in frustration. She looked at me with disappointment shining in her eyes.

” always though you were smart, but seriously, you are just blinded by your hate for me because of that one little incident, you choose to ignore the truth,” a wicked smile popped on her face.

I definitely was not going to believe her.

“Gaurds, let mh mother go.” Sin said. I turned to look at him, what was he doing?

“Thank you. At least my son has some common sense not to be blinded by your accusations.” she said with pride in her voice, before walking away from us.

I turned to Sin, confused. Did he not say he would believe me? That he would do as I asked? Why was this happening now? Why did it feel like a knife piercing unto my heart.

“Why? Why did you let her go? Sin, you said you’d listen! She’s getting away from. Everything she’s done! Why!?” I asked in anger.

“Isabelle, ENOUGH! NO MORE! NO MORE ACCUSATIONS! NO MORE HOLDING ONTO THE PAST! LET IT GO! IT’S NOT HER!” he screamed in rage, he was frustrated and was holding his wolf back from lashing out. “But Sin, how do you expect me to let go of all of this, huh?! Tell me! How?! You’re not the one who expirienced it, you’re not the one who suffered alone for 6 years, you aren’t! So how could you even ask me to let it go’?!” I asked astounded by his words. My eyes welled up with tears. My chest hurt. What was I to forget?

“Isabelle my love, listen to me. I don’t know what happened between you two but I’m telling you she’s not the one, she wouldn’t do that to you. Stop finding excuses to blame her dammit! Wake up, open your eyes and think more carefully. Next time I won’t listen to your accusations, I won’t take your word when blaming anyone in this family unless you’ve got proof against them. You’re my mate, and I love you, but when it comes to being fair, I will not even hold back on you.” he snapped before turning around and walking away.

I’m so damn sorry about the lack of updates, I’ve been soooooooo busy! Gomenasai! I’m really sorry! Long chapter for you! 7222222?

What did you think about Sin’s decision, and do you doubt Ravecca or agree with Sin?

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


What. Just. Happened?

That’s the question that’s been imploring my mind the entire time. I felt numb. Was I not trustworthy? And how could he had just taken her side? None of this made sense.

But what pierced my heart the most was the words he never thought of before uttering. “forget about it”. How could he have asked me to just forget? To let go of the past, when I had been so wronged? How could those words form On his lips? His mate had been touched, abused, did he not feel anything. We were going back to how we used to be five years ago. We were going back to saying things that hurt one another. Sin hadn’t changed.

I sighed as a tear rolled down my face. I feel so hurt, so wronged, so… Helpless. I sobbed quietly as I sat in Caitlins room on the couch

I. Hadn’t uttered a single word as I watched Mt daughter sleep. Life was easy after what had happened to us, now it’s complicated again. My mind overflowed with the worst scenarios and honestly I didn’t want my daughter to go through this at all. Caitlin didn’t deserve to go through all of these hardships. She’s only five and seeing lofe in all these ways, makes me wonder what goes through her mind.

The wind blew in the room as a quiet knock echoed throughout the bedroom. I said nothing already knowing whose scent filled my nose. His elegant footsteps tapped on the bedroom floor as he made his way towards Caitlin bed. I turned to look at him as he sat next to our daughter caressing her hair gently as he kissed her forehead.

He looked at me his gaze locked on mine. Neither of us breathed and neither of us blinked. I broke eye contact as I looked away from him. “Isabelle…” my name sounded from his lips. My stomach churned in excitement, this feeling only coming from my wolf.

I ignored his words and sat silently. Trying to keep my thoughts away from him.

“Isabelle, my love, please understand.” and as soon as those words left his mouth I snapped.

“Understand what Sin? Exactly what should I understand? That I will always be your second choice over your “mother’? Tell me? You say you live me, that I’m your Queen, that no one else matters besides me, yet you make me invisible as soon as Ravecca appears. Proof? What proof do I need to show you other than the fact that as your mate I know what I’m talking about?! TELL ME SIN! WHAT?!” I yelled

He said nothing.” You tell me to forget about it, how can you tell your mate to forget being raped.!? Do you not love your mate tgat other males touching her, meant nothing to you? How can you tell me to forget our son? The son I could’ve held? My son that I alone had carried for nine months! How?” I didn’t shed a single tear.

He looked at me not saying a word. His gray eyes looked sad for a moment a sad smile reached his eyes.

“all that being done to you does effect me, but my love, If only you understood.” was all he said before standing up and walking out of Caitlin room.

My heart clenched but I had to be strong. There was nothing to understand. If he wanted me to understand he would’ve found a way to explain. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. I was sick of hearing his pretty lies. Sick of hearing him put me in a pedestal only to shatter it down when Ravecca cane into the picture.

Ravecca. That’s all that sat in his mind for as long as I can remember. She was the main cause of our fallout, but he just can’t see it, an I’m definitely not gonna wait to see it. A tear rolled down my face as my Descision sat permeate in my mind. If Sin was not going to do anything about her, he’d have to choose between his mate and child or his mother.

I know it’s childish, but what choice am 1 left with? What choice do I have? I had gotten nothing but heartache and an endless amount of tears were shed. But not anymore. I can’t. I just can’t.

I looked at Caitlin as my mind came into conclusion. I wasn’t sticking around for this, and I was not going to let my child go through this either. We were leaving tonight and that’s final.

OMG! What is going 00oooooooooon?!

Do you think she made the right decision? Do you think leaving us the right thing to do?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 24

This was a difficult chapter, so puh-lease forgive me if it is not up to standard, actually had to trouble quite a few friends of mine to get this chapter done.

Sins POV:

The sun’s rays gently touched my face as I woke up uncomfortably. I hardly got any sleep last night.

Isabelle had been roaming mind mind, I couldn’t stop thinking of her words, yet I couldn’t explain to her the reason why I did what I did.

An irritated sigh left my lips as I got up annoyed and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face roughly and looked at my reflection in the mirror when a clenching pain overtook my heart for a mere second. My mind went into a frenzy as my gray eyes began to brighten up in warning. What was happening? I held onto my chest as it got harder to breathe. I looked down to see nothing was wrong with me only for my mind to hit realization. Isabelle.

I rushed out of the bathroom down the hallway towards Caitlins room only to see nothing, just an ebpty bedroom with the window widely opened.

She wouldn’t…

She couldn’t have…

My mouth went dry as I thought in that moment I was going to die. My heart burned unnaturally abd My chest felt as though it were being ripped open mercilessly. I rushed to the window rubbing my eyes, my heart hoping it would all be a tremendous dream.

She was gone.

And in that moment I wanted to die.

In that moment I could feel nothing but a senseless pain.

In that moment my heart raced knowing my beloved was in danger.

If Only she wasn’t as hot blooded as she was.

If Only she’d just let it go

The hope of Caitlin and Isabelle being safe filled My mind endlessly as I rushed to my mother’s room only to see she wasn’t there. A frightening grow! left my chest and I knew everyone could feel my despair and heart ache.

If Only she knew why I didn’t let Ravecca get taken. If Only she could see as clearly what I could see. She told me I was blinded by motherly love, when truly it was her.

My body ached endlessly as a sharp pain entangled my heart. Something was wrong and I knew it.

I stinky let out a roar more than a growl as nothing but red began to blind my sight.

Isabelle’s POV :

(The night before)

I wasn’t going to stick around. I let out a shaky breath as I held Caitlins hand. Opening the window, the door flew. Open. My heart rate picked up, hoping it wasn’t Sin, but when. I turned around I faced an astounded sad face of Abigail.

“You’re leaving us?” she said sadly as I shook my head, my eyes welling up The tears.

“mom, you need to Understand. Sin needs to understand what he’s put me through and the only way he’ll begin to realize what’s was wrong with him and how important trust between mates is. I can’t allow him to think 1 would just sit by and understand him. When… He’s put me through all this torment.” I said sadly. Caitlin tightened her hold on. “I’ll help you. But Isabelle, you can’t go too far. To find you he will, but not if you’re too far. I love you but I don’t want my son to go through what he did 5 years ago.” she said sternly as I nodded.

She took us out towards the forest of the palace. I grabbed Caitlins hand as I ran with her into the forest. I don’t know. Where we were. Going but it sure as hell wasn’t gonna be this castle.

We walked in the forest stealthily. Quietly. Until a twig snapped behind us. Abigail was sent flying into one corner her back hitting a tree, while Caitlin was dropped onto the ground completely knocked out. Two shadows came towards me and just as I was about to transform into my wolf, I felt a sharp sting on my neck.

Right then the thought of Sin slipped its way in my mind. Just then my body felt paralyzed and everything went black. But something felt extremely wrong.

Hope this chapter keeps you in your feet 222? I’m kidding!

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Did ‘ravecca’ just rekidnap Isabelle? Or is there more?

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Sin’s POV :

Every breath that sounded from me, felt agonizingly painful as my paws hit the soft earth of the forest.


The only thing on my mind was her and our daughter. Their safety wrenched my heart, and what’s worse, I hadn’t marked her completely. I had sunk my teeth in her gently only to be able to sense her, but the mark bond was weakening slowly.

I searched rapidly looking for her. My beloved. My love. And I was not going to show mercy to anyone who has touched a single hair on her head.

My mind was utterly covered in fog. I could not think straight and my heart felt heavy. No words could calm me down. I was angry and distressed.

I slowed down in the deepest part of the forest, not wanting to cross any territory of any other pack. Shuffling alarmed me as my eyes scanned across the forest cautiously, there was someone else here. I slowly took steps towards the sound only a longing scent to hit me, I ran as fast as I could towards her. She lay unconscious, her dress torn, her hair disheveled, my daughter was hurt. Lifting her up and putting her on my back and looking around quickly to see if Isabelle was here, I ran quickly towards the palace.

Opening the palace doors with a boom, the pack doctor appeared and took Caitlin from my arms. I panicked ever so painfully as I realized her breaths slowing down

Why was this happening?! My mind was a mess and in disarray. “What’s wrong with her?!” I asked in a very impatient tone.

“Alpha, she seems to be in a panicked and shocked state, also she bruised her spine just a little, she’ll wake up in 2 hours, don’t worry.” he said. But how could I not worry? For all I know Isabelle is out there somewhere, going through God knows what and my daughter is hurt. I growled in frustration as I dropped my face in my hands. Clair rushed towards me upset.

” Sin, are they okay?” she asked. Her eyes filled with worry.

“Bring mom here. NOW.”

Isabelle’s POV

My head felt as though a hundred rocks were placed in them. The first thing that came to mind was Caitlin as I opened my eyes and let my eyes dart around the room in search of her.

She wasn’t here. My heart dropped rapidly as I looked around for her little figure. My baby wasn’t with me. My heart panicked in a frenzy, this wasn’t supposed to happen. How the heck did I end up here?

I heard rattling in the distance as heavy footsteps made their way before me. There he stood in his disgusting glory.

“Did you miss me babe?” he asked ever so wickedly.

I shivered in disgust. His stupid laugh rang in my ears, as he walked closer.

“Elliot.” I said with no emotion in my voice at all. His hand wrapped around my arm in a painful grip.

“Were gonna have so much fun!” he smiled.

“Why would Ravecca risk it and let you take me again, Sin will definitely know its her.”

Eliot chuckled lightly and said nothing as he walked off. I let go of the fear I was holding in as my hands shivered disdainful like. This wasn’t supposed to happen again, and now I was re-living the nightmare I tried to forget ever so greatly. And this time I don’t know what I’d do if anything bad happens.

Not very long, but I really am trying, sowwiii, but i hope this chapter was nice!

What gonna happen to Isabelle?!

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 26

Sins POV

I paced the cell my mother was placed in. I can’t believe I trusted that she wouldn’t do anything. She’s always been like this.

“Where is she?” my voice deadly. She could be my mom for all I care, but my mate was my priority.

“Why are you asking me Sin? Why don’t you ask Ravecca, she will know. Why do you doubt me, son?” she said mockingly.

“because you’ve always been this way. Why Isabelle, she treats you like her own mother and yet you pull this shit?” I asked, paving up and down.

“Oh please, don’t try to sweeten things. That woman was nothing but trouble ever since she showed up. I mean who blindly believes what they see without finding out reasons, she’s just too damn stupid for her own good.” she said making me growl in anger. My voice booming throughout the entire dungeon.

“I’m giving you 4 hours, I don’t care if you’re my mother or not, I will torture and kill you, and worse, I’ll destroy everything you’ve worked for thus far. Don’t test my patience mother I’m not who I used to be.”

She smiled widely, her eyes void of any emotion.” you’re just like your father, heartless.”

Knowing her words would cut me deep, I kept my face emotionless and stared right into her eyes.

“I wouldn’t choose to be any other way.”

Turnibg my back towards her, letting the guards take over. Yes she was mu mother and she was everything to me, but now, she’s nothing but an empty vessel quenching their thirst over someone else’s misery.

I walked out of the dungeons towards my bedroom. Taking off my shirt and throwing it harshly on the bed. I let my fingers run through my hair as frustration filled me.

Where could she be? Was she safe? Was she okay?

Consumed by anger I fisted the wall, staring at it obliviously. I felt a small tug on my pants, looking down to see my precious princess.

Her eyes welling up with tears, she sniffled. “Daddy? Where’s momma?” she questioned her voice cracking.

My heart breaking to a million pieces, I picked her up. Patting her back as she cried in the crook of my neck.

“she’ll be back soon princess” I tried calming her down.

“What if he hurts her again? And she cwant come back to me? What if she Cwies again?” she spoke painfully.

Just what had I put them both through for this to be happening again? “your moms not gonna b happy her big strong girl is crying, she always brags about how our little Caitlin is strong, let’s not let her down before she comes back, okay my love?” I said softly as she nodded in the crook of my neck.

Her cries softening as her body began to fall limply in my arms, indicating she was falling asleep.

I couldn’t help but wonder and worry. She was far away and I couldn’t protect her, because heck, I don’t even know where she is.

Isabelle, where in God’s name are you?

Isabelle’s POV:

I sat, my back against the brick wall of this bloody ass cage. Elliot would come once every hour to check on me.

My hands and feet chained like an animal. But that wasn’t the worst part. I’m back in the place everything went wrong.

The place I lost him.

The place I lost my son.

The tears burned my cheeks as they rolled slowly. Voices of guilt taunting me. I couldn’t believe, I couldn’t trust. He wasn’t gone. He was still here, with Caitlin.

Sin would be waiting for us. He would be waiting for our return. He’s not gone.

He’s not gone…

Okay! Updates commenced from. Now! Tmrws update will be up tmrw! Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!

What do you think is to happen?


Chapter 27:

Isabelle’s P.O.V:

How long has it been? 4 days? one week?

I lay in my cell as the only things that echoed in my mind were:

he’s not gone.

its as though my mind knows that its not true, but my heart is forcing me to believe that its true.

I lay still in my cell as the thoughts ran through my mind. I heard the keys to the door and the lock clicked as the pushed the door open and Elliot walked in.

“You haven’t eaten yet again?” he said in a constrained manner.

He let out a groan and soon I let out a hitched breath as he kicked the tray in anger. “If you want to play that way, Belle, we shall play that way.” he growled as he threw a kick my way. To say it hurt was an understatement. I let out no sound as he pulled at his hair in frustration. In this moment i was numb. The only thing haunting me was the fact that my thoughts had made me a killer. I was a killer. my breathing became raid as i panicked watching my hands accumulate blood.

No, its just my mind playing games, I told myself, but no matter how much I wanted to un-see it, my mind wouldn’t let me. I felt sick to the core. Tired and more , restless.

Weak. is how I felt. Vulnerable is what i am right now.

Elliot let out an annoyed snarl as he walked out of the cell-room in a huff. Slowly my vision became blurred with tears. Weak. and the only thing my heart yearned for in this moment was my family.

Sin’s P.O.V:

frustrated. angry. restless.

its been 2 weeks and still there was no sign of Isabelle, and my mother has done nothing but kept her damn mouth shut.

I’ve been annoyed to the point that even a peep from anyone in the palace, puts me on a damn rampage. Nothing felt right. Our mate bond was slowly dimming and I felt as though a part of me was being ripped and thrown away.

A knock echoed through the door as I sat on Caitlin’s bed as she took her afternoon nap. I placed a kiss on her forehead. walking to the door only to see Clair breathing rapidly.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned my eyebrows furrowing.

“it’s father, he’s beginning to breathe his last!”

For a moment my world came crashing down. Firstly I can’t find my mate, and now my father is about to leave me as well. I caught sight of Yelena.

“Yelena, please watch Caitlin.” I said to her as I made my way to my father quarters.

Whilst walking down the hallway, something clicked in my mind once we stood in front of my father’s door.

“I think I’ve found a way to get mother to speak.” I said to Clair.

She looked at me for a second then to the door, then her eyes widened. “you know that will break her Sin, no matter how flawed mom is, you can’t just do that her.” Clair said trying to reason.

“Clair, this is the only way, she will never budge if i don’t take this step. Believe me, I love her, She was the one who brought me into this world, but her spite is bit too much don’t you think?” i pleaded with her with my eyes.

“Sin, its going too far-” i cut her off mid sentence, my rage taking over, “IT WENT TOO FAR THE MOMENT SHE PLANNED MY MATES DISAPPEARANCE!… don’t you see I’m helpless here?” I said, my voice betraying me.

“whats going on…?” i heard my father’s weak voice through the door. Putting on a smile I walked in the room. there he lay, breathing rapidly. “Sindevaladore.” he said my name making me wince. he knew how much it bothered me, and yet he did it anyway with a smile on his face. even in his last moments…this old man.

“Father I just need to attend to something short and bring Mother along, please don’t die on me whilst I do so?” I said jokingly and even though i knew how much those words weighed in the situation, there was nothing better than seeing his smile at my lame joke.

Walking out in a hurry, I rushed to my mother’s cell. There she sit in the corner of the room un-harmed, Because, who in their right mind could lay a hand on their mother?

“Sin, I said I will not say anything, so leave this game and let me out.” she said annoyed

she was annoyed? if she is feeling annoyed what am i supposed to feel? “Mother, Fathers slowly breathing his last.” I said to her and her reaction is exactly as I predicted.

If there was one person in the entire world that she loved more than anything, despite him accepting both his mates, It was my father.

“Sin! Let me out, I need to see him. Open these darned doors.”

“Not until you tell me where my mate is.” i said.

Chapter 28

“Sin, let me out.” she pleaded.

I know I was being cruel but in all honesty, she left me no options. She was being stubborn and most of all unreasonable.

“Mom, tell me where my mate is and I’ll let you out.” I stated firmly. She shook the bars of her cell as she glared directly at me. “open this door!” she screeched.

“Mom! You making this difficult. The sane you’re feeling being apart from father is the same way I’m feeling being a part from my mate.” I begged her with my eyes. “I don’t understand why you’re doing this! Isabelle has literally done nothing but love you as her own mother!” I said.

“Isabelle has done nothing but cause trouble from the day she walked into those doors, Sin! Don’t you see she’s making you blind?!” she said not making any sense.

“Making me blind with love because that’s her duty mother. She is my mate. She’s my other half, and you more than anyone knows what it feels like to be apart from your mate.”

We looked into each other’s eyes, both of us not ready to back down. Sma minute passed by and yet she held on.

She then looked away letting out a sigh. I let out a frustrated groan. Every second was killing me slowly. Isabelle didn’t deserve this and my mother knew this just as much as I did.

“She’s on the east side of the main forest. She’s with Elliot.” the moment the words left her lips I felt my blood boiling.

“Elliot mom?! Of all people in the wield Elliot!?” I barked at her.

“He’s not harmful that’s why I-“

I cut her off, “Not harmful?! He’s touched my mate! He’s taken away the son we could’ve had and you say he’s not harmful?! Pray to the moon goddess mother that he hasn’t done anything to her, because believe me, I will never forgive you if he has. Never.” I said deadly with promise in my voice.

“Gaurds, let Abigail out.” I said spitefulky as she winced at my tone. How could she? She dares leave my mate in the gabs of someone she doesn’t know well?

Isabelle, please hold on.

Isabelle’s P.O.V:

I let out a tired sigh as my eyes burned from all the tears. This cell was haunting me.

Elliot was in and out frustration upon frustration. The abuse was useless because I never reacted. I couldn’t react.

The pushed open, knowing Elliot was gonna use me as a punching bag I braced myself.

“Belle, for goodness sakes, you’re beginibg to piss me off with this high off attitude you’ve accumulated.” he growled lowly. With no reply he growled louder and grabbed my arm with such force knocking the breath out of me.

“Fine you want to play that way, I’ll play that way.” his hands slid up my arms leaving a disgusting trail. “I wonder how your mate would feel knowing his beloved isn’t so clean once again?” he gave a wicked smile. My eyes shot up instantly. I tried pulling my hand away as he gripped tighter trailing his hands up my thigh. Kicking his hands away and throwing a hard slap across his face he snarled at me throwing me against the brick walls.

Soon he was pinning me against it. Trashing around he held tighter. As his lips moved closer holding face in place I pursed my lips tightly. This couldn’t happen again. I couldn’t let it happen again. Throwing my knees up and kicking his back leg, he winced as his grip loosened. Using that as an opportunity, I gave him the hardest punch my hands could handle not being strong enough as he tried dodging, only for it to land directly by his nose. Hearing a crack and his cry in pain, he let go and soon I was headed for the cell door and out of the cabin. Running out I didn’t bother looking back as his footsteps could be heard a slight distance away. Not knowing where I was going, I took every turn and curve in this darned forest. My legs slowly giving out with the lack of energy in my body. I pushed and continued to run. Suddenly I was grabbed and pulled into a rough chest.

“You can’t escape me Belle.” he said as his pulled me harder.

Soon we were both knocked into the hard leaf’ed for set ground. I looked up to see him. Sin stood there in all his glory ready to pounce. Elliot being held down by 2 guardsman.

His eyes locked on mine as his features softened. Abd he let out a sigh of relief, standing up on my wobbly kegs I trued taking a step towards him only for my legs to give out, but never feeling the hard floor, but a warm chest.

“Welcome back my love.” were his words to me before my eyes drooped enveloping me into a comfortable darkness.

Chapter 29:

Opening my eyes the brightness burned. My body ached as the ticking of the clock echoed in my ears.

Pulling up my sore body into a sitting position I locked eyes with two wide eyes.

“Mommy, you’re awake” she said in a trembling tone.

My heart shattered for a moment as I pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m sorry” I apologized as I felt her tears burn like acid in my bade shoulder. Having sat down and comforting her for 2 minutes straight a white bright smile shined in her face. “I missed you” she said.

“I missed you too!” I yelled tickling her. Her giggles echoed throughout the room. “Okay let me go freshen up, go find your father and brother.” I said with a smile.

Her smiled dropped slightly as she nodded, hurrying out of the bedroom. Raising my eyebrow, I dismissed her behavior.

I walked into the bathroom, my hair a horrendous mess, my eyes swollen and don’t get me started on my breath, I’m surprised Caitlin didn’t faint.

Getting into the shower and cleansing myself. After fully freshening myself inside out, I dressed and got walking.

My back still aching hindering my walking. I walked down the stairs towards the dining table where Sin and Caitlin sat down silently. Looking around I walked past then towards the room next to Thd dining and outside the window.

“Isabelle, what are you doing?” Sin questioned.

“I’m looking for Jason” I said curtly.

Sin seemed confused as he furrowed his eyebrow at me. “Jason?” he questioned.

“What do you mean “Jason?”. Stop playing around where’s our son Sin?” I asked as I continued searching.

I looked in the kitchen and through the window to the outside. Yet there was no sign of him. My heart started going into a panic as I couldn’t sense him anywhere.

Caitlin sit in the couch looking at me sadly as she watched me cautiously.

“Isabelle, my love we don’t have a son.” he said.

He was lying. There was no way we didn’t have a son, I had 2 of them in me, I carried them both for 5 months straight, there’s no way I don’t have a son.

“Stop joking around Sin, now is not the time, where is he hiding?” I asked continuing my search, walking back upstairs with sun following me.

“Isabelle, we don’t have a son” he said again.

“We do, have you fallen or something, Sin I’m pretty sure I have 2 kids, what’s wrong with you today? Our son is nowhere in sight and you’re not worrying” I said shaking my head.

“Isabelle, my love, you must still be feeling hazy, why don’t you lie down a bit and-” I cut him off in a haste.

“The one that needs to lie down is you, my son is not in sight and I’m starting to worry. I’m perfectly fine.” I stated adamantly.

Frantically opening every guest room on the floor I hurried towards Caitlin’s room. About to open the door Sin grabbed my arm pulling me into his chest.

I tried freeing myself as he held on tighter but his hold only got tighter. “Isabelle, you lost our son when you had Caitlin, remember?” he said speaking softly to me. his words had me frozen in his arms.

“No… You’re lying, Jason is here Sin, I know he is.” I said my eyes tearing. there is no way what Sin was saying was true.

“No he’s not my love, we don’t have a son.” he whispered firmly as my arms went limp.

I don’t have a son

I don’t have a son

I don’t… Have a… Son

So my heart shattered into a million pieces as memories came flooding back. I lost my son. The tears flowed endlessly in as sin he’d my tighter. “1. Held him…” I croaked as I continued to cry. “I held him as he didn’t cry… Son he didn’t even cry” I said as I couldn’t hold back and cried. “Sin’s grip on my became tighter as his shoulders shook.”

I carried both my kids with with strong heartbeats only to have one that didn’t even cry.

We didn’t have a son.

I’m crying 2??? oh mi goduuu ?

Anyway what did you think if this chapter?

Chapter 30

Pulling away from sin, my heart still shattered the question that had been bothering my mind for hours on end rolled off my tongue.

“does Abigail hate me this much?” I questioned confusion ringing in my head. My mind was in a frenzy, I did nothing to her, but yet because of her actions I’ve been through so much. I do t understand why

Sin remained silent as his jaw ticked in annoyance. I let out a sigh walking up the stairs towards her bedroom. I needed to know Knocking on the door and waiting patiently for an answer as nosound came through the large oak doors of her bedroom.

Pushing the door silently my eyes were fixated in a room that was losing her scent.

Ridhing out the door I numbed into a hard chest. I was met with deep gray eyes as sin looked down at me with a hard face.

“Sin she’s not in her bedroom…” I said hastily as he looked at me knowingly

“She’s in the dungeons.” he Saud in a set tonr, making me freeze. “Dungeons?” k questioned as he nodded.

“She’s slowly losing her mind and senses. I can’t let her roam freely after what she’s done to you” he said firmly.

Staring at each other with hard eyes, neither of us backing down, a faint throat clearance vrought us out of the trans. Clair stood arms folded and eyebrow fsused questioningly i


“What seems to be going on here, for asevind it looked like you were gonna start making babies” she said making me burst into laughter.

Sin rolled his eyes at her comment.

“How is fathers condition?” he questioned making me raise my eyebrow at him in confusion.

“His condition has settled, we almost lost him Sin” she said with a heavy heart. “Moms going crazy down there, I thought you would let her out by now” Clair said confused with sins actions

“somethings off about her behavior, haven’t you noticed? She’s not the type of person to just put anyone in danger. Yes she’s spiteful, but she wouldn’t go that far” he said reasoning with Clair and I.

“Do what? You’re going to keep her locked down there?” Clair asked as Sin nodded.

“Until I can find out what’s going on and whose tampering with her. But something else came to mind…” his words faded slightly catching my attention

“What do you mean?” I asked firmly and forcefully.

“Belle, have you ever thought that is was strange how things played out from the moment you left the palace?”

“I don’t understand what you’re getting at Sin, are you trying to tell me that someone planned everything?”

“Think of it this way, if this whole thing was planned or if someone worked around with our lives, wouldn’t they have caused the loss of our son and not only that, caused whatever it is that Caitlin contracted?”

I shook my head, “Then it’s Ravecca, Sin.” I stated firmly. “She hasn’t liked me since the day I walked into the palace doors I-” he cut my words short.

“It’s not mom Isabella, it’s not her.” he said surely as ever. Why was he still defending her?

“She’s the only person I suspect Sin, the only one. She is probably the mastermind behind all of this she-“

“Isabella, you’ll never see whose lurking around to see your downfall if you keep your mind trained solely on her. As your mate, she may not be my biological mother, but she’s my mother too, and I know she’s not the person we’re looking for”

We starred at it each other, angry. He wasn’t making any sense. There is literally no one else who has enough power to manipulate anyone as much as she does. Why was he so blinded by her affection?

“so who do you suspect?” Clair said breaking our eye contact.

“I can’t accuse anyone without any concrete assurance or proof that it is that person” he said. “But if it is who I think it is, then it will come to me as no shock.” he said with annoyance in his voice.

He looked me in the eye, reassuringly but for some reason my mind just can’t accept Ravecca being innocent in any way. Maybe Sin’s right, I was just holding on to a single fridge that I couldn’t see anyone else. Letting out a sigh, I looked at him, “So what are we supposed to do?” I questioned.

“We Simply allow them to play into our hands.” he said receiving questioning eyebrow from me. “Just let me handle it Isabella, trust me.” Who do you think the culprit (s) is? 222

Don’t forget to comment and vote on the chapter!


His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 11-20

Chapter 11:

I lied in bed with Caitlin, it felt as if days had passed by, but it was mere jours. she had dozed off a few minutes ago, and right now I couldn’t control my tears, my heart clenched. It hurt remembering the past like that.

Though that wasn’t all sin had done to me, we started out relationship roughly, he was one if those alphas who didn’t want a mate, and I was aspiring to become a top Baker before finding my mate, but both our wishes didn’t come true. But slowly we started loving each other. Sin became the love of my life.

Sure he had mistreated me, but it didn’t matter after that, but when that night had come along, I just seemed to break the crack that was in my heart seemed to break in half.

Tears rolled down my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. Caitlin and I went through a lot before actually settling and becoming happy for a year. If I could wipe the past out of my baby’s memory, I would.

The door opened and I sat up, Sin walked in his mind somewhere else. I seriously didn’t want to talk to him. Him bringing back the past was a bad idea. And now it kept replaying in my mind.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Sin caught my wrist and backed me into his chest. His hands slipped around my waist. His head nuzzled into my neck. I struggled to get out if his hold.

“Sin, let go,” I spoke silently. I wasn’t in the mood to face him at all. “Please hear me out, Belle,” he asked, I should my head as he pepper kissed my neck the shocks spreading throughout my body.

“No Sin, please, I just need to think on my own,” I said as the tears threatened to spill. Being around him was heartache and I didn’t want to feel it at all.

I snuffled and he turned me around. My eyes brimmed with tears as he lifted my chin making my eyes meet up with his deep grey eyes

“Baby I’m so sorry, I’m so damn sorry,” he said I shook my head.

“Sin please, not now please, please. I can’t jus-” he cut me off by placing his lips on mine. He held my closely and tightly. He ran out of breath and pulled back.

“I love you Isabelle,” he said and my heart pinned in my chest. I was about to reply when Caitlin’s voice echoed through the room. “Momma… Daddy?” she questioned in a sleepy state, I pulled away from Sin and picked Caitlin up.

“What is it baby?” I asked.

“I’m hungwry.” she states making Sin chuckle.

Sin took her from my arms and kissed her face making her giggle. “How about we go downstairs and have dinner? And maybe some… Hmm. Ice-cream?” he asked. She smiled instantly and nodded.

Sin took my hand in his and dragged me out of the bedroom towards the family dining room. I smiled wishing that life could be turned out different. Neither of us knew the consequences of our choices.

We came into the dining table everyone sat quietly not a sound made. Sin requested a high chair for Caitlin as we took our seats. I looked to see mom Abigail not seated amongst us. I guess the rules still apply. The food was brought to the table and was served. I felt a glare burning straight through my head, I looked up to see Ravecca sending glares my way. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at her.

She masked her expression and sent a fake smile my way, I smiled at her as well.

I stood up picking up my plate in my hands. Everyone looked up towards me. David and Daniel, Ravecca’s two sons looked at me before looking away. Benjamin and Clair looked at me like I had grown two heads, while Serene, glared my way.

“Where are you going?” Sin questioned, but honestly, I didn’t feel like hearing him talk to me after today’s commotion.

“I’m going to eat with mom Abigail since everyone still doesn’t want her joining the family on the table.” I bit out. Sin looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“That is not proper Isabelle,” Ravecca said with a sneer in her tone. I know she hates Abigail but that doesn’t mean crap to me.

“When have I ever been proper,” I rolled my eyes picking Caitlin up from the high chair.

“I’l come with you.” Sin suggested. I shook my head sending a hard stare his way.

“No thank you, you’re meant to sit here and eat. And also I need some space after everything.” my words seemed to feel like a thorn because immediate his face dropped.

“y..yeah sure, I understand.” he turned away sighing. I nodded and made my way to mom Abigail’s room.

I knocked lightly as she immediately opened the door and ushered me inside.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had company, I’ve missed you Belle,” she said smiling.

I smiled back, “I missed you too.” I said.

“So tell me how was life outside the palace, how’re your parents?” she asked. I chuckled lightly before telling her everything.

“You’ve been through so much,” she said after I explained to her. I nodded and put the empty plates aside wiping Caitlin’s mouth.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“I’m surprised you haven’t told Sin about what happened when you were away, he’d probably do the unthinkable,” she explained making me smile.

“I know he will.”

“You know Isabelle, you said the night you left Ravecca had taken you to see Sin, could it be that she knew what was happening and planned for you to see it?” she said making my breath get stuck in my throat. “No doubt about it. She’s such a snake. But even if it was her plan, I still blame Sin. He had a choice and he took a wrong turn.” I said to her. “Hmm,” she hummed. Caitlin yawned loudly making me smile at her. “Mom, I’m gonna get Caitlin to bed,” I said picking up my princess. “Isabelle dear, give him a chance, he’s been through a lot when you left, especially the depression part. He knows his mistakes and he loves you,” she said.

I know…

“We’ll see, it’s all up to him really,” I said. “If he loves me, he’ll show me.”

Yeah, that’s right, to get loved back, you need to show your love.

I’m sorry, I’ve been caught up in tests and school just opened, anyway here’s an update.

Do you think Sin deserves a chance if he can prove he’s sorry?

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


PS. Pray I can update within the next 3 weeks

Chapter 12:

“Caitlin!” I yelled across the “royal’ family room as Caitlin stood in her underwear refusing to wear the dress I picked out for her.

“Momma! I don’t want that dress!” she yelled back at me after sticking out her tongue towards me.

Stubborn child!

I slowly made my way to her but then suddenly she sprinted. I picked up my pace only to bump into a hard chest. The person hands snaked around my waist instantly preventing me from falling.

“Isabelle.” the person spoke making me freeze. I looked up to see his bright green eyes.

“Jayden?” I questioned as he smiled nodding.

A Growl echoed around us as I instantly pulled away from Jayden and looking at Sin in his now angry deep grey eyes.

“What’s going on?” Sin asked, his anger rolling if him in massive amounts.

“Nothing Sin, she was about to fall so I caught her, no need to be jealous,” Jayden said provoking Sin.

“Listen here cousin, you may be family but anyone to even touch my mate in any way or even look at her in any way, family or not, I will kill you,” he said, but something felt off with sin as he looked at me.

“Sin, it’s not his fault…” I said only for him to Growl at me in anger. “silence Isabelle,” he said dangerously low and I slowly closed my mouth shut.

Jayden glared at his cousin but looked at me a ghost smirk floating I’m his face. He eyed me making me shiver in discomfort and walking off. What were you’re with him all of a sudden?

Sin grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hard embrace as he breathed in my scent calming himself down.

“Isabelle my love, stay away from him.” was all. He said as he kissed my head.

My mind still wandered to Sin’s mistake and I wanted to remind him I was still angry with him, but right now I couldn’t fathom any words.

“I can feel you’re still upset with me regarding that night my love.” he said reading my mind, “but believe me when I say I remember nothing of what happened, I’m Not saying you’re lying, but all I ask of you is your forgiveness,” he said soothingly, almost moving my heart. Almost. “Sin, you know I can’t. It hurts to think about. It felt right in that moment as if you uttered the words I reject you’. And you know what the most painful thing about it is?” I questioned him as the tears began flowing in rivers. “The fact that you said you loved her,” I whispered. Sin lifted my chin as he stared at my tear-stained face, he then moved his thumb to wipe my tears away making me look into his eyes.

“Let me show you I love you. That I’ve always loved you, let me make you forget that night ever happened. Give me a chance my love?” he asked and all I could do was sigh in response.

I opened my mouth to speak until a squeal made me push away from sin,

“Momma, gweuss what? Gweuss! Gweuss!” Caitlin squealed in excitement trying to hide the gap in her mouth and the tooth in her hand.

“Hmm, I wonder, what? Mom’s such a bad person, she can’t guess.” I sighed in defeat playfully. Caitlin shook her head at me and directly turned to Sin.

“Daddy, daddy! Did you gweuss?!” she jumped up and down in impatience.

“Daddy’s not that smart Princess, why don’t you tell us?” he said making a huge grin slap it was on her cute face.

Caitlin smiled brightly making her gap seen. “Sin isn’t it too early for her teeth to be falling out?” I asked in worry and he nodded

“But it’s her canine, which means her wolf canines are trying to pop out early,” he said. I nodded at him and clapped my hand for Caitlin. “Wow! Did it hurt?” I asked her as I grabbed her and she shook her head no. “I finally got you! Now let’s go to dress.” I Said, making her trash in my arms. She gave up and pouted towards Sin giving him her puppy did eyes. Sin smiled a little and looked at her shaking his head a bit apologizing for not being able to help her.

Caitlin huffed in my arms as a small smile played on her cute lips. I shook my head at her mischievous behaviour and walked up the hundred flight staircase. As I walked I ended up walking past Claire. “umm Isabelle?” she called out.

I turned around to look at her. I could see she was feeling a bit guilty about our earlier. Misunderstandings, and sure I was upset but, I couldn’t help but soften up for her.

“yes?” I whispered with a small smile.

Her hands shook as she nervously swallowed. “umm, i-I’m sorry for earlier.” she said hurriedly and scurried off making me chuckle.

“I FORGIVE YOU!” I yelled out after her as her laughter echoed down the hallway.

I shook my head carrying Caitlin to her room.

“Momma, is he going to come back?” she asked.

“Daddy’s not going anywhere,” I Said with furrowed eyebrows. Why would Sin leave then come back?

“Not daddy, but EI–” I cut her off hastily.

“he’s not coming back Caitlin and it is best you forget about him. He’s not going to hurt us. Not when daddy will protect us.” I encouraged as she smiled looking up at me and nodding. “Now bug! Let’s get you dressed” I smiled.

But deep down the smile on my face was just to keep Caitlin calm, but my heart holds nothing but fear for if Caitlin words come true, what would Sin do? Would he do it?

Okay! Finally! An update! Don’t kill me! I tried! But I’m gonna try harder since the holidays are coming up, which means updates! Yay!

Hope you liked it!

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 13:

With Sin around everything seemed so Overwhelming, I couldn’t Get myself To think Straight, The mate Bond seemed to get stronger, and the more I could see my anger diminishing.

Caitlin’s words still echoed in my head. Elliot. Would he find us again? Would he disturb my life again? Would he destroy Caitlin’s? I shook my head trying not to think about it but it just kept occupying my mind. I walked out of Caitlin’s room down the hallway. Jayden stood in the corner and looked at me a smile colouring my face.

“Isabelle.” He said. I looked towards him slapping a smile on my face. “Jayden, how long has it been? How’s your mate, Eliza?” I questioned him. A dark expression seemed to lure over his face as he shook it away smiling at me.

“She cheated on me and ran off with an alpha male.” he laughed silently.

“I’m… Sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive and inconsiderate, I-” he cut me off, by waving his hands.

“it’s not your fault, you didn’t know. Anyway changing the subject, let’s talk about you, why is it you come back to the Palace? I thought Sin did you wrong.” he said reminding me.

“Turns out everything was a misunderstanding and we are trying to sort things out.” I partly lied. I was most definitely still angry with Sin, but I had partly forgiven him.

“and I see you bared his child?” he said expressionlessly.

Hesitantly I replied, “yes. Caitlin is our daughter. I do kind of feel bad for hiding Caitlin from him but at the same time I don’t feel guilty, but rather a bit relieved.” I smiled,

“Well, you did the right thing. By leaving Sin you became the beautiful Isabelle you once were, well you’ve become even more beautiful than before if I must flatter you.” he joked.

I laughed alongside him but I could feel my thoughts about the last three years come back to me. My smile faltered as my heartbeat paced up.

“Isabelle? Are you okay? I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” Jayden said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about me Jay, I’m just a bit tired and I have a bit of a headache. I think I’m going to lie down for a bit to get all the overwhelming stress off me.” I said.

Jayden studied my face as he nodded. “well then I’ll see you around later.” he said. I nodded and waved at him awkwardly and made my way down the hall towards Sin and I’s bedroom

My thoughts kept jumbling around. Sins voice echoed out of our bedroom As I stepped in. He seemed frustrated stroking his hair wildly, His tie loosely tied around his shirt collar.

“That’s not possible!” he raised his voice. He was beginning to get angry and the anger began intimidating even me as his mate. “do whatever you have to, to ensure that the job gets done.” he barked, then instantly cut the call.

He growled and threw the phone into the bed, glaring at whatever came into view. I walked behind him rubbing his soothingly as he took calm breaths. He turned towards me with a smile, making me more suspicious and curious.

“Who was it in the phone and what’s got you so worked up?” I asked him as he shook his head smiling at me.

“Nothing my love. You don’t need to worry,” he said reassuringly. “Where’s Caitlin?” he questioned curiously.

“Playing dolls in her room.” I vaguely answered.

Sin simply nodded as began unbuttoning his shirt. “I smell his scent lingering on you my love.” Sin said. “why can’t that bastard keep his distance, you’re my mate, why does he look Like he wants me to kill him?!” he said as anger rolled off him in small amounts.

I looked at him confused, “who?” I asked.

“My stupid dumbass cousin,” he said, bitterness in his tone. Sin and Jayden used to be brothers forget that, I almost saw them as mates, because they were so close. But it seems something happened to get the two at each other’s throats. Well, Sin aiming for Jayden’s throat.

I sighed and looked at him confused once again. “Jay and you were both so close, what’s he done to make you spite him so much?” I questioned him.

“Jay? You’ve given him a nickname?” is that all he grasped. I sighed in frustration and looked at him with dead serious eyes.

“Yes Jay, the same way I and the rest of your family call you Sin,” I said to him.

“My nickname has nothing to do with the fact that Jaydens name is not even that long that it requires you to give him a nickname,” he said, jealousy getting the best of him.

“fine then Sindevaladore de Lorenzo Matinez Dillan Vladimir.” I said making my furrow my eyebrows. “just saying your first name is a mission Sindevaladore, sheesh.” I laughed.

Sin simply kept a straight face as he pulled a white shirt over his head, “I’m Heading to the office for some work, turns out a lot of work has piled up for the few months I left.” he said as he excused himself.

I shook my head at him and smiled, following him out of the room. Questions long forgotten I made my way up another flight of stairs towards Claire’s room. I smiled thinking about sins earlier reaction, bumping into someone.

I looked up as my heart clenched and nothing but anger clouded my judgement.

“Isabelle, it’s been a while has it not?”

“Yes, it has Liana.”

Okay, now I’m going to push to update every Sunday and Thursday. Hope you guys are happy with that schedule. I’m super sorry for not updating and from here on out I’m going to focus on updating!

What do you think of this situation?! Liana seems to be back into the picture, but why?

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 14:

“Isabelle, how have been? Where have you been?” She questioned, a smile on her face.

Was she trying to act innocent? Or was she just trying to provoke me? I simply studied her face briefly and slapped the most plastic smile I could fathom on my face.

“Liliana, it has been a while. But you know I’ve been up And about.” I said to her. She nodded stupidly and turned to me her sly unhappy face making an appearance.

“And why is it you’ve come back? I thought you hated Sin apparently,” she said trying to sound as if she really cared.

Did I hate Sin? And how is it that she knew that, when I never mentioned ever hating Sin, I was angry, but hate, I never told anyone that? She was such a —

“Oh, Sin never told you? He searched for me for almost 5 years, and he Confessed his dire love for me.” I said. Her face twisted in anger. She was. About to speak when Caitlin squeal echoed.

Her tiny footsteps thud in the stairs. She spotted me and ran towards me, her face covered in chocolate.

“You bared another man’s child. Sin must be despising you for that.” she smiled. Oh, how I’d love to shatter her face.

“momma! Daddy’s coming for mel! Hewlp meee!” she ran behind my leg while Sin’s scent floated about around us.

He spotted Caitlin and came towards us, Liliana’s face brightened with a fake smile.

“Where is she? Wheres my princess?” Sin acted dumb. Caitlin continued to hide as Sin’s hands grabbed and smothered kisses on her chocolate covered face.

Caitlin giggled in joy. “dadddddddyyyyyy” she laughed.

“princess! I told you not to eat mommys cake. It was supposed to be a surprise.” Sin said looking at me.

“but It looked swow goowd!” she said with a cute smile.

Sin then turned to see Liliana next to me. “Lilly, good to see you.” he said, and soon my jealousy was hitting him in waves.

He walked up beside me and wrapped his one hand around my waist as the other hand held Caitlin.

“Sin, is she yours?” she tried acting stupid when she could clearly see they had a resemblance.

“Yes, she is mine and Isabelle’s daughter, Caitlin,” he said smiling lovingly at Caitlin.

I looked at Liliana with a deadly eye. We had a staredown and the tension Between us could be felt a mile away.

“Very good seeing you Isabelle,” she turned to Sin “I came to collect a gown from Claire, thank you for the invite Sin.” she said before walking away.

I turned to Sin, eyes squinted towards him. Would he really do this? Now? When the main root of our problem was her?

“Before you come to any conclusion, mom invited her,” he said.

My chest felt a bit lighter. Keyword: a bit. I glared at him for a bit, but what can I do?

Ravecca. Another lurker eyed woman. She was so sneaky to the fact. How could she? Was she even trying to show Sin she cared about him? At least through me?

I sighed, as Sin took my hand in his, shooting me a million-dollar pearly smile, and pulling me with him.

“Come on! Let’s go!” Sin said. Caitlin giggled in his arms happily.

I shook my head at the loves of my life, they were indeed the only thing that kept me going.

To think Sin and I got off at the wrong foot, and Caitlin and I went through so much. My mind then wandered again to earlier thoughts. Memories haunting my mind. Slight dizziness took over me. I shook my head trying to get myself straight. Sin paused and looked my way. “Isabelle?” he said my name a boy worried.

Caitlin looked at me with drowsy eyes. Sin turned towards her in a jiffy as she fell limp In his arms. My heart boomed in my chest making the dizziness disappear instantly. Why was this happening again?!

“Caitlin, honey,” I called out, putting my hand on her head. Her body was burning up again. “Sin, we need a cold bath immediately,” I yelled out in a panicked hushed tone. My eyes gathering tears.

Sin took Caitlin through the hall, down to Claire’s bedroom. He stormed in and me behind him.

Caitlin startled, frowned at her brother’s actions and was about to scold him, just as she saw me.

Sin rushed into the bathroom, letting the water run cold, before stripping Caitlin and putting her under it.

So? How was this chapter? Good? Better? Or awesome?

What is going to happen in the next chapter?

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Chapter 15:

I watched as Caitlin relaxed under the cold water. My heart knocking hard in my chest, getting ready to pop.

Why did this keep happening? Just why? Sin looked at me for a brief moment before he directed his eyes back to our daughter.

Sin’s hands were trembling under Caitlin and for the first time in five years, I see his fear. His eyes kept wandering on Caitlins face looking for any sign of pain and distress.

Minutes passed by like hours and once Caitlins body temperature settled, I wrapped her in a towel tightly holding her to my chest. I smoothed out her brown locks and hummed in her ears. The tears that were brimming my eyes, I tried holding them back. Claire walked in, looking between sin and I with concerned eyes before taking Caitlin from my arms and walking out of the bathroom, and out her bedroom to Caitlin’s bedroom.

Sin looked at the ground silently. His eyes kept wandering from one place to another. His breathing was heavily taken in and released. His fingers still trembling but holding on tightly to the bathroom basin. I didn’t know how to speak to him, knowing now he was going through the same thing I was going through. Our daughter was not well. And to find the words to comfort him, I just couldn’t think of anything.

He let out a sigh, his grey eyes locking their gaze on me. “Isabelle, speak to me,” he said. His tone calm, but the anger laced his voice.

“I-i don’t know what to say,” I said to him. My voice barely going high. I felt weak. Tired. I felt like I failed my daughter. I felt horrible.

“Isabelle, what’s wrong with our daughter?” he questioned me

I opened my mouth to speak, but I could form any words to explain. How was I to explain to my mate about what happened during those 2 out of 5 years?

“ISABELLE!” he roared my name. The tears began brimming my eyes again as I took a short breath in.

“I don’t know.” was all I could answer. And truly, I don’t know. Even though we had a rough past, there was nothing out of the ordinary that I could link to right now.


I looked away from him, not having the courage to look him in the eyes. I could feel his disappointment, dissatisfaction and anger. He was blaming himself.

Yes, he did end up drunk kissing Lilliana, but I blame myself for not being strong enough to protect Caitlin, not being smart enough to know what’s wrong with my daughter.

“Were taking her to the pack hospital tomorrow, they’re going to check her and while we’re at it, they’ll check you too.” fear rose up my throat as those words left Sin’s mouth.

“Why are you scared Isabelle? Why is your heart beat speeding UP? What are you hiding.” he questioned as I looked at him.

“N-Nothing” I lied.

What if they discovered anything from the past? Would Sin be as Forgiving as he is now? Would he try and understand me?

” Sin, 1 don’t think that’s necessary, I’m fine, 1 ju-” he cut me off in my mid-sentence.

“You have no right to speak right now Isabelle, I am holding in a huge amount of anger, don’t tempt me,” he said in a deadly tone.

I wanted to speak out but something made me bite my tongue. He looked at me, his eyes softening for any a mere second before he walked out of Claire’s bedroom shutting the door behind him

My heart raced faster and heavier. Was this it? Was I going to get rejected a second time? Tears brimmed my eyes. He’d never forgive me for this. Never. Sin would hate me and honestly, it hurt thinking about that.

I paced the bathroom with heavy steps, this can’t be happening. I sighed my mind wandering off as I walked out of the bathroom, out Claire’s room and down the tiled stairs. How was I to explain what happened when the question arises? What was I to do?

Okay yes! You’re such a son of a -! Let’s keep our profanities at bay! 2! I’m. Trying but eh, no more promises! Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 16:

The entire day I’ve been restless, tired and worried. Sin finding out… How is he going to react? Will he get angry, pity me, hate and despise me?

I sighed as the night set in. It was as if the moon goddess wanted this secret to be revealed. But what would that do? Destroy the new relationship we’ve built? Or Strengthen it Even more?.

I slipped into my black nightdress that fell right above my knees, tightening the shoulder straps, I threw on a silk loose gown and stared at the mirror of the walkthrough closet. What was going to happen tomorrow? The same question circling my thoughts.

I felt warm arms wrap around my waist pulling me into a warm chest. Sin’s scent tickled my nose as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, placing light kisses.

“What’s got your mind so occupied?” he questioned.

I quickly slapped a smile on my face and turned towards him shaking my head.

“nothing really.” I said as I stepped out his hold and sat on our bed. Caitlin was long asleep. I pulled the duvet over my bare legs, slipping off the silk gown and laying my head on the pillow. Sin slipped in next to me his bare chest pressed against my back as he switched off the side lamplight.

“Sin?” I called out to him.

“hmm,” he replied.

“Promise me something?” I requested. He shifted a little, pulling me closer his hot breath hitting my nape.

“hmm” he repeated.

“promise me tomorrow, you’ll try to understand and won’t go on a horrid rampage?” I asked.

A silence lingered, and I turned around only to see him fast asleep. How will he react tomorrow? just how?

I walked into a dark room. Nothing but a mirror in front of me. It was starting again. I looked at myself not trying to find any beauty. I was just Isabelle. I didn’t deserve to be called any stunning name, I didn’t deserve to be called a true mother, after all, I put Caitlin and me through. I wanted to Cry. The dreams were starting again and no doubt I was going to degrade myself again. But that’s fine Sin won’t have to see my pathetic side.

I sat alone in the darkness. I was used to it. A little light doesn’t always last. Once Sin finds out tomorrow it’s over for me. The once strong Isabelle will show how pathetic she was and still is. He won’t accept a weak mate and maybe that’s why I couldn’t come back to him in the first place.

I knew Liliana was the Devils daughter but in all honesty, I would have returned to the Palace after hitting off a few fumes, my thought was maybe allowing him to suffer for 2 years. But during that I put myself through alot, trying to hurt Sin only destroyed who I was. I wasn’t Isabelle anymore, I was pathetic, insane, I was ugly… I was just disgusting.

Nothing could save me from this dream. Nothing in all honesty. Nothing at all, because the darkness is never, and will never let me go. And I cried. I let my tears fall, I can’t be strong in this dark place. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

I felt a cold hand burning my hot skin as I shot up and looked around hastily. I was always woken up like this. And I hated it. My eyes scanned the room as quickly as it could and a strong arm pulled me to a warm chest.

“Shh Isabelle, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Sin’s voice invaded my ears.

“I’m fine,” I said as if nothing happened.

“You were crying Isabelle, there’s no way nothing happened.” I stilled in his arms.

I picked up my shaky hands as my wet face touched the pads of my fingers. Why now? I’ve never cried to the point t where it would be noticed in reality, I only cried in my dreams. So why now?

Sin caressed my bare back as he placed kisses in the crook of my neck. “you’re okay.” he whispered. If only he knew. “come on Isabelle it’s already past dawn, we have to go the pack doctor.” he said as he let me go and slid out of bed.

I looked at the draped curtains and brought my knees to my chest. Sin was not going to be happy. Not a single bit.

Chapter 17

We sat in the waiting room. The clock’s ticking ringing in my ears. Sin says his eyes closed as Caitlin bounced on his lap. It was only us in the place because apparently Sin wanted to be alone.

My heart wanted to hammer against my chest, but I couldn’t allow myself to have sun worrying as to why I’m scared. The doctor walked in as sin lifted Caitlin in his arms standing to greet.

“Doctor Lively, this is my mate Isabelle and my daughter Caitlin.” Sin introduced.

“pleasure meeting you. You and your daughter will undergo the tests at the same time, my assistant doctor will do your daughter and me, you,” he said. I nodded and followed him as his assistant doctor took Caitlin to another room.

It felt like hours as I looked at the white hospital ceiling. The tests went on and on and on and I couldn’t fathom I’d this was reality or a dream. Everything seemed so dream-like and I couldn’t keep my eyes open as I shut them close.

What felt like months, I was awoken from my slumber. Sin caressed my hair as a smile sat on his face. Was it over. Was I done? Caitlin jumped on the couch in the doctor’s office as I sat up on the bed.

“You feeling okay love?” Sin questioned. And I nodded.

The doctor walked in envelopes in his hand. How long was I out? We took seats on the two chair infront of desk as Caitlin seemed so lost is doing what it was she was doing.

“Well, your majesty, your daughter, it’s hard to pinpoint what happened to her, but in all honesty, it links with your wife’s tests.” the doctor said as my eyes dropped.

“What do you mean?” sin questioned.

“Luna your majesty, I’m sorry if this hurts you, but we’re you meant to give birth to another with Caitlin? We’re you meant to have twins?” he dropped the question that got my heart quickening.

“yes.” was all I could answer, Sin looked at me in shock. His facial expression was difficult to define.

“with that being said,” the doctor added, “were you touched roughly by another male? Or had fallen during your pregnancy? And after your pregnancy did you resort to trying to kill yourself with silver? Did the person who put you through all this touch you after your pregnancy?” he questioned as the tears rolled down my face.

I couldn’t answer, I just couldn’t I felt sick, I felt disgusted, I felt angry, I hate him! I hate Sin! I hated and still hate myself! I hate my life.

“Alpha, whatever it might seem, I have to question you as well, where were you during the birth of your children?” the doctor questioned.

Sin gained composure, but turned to answer the doctor, “Isabelle had left in anger and I couldn’t find her.”

“well another reason for the loss of the second child was her being weak and not being able to draw strength from anywhere to give birth properly.” the doctor said. “Caitlin seems to be weak and it seems if she can’t hold on for very long, resulting in her body giving up on her, she won’t die but she will suffer, if she’s not looked after properly, which means she should be allowed to be so active,” he said as let out a breath of relief, my baby was going to be fine.

” I’ll leave you guys alone to speak things out.” he said as he grabbed a few documents and made his way out of the office.

” Isabelle?” Sin’s voice rang in my ears.

The tears wouldn’t stop falling, they just wouldn’t. Not one bit. I couldn’t look him in the eyes. He reached for me as I backed away With my chair

“don’t touch me.” was all I could say.

“Isabelle, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, as my vision blurred and all I could see was blood. Nothing else, only blood on my hands. I felt dirty, disgusting. I felt sick to the core. I rubbed my hands on my clothes and scratched on myself why was this happening again?! “mommy.” Caitlin’s voice rang in my ears and she held my hands pouring water over them. “see, it’s going, your hands are clean, their not diwrty anymore, see?” she showed me. I was going through it again.

I let the tears roll as she sat on my lap pulling me into an embrace. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I won’t, daddy’s gonna protect us now, see, he promised he’ll protect you.”

“princess, can you give mommy and I some room to talk?” he asked as she nodded walking out.

There was a moment of silence before Sin spoke out. “Who touched you Isabelle?” he questioned. I kept silent, if I said anything, I know he was gonna go on a killing rampage “WHO TOUCHED WHAT BELONGS TO ME?! WHO TOUCHED WHAT’S MINE?!” his eyes turned colour on anger and his voice overpowered

But the only thing I could ask, “Do you hate me? Find me disgusting?” I asked. Sin whipped his head towards me and instantly his eyes turned back to grey.

“no, no baby, no, I could never hate you, I love you more than anything in the world, I love you so much. You’re not disgusting, you’re pure, you’re beautiful, your mine and No one else’s, only mine” he says as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

“I held him Sin. Our son. I held him close to me and a few minutes later he gave out on me.” I cried into his chest. “I killed our son. I’m a murderer, I couldn’t bring life into this world. I killed my baby.” I cried, even more, the tears rolling continuously as my Cries echoed.

“No, you didn’t kill him, you didn’t do anything wrong, you did your best and I’m proud to of you, you did not kill anyone, especially our son. You did not kill your baby,” he said. Soothingly.

But honestly, not even Sin can understand the pain of that year. At all. “Isabelle my love, who touched you?” was the words that I seriously did not what to answer.

Okay reader-san, I cried writing this chapter too!

So what do you think! Guys fill the comment box with your emotions! Go on! I give you permission to comment until you’re tired and believe me I read your comments, all of your comments but I just don’t reply! I)

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Chapter 18:

My hand shook as I tried avoiding Sin’s eyes, he wouldn’t believe a word I said. Especially if I blamed someone.

“Isabelle,” he said my name sternly, “who touched you. What happened from the night you left, up until I found you?” his face stone cold and expressionless.

“Sin, if 1 told you that Ravecca had something to do with it, would you believe me?” I asked.

“I don’t understand,” he said utterly confused as to what was coming out of my mouth.

“If 1 told you that you getting drunk and kissing Liana only for me to see, was planned by her, and when I ran away being kidnapped was also planned by her, all that I went through was planned and carried out by her, would you believe me?” I questioned him.

“Isabelle, why would my mother do any of those, she’s not that kind of person, perhaps you’re just not thinking straight—” I cut him off.

“Sin you have got to believe me, don’t you ever wonder, why you ended up disliking your mother?! Sin, Ravecca only wants the throne and she’ll do anything to get it, even if that means taking your mate away to succeed. She doesn’t care about you because you’re not her blood, your father chose to give you the throne and ignored her sons, she obviously—”

“Enough” he whispered but I had to say it anyway.

“— Just wants what she thinks belongs to her. Why can’t you see she’s evil, Sin, why can’t you—”

“ENOUGH ISABELLE!” he roared. He was confused, angry and frustrated. He couldn’t think straight. He stood up and looked down at me, “My mother wouldn’t do that.” he said as he walked out of the room, slamming the door.

That’s it. She brainwashed him. I sat pulling at my hair. How was I going to get him to see her chameleon colors?

A small hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to see my little Caitlin. I stroked her brown hair.

“Mommy, where did daddy go?” she questioned.

“To get some air.” I replied as I stood up, picking her in my arms. “Come, let’s go home.”

I carried her in my arms as I walked out of the building that revealed my secrets.

I fell flat on the bed, my face in a pillow. The moment we had gotten home, there was no sign of Sin anywhere. Had I triggered him to the point of infinite shock?

I let out an ugly sigh as I got up roaming around the bedroom. What would have happened if the events that happened didn’t take place? My mind was blooming with doubts and my head began pounding. I stood up immediately walking out the room only to bump into a hard chest. Strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

I looked up to see Jayden, a confused smile on his annoying face. “What is it that you want?” I asked him as he chuckled, gripping me tightly.

“Come on Belle, is that how you thank your beast?” he joked around. I pulled out if hid grip glaring at his face.

“you’re more annoying than ever,” I said. ‘s he looked at me confused. “what’s twisted your panties? Come on Isabelle, what’s wrong?” he pestered bringing his face close to mine. I pushed his face away harshly and snapped.

“IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” I yelled at him. He was seriously getting on my nerves.

I huffed and walked away, leaving Jayden confused, but definitely amused. Walking into Caitlin room I froze. Something wasn’t right. I took quiet steps towards the bed where she lied tired asleep. Something felt off. I walked closer to her bedside only to see a note. “You should’ve kept your mouth shut.

Written on a scrap piece of paper. The initials signed at the bottom of the paper was. E.L.

My hands shook rapidly as my heart raced endlessly. This can’t be happening again. This couldn’t be. I promised he wouldn’t find us.

He wouldn’t find us…

He wouldn’t find…

He found… us.

Sorry it’s been a while and I know, it’s on the short side, but I split the chapter in 2 so part 1 and 2!

Anyways! Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 19:

My heart pounded rapidly. This couldn’t be happening. How in God’s name could this be happening?

I couldn’t think straight and my thoughts were clouded with what if’s and doubts. Caitlin lay peacefully without a care in the world. Why was this happening to us? Especially her. She didn’t deserve to see how cruel the world was as yet.

I lifted her, feeling insecure about letting her be alone after what I’ve just seen. Walking out of the bedroom I shut it and walked down the hallway. Halfway through the hallway Sin’s scent hit me hard. Was he back already?

I tapped Caitlin making her stir in my arms. Night had fallen and she hasn’t eaten. I made her stand in her two feet as we walked hand in hand down the stairs towards the dining hall.

Sin walked in at the same time we did. He didn’t look my way rather sat opposite Caitlin and me. I didn’t say a thing and sat in my usual place. The food was served as Caitlin began digging in. Her entire face covered in the food she was eating.

“what’s happened between the two of you, did something happen at the doctors’? Did you find out what’s wrong with Caitlin?” my heartbeat sped up, I didn’t want the family to know.

I didn’t want Ravecca to know that she had won against me. That she had done a victorious thing, But Sins words betrayed me.

“It turns out I had a son that Isabelle lost as well as the fact that she was kidnapped and mistreated by other male wolves, and she doubts my family,” he said in anger. Everyone gasped and looked my way.

I banged my hand on the table as they silenced. I stood up my face facing downwards as I felt the tears burn my eyes. So it’s my fault now? ” Yes Sin, I killed our son, right? I killed him with my bare hands, I asked to be touched and enjoyed every single moment of it! Isn’t that right?!” I yelled at him as my heart clenched painfully.

This was it. He blamed me. He freaking blamed me.

I got up and walked towards the bedroom, Caitlin little feet padding behind me with tiny thuds. I slammed the door shut and walked into the bathroom filling a tub of hot water. I stripped naked and stripped Caitlin naked as I sat with her in the tub. She played around with the water. Her little actions making me smile.

Walking towards the bedroom I tried taming my Heartbeat. Sin couldn’t find out just yet about the note after the stunt he has pulled today in anger. He was definitely going to do something without thinking through and taking action and honestly, I need to prove that Ravecca Informed them. I walked into the bedroom with Caitlin and the door opened Sin walking in and walked towards the bathroom as I heard the shower run in the bathroom. I shut the bedroom door closed and dressed Caitlin before laying Caitlin in-between Sin and I. I slipped out if my towel and slipped into my nightwear.

Sliding into the bed covers I pulled Caitlin close to me and shut my eyes, only hoping for the best. Sin walked out of the bathroom the warm steam filling a little portion of the room. I sat up as he walked, out a towel hung loosely on his hips and his bare chest glistening with water that looked like dew on his sun-kissed chest.

His gray eyes held mine as neither of us exchanged a single syllable. I lay back down onto the soft mattress as his hurtful words echoed in my ears, my eyes stinging with tears as he walked further into the room. Minutes later I felt the bed dip as he switched off the bedside lamp. Only our breathing sounded in the room. None of saying anything.

I shut my eyes trying to calm myself down as I felt the bed dip in front of me, I opened my eyes only to feel his arms wrapped around my body holding me closely to his chest as If not even allowing air to separate us. That’s when the tears started flowing.

“I’m sorry, I’m so damn sorry” His voice cracked. “it’s not true, you didn’t hurt our son, you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t cry my love. I was a damned fool for saying those words in anger and an even more damned mate for not trusting my queen. I’m so sorry.” he continued to say.

I began hitting his chest weakly and my heart clenched much more painfully. “Sin, it hurts. My heart hurts so much.”

“baby, I know, I know, but every tear you shed hurts even more. Stop crying. I love you, and it’s not your fault. so please. Don’t blame yourself.” he stroked my hair as I could hear his heartbeat speed up.

I know I’m sorry! But cliffhangers are my speciality! So what do you think about this chapter? What’s gonna happen next, will Sin believe Isabelle or will something else happen!?

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!


Chapter 20:

He continued to caress my back as he whispered apology after apology. But my heart couldn’t stand him right now. Not at all.

I pushed him away gently by his chest. “Sin, I… I think I need some time alone.” I said as I moved away from him. He tried talking to Me again but I simply jumped over him and made my way out of bed.

“I need space.” was all I uttered before making my way out of the room. I walked down the dimly lit stairway down towards the living room nearest to our bedroom.

I flopped on the couch, pouring some water in a glass and hastily gulping it down as though I were living in a drought. Images flashed through my head. Images I tried so hard to forget, but ever since entering this palace they seemed to haunt me every which way. And freaking Sin just had to remind me and rub the salt in the wound. Ugly ass bastard faced mate!

I closed my eyes putting my face in my hands. I was tired. But I can’t sleep. My precious heart. A cold breeze hit my bare back as I stood up thinking its time to make it back up the stairs. Stretching, I began walking towards the stairs case. The lights shut off and I stopped dead in my tracks. The breeze hit my back as shivers ran down My spine. “you’re mine lliza. No one else’s.” this couldn’t be. No one could ever call me lliza unless it was… Him.

I stood for a moment, before bolting up the stairs. Every step that I took felt heavy. I felt a grip on my arm, stopping me with a hard blow. I turned as his emerald green eyes were locked in mine.

“we meet again Iliza” he said with a wicked smile.

Just as I was about to opened my mouth he pulled me to him locking our lips together. I struggled trying to pull away as his filthy hands held my mid back. In a tight hold.

Just then the lights switched in as tears rolled my eyes trying to get out of his grip. His eyes looked up the stairs with a hateful glare as he pulled away from me. I turned to look at Sin my face flooded with tears as his eyes held nothing but anger.

“Oh, Sin. It’s been a while, am I right? How long has been since I’ve seen you?” he said. He’s wicked green eyes glaring my mate down. “Drop the niceties Elliot. Let go of my mate, before the last thing you see is your hands.” Sin said in a threatening tone.

“Oh but, I’m here to take what belongs to me. Is that not what your mother promised me?” he said menacingly.

“Don’t bluff and stalk for time Elliot. We know where this is going. Now, I’m not going to repeat myself again. Release my mate.”

“But Sin, did she not tell you that she became mine once I mated with her. She became my one and only. You can have everything Sin, especially not when it comes to sweet Iliza here.”

I took this as a chance to bite his hand that gripped in my wrist. He screams in agony as I got loose and ran towards Sin as he held my hand pulling me behind him

” lliza princess, you’ve become more cunning haven’t you? I’ll need to teach you a lesson. But no worries I’m not hurrying. Time will tell how this story plays out. Sin won’t always be the one to protect. Because you’ve forgotten he’s betrayed you once, he can do it again. So be careful.” he pushed his dirty blond hair back. His ear piercings coming into view.

No lie. Elliot was very good looking. But he was a freaking psychopath. He was truly sick in the head. He stood at 6 feet tall close to Sin’s height. He had dirty blond hair that fell into his green eyes and his skin was a beautiful pale. If only he wasn’t mad.

“DON’T THREATEN ME! ESPECIALLY WITH MY FAMILY.” Sin yelled in rage. His eyes turning golden.

Elliot only stared him down. The wind whistled as silence rode in the air. A wider smile broke out on Elliot’s face as he shook his head.

“I’ve warned you, your highness. It’s up to you. But holding on to what’s not yours, will make you stand on your toes. Watch your back.” he said to Sin, making Sin even more angrier.

Elliot turned his back as he disappeared into the darkness. Just what was going on In his head.?

Sin looked at me. Closing his eyes Bd opening them back to his deep gray eyes.

“Are you okay my love?” he questioned. I nodded hesitantly. I mean I wasn’t hurt but I was forced into a kiss. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as sin pulled me into a warm embrace. I won’t let anything happen to you.

He held me tightly. Tiny footsteps rang in our ears as I pulled away looking as to where Caitlin was coming.

“mommy? Daddy?” she questioned looking around for us as she rubbed her eyes. Her body wobbled sleepily as she continued searching for us.

Sin walked up to her and lifted her in his arms, kissing her head. “sleep princess, were here.” he whispered to her lovingly.

But all that was going through my mind was Ravecca.

What is goiiiing onnnn? Gosh. What’s gonna happen? I’m getting excited and I’m the author! Loll!

Don’t forget to comment and vote for the story!

Until Saturday!


His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 7-10

Chapter 7

It’s been 4 days since we moved in with Sin. I’ve been smiling a lot lately and for some reason, we’ve been getting Closer. I want to hate him honestly, but I can’t.

I sat in the park and watched as Sin played with Caitlin. My heart tugged as I remembered what had happened in the past. I know he doesn’t remember, but I’ll never forget.

“Momma! Look, Look!” Caitlin called out as she stood on Sins shoulders with a pose.

My heart pounded as the fear of her falling crossed my mind. “Caitlin-” I said but she laughed at me.

“Mom! I’m swuper girls, do you see it!” her face radiated with happiness. I couldn’t take that away. I nodded biting my tongue.

Sin seemed to get my worries as he teased Caitlin. “Caitlin, mommy doesn’t think you can do it on the ground!” he said using reverse psychology.

” can too! Just see. See mommy!” she said Sin put her down and she posed.

“Of you so can! I’m proud off you.” I said to her. And she showed me a toothy grin.

“momma I want ice-cream!” she said, but be knowing Caitlin would just get sick.

“No,” I said sternly.

She turned to Sin with watery eyes, and her chubby face as she looked at him, in sadness. “Daddy, I want ice-cream,” she said to him as the tears threatened to fall out.

She was such a two-faced player.

“aww princess, sure, let’s go, I’m sure mommy won’t mind if it’s just one scoop? Right?” he said looking at me with hope.

I sighed as I. Looked at the two rascals. “Fine whatever, but if she gets sick Sin, you’re going to look after her,” I said.

We sat in the car as Sin headed towards the ice-cream parlour. Caitlin sat quietly, with her head down. We drove for some time as something didn’t feel right.

“Caitlin honey, are you feeling okay?” my heart started pounding.

“Yes I’m fine, I want ice-cream,” she said with a shaky voice. I put my hand on her head only to feel her burning up.

“Sin! She’s burning up.” I said to him as he hit the breaks. Making the car screech.

I unbuckled my seatbelt as I practically ran out the front seat towards the back.

I began to unzip her pink dress and Tue her hair in a high bun. I pulled off her dress as I tried my hardest to keep her cool. Sin sped down the tarred rods towards the house.

We went going fact enough. Caitlin was hurting and as her mother, I felt shattered knowing I couldn’t do anything. We got to the house in less than 10inutes as I ran out of the car, Caitlin in my arms as she panted in pain. This couldn’t be happening. This was so unfair to her.

I ran up the stairs towards the bathroom, the wood of the door sliced my hand. Blood dripped but I couldn’t think of anything.

O let the cold water rum and took the wow heard. Making Caitlin sit I let the water run through her body. Slowly she breathing began to study as her eyes were trying to stay open.

Sin stood at the door his face seemed expressionless, but I knew he was feeling done sort if pain.

“Mom.” I heard Caitlin’s weakened voice call out to me. I hummed in response. “I want ice-cream,” she said with a smiling face.

I looked at her in shock as she called out to sin. “Daddy, mommy doesn’t want me to have ice-cream. She’s so mean.” she giggled weakly.

The tears brimmed my eyes as I watched my little girl sit with a smile in her face. She knows she’s not strong enough. She knows she’s in pain. Yet she’s smiling.

I let out out a chuckle as Sin passed me a towel. I wrapped her into the town and handed to Sin who helped me carry her to her room.

Why were the Hyundai things happening to my innocent little girl?

I let out a sigh as Sin dressed her and put her to be. She was out like a light. Age disappeared into dreamland with a smile.

Yelena knocked on the door requesting for Sin. Sin gave me a smile and walked out of the room leaving me with Caitlin.

I don’t know what to do any more? I’ve tried all doctors but none could diagnose what was wrong. Was she just not normal? The tear rolled out my eyes yet again. This wasn’t fair, not to me and especially not to Caitlin. She didn’t deserve it.

If I could switch places with her, I would. I’d do anything to make my little girl happy.

I wiped my tears away and walked out of my bedroom. I walked down the steps only to see a lot of people, including gaurds from the palace standing in the living room.

Why were they Here?

“Sin, what’s going on?” I asked him as he turned to be a serious expression on hid face.

“We need to leave for the palace at once,” he said.


Chapter 8:

“Sin I don’t understand,” I said to him in a confused tone.

“babe, we need to leave. It’s absolutely urgent. It seems dad had a stroke and he’s wishing to see me.” he said.

“The former king had a stroke?” I questioned dumbfounded like.

“Yes, and we need to leave immediately. Pack up for both you and Caitlin. And let’s get a move on.” he said. I nodded and modem way up the stairs.

I opened Caitlin’s room only to see her sound asleep. I opened her pretty pink closet and took out her pink dresses and spit them in a duffel bag.

When I was done I put it out the door entering my bedroom packing my clothes up. 2 guards came up the steps taking The bags while I got Caitlin’s.

Her peaceful face was too calming I didn’t want to wake her. I ran my hands through her hair and picked her up only to be stopped by Sin He took her into her arms as he directed me out of the room towards the limo.

We got in and drove our way towards the palace. The Palace I once ran away from.

The doors to the gigantic Palace opened. The limo parked in front of the palace doors. The doors opened and we walked out into the house. Caitlin opened her beautiful eyes and yawned Sitting up in Sin’s arms. “You’re awake princess,” he said to her, kissing her forehead.

I laughed at the way she scrunched her face. Sin slipped his hand around my waist and directed me into the palace.

“Sin! You’re home!” I heard a scream from a distance. It was Clair.

She jumped into Sin’s arms in joy her brother was home. She saw Caitlin in his arms as she seemed confused. She turned to me as her smile dropped.

“What is she doing here?” she asked, her tone losing all its emotions. “Claire…” Sin tried to talk to her.

“No Sin! She doesn’t deserve to be here! She broke you Sin, she killed your spirit. AND ON TOP OF THAT SHE Hid she was pregnant!” she yelled. Then looked towards me. “You may have deceived my brother but you won’t fool me, 1 won’t rest till you’re out of this house!” she said and walked away as the tears brimmed my eyes.

Claire and I were best friends and when I left I guess she felt betrayed. But it’s not my fault I was told Sin rejected me. I heard it, and I wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t true.

Soon Sin’s step Mom came down the Stairs. Ravecca. Sly, cunning and a snake. But overall Sin loves her and he’d believe her over anyone. “Mom.” be said as she smiled and her eyes caught mine

“Isabella, you’re here… why?” she asked not wanting me here like Clair. She manipulates a person that even their mind isn’t in their control. Why? I don’t know. Sin’s real Mom. Abigail was still alive but with Ravecca here she seemed invisible. She manipulated the entire house against her. Abigail was the most amazing woman I’ve met.

The king of this Palace had two mares and accepted both resulting him into having two wives. Abigail s the mother of Clair, Sin and his older brother Benjamin.

As for Ravecca she gave birth to two sons, Daniel and David and a daughter, Serene. As they say Jelousy runs through family, that’s the exact situation here.

With the king dying and Sin taking up the position, I know for sure Ravecca won’t rest till at least Daniel or David become king and for sure she’d do anything to achieve it, but I can’t wrap my finger around what. What would she Do to take up the position?

Caitlin coughed bringing me out of my thoughts as I smiled at her.

I took her from sins arms and whispered into her ears. “Into the palace we go.” as she giggled.

How was it! I only updated because a beautiful supporter asked on my message board to please update. Sorry for the mistakes I’m too busy to correct them.

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Chapter 9:

Our luggage was rolled into our bedroom. I stood in the bedroom I once called mine.

Caitlin hopped around looking at the gigantic room in awe. I wouldn’t blame her, she wasn’t accustomed to such huge things. She looked at me her grin wide.

Caitlin ran over to Sin, who was sitting on the bed and tapped his knee. Sin looked down at her and smiled.

“What is it princess?” he questioned her.

She lifted her arms up. “Put me the bed pwease?” she asked her eyes looking widely at him. Who could resist?

Sin lifted her up as she giggled. He placed her on the soft bed making it difficult for her to stand. She tried but kept on falling over. She finally huffed and looked at the bed, then at me.

I shrugged my shoulders making it look as if I couldn’t see a thing. She huffed again in frustration and looked at the bed, a frown on her face. She wobbled up and finally caught her balance and started jumping up and down on the bed. I laughed as her smile made it’s way back on her chubby face.

I didn’t notice Sin walking up behind me. He bent his warm breath hitting my ear. “Mom Abigail wants to see you.” I couldn’t not smile.

I whipped my head towards him so quickly I thought I was gonna break my neck. “really?” I piped up.

“Yes,” he said making me get all giddy inside.

Abigail was like the mom I never had. My mother didn’t really care about what I did, and when I became independent she dumped me, but Abigail showed me a different side to a mother a loving and caring side I thought I’d never experience.

I walked up to Caitlin taking her from the bed and making my way towards Abigail’s room.

I took a deep breath and knocked onto her bedroom door. She said a faint come in and I walked into the bright bedroom. The walls we painted on together stood straight but we’re fading, the flowers by the window sill still looked radiant and blossomed.

Abigail walked out from the closet and looked at me tears filling her eyes. “Isabelle? Is that you?” she asked me.

I wanted to laugh out but the tears in my own eyes were forming. I smiled and nodded.

“You’ve grown into a fine young woman.” she looked towards Caitlin and smiled. “and is that my granddaughter?” she asked. Caitlin looked at Abigail her cheeks tinting with pink in shyness

Abigail looked at Caitlin pushing her hair back. “You’re so pretty, just like your mommy,” she said and Caitlin smiled at Abigail widely. “Come, come, child, you must tell Me where you have been all this time. Did you tell Sin about what had happened? About the exact reason why you left?”

I let out a sigh. “Mom, you know how Ravecca has got him wrapped in both mind and heart, and if I were to say anything about that night, he would never believe me, never,” I said honestly.

Caitlin moved from my arms and walked towards the flowers.

“Isabelle, he has got to know. She Thought you leaving Sin would make him weak to be king, but you actually hardened his heart making him the only one capable if becoming king.” mom Abigail explained.

I know Ravecca and her thirst for power, but would she go to such lengths to do so?

“Even if it was what happen that night, Sin would never believe me,” I said looking away. “Not after keeping Caitlin a secret.” and honestly who would?

“But, Isabelle even I don’t know the full story to the pregnancy, or how Sin never got to know. You told me that night you were going to tell him but when you came back you were shattered. What exactly happened?” she questioned me.

My mind began flashing with memories and heartache. Remembering just made me realise why I was angry at Sin. Why I ran away. I wonder if I told him why I left, would he forgive himself?

I was brought out of my thoughts with a knock on the door. Clair walked in and looked at me with hateful eyes.

“Mom, dinners ready,” she said in such a cold tone even I didn’t want to be myself.

Abigail excused herself and walked into the bathroom. “Why are you here?! Trying to poison mom’s mind with your lies,” she asked in anger. “Clair I know you’re upset, but if you had to go through the pain I went through that time you wouldn’t have to be angry at me! Don’t get angry at what you don’t know.” I sneered at her. I was not going to tolerate her behaviour.

“Oh really? Tell me, did you enjoy when you thought about how Sin felt when he entered your bedroom only to realise you were gone. You should have seen his shattered expression, and it’s because of you! You hurt my brother.”

“oh and your brother didn’t hurt me? Please Clair for the sake of God, realise I wouldn’t have to run away if there wasn’t a reason.” I said to her, losing my patience.

“and what did he do?”

“Why don’t you ask him, on the night of fall, under the tree on the outside courtyard, when he was speaking to Liana, what were his exact words in his drunken state that tore my life apart,” I growled. She looked at me her eyes hooded in regret.

I took Caitlin’s hand only to see Sin standing at the door. He stared at me intensely and I wandered my eyes away.

“What did I say?” he questioned, making my breath hitch.

Oh my gosh! Great chapter, but was difficult to write!

What do you think Sin did? And he was drunk?!?

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Chapter 10:

“What had I said, Isabelle?” Sin looked into my eyes and I tried avoiding hid gaze. I sealed my lips not wanting to say anything, it just brings back bad memories.

His gaze burned my body and I looked at him, “There is no way you could’ve forgotten those words, did you?” I asked him.

Sin seemed to get angry at me, “Isabelle! Don’t you think If I had remembered I would’ve appologized or tried to explain myself?! SO DON’T BRING THE B.S ABOUT FORGETTING” he yelled at me punching the wall closest to him. Caitlin yelped in fear seeing her father’s eyes turn dark in anger.

Sin seemed to notice and looked down to her only for her to grab my leg, trying to get me to pick her up. “Mom, I’m scared, he’s going to hurt you.” she said and honestly I was praying she had forgotten about the past.

“Shh baby, he’s not gonna hurt me, daddy’s not going to hurt me,” I said to her and smiled soothingly. The last thing I want is for Caitlin to get scared again.

“But daddy’s eyes-” I looked at her in the eyes and she kept quiet, looking down knowing she should drop it.

“Something else happened right? Stop keeping secrets from me Isabelle!” he shouted.

“What happened during my disappearance has nothing to do with you Sin, why don’t you go to Liana so she can comfort you, isn’t that why you kept her close to you?” I said to him in rage.

“What dies Liana have to do with this Isabelle? She did nothing to you! More she did nothing to me! And I never ran to her for comfort, she always comforted me when you were the reason I was angry!” he spoke making my heart shatter.

“I’m the reason you always got angry huh?! Well you know Sin it takes two to tango, did you ever think it was you that caused your own anger? So Liana was the woman you wanted us that right?” I said my voice cracking.

“Stop twisting my words! Liana did nothing wrong, Isabelle! NOTHING!” she yelled at me

“if that’s right, then go ahead. Go to your Liana, your angel Liana, Ho kiss her just like you did, go tell her as you did. Do you want to know the words you uttered that night? Simple you said, ‘if I could have anyone Liana it would be you, I’m sorry you’re not my mate, but rejecting Isabelle is going to be a problem in my life. I love you.” that night I was going to tell you about my pregnancy, I was going to tell you what happiness you’ve been seeking was finally yours, only for me to walk into a heart shattering situation.” Sin stared at me in shock. Clair looked speechless. Abigail stood by the bathroom door with her mouth wide open

“And then you had the guts to kiss her and look me in the eyes today, and tell me you love me? Your words is nothing my rubbish. I’ll never, I swear to never ever forget that night Sin. Never. Thinking about what happened that night, I can’t, I just cannot forgive you.” this time I couldn’t stop my tears from falling.

I pushed past him up to the bedroom with Caitlin in my arms. Knowing she had to witness that is something that hurts more.

I placed her in the bed and wiped my tears away, she stared at me with her beautiful eyes. “Momma, you’re cwying.” she said and I could hear the rack in her voice.

“No baby, it’s just I’m so happy to hold you in my arms, these are tears of happiness.” I lied to her.

She searched my eyes for an answer but she couldn’t find anything. “I’m also happy to hwold you in my awrms momma, so must I cwry?” she asked making me laugh.

Nothing could take this happiness away from me, nothing. My baby is the only one I need, and no one not even Sin is going to take her away from me.

Because no matter where I went, She was always there, she was the comfort that kept me going, that kept me happy.

My bundle of joy, my happiness.

Whoooooo! Yes! Complete! Finally! What did you think I’d the chapter? What do you think of Sin?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 6

Chapter 6:

I knocked on Caitlin’s room as she made no sound, but her scent was strongly there, so I knew she was in there.

I heard her sob croak through and knowing she was crying made things worse.

“Caitlin honey, let me in.” I croaked out, my voice cracking. I heard the little thumping of her feet on the floor as the door unlocked and she let me in. “Baby I’m sorry,” I said to her as I held my little girl in my arms. “Is Dada angry with me?” she questioned with tears eyes.

“No, no, he loves you, he would never be angry with you he’s just a bit hurt and upset, why would you think he’s angry with you?” I asked her. “Becwause I was being spwoily and bwatty and I said some wreally mean things to him.”

I stroked her midnight black hair and kissed her forehead. “If you say sorry, he’ll forgive you. And I’m sure daddy is in his study, so why don’t we go now?” I asked as she thought for a short moment.

She nodded her little head and hopped off my lap, as she walked to the door with her pyjamas still on.

We walked to Sin’s office hand in hand as I let out a breath and knocked. “Come in” I heard him say as I pushed open the door. “What is it?” he asked, his voice held a tinge of anger.

Before I replied Caitlin came from behind the door into the office. “Caitlin wanted to tell you something,” I said to him as he focused his full attention on her.

“What is it princess?” he asked.

“I’m sorry daddy,” she said. And that seemed to be the greatest thing Sin ever heard. Caitlin Ran to his arms as he caught her. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

“It’s okay baby,” he said as Caitlin relaxed in his arms. Sin looked at me with a smile and mouthed the words I’ve never heard him say.

“Thank you.” and that honestly seemed to lighten my heart.

Soon we were out and I was giving Caitlin a bubble bath as she told me she wanted to wear a pretty pink dress.

I nodded laughing at her expression and began waking her pretty hair. She let out a huff of irritation. Her hair was waist long no kidding and I never thought of cutting it. Ever.

Sin walked into the bathroom as he says next to me, in front of the tub. Caitlin began splashing in the water making the bubbles go everywhere.

Sin let out a laugh that was sincere and again my heart fluttered. It has to be the mate bond. Sin wrapped Caitlin in her fluffy pink towel as we walked into her room placed by her into the bed.

“—-And and I want a bigger teddy than the teddy you bought me daddy!” she said excitedly making me frown.

“But Caitlin, you already have toys, so why buy more? wastage isn’t good. You should be thankful for what you have.” I said sternly as she nodded, lowering her gaze.

“Isabelle calm down, it’s okay, I’ll buy her one more teddy then I won’t buy her another one, okay?” he said and that got me riled up!

“Sin, she has to learn that in life you have to earn some things. Don’t spoil my daughter to a point where I can’t control her anymore.” “She’s our daughter, Isabelle, calm down. Okay, she’s just a child, she’ll want things, if I won’t buy it I’ll tell her, but a teddy bear, honestly, it doesn’t even cost much. So don’t worry.” he said calmly looking into my eyes. I let out a sigh and got Caitlin dressed in a pretty pink dress. I sat on the bed as Sin brushed Caitlin’s hair putting it in a high pony. “Don’t you ever cut your hair, keep it long like your mommy, because the hair you have is what makes you beautiful,” he said to her. As she nodded promising she won’t. I smiled at their relationship.

But I can’t help but wonder, will we get Closer like a family? Or will things fall apart like they usually do?

Chapter 6 complete! Yay! Hope you liked the chapter! What do you think is gonna happen from here on out?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

We sat at the breakfast table as a fully filled breakfast meal was set. Caitlin’s eyes widened beyond surprise. Every little thing she likes for breakfast was on the table. A smile slapped its way on her tiny face as she began picking out everything she likes, and Sin putting it on the plate for her. And I don’t know where all that food goes.

“Thank you, Mr Sin,” she said as I watched Sin put on a painful smile welcoming her.

He ruffled her hair, turned to me for a mere second before eating his plate and let me tell you again, I don’t know where all that food goes. Like father, like daughter.

After breakfast, I cleaned up the dishes allowing Yelena to do some other work, while Caitlin and Sin sat in the living room watching Television.

I finished washing dishes, moving to the living room sitting next to them. Caitlin looked at me as she sat between Sin and I. Sin’s eyes met mine and I know he wanted me to tell her, but honestly, my heart clogged up having to see my daughter surprised. What would be her reaction?

“Caitlin,” I said as I paused the television. She turned to me, a wide smile on her face. “Remember when I told you about your dad?” I asked her.

“yes, you said my dad was out there and he was trying to make our lives better for us, you told me he loved me and I should never doubt that. And if we ever see him again he’ll say sorry,” she repeated. “But why?” she asked.

“What would you do, if I told you were with your daddy?” I asked her. She kept silent.

“Why?” she asked again.

“because Sin’s your daddy.” she immediately stood up and tears welled up in her eyes.

“No he’s not,” she said making his facade shatter. Sin looked at her with a sad expression.

“Why would you say that Caitlin?” I asked her, trying not to make her cry.

“Becwause! He wasn’t there for my birfdays, and I hear you cry every night. I see how you becomes sad when I ask for my daddy. So now he’s not my daddy, Becwause he made you sad.” she yelled throwing the Teddy Bear he bought for her at him.

She ran as fast as her little feet could carry her as fat tears rolled down her face, I heard her bedroom door slam shut. My heart Shattered knowing she could hear me cry at night. It Shattered, even more, knowing she felt so abandoned. I didn’t notice the tears until I heard myself sniffle.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” Sin yelled towards me in rage making me flinch. “BECAUSE OF YOU, MY DAUGHTER DESPISES ME BEING HER FATHER. BECAUSE YOU KEPT HER AWAY FROM ME, TODAY WHEN I FINALLY MAKE MY PRESENCE, SHE REJECTS ME.” he said. But what surprised me was the sad expression on his face. “It hurt when I found out you left and rejected me as your mate, but what hurts, even more, is that my daughter, my little princess, Rejected me as her father,” he said, and then looked at me with a scowl. “Why did you leave?” he said and turned away going up the stairs.

I stood alone in the living room as tears flowed down my eyes. “I didn’t reject you,” I whispered to myself. “I saw it, I saw what you had,” I whispered yet again. Too bad he’ll never know the reason why, but why do I feel so guilty knowing that u could’ve done something.

Indeed why did I leave?

Why is the past hitting me with a ton of bricks? Why is everything so complicated? Why is my life so complicated? Why is fate playing with me?

” only left because I was weak”

Dun, Dun, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! What just happened. That was twisty, wasn’t it? Did you enjoy the chapter? Do you want to know what’s gonna happen next?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

We sat in the living room, Caitlin bounced on Sin’s lap, playing with the Teddy Bear he gifted her.

It really made me happy knowing he was getting along with his daughter great, but I wished it was on better circumstances

Caitlin yawned as her eyes grew heavy. She’s had a long day it seems. “You tired Princess?” he asked as she nodded snuggling into his chest. He let out a deep chuckle and stood up.

he handed Caitlin to Yelena and turned to me. He didn’t say a word, I looked down. The silence was excruciating.

“Why are you here? What happened to your palace?” I asked him finally breaking the silence.

“My palace is still there, being run by my beta, I’m here, cause I got a hint that you were here,” he said.

“Why would I concern you?” I questioned him.

“Because Isabelle, you ran away, with no valid reason. Yes, I know I was a jerk in the past, but I never rejected you!” he exclaimed. “Tell me, Isabelle, did I utter the words, ‘I reject you’?” he asked as I stayed silent. “That’s because I didn’t, and you know it as well as I do,” he yelled. “Sin, it’s not my fault I ran away, you did what I never expected you to do, you showed through your actions that you didn’t want me. So the best solution to carry out, better than to kill me was free myself from you.” I told him honestly.

“I know what I did was unforgivable, but what you did as well, running away without telling me you were pregnant, was unforgivable as well. So I ask you this. Isabelle, become my mate, my queen and be mine forever.” he said as I looked at him.

“I can’t trust that you’ve changed Sin, I just can’t,” I said to him.

“Let me prove it to you. Let me prove to you that I fell in love with you, let me prove to you that I want to be apart of my daughter’s life, let me prove to you that I’ve changed, I’m Not the same jackass I was back then. Please.” he pleaded.

I looked away from him, my heart fluttered at his words, but my mind refused to stand with what he said. I could feel my giddy wolf, howling for her mate. But I didn’t want to feel betrayed again.

Why was my life so complicated. Why was the moon goddess testing me so much and why is she still. My eyes betrayed me as they wanted to release tears.

“You, Sin, I’m giving you one chance, the tiniest slip up you make or if you make even a painful tears drop out of my daughter’s eyes, you will never see us again,” I said as we had a stare down.

He simply nodded, no emotion visible in his face. He looked like the same old King Sin. It’s as if he didn’t age a day since I left him 4 years ago.

“Very well, Yelena will show you to your quarters, and I shall head off to my office, and Isabelle, I want us to tell Caitlin that I’m her dad, tomorrow,” he said sternly as he walked off. And I guess he is still the same demanding idiot.

I shook my head and followed Yelena to a grand room. Caitlin’s room was opposite mine and Sin’s room next to mine. I entered the bathroom, running a warm bath. Once u was done, there were clothes placed on the bed for me. An oversized Sin shirt, and a pair of Sin boxers.

I got dressed and slipped under the covers as my mind wandered to the past. Did he really change from back then? Does he want me or is he trying to get to Caitlin through me? Knowing Sin, he’s a really dense guy. He’s slow when it comes to the opposite sex, but he never thinks before he acts.

My eyes began to flutter close as out conversation flashed through my mind. I really hope, I made the right decision.

Chapter 4 complete!!! How was it? Was it great? Good? Amazing?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

The mansion doors opened as Caitlin looked with wide eyes. This was something I wanted to give her but could never afford.

After getting an apartment, my life started falling apart. But I stood strong and got by, though my job isn’t much, it steadied us financially and we were able to live simply.

We walked into the house, as a lady walked in with a bow! of ice cream. “Your majesty.” she courtesied. He simply nodded his head as he handed the bowl of I’ve cream to Caitlin.

“Caitlin Princess, why doesn’t Yelena show you around while your mother and I have a little chat?” Sin’s voice held demand.

Caitlin being young nodded happily as the woman, Yelena, walked with her to another side. Sin turned to me, his face held no emotion. He walked up the stairs towards a room.

His hand holding mine as we went up the stairs. His eyes he’d honesty. His eyes held love. My mate was my beloved.

We entered an office, as he shut the door behind him locking so we would have no disturbance. No interruptions.

He didn’t say a word as he watched me intently. He didn’t look happy, but he looked relieved. He didn’t frown, yet he was furious.

“Tell me, Why is it that I’ve only learnt if my 3-year-old daughter today?” he spat out.

“Tell me why you did what you did to me 4 years ago and then you’ll get your answer, your majesty.” I spat out towards him.

He growled in rage, his words roared out as he spoke. “You had no right whatsoever to keep away the one thing I wanted most in my life!” yet I kept silent. I didn’t say a word

“Sin, tell me if you wanted her so bad. Why did you reject me?” I asked him, my eyes burning as they wanted to sing with tears.

He let out a dry chuckle. “Have you forgotten, I didn’t reject you,” he said making me laugh.

“Oh, so the way you behaved with me didn’t mean rejection. Just admit it Sin, you felt I was a burden to you. Don’t sugar coat it for me.” I said to him as his gaze blazed into mine.

He stared at me intently. “The day you learn the truth, that proud look on your face will falter,” he said in an icy tone.

“The day you get what you deserve, that arrogant ass of yours will falter,” I said as he growled.

“You may be my mate, but I won’t stand to be disrespected,” he said to me honestly.

“I was your mate and now you’re my nothing except my king. That’s it.” I said to him as we had a staredown.

A small knock echoed onto the office as Caitlin’s scent pickled my nose. I opened the door to see a big smile on her face.

“Mommy! Look this is daddy’s house, right?” she said shattering my heart.

“Daddy?” I asked her.

“Yes, Mr. Sin is going to be my new daddy right, and you’ll be happy again,” she said. But something was off.

“Caitlin honey are you feeling okay, you’re -” just as I was about to speak she fell into my arms her body burning.

“Mommy, it burns.” she said tears coming out of her eyes. “Mommy I can’t see,” she said.

I started panicking. I knew very well what was happening. “Sin, you have to run an ice bath for her, quickly, please.” I pleaded with him as he joined abruptly.

I carried Caitlin in my arms my heart pounding against my chest as if it was going to fall out. My baby was in pain and I couldn’t do much just soothe her.

Yelena had poured ice in the tub by the time we got there she opened the tap, cold water, letting the water run.

I undressed Caitlin putting her in the bathtub. Soon the heat cooled down and her eyes fluttered close as her breathing steadied.

I let out a sigh of relief. As the tears kept rolling out of my eyes. “What’s wrong with our daughter?” Sin questioned, hurt laced in his voice. “That’s the thing. I don’t know.”

Chapter 3 complete!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

What do you think is wrong with Caitlin?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

I pulled away from him as flashbacks came rushing back. Everything, every moment, ever feeling, all of it hit me like a ton of bricks. His scent made me feel weak but Caitlin snapped into my mind.

I took a step back as he watched me with daring eyes. “Don’t you dare disappear again from me Isabelle, don’t you even try.” he said, his voice held stern.

But I couldn’t accept it. I couldn’t allow it. I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want to go through it again. Instantly I grabbed Caitlin and ran. I ran as fast as I could as a Growl roared. He was angry. But I could care less.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, but they didn’t move as far as I wanted them to. He gripped my forearm with force and looked me in the eyes with his deep Grey ones.

Caitlin’s yelp had caught his attention as his eyes moved from my hazel eyes to her Grey eyes. He let go of my arm and pushed me aside, as the little 3-year-old brunette looked at him with wide surprised eyes. “Isabelle, is she mine?” he questioned. I kept silent. “1 asked you a question! Is she mine?! Answer me dammit!” his voice shook me as Caitlin looked scared for dear life.

“You don’t deserve to know.” I spat out. He growled angrily at me and glared.

“You disappear for 4 years only for me to find out I have a daughter, after four darned years. FOUR YEARS ISABELLE! FOUR! You kept my precious princess from me for four years.” he said as he stared at me. I wasn’t guilty. I didn’t feel guilty at all.

“And whose fault is it that I ran away? Whose fault is it that I didn’t have the courage to yell you about her? Whose fault is it that we are in this situation today? Only God knows how much suffering you’ve put me through, and God forbid I let my daughter go through the same thing.” I spat out disgustingly to him.

He looked me straight in the eyes. No emotion. No reason. No guilt. “You’re coming with me.” is all he muttered.

He would be mad to think I’d go along with him. “I refuse.” I stood my ground.

He dared me to speak again. He looked at Caitlin’s fearful eyes and his face broke. Almost as if one expression from her could break him. He turned to me again but no emotion showed. “I don’t care what you say. You’re coming with me whether you like it or not, or maybe you’d like a forceful method?” he said making my eyes widen.

He wouldn’t? Would he? Would he take full custody of Caitlin? I’d never lived with myself. I’d rather die. My head fell submissive as I glared at the ground.

He turned to walk as I picked Caitlin up and followed behind him. “Mommy? Who is he? Is he a bad guy?” she asked as my eyes wanted to water.

Here, the man she was meant to call dad was in front of her, and because of him, she’d cry. Because of him every night for 2 years she’d cry for a dad. Because of him, I’d have to endure watching her with a sad expression watching other kids, with both, their moms and dads. “No baby, he’s going to make your life better.” I smiled at her. Knowing Sin, his daughter is all he wants right now, so he’d do anything in his power to keep her happy. I just wish things turned out differently.

We stood in front of his expensive sports car, as he opened the door for us. His eyes were blank, but he had a Pissed expression on his face. He was angry that I kept his daughter away from him, but it’s all his fault, it’s all because of him.

All because of him

Hey guys! How was this chapter? Did you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it?

What’s gonna happen next with Sin and Isabelle?

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His Hidden Child by Ramata Maguiraga Chapter 1

Rejection was the last thing I could ever think of. To think, I the baker’s daughter, would be mated to the Alpha king, only to be rejected afterwards.

The mistake of a lifetime was what Isabelle Grove never expected coming her way. Being a simple pack bakers daughter, she never expected to be mated to the alpha king, Sin Dillan Vladimir, only for him to use her then reject her.

After going through the pain of rejection, Isabelle moves away from her pack but carrying a secret. What does destiny have in store for the simple baker’s daughter and the alpha king?

Chapter 1

His slick midnight black hair reflected the moonlight. His hot kisses trailed down my neck as he got in between my legs. This was my mate. My love. My one and only and he was mine alone.

“Mommy!” A screamed echoed through the halls as little footsteps made their way to my bedroom pushing the door open with force.

My eyes snapped open as the sunlight blinded me, soon a small figure wrapped her little arms around my body. “Mommy wake up, we’re going to grandma and grandpa’s place today.” she said.

Instantly I sat up as she sat on my lap. “Caitlin, it’s too early for that.” I said to her. My 3 year old daughter. My one and only precious gift. “No momma! It’s late, super late, please get up.” she said as she made her crying face. I looked at her with stern eyes as tears welled up. I gave in making her jump up and down in joy.

“Okay, let’s take a bath together, then get ready, then go visit grandma and grandpa then go to the park. What do you say?” I Seed her as she gave me a toothy grin.

We were in and out of that tuning a matter of an hour. Dressed up and headed to my parents place. I knocked on the door as my mother’s beautiful face came into view.

“Isabelle? You came!” she said happily as she let us in. Caitlin ran into her arms as mom placed kisses all over her face.

We walked into the living room, where my dad sat, a newspaper in his hand. He wasn’t happy about Caitlin and still isn’t.

We walked in as he ignored our presence. I had gotten used to it anyway, so there was no need for pained expressions. I honestly didn’t care anymore. He was upset I her it, he wanted me to take over the bakery, I get it, but now my daughter is my first priority.

“Grandpa!” Caitlin screamed as she ran into his arms. He forced a smile on his frowning face as he put Caitlin down.

“heyyyyy! Isabelle you’re here.” he smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

I nodded at him. We didn’t have a good relationship since I became pregnant with Caitlin and before. And honestly, if I could turn back time, I would, but now I never wish about that, because Caitlin is the best thing that has ever, I mean ever, happened to me.

I helped mom in the kitchen as we cooked lunch.

“So, did you find him?” mom asked, I know who she was referring to and she knows I hate this topic.

“I said this once mom, I’m never going to look for him, I’m never going to forgive him, and I’m never going to allow him back into my life, Caitlin yes, but me, never,” I said to her, promise laced in my voice. Mom kept silent as she nodded and didn’t say a word. We cooked side by side, not a word spoken between the two of us.

We sat eating, as awkward as always until Caitlin and I headed out. Her little hands held onto my pinky finger as we strolled the park grounds. “Mommy?” she said capturing my attention. I looked down at her with questioning eyes.

“Why do you and grandma and grandpa fight? Is it becwause of me?” her voice cracked. My heart broke listening to her.

“No, no honey that’s not your fault, you’re not the reason, we just don’t get along, even before you were born.” I said honestly, and it was true, my dad and I both had a dispute before I even fell pregnant.

“But the kids at the kindergartens tell me that I’m the reason you don’t smwile oft-ten and my daddy hates me and he left you becwause I was borned.” she said. I swear tears were going to fall out if my eyes.

“Baby, don’t say that, no, you’re not the reason, things happened, and I’ll explain it to you one day, but never again will I let you feel this way. Never Again.” I said to her. I held her in a right embrace. My baby’s tears were burning my skin.

I wiped away my tears and I stood up only to be tackled to the ground. The most enticing smell took over my nose, as shocks flew everywhere. “Isabelle?” his husky voice ran in my ears.

“Your majesty,” I said coldly.

What has your majesty done to make Isabelle hate? Hope you enjoyed the chapter and once again I apologize for the mistakes and grammatical errors

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