Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 311-320

Chapter 311

The message came from Logan.

At first, I thought that Jaylan had tipped off Jerome, and I was kicking myself.

But Hannah had managed to track his afternoon movements, and he hadn’t met with Jerome. Instead,

he’d met with a client, drinking until three in the afternoon at a local pub. There was nothing suspicious

about the meeting at all.

I was confused. Who had made that dropped call to him?

And why on earth had Jerome disappeared at such a crucial moment?

Without thinking, I texted Logan, sending just a question mark.

Not long after, Logan responded with a video link. I clicked on it right away.

A cordon had been put up at the location of the storm drain in the village where Evan’s accident was

shown in the video. Police were searching the storm drain in hopes of finding Evan’s body.

To be honest, seeing this image churned my stomach. I wasn’t sure if they would find anything.

Outside the cordoned-off area, many of the residents were watching the spectacle.

As I scrutinized the video, I spotted Jerome. He was at a small grocery store not far from the cordon.

After leaving the store, Jerome glanced at the police activity before casually walking across the street,

climbing into his car, and driving away.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing. How dare he blatantly check out the scene of the crime?

But as he stepped out of the grocery store, I paused the video and zoomed in. Sure enough, Jerome

was wearing black canvas shoes, the same ones he’d worn at the scene.

“I knew it. It’s him, no doubt.” I muttered to myself.

I dialed Logan’s number immediately and asked, “How are you sure Jerome’s missing? When was this

video taken? But he certainly has guts, daring to inspect the crime scene.”

“The video was taken by someone I had tailing him. But after he left there, he disappeared,” Logan

replied calmly.

“How could he just disappear? Didn’t you have him followed?” I asked, a little puzzled.

“The guy tailing him lost him, and after that, there was no sign of him. Even his car disappeared. We

suspect something might be up with the car, but we haven’t found any departure record yet. Perhaps

this is good news. As long as he’s still in Goldenvale Town, we can handle it.”

“Your guy must be a professional, right? How could he lose him?” I questioned, “This is getting strange,

isn’t it?”

“Jerome was alert. Plus, there are many blind spots around that neighborhood, making it easy for him

to switch cars or hide. This indicates one thing.”

“What’s that?” I asked impatiently.

“It means Jerome is very familiar with that area.” Logan analyzed.

I pondered for a moment. How could he be familiar with that place?

“Are you sure he’s missing?” I asked, somewhat frustrated, “If he’s run off, that would be bad.”

Logan said, “We haven’t had any sign of him for six hours. If that doesn’t say something, I don’t know

what does. Besides, he disappeared after shaking off our guy. We must alert him. You guys be careful

out there.”

I nodded, “So, what do we do now?”

Logan casually replied, “We can find a way to lure him out. “

“How?” I asked eagerly, feeling a bit uneasy. If Jerome got away scot-free, that would be a problem.

“There are ways. We’ll have to see how fast the police can search.” Logan hinted.

After a bit more chit-chat, we ended the call.

I sat on the couch, phone in hand, lost in thought. A daring idea formed in my mind.

Chapter 312

I glanced at the time, realizing it was getting late. The task at hand would have to wait until morning.

Hannah who had just finished cleaning up after dinner turned to me and asked, “Aaliyah, you’re still

up? Go get some sleep!”

I lifted my gaze to her, “Do you know where Jaylan went after his social engagement tonight?”

Without missing a beat, Hannah replied, “He went to a private clinic. It’s quite reputable and under the

management of Irving Bradlee. They specialize in complex cases.”

“Irving Bradlee’s?” I queried, a look of confusion crossing my face. “Why would he go there?”

“Aaliyah, have you forgotten? He’s got some unpleasant health issues,” Hannah reminded.

A lightbulb moment struck me, how could I have forgotten? He was no ordinary man, but a walking

hazard. I’d been cautious about his physical contact, but that didn’t mean he was safe.

“Do you mean, he’s getting treatment there?” I asked, looking at Hannah, “This sneaky man, always

disappearing. We have to be careful.”

“Yes, he’s been importing some sort of special medication from overseas. It’s supposed to boost

immune response and control cell infection,” Hannah seemed very sure of this.

I was surprised, “How do you know all of this? No wonder he hasn’t had any fever lately.”

Hannah arched an eyebrow, a mischievous grin on her face, “Don’t forget. Mr. Richardson has

arranged this special care.”

I was speechless, so even this detail was taken care of by Ronan?

Hannah seemed to read my thoughts, adding with a chuckle, “We have to ensure the safety of you and

the children.”

Her words warmed my heart, and I couldn’t help but express my gratitude, “Indeed, without you all

protecting us, I don’t know how I’d handle this scumbag.”

“The credit goes to Mr. Richardson. He’s meticulous, down to the smallest detail,” Hannah’s face

beamed with pride and satisfaction, a hint of gossip in her tone.

I didn’t dare continue the conversation, even though it felt comforting. It was also a bit embarrassing.

Seeing Hannah’s suggestive expression, I felt at a loss for words.

I stood up and said to her, “Aren’t you going to bed? Still here gossiping?”

Hannah gave me a playful smirk. I shot her a glance and headed upstairs.

As I walked, I thought about why I hadn’t seen Ronan in two days. It seemed he only showed up when I

was in trouble.

Just as I was pondering this, my phone rang. I picked it up and was surprised by the caller. Did Ronan

have a sixth sense? I’d just finished complaining about him when he called.

I answered the call with a sigh, but I couldn’t hide the smile that showed at the corners of my mouth.

As I spoke to him on the phone, I returned to my room. After some casual banter, he got down to

business, asking when we could launch our plan.

“We need to find the right opportunity to stir things up, without harming Medsafe Liyah Inc. Then we

can start anytime. I don’t want to see him for even one more day.”

“Let’s use Evan’s issue then. We can’t let his death be in vain.” Ronan’s tone was quite somber.

“How so?” I asked urgently.

“Don’t worry, and you can’t be the one to do it.” Ronan comforted me, “If we’re going to put on a show,

let’s make it a grand one. After all, Silverdale City is the prize.”

“When can I return to Silverdale City?” I asked anxiously. To be honest, I was eager to go back. Plus,

I’d just thought of an idea.

“You can return anytime. If Jaylan wants to go, let him go. Everything’s ready there.”

Ronan’s words excited me.

“What about Jerome’s disappearance?” I asked. novelbin

“Do you think he can escape if I don’t want him to?” Ronan’s tone was quite sinister.

“You mean…” I was slightly taken aback.

Ronan chuckled softly, “I’m not after Jerome. I’m after the power behind him.”

Understanding his point, I asked, “So, you’re not worried he might run away?”

“You should get some sleep. Women shouldn’t stay up late, especially you.” His tone was


I had no choice but to contradict him before hanging up amidst his laughter.

By the time Jaylan returned, it was late. He seemed exhausted, claiming he had dinner out. After a

shower, he went straight to bed.

Honestly, seeing him climb into my bed again, I felt a wave of disgust.

I got out of bed and he asked, “Honey, where are you going?”

As I walked away, I answered nonchalantly, “I’m thirsty.”

He grumbled, “Bring me a glass too.”

Chapter 313

Without responding, I turned on my heel and left the room.

Once outside, I paused briefly to gather my thoughts before heading downstairs to pour myself a glass

of water. With the glass in hand, I stared blankly at the clear liquid, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

Eventually, I reached into the hidden compartment of the liquor cabinet and retrieved a special vial I’d

been keeping. I added a drop of its contents to the water. It dissolved completely, leaving no trace.

Watching the water, I smirked to myself, a sense of poetic justice washing over me.

It was time he got a taste of his own medicine.

I put away the vial and carried the water back upstairs, my heart devoid of any guilt or hesitation.

Upon returning to the room, I found Jaylan on the brink of sleep.

“Water,” I said, nudging him slightly. novelbin

He grumbled a bit before sluggishly sitting up and taking the glass. He drank it down in a few big gulps,

managing to mumble a sleepy thanks before falling back onto the bed, fast asleep. He must have really

been tired.

I climbed into bed, pretending to prepare for sleep. His snoring filled the room.

I rolled over to face him, staring at his face in the dim light. It had been a while since I’d taken a close

look at him. For some reason, tonight, I found myself studying his features.

His stubble was more visible in the soft glow of the night, his hair tousled from the day. He was thinner

than I remembered.

I scoffed in my heart. He was the epitome of heartlessness. The tragic deaths of Marissa and Evan

seemed to have had little effect on him.

He even wanted to kill me, what else could he not let go of? Not to mention he knew Marissa was

unfaithful, and Evan wasn’t his child, so what did it matter if he was dead or alive?

I thought about Hazel, wondering how she’d react to the news about Evan. I wasn’t trying to revel in her

misery, I simply wanted to see if there was any genuine affection left in the Dawson family.

Evan was Hazel’s favorite. Now that he died, I’d like to see how much it would hurt Hazel.

Jaylan was increasingly becoming a terrifying figure. At what point had I started sharing my bed with

such a monster?

I gently removed the glass of water from the bedside table, replacing it after a quick rinse and refill

downstairs. I then picked up his phone from under his pillow. But when I tried to unlock it, the screen

flashed, indicating a wrong password.

I was a little confused. Did he change his password again?

Baffled, I tried the old password. It worked.

I felt a pang of disappointment. It seemed I couldn’t find out anything. It appeared he had changed his

tactics. I checked his call history. Most of the calls seemed work-related.

I paid extra attention to the missed calls during lunchtime. There was none. That was when I realized

the phone call that had upset him earlier wasn’t made to this phone.

I noticed a call from Jerome late last night, lasting only 25 seconds. It must have been the call to

arrange their meeting.

There were also a few missed calls from Zora, saved under the contact name “Nanny” in his phone.

This confirmed my suspicions that he had no feelings for Zora. She was simply a tool or a teammate at


Taking screenshots of the unfamiliar numbers and odd contact names, I moved on to his photo gallery.

The pictures of him with Marissa and Evan were gone, only a few photos of our children remained.

A bitter laugh escaped me as I checked his chat history. There was nothing to be found. I couldn’t find

anything strange on his phone.

It was clear why he was so comfortable leaving his phone under his pillow. He was ready for my


I returned his phone to its original place and headed to the study.

It had been a while since I’d been in here. Everything was as I remembered, except for one thing. His

other phone was nowhere to be found.

Chapter 314

I was left scratching my head, wondering where on earth he could’ve hidden the phone.

After last time’s experience, I was certain he wouldn’t be foolish enough to leave it in his car again. So,

where the hell did he put it?

The phone call he received today was definitely no ordinary call. The more I was sure of it, the more I

was itching to find that phone.

I took a seat, patiently scanning every inch of the study. I knew that he wouldn’t be awake for a while.

After a while, I smacked my forehead, cursing myself for being so foolish. Because it struck me that the

room was under surveillance. I quickly grabbed my own phone, found the hidden surveillance app and

opened it.

Several camera angles appeared on my screen. I found the footage of the study, enlarged it, and

scrubbed forward a bit. I saw Jaylan returning, pushing the door open and sinking down on the sofa,

looking both weary and lost in thought.

He unbuttoned his shirt as he walked towards the bookshelf, pushed a hidden button, and disappeared

for a moment before re-emerging. He didn’t seem to have gone next door.

When he came out, his handbag had vanished.

I quickly got up, followed his actions to open the hidden door, but I didn’t rush inside. Instead, I

examined the hidden door carefully.

Sure enough, on the back of the wardrobe next door, hidden by the bookshelf on this side, was a small

sliding door. I reached in and found his handbag!

As I took the bag out and pushed the wardrobe open to cross over to the next room, I couldn’t see any

sign of a hidden compartment in the corresponding spot on the wardrobe.

“Crafty bastard,” I muttered under my breath.

Looking around the empty room, I felt an immense discomfort. Once I was done dealing with this novelbin

scumbag, I was going to move to a new place and start afresh. Everything here reminded me of too

many unpleasant memories, too many filthy incidents that I didn’t want to recall. Every corner was

tainted with a dark shadow. If I stayed here any longer, I’d have nightmares.

I pushed the wardrobe back into place and returned to the study, eagerly unzipping the handbag to find

the phone.

Quickly, I unlocked the phone and checked the missed calls, looking at the corresponding time.

Sure enough, there was a missed call. The caller ID was a single letter: A.

My curiosity was piqued. Clutching the phone, I was tempted to call back immediately and find out who

was on the other end. Was it a man or a woman?

But I knew better; that would be like letting the cat out of the bag.

Curiosity killed the cat, after all. I had to control my impulsive nature.

I took a picture of the number and sent it to Logan without a second thought.

To my surprise, Logan replied immediately, [What’s this about?]

I didn’t beat around the bush, [This is the number that called Jaylan today at noon. It was a secret

phone. I was right next to him and could tell he was nervous. He didn’t answer and hung up, then made

up an excuse to leave in a hurry. Wait, there’s more.]

After sending the message, I checked his call log. Jaylan had called the number back 15 minutes later,

and the call lasted for one minute and thirty seconds.

I quickly relayed this information to Logan, and he immediately said, [I’ll get someone to look into the

registered owner of this number!]

I sent him an OK.

While waiting for his response, I continued to search for other clues on the phone.

I stared at the blue icon, feeling both frustrated and helpless.

How do I add this number to my contact? Updated at Drа

I checked his profile, but it was empty!

Just then, the phone in my hand suddenly rang…

Chapter 315

The sudden ring of the phone in the otherwise quiet study room was startling, almost causing me to

drop it in surprise.

By the time I gathered my thoughts, the ringtone had abruptly stopped.

I strained my ears to listen to the sounds outside, everything was dead quiet! I quickly glanced at the

screen, the contact that had been flashing was labeled ‘A.’

The call only rang a few times before it was cut off.

I was frustrated because I just missed an opportunity! I quickly placed the phone back where it was,

and casually rummaged through his bag, but a pin-like object caught my attention.

I reached out and picked up the pin, not much bigger than a quarter, but quite heavy. What drew my

attention to it was the beautifully enameled flower on its surface.

And that flower…I hurriedly pulled out the phone again, enlarged the profile picture of


To my surprise, the posture, the lines, the blooming state of the flower, they were completely identical

to the flower on the pin.

Holding it in my hand, I admired the pin’s fine material, smooth and cool to the touch. The raised petals

shone brightly under the light. I turned the pin over to check the back, spotting a number or perhaps a

code, ’97.’

Could they really be part of an organization?

I snapped pictures of both sides of the pin. Placing everything back where it was, then returned the bag

to its hidden nook.

Just as I was about to leave the room, my phone buzzed. It was Logan, I quickly called back, assuming

he hung up earlier to avoid waking me.

“Did you find anything?” I asked.

“Yeah, but the results aren’t promising,” Logan admitted.

“What do you mean?” I pressed.

“The registered owner of the phone is an elderly woman who passed away a year ago!” Logan’s words

left me chilled to the bone. novelbin

“How can that be?” I muttered to myself. It seemed impossible to determine whether this person is

male or female.

“The phone received another call earlier, but it was disconnected after two rings,” I informed Logan.

“It seems necessary to continue monitoring incoming calls!”

“Then hurry up!” I urged, “I feel like we’re always one step behind.”

“Without new findings, there can be no new leads. Your discovery tonight is a new lead!” Logan


“Speaking of discoveries, I have another one, wait a sec, I’ll send it to you.” After telling Logan, I sent

him the photos of the pin, “I feel like this could be an organization’s insignia?”

“I’ll have someone look into it tomorrow!” Logan said seriously, “This pin is interesting!”

“Let me know if you find anything!” I reminded Logan, and asked, “Any news from the search team?”

His comment made me laugh, “Oh stop it! What’s my size got to do with anything?”

“Is it related to Jerome?” I pursued. Content belongs to Draмanоvе

“What things?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow!” With that, he hung up.

I held onto my phone, sensing that something was bound to happen tomorrow.

Chapter 316

The next day.

Because I had stayed up late the night before, I woke up particularly late that morning. By the time I

opened my eyes, it was already nine o’clock.

After stretching out a yawn, I found that Jaylan was still asleep, showing no signs of waking up.

I reached out and gave his face a light tap, and he just moved his arm slightly.

It made me think of how I felt when I was in a deep sleep, and now he was experiencing the same


“Wake up, why are you still in bed? Are you feeling unwell?” I asked, pretending to be concerned, and

pushed him slightly. He reluctantly opened his eyes, looking dazed and unfocused.

It suddenly reminded me of how Milo looked when he accidentally ate my medicine. When he was

trying to wake up, only his limbs could move at first, and then he gradually became conscious.

“Are you feeling unwell?” I asked again.

He grunted twice, trying hard to focus his eyes on me, his words slurred, “Hmm… I’m really tired. I think

I’ve been too busy these past few days…”

He turned over, looking completely drained, and let out a long sigh.

Seeing his state, I snorted coldly, thinking, ‘I have to make you taste this feeling, to experience the

helplessness of not being able to wake up.’

Wasn’t I just getting a taste of his own medicine, feeling exactly what he must have felt? Looking coldly

at him struggling between sleep and wakefulness, wasn’t this the exact scene when he was standing

by my bed?

He probably never thought that he would have this day, to experience such a ‘refreshing’ feeling.

I ignored him and quickly got out of bed. I had a lot to do today and didn’t have time to watch his

melancholy. Not treating him to this every day was already a mercy on my part.

After freshening up and leaving the bathroom, I glanced at the loser on the bed, who was still struggling

in a half-asleep, half-awake state.

I went downstairs, and Hannah had already prepared breakfast.

Seeing me come down, she glanced upstairs and raised an eyebrow.

I understood what she meant and said indifferently, “He’s still asleep. Let’s eat first!”

Hannah seemed a bit skeptical, “Isn’t he a bit too much? It’s already this late and he’s still sleeping?”

I raised my eyebrows, saying, “I suffered a lot from that thing, and I wanna make him experience the

same torment. I want him to feel it!”

Hannah’s expression immediately brightened, “So you’re saying…”

“Eat up. We need to head out later!” I interrupted Hannah, not letting her continue.

Hannah immediately sat down and asked, “Where are we going?”

As I took a bowl of oatmeal, I glanced at her, “I want to visit Jerome’s place.”

“Ah?…” Hannah looked surprised, but immediately started eating faster.

“I want to see Camilla and Fidelia Dawson.”

Hannah looked understanding and sped up her eating.

“Actually, I want to get a closer look at Jerome. His sudden disappearance has left me feeling a bit

surprised. I want to understand how this family of three has been living.” That was my thought.

I also wanted to understand Camilla’s mindset more deeply.

Moreover, it was time for me to break free from this vortex and move on.

So this was a good way to get closer to them, especially since Fidelia had agreed to go to Silverdale


After breakfast, I called Camilla, who said she was out and would be back soon.

I told Hannah, “We should leave soon!”

Hannah looked at me, smiled knowingly and said, “To catch them by surprise?”

Seeing me all dressed up, he asked in surprise, “Honey, are you going out? Where are you going this


I smiled faintly and replied, “It’s not early. You woke up late today, it’s almost ten o’clock!” Coոtent оf


He looked startled and glanced out the window in disbelief, “It’s ten o’clock already?”

As expected, he immediately waved his hand, “I’m okay. You go ahead! Be careful!”

I replied with a nod, turned around and walked out. As I was leaving, I couldn’t help but raise an

eyebrow and snort.

Chapter 317

Following Camilla’s address, I easily found their home. I had to say, despite this being a home Jerome

had swapped for later, it was already considered an old neighborhood.

I recalled what Hannah told me two nights ago. The address where Jaylan used to meet with Jerome

was in such a tranquil and elegant place. The contrast between there and here was like heaven and


Jerome was really something, treating his wife and daughter like this. He was truly a model of

heartlessness. Who could forget how Camilla had fallen out with her own family? I certainly didn’t. The

memory was still fresh in my mind.

Hannah pulled out two large bags of gifts from the trunk we had picked up on our way, and we started

towards the building. I wondered if Camilla knew about Jerome’s actions.

Reaching their door, I knocked. A soft, youthful voice came from inside, clearly a young girl.

“Who is it?”

“Fidelia, it’s me, Aaliyah!” I responded gently.

The sound of the door being unlocked quickly came from inside. She was clearly excited.

The door opened, and I saw Fidelia, whom I hadn’t seen in many years.

Honestly, the young girl looked a bit like my daughter Monique. The Dawsons all had good looks, and

so did Fidelia. She was very pretty with shining eyes and sexy lips.

She was taller than Monique, standing at the entrance with a shy look in her eyes, full of astonishment,

excitement, and a hint of confusion.

She carefully called out, “Aunt Aaliyah!”

I smiled kindly, “Fidelia, it’s been too long!”

I stepped forward, and she quickly stepped back to let me in, “Please come in, Aunt Aaliyah!”

I took another step forward, put my arm around her shoulder, and walked in together.

“Are you home alone?” I asked as I looked around their place.

The place was quite spacious and decently decorated. Although the design was clearly a few years old,

it was very clean and orderly. Camilla had done a great job maintaining it.

“Mom will be back soon!” Fidelia looked up at me, smiling contentedly. “Aunt Aaliyah, make yourself at


“Your home is so clean and cozy. Your mom is really good at keeping up!” I genuinely complimented

her. “What do you usually do when you’re home alone?”

“I… do homework, read books, watch TV!” She answered cautiously.

“Well, what keeps your mom so busy that you’re often home alone?” I asked casually, but with the

intention of finding out more.

“Mom has to work, delivering goods for people!” Fidelia answered promptly.

“She’s been working?” I was a bit surprised. “Where does she work?”

In my impression, Jerome wouldn’t let Camilla work, and I always felt that Camilla’s personality wasn’t

suited for work.

In my memory, she was utterly submissive, enduring hardship without complaint.

Even though the latter was a great virtue, her submissiveness definitely overshadowed it.

She quickly put down her bag, started boiling water for tea, and didn’t forget to greet me, “Aaliyah! I

never expected you to come here!”

“Fidelia mentioned that you’re working?” I asked while looking at her. “Does Jerome… know that?”

Her expression froze, and her mouth twitched a couple of times, “I… he has long stopped caring for

us!” Content of Drаmąոovels.cоm

This answer was both expected and unexpected. Because I didn’t know to what extent Jerome had

stopped caring.

“He… stopped caring?” I asked doubtfully. “What do you mean?”

Camilla quickly glanced at me, “It’s been a long time! So… I need to work, to support my child!”

I was somewhat shocked. I never imagined Jerome’s ‘not caring’ would go as far as not providing for

his child.

This inevitably made me feel awkward. After all, such topics were usually embarrassing, but I still

pressed on, “How long has it been?”

Chapter 318

Upon hearing my question, Camilla chuckled bitterly, “It’s been a few years now.”

She prepared some tea and told me to take a seat.

Seeing what was on the coffee table, she quickly said, “Aaliyah, look at you, I’m already so grateful that

you visit, and you even brought all these gifts.”

“I just got some stuff for Fidelia on the way! Don’t mind it!” I said, then called out to Fidelia, “Fidelia,

come see, there might be something you like.”

She nodded obediently, her smile radiant, “I like everything!”

I laughed, “Well then, don’t hold back!”

She looked over at her mother, Camilla, who also laughed, “Aren’t you going to thank your aunt?”

Fidelia politely thanked me, her eyes full of gratitude.

Camilla told Fidelia, “Go wash some fruits for your aunt.”

I quickly pointed to the tea and said, “Fidelia, get the fruits for yourself. We will have some tea!”

Hannah flashed a smile at her, “May I see your room?”

Fidelia immediately turned to her mother. Camilla laughed, “Go ahead!”

Once they’d left for the room, I looked around, “This is a nice house. When did you move? I had no


“Well, it was probably when you were sick. It’s been a few years!” Camilla agreed, also glancing

around, “We used to live in the house you helped us buy, we should have thanked you a lot sooner.”

“Please, no need for formalities,” I brushed it off, “That’s just how the Dawsons are. You and Jerome,

are you…”

“We’re not divorced!” Camilla interrupted, as if she knew what I was going to ask, “But he’s rarely


“He doesn’t take care of you and Fidelia?” I probed.


I wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘rarely’.

“Ever since we moved here, he’s barely been home. Even when he does come back, he doesn’t stay

the night. Just leaves some money and goes.” Camilla’s voice was barely a whisper, her hands

interlaced and fidgeting, a clear sign of her inner turmoil.

“Isn’t he busy with Jaylan at the company? Maybe Jaylan isn’t paying him enough. I’ll ask him,” I

feigned ignorance, “If he’s not coming home, where does he go?”

“Oh…” Camilla chuckled bitterly again, “I wouldn’t dare to ask. He can do whatever he wants.”

Camilla’s words echoed hopelessness and despair.

“You’re just too naive. You gave up everything for him…” I stopped mid-sentence, as if I’d said

something wrong.

She smiled at me dismissively, “It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s been so long that I’ve almost forgotten I

have a husband.”

I patted her arm, unable to find any words to say.

“If anyone is to blame for all this, it’s not Jerome. It’s my mother who was too much.” Camilla began,

which surprised me.

“Why would you say that?” I asked, confused.

Camilla wore a bitter smile, still bitter.

“I have to ask… back then, did you… did you marry Jerome because you were pregnant?” I asked

gently, afraid to hurt Camilla’s feelings.

“Otherwise?” She hung her head, looking like a victim, “Back then, it was a big deal for my family. And I

was the only one who knew I was pregnant. I had already had an abortion once and no one knew. I

didn’t dare to do it again. Jerome is stubborn and no one can control him. If I didn’t follow him, where

would I go?” Coոtent of Drąмąոovеls.cоm

She was telling the truth, but I was also impressed by Camilla’s courage. To have an abortion in secret,

that took guts.

“Do you know what he’s doing out there?” I asked bluntly.

Chapter 319

Tension flickered in her eyes as she heard my question. She cast a nervous glance at me and

hesitantly admitted, “I did ask once, but he blew up, saying it was none of my business. So I didn’t dare

to ask again.”

“Why are you so afraid of him?” I chuckled, looking at Camilla. “As his wife, isn’t it natural for you to


“Well… it’s not that I’m afraid of him exactly. I just feel that he is a grown man, and he should know his

boundaries for what he does. Too many questions could lead to disputes, and I’d be the one to suffer.” novelbin

“Has he… ever laid a hand on you?” I ventured to ask.

She was quick to deny, “No, never! He may be a bit stubborn at times, but he never hit me.”

After saying this, Camilla looked at me with a hint of suspicion. “Did something happen to him?”

I hastily denied, “No, I was just asking out of curiosity.”

“Oh…” she responded with an awkward laugh. “He’s a free spirit, always doing as he pleases. No one

can really control him, not even his own parents.”

I nodded in agreement. For a daughter-in-law in the Dawson family, this was a common topic.

“Speaking of which, Jaylan is no better!” I said, trying to create a bond with her.

“But he’s much better than his older brother. He treats you well and is dutiful to his parents,” Camilla


Hearing her admiration, I couldn’t help but wonder. Considering their collusion, could she really be

oblivious to their schemes?

Treating me well? He was treating all women well except for me. He was always putting on airs of

elegance and aloofness, yet easily surrendering at the sight of a woman.

I decided to probe her a bit, “Both of them have their issues. I knew about Jaylan’s before I got sick, but

now… Who knows? Did you hear about the incident that happened a while ago?”

Camilla seemed taken aback and then earnestly asked, “What? What incident? I really don’t know!”

Afraid I might not believe her, she quickly added, “Aaliyah, you have to understand, although we’re still

technically married, it feels like we’re only bound by the law. I bet most people outside don’t even know

he has a wife. And certainly, nobody knows that I am his wife.”

“That can’t be true!” I laughed.

“But it is!” she sighed. “I’m not lying. For years, he rarely takes care of me and Fidelia. Even in this very

building, not many people know him!

If it weren’t for his occasional visits, I wouldn’t even feel connected to the Dawson family. Except for

you, no one in the Dawson family pays any attention to us!”

This caught her interest, and she asked, “What happened?”

“How did you find out?”

“I was feeling a bit better and missed Probert, so I went to pick him up from school. That’s when I saw

it,” I admitted. “So I brought Probert back home. His grandmother caused quite a scene because of

that. I wish they would just leave us alone!” Content belongs to Drаmаոovеls.coм

I shook my head, a bitter smile on my face.

Camilla was shocked by my story, “That actually happened?”

Chapter 320

My words seemed to put her at ease and she refilled my tea cup with a warm smile.

“You’re right,” she agreed, “Being away from that mother-in-law of mine is definitely a cause for

celebration! Not having a family to answer to does have its perks, less worries and more peace. My

family is nothing compared to yours. I’m just grateful that Jerome has been there to stand up for me, or

else they would have made my life miserable!”

“They’ve been giving you trouble?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes. My brother used to come around asking for money all the time. If I refused, my mother would start

yelling and throwing fits. But then one time Jerome caught him in the act and gave him a good

thrashing. Since then, they’ve been keeping their distance.”


She nodded and laughed, “I can’t rely on them, and they can’t rely on me. It’s a good arrangement! The

only one I feel bad for is Fidelia. Other children have loving grandparents, but poor Fidelia has neither a

doting grandmother nor a caring uncle!”

“Don’t worry about that,” I reassured her, “I’ll be there for her. We may be outsiders to others, but we

have to look out for each other.”

Camilla smiled, “Thank you, Aaliyah! You’re the only one who’s been so good to us. It’s comforting to

know that we do have someone to rely on.”

“What if Jerome doesn’t approve of our closeness?” I asked tentatively.

It was a practical concern. In the past, Jerome might have discouraged Camilla from getting too close

to me.

After a moment of consideration, Camilla assured me, “I don’t think he will mind. Besides, he barely

comes home and hardly has any concern for us. He never asks about Fidelia’s school or what she

does daily, or if she has any friends.”

“How often does he come home?” I asked, deciding to dive straight into the matter.

“Well, it’s hard to say. Sometimes it’s every two weeks, sometimes a few months, and sometimes he

doesn’t come home for a whole year. I wonder if he even considers this as his home anymore,” Camilla

replied with a hint of sadness.

“That’s quite tough. But you mentioned he gives you some money?”

I was curious. Jerome must have money, considering what he took from Medsafe Liyah Inc. I couldn’t

believe he would spend it all. novelbin

“Yes, he leaves some money whenever he comes home. But it’s barely enough for us to get by for a

few months,” Camilla admitted.

I couldn’t understand why Camilla would put up with such a marriage.

“So, what kind of job are you doing now?” I asked, eager to know more.

“I’m a delivery person for a hospital. I run errands for a pharmaceutical company and earn a bit,” she

said, at which point I immediately thought of Irving.

“Is it Elixir Pharma Limited?” I asked.

Camilla shook her head, “No, it’s Protea Medicals.”

“Oh!” I responded. I knew Protea Medicals was a small company.

“But it has its perks. I have a flexible schedule, which allows me to take care of Fidelia,” she said,

sounding content.

“So, you must be familiar with all the hospitals?” I asked. Reąd at Drąmаոоvе

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 301-310

Chapter 301

Sleep had completely abandoned me. I quickly got out of bed and freshened up.

Hannah had prepared breakfast for me, but I was too worried to eat. “Hannah, we need to go to the

police station,” I told her.

She seemed slightly taken aback, but quickly recovered, fetched my clothes for me while I changed

from my pajamas. We both headed out with swift strides.

The call was from the police. They said they’d found some traces of Evan and wanted me to come in.

When I asked for more details, they simply replied, “You’ll know when you get here.”

That kind of answer left my heart hanging in my throat. What could be so serious that they couldn’t tell

me over the phone?

Upon reaching the police station, I was escorted to their visitors’ room. I couldn’t help but ask

impatiently, “What’s so urgent? Do you have any news about Evan?”

The two officers exchanged a glance. One of them, a female officer, got us some water and kindly told

me, “Please be patient, Ms. Wilburn. Just a moment.”

She then left the room and returned shortly, carrying two items sealed in plastic bags.

The officer came up to me, placed the two bags in front of me, and said, “Ms. Wilburn, we’d like you to

help us identify these two items.”

My eyes were glued to the sealed bags. One of them contained a shoe.

To be precise, a boy’s shoe. Yes, it was clearly a boy’s shoe.

A chill ran down my spine. My heart pounded wildly in my chest. I then felt as if it was being squeezed

tight. Pain spread across my chest.

I didn’t want to guess what was going on, so I looked at the female officer and asked, “What…what are

you implying?”

She looked at me and explained gently, “Ms. Wilburn, please don’t misunderstand. We just want you to

help us identify if you’ve seen this shoe before.”

I looked back at the shoe. It was like a spell had been cast on it, making me nervous. I had to look at

the officer again. “You… What…” novelbin

I felt overwhelmed. My mind went blank, uncertain of how to respond.

The two officers exchanged another glance, as if understanding my reaction. They confessed, “We

suspect this is Evan’s shoe, but we aren’t completely sure. That’s why we asked you to come and

identify if you’ve ever seen him wear this shoe.”

I looked at Hannah, feeling helpless. Could my worst fears be coming true?

Hannah came up behind me, her hands resting on my shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

“We just need to identify it. Don’t worry.”

Her calm demeanor made me realize that Hannah probably knew about this before me.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Reaching out, I picked up the shoe. My hand trembled


Truth be told, at that moment, I wanted to run away. I didn’t want to help them identify anything.

I didn’t want any of this to be happening, especially not at this moment. Deep down, I had a feeling that

this shoe was linked to Evan. I just didn’t want to face it.

The next second, I took the shoe and brought it in front of me.

Although specked with dirt, this was a style popular among young boys. Despite the grime, it was

evident that it was relatively new. The unfastened design was commonplace, nothing else about it

stood out considerably.

The officer saw me studying the shoe but didn’t say anything. She asked cautiously, “Ms. Wilburn, have

you seen this shoe before? Or has Evan worn something like this?”

After staring at the shoe for a while, I looked up at the officer and asked back, “Are you sure this is

Evan’s shoe? Where did you find it?”

Chapter 302

The officer glanced at the other officer, their eyes clearly communicating before she spoke. “We’re not

sure that this is Evan’s shoe, but given the style and condition of the shoe, it doesn’t seem like it would

belong to an average kid.”

Hearing this, I looked at the shoe again, my heart sinking even further.

The officer continued, “We have asked around and confirmed that this shoe is pretty pricey. And from

the condition of the shoe, it seems like they’re practically new. They shouldn’t have been discarded,

especially since we only found one of them!”

“Where did you find it?” I asked urgently.

“We found it on the outskirts of the west side of town, on the fringe of the borough. It’s a bit remote, and

the area is mostly inhabited by farming families. It doesn’t seem like their kids would wear such shoes!

And there’s something else…”

She then handed me another plastic bag and said, “We also found this.”

I took a look and felt like I had been struck by lightning. My heart turned ice-cold, but I kept my

composure as I examined the contents.

Inside the bag was a crumpled piece of paper, apparently soaked in rainwater, the writing barely visible.

The paper had clearly been torn and was only a quarter of its original size.

But coincidentally, I could vaguely make out the name ‘Evan’ and a series of numbers. I looked at the

officers across from me, my eyes full of questions. “What is this…?”

“Can’t you tell what it is?” The male officer asked.

I shook my head, feeling a sense of foreboding.

I tentatively asked, “Is this shoe directly related to this piece of paper? It looks like Evan’s name is on it,


Before I could finish, the officer, perhaps misinterpreting my words or simply in a hurry, said directly,

“We had it examined and it’s a DNA test report. Unfortunately, we can’t confirm the other person’s


As she spoke, the male officer gave her a look, seemingly unsatisfied.

But I was certain that this was the report that had been missing from Clara’s bag. I hesitated,

wondering whether to tell the police what I knew.

But once I did, the implications would be enormous.

Moreover, my plan for revenge was already in motion, a point of no return.

Just a step away from making Jaylan pay, from making the Dawson family pay. This was the dream I

had longed for ever since awakening from the nightmare.

I was torn between revealing the truth and staying silent. As I was wrestling with this decision, the

officer spoke again, “We only suspect that this might be Evan’s shoe because we found this piece of

paper. Given that you have seen the child, we asked you here to help us confirm if you’ve seen him

wearing the shoe.”

I looked at the officer and said honestly, “Actually, I am still quite unfamiliar with the child. I have only

seen him a few times when picking up my own children from school. I’ve only had close contact with

him once.”

The officer immediately asked, “Can you describe in detail how you came into contact with him?”

Without hesitation, I said, “One time Marissa didn’t come to pick him up from school. I was afraid he

might get anxious or lost, so I held his hand and handed him over to his teacher. The other times, I only

saw him from afar, so I really can’t be sure if the shoe is his.”

“Can you think carefully about the time you had close contact with him? Was he wearing the shoe?”

The officer was persistent. “Ms. Wilburn, confirming the shoe is very important to us. It might help us

find the child quickly.”

Chapter 303

I closed my eyes and thought back carefully to that time when I held him by his tiny hand and handed

him over to his teacher.

But for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what kind of shoes he was wearing.

I opened my eyes, shaking my head helplessly, “I have no idea. I didn’t pay any attention to his shoes.”

My words were reasonable. After all, who deliberately observed a child’s shoes?

The two officers looked at me with disappointment.

I continued to stare at the shoe in silence.

Though I couldn’t be certain it belonged to Evan, it felt oddly familiar.

I was familiar with the shoe, yet the image of it on his foot was blurred.

It was like seeing Evan again. He was so close, yet so out of reach.

I was suddenly reminded of the scene in the storm drain.

Just like now, he was near me, crouched in front of me, but I couldn’t touch him.

The officers shook their heads regretfully, ready to take the shoe and end the conversation.

At that moment, the image of Evan in the drain flashed in my mind again.

I reached out abruptly, holding onto the shoe, “Wait!”

The officers turned their gaze towards me.

I closed my eyes again, recalling the moment in the drain. He was crouching before me, and his eyes

locked onto mine, full of confusion and helplessness.

Following my train of thought, I looked at him and then moved my gaze to his shoes. At that moment, I

saw clearly that he was wearing this exact shoe.

I broke down, crying out, “Officer, this is Evan’s shoe. I’m sure this is Evan’s shoe. It’s Evan’s shoe.”

Tears streaming down my face, I pleaded desperately.

The police looked surprised, slightly skeptical, “Are you sure? Didn’t you say you have no idea?”

Nodding frantically, I choked out, “I’m sure. Evan was wearing this shoe.”

The female officer stood up, comforting me, “Ms. Wilburn, take your time and don’t stress yourself.

Please answer my question carefully.”

With great effort, I composed myself and nodded solemnly.

“Are you sure this shoe belongs to Evan?”

I nodded seriously, saying, “I’m sure. It is Evan’s shoe.”

She paused for a moment before asking, “How are you so sure?”

I wiped my face, looking at her hesitantly, wondering if they would believe my words.

The female officer encouraged me with a nod, “Tell us the truth, and don’t worry.” novelbin

I then recounted the scene when I was kidnapped, the blurry vision of Evan in front of me.

After listening to my story, the officers looked surprised. They glanced at each other before again

asking me, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” I said with utmost gravity.

Hannah, who had been standing behind me, also nodded to the police, affirming the credibility of my


I asked, “Officer, have you found any trace of Evan? You said this shoe was found in the outskirts, but

what about him? Haven’t you seen him?”

My questions were urgent and my tone was a little harsh. I was desperate to know what had happened

to Evan.

Hannah put a hand on my shoulder, urging me to calm down, but I was already trying my best.

The female officer looked solemn and regretful, “I’m sorry, Ms. Wilburn. We only found this shoe, no

sign of Evan. We suspect that he may have been killed.”

Chapter 304

Hearing her words, I fell apart once again, tears gushing from my eyes like a broken dam, “So, you’re

saying that he…”

“About 30 feet from where the shoe was found, there’s a storm drain and it’s uncovered.” A officer said

seriously. His words were a sledgehammer to my already shattered hopes.

Suddenly, it all made sense. When I saw him at that night, he was soaking wet and covered in filth,

even his eyelashes were beaded with droplets of water.

It was unbelievable, and no wonder his hands were as cold as ice.

“How could this happen? He’s just a child, so young. His life had barely begun. How could this be?” I

sobbed uncontrollably, muttering to myself.

As a mother, I couldn’t face this reality. He was only missing, and why was he taken to the outskirts of

the city? Why was he dead?

That word “dead” at this moment was too painful for me to bear.

Hannah tried to comfort me.

Suddenly, a question occurred to me, and I choked out to the officers, “Why did you go there all of a

sudden and find this shoe? What led you there? Was there a clue? Can you tell me? I want to know.” I

looked at them almost pleadingly, waiting for their answers.

The female officer who had been communicating with me glanced at her partner, seemingly asking for

his approval. After a moment of thought, he nodded, and she spoke, “A local from the village on the

outskirts of the city reported it. He said he saw a man in a raincoat with a child on the night of the 20th.

It was pouring, and the child wasn’t wearing anything to keep himself dry, just clinging tightly to the

man’s neck, drenched like a drowned rat.

According to the local, he initially cursed the man for being irresponsible, wrapping himself up while novelbin

letting the child get soaked in the rain. But then he thought it was odd for someone to be out with a

child so late in this weather, so he reported it.”

The words tore at my heart, and what had happened to Evan?

The image of Evan crouched in the drain, looking at me, kept flashing in my mind.

“Did he see what the man looked like?” I asked through gritted teeth.

The female officer shook her head, “According to him, the man was fully covered in a raincoat. Plus, it

was late and dark, and the rain was heavy. He didn’t get a clear look at the man’s face. He did say that

the man was carrying a little boy, who obediently rested on his shoulder, clinging tightly to his neck.

And he was drenched in the rain.”

An intense pain twisted in my chest. I pounded the table in front of me, crying out, “How could this

happen? What kind of sick person would do this?”

“Ms. Wilburn, don’t be too upset. We’re still speculating. We haven’t confirmed that Evan was harmed.

We have people searching the drains in that area. Let’s hope for a turn of events.” The officer tried to

comfort me, clearly still holding out hope.

I cleaned my face and fell silent. But my mind was racing. The 20th?

Wasn’t that the night we had the celebratory dinner at Medsafe Liyah Inc., the night Clara said Evan

disappeared? Everything seemed to line up. But who could have taken Evan?

I looked up at the officers, testing the waters, “If Evan was clinging tightly to the man’s neck, it’s clear

that he knew him.”

“Ms. Wilburn, rest assured. We’re investigating,” the female officer assured me. She then added with

an apologetic smile, “Let’s call it a day. I’ll keep you updated if there’s any good news.”

I nodded, understanding that regardless of how many questions I asked, they wouldn’t say any more.

As we all rose to leave, the female officer courteously escorted us out. Just as we were about to step

out, two excited young detectives rushed in from outside. They called out to everyone in the station,

“We’ve got a lead. We finally have a lead.”

Chapter 305

I abruptly halted, my gaze following their figures as they moved into the main hall. I perked up my ears

to catch what the officer was saying.

“A driving recorder inside a sedan parked on the slope, and it recorded everything.” A young policeman

in a casual shirt excitedly announced, pulling out a USB stick from his pocket.

People in the hall immediately gathered around, obviously excited by the news.

I turned to the female officer who had brought us in, “Did you find a clue about Evan? Can I see it too?”

The officer hesitated, so I quickly pleaded, “Maybe I can help identify something.”

At this, she looked unsure, but I didn’t give her time to respond, “Don’t worry. I know your procedures

are confidential. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

Without waiting for her approval, I walked further into the room. I was desperate to see what was going


The female officer called after me, and the male officer who had questioned me earlier, obviously a

leader, looked surprised. He quickly understood what was happening and waved the female officer off,

indicating she should let me stay.

Hannah and I walked over. The leader instructed the young officer who had arrived last, “Take it to the

conference room, and put it on the big screen.”

We all moved to a larger conference room. The young man plugged in the USB stick and turned on the

large television screen.

The screen flickered a few times before a dark scene appeared, and the sound of a steady rain was

audible in the background.

My nerves immediately tightened, and my eyes fixed on the screen. novelbin

The scene was dimly lit, showing a curve in the road, a gentle slope extending into the distance.

Sparse lights twinkled in the darkness. The rain was heavy, and no one was around. The gathered

rainwater rushed down the slope in a swift and relentless torrent.

I gripped my hands tightly, hardly daring to breathe, afraid to miss any detail.

This went on for what felt like a long time, and then, finally, a figure appeared, ghost-like as it moved up

the slope.

The image was blurry, perhaps due to the angle, appearing and disappearing intermittently.

The leader ordered, “Zoom in.”

The image was enhanced, and though the figure was cloaked in a large raincoat with a hat covering his

face, it was clear that he was carrying a child. Evan was wearing light-colored clothing, which stood out

against the darkness. His legs dangled down, clearly lying across the man’s shoulders with his face

buried into the man’s neck.

Rain pounded relentlessly on them, his small body exposed to the rain.

Tears blurred my vision, and I trembled involuntarily. I quickly cleaned my tears, afraid to miss anything.

The man kept looking back as he moved, observing his surroundings.

A wave of despair washed over me as I recognized Evan in the video. I regretted not confronting Zora

earlier to get Evan back.

Warm tears streamed down my face, and my heart ached.

The figure paused, looking around. Evan in his arms squirmed, straightening up, and looked at the

person. He struggled.

The man appeared to mutter something, and Evan struggled more, one shoe falling off.

I held my breath, my eyes glued to the screen.

The man seemed to become angry, slapping Evan’s bottom. Evan immediately stilled, and a faint cry

could be heard.

The man quickened his pace, then suddenly stopped and looked back the way he had come. He then

lowered Evan from his shoulders.

I was so nervous, a bitter taste filling my mouth. I tried to hold back my tears, keeping my gaze on the


But the next scene that unfolded left everyone in the room stunned.

Chapter 306

In the scene, Evan was struggling in the man’s grasp, looking up as though saying something, but his

words were drowned out. In the next instant, the man stretched out a ghastly hand, seizing Evan and

propelling him forward.

Evan vanished from the scene.

I let out a startled cry, “Help!”

Everyone turned to look at me, but the man in the footage continued his actions. He paused, seeming

to pull something from within his coat, brutally tearing it to shreds and then tossing it aside. Without a

backward glance, he followed the path he had come from, disappearing into the rainy night.

I understood then, what he had torn and discarded was likely the DNA test report. It was this document

that led to Evan’s demise.

I slumped into the chair, covering my face, trying to control my sobbing and prevent any sound from


Hannah stood by my side, speechless, “Aaliyah, it’s reality. You should grieve.”

I abruptly lifted my head, “Who is he? This beast, utterly heartless.”

A police officer sighed, “He’s truly inhumane. How could anyone harm an innocent child? It seems like

Evan knew him because Evan clung onto his neck so tightly.”

“But why didn’t he spare Evan? He’s so young, and what threat could he pose?”

The chatter and conjectures continued.

The leader clapped his hands, “We need to scrutinize this footage and find any trace of this man.”

“We should start with people Evan knew.”

“Judging by the figure, strength, and movements, it’s undoubtedly a male.”

The leader instructed the officer in the plaid shirt, “Play it again.”

The officer immediately complied, playing the footage once more.

Hannah whispered soothing words in my ear, “Aaliyah, why don’t we go back?”

“No,” I shook my head determinedly, “I want to watch it again.”

I wiped my face and moved to the front, my eyes fixed on the screen.

The shadow reappeared in my vision. This time, the footage wasn’t zoomed in, and I focused intently

on the person in the scene.

Honestly, there wasn’t a single glimpse of his face. It was as though under that hood was nothing but


Even his movements were concealed by the oversized raincoat he wore.

I clenched my fist, my fingernails digging into my palm, but I didn’t feel any pain.

This time, with the scene not zoomed in, we could clearly see Evan being propelled into a dark

whirlpool by the ghostly man.

Everyone present knew that was a storm drain. It devoured Evan like a gaping mouth.

I felt as though my heart was being torn into pieces, the pain radiating throughout my body.

“He’s too cunning, not a single flaw.”

“There’s no such thing as no flaws. Even the most meticulous disguise leaves traces. If you say there’s

no flaw, it means we’re not trying hard enough. Keep going.” the leader ordered again.

After watching the footage several times, each time felt like torture.

I didn’t know how Marissa would react if she were alive and saw this.

After the footage played again, I asked the officer in the plaid shirt, “Could you play the part where he

walks away again, but zoomed in?” novelbin

The officer immediately did as I asked. I stared at the screen and murmured, “He looks like Jerome.”

My comment sparked a discussion among them, with some voicing their dissent.

“But he has an alibi,” one of them interjected. “He was at the Medsafe Liyah Inc. celebration that night.”

I immediately turned to the officer, “No, he left at one point.”

Then I recounted the events I had noticed that night.

The leader immediately dispatched someone, “Check all possible overlooked surveillance footage from

Medsafe Liyah Inc. that night, anything that can prove he left or stayed, find any overlooked evidence.”

I didn’t pay any attention to their arrangements and continued to watch the footage with a calm face.

My tears had dried up, making my face feel tight and uncomfortable, but I ignored it.

I was still looking for any clues that could prove this man was Jerome.

Suddenly, my eyes fixed on a point, and I called out, “Stop!”

Chapter 307

I quickly motioned to stop the video, pointing at a particular spot on the screen, “Zoom in. Right here.”

The young officer complied immediately, patiently enlarging the image as per my instruction.

I stared at the image, then turned to the other officers in the room, “Can you see what shoes he’s


The remaining officers in the room turned their attention to the image, scrutinizing it carefully. The

conference room was silent, and every eye was glued to the screen.

“It looks like canvas shoes.” Hannah, standing behind me, mused aloud.

Another officer agreed, “It certainly looks like a pair of canvas shoes.”

I slammed my hand on the table, “Exactly! Those are the shoes. Jerome’s particularly fond of these

shoes now. “

The room buzzed with renewed energy, everyone straining to confirm the suspect’s shoes.

The image was zoomed to its maximum. One officer, squinting from the back of the room, called out,

“Yes, those are the shoes.”

“And I noticed that, despite the oversized raincoat, the way he walks, it’s eerily similar to Jerome’s,” I


The leader seemed pleased, extending a hand to me, “Thank you, Ms. Wilburn. You’ve saved us a lot

of time. Now we know who to focus our investigation on.”

Eagerly, I asked, “Now that we have this evidence, shouldn’t we arrest him?”

“We need solid evidence. If we can prove he left the celebration early and found Evan. We can arrest

him. ” the officer replied, his voice revealing a hint of compassion.

I understood what he meant. He was suggesting that we need to find Evan’s dead body.

It seemed no one wanted to face that harsh reality.

As I was about to leave, he handed me a business card. His name was Dalton, the leader of the

criminal police group.

He courteously walked me to the door, and I turned to him, “If you find Evan…”

I paused, then forced out the words, “Could you let me know? I’d like to see him one more time.”

Dalton nodded, “Okay. Wait for my news. We’ll do our best to find him.”

I thanked him and left with Hannah.

Once in the car, I told Hannah, “Let’s go home.”

I leaned back in my seat, feeling defeated. Even if they found him, it wouldn’t bring back the sweet,

smiling baby boy.

Hannah tried to comfort me, and I murmured, “Zora and Clara are responsible for Evan’s death. I won’t

let them get away with it.”

“Yes, if Zora hadn’t taken Evan… If Clara hadn’t forged the DNA report… If Zora hadn’t used the

report… But there are no ‘ifs’ in this world… Don’t even think about it. Just think of it as him coming to

earth to experience a short life. It was his fate,” Hannah replied.

Her words left me speechless, and I could only whisper, “Such a shame…”

I was struggling to accept the fact that Evan was gone. novelbin

“Aaliyah, do you think that man is Jerome?” Hannah asked while she was driving the car and glancing

at me, “That would mean Zora or Clara must be involved with Jerome.”

“At the very least, it confirms that Zora is connected to Jerome. Otherwise, the report wouldn’t have

ended up in Jerome’s hands. I suspect Zora gave the fake report to Jerome, which led to his

murderous intent,” I speculated.

“That jerk Jerome is so cruel. Now, he’s killed his son. I’d love to see his face when he finds out!”

Hannah spat angrily.

“Punishing him shouldn’t involve taking a child’s life. It’s too heavy a price,” I sighed, “There’s no more

sweet and angelic Evan in the world.”

Chapter 308

The image of Evan, looking up at me with those wide, innocent eyes, flashed across my mind again. I

turned to Hannah and sighed, “You know, the first time I saw him, he was far away, laughing and

playing. His chubby face of his was so darn likable. I remember thinking, if he wasn’t Marissa’s child, I

might actually like him.”

I chuckled, sharing my secret thoughts with Hannah. It felt good to unload.

Hannah listened in silence, glancing at me from time to time as she drove.

“The second time I saw him was at the mall. He spotted Jaylan from a distance and came running over,

shouting “Dad” with arms wide open. But Marissa pulled him back before he could reach us. I

remember his confused eyes, looking at all the adults around him,” I continued, looking at Hannah,

“Marissa was hiding behind him, pinching him to keep him quiet. He was trying so hard not to cry, and I

could see the tears glistening in his eyes. He stood there, trying to look brave.”

“Marissa is so mean.” Hannah slapped the steering wheel, visibly angry.

“It’s clear Marissa wasn’t always kind to him,” I said, with a bitter smile, “But he was still so innocent. I

remember thinking again if only he wasn’t Marissa’s child, I’m sure I would love him.”

Hannah reached over and patted my hand comfortingly.

“The third time I saw him, was after the incident that Marissa hooked up with a toy boy. She had been

beaten up, and no one was there to pick him up from school. I tried to get close to him, to talk to him, to

find out his name. He was so guarded and scared, but he held my hand. His little hand was chubby and

soft, and it fit so perfectly in mine. I really liked him then. I wanted to keep holding his hand. But he was

Marissa’s child, and I couldn’t let myself get too close.”

Tears trickled down my face as I admitted, “I’m so selfish. Why did I have to be so hard on a child?”

Hannah scoffed, “I don’t understand why Jerome didn’t just do a DNA test instead of believing all the


“I’m sure there must have been something that made him believe the report was real,” I said quietly,

“The last time I saw Evan was when he was with Jerome.”

“With Jerome?” Hannah asked, sounding curious.

“Yes, it was after Marissa was beaten up. Jerome had gone to pick him up from school.”


“Yes, it was a beautiful sight. Jerome obviously adored him. He had Evan sitting on his shoulders, and

they were both smiling. But who would have thought that Evan’s life would be cut short by his father?”

Why would Jerome just push Evan personally? That was what went through my head. novelbin

Only Zora would know the solution to this question.

When we reached home, Hannah said, “You must be hungry. Let me make you something to eat.”

As she headed towards the kitchen, I collapsed onto the sofa, still lost in my thoughts. I prayed that the

police would find his body soon. The thought of him lying in some dark, damp, dirty place was


Just then, Jaylan walked in, looking cheerful and carrying a file in his hand.

Chapter 309

As soon as Jaylan walked in and saw me, he seemed overjoyed, striding towards me immediately.

“Honey, you’re home? I was just thinking about picking you up. You’re already home, everything

settled?” he asked, his face lighting up as he handed me a file from his briefcase.

I was seething with anger. I abruptly stood up and delivered a resounding slap to his handsome face.

That slap was filled with all the force I could muster.

Jaylan was stunned, the file dropping from his hands as he stood there bewildered.

His expression quickly turned to restrained anger, “Aaliyah, what the hell?” he asked, his eyes filled

with fury.

As soon as he spoke, Hannah appeared, her sharp eyes fixed on Jaylan.

Jaylan glanced at Hannah, reining his emotions in, and added, “Why did you hit me?”

“Jaylan, Evan’s dead! Do you think you can escape the blame? Don’t you feel guilty?” I yelled at him.

He seemed stunned, unable to respond.

“He’s been calling you Dad for years, and he was so young,” I shouted, my eyes filled with rage. I

stepped closer to Jaylan, staring into his eyes as I asked, “Do you know how he died?”

Jaylan seemed taken aback by my words. He backed away as I approached, asking, “How did he die?

Who said he’s dead? How could…”

I shouted with all the strength I had, “It’s all because of you, Jaylan. If you hadn’t listened to those

rumors and taken him out, how would he have died? Aren’t you scared? Zora dared to harm your child,

and doesn’t that scare you?”

Jaylan stammered, “But he wasn’t my child.”

I couldn’t accept that and gave him another resounding slap.

“At a time like this, how can you even say that? Are you even human?”

Jaylan realized that he’d misspoken. Ignoring the pain from the slaps, he grabbed my arms to steady

me, saying, “Honey, calm down. This isn’t good for your health. Listen to me. I didn’t mean that

because he’s not my child he deserves to die. I just meant to tell you, he really wasn’t my child.”

I looked at his handsome face, seeing only ugliness, “Do you know how he died?” I asked him. novelbin

Jaylan looked at me, his face paling, my handprints standing out on his cheek.

“He was pushed into a storm drain, in the torrential downpour. He was pushed in.” I spoke with


Then I asked him again, “Do you know who pushed him?”

He just looked at me like an idiot, full of disbelief.

I snorted, “Your beloved brother, Jerome, did it. He pushed Evan into the storm drain in that heavy rain.

Evan was swept away in an instant.”

I described it vividly, creating a clear image.

“Does it hurt, Jaylan? Even if he wasn’t your child, he was still a part of the Dawson family, and he was

so young, so adorable.”

I glared at him, “Don’t you think he was adorable? He called you Dad, following you around. Can you

deny that he was adorable?”

“Do you know why Jerome murdered Evan?” I continued to torment him, “It’s because he believed

Evan was yours. Jaylan, you have such a wonderful brother. Because he thought Evan was yours, he

pushed him into the storm drain without hesitation.”

Chapter 310

Upon hearing my words, Jaylan’s face became a clouded mystery. He stared at me, frozen, but his

hands clenched involuntarily. It was clear that a struggle was taking place within him.

“Just imagine, Jaylan. If my kid was in his clutches, wouldn’t he do the same? Isn’t it terrifying?”

“He wouldn’t.”

I laughed sardonically, “But he killed his child. If he could bring himself to do that, what wouldn’t he dare

do? Poor Evan, just gone like that. If he had been given a chance to grow up, he might have been a

real credit. But Jerome ruined it. Can you close your eyes? Do you dare sleep? Aren’t you afraid of


In my rage, I said whatever came to mind, releasing all the pent-up words from my heart. I felt a sense

of relief wash over me.

For the sake of Evan, I subjected Jaylan to a mental interrogation.

But wasn’t this also a test for me?

I had to admit, I was not free from blame in the development of these events.

I sat back down on the couch, drained, “Ask Jerome, Jaylan. When he pushed Evan into the storm

drain without hesitation, did he ever consider that Evan could have been his child?”

Jaylan stepped back, “No, it couldn’t have been him.”

At his words, I burst into uncontrollable laughter, nearly gasping for breath.

This was the most ridiculous thing I’d heard. After the laughter subsided, I leaned back, weakly, and

murmured, “Go ask Jerome, Jaylan.”

Jaylan stood in front of me as if he was utterly clueless about what had happened. He stayed like this

for a while until the sharp ring of his phone startled him. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket, glanced

at the screen, and his face stiffened. He sneakily glanced at me but didn’t answer the call, hanging up


I feigned ignorance and closed my eyes.

Jaylan hesitated, then sat next to me. I realized then that this call was significant.

“Honey, don’t get too upset. Don’t listen to the rumors and the nonsense.”

I opened my eyes, and he quickly corrected himself, “Of course, I’m not trying to excuse Jerome. But,

my intention wasn’t to harm Evan.”

“You do what you have to do. I can’t manage everything. Evan was your family’s child. None of you

seemed to care, so why should I waste my energy worrying about it and upsetting you?”

“I’m not upset. How could I be? I don’t blame you. I know you’re kind-hearted. I didn’t expect things to

turn out like this either. When you pointed it out, it hit me hard.”

I was tired of his rambling and interrupted him, “Go do your work. Didn’t you get a call? I don’t want to

hear about Evan anymore. You better handle your mess.”

He nodded repeatedly, “Don’t worry about it. I won’t take the company’s matters lightly.”

Seeing that I wasn’t paying attention to him anymore, he stood up and said, “I’ll go handle some

business. I’ll be back later. This bag is full of the things you asked for. Everything is here. I didn’t hide


I didn’t respond, and he added, “I’ll be going then.”

When I heard his footsteps retreating, I slowly opened my eyes. He was no longer in my sight.

I looked at Hannah, and she immediately got what I meant, dialing a number. I heard her telling the

person on the other end, “Keep a close eye on him. Make sure to find out who he is meeting.”

I glanced at the bag of documents next to me. It was heavy. I was a bit puzzled, so I sat up and opened

the bag. Inside were six property deeds and six keys. No wonder the bag was so heavy.

After lunch, I took a short nap, and then Hannah and I checked out the six properties. I asked Hannah

to put all of them up for sale immediately, leaving nothing behind, to prevent any future issues.

I was convinced that Jaylan wouldn’t dare to deceive me in this matter. His triumphant expression when

he returned with these items was proof enough that he wasn’t holding anything back.

Finally, something had gone right in my day.

In the evening, just as we got home, we received some bad news, Jerome had gone missing.

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 296-300

Chapter 296

As soon as Jaylan found a topic that piqued my interest, he immediately became animated. “It’s

officially confirmed,” he said enthusiastically, “that the property manager was bribed. He let Marissa

and those reporters into the community to stir things up. He admitted it himself.”

“I knew it,” I scoffed, “He’s a rotten apple. Those people found our house so accurately. It had to have

been an inside job. How else could so many strangers have gotten in?”

“You’ve got such a sharp mind, honey!” Jaylan said, grinning and tightening his arm around me.

I struggled a bit, “Watch it, this is a hospital, not our living room!”

Laughing mischievously, he said, “Well, let’s save the cuddling for when we’re back home!”

I almost gagged. Did he really think he was off the hook? I rolled my eyes, wishing I could spit at him.

Seeing my cold expression, he quickly changed the subject. “Marissa was just playing the victim,

manipulating public opinion. She wanted people to think that you were the villain who took her child

away. Oh… and the person who smashed our window? That was also related to the property manager.

The authorities have released a statement saying the case is under investigation.”

“No wonder,” I muttered in agreement, feeling a surge of satisfaction. I had known all along that the

manager couldn’t be innocent. His arrest signaled that things were turning around.

“And now the internet trolls have flipped again, starting to blame Marissa!”

“Do you feel bad for her?” I shot back.

“Heavens no, she got what she deserved! She was nothing but trouble!” Jaylan spat out bitterly.

Internally, I scoffed at him. Men’s hearts, as fickle as the changing winds.

“Don’t you dare mention her in front of me again!” I declared, ice in my voice.

“Alright! Won’t happen again!” Jaylan responded quickly.

Back in the hospital room, I took a shower. Once I had a moment of quiet, shadows began to creep into

my mind, casting an uncomfortable pallor over my entire being. I could not seem to shake the memory

of that dirty sewer where I was held captive and the feeling of filth crawling over my skin.

A scrape on my arm throbbed with pain. It was red and swollen, a ghastly sight.

I couldn’t help but wonder, if Marissa’s death was a murder, then who would’ve orchestrated my


Probably hearing that the shower had stopped, Jaylan called out from outside.

Pulling my thoughts back, I got dressed, opened the door, and stepped out.

Once out of the bathroom, Jaylan was fussing over me, drying my hair and buzzing around me like.

Giving in, I quickly lay down and told him, “You should head home! Don’t stay here. It’ll disturb your rest

and mine!”

He looked at me with deep concern, saying, “But I’m worried about you!”

“I’m in a hospital, what’s there to worry about? If I’m discharged, it won’t be until tomorrow anyway. Go

home!” I said, my tone unintentionally hardened.

Finally, he murmured, “Alright, you sleep. I’ll come see you once I’m done with work tomorrow.”

“I’m going home tomorrow, so don’t bother running around.” I quickly rejected him, “You should focus

on your work. You are busy, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes! But I can’t neglect you! Or else, how could something like this happen?” Jaylan looked

genuinely remorseful.

“Crap! Didn’t I get drugged at home too?” I shot back, “You see me lying there, but you don’t bother to

find out what happened exactly?”

“I…” Jaylan was at a loss for words.

I gave him a disdainful side glance. “Get your affairs in order and report to me. I want to clean up.”

I decided to put my cards on the table, done with beating around the bush, and wanted to see how he

would handle this situation.

Chapter 297

I watched as he stared at me in silence, then decided to hit him where it hurt. “You don’t need to feel

aggrieved. Do as you wish. I have no objections! But if you want to continue as the CEO of Medsafe

Liyah Inc., you’ll need to keep your nose clean. No more scandals. No more stirring up a storm.”

“I won’t!” Jaylan immediately promised. novelbin

I coldly retorted, “You’re not afraid of losing face, but Medsafe Liyah Inc. is. Don’t think that signing

international contracts will solve everything. No conglomerate would want to collaborate with a

company that’s constantly involved in scandals. Being globally renowned conglomerates, their leaders

are anything but ordinary. You’d better be honest and straightforward in your dealings, not resorting to


He nodded repeatedly, seeming genuinely submissive.

I continued, seizing the opportunity, “You should focus on the company’s affairs! There’s no point to

constantly buy more properties. Don’t play the game of having multiple hideouts with me!”

“Honey, I’m not! I just wanted to keep a few more…”

“Cut the crap! Keep a few more for what? For your secret dating?” I bluntly rebutted, then brought the

topic back, looking at him and asking, “Have you lost your mind investing in real estate at this point?”

“Property values have plateaued and prices are on a downward spiral. The golden era for property

speculation has passed. Are you sinking money into properties to hemorrhage it?” My words were

sharp, but they were undeniable truths, leaving him no room for argument.

Seeing him silently taking my reprimands, I went on, “You have such a large corporation in Medsafe

Liyah Inc., and now there’s an international order. Isn’t that enough for you to make a profit? Besides,

isn’t our villa big enough? If you think it’s not, you can sell off those insignificant properties and buy a

bigger one.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, okay?” Jaylan reached for my hand, caressing it, which irritated me.

I snapped, “But the thought of those properties just reminds me of unpleasant things. Don’t try to play

any tricks. I don’t tolerate that. Since I’ve decided to leave you a way out, you’d better behave and fulfill

your role as the CEO of Medsafe Liyah Inc. If you don’t want to, let me know in advance. Don’t make it

hard for yourself!”

“Honey, rest assured. I’ve learned my lesson this time, and I’ll never disappoint you again!” Jaylan’s

words, I must say, were less than convincing.

“That’s enough! I’m tired!” I withdrew my hand, stretched lazily, and yawned.

Jaylan immediately stood up. “Then you better get some sleep! It is getting pretty late, and since you

don’t want me to stay here, I’ll take my leave!”

“Mm-hmm,” I responded indifferently. But he didn’t leave immediately.

I glanced at him and asked, “Is there anything else?”

“Oh, right! When you’re feeling better, we need to go back to Silverdale City!” Jaylan cautiously brought

up the subject.

Casting a glance his way, I noticed his fists clench nervously, revealing his eagerness to return

“Mm-hmm, we’ll talk about it when I get home!” I closed my eyes again and lazily said, “I do miss Carl!”

Jaylan’s voice immediately brightened. “Yes, I miss Carl too! Okay, honey, I’ll go now. Have a good rest!

I’ll pick you up tomorrow!”

I didn’t respond, pretending to be asleep. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore, just hoping he’d leave

soon. Seeing me silent, he stood by my bed for a while before turning and instructing Hannah, “Take

good care of her, and let me know if anything happens!”

Then I heard the sound of his footsteps leaving.

I suddenly opened my eyes and said to Hannah, “Have someone follow him See where he goes.”

Chapter 298

Hannah flashed me an ‘okay’ sign and immediately sent off a text.

I hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hand that Jaylan touched, then pointed outside.

Hannah stepped out, and in no time, she returned and replied, “He’s left the hospital. There’s someone

following him, so you can relax!”

I sat back down on the bed with relief, picking up my phone to check the trending topics. Just as Jaylan

had said, there had been a shocking reversal online. The internet mob that had been going after me for

days had finally shifted direction.

The web was now rife with speculation about Marissa’s real cause of death.

There were those clever enough to steer the conversation, saying that if Marissa could frame and harm

me, it meant she must’ve known about the child’s whereabouts. Framing me, the wife, had been her

own downfall.

How about that now?

The netizens were utterly rational this time, presenting logical arguments, listing Marissa’s countless

transgressions, naturally exonerating me from the situation. Some attentive individuals also outlined my

whereabouts, showing that I was nowhere near Goldenvale Town when the child went missing.

Were there any doubts remaining? This could confirm my alibi, clearing me of all suspicion, even faster

than the police could.

I put down my phone, my eyes fixated on the ceiling, a tad irate. These netizens were really something,

always ready to condemn someone, without a single soul genuinely concerned about the child.

I sighed. People could be so unpredictable!

Seeing me silent, Hannah walked over and asked, “Miss Wilburn, you’re still awake? What’s on your


I took my eyes off the ceiling and said to Hannah, “I wonder who could have kidnapped me? Could it be

the same group that killed Marissa?”

Hannah chuckled, “Don’t overthink it. Sooner or later, it’ll all be clear. The driver might be dead, but

there must be traces of him, which will eventually lead us to his hideout.”

“But don’t you find it strange? The driver is dead, and Bald’s whereabouts are unknown. Who could be

so meticulous? Aside from Jerome, I can’t think of anyone else who would target me. All these years,

I’ve been minding my own business. I haven’t offended anyone, so how did I attract so much trouble?”

Hannah comforted me, “Life is unpredictable! As they say, ‘the best-laid plans often go awry.'”

I broke into a grin at her words, “You’re right! I keep thinking about the AzureEnchantress that Marissa

mentioned during her last call to me. It has to be the same AzureEnchantress from Jaylan’s phone. But

who is this AzureEnchantress? Marissa must’ve known something. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have

mentioned this person. Maybe she was killed because she knew too much!”

Hannah calmly said, “That woman wasn’t really smart! If she had stayed out of trouble, she might’ve novelbin

had a chance for a better future. But she chose the wrong path.”

I looked at Hannah, my thoughts whirling, murmuring, “How can we find out more about this


“Logan and his team are also tracking this person but…” Hannah shook her head helplessly, “No luck

so far.”

“I just don’t understand how Jaylan could’ve gotten in touch with such a mysterious figure. And from

what Marissa implied in her last call to me, it seemed like she was certain that this person would take

care of me!” I sighed, “Marissa really left too soon!”

Hannah confidently stated, “Her death was no coincidence!”

“What about the child? I mean, Evan! Was he relocated by Zora, or was he stolen? Could Clara have

been used?” I asked Hannah, puzzled.

“That’s entirely possible.” Hannah nodded in affirmation.

The more we talked, the more excited we became, yet we couldn’t find a single lead.

After talking with Hannah a bit more, just as I was about to sleep, Hannah received a phone call. After

hanging up, she frowned and shared some news with me…

Chapter 299

I looked at her curiously and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Jaylan didn’t go home after leaving the hospital. Instead, he went to a private residence. We’ve

confirmed that Jerome is there!” Hannah said, looking serious as she spoke to me.

I was startled, bolting upright from my bed. “What? He went to see Jerome?”

Hannah nodded solemnly. “Yes, he went to see Jerome.”

I found it hard to believe, muttering, “That’s impossible… Why would he go see Jerome? Didn’t they

have a falling out? Why would he go see him in the middle of the night?”

I looked at Hannah and said, “This doesn’t add up.”

Hannah agreed, “It certainly doesn’t, especially at this hour. It’s very telling.”

I started to feel worried. “Could their feud have been fake? That would be terrifying!”

The more I thought about it, the more it scared me. If that was the case, it meant they had a sinister

plan, and I was undoubtedly their target.

I immediately dialed Logan’s number, and he answered it quickly. His deep voice came through, “Hello,


Hearing his voice was immensely reassuring. I wasn’t sure when, but Logan had somehow become a

pillar of support for me.

I didn’t beat around the bush. “Logan, I need to ask you something. Can you still eavesdrop on Jaylan

like you did before?”

He quickly responded, “The bug I used was basic, with a low battery life to avoid detection. It’s not

working anymore. What’s up? Why do you want to spy on him?”

I sighed in frustration. “I’m in a bit of a situation.” Then I explained how Jaylan had met with me and

then immediately went to see Jerome.

He paused for a moment before responding, “If it’s necessary, we can plant another bug.”

“I need to know why Jaylan went to see Jerome. That’s pretty scary if they’re playing me,” I said,

struggling to keep my composure. The whole situation sent chills down my spine.

“Don’t worry, Allie. You stick to your plan, and we’ll handle the rest. Even if they’re putting on a show,

we’ll break it,” Logan assured me confidently.

“Really?” I asked, excited.

He responded lazily, “What else? We can’t let them string us along, can we? You’re smart. You’ll be

fine. You got this!”

His words made me laugh, and I suddenly felt a little more at ease. “You’re such a joker! Kidnappings

are becoming routine for us, so how can I be calm? And ‘got this’? I’m the one being played!”

“No way, this was just a fluke. It won’t happen again,” Logan reassured me, “No matter what happens, novelbin

don’t panic. Stay calm. Remember when you gave me the Tylenol? You handled that perfectly.”

His words made me burst out laughing. That memory was still fresh.

“You’re grossing me out again?” I said, laughing so hard that I was crying. “There’s one more thing!”

“Even if there were a dozen more, they’d be nothing. Go ahead.”

I smiled, feeling warm. I then told Logan about my encounter with Janetta today, and how Catherine

and I managed to get information out of Olivia.

He listened without interrupting. Once I was finished, he chuckled, “You women are something. You

can get top-secret information as easily as picking up a burger at a drive-thru. I’m impressed!”

His praise made me feel even more proud. “Right?”

“With your brains and Catherine’s gift of gab, you two could con anyone!” Logan knew us too well. “You

two should team up. You could make a killing. We’re talking seven figures!”

“Really? Then Catherine and I won’t starve in the future!” I joked.

“No way, my cousin and I won’t let you two starve! We’ve got enough to get by,” Logan’s words were a

little cryptic.

“What do you mean?” I asked, instantly wishing I hadn’t. Did he mean that Ronan would take good

care of me for a lifetime? A swift blush spread across my face.

Chapter 300

Sure enough, Logan seized the moment to continue his banter, “You can’t crack it? You are kidding,


“I can fend for myself and I won’t starve!” I retorted stubbornly.

“True, you won’t starve, but you’re bound to cause some trouble!” Logan exaggerated.

Despite Logan’s chatty nature, I had to admit, his words always brought me a sense of security.

“What are you talking about? If they didn’t harm us, we wouldn’t have to cause trouble. We specialize in

uncovering secrets!” I laughed proudly, my words confident and bold.

In the end, he generously claimed, “I’ll handle this task for Janice, so just relax! Better catch some

sleep. Staying up late won’t do your beauty any good!”

After hanging up, my worries from earlier vanished. Logan was right. Fear gets me nowhere. I have to

tackle problems as they come. Respond to changes on the spot. That’s all.

I cheerfully said to Hannah, “Hannah, let’s get some sleep! Tomorrow is a new day! I, Aaliyah, won’t be

defeated! At this point, there’s no use being scared! The priority is to get a good night’s sleep to have

the energy to deal with those two. Otherwise, sleep deprivation will cause brain hypoxia, dulling our


My words successfully amused Hannah. She exaggeratedly said, “Oh, give me a break! Allie, are your

senses dull? I was totally stunned by your sharp comments on Dawslug earlier! You were hitting hard,

and from where I was watching, Jaylan’s face was beet red!”

“Did he expect anything less when he turned my world into endless prairies? Making him embarrassed

was the least I could do. What more does he want?” I snorted dismissively, continuing my bold stance,

“Is it easy to be the president of Medsafe Liyah Inc.? If he wants to keep a clean image outside, he has

to get down on his knees at home. It’s not me being unreasonable, it’s just that I’ve been too lenient

with him before. He’s forgotten his place!”

“Absolutely, this man is totally ungrateful!” Hannah chimed in, “But his grovelling today made me

instantly sick of him!”

“I know how you feel,” I glanced at Hannah’s focused gaze and sighed, “To be honest, I was totally

fooled by him before. I noticed his flaws, but I always thought that since he came from a poor

background and wasn’t exposed to the larger world, these faults were normal!”

“He’s definitely an exception! I must say, he must have had his merits to be able to marry you!” Hannah


“You’re right. His merits were precisely his ability to bend, plus his sweet-talking mouth. He may not

have been able to offer any substantial gifts, but he was willing to bend his knees! So he was always

attentive and considerate.”

I analyzed my past self, “Imagine, he took me as a pursuit, putting all his heart into it, could he possibly

fail? That’s how I ended up in his trap.”

Hannah pondered, listening attentively.

“I always foolishly thought that as long as I created opportunities for him, with his intelligence and

insight, he would quickly get rid of his petty greediness. But instead, he became even more vulgar and

his actions became bolder. A complete lowbred upstart!”

Hannah burst into laughter, “Speaking of that trait, your mother-in-law is the best example!”

Her words successfully made me laugh, “See, you’ve only met her twice and you’ve already seen

through her!”

Hannah added, “Jaylan is too soft-kneed and he lacks courage. He doesn’t deserve you, Miss


I smiled bitterly, “Thant’s for sure.”

Hannah looked at me, wanting to say something but hesitating. She just gave a dry laugh.

“Just say it!” I encouraged her.

“Well… I wanted to ask you, our ‘boss’ is so deeply in love with you, but how did you end up with

Jaylan?” Hannah finally asked the question she wanted to ask.

I fell silent, a wave of bitterness washing over me.

I glanced at her and replied, “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when we have more time. Let’s sleep now.”

Without a word, Hannah turned off the light and went to bed.

I found the most comfortable position and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next day.

A series of urgent phone rings pulled me from my dreams, but when I answered the call, a sense of novelbin

foreboding overwhelmed me.

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 286-295

Chapter 286

Jaylan pleaded with me, his eyes full of desperation. “But, babe, if you really call the cops, I’m done for!

Our family will crumble, our kids will become the talk of the town, and our business will be under

someone else’s control! My brother has been waiting for this to happen and I can’t just hand over our

business to him. Honey, I made a huge mistake, I messed up big time!”

I suddenly raised my hand and slapped him hard across the face.

“You should have thought about the consequences! I trusted you, supported you, and even praised you

to others, giving you opportunities to rise to prominence. And what did you do? Not only did you cheat

on me, but you also drugged me with the help of a nanny!”

“Honey, that drug was provided by Jerome, he…he said it was just a kind of sedative that would help

you to rest…”

I gave him another slap, “What a great husband you are, you just listen to anyone, even when they are

harming your wife, right? What about all those promises of love? You pursued me relentlessly, always

coming up with new ways to win me over, was it all just for my business? Uh…how foolish I’ve been,

blinded by love, believing your lies!”

“Honey, that’s not fair! I really do love you. From the first time you came into the salon and I did your

hair, I fell for you. I…”

“Shut up!” I kicked him, “Tell me, why did Jerome want you to drug me?”

“I…I didn’t think too much about it at the time. After all, he’s my older brother and seemed to be

genuinely caring about me, saying the drug was soothing, but not to use too much, just a drop each

time, saying health issues can be healed with rest. So I let her…”

He pointed at Zora, “I told her to add just one drop each time she made your tea, to help you rest and


“I ended up being a walking corpse in her eyes!” I laughed in anger.

He sure could talk his way out of anything, treating me like a fool! Now he was pushing the blame onto

Jerome, like a weasel!

So, he’s claiming he’s an innocent victim, with no responsibility at all. But I didn’t have the energy to

spar with him verbally. I decided to let him talk his silver-tongued way out of it, this time.

“Babe, everything I’ve said is true, I didn’t lie, I really didn’t know that the drug could harm you. And I

certainly didn’t know that this witch would secretly harm you!”

Seeing his earnest expression, I was about to explode with anger. I really wanted to ask about those

insurance policies. But I reminded myself, it’s not the time yet.

“Why does Jerome want to do this to me? What’s his motive?” I stared at Jaylan and pressed him for

answers. Although I couldn’t fully trust his words, I wanted to hear his explanation.

“He…” He hesitated.

I immediately followed up, “Are you still trying to deceive me?”

“No…I’m not sure.” Jaylan paused, and continued, “He seems to be part of some organization. Jerome

has always been ambitious, and seeing my success with your support, becoming the boss of a big

company like Medsafe Liyah Inc., he’s probably jealous.”

I listened quietly, and indeed, Jaylan’s assessment wasn’t wrong. He knew the Dawsons well.

Jaylan added with a sneer, “He dreams of becoming the leader of that organization, only then can he

be the revered figure in the eyes of the Dawson family, and everyone else.”

This was indeed Jerome’s mentality; he always wanted to dominate the top position, even within the

Dawson family.

As I was pondering Jaylan’s words, he continued, “But running that organization is like bleeding money,

so he always wanted to drag me along, saying that united we stand, divided we fall. Once successful, it

would be the Dawson family’s world, and…and we wouldn’t have to live in your overbearing shadow,

being trampled under your high and mighty demeanor!”

I scoffed at his words and asked indifferently, “Your older brother had the right idea, so why didn’t you

go along with it?”

“Honey, I realize my mistake, I knew it wasn’t the right path. I’m not that stupid. Why would I give up

being the CEO of Medsafe Liyah Inc. to join in his nonsense?” Jaylan looked remorseful, his words

sounding so sincere, “Now I see things more clearly. He dares to seduce my woman, there’s nothing he

wouldn’t do.”

“Huh…you’re something else, your woman?. You sure have a lot of women!” I sneered dismissively.

Chapter 287

Jaylan quickly sought to reassure me, “Don’t be mad. Marissa is gone. I’m not going to mess up like

before.” novelbin

I pointed arrogantly at Zora and asked him, “And what about her?”

Without hesitation, Jaylan said firmly, “I’ll make her leave, completely out of your sight!”

I sneered inwardly, “Leave? Don’t even think about it, my revenge hasn’t been served yet! She cannot

go anywhere, and especially not out of my sight.”

I didn’t rush to make a statement. Instead, I asked, “Do you know much about the organization your

brother is involved in?”

“That organi…” Jaylan cut himself off abruptly, glancing at me before changing his tune, “I don’t know

much about it. He never tells me about it, only that it always requires money!”

I saw through his cunning, but didn’t expose him.

“So, you’ve become his bank, then?” I sneered coldly. “I can’t believe my beloved Medsafe Liyah Inc.

has become the Dawson family’s piggy bank! You take what you want without any regard. My initial

intention for Medsafe Liyah Inc. was not only to realize my own value but also to improve the quality of

life for my family, including the Dawsons. How did I become the one who trample you in a high and

mighty demeanor as you claimed? So, I am expected to bow down like Camilla, while you spend my


Mentioning Camilla reminded me of Fidelia’s situation.

“Darling, don’t think about unpleasant things!” Jaylan crawled over to me, took my hand and looked at

me with affectionate eyes, in a way that was truly revolting.

I composed myself, eager to end the current discomfort and no longer share a room with him. “If you’re

so determined to make amends, let me see your sincerity!”

Zora’s face turned pale in an instant. She looked at Jaylan incredulously, her lips twitching, “What…

what do you want?”

Jaylan turned to her, his eyes filled with menace. “What do you think? Will you leave on your own, or

should I force you? Zora, know your place. You don’t stand a chance!”

I watched the scene unfold with a cold heart. This man was truly ruthless! In the face of interests, he

was always clear-headed.

Zora’s eyes were filled with malice, but she turned to me and smiled. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes as

she said ominously, “Aaliyah, don’t get too comfortable. I’ll make sure you never have it easy in


Without any hesitation, she turned around and left, showing a surprising amount of grace.

As I pondered her words, I had to admit that they were harsh.

But what could possibly make me never have it easy in lifetime? Her words were indeed ruthless!

As Zora disappeared from our sight, Jaylan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to me, his face

full of concern, “Darling, let’s go home. You’re still recovering, you must be tired after being out so


He knelt before me, his handsome face full of concern. But in my eyes, his face was as revolting as a

pile of manure.

I said indifferently, “Now that everything has been said, you should know what I’m thinking, Jaylan. Just

because I don’t say it doesn’t mean I don’t know it. You better be careful. You should know what to do

next. I don’t want to waste my breath.

As for the people and things outside, you handle them. Don’t let there be any more drama that makes

us the laughing stock and sets a bad example for our children. As parents, it’s our duty to ensure they

grow up happily. Don’t let their start in life be affected because of us.”

Speaking of this, I suddenly laughed. Of course, my children wouldn’t lose at the starting line. They had

already started their journey, and they had the best and most clear-headed grandparents in the world.

All this talk was merely to put Jaylan at ease for a moment. The real reckoning was to come next. I

couldn’t alert him this soon! So I continued, “Forgiving you doesn’t mean I still love you. I’m doing this

for our three children. You’ve truly disappointed me! I also have self-respect, and you’ve truly slapped

my face!”

“Darling, I’ll cherish this chance to make things right. Trust me. I won’t disappoint you this time. Give

me another chance to love you properly!” His tone was gentle and he was kneeling, which was quite

touching. Anyone who didn’t know the truth would be envious!

I looked at him briefly, said nothing, turned to Hannah and instructed her, “Can you help me list this

place and the suite where Marissa used to live? Sell them off! I don’t want them weighing on my heart!

Let’s go back to the hospital!”

Chapter 288

Jaylan broke into a radiant smile, “Alright, let’s head back to the hospital! I’ll accompany you.”

As I stood up, a wave of dizziness hit me, probably from standing up too quickly. Jaylan was quick to

catch me, concern filling his eyes as he suggested, “You’re feeling dizzy, aren’t you? You’ve been

sitting for too long. How about you lie down and rest a bit before we head back?”

His gaze was filled with concern, his tone incredibly tender.

I slowly opened my eyes, turned to look at him, and said firmly, “We’re going back to the hospital. I

can’t stand the filth here..”

His face twitched slightly at my words, but I chose to ignore his reaction.

Turning around, I headed for the exit with Jaylan following closely behind, like a faithful companion,

taking care to protect me.

In the car, I didn’t feel like speaking to him, choosing to remain quiet, my eyes shut as I leaned back

into the seat. I was contemplating the strange encounter with the two sisters, something about it didn’t

feel right. Zora didn’t know where the child was, and that was incomprehensible.

Since Clara’s report was taken by Zora, it was crucial to know where the report was now. But who

could she have given this report to?

Suddenly, an image of Jerome flashed in my mind. His gloomy face and sinister eyes stared back at

me, and it sent chills down my spine. I gasped and opened my eyes.

Jaylan, who was seated next to me, immediately put his arm around me, asking with concern, “Are you

okay? Are you feeling unwell?”

I let out a breath, leaning back into my seat and murmured, “Just had a dream.”

“You see, I told you, you’re just tired. You fell asleep so quickly. You really need to rest more,” he

chattered away like a buzzing bee, it was extremely annoying.

I opened my eyes again, shot him a glance, and said, “When we get back to the hospital, you should

get a check-up too. I still don’t know what caused the sudden fever you had last time. You need to take

care of yourself too.”

At my words, Jaylan was left speechless, his smile stuck on his face as he replied, “Thanks, dear. I’m

fine now. You don’t need to worry.”

Hearing his response, I closed my eyes again and continued my rest. This time, he finally stopped novelbin


Back in the hospital room, I was genuinely tired so I laid down on the bed and was soon lost in slumber.

Before I drifted off, I told Jaylan, “You don’t need to stay here. I’m going to sleep. You should go and

handle whatever you need to. You know what I’m talking about, right?”

Jaylan immediately agreed, “Alright, sleep well. Once you’re asleep, I’ll go.”

I thought to myself, with Hannah around, he wouldn’t dare do anything to me. I turned over and fell

asleep almost instantly.

I slept for almost eight hours, and by the time I woke up, it was already late at night.

Hannah had prepared a bountiful dinner for me. She handed me a towel to wipe my hands and then

adjusted the bed so I could sit up comfortably. As she laid out the food, she said, “Jaylan left after you

fell asleep. He told me to call him once you woke up.”

“I forgot to tell you, have someone tail him. See what he’s up to,” I said to Hannah, accepting the spoon

she handed me.

Hannah gave a mischievous smile, “Don’t worry, miss. I’ve already arranged it.”

I was delighted by her quick action and remarked, “Impressive! Keep it up. I need to know his every

move. Everything from now on is critical. We can’t overlook anything he does.”

Hannah raised an eyebrow, “Don’t worry! Have some food!”

Her smile was incredibly infectious, and her little tiger teeth were quite charming.

I took a bite of the food and didn’t hide my praise, “This is delicious. I was starving!”

“I knew you’d be hungry. Here, have some chicken soup,” she said, pushing a bowl of soup towards

me. “Mr. Richardson sent this over.”

I was taken aback. Ronan sure was considerate. Without any hesitation, I took a sip of the soup. It was

fragrant and smooth.

“I haven’t asked you yet, but are you part of Bennett Richardson’s staff?” I asked Hannah, setting down

the soup bowl. This was the first time I had asked her this question.

Chapter 289

My question seemed to catch Hannah off guard as she turned to me, asking in return, “You didn’t


“Hmm!” I nodded, “I don’t remember asking. You said you were here because of my parents’

arrangement, I assumed it was Bennett’s doing. I trust him, so naturally, I trust you! No need for further


Hannah chuckled mischievously, “And now you’re asking?”

“By curiosity!” I didn’t hide my thoughts, “With such impressive skills, you can’t be just an ordinary

person! How would my parents know someone like you?”

“Yes, I work for Mr. Richardson!” Hannah replied confidently, “For 8 years!”

“Oh wow!” I exclaimed, thinking to myself, I’ve been away from Ronan for twelve years, but this girl has

been working for him for 8 years. Somehow, it felt odd that during the years I lost, she had always been


“That long?” I commented, a little late on the uptake.

“Yes, I was assigned to him right after my special training ended!” She disclosed my curiosity without

any hesitation, and it sounded so grand.

Just the term ‘special training’ sounded cool, especially coming from a woman like her.

“Working in his company?” I was genuinely surprised, looking at her enviously, “May I ask your age


“I turned 26 this year.” Hannah answered straightforwardly, without any hint of evasion, “To be precise,

I follow his orders as a part of his special team, not just the company!”

My appetite suddenly faded. This was too enviable, being able to be by his side, knowing all his

secrets, “You…do you know about him…” I found myself unable to continue, after all, Ronan was a man

of secrets. I didn’t know if Hannah knew about Bennett’s hidden identity. novelbin

Seeming to understand my thoughts, Hannah directly answered the question I was about to ask, “I’m

his off-the-books team member.”

I asked in confusion, “What does that mean?”

She pondered a moment, as if thinking about how to answer my question, then smiled and said

seriously, “That means I am part of his entourage, but my identity is not publicly disclosed.”

I understood at once, looking at her and confirming seriously, “So, ordinary people don’t know you

exist, but you are under his secret command, right?”

She looked at me and nodded in satisfaction, “Smart! That’s exactly it!”

Something struck me, and I looked at Hannah and asked, “Then you must know, how did he get


Hannah’s expression faltered, seemingly surprised by my question.

I hurriedly said, “You don’t have to answer!”

Then I pretended to be calm and continued to eat my meal, but I was extremely curious inside,

anxiously waiting for Hannah’s reaction.

I guessed this might be a sensitive topic or a special no-go zone for them, with certain secrets involved.

Otherwise, I remembered when I asked Logan, he simply avoided answering. But I think Logan must

know the details.

Sure enough, Hannah pondered for quite a while before looking at me, a hint of difficulty in her eyes.

I quickly reassured her, “Never mind, pretend I didn’t ask, I…I was just curious.”

Seeing me say this, Hannah seemed a bit embarrassed and quickly explained, “I can’t go into specifics,

but I know he was injured while saving a friend. He was badly hurt, face even unrecognizable.

Afterwards, he became as you see him now!”

Hannah’s explanation was very general, but I was still very satisfied.

She continued, “Afterwards, the higher-ups had no choice but to play along, giving him a new identity, a

complete makeover! Almost no one knew his original identity, but you’re an exception.”

“Oh…” I listened, shocked, what kind of comrade required him to sacrifice himself so? I didn’t dare to


I knew I couldn’t show too much interest, after all, they have their own rules. Since they keep this

matter confidential, there must be a reason for it.

Chapter 290

I quickly changed the subject, turning to Hannah and saying, “Don’t you think that one of these sisters

is lying today?”

I asked this with certainty, knowing that Hannah wasn’t just an ordinary soldier. She must be an astute

warrior, her insight incredibly sharp.

Otherwise, as she said, they wouldn’t have let her stay by Ronan’s side, acting as a secret aide, whose

identity information wouldn’t be shared externally.

Unexpectedly, my heart warmed towards Ronan a little more. He’d dispatched a confidant for my sake.

This special treatment touched me deeply.

Without missing a beat, Hannah said, “Zora’s not being truthful. She took the report, which means it’s

been used by her!”

Hannah’s thoughts aligned with mine. I chuckled, teasingly saying, “Great minds think alike. That’s

what I was thinking too, that the child’s disappearance is directly linked to this report!”

I put down my spoon, my appetite waning at the thought of this matter. I was thinking about how I was

here, enjoying the fine cuisine, but what about the child? I couldn’t even be sure if he’d had a meal. The

dream always haunted me, making me restless.

Seeing my worry, Hannah spoke to comfort me, “Miss, don’t stress too much! The police are on it, so

rest assured. There will be an outcome!”

I took a sip from my water glass, but secretly thought that the police had been investigating for days,

yet there was still no result. God knows what the child was going through. If it were my child, I swear I’d

go mad.

Marissa, the only person who truly cared for him was gone. I sighed involuntarily. People who aren’t

born with responsible parents can have a rough go of it!

I looked up to see Hannah studying me intently, and I casually asked, “What’s up?”

“I was thinking about Marissa,” Hannah surprisingly was thinking about Marissa too. It seemed like we

really were in sync.

“Miss, if only that child had a decent mother, he wouldn’t have met such a fate!” Hannah’s eyes were

filled with pity and sorrow.

I looked at her, “From now on, don’t call me Miss. Call me Aaliyah like everyone else. Miss sounds too


I thought to myself that since Ronan had sent her to protect me, she was like family. Plus, being

inseparable these past few days, we’d developed an understanding.

Moreover, I knew the importance Hannah placed on me wasn’t just due to Ronan’s orders, but also a novelbin

mutual fondness that sprung up. Just like my trust in her, she gave me a strange sense of security.

At my words, Hannah smiled broadly, “Sure thing! From now on, I’ll call you Aaliyah. I would like to treat

you as a sister, as I only have a brother.”

“You have a brother?” I asked, feeling a tinge of envy, “It’s nice to have siblings!”

Hannah’s face stiffened momentarily but quickly returned to normal.

She pushed the food towards me, “Aaliyah, eat up! You’re not eating enough, Mr. Richardson won’t be

pleased. He specifically got this for you!”

I smiled at her, teasing, “So if he buys it, I have to stuff myself?”

Hannah grinned back.

Though I said this, I obediently continued to eat. But it didn’t taste as good as before!

I looked at her while eating, “Don’t you think that Zora and that Jerome must be connected somehow?”

“Jerome has been on our radar for a while now. He’s ruthless!” Hannah said with certainty, proving that

they’ve been watching him for some time.

“Why don’t you take care of him then?” I asked, puzzled.

“We don’t know who his big boss is yet, this man is very cautious, we haven’t been able to find out,”

Hannah seemed to trust me, not hiding the details from me.

Just then, Hannah’s phone rang. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket, glanced at the screen, and

furrowed her brows. Looking at me, she said, “It’s Jaylan!”

Chapter 291

Hannah glanced at the screen and said to me, “It’s Jaylan. He’s probably wondering if you’re up.”

I quickly instructed Hannah, “Just tell him I’m still sleeping!”

Getting my drift, Hannah picked up the phone and said in a casual tone, “Ms. Aaliyah is still sleeping.

No need for you to come over. I’ll call you when she’s awake.”

I gave Hannah a thumbs up.

After hanging up, Hannah turned to me and chuckled, “He was planning on coming over but after

hearing what I said, he decided to head home first and wait for you to wake up.”

“He’d better not come at all. Seeing him kills my appetite. I finally managed to eat a decent amount and

if he comes, I’ll probably end up throwing it all up! He’s like an emetic to me!” I said indifferently,

causing Hannah to burst into laughter.

I looked at her sincerely and said, “It’s so good to have you around. You brighten up my mood!”

I couldn’t eat anymore so I pushed the tray away, grabbed a napkin to clean my mouth and said to

Hannah, “I’m serious. Seeing him makes me feel nauseated, it’s suffocating!”

Hannah giggled, her smile warm. It was a sight that made you feel happy.

After eating so much right after waking up, I felt a bit bloated. Looking at the clock, it was late but in the

hospital, it was still early.

I suggested to Hannah, “Let’s go and visit Janice.” novelbin

Hannah quickly agreed, “Sure! Just give me a moment to clean up and we’ll be on our way!”

She swiftly cleaned up the trays from the table and brought me my shoes.

I got out of bed, put on my shoes and we headed towards Janice’s room.

As we passed the third floor’s lobby, I suddenly remembered Camilla.

I smacked my forehead, realizing I had forgotten something. I quickly took out my phone and dialed

Camilla’s number. I needed to ask her if Fidelia wanted to go to Silverdale City. Otherwise, it would be

rude not to follow up.

Regardless of how Jerome was, Camilla and I were sisters-in-law after all. If I said something, I had to

keep my word.

The phone was answered and I realized it might be too late, but before I could decide whether to hang

up, I heard Camilla’s voice on the other end, “Is that you, Aaliyah?”

I quickly responded, apologizing, “Camilla, it’s me! Is it too late? I didn’t check the time!”

“Hey, it’s not late!” Camilla quickly reassured, “You can call anytime!”

“I just wanted to ask if you talked to Fidelia. Does she want to go to Silverdale City? I might be able to

go back to Silverdale City in a couple of days! If she wants to go, I’ll come and pick her up before I


Camilla seemed pleased that I took the initiative to ask about this. Her voice sounded cheerful as she

responded, “Aaliyah, you’re so thoughtful. I did ask Fidelia when I got back, and she said she wants to


Hearing her response, I inexplicably felt a sense of relief and cheerfully replied, “That’s great! I’ll let you

know when I’m leaving!”

Camilla quickly agreed, “What should I prepare for her?”

“What to prepare? Everything’s there, no need to bring anything! Just have her ready to go with me!”

We both laughed, Camilla sounded genuinely happy. It was the first time I had heard her laugh so


“Thank you so much, as long as her arrival doesn’t bother your parents!” Camilla said cautiously.

“Of course not! Don’t be so formal with me, we’re family!” I replied, “that’s settled then. It’s getting late, I

won’t keep you. Get some rest!”

“Aaliyah, thank you!” Camilla’s tone was truly sincere.

“We’re sisters-in-law, why are you being so formal?” I said somewhat reproachfully, but I knew she was

truly happy.

“Alright, I won’t be formal anymore! You should get some rest too, oh… I almost forgot to ask, how’s

your health lately?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry!”

After hanging up, Hannah commented, “Camilla doesn’t seem too introverted!”

“It’s a long story!” I sighed.

When we reached Janice’s room, it was quiet. There was not a single soul in sight.

Chapter 292

I paused for a moment before turning to walk away, saying to Hannah who followed behind, “She must

have gone to see Janetta. Let’s go check on her too!”

As soon as we entered the hallway leading to Janetta’s room, we were stopped by two men. After

explaining who we were, they consulted with the people inside before letting us in.

Before I even made it to the room, Janice greeted me, her face full of joy, “Aaliyah, what brings you


“I haven’t been here for a while, thought I’d drop by!” I responded, taking her hand. “How is Janetta?”

She hushed me and quickly led me past the nurses’ station.

Her room had been moved to a private one around the corner of the hallway, completely isolated with

bodyguards stationed at the entrance. They were taking precautions seriously.

As we entered, I saw several people giving Janetta a massage.

Relieved, Janice turned to me, shaking her head. “You’re back in the hospital?”

I said with a smirk, “I’ve made this place my second home!”

My comment prompted laughter from the group, and Janice sincerely added, “Thank goodness, it was

a close call. You’ll have good luck in the future!”

“Give me a break! I’d rather not have this luck than be subjected to this torment,” I retorted, causing

more laughter. “If I die before I enjoy my luck, the Grim Reaper himself will be reluctant to take me!”

As I spoke, I moved closer to Janetta’s bed. Despite her pale face, her eyes were open and she was

staring at me in surprise.novelbin

I quickly went over to her, asking, “Janetta, do you recognize me?”

At my words, Janetta became teary-eyed and emotional.

“Janetta, don’t get worked up!” I called out in alarm. “Janice, what’s…”

Janice rushed to my side and tried to calm Janetta. “Janetta, take it easy. If you have something to say,

take your time.”

Janetta composed herself, then looked at me and managed to say, “Aaliyah!”

Tears sprung to my eyes as I tightly grasped her hand, nodding heavily. “Yes, Janetta. It’s me, Aaliyah.

I came to see you.”

But Janetta’s next words broke me.

“You’ve… lost weight!”

These words unleashed a flood of emotions, and I couldn’t hold back my tears.

Through my sobs, I nodded. “Janetta, you’re sharp as ever. I have lost weight. Did you know, you have

lost weight, too. Now you’re the same as me.”

My words were lighthearted, and to my surprise, Janetta cracked a smile.

Janice hugged me, expressing her gratitude. “Aaliyah, I can’t thank you enough. If you hadn’t brought

Dr. Dailey that day, and stayed with my sister, I don’t know if she would have woken up!”

I patted Janice’s back, comforting her. “It’s fate. It was meant to happen. Don’t cry, you’re still


Janice nodded and cleaned her tears. “I’ve told Janetta everything these past few days. She

understands. The doctor said her speech and movement are still affected by the accident. But she’ll get


I reassured her, “Everything will be alright. The universe is fair. Those who hurt us will face their karma.

We’re still here, aren’t we?”

Janetta nodded, indicating she understood.

I squeezed her hand. “You’re doing great, Janetta. We believe you’ll recover soon. Janice, Gevena,

Catherine, and I are all here for you.”

She managed to utter a word, “…sit.”

I nodded and sat by her bed, watching her intently.

She was thin, but her complexion had improved since I last saw her. She had a slight blush, indicating

she was well taken care of.

I turned to Janice and whispered, “Has Irving visited in the past few days?”

Chapter 293

Janice nodded. “Yeah, he’s been here, but we didn’t let him get close. Baber has guards stationed

outside, keeping an eye out. He couldn’t get in! And he didn’t dare to force his way in. He knows that

once Baber is involved, it wouldn’t end well for him if he tried anything.”

“He’s afraid of trouble then!” I sarcastically commented.

“It’s not that Baber didn’t care before. I just didn’t want him involved in our family matters!” Janice

explained, “I didn’t want to burden him! But now…”

I patted her shoulder. “Bad guys need a nemesis! Irving is a sly one. It’s good for him to know that you

have support! He’s not to be underestimated!”

“I’m fed up with it all. He checks in here every day, but he has no idea what’s going on inside.” Janice

looked disgruntled.

“Did Nettie come?”

“Yes! Like father, like daughter. I just can’t…” Janice sighed. “Thankfully, Dr. Dailey has been very

responsible. He not only switched our hospital room, but also arranged for specific doctors and nurses.

This room is now restricted. Only those he approved can come in!”

I nodded in approval. “That’s good. At least it’s safe for now. When you guys are better, we can move

you somewhere even safer.”

“How’s your baby these past few days?” I asked Janice.

Janice sighed, “My baby was born prematurely, so he’s a bit weak. The doctor said he needs to stay in novelbin

the incubator for a while. I visit him every day. He’s so tiny, it’s heartbreaking.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she said it. A mother’s love was indeed profound.

To be honest, I had never seen Janice so emotional before.

“It’s going to be okay! This is already a blessing in disguise!” I comforted her, “Don’t worry, preemies

are quite common, and modern medicine is advanced. He’ll get stronger, you’ll see!”

She sniffled and looked at me. “I hope you’re right. Now, tell me about you. I heard from Geneva that

you got back all the assets that were mortgaged, even the ones in the joint account. Is that true?”

I gave her a satisfied smile, replying, “Yes, everything’s back. Not only that, but I’m also working on

liquidating Jaylan’s secret assets. I believe it won’t take long!”

Janice grabbed my hand and said, “Allie, I really admire you. You’re decisive and ruthless. You do what

needs to be done. You didn’t give them any opportunity. A quick victory is the key! Otherwise, if they

had time to regroup, it wouldn’t have been so easy!”

“Actually, he lost because of his greed! He was eyeing the mine. He wanted to take it all.” I chuckled,

“But greed is a trap, a deadly temptation! He’s fallen into it now!”

Hearing my words, Janetta, whose hand I was holding, stirred. She gazed at me as I turned to look at

her. She blinked, clearly wanting to say something.

“Do you want to say something?” I asked, understanding her cues.

She nodded vigorously.

I quickly glanced at Janice, then encouraged Janetta, “Go ahead, we’re listening!”

She swallowed, her lips trembling, clearly anxious to speak.

“Easy now, take your time. We’ll understand!” I stroked her hand, signaling her to relax.

Janice also moved closer to her. “Janetta, take it easy. Speak slowly. We’re listening.”

She stuttered, then finally managed to spit out two words, “Key… Key!”

“Key!” I repeated, and she nodded. I quickly asked, “Your key, right?”

She nodded again!

Janice and I shared a glance, then Janice leaned over to her and asked, “Is the key what you wanted

to give me all those years ago?”

She nodded again.

Janice and I shared a moment of excitement, both asking in unison, “What key?”

We both turned to Janetta. She swallowed again, then looked at Janice, hope in her eyes.

Janice looked surprised and asked, “You mean, you wanted to give me a key? But after your car

accident, I didn’t find any key!”

“Bag!” she said clearly.

I guessed, “Did you put the key in your bag?”

Janetta nodded vigorously. I turned to Janice, “When you arrived at the car accident scene, did you see

her bag?”

Chapter 294

Janice shook her head. “No, when I got there, I was so focused on Janetta that I just followed the

ambulance to the hospital.”

At this, I saw Janetta close her eyes, looking disappointed.

Janice, frustrated, shook her head vigorously. Then, suddenly, she said, “But later, Irving did come and

ask me if Janetta’s stuff was all there. He even asked if she’d called me before the accident, and what

she had said.”

Both Janetta and I listened to Janice’s words. novelbin

“I told him she hadn’t called, and I hadn’t seen any of her stuff!” Janice recalled, “But I never did see

Janetta’s bag! I asked the police handling the case later, and they said they hadn’t seen any of

Janetta’s belongings either.”

“Was Irving there when you arrived?” I asked Janice.

“We basically arrived at the same time!” Janice replied, frowning.

“That means someone else took Janetta’s bag!” I voiced my thoughts, and we all felt a chill run down

our spines.

Janice turned to Janetta, “Sis, are you sure you had your bag with you that day? And that the key was

in it?”

Janetta nodded, “…Yes.”

“What key?” Janice pressed.

Janetta closed her eyes weakly, letting out a breath, looking slightly defeated.

“Don’t worry. We’ll find it out!” Janice hurried to comfort her.

Janetta shook her head, her lips moving, “Evidence… conditions!”

I watched her closely. Her eyes were filled with resentment. She added, “Negotiated… conditions!”

I immediately understood her meaning, recalling the conversation I had with Catherine during the

cocktail party.

“Do you mean the agreed divorce conditions and evidence of Irving’s infidelity?” I quickly asked


Janetta nodded, relieved.

Janice asked in confusion, “Allie, what’s going on?”

I guessed that Gevena didn’t tell her, fearing she would panic. So, I went ahead and explained to

Janice how Catherine and I got Olivia to spill the beans at the party. Janice seemed to finally


It dawned on us that Janetta meant to give the key to Janice for safekeeping before her accident.

When the accident happened, the key was in her bag. But after the accident, Janice never saw

Janetta’s bag. The bag vanished!

Janice and I exchanged glances. “It seems that the bag ended up with Irving,” I said, shuddering.

“I’ll ask Barber to look into it again tomorrow. See if any of the officers at the scene remember seeing

the bag!” Janice said, her voice filled with anger.

I comforted her, “Don’t worry. Now that Janetta is awake, there is no need to rush things. What I mean

is, once Janetta recovers a bit more, she can explain everything herself.”

I turned to Janetta and said, “Don’t worry. the bag won’t disappear! If you were able to find it back then,

others can find it too!”

Then I said to Janice, “Janice, Logan should have an easier time looking into this than Mr. Forrest.

Plus, didn’t Logan promise to help you out? He’s a man of his word. There is no use rushing now. You

both need to focus on getting better!”

Janice nodded and comforted Janetta, “Sis, Allie is right. Focus on getting better. We’ll get our stuff

back. Irving will get what he deserves!”

Janetta nodded, a tear trickling down her cheek.

We talked for a while longer before someone came in saying they were looking for me.

I glanced at Hannah, who had been by my side the whole time. She turned to leave.

Janice and I exchanged glances. “Could it be Jaylan? We can’t let him in!”

I nodded and said, “Don’t worry. I’m leaving now.”

With that, I gestured to Janetta and said, “I’m going now, I’ll come see you

I’ll come see you again soon!”

As I got up to leave, Hannah returned. “It’s Jaylan!”

Chapter 295

I exchanged a glance with Janice and let out a sneer, “I’m out of here!” Then I walked out with Hannah.

At the end of the corridor, I saw Jaylan standing tall and handsome, wearing a white silk shirt and grey

trousers with his hands shoved into his pockets, looking cool and aloof.

This attracted the attention of the nurses at the nurse’s station, who were drooling at his appearance,

their faces full of infatuation!

It’s true that good looks can be quite deceiving. With his pretentious demeanor, he was easily able to

attract these love-struck nurses.

Seeing me walk out, Jaylan immediately dropped his cool facade, breaking into a smile as he strode

over and pulled me into his arms, starting a public display of affection.

Instantly, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Hannah, standing to one side, pursed her lips and quickly stepped back.

I knew exactly what he was up to, trying to portray himself as the perfect man.

I glanced at him. As long as he didn’t overdo it, even if I felt nauseous, I had to reassure him, letting

him believe that I was willing to forgive him. I wanted him to fall hard without seeing it coming.

“Honey, why didn’t you tell me you were awake?” he asked softly, without a hint of blame in his voice.

“Luckily, I decided to come and check on you.”

“I thought you could use some rest!” I replied kindly.

Hearing my words, he immediately played up his response, “Being at home alone is too lonesome!”

As I cursed him silently, I thought, of course, having a maid at home would make it less lonely.

“Why are you here?” he asked casually. “I heard that Janetta is showing signs of waking up. Is she

awake now?”

On hearing it, I became alert. It seemed he knew about Janetta’s condition. Clearly, Irving didn’t hide it

from him. Maybe he was trying to test me.

“She’s not bouncing back just like that!” I sighed and said quietly, “Being in a coma must be hard!”

“Oh, I thought she had woken up. That would be a miracle!” Jaylan agreed. “I was wondering why your

ward was empty when I came.”

“I woke up and was hungry, so Hannah got me some food. I ate a bit too much and wanted to take a

walk, so we came here,” I explained casually. “After all, with Janice’s status, I have to come and visit.”

“Why didn’t you wait for me to come?” Jaylan asked.

I scoffed silently, thinking, what the hell does he think he is?

“It’s late, and besides, all the patients are women. It wouldn’t be appropriate,” I replied nonchalantly.

“Don’t you have things to deal with tomorrow? There’s no need to rush over here.”

I spoke lightly, without showing any emotion.

“Without you, it’s not a home!” he said so naturally that I wondered if there was something wrong with

his brain. Or maybe he was so into his role that he had convinced himself.

After all that had happened, I would be stupid if I still believed his lies.

“That’s good enough to fool yourself,” I thought.

“Oh… have you checked the trending news?” he asked me excitedly.

“No, what’s up?” I asked nonchalantly.

“The internet has cleared your name,” he said casually.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at me coldly. “Was I ever guilty? Don’t you know why all this

happened, Jaylan? Do you think I deserve to die?”

The moment I said this, he realized his mistake and immediately pulled me into his arms. “I misspoke. I

was wrong… I was just repeating what people on the internet say! The situation has turned around!

That’s what I should have said!”

He was very apologetic, repeatedly admitting his mistake and trying to pacify me. Then he said

ingratiatingly, “There’s more good news. You’ll be pleased to hear!”

He intentionally left me hanging, looking at me with an expectant smile.

“Well, don’t keep me waiting!” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

He grinned, clearly satisfied, and said, “The property manager of our estate has been arrested!”

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 276-285

Chapter 276

Hearing her talk like that, to be honest, I wanted to slap her right across the face. But I held back my

urge. She held grudges, so I couldn’t afford to offend her.

“Who else knows you’ve moved Evan?” I asked, staring at her. This was the crux of the matter, “And

don’t tell me no one knows.”

“Only Maddox and I knew about it.” Clara raised her head to look at me, “So, I was puzzled and dared

not make it public. But the only person I could tell was you.”

I stood up, towering over her, “You’d better tell me everything. If Evan is in danger, you are just as

culpable as Zora.”

Clara suddenly looked up, her face pale and her eyes filled with fear.

I stared at her for a moment, then bent down to meet her gaze, “When did you meet Renata?” I asked


Her pupils contracted in surprise and her lips trembled, avoiding my gaze.

“Speak!” I demanded forcefully.

“I don’t know her. She… I…” Clara stammered, clearly lacking confidence.

“You don’t know her, yet you dare plot against me for her. Do you think I’m oblivious to your actions?

And you dare to lie to me, so is this your idea of trust? Should I trust you?” I stepped forward, “Clara, I

really underestimated you. Do you know your actions are even more devious than Zora’s?” I was

gritting my teeth as I said this, realizing Clara was a nuisance.

“No, Ms. Aaliyah. I really didn’t know the medicine she gave me was for you.” Clara tried to justify

herself and reached out to grab my hand.

Hannah snorted, “Remove your hand.”

Forced to let go of my hand, Clara continued to plead her case, “I’m telling the truth, and I didn’t mean

to harm you, Ms. Aaliyah. You’re the kindest, most trustworthy, and reliable person in my heart.”

I gave a cold, sarcastic laugh, as though listening to a joke.

“When she gave me the medicine, she said to wait for her instructions. I had no idea she wanted to

harm you. So when this lady…” she pointed at Hannah, “She signaled me not to mess things up, so I

switched the drinks and made her drink it herself.”

“And if she hadn’t signaled you?” I asked, seizing the opportunity.

“Then I wouldn’t have given it to you either.” She claimed sincerely.

I gave a cold humph. I didn’t believe her at all.

“You say you don’t know Renata, yet you followed her instructions. Do you think your explanation is

convincing?” I challenged, “Do you take me for a fool to believe your words?”

“Ms. Aaliyah, I really didn’t lie. I was puzzled when she came to find me.” Clara whispered.

“Clara, you know if you’re lying or not, and I’ll find out too, depending on whether I want to investigate.

If I find out you’re lying, Clara, think about what will happen to you.” I warned, my tone icy.

Her face stiffened, seeming a bit shaken.

I was certain she was still hiding something from me.

“Do you think the issue with Renata is over? Don’t be delusional. Disrupting Goldenvale Town’s

international trade gala, such an important event isn’t the same as a private party hosted by Medsafe

Liyah Inc. She won’t get off the hook this time, and do you think you can escape responsibility?”

My words were like a boulder bearing down on her, her face growing paler by the second.

Then I added, “Now tell me, who do you think took Evan? Don’t tell me you have no idea.”

Clara looked at me, visibly less composed, and stuttered, “I truly don’t know, but I’ve lost something.”

Chapter 277

My heart skipped a beat. She was definitely hiding something. I pushed her further, “What is it?”

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with helplessness, almost as if she was struggling to find the


I pressed her harder, “Spit it out.”

Finally, she seemed to make up her mind and said, “It’s the DNA report from Zora, the one I


I stood there, a little confused. The report from Zora that she intercepted?

“You mean the one that proved they weren’t father and son?” I asked her, needing confirmation.

“Yes, that’s the one. It was in my bag, and I hadn’t had a chance to deal with it yet.” Clara admitted,

clearly frustrated.

I tried to piece together what she was saying and asked, “When did you lose the report?”

Clara shook her head, “I’m not sure, but I noticed it was gone when I realized Evan was missing.”

“Did you come into contact with any strangers during that time?” I asked.

She shook her head again, “No, I was either at home or at work. During the cocktail party, my bag was

locked in the office locker room. It shouldn’t have gone missing.”

I studied her, and she didn’t seem to be lying.

I took a moment to think, then grabbed my purse and told Hannah, “Let’s go!”

Clara looked alarmed, “Where are you going, Ms. Aaliyah?”

I ignored her question, thinking to myself, “That’s none of your business.”

Once we left the cafe, Hannah asked, “Where are we headed, Ms. Aaliyah?”

I stood at the entrance, watching the bustling traffic, thinking to myself, “I need to see Zora.”

My intuition was telling me that this had something to do with Zora.

I told Hannah, “We’re going to see Zora.”

“Are you sure you’re feeling up to it? Maybe we should…” Hannah asked, clearly concerned.

Before she could finish her sentence, my phone rang. It was a call from Ronan.

I glanced at Hannah, her expression was calm, not like she’d reported anything to Ronan. So, I was

being tracked again, and quite efficiently at that.

I answered the call and Ronan’s worried voice came through, “Where are you? Why aren’t you at the


“Aren’t you asking for confirmation?” I countered.

He chuckled, “Do you forget you’re ill?”

I quickly told him about Clara’s visit and relayed the entire conversation to Ronan.

After listening to me, he advised, “Let the police handle this, and you need to rest.”

I agreed reluctantly, “I’ll be back soon.”

But as soon as I ended the call, I told Hannah, “We’re still going to see Zora.”

Hannah seemed surprised, “But Mr. Richardson asked you to rest.”

I brushed it off, “I’ll rest after dealing with this. Can’t have this trip be for nothing.”

Hannah sighed and followed me.

“I have a strong feeling that this has something to do with Zora. Regardless of what the police find, I

need to see Zora.”

I got into the car and continued, “The police will handle their business, and I’ll handle mine. Zora has novelbin

been getting too comfortable lately, living in my house, causing me trouble. It’s high time I visited her.”

Hearing this, Hannah didn’t argue. She stepped on the gas and we headed straight for Zora’s place.

I had no idea when Jaylan acquired this property, and it must’ve been after I fell ill. But thanks to Clara,

I knew the address and the fact that Jaylan was indeed the owner.

I have to admit Jaylan was quite the miser. This alone proved that he had never been sincere to

anyone, not even Marissa who died. They all thought they were winners, but in the end, it was all for


Not only did they lose their wealth, but they would lose their lives.

And it seemed that Zora, still blinded by her ambition, was walking further and further down the path of


Chapter 278

I found it amusing thinking about Zora’s argument with Clara. She had claimed this house as her own. I

was here today to see whose home it was.

Arriving there, I asked Hannah to knock on the door while I stood in a spot where the peephole couldn’t


Zora’s expression was priceless when she opened the door and saw me. She was utterly

flabbergasted, blurting out, “How could it be you?”

I smiled, lifting my foot to step in, but she immediately blocked my way. She said in an unpleasant tone,

“You’re not welcome here.”

I nearly laughed out loud, suppressing my amusement as I looked at her, “Living in my house and

daring to say I’m not welcome? Who gave you such courage?”

Just as Zora was about to retort, Hannah abruptly pulled her aside, clearing a path for me to enter. I novelbin

walked in without hesitation.

The house itself was genuinely impressive, spacious, well-lit, and tastefully decorated.

I sighed inwardly. What a waste.

I made my way to the living room and took the prime seat on the couch. Zora, seeing me casually stroll

in, dashed in after me, her face filled with unease and annoyance, “Aaliyah, I’m no longer your

housekeeper. What are you doing here?”

I sat comfortably, smiling, “So, you realize you’re no longer my housekeeper, yet you still live in my

house. Don’t you think that’s a bit much? Don’t you know why I’m here?”

“Aaliyah, you’ve gone too far. This house is mine, fair and square. Jaylan promised it to me, and he

said this house was meant for me.” She crossed her arms, speaking with conviction.

“On what grounds?” I leaned back on the couch, my tone calm.

She was about to speak but abruptly stopped herself.

“On what grounds? Because you seduced Jaylan while you were the housekeeper? Because you

drugged me? Because you spread malicious rumors to my children about me, saying that my corpse

would eat them? Or because you pierced my head?” I grilled her relentlessly, yet my demeanor

remained light.

As I listed her misdeeds one by one, her face grew paler but she still held her defiant stance.

“What are you implying? We don’t have any relationship now. The past is in the past. Stop digging up

old skeletons. If you’re here just to throw accusations, there’s no need to come to my house and strut


I didn’t waste time with her, cutting straight to the chase, “Since I’m here, I obviously have something to

discuss. Tell me, where is Evan?”

Upon hearing Evan’s name, she immediately lost her cool, “What Evan? How should I know? Stop

dragging me into your mess. I have nothing to do with your problems.”

“Are you sure about that?” I looked at her impassively, “Think carefully before you answer.”

She seemed calm, looking at me with a sadistic glee, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “What’s there to

think about? It seems like you’re the one who needs to think. The whole town isn’t cursing me, and the

police aren’t looking for me. You’re here to question me? How amusing! And what business is it of

yours? Are you playing the saint now?”

She wore an irritating grin, laughing mockingly, “Looks like you’ve got a thing for taking in children. Are

you planning on adopting every illegitimate child out there?”

After finishing her sentence, she laughed loudly.

Hannah, who had probably been holding back her frustration, suddenly stepped forward and with a

swift slap, silenced Zora’s laughter. The room fell quiet.

Zora looked completely bewildered as if she couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. Her mouth

hung open, her eyes wide in shock as she stared at Hannah.

It took her a moment to regain her composure, “You dare hit me? Who the hell do you think you are?

You dare hit me?” She quickly became hysterical, screaming, “Aaliyah, you…”

Another sharp slap from Hannah cut her off mid-sentence.

Hannah coolly brushed her hand, “If you keep shouting, I don’t mind giving you a few more.”

Zora was seething, her eyes bloodshot, her jaw clenched, but she didn’t dare speak again.

I then asked again, “Tell me, where’s Evan?”

She stared at me with a look of pure hatred as if she wanted to tear me apart.

I stared back at her, “How do you know Evan is Jaylan’s?”

“He’s Jaylan’s and Marissa’s child. Don’t play dumb with me.” Zora’s firm reply confirmed my

suspicions. I was getting closer to the truth.

Chapter 279

“How can you prove he’s Jaylan’s child, Zora? Am I supposed to believe you just because you say so?

You’re quite adept at stirring up trouble, aren’t you?” I purposely baited her.

Zora flashed a wicked grin at me, “He’s Jaylan’s. So, Aaliyah, why are you proud? Do you think you’ve

secured your position as Jaylan’s wife? Sadly, he’s not given you a chance. You’re nothing more than a

laughingstock, a discarded wife.”

“Oh really? How would Jaylan react if he heard you talking like this about me? Didn’t he warn you not

to provoke me?” I laughed and asked, catching her off guard.

She was pretty much surprised to see me with that look. She was probably used to women losing their

cool when confronted with such accusations. But my calm demeanor seemed to take her by surprise.

“You know Marissa too, don’t you?” I teased, “But you two are really a match. One is a professional

slut, the other a professional homewrecker.”

Zora took a step towards me, but a single raised eyebrow from Hannah sent her retreating.

“Aren’t you afraid Jaylan will skin you alive for such accusations?” I laughed lightheartedly, “There are

plenty of women claiming to have Jaylan’s child, and all of them are stunning. You, on the other hand,

are a nanny. Quite an achievement, isn’t it?”

“Aaliyah, you should reflect on your own actions.” She was afraid of being seen as a nanny.

“Just you wait.” She stormed into the room like a whirlwind, quickly returning with a piece of paper in

her hand. She waved it in front of my face, “Here’s the proof.”

“Don’t bring me some phony evidence.” I didn’t even glance at it, maintaining a haughty expression as I

stared at her, as though she were a fool.

She stood there with the piece of paper in her hand, clearly taken aback.

I decided to add fuel to the fire, “Do you even know which one is real and which one is fake?”

This caught her completely off guard. She mumbled, “How do you know?”

“Now, tell me, where is Evan?” This time, my tone was icy, “Zora, what goes around comes around. Do

you think you can erase everything you’ve done? Playing dirty? You really have no shame. Hannah,

call the police.”

Hannah understood immediately and reached for her phone. But before she could dial, Zora swung her

hand down in an attempt to knock the phone out of Hannah’s hand.

However, instead of knocking the phone away, she ended up flying across the room and crashing into a

coffee table, grunting in pain.

Perhaps it was the force of her fall, but she lay there for a while, unable to get up.

I remained seated on the sofa, looking down at the pitiful Zora, “Do you really think I don’t know how

you seduced Jaylan, how you poisoned me, how you stabbed me with needles, and what you hid in

your perfume bottle?”

Zora, who was struggling to get up, froze when she heard my words. She lay on the floor, propped up

on her arms, her eyes wide with terror.

“All these pieces of evidence have been gathered and are ready to be handed over. All the proof of novelbin

your crimes against me, the medical reports, the drug residues, the video footage, even that perfume

bottle that doesn’t contain perfume.” I spoke slowly, making sure she heard every detail, “And let’s not

forget about that clever little girl at your former employer’s place. What happened to her?”

I stared at Zora who was on the verge of a breakdown, each word carefully pronounced, “Tell me, how

many years do you think you’ll get if all this is given to the police?”

“You’re talking nonsense.” Zora’s voice was shaking, but she was still defiant.

I pulled out my phone and handed it to Hannah, “Show her.”

Chapter 280

With a nod, Hannah reached out and took my iPhone, stepping over to Zora. Gracefully, she squatted

down and shoved the screen in front of Zora’s eyes. Zora glanced passively at the screen, then her

defenses shattered. novelbin

“No, I didn’t do that. You’re wrong.” Zora recoiled as if stung by a scorpion, sliding backward on the

floor, shaking her head like a rattlesnake, and protesting, “Aaliyah, you can’t blame everything on me. I

didn’t do it.”

“Really? Check the next one.” I commanded Hannah with a cold voice.

Hannah elegantly showed a playful look on her face as she watched Zora, “Shall we see the next one?”

Zora shook her head, fear evident in her eyes. Hannah checked to the next image.

“That wasn’t me. Jaylan made me do it.” Zora finally blurted out.

“Did he?” I calmly turned my gaze to her, “Hannah, call Jaylan.”

“Sure thing,” Hannah replied, standing up and dialing on the touchscreen.

“Aaliyah, Jaylan made me do it, indeed. I said the same thing to his face,” Zora raised her voice in


I laughed, unfazed by her fury, “Excellent. Let’s have a face-to-face showdown. If you’re not afraid, let’s

play a shameless game. Let’s see who Jaylan stands with.”

I stood tall, radiating confidence, “I’m curious to see how much Jaylan values you, his advisor.”

“Aaliyah, this won’t do you any good. Don’t forget, if he cared about you, he wouldn’t cheat on you. He

wouldn’t let me harm you. Don’t overestimate yourself. He doesn’t love you, so don’t be so arrogant.”

Zora was nearly hysterical.

Honestly, her cunning was no match for Clara’s.

I provoked her further, “Zora, you may have forgotten that I have the right to be arrogant. I don’t mind

showing you how Jaylan bows to me.”

I gave her a wicked smile, then said to Hannah, “Call him.”

Hannah dialed, then put the call on speaker.

After a few rings, Jaylan picked up, his voice filled with affection, “Honey, you’re awake?”

I didn’t respond, instead, I looked at Zora with a satisfied smile.

“Aaliyah, you’re despicable,” Zora grumbled.

Jaylan, on the other end of the line, certainly heard. I spoke, my voice full of contempt, “Come over.

Your mistress’ place.”

I then motioned for Hannah to hang up.

Zora struggled to sit up, her beautiful dress torn at the seam, looking rather pitiful.

I looked at her with distaste and said scornfully, “Jaylan should at least buy you some decent clothes.

After all, you’re his plaything.”

“As a maid, this is already too much.” Hannah spat out disdainfully.

“You’re wrong. Maids are respectable. They earn their respect through hard work. But those who

seduce men for material gain, especially those who harm the men’s wives, are another story. We can’t

generalize,” I corrected Hannah.

Zora glared at me in frustration, “Aaliyah, don’t get cocky, you…”

“You should think about how you’re going to explain what you just said to Jaylan.” I cut her off, “Your

repetitive words lack impact. Doesn’t matter if you don’t speak. If you want to say something, make it


“It was Jaylan who made me do it. Even if the police come, I’ll say the same thing.” Zora looked


“Don’t worry, and you’ll have the opportunity to tell the police.” I teased her again. “And bring your dear


Zora looked terrified, fear evident in her eyes.

Seeing her nearly wet her pants in fear, I chuckled, continuing to taunt her like a lab rat, “Zora, if I

change the game, will Jaylan be even more grateful to me?”

Chapter 281

“What on earth are you up to, Aaliyah… What are you up to?” Her lips quivered, and her gaze flickered,

complex and unreadable. She was used to my gentleness, my tranquility. She must not have expected

that I could also be this cunning. novelbin

“Were you not prepared for this when you hurt me? Did you not think about what would happen when I

woke up, when I started collecting my dues? Don’t worry, today I only invited him over to hear what

you’ve been saying.” I attempted to soothe her, but I could see that my words had the opposite effect.

Her eyes constricted, and she wrapped her arms around herself, fidgeting nervously, clearly feeling


I glanced at her nonchalantly, “Whether he’s behind all this is simply a matter of my word against yours.

If I say you did it, then you did it. Do you think he’d take the blame for you? Or would you take the fall

for him? …Either suits me fine! After all, I’m certain Jaylan will be grateful. We still have to live our


“Aaliyah, how… how did you find out about all this?” Zora blurted out mindlessly.

I ignored her, my gaze intense, “Zora, let me be honest with you. I can forgive Jaylan because he’s the

father of my child, and I can’t leave my child without a father.

I can tolerate his mistakes because the cost of divorce is too high. For money, Jaylan would definitely

submit to me, and I can keep his social status. But you…”

I paused, looking at her as if pondering something. Zora swallowed nervously, perhaps still harboring

some hope.

I shook my head, quite resolute, “No! If you hadn’t gone after my child, I wouldn’t have rushed things.

We’ve lived together for eight years, and I hadn’t planned on wiping you out completely. I could have

turned a blind eye and let you live. But you were cruel enough to harm a child, so you can’t blame me

for what comes next!”

In reality, I said all this to give Jaylan the illusion that I could bear his mistakes for the sake of our child.

Divorce would be too much hassle, too much loss. This was the harsh truth everyone knew.

So, the message I was sending him was that I would put up with it.

Knowing Jaylan as I did, as long as I could bear his mistakes, he would be safe, in every sense of the


He would need to calm my anger and balance my mood, allowing me to do as I pleased.

I had to use this time to take back all his little schemes outside, without losing a single penny of my


For him, the gold mine behind me was his main goal. He wouldn’t mind losing a bit of petty cash.

This was the real reason I came to Zora’s. I knew she wouldn’t disappoint me, so by doing so, I wanted

to give Jaylan a wake-up call and let him understand my plans. And of course, there was another goal –

to find clues about the child and verify the sisters’ stories.

I just couldn’t believe that a living person, even a child, could just vanish without a trace. It was


Something was fishy about all this. I was sure one of the sisters was lying.

Just then, Jaylan burst in, familiar with the place. Although I had called him here, he still looked

somewhat guilty when he saw me. He twiddled his fingers, walked straight up to me, and said softly,

“Honey, why aren’t you resting after waking up? Why did you come here?”

From the moment he walked in, he didn’t even glance at Zora, who was trying hard to compose herself.

Hearing his question, I looked at him, smiled and calmly scanned the room, “I just wanted to take a

look at the properties you’ve invested in. They’re not bad. But it’s a pity, I won’t keep a place that’s been

lived in by a maid! It’s dirty!”

Chapter 282

When Jaylan heard me speak, he was taken aback, not daring to retort. But Zora was quite the

firecracker. Emboldened by Jaylan’s presence, she stepped forward, challenging me, “What’s the

business to you?”

I turned to Jaylan, grinning playfully, “Why don’t you tell her?”


“Hannah, play it back for him,” I leaned back into the plush couch, finding a comfortable position.

“Listen to the recording. I need a breather!”

“Sure thing!” Hannah immediately whipped out her phone and placed it on the coffee table.

Zora hadn’t anticipated Hannah’s recording, which effectively squashed any chance of her wheedling

out of the situation.

She lunged forward, trying to stop the playback. But Hannah gave her a swift kick, sending her

sprawling. If it wasn’t for the dining table, she would have been sent flying.

Jaylan’s handsome face twisted with tension, too scared to even utter a word.

The recording played clearly, not a word missed. Especially my part, it was truthful and sound, plain

and simple.

It was as if I was having a heart-to-heart with an old friend, persuading with emotion, convincing with

logic, each word a piece of my heart.

The message was crystal clear. A smart guy like Jaylan would certainly understand why I had been

keeping my cool. The amount of information in it was staggering, something he probably craved in his


After the recording finished, I sat up, facing Jaylan and asking, “So, what promises did you make her?

And did you instruct her to act this way?”

I was stirring the pot, pitting them against each other. Since the recording revealed his hidden desires,

how could he let Zora off the hook?

Jaylan’s face changed instantly, “Don’t listen to her nonsense!” He then shot a stern gaze at Zora, his

voice bristling with restrained anger. “Zora, I’ve allowed you to stay here temporarily out of gratitude for

the years you’ve devoted to caring for the kids. But you dare to spread rumors about Allie. I think it’s

time for you to leave.”

I couldn’t help but applaud Jaylan. He had voiced what I’d been thinking. I didn’t want to be the bad

guy, but he seemed fine with it.

Zora, however, was not so calm. In disbelief, she looked at Jaylan, “Jaylan, you… you’re kicking me

out? Have you forgotten about the child…”

Jaylan roared, “Shut up! Try saying that again!”

He pointed at Zora, his eyes filled with a chilling fury, “Get out! Now!”

“Hold on!” I intervened, “I didn’t call you here to kick her out. Why are you in such a hurry?”

Jaylan froze, his eyes on Zora were filled with a cold fury I’ve never seen before. But when he turned to

me, his face melted into a flattering smile, “If you’re not happy with her, kicking her out is the right thing

to do, why waste words?”

I shot him a scornful look and turned to Zora, “How did you get the report from Clara’s bag?”

She looked at me, a cunning glint in her eyes. I quickly cut her off, “Don’t even entertain the thought of

pulling a fast one on me. If I wasn’t certain you took it, I wouldn’t even be here confronting you.”

“How could you… Aaliyah, who are you? How could you possibly know?” Zora looked at me anxiously,

her face paled.

Jaylan, standing on the side, also seemed a bit uneasy.

I said nonchalantly, “How I know is not important, where is Evan?”

“He… he’s gone, not with me anymore,” she said quickly, sneaking a glance at Jaylan.

But he didn’t look at her. I had to admire Jaylan’s composure.

“How did he go missing?” I knew the answer but asked to see if her story matched Clara’s.

Zora’s account was indeed similar to Clara’s, except she didn’t admit that she handed the child over to

Maddox. Instead, she said Maddox told her the child was missing!

“Who did you give Clara’s report to?” I locked my gaze on Zora, pressing her for an answer.

Jaylan also looked at her, a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

“I… I didn’t give it to anyone!” Zora finally slipped up. It seemed that she did take Clara’s report and

had handed it out.

“Hand it over!” I extended my hand towards her, blocking her escape.

“I told you I didn’t take it!” Zora persisted, adamantly denying it.

“Fine!” I withdrew my hand and turned to Jaylan, “So you’re in cahoots with her!” I laughed coldly, a

fierce glint in my eyes.

“Hannah! Call the police!”

Chapter 283

The moment my words tumbled out, Jaylan was quick to step forward and grasp my arm. “Babe, calm


“Don’t I seem calm enough?” I shot back, staring him down.

He was well aware of his own missteps. He knew exactly what he had done.

Calling the cops, to Jaylan, was akin to destruction.

Sure enough, my words had him rattled. He was doing his best to show his gentle side, attempting to

reason with me. “Allie, I understand you’re angry. But, can you let me say something first?”

“If you’re going to try and make excuses for her, don’t bother,” I retorted without hesitation.

But I knew him too well. Jaylan wouldn’t be caught dead defending Zora right now.

I was certain of it. Jaylan had no feelings for Zora. He, as well as the Dawsons, looked down on people

like her. The Dawsons saw their past selves in Zora, and it was something they couldn’t bear to face.

“Babe, just give me one chance to speak,” Jaylan pleaded, showing a rare understanding of the


I looked at him without saying a word. He quickly continued, “Allie, we can’t call the police! The fallout

would be huge. You know the rumors about our kids and that woman are still all over the internet. If you

involve the police now, it’ll cause a massive scandal. It’s not going to be good for our business!” I

scoffed, “Now you’re worried about the consequences? How do you think we got here? Don’t you


Jaylan was left speechless by my words, but he knew when to back down.

Just like now. The moment he heard me, he admitted to all his wrongdoings.

“Sweetheart, I was wrong! I was blind. I never thought you’d be so forgiving, willing to give me another

chance for the sake of our children. I swear to you, I won’t let you down again!”

I was disgusted. He had absolutely no sense of shame!

“But don’t listen to her lies. The only reason I touched her was because I was feeling weak. You were

sick and bedridden, and all I saw when I came home was her. She took care of me, provided a warm

home, and that’s why I fell for her trap.” He pointed at Zora, placing the blame on her. “She planned

this. You know how she seduced her previous employer. She has a history. I didn’t like her from the


“Are you saying this is my fault?” I shot back coldly.

“No, that’s not what I meant. She had ulterior motives.”

“Jaylan…” Zora whimpered his name.

“Shut up!” Jaylan snapped at her, showing no regard for her feelings.

“You can ask her if she seduced me first. She spiked my drink that night. That’s the only reason I would

have touched a maid.” Jaylan revealed a truth I had misunderstood. But I believed him. It was exactly

something he would do.

“And you couldn’t stop?” I mocked. “Kicking her out and throwing money at her is more your style!”

Both Jaylan and Zora froze at my words. I continued, “Tell me, what dirty little secret did she have that

made you hesitate?”

I was merely speculating, but as it turned out, it revealed a secret that shook me, nearly leading to my

demise. But that’s a story for another time.

“There’s nothing…”

“Yes, there’s…”

Their responses clashed.

“Zora!” Jaylan roared, glaring at her with such intensity. His voice was laced with an icy menace as he

spat out a chilling threat, “You’re done for!”novelbin

Chapter 284

Zora was on the verge of a meltdown. “Jaylan! You… you made promises to me! Are you afraid to tell

her that? Well, then, I will…”

Without waiting for Zora to finish, Jaylan spun around, his hand clasping around her neck like a vise.

His hawk-like gaze met hers head-on.

I smirked, “See, Zora? Now you can see who stands shoulder to shoulder and who’s face to face.”

Even with her air supply cut off, Zora still managed to squeeze out a jab at me. “Aaliyah, I never knew

you were so patient. You’re not the only girl he’s cheated on, and you know it. He and Marissa are

shacking up together…”

“Zora, if you value your life, you’ll shut up!” Jaylan’s grip tightened around her neck, and Zora’s face

turned red. Her hands were clawing at his, trying to pry his fingers off.

Her breathing became labored, her eyes bulged, and a tear streaked down her face, slipping off

Jaylan’s hand.

“Jaylan… you’ll regret this… This woman… she’s no good. I’m… I’m the only one who truly loves you.”

Her words were the punch line to the most hilarious joke I’d ever heard. I watched the scene unfold

before me, calmly waiting to see how this life-or-death drama would play out.

Zora’s struggles were weakening, her eyes filled with terror and sorrow. But Jaylan showed no signs of

letting go.

“Jaylan, if you end up killing her, it’s going to be way more explosive than a simple police call,” I

commented, my eyes never leaving Zora’s liver-colored face. “To end up like this as a mistress, you’re

so pitiful.”

At my words, Jaylan suddenly released his grip. Like a puppet whose strings had been cut, Zora

collapsed onto the floor.

The room fell silent for a moment, then was filled with the sound of Zora’s violent coughing and gasping

for breath. She writhed on the floor, as if she couldn’t get enough air.

Once she’d caught her breath, I nodded at Hannah. “Let him see just how much she ‘loves’ him.”

Without a word, Hannah picked up my phone and played a video. The screen filled with a scene of

Zora and Maddox in sex- it was so explicit it could put a blush on people’s face.

Zora was dumbstruck, her eyes wide as saucers.

Jaylan, devoid of any semblance of chivalry, swung his leg and kicked Zora.

As Zora rolled on the ground, I felt no pity for her. She deserved what she got. I turned to Jaylan with a

breezy smile, “These are the women you’ve cheated with, even someone like her managed to make a

fool out of you. How pathetic.”

I examined my nails nonchalantly, “Either sleeping with your brother or any other man, all of them are

as common as a whore. Oh… I heard Renata calling out… Jerome at the cocktail party.”

I smirked, “Don’t tell me your brother slept with your woman again?”

Hannah couldn’t contain her laughter, but she quickly masked it with a straight face.

I turned to Zora, “You know, I am more aware of how many women he’s been with than you are. You’re

just a nanny he keeps at home, while those outside are showing off their beauty and competing for his

attention.” novelbin

Enraged, Zora lunged at Jaylan.

Perhaps Jaylan had had enough, or maybe he wanted to vent his anger. He landed a punch on Zora

before she could reach him. The sound of the impact made me wince!

Chapter 285

I scoffed, “Not call the police? Jaylan, do you think I can forgive you once again?”

To my surprise, with a ‘thud’, Jaylan had dropped to his knees in front of me.

“Darling, I messed up!”

Staring at his pitiful state, I sternly asked, “And where exactly did you go wrong?”

“I shouldn’t have been messing around behind your back. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with Zora, novelbin

allowing her to get bold enough to harm you. I shouldn’t have been so careless to let Marissa meddle in

the company’s affairs. I shouldn’t have….”

I leaned back on the couch, eyes closed in bitter resentment, my nose stinging with the sourness of


Each of his ‘shouldn’t haves’ were my grievances against him. He really did understand himself; he was

certainly insightful. In the end, he defended himself, “But I swear, there was nothing between me and

Renata. You have to believe me, I was also a victim. Marissa seduced my brother, and they both cut

me out to take over the company.”

“You finally realize you were cut out?” I was beyond frustrated.

“I was naive, only excited about having my own company. It was only after they took over Addrion, I

realized, I was being manipulated by my own brother.”

I had no doubt Jaylan was telling the truth.

“And, honey, Marissa’s child is not mine.” Jaylan looked up at me, crawling a few steps closer as if

holding a trump card.

“But that doesn’t mean you can collude with her against that child! He’s just a kid Even if he’s not your

son, he’s still a Dawson. That makes you his uncle! How could you harm him?” I roared, “Tell me,

where is that child?”

“Honey, calm down, think of your health!”

“Shut up, and stop with the sweet talk!” I shouted.

“I admit, I did have Zora take the child, but the situation was complicated. I was afraid you’d be upset if

you knew about the child and wouldn’t forgive me. And I was also focused on securing the overseas


“So, Zora came up with this rotten idea. Get the child out and divert the online slander and attention, so

I could focus on the overseas deal. Then we do a DNA test to prove the child isn’t mine!”

Jaylan’s confession matched Clara’s account.

“Are you brainless?” I slapped the armrest of the couch, rebuking him angrily, “She’s really been a

great advisor! You’re a complete fool!”

Jaylan looked helpless. “I just wanted to have him stay with Zora for a while, then bring him back once

the situation calmed down and the overseas deal was signed. But who would’ve known… those internet

trolls wouldn’t let it go. So I didn’t dare to bring the child back.”

Zora stood there, clutching her chest, watching Jaylan on his knees, her expression unreadable.

“I planned to bring him back after our victory party, but then this bitch told me the child was missing.”

“You’re lying. You probably never intended to bring him back, did you? You’re afraid of the police!” I saw

right through him, “The child has become a mystery. Everyone, including the police, is watching. You’re

afraid he’ll lead them to you!”

“It really has nothing to do with me!” Jaylan stubbornly argued.

I was about to explode. “You dare to say it has nothing to do with you? Who was it that took him


Jaylan was at a loss for words.

“This child is missing now, and there’s no knowing if he’s even alive. Don’t you feel a prickling of guilt?”

I leaned over to look at Jaylan, “I’ve inexplicably become a suspect because of this child, and she?

She’s casually throwing around accusations, claiming I’m fond of taking in your illegitimate child.

Shouldn’t I call the police?”

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 266-275

Overcome with fear, I involuntarily shut my eyes tightly. A silent scream echoed within me – I was at

fate’s mercy now! To be honest, at that moment, I could feel death’s cold touch just around the corner.

“Listen up, either you step aside and let me go, or we’re all going to hell together!” Bald roared, his

breath ragged, his demeanor feral. It was clear he’d lost all rational thought.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the policemen beside Ronan glance towards him, while on

the other side, Hannah’s face had turned ashen. Her eyes were fixed on me, filled with regret and


Ronan stood tall as if he were the spine that held everyone together. His expressions were stern and

icy as he closely watched Bald’s every move.

“I can let you go, but do you really think you have a way out?” Ronan’s voice dripped with disdain,

seemingly provoking the man behind me. “Don’t you want to know how we found you so quickly?” His

words seemed to loosen the grip Bald had on his gun against my head.

“Also, your mother is currently on her deathbed in the hospital. Don’t you want to see her one last

time?” At Ronan’s words, I felt Bald choke behind me.

But Ronan didn’t stop there. “You know, she hasn’t touched a dime of the money you’ve sent her. She

called it blood money, tainted by your nefarious deeds. She’d rather die than spend it. That’s why she’s

so sick, with only the community volunteers take care of her. Her last wish is to see you before she

dies.” Each word from Ronan was like a punch to the gut.

Bald’s breathing became heavier, the stench of his breath making me nauseous. The arm around my

neck started to tremble.

Meanwhile, Ronan continued, “You think you’re a dutiful son, but where is your respect for your

parents? Your mother’s illness is a result of the stress you’ve caused her. If she knew what you’re doing

right now, do you think she could bear it? Wouldn’t you regret that for the rest of your life?” Every word

from Ronan was like a bullet, hurting Bald deeply.

“Shut up… Shut up!” As expected, Bald was enraged, his voice thunderous and causing my ears to

ring. I knew, he’d lost his mind.

I was terrified, my body felt limp, but I gritted my teeth and didn’t make a sound.

At that moment, Ronan gave Hannah a command, “Hannah, turn on the webcam in his mother’s room,

let him see his mother one last time!”

Bald behind me tightened his grip on me, yelling, “Shut up, don’t you dare… Let me go, get out of the

way!” In reality, although I was his shield, I was also a burden to him.

Because I couldn’t move on my own, my entire weight was pressing down on his arm, making him

exhausted. I guessed, he really wanted to let go of me.

Ronan responded to his rage, his voice firm, without a hint of backing down, “I can let you go, but first,

you have to let go of your hostage!”

At that moment, my heart was pounding in fear. I didn’t understand why Ronan was so calm. Wasn’t he

afraid that his words would enrage Bald and he’d shoot me without a second thought?

After all, Bald was a desperate at this time.

Just then, Hannah shouted, “Chief, the webcam is on!”

Bald seemed to panic, quickly pulling the gun from my head and pointing it at Hannah, “Don’t you


At that moment, a sharp gunshot echoed through the air, something hot and sticky splashed onto my


Chapter 267

The sudden warm blood splashed on my face, mingled with the pervasive scent of blood in the air, was

the straw that broke me. I felt as if my spirit had left my body.

I stood there, numb, as the warm fluid slid down my face. Suddenly, like a lifeless doll, I was thrown

aside, my body collapsing forward as I lost all sense of balance…

I saw Ronan sprinting towards me, arms outstretched. I fell into his comforting embrace.

In the midst of the chaos around us, I wanted to smile at him, to show him that I was still strong. But

then everything went dark, and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. The room was quiet, save for Hannah’s presence. novelbin

Seeing me awake, she rushed out to get the doctor.

After examining me, the doctor smiled kindly at Hannah, “She’s fine. Make her on a light diet,

something nutritious and easy to digest. She’ll recover soon, but she needs rest.”

Hannah, concerned, asked about the abrasions on my arm.

“It’s just a surface wound. It has already scabbed over. Just keep the showers short,” the doctor replied


“Will it leave a scar?” Hannah asked.

“Depends on her healing. If you’re worried about scarring, I can prescribe a cream. It works wonders,”

the doctor assured her.

As soon as the medical staff had left, Catherine and Gevena rushed in, with Catherine carrying a pile of

takeout containers.

“Aaliyah, you scared us,” Gevena said, coming straight to my bedside.

I tried to lighten the mood by grinning. “I must be the luckiest person alive, I’ve cheated death twice


“Stop it, you scared the life out of us!” Catherine said, “Who would dare to kidnap you so boldly? They

must be insane!”

“I guess I was unlucky recently,” I joked. “Next time I go out, I’ll have to check the astrology! By the

way, who kidnapped me?” This was my main concern.

“Their identities are still unclear,” Hannah replied.

“What do you mean unclear?” I asked, propping myself up to a sitting position.

“According to Bald…” Hannah began, but I cut her off, “wait… Bald is still alive?” I asked, surprised.

“Of course he’s alive,” Hannah said, “The bullet only hit his gun hand.”

“Who shot him?” I asked, curious about the series of events.

“A sniper,” Hannah said.

“A sniper was involved?” I asked, stunned at the lengths they had gone to ensure my safety.

Hannah looked remorseful as she said, “I’m sorry, ma’am. I failed in my duty to protect you.”

I brushed off her apology. “Hey, it’s not your fault. Who could have predicted this? Now, tell me about


Hannah saw the urgency in my eyes and continued her story. “Bald was just following orders from the


Of course, there was a driver when Bald kidnapped me.

“But the driver committed suicide by poison when we caught him,” Hannah added.

I stared at Hannah in shock. “What?”

Chapter 268

Hannah nodded gravely, “Yes, suicide! No one expected that he had poison on him. After we caught

him, on the way to the station, he took the poison.”

“Damn…it’s like straight out of a spy movie,” I remarked. All three shrugged and chuckled.

“But what’s weird is, we can’t trace his real identity.”

“Why not?” I asked, baffled. The police couldn’t find out someone’s identity? That was news to me.

Hannah clarified, “More precisely, we found too many identities for him, all of them foreign. And Bald is novelbin

just one of his temporary henchmen. So, Bald doesn’t know who at the top gave the order to this driver.

Furthermore, Bald and this driver were just a temporary team as they hadn’t met before!”

“The question is, who gave Bald the order to cooperate with the driver?” I voiced my doubt.

Hannah was equally puzzled, “The one who called Bald to carry out the task, was this driver!”

Gevena remarked, “It seems like what you’ve been suspecting, Aaliyah, is true. Haven’t you always felt

like there’s a hidden hand pushing everything?”

I fell silent, was there another instigator besides the Dawson family? But I was certain, this mole, must

be from the Dawson family, especially Jerome!

“What I still don’t get is, from the beginning, how did you find out I was kidnapped?” I asked eagerly. I

was desperate to know, who kidnapped me, and why?

Catherine interjected, “Can we talk while eating, please? Aren’t you hungry? You’ve been unconscious

for two days, how do you still have energy? Are you a camel?”

I smiled helplessly and quickly replied, “If you hadn’t brought it up, I wouldn’t have noticed. I am indeed

hungry! Alright then, let’s eat first.”

Hannah hastily took the takeout box from Catherine, and apologized, “I’ll do it! It’s my fault for not

taking better care of you, Miss!”

I rolled my eyes at her, “Here we go again!”

Hannah sighed, “Miss, just thinking about it scares me. I regret not getting the car first before calling

you down.”

“They would have found a way to distract you if they wanted to kidnap me. It was inevitable! It’s written

in my fate!” I comforted her, “Let’s just say I had to overcome this obstacle!”

Gevena laughed, looking at me, “You sure have a big heart!”

Hannah continued, “They must have been watching us for a while. They knew where I parked the

moment we did, calculating the timing perfectly.”

“It seems these people have been planning this for a long time!” I said, feeling a bit uneasy.

Hannah went on, “We reviewed the hotel’s surveillance footage. The moment I ran out to get the car,

theirs was already started and ready to go. As soon as I crossed the main road to retrieve our car,

theirs drove in.”

“It seems someone tipped them off.” I said confidently, “Otherwise, how could they be so accurate in

knowing we were already outside?”

Hannah nodded, “From the surveillance footage, the security guard nearby noticed something was

wrong the moment Bald covered your mouth and nose. But their car was too fast. They got you and

drove off quickly.”

“By the time I got into our car, planning to pull out and pick you up, I saw their car racing away in the

opposite direction. The security guard ran out soon after.

I realized something was wrong at the mansion, so I quickly drove back, asked them what happened,

and they said someone was hijacked, in that car. That made me anxious, I looked towards the mansion

entrance but didn’t see you, and asked them who was hijacked! They gave me a description and I

knew something bad happened, it was you! I quickly turned the car around to chase them, then

reported to the boss.”

Hannah still looked shaken recounting the event, showing how frantic she was at the time.

“After I chased them, their car was nowhere to be found. I asked the boss to track them, but we

couldn’t.” Hannah sighed.

That’s when I remembered, and exclaimed, “Oh no…where’s my phone?”

Chapter 269

I was genuinely flabbergasted. Because my phone held a Pandora’s box of secrets, and I’d be done for

if it ever fell into the wrong hands.

Hannah quickly reassured me, “Don’t panic, it’s safe!”

“Where is it?” I asked, my voice laced with urgency.

“When you got knocked out, you dropped your phone, luckily, they were in too much of a hurry to make

their escape to bother picking it up,” Hannah explained, “That’s why we couldn’t track you.”

Frustrated, I remembered that Hannah had warned me to keep my phone on and charged 24/7. But

who could’ve foreseen such a turn of events?

It seemed the best-laid plans always being awry!

“So, where’s my phone now?”

“Don’t worry, it’s with me!” Hannah replied, a playful smile on her face as she pulled my phone from her

pocket and handed it to me.

“I was worried it might’ve ended up in the hands of strangers!” I explained, then asked, “So, how did we

locate that car?”

“Mr. Richardson contacted the traffic department and tracked the surveillance footage from the building

at the time you disappeared. We quickly determined the direction the car had taken. Several teams,

including a helicopter, were dispatched to track it down. The whole process took less than 20 minutes.”

“I was in the dark about all this,” I sighed with regret, “Where did they finally find me?”

“You were found northwest of Goldenvale Town, in a village called Cobblestone,” Hannah was precise,

“But your hiding spot is still quite a distance from the village!”

“What about the car?” I inquired further.

“We intercepted the car 67 kilometers from Goldenvale Town, but to our surprise, you weren’t in it,”

disappointment was evident on Hannah ‘s face.

I slapped my forehead, “Just as I suspected. They must’ve dumped me on a stretch of road with no


“The worst part was, the driver was incredibly stubborn and arrogant. He laughed maniacally as we

arrested him and refused to cooperate, no matter what we asked, he kept his lips sealed!” Hannah

exclaimed angrily, “Otherwise, we wouldn’t have taken so long to find you!”

“Actually, it was quite quick!” Catherine interjected.

Hannah continued, “The cops didn’t have time to waste, so they swiftly arrested him. But then, he

swallowed poison. It all happened within a matter of minutes, and there was no time to save him.”

“What a desperado!” I expressed with a shudder, “It’s a shame I never even got a glimpse of him!

Everything happened so fast, I didn’t even get a good look at Bald’s face!”

Hannah resumed, “You wouldn’t believe how desperate the cops were. They were ready to do anything

to make him talk. But with him dead, all leads were cut off. Searching the 67 kilometers of unmonitored

road would have taken two days, by then it could’ve been too late.”

I could only imagine the state of the cops at the time.

“Mr. Richardson was sharp, though. He was certain that Bald would be near your hiding place. He

studied their escape route and the surveillance blind spots, pinpointed a few locations, and used

drones to scout them,” Hannah grinned, “Sure enough, at around 3 AM, Bald’s trace was found, and so

were you!”

“Bald was near me?” I asked, disbelief coloring my voice.

Hannah nodded, “Yes, Bald was squatting under a bridge less than two kilometers away from your

hiding spot. As soon as he moved, the drone spotted him, and everyone rushed to the location.”

“No wonder the cops arrived so fast, like angels descending from heaven,” I exclaimed, “How long was

I there?”

“From the moment you were taken till you were rescued, a total of 5 hours and 20 minutes!”

“5 hours and 20 minutes.” I repeated, those few hours felt like an eternity to me.

But I knew it must’ve felt the same for the cops and Ronan and his team. I hadn’t realized how many

people had stayed up all night in search of me, and that thought warmed my heart.

Suddenly, I found myself yearning to see Ronan. As if on cue, Ronan made his entrance into the room

just as he crossed my mind.

Chapter 270

He saw Gevena and Catherine present, giving them a nod in greeting. Then he turned to me, asking

softly, “How are you feeling? Are you alright?”

He was dressed in a black shirt and trousers, exuding an air of masculinity. As our eyes met, I could

feel a sudden flush on my face.

“I’m fine.”

“You must be kidding! Fine? Do you have any idea what you did when you were brought here?”

Catherine looked at me, her face full of curiosity, her expression overly dramatic, “You were delirious,

feverish, screaming.”

I stared at her in shock, “Are you talking about me?”

Catherine burst into laughter, “Mr. Richardson, listen to this. She’s saying it wasn’t her. Well, I wouldn’t

know then who could have done such a thing. If it wasn’t you, was it me? Just like this…” As she spoke,

she waved her hands around in the air, gesturing wildly at me, “Just like this. Don’t tell me that you

didn’t know.”

I was speechless at Catherine’s exaggerated performance, then turned to Gevena for confirmation, “Is

she talking about me? Did something like this really happen?”

Gevena, always serious, nodded, “Yes, indeed it did. You were probably just scared.”

I felt speechless as I stole a glance at Ronan. He was watching me with a smirk on his face.

It made me embarrassed. I wished I didn’t know anything about it.

It was Ronan who spoke up for me, “You were already unwell at that time. Plus, you were exposed to

the cold wind on that dark rainy night, soaked in water for a long time, and faced all this alone. You did

really well.” As Ronan spoke, I could see a hint of concern in his eyes.

“You have no idea how worried Mr. Richardson was. You were in a terrible state when you were

brought to the hospital. He stayed by your side until you calmed down.” Hannah added.

I looked at Ronan and a question popped into my mind. I blurted out, “Mr. Richardson, I have a

question. When Bald had a gun to my head, why did you try to provoke him? Weren’t you afraid he

would shoot me?”

I had been pondering over this for a while.

Ronan furrowed his brows, his expression serious, “Of course I was afraid. But we had done our

homework before apprehending him. Bald is a tough guy, but he’s actually a devoted son. He may

trample over others’ pain with his filial piety, but his mother is indeed his Achilles’ heel.”

“So you got his information that quickly?” I was a bit incredulous.

Hannah explained, “Right before he grabbed you, we identified him from the security footage and ran a

background check.” novelbin

I mentally gave a thumbs-up to Logan. I knew this had to be Logan’s work. Logan only worked for him

and got him all the information.

I looked at Ronan, “You used his mother to reign in his devilish side, so you are confident at that time?”

“Because I told him that we had caught his mother, and he’s terrified of his mother finding out about his

deeds. So he had to behave,” Ronan looked at me tenderly, “To know your enemy is the key to victory.”

“At that time, Bald was very agitated.” I shuddered at the memory.

Ronan continued, “Bald was a poor child. His father died before he was born, killed in a gang fight. His

mother raised him, struggling all the way. But he had his father’s violent genes, hot-tempered and

ruthless. He started getting into fights at a young age, causing his mother a lot of worry. He feared no

one in this world except his mother.”

Genes again.

“Eventually, he repeated his father’s mistakes, maimed someone in a gang fight, and ran away. From

then on, he was manipulated and fell into the underworld. Because of his distinctive appearance, it was

easy to find his information but hard to catch him. He’s very cunning. Many cases are linked to him,

and he killed someone. He’s a real desperado.”

“Is that so?”

“If we hadn’t used his mother to provoke him, he might have dared to shoot you. Plus, only by agitating

him and making him feel uneasy could we move his hand. Once his gun was off your head, his fate

was sealed.”

Ronan was now smiling at me, seemingly teasing, “So, are you scared?”

Chapter 271

I shot him a sideways glance, irritation coating my tone, “Aren’t you scared when you have a gun

pointed at your head? It’s like something straight out of a crime thriller. I’ve only ever seen this stuff on

TV, and that’s all pretend. I would’ve thought I’d end up in the real deal. I heard him cock the gun


Catherine and Geneva were stunned into silence. They hadn’t seen the situation firsthand and

struggled to imagine the terror at that moment.

Ronan chuckled, generously dishing out his praise, “But I have to admit that you handled it brilliantly.

You gritted your teeth and didn’t make a sound. That’s the brave Aaliyah I know.”

“No, I just didn’t want to embarrass you and make you worried.”

The moment the words left my mouth, I realized my mistake, and my face flushed. novelbin

Geneva, noticing our easy banter, shot Catherine a glance, “Aaliyah, why don’t you chat with Mr.

Richardson alone? Catherine and I are going to check on Janice.”

Ronan quickly interjected, “No need to leave on my account. I just came to see if she’s awake yet. I

have to go soon. You ladies should continue your chat.”

He turned to me, his voice softening, “Make sure you eat and get some rest. I’ll come see you when I

have time.”

Suddenly, I remembered something crucial, “Wait. Do you have any news on Evan?”

Hearing my question, Ronan paused, his gaze thoughtful. Eventually, he shook his head, “Nothing yet.

If there’s news, you’ll be the first to know.”

He raised an eyebrow, “I have to go now.”

I was taken aback. His answer felt dismissive. It had been days, and his team of experts couldn’t find a

child. That seemed unlikely.

Without thinking, my gaze drifted to Hannah. Though I’d never asked about her background, I knew

she worked for Ronan, especially after hearing her call him boss.

Catching my gaze, she quickly waved her hands, “Don’t ask me. I honestly don’t know.”

Hannah washed her hands off the matter.

I huffed, “Then I’ll find him myself. I have to.”

Geneva, seeing my determination, sighed helplessly, “How do you plan on finding him?”

“I have my ways. If there are no clues, then I’ll have to confront Zora.” I was convinced that Zora was


“I need to act fast. We can’t just sit around. Evan has been missing for days. I refuse to believe there

are no leads. I fear for his safety. I have a bad feeling. That dream scared me.” The words he’d spoken

to me in the sewer still made my skin crawl.

Catherine asked, “What dream?”

So, I recounted the dream I’d had in the sewer. Their faces were blank, and they exchanged glances.

Silence hung in the air.

Finally, Catherine broke the silence, “Allie, you’re too kind-hearted.”

My heart ached at her words.

“It’s not about being kind-hearted,” I protested, “It’s about a mother’s conscience. No matter whose

child he is, he’s still a child. A sweet, innocent child. He relied on me, so I can’t let him down.”

Just then, the phone in my hand started to ring.

Chapter 272

I jumped, quickly snatching my phone to check who was calling. As my eyes narrowed, I glanced at

them in the room and said, “It’s Clara.”

Gevena’s brow furrowed immediately, “Why is she calling you?”

I slid my finger to accept the call, putting it on speaker. Clara’s voice, tinged with an urgency, echoed in

the room, “Ms. Aaliyah, I need to see you.” novelbin

Everyone present was taken aback by Clara’s words. After all, we all knew that Clara stood on a blurry

line between friend and foe.

After surviving a life-threatening ordeal, her sudden call and urgent request to meet were suspicious. It

was even more puzzling considering at the last cocktail party, Clara was clearly on the opposing side.

I had suspected that Jerome was the one who had called Clara away during the party. However,

Hannah had witnessed a different scenario Renata was the one who had stealthily handed Clara two

pills, instructing her to wait for further commands.

It was because of that exchange that I was able to dodge a bullet that night, otherwise, I would’ve been

the one embarrassed at the party.

I took a moment before responding, my tone icy, “Can’t you just tell me what’s up over the phone?”

Clara was firm in her reply, “Ms. Aaliyah, I can’t explain it over the phone.”

“Why do you have to tell me?” I feigned disinterest.

“Because it’s something you’d want to know. I’m not even sure if I should tell you, and I might be

overstepping my bounds.” Clara sounded a bit resentful, but quickly regained her resolve, “But I only

trust you.”

“Fine. Let’s meet then.” I agreed without hesitation, curious to hear what she had to say.

And I wanted to use this opportunity to gauge her intentions. What was she up to?

Clara immediately asked, “Are you home? I can come to you.” She sounded rather impatient.

“I’m not home. You set the time and place, I’ll find you.”

I didn’t bother to explain anything more to her. Since I had agreed to meet, what did it matter where?

Besides, news of my kidnapping was suppressed. It was hardly surprising that Clara was in the dark.

The celebration wasn’t just Medsafe Liyah Inc.’s party, it was also an important event with considerable

implications. For the hostess to be abducted while the guests were still around was a major


If news had leaked, the reputation of Goldenvale Town would have been severely damaged.

Moreover, the scandal with Renata was already a blow to our pride, but my kidnapping was far more


I could pin the blame on Renata for her behavior, but my abduction was beyond personal mishaps.

After all, I was the hostess.

So, the news of my kidnapping was sealed, with no trouble caused. Otherwise, how could I be chatting

calmly in the hospital room?

I agreed to let Clara set the meeting, intending to use this chance to probe her. This was the perfect


Once I agreed, Clara immediately said, “I’ll send you the location soon.”

After she hung up, Catherine voiced her concern, “What could she possibly want, that she can’t discuss

over the phone? Allie, you need to be careful.”

Gevena had a different opinion, “It may not be dangerous, and we have Hannah with us. But her

urgency is intriguing. Aaliyah, what do you think it could be?”

After a moment of contemplation, I looked at Gevena and said uncertainly, “Could it be related to

Evan? It’s like a gift that falls into the lap, and even if she hadn’t called me, I would’ve met her. For me

now, this matter is urgent, I can’t wait any longer.”

“But can you handle it with your current health condition?” Hannah looked at me with concern.

Catherine agreed, “Exactly, your wounds haven’t healed, and you’ve just recovered from a fever. Do

you have the strength to go out? Can you handle it?”

“No problem at all,” I reassured them, tossing off the covers and getting out of bed, “Hannah, start my

discharge process immediately. After meeting Clara, we’ll head straight home.”

Hannah was flabbergasted at my assertiveness.

Chapter 273

“How can you even suggest that? You need at least a couple more days of observation in the hospital.

Your health is important. You’re being irresponsible, and you can’t just go out like this. You can go visit

her, but you don’t have to check out, do you?” novelbin

Looking at me in protest, Hannah warned, “Absolutely not! If you go on like this, I’ll have to inform Mr.

Richardson. If he agrees with your decision, then I won’t object.”

“Since when do I need his approval for my actions?” I said, feigning annoyance. But deep inside, I

found it comforting, although I stubbornly continued, “We’ll talk about the discharge later. For now, can

you find me some clothes? I can’t just go out there in this hospital gown, can I?”

Hannah beamed at me, “That’s already been taken care of. When Mr. Richardson brought you to the

hospital and saw your ruined party dress, he immediately sent for new clothes.”

“OK.” I thought to myself that he even thought of that. He’s more attentive than I thought.

Catherine, with a face of resentment, grumbled, “Mr. Richardson is leagues above that scoundrel

Dawslug. I don’t know why you loved Dawslug.

“Are you ignorant? How many times have I told you to stop criticizing me? Are you trying to make me

sick?” I was genuinely fed up with Catherine’s constant chattering. She didn’t care if I wanted to hear it

and if it hurt my pride, or if it was impacting me negatively.

But I was the one who let her go on like this.

Geneva chuckled, “Dawslug really should get an Oscar for his performance.”

“You just now realized he’s a hypocrite? I was stupid to trust his lies.” I admitted.

The three of them laughed, and I joined in, although mine was more of a bitter laugh.

Seeing me laugh, Catherine quickly filled me in, “When he got the message, he rushed to the hospital

in a flash. When he saw you, he acted angry and worried. It was quite the performance. There’s a term

for it.”


“Overacting. Not even the director could stop him.” Catherine exclaimed dramatically, “Such a


Our laughter grew louder.

“In the past, he wasn’t this obvious. But now he’s definitely overdoing it.” I explained.

Geneva roared with laughter, “Maybe before he wasn’t so insecure, but now he’s desperately trying to

make up for his mistakes. But as you said, he’s overdoing it.”

“You’re right.”

“He’s put on such a show, but in the end, he’s done nothing.”

“Catherine really hit the nail on the head. He’s done so much, but achieved nothing.” Geneva

continued, “He seemed attentive, but he only stayed the night and rushed off to work early in the


As I started to get out of bed, I asked Hannah to bring me my clothes, “Wouldn’t it be better to be at

home? We can eat what we want, and do what we want. I hate being here. I feel so uncomfortable. I’m

not running a fever anymore, and I’m not on an IV. It’s better to go home because it’s quieter.”

Just as I finished dressing, Clara sent me her location. I checked my phone, “She’s at the coffee shop

on Pine Street, just a block away from our house.”

“You should go meet her first. We’ll talk about the discharge later. We’ll go check on Janice. If anything

happens, let us know immediately.” Geneva said, looking at me worriedly, “Are you sure you’re okay?

Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“I understand.” I nodded seriously.

Honestly, I felt fine when I was lying in bed. But the moment I stood up, I felt weak, like my head was

heavier than my feet and I was floating.

But I didn’t say anything. No matter what, I had to meet Clara.

Chapter 274

On my way to see Clara, a question haunted me. Clara’s claim of trust seemed contradictory.

The moment I saw Clara, she had transformed back into that meek and docile girl, completely

defenseless, totally unlike the day she came to inform me that Zora had taken Evan.

I knew too well that whenever she switched to be like this, she either needed a favor, or she was up to

some new trick.

Walking in without a word, I took a seat across from her, glancing at her, “So, what do you want to talk


She blinked, then lowered her gaze, a conflicted expression on her face, “Ms. Aaliyah, that child is


My head throbbed at her words, and I stared at her sharply, “What do you mean?”

Her eyes, suddenly full of tears, met mine, “Ms. Aaliyah, I don’t know how to tell you, I lost that child.”

“Speak clearly,” I growled, my heart was on fire.

Clara shrunk back, tears streaming down her face, looking pitiful, as if I was the one who had wronged


“I lost Evan,” Clara stated clearly.

I was in disbelief, “Evan was with you? Didn’t you say Zora had taken him?”

“He was indeed taken by Zora, but later I took him away.” she stammered.

I was speechless, murmuring, “I underestimated you. So tell me, how did you lose him?”

“After seeing you that day, I eavesdropped on Zora and Jaylan’s conversation again, found out where

Evan was hidden, and took the opportunity to steal him away. And I did a DNA test on him and Jaylan,”

Clara’s voice trembled, and it was hard for me to believe she could be so nervous. novelbin

I was scrutinizing her, trying to determine if she was putting on an act.

I was speechless. All of these devils were good actors. I had to stay focused, otherwise, I would be


“You did a DNA test on Jaylan and Evan?” I immediately found the answer I was looking for.

So, the anonymous DNA was Jaylan’s and Evan’s? That meant Evan was not Jaylan’s child, but


I didn’t know whether to feel schadenfreude or sadness. Jaylan was truly a farce.

But I couldn’t laugh.

I asked deliberately, “And the result?”

Clara looked at me cautiously, fear in her eyes, “Evan is not Jaylan’s.”

I stared at her, and she misunderstood my gaze, “I’m not lying, and he really isn’t Jaylan’s, but…”

“What is it?”

“I forged a report, confirming Evan was Jaylan’s.” Clara looked at me, quickly adding, “I did this to

protect Evan from Zora and Jaylan.”

Her words made me see her in a new light. She was actually concerned about Evan.

“So why did you say Evan is lost? What happened?” I pressed, staring at her.

“Ms. Aaliyah, I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. I…” Clara seemed flustered, genuinely so, not just


“Calm down and tell me.” I softened my tone, trying not to intimidate her.

“This fake DNA might have caused trouble.” Clara started.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, feeling an inexplicable tension. My concern was for Evan.

“Because I found out that Zora also secretly did a DNA test on Evan and Jaylan. But I intercepted her

report before she could get the results. Then I replaced it with the fake one I had made, confirming

Jaylan and Evan as father and son. But I didn’t expect Zora to be furious when she saw the results.

She even exploded with rage, cursing Jaylan for his disloyalty. She called Maddox, asking him to get

rid of Evan.” Clara’s eyes were filled with panic.

I clenched my hands nervously. I believed that Zora was capable of such a thing.

But it was ironic. What right did she have to accuse Jaylan of disloyalty? As Zora was the one who

plotted with Jaylan against me, his lawful wife, it was laughable that she was only just realizing his lack

of loyalty.

How utterly ridiculous.

Chapter 275

“Go on.” I gestured to Clara.

“I found Maddox,” Clara continued, “I convinced him to give me Evan.” Her voice was firm, “At first, he

was adamant that Evan wasn’t with him, but I threatened him. After all, the incident that Zora did at her

previous employer’s house had given me the ammunition. So, reluctantly, he agreed to hide the kid


“You sure?” I was eager for answers.

“Yes. I even checked.” Clara glanced at me, looking a bit guilty.

“You keep saying I’m the one you trust the most, so why do this? If you trust me, why not hand Evan

over to me?” I fired off questions in rapid succession.

Hearing my words, Clara’s face turned ashen.

I suppressed my anger and continued, “Then tell me, why did Evan disappear?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how he disappeared. I’m not sure.” Clara seemed worried.

“What kind of answer is that? Didn’t you say Maddox had hidden Evan?” I was barely holding back my

irritation, “Could Maddox have done this?”

“No.” Clara shook her head immediately, but then added, “He wouldn’t dare.”

“If he wouldn’t dare, then why did the kid disappear?” I couldn’t contain my anger anymore, “When did

he disappear?”

“He disappeared the night before last.” Clara’s voice was uncertain.

My heart skipped a beat, “The night before last? That’s the night of the party. You sure it was that


“Yes, because the next day, Maddox called me and said Evan was gone.” Clara explained, “The party

ended late that night. I was so tired, and I didn’t think about it. When I got home, I went straight to bed.”

“Did Jaylan come over that night?” I asked.

She shook her head, “No, he didn’t. I went to bed as soon as I got back. I didn’t see him.” novelbin

I pondered. That night I was kidnapped, and everything was in chaos. To keep the news under wraps,

Jaylan wasn’t informed until I was safe. So where was he that night? Clearly, he didn’t return to the

villa, otherwise, he would’ve noticed my absence.

“Are you sure Maddox is trustworthy? After Zora, has she ever asked Maddox about Evan?” I

interrogated Clara, but something didn’t add up.

“After I threatened Maddox, he agreed to move Evan. So I haven’t been following this since. He said

he’d inform Zora that Evan died.” Clara’s lips were trembling.

Without another word, I grabbed my phone, intending to call the police.

Seeing this, Clara sprung up, quickly grabbing my hand, “Ms. Aaliyah, please…”

“Let go! I thought you were different from Zora. I told you, Evan is innocent. Did you just agree with

me? Do you see him as a pawn in your games?” I could barely control my rage.

Hearing the commotion, Hannah stormed in, and Clara let go of my hand in shock.

She then fell to her knees in front of me, pleading, “Ms. Aaliyah, please.” Her face was a picture of


“If you call the police, I’ll be arrested.” Clara pleaded.

“Arrested? Isn’t that what you deserve? What have you and Zora done?” I glared at her, “I’ve asked you

time and again to find Evan and bring him to safety. He’s so young.”

“I wanted to save him. I listened to your words, I know he’s innocent.” Clara defended herself, “That’s

why I moved him.”

“Then why didn’t you give him to me?” I roared.

Clara trembled, not daring to meet my gaze, and remained kneeling there.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, but seeing Clara kneeling in front of me, I couldn’t resist a

sarcastic retort, “So, this is your trust in me?”

“I was planning to bring him out, and give him to you at the right time.” Clara was still making excuses,

“But then he was suddenly gone.”

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 251-265

Chapter 251

In the instant he neared closer and closer, I suddenly pushed him away, hastily turned around, flung

open the door and escaped as swiftly as my legs could carry me.

I could hear my heart pounding like a drum!

My legs felt weak and shaky. This abrupt escape, for some reason, left me with a pang of regret. Why

did I push him away? Was it because the unfamiliarity of his face, or his sudden display of affection that

was too abrupt, or a grudge that I was unable to let go, or perhaps the resentment towards his abrupt

departure years ago…

I didn’t know, but at that moment, I felt inexplicably helpless. I even wanted to run back and throw

myself into his arms to vent my pent-up emotions.

If he hadn’t left without saying goodbye, without uttering a single word, would I have ended up in my

current state?

Even if he had given me a glimmer of hope back then, I wouldn’t have shifted my affections! You must

know, back then, my heart was filled with him. His sudden dropout and subsequent disappearance left

me in despair.

I was full of him, filled to the brim. But suddenly, he was gone, nowhere to be found. Only I knew how

much pain I was in. If not for my childish intention to revenge him, why would I went for Jaylan


Back then I foolishly thought, “you didn’t want me getting close to Jaylan, right? You said he wasn’t my

type, right? You said this man wasn’t reliable, right? I was determined to get close to handsome Jaylan,

as a declaration of war.”

I thought that by doing so, he would definitely come back. But he disappeared for twelve years,

vanished into thin air.

I gave a bitter laugh, choked back a sob, and now when I think back, can I blame him?

Even though he left abruptly back then, he never rejected me, never said he didn’t love me. I only have

myself to blame, for being whimsical, capricious, seeking comfort in Jaylan, leading myself into an

irreversible situation.

That regret, from the moment I saw him again, tormented me, especially his unfamiliar face, and the

bracelet on his wrist that I gave him, that he would never take off.

I have no right to blame him anymore, especially considering his extraordinary secret identity.

Is this really my fate? They say, the gentleman does not quarrel with fate, but I’m unwilling!

How blind was I to fall for Jaylan, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And how different am I from his other


The only difference is that I’m his legal wife, but the price I paid for this is just too high.

If not for my three intelligent and adorable children as well as Milo, this price would be even more

exorbitant. I might as well be no different from Marissa.

I felt confused and dazed, as if my soul had been sucked out, to the point where I nearly bumped into

Hannah, who had come out to look for me. I didn’t even notice her until she grabbed me and cried out,

“My lady, what’s wrong?”

I stared at her blankly, my gaze scattered. She shook my arm a little, and I tried hard to concentrate, to

pull myself out of my complex thoughts. I fixed my gaze upon Hannah’s anxious face.

She was scrutinizing me anxiously, “My lady, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

Only then did I see her clearly, and I hurriedly shook my head, saying quietly, “No… I… I’m okay, where

were you just now?”

She whispered a few words into my ear, and my eyes widened, “Really?”

Hannah nodded firmly, “Yes, you must be careful!”

“Okay!” I clenched my fist, gritted my teeth and strode back towards the hall, “Let’s go in!”

I returned to the hall, having composed myself, and carefully scanned the entire room. But I couldn’t

find Jerome.

I couldn’t help but wonder, had he not returned?

For some reason, I had a strong premonition that this rainy night wouldn’t be a peaceful one. My heart

gave a painful jolt.

Chapter 252

The voice I had heard earlier was still echoing in my ears, and I was convinced it belonged to a

foreigner. Could they possibly be at the same event?

I composed myself and headed towards Gevena.

Approaching her, she looked at me, “Where did you go? You were gone for quite a while.”

I shrugged, “Just stepped out for a bit.” novelbin

I didn’t tell her the truth. After all, anything involving Jerome was of no concern to Gevena.

“Where’s Jessica?” I asked.

Gevena smirked, “She’s busy.”

I noticed Ronan Stewart hadn’t returned to the hall.

“Your mother-in-law is the star of the show tonight!” Gevena said, eyeing Hazel. Following her gaze, I

saw Hazel in a lively conversation with an older businessman, her corpulence shaking with laughter.

Jaylan was huddled with Renata in a corner, whispering about something. Renata didn’t seem pleased.

Remembering something Catherine had said, I took out my phone and searched for some scandal

about Renata.

Wow… impressive!

A bunch of news articles popped up. I clicked on one to get the gist of it, and couldn’t help but chuckle

at the soap opera-like drama unfolding.

What was more surprising was that someone had dug up her extravagant spending habits. Most of it

was spent on her appearance, clearly, she was heavily invested in climbing the social ladder.

The man at the center of the scandal was a rather unremarkable older man. It seemed this Miss

Renata wasn’t picky.

After reading up on the man, it turned out he was quite wealthy. However, following the scandal, he had

lost everything to his wife and was kicked out of the business.

Reading all this was incredibly satisfying. This woman was really something, ruthless and accurate!

I put away my phone, and Gevena gave me a knowing smile, subtly indicating Renata, “She’s

something, isn’t she?”

I chuckled at Gevena, “Looks like her days are gone.”

Catherine joined us, wrapping an arm around each of us, “What’s so funny?”

“Renata’s scandal,” I said casually.

Catherine turned to look at Renata, “Well, she sure dug her own grave.”

“No wonder she’s so aggressive. The guy in the scandal is definitely not as loaded as Jaylan!” I

smirked, “If she wants to catch this opportunity, she’ll have to pull out all the stops.”

“Considering his standard, she won’t have to try too hard. As long as she’s a woman!” Catherine,

always the one with the sharp tongue.

Gevena nudged her, “Watch your mouth!”

I knew what she meant. She was worried about my feelings. So I reassured her, “Don’t worry about me,

I’m enjoying the show!”

“Exactly, our girl is strong. This is nothing! You have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince,”

Catherine dismissed Jaylan with a flick of her gaze.

Just then, Jaylan seemed to sense our stares and looked over. His eyes darkened, and he said

something to Renata before parting ways.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Did you see that? He’s got no guts, not trying to flirt right in front of me!”

We all laughed heartily, and surprisingly, I didn’t feel bitter at all.

I had to admit, Renata had some nerve. She sashayed over to us, strutting like a runway model. I

couldn’t tell if she was trying to show off to the men in the room or provoke me.

Hannah snorted softly and asked me in a low voice, “Miss, who’s performance are you interested in?

Your mother-in-law’s or this one’s?”

Chapter 253

I shot her a glance, nonchalantly saying, “Obviously her. What’s so interesting about the older ones?

Besides, we’ll have our chance to deal with her later, there’s no rush. Don’t forget, this is our night!”

Hannah laughed, revealing two small, sharp teeth. They were quite charming, a detail I had previously


Renata was already strutting up to us, her face adorned with a flight attendant’s smile. She scanned us novelbin

all before finally resting her gaze on me…

I saw the way Renata’s gaze finally settled on me and knew that the show was about to begin.

Sure enough, Renata flashed me a charming smile, elegantly saying, “Mrs. Dawson, what a pleasure it

is to meet you! I didn’t realize your wit was so sharp, you put even a professional host like me to


“You’re too kind, Ms. Renata! You’re just being modest! There’s no comparison between us!” I replied

with a warm smile and a pointed comment, “Ms. Renata, your professional skills are unmatched! I

could never hope to compete!”

“You’re too modest, Mrs. Dawson!” she returned the compliment.

“Enough with the mutual flattery!” Catherine chimed in, “We each have our specialties. Allie is all about

her business, unlike Ms. Renata who excels in every field and is always in the limelight. Leave some

room for the rest of us, don’t hog all the headlines!”

Catherine, noticing Renata’s growing rapport with me, naturally couldn’t stand idly by. Her words were

loaded with innuendo.

Renata shifted her gaze to Catherine, still smiling her calm smile, and shot back, “Ms. Damon, as

expected of a media personality, always chasing rumors!”

It seemed they knew each other well, and their barbs were pinpoint accurate.

“Call me a gossip, why don’t you! I admit, I love a good piece of gossip. Allie always scolds me for it,

says I live off gossip! But what can I do? It’s my profession, and I’m dedicated…sigh…I just can’t seem

to make it to the top!” Catherine’s words had a hint of sour grapes, “I just can’t compare to you


“That’s not necessarily true. Thanks to gossip experts like you, everyone gets a chance. Look, even

Mrs. Dawson can make headlines!” Renata skillfully changed the topic, her smile concealing a razor-

sharp wit, blatantly pointing out my weakness.

Indeed, the online bashing hadn’t ceased, and the methods had been refreshed, constantly increasing!

If I couldn’t find Evan, I wouldn’t be able to catch a break.

I looked at Renata, not taking the bait. I thought to myself, I won’t compete with you for a moment of

satisfaction, you can continue to ride the wave! Just remember, provoking me always comes with a


Renata probably thought that my silence was an admission of defeat, so she gestured to someone.

I saw Clara, carrying a tray, immediately start to walk towards us. I squinted at Clara’s familiar and

innocent face.

She seemed thinner than a few days ago, probably due to her illness. Even though the current

medication for her condition was highly effective, it was probably not something she could afford.

Clara seemed to notice my attention. She hesitated for a moment, avoiding my gaze, standing a little

distance away from me.

Renata, with a perfectly charming smile, announced to us, “I am honored to meet everyone at Medsafe

Liyah Inc.’s victory party. The opportunity is rare, so why don’t we share a drink?”

I saw Hannah standing next to Clara, who held the tray straight, her eyes still not daring to meet mine,

looking down.

After Renata finished speaking, she turned around, beckoning with her finger. Clara immediately

stepped forward. Renata handed out a drink to each of us, introducing herself as she did so, “I’m

Renata, nice to meet you!”

I took the glass she handed me, casually swaying it, feigning nonchalance.

Renata finally picked up the last glass on the tray, raising it to us, “Ladies, it’s my pleasure to meet you

here. Let’s toast to everlasting beauty!”

I saw Clara quietly retreat with the tray.

Hannah raised her eyebrows at me, and I responded with a smirk.

Gevena laughed, “Renata, you’re really good at ingratiating yourself! Making friends with a single drink,

and it’s even a drink from the Dawson family. You’re really crafty!”

“Hey, I’ve already said, it’s just a friendly gesture!” she replied with a blush, “Are you refusing the


“How could we?” Gevena replied with a light laugh, looking at me, “But Aaliyah isn’t feeling well, so

maybe we should skip the drinks. A cup of tea will do just fine!”

I remained silent, looking at Renata as if asking for her opinion.

Chapter 254

“Really?” Renata looked slightly taken aback, studying me. “Not a sip? It’s red wine, a little can be good

for your health.”

“Just this once, then! Can’t go against Ms. Renata’s wishes, can we?” I replied casually, “And best of

luck to you, Ms. Renata!”

Renata’s face lit up in delight. She raised her glass and we all mirrored her gesture, clinking our

glasses together before taking a sip.

I watched them all drink before reluctantly raising my glass, I took a small sip.

It had been a while since I had tasted this stuff, sour and unpleasant, hard to swallow.

My reaction, however, was calculated.

Sure enough, Renata noticed my tiny sip and instantly protested, pointing it out, “You can’t be serious,

Mrs. Dawson! We all drank, it’s not right!”

Catherine seemed a little irritated, reaching for my wine, “Don’t push yourself.”

I evaded her, “No need. I’m just not used to this stuff anymore.” With that, I raised my glass and

downed it in one gulp, then looked at Renata. novelbin

“Mrs. Dawson, you’re a sport!” Renata applauded immediately.

“If I weren’t, you wouldn’t let me be!” I added with a laugh. I was being rather blunt.

Her laughter grew brighter, “Men are talking about business, while we women have to enjoy ourselves!”

Catherine shot back, “You sure are comfortable with this, always accompanying men in business, huh?

Oh… by the way, where did you get that dress? It’s quite pretty.”

Renata flinched slightly, her gaze fixed on Catherine’s face. She probably didn’t expect Catherine to be

so forthright.

Everyone understood the unspoken joke, suppressing their laughter. Everyone knew the dress

Catherine was referring to, was the one that had become popular after Renata’s scandal.

Though Renata didn’t respond, her face paled slightly, and her gaze towards Catherine held a hint of


Just then, Jaylan walked over with Jesper and Caleb, looking triumphant as he moved to my side,

wrapping his arm around my waist, showing off our affection. “What’s this? Honey, you’re drinking?

Don’t drink too much!”

“For Ms. Renata’s hospitality, just this once!” I replied softly, looking at him. “Just a little to lighten the


Jaylan laughed, reaching up to pinch my cheek affectionately, “Cheeky! One is enough! Don’t drink


His tone and words were utterly indulgent, even listening to it could melt you.

I had to swallow my disgust.

A flash of light passed by, probably a media outlet capturing the moment.

I had forgotten, there were many media outlets here. I had to make good use of this.

I looked at Jaylan, feigning shyness, “Stop it, everyone’s been drinking, not just me! If you keep this up,

what will Ms. Renata think? It was her suggestion!”

I intentionally put the ball in Renata’s court.

Jaylan looked at me with indulgent affection, “Honey, everyone else is fine, but you’ve been weak.

Don’t push yourself! You need to take care of yourself, no arguing!”

Catherine joined in the fun, “Instead of blaming her, why not keep an eye on Ms. Renata? Always

stirring the pot! Her generosity might lead people to believe she’s the hostess!”

Renata offered a dismissive laugh, “Ms. Damon, don’t make a fuss over nothing!”

“Am I?” Catherine looked at Renata, her laugh sincere, “I haven’t mentioned your intentional spiking


Renata looked innocent, “Mr. Dawson, I had no idea your wife couldn’t handle her drink!”

“Only when Mr. Dawson says so, you believe, huh?” Catherine didn’t let her off, exposing her without


Chapter 255

Renata carried an air of elegance about her, “Oh, Ms. Damon, you’re really blaming me unfairly! It’s just

one glass of wine. Do we really need to make a mountain out of a molehill? Are we protecting our

friends a bit too zealously? Even if Mr. Dawson was present, I would still sincerely hope to make friends

with Mrs. Dawson. You’re not going to block that too, are you?”

After her speech, she lifted her eyes to Jaylan, her lips curling into a smile, her voice tinged with

flirtation, “Mr. Dawson, I really wanted to toast sincerely!”

“Hey! …Speak properly, will you? Is it really about one glass of wine? You’re forcing your will upon

others, definitely not with good intentions!” Catherine retorted without any filter, laughing as if she found

the situation entertaining, “Flirting with Mr. Dawson is useless here, this is a business cocktail party, not

a bar!”

I was inevitably amused by Catherine’s words, and when everyone saw me laugh, they joined in too.

Renata’s face finally flushed a tad, “Catherine, how can you speak like that? Can’t you ever stop?

Since Mrs. Dawson already drank the wine, what’s there to fuss about?”

“Fine, let’s not fuss about it then!” Catherine squinted her eyes, a knowing smile on her face.

“Right! Just over one glass of wine, you attribute so much to it? You’re really making things difficult!”

Renata licked her lips, seemingly eager to escape the situation, “Alright, …I was wrong, I shouldn’t

have toasted Mrs. Dawson! Ms. Damon, is this alright?”

The two women had been subtly challenging each other, but it seemed like the situation was finally

settling down.

I just stood by, watching with a smile. I was calculating time in my mind, waiting for a miracle to


Jaylan knew Catherine well enough to fear that their bickering might spark a problem. He hurried to

mediate, “You women are too dramatic, is it wrong for me to protect my wife? I’m scared of you lot, all

sharp-tongued? Anyway, no more alcohol for my Allie!”

Jaylan’s words were indeed reasonable and perfectly reflected a sense of prioritizing the bigger picture.

After finishing, he softly said to me, “I’ve got to get back to work. If you’re tired, rest a bit and grab a


“Alright! Go ahead!” I replied with a compliant smile, “Don’t worry about me!”

Unexpectedly, just as our conversation moved on, Renata tried to get the last word. Seeing Jaylan

about to leave, she quickly stepped forward, “Mr. Dawson, no matter how busy you are today, you need

to have a drink with me. Consider it as drinking on behalf of your wife!”

Just as Catherine was about to step in, I gave a slight cough. Catherine immediately understood and

held back.

“Ms. Renata, since you’re insisting, I’ll have a drink with you.” Jaylan responded, gesturing for a waiter

to bring over drinks. He handed one to Renata, and picked up one for himself.

As Renata took the drink, she glanced at me, a mischievous smile in her eyes.

I silently cursed at her, she was pushing her luck!

Holding her glass, she turned to me, “Mrs. Dawson, I came today for Mr. Dawson, but don’t get me

wrong! I usually don’t take up such hosting duties, but when Mr. Dawson called and asked me to spice

up the event, I had to come! So, I really don’t have any other intentions!”

“I understand! I’m not misunderstanding! You’re overthinking!” I responded graciously, my smile warm

and generous.novelbin

Pleased with my reply, she raised an eyebrow at me, “So, it’s not too much if I ask Mr. Dawson for a

drink, right?”

I continued to smile, “Not at all, it’s appropriate!”

Hearing my response, Renata grinned smugly, turning to Catherine, “See, Ms. Damon, Mrs. Dawson is

very generous, unlike you, always thinking the worst of others!”

With that, she looked back at Catherine, now turning her attention to Jaylan, her eyes twinkling with

flirtation, “Mr. Dawson, I wish you every success and may all your wishes come true!”

Jaylan’s lips twitched, he lifted his glass and downed the drink, clearly eager to excuse himself from the

situation. However, Renata seemed oblivious to his intentions. Seeing him finish his drink, she burst out

laughing, “Mr. Dawson, you’re really straightforward! I hadn’t even finished speaking!”

Jaylan’s face turned a bit stern, he looked at Renata, his voice cold, “You sure have a lot to say!”

Chapter 256

Clearly, Jaylan had seen enough of Renata’s foolishness and decided he was no longer going to humor


I must admit, I was taken aback by his reaction. Renata, too, seemed unprepared for Jaylan’s abrupt

dismissal. Her face alternated pale, indicating her indecision.

Jaylan turned to Jesper, his voice holding a meaningful tone, “Jesper, take Ms. Renata home, she

seems to have had a bit too much to drink.”

Jesper responded promptly, “Sure.”

He got up and walked over to Renata, extending his hand, “Ms. Renata, let me take you home.”

Renata, however, dodged Jesper and kept her gaze fixed on Jaylan, her eyes brimming with unshed

tears. She maintained her composure as she said, “Mr. Dawson, I beg your pardon… I didn’t drink at

all, how could I possibly be drunk…” novelbin

“Ms. Renata, a wise person knows when to advance and when to retreat,” Jaylan spoke, intending to

leave, but Renata grabbed his arm.

“I only wanted her to have a drink. You’re so protective of her! What about me? I came here for you

today, and I am the hostess today. I…”

“Enough!” Jaylan cut her off, shaking her hand off his arm and glared at her, “Take care of yourself!”

Renata stubbornly clung to Jaylan’s arm, “Don’t leave!”

Jaylan glanced around, coldly shook off Renata’s grip, and turned to Jesper, “What are you waiting for?

Take her home!”

Jesper, realizing the situation was escalating, grabbed Renata by her slim arm, causing her to yelp,

“You’re hurting me! What are you doing?”

Everyone’s attention was drawn to Jesper’s hand gripping Renata’s arm.

Behind Jesper’s glasses, his eyes were icy, menacing. It was the first time I had seen such a terrifying

side of him.

When everyone turned to look, his face instantly resumed its usual polite demeanor, even appearing

somewhat helpless towards Renata, but his grip on her arm didn’t loosen.

I was utterly confused!

Normally, Renata was a seasoned socialite, adept at handling unexpected situations with grace and


Yet today, her behavior was far from commendable. It reeked of pettiness, which was completely out of

character for her.

I silently watched, feeling that something was amiss. Even if she had drunk the drink intended for me,

she seemed sober. But my assumption was soon proven wrong.

Renata, probably uncomfortable from the grip on her arm, struggled to look at Jesper, “Do you know

who I am? How can you treat me…” Her voice lacked any hint of authority. Instead, it was laced with a

seductive tone, her eyes were glazed over, and she even tugged at her collar.

This action caused an immediate hush in the crowd, all eyes fixed on Renata.

I silently cursed, realizing she must be unconscious now.

“Don’t go, I don’t want to leave… let me hold you, you feel so good…”

Renata was murmuring, continuing to tug at her collar, exposing her fair skin. She was relentless.

“…so hot!” She spun around, suddenly wrapping herself around Jesper, her body clinging to his like a

snake. Her expression and posture were so outrageous that it shattered my perception of her.

The entire hall was silent, everyone staring in shock.

Meanwhile, the journalists present were ecstatic. They wouldn’t miss such an exciting scene.

The sound of cameras clicking filled the air.

Not just the journalists, but also the guests who were fond of their smartphones, began to record every

detail of the unfolding drama!

Renata, however, had completely lost her self-control. Despite Jesper’s anger and his attempts to

shake her off, she clung to him like a magnet and mumbled, “Jerome… hold me…”

I was stunned. What did she just call him?


Chapter 257

But her entire demeanor today was as if she was clinging onto Jaylan. I didn’t see any interaction

between her and Jerome.

My eyes involuntarily scanned the room, but I couldn’t find Jerome anywhere. In fact, ever since I

returned to the grand hall, I hadn’t seen him at all.

I looked at Jaylan, his handsome face now as cold as ice.

“Security, get her out of here!” Jaylan barked out with an authority that demanded respect.

At his command, several security personnel approached and rather forcefully removed the intoxicated

Renata from where she was hanging onto Jesper.

It’s worth noting that the security present wasn’t just from Medsafe Liyah Inc., but also included

plainclothes officers dispatched from the local police station, blending in among the guests.

I saw Mayor Arlen, his face an ashen grey, whispering instructions to one of his burly aides, who then

walked over to one of the security chiefs. “Get her to the hospital, pronto! Make sure she’s taken care


The implications were clear; Renata was in trouble.

No surprise there, considering how she had made a spectacle of herself at such an important event.

Her antics had brought shame not just on herself, but on everyone present. It was inevitable that she

would face repercussions.

Jaylan glanced in the direction of Mayor Arlen, visibly thrown off balance. He quickly whispered

something to me before rushing off towards the Mayor.

By now, Hannah had returned to my side. With a steady voice, I quietly asked her, “Is everything under


“Don’t worry,” she replied, her voice filled with confidence.

I watched as the security chief directed a muscular guard to lift Renata in his arms and carry her out. I

was quietly impressed with his decision to have her carried out, rather than dragged out.

Once Renata was removed, a spokesperson for the city’s economic department took to the stage to

briefly explain the unfortunate turn of events, stating that the lady in question had consumed too much

alcohol and her behavior was inappropriate. He urged everyone to forget the unpleasant incident.

As he finished speaking, Gevena walked over and murmured, “Looks like another storm is brewing.”

“It’s inevitable,” I replied. “Did you catch who she was calling out to?”

Gevena furrowed her brow, thought for a moment, then turned to me. “I think it was… Jerry?”

I looked at her, both of us puzzled. “Could it be Jerome?”

“It’s not that simple,” Gevena whispered back. “But Jerome doesn’t seem to be here, does he?”

“He left earlier,” I replied confidently, but did not mention the scene I had eavesdropped on. After all,

walls have ears.

Catherine took a phone call, quickly excused herself and hurried off, no doubt diving straight back into


Watching Catherine’s hasty retreat, Gevena warned me nervously, “You should brace yourself too, you

might get pulled into this.”

I gave a wry smile. “Gevena, you think I’ll just be ‘pulled’ into this? The online mob hasn’t let up at all.

Given what just happened, I’m still their main target. They won’t let me off the hook. But, the more they

stir, the closer we are to the truth. Let them make a fuss.”

Gevena suddenly laughed, exclaiming, “You really are a tough cookie, aren’t you?”

I shrugged, “What else can I do? Can I avoid it? I’m the eye of the storm. These whirlwinds are swirling

around me.”

Just then, my phone vibrated. I quickly picked it up and saw a message from Dr. Dailey. I was taken

aback and quickly clicked on the link he sent.

What appeared before my eyes was the test report I had been waiting for.

I couldn’t help but zoom in, but unfortunately, the name I wanted to see wasn’t listed.

I quickly scrolled up to check the final results…

Chapter 258

I was so nervous when I saw the results showing the chromosomes in a high degree of similarity,

kinship, but not father and son.

My hand tightened, and my heart rate began to flutter.

Gevena turned to me, “What’s up?”

I briefly mentioned the test results to her.

Gevena asked me directly, “Who do you think it is?”

I shook my head, filled with worry, “I can’t hazard a guess.” I pulled Gevena aside, towards a corner of

the room where we had a clear view of the entire hall. No risk of eavesdroppers here.

Then, I turned to Gevena, my voice weak, “But I have this feeling, there’s something off about Clara. I

suspect she’s tied up with Jerome somehow. I just don’t have anything on her yet.”

Gevena tried to comfort me, “Don’t stress too much. Even if it is Jerome, what then? I can’t believe he

could get away with everything. Stir up a storm?”

I looked at Gevena, speaking earnestly, “Gevena, you don’t understand the depths of their cruelty.

Jerome has connections overseas, he controls the black market, what we know is just the tip of the

iceberg. And Clara, she knows too much. If she’s in cahoots with Jerome, that’s a terrifying prospect.”

The mere thought made me feel drained.

Gevena looked at me in disbelief, “So, what’s your next move?”

I remained silent for a moment, then murmured, “One step at a time.”

Gevena didn’t understand, her gaze filled with confusion, “What do you mean?”

I looked at her, explaining, “I’ll start with the two sisters, Zora and Clara. Zora thought she could just

walk away from everything, that the past would be forgotten. She was deluded! Marissa’s death might

be connected to them. She thinks that they can do as they please after I drove them out, but I’ll show


“They thought it was water under the bridge!” Gevena also snorted.

“Water under the bridge?” I gave Gevena a look, raised an eyebrow, “Hardly! The things she has done

to me are too numerous to record. The memory of that pain still lingers. And now she’s living in my

house, enjoying life. Does she think I’m a pushover?”

“Indeed, she’s having the time of her life!”

“I didn’t move against her earlier because I didn’t want to spook the herd, especially when Jaylan

controlled everything. But it’s different now. All those mortgages have been cleared, she needs to get

out. Even if I have to donate everything, I won’t leave a single penny for them, including the Dawson

family. Anything they took from me, they’ll have to spit it back out!”

“But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. What if he refuses to give up the rest?” Gevena appeared worried,

“Jaylan’s no fool, he’s been so cautious this time, it’s clear that whatever’s left…”

“He doesn’t have a choice! Don’t forget, he has a greedy heart! It’s in the Dawson family’s nature. The novelbin

Wilburn family still has a whole block, not to mention VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals…” I laughed at Gevena,

“Do you think he could resist?”

“Ha… he’s even eyeing that?” Gevena was incredulous, “He’s asking for trouble!”

“He’s already planned with Irving Bradlee to undermine the Wilburn family, should I let him off?” I

scoffed, then continued, “The child missing case is what Zora’s doing. I’m sure of it. Gevena, I… I want

to save that child! Regardless, the child is innocent.”

Gevena looked surprised, seemingly shocked by my words. She stared at me for a while before asking,

“Are you sure?”

Chapter 259

I nodded, a heavy weight pressing down on my chest, making it hard to breathe. “The kid’s had it

rough,” I said.

“Indeed, he’s just a child!” Gevena also showed sympathy.

“The kid is cute. He has tender skin and big, sparkling eyes. I remember holding his small hand once

when no one came to pick him up after school. He desperately clung to me, yet was cautious. He’s a

clever child. He looked up at me, his big eyes full of curiosity.”

A vision of him standing alone outside the school gate flickered in front of my eyes, a sudden pang

tugging at my heart.

“I’m telling you, Gevena, I have this strange feeling that the kid would think of me when he’s scared,” I


“You’re overthinking, Aaliyah!” Gevena shot me a glance. “You’ve only met him a few times!”

“Maybe so, but I feel a connection. I can sense him crying out for me to rescue him,” I said. “He’s in a

dark corner somewhere, shivering, waiting for me to hold his hand and bring him back!” As I spoke,

tears welled up in my eyes.

Gevena looked at me thoughtfully and warned me, “Think this through, Aaliyah.”

I remained silent.

Seeing that I was not responding, Gevena continued, “This is a point of no return. If you want to help,

that’s fine. But think about the aftermath. This is not something you can solve impulsively. There will be

a lot of complications.”

Looking at the bustling crowd in the grand hall, laughter echoing around, I felt an inexplicable irritation.

“But I want to do this, and if we delay, it will be too late!” I said, my voice rising instinctively.

Gevena patted me gently, “That’s why I’m telling you to think it through. Let’s not even talk about who novelbin

the father is. Just the fact that he’s Marissa’s child brings a lot of issues. Can you handle that?” She

asked me.

I hadn’t realized that Gevena was such a rational person! I smiled at her, “I haven’t thought that far. My

priority is to find the kid and ensure his safety.”

I grew more excited, “Even if he’s Marissa’s child, he has the right to live, right? As for the rest, let’s

leave it to fate. We should do what we can, and leave the rest up to God.”

Gevena shook her head and smiled, “That’s a risky bet, Aaliyah! What if one day he returns to the

Dawson family, and turns out to be your enemy?”

“Gevena, you’re being melodramatic!” I stared at her, struggling to digest her words. But I knew she

was speaking the truth, but I just didn’t want to admit it.

“I’m just being realistic. There’s an old saying, ‘There’s no gratitude in raising someone else’s child.’”

Gevena said, with a rationality that chilled me to the bone.

For some reason, Gevena’s words sent a chill down my spine. I had to admit that she was right from a

certain perspective.

Suddenly, I thought of Nettie. Do people really have such a cruel nature? Would raising her result in no

gratitude from her?

I gave a bitter smile and said to Gevena, “Catherine always says I’m too softhearted. But now I’ve seen

what real cruelty is.”

Gevena also laughed, “You’ve seen some really bizarre things, Aaliyah. Honestly, hearing about your

experiences makes me question humanity! They’re really bold, not fearing retribution at all.”

“I don’t know about others, but those who’ve wronged me won’t get away with it!” I said coldly.

“Don’t forget, revenge can also hurt yourself. The priority should be your own safety!” Gevena was a

good friend, I knew that. She was trying to protect me.

I looked at Gevena silently and said, “Gevena, maybe something terrible is happening, or has already

happened. The world is full of surprises, and people’s hearts are unpredictable, especially when it

comes to love!”

I paused for a moment, then continued, “Perhaps, Janetta’s car crash wasn’t merely a coincidence!”

This statement caught Gevena’s attention. She looked at me in surprise, “Do you have any evidence?”

“Let’s wait until Janetta recovers and can communicate with Janice. Then we’ll see!” I cautioned her,

“Don’t mention this to Janice yet. Let her recover first. Then we’ll talk again.”

Gevena nodded, “Do you know something?”

So, I told her about the conversation I had with Catherine and Olivia. On hearing it, Gevena was


Chapter 260

Gevena’s reaction didn’t surprise me in the least. She sat there, dumbfounded for a good while before

finally asking, “You mean, Janetta actually discussed a divorce settlement with Irving?”

I nodded in affirmation. “Think about it, how did that divorce settlement come about? Who knows?”

Gevena, usually so refined, couldn’t help but curse. “This is… this is just too damn… terrifying! How

could such a thing happen?”

“That’s why Janice is sharp as a tack. She suspected something was off straight away. She just didn’t

know about the divorce settlement. But think about it, Janetta is no fool. Would she easily agree to a

divorce?” I asked Gevena.

“You’re right. If it weren’t for a satisfactory outcome, Janetta wouldn’t have agreed to the divorce. Or

else why would she have strung him along for so many years, exhausting herself?” Gevena nodded in


Then, I voiced a bold speculation to Gevena. “Do you think Janetta might have had some dirt on

Irving? Not infidelity, of course. I’m talking about… the company, perhaps?”

Gevena looked shocked again. Clearly, my speculation resonated with her. She looked at me, “That

could be it. Or else why would Janice say that on the day of the accident, Janetta called her, asking her

to keep something safe? Jesus… the more I think about it, the scarier it gets.”

Our eyes met, and we both fell silent, voicing the same sentiment, “The more you think about it, the

scarier it gets.”

I then reminded Gevena, “So, let’s not bring it up with Janice for now. We’ll wait till she’s recovered.”

“But… I… I’m starting to worry about Janetta’s safety!” Gevena looked at me earnestly.novelbin

“It seems we need to think of a plan, a precautionary measure,” I muttered.

The party went on late into the night, and it wasn’t until Mayor Arlen and his wife left that I, exhausted,

decided to bow out.

Meanwhile, Ronan had already left, escorted out by Mayor Arlen himself. He glanced at me from afar, a

silent nod of acknowledgment.

As I was saying my goodbyes, I noticed Jerome, who hadn’t been around for a while, now leisurely

enjoying drink and chat with men.

When I passed by, he nonchalantly acknowledged me with a nod.

I left with Hannah, grumbling in my mind about Jerome’s aloofness. Once we got downstairs, I asked

Hannah, “Have you kept an eye on Jerome? Has he been around all this time?”

Hannah shook her head, “I honestly haven’t paid attention.”

I fell silent. For some reason, I had this uneasy feeling, as if something was off.

The rain was still coming down hard outside, sending chills up my spine.

Hannah pulled me back into the lobby. “Miss, you wait here, I’ll go get the car!”

“Maybe we should wait till the rain lets up a bit,” I suggested, looking at Hannah’s elegant gown. If she

went out, she would surely be soaked.

“No worries, I’ll consider it a shower! You’re already tired!” She flashed a toothy grin, “I’ll be quick, just

wait here!” And off she went, running into the rain.

I watched her sprint away, feeling a warmth in my heart. We hadn’t been together for long, but she

treated me with such care, like family. What did I do to deserve such kindness from so many people? I

must be truly blessed.

I instinctively pushed the door open and stepped outside. The overhang of the building shielded me

from the rain, but it was still chilly.

Perhaps due to the rain, there were no paparazzi lurking outside the building, only a few security

personnel patrolling the area. I had no idea where Hannah had parked. It was probably too far away.

As I stood there, a car sped up the driveway. I assumed it was Hannah’s and took a couple of steps

forward, but I didn’t recognize the license plate.

Just as I was starting to wonder, the car door opened, and a bald man stepped out. He quickly ran up

the stairs. I instinctively moved aside, but as he brushed past me, he suddenly spun around, his arm

wrapping around my neck, and a piece of cloth covering my mouth and nose.

The next thing I knew, I was being dragged down the stairs, and then everything went black.

Chapter 261

When I came to, I was enveloped in darkness. My arms were twisted behind me, aching as if they were

on the verge of snapping. I instinctively tried to pull them free but found myself immobilized.

It was then that I realized my hands and feet were bound tightly together, rendering me incapable of

movement. My mouth was covered with duct tape, allowing only muffled sounds to escape.

The splitting headache made me feel like I was on death’s door. The terrifying reality soon dawned on

me – I was kidnapped.

The thought sent a wave of panic washing over me. I whimpered, feeling an overwhelming sense of

despair that I had never experienced before.

How did this happen? Who could have done this?

The audacity of these people was bewildering. The city officials were still at a cocktail party in the

building, and yet they dared to lay a hand on me. It was a brazen act!

I was standing near the entrance of the building, not far from the security patrol. Despite the close

proximity, they had the nerve to strike. Their audacity was mind-boggling – they had abducted me right

under everyone’s noses!

The speed of it all was astonishing. I had no idea what had just happened. I didn’t even get a good look

at the man who choked me – all I saw was his shiny bald head.

The car looked a lot like the one Hannah drives, a sleek black sedan. That’s probably why I walked

towards it, thinking I could quickly get into the car. But I distinctly remembered that the car didn’t have a

license plate.

Everything was obviously premeditated. What I couldn’t understand was, how did they know it was me

who would come out? Clearly, they were after me.

How did they know Hannah would go get the car? Had it been arranged beforehand? Or did they know

where Hannah had parked? That’s the only way they could have been so audacious.

I was filled with regret, wishing I had listened to Hannah and stayed inside the building.

Would they have found it harder to abduct me if I had stayed inside? Maybe none of this would have

happened. But it was too late for regrets. I had to face the reality.

I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm myself down.

The place was damp, and the sound of rain was clear. A foul smell of mud filled my nostrils, along with

a nauseating stench of decay.

I was engulfed in darkness, trying to move my body, adjust my head, and squint to make out my

surroundings. My heart sank when I realized where I was – not in a house or a room, but inside a novelbin

sewer pipe barely over a meter in diameter.

The pipe was about two or three meters long, with wild grass growing at both ends.

I couldn’t see the outside, only the sound of the rain trickling down.

Every now and then, I could hear the sound of cars driving past. It seemed I wasn’t too far from the


I closed my eyes again, trying to regulate my breathing. With my mouth sealed and confined in this

cramped space, I felt suffocated.

Fear was making me shiver. I tried to control my emotions, racking my brains for a way to save myself.

I had no idea if my kidnappers were nearby. I didn’t dare make a sound. Even if I wanted to, my mouth

was taped shut and my hands and feet were tied. The only way to make a noise was by banging my

head against the pipe wall, but logic told me that wasn’t a good idea.

Who could have done this? The question kept spinning in my head.

Logically, Hannah would have noticed my absence when she returned with the car. Or the security

patrol nearby would have seen me being taken away. Even if it happened quickly, they would have

noticed, right?

They should have come to my rescue. So, why was I left here?

Chapter 262

Once I managed to collect myself, my mind began to clear. I speculated that after they kidnapped me,

they must have been pursued. Fearing they’d be exposed, they hid me, tossing me into an abandoned

roadside culvert.

That way, even if they were caught, there’d be no trace of me in their vehicle, leaving them in the clear.

Finding me now, however, wouldn’t be so easy.I had no idea where I was. But from the sounds outside,

I figured this place was far from the city.

Apart from the pitter-patter of rain and the occasional car speeding by, there were no other sounds. A

wave of sadness washed over me, tears trickling down my cheeks. I didn’t know what kind of vortex I’d

been sucked into that kept landing me in such difficult situation.

I laughed bitterly. I couldn’t understand why these people had set their sights on me. They’d taken my

wealth, and now they wanted my life!

But I was certain that Jaylan wasn’t behind this. Could it be Jerome? I remembered eavesdropping on

their conversation! But why would he have it out for me?

I’d never had any conflicts with Jerome. Why was he hell-bent on making my life miserable? Moreover,

when I left, he was still at the cocktail party.

But if it wasn’t him, I couldn’t think of anyone else who’d have such a grudge against me.

The rain outside waxed and waned, the biting wind whistling. When I left the cocktail party, it was late

at night, and now I had no idea what time it was.

The chill of damp air attacked me. I was clad in a thin cocktail dress, soaked from the rain and sticking

to my skin, making me shiver uncontrollably. I curled up involuntarily.

I kept reassuring myself, “don’t be scared, they’ll come to rescue me.”

Hannah would know immediately that I’d been kidnapped and she’d report to Ronan, who wouldn’t just

stand by and do nothing. He’d come to rescue me without wasting a second.

The mere thought of Ronan engulfed my heart with warmth. The memory of his kiss played in my mind.

Truth be told, I cherished that feeling. It brought a unique, unprecedented sense of security! To me, it

was a kiss I’d been waiting for twelve years, even though it wasn’t on my lips.

At this moment, I regretted running when he was about to kiss me. It wasn’t betrayal. It was Jaylan who

put my life in danger that led me back to my long-lost love, the one I’d yearned for.

Tears welled up in my eyes, regret overwhelming me.

If I just die here… I haven’t told him that I really like him. If it wasn’t for the initial abrupt parting, there

would’ve been no Jaylan.

I wasn’t trying to vindicate myself. Even though it was all my fault, before I die I wanted him to know my

feelings, that I loved him deeply.

No, I can’t die like this! I couldn’t help thinking, “I have to live. I have a lot of things to do, wishes to

fulfill, I have to accompany my parents, watch my three precious ones excel, witness their growth, their

marriages, and children… I can’t think about death! I can’t just wait here to die. Once my kidnappers

return, I might not have any hope of survival.” novelbin

The will to live once regained gives one strength. I tried to wiggle my hands bound behind me. They

were tightly wrapped, almost numb. I struggled a bit, only to find that I was not tied with a rope, but with

plastic tape, probably the same tape that had been used to gag me.

Reality hit me again. Without something sharp, there was no way to cut the tape.

Was I just going to wait here to die?

Chapter 263

But my struggles were futile, the duct tape that bound me remained as tight as ever, showing no signs

of loosening.

I was gasping for breath, my heart beating painfully. I knew I couldn’t waste my energy in pointless

struggles. I had to preserve my strength, placing my hope in their eventual rescue. I had fought, I

reassured myself, there was no regret.

In my mind, an image surfaced unbidden. A warm, soft bed bathed in gentle light, covered in a fragrant

quilt. How I longed to take a good rest!

On such a rainy night, there were likely no people outside. Even the celebratory feast should be over

by now.

It was even more quiet. The sounds of passing cars that were present just a while ago had gradually


I had no idea what time it was. God knows how much time had passed. I was in a hazy state, half

asleep yet somehow fully aware.

Suddenly, I detected faint footsteps gradually approaching me. I was instantly jolted awake. Every hair

on my body stood at attention as I strained to listen for any movement outside.

Indeed, there were small noises coming, sounding like footsteps or perhaps a small animal, but it was

still too faint. I struggled to keep my eyelids from drooping, my eyes fixated on the direction of the

entrance of my confinement.

A terrifying thought crossed my mind, could it be a snake? Then, I saw a child’s face, a real and vivid

child’s face.

I was instantly awoken, my eyes wide as I stared at the face. That face was too familiar, it was the face

I had been longing to see these past days! Indeed, it was Evan’s face.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, I stared hard, only to see the small child cautiously approaching me, then

squatting in front of me. Our eyes met.His large eyes were full of anticipation. novelbin

I desperately tried to call his name, but only muffled sounds came out.

I anxiously scanned him up and down, noticing his soaked clothes and the mud covering him. His face,

however, was still clean, his lashes carrying droplets of water or perhaps tears.

My eyes remained on his face, and he seemed to understand and carefully asked, “Mommy, why didn’t

you come find me?”

I choked on my tears, wanting to tell him how much I wanted to find him, how much I missed him!

He seemed to understand my silent pleas. Suddenly his eyes filled with tears, pouring down his face.

“Mommy, I’m scared, no one is coming to save me… you aren’t coming either. They didn’t give me food,

they hit me, they won’t let me go home to find mommy. Mommy, you said you’d find me, but why

haven’t you come? I’ve been waiting for you to find me…”

His pitiful face, his pale crying face, and his whimpering voice were tearing my heart apart.

I was filled with desperation, my muffled cries echoing my heart’s pleas. I continuously struggled to

move closer to him, to comfort him, to hold him. But he was just out of reach.

I choked back my tears and told him, “Baby, don’t cry! Don’t worry, mommy will come find you. As soon

as I get out of here, I’ll come find you, I’ll bring you home! No matter what happens, mommy will find


He seemed to understand, sadly shaking his head and slowly reaching out to pat my forehead.

His hand was cold, chilling to the bone. “Mommy, you don’t have to find me anymore, I have to go


“No, don’t go, where are you going? Tell mommy where you’re going?” I pleaded desperately, my voice

a hoarse scream, “Don’t go, … wait here, someone will come to save us, please stay! Stay with

mommy, okay?”

Chapter 264

The urgency in my whimpering made the boy halt in his tracks, his tear-filled eyes looking at me as he

shook his head.

He was crouched right in front of me, so small and obedient, his eyes never leaving mine. novelbin

After a while, he cleaned his face with his tiny arms and licked his lips with his tongue, seemingly a bit

helpless as he whispered, “Mommy, I gotta go!”

I squirmed desperately towards him, shaking my head vigorously, pleading with whimpering wails,

“Don’t leave, I’ve barely gotten to see you, where would a child like you go? Can you tell me where

you’re going?”

He pointed outside and said, “Someone’s coming to get me, they can take me away!”

I looked outside the pipe, but all I could see was pitch blackness.

“Who? Who’s taking you?” I asked, turning to Evan, “Don’t go with strangers…”

Suddenly, I realized how ludicrous my words were. What difference did familiarity make? If they weren’t

familiar, how could they have taken him away in the first place?

“Where are you going? Can you tell me?” I pleaded, my eyes blurry with tears, full of reluctance to let

him go.

He lowered his gaze, helpless and resigned, murmuring, “I don’t know where they’re taking me. I just

go where they tell me to.”

“Evan…” I called out, weakly shaking my head, “Be a good boy, and stay here with me, someone will

come to rescue us. We can stay together, okay?”

“Mommy, I know you’re good. I know you would come to save me, but I can’t wait for you anymore!”

With that, he turned and started crawling towards the other end of the pipe.

I called out frantically, “Evan, Evan, don’t go, don’t leave. I will take you away soon, just stay here…”

But he had already crawled to the other side of the pipe. He turned his head, flashed me a smile and

said, “Mommy, goodbye!”

Then he disappeared from my sight.

“Evan…” My body shuddered and I suddenly woke up. I was sobbing, gasping for air, my body

drenched in cold sweat. Looking around in panic, I realized it was just a bizarre dream.

I looked outside and saw a faint circle of grey light, the rain had stopped, dawn was approaching.

The rain was heavy last night, water had seeped into the pipe, I was soaked, either by rain or sweat,

chilling to the bone. I could feel my body starting to go numb.

Just then, I heard the sound of scrambling footsteps, as if someone was running this way. I tensed up,

looking outside warily.

Sure enough, as the footsteps got closer, I saw a pair of legs appear at the entrance of the pipe.

I stared in horror, the next moment, a form loomed into my view, it was the bald man who had drugged

and kidnapped me.

Before I could react, he quickly leaned in, grabbed my tied legs and yanked. Suddenly, I was pulled out

of the pipe, my skin burning from the friction. I growled in anger, struggling against the ropes. The bald

man impatiently kicked me, cursing, “Shut up, bitch, or I’ll take care of you right now, you believe me?”

I immediately stopped struggling, glaring at him. Somehow, I thought of what Addrion had said about

Northern Myanmar, realizing these desperados could indeed do as they threatened.

Seeing me no longer struggling, the bald man hoisted my limp body onto his shoulder and started

running. But then I heard a roaring sound from above, growing louder, then stopping right overhead…

Chapter 265

I strained to look up and was immediately taken aback. In the dark blue sky, two helicopters had

astonishingly appeared.

Simultaneously, a fleet of police cars materialized on a nearby road, rushing towards us in a flurry

before coming to an abrupt halt.

Bald, who was carrying me, abruptly stopped and began to back away.

But the powerful beams from the helicopters above focused on us, turning the grey sky a ghostly white.

Honestly, in the darkness before dawn, I suddenly saw the light. They were really here to rescue me. I

heard intermittent shouting from the distance, likely telling Bald to let me go.

“Damn it, damn it all!” he roared, spinning on the spot. “You bastards, I won’t let you take her!”

Carried like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder, the constant spinning made my head spin and my novelbin

vision blur. I saw the policemen, guns in hand, gradually closing in.

Bald, seeing the scene unfolding before him, panicked and started to back away, until he reached a

nearby pipe, but the spotlight from the helicopters left him with nowhere to hide.

The police slowly formed a perimeter. The helicopters above also ordered him to release me

immediately, or he would face the consequences.

Bald was instantly enraged, and roughly pulled me from his shoulder. I fell to the ground with a thud,

nearly knocking me out.

He hoisted me up once again, securing a rough grip around my neck, and in his other hand, he

produced a chillingly cold handgun. The cold muzzle of the gun was rudely jammed against my head

as he squared off with the surrounding law enforcement officers. All the while, he was cursing and

shouting, “Everyone back off, or I swear I’ll shoot her.”

Just then, I saw a black SUV speeding towards us from the distance, quickly coming to a stop on the

road in front of us. The car door was flung open as it skidded to a stop, and out stepped Ronan,

followed closely by Hannah.

Ronan strode towards me, raising his hand to signal the helicopters above to leave. They quickly flew

off, leaving an eerie silence behind.

I heard Ronan shout to Bald, “Listen to me, let her go now and I’ll let you live. I mean it!”

I was too far away to see his facial expressions, but his voice carried an intimidating coldness, an air of


At that moment, my strong facade crumbled and tears slid down my cheeks. I stared at Ronan’s face,

he had finally come to rescue me. I knew he would come!

Bald hit me on the head with his gun, causing a surge of pain that made me bite down hard, holding

back my tears.

My arms and legs were tightly bound, and in his grip. I felt like a rag doll, unable to control my


From behind me, I heard Bald’s sinister laughter, “You think if you tell me to let her go, I will? I was

given a death order. I never planned to walk away alive, but…”

He laughed sadistically, revealing his final madness, “she has to die with me!”

At this point, Bald was cornered and his violent nature shone through, showing he had no fear of death.

Ronan took a few more steps forward, causing Bald to yell, “Stay where you are, or I’ll kill her!”

I stared at Ronan, standing unwaveringly tall and imposing.

“Bald, drop the gun. Your partners are in custody. Be smart.” Ronan’s eyes were fixed on Bald. “Let her

go. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Bald’s face twisted in rage. One hand tightly gripped my neck, the other held the gun pointed at the

policemen, “Everyone back off! Back off!”

He shouted, pressing the gun harder against my head, “All of you, back off, or I’ll kill her!”

He tightened his grip on my neck, forcing me to lean back. The ‘click’ of a bullet being chambered rang

in my ears…

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 241-250

Chapter 241

I gave Catherine a slight nudge, after she had her fill of chastising. It was time to make our exit!

I didn’t bother with Olivia’s mood, motioning for Catherine and Hannah to follow me through the crowd.

As we walked, I turned to Catherine, “You’ve got some nerve! You didn’t even use any explicit words.

Had your fill of the drama?”

Catherine, a wicked grin on her face, whispered, “I just wanted to let it simmer a bit. How’s that for a

ticking time bomb?”

I shot her a glance, but held back my laughter.

“Boom! Stirred the pot, didn’t I? If I could stir thing up for the Bradlee family and teach that bitch a

lesson, then it’s all been worth it!” Catherine chuckled mischievously.

Suppressing my laughter, I said, “That’s a Molotov cocktail!”

We all burst into laughter.

Hannah chimed in, “But I feel like there’s something off about this Irving guy, and their divorce terms

are the key!”

I shot Hannah a quick look, praising, “Smart! But, the truth won’t stay hidden for long. Now that Janetta

is conscious, all will be revealed!”

“That should give the mistress something to think about!” Hannah laughed, clearly enjoying the


“Let the joke sink in, it’ll hit harder! I just want Irving to be under siege!” Catherine added, then turned to

me, “Why is Ronan here?”

“He’s from the Richardson Group, and his name is Bennett now!” I quickly whispered, reminding her,

“Be careful not to mention his name as Ronan. Watch your tongue!”

Catherine nodded solemnly.

Just then, I saw Jaylan weaving through the crowd, making a beeline for us, extending a hand in

greeting from afar. Interestingly, by his side was the event’s female host!

Catherine was not pleased, “What the hell is this? Changing his partner on the spot? He’s moving too

fast, isn’t he? The audacity!”

I pulled her back a bit, saying, “Shh… let him make a fool of himself.”

“Do you know her?” Catherine asked me.

“The host?” I replied, “Do you know her?”

“Hah… know her?” Catherine scoffed, “Of course I do! I was too caught up with Olivia earlier, forgot to

give you the rundown on her. She’s a TV host from Goldenvale Town, goes by Renata. Quite the drama

queen! There was a scandal about her a while back, just got swept under the rug, and here she is

stirring things up again. She really has no shame!”

“What’s the story?” I asked Catherine in a hushed voice.

“You haven’t heard about her affair?” Catherine seemed surprised, “You really don’t keep up with the

gossip, do you?”

“Who has time for that, constantly stirring the gossip pot to make a living? I don’t have that sort of time!”

I retorted, slightly annoyed.

“Hey! If you had the time to dig into this matter, you’d know. She made quite a spectacle of herself.

Apparently her dress went viral, even had a flash sale! People joked it was the ‘mistress cloth’!”

Catherine revealed, making me wish I could look it up right then and there to understand this drama


“What kind of values are these?” I complained, sure it wasn’t anything good.

Catherine looked in the direction of Renata and Jaylan, ” Birds of a feather flock together!”

“Seems they’ve been in cahoots for a while!” I noted, casting a glance at Renata.

Catherine turned to me, scrutinizing, “You’re just going to see him flirting with that bitch?”

“Let him. Whoever starts the fire gets burned. You have to give him the opportunity, right?” I reassured

her, “We just need to keep our distance to avoid getting scorched.”

Upon hearing my nonchalant response and calm expression, Catherine finally relaxed, “Let’s just watch

the drama then! As long as you’re not upset, I’m at ease!”

“Right, there are still people who won’t stand for this!” I added quietly, noticing Geneva’s figure among

the crowd.

Tonight was indeed a celebration. Even the higher-ups were in attendance with their wives.

In such a setting, anyone who dared to challenge the status quo would face backlash. I was curious to

see the consequence of Renata’s impatience.

Chapter 242

It was quite the grand affair today, with the influential figures of the city all gathered under one roof.

Noah Atwood, Geneva’s husband, was in charge of business affairs, so it was expected that he would

attend, and naturally, Geneva would accompany him.

This grand event only inflated Jaylan’s already inflated ego. Such a gathering was an unexpected

delight. Medsafe Liyah Inc. had hosted countless parties over the years, but in terms of prestige, this

one was unrivaled.

Jaylan was particularly vivid, his greetings and interactions full of etiquette. He not only gave a

comprehensive update on Medsafe Liyah Inc. to the high-ranking officials but also introduced them to

key executives of the company.

The officials seemed pleased, their eyes naturally drifted to Renata, who was inseparable from Jaylan’s


Renata, looking stunning and radiant, was a picture of perfect poise. As the hostess, she played her

role to perfection, an exquisite accessory to the event.

Jaylan quickly introduced Renata to the officials, clearly accustomed to using beauty as a gift.

But then things took an unexpected turn.

Mayor Arlen, after listening to Jaylan’s introduction, gave him a sharp look, and rather than engaging

with Renata’s friendly smile and extended hand, he asked Jaylan pointedly, “I’ve heard much about

your astute and capable wife, who is said to be the true founder of Medsafe Liyah Inc. Why isn’t she

here today?”

The mayor’s query caught everyone off guard, including me!

Jaylan’s face turned from an exuberant red to a ghostly pale, his smile frozen on his face.

Ignoring Renata was a prudent move on Mayor Arlen’s part. After all, this was a formal business event

filled with international guests. Every official was accompanied by their spouse, as were the foreign

guests. In such a setting, it was indeed foolish for Jaylan to introduce a woman of questionable

reputation to the mayor.

Jaylan’s blunder was not due to ignorance but rather a result of his vanity.

After all, no man would willingly flirt with another woman in front of his wife, right?

The mayor, being the top official of Goldenvale Town, would certainly not make such a low level

mistake, as would any gentleman. Especially in such a formal setting, such a move was blatantly


At this moment, I felt a sense of secondhand embarrassment for Jaylan.

I kept my eyes on Jaylan, his smile painfully frozen on his face.

He quickly scanned the crowd, explaining, “She’s here, Mayor Arlen. My wife has been busy greeting

the guests, oh… there she is…” The moment he spotted me, he smiled with relief.

Renata, who was still standing beside him, followed his gaze towards me.

With a graceful smile, I walked over, extending my hand, “You flatter me, Mayor Arlen. Any success

Medsafe Liyah Inc. has achieved is due to the collective effort of all our employees.”

Mayor Arlen’s face lit up with approval as he shook my hand, he then turned to his wife and introduced

me, “This is the true leader of Medsafe Liyah Inc., a woman who is every bit as capable as any man.

I’ve heard so much about her, and she’s indeed extraordinary! You should definitely get to know her

when you have the chance!”

His introduction undoubtedly drew much attention, with many media cameras focusing on me. It was

indeed ironic. While I was being lambasted online, I was hailed as an elite by the mayor here. Isn’t that


The translators quickly relayed the mayor’s words to the foreign guests.

Immediately, exclamations of admiration could be heard from the wives of the foreign guests.

The mayor’s wife, a woman of no ordinary stature, held my hand and smiled, “Indeed, I’ve heard about

you. You were one of the top ten young entrepreneurs in Goldenvale Town, one of the few women in

business. I remember you clearly from my time at the city’s labor union!”

Mayor Arlen laughed heartily, telling the foreign guests, “Our city, Goldenvale Town, has many young

female entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions. We have a wealth of talent that should novelbin

not be underestimated!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glint of darkness flash through Renata’s eyes.

Chapter 243

After his declaration, Mayor Arlen, accompanied by a group of followers, briskly stepped inside,

heading straight for the podium. There was no need for a host; his style was decisive and swift.

Renata stood there awkwardly, glancing at Jaylan.

But Jaylan had no time for her emotions. He took my hand and followed in the Mayor’s footsteps to the

front of the stage.

The celebration party tonight was swarmed with media from all walks of life. After all, this wasn’t just a

celebration for Medsafe Liyah Inc. but also a thank-you reception for the city’s recent investment


Naturally, all the major radio and television stations were present.

Mayor Arlen ascended the stage and got straight to the point, reporting on the results of the investment

conference to the media and public below. His speech was brief and concise, presenting only

successful data, without a shred of superfluous talk.

You had to give it to him; Mayor Arlen was a man of action.

Then, he invited the representative of the foreign guests to share their impressions of Goldenvale Town

and their investment plans and objectives for cooperation.

This representative was none other than the Regional CEO of the Wilson Group, who had just signed a

cooperation contract with Medsafe Liyah Inc.

He was a hulking, suave and competent man, his speech making everyone’s eyes gleam. He

mentioned his strong belief in Goldenvale Town’s investment environment and his desire to build a

medical transit station here for all of country, and even the world, providing timely treatment for patients


So, his primary purpose for coming to Goldenvale Town, was to invest in healthcare. He stated that this

was the Wilson Group’s direction for development in the coming years.

His speech inspired many, not just those in the medical industry, but also those in related sectors,

revealing potential business opportunities.

Attracting a famous consortium like the Wilson Group was undoubtedly a pioneering move for

Goldenvale Town, naturally leading to a chain reaction.

I couldn’t help but be shocked. No wonder Ronan was here; his public identity was that of a major

boss, and he wouldn’t miss an opportunity like this. novelbin

I couldn’t help but glance at him. He was attentively listening to the speech of the Regional CEO of the

Wilson Group. Noticing my gaze, he turned to look at me. Our eyes met, and I felt a sense of mystery

about him. He was so unpredictable!

Honestly, what made him a stranger to me wasn’t just his face, but the experiences he’d had during our

years apart. His disappearance over those years was extremely intriguing to me.

He subtly raised an eyebrow at me, prompting me to quickly avert my eyes. After all, in this setting, I

was supposed to not know him.

Jaylan, sitting next to me, was also intently listening to the speech, although his focus was different

from mine. He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, “Dear, did you hear that? We’re on board this

ship now. We’re set for life. Admit it, your husband has an eye for opportunities!”

His words were so outrageous that I wanted to slap him. Couldn’t he show some decency? His ‘eye for

opportunities’? How shameless could he be?

I glanced at him, smiled faintly, and said, “Then make sure to seize this opportunity. It’s easy to get on a

big ship, but surviving the storms is the real challenge.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist, confidently saying, “Don’t worry! I won’t miss any opportunity!”

I didn’t catch what he meant by ‘any opportunity’. But the hand he placed on my waist made me stiffen

instinctively. I was at a point where I found his touch extremely repulsive. Every time he touched me,

those nauseating images would resurface, making me incredibly uncomfortable.

Not to mention, he was infected with a loathsome disease, making me avoid him at all costs.

Meanwhile, I noticed another gaze fixed on me. Instinctively, I scanned the crowd around me…

Chapter 244

Indeed, my gaze met with Renata’s eyes. Seeing my unexpected glance, she swiftly responded with a

subtle nod and a smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

I reciprocated with a polite smile and averted my eyes. But in that fleeting moment, I locked eyes with

Jerome’s hawk-like, ominous stare. Undeterred, I maintained eye contact before subtly shifting my

gaze away.

Yet, for some reason, I felt a lingering sense of unease. Jerome was not an employee at Medsafe Liyah

Inc., yet he seemed to know the ins and outs of the company. As Jaylan had accused him, he had

become the puppet master behind the scenes at Medsafe Liyah Inc., which I found deeply unsettling.

I didn’t even feel like scolding Jaylan for his incompetence anymore. I initially thought he had finally

gotten a grip on managing Medsafe Liyah Inc. over the years, only to discover he had let such a

significant threat slip under the radar. If this wasn’t incompetence, what was?

His wife’s hard-earned empire was manipulated by outsiders. An impressive feat indeed.

Of course, who knew how many traitors lurked behind the scenes? Covet gained ahead without being

aware of danger behind. How many beasts might be lurking behind the darkness?

It was only now that I realized how blind I had been to Jaylan’s flaws, his ostentatious behavior, and his

superficiality. It wasn’t that I was oblivious to these traits, but rather, I had chosen to turn a blind eye. I

used tolerance and avoidance as an excuse for his behavior.

Yes, there was an element of escapism.

Only at this moment did I realize how foolish, ridiculous, and tragic I’ve been! I was merely deluding

myself, using his shamelessness as a reason to tolerate him!

I was truly grateful that I finally woke up and understood that an angel could never dwell in a filthy soul!

He was nothing more than a maggot in a gutter, fit only to associate with flies.

From the moment I saw his obscene photos, my heart turned cold, and I felt utterly disgusted.

It was then that I realized how challenging it would be to root out the Dawson family’s infestation. My

intuition told me that Marissa’s death was their doing, but I couldn’t find a shred of evidence. This

realization sent chills down my spine. I felt a pang of regret, thinking Marissa might have died too soon.

If she had held on a little longer, I would have been able to discover who this AzureEnchantress truly

was from her.

I had an ominous feeling once again.

The speech by the Regional CEO of Wilson Group was met with enthusiastic applause. After all, those

attending the cocktail party were influential businessmen and entrepreneurs from Goldenvale Town.

They could smell the business opportunities hidden in every word spoken by these key figures.

It was clear that another wave of commercial chance is about to hit Goldenvale Town!

As the foreign guests left the stage, I saw Renata preparing to ascend the stage, only to be halted by a novelbin


“I suggest we invite the original founder of Medsafe Liyah Inc., Ms. Aaliyah Wilburn, to share her

entrepreneurial journey in Goldenvale Town. Her experiences, the highs and lows, will undoubtedly be

of great help to our local business development and upcoming economic construction!

As administrators of Goldenvale Town, we should listen to their real thoughts and needs, which will

help us improve our service quality, fix the gaps and provide more practical business opportunities!

Let’s welcome our young female entrepreneur!”

The voice belonged to Mayor Arlen. With his words, who wouldn’t play along? The room instantly filled

with enthusiastic applause!

Chapter 245

This was completely unexpected. I never thought that Mayor Arlen would throw in such a proposal,

catching me off guard.

Even Jaylan, who was standing next to me, looked at me in surprise.

I mean, this was supposed to be his celebration party, and yet, I seemed to be stealing his thunder!

To be honest, hearing that proposal all of a sudden left me feeling flattered. I hadn’t been in the

spotlight for quite some time, let alone making speeches. I was definitely nervous.

But when all eyes were on me, I gathered up my courage, took a deep breath, and waved back at


Jaylan quickly whispered in my ear, “Aaliyah, can you handle it?”

His question clearly held doubt. His limelight would be taken away if I took the stage, after all.

I smiled confidently at him, not hesitating as I strutted towards the podium.

I muttered to myself, determined to show him that I was more than capable of handling the situation.

Renata, for her part, probably didn’t expect Mayor Arlen to change the course of events. She was

completely overlooked, reduced to a mere bystander.

Seeing me confidently making my way onto the stage, she awkwardly stepped aside.

Once I was on the stage, a wave of nostalgia hit me. This stage was rightfully mine, and it was my poor

choices that almost made me lose it.

I took a moment to look at the crowd, which fell quiet instantly. I gathered my emotions and started my

speech, expressing my genuine feelings.

I began by talking about the initial purpose of my business. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. From the

inception of the company to its growth and finally the establishment of the corporation, I covered all the

issues raised by the mayor. I discussed the challenges encountered during the process and the plans I

had as a businesswoman, hoping for government support…

I boldly shared everything, my eloquent speech earning enthusiastic applause, because I was voicing

the concerns of all the businessmen present.

In the midst of the applause, I saw their approving nods and praises.

The hall was filled with deafening applause – all for me.

At that moment, I felt reborn, like I found myself again. As I stepped down from the stage, Catherine

quickly came over, hugged me, and whispered, “You’re finally back!”

I confidently smiled at her and said, “I never left!”

Indeed, I never did. The days spent lying in bed were because I was too naive, believing there were no

evils in this world. Since I’ve already faced death once, what more do I have to fear?

It’s only when we are desperate that we find hope!

Mayor Arlen certainly made things interesting. After my speech, he took the stage again for a closing

remark, announcing cutting off the tedious procedures. He left more time for the businessmen to


This was undoubtedly a huge relief. With such a good opportunity, who would want to listen to endless

speeches? Everyone was eager to seize their opportunity.

Many people came over to chat with me, but I didn’t receive any praise from the Dawson family, not

even from Jaylan.

At that moment, he was busy networking with Mayor Arlen, basking in the glory of his family’s business.

Ronan came over, deliberately shaking my hand, whispering, “I see the confident you again, but more

mature, steady, and assertive!”

Finding my voice, I replied, “I have to be strong, for I am a mother now. I am not the same person as

before. I will protect my children and my interests, and I will not back down.” After saying this, I realized

that my words might not have sounded too pleasing to the ears for him.

Chapter 246

Feeling that I had spoken out of turn, I quickly glanced at Ronan.

Ronan was beaming, completely unaffected. “I can’t wait to see this,” he chuckled.

At that moment, Mayor Arlen, accompanied by Noah Atwood, approached. He introduced Bennett to

Jaylan, who had been loyally by their side, emphasizing Bennett’s important status.

Jaylan looked flattered and quickly shook hands with Bennett. From his fawning expression, it was

clear that Bennett was the person Jaylan had been most eager to meet.

Because Jaylan had known all along that this was the key figure my father had been privately

discussing. He and Irving had even plotted an exciting plan because of him.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of intentional matchmaking in the air. Could it be…

I quietly excused myself from their conversation, my suspicions growing heavier.

Gevena walked over with Mayor Arlen’s wife and gave me a discreet thumbs up. “Well done! You’ll be

front-page news tomorrow!”

I shrugged, light-heartedly retorting, “We’ll see about that. Don’t forget I’m still wearing the label of a

potential suspect.”

They all laughed. Mrs. Arlen looked at me with trust in her eyes. “The innocent shall be proven so. I

trust our police officers won’t wrongly accuse a good person. They’ll prove your innocence!”

“Mrs. Arlen, more than my innocence, I hope we can find the child soon. He’s so young and innocent.” I

expressed my heartfelt concern.

Recently, I had been having an uneasy feeling about Evan, so I genuinely hoped we would find him


Mrs. Arlen glanced around before whispering, “Marissa’s suicide has been ruled a homicide. I believe

the matter of the child will be resolved soon.”

“A homicide?”

Gevena quickly shushed me. “The conclusion hasn’t been officially released yet. It’s not the right time.”

I was a bit shocked. Even though I had had my suspicions, hearing it confirmed still sent chills down my


Just as I was about to say something, Jessica sauntered over, grinning from ear to ear and warmly

greeted me as “sister-in-law.”

Her lips were addressing me, but her gaze was on Gevena and Mrs. Arlen. I knew she wasn’t here to

greet me, but to meet these two women. novelbin

Gevena gave me a knowing look, and I immediately understood.

I put on my act, warmly taking Jessica’s hand and introducing her to Mrs. Arlen and Gevena. “Ladies,

this is my only sister-in-law from my husband’s family. She’s very capable, currently managing Medsafe

Liyah Inc.’s finances, and is a whizz at household affairs! She’ll be interacting with you more in the

future, so please take care of her!”

Jessica was obviously pleased with my introduction, and her attitude towards me warmed considerably.

She clung to my arm even tighter!

Gevena knew what I was doing and quickly added to Mrs. Arlen, “Aaliyah is famously virtuous. She

gets along very well with her in-laws. Don’t let her career-oriented personality fool you, she manages

both work and home very well!”

Jessica merely smiled, not adding anything. She wasn’t about to help me out, the ungrateful wretch.

Gevena continued, “Jessica, right? Aaliyah has actually mentioned you before. She said you’re very

smart and an excellent assistant. It’s just a shame she fell ill before she had a chance to meet you!”

Gevena was clearly trying to elevate my status. The implication was clear: without me, Jessica had no

chance of meeting them.

Jessica, always the opportunist, quickly clung to my arm. “Mrs. Arlen, Mrs. Atwood, you flatter me.

Aaliyah has always spoken highly of you two. She’s always encouraged me to network more with you,

but due to work, I rarely get the chance. Today, it’s my honor to finally meet the two of you!”

You see, the Dawsons all had a knack for flattery.

“Hey… there’s no need for such formalities. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet in the future.

Just like Aaliyah said, we should all network more. You never know what opportunities might come up!”

Gevena’s words were like bait, hooking Jessica, the catfish in the mud.

Sure enough, Jessica looked flabbergasted. “I definitely will!”

Then she turned to me, ” Aaliyah, take me with you to the next gathering!”

Gevena added, “Yes, Aaliyah, bring her along more often!”

I quickly interjected, “Just remember not to leave me behind!”

I then smoothly handed Jessica over to Gevena.

Chapter 247

Then, I retreated into a corner with Mrs. Arlen, chatting for a while. She asked me a lot of questions

about Evan – more questions than the police had asked.

What surprised me more is that she didn’t hold back and asked about the scandal between Jaylan and


Clearly, she already knew about my ordeal.

Surprised as I was, I had to tell her the truth. She also asked about my condition when I was ill, and I

didn’t hide anything.

Her face turned grim, “I didn’t expect Jaylan to be so audacious. Why would you tolerate such

arrogance? Why didn’t you call the police!”

I chuckled lightly, saying seriously, “It’s not that I could tolerate it, the matter is complicated and

involves a lot. There are many mysteries that I can’t explain.”

Mrs. Arlen looked at me with confusion, her eyes full of questions. So, I briefly explained the strange

things that couldn’t be explained.

Mrs. Arlen was shocked and looked at me incredulously, “Are you saying that even public officials are


I nodded solemnly, “Probably!”

She swore fiercely, “Those bastards! They dare to ignore the law!”

“That’s why I’m worried, the child may be in danger!” I hinted anxiously, “The one who took the child

should be someone familiar!”

“So, the child’s mother should know the child’s whereabouts?” Mrs. Arlen was clever, “Otherwise, she

wouldn’t have confronted you so aggressively!”

“But now, Marissa is dead without any evidence!” I spoke bluntly, “All this indicates that there must be a

mastermind behind the scenes!”

“It seems like there’s no smoke without fire!” Mrs. Arlen muttered, which made me jump. It seemed that

Mrs. Arlen knew something, but I didn’t think it appropriate to inquire further.

While we were talking, I noticed Jerome, with his hands in his pockets, weaving his way through the

crowd and heading outside.

Just then, someone came over to greet Mrs. Arlen. We exchanged pleasantries, and when I looked up

again, I saw Clara, like a sprightly goldfish, also slipping out of the hall. From Clara’s cautious

expression, it seemed she was trying to keep a low profile.

An idea flashed in my mind. Was it Jerome who had called Clara away?

I quickly signaled to Hannah, and quietly instructed her to check if it was Jerome who had called Clara.

Hannah accepted the task and leisurely left the hall.

Just then, Hazel strutted over. I knew exactly what she was up to.

Honestly, her nouveau riche attitude made me nauseous, but it was too late to avoid her. I forced a

smile and greeted her with a saccharine, “Hazel!”

Oddly enough, she didn’t act as strange as usual, but stood beside me with a full-faced smile, giving

the impression of a harmonious mother-daughter-in-law relationship.

I was puzzled. Who had coached Hazel? She had even learned how to play both sides.

Gevena, a smart person, knew the tension between Hazel and me. She quickly stepped in to smooth

things over, “Mrs. Dawson, you’re so lucky to have such an outstanding daughter-in-law like Aaliyah.

Look how she’s taken the whole family to new heights!”

“Yes, our Aaliyah is quite outstanding! She’s the lucky one, having such distinguished friends. It’s all

thanks to your support that we have what we have today!”

After saying that, she lavished praise on Mrs. Arlen, which gave me goosebumps.

Seeing that they were getting along, I quietly exited their circle, keeping an eye on the door, but

Hannah had yet to return.

Curiosity was getting the better of me, and I made my way towards the door, greeting the guests along

the way.

Chapter 248

The corridor was fairly bustling with guests, chatting away in small groups.

This was a circular balcony on the top floor. I scanned the area, finding several multifunctional halls.

Through the corridor, there were restrooms, lounge areas, changing rooms, an electrical room, and a

storage closet.

I looked down the corridor, catching sight of a few guests sneaking off to the restroom. But there was

no sign of Jerome or Clara, and certainly no sign of Hannah, who had followed them earlier.

Mildly puzzled, I headed towards the restrooms.

It had been a while since I had worn heels. Walking was genuinely tiring, especially on the soft carpet.

It was like walking through sand.

The further I moved down the corridor, the fewer people there were. The noise from the main hall faded

to a faint murmur. It was eerily quiet.

The restroom area was open plan, with a large mirror dividing it into two. On the left was the men’s

room, and on the right was the ladies’. novelbin

I stopped by the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was untouched, effectively hiding

any signs of fatigue. It was an understatement to say I was glowing.

I was particularly pleased with the dress I had chosen for the night. It was understated yet luxurious,

the perfect complement to my radiant complexion.

But my focus wasn’t on my appearance. I rinsed my hands under the tap, straining to hear any sounds

from the restrooms.

A man entered the restroom area. He saw me and greeted enthusiastically, “Mrs. Dawson!”

I nodded in response and he entered the men’s room. I was pretty sure that all of the guests knew who

I was, so his greeting wasn’t surprising.

I entered the empty ladies’ room. After waiting a few minutes to make sure the man had left, I stepped

back out into the corridor.

I was puzzled and wondered if they had left the area.

I stepped out of the restroom and looked down the corridor again. It took a sharp turn, leading to the

lounges. I wasn’t ready to give up just yet, so I moved further down the corridor. I thought I heard

voices. I looked back; the restroom was out of sight.

I hesitated, contemplating whether to continue. I could hear faint voices, but they disappeared and

reappeared unpredictably.

I leaned against the wall to ease my fatigue and anxiety. I held my breath and listened, but all I could

hear was my own heartbeat.

I laughed at myself. There were no voices, just echoes from the main hall.

Just as I was about to turn around and head back, I heard a low growl. It startled me. The voice was

deep and muffled, but I couldn’t make out what was being said.

Chills ran down my spine and goosebumps sprouted on my skin. There were definitely people in there.

But I had no idea which room they were in.

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest.

I managed to calm myself down. I thought, since I’m already here, I might as well check out who’s in

there. Since someone had growled, it was clear that the situation inside wasn’t cheerful.

Driven by curiosity, I took a few more steps forward. Sure enough, I could hear voices. “You already

missed one opportunity! Don’t tell me… give you another chance.”

“I want to see…”

Two men were speaking. Their words were incoherent and I couldn’t understand what they were


I was confused. Who were they?

It was definitely not Clara.

“Jerome, don’t you…”

Jerome? It was definitely Jerome.

I felt a surge of adrenaline and tiptoed a few steps further in. The voices were coming from one of the

rooms. I mustered up the courage to get closer.

“…Use this opportunity, gain momentum, you stupid… someone, dead…” This voice was strange. I

guessed it was a foreigner speaking in broken English.

I held my breath and leaned closer. The door wasn’t fully closed. There was a small crack. I dared to

take a peek inside to see who the other man was.

Just as I reached out to push the door slightly open, a thunderous sound startled me. I almost let out a

scream. My foot hit a trash can by the door, making a loud ‘thud’.

“Who’s there?” a voice from inside asked.

Frightened, I quickly stepped back, but footsteps from inside indicated someone was coming to check

the door.

Chapter 249

Just then, the door behind me swung open, and a big, strong hand yanked me inside…

Before I could even scream, my mouth was covered, and my body, now beyond my control, was

dragged into the room. The door slammed shut and locked, all in the blink of an eye. I had no time to

react, no time to understand what was happening.

I heard the door to the adjacent room being pulled open, and my heart pounded in my chest.

“Who’s there?… Who’s out there?”

The voice belonged to Jerome. Who was he shouting at? Had he noticed us?

I was so terrified that I barely dared to breathe. My heart ached from the rapid pounding, and my body

felt like jelly.

The large hand held me up, pulling me into a broad, comforting embrace. The hand that had covered

my mouth moved to cradle my head, pressing it against a masculine chest. My face was buried into his

shirt, and the scent of him filled my nostrils, making my head spin.

But I ignored all these sensations, focusing on the sounds outside.

My head was held tight, immobilized, and I didn’t dare to move for fear of being discovered.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I heard the doorknob behind me being twisted.

“Who’s in there? Open up!”

Jerome’s voice was sharp and intimidating. I shivered instinctively, closing my eyes and burying my

face deeper into the stranger’s chest.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine what would happen if the door was opened.

Suddenly, thunder cracked the sky. The deafening sound nearly made me shriek. Two knocks outside

the room followed, and the doorknob rattled again.

I felt like the world was about to end, my hands clutching the man’s shirt in desperation.

After a moment of silence, the footsteps moved away from the door and I crumbled, leaning against the novelbin

door to catch my breath. I could feel him relax as well.

Before I had a chance to see who he was, voices echoed from outside again. “Who’s there?”

“I thought I heard something,” Jerome’s uncertain voice said.

Suddenly, I was spun around and pressed against the door. I was about to protest when the man

whispered, “Listen!”

His breath tickled my ear and I held still, pressing myself against the door and holding my breath.

“I don’t see anyone,” Jerome finally said.

A rough voice replied, “You’d better handle this yourself. We’re running out of time. Do whatever you

think is best.”

Then I heard footsteps moving towards the interior safety exit and then fading away.

It seemed the man had left.

Just as I was starting to relax, the doorknob rattled again and I tensed up.

With a loud bang, the door was kicked. The man behind me immediately pulled me against him.

I flinched, pressing myself against him as his arm wrapped around my waist.

I was certain it was Jerome venting his frustration by kicking the door. That lunatic! I cursed in my mind.

The next second, I finally heard the fading footsteps outside.

After straining my ears for what seemed like an eternity, I was sure that they were gone.

I collapsed against the door, completely drained.

Only then did I realize the danger I was still in. I spun around, pushing the man behind me away, and

yelled, “You…”

Chapter 250

My gaze faltered, and I was left speechless as I realized that the man holding me was none other than

Ronan. This totally threw me off!

“You… what are you doing here? You…” I stammered, full of confusion as I quietly asked him. Could it

be that he was here to eavesdrop too?

Moreover, it seemed like he had been here longer than I had. How come I had not noticed when he

came out?

Upon seeing my intense stare, Ronan simply shrugged, wrapping his arms around himself, not backing

down. “What do you think?” he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance. “You’re too reckless. Don’t ever

do such risky things again!” novelbin

“How was I supposed to know it was going to rain and thunder so heavily?” I argued, feeling a bit

defiant. If he could do it, why couldn’t I?

“What’s rain got to do with anything? Do you even know what kind of person you’re dealing with?

Jerome is a lot more ruthless than you think. Curiosity killed the cat, you know?” His voice grew stern,

his face hardened.

I snorted dismissively at his words, rolling my eyes at him. Remembering the way he held me close

earlier, my cheeks inexplicably flushed. I was speechless. What the hell was this?

I was still in marriage with three children, for heaven’s sake. Wasn’t this practically committing a sin?

I knew the scent I had smelled earlier was familiar! We had spent so much time close to each other

back in the day, that scent was unmistakable.

“Hmph… Speaking of which, what are you doing here? Don’t tell me you stumbled upon this by

accident?” I countered, before asking curiously, “Did you hear what they were saying?”

He looked at me and smirked. He leaned in closer, his hands resting on the door, trapping me against

his body. His eyes were fixed on my face, a smirk playing on his lips. “You’re trembling, yet you still

dared to get close to a man. You’ve got quite some nerve, right?”

He continued to stare at me, his questioning gaze almost intimidating. “What if I hadn’t been the one

here today? What do you think would have happened?”

I was so irritated by his words that I rolled my eyes again. When had he become so shameless? I was

still getting used to the unfamiliar face before me, yet he had the audacity to say such things.

I stared back at him, my mind racing, trying to figure out how to counter this familiar stranger.

Without warning, he leaned in and quickly pecked my nose.

Boom… My brain went blank.

I stood there, leaning against the door, staring blankly at him. He gazed back at me, our eyes locked. I

felt like I was about to lose my breath.

This had never happened before. If he had dared to do this back in the day, I… I would have followed

him to the ends of the earth, waiting for him, no matter how long it took, without any regrets. But now,

his actions had come twelve years too late. What was he trying to achieve now? This was rude!

My mind was a whirl of protest, excitement, and regret…

His eyes lit up with a passionate glow as he slowly leaned closer. His familiar scent enveloped me,

filling my nostrils.

Just when his lips were about to meet mine…

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 231-240

Chapter 231

I overheard my dad talking about the kids getting involved in some sort of surveying project, and it took

me aback. I couldn’t help but ask him about it.

My dad was quick to fill me in, “They’re learning about the history of Oldtown Avenue, the size and

location of each house, how long each family has been living here…”

“You’re having them do this?” I was taken aback, “They’re just kids!”

“You’re underestimating them,” my dad confidently responded. “They’re the future, you know, and their

brains are capable of far more than you might think. Just wait and see what they come up with!”

“Wow, dad… You really think big!” This really surprised me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that

would look like.

“Just you wait and see!” he said confidently. “They won’t disappoint you. They’re already equipped for

this. After all, Oldtown Avenue is their future too, they might as well start getting to know every inch of it

now. They’ll be the ones to continue its story!”

My dad’s words got me cheer up. I couldn’t wait to fly back to Silverdale City to see how my kids were


“By the way, dad, I might bring another kid back with me – Fidelia Dawson. Do you remember her?” I

felt the need to give my dad a heads up, not because I was afraid he wouldn’t accept her, but to

prepare myself.

“Seems familiar. The quiet, well-behaved one from their oldest son, right?” My dad’s memory was

always good.

“That’s right, you remember correctly. I ran into Camilla today, and she told me that Fidelia is often

alone at home and feels lonely. I mentioned Silverdale City, and she seemed okay with the idea. She’s

a good woman, doesn’t get along with the Dawsons, and can’t look after Fidelia. She’s been having

some health issues lately, and I feel sorry for her,” I explained.

“Well, bring her along then. The vacation has just started! It’s good for the kids to spend time together.

They’re family after all. They’re the ones who will inherit this world, so the more relatives, the better.”

As expected, my dad accepted the idea without any complaints and even supported me.

I couldn’t help but think of Evan Dawson, and I felt a pang of sadness. I wondered how he was doing,

with his mom gone and no idea where he was now. He was a poor kid as well.

With that thought, I lost my enthusiasm and lazily told my dad over the phone, “I’ll hang up now.

Whether Fidelia comes or not depends on her. If she wants to, I’ll bring her.”

“Good, don’t force her,” my dad said affectionately, and then he quickly asked, “Oh, have they found

that kid yet?”

“Not yet,” I said, feeling a bit heartbroken. “The police are doing their best.”

My dad didn’t say anything else, and we ended the call.

Holding my phone, I paced around the room for a while, picturing Evan’s chubby, innocent face.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself not to think about it. Some things were out of my control.

Then I thought about Irving Bradlee. I wasn’t afraid of any tricks he might play with Jaylan Dawson, but

I was worried about something else.

What if – and I’m just saying what if – Irving did something to Janetta Makynzie? How would I deal with

the situation with Irving then?

I needed to plan ahead. I didn’t want to have a falling out with the Makynzie sisters over this, so I had

to be prepared for it.

What I didn’t expect was that my concerns would soon become a reality, creating a huge uproar. But

that’s a story for another time.

Chapter 232

The thought of those mortgaged contracts suddenly hit me, and I hurriedly spun on my heels towards

the study. I found the key and opened the safe, only to find it empty. Just as I had suspected, the novelbin

contracts were indeed gone.

For good measure, I rang up my friend who worked at the bank to double-check things for me. She told

me that the repayment process was actually set in motion a week ago, and the final procedures were

just completed yesterday.

I asked her to keep a special eye on my account and notify me immediately of any activity. Having dealt

with banks multiple times, I knew their procedures well. Large transactions needed appointments, so

there would be enough time to prepare.

She told me that each bank had its own rules, and her bank recently introduced a new one. Customers

who had just repaid their mortgage needed to wait a full payment cycle before they could apply for

another one.

So, there would be no new mortgages in the near future!

Upon hearing this, I breathed a sigh of relief. The wait would be stress-free for me, and I wouldn’t give

Jaylan any chance to act.

When I returned downstairs, I found the new glass installed. My heart lightened.

I checked the time and called Catherine, asking her if she was going to the celebration party tonight.

“Of course, I’m going! I can’t miss such a big event. I just got the company’s invitation to dress up and

show up,” she replied immediately.

I chuckled, “Then I am heading to the salon, do you want to join?”

“Absolutely! Who will entertain you if I’m not there? I need to cover you in case something happens!”

She replied, teasingly. “Which one? Mane Event?”

I nodded in agreement. Catherine was always the best wing woman for things I couldn’t handle myself.

“Alright, I’ll book it now, and then head out with Hannah!” I replied.

“Sounds good! I’ll come straight from the hospital!” Catherine hung up after that.

As regular customers and premium members of Mane Event, we were greeted by professional stylists

upon arrival.

I had my short hair trimmed and got my makeup done to match my champagne-colored dress.

Catherine arrived before I was even done.

She gave me an appraising look and pointed at my dress, “You’re the boss lady, aren’t you dressing a

bit too plain?”

I looked at myself in the mirror and retorted, “Plain? Does a boss lady need to be all glammed up? I

prefer to keep it simple, since I’m not fighting for attention.”

Bob, the stylist, chuckled at my response. When I gave him a look, he quickly covered up his laughter.

“Champagne is a color of elegance. Its understated luxury suits your complexion perfectly. Combined

with your chic short hair, it’s definitely a fashion-forward look.”

I smirked, “You guys are too sweet. This dress is something I bought a while ago. I was in a rush today

and didn’t have time to shop. I’m just showing up, why should I dress up like a peacock?”

Catherine snorted, “Well, you never know. Your husband Dawslug has his own fan club, you think you

can keep a low profile?”

I glared at her through the mirror and she quickly shut up, realizing her slip.

Catherine is like my other half, always speaking her mind. The fact is, most people in the beauty

industry knew Jaylan.

He was a model example of a successful transformation and rapid rise, a famous figure in the

Goldenvale Town beauty industry. Everyone knew his Cinderella story of marrying me and his sudden

rise to fortune. It was the hottest gossip among them.

Many were envious of his good luck, feeling off-balance whenever they saw him. Jaylan was always

proud of his story, and whenever he came to the salon, he was dressed in his finest – as if he was

about to walk the runway at Fashion Week.

Chapter 233

Sure thing, everyone knew that I was Jaylan’s wife.

Gossip is the spice of life, and who wouldn’t want to see the woman who managed to snatch Jaylan

from the jaws of hardship?

Therefore, I was certain that I had become the talk of the town.

Catherine’s words earlier were filled with juicy information, sure to fuel the gossip mills. By tonight’s

celebration at the town hall, I bet all of Goldenvale Town would know about Jaylan’s success.

Catherine knew she had let slip too much and smirked, quickly changing the topic to choosing her

dress – a gradient, strapless gown – and left the rest to the stylist.

Hannah, my bodyguard, dressed in a dignified, black evening dress.

Before we could finish our preparations, Jaylan came in with a swagger, dressed in a tailored suit and a

white silk shirt underneath. His hair was slicked back, and he looked as radiant as a morning sun.

His entrance drew all eyes to him, especially the women in the salon, who looked at him with awe and

admiring. The familiar faces in the salon, mostly workers he knew, approached him with a mix of

emotions, greeted him, and showered him with compliments.

They sat him down for a quick trim and style. The entire salon was bustling with excitement.

I watched them quietly, knowing that when Jaylan falls from grace, these same people would be the

first to throw stones.

But being the queen bee, I knew they’d bend over backward to please me, no matter what they said

behind my back.

Such was human nature.

When it was time, Jaylan looked like a seasoned actor, ready to take the stage. I have to admit, he did

look dashing. But beneath that charming exterior lay a rotten soul.

I couldn’t help but wonder why I was so naive to fall for his charm and be trapped in this gilded cage he novelbin

built for me.

I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to give him any more attention.

But Jaylan, charmingly approached me and took my hand, “Honey, let me see… Wow! You’re still the

most beautiful woman here. Isn’t that right, boys?”

Of course, they agreed, “Absolutely! Jaylan, you’re a lucky man!”

“Of course, our Allie, is the best gift that life has given me!” Jaylan said, looking at me fondly. If you

didn’t know any better, you’d think he was genuinely in love.

I forced a smile, pushed him away and said, “There you go again, always flirting. Let’s get going!”

Jaylan, beaming, wrapped his arm around my waist and led me outside to his luxury car. As we drove

off, he turned to the salon staff and said, “Keep the tab open. I’ll settle it at the end of the month.”

As we drove off, he leaned back in his seat, a look of satisfaction on his face. I ignored him and looked

out the window. The setting sun was casting a warm glow on the city skyline.

A sense of excitement washed over me. The next act was about to begin!

Chapter 234

My gaze traveled beyond the car window, catching sight of the skyscraper housing Medsafe Liyah Inc.

from a distance.

This skyscraper, a landmark in the Goldenvale Town’s business district, stood proud and tall in Century novelbin

Square. Several large-scale companies were housed in this building, with Medsafe Liyah Inc. currently

occupying three floors.

Choosing this location initially took a good deal of effort. Century Square had only just been developed,

and it was somewhat on the outskirts of Goldenvale Town.

What I had my eyes on were the building’s amenities. There were over a dozen large and small

multifunctional meeting rooms, perfect for all sorts of cocktail parties, product launches, business

negotiations, and corporate gatherings. No need to hunt for other venues!

In our line of business, we frequently hold these kinds of corporate gatherings and product launches. If

we had to find a venue each time, not only would it be physically exhausting, but also a significant drain

on our resources, increasing our costs invisibly. However, the overall rent here was a bit steep.

At that time, Addrion and I had visited many places and had multiple discussions, but none were as

ideal as this location. Despite being a bit off-center, it was conveniently accessible and still developing,

brimming with potential.

Back then, we didn’t have as much business and only rented one floor.

Later, we did some calculations. Although the rent was higher, we would save a lot on other services.

Addrion and I agreed, gritted our teeth, and signed the contract.

After paying the rent, we were financially tight!

That was the first time Jaylan and I had a disagreement. He said I was too rash, neglecting our family

and potentially plunging us into financial difficulties.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but the reverse is challenging. Of course, he didn’t want

to return to the old days. I entirely understood his viewpoint, so I tried to persuade him for several days,

but he remained downcast for a long time.

When the Dawsons found out, they frowned upon me, accusing me of being wasteful and overly

ambitious. That’s when the rift between Hazel and me began.

But a year later, we didn’t plunge our family into hardship. Addrion and I took a leap of faith and rented

the second floor, solidifying Medsafe Liyah Inc.’s foothold in Goldenvale Town. The third floor was

Jaylan’s achievement.

But they said I was overly ambitious at that time!

I’ve always remembered these words, the arrogance in Hazel’s voice when she said it that day at the

Dawson’s, and how the entire family ganged up against me, making me feel utterly alone.

But look at the Dawsons now, who amongst them doesn’t fit the description?

If it weren’t for my ‘overly ambitious’ drive back then, the Dawsons wouldn’t be as smug as they are


Thinking of this, I let out a long sigh.

The car had already pulled into the building’s parking lot. I got out, looked up at the towering

skyscraper, and was filled with a multitude of emotions!

Jaylan moved closer to me, his hand resting on my waist. He too looked up at the building and said

with deep affection, “In the future, I will get the whole building for you!”

His grand words were indeed inspiring, but they no longer moved my heart!

I looked at him sideways and smiled, “What I want isn’t a skyscraper!” Saying so, I walked ahead of

him into the building!

In my heart, I scoffed, Jaylan, you’ll never catch up with me!

Today’s celebratory banquet was held in the grand hall on the top floor, offering a bird’s eye view of half

of Goldenvale Town!

But, as soon as I walked in, I was speechless. What caught my eye were the Dawsons, everywhere. It

was indeed a celebratory banquet, a Dawson celebratory banquet!

The first person I saw was Hazel, for she was incredibly eye-catching amidst the crowd…

Chapter 235

Hazel’s get-up was something I couldn’t help but comment on. It was incredibly eye-catching, if nothing


Her red dress was clinging to her Michelin Man-like physique. It wasn’t outlining her figure, but rather

emphasized mounds of flabby flesh, like stacks of car tires. I had to admit, she could easily be the

poster child for Michelin tires.

Her height was compensated by her hair, styled so high that I wondered which stylist had the audacity

to design such an outrageous look. Straw-colored tresses coiled high and swarming with an excess of

gold and emerald baubles, she resembled a queen from a bygone era that had time-travelled to the

present day.

Hazel was the host for the evening, and she was certainly dressed to blind everyone with her garish


Her boisterous laughter echoed in the hall, lingering in the air!

Catherine was taken aback, staring at Hazel. She didn’t care whether Jaylan was by her side or not,

she blurted out, “Oh, sweet baby Jesus! Did I walk into the wrong place? Is this a dating reception for


Hearing her comment, I nearly broke into laughter.

Indeed, Hazel’s bright red outfit was rather audacious. The man accompanying Hazel was Farley

Dawson, dressed in a dark pinstripe suit. If my memory served me right, it was Jaylan’s discarded one

from years ago. However, it was definitely from a high-end brand.

However, on Farley, it looked rather awkward.

Jaylan, of course, heard Catherine’s comment and frowned slightly, then followed her gaze to Hazel

with a smirk.

I chuckled to myself, let her go all out tonight. It would be a night she would never forget!

As Jaylan and I stepped into the hall, all eyes were on us. I could feel Jaylan’s posture straightening

instantly, transforming into his catwalk mode, occasionally nodding at the people around us.

Jessica Dawson, wearing a stunning backless evening gown, was busy chatting with a group of ladies.

Hearing the commotion, she turned her head towards us and waved, her wrist glinting with a dazzling


It gave me an impression: this wasn’t some business celebration, but more like a tacky jewelry

exhibition. No matter how good the jewelry was on them, it lowered the grade.

In the crowd, Jerome stood out among the men, his slicked-back hair impeccably styled. He held a

glass of red wine in one hand while the other was tucked in his pocket, his gaze sweeping over the

crowd with an intimidating glare.

As Jesper and Caleb approached, Jaylan immediately went to meet them.

Today was all about Medsafe Liyah Inc. The city’s top officials were all in attendance, putting the

Medsafe Liyah Inc. staff in a flurry of activity, serving at the party.

Among the crowd, I could see Clara Rhylee, dressed in a white dress, serving as a guide.

Caleb, the deputy director, in his crisp suit, greeted us warmly. He then turned to Jaylan and reported,

“Mr. Dawson, the mayor just called. Officials want to use our Medsafe Liyah Inc. signing celebration to

bid farewell to the foreign delegation. So, not only are there going to be more guests tonight, but we

also have two additional items on the agenda, including speech from the mayor. We need to


“Of course, we need to cooperate, it’s an honor for Medsafe Liyah Inc. Others wouldn’t even be able to

invite them. Let’s add it to the program. Has the emcee arrived?” Jaylan asked, scanning the hall.

The party was in full swing, with glamorous women and socialites mingling about.

Jesper shook his head, “Not yet! Brother, you should give her a call and urge her to hurry up. She’s

putting on airs, not considering the occasion.”

Jaylan looked at me with a ‘see how busy I am’ expression.

Before he could say anything, I unhanded his arm with a gentle smile, “You go ahead. I’ll take a look


“Catherine, take care of Allie for me. Make sure she gets plenty of rest!” Jaylan instructed Catherine,

seeming to have forgotten their previous disagreements.

Catherine played along, flashing a bright smile and giving him a ‘thumbs up’ gesture, “Don’t worry! I’ll

make sure of it!”

Saying that, she walked towards the hall with Hannah and me.

I suspected, he was going to see the emcee.

Catherine seemed to have the same thought and whispered to me, “I bet he’s going to meet a woman!”

Chapter 236

I chuckled and gave her a sidelong glance, “Don’t spill the beans. Show some class, won’t you?”

“Damn, I lack class? Just you wait and see!” Catherine taunted me with a raised eyebrow, “I know him

very well.”

Hannah and I couldn’t hold back our laughter.

Then, she playfully nudged me and whispered, “Three o’clock.”

I glanced at the direction Catherine mentioned and to my surprise, it was Irving’s wife, Olivia!

“It seems Irving has made his appearance!” I murmured, then turned to Catherine, “Try to dig

something out from this Olivia. She wants to collaborate closely with Medsafe Liyah Inc., doesn’t she?

Let’s find out what that means!” novelbin

“Roger that!” Catherine accepted the task, and we moved towards them.

Sure enough, Olivia immediately spotted me, her target, and quickly left the group she was chatting

with to approach us.

From a distance, she beamed and called out, “Oh, Mrs. Dawson! I’ve been waiting for you for a long

time, finally I see you! I knew you’d come, this is the Dawson family’s turf after all!”

I smiled and replied warmly, “Just call me Aaliyah! In this kind of setting, it might cause confusion!” I

pointed at Hazel, “How could I steal the limelight from my mother-in-law!”

Olivia immediately giggled, seemingly bridging the distance between us.

“Aaliyah, you’re truly modest!”

“Mrs. Bradlee, where’s your husband?” Catherine intentionally asked, craning her neck to look around.

“He’s discussing some matters with the city officials. We came quite early!” Olivia quickly explained,

“After all, today is a big day!”

“I heard that you and Irving have some plans today?” Catherine laid a trap for Olivia, pretending to be


“Ha, …Ms. Damon, how do you know everything?” As expected, Olivia was intrigued by Catherine’s

words. She didn’t want to be left out. Now that the word was out, if she didn’t say something, she would

lose her spotlight, and that would be terribly embarrassing!

She added smugly, “Irving has been wanting to join hands with Mr. Dawson! Who would’ve thought,

you knew about it just as things started to take shape?”

“Hey! …I heard it from a little bird. I’m not certain if it’s true, so I thought of asking you since you would

have the most accurate answer! After all, you’re Irving’s real boss!”

Upon hearing this, Olivia was clearly pleased. She playfully nudged Catherine, “Oh stop it, I don’t

bother myself with his business! Irving prefers that I stay out of it, saying that making money is his job,

and I just need to enjoy my life!”

“Enough with the PDA! Can’t you let a single woman like me catch a break?” Catherine praised her on

the face of it, but in reality, she was cursing under her breath, “You’re really blessed, and it’s so

frustrating to compare with you!”

“Hey! Not really. I am naturally laid-back, unlike you strong women. I envy you! Besides, you’re the only

one I’d share this with, and I wouldn’t want to blabber about it to others.” Olivia’s sweet talk clearly

indicated where her loyalty lay.

“Is it true? Are they really going to join hands?” Catherine pushed further, “Then you guys will be on the

same side!”

Olivia was clearly pleased with this comment and immediately replied, “Irving and Mr. Dawson want to

expand their scale, right? Mr. Dawson also hopes to have a seat in the pharmaceutical industry!

Besides, cancer drugs are quite profitable, who wouldn’t want a slice of that cake!”

As soon as she finished her sentence, I exchanged a look with Catherine, an unspoken understanding

between us.

Sure enough, they were aiming at VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals. My father hadn’t officially discussed the

project with Jaylan yet, but this woman already knew it was about cancer drugs.

It’s clear that the old fox in my parents’ house was working. She passed on the conversation between

my father and Bennett Richardson. While Irving and Jaylan had already planned their strategy. No

wonder Irving looked so confident today!

I turned to Olivia and whispered, “Irving is slicker than buttered bread, always chasing after the sizzling

bacon. You’d better be careful since it is still a project discussion phase and it’s confidential. Beware of

others exploiting this. Besides, the budget investment is not small, and we don’t know who will get it.

So, don’t jump the gun, or we just might end up shooting ourselves in the foot if we can’t clinch the


Chapter 237

My tone of speech was incredibly familiar, making it sound as if I wasn’t treating Olivia as an outsider,

but rather like a member of my own family.

A smile spread across Olivia’s face and she wrapped her hand around my arm, “Aaliyah, don’t worry! I

know my limits. We’re all friends here, right?”

“Yes, and it’s because we’re friends that I’m warning you!”

“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed!” She boasted, somewhat smug.

I stifled a scoff, ‘sealed lips’ was not something I had observed from her!

“When is Nettie heading back?” I asked casually, hinting at my extensive knowledge about the Bradlee

family. I needed to get a read on this Nettie. There was more to her than meets the eye.

Olivia took the bait and quickly replied, “Well, she decided not to leave, she wants to stay and work


“Oh… did she graduate?” I asked, feigning surprise. “Well, your easy days are over then.”

Olivia shot a wary look at me. I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth, “I shouldn’t have said


She nudged my arm, “No, it’s fine. We don’t have secrets between us. As for Nettie… well, she hasn’t

spent much time here. We barely know each other. Her sudden decision to return was quite a surprise,

and I was not prepared for it at all!”

“How does she get along with her father?” Catherine cut to the chase.novelbin

“They get along fine, I suppose. After all, he’s spent a ton of money on her!” Olivia’s voice betrayed her

true feelings.

“She’s not home, what could he possibly spend money on!” Catherine retorted.

“You think studying abroad for several years is cheap?” Olivia shot back, clearly not pleased.

“It’s normal. She is Irving’s daughter after all. If he doesn’t spoil her, then who would do so?” Catherine

had a ready answer.

“Does her decision to stay here have anything to do with her mother?” I asked, bombarding her with

questions from both sides, leaving her no room to think.

“I doubt it. She doesn’t seem to care much about her mother. She’s quite indifferent to everyone,

really…” Olivia trailed off, a grimace on her face.

“So, she’s quite savvy.” Catherine quickly filled the silence.

Olivia turned to her, “Why would you say that?”

“Well, she’s quite sensible. She even came back to celebrate your birthday. That’s not too bad!” I

chimed in, surprising her.

Sure enough, Olivia looked at me, her features surprised, “Aaliyah, you really see everything, don’t

you? How did you know about that?”

I replied in a hushed voice, “I just happened to be at the hospital when Janice gave birth to a son, didn’t

you know?”

“I did hear about that. She had a premature birth, didn’t she?” Olivia tossed her head dismissively,

“That family is so annoying, always clinging to Irving. It’s ridiculous. My son is several years old and

they’re still going on about it.”

Catherine and I exchanged glances. Catherine was the first to speak, “Well, the problem is that Irving

just can’t let go. He’s divorced, and he should just move on!”

“I can’t really argue with that. Irving is just like that, he’s too sentimental. He always feels like he owes

her something!” Olivia looked distressed.

“Is there something he can’t let go of?” I interjected.

“No way!” Olivia sprang up as if she had been stung by a bee. Realizing she had overreacted, she

quickly tried to laugh it off, “There’s nothing he can’t let go of. He’s just like that. I always feel that the

one who is not loved should leave. It’s no fun for anyone to keep dragging it on.”

Annoyed by Olivia’s words, Catherine rolled her eyes at her. I quickly signaled her to calm down, then

turned to Olivia, “Well, everyone has their own perspective on these matters.”

“Come on, Aaliyah, am I wrong?” Olivia complained, “I usually don’t bother arguing with them, and I

don’t want to trouble Irving either.”

I laughed to myself, thinking that she had a high opinion of herself. Irving was not someone she could

trouble. I suspected that the only reason he married her in the first place was because she gave him a


“Why would troubling him do any good? If there’s no love left, they should just split. Irving has done

more than enough. Janetta can barely keep herself alive, and it’s Irving who’s paying for her medical

bills. I have no complaints about that. He’s spent a fortune over the years!”

“He could just stop paying!” Catherine couldn’t hold back, “What’s he thinking?”

Chapter 238

Olivia seemed to pick up on the tone in Catherine’s voice, raising her gaze to meet her’s, “I don’t really

know what he’s thinking, but if he wants to take it, let him. There’s always an end to everything!”

Olivia’s words shifted quickly, revealing that she wasn’t saying what she truly meant.

“Nettie’s back, so there’s an extra pair of hands to help Irving!” I metaphorically sprinkled some salt on novelbin

Olivia’s wounds, attempting to provoke her.

As expected, Olivia was quick to respond, “She should just get married and leave the business affairs

alone. They’re no place for her!”

I gave her a calm smile, knowing that this was Olivia’s true thoughts. This proved that Olivia was

resistant to Nettie’s return.

Upon hearing Olivia’s words, Catherine couldn’t help but retort, “Give me a break! Don’t forget that the

foundation of Elixir Pharma Limited was laid by her mother. You know what they say, like mother like

daughter. She’s been studying abroad for years, managing a company shouldn’t be a problem!”

“You can’t just say that, she laid the foundation? Even if her small clinic had some effect, but when they

agreed to divorce, Irving didn’t leave her empty-handed. Who’s to blame for her car accident?” Olivia,

eager to win the argument, began to dispute with Catherine heedlessly.

However, I could glean a wealth of information from her words.

“It seems that the terms of Irving and Janetta’s divorce were negotiated. But how? Only Irving and

Janetta would know. It’s no wonder Irving is so nervous now that Janetta is waking up; there must be

some some devil in the details of their divorce agreement. But how exactly were the terms negotiated?

Janetta, a brilliant woman, would not easily let Irving off the hook without getting something in return.

So… the car accident happened only after that?” A chill ran down my spine as I considered the

possibility. This was terrifying! No wonder Janice had always doubted Irving. It wasn’t just baseless


My mind was racing, the more I thought about it, the more suspicious Irving seemed. He was far more

ruthless than Jaylan.

Catherine continued to grapple with Olivia, “When Janetta divorced Irving, the Bradlee family’s hospital

was still under Janetta’s control. What… what exactly were the terms of their divorce? How did Janetta

suddenly have a car accident? Do you know any details?”

Catherine, with the air of a gossip queen, pursued Olivia relentlessly.

I almost applauded Catherine for her quick thinking. These were all questions I wanted to ask, and they

were all based on information gleaned from Olivia’s words.

Olivia was somewhat flustered, swallowing before glancing at me, “I’m clueless about that and I don’t

go poking my nose where it doesn’t belong. Saving myself the trouble!”

I laughed. Olivia was quite clever herself, managing to sidestep Catherine’s trap.

“You see, marrying a divorcee brings its own set of problems, with the past and present clashing, it’s

stressful!” Catherine began to make pointed comments, aiming straight for Olivia’s heart.

Then, she delivered another heartfelt comment, “You have to be more careful. You don’t want to end up

dealing with his mistresses. You’re too naive for that.”

Olivia turned pale, knowing that Catherine’s words were harsh but hit the point.

I gave Catherine a wink, and she understood immediately, “Honestly, I’m saying this for your own good.

Once a cheater, always a cheater – it’s not about how many times it’s happened, it’s about the principle

of the matter.”

Olivia’s face turned from pale to red. At this point, the other ladies who had been watching us converse

closely joined in.

Catherine, now more animated, continued her speech like a relationship expert, “Think about it, men

who cheat are like they’ve unlocked their hidden potential. Whenever they see a beautiful woman, they

see the romantic date on the bank of Seine. They are bound to cheat both physically and mentally.”

The ladies who had just joined us didn’t know the background, but they erupted into laughter hearing

Catherine’s words.

“Ms. Damon, you’re absolutely right!” someone chimed in, “That’s what they call true love!”

“Men’s words are full of lies. You think that’s true love? Bullshit!” Catherine was even more invigorated

now, “Actually, there are many types of men. Let me analyze it for you, are you interested?” She

directed the last question at Olivia.

Chapter 239

I knew what was happening in my mind that Catherine was starting to stir the pot with Olivia.

I didn’t stop her. After all, what if Catherine’s actions were like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at

any moment? It was certainly a potential threat to Irving.

As expected, Olivia seemed to be intrigued, but she refused to admit it. Instead, she just stared at

Catherine, refusing to utter a word.

Words can betray you, and Olivia was smart enough to realize that.

The other ladies who had joined us were ready for the drama, with anticipation written all over their

faces. Nothing draws attention like a scandal involving infidelity and a mistress.

I glanced around and saw Jerome still engrossed in a conversation with a group of men, looking very

relaxed. Jesper was with Caleb the whole time, seeming to trust him a lot.

Meanwhile, Jessica was in a corner, talking to a man who appeared to be a businessman. She was

holding a glass of red wine, looking quite focused. The man was hard to forget – he was in his thirties

but had a head full of silver hair. However, it gave him a distinctive aura.

As for Hazel, wherever there was laughter, she was there. I was worried she might get too excited and

have a breakdown. Her laughter was so loud that it was impossible to ignore.

I looked back to see Catherine still firing away, asking the ladies, “There are many reasons why men

seek women. Some do it to carry on their lineage, some for a helping hand, and some for a teammate!

Which one do you think you are?”

The ladies seemed to be deep in thought, trying to figure out where they fit in.

Olivia, at this point, seemed more relaxed. After all, all the ladies were getting involved, which took the

spotlight off her.

I raised an eyebrow, which seemed to encourage Catherine. She continued to speak with confidence,

persuading the ladies.

My eyes wandered to the entrance, where Jaylan was chatting with a beautiful woman. They made a

striking pair. Just then, Hazel, giggling and jiggling, moving her over-weight body to meet them.

Back to Catherine, she continued, “Don’t think too much about it. Regardless of the reason, if a man

meets a woman who dares to flirt, he can certainly be tempted.”

The ladies laughed and nodded in agreement.

“But when a man crosses the line and you confront him, you’re accused of being unreasonable. The

man gets away with his actions but you’re the one being hysterical. Am I right?”

“You nailed it! Who could put up such stuff? Just the other day, I saw a video. In it, a wife busts her man

using her own car to chauffeur his mistress. She reaches into the car, grabs the mistress’s hair, and

doesn’t let go, even as the man actually pulls her along with the car for dozens of yards—and mind

you, their kids are standing right there, watching it all! What in the world is that about, huh? If you ask

me, both the temptress and the man are due for a good wallop!”

One of the ladies narrated the tale, enhancing it with vivid descriptions.

“I saw that same video! In the end, the rubberneckers couldn’t take it anymore and pulled both of them

out of the car! Whether they got a good thrashing or not, I couldn’t tell.”

“Well, they sure had it coming, no two ways about it!”

Catherine then turned to Olivia, “You see, a mistress is nothing more than an appetizer for a man. He

may seem bland when he’s pursuing you, but after marriage? He becomes indifferent. Love? That’s a

load of bull!”

Olivia’s face turned beet red. She was smart enough to realize that Catherine was indirectly criticizing


I never thought Catherine could be so persuasive, even if her words were twisted. But she did make a

lot of sense. Even I was convinced!

Catherine continued, “Think about it. If he can discard his faithful wife, what makes you think he won’t

do the same to you when you age? Men never lose their desire, no matter how old they are. As long as

they’ve got the strength to lift a bag of potatoes, they still have the appetite!”

The ladies agreed once more, sharing their disgust for unfaithful men and comparing the mistresses to

their rightful wives, with glances towards Olivia.

Chapter 240

Indeed, Olivia simply couldn’t hold a candle to Janetta, who had not only brains but beauty as well. She

might not be a classic stunner, but she definitely had more looks than Olivia.

However, Janetta had one flaw – she was short-sighted. Perhaps that’s why she chose Olivia as her

bestie in the first place.

I sighed, realizing that I was no different, blindly trusting Marissa Collin, only to be stabbed in the back

when she gained power.

“Look at the wives, they’re frugal, scrimping and saving for their husbands. But the mistresses are

draped in gold, indulging in the finest food and wine! We should all treat ourselves better!” another

woman chimed in.

Catherine, arms crossed, agreed, “You’re right. Some say mistresses are nothing but younger versions

of wives. Regardless of how unattractive the other woman may be, even if she looks like a broken

plate, if there’s an opening, the cheating men will take it!”

I nearly burst out laughing. Catherine’s statement was harsh, but true. I glanced around and realized

that among the ladies present, only Olivia had been the other woman.

“Men often cheat to escape their own loneliness. Affairs are easy, quick, and thrilling. That’s why

infidelity isn’t love, and it’s just cheap entertainment!” Catherine declared, then sighed, “And it doesn’t

matter who the other woman is.”

“Why not?” someone asked, confused. “You mean, he would sleep with anyone?”

“Not anyone, but the cycle continues. You’re with him now, but who knows who’ll be next? Just watch

and see!” Catherine said with conviction.

Everyone was excited by her words, except for Olivia, whose face became increasingly pale.

I thought to myself, Olivia might hate what Catherine was saying, but every word was a direct hit to her

soft spot. After all, each of Catherine’s words was aimed directly at her.

People around were also known the truth, so they will join with Catherine singing in concert and

blaming Olivia.

Hannah, who has been watching the play silently by my side, has been suppressing her laughter.

“If you ask me, if a man has cheated, don’t give him a chance to turn over! He deserves it!” Someone


Catherine quickly corrected, “Do you really think that’s love? If he can treat his wife this way, imagine novelbin

what he can do to you, because you’re not worth anything to him! But remember, men are always

rational. Don’t fool yourself thinking he loves you. He only loves himself!”

“That’s true, these men only love themselves! Isn’t that why they say a man wants to keep his wife at

home while having a mistress on the side?”

“He won’t care if your reputation is ruined. You can’t even wash it off if you want to, and you’ll be sick

for the rest of your life! If you’re involved in killing a man’s wife, you’re gonna end up just like the one

who died a few days ago!” Catherine mentioned Marissa, and Olivia’s face went completely white!

Just then, a commotion at the entrance caught our attention. We all looked over to see a crowd of

people making way for someone.

To my surprise, I saw Ronan in the crowd, or should I say, Bennett!

Why is he here?

Crises in Love Novel Full Episode (Zora and Jaylan) Chapter 221-230

Chapter 221

Irving, using his classic passive-aggressive tone, continued to speak, “Well, if Gevena says so, I must

adhere! I’ll just head out for now. But I’ll still do what I want to do!”

Saying so, he threw a provocative glance at a noticeably riled up Janice, adding fuel to the fire.

Addressing Janice with pretentious sincerity, he continued shamelessly, “Janetta and I have been

married for years. There’s a solid emotional foundation between us. Even if she wakes up, she may not

necessarily drive me away! I just want to tell Janice to try to see things from her sister’s perspective.

Our kid is grown up. What’s the point of making things hard for yourself or for someone who genuinely

cares, right?”

What the hell! I couldn’t believe Irving was such a tough nut to crack. What a terrible man!

Even as an outsider, I wanted to kick his ass.

“Irving, don’t sugarcoat your words. Stop giving me crap like ‘we’ve been married so long’. It’s ages

ago, and your new wife is becoming an old one. Who are you trying to fool with this pretense of deep

affection? If you’ve truly had a heart, the best course would be to play dead! Get lost and stopping

showing up in my face to make me sick!” Janice, despite her anger, was quick-witted and sharp-


Everyone overlooked Nettie’s combativeness. She resumed in a disdainful tone and spoke again.

“Aunt Janice, mind your own business! Stop acting like a savior. You can’t represent my mom, and you

definitely can’t represent me!”

Nettie’s words were harsh. I couldn’t help but stare at her, thinking how Janetta had such a mean

daughter. She was so much like her bastard father. It must be in their genes!

I was so thankful for my loving parents. Otherwise, I couldn’t guarantee my Monique wouldn’t be

corrupted by the Dawson family! That would be truly horrifying.

Janice suddenly stood up, taking a large step forward. No one expected her to slap Nettie across the


Nettie was left dumbfounded, staring at the furious Janice.

The room fell silent.

The next moment, Janice clutched her stomach, letting out a low groan, and collapsed.

Catherine screamed, “Oh my… Blood! She’s bleeding. Janice!”

I was shocked, looking at the red stain spreading across Janice’s dress.

“Doctor, doctor! Someone help!” I ran out of the room, my voice trembling and breaking.

The chaos in the room was only interrupted when Gevena roared, “Irving, look what you’ve done! Get

the hell out! Janice… are you okay?” She held Janice, calling her name anxiously.

Janice was groaning in pain, her face pale. The situation looked dire.

Nettie, still reeling from the slap, had turned ghostly pale. She kept stepping back, seemingly forgetting

the slap.

Holding Janice, Gevena reassured, “Don’t panic. I’m here. Don’t be afraid!”

She tried to sound confident, but her voice was shaking as if she had freaked out.

After calling for the doctor, I mustered my strength to run back into the room, my legs barely supporting


At that moment, others in the room slinked away silently, too afraid to approach.

I joined Gevena in supporting Janice. Blood was dripping down her legs and pooling on the floor

beneath her.

Catherine, a young unmarried woman, had never seen such a gruesome sight. She was terrified and


I shouted to her, “Catherine, call Baber quickly.”

She snapped out of her daze and fumbled with Janice’s phone to dial.

Meanwhile, medical staff rushed in. A muscular doctor lifted Janice onto a stretcher and instructed her

to control her breathing.

We were all focused on Janice, whose condition was worsening rapidly. Her bleeding was


Suddenly, someone yelled, “Look, the patient moved. Look…”

Chapter 222

Janice grabbed the gurney that was about to wheel away and sat up, straining to look at Janetta on the


We all followed her gaze.

Indeed, Janetta’s hand was clenched into a fist, shaking continuously. At that moment, I almost broke

into tears. It meant that Janetta was conscious. She must have sensed that her sister was in

danger,which lead to her agitation.

The monitor on the bedside table started beeping, sending a panic through the room.

Janice gritted her teeth, grabbed me by my arm, and said anxiously, “Aaliyah, please watch over my

sister for me. I beg you!”

I nodded fervently. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she’s okay! Doctor, please save her! Go…”

After saying this, I pushed the gurney. The medical staff quickly started wheeling Janice towards the

emergency room.

Gevena gave me a look. We exchanged glances, and she followed Janice.

I stood rooted to the spot and watched them disappear from sight before rushing to Janetta’s bedside.

“Janetta!” I called out, clutching her trembling hand. Regardless of whether she could hear me, I tried

to soothe her, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine!”

By this time, Irving had called for the medical staff of this ward, and was instructing them about


Catherine had also finished her call and returned, looking at us helplessly.

Seeing Irving reaching out to touch Janetta, I barked, “Don’t touch her!”

Everyone in the room was stunned by my outburst, all eyes on me. Irving stared at me, his eyes filled

with confusion and a hint of menace. I didn’t hesitate. “Since Janice has entrusted Janetta to me,

nobody can touch her in my presence! Mr. Bradlee, you’ve promised Gevena to leave, and you’d better

keep your word!”

At this point, I was truly furious. I had had enough of their father-daughter drama and didn’t want to give

them any leeway.

“Mrs. Dawson, do you know what you’re doing?” Irving questioned me coldly.

“Of course I do!” I replied righteously, “You don’t need to worry about anything here! You should leave

now! If there’s any news, Janice will inform you if she feels the need!”

“Don’t act high and mighty here. You’re an outsider. It would be wise for you to shut up!” Irving snarled

at me, his eyes filled with hostility. novelbin

“What if I don’t?” I stood my ground, unyielding, facing him head-on. “Don’t forget that you’re also an

outsider here!”

On hearing my words, Irving was clearly displeased. His gaze became even more piercing and his tone

more sinister. “Mrs. Dawson, I didn’t expect you to be such a busybody! This woman is the mother of

my child. It’s perfectly justified for me to be involved. Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think

you can handle the consequences if something happens to her?”

“If you’d get lost, nothing would happen to her!” I stood in his way, “I, Aaliyah Wilburn, will take care of

this today! But I’m curious why you’re so bothered by whether Janetta wakes up!”

“You…” Irving glared at me, his jaw clenched, his eyes bloodshot.

“Get out of the way!” I barked. Then, without paying him any heed, I instructed Catherine, “Call Dr.

Dailey immediately and tell him to check on Janetta!”

I had to prepare for an emergency. I couldn’t let Janetta out of my sight. The only person I trusted was

Dr. Dailey.

Catherine immediately took out her phone and called Dr. Dailey as told. By this time, the medical staff

had brought another gurney and moved Janetta onto it, wheeling her out.

I hurriedly followed them. Although my legs felt like jelly, I gritted my teeth and kept moving.

In the back of my mind, Logan’s words echoed. Anything could happen, and I had to be ready.

Fortunately, Catherine was always by my side. When we got to the emergency room door, Dr. Dailey

and his assistant had already arrived.

Without hesitation, I approached him, grabbed his arm, and whispered, “Dr. Dailey, I beg you. Don’t let

this patient out of your sight. She’ll be in danger otherwise. Please ensure her safety!”

Dr. Dailey nodded solemnly. Without saying a word, he went straight in with his team.

Chapter 223

Seeing Dr. Dailey enter the room with his assistant, I felt relieved. I felt my legs buckle after settling

everything. Catherine was there to catch me, her voice filled with concern, “Allie, are you okay?”

I pointed to a chair nearby. Catherine, understanding my unspoken request, helped me sit down. I

watched as Irving and a group of people, including Nettie, followed us.

I took a long look at Nettie. Her face was unreadable, eyes filled with indifference. Perhaps the sudden

and gory event had taken their toll on her. Her face was pale, and her fists clenched. She seemed on


Feeling my gaze, she turned her head towards me. Annoyance flashed in her eyes as she met my

gaze defiantly.

I held her gaze, pressing her with my own.

After a while, she looked away with her back to me, revealing a hint of guilt in her retreating eyes.

I sneered silently. “You must be guilty, haven’t you?”

She had it coming for being so heartless. No wonder Janice slapped her. She deserved it!

Meanwhile, Irving was busy on his phone, creating an annoying din.

Catherine asked worriedly, “Allie, do you think Janice will be okay? She lost so much blood… I’m


I turned to Catherine, instructing her, “Go check on her. I’ll call Hannah to come back. If there’s any

news, let me know immediately. I’m worried, too.”

Catherine nodded. “Alright, I’m on it.”

As she started to leave, I called after her, “Wait…”

Catherine halted in her tracks as I continued, “Tell Janice not to worry about anything here. I will do

everything in my power to protect Janetta. She’s my friend, and I won’t let anything happen to her.”

My words were loud enough for everyone to hear. I saw Nettie glance at me, her expression


As for Irving, he wore a mocking smile, his eyes filled with disdain.

I had seen him speaking to Janetta’s doctor earlier, so I told Catherine to get Dr. Dailey. I had to ensure

that I could hand over Janetta safe and sound when Janice was out. That was the least I could do to

honour the trust Janice placed in me.

Catherine looked at me anxiously. “Call Hannah to come back quickly! I’ll go to the obstetrics and

gynecology department after she arrives. I can’t leave you here alone.”

I urged Catherine. “I’ll be fine. Go on. Let me know if anything happens!”

Before I could call Hannah, she walked in. I was stunned and asked, “How did you know I was at the


She hummed in response and looked towards the emergency room. “Who’s in there?”

“Janetta!” I also looked towards the emergency room, growing increasingly anxious. I had no idea if

she would wake up.

“Is she waking up?” Hannah sat next to me, studying my face, and asked, “What happened?”

“Janice is in trouble! I don’t know how she’s doing now!” I expressed my worries, “I hope both of them

can get through this safely.”

I wanted to ask Hannah how she got back so quickly, but with Irving and others around, I didn’t want to

cause unnecessary trouble. novelbin

Waiting was agonising. I was nervous and restless. I walked over to the patio railing to get some fresh

air. I looked down and found Camilla rushing out of a corridor on the opposite side and taking the

escalator downstairs.

I was a little confused. Wasn’t she having stomach issues? Why was she on the second floor? If I

remembered correctly, the entire first floor was all operating rooms. Was her condition bad enough to

require surgery?

I asked Hannah to come over and pointed to the corridor opposite. I whispered a few words in her ear,

and she immediately went downstairs.

Chapter 224

Hannah was quickly back at my side, shaking her head at me. “I just checked. No patient is with that

name! Besides, the direction she went in is the urology ward.”

“Urology?” I was puzzled, wondering why Camilla would go to the urology ward.

Just then, there was a movement at the emergency room door, and I quickly looked over to see Dr.

Dailey coming out.

I hurriedly strode over to him and anxiously asked, “How’s the situation?”

Dr. Dailey shook his head solemnly. “It’s just a case of nerve spasms, a sign of coming to wake up. But

she hasn’t woken up yet. It might be a reaction to external stimulation. We have to keep observing!” His

gaze at me was a bit strange. I was puzzled, so I asked again, “Do you have to keep Janetta here for


“Yes, she’ll be taken back to the ward later! It’s a good sign, but we’ll have to check on her later state novelbin

and various indicators.” Dr. Dailey explained in detail.

“How much longer will it be until she wakes up?” Irving chimed in from the side.

I glanced at him, thinking to myself that he really concerned about whether Janetta would wake up or

not. I wonder what his intentions were.

“Let her rest well! As for when she will wake up, it’s hard to tell.” Dr. Dailey couldn’t give us an accurate

answer. But somehow, I had a feeling he wasn’t telling us everything.

Twenty minutes later, Janetta was back to the ward.

Irving and Nettie both came by for a look, especially Nettie, who had observed carefully. I didn’t bother

to care about them, and sat down to watch Janetta closely.

For some reason, I felt like Janetta looked more lively than when she was initially back. Her complexion

no longer seemed so pale.

Just then, Janetta’s attending doctor came in. Irving immediately followed him to ask about the

situation. I pricked my ears to listen, and the doctor’s words were same as Dr. Dailey’s.

Irving seemed a bit disappointed. After giving a perfunctory reply, he turned to me and said, “Mrs.

Dawson, you are so dedicated, and I don’t know how to thank you more. I have something to do at the

company, so I’ll take my leave first! Mrs. Dawson, please keep looking after her!”

Without lifting my eyelids, I watched him awkwardly laugh and head for the door, but suddenly he

turned back, leaning in to me. “Oh, Mrs. Dawson. I forgot to share a news with you.”

I instinctively recoiled, looking at him with annoyance. “If you have something to say, say it. And keep

your distance!”

Nettie was standing not far away, watching me.

Irving looked at me with a smirk, straightening his portly figure as if waiting for my response or

attention. But my eyes were only on Janetta.

Seeing I wasn’t paying attention, Irving didn’t seem embarrassed. He laughed in a pretentious manner.

“Mrs. Dawson, I’m afraid you are unaware yet! Elixir Pharma Limited is about to become a major

shareholder of Medsafe Liyah Inc. We will be working closely together. So, Mrs. Dawson, we’ll have to

share the glory and the shame from now on! I’m off to Medsafe Liyah Inc. to celebrate the successful

signing of the contract overseas!”

I was shocked. What? Did he say Elixir Pharma Limited would work closely with Medsafe Liyah Inc.and

become its shareholder? Did I hear it correctly?

Seeing my distraction, Irving laughed. “So, I’ll have to trouble you to take care of things here, Mrs.


With that, he walked out like a victorious general, laughing out loud as he strode off.

I caught a glimpse of Nettie out of the corner of my eye. She hesitated slightly before turning to follow

Irving out.

Hannah snorted coldly, muttering, “Jesus! What kind of person is he?”

Listening to Irving and Nettie’s receding footstep, a smile spread across my face. “Well, wish him all the

best then.”

I hadn’t expected Jaylan could still pull someone down with him before he was doomed. It would be

best if Irving had become a strong shareholder of Medsafe Liyah Inc.

I had indeed underestimated the bond between Jaylan and Irving. These two were good buddies, in

collusion with each other, and were even willing to die together.

This news was too delightful for me! I looked at Janetta, unable to resist reaching to touch her hand.

She immediately responded as if trying to grip my hand back. Startled, I leaned in closer to observe her


Her eyelashes fluttered a few times, but her eyes remained closed.

“Hannah, can you keep an eye on her for me? I need to go out for a bit!” I immediately stood up,

instructed Hannah, and headed out the door.

Chapter 225

I rushed out of Janetta’s ward, a whirlwind of urgency, seeking out Dr. Dailey. My gut was telling me

that the doctor hadn’t been completely honest with me about Janetta’s condition.

Sure enough, upon seeing me, Dr. Dailey greeted me with a warm and knowing smile. “You figured it

out, didn’t you?” he asked.

“Really? Is she awake?” I asked hastily, my heart pounding with anticipation.

“Yes, she is awake. She’s currently just sleeping normally,” Dr. Dailey confirmed without hesitation.

My heart soared with relief. “What wonderful news! How is she doing, though? Are her vital signs all


“She’s doing quite well. She’s lucid, although her body’s functions, which have been dormant for a long

time, will need some time to fully recover. But I believe she’ll adapt quickly and be ready for a normal

life soon,” Dr. Dailey reassured me. “What happened to her?”

I briefly explained Janetta’s situation to Dr. Dailey, who listened with a grave expression.

“Good Lord, what a mess. Was that her ex-husband by the door earlier?”

“Yes, he’s the big shot at Elixir Pharma Limited. I’m worried that Janetta’s attending doctor will…” I

trailed off, feeling uncomfortable suggesting any impropriety. I’d just exposed a lab technician for

misconduct earlier that morning. And I didn’t have the heart to accuse another medical professional of

bearing ill intentions.

Dr. Dailey seemed to understand where I was going with my statement. “Your concerns aren’t

unfounded,” he said solemnly. “That’s why, in the emergency room earlier, I instructed all medical staff

involved to keep Janetta’s awakening a secret. I don’t think they’ll disobey my orders.”novelbin

I suddenly realized why the other doctor’s report to Irving matched Dr. Dailey’s. He had given the order.

“As long as this stays under wraps until she’s awake enough to see her sister, we’re golden.”

“I’ll handle this,” Dr. Dailey assured me confidently. “I’m quite familiar with her attending doctor.”

I understood his implication immediately. He must have some leverage over Janetta’s attending doctor.

“I’ll go check on her sister’s condition,” I said, bidding Dr. Dailey goodbye and heading to the maternity


Stepping out of the elevator, I bumped into Catherine.

“How’s Janice?” I asked anxiously, grabbing her by the arm.

Catherine looked shaken. “I was just coming for you. Thank God! It happened in a hospital and could

be taken care in time. Otherwise, it would’ve been too late…”

“Get to the point!” I couldn’t contain my impatience.

“She went into premature labor. It’s a boy. They are both safe… I suppose.”

“What do you mean ‘you suppose’?” I asked, not quite calm. I pressed the elevator button, pulling her

with me. “Let’s go. I need to see for myself.”

Catherine hurriedly explained, “Well, we barely managed to save them in time. The baby needed

resuscitation, but he’s out of danger now and in an incubator. Janice lost a lot of blood and is currently

receiving a transfusion. She’s a bit weak and unconscious.”

“Talk about a silver lining,” I muttered, patting my chest as the elevator doors opened.

“How did you get out?” Catherine asked, sounding worried. “Who’s watching Janetta?”

“Hannah’s in the room, and Irving and his daughter have left. Janetta’s awake,” I shared the good news

with Catherine.

Catherine clapped her hands in joy. “That’s wonderful! Janice was worried about her, even when she

was coming in and out of consciousness.”

Hearing her talk about Janice like this made my heart ache.

We continued our conversation as we made our way towards Janice’s room.

Her room was spacious and cozy, almost hotel-like. Janice lay on the bed, receiving a transfusion. Her

face was still deathly pale, and she was unconscious.

A man was seated by her bed, holding her hand with a painful expression. He gently kissed her hand,

his affection for her clear. I didn’t need to ask to know this was Janice’s husband, Baber.

Upon hearing us, Geneva quickly turned around and came over. “Aaliyah, how’s everything on your


Baber, hearing the noise, turned to look and then stood up. It was my first time to see Baber, and

honestly, I felt a little disappointed.

Chapter 226

I said this purely because I was blind for good looks, which, admittedly, was also my Achilles heel. Had

I not been so blind, I would never have fallen for Jaylan’s charm.

The man standing before me was just average looking, nothing like the doting husband I had imagined.

After all, Janice was a real beauty, the type of woman you could pick out in a crowd.

In my mind, if Janice were to choose a man, he’d have to be tall and handsome. But the man standing

before me, Baber, was far from that.

However, his position of power brought with it a certain gravitas. Perhaps it was his long experience in

politics that gave him a sense of maturity and wisdom, but he certainly had an imposing intimidating


Especially those deep, sparkling eyes of his were so profound. His eyes conveyed some thoughts, but

the message he conveyed was one of authority, not of menace.

For some reason, he reminded me of Ronan.

Gevena immediately took a step forward, saying, “Baber, let me introduce you. This is Aaliyah, the

founder of Medsafe Liyah Inc..” Gevena’s introduction was unique, emphasizing my position, but

ignoring Jaylan. Then she continued, “She’s also a good friend of Janice’s, we are all close friends!

She’s been looking after Janetta!”

Baber was very gentleman, with instantly stretching out his hand to me, his sharp eyes fixed on my

face, but his gaze was disarming, “Ms. Wilburn, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I heard from Janice that

you’ve not been feeling well, and yet you still take on so much. I really appreciate that!”With just a few

simple sentences, he conveyed information, making you feel valued and respected.

And, his hands were incredibly warm and firm. No wonder he’s so successful in his career!

“Mr. Forrest, no need for formalities. As a good friend, it’s what we do!” I quickly replied.

“Just call me Baber, like Gevena does.”

Only then did Gevena ask me, “How’s everything? Is Janetta okay?”

I smiled and quickly shared the good news, “Good news, Janetta’s awake! Janice will be relieved!”

“…Aaliyah!” Suddenly, a weak voice came from the bed, and we all rushed over.

Janice had woken up at some point and was staring at me with an anxious look on her face.

I quickly moved over to her bedside, grabbing her hand, “Janice, don’t worry! Janetta’s awake, all her

health indicators are stable, Hannah’s watching over her, and the father-daughter duo has left!

Plus, we’ve kept the news of her waking up under wraps. I asked Catherine to bring in Dr. Dailey, with

his assistant been following up on everything. Janetta’s doing well, so don’t worry. Just focus on getting

better so you can go see your sister soon!”

After hearing my words, Janice let out a sigh of relief, closed her eyes for a moment, and seemed

exceptionally tired. A tear rolled down her cheek, quickly disappearing into her hair.

“Don’t cry! It’s a double celebration, what great news! You’re a mom, and your sister’s awake! That’s

amazing! Janice, it’s a boy!” Gevena leaned in and whispered softly, “Aaliyah’s taken care of

everything. You just have a rest!”

Janice pursed her lips, looking particularly gentle. It was the first time I’d seen her like this.

Just then, a group of doctors briskly walked in, and we quickly moved aside to give them space.

My phone rang out of the blue, and I quickly stepped out of the room. Glancing at the caller ID, I saw novelbin

that it was Jaylan calling.

Chapter 227

I hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone. Before I could even utter a word, Jaylan’s

excited voice came through, “Honey!”

It was the first time in recent memory he referred to me as such, and it made me a little queasy.

“Honey, are you still there?” His voice was full of tender affection, almost sickeningly sweet.

“Sure!” I responded.

“Darling, I’ve got some great news for you. Our overseas contract has just been signed! I couldn’t wait

to call you as soon as the meeting finished. You’re the first person I wanted to share this with!” His

voice was trembling slightly.

I raised an eyebrow, half-smiling as I asked nonchalantly, “Did it go smoothly?”

“Extremely smooth! Guess which company it was?” He was excitedly trying to keep me in suspense,

then blurted out, “It’s the Wilson Group! Ha ha… Do you know how big the Wilson Group is? We’ve hit

the jackpot, they have companies all over the world, very prestigious.”

Jaylan’s voice was practically manic with excitement. I could almost picture his smug grin on the other

end of the line.

“Honey, are you still there?” He seemed unsure, asking me repeatedly.

“Why the hell wouldn’t I be, considering I was answering your phone?” I thought, rolling my eyes.

“Mhm!” I responded, then added with a laugh, “That’s fantastic! It’s like the saying goes – after every

storm, there’s a rainbow.” I quoted an old saying, aptly describing my current feelings.

“Ha ha ha!” He laughed heartily. “Tonight we’re having a celebration in our company. The arbitrator

from Wilson’s regional division will be there too. Make sure you dress up nicely, today is a big day for

Medsafe Liyah Inc. All of Goldenvale Town needs to know we’ve reached new heights again!”

“Weren’t you always at the top?” I complimented him, my voice neutral, as if I were merely flattering


“Ha ha ha… I’ll be home soon, wait for me!”

“You must be so overjoyed that you forgot I’m still in the hospital!” I playfully jabbed.

Sure enough, Jaylan on the other end was momentarily speechless. It took him a moment to recover,

then he began to stammer an apology, “I… I really did forget! These past few days have been a blur.

Darling, forgive me, okay? From now on I’ll spend more time with you, you are my lucky charm!”

His words almost made me throw up the leftovers from last night’s dinner.

Without missing a beat, I retorted, “Ha… Now that the contract is signed, you’re promising to spend

more time with me? Give me some sincerity.”

Jaylan just laughed even harder at my words, “But that is the truth! Time is like toothpaste, you have to

squeeze it out! I need to make more time for you rather than neglecting you, my lovely wife.”

I scoffed under my breath. Neglect? That word was an insult to me. He had more than enough time for

all the other women in his life. Marissa might be dead, but there were probably eight hundred more

Marissas waiting in line. novelbin

“You just wait at the hospital, I’ll come pick you up!” Jaylan seemed eager to make amends, “I want my

darling to share in this success. Allie, you’re the only one worthy of sharing this joy, you truly deserve


“Just focus on your work. Hannah will accompany me home!” I suggested kindly, “You have a lot to do,

don’t worry about me! Just pick me up for the party tonight.”

“Honey…” Jaylan’s voice was choked with emotion, it didn’t sound like he was acting.

“Hang up!” I cut him off, then remembered something, “Ah…wait, don’t forget to call my father!”

“Ah… I’ll call him right away, immediately!” Jaylan was practically shouting with excitement, it was as if

he was on a sugar high.

The moment I hung up, I felt a surge of excitement. I quickly logged into our joint account on my phone,

verified my fingerprint, and checked the balance. My heart leapt at the sight, ha ha ha…

The money was back, and there was even more than before. It seemed Jaylan was trying to flex his

financial muscles.

The joy came so fast that I could hardly contain myself. I turned around, a broad smile on my face as I

walked back into Janice’s hospital room.

Chapter 228

In the hospital room, the doctor had just finished examining Janice and was instructing her family on

care procedures.

Seeing me walk in with a broad grin, Janice gave me a wave. The medical staff, seeing this, reminded

us not to overexert ourselves and then exited the room.

I approached Janice’s bedside. She looked at me, still weak, and asked, “By the look on your face, I

guess you have some good news?”

I nodded at Janice, then turned to Gevena before I replied, “The overseas deal is done. The payment

has come through!”

Gevena’s face instantly lighted up like a bright summer day, “Fantastic! We sisters have won our first


Janice also smiled, her face illuminated with the first resplendent smile of the day, “Aaliyah, I see hope

now. I will pursue my sister’s case, and I don’t believe Irving is innocent!”

Gevena quickly reassured her, “Your main task now is to get well soon. Don’t forget, you have a baby


Baber, also with a grin, looked at Janice with doting eyes, patting her cheek, “Get well soon! You have

me! I won’t let you fight alone this time!”

Suddenly, I got a vision of Ronan. I had to admit, there was something very alluring about a man’s

protective words.

At this moment, I understood why Janice chose Baber. She was the wisest woman.

Those who truly cared for their wives were the real men. And Baber was definitely powerful. He could

bring Janice much more than just safety and glory.

“By the way,” I continued, “Irving was bragging to me earlier that he and Jaylan are working closely

together to become the biggest shareholder of Medsafe Liyah Inc. There’s a celebration tonight at their

headquarters, we’ll find out then if their collaboration is genuine.” I don’t hide this news from Janice.

Gevena pondered for a moment, “So you’re going back for the party, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but I can leave Hannah here to take care of Janetta!” I quickly offered.

Janice immediately responded, “That won’t be necessary. I hired two reliable nurses yesterday. They

should be here any moment now. Also, Baber, fearing I would worry, has made our home caretaker novelbin

here. That should be enough!”

“Good. Dr. Dailey, whom Catherine found, also promised to ensure Janetta’s safety and arrange

everything for us.” I then looked at Catherine, “Catherine, you take care of this!”

“No problem! Leave it to me!” Catherine immediately assured.

“I won’t stay longer then. I need to get going. There’s a lot to do. I need to prepare for the celebration

tonight.” I bid farewell to Janice and Gevena casually, “Once I finish with all the work tonight, I’ll come

and see you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything!”

“Don’t worry! Gevena, could you see Aaliyah off?” Janice looked at Gevena.

“Mr. Forrest, I’ll take my leave now. Congratulations on becoming a father! It’s going to be quite a

journey!” I teased Baber as I turn to leave.

As expected, Baber smiled broadly, his eyes gleaming, “Thanks! I’m very happy! I’ll try my best!”

Catherine followed me out, saying she wanted to check on Janetta’s room one more time before


When we returned to Janetta’s room, the nurses Janice arranged had already arrived. The caretaker

and Catherine knew each other and started exchanging pleasantries.

Hannah and I, not wanting to delay any further, made our exit.

As soon as we left the hospital, Ronan’s call came in. I was surprised at how timely his call was.

I answered and he immediately asked, “Have you left the hospital?”

I was taken aback. How did he know I had just left?

I teased at him, “Have you gained a superpower? You knew the moment I left!”

He chuckled, “You’re not wrong, I’m keeping a close eye on you. Can’t let you out of my sight.”

His words pleased me and I couldn’t help but smile, my cheek slightly red. His words set my mind

racing, my heart pounding.

“Erm… I’m on my way home. Jaylan finally signed the deal and there’s a celebration tonight. I need to

get ready!” I changed the subject to hide my embarrassment.

Chapter 229

“Take it easy, get some rest when you get home!” His tone was far from pleased, as if my attendance at

this victory party was an annoyance. novelbin

I quickly reassured him, “I’m fine. Besides, what can I do next to prevent him from shuffling the funds

around again? I need to be prepared, to stop him from tampering with the money!”

Hearing my concern, Ronan couldn’t help but chuckle, bluntly remarking, “You’re quite the money-

grubber, aren’t you? Didn’t realize that before. Who’ve you been hanging around with lately, hmm?

Money on the brain much?”

“Ronan, you sure know how to throw a punch!” I retorted. “So what if I’m money-minded? It’s not like

this is something new. Would you just stand by and watch someone swindle hard-earned money from


I had raised my voice a bit too much, and even Hannah, who was driving, gave me a glance. I could

feel my face flushing instantly.

Ronan seemed to find the whole situation amusing, laughing heartily and asserting, “Absolutely not!

Why should I? If it were me, I’d have his hands chopped off for daring to touch my money!”

His retort got me laughing loudly, almost forgetting where I was, “That’s more like it, you’re ruthless!”

It felt like we were back to our old days! Our banter always led to fits of laughter.

After the laughter subsided, I tried to steer the conversation back to the serious issue at hand, “But

seriously, I’m worried about not being able to secure it. It was such a struggle to get it back.”

He sobered up as well, offering me a comforting assurance, “No need to worry. I’ve got your back! I’ll

make sure it’s well protected. We can come up with a hundred reasons to keep him from moving the

money again. And rest assured, the other payment should be coming through soon.”

“Wait… what? The other payment?” I was taken aback.

He coolly replied, “Didn’t you set a trap for Jessica Dawson too?”

“Oh! You know about that too?” I was instantly energized. “But that one’s a long game. We have to wait

for her to fall into it.”

“She’s already eager, planning on dipping into the company’s funds. I doubt anyone could stop her

now!” Ronan seemed to take a perverse pleasure in this revelation.

I quickly questioned him, “Are you instigating this?”

“I’m just helping you get your money back! You set the trap, I help you and collect the money. We’re a

perfect team!” His light-hearted jibe had us both laughing again.

I replied, “You’re quite the heartbreaker, aren’t you?” I finished my sentence, eyes twinkling with

amusement, feeling very satisfied!

If things had always been like this, without the unexpected disappearance, would I have had to suffer

so much?

I was just about to tease him some more when he got busy and had to hang up after giving me a few


I turned to Hannah and asked, “How did you guys track me down?”

Hannah replied with a smile, “We tracked your phone so that we could see where you were at any


Now I understood. It was such a simple solution, yet I was oblivious like a person from a bygone era. I

was truly out of touch.

I wondered why Hannah hadn’t called me earlier when I was at the hospital. She knew exactly where I

was and managed to find me without any issues. Turns out, they had tracked my phone!

Hannah was earnest when she said, “Miss, always remember to keep your phone charged and never

switch it off. That way, even if you’re in danger, we can locate you immediately!”

I nodded in agreement, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind!”

Suddenly, I remembered the reason why I had Hannah go out and I asked her, “By the way, where did

Clara go after you followed her?”

“She went straight back to Medsafe Liyah Inc. That’s why I returned to the hospital to find you!”

Hannah’s answer left me a bit disappointed.

“Clara is becoming a bit of a threat. She knows too much!” I couldn’t help sharing my concern with


Unconcerned, Hannah simply said, “We’ll just keep an eye on her!”

“But how?” I asked, looking at her.

Chapter 230

Hearing my query, Hannah glanced at me, “I’ll have someone keep tabs on her. We’ll figure out her

routine in a few days!”

“Not a bad idea. That girl is quite smart, never playing by the rules! It’s necessary to have some

control!” My heart sank every time I thought of Clara’s unpredictable characteristics.

As soon as we got home, the property management staff followed us in, asking about the window

repairs. I told them to get someone over immediately.

Otherwise, looking at the gaping hole where the window used to be, I felt like it was an open wound,

unsettling to the core.

This home had always been my labor of love, but my emotions were different now.

In the past, I was a dutiful and considerate wife, always wanting to create more opportunities for Jaylan

to shine outside, hoping to elevate his stature.

Now, I wanted to transform this home into a warm haven for my children and me, our fortress of

strength. I yearned for the day Jaylan would regret leaving us.

Hannah watched as the property management staff worked on the window. I took this chance to call my

father, assuming Jaylan would be reaching out to him soon.

The moment the call connected, my father answered, “Sweetheart!”

I got straight to the point, “Dad, the overseas contract is settled. I predict we’ll be back in Silverdale City


“Jaylan has already shared the good news!” My father’s voice was full of confidence, “This is a positive


“I bet Jaylan has a spy in VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be this aggressive!” I novelbin

always had a hunch that Jaylan had targeted VitalAxis, “Dad, have someone reliable check if there’s

someone named Daniel in VitalAxis!”

“There is, he’s an external pharmaceutical agent!” My father said assuredly, “He’s been there for a

year! I have all his information.”

“No wonder!” I chuckled before continuing, “Dad, Jaylan is involving another pharmaceutical company

this time, Elixir Pharma Limited from Goldenvale Town!”

I told my father, “Seems like Jaylan came prepared!”

“Then let’s follow his lead! I’ll make sure they see the potential, worst comes to worst, we’ll take over

Irving’s business!” My father’s words took me by surprise, and images of Janetta and Nettie appeared

in my mind.

“If Irving proves untrustworthy or overly ambitious, we can simply take it over. That would further fortify

our stronghold in Goldenvale Town.” My father’s audacity amazed me, thinking a perfect solution to any

form of resistance.

“Dad, let me think about this!” I told my father, “There’s something about Elixir Pharma Limited! Let’s

not be hasty. I’ll dig around at the party in our company tonight.”

“Alright, let’s see how far Jaylan’s ambition stretches!” My father was unflappable, “He just got the hang

of mechanics, and now he wants a piece of the pharmaceutical pie, he’s quite daring!”

“Ha… The key is that VitalAxis has ties to the Wilburn family. Whatever the Wilburn family has, he

wants a piece of it!” I said scornfully and indignantly. Then both my father and I fell silent.

I was truly remorseful, it felt like I’d let a wolf in sheep’s clothing into our family, inviting trouble.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself! If he wants to swallow our family, he’d better have a strong enough

bite!” My father’s voice had a dark edge.

“Dad… I can’t even imagine… If it weren’t for you, the Wilburn family…” my voice trailed off.

“Honey, you’re doing great. Even without me, you’d manage!”

“Are the three kids causing trouble?” I changed the topic, not wanting to continue this heavy


“Of course not, they’re doing great! The two older ones are helping with the Oldtown Avenue survey.

They’re enthusiastic and motivated!” My father’s laughter was particularly infectious when talking about

the children.

“What are they surveying?” I asked.

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