Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 263

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 263 At The Balcony

Shilah felt cold shivers as she stood in front of Bastet who stared back at her. The unreadable look on the woman’s face made it difficult for Shilah to understand what she had running through her mind.

Since the awful experience with Jael, Shilah had been praying she doesn’t get to meet Bastet. But now she was there, she didn’t know what to think. Was it possible the woman had gotten to know King Dakota was her daughter’s murderer? Was she there for revenge? |

Bastet finally took some steps towards her, her eyes not leaving her face. She wasn’t with her walking aid. Shilah, on the other hand, stayed frozen and watched in awe.

Finally, the old woman stood in front of her and cupped her cheeks, to Shilah’s bewilderment.



“My great Shilah”, she chuckled, her old eyes crinkling up. “Oh! Dear, I am so proud of you”.

Shilah’s heart skipped a beat. She was flustered and didn’t even know how to react.

“Look at you,” Bastet placed her hands on her shoulders as she gave her a head – to – toe look. “You are looking all powerful and beautiful – being the exact woman the spirits wanted you to become”.

“Ba… Bastet”, Shilah called in a frail tone. “You’re here”.

“Oh! Of course, I heard about the party and could not miss it for anything. It gives me so much joy seeing how much you’ve accomplished – bringing the witches together. I am so proud of you, Shilah. So proud, I wish I was actually your mother”.

Shilah’s heart cracked at the mention of that. With the way Bastet acted, she couldn’t decipher her purpose for being there. Did she know the truth about her daughter or not?

Bastet took her hand and started leading her to the door, away from the party.

“I know you have a lot to do, and I actually have no intentions of keeping you for long. I just wanted to come here and show my excitement. It’s so beautiful, to be honest”.

“Thank you”, Shilah lowered her head and said.

It was obvious the old woman was oblivious about her sin. Now, Shilah was left to battle with her conscience on telling her about it or not.

‘She doesn’t know about it, Shilah. Just let it go. Telling her might brew unnecessary trouble’, her inner mind whispered.

‘You should tell her and be free from guilt’ another countered. Shilah was truly confused. Wasn’t she supposed to let sleeping dogs lie?

“How’s your son? And your mother as well?” Bastet asked when they got outside to the field that was still busy.

“They are both fine”.

Shilah thought of introducing them to her, but somehow, she felt scared to.

“And how have you been, Bastet?” She looked her in the eye and ask. Bastet let out a pained sigh. They were both facing themselves.

“I believe I will be fine. I returned home some weeks ago to find Jael dead – just outside the house. It was painful, believe me. But I guess I will be fine. Afterall, I am used to a lot of pains”.

That was the reply Shilah feared – the reply that shattered her cold heart. A tear slipped down as she looked at Bastet straight in the face. Then dolefully, her gaze fell as another tear came rolling down.

“Oh! Dear, don’t cry. I’ve cried enough”, Bastet held her cheeks up and wiped off the tears, although there were still traces.

She clicked her tongue. “I shouldn’t have come. Now, I’m ruining your mood for the party. I should probably go now”.

She pulled Shilah into a hug and turned to leave. “Bastet”, Shilah called soberly.

The old woman stopped walking but didn’t look at her. “We k*il*led her”, the words came out faintly.

“The King…k*il*led her. He discovered she was the lady that k*il*led his mother, set him up and got him cursed. He was furious when he saw her and….and I tried to stop him. Oh! I swear by the spirits, I tried to stop him. But, his urge for revenge was just extreme, I couldn’t help him. I’m so sorry”, her words came in cracks as her voice wavered.

Bastet remained backing her for some time, and Shilah made no attempt to move. No, she just remained there – awaiting every consequence to come to her. She was ready for it. She deserved it.

Slowly, Bastet turned to her. Shilah’s head was bent downwards as she wept profusely. It felt like a shock when Bastet’s hands held her cheeks and lifted them up so she could look into her face.

“I know”, came the calm words. It hit Shilah so hard like a rock,the confusion was blinding on her face. Shilah looked into Bastet’s face with so much bafflement, she wasn’t sure if she heard right.

“I prayed, and the spirits revealed it to me,” she added in clarification.

Shilah’s face crumpled up. Her eyes moved left and right in confusion. What was she talking about? “I don’t…I don’t understand”, Shilah muttered.

A light smile cornered Bastet’s lips. “You wonder why I didn’t come for revenge, right? Why I am so calm despite knowing what I do?”

Bastet paused and sighed.

“That is just it – Shilah. This is the reason the world finds it difficult to grow. Revenge. Everyone wants revenge. If we keep going round the circle of revenge, then our hands will never stop being bloody, our hearts will never stop being heavy, and we’ll never stop creating enemies.

“I blame Jael for the evil she did, but as my daughter, I cannot say she deserved what she got. It’s extremely painful that the Alpha King had k*il*led her, and badly, I would want my revenge. But if I were to k*il*l him, wouldn’t you come for me as well for revenge? And where would that end us?

“I won’t deny, it is not easy letting it go, but I have decided to. And I wish a lot of people get to act this way – letting go could be the best option sometimes. That revenge in the end, might just not be worth it. So, warm up, girl, and enjoy the party”.

Silence descended afterward as Shilah tried to stomach everything Bastet had said. Her letting go was alarming, it was something Shilah would’ve never done.

“Oh! Bastet,” she bursted into more tears as she fell on the woman’s chest.

Bastet chuckled and stroked her back. “It’s fine, my dear girl”, she cooed. “It’s just fine”.

She walked out to the balcony and stood beside him, a smile tapping her lips as she joined him in staring at the beautiful galaxy of stars.

The party was still ongoing, although a lot of the distinguished guests had gone home, leaving just the villagers who wanted to stay back and drink more.

But there at the balcony, it was just both of them – quiet and dark like they wanted. Shilah drew in a deep breath of the atmosphere, attesting it smelt so good. So peaceful.

Elated, she wrapped her hands round the waist of the man beside her, hugging and placing her head on his chest.

“Is he asleep?” King Dakota asked calmly.

“Yes. If he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here”, Shilah bobbed and chuckled.

Then, she went back to resting her head on his chest, her face being all smiles.

“It’s so peaceful”, she cooed, her eyes closed. “Everything is so accomplished; I feel it’s unreal”. King Dakota lifted his hand to her hair and planted a k*iss on her.

“You made it all possible; only you, Shilah” he replied.

They stayed that way for a long time, her head on his chest with his hand on her hair. The king’s curse had also been broken with the air of Kylie. Everything was going just fine.

Suddenly, Shilah pulled away to look into his face. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you, my King”.

Dakota listened.

“It’s actually going to be a favour and I really really hope you can do it. It’s about Nosheba”.

Dakota’s hand fell from her hair at once. There was a drastic change in his mood, even his eyes turned cold instantly.

“What does Nosheba have to do with us?” He grumped. “Hold on, is she asking for some kind of reward for helping you find your mother? Just incase she wants her banishment lifted, tell her it’s never going to happen. Never”.

Shilah quickly placed her hand on his chest, trying to sooth him. It wasn’t surprising how quickly he got angry at the mention of her name, considering all the despicable things she did.

“She is not asking for that, my King,” Shilah stated calmly.

“All she actually wants is a chance to be with her children. She accepts the banishment, but she simply wants her children to go along with her – the ones she had left behind with her father and stepmother”.

Dakota looked at Shilah and scoffed. Then, he stayed silent for a while.

“That woman”, he took in a deep breath. “She slept repeatedly with my brother under my very nose. She had a child for him, got pregnant for the second time and had the guts to pin it on me. Her request is not that difficult, but I am not doing it, Shilah. I am not giving her that satisfaction”.

Shilah was disappointed. Although, she had seen his refusal coming, she had hoping for something different. She recalled how Nosheba wept while laying the request to her:

“They are all I want, Shilah”, she had whimpered. “I… I have a little house in the village. There’s… there’s also a little business I can run as well. It’s not much, but they can survive with me. Please, talk to him. I just want my family together”.

Shilah looked at the King, contemplating on bringing back the topic or not.

“Not one more word about her”, Dakota cut her off like he could predict her.

And not wanting to get his mood more ruined than it already was, she decided to let it go. Perhaps, she could bring it up again later on.

She took hold of his hand and squeezed it lightly in hers. “We’ve come a long way, you know”, she beamed.

“About a year ago, who would have thought I’d be standing next to you in this way? Goodness! You had been so scary, especially when you rode to my house to punish me”.

Dakota c*oc*ked his head at her, his brows furrowing in pretence. “I was scary? How can you even say that? I was a good man”

“Oh! I wish you were”, Shilah laughed.

“Tell me, when was the first time you had a good impression about me?” She leaned on him, while Dakota squinted his eyes for a second, trying to think.

“Well…” he exhaled deeply. “Remember that day you had calmed my wolf in the cave? I had given you an open offer – telling you to request anything from me – no matter what it was – and it would be done. Honestly, I had expected you to ask for a material thing – gold, a royal position or a privilege you’ve been wanting to have.

But you, Shilah, you had asked for nothing for yourself. All you wanted was to see me have a normal evening. You convinced me to dress like a peasant and go into the village, but urgh…! It was disastrous. It didn’t take the villagers anything to know it was me”.

Shilah laughed hard at the memories. Those good times! She turned to him and hugged him.

“I am thankful to the Spirits for making me break that lockdown order, my king. That was the only reason I got your attention and the only reason you asked to marry me”.

“And I am grateful to have found a soul like you. If our paths hadn’t crossed, I don’t want to fathom the mess my life would have been right now”. Dakota responded. He cupped her cheeks and k*issed her passionately. “I love you, Shilah. I cannot wait to grow old with you”, he cooed.

“I love you too, my King”.

She leaned on his chest again. And so they stayed, for as long as they could.




A very big thanks to my dear readers for riding on this journey with me. I appreciate your love, your support and patience. And I hope this book was worth your time.

Feel free to drop your excitement in the comment box, and I hope you all join me on my next ride that comes up soon enough.

Thank you.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 262

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 262 An Unpleasant Sight

Everyone was shocked as Kylie’s back hit the ground while Shilah’s sword pointed at her throat.

Kylie was defeated! She was down!

A wild gasp ran through the crowd as a lot of people sprang to their feet. They were in shock. Kylie was defeated, and it was left for Shilah to do the slaying.

Shilah’s sword pointed at Kylie’s neck as the queen of witches lay on her back. Her lips were bleeding as she panted heavily, finding it difficult to believe that she was at the mercy of Shilah. How did she get defeated? How did it even happen?




“COME ON!”  Some people yelled from the crowd.

King Dakota was still on his feet, his hands fisted beside him. What was Shilah waiting for? Kylie was already down on the ground and all she needed to do was slit her throat. Why was she hesitating?

Kylie’s eyes went round the crowd and settled on Shilah. And as Shilah looked into her eyes, she could see nothing but pain, hate, and betrayal. Her eyes glistened with so much hate, they were nearly blinding.

“What are you waiting for?” Kylie asked with deep breaths. “You’ve won. So, do it!”

Shilah’s cold gaze stayed on her for a while until finally, she shook her head and pulled back her sword. “No”, she said firmly.

She turned away from Kylie, earning a wild gasp from the crowd. And that instance, Kylie grabbed her own sword from the ground and aimed at Shilah. But Shilah was quick enough to notice. She turned at Kylie, defended her attack, and kicked her hard in the abdomen so she hits the ground again.

“YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE?!” Shilah yelled at her as she winced on the ground. “You really want your life to come to an end? Well, if that’s the case then go ahead and find another enemy to do it! I’m sure you have enough!”

Kylie’s hand wrapped her tummy as she shivered in both pain and anger.

The entire crowd had turned silent – dead silent – as they watched with amusement. Shilah looked round at the crowd before turning back at Kylie who was still on the ground.

“I can’t begin to imagine the pain your mother must be going through right now, watching you do this”, Shilah said. Kylie’s eyes shot up at her.

“The leadership she left behind, the legacy she trusted you to protect, the people she trusted you to LEAD! Take a look around, Kylie. They’re all watching; watching from divided sections to see who dies from the fight you initiated! Take a look, Kylie; you divided them! You divided the witches!”

Kylie’s brows crinkled as she glanced around.

“I divided them?” She scoffed. “Have you lost your mind? YOU were the one who trespassed into MY palace and turned my witches against me. You took them away from me!!”

“Because they wanted a change!” Shilah yelled back at her. “All they wanted was a chance to love and expand their families. Haven’t you realized how much this has failed us? This forsaken law was the reason your mother had issues with my mother. It was the reason you also had issues with Sukie! And every single person that chose to follow me that day, did so because they wanted that change!

“Look me in the face, Kylie, and tell me you’ve never thought of it. Not even for once has that thought lingered on your mind to explore the other part of life! We both know you’ve always wanted to see what it would look like for the witches to have a family of their own. This fight – it’s not based on leadership. It’s purely based on revenge! You challenged me because you couldn’t bear to see me alive. You challenged me because the hate in your heart is just more than you can carry. But why don’t you ponder on this – is this hate worth losing everything? Is it worth destroying everything your mother left behind?

“I know you hate mother, but she did what you and any woman would have done in her shoes. She only defended an attack so she doesn’t lose her child, the same way Sukie lost hers. Do you even know what it feels like to lose a child? It’s more painful than losing a mother and more painful than the betrayal you think you felt. Now, such a feeling is something anyone would do to avoid.

I am not saying you do not have the right to feel angry, but you are a leader, Kylie, and your personal problems should never influence your decisions.

Few days ago, a woman came to me for help. This woman, she used to be my co-wife and a thorn in my flesh. She’d intimidate me multiple times, set me up, and there was even a time she made the King hate me enough to send me away. Her sins cannot be counted. But a few days ago, she came to me for help. She had been pregnant for twelve months and wanted me to help deliver the child. And just so you know, the father of that child was the King’s brother – a man who got the king cursed and even took my child from me! Because of them, I lost a very good friend who had become a sister to me. I watched her die! Oh! Trust me, Kylie, I had every reason to hate them and that child of theirs, but just so you know, I helped them. I forgive and helped them because I was a leader and not just the naive girl they hurt.

So, today, I didn’t come here to k*il*l you. But I need to understand what nature of leader you are. Are you the type that would abandon her people just for personal vengeance? Or the type that would learn to forgive and listen to the hearts of her people?”

Kylie bent and shook her head in agony. The word ‘forgive’ was too much for her to take in.

“I had no intentions of dividing the witches, Kylie. May the spirits forbid that I would ever try to steal leadership from someone else. All I came to do was bring out that flame that would make you listen to the hearts of your people. You, Kylie, will forever remain the queen of witches for as long as you’re alive. You’re still my queen. So, get on your feet and do what a leader should”.

Kylie sulked as she shook her head.

“I can’t forgive”, she whimpered painfully. “I…I can’t. It has cost me a lot already”.

Shilah was silent for a while. Then, she threw her sword to the ground.

“If you can’t forgive, then k*il*l me. Satisfy your vengeance, I won’t stop you. But just so you know, these witches will never forgive you if you k*il*l me. They will never trust you again. So, chose what you really want”.

Saying that Shilah turned and walked away, not sparing any more glance at Kylie.

Kylie’s hands itched to grab her sword. Her legs stretched to rise. She broke into tears as she watched Shilah walk away. She broke into tears as she thought of the countless witches staring at her.

‘Revenge’, the word echoed in her head.

‘Forgive’, there was a counter.

Finally, she lost every will to fight. She lost every will to stand. So, she just lay there and gazed up at the sun.




There was a party.

The party hall was filled with only the most distinguished guests, while the others made use of the big field outside the hall.

It was a trio party – a party between the wolves, vampires, and witches. A party to mark a new union – especially since the witches had agreed to join them.

The hall was booming with life with Shilah being the happiest as she walked around, trying to make sure the distinguished guests were all comfortable. They all had a lot to eat and drink as they chit-chatted with one another.

Walking around, Shilah spotted her parents together. Although her mother was trying not to pay attention as her father spoke to her, at least, she was standing next to him.

Shilah smiled and walked away, not wanting to interrupt them.

Along the line, she ran into Kylie who had been taking a drink with some of the sisters.

“Kylie”, Shilah smiled as she stood in front of her.

She was the only one that could call her by her name. “And Shilah”, Kylie returned.

“I hope you’re comfortable enough. If there’s something you need…”

“Oh! I’m just fine. Your hospitality is overwhelming”, Kylie cut in with a tender smile.

Shilah was pleased to hear that. She patted her back before walking away.

Suddenly, her eyes ran into someone she wished she didn’t have to. Her heart gave a mighty leap as she stopped abruptly at the sight of her.

No, no. It was Bastet! What was she doing there? Did she figure they were the ones that k*il*led her daughter?


Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 261

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 261 The Final Battle

Shilah walked into the challenge ground which was surrounded by hundreds of cheering people. Kylie was already there, looking different as she wasn’t dressed in her usual red cloak. Instead, she in appeared in an armoured outfit, fully ready for the fight.

Kylie had so much bitterness on her face as she glared at Shilah. She looked closely around Shilah when she stepped out and was able to notice the woman Remata had told her about. At a go, the moment she set her eyes on her, she was able to guess she was the one, also judging from the gravity of worry on her face.

Another thing that puzzled her was the striking resemblance between both of them. Why did she look a lot like Shilah? And to think she had never seen or heard of her before.

A crazy thought hit hard at her – one she didn’t want to be possible or true. There was no way, right? There was no way Shilah had found her mother? Of course, not! Although, news of her mother’s body never being found was heard, but Ayita had been gone for over two decades! Why would Shilah find her all of a sudden? And how?



The rage in her heart increased as the thought nibbled at her. She needed to confirm if that was indeed, Ayita – the same woman that k*il*led her mother. Oh! How much she would love to see the anguish in her eyes when she k*il*ls Shilah.

A large bell was sounded, to grip the attention of everyone. Then, a tall – figured man walked out to brief everyone on the game.

“Every one of you must know why we are gathered here today. Today, we get to watch and experience a historical fight – a fight between two women, two warriors, and two leaders. Just one must rule, and the death of one will determine who that would be”, there was light murmuring and gasp in the crowd.

Ayita clamped her hand over her mouth, stifling her whimpers. Kylie noticed from where she stood.

The tall man looked at the two ladies who were facing each other and bowed: “Let the battle begin”.

Then, he walked away.

Kylie drew out her sword and threw her sheath away. And so did Shilah. The side talks and mumblings from the crowd wouldn’t stop, but in everything, Shilah looked at Kylie with a calm expression.

“This is the most foolish decision you have ever made, Kylie”, Shilah finally said. But it was low enough for just Kylie to hear.

“And it is sad to think it would be the last decision you ever make”, she added and noticed the glint in Kylie’s eyes.

“If I were you, I would choose my words carefully. They might just be your last words”, Kylie responded.

“Then, you must be more foolish than I thought”, Shilah snapped. “Take a look around, Kylie – I am surrounded by my loved ones, by my most precious ones. Few weeks ago, I found and rescued my little boy. And believe me when I say I have no plans of making him grow without a mother. As a matter of fact, he means the world to me, just like his father, and also my mother”.

Shilah purposely paused to watch the surprise on Kylie’s face and indeed, Kylie’s brows lifted.

“You heard me right”, Shilah continued. “I found my mother and I have no plans of leaving her just yet. So, I would advise you to reconsider your drastic decision, Kylie”.

Anger bubbled from within Kylie. Her thoughts were confirmed! It was indeed, Ayita! The wrench that k*il*led her mother!

Her fingers shook as they gripped tightly to her sword. How dare they?! How dare they make such mockery of her?! They took everything from her and intend to live a happy life? Never! She was going to make sure it never happened! Right after she is done terminating Shilah, she would make Ayita her next target.

She fumed with rage as she looked at Shilah, her eyes burning up.

“It would give me so much ple@sure to watch her yell in pains when I drive my sword through your chest”, she gruffed.

“Enough of the talking, then”. With that, Shilah gave the first strike.

The crowd became dead silent,as they paid close attention to the tensed fight. King Dakota was seated at the high stage with his heart in his hand, finding it so hard to believe that Shilah was putting him through such a difficult time. As for Ayita, she could not sit and kept praying her daughter would be fine. There was no way her poor heart would be able to bear any loss.

The two witches stroke their swords against each other, with each strike coming with heavy effort. They both attacked, defended and pushed as hard as they could.

The arena had become filled with so much tension as they watched the great skills of the two women. Kylie was well – skilled and so was Shilah.

Along the line, Kylie got a cut on her arm from Shilah’s sword, but a few seconds later, she returned it.

Still fighting, Kylie sustained another cut on her leg. She tried so hard to return it, but Shilah didn’t give her a chance.

The fight continued between them and lasted for quite a while until finally, one of them was down to the ground.

Wild gasps ran through the crowd as the people sprang to their feet, shocked. Even the King was on his feet, his hands fisted.

That was it, a winner was going to emerge.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 256-260

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 256 Two Superiors

Shilah’s legs wobbled as she staggered backward, trying to catch her breath. All of a sudden, her vision had become blurry, she thought she was losing it, not until she realized it was her tears.

Nosheba notified her sudden frantic mood and quickly dropped her baby to go help her.

“Shilah! Are you okay?” She asked with an unfeignedly worry, but Shilah could barely say a word as she still struggled to catch her breath.

Her mother was still alive? Her mother…the one she thought was dead was still alive?



Tears streaked her cheeks, she couldn’t even hear a thing Nosheba was saying. Until finally, she managed to get a grip of herself.

Still panting, she dabbed the tears from her face and scurried out of the room. The first witch she saw was Sukie.

“Shilah…”, Sukie was surprised at the mood she was in.

“Get six witches, Sukie”, Shilah cut her off. “We are riding out to the hunters camp”.


Shilah and seven witches – Sukie included – set out at once to the hunters camp. It was quite far and took them upto four days to arrive, and the whole time, Shilah had been nothing short of impatient. There were nights she wanted them to continue riding through, but Sukie had to talk her out of it, letting her know the other sisters needed rest. And while the others slept close to their campfire, Shilah stayed awake.

It still felt like a dream to her, knowing her mother was still alive. Dear Spirits, how long she’s waited! From childhood when she lost her foster mother, she always wished to have a mother again. And when she learnt the truth that she was not even a member of the Walter family, she prayed to the spirits to meet her biological mother – if she was still alive.

She had lost all hope – all hope ever knowing what the real love of a mother felt like. Oh! At last, she’d be able to feel it again. She’d have someone to confide in, someone to comfort her in her worst moods. She’d finally have that one friend she could trust with her whole life.

On the third night when they had camped, Shilah didn’t realize when tears streaked her cheeks, not until Sukie showed up and comforted her. The thought of being with her mother was just overwhelming, she couldn’t wait.

When they got to the hunters’ territory on the fourth day, Shilah was the happiest. Although, she knew they’d be having a difficult obstacle ahead.

Before they embarked on the journey, Pishan had tried convincing her to wait for the King to get informed so he’d send in more guards to accompany her, but Shilah was impatient and told him she’d leave with what she had. With that, Pishan insisted on taking her son to the King, although he promised to keep him safe at all cost.

She couldn’t ignore the obstacles they’d have to face at the hunters camp. Magic does not work within their walls, so, it’s definitely going to be difficult. But she was determined to get her mother at all cost.

They rode towards the hunters camp and stopped when they got to the big gate. The two hunters guarding the gate had spotted them from afar and ran in immediately to alert the others. It was a terrifying sight seeing eight witches riding towards their gate – seven in red cloaks and one in black.

Shilah and the witches stopped in front of the shut gate and awaited the hunters to come out. Of course, they knew they would. And it didn’t take long before a troop of hunters came marching out. With the armoured lady in front of them, eyes looking fierce and all, Shilah could tell she was their superior.

At once, the witches climbed down from their horses. And it was eight witches standing against a troop of hunters.

“To what do I owe this unwanted visit?” The superior – Kieran – asked, making her sheath visible enough.

Shilah also had a sword sheath with her, same with the rest of the witches.

“The last place I’d ever want to be is your cursed camp”, Shilah retorted. “You have someone that belongs to me, and I’m here to take her”.

Kieran glanced at Rissa, confirming their fears. When they had heard of certain witches riding towards their gate, it gripped them it might be Shilah. But they didn’t have much time to cook up a plan. Hence, they had to go out for confrontation.

“Who are you and who could I possibly have that’d belong to you?” Kieran asked, maintaining her bold demeanor.

Shilah took a step closer. “My name is Shilah. And you have my mother locked up in one of your dirty cells. Her name is Ayita. You brought her in twenty-four years ago. So, I am here to take her”.

Silence dominated the air as Kieran glared at her. Then, she scoffed.

“You have no proof that I have such woman in there. And even if I do, it is not in your place to decide who she is. I’d suggest you leave and go look for your mother elsewhere… Shilah,” she laid emphasis on her name and turned to leave.

“I am not leaving here without that woman”, Shilah’s words halted her. “I will get her at all cost. And I mean, all cost”.

Kieran scoffed. “Just in case you are unaware, your powers are useless in my territory”.

“Who said I needed my powers to make blood spill?” Shilah gave a tart reply and drew out her sword.

For a split second, Kieran’s eyes glinted with fear – only for a split second.

“You are so wrong to think you can spill blood on my territory”, Kieran drew out her sword. “Do not make a mistake, Shilah”.

“Then, try to stop me”, Shilah taunted and attempted walking to the gate, but the rest of the hunters also pulled out their swords and stood in her way.

Shilah grinned and moved backwards, coming face-to-face with Kieran again.

“I feel bad for your companions. Tell them to get out of my way”, she grumped.

“You should be the one to leave with your ladies-in-red”, Kieran responded with a straight face.

For a while, the two ladies locked their eyes on each other. Until finally, Shilah stepped away and turned to her horse like she was going to climb on it. The rest of the witches were confused as they wondered if she really wanted to retreat. But before anyone could get a grasp of what was happening, Shilah turned in one swift move, her sword in the air. It happened so fast, Kieran couldn’t miss it. All she saw was Shilah’s sword going up in the air and next, it went down on her neck.

Gasps and screams filled the air as the hunters startled at the sight of their superior’s head detaching from her neck.

“No…!!! Kieran!!!” Rissa roared out in agony as she ran to the decapped body reaching for the ground.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 257 In The Arms Of Her Mother

Confusion flowed among the rest of the hunters as they watched their Superior’s body hit the ground, her head rolling to a different side. They moved and looked at each other with anxiety, not knowing what to do.

Even the witches were a bit surprised that Shilah had taken such step. She was truly nastier than they had thought. However, it didn’t matter as they were there to support her, no matter there decision she took.

Rissa was still on the floor, crying over Kieran’s decapped body. It was a painful sight she never wanted to behold.

“You wrench!” She snapped her head at Shilah and roared bitterly, tears streaming down her cheeks. “How dare you?! How dare you do this to me?! Attack them!!!”



The hunters, though still confused, drew out their weapons to attack them. The witches did same.

“I will k*il*l everyone of you that comes my way until there is no one left”, Shilah spoke out. “For your sake, I hope you make the right decision”.

The hunters looked grimly at one another, seemingly reconsidering their condition. They had just seen how the strange lady chopped off Kieran’s head in the twinkle of an eye and she also had backup with her. How were they sure they wouldn’t be defeated?

They stepped back, ignoring Rissa’s disappointed stare. And seeing that the path was finally clear for her, Shilah proceeded into the hunters’ gate.

Two other witches had followed her in to help make the search faster, while the others stayed back to keep an eye on the hunters.

Shilah’s anxiety increased as she ran into the prison cells, checking every one of them to find woman like her mother.

Few of the cells had imprisoned wolves in them and they cried in happiness as Shilah fred him.

She kept freeing the few she came across but began to get worried when it was taking so long to find the one she wanted. The other wolves she had fred were young and couldn’t had been her mother. Somehow, she believed she would know when she sets her eyes on her.

She was approaching the last cell and her heart was already beating rapidly. What was happening? Why hadn’t she found her yet? Out of fear, she slowed down her steps, sweats breaking out from her forehead. She didn’t want to find it empty. She wouldn’t be able to take the heartbreak.

Finally, she stood in front of the last cell – the empty cell. Her throat let out a short gasp. No, it couldn’t be. Why was it still empty? A sharp pain stung at her, her hand gripped her sword tightly.

“Shilah!” Sukie suddenly called from the other end. “There is one more cell”.

Shilah’s hope got litted up as quickly, she ran to the other end and found the cell. There was a woman in it – seated on the floor.

Shilah’s brows arched as she stared intently at the strange woman. She was nearly unrecognizable with how messy how hair was, how worn out her dress was and how dirty her face looked. Without being told, a person could easily guess she had been imprisoned for a long time.

The woman also stared back at Shilah. She had been hearing the voices of the other prisoners, rejoicing as they were being freed and she wondered what was going on. Now, two strange ladies that looked like witches were standing before her gate, making her totally confused. But the lady in black, closer to her, there was something about her.

Shilah’s hands were extremely cold as they opened the gate. She wanted to go in, but her legs felt so heavy. Was she scared?

Sukie watched intently from behind and needed no one to tell her of the connection between the two women.

Finally, Shilah f0rced her steps in, her breath hitching. The woman was still staring into her face, making it clearer and easier. As she got close, her knees dropped to the floor in front of her, tears rested at the brink of her eyes and her hand slowly went up to her cheek. Her cheek felt so cold in Shilah’s palm, but it gave Shilah edgy chills as she stared into her eyes.

She was making no mistake. This was the right woman.

“Mother?” Her voice cracked as she called that name. A tear finally dropped to her cheek.

The woman’s brows furrowed in outmost confusion. Her whole life, no one had ever gotten to call her that name. So, who was this strange lady kneeling in front of her and claiming such precious name?

Shilah lifted her second hand to her cheek, another tear rolling down.

“It’s me, mother. It’s…me”, she wavered.

Suddenly, the woman’s brows rose in realization. Her lower lip shivered and her eyes fluttered helplessly. Was it… who she was thinking? Was it… possible?

With a stutter, she called in fear: “Aradia?”

Shilah bent her head and chuckled with more tears taking over. It was confirmed, it was truly her. Nosheba had told her that was the name the woman had mentioned in the cell. She was Aradia.

She looked up at her again. And this time, the woman was already in disbelieving tears.

“Yes, it’s me. It’s Aradia”, Shilah whimpered.

But the woman’s shock was undefeated. Her tongue waggled to say more words, but her throat had become constricted. So, all she could do was stare disbelieving at the young lady in front of her.

Confirming she had finally found her mother, Shilah pulled her into a tight hug.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 258 A Little Problem


They journeyed the entire day and camped at night. Before leaving the hunters’ camp, Rissa had tried to attack Shilah, but it was even Sukie that got in the way and stopped her.

Shilah had no remorse as she watched the hunters mourn over their decapped leader. It served them right for holding her mother hostage and using her as a toy for over twenty years.

As they camped for the night, one of the witches prepared some soup and Shilah was sure to eat with her mother.



Later on, she was sitting alone in a spot when Shilah joined her, holding a material.

“You must be cold”, she cooed as she wrapped the cloth around her shoulder.

Ayita smiled, accepting it. And she was even more delighted when Shilah sat next to her.

“I hope you enjoyed the meal?” Shilah asked. “Do not worry, when we get to the Palace, there will be more healthier foods to eat”.

Ayita chuckled and threw a hand over her shoulder. “It is more healthier having to look into your face”.

This made Shilah’s cheeks turn red. “Thank you, mother”.

She no longer stinker as they had previously gotten to a river where she washed properly and had a change of clothes. Although, she wasn’t looking her best yet, but she looked better. And Shilah was sure she’d make her even prettier when they get to the palace. Anyway, she did not care how dirty or beautiful her mother looked. The most important thing was being by her side.

“You have grown into such a beautiful woman”, Ayita said, her hand still over her shoulder. “It is quite a pity that I missed your childhood and teenage hood. Every day of my life, while I was in the witches’ camp, there was never a day I didn’t imagine what you would be like. To be honest, the picture I had in mind is completely different from what I’m seeing”.

They both bursted into laughter.

“Actually”, Ayita continued. “It is a good thing because you turned out to be more beautiful than I had imagined. And more powerful too. I mean, I can’t believe you are married to the Alpha King and also have a son for him” she paused and chuckled.

“Goodness! There is so much the hunters made me miss out on”.

Shilah smiled and took her hand. “There is still so much to do, mother. So, you should have no regrets”.

There was a brief silence as Ayita gazed into Shilah’s eyes.

“Why don’t you tell me everything I missed out on?” She beamed. “Tell me the full story of how your childhood went, how you met and married the Alpha King, when you got access to your powers… Just tell me how you got to this point”.

Shilah could see how enthusiastic she was about it.

“Of course. It’s going to be a long story, mother. But it’s also a long night…”


Shilah had gone ahead to narrate every single details to her mother – her odeal with her foster family, how she met the King, what she went through in the hands of his other wives and how she had lost her son but later found him.

Ayita had been so excited when she heard of her grandson. “I can’t believe I didn’t just get my daughter back, but a grandson as well”, she had chuckled.

After a long conversation, they slept off next to each other.


By morning, they continued their journey to the palace and arrived the following day. King Dakota was more than happy to see Ayita looking safe.

“All thanks to Selene for rescuing you, Ayita. It is a great relief to have you back home alive”, he was all smiles as he embraced her.

“Thank you too, King Dakota”, Ayita responded.

She could not believe the king was her son in-law.

Ayita met with her little grandson and held him for a long time even when Shilah insisted on her going in for some rest.

Apparently, the king was not happy about Shilah’s previous behaviour and had taken her in to scold her.

“I almost had Pishan locked up when he told me he let you go to the hunters on your own. Why would you take such a risk, Shilah? It’s something you should have never considered”, he queried.

“I know. And I’m sorry, my King. I just couldn’t waste any time going for my mother. And Pishan needed to be with the prince”, Shilah said.

“It doesn’t matter, Shilah. What if something bad had happened? The moment Pishan told me, I sent guards after you. But it seems you must have missed them”.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled Shilah into a hug.

“I’ve lost you once, and I can’t afford to lose you again. So, make sure you never take such risks again. Is that understood?” He cooed while stroking her hair.

And Shilah nodded with smiles all over her face.




Shilah, alongside her mother and the few witches with her, returned to the outskirts of the mountain where the other witches dwelt. Although, she had wanted her mother to stay back at the palace, but Ayita kicked against it and claimed she wanted to meet with the other witches.

On getting there, the other witches were indeed, delighted at her appearance and exchanged warm hugs with her. Especially sister Elphaba. She was the happiest as she had known Ayita deeply and was so glad that she was back. They were going to spend all evening, recollecting old memories.

However, Shilah was a little surprised that Nosheba was still there. Although, a part of her was happy since she had plans of thanking her some more.

“I am glad I was able to be of help, Shilah. Congratulations on getting your mother back”, Nosheba said, beaming with smiles as she cuddled her baby in her arms.

“Thank you too, Nosheba, for your help. I couldn’t have done this without you. I mean, you has every reason to hold back this information from me, but you chose to let it out”, Shilah replied.

“Don’t get it wrong. I had NO reason to hold back this information from you. You…. you saved my life, Shilah, and that of my child. I would only be my old self trying to hold back something this helpful”.

There was silence afterward. Shilah could read it in her eyes – the deep want.

“For years, I thought my mother was dead”, she spoke out. “For years, I lived with that thought of never having a mother again. But you made it different, Nosheba. You gave me that one thing I always longed for. And not just that, but you saved my mother’s life as well. So, if there’s something specifically you want as an appreciation…”

“Yes”, Nosheba’s eyes beamed immediately.

She realized she had sounded too desperate and withdrew herself.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Shilah. I don’t want you think I was being helpful beautiful I needed something in return. But the thing is, I already planned on asking about this even before giving you the information”.

Shilah stared quietly at her. “Actually, it’s about my…”

The abrupt sound of the door opening interrupted their conversation as they turned swiftly to see Sukie with a worried face. “Shilah, you need to hurry out. There’s a problem”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 259 The Challenge


Shilah hurried out with Sukie to see what was going on. Getting outside, she discovered other witches were already there, including her mother. But there was one other witch who wasn’t supposed to be there – a witch that was not one of them.

Shilah’s brows furrowed as she stared at Remata who stood beside her horse, looking vengeful and fearless. What was she doing there?

She kept looking around in disgust, probably wondering how the witches left the convenient palace to settle for less.



“Shilah”, Remata sighed. “It’s a good thing I found you finally. I have a message from the Supreme Sister”.

She brought out a letter from her bag and approached her. Shilah stared silently as she walked toward her and proffered the sealed letter.

“Be careful, Shilah”, her mother came closer and said.

Remata eyed the aged woman beside her, noting she was strange. Who was she? Shilah went ahead to open the letter and read through the content. Then, she smirked as she looked up at Remata.

“Your Supreme Sister really sent this?” She scoffed.

“Isn’t it obvious? The royal seal is there”, Remata answered coarsely.

“What does the letter say?” One of the witches came closer and asked. They were all curious.

“According to Kylie”, Shilah said. “she cannot have the witches divided. There can only be one ruler. So, she wants a fight with me – a fight to death. The last man standing becomes the ruler”.

“What?” The witches flinched. “What is she talking about?”

“Has Kylie lost her mind? How can she even ask for a thing like that?” Ayita stood beside Shilah, looking so worried.

“So, what is your take, Shilah? I am expected to return with a response”, Remata said.

Shilah was silent for a while, then folded up the letter.

“Go back to her and tell her I accept her challenge”, she answered brusquely.


“Shilah!”. Ayita held her hand. “What are you doing?! You are not accepting this!”

“You have nothing to worry about. Kylie is sure to lose”, Shilah countered her worries, intentionally not calling her mother.

But Remata was already suspicious of the strange bond between them. She had never seen that woman face, yet she was in the midst of the witches and seemed so close to Shilah.

“Tell her I accept her place and date as well”, Shilah turned to Remata. “If that is what she wants”.

“Very well”, Remata drew a deep breath. “You have made a good decision. Can’t wait to see you fall on your knees, begging for life”.

“One more derogatory word from you, and you’ll be the one begging for your life – right now”, Shilah snapped.

Remata saw the danger in her eyes – it frightened her bit. Throwing a glare at them, she climbed onto her horse and left.


“You mustn’t accept this challenge, Shilah. Kylie’s points do not matter anymore”. “You should call Remata back and cancel”.

“This is not a good idea. Kylie might come up with something else – just to defeat you!”

“We still have time. We should cancel this fight”.

Shilah was getting strained by the different voices of the witches that grumbled to her as they returned to the hall. She got to a table and poured herself some water to drink.

Ayita marched to stand before her.

“I cannot let you do this. I just got you back few days ago, there is no way I am losing you again”, her voice wavered as she spoke.

Shilah dropped the cup in her hand to face her. “You are never losing me, mother. Do not forget I also have a son who would look up to me. You should be certain I will not lose”.

“But we do not know what Kylie has up her sleeves. We also know who Kylie is and the fact that she would not want to lose. For all we know, this might be a trap”, Sukie chipped in.

Shilah sighed and looked away, tired of trying to convince them.

“I need some rest. Where is my son?” She grumped and started walking away.

The others looked at her in surprise as she acted so care-freely. Should they really be worried for her? But Kylie… they could not trust her. She was very strong – with or without her powers. How would they be sure she would not try something dangerous?


Remata returned to the witches’ palace days later to give Kylie the feedback.

“She accepted your challenge”, she reported as she stood behind her in the room.

Kylie remained calm in her seat where she faced the window.

“Time and place?” she asked lowly. “She agreed to yours”.

There was a brief silence.

“Perfect, then. Tell the other witches to set up the place, and make sure there is no delay”, Kylie instructed. Remata bowed and turned to leave.

“How are they?” Kylie suddenly asked, making Remata halt.

Even if she wasn’t specific, Remata knew what she was referring to. She turned back to her, clearing her throat slightly.

“They um…. they looked fine. Although, they were in a very inconvenient environment. I found it hard to believe they left the palace for that. They were actually against Shilah accepting your challenge”, she reported and held back for a reaction, but Kylie said nothing.

Kylie needed no one to tell her how deeply hurt Kylie was. She missed ruling the other witches, she missed everything.

“Although…”, she suddenly said upon remembrance. “I noticed a strange woman in their midst. There was something about the way she looked and spoke to Shilah. Although, the other witches were concerned, but this woman’s concern came with fear. And I also noticed Shilah spoke to her in a different way”.

For the first time, Kylie twirled her chair around to look at her. Curiosity twinkled in her eyes.

“Don’t you think she’s someone from the palace? Perhaps, one of the maids?” She inquired.

“To be honest, Supreme Sister, I have no idea. She cooks be someone from the palace, but she just seemed too close to Shilah”, Remata replied.

Kylie drew a light breath and turned back to the window. The woman should be none of her concern as she could be someone less – important.

Her concern was the fact that Shilah had accepted her challenge. At last, she’d have that one chance to eliminate her for good and reclaim all she had lost. On that day, one of them was going to die. And Kylie was bound to make sure it would be Shilah.


When King Dakota heard of Shilah’s challenge with Kylie, he was outraged. He first growled at the witches for letting her make such decision when they were right beside her, then he took Shilah to the room to lash at her.

“How could you even make such decision, Shilah?! Agreeing to fight to the death with Kylie?! One of you has to die! So, who do you think it would be?”

Shilah stood calmly as she let the King yell at her. She had expected it, and perhaps, she needed it.

“Are you forgetting we have a son?! Are you forgetting you have responsibilities? How dare you gamble with your life like this?” he paused and brushed his fingers into his hair.

“Listen to me, Shilah, I need you to write to Kylie or whatever you need to do. And I need you to tell her you are withdrawing your acceptance”. Shilah’s eyes dimmed.

“I am afraid that cannot happen, my king. Withdrawing my acceptance will equal defeat. And my defeat means my death”, she said with her head bowed.

King Dakota scoffed.

“This cannot be happening”, he paced back and forth the room. He was worried sick, it made Shilah uncomfortable.

Finally, he stood in front of her and glared at her with angry eyes. “I am disappointed in you, Shilah”, he gruffed and stormed out of the room.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 260 One Winner, One Death

It had taken the king the whole day to calm himself regarding Shilah’s rash decision. Instead of staying angry at her, he decided to train with her so she could be close to perfect for the challenge. There was no way he was ready to lose his wife.

Later at night, Shilah had gotten to meet with Dyani who had come to get more of her belongings. The king had already briefed her of his decision of sending her away and Shilah couldn’t be more happy. Right from time, she knew the king was not perfect and couldn’t laugh his wives equally. So, Dyani deserved better.

“I am glad you’ve found love at last, Dyani. Someone like you truly deserves better”, Shilah remarked as they walked down the hall, heading outside.

Dyani blushed with a lowered gaze.



“I am equally glad, Shilah. Although, the King is a nice man and I have always respected him, but I am overjoyed for this privilege he has given. Griffin and I have been overjoyed”, she beamed.

She went ahead to tell Shilah of his expression when she had conveyed the King’s message to him. The young man had literally screamed and jumped around for joy. At last, it paid to be a good person.

Finally, she and Shilah got outside to the open field and met the busy servants parading about. But there was something else that caught their attention – a troop of men riding through the gates.

They stopped walking as they paid attention to them, and instantly, Shilah recognized the man in front. That was Lord Achlys – her father.

The men pulled their horses to a stop when they had gotten close enough and came down from it. Shilah kept staring keenly as Lord Achlys walked towards her, his men behind him. What was he doing there? “Shilah”, he called when he stood in front of her.

Shilah bowed her head in reverence. “Greetings”.

Lord Achlys heaved a sigh and looked around.

“Your mother – I heard you found her”, he paused and moved closer, his eyes beaming with so much curiousity. “Is she here?”

Shilah’s instincts had told her at first that he was there to see her mother. But how did the news travel to him so fast? She looked up at him. “You are correct. But I am not sure she would want to see you”.

Lord Achlys took her hand.

“Please, Shilah, I rode all the way here to speak to her. I really really want to see her. Make it happen”, he sounded pleading.

After a deep consideration, Shilah decided to tell her mother about it. And it took a lot of convincing to get her to see him.

Ayita was cold as she walked into the garden where Lord Achlys had been waiting for her. Shilah was behind her and stopped at the entrance of the garden, while Ayita proceeded. The moment Achlys’ eyes found her, they lightened up. It felt just like a dream to him, setting his eyes on the woman he never thought he’d see again. “Ayita”, his voice came out frail.

He budged forward to meet her and took her hand, then touched her cheek. “I cannot believe this is you”.

For a moment, Ayita was almost taken away by his sight. She had been locked up for over twenty years and never thought of seeing him again. His touch on her seemed so strange as it had been long she felt it.

Suddenly, she withdrew her hand from his and looked away.

“Why are you here?” She asked icily. Lord Achlys drew a long breath.

“Ayita, I was worried about you. I… I cannot even believe I am staring at you right now. Goodness! It feels just like a dream”, he took her hand again. “Back then, I always prayed for your safety. And seeing you here is my greatest joy”.

Ayita looked at him and scoffed, withdrawing her hand again.

“My safety?” she taunted. “What level of hypocrisy is this, Achlys? Or has your deep slumber made you forget how you denied me in front of everyone? How you left me and my child to die?”

Lord Achlys had seen that topic coming, but it was a topic he never wanted to face.

“I promise you, it is not what you think. I never wanted things to go the way they did, Ayita”, he entreated.

“Just save me the drama. You, Achlys, asked me to get rid of my child! And when I refused, you denied and abandoned me. You hated us that much!”

Achlys shot a stare at Shilah who was staring back at them. Guilt ate him up.

“I had no choice”, he shook his head. “If I had accepted you when you were caught, do you think we would have been here today? My people would have eliminated me, and your people would have done same. There was so much I would have lost, Ayita. So, I needed to stay back, to help you. I… I had asked Elphaba to help you escape. I… I swear, I did. And I had told her where to bring you – a place we could meet. But she told me you declined and didn’t want to meet with me. Believe me, Ayita, I still looked for you, but you made it so difficult finding you. What was I supposed to do?”

Ayita was silent and just looked away. Pain rested in her eyes. Lord Achlys took her both hands.

“I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. You know how much I loved you, Ayita. All I am asking is your forgiveness. Please”, he cooed.

Ayita still didn’t look at him. She didn’t want to fall for the pity in his eyes. Finally, she pulled her hands from his and turned away.

“As long as I have my daughter with me, I am okay Achlys, and do not need you around. Over the years, I have learned to survive on my own. So please, leave”, and with that said, she walked out of the garden.

Lord Achlys wanted to go after her, but didn’t even know how to do it. He didn’t want the servants around watching the scene.

Shilah was still there, and at that point, she felt something similar to pity for him. But she knew she couldn’t influence her mother’s decision. And maybe she didn’t even want to. Quietly, she bowed and also left.


It was finally time for the fight between Shilah and the queen of witches. The two women had arrived and were getting prepped in their separate rooms. Their various supporters and people who had come to watch the fight were already outside and cheering the spirits.

The witches on Shilah’s side were praying she would defeat Kylie and become the new leader. Or perhaps, appoint someone worthy to become the new leaders. While the witches on Kylie’s side were praying Kylie would defeat Shilah and reclaim her position of the queen of all witches. Either way, just one person had to win. One person had to die.

Ayita had been worried sick, even as she stood before Shilah in the room where she got prepped for the fight. She had nearly caught a fever the previous night, feeling so scared that her daughter might not make it in the challenge. Of course, she had been praying for her daughter to emerge victorious, but as a mother, she still couldn’t help but feel so scared.

She looked at Shilah who stood fiercely as the servants worked on her. Goodness! She couldn’t believe her little girl had grown so much into a fearless warrior. If only she had the opportunity of watching her grow.

“Shilah”, she held her hand when the servants were done preparing her. “You know you can still pull away from this. I am sure if you don’t want to do this, the Alpha King would have his way around Kylie. Please, Shilah”.

Shilah sighed and hugged her. “You have nothing to worry about, mother, for I am certain the spirits are with me on this. If it is their will that Kylie’s rule comes to an end, they will make me defeat her. But if it is their will that she is fit to be the queen, then, let their will be done”. A tear slipped Ayita’s eye as she listened to her daughter. Her fears had increased.

“Wish me luck, mother”, Shilah added in a whisper. And disengaging from the hug, she walked out of the room, headed for the challenge ground.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 251-255

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 251 The Execution

The news of the Queen and Raksha’s betrayal was spreading round like wildfire. The entire mountain was in shock as they never expected their beloved Queen to be a tyrant in disguise. It turned their minds bittered against her as they thought of the fact that she was responsible for the King’s curse the whole time.

Chaska, on the other hand, was scared to the teeth when she heard of Raksha’s confession. She feared he might confess more on what they did to Shilah’s child – how it had been her idea to k*il*l him from birth. She knew the King would never forgive her for it. As a matter of fact, it could even cost her life.

Thus, she decided to flee. It was the best she could think of as she feared Raksha might expose her at his execution.



Her maid had tried to advise her against it, but her fears wouldn’t let her stay. Instead, she promised to return after the execution and if her name wasn’t mentioned. Thus, she left everything behind and fled without telling the King.


Shilah walked into the King’s chambers and found him standing soberly, looking like a predator as his huge figure dominated the window side. He was gazing at the dark sky but could see nothing as worries were the only things before him.

Shilah had given the prince to Dyani ’cause she wanted an alone time with the King, but meeting him in that mood, she didn’t know how to begin.

“When I lost my mother”, Dakota suddenly began, his voice coming out cold and hurt. “I thought Queen Jade could become my second mother. I took her advice and blessings and made decisions I never wanted to make for her sake. Pishan has always been my best friend and was the one I wanted as my beta. But when Queen Jade told me she wanted Raksha for that position, I had to disregard Pishan and made Raksha my beta.

“They were never a threat or a compet*ition to me. But the whole time I was? I called them family, not knowing all they wanted was to watch me suffer. To think they k*il*led my mother and had me cursed for years…”, he drew a deep breath.

Shilah could tell that was a man trying to hold back his emotions. “If my own family could do this to me, who then, can I trust?”

Shilah bent her head and sighed as silence lasted for a few minutes.

“It just hurts a lot that Jael was k*il*led because of them”, she mumbled. “Although, I know they didn’t f0rce her into doing what she did. But they tempted her with their offer and influenced her negatively. They’re the only reason she’s dead today”.

Dakota turned away from the window, his heavy dress making some ruffling noise.

“About my curse…”, he looked at Shilah. “…can’t you help?”

Shilah danced her eyes on the floor for a moment.

“I’ve made researches about it, My King. And unfortunately, only the queen of witches can help you”, her response arched the King’s brows. “Although, there might be other ways that I do not know of. But if it has to be done by the Spirits, then the queen of witches is the only one that can help”.

Resentment crawled into the King’s face as he helped himself to the bed.

“Then, I guess I am doomed for life”, he mumbled. “Kylie would never agree to help me – not even in death”.

Shilah ambled towards him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Things can always change. You should know that. Keep hoping”.


At the break of the next day, over half of the mountain were already gathered at the Palace to watch the execution and King Dakota had to take it to the public spot so there could be enough space for everyone.

He was seated on the higher place and watched as the guards dragged Queen Jade and Raksha out to the execution block. The wolves mumbled amongst themselves, greatly displeased at their miserable sight. It was still unbelievable that the Queen who was always adorned richly was being reduced to nothing. Who would’ve thought she was an enemy the whole time?

Queen Jade and Raksha were still terribly sick, but could barely lift a finger in defence as the guards dropped them to the ground. They – especially the queen – felt so bittered and humiliated and could not believe she was being treated that way in the presence of the wolves. She wept bitterly and bowed her head in shame.

King Dakota stood up afterward, magnating the attention of everyone to himself.

“We all know the reason we are gathered here”, he began, his voice being loud enough to go through the crowd.

Or perhaps, it was because the crowd was quiet enough.

“Queen Jade and Prince Raksha who is also my beta, confessed to so many treasonous actions taken by them, some of which included the k*il*ling of my mother, setting me up to get cursed, k*il*ling Ahiga’s son and attempting to k*il*l my own sin. Their actions are abominable and as a result, we cannot have such people in our midst.

“First, I hereby denounce Raksha as my beta. And I denounce Queen Jade from that title. They both do not deserve to die with dignity”.

Raksha began laughing hysterically, which made the people look at him.

“My mother is not the only one to be denounced from that title, Dakota”, he coughed. “Your first queen – Chaska – should also be considered”.

The wolves gasped and mumbled amongst themselves. “Queen Chaska?”

“What’s he talking about?”

“What did the queen do?” Dakota became troubled at once.

“What do you mean, Raksha?” He bobbed his head. “Or are you looking for an innocent soul to drag down to death with you?”

Raksha laughed again – but more dryly this time around. “I have nothing to gain at this point. But it is important you know it was her idea to get rid of your son”.

A louder gasp spiraled through the crowd. “She was the one who had come to me with the idea of k*il*ling him. Good thing is, I didn’t listen to her and only made the little boy float”.

King Dakota felt a sharp sting in her chest. He quickly looked around but noticed Chaska’s absence. No, it couldn’t be true. Not Chaska.

“And one more thing”, Raksha grinned. “I was the mystery man who shared your meal with you”.

The King appeared confused about it.

“I am talking about Nosheba. I was the one responsible for her second child. And also the one responsible for the third one she carried. I had been her secret lover”.


“The fallen queen?”

“It was both of them?”

The crowd couldn’t contain their utter disbelief. It was the greatest shock ever. The King’s eyes glinted with a different kind of anger – one that depicted fresh betrayal.

His own brother had been sleeping with his former queen?

He walked down from his position immediately and stomped towards them, anger echoing in his footsteps. And when he got close enough, he drew the sword from the executions.

“I, King Dakota – Alpha King of the seven mountains and five clutches hereby, sentence you, Raksha to death”.

A small smile settled on Raksha’s lips as he stared directly at the King’s eyes. The smile faded and got replaced with pain. And still staring into his eyes, he watched the King lift the sword against him.

He stroke it against his neck, detaching the head that rolled bloodily on the ground.

“Raksha….!” Jade cried out.

She was too weak and could only wince. She sobbed painfully from her position and at that moment, regretted everything. Yes, she regretted every single action she had made – her lust for power, envy and poisoning her son’s mind to be like hers. She wished she had just embraced the love she had at that moment and never went for more. Badly, she wished. But it was too late to change the hands of time.

King Dakota moved to her, making her see her son’s blood dripping from his sword.

“Dakota…” She whimpered, weeping bitterly.

“You have the same fate”, he grumped. And in one lift, he struck the sword against her neck.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 252 A Visitor

The demise of Queen Jade and her son had been controversial as some of the people argued their execution. A lot said they deserved it, while a few who had been their admirers, argued k*il*ling them was extreme.

Either way, the deed had already been done and no amount of complaints could bring them back.

Shilah only felt bittered that Jael had died for their sake. Although, she wouldn’t completely blame the King for k*il*ling her, she just felt so bad for Bastet who would have to live a lonely life. Over the days, she had been battling with her conscience about going to confess to Bastet, but the same conscience wouldn’t let her as she couldn’t bear to watch the old woman wail before her. Worst, she might even start up a fight with the King.




After a few hours, Shilah had to leave to the witches’ residence outside the mountain. She hadn’t seen them for days and figured they’d have been waiting for a feedback from her, some directions.

It had been a debate with the King as regards to who would have the little prince. But when it became evident that the boy still needed his mother, the King had to let Shilah have him – but only a condition that she wouldn’t exceed three days. Moreover, he asked Pishan and some other guards to accompany them for more security, despite the fact that Shilah had a*s*sured him she’d never let any harmony come to the boy again.

Afterwards, Shilah, Pishan and two other guards set out on their journey to the witches’ destination.




Kylie sat palely in her seat, her legs crossed on the edge of the bed before her as the corner of her eyes stared at the meal that had gotten cold beside her. Her tongue craved nothing, and her body wanted nothing, rather than to sit there and think.

She wasn’t dressed in her long red cloak like she always did. Instead, she wore a red transparent jacket that was parted open and revealed her underwear’s. Her hair was ruffled and her head was merely accommodating her wierd thoughts.

She was losing it, she needed no one to tell her. The very Palace she had inherited from her mother, was finally falling apart. She still couldn’t believe the other witches would ever betray her to side someone like Shilah. She never imagined a day would come when her people would become divided. Although, the rest of the witches that stayed back had seemed loyal to her, but something in her guts told her they might align with Shilah soon. She couldn’t afford to be on the losing end. She couldn’t afford to lose the leadership to a traitor like Shilah.

A soft knock came on her door, but she gave no response. The knock came again, and using her mind, she made the door go open for whoever was knocking. It was Remata.

Remata had come in to take ’empty plates’ but was surprised when she found the supreme sister’s meal untouched. Not again.

Disappointment crawled in between her brows as she bowed to her. “Greetings, Supreme sister. Would you want me to make you a new meal?”

Kylie drew a deep breath as she stood to her feet and ambled to the window and Remata couldn’t help but stare at her underwears which were so visible beneath the jacket. The supreme sister had a fine shape – she could testify.

“Food is the least of my worries right now, Remata”, Kylie stated callously. “But there is something else you can do for me”.

Remata’s eyes twinkled. Yes, she’d always wanted this opportunity to be close to the Queen.

“Of…Of course, Supreme sister. Just let me know”, she beamed.

Still backing her, Kylie said: “I need you to trace Shilah and give her a letter of invite. Tell her we need to have a one-on-one meeting”.


Shilah got to the witches’ destination very late but was still happy she met them in good shape. Since she was tired and needed to take care of her son, she could not hold a meeting with them and had to retire to a room.

All through the night, she had her son in her arms and wondered how life would be with him. She sincerely wanted the best for him, wanted him to grow with complete love from his parents. But that would be impossible if she had to take care of the witches while Dakota took care of the wolves and vampires. She needed to find a way to get them merged together so it’d all be easy.

Two guards were positioned outside her door as she slept through the night.


By the next morning, Shilah intended having breakfast with the witches. But due to their population, they couldn’t use the dining set. Hence, everyone gathered in a big room and made themselves comfortable. Pishan held her son as they set to eat. But suddenly, their moment was interrupted by one of the sisters-on-guard who rushed in.

“Queen Shilah, there is a woman outside, demanding to see you”, she whispered but still could be heard by everyone.

For the first time in a long time, Shilah’s heart gave a mighty leap. A woman? Who could it be? Bastet? Was it possible she had gotten to know the truth and was there for her?

“Who is she?” She asked the witch, fighting so hard to hide the nervousness from her eyes.

“I didn’t get her name, but she’s pregnant”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 253 What Was Right

Shilah was amused when she heard it was a pregnant woman? A pregnant woman? At least, she was sure Bastet wasn’t pregnant.

She stood up and headed out with few of the sisters following her behind. And upon getting outside, Shilah was shocked to find Nosheba.

She halted her steps as her brows crumpled with disturbing questions running through her mind. Why was she there? And why was she still pregnant? With scrutiny, she noticed she looked more frustrated than she had been three months ago. Her complexion had darkened, her face had patches and her dress didn’t fit so well. Surely, all had not been well with her. But Shilah didn’t express her care on her face.

“Shilah…!” Nosheba called in a gasp upon seeing her.



It seemed as though, her hope had been lightened. With her hands supporting her really big tummy, she ran to Shilah.

“Oh! Thank you so much! Thank you for agreeing to see me”, she chuckled ruefully.

But Shilah said nothing and only stared at her with cold, unreadable eyes.

Nosheba glanced at the few witches behind her and seemed uncomfortable, but she knew she was in no place to ask them to leave.

“Erm…I know it’s been long we last saw each other, but I’m here because I need your help”, her voice gave little cracks. It was obvious she was scared.

“What do you want, Nosheba?” Shilah finally spoke up.

Her voice was totally grumpy.

Nosheba lowered her gaze to the floor and let a tear.

“I have been pregnant for twelve months now, Shilah. I … I don’t know what’s happening. My due date was three months ago, yet, here I am”, she paused and touched her belly.

“I am… I am so scared. I’ve gone to every herbalist I know, but none could provide me with a solution. Please, Shilah, I do not want to lose my life, or that of my child. Although… I have a feeling the goddess is trying to punish me for my evil deeds That’s the reason I came to you for help. You are my last hope. Please”.

Tears kept streaking down her cheeks, uncontrolled. Shilah could effortlessly read through the great fear in her eyes.

She sighed and took a step backward.

“Raksha and his mother were executed yesterday”, she said.

Nosheba’s eyes dimmed immediately. Her tears stopped flowing as they got replaced with so much shock that came with redness.

“What?” She muttered voicelessly, her lower lip shaking.

“They confessed to all their evil deeds and were k*il*led by the King in front of everyone. Now, when I say they confessed, I mean every single thing, including the fact that he was the father of your second daughter and the one you are carrying”, Shilah watched Nosheba’s breath hitch.

“It’s quite a shame that the only man you could cheat with was the King’s own brother”.

“No…” Nosheba shook her head, her tears threatening to spill again.

The amount of guilt she had running through her was like none she had ever felt before. Shilah let out a moment of silence before resuming:

“Since you were partners, I presume you should have known he was the one responsible for Queen Nana’s death and the King’s curse”.

“No. No. I swear, I wasn’t”, Nosheba looked up at her and answered immediately.

Her red eyes flashed with an interpretation of ‘I might have been evil, but I didn’t do this’.

She sniffed and dashed some of the tears from her cheeks, but more came pouring down.

“Please Shilah”, she went close. “I know I was cruel and did things that can never be forgotten. But I’ve learnt my lesson. Believe me, I have! My life has been a mess for the past one year and this child is not making it any easier. I understand if you wouldn’t want to help me, but consider my poor baby. She has nothing to do with this. Please”.

“My baby also had nothing to do with your agenda when you tried to poison me”, Shilah gruffed in and watched Nosheba lower her head in another round of shame.

“Give me one reason I should save this child. You set me up and tried to k*il*l me while I was pregnant. And your lover, Raksha, took my son and nearly drowned him. And just so you know, few days ago, I lost a very good friend of mine, still because of Raksha. You two have brought nothing but pain to the royal family”, Shilah stated spitefully.

The hate in her eyes was too heavy to ignore, it sent chills down Nosheba’s body. Shilah was her only hope and she wouldn’t know what to do if she walked away from her.

Fearing that she might walk away anytime, she f0rced her heavy steps to fall on her knees. Even the witches were surprised as they knew it must have been so difficult and painful – they could read it on her face.

“I’m begging you, Shilah”, she whimpered, her both hands on the ground. “Don’t give up on me. I have no where else to go. I…I have no one else to run to. I am so scared…”

Her cries ch*oked her words while Shilah only stood and watched. She watched as the great queen melted before her – the great queen who had only seen herself as the King’s Luna. She remembered the horrible days at the Palace and all the times she was intimidated. There had never been a day she got any love from Nosheba. Yet, there she was, broken and dejected.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

“Sukie”, she called. “Get the pregnant woman to a room. And Corrine, get a bowl of water and some napkins”.




King Dakota sat patiently, writing in his room as he awaited the guard to come in. When the door went open, he needed no one to tell him it was Darci.

“My King. You called for me”, he bowed from behind. King Dakota stopped writing but didn’t look at him.

“Get me Queen Dyani. Tell her it’s urgent”, he instructed. And with a bow, Darci left the room.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 254 The Humble Wife

Nosheba’s eyes were still bloodshot and her cheeks covered with tears as she laid on the mat, her legs spread open. Her heart was thumping heavily with her entire body shaking nervously. That was the second time she was scared to the point of death. The first had been when the King banished her. That moment before his judgement, she had been so scared, thinking he’d execute her. And currently, she was experiencing that nerve-racking fear again. She feared what would happen if Shilah failed to deliver her child. She had nowhere else to go to and it might k*il*l her.

Three witches were in the room with her, everything was set and finally, Shilah walked in.

If Nosheba wanted to consider the amount of hate in her eyes, she prolly wouldn’t let her touch her legs. But she didn’t care about the hate, all she wanted was to get her baby safely.

As Shilah stood in front of her, tempting voices rang in her head: “You do not need to help this woman, Shilah. She has done nothing good for you”.



“She said it herself! The goddess is punishing her for her evil deeds. Let them do their jobs!”

“She tried to k*il*l you and your unborn child. Her lover tried to k*il*l him too. Jael is dead because of them!”

Shilah closed her eyes and took in a very deep breath. Next, she went down on her knees and spread Nosheba’s legs wide enough. She touched the big round tummy, circled her hands on them and narrowed her hands down to Nosheba’s vàgina.

“This is going to hurt”, she grunted her warning and watched Nosheba nod readily.

Next, she inserted her right hand into the v@gin@, going deeper and deeper.

“Arghhhh”, Nosheba yelped, fisting her hands tight.

When Shilah’s hands were deep enough, she closed her eyes and started chanting some prayers in strange languages.

It went on for a while, the three witches in the room joined her. Nosheba started having contractions soon – painful ones. She felt movements in her abdomen.

Shilah pulled out her hand and helped keep Nosheba’s legs apart.

“Now, push!” She ordered and with every strength she had, Nosheba began pushing.

It was so painful, she nearly screamed down the building. Shilah repeated the process – inserted her hand into her v@gin@ and chanted her prayers.

“Push! Harder!” She urged and Nosheba pushed to the best of her ability.

The pain was like none she had ever before, it made her extremely scared.

Shilah repeated the process for the third time. And when Nosheba pushed again,the baby’s head finally showed forth.

“I can set the head!” One of the witches in the room confirmed happily.

That gave Nosheba so much hope as the next time, she pushed with all her might. It was the most painful thing she had ever had to do, she feared her womb would come out as well.

She had nothing to grab onto, so she continued fisting her hands and pushing with every ounce of strength in her. Shilah was there to urge her until finally, the baby popped out.

“She’s out!” One of the witches laughed. “She’s out! She made it!”

Nosheba’s head had fallen back to the mat as she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. Shilah suddenly felt cold, staring at the bloodstained baby in front of her. Carefully, she picked the baby up, watching in amusement as she cried.

“It’s a boy!” The witch next to her suddenly said. “It’s a boy, not a girl”.

Shilah’s brows furrowed as she moved her eyes to confirm it. Staring at the genitals, it really turned out to be a boy.

“It’s…it’s a boy?” Nosheba lifted her head from the mat and asked weakly. The whole time, she had been thinking it’d be a girl.

Another tear left her eye as it suddenly brought back memories – memories of Raksha. Oh! She finally had a son. Her head fell back on the mat as she dozed off in tiredness.


Dyani was a bit worried when she heard the King sent for her. The King was hardly one to specifically send for her. So, she had every reason to be scared.

Her mind kept wondering about as she approached his chambers. She did nothing wrong. Of course, she’d been extremely careful.

Finally getting to his chambers, she awaited the guards to inform him of her arrival. After a few seconds, she was let in.

She found the King in front of his desk, scribbling down on some scrolls. Good thing he had been backing her, he didn’t have to see the fear on her face as she walked in.

“Greetings, My King”, she bowed.

King Dakota did not respond immediately as he continued scribbling down on his scroll. Dyani had no problem with it but even hoped he’d spend more time and not look at her. Eventually, he did.

He dropped his feather and turned to face her.

“Dyani”, he called calmly. “How are you doing?”

“I am fine, My King”, she feigned a smile as she bowed again. “You um…sent for me”.

“Yes, I did. You may sit”.

She looked around, and the only available seat was the bed. So, she sat on it. She couldn’t look him in the eye, hence, she kept her gaze lowered the whole time.

“I called you here for a very important reason and I’ll go straight to the point”, the King began. This tripled Dyani’s nervousness as she really hoped she was not in trouble.

“Two months ago, I am aware your ex-lover came into the mountain”.

Dyani’s eyes dilated widely in shock. She damned her nervousness and looked straight at the King’s face, her wide eyes holding so much fear and disbelief.

The king continued, “And I am aware you’ve been visiting him since then. One of the guards had been following you around”.

“My King..!” Dyani went on her knees immediately, her fingers shaking. “I swear on my life, he never touched me! I never got laid by him, we were never together in a romantic way! He…he only came around as a friend and I went to him because I needed someone to talk to. I… I know I was wrong, but I swear, nothing happened between us”, she paused and looked up at him, tears already streaking her cheeks.

“Please, I am ready to swear on anything just to prove it to you! Since the day you married me, I have been faithful to you and you alone, my King! Even the sun, the moon and the stars will bear me witness!”

Her voice wavered as she spoke, unexplainable fear had gripped her. For years, she had tried all she could to be a perfect wife, queen and mother. She resisted every temptation. Hence, she couldn’t let a wrong narrative be judged on her.

Oh, Griffin! She never wanted to meet up with him. She should have never done it in the first place.  The king stared at her for a while and sighed.

“Sit, Dyani”, he said, but the queen was hesitant.

He repeated himself and fearfully, she dabbed some of her tears and sat on the bed.

“I know you didn’t love me before we married”, the king went on. “And I am not so sure you do even now. I still remember how we met. I had been to your pack for a visit, I saw you and made your father give you to me. To be very honest, I did not love you as well but only wanted you for a male child.

“I have seen your kind of person, Dyani. You have been extremely kind, selfless, helpful and faithful. Even though you did not love me, and even though I barely recognized you as a wife, you still stayed humble and faithful. I won’t deny the fact that I neglected you, Dyani. I barely satisfy you s*e*xually. I treated your senior wives better than I treated you and even when Shilah came around, I made her my favorite. Yet, you were still a bestfriend to her. You never tried to harm her or her unborn child. Instead, you tried to help.

“When I was informed that you were seeing your ex-lover, I thought that would be the final straw. I thought that would be the point where you’d finally flip your switch and break one of your ethics to become a cheat. But it shocked me to my bones that you didn’t, Dyani”.

Dyani looked at him, surprise reflecting in her sore eyes. How… did he know?

“My guard had been giving me every info,” the king explained. “He was there on your last visit to Griffin and overheard everything. Griffin had made an attempt on you, but you turned him down. He told me everything. That night, I was restless. I was restless because I was wondering, how can a woman be so humble? So perfect?”

Another tear strolled down Dyani’s cheek.

“You are too good, Dyani. Your kind is rare. And I have come to realize that a perfect woman like you does not deserve a man like me. You do not deserve a man like me who would always choose another over you. You do not deserve a man like me who cannot love you for the rare gem that you are.

“You, Dyani, you deserve a man that would love you unconditionally and bring you the greatest satisfaction. You deserve to be happy for the rest of your life and have the right family”.

Dyani’s brows were furrowed as she looked at the king again with her teary eyes. What was he driving at?

“This moment, I am releasing you, Dyani”, the king said with open arms. “I am making you an offer to leave this marriage and go be with the man you’ve always loved. Go to him and start the family you deserve”.

“My king…”

“I will give you both enough properties to make sure you start off rich. And as for our daughter, she’ll always be a princess here and be free to visit as often as she wants. When she becomes of age, she can choose to come here and live with me anytime, any day. This mountain, this palace, will always be her home. And she’ll always be my blood. I just want you to be happy, Dyani, because you deserve it”, the king cooed.

Dyani could not believe it, no it was too much to take in. She was gaining her freedom at last?

Of course, it was freedom, because the whole time, she had felt like a prisoner. She knew the king never loved her, but she stayed humble and faithful the whole time because that was who she was. But in the end, she was getting her freedom.

“My king…!” she fell at his feet, weeping uncontrollably.

“Thank you…so much. Thank you”.

King Dakota left his seat, lifted her from the floor and for the first time, he pulled her into a hug.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 255 The Woman From The Camp

Dyani left the Palace as soon as she was done from the King’s chambers. She hurried down to the residential area, fathoming how happy she’d be when she finally meets Griffin.

Oh! How she couldn’t wait. How she couldn’t wait to hug him and let him know they were finally free to have each other. How she couldn’t wait to let him know she’d finally be his, and he would be hers.

From the moment the King revealed everything to her and told her of his offer, it was more like her love for Griffin had resurrected. Their old memories began flashing through her head – all the beautiful times they had as lovers and everything they had planned for the future. Griffin had always been the man of her dreams and she wouldn’t deny lusting over him a couple of times when she had visited him in the last two months. Yes, she had imagined what his touch on her would feel like again, but thank goodness she never fell to the temptation of the flesh as in the end, she had a good reward. There was only one lesson this had taught her – it pays to be good.

All the happy memories she had been trying so hard to forget effortlessly occupied her brain. And as she ran towards his house, she couldn’t help but blush sheepishly.



Finally, she got to his door and was about pounding on it when she found a lock on it. What? Her heart thumped heavily as her countenance changed and got filled with confusion. Wait, no no. She must be mistaken.

She pounded on the door regardless, but was answered by silence. Her heart was already beating louder than the chips of the birds around her. There was no way, it couldn’t be what she was thinking.

With deep heavy breaths, she ran to the other side of the house and tried looking through the windows, but the windows were shut. For goodness sake, no! It can’t possible! There was no way he’s left already.

“Griffin?” She turned around and called. “Griffin?!”

She panted heavily and brushed her fingers into her hair, ruffling it. No, it couldn’t be possible.

Suddenly, her last words to him flashed through her mind:

‘I’m truly sorry, Griffin, but this would be the very last time we’d be seeing each other. And this time around, I really mean it. There are many ladies out there, you should move on’.

A tear slipped her eye as she leaned her back on the wall for support.

“No…” She whimpered weakly, still ruffling. “No, please”.

Could it be possible he had moved on already? Did he really take her words seriously?

Her heart ached heavily as the dreadful thoughts occupied her. The only reason he had been there was to spend time with her, and for the past few weeks, she hadn’t come to visit him. What if he truly left and had found someone else already? What if he was already in love and it was too late for her? How would she even find him?

“No…!” She cried our as she reached for the ground z huddling her arms and legs together.

The birds chirped even louder, but she paid no attention to them as she cried her eyes out.

Just when she was at the verge of having her freedom, when she was at the verge of having all she’s ever wished for. Why would such misfortune befall her? Dyani couldn’t tell for how long she sat there in the quiet spot, crying painfully, but she stopped when she heard a familiar voice call her name.


In a mini-second, she zapped her head up and was startled when she found Griffin standing before her, looking surprised. He held some fruits and vegetables and depicted he was returning from the market.

Dyani’s eyes dilated with disbelief as her lips stayed open in astonishment.

“Dyani?” Griffin called again.

This time around, he also seemed confused. Like, what was she doing there? Why was she on the ground? And why was she crying?

“Are you…okay?” He squinted, and finally catching her breath, Dyani sprang up from the ground.

“Griffin!” She shrieked as she ran for a hug.

Griffin saw it coming and quickly dropped the items in his hands to welcome her. Dyani hugged him tight like she would ch*oke him, but Griffin couldn’t help but feel more confused. Was Dyani really giving him a hug?

“Oh! Thank goodness! Thank goodness”, she whimpered on his shoulders. “Thank the moon you’re back. I thought I lost you”.

And in his confused state, he wrapped his hand around her to welcome the gesture.


Nosheba couldn’t afford a smile as she watched the little baby s*ckle from her nipple. Although, she was happy and greatly relieved that at last, her womb was free. She was greatly relieved that the baby was finally out and safe. And as she watched him s*ckle from her, she wanted to smile and k*iss him. Of course, she loved him so much at that point, but there was too much pains in her heart – recollecting all the evil she had done. She still couldn’t believe Raksha was executed.

Oh! Her poor baby. How would he feel when he grows up and learns she had been such a monster in the past? How would he feel when he learns his mother was a fallen queen and his father had been executed for treason? Goodness! Why did the goddess allow her to be so evil? She sincerely hated her life and wished there was a way it could be any different.

Suddenly, Shilah walked in, taking her mind off her worries for the meantime. She noticed how Shilah looked at the baby and could tell she was equally relived the whole thing had been successful.

“I trust everything is good?” She asked in that icy tone of hers, maintaining some distance between them.

At some points, Nosheba could hardly believe it was the same Shilah from the palace, the same Shilah that had been so naive, scared and easily intimidated. The same Shilah that could never talk back at anyone or even defend herself. It still puzzled Nosheba how much she changed…

“Yes. The baby seems okay”, she beamed a reply. “Thank you so much, Shilah. I know I have been saying this, but I can never thank you enough. Thank you for giving life to my child”.

Shilah said nothing, not immediately.

“You should rest as much as you can. By morning, I’ll need you to leave. Our deal is done”, she grumped and turned to leave.

She had already gotten to the door and wax about heading out when a thought struck Nosheba.

“Shilah!” She called, making Shilah turn to her with an inquisitive look.

“There is actually something… I’ve wanted to tell you”, she paused and stood up with her baby, resting him on her shoulder. “A year ago, after I was thrown out of the palace, I was seized by the hunters and taken to their camp. There in my cell, I met a woman who had been imprisoned for over twenty years. Her cell was next to mine. So, we communicated with each other. She um…told me a story – a story of how she had fallen in love with a vamplord as a witch, got pregnant but was denied by him”,

At this point, Shilah was retracing her steps back to her.

“She told me she was locked up by her sisters, but had escaped with the help of someone. Eventually, she had her baby – a girl – but the witches caught up with her, using some sort of…map, and during the process, she ended up k*il*ling the queen”, Nosheba paused when Shilah gasped.

“She um…also said she had cloaked her daughter’s powers so the witches wouldn’t find her. The next morning, when she was awake, she was in the hunter’s camp with her daughter gone. I’m telling you this because… part of what she said sounded so similar to the story I heard about your newly-found father – Lord Achlys. And this woman…I would say you have a lot of facial similarities. I… I don’t know, Shilah. But…”

“This woman…” Shilah cut her off. Her eyes were already glistening and her breath came in short and heavy. “Did she say what her name was?”

Nosheba arched her brows in thoughts. “Yes, yes. She did”, she quickly looked up at Shilah. “She said her name was Ayita”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 241-250

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 241 Our Son


The witches couldn’t get to their destination in time. Thus, they had to camp in the woods when it was late enough.

They spread themselves over the area, each person getting a comfortable place to lay. But for Shilah, there was no comfortable position than sitting with her baby in her arms.



Her back was leaned against a tree as she placed him on her huddled legs and stared into his face. He was so beautiful – she thought – and had his father’s eyes.

Oh! The King! She could only imagine what his reaction would be, holding his son for the first time. She could only imagine.

She smiled and k*issed his forehead. And when he giggled, it lightened her cold heart.

Sukie’s footsteps were soon heard, but Shilah didn’t pay attention to her. Not even when she sat next to her, equally staring and smiling at the child.

“Don’t you think you should feed him?” She asked, and that was when Shilah decided to notice her. She spared her a glance before turning back to her son.

“I… actually gave him some water. I mean, he’s two months old. I don’t know what he can eat yet”, she shrugged.

“Yes. Two months old. He needs some milk from his mother. I am very sure he didn’t get that from Ora”, Sukie added.

With that, Shilah lifted her gaze to look at Zinnia who was seated next to Elphaba. She wondered what they were talking about as Elphaba seemed just like a mother having a storytime with her daughter.

Shilah sighed and looked at Sukie.

“I stopped… lactating about two weeks ago. I do not think I can bre@stfeed him”, she stated morosely.

“Well… Now that you have him in your arms again, maybe you should try”, Sukie’s suggestions hit a spot on Shilah’s head.

bre@stfeeding. She never had the chance to experience it with her son. And now that it was seeming like she had the chance, she couldn’t help but feel nervous.

She looked down at the baby and touched his lips – his small beautiful lips. Slowly, she zipped down her cloak until it was free enough to let out her bre@st. And when she brought out one of it, she gulped nervously before extending the n!pple to the baby’s lips. It felt awkward. But, when those baby lips parted and grabbed the nipple, she couldn’t help but chuckle adorably.

“He is so cute”, Sukie laughed.

“I know, right?” Tears burnt her eyes.

There was a moment of silence. The baby played with the nipple, but Shilah could tell no milk was secreting.

“What is his name?” Sukie asked, wearing a soft smile on her face. The question seemed to grip Shilah as she suddenly looked up at the sky.

“I don’t even know. I didn’t have the chance to name him before he was taken from me”, her voice echoed sadness.

“Oh…” Sukie mouthed.

“I guess I will just wait till the King sees him. We can then decide on a name for him”.

“That would be better. I bet the King would be the happiest man”.

“Definitely. I can bet my life on it”. The two ladies laughed into the air.




At the break of dawn, the witches were back on their horses and on track. They rode for hours and only stopped at a restaurant to get some food. And as soon as they were done eating, they were back on their way.

They still could not reach the Wind Walker Mountain that same day. So, they had to camp for the night and resumed the following day.


When Shilah spotted the gates of the Palace before her, her stomach jiggled. Everything in her danced happily, including her heart which beat in rhythm.

Thankfully, the guards at the gate were quick enough to notice her and open up the gates. Else, she’d have blown it off if they had wasted any time. She looked at her baby in front of her and for some reason, got so much energy.

“WHERE IS THE KING?!” She yelled as she rode through the gates.

The smiles on her face were refusing to fade.

The King – who had been in his chambers – saw her riding in and was utterly surprised. A lot of things he saw was strange and unexpected. First, he didn’t expect her to be back so soon. Secondly, riding in with so many witches? Was her plan truly successful? Thirdly, she seemed so happy. And was that…a child with her?

His eyes gleamed the moment the thought hit him. There was a child with her? Like a desperate bird, he dashed out of the room.

Shilah halted her horse in the middle of the Palace and carefully climbed down from it with her son. Still holding the boy in her arms, she began running toward the entrance of the hall, ignoring every stare being thrown at her by the people around. All that mattered was in her arms, right there with her.

A tear strolled down her cheek as she giggled and ran into the hallway. And right there in front of her was the King, taking hurried steps with two guards behind him.

He halted when his eyes found her, but Shilah didn’t falter and continued running towards him.

“My King…!” She chuckled tearfully as she finally got to him. The King’s legs had successfully become too heavy to carry him, but his gaze settled on the boy.

“Shilah, what’s going on? Who’s child is this?” The questions ran through his head and itched to come out of his lips, but somehow, he was d*um*b.

“My King…! It’s him! It’s our son!” Shilah answered his curiousity with tears.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 242 Prince Aksel

Shilah couch watch the King’s brows quirk as she handed the child to him. The shock was worth a thousand diamonds and was never something to be hidden.

Feeling the baby in his arms, he was left speechless and doubtful. His son?

He looked at the face of the child with so much confusion, being more awed by his beautiful eyes – eyes that looked like his. And his calm, innocent face…

The moment he’d received him in his arms, he felt a kind of peace he’s never gotten from anyone before. But that didn’t take his confusion away. He looked up at Shilah with eyes holding a thousand questions.



“Our son?” The words finally left his mouth. “My son? H… How, Shilah?”

Now, that was the first time Shilah saw the King stutter.

“It is not a dream, My King. I… I told you the Spirits had a plan. And I was so sure they’d never forsake me. See? They led me to our son”, she wavered.

The King’s eyes still held so much questions: How did it happen? Where did you meet him? Who had him in the first place? What truly happened?

For a moment, he thought of throwing them all at Shilah, but when his eyes caught the sight of the baby’s face again, his heart melted and concluded the questions didn’t really matter at that point.

He closed his eyes and placed the baby on his chest, giving him the little hug, he could. There was a cold rush down his body, one that he couldn’t explain.

It was indeed, his son. His flesh and blood, heir. The very son he’s waited for so long. Just when he had lost all hope… His son..!

More tears strolled Shilah’s cheeks as she watched the King hold the boy with so much passion. If it wasn’t for the kind of person he was, she was very sure he’d have had a break down as well. But surely, the King needed no tears to express how grateful he was. He needed no tears to express how much the little bundle in his arms meant to him. It was crystal clear and overwhelming.

Shilah went closer and hugged him from behind, while he held their son with him.




“So, she just found him – floating there in the river?” The King inquired, asking questions from the story Shilah had just narrated.

“Yes. And I believe she was telling the truth”, Shilah replied, mixing the baby food on the table.

They were in the King’s room. And while the King cradled the baby in his arms, Shilah prepared his meal which the maids had brought in a while ago.

“It still doesn’t matter”, The King gruffed. “You should have found a way to bring her to me, Shilah – she and her husband. They saw a little child, figured it might be ours but still decided to keep it? That is nothing but pure evil and people like them do not deserve to be shown mercy. You should have brought them to me”.

Shilah sighed and turned with the baby food.

“Believe me, My King, I wanted to hurt them too. And I could have done that without looking. But their little girl was there, and she’s the reason I got to know of their plot. It wasn’t just right to k*il*l her parents right before her even after she pleaded. I owed her that”, she explained.

But the King was still not satisfied. Although, he could understand doing the little girl a favour, but he still wasn’t happy the parents went unharmed.

Shilah proceeded to sit next to him. She attempted feeding the child, but the King insisted on doing it instead and she let him. He took a spoonful of the baby milk and pushed it through the boy’s lips. And as the baby received it, Shilah and the King couldn’t help but chuckle.

“He is so adorable”, she cooed.

“I know. Just like his father”, Dakota’s reply made Shilah roll her eyes.

A while later and she was touching the baby’s face.

“The Spirits bringing this boy to me is the biggest blessing I’ve ever received. I don’t even know what to say”, she uttered.

“Well, I know what to say, Shilah. And that is – thank you for always believing in them. Thank you for never losing hope, for following their directions that led you to our son. Now, I know I can always believe you and them”, The King stated tenderly and placed a k*iss on her cheek.

Seeing Shilah’s cheek go red actually turned him on.

“We are both very lucky”, she said. “And now we’ve finally found him, I’ll make sure we never have to lose him again”.

“That is not a responsibility for you alone. This time around, I’ll protect him with my life”.

He looked at Shilah and they both k*issed.

There was a brief silence afterward with just the King feeding the little boy.

“What do you think we should name him?” Shilah asked.

It was at that point the King realized his son didn’t have a name yet. It reflected on his face.

“Um…Do you have any ideas?” He looked at her and asked.

“Not really. I wanted you to do it”.

King Dakota smiled and gazed upon his son’s face.

“Aksel”, the name was magical when it left his lips. “I will go with Aksel”.

Shilah was amused.

“Wow. Sounds really… interesting. What does it mean?” She asked with a chuckle.

“Father of peace”, Dakota responded, still staring beautifully at the baby’s face. “And that is because I want my son to have so much peace. His father went through a lot of troubles, but he will be different. And peace shall be his companion”.

Shilah smiled at the interpretation, it made her blush.

“You have the greatest idea, My King. It’s just perfect for him”, she touched his lips as she spoke.


Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 243 Her Revenge

Her hands were wrapped around her shoulders as she stood facing the window, the tips of her fingers shaking. Everything Gina said echoed in her head, although she could clearly comprehend her.

Shilah was back with their lost son – The King’s first son. His heir. After everything that’s happened, the boy still survived. He still returned.

She shivered as breeze gushed in through the window and hit her face. Although, she wasn’t sure the breeze was the reason she shivered. She shivered out of fear.

It was all over. Her presence would become meaningless. Everything she had ever fought for, all her sacrifices, lost – they’d all be in vain.



Why did the boy have to survive? After she lost her child and fertility? Of course, she was so sure Shilah’s curse was the reason for her predicament. So, how dare the boy survive when she had lost everything?!

“What do we do, my Queen?” Gina asked from behind.

“My Queen?” She called after some time when she got no response. Chaska was too weak and frustrated to even think straight. Her lips were almost too heavy to move. But she f0rced them to.

“I don’t know, Gina” her voice was thin. Feebly, she turned from the window.

“I honestly don’t know what to do. Right now, I’m tired, confused and tired of fighting. Because each time I fight, I end up losing more. It was due to one of my fights I made the King hate me. It was one of the fights that made me lose my respect in the presence of everyone. One of my fights made me lose Mavy. Urika became an imbecile. And now, I am barren for life. So, I think I am tired, Gina. I am tired”, she sniffled and turned back to the window.

Gina was gobsmacked. For the first time ever, her Queen displayed weakness, defeat. For the first time ever, her Queen gave up on a fight. How?




“I am truly happy for you, Shilah. This has to be the best news I have heard in a long time”, Dyani chuckled as she walked down the empty walkway with Shilah.

“You know, I never stopped believing that boy would be back. Just as much as you believed in the Spirits, I believed in the goddess and never stopped praying on your behalf”.

Shilah let out a small smile. Dressed in her favourite black cloak with it’s hoodie over her head, she looked superior to Dyani who was simply clothed in a red dress. The two ladies had been chit-chatting as they sauntered toward the exit.

“Thank you, Dyani. You should know you cannot be happier than I am” Shilah answered, her cheeks beaming.

They got out to the main field and received lots of greetings from guards and maids. The love had increased since the news spread out since the previous day. She could feel it.

“Where are we even headed, Shilah?” Dyani asked as they got to the horse stables.

“To see some old friends”, Shilah supplied.

Dyani watched her in surprise as she pulled her black horse from the stables. “old friends?” She pondered. What old friends would Shilah want to see?

“Come on, Dyani” Shilah c*oc*ked her head as she climbed on her horse. And heaving a sigh, Dyani got on.

“But, what about your son?” She asked as they began trotting toward the gate.

“He is with the King. I wanted to bring him along, but the hungry father wouldn’t let me” Shilah chuckled, making Dyani laugh as well.


They rode for a long time with Shilah still not revealing their destination to Dyani. She insisted on keeping it private. Finally, they stopped running and just began trotting slowly on their horses.

“So, what are your plans, Shilah?” Dyani asked along the way.

“I mean, with your son back in the picture, your plans with the King needs to change. I know you wouldn’t want to leave without him, but we both know the King would also not want to live without him. So, what are your plans?”

Shilah was silent for a while as she seemed lost in thoughts.

“Honestly, I have no idea, Dyani” she sighed. “I mean, with the witches also in the picture, I can’t just abandon them. I need to…fix them first, settle their new home. But…”, she paused and exhaled deeply.

“I should be happy, right? I mean, with my son back, I should feel complete. But I don’t know, Dyani. I just feel like … there is something I am still missing. Like a part of me is still incomplete”.

“Why?” Dyani arched her brows.

“That is the point! I do not know” Shilah scoffed. “I can’t even explain it. But I just feel like there is something I have not done yet. It doesn’t have to do with the witches, it doesn’t have to do with the King. But I just don’t know it yet”.

She sounded really worried and it bothered Dyani as well. What could it be?

Finally, they got to their destination as Shilah halted her horse.

“Is this it?” Dyani asked with furrowed brows, staring at the house before her.

It was an old building and they stopped some distance away from it, still seated on their horses.

“Yes” Shilah answered with a cranky smile. Dyani waited for her to say more, but she didn’t and just kept staring at the house.

“Okay … So, what about it? Which of your friends lives there?” She inquired, but Shilah sniggered before answering.

“THIS is where I grew up”, she sighed. “The very home I grew up as a slave to people I thought were my family”.

“Oh…” Dyani nodded in comprehension. “Now, I see. You told me all about them”.

There was a brief silence.

“So… why are we here? Do you want to make peace with them?” She asked, finding it difficult to understand why Shilah would want to visit them.

“Peace?” She laughed dryly, befuddling Dyani the more. “I truly wish I was here for peace”.

Calmly, she closed her eyes and stretched her hand towards it. Dyani watched in confusion. But her thoughts became clear when a fire started on the roof of the house.

“Shilah!” She caught her breath in a gasp, stunned. “For Selene’s sake! What are you doing?”

Shilah said nothing as she opened her eyes and watched the house burning from the roof. Immediately, screams were heard.

A grim smile crossed her lips.

“They do not deserve a home”, she gruffed, turned her horse around and began riding away.

Dyani was in big shock as she watched the fire spread with screams accompanying it. She figured soon , they’d be running out of the house. And still in shock, she turned and rode after Shilah.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 244 Meeting Up

“Shilah, did you really have to do that? Of what use is it?” Dyani questioned as she got off her horse, same time with Shilah.

“I cannot believe you rode all the way to their place just to render them homeless. What is wrong with you, Shilah? What do you expect them to do?” The people at the horse stables were effortlessly eavesdropping at their conversation but did not react as they collected their horses from them.

Well, Dyani didn’t have a better place to scold Shilah. She had been riding very fast and wouldn’t give her a chance to level up. So, the only opportunity she had was when they arrived at the Palace.

“Those people deserve worst, Dyani. They should be happy all I did was make them homeless”, Shilah hissed and began walking away.



Dyani followed.

“But, why do you need to do it? You already got what you wanted, Shilah. You should be happy”.

“I am happy, but it does not take the bad memories away. And it never will. To be honest, those people deserve worst”. She fastened her steps to walk faster than Dyani.


The room was filled with nothing but glum as Prince Raksha sat beside his mother, head resting in his palms. Though, they said nothing, but their silence was loud enough for a stranger to tell something was wrong.

The Queen sat moody with her hands crossed below her chest, her son’s words echoing in her head. The nervousness she felt at that moment was something she had never felt before, not even at her time with Dakota’s mother. She was pained and bittered, and at the same time, terrified.

“You need to say something, mother”, Raksha suddenly grunted. “It’s been almost an hour since I came in here with my decision, but you haven’t said a word”.

“And what do you expect me to say, Raksha? Support your decision about opening up to Shilah and the King? Do you even know how complicated that would be?” The Queen asked.

“Complicated?” Raksha scoffed and glanced between his legs. “What could be more complicated than this, mother? I am becoming impotent! I cannot function anymore, mother! Don’t you think it’s more frustrating? To think I cannot have a child of my own? The only child I had was with Nosheba, but all thanks to you, Nosheba is nowhere to be found!”

“All thanks to me?” The Queen stood up. “Are you trying to blame me for what happened? Nosheba got what she deserved, Raksha! She acted out of greed and betrayal, hence, the reason she got banished”.

“Well, does it really matter? The truth is, we put that idea into her head. When Nosheba was married into this Palace, she never had any evil intentions. But you, mother, you saw her to be vulnerable and encouraged me to go for her. So yes, we poisoned her mind and made her believe hurting others was the right thing. So yes, it’s our fault. And it’s your fault because I learnt everything from you!”

Deep silence followed his last words, it hit the Queen so hard, she couldn’t conceal the shock from her face.

Seeing that his mother had become d*um*bstruck, Raksha stood up and turned toward the door.

“Everything I did, Raksha, was for your sake”, The Queen’s words halted him, though he didn’t turn to look at her.

“I didn’t want you to go through what I did. I didn’t want you to forever be known as your brother’s servant. So, I decided to fight and teach you to fight as well. Yet, you stand there and point accusing fingers at me?” She paused and heaved a sigh.

“Go on, then. Go to Shilah and confess what you did so her curse can be lifted. But before you do that, make sure your grave is already dug out”.

Raksha turned to look at her, his eyes glowering. And in that moment, he used words he never thought he’d use:

“I just wish I had a better mother”. The Queen’s eyes dilated in shock. But Raksha gave no further time to her as he flounced out of the room.




Since she returned to the Palace with Dyani, Shilah had been bittered and worried. No matter how hard she tried bringing the strong female in her, she just couldn’t stop herself from reflecting on Dyani’s reprimanding words.

She couldn’t even go to the King but had stayed in her room all day, roaming her mind on it. Was she truly a bad person for setting the house ablaze? Was it evil of her? She couldn’t explain her reasons for not restricting herself. She couldn’t explain why she had felt so much hatred that she had to burn down the house.

Yes, she should be happy. Her son was back and she was getting reunited with the King. But recalling the horrors she had to face with them, she couldn’t help but feel so much hate and anger.

She was still lost in thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. At first, she thought it would be Dyani, but when she approached it and opened, she discovered it was the King. He had their son with him. And the moment Shilah saw him, she felt her heart becoming lighter.

“Hey”, she cooed and gently took the baby from him. Afterwards, he walked into the room.

“I cannot believe you’ve been here, Shilah. I’ve been waiting for you and just decided to check in here”, the King said, running his eyes around the room to see if he could have a clue.

“I’m sorry, My King. I just …needed some space”, She sighed while patting the baby’s back.

“Some space? Is there a problem?”

“Not…really. It’s nothing to be worried about”.

There was a brief silence as Shilah took a seat and brushed her fingers into the baby’s hair. A smile tapped her lips, admiring how handsome he looked.

“I’ve found a place for your sisters to stay for the meantime”, The King broke the silence, the good news lifting Shilah up.

“Although… it’s not here. It’s just somewhere outside the mountain”.

“It… It doesn’t matter. As long as it would be spacious enough to occupy them”, Shilah interrupted excitedly.

“Yes. It’s big enough. Has… about eight rooms, a garden, fine surroundings. I’m sure they can manage it until we finalize the agreement. You know, them becoming a part of us. I’ve already called for a meeting with the other Alphas and VampLords. As soon as we are done discussing and arrive at an agreement, I’ll let you know”.

“Oh! Thank you so much!” She cooed, getting on her feet. “I do not know how to repay you for this, My King”.

The King smiled as he covered up the distance between them.

“Well… I do know a way”. Seeing the seduction in his eyes, Shilah lowered her gaze and flushed.

“Actually, I need to go back to Azalea Village”, she looked up and said after a brief silence.

“You… want to go to the house of your trainer?” The King asked with a crumpled look.

“Yes. I just…need to get the rest of my things from her and also bid her farewell. I might not see her again for a long time”.

“I see”, the King nodded in understanding. “I think…I might have a better idea. Why don’t I go with you and meet this woman? So I can thank her for bringing out the best in you?” he touched her chin, making her eyes beam with a smile.

“That would be so nice! Actually, it’s a great idea! You know, Bastet has this daughter who is so scared of you! She hates the mention of your name alone. I’ve tried talking to her to know what you did wrong, but she never opened up. So, I think this would be a perfect opportunity to meet with her and reconcile. Jael is a very nice lady and would want her to know you’re not as monstrous as she thinks”.

The story had gotten the King really interested, his brows were furrowed.

“I do not think I know anyone by that name. But I would really want to meet her and know what happened”, he replied.

“Perfect. Tomorrow, then? We ride out. The witches goes to their new home, while we go see Bastet”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 245 The Walters

Shilah and the King were up early the next morning, considering the task they had for the day.

She had broken the news of their new home to her sisters the previous day and it brought nothing short of joy to them. But she also told them she wouldn’t be going with them for the first time as she had somewhere to go with the King. Hence, Pishan was the one a*s*signed to lead them.

She was in the room with the King, trying to dress the baby when one of the guards knocked and gained permission to enter.

“Greetings, My King. Greetings, Queen Shilah”, the young man bowed humbly.



“Greetings to you too”, Shilah responded.

“What is the problem, Nahele?” King Dakota asked.

“Sorry for the interruption, My King, but some people are here to see you – the families of Walter. They claim their house was burnt to the ground yesterday and currently have no place to stay. So, they’re seeking for help”, The guard reported.

The moment Shilah heard that, an ugly feeling gurlged into her system. Her hands paused on her son’s dress as she looked up at the guard.

“Their house was burnt to the ground? Did they say how?” The King asked with a crumpled look.

“No. They just said it started from nowhere and before they could get help, it was too late for them”.

There was a brief silence. Then, the King stood up.

“Alright, then. Take me to them”.

“Wait…!” Shilah interrupted and stood up. The King and the guard looked at her.

“Uhm…they are my family, the family I grew up with” .

“They are?” The King arches his brows, surprised. And Shilah nodded.

“Can I…be the one to attend to them?” She inquired timidly. Her request didn’t sit so well with the King, it refected on his face.

“Please… Since I haven’t seen them in a long time and I’d really want to do the honors”. Shilah coaxed.

And giving thoughts to her reasons, the King decided to permit it. “Go ahead, then. Let me know when you’re done”, he took her position beside the baby.

“Thank you, My King”, Shilah bowed and left with the guard.

So many thoughts flashed through her head as she walked down the walkway with the guard. She had expected the Walters to come to the King for help, but now they’re finally there, she couldn’t let them get it.

She was confused and pondered her mind around Dyani’s words, “I cannot believe you rode all the way to their place just to render them homeless.”

“But, why do you need to do it? You already got what you wanted, Shilah. You should be happy”.

Her heart began beating heavily as her conscience questioned her humanity. Was she truly changing a lot? Few months ago, she would never have the heart to do this to anyone. But now, she could do it without blinking. Was she becoming more of evil and less of the Shilah she was known to be?

She didn’t notice the maids paying courtesy to her on the way as her mind was occupied with contradicting thoughts. But finally, she and the guard got to the hall where her family was.

She slowed down her steps as she began taking a good look at them, same way they are shocked upon seeing her.

At first, when they saw the elegant lady in black cloak walking through the door, they never thought it was Shilah. The lady looked too cold, strict and powerful with dark eyes. But when they took a proper look at the face, they could finally recognize the Shilah in her.

Gasps of surprises rippled through them as they exchanged glances at each other, finding it hard to believe. Though, they had heard rumours of how much she changed, they just never expected it to be that much.

Shilah had a repugnant look on her face as she stared at them. The entire family was there – her foster parents, Ina, Vanessa, Pia, Evo. They were all present.

She had been battling with her conscience a while ago, but now that she’s finally set her eyes on them, only one advice came to her head. And that was the advice she had gotten from Bastet.

“Never fall for the pitiful looks on the faces of others. Some are chameleons and only carried it on ’cause they needed it”.

“Bless Selene’s name! Shilah?” Mrs. Walter called softly, her hand on her chest. “I cannot believe this is you. You have…”, she ran a head-to-toe stare at her. “… you have grown so big”.

“And….more beautiful” Ina chuckled lightly.

There was a brief silence. Mr. Walter and Evo were filled with shock and guilt, they could not utter a word. Same with Vanessa. Shilah’s face was so straight, it made the Walters think their condition might have to be more complicated than they expected.

“The next time you call me by my name might be the last time you ever call a name”, she grumped.

Her words hit the Walters so hard, they exchanged glances at each other. There was so much coldness in her voice, one that was strange to them.

“I am the Alpha King’s wife and Queen. Hence, you must address me as one”, she added. She turned to the guard beside her, ordering him to leave them. And he did.

“The King sent me here to attend to you”, she continued, taking some steps closer to them. “I would have loved to ask how you’ve been. But, the truth is, I do not care. So, why are you here?”

Nothing was said for a while as the Walters needed to stomach the unexpected scenario. “We were…”

“I need the father of the house to do the talking”, she cut Mrs. Walter off.

It rose the brows of Mr. Walter as he hadn’t been ready to talk to her. Looking up at Shilah, Mr. Walter found her staring coldly at him. He couldn’t keep up, so he lowered his gaze to the floor.

“Um… yesterday, our home was burnt to the ground. We tried our best to rescue it but, we could barely savage a thing. So…” he paused and sighed, his gaze still on the floor.

“We are here for help, because we really need it. If there’s any way the King can a*s*sist us…”

“I’m sorry, but you cannot get the help you are asking”, Shilah cut him off. “Actually, I can’t believe you have the nerves to stand before me and ask for help”.

“Please Shilah, this is not the time to dwell on the past. We are stranded and truly need this help”, Vanessa chipped in, but Shilah ignored her.

“Everyone of you treated me like garbage years ago, just because I wasn’t your blood. Should I remind you of the nights you made me sleep on the cold floor? The nights you’d lock me out and let the rain pour on me? Or the days you’d stab me just because I offended you? Or the days you sent me out even when you knew it was dangerous? Staring at all of you, all I can think about are those memories and the only person that deserves my help right now is Vanessa, because she was the only one who proved to me that sisterhood was not based on blood alone”.

There was a stunned silence.

“Vanessa”, Shilah went on. “I want you to join me and work by my side. If you are interested, I’m ready to help you alone. You’ll never have the need to lack or worry. Come with me if you’re interested”.

She turned and began walking away.

“Shilah, please….”Mrs. Walter’s voice broke in, halting her steps.

“I know we have offended you. What we did to you is unforgivable. But please, for the sake everything you believe in, show mercy on us. We…we have nowhere to run to. We…we are still your family. Remember, I was your mother”.

“Mother?” Shilah scoffed as she turned to her. Her eyes held a ridiculous glare.

“How dare you refer yourself as my mother? The last time I called you that, you told me my mother was dead. So, you have no right to ever claim that position in my life.

“If you ask me, I’d say I’m happy my mother is dead. Because it’s better to have a dead mother than to have a family like you. Trust me, you deserve worst”.

“Maybe, everything happened for a reason!” Ina cried out. “Think about it, Shilah. If we hadn’t f0rced you to go out that day, you never would’ve met the King. Right? And… you probably wouldn’t be here. So, maybe the goddess was only making us achieve your dreams”.

“How ridiculous of you to even think that”, Shilah walked toward her. “Have you not heard the popular saying? That Destiny can only be delayed, but can never be denied? With or without your cruelty, I’d have met the King because I was destined to meet him. As far as I know, you all delayed me from meeting him earlier. Perhaps, I’d have been his first and only wife and wouldn’t have to face all the battles I did. You disgust me”, she turned and resumed walking away.

“Please, Shilah! Don’t leave us behind. We really need your help! Please…!”

“Shilah, please…!”

But she ignored their pleas until she got to the door.

“Come with me, Vanessa”, she added gruffly and left.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 246 Her Revenge

Disbelief gushed through Shilah as she heard the last words from the King. Her brows c*oc*ked and her heart skipped a beat.

“The woman that k*il*led my mother”, his worse echoed in her head. Jael…Jael k*il*led his mother? She was the murderer? But…how?

“I told you I never wanted to meet him, Shilah. You betrayed me”, Jael whimpered, her chest panting heavily.

“No! It… It’s not what you think. I just…” Shilah was short of words.



“I can never forget her traitorous face”, The King gritted, taking a step closer.

“How she drove that sword into my mother’s chest and lured me to the temple where I k*il*led the goddess’ servant and got cursed. For years, I had to endure the insults, humiliation and curse from the goddess. For years, I suffered greatly for what she did”.

Pain had filled the King’s eyes already. For a strong man like him to show pain, it only evinced how deep it was.

“It’s not what you think…” Jael broke down, her gaze lowering in tears. “I’m so sorry…”

King Dakota stood for a while, just staring at her with eyes of bitterness. While Shilah found the whole thing difficult to believe. Jael was the murderer? But how? No wonder she had disliked her from the beginning. No wonder she feared and hated the mention of the King’s name. And no wonder Bastet said she had become reserved and isolated after she returned from a journey years ago. That journey was obviously related to the murder.

King Dakota returned to the carriage, his intentions not being known to Shilah. Seizing the opportunity of his absence, Shilah hurried to Jael who was soaked in tears.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Jael?” She shook her shoulders. “Why did you hide this from me? I thought you only hated him because he did something to you. And… why would you even k*il*l his mother?”

Jael’s throat had become constricted, she found it hard to speak. Shilah heard footsteps behind her and turned to see the King returning from the carriage. This time, he had dropped the baby and held a sword with him. Shilah’s eyes dimmed in realization.

“No! No! No! My King…”, she stood in the way, spreading her hands out.

“Step aside, Shilah. Do not make me hurt you”, Dakota’s eyes were filled with fury. His eye balls had turned red and the hair on his skin erected.

“Please, we need to talk about this. Let’s hear from her, at least…!” She turned to Jael. “Why did you do it? Surely, you wouldn’t just feel like taking a life. What were your reasons?”

Jael was still drenched in fear. But she knew she was running out of time and needed to say something.

“I never wanted to do it”, she sniffled, her hands shaking. “I swear… I did it for them”.

Shilah arched her brows and glanced at the King before looking back at Jael. “For them? Who are you talking about?”

“I don’t know! It was… just a man. He had offered me some money to execute the job. I never got to know he worked for. And few months later, I learnt he was dead”, she broke down in more tears.

“I’m so sorry, Shilah. I’m deeply sorry. I know I’m wrong, but I’ve regretted my actions since then and that’s the reason I hid in my shell. I am so sorry. Please.”

For the next minute, only her whimpers were heard. Shilah had grown weak and didn’t know how to react.

“You k*il*led my mother and made me cursed because of money?” Dakota’s voice echoed with fresh pain. “You never did it ’cause I offended you or my mother did, you did it for your selfishness”.

Jael wept bitterly.

“You deserve worst than death”, Dakota lifted his sword and aimed toward her, but Shilah stopped him.

“We can still talk about this!” She yelled – nervously. “She was paid, My King. Why don’t we find the real culprits?”

“I do not care if she was paid or not. It happened by her hands and by my hands she must die. I told you this story months ago, Shilah – the very day I set my eyes on my mother’s k*il*ler, I’d k*il*l her. And today is that day”, he tried to go at the lady again, but Shilah stood in his way.

“She’s the only child of her mother”, her voice cracked. “I am what I am today because of Bastet. Please, do not repay her with such pain”.

The King’s eyes glared at Jael.

“And I was the only child of my mother”, he mumbled coldly and pushed Shilah aside to gain access to Jael.

But just as he pushed her, Shilah stretched out a hand and inflicted a pain on his arm, one that would be strong enough to paralyze it.

“Urgh!!” Dakota grunted as he struggled with the pain which made it difficult for him to hold his sword.

Jael decided to seize the opportunity to escape. But as she began running out of the compound, Dakota turned to her direction. And with every strength in him – a strength that was greater than Shilah’s power – he aimed his sword and threw it at her.

“NOO OOO!!!” Shilah screamed excruciatingly as she watched the sword dive into her back, bringing her to her knees.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 247 Shilah’s Curse

“JAEL!!” Shilah screamed as she watched the friend she had known for months go down to the ground, the sword stuck in her back.

Tears stung her eyes and her heart pounded heavily. She ran to her, dropping to her knees but only got heartbroken when she discovered it might be too late for her. Nevertheless, she pulled out the sword from her back and attempted healing her, but it couldn’t work.

“What did you do?” She whimpered as she stared into her struggling face, resting her head on her laps. “What have you done?”

Jael gasped for air. Her lips struggled to speak. But finally, she was defeated by the cold hands of death that came knocking a few seconds later.



Shilah bent her head and wept profusely, her heart tearing up. Seeing that the lady was dead, Dakota walked to the carriage where he said some words to the rider before leaving with his son. He walked away, leaving the carriage behind.

Shilah noticed him leaving but didn’t even spare a glance at him as she continued crying on Jael. Her heart ached and felt nothing but bitterness as she cried for a long time. How would Bastet take the news? How would she live the rest of her life, knowing she had no one? No child? How would she take such news?


Shilah remained there for a long time, wishing she never brought the King to Azalea in the first place. She wished she had just respected Jael’s fears and never tried to make peace. Oh! She blamed herself. She blamed herself so greatly, she might never be able to forgive.

She thought of Bastet. How does she share the news to the old woman? There was no way she’d forgive herself if she watched the old woman cry over her daughter’s death. She wouldn’t be able to take it.

Soaked in guilt, Shilah stood up from the ground, her dress spattered with blood that irked her even more. Giving one last stare at the corpse, Shilah could not believe that was Jael lying in cold blood. She might have had a terrible past, but the few months she spent with her made her understand just how good she was. She had become a friend. How would she forgive herself, knowing Jael died because of her?

She dabbed some of the tears from her eyes before stomping to the carriage.

“Where is the King?” She demanded angrily from the guard. He had her son and she needed to go get him.

“He went to the inn, Queen Shilah. He asked me to bring you there when you’re done”, responded the guard, selecting his words carefully so he doesn’t take the hit for something he had no hand in.

Grouchily, she took a seat and the carriage moved.


Shilah didn’t know how long it took them to get to the inn, her mind had been too occupied the whole time with pained and bittered thoughts. The moment the carriage stopped moving, she got out and walked in to the inn, meeting the female worker at the desk.


“I’m looking for the Alpha King. Where is his room?” Shilah cut the lady off who looked confused afterward.

Alpha King? The thought rang in her head. From her expression, Shilah could tell she didn’t know what the Alpha King looked like.

“Did a man holding a little boy lodge in here of recent?” She broke it down.

“Y…es,” the lady dallied, throwing suspicious stares at Shilah that whispered: who are you and why asking after the Alpha King?

“Take me to his room. Now”, she demanded.

And seeing the lady before her was desperate and furious, the receptionist led the way. They took some old creaky steps, walked down a hallway and stopped in front of a door.

“This is it, but …is that really the Alpha King in there?” the lady asked in a whisper, but Shilah ignored her and knocked on the door. Realizing Shilah was not in the moods for talk, the receptionist had to leave.

Shilah knocked again, and again before the door was finally opened for her. Her eyes glinted with unreadable expression as they stared at the King who left the door open before returning to the room. She walked in and found her boy asleep on the bed. King Dakota was shirtless and backed her while fixing some things on the table.

“I’m here to take Aksel”, Shilah said from behind, taking a big gulp with her eyes down on the floor.

“For what reason?” Dakota turned strictly and moved towards her. “Why would you want to take my boy away?”

Shilah lifted her gaze to him, since he was standing so close to her, she felt a little intimidated.

“I begged you not to do it”, she gritted. “You should have listened”.

“You should know I’ll always respect you, Shilah. No matter how difficult it is, I always try to please you. But if you think I’d apologize for getting justice for my mother, you lie”, Dakota stated brusquely and turned away.

“She was my friend!” Shilah yelled tearfully, but the King didn’t look at her. “Her mother is the reason I am who I am today. She saved me!”

“She TRAINED you, not saved. The Spirits made you what you are, Shilah. You don’t have to give the glory to a mortal”, he answered coldly, focusing on what he fixed on the table.

“I understand she k*il*led your mother”, Shilah went after him. “I understand she caused you pain, but was k*il*ling her the best option you had? What difference has that caused you? It didn’t bring back your mother, did it?”

“And what about your family?” King Dakota turned to her, his eyes glinting with anger. “If it were so easy to forgive, why did you take revenge on them? You burnt down their house and sent them away even when they came to the Palace”.

Shilah’s brows dropped immediately. Her heart gave a mighty leap as shock spasmed through her. How did he know that?!

“You think I had no idea?” Dakota covered up the distance between them. “I know everything, Shilah. I was watching you. Your family, they only t*ortur*ed you. They never k*il*led you, or anyone close to you. Yet, you couldn’t forgive and went ahead to punish them. But you stand here, chastening me about k*il*ling my mother’s murderer, simply because she’s your friend? Don’t be an hypocrite, Shilah”.

Shilah broke down immediately, falling to the floor as tears streaked her cheeks. Guilt ate her up.

“The same way you couldn’t forgive your family, was the same way I couldn’t forgive the lady that k*il*led my mother and had me cursed for years. So, don’t sit there and judge me”, Dakota added and turned away.

Seated on the floor in tears, Shilah laid curses on the real culprits – whoever had paid Jael to carry out the dirty task. She laid bittered curses on them – prayed to the Spirits to make them so sick, they’d die in three days. She also prayed to the Spirits to make it come to pass.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 248 Raksha’s Frustration


Mato was dishevelled as he held the door open while the servants rushed Queen Jade and Prince Raksha into his herbal room. Both mother and son were unconscious and looked like they had stopped breathing.

“What happened to them?!” Mato demanded when the mother and son were finally set down on the seperate beds.

He noticed their faces were pale, depicting how drained and unwell they were.



“The maids just found them like this. They had gone to serve breakfast but met something else. It’s more like it had happened while they were asleep”, Pishan explained with a worried look, feeling thankful he hadn’t spent the night with Sukie like he had intended.

“That is strange”, Mato quirked his brows. “The Queen and I spoke just yesterday and she looked very healthy. Why would she and her son take ill on the same morning?”

He hurried to one of his tables and returned with a portion in a plate.

“Could they have been poisoned?” He mumbled as he took a spoonful of the plate content and applied on the Queen’s chapped lips.

He waited a few seconds, but the color did not change. He did same on Raksha’s lips, but the outcome was the same.

“They were not poisoned”, Mato’s face crumpled up. “What else could have happened?”

The old man seemed lost in thoughts.

“What can you do for them, Mato? I do not hink they have enough time”, Pishan urged. And taking a deep breath, the old man went ahead to do what he could.




Shilah wore her second pair of boots and stood up to behold the King staring at her from behind. He was holding Aksel and blowing light whistles at him. Shilah wouldn’t deny the father and son looked cute together, but she looked away and turned to the window.

Her countenance was as dull as the morning weather. Or perhaps, she was the only one thinking it was dull as she was in a bad mood.

The past hours had been terrible for her – pain, regret, revenge. She was pained over Jael’s death. She regretted bringing the King to see them. And she wanted revenge on the real culprits that’d hired Jael. Revenge. That was what she wanted.

Her heart ached each time she thought of Bastet and how the old woman would react upon seeing her daughter’s corpse. What would life become of her?

Shilah wondered if she needed to go to her and confess, but she also feared her relationship with the woman would be ruined forever. She equally feared her wrath. Why did things have to turn this sour between them?

Shortly, she felt a hand hold her from behind but did not bother to turn as she knew it was the King. Since the previous day, they’ve had very limited conversations, it made Shilah wonder what could be running through his mind. Formerly, she had wanted to be angry with him, but she also fixed herself in his shoes and realized she might have done the same. She just felt bad it had to be someone she knew.

“How do you feel now?” Dakota asked as he held on tight from behind. His arms brought some warmth to her skin.

Shilah knew she could not ignore the King. She couldn’t even stay angry at him.

“Not any better”, she sighed.

King Dakota rolled his hands down to her waist and held her there.

“I am sorry about yesterday, Shilah. But, I needed to do what was necessary – it was a promise I made to my late mother”, he cooed.

Shilah drew in a deep breath and turned to face him. “We should get going. Hopefully, we might arrive Wind Walker in two days”.

She gave him a purposeful soft stare and walked away.




Queen Jade and her son laid helplessly on their separate beds. Despite the thick covering on them, they still shivered like they were freezing to death.

For the past two days, they had been in the Physician’s local room, and though, it wasn’t conducive, they had no choice but to remain in it.

Raksha coughed profusely, his chest already too weak. He had been coughing for the past two days with no remedies, and he was already looking as pale as a corpse. His forehead trickled with sweat despite the cold they felt.

Queen Jade weakly turned from her bed to look at him. She wanted to comfort him, but her lips were too heavy to move.

Raksha continued coughing until he spat out blood.

“Where is Mato?” Queen Jade managed to grunt. The physician had left to get some herbs but was taking so long to return. Raksha’s stopped coughing, but his chest panted heavily like he was losing breath.

“What do you think, mother?” He spoke with difficulty. “We are being punished”.

The Queen arched her sweaty brows.

“Do you think falling ill all of a sudden is natural? This is not normal. The Physician has been trying to treat us for days, but no herbs has been working. We are being punished for our sins”.

“Keep shut…Raksha. Someone might hear you”, the Queen mumbled.

Raksha scoffed as he turned sideways to look at her. “And you think I care? Actually, mother. I am tired of holding this burden up my chest. I am tired and just need everyone to know!” He inhaled deeply and laid flat on the bed, staring upwards.

“Reflecting on the things I’ve done, I find it hard to believe they were actually done by me. From all the torment we brought on Queen Nana, to her planned death and setting Dakota up to get cursed. Then, Nosheba, the children, Shilah’s son…I cannot believe how many evil I’ve done in just one lifetime. Surely, it is enough to get me cursed”.

“Do not be unreasonable”, the queen coughed. “Everything you did was for your own good. You do not have to blame yourself…”

“My own good?” Raksha wanted badly to laugh, but he couldn’t. “What good exactly? All for the throne? Same throne that rightfully belonged to death? Same throne that made me a beta? Tell me, mother, despite all the atrocities I made, did I succeed in getting the throne? In the end we are losers. So, let’s get it straight – I didn’t do all those for my own good, I did them because you f0rced me to. You were just a selfish warrior who used me as her sword”.

His words were choking the Queen, but she tried to breath.

“All I did was fight for my son to be better. Yet I’m called selfish”.

“Because you were!” Raksha f0rcefully grunted. It cost him a lot, though, as he began coughing profusely.

Just then, Mato entered. And he flinched when he found the prince coughing painfully.

“Prince Raksha!” He hurried to him. “Oh! So sorry I took long! Just hold on. You’ll be fine”. He got him stable on the bed, then hurried to mix some herbs.

“Do not worry, the King and Shilah will be home soon. Just maybe, Shilah might be able to heal you”.

When Raksha heard the name, he turned to glance at his mother who had also been staring at him. The Queen could see it in her son’s eyes. She could see a frustrated man who was ready to confess. But she couldn’t let it happen.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 249 The confession

Shilah stepped out of the carriage with the little prince while Dakota stepped out from the opposite direction. The guards around bowed and got ready to receive the empty carriage, while Shilah and the King proceeded to go into the Palace. But before they could get to the door, Dyani already rushed out.

“Shilah!” She called ecstatically as she ran to her, giving her a hug.

“Dyani. How have you been?” Shilah tried to feign a smile.

“Oh! I’ve been okay. I’ve missed you and the little prince”, she proffered her hands and took the boy from Shilah.



Then, she turned to the King. “Welcome, My King”.

“Thank you”, Dakota muttered and resumed walking, while the two women chit-chatted behind, talking about their expertise.

Getting to their doorstep, Dyani had to hand the baby back to Shilah because she knew they needed some privacy.

“I’ll come later in the day”, she informed.

“Sure. I will be expecting you”.

Shilah got into the room and found the King pouring himself a drink. He was backing her and did not spare her a glance when she stepped in. She sat on the bed to bre@stfeed her son and was more relieved when she stared into his adorable face.

“When will you be checking up on the witches?” Dakota turned to her and asked, holding up his cup of wine.

“I should leave by tomorrow”, replied Shilah.

“And what about our son? Who would be with him?”

The King’s question puzzled Shilah. “Who else, My King? He needs to be with his mother. She’s the one with the milk”.

King Dakota sighed as he chugged down the rest of his drink and turned to pour more.

“You really need to fix things, Shilah. You need to find a way to set the witches up so you can finally return home – to your true home. I am honestly not comfortable with you moving around with my son. You should know how important he is”, Dakota voiced, while Shilah lowered her gaze to her son’s face.

She wouldn’t blame the King, and she perfectly understood where he was coming from. He had waited so long for a son and now it was finally here, he couldn’t get enough time with him.

“I understand”, She looked up at him. “When I meet with the witches, I’ll hold a meeting with them so we can discuss our next move”.

Just then, a knock hit the door. The King already knew it was Pishan and the Physician. So, he ushered them in. “Greetings, My King.”

“Welcome, Queen Shilah”.

They greeted uniformly. Shilah and the King responded.

“How was your trip, My King?” Pishan asked.

Dakota glanced at Shilah, who’s eyes grew cold. And when Pishan noticed the movement, he figured something might have gone wrong.

“The trip was okay. Is there something you need?” Dakota responded.

“Uh….Yes. Actually,” Mato stepped in. “While you were away, something bad happened to Queen Jade and Prince Raksha. Both of them strangely took ill. It’s been two days now and I’ve tried all kinds of treatment, but none is working. So… I was hoping Queen Shilah would be able to heal them”.

The King was surprised. “My stepmother and brother are ill?”

“Yes, my King. And it is so serious, they can’t even move. I fear they might not survive if help is not rendered soon”, Pishan answered.

Shilah had stopped bre@stfeeding the prince and was just patting his back. She could see how worried the news made the King.

“Come on, Shilah. Let’s go”, he started toward the door. And Shilah, who was yet to react, had to follow.


The four of them headed for the Physician’s room. And getting in, Dakota was shocked to find the queen and her son in an unrecognizable condition. The mother and son were lying on seperate beds, shivering like they were cold, yet sweating profusely. Their eyes beamed upon seeing Shilah and the King.

“Mother? Raksha?” Dakota went closer to them. “What happened to you?”

Fear crept into the Queen’s eyes, but Dakota only understood it to be fear of her condition. Raksha was silent as he just stared at them.

Dakota turned to Shilah. “Come on, Shilah. You need to do something. Can you heal them?”

Shilah handed her son to Pishan and went closer to them. She could notice how uncomfortable the Queen looked. Shilah touched her head, then that of Raksha.

“Were they poisoned?” She looked at Mato and asked.

“I tested them, but it turned out they were not poisoned”, he responded.

And Shilah looked back at the patients.

“So… what happened to them?”

There was a brief moment of silence.

“Can you heal them, Shilah?” Dakota asked, but Shilah did not respond immediately.

She touched the Queen’s head again and stepped back. “I find it strange that both of them fell ill on the same day and to this extent. Something tells me it’s no natural ailment. I will need to pray to the spirits about it”.

“You don’t need to”, Raksha suddenly said, making all eyes turn on him. The Queen’s heart gave a mighty leap as she looked at her son fearfully.

“Raksha, what do you mean?” Dakota asked, his brows furrowed, but Raksha couldn’t respond immediately as he began coughing.

“You are right, Shilah”, he spoke with difficulty. “This is no natural ailment. My mother and I are sick because we’ve been cursed. We are sick because we’ve done terrible things, things that the goddess cannot forgive”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 250 The Bitter Truth

Shilah stared suspiciously at Raksha as he began talking. Queen Jade could hear her heart beating heavily in her chest, her eyes went wide open with fear.

“What are you talking about, Raksha?” King Dakota asked, moving closer to him.

“Raksha is just… nervous”, the Queen chipped in. “He thinks we are going to die due to how severe our condition is. So please, do not mind what he says”.

“You should be the one to stop making silly excuses, mother. Because I’m done”, Raksha’s words brought a stunned silence to the room. Now, they were all suspecting something could be wrong.



“I’m done being the bad guy and shoving all the secrets down my throat. I’m done being this demon that you’ve created. Perhaps, if I open up, the goddess will grant me a better after – life”.

“What have you done?” Pishan took a step forward and asked. The King had gone silent, just watching them.

“A lot”, he answered. “I do not even know where to begin. Perhaps, from all the times we framed Dakota so he could get hated by father, or the times we attempted a*s*sa*s*sinating him”.

“Shut it, Raksha! What are you doing?!” The Queen gritted. She tried sitting up, but it was impossible. And nobody offered to help.

“It’d be exciting to mention how we plotted the death of your mother – Queen Nana,” he laughed painfully.

The jaws of everyone dropped in the room, including Dakota who stood to his feet immediately. For the first time, fear reflected in his eyes – fear of believing what was being said.

“What are you doing?!” The Queen cried out to her son. “Have you decided to be so useless?! What is wrong with you?!”

“That woman yelling over there”, Raksha chuckled. “It was all her idea. I’m not trying to exempt myself from it, no. Of course, I also had a hand in it. But it was all her idea!” He paused to draw in a deep breath.

“We got a man who hired a lady that did the job for us. It was so smooth and planned – everything, including getting you cursed. We thought if you were cursed, father would tend to hate you and make me King, but the old man’s love for you was blinding, he wouldn’t budge. It made us develop more hatred for you and I hated it more when you made me your beta. I wanted to be more than just a beta, I wanted to be the King! And it was all because my mother made me believe it was the right thing to do”.

“You k*il*led Queen Nana?” Mato asked with disbelief, and that was when Raksha looked at him, a snigger on his face.

“Yes. And your son”, he chuckled. Mato’s heart stopped beating. His eyes shun so brightly with fear.

“What…. What did you… just say?”

“You heard me right, Physician. I k*il*led your son – right after I bribed him to mess with the pregnancy results that had been conducted on the King’s wives a year ago”, Raksha replied, but Mato could not believe him.

“No… you are lying…!”

“I wish I was. My mother, Nosheba and I paid Rancho to mess with Shilah’s test results. And to protect our secret, we had to k*il*l him”.

“You…You k*il*led my son!” Mato gasped, unable to breath again. “You k*il*led my son…!”

He charged at him and grabbed him by the neck, groaning in agony.

“How could you, you monster! How dare you?! He was all I had! My only son…! How could you…!” He went on choking Raksha, until Pishan interfered and pulled him away.

He bursted into heavy tears.

“Look what you’ve done, you cursed child of mine,” Queen Jade whimpered. “Look what your foolishness has brought upon us. You’re the worst son anyone could ever ask for, Raksha. And I regret the day I conceived you!”

“I also regret the day I made my way to your womb!” Raksha managed to say, coughing afterward. “I wish I had come as a tree, rather than coming as your son”.

“And I wish I had bled you out, rather than pushing you out of me!” The Queen wept. “I curse you, Raksha, and I curse the after – life you will get after death!”

Her tears increased, but Raksha went silent.

“It was you”, Shilah muttered weakly. “It was you who hired Jael and used her as your tool. You’re the reason she’s dead”.

Raksha looked at her and grinned.

“I am also the reason your son went missing for months”, he supplied. “I knocked Ahiga out and took the little prince away. My aim had to be k*il*l him, but somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to do that to a little boy. So, I made him float.” Shilah’s eyes sparked at once.

“You…wrench!” She shot her hand at him, releasing a spark into his chest. “It was you!!”

Raksha could say no more as he coughed profusely from Shilah’s attack.

“Pishan!” King Dakota called fiercely, his eyes not leaving the betrayers before him. “Get these people out of my sight. And make sure they’re locked in the darkest dungeon. They shall be executed by first dawn”.

It was obvious he had a lot to say, but the shock was overwhelming.

“Yes, My King”, Pishan bowed and left to get more guards, while the King stormed out of the room.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 231-240

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 231 The Moment

Silence followed Pishan’s words with Shilah who stopped walking and just faced a wall.

Pishan stood behind her, wondering what was running through her head but hoping it’d be goodnews. For a long time, they stayed that way – a few servants passing by and stealing glances.

“Have you talked to your King?” Shilah’s voice finally broke the silence. It was relieving to Pishan, although her question was not.

“He… knows about Sukie. But I’m yet to tell him of this recent development. I can do that as soon as you accede”, he replied.



Shilah stayed, backing him while cogitating on it. Then, after a few minutes, she spoke up.

“What you did is forbidden, Pishan. Consciously having intimacy with someone you know you shouldn’t. It carries the death penalty, but it’s admirable to know you still stand by her despite the risks”, she c*oc*ked her head to look at him. “You did what my father couldn’t do for my mother”, she turned back to the wall.

“It’s indeed, admirable. Men like you are rare. And for that, I shall consider your request. But just so you know, I’m not doing this just because you asked me. I’m doing it because I really want to and it’s been part of my plans. You’re just lucky this is happening coincidentally”.

Pishan didn’t know what to get from her words. Pride? Either ways, she had agreed to help him and that was the most important thing.

“Where is she now?” Shilah asked.

“In a cave. She’s been hiding there the whole time. She told me you’d destroyed the magical map, else, the witches would’ve found her by now”, he responded.

Shilah scoffed.

“Talk to the King about it. And when you’re done, come take me to her” she stated in conclusion and walked away.


Telling the King about it, Pishan felt so relieved when his request was granted. Afterwards, he rode with Shilah to the cave where Sukie had been hiding.

It was a long ride from the Palace. Shilah climbed down her horse and walked into the cave with Pishan.

Sukie had been resting when she heard footsteps and could tell more than one person was entering into the cave. Fear gripped her as she wondered if she had been caught.

Not seeing who it was yet, she sprang to her feet and looked around for a possible weapon. But the only thing she could find were burnt out woods. She grabbed one of it and held it on guard while facing the entrance of the cave.

The sound of the steps got closer and nearer until finally, the intruders showed up. Oh…

A deep gasp cut through her lips when she saw it was Pishan. Hold on, Pishan and Shilah?

“Hey, Sukie”, Pishan waved his hands as he walked toward her. Her brows were furrowed and when Pishan got close, he took the wood from her.

“How have you been?” He asked, but Sukie’s attention was focused on Shilah who was the last person she’d expected at the cave.

Shilah, on the other hand, stared calmly at her, already maintaining her distance. The two ladies exchanged stares at each other until Sukie brought the contact.

“What is she doing here?” She turned to Pishan and asked in a whisper. She was confused.

“She is here to help, Sukie”, replied Pishan.

“Two months ago, you and your sisters captured me and tied me up in a cave”, Shilah’s voice was suddenly heard. Sukie turned and found her taking ambling steps.

“You all wanted to k*il*l me. But, I remember…”, she stopped walking and let out a small smile. “…you were a little different. I could tell you weren’t in support of Kylie’s decision. Anyway, I’m sorry for the loss of your child.”

Sukie glanced at Pishan. She knew everything?

“I know how it feels because I carried mine for nine months and lost him on the first day of delivery”, she continued with chuckle. “Your lover here wants me to work with you. I have plans, Sukie, plans about the witches. But first, I need to know if you’re interested in working me or not”.

Again, Sukie glanced at Pishan. The whole thing was overwhelming for her. First of all, she didn’t plan on getting back to her feet so soon. And she didn’t plan on working with someone like Shilah who had become so powerful.

Pishan read her dismay and took her hand, squeezing it lightly in his.

“It’s fine, Sukie”, he cooed. “You have to do this”.




Shilah and Sukie were halfway on their journey. It was night, so they had to camp and get some rest. Their horses were tied to trees behind them while they sat opposite each other, the burning woods between them.

Seated and staring at the flames, Shilah let her worries burn with it. She loved how calm the atmosphere was. The woods was quiet, the stars dancing beautifully in the sky and only the chirps of the birds being heard. It was so beautiful and would’ve been romantic if one had a lover. Unfortunately, it was just her and her new partner.

“Thank you, Shilah”, Sukie suddenly said. “Thank you for coming for me and making me get back on my feet”.

Shilah stared at her behind the flames and made no expression. Sukie was one pretty lady – she couldn’t deny. Any man would definitely fall for her.

“I’m happy we’re doing this, Shilah”, she continued. “But, to be honest, I’m nervous”.

Now, that was the reason Shilah gave no expression in the first place. She knew she had something else to say.

“A day after tomorrow, we’d have gotten to the Palace. Doesn’t it… bother you? What we’re about to do. We’ll be walking into the midst of our enemies. Although, I know I can never consider my enemies, but they see me as one, Shilah. And you’re even worst. Doesn’t it bother you?”

Shilah’s eyes dropped to the burning woods and for a few minutes, she was silent.

Her long silence nearly made Sukie belize she had been talking to herself.

“Weren’t you nervous when… you helped the King a year ago, knowing fully well that it was forbidden?” She finally spoke out. “Weren’t you nervous when you fell in love with Pishan and even had s*e*x with him, knowing it could cost your life? weren’t you nervous when you got pregnant and did nothing to intentionally hurt the child?”

Her questions got Sukie thinking.

“Life itself is a risk, Sukie. To survive, we must be ready to take them. I know you were nervous during those times, and so am I. But, one thing I always do is rule over my fears”, she added, her words being like a tonic to Sukie’s heart…

“Besides, Pishan is a nice man and I can only imagine the kind of life you’d want to have with him. You should fight for it, Sukie”.

“Fight for it”, the words replayed in Sukie’s head. She needed to fight for it, fight for the one she loved. A sigh of relief crossed her lips.

“Thank you, Shilah”, she smiled. “Now I believe you were born for a reason”.





Kylie was having an important meeting with few of the elders when one of the sisters ran in, panting heavily.

“Supreme Sister ..! Supreme Sister …!” She was trying to catch her breath. Kylie was disturbed and wondered why her meeting was being interrupted.

“What is it, Liah?” She asked with furrowed brows.

“It’s Shilah…! Shilah’s riding to the Palace gates as we speak. And she’s with Sukie!”

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 232 The Plan

Shilah and Sukie halted their horses in front of the Palace gates as four of the sisters who had been guarding it stood in the way. The sisters couldn’t hide their surprises, but they also couldn’t cower in front of the most wanted people in the Witches Palace.

“What is the meaning of this?” That was sister Corrine. “What are you two doing here?”

“Funny question”, Shilah chuckled. “I thought you were wanted. Shouldn’t you be happy to see us?”

For a fact, they were wanted, but them offering themselves on a platter of gold was never what they imagined. And of course, it made the whole thing suspicious.



“We demand to see the supreme sister”, Shilah voiced out. Her horse whined and she had to pull it’s reins to control him.

“And why would you want to see the Supreme Sister? Both of you are our greatest enemies right now and you, Shilah, have a death penalty on your head. Maybe I should do the honors of taking off your hand”, The second sister blustered.

“Get me upset and you’ll lose your head instead”, Shilah hissed. “I have no plans of staying here for long. So, are you letting me in, or I should f0rce it?”

The sisters exchanged glances at each other. Briefly, another sister came running out from the gate. She threw a hard glare at Shilah and Sukie before turning to whisper into the ears of Sister Corrine:

“The Supreme Sister wants them in”. Corrine was surprised, even Shilah could tell from her face.

“Are you sure?” She turned to the sister and whispered and got a nod in return. With great displease, she exhaled heavily.

“The Supreme Sister wants you in”, she looked up at Shilah and said. “I guess she wants to k*il*l you herself”.

She walked in with the rest of the sisters, and the next few seconds, the gate went open.

Shilah and Sukie rode in with Sukie being more nervous – although she tried so hard to conceal it.

She was riding into her home, the only home she’s known her whole life. The only difference was, she was riding in as a wanted enemy, beside a person with a death penalty.

The Palace looked just the same, the only difference was the sisters gathered all around. Of course, getting news of Shilah’s presence was something alarming. Hence, everyone wanted to be a witness.

Sukie’s heart gave a mighty leap when she spotted Kylie – standing in front of the big hall with Remata, Mirinda and Elphaba behind her. It sent shivers down Sukie’s spine, staring at the same lady she’d shared her privacy with, shared her bed and did every nasty things with. For a moment, she’d nearly lost control over her nervousness, but when she looked at Shilah, it reminded her of how important their mission was.

Shilah wasn’t disturbed at the number of witches staring at her. It didn’t bother her that the entire witches had come out and were probably against them. Instead, she focused her gaze on Kylie who was glaring at them with so much venom, so much hate.

She halted her horse when she got close enough, and so did Sukie. And in unison, the two ladies climbed down to the ground.

Kylie confirmed the rumours. Indeed, Shilah looked different. But it didn’t change the plans and hatred she had for her.

“I must applaud you, Shilah”, she began. “Riding all the way here to surrender yourself is not something everyone would do”.

She was trying not to look at Sukie, she didn’t even want to notice her.

Shilah chuckled as she took calm steps towards her while running her eyes round her surrounding. It was almost like a theater now as every other witch was present. It made the space so full, and that was what Shilah wanted. That was the plan.

“Do not flatter me, Kylie, because I’ll hate to disappoint you”, Shilah sighed. “Actually, I’d like to thank you first, for giving me your audience”.

Kylie’s mood changed.

“You do not have my audience. Sisters! Seize them and lock them up until I decide the best time to burn her”, she snarled.

Instantly, three sisters budged toward them. But they had barely gotten close enough when Shilah stretched her hand and commanded heavy wind against them.

It swept them off their feet and landed them roughly on their backs. The rest of the sisters flinched.

“How dare you, Shilah?!” Kylie grunted. She threw a fire at her, but Shilah repelled it.

“I am not here to fight, Kylie. So, do not push me”, Shilah hissed. Sukie was still standing behind, her head bowed.

“I came here to speak to everyone of you!” She made her voice more audible.

“You have no right to speak to us, Shilah! You have the death sentence and you must…”

“I know. But I’m not letting you k*il*l me”, Shilah rolled her eyes, cutting Kylie off.

Then, she turned to the rest of the witches.

“When will you get tired?!” She asked at the top of her voice.

“When will you get tired of this slavery you call laws. A law that keeps you alone, a law that limits your relationship with others, a law that prevents you from mating with a wolf or vampire. A law that makes it difficult for you to even find love? What in the name of the Spirits is that law?”

The faces of the sisters were furrowed in confusion as they exchanged glances and muttered earless words. There was a pucker between Kylie’s brows, she was trying to comprehend what was going on.

“What do you think you are doing?” She voiced.

But Shilah ignored her.

“You have no friends, only enemies”, she continued, ambling in the circle.

“If misfortune befalls the Oceanic Witches, do you realize you’ll have no one to turn to for help? You’ll have no one to run to – no Wolf, no vampire. Or is it the villagers you’ll be counting on? The same villagers that fears your name because they believe witches are dangerous? WE ARE ALONE! Is that really what the law wants?”

“What are you thinking about, Shilah?” Kylie scoffed. “Are you trying to fight the law now?”

“I am not trying to…”, Shilah looked at her. “But I want to break the law”.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 233 The Division

A wilder gasp left the crowd, and at that point, it started making sense to Kylie. She caught her breath and took some steps closer to Shilah.

“This. is. madness”, the words were gritted. “And may the Spirits forbid that I will stand here and watch you do it”.

“Unfortunately, you might have to, Kylie”, Shilah said back at her before turning to the witches.

“Take a look at our numbers”, she swayed her hands. “We are barely a hundred! Can’t you see? Our population is dwindling! We are hardly reproducing! What happens when we all grow old and die? Where are the younger ones to take over? There is none! None! And that’s because we hardly find the opportunity to fall in love!”



“What you are saying is meaningless, Shilah!” One of the sisters chided in. It was Remata. “The law does not forbid us from reproducing or falling in love”.

“Really?” Shilah walked to her. “So, tell me – which one of you has a lover?”

There was a stunned silence with Shilah’s eyes pacing round their faces.

“No answer?” She chuckled. “Then, I guess we cannot deny the fact that the wolves and vampires are more in population. We are talking about eleven different villages in total! The mere villagers are scared of us! I mean, no man would want to mate with a woman that has more power than him and could possibly burn him at any point! Can’t you see? For people like us, we need those that are higher! Or at least, the same! You can’t deny the fact that is difficult finding a lover among the mere villagers.

“And that’s the reason I’m here. That’s the law I want to break. We are tired of being slaves of our own feelings. We need love, we need support. We need friendship! So today, I want that limitation law to be broken!”

Deep silence followed her last word and Shilah let it p@ssso the witches could digest everything she’d said. But, Kylie’s desorted chortle ruined the silence. She laughed heartily and turned all eyes on her.

“I think I know where this is coming from”, she pointed a finger.

“You, Shilah, you know your current relationship is messed up because you are married to a Wolf King. You know your relationship is against the law. So, since you are scared of leaving it, you need to bend the law to your will. And for that, you need to convince us to agree with you”, She paused and laughed again,but the next second, her eyes snapped aggressively.

“You must be dreaming, Shilah. You and Sukie here, are betrayers to the law and are bigger fools if you think you can get us to make the same mistake you did”.

Sukie’s eyes drooped upon hearing her name for the first time. Hearing it in Kylie’s voice brought back memories she didn’t wish to recollect.

“That is your opinion, Kylie”, Shilah smirked. “The question now is – do the rest of the sisters agree with you?”

For some reasons, Kylie found herself sliding her gaze through the faces of the witches.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Shilah”, she snapped. “These laws have existed for centuries. Why do you think we’d want to break it at your word?”

“Because we are tired of being slaves”, Shilah replied.

“Do you know what it’d be like birthing wizards among us? What it’d be like loving a wolf or a Vampire? Our population would increase! We’d be everywhere and more united! We wouldn’t have to wish but never achieve! We wouldn’t be so scared of our numbers dwindling”, she turned to face the witches on her left.

“I know you want this! You’ve been wanting this for years but just didn’t know how to put it out. Well, here is your opportunity to finally get your dream life in reality. Here is your opportunity to love freely without fear of being k*il*led by your Supreme Sister”.

There was a brief silence, then Sukie’s voice was heard.

“My child would’ve been a hybrid”, she spoke softly, her gaze on the ground. Since it was her first word since they arrived, everyone was interested in hearing what she had to say.

“If it wasn’t for the law, I wouldn’t have lost it, because the Supreme Sister was angry”.

Finally, she lifted her gaze and when she did, it was filled with so much pain. She looked at Kylie and a tear slipped her eye.

“I know I was wrong for falling in love with a wolf. But the only reason it’s wrong is because the law exists. If it wasn’t for the law, I’d have had my child in the right way with the man I love. If it wasn’t for the law, I wouldn’t p@ssthrough the trauma I did. So yes, Shilah is right! We need our freedom! We need to get rid of the law”.

“Nonsense!” Kylie roared. She was glaring hard at Sukie.

“Stop trying to play victim with your foolishness, Sukie. What you did was not just a betrayer to the law, but to me as well! You know what we were together, yet you went around to sleep with another!”

“We were nothing together, Supreme Sister”, Sukie retorted, another tear slipping her eye.

“The only reason we were together was because I had no option. I mean, when you made advances at me, were you expecting me to reject the Queen of Witches? I never loved you, Kylie! And you k*il*ling my child makes me hate you even more!” Sukie broke down.

But there was a glint in Kylie’s eyes. Sukie’s words broke her. They sounded more like stabs and left her gobsmacked for a moment

“Let’s have a vote”, Shilah worded, realizing the situation was getting more complex.

“If you agree with me and believe we deserve freedom from this law, come stand with me”.

Low mumblings rolled in the crowd, accompanied with confused looks as each sister looked at the other. Kylie, who had her gaze fixed on Sukie the whole time, had to sniff it in and get a grip of herself.

“This is foolishness,” her voice was hoarse. “Shilah, Sukie, your presence here is a mistake and I’ll grant you the opportunity to walk out alive”.

“I am not at your mercy, Kylie” Shilah scoffed. “And we all know the law permits a vote to change it. The only reason a vote was never conducted was because they were all scared, and that’s the reason I’m here – to change that fear into courage”.

“I SAID LEAVE!!!” Kylie suddenly screamed, stretching a hand toward Shilah. But Shilah was lucky enough to miss.

“Your anger will change nothing, Kylie, for this is what the Spirits wants”, Shilah hissed. “Let the witches take their votes so we can know how many of them agree with me”.

Kylie was panting heavily, her eyes held so much anger and desire to hurt Shilah.

“No one would agree with this’”, Remata voiced out. “We love the law, Shilah, and are ready to abide with it till eternity. So, you and Sukie should leave because you can never be a part of us”.

Quietness followed next and stretched for a minute.

“I…I do not think so, Remata”, a voice was suddenly heard.

All eyes turned to it’s direction and discovered it was Sister Mirinda. She looked nervous, but stepped out anyways.

“I have always longed…to get rid of this law. I’ve always wanted to be free from it, to be able to fall in love with who I want and have my own family. So yes, I’m agreeing with Shilah on this one. I want this law dissolved”.

Shock was written on the faces of few of the witches, but Mirinda ignored and proceeded to stand behind Shilah.

Briefly, another sister stepped out.

“I’m… I’m sorry, but I think I’m with Shilah on this. This law makes our lives boring. I mean, all we have to do is eat, work and sleep. I honestly think I’m tired and need a change”, the sister murmured. And with that, proceeded to stand behind Shilah.

“What is wrong with both of you?!” Kylie grunted, her eyes looking sour already.

“How dare you chose betrayers over the law?!”

“The only reason they are betrayers is because of the law”, another sister stepped out of the crowd. “Shilah is considered a betrayer because her mother broke the law. Sukie is considered a betrayer because she also broke the law. Doesn’t it mean the law is so difficult and displeasing for everyone? Personally, I think we’ve endured so much for this law and believe it’s high time we make a change. So yes, I’m agreeing with Shilah on this”.

With that, she proceeded to stand behind Shilah.

And that was how it went – another sister stepped out, then another, and another, until it was over half of them.

Surprisingly, even some of the elders including Elphaba and Sarah joined Shilah. But Remata and Corrine were still with Kylie.

“NO!!!” Kylie yelled ruefully. “This is madness! And an abomination!!! We are not doing this! We are not doing it!!!”

But, Shilah chuckled victoriously. Looking at the numbers of Witches behind her, she felt satisfied.

“I think I can start with this for now, Kylie”, she drew a deep breath. “And as for the rest of you that’s decided to stay with her, I hope you change your mind soon enough”.

“You can’t just walk in here and split us, Shilah”, Remata panted. “We’ve been together for ages and you think you can just create enemity?”

“We can never be enemies”, Shilah scoffed. “You are just the ones not agreeing with us”.

Turning to the witches behind her, she said, “There is enough space for us outside this Palace. Actually, I’ve made plans already. We shall go there and do what the Spirits wants until the rest of our sisters are ready to join us.”

She got hold of her horse’s reins and began walking out.

Surprisingly, Corrine left Kylie and started taking reluctant steps toward Shilah.

“Corrine! What are you doing?!” Remata flinched. She turned to look at Remata, wearing a guilty look.

“I’m… I’m sorry, but I think I also need to go”. And feebly, she proceeded to join Shilah.

The rest of the witches followed, joining her out of the gate. And as Kylie watched them, over half of the witches leaving with Shilah, she felt her heart wrenching in her chest.

No, this couldn’t be happening. She was losing her place. Her eyes dimmed and her hand went to her chest, gripping it tight.

Then with deep agony, she looked up to the sky and let out an agonizing bellow. Her scream was like that of a banshee and made the glasses of some windows crash to the ground.

But as Shilah walked away with her new family, she created a magical veil around them to ensure nothing touches them.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 234 The Hall

It had taken Shilah and the sisters hours before getting to the place she had prepared for them. It wasn’t something big – just one hall that was enough to contain all of them for the meantime.

It was an abandoned hall she had found some weeks ago. And considering the mission on ground, she cleaned it up and got it ready.

But the witches looked a bit surprised, wondering if that was where she actually wanted them to start from – just one hall.

As they entered the hall, they kept looking around and wondering how they’d begin. Thus, Shilah decided to address him. She budged forward to stand in front of them. And with a clap of her hands, she got Everybody’s attention.



“Listen up, sisters”, She called and still gave a few minutes to be sure they were all listening.

Sukie was in the front row. With the entire hall being quiet and attentive, Shilah continued.

“First, I’d love to thank everyone of you for agreeing to do this with me. It takes a lot of courage, determination and sacrifice to leave the home you’ve always known, the law you’ve always obeyed. But one thing we must remember is the fact that the law was made by past witches and not the Spirits themselves. So, no matter what we do, no matter the laws we obey, the Spirits will always be with us.

“Now, I know this place is nothing like the Palace you grew up in, I’m sorry it was the best I could find. But, I’m promising you it’s only temporary. Soon, I’ll have a meeting with the Wolf King, tell him of our willingness to partner with them. And that way, they could provide a better place for us. I have a very good feeling about this. Today, I feel I’ve done the greatest thing in my life. Believe me, the Spirits are with us.

“Go around, grab whatever you can and have some rest because first thing tomorrow, we’ll be riding out to the Daekrahm village”.

“Daekrahm Village?” One of the sisters asked. “Why are we going there?”

“I heard it’s a small, poor village with most of the Villagers sick but too poor to take care of their health. In a revelation, the Spirits instructed me to go there and heal as many as I can. And it’d be so awesome doing that with you all by my side”, she let out a small smile.

“When we’re done from the village, I’ll proceed with my meeting with the King. In no time, we should be settled. Then, we can talk about our leaders and how to push things forward”.

“What if the other witches decides to strike?” Another sister asked. “We all know the Supreme Sister – she can be very dangerous and might want to…”

“Not as dangerous as I can be”, Shilah cut in, her eyes holding so much credence.

“Kylie wouldn’t want to try anything stupid with me. Although, I sincerely hope they change their minds and decide to join us. But, if they don’t, there is nothing bad in having two groups of witches”, she paused and gave a sigh.

“There is some food at the back. We should get something to eat and find some rest afterwards. Weldone, sisters”, and with a slight now, she walked away while the hall got a little busy.




It was night already.

Shilah stood in the front yard, hands crossed below her chest as she stared into space. She had so many thoughts running through her mind, she didn’t even know which of them to think on. So, she just stood there, praying silently to the Spirits to lead her and make everything come to and end.

The rest of the witches were in the hall, probably getting some rest as they had finished eating.

Shortly, one of the elders – Sister Elphaba – walked up and stood beside her. Shilah only shot her a glance before returning her gaze to the sky. And the duo stood in silence for sometime.

“Thank you, Shilah” Sister Elphaba suddenly said, but Shilah made no attempt to look at her.

“Thank you for being the voice of the sisters. For years, we’ve all been tired of this law. But nobody could say anything, nobody could even voice out. And with that, we had no idea we were all thinking the same thing. But today, you made us realize that. Thank you so much, Shilah, for making our dreams a reality”,

Done, that was when Shilah looked at her.

“It wasn’t by my power, sister Elphaba”, she sighed. “But the Spirits’. Either ways, I am happy I made the other witches excited. It’s nothing I dreamt of”.

“I understand, dear” Elphaba held her hand. “And I am so proud of you and happy you survived”.

A small smile touched Shilah’s lips. She withdrew her hand and fiddled with her nails for sometime. Then, it suddenly dawned on her to ask a question…

“You’re an old witch”, she began. “So… you must’ve known my mother, right?”

Elphaba had expected that question. So, when it came, she looked down and smiled.

“Ayita and I were very good friends – close to sisters. Although, she was very very close to the Queen but … I was just like a sister to her”, she answered wistfully.

Shilah looked at her and could read the memories from her face. It was apparent that they had good memories together.

“What was she like?” She asked. “I mean, her behavior. Was she a good person?”

“Ayita was a sweet soul”, Elphaba laughed. “She was like… the sweetest soul I knew. She could risk her life to save another, do anything to make sure everyone was happy. And just so you know, you’re a replica of your mother. I’m very sure if she were here, she’d be so proud of her dear child”, she lifted her hand to cradle Shilah’s cheek.

“She’d be so proud of the human she had. Although…”, she dropped her hand from Shilah’s cheek. “The only problem she had was…she found it difficult to forgive”.

Shilah’s brows quirked as she asked: “She did?”

“Yes. Ayita could love you to the fullest. But just one betrayal from you and she’d forever hate you”.

Elphaba paused to exhale deeply.

“There is something you need to know about your father”, she continued. “Lord Achlys. He is not exactly a monster like everyone thinks. Yes, he was wrong for denying your mother in the first place, but he had done that to save his life, Shilah, and his throne. I am in no way justifying what he did, but I believe he was just scared. But even after he denied her and left alone in trouble, he never gave up on her.

“You know the story? Ayita had luckily escaped from our prison and went into hiding for months before birthing you. How do you think she had escaped? I was responsible, Shilah. I had unlocked the gate and aided her escape, but what she doesn’t know is the fact that I did it on Lord Achlys’ order”, she gave an intentional pause.

“Yes. Lord Achlys found a way to meet with me and convinced me into freeing your mother. Of course, I didn’t want to because it was too risky, but when he threatened his life on it, I had to. He had also given me a location to give to her- a safe place he had prepared for her. When I helped her escape, I gave her the location, but obviously she didn’t go. Lord Achlys waited over there for a week, but she never showed up. And I guess that was because she was angry with him and didn’t want to see him. But it doesn’t change the fact that he tried to amend his ways, Shilah. So yes, I know he was wrong from the beginning, but he really loved your mother and wanted to help in the end. He’s not so much of a monster like you think”.

When she was done, Shilah couldn’t find her tongue. The story was coming like a shock to her that her father was behind her mother’s escape. So, he hadn’t just abandoned her completely? He actually made an effort?

Sister Elphaba could see how deeply the story had gotten to Shilah and concluded the poor lady prolly needed some time alone.

She tapped her shoulder and had turned around to return to the hall when she suddenly heard a scream.

Shilah could hear it too, and it had come from the hall.

She turned swiftly to look at Elphaba, wondering what was happening in the hall. Was there a fight?!

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 235 Heavy Hearts


The witches had been resting in the hall. While some laid with small beds that had been provided, others sat and chit-chatted.

It was nothing compared to their Palace, wasn’t all that comfortable, but they were ready to endure and start the amazing journey with Shilah. Yes, they had so much faith.

Sukie had been busy at the backyard with two of the sisters. Done, they had returned to the hall to get themselves something to eat. The food bowls were on a table in front of the hall and approaching it to get some, Sukie’s eyes drooped when they found Sister Corrine.



Her steps faltered as her heart skipped a few beats. Corrine was seated not too far away, seeming to have a blissful conversation with few of the steps. Sukie’s heart wrenched in her chest as she recalled what she made her p@ssthrough.

“Sister Sukie. Are you alright?” One of the sisters behind her nudged and whispered into her ears.

And shrugging out of it, she sniffed and proceeded to dish out her meal.

Few seconds later and she was having a plate of soup with her. But her blurred head wouldn’t let her peacefully get a place to sit as her gaze was still focused on Corrine. Resentment gushed through her. And finally, unable to contend with it, she marched toward Corrine.

“You are the reason it all happened”, her voice wavered as she approached her.

The noise seized instantly as the rest of the witches turned to her direction. They wondered what she meant and who she was referring to – including Corrine who was giving addled stares.

“You are the root of my misfortune – the reason I lost my child”. Sukie added.

At that point, her gaze was becoming more specific, but Corrine didn’t want to believe she was actually the one being referred to. She glanced at the sisters beside her.

“I AM TALKING TO YOU, CORRINE!” Sukie hurled, snapping Corrine’s attention at once.

“I am talking about your betrayal, you snitch! You are the reason I lost my child! All I did was ask for a book on pregnancy, yet you went and reported me to the Supreme Sister. You are the reason she became supsicicious and knew the truth that I was pregnant! You mouth-leaking fool!” A tear slipped her eye.

Corrine’s face had already turned sour. And with heaviness, she got to her feet. Aside Sukie’s voice, no other sound was heard as the rest of the sisters were enrapt by the hurtful display.

“Do you know…”, Sukie took a step closer as she blinked back another tear, but it escaped and slid down her cheek.

“The next day, I had planned my trip already. I was meant to run away – at least for the meantime. I had written a letter to my lover already, telling him to meet me up. Everything was perfect! My baby was safe! But not until the Supreme Sister knocked on my door for the first time.

“Because of you, my baby is dead, Corrine. Because of you, I passed through so much pain!!! Now, I appreciate what Shilah is doing, but if you think we can work together as one, if you think I can forget all the hurt and just act like it never happened, then you lie, Corrine. Your lie is so terrible, it could burn down the walls of these hall because I, Sukie, will never forgive you!”

Stunned silence followed her last word. But soon, few of the witches began whispering while Sukie maintained her hurt, glowers at Corrine.

The culpability on Corrine’s face was evident as she lowered her gaze and looked like she was battling with her conscience. For a long time, she couldn’t utter a word nor look up at Sukie, but not until she started hearing the witches whisper detestful words about her.

“I’m sorry, Sukie”, she looked up and said. “I… I don’t even know what came over me, but you should understand I’d never want to harm you, or your child”.

“Reporting to the Supreme Sister was enough harm already!!!”Sukie yelled. “Admit it, Corrine. You are just like Remata – jealous and wishing you had what I did. You are a snake!”

Angrily, she spilled her soup on Corrine, creating wild gasps in the room. Corrine looked at her dress in shock, finding the soup on it irritating. Her heart raced heavily.

“This was not necessary, Sukie”, she said in deep breaths. “I know I made a mistake, but I…”

“A mistake that can never be fixed!” Sukie rasped and stretching her hand toward her, commanded a great wind that swept her off her feet.

Corrine screamed as she landed roughly against the wall. The other witches had gotten to their feet as well. Although, it hurt badly, but Corrine was quick to regain her strength. And getting to her feet, the guilt on her face had switched into a scowl.

She stretched a hand and commanded her own wind which swept Sukie off her feet and left her crashing to the floor. “Corrine!”

“Stop this!”

Mumbles were heard. And that was the point where Shilah and Elphaba rushed in.

Shilah’s eyes dilated in shock upon seeing the horrible sight in front of her. Sukie grunting on the floor with Corrine’s hand stretched toward her. What? They were truly fighting?

She watched Sukie get to her feet and noticed she wanted to attempt another hit. But swiftly, she got in the way.

“What is this madness?” She rasped, sliding her glare between Sukie and Corrine.

“I do not understand. Sukie? What is the meaning of this? I believe you should be the last person to do this”.

“She is the reason I lost my child”, Sukie wavered, pointing a finger at Corrine. “She was the one that reported to the Supreme Sister and made her hurt my child. So, it’s all her fault”.

“I only did what I thought was right, Sukie! Back then, we still believed in the law and as far as I knew, you were defying it! So, what was I supposed to do?!” Corrine snapped back.

“You fool! I never told you I was pregnant! All I did was ask for a book and you…”

“It doesn’t change the fact that you were indeed, pregnant!”

“Shut up!!!” Sukie roared and attempted a hit, but Shilah was quick to block her.

“This has to end! And I mean now!!” She yelled.

More tears-streaked Sukie’s cheeks as she panted heavily. “I will never forgive you”, she gritted and ran off.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 236 At The Village

Sukie had ran out and bursted into more tears the moment she was alone. Her heart was racing and her breath came quickly. She felt ashamed, she knew she had prolly disappointed Shilah, but it was inevitable. wasn’t something she could control.

From the moment they had left the Palace and all through the ride to the hall, she had been feeling nothing but bitterness each time she recalled Corrine was with them. Why did she follow them in the first place? She had been expected her to stay loyal to the Supreme Sister. Why did she equally have a change of mind? From that very point, Sukie knew hell might be leg loose as she didn’t have plans of entertaining her face.

She wept out there for sometimes until she heard footsteps behind her. Somehow, she could guess it was Shilah – it was obvious from the sound of her footsteps as Shilah was the only one who walked like a commander.



Sukie sniffed and dabbed some tears from her eyes, but in a split second, Shilah was standing beside her.

She exhaled deeply and looked up at the dark sky, even if she could tell Shilah was staring right at her. Another tear threatened to spill, but she blinked it back and maintained her gaze on the sky.

Shortly, she felt a hand on her shoulder – a touch that brought an unusual calmness to her soul.

Now, that was the moment she lowered her gaze from the sky and looked at Shilah. The soft expression on her face was enough to a*s*sure Sukie.

“That was not necessary, Sukie, but I understand how you feel”, she cooed.

“When I lost my son, I sincerely wished there was someone I could blame for it. I tried blaming the maids, accusing them of not being around when my son went missing. I tried blaming the guards, the midwife and even my co-wife that had turned my bestfriend. But when I realize I had no one to blame, I started blaming my goodness. And almost, just almost, it took my conscience away”.

She paused to sigh, then dropped her hand from Sukie’s shoulder.

“But you, you have someone to blame and that person is sharing the space with you. That person is someone you can see around you. So, I understand your hurt and bitterness and wouldn’t blame you for harbouring them. But I’d blame you for not controlling them. You need to focus on the task ahead, Sukie and not the personal pain you feel. Trust me when I say I understand how you feel, but you…”

“So, what am I supposed to do?” Her voice cracked. “I… I don’t even want to do this, Shilah. As a matter of fact, I hate the fact that I started a fight back there, but I cannot control my anger. Each time I set my eyes on her, it reminds me of the pain I passed through and makes me just feel line hurting her. I’m sorry, Shilah. But what can I do?”

There was so much sincerity in her eyes- so much sincerity of really wanting to let go of the grudge if truly there was a way.

Shilah properly faced her and held her both hands.

“Each time you look at her”, she began softly. “and feel that hatred, all you have to do is chose. Chose which is more needed to you – your hatred for her, or what we need to do for the Spirits”.




At the break of dawn, the Sisters were already set to begin their ride to Daekrahm Village. Shilah had been able to buy more horses. Of course, she couldn’t get enough horses for every single sister, so they had to share – two on one.

Shilah was the only one seated alone. And in unison, they began their journey to Daekrahm Village.


It was a long stressful journey. They couldn’t get there at the end of the day. So, they had to camp for the night.

The fire camp was so much fun as the sisters had engaged in interesting and hilarious conversations. They talked about their experiences outside and within the Palace and some of the embarra*s*sing moments they’ve had to face. They could barely sleep through the night as they kept conversing, laughing and not wanting it to end.

From the moment, Shilah had gotten to understand a lot of them and not just her, but it also created a kind of bond between some of the sisters.

It was a worthy night. And by morning, they resumed their journey to Daekrahm Village.




Ora was playing with her little child, trying to cradle him to sleep when all of a sudden, Zinnia ran into the house, panting heavily.

Over the months, she hadn’t been on good terms with her step daughter, but seeing her that way, made her concerned.

“What is wrong, Zinnia? Who have you wronged? Who are you running from?” The woman panicked, trying to set the baby so she could stand up.

“The…The Witches, Mother!”, she panted.

“The witches are in the village! And… they’re being led by the Alpha King’s wife – the one we believe is the mother of this child!”

Chapter 237 Zinnia’s Decision


It had been a stressful journey, but when Shilah and the rest of her sisters rode into Daekrahm Village, it was just like an achievement.

From the entrance of the village, every being they came across couldn’t take their eyes off them as it was obvious they were witches. They didn’t have to say it, their appearance and all said it.

They trotted in gracefully, stealing all the attention they didn’t ask for. It got toa point more villagers started trooping out from nowhere just to watch the unusual sight. Of course, it was unusual because they’ve never had such large numbers of witches coming into their village at a time.



Soon, the villagers were on both sides, watching. While Shilah and her sisters trotted gracefully in the middle.

Finally, they found what they wanted – at least, one of it. Shilah halted her horse and so did the rest of the witches. And as they did, some of the villagers retreated.

Shilah and few other witches climbed down from their horses and approached the person that had caught Shilah’s attention. From one of the on-lookers, there was a disabled man. He had a broken knee-joint and stood with the aid of a stick.

As they approached the man, the Villagers began mumbling and retreating, fear reflecting on their faces. Even the disabled man attempted running away, but he couldn’t be fast enough.

“I do not want to hurt you”, Shilah uttered.

Her voice seemed to have so much impact as it made everyone stop running. They maintained their stance and began staring at her with scrutiny.

Satisfied that she had gotten their attention, she proceeded to meet the disabled man. She could clearly hear his breath wavering and read the fear on his face. She’s never seen someone that scared before.

She had her eyes locked in his for some seconds before dropping to a scooch before him and getting hold of the leg. Everyone watched in curiousity and amusement, even the disabled man was more curious to know what the beautiful witch was doing with him. Somehow, her touch on his leg left him a bit relaxed. Not completely, just a bit.

Shilah closed her eyes with her hands around the leg. And taking a deep breath, she muttered her prayer to the Spirits. Her words were not clear to the ears of the villagers, but in a short time, the disabled man began screaming.

Shilah stood up and watched him as he fell to the ground. The sound of his bones cracking could be heard, his leg stretched painfully and the eyes of the villagers were wide dilated with fear.

“What is she doing to him?” They mumbled to themselves.

“What’s happening? What has she done to him?”

The man screamed so hard, it took a while. And the moment his screams began to die down, the result was already evident.

Their faces crumpled up in surprise upon seeing the disabled leg looking straightened and whole. Glances were exchanged, breaths were withheld. Even the man couldn’t believe his eyes.

Slowly, he stretched his hand to the leg and felt it. It was real! His broken joint had been fixed!

Shock spiralled through him as he looked up at the villagers.

“I am healed!” He yelled. “I am healed!!!”

And that was the moment there was an uproar of joy. Shouts and claps for joy bursted from the villagers as it was a sight too great to believe.

Shilah was pleased, especially when she saw tears streaming down the man’s cheeks. She lend him a hand to get on his feet, but instead, he knelt before her, k*issing her feet.

“May the guardians bless you beyond your expectations! All the days of your life, you shall know no sorrow. You shall… you shall get everything you’ve always desired. For doing this….” He broke down in more tears.

A small smile touched Shilah’s lips as she supported him to his feet. Then, pulled him into a light hug.

“The Spirits have healed you. All thanks to them”, she whispered into his ears and pulled from the hug afterwards.

Then, turning to the rest of the Villagers, she spoke out:

“This is the reason we are here! The Spirits who we believe in, sent us to come heal as many as we can. So, if you have anyone – a family, friend – anyone afflicted, do them a favour by bringing them to us”.

At first, the Villagers looked at themselves like they were hearing the strangest thing ever. Free treatment? For every sick person? It was more than a miracle!!

“The guardians have finally answered our prayers!” A man suddenly yelled from the crowd.

“They’ve been so merciful to us!”

“I’ll tell the King about this!!”

“I have a lot…!”

And that was how the Villagers ran off, hurrying to get their sick persons.


Hours Later, and the news was all over the village – Beautiful witches sent by the guardians to get rid of their afflictions.

That was the headline on the lips of everyone!

Shilah and the rest of the witches had moved to the village square where the sick people were brought. The square had never been so busy. It could be considered the entire village was present. The sick ones were closer to the witches and awaiting their turn, while the rest of the villagers gathered round and watched. Although, they were sure to maintain enough distance.

Since the numbers were much, Shilah wasn’t the only one working, but some of the witches as well. And it looked just like a miracle to the villagers. They’ve never seen a thing like it before.


When the news hit Ora, it took every peace in her, tore her apart.

With the baby in her arms, she paced restlessly in the room while Zinnia stood in front, seriously awaiting feedback.

“Are…Are you sure about this?” Raviv asked.

He had been stranding behind his wife, his hands on his waist and looking as worried as a villain.

“Of course, father! The news is everywhere! They’ve been at the square, healing a lot of people”, Zinnia replied tiredly.

She was fed up with the repeated questions.

“Okay, Okay. But…”, he paused and sighed. “They’re just at the village square, right? And all they want is to heal the sick. So, we have nothing to fear because I’m sure they won’t be moving from one house to another”.

“How can we be so sure?” Ora turned to him and whimpered. “What if … what if something happens and they get to know?”

“But, how will they, Ora?” Raviv held her shoulders.

“For two months, we’ve kept this child hidden and the only ones that knows about his existence is just the three of us in this room. So, we have nothing to fear”.

“Oh! Raviv” she covered her face on his chest, weeping there.

After some time, she sniffed away and looked into the adorable face of the child.

“My whole life, I have never been so happy having a child. He has…he has become a part of me. I cannot afford to lose him, Raviv. I might not survive it”, she whimpered.

“And you will not lose him. Okay? You won’t…”

“No”, she sniffed again. “We need to…we need to leave while we still can”.

“Leave?” Zinnia flinched.

“Calm down, Ora…”

“I cannot keep calm, Raviv! Not when the mother of this child is just minutes away!” More tears streaked her cheeks.

“I…I need to leave now. Maybe, when they’re gone, we can come back. But, we really need to leave. Please”.

“Where do we go to, mother?” Zinnia was looking displeased.

“Your… your uncle stays in the next village, right?” She looked up at Raviv. “May… Maybe, we can just go to him. Just for a day or two”.

“What?! And the child? What do we tell him?” Raviv pondered.

“Oh! Come on, Raviv. We’ll definitely find a solution when we get there. The most important thing is leaving this place. Please!”

There was silence afterward. Ora could read the dissatisfaction on her husband’s face. So, she pressed harder.

“If you truly love me, Raviv, you’ll do this for me. Please!” she made her eyes melting enough.

Then, with a deep sigh, he concede.

“Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me!” She k*issed him. “I’ll go get our bags”.

“Don’t you think this is enough, mother?” Zinnia’s words halted her steps.

Ora looked at her, confused. “I mean, it’s bad enough that you’ve been hiding this child for two months. Now, you want to start running with him?”

“Zinnia. Stop…” Raviv sighed.

“Well, I won’t, father! That is someone’s child! His mother is right here, yet you’re plotting on running away with him. Why not give him back?!” She half-yelled.

“And what makes you think she is his mother? We are not even sure…” Ora snapped.

“Really? So, why are you running? Stop trying to justify your evil, mother!”

“I said, stop this!” Raviv scolded in. “I’ve warned you, Zinnia, I do not like when you speak to your mother in this way”.

Ora was already burning with rage.

“I do not have the time for this”, she mustered a deadly glare at her and proceeded to the small room.

“Behave, Zinnia. Behave”, Raviv strictly warned before going to join his wife.

Alone, Zinnia fumed angrily. She felt pained, bittered.

This isn’t right – she thought. This is totally not right. Stealing someone’s child?

The guardians might also mark her a sinner if she watches them without doing anything to help.

She couldn’t be a part of it anymore. Now, it was over. She needed to tell the witch what was going on before her parents would leave.

With her mind made up, she ran out of the house, headed for the village square.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 238 The Boy From The River

Shilah and her sisters had gone a long way. Thus, the numbers of sick persons were contracting.

It delighted Shilah to see how far they’ve gone. The joy on the people’s faces were priceless – it was something she could do anything for.

Some of the witches had gone to rest as using their powers for so long was draining them. Even Shilah was beginning to get a little tired, but she wasn’t ready to quit – not when she was not done.

She was in front of a young crippled child who’s mother was beside him. She could clearly read the anxiety on the mother’s face – that look of desperation yet, disbelief. Tears were actually reflecting in her eyes, but she seemingly fought them back.



Giving a long stare at the mother, Shilah lowered to the child and got hold of his legs. As usual, she closed her eyes and muttered her prayer. And in less than a minute, the child was shrieking in pains. Another minute and he was able to move his legs.

“Oh, bless the guardians!” His mother suddenly exclaimed, her withheld tears finally leaving her eyes.

“My dear soul! He can walk! My son can walk!”

Tears stung her cheeks as she helped her boy walk around. Then, she returned to Shilah and fell on her feet.

“May the guardians bless you!” She wept, clinging onto Shilah’s feet like her life depended on it. “For this you have done – being an answer to my prayers – you shall know no pain! You shall know no sorrow! The guardians will always be with you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Shilah’s heart fluttered at the sight of the gratefulness. Although, a lot of people had equally been grateful, but that of the woman in front of her seemed different. She seemed more intended about it.

She smiled and crouched so she could help her from the ground.

“I am glad I could be of help, woman”, she uttered while helping her up. “But it is the work of the Spirits, not mine”.

“No…No. You do not understand,” the woman sniffled.

“My son, he’s been this way since birth. And after him, I was unable to conceive again. My husband blamed it on me – said I was cursed and my only child had to be crippled. He left us”, her voice cracked at the last line.

“Since then, I’ve been trying so hard to get my son to walk. I just… I just wanted to prove his father wrong, and….and to convince myself that I wasn’t cursed. I just wanted it to happen. Day and night, I’d pray to the guardians, do charity, give offerings. Because I believed some day, an answer would come. And you did…”

She pulled Shilah into a tight hug.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

It softened Shilah’s heart – hearing her story. She patted her back still in the hug and prayed to the Spirits to make her whole again – especially her womb.

Just then, the yells of a young girl distracted them. Shilah disengaged from the hug and looked toward the direction to find a teenager trying to get p@ssthe witches in her way.

“Please! I need to see her! Where is she?! Please, let me through!” The little girl struggled, being withheld by two witches.

“Hold on. Hold on. Who do you want to see?” Sukie asked. She was standing in front of the girl and the whole thing had drawn the attention of everyone.

“The one who is the Alpha King’s wife! Please, let me through! I need to see her!” The young girl replied.

Seeing how desperate she was, Shilah budged forward to meet her. The young girl still didn’t know she was the one. Although, the rumours had been flying around that the Alpha King’s wife was present, but she was yet to see her face.

“What is it you need to tell her?” Shilah asked coldly as she stood in front of her. “Speak, for she can hear you”.

The witches restraining her let her go at once. And staring into Shilah’s eyes, the young girl could tell she was the one.

“My name is Zinnia”, she began. “And what I want to say…is about your son.”

There was drop-dead silence, even the thud in Shilah’s heart couldn’t be heard.

For a about a minute, she felt numb – like every part of her body had been frozen. Her eyes were pinned on the young girl, but they were not blinking. She could be related to a statue – a frozen statue.

Finally, she found her tongue again and f0rced herself to ask.

“What…are you talking about?” Her heart thundered and skipped a few beats. She only blinked once.

“I am…. telling you the truth”, Zinnia swallowed hard.

The look in the lady’s eyes were a bit frightening. The rest of the witches were taken aback and turned to listen.

“Two months ago,” she went on. “My father and step-mother found a little child floating in the river close to our house. He…he was so young, we thought he might be a day old. My step mother… is desperate. So, when she found this child, she decided to keep it for herself. I… I tried to talk to them, but they wouldn’t listen.

“Few days later, we heard your son had gone missing on the same day we’d found that child. So, we… we felt he might be yours. We… we may be wrong, but…”

“Where is this child?! Where are your parents?” Sukie jumped in. Her eyes were dilating in shock.

Zinnia looked at her. “They um… they are planning on running away because they know you are here. When I left, they were packing up their things already. They may be leaving soon”,

“I cannot believe this”, one of the villagers muttered to the other. “Ora and Raviv has been hiding a child the whole time?!”

“No wonder Ora bought wraps the other day…”

“And Raviv was always getting herbs…”

As the villagers mumbled indistinctly, Shilah stood still like a statue, staring blankly at the girl. Her hands were shaking beside her and slowly, a pained tear trickled down her cheek.

It took her a long time to catch a grip of herself.

“Take. me. to. them”, she finally said between gritted teeth. She wiped off her tear and ran to her horse, taking Zinnia with her.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 239 The Cry Of A Mother

Ora rushed out of the room, carrying the baby while Raviv carried their bags. Anxiety was written all over them as they looked around for Zinnia.

“Where is she? Where is Zinnia?” Ora asked worriedly and Raviv proceeded to look for his daughter.

“Zinnia?” He called as he went into the second room. She wasn’t in. They went outside and called out for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

“Raviv, where is she?” Ora asked, her eyes wide open. This time around, she wasn’t asking out of concern, but fear. A scary thought lingered in her mind.



Raviv could clearly read her thoughts but didn’t want to say them out.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this, Raviv?” Ora scoffed. “Where is your daughter? Why do I think she has gone to meet those witches?” Tears were beginning to sting her eyes.

“No… Zinnia would never do that. She would never betray us,” Raviv looked down and shook his head.

A part of him told him it was the truth, but he didn’t want to believe his daughter could actually do that.

Suddenly the baby started crying. Ora looked at him in confusion, wondering what could be the reason for his sudden tears. Now, she was beginning to have a very bad feeling about it, her heart was beginning to beat rapidly.

“We need to leave. We need to leave right away”, She said in panic.

“What? Without Zinnia? How does she….”

“Is it not obvious? Your daughter has gone to betray us! We can’t just stay here and wait for her to come with those witches!” Ora snapped.

But Raviv looked hesitant. Even if his daughter had done something wrong, leaving her behind was not something he’d imagine. Ora saw his reluctance and got more angry.

“If you will not leave, Raviv, then I will. Afterall, she is your daughter and this boy in my arms is my son. Let’s face it”. With a sniffle, she took one of the bags from him and started scurrying away.

Raviv was confused. He didn’t want to let Ora go alone, but he didn’t want to leave his daughter either. How would she survive? She was very young!

He looked at his wife leaving and looked back at his house. Unfortunately, he’d have to make a decision.


Shilah had never ridden so fast and dangerously before. With Zinnia seated on the horse with her, she took her directions and rode as fast as she could.

The rest of the witches were following behind, but none could catch up with Shilah’s pace. And at some point, even Zinnia became a little scared. It was her first-time riding on a horse and it wasn’t feeling too pleasurable.

Shilah’s hands shook against the reins, angst and desperation spiralled through her as the thought hit her hard. “Her son”

She couldn’t get that word off her head.

As they rode down the streets, it got clearer and clearer. The thought of her being a mother flashed through her head.

Oh! For the past two months, she never stopped thinking about her son, but she had actually forgotten what it felt like to be a mother. Memories from the night of her delivery came ringing in her head. She’d never forget that moment when she popped the boy through her legs. That moment she had held him in her arms and heard his first cry. That moment she had behold his face.

Oh! For the sake of the Spirits, she had missed it, nearly forgotten. How could she?

Her son had been alive the whole time! Of course, she knew it! She had always felt it and believed in the Spirits! Her boy was alive!

Her anger and desperation increased and so did the pace of her horse. She couldn’t wait to see him, hold him, feel him. Oh! Never would she let him go. Never again.

“This is it! This is it!” Zinnia pointed out to the small hut before them and roughly, Shilah pulled the horse to a halt.

Her heart was beating rapidly as she jumped off the horse without sparing a glance at Zinnia who was still struggling on it.

She ran toward the hut and broke down the door without touching it. Her eyes were so fierce, her entire body felt like they are on fire.

She ran into the hut and checked every hole, but couldn’t find anyone. And with edginess, she ran outside. At that time, the rest of the witches had arrived and Sukie was helping Zinnia down from the horse.

“I can’t find anyone. Where are they?” Shilah demanded raucously, it scared Zinnia.

“Oh, no…They must have left already”, the young girl answered morosely.

But her sadness vanished when Shilah stormed toward her, looking so angry.

“Left, to where?” She asked coldly, her harsh gaze piercing into the girl’s face.

“I… I… I don’t know. I mean, we were supposed to go to my uncle’s place. But, I’m… I’m not sure if they still went there”, she stuttered.

The lady in front of her seemed really scary.

“Footprints”, Sister Corrine suddenly pointed out.

“Look at the ground, Shilah. There are footprints. I do not think they’ve gotten far”.

Everyone looked and confirmed it. And without hesitation, they got onto their horses and continued the ride.


They trailed after the footprints. Although, it had gotten to a point where the prints became unclear, but Shilah had made use of her powers to make them more visible.

Ora and Raviv could hear the gallops of horses behind them. It got so clear, and so did their fears.

“Raviv! I think they are close! What do we do?” Or asked worriedly. The baby was still sniveling in her arms.

“I do not know, Ora! Let’s keep going!”

It was more fearful that they didn’t really have a destination in mind. Although, the initial plan had been to get to the market and pay for a ride, but with the recent development of them being chased, it was more confusing.

They tried to run as fast as they could, but soon, it became clear that they were wasting their time.

“I think it’s them!” Zinnia yelled out from her horse when she sighted the man and woman running from a distance.

Of course, she could recognize her parents anywhere, anytime!

Shilah got all gingered up, especially when she could tell the woman was holding a child with her.

Her entire body vibrated, her heart was nearly thumping out of it’s bossom. She fastened her horse and got more anxious as she approached them.

“Stop! Stop right there!” One of the witches called out from behind, the couple didn’t listen. And stretching out her hand, Shilah sent a heavy wave toward the man, sweeping him off his feet in a rough way.

“Argh!!!” Raviv grunted out as he crashed to the ground, his back crashing along with him.

The sight was terrifying, it made Ora stop on her tracks.

Shilah would’ve done the same to her, but considering the child…

She halted her horse when the woman stopped running. Fearfully, Ora turned to face her. And the moment Shilah found the baby in her arms, a tear slipped her eye.

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 240 Riding To The King

A tear slipped Shilah’s eyes, watching the baby in the woman’s arms. At that point, she could feel her heart beating faster. The same feeling she had gotten on the night her baby was born, was the same feeling spiralling through her as she stared at them. She could hardly breathe.

With shaky hands, she got off her horse and took disbelieving steps towards them. Raviv was already on his feet but didn’t go close to his wife as he feared what might happen next.

Ora, on the other hand, was drenched in fear and it was just one thing restricting her from throwing the baby on the ground to run for her dear life. That one thing, was the love she had developed for him over the past months.

As Shilah ambled towards her, she felt her head spinning and everything around screaming danger. Her breath hitched, her throat swiftly went dry and with wobbling legs, she took some retreating steps.



But soon, Shilah was in front of her and with wavering breath, she carefully collected the baby from her. As she did, she felt everything become still. A cold ardour sizzled through her, making her jerk for a second and providing her with a feeling as wild as climax.

That very moment she took the baby in her arms, unexplainable peace dwelt immediately. Peace that couldn’t be fathomed. It was just like a missing piece of her had been found, a missing hole in her heart had been fixed.

“Oh…” she uttered in a shaky breath as she tenderly placed the baby on her chest while wrapping her arms around him like he was so fragile.

The baby burped on her chest and that only increased the wildness she felt. It was a feeling that was second to none, a feeling she could never trade for anything.

“My son…”, she broke down, tears burning her eyes with her lower lip trembling.

No other confirmation was needed, she could feel it so deep in her heart. The baby in her arms, was indeed her son – the very human she created.

For the first time in two months, she wept. She broke her own promise and wept heartily. The bundle of joy in her arms was a moment she had been craving for – a moment that had kept her going.

She sniffled and withdrew the baby from her chest to look into hir face. Goodness! His eyes! He had the King’s eyes! She was her son…! The Spirits didn’t fail her. They didn’t forsake her! They promised and made it a reality.

“Words can never explain how much I’ve missed you”, she whimpered into his face. “But I want you to know I did. So much”.

Her eyes had become sorely red and with more tears, she placed him back on her chest.

“You two”, one of the sisters stepped forward, glaring at Raviv and his wife. “How could you be so evil to do this to a mother? How COULD YOU be so heartless to take another woman’s joy just to satisfy yours?”

Contrition was all over Raviv while Ora was down with tears. She kept her head bowed and wept silently while fiddling with her hands.

“They should be burnt to the ground. They do not deserve mercy”, Sukie stepped out and said. And that was the moment Ora’s eyes left the ground.

“No! Please!” She wavered. “Please! Please! I beg you! It…it was never intentional!”

“Yes! We never wanted to do it”, Raviv dived in, fear reflecting in his eyes.

“Never?” Another sister scoffed. “We just caught you trying to elope with the child. Even when you saw us running, you continued running. The nerves to lie to our faces!”

“I just needed a child of my own”, Ora whimpered. “I… I have been barren for so long, I didn’t know what to do. Every day, I prayed to the Guardians to give me a child. And that night when I found this baby, I felt it was my answered prayer. I fell in love with him from that moment and couldn’t let him go. It’s been two months…! Two months of taking care of him and being his mother. I’m so sorry, I just didn’t want to lose him”.

Shilah was backing them the whole time as she closed her eyes while holding her son dearly to her chest. Ora went on her knees, not minding the fact that Shilah was backing her.

“I know I have caused you pain. But from the depth of my heart, I need you to know I’m sorry. Please…! I am truly sorry. I was just being desperate. Spare my life! I beg you!”

Shilah said nothing still and that only increased Ora’s fears as she couldn’t tell what the angry mother was thinking. Anything could be going through her mind… anything at all.

Suddenly, young Zinnia stepped forward, her face being all covered in guilt. With her head bowed, she stood in front of Shilah.

“Please… I know what they did is wrong, but they’re still my parents and I cannot afford to lose them. My step mother was only being desperate, she’s always longed for a child. So, I might understand why she couldn’t let go of your child. They’re wrong, but please, forgive them”.

There was silence afterward and that put everyone in suspense, wondering what Shilah’s decision would be. The new Shilah they knew was likely to punish them, but with all the pleas, they were beginning to think if she’d have a change of heart.

Shilah stayed reticent for sometime, holding onto her baby. It took a lot of time before she finally sniffed and turned to face the woman. Upon seeing her eyes, Ora startled. They were looking so red, swollen and angry. She could clearly see the detest in them and the urge to hurt her. It made her cringe and take some steps back.

With her son still in her arms, Shilah stormed toward her, her angry gaze pinned on her face. Badly, she wanted to extend her hand and watch the man and woman ch*oke to death. She wanted to lift them in the air and watch them gasp for breath. Badly, she wanted them to suffer. But, considering she owed the little girl a favour…

“You do not deserve any mercy from me”, she said with gritted teeth. “But, for the sake of your sensible daughter, I’ll let you go – just this time. But, I’d advise you to go far away – as far away as possible from me. Because the next time I set my eyes on you, believe me, I’ll burn everything inside of you”.

And with that said, she turned and flounced away, returning to her horse. Ora ran to Raviv and hugged him, crying on his shoulders. Zinnia was confused as she looked at her parents, then at the witches. She contemplated on who to follow. Of course, she’d want to be with her family, but considering her betrayal, she feared they might k*il*l her.

Sukie noticed the fear and confusion in her eyes. The rest of the witches were already getting on their horses, along with Shilah. But Sukie hesitated and proceeded to meet the young girl.

“Hey”, she cooed as she touched the girl’s shoulders. “Are you fine? Is there… something bothering you?”

But Zinnia simply shook her head. A part of her was actually very scared, but she didn’t want to say it out. She looked at her step mother who was still crying on her father’s shoulders and felt she must hate her already. How would she go back to them? Can she ever be accepted?

“The girl comes with us,” Shilah suddenly said from her horse.

She had successfully tied her son to herself, using his wrap which she knotted to the back of her neck while it held him in front of her. She wanted to watch him throughout the ride. So, keeping him in that position was safer.

“You want her to come with us?” Sister Elphaba asked.

“Yes. The heart of her parents are too poisonous right now, she shouldn’t be with them. Perhaps, some time from now, she might come back to them. But for now, she needs to be away”, Shilah answered.

And with that, she got her horse moving, not sparing another glance at the rest of the witches.

Her mind was too occupied with the thoughts of meeting with the King.

Alpha’s virgin wife Baby Charlene Free online Novel Chapter 230

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 230 Pishan’s Request

It was the best night Shilah’s had in the past two months.

First, she had gotten serviced by the King – a thing she’s missed since childbirth – then, laying on his bed made her feel completely different. That soft, welcoming bed.

Everything was so perfect, she’d nearly forgotten all about her worries and plans.

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She tossed on the bed and spread her arm to feel the King’s chest, she only came in contact with the soft empty space. She fluttered her eyes open and looked beside her, but couldn’t find the King. Then extending her gaze to the room, she found him seated before his table with some empty plates in front of him.

Oh… How could she forget? Having s*e*x with her made him hungry.

It seemed he had finished eating as the plates were empty while he sat with his head leaned on the head of the chair. Shilah had thought he was asleep, but taking a closer look at his face, she realized his eyes were open – just gazing up at the ceiling.

She sighed and drew the duvet to casually wrap around her body before leaving the bed.

“What keeps you awake, My King?” She asked reverently as she walked round him and stood in front.

The King’s gaze lowered from the ceiling with the intention of settling on her face, but they settled on her thighs instead which were barely covered by the duvet.

Shilah noticed and pulled a chair to sit close to him.

“It’s so late at night”, she cooed. “So, are you here because you’re resting? Or because you have disturbing thoughts running through your mind?” King Dakota sighed and adjusted on his seat.

“Both, Shilah. But the latter is greater”, he said.

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“Doesn’t it bother you…about us? Our lost child? Everything?” Shilah’s countenance was nearly broken, but she struggled to fight it off.

“Our son will be found soon, My King. I know it”, she answered calmly.

“And how are you so sure? You’re still hoping on the Spirits?” He looked at her and asked, but Shilah’s gaze lowered to the floor.

“What about us, Shilah? Is there any hope for us being together? For you returning as my Queen? You’re a witch, and I’m a Wolf King. Wolves and witches dont…”

“And I am also a Vampire”, Shilah interrupted. “Daughter of a VampLord. So, from my experience, King Dakota, we still have every right to be together”.

Silence lasted for about a minute.

“I hope so, Shilah. Because my greatest wish is for our family to be complete again – me, you, and our son”, the King muttered, but Shilah followed up with a smile.

“Well, my wish right now…”, she stood and let the duvet fall off her skin. “.. is to ride on you”.

The King’s eyes glittered as he unavoidably stared at her. No matter how many times he’s seen her woman form, she still made him so hard – every time.

Quickly, he undressed his legs and beamed as she climbed on him – right there on the chair.

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She kept stealing glances at the King from the mirror where she brushed her hair. While she stole glances, the King didn’t steal his as he openly stared at her, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Her black cloak was back on, her black boots had graced her height and her hair was being parked in it’s new style. Now, she looked just like the fierce, merciless Shilah that had broken history at the theater, and less of the woman that had warmed his bed all through the night. It was hard to believe they were the same person.

It was for the better – he tried to convince himself. At least, she still loved him. And more importantly, she had become powerful and wouldn’t be bullied anymore. She’d make a perfect Luna. Yes, you heard right – a perfect Luna Queen.

Done with her hair, Shilah turned to face while taking her backpack from the floor.

“Is there nothing I can do to make you stay?” Dakota asked calmly, ambling closer to her.

“The plans of the Spirits should not be delayed, My King”, she quipped and placed a palm on his cheek.

“Do not worry, soon, all these will be over and we’ll be together again – with our son”.

The King had no reason to believe in her a*s*surance, but somehow, he just did. He took her palm and k*issed it. “I await you, Shilah”.

Just then, a knock ruined the moment.

“It’s Pishan”, Dakota confirmed after perceiving his smell.

“Oh. I should be on my way now. Seems you’re about to get busy”, Shilah withdrew her palm and threw her bag over her back.

“Come in, Pishan” , the King responded and the door slid open with the gamma stepping in.

“Greetings, Shilah”, he lowered his head.

“Greetings to you too, Pishan”,she managed a smile and turned to the King.

“I was actually expecting you to walk me to my horse. But, since your…”

“Uhm .. Shilah”, Pishan interrupted. “I… actually came here to see you”.


Minutes later, Shilah and Pishan were having a plodding stroll down the quiet walkway. While Shilah listened with regard, Pishan made sure to explain every details to her.

“It wasn’t intentional, Shilah”, he was drawing to conclusion. “Everything happened so fast, I just found myself loving her like I’ve never loved another. And even with the baby dead, I still love her and wouldn’t want any harm to come to her. I believe everything happened for a reason – you going out and discovering your hidden ident*ity, I believe it happened because it’s meant to set some things right. I have faith in you, Shilah, and that’s the reason I’m asking for your help. Right now, you’re regarded as the only witch who has no connection with her sisters, but I want Sukie to be added to that list. I want you to take her along, make her your ally so she can have the life she was not allowed to have at the Palace. She is yet to heal from the previous trauma, but I believe with you by her side, she’ll become better. Do this for me, Shilah, and I will never forget it”, he drew a deep breath when he was done.

Alpha’s virgin wife Baby Charlene Free online Novel Chapter 229

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 229 Er0tic

Shilah didn’t plan her actions, she couldn’t control it either.

Her hands hugged him tight as she pressed deeper with the k*iss. And in a split second, the King reciprocated.

Her touch was magical, her lips on his were sensational, they made his middle jerk and react. This was the moment he’s been waiting for – the moment he’d feel her to be his again,the moment he’d have her all to himself.

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He slid his hand down to her waistline and pulled her closer while maintaining the lip contact. They smooched, bit and fed on each other’s essence not minding the fact that they were running short of breath.

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Unable to endure any further, Shilah broke the k*iss and leaned on the King’s shoulders to catch her breath. Her hands were still around him and his around her waist.

Her lips had become w*et and plump, and so were the King’s. But they wanted more… more of something else.

Gently, Dakota pulled her head from his shoulders and cupped her cheeks, making their eyes locked. Then slowly, he reached for her lips again but k*issed it in a more passionate way this time around.

He took the lower lip, gave it a tiny bite before moving to the other and making his way for her tongue. Shilah didn’t reciprocate as she enjoyed how slowly he took it.

Multi-tasking, the King got hold of her dress and loosened it’s bound. He pulled it off from her shoulders and couldn’t help himself from staring at the perfect body when the cloak came falling freely to the ground.

Though, she had undies on, but her cleavages and exposed thighs were more than inviting to him.

Shilah found his eyes and felt a little bashful. No, not bashful. She liked it.

Her heart fluttered when the King carried her to the bed and got ontop of her. Oh! She’s missed this – missed being in his bed.

He undressed her while planting k*isses on every part of her body. Then, it suddenly dawned on Shilah that he was still covered.

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“Let me help”, she cooed and knelt in front of him, still on the bed.

The King a*s*sisted her in taking off the clothes as he was greatly eager to get down to it.

Done, Shilah’s eyes beamed upon seeing the long, hard organ. Her throat constricted as her eyes sparkled. Goodness! She never thought she could want the King so bad…

She laid back on the bed but didn’t let him touch her. Instead, she urged him to come forward – above her head.

The King was mystified, but soon it became clear and his eyes got darker as he went above her head, aiding his manhood to fit into her mouth.

Shilah gladly took it, closing her eyes in e*cstasy as she enveloped the strong hard organ. It was still as big and perfect as she knew it and feeling it to the end of her throat made her heart beat faster.

She stroke it while making it go in and out of her mouth, loving every of his w*etness that dripped into her.

The King held onto the head of the bed while receiving all the signals spasming through his body. She’s always done it better. No, she actually became better.

She gurgled and m*oa*ned while s*cking every bit of it, but the King didn’t feel like coming just yet. So, he withdrew from her lips and rushed down to her legs. Spreading them open, he shoved himself into her, making sure it went far and deep enough until there was no more to push in.

It f0rced a m*oa*n out of Shilah as she sunk her nails into his bag with her eyes closing up.

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That was it – the feeling she’s been craving.

She flopped her head back and let out a guttural groan, especially when he made the first move inside her.

As for the King, her tightness was driving him nuts. The way the walls of her v@gin@ clamped around his w*etness made him shiver within. Thus, he had to be fast – and rough.

The bed shook violently as the King took her on a hard ride, unleashing every hunger he’s had to endure while she was away, every w*etness he’s had to deal with.

He yanked her hair and ate into the hollows of her neck as he thrusted in and out, making sure every stroke back in was hard and rough.

Shilah’s keen m*oa*n echoed round the room, adding more sensations to the King who gritted in erogenous ple@sure. Soon, he got hold of her bouncing bre@st and squeezed it hard – just as hard as the ple@sure hit him.

It increased Shilah’s groans, but for the Spirit’s sake, she loved it that way! Feeling him pound into her was the best thing she’s had to feel for months and it made her realize just how much she still loved him.

When she drew closer to climax, she jerked herself and held him even tighter. The King drew closer as well and with wild grunts, they both released.

The King remained on her for sometime as they tried catching their breaths, his head in-between her bre@sts and her hands around his shoulders.

They panted heavily like couples being chased by death. And finally, the King fell beside her in exhaustion.

“I love you, Shilah”, he whispered into her ears, k*issing her earlobe afterward.

“I love you too, My King”, she answered faintly before answering to the call of sleep.

Alpha’s virgin wife Baby Charlene Free online Novel Chapter 228

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 228 Her Hunger

As soon as they were done eating, it suddenly started raining.

Shilah remained at the dining, just staring out the window and watching the raindrops beat vigorously on everything they could meet. The maids had cleared the table, the King had left to handle some issues. So, it was just her alone – in the beautiful dining room.

She enjoyed the rain falling heavily from outside and the sound of it, but it didn’t escape her mind that it was getting late and she might not be able to leave for her next journey.

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As she faced the window, so many thoughts flashed through her mind – thoughts she needed to keep to herself, and thoughts she harboured till it was dark.

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King Dakota walked into the dining and was a bit surprised to find her there. It’s been hours since he left to go sort some things out. He had thoughts she’d be resting in her room or somewhere else, but when he couldn’t find her, he decided to check the dining. And there she was, calmly standing and staring at the rain which had reduced to a drizzling pour.

She seemed lost in thoughts, reserved. He pottered toward her, getting more surprised that she hadn’t noticed his presence even as he stood behind her. What was she thinking about?

He stood silently behind her and stayed that way for a long time.

“It’s dark. Still leaving?” He finally broke the peaceful silence and noticed how Shilah shudder to look at him.

He confirmed it – she really had no idea he was there.

She drew a breath as she glanced at him, then turned back to the window.

“Uhm…” she cleared her constricted throat. “Let’s just see how it goes”.

Letting a few second pass, the King leveled up and stood on the same lane with her.

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“You still have a room here, you know?” He cooed as he joined her in staring at the rain. “Two rooms, actually. The one your things are, and the second one”.

Shilah looked at him and couldn’t eclipse the chuckle from cracking out of her lips. She turned back to the window and said nothing else.

“But, why do you think it started raining all of a sudden?” King Dakota purposely threw the question. “Few hours ago, there had been no signal of a rainfall. And just all of a sudden, it heavily started pouring. Don’t you think… this is a sign? A sign you should stay here for today – feel your home?”

“My King…”, Shilah drawled as she peered at him. “Actually, I’d love to stay back, but…”

“But, what?” Dakota chipped in, locking his eyes with hers.

She released a small smile and added: “But, nothing”. The King lowered his head to beam.

“Let’s go for a walk, shall we?” He took a step backward.

“Of course”, Shilah inclined and walked out with him.


The two took a peaceful walk round the walkaways and balconies of the Palace. They couldn’t step outside since the rain was still drizzling, but the Palace was quite big. So, walking around the walkways and balconies was still enough for them.

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The weather was soothing and made their walk more convenient as they chattered with pieces of t*ittle-tattle, arousing light smiles and chuckles on the way.

The few people that could see them from their windows and a distance admired them as they looked so perfect together. She was the right one for their King – they thought. But, was the King the right one for her? Considering her new ident*ity?

The walk was more beneficial to Shilah as she had missed him her special moments with him. She had missed being with him – the most powerful man in the Wolves and Vampires community. She had missed being his little wife – not little in nature, but little as his fourth wife. She had missed being loved and protected by him, and the little walk brought back a few of those memories.

Their walk lasted for a long time, and even with how late it had become, the rain was still drizzling.

“Now, I am certain there is no way you’re leaving tonight”, King Dakota said as Shilah stood beside him at the balcony, staring into the dark.

She said nothing, keeping her thoughts to her head.

“Why don’t we grab some coffee in my room? Will be perfect for the weather”, he proposed, making Shilah stare at him with a smile.

“As you wish, My King”.

They proceeded to the King’s chambers and read a book while awaiting the coffee to be served. The King had dropped the information with the guards by his door. So, he knew it wouldn’t take long for it to be served.

And truly, in a few minutes, the maids arrived with two small trays, served it in front of the King and Shilah and left.

The coffee was steaming hot, it looked so inviting to Shilah – she had to drop her book and began drinking it with sups. The King did same. And in the dark room, only being litted by candlesticks, the duo sat peacefully and sipped from their cups.


It was fiddly how they drank up in silence.

“You shall be retiring to your room, right?” The King asked when their cups were empty.

“I think so. It’s impossible to ride out now. I shall proceed tomorrow morning”, Shilah replied as she drew her chair back and stood up.

The King stood up with her.

“These plans you have…What exactly are they?” He asked evenly, walking round to stand closer to her.

Shilah hesitated as those were plans she had wanted to keep to herself. But surely, the King was someone she could trust.

“I have some sc*ores to settle with the witches”, she said.

“sc*ores? You want to go start a fight with them?”

“Not really. Just need to put some things right, but in the end, I’m very sure it would cause a fight”, Shilah shrugged and watched the King’s expression turn sour.

“It’s just you, Shilah. Just you against a hundred witches who hates you. Do you think you can stand a chance? Please, I’d suggest you go with some guards. They could disguise as…”

“There will be no need for that, My King”, her words came with a soothing smile. “The Spirits wants me to do this. And I am sure they have their plans for me”.

The Spirits – Dakota thought. She still had so much faith in the Spirits.

“And after that”, she continued. “I’d be heading to the Daekrahm village”

Daekrahm Village? Dakota’s brows furrowed. It was a very small village, he couldn’t recall the last he heard of it.

“Why? What business do you have there?” He inquired.

“I can’t tell for now. But the Spirits just wants me to go there. I had seen it from Bastet’s vision few weeks ago”.

“Hmm”, The King drew a breath and held her hand.

That touch… that would be the first time the King was touching her since she arrived and it felt so… cold.

“You have so much on your list, Shilah. Don’t you have any for us?” He added. But, Shilah had been staring at her hand which was being held by the King.

Why was her heart suddenly beating faster? His touch on her was sending butterflies down her system.

She looked up at him and found his eyes locked on her face. Those eyes … they were the prettiest eyes she’d ever come across and staring at them made her realize how much she’s missed him – not just being with him, but beneath him.

And without a second grip of her thoughts, she threw her hands over his shoulders and smooched his lips.

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